#please message me if you are also being stupid and throwing your life away to backpack around the world
jikigo · 27 days
you ever just see a post and just
. 😭
#Worst emoji combo ever but it’s gon be such big depression hours down here so scroll if you want im on the brink of throwing up#don’t you just bloody love it how over the past 3 years you’ve only seen people the large total of…. 4 times!!! An average of seeing someon#outside of school 1.3 times per year!! What a bloody fantastic way to spend your teenage years!#Don’t you also just love it when people talk right to you about how they all went out together over the weekend and like did some stupid#shit like your average high schooler would do and you’re just like “oh. I went to my 1 and a half hour long dance class and got ignored the#entire time and when you did try to talk they just spoke over you” oh my fucking god I hate that place so much even the teacher fucking#ignores me once we were going in a circle and she was asking everyone what they got for Christmas and I was in the middle of the circle so#thought hey maybe someone will actually acknowledge my existence but she fucking ignored me and went to next person like why the fuck#And now I’m debating staying in that shithole bc I was invited to a gc for that class and I stupidly thought that someone might want me#There. I wasn’t even invited I secretly scanned the qr code to join over someone else’s shoulder#everyone else there is the best of bloody friends and I’m just there talking to one friend who I don’t even think is my friend#“Hey man I’m really fucking sad rn can I talk to you” “womp womp have you heard stupid fact no.3848594 about my ocs while I ignore you when#you talk about anything else about me” oh my god shut up literally no one else sane would see someone like that their closest friend rn#At least someone wants to talk to me#Like what is it that makes people not want to see my please just tell me I’ll change I’m amazing at changing my personality to fit others#promise me on that I’ve done it my entire life#Even just messaging me more than once every year and I’d consider you my best friend this is how bad I’m getting#What is so bloody bad about me that no one else likes I don’t care how badly you fucking word it just something#It shouldn’t be normal to wish death on people you call your mates bc you heard about them all going out together without you#Oh dear did the gc’s without me in it there’s one for every friend group I’ve ever been in why isn’t there one for the main group I’m in rn#Idfc anymore just tell me what I’m doing wrong I keep asking people if they want to go out or how far away they live from some place#And it’s always met with ignoring me talking over me or immediately changing the subject#Please if you’re someone I know irl what the fuck am I doing fucking wrong I can’t fucking do this anymore be as mean as you like#Why the fuck does no one ever want to be around me why do I hear so much about stuff others are doing together but never me#It shouldn’t be normal to prefer being in a toxic relationship than what I’m in rn#I fucking hate everything
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backpacking2024 · 1 year
320 DAYS TO GO 💪💪💪💪
almost 2 months into the year bro I have almost 3 grand saved up so far. been working 5/6 day weeks for a month now and honestly??? it's fine. my job is super easy it's just a bakery job where I package my silly little treats and sell silly little breads to people, and they pay me REALLY well for some reason (30 bucks an hr for dis?? okayyy,)
also having only 1 or 2 days off a week is doing wonders for my depression lmao? going to work already overrides all my depression and anxiety, like just not showing up to work is NOT an option for me whereas uni was like. a daily Herculean struggle deciding to go. but work is just work I can always do that AND feel really good afterwards.
it's also forcing me to actually use my days off. I finally downloaded my art programs on my mum's shitty old laptop so I'm gonna finally try and do art again. why is it so scary. I also went for a walk and read a book at a park yesterday like some fucking freak. it was aight
also trying to walk more every day because I NEED to get my fitness up for next year. I'm barely making 10,000 steps a day which I want to daily. and I'm still relying heavily on weed and vapes throughout the day. BUT my sleep is so much better!! a few weeks of forcing myself asleep at 10pm and now I'm naturally getting tired around 9:30-10pm and waking up around 8-9am. feel so much better lmfao
at the end of March (31st my bday :3) the goals are to have 5grand in savings and some art finished. and from then on its focusing on not smoking weed as soon as I get home and not taking my vape to work to try and cut down on those two things.
(but also honestly....I think I can keep vaping. I can absolutely imagine forcing myself to be sober months before I go away and then 2 days into Indonesia buying cigarettes. but I'll still try to see if it's overwhelmingly positive for me)
I'm gonna try and jog a few times a week from then on as well because all the boxing gyms around me cost 70 bucks a fortnight MIN. why god
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jamdoughnutmagician · 2 months
A Slice Of Life (Waitress AU) Part 3
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Doctor!Steve Harrington x Waitress!Reader
<- Previous part. Next part ->
Warnings:Cheating and infidelity, but otherwise nothing that I can think of (unless of course you want something tagged, so don't hesitate to shoot me a message)
also if you've read my other fic, A Cut Above The Rest, then there's a little hidden easter egg in here!
Word Count:2,301
*dividers by @saradika-graphics
Masterlist // Steve Harrington Masterlist
“Can you serve table 15 for me please!” Robin pleads desperately, fluttering her eyelashes like that’s somehow going to get her what she wants.
“Why? Who’s on table 15?” you ask, looking over her shoulder to the table in the far corner. “Ohhh I see. That’s Chrissy Cunnigham’s table. The preppy cheerleader you had a crush on in high-school.” you shake your head at your friend. You knew that Chrissy came in here quite regularly and everytime she asked you if Robin was working. Chrissy was as much into Robin, as Robin was into her, although for whatever reason Robin refuted that idea, thinking that someone like Chrissy would never be into some as “dorky”, her words, as her.
“Please, I can’t talk to her, I get so tongue tied and stupid.” she whined.
“Look, Robs, you’ve just to go over there and put your big girl panties on and go talk to her, she likes you trust me.” you tell her earnestly, with a gentle touch to her arm. “Besides, I’ve got to go throw up.” you say quickly before leaving your friend to rush off to the bathroom at the back of the diner.
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 After the baby had you making yet another trip to the bathroom to spew your guts up, you take a moment to use the phone hanging on the wall at the back of the diner’s kitchen.
“You’re always hanging on that damn phone, Y/N.” Jim’s voice calls from over your shoulder.
“Can you just give me a moment, Hop, please, this is a personal call.”
His eyebrow raises at you suspiciously before tuning on his heels to leave you alone.
You dial the number you had stashed away in the pocket of your uniform, and the line rings once, twice, before a cheery voice on the other end picks up.
 “Hello, Hawkins' Doctor’s practice, how can I help?”
“Uh, hi, is Doctor Harrington there? This is Y/N Hargrove, I’m his patient.
“I’ll just patch you through to his office.” comes the voice on the other end. 
The phone’s dial tone rings down the line for a few seconds before you hear someone pick up on the other end.
“Hi, Doctor Harrington, This is Y/n Hargrove.” 
“Oh hello, Y/n, how is everything going?” his friendly voice sounds down the phone line.
“You said I could call you if I had any concerns, and this morning, um, well I’m bleeding a little, it’s only very light, but I just want to be sure that it’s nothing I should be afraid of.”
“You were absolutely right to call me Y/n, come in to see me, and I’ll be able to check you over.” he reassures you with that calming voice of his. “I can squeeze you in for an appointment tomorrow morning, if you like? Say, 7.00?”
“7.00? That would be great, thank you very much. It’s nice that you’re open early enough that I’m not going to be late for work.” you chuckle lightly. “Well, I won’t keep you, and I’ll see you tomorrow, Doctor.”
“See you tomorrow Mrs. Hargrove.” he finishes, and you hang up the phone back on it’s receiver before getting back to work.
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Munson’s Motor Repairs
The heady mix of motor oil, leather and dirt hung heavy in the air as Steve stepped through the garage door. Metallica’s Ride The Lightning filters from the battered tape player stacked on top of the work benches. 
After a long day’s work this was not a place that Steve wanted to be, but Eddie had phoned him up earlier to let him know his car was fixed and ready to be picked up.
Walking over to the stereo Steve takes it upon himself to pause the music, the loud guitar music suddenly being cut off in favour of deafening silence.
“Hey, who the fuck turned off my music…” Eddie grumbles loudly, sliding out from underneath the body of the car he was working on. His dark curls tied back in a dishevelled bun at the back of his neck, and a few smeared grease stains decorate his skin.  “Oh, Harrington it’s you.”
“Got a call from a friend who said my car was ready to be picked up? You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you, Eddie?”
“C’mon man, she’s out the back, come with me.”
Eddie walks out to the back yard, with Steve’s footsteps trailing behind him.
“Alright here she is, all fixed up and ready to go.” Eddie says, gesturing towards Steve’s old Beemer, sighing with a disapproving sigh as he side-eyed Steve.
“What? Steve shrugged, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.
“Seriously man,” Eddie said, wiping his grease stained hands on the cloth rag hanging from his coverall’s pocket. “When was the last time you got your oil changed? Thought a smart doctor like you would have some brains knocking about in that ol’ skull of yours.”
Steve blushed an embarrassing shade of crimson, having been caught out by the simplest of fixes with his car.
“Alright Munson, enough of your jokes, how much do I owe you?”
“That’ll be $70 today Steve-o.”
Fishing out the notes from his wallet, Steve hands Eddie the money with a resigned huff.
“Thanks man.” Steve says, bringing Eddie into a quick one-armed hug, before getting in his car.
“You’re welcome, just make sure you’re on top of this next time.” 
“Will do.” Steve nods at Eddie out of the driver’s side window. “Say, uh, Ed, you don’t happen to know of a little diner along I70 do you?” 
“You talking about Byer’s Pie Diner? Man, that place serves the best pies in the whole of Indiana, I swear. I always get a slice of the Cherry Dream Pie every time I go. That’s the best thing on that whole damn menu.” Eddie rambles, thinking to himself about how he’s gonna drive down there when he’s finished up here to treat himself to a slice. “Why are you asking about that all of a sudden, huh?”
“Oh it’s nothing.” Steve brushes off. “Had a patient come in who works there, and she brought me a pie.”
Eddie fixes Steve with a knowing glare and a small smile. There was a girl, that fact Eddie was sure of. There was always a girl when it came to Steve Harrington
“Alright, Harrington, it's nothing. I believe you.” Eddie smirks, tapping his hand against the hood of Steve's car. “See you around, man.”
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“Hello, Y/n.” Steve says as he moves to sit down behind his desk.
“Hi,” you smile, sitting down in the chair on the other side of the desk. “It was quiet out there in that waiting room, it was only Maddelyn at the reception.” 
“I-uh-I came in a little earlier than usual to see you, nobody else is here yet.” he says, a slight pinkish flush dusting across his cheeks, before coughing and changing the subject. “So you said that the bleeding was very mild?” he asks, eyes flicking over the notes on his computer. 
“Yeah, I only saw it the one time.”
“..And then it stopped?” 
“Yeah it stopped pretty soon after.” you nod.
“Sometimes this happens in the early stages of a pregnancy, it’s very common, and it’s usually around about the time that your period would have started.”
“So you don’t need to examine me or anything?”
“No, not at all, it’s a perfectly normal thing, and I wouldn’t worry about it that much.”
“Well that’s a relief.” you huff. “So is that all then?”
“Unless you had any other concerns you’d like to share, or any other questions?” Steve prompts, looking at you from under his shaggy fringe of hair.
“No, no, I think I’m good to go now.” you nod with a smile as you grab your purse and begin to make your way out his doctor’s office, before turning on your heels to face him once more.
“Actually, no, I did have one more question I wanted to ask you, Doctor Harrington.”
“Oh, okay, sure, shoot.”
“Why did you have me come all this way out to see you if spotting a perfectly common symptom in early pregnancy? I mean I had to get up early, catch a bus and then walk another four blocks just to get here, and you’re telling me that spotting is a perfectly normal symptom?” you bubble, the confused and slightly disgruntled tone in your voice coming through.
He hangs his head down, unable to meet your harsh gaze.
“And what time does this office usually open, Doctor? 8:30?” you question him, tilting your head at him as he flushes that familiar shade of pink once more.
“Um, we’re usually open by 9.00.” he mumbles.
“9.00? So, you came to work a whole two hours earlier just to tell me that my symptoms are perfectly normal?”
“Well, yes,  it would seem that way,” he says quietly.
“Goodbye Doctor Harrington.” you say, giving him a curt nod as you make your way out of his office.
“Goodbye Y/n.”
“You know, you’re quite strange, and you make me uncomfortable. I’m not sure I want you to be my doctor anymore.”
“I really am truly sorry Y/n, it is never my intention to make you feel uncomfortable, and whatever it is I do I will stop doing it-” he starts to ramble, but you cut him off before he can finish.
“-You’re doing it again.” you snap at him. “It’s that nice-guy-talky-thing that you do. You just..Oh forget it.” you huff before finally stomping out of the doctor’s practice 
You only make it the few steps out of the door before you’re cursing at yourself at having left your purse in his office.
Stomping back towards the door, Steve is there with your purse in his hands.
“You forgot your pur-” he gets cut off by you again, although this time it is for a completely different reason. 
Your lips crash against his in a bruising kiss, which he leans into, wrapping one of his strong arms around your waist, holding you close to his body.
You’re quick to pull away from him, suddenly thinking about what you were doing, before trying to make your escape.
“Y/n wait!” he calls after you. “Don’t walk away from me, please.” 
Your hurried footsteps stop enough for Steve to catch up to you.
“What do you want?” you huff.
“I want to see you again. I want to talk to you somewhere away from here, maybe we could go somewhere, have coffee or something?”
“I can’t have coffee, it’s on the bad food list you gave me, remember?”
“You could have a glass of water, maybe a fruit juice? I just want to see you again.” he says, his hazel brown eyes soft on you as he talks.
Your mind is working a mile a minute, thinking about how wrong this is.
“No, no, I can’t do this. I wouldn’t be right, I’m mean; I’m married, you’re my doctor, I’m pregnant.”
“You’re right, I shouldn’t have asked, it’s crazy and unethical and-” his rambling gets cut off once again as he feels the press of your soft lips against his. Urgent and desperate and so fucking sweet. He slips his tongue between your parted lips, smiling slightly when he hears you moan into the kiss.
You wind your fingers into his hair, tugging against the shaggy strands as you try to somehow get closer to him. His large hands hold you close, holding their space on your hips as he kisses you with a deep-rooted need.
You pull away from his lips, with a panting breath before looking into his lust-hazy hazel eyes.
“We can’t be kissing each other in the street like this. I have a very jealous husband. He’d very likely kill you if he ever found out. He doesn’t even like it when other men so much as look in my direction.”
“Well, I did wrestling in high-school, I think I can still remember a few of the moves..” Steve says all too confidently.
“So did he.” you say flatly. “And he drives past here every morning on his way to work, so it’s probably best we don’t stand out here together for much longer.”
“Well why don’t you come back in and we can talk about things a little bit more in detail..” Steve says suggestively, raising his eyebrows up at you.
“No, I’ve got to get to work, Jim hates it when I’m late, and I’ve got to walk the four blocks to my bus stop..” you worry, before Steve stops you in your tracks.
“Let me drive you to work, please. At least it’ll give us a little time together.“
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I really mean it, I’d like to see you again, and not just as my patient this time.” he says, kissing your lips once more, and buttoning the top three buttons of his shirt, from where they had been pried loose from you getting a bit too handsy whilst making out in his car.
“So, what do we.. I mean, should I…” Steve trails off.
“Thank you for driving me to work, Steve. I’ll call you if I have any questions or concerns.” you flush before moving to make your way out of his car.
“Y/n.” he calls out to you before you can go, gesturing towards your lips where your lipstick is smeared in a dusky pink swipe.
“Oh, uh, thanks for letting me know, that could have been an embarrassing one to have to explain to Robin.” you laugh quickly fixing your lipstick in his rear-view mirror with a tissue from your purse, and leaving his car with a new-found pep in your step.
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@penguinsandpotterheads @paybacksawitch @mrsjellymunson @seatnights @ali-r3n @potatobeanpies
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megamindsecretlair · 4 months
Be My Little Darling - Chapter 11
Chapter 10 Chapter 12
Pairing: Loki x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+. Minors DNI. You are in charge of your own reading experience. ANGST. Dirty talk, mentions of grief and violence. Soft Loki, Jealous Loki
Summary: Loki is the exclusive owner of the hottest club in New Asgard. Dubbed the Nine Realms, each of the nine rooms represent a different realm. You are his second in command, working the floors and ensuring everyone is having fun. It has been a week since the dust up with Loki and you are not sure how much more you can take.
Word Count: 3,939k
A/N: I'm sorry it's been so long! My family are my opps. I will try to update this a little quicker, I'm excited to see where these two go. A little something something before we get into the nitty gritty. Likes are always awesome. Please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I block ageless blogs!
Taglist: @cantstayawaycani @braverthanthenewworld @monaeesstuff @chaos-4baby @dayjlovesromance @soft-persephone @mybonafidefeelings @nerdieforpedro @browngirldominion @thecookiebratz @we-outsiiiide@foxherder @itzgabz22
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“I hate it when Mom and Dad fight,” Sweetie muttered, just loud enough for your benefit. You ignored her just as you ignored the rest of the staff all week. They weren’t stupid, they could pick up on the tension between you and Loki. 
You weren’t ignoring him, not completely. He’d throw too big of a temper tantrum. But he was also unwilling to talk about what happened when you saw Thor. You just wanted him to budge, even a little.
He had forced you to confront things you hadn’t been ready to. Forced to draw out those deep grooves in your heart and put them up to a mirror in all its ugly glory. You cried in front of him. Bared your soul and body to him in a way you never had before. And what did he do? Completely shut you out.
You couldn’t survive in half a relationship. So sue you. You weren’t a half measure type of person. You loved and hated in absolutes. You didn’t know how to give up. It was why you were still looking for your family five years later with all evidence pointing to the inevitable truth: Thanos snapped them away.
Your heart cracked thinking of such a thing. That they were just…gone. There was no body to bury, no tomb to mourn. You couldn’t accept it yet. You couldn’t look your siblings in the eyes and tell them that there was no hope left to give.
So no. You weren’t giving up on Loki and you didn’t care how old he was, how powerful, or how much he considered himself a god. He would have to use his big boy words. 
“Sweetie, I’m expecting a visitor today. Please make sure to notify me,” you said. It wasn’t her job, but you smiled at her so that she got the message. 
“Do we need to Parent Trap them?” Honey asked, not bothering to be subtle. She sat with her usual suspects hunched over cups of coffee, bottles of water or juice, and random pastries. 
You grabbed your coffee, unable to fight the smile at the reference. Movies were something you all enjoyed once coming to Earth. As far as being stranded, it wasn’t that bad of a place to be. You all have torn through plenty of movies so far, Parent Trap being among the favorites. You were still shocked that the little girl wasn’t a real life twin. 
You walked over to the table while the group looked at you expectantly. Some leaned forward as if you were going to share something juicy. Others looked almost genuinely worried for you. You hated the pity. You didn’t owe them an explanation. 
“The saboteur has been too quiet lately, so make sure you keep your eyes peeled. This person likes to watch the chaos from the front seat,” you said. You smiled when they groaned and leaned back. 
“Princesa, please! We cannot live like this!” Honey said, her face scrunching up comically into a heartbroken frown. 
“You make it sound like we’re in Hel,” you said and chuckled. 
“He’s miserable without you,” Sugar said. 
You took a sip of coffee to stop yourself from going on a rant. You were their boss, not their friend. Though, some dark pleasure rippled through you at the thought of him suffering. You hoped your scent still lingered in his bed. The gods knew that you tossed and turned in your bed thinking of him between your legs.
And…that was enough of that thinking. You took a deep breath. “Loki is a god, as he likes to remind us. He’s fine,” you said.
They didn’t believe you. You didn’t give a shit. You had more pressing matters to worry about. Like supply requests and restock. A prickling awareness settled over you and you straightened up. 
Eyes snapped towards the door. This was all so dreadfully dramatic. You turned towards the door and saw Loki looking as delicious as ever. He couldn’t be that miserable and still look that damn good. It was unfair. His hair should be messy, clothes unkempt. Something. 
Your eyes skittered over his before you looked away. It still hurt too much that he didn’t trust you with the truth. And you weren’t the begging type. So you walked over to him. “Loki,” you said with a nod.
“Is it me or is it fucking icy right now?” You heard somewhere behind you.
“Mom and Dad need to figure it the fuck out,” you heard as well. 
“Darling, good morning,” he said. He stood and stared at you, making it hard for you to deny that there was anything amiss. He also blocked the damn door. 
“Morning,” you said, nodding towards the door. Loki dug his hands in his pockets. You glared at him but his face didn’t change. Nothing about him did. Your hand was beginning to shake. You longed to run your hands through his hair, pull him to you, and demand kisses and smiles. 
The staff was right, this was icy. Nothing like the heat and passion he was capable of. You moved to walk past him and he cut you off.
“We have to talk about the VIP list tonight,” he said. There. A wince. A crack. A glimpse into that stormy brain of his. 
“Well in hand, Loki,” you said. You smiled, turned around and bowed for the audience. “And scene. Back to work, you bunch of lazies,” you said. The tension in the room melted a fraction before you shoved past Loki and out into the hallway.
Loki trailed behind you. He made no sound but you were attuned to him like never before. You were always aware of him before. How he moved, how he talked, that smile that never failed to trick and tease. But it was amplified now. As if invisible strings connected the both of you. 
“Darling, stop,” Loki said. You took a deep breath at his deep timbre. That voice. Hell, let’s be honest. Everything about him drove you crazy. And you had resisted for five long, beautiful, torturous years. It was hard to quit cold turkey. 
Still you marched down the hallways towards your office. You weren’t going to make a scene here. 
Loki’s strong fingers wrapped around your arms, pulling you to a halt. You swung your arms wide, careful to avoid any slippage of your coffee. You growled, facing Loki finally. 
“You’re such a child,” you hissed. 
“You’re the one ignoring me like one,” he said. 
“I’m not ignoring you, I’m busy. Work, remember? The thing you hired me for?” You asked.
“Fine, then you’re fired,” he said.
You giggled. You immediately shut up because it wasn’t funny, not at all. You drank your coffee to hopefully scald your throat and prevent you from letting any more giggles escape. You weren’t done being angry. 
“You won’t even look at me anymore,” he whispered. His hand left your arm and he brought it to your face. He stopped before touching you and you finally looked into his eyes. The sight nearly robbed you of breath.
Away from prying eyes, he let you see the raw pain. The whites of his eyes were wide, mouth straining, jaw clenching. 
“Ready to talk about why you blew up at me?” You asked. 
“I already said–” 
“I have things to do, Loki,” you said. You turned on your heel. Turned away from that look in his eyes. If you stared too long, you’d cave. And you didn’t want to. You did the work and now he had to as well. 
Loki didn’t leave it there. He followed you to your office where he waited for you to settle behind your desk. He leaned into the doorframe, watching your every move. You moved a pen here, opened a folder there. But there was no way you were getting work done while he was here. His presence made your brain foggy and hands shake. 
Finally, the mounting pressure got to you. You slammed your hands on the desk and looked at him. “Why are you still here?” You asked.
He crossed his arms and took a deep breath. “I don’t like that you’re mad at me. Not when we’ve come so far,” he said. 
You leveled him with a stare. “This is on you. You love to talk but won’t talk about this. With me,” you said. 
“That’s not it,” he said with a scowl. 
“If you won’t talk, I don’t know what to think,” you said.
His jaw flexed more as he spoke. You’d give anything to know what he was thinking, what he was running through his mind. 
“Believe it or not, I have a hard time admitting faults,” he said, chuckling to cover what he said. 
“So you can stick your dick in my mouth but can’t tell me what’s on your mind?” You asked.
“Don’t be so crass,” he said. 
You’d have to be the bigger person here. Which you hated. But you took a deep breath and looked skyward, praying to the gods and ancestors in Valhalla for strength. “I told you no more running. I meant it. But as much as you say otherwise, I need this to be as equal as possible. You cannot demand everything from me and give none of yourself,” you said. 
“People are entitled to lick some wounds in private,” he said. 
“I’m not asking for every detail of your sordid history. I just want to know why you blew up at me. I only asked about why you didn’t want to speak to Thor,” you said.
Loki finally looked away from you, drawing his eyes downward. He frowned as he picked at an invisible lint on his jacket. “I can’t,” he said, with a sniff. He looked back at you briefly. 
You slowly nodded. “At an impasse, then. Get out, Loki,” you said. Your voice sounded tired to your own ears. You were weary, downtrodden. Maybe it was unfair to demand so much from him, something he clearly didn’t want to talk about. 
You had enough on your plate without worrying about Loki and his moods. You had decided over the course of the week that it hadn’t been a mistake sleeping with him. You had known bliss in his arms and that couldn’t really be a mistake. It just likely wasn’t going to happen again anytime soon. Not while he held on to whatever the fuck was preventing him from speaking. 
Never one to listen, Loki approached your desk. He leaned over it, planting his hands on it and leaning further still. His hair dropped forward like a curtain pulling open for a dramatic scene. His face could technically qualify as a dramatic scene. So many lines and planes, mouth made for sin and eyes dancing with mischief. 
“Darling, please. I–” he paused and just looked at you. His eyes moved, taking in your face. You didn’t know how you looked to him. Just another angry and bitter lover? A messy subordinate with a mouth that gave as good as it got? A once irreparably damaged Asgardian without a clue in the world? 
“I don’t like this between us. I finally got you in my arms, in my bed. I finally got a peek inside and it feels like you’ve closed the doors forever,” he said. 
“You’re the one unwilling to walk through it,” you said, softly. 
“And have you told me everything then? Every dark and horrible secret in your past? Like where you run off to every few months, disappearing at the drop of a hat? Every scar on your skin?” 
Your heart roared in your chest. It beat wildly, thumping against your rib cage. “You should know that I’ve shared far more than I ever cared to with you,” you said. You thought back to the day in his office when you finally let yourself feel. 
For the first time in a long time, you stopped disassociating. Stopped trying to hold it all in. You stopped trying to take flight while your feet were planted on the ground. And he helped you. 
“If you want to know where I disappear off to, I’ll tell you. It’s no secret. But only if I get to demand something too. Only if you let me in,” you said. 
“Ask me for anything else,” he whispered. His voice was so soft, softer than a raven’s wing. He rounded the desk and moved to stand in front of you. He got to his knees and looked at you. He was still damn tall, practically eye level with you. 
He grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips. “Ask me for anything else and I’ll give it. But not that,” he said. 
He kept his eyes on your hand, his lips resting softly against it. You brought your other hand to push his hair behind his ear. “That is my price, Loki.” 
He loosed a breath while your phone rang. The damn thing was still foreign, even after five years. You answered it. The front desk host let you know that your visitor was here. 
You pushed your chair back away from Loki and moved around him. He said nothing and made no noise while you left the room. Your heart felt like a rock in your chest. Each step you took from him felt like lead in your shoes. 
Still, you marched on. You walked to the front and greeted the Asgardian tracker you hired. He was impossibly tall, taller than Loki even. With smooth bronzed skin, short hair, but a host of tattoos criss crossing his bare arms. You didn’t know how he wasn’t freezing in this type of climate, but well, you weren’t going to complain. 
“Erik!” You said, wide grin splitting your face and you hugged him. 
He turned when he saw you, grinning. His smile was so heartbreaking. Why couldn’t you be head over heels for someone like him? He held on a second too long, having last seen him months ago. 
You grew up with Erik in your village on Asgard, running through the streets and getting into all kinds of trouble together. You had entertained something between you many, many years ago, but it was clear that you were better off as friends. You had already given your heart away a long time ago. 
You sat on a lounge chair in the front and tried to temper your expectations. But hope was a cruel thing. It cropped up, over and over no matter how many times you tried to squash and burn it within you. Erik settled next to you, but he wasn’t smiling. 
“No word yet on your family. The universe is very large,” he said. 
You nodded. You figured as much. You tried to hold it together, but throwing that door open within you opened yourself to it all. You felt the tears but you weren’t completely transformed. You blinked them away and squared your shoulders.
“I have people on it though. They’re out there,” he said. 
You shook your head. “They’re not.” You took a shuddering breath at that realization. Five years was too long to keep searching for people that clearly weren’t here, wasn’t it? The fall of Asgard had to have spread by now. For half of life to be eradicated, even people who had never heard of Thanos likely knew his name now. 
If not, well, they knew that those people were gone. Vanished from their lives. Turned to dust and never to be seen again. If Thor was here, all hope was truly lost. The Avengers he so affectionately ran with over the years had gone all but silent. If they were hopeless… 
“Perhaps it’s time to involve Heimdall,” Erik said.
You shushed him. You didn’t need that man turning his gaze on you. He was so eerie, seeming to know so many things. His eyes, like galaxies, were far wiser than your age. 
“I can’t. I can’t just walk up to him and ask. Maybe it’s time to call it,” you said. You didn’t want to say it. That same crack in your chest split wide open at the thought of stopping your search.
Erik grabbed your hand. “Hey, I’m not giving up,” he said. 
You patted his hand. “I’ve taken enough of your time. You have more important people to track down,” you said. Your voice warbled. You hated this. This was why you kept this shit locked away and buried at sea. 
“No one is more important than your family. They’re my family too,” he said. He scooted closer to you and drew you into his arms. You greedily took the comfort. He was always so warm and solid, giving the best hugs you’d ever known. 
“My, Darling, who’s your friend?” Loki’s voice cut into what had been a sweet and peaceful moment. 
You cracked one eye open, trying to disengage from Erik. But he was slower to let you go. He hadn’t missed the deadly tone of Loki’s voice. Where the hell did he come from anyway? 
Erik stiffened, turning fully around to face the larger threat. Loki had a devilish smile on his face, but his eyes were seething. 
“Loki, this is Erik,” you said. Before you could explain further, Erik stood up and blocked your view of Loki for a moment. Erik held out his hand and Loki shook it, keeping that smile on his face.
“Erik, haven’t seen you around,” Loki said. His eyes slid towards you and you inwardly groaned. 
“Erik has–” 
“I pop in every few months to check in on her,” Erik said. 
“Every few months? Really?” Loki smiled at you. Shit, shit. 
“Any friend of Darling’s a friend of mine,” Loki said. 
You narrowed your eyes at Loki. You didn’t know what game he was playing but you weren’t in the mood. “Erik has been looking into something for me. Right, Erik?” You stood up and nudged his shoulder to agree with you. His eyes were still trained on Loki. What was this, a fucking pissing match? 
“I was just telling Darling that I’d like to meet more of her friends. We see so little of them,” Loki said. He sauntered around Erik, putting his arm around you. “I like to make sure she’s happy. Always.”
Your eyes bugged out of your head. Erik took in Loki’s arm around you and lifted an eyebrow. “Keeping secrets, are we?” Erik asked. He crossed his arms and stared at you, putting you on the spot.
You licked your lips slowly, trying to describe what you and Loki were to each other. Boyfriend? Boss? Occasional sadistic charmer? 
Loki hugged you close and you looked at him. He smiled at you, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “Didn’t tell him about me? I’m a little hurt,” Loki said. Still with that damn smile. You were starting to panic. You might’ve been a little afraid of what he’d do. 
Loki moved his right hand to lift up your chin and plant a small, but sultry kiss to your lips. You gasped and he drank it down with a low hum. “Always so private,” he said against your lips.
You were going to murder him. Your hands itched with magic dancing between your fingertips. A dagger? A sword? You were going to cut him down where he stood. 
“Erik, he’s–” 
“Loki, of Asgard, everyone knows,” Erik said. He raised his eyebrow at you but you didn’t know what he was trying to communicate. 
“Will you two shut the fuck up?!” You yelled. You drew the attention of some patrons who cast little glances towards you. The host stood in the corner with a few staff members, Honey among them, as they stared at all three of you. They saw the kiss. Your shoulders deflated. There went the little bit of respect you had around here. 
“Erik is a childhood friend who has been looking for my family. They went on a trip when the Snap happened so I don’t know if they’re out there, looking for us, or if they’re gone,” your breath hitched on the word ‘gone’ but you persisted. “Loki is…Loki. We’re figuring it out. Now, say hi to Denby for me,” you said, looking at Erik who slowly smiled. 
You shoved off Loki’s arm around you. “As always, you’ve gotten what you wanted and made out like a thief,” you tossed at him. 
“You’re no better than he is,” you told Erik.
You stormed off. Leaving everyone in the dust. An ache thumped in your head. You needed away. Away from here with all of its bullshit. 
“Darling!” Loki called after you. This time, you heard his steps behind you, heard him walking down the hall. You ignored him. Your fists clenched and unclenched. Your teeth grated. You were fuming with nowhere to direct the anger.
Loki caught up to you outside of your office once more. You pushed him when he was in arm’s reach. “What the fuck was that?!” You yelled. 
You were in the back, well away from any patrons. The hallways had music playing, soft muzak that kept up the hazy and alluring vibe of the club. Each room played its own music so there was no danger of being overhead. Except the staff. You imagined the rumors flying like wildfire, distracting the staff and performers. You were going to be sick. 
“A miscalculation,” he said. 
“What?” You said. He swooped in and waved his stake in the air like you were some prize he won over a miscalculation? 
“I didn’t know about your family–” 
“You would have. I would have told you. As always, you want and you want and you-”
“I have always maintained that I want you because you’re mine,” Loki said. All sense of propriety was gone. Extra eyes be damned. He advanced on you and pushed you against the wall. 
“Completely mine. Mine to do with as I please,” he said. His lips traveled from your temple down to your neck, bypassing your lips. Your body instantly reacted. Craved him. Craved another hit of what he could bring you. 
You grabbed his jacket and turned around, pushing him against the wall. He grinned as if he won. As if you would give in and forget all about your ultimatum. You licked the long expanse of his neck and his breath fanned over your skin. 
You pulled back and smiled at him. He grinned back, hanging his head and looking up at you through his pretty eyelashes. Then you slapped the smirk right off of his face. He licked his lips as if he meant to taste the sting. You raised your arm again and he caught your wrist.
“Darling, not in mixed company,” he said. He gave you a wink. “Save it for later.” 
“You are the most arrogant, infuriating, child-like, obnoxious–”
“Do keep going,” he interrupted.
“Confusing man I’ve ever met! You irritate the fuck out of me! You…bastard,” you said. 
“I don’t know how else to be,” he said.
You yanked your wrist out of his hand. You were breathing too heavy. You couldn’t get enough air in your lungs. You wanted to smack him. You wanted to curse him. You wanted to toss him into hot lava and see if he’d melt. You wanted to kiss his stupid face. 
“We promised no lies between us. And if you can’t give me that Loki, you can’t have me.” 
He opened his mouth to say something, all hints of playfulness gone. But then the lights went out and the screaming started.
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Masterlist | Chapter 10 | Chapter 12
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blank468 · 4 days
My somewhat final thoughts of My Hero Academia
Note: Now that MHA is now doing an epilogue and is ending soon, I might as well give my final thoughts about this series. I’ll probably continue to talk more about it after the series is officially over but I’m not going to do a full fledged hour long review because I have better things to do.
This is a generic shonen empowerment fantasy that managed to screw its own theme and message. Any good will I would’ve given to series at the beginning is completely irrelevant as it when on. The morals and themes are constantly changing to throw random s**t on a sheet of paper that either doesn’t make sense, contradicts what being shown on screen, or if it doesn’t fits the tone of the story. My hero is not a deconstruction of the shonen genre that does anything new that would make it stand out. Most of the ideas and plot points created either have horrible execution, given no amount of attention where they’re just ignored or just have horrible payoffs. It follows all the exact same tropes seen in every other series and makes them worse. It also gets to the point where it rips off Naruto and makes the same mistakes it did. The amount of plot twists that are excused as some kind of subversion are obnoxious and predictable where’s it gets incredibly annoying. The world building is horrendous and just makes the story feel small for a world that has a life changing impact. The power scale doesn’t always make sense and it does nothing but act as a way to reward characters that didn’t earn it.
It has a dangerous and horrible message for victims of abuse and bullying. My hero has no problem telling the audience that if you’re a victim of any kind of abuse, it’s your problem and you should just act like it’s not a big issue. Apparently it’s ok lie to your friends, family and colleagues that you can trust but it’s not ok to lie or even hold accountable to your abuser. And no matter if he/she has a reason for the way they are, you are always in the wrong and you should spend your sad life praising and benefiting them.
There exists way too many characters for the audience to be invested in and after watching them for several arcs, they are just stereotypes with nothing new or original about them. Many of them come across as either being stupid, annoying, useless, unlikeable, petty, ignorant or just both. Some characters will either exist to benefit others or just highjack the story, ruining every other character’s chance to get any sort spotlight. The series is way too reliant on putting focus on unpleasant and uninteresting characters to please its large audience. The humor is way too reliant on a character’s personality trait. No matter what they do, the story expects us to automatically like them regardless of how horrible and selfish their actions are. Izuku may not be the worst character, but he’s no where near as great as everyone hypes him up to be. Bakugo is an unbearable mess of a character that serves no real purpose in the story and exists to take away every characters chance of development. His development is one of the laziest and obnoxious parts I have ever seen in any story and yet he’s the most popular sadist in the show with no sort of reason or sympathy for me to like him. Any criticism given to this d**khead is automatically shot down and people like me get harassed and called a brain dead immature f*g for stating our opinion.
Aside from Twice and Gentle/ La Brava, these villains are not that interesting and what ever traits about them gave them something to do is absence. Shigaraki is the stories biggest wasted potential that went from being an idiot to being an incompetent idiot to benefit my left nutsack. Toga is a Mary Stu who went from being a sad and annoying character to an annoying and self centered bitch who complains after being told her actions are wrong. Dabi is just a Gary Stu who’s only interested in wanting to kill his dad. Spinner is a joke that is constantly scammed by his creator.
The only saving grace I can give to this series is the art style of the manga and some parts of the Todoroki family drama. I can even say that Horikoshi’s art style and how he designs characters and panel designs inspired me as an artist. The anime as a whole is fine but it’s not perfect, but that’s mostly because it doesn’t do a whole lot of creatively/artistic things to make it on par with the most popular anime series. As an artist, I would recommend my hero as a reference to use to improve your work. If you just want to read or watch a series that has fights that just make you feel some kind of emotion, then you might get something out of this series. It’s not even the absolute worst thing I’ve seen; I’ve seen much worse in other genres other than shonen manga. It’s just rare to find a badly written series without being surrounded by d**kriders. It’s just a disaster of a series, and I wished I spent my time during the pandemic watching another series like Demon Slayer, or Black Clover.
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f1crecs · 5 months
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Fic Rec List - Festive Favourites
you might also enjoy: @f1hallmarkfest - for more festive treats🎄🎁
if your fic is on this list and you don’t want it to be, please let us know and we will remove it immediately, no questions asked. we have contacted most of the authors on this list, but sometimes people fall through the gaps - just pop us a message🤍
have a pairing you want me to do next? please read the faqs and then head to the inbox.
don’t forget to give the authors featured on this list some love in the form of kudos, bookmarks, and comments!
Wishing all who celebrate a very Merry Christmas, and a peaceful New Year. Thank you for all of your support in 2023 ❤️🎄
Briony, Alison, Esra, Mandy, Caroleen, Clara, Leaf, Katie & Tia 🎅🤶❤️
nsfw: Glitter and Be Gay by @phebess | E | 14.7k
Lando is an out and proud primary school art teacher, and Carlos is the hot dad who has caught his eye. This is such a sweet and tender story of self-discovery and identity. As always, Phebes' humour is on point - I laughed out loud several times!
'Lando is wearing an ugly Christmas sweater and waiting outside the school for the bus to take them all to the Christmas Village - he's been before, and it's cute. There's little food stalls, a big man dressed as Santa, tons of fake snow, and even a reindeer petting zoo. A small childish part of him is excited, even if he's going with the company of a bunch of five year olds.'
Lonely This Christmas by @seafoampearlygirl | NR | 19.5k
Mark is stuck at home for Christmas with nobody but the dogs and nothing but what's in the freezer during the worst snowstorm in 40 years. Fernando won't hear of it. He turns up on Mark's doorstep with a metric tonne of food and a plan for seduction. Mark is completely clueless. This fic combines all the best elements of Christmas fic and cosy, snowed in snugglefic. Fernando is written here as he seems IRL - larger than life with emotions to match. Mark is quietly pining and completely unaware that he is being wooed.
'He made Fernando's bed up with soft sheets that he knew were the warmest he owned. He added some heavy throws, because Fernando was Spanish and used to warmer weather. If Mark had had mints in the house, he'd have put one on the pillow. Fernando had brought dinner, dessert, wines, snacks, a frankly terrifying amount of cured meats and cheeses, a very stuffed overnight bag that suggested a longer stay, his laptop, hot water bottles and candles (“in case of power problems”), DVDs (no Christmas movies except Die Hard, Mark was glad to note), and some groceries. The last, even though it wasn't festive, really blew Mark away. A Christmas surprise was magical, but someone had to really care to bring you milk and bread and teabags. He'd even remembered Mark had a fireplace, and had brought firewood, firelighters and coal from the car. If Mark had a spare kidney, he'd have put it on Fernando's pillow, never mind a stupid mint.'
slip a sable under the tree by @strawberry-daiquiris | M | 5k George and Alex are roommates, and George takes a Christmas job as a Christmasgram. This story is everything - the humour, the pining, the festive vibes. I loved it!!
George can feel his cheeks turning as red as his Santa hat, sweat trickling down his back under the polyester, and he’ll need to wipe that off before he gets his top off.
home among the gumtrees by @albertparks | T | 10.3k
A love letter to Australian Christmas; Max and Daniel spend the holidays together. This story is stunning, and encapsulates Australian Christmas perfectly. It's so immersive and sweet.
'They walk, and walk, and walk through the yellowing grass. The sky is an endless mirage of blues, pink, and purples, the stars beginning to peak out as the sun lowers its harsh gaze. It's beautiful here, there's nowhere quite like Perth in the middle of summer. LA is fun, Monaco is relaxing, but nowhere will home quite like here.'
People You Know by @estemick | M | 6.4k Esteban invites Pierre to spend Christmas with him after Pierre's flight is cancelled. Set during Christmas 2022, after Pierre's move to Alpine has been announced. Esteban inviting Pierre home with him is something of an olive branch, which Pierre warily accepts. They take a zigzag path toward reconnecting with one another. Their awkward, yet heartfelt conversations show the gradual unfurling of their old friendship, and a little more besides. This fic is gentle and soft, and it's cosy atmosphere of a Christmas for two, curled up safe and warm while a snowstorm rages outside, makes it a perfect festive read.
Esteban had been alone in motorsport for years, and now he’s best friends with Mick Schumacher of all people, the son of his childhood hero. How does something like that even happen? After another stretch of not-quite-comfortable silence, Pierre decides to ask. It’s not like he can make this any more awkward. “You and Mick seem close.” Esteban keeps his focus on the snowy road in front of them, but Pierre can see a vein bulging in his temple before he sighs and responds. “We are.” “How did that happen?” “What do you mean?” “You’ve just never been great at making friends.” As soon as the words have left Pierre’s mouth, he realises how cruel they are. Esteban is silent for so long that Pierre isn’t certain that he’s going to respond at all. “I didn’t need to. I had you.” “You were friends with other people.” They had been close with Charles and Anthoine for almost as long as they had known each other. Esteban had been shy, but it’s not like he was alone . At least, he had always been present by Pierre’s side. "You took them with you. When you left.”
you set my heart on fire by @boxboxbrioche | M | 14.7k
Charles returns home to the small town he grew up in for Christmas. His career as a photographer has kept him away for several years. After being volunteered to help with a charity calendar, he reconnects with his childhood friend, Pierre, who is now a firefighter.Why I liked it: This fic has a lovely Hallmark movie vibe, leaning into the trope of career-motivated protagonist coming home and realising what is important in life. The Leclerc family vibes are exquisite, Charles's mum and brothers just the right mix of teasing and loving. Pierre, of course, is as knee-weakeningly attractive to Charles as he always is.
Pierre gave him a thumbs up, still grinning. Charles watched with wide eyes as Pierre did the one thing that no one else had - headed straight for the fire pole. “You’re not really going to–” Before Charles could finish that sentence, Pierre had grabbed the pole with two hands and was hanging off of it, feet planted firmly on the floor, his head tilted back. He looked - ridiculous, was the first word that came to Charles’ mind, closely followed by (to his horror) hot. There was something about the way he held himself; the curve of his body, the angle of his chin, that had Charles wondering if he’d done this before. Pierre glanced at him, grinning. “Well? Are you not going to take the shot?"
All's Well That End's Well (To End Up With You) series by @welightitup, @boxboxbrioche and @redyellowstupid | T | 15.7k
Due to both of their hectic calendars, Pierre and Charles have a tradition of celebrating their birthdays late - in July for Pierre's, and in December for Charles'. This series is all about celebration, long-time friendship and a delicious slow-burn friends-to-lovers. I love the way these authors capture Pierre and Charles' dynamic - their friendship shines through in a way that feels so beautifully real and true to them. These fics even come with a bonus piece of art in the third part of the series! All in all, the series is just incredibly heartwarming, nostalgic and beautifully written, and will leave you with the biggest smile on your face, just like a true Hallmark holiday rom-com. (Because after all, what's more Hallmark-y than realising you've been in love with your childhood best friend all along?)
The air is sprinkled with the scent of cinnamon and chocolate as they make their way through the market stalls lining the centre of Rouen. Despite the late evening hour, it is teeming with more people Charles remembers there ever being. There’s an empty cup that had contained mulled wine in one hand, the other clutching onto Pierre’s sleeve as he trails behind him to make sure they don’t get separated.
Lights from the market and the fair at the far end twinkle like coloured fairy lights strung across the entirety of the area. There is a contagious merry mood, everyone sharing smiles and nods and the odd “joyeux Noël”, no matter who they are, and bitter bite of the weather - now in the single digits - is soothed by the heat radiating off the bustling crowds and the food stalls.
nsfw: wishing for a blue christmas by @duquesademiel and @wolfiemcwolferson | E | 29.4k
This is a non-drivers AU and soulmates AU. Pierre and Charles have a meet-cute moment when their luggage gets mixed up on a flight. Pierre is on holiday alone after his long term girlfriend left him after finding her soulmate. Charles's family immediately adopts him. What I liked about it: This fic is a lovely feelgood Christmas read. The Leclerc family scenes are wonderful, I'm not sure if I liked matchmaker Pascale, annoying brat younger brother Arthur or kind older brother Lorenzo more but between the three of them Charles's dignity doesn't stand a chance. Pierre and Charles are made for each other, obviously, but the tension arises from the fact that Pierre already has a soulmark and has SOMEone out there already. Hmm.
“I got you something else,” Pierre tells him. “Sit up so you can see.” Charles glares at him but allows himself to be pulled up to a sitting position and then he sets the bag into Charles’ lap and Charles immediately sticks his hand down into the bag to pull out…a - He throws his head back to laugh, reaching for the gift he got Pierre and setting it on his lap. Pierre only has time to look momentarily confused before he is pulling out an identical keychain that Charles is also holding. Charles had purchased it because it looks vaguely like his soulmark and Pierre never has to use it, but it had made Charles smile and apparently Pierre as well. “This is perfect,” Pierre says, and Charles is about to be the one to lean over and kiss him, but he hears Arthur shout from the main room and they both freeze, wide eyed. “You can escape now.” Charles whispers. “Save yourself.”
As long as I get to keep you by @babysharl | T | 34k
When Charles and Max find each other at Daniel's New Year's party, they find themselves in a little predicament–when the clock strikes midnight, it grants a wish to the one who winds it up. It turns out–he's wished for a dream to come true: to be surrounded by love. Oh my goodness, this is one of my all time FAVORITE magical realism fics! The magic of the clock, wish fulfillment, it's amazing and so well-written. Literally, every moment of the fic took me somewhere new, and I definitely recommend it wholeheartedly!!!
It were moments like these that highlighted just how much of a different reality this was. They weren't supposed to take naps in real life, it fucked up their sleep schedules. He and Max, even though closer, were never this close until probably last night, where Charles had a vague recollection of falling asleep on Max. The general softness of the moment, their breaths slow and gentle, Max's eyes lazily moving from their nephew to Charles again, fondness mushing up the edges of the piercing blue. None of this was reality for Charles. He felt so at peace, though, that he chose to ignore the obvious. He chose to ignore the phone call, and that this wasn't his to have, that this wasn't the Max he wanted in his bed despite how similar he was, that this was just a dream he would wake up from. He wondered if he and Max could ever have something resembling this. He doubted it. Not with their lives.
the season of eyes meeting over the noise by @nobrakesdown | T | 9.1k
Toto and Christian are a pair of mildly antagonistic music teachers fighting over space in a concert venue for their respective classes. Gradually, they find themselves like one another more than they expected. This fic captures the snarky back and forth thise two have irl, and also the hint of affability you see in some of their interactions. A lot of the snark in the fic seems like it's for habit or show, and the gradual bloom of affection is not a surprise considering the groundwork's been done. This is a sweet little holiday story, perfect to curl up with.
He’s still holding his own coffee cup as they walk out of the shop, with Daniel waving after them as they go. The cold hits them as they go through the door, and Toto sees Christian shove his hands into his pockets again. He acts without really thinking, putting his cup down on a low wall that runs along the sidewalk. He slips off one glove, and then the other. Placing them carefully together, he holds them out to Christian, who stares at him. Toto huffs, his breath hanging in the cold air. “I’m not the one who didn’t bring appropriate clothing. Go on, take them.” “But that’s a terrible solution,” Christian says. “Now your hands will get cold.” “They won’t,” Toto says, not getting pulled into this. “I still have a warm cup to carry back with me.” Christian shakes his head, but when Toto holds the gloves closer to him he takes them. He turns them over in his hands before, apparently approvingly, putting them on. Toto finds himself watching, but he forces his mind away from thinking that his gloves look good on Christian. That would be ridiculous to think, because they’re just gloves.
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svnoohe4rts · 2 years
bed of lies ; part four
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↳ PAIRING: park sunghoon x fembodied!reader
↳ SUMMARY: sunghoon comes to terms with the fact that he has fallen in love with you and is willing to do everything in his power to show you that he has truly fallen for you, but are you willing to forgive him?
↳ WARNINGS: cursing, angst, yelling (sunghoon and reader raising their voices at one point), mentions puke but there’s no actual throwing up, smut; unprotected sex (please use protection!), breeding (kind of), marking, fingering, choking, pet names etc MINORS DNI!
↳ AUTHORS NOTE: and with that being said, bed of lies has officially come to an end ! i wanna thank everyone for their endless support and all ur kind words, i’ve had so much fun writing this story and i feel like i’ve gotten better as a writer by writing this as well. i also wanna give a big thank u to genie, also known as @end-hyphen for helping me through my writers block and literally helping me plot this last part; thank u from the bottom of my heart genie, i love u and thank u so so much <3 i hope u guys enjoy this last part and hopefully you’ll tune into my next project as well, game over ! i love every single one of u and thank u once again <3
↳ TAGLIST: @duolingofanaccount @sunoosbeststan @valentineyun0 @yizhoutv @jays-blue @mocha-bbys @spiderrenjunfics @nyanggk @25dejulho @skzenhalove @loves0ft @sunnyjayjays @fallingforhoon @hoonsthoughts @sunghoonmybeloved @spearbvnss @sunnyjayjays @abdiitcryy @hooniewnderland @cloverscloud @mulligrubssss @rikkiloveskpop @enhasengene @dearhee​ 
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The number you dialed cannot be reached at the moment, please try again later or leave a message after the tone.
Sunghoon felt like smashing his phone into pieces until there was no trace left of his phone and the stupid robotic voice that had repeatedly been reminding him of how badly he fucked up. His bottom lip was practically bleeding by now, a result of him constantly nibbling on it to somewhat ease his anxiety; not that it necessarily helped, but at least it helped him focus on something other than calling your phone over and over again.
He wasn’t sure if you had blocked his number or if you simply had just turned your phone off, both being equally as bad according to him. It had already been two days since Sunghoon last saw you, two days since Jake had decided it would be a good idea to expose Sunghoon and the stupid bet; all Sunghoon wanted to know was if you were okay.
After you left, Jay dragged Jake away to calm the boy down; not wanting to risk a fight breaking out and the neighbors potentially calling the cops. Sunghoon was just left standing there alone as the people around him went back to the party, shrugging the whole situation off; but only after Sunghoon told them to fuck off, that there was no fight happening and they should mind their own business. Or at least that’s what Sunghoon thought, that they had just shrugged it off.
It wasn’t until he was left completely alone he dared let a tear spill down his cheek. He was quick to wipe it away, but quickly realized it was useless as he felt yet another tear run down his cheek; accepting the fact that he was in fact crying. He hadn’t cried in years, yet there he was; standing on a dimly lit street, tears leaving his eyes as he desperately tried wiping them away using the sleeve of his shirt.
As he stared at the ceiling of his bedroom, his eyes feeling sore at this point from the never-ending tears spilling down his cheeks, his feelings finally made sense. The confusion he felt towards you suddenly disappeared as he accepted his feelings, no longer fighting against the fact that he, Park Sunghoon, had indeed fallen for you. He accepted the fact that not only had he for the first time in his entire life fallen in love, but he had also managed to fuck it all up.
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As Monday approached, the people around you didn’t even try to hide their stares as you walked down the hallways.
You weren’t sure if they were staring at you because of your puffy and bloodshot eyes, or because they had all been there to witness your whole world coming crashing down. Deep down you knew it was probably because of the latter option, considering the fact that they had all been there to be a part of the news reaching you and how fast people were to talk; especially when it came to Park Sunghoon.
You knew the word would get around quickly, because why wouldn’t it?
Park Sunghoon had managed to play yet another girl, keeping her a little too close and then disposing of her like she meant nothing. Of course, people were going to talk about it, especially since he decided to do it in the cruelest way possible; by telling you that you were nothing but a bet in front of a whole party filled with people to see.
To be fair, it hadn’t been Sunghoon telling you; it was Jake. But if that was supposed to make things better, you weren’t sure. Maybe it only made things a thousand times worse, considering the fact that you didn’t even get to hear it from Sunghoon himself; but at his point, you couldn’t even bring yourself to care.
You were drained. You were drained both mentally and psychically, spending the entire weekend laying in your bed; your heart aching as tears poured out of your eyes. You had left the party without notifying Yeojin, knowing that if you stayed there for as much as another minute, you’d throw up. You had to cover your mouth as you stumbled home, afraid you’d actually puke if you let go; the shock of knowing everything was a lie made you feel sick to your stomach. 
Maybe you should’ve reached out to Yeojin, maybe you should’ve called her when you got home and explained the situation before she go to hear it from someone else, but you simply couldn't. You just couldn’t bring yourself to pick up your phone, not to mention even unlocking it; afraid you’d see Park Sunghoons name light up your screen. So instead, you turned it off completely, tossing it on top of your bed before running to the bathroom; tears spilling down your cheeks as you tried your best to calm yourself down.
That’s how you spent the whole weekend. Your phone turned off, refusing to accept reality - refusing to accept the fact that it had all been nothing but a lie. If you had been a shitty friend for hiding everything from Yeojin and lying straight to her face whenever she asked, you didn’t even want to know what she thought of you now that she most likely found out about how you and Sunghoon had been hooking up through someone else. Not only had you lied to her for weeks on end, but you were also making yourself unreachable by leaving your phone turned off; making you the worst friend possible.
Your thoughts were all over the place. You felt cheated by Sunghoon, wanting to smack yourself for believing in his sweet acts for even a second. But somewhere along the lines, you became aware of the fact that it wasn’t just Sunghoons doing. No, Jake had known about the bet all along yet he never once tried telling you about it. You weren’t sure which one hurt you the most, Sunghoon making you believe he actually felt something towards you or Jake not telling you about the bet in the first place. Even though Sunghoon might’ve been the one who hurt you the most, you couldn’t help but feel betrayed by Jake. 
But at the end of the day, Jake didn’t owe you a single thing; no matter how nice he'd been to you. He wasn’t your friend nor he didn’t care about you, and neither did Sunghoon.
As Monday came around and you had to face reality, you just accepted the fact that you would eventually have to face Yeojin and the horrible truth. The horrible truth being that there was no way you’d be able to avoid Sunghoon, you knew you had to face him sooner or later. No matter how badly you wished you never had to see him and his stupid face ever again, and after many nights spent in tears and even considering switching schools just so you’d never have to see him again; you realized it was inevitable.
Sunghoon had barged into your life, and he was now refusing to leave.
And even though you accepted the fact that going to school was something you had to do, no matter how badly you wanted to stay in your bed and never see the light of day again; it didn’t make it any easier. As you approached the entrance, you had to take a deep breath before walking through the doors; mentally preparing yourself.
But you knew from the second you stepped through the doors and everyone's eyes immediately landed on you that you had overestimated your ability to mentally prepare yourself. It felt like the whole world was suffocating you as you made your way down the hallway, desperately trying to hide your face as the people around you seemed to have their attention set on you, and you only.
Fuck you Park Sunghoon.
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It wasn’t a coincidence that you picked the exact same bench that you and Sunghoon had shared your first official hang-out. No, you had picked that one particular bench to sit down at - even though there were at least ten other benches nearby. You tried telling yourself you only picked that one bench because the trees placed around it shielded you from the cold winds better than any other bench, but you knew that was a lie.
The trees had nothing to do with that particular bench being the one you picked out to sit down and sort your thoughts out, and you knew that. You knew that you had picked that one bench purely because it reminded you of Sunghoon, no matter how badly you tried telling yourself otherwise. At the end of the day, Sunghoon was the only thing you could think about even though you despised him.
Or at least that’s what you liked to think. Because you didn’t despise him, no matter how much you tried you simply just couldn’t. No matter how many tears you had shed over him over the past four days, no matter how many times you screamed into your pillow in a desperate attempt to ease the pain; you simply just couldn’t hate him.
A part of you even found it funny, funny how easy it had been for him to have you wrapped around his fingers. How easy it had been for you to fall into his bed of lies, not even thinking twice before letting him completely submerge you in his world of lies; how easily he made you believe he actually cared about you.
It had all been too easy for him, and you were the only one to blame. You were the one who stupidly fell for his charming smile and his sweet nothings after all.
‘’Y/N?’’ The sudden mention of your name caused you to snap out of your thoughts, a slight sting causing you to realize you had unconsciously been picking a little too hard on the skin surrounding your nails. Your eyes darted towards the person who had just called out your name, your eyes being met by a pair of dark brown ones. 
Jake’s eyes were filled with both worry and regret as he stared at you, both his hands placed in the front pockets of his jeans; nervously nibbling on his bottom lip. Your eyes slightly widened at the sight of him, not a single word leaving your lips as you stared right back at him. 
You just stared at him for a moment before returning your gaze back to your shoes, dangling your feet across the gravel as you felt him sit down next to you. Silence fell over the two of you, spotting him nervously playing with the rings on his fingers in the corner of your eyes; your silence making it obvious that his presence wasn’t exactly appreciated.  ‘’You deserve an apology.’’ He let out after a while, his eyes now focusing on your side profile; hoping you’d look his way.
Your gaze, however, stayed glued to your shoes. You remained silent, your shoes slightly scraping against the gravel as they dangled back and forth. Jake quickly realized you weren’t going to reply, letting out a small sigh as his gaze left your side profile only to meet his own shoes.
‘’I was an asshole for doing it like that,’’ He mumbled, his hand still toying with the rings placed on his fingers. ‘’I was an asshole for even telling you in the first place.’’ He continued, causing you to shake your head. ‘’I’m glad you told me.’’ You mumbled in response. Now, it was Jake’s turn to shake his head.
‘’It wasn’t my place to tell you though.’’ He admitted, his eyes darting over to look at you once again. ‘’But at least you told me, unlike some other people.’’ 
Your reply made Jake frown, his heart sinking as he noticed the sullen look on your face. He remained quiet for a moment, trying to figure out how to properly apologize to you; how to make you realize he was actually sorry. ‘’I’m sorry Y/N, I really am,’’ He let out, his eyes still glued on you. You looked up at him, flashing him a small smile. ‘’It’s okay Jake, you have nothing to apologize for. At least you were being honest with me and I appreciate that.’’
Jake stared at you, his eyes focusing on the small smile that you had attempted to flash him. But it wasn’t a smile and Jake knew that, he could tell by the way the corners of your lips slightly turned downwards that you were just trying to reassure him that you were okay; even though you weren’t. You were far from okay. 
‘’But it’s not okay,’’ He mumbled as his eyes met yours once again. ‘’What I did was far from okay. I would blame it on the fact that I was incredibly pissed and the alcohol in my system, but that doesn’t make what I did okay whatsoever,’’ He continued, not taking his eyes off you as he spoke. ‘’I was an asshole Y/N, and I’m truly sorry for the pain I’ve caused you.’’
His words left you speechless. Your lips slightly parted as you stared at him, his eyebrows slightly furrowed together as he scanned your face; trying to figure out what you were feeling. But the stern look on your face didn’t make it any easier for him to try to make out what feelings you were feeling, all he could do was hope that you believed him when he said he was sorry. ‘’I forgive you, Jake.’’ You replied after a moment, a small smile forming on your lips once again. This time, Jake could tell the smile on your lips was genuine - causing a small smile to form on his lips as well. ‘’Thank you.’’ He mumbled in response, watching as your gaze returned to the gravel underneath the two of you.
Silence fell over the two of you once again, but this time the silence was much more comfortable and not as tense as before. ‘’Y/N?’’ He let out, causing you to look up at him with your eyebrows slightly raised. You hummed in response, watching as he nibbled on his bottom lip. ‘’I think you should hear Sunghoon out.’’
The mention of Sunghoon made your heart drop. You stared at the boy beside you for a moment before looking down at the ground ocne again, avoiding eye contact as you shook your head. ‘’I don’t think there’s anything left for him to say.’’ You mumbled in response, the thought of even seeing him making your heart burst at the seams. 
‘’I think he really cares for you, Y/N.’’ Jake’s words almost made you laugh, a small chuckle leaving your lips as you kicked a stone away using the top part of your shoes. ‘’I don’t think you do what he did to people you care about though.’’ You dryly replied, feeling Jake’s eyes burning into the side of your face.
‘’I can’t force you into anything,’’ Jake continued, suddenly feeling a warmth cover one of your hands. The sensation caused you to furrow your eyebrows as you looked up from the ground, your eyes landing on the hand you had placed on the empty spot beside you on the bench; Jake now covering it with his own. ‘’But I truly believe you should hear him out.’’ Jake breathed, your eyes meeting his. You just stared at him, feeling his thumb stroke the back of your hand; a small smile on his lips as he looked at you with sympathetic eyes.
‘’Have you spoken to him?’’ You were quick to change the subject, not knowing how to react to his hand covering your own; the smile on his lips slowly fading. A small sigh left his lips as he looked down at the ground. ‘’No, he’s been refusing to pick up my calls. He hasn't even been showing up at school.’’ He replied, feeling his hand slowly slip away from yours. This time, however, it was your turn to grab his hand.
Your action took him by surprise, his eyes landing on you once again. His eyes darted between your intertwined hands and your face, a small forming on your lips. ‘’I think it’s more important that you two make up.’’ You let out, his lips slightly parting like he was about to say something; but he remained silent for a moment. A small sigh left his lips once again as he nodded his head in response, swallowing before parting his lips to speak. ‘’I guess you’re right.’’ He mumbled, leaning back against the bench - your hands still intertwined. 
You let out a chuckle as you mimicked his actions, resting your back against the bench as you looked up at the trees above you. ‘’I’m always right.’’
A chuckle left his lips at your statement before another comfortable silence fell over the two of you. You weren’t complaining, it was the closest thing you had felt to inner peace since you first got to know about the whole bet situation. With Jake’s hand intertwined in yours and the spring breeze hitting your face, your heart felt lighter than it had done an hour earlier; all thanks to Jake. It felt oddly comforting, holding his hand, even though you knew you were just holding it as a friend. 
Maybe because that’s exactly what you needed at that moment, a friend; someone who understood what you were going through. 
But no matter how comforting it was to hold his hand, one name and one name only clouded your mind; the inner peace being shortlived as you couldn’t help but wish it was Sunghoons hand you were holding, no matter how badly you wanted to hate him.
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The words reached Sunghoon about three days later, three days too late.
 After countless days of trying to call you, restless nights spent staring at his phone; waiting for you to reach out, the words of you being spotted holding hands with Jake reached him. At this point he didn’t even care if you told him how much you despised him, all he wanted was to hear from you. It didn’t matter what you had to say, he was just desperate for any type of interaction at this point.
But hearing about you and Jake was something he hadn’t anticipated, nor was it something he wished to hear.
As he read the text from Jay, telling him that he should really make up with Jake as it seemed like you and Jake already made up; confusion washed over him. It wasn’t until Jay let him know that the two of you were seen holding hands earlier that week that Sunghoon put the pieces together.
With shaky hands, he pressed on Jay’s contact information before bringing the phone to his ear; nibbling on his lip. ‘’Bro, I’ve been calling you for days,’’ Jay’s voice indicated that he was clearly annoyed with his friend. Sunghoon wasn’t stupid, nor was he blind; of course he had seen the multiple missed calls from his best friend. ‘’What the fuck was that text supposed to mean?’’
The other line went quiet for a second before a small sigh left Jay’s lips. ‘’What’s up with you?’’ Jay asked, a hint of concern lingering in his voice. But Sunghoon didn’t want that, fuck, he couldn’t care less about his own feelings right now. Sunghoon rubbed his temple in annoyance as he shut his eyes. ‘’Just tell me what you meant by Jake and Y/N holding hands.’’
Another sigh was heard from the other line. ‘’What else do you want me to tell you? It seems like they’ve made up, they were literally seen holding hands earlier this week,’’ The words made Sunghoon squeeze his eyes shut, feeling tears well up behind his eyelids once again; the tears he was so sick of by now. ‘’Earlier this week?’’ Sunghoon mumbled, not even sure if his friend could hear him.
‘’Look, I get that Jake was a complete asshole for doing what he did but why do you care? You’re being petty.’’ Jay muttered, causing Sunghoon to clench his jaw. ‘’It’s not about Jake,’’ Sunghoon muttered through his teeth, causing Jay to let out a chuckle. ‘’Then what is it about? Don’t tell me it’s about her, why does she matter t-’’
Sunghoon quickly ended the call, throwing his phone on the floor as he placed both hands over his face. He desperately tried holding his tears back at this point, refusing to let a single one drop onto his cheeks as he let out a curse.
He felt betrayed. Not only by Jake, but by you as well. He felt hurt, almost feeling like you were punishing him. How could you forgive Jake, but not even utter a word to Sunghoon? Sunghoon was well aware of the fact that he was the problem, that he was the one who had originally hurt you and Jake probably did him a favor at the end of the day for telling you.
But how could you forgive Jake, when Sunghoon was practically down on his knees begging for forgiveness? A part of him understood, because who wouldn’t? Jake was there, he had been waiting, almost prying on you for a month now; waiting to clean up the mess Sunghoon caused. 
His world came crashing down once again, and with his heart feeling like it was about to tear at the seams; he did the only thing he could’ve possibly done, the thing he was best at.
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Your house felt awfully quiet. The TV was silently playing in the background as you sat on your couch, watching the tree tops sway from the wind outside, you had lost interest in the TV show you were watching a long time ago and you now found yourself lost in your own thoughts.
That was until a loud banging interrupted your wandering mind. The banging took you by surprise, slightly jumping as your head snapped towards the hallway. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion as you realized it was someone banging on the door, slowly getting up as you made your way towards the door. You weren’t expecting anyone and your parents wouldn’t be home for at least another day, your mind racing as you tried figuring out who was suddenly banging loudly on your door.
The second you unlocked the door and it crept open, your heart stopped beating. You wanted to slam the door shut, you wanted to scream in his face for coming to your house the second you spotted his familiar dark brown eyes; yet you couldn’t bring yourself to move an inch. You felt panic slowly creeping up on you as your eyes met, noticing his furrowed brows and his tired eyes, your whole body froze on the spot.
‘’What the fuck, Y/N?’’
Was the only thing Sunghoon let out as soon as the door opened. Mainly because he couldn’t bring himself to say anything else, his heart dropping at the sight of you; but also because it was the only thing he wanted to say.
But also because he was too drunk to even think straight. Not only did you notice the anger and hurt lingering in his eyes, but you also noticed that the boy standing at your front door at 1 am on a Friday night was in fact, not sober. If it wasn’t the way he had to grab onto the wall to stand upright, it was the way his eyelids were heavy and his cheeks rosy red that gave it away the second you opened the door.
Your lips parted as you tried speaking; failing to do so. ‘’Sunghoon?’’ You managed to get out, your voice shaking as you tried taking in the fact that the boy you had been avoiding for days on end was now standing right in front of you.
‘’Why?’’ Sunghoon completely ignored you and your obvious confusion. ‘’Why?’’ He repeated himself, his eyes still glued to you. He was getting impatient at this point, he was getting impatient with you; growing even more frustrated as you only stood there without answering any of his questions. 
You, on the other side, had no idea what he was referring to. ‘’Why are you here?’’ You let out, scanning the boy in front of you. A dry chuckle left Sunghoons lips as he ran his hand through his hair in frustration. ‘’Are you fucking serious?’’ He hissed, squinting his eyes as he looked at you.
‘’You’ve been ignoring me for days, and you’re surprised I’m here?’’ He continued, the tone of his voice indicating that he was only growing even more impatient. You stared at him for a moment, surprised at the tone of his voice; raising your eyebrows. ‘’You’re drunk,’’ You muttered before closing the door, trying not to break down right there and then. 
The last thing you needed right now was Sunghoon showing up at your door unannounced and drunk, just to get angry with you.
Sunghoon, however, was not planning on leaving. He was quick to grab the door handle, stopping you from closing it; fully opening it back up again. ‘’What the fuck?’’ You exclaimed, now getting defensive as he refused to leave. ‘’No, you don’t get to do that,’’ He let out, stepping inside. You stared at him as he invited himself into your house, the shock and fear of facing him being replaced by anger. 
The anger slowly faded as you watched him slightly stumble on his own feet, and if he hadn’t grabbed the wall right beside him, he most likely would’ve fallen onto the floor. Acting on pure instinct, you quickly went to grab his arm to prevent him from falling; retracting it just as quickly when you realized what you were doing. Your arm fell down your side once again, your eyes meeting his.
He ran his fingers through his messy hair, a sigh escaping his lips as he continued to grab onto the wall in an attempt to stabilize himself. ‘’Can I please sit down for a moment?’’ He mumbled, the anger that had previously lingered in his voice nowhere to be found as he spoke. You stared at him for a moment, considering your options.
There was no way he’d be able to get himself home like that. You weren’t a horrible person and you would never let someone walk home in the middle of the night on their own, especially when they can barely stand up straight. Not even Park Sunghoon.
‘’Go sit on the couch and I’ll call Jake so he can come to pick you up.’’
After pressing the call button for what felt like the hundredth time, a sigh escaped your lips as you impatiently tapped your foot against the wooden floor.
You could see Sunghoon sitting on the couch from where you were standing, leaning against the kitchen countertop as you nervously picked at your nails; his forearms resting on top of his thighs, his head hanging with his gaze glued to the floor. You had been trying to reach Jake for almost five minutes at this point, each and every call going straight to voice message. 
As you once again reached Jake’s voice message, you realized he wasn’t going to pick up. You would have to deal with Sunghoon yourself.
“Sunghoon.” He immediately sat up straight as he heard your voice call out to him, his eyelids not looking as heavy anymore. ‘’Jake’s not picking up his phone, do you have anyone else that could come pick you up?’’ Sunghoon hated the way you spoke to him, like he was a child. He didn’t need anyone picking him up. What he needed was to stay right where he was, with you. He needed to stay with you before he lost his mind. ‘’No, Jay’s visiting his family so he’s not home,’’ He dryly mumbled, his eyes meeting the floor below him once again.
Another sigh left your lips, closing your eyes as you tried to figure out a way to get the boy to leave your house.
‘’Why did you come here, Sunghoon?’’ You let out after a moment of silence, your eyes fluttering open; landing on the boy sitting across the room.
Yet another short silence fell upon the two of you. He just stared at you, his lips slightly parting. ‘’Because I needed to see you.’’ Was all he let out, his eyes still glued to you. You slightly furrowed your eyebrows, both in annoyance and confusion, shaking your head. ‘’No, you could’ve gone to anyone else. Why would you come here?’’
“Because you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.”
“Don’t say shit you don’t mean.” 
Never had you ever talked to him in that tone before, it was a tone he never thought he’d hear lingering in your voice. The warmth and comfort he usually found in your voice was long gone as the words spilled past your lips, your words almost taking him by surprise - no, they did take him by surprise.
Maybe your coldness was something he had coming, after all; but the way you had allowed him to sober up on your couch had somewhat convinced him that maybe, just maybe, he hadn’t fucked up as badly as he had originally thought.
“But I do mean it,”
Even in his drunken state, he could tell by the way your eyes remained on the floor that his words only made things worse. But how could he refrain from letting his thoughts pour out, when he was only telling you the truth?
He failed to understand that right now, however, was not the right moment for him to speak his truth.
“We both know you’re an incredible liar.” Your words were sharp and it was definitely not the right moment for Sunghoon to laugh, but he couldn’t help it as a chuckle left his lips. Nothing about the situation was particularly funny, him showing up your house drunk and you clearly being uncomfortable with him being around, yet something about it felt so ironic to Sunghoon.
‘’What did you expect me to do? I’ve been trying to reach you for days,’’ He exclaimed, causing you to stop in your tracks.
You stared at him for a moment, trying to figure out what was actually going through his head. ‘’Because I don’t want to see you, Sunghoon, so why on earth would you even consider showing up like this?’’ You hissed at him, anger building up inside of you as you tried to make him realize he had practically disrespected your privacy in the worst way possible. ‘’But you wanna see Jake, hm?’’
The mention of Jake took you aback. Your eyes widened as you stared at him, his jaw clenched as he stared back at you. His eyes looked darker than usual, and you only now noticed the obvious bags under his eyes; something you had failed to notice before. Taking a better look at him, you realized he looked awful. ‘’What?’’ You let out, still not taking your eyes off him. Another chuckle left his lips, 
‘’Don’t act stupid, you were holding his hand for everyone to see.’’ He hissed at you, his eyebrows furrowed together. You stared at him for a moment before a chuckle left your own lips, taking both you and Sunghoon by surprise. ‘’Is that what this is about?’’ You hissed back, not believing the words leaving his lips. This time, it was Sunghoons turn to be left stunned, not expecting you to snap back at him like that. 
‘’You have no fucking right to show up like this,’’ You let out, pointing your finger at him. ‘’and be upset about something that doesn’t concern you in the first place.’’ You continued, your finger meeting the fabric covering his chest. ‘’Get a fucking grip.’’ You hissed, fighting the urge to slap him across the face.
‘’Fuck you Y/N,’’ Sunghoon breathed, shaking his head as he spoke; standing up from the couch. You shook your head, your eyes widening. ‘’No, Sunghoon, fuck you,’’ You let out, keeping your eyes on him. ‘’Fuck you and fuck your entitled ass, you broke my heart, why can’t you just be satisfied with that?’’ You continued, your finger still pointed at him. ‘’Was that not enough? Did playing me like that not satisfy you and your sick fucking mind? You just had to come here and act all fucking mighty?’’
At this point, you could no longer control your thoughts nor could you control your emotions. You were so busy practically yelling at him that you failed to notice the tears now making their way down your cheeks. ‘’You’re fucking miserable Sunghoon, does this feed your ego? Did breaking my heart feed your fucking ego?’’ At this point, you were rambling. You no longer had any idea what you were actually saying, you just let all the emotions you had felt the last couple of days pour out of you. 
‘’Y/N,’’ Sunghoon mumbled after what felt like an eternity. ‘’No, have you not done enough?’’
‘’Y/N, you’re crying.’’
His words interrupted you, your lips parted as you stared at him. You slowly brought one of your hands to your face, your fingertips grazing over the skin; realizing that you were in fact crying. Your gaze met the floor, your fingers desperately trying to wipe away the tears spilling down your cheeks; not wanting him to see you cry. 
The two of you stood there in silence for a moment, an eerie silence creeping up on the two of you as you still trying to wipe away the tears that were still spilling down your cheeks as he watched you.
He wanted to grab you, pull you into his chest, and just let you cry. He wanted to apologize, he wanted to kiss your forehead and tell you over and over how sorry he was; that breaking your heart didn’t feed his ego, that he never meant for it to be this way. But by the way you had just lashed out at him, he knew he had no right to show up at your house in the first place nor was it his place to comfort you.
‘’Why would you just show up like this?’’ You mumbled after a while, your gaze still fixated on the wooden floor underneath you. ‘’I’m sorry,’’ Sunghoon mumbled, his eyes still glued on your figure; fighting the urge to comfort you. But as you covered your face using both your hands, he could no longer fight the urge to pull you into his chest.
To his surprise, you didn’t fight back. You just let him wrap his arms around your figure, pulling you close to him; suppressed sobs leaving your lips. Sunghoon had to close his own eyes in order to fight back his own tears as he heard the broken sounds coming from you, resting his head on top of yours as he gently stroked your hair in a desperate attempt to calm you down.
You lashing out at him sobered him up and he now felt beyond stupid for even thinking about showing up at your doorstep in the middle of the night. He knew that would be something he would have to think about later, as of right now the only thing he could possibly think about was you and the tears dripping onto his shirt.
This was the first time Sunghoon had ever comforted someone like this. If it had been anyone else sobbing into his chest, he most likely would’ve pushed them off; probably yelling at them not to do that. It was something he felt extremely uncomfortable doing, even the sight of someone else crying was enough for him to feel uncomfortable.
But you? You were a completely different story. Maybe because he was the cause of your pain and the reason behind the tears leaving your eyes, but also because you were someone he loved. You were someone he had fallen in love with, a feeling he didn’t even know he could experience. Yet you had somehow managed to get him to fall for you and damn, was it a bittersweet feeling. At least when you were sobbing into his shirt at 1 am on a Friday night, all thanks to him.
It took a while for your sobs to die down and for your breathing to go back to normal, Sunghoon slowly feeling you relax in his arms. He continued stroking your hair, while stroking your back with his other hand; doing everything he possibly could to calm you down. After a while, you felt his hand leave your hair, only to grab your cheek; causing you to look up at him.
You could see the concern on his face, his eyebrows furrowed together and his bottom lip placed in between his teeth as he scanned your face. He gently stroked your cheek using his thumb, wiping away the remaining tears that had dampened your skin. To him, you looked ethereal. Even with your cheeks red from crying, your eyelash stuck together from all the tears, you were still the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.
Deep down he knew that he shouldn't, and so did you. But as his eyes darted between your eyes and lips, he could no longer hold it back. Leaning down, his lips met yours; his hand still caressing your cheek.
Just like one of the first times the two of you had hung out, he expected you to push him away and yell at him for kissing you; but you never did. Instead, you placed one of your hands on top of the hand placed on your cheek, pulling yourself even closer to him. His other hand sneaked around your waist, your soft lips moving against his own rough ones. As a small whimper left your lips, Sunghoon felt like bursting into tears; taking a steadier grip of your face as he roughly kissed you.
The two of you stumbled backward, lips still pressed together in a messy kiss; falling onto the couch behind you. Your back met the couch, Sunhoon hovering above you; pulling away from the heated kiss. You looked at him for a moment, your hands finding their way toward the back of his neck, your eyes darting between his eyes and lips.
You quickly slammed your lips against his once again, letting him get in between your legs so you could wrap them around his figure to bring him even closer. He placed one of his hands above your head to hold himself up while the other hand found its way to your waist, his nails digging into your skin as his tongue slipped into your mouth. A muffled moan left your lips as you felt him lightly grind his lower half against your core, grabbing onto his hair.
‘’I mean it when I say you’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever fucking met Y/N,’’ He hissed as he pulled away from the kiss, grabbing your jaw before tilting your head to the side; your whole neck on display for him. ‘’The fucking prettiest.’’ He mumbled as his lips met the sensitive skin right under your ear, causing a small whimper to leave your lips as he continued to leave wet kisses down your neck.
‘’Sunghoon,’’ You whined, your eyes fluttering close from the pleasure of his lips sucking on your skin; the skin breaking upon his harsh sucking. ‘’I’m so sorry,’’ He mumbled against your skin, his lips traveling down to your collarbones, moving your shirt so no skin was left untouched by his lips. ‘’I promise you I’ll never make you cry like that again, fuck, I promise,’’ He murmured as his hand slipped under your shirt, slighly pulling it up so he could get a better view of your body before letting your head hit the couch once again; his lips attacking your sensitive skin.
At this point, you could no longer hold back the broken whimpers spilling from your lips as his tongue swiped across your skin. You were getting desperate for any type of friction, desperately grinding your core against his crotch, causing him to groan against your neck. You grabbed onto his hair once again, forcing him to look up at you before smashing your lips against his once again.
The kiss was just as rough as the previous one, his tongue immediately slipping into your mouth; tugging at his hair as your tongue happily greeted his. ‘’I hate you,’’ You mumbled between kisses, causing yet another groan to leave his lips. ‘’I know baby, I know,’’ He mumbled as he pulled away, a string of saliva connected between the two of you. You were about to whine in protest as you suddenly felt one of his hand slip below the waistband of the sweatpants you were wearing; causing a gasp to leave your lips. ‘’So please let me make it up to you, okay?’’
He didn’t even give you time to respond before you felt his big hand cupping your core. He let out a hiss, pressing a kiss just below your ear as he ran two of his fingers up and down your slit. ‘’My good girl,’’ He whispered into your ear as he tapped your clit, another broken whimper leaving your mouth. ‘’Sunghoon, please,’’ You mumbled, arching your back of the couch, desperate for any touch at this point.
‘’Don’t worry, I’m not planning on teasing you tonight.’’ He mumbled back, his fingers slowly starting to draw circled over your now aching clit. A moan left your lips as his fingers began moving, grabbing onto his back as your eyes fluttered close once more. ‘’So wet for me baby,’’ He groaned into your ear, licking the sensitive skin as he spoke. ‘’More, please give me more,’’ You whimpered, feeling his lips latch onto your skin. ‘’Anything for you.’’
As he slipped a finger into you, another hiss left his lips. ‘’So, so wet,’’ He murmured as he slipped in yet another finger without any problem, slowly pumping them in and out of you. As his digits entered you, you let out another moan; pushing your lower body down, allowing him to go even deeper. ‘’I don’t think I even have to prep you, hm?’’ He murmured into your ear. You quickly shook your head, not feeling satisfied with just his fingers. 
He slowly retracted his fingers, running his fingers up and down your slit once more; coating it in your own arousal. He looked up at you, placing his forehead against yours before pressing his lips against yours once more. You quickly pulled your pants down, leaving you in just your underwear and the t-shirt you were wearing. His lips continued to move against your own as he fiddled with the belt of his pants, pulling both his pants and underwear down in one go.
His hard cock sprung up, hitting his abdomen as he kicked his pants off his legs. You broke the kiss, looking down at his cock, gently wrapping one of your hands around it. His tip was red and leaking pre-cum, a low groan leaving his lips as you began pumping his cock. You looked back up at him, your eyes meeting; him smashing his lips against yours once more. ‘’I need you now, please,’’ You mumbled against his lips, to which he only nodded in response; too busy enjoying the feeling of your tongue greeting his own as your hand wrapped around his cock.
After a while of you desperately trying to jerk him off, doing a questionable job at doing so considering the position you were in; with him hovering above you and his lips attached to yours in a hungry kiss. ‘’Do you want me to go get a condom?’’ He mumbled as he pulled away, causing you to shake your head in response. ‘’I want to feel you, Sunghoon.’’
Your words made his cock twitch, not a single word leaving his lips as he stared at you. He nibbled on his bottom lip as he stared at you, the girl of his dreams, laying underneath him; begging to get fucked by him. With your eyelashes still stuck together and your cheeks still red from crying, with your neck all bruised and red from his harsh kisses and sucking; the t-shirt you wore had ridden up your stomach, exposing the skin of your stomach - you simply looked like an angel to him. 
‘’Fuck.’’ He grunted, bringing his face closer to yours, capturing your lips in a kiss once again. But this time the kiss was much softer and not as harsh as the previous ones, this kiss was much more loving and not as hungry. It was more passionate. Which was exactly what Sunghoon wanted, he wanted you to know just how passionate he was about you.
Using his free hand, he grabbed his cock; stroking it a few times before lining it up against your entrance, rubbing his irritated tip against your clothed core. He simply just pushed the underwear to the side, not even bothering to take it off. He needed to feel you around him now.
A hiss left his mouth as he pushed the tip in, your arousal making it easy for him to enter you without any problems. He slowly pushed his hips forwards, looking down; watching the way his member disappeared into you with ease. A moan left your mouth as he pushed it all the way in, the feeling of your slick walls greeting him.
He stayed still for a moment, getting used to the feeling of being inside of you before slowly pulling back out. He looked back up at you, running one of his hands through your hair; keeping it at the back of your head as he began slowly thrusting in and out of you. The moans that spilled from your lips sounded like music to his ears, a groan leaving his own lips as he buried his head in the crock of your neck.
‘’I’m so sorry,’’ He mumbled as he snapped his hips forwards, a whimper leaving your lips as the sound of skin on skin filled the room. ‘’Words can’t explain how sorry I am.’’ He continued, feeling your nails dig into the skin on his back. ‘’Then show me.’’ Your words caused him to prop himself up, stopping his movements; his eyes meeting yours.
‘’Show me how sorry you are.’’
As soon as the whimper left your lips, he snapped his hips forwards once again. This time, the thrust was not as gentle as the previous ones, but much more aggressive; causing your nails to dig even deeper into his skin. ‘’I’ll fuck you hard if that’s what you want,’’ He hissed, his tip brushing against your g-spot. You nodded in response, your lips parted open as he thrusted into you even harder. ‘’I’ll show you just how sorry I am.’’
With that being said, he began pounding into you; just like you wanted. You were now a moaning mess as the tip of his cock reached even deeper, hitting your g-spot with every thrust. He grabbed your jaw, forcing you to look at him as he continued pounding into you. ‘’I want you to look at me,’’ He let out through gritted teeth, his nails digging into your skin. You only managed to moan in response as his hand traveled down your neck, his veiny hand wrapping around your neck instead.
He kept his eyes on you, even though your eyes were practically shut by now; loud moans leaving your throat as he pounded into you. The sound of his balls hitting your wet skin filled the room, almost drowned out by your moans and whimpers.
Sunghoon, however, was too busy studying your face to even notice the loud sounds coming from you. The way your eyebrows were furrowed as you took his cock, the way your mouth fell open as he hit that spot; he couldn’t help but notice all of it. He couldn’t help but groan as you whimpered his name, only thrusting into you even harder just to hear his name leave your lips over and over again. 
‘’I’m so close,’’ You suddenly let out, his hand wrapped around your throat making it hard for you to speak, only causing him to grab your throat even harder. ‘’Yeah? Touch yourself for me baby,’’ He grunted, watching as your hand shakily made its way down your stomach before slowly rubbing your own clit. He watched as you desperately rubbed your clit, speeding up his thrusts; wanting to see the pleasure overtake you.
At this point, both his arms were burning from propping himself up for too long; but he simply couldn’t care less. As he felt his own high approaching, the burning in his arms went away, and the look on your face as your orgasm approached made it all worth it. ‘’Fuck, Sunghoon,’’ You stuttered as your orgasm washed over you, your back arching off the couch once again, squeezing your eyes shut.
Sunghoon cursed under his breath as he replaced your hand with his own, quickly rubbing your clit; letting you ride out your own orgasm. ‘’Good girl,’’ He murmured into your ear, his thrusts slowly becoming sloppy. ‘’That’s my good girl.’’ He grunted as he felt you relax underneath him, your eyes still closed from the intense orgasm. Sunghoon was sure he’d have marks covering his back in the morning, not that he minded.
‘’Where do you want me to cum baby?’’ He let out, feeling his own orgasm about to wash over him. ‘’Come inside of me, please,’’ You whimpered into his ear, causing a groan to leave his lips.
Your words were all he needed to reach his high. Your words tipped him over the edge, his cum coating your insides; his vision almost going black as he felt his abdomen twitch; curses spilling past his lips as he filled you up. ‘’Fuck,’’ He exclaimed, burying his head in between your neck and the couch as he thrusted into you one last time.
He kept his cock inside of you as he collapsed on top of you, retracting his hand from your neck; letting you breathe properly once again. A silence fell over the two of you, but it wasn’t an uncomfortable silence; the heavy breathing was the only thing being heard, your desperate pants filling the room.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, catching your breath; until a sigh was heard coming from you, causing Sunghoon to look up at you.
You took a deep breath before looking over at him, your eyes meeting. ‘’I want you to tell me everything.’’ You let out, maintaining eye contact. This time, it was Sunghoons turn to break the eye contact. He let out a sigh as he flipped over to his side, laying beside you. ‘’What do you mean by everything?’’ He mumbled, his eyes still focusing on you as he pulled the blanket you had laying on the couch over his lower body. ‘’The bet, why it happened, why you decided to do it, why me out of all people?’’
The last words of your sentence made Sunghoons heart drop. 
Why you? To Sunghoon it was obvious. To Sunghoon a month ago, it wasn’t obvious at all; you were just some random girl after all. You had just been some random girl who had the misfortune of walking into the school cafeteria at the wrong time, just some girl that had one purpose and one purpose only. To fall in love with Park Sunghoon.
But one month later, you were so much more than that. You were so much more than just some girl, and Sunghoon couldn’t be happier that it was you who had walked into the cafeteria at that moment. You were the first girl who had ever made Sugnhoons heart flutter, you were the first girl to ever even intrigue Sunghoon, and you were the first girl to make Sunghoon fall in love. 
Sunghoon inhaled through his nose before parting his lips to speak. ‘’It was stupid,’’ He chuckled. ‘’Jay and I made a bet, saying that I could make any girl fall in love with me within thirty days.’’ He continued, causing you to furrow your eyebrows. ‘’But why me? You had never even looked my way before all of this happened.’’ Your question made Sunghoon frown, his eyes darting toward the ceiling in an attempt to avoid your eye contact. 
‘’I had to make the next girl that walked into the room fall in love with me.’’
Sunghoon could hear you inhaling through your nose as he finished his sentence, your gaze meeting the ceiling above you as well. You stayed quiet, only nodding in response. Now that Sunghoon had said it out loud, it sounded way more childish than he had originally thought. ‘’It wasn’t supposed to go this far, you know.’’ Sunghoon muttered, causing a chuckle to leave your lips. ‘’Thank you for giving me some clarity at least.’’
Sunghoon looked over at you once again, slightly furrowing his eyebrows. ‘’I mean, at least I know what our whole relationship meant to you now.’’
At that moment, Sunghoon felt like someone had just ripped his heart out of his chest. As he watched you lie beside him, your eyes glued to the ceiling; a small smile on your lips as you tried covering up the fact that he had hurt you. Badly. He had hurt you badly. Sunghoon shook his head, immediately grabbing one of your hands and placing them in his. ‘’No,’’ He let out, causing you to look up at him as he sat up straight.
‘’That’s the thing Y/N,’’ He mumbled, placing your intertwined hands on his lap; his fingers playing with yours. ‘’I fell in love with you.’’
Another silence crept upon the room. You stared at him in disbelief as he kept his gaze glued on your intertwined hand, propping yourself up using your other hand so you could sit up properly. ‘’Sunghoon,’’ You began talking, but he quickly cut you off. ‘’I know, I know,’’ He let out, looking over at you. ‘’I know you can’t trust me. But please, I’m begging you,’’ he continued, grabbing onto your hand even harder. ‘’I’ll do anything to show you how sincere I am, no matter how long it takes. Anything.’’ 
Without you even noticing it, a tear drop hit your cheek. You weren’t sure if you were crying because you were happy or frustrated, frustrated because he might be playing you. Again. 
You knew Park Sunghoon by now. You knew how he was. You knew how he liked to spend his weekends, you knew how cruel he could be - God, you out of all people knew just how cruel he could actually be. Yet you couldn’t help but feel the tiniest bit of hope as the words left his lips, no matter how much you tried to tell yourself he wasn’t being sincere. You were only a bet, nothing more and nothing less. So why did his words make you feel so relieved?
You slowly nodded in response, Sunghoon looked over at you; his eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. He had no idea what to make out of your response, trying to read your facial expression. ‘’I don’t know how long it will take for me to ever trust you again Sunghoon, if I even can trust you again,’’ Your words made his heart drop, but what did he expect?
He already knew that there was a possibility that you’d never trust him again. Or even worse, that you want him out of your life forever. The thought of it made Sunghoon feel sick, the heavy feeling he was getting used to at this point spreading across his chest the more he thought about it.
‘’But I’m willing to give it a try.’’
It was almost like the world stopped spinning, Sunghoon felt his heart stop beating for a second as the words left your lips. He stared at you, his lips parting like he was about to say something. But nothing came out, no matter how badly he wanted to tell you how happy he was; he simply couldn’t. A sigh escaped your lips, your gaze landing on your intertwined hand. ‘’No matter how much I hate you and how much you hurt me,’’
‘’I still fell in love with you at the end of the day.’’
That was all Sunghoon needed to hear. Just like that, the heavy feeling that had spread across his chest slowly vanished; replaced by a feeling he was getting somewhat familiar with by now, thanks to you. He quickly smashed his lips against yours, cupping your cheek using one of his hands. He felt like he could cry as he felt you smile into the kiss, placing your hand on top of his. ‘’I swear to you,’’ He let out as he placed his forehead against your own, looking into your eyes. ‘’I’ll make it up to you, one way or another, I promise I’ll make it up to you,’’ He whispered, gently stroking your cheek using his thumb. A small smile spread across your lips, the smile Sunghoon had missed so much; a genuine smile. The smile that made him fall in love with you.
If you could go back in time and change anything you’d like, it would probably be crossing paths with Park Sunghoon. But at the end of the day you can’t go back in time, and with his fingers laced together with yours; you can’t help but think that maybe, just maybe, crossing paths with Park Sunghoon wasn’t so bad after all.
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tomholland1996simp · 1 year
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After care || Peter Parker
warnings: Slight smut, peter not giving the reader after care, moaning, fluff at end.
Summary: The reader and Peter have sex for the first time, however when Peter gets a message he leaves the reader straight after they had finished. Not realising that after care is important for the both of them rather than spider-man duties.
Haven’t read this over so could be mistakes?
“After we can cuddle and watch a movie”
He told you.
But why are you now crying in your bed, sore. He promised you that everything will be okay, and that he loves you….but now you feel utterly stupid. Stupid because you let the boy you have been in love with for ages take your virginity just to leave as soon as he pulled out.
“Pete…that’s not gonna fit” You told your boyfriend, Peter. You finally had gotten intimate with him, but once you saw the size of his cock you got worried. You hadn’t ever seen a dick in real life, yeah you have seen boys dick pics but never in person. And Peter was really big.
“It’s okay, baby. We’ll go slow” He rolled the condom on his dick, biting back a moan as the rubber rolled down onto his shaft. “You sure you wanna do this?” He asked, making sure you wanted to do this right now, knowing you are a virgin.
“Yeah, please I need you” You whine, just wanting to feel him inside of you. By that answer he slowly pushed into your tight pussy, both of you moaning by the new pleasure. At first it hurt, luckily Peter didn’t move until you gave him the heads up. “Okay, m-move’ You tell him, him slowly thrusting into your cunt.
The pain slowly turned into pleasure making you let out moans. Sex filled your room, luckily your parents were away for the week. “F-fuck, faster” You scream out, Peter thrusting into you at a faster pace. It felt like heaven, your legs wrapping around his waist, trying to help him with his thrusts. Your nails were digging into his back, making him moan louder.
“Baby you feel so good” He moaned into your ear his thrusts getting sloppy, you both knew you were not gonna last too long. “F-fuck, y/n i’m gonna cum” Peter thrusted more roughly, his hands gripping your waist a bit too tight than he tended to.
“F-fuck, s-slow d-“ You couldn’t tell him to slow down a little, it felt good but also started to hurt a little. “I’m g-gonna cum” You told him, your orgasms coming.
“Cum with me, doll” And with one more thrust you both came undone, screaming each others names. You felt the hot liquid burst into the condom, Peter riding you both out through your high, then collapsing on top of you.
After a few minutes, you were both breathless placing small kisses on each others lips. Peters cock still buried inside of you. “That was-“ Before you could finish your sentence, Peters phone rang. He picked it up, not pulling out just yet. You couldn’t hear the unknown person who had called him, but you saw Peters facial expression go a little panicked.
“I’ll be there” He spoke, ending the call and pulling his phone back on the side. Without saying a word to you, he quickly pulled out of you making a small whimper fall from your mouth, he didn’t hear though. Now you felt sore. Pulling the covers up, you watched as he frantically tried to find his clothes that were thrown around the room.
You sit up, confused. Was he leaving?
“Where are you going? Come cuddle” You told him, watching him put his jeans on and throwing his shirt over his head. He quickly slung his bag over his shoulder now turning to look at you.
“I gotta go babe. ummm May needs me home” He spoke quickly running out of your bedroom, you were about to call for him but you heard your front door slam shut. You slowly slid down your bed, the sinking feeling coming. Now you felt stupid, hurt and sore.
How could he literally just leave you?
You just had sex with him and not only did he pull our roughly, he also left. Normally you dreamed of this day for ages. Having sex for the first time, ending the day with cuddles and being there for each other. But in reality your boyfriend just left as his aunt needs him home?
May even told you herself that Peter could stay. She trusted you both as seventeen year olds. Tears slowly fell down your face, you slowly walked out of your bed, the pain in between your legs being a bitch. You jumped into the shower quickly, feeling disgusted. Disgusted as you should be with Peter in the shower right now, not alone crying in it.
Once showering and cleaning yourself, you got into a fresh pair of pjs. Brushing your hair, then going back into your bed, crying until you fell back to sleep.
Now it’s the next day, you woke up late meaning you would have to walk into school late. First thing you did is get a glass of water, your throat was dry. You checked your phone, seeing no calls or messages from Peter. You was going to skip school today, however you have a test and luckily it’s Friday.
You threw on a pair of leggings and a hoodie, which is in fact Peters. Sighing, you walked through the school gates, not bothering to check in to let them know your late. It was currently 11, so your gonna have to walk through half of Chemistry.
“Y/n your late” Your teacher told you when you walked through the door, saying as if you hadn’t even noticed. Rolling your eyes, you take your normal seat next to Ned. He gives you a concerning look at first seeing your state. Bags under your eyes, no makeup, and you would always put a little bit of makeup on no matter what. Peter always told you that you never needed it. Lesson was over, everyone was going to lunch. You wasn’t looking forward to lunch, you would have to sit next to Peter.
“Hey, baby. You okay?” Peter smiled, taking a seat next to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. He really doesn’t know how he made you feel when he left last night.
You nod in return, still upset and mad at him. You didn’t feel like eating your sandwich after the first few bites. You didn’t join in Neds or Peters conversation either you blocked them out. Until you heard that one voice of your best friend, MJ.
“What’s up Nerds, y/n” She smiled a little.
You quickly stood up throwing your bag on your shoulder, needing to spill everything to her. “I need to talk to you” Is all you say grabbing her hand the boys giving you both looks.
“Woah, okay calm down what’s up?” MJ asked once you had dragged her into an empty classroom. You paced up and down thinking whether you was being stupid, overthinking the whole situation.
“Peter and I had sex yesterday” You finally blurt out and her eyes widen, smirking. “Sex! Yes y/n, I mean finally you both have been dating for like a year now. How was it-it wasn’t good was it?” She said happy for you but your facial expression made her think different.
“No it was amazing, it felt so-okay sorry. But once we like finished he got a call and just left. Saying something about May needing him, but she told me he could stay. And once he left I felt disgusted as he literally left me after we did that. He took my virginity and leaves. I was so sore and I just needed him. He’s acting like nothing happened and-wait where you going” You ramble and she stands up leaving the classroom mad.
“Gonna knock some sense into that kid” MJ needed to sort this out, she loved you a lot, you both are best friends and she’s pissed at Peter for doing that to you. You out of all people.
“No no Mj!” You try call after her but she had already gone over to him at the table.
Peter POV
“You and y/n had sex last night, wow” Ned found out the news his best friend had told him, them both doing their hand shake.
“It was the best” Peter smiled remembering the moments you had both experienced that night.
Ned proudly looked at his friend, “Was it awkward after or did you just both cuddle the rest of the night” He asked.
“Oh I had to leave. Spiderman duties” Peter said so obviously.
Ned’s eyes widen, “You just left. Peter are you dumb?!” He asked and Peter looked at him confused. “Bro she’s a virgin, you left her and she doesn’t know your spider-man. Haven’t you ever heard of after care?” “Well yeah, but I needed to help as there was a bank robbery” Peter said.
“She could’ve been sore after or wanted to be with you. You just left-“ Ned was cut off when MJ stormed over to Peter pushing him a little as she sat down next to him.
“Peter parker, give me one reason why I shouldn’t beat your ass right now!” MJ looked pissed, Peter looking confused by her out burst.
“Calm down. What’s your problem?”
“You. Your my problem! Do you know how stupid you made y/n feel! You should’ve not left, you should be there with your girlfriend after you both had sex. After care is important, are you not educated enough?!” Now Peter realised that he fucked up, he didn’t know how you felt. Him leaving made you feel like it was just a one time thing. Or worse, that he regretted it.
“Oh fuck” Peter muttered angry. Not at you, himself. Then the bell rang, he sees you turning the corner to get to your class, he went to catch up with you, you were gone.
Peter messaged you after school asking if you could hang out. At first you wanted to lie and say you had plans, however you wanted to spend time with him. His house wasn’t that far away from yours, so the walk wasn’t too long. When you arrived at his house, He opened the door pulling you in for a big, long unexpected hug. Of course you hugged back, such a small gesture made you come back to reality of what happened that night, you pulled away. No words were exchanged at first, he pulled you through his house and into his bedroom. He gently pushed you onto his bed, making you fall down slowly.
“I’m not having sex again with you” You coldly say, Peter winced a little at the coldness. “No, no, no. Just stay here, I need to show you something” He told you, going over to his closet and pulling a bag out and something red and blue. “Close them pretty eyes” He smiled softly, you slowly close your eyes confused but listened.
You then felt the bed dip next to you, meaning Peter was sitting down beside you. You felt him place something on your lap, you waited till he told you to reopen your eyes. You was met with a red and blue outfit? No it wasn’t just any outfit, it was a red and blue suit. Spider-man suit. The new super hero that everyone has been going on about. You jump up, standing with the fabric still in your hands. You trace your thumb over the spider symbol. Now you piece it all together.
Peter is spider man.
Your boyfriend is Spider man.
Peter parker is Spiderman.
“Don’t freak out. If you wanna break up I understand. But I didn’t tell you because I wanted to protect you. If anyone knew you were my girlfriend they could come for you. And I love you so fucking much to let anything happen to you, pretty girl. It’s okay if you wanna break up” He sadly spoke, knowing what was coming.
However you didn’t break up with him, you didn’t shout at him, you didn’t even say anything. You practically tackled him into a big hug, both of you falling back into his bed. You wasn’t mad at all, maybe annoyed he didn’t tell you, but he did it for a good reason. You couldn’t believe that he was the Spider man. You couldn’t imagine what he could be going through with all of this going on.
“I’m not gonna break up with you silly” You finally say. “I’m not mad, this makes sense of why you cancelled some of our dates, or ditched me sometimes or even-“ your eyes widen. “Wait is that why you left me the other day when we-when we had sex?” You asked hoping it was the answer.
“Yeah” He tried not to look at you, he slowly sat up, you standing his lap, legs either side of his waist. “I’m so sorry, y/n. I didn’t realise, i’m so fucking stupid. I should’ve stayed and cuddled with you. I should’ve been their for you, I knew this was our first time and I messed it up. Please don’t feel stupid because of me. I loved every moment of what happened, I never regretted it. Fuck. I wanna do it again” He pushed a stand of hair behind your ear looking into your eyes.
“It’s okay. I was being silly really, just felt like you thought it was a one time thing.” You softly smile a small tear falling which he wiped away. “Your not silly, it’s my fault. I’m the stupid one, it’s not a one time thing I’m in this for the long run. I love you” He kissed your forehead.
“I love you more, spidey” You giggle as he pulls you in for a sweet kiss.
“Wanna cuddle and watch a movie? I have snacks in that bag” He smiles.
You look towards the bag then back to him in aws. “Can we just stay here for a little bit?” You ask just wanting to hug him in this position.
“Of course” He smiles as you wrap your arms around his shoulders, moving closer to his warmth.
Hope everyone has a nice christmas!
Sorry I didn’t post in a while, i’m on holiday right now.
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corn-fanfiction · 7 months
SAVIOUR COMPLEX (Mark Hoffman x F!Reader) (PT. 7)
(PT. 6)
Rated: M
TAGS: language/past abuse/Mark Hoffman being a c*p/reader's life is maybe becoming less normal/Mark is protective bc it's his job but he's also problematic/because he's a c*p/Detective Gibson is his own tw/kissy kissy
**NOTE: Hey guys. Thank you so much for interaction with this fic, and I’m seeing a lot of new followers. I love that!! But I really need to stress right now how I do not support/endorse C*stas M*ndylor as a person or his opinions. He’s racist and I enjoy and only enjoy Mark Hoffman’s character. If you are a C*stas Stan, I highly encourage you to maybe cease interacting with this fic.**
“To say that this looks bad is an understatement.”
Mark scoffs and paces the Chief’s office.
“Don’t be dramatic.”
“No, let’s go over everything that’s happened tonight. You breach protocol by taking your case out on a date, you bring her to an active crime scene where her boyfriend has just died in a Jigsaw trap, and you are in the FBI’s sights! How is that dramatic?”
Chief is stunned, baffled and befuddled. “Excuse me?”
“Ex boyfriend.”
“Are you-“ Chief sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “You’re pulling my leg, right? This is a joke. This has to be a joke because I know you're not this stupid.”
“Watch it.”
“No, fuck it. You’re off her case and you’re suspended until I can figure out what the fuck to do with you. Turn in your badge and gun.”
Mark stares him down. He doesn’t move.
“Do it, or we’re gonna have a scene.”
Mark grinds his teeth, his jaw ticks. He’s holding air that he refuses to sigh away as he slams his sidearm and his badge down on the Chief’s desk.
“Who’s my replacement? I assume whoever it is has her next door in interrogation, right?”
“Don’t fucking split hairs with me right now.”
Before the Chief has a chance to respond, the heavy metal doors to the interrogation hall open and close. Mark throws the office door open and sees you passing. He gives you a comforting hand but then leaves when he hears a snort from Gibson. He turns on him and Gibson either isn’t expecting it or doesn’t think Mark will actually put hands on him. On both fronts, he’s wrong, because Mark grabs him by his collar and holds him with shaking arms.
“What the fuck is your problem, Gibson!?”
Gibson pushes Mark’s arms from his chest and shoves him. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to send the message.
“I’m doing my job, Hoffman. Don’t forget, you’re a suspect too, and in danger of ‘reassignment’. Right?”
Gibson huffs and adjusts his shirt. Mark points a finger at his chest.
“You better keep your nose outta things before something happens to it.”
“Is that a threat?”
Mark is about to let him know that yes, it is a threat, when he feels a hand on his arm. He whips around and there you are, staring up at him with empty, dark eyes that are pooling with tears. God, you look ragged, traumatized- you are. 
“Mark, come on, please. Please, let’s just go home. Please.”
He softens at your plea. He’ll do anything for you right now, and that includes walking away from this fight. He gives Gibson a final mean look and guides you out of the station and takes you home.
Now, he’s staring out the window of your bedroom as you’re curled against him in sleep, one arm tucked under your head and the other draped across you. He realizes that he probably shouldn’t have even brought you here, but rather have taken you back to his place. You need familiarity, sure, but whoever had been stalking you could still be after you.
That was something else you didn’t know. When you and Mark had arrived on the scene and he saw Ted’s body, it was apparent that it wasn’t…fresh. Of course, he knew that Gibson had to have shown you the photos but there’s no way you were in a state to notice that detail. And it looked like more than a couple days. The death was old…older than the day someone showed up outside your window.
He pulls you closer. Not only is someone imitating Jigsaw- him, not only had that person killed Ted, but they were likely the one stalking you. 
It isn’t far fetched to think there’s another Jigsaw copycat; after all, that’s how he got the gig. The difference is that John and Amanda are both dead, and neither of them can handle this so Mark can focus on you. Mark racks his brain to shake loose any possible suspects. Everyone with any hand near Jigsaw is dead except him…and Jill. Christ, what if this is all Jill? Jealous because he has you and she has no one?
But Jill doesn’t have the physical strength to manage this on her own, and Mark’s watched her long enough to know she lives a solitary life. So no, Jill may be possible, but highly unlikely.
It has to be someone you know, or someone who knows him and his feelings towards you. It would be too large a coincidence for it to be a random copycat.
Who? Who?
The good news is that if he's suspended, he has plenty of time to find out.
There’s a banging on the door the next morning. You immediately jump and press your back to the headboard. Mark stands, reaches for his gun and then curses when he remembers he turned it in the night before.
You look up at him in a panic and he raises a calming hand. He glances at the window- nobody there. Goes down the hall and grabs a knife from the kitchen.
A peek out the front window reveals Gibson at the door, tapping his foot, looking around, checking his watch. Mark curses and opens the door, subtly setting the knife on the kitchen counter.
Gibson stops, looks Mark up and down, then cracks a smile.
“Jesus. Wasted no time, I see.”
Mark scowls and his grip on the door tightens. “Careful, Gibson. There’s no cameras here.”
Gibson looks over Mark’s shoulder and into the apartment.
“She around?”
“Yes, she’s in bed, and very fucking traumatized from the shake-down you gave her. That make you feel big, Gibson? Harassing a woman who’s being stalked and just saw her ex-boyfriend murdered?”
“Just doing my job. You know all about that.”
Before Mark can get another word out, you come up behind him, now having donned some pants and a cardigan.
“Detective Gibson. What a…well, whatever it is. What do you need?”
Gibson smiles at you, self-satisfied.
“I’m taking over your case. And with the recent danger, we think it’s best we put you in a safe house.”
Your eyes widen and you push your way past Hoffman who puts a hand on your shoulder. You shrug him off.
“Fuck that! You and your precinct already upheaved my life with this protection bullshit, now you wanna take me away from my job, my apartment? And for what? Jigsaw very clearly has no problem with me!”
“Yeah. Wonder why that is.”
Mark watches as you turn red. 
“Besides, not like you’re leaving much behind.”
Mark barely has time to grab you when you lunge for Gibson, who leans away with a chuckle.
“Easy. I can always still take you in by force.”
“Fuck off, no you can’t,” Mark bites. “She can deny if she wants to.”
“Yeah, but that don’t look too good either, does it? Got a reason to stay away from the police?”
“Aside from the fact they’re batting 1,000 when it comes to harassment?”
Gibson looks from you to Mark. 
“You don’t seem to mind too much.”
“That’s it-” 
Mark is out the door before you can stop him and he slugs Gibson in the jaw. The younger detective stumbles back into the yard and Mark looms over him.
“Get the fuck outta here. And unless you have a warrant, you can tell the chief to shove this whole thing up his ass.”
Gibson stands and spits some blood into the grass.
“Your ass is out, Hoffman. You hear me? You’re fucked!” Gibson shouts and returns to his cruiser, stepping into the driver’s seat and retrieving his walkie-talkie. You run out to get Mark.
“Mark, what the fuck?!”
Mark sighs, shakes out his hand, turns to you. “I’m sorry. I- I can’t stand that prick. He was asking for it.”
“Yeah, no kidding! He was egging you on and you gave him exactly what he wanted. You could lose your job!”
“Nah,” Mark says, shaking his head and heading back inside. You follow him.
“I’ll have a word with the Chief, pay some penance, do crossing duty or something for a few weeks. Shit like this happens all the time.”
Mark goes to your freezer and grabs a bag of peas to cradle against his knuckles. When he faces you again, you’re leaning against the counter, chewing on your lip, staring at the imitation marble.
“What?” he inquires.
“No, what are you thinking?”
He watches as you splay your hand against the countertop, moving your fingers back and forth. He moves to stand next to you, moves his head to be closer to yours. Nudges you.
“Come on. Let me in.”
You sigh. “I don’t know what’s happening anymore. I don’t think I’m in danger. Or maybe I am. I don’t really care. But…maybe it’s best if we took a break? Just until the dust settles?”
Mark’s heart plummets into his gut and his eyes search yours, his head unmoving.
“You want that?”
“No. No, I really don’t. But I’ll be fine, and you can’t lose your job.”
Because it’s all I have.
Well, that was before he had you.
“Let Gibson take over my case. Once it dies he’ll get bored, I bet. I’m willing to wait.”
You finally meet his eyes and your hand finds his on the counter.
“What if I’m not?” he mutters, his lips so close to yours.
“I mean, I never really pegged you for a patient man. But…”
It’s like you can’t help yourself. Your lips come up to meet his and his hand gently cups your jaw. 
Another kiss. One deeper and warmer. Before there can be a third that leads to something more, you pull away and Mark sighs.
“Maybe it’ll die out fast, you know?”
Mark nods at the refrigerator. 
“Hey,” you say, tilting his face towards you. “Look at me. It’ll be fine. Distance and fondness and all that.”
“I don’t think I can get any fonder, honestly.”
He watches in pain as your eyes flutter through that small confession and a smile pulls at your lips.
“Well, just hold on to it, then. And phones exist, you know?”
He dips down for a kiss on your cheek.
“So do midnight rendezvouses. And windows.”
“Come on,” you gently push against his chest. “Just think of how nice it’ll be when this all passes. Maybe my bed will see some action other than cuddling all night long, hm?”
Mark groans. “God, why would you say something like that when you’re trying to rush me out the door?”
“If I was rushing, you’d be gone already. I’m stalling, actually.”
Another kiss. Then one on the forehead. 
“Alright. Go makeup with the asshole outside. Apologize to the Chief. Help kids cross the street or something. I’ll see you soon.”
Mark grinds his teeth but submits, laying the peas on the counter.
“Sorry for defrosting those.”
You smile reassuringly, and it does help him feel like things will be okay. “Maybe we'll eat them next time.”
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f0point5 · 9 months
y/n’s best friend’s reactions and the messages from Lando are the perfect dichotomy of how I would be tempted to talk to her….. two v different tactics of calling homegirl out on being so .. idk the best way to phrase it.. pre-defensive??? The triple message to Lando at the end of their convo really said more about how she feels about max than anything else she’s said about him in the last like five chapters. When she lied about why she was “only going” on this date he breezed past the comment to ask for fucking chorizo I KNOW she was FUMING!!!!!! Like I could feel it in my bones that she wanted him to do or say something. Now though I’m worried that something inside her kinda snapped and she’s either gonna keep seeing metaphor and pushing the envelope until she gets a reaction from max OR she’s gonna go out of her way to pretend extra hard (harder than she usually does) that she doesn’t give a shit what max thinks of her and her love life. I have a lot of faith in you and where you’ll eventually take this plot I’m just gonna go ahead and beg you in advance that if there ends up being some kind of major miscommunication in the plot it has to be realistic !! Nothing grinds my gears worse than adults ruining their entire lives because of a miscommunication that even a 12 year old could solve on their own. Like I understand miscommunication tropes but sometimes they go so far that they defy very basic logic and I can’t watch y/n and max turn into complete idiots.. sorry that was definitely a personal preference rant - do what u gotta do it’s your story Lmao I’ve just been burned one too many times by fics that claim they’re about whole ass adults then have them act like 6 year olds for the sake of a plot point and I can’t see max doing that. I can kiiiiinda see y/n doing that but not unconsciously. She’d know what she was doing for sure.
No I 100000% get you. Nothing drives me crazier than people making whole life decisions based on the outcome of a conversation they never even had. Like, Y/N decides Max is in love with GP and takes a job in NYC and leaves without telling Max who then decides that the last 6 years meant nothing to her for no reason and they don’t talk until Lando locks them in a disused shopping container. Like, you two have shared everything for all these years be serious you’re not throwing that away over not even talking. I definitely see Max and Y/N being people that even if they’re dancing around the real conversation that they need to have, they’ll always be communicating with each other. I think that’s so much more true to the relationship they have and the people they are than freaking out and not talking to each other.
I think the thing with what Lando and her other friend were saying was their needling was fair but also to her it felt a little bit like a taunt. Because she has everyone in her life acting like she’s doing something a bit sideways by dating someone other than Max, acting like she owes him sensitivity around the issue, kind of hyping her up that there’s a big “caution” label on this situation and then she goes out of her way to be cautious and it turns out it wasn’t needed. I think it made her feel a bit stupid, almost like they’d hyped her that her love life was SO important to Max and it just wasn’t. So she’s like, please stop making me feel like this is a thing because it’s clearly not. And then similarly with Max, she was a bit like, I went out of my way to diminish this date/situation for your comfort, and it turns out you never cared in the first place. I think the whole thing just stung her ego a bit.
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captaindsina · 2 years
"Let's Make A Deal"
Toji Fushiguro x Black Reader
During an unusually slow night in the pretentious club you work at, a man you've never seen before comes in and offers you a deal. One that you know is dumb to accept, but you do because what's the risk?
I genuinely hate this because why is writing dialogue so damn hard? Why do we have to talk? Why do humans talk? Ew.
Toji and the reader trade sexual dynamics flipping between submissive and dominant.
So we got a bit of Sub Toji in here.
I also do not have to explain why the fuck I specify why the reader is black. I just write with a black person in mind. You got a problem with it. Idk go masturbate or something.
Enjoy it. This genuinely my first time writing smut all the way through and finishing it. So please enjoy it
Word Count: 8.3k -shit-
You walk into your home setting your belongings down on your rack and hanging your coat up with a sigh. It was a pretty hectic day, dealing with drunk people was not your forté. Which begs the question...why the hell do you work in a club as a bartender? The pay is mediocre and your employees aren't bad, but your boss is an asshat. It sucks that you can't find a better bar to work at but your current place will have to suffice.
You sit on your couch after taking your shoes off and begin rubbing your feet. Your body is so tense it's ridiculous. The life of labor is not it one you desire at all. Having to deal with customers nagging, going insane from the same songs being played on repeat everyday, coming home late, the random advances from drunken patrons; it was just too much for you, but there's no escaping it if you want to live and not immediately end it all at some stupid office job. Lighting some incense you begin your destressing routine of incense, a long hot shower, low music in the background, a cup of warm tea, some food, and a good movie to watch.
It was the perfect routine designed to fit the comforting vibes of your home. Your home is dark with dim lighting different plants in almost every corner of your home with beads hanging on the deoor frames and the most most important piece of your home, your cat; Dice.
It was your most favorite place to be at and after the day you had you just wanted to relax.
After putting food in Dice's bowl you take a shower while blaring your favorite songs. Your skin was tingly in the hot water. You felt like you were a truly alluring sight; made you borderline obsessed with yourself. The  various body creams and oils you used made you feel amazing. Your relaxing shower session made you forget about all the stress in your bones, melting it all away and sending it down the drain.
After getting dressed in your night clothes and putting on your slippers you head to your kitchen where you're met with your Birman cat sitting on your counter.
"Hey baby, I hope you didn't miss me too bad while I was gone cause I know I missed you terribly." you say cooing to your cat while petting behind her ears. She hops away from you "okay be like that you little shit"
You heat up your kettle and grab your favorite blend of tea herbs putting it all in a little pouch in a mug. While the kettle gets hot you go into the fridge and grab a previously prepped meal from your loving best friend you're ever so greatful for because apparently by his standards a granola bar and tea is not a proper dinner. So he decided to pick up meal prep as a hobby and brings you extras from his meals.
When you throw your food into microwave you hear a ding on your phone.
'Come over'
Well there goes your day.
You were just getting to the good part of the night.
'I don't feel like it.'
'Do I really have to come?"
'Yes. I hope you haven't forgotten about the deal we made or should I refresh your memory?"
Ah yes. How could you forget?
You punch the air and type your message.
'I'm coming'
The deal.
The one you made a month or two ago when Toji found his way into the club you work at; The Heat. A club popular for the beautiful people there, good music, and its exclusivity. It didn't lie about the beautiful people, they were gorgeous. Specifically hiring people that looked good to grow their rep. However all the rest....it's a bunch of bullshit. The music quickly grows tiresome and youu'd think exclusive would mean a bunch of big ballers coming into the club ready to spend money whenever, on whatever and they did, but the catch is none of it went towards your paycheck.
It was a bunch of shit all for show. You were once excited to work in such a lively environment but just as soon as that excitement came, it left. So when Toji waltzed his way into the club and up to the bar he was a nice change of pace. Sporting a rough around the edges look outside of the sleek and precise looks of everyone else who comes into the club.
Compared to other nights the night you met Toji was slow. There wasn't a crowd to wow with party tricks, just boring drinks to be served to the regulars. You usually preffered these nights but tonight the energy was off, you were bored. It was boring. Maybe you were just used to the overstimulating energy of the club, but you just couldn't catch the right vibe for the night.
Bored is a word you never thought you would use while working at 'The Heat' but here you are now wiping the same spot on the counter for the 20th time for the past 30 minutes.
You huff out a sigh as you move your towel in a repetitive motion, staring at the clock waiting for your shift to end.
"Fuck this. Jaz is it just me or it really different tonight?" you look over to your coworker Jazzy who looks to be just as bored as you.
"Nah. You not tripping. It's boring as hell."
You groan at his words. "I hate this job"
"I know you do and I would love to talk to you about it but my break is coming up ten minutes. I would hate to leave you here alone, but I would literally chew off my own finger than sit here for another second."
"Jaz I swear if you leave me here I'm never speaking to you again."
"You make that sound like a bad thing. You'll survive." he says sauntering to the back to start his break earlier than scheduled.
"Bastard" you grumble under your breath. Feeling defeated you groan and lay your head on the counter in front of you. "They could at least play some good music to keep me sane" you say with a deep childish pout on your face.
"I agree with you. This music is kind of ass. Not really my type" you raise your head at the foreign voice directed to you. Your eyes meet sharp green ones brimmed with dark lashes. His face is pretty if you'll be honest with yourself.
Sexy if you would.
And when you catch glimpse of the scar on his lips you internally quirk a brow intrigued at how a face so attractive could even have any damage done to it. It's a downright sin having something done like that.
"Yeah imagine hearing this shit on repeat. Every. Single. Night. I would rather pluck out all my arm hairs than hear this again" you sit up from the counter leaning on your forearms in front of the person. "What could I get you?"
"How about a drink of your choice and...a night with you" his voice responds whispering the last part to you.
"Okay" you snort rolling your eyes to the back of your head "How does a purple rain sound? and two, you'll have to try harder than that love. There's been people  before you who've tried to get their hands in my panties. You would have to be really good if you want me in your bed."
"Well one, I'll try it and two, what makes you think I'm like any of those bums? I'd have you crawling to me on your hands and knees when I'm done with you"
You laugh and grab a glass beginning to prepare his drink "you really do sound sure of yourself."
"No need for confidence when I know what I'm saying is true. Most people who call themselves confident are simply lying."
"Yeah okay mister....uh what's your name" you say pouring vodka, lemonade, and grenadine into a shaking glass with a mischievous grin on your face.
He begins to say his name but you cut him off by shaking his drink.
"Hmph I didn't really catch that. Could you say it one more time for me?"
He squints his eyes at you but reluctantly goes to say his name again only to be met with the sound of ice against metal.
You release a hearty laugh as tears well up in your eyes.
"You know you're not funny right?" He says looking at you with an unimpressed frown on his face. "So immature"
"Yeah you can say that about me but just know that was absolutely hilarious, but can you blame me? You're in need for some major humbling" you pour his drink into a glass with the sides covered in blue colored syrup and the rim covered in sugar. You top it off with a lemon and some garnish.  You have a goofy looking smile etched across your face that can't help but make the corners of Toji's lips curl up into a small smile.
You then place it in front of him and wait for him to take a sip.
"My name's Y/N by the way"
"I was going to give you the privilege of knowing my name but it seems you don't deserve it." He smacks his lips together "Also this isn't really my taste can you give me something different like-"
"Let me guess whiskey? Shots of tequila?"
He looks at you with a small frown on his face "Whiskey on-"
"Yeah yeah on the rocks. You know if you're trying to find a way into my panties you kind of suck at it. I'm not impressed" you turn around grabbing a small glass with a ball of ice in it. You feel his strong gaze on your backside, sending chills down your spine. "However I don't think I would mind hearing my name roll off of those pretty lips of yours."
He feels his neck grow hot as his lips curl into a smirk.  "I don't know why you feel the need to cut me off but let's make a deal."
"I'm listening" you say pouring whiskey into the glass and hand it to him simultaneously grabbing the purple drink from him and taking a sip.
"One night." He holds up one finger "If I can break you  to the point you don't even know your own name. You become my personal fucktoy and if not I do anything of your choosing. You should probably have me buy you  new shoes because....those are pretty ugly"
You scoff "leave my shoes alone and if I do somehow manage to become your 'personal fucktoy' how will you even contact me? I mean I could just give you my number for shits and giggles, block you, and call it a day or better yet give you a fake number"
"I have my ways trust me."
You quirk a brow at him "I'm intrigued, what do you mean by that?"
"Oh come on you couldn't have thought a guy like me would get into a club like this without doing anything a little dirty right?"
"Actually you do look like the type to be allowed in here. You seem scary"
"I scare you?"
"No I just said you seem scary, not that you scare me. It takes a lot to scare me. Even if you're threatening me with my life I'm not scared of you"
"Don't worry doll, I won't kill you"
"You make an interesting bargain. I don't know what's making me say this ;it could either be the masochism or the insanity speaking in me but, I'll play your game. I accept your deal only if you can wait the 23 minutes until I get off" you put your hand out for him to shake it.
He grasps your hand firmly and shakes it. Looking into his eyes you see an unreadable glint that makes your gut churn in intrigue, arousal and a twinge of fear.
"I'll wait but I do believe you have no idea what you're getting yourself into." he says with a sly grin spread across his face still holding tour hand.
You smile back at him and grab his hand placing a kiss on it "you're right I don't but I love the thrill" you begin to walk off into the different direction of another customer but not before you turn around and face him "Oh, I would also l love some red bottoms too" you say before you walk away.
He chuckles to himself downing the rest of his whiskey, still sitting at the bar.
You hate to admit it but Toji was right, you truly had no idea what you were getting into.
The moment you entered his home he gave you no time to breathe. Putting his hands over every inch of your body possible. Pulling you close to his chest kissing you as he grabbed and squeezed your ass through your work pants.
"God I've wanted you out of this ugly ass uniform all night." he grunts against your neck while unbuttoning your black button-up.
"Well I think my uniform looks quite nice. You're going to stop insulting it eventually" you say rolling your eyes playfully while trying to stifle back a moan from the odd feeling of his tounge on your neck. He's sucking and nibbling at it, occasionally biting you with a bit of force to get a cute whimper out of you. He doesn't know what he loves more; the plush of your ass cheeks or the feeling of your chest in his hands. He's drunk off of your features, wanting to feel more of you, see more of you, right now.
So in a swift action he gently -not gracefully- grabs you by the waist and pulls you to his bedroom making you yelp as he pushes you on the bed. Looking into his eyes you can't help but cower at his gaze that holds a look that makes you feel like prey, that he's fought to get his hands on and wouldn't dare let you escape now that he has you. This sultry look causes warmth to pool in your lower abdomen, suddenly feeling lightheaded from the blood rushing from your head to your awaiting pussy.
You unbutton and tug down your pants then rise to your knees to tug off your shirt.
Looking at Toji you see his lips quirked up into what you assume to be a smile. Yet he has yet to say anything. Waltzing over to Toji on your knees you lift his chin up with one finger.
"Cat got your tounge love?" you place feather light kisses on his neck and his jawline gently nibbling at the flesh all while dragging your hands underneath his black tee grazing your fingers over the dips and ridges of his body. But what sends chills up Toji's spine is not the way he can feel your teeth against his skin, or the feeling of your cool fingers roaming his bodies; his resolve breaks when he suddenly feels those same fingers glide over his nipples and slightly pinch and twist at them.
In a swift and sudden motion he lays you on your back ripping his t-shirt over his head, leaving hickeys all on your torso, rutting his dick into your covered pussy. He hasn't even felt you wrapped around him yet he's already going feral at the sight of you below him, waiting for the exact same thing he's craving.
"'M gonna fuck you so good baby. I promise" he growls lowly into your ear making your pussy quiver.
Shoving his head away from you, you lightly trail a finger up and down his abdomen.
"It just dawned on me, I don't even know your name pretty boy. Tell me. Whose name should I moan as you try to fuck me dumb like you promised?"
Toji feels a groan build in his throat as you lightly hover your fingers over his bulge. "F-fuck, it's Toji."
"Toji. I like it." You pull him down and place a kiss behind his ear.
Toji hurriedly and ungracefully removes his pants and his boxers, then removes your panties. He slides his finger through the folds of your pussy feeling your dampness. He looks you in the eyes, takes that finger and plops it in his mouth, making you bite your lip in a low lidded gaze as you rub your nipple through your bra.
That night he promised he would make you cum more times than you can count, but by the end of the night you don't even think you were even capable of breathing properly.
He teased you painfully first making you cum around his fingers once and his tounge twice. With how desperate he seemed to get in your pants earlier you didn't think he could hold off from fucking you any longer, but to your surprise and dissapointment he waited until you both were painfully sensitive to finally give both of you what you wanted. Rutting his hips in and out of you until all you could say were mindless babbles of Toji's name. Then as you were both on your last orgasms of the night Toji asked the fateful question while balls deep in you.
Squeezing your cheeks he forces you to face him. Your calves on his shoulder with your knees pressed against your chest. You look down and see the creamy mess of your cum covering Toji's dick. The sight makes you grow limp as your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"Fuck princess, tell me what's your name? Or are you too -shit- dumb to even remember it? I bet you are. You look so fucking dumb on my dick right now"
It genuinely took all your brain power to even muster up a single word, but as soon as you were about to say your name you felt a mind-numbing sensation on your clit, that made your mouth gape open, eyes roll back, and pussy clench pathetically around Toji's dick as he roughly and messily slams his hips into yours. Your orgasm washes over you and your brain completely abandons its previously assigned task as you mindlessly babble Toji's name.
Toji looks down at you with an accomplished smile on his face, knowing he has you wrapped around his finger now. He takes a good look at your fucked out face which pushes him over the edge stuffing the condom full of his final load of the night. As he ruts his hips into you he groans in your ear. Incoherently telling you how good you made him feel, how pretty you are, and how he's glad you're now his.
All you can feel is the sleepiness tugging at your eyelids as you doze off with Toji still buried in you, your legs wrapped around his waist and you running your fingers through his hair lazily. You both eventually fall asleep like that, forgetting to clean up.
The next day you were confused when you woke up feeling a heavy weight on your chest and sticky sensation between your legs. As you open your eyes you see a head full of messy black hair. Your sudden shift in breathing must have woken Toji up because as soon as your eyes met his green ones, you remembered everything. Especially how screwed you were.
He grumbles something along the lines of a good morning as he slips out of you making you wince from how empty you feel now. You roll over to your side to face him - well not necessarily him but rather his back.
"So you weren't serious about that whole fucktoy thing were you?" you say through an awkward chuckle playing with your fingers.
"I was absolutely serious. You didn't say your name last night did you?"  he says tiredly.
You feel your stomach drop. "Well no I didn't, but that's because- " you try to defend yourself but you're hastily cut off by Toji
"Exactly. I won the bet and you better pay your side of the bargain." you can just hear the smirk on his face.
"Toji! No fair!" you whine "You asked me while I was in the middle of an orgasm you jackass. I couldn't even say my abc's if I wanted to."
"How funny you say that because I can clearly recall you screaming my name instead of your own. Admit it sweetheart. You're mines now"
"But-" you pout knowing there's no more buts, so you decide to bury your pride for a little bit and beg your way out of his grasp. "Toji I hope you know that I won't come to you at your every beck and call. Your dick was good but not that good. I was thinking with my pussy last night. Can I just be a regular booty call? Please?" He turns around to face you and sees you looking up at him with eyes that would persuade his decision if he wasn't - well - Toji.
"Nope." He holds back a chuckle at the defeated look in your eyes.
You huff, "Fine I'll at least give you my number so you don't have to get all stalkerish on me"
He gives you his phone and you type in your number. Sitting up you raise your arms over your head stretching them with an obnoxiously loud groan, Toji can't help but look at your chest, seeing it rise and quiver as you stretch your muscles.
Climbing out of his bed you throw on yesterday's clothes leaving your underwear off and throwing them at Toji. He catches them a bit startled. "What's this for?" he asks sitting up looking at you gathering your belongings.
"I'll be back tonight for them if you don't mind. I have a few things I wanna try with you later."
This makes Toji grin at you. You truly were a catch. He climbs out of his bed throwing on his boxers. Walking you out of his apartment. You tug on your shoes and begin to walk out of his door.
"Not even a kiss goodbye? Hmph. Okay then." Toji says to you.
"In your dreams." You say before you glide down the steps and to your car. All Toji can do is look at your retreating figure and wait in anticipation for the night to come.
Looking back you don't know why you agreed to his deal. Maybe to satisfy some sexual thrill you didn't know you had in you.
You genuinely enjoyed the early parts of the deal. Enjoying getting dicked down on a regular basis. He didn't really have an extremely high sex drive or was at least able to push it aside to give you some type of breathing room, but there were nights where you just didn't feel up to it and he was as needy as ever. You only wanted to climb into your bed and be alone to sleep after a depressing day at work. Unfortunately Toji doesn't take a no for an answer so after a heated argument you blocked him and headed to bed. His dick was not worth the headache.
Three days later at work; when you thought that you were safe; after days of living in suspense, when you were working the rush hour of the club and took a well deserved break to the restroom you felt an arm wrap around your waist and and a hand around your throat. You were ready to pull the taser out of your pocket and attack whoever had you like this but as soon as you heard his voice. Your heart skipped a beat and blood ran cold.
"Come on I hope you didn't think you could run from me"
"Toji- what the hell"
"Don't what the hell me. Did you think you could break our deal and get away with it? I told you you wouldn't want to do that and now it's time to face our consequences dear."
"Oh grow up Toji. It wasn't even a serious deal. I was just thinking with my dick that night. Did you think that this would actually work out? It's a dumb deal based off of stupid bored and horny words. Does that seem serious to you? Let go of me. Or are you going to kill me now?"
"I won't kill you; that's unnecessary blood on my hands, but I will make you wish that I did"
"What do you mean by that?"
"Do you ever shut up? Quit it will all these questions."
Suddenly you're thrown into the empty bathroom and Toji locks the door behind him.
"Get on your knees"
"No. I'm not doing this here. I'm at work you jackass."
"I don't give a fuck. You heard me. Get on your knees. Don't make me say it again." He was obviously growing impatient with you so deciding against testing your luck you do as told.
He pulls his pants down and releases his hard dick. "You know, you make me sick-"
"I can say the same about you" you grumble as you cross your arms across your chest.
He grabs you by your chin "I'm so tired of you cutting me off. Here put this pretty mouth of yours to use, because apparently it just can't seem to shut up."
He shoves his dick into your mouth giving you no chance to breathe, forcefully moving his hips in and out of your mouth.
"I was going to say, you make me sick cause -shit- cause all I can think about is how good of a fuck you are, how these ugly ass clothes hide the most gorgeous curves from me, and you just want to -fuck- you just want to break our deal and take it away from me. Well I say no way in hell to that."
With a violent buck of his hips into your mouth he shoves your face down to be flush with his hips. He releases cum down your throat with a loud grown giving you no choice but to swallow it. He finally lets you off of his dick after he rides out his orgasm.
Lowering his face down to eye level with your choking and heaving figure he patronizingly pats your cheek "Such a good girl. Be sure to come by my apartment tonight. " he stands up walking to the exit "and if you choose not to what do you think about getting fucked at the bar?"
You glare at his retreating figure angrily but the message was given to you. You felt humiliated sitting there in defeat.
You were punished later that night sent home without a proper orgasm but covered in his cum. You truly felt like a fucktoy. You wanted to cry from embarrassment and you truly began to feel a disdain for Toji.
Learning your lesson you never said no to him again. Either excitedly hopping up his steps or reluctantly trudging your feet to his apartment.
Which is how you find yourself in front of his apartment right now. Thermos in hand and a deep frown on your face. You just want to sleep you don't care about getting an orgasm or the stupid deal that he's so strung up on that would probably make him kill you.
Knocking on his door your head throbs at the harsh sound of your knuckles against the wood. A few seconds later you hear his heavy footsteps approaching the door.
"Wow you look like shit" he says looking your figure up and down.
You squint your eyes and tilt your head at him "I wonder why" you say. You shove your way past him and into his kitchen sitting on one of his barstools. "Do you have any  weed or medicine if you're lame? My head is killing me"
"Um, yeah. I do" he rushes to his bathroom and grabs some medicine handing it to you.
"So you're lame. Makes sense"
He genuinely feels awkward now. Not knowing what to do. When he would currently be feeling you up and placing kisses along your body right now is replaced by him trying to being as far away as possible from you.
Looking at your current state he feels a heavy weight in his chest. Something completely unfamiliar to him. He doesn't know how to describe it but it's pulling at his heart and making his stomach churn. He feels bad for you. He knows the deal is selfish and that he acts like a complete bastard when he doesn't get his way, but that's because that's how his life has always operated. The world has always been putty in his hands, molding it into doing what he wants in the way he wants, and if shit goes awry he can just leave it behind. However looking at you, staring into empty space while mindlessly sipping at your tea, he can't help but feel bad for you. Right now, he actually cares about how you feel, which is a weird feeling for him to say the least . He feels guilty and instead of abandoning you like he does his other problems, he feels inclined to help you.
"So Toji, what's on the schedule for today? A little fellatio or are you finally going to let me peg you?" you say breaking the silence.
"Actually no. I think we need to talk."
You look at him with confusion sewn onto your features.
"Let's go to my couch. I don't know how you're going to take it"
"If it's about wanting to end the deal I'm all for it, have no hesitancy in telling me. You're hot but nobody is make me want to jump off a bridge type hot you feel?" You say walking to his couch.
As he follows you to the couch he comes to a sudden realization. He knows why he wants to help you. Why he wants to care for you. He likes you. As in like-like. A romantic like. To him the relationship between you two has been more than sex. He likes going back and forth with you. Feeling your weight on his body. Having you to hold on the nights you didn't feel like going home. He made up that deal that night because he knew he wanted you but was too much of a pussy to even ask you on a date first, so he just used his dick.
"No Y/N it's not that, I just...I do want to end the deal but, I want something more after we end the deal." He feels his stomach churn as you look at him processing his words it's like you're staring a hole through him. 
"Okay. So as in something more. What do you mean by that?"
"I want to be with you Y/N. I really do. Not just intimately but romantically. I like you." He feels small underneath your gaze trying to reciprocate the eye contact as he awaits your response but wanting to crawl into a hole. He hates this feeling. It's silent for a moment.
"If you don't want to be with me after what's happened between me and you with the way I've made you feel, I understand. I just feel something for you and I can't deny it. Would you like to go on a date with me? I want to treat you like the princess I truly see you as. You deserve to be treated so much better than how I treat you and I want another chance. Can I have one more try? To be a boyfriend you deserve?"
You stare at him blankly, heart churning at the words he just said, taking a while to process them. The way he has treated you was all because he liked you. A grin finds its way on your face.
"So Toji, this whole deal was because you liked me and didn't want to ask me out?" you bite your lip trying to suppress your laugh "The big bad Toji was scared to ask me out?"
How could you figure him out like that?
"Y/n stop...." he's now pouting at your teasing.
"Okay okay I'll stop." You catch your breath "I'm not sure about you being my boyfriend yet, but I'm willing to go on a date with you." you say with a slight smile on your face. You look at Toji and he's grinning at you.
"But you have to promise not to get all possessive and pop up at my workplace for surprise head, cause that did really ruin my mood that day"
"I promise. I'm sorry for crossing your boundaries and disregarding your feelings throughout this whole thing between us. How can I make it up to you?"
"I accept your apology" a smirk spreads across your face "but I do believe you on your knees could help you make it up to me. Just a little bit though." you pinch your fingers together.
Toji tries to ignore the blood rushing to his crotch. Being between your legs seems more like a present than a punishment to him but he's not complaining.
"What are you waiting for? Go ahead. Get on your knees." you nudge Toji onto the floor with your leg and position him in front of your legs. "I say i've worked hard enough today, so I'll just leave the rest to you" you sit back and get comfortable on his couch propping your legs open, so you are all that Toji is able to focus on.
He tugs on your bottoms and pulls them down revealing your crotch covered by a pair of lilac panties. He places a kiss on top of the fabric where your clit would be, running his fingers over your thighs setting your calves on his shoulders.
Kissing down your pussy he starts to make his way to your thighs biting and nibbling at the flesh. He sucks on the skin there trying to savour as much of you as he can. He looks up at you making eye contact as he pulls your panties to the side with his fingers and licks your clit before sucking at it, moving his tounge in circles on it. Reluctantly releasing it out of his mouth he covers you back up before lightly tapping your covered and wet pussy with his fingers.
"I would love to give you head on the couch but I say my bed is way better" your body feels hot as you just nod at his words afraid that if you were to say anything it would be a sad croak of what's supposed to be words.
He grabs you gently by the wrist and leads you to his room, propping pillows up on his bed so you can lean back comfortably. Hovering over you, he places soft kisses on your lips as his hand travels down on top of your cunt; gently rubbing ghost like circles on your clit. You gasp in his mouth and pull him closer; rapping your arms around his neck. Now he's fully crouching on top of you with his legs on either side of your body caging you in as you both place kisses on each others lips. He's still lightly rubbing at your clit but begins moving his bulge down to grind against you. You both release gasps into each others mouths.
You then roll over so you're on top of Toji. Palming him through his pants as you bite at his neck. "You're so pretty Toji. It just sucks you're such an impatient asshat you know?" You begin grinding your hips down on him, moving back and forth on the hard bulge in his pants.
"Cause here you are supposed to be eating me out, but noo horny little Toji just has to get his way, right?" You bounce on him making your boobs bounce a little and all Toji can do is watch in awe.
"But I think I've had enough of Toji getting his way. Don't you think?" You put your hand under his chin moving his head up and down, all while still moving your hips against his bulge. "So I think I should be selfish for a little bit and get my way" you crawl over him now positioning your wet panties over his face.
"Look what you did to me baby. Don't you think I deserve some relief?" it stays silent for a bit, but you hop off his face and squeeze his cheeks together. "I asked you a question. If you can't use that mouth to answer me I can always just fuck your face. Right?"
"Yes y/n, you deserve all the relief in the world. Can I please have you on my tounge? Please?"
You tug off your panties "Well since you asked so nicely...of course" you shove your panties in his mouth placing the wet patch right against his tounge.
You begin unbuckling his pants, pulling them and his underwear down his muscular legs, releasing his hard dick. He looks like he's about to bust at the seams. Tip all purple and the shaft housing veins that push through his skin. You lightly touch his pink tip making him groan through your panties. He's deathly sensitive.
You spit on your hand and begin moving it up and down his shaft, slightly squeezing it while twisting your wrist. You lightly place his tip in your mouth swirling your tounge around it while hallowing your cheeks, still moving your hand around his length.
Looking up you see him looking down at you with a piercing gaze, watching your every movement sending chills down your spine and straight to your awaiting pussy. You begin to move your mouth lower, wrapping your lips snugly around him. Once you have him all in your mouth you look up at him with teary eyes, and begin to move your head up and down, sticking your tounge out so you lick at his balls.
He still has your panties in his mouth biting down, lightly gripping at the sheets looking down at you through his eyes that have now gone foggy from arousal.
You continue bobbing your head up and down using your hands to rub at what isn't in your mouth, when you hear Toji's grunts through your panties bucking his hips up wanting to feel more of the warmth of your mouth around him. You pull away to his dissapointment but continue to move your hand up and down his shaft. "Fuck, you're gonna cum Toji? I want you to. All over my hand."
Even with your spit covering the lower half of your chin and dried tears on your cheeks, he still can't help but find you extremely beautiful looking and the dirty words that leave your mouth send him over the edge. With a few more thrusts of his hips he's cumming all over your hand, enhancing the beauty of your skin with his cum. His grunts are like music to your ears.
You bring your hand up to your mouth and lick some of his cum off of it. You then bring your hand down to your bare pussy and wipe his cum all over your folds, covering it in a white mess. You shove two of your fingers into you, moving them in and out.
Toji looks up at you drinking in the way your face scrunches up in pleasure, biting your lips to hold back your moans. You're a damn vixen, and he loves it.
Spitting your panties out of his mouth, he grabs you by your thighs sitting you down on his face making you yelp. Before you can begin yelling at Toji for catching you off guard like that, you're cut off by a loud moan leaving your lips, as he sucks away at your clit. He moves his tongue through your folds, keeping a constant suctioning feeling around your clit. It's absolutely mind numbing as you mindlessly grind your hips against his face as if you could be any closer to him. Pulling your top and bra off you squeeze your nipples and roll the bud in between your fingers, letting out another loud moan at the sensation. "Fuck! Toji. Don't stop"
He moves his tounge in and out of you slurping up the mixture of his cum and your arousal just to spit it back with a lewd ptchew noise. You feel your body go limp as you hunch over and support yourself up only by faith and your forearms. Yet he does not stop with the assault on your clit. He pushes two fingers into you and moves them in and out while swirling your clit in circles with his tounge.
The combination of his tounge, his fingers, the noise coming from in between your legs, and the feeling of your nipple being squeezed makes you cum around him, dampening his chin with your fluids, walls spasming around his fingers as he keeps pumping them in and out.
"Fuck baby! Too much!" he's still licking away at your clit making your body go completely limp from overstimulation, completely smothering him with your pussy.
Flipping you over so you're on your back he looks up at you. You now covering your face with your arm. He grabs smacks it away and pulls your chin so you look at him. Finally releasing you with an obnoxious pop he stands on his knees hovering above you, making a show of taking off his shirt. Your eyes trace the divots and lines of his muscles, leading you down to his raging hard-on, that's waiting impatiently to be buried deep inside you.
"Alright, you've had your fun love. I think it's my turn. Okay?" He grabs your knees and spreads them apart to have you completely exposed to the cool air. "Hold them here, and don't drop them sweetheart" you hook your hands underneath your knees holding them open. Toji looks down at you drinking in your features, loving how vulnerable and exposed you are to him right now. It scratches a weird itch in his brain that he didn't know needed to be scratched. Grabbing a condom from his drawer he goes to put it on but you grab it from his hands -ultimately dropping your legs- ripping it open with your teeth and sliding it on with you hands, fingers grazing against his sensitive tip.
Instantly as if a trigger was pushed he grabs your legs and pushes them against your chest before laying his body weight on top of you to keep them against you. He begins running his dick in between your folds, the tip constantly catching against your clit making you bite your lip harshly to hold back a whimper. He lightly slaps you making you gasp in surprise.
"First you drop your legs after I told you to keep them open and now you're trying to hide those pretty noises away from me? You should have a little bit of shame princess." He aggressively jerks his hips into yours still not giving your pussy what it desperately craved.
"Toji....please" you mewl into his ear.
"As much as I would love to hear you beg. You've been such a good girl today. Working hard doing what you need to do. I respect it and I think you deserve it all "
Now when Toji said all, you thought that meant him gently stroking his dick along your plush walls, hitting all the right spots softly, but you should've known better. This was Toji Motherfucking Fushiguro. When he said all he meant shoving all 8 inches of his dick inside you so your hips are flush against each other making your eyes roll to the back of your head.
"Yeah you're a good girl I know you can take it." He says holding the inside of your knees while forcefully smacking his hips into yours. The sound of his balls against your ass ringing throughout the room.
He gives you no time to adjust, just wanting to feel you close to him. Trying to get deeper. You can feel him deep inside you rearranging your insides.
All you can do is close your eyes hard and take it. But Toji didn't even accept that.
"No baby, you're going to look at me. I wanna see you" he says grabbing your face placing a kiss on your lips. You force your eyes open just to be met with his hungry green ones. It's almost animalistic how he can keep up such an insane pace.
You look down in between you, your body rocking with the force of your thrusts making your vision fuzzy. But through your broken eyesight you see his dick moving in and out of you, a mixture of fluids covering his dick and spreading across your ass.
You smash your lips into his, running your fingers through his damp hair. Your tounge grazes across his bottom lip and he opens his mouth eagerly letting you in. It's a nasty kiss, you suck on his tounge eagerly and he sucks at yours.
The room sounds disgusting. His skin slapping against yours with deep claps and the wet squelching sound of your pussy sucking him in with an eagerness. Your favorite sound however is the sound of Toji's deep grunts and growls in your ear. They make your eyes roll to the back of your head bucking your hips up into his to feel the friction of his patch of hair above his dick rub against your clit.
He sits up releasing you from his clutches, letting your legs down, and in turn grabs your hips to rock into you slowly. Thrusts going deep and slow until he's hitting that one spot that makes you lose your shit.
"Toji, Toji I'm cumming!" you buck your hips up as your legs begin to shake. He continuously hits that one spot in you, still going slow.
He leans down to place kisses on your neck as you begin to see nothing but white as your eyes roll to the back of your head. "Such a good girl. Taking it like I knew you could c'mere" he grabs you by the chin and places open mouthed kisses on your lips as you become undone on his dick. Babbling his name like a broken record.
He glances down in between you two and sees the ring of your cum around him and the way you tightly clench around him, your walls tugging at him to keep him in.
With a deep groan he releases his cum into the condom jerking his hips back and forth to feel you for as long as he can.
Rolling you two over he places you on top of his chest kissing the top of your head and rubbing circles on your back as your body quivers at the orgasm you just experienced.
He could stay like this forever but he wants to hold you properly not while you're full of his dick - he'll save that for another day.
"You did so good for me princess" he says while holding you tight to his body.
You look at him tiredly "Yeah I know I did good. One of these days you're going to let me top you until the very end and you're going to like it too" you pull away from him making both you and him wince. You stretch your body tiredly.
"I planned on doing more like riding you but I'm too damn tired now. You don't mind if I stay over right?" You say while moving to his bathroom and grabbing two towels and wetting them for you and him.
"Of course not. You're mines now." he stands up and wraps you in a hug from behind placing his face in the crook of your neck.
"Toji please, I'm really tired. Let's get clean so we can go to sleep" you whine.
"Fine. I'll let you sleep. You're such a cranky baby" he pouts grabbing the towel and wiping himself down.
"You really don't know how little that hurts coming from you do you?" you mumble while wringing the towel out over the sink.
"What was that? Don't think I won't bend you over this counter right now because I will."
You turn around to come face him. "Aww does the little grumpy baby need a nap? Come on let's go. I'll even tuck you in" you grab his cheeks and tug at them before nudging him out the way with your hip and pulling your shirt on to climb into his bed.
"You know what? I'm sick of you. I take back what I said earlier" he says tugging on a pair of his boxers and climbing in next to you.
"Aww I didn't mean it Toji baby. I'll kiss your boos boos if that makes it better." You say placing a kiss on his chest.
He turns off his lamp and shoves your head off of him. "Get away from me heathen. I thought you were tired? It doesn't feel like it"
"I'm never too tired to tease you love, but in order to shut me up I think you need to place a fat one right here on my lips" he hurriedly places his lips on yours
"If this doesn't work I'm throwing you through that window" he mumbles against your lips.
"It did fuckface" you say back deepening the kiss, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to his chest.
You both pull away breathless. "Goodnight Toji"
"Goodnight princess" he says grinning against the top of your head as you both doze off into places where no man is allowed to go. 
I hated this.
How the hell do you end shit like this properly.
I bet my kindergarten English teacher is so proud of me putting the skills she taught me to good use🤧🤞🏼
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elisysd · 6 months
34. Don’t get too close, it’s dark inside, it’s where my demons hide
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Masterlist - Previously - Next
TW: depression / bullying / dark thoughts
Chapter soundtrack: Demons - Imagine Dragons
Coming out of Ethan’s flat she threw up. Her ears were ringing, her legs were barely carrying her and she felt sick in her stomach. She felt used, she felt stupid, she felt neglected, she felt naive. Things she thought she would never feel. She sat down on the floor, a few meters away from his building and let a mix of strangled cries escape her throat. She wanted to disappear. She pulled out her phone and called the first person that popped into her mind and who answered in the next minute.
“Julia?” Romy’s surprised voice could be heard from the other side of the line.
“I’m stupid, I was so stupid to trust him, Romy.” Julia cried.
“What? What is happening? Julia, where are you?”
“Ethan… he… we… fought. Again. It’s all we’ve been doing lately. And I don’t know how to communicate. We don’t know. We… We are only hurting each other. And it hurts so bad, Romy. This is not what I thought love would feel like. Why does it have to hurt like that?”
“Julia… you are worrying me. You don’t make any sense. Please, just breathe. Tell me everything from the start. Can you do that for me?”
And she did. She told her every single thing that happened. She told her about her fears and insecurities. She told her about what she felt and when it was finally over, Julia had no tears left to cry. She felt empty. Exhausted.
“I’m going to commit murder. I’m going to find him and tell him what a poor excuse of a man he is”
“I’m responsible too… I mean, I understand why he reacts that way… I’ve not always been the most reliable girl around him and..”
“You didn’t have to be! It was not as if you were in a real relationship at the time. He can’t hold it against you no matter how he might have felt. You felt a connection with Martin, you explored it. And I can’t blame you! He is a snack! But you made a choice, you chose him. Him not Martin! He can’t keep on doubting you or he is going to lose you. And I wouldn’t blame you for ditching him. He acts like an ass with you.”
“He doesn’t know how to deal with our situation and to be honest, I don’t know either.”
“But you want and you try to make it work, Julia. That’s the difference. And it’s telling.”
They kept on talking until Julia finally calmed down and breathed better. When they hung up, Julia had received several messages of her mom but also from Kat, something unusual. She opened them, curious and when she read that Ethan’s mom was asking her if she could go to her son after he found himself in the middle of a fight in a bar. Julia couldn’t believe what she was reading and her first instinct was to check the media and indeed, he was everywhere. She couldn’t hear what it was about but seeing pure rage on Ethan’s face, she knew it was not nothing. And finally, she recognised the group of men he was with and she felt anxiety rising in her throat again. Leroy. The guy that tormented her and made her feel like she was not worthy of being loved. Suddenly she remembered how Ethan was somehow friends with him and his group and she wanted to throw up again.
Every time she was hitting a new low and thought it couldn’t get worse, life managed to prove her wrong. Her legs still shaking a little, she got up and went back to his flat where she sat in front of his door, waiting for him. She felt stupid to still care about him and to make sure he was okay after how he treated her, but she couldn’t help it. She didn’t have to wait for long as his silhouette soon appeared, still visibly angry. When he noticed her, he stopped dead in his tracks. She was the last person he expected to see today.
“I thought you would have left.”
“I came back.” she replied.
“Because your mom texted me about you getting in trouble.”
He sighed, opening the door and entering the flat, closely followed by Julia. He went to the kitchen, to get a glass of water that he also served to her and sat next to her on one of the tools. He quickly checked his phone to see a few missed calls from Ashley and he didn’t dare to open the social media to know how bad it was. The media were going to have a field day with this story.
“What happened?” Julia asked softly.
“I met old acquaintances that are definitely not acquaintances anymore. You never told me you dated Leroy.” he said in a low voice, checking her reaction and when he saw her tensing, he understood that it was a sensitive topic.
“It’s something I want to forget.”
He saw how she started to scratch the skin around her nails, until blood started to form and he took her hand in his to force her to stop.
“Talk to me, Julia…”
“Look who wants to talk when it’s convenient for them…” she mumbled.
“Please… I’ll apologize later I promise but for now, I need you to tell me what he has done to you to make you like that. He said things, Joolsie… mean one.”
She closed her eyes and swallowed hard, her hand still in his as she stood up, making him follow her to the couch.
“He… he made my life hell back then.”
And she told him everything. How Leroy asked her out and seemed sweet at first and how she started to get popular. To have friends that were including her in everything. She went to parties, she was going out, she never questioned Leroy when he asked to meet her dad and how he was always nice and polite. She thought he really loved her. And then how he started to change when she refused to let him touch her where she didn’t want to get touched and how he decided to change his behavior. How he always belittled her for her dreams, how suddenly she was not invited anywhere, how he was distant. How little by little she felt more and more on her own, isolated from everyone until he broke up with her in public, in front of the entire school. And then the insults came, the little comments everyone was making whenever she was answering the teachers’ questions until she stopped talking at school. How she was arriving in the morning anxious and how she was always planning to hide in the restrooms until the bell would ring. How students she didn’t even know were pulling her hair or worse, spit to her face. She told Ethan how the PE classes were the worst. How she was always the last one to be picked when it was time to make teams. And how the changing rooms were the worst, how they were taking pictures of her while she was changing without her knowing to show them to other students. How the kids were stealing her stuff. She had never felt more alone. The teachers knew what was happening but never dared to say anything.
She was less and less herself and more and more closed off. She was not talking anymore, always in her room. She started to get aggressive with her dad and her mom, even with Louis. She was hurt and she knew she should have said something but she started to believe everyone when they were telling her that she was worthless, that she was stupid, that she was ugly, that no one cared about her, that she would only be a burden and that no one would believe her. After all, they were probably right. Who would believe the word of one girl against the word of a whole school? She was ashamed to admit it but came to a point where she contemplated the idea of leaving the world.
“I remember it so clearly Ethan… I had this indoor swing in my room. And I remember how it would be so easy to just hang a rope to the hook. That I would just need to step on the swing and give a nice push and everything would be over. That I would not suffer anymore.” She was crying, barely able to catch her breath as Ethan pulled her more against him, kissing her hair, not knowing what else to do as she kept telling him everything.
One day it had been the last straw. Someone had pushed her in the stairs making her fall from the first floor to the ground floor, right as everyone was leaving the classrooms. She remembered how someone stepped on her arm and how another one gave her intentionally or not a kick in her back. She had not been able to hide that she was limping and the bruises on her skin. And even with visible proof, she tried to lie her way out when her parents confronted her but her parents were not stupid and had not let her do it. So she had told them.
The next day, Charles and Lyanna were in the principal office, threatening to press charges against the school. After hours of discussion and in front of a school that didn’t seem to grasp how bad Julia’s situation was, her parents had decided to get her out of there and to let her be homeschooled. It had taken a lot of therapy sessions and years for her to get back her self-confidence but she had done it. But from this day she had swore to herself that she would never let herself fall for anyone else, traumatized by what had happened.
Silence fell in the room when she finally stopped talking. Ethan didn’t know what to say. He felt guilty and even more than that. He felt like the last of the scumbag. How he treated her, how talked to her… He understood better how she might have felt and he wanted nothing more but to go back in time to erase his words.
“I’m sorry, Julia… and sorry is not enough.” he whispered as if talking louder would make her break.
“I don’t want your pity. It’s the past. What is done is done.”
“No… I’m not sorry about what happened back then, I mean I am but… How I acted towards you recently… and you are still here, with me. You should leave me. I don’t deserve you. And to think that I’ve been friends with Leroy… I saw them being mean to you, I played along… But I swear I didn’t know the extent of it or else…”
“I don’t hold it against you. You were barely there.”
“I should have broken both of his legs and not only his nose.” he said, angry and he felt her chuckling against his chest. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing, I think it’s just the nerves. I’ve never told anyone this story. Only my mom and my dad knows. Romy knows only a small part.”
“Thank you. For trusting me with that.”
She straightened up and rubbed her eyes as Ethan went back to get her a new glass of water. He was feeling like he understood her better now. The way she seemed always a little bit out of reach, how she was always pushing him away when things were getting a little too intense, her need to stay in control, how she was scared to talk about feelings. Everything seemed clearer now.
“Well there was a lot of emotion today…” she sniffled. “I should probably go home, now… You probably have a whole mess to sort out with that fight and..”
“Stay. I will order take out and we can watch a movie… the damage repairs can wait for tomorrow. I don’t want to face Ashley.”
“And… we talked a lot about me, but you? Are you okay?” she asked, shyly.
“Besides the fact that I regret not having broken both of his legs when I had the chance, I’m good. A little shaken up by what you told me, and I do feel like a gigantic piece of shit right now, but I’m okay. Italian? Fast food? I dream of a greasy burger… It’s been months.” he sighed, taking his phone.
“Not sure if burgers are okay with your diet…”
“If you don’t tell my physio, he won’t know.” he winked at her.
“And while we’re discussing sensitive topics… are you still mad about me not going to South America with you?”
He approached her and knelt down, taking her hands in his.
“Not anymore. I was… mostly because I got used to having you next to me all this time and you told me that after a really shitty weekend so…I overreacted. And I’ve been an ass and really unfair. I shouldn’t have told you how to dress for your parents' wedding. I’m not kidding when I say that I’m bad at this but I want you to know that I’m not trying to hurt you. Really. So if you feel the need to slap me because I act like a dick, please do. I need you to keep me in check.” he explained as she nodded.
“I didn’t dare to because… I think a part of me is still traumatized by what I’ve gone through. I want to be perfect because I want you to be proud of being with me because I’m scared of you leaving me alone. And to relive what happened back then… and it’s stupid because you are not Leroy and I know you wouldn’t do half of what he has done to me. But I can’t help it. I’m way too much in my own head, I know that. And I let my fears get the best of me most of the time. I know I have to work on that but it will take time and in the meanwhile I’m scared that you are going to get tired of me. And before you say anything, I know it’s all in my head.”
“We have a lot of work to do. Both of us. You need to let go of your fear and I need to learn to trust you. Fully. And I need to be more vulnerable. I don’t know how to do that yet, but I promise you, Julia, I’ll alway try my best. Because that’s what you deserve.”
She smiled softly at him as he kissed her forehead before pulling her to him to engulf her in a bear hug.
“You know what? I’m craving a nice and greasy burger too, now.” she mumbled in his t-shirt.
“A nice and greasy burger for the lady it is then.”
They ate in front of a comedy Ethan feeling they needed to laugh and it was very late when Julia started to yawn, tired about her day both physically and emotionally.
“Do you mind taking me back home?” she asked, snuggling against him.
“Or you can spend the night here, you know.”
“I don’t have spare clothes or toiletries with me.”
“It can be arranged. And I want to spend time with you, I’ll need to leave for Milan the day after tomorrow for some simulator work. I just want to enjoy my time with you while I can.”
“In that case, I’ll stay. But no wandering hands… We are sleeping. Real sleep. Nothing else.” she warned him.
“No wandering hands… unless you ask.” he replied with a half-smile.
She rolled her eyes before punching his shoulder playfully. Ethan feigned being hurt as he fell backward in a dramatic way, making her laugh harder. He loved hearing her laugh and even more he liked hearing he laugh knowing it was him who was making her produce this sound. He smiled as he straightened up and took her, delicately in his arms, kissing her lips softly. He didn’t want more than that, he was fine with just kissing her. He took her to his room where he gave her spare clothes and let her change in front of him. He didn’t try to hide how he was checking her out and he saw her blush. He loved it and had to resist the urge to kiss the redness on her skin. He got out of his clothes as well, leaving him in his boxers and slipped under the covers as she soon joined him after a quick detour by the bathroom.
“Come here.” he said, pulling her against him.
“No, you’re too warm. I’m going to be so hot…” she whined.
“You’re already hot, Joolsie.”
“Fuck off. It’s not what I meant.”
He kissed her hair as he pulled her even closer against her will and they soon joined dreamland.
When he woke up the next morning, the bed was cold and her made up pjs was nicely folded on the bed. Ethan was almost scared she had left when he heard a trail of profanities being spoken out loud and coming from the kitchen, quickly followed by the sound of pans falling on the floor. He got up quickly and rushed to where the sound was coming from. She was there, angrily putting the things back in place as she was in the meantime trying to look over the pan. There was a delicious smell of sugar that made Ethan’s mouth watered and he couldn’t help but lean in the doorframe, contemplating her. When she finally turned around, the plate of pancakes in her hand, she jumped at the sight, dropping everything to the floor.
Ethan rushed to her side as she was bending to put the shattered pieces and the pancakes away but ended up cutting her fingers and yelping in pain.
“Don’t move, you’re going to make everything worse.” he warned her.
“That’s your fault! You scared me! I wanted to bring breakfast in bed and you ruined it!”
“I’m sorry, schatje.” he said in a laugh.
“You are not! I hate you sometimes and…”
He shut her up by planting a kiss on her lips as he felt her melting in his embrace and let out a content sigh when he felt her hands in his hair. He quickly made her jump in his arms as he carried her on the sofa before letting go of her.
“I need to clean up the mess you made.”
“Technically we should say it’s your mess. It wouldn’t be one if you didn’t scare me.”
“If it makes you feel better, then okay it’s my mess. That I’m going to clean nonetheless. You, you stay there and you don’t move. I’m going to come back to help you with your cut.”
“It’s nothing, Ethan… just a little cut, I had worse.”
“We can’t risk it being infected.”
He heard her complain but decided to ignore her as he proceeded to clean. Once it was done, he went to the bathroom to retrieve his first aid kit and came back. He sat next to her and slowly inspected the cut.
“So, what do you say Doctor Verstappen, am I going to die today?” she asked in irony.
“Well, miss Leclerc, I’m afraid I have to announce to you that your time has not come yet.” he replied, very seriously.
She chuckled as he cleaned her finger and applied a band-aid.
“I hope you’re fine with an astronaut. It’s my mom who bought them”
“I would have loved a unicorn but it’ll do.” she teased him.
He kissed the wound and sat next to her as she snuggled against him.
“I wanted to cook something nice for you…” she confessed.
“I should be the one doing that as an apology.”
“Do you know how to cook, at least?” she asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Are you doubting my capacity to follow a recipe?”
“I’ve never seen you in action and I only believe what I see.”
“Well, in that case, choose the recipe and I’ll do it. How hard can it be?”
“Later… I should go. I didn’t tell my mom I was spending the night here and she must be worried.”
“They know you’re with me, right? They know about us, they shouldn’t be surprised you spent the night with me.” he shrugged.
“Probably not but still, I have to go. At least that’s something good, I don’t have to lie to them about the fact that we are dating, now.” she said, kissing his cheek as she stood up.
“Are we? Dating?” asked Ethan, suddenly unsure.
“I mean, I guess? Why? You don’t consider us as a couple?” it was her turn to doubt.
“I thought we were just two adults that liked to spend time together and that had a nice fuck from time to time… I didn’t think that far ahead.” he explained, making Julia sighed.
“You don’t want to put a label on our relationship.”
“It’s not that I don’t want to. I didn’t think that it was necessary but if it’s important to you then fine we are a couple.”
“You don’t need to sound so disgusted.”
“No. It’s fine, we are whatever. I don’t care. It’s not important. I’m going to go now. See you around.”
She was about to collect her things when he grabbed her by the waist and forced her to look at him.
“I want you, Joolsie. All of you. Don’t doubt it, please. It’s just… I’m scared to make it real. Because making it real will mean you will have expectations and you will be right to have ones. But what if I can’t meet them? What if all you get from me is disappointment?”
“I just want you to stop being so hot and cold. I don’t need a  label, I don’t really care. But I just want to know where we stand. Because if I’m investing myself in this I want to make sure it’s not for nothing and that we want the same thing. I want it to work between us. And sure, it won’t be easy because you are you and I am me. We are really complicated people and maybe not the best pairing, for sure. But I don’t want a better pairing if it means it’s not with you. I'm one hundred percent in this. My question is, are you?”
“I want to be. I want to try to be. For you. I’m sorry that I’m not the best with words and properly showing it.”
“Then that’s all I need. The rest can wait. Just… stop pushing me away, okay? We really need to improve our communication.” she stated.
“Be patient with me, okay? I’m learning. But I want you to know that I care about you. I really do.”
She smiled and nodded as she kissed his lips softly.
“I care about you too.”
As she left him, Ethan couldn’t help but think that he screwed up again. He wanted to stop but he felt like the more he tried, the more he was doing the opposite and didn’t know how to stop. It was just a matter of time before she determined that she had enough and would leave him. He knew it, but it wouldn’t stop him from being with her. He loved her, he really did and somehow he seemed to love her more with each day passing by. And it was terrifying and he hated the way he was letting the fear control his behavior. It was not him. He had never let it dictate his life in the past and he didn’t understand why he would start now. He never had to care about anyone else besides him before, it was a new sensation to have someone next to him. He hated it as much as he loved it. He just needed to find the right balance to avoid messing things up and sabotaging something that made him smile in the morning and at night before sleeping when he was thinking about it. And he knew he had a lot of work to do.
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Author's note: That is one of the hardest chapter I've ever had to write. If you are going through what Julia went throught, know you are no alone and that my DMs are always open if you need someone to talk to. What do you think will happen next? Let me know your theories, I love to read them.
Don't hesitate to leave a comment or an ask, as well as reblogging and leaving a like. Besides the fact that I absolutely love to read you, it helps a lot for the story to find its audience. I also have a taglist for this story, so if you want to be added so you never miss a chapter, let me know.
@herondalism @aundercover @musingsbyshreya @karmabyfernando @reengard @mycenterfold @smoooothoperator
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lemorningstar · 4 months
the morning star. private & selective lucifer morningstar from hazbin hotel/hellaverse. portrayed by sophie ( 25, she /her ), established feb 2024. hazbin hotel is an 18+ animated series so there will be mature and violent themes present on this blog. anything triggering will be tagged accordingly; violence //, blood //, etc. this blog is under construction so no bio as of yet -- but I will primarily be canon-complaint for now, though that might change in the future.
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1. I am selective; I only engage in threads with mutuals and I do not follow personals. If you follow, it may take me some time to check out your blog and such -- I work fulltime and may not always be active here. So give me about 24-HOURS & if I do not follow you back, it is nothing personal at all! I simply only follow those who I see potential interactions with.
2. Be RESPECTFUL. If you are polite and considerate to me, I will show the same courtesy to you! I want to establish friendships with the people I roleplay with, so let us all get along!
3. Regarding original characters; all I ask is that you have an about page for them — one that is easy to access and read! 
4. Please respect that Lucifer is a powerful former - Seraphim in my portrayal. He is an immortal being who has existed for thousands of years with abilities we have yet to even scrape the surface of. I have portrayed strong canon characters in the past and interactions can be difficult if people don't respect that these characters are likely more powerful than theirs.
5. If I am forgetful ( WHICH IS OFTEN ) and if I do not respond, please don't be afraid to throw me a message! Also understand that I work full - time, though, and I won’t always reply to threads in a timely manner; this blog will be low activity!
6. I partake in both SFW and NSFW threads. Both the muse and I are 18+. I won’t post anything under read more, though, just letting you all know! Prior to any NSFW threads, we can discuss any limits or triggers; for example, I won’t write rape or necrophilia. I will tag EVERYTHING that contains sensitive content; nsfwork  //, violence // , blood // , ETC. I will NOT engage in any sexual roleplays with minors — to be frank, I don't want to interact with underage muns at all on this blog. If you age up minors to write smut, go away; I am all for showing them as adults and where they would be in life, but smut and even shipping with a canonically 18+ muse? No. 
7. I would be open to shipping our characters but Lucifer is shown to still be canonically in love with Lilith, wearing his wedding ring and having lost himself even more when she left. I would be so happy to see him experience new love, though, and I would be open to potentially plotting it if he clicks with another muse -- it would just take a lot of foundation and relationship building!
8. If I see any drama, vaguing or needless call - outs, I will most likely soft block — I am here to enjoy writing and I do not wish to be swept up into stupid drama! Call - outs regarding truly problematic people, however, are the sort that I do support; only if the person is SERIOUSLY a danger to the community, though.
9. I won’t interact with those who support racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc; nobody has the right to discriminate! Also if you are a proshipper, stay away from me.
10. If you wish to reblog an ask meme, then I please ask you to reblog from the source if you are not going to send one in!
The most important thing is to have fun! This is meant to be enjoyable and I want everyone to have a good time!
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ateez-amanda · 2 years
Girl Talk
Time: September 8th 2020
Summary: amanda fills in some of her closest friends w/ the latest in her love life while at show champion
Featuring: dreamcatcher’s jiu and sua
a/n: let's say atz and dreamcatcher are good friends thanks to amanda for this scenario. like always, pls let me know what you think
taglist: @skzfairies, @3nhyp3nn [send an ask if you want to be on/off the taglist :)]
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“Alright, you're all done, Amanda.” 
Feeling soft bristles from the eyeshadow brush lift off her eyes as she flutters her eyes open. Entranced by her new appearance through the mirror, she smiles at ateez’s makeup artist, “Like always, your work is perfecto.”
“It’s because I have a gorgeous model.” Their makeup artist playfully butter up to her.
“Oh, stop.” Amanda went along with it, acting coy and shyly waving her hand.
“Alright. Alright. That’s enough.” The maknae butted in with a repulsive expression.
She grinned, “You're just jealous.” 
Jongho scoffs, “Please. I get just as many compliments about my appearance as you do. Now if you are done, can you get up? It’s my turn now.” He teasingly shooed her away with his hands.
“Fine.” She giggled as she raised from the chair and headed for the couch in the waiting room. 
Finally getting a break, she used this chance to check her messages she hadn’t been able to check since this morning. Normally her phone was the first thing she checked in the morning but she overslept for the first time in her life which had been giving her an ominous feeling since.
The thought quickly left her mind after seeing some text messages she received from the person she had been secretly hoping for. An amused smile spread on her lips as she read through the spams of messages.
[2:34am] Hannie😇: good morning, beautiful😘 
[2:34am] Hannie😇: ik you are asleep rn but dk showed me a cute video of a panda accidentally hitting itself with a stick
[2:35am] Hannie😇: and now i miss u even more😔
[2:36am] Hannie😇: also good luck on your stage today. I know you blow everyone away😁
[2:36am] Hannie😇: and make sure you eat properly 
Wait a minute. Was I just compared to a clumsy panda?
[8:21am] Rara💕: good morning hannie☺️
[8:21am] Rara💕: did u just compare me to a clumsy panda?🧐🧐
[8:22am] Rara💕: i feel like i should be offended but i have decided to spare you for today since you sent such lovely messages after it
[8:22am] Rara💕: aren’t i sweetest🥰
[8:23am] Rara💕: thank you for the luck and i ate a yummy bagel this morning🫡
[8:23am] Rara💕: make sure you also take care of yourself
[8:24am] Rara💕: and i miss you too
As she typed out the last message, she realized how much she actually meant it. It had been a couple of weeks since their last date with her busy with promotion on ateez’s comeback and him preparing for Seventeen’s next comeback, which he had very been remaining tiplipped to avoid spoiling. 
Though the two have been constantly contacting each other through phone to remain in touch, there was still a little part of her that missed having his physical presence around, which is unusual for someone who likes being alone and is nonstop surrounded by people all day.
She missed the way his eyes lit up and the gummy smile appears when he rambles about the things he loves, and his distinct breathy laugh as he throws his head back at some stupid joke she says. The little touches between them that make her heart feel like it's going to shoot out of her chest. 
She let out a longingly sigh. Maybe it is time to take the next step. As she leans back on the couch she thinks back to when Jeonghan and her first reciprocated their feelings.
“Aera, I don’t want to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. We don’t have to start a relationship right away. We can take things slow. This can be our first date together and we can keep going on dates like this. I’ll wait for you to make it official when you feel ready. How’s that sound?”
She felt a weight finally be lifted off her shoulder as she let out a sigh, “I’d like that.”
‘I’d like that’? Why did I say that? I barely had the courage to ask what was going on between us, so why the heck did I agree to be the one to make things official?
She was about to bury her hands in her face when she remembers their makeup artist's hard work plastered on her face, causing her to let out a small groan instead.
“Knock, knock, knock!” 
The boisterous voices snapped Amanda out of her dilemma enough to register the two girls who were poking their heads through ATEEZ’s waiting room, “Jiu unnie! Sua unnie!” 
It took only a mere second for the three to run and embrace each other in a seemingly endless hug.
Amanda played with the bright red fringes on Jiu’s shoulder, “I’m loving the red leather outfit today.”
“Why thank you. I am also loving your outfit today.” Jiu complimented back before smiling at the boys, “Good luck on your performance today.”
“You too, noona.” Seonghwa said.
“We are going to be stealing Amanda for a bit. I’m sure there are no complaints about that, right?” Sua glanced around the room for any rejections.
“It should be fine since we won’t be on until later.” Hongjoong replied.
“You can keep her too!” Yeosang added from his spot at the makeup area.
Amanda shot him a menacing glare then faced the girls with a sulking expression, “You see what I have to deal with. Please keep me away from them, unnie.”
“Gladly.” Sua linked arms with Amanda, leading her to the door, “Bye boys!” 
Jiu gave the boys a more appropriate goodbye before following the younger girls. The trio hustle down the corridor, none of them knowing exactly where their destination is, but enjoying every minute of their mini adventure.
“How have you ladies been?” Amanda asked as they began walking down the staircase of the emergency exit.
“Same as I was yesterday when we texted.” Jiu answered.
“What about you? Anything dramatically interesting happen to you in the last 10 hours?” Sua returned the question.
“Well…” She halted her steps on the staircase causing a domino effect on her two unnies.
Noticing Amanda’s cautious gaze, Jiu whispered softly, “What is it, Amanda?”
Amanda took a swift examination of her surroundings, noting that no one was in the near vicinity, “There is something I wanted to ask you guys about. Promise you won’t tell anyone about what I’m about to tell you.”
“Promise.” The duo gave their word with curiosity filled in their eyes.
“I have been going on dates with someone lately.” Amanda hushly confesses.
“What?!?” Sua's impulsive exclamation was instantly covered up by Jiu and Amanda’s hand as the three checked their surroundings again. Sua gave an apologetic smile, “Sorry. I was caught off guard. Since when? No wait, more importantly who?”
Amanda bite her lip. It should be alright to tell them who, right? She already told them she was this much and she fully trusted the girls to keep it a secret.
“You don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to.” Jiu interrupted her thoughts.
“No. I want to. I trust you guys. It’s just I still can’t believe we are friends or that he actually likes me.”
“Why? Who wouldn’t like you?” Sua rhetorically asked.
Amanda casually shrugs, replying with a half jokingly, “My millions of haters.”
“Those are inhumane people. We're talking about actual decent humans, which means the answer is no one.” Sua smugly corrected, making the youngest girl smile. “So will you tell us who it is?”
“Is it an idol?” Jiu added.
Amanda shyly nodded, “It’s Seventeen’s Jeonghan.”
Sua’s jaw slacks as she tries to process the information, “Seventeen, Seventeen?” 
“Is there another kpop group named Seventeen I don’t know about?” Amanda giggled at her friend's reaction.
“You’re lying.” Sua is still in disbelief.
“Do you need proof?”
“Do you have proof?” Sua was only playful teasing her, but Amanda was contemplating seriously. “I’m kidding, I belie-”
”Here.” Amanda pulled out her phone and presented the older girls with a selfie of the two of them that Jeonghan had taken on her phone on their last date.
Sua reached for her phone as Jiu looked over her shoulder to view the photo, “Wow. I can’t believe this.”
“You guys look adorable together.” Jiu cooed. Amanda felt heat run across her cheek. 
“I can’t believe the girl who could hardly talk to guys beside her members is actually dating someone now. Our baby is growing up.” Sua pretends to wipe away tears off her cheek before wrapping her arms around the younger girl. Jiu smiled fondly watching Sua continue to baby Amanda, who was grumbling and squirming her way out of Sua’s hug.
It was nice to see the younger girl be more open and not afraid to be herself. Whenever Jiu was around her, Amanda always had these walls built arounds making it hard for Jiu or anyone for that matter to enter. 
Sua was right. She really has grown up.
Amanda broke free of the hug, “But we aren’t actually dating though. We have confessed we liked each other but we haven’t made it official yet.”
Jiu tilts her head to the side pensively, “Why not?”
Sua dramatically gasped, diverting the two’s attention to her, “Is it because he doesn’t want labels? Because if that’s the case then leave hi-”
“No! Jeonghan isn’t like that.” Amanda quickly shut down the idea. 
“Wow, already defending him, I see.” Jiu says wryly as Sua chortle. These girls were enjoying this way too much.
“I was the one who held off making things official. I guess I was just scared to start dating right away.” Amanda explained to the older girls.
Sua gives an understanding nod, “That makes sense. It’s your first relationship. There’s nothing wrong with that.”
The younger girl smiles, feeling a sense of relief knowing her friends thought the same thing, “But I think I’m ready to make things official now. But I don’t know exactly how to go about it.”
“The best way is to tell him how you feel.” Jiu advised.
Amanda lets out a hopeless sigh, “That’s the problem. I’m not very good at expressing my feelings. Everytime I’m with him I’m lost for words.” 
“Why don’t you text him instead? That way you don’t have to worry about his presence.” Jiu suggested.
“I can write it out for you.” Sua offered, holding up Amanda’s phone, already opening up her text convo with Jeonghan.
“I don't know. Isn’t that a little bit too insincere?” Amanda doubted as the girls nodded in agreement. “I could call him.” She wonder out loud then let out a hopeless sigh, “But I know I’m going to end up saying something stupid.”
“Well we can practice. Pretend I’m Jeonghan. Just say what’s on your mind.” Jiu proposed.
“Okay. Umm, Jeonghan…these past two months with you have been incredible.” Amanda glanced at Jiu seeking some sort of reassurance from her, which Jiu returned with an encouraging nod. “I really-y like spending time with you. I-I….” She let out a groan, “I sound like a bumbling buffoon. I can’t do this.”
Jiu frowns, placing a comforting hand on the younger girl’s shoulder, “You are overthinking this too much.”
Sua decided to approach a different strategy, “Amanda, why do you want to be with Jeonghan?” 
Baffled by her sudden question, Amanda gawked at Sua, “What?”
“Why do you want to be with Jeonghan?” Sua repeated with more emphasis.
“I like Jeonghan.” Amanda confusingly answered, only to see Sua peering at her waiting for something more from her. Amanda gazed at her shoes, “...I really like him. I guess being away from him these past couple of weeks made me realize how much I really do like him. I always get this achy feeling inside me when we haven’t talked for a single day. I don’t want what we have to stop. I want something more. I want to be in a relationship with him even if there’s a huge risk of being together as idols because he makes me happy.”
After a moment of awkward silence for Amanda, she glances up at the two girls who were staring at the youngster in awe. Embarrassed by their gaze and flustered by her own words, she clears her throat and begins to ramble, “You know maybe I should just save myself from future embarrassment and just stop dating all together and then drop off the face of the earth.”
“Stop. What you just said was perfect.” Jiu assured her.
“Yeah, but I really don’t think I’ll be able to say that to him. Nor do I remember everything I just said.
“Well, you don’t have to worry about saying it again.” Sua sheepishly mutters, staring down at Amanda’s phone in her hand. The two girls stare at her waiting for an explainance. Sua gave a remorseful expression, “I may have accidentally dialed his number and this whole conversation is being left as a voicemail.”
“WHAT?!” Amanda rushed off to her, glancing at her phone to see his name and photo on the screen. “Ack! Why haven’t you hung up yet?!” She snatched her phone back, clicking the bright red button, which was similar color to her face at the moment, on her screen. “What am I going to do?” She hung her head and placed her hands on her face.
“This is good actually. You said what you wanted to say without having to say it infront of him. Well now you have.” Jiu attempted the optimistic approach.
Amanda raises her head, “Yeah, but we don’t know when it started leaving a voicemail. What if it only recorded the ending? You know the part where I said that I should stop dating.” 
The older duo remained quiet, not able to refute her statement.
“Amanda, I hate to worsen the atmosphere, but your makeup is smudged.” Jiu softly told her. Amanda let out an anguished groan.
That ominous sensation she had felt all day was rightfully so.
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© ateez-amanda — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work.
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aeon2407 · 1 year
Pyro's Pyrotechnic Love Life - Chapter 1
For @contentment-of-cats. Also on AO3.
From: MAJ Tagge, Artur K.
To: SRLT Pyrondi, Ilyana K.
Classification: Personal Unclassified
Hey Yana,
I know you’re probably on leave by now, but that’s exactly why [sizzle] [flora rustle] I’m sending this before we go dark on comms, just on the off chance I manage to reach you in time. So, according to STORCOM, we’re being transferred to the Seventh to supplement your ground forces. I only just got the orders, and apparently we should be moving on the second Primeday next year, thirty-two hours of hyperspace after that to reach Lothal, so I’ll be shipboard in two weeks.
Vader was not pleased, to say the least. Tried to threaten me into staying with the 501st, but luckily Veers intervened before I could say or do something really stupid and throw my life away. Personally, I can’t wait to get off this ship. The Executor is a fast track to promotion, but still, you know?
I’m sending this because I wanted to give you fair notice before we pack up over here. Looking forward to catching up the past year and a few over some caf whenever you’re up for it.
By the way, I know it’s two days early, but have a prosperous New Year Fete, Pyro. Say hi to Faro for m- Oh [expletive], gotta go. Miro, blow it! Revy, get up there. [explosion] Don’t let them pass! Oh [expletive] [blaster fire] [expletive] [expletive] [expletive] [expletive] [expletive]
MAJOR Artur Kyric Tagge, 1st Battalion, 75th SCAR Regiment, Stormtrooper Corps, Imperial Army
Confidentiality Note: This message is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or otherwise protected from disclosure. Dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message or the information herein by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited under Article 22, Section 337 of the Imperial Legal Code and punishable by prosecution. If you have received this message in error, please notify the Imperial Security Bureau immediately and destroy the original message and all copies.
Status: Seen
From: SRLT Pyrondi, Ilyana K.
To: MAJ Tagge, Artur K.
Classification: Personal Unclassified
SUBJECT: Better not be dead you [expletive]
You’re not just gonna leave me hanging like that you [expletive], especially not after that last message. Are you ok? Alive? I’m getting kind of worried here, so you better respond or I’ll be using you as live ammo when you get here.
Prosperous New Year Fete to you too, Artur. Faro said hi.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT Ilyana Kaiti Pyrondi, Imperial Star Destroyer CHIMAERA, 7th Fleet, Imperial Navy
Confidentiality Note: This message is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or otherwise protected from disclosure. Dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message or the information herein by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited under Article 22, Section 337 of the Imperial Legal Code and punishable by prosecution. If you have received this message in error, please notify the Imperial Security Bureau immediately and destroy the original message and all copies.
Status: Received
From: SRLT Pyrondi, Ilyana K.
To: MAJ Tagge, Artur K.
Classification: Personal Unclassified
SUBJECT: Please don’t be dead
It’s been a week. Please respond. I’m pretty sure you haven’t died because if you were then it’ll be all over the HoloNet by now. So, either you’re tanked or you can’t access your account for whatever reason.
I hope you can get back to me before the transfer. I miss you.
SENIOR LIEUTENANT Ilyana Kaiti Pyrondi, Imperial Star Destroyer CHIMAERA, 7th Fleet, Imperial Navy
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Status: Received
Command Bridge, ISD Chimaera, Seventh Fleet
“Do you know why they’re coming to us specifically, sir?” Yissa Hammerly asked as she followed Commodore Faro onto the bridge. She didn’t answer right away, didn’t even turn to acknowledge the question, as they both came to a stop beside the command chair, just behind the crew pit.
“Sir, you have a transmission from Grand Moff Tarkin. I’ve taken the liberty of transferring him to the holocomm in your office and asking him to hold while I inform you and oversee temporary transfer of command”, she informed Thrawn, unable to fully suppress a smirk at forcing Tarkin of all people to basically shut up and wait. Thrawn turned to make eye contact with his XO, red eyes glowing with amusement as he stood.
“Thank you, Commodore. I would very much appreciate it if you would listen in and contribute”, he said, maintaining eye contact all the while as Faro’s ears turned a shade at the attention. The corner of his mouth quirked up ever-so-slightly as she gave him a sharp nod.
“The bridge is yours, Commander Hammerly”
“Yes, sir”, Hammerly acknowledged, resisting the urge to role her eyes at the two ranking officers. Those two might as well have been bending each other over the armrests for how obvious they were. She knew, the entire bridge crew knew, so did Pellaeon and Yve. Fraternization policies within the Seventh were much looser than what the ICMJ dictated, both Thrawn and Faro being of the opinion that all crewmembers were mature, consenting adults and could therefore do whatever the kriff they want with each other as long as it doesn’t interfere with their duties or affect morale, but no one expected the CO and XO of the entire fleet to bunk each other so soon. Still, Yissa had to admit, those two make for a cute couple.
Faro stayed behind just long enough to whisper into her ear. “I don’t know why they’re coming to us, but the system flagged a personal message from their CO to Pyrondi three weeks ago. You should ask her.”
Hammerly nodded mutely and carefully placed herself in front of the chair as Faro followed her commander out of the bridge, shooting a glance to her right at Pyro, her precious Pyro, who, to be fair, had been a little spasmodic and distracted lately. Well, more than usual, that is, which was a feat she didn’t think even Thrawn could’ve accomplished.
It was when she saw Yana lose focus on station with her eyes welded to Personal Datapad #3, the one hidden beneath her console, that Hammerly’s curiosity won out.
“Lieutenant Pyrondi, a word.” Hammerly was careful to keep any and all hints of intent out of her voice as Pyro jumped slightly, almost flooding the console with a horrifying amount of caf, before turning her way. “The bridge is yours, Commander Woldar”
“Understood, Commander Hammerly”, the third officer acknowledged, giving her a questioning look. ‘Not now’, she answered with her eyes as Yana followed her outside.
Once she’d made sure that they were alone, Yissa slipped them into a closet and faced her lover immediately.
“You’ve been off lately. What’s going on, Yana?” she asked, face soft, tone firm, letting Yana know that she wasn’t in any trouble but also that there was no point trying to deflect. They wouldn’t lie to each other, ever, but deflection, or partial truthfulness, was a common tactic from Pyro whenever she tried to get out of being chastised.
Of course, Pyro being Pyro, she tried anyway.
“Going on with what, Yiss? I’m just a little tired lately. A bit homesick. Missing my ma’s Fete dinner got me in a mood. I mean, you know how good her cooking is, an-”
Cock her head, raise her right eyebrow, hand on hip. Yana broke.
“Fine, fine. It’s about the transfer, alright?”
“What about it?” Yissa pressed, voice turning inquisitive as she leaned down to look her lover in the eyes, right hand moving from her hip to cup Yana’s cheek. “We’ve had transfers before. Hell, I was a transfer from the Thunder Wasp. What’s so special about this one?”
Yana took a deep breath, almost like bracing herself for impact, and stared at her feet. “Their CO is Artur Tagge”
Before “I know, so what?” could leave her mouth, Yana followed up. “We’ve been good friends for a long while now, and you have nothing to worry about, but… He’s my ex. And sometimes it’s hard to forget that.”
Hammerly stopped short. Whatever she’d been expecting, it wasn’t that. But the shock quickly fell to the wayside as she saw Yana’s face. She seemed… heartbroken, but in a different way than expected. A familiar way.
“He hasn’t been responding to my messages, and in the last one he sent he was attacked. I can’t get in touch with him, STORCOM won’t tell me shit, and even General Tagge doesn’t know anything about it. I’m worried, Yiss.”
Yissa, knowing exactly when to use words, silently wrapped her arms around Yana and held her tight. The twinge of jealousy in her chest can be dealt with later.
From: MAJ Tagge, Artur K.
To: SRLT Pyrondi, Ilyana K.
Classification: Personal Unclassified
I’m okay. Sorry I couldn’t get back to you sooner. There was a spy on the ship, that’s how they ambushed us. ISB detained the entire battalion for a week, and they didn’t allow us datapad access. Yularen himself got involved in this one, which really expedited the whole thing, and the rat is enjoying a nice vacuum sleep now.
You might’ve heard that we’re on our way now. I picked up something for you as a more personal apology.
Again, so sorry I made you worry, Pyro.
MAJOR Artur Kyric Tagge, 1st Battalion, 75th SCAR Regiment, Stormtrooper Corps, Imperial Army
Confidentiality Note: This message is intended only for the individual or entity to whom it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential, or otherwise protected from disclosure. Dissemination, distribution, or copying of this message or the information herein by anyone other than the intended recipient is prohibited under Article 22, Section 337 of the Imperial Legal Code and punishable by prosecution. If you have received this message in error, please notify the Imperial Security Bureau immediately and destroy the original message and all copies.
Status: Seen
Primary Docking Bay, ISD Chimaera, Seventh Fleet
0900 Hours – Galactic Standard
Thrawn stood in front of the docking bay, Hammerly to his right and his Deathtrooper guards behind them. Faro had the bridge.
The muscles in Hammerly’s throat and arms are tight, her facial heat slightly above baseline human range. Her expression has shifted slightly from its usual resting state, indicating agitation or protectiveness.
The Revenant, a Katarn-Class shuttle along with a small Lambda, the Disciple, came out of hyperspace and made their way toward the Chimaera, nine TIE/ag escorts surrounding it in a staggered defensive formation, led by a TIE Phantom fighter. Thrawn noted with some satisfaction that the Army, or at least the 1st Battalion, has seen fit to install hyperdrives onto their TIE fighters, if not shields. But to his understanding, that was more likely to do with Major Tagge’s willingness to upgrade equipment at his personal expense than strategical clarity from High Command.
His superior ears picked up the hum of quad turbolasers powering up and holding their charge a little too long before reverting to standby. The Chiss crinkled his eyebrows slightly in concern. Pyrondi had defensive protocol timing memorized and always executed them perfectly. That prolonged targeting period was extremely irregular, and therefore quite concerning. Perhaps the shuttle failed to transmit proper clearance codes in time and she got apprehensive, but it was worth investigating, nonetheless, especially if her health was involved. He wasn’t so demanding an Admiral as to deny his officers time off to recover if they ever need it.
As the Revenant made its final approach, Thrawn’s wrist comm informed him that three Sentinel-Class shuttles along with their TIE/IN escort compliments, composed of ten fighters each, have docked at the Harbinger, and six more Sentinels with TIE/ad escorts are being processed aboard the Dark Omen and the Inexorable. According to IHC operation files, the 1st Battalion had a total personnel count of 650, composed of 30 officers, 500 combat enlisted, and 120 additional personnel in various ancillary elements. In Tarkin’s words, they were here as a ‘test of merit and leadership proficiency.’ Whether that test applied to Thrawn or Major Tagge was left unclear, but he will assume that it was both until more information becomes available.
The Revenant’s troops marched out in a loose wedge formation, utilizing the wider aft ramp instead of the side door. Their rifles are all at the ready instead of carried or slung. The majority were armed with either TL-50 or DC-15 blasters and a WESTAR-35 pistol holstered at the hip or upper thigh along with at least one vibroblade strapped to the armor.
The pistol and vibroblade seemed to be part of the standard loadout, as every trooper he could see had them, but a fair number had E-11s snipers or Z-6 cannons as their primary. Their armor was, according to the files, made out of a duraplast-titanium alloy, colloquially known as titanplast, instead of the standard plastoid, coated with anti-thermal and antiglare, and was being considered for standardization across the entire Corps by recommendations from both Major and General Tagge and with heavy encouragement from its manufacturer TaggeCo. A metal tab, just under the rank plaque for officers and encoded into the pauldron for enlisted, marked every single one of them as being SCAR-qualified and therefore part of the elite Imperial Special Forces, a membership also denoted by the black coat of paint on their armor.
Their body stances indicate widespread exhaustion and minor injuries, and there are blaster marks on a majority of their armor, indicating that the battalion has recently seen combat.
There was one glaring thing though.
“Sir, isn’t Major Tagge supposed to be on that exact shuttle?” Hammerly voiced his question out loud. Thrawn gave her a sharp nod of confirmation before they walk toward the highest-ranking trooper in his sight, a brunette Captain who was coordinating cargo offload with her helmet tucked primly under an arm. She eyed him as they approached. Her expression is tense. Her eyes indicate a level of caution and distrust commonly found in tightly bonded groups when approached by an outsider.
“What’s your name, Captain?” Hammerly asked, a touch more authoritative than what he’d expected. The Captain reacts to the tone of voice as a provocation. Her cheeks flare with extra heat, the muscles in her torso and shoulders are tight and body stance indicate heavy desires to physically attack Hammerly.
“Revy Maklar, sir”, she outright sneered at Yissa, who reeled back at the disrespect. If it had been naval personnel, Thrawn would’ve given them a non-judicial punishment for insubordination and disrespecting a superior officer. But Maklar, whose name he recognized as the battalion’s XO, held a commission from the Army, not the Navy, and therefore does not answer to Hammerly, even though she was the fleet’s 3IC. As per regulation, the only naval officers who can command the Army component of a fleet or task force are the CO and XO, first and second in the chain of command respectively, and the captain of whichever ship that component was on.
“I apologize for my second officer’s hostility, Captain Maklar. Do you know where Major Tagge is? We were expecting him in this shuttle”, he intervened before the situation could escalate. Pyrondi might be the more explosive of the duo, but Hammerly’s temper was infamously short and she already had two non-judicial punishments for assault along with a court martial for sending three superior officers into bacta tanks. Thankfully Thrawn had been able to stop the Admiralty from demoting her back to Captain. The three unsurprisingly well-connected officers became the priority targets of Colonel Yularen and swiftly arrested and dishonorably discharged for harassment and attempted sexual assault. The court martial on her record has stalled her progress towards flag rank, though. Another one would likely stop her incredibly promising career dead in its tracks.
Maklar adjusts her posture and tone instinctively, showing respect for commanding officers. “Major Tagge should be in the secondary bay, sir. He came on the Disciple.”
With a grateful nod and a quick word of thanks, Thrawn dismissed the officer back to her work, turned on his heels and gave Yissa a blank stare, just long enough for her to notice, before making his way to the connector between the two shuttle bays.
“Officers on deck!”
Every pilot and engineer in sight snapped to attention. Both aforementioned officers noticed the Major immediately. Armed and dressed similarly to his troopers aside from the black pauldron with red lining prominent on his shoulder, denoting him as both an officer and a member of Special Forces Command, one notable difference in the man’s setup was the gauntlet on his right arm, an armored power cord running between the bodysuit and titanium plates, tight against the outer contours of his arm and ending at his jetpack. Another was the vibrosword prominently strapped to his hip.
He was standing next to two stasis tanks, Xoxtin nearby, lips quivering and barely holding back tears, comlink forgotten at her feet. Hammerly raised an eyebrow at the sight. There’s one hell of a story there, she was sure. Whatever, or more likely whoever, could reduce the obnoxiously proud and insubordinate Aliana Xoxtin to tears rightfully earns Yissa’s apprehension, if not respect.
Then again, if anyone could ignore Xoxtin’s familial connections and terrify her at the same time, it would be a Tagge, especially Cassio Tagge’s children. She’d heard stories of the Tagge twins, Aylin and Domini, from Pellaeon, stories of how no one on the Harbinger, not even the group of officers who let their little head do most of the thinking, dares to touch the pair of ensigns with anything even resembling ill-intent after the last person to do so, some idiotic second lieutenant trying to blackmail the girls into his bunk, actually got his commission stripped, kicked down to enlisted, and shipped off to Bracca as low in the ranks as you can go to serve out the rest of his naval commitment.
With that thought, she turned her gaze to the living legend and regard him, this time as Yana’s partner instead of Commander Hammerly, as he talked with Thrawn. Clean-shaven oval jawline, sharp brown eyes, and dusty brown hair trimmed into a guard six created the image of a proper soldier. Slightly tanner skin tone, the kind that you can’t get from any sun in the galaxy, puts his mixed heritage on display. The scar running down his jaw and the muscular build evident even under his armor marked him as a seasoned combatant and a war veteran.
Despite standing in front of a superior officer, a Grand Admiral no less, he held himself with the dignified posture expected of Core nobility, proud and tall. And by the Celestials he was tall, head reaching the tip of Thrawn’s pointed ears and able to maintain eye contact with the Chiss simply by tilting his chin up slightly.
Truly, his appearance lived up to the stories and commendations. The Heir of Tagge. The Pride of Tepasi. His Lordship of the Beskar Nerve and the Durasteel Spine. The young lieutenant who took control and led a decimated platoon during the San Diego Offensive to a stalemate long enough for reinforcements to arrive, earning himself a Distinguished Medal of Imperial Honor and a brevet straight to Major in the process, confirmed in rank the month after. He should be a Lieutenant Colonel in two to three years, especially with concurrent victories during the Terran War and an extra four years in the 501st already on record. Way too young, in her opinion.
Hammerly scanned his eyes. None of the disdain or smugness that she’d expect, only a fair amount of reserved respect directed at Thrawn. He shot her an inquisitive glance, trailing his eyes downward before snapping them front once more. Hammerly felt herself seethe.
Was he kriffing serious!? Copping a look at her chest in front of a flag officer and his own troops? No, calm down. He was probably checking her plaque, nothing more. Get yourself together, Hammerly. Stop assuming the worst. You’re secure in your relationship, damnit. Act like it.
Yissa snapped her eyes towards Thrawn, embarrassed at being caught losing focus. “Sir?”
To anyone else, Thrawn looked at her the same way he looked at anyone else. Blank, critical, analytical. But to Hammerly, who had been at his side ever since he was XO under Commander Cheno on the Thunder Wasp and she was still just a wee little lieutenant, the concern and disappointment in his eyes were clear. The concern warmed her heart, but that disappointment hit her like an ISD’s orbital bombardment.
“Escort Major Tagge to his quarters and answer any questions he may have. Ensure that he is settled in without issue, then report to my office.”
“Yes, sir”, Hammerly responded, keeping her eyes firmly forward. She didn’t want to see how disappointed he was in her any more than necessary.
“Very well. Lieutenant Xoxtin, for future reference, you are expected to prioritize a crewmate’s safety and wellbeing above protocol, understood?”
It was a testament to how broken Xoxtin was that she didn’t even afford him the subtly derisive reply, only a meek nod in response. Hammerly felt a crease form between her brows. What the hell did Tagge do to her?
“Good, lead Sergeants Golovan and Emiri to the medbay then return to your post immediately.”
Without waiting for a reply, he dismissed them all and turned back the way he came, undoubtedly making his way back to the bridge. Hammerly turned towards the portside corridor, gesturing wordlessly for Tagge to follow.
Yissa took a deep breath to calm herself, not wanting to make too bad of a first impression, before turning back around. “Yes, Major?”
“I was told to report to the Army Operations room as soon as my battalion has settled in. Can you direct me on how to get there from my quarters or should I ask a crewman later?”
She raised an eyebrow, surprised. “You’ve been on a Star Destroyer before.”
“Lord Vader made modifications to the Executor’s layout. I’m not exactly sure where the bunks would usually be.”
“Ask for Chief Petty Officer Laminar, she’s good with directions.” She was also generously proportioned, even more so than Hammerly herself, and an amazing flirt, but he didn’t need to know that did he?
“Thank you, Commander. Much appreciated”, he said, giving her a smile that she couldn’t help but be skeptical of. There was something about him she couldn’t stand. It was probably just her blueblood Corulagi upbringing telling her not to trust a Tagge under any circumstances, even if Cassio was technically her distant, very distant, uncle. But then again, Yissa was related to Tarkin in pretty much the same way, and she doesn’t trust him either. Same with Romodi and Kuat.
Yissa refuses to acknowledge her relations to Motti as they made their way to the officer’s country. This was shaping up to be an interesting deployment.
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sorcerese · 1 year
“   as long as we’re living and breathing, there’s more we can do.  we just have to be strong enough.   ”
  ੈ‧₊ 。━━━━━ ✧⁺∗ ❛⠀ 、    the  expanse  prompts. 
              the air was rather suffocating, for delthea, that is...         she didn't like dealing with big shots, not for any particular reason. she just didn't know how to talk to them for royals she was always told to act carefully; one wrong word and it’s either a maid for life or threatened at the gallows or whatever the villagers told her. she only really met the princess-queen once and it was in a battlefield which needless to say its not the best situation, but the girl has never spoken to her all that much aside from a general introduction. although she didn't know much about celica. her talent in magicks was interesting to sum it up but, what in the world is she trying to get at?  was delthea's effort not enough? didn't she already throw her life on the line for this peace they have now? didn't they survive and raised the flag of victory? what more does she have left to endure? how much more did life want to take from them? it was exhausting. she thought. no human can live this annoyingly on edge. when there is rest, one must rest... but celica seemed to not know how to pull the reins her life.  it's heartbreaking to watch, the mage's head began to ache as if she didn't want part of this anymore.     “  you say that but there's a limit to everything,   ”   she locks eyes with her fellow mage before leaning against her knuckles and lazily flipping through the plethora of scripts against parchment; like a idle distraction from her more unfiltered thoughts. 
Tumblr media
   “  we can't just keep stubbornly hit our heads against the gates of the garrison's for one small victory, that's like asking for a quick grave and i'm not stupid enough to keep run myself ragged for things out of my reach.  ”      the youth smiles at her rather somberly and flips the page of the anthology. praying mentally that she got some kind of message across but the second that the words 'strong enough'  fell off her lips. delthea bit her lip; knuckles turning bone white as her palms turned red. ' what a stubborn queen our land has '  she thought as she flips another page with more strength than the last. 
     “  i am... no...  WE  are far too young for the things we did. yeah, of course!  there is merit, justice, and.... honor.... and destiny or whatever other bullplop our beloved corrupted gods laid on our laps and called it our fate.  ”   her voice grew a bit quieter; laced with pity and anger; as her hands grip around the books spine as it tightens enough to shut it closed rather violently, delthea turns away from the royal. she's thought about it, many times. to discard the use of magic, to discard memories, trauma, pain. but, if she did all that she'd lose more than she's already have.   “  tsk... honestly, do you even hear yourself, you also shouldn't have to keep pushing this stupidly hard. it's so stupid ...  being 'strong enough'  never helps anyone  OR  anything. we've lost more things than gained. ok sure, we saved people in the long run, but... think about it... my village, alm's village.... every village, fields, soldiers, royals, priest, people... and i'm just a KID, my lady.  i just wanted to cherish my moments with my family, play around, have crushes on cute guys, have a fun time but i can't anymore. so here we are, lady celica.  ”    
the prodigy raises from her seat, pushing the book away from her. she begins walking towards the door. her steps come to a halt as her hand lightly brushes against the handle. she lets it go and turns back for a moment.      “  so please, don't encourage me to do more when i've done ENOUGH.... enough for my age, celica, so have you. we're done with our troubles, let it rest... just like mila's teaching. you were in the clergy right? 'let all those on this soil, return to the earth mother.' or so it goes, so let it die ━━ your majesty.  ”  
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