textalotter · 4 years
Gemini Venus 8th House
As the most powerful house of the zodiac, the eighth house represents the ultimate prices we pay in life. The challenge of the eighth house is to "let go", stop fighting for what you want, and learn to truly give with an honest soul. This is why it is about death, shared resources, and sex. Death is the ultimate in "letting go". The best sex is experienced when we give ourselves completely to our mate. To conquer the eighth house is to accept that physical death is inevitable and that other symbolic deaths occur every day. To conquer this house is to accept that we always have to give to the world and others. Fighting these things will always result in greater losses. People with strong eighth houses in their natal charts often experience emotions too deep for words with an understanding of human nature that is commonly explained as psychic.The eighth house is where we experience relationships at their deepest level. Eight-house people are both blessed and cursed. They often experience a great deal of pain because they feel every nuance of human relationships, but they also have a deep understanding of the pain and flaws in others, which allows them to compassionately accept people for whom they are. In reality, to enjoy peace and happiness in the eighth house, a person must be able to let go of any selfish ideas and ways. Freedom from the pain of this house is found by giving freely to others by using the gift of deep eighth-house understanding.
As a reminder, the 8th house is the house of yes, sex, but also merging, secrets, transformation, the occult, and basically all that weird stuff that goes on behind closed doors that you don’t really want others knowing about. Venus here generally protects marriages, legacies, and finances in one’s life. One is said to have a happy marriage and much help from other people’s resources. These people will love communicating or teaching  occult ideas with others. These people may know a lot of others’ secrets or possess forbidden/taboo knowledge. Even with Venus in Gemini, the individual’s love life arena takes on a darker and deeper tone. Power struggles between spouses, violence, monetary problems can occur especially if Venus is afflicted by malefic planets such as mars, pluto, or saturn.
Anxiety is part of the 8th House, but death needs to be understood differently than just literally. Look back at who you were, let's say, 2 years ago. Do you feel like you're the same person? Chances are you "died" many times since then, and especially if you have several planets in the 8th House. It's also sometimes called the house of "transformations" and "regeneration", and it makes more sense if you associate it with its natural ruler, Pluto. The 8th House talks about under going several crises, often psychological but also sometimes external, and letting something inside us die or letting something external die (a relationship, a job, a friendship, losing something material) in order to make space for something new and more aligned with our true needs.
Natives having Venus in eighth House will most likely express their sociability and romanticism through the way they make love, establish friendships or business relationships.Very attractive to the opposite sex, they want someone who’s smart and somehow mysterious to be next to them for life.Hating vulgarity and poverty, these natives will do their best to have lots of money and to succeed. It’s normal for them to surround themselves with high-quality things, so be ready to witness them spend everything they have in one shopping spree. They get easily bored with the everyday issues and need a little bit of drama in order to feel happy.
Because the 8th house rules sex, these individuals will have a magnetic and primal energy about themselves that draws others closer. Because the planet of relationships is in the house of sex, these natives may have numerous sexual partners, especially when it is in the air signs. The 8th house is the house of rebirth and planets placed here must be transformed over and over. With Venus in Gemini in the 8th house, the native may experience many intense, short-lived relationships that encompassed a plethora of emotion. Venus in the 8th house wants commitment and loyalty in relationships, but Venus’ expression in flirtatious Gemini can undo his own efforts. Negatively expressed these people can be sexual charmers and manipulators, abusive or easily abused, shop lifters, or extremely uncompromising. With Gemini being the sign of duality, this aspect is very dual-natured indeed. Their lovers may become frustrated trying to unravel what to expect: the deep-natured lover or the casual flirt.Venus in Gemini in 8th house people take on an almost Scorpionic tone in their love lives. Their love life is dramatic and relationships take on a “fated” and inseparable quality. Venus in Gemini in the 8th house can be the highly desirable and mysterious life of the party that captivates everyone in the room, the sexy librarian, or naughty school girl persona (taboo sexual experiences). Venus in Gemini in the 8th house are here to investigate and study contradictions by attracting opposites through lovers and relationships that drag these natives to their murky and dark subconscious. It is extremely important that these individuals do not partake in power struggles through the form of mind games and control. Venus in Gemini in the 8th house is the temptress, hypnotizing lovers with beautiful words and penetrating eyes that see in to another’s soul. Others be wary, for she could keep you enchanted with mind control while dreaming about greener pastors!
In its highest octave, these natives are highly appreciated for their loyalty in close relationships and mystifying love nature. Masters of sex and flirtation, they could use their prowess to heal others or at least bring their latent subconscious issues to the surface. Obsession can occur from other people that become addicted to such soul-opening experiences or the native can feel obsessed about others as well. Having the job of of transforming and purifying other’s unhealed subconscious through deep sexual energies is exhausting and these natives may end up doing surmountable damage to a person when acting selfishly or immaturely. It is important these natives balance give and take in a relationship and stay loyal and committed to their love ones to avoid marital or financial problems.
When it comes to love, they want things to happen intensely because they really don’t like casual encounters and to just have sex for the fun of it. They don’t dream of something strictly physical and prefer a relationship with as much drama as possible. Everything that has something to do with superficiality or the mundane bores them. Fearful to not appear weak in love, they may struggle to keep their emotions under control. Jealousy and possessiveness are normal for these people, because they’re terrified to not get cheated on or betrayed. They wouldn’t allow themselves to appear weak in love no matter what, being very afraid to be cheated on and very jealous.
Passion makes them feel better, so they’re charming others just to bring out their most fiery attitudes. Everything that’s secret and taboo makes them thrive, wanting to get together with people who have obsessions or are a little bit broken inside.
Individuals having Venus in the 8th House are very generous with their love and passionate, because they feature all the Scorpio’s traits. Everything is deep with them, and their favorite thing to do is discover their lover’s secrets, as it’s impossible for them to live knowing their other half is hiding something. That’s why they go for mysterious and dark people, for those who inspire a little bit of danger and have a ton of sex appeal. As a matter of fact, they’re transmitting a lot of sexual energy themselves, being almost irresistible with their seductive ways and penetrating eyes. Those who are in love with them can see how capable they are of an intense connection and of offering the greatest pleasures in bed. They usually don’t give their heart away immediately, their stubbornness being something others are usually trying to overlook. But they are really able to connect or to make people trust them, whether they reveal their dark side or not.
When feeling like they no longer have any power, they start manipulating others, because being in control makes them feel emotionally secure. If their partner starts to grow apart from them, they become enraged and can no longer be controlled in their plans for revenge. This happens due to the fact that they’re deep and feel things more intensely than others.
They will think of death and create great art out of this. If artists, they will make all kind of morbid pieces that are really appreciated by their admirers. Those who are preoccupied with the occult will always have a special place in their heart.
When out in the world, they are rather reserved, mysterious and somewhat mystical. Venus can get deep into the way they interact with others, making them unconsciously profound and capable of tremendous passion.
The eighth House rules over death, so having Venus here can signify an ending that’s not so painful. They will probably die in a beautiful place, surrounded by all the people they care for the most. It’s the position that suggests an ending in the arms of their life partner. However, if Venus is in bad aspects here, they may have many losses in their lifetime, physical or symbolical, as it can also be that their spouse doesn’t love them the way they used to, which is also a great loss.
Individuals having Venus in the 8th House should be careful not to become manipulative because they can immediately attract people, so the temptation to use others can be very high. The 8th House can generate a storm of feelings and doesn’t allow people to get too comfortable. When Venus is placed here, the natives with this placement will search for an aggressive love that makes them feel nauseated and feeds their soul.
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