#playwrighter girl….
harvestmoth · 11 months
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hi i just read sae’s event and mgs. ow
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hella1975 · 8 months
complicated relationship with taob be damned i have never peaked higher than i did when i was studying tragedies for my english class and wrote the fever dream chapter
#I WAS WRITING AT LEVELS NEVER BEFORE SEEN. OFF THE CHARTS CUNTISM. TRAGIC LEXICON LEFT RIGHT AND CENTRE#'you scream with your lungs and you pray with your knees. but begging?#begging was in the hands. zuko's were empty. stained sunset red. /look. look at what you did/.'#'white bones charring until zuko remembered hearing of fortune-tellers - how they read the heat-cracks#of oracle bones. zuko wondered what the breaks in his skeleton lamented of. if he could read these scars#would they weep? /look. look at all that red/.'#'/look. cut-neck and red-stained. you wanted this/. the auditorium watched enraptured#whispering into ears. /this is the best part. the anagnorisis/.'#'this was a tale of honour and redemption. the playwright had woven zuko’s hamartia into his every action#doomed from the beginning. /you always thought it was anger that would damn you#that patronymic fury that snarls in your chest/. the director was grinning. /it is not. your fatal flaw has always been shame/.'#'redemption comes with the price of regret but you don't regret. you don't regret any of it'#'A GOOD TRAGEDY NEEDS A SCAPEGOAT; A TRAGIC HERO. ZUKO WOULD BE THEIRS. A MASK. A BOW. APPLAUSE. FURY. SHAME.#/LOOK/. THE THING WITH THEATRE IS THAT YOU PLACE A CHARACTER ONTO A STAGE WHERE EVERYONE CAN SEE HIM#AND YOU SHINE LIGHTS ON HIM TO ILLUMINATE EVERY ANGLE AND YOU MAKE HIM SAY THINGS THAT RESONATE. A TRAGEDY IS JUST A DECLARATION#/LOOK. LOOK AT ALL IVE DONE AND GIVE ME REDEMPTION REGARDLESS. LOOK AT EVERY FLAW. TAKE ME AS YOUR ANTI-HERO. FORGIVE ME ANYWAY/#IT WAS ABOUT BEING SEEN. IT WAS A CRY FOR HELP'#like???? GIRL OKAYYYYYY <33333 truly give me a theme i like and i will run fucking RINGS#taob
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winter-skye · 2 months
My play "Mark My Heart" is now available to download and read on the New Play Exchange!!! Featuring my multiple magical hero OCs I post about often! Characters of Aphra, Planchette, Eden and Lake!!!
Follow the link and enjoy!
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embeccy · 4 months
"My enchantress! My girl of dreams!"
- Anton Chekhov
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villainesfilles · 2 months
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Tennessee Williams
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mimi-0007 · 2 years
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thee-rat-king · 11 days
Brain: Derry Girls exists
Me: oh yeah
Brain: you like Derry Girls
Me: I don’t have time for a rewatch, I’ve got work to do
Brain: you want to write a book
Me: what?
Brain: you want to write a book about catholic lesbians
Me: I have so much homework for uni -
Brain: it’s pride month
Me: my homework literally involves queer original fiction
Brain: not good enough. It has a sad ending
Brain: but you want to. You want to soo baaaad.
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thestarlightforge · 10 months
For the passionate, tired young people who need this:
Nine months ago, I read Kimberly Belflower’s Lost Girl for a set of audition sides, getting ready for my college’s spring 2023 productions. It was 2 AM, my wheelchair was parked in the bathroom, I was changing clothes, about to go to bed.
Until I started to femslash, gender-bend crack-ship two of the show’s main characters.
I didn’t go to bed until 5 AM.
Our rehearsals went from Jan-Mar. 2023. Belflower herself visited us. We ran from Mar. 1-4. I got COVID, changed my pronouns, directed my first scenes in a real-budget theatre show, made friends, learned so much, and had the time of my life.
Then, this week, I find myself at the American Theatre in Higher Education annual conference.
I’m not always sure of myself, or of life. (Who is? They’re lying.)
But this week, I kid you not:
I femslash, crack-shipped all the way to a National Professional Theatre Conference.
Sometimes, it works out. Commit to the bit. (😆) And most of all—a message for y’all and for Fiona as a 10-year-old:
You will not always be punished for being passionate. You will see your way of being have a positive impact.
You will learn that you are more than enough, that you don’t have to stop being that person—who crack-ships for joy at 2 AM—to be vibrant, full and beautiful.
In fact, that capacity for joy is infectious, and it makes you the artist you are. You will find others who care, and together, you will give back the way stories gave to you.
So hang in there.
Read AO3. Write metas and fan-fiction, draw fan art, trust your gut and be passionate. Claim queer stories. Take up space. Love what you love and do it loudly. No matter what you do career-wise, that is the why we exist on this Earth.
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Slightly Jr. agrees. 🥰
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bcofl0ve · 2 years
i could see aus dating a MUA or something like that or maybe a writer/producer someone not really big in the industry but cool with a few celebs
if he wants to date a writer i'm right here i'm not famous but i can work on that aus call me! but jokes aside yes i can see that as well
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workshopping my play about three old ladies. i have had to check to make sure i didn’t accidentally plagiarize golden girls three (3) separate times. (i didn’t.) however, I get strong sophia vibes from my oc (her name is Edna and she has survived three car accidents, two heart attacks, a mugging, and a tornado. I love Edna.) I’ll post some dialogue later just for fun. 
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boxoftheskyking · 2 years
I have not stopped thinking about Roberta colindrez for a full 36 hours I feel like I'm 12
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megameryl · 28 days
"I should never have come to flirt with rescue, when one has no intention of being saved."
-A Little Night Music (Book by Hugh Wheeler)
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tenth-sentence · 3 months
The playwrights made their heroine a single woman and though dressed in men's clothes she was chaste.
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"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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whats-in-a-sentence · 3 months
She gained fame in 1610 when John Day wrote a play, The Madde Pranckes of Mery Mall of the Bankside. A second play in 1611, by Thomas Dekker and Thomas Middleton, celebrated her under the title The Roaring Girl.
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"Normal Women: 900 Years of Making History" - Philippa Gregory
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musical-chick-13 · 4 months
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
💕 What is your favorite fic that you’ve written?
Oh, absolutely my most recent Christmas fic, to lay in your arms when the world is burning, where River is grieving her parents. (Can be found here.) I don't know how to explain what happened while I was writing this, but there were so many turns of phrase where I went, "Somehow this is exactly what I was trying to communicate," and I genuinely felt...so accomplished and emotionally fulfilled when it was done. Anything I write about grief or loss will be incredibly special to me, and this fic is probably the predominant example of that. :)
❤️ What is your favorite line that you’ve written in a fic?
I remember being particularly proud of this one (also from to lay in your arms...) when I wrote it:
She’s not going to muddy up an occasion he’s particularly fond of by wallowing in the past and trekking its dregs all over the carpet.
In the interest of not making all of these answers about the same fic, here's one from tricking ourselves nice:
But. Such a small word, yet it prevented him from sleeping, from enjoying food or wine, from focusing on how to rebuild his life, after Stannis and after Jon Snow and after the White Walkers. The word sticks to his mind like wax to paper, turning any reassurance he might have been able to offer himself into shit.
(^^^ I like this one because it's a play on Ned's line "everything after the word 'but' is shit.")
I was also proud of this line, from the A/H wip:
How do you tell someone that you want to live in the grooves of their grey matter. That you want to thread yourself through every single one of their braincells, until the only thing they ever think about is you. That you know that’s impossible and utterly insane and deeply, deeply unhealthy, but you don’t care, you want it anyway. How the fuck do you even begin to tell someone that, she’s surprised she can even say it to herself.
🤔 Would you ever want to write something canon if you got the opportunity?
I honestly feel like I write just as much canon as not-canon? Most of my stuff leans toward characters studies, which means a lot of referencing canon and working within it. There are some things I have that I would consider a straight-up AU, like my Cersei/Melisandre fic, the GoT performer AU I'm working on, and the "Natasha lives" MCU fic (I'll get back to you someday, I promise). But I feel like most of my Adlock or Doctor/River stories are rooted in the confirmed events we see onscreen. (And there are definitely a number of WIPs that involve exploring the characters' psychological reactions to canon events, even if it ends up diverging a bit). So, in short, yes, I am in favor of me writing something canon.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
OH MY GOD. I...would be honored if someone made ANY art of my work at all!! There are so many things I could choose. Melisandre giving Cersei a hug in you opened up the things I shut. The "actually, I go by Annie" moment in the ghost possession OCD fic. Davos picking up the leaf in tricking ourselves nice. Irene's subtle (and successful) attempts to get Sherlock to write off his brother's assignment in Let Not Light See My Black and Deep Desires. Clint pilfering Natasha's case file in my haunted heart is uneasy. But I'm going to be really boring and say that, if I had to pick one (1) scene, it would be the one in to lay in your arms... where Twelve holds River.
(My pipe dream is that someone makes art of an upcoming scene of c2g, where a Big Emotional Development happens, but a) this fic is very much not for everyone, and b) I don't want to spoil what happens.)
Fanfic Writer Ask Game
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uncertainturquoise · 5 months
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I had the opportunity to hear a talk with Lucy Kirkwood at my university last week! She talked about her new projects, The Witches (musical adaptation of the Roald Dahl novel) and The Human Body (play about the beginnings of the NHS). I even got to ask a question!
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