#platonic or romantic doesn't matter
lemonrin-i · 3 months
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Need I explain myself
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aquitainequeen · 4 days
Here I am, hours later, still crying about Furiosa and Praetorian Jack. George Miller, Nico Lathouris, Anya Taylor-Joy and Tom Burke are geniuses. They completely sold me on just how much these characters loved each other.
Furiosa coming out of a nightmare, wielding a knife, to be caught by Jack. He doesn’t say it’s all right or that she’s safe, she doesn’t say it was just a bad dream. They don’t say anything. Jack eases her back down to her cot and they settle down, aware of each other.
Jack stitching up Furiosa’s shoulder in a hidden spot in the Citadel, Furiosa showing Jack the peach seed that she’s kept hidden in her hair for so long, proving that the Green Place is out there, asking him to come with her, pressing her forehead to his while cupping the back of his head, showing him her love in the manner of her people, and him returning the gesture. After fifteen years, she’s finally going home, and he’s coming with her.
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And then...
Spoilers beyond here!!!
And then:
The battle of the Bullet Farm, which is where the strength and force of their love really started to batter me. Furiosa manages to avoid the ambush and get out of the Farm before the gate closes, and Jack could easily have slipped through the gate to join her, but he sees the enemy forces mustering and knows they’ll quickly be hunted down if there's nothing to stop their pursuers. He shoots off a green flare that clearly tells Furiosa to abandon him and get the hell out of there, intending to sacrifice himself so that she has a chance to escape and set off for the Green Place. Furiosa does drive off, but gets maybe five metres before she decides ‘fuck this’ and goes back in to try and save him. And she saves him from his pursuers and she saves him from falling to his death, and they get to their escape vehicle and drive off, with nary a word spoken or exchanged until they’re on the flat and heading for freedom. And even then, all that’s mentioned is what direction they should take to reach the Green Place. That's it. They don’t need anything else. They survived, they got out, they're together, they’re going to be all right.
And they almost make it. They almost get away.
When they’re captured by Dementus and forced onto their knees, there’s no special close up on them; mostly they’re on the edge of the shot while Dementus is ranting centre stage or screaming into their faces. They pay no heed to him. That love infuriates Dementus. He shrieks, he tears at them, but he can’t break them. He doesn’t matter. What matters is that they spend their last moments touching each other, leaning into each other, pressing their foreheads together, breathing deep, loving each other.
There are no parting words between Furiosa and Jack, no declarations or promises or screams of despair, but it hit me so hard and cut so deep that the second to last time we see Jack’s face, he’s craning desperately to see what’s happening to Furiosa, trying to get one final precious glimpse of her, before he’s quite literally dragged to his awful death.
We don’t see Furiosa’s reaction to her torture on multiple fronts, as she is strung up by her maimed arm and forced to watch Jack die. We’ve seen her scream and weep for her mother, but this moment is hers alone. It’s not for us.
How fitting it is that Jack saves Furiosa one last time, as his execution distracts Dementus and his crew from noticing that Furiosa has cut off her own arm to escape.
The last time we see Jack’s face is in Furiosa’s last nightmare.
Furiosa doesn’t mention Jack in her final showdown with Dementus, when she screams about her mother and her stolen childhood. But from what’s shown to us, I think that the spot in the Citadel when she imprisons Dementus and grows the peach tree in the midst of his emaciated, maggot-ridden body…is the same place where Jack stitched up her wounded shoulder, where she showed him the peach seed, where she asked him to come with her to the Green Place and he accepted, where she showed him her love in the manner of her people, where they embraced. Where she avenged herself and Jack, upon the man who destroyed their lives.
Where Furiosa now plucks the first fruit of the tree to bring to the Five Wives, whom she will bring with her to the Green Place.   
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raindrops-on-concrete · 7 months
Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi work so well as a team and it's a big part of why their dynamic is so enjoyable.
They have very different skill sets, but they both know their own strengths and limits. And, at least later on after WWX is reincarnated, they also understand each others strengths and limitations.
WWX let's LWJ fight a lot of his physical battles for him, because he knows that he himself wouldn't be able to handle them but LWJ is more than capable to. A beautiful example of this is in Yi City when LWJ swoops in to fight Xue Yang, and tells WWX that he has the fight handled. WWX then analyses the situation and realizes he's of more help by bringing the Juniors to safety and investigating some more. Lan JingYi even brings this up, asking why they don't lose any words over WWX leaving LWJ behind in battle. And WWX tells him that he trusts LWJ has the situation handled so there would be no use in losing any more words over it.
On the other hand, WWX always does the talking for the two of them. When performing Inquiry, LWJ relays WWXs questions without hesitation.
When they are conducting research in the secret library in the Cloud Recesses and WWX decides to take a break, LWJ takes over his stack of books without hesitation or asking him to continue his work. WWX recognized that he needed a break and LWJ respects that and does his work for him since he still has the energy to keep researching.
They also respect each other a lot, even if they don't agree with each other. After WWXs reincarnation, LWJ never questions him about his demonic cultivation, even though he probably still doesn't quite approve of it. As for WWX I can't think of a specific example after his reincarnation rn, but I really love the scene where he drinks LWJs liquor for him at Jin GuangYao's private banquet, because the Lan Sect are not allowed to drink alcohol.
There's not a leader and a follower between them. They always listen when the other is talking, and depending on the situation one or the other takes the lead. In that way, they are equals and see each other as equals. They are not equal in any particular skill or even cultivation level, but through their different skill sets they can add onto each other skill sets.
TL;DR WWX and LWJ work so well as a team bc they know their own and each other's strengths and limitations very well, and know how to use them accordingly. They have a lot of trust and respect for each other even if they disagree. They see each other as equals and their skill sets add onto each other very well.
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syntiment · 3 months
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In a dark room we fight Make up for our love My love is wasted
Trying to put my interpretation of the Megatron and Starscream dynamic into visuals. I think they have a deeply complicated history. I think there's admiration and respect there in the same window that there's resentment and hurt. I think they make each other worse. I think at the end of the war they have so much to say to each other and neither will be the one to say it. I think they need to heal apart before they can ever address whatever it was they were.
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pseudonymphomania · 10 months
Diavolo and Lucifer in Nightbringer Wanderer Wearabouts from Diavolo's newest card. I can't let you miss out on this just because the guarantee is 250 pulls and that's an insane amount of money. Enjoy this with me! ❤️ 🖤
Click here for the Pajama version
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Y'all know those fanfics where Saiki is an asshole to Teruhashi or really rude to her until they start dating? Yeah, this is what I imagine what that Saiki meeting Canon Saiki would be like.
Canon Saiki: So do you still deal with Teruhashi?
Fanfic Saiki: I can not avoid that woman. The other day she was bothering me when a mob of her fans showed up so I teleported away and-
Canon Saiki, surprised: You revealed your powers to her?! I mean, her fans do suck, so I can understand panicking and teleporting the both of you away-
Fanfic Saiki: What? No, I teleported myself away and left her there.
Canon Saiki: You what.
Fanfic Saiki: I teleported myself away. Well actually, I was the one who kinda summoned that crowd so that she'd be too overwhelmed with them to go find me-
Canon Saiki, shaking with murderous rage: You what.
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1800-needs-help · 1 year
me when a piece of media has an ending that perfectly ends its character's stories while also drop kicking its fans' hearts with the message that we can overcome anything through the power of love:
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julissart · 1 month
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Special delivery 💛💚
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We were meant to love each other and make art, not go to a 9-5 job that barely pays shit.
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juthemagicalclown · 11 months
i think we as whole have a huge problem with the misuse of the word 'platonic'
'platonic' is not a synonym for 'friendship' or 'deep friendship', platonic' and 'romantic' are not mutually exclusive
'platonic' means non-sexual, which means a relationship could be romantic and platonic
love is much more nuanced than you make it to be
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aithusarosekiller · 1 year
Lily and Reg were the only people allowed to stand up for each other
If anyone else did it they'd be angry because they 'don't need other people to defend them thank you very much'
But the second Snape mentions Lily? The moment a gryffindor talks shit about Reg? It's on site
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youphoriaot7 · 9 months
He hasn't been out and about for long when the warpstone behind him rumbles. Out tumbles Richarlyson, and Fit is more than a little surprised to see him there.
The kid immediately yanks out his journal, scribbling faster than Fit thought was physically possible, especially with the rate the boy's hands are shaking. He's clearly nervous, somewhat upset—not to mention it's odd to see him here unaccompanied. When he's finally finished, Fit leans over to read it.
Tio Fit, can you lend a hand? Pai Mike disappeared last night and pai Pac won't get out of bed.
Immediately, worry sets in. He nods, tells Richas to head to Chume, that he'll be right behind him. Then he turns to grab his weapon from inside the house, pocketing an extra knife just in case.
Concern is already rippling through his gut as he sets a hand on the warpstone, following the familiar path to Chume Labs. But not only that, he's angry. Angry because he doesn't need to talk to Pac to figure out what happened. Angry because he knew it was only a matter of time, but it happened anyway. Angry because nobody could've stopped this. Angry because he didn't stop this.
He quickly arrives at the Labs, using the warp plate Richas shows him for quicker access. The two are inside in no time.
His call echoes across the empty halls, bouncing around darkened corners. His heart sinks until Richas grabs his hand, pulling him towards a set of bedrooms at the back of the room—one blue, one green.
The green one has the door open, and he can still see slightly inside. The bed is still made, pristine and clean. The lamp on the desk is still on, one of the only lights in the building.
The door to the blue room is closed.
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camellcat · 10 months
I just think that if Scott is the sun then Stiles is his ever loyal moon and Lydia is his brilliant shining stars and Allison is his comforting swirling clouds
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jonathankentstuff · 6 months
Jondami/Damijon Open collab!
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ooc// Draw Damian next to Jon and tag me/use #supersonsopencollab <3!
Doesn't matter if the styles are too different, that's the fun! Examples below 💙
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incesthemes · 4 months
"their relationship is romantic" "their relationship is familial" "their relationship is platonic" you're thinking too narrow. their relationship goes beyond labels. the family is inherently queer. their platonic love is romantic. the erotic is familial. each one is the other and the other is them
#.txt#i've gotten to the point of relationship anarchy where i no longer understand the obsession with labeling relationships#there's a post floating around like 'it doesn't matter if you view them as romantic or platonic the point is that they love each other'#and i get the message. however may i propose that distinctions such as that don't even have to matter. consider#bold claim probably. but whatever i didn't have the choice to think about love in a normative way and as a consequence i have thoughts#of course i am thinking about wincest but it applies everywhere. jopzier even#jopson views crozier as a surrogate parent but in an inherently queer way. does that mean he want to fuck his mom? probably not#but the fixation and need for redemption turns the traditionally familial relationship into something far more#do you understand#once you leave the normative behind labels become useless#do sam and dean love each other romantically or platonically or familially? consider: it doesn't matter. there are no words to describe it#their love is queer in the sense that it extends beyond normativity. society holds no sway over them. they are ungovernable#i find it ultimately unhelpful to discuss fiction in normative terms when the characters themselves exist outside of normative society#shows like supernatural and the terror are perfect examples. sam and dean were never normal and franklin crew left normal behind#the arctic doesn't care if you fuck your mom. the impala doesn't care if you kiss your brother#this isn't really about anything i just saw that post the other day and i was like. why doesn't this Hit for me. well this is why#however it IS helpful to discuss fiction set within normative society in relation to normativity. it's relevant!#most stories are not however set within the bounds of normativity. that's kinda the whole point of a lot of fiction#baby i explore relationship anarchy in ways that you couldn't even imagine#<-tldr#i have a tendency to write essays in the notes every time i post something. sorry about that. it feels safer here and i am skittish
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prompts-by-anjali · 5 months
“You haven’t left? I thought you’d have slipped out by now. Gone back to your princely duties.”
“I like being in your room here, honestly. It’s fascinating.”
“What, that I, a lowly commoner, can live here? This is the wing your parents gifted to my family, being the royal scientists and all.”
“It’s fascinating because I happen to like science, too. And the joke’s on you — I find your acerbic tongue charming. No one else dares to be sarcastic with me.”
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