Oh my god, I love the framing of this. With 'The Heart' being over Azul specifically, it seems he's their heart. And I love that so much.
Azul's spell at the bottom makes it seem like he's responding to the Tweels. With Jade saying 'Shock the Heart' translating into 'Shock Azul' which if we take canon into account, is something he likes to do. He likes to catch Azul off guard, to surprise or shock him.
With Floyd saying 'Bind the heart' translated to 'Bind Azul'. That's straight-up what he does in canon.
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In canon, we can see that Floyd and Jade are obviously bound together and we can also see, despite the remarks of Azul, that he's also bound to Azul. We see in his actions and in his words that he values Azul just as much as he values Jade, that him and Azul are binded together.
and Azul responds 'It's a deal' to show that he's fine with it. He's going into this aware of what the Tweels are like, aware that Floyd will consider him one of his own and he'll never be able to escape the eel even if he wanted to, aware that Jade enjoys surprising him and catching him off guard despite that being something that Azul works so hard to never let anyone (else) do.
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Octotrio ft. Signature spells!
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Y'all know those fanfics where Saiki is an asshole to Teruhashi or really rude to her until they start dating? Yeah, this is what I imagine what that Saiki meeting Canon Saiki would be like.
Canon Saiki: So do you still deal with Teruhashi?
Fanfic Saiki: I can not avoid that woman. The other day she was bothering me when a mob of her fans showed up so I teleported away and-
Canon Saiki, surprised: You revealed your powers to her?! I mean, her fans do suck, so I can understand panicking and teleporting the both of you away-
Fanfic Saiki: What? No, I teleported myself away and left her there.
Canon Saiki: You what.
Fanfic Saiki: I teleported myself away. Well actually, I was the one who kinda summoned that crowd so that she'd be too overwhelmed with them to go find me-
Canon Saiki, shaking with murderous rage: You what.
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My Good Friend Jonathan
My good friend Jonathan is on route to his location! He's going to meet with this pal of his for a work trip! Seems like a lovely way to spend some time! Just a relaxing work trip in Transylvania!
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Anyone who claims that Saiki would be a dick to Kokomi (pre-terusai) is a complete and utter liar. There's so many fanfics where he's just rude to her before they start dating/he stars liking her and there's not a crumb of truth in those.
His primary overt attempt to be rude to her was on their little date thing in canon where he just beat her at every game they played in an effort to get her to hate him. That was one of his best attempts. He wasn't even rude to her for the sake of being rude like so many fanfics suggest, he didn't even do anything to ruin her day, he was just like "I'm going to play several games with her and beat her at all of them, this is so very rude of me and I hope it makes her not want to date me."
He didn't even taunt her or boast about his victory or anything like that. He just quietly won then moved onto the next game.
You think that this man would be the type to do something to ruin her day like fucking with her morning coffee or purposefully fucking with something of hers (Like making her think she has bad luck for the day or that her tarot fortune gave her bad luck or generally leaving her in a bad spot)? That man would slap himself if he even entertained those thoughts. Ship or no ship, he deeply cares for her and would never do something to genuinely put her in a bad spot or make her miserable. If he accidentally did either, you think he wouldn't do everything he could to frantically undo it only to find out that her magic god/perfect pretty girl powers solved it anyways in true sitcom fashion ?
Plus they always make it seem like Teruhashi is helpless in a sense, that her fate could easily be manipulated by Saiki, which is untrue. God would kill that boy where he stood if he tried to harm her mentally or psychically.
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Teruhashi HC
She's hella athletic and ADORES sports. Basketball, soccer, football, you name it, she loves it. Plus she's generally just good at sports.
Not in the way she's normally good at things, but because she loves sports enough to practice enough to get good.
This is actually a deeply hidden interest of hers because (due to societal sexism) it's not exactly the most appealing thing when the Perfect Pretty Girl is fully willing to slam into someone full force to steal the ball from them.
It was fine when she was young, and she was just seen as an athletic kid but then middle school hit and suddenly girls had more expectations put on them and Kokomi had to exceed all of them.
She has a little spot where she plays sometimes! It is an abandoned area in the woods deeply hidden by trees and even then she had to bribe the local deer to notify her if any came within 2 miles. It's not anything special, there's an old basketball hoop attached to a tree, a soccer goal made from wood, that kind of thing.
She goes through SO many precautions to ensure that no one knows she goes there. She wears a wig, then she fucks up the hair on the wig so it looks weird, then she puts on as much makeup as possible then puts on a face mask and a very heavy coat. As she goes to her location, she has 12 drop off places/safe houses where she'll change into a completely different outfit before going on her way.
Saiki finds all these precautions mildly impressive and fairly concerning. He assumed she was doing something like secretly going on a date or smth like that but was utterly dumbfounded when he found out she was just playing basketball (He tried to read her thoughts, but she was solely focused on making sure no one was stalking her and didn't think of anything else but that).
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I go by Will (Occasionally William) as a joke sometimes, but it's becoming less of a joke.
I had a friend who was eerily similar to me, we didn't even live in the same country, but we'd find ourselves with details of our lives that were incredibly alike to the other and occasionally we'd even say the same thing at the same time.
We called ourselves twins and I took to calling myself Will because it was his name just as he took to calling himself Dan as it was my name. Calling myself Will stuck and I get the same burst of happiness when someone calls me Will that I get when someone calls me by my actual name.
So yeah.
It's less that I took my brothers name for my own and more that we happily share it. And I am so happy for that.
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What Wears Your Skin (Scares me more than I'd admit) - Swap AU
The thing appears suddenly.
Cellbit does not recognize it (him?) at first. His grief is too much. Too all-consuming. 
He can not draw similarities in something so different. 
He does not realize what it is attempting to be.
It’s only when it speaks to him when it smiles in a way he never did, 
when it acts as if they were friends, does he realize who's skin it wears.
He could not remember anything after that, but he wakes up in the Ordo Theoritas base with his mentor fretting over him. 
(A memory of the war and being sick comes to him involuntarily.)
(For a moment, he wishes he was back to that point, it was simpler)
He has blood on his clothes.
He knows that it was not his own. 
His own blood rarely stains his clothes 
His mentor looked fine. 
As calm as always, 
He answers his (wards? comrades? sons?) friends questions easily
(Yes, Roier is perfectly fine, he’s with Jaiden.)
(Of course, Richas is okay! He’s with Etoiles and-)
he only hesitates when Cellbit asks if the thing that imitated his (best friend, partner, husband) Quackity is dead yet. 
He will come to his senses later. 
He will stand in front of the thing that calls itself by the name of one of the few people he’d ever bear his heart to willingly,
and he will keep his arms firmly pressed to his side.
He will not move his arms because if he does, he will strangle it long after it stops moving
(Quackity would’ve been almost touched by the gesture if he was here)
(As he looks at this thing, he knows for certain that he is not.)
He will look it in the eyes, selfishly wishing it had sunglasses so he wouldn’t have to. 
(El always wore his glasses for the aesthetic
(and because the light hurt his eyes)
(But only Roier and he know the second one)
He will hear its laugh, its friendly smile, and its kind demeanor, and he will barely stop himself from putting an axe in the creature's head for it.
(How dare it butcher his laugh?)
(How dare it act as if it’s friendliness was better than his cruelty?)
(How dare it make a mockery of one of the few he loves?)
He will apologize, but he will not be there for it.
His body says the words, his body smiles for it and touches the creature in a shake of the hand.
His body knows the importance of keeping your enemies guessing
(A lesson hard learned in prison)
His body hopes the man-like creature will think him sincere.
His mind cares little of that.
His mind is elsewhere.
His mind has been weeping since El disappeared.
(Not crying, to crying is to act as if this was real or final)
His mind has been mourning since El first went missing.
(Not mourning, never mourning, to mourn was to accept that he was gone.)
Internally, he has been plotting. 
Plotting with his husband (He won’t make the mistake of leaving Roier out of planning again)
Plotting to find their missing man.
Plotting to keep his mind sane.
This will all happen later.
But now, he sits and sobs
In a dark room that was far too large for the two people in it
into the black robes of the man who raised him (poorly? well?) the best he could
And wishes nothing more 
than to have his beloved husband by his side
(A man who is weeping into his own best friend's chest currently
 she whispers to him in a failed attempt at comfort)
And his closest companion on the other
(A man who currently feels nothing as he falls further into an abyss) 
Been awhile since I made anything for this au- Ignore any spelling mistakes
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There's this misconception around the Twins working for Azul due to the way that Azul carries himself and the words of the trio. The thing most people don't take into account
Azul carries himself like he's the boss of everyone constantly. The twins aren't particularly special enough in that regard to get off scot-free but even then he is significantly more comfortable with them (even if they're not alone, he's more relaxed and honest with/around them)
THAT'S HOW THEY TALK! THEY'RE NOT TRUSTWORTHY! "But Azul said that the twins would ditch him if he got boring and the twins didn't arg-" Azul is full of insecurities and lies for a living, did you think he was being honest? That implies that neither party cares about the other if they didn't would Floyd go out of his way to get something Azul would like or do what Azul would want even if there's no reason for him to do so other than Azul's benefit? Would Jade go out of his way to make sure that Azul's scams can happen by distracting others even though it would be just as easy to ruin Azul's fun? Would Azul think of the twins first whenever he's in a situation without them, thinking that they'd like something or they'd hate something?
They're not a boss or employees, they're just very weird but very close friends.
It's so funny that canonically, most people think that Azul and the leech twins are like a boss and underlings with the underlings occasionally being sarcastic to their boss.
You have any idea how fun that is? Floyd and Jade don't even work for Azul, they just do that for fun. Almost everything thinks their relationship is all
Azul: Floyd! Jade! Go do my bidding! We have to win capitalism and become an even BETTER mafia then we already are!
Jade: [Loyal servant] Yes sir.
Floyd: Whatever you say, boss! Also, I will straight up eat you alive if you turn out to be boring.
Azul: What-
When it's really like
Azul: [Letting his friend go ape shit cause he knows Jade had an annoying day] Jade, can you go maul that man for me?
Jade: [Delighted to have the opportunity to do violence] Already on it!
Azul: Don't kill him, just maim!
Floyd: [Pouting] How come Jade gets all the fun jobs?! I'll set the lounge on fire if you don't give me something interesting.
Azul: I literally let you scare the shit out of some first years 30 minutes ago.
Floyd: Yeah but that was thirty minutes ago. Also, here [Tosses a shinny seashell at Azul], I took this from Shrimpy.
Azul: Don't throw things- Ooh, that's pretty...I can get some revenue out of this...[Sighs] If it helps, you can go set some contract breakers on fire as long as you're SOMEWHAT subtle.
Floyd: [Grinning] That's all I needed to hear! [Walks away]
Azul: Don't get blood on the carpet when you come back!
It's so fun to see people misinterpret their relationship. Like, no, they're not just a mafia boss and his lackeys, they're a really dysfunctional family or soulmates (platonic or romantic is your preference). Their love language just so happens to primarily be doing acts of violence to (and for) each other.
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The Wedding - Aftermath
QSMP Quackity - El Quackity Swap AU
In one universe, Quackity's disappearance is not immediately noticed but when it is, it's slightly concerning and gets marginally worse over time.
This is not the case in this universe.
Cellbit was a fucking wreck, decently similar to how he was when Felps was kidnapped but worse. Roier is normally the person to calm his husband down, to convince him to slow down. He can’t.
Elq was one of Roier’s oldest friends and for him to simply disappear like that at his wedding? 
Roier was just as wrecked as Cellbit. Their family and friends do their best to try and convince them to still take their honeymoon, to relax and let them handle it until the newlyweds get back.
“It’s fine! He disappears without a word all the time!” They say. He does, but never to the newly weds. He always leaves some form of clue for them to find, and always comes if they ask him to.
“Go on your honeymoon! I bet you that he'll be here by the time you’re back. We’ll contact you if he comes back, promise!” They plead and while the husbands desperately don’t want to, you can only hear your fathers and your mentor nag you to take a break before you give in.
The honeymoon was supposed to last a few days. A week minimum and about 3 weeks maximum. They’re back in 3 days. Their families don’t say anything. They knew it would be a lost cause to make them wait any more time. That it would venture into cruelty rather than care if they tried.
Cellbit is off the walls with how upset he is, only venting his frustrations to his husband or his mentor. Both of which knew Elq. Cellbit does not cry. He does not mourn. He refuses to. To cry would be to act as if this was final. To mourn would be to admit as if this was forever. He is not angry. If he was, he’d be unproductive, unfocused, like the last time someone he loved went missing. 
Roier is angry. He’s furious and everyone can see it. The only thing that’s stopping him from running off on his own to find Elq was Richas. He can’t leave one of them for another. Elq would never forgive him if he did, and Roier would never forgive himself. It’s only in the safety of his home, alone with his husband, does he let himself crumble. He lets himself fall to pieces and picks himself back up after, no less angry. No less grieving.
BBH is calm. Not in the forced way that Cellbit is, he’s simply calm like he always was when upset. He talks to the federation, he talks with Etoiles and he does welfare checks on Guapoduo. No one can really tell that he’s upset more than anyone else. No one except Foolish. Foolish takes a single look at him, straightens his posture and goes, “Who’re we killin’?”
The federation does not report any casualties. God, no. But they do avoid Bad for awhile. They don’t make direct eye contact with Foolish either.
Then the thing comes.
A thing that looked just like Elq except in the ways that mattered.
A thing that grinned and laughed like it was the easiest thing.
A thing that didn’t wear the sunglasses Elq refused to take off unless pressed on it.
A thing comes and wears their friend's face and uses part of his name.
You can imagine how they felt about that.
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Wedding P2 - The Actual Wedding
The wedding went…surprisingly well when two of the people on the planning committee tried to make the altar out of knives (It was Jaiden and Elq).
Elq was all nerves the entire day, you could barely talk to him without him glaring a hole into your head. Slime offered him weed like twice but Elq just said that he needed to keep a stable head. He hung out with Jaiden a lot during it, mainly cause she wanted to help and he needed something to distract him before he started stabbing people.
When the wedding started, Elq just started throwing rocks at people to get them to shut up. It wasn’t effective.
You know how when Slime objected, Etoiles immediately just started attacking him? Yeah, Elq did that as well, no hesitation. Unfortunately, he is very bad at fighting so be barely managed to scratch Slime. At some point during Slime’s whole ‘Me and Cellbit absolutely made out when he first came to the island’ speech, Elq made eye contact with Richas and just nodded and that was all the permission Richas needed to kill someone.
It was actually a really good tension reliever for Elq cause he had been so anxious for something bad to happen and then it did. And it was MINOR. They instantly killed Slime, and everything went on fine. The bad thing had happened and nothing came of it. He was much more relaxed for the rest of the wedding.
Elq definitely laced the venue with TNT but less in a ‘Jealous’ way and more in a ‘I am feeling so many emotions and I have no idea how to process them all’. He was planning on blowing it up once everyone went home but he got too antsy and did it after the ceremony like in canon.
After that, everything went like normal! There were festivities, cake, and the bouquet was thrown. A missing guest went almost completely unnoticed.
In every universe, Quackity is cared for and his disapperance is noticed.
But in this one? It was noticed just a bit faster. His closest friends were the grooms getting married, and they noticed his disappearance the moment the speeches started. Elq wasn't one for making speeches that weren't extremely ominous or threatening but he promised to make a speech during that portion. And Elq always kept his promises
It was a bit concerning but they ignored it. Elq wandered off without a word all the time and he came back fairly soon if an event was happening. But then he didn’t.
The speeches went on, and he still didn’t reappear. Once the speeches slowly began to come to a close, Cellbit got nervous and started asking where he went. No one really knew.
Roier and Cellbit are loyal to a fault, so they went looking. Still dressed in their best suits, they went looking for their closest companion and the wedding party went with them.
Even if most of them weren’t exactly on the best terms with Elq, who were they to simply ignore the grooms being concerned about their best friend (or boyfriend).
The problem arose when no one could find him.
There was no trace of him, very odd since Elq was notably very bad at hiding his tracks, and it was as if he disappeared into thin air.
Or a very deep void.
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I can not stress enough how livid this man was. He would've killed Slime with his own bare hands if he had any fighting or combat ability.
They had a small jokey conversation before the wedding where Slime talked about 'speaking his truth' but Elq just thought that meant he was gonna start insulting Mariana like he normally does
The wedding p1
I'm gonna talk about the Guapoduo wedding cause it did not go the same as canon. But this is gonna be split up into 'Pre-Wedding/Wedding Planning' and 'During Wedding' because both are long as shit and I want to organize well. Maybe even an 'After Wedding' if anyone's genuinely curious
Elq’s role in the wedding was…confusing to say the very least from the moment they started planning. No one was really sure where the fuck he was gonna be or if he’d just act like he was also getting married.
Cellbit and Foolish argued about it for hours. Foolish was saying that Elq probably should just be a normal audience member since he literally wasn’t married OR dating them. Cellbit was saying that Elq was one of his best friends and should have a bigger part, and he really wasn’t sure if he was somehow dating Elq and missed a social cue.
The debate ended when Roier showed up and said that Elq was his best man and had agreed to not plant bombs at the wedding venue (Which relived Cellbit and concerned Foolish as he didn’t know that was ever an issue)
Elq’s attitude to the wedding changed based on the day. Some days he’d act like he was planning on sabotaging it for ‘revenge’, some days he’d act like he was also gonna get married, and some days he acted like his best friends were getting married. It varied a lot.
Elq took on a decent amount of wedding planning since he was the best man. He was really good and really bad at the same time. He’d unironically suggest poisoning the guest who caught the bouquet so that there would be no next wedding then casually say “Oh also, we should probably use lavender since it’s the flowers that they gave to each other on their first date and represents devotion. Anyways, how much gunpowder can be legally put into this food?” 
The wedding planning party itself was…something. It consisted of Foolish (Father of Roier, there because he loves planning and Vegetta was too tired), Badboyhalo (Closest thing Cellbit has to a father), Richas (They could not make him leave if they tried. And they tried.), Jaiden (Best friend of Roier), and Elq (Maybe best friends with the grooms and may be in a poly relationship with them. No one knows. Least of all the grooms)
It went exactly how you think it went, but the result was great and everyone was surprised that the only person to get thrown off a cliff was Bad and everyone is pretty sure that he literally can’t die.
Richas is security-like in canon and Elq get him so much armor. It’s a requirement for being security and Richas reluctantly agrees to it. Richas is more decked out in armor that’s better than a solid amount of the guests. He is having a very good time waving around a sword though, he takes his job very seriously.
Elq's job when it comes to the actual venue is to be nitpicky. Foolish builds to then Elq verbally tears apart every flaw it has so that Foolish can make it better. He’s very good at this and Foolish has only cried once so far!
Wedding planning is a pain in the ass and is very difficult until.
The day finally came and it was perfect
Well, perfect as it can be in this lovely fuckshit server
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The wedding p1
I'm gonna talk about the Guapoduo wedding cause it did not go the same as canon. But this is gonna be split up into 'Pre-Wedding/Wedding Planning' and 'During Wedding' because both are long as shit and I want to organize well. Maybe even an 'After Wedding' if anyone's genuinely curious
Elq’s role in the wedding was…confusing to say the very least from the moment they started planning. No one was really sure where the fuck he was gonna be or if he’d just act like he was also getting married.
Cellbit and Foolish argued about it for hours. Foolish was saying that Elq probably should just be a normal audience member since he literally wasn’t married OR dating them. Cellbit was saying that Elq was one of his best friends and should have a bigger part, and he really wasn’t sure if he was somehow dating Elq and missed a social cue.
The debate ended when Roier showed up and said that Elq was his best man and had agreed to not plant bombs at the wedding venue (Which relived Cellbit and concerned Foolish as he didn’t know that was ever an issue)
Elq’s attitude to the wedding changed based on the day. Some days he’d act like he was planning on sabotaging it for ‘revenge’, some days he’d act like he was also gonna get married, and some days he acted like his best friends were getting married. It varied a lot.
Elq took on a decent amount of wedding planning since he was the best man. He was really good and really bad at the same time. He’d unironically suggest poisoning the guest who caught the bouquet so that there would be no next wedding then casually say “Oh also, we should probably use lavender since it’s the flowers that they gave to each other on their first date and represents devotion. Anyways, how much gunpowder can be legally put into this food?” 
The wedding planning party itself was…something. It consisted of Foolish (Father of Roier, there because he loves planning and Vegetta was too tired), Badboyhalo (Closest thing Cellbit has to a father), Richas (They could not make him leave if they tried. And they tried.), Jaiden (Best friend of Roier), and Elq (Maybe best friends with the grooms and may be in a poly relationship with them. No one knows. Least of all the grooms)
It went exactly how you think it went, but the result was great and everyone was surprised that the only person to get thrown off a cliff was Bad and everyone is pretty sure that he literally can’t die.
Richas is security-like in canon and Elq get him so much armor. It’s a requirement for being security and Richas reluctantly agrees to it. Richas is more decked out in armor that’s better than a solid amount of the guests. He is having a very good time waving around a sword though, he takes his job very seriously.
Elq's job when it comes to the actual venue is to be nitpicky. Foolish builds to then Elq verbally tears apart every flaw it has so that Foolish can make it better. He’s very good at this and Foolish has only cried once so far!
Wedding planning is a pain in the ass and is very difficult until.
The day finally came and it was perfect
Well, perfect as it can be in this lovely fuckshit server
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Fuck it, how does Roer and Elq react to Cellbit being alive on Purgatory?
Do they join Richas and Pomme when they go grab them or??
My bad for the late reply, I got confused cause I thought I missed something and I had to read several wiki pages
Like in canon, Roier is replaced with Doied, but it's a lot less seamless. Elq is, at his core, a paranoid bastard, so he instantly clocks that 'Roier' is different but due to the whole 'Our husband is missing' situation (Doied barely keeps his composure at Elq's assertions that they are married) Elq decides to just keep an eye (and several security cameras) on him.
Doied doesn't go with Richas and Pomme to go grab them because he wasn't confident in his ability to pretend to be Roier in front of both his husbands(?) (He still isn't really sure if Elq was just committed to the bit or if they were unofficially married). Elq goes but only because BBH convinced him.
Elq wanted to stay behind to make sure the eggs were safe but was visibly tearing himself apart over not being able to go find Cellbit first hand so BBH goes out of his way to convince him to go look for him with Richas and Pomme (It takes a lot of fake evil monologuing and saying that he'll look after Pepito with 'Roier' while he's gone).
Richas still finds Cellbit first, but Elq is not far behind. (The whole thing about how Cellbit got back is kinda confusing and unclear to me so sorry if I get details wrong). Richas is there, doing Richas things, when Elq comes running yelling at him to not be an idiot and not wander off. Then he sees Cellbit.
and there's a silent and still moment where both of them are too afraid to move. Too afraid to speak. Then it's broken with a "Guess you're not dead." from Elq that's hiding so much emotion behind it.
That's all it takes for Cellbit to tackle Elq in a hug. Elq may or may not be his husband, Cellbit will probably never know, but he does know that he loves him. Romantically, Platonically, it doesn't matter and Cellbit never bothered to distinguish it. In the end, he loves Elq deeply and that's all that matters.
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How does Elq fit into Guapoduos dynamic when Pepito gets introduced?
Elq is...not having a good time the first time he meets Pepito just like canon Quackity. He knows that Cellbit is gone, most likely dead, he just got back from being tortured and he's being greeted by this...weirdly peppy egg.
Normally, Elq would be repulsed if not vaguely distressed if a very happy tried to speak to him. But this is not exactly a normal situation. Elq instantly comes to the conclusion that wherever he is (He's not sure if it's hell, or a weird version of heaven or still a torture chamber), they threw this egg in here with him, most likely to kill it in front of him.
So this spurs Elq to immediately be very protective of Pepito. Pepito is very excited to meet Elq cause he'd been told a lot about him by Roier (who thought that Elq was dead like Cellbit). It takes awhile for Pepito to convince him that 'Hey, you're not dead and this isn't a torture chamber designed to kill the both of us' and it involves a lot of random items to do this (Including but not limited to: A chain saw, a stack of wood, 3 strings, a iron axe.).
Elq still throws the birthday party for Pepito but partly because he's having a mental breakdown and he needs to focus on an action or person before he starts crying (Luckily, throwing a birthday party allows you to focus on an action AND person!).
Once El isn't having a mental breakdown and is subtly convinced that he's alive and not in a torture chamber, he goes to find Roier. They have a 'tearful' (Both of them almost cry then deny that they did) reunion as both were convinced that the other was dead. Once they're done being emotional and pretending they weren't emotional, Elq is very...jarred by Roier's treatment of Pepito. It confuses him greatly. Roier was kind, in Elq's memory, the kindest between the three of them back when there WERE three of them. And now he's so...harsh. It makes sense but Elq kinda has to mentally say a loud 'FUCK' when he realizes that he'll have to be the nicer parent in the relationship if he didn't want to give the kid daddy issues like Spreen did to Ramon.
He doesn't call Roier on his treatment of Pepito since he thinks that it's probably fine to treat a kid like that (See; Elq's weird idea of how to treat children) and as long as it doesn't become actual ab-se, Elq is fine with it. He's a bit...gentler with Pepito which everyone can see is a constant and painful thing for him.
Nothing huge by other peoples standards, but he'll always put Pepito on his shoulders instead of letting him walk, he'll make sure Pepito always has armor even if it means Elq is literally giving him the armor off his back, and he'll talk.
He'll talk about Cellbit, what kind of person he was is, how he likeds puzzles, and how he'd love Pepito. He'll talk about Roier, how the island changed him overtime into the man that Pepito knows. He'll talk about Bobby like he's Pepito's brother, how he would've been aghast at the idea of having two brothers.
It has been awhile since Elq has had to be kind but he fears what will happen if he isn't.
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So, like, does Elq ever end up in bed with Cellbit and Roier?
Like at some point Elq fully commits and just sleeps in the same bed as them, but they don't really care because they don't know if they're dating him or not. Cellbit is still very confused but is slowly learning to accept it.
Guapoduo: *In bed, preparing to sleep*
Elq: *Jumps in*
He does and it clears up absolutely nothing!
Elq has made his relative disgust at the thought of having sex with them (or anyone) very clear, but they can't tell if that's cause he's ace like Cellbit or cause he just hates people. It can genuinely go either way and no one has any idea.
But for the literal bed aspect, he did that once or twice with Roier before Cellbit came to the island and once Guapoduo got married/moved in together, he didn't stay in any room other than theirs. They made him a genuine room, but he just rolled his eyes and made a comment about divorce. He just gets in bed with them anytime he wants and doesn't comment on it.
Roier is much more used to it since he's learned to take the things Elq does in stride, and it took Cellbit ages to figure out that Elq wasn't dying or tired beyond all belief when he randomly jumped in their bed, that was just how Elq was. Cellbit isn't against it by any means but he has a lot of trust issues and has rarely had someone be so close to him that wasn't his legal husband. Slowly Cellbit relaxes and stops immediately assuming that Elq was previously harmed and needed help when he jumped in their bed and was just like "Well, I might as well roll with this. What's another warm body to use as a personal heater in the night?"
Eventually, Elq does it enough that whenever they find him passed out/asleep in a weird place, (Because that man sleeps like a fucking cat when he's around people he's comfortable with. They once found him napping while half his body was hanging out of a open window sill) they just take him to their room so he can sleep on a actual bed, and they'll realize what they did five minutes later.
The only person in the server that isn't utterly baffled by this and literally the entire situation (Other than Elq, but he rarely openly expresses an emotion that isn't 'Scheming Bastard') is Etoiles who finds this absolutely hilarious and refers to Elq as 'Cellbit's second husband' or 'Roier's first husband' in casual conversation.
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QSMP Quackity Swap AU - Guapoduo
I mentioned once that El was very close with Guapoduo but I never went into detail with it.
For those that don't know, this is my swap au with Quackity and El Quackity where Elq was the OG
Elq was close with Roier from the very start of the server, and he was one of the very few people that Elq would go out of his way to spend time with/around without it involving some grand scheme. Roier enjoyed his company and how he never failed to darken up a room with only a few words or even a glance at someone. Elq thought Roier was fun and he liked having someone that just took him at face value and didn't call him emo (Shut up, MISSA-)
Elq had a tendency to make a lot of jokes about getting with Roier but Elq jokes in a very...deadpan and non-romantic way so it just came out as "[Scowling] I can't believe I married you." which Roier found hilarious but could never tell if it was flirting or jokes. If questioned on this, Elq would pretend they questioned him about something else.
Elq was the defacto babysitter of Bobby to the point where Bobby and Tilin were like siblings. He was a...odd man and honestly probably not the best babysitter, but he once took several arrows in a row without wearing armor to make sure Bobby (Who was fully decked out in armor and had a totem) didn't get hit so he was alright in Jaiden and Roier's book of who to let babysit. Elq was close to Roier to the point where multiple people on the island genuinely couldn't tell if they were dating or not (Roier had no idea either, but he was leaning towards 'No'.) (Elq acts like the question was dumb and refuses to answer).
Cellbit made things interesting because he was extremely close with him from the SECOND that he met the man, it barely took any time at all. They bonded over puzzles, scheming, and mysteries when they first met and would grow to bond over their natural lack of compassion and empathy for others (Both of them have very low empathy and have selective compassion).
Cellbit thought that Elq was fascinating and made for an amazing debate partner. Elq thought Cellbit was so interesting, he was entralled by him completely.
He had a...weird relationship with Richas that consisted of both of them threatening the other constantly but jumping to their defense the second anyone else slanders them. Richas has stabbed multiple people for making fun of Elq. He still becomes 1% of Richas's parent in this au but neither of them tend to acknowledge it to each others faces. Behind each other's backs, they'll be like "Well, MY dad could trick your dad into signing away his soul!" or "MY son is so much better than your kid. What can your kid do that mine can't do better?" Cellbit finds it adorable and loves watching the two bicker.
Elq, after knowing Cellbit for some time, does the same flirting joke thing that he does with Roier (and while it flusters Cellbit a lot more than it does Roier), and it confuses the shit out of poor Cellbit. He tried to ask the other members, but they had no answers. Neither did Roier but he found the whole thing funny from the start so it was unlikely he'd be much help either way.
Once Roier and Cellbit started dating, they both thought Elq would either get jealous of one of them or stop with the jokes (Maybe do a mock assassination attempt if he was especially pouty). They did not account for him acting as if absolutely nothing changed. The only thing that changed with his banter/jokes/flirting was that he would speak as if all 3 of them were in a relationship. It confused them so bad that they'd occasionally forget that they weren't actually dating Elq (At least, they thought so).
Elq basically lived in the castle with them for fucks sake, it was a really confusing situation that no one except Elq understood (and god knows he wasn't willing to explain).
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your swap au is really cool!!!! I am rotating them in my mind like a microwave :] I have some questions about it, if thats okay :D (you don't have to answer ofc), will elq lose his memories while with the federation like canon qq did? how does the watcher react to qq rather than elq? what is the islanders relationship with qq - do they wind up liking him more than elq as they do in canon or do they just want their friend back?
I'm curious to see how the quackities' relationships with the federation play out; they don't seem to have the same role within the Fed, swap!qq feels more like an attempt at a permanent replacement than elq does..
(sorry for any errors or if i sound odd, it is quite late where I am ^-^)
No problem! I'm honestly just surprised that someone likes my au.
El does lose his memory but him with Amnesia is very different from Canon! Quackity with amnesia. While canon!Quackity was like a lost child, El was more like a feral cat. His amnesia was kept more of a secret because his friends knew how much he kept to himself. Those who didn't immediately find him once he was back only found out because they directly stumbled upon him and figured it out before someone could whisk the man away.
It's odd. To see someone who once was so full of energy and anger who once argued with you over nothing, look at you with nothing but fear and distrust.
The watcher and Quackity have a weird relationship. Quackity treats him oddly, like an old friend sometimes and a begrudging ally at others. Sometimes the Watchers requests are responded to casually but with excitement, and sometimes they're responded to with the same formalness that you'd reserve for your boss...
Oh my god, I love this last question. They fucking hate Quackity. Some are more tolerant of him than others like Etoiles who can't bring himself to hate someone who shares the face of one of his closest friends. But the others? Especially Cellbit and Roier? They want his head on a pike.
Quackity smiles more than El Quackity did. He grins and giggles and jokes in ways that aren't morbid and don't somehow threaten multiple children. They still hate him. His friendliness is a slap in the face more than anything else. They did not resent ElQ for his personality or behavior, far from it, they loved him because of it.
There is a happier copy of their friend. Their amazing paranoid friend who once stole Phil's door because he was angry at him. They don't want a copy, a cheap imitation of their friend, they want their friend back.
Guapoduo and Bad hate him the most. El was extremely close with Cellbit and Roier, and neither man could stand being around Quackity for long without a buffer. Bad and El had a...weird relationship that was mutually antagonistic and positive (Think Landduo but with a bit more murder attempts). Bad nearly took Quackity's head off his shoulders with his claws alone the first time he saw him.
They don't want Quackity's smiles which split his face with how hard he's smiling, they want ElQuackity's smiles which are small and wobbly from how hard he always tries to hide them. They hate Quackity's laughter which is loud with his head tipped back because they love ElQ's quiet laughter with his head tipped forward.
It gets worse when they figure out that Quackity is definitely in league with the Federation, but there was no possibility of love from the start. How could they love such a poor imitation when they knew the real thing?
For the last bit, I'm so happy that you caught that. You're absolutely right that they don't hold the same role, Quackity is a bit more... versatile than Canon!ElQ so he has a fairly different (but somewhat) similar role.
Thank you soooooo much for asking! I love questions so much.
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