Author's note: This lemon-drenched snippet is not for minors nor the good of taste. It's cursed. This is your first warning. The second is the "Read more" cut. After that, you are on your own and any bad decisions are your own <3 Check the tags for more info. Enjoy~
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It’s just his luck.
He’d been separated from Ron, Hermione, and Dobby just as the house elf’s magic transported them away from Malfoy Manor, leaving Harry there. Alone. Surrounded by Death Eaters. Well, Bellatrix and three less-than-enthusiastic Malfoys, but the odds still weren’t in Harry’s favour.
So he’d used Malfoy’s wand to blow up a wall with a well-placed bombarda and ran the fuck away in the ensuing chaos. His ears are still ringing from Bellatrix’s demented screeching. 
And he has yet to be found – his scar feels like hot oil is being poured into it with how irate Voldemort is with the incompetence of his followers because of this fact. The issue is that Harry couldn’t give anyone directions to find him, either. Malfoy Manor may as well be a labyrinth with all the twisting, circuitous paths and hallways and nooks (and even some crannies). He is thoroughly lost.
He’s made his way to a three-storey attached greenhouse, filled with plants large and small. Most are magical, but some he recognises from his many, many hours weeding and tending to Aunt Petunia’s garden. He’s not sure who would be more disgusted to have shared tastes – his aunt or Narcissa Malfoy. 
With the far wall being entirely glass, Harry is almost certain he can get outside from here. There has to be a door. And… well, if there isn’t, he’s not going to be shy about breaking some windows, if that’s what needs to be done.
He finds a patch of glass panels that have no plants nearby and thinks he’s on to something. Carefully checking for hinges or handles or any other sign that he could open them, Harry’s attention is fully on the glass.
This proves to be a mistake.
He has the barest hint of what’s to come when he feels a curiously fleshy press against his ankle, and then he’s being dragged on his stomach away from the greenhouse wall and into a dark, leafy mass that blots out the scant moonlight.
And he recognises the shape of these leaves. After their adventure at the end of first year, he’d made sure to remember this plant in case he ever ran into it again. This Devil’s Snare is a bit more proactive than the others he’s seen, though. They’re typically opportunistic and wait for victims to come to them – he doesn’t remember them pursuing prey.
He very slowly and gently extracts his stolen wand from his sleeve and casts lumos. But instead of shrinking away from the light – like the bloody thing should – the plant somehow produces an ear-splitting shriek and seizes his wrist with a vine, squeezing until he drops his wand and using another vine to bat it away, spinning into an unseen corner.
And now he’s pissed the plant off. Unarmed and still in the grip of a vine, Harry feels the adrenaline kick in. He slows his breathing and tries to stay calm, as struggling will only make things worse, but it is difficult. He wants to get as far away from this weird Devil’s Snare as quickly as he can – he feels the hair on the back of his neck standing up – but he’s not sure how to manage that.
He feels a rough, vegetal limb slip under his shirt, making him panic and twitch, and that seems to be the sign the plant was waiting for. The vine around his wrist pulls taut, drawing his arm out and pinning it in place as more vines wind around his legs and drag them straight, while others twist around his torso, trapping his left arm to his side. He feels very much like a favoured toy being fought over, tugged in all directions and unable to escape or even move.
The vine under his shirt begins prodding at his belly, making him squirm and causing the vines to squeeze tighter until he shouts in pain, at which they loosen slightly. Then, he feels more and more tentative touches along his legs, his chest, his hair, and his face – everywhere they can reach. 
They poke around his mouth, and he keeps it firmly shut until the vines around his ankles clench tightly enough to force another pained cry out of him. An inquisitive tendril sneaks inside his open mouth. He bites through it immediately, spitting the end out with savage glee. With another high-pitched noise, the plant wraps a vine around his throat, squeezing tighter and tighter until he’s certain he will pass out, black edging his vision and lungs on fire with lack of air.
When it lets up, he coughs and hacks until his body remembers how to breathe, and he pants in as much air as he can. Several thin vines take advantage of this, slipping into his mouth to trace his teeth and tongue, press against his cheeks and palate. He switches to breathing through his nose and threatens to bite the vines again, but there are enough that he can’t close his mouth tightly enough to shear through them.
He’s lost track of what’s happening to the rest of him, but the other vines have been busy in his inattention. And damn the Dursleys and their hand-me-downs from Dudley, and damn Harry for not buying better-fitting clothes, because there’s plenty of room for those vines to wriggle under his jumper and trousers. He squawks through a mouthful of vines when a couple caress a little too closely to his delicate bits for comfort. Thankfully they continue past that part of him, though the sensation of them rubbing against his bare thighs isn’t much better.
“Well, well, Harry Potter,” a familiar voice says from somewhere. “We’re finally together again and you’d rather entertain the flora.” 
Harry has never been happier to see– er, hear Voldemort. He’d rather take his chances with the bigoted megalomaniac than the amorous plant weaving tighter around him.
Except Voldemort doesn’t do anything – doesn’t even say anything else. When a vine sneaks down the back of Harry’s trousers and starts prodding at a place it really shouldn’t be prodding, Harry’s had enough.
He fights his way up far enough to glare at Voldemort, silently demanding why he’s not killing him or cutting him out of this lusty Devil’s Snare to monologue at him before killing him. The bastard plant takes exception to this, attempting to pull him back down and pressing more insistently against his arse. Harry grunts in alarm, squirming away as much as he can when the vine simply follows him to push harder into him. He squeaks, and if his face looks more pleading than he’d like, he’s willing to cut himself some slack.
Maintaining eye contact, Voldemort conjures a wingback chair and sits down in it a few feet away, facing Harry.
“Don’t let me interrupt,” he drawls, leaning back and getting comfortable. “I’m in no hurry.”
Harry groans in distress as the plant's many limbs continue to move against and in him.
(Part two, where the Harrymort happens)
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self-written-god · 7 months
G | 237 | f/? But its HarlIvy coded :) | plantacles
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She's the only one not scared to send food below ground. The cafeteria gives her weird glances, guards eye her with distrust, and she's tired of them all.
Nobody goes with her because there are enough guards around the cell as it is. The ones below greet her with a touch of respect. Ask her what's in the cafeteria that day, and joke about The Upstairs. 
Some of them flirt, like most men do, but she has her eyes set on someone else. 
She knocks on the cell’s door before opening the food drawer. Sets the tray down, and passes it to the other side. The person on the other side doesn't say anything, but from the metallic clang, she knows the meal has been accepted. She sits down and starts talking about her day until the tray comes back out, empty. 
“I hope you liked it,” she smiles, reaching out for her favourite part of the exchange. 
When she reaches out to take the tray, a green tendril slithers through the drawer. Crawls over her palm, tracing her pulse points, slithering under her sleeve. She shudders at the sensation. It’s warm, and feels alive against her skin, somewhere between a plant and something more. Makes her hope one day she could feel it all over her body. 
The tendril retreats, leaving a tiny daisy in her hand, which she promptly hides in her pocket. 
One day.  
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cherrykamado · 2 years
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polutrope · 8 months
What was the first smut fic you ever read? What is the smut fic you read most recently? 
Thanks for the ask!
What was the first smut fic you ever read?
The first smutty fic I read on my current run in Silm fandom (and can therefore remember) was Mereth Aderthad by Oshun. It's more than a smutfic, but it has to this day some the hottest Daeron/Maglor smut I have read and is the entire reason I became obsessed with them.
What is the smut fic you read most recently? 
I read no fewer than three SilmSmutWeek fics last night, but the last of those was tree-tangled by @i-am-a-lonely-visitor. It is entirely unfair that this author makes me find things like plantacles hot.
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spockvarietyhour · 5 years
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Plant tentacles
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gingersnapwolves · 3 years
Excerpts from this weekend’s D&D
“Shut up and eat your packing peanuts!”
"But the on the plus side, on D&D Beyond your character sheet doesn't get moldy."
“Let's go to Crazy Eddie's magical trinkets!"
“I'll jump through an inter-dimensional portal, but I draw the line at drinking green potions.”
“I'm a half elf on a shelf!”
“I'm throwing the bunny at the plantacle.”
“Roll for ... SHUT UP!”
"I'm gonna have you roll persuasion"
"Oof only an eight"
"I'm gonna have you roll persuasion again"
“Hey one of our best friends is a half orc and he's smarter than all of us. You know how you can tell? He's not fucking here right now.”
“Let’s go to the Gearlock Institute, they said. It’ll be fun, they said.”
“You’re the one who said that!”
“So we're supposed to fight a giant spider that spins equations with its butt???“
“Why do we have to fight Dollar General Shelob?”
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ryuichirou · 4 years
Okay so I follow you on Twitter and saw the newest nsfw drawing you posted, and now I’m curious.. Is Eren that plant? (Idk why the plant gives me Eren vibes), what’s the au about? Levi seems to be owning the flower shop.. But what happened to his little plant? 🌱
Okay same anon as before, but after looking a bit more at the picture I have even more questions heh.. What’s those see through plant things? How.. How is Levi so slick down there, what’s that magical lube and where can I buy it.. The Plantacle (plant-tentacle) that’s ehm inside, I noticed it’s a bit more reddish.. Why? Or am I just over analyzing stuff now lol
(I asked my gf Katsu to write this reply because Katsu’s the main author of all of our AUs and idk I just love it when my gf explains things)
Yep, it’s Eren! Just in case you missed it, here’s the original post. Here’s some explanation for this AU, but I’ve left out many details:
Levi is indeed a flower shop owner, and one day, when he’s getting new plants, he gets one extra plant that wasn’t on the list – it’s Eren. He decides to keep it because Levi just likes plants in general and treats them like living things (which they technically are) and Eren looks very sad and almost on the verge of death. Levi waters him, Eren gets better, everyone’s happy, but Eren is a weird plant and nobody knows what he is, but he’s carnivorous, so Levi feeds him flies and stuff. Plus Eren’s behaviour makes it look like Eren is smarter than your common plant. And he is. A week later Levi cuts himself by accident and a few drops of his blood get into Eren’s mouth. Now Eren mutates over a couple of days, poisons water in the entire town and gets bigger, murdering firstly plants around him (while making it look like they’re fine, so that Levi doesn’t notice), and then he starts killing and eating people. Levi’s special, ofc, so Eren just wants to spend time with him and breed. In the end, he sends Levi in a coma in which he sleeps for 15 years, and when he wakes up, the humanity is dead and he’s the only living human on the planet which is conquered by plants. Happy end! :)
Eren is technically the plant that controls other plants who are the same as him by genetics, but smaller (and don’t really look like him that much), although they can also recognise Levi. These plants are extremely watery, only Eren is “meaty”, so to say, that’s why they produce so much lube. And the part that is reddish is Eren’s peen lol Just for aesthetics. Those translucent plants are just there for fun and for sucking something, but I like their design, so we might keep it for Eren’s so-called “army” of plants. Jesus I hope all of this makes sense <D
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crookedspoonfic · 4 years
[fic] Plants & Vines (JayDick)
Instead of finishing the other Stray fic, I wrote Stray as an adult and Jason with Ivy powers, because why not?
638. never gonna be refined (DCU: JayDick, 5.6k, E)
Tags: AU, blowjobs, deepthroating, anal, sounding, plantacles, consentacles, relationship stuff, sex pollen (sort of), breathplay, bottom Dick
"Is that not how it usually goes? First we make out, then I make off with something?"
"We never just make out. It always turns into a whole Thing."
"You sound as though you're complaining." He grins. Jason's kisses are addictive. They always turn him into a kitten in heat. Ivy has immunized him to the toxins that Jason's skin secretes, but not to their aphrodisiac side effects.
"That's because I am."
Written for Day 1 “Plants & Vines” at @tentatoddweek.
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mybrainproblems · 3 years
Joining a new fandom tends to like, Ignite my creativity/desire to write but spn is really difficult for me bc the fandom is old enough that it feels like everything has been done before. So it feels like what’s the point in writing if I’m just rehashing the same story that someone else did years ago even though I’m thoroughly unaware of it like idk! 
I guess the feeling partially stems from the fact that I wrote some kinda unique stuff when I was into snk and lay claim to being the first person to write plantacle porn for todobaku? (possibly still the only person??) And so anything less than ‘thoroughly unique’ just feels like... why bother if it’s already been done?
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ao3feed-iwaoi · 5 years
Read this masterpiece on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XlIZ6N
by stopwriting
The very land of Aoba Jousai is inextricably linked to the demon king, and everything living in it is subject to his will.
Or, the one where Iwaizumi is fucked by a plant.
Words: 2927, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Haikyuu!!
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Other
Characters: Iwaizumi Hajime
Relationships: Iwaizumi Hajime/Oikawa Tooru, sort of - Relationship, ish - Relationship, okay fine not really, BUT STILL KINDA - Relationship
Additional Tags: Plants, Tentacle Sex, plantacles, Non-Consensual Bondage, Extremely Dubious Consent, Anal Sex, Final Haikyuu Quest, Alternate Universe - Final Haikyuu Quest, Aphrodisiacs, Oral Sex, Deepthroating, Come Inflation, No Aftercare, sorry - Freeform, a distinct Lack of aftercare actually
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XlIZ6N
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 5 years
Allergy Season
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2JyH7Uh
by the_genderman
Bucky and Groot get sex-pollened in a cave full of luminescent alien plants. What happens when a tree gets sex-pollened?
Words: 1221, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Groot (Marvel)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Groot
Additional Tags: Dubious Consent, Sex Pollen, Rimming, plantacles, Tentacles, Eldritch, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2JyH7Uh
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Can you suggest me some riren blogs? No ereri pls I'm a slut for riren 😝
Wtf, i am so sorry i didn’t any notification that i got messages, wtf tumblr 
Ehh there aren’t many riren only blogs most I followed post both of them. The only quality riren blogs I follow are @key-to-levis-heart and @riren-is-canon (who is also the resident RiRen expert so you might want to ask them about blogs requests!! :D) 
Oh! and there is @levi-is-not-a-bottom (but they posts other ships like EruRi with Levi as top, so if you’re into that then..) 
I’m sorry i am not of any help, I am just the resident plantacle porn dealer :(
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teatitty · 2 years
Why am I plagued with so many fics at once I am constantly looking mournfully at the Sabermuid x CasCu fantasy AU but all the snippets I have of it are either plant s/ex or Cu tending Diarmuid’s injuries after his jobs/contracts 
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idlartistry-blog · 5 years
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Mixed Emotions Plantacles #6 11/19/18 By IDL Artistry How many faces can you find? So I made this one Christmas themed with the colors❤️⚪️⚫️ And again I had fun making those faces hehe all the mixed emotions up in this muthafuckin abstract style 😃 Also this is the 6th piece I have made of this style series so far and for now there is just six pieces in this series but if I'm feeling like making more in the future I definitely will 😊😉 But anyways if you haven't seen any of my other pieces I've made of this abstract style series then I'm guessing you don't know what Mixed Emotions Plantacles means sooo if you wanna know then keep reading down below 😉 I created a whole series of this abstract style. I call it Mixed Emotions Plantacles. To me it kind of looks like plants and tentacles in the way that the lines move in all the different directions and the mixed emotions part is based on how every time I create this style I'm in a different mood the whole time and because I'm in a different mood that makes it so that each piece that I make like this looks different. Also, I added faces with different expressions. So that is why I call it Mixed Emotions Plantacles .... This is how it looks in frame far away🙌🏼#coloredpencils#prismacolor#black#oilpaint#background#abstract#abstractart#idlartistry#inspiredevelopmentlevels#artsy#artist#artistry#talent#create#artoftheday#artlife#color#arts#art#artofinstagram#instagood#skill#skillz#skills#abstractartwork#faces#red#christmas#fineart (at Redding, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/BxBWMNwgMrK/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ci3ahmbb1yds
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teatitty · 2 years
I might just post part of the drafted version of the plantacle fic because I kinda liked how laidback and chill Sabermuid was in it
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teatitty · 2 years
I need to write more DiarCu plantacle fucking. Someone has to fill this niche and I know nobody else is gonna do it
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