#otp: well you saw me naked
terapsina · 2 months
A comprehensive list of ALL my favorite WLW ships. PART 2 (because I have more than 10 of them)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
(canon gets a 🍪, clowned myself into thinking it'd be canon gets a 🤡, didn't actually think it'd be canon but adored them anyway gets a 🍑, happy ending gets a 🌺, they destroyed me ending gets a 😿, bummer ending gets a 💔, cancellations are a plague on this planet get a 🪦).
11. Hope and Lizzie - Legacies - 🤡💔🪦
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12. Mulan and Aurora - OUAT - 🤡😿💔
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13. Max and Eleanor - Black Sails - 🍪😿💔
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14. Beca and Chloe - Pitch Perfect - 🤡💔
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15. River and Thirteen - 🍪🤡😿
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16. Sameen and Root - Person of Interest - 🍪😿
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17. Maria and Carol - Captain Marvel - 🤡💔😿
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18. Julia and Kady - The Magicians - 🤡💔
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19. Eleanor and Tahani - The Good Place - 🍑
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20. Hayley and Rebekah - The Originals - 🍑💔
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jistagrams · 11 months
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paring:idol!soobin x college student!reader
warning:reader is changing otp , obsessed soobin 🥲
genre:fluff , suggestive , stablished relationship
having a boyfriend alone was stressful enough, not feeling good enough for him,getting jealous,having fights, all of that is so stressful but what makes it worse is your boyfriend being in a huge band. tomorrow by together. Sure, u were happy for him and rooted him on along his journey but him being in a band means more things to be worried & stressed out about. it's not like u hate that soobin is in a band, u just found the schedules hard. you rarely see him and the days you have off he doesn't and the days he has off you don't. It was hard but since you both deeply loved each other you kept on going.
"I miss her.."
"you always miss her!!"
"yeah yeonjuns right, always whining that u can't be with her and u never see her. If u wanna keep complaining stop being a idol!!" beomgyu yells at his elder. "beomgyu I feel like you deserve a good beating.." , "sorry I was wrong.." gyu says when soobin raises his hand as a joke (wasn't much of a joke he was really thinking about it). soobin slumps back down onto the couch holding one of kai's plushie. "But still!I haven't seen y/n in a MONTH! I can't take it anymore!! when ur dating u should be able to see them like every day!" soobin whines once more to the 4 members, kai pats his leg while getting up to go to his room. Leaving only 3 left. "if u saw y/n every day u would be sore and even louder than u are rn" tae says while scrolling on his phone, sitting on the floor. "he's right, u and y/n are so loud when ur with each other, whether it's cos u and her are going at it or u guys are jus loud people in general which I highly doubt, it's better u guys aren't seeing each other everyday. not seeing her for a month won't kill you" yeonjun says to the leader, beomgyu and tae nod not bothering to look over at the 2 older ones, soobin sighs and throws the white plushie to the side , sitting up and going to his room. "u guys don't understand cos none of ur relationships work out..." he mumbles under his breath as he walks into his room n closes the door behind him. He sits down on his bed, grabbing his phone from his pocket and going to messages. He sees u texted 3 times,
baby I just fininished all my homework
wanna call?
babe wya??
after seeing ur msgs he decides to FaceTime u.
while u were in the middle of changing after taking the longest and coldest shower u hear your phone ring , u pick it up seeing ur boyfriend facetiming u. U set ur phone up against the lotion u had on ur dresser. U answer it after grabbing a shirt from ur closet.
"Hi baby"he says looking around ur room trying to find where u were since u weren't in frame. "Oh hi babe, hold on im grabbing underwear" u say as u take a pink pair from ur dresser and stand back up to frame, ur boyfriend realizing u don't have a shirt or underwear on makes him look away a little embarrassed. U look at him and laugh at his shyness, "what u haven't seen me naked before??" U say while putting on the soad t-shirt on, "its not that.. I was just shocked that's all." He says with a small laugh finally looking back at his phone, "u look cute soob" , "i knoww" , "u look too cute , I want to see u soon babe" , "me too y/n, i miss hugging u while sleeping" , "i miss all of u, especially ur hugs" , "all of me hm?" , "mhm, allllll of you." , "what do u miss most about me tho besides my hugs?" , "well...I miss how u would man handle me, and I miss ur abs,"
feeling excited to see your boyfriend for the first time in a month u quickly drive to his dorm. "What if he doesn't wanna see me" u start to overthink to ur friend who u were otp with. "y/n you know he wants to see u just as bad as u wanna see him." she reassures you.
"oh my god." U sigh out as u see the door open revealing ur handsome boyfriend. He gives u a toothy smile as u jump into his arms, feeling emotional as u both stumble into his dorm. "I've missed u so much, I feel like this isn't even real." you whisper into his ear as u feel a small tear fall down. "babe this isn't even the longest we've been apart, everytime I go on tour we are apart for longer" he says as he closes the door and locks it with one hand, the other holding onto u. After staying like that for a few moments u let him go and u take ur shoes off. u hold his hand as u both walk to his room. this place was all too familiar to you. Since u visited often, to take care of odi while soobin was on tour or just out of town. Laying down on his bed as he lays ontop of u, holding u like he held the plushie. "This is where I belong I swear." U say into his chest, he just smiles as he flips u both over, making u be ontop, u still don't let go of him. Like a panda holding onto a bamboo stick. Feeling comfortable u find urself falling asleep as soobin places soft kisses on ur forehead and nose. He softly pats ur head like a little dog. "I love you so much" soobin says softly, u lift ur head up to look at him, already getting bedhead from just laying here. "I love you so much too soob" u say back as he softly kisses u as u felt all your worries and stress slip away in this very moment.
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dcbbw · 2 years
Deja Vu (#Please be Prompt event)
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This out-of-nowhere fic was born of a TikTok video of all things. It isn’t even a good video, but it sparked an idea (you know where that went), and here we are. This will also be my submission for the @choicesficwriterscreations​ #please be prompt event.
I will be using the following prompts: I’ve seen that smile before and Do you like what you see? They will appear in bold.
Rating: I have never given any of my stories a designation before, so going with M/Mature for content matter. The storyline is dark, odd, hopefully descriptive … but not graphic (at least I hope it isn’t).
Ta-Da! Yet another story no one asked for. (Quelle surprise!) It’s a hybrid of original content, sci-fi (maybe?), and my TRR franchise OTP … so whether you know me/my writing or not … please be open-minded and go easy on me. (The story makes so much sense in my head)
Huge THANK YOUs to @angelasscribbles​ for bouncing ideas with me, asking the hard questions, already plotting out part 2, and reading every effing word of this story multiple times. And to @ao719​ who performed the beta! Love you ladies!
Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. MS Word Editor rates this story at as 99% error free.
THANK YOU to anyone who reads this. Your likes, comments, and/or reblogs are appreciated more than you know!
Content Warning: Descriptions of death/killing; some slightly inappropriate NSFWish scenes
Liam and Riley belong to Pixelberry.
Song Inspo: Perfect Dress, Collar
Word Count: 3,007
The newly risen sun beams down warmly on my bare back as my arms and legs sluice through clear, blue water. I reach the end of the infinity pool, touch the wall, and began journeying my way to the other end. This is my fifth lap, and last for the day.
I step out of the pool naked, rivulets of chlorinated water falling from my hair before running in clear trails down my neck, and along my chiseled chest and abs. I eye what I can see of my body appreciatively: muscled, virile, my skin a burnished gold from summer sun.
This body … this life …. I haven’t lived this well in eons. And I have lived a lot of lives.
Two things never die: True love. Pure evil.
All that’s missing is her.
I wonder who she is in this reincarnation. I wonder where she is, and why I haven’t met her yet.
We meet every lifetime. Without fail.  The Fates decree it, and I am curious what either of us has done to deserve this gift.
Or curse, depending on one’s perspective.
I finish toweling off just as the merest hint of her scent wafts beneath my nose. I look around, startled yet excited.
The thought of her eyes widening in recognition when she realizes who I am, the softness of her hair threaded through my fingers before my hand cups her neck.
I have never felt such bliss.
The feel of her strong fingers as they curl around my wrist, her nails digging into my flesh.
I miss her terribly.
Our breaths, harsh and ragged as we begin our age-old dance in the bid for dominance.
I always win.
I close my eyes and exhale an anticipatory sigh before opening them.
But no one is there.
I should have expected that. Her smell is far too faint, muted by distance and miles.
I stride into my bedroom through windowed terrace doors, pausing to toss my damp towel into a hamper. An urn of hot coffee sits on a side table, along with fruit and breakfast breads. I pour myself a cup before sprawling in a stiff, wooden armchair as I recollect our first encounter.
We are in Ancient Rome, in the Year of our Lord 62.
I am a Senator, part of the regime planning a coup against that whack job Nero; my countenance is comprised of obesity, wealth, and an extreme dissatisfaction with life in general.  She is a slave girl at a privately-owned bathhouse: Young with a lithe body, and the most beautiful blonde hair.
Our meeting tonight is not the chance encounter she assumes it to be. I’ve been planning this night since I first saw her thronging amongst the Marketplace, selling fresh fruit for trinkets and coins. I am curious if she has a family to care for; surely working in an elite bath house such as this affords her a decent wage.
We are both nude, and she certainly does it better than I. Serpentine bands of gold encase her upper arms as well as her ankles.  
The room is in near silence, the lapping of the water the only sound in the cavernous area. Carefully placed candles illuminate the space with flickering light.
Her scent wafts around me as she scoops handfuls of steaming water down my back. It isn’t unpleasant.
“How many have you bathed today?” I grunt as her fingertips massage into the tops of my beefy shoulders.
“Not many,” her breath whispers across the nape of my neck as her nipples brush against my skin.
“Aren’t you afraid? You know there’s a madman loose in the city, murdering slave girls.”
There is a slight hesitation before she speaks again. “That was at the public baths, sir. And the streets have been quiet the past fortnight or so.”
I say nothing as she moves around to my front. She bends to gather a cloth and a bar of soap; my beady eyes admire her graceful form and slender ass. Feeling my gaze upon her, she looks up at me with a smile I end up remembering forever: small, soft, yet illuminating with the merest hint of allure; a dimple appears in the cleft of her chin; and her eyes, the color of dark honey, glint.
The water is heavy, my body big; I struggle slightly to stand in the rather shallow pool. I covertly watch the girl for her reaction, but she doesn’t frown in disgust, nor do her eyes avert in pity or embarrassment. Rather, she extends her hand to help steady me.
I’m surprised at her kindness and matter-of-factness. I’ll repay it the only way I know how.
My member is aroused and erect from both her body and in anticipation at what will happen next; she notices and raises an eyebrow in question. My eyes bore into hers as I run sausage-like fingers through her slightly dampened hair; the pad of my thumb traces a path across her cheekbone and along her jawline before my hand cups her swan-like neck. Her eyes close in pleasure and she moans as my palm presses against the hollow of her throat.
“Look at me,” I mutter.
Her eyes meet mine; I watch as pleasure gives way to wariness, which gives way to fright as she sees the blackness in my eyes, the blankness of my expression. Her scent, a hybrid of honeysuckle, greenery, and soap, is now infused with fear.
I feel my cock jump at the smell.
I am the madman.
Despite the terror in her gaze, her body is filled with fight. The previously calm water churns as her legs thrash in her struggle to free herself. But my height and weight put her at a disadvantage. Her teeth are bared in a snarl as her nails rake scratches down the wet flesh of my arms; thin streams of blood redden my skin.
My hand now encircles her neck; I squeeze harder. Her cheeks redden and her breathing is labored gasps and gags.
This is better than I ever thought possible. She isn’t sniveling or groveling for her life. She doesn’t offer empty promises, she neither bargains nor pleads. No, she is fighting me for something that isn’t mine to take and hers to have.
Our macabre dance plays out in silhouette against marble walls.
It is the most satisfying kill I have ever executed, and I want to prolong the act as long as possible. But I promised to repay her earlier kindness. I won’t prolong her suffering.
Our eyes meet, and she manages one word: “Why?”
My answer is to snap her neck.
As life leaves her body, an orgasm releases from my cock; thick ropes of white disappear into the pool. And I fall a little in love with her.
Her spirit, her fire, her kind nature.
Her death.
There were no more murders of bath house girls after her.
I nibble on an apple as I sort through my wardrobe, choosing outfits to wear on my upcoming trip before methodically folding and placing them in a suitcase. The flight departs today; I’ll be leaving for the airport after breakfast. The destination escapes me for the moment, but it’s to be expected. In this life, I’m an extremely busy man. Over the course of my lifetimes, I’ve lived many places: New York City, Baltimore, London, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Paris, Berlin, Kalamazoo, Tokyo, Denver, Hong Kong, Chicago.
The city, the lifetime I realized that our encounters were not mere happenstance. I have made no deals with the deities to guarantee that I re-live the lust, the satisfaction, the love I get from killing her. Yet, we always meet, with the same results. It must be the Universe or other cosmic forces that pull us together.
We are soulmates. Of a different sort.
She is my destiny.
I am her damnation.
In 1940s Chicago, I am an insurance salesman. A bachelor who goes home to a cat and a TV dinner every work night. I attend church on Sundays, but gin makes me sin on Friday and Saturday nights.
The country is at war.
The city is on edge.
Someone is killing the women of Chicago. There’s neither rhyme nor reason to the murders: Housewives, bachelorettes, shop girls of all races and weights and heights. Their nude bodies have been found in trashcans, alleyways, back seats of cars.
The only connections between the victims are they are all young with dark-colored hair and wore red lipstick.
They were never shot; either strangled or stabbed.
The police have no clues, no leads.
This particular night finds me in the city’s South Side at a supper club that caters to Chicago’s black community. It features a local jazz band, show girls, and the best fried chicken in the Midwest. When I enter the establishment, my steps falter slightly; my nostrils are filled with the unmistakable scent of her. I look over the crowd: It’s filled with men and women with skin of various hues, mostly brown and black; there is raucous laughter and conversations peppered with slang I am unfamiliar with. I carefully study faces, looking for her smile; gender doesn’t matter. We’ve both returned as the opposite sex.
I enter the darkened lounge area and find a small table to the left of the stage. Her scent is stronger, and I feel my crotch bulge. A waiter takes my dinner order and brings me a drink; the undiluted gin is strong and burns my throat. The lights dim, and richly purple-colored velvet curtains lift just as my dinner is brought to me.
I glance up at the stage while I wait for the food to cool off some, and I see her. I swallow heavily as my heart rate accelerates.
She is a showgirl with skin the color of ebony. Everything on her is voluptuous: lips, hips, breasts. Her hair is hidden beneath an elaborately feathered headdress, and her shapely calves are encased in fishnet stockings. Her near-naked body sparkles with strands of pearls and rhinestones that dust the top of a pair of sequined shorts. Her nipples are covered with pasties.
Her chin dimples as she smiles brightly into the crowd.
I’ve seen that smile before, across several lifetimes. I would recognize it anywhere, on anyone. My cock throbs painfully.
I want to take her right now.
I push my plate aside, suddenly no longer hungry.
I watch the show … watch her … marveling at how easily and flawlessly she moves in sync with the other dancers, her skin gleaming beneath the bright overhead lights. She passes my table as she shimmies across the stage; she’s so close, I see the beads of perspiration dotting her nose, and where her red lipstick has seeped into the creases of her lips.  
Her eyes travel quickly over the tabletop before meeting mine; hers show no recognition upon seeing me, but she winks cheekily. I smirk as I deeply inhale her perfume that does little to hide the aromas of honeysuckle and soap.
I wonder why she never recognizes me until it’s too late to save herself.
Probably a small mercy afforded her by the gods.
At intermission, I stand and stretch my legs; the showgirl is at the bar, talking and laughing with a small group of her fellow dancers. She’s removed her headdress; a dark braid falls against the nape of her neck.  I make my way to her, giving her a polite smile in response to her inquiring look.  
Her brow knits briefly as I stand before her; she points her index finger at me, wagging it as she speaks.
“You didn’t eat your food! That’s wasteful and Minnie the Cook’s gonna be mad about that,” she says in a tone that is slightly accusatory.
“Please, give Minnie my apologies. But it’s your fault … you took both my breath and appetite away.”
My eyes roam her body appreciatively before I ask if I can buy her a drink.
“Do you like what you see?” Her eyelashes flutter coquettishly.
My thumb runs along her jawline as I lean in closer to her.
“Do you?” I breathe into her ear before drawing back to stare into her eyes.
And then I smell the fear permeating her fragrance and pheromones; her eyes widen in terror and recognition.
“We meet again, my darling,” I whisper as I take her hand and kiss her palm.
Two days later, early on Monday morning, her body is found in a dumpster behind the supper club. Her throat had been slit.
I call in sick to work that morning. My eye is blackened, my lower lip is split and swollen. Scratches from her nails mar my cheeks and neck. I wouldn’t be able to satisfactorily explain the injuries.
It was worth it.
No more women were killed after her.
I stare out the plane window, barely able to contain my excitement as we draw closer to New York City. I sit up straighter when the city’s skyline appears piecemeal beneath thick, gray clouds.
I need to see her again.
I think I am in love with her. She is the only one who can satisfy my needs, my cravings.
Every lifetime.
We have met time and again throughout eternities: While most of our encounters have been transient, we’ve also been siblings, parent and child, husband and wife. And each time, she shows me a care and kindness … a friendliness I have never experienced anywhere else, with anyone else.
But it has never been enough. It will never be enough.
In this life, I haven’t killed anyone. Yet.
But I’ve wanted to.
I don’t want to kill her this time.
But I will.
It’s the entire purpose of our love story, the only reason she’s the one for me.
My friends and I stride through the terminal, our luggage being pushed on a cart by an airport worker. The weather is cool and cloudy; the streets and pavement filled with rain puddles.
After we’re checked in and settled into our hotel rooms, we decide to go out and explore. I hire a car, and we do an abbreviated tour of the usual touristy sights. As we cross over the Brooklyn Bridge, my attention is drawn to the Statue of Liberty, a lone sentinel in the expanse of water.
I’m fascinated by the iconic monument. In all my lifetimes, I’ve never seen it.
We are now in Brooklyn, and my comrades are complaining of hunger. Tariq and Maxwell want steaks and fine wine; a sullen-faced Drake wants a burger. They begin to bicker rather loudly amongst themselves.
I don’t care what we eat. Her scent is stronger now, and I am discreetly adjusting myself.
She’s within reach.
The car cruises through a neighborhood rife with pubs and bars; a storefront advertising a variety of burgers and wines catches my eye, and I instruct the driver to let us out. Tariq is still whining about steak, but I ignore him as we exit the vehicle. I lead the way to the eatery when a passing woman piques my attention.
I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s the thought of her consuming me. The smell of her scent arousing me. Or perhaps the reason lies in the fact that in this life, this body … there is no anonymity. Not for me, nor my potential victims.
The passerby is short, Korean, and her eyes are fixed on the ground. Her hair hangs long and dark against the back of a pale pink shirt. She wears a khaki-colored utility skirt and sensible shoes. This isn’t the woman I seek … the stranger smells only of fried grease and Avon … but she’ll do.
For now.
I abruptly turn around so I am facing my friends, telling them I forgot something in the car. No further explanation is necessary since they are walking past me and into the bar. Once the door closes behind them, I sprint after the woman; once I catch up to her, I tell her I’m a tourist and lost.
She ignores me.
I notice she wears a name tag; she works at China Café and her name is Nan. I assume she’s a waitress. I swiftly change tactics, offering her money to relieve my raging hard-on in the nearby alleyway.
One hundred dollars.
She appraises me suspiciously; apparently, I’m too handsome and well-dressed to pick up strange women on the street. Her eyes stop at my crotch, where my tell-tale protrusion gives veracity to my story.
She leads the way to the filthy alley.
Five minutes later, she’s propped up against the outside wall of the bar where I will be joining my friends, her neck broken. My underwear is filled with sticky semen, and I am breathing deeply from exertion, release, and relief.
It’s been far too long.
I hurry into the restaurant; I need to at least wash off, but upon entering the establishment I am almost knocked over by the overwhelming mingled aromas of honeysuckle, greenery, and soap.
My eyes search frantically around the room. I see a waitress at a booth, speaking with Drake.
She’s average height with blonde-highlighted dark hair. She’s biracial: Asian, possibly Thai, and African-American. Her lower lip is tucked between her teeth as she scribbles furiously on a pad.
I watch for a moment, taking her in. No one else sees the scars from the deaths I’ve inflicted upon her.
Only I can see her soul.
I straighten myself to full height and stride authoritatively towards her. I reach the booth just as she’s turning to head to the kitchen. We bump into each other.
“Oh, I’m sorry!” she gasps.
I chuckle disarmingly. “It is I who should be apologizing.” I extend my hand. “I’m sorry, Miss …?”
She smiles that smile that haunts me when she isn’t near me. “I’m Riley,” she says.
“Well hello, Riley.” I bend to kiss the back of her hand. “I’m Liam.”
Tagging:  @jared2612​​ @ao719​​ @burnsoslow​​ @marietrinmimi​​ @merridithsmiscellany-blog​​ @queenjilian​​ @texaskitten30​​ @glaimtruelovealways​​ @indiacater​​ @kingliam2019​​ @bebepac​​ @liamxs-world​​ @the-soot-sprite​​ @hopelessromanticmonie​​ @mom2000aggie​​ @cmestrella​​ @iaminlovewithtrr​​ @liamrhysstalker2020​​​  @neotericthemis​​​ @twinkleallnight​​​ @umccall71​​​ @superharriet​​​  @busywoman​​​ @gabesmommie1130​​​ @tessa-liam​​​ @phoenixrising308​​​ @beezm​​​ @gardeningourmet​​​ @lovingchoices14​​​ @foreverethereal123​​​ @mainstreetreader​​​ @angelasscribbles​​​ @lady-calypso​​​ @emkay512​​​ @jovialyouthmusic​​​ @21-wishes​​​ @princessleac1​​​ @charlotteg234​​​ @bbrandy2002​​​ @queenrileyrose​​​ @debramcg1106​​​ @alj4890​ @yourfavaqua222​​
In case you’re interested: @motorcitymademadame​​
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g0dspeeed · 8 months
3-22-43-48 for Cappie and Eli for the 50 OTP Questions Game 😀
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Thank you for indulging my love for them!
3. How would one another describe their partner?
Eli stroked his beard for a moment, a tinge of shyness blooming on the apples of his cheeks.
"Man, didn't know that I'd have to answer these, too. Um, well, Cap... Can't say I've ever met anyone like her. Bold as Hell and she certainly knows how to get away with a lot. Funny, too. Whipsmart about some things. Hopeless on a hike..."
Eli took in a deep breath and exhaled with a smile.
"I really don't know. Cappie's a lot of wild things, so much that I think people get the wrong idea about what she's all about. All I know is that she's kinda crazy, but I'm crazy about her. And ain't that what Love is?"
"Eli's a goody goody," drawled Cappie from the other side of the bar. "He's a boy scout through and through. Always does the 'right thing' kinda guy. Shy. Adorable."
Cappie paused her prep of the bar, her hazel eyes looking off to the front windows as she thought more on the question. When she spoke again, her voice was tender.
"You know when you're outside on a sunny day, and the sun comes through the leaves above ya? 'S'not as blinding like if you looked at it head on, but its warm and soft? Eli's like that. He's just right, just what I need. That man warms me up every day."
22. Who is in love with the other person’s laugh?
Cappie adores his laugh, for Eli tends to be reserved, bordering shy around those whom he doesn't know well. He carries himself with a polite air about him, but when it's just the two of them, Eli loosens up, and his laugh warms every part of her.
43. What do they like to see each other in?
Cappie loves to see Eli in anything other than camouflage or Whitetail Militia merch. Eli loves Cappie naked. Or in camouflage or Whitetail Militia merch.
48. How would each of them explain how they met?
"How'd I meet Cap? Aw, well, one day, the Whitetails got wind that some poor sucker was stuck on the side of the mountain near the Den. So, I went to check it out, and there she was: The most gorgeous, insane woman I ever met." --- "I was fucked with an overheated engine, and was just about to haul ass off that stupid mountain when some gnarly guy with a crazy beard and the most beautiful eyes I ever saw rolled up. A real stick in the mud, but I made him smile, and I knew right then and there I just had to see it again."
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coquelicoq · 1 year
I'm easily summoned by every variation of "ask me about (whatever)" so for the 5 things, can you please answer for Da-Qing who I know just enough about to enjoy your answers, and maybe also Gideon the Ninth?
no pressure but i do look forward to your asks every time! always so delighted when you participate <33
for da qing:
Do you love/hate/not feel strongly about this character? i mean, he's a cat. so obviously i love him. i met a cat yesterday who bit me and she's still the most perfect creature on the planet and i love her to the ends of the earth forever, as is just and proper.
What’s your favorite trait of this character? he's a total slacker motivated only by people making food for him. CAN RELATE.
What’s your favorite moment/event involving this character? when everyone is freaking out about who's going to be in charge while lao zhao is gone and it never occurs to anybody that maybe da qing…the deputy…would be in charge? i love a character who sucks at his job and he knows it and everybody else knows it and they're all like this is our emotional support second-in-command who doesn't do anything except nap in sunbeams. a man after my own heart.
If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be? not to pick the most obvious thing but he can turn into a cat. well technically he is a cat all the time no matter what he's shaped like, but you know what i mean. i want to be cat-shaped. i want to have a fun bendy spine. i want to make cat noises!
Have you ever pictured this character naked? yes. no. technically. kind of? see other ask.
When did you fall in love/hate with this character? If you don’t have any strong feelings toward them, why not? i don't remember but let's say...the first time he tries and fails to speak Cat to kittens. teeny kittens stumbling around in an alleyway while he dangles a fish on the line in front of them and grouches at them…exquisite. no notes. love a guy with amnesia who's making it everyone else's problem. meanwhile, unless i'm mistaken, cong bo is spying on him like...okay what the actual f. this show is a comedy.
Who’s your OTP for this character? i don't have a romantic otp for him. it's probably best if he stays off the dating market, if he's going to go on dates in that HORRIBLE suit. but obviously brotp with zhao yunlan. the relationship between a boy and the cat who raised him and doesn't remember having pledged eternal fealty to the boy's adult self when he traveled back in time ten thousand years ago is actually something that can be so personal.
for gideon:
Do you love/hate/not feel strongly about this character? i love her. also i would laugh at every single one of her puns.
What’s your favorite trait of this character? very hard question. i think my answer is that i love how sad she is. specifically i love the way that was communicated to us - we saw things through her narration for two books, then the first time we saw her from the outside, not only was she totally fucked up from The Horrors but she was also stripped bare of the obfuscation of her own narration. she's always been sad but she was hiding it from us. i also love her sense of humor and how much she cares about things, but those are both the same as the first thing. runner-up: her angina dentata. yes that's what i'm calling it. as of right now.
What’s your favorite moment/event involving this character? god what kind of question. probably when she takes back over harrow's body to fight the heralds and cannot stop mentioning how little harrow works out.
If you could have one power/attribute/etc. of this character, what would it be? upper arm strength definitely.
Have you ever pictured this character naked? nope.
When did you fall in love/hate with this character? If you don’t have any strong feelings toward them, why not? i don't remember but i'm gonna guess it was either when she didn't know what salad was or when she went ham on that trapdoor because she thought harrow was dead or dying on the other side of it. (she was right.)
Who’s your OTP for this character? wow i do not have an answer. this seems like a gimme of a question but if i really think about it it's actually very hard. i don't know. i don't know!
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khoicesbyk · 1 year
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The Royal Romance.
Love Everlasting.
A/N: I had a different name and plot for this fic over a year ago. But after being in the RP community for more than a year, I've decided to write the current Royal Life of my favorite OTP.
Rated: Mature (at times can and will be Explicit. I'll be sure to change the rating when and if that happens). | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual. Y'all should be used to this from me by now 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: King Marquise Rys (LI) and Queen Shanelle Miller-Rys (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and original characters created by me and/or other authors [their characters have been mentioned and/or used in the story with their permission] ) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 50K words. (may be slightly more or may be slightly less. Look, I stop counting after editing and re-editing and driving myself insane. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
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This series is rated Mature and/or Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
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Tag List: @choicesficwriterscreations
Matrimony. Part 5.
“What am I supposed to do with these?” he asked.
“Yup. I shoulda pushed harder for you to take Sex Ed when they offered it,”  she replies.
“You serious?” he asked.
“We're drunk. And the tension is steadily rising. Besides, this is your last hurrah, Hotshot. Take it or leave it,” she replies.
“Man, I'm gonna enjoy this.”.
She grabbed him by his hair and kissed him. He was shocked and turned on at the same time. He broke their kiss so he could breathe.
"Well, that was fun.” 
"You've been wanting to do that since you saw me.”
"If he finds out—"
"He already knows. Next question."
"What do you mean he knows?" He asks.
"He knows that I'm about to turn you into a whore." She replies.
“How?” he asked 
"Who do you think set this all up genius?” she replied. 
Cass made a face. 
"Damn! There go my bragging rights.” 
"Blah! Blah! Blah! Get naked!"
He shook his head at her before kissing her again. He couldn't wait to have her. And he didn't care how that looked. He picked her up, wrapped her legs around his waist, and carried her back into the bedroom.
"I...have...been...dying...to...fuck...you!" He said in between kisses.
"You talk too much!"
"You love it."
It didn't take them long to get each other naked. He took a moment to admire her naked body.
"Like what you see?" She asked with a wink.
"Of course. You've always been beautiful." He whispered.
He went from kissing her to going straight to the treasure between her thighs. The one thing she lives about him is didn't waste time. He had to taste her again. It had been years since he had her like this. So he went straight for her center and buried his face in it. He licked, sucked, nibbled, and kissed her sweet snatch all the while rubbing his face in it, making sure he was coated with her juices. She moaned loudly as he ate her out. 
Once her thighs started to close around his neck he knew she was going to break. So he grabbed her thighs and plunged his tongue inside her. He felt her body shake as she screamed again and flooded his face with her nectar. He looked at her smiling as she caught her breath. He was happy because he knew he still got it.
"Sweet as sugar." He said as he licked his fingers.
She rolled her eyes.
"Don't get cocky. You still haven't proven anything."
"Don't believe me just watch!"
"Have I mentioned that you talk too much?" She asked.
Rather than answer her, he kisses her hard before grabbing her and flipping her onto her stomach then mounting her. With a condom on, Cassian was ready to take her right then and there.
"What are you waiting for? Let's go!" She dared him.
It was on then.
He closed his eyes then drove himself straight into her and began fucking her senseless. He wanted her to know and feel how he missed her. He pounded that sweet treasure for what he felt was an eternity. The sounds their bodies made as he crashed into her again and again coupled with her feminine scent made him dizzy.
"Don't you dare slow down! Give it to me!" She shouted.
He intensified his rhythm just for her.
"That's my girl! Tell me you want this dick!" He growled.
He loves hearing her scream bloody murder as he took her. She was close to her climax and he knew it because he was as well. That's when she screamed at the very top of her lungs and unloaded onto him. She felt so damn good to him.
He stayed still for a moment before pulling out of her. He marveled at the sight before him. They were both exhausted and satisfied. He curled up with her in his arms. Just the way he always wanted.
"I feel like a whore!” he said to her.
"You are a whore, Cass.”
He grumbled. 
"This is the way, it should be. It should be you and me."
"It should be but it is Cass. As much as we love each other, we never would've gone the distance.”
He sighed.
"I know but still. I was never ready to let you go."
“Likewise. But holding on to you wouldn't have been fair to either of us. Besides, what's done is done. I don't hate you. I will always cherish what we had and what we were.”
"You could always back out and come back to me.”
"I could. But I've come too far now. I am way too close to destiny. Too close to my destiny. I can't leave now.” she replied.
Case shook his head.
"You've always been an overachiever, Princess.”
"Always will be.”
She let his sword necklace play with the pads of her fingers.
"I will never forget the look on your face when I gave you this.”
"Yeah. That's because you made me feel like an ass because I didn't get you anything.”
"I do believe I told you that I didn't want anything when we graduated. I had you. That was all I wanted.”
"I know but I could've at least bought you flowers or something.”
"With the pay from that janky ass job you used to have?" she asks.
"I made good money at that job!" he replies.
"You got paid in peanuts Dumbo. Hell, Lo made more money at his first job than you did at yours.”
He pinched her.
"Ow! Jackass!" she sneered.
He kissed the spot he pinched.
"Better?" he asks.
"Maybe," she replied.
He shook his head before he kissed her again.
"So where do we go from here?" he asked.
"We stay here like this," she replies.
“What about Nina and Chut?” he asked.
“Knowing them, they're drunk and are more than likely too busy entertaining their own company to give a fuck about what or who I’m doing. So I’m going to enjoy whatever time I have left with you before you have to leave,” she replied. 
"Smartest thing you've said!"
She groaned as she snuggled in his arms. When she woke up the next morning he was gone but he left her a single red rose. She knew their relationship was over and so did he but they still cared for each other and for her, that was more than enough. 
The next 2 months were a blur to her. Appointments, fittings, tours of the venues, and things of the like. She felt like her head would explode. But this was it, her wedding was fast approaching. So the last-minute mad dash to finalize and pay for everything was to be expected. She was in her room at her parent's house with her head in Nina’s lap as she scratched her scalp.
“Nobody does that like you,” Shanelle said to her.
“What?” Nina asked.
“Soothe my soul by scratching my scalp,” Shanelle replied.
Nina snickers.
“This is why you're a spoiled brat.” 
That's when they heard a yelp and something fall in the closet.
“Chut! You alright in there?” Shanelle asked. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Question! Why do you put your shoes at the top?! You know my arms are short and can't reach!” Chut replies.
Nina and Shanelle cackled.
“Poor little miss mushroom.” Shanelle teased.
Chut finally emerged from the closet with her arms full of clothes. 
“This is why we shop in your closet, Nelle. Now if you two will excuse me. I have clothes to try on.” Chut said before going into her bathroom. Shanelle shook her head with a smile.
“I love her innocence.”
“Chur? Innocent? Are we talking about the same person?” Nina asked.
“Okay between the three of us, she's the most innocent,” Shanelle replies.
“Much better.”
Just then there was a knock at the bedroom door. 
“It's open!” Shanelle said to the door.
In walked the rest of the girls.
“The gang of whores is all here!” Shanelle teased. 
The girls groaned while Nina laughed. 
“Y’all love me!”
Chutney walked out of Shanelle’s bathroom wearing one of her old dresses.
“Hey y'all!” she said to the girls before looking at Shanelle, “okay Nelle. Whaddya think? How does it look? Does it make my ass look big?” 
“Dump truck,” Shanelle replied.
“Meep meep!” Nina added.
“That's RoadRunner genius!” 
The girls laughed. 
“But to answer your question baby, it looks better on you than it ever did on me.”
“Can I have it?” Chut asked.
“It's yours,” Shanelle replied.
Chut squealed.
“Thank you, Princess! I have a few more things to try on.” Chut said before going back into the bathroom.
“That was your dress?” Bron asked.
Shanelle nodded.
“Yup. I've only worn it once. That's how I am. I wear an outfit once and then put it in my closet and never wear it again. Most of the clothes in the closet here are things I don't care for anymore.” she replies.
Bron had a curious look on her face as she glanced at the closet. 
“Go for it, baby. Whatever you find in the closet that fits is yours to keep.” 
The girls scrambled into the closet to find whatever outfits they could. It's not every day that a future Queen offers her closet to those around her.
“You've always been that way,” Nina said to her. 
“What way?” Shanelle asked.
“Always giving to the less fortunate,” Nina replies.
Shanelle shook her head with a smile.
“Why aren't you in there looking for something?” Shanelle asked.
“Too much traffic. I like shopping in your closet when there's no one here but you and me.” Nina replies.
Shanelle snickered. 
“Fair enough.” 
The girls emerged each with their arms full of clothes.
“Princess, you have a strappy pair of tan Manolos that I had my eye on,” Bron said to her. 
“Take them. They're yours now.” Shanelle said.
“Seriously?” Bron asked. 
“Yes seriously,” Shanelle replies.
“Thank you, Nelle!” 
Shanelle smiled at her. Soon the girls were fluttering around her room trying on and trading different outfits. 
“I love these Manolos but I can't find anything that goes with them.” Bron pouted. 
Shanelle thought for a second.
“Dee let me see that burgundy halter dress that you didn't want,” Shanelle said to her.
Dee passed her the halter dress. Shanelle took the dress and placed it in front of Bronwyn.
“And now we need accessories,” Shanelle said before setting the dress down on her bed and going to her jewelry box. She pulled out a pair of diamond earrings and a diamond tennis bracelet both in gold settings.
“And finally…” Shanelle said before she plucked a gold fashion belt out of a drawer. 
“And voila! Now go try everything on.” Shanelle said to Bronwyn. 
Bronwyn ducked into the bathroom and came out a few minutes later. The girls were impressed.
“Damn!” the girls said in unison.
“You look beautiful, baby,” Shanelle said to her. 
“Thank you, Nelle. I can't wait for Lo to see me in it. I can't wait for him to rip it off of me.”
“I can guarantee you that you won't let him rip a $3,500.00 outfit off of you.”
“A $3,500.00 outfit?!” Bronwyn asks.
“The shoes are custom Manolos from the flagship boutique downtown, they're $1,000.00. That dress is a custom-made Versace dress that is $2,000.00. And your accessories are $500.00.” Shanelle replied.
Bronwyn’s jaw was on the floor as she looked at herself in the mirror. 
“I'm wearing $3,500.00 worth of clothes and accessories?!” she asked.
“Welcome to the perks of being the best friend of a real live Princess,” Shanelle replied.
“I've never had anything this expensive,” Bronwyn admitted.
“Well get used to it. Because I always share with my friends.”
“Thank you, Nelle. Now I gotta go show Lo. He’ll lose his shit when he sees me.”
“Where is my brother?” Nina asked.
“In the kitchen with the boys and Nelle’s mom,” Bronwyn replies.
Shanelle, Nina, and Chutney froze.
“The boys are in the kitchen?” Chut asked.
“With mom?” Nina asked.
“While she's cooking?” Shanelle asked.
“Yes, yes, and yes,” Bronwyn replied.
They winced. 
“Oh, God! Come on y'all. We gotta go save the boys.” 
“Why? What's wrong?” Bronwyn asked.
“Knowing my mama and how she runs her kitchen when she's doing a big family meal, she's got the boys doing all her cooking prep,” Shanelle replied.
The girls looked at each other before they all scrambled out the door to the kitchen. Sure enough, Shantel had the boys hard at work, while she sat at the kitchen table supervising.
“Momma!” Shanelle fussed. 
“Yes?” Shantel replied.
“Why do you have them doing all the prep, mom?” Nina asked.
“Because they were in here pestering me. And you know the rules Nina. If you're gonna stay in the kitchen while I’m in here cooking, you're gonna work. Isn't that right Logan?” Shantel asked.
She had the boys in gloves and aprons working in the kitchen. 
“Yep,” Logan replied as he chopped onions.
The girls dissolved into cackles.
“Look at the men being all types of domesticated!” Shanelle teases. 
“Mom, is this enough onions?” Logan asked Shantel.
“Yes, that's enough onions for now. Thank you, honey.” Shantel replies. “Now, go light the grill and pull the jerk chicken out of the outdoor fridge for me.”
“Yes ma'am!” 
Logan ran out to the backyard to light the grill. The girls sat around the kitchen table and watched the boys work.
“Where is Daddy, mom?” Shanelle asked.
“In his office making final payments for everything,” Shantel replies.
“I can't believe the wedding is next week!” Aly said.
“Believe it, sweetie. It's here. It's happening. You girls will look stunning.” Shantel said. 
Damien emerged from his office with a stretch.
“Well, everything is paid for in full. Which means by this time Monday, I will be at the Embassy officially welcoming Cordonian Royalty, Dignitaries, and Diplomats,” he said before pulling his daughter to her feet, “and by this time next Saturday you, my gorgeous girl will be a Queen. Not a Princess, not a Regent, a Queen” 
“Are you excited Daddy?” Shanelle asked her father. 
“Of course. I hate the thought of giving you away but you've earned this.” Damien replied.
Shanelle smiled softly at her dad, just as Logan came back into the house. 
“Okay so the grill is lit and heating up and the chicken is sitting on the counter,” Logan announced. 
“And that's my cue. Now, what's being grilled?” Damien asked.
“Jerk Chicken, Pop,” Logan replies.
“Perfect. Since Shantel has had you on cooking prep, do you want a way out of it?” Damien asked Logan. 
“How?” Logan replied.
“You grill, I supervise.” 
“Say no more!” Logan said before heading back outside. 
Shanelle shook her head with a smirk. 
“You and mom are the worst. Always making us do the work.”
“Of course. Free labor is the best labor.” Damien said before heading outside. 
“Well, there went my plan to show Lo my new outfit.” Bron pouted. 
“I'm sorry sweetie. But when it comes to my Jerk Chicken, nothing stops Logan.”
“He told me how good it is. I can't wait to try it.”
“Girl you are in for it! Mom can throw it down in the kitchen.” Chut quipped.
“Thank you, my sweet girl. You've been eating it for years.” Shantel replied before she turned her attention to the rest of the boys in the kitchen, “alright, fellas! Let's see what you have done so far.”
After all the prep, baking, cooking and grilling was done, it was time for everyone to eat. Even a surprise guest.
“I hope I’m not interrupting,” Marquise said
“Not at all Your Regency. You’re about to be family. What are you doing here?” Shantel asked. 
“My business in Cordonia is done so I came westward. I was on my way to Boston but I thought I’d stop by before heading that way.”
Shantel raised an eyebrow at him.
“You wanted to see the bride before the wedding, didn't you?” Shantel asked.
Marquise awkwardly cleared his throat.
“…maybe,” he replied. 
Shantel shook her head.
“Grab a plate everyone so we can eat!” Shantel announced.
Soon everyone dug into the food that was prepared. 
“Mom! Mom?” Bron asked.
“Yes, baby?” Shantel replied.
“Can I have your Jerk Chicken recipe, please? This is amazing!”
“Of course, lovebug. I will send each of you girls a book with all my recipes.” 
Everyone continued eating and as the night wound down, Marquise pulled his future bride aside.
“Walk outside with me?” he asked.
She simply smiled as they stepped outside for a moment. When Marquise was sure no one was looking, he planted Shanelle with a kiss. When their kiss broke, both were breathing hard.
“I have been dying to do that since I walked through the door.”
“Are you saying you haven't enjoyed spending time with me and my family, Your Regency?” Shanelle asked.
“I had loads of fun. After all, your family is about to be my family. But I've been away from you long enough. So why don't we hop on a jet to Boston?” he asked. 
“I'd like that. Besides, I miss Ozzie. I think I've had him boarded long enough.” she replied.
“Leave in the morning?” he asked.
“Deal,” she replies.
“Good. Now your mother made a sweet potato pie. I have not had one in years. I am very much looking forward to this.”
“Don't be shocked if you wind up addicted.”
“I'm counting on it.”
They headed back inside and that is how he became addicted to her mom’s sweet potato pie. The next morning they landed in Boston and picked up Ozzie from the kennel before going to the brownstone. 
“It feels good to be back,” he said as they lay on the couch together with Ozzie at their feet. 
“It feels good to do this again. I missed you.” 
He nibbled on her earlobe. 
“I've missed you too, my love.”
“Just think. We’ll be waking up next week as a married couple.”
“And as Monarchs,” he added. 
“I know. Everything we've worked for will come to fruition next week.” 
“You’re amazing. You know that right?” 
She blushed.
“I wish you'd stop that.”
“Why?” he asked.
“Because I can seriously get used to it,” she replies.
“You should. Do you know why?” he asked.
“Why?” she replied.
“Because you deserve to be praised for the amazing woman that you are.”
Shanelle shook her head with a smile. 
“Never forget one thing.”
“Hmm?” she asked.
“I love you, my Queen.”
“I love you too, handsome.” 
This was it, in a few short days, the Prince and Princess would be husband and wife. Both were nervous and excited. The next week flew past them and before they knew it, it was their wedding day. 
They flew back to New York that Friday and spent the night in separate quarters. He stayed at the Embassy and she stayed at home. 
The morning of the wedding was insane but invigorating. After having breakfast, Shanelle watched her mom and her get dressed. While the guys and her dad headed to the palace to get dressed with Marquise.
“I feel like a princess!” Shantel squealed.
“You sure act like one mom.” Nina said.
“Bye girl! What do you think, Nelle?” Shantel asks.
“You look stunning momma.” She replies with a smile.
“Thank you, my baby. Now will you tell your best friend that?”
They laughed together.
“It fills my heart to have all my girls in one room.” Shantel said with tears in her eyes.
“Awww mom!” They said in unison.
They hugged her.
“Okay! Okay! Enough tears from me.”
Shanelle smiled at her mom before looking towards the garment bag with her wedding dress in it. Shantel laid a hand on her shoulder.
“This is it Butterfly. Are you ready?” Shantel asked.
“As I'll ever be mama,” Shanelle replied.
“Let’s get you dressed then,” Shantel announced.
Between giggles and tears, it took the girls 30 minutes to get Shanelle all ready. And when it was all said and done Shanelle stood in front of a floor-length mirror and marveled at her dress.
“It's beautiful. Ingrid did fantastically.”
“Yes, she did. You look stunning.” Shantel said to her. 
“Thank you, mom. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect gown.”
Shantel took Shanelle’s trembling hands into her own. 
“I am so proud of you my baby. You are about to embark on the journey of a lifetime. You, my beautiful, smart, amazing, courageous, loving little girl are moments away from being a Queen. The same little girl whose smile has always melted my heart will be a leader on the world's stage. You are my every dream come true. And I wish nothing but love and happiness for you.”
Shanelle squeezed her mother’s hands.
“Thank you, mom. I would never be able to do any of this without you or the girls by my side.”
That's when Damien walked in and was awestruck. 
“Oooh! Look at Pop looking spiffy in his teacher suit!” Chut said.
Damien bowed.
“Thank you Chutney. You girls look stunning in your gowns. Absolute visions!” Damien said to the girls before turning his attention to Shanelle and his wife, “and you two…my God! I am the luckiest man in the world. Today my Princess becomes a Queen. I could not ask for anything more.”
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“Do you all mind if I speak to Shanelle alone for a moment? I promise not to take too long.” Damien asks.
“Of course dear. Come on girls let's give them some time.” Shantel said before herding the girls out the door. 
Shanelle smiled at her father through the mirror as she sat down at her vanity. 
“Look at you my darling. Look at how beautiful you are. I am so proud of the woman you are and I am excited to see the Queen you will be. And I know somewhere in heaven, your grandparents are excited as well.”
Shanelle closed her eyes to stop the tears from falling.
“Thank you, Daddy.”
“I went about this wrong. And what's worse I hurt you. But my beautiful darling, I am so happy for today. Today I get to watch you marry the man you have…even if he is cocky.”
Shanelle laughed. 
“I have something for you, my Princess.”
“What is it Daddy?” she asked.
Damien produced a box from behind his back.
“What is that Daddy?” Shanelle asked.
“A gift I've been saving for this very special moment.” Damien replied as he opened the box.
Inside was a tiara with Canary and Blue Diamonds, with a pair of matching earrings, a necklace and cuffs.
“Where did you get these?” Shanelle asked in complete shock.
“These were your grandmother’s favorites. Her dying wish was for you to have them. She wanted you to wear them when you got married. And I am here as her son to make sure her wish is fulfilled. Would you do me the honor of wearing them today?” Damien replied.
“It would be my honor to represent Flower today, Daddy.”
Damien carefully helped Shanelle put on her jewelry.
“There. Now you look like the Queen the world deserves to know and admire.”
Shanelle stood up and hugged her father.
“Thank you so much, Daddy. Sure you went about this all wrong but in the end, you made my dream come true. I can never thank you enough.”
“Anything for you my sweet darling. Now let's get you to the church so you can get married.”
The two smiled at each other before heading out the door.
Meanwhile at the Embassy, Marquise had just finished getting dressed. He stood in front of the floor length mirror and had just buttoned his jacket when there was a knock at the door.
“A Royal Wedding In New York?” Leo asks as he stuck his head in.
“Leo! What are you doing here?” He replies.
“You know me. I love a good party. Especially when it's to stick it to the old man.”
“Yeah, I know. It's good to see you.”
The two embraced. 
“It's good to see you too, little brother.”
“Speaking of him, have you seen him?” Marquise asked.
“Briefly. I popped in to speak. And as per his usual, he expressed his displeasure.” Leo replied
“Of course he did. He's mad he's losing everything.” 
Leo looked over and noticed the cuff links Marquise had. They were of his mother’s coronation picture.
“You know mom is smiling right?” Leo asked. 
“Yeah I know. All I have ever wanted to do was make her proud.” Marquise replied.
“I think you've done that.” 
“Indeed he has. Ellie is overjoyed at this moment in our lives.” Margo said as she stepped into the room.
“Mom!” the boys said in unison.
“Look at my two handsome boys. It's so good to have you two together again. Welcome home, Leo.” 
Leo pulled her into a hug. 
“It's good to know that I can always come home. Also, it's good to see you too mom.”
Margo took the cuff links and put them on Marquise. 
“There. Now your look is complete.”
“Can you believe it, mom? Our baby is getting married!” Leo teased. 
Marquise rolled his eyes with a smirk.
“You're lucky I tolerate you.”
Just then George walked in.
“Leo my boy! It's good to see you!” he said before wrapping him in a bear hug.
“It's good to see you too Papa. You know I would never miss an event like this.”
George turned his attention to Marquise. 
“And you my boy! You are destined to do great things. You will be King in a few short moments. You are everything your mother and I could've ever hoped for. You are the savior the people have prayed for. And today, I get the honor of watching you marry the love of your life. The same way I married mine. You make me and your mothers proud my boy.” George said proudly. 
Marquise smiled gratefully. 
“Thank you. All of you. It means the world to me that you are here with me to share in this moment.”
“There's no place else we’d rather be,” Margo said. 
Marquiss smiled at her before there was a knock at the door. It was Constantine and Regina. 
“Well isn't this cute? His Regency’s chosen family and his actual family all in one room.” Regina sneered.
Leo scoffed. 
“Last time I checked I am his family.” Leo snapped at her. 
“I don't think I like your tone Julian,” Connie said to Leo.
“Get used to it.”
Connie took a deep breath. 
“Do you all mind if I talk to His Regency privately?” Constantine asks.
“They might not but I do. But since this is your final day as King, sure we can speak for a moment.” Marquise replies.
Connie scoffed. 
“How generous of you, Your Regency.” Connie sneered.
“Leo, would you be so kind as to take Mama and Papa to the church so they can take their places in the procession?” Marquise asked his brother. 
“They're in the procession?” Leo asked.
“Who do you think is representing me in my wedding?” Marquise replies.
“Of course! It would be an honor to escort His Regency’s representatives.” Leo said before pulling his brother into a loving hug. “I’ll see you at the church.”
Marquise nodded before Leo left the room. Soon it was him alone with his father and Regina. 
“Well don't you look dressed for the occasion, my son.” 
Marquise rolled his eyes.
“You've got two minutes to say whatever the hell it is you have to say then you and her can get out.” 
“Do you remember what I said to you a few months ago?” Connie asked.
“You mean the speech you gave me about you being a part of me and me being a part of you? What about it?” Marquise replies.
“You and this girl are about to inherit a kingdom. A kingdom mind you, that I spent my entire life building up. My legacy is now in your hands. Don't disappoint me.” 
“You're right. You did spend your whole life building Cordonia. But just like Julius Caesar did Rome, you destroyed it as well. If you came here to tell me again that we’ll always be alike, save it. Because you and I are nothing alike. I am and always will be better. I will be a better King, I will be a better Husband, I will always be a better Man, and God willing I have any one day, I will always be a better father than you could ever dream of being.” 
Connie scoffed. 
“You think you’re better than me?” Connie asked. 
“No, I know I’m better than you. Now get out!” Marquise hissed.
“The same way you pray for children one day is the same way you’d better pray that you never fail, my son.”
“You mean like you did?” Marquise asked.
Connie gave him one last look before he and Regina left. 20 minutes later there was another knock at the door. This time it was Damien. 
“Good morning Your Regency!” Damien said as he entered the room.
“Good morning Your Highness. Please come in.”
“Thank you. So today's the day.”
“Indeed it is.”
Marquise gestures for Damien to sit with him.
“How are you doing, son?” Damien asks.
Marquise let out a shaky breath.
“I’m nervous as hell and I know that I shouldn’t be.” he replies.
“No you definitely should be. Marriage is a precious commodity nowadays.”
“I know that. I’m marrying your daughter but I can’t seem to silence this one voice in my head.”
“What’s it saying?”
“What if I fail her?”
Damien nodded his head.
“Want some free advice?” he asked Marquise.
“That’s the point, son. Marriage no matter what is not and never will be perfect. And you will fail. Both of you. But see, it’s in that failure that you realize how much you love each other. You won’t always get along. You’ll argue. You’ll fuss. You’ll fight. Hell, you’ll piss each other off. But you’ll put in the work to make it work. Not to make it perfect but to make it last.” Damien replied.
“You really think so?” Marquise asks him.
“I’ve been married for close to 29 years. And in those almost 29 years, I’ve yelled. I’ve gotten frustrated. I’ve even gotten annoyed…on more than one occasion. But mostly, I remembered the vow I made to Shantel in the eyes of the Lord.” He replies.
“What was that vow?” Marquise asks.
“I vowed before the Father to always love, honor, cherish, protect, provide and prosper with her. And I have. Has it always been easy? Hell no! That woman has pushed me to my limit more times than I could ever explain or count. But I remember the love I have for her. As my wife, my partner in life and especially as the mother of my child. And I remember that vow I made. And if you remember the vows you plan to make to my daughter, you’ll be alright son.” He replies.
“Thank you, Your Highness. I needed to hear that.”
“Of course Your Regency. Now let’s go get you and my daughter married.”
“It must really hurt you to say that.”
“You have no idea.”
Marquise smirked at him as they walked out the door and headed to the church. The same time as Shanelle and the bridal party. The bride and groom were ushered to separate waiting rooms as the ceremony got underway.
"All rise and remain standing as the entrants make their way into the sanctuary!" The herald announced.
Marquise took a deep breath as the Cordonian National Anthem started to play.
The bridal party was announced couple by couple. As were the representatives of the Regents.
"Announcing Mr. and Mrs. George Marcel Geaneaux. Representatives of His Regency and Sir Ozzie Barksworth of House Volterias!"
George and Margo walked the procession line with Ozzie on his leash. 
Next, it was time for her parents to be announced. 
"Announcing Duchess Shantel Noreen Fletcher-Miller and His Highness Prince Damien Thomas Miller of South Cordonia!"
"Prince of South Cordonia?" Shantel asks her husband as they made their way down the aisle to the altar. He winked at her in response. As they reached the altar Margo couldn't wait to greet Shantel.
"Isn't this exciting, Duchess?" Margo asks Shantel.
"Margo! Our kids are getting married! We will be family. This is such a great day!" Shantel replied. 
"Good luck, Your Highness." George said to Damien as he offered a handshake.
"Same to you George." Damien replied as he shook George's hand. 
Damien took his place and awaited Marquise and Shanelle.
Marquise squared his shoulders then inhaled and exhaled slowly as his entrance was announced and the doors opened.
"Introducing His Regency, Marquise Constantine Rys, Crown Prince of North Cordonia!"
Marquise looked out among the crowd as he walked down the aisle. He saw the faces of his allies and subjects.
As he walked the reality of what was going on finally hit him. He was about to marry the love of his life. When he reached the altar he was greeted by George and Margo. As well as Shanelle's parents.
"Oh honey you look so handsome!" Shantel said to him.
"I'm standing right here!" Damien sneered.
"I know, that's why I said it!"
Marquise snickered.
"Thank you, Duchess. You look beautiful as always."
"Are you two done fawning over each other?" Damien asks.
"Don't mind him. He's just having separation issues." Shantel replied.
Damien rolled his eyes before Marquise took his place beside him.
"Life as you know it is about to change. Are you ready son?" Damien whispered to him.
"As I'll ever be." Marquise replies.
The music soon changed from the Cordonian National Anthem to the Bridal March and the doors opened as the herald announced her entrance.
"Introducing Her Regency, Princess Shanelle Dominique Miller, Crown Princess of South Cordonia and Duchess Of Volterias!"
Shanelle swallowed the lump in her throat as she walked down the aisle. She knew all eyes were on her, her custom-made Ingrid Kozlov wedding gown and her grandmother's  jewelry, especially her tiara. 
When she got to the end of the aisle, she was greeted by her mother who was in tears.
"You look stunning, baby girl! Your grandmother would be so proud of you. Even more than I am." Shantel said to her. 
"Thank you, Mommy. Thank you for being here. I couldn't have done any of this without you." 
"There is no place I'd rather be, baby." 
The two smiled at each other as Damien stepped off the altar to greet his daughter. He took a deep breath before speaking to Shanelle. 
"You know as a father...I never thought the day would come where I'd have to give you away. But now that it has...I'm afraid it's a day that's come all too soon for me."
"Daddy...I'm okay. I promise I'll be alright." 
"I know baby...it's just..." Damien paused as he searched for the right words. "I have to let you go. And that's not easy. I have always been the one to protect you. Even when I screwed up with you. Even when you somehow found it in your heart to forgive me. And now, I have to give that privilege to someone else. And it hurts. God knows it hurts. But I trust you and your judgment and I trust him...kinda." 
"I heard that!" Marquise said in the background.
Shanelle chuckled softly. 
"I love you, Daddy."
"I love you too, my Princess. Always and forever."
He kissed her on her forehead before taking his place again and watching her hand her bouquet to Nina before taking her place across from Marquise. 
"May you all be seated," Damien announced to the gathered crowd. 
"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here today before the eyes of The Father our Lord and Savior, The Son Jesus Christ, and The Holy Ghost to bear witness to the marriage of His Royal Highness Crown Prince Marquise Rys of North Cordonia and my daughter Princess Shanelle Miller of South Cordonia."
Shanelle smiled at Marquise and he winked at her. 
"As I told my soon-to-be son-in-law, marriage is a precious commodity nowadays. It's hard, it's tiring, it's strenuous and Lord knows it's frustrating." 
The crowd laughed. 
"But at its core, it's rich, it's fulfilling and when it's done right, it is long, loving, and everlasting. And it is my sincerest hope and belief that is what my daughter and Marquise will have."
Damien smiled at them both. 
"Now if you will all bow your heads in prayer," Damien instructed. 
"Gracious God, spirit of life and love, we ask all blessings upon Groom and Bride in their life together. May they be blessed with patience, to see them through times of tensions or conflict. May they be blessed with kindness, to enable them to nurture and care for one another in times of pain or sorrow. In your name Heavenly Father. Amen!" He prayed. 
"Amen!" The crowd replied. 
"Now I believe the bride and groom have written vows for each other and would like to recite them. Your Highness, since it is customary for the future Monarch to speak first, you may recite your vows first." Damien said to him. 
"Gee thanks!" Marquise replied. 
"You're welcome, son."
Marquise shook his head at Damien before looking at Shanelle. He took her shaking hands in his. 
"I will be the first to tell the world that I don't deserve you. Because to be quite honest, I don't. I don't deserve someone as beautiful and pure as you at all. But Cordonia does. You will be the first Queen since my mother to make a mark on this world and not just our kingdom. Shanelle...from the moment we met, I knew you were the one for me. Hell, I knew it before then. I fell head over heels in love with your mind, your determination, your heart, your spirit, your tenacity, your smile, your wicked sense of humor, and especially your abundance of love. You are standing here and are willingly taking a chance on love and me. And I want you to know that you are everything in the entire world to me."
Marquise took a deep breath before continuing. 
"I don't mean to put you on the spot but I need to ask you a question."
"I need to know, do you trust me?" he asked.
"Of course, I trust you," she replied. 
"Phew! Okay, good. Because had you said no I would've keeled over." 
The crowd laughed.
"Why?" she asks him.
"I asked because I do want you to marry me. Desperately. But I don't want you to marry me because of some convoluted sense of duty and honor to the Crown or the Kingdom. I don't even want you to marry me because you love me. And I certainly don't want you to marry me because of some goddamn betrothal agreement that our fathers and your uncle orchestrated and stuck us with." he replied. 
Shanelle snorted.
"I want you to marry me because you trust me.  I want you to marry me because you trust me with your heart, your life, your safety, and your love. I want you to marry me because you trust me to honor, to have and to hold, to cherish, to adore, to be devoted, to nurture, to protect, to defend, and because I will lay down my life for you. I want you to marry me because you trust me to love you the way you need to be loved, the way you deserve to be loved. I want you to marry me because you trust me to always make you smile and to always put you first, and always choose you and only you. Even if you choose never to love me in return for another day of your life, I want you to trust me to always love you. No matter what."
Marquise swallowed the lump in his throat. 
"As I end my vows to you, I want to sing one of your favorite Musiq Soulchild songs. Bear with me."
Marquise cleared his throat before he began to sing.
So many things I've got to tell you.
But I'm afraid I don't know how.
'Cause, there's a possibility.
You'll look at me differently.
Ever since the first moment I spoke your name.
From then on I knew that by you being in my life.
Things were destined to change cause.
So many people use your name in vain.
Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray.
Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt.
For better or worse I still will choose you first.
Many days I've longed for you.
Wanting you.
Hoping for the chance to get to know you.
Longing for your kiss.
For your touch, for your essence (your beautiful essence).
Many nights I've cried from the things you do.
Felt like I could die from the thought of losing you.
I know that you're real.
With no doubt or no fears. Or no questions.
So many people use your name in vain.
Those who have faith in you sometimes go astray.
Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt.
For better or worse I still will choose you first.
At first, you didn't mean that much to me.
But now I know that you're all I need.
The world looks so brand new to me.
Now that I found love.
Every day I live for you.
And everything that I do I do it for you.
What I say is how I feel so believe it's true.
You got to know I'm true.
Marquise closed his eyes as he squeezed her hands.
"I want you to marry me because you trust me when I say the following: Shanelle I love you today. I will love you tomorrow. And I swear to you with God and my Mother as my witnesses and God can strike me dead if ever I lie about this. I want you to marry me because you trust me when I say that I will love you until I am no more."
Damien nodded.
"Beautiful. Truly beautiful. Now, baby girl, you may recite your vows."
Shanelle was stunned. She was also thankful that her makeup is waterproof. 
"How the hell am I supposed to top that?!" she asked with tears in her eyes.
Damien shrugged.
"I don't know but good luck," he replied.
Shanelle looked at Marquise and shook her head.
"I hate you so much right now." she sneered. 
He chuckled.
"Je t'aime Aussi, mon amour."
Shanelle rolled her eyes with a smile before she began to recite her vows to him.
"I'm not very good at speeches, but I'm here now. You always talk about how I changed you. But you changed me. You made me who I am today and knowing you has been the best part of waking up every day. I..."
Shanelle took a deep breath.
"All my life I've been searching for an answer as to where I belong. I was always searching for the love I always needed. The love I always deserved. The love I always wanted. Then I met you and everything changed. You treated me like I deserved to be treated. You have loved me unconditionally and made me feel like I had finally found a home. I don't want to lose that. I don't ever want to lose you. You are the single greatest thing to ever happen to me. To know that in just a few short moments, you will officially be my Husband and more importantly, My King...I couldn't have asked for a more perfect blessing."
Shanelle closed her eyes to stop the tears from falling. Marquise rubbed her knuckles in an attempt to soothe her.
"You see? That right there is how I know I made the right choice when you asked me to marry you. You are known for your grand gestures of love. But it's the small ones that made me fall in love with you. When I felt lost, confused, and alone, you wrapped your arms around me and swore to me that as long as I had you, I would never be alone."
Marquise smiled at her with tears in his eyes.
"You said that you want me to marry you because I trust you. I trust you because I love you. Because I need you. Because I deserve you. My heart was made for you. You have shown me what true love is and what it is always supposed to be. I trust you to always lay the world at my feet. I trust you to kiss the ground I walk on as I walk."
"Oh I will!" he replied. 
The crowd laughed.
"But mostly I trust you to always be there to help me stand. I trust you to be my life partner as we walk this crazy path we call life."
Shanelle took a deep breath.
"I am reminded of a song lyric by Mary J. Blige."
Shanelle cleared her throat.
"You are mine. I told you before. I wouldn't lie. I need you and more. Gotta stay with you. I am safe with you. Let me repeat it in case you forgot. Love is a mountain and we're at the top. Yeah, you're my breath and strength. 'Cause I see the future in your eyes."
Marquise shook his head with a smile. 
"I love you so much. Here's to the start of our life and adventure together as one."
He grinned. 
"And you wondered how you could top what I said." 
Everyone chuckled.
"Thank you, baby girl. Now we can get to the good part. And I'm not talking about the food."
Everyone laughed as Damien looked at Marquise.
"Marquise, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, 'til death do you both part, for as long as you both shall live?" Damien asks. 
"I do forevermore," Marquise replies. 
Damien turned to Shanelle.
"Baby girl, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer and poorer, 'til death do you part for as long as you both shall live? And just so you it's okay to say no and run for the hills." Damien asks. 
Shanelle rolled her eyes at her father.
"Worth a shot."
"I do forevermore," Shanelle replies. 
"Now if we can have the rings."
Shantel stepped up and handed Shanelle her ring while Margo handed Marquise his. 
"Marquise, repeat after me, I give this ring as my gift to you. Wear it and think of me and know that I love you. I give you this ring in God's name, as a symbol of all that we have promised and all that we shall share. I give you this ring as a visible and constant symbol of my promise to be with you as long as I live." Damien instructed. 
"Shanelle, I give this ring as my gift to you. Wear it and think of me and know that I love you. I give you this ring in God's name, as a symbol of all that we have promised and all that we shall share. I give you this ring as a visible and constant symbol of my promise to be with you as long as I live." Marquise recited as he slipped the diamond wedding band on her ring finger. 
Damien nodded before turning to Shanelle.
"Shanelle, repeat after me, I give this ring as my gift to you. Wear it and think of me and know that I love you. I give you this ring in God's name, as a symbol of all that we have promised and all that we shall share. I give you this ring as a visible and constant symbol of my promise to be with you as long as I live." Damien instructed. 
"Marquise, I give this ring as my gift to you. Wear it and think of me and know that I love you. I give you this ring in God's name, as a symbol of all that we have promised and all that we shall share. I give you this ring as a visible and constant symbol of my promise to be with you as long as I live." She recited before she put the diamond wedding band on his ring finger. 
"Let the exchanging of these wedding rings solidify your commitment to one another in the eyes of The Lord. And now...in the name of the Son, The Father and The Holy Ghost...I now pronounce you husband and wife. And as much as it pains me to say this: Marquise, you may now...kiss your bride." 
"Finally!" Shanelle said. 
"You might wanna close your eyes...dad," Marquise says to her dad. 
Marquise grabbed her and planted her with a deeply searing kiss. Much to Damien's visible disgust.
"Need I remind you two that you're in a church?" Damien asks. 
They ignored him. When their kiss finally ended, Marquise had a wide grin on his face. 
"I thank God for you, My Queen." 
"Likewise…My King."
Damien cursed under his breath. 
When they turned to face the crowd, Shantel was joined by Margo at the altar to formally announce them. 
"Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of my husband and our family and The Royal Family," Shantel said as she addressed the gathered crowd. 
"It is our esteemed honor to introduce to you: Mr. and Mrs. Marquise Constantine Rys, The New King and Queen Of Cordonia!" Margo announced.
"Did they have to?" Marquise whispered. 
"Just go with it," Shanelle replied. 
When Shanelle looked out into the crowd she saw her uncle with a disgusted look on his face that matched Connie's.
"Well, safe to say the former Kings are mad," she whispered to Marquise.
"That's their problem. Not ours," he whispered back.
"Hey," she said to him.
"Hmm?" he replied. 
She captured his lips in a sweet kiss. When the kiss ended both had smiles on their faces.
"Long live Cordonia's new King," she whispered to him.
He kissed her softly.
"All hail my Queen," he whispered to her. 
"Together we shall reign!" they said together.
0 notes
the-iceni-bitch · 3 years
Ok, @autumnrose40, Dumblr was not a fan of the GIF ask you sent me (spoiler some dude railing a chick on piles of cash) but I liked this drabble so I’m reposting without the offensive vid, because it is 90000% Ransom
(look @sparkledfirecracker other people jumping on the OTP thots train!!, gimme more, you guys).
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You frowned at the text from Ransom when you walked through the front door, still trying to figure exactly what the fuck he was talking about.
“Ran? What the fuck was this text?” You yelled once you had shut the door behind you, hanging up your jacket and giving the dog some pats when he came to greet you while the kitten wound around your legs.
“I’m in the bedroom!” His voice carried from up the stairs and you rolled your eyes as you started walking up there to join him after slipping out of your heels.
“Seriously, babe, what does ‘Wanna fuck all over my first paycheck’ even mean?” You pushed the door to the bedroom open and snorted when you got a look at the scene that greeted you. “Nevermind, guess that answers that.”
Ransom was laying completely naked in an obscene pose in the middle of your bed, which was nothing new, except for the fact that he was surrounded by an absurd amount of cash.
“C’mon, baby, gonna fuck you hard all over money that I fucking earned.” He crooked a finger for you to join him, using his other hand to stroke his cock nice and slow until he was sure you got a good look at the precum that was leaking all over his thigh.
“Ran, this is insanely unsanitary and wasteful, seriously Scrooge McDuck level shit. There’s no way you’re gonna be able to do anything with all this cash after we come all over it.” You still trailed towards the bed though, frowning when you saw that the bills that were spread everywhere were 20s. “Jesus, how much is Harlan paying you?”
“Don’t worry about it.” He grabbed your wrist and pulled you on top of him, tearing your blouse open and purring when he got a look at the lingerie set you had on. “Fuck you look good in this. Gonna buy you all the pretty shit you could ever want.”
“Well... fuck.” You sighed when he rolled the two of you until you were pinned underneath him, wrapping your legs around his waist on instinct as he started sucking bruises all over your throat and chest. “Fine, buy whatever you fucking want. After you fuck me we’re gonna talk about savings plans, though.”
“You’re ruining it.” He pouted when he slid inside of you, at least until you gasped and dug your fingers into the blankets once he started rocking his hips into yours. “Just let me spoil you a little, baby. You fucking deserve it.”
“Yeah, ok.” You were already starting to go mindless, dropping your head back against the pillow and moaning as you let him fuck you hard because, goddamn it, you did deserve it.
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iantoyawrites · 2 years
I saw your post about OTP prompts! And after seeing number 30 I thought about how cute it would be with Gaara and Chojuro 🥺❤
@justafrange thank you for joining me in rare pair hell! It's less lonely now. :)
Here you go! almost 700 words of Chojuro/Gaara spice. Hope you enjoy!
Written for the OTP prompt "Are you wearing my shirt?" Read below the cut.
Gaara stepped out of the shower, drying his hair off with a towel, unconcerned with his nudity in his own bathroom and bedroom. When he looked up from his towel at his guest he raised his brow bones in surprise.
"Is…that my shirt? Chojuro. You're wearing my under armor?" he asked incredulously.
Chojuro laid sprawled on Gaara's now messy bed, mesh shirt hugging his muscled and scarred chest and shoulders. A sheet covered him just below the navel, hiding the destination of the trail of dark blue curls that followed his taut belly. He rested on his side, propping himself on an elbow.
"What if I am? What are you going to do about it?" Chojuro replied, voice husky with want.
Gaara felt color rise to his face and a physical reaction he could not hide due to his undeniable attraction to the swordsman. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
"That is custom tailored to my form. If you rip that I will be upset. That and our press conference is in less than an hour." Gaara did not look impressed.
Chojuro was not deterred by Gaara's sour expression.
"I know, that's why I thought we could have some fun first. Are you telling me you don't like what you see?" There was a knowing smirk on Chojuro's lips. His usual gentle nature was pushed aside when he needed to satisfy his sweet tooth, and Gaara recognized the hungry look in his eyes.
"It's not that, I have to get ready. I don't have hair like yours, remember?"
Chojuro was growing frustrated. If only he could coax Gaara over to him he was certain he could seal the deal.
"No one is going to comment on your hair, baby."
Gaara secretly loved the pet name. No one else would dare to use it. There was a faint smile on his lips.
"No, no one would be foolish enough to say anything to my face. But I'm sure I'd hear about it later."
Chojuro sat up and raised his knees, resting an elbow on one and resting his chin on his hand thoughtfully while the sheet still draped over his lap. "Come here. All this time we're talking I could be leaving kisses and bites on your thighs like we both know you like."
Chojuro watched Gaara's reaction carefully. His gaze was heavily-lidded, dark lids showcasing jade eyes filled with lust.
"Why don't you make me?" Gaara asked, expression serious. 
Oh. So it was like that then.
Chojuro rose from the bed, sheet falling aside to reveal his arousal and strong legs. Gaara appreciated how his mesh armor fitted him nicely.
Chojuro stalked towards his naked lover and walked him backwards against a dresser. Gaara lifted himself onto it and spread his thighs, growling with anticipation as the other kneeled between his legs and grabbed the fleshy part of the inside of his thigh with his teeth. When he clamped down he was rewarded with a deep and throaty groan. Sand was frozen in the air around them–the Kazekage was maintaining effort to keep the defense at bay for this desired pain.
Chojuro kissed the wound gently, noticing a bruise from the night before. Gaara enjoyed the markings, he had told him. He liked having a secret that was just theirs. To be fair, their entire relationship was a secret that was just theirs.
“Come here,” Gaara purred, reaching down for Chojuro’s face with his hands. He raised his head gently and once he was at his eye level he carefully pulled off his glasses and ear protection and set them on the dresser. “That’s better.” 
“Says you. I can’t see you as well.”
“You won’t need to.”
Shortly later the two were late to the press conference. Kankuro had done his best to fill in for his brother but was very aggravated when he saw him arrive with a head of messy hair. He had his suspicions. “Thank you for your patience,” he said to the interviewer. Kankuro grumbled inwardly and gave a glare in Chojuro’s direction. The swordsman smiled sweetly in response.
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sincerelyella · 3 years
RAMifications Prologue - Breakaway
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Book: The Royal Romance (AU)
Pairings: Liam x MC (Ella); Ella x OC
Song Inspiration: Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
Characters belong to Pixelberry; MC Ella Brooks and Ethan belongs to me
Summary: How Liam met Ella and their love story.
A/N: This entire idea came from Burnsy and her unBEARable series featuring her OTP Drake x Alyssa Devereaux. This is Ella’s backstory and how she met the love of her life King Liam of Cordonia. This doesn’t follow much of TRR books, there is still a social season but not all of the players are present. Throw canon out the window! If you have not read unBEARable by @burnsoslow​ (catch up here) I suggest you go and read that first. There are SPOILERS in this series!
Warnings: Except cursing? Not much.
Words: 1129
Ella Brooks was sick of school. 
At 25 years-old, she had already busted her ass and gotten her bachelor’s degree in history and political science.. Her parents, however, were less than thrilled about her choice in majors. She agreed to go back to school and was almost done with her bachelor’s degree in nursing at the University of California in Los Angeles, just needing a semester of an internship for graduation. Ella had already told all of her professors that she wasn’t doing an internship abroad before graduation. It was the sudden break up with her long time boyfriend that made her change her mind and want to get the hell out of California.
A week ago
As Ella walked to her car from campus - she had put in a study session at the library - Ella heard loud laughter echoing from the outdoor bar next to where she parked. That sounds an awful lot like … she narrowed her eyes just as she saw that it was her boyfriend Ethan. He was laughing with a blonde haired woman, his arm around her shoulders, face close to hers as they held onto their drinks.
Unable to contain her anger she stalked over to the oblivious pair and tapped Ethan on the shoulder. He turned and the smile he had on his face immediately fell, his eyes widened in shock.
“Uh … Ella, hey! Wh-what are you doing here?”
Ella grit her teeth and tried to compose herself. “Ethan. I was studying, as you know since you were supposed to meet me.”
“W-well, something came up after the meeting.”
Ella’s arms were folded in front of her, her brow arched. There was an awkward silence and the blonde couldn’t take it anymore.
“Hi! I’m Madeleine. Can we help you?” she said, with an oblivious smile on her face.
Ella looked at Madeleine, then back to Ethan. “Actually no, Madeleine. I think I’m done here.” Ella turned and walked towards her car.
Ethan scrambled to stand up, leaving Madeleine at the bar with a perplexed look on her face. “Ella! Wait!”
She kept walking, absolutely seething and determined to get to her car before Ethan caught up with her.
“Ella!” Ethan grabbed her arm and whirled her around. “I’m so sorry, that’s not what it looked like. W-we’re just … friends, me and Madeleine.”
“This is why you flaked out on the study session and had me sit in the library alone for hours? She was your ‘quick meeting at work?’”
“I DID have a meeting!”
“Your meeting consisted of sitting at a bar with your arm around her? Your face was right next to hers! Oh my God, Ethan! Do you think I’m fucking stupid?!”
“S-she had asked me out for a drink and -”
Ella couldn’t stand there and listen to his bullshit anymore. She wrenched her arm from his grasp and walked to her car. “We’re done Ethan,” she called over her shoulder. “I’m sick of all your excuses about all these different women being ‘just your friend’. I’m throwing out all your shit in my apartment if you don’t come get them tomorrow.” She got in her car, turned the ignition and sped off, leaving Ethan standing in the street.
Ella dragged her carry on suitcase and personal items past TSA and customs in the Los Angeles International Airport. She stood in line for an hour just for them to wave her throug; she rolled her eyes and shook her head. Her long dark hair in two braids, she sported a plain black baseball hat, a plain grey t-shirt, black leggings and Nike sneakers.
Once Ella made it to her terminal she saw people already lining up to board. She presented her boarding pass and went through to the walkway to find her seat. The flight finally took off after a couple stragglers hurried onto the plane and sat down. Ella’s noise-cancelling headphones were a game changer. Damn these were so worth the money. 
Ella thought about her life in Los Angeles and how much things have changed. That was two years of my life I’ll never get back. She knew Ethan was never devoted to her, yet she stayed with him out of … familiarity? Complacency?  
Time for a new beginning. Ella settled into her seat, waited for the snacks and drinks to be distributed before she fell asleep.
15 hours later
Ella walked through Cordonia International Airport and went into the customs line.
“Miss Ella Brooks?” the customs agent asked while looking at her passport and paperwork.
“Yes, that’s me.”
“You’re here for a study abroad internship?
“Yes sir, I’m with the International Medical Aid program with UCLA. I’ll be a nurse intern in the Children’s Hospital at the capitol.”
The customs agent nodded. “Okay and how long will you be here for?”
“Six weeks.”
“Alright,” he stamped her passport and wrote down the dates on her paperwork. “Just know that if you plan on staying longer than that you’ll need to be employed in Cordonia. You either need to extend the dates or file for Cordonian citizenship. ”
Ella chewed on her bottom lip. Stay? “Right, thank you.”
The agent handed Ella back her documents and she was shuffled off into a van with her classmates from the study abroad program.
Five weeks later
In the last five weeks, Ella fell head over heels in love with the little country called Cordonia. The people were friendly, they loved to hear about where she came from and were in awe that she volunteered at a busy ER five days a week. Ella had contacted her university in Los Angeles and requested all her transcripts be sent to Cordonia University. She still had a couple more classes to finish plus her licensing exam to take; she couldn’t begin working as a nurse until those were complete. According to the U.S. embassy, she would need to find a job in Cordonia that was at least two days a week. After six months of steady work, she could file for Cordonian citizenship.
Ella walked outside the Emergency Room of the Children’s Hospital on her lunch break. She loved walking around the capitol exploring the architecture and little shops in the area. There was even a large library next to a fountain of a naked ... person that she sat in for hours. The historical books on Queen Kendra Rys were so interesting, she found herself wondering what it was like to be royalty. The small country was one of the few that was still governed by a monarchy and her political science degree made her even more excited to read the stories.
Ella’s eyes stopped at a shop that sold cronuts and quirked her brow. What exactly is a cronut? She saw two men and a woman sitting inside at a corner table that had what looked like a dozen or more cronuts in front of them. One man had on a black t-shirt with dark jeans and scowl on his face; he was sitting next to a beautiful woman with dark hair and wore a Chicago Bears jersey with jeans. Nice, someone here that knows American football. The other man had on a blue shirt with squids all over it and dark jeans as well. The man with the squid shirt was chattering away with the woman, both seemingly oblivious to the other man’s glowering. Are they going to eat all of that? She shrugged and walked in to try one. Ten minutes later she had eaten two cronuts and had a to-go cup of coffee in her hands.
Time to head back. Ella crossed the street and started towards the hospital. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a small flower truck parked on the curb. A long line had formed right outside the window and whoever was working there looked frantic. She caught a sign on the window that said Help Wanted. Ella arched her brow and stood there thinking for a moment. Oh, why not? She walked over to the window.
“Excuse me! Are you looking to hire someone?”
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iamnightduchess · 3 years
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As You Are - Special Chapter (R18) : Perfect Storm
Chapter summary:
The ethereal vision that greeted his eyes upon entry should be that of one of the forbidden sins in the history of humankind. She was even more breathtakingly beautiful in her purest form - scars and marks, imperfections and all.
Like the cracks on an unbreakable golden chalice.
He was the luckiest son of a gun to be the first to drink from said chalice and it made the wine tasted even sweeter. He could get drunk or get high on this woman for all eternity.
Reiner realizes he might have just unleashed an unstoppable storm when he drank from her chalice. He’d known she'd become an inescapable addiction upon first taste, the way he would be hers. He’ll get her so high, she’ll never come back down anymore. It’s a perfect extrication.
Well, you’ll never get to heaven if you’re scared of getting high.
Pure smut. A 10k special Thank You insert. Available on AO3.
A/N: This chapter is a special insert as an appreciation to my beautiful readers for their amazing support in helping me achieve my second personal writing milestone - 10k hits! It’s beyond my wildest dreams ever. Thank you so much, guys! This is also my personal belated birthday present for Mikasa on 10 February (and Reiner’s VA ;D) and an early Valentine’s gift to my beloved OTP and to you guys. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Content note: Pure smut in its truest explicit nature. No plot advancement. Just a good ol’ short chapter of ReiKasa dicking it out in the showers, discovering more of each other and a post-coital small talk on Reiner’s personal choice of drawers. Or lack of it. Who says Reiner is not taking their baby making efforts seriously? Takes place in ch.12 of As You Are.
Rhythmic muse: High by Alina Baraz.
Take me deep into your mind...we can get away…
As You Are
Special Chapter
Perfect Storm
Reiner closed the distance that stood between the bed and the bathroom in three long, hurried strides. He couldn’t be bothered with fixing his yukata; he let the shift hang open, letting himself hang out in the open. The sounds of the morning storm and early rolling thunder in the far horizon had been almost deafening, only several knots away from being too close to their fleet. The breeze slipping through the opened windows grazed against his nude torso in a prickling coldness. The second he stopped short in front of the steel arc of the bathroom door, he remained still.
His eyes glazed over the statuesque figure standing underneath the pouring shower, covered by only skin - porcelain, smooth, inviting. Sounds of the raging storm outside only emphasized more of this mystifying woman's beauty in its natural state, no different than a tantalizing spell cast by nature itself. The steam evaporating from the showerhead formed a curious, enticing silhouette around her body. His eyes lingered fondly at the way she closed her eyes in bliss under the long steady streams of hot water flowing down those supple skin, tinting her lusciousness raw with a delectable blush. Serene, lost in her own tranquil space.
Apart from bearing the reddening imprints that he’d left on her long slender neck from their lovemaking much earlier, between the enticing lines of her svelte curves and enticing edges, her creamy skin wore numerous dark marks and scars with their respective stories - ones that he was very aware of mostly. Long-term ODM usage would be responsible for most of them.
They were beckoning him to seek out the answers.
Just half an hour earlier, his body took hers for the first time. Reiner tasted heaven when she reeled him in to the deepest, most sacred part of her. With every pull and every push, he could feel himself unburdened everytime their hips met.
Lighter and unshackled.
Liberated and wanted.
Desired and needed.
The water flowed down her face and he found himself becoming envious of the way the warm liquid gets to lave at those long lashes, the sharp outline of her nose and her lips in a soft translucent caress.
He had all of her and he was left wanting more.
Reiner shrugged the night shift off his shoulders without any hesitation and stepped into the bathroom. A small marble tub, almost full to the brim, sat at the farthest corner of the room just next to an old gold-framed wall mirror which appeared to be more relic than vanity. In the dim lighting of the clouded sun peeking through the windows, the steaming water looked absolutely inviting.
A sigh escaped his lips. He could really use a good, long soak right now.
A low, guarded moan pulled his attention back to the now flushing body underneath the flowing water. He ran his tongue against his thin lips impulsively at the visual stimulation; she was as vivid, tempting, no different than a marble carved into perfection. All hard and muscled exterior, safeguarding the soft centre within. Painted with dark marks of bruises and battle scars of untold histories - a privilege he no longer had since the moment he inherited his Titan powers at the age of eleven. But she wore them naturally with effortless pride. Priceless yet they're worth more than some steel medal of honors he’d seen the men in Marley’s military fought to the death for.
Reiner closed the distance between them, stopping just in front of her with their bodies almost grazing. She opened her eyes, those anxious gunmetal irises in between the flowing water somehow confided that just like him, she’d never been this exposed; naked and vulnerable in front of another person in her whole entire life before. He saw the way she crossed her arms against her chest and the juncture of her thighs in uncertainty, conscious and suddenly feeling the need to cover herself even when he’d seen almost all of her much earlier.
He lifted her chin with a delicate touch. The pad of his thumb began to caress the outline of her lush pursed lips before tugging her lower lip gently, savoring the sensuous way her breath felt against his skin and the feral manner she bit at his fingertip.
His member twitched in reflex upon the sudden stimulation, threatening to break his own self restraint.
He grinned regardless. Apparently, he’s not the only biter in this marriage and that realization only got him being turned on more than ever before. Eager to find out just how much more wicked she could be. Just how much more of him she’d bite.
Reiner nudged her arms away from her chest gently, marveling as the perky globes bounced softly from the slight movement and finding himself staring far too long in amazement at the tempting blush on her face leading all the way down her drenched neck and to her chest. His hands began to knead the sculpted packs on her abdomen instead, touching a much larger discolored mark encircling her under chest, that resembled the shape of a large incomplete strap that was far too large to be from the ODM gear.
He couldn't help but wonder. "How did you get this?" His hands continued rubbing against the mark that stood out so painfully amongst her pale, milky complexion.
She swallowed bitterly, her expression darkened as a wave of recollection began to resurface. "The day you and Bertholdt tried to take Eren, I had been reckless. I was too focused on saving Eren from your titan's clutch that I was grabbed by a pure titan from behind. It broke my ribs immediately and I might have died that day if it wasn't for Jean's help." From the way she winced, it made him understand that the mark remained capable of inciting an unpleasant phantom pain upon reminiscence even years after it happened. She conceded to her own insecurity, reaffirming his perception. "It's ugly. I hated seeing it every time I looked at the mirror."
It was him, his ignorance and his selfishness who had indirectly caused that mark and left her with a painful reminder that she could never get rid of from her body.
His first mark on her body ever.
Reiner gritted his teeth in tremendous guilt and frustration. God, he didn’t know. It must have been extremely excruciating for her. He immediately lowered himself downwards with his knees rooted onto the cold bathroom floor, causing her to gasp and eyes to widen in surprise. Grabbing her on the curves of her waist, he looked up and sent her a grave look of regret. “I’m so sorry for all that I’ve done to you. All the pain that I’ve caused….” His apology manifested itself through a morose whisper. The warm of his breath, the tantalizing graze of his coarse facial hair and the light brushing of his lips against her taut skin sent the rippling muscles of her abdomen jumping in an enticing jolt. He could feel her hands grabbing the back of his head gingerly, fingers gripping his now wet tresses, her calm breaths getting heavier yet he didn't do anything further than burying his face against her torso even when his lips were already close to her mound. “Don’t hate the mark. Hate me. I did that to you.”
“No. I won’t.” Mikasa shook her head, dismissing the absurdity in his plea.
She thinks the mark is hideous yet not even once, ever held him accountable for it. 
It only made her even more exquisite in his eyes. He implored, “Anything on you or what you are would never not be beautiful to me.” 
They both remained still in that quiet moment, losing themselves in their own intimate sanctuary. Only the sound of running water and the steady storm outside accompanied their mutual embrace of the other's past sins, repercussions and acceptance of each other's flaws and imperfections.
Mikasa pushed Reiner’s rock hard body against the cold bathroom wall using her own as their lips once again tried to wrestle each other out of an imbalance between air, warmth and rapture using their tongues and teeth. Torsos and limbs brushing up against each other, his larger hands grabbed the supple exterior of her derriere, cupping and squeezing them raw with his palms - he could even write his name on the supple skin using his finger nails. He pressed inwards so that their hips grinded tantalizingly against each other in a torturous friction. His member then jerked upwards into a semi-hardening state from feeling her on him alone. He breathed her in; her signature scent was already bathing his skin and his body already stained by her warmth.
Mikasa pulled away from the kiss and gazed deep into his eyes. While he took advantage of the immediate breather to touch the tip of his nose against her own, causing the corners of her lips to curve upwards into a tiny, shy smile.
He'd only ever dreamed of being in heaven but if this feels like being in one, then he’d rather stay like this with her forever. His hands fiddled around the curves of her waist, squeezing the willowy contour passionately, loving the feel of her soft wet skin in his hands.
Her fingertips kept on trailing along the column of his neck, grabbing gently at his nape before settling on his shoulders, gripping carefully at the juncture of his limbs to soothe the strained muscle knots she’d discovered there. Her dominant hand later began trailing along his sternum, a finger drawing a straight, tantalizing line down his chest. Through every inch of skin that she touched, he could sense a tiny spark pulsing through his veins, reawakening the already satiated lust within.
A small hiss escaped through his gritted teeth the second her roughened palms caressed his chest with languid but precise circular motions. He observed the way her thumbs traced unhurried circles against the second most sensitive spots on his body and the way the muscles of his own pectorals and abs jumped in reflex from her touch.
Reiner let out a long languid whimper upon the sudden exhilaration. Mirroring her actions, a hand moved upwards from the rounded mound of her ass along her spine teasingly before curving sideways. His large palm seized one of her porcelain globes in his hold and he pressed on the dusky nub using his thumb, rubbing the hardened tip with the cautious of touch. Nibbling tenderly on her cheek, his question came out in a low, shaky drawling against her ears. “Mikasa...how do you want me to touch you...fast or slow….?”
Her answer came in the lowest, deepest whimper from her chest. “Either...Just keep going...” Eyes tightly shut, his younger bride threw her head back in an increasing rapture and a low, unguarded groan escaped her gasping lips upon the intensity of his touch. He watched in wonder, tinged with a tiny pride upon the new discovery - she’s extremely sensitive there it seems.
This exotic beauty's body is a dynamite yet at the same time, an undiscovered wonderland, primed for his lifelong conquest - one he'll never want to stop worshipping.
Through every breath and every inch.
Through every touch and through every kiss.
The tip of his nose ventured from her temple down her slender neck before halting right above the swelling of those appetizing twin mounds of her chest. Kiss her he did, at the same spot he just savored. He drew the outline of the weighty globe with his tongue, suckling hard and absolutely losing himself to the bliss of her skin’s sweetness to the way her soft cries sounded to his ears - muffled by his messy wet tresses, ensnared by her own open mouth kisses. He could feel the warmth of her breath on his scalp as her heaving became more urgent. His plastering bangs grazed her chest until they turned into a flushing mess.
His other hand had already made its own bold move by slipping in between the juncture of her thighs and running the pads of his digits across her wet slit. She immediately gritted her teeth upon the sudden invasion, probably due to the soreness from his earlier thrusting, but he’d sooner turned her hissing to another wave of moans when he caressed her lower mound with a wickedly soothing rhythm. 
Too lost he was in the beguiling pleasure that would sooner overtake all sense of inhibition that he’d missed the way her nimble hand had already wrapped itself around his member, already stretched out to its peaked state. The coolness of her palm burned the most sensitive part of his body as the skillful hand of a competent blade wielder projected her prowess through the way she handled his length -- with thorough, natural precision.
He just kept on growing stronger in her hands.
No one has ever made him feel like this before.
No one.
He could feel as if his soul was leaving the confinements of his physical form the moment he saw her dropping down to her knees, just like he did with her earlier. However this time, when she gazed at him with those tempestuous eyes and burning cheeks, he’d know he’ll never be able to resist her newly-unearthed desirous appetite.
It was quite contradictory that even when he’s the one who’s looking down at her right now, she’d always have the power to make him yield to her silent commandeering force.
Despite the flowing water washing away at their skins, he’s still stained by her; her essences seeping through his pores in unwavering waves no different than a perfect raging storm piercing through a man’s perseverance.
Oh God, she’s just naturally good at blowing him... and his mind.
He ran his lips against the irezumi on her back, drawing a cross with his tongue like a sacred offering, lapping up the water drizzling down her skin like the nectar of an exotic flower. Right before he filled the impure void within through one messy yet solid thrust into her, clinging to her lithe body from behind as they fell into a familiar, acquired rhythm not too long after.
He pulled her in for another searing kiss from behind. His other hand underneath one of her knees, his larger build pressed her slightly smaller frame hard against the wall through every onslaught of his hips against hers. Both of them were getting off of the high from the other.
Mikasa’s relentless moans soon turned into a long, dragged out, almost incoherent chanting of his name; urging him, needing him with every part of her being, that she’d broke the skin on his forearm when she became undone on his third deep thrust.
Reiner observed the way Mikasa tried to wash away the bleeding from the bite-shaped bruise on his arm with the water from inside the tub itself. He dismissed her attempt by pulling her body snug against his chest, staring at the mark in awe and reassuring her with nothing less than pride in his tone. “Hey, that’s my first mark from you.” He still remembered how she managed to cut off the same hand clean from his wrist on top of Wall Rose years ago.
“It’ll be a scar.” She persisted, still trying to argue with his insistence.
She gave him his first mark and without his regenerative powers, that mark will remain on his body forever until he’s buried six feet under.
He buried his nose into her drenched hair, taking in the scent from the glycerine soap he used on her earlier. “All the better because it’s from you.”
They stayed for a while inside the ceramic tub, with her head resting against his shoulder and his arms around her, listening to the sounds of rolling thunder and turbulent sea waves coming through the opened windows of the bathroom.
After a good while, it was her who suggested that they step out and step back into the awaiting demands of the day. “We should really get going before Gabi storms in for another ‘rescue’ attempt.”
Snickering, he released her reluctantly and sent an admiring stare at her retreating figure, still dripping with bath water until she disappeared behind the door to their shared chamber.
By the time he followed suit into the conjoined bedroom, she had pulled her skirt over her hips. She stared in disbelief the moment she saw him discarding the towel around his waist and had his legs through his breeches immediately.
Her inquisitive gaze did not go unnoticed. “What? I travelled light and I wasn’t expecting the detour to the Island.” Everything he had was on his body.
“All this time, you’re…” Her words trailed off suspiciously.
A thin eyebrow raised snarkily to emphasize his answer. “Yeah. I’d prefer not wearing one either way. It’s breezier and actually a much healthier habit too.”
“Whatever suits you.” Mikasa shook her head, feigning an impending state of disinterest while fending off an oncoming headache.
He gave her an improper wink. “You’ll thank me when I have given you healthy, kickass babies, Mikasa.”
She groaned in retaliation at his blatant lewdness. A trait of his that has always been apparent since they were younger still remained despite the years that had gone by in between. Despite all that, she couldn’t help her lips from curving into an amused smile.
Just a fleeting thought of envisioning a strong young boy or a girl with golden blonde hair, cheeky comebacks and a headstrong attitude was enough to make the fuzziness in her heart return right before the fleeting fantasy was interrupted by the same vision but with three more of the same identical boys and girls and a burning house of chaos behind them.
“....four be a lot?”
“Huh?” She blinked back at his question.
“I was asking, would four babies be a lot for you?”
She’d known it was an intended humor. They both knew that he couldn’t possibly have enough time for such an unattainable dream. She wasn’t oblivious to the dismal glint in his eyes.
“Perfect.” Her heart suddenly felt a lot heavier.
A/N : After what went down in the previous chapter, I am willing to be virtually sucker-punched by you guys because of this chapter. I am hurting my emotional well-being with this chapter, and I said to myself, why should I be suffering alone? Haha Kidding, guys. Thank you so much for your time & till the next update! Take care & stay safe. xoxo
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bootlegsymphony · 4 years
Being Hopeful [a *personal* Komahina writeup]
*major Danganronpa 2/2.5/3 spoilers ahead*
Someone told me to gather my thoughts into a post so here it is.
Note: Unless you’re up for a challenge to potentially reshape your opinions towards certain ships, if you think Komahina is by default a toxic ship in anyway shape or form, or if you firmly believe that Hinanami is “bestest Hinata ship OTP owo”, it’s not in your best interest to read this post. I’m not suggesting you are invalid or wrong, but you’re likely not the group of people I’m looking forward to having a constructive and evoking conversation with.
First off, I might have been recognized as an avid Komahina shipper, and my opinions towards Hinanami could be generally summarized as ambivalent/mixed/minorly favourable. I was able to acknowledge Hina/Nami’s relationship as of roughly equivalent significance in regard to DR2’s theme.
But it was impossible for me to consider the two relationships narratively equal, I was able to notice that Koma/Hina was a “meant to be” endgame relationship right of the bat, yet Hina/Nami reads as this transitory experience of an obscure puppy love, or “yeah that happened” that’s melancholic and beautiful. Evidently, the narrative strongly favoured Koma/Hina in terms of screentime, development, complexity, compatibility, and endgame potentials.
I wasn’t too confident about why Komahina screams an ultimate destination of a Hinata relationship to me, yet Hina/Nami never convey a remotely similar message. In many aspects, I didn’t ship Komahina in the past for the sake of “I want Komaeda to savour happiness” but placed more emphasis on “it would be wise for Hinata if he could ascertain that his future is with Komaeda”. However I couldn’t elucidate why I thought so.
But due to some unexpected changes in my personal life, it was so effortless for me to reach an epiphany why Hinanami couldn’t quite be the same Hinata-OTP as Komahina. And now I’m kicking myself for not being able to be more adamant about it earlier.
In short, I had a brief taste of how “true bond” or “true connection” functions. It was an estranged, uncharted experience to me prior to that “sudden change”. And in retrospect it’s unimaginable how I survived that bitter life of pure bleakness without it. But since I was able to discern the characteristics of a “true bond”, Koma/Hina, while being excruciatingly complicated and bitter in canon timeline, had a great foundation for that nonetheless, while Hina/Nami was, fundamentally “deficient” in this specific department.
Hina/Nami, either the DR2 or DR3 iteration, doesn’t go beyond being a fine relationship. It’s not bad, as adolescent crushes are typically not bad. It’s functional and somewhat sweet if Hinata was just some normal shy boy who at some point met a nice caring pretty girl. But a great, monumental relationship doesn’t come from being just fine, and Hinata is much more messy than a such-and-such average joe as what a part of the fandom preferred to project him as.
But Hinata wasn’t an adequate rival and foil for Komaeda, that ridiculously multilayered character likely in all fictions for nothing.
For starter, Hinata committed Izuru Kamakura and countless war crimes, for fuck’s sake.
I had this pessimistic outlook that humans aren’t truly designated at birth to understand each other unless they are. Real life Nanami being the talented, worthy Ultimate Gamer she was, even if she could acknowledge and validate Hinata’s struggles as a talentless person, and brought him some temporary comfort and solace, she could not understand the full spectrum of complications the struggle itself entails. Being the kind and somewhat compassionate person she was, she’d try to understand Hinata if he ever decided to open up, but she’d likely just go “yeah talent doesn’t really matter you should just be confident in yourself” as long as she’s not some Ultimate Empath like Makoto (or Junko) all at the same time. To her, Hinata’s decision to Izuru-fy is unfavorable, but not particularly tangible.
It’s somewhat similar to a moderately affluent person not knowing what an impoverished/economically-challenged life entails, they could never understand why it’s necessary for anyone to opt for crimes and prostitution and shit, if you could just “yeah money doesn’t matter you should be happy” your way out of it. Why is it necessary to choose a life path of crimes and prostitution? Why is it necessary to Izuru-fy oneself? It’s the perpetual predicament of mutual understanding in humankind. No matter how sweet and wholesome on the surface that ship appeared, Nanami would hardly ever reach Hinata’s soul beyond skin-deep, if the talent/worth debate, the rigorous societal expectations, the everlasting emotional quagmire of being under-loved and under-appreciated...everything which gradually carved out Hinata’s pivotal character (that we know of) from his embryo, was a non-issue to Nanami at core.
If there was a portion of Hinata yearning for true connection in an intimate relationship (which I doubt he didn’t), his relationship with Nanami would eventually turn insufficient or dissatisfactory, despite feeling nice on the exterior.
Normally, people don’t realize they’re empty until they’re fulfilled.
But who else struggled immensely with the entanglement between talent and worth throughout their life? Who else once resolved to obliterate their own precious being in pursuit of an almost delusional ideal of hope as Hinata did, so that they could potentially speak to Hinata on the deepest, hidden stratum of his soul?
It always pains me to read Komaeda’s first FTE where he suggested Hinata’s ultimate talent could be “Ultimate Serenity” because Hinata granted him some inner peace “just by being there”. Knowing Komaeda’s mind it’s a nearly impossible feat to make him feel peaceful. Komaeda likely didn’t even consider that a legitimate talent, he inwardly viewed Hinata “being there” as inherently valuable but he couldn’t even tell. Yet Hinata failed to just, be there, be existent.
And, I always considered Komaeda sustaining himself being alive to be a monument on its own, yet 2-5 happened, for Hope, I believed.
I once had a mentally stimulating talk about how emotional and intellectual transparency lead to a solid foundation of “true love” among people with someone before. They even expressed, months ago, that if Hinata could just speak up about his problems with Nanami he wouldn’t have necessarily Izuru-fied himself.
Yet even being the aloof and reserved fucker he was, Hinata wouldn’t camouflage himself in front of Komaeda. Komaeda saw through him even if he was having a hard time deciding on how he should have felt himself. He voiced, various times throughout DR2, that “we have similar scents” “I thought you would understand me” “we’re both miserable bystanders” “I couldn’t see you as completely separate from me”. On the surface it seemed like Komaeda was being cryptic and dragging Hinata to his level, but given how we knew Hinata took even more drastic measures as escapism, were they even that different?
It was why exactly Komahina dynamic was so embittered and resentful in the canon timeline. It was not hatred, but involuntary intimacy. Hinata was emotionally stripped naked (sorry, not to evoke any erotic visualizations, just a convenient metaphor) when it’s not even Komaeda’s intention, and Komaeda’s always emotionally naked. It didn’t turn out well not because it was a fundamentally dysfunctional dynamic, but they simply met each other in the worst, most despairful and unluckiest timeline possible. With continuous manslaughters ongoing, it’s only palpable that baring your soul to someone as dangerous as Komaeda would be intimidating, but it still had that mesmerizingly entrancing aura, especially in Komaeda’s last FTE.
They had no choice of not knowing each other well.
Unless either of them died, which they both did. But an ultimate future was born and they were granted a second chance to finally reach the destination they deserved.
In a post-HPA scenario, Komahina was not only somewhat contextually implied as Hinata’s endgame, but it was deliberately set up as a generally hopeful relationship as well. Kodaka once suggested in an interview that post-HPA Hajizuru inherited Hinata’s emotions, so that he was able to sort out his considerably complex feelings for Komaeda as it left off; meanwhile with Izuru’s analytical skills and insights into human psychology, it would likely become not as cumbersome. With Hinata’s determination and persistence it would hopefully not only cure Komaeda’s terminal illnesses, but also “heal” Komaeda from his hope fetish and other cruddy coping mechanisms, with all the support and dedication Hinata could provide. Hinata, being emotionally identical to his past self, would likely occasionally experience insecurity and low self-esteem as well, and it could require Komaeda’s weird little method of presenting challenges/creating minor inconveniences for Hinata in order to help him build up self-agency and develop infallible self-assurance.
It’s kind of the Ultimate Love that survived all the trials and tribulations, and to think of that the Ultimate Tragedy gave birth to the Ultimate Love, huh, seems about right for our two Ultimate Lucks.
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missallsundaes · 3 years
And allow me to ask about your selfships in flowers now, iris and zinnia
Both of these have a little bit diff answers to the rest.
Iris - Does your self insert for your f/os source material have a detailed and complex story and character arc, or are they just kind of vibing?
EVENTUALLY I will need to do a self ship post I can link too, because I have a different self insert for each of my top threes. The SIMPLE answer is they all have detailed backstories. The detailed answer I'll put under a cut at the bottom of this post.
Zinnia - how often do you think about your f/o? Do they live in your head rent free, or do you not think about them for months on end before suddenly hyperfixating on them nonstop for a week?
; w ; I feel like you've seen my blog, I never stop thinking about my boys. Sanji and Corazon occupy the most of my brain, but if I see Buggy I get emotional over him too.
OKAY SO HERE I GO about my self inserts. All three are me in personality, interests, and talents. All three have pink hair and green eyes, and glasses.
My s/i Ace x Sanji is an art historian from the South Blue.
They were traveling on a ship that was transporting priceless paintings from one island to another for an exhibition, when the ship was attacked by pirates after the artwork to sell for the Beri it would get them. They were one of only a couple of survivors of this attack, getting away on a scrap of wood that was floating that they managed to scramble on top of. They were rescued by the Straw Hats. This fits in canon timeline between Little Garden and Drum. They fall for Sanji very quickly, despite his bad habits, infatuated with his flirty nature and constant compliments. Despite Nami's warnings that he was like that with "all women," after they come out as nonbinary to Sanji during a heart to heart, he still treats them with the love and affection that made them fall for him. They bond while cooking together, taste testing each other's food and experimenting with new recipes at dinner for the crew. Make quick best friends with Usopp over mutual loves for drawing, plants, bugs, and being snipers. (They are trained in archery.) Jinbei reminds them of their late father, and they quickly get very attracted to the Fishman, looking up to him and asking him for guidance often. Other best friend is Robin, they bond over art history and how it related to archeology, she helps teach them to read poneglyphs so they can help her. [[Sometimes trio ship with Usopp bc I also love Usopp and Sanuso is my otp]]
My s/i Ace x Corazon is a Selkie from the North Blue. This OC is Canon Divergent
Info on Selkies (mostly based on Real World Mythos, but some tweaking done for OP Universe)
Legends Say that a man who finds a selkie for a wife are blessed with a beautiful obedient wife. At least that’s the human version of the tale. In the selkie world, it is a warning, a cautionary tale: never be caught by a human man, lest you have your coat stolen and never return to the sea. Selkies are generally only found in the farthest north points of the North Blue, where seals are abundant. True to legends, Selkies can shift between human and seal form with the use of their coats or seal skins. Selkies are thought to be rarer than mermaids, but due to the nature of their transformation, true numbers are unknown outside the community. When a selkie has her skin stolen she has a compulsion to marry the person who stole it, usually with discomfort to the selkie. If her coat is willingly given to a man, it must be willingly given back. Selkies sometimes bare children to the man they marry, but when they find the hiding place of their coat they will abandon these children to return to the sea. Some legends say that these children are sometimes visited or saved by large seals later in their lives. When selkies first transform, their coat is the clothes they are wearing, so they are naked until clothed in the human fashion.
My self insert specifically!
In seal form, they are a harp seal, dusty grey with dark spots. In human form they have long dusty pink hair and deep dark green eyes, large like a seals. Their coat takes the form of a fluffy winter coat, with the same colors as their seal skin. When they are wearing their coat, it works similar to a zoan fruit, they can transform by choice, and can do a hybrid form (similar to a mermaid) as well. Not trained in any particular fighting style, they're not much use in a battle, but they know basic first aid and are a good support to a team. They witnessed the murder of Corazon by Doffy (and prior, saw Law being placed in the treasure chest). //Canon Divergent// When Doffy leaves the island, leaving Corazon dying in the snow, They nurse him back to health slowly, giving him their coat to keep warm so that he doesn't freeze to death, and builds a small fire to keep him alive. When he comes to, they help him move inside the partially destroyed building. He gives her coat back willingly after explaining to him what it means to her, and that and his deep caring nature made her fall for him. When he's well enough to travel she travels with him so that he can reunite with Law, and they 'adopt' him.
My self ship for Ace x Buggy is a performance Clown part of the Buggy Pirates.
Ace has been a part of the crew for as long as any of the other original members and harbored feelings for their captain for a very long time before eventually breaking down and confessing after feeling like they were going to lose him to impel down. Buggy is initially very awkward and flustered and nervous about the confession but admits that he had feelings too. He's a bit of a tsundere so sometimes it takes a lot to get hid real feelings out in the open. Buggy has huge jealousy issues and will be very very possessive. Has a huge soft spot for Ace. They fight with a comically large hammer, and with a similar style to capoeira where they are dancing as they fight. They are obnoxious after they're officially together, but it's cute.
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damn-scarhead · 3 years
Can you write about Alma for the character ask thing? ^^
Babyyyyyy 🥺  Disclaimer: this is full spoilers, you have been warned My otp for them: Yulma, obviously. Do I even need to elaborate on that? Alma and Kanda were lovers in their past life and even after their reincarnation they still found each other again and loved each other. 
My brotp for them: Given that we ever really saw him with Kanda and a few people of the Asian Branch, it’s hard to tell. I mean, he literally was with Kanda and that’s all. So let’s pretend that everything’s fine and he’s alive and well and became an exorcist, he totally would have been a great friend with Lavi. They would have pulled pranks on Kanda all the time. 
Any other ships: Like I said in my post about Allen, I kind of see them together. Don’t really know why. 
Their best friend: Kanda, of course. (Again, hard to see him being friend/close to someone when he literally was just with Kanda and that’s all). But in my Alma is alive and well AU I think he’d be best friend with.... Well with everyone actually. 
My favorite nickname for them: Mayo’ (Mayo... Moya... Got it?) 
My favorite AU of them: He’s alive and well and is an exorcist like the others and he’s in a happy and healthy relationship with Kanda.
My favorite outfit they wear: Unfortunately we don’t see him wearing a lot of outfits so the choice is... Limited. Does whatever he’s wearing when he’s an Akuma count? Is it even clothes??? Or is it a part of himself like some weird skin? Is he actually naked when he’s fighting against Kanda???? Damn my boy out there titties out as he tries to kill the love of his life.
Defining color: A soft pinkish purple. (purplish pink?) To be honest I think the whole color palette used in Hallow during his fight against Kanda is gorgeous. Alma was gorgeous.
Would I date them: Without any hesitation. (Though Kanda might kill me for it.)
First impression: An angel. Definitely doesn’t deserve what happened to him. 
Current impression: An angel. Definitely doesn’t deserve what happened to him. OH MY GOD HE’S ACTUALLY KANDA’S PAST LOVER THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE HOW DID I NOT NOTICE IT???? Hoshino bring him back immediately or else!
Hogwarts House: I could see him in Hufflepuff (or maybe in Gryffindor)
Which Pokemon starter they’d be: I don’t know enough about Pkemon to see him with one in particular, sadly. But he totally would take the same as Kanda if he could. (Maybe he’d get Squirtle)
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melanoradrood · 3 years
I know this is tooo far away right now when we are just at the prologue but please please please write the corset opening/removing (whatever) scene in Dramione Bridgerton AU!! When I saw that scene I just zoomed in my Dramione OTP..I want to read it. I hope I don't annoy you with my request..but you are combining two awesome fandoms and since I can't write as well as you I thought I'll make a request!
LMAO okay so! I’m actually writing Episode by Episode. In that, I am currently working on Episode 1. Episode 2 has already been fully plotted out with full notes. Episode 3 is currently bullet points, as is Episode 4. Episodes 5+ are currently just... a paragraph.
My intention is to release Episode by Episode, in that I announce Episode 1 will be released the week of ___________ and then every other day, I’ll upload the Episode... and then we take a week or two break, and then the next Episode.
Why? Because my ADHD brain is pleased by this. But also because I don’t want you guys waiting a thousand years. AND because I’m actually planning this now.
I will say that you will, uhhhh have the first chapter.....
I don’t want to use the word soon, but with the move and all, life has settled TREMENDOUSLY. I’ve had a house guest all week helping me with my kids so that I can unpack, so my writing time has been very short, BUT! The first Chapter of Episode 1 is written. I’m starting on Chapter 2 today. ( there’s 4 chapters per episode there about )
So, this is a rant and doesn’te ven answer your question I’m sorry it’s early.
Listen. LISTEN. I’m going to be including an Author’s note that talks about how she should be wearing a chemise underneath her corset, or stays - I haven’t stopped and studied the scene enough yet to figure out which one it was but I’m pretty sure they were stays, ANYWAYS.
There will be an author’s note about how this is not appropriate regency/georgian attire..........
And then I’m going to write 3000 words about Draco Malfoy carefully unlacing every single piece of Hermione Granger’s corset, including explicit details about his fingers brushing her skin, Hermione gasping at each touch, her body prickling with goosebumps, his breath on the back of her neck, and the way he basically then falls to the ground at her feet in worship to roll down her stockings while looking up at her otherwise naked body through hooded eyes...................
The whole chapter will probably just be him undressing her.
There’s like three scenes that I’m EXCEPTIONALLY delighted for. One is a conversation that will be happening between Draco and Theo. The second is the final resolution conversation at the end of Episode 8. The last???? 
edit : jus tlooked at the gifset that just came out of my queue and was reminded of that scene - i’ve plotted out the draco telling hermione to call him by his name scene, and y’all. YALL. I may actually just be found in the discord chat screaming about it for days in the lead up to me posting it. it’s......... it’s so good.
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carewyncromwell · 4 years
*sniggers like an idiot* This message made me draw some stuff, so if y’all didn’t want a diversion from the next part of the POTC AU...too bad! You’re getting some AU!Duncan/Jacob, so deal with it.
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Okay, so first things first -- Duncan (later Duncan Ashe) and Jacob Cromwell Roberts (later Black Jack Roberts) first collided after Jacob was “impressed into service” (A.K.A. kidnapped off the merchant ship he was on and forced to be his captors’ navigator or die) by pirate Howell Davis. While trapped on board on the Rover for the next two years, Jacob would (like in the old days trapped on the Revenge with his sister Carewyn) sing to pass the time. Most of the pirates didn’t mind too much as Jacob, like Carewyn, has a great singing voice, and honestly, there isn’t much to do to entertain oneself on a pirate ship.
As luck would have it, one day, Jacob’s singing caught the attention of a merman swimming by the Rover, who was startled by the sound of the voice and stopped momentarily to suss out whether it was another merman or not. He pretty quickly deduced that no, it was just a human male with an unusually attractive singing voice. Duncan probably would’ve tried to take this opportunity to lure the human male into the water and eat him, but considering he was alone and the ship was stuffed to the brim with nasty-looking pirates, Duncan decided it probably wouldn’t be prudent to do so. So instead he shadowed the ship for a while, thinking to follow it back into waters where more merfolk swam and, once there, attack the ship properly with reinforcements.
While following the ship, however, it seemed like every time Duncan came up to the surface, that one human male was always singing, and it was always in such a pained, aching sort of voice. This of course didn’t trouble Duncan exactly -- it was good to know that this human wanted something so much and that Duncan would therefore be able to figure out what he wanted and use it to lure him into his waiting jaws easily -- but as he followed the ship and listened to this young man’s voice in comparison to the others’ on board, he suddenly got the weird feeling that this human was...different, somehow. And so he situated himself on the ship’s anchor and listened a bit more carefully.
Merfolk have a pretty good ability to read the hearts and attitudes of humans just by being close to them, and although Duncan couldn’t get close enough to completely suss out what this human wanted, he got the feeling that his emotions were strong -- not just the sorrow and pain, but the resilience and determination, as well. The human was also very amusing, frequently running circles intellectually around the other men on the pirate ship and making Duncan bite back laughter. At one point Duncan even overheard an argument between the human and the pirates on-board where he demanded to be set free and mentioned his sister, insisting that she needed him and saying he would do anything if they’d just let him return to her. Considering that merfolk in general are not family-oriented (with a few lone exceptions), the level of passion in which this human spoke of his sister startled Duncan. He was more than used to people lusting after gold or flesh, but he’d never heard anyone speak so selflessly before -- being willing to lay down his own life not for himself, but for someone else. It was a stupid thing to say, Duncan thought, considering these pirates clearly had no reason to listen to him and him emotionally lashing out wouldn’t likely help anything...and yet, all the same, Duncan found himself drawn all the more. And so when the ship entered merfolk-inhabited waters...Duncan did not strike. Instead he left and found a meal elsewhere, but never forgot the ship called the Rover and the young man with the wonderful voice.
Over the next year, Duncan kept his eye open for the Rover. It zipped back and forth across the sea often enough, so it didn’t take long for him to figure out their route. There were several points he considered speaking to the human, or maybe even singing himself so he could hear him, but he always reminded himself that he didn’t know what good it would do. Sailors still by and large fear and distrust merfolk (though they often presume they’re all mermaids, not men), and Duncan had no way to help this human escape his circumstances whether he wanted to or not. He no longer wanted to lure him off the pirate ship with promises that weren’t true.
Once, while Duncan was following the Rover, the ship got locked in a huge sea battle, forcing the merman to dive deep below the waves to escape the cannon fire. When he emerged, he was shocked to find that his human had actually been made Captain -- “Captain Jack Roberts,” they called him. Duncan finally had a name -- and when he followed the ship all the way to its destination of Port Royal, he thought it would be the last time he would ever see him again. Duncan fought with himself about whether or not to approach “Jack,” but in the end, he lost his nerve. His heart broke when he saw his human leave the ship at a run, as if he never wanted to look back.
You can imagine how shocked and delighted Duncan was, therefore, when his “Jack” returned to the ship. The delight was short-lived, however, when Duncan learned the reason “Jack” had returned was because his precious sister was gone and no one knew where she’d disappeared to, so he was determined to search the seven seas until he found her again. Duncan could sense immediately that there were tensions aboard his ship in response to this, but “Jack” didn’t seem to -- he was too focused on finding his sister to give much care to anyone else’s thoughts on the matter. Duncan cursed the stupidity of this wonderful, bizarre human.
As Charles Cromwell later told Carewyn, Howell Davis’s old First Mate Patricia Rakepick decided to spark a mutiny on board the Rover and claim its captainship for herself. Rather than maroon Jack as per the Pirate Code, she determined (correctly, may I point out) that if he were left alive, he’d be more than smart enough to find a way off the island and be a thorn in her side later -- and so in a particularly brutal move, Rakepick shot him in the back with her pistol and pushed him overboard into the raging waves. In alarm Duncan, who had still been following the Rover, dived to retrieve Jack, covering the young man’s mouth with his own in a deep kiss to give him the ability to breathe underwater long enough that he wouldn’t drown while Duncan swam him away from the Rover.
Duncan eventually found a small island where he could pull Jack ashore. Knowing Jack was in bad shape and yet he had no way to help him on his own, Duncan made the risky and brave decision to leave the water, taking on human legs and stumbling into the closest town butt-friggin’-naked begging for help. The townspeople quickly gave him some clothes and Duncan then led them back to the beach where he’d left Jack, who dipped in and out of consciousness as Duncan lifted him into his arms and carried him to the closest doctor. Once his human was tended to, the two finally met face-to-face for the first time and exchanged names -- the human introduced himself as Jacob Roberts, or Jack, while Duncan introduced himself as Duncan Ashe, taking his last name from the contents of the ashtray in the parlor of the doctor’s home.
It wasn’t long after that Jacob made his deal with Davy Jones to steal the Rover back from Patricia Rakepick and the East India Trading Company, which officially branded him a pirate and set him on his quest to both find Carewyn and locate Charles or Blaise Cromwell so as to satisfy his debt with Jones. Duncan was and is the only member of Jacob’s crew who knows both about his deal with Jones and his backstory, and over the years, Jacob told Duncan all about his sister, Carewyn, and what a saint she supposedly was. Jacob constantly insisted that Duncan would love Carewyn when they finally met, which Duncan couldn’t help but doubt, considering that he found Jacob to be a rare exception among humans -- as it turned out, when they finally did, Duncan was amazed to find Jacob was right.
To this point, Jacob still hasn’t put two-and-two together about what Duncan really is, and Duncan hasn’t felt much desire to tell him, even though there are points he wishes Jacob could know that he really did save his life, and not just by pulling him out of the water. Nevertheless, Jacob did eventually figure out how much his First Mate really meant to him in the midst of the seven years they sailed together (yeah -- this guy is a brilliant scholar and captain, but when it comes to people, he really is an absolute idiot), and once he did, he was pretty forceful in making sure Duncan knew it too. By then, Duncan was more than willing to reciprocate, given how long he’d kept his feelings to himself -- so now Black Jack Roberts’s relationship with his First Mate Ashe is more than common knowledge among the crew. Anyone who would even think about underestimating either man because of this, however, is pretty quickly disillusioned when Duncan tosses them overboard or Jacob decides to dangle them by the back of their shirts off the bowsprint for a day or two.
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signofwolf · 3 years
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Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J. Maas – book review
Series: Throne of Glass #7 Genre: YA, Fantasy Theme: Fae, magic users, war Warnings: mentions of torture, imprisonment Star rating: 0,5/10
Why did I pick this up?: I wanted to end this horrible series once and for all.
[Heavy spoilers ahead]
To make myself clear, before this book I quite liked this series. It wouldn’t place in my top 100 books, not even close, but it was a pleasant pageturner to listen to in audiobooks when working.
Let’s start slow. I lack the words to express how much I hate the words ‘male’, ‘female’ and ‘mate’ after this series. Not even gonna try to express my trauma. But these 3 gems aside, Sarah J. Maas needs a dictionary. Or compress her work to a manageable size. Everything sang, Everyone melted, Every man roared, Every woman trembled, Everyone was unleashing themselves at least once a chapter (number of chapters: 122) ). And now I know definitely too much about Yrene’s ‘womb’. I know so much…
I thought that was a book about a war with heavy action content. Oh boy, I was wrong. This 984-pages monstrosity has maybe 5 pages of action. If you squint.
Every sequence, where by design action should take place was followed by one of two scripts:
Few sentences of action and then a few pages long internal monologue. Often repeated with the same character after the next few sentences of action, or with the next character and then the next (sometimes the first character made a second appearance and then everything would go all over again). And the word ‘character’ used in these sentences is not because I’m rambling. This book is written that way!
Few sentences of action and then action stops, and we are graced by a few pages long conversation. In the middle of a battle. Or spying. Or in Erawan’s chambers, when his castle is going down, and he is running up the stairs...
Leaving alone the fact that apparently all series took less than a year (till this book I estimated the plot for about 3 years, Wiki told me it was 2, but Maas knows best), because that is a can of worms in itself. Time in this one? I honestly have no idea. There were many ‘few weeks of travel’ parts with two main groups of POVs. Personally my only time indicator was ‘Orynth won’t fall till Aelin gets here’. But nothing just fit. And I saw Lost Song when in the last episode we as the audience realized that our two POVs parallel storylines are in reality millennia apart. Lost Song made sense.
Emotional loading
… there wasn’t any. Really, it was like reading a milk label. Every time the scene was potentially emotionally impactful, Maas went ahead to overexplaining EVERY. GOD. DAMMED. THING. And it was abso-fucking-lutely everything. ‘Emotional dilemma? Let’s current POV explain it! 2 pages should be enough… Damn maybe it wasn’t enough. I know! I’ll switch POVs and explain it through the other character!’ <= My impression of Maas’ thought process. I’m fairly sure that the record was 7 POVs explaining the same thing in the row, but I was blacking out a little, so I cannot be sure.
And if that wasn’t enough, this book had a second way to defuse tension: random-plastic-repetitive-badly_written-smut. Really badly written and really repetitive. How could you not feel the spicy bits, when Manon (cruel, self assured 100+years old witch-queen) reacts the same in bed as Elide (20years old, virgin, ex-slave). And the rest of them were the same, there weren’t ANY distinctions.Just copy-paste.
The next point in current case: Someone died, it was impactful, I really liked the character, so I got sad. But then 2 of our characters came out of the room with a body, and after a paragraph of grieving they started making out, and then I was regaled with 2-pages-long description of melting cores. That was the place then this book stopped being badly written, and started being distasteful.
Remember when I was writing about switching POVs (which is 15(!!!) In the whole book. Oh and an omniscient narrator in places when our current POV was grieving too much to overthink something, but Maas still wanted to inform us about something)? They were all savagely murdered in the worst way: character mutilation. Somewhere between books our maybe-not-that-original but colorful and interesting characters became carbon copies of each other. I have no idea how many times I didn’t realise there was a POV switch. The only indicator was a change of pronoun, or when Maas was telling us the name of a current narrator. These were the only ways. And if you can't distinguish if you are in Dorian’s head or in Manon’s, that is the sign of a really BAD writing.
…there wasn't any. In all this book there wasn't any naturally progressing romantic scene. There were Maas’ endgame pairings which were sexing or pinning. As the author Maas loves to write about soulmates. And it’s not a bad thing itself. When I want some fluffy story I often tag ‘soulmates’ in AO3 and voila, +10 to good mood. But God above, it is not cute when every pair you write about are ‘true mates’ just BECAUSE. It is the only way Maas sees a relationship, as a fated pairing, written in the wake of the universe by the God himself. There is no choice, nor the work to put in it. They are the author's OTP and that means that they are perfect and they should have children right now. Point in case:
Guy was treating a girl like a shit on his sole, including throwing her naked out of tent, on a snow, with their friends present, all the while abusing her verbally in a worst way. But it’s okay, because when she almost died he realised his mistakes and apologised. Two scenes later, he was forgiven, because... fated mates?
The pathos
I know that many people don't like this type of scenes, but it's not my case. I’m reading by picturing images and not repeating words. I like sequences that I can imagine to be grand and glorious, even if they are a little corny. That said, the pathos scenes were the most disappointing ones for me. Maas likes to write parts that are more picturesquely exalted than logically possible [point in case: meeting of 5 armies/forces in the random patch of sand in Empire of Storms, and it being painted as ‘an Aelin’s great plan’. I laughed myself silly at that. But not taking logic and all the plot holes into consideration that was a nicely looking scene. In Kingdom of Ash that wasn’t the case. I would say that the author wanted to paint us a renaissance painting every 20 pages or so. In my opinion, every time she failed miserably. Each and every of those scenes was or to farfetched to be even remotely realistic, and evidently written only for a sake of the picture, or just plainly stupid.
Example, and it’s so priceless a scene, that I just need to share it: Battle of Orynth, 25th day or so (time in this book doesn’t exist), the 13. sacrificed themselves (like thousands before them but hush). And then, time stops: grieving Manon is going through the city, they open the gates for her (yes, the siege is still on), she goes to the place where they died, after her come out all of our main heroes, and half the city itself with ‘flowers, rocks and precious possessions’ and they lay it there in a tribute to these brave (evil till 2 months ago) witches. I honestly can’t remember when was the last time I saw such an abstract scene. It’s a material for an essay in itself. No, I could not take it seriously.
Additionally, it's hard to make an impact as every damn sentence is grand and lofty. In the end it became truly pathetic, Aelin vs Maeve was unreadable.
Character deaths:
Let's make a quick count: main characters in a series at the start of KoA: 12 secondary characters in a series at the start of KoA: 20ish minor and total background: a lot more
Death count: main: 0 secondary: 3 minor: 2 (11 if we try very hard)
Resurrections: 1 (possibly 3, but not gonna analyze it)
Did you feel emotions of this impossible war against this all-encompassing, all-powerful, invincible, immortal, cunning Evil with armies from 3 continents and 2 worlds? No? Me neither.
Oh well, but there were a lot of deaths of ordinary soldiers. I’m quite certain that all of Terrasen’s army was at least twice brought back to life for them to die in these numbers.
Logic or lack thereof
Oh, and let’s not forget about the Deus ex machina army of unbeatable, magical elves on wolves, from legends, living for the past thousands of years in the unreachable lands of the north, because they managed to run from the surprise attack 10 years earlier. Did I mention that they came from portals, which the whole book was telling us were impossible to make in this scenario? After the previous saviour army was already fighting there for a day? And that Aelin didn’t know they would come for sure (how did she contact them again?)? Even though they were waiting in the full armours for these portals? Ah, and also: that army didn’t do anything. They just came and fought for maybe 4 minutes. And there were just so many things like that!
And if we’re on the topic of armies I present you: ‘My favourite absurd-list in the series: allied armies’.
(As a comparison, in A Song of Ice and Fire by J.R.R Martin, in 7 kingdoms of Westeros, at the peak of war there were 7 forces present, but not all were even engaged in a war.)
First the ones that made sense:
Armies of Terrasen’s Lords (counted as one, not gonna nitpick)
The Khaganate army (also counted as one)
Galan Ashryver’s armada
Whitethorn fraction
Rebel Ironteeth witches
…should Dorian be counted as an ‘army’?
And there were some that did not:
Ansel of Briarcliff’s army
The Silent Assassins
Wild Men of the Fangs
Army of magical elves on wolves
And the ‘I don’t even know’ category:
Crochan witches
Overpowering and overreaching
Section title tells it all. The stakes were too high. I was honestly waiting for Aelin to become Super Saiyan and start to throw planets at Maeve and Erawan. I won’t spoil if this happened.
In my opinion it could be a really great series, if our list of villains ended with Arobynn and King of Adarlan, and the list of Aelin titles with an assassin and a princess. We could have had two main fight plots: one emotional with Arobynn, when Aelin would have to face a damage he had done to her, and overcome it. And the second one, with freeing Terrasen from Adarlan’s rule. That’s it. There was an asshole, power hungry king, who feared magic and wanted to rule the East part of a continent. A lot of plot, but not so much that we stopped to care, or didn’t have time to cover everything. We could really get to know what Terrasen and his people were like and not JUST GET TOLD that it was ‘the greatest place in the world’ every damn 20 pages.
Plus…should Dorian be counted as an ‘army’? It's a REALLY valid question.
IIf I have to write a list of things that disappointed me in this book, this review would be thrice its current size, but one of the worst grievances I have is the complete lack of acknowledging the plotlines that had been started. This book series has overall 4 372 pages (not counting novellas) and 12 main characters (still not gonna address this). All of them had their storylines and arcs but if they weren't tied up in the previous instalments they wouldn’t be in this one. I get it, Maeve and Erawan got beaten (in an extremely unsatisfactory way) but they were only a background in this series' plots.
Aelin Well, Aelin was one of 3 people (+2 paragraf-long insertion from Nesryn and Chaol) who got their own POV’s after the battle (second was technically Rowan, who was ‘Aelin’s POV outside of Aelin’.The third Dorian, who got almost a full two pages). And from this we got that: she got crowned, Aedion got his bond and that Maas have no idea how the city looks after weeks of siege. In her case what angered me the most was ‘Terrasen is my home’ subplot. Only in this tome we read at least 3 times that Aelin will be okay with dying, if only she gets to see Terrasen one last time, or if she get to die on Terrassen soil. But you know what? Maas forgot to write the scene where Aelin actually ‘comes in’.
Mannon Didn't get her own POV after the battle, but here’s what we’ve got: She is going to the Wastes with Croachans and Ironteeth. Whait. What? Yes, that was the ending of this 500+ years of feud. They fought together and they decided to unite their two species, completely forgetting more than half a millenia of slaughter. I can only hope that there were at least some talks behind the scenes… NO! F*** NO! This isn’t how it works!
Rowan, Dorian, Chaol, Yrene, Lysandra, Aedion, Lorcan, Elide, Nesryn, Sartaq Lived happily ever after
Secondary minor and total background characters Survived (I acknowledge that they would be ignored in most books’ epilogues, but this abomination is almost 1000 pages of nothing!!).
Good Scenes
That saying, this book actually had 4 good scenes:
Crochan witches go to war - gathering-forces-to-fight trope, which is my *love-always trope* so I’m not even sure if it was relatively good, or if I’m just a slut for this trope. It was still only a paragraph long though.
[recurring] The children’s tale Aelin repeated to herself to remember who she is.
‘Lorcan Lochan’ - the only marginally funny scene in the whole book
I actually found Darrel making Evangeline his heir charming. Even if circumstances were far-fetched at least.
But the words crime of this book? It was agonisingly, mind-numbingly boring. If the overexplaining and repetitions were to be taken out I highly doubt that there would be 300 pages left.
For these 33 hours of audiobook I suffered through I give it half a star. Because Abraxos exist.
Please see my garishly accurate cover on my instagram! You can also like it there :D
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