#otp: hey there hot stuff
terapsina · 2 months
A comprehensive list of ALL my favorite WLW ships. PART 2 (because I have more than 10 of them)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
(canon gets a 🍪, clowned myself into thinking it'd be canon gets a 🤡, didn't actually think it'd be canon but adored them anyway gets a 🍑, happy ending gets a 🌺, they destroyed me ending gets a 😿, bummer ending gets a 💔, cancellations are a plague on this planet get a 🪦).
11. Hope and Lizzie - Legacies - 🤡💔🪦
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12. Mulan and Aurora - OUAT - 🤡😿💔
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13. Max and Eleanor - Black Sails - 🍪😿💔
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14. Beca and Chloe - Pitch Perfect - 🤡💔
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15. River and Thirteen - 🍪🤡😿
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16. Sameen and Root - Person of Interest - 🍪😿
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17. Maria and Carol - Captain Marvel - 🤡💔😿
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18. Julia and Kady - The Magicians - 🤡💔
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19. Eleanor and Tahani - The Good Place - 🍑
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20. Hayley and Rebekah - The Originals - 🍑💔
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fireylesbianhell · 1 year
i’m having thoughts about my boy
sorry newsies moots but it’s solace time baby
• William Andrew Solace was born in Texas but has tempratlily lived in and been too; New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Nevada, California, Washington, New York, and later on in life Massachusetts and Maine. The only states he vividly remembers when he was young was New Mexico and Nevada, as they spent the longest time there besides Texas.
• Will left to camp when his mother stopped in new york and a monster attack very close to camp happened and the nearest satyr recognized him as a half-blood, dragging him with the other demigods (i headcannon one of them was Drew And that’s how those two met) and was introduced. He found his mother again and was able to stay there after some plot stuff i will flesh…later.
• cat person he is such a cat person he’s a golden retriever boy yes but he’s a cat person i’m sorry i’m right i am i know him he told me
• Will did get bullied when he went to a public school for a short time in new Mexico for being/acting “Gay” and it stuck with him a bit as he was worried what camp half blood would be like. but the camp was very friendly and he adapted fairly quickly after his siblings supported his coming out
• Will is Bi to me, and i feel he figured out fairly easily. Naomi wasn’t as religious as her parents and her traveling gave her a wider world veiw, so she wasn’t exactly homophobic but didn’t really let will know gay people existed. he kinda just got context clues along the way.
• Will came out to naomi when he was 14 and she accepted him, after some suprise and tears. it was confusing for both of them but she wasn’t angry.
• Will goes though whipped cream like a maniac. he puts it on everything. everything. i don’t know where i got this headcannon from but it’s mine now it’s my baby his favorite dessert is literally just reddi whip striaght into his mouth and nico is always absoloutley horrified whenever he finds his boyfriend straight up drinking reddi whip out of the fridge after a late night at the hospital wing.
• WORKAHOLIC!! BIGGEST WORKAHOLIC!!! EVER!!! does NOT take breaks does NOT talk about his own feelings. major case of therapist friend with no therapy
• Nico summons skeletons to help will with studying sometimes, hey, it’s better than a textbook
• Due to all the Shit He’s Seen, will isn’t really freaked out by nico or macabre at all. as to contrast, nico hates medical stuff and finds it kinda freaky
• Will has a very Work for what you get attitude and seeing his mother scrape by and work herself up made will similarly hardworking, independent and self sufficient. But he’s also a stubborn bastard who would rather take and remove a bullet then let someone help him either work wise or financially. It got even worse as he became the head of his cabin so much younger with so many younger kids to take care if
• Living in new mexico for as long as they did Naomi decided it was a good idea to have will learn at least some spanish when he was young and he picked up on it nicely, and decided to continue. he’s fairly fluent now and loves freaking Leo out all the time by talking to him in spanish when nobody else is around and he can’t prove it.
• Did also have a minor crush on percy, but mostly as a “woah look at that guy holy shit” and loved teasing annabeth about it (“If YOU love him so much why do you want us to get her together?” “nooo you guys are my OTP i’m not having that up just because he’s hot” <- COMPLETELY REAL INTERACTION THEY E HAD MHM TRUST ME BRO)
• Wants to pick up on some italian so he can do the same thing he does with leo to nico
• TRANSGENDER AND AUTISTIC IM NOT ELABORATING FUCK YOU ( i do have reasons but this is more fun)
• Favorite vide game is a tie between tetris and Majoras mask
• Favorite TV show was Malcom in the Middle as a kid and now is greys anatomy /j/j/j/j but i can gaurentee he hate watches it with the apollo cabin all the time
• Suprisingly fine with plants, yes sunflowers do look at him and everyone makes fun of him for it
okay i’m done (i’m a liar i’m not done but i am about to pass out sooo)
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actualbird · 9 months
Hey hi um so since ch10 confirmed that Luke does indeed have our dear mc saved as Watson and he himself is Sherlock and both before and after they start dating those names are still used as terms of endearment in a sense I present the question,
Do Luke and Rosa, or at least Luke, ship JohnLock. If they did even or Rosa was aware of it, what does that mean.
(I'm so sorry it's been in my head since I saw his lil waiter boy outfit again and then her contact name and now this of all things is stuck in my head i havent even read or watched Sherlock aahh sorry for screaming in your asks)
okay so NOT ONLY do i fully believe that they both ship johnIock, i headcanon that luke pearce has written johnlock fanfic and his dear watson rosa was his beta reader and---OKAY so i had to stop answering this ask for a hot sec because i swore i answered something similar to it and yES I WAS RIGHT, i previously answered an ask what if luke wrote fanfic, lemme just screencap it here because i have stuff to add
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things i want to add
while luke was at the nsb, he kept writing. he never posted any of it, but he kept writing. and aaron was his beta reader, much to aaron's eternal delight
luke and mc ship johnIock in across several adaptation and yes even the original books because they aint KIDDING with this, this is their otp okay, theyre Obsessed with their blorbos across time and space and different dimensions
and this makes it so much funnier that luke calls mc watson because if they ship johnIock, then being called watson is definitely Not Platonic. but it just doesnt click for mc for a while like
luke, already in love with her: youre my watson :'D
mc who in spite of reading having read 289379875984375 johnIock fics, did not (yet) get it: oh, like your partner! :'D
so jkhvkhVKJH THOSE R MY THOUGHTS. thank u for the ask!!
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kingmagnificoofrosas · 5 months
I just need one little thing clarified...
"...reducing him to an object of sick twisted lust..."
"...making him a porn object and writing downright disgusting things..."
I totally get about toxic sexualization, but just want to ask: it's not about healthy romance and making love with a true soulmate, right? it's about toxic things only?
i usually write romances about healthy OTPs, and i wrote one for Magnifico, it also included making love. I'm just afraid to... be accused of this toxic sexualization or something.
please do not consider it rude, your words are matter to me. 🙏🏻
Hey dear 💙
Don't worry, I got you!
I absolutely meant unhealthy, toxic sexualization only. I wasn't talking about writing healthy romance and intimacy between two soulmates. I was talking about things some people said. I will not repeat what I've seen but to put it decently, those comments went above and beyond "I would like to have intercourse with him."
To further clarify my point. When I first saw Magnifico, I was like "Hoooooo ma goodness, he HOT!!" And that was never in a sexual way. Just me adoring and gushing over his beauty. Cause he's dang handsome, alright. The sky eyes, the high cheekbones, defined jaw, neat hair, goatee!! Heck the goatee ❤️😩🤌🏼 the BODY, the smile ... I see this man and my heart skips a beat.
You know, that squealing, giggling, fangirling kind 🫶🏼
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But seeing some people making comments about what they would like to do to him *gag* ... And I kid you not, it read like someone was quoting a porn script. Or for some, the first and only thing they think of is something sexual. When I said that some reduce him to an object of sick twisted lust, I meant exactly that.
It's also not someone just saying something like, "I bet he's skilled." If you know what I mean. Still, ok, weird. But at least it's nowhere near explicit.
Such thoughts never crossed my mind even once. The fact that this is even happening is so sad.
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I'm so shocked and deeply disgusted by what I read some people say, part of me just wishes to erase it from my memory. Also, what the heck are fanarts of *eherm* full blown nudity of him even doing online? And I don't mean shirtless only. Good grief, I know most of us Magnifico-defenders are mid-teens, young-adults and adults but I just picture some kids scrolling through social media for WISH fanart and then they suddenly get a drawing of below waist porn shit. Ew! Seriously what the frick, EW!
I also wasn't talking about portraying sex in the right, healthy way in a novel or fanfiction. This is a whole topic for itself. In my humble opinion, a good writer can bring all the right feelings across without having to write every single damn detail. I'm writer and I always give the advice : You need to be able to show the reader whats happening without becoming explicit.
I'm aware that writing intercourse is a very delicate topic and tbh it's tasking even for a professional writer. As a christian, I'm standing for closed-door romance. Meaning, I read and write intimate scenes non-explicitly. And honestly, that to me is so much more fulfilling than writing or reading explicit scenes. To be able to make the air sizzle and the readers heart pount without getting explicit is a skill and there is so much beauty in it if it's done well.
Because, like you said, love-making is so much more than just an act! It's God's gift to soulmates. It's the highest form of expressing endless true love. It's becoming one, it's two souls made for each other melting together. It's meant to be beautiful! It's meant to be pure. It can be wild passionate fire just as much as it can be tender and sweet.
And exactly that is also why my heart bleeds and breaks when I see sick stuff online.
I hope this clarified my statement and helped you a little bit 💙🫶🏼 if you have any more questions or want to have me give out advices as a professional writer, I'm always here for it!
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nona-gay-simus · 1 month
nona for the ask game! :D
Oh hey, thanks for the ask! Send me a character [Nona] and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them How autistic she is. I love seeing a character with such high support needs being the protagonist of an adult novel and to see her be loved and supported and not belittled for very obvious autistic traits (yes, people do call her stupid, but usually it's the other children and they come around and are charmed by her anyway.)
least favorite thing about them Listen, Nona is wonderful, and I was almost going to say 'nothing' but I was a bit annoyed that she was so okay with dying when this body belonged to someone else and they might want it back and she just kind of... forgot.
favorite line "I told you not to do anything weird!" - I swear, I teared up both times. Another contender is "Nona thought that was unfair- Crown was very nearly pretty enough for Camilla."
brOTP Her and Cam, her and Pyrrha, her and Hot Sauce, her and Noodle - just wonderfully unique dynamics. (Not including Pal bc I really view him more as her teacher than her friend, although he obviously loves her.)
OTP NonaPash is the only answer, lmao. I think it's more of a meme, because it would be kinda problematique in canon since Pash is in her early to mid-twenties? And Nona is only 19 physically and Babey in actuality, but I like thought of them, the ultimate grumpy x sunshine. Maybe in an AU or something?
nOTP Basically with any of her caregivers because that's weird :D' Also Hot Sauce I have no idea if anyone ships them, but yeah. Even in an age-appropriate AU i think it would be weird because I'm not sure Hot Sauce views Nona as an equal until the end.
random headcanon My only headcanon is more like a theory I guess? I think the reason why she doesn't like food but eats wood and sand and the Ocean satisfies her "hunger" is because those are things that remind her of who she is, whereas food feels like dead stuff to her. Idk maybe everyone else has figured this out, I don't think I'm that insightful lol
unpopular opinion Maybe that shipping her with Pash is fine? I have no idea how unpopular that is, but I did see someone on Twitter say there's no one to ship her with.
song i associate with them Dirty Hands (Gone Mad) - Kendra Dantes, although i guess it's more of a (SPOILER) song
favorite picture of them: I'd have to go hunt for my fav fan arts, but here's a Picrew of her I made that I quite like:
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Season 2
Ep 6 - Halloween
Why does this vampire looks like sam Winchester or is it just me?
That's a creepy vampire. Recording Buffy fighting. Weird kink but okay...
Oh no, not again, not the Cordelia and Angel misunderstanding. Disappear Cordelia.
Buffy and angel(the actors) do have the chemistry that you just have it. They have the spark, that breathlessness, that angst and I will die without you presence.
Lmao not the principal whipping out three pens as if any school would be this rich. Unbelievable. Unrealistic.
Go xander beat that guy or... Well buffy did, nvm.
"Boys are so fragile", willow speaking facts.
Reading about angel in library... Yeah that will end well. No dark secrets.
Lmao not buffy using ms calendar card.
"a babe, i can work with that", oh my poor adorable Mr. Giles. My man.
"oh buffy you must be hot stuff when it comes to demonology or whatever but when it comes to dating I am the slayer" , that was such a Cordelia thing lol.
Buffy is gonna wear the dress...is it haunted or angel gonna die by a boner after seeing her in this? Stay tuned, we'll see.
What accent does spike have? British...?
Spike saying, "talk to daddy", it was hot and eww at the same time.
Someone new is gonna come..well well...interesting.
Buffy kinda looks like nina/Elena/Katherine pierce in this dress. Probably just me.
Damn, wtf! Now people are just randomly turning into monsters or ghosts...or past life soldier?
Oh they're turning into what they've dressed up. I love this! Oh I love this episode.
Lol, buffy just fainted. In this scene, she does remind me of Katherine when she was innocent.
Even demon magic can't change Cordelia lmao.
I can't have amnesia because "I bathe quite often" Okay ms buffy from 70's lmao.
Oh hey angel, you finally came, welcome to the amnesia demon magic land.
Evil shop guy.
I am sorry, "hello Ethan" , "hello Rupert(I heard ripper for some reason and got a shock of this lifetime)". They know each other. It's gonna be interesting.
Damn, soldier Xander is kinda die for hot. I have a thing for him, the soldier xander, not the normal one.
Holy, Rupert has got a dark past. HOLY FUCK, DID HE JUST HIT THE ETHAN, DAMN GILES. Who is he really ?
Oh so he did say ripper or still Rupert. Who is GILES. DAMN, SIR.
Yesss buffy is back. You go my girl.
Yes willow, embrace your hotness
LMAO, NOT OZ. HIS FACE 💀💀OZ MY GUY. HE'S GONE GONE. Oz and willow, my OTP from now on.
Angel we're not dissing women of old eras. They had no choice, so shut up.
Giles just got more interesting, what happened to the awkward mess? Who is he?
Why are we in chemistry (?) Lab. Giles my man wtf are you doing!
Also spike was in it but he didn't interest me as much but can we talk about Giles, who is he again?
Okay, phew, this episode.
First of all, I loved loved this episode. So far it's my favorite. It had everything, drama, craziness, humor - different from the other episodes - and I really loved it. Again, turning people into their Halloween costume - a masterpiece 🤌. I absolutely loved this plot.
I loved watching Buffy's character being this woman lmao. Xander as the soldier - my heart, he really looked and even sounded hot. Willow as always my adorable hot girl. And we had OZ. Mr. Who's that girl. Adore this guy lol.
Now, WTF GILES? WHO ARE YOU? WHO IS HE!? I swear to God it took me by surprise. Damn Giles. Everyone here has a dark past(minus the teenagers but living in this town, they're well on their way).
Anyway, fav episode so far, loved every second of it. That's it for now, see ya in the next one. Cheers 🥂
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requested by @onedirectionlovers2014
request from @firstclassthot:
Otp prompt #41
“What do you think of these shorts?” A asked while turning around in the mirror, studying the shorts they had just bought from the store. Meanwhile B sat on the bed behind them, admiring the way A looked.
“I like them, I just think they would look better on my bedroom floor,” smirked B.
tags: @illiana-mystery, @eclecticwildflowers
Warnings: Dan flirts with reader, implied smut
I smiled as I closed the door and saw Dan laid out on the couch. His head popped up at the sound of my keys on the end table and he had a goofy grin on his face.
“have a nice time?” He asked. I nodded as I walked over to kiss him. Pulling away, I walked into our bedroom. “I’ll say you did.” Dan chuckled as he took in the bags lining my arms.
“You know it!” I called back. I kicked the door closed and dumped the bags on our bed. Smiling to myself, I stripped off my clothes and pulled out the new outfit I had bought. I pulled it on quickly and rushed to the door. Opening it, I leaned in the doorway. Dan looked over and whistled lowly.
“hot damn.” He breathed out. Getting up, he made his way over to me and put his hands on my hips. “Why hello mx. fielding.” Dan chuckled before leaning down to kiss me. I laughed and put my hands on his chest.
“so I take it you like this outfit.” Dan nodded and kissed me again. “Good. Because this is for when we need to go somewhere we really don’t want to go. You can act sick, which honestly you can pull off with incredibly horny.” Dan shrugged before trying to walk me backwards into the bedroom. “And we can come home with enough time for you to fuck me ten ways from Sunday.” Dan laughed again before cupping my cheeks.
“you really do know me well.” Dan sighed out before kissing me again. Turning me to try to pin me to the wall, I pushed Dan gently until he sat down on the bed. “Hey.” He whined.
“fashion show?” I asked. Dans eyes lit up and he nodded excitedly. “That’s what I thought.” I grabbed the bags and walked into the bathroom.
“again, I say hey!” Dan called out with a laugh.
“down boy!” I called out. Dan huffed loud enough for me to hear. I chuckled as I shook my head and changed into the next outfit. Walking back out, Dan nodded appreciatively. “What’s this one for?”
“work.” I laughed as I made my way over in front of the mirror. “You don’t like it?” I looked over my shoulder at Dan. He shrugged.
“it looks nice.” I rolled my eyes before walking over to him.
“but it’s not what you want to see.” I sat across his lap and Dan shrugged again. “Alright. I’ll be right back. Christine talked me into buying some stuff I wasn’t too sure about. Maybe you can help me decide.” I got off his lap and kissed his nose.
“I don’t know if I like the sound of that.” Dan laughed as he laid back on the bed. I went into the bathroom and changed into the shorts and shirt that Christine somehow convinced me looked good on me. Looking in the mirror, I frowned. Seeing it on me again made me second guess the purchase. Taking a deep breath, I walked out to show Dan. He sat back up when I walked in.
“What do you think of these shorts?” I asked while turning around in the mirror, studying the shorts in particular. Meanwhile I saw Dan, sat on the bed behind me, an admiring look on his face.
“I like them, I just think they would look better on my bedroom floor,” smirked Dan. He got up and walked over to me, putting his hands on my hips. His fingers flexed against the fabric. “Shirt too.” He murmured as he kissed my neck.
“Dan.” I groaned. He hummed against my neck before gently nipping at the skin. “Daniel.” Dan moved to press kisses along my jawline. “Reinhold.” Dans head popped up and he caught my eye in the mirror, an amused smirk on both our faces. “Take me to bed.” I turned towards him and wrapped my arms around his neck. Dan lifted me up, kissing me and walking back towards our bed. Laying me on it, he pulled off the shorts and the shirt. They were thrown somewhere to the floor of the bedroom as Dan leaned over me, pressing kisses to my exposed flesh.
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bacchicly · 1 year
Hey Garvez Nation...so I'm working on establishing the whole Lisa-Luke-Penelope friendly threesome for Part 4 of "Not Bound" and I am curious how this rings for those of you open for that sort of thing...so if anyone feels like having a gander and letting me know if it seems to be working ok... I'd appreciate it.
FYI: as I progress with the piece I am landing on the following sub-goals (my goals with smut writing is always writing something that follows my general "personal guidelines for writing smut" which are here)
1. AU that feels authentic to canon. Works for folks where Garvez is their OTP.
2. Explore the validity of a few different types of love and attraction without prioritizing one over the other (i.e. it is left to individuals to prioritize/negotiate the different types of love in their life) (which I am finding challenging to balance with writing a couple as an OTP!)
3. Show characters new to a kink in a way that is authentic to their understandable hesitancies and curiousities - without and -this sounds a bit weird - either kink shaming or fetishizing the kink
4. Use lots of horse / circus imagery because I am a dork but it's my damn hobby so I better enjoy it...and apparently thinking A LOT and writing to a theme is my happy place for this series.
5. Good orgasms and awww moments. For Garvez and maybe for a reader or two.
Excerpt of the wip "Whoa!" - part 4 of "Not Bound" Series set in season 15.
Words (so far): 1700 ish
Content: this part doesn't have anything too sexy/graphic...but story will eventually have pony play (gentle/beginner); breeding kink (gentle/beginner); mentions of and maybe graphic threesome sex (wwm); bi-penelope; bi-Lisa; maybe bi-Luke
Lisa and Penelope share a smile that is part appreciative and part indulgent as they listen to Luke backtrack his last statement and watch him stretch up to string the purple, white, blue, and black tassels in front of the window - a hint of belly showing when his arms raise above his head.
“Whoa! That is not what I’m saying! I CAN believe they are having a 5th baby - afterall the first four are certifiably amazing - but what I CAN’T believe is that I let you and Penelope convince me to host a shower for them.”
Penelope faux pouts and Lisa laughs and pelts him with the purple balloon she’s just blown up.
“Look - just think of it as more of a sprinkle, Hot Stuff. Babies deserve parties - whether they are first born, last born or somewhere in the middle. Am I right, Penelope? Or am I right?”
“Oh you’re so so SO right!”
“See? The All-Knowing-and-Ever-Perfect Penelope Garcia agrees with me! I must be right!”
Luke is about to throw a balloon at both of the ladies ganging up against him - when strains of the Doctor Who theme-song pierce the room. Lisa dives for her phone which is vibrating and ringing it’s little sci-fi heart out on the table. Luke looks absolutely gobsmacked at this development.
It is obviously work and Lisa is being called in - she quickly takes in the details and hangs up sighing.
“Well. No rest for the wicked. I have got to run, kids. I’ll have to take a rain check…although like I was saying earlier I have a date with a dishy dude from the obstetrics wing Tuesday - if I’m not called in - Sally says he’s the best nurse on the floor - so…"
"Ooohhhh! You have to text me after! I want all the details! Luke and I will have our fingers and toes crossed for you that he's a keeper."
"Of course, Gorgeous! And I am entrusting you both with the solemn duty to make sure my present gets to Matt and Kirsty? I fear I will not make it to the party at this rate."
"Will do! But Honey Bunches, it's too bad you have to go though…I was looking forward to seeing if the stuff fit."
"Next time, Babe - although if latest date works out - no more grupo a tres fun for little old me. Ok I think that's everything - sorry for decorating and dashing but you know what they say… DUTY CALLS OVER BOOTY CALLS. And who knows - maybe there will be some Grupo a quatro in our future…can you imagine Luke kissing my true-love-dishy-nurse while we watch?"
"While we make out you mean. But yes! Ok safe travels you! Give me a squeeze and text when you get safe to the hospital?"
Through all this extended womanly banter and Lisa gathering her things, Luke has been staring at his ex-turned-friend like she's grown three heads.
"Alright, toodles you two - open the package, ok? Promise? No need to wait for me. Bye Luke. Treat our gal right tonight!"
Lisa steps out of Penelope's warm goodbye embrace and goes to give Luke his hug goodbye but he stops her.
“Wait. Before you go. Explain.”
“Well, Luke. You may recall from our time together that I am an ER Doctor now and regularly - particularly when there is fun to be had - get called in to save lives.”
“Not that, you goof.”
“Well - like I said this summer - I’m up for some no-strings fun with good friends - but more and more I am realizing that long term I want something more one-on-one - y'know 2.5 kids, a picket fence, boring everyday chores, maybe a backyard with a pool, so…”
“Not that either! You know I want the best for you and I told you earlier that a dishy nurse sounds good and that I'm rooting for him to be someone able to give you all the tlc you deserve. Tell me what I want to know, Woman."
"Then I have no idea what-" says Lisa loftily.
"You’re being deliberately dense, Lisa! Don't make me give you a noogie. And look,” Luke gestures at Penelope who has collapsed in helpless giggles on the floor, “-you’re going to kill our friend over here. What I NEED to know - as I am sure you are completely aware…is… Why do you suddenly have a Doctor Who ringtone? Since when are you into sci-fi?”
“Oh that! Well - as you might have heard - the new Doctor is a woman now. Penelope introduced us a few weeks ago after you left to do something macho and I am now A FAN. Penny helped me fix my ring tone and Voila! Happy now?"
"Yes. Thank you. You may now go. You leaving for work…you having a date… all that I can handle but 'Just Say No to Star Wars Lisa Douglas' having a whovian ringtone…was beyond me. But if Pen-el-o-pe Garcia was involved? That explains everything."
"Yep. She's magic this one. Penelope one-in-a-million-Garcia walks into your life and then WHAM! BANG! all sorts of things you didn't expect are happening."
Penelope sputters through her giggles and tries to right herself, "THANK YOU MA'AM… I think?"
"No need to think about it, Sugar Lips. The pleasure has been all mine. Ok I really have to jet…have fun but don’t get into too much trouble - Doctors Orders - you, my friends, both need to be able to stand at the party tomorrow.”
With that and a huge teasing smile, Lisa gives them each a fond kiss on the lips, whispers something in Luke's ear that makes him blush, smile and nod, shoulders her purse, and swans out the door - turning back at the last moment to throw these two best friends she's become unexpectedly close with over the last few months one last wink - then closes the door firmly behind her.
“I've said it before, Penelope, and will probably say it again - this - this is last way I expected things to work out when Lisa let herself in that day of THE swing - but, I have to admit, it’s been…a special kind of fun. I'm sorry she had to go early - but we'll just have to have extra fun on our own. Now let's get this place decorated - I believe there is a box with our names on it just waiting to be opened."
Luke and Penelope stand side by side silently staring at the box on the bed.
It seems extra big and somehow very conspicuous and extravagant against the plainess of Luke's bedroom - even though it is wrapped in non-descript brown paper.
Penelope is suddenly acutely aware of the slightly insane amount of money they had each chipped to bring them to this moment.
Luke is having trouble pinning down exactly what he's feeling. Anticipation? Excitement? Dread? Strangely shy? Honoured? All that and more? Nothing?
This may not be their first rodeo since agreeing that "sex-ploits" would be their "thing they do together as friends" - but so far their explorations had been more athletic or scientific - position and sensation driven - or - once Lisa had joined the fun - voyeuristic and social but this is their first step into something from the more BDSM side of things… maybe it was what they had encountered through their jobs which made them hesitant to cross the line which separates what they had done so far and rougher more darkly-psychological forms of sexplay…
The moment stretches and the box seems to double in size under their twin gaze.
Finally, Penelope turns to Luke and does a little move like she's introducing a circus act,"Well…show time?"
Luke is suddenly smiling and so is she - then a cinematic version of that night the three of them made the decision to order this gear gallops through both of their brains like a herd stampeding through a lightning storm.
Silky and sated after an afternoon of massage and slow relaxing lazy pleasurable menange à trois sex-plorations, Luke and Lisa loll in friendly silence on the couch waiting for Penelope who had gone to the kitchen to fix some sustaining snacks before they dive into the first of three spicey documentaries they plan to watch.
Penelope enters - naked and beaming - baring a ginormous tray of peach salsa nachos, a bowl of Cajun spiced pecans, a small plate of balsamic and goat cheese endive boats and three comically large copper-mugged Moscow Mules garnished with fresh mint and blackberries.
Luke looks at Penelope. She seems haloed by the light of the room beyond and he can't help but bask in the warm pulse of the breed of love he discovered he felt for her all.those.months ago on the 'day of the baking sex'.
Lisa looks at Luke. She enjoys his would-be-masked-to-everyone-but-her reaction to Penny's appearance and the reasurrance and ease their conversation from a few days before has brought. Without examining the impulse too closely - which has apparently been the theme of this whole whirlwind - Lisa doesn't bother to hide the joy at his reaction to Penelope; for her it is proof there could be a happy future for Luke - the man she had once hoped she would be able to build-a-life-with-love but then had been heartsick to realise that it was instead a best-friends-forever-but-still-sexual-love that she felt… still dear and vital and precious but different.
Fortunately, by some twist of magical fate, Luke felt the same for her and she felt the same for Penelope… thank fuck she had not hurt him the way she had feared she might.
The only kernal of doubt in her heart was that she still wasn't sure exactly what Penelope was feeling - and that did sometimes worry her… but she couldn't live her beautiful friend's life for her… that had to be Penelope's path to forge… and the three had been careful to set the rules so that consent was sought and trusted.
So, come what may, Lisa has given up on worry and perfectionism for the first time in what feels like a lifetime to enjoy and learn a bellyfull from this odd but deliciously pleasurable side adventure which mysteriously cropped up in the midst of her self-declared quest to meet the right someone to build-a-life-with-love.
At Penelope's cue - like a knife-thrower - Luke brandishes the box-cutter he's brought upstairs with him and confidently slices first brown paper and then the tape on the box beneath. As Penelope pulls wide the box flaps, the air tangs with the earthy tanins of metal and leather. Luke leans over and places what he is half-amused half-appalled to discover is a shaking hand on white tissue paper which is dappled with line-drawings of horses printed with metallic turquoise ink.
...to be continued...
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Hey !! i was gonna ask what do you think of dickkory stans bullying tom taylor?? :0 im a dickbabs shipper and a dickkory shipper and seeing this sort of backlash was kinda upsetting :/
I also like both ships ( although dickbabs is THE OTP).
I don't approve of people harassing creators (or other fans for the matter). Unfortunately, I've noticed it has become a new trend to twitter to harass creators who don't cater to fans the material they want - whether it has to do with characters or pairings. I really don't get it, because if you insult someone they probably won't start writing the stuff you like.
Usually, when I find a comic I don't like, I drop it like a hot potato because I'd rather spend my time reading something else I enjoy. And if I even feel the need to vent about something (because we all do sometimes) I'll do it on my blog using anti tags so I won't bother pro shippers and especially I won't tag the creators to my rants. Because that's common decency.
Most creators - Tom Taylor included- have no problem with fans politely point out parts of the story they didn't like or disagree with. But if someone bash all their work or their characters they will probably won't reply or even block the said fan.
Btw, lately I've noticed shipping wars are on the rise on twitter with fans even hating on DC artists who draw a pairing they personally dislike. That's embarrassing and pathetic attitude, imo.
(and yes, unfortunately it often happens with the stans you are referring to your ask)
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terapsina · 6 years
Okay, so lets talk about Chidi, Eleanor, Simone and Tahani.
I don’t multiship a lot, usually I’m a one OTP per character sort of person. But once in a while a show happens where that’s impossible. And The Good Place is one of those shows.
It’s like... I love Eleanor and Chidi okay? They’re adorable and they really have earned a place in my heart. Plus the fact that Eleanor seems to have fallen in love with Chidi in every other one of Michael’s attempts is pretty significant.
But I enjoy this show’s commentary on the soulmate myth as being a flawed one. It’s not about being ‘meant for each other’ it’s about ‘finding something beautiful in each other’ and how that doesn’t have to be only with one person in our lifetime.
Eleanor and Chidi found something beautiful in each other and it was absolutely amazing.
But the premise of this show allows them to explore how the variations of chance and circumstances can give different results.
Which is why Tahani fell for Chidi in the first attempt and Jason in Attempt #803.
And then there’s the fact that I also ship Tahani and Eleanor. Quite a lot. I’ve loved their chemistry from the beginning and the fact that Eleanor has been pretty significantly attracted to Tahani has been kinda important to me. I love me my bisexual characters.
So seeing that a version of events is possible where Eleanor and Tahani fall in love with each other would be FORKING AMAZING. And I NEED IT.
And the setup this season is perfect for it.
Tahani was introduced to Eleanor in a way that immediately showcases how much of a mess Tahani is too so there’s no initial perfectness there for Eleanor to chafe under. There’s just a very tall, very very attractive woman who is just as much of a disaster person as her.
And Eleanor is introduced to Tahani as the first person EVER to not be more interested in her sister. And that was definitely very attractive to her.
And btw during that scene Chidi looked the same way that Eleanor looked when she saw him first talking to Simone (the only difference being that during this scene they didn’t make a huge deal about putting the camera on his face the way they had Eleanor’s) so I wouldn’t be surprised to see some matchmaking attempts from his side too.
And yes, Chidi has Simone this season but I actually don’t agree that this is one of the reasons Tahani/Eleanor is fair game... mostly because that’s kinda of a gross way to look at it.
Simone is AMAZING and in one episode they managed to really convey how perfect she is for Chidi. Not to say that Eleanor wasn’t perfect for Chidi too. But that’s exactly my (and I think their) point. There is no one single person that’s perfect for Chidi. There is no one single person that’s perfect for Eleanor. Or Tahani. Or Jason. Or Simone. Or Janet.
It’s about finding a person that fits them and then building a relationship with that person until they’re perfect for each other, until they become what we would consider ‘soulmates’. And in this show, where we get to see them grow again and again while they don’t remember the previous versions, it doesn’t have to be the same person every time.
So I really think that in this one it’s going to be Chidi’s relationship with Simone.
And I WANT this to also be the one where we see Eleanor’s always present crush on Tahani getting a chance to become something more. And that’s for multiple reasons. Because they're cute and I ship them. Because I really want them to give us more queer representation than just funny throwaway lines about how hot Eleanor thinks Tahani is. Because I approve of the message it would send about how finding love once doesn’t mean you’ll never find it again. And because I just think it would make for a good story line.
Basically what I’m saying is:
‘YOU get an OTP tag. And YOU get an OTP tag. AND YOU TOO GET AN OTP TAG!!!’
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brokcave · 2 years
Was bored yesterday and had no wifi at the time, so I went on to my gallery and found some screenshots from a otp prompt generator.
I thought why not write some funny CyberOwl stuff in the meantime.
Prompt: A lying down on B's lap
==A well-deserved break==
Cypher is well-known to be one of the most restless agents, constantly working day and night. In and out of the battlefield, he never seemed to stop. Until something snapped in him, forcing him to take a break. What was it you wonder? His neck.
As he stretches out on his seat, he could feel his neck snapping alerting him that he's having a stiff neck. He then tries to lessen the pain by rubbing it, however, another snap was made from his back. It hurt a lot but it would be a lie when he says that he wasn't used to it by now.
He groaned in annoyance, knowing he couldn't work like this. So he decided to just stand up and stroll around the protocol, hoping that it would ease the pain a bit. He opens the door from his room and realizes that it was night time, he checks the time and it was 1 A.M.
He wore his mask and headed out, despite the time, you could never be sure on who is or isn't awake at this ungodly hour. He walks down the halls and to the lounge area, then he walks to the kitchen and sees someone awake. It was Sova, who was making some sort of drink.
"Good Evening my measured friend, what brings you up at this lovely night?" He approached him with a smile despite the mask covering it.
"I should be asking you the same, Cypher." His tone was soft yet it had a bit of coldness to it.
"Hehe, I just wanted to take a night stroll around the protocol. A nice way to exercise, no?" Cypher sat by the stool trying to straighthen himself without wincing at the pain in his back and neck.
He looked over towards Sova and watches him fill another cup with some of the liquid, he was then handed it and could smell a familiar aroma from it. "Is this...Hot Cocoa? Why at this hour?"
He then sees Sova pouring in some vodka in his, such peculiar taste from his peculiar friend. Sova then sat beside him, Cypher eyed the owl weirdly as he chugged down his drink. "Would you uh...want...some..?" Sova hesitantly bringing the bottle towards him.
It surely was a weird concuction, surely it tasted absolutely disgusting. But alas, his curiousity was getting the better of him.
Sova poured a bit in his cocoa and watched intently for Cypher's reaction.
"It tastes...awful. Why would you drink this?"
"I have my reasons..."
"Give me some more."
Sova lightly chuckled at him, making Cypher feel a bit fuzzy in the inside. He assumed it was from the vodka.
"This is a lot more than before, will you be able to handle it?"
"Ha! Please, I've handled worse..."
What could go wrong he thought.
The kitchen table had some Vodka spills and cocoa powder, the couch had about 3 or 4 bottles of vodka in them. Almost all of them being empty.
The two informants had moved to the lounge's couch, Cypher already wasted while Sova was barely getting there. Cypher was lying down on Sova's lap as he spills out some sort of gibberish while Sova laughs happily at all of it.
"A-and then *hic* Breach just FELL DOWN the stairs as...as if he was some *hic* BARREL HA!" Cypher was going into hysterics, waving his empty cup around. Sova was starting to tear up more from laughing as he continues to watch him, it was a rare sight to see him THIS happy after all.
Cypher sighed loudly and just looked up at Sova, he gave a toothy smile to him and Sova couldn't help but feel a bit warmer than before. "Hehe hey Sova, did...Did you know?"
"What is it now Cy-"
"I reeeeeeaaaaaalllllyyyy like you..."
"Sure you do..."
Cypher kept giggling like a child, despite it sounding annoying, it still makes him feel fuzzy. As time went on, both of them fell asleep on the couch. Only to wake up with a blanket on both of them and an unholy screech from Breach.
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pikaflute · 2 years
pickles for every emoji
oh jeez
⚧️ - Pronoun headcanon - he/him
🏳️‍⚧️- Gender headcanon - transgender
🏳️‍🌈- Orientation headcanon - gay
🌌- Zodiac sign headcanon - hold on i have a meme for this:
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🧠- MBTI headcanon - annoying, which ever one makes him annoying
❤️- Otp - i have an itabag, a crocodile and octopus plushie, i have made copious memes and posts about them, and they're the reason i started watching metalocalypse. nickles has effectively RUINED my life, im pretty sure reading the fic where pee stuff happens between them made me have to take calc 2 again. that or parabola (narles fic).
🧡- Everyone I ship with this character - besides nathan: chickles, picklesface, and uh....fuck i think thats it. hes got three boyfriends max.
💛- Brotp - hes toki's band mom. first of all. also skwisgaar and pickles are probably besties and hes probably buddies with abigail too.
💚- Notp - magpickles :( he was mean to pickles so he gets nothing from pickles.
💙- Crossover ship I like - i just think him in the 80s getting with severely depressed and hating his life majima is very funny. it is btw.
💜- Crossover non-ship relationship I like - this is related to my whole mtl psychonauts crossover thing im brewing but i think milla would be friends with pickles on account of her liking pathetic men
📖- AU I’d like to see them in: LOOK AT MEEEEE.....revengencer pickles is SOOOO good. like soooo good. he gets to look sexy hot in his stupid leather jacket and pants, and have that gay ass octopus tattoo on his chest. i also just wanna see him be evil. evil arcs for characters who deserve it is so satisyfing to me. also i want to that scene from the yakuza movie where majima sits on kiryu's face recreated with nickles in this au is perfect for that.
❤️‍🩹- Angsty headcanon - hey :) so pickles totally has like. doubt when he's first starting the band. like his last band failed, and no one in his new band (minus nathan) seems to like him all that much, especially the rhythm guitarist who keeps screaming at every practice session. if dethklok goes what does he have left? no one. his former band is down the toilet and his family doesn't like him so if dethklok fails he has no one to turn to. that doubt leaves his mind when dethklok finds success and he finally has a family to turn to. well :) until the band breaks up of course teehee heehee
💖- Happy headcanon - aw do you think when dethklok post doomstar was doing charity stuff pickles was like working with some kids and they all kinda look up to him because he's big and successful and so nice and also he's gay like them :). so he starts to hang out with them and like help them with their problems. he starts to make them feel more at home and even decides to make a shelter for any runaway kids who need a home. pickles also denies that he cares about the kids he's helping as he's hugging them all tightly. caring isn't brutal (he's crying)
😋- Funny/stupid headcanon - i think he just knew how to play drums randomly. like when dethklok was starting nathan was like 'we have a singer and three guitarists can you play drums?' pickles is like 'no ive never played drums but ill try' cue like one of the best drum solos those guys have heard and murderface is like 'how the FUCK did you do that?' and pickles just shrugs. literally winging his successful music career
🥖- Food headcanon - ive said he likes to cook before but i think he has the worst food tastes possible. he is the man i saw once dip his pizza in ranch. he's literally horrible when he makes food for himself. i hate it.
🛌- Sleep headcanon - he sleeps like an idiot. seriously, the man is 5'4 and he spreads himself across the whole bed. he's kicking nathan in the kidneys half the time. he's sensitive there pickles come on.
🏡- Domestic headcanon - call him gay (HE IS) but he totally wants tot settle down. maybe have a kid. he spoils his nephew rotten already so i think he would be an "okay" dad. he would still kinda suck at it but he really wants a family and a home to call his own. the one he didn't get, you know?
🗡- Badass headcanon - you think he fights with his legs. i have reference majima like five times in this ask. whatever. hes gonna breakdance and make a fire tornado with his powers. the prophecy didnt say anything about these sick moves.
❓- Anything else you want! - i think he would be pretty flexible. he's got good leg support from playing the drums and he did a lot of wacky shit on stage in the 80s, so he could totally do some weird position to freak his band out
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nabesthetics · 3 years
The Nabsterpost
(Nabs’ Masterpost)
Art tag; writing tag; HC tag; incorrect quotes; alignment charts; video edits; sprite edits
(I’m sorry this is horribly outdated)
Fave ask memes/prompts:
The Ultimate Relationship Tag
Random OC NSFW Asks
Important OTP Questions
Smut prompts list
Please just ask me stuff about my MCs and ships
Alastor/Lucio (#Dragoat)
Marty/Julian (#Martian Ship)
Links to Headcanons, Fanfiction and MC info under the cut
MC getting flowers for the guys & Asra
M6 as caretakers for a sick MC
Julian Devorak & magic
The origin on Julian’s theatrics
Why Lucio’s character variety makes sense, actually
Lucio’s physical age is kinda weird
And so is his arm
Me screaming silently about Asra taking care of MC. Twice.
So... demons, eh?
Red Plague as a magical bacteria strain
Dragonverse!Arcana: Saltwater Draconids
Spicey Headcanons 🍋🔞
Lucio during & after sex (+kink list)
Lucio + favorite aftercare activities
Service top Muriel
Fanfiction/custom scenes
Image-heavy posts are marked with 🖼️
“It’s yours”, Alastor treating Asra like he deserves (9 images)
“MC has opinions”, custom scene for the PSL tale, video
🖼️ “Hey, just stay with me”, Dragoat, custom Upright scene
“Ghoat”, Dragoat, testing of goatman sprite edits (8 images)
“So why don’t you know magic?” (7 images)
🍋 “Are you holding back? Don’t”, Dragoat, 3k
Dragoat Proposal, video
“A Prayer Unheard, a Letter Never Written”, pre-story angst, 1.1k
”Betrayal”, Alastor/Muriel, crack drabble
“Urge”, pre-Marty/Julian, drabble (bonus 1: The Breakup Day; bonus 2: 7-screen scene)
Dragoat: the Origin
🖼️ Chapter 1: Dealing With Ghosts 
🖼️ Chapter 2: Self-standards part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Bonuses: Glirting (goat flirting), keep trying buddy
🖼️ Consequences
🖼️🍋(-ish) “How are you just... swallowing that?”, Alastor/Lucio, custom scene (+fanart bonus)
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(honestly this is mostly me trying to keep track of the Dragon Lore)
LIs + some backstory
Background: origin, Southern Spines, discovery of magic, education, 
My Ship In 5 Minutes: Dragoat; 🍋 edition
Asra/Muri/Alastor OT3
Art/memes: dragon form WIP sprite, he stronk, Cherry Blossom Festival, damage control (doodle), dragon cuddles/kisses, Awastor, that’s a weird dragon, Dragon Riding, ...the Other Kind of Dragon Riding, mood doodles,
Half-form tongue :]
Hero Forge outfit concepts; HF Masquerade concepts
Food preferences (hint: he eats spiders)
The Coffee Accident
Ask: Magic; more magic; MORE magic + realm travel; gateway
🍋 Ask: pet names, odd kinks, one-night stands
🍋 Alastor + LI’s favorite sex locations
🍋 Sexy magic
🍋 Turn-ons
🍋 NSFW Alphabet: K, Q, X, Z
Panel ask: Thighs or Arms?
🍋 Dragoat NSFW questions
Dragoat: Ultimate Relationship Tag
M O R E Dragoat questions
Ursa Draconis: Ultimate Relationship Tag
Ursa Draconis questions
Favorites: hangout + gemstones; accessory; birthdays; more on accessory and birthdays;
Modern AU
Chugging hot drinks (on temperature resistance)
5 things he does to show love
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The really tired shopkeeper.
Hero Forge outfit concepts
My Ship in 5 Minutes: Martian (including the NSFW version)
he’s totally fine
Ask: magic; more magic; guess what? more on magic
5 things he does to show love
🍋 Sexy magic
🍋 Turn-ons
NSFW Alphabet: T, C, O, K, Q, X, Z
Truth serum ask: so how about that ring?
Familiar: Void (short for Voidemar the Dark Matter Overlord)
Voidemar is Infinite
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ace-beef · 3 years
30 Days of the Cornetto Trilogy Challenge
hey y’all know those challenges where you post daily for 30 days and stuff? Well here’s one for the Cornetto Trilogy! Feel free to do whatever you want with these prompts, from creating things to just making a text post :3
Day 1: Favourite character  Day 2: Favourite ship/OTP  Day 3: Favourite film of the three  Day 4: First film of the three you saw  Day 5: Favourite member of The Five Musketeers (that ISN’T Gary)  Day 6: Character you relate to the most  Day 7: Favourite line/quote from Shaun of the Dead  Day 8: Favourite line/quote from Hot Fuzz  Day 9: Favourite line/quote from The World’s End  Day 10: A moment that made you cry (from any emotion)  Day 11: List some headcanons  Day 12: Character you think needs a hug  Day 13: Character you think needs to be slapped  Day 14: Favourite Simon Pegg character  Day 15: Favourite Nick Frost character  Day 16: How long would you (realistically) last in a zombie apocalypse? Day 17: You’re meeting up with your friends, which pub from the Trilogy are you going to meet up at? Day 18: Would you rather face a hoard of zombies or a hoard of blanks?  Day 19: Characters from different films that 100% should meet each other Day 20: Character that you wish was real and that you could meet/hang out with  Day 21: A hot take  Day 22: A moment from your past that you would love to relive  Day 23: What would cause you to get murdered in Sandford?  Day 24: Character you would love to cosplay as/or already have cosplayed  Day 25: Favourite bit of foreshadowing Day 26: Would you rather live in Sandford or Newton Haven?  Day 27: Favourite flavour of cornetto Day 28: Anything you would change?  Day 29: Have you watched either of the honorary members of this franchise: Paul and Spaced? Day 30: Favourite fence jumping scene
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simpfortheseven · 3 years
Hi, I hope you were well! ♥️, Sorry this is my first time making a request, I don't know if I'm doing it in the right place or if you’re open to request, if you don’t sorry to bother you!:(
But can i request something that crossed my mind when i was reading Remnant: Kemonohito Omegaverse, and i think How the brothers would react to an MC who suddenly gave a fangirl scream from some hot scene and they asked what was that!?, and even if they tried hard to hide their manga, they would succeed grab it, watch the scene and realize their taste for furry omegaverse mangas.
Sorry, my English is not very good
Omg I like this idea!💕 i personally have never ready any furry omegaverse things, so I'm sorry if this is bad- done for the lovely @isladthorn 💕💕
*When he heard your scream, he immediately looked up
*"Y/n, are you alright?"
*"y-yep I'm ok," You replied hastily, hiding the book away from him
*You could not fool him though, he came over to see what you were doing.
*of course you didn't hand the book over, no way Jose! nuh uh! Not gonna happen!
*thats when he would proceed to just grab it from your hand, surprising you so much you let out a "WHA-" noise
*then he saw what you were reading..
*Hmm, interesting" He flipped a page or two out of curiosity before handing it back and sitting down.
*He didn't make any other comments than that, but he didn't see anything wrong with it
*pro tip, do not scream around mammon- It doesnt end well
*"Oi human- What the hell was that?? Did ya get hurt? Does The Great Mammon need to-"
*"Mammon Im fine!" You cut him off, hiding the book behind you
*"Whats that behind yer back?" He tried to grab it, resulting in a mini tug-of-war
*Which you lost unfortunately-
*The silver haired demon looked at what you were reading, tilting his head in confusion
*"What is this all about?"
*You snatched the book away from him, "Don't worry about it! And dont just take my stuff!"
*"Jeez Jeez ok!" He sat back down in his seat. "Just was askin' a question 's all."
*You shook your head, signing as you sat back down to read
*He heard your fangirl scream and knew exactly what was up
*"Ooooh! What happened? Did your otp finally kiss? Tell me everything!"
*You were explaining what was going on, but then realized what you were saying and quickly went quiet.
*"Hey y/n? You stopped explaining half way through! Tell me the rest," He seemed genuinely interested in the plot now
*and then he reached over and took the manga right out of your hands!
*"Ohhhh I've seen these before," He gave a chuckle (HIS LAUGH IN GAME MAKES MY HEART GO THUMP THUMP LEMME TELL YOU THAT LIL LAUGH OF HIS- MMMMM SERATONIN BOOST) "This looks good, when you're done reading it, could I borrow it?"
*You looked up, confused, "You dont think its weird? It's a furry omegaverse manga-"
*"No, not at all. Think about what kind of stuff I watch and read, you don't find that weird do you? Well.. What if you do and just havent told me-"
*"Levi, I've literally fangirled with you. No, I don't think you're weird."
*"O-ok- Then if that's true why w-would I think t-that's weird?" He was starting to stutter over his words, so you had to comfort him until he felt better. And yes ofc you lent him the manga series
*He also had an idea of what your scream was about, seeing as you were reading near him.
*"Y/n, whats the matter?" He asked, looking up at you from his book.
*"Nothing!" You replied before hiding the book
*He gave a chuckle, you had done this before so he went over and just took the book, quickly looking it over.
*"Wow.. I didnt know you liked this genere of book," Is all he could say.l before handing it back. In reality, he didnt understand the appeal of books with so many pictures- he didnt give a crap what it was about though.
*Your scream scared him so bad- poor man's started stressing
*"Y/N are you ok?? What happened??"
*He ran over to you, frowning as he did.
*"Nothing! Nothing at all Asmo- Dont worry about it!"
*"If you say so, Y/N," He looked down between you at the manga, quickly grabbing it and peaking at it. "Oooooh I've seen these on the internet while shopping for a gift for Levi."
*"Ok well give it back," You said, dying on the inside of embarassment.
*The avatar of lust handed it back to you, chuckling at your embarassment. "You're cute when youre flustered, Y/N~" He made a few other flirty comments before eventually letting you read in peace. He ofc would never read manga,but he also didnt really care what it was about.
Your scream scared him so so much, pls do not scare the cinnamon roll like that-
"Y/N, are you ok? Did something hurt you? I can eat whoever did it-"
"Beel I'm ok!" You cut the avatar of gluttony off. "Just was reading and got to a good part-"
He just.. took the book? Without saying anything else??? Just yoinked it out of your hands!
"Hm.. Doesnt Levi read these things?" He asked slowly, handing it back.
"Y-ya but I do too.."
You ended up reading next to him while he worked out, every time you got happy, seeing your smile made him extra happy!
You happened to be reading in the attic with him while he was napping in demon form, so when you screamed..
"Y/NNNNN," He drug your name out sleepily. "Shhh,"
"Sorry Belphie," You whispered, a little embarassed at your fangirl scream.
"What even are you screaming about?" He used his fluffy tail to gently bonk your head, distracting you enough so he could steal your manga.
"Hey- Belphie give it back!" You whined, trying to get past him and get it back.
"Hmmm looks boring," He gave it back, "then again, I dont like to read. I always fall asleep half way through the chapters."
"Well i enjoy reading," You huffed, pouting at the demon next to you.
"Alright, but don't scream again, it woke me up. If it had been anyone but you I woulf be cranky."
"You get cranky even when its me," You mumbled before settling back down to finish reading.
I hope you enjoyed!💕💕
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zombie-honeymoon · 3 years
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I posted 1,065 times in 2021
121 posts created (11%)
944 posts reblogged (89%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 7.8 posts.
I added 1,228 tags in 2021
#hidan - 323 posts
#kakuzu - 290 posts
#kakuhida - 254 posts
#q - 136 posts
#nature - 47 posts
#nice - 44 posts
#tobirama - 40 posts
#sasori - 34 posts
#akatsuki - 32 posts
#not naruto - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#tobirama was lead to believe hidan could get him some bodies to practice on and he could it's just that hidan has a bad sense of direction
My Top Posts in 2021
Hey! So, about the OTP ask meme:
Who laughs the most during sex with Kakuhida!
(Also, if you'll indulge me, why? Are they ticklish, think about random things, the other makes a really funny face? I'd love to know your thoughts!)
From this: otp ask meme
It’s Hidan! He fully enjoys himself and doesn’t take it too seriously all the time, he’s there for a good time and laughing is one of the ways he expresses himself. Not the full on crazed laughter from that one episode, but real laughter. He’s not going to laugh every time, but definitely more often than Kakuzu does. 
He is ticklish, and is sensitive to touch in certain places which can get him laughing, and may be found laughing from overstimulation when unable to make any other sound before he’s completely breathless and begging. 
Sometimes during sex he tries to tell Kakuzu about his day, or is reminded of something funny that happened and may start laughing that way, too, especially when Kakuzu gives him a look like ‘it can’t wait?? you really have to talk about it right now?’ 
The first times Hidan laughed, or started talking about stuff, Kakuzu’s pride was definitely hurt, thinking Hidan wasn’t all that into it, but learned it was because Hidan was completely comfortable with him that he could laugh or talk during sex. (casual, light sex between them that is, not the hot and heavy kind, you know?)
33 notes • Posted 2021-03-23 22:53:12 GMT
For touching prompts—#50? Bonus points if someone gets bitten 🤪
Here you are Kitty! Please enjoy!
Did he ever stop running his mouth? No, was the short answer. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another, as if he couldn’t get enough of the sound of his own voice. Kakuzu and Sasori exchanged irritated looks as they tried to go over the map. Let Hidan get lost for all they cared, it would at least be a whole lot quieter without him.
“Are either of you even listening to me?!” Hidan demanded, as if surprised no one was paying attention to his little rant about almost getting blown up after getting in Deidara’s way.
Sasori outright ignored him while Kakuzu closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. He was getting a migraine… and they had work to do. Anyone else who irritated Kakuzu like that would be dead but oh no, not Hidan… the immortal bastard couldn’t die.
Moving away from the table and around the back of Kakuzu, Sasori made his way over to Hidan who was yammering on about no one ever listening to him. He even never saw Sasori until a hand was clamped over his mouth, effectively cutting him off from further speaking.
Magenta eyes narrowed and Sasori just knew he was about to do something stupid. Sure enough Hidan grabbed his hand and swiftly bit down on it. Hard and unyielding with no give to it unlike what biting into a hand should be like and… bitter tasting, almost astringent.
Hidan didn't like it, knew he should let go, should just spit it out but wasn't going to give in.
“It’s going to get a whole lot more quiet around here soon,” Sasori announced to Kakuzu who had finally opened his eyes and had looked over at the pair. He wasn’t even about to ask what had happened, or why Hidan was biting Sasori, something which he didn’t think was all that good of an idea really.
“There’s poison on my hands," Sasori explained to Hidan, "you should start feeling your tongue go numb in the next ten seconds and it will move down your throat. Within ten minutes you'll start to feel muscle weakness of the arms and legs. In a few hours... well, my victims are usually dead by then. Interesting to see what will happen to you.”
Hidan spit his hand out, protesting, “No. No, you’re lying! Kakuzu! Do something!”
“You’re immortal, you’ll be fine.” Kakuzu grumbled, his migraine growing worse by the second. “Eventually…”
Kakuzu didn't think it was going to get quiet for a while. It was going to be a very long night.
Now on AO3
38 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 03:46:04 GMT
Sharing a bed after a long exhausting mission, Hidan and Kakuzu hope to get a good nights sleep, and Hidan seems able to at first, but something disturbs his dreams, while Kakuzu never was able to fall asleep at all until Hidan gets closer, a lot closer.
41 notes • Posted 2021-03-19 19:12:03 GMT
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@narutorarepairweek Day Four - Prompt: Ultra Rarepair Love
(Art commissioned from @tbh-logic - posted with permission do not repost)
Rating: M Pairing: Kakuzu/Tobirama
Petrichor Chapter Two: Downpour
Chapter Summary:
After a long day of helping Tobirama find what he needs for his research at the library where Kakuzu works, Kakuzu and Tobirama share an umbrella as they walk out to the parking lot together.
44 notes • Posted 2021-07-28 18:39:18 GMT
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Latest sock I'm working on.
47 notes • Posted 2021-05-28 02:57:56 GMT
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