#(i dont i guess have a separate tag for a specific doctor)
terapsina · 1 month
A comprehensive list of ALL my favorite WLW ships. PART 2 (because I have more than 10 of them)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6.
(canon gets a 🍪, clowned myself into thinking it'd be canon gets a 🤡, didn't actually think it'd be canon but adored them anyway gets a 🍑, happy ending gets a 🌺, they destroyed me ending gets a 😿, bummer ending gets a 💔, cancellations are a plague on this planet get a 🪦).
11. Hope and Lizzie - Legacies - 🤡💔🪦
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12. Mulan and Aurora - OUAT - 🤡😿💔
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13. Max and Eleanor - Black Sails - 🍪😿💔
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14. Beca and Chloe - Pitch Perfect - 🤡💔
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15. River and Thirteen - 🍪🤡😿
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16. Sameen and Root - Person of Interest - 🍪😿
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17. Maria and Carol - Captain Marvel - 🤡💔😿
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18. Julia and Kady - The Magicians - 🤡💔
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19. Eleanor and Tahani - The Good Place - 🍑
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20. Hayley and Rebekah - The Originals - 🍑💔
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luuxxart · 2 years
AH WELL,, YOU SEE,,,, i hadn't really intended on doing anything w it for a while but then i made some good doodles and i was like. ah i guess i'll just go ahead and do somethin with this lmaoooo
so info and doodles are under the cut and here's the mentioned post in case this gets buried in the eventual tag haha
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i kind of just started doodling the idea in december. i dont remember why lmao but,. it was a thing (Ren was originally going to be based on Sumire as well and utilize Prince Charming). and then i did these two drafts of a comic for the new year lmao (i might finish them later but for now here they are)
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so heres the basic gist of the au without going into spoilers (jic i want to actually write this in the future, and,,,, i do have a small piece of a beginning bit of prose)
five years after the events of Royal, shadows are on the rise again, and specifically, they are present outside of palaces, much like in Port Island. Okumura Foods is rebranded into Okumura Tech, and with help from the Kirijo Group, a new line of Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapons which are not as advanced as ASWs like Aigis or Labrys so as to avoid any unecessary thinking on their part and so they can be mass produced.
(also yeah i know im missing an "S" there. im not taking chances. but in the fic futaba and akira will be calling them a**-bots. its too funny to pass up)
however, it becomes increasingly clear that they need a free thinking weapon to take care of some of the bigger shadows, so Okumura Tech goes through a few constructions, trying to recreate Aigis. nothing is really working. the personas they're trying to produce are overwhelming the Plumes of Dusk. in fact, a few end up being total disasters that have to be destroyed at all costs.
finally, they manage to recruit Mishima, who is just coming out of college with a doctorate degree in AI design (having switched from a degree in general coding, inspired by the advent of ASWs). instead of just using the Plumes of Dusk, Mishima introduces the idea of AI to aid the Plumes in persona construction. think the Cores from Portal, except they can't be separated from the ASW or the Plume of Dusk.
so Mishima, still worshipping the ground Joker walks on, constructs an ASW in Akira's image, codenamed Joker, who ends up rebelling against Okumura Tech (feeling that something nefarious is afoot). Joker renames himself Renegade (Ren for short) and just kind of adopts Amamiya for a reason i'll have to figure out as i write.
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Mishima's persona is half-AI based and half-awakening. Talos is an AI that he designed, but when he gets so stressed out that he awakens his persona, the AI sort of merges into his psyche. He's a Nav (just your regular old Otacon guy in the chair archetype) but he can do damage if need be. (also im bringing this meme back bc i love it)
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also, Ren's persona is. a secret. mostly because its a reference to a real AI/antivirus and that reference sort of would reveal the antagonist. i dont want to reveal that before i even write the story haha
the story itself is told between Akira and Ren's perspectives at vastly different times. Akira's starts when Mishima shows up at his door after a major disaster at Okumura Tech. hijinx and romance ensue. Ren's starts when he tracks down Akechi, hoping the former Detective Prince will help him figure out why the shadows resurfaced in the first place and if there's anything going on under the surface of Okumura Tech.
oh and this is very much detached from anything regarding the Uncle Adachi AU haha im still using Mishima's persona user design and persona from the Bunny AU tho. itd be a short fic. hopefully six chapters at most. probably more mature than Everyone's a Ki/ller??? remains to be seen.
and yes. haru and mitsuru would of course also be major characters.
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co-theta · 7 years
So I’m editing one of the documents I have for writing my daydream from Trollhunters and I just realized that Hamilton is referenced in all four of the lonterm daydreams I have going on right now lol. Like in the Trollhunters one okay, Alexander Hamilton is playing in the background bc I listen to a playlist to daydream. In the Series of Unfortunate Events one my parame hijacks a radio and Hamilton plays on it resulting in Karl climbing through a window and looking at me  and asking “Is this Hamilton??” And in the Escape From Furnace one I say something like “Isn’t that enough?” and the ‘That would be enough’ tune comes to mind. Like, I don’t NAME it bc that particular one happens when my parame is brainwashed and is actively trying not to remember shit.
But I’m kind of cackling because my obsession with Hamilton kind of went away when I started listening to be more chill and dear evan hansen
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the-fiction-witch · 6 years
I understand Tumblr has changed its community Guidelines and oddly enough I am going to add my two cents to it I suppose even though 90 % of tumblr does not give a dam hell what I have to say about it.
Okay lets begin
Point number one: 
I as someone had been  on tumblr a very long time almost eight years now I understand why this has happened, the world has changed alot since I has my first account on here I mean I was very young when I had my first account it was just a fan account where I blogged Lord of the rings art and gifs, and I understand why this has decision was made by the staff to try to make there app more ‘pg’ lets say, Okay I understand
Point number two:
I said I understand I did not say I agree with it, I know as quiet a big tumblr fan fic writer I’m likely not the best person for saying so but... I think people online should be allowed to see things like, Nudity and smut and all that stuff, Why? you ask? Well Because I was I know when it comes to sexy kinda stuff I was kinda the opposite of sheltered as a child my parents are swingers and have pretty much always been open about it, they have had nude art and such on the walls in there bedroom for as long as I can remember and I know there is this whole thing about how kids or young people can access things on the internet that are over 18 because you know lieing exists and there are ways to get around things, there always will be the second a rule is there two seconds later how to get around it exists and I Personally think there is nothing wrong with that.
Point two and a half: [I realized two was getting kinda ranty]
But I think kids Should be exposed to things, Not like kids from five should be shown like rule 34, but I think kids and young people are a heck of a alot smarter then any 20-40 year old realizes, Kids are all different they are all sexually awakened at different times in there life [for example I know I was a literally 11 and I have a best friend who wasn't till she was 18] people are different and I think things like Smut and Nudes are not exactly for kids no but... they are a part of life and sheltering them isnt going to help them understand I mean I got lucky I grew up in a family that had 50′s pin up on the walls and watched the rocky horror picture show in the living room I understood what sex was from a young age and how it worked between consenting adults I didn't Practice it Obviously and I didn't know the exact details [look at my older work and see if I understood how the heck sex worked] but I think people make those decisions I mean yeah random porn showing up on a timeline yeah maybe stop that that’s kinda a problem but if you search for Boobs or Porn or Smut whatever you know what your getting and if you make the decision to type those letters to spell that word then you made the decision to see what you see or read what you read, you chose to do that tumblr didn't when you typed in I don’t know Loki didn't randomly take you to porn unless you specifically told it to or unlocked it, 
Point three:
Why? as I said I understand the choice tumblr staff have made but if you search something and have safe search on then yeah don’t show nude pics or things tagged as porn or even my stuff I wouldn't expect someone who typed newt with there safe search on i imagine most of my stuff wouldn’t turn up I as a creator and even audience member here I understand that but I think it again comes back to choice if you chose to unlock the search you understand what comes with that and if you don’t then your the one that needs to be fixed not tumblr.
Point four: Likely my big point
I came to tumblr when I was fairly young, my god when tumblr was fairly young because mostly I wanted to be as informed and aware as my big sister my older sister showed me tumblr so I could see cool gifs of doctor who and lord of the rings and find people just like me who also loved to watch and read. when I first came here I was still a young girl and I didn't know how big the 18+ side of tumblr was I didn't care all I cared about was the amazing people and when I first began to dream about being a writer, everyone I knew even my family laughed at me said because of my disability I could never be a author, But I changed my URL and posted one of the first things I ever wrote on to tumblr with no fear of being judged or being laughed at and now when I go back and read it I know it’s awful I was terrible back then but... people where kind to me. said how I could improve and where with me every step of my way, that account is still there now I have just moved a little bit to here where I have been now for several years and I love it.
It’s amazing to me now as a almost 20 year old woman to sit on my computer, have my own physical novels sat on a shelf next to me, without tumblr I would not have became a real writer and would not now be able to live off doing it an live comfortably even, When I came here with my first ever work A girl we can’t understand I was awful but I had big dreams the people here have made me into who I am now and have made me be able to do such amazing things with my life, I never came here to be a problem to tumblr or even to be popular I make no money from tumblr but I still post almost everyday or as much as I can...why?
Because I love it here, 
I love being able to make people happy to be able to create worlds for people to lose themselves in even if its just for a little while.
I love every single one of the people who read my work even if you don’t like or dont follow or anything like that anyone who reads what I post I thank you for taking the time to read it, as I said I do this purely for the love of doing it.
But... Tumblr has changed.
maybe I am a dinosaur here now I guess but Tumblr I have a little message for you...
Dear Tumblr, To all your staff, your users and your creator.
I know in your grant scheme I am a small foot note. I understand the choices you have made to the site and I respect your decision as it is yours to make. However I don’t see how blocking and reporting people like myself and other users like me who just want to make people happy or feel better after a bad day is the best way to be, I have been here for a long time and I have seen some awful things on this site, but nudity or smut or anything has never been one of them. I have seen things like racism, homophobia, trans phobia, extremism and as a user I have tried my best to report and help your algeritherum to grow to make this site better. But Tumblr your views have changed and you have every right to change them, I have grown up with you tumblr and I am... concerned about what you are becoming. it is your choice to make this site into something different then what it was, But I beg of you
When I came here I was an outcast. Not pretty enough for Instagram and snap chat, not funny enough for twitter, not frenziedly enough for Facebook, I and I know so many others who came here because we are outcasts who fit nowhere else in this internet world. I have so many friends many of which I have even met in real life now because of you tumblr, but with people left and right upset about this and threatening to leave because you deiced to change
Please tell me... where are we meant to go? we are the outcasts here always have been tumblr kids the ones who are different but if we lose this place we call home we will have nowhere to go, and I would hate to see people like I was have nowhere to go people who where like me when I got here, Alone.
So... Dearest tumblr, You have meant the world to me, I have gathered friends with you, made a life though you, I have even had my life saved by the people here to many times to count, 
My boyfriend and I where here on my old account we had to separate for a bit but run this together like we used to and its a massive part of our lives even our relationship
But I am clearly not what you want anymore. so I say here and now I will try to continue my work here but if my posts continue to be reported and blocked then I will go.
If you still want my work I will keep it here but I will always update and write on my
and I will also re open my tapas:
and If you are a friend of mine I am shearing my Instagram here becuase I don’t wan’t to lose any of you
Good Bye
I love all of you so much and I am so so sorry.
X Amber & Thomas
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"Morristown Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37815
Morristown Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37815
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolution.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will my car insurance rate go up?
so yesterday, I rear end into someone car but damage at all. His car still look new and my car still remain the same. But he said he will go check up his car, if there are some damage inside. He will claim my insurance. Suppose he claim my insurance, how much will my car insurance rate go up?""
How much do you spend on your car payment/insurance per a month?
and is it a used or new car?
Car insurance who is responsible ? He lives on his own but the car is in my name?
My son is twenty three and lives at a different address. The title for his car is in my name. Who is responsible for car insurance?
""Becky has 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. If two people received $35,000 each how much will be covered?""
Becky has 25/50/10 automobile insurance coverage. If two people received $35,000 each how much will be covered?""
Can I insure another persons car?
Can I get insurance on a car thats not registered to me?
Will my Speeding ticket increase State farm insurance?
I was recently caught speeding in MN, going 87 in a 60 (I know that;s bad). Is there anything I can do to reduce the cost/penalty such as Traffic school ? Or am I screwed?""
Who needs insurance?
Auto insurance is a hit or miss conception with police enforcement doing the insurance company's work for them. Too many drivers have no insurance leaving responsible drivers to pick up their tab. Why don't we tack on 10 or twenty cents per gallon at the gasoline pump to go for insurance. If you don't buy gas for your car, you're not going to be able to drive.That way, if you drive, you automatically have insurance. This frees up police to do real cop work, cuts down on the cost and makes sure everyone who drives has insurance. Whadya think?""
Maternity related services considered inpatient for insurance?
Most individual plans (87%) do not offer maternity coverage. I was fortunate enough to still be covered under an old employer by paying COBRA, and a majority of my expenses were covered. I had twins and had to have a C-Section. So now that I know I'm most likely to have a C-Section again, and who knows, another set of twins! (complete surprise) and am still of child bearing age. I am now under an individual plan, that does not offer maternity coverage. I was reading under the 'Inpatient' services and it listed this: Unlimited coverage is provided for medically necessary physician and surgeon services, semi-private rooms, operating rooms and related facilities, intensive and coronary care units, laboratory, x-rays, radiology services and procedures, medications and biologicals, anesthesia, special duty nursing as prescribed, short-term rehabilitation services, nursing care, meals and special diets So anyone who has experience or knowledge, would something like a C-Section be covered under inpatient? What does maternity coverage only cover normally. That $60*** bill scares me! Also, I keep reading about a new health care bill effective 2014 where individual plans must include maternity as an essential benefit. Anyone have any more details about that? State specific etc?""
How much would insurence cost for a small car detailing business?
i have 2 do a project for school about creating our own business and i need 2 know how much insurance would cost for my car detailing business.
Getting a license in another state will they check to see if my car insurance has expired?
Im going to minnesota and getting a new state license.My insurance expired a couple weeks ago but i still have my documents that state its good till next year.Will they check it etc and find out that it expired?
Taking a car off your insurance?
My sister is taking my car off her insurance and she says I still have to pay the $88 that I owe her every month. She cannot cancel the insurance until she has the tags, I sent her the tags yesterday and she'll turn it in before the first (the date I usually give her the money). So now I have no car to drive, do I still have to give her the $88 if she turns in the tags before the first? Please help. She's the type of person who will take as much money as she can from you, I do not know anything about insurance and she uses that over my head.""
How much will my insurance be if im 16?
Well im 16 and I just got my license 2 days ago and I want to get insurance on a 2005 wrx sti sedan and we just got this car no one is insured on this car yet and I want to know how much the insurace will be per month or year, I havent had any tickets yet and never crashed. Can someone please help more or atleast give me an estimate or educated guess if you dont know. Thanks to anyone who helps.""
Do i need car insurance in my name?
My brother and me are sharing a car, I just got my license and my mom says i dont need to worry because the insurance covers the car not the driver, i live in texas, is this true?""
What is the cheapest/best insurance for a 24yr old student/ stay at home mom?
My 3month old is covered under medicaid, but I need help finding an affordable insurance for myself. My fiance is covered by his work for free, but it would be $200 a check for him to add me and we cannot afford that at this time.""
Cheapest car insurance in UK at this time?
i have used all the price comparison sites and still not yet satisfied.. can anyone let me know their car insurance provider in UK? I will just phone them direct hoping i can have a great deal...
6 week car insurance for 18 year old?
I share a car with my twin brother, which means i get the car every other day. My older brother is having a hip replacement so won't be able to drive for 6 weeks. He said i could ...show more""
""Car insurance rates are extremely high, what if someone was rich and owned like 50 vehicles...?""
How much would their insurance be every 6 months to a year ( I know it varies by person, but lets say this guy is just an average driver maybe committed one accident in the last 15 years. Is male. ) He's a really rich person...""
Maternity insurance or no insurance?
i was on my parents insurance and now they are going to medicare. so i am naturally kicked off their insurance. they keep telling me to not get insurance for maternity because it isnt worth it and we should just pay out of pocket. but what if something goes wrong and im stuck in the hospital longer than i need to be? my husband doesnt have a job and only i work but i cant get insurance through their company. we probably could save up and pay out of pocket but would using insurance be much better? i myself wont have insurance at all once they switch over to medicare so i have to find insurance for both my husband and i. plus possibly adding on maternity. so maternity insurance or no?
""Where can I find an affordable therapist in Orange County, CA w/no health insurance?""
I'm looking for a therapist in Orange County, California for depression and severe anxiety issues, but I have no health insurance. Can anybody help me figure out who I should talk to/where should I look to get affordable therapy?""
Is it cheaper to get on your parent's car insurance or have your own separate claim?
I will be purchasing car insurance really soon and comparing qoutes of different companies and want to know which is best
""Different car insurance for Ford, etc?
I have to write a bunch of articles for my job based around van insurance for people with occupations that require a van. One article has to be called Ford Van Insurance another has to be Toyota Van Insurance. I can find info about Ford vans. I can find info about van insurance. But I can't find anything on Ford Van Insurance.
Teenage Car insurance Impossible?
For starters I am for the most part completely ignorant as to the workings of Car insurance or really.. anything involving cars.. so bare with me.. I'm trying to figure out how to get insurance as a primary driver I'm an 18 year old male still in school with a full G license, the car is a 1995 ford model worth only.. 1000 $ max, it's 2 door, I have a 75%+ average in school, I have no prior accidents or tickets. Essentially perfect as far as all the variables that effect insurance rates go. Yet when i got quotes online they are still telling me I have to pay 380 $ monthly. What the ****? On average I only make about 400 or 500 a month.. adding on gas money to that my cost of living is practically negative from just drive to and from work? So I guess what I'm asking is.. Is teenage car insurance even possible without help from mommy and daddy or dropping school to work more? Can anyone link me or give me the name of auto-insurance companies that give the best rates for Teens? Anything in the 2000-3000 $ range a year would be perfect""
Is my auto insurance goes up after I got speeding ticket? How much would it cost me?
Is my auto insurance goes up after I got speeding ticket? How much would it cost me?
Blue badge if you get one how much does your car insurance go up ?
Blue badge if you get one how much does your car insurance go up ?
I will be 16 soon and I was looking at getting an 01-03 BMW M3. Any ideas on how much insurance would cost?
I live in Florida and I'm a new driver, also this will be my first car (if that helps with info about the insurance)""
Morristown Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37815
Morristown Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37815
What medical tests should a 53-year-old man have?
I know there's tests that men should have when they're around the age of 50. My dad hasn't been to the doctor for years because he doesn't have health insurance or a job(he's living with my grandma who's 76). He's resisted going to the doctor and says I'll go once I get a job but he's not really been trying. My brothers and I are worried and some have even offered to pay for a doctor's visit but he's just said no and that he can wait. I'd like to know what tests he should have and how much they cost on average. He's been a generally healthy man, but skin cancer runs in our family and when he was around 40 he had a thing growing on his neck that was some sort of cancer. He had it removed and it hasn't come back but it there some sort of test for things like that? All three of my brothers and I are either English or History teachers and if what my dad needs is affordable we'd all like to pitch in. I know this is sort of scatterbrained- I'm in a rush, so thank you if you can answer this in advance.""
Ripped off car insurance?
my daughter was a named driver on my policy she hit someones car and made 400worth of damage the owner of the other car had already got scatches etc on there car my insurance company was told of this i have just found out that 800+ has been made against me it looks like i have been ripped off surely this is fraud the 400 was a quote from a garage
Is their a place that has cheap car insurance if I havnt even had my license for a year?
Im 18, the school id idealy like to go to is to far to take the bus and I can't really relly on others for transportation. I'd like something under $100 maybe like $80. Ill have driven for a year in may but school starts in march so yea. Id like to go on my grandparents but its like $2000 a year I dont know why! or what I should do?""
Victim of car insurance fraud?
last year i had the police turn up at my door saying that i had hit a car roof with a claw hammer i didn't no what they was going on about i did not get arrested and they left, few days later i got a insurance letter thur the post saying that i had collided with a bmw and drove off leaving the seen, there insurance paid him out 5000, i spoke to my insurances and said i don't no what is going on they asked for pictures off my car i sent them, i phoned the police and asked them they said there is no further action is to be taken as the person as dropped the chargers, so i phoned there insurance and they said we are waiting for police reports, i said the police are not taking it any further as the person as he had dropped the chargers, they did not believe me and wanted me to pay 3500 in 14 days i said no, i lost 3 years no claims and my premiums went up, i just had to wait for months :( i got a letter today off there insurance saying we have had the police reports and there is no further action against me or my insurances... ok what will happen to the person what made up this lie to his insurance as he told the police one thing and his insurance another??????""
""For car insurance rates, does the amount of the claim matter, or is it just that you had a claim?""
Wondering about how car insurance premiums work. I just got into an accident this morning. I rear-ended someone so it was my fault. When we file a claim to fix her car, is it worth it for me to get mine done as well? Or will getting mine fixed cause my premium to go up even more when its time to renew?""
How to insure a used car off of the lot with no previous insurance?
I have never had insurance in my name before (my parents had me under their insurance within the past 6 months, but I am now not insured, nor driving a vehicle). I am interested in buying a car from a buy here, pay here lot and I don't quite understand how it works as far as insuring the vehicle off of the lot goes. I was told that the dealer would give me a few options of insurance (usually crappy) and I would use that insurance for the drive home, and subsequently get my own insurance. This is so ridiculous to me, to pay for insurance twice?! I just want to know the legal & affordable & practical way of insuring this vehicle. Is it not possible to be at the dealership, buy the car, get insurance over the phone while still on the lot, and then drive it home? Because I realize that the dealer will not let you drive it off of the lot if you don't have insurance. Also, how will they know I have the insurance? Since I currently do not have any, I won't have an insurance card or anything material to provide as proof... will they accept an over-the-phone affirmation by the insurance company as proof?""
Is aviva car insurance website down?
aviva car insurance says its unable to process your quote? Its been doing this since yesterday:s I'm just looking at quotes for different cars, just looking what will be better for me, i don't actually want to get insured yet until I've found the best price! It just keeps telling me to ring them up!! Any ideas? Oh and btw ive tried changing my email address to see if i was just doing too many but it still comes up with it? And its not because its too high for me to be insured which ive seen from looking into it because some cars ive put in again because i lost the quote reference? Nothing works:/""
Hoe much would my bike insurance cost?
Hi im 18 years old I got my motorcycle license on august 2013 and i bought a 2011 ninja 250 I was wondering how much my bike insurance would cost? I will call the insurance company in may but I want to know now how much it will cost please answer if you know thenx :)
""Need some advice, about speeding ticket please? No negative opinions please?""
Well I got a speeding ticket on my bike, my first one in 3 years. But thing is I don't have a License or insurance (don't bother, I just never wanted to even bother with the long lines at dmv) and no I'd in possession. So I got a 1200 ticket and I refuse to sell my bike,(yeah they didn't impound it, I'm OK, USA by the way). So any way I can get it reduced? Insurance costs the most. So is could I could the insurance and DL part waived if I got the paperwork?""
Why is car insurance so high?
I am just at a loss as a new driver. Passed my test recently and just cannot find affordable car insurance it's madness. The cheapest quotes that I am getting are 4000 and I think it's disgusting. And its annoying because they add all this criteria which just shouldn't matter. The system is ageist as well as sexist as young male, new driver just seems to be impossible to get insured for. I only have an old Renault Clio P reg and I paid a very small amount for it and I'm just disgusted at the cost of it. I wanted to know if theres anything that can be done about it? I find it annoying as you can't change your age or your postcode or all this stuff that doesn't matter. I've got home insurance that I pay waaaay less for a month is madness.""
Cheapest auto insurance for teen drivers in South Carolina?
I'm about to start driving in a year or two, and I want to know what the price range for me would be?""
Cheapest insurance for high school football?
Im planning to play football next year in high school what is the cheapest insurance i can get?
Is car insurance really necessary?
What if your a student and your driving a car that does not have insurance but you don't crash or nothing bad happens...Do you still get penalized if you do not have insurance? Is it a law?
How do I sell Health insurance in California?
How do I sell Health insurance in California?
Mens car insurace???
How much more do men under 24 pay for insurance than women under 24?? On average??
California Medical for teens?
I am 19 & i have no insurance at all and i was wondering if theres a way to get on the Medi-caid or medi-cal that the state offers to usually younge kids or pregnant women? can someone give me info?
Auto Insurance help......50/100/15?
i have a 50/100/15 auto coverage.I hit a parked car and damaged the store along the front. the damage to the parked car was 5,400 and damage to the store was 12,650. What amount will the insurance company pay for and what amount will I have to pay for? How can I figure this out?""
""How much is car insurance in albany,ny?""
i had car insurance in brooklyn,ny but now i got verry expensive, so i thought to go to albany to get cheaper nsurance""
How much would car insurance be for a 16 or 17 yr old guy?
im 16 now, ready to get my first car and drive, but i need a steady job to pay for my insurance. so being young and a male, how much should i be looking to pay?""
Will my insurance cover my car?
I went to the mall to shop for an hour or so and came out to my car to find someone had crashed into the rear end of my car and left without leaving any info. I made a police report but im still waiting to report it to my agent/company. will i be covered at all? i estimate the damage at $1500 I have comprehensive and unisured driver insurance, but no collision insurance i live in California""
Getting car insurance if your parents do not drive?
I'm 16 and I just received my license. My older brother gave me his car when he moved to L.A (he'll be driving a company car). The only problem is getting insurance. My mother has never been a driver and therefore does not have a policy of her own. Most insurance companies that we've contacted say that unless you're 18, the insurance has to go in your parents name. Does anyone know how a teenager can have a car insurance policy put in their name?""
What is the cheapest Auto insurance I can get?
I'm 23, just got my license, i have a Honda civic year 2002, I live in Illinois.""
Im a new driver. Best Auto insurance with my family?
I just got my license a few weeks ago and my mom cant add me to the insurance because we dont have the money to. we have 3 cars, and 4 names on 2 and 3 names one 1, and it think its a hole in the wall company that were with. What i want to know is that is there an affordable insurance company we can switch over to and add me to the cars and still have it be affordable?""
Who is a good auto insurance company for active duty military members changing addresses often?
insurance companies who cover multiple states
Does U.S. car insurance (Allstate) cover you in Puerto Rico?
I'm going to be renting a vehicle from Thrifty car rental in Puerto Rico next week and I would like to just use my own insurance for the car. Does anyone know if Allstate covers driving in Puerto Rico? Thanks.
Morristown Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37815
Morristown Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37815
How much will my car insurance increase?
I went for over eight years without getting a ticket and got one over a year ago and one recently. I accepted and paid the fine--improper-turns--learned my lesson the hard way. Anyway, I have been with the same insurer or 6 years and saw a decrease in my rate last year, despite the ticket. My insurer only views records at renewal and mine is not up for almost a year. By then, my first ticket will be about two years old--if they notice it next year. I am middle-aged and get a multi--vehicle and home discount and don't live in the city. My car and truck are about 150 a month or both, with full coverage. How much do you think it might increase to? Thanks.""
Health insurance HELP!?
okay so hears the problem. im 19 just moved away from home no parental support pretty much on my own attending school and working full time. i need to find a cheap health plan any suggestions? no deductible? HELP PLEASE!!
Insurance companies will have 32 million new customers because of Obamacare. How is this socialism?
The Affordable Care Act was modeled after a Republican health care plan by the Heritage Foundation and was first implemented by a Republican governor. All this bill does is makes sure that insurance companies have 32 million new customers. I could understand if you called Single Payer socialism (which I highly support), but calling Obamacare socialist is pretty stupid.""
Do I need to get tested for smoking to get health insurance?
Im not a smoker but I can have the occasional cigarette with friends
Do you need insurance on a motorcycle in Florida?
I read online that if you own and have the title of the motorcycle you do not need insurance . But i never believe what i read on random websites so I'm asking here. The insurance companies are giving me insane premiums even though i have a clean driving record. My question is,is that accurate that i dont need insurance to ride in Florida.?Thank you everyone in advance.""
Car insurance?
how much would it cost for a 16 year old girl, honor student & drivers ed to start a plan by her self, or would it be cheaper to be added to my parents plan? aslo the car would be a madza 3. THANKS :)""
How many of you out there have Car Insurance?
i'm an insurance agent (youngest one in the office-only 22) and i'm trying to come up with some numbers for how many people are driving around uninsured. if you have Insurance what company do you have? if you dont why not? and have you ever been insured? children under 16 (or unlicensed individuals) need not answer.
Quick insurance question?
Can i put my insurance under m uncles name that way insurance would be cheaper and i drive my car? is it possible hes 45, and i'm 18""
What is good insurance for teens?
Can I have some good companies? I want the basic insurance package. im 17, male, senior in HS""
Insurance wise is a 89 firebird a sports car?
Does geico consider a 89 firebird a sports car?
How can i lower my car insurance quotes?
hi im 16 and am soon going to be able to drive so i have started to look at what my inurance quotes will be for a newly qualified driver, and there to high at 3000+ for a renault clio with a 1.2 engine. Just wondering how i might be able to lower this figure with some kind of higher qualififed driving licence, if there are any compaies that insurance new drivers for quite low amonts or if i am just going to have to wait until i am older?? thanks""
How much would car insurance cost for...?
a 19 yr old girl just married, who recently obtained license (within a year)? Liability only, in monroeville PA. Cheapest company? Best rate? Thanks!""
How much should my insurance go up with a new car?
Right now I have a 1995 honda accord, I play about 90 a month, what should I expect to pay with a 2007 mazda 3?' Im 19, on insurance with my parents, no tickets or accidents. THANKS!""
Really really cheap drift car with cheap insurance?
I'm soon going to be buying a car to do up with a good mate and his grandad who owns a garage, my friend already owns a car and we've decided that one day we're going to take them out and learn to drift (dw this wont be on the roads). We're going to be doing it often and so it has to be atleast half decent and its going to be my everyday car. So i'm looking for a good drift car to do up for under 500 (obviously going to be breaking and second hand) to do up and drift better than my mates car. Oh and insurance under 2000 would be best considering i'll Only be 17! Thanks alot Bilbo baggins""
Urgent question about medical insurance for college students!!!???
I'm a student at a major university in the state of Washington (not that it matters for the question I guess). I'm still on my dad's insurance but it's going to expire on my birthday this year. If it is verified that I'm a student at a college (I don't think it matters whether it's a university, community college, trade school, whatever), then the insurance can continue. I stupidly dropped a class close to the beginning of this term, and this unknowingly dropped me *just*, just barely to the status of 'half-time'. I really didn't realize this would happen and has caused me all sorts of grief with the financial aid gods (lol)...I already will have to be writing appeal letters explaining my mistake. Well, I digress, but my question is: For this insurance matter, do I just need to be a student or do I need to be a full-time student . If it's the latter, pardon my French, but I'm pretty much, f**ked, aren't I? Anyone know the answer?""
Why is car insurance so high?
the guy who made young drivers insurance so High should be dragged out in public and shot in front of his family!
How can i find the owner of the car and what insurance he's using?
Someone bumped into my car while I was working. I have a witness who gave me the license no. and I have reported this to the police but they said as it happened in a private car park, ...show more""
""I am 18 years old and have 6 points on my driving license, will my insurance cost go down after a year?
I currently aren't on any insurance policy!
Temporary car insurance for under 21s?
I want to take out temporary car insurance in the UK, who will do this for someone who is under 21? Thanks""
How much will a speedping ticket raise my car insurance in California?
Hi, Last night I got my first speeding ticket ever. I am a 18 year old male. The officer claims I was going 84 but I dont believe him because he said he lasered me at 1am and usually I am under 80mph. Anyways, If I go to court and do drivers school and remove this ticket, what will happen to my insurance rate? I have all state.""
Insurance - Please help!?
I am looking at getting a new ro roof for my large two storey house. My house is located in a central business area where I have high foot traffic and a busy road only metres away. Due to the height of the roof there will be scaffolding errected around the parimeters and I am concerned and the legal problems if someone gets hurt or other property damaged. I have to be concerned for the builders, my neighbours property, pedistrans and cars driving by. I have tried searching for insurance but cannot find any. Does anyone have any ideas??""
I hit my neighbors parked car and it's going to cost $2400. How much will my insurance go up?
I have Geico Insurance. 22/m and out of school. 1 at fault accident already on my record from 2005 and a ticket that should be off my record but shows up on motor vehicle report. Just got Geico Insurance about 2 months ago. Paying about $1150 every 6 months. Would it be better just to pay the guy off?
Question for uk drivers: How much does disqualification effect car insurance?
Was convicted 5 months ago for permitting use of a vehicle without third party insurance and driving with not in accordance with a licence . Got 4 month disqualification but managed to keep driving licence just need to re-apply for it back from d.v.l.a. Does being disqualified greatly effect insurance? will it affect insurance the same as say drink driving?
Your car is stolen insurance company declares write off then its found?
What happens when your car gets stolen so you report it to the insurance company after 30 days the car hasn't been found a couple of weeks later its found what happens?
""Cost of insurance for a Motorcycle, Montreal Quebec?""
When I turn 18, I want to own a motorcycle and get my license. I want to know the estimated amount for the insurance etc.. I heared that it was $5000 a year or something, is this true?""
Morristown Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37815
Morristown Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37815
Does a Honda Civic Coupe cost more to insure than a Honda Civic Sedan?
I'm 17 (male) and looking for my first car. I like the civic because it is good on gas and is reliable and everything. Anyway, which would cost more to insure, the coupe version or the sedan? And how different would they be? I'm looking at late 90's to early 00's models.""
Car insurance rate for teens?
I live in Detroit, MI so the insurance rate will go up just for that. I'm a very responsible student (I'm in the 10th grade). I would be using my grandparents' car. What would be the ranges for insurance roughly? I just want an estimate for how much it would be per year. Please help.""
""What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager in alex,la for a motorcycle?""
What is the cheapest insurance for a teenager in alex,la for a motorcycle?""
""Can I purchase a car, and tow it home without insurance?""
I want to purchase a car from a small car place, the man puts 30 day tags on it and mails the title to the DMV, but my father cant get off work to come put insurance on the car for me. So can I buy the car there, have the title put in my name, but have the car towed home and stored off the street until I can add it to insurance and get my own tags? or is it illegal to tow a car without insurance on it?""
Staying on my dads health insurance (i'm 24 and not in school)?
im confused for the most part about the affordable act im currently 24 and dont 25 until april of next year . my dad works for the county parks and recreation here in miami and up until a few years ago i was under his insurance. because im not a student i didnt qualify to be under his insurance. im unemployed and was thinking about purchasing a bronze/catastrophic level insurance. but with the act now passed could i latch on until im 26 under my dads coverage despite not being a student? thanks for the help in advance
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a 2004 acura tsx?
How much would insurance cost for a 16 year old driving a 2004 acura tsx?
Where to find discount on car Insurance?
Hello, I am too tight to pay to car insurance companies, looking for chear auto insurance but ofcourse good company who can take care of my car, some discount on insurance policy will be welcome.""
Insurance questions?
I have a 99' silverado LS 5.3 liter truck. It was hit in the parking lot by some fool at work and now all the body panels on the passenger side are dented. I took it to a dealer to get an estimate (since the guy has insurance) they quoted it at 7500 dollars worth of damage. I know that the truck doesn't actually book for much more than that. The truck still drives fine just that it is beat up on one side and the door won't open. I still owe about 3k on the truck. I have yet to get an adjuster to come look at it from state farm. Do you think the truck will be totalled? What are my options and how much will they sell the truck back for if it is a total? If it is a total what value will they go off of and how much should I expect for my truck which was in fair condition? Will the adjuster make a check out to me or will he send it to my bank or both? Any help with this from someone that has had a vehicle totalled by someone else would be greatly appreicated..I really don't know.
Does living on an unpaved road affect car or home insurance rates?
I'm doing some research and I can't find out if living on unpaved roads affect car or home insurance rates. Please help me :)
Why is the tripling of insurance premiums called Affordable Health Care ?
I got a letter from my health insurance company that my current policy (which I was just fine with) would be cancelled in 2014 and if I did nothing I would automatically be changed ...show more
Hi what is the best 600cc sports bike for an 18 year old bearing in mind the insurance?
I need some help with choosing my first 600cc bike at the moment i ride a skygo 125cc (yes chinese lol) but i turn 18 in a couple of weeks and am looking to buy my first big bike. iv had a look at the cbr 600 but not to keen on the shape to be honest and dont really like the shape of the r6 so im looking at the kawasaki ninja / suzuki gsxr 600 and 750. any ideas would really help insurance would play a big part for me to so i need the cheapest really and what price would i be looking at ? if anyone has any other bikes to suggest i would apreciate that aswell ?
How can you get medical insurance in the State of Va.?
I have been turned down by medicare because My daughter makes to much money. Turned down by private insurances because of preexisting illness.
""NY plates & registration, but Connecticut Insurance?""
My car has NY plates and was registered in NY. I moved to CT, and have CT auto insurance. Is it okay to have auto insurance in the state you live but the car is registered and plated in another?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I need help for my homework.
Will a car thats registered as non op and has a salvaged title cost more for insurance?
Will a car thats registered as non op and has a salvaged title cost more for insurance?
What's the most expensive comprehensive car insurance ever in the U.K.?
What's the most expensive comprehensive car insurance ever in the U.K.?
""Home insurance costs in Slidell, LA?""
Does anybody have a rough idea of the average home insurance prices for home in Slidell, LA above Interstate 12?""
Best Insurance policy for children?
Pls help me in selecting the best insurance policy for children. Should I go with LIC or private insurances like HDFC Life, Aviva, Max Newyork ?? Is unit linked policy reliable ?""
If you know about car insurance (10 points will be awarded )?
Hey, my older brother has a Honda HR-V 1.6 VTEC engine which is UK insurance group 9 and tax bracket F, I am looking at a Suzuki Swift Sport 1.6 engine, insurance group 9 and tax bracket E... my insurance is with my dads business who say i can have up to a 1.6, I learnt to drive in my brothers car but the insurance company are looking into whether or not i can have a Suzuki Swift Sport, it has no turbocharger, so what is the big deal 10 Points for best answer""
""In GA, if the moving violation is no longer on my DMV record, can insurance companies penalize me anyway?""
A bit over two years ago, I got a ticket for a turn I made that wasn't sharp enough. In GA, moving violations leave your record after 24 months, so it should be gone by now. Can my insurance company continue to penalize me for it, though? Do they have to lower my rates now that it's off my record? If I go to a new insurance company, will my current one pass along the information somehow even though the DMV doesn't have it on file?""
How much is typical car insurance for a teenager?
I am a 19 year female in college (in new jersey) and by the time I get my car and licence I would be 20. I was wondering if anyone knew how much typical car insurance would be for me, so I could figure out how much I would need to save up before I get my car. What is the best company to go with?""
How much does deep cleaning cost on average with insurance?
I had a filling done and with insurance it cost about $100. Is filling more expensive than deep cleaning?
How much does car insurance cost for a 17 year old male? Just liability not collision?
I live in Baton Rouge Louisiana
How Much Would My Car Insurance Be?
I'm 17 years old, I'm a guy, it's my first car and it's most likely going to be a 2004 Impala or a 2000 Lincoln Navigator. I'd most likely be on my mom's insurance. Could you guys give me like a general estimate of what I could expect to pay a month. Thanks in advance.""
Who do you think would have the cheapest car insurance for an 18 yr old who has just passed her driving test?
Who do you think would have the cheapest car insurance for an 18 yr old who has just passed her driving test?
Morristown Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37815
Morristown Tennessee Cheap car insurance quotes zip 37815
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