#os trio
ashxketchum · 1 year
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1997 | 2023
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omnicom · 7 months
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Pokeshipping Week 2023
Day 7: If Misty was with Ash During His Realization in the Series Finale
(Apologies for the late posting, literally worked on it all day today till now. Yay for lateness! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧)
So, technically, I didn't follow exactly to the theme. I put in a little addition of someone who was just as integral and would be alongside them had the show kept the OG group together. Hi, Brock, good to have you here in all our OS Trio glory!
I think Misty (and Brock) would've been supportive and happy for Ash for figuring out what his dream actually means for him. How he defines what makes a Pokemon Master, how he quantifies it. They probably also would've told him that those are some lofty goals to hold himself to, but given his stubbornness ("couldn't you guys call it 'persistence' or 'determination' instead?") it doesn't look as impossible of a goal as some others might make it out to be.
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Misty: "As for me, I still dream of becoming the world's greatest Water Type Master!"
Ash: "Oh yeah! And I'm sure we'll make our dreams come true!"
Brock: "Ooooh~ Congrats, you two! I can't wait to see you guys achieve them!"
And that's a wrap for Pokeshipping Week 2023! Thanks to everyone for their likes, reblogs, and comments! I appreciate all the love and compliments, it really humbles my heart to receive all this. Thank you, again. 🥰
Art © Crumpled-Hakui
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dailypokeani · 1 year
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EP017 Island of the Giant Pokémon
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bpmorepjo · 1 year
are there any os trio edits out there?? like i really need to see some good quality edits that are nostalgic with good music, something that’s aesthetic idk just anything
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Finally watched the newest episode of Percy Jackson!
1) I hadn't realized that the Athena and Poseidon beef was that deep... Like, I thought it was just the thing with Medusa... I don't remember if they mentioned that the beef was more than that. I guess I need to rewatch, lol. I hope Poseidon helped Percy cause he actually cares and isn't an asshole, and not just because Athena didn't, and he wanted to one up her...
2) Athena, if I catch you, it's one sight!!! The parallel of Medusa's story and Annabeth's this episode killed me... Medusa was right when she told Annabeth she was her 😭😭
3) Annabeth was on the streets at 7?!?! 😭 That means that Luke was 14, right?!?! How old was Thalia?!?! (Annabeth's mom, dad & stepmom are all shit, I need someone to parent this child!! I guess Luke has to be it, but c'mon! 😭😭) Where are Thalia's and Luke's mothers?!?!?!
4) Grover talking about Pan was so interesting!! I hope we get to see him find Pan in the future (They wouldn't mention Pan and then just a few scenes later tell us that Grover hates when people hurt animals, if there wasn't a point, right?????)
5) Also, my sister still ships Annabeth & Percy and also likes that they're "best friends forever," lol. I'm also pretty sure she has a crush on Walker, lol. Don't tell her I said that 😂
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italoniponic · 4 months
memes de reação mas eu pus personagens de twst em cima
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e a sanidade tá ó 🤏
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I can't wait for the next part of the trio saving werewolf!reader it was so good!
Ask: I can't wait for the next part of the trio saving werewolf!reader it was so good! 
Ask: Hi! Just read part one of what is hopefully a mini-series of the trio x werewolf reader, and I can’t wait to see what happens next. If you like some suggestions on how to continue: maybe part two could be about the Reader learning how to be free, or perhaps the Trio helping reader recover enough to be able to shift back to being a human? Either way, can’t wait to see what else you have planned. Thank you so much!
[Combining the two asks here.]
A/N: My toxic trait? Answering asks for Part 2s of something I wrote over a year ago and then promptly abandoned lol. (To Read Part 1 to refresh your memory, like I had to do, click here [x].)
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“Do you think they’ll ever be able to turn back?” Sypha asked from where she stood, in one of the many rows of bookshelves lining the Belmont hold. 
Several levels below her, Trevor grunted as he hauled large pieces of shattered support beams to the base of the main staircase. “It’s impressive how sentient they are now, being a were-creature and all.” 
“Yes, but they don’t want to stay a creature for the rest of their lives.” 
“Well, life isn’t always fucking fair,” Trevor cursed, half-out of breath, as he began lugging the large beam up the stairs. 
“I’m fairly certain she knows that,” Alucard intervened, entering the main chamber, having just arrived fresh off the newly built lift he installed. “Speakers see far more suffering than most people, seeing as they believe it is their duty to help the less fortunate.” 
“How’s the lift?” Sypha asked, coming over to the railing. “Does it work? Were the calculations correct?” 
Alucard nodded. “I needed to modify a few measurements, considering the potential excess weight load-”
“We’re not that heavy,” Trevor interrupted. “Or do you plan to start bringing villagers in by the dozen and give tours?” 
Alucard narrowed his eyes at Trevor. “I was considering the repairs that need to be done for all the damage the night creatures inflicted. Unless of course, you’d prefer to drag that thing up yet another hundred feet.” 
Trevor huffed, refusing to show his fatigue. “What? This old thing?” He locked his knees to keep them from buckling. “Can barely feel it.” 
Sypha rolled her eyes. “Could the two of you stop competing for one second?! We’re supposed to be looking for ways to help our friend!” 
Admitting defeat, Trevor dropped the large piece of timber at the next landing. “Sypha, we’ve been at it for months. Every book says the same thing: only the shapeshifter can cause a shift at will. Outside of whoever cursed them with the affliction undoing it themselves. Or killing the shapeshifter and using death magic to alter their form post-mortem, there’s nothing any of us can do.” 
Accepting her friend had a point, Sypha took one of the adjoining bridges, healing toward Trevor as he stopped to catch his breath. 
“I could freeze that beam and toss it out you know,” she gestured to where Alucard currently stood. 
“The last time you did that, we ended up with a giant hole in the ground.” 
“That wasn’t me, that was the night creatures.” 
“But you did break the castle,” Alucard countered. “All of the gears were melted.”
“I did not! I do not break things. I am a Speaker, I fix things!” 
Alucard chuckled, sharing a knowing look with Trevor. For as knowledgeable as she was, she certainly had a hard time admitting when she was wrong. 
“In either case, it will take years to repair, even with my vampiric speed and strength. Dracula engineered those cogs and wheels over several centuries, often hiring the best blacksmiths around.” 
The trio boarded the lift together, Trevor having decided to leave the broken beam behind for another day. 
“They worked here? With him?” Sypha asked. 
“The castle’s forge is quite extensive. And no matter their level of skill, I doubt any local blacksmith’s forge would be large enough to mold such immense gears. They could only manage such creation within the walls of the castle.” 
Trevor scoffed. “Did they know who they were working for?” 
“I’m certain they had suspicions, but I doubt my Fath-, Dracula ever told them the truth.” 
“That’s-” Trevor started.
“Sad,” Sypha finished for him. “To be alone all that time. To not be able to tell anyone who you are.” 
The ingenious pulley system lift finally came to a stop as it became level with the forest ground outside the Belmont hold. 
“Is that why you wish to help them so badly?” Alucard asked, referring to their new werewolf companion. “You feel they’re lonely?” 
“Well they were lonely, back in that cage, in that life,” Sypha reminded her friends, as Alucard locked the lift in place.
“They seem better now,” Trevor remarked, being the first to disembark. “After all, you keep bugging them every day, they’re hardly lonely.” 
Sypha elbowed him, lovingly. “I do not bug them. They enjoy my company.” 
“You keep forgetting Speakers are used to traveling in large groups,” Alucard reminded Belmont, once again, as the trio made their way back toward the entrance of the castle. “It’s shocking how much you've forgotten, the two of you being companions and all.” 
“The three of us being companions,” Sypha placed a reassuring hand on Alucard’s shoulder. 
The dhampir gave a soft smile at the Speaker’s action before averting his eyes. Stepping out of her embrace, he started to ascend the many stone steps at the front of the castle. 
“It’s about time for dinner. Let me see what I can cook up.” 
It had been a few months since the trio and their newfound companion arrived back home at Castlevania. Most of that time was spent with Sypha and Trevor bickering over how best to treat their new friend, while Alucard dedicated his time in between assessing the broken mechanisms of the castle to reading all of the tomes his father had collected on shapeshifting. Unfortunately, all roads pointed in the same direction: it was up to their friend to shift themselves back. 
At the present moment their werewolf friend, or Wynn, as they liked to be called, was resting in one of the many castle bedrooms. Their furry body was sprawled out over the entire length of the mattress, as they lazily tracked falling specks of dust around with their big puppy-dog eyes. 
Despite spending so much time resting, they felt exhausted this evening. It was as if the last few months of recovery meant nothing! 
‘I don’t know why I’m so tired,’ they thought, shifting to curl up in a tighter ball. 
Finally shutting their eyes, they made one final wish before drifting off to sleep, the same wish they had been making every night for god knows how long. 
‘Please let me be human when I wake up, please.’ 
The sun had barely peaked over the horizon. Trevor and Alucard had woken up early to finally start clearing the major debris from the Belmont hold using the newly designed lift. So far Alucard had cleared twelve large beams while Trevor had managed to remove seven. Not that it was a competition or anything. It was at this point that Sypha had come to join them. 
“Well if it isn’t Sleeping Beauty, finally come to grace us humble footmen with her presence,” Trevor ribbed. 
“Nice pile,” Sypha gestured to Trevor’s lesser stack laid out next to Alucard’s. 
Trevor snorted. “Nice comeback.” 
Sypha crossed her arms. “I had a very long night last night. Which was entirely your fault by the way.” 
“My fault?” Trevor guffawed. “No no, I believe that last round was your fault.” 
Alucard, who had been watching amusedly from the sides, chose this moment to step in. “No, she’s right, I recall you were the one enticing us into that last round.” 
“Well, it’s not my fault if- hey,” Trevor suddenly straightened his back, and pointed to something in the distance. “Who’s that?” 
Both Alucard and Sypha turned around to see who Trevor was referring to. Almost immediately, Sypha clasped her hands together happily and began running over to meet this ‘stranger’. 
“Looks like Sypha wasn’t the last one to wake up,” Alucard nudged Trevor to come along. 
“No, but seriously, who the hell is that?” Trevor asked Alucard, keeping his wits about him. 
“You’re joking.” 
“I’ve never seen that person before in my life.” 
“That’s because you’ve never seen them before as a human.” 
Sypha, having finally reached Wynn where they stood, proudly and excitedly in their human form, pulled them in for a big hug. Clasping each other in a tight embrace, the two companion’s eyes began to water. 
“It’s so good to finally see you, my friend!” Sypha laughed, hugging Wynn closer. 
“It’s so good to be seen!” Wynn answered back, clearly overjoyed. 
After a good long moment, Sypha finally let go, turning around to face the boys. “Look who it is!” 
Wynn gave a polite wave, suddenly overcome by shyness under the focus of all three of their friends. “Um, hi? It’s nice to finally meet you.” 
Alucard stuck his hand out for a handshake, which Wynn eagerly accepted. “Likewise.” 
Sensing Trevor’s hesitation, Wynn outstretched their hand to Trevor. 
Shaking his head, Trevor grasped Wynn’s hand and pulled them in for a hug, nearly knocking them off their feet. 
Speechless and touched by Trevor’s gesture, Sypha shot a knowing look at Alucard. 
Despite being their gruff, sarcastic, and sometimes slower friend, Trevor really was like a teddy bear deep, deep underneath that jaded exterior. Sure, very few would ever come to know it unless they were close to him, but that made the trio’s relationship all the more special. And it was a very telling sign that Trevor was able to let his guard down for the sake of their new friend. 
It was as if at that very moment, the trio had become a quartet. And Wynn couldn’t be happier to finally be a part of it. 
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wayfinderships · 4 months
I have my gripes with the new P.ersona 3 remake but MAN... I'd be a liar if I said that watching a video of the beginning portion of the game didn't feel like home-
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keykidpilipili · 1 year
Hmmm thinking about the keyblade graveyard matchups. Kairi's placement against Xion and Saix(and kinda Xemnas) alongside Lea works based on KH2. But also man Kairi fighting Dark Riku+Ansem would have been JUICY!
It's Riku facing his embarassing teen life choices alongside his friends instead of alone at last.
It's Kairi fighting off the ghost of her KH1 fear of Riku because he changed for worse once but now he's changed again for the better.
It's Sora Hollow Bastion except this time he isn't forced into a 1vs1 encounter in a tiny arena after just having been infodumped.
Ansem Sod is the cherry on the cake cause this guy really was the main cause of the islands' destruction.
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kakusu-shipping · 1 month
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Two Urchins and a Jellyfish; Childhood friends to lovers and also I'm there. Platonically.
Felt like doodling @cakeships tonight for funsies. Having a good time.
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ashxketchum · 1 year
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maximun-defendor · 1 year
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Eu definitivamente acho que deveria ter mais fanfic dos três.
I definitely think there should be more fanfic of the three.
Sicuramente penso che dovrebbero esserci più fanfic dei tre.
Definitivamente creo que debería haber más fanfic de los tres.
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brainrottingg · 6 months
Clif: What are your options when someone puts a knife to your throat?
Queenie: What are you talking about? You give them what they want or they kill you.
Moni: WRONG. You take the knife, or you pull out a bigger one. Or, you call their bluff. Or, you do any one of a hundred and forty six other things.
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linnheidi · 1 year
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So much fun working with Trio Franor
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kalosstarters · 1 year
Finally ended up watching last week’s episode! Ngl, the plot was a bit of a hot mess (by which I mean it definitely could have been written in a way that would have made more sense). Squirtle sees Ash and co leaving without greeting him (bc of TRio), gets upset and starts a fight when Ash&co do show up? They did deserve a better reunion than that. Well, was still nice to see the og starter trio again, I like how they are using music from different seasons more freely, and the ending was the kind of content I’d wish to see more of!! Finally they are acknowledging that Ash is well known :’) Also loved the bit where Misty and Croagunk teamed up vs Brock when Jenny showed up. 
Now waiting for the subs for today’s episode, can’t wait to see Snivy! ♥
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vaugarde · 2 years
wait this is power of one. this episode is just power of one again
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