#or then i was on the fence of whether to add them here even if they did post some dnf
strawb3rry-acid · 2 months
More König Headcanons
Just some more König headcanons I wanted to throw out there while I finish working on an analysis of his personality. It's taking longer than I first expected lol.
More of these are fairly random, but there's some involving relationships, his personality, and other things. Just random, and fairly soft stuff ♡
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❍ Admittedly, I don't think this man is the type too be considered "attractive" by the majority of people(I know there's some debate on whether or not the glitch showing his face is truly his face or not. Personally, I'm on the fence here, so I wanna add my little twist to it since it's mentioned that it's rumored what's under his mask is even scarier than his intimidating presence.)
❍ The type too hide things up high if someone pisses him off just out of petty spite. He'll gladly watch them struggle till they will, probably, have too ask him for help. It gives him that "ha, I win" rush. Spiteful, cheeky bastard.
❍ I've mentioned this before, but I think he's got a soft spot for women. Having been in the military, and having rescued victims of human trafficking (it was mentioned in his bio at one point, but I think it's been removed for some reason) he's seen the violence, and bigotry women face, and can be pretty protective. He may have severe social anxiety, but he won't hesitate too step in if he senses some jackass is harassing a woman.
❍ Speaking of which, I do think he's the type too step in, and shut shit down if someone's being mistreated, and has issues speaking up for themselves. It's in his own quiet, subtle way of course(Death glares, firm grabs if needed, etc), but he'll still likely step in if he feels it's necessary. (It just makes sense to me considering his past with bullying, him specializing in hostage rescue, as we'll as some of his voice lines expressing deep loyalty, and his likely enjoyment of being helpful. I don't think he takes too kindly to disrespect. Specifically if it's someone who's innocent, and who's been respectful/kind too him. If it's someone he enjoys being around, then he'll definitely step in).
❍ Neither a dog, nor a cat person. I think he's fairly indifferent too both, but if he had too chose, he'd chose dog's. He likes cats as he relates too their typically solitary behavior, but enjoys the fact that dog's tend too be very affectionate, and loving animals.
❍ I feel like he's a very competitive person. He enjoys a good challenge as it gives him a chance too show off his skills, specifically in combat. I wouldn't recommend trying to compete with him though. He can become pretty ruthless depending on the situation, especially if he feels he's losing, and will seek to out do them. Trust me, with his determination, the other person will lose.
❍ He's used to his height by now, and is very cautious of it, but he'll still bump his head, and knock things over sometimes(I know a man how's 7ft, and he's always doing that lol.)
❍ On another note, I think he has mixed feeling's about his height. On one hand, he loves the fear it brings to enemies out on the field. On the other hand, he despises the attention it draws too him off of the field. He's a very private man who likes to slip by unnoticed, and his height makes it difficult for him too do so. The fact that he intimidates innocent people tends to make him feel pretty disheartened as well.
❍ In a partner, I don't think he cares about looks. The fact that their accepting of him, and love him is all he needs, and wants. He'd love a plus sized partner, a muscular partner, a thin partner, a tall partner, a short partner, and everything in between. As long as their healthy, and happy he doesn't give a rat's ass.
❍ He definitely has plenty of stretch marks. He's a tall guy after all, and he probably grew tall very quickly.
❍ I don't think he's the most touchy person in the world, but he doesn't mind it either. While he doesn't like being touched by strangers in the slightest, he has no issues with loved ones touching him. It's just probably something he won't really initiate himself very often unless it's more subtle touches(think pats on the back, or gently squeezing shoulders). Instead of touch, he more so just let's people he cares for linger in his space, and will keep them closer too him.
❍ I've mentioned this before as well, but I think he's a gamer, especially when it comes to games involving some form of combat. Video game wise, I think he'd enjoy what most consider too be "dad" games. Video games, and board games would be one of his favorite ways too bond with loved one's. He can get really riled up to an amusing degree.
❍ Cannot tolerate spicy foods to save his life, but will eat them too seem tough.
❍ Very bad when it comes to expressing affection through words, and touches. He tries, but he's just so damn awkward, and is worried about doing/saying something that'll make them uncomfortable. Much more prefers too show affection through act's of service.
❍ However, he does have his moments of being very physically, and verbally affection. This will likely happen when he's comfortable being around the person, he's been away from them for a long time, and/or has seen some really horrible things that remind him of the fact he could lose them at any moment. If it's the case that he's seen something horrendous, then he's lingering around them all the time, and it can be hard to pry him off of them.
❍ Always checking in with people he's close to. He has a very deep understanding of what it's like to be alone, and never wants them too feel that way.
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ri-writes-if · 2 months
Chapter 2 is released
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It's here! Around 60K for the whole update, with an average of ~12K words for one playthrough.
I recommend replaying from the start because I edited a couple of variables in the first chapter and something could break if you use a save.
In this chapter
You call tell (or not) the demon of your choice about your curious vision from the first chapter.
Learn what the characters do for fun and have a small discussion about it.
Find new useful information about making most of your abilities and start training with some side help.
Visit the Abyss! Such a great experience.
First romantic choice. It's a light one, but it's a start 💛
Get princess carried if you want.
This chapter introduces the first “pushing away” choices. They will be counted and will affect how the characters react to some things you do or will add some flavor text now and then. These choices won’t lock you from the friendly/romantic routes. However, they do have some other side effects… At least in this chapter.
Small changes
Added ages to the characters’ profiles, including the MC.
Added the option to customize the characters’ gender.
Balanced the characters’ gender in the “both genders” option.
Updated the Codex with a bit more lore information.
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I hope you enjoy this update! If you do, I would love to hear your thoughts on it 💛
A bit of commentary on the "pushing away" choices and next plans under the line.
For the “pushing away” choice in this particular chapter, you will have a choice to apologize or change your mind about it in the next couple of chapters (tentatively) and speak about it with the affected character. I’m still on the fence whether it’ll decrease the overall “pushing” counter or not; I’ll probably decide that when I write these scenes.
This is an experimental feature (that I could delete or change at some point), but I hope I make it work in the story because I think it's a nice idea that negative choices won’t just decrease “relationship points” but also will be remembered by the characters and affect how they view some things you do or say or how they act around you the more you push them away. Especially if you want to smooch them at some point when you were cold to them just recently or for a while, lol.
It’s not perfect, but I’m satisfied with the chapter for now. It feels like I’ve been working on it a bit too long, and after rereading 10+ times to edit it, I’ve grown blind to weak places in it (and also kind of tired of it). I need to let it rest for a bit before returning to hone it, but I’ll probably do it only in the future when I have more chapters written or even after I finish the story since I want to keep moving forward and not stall in one place.
I'll continue planning details for the next chapter and then start drafting it. I've already thought of interesting things to include that could be very fun to write (and to read, hopefully, considering the main topic for the chapter is full of potential 🤭). I'm very excited to work on it, especially since I'm almost done with building the foundations in the story and soon will be able to get to the juicy parts of the plot. And there are also personal side stories of the cast, which will be starting in the next ~two chapters. Can’t wait to get to those too.
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salemoleander · 1 year
"My teeth hurt," Martyn says.
He and Scott are on the deck, enjoying the morning sun before it has the chance to get humid; Scott is busy crafting sugarcane into paper while Martyn is (ostensibly) trying to carve a bowl.
"What, like- cavities? We've only been here for a few days, and I know you're eating the same fish and dried kelp as me." Scott pauses, holding a fresh sheaf of paper. "-and if you're not, and you've been holding sweets out on me, I'll be pissed."
Martyn huffs a laugh, then grimaces when pain shoots up through his sinuses. Ambling over to the table, he half-sits, half-leans on the back of one of their deck chairs.
"Nah, same food as you. Man, I don't know what I did. TNT to the face carry over, d'you reckon?"
He grins, and Scott blanches. Well, shit.
"Alright, what's wrong with my mouth?" Martyn asks, stress rising when Scott doesn't answer. "I've still got teeth, right?"
Scott nods sharply. He wavers on an answer for a moment before sighing. "Yeah. You've just got some new ones, seems like."
The hard part of suddenly having shark teeth, Martyn quickly discovers, is that they are not particularly designed for beings with lips, and certainly not ones that talk.
He tells Scott this, nursing several sore spots on his lips and tongue.
"Have you considered talking less?"
"Oh, screw you."
Scott rolls his eyes, and they go back to sorting through chests in companionable silence. Waves gently lap against the edge of their island, while bamboo canes creak and shift. After a few minutes Scott says, "In the- last time. I remember being relieved, a bit, that even though Cleo and I chose each other-"
"Exactly the conversation I wanted to have," Martyn deadpans.
"Would you shut up? Honestly." Scott smiles, but his jaw flexes as he does and Martyn resolves to shut up and let him say this, whatever it is. At least for the next ten or fifteen seconds. Probably.
"Anyways. I was a tiny bit relieved that I was paired with Pearl, because she was human. And I'd seen how it was for BigB getting canine features and Joel getting whatever the hell from Etho, and you, y'know..."
"Eugh. Yeah." Scott looks through their fence-lattice walls and out to the water. "But Pearl didn't stay human."
Martyn raises an eyebrow. (For effect. If Scott is doing a dramatic monologue towards the ocean, Martyn at least gets to make faces, whether or not Scott sees him. Them's the rules.)
"She got kind of... wolf-y? Or more accurately, the game made her wolfy. Not like Ren, not nearly that elegant a combination."
Scott's voice is bitter, an edge to it that Martyn associates with fireworks going off too-close by. "I woke up one morning and my teeth were sharp and there were too many for my mouth. And it hurt, and the worst part was knowing this wouldn't be happening if we'd just done what the game wanted."
Blinking, Martyn says, "Oh." Brilliant. Nailed the response, there.
"I just wanted to tell you. That it might- those might be my fault, because it seems like whatever runs this game doesn't like me very much. There's a reason I set up alone out here."
Martyn- ignoring the ache from his jaw and the kernel of self-interest that tells him to get while the getting is good- scoffs. "None of that, thank you! I don't care if bloody Herobrine has it out for you, we're sticking together."
Relief washes over Scott's face. Martyn adds, "If whoever runs this circus thinks unlimited knives for teeth is a punishment, they're mad."
"Clearly! You were already enough of a menace." Released from whatever tension kept him still, Scott reaches over to flip another chest lid up and starts rifling through. "It's like trying to annoy Joel by giving him too many TNT minecarts."
Martyn snorts. "Right! Once my mouth gets the memo about where everything is now I'll be doing fine- probably better than I was before! A supernatural entity trying to tell me who I can be friends with? C'mon, nothing that stupid is busting the Mean Gills up."
He almost believes it.
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laughterliberator · 4 months
Tickle Thoughts Day #1
Had this series going on my last blog, so I figured I’d start it here. This could be a controversial topic, but here goes.
(TW: discussion of the fetish/kinky side of tickling. Not NSFW, but wanted to warn any hard SFW readers just in case)
So…. I have a tickle fetish. Does that mean I have to engage in hookup culture?
I’ve discovered a different side of the tickle community in the last few weeks. I’ve always been on the kink-heavy half, the side where people are very obvious about their sexual enjoyment of our little hobby. And yes, I’m one of them: I do get turned on by tickling. Always have, always will.
Since I got started in the community, I’ve been led to believe that’s all the tickling community could be: a horny group of “friends” that also frequently try to satisfy one another sexually. Being raised the way I was, I had to suppress a lot of discomfort about this lifestyle. I did it well, too: I found enjoyment, satisfaction, and even a certain level of community. I even saw a few strong romantic relationships in my friend group.
But I never found true, unconditional relationships. Everyone was trying to get a piece of me, or me a piece of them, and it led to fights, high emotions, and hurt feelings often. I frequently left servers, sites, and people when I got burnt out from the pressure. That’s where the end of 2023 found me.
Fastforward to 2024
I rejoin Tumblr after a hiatus, and accidentally stumble upon the other side: people who love tickling as innocent, unburdened fun. Not describing it as a “fetish,” but still using the same terminologies of Lee, Ler, etc. Less-to-no bondage, sensory play or stimulation (though that varies from person to person).
Suddenly I’m having genuine conversations that aren’t motivated to move right into tickling, though it’s certainly involved. Suddenly I feel slightly less used, slightly less like a commodity. Suddenly, I understand the idea of having truly trusting interpersonal relationships that weren’t trying to constantly get in my tickle pants.
The problem? The fetish-ness of tickling is still ingrained in my identity. It’s not wrong to exclude, but the complete extrication of that aspect of my tickle talk gave me culture shock. I’m riding a fence here: loving the genuineness that comes from pursuing the innocence of tickling, but not wanting to deny that with a committed partner, I hope to engage in this as a fetish.
So, which side is right? Who’s in the wrong?
Neither. Not really. The problem isn’t whether you view tickling as a turn-on or spotless fun, the real issue (in my opinion) is hookup culture. It saps the genuineness from people, it adds manipulation and end goals, and it reduces your tickle status to “tickle skill,” “experience,” and “session #”.
(Side note: from here on out, I’m done asking people “How many sessions have you had?” For me, there are too many similarities between that and “body count.”)
The tickling community isn’t entirely broken; only some parts. Hookups aren’t the issue, hookup culture is. The idea that you need “experience” rather than connection, “clout” instead of character, and “play partners” with no commitment. It’s seeped into our tickle community, and it’s time we root it out.
In conclusion: I know there are other people on this fence with me. Let’s build some houses up here.
(DISCLAIMER: It’s not my intention to disparage any polyamorous dynamics, aromantic individuals, people who don’t enjoy sex, or anyone who seeks out romantic connection by means of tickle sessions. This criticism is merely of the non-committal expectations imbued into our tickle culture today. Let’s please have understanding and reasonable discussions in the comments.)
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thatbadadvice · 1 year
Help! All These Boring, Ugly Bitches Won't Hang Out With Me
Care and Feeding, Slate, 23 January 23:
Dear Care and Feeding: I live in the very lonely overlap of a Venn diagram, and I need help figuring out how to fix it. To keep it short, I’m a mom who was on the fence about having kids, so I’m not a very ‘mom-y’ mom. My kid isn’t my life or my identity, and while I think I’m a caring and attentive parent, I’m not the primary parent, and I like it that way. I lost most of my non-parent friends when I had my kid. However, my appearance and interests still very much scream “non-parent.” My kid is off-putting to the people most like me (many are overtly judgmental), but my looks and lifestyle are off-putting to other moms (for example, I prioritize my appearance, have a lot of tattoos, and value my work). This has left me very lonely and isolated. Finding friends as an adult is so hard, so please don’t suggest “finding my people” as I’m very extroverted and have been trying to make new friends for years. It’s not working. If I’m honest, I think my childless friends think I’m stupid for having a kid, while my mom acquaintances are jealous of my appearance and judge my choices. It really sucks. —The Worst Venn Diagram
Dear The Worst Venn Diagram,
Holy shit, a mom ... but with tattoos? Is that even possible? You think you've heard everything at a gig like this, but then someone as incredible as you comes along with such an unusual life story! What a remarkable woman you are.
I can see why it would be difficult for someone as hot and interesting as you to make meaningful connections when you yourself are so special and have a lot of tattoos, and moms are always so ugly and boring and worthless and don't have any tattoos, let alone a lot of them. It might help take the sting off to reframe it this way: it's actually a much bigger bummer that all those sad, frumpy mommy-bots are missing out on an amazing opportunity to befriend a mom with tattoos. Can you imagine how enriched their lives would be if they could get over themselves for just one minute and try to understand you as a person, rather than making a bunch of generalizations and assumptions based on surface-level observations? But here they are, writing you off as soon as they see how beautiful and covered in tattoos you are when you walk around with your important briefcase from work. It's really their loss.
You're practically a unicorn! I mean, okay — unicorn is hyperbole. But you get what I'm saying! You're probably one of a handful of women anywhere who has a kid and also cares about the way she looks, and when you add in the fact that you work and have just so, so many tattoos? I don't know, unicorn might not be far off.
In light of that, you've set for yourself a really hard task here. It's not going to be made easier by the fact that the dull and homely stay-at-home moms who stupidly chose to contribute nothing worthwhile to society are being so judgmental about the way you live your life as a gorgeous, professional cool girl who just happens to have a kid. You have such a neat and fun lifestyle and other women don't! Why should you be punished for being a valuable person who, more importantly, values herself, unlike the other moms, who look like absolute shit and never have anything interesting to say and don't have tattoos and are so mean and critical of your choices and the way you look?
Never forget this: you are exceptional. It's not such a mystery that you've been trying so unsuccessfully to make friends for so long. Of course you can't "find your people." There are none. You're a sexy mom with tattoos and a job, and that's always going to be hard for the two kinds of women on earth to understand, whether they're the kind of woman who is a judgy, child-free asshole or the other kind of woman: a jealous, kid-obsessed mommy zombie.
You are one of one — wild and precious and brave and free and so, so pretty, and with so many tattoos. You must never let motherhood define you — only everyone else.
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ryuuka-balaen · 9 months
Here she is!!!
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with both Scything Talons and twin Bio-Cannons to bring to bear, the Hierodule Bio-Titan is a walking nightmare, whether it's the Barbed or Scythed variant.
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I used 12 paints to colour this model, starting with a spray primer similar to Vallejo Bloody Red.
I tried to basically liveblog the process of painting this model, but for anyone interested anyway, here's some
~Paint Recipes~
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okay so those were a lot of fun to make but obviously i don't paint each separate part fully before i move on to the next, my process looks more something like this;
1- RED with a spray primer. i bought the "Bloody Red" bottle i have because it's close to the primer colour i have which i bought from michael's.
2- Mechanicus Standard Grey all the shell bits
3- Yriel Yellow all gun bits and mouth parts, often twice if it needs it since that's a Layer paint, not a Base paint, so it's less pigmented.
4- Two coats Fuegan Orange in the mouth area to really get it lookin squishy and gross
5- Corvus Black talons, teeth, hooves, spikes, etc.
6- Hexwraith Flame the gunparts, may need a drybrush of Yriel Yellow again after to keep it yellow enough, since green is a cold colour and doesn't compliment the reds and oranges in this colour scheme
7- NULN OIL EVERYTHING. THE WHOLE MODEL. ALL AT ONCE. not including the mouthparts, that's already sufficiently shaded by the Fuegan Orange and wouldn't benefit from a black shade.
8- Drybrush Warplock Bronze over all the red parts. I'm kinda on the fence on whether this step and colour are really a good addition, it adds some variation and shine/highlighting to the colours of the carapace that i think improves it?, while also darkening the overall colour in a way that I like.
I took a photo of this step while I was doing it because I had the thought of that nobody not actually holding the model would really be able to tell the difference
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front half without bronzing, back half with.
9- model's done! basing time~ For this base, I started with a coating of Leather Brown, because that's what would be showing through the cracks of the Crackle Paint
10- I experimented with using both my technicals on this one, so I started with applying two Mud Puddles of the Stirland Battlemire
11- after the battlemire mud dried, the rest got covered in a very generous coating of Agrellan Earth, so it would crackle nicely.
12- Stirland Battlemire and Agrellan Earth are... very different shades of brown. to even them out, I painted over the mire with Leather Brown, and drybrushed the earth with the same.
13- the final step of any model that I paint, and what i use to signify to myself that the model is done, is the base band! i like to use Corvus Black because its nice and neutral, but for my models that I have multiple with different loadouts such as tyranid warriors, I've been considering adding coloured stripes to the base bands to help identify individuals more easily.
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sadist1224 · 29 days
Sorry for the mistakes, English through translator.
In general, this post is for readers too, but mostly for the authors.
I'm too lazy to write a whole fanfiction, but I'm not too lazy to illustrate it, in general…
I have already read enough medieval stories, and I have not yet seen such a plot, so I will summarize it briefly.
The main character is the reader /"Y|N"/ you are the indirect heir to the royal throne. That is, you seem to belong to the royal blood, but you are not close to the board at all. Your father is the king's cousin, so you don't have much chance to rule, and you don't need to. You and your family have been slandered in every way possible to keep your parents away from the capital and the palace. Of course, as a child you were in the palace, at balls and so on, but that was a long time ago.
You and your father lived on the outskirts, in a small estate with an adjacent village. You weren't poor, but you weren't rich either. You know what it's like to live in the common people, what hunger and disease are. You don't need the throne because you have a deep resentment and dislike for the crown, which is why your family suffered.
You had almost no childhood. Your father had his own crazy mission - to teach you everything he knows himself. Politics, economics, even military affairs and fencing. Sometimes it came to paranoia. One of his lessons turned out to be a disaster for you and now your back is decorated with a long torn scar (you can make up a story).
And one day, your father is called back to the capital. He doesn't tell you the reasons, but he's coming back after a month. Really sick. Over the next week, you had the feeling that your father had been poisoned. He's dying in your arms. Weak, exhausted, not like himself.
And a year later, 4 horsemen with the coat of arms of one of the most powerful clans in the kingdom come to your estate. 141, headed by the family of John Price. Along with him come the "dead knight" Simon "Ghost" Riley - his right-hand man and chief adviser, John "Soap" McTavish and Kyle "Gaz" Garrick (you can also add Roach and others here).
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Price announces to you that practically the entire royal dynasty was killed in a coup and now you are the first in line to the throne. At first, you give up the crown and send them back, BUT then you agree.
1) Price uses blackmail (how exactly and what kind of blackmail is at your discretion)
2) You need to find out what happened to your father (the main reason you agree.)
3) You really don't have a choice (why?yes, the dick knows, we need to come up with)
The irony is that you were chosen for a reason. The former king and his family were frankly terrible rulers, and in fact it was 141 who staged the coup (but the reader will learn about this as the story progresses)
Price's plan was to put someone on the throne, in the role of a puppet. In that case, he would have the power. And Price is not a bad person, he wants only the best for your country, but he cannot entrust its development to anyone.
That's why he chose you, but you ruin his plans almost immediately.
You're really taking control of the country into your own hands. You don't let yourself be controlled, you are constantly learning and developing. You're really smart! It is important! More importantly, you can't trust anyone from the royal court. After all, in addition to 141, there is another clan - CorTak (who is in charge of it, who is in it and what they do is up to you. THE ONLY THING is to add Koenig, I love him, and women, because without them there are only men in the palace).
Whether CorTak will be involved in the coup is also up to you to decide.
The main conflict can be tied to foreign policy. For example, Shepard is the ruler of a neighboring country, and his representative in your kingdom is Graves.
Maybe Shepard wants to take over your lands? Was he involved in your father's murder? ???
You can also add Laswell to your side, as an ambassador on your side.
Cunning, smart, wise. Do not think that behind his "calmness" there is really "calmness"He has a good command of his face. A great political player, an excellent leader with his dark secrets and injuries.
Military, fighter, fencing at the highest level. Kapets is so strong. He can be mean. I'm used to achieving my goals. He usually avoids harsh immoral things, but when things "smell fried", he will do anything to protect his clan.
Did he have a wife? Maybe, but he's got a lot of mistresses. Rather, he is single, or frankly does not love the woman he married.
Really RICH. He's a lord or whatever. He has lands and he is one of the king's confidants, his adviser, even if the king is dead, John still holds this position.
She can blackmail the reader, and in principle, at first treats her with distrust and prejudice. After some time, he begins to deliberately annoy her, attract attention to himself and behave quite boldly (for example, enter her personal space). Sexual tension is 100%. But he's still a gentleman.
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I think he probably has an estate with a village, but most likely it is empty, or he is being looked after by several servants. He hardly ever shows up there.
Otherwise, it is a canonical rough, hard, cold Ghost, with its own backstory. He serves Price faithfully.
Sleeping with Johnny? I don't mind, we're all a bit perverted here.
Ahhh, typical Johnny. A funny guy, a fucker, shamelessly flirting.
He can run after skirts. He'll end up with Simon anyway. \(-_-)/
He has a BIG family. Right now, yes. I think he's from a small town in Scotland. Maybe Price found him?
The same story as with Sope.
I also have a family, but I don't think it's rich.
In general, sexual relations between 141 are welcome. Let's be honest, "141 x reader" is much more interesting when chemistry flows between all its members.
Speaking of love lines: 141 x reader + KorTac x reader.
You can put Vaqueros and Graves in here. I love everything, I like everything.
I repeat that the reader is smart! This is really important! The reader is not naive, he does not have pink glasses.
Stubborn, arrogant, strong in spirit and character. responsible and independent.
He also manages his face well, but not at the same level as Price.
About 22-24 years old.
The reader has a lot of skills, but he will have to learn a lot more to run the country.
He doesn't like luxury. More for practicality than beauty.
She knows etiquette, can play the piano and violin, and she loves music, but she rarely gets to do it.
He doesn't like dancing. She's cold enough for balls and social evenings, but she can't do anything about it.
He reads solely because of the information. Uses any free minute for any activity.
He doesn't know what rest is. The guys have to forcibly drag her out for walks. She won't say, but she's grateful to them.Sincerely loves to laugh.
She can be sarcastic. I like to put people (especially those who deserve it) in an awkward position. It amuses her.
Damn, I can see how Price is sending Sop and Gas to convey some information to the reader, which is not very important, but he requires transmission right now. Imagine the guys' faces when they find you naked in the bathroom, sitting with your back to them, with a book in your hands. And in fact, you are not embarrassed by their presence, but begin to nightmare them, amused by their reaction. Or maybe Price won't send anyone, but will go looking for you himself. Or will it be a Ghost?
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In general, I need such a story on AO3 or here, it doesn't matter. I just hope someone gets inspired by it and writes it. And also. Leave a link in the comments to the fanfiction, if any.
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puer-aurea · 5 months
been thinking abt a fully fleshed out mercenary au since i posted that oneshot for sixth day of christmas so.... heres a drabble
jimmy and martyn are, ofc, human mercenaries who call themselves the big dogs so they can seem scarier than they really are. theyre mostly homeless theres a rumour abt a witch who lives in the woods and everyone thinks its lizzie but when they show up shes like "oh no thats scar!" and points to her very eccentric and flamboyant neighbor who lives across the river. scar looks NOTHING like a witch but when you go in, you come back out with exactly the potion you wanted, several others you didnt actually need, significanctly less money than what you went in with, and absolutely no memory of actually being inside and making the purchase. hes incredibly suspicious but godDAMN do his potions and crystals work well skizz owns a building plaza named the heart foundation where he rents out sections to people for their stores (yk like those buildings that are connected stores?? i really hope this makes sense). tango is his assistant as well as bigb but bigb is super weird and disappears a lot. tango was the one to suggest the coffee shop idea that martyn overheard. skizz is an angel and tango is an imp lizzie and scar own one of the spaces where they sell very normal things like farm produce and things that would usually be hard for the other members of the community to get like amethyst and food enchanted with elven magic. as well as very specific bones lizzie has found (no, she will NOT tell you where she got them, yes they are organic, she declines to answer if they are ethically sourced). scar is an elf which is why he's able to sell elven enchanted food. the roomies own one of the store spaces and mostly sell wool products but theyve started farming cotton in hopes of expanding their market. they live together on a farm with a fence covered in vines surrounding it so the animals can wander about sometimes. since they sell wool products, they have a lot of sheep, so when they need the sheep back in their pen they hire mercenaries to do it for them. cleo is the only zombie in the community and, while grian was mentioned as an avian in the oneshot, hes actually going to be a fae. everyone thinks etho is a human but he barely leaves home so cleo and grian are the only ones who know for sure whether or not he is gem is the girl who just moved in with the dream of starting a band. she ends up with an imp and an angel both named scott and they call themselves gem and the scotts. they rent one of skizz's spaces for a studio and gem lives in the apartment above it. impulse, scott the imp, lives in a cave, and scott the angel lives in a cottage on the edge of the woods (so not as far in as lizzie and scar) the mounders live in 4 big old creepy houses that look completely different on the inside than they do outside. its also a 'gated' community but they dont care enough to enforce it. mumbo and pearl are both vampires, bdubs is a fae, and joel is an elf. ren is also around to add more people to their little community even tho this uses the alliances made in secret life. he lives in a smaller house a little ways away from scott's cottage. he seems human enough but theres a rumor that he's a werewolf. no one really knows what bigb and lizzie are, scott even introduces them to gem as the 'suspicious weirdos' and cleo and grian joke that not even they know what they are.
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bulkhummus · 1 year
What I really enjoyed about this episode, despite it not being what we were all hoping for (and honestly, are we really surprised lmao) is the idea of Janet not getting what she wants. Even down to Jones being a nervous weasel standing behind her, still doing everything she's saying despite a mob on their doorstep.
I think there is potential for a really interesting narrative here of Janet never really being sure about something, and it driving her crazy. She has the supposed indescribable urge to explain, categorize, and make sense of anything in her immediate vicinity. She changes the words and definitions of things to her benefit in order for her to get the outcome she wants. What I love, is her not getting the satisfaction. Of never knowing undoubtedly with 100% certain the answer to something. There's just enough that doesn't add up. It reminds me of her explaining away station management, but she doesn't stop to question how the station has run without management for so long.
Josh Crayton is an interesting character for her to focus in on, because of what he can do. He can be anything, or anyone, at any given time. Right now, a lot of what Lubelle seems to be interested in is Dana's double, and doubles in general. It's what brought her to Night Vale in the first place. Now, I'm still on the fence of whether or not I want Carlos to save the town at all, quite frankly I don't even care that he hasn't done anything (because that keeps open a realm of opportunities about why even if I'd love for him to be mentioned or on the show) but right now it'd sure be interesting if he was working with Josh, Dana and Tamika. Josh can change his shape and his friends parent (the glow cloud (all hail) ) was murdered. Dana knows the town and how it works. Tamika has fought and protected the town and knows the value of knowledge. There is something there.
Carlos knew right from the start that Lubelle was coming and why. She announced it. He knows that the existence of doubles are real. He had lived with Cecil's for a decade. And if we are to assume that they had some kind of working relationship, after what Jones said about him in the diner, and what he said about Lubelle at the very beginning, she will not stop until she get what she wants. He knows this about her, and warned Cecil and the town. I have to think that if he got readily involved, Janet would have been keeping an eye on him no doubt. I have to think that him leaving and never coming back without explanation (assumably) is something that the University has never had an answer to. He is an open ended question for them, for her, for the town and for us as the listener. I am reminded of the line in 219 "Stay tuned next for the popular game show: “Who’s In My House?” where contestants try to understand strange voices and figures in the dark." After it is made known that Cecil is dealing with the frustrations of his town beginning to distrust his husband. Who exactly is living in his home? Who is the man he married really?
Carlos knows it must drive Lubelle insane. He knows the town not knowing things and his husband not knowing things, drives them insane. Right now, Carlos is taking advantage of an absence of knowledge, which is fun! And whether or not he ends up saving the day, the building suspense of him doing nothing is driving people crazy and really effective. Carlos is so completely off her radar, so thoroughly debunked and nonsensical to her, deemed a failure, that she's not even thinking about him actively being a threat to her being there.
Maybe he's looking at Tamika's ordinance of banning science in Night Vale as a saving grace. Maybe he doesn't want to be one anymore. Maybe he just wants to be Carlos. Maybe he left the university because he'd "gone soft and stopped caring" (episode 222) and was thrown into the exact role he was trying to escape from when he got to night vale. A scientist first, a person second.
I don't know if any of this makes sense, and I love Carlos and I'm angry that the show is not doing anything with the stakes they're raising but, I also can't help but sit and patiently wait. They waited ten years to give us some of Carlos' backstory. I can wait a little a longer to see what is to become of him.
I also can't wait to see the thing that breaks Janet. She can write off Cecil as a disturbed fool because it's a clear and concise answer that leaves little ambiguity. She can write off Carlos leaving and never coming back by deeming him a failure.
She's not interested in explaining anything.
She's interested in getting what she wants. She's interested in being right even if its by technicality. And what she seemingly wants is everything to be within her control. The idea of someone or something not doing what she expects might just be the thing to break her. I hope its Jones. I hope it's a Night Vale citizen. I hope its Carlos. Isn't it interesting that Josh is nowhere to be found, Dana's double story was conveniently forgotten (or genuinely, honestly) by Cecil on air, Tamika is banning science and Carlos hasn't been around from the beginning?
How do you beat someone who is in control? Isn't one way by making them think they still have all the power?
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bimrsadler · 2 years
Hey! I’m here with a fluffy request for Joel Miller. I love your stories. You always write so beautifully for Arthur and I’m sure you’ll do a great job for Joel too! You can add smut if you’d like to but basically, I just have this fluffy scene in my head that I need to read 🥺.
I can’t shake the image of Joel’s lady coming home late one evening and finding him on the sofa fast asleep. The man is fully laid back like he sat down and crashed out within seconds. His mouth is open with the softest snores escaping him, maybe they sound a little funny too, but it’s just a wholesome moment. She admires Joel in his peaceful slumber before eventually moving towards him and carefully removing his shoes, grabbing some blankets and making little adjustments for his comfort. 
I’ll leave you to write the rest, my love. I've dropped a little image here too, which I think is just so cute! Thank you, Katie ❤️
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Rest and Reward
Pairing: Joel Miller x female reader
Word count: 968
Warnings/tags: fluff, mild suggestive themes
Notes: Okay y’all bear in mind this is my first attempt writing Joel/TLOU but I’d like to do more. Thank you for the prompt Chloe, it’s very cute and made me smile while writing it. 💕 Nothing too naughty for this one but maaaaaybe I could do a part 2?
Edit: link to part two
Autumn in Jackson was in full swing, the chill in the air biting at your cheeks as you made your way home. Home. It still felt like such a foreign concept but it was real and the doorstep was just within reach. It wasn’t a derelict building full of ghosts and rubble, nor a tent with rocks for a bed and danger lurking nearby. It was warm and welcoming, full of love and hope. And him.
Barely through the doorway you giggled to yourself when greeted by Joel’s distant snoring. Tiptoeing your way to the living room you saw him splayed across the couch, arm above his head with one foot propped up on the couch arm and the other planted on the floor beside it.
Even in the relative safety of Jackson Joel was still a hardworking man. He helped Tommy whenever necessary, labored around town when something needed fixing and took the most patrol jobs of anyone - much to your worry. You knew he could take care of himself of course and also understood that he liked to keep busy and feel useful.
Despite this, nothing was quite as satisfying as seeing him relaxed and settling into this new life. It wasn’t easy at first with survival mode as your base state of being for so long now and rarely a moment to breath. If he slept at all it was usually troubled, startled awake by nightmares most nights.
Slowly but surely however, your tensions eased. Joel found hobbies and ways to cope (though he’d never describe them in that way) like woodworking and playing guitar whether by himself or with Ellie. Your nights in bed were increasingly peaceful, comfortable and more fun with the newfound privacy.
Joel was obviously unable to make it to the bed on this night though, boots half untied but still on, head tilted to the side and mouth hanging open. You’d spent the day helping mend fences and fortifying for the coming winter while he went out on one of the longer and clearly exhausting patrol shifts.
You stood for some time gazing with affection, admiring the rise and fall of his chest, the occasional twitch of his fingers and how attractive his disheveled hair was.
The snoring had frustrated you on restless nights previously but in this moment it was endearing. In this moment it was a reminder of how fortunate it was to be safe, to be comfortable enough to pass out and wait for your lover to come home. To watch him sound asleep and wonder if he was having pleasant dreams.
His strong chest was always so inviting to rest your head on, the soft flannel unbuttoned enough to show hair and muscle, but you couldn’t stand to wake him.
You took the time to adjust any limbs that were at awkward angles then kneeled beside the couch. Gingerly you finished untying the ratty boots you had chastised him for waiting til they fell apart to replace. But he insisted they were still just fine.
The second one was tighter than you realized as it tugged his foot enough to make an amusing snort catch in his throat. You froze and stifled a laugh in hopes he wouldn’t fully wake. It appeared you were in luck as a heavy sigh escaped his lungs while he shifted further into the cushions.
You momentarily left him to fetch a blanket before returning to cover him delicately with it, making sure it stretched enough to cover him from shoulder to toe.
The snoring settled to quiet vibrations. Sweeping a grey lock away from his forehead you leaned down to plant a tender kiss there before heading toward the bedroom.
“That all I get sweetheart?” Joel’s voice rough and heavy with sleep called out before ou reached the stairs.
Walking back over his half-lidded eyes looked up at you expectantly, a crooked smile below them.
“Dunno cowboy, depends if you were only pretending to sleep this whole time.” You stood with a hand on your hip and raised eyebrows.
“No ma’am, only woke up when someone yanked my boots off.”
You scoffed playfully, “I shoulda just burned em…”
“Yer a cruel woman,” Joel stretched lazily before reaching his arms out around your hips and pulling, “now c’mere baby.”
An involuntary yelp escaped as you landed beside him, Joel chuckling while pulling your backside flush to his hips and draping an arm over you.
“Ain’t every day I get a pretty girl takin’ care of me like this. Could get used to it.” His lips caressed your neck with sleepy affection, the soft beard bringing goosebumps to your skin.
“That so?”
“Well it must have been a long day for you to crash like that, wanted you to be comfortable,” your fingertips wandered along the strong and protective forearm that rested against your breasts.
“It was darlin’, it really was. How ’bout I make it up to ya tomorrow morning?”
“No need to make anything up to me,” you stated sincerely. It came easily to the two of you to make kind gestures without expecting anything in return but, you were curious. “What did you have in mind though, handsome?”
Joel’s sturdy arms pulled you tighter to him with a gentle thrust from behind and the welcome touch of his hot palm parting your legs and gliding along your inner thigh.
His deep, rugged drawl fell against your ear with warm breath, “oh I have my ways…”
“Hmm well in that case…”
“Thought so,” Joel laughed softly and moved his hand back to its previous place against your stomach. “G’night baby, thanks again.”
You drifted off quickly, thankful for the safety of a home to call your own, the comfort of Joel’s arms, and the anticipation of what he had planned for you in the morning.
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hogwartslegacypics · 10 months
HL rewrite: instead of Seb casting crucio on MC (he can't in this rewrite, he cares about them too much), or MC casting it on him (the feeling is mutual, so they can't cast it either), MC casts it on themselves while Seb and Ominis are trying to figure out what to do. All of a sudden, they hear screaming coming from behind them, and they find MC lying on the floor. Imagine their shock and horror. The door still opens, and the rest of this quest goes as usual, but now the boys need to carry MC around because they're too weak to stand.
I HC that the cruciatus curse MC/Seb casts is much weaker because neither of them want to hurt each, which is why we see Natty react much more extremely when she gets hit with it from an actual hostile person. So now that MC has cast it on themselves, fully intending to make it work, it hits a lot harder, weakening them severly. I'm still on the fence on whether or not they would take them to the Undercroft or the ROR, or maybe even the nurse (there's an appeal in the boys being desperate to take care of MC, even at the risk of very big consequences.)
Either way, we should have gotten more options during that quest. Well, all quests, really.
omg yes i’ve always wondered what would have happened if they were unable to cast it on each other. like imagine if it took place later in the game when mc and seb are closer and have had more time to bond and/or if mc and seb were in a relationship and were both just straight up unable to cast the curse. they would have been so fucked. that is such a good idea though and i could see one of them attempting to cast it on themselves and perhaps being able to will it to work just by knowing that the only alternatives are dying in that room or hurting the other. i do wonder if they could cast it long enough though because i highly doubt one would be able to continue casting it once the pain hits. if you touch boiling water for example, your immediate instinct is to flinch away. just a second of it may have been enough to trigger the doors to open though.
i think they would take mc to the undercroft and ominis would stay with mc and attempt to comfort them while sebastian sneaks into the restricted section to look for any books that could provide some info or remedies for after the cruciatus curse. no way the restricted section doesn’t have any books about that. i could also see them being so worried that they take mc to the nurse too though. i’ve read a few fanfics where they do that. i can also imagine them being a little concerned for the mc even after they recover too because of the fact that they would have wanted to hurt themselves in order for it to work at all.
i 100% agree with your headcanon! the degree of pain definitely depends on how strong the intent is. seb/mc didn’t actually want to cause pain, they wanted to get out of there alive. it also was their first time casting that curse whereas dark wizards have casted it numerous times. i’m ignoring that the game made it look so effortless for them because they for sure must have had to really will and mentally prepare themselves to be able to cast it. “if i don’t cast this curse on him/her we are going to die in here, so i NEED to cast it.” i wish it would have failed at first too and taken multiple attempts because it would have made it more realistic.
also wanna add a headcanon of mine that i don’t think sebastian was planning on casting it, i think he was planning on enduring the pain. when he said “i know what to do. it’s going to be difficult” i 100% believe he was referring to ominis casting it on him. he wanted ominis to cast it because of experience (also obviously seb wasn’t going to cast it on ominis) and he knew mc didn’t know it. no reason to teach mc if there were two willing participants, and i highly doubt that after convincing mc and ominis to go there with him, he’d expect mc to be the one to take the pain of the curse. then when ominis refused to cast it, seb didn’t just go “well looks like i have no choice but to cast it on you” to mc, but he offered to teach mc so they could cast it on him. when mc has no choice but to be the other participant, he lets mc choose what they’d rather do.
now i’m imagining what if mc didn’t want to learn it and didn’t want to experience it/seb didn’t want to cast it on mc so seb would have to cast it on himself
but yeah i wish we had more options with quests and that our choices would actually make an impact besides just getting a slightly different cutscene or slightly different dialogue. i wanna see the lasting effects of our choices
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exphhoria · 2 years
hi , do you mind writing xiao and albedo with a doting gn s/o who tends to check up on and take care of them ? ty !! -🎠
With a Doting S/O
Character(s): Xiao and Albedo
Format: Headcanon and Drabble
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1246
Note: Okay so I know it's been a year or something but I could never figure out how to add more to the headcanon portion of Xiao's. Plus I kinda stopped writing for a long while. Anyway I rewrote a lot of it but I really like how it turned out. Chances are, you won't see this since it's been so long but thank you for requesting either way ! I hope I portrayed them (reader included) well.
Note: Albedo's part took 12 hours bc I kept getting distacted and falling asleep
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Xiao's one of those people who takes max 5 sips of water a day and sleeps twice every week and thinks it's fine.
Newsflash : it's not fine.
Thankfully, you're there to force gently remind him to hydrate and rest.
Additionally, you're a safe space to him. With all the violence in his life, spending time with you is like a breath of fresh air.
When he's with you, his karmic debt seems to lighten and time almost slows down its leisurely pace.
Although he doesn't tell you directly, the adeptus really does appreciate you visiting him often — even if he doesn’t see the point of those ‘pointless mortal activities’ like needing to drink water and eat regularly
Nevertheless, it’s still nice to have your company. Centuries of loneliness and suffering does that to you.
As you scaled the stairs of Wangshu Inn, you spotted Verr, otherwise known as the boss lady, standing at her usual post. Since you often visited Xiao, you were well acquainted. "How is he?" you asked as you peeked your head out from behind the doorway.
"Out right now; though I do believe he should be back soon," she sighed.
Nodding, you gave a curt smile before heading down the stairs to the kitchen. Since he was going to return soon, you thought you might as well whip up some his favorite dessert for him. You quietly treaded over to the pantry, trying not to disturb Chef Mao. However, the floorboards decided to betray you, creaking to announce your obvious arrival.
"Ah, Y/n, good to see you. I assume you're here for the usual?"
You nodded, taking out a weaved basket of fresh tofu and another bowl filled to the brim with almonds. You hummed along the tune to a song you couldn't quite remember the name of as you gathered the other ingredients and got to work.
It wasn't long before you finished. After all, you had the recipe memorized by heart by now. Smiling at your creation, you took the plate in one hand and strolled up the stairs until you reached the balcony. From there, you could see all of Dihua marsh, even the small blurs of color you assumed to be wandering hilichurls.
Setting the meal on the sturdy fencing of the inn, you pondered whether or not to call his name. You decided on the latter, not wanting to disturb him. No matter what, he never missed your visits. And you didn't have to wait long either.
While your focus lay on the lakes below, you failed to notice a lean figure sneaking up on you. He rested his arms on the railing next to you, murmuring a soft 'hello'.
"Xiao!" you yelped. Half of you was frightened, but the other half was surprisingly used to his odd entrances. The adeptus always managed to somehow appear soundlessly, leading you to begin anticipating it.
If you expect the unexpected then is it really unexpected?
"Why, look what the cat dragged in," you quipped.
He gave you a puzzled glance, "I did not meet any cats today."
You let out a small chuckle at this, shifting to cup his face in your hand, "Xiao, my love, have you eaten today?"
You sighed, retracting your hands and pushing the warm plate of almond tofu towards him. He pouted at the loss of contact but accepted the food nevertheless. While he ate, you talked about your day and recent adventures. Hearing your voice lifted his spirits in a way nothing else could and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
"I love you," he blurted out before quickly looking away.
"I love you too, but where did that come from?" you giggled.
He huffed, placing his elbow next to the empty plate of almond tofu on the railing and resting his face in his hand.
"Do I need a reason to love you?"
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Because the alchemist often became so immersed in his work to the point of forgetting about basic needs, you took it upon yourself to check up on him everyday.
Eventually, it became a daily routine. Around late morning, you would make lunch and coffee, leaving the comfort of your home to visit Albedo at his workshop in Dragonspine. Since he commonly ended up skipping breakfast and dinner, the lunches you prepared were particularly large to compensate for the missed meals.
The food you brought had a wide range of variety to keep from becoming repetitive, yet they were always well thought out and contained much nutritional value. Often, you even took the time to decorate what you brought. Be it with fruit or even the placement of the assorted food, it never failed to taste just as wonderful as it looked.
Your favorite accents were smiley faces or hearts made of chocolate or slices of fruit. Although he didn't blatantly smile at this, Albedo's mood always seemed to brighten after opening a meal with your designs. This was usually accompanied by an attack of forehead kisses.
You generally ended up staying for a while after delivering his nutrition for the day; assisting in various experiments and the like.
Albedo most likely would've either died from starvation, dehydration, or both if not for you. Plus, he enjoys your company, even if he doesn't openly display it.
Before your daily visits started, Sucrose had visited every so often to check up on him. However, he much rather preferred your comforting and familiar presence since his assistant tended to view him more as her superior.
As you finished packing up the meal you prepared, you grabbed your coat and exited your house in Mondstadt. The trek from the city to Dragonspine was by no means a short one, but it was a journey became used to after making it everyday. You jogged at a quick pace, determined to make it to your boyfriend before noon.
By the time you traversed all the way up the mountain and turned the corner to arrive at his laboratory, it was about midday. Walking inside, you uttered a small greeting and placed the lunch boxes on a nearby wooden crate. Albedo, lost in his thoughts, didn't seem to notice your entrance.
Deciding to take advantage of the opportunity, you snuck over and surprised him with a hug from behind and a kiss in the crook of his neck. His head swiveled up in alert but soon calmed when he realized it was you. "Good morning," he mumbled.
"It's already noon, silly. I brought you lunch," you giggled, picking up your cooking and giving it to him.
"So, did you have breakfast?" you inquired.
He tilted his head, "do spiders count as breakfast?"
"Archons, Albedo, I will never understand your infatuation with eating spiders... and no I don't think that counts— although they are rather high in protein..."
He chuckled and rose from his chair to face you while slightly resting his weight against the desk, "I didn't think so."
"Tada !! I brought pancakes and coffee," you declared proudly.
"Intriguing. Thank you, Y/n."
He smiled faintly, then leaned in to leave a featherlight kiss on your forehead. His expression dosen't quite portray his thoughts, but his eyes are soft and full of adoration for you and his chalky complexion seemed to be dusted with a light blush. Even if Albedo isn't the best at managing his health, he doesn't have to worry. After all, you're there with him.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 8 months
Laws of Attraction ep 8
I watched the ep on Sat as it aired but then forgot to post these notes. With it being the last ep, I didn't have so much to say...beyond screaming over the brilliance of everything, but here it is anyway.
(Oh god it's all over after this 😭 I miss them already).
That fight was actually great...even though I don't like boxing/fighting. I don't know why Navin isn't worried for Charn's safety though...
Those bruises on Tinn... 😂
I adore Rose and Maya as spies!! Spin-off series now with them as leads running an underground pi business with the bar/singing as a front! Thank you please.
What a fucking location. Out-fuckin-standing.
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Please Charn, please turn off your ringtone 😭🙏🏽
Oh no...Tinn's going to rush in there, get caught by Thatthep's men, and they'll use him to lure Charn out. No no no...
Oh thank god...but wait...
Oh oh oh, there's half the ep left. Please let it just be Charn and Tinn being stupidly adorably in love.
Well I was right that the evidence from the doll would be too weak for a prosecution 🤷🏽‍♀️
I can't believe Tanthai still wants to see his father. Smh. I guess despite everything Thatthep did to him, he still seeks recognition and...love?
Charn is such a little shit. I love him.
Not the post-it notes 😭
The marriage equality advocacy speech!!! 👏🏼😍
Glad to see as a collective fandom we are all ignoring the Chan and Tin spellings of their names the show is using. Also, the lettering is in blue! (And it's already been pointed out that it's the same date as the airing day).
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Charn telling his mother that he's happy, with Tinn by his side, surrounded by All. That. Yellow.
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Navin! That's it. He's amazing. 10/10. No notes. The best ex-boyfriend we could have gotten for Charn.
I love how Thatthep looks out of focus and obscured (even more than Charn is) behind the metal fence, as though he's not a prominent presence in Charn's life anymore (these are completely unedited screenshots apart from a little crop).
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Oh my god the couple sweater vests 😂
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Tanthai (and Thee) are finally freeeeeee!
We're all Granny! Yelling at them to kiss 😂
Ugh people in love stink (affectionate)
Not the dolls! 😭
Maya and Rose and their rings!
Tinn still has the ring necklace, and Charn's using his evil babygirl lawyering for good now!
All in all, a fantastic last ep. I think they could have had the wedding date a few years in the future and left it ambiguous as to whether it was a legal wedding or not. But I'm SO glad that from the beginning they set up Charn as being a bit smug about how great a lawyer he was...then made us wonder if he was going to do something stupid and impulsive...but then followed through with Charn's brilliant plan to 'catch' and deal with Thatthep. Yes, he is brilliant and he was right all along about it.
I guess I should add a final note on the colours...which stayed pretty consistent through the series (maybe I'll write another post about just this later) but in short I felt like green represented Tonkhao; Tinn was definitely a loyal blue boy; both Thatthep and Charn also used blue but as a front/a mask to their true selves; Tanthai was generally black and white but was forced to conform to his father's (blue) wishes and tied to the accident of (green) Tonkhao; and Charn...was a bit of an enigma because as well as his blue, he was accompanied by the red of revenge...but under it all I think he was a soft pastel, earthy tones guy, much like his mother...and which is why the shot of the dolls at the end made me gasp so much. Because not only were they there to represent Tonkhao but they both also have Charn and Tinn's colours.
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[ep 1] [ep 2] [ep 3] [ep 4] [ep 5] [ep 6] [ep 7]
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xplrvibes · 6 months
Here's the rundown someone posted of SEG's interview with Kristin on Reddit.
Kristin seems most angry at Seth and says most of his tweet was a lie (it's becoming a game of she says, he says) that he's a horrible kid and has to have something wrong with him or he was possessed. She was displeased to hear they'd made Seth a producer following the event (though I don't think they ever did? So this part confuses me). Seth is also apparently blacklisted from all haunted locations in the state (this does not extend to SnC who are still welcome at most locations) She is/was very disappointed SnC continue to give Seth a platform and continue to film content with him though.
She seems annoyed by Colby, but she does not seem to hold him accountable for the incident with Seth, apparently that was Seth alone and she does not think SnC really are to blame for that comment. However she was very angry about the bear and kept referring to him as a child who broke her stuff. (Editing to add- He did not pay for the bear, but the producer at the time offered to and she said she refused payment, he did however apologise and she accepted the apology, it's up in the air if he apologised because he was caught or not though)
She seems annoyed by their producer Zach, who was the one who informed her the video was coming. This is the part where she reveals she was not the one who was the source and was actually very upset that it leaked originally and is now mistrusting of the other members of the Bellaire staff. However she is now glad the video is out, especially the part with Seth as she feels it needs addressing and was like 'it's a long time coming'. (She seems generally glad overall that the video is out now and genuinely likes SEG and his content, says she finds his sass funny, though she did admit to not being subscribed yet as she's still on the fence as to whether she wants to follow him or not)
But back to Zach, apparently he was very rude to her over the phone and accused her of being a sell out and used lots of bad language and she had to defend herself over the phone and ended up hanging up on him. At some point he also offered to organise a statement for her but never contacted her again and generally came across as a bit of an asshole.
She says there is missing footage and they did more things, but she would not say what it was and the fact the footage has apparently gone 'missing' is suspicious to me personally but this is not about my opinion. just trying to do a fair summary post, LOL. She says the staff working that day were furious with them, refused to accept their apology, refused to shake their hand but said they would not tattle on them to other haunted locations as they wanted to give them a chance to prove they could be better. The fact they're not black listed like Seth is suggested they listened at least.
Kristin admits to getting the police involved cos she wanted to scare them, she also admits she did several things that day she was not proud of herself because she wanted to get back at them. She called herself rightfully petty and said the whole event was a bit of a mess really from all parties involved.
Despite all this she gushes about Sam and states he's the innocent party in all this. That he was lovely the entire time and seems to be the man even in the alleged missing content who just chose not to get involved. She seemed upset that his name was being dragged through the dirt just because he's one half of Sam and Colby. She also said he was the one most afraid of the police when they came into the room despite the fact he was the innocent party in all of this. She said the worst thing he did was get sassy when she sat them down at the table to talk to them before the police arrived.
(Also editing to add Seth definitely comes off the worst in the whole thing and gets a lot more focus than either Sam or Colby, though Colby also gets a lot of side eyeing because he behaved like a child and Sam is apparently the innocent one in all of this, she seemed most upset by all of Seth's stuff tbh).
Will add to the redditors summary that she says youtube investigators are very different from actually paranormal investigators as it's a lot more theatrical and not so much about the research than it is about getting footage of exciting things to entertain an audience. She said there's nothing wrong with that, but it is worth being aware of in regards to their content and attitude when they go to haunted locations.
Hope this helps?
This does help, thanks anon!
Personally speaking, I find this whole thing ridiculous and laughable, which is why I really haven't been talking about it much (cause I don't find it interesting or newsworthy) - but after reading this, I really am starting to have a whole lot more questions about this whole thing than I did in the beginning.
First of all, I don't really care about Seth one way or the other, so whatever happens there, happens - but there are a few problems with her statement about him. He is not, was not and will never be a producer of snc's content. They have a producer (as she knows, cause she apparently spent time shitting all over him lol). Idk where she got that info but that is just categorically not true.
Also, he is not banned from every place in Ohio, since he's filmed in Ohio since. And if she's trying to claim that he's banned from every place in the town Bellaire is in, well, she must have made that edict after she took him, Sam and that unpleasant man-child Colby to the Ross House and filmed a smiling, giggling video with them for xplrclub. :)
Alluding to him being possessed just makes me laugh. Way to keep the mystique going about the paranormal - surprised Mr. Debunker let that one go by without comment lol.
She has a right to be angry with Seth and to not want to work with him or be around him, absolutely. But this all coming out two years later and both her and Seth claiming that things happened behind the scenes that weren't made public, but neither extrapolating on that, just makes me instantly lose interest in what either side has to say. I call it a draw. Deal with it personally, and don't make me hear about it anymore lol.
As for Colby? Just lol. I really don't care about this bear thing. I saw the footage of him kicking the thing...I also saw the footage of the thing working later that night, so my thought is that he was being an idiot, didn't realize he broke it as badly as he did, and was probably surprised when he found out that she was bringing the cops into the situation over a fucking magical ghost talking bear.
I find him being labeled as "annoying" kind of lowkey hilarious, considering this is Colby the people pleasing panicky pete we are talking about - but I will say that I looked back at my old review of the Bellaire House video and I even mentioned in there that there was a point where he seemed like he didn't believe in some of the weird shit she was doing, so maybe his skepticism translated well enough that she felt it and didn't appreciate it, who knows. I can see where some of his hyperactive energy can be annoying or seem disrespectful to people, but again, I don't think that's really newsworthy in the brand scheme of things. Its just a matter of perspective, I guess.
Regardless, who cares? Nobody is perfect, everyone has days where they aren't at their best and people they don't vibe with. I still don't see how something like this is all that important, considering there are tons of other places that have gushed about snc and their time spent there.
I have said from the very beginning that this whole thing would wind up at Colby's feet and he'd have to be the one to make a notes app, cause that's how it always happens lol. So, we'll see if he caves and says something or just lets it ride.
As for Zach...the way I hear it, snc gave text messages and email conversations between Zach and Kristen to this SEG guy that show that they offered to and did wind up paying for the bear, so someone is lying here, straight up.
If he went off on her, then that is not cool or professional of him to do and snc can deal with that, as he is their employee. But guess what? I don't care about Zach at all, either, so I am wholly uninterested in how that pans out lol.
I don't know, this whole thing is just so...clouty, to me. The way I hear it, this woman didn't have anything to do with this footage being leaked to SEG and was upset by it leaking, and yet she tried to leak it herself to TMZ. Hmmm. Also, she claims to have had all these problems with them, yet took them to the Ross House later and was all kinds of smiles while they filmed there.
Also, getting the police involved as a scare tactic over something like this is such a small town move lmao, my local cops would just laugh and hang up on me if I ever called them for anything less than aggravated assault. Good lord.
Overall, this whole thing seems like it's being blown out of proportion for clout and drama and while that's fun and all, I don't see this being anything that goes much farther than it already did cause the nature of the drama is just...kind of silly, lol.
Anyway, thanks for the recap!
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shentheauthor · 1 year
I know I already asked for a harbinger headcanon srry :< But I gotta know what would happened if you mixed Cookie Run and the Harbingers sksksksk. You don’t have to make it ofc! Whether it’s them playing the game or being a cookie or even not making the headcanon is totally up to you! I just gotta say I rlly like your work!
Hey dw about requesting multiple times, I’m happy to do these!
I kinda feel like cookie-ifying them, so here we go
Ok so we don’t know much about Khaenri’ahn food
But I think flowers suit him well
I’d make him a petunia cookie
Why? Well, petunias once symbolized anger and resentment
So like how he feels about Celestia and the archons
Nowadays some of the meaning has been lost, but I think that works with how Teyvat has moved on on the surface
However, there’s still a lasting effect from the tragedy
He also wouldn’t go by petunia cookie, since that’s not super intimidating
So I’m gonna give him “jester cookie”
He would definitely take some bitter amusement in the irony
Another flower guy
I’m giving him poppies, since those are traditionally used to remember fallen soldiers
He also wouldn’t go by his ingredient name, bc poppies aren’t very intimidating
So he would be something like “captain cookie” or “warrior cookie”
He has definitely lost soldiers on the battlefield, so I think poppies are fitting
Maybe he even lost some of himself on the battlefield too…
Since most of his appearance is hidden, you wouldn’t be able to tell poppies are his ingredient
But if I were to design his cookie clothes, I would place poppies on his uniform
Hm maybe I will design them all
Biryani cookie
Why? I feel like he would like the food, next question
God I want biryani
Anyway! I think the fact that you can add different ingredients to biryani fits him well
So like prime can be kolkata biryani, one of the clones can be sindhi biryani, etc etc
Idk it just suits him
He would go by smth like heretic cookie, doctor cookie, or even his actual name
It depends on the segment
The segments would also have ingredient substitutions to emphasize the “wrong” nature of them
Plus mechanical parts
So she’s a mystery for sure
But I would call her “seelie cookie”
Nobody knows her ingredients
But some believe she was baked from food directly made in the Teyvat equivalent of the fae wilds
I’m a big fan of fae/seelie columbina
Some wonder if she’s even a cookie at all
Personally, I think she would be a sugar cookie made from special or magical sugar, or even a very light cake, like chiffon
Regardless, she isn’t a normal cookie
I think she and angel cookie would get along lmao
Oof she’s another hard one, since we don’t know much about her
Gonna call her ice shard cookie
She’s a sharp and stern character, so she would be made of something harsh
Like the cold bite of winter
No she is not anything like the Tsaritsa
But she is still a force to be reckoned with
She would actually go by her ingredient name, bc fuck code names
If she must, she would be called “knave cookie”
She’s one of the few I actually have ideas for their skill so
She would use an icicle as a fencing sword
Similar to raspberry cookie, but I feel like arle would be an ambush and target the opponent with the least amount of HP
Maybe do some aoe frost damage
He’s a hard one, but kasha cookie
Kasha is a healthy, hearty grain dish, like oatmeal, but even more grain
If that makes sense
Partially bc it’s a health food for older people (sorry nella /lh)
But also partially because it’s sturdy and stable
Idk it just makes sense to me since he’s a government official that seems to do his job well
I just felt it calling to me
This is what happens when you do too much research for fanfics lmao, you remember foods you have never once seen in your home country
He would go by kasha cookie. No code name necessary, unless he truly must. As mayor, his name probably has to be public lmao
I love he
Puppet cookie
It’s basic, but like, he wouldn’t have been given another name before
He started out as puppet cookie, was called kabukimono cookie on tatarasuna, then became balladeer cookie
And now, he’s wanderer cookie
He wouldn’t be made with any normal ingredients, bc he’s entirely artificial
I feel like he would be made of wood and ingredient substitutions
Carved and molded into a perfect imitation of a cookie
Another one I actually have skill ideas for
As balladeer cookie, he would have lightning based attacks that just function as dps dmg
As wanderer cookie, he would have air based attacks that do less damage than balladeer, but also debuff enemies and buff allies
French Sandy is my current religion so
Soufflé cookie
Her perfectionism just suits the food
She would go by “marionette cookie”
No ingredient substitutions here, but she would def still experiment on other cookies
Her attacks would involve puppet strings trapping opponents, dealing damage and debuffing them
Support cookie that can still pack a punch
Bringing this back to flower town babyyyyy
Blood rose cookie
If you look up “blood rose flower,” you’ll see a beautiful dark red rose that gives gothic vibes
Honestly my reasoning lies in the name
Roses are romantic, but black roses represent revenge
So blood roses are somewhat a cross between the two
Do you see my vision
She would go by blood rose cookie before the Fatui, but after joining, she would be “fair lady cookie”
I have so many ideas for her design actually, I’m going insane
Mora cookie /j
For real tho, he was born poor, so…
Millet cookie
Millet is a grain that’s great for protein and key fibers that you need
So an excellent food for someone who can’t access real well-rounded meals
The lower class of ancient China often used millet as a meal
Oh also I should mention that Liyue Pantalone is my other religion
Anyway tho, he would absolutely NOT go by millet cookie
He’d go by golden cookie, or regrator cookie
He would be embarrassed about his lowly origins, wanting to leave it behind
So millet cookie is OUT
Borscht cookie
Borscht is common, first of all
Second of all, it’s red, and ginger go brrr
Third of all, it can be served hot or cold, and I think that fits Childe’s personality well
Warm and welcoming around family
Cold and calculating around enemies
Imagine his blades being made out of soup lmao
He wouldn’t go by borscht cookie, since he doesn’t go by Ajax in canon
He would be called shashka cookie, after his weapons
Imagine being so badass you get to go by KNIFE /j
But Fr tho, the only ones who get to call him borscht cookie are his family
He would look so cute as a cookie, I love him
It honestly makes me really happy to get a request combining my two main fandoms. I want people to know that I will happily do headcanons for any of my fandoms, not just genshin. Hell I’ll do other characters besides harbingers too! Ik I made a bit of a name for myself with harbinger headcanons, but I would love to branch out!
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catgirlforeskin · 2 years
please tell me about medieval european sword crossguards youve piqued my interest
Oh god ok I’m gonna try to keep this brief because it’s 3 am and I gotta wake up before it gets hot out to walk somewhere but the main thing that’s interesting about crossguards is that you’d assume some are just outright better than others, especially because of the more general “newer design and materials means better” outlook that’s applied to military history (and all history and conceptions of progress generally) and while that’s generally kinda nonsense it’s ESPECIALLY not the case for crossguards
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So here’s four different types of sidesword and rapier crossguards, from top to bottom left to right it’s a sideswept hilt, basket hilt, ringed crossguard and cup hilt. I’m personally more interested in longsword but these are an easier demonstration.
So these were all used hundreds of years apart and in different parts of Europe (though all of the world has had complex and interesting weapon designs, I apologize for being Eurocentric here, general study of swords should not be!) but none are just outright better than others in the way that, say, a gun from two hundred years ago is generally just better in a fight than one from three hundred
but sword combat is fundamentally different and something as seemingly small as the shape of a crossguard makes a huge difference, and they all have strengths and weaknesses and nuance to them. They all affect the weight of a sword and how it’s held and how it’s wielded and the types of cuts or thrusts you can do comfortably and effectively with it, and they’re all more useful against different types of weapons and styles of fighting, and they design is often decided more by how they’re WORN, not used!
Most swords were never swung and the type carried was more often decided by how comfortable it was to have hanging at your hip and how stylish it looked than how effective it was in a fight. They’re a marker of status as much as a weapon and it’s why they’re so romanticized to this day, in the same way that revolvers have been, since historically both have been sidearms and ones only wielded by the upper ranks of either the military or society
Having weapons be more symbol than tool is fascinating both in a historical and fictional setting and can tell you a lot about someone. Cup hilts were most common on Spanish rapiers because fencing practiced in Spain emphasized thrusts, and the cup provides total protection for your hand, even if it’s weaker than a swept hilt would be at protecting against an incoming cut.
If someone from another country has one, especially a country that has bad relations with Spain at the time, this immediately tells you something about the person, whether it be about how she fights or who she fights or her beliefs about nation identity or fashion.
And this is something that can be used to add so much flavor to fantasy settings! I’m so tired of “elves have ornate curved swords because they’re Advanced and orcs have ugly slabs of metal because they’re Primitive,” for a variety of reasons, mainly it’s weird shitty racism, but also it’s just not how the real world works. Which is a problem because people apply these ideas onto the real world and think that, for example, Spanish colonizers were more Civilized and had Better technology than the Inca Empire, which is just not true.
Anyway jesus this got a lot longer than I expected lol, I could write way more but I’ll cut myself off, I hope at least some of this is informative lmao, always happy to answer more sword questions
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