#or I'll see you in small claims court'
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shapard · 4 months
Feather of Fate🕊️
Lucifer x Seraphim!fem!reader
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Soulmate arc
A/n: A little bit late for Valentine, but here ya go! Idk when I'll continue this, but this has been stuck in my brain for a long time.
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Chapter 1 > Chapter 2
You’ve heard about the story tales from your Mother Sera. How Lucifer has fallen because of his bizarre dreams.  To give humans a free will, which cost chaos to the world. 
As a punishment he was forced out of heaven with his Love Lilith. Sera claims that she wanted you to be safe, so there is one top rule she set up: Don’t Question heaven. 
You keep on holding tight to this one rule, not like your sister Emily. She gets into a lot of trouble when you’re not watching, which gets you also in trouble. 
Big Sister, Big responsibility, that’s what your mother always says. 
Sitting on the couch looking down at the apple sign on your wrist. It was a small apple with a snake surrounding it. It’s a Soulmate mark.
Every Angel gets a soulmate, so they get the perfect heir, some angels describe It as a heart pull and ache. You don’t really enjoy that you’re forced to love someone. It’s somewhere unfair that humans can marry someone they choose to love and trust. Meanwhile when Angels reject their bond, it will kill the two Soulmates in a span of time. 
Even when they’re too long apart it will show in a disturbing way. Aggression, Not eating, no sleep, the list goes on and on.
Putting your sleeve above your mark, not wanting anyone to see it. You got once because of it in trouble. Not a pleasant memory that you want to re live.
It does remind people of Lucifer, but he got Lilith, his soulmate. So that possibility is shrunk to zero. Why else sacrifice living in heaven for a woman?
Today was the meeting with Charlie the daughter of Lucifer. She wanted to talk about a hotel named Hazbin Hotel. 
…Time Skip…
The court room was all a mess, chaos has broken out whispering and hushes echoed through the pearly white halls. 
Emma broke the Silence with her soft singing voice “But she was right, Sera. She Showed us the soul can Improve. He saw the light, Sera. Checked all the boxes that you said would.” You Interrupted Emily and for the first-time in your live, you disobeyed the one set rule. 
“Prove a person deserve a second chance, now we turn our Backs, no second glance?” Sera looked towards you slightly disappointed but also guilty. 
Then the bomb was thrown in the room, extermination. It left you speechless. Why hide something like this and say it was for protection? 
It all went down so quick and with one move you started to doubt everything in heaven. Sera was scared, scared shitless that she’d loose Emily and you, but mostly you. 
You started to Ignore her and rarely left your room. The betrayal was harsh for you. You trusted your mother dearly and now you find out that your mother kills souls because she feels threatened. Threatened because of Lucifers dreams she said was once foolish. 
You started to break rules after Rules, causing a havoc in heaven when you leaked the Information about an extermination in hell. And in less than a week you were in chains in the courtroom. 
“Do you have any Idea what damage you’ve done Y/n?” Sera’s voice echoed through those now soulless halls. The seats now all almost empty. “What damage I’ve done? You call me the Imposter, but have you ever thought what you’ve done? You lied to your people AND your Family Sera.” 
Ouch, you never called her Sera just Mom. “Just do it already, I’m tired of hanging in here and watching my failure of a mother trying to push this longer.” You spat on the cold floor. The coldness reminds you how the last few days felt in heaven. Cold and lonely. “As you wish, do it.” her voice cracked, it was barely audible, but you could hear it. 
You shut your eyes tight and with a swift Moment you felt how your wings were cut off, your scream filled these cool, lonely court room. Sera was already gone, not wanting to see how she failed in one of her children.
The rest of your wings were ripped out of your back, making gold blood squirting all over the white floor painting it in a unique color. And then you fell, too exhausted to let out a desperate call for the comfort of your own mother.  
She didn’t even stay. 
Tears pooled lightly out of your eye. Even though heaven didn’t feel like home anymore, you’ll still miss heaven. 
The wind gushed on your Injured back making it only hurt more than it already does, you fell so fast, this is something you never really experienced you never fell as an Angel. But you fell, you fell deep and Landed on the ground. 
It the worst you’ve felt in these last hundred years of living. The bone that was connecting your wings with your body broke more into splinters at the impact. It had dirt sticking on your bones making you hiss as you tried to stand up making them move slightly in the dust. No success. 
You tried a couple more times, but you feel your stamina running out fast, so you just gave up. You laid there for a couple of seconds before you eventually pass out. 
Lucifer sat in his magic room, where his magical creations came from. The only thing besides Charlie what kept him happy. He took final glances at his old façade. 
It’s time to move on and move into the Hazbin hotel, even though he hates that radio guy, he does everything for his little Charlie. He walked out of his mansion closing it with a key. Taking a deep breath, he spun around and was ready to go. 
Something crashed loud in front of him, swirling all the dirt into Lucifers face. He coughed and waved the dust away. “What the fuck?” He looked at the cause for this early tumult, only to see a very beautiful woman in front of him. It didn’t take him a while to see that she was pretty bad Injured. His eyes dropped at the golden blood. “Oh no.”
The figure tried to stand up but fall multiple times and passed out after a while. No, no, no, no. Turning her around to see the damage, and it is bad. 
Three main bones ripped and broken apart, making him note down that she wasn’t just any Angel, she is a seraph. “Let me help you.” He carried her body very carefully, so he couldn’t do more damage towards her back. Teleporting himself and his other stuff in the hotel apartment, he laid you on his bed with your belly pressed on the mattress. 
He started to heal your back slowly and washed off the dirt from your face and the injury. He knew he couldn’t fully heal her wings back. But she could survive this with his help. And in an odd reason he couldn’t let her die. Some kind of pull on his heart making him already slightly attach towards the sleeping beauty. 
And this routine was repeated every day and when he realized her back was fully healed, he turned her on her back again. Seeing her now in all her beauty. 
“How can someone be this pretty?” he moved a hair strand out of your face and held your cheek. Stroking it a couple of times, it is as if he’s hypnotized. 
Shaking his head, he let go of her very quickly, “Lucifer you can’t just touch someone, she doesn’t even know you nor who you are.” He bit his long-clawed hand, debating whether he should go or not. 
In the end he left the room with heavy displeasure. Somehow not being near you made him angry. You were hurt and needed every protection he could offer. 
His mind screamed at him to go back to you, but he didn’t. This feeling confused the king of hell but, His mind and body were almost like two separate people.
 He pulled up his sleeve looking down at the red apple mark with a golden blue snake on it, like his halo. It was his Soulmate mark, he loves or loved Lilith dearly, but she wasn’t his mate. 
They both thought it may didn’t showed because Lilith is after all a human. Even when he had a soulmate, after landing in hell, he knew he’d never see his soulmate ever. 
He pulled his white sleeve again over the mark, not wanting to think about the what ifs. Maybe helping his daughter would keep his mind from you. “Let’s help Charlie.” 
After a while Lucifer still caught himself worried about you. 
You were laying on his bed for weeks, he healed you every morning and every evening hoping that you’d finally wake up. 
The arch angel Lucifer, and now king of hell, was worried about a seraph, what sarcasm. 
Getting ready for bed, Lucifer started to dress himself in his night gown and went to the couch. Since you’re sleeping on his bed, Lucifer decided to sleep on the couch. He didn’t want to disturb your healing progress
Hugging yourself into this blanket was heaven, and the smell of sweet apple and an alluring scent of musk. You never want to leave this place, for the first time since months you felt in peace. 
Fluttering your eyes open, you stretched you arms and legs, but one thing was missing. Your wings. And then reality came crushing down on you. You fell, from heaven. Your mother let you fall down the drain. She lied and didn’t even try to explain it to you. 
It was hard to breath as if you’d re-live the horror of falling from heaven down to hell.
You shacked uncontrollable making you Fall out of the bed. Out of habit you tried to fly those few centimeters. 
With a shallow thumb you fell on the floor. 
You winced from the Impact, and you tried to push yourself up with the next high object with shivering hands. 
This was a different gravity situation. 
Without your wings you slumped forwards, nothing to weigh your back. 
You pushed yourself upwards with the help of the shelf above you. The shelf lets out a creak from your weight and you fall back down with the shelf. 
The whole content on the shelf fell and crashed into pieces and you fell right into them. 
The ceramic pieces digged into your freshly healed wounds, you know that when you move, you’ll re-open the back wound. 
Out of panic your body began to move on autopilot.
With low groans and muffled screams, you leaned on the bed, golden blood smearing around the broken shelf and the white mattress. 
You started to sob at the pain. 
It was dark and all you wanted was to bathe yourself in the scent of that blanket. 
You searched for it. 
In the darkness you couldn’t quite figure it out where the blanket was but after a while you found it.
Holding the piece of cloth on your nose just to smell the comforting scent. You yelped when the light flicker on. A figure standing in the light. The figure was about 5’10 tall. 
You hid behind the blanket not wanting to look at the sudden appearance at the front door. 
Lucifer shot up at the sound of breaking ceramic. His mind told him to run towards the sound that came out of your room making him high alert. 
An Intruder? 
But who’d dare to come into the king of hells chamber?
Then he remembered that you were in his room, and without second thought he rushed towards your bedroom turning on the lights.
“You’re awake!”
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suiana · 11 months
yandere! auctioneer x gn! reader
"800 million!"
"900 million!"
"900 calling once! calling twice! and... sold to the man in white top hat !"
the crowd sighs while the man in the top hat smirks triumphantly, happy with his item. the item being a small ruby heart stolen from the biggest bank vault in France.
yes, this was no normal bidding event. it was an underground bidding event, hosted illegally by thieves, corrupt people, even criminals! and our auctioneer for the night was none other than the infamous ringleader of the illegal bidding centre.
wanted by every country, he's committed countless crimes and escaped unscathed, leaving little clues to where or who he is. in fact, the only clue he's ever left at every crime scene was the title 'auctioneer'. no DNA, no traces, nothing. he was simply a master at escaping.
and he was also a master at taking things that weren't his.
soon, a cage covered by a red cloth gets pulled into the stage. the grand finale. everyone sits in anticipation, holding their breaths as some helpers carefully remove the red cloth. and there, sat a person, you.
"this is our final item for the night and it's none other than... the next heir to the biggest company in the world - y/n!"
the crowd cheers loudly, mouths watering in delight as you glare at all of them. yes, you had been kidnapped by the auctioneer. it was a mistake on your part. blindly trusting a random guy on the streets when he asked for your help... you should've known better than to follow him to a secluded area.
though what's done is done and now you can only hope for the best. that is... for him to bid on you. after all, you knew none of the people in this illegal auction den except for him. and he honestly wasn't that bad. maybe except for how his eyes would glint with desire and insanity at every mention of you... and the fact that he's a huge criminal and wanted in every country.
in the short time he had spent with you, you had come to learn that he had done lots of research on you. observing you since months ago, he practically knew you better than everyone else in your life. understanding why you did what you did and how your processed things. it was a little scary how he knew so much about you, but what terrified you even more is the fact that he has killed others for you.
from murdering those who wish to harm you, to those who want your affections. what..? didn't he want to sell you away?! but why would he do such a drastic thing?! whenever you inquired about his intentions with you, he'd merely smile, saying that it was for the auction. he couldn't possibly be sellin. you away when he'd kill people who tried courting you, would he?! he's not a sadistic bastard..! right?
so you waited with bated breath, hoping that he'd just stick his tongue out and laugh at the bidders, claiming you as his and that the final item of the night wasn't up for sale. though that was only wishful thinking. after all, how could you trust someone who commits crimes for fun?
"mm... I see you all are interested in my y/n... don't worry~ you'll get to bid on them... from hell~!"
he chirps as he snaps his fingers and the sound of gunshoots flood the auction hall. people scream in pain and terror while you sit in your comfortable cage, eyes wide as you stare at the massacre brought about by the guy who kidnapped you.
shit, he was truly crazy-! you inch away from him as he stalks towards your cage, steps heavy and menacing.
"no one is allowed to bid on you. you're mine. because how could I ever auction off the most priceless gem?"
he smiles sweetly at you, though that sweet smile conveys a more sinister feeling. a chill is sent up your spine as his face comes close to you, only the cage separating you from him.
"you're my priceless gem that I'll never auction off darling~ and this massacre is a gift from me to you~"
your eyes shake in fear as you go still in your place. shit, how would you ever escape this guy?!
"and you can't escape from me. ever~! or I'll bring you to another auction... and send another present your way~!"
so there was no escape.
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readychilledwine · 4 months
✨️Kink Education with Elizabeth✨️
Does this tiktok do something to you?
If you listen to his voice and suddenly feel true sexual arousal, you may have a form of Auralism. Auralism is the sexual arousal to sound. It could be voices, music, an ASMR trigger, etc. The most common in females is arousal from voices, and that's what I will be working with today. So, whoever your dream man saying "Hello Feyre Darling," is, I need you to think about him as you are reading this.
Auralism is a way of practicing what sex experts call "mindful sensuality" or the practice of using certain skills to enhance emotional and mental erotica. This typically involves using more senses than just touch and vision. Auralism focuses on specifically the sound aspect and a bit of imagination.
💕Peep the Valentines Day List Here💕
As always, NSFW below the cut
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Rhysand x Reader
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Warnings - degradation, dirty talk, slight voyeurism, inferred poly!batboys
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Being High Lady of the Night Court held several responsibilities, but your least favorite was, and would always be, the Court of Nightmares. 
Rhys kissed you one more time as the doors to the throne room sat closed. “We'll finish what we started later, I promise. I will not leave you unsatisfied for long.”
Gods, that timber. The purr. You felt his voice setting heat through your body and did the best to push the feeling away. 
Rhys held the wine glass to your lips, watching you drink it as his hand ran the length of your inner thigh. His gaze went back to Keir, his eyes almost narrowing. “The High lady looks beautiful tonight, nephew.” 
You felt the predatory shift in Rhys, felt the mating bond grow tight. “My mate is always delicious, uncle. You'd be smart to remove your eyes from her.” His voice went straight to your cunt this time, a wave of heat landing there. Oh really? His high lord voice always turned you on, the command of it, the strict tone. 
Keir nodded, walking away, just as your thighs pushed together. His lips brushed your ear, that deep voice hitting you again. “I see I may have left you too desperate, my star.” His hand trailed the valley of your breasts, settling on your lower stomach. “I do wonder if I can get you off just from speaking. Is that possible, darling? To have you come on my lap with such little effort?”
You whimpered again. Head falling into his shoulder. Each letter off his tongue was dipped in honey, sending wave after wave of arousal through you. You kept your thighs together now, knowing in this dress spreading them would put your glistening core on display. 
As if he sensed your feelings, he pushed them apart slightly, a growl escaping him and his eyes growing dark as he looked. “Cauldron boil me, you will cum from this, won't you? Have you gotten too good at playing the role of my whore, y/n darling? Should I fuck on you on this throne and let everyone watch?”
“Rhys,” it was meant to be a warning to stop, but it came out as a soft moan. 
“You'll be saying my name over and over later, begging me to keep going as I fuck you so hard our bed breaks. You always feel so good, wrapped tight around my cock.”
Your core clenched, the coil starting to slowly build. “-and look at you now,” he continued. “Wearing an expensive dress, dripping onto my thigh. When this damned party is over, I will bend you over this throne.”
You moaned his name again. That purr was doing something to you that you've never had happen. “I bet if I spread your legs further, Azriel would be able to see how wet you are from his spot at the back of the room. Cassian can probably smell and taste you.” 
The general had a small smirk on his face as he kept his spot behind Rhysand and the throne. Azriel had his eyes locked in you two, a single brow kissing his hairline. 
“I might let them stay and watch if you wanted. Let them watch me claim you over and over until you're soaking me. Once I'm done with you, maybe I'll let them play too."
“Rhys-” You were so close, snuggling further into his lap, thighs pressed back together and rubbing. 
“Uh-uh,” his hand pushed them apart enough for his pleasure again. “Your High Lord wants to see how desperate his whore is. Gods, look at you. Look at you clenching at nothing, about to cum from my voice alone.”
His name left your throat in a quiet needing moan and Cassian looked down with a full smirk now. A voice cold as death came from the other side of him. A voice Rhys knew you found attractive. “Release my High Lady from her misery.”
“Cum for me,” Rhysand whispered into your ear, kissing the shell of it gently. “Cum for us.”
The coil snapped, your back arching against his chest as Cassian placed a hand over your mouth. “And now look at you, coming with no effort on my part, forcing our general to have to cover your mouth so I don't have to kill everyone here to getting to listen to the noises that are for me and me alone. Pathetic little thing, aren't you?"
Rhys switched to his High Lord voice again. “Cassian, take the High Lady somewhere to clean her up.” 
Cassian nodded, picking you up from Rhysand's lap as your high ended. “Come, my lady, let me take care of you.”
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General Taglist:
@hnyclover @glitterypirateduck @slytherinindisguise @mischiefmanager @bloodicka @starsinyourseyes @the-sweet-psycho @mariahoedt @rinalouu @sarawritestories @starryhiraeth @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @loneliestluvr
Valentines Day Taglist:
@sfhsgrad-blog @amara-moonlight @eternallyelvish @novaksangel @teenageeggscissorslawyer @thisblogisaboutabook @amygdtjhddzvb
@justasillylittlegoofyguy @avajustreads
@littlestw01f @azriels-shadowsinger @acourtofladydeath
Rhys Taglist:
@tothestarsandwhateverend @cheshire-salvatore-mikaelson @avajustreads
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surielstea · 5 days
Give ‘em a show
Based on this request.
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Pairing: High Lord!Eris x High Lady!Reader
Summary: The autumn court celebrates the equinox with a great rite of their own, what happens when the High Lord finds out Reader left the Forest House in search for him?
Warnings: Smut | minors dni | p in v | reader and Eris are both aroused by a higher power (?) | breeding kink | riding | public sex (on throne) | dirty talk | praise | cream pie | multi-orgasm
A/N: Sorry this took me forever, but I’m really happy with how it turned out so I hope you guys enjoy! 🧡🧡
6.2k words
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It was the most festive day of the year in autumn, the equinox. When both night and day are perfectly divided and everything feels at peace. We called it Mabon. The peak of nature's abundance.
The holiday usually entailed freshly harvested crops and feasts to satisfy an entire continent. People gathered to the crop fields and pray, whether it be for good fortune or the wealth of the earth it didn't matter. They honored the soil beneath their feet as much as any other living thing. Similar to Calanmai in the spring there are bonfires in every direction, dancing surrounding the pits.
This was also the day high Fae reinforced the wards around their homes, seeing it as a new beginning.
Some prefer to stay at home and pray to the gods of fire, knelt by the flames that warmed them, having a simple meal of bread and grain. I, however, did not. During the day I'd plant fresh herbs and seeds, placing them in the richest of soils then saying a soft prayer until they began to grow. My harvesting powers have always been my favorite, being able to merely look at a seed and turn it into a blooming flower in the blink of an eye would forever be my favorite party trick.
During the night of Mabon however, I indulged myself in the finest of whiskeys and got drunk as all hel, claiming it was a tradition and a night of commemoration.
"All done?" Eris asked as I came back into the Forest House, my knees covered in dirt from kneeling in the gardens.
"All done." I gave him a small smile and he mirrored it while taking my wide-brimmed sun hat from my head.
"As cute as you look, you need to go change." He hands me the hat and I blink up at him confused. "Or have you forgotten your duties as High Lady?" He arched a manicured brow and I rolled my eyes.
My traditions would be different this year. It was Eris' first year as High Lord, meaning he'd have to put on a show to make sure everyone knew just how powerful he was. Whatever that meant. This also means my job was no longer getting drunk off my face but rather waiting alone in our bedroom where we'd consummate in order to release the power of the High Lord and grace the land with it, allowing harvests and crops to grow until the next Mabon.
"High Lady or not, I'd like to spend my night in a pub with my friends, not some stuffy room with your advisors." I scowl and a smirk tugs at his lips as I drape my hands around his neck.
"A lady of her people." He hums and my grin widens.
"Does that mean you'll let me have my holiday?" I bat my lashes at him.
"I can't," He sighs.
"Eris," I whine. "You're high lord now, fuck me in front of the rest of them for all I care just let me enjoy myself." I plead and he gives me a sorrowful gaze.
"It'll only be a few hours, you'll survive." He placed his hands on my waist and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"But what if you find some other girl on your way to me? I don't like the idea of you roaming this court half naked for just anyone to see, Eris," I dramatically fall into his chest, he tightens his hold on me as if I'm actually going to fall.
"Trust me, all I'll want is you," He guides me back upright so I can stand on my own. "Now go get dressed." His hold on me loosens and I give him the nastiest scowl I can muster.
"Fine, but only because I love you." I excuse as I place the floppy hat atop his head, I think the pink bow brought out his eyes.
"Love you too," He smiles sloppily as I leave his hold, the sun hat remaining on his head as I move away from him, his hand coming down to pat me on the ass, as if encouraging a faster rate, making me toss a glare back at him.
In between now and the beginning of Mabon's night festivities I passed the late afternoon stuck in a meeting room, which was as boring as I thought it was going to be. I spent the entire time drawing the high lord in front of me, making sure to match the glint in his golden eyes to his crown, pure regality as he sat in front of Advisors that used to be in his father's corner.
It's been past an hour, the sun reaching the horizon had told me so, I could already smell the scent of smoke from the bonfires and I knew my time was being wasted. "My lady, are you listening?" I snap to attention, clutching my sketchbook from beneath the table and looking at the male who had snapped his fingers at me, earning a low grumble from Eris as a warning.
"Yes," I answer on instinct.
"Really?" Eris leans forward, muscular forearms resting against the wooden table.
"Mhm." I nod with slightly tinged cheeks, I could never lie to Eris, something about the mating bond, or rather just him, in general, had me somehow giving myself away.
"You wouldn't lie to me, would you Fawn?" He narrows his gaze on me and it takes everything in my power to not give in, tell him that every word since greetings has gone in one ear and out the other. All this information was useless anyway, old rules that Beron followed. Not Eris. I don't understand why my mate entertained these old males.
"You know what?" A bright grin spreads over my features as I stand, my chair pushing back against the floor as everyone looks up at me.
"All of you may take an early holiday, enjoy the night, and spend time with your families." I dismiss and they blink up at me.
"Really?" One of them babbles.
"Yeah, really?" The high lord glared at me and my grin widened.
"Really." I nod.
"With all due respect, you're not one to be giving orders around here." The eldest of them scoffed and my smile faltered, I had never expected to hear that in my own court.
"She's your high lady and you will do as she says. Now go before I change my mind." He shoos the male away. Eris may not have liked me cutting the meeting short but he wasn't going to tolerate any discourtesy against me, it may have been wrong to use it to my advantage but all I wanted to do at the moment was curl up by the fire with a freshly poured glass of wine. Second best to getting hammered at the pubs like I would've been doing this time last year.
"You heard him, go." I make hands that send them away and they all scramble off, shuffling out the door with a haste I haven't seen in a while. I smile softly as the last male disappears.
"You are a cruel female." Eris leans back into his seat at the head of the table. I grab my sketchbook and walk down the long stretch of the meeting hall until I'm right beside him.
"Cruel? Or smart?" I tilt my head as I hoist myself up onto the table in front of him.
"Show me what you were drawing that entire time." He places a ringed finger on the top of my pencil and I flip to the page of his half-shaded figure, flipping around to show the male his unfinished portrait. A satisfied grin spreads over his lips as he sees that he is the subject, but he shouldn't be surprised because he is always the subject.
"Is this whole book me?" He flicks through the pages and I pull back before he can see all the drawings of him I sketched from memory on a particularly desperate night when he was gone on a mission.
"Don't be so full of yourself, I wasn't going to draw any of those old males." I roll my eyes and he chuckles. "Plus I was listening, I could draw you with my eyes closed," I confess and he raises a brow, his lopsided smirk making me feel warm inside. "Now can you please just get this celebration over with then come back to me?" I place the sketchbook beside me and look back at him.
"And what will you do while I'm gone?" He places his hands on my hips, a soft look in his eyes.
"Lots of drinking." I shrug, taking hold of his crown and making it crooked atop his head.
"You're quite the drunk." He grumbles and I chuckle.
"I'm a tavern keeper's daughter, what more do you expect?" I grin innocently and he shakes his head in disbelief.
"Alright, come with me," He slips his hand into mine and guides me out of the meeting room.
I intertwine our fingers, occasionally bumping into him, the comparison of his steady figure, walking with only solid steps and articulated movements contrasted to my bounding, my arm brushing his with every step. It was a silent kind of intimacy, our dynamic.
"This my cell for the night?" I ask as we stop in front of our bedroom, a grand suite that seems more like an apartment.
"Don't act like I'm locking you up," He sighs, crossing his arms.
"You're right, I could easily sneak out," I taunt and he narrows his eyes on me.
"I'm not going to put guards outside these doors, however, if I learn that you've left I will find you," He says, his tone shifting from playful to menacing all in one sentence. "And depending on where you are, I might just fuck you in front of all of them," His words sink to my core, it wasn't much of a warning if it was my idea to begin with.
"Don't threaten me with a good time," I smirk up at him, mirroring his.
"I'll be back for you, soon," He promises, free hand coming to my jaw, the other still preoccupied with mine. His thumb rubbed over my jaw, pressing with a pressure that told me he didn't want to see this room empty when he returned.
"I'll be waiting," I sigh, leaning into his hand. He frowns.
"I'm sorry Fawn, but I doubt I'll be able to control myself with you so near," He shifts back to his usual self, the compassionate one.
"I understand, it's okay," I mumble, even if this was the last place I wanted to be during the holidays. He leans down and presses a yearning kiss onto my lips, the kind full of promise of what was to come later tonight.
He pulls away with a reluctance I immediately recognized. Whatever power that was going to consume him tonight was already forming, I could feel it through the bond like someone on his side of the tether was sparking embers.
"Don't leave this room." He warned one last time and all I could do was nod and then watch him leave.
I had never wanted to leave a room more in my entire life.
Eris forgot to put his shields up on his side of the bond and it was driving me fucking mad. I could feel the power of him, flowing through the very floorboards beneath my feet. His arousal was immense, or perhaps it was mine— I wasn't sure. Maybe being High Lady had its own effects, maybe it made the mated female just as willing to consummate with the High Lord. The intense heat running up and down my spine reminded me of when Eris and I had accepted the mating bond, The Frenzy that took over both of us full throttle, I had managed that because he had been so near at the time, it had only lasted a few moments before he was touching where I needed him most but this, with him so far, gods this was unbearable.
I looked out the window like an animal eagerly waiting for their owner to return, but I couldn't see anything beyond the maple trees, only the smoke of the bonfires and all that promised with it.
I leaned my forehead against the cold window, it relieved me for only a split second before the heat of my body returned.
It started less than an hour ago, bloomed right at my core, and has only grown since. It would reach my head soon and I don't know what I'd do at that point. I had already put the fire in the hearth out but it felt as if I was the furnace and embers were still popping against my bare skin that mistook me for kindling.
I had practically stripped to my socks, but even my undergarments had been too much to bear. I wore a silk slip with a lace trim that was lighter than a feather and softer than anything I had ever felt before but on my burning skin, it felt like a winter coat.
If the window was cold then outside must've been colder, autumn air sweeping over the continent and beckoning at my very window, who was I to keep it out?
I pushed the window open with a grunt in agony, the sweet feeling of the light breeze kissing against my skin practically made me crumble in relief.
I latch the window all the way open and lean my head out the sill, the sound of music and cheering in the distance suddenly became so prominent but it was hard to hear anything over the blood rushing to my ears, dizziness consuming me as I grip the ledge of the window, something buried deep inside of me yearned for him in the direction of the music, and now that my head was out the window my body seemed to think I was teasing it, what it wanted so much closer now that the line to the outside world was crossed, the feeling so intense I thought I might start coughing up blood.
I grunt, attempting to talk myself through the pain, telling myself repeatedly that I've endured worse, that I was stronger this, that Eris would be back any moment now and— and oh gods, Eris. It was a mistake to let him cross my mind because all of a sudden he consumed every thought I could conjure, my mind in his hands and he was gripping it, not willing to let go.
I decided I didn't give a fuck if Eris was mad if I left the house, the pain I was enduring was horrific and the only way to relieve it was to disobey exactly what he ordered me to do. Don't leave this room. I slipped out the window with gasps of pain, landing on the soft grass. I was just grateful to be located on the first floor, close enough to the ground to jump from without shattering the bones in my legs.
Hounds rush up towards me before I can even take my first step.
They looked as if they were about to bark, to alert their owner that I had left the house but they saw my desperation, hel, they probably smelt it.
Rivin, the eldest of the shadow hounds rushed up to me first, staring up at me with a cock of his head, clearly concerned for my well-being. "Can you take me to Eris?" I murmur, praying the dog can understand me, I bring my hand to his snout and he chuffs, licks the palm of my hand then takes off running towards the sounds of the music.
I tried to stay as close as I could to the dog, he had taken the route through trees and behind stands, which I was grateful for since it kept me out of sight, however, it made it a lot easier to lose him amongst the trees. But he always came trotting back after a minute without him in my sights.
Eventually, the dog stopped in his tracks, his front paws prancing at the floor and communicating that he had finished his job. I creased my brows and looked around my surroundings but before I could talk to the dog again he ran off with the rest of his pack, back towards the house.
I had only just realized that whatever heat that was suffocating me in the Forest House had dissipated, still lingering below the surface but no longer unbearable.
I huffed, unsure what to do in the middle of the forest with a feeding wretchedness in the pit of my stomach.
I decided on heading towards where the largest plume of smoke was coming from, I had seen the set up of Mabon hundreds of times and knew this was the way to the throne, knew Eris must be sat upon it.
I hadn't explored Mabon much during previous years, I was always a barmaid for my father's pub, it had gotten crazy business during the week of Mabon so he needed any help he could get, funnily enough, that's how I met Eris.
I shake my head at the memory, thinking about Eris was almost painful, it felt like something was being carved out of me every moment I was without him.
I seethed a string of curses as I continued my trudge through the trees, staying in the shadows and avoiding the eyes of any drunk wanderers. I doubted they'd recognize me as their high lady anyway, Eris was the only one who ever saw me outside of my gowns and robes, this lacy slip was practically lingerie compared to the heavy dresses I often wore.
Lucky for me it had blended in with the other girls perfectly, in fact, I had seemed more covered up than most. Once I had made it out into the open area I spotted Eris immediately. On the throne, as expected, his legs spread wide and I wanted nothing more than to put myself between them.
He was shirtless, forest green paint smeared onto his body in tribal patterns of lines and dots, but he was glistening in sweat, drops running down the side of his face, through the grove of his abdomen. I didn’t want to think about who had the honor of putting that paint into those very groves, I only wanted to think about being the one to wash it off.
Heat pooled in my stomach as his eyes found mine from across the way, my body went rigid as he trekked his gaze down it, then so slowly back up, taking in every bare inch as well as every clothed part of me, like he was wondering just how perfect I looked underneath.
My knees shook as he lifted his hand and with two fingers waved me over. Waves of heat wash over me at every step I take closer, the power that radiated off of him left me defenseless, and the pain I had experienced earlier subsided entirely in favor of morphing into arousal.
Once I reach the dais I curtsy with a playful smile. "I thought I asked you to stay inside?" He purred, his voice rougher than usual, making my legs tremble.
"I missed you," I shrug, attempting to keep my composure but he opened his side of the bond entirely as soon as I was done speaking and my knees buckled. So, much, power.
It surged at my fingertips, blazed down my spine, and coiled in my abdomen. I couldn't imagine how Eris felt if I was only receiving an influence of it.
"C'mere," He lifts his hips, readjusting them in his ornate throne and I almost choke on my own tongue. He was going to push me over that dangerous edge and he didn't even need to say anything to do it.
I take the steps up the dais and I realize the silence in the crowd save for the music, people were watching, and couldn't keep their eyes off of the two of us. The offering between High Lord and Lady, the melding bond between us so clear on a night like this that any outsider could see that golden tether just as well as he or I could.
"On my lap, Fawn," He glances down to his thigh and I swallow thickly. "Oh, don't tell me you've become shy all of the sudden?" He smirks at the idea. I had told him I was willing to let him fuck me in front of all these people— still was, and yet sitting on his lap was the line to the path that I wasn't sure I could come back from.
My coaxing arousal won the battle and I took my final steps toward him, closing that distance, his hand came to the back of my thigh and I nearly melted at his touch, my body quivering in reaction because gods, if I had felt like a kindling fire earlier then he was a fucking inferno.
His fingers singed with flames but I felt none of the added heat as I took my place on his lap, straddling over his thigh and wrapping my arms around the nape of his neck, pulling him so close I wish I could've melted right into him, slotted myself into each of his grooves and stayed there, impossible to clean, impossible to get rid of.
My lips came to his neck without any forethought, I didn’t have control over my own mind, it was entirely consumed by him, his intoxicating scent of cinnamon, clove, and now an undertone of something different, something just as mouth-watering as the way his hands felt on my bare skin.
I fought the thoughts that told me to rip my dress off and decided to put my hands to better use and rub them down his chest, pressing my palm into his abdomen as I continued kissing his neck. I sucked and licked and nipped without caution, I didn't care if others were watching, he had never been more powerful than he was in this moment, both over others physically and over me mentally.
The domination running through his veins was attractive, so damned powerful and yet he knew how to control it, to conceal it beneath his skin rather than flaunt it, and he shared a fraction of it with me, a simple kernel of it was enough to send me spiraling.
"What are you doing? Dance," Eris spits at his subjects and they immediately do as he says, the music picking up in a crescendo of rushed notes to meet his demand.
I smiled against his shoulder at how much authority he held, my hips involuntarily winding over his thigh and I let out a soft, pleasurable sound. He grunts in return.
"If you keep making those sounds we're not going to make it back to our bedroom," He warns lowly beside my ear and I rut my hips again at the perfect sound.
"I don't know what's wrong— fuck," I'm cut off by my soft moan, his muscled thigh providing just the right amount of friction against my clit. "I don't know what's wrong with me, but I need you to fuck me now," I plead and I sense a sudden change in his demeanor.
"Now?" He hums and I can hear the smirk in his voice. Damned bastard. "In front of all these people?" He intones and I nod helplessly.
"However you want me, wherever, just— gods do it now," I beg, continuing to wind my hips over his thigh.
His foxlike smirk doesn't falter as his hands grip my hips, halting my needy movements only to guide me down onto his thigh himself, my core aching as he does so. I cry out at the feeling, it shouldn't have felt this good, it's never been this intense, even when our mating bond clicked I hadn't been so consumed by his fire that was so dangerously out of control and feeding into my own.
"I need you inside of me," I murmur, coming to the conclusion that this torment will not subside until he finds release inside of me, the mother herself was impelling us to consummate, to breed, and I was more than willing to oblige for her.
"Eris," I grip at his shoulder, paint smearing onto my hands, soiling my nightgown. But I didn't care, any piece of him spreading onto me felt like it was a gift from the gods, and I needed more. "Please, fill me," I beg into the warmth of his neck.
"You want me to come inside you? Want these people to watch while I give you an heir?" He taunts, his words ghosting against the shell of my ear. I reply with a pitiful whimper, unsure what to retort with because he was right. I didn't care who was watching, as long as they knew I was his and he was mine.
"Yes," I pant, my hand coming to the back of his neck. "That's exactly what I want," I plead, the rutting of my hips not slowing for a moment. "Show them I'm yours,"
My words seemed to push him over that fine line and he had obeyed. His rough hands grip my waist, pulling me over his hips so I was no longer straddling his thigh but rather angled just above his cock that was strained in his pants, the confinement so tight it almost seemed painful.
“Yeah?” He hummed and I nodded helplessly. “You want everyone to hear just how pretty your moans are when you’re sitting on my cock?” He asked and I whimpered, feeling powerless under his stare. Whatever heat that had been affecting me tonight had doubled over with his arousing words.
“I can’t be gentle with you right now,” He gritted through clenched teeth, the tip of his nose drawing a line up the side of my throat. “Can’t, control myself right now,” He murmured in warning and I smiled at the idea of having an effect on him as much as he did on me.
“I don’t want control,” I sigh against the side of his neck. “I need you now controlled or not, so please, Eris fuck me,” I begged and with one last kiss to my neck he obliged.
With an expert hand, he tore my underwear right from my hips, pulling the lace off like it was nothing. My heat was now left bare but it didn’t stop me from grinding down onto his bulge. I was staining his pants with my slick, dripping down onto him and he groaned as my wetness seeped through the material.
“Fuck, you’re drenched,” He admired and I nodded with purely innocent eyes, the kind that silently pleaded for him to fill me until he was satiated.
All I felt was hunger, and I could tell by the way flames alighted in his gaze that he felt it too.
Quickly, he removed his leathers and his cock springs up, smacking against my soaked folds, my pussy leaking over his length. The heat between us must’ve been record-breaking, I felt like a candle burning all too fast, making a mess of wax that he was too slow to clean.
The moment I felt his tip prod at my entrance my nails dug into his shoulder. I still didn’t know what it was that was wrong with me, I had never experienced an ache quite like this, the kind that only he could patch over.
“Please,” I cry, my cunt weeping as I crave for him to sink his length into me. “Show them how good you fuck me,” I mewl and perhaps it was the taboo factor of it all, how thrilling it was to have an audience while I rode him, but that had been his breaking point before he gripped the tops of my thighs and pushed me down onto his length.
My breath catches in my throat as I stretch around him, around every inch of him. He was so very large, and on any other night he’d need to fuck me with his fingers first, make sure I was ready for his member without the pain, but tonight we are both so needy that any foreplay was thrown out the window the moment I left our bedroom.
The pain was disguised as pleasure as he helped guide me lower onto him, it hadn’t been unbearable since I was slick with a natural lubricant, my arousal dripping down my thighs and onto his, as I took him deeper and deeper.
I swore he met places he’s never touched before, and fuck was it more than anything I had ever wanted.
This feeling was the god ecstasy prayed to, and I was blessed by it.
“That’s it, just like that, fuck yourself on my cock Fawn,” He encourages and I gasp out my moan, finally reaching his base, pressing against it with mine.
“Your court is watching, give ‘em a show for me,” He purrs, and so I do exactly that.
I begin to lift on his length, my knees buckling at the action but I ignore the pain and favor it for the pleasure as I drop down onto him, wielding gravity as my weapon. He lets out a low grunt and I do it again, continuing the action over and over again, bouncing on his cock just like he asked.
“Fuck, so good for me,” He praised, his eyes blazing with an untamable fire. “Such a good girl,” He sighs, his head craning back, leaning into his golden throne as his hands slip beneath my nightgown.
He didn’t take the dress off, because there were simply just some things he refused to let anyone else see, and though I was getting off on having an audience he wasn’t going to let everyone else get off on it too. He grips my hips tightly from beneath the slip, his callouses scraping against my soft skin, burning it with an unyielding pain, the kind that brings pleasure with it.
His cock seemed just as hot as I continued to fuck myself on it, the vein on the underside pulsing so feverishly I could feel it. The head of him pressed right into that sweet spot and it was a miracle I hadn’t come yet, gods he was going to send me over that edge any second now.
My lips connect with his, and he responds to the familiar feeling on instinct, his tongue slipping beneath my lips and tasting every fraction of me he can get his mouth on.
I moan onto his tongue every time he presses that deep spot inside of me, my noises only adding to the sound of skin slapping and the lewd sound of my pussy taking every inch of him. Our own music drowned out the symphony playing for the others.
“Eris, I can’t,” I pant against his lips. “I’m gonna come,” I warn and he smirks.
“So soon?” He taunts and I nod pitifully, continuing to rut my hips over his.
“Please, it hurts,” I whine, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. And it did hurt, it hurt to not be granted that release I craved so desperately.
“Go ahead, make a mess all over my lap,” He allows and I would’ve wept at the words if my orgasm hadn’t consumed me first.
It felt like pure fire, setting me aflame and impossible to control. It was the kind of climax that lingered for hours on end, the kind that left my legs jolting and my eyes struggling to open. I let out a loud moan, so loud that if the dancing fae hadn’t known what had been happening, they did now. “You did so well baby,” He hums as I slowly come down from my high but I don’t have the strength to lift off his cock, and I definitely didn’t have the willpower to continue my movements. My thighs were burning and I hadn’t noticed until my climax settled.
“You done?” He coos and I nod, but the tone of his voice tells me it is him who is nowhere near finished with me, his member still hard inside of me evidence of that.
He didn’t warn me before he winnowed us back to the Forest House, the same position except he was no longer sitting on the throne but rather our bed.
I whine, falling limp against his shoulder. “I can’t take anymore, Eris,” I sigh and he shakes his head.
“Oh, no baby you said you wanted an heir and I’m going to give one to you.” He flipped us over so I was splayed out on my back, sinking into the mattress with my legs hooked around him.
“Eris I’m not on a tonic— fuck,” I try but he felt so much deeper in this position.
“Does it feel like I care?” He sighs into my hair and I shake my head no. “That’s right, now be a good girl and stay true to your word,” He demanded and I swallowed thickly, nodding while he lifted one of my legs up to hook on his shoulder, spreading my legs wide as I clamped down onto him.
“Fuck, I can’t wait to fill this pretty pussy, squeezing me so tight,” He grunted and I lost all cohesive thoughts, strings of moans escaped me as he rolled his hips down onto mine, his full balls slapping against my folds as his pace quickened.
“More,” I plead.
“Yeah? You want me to fill you don’t you?” He says and I was quick to show my agreement by squeezing around him tighter. “You just can’t wait to have my babes, isn’t that right?” He grunted into the shell of my ear and I nodded with a hum of restless accord. “Your tits are gonna be so fucking swollen,” He sighs and I clench around him at his dirty words. “You like that?” He kisses up my neck.
“Mhm, want your seed in me, Eris,” I whine and he twitches, a sign he’s nearing his climax.
I was hungry for his warm release, ached for it to fill my every crevice, let it seep into my womb.
I met his thrusts with my own sudden desire, sending my hips down onto him while he drove his cock right into that spongy bundle of nerves.
“I’m close,” He grunts.
“Me too,” I whimper, my legs locking up as my orgasm races to meet me.
My hands go into his hair and I pull at his short locks as my second climax finds me and I’m squeezing around him tighter than ever before. My walls flutter around him, and my pussy twitched as he continues his fast pace. He groans at the intense convulsions around him and suddenly his release is spurring out into me, kissing my cervix as he does so, his seed shooting out on a straight path to my womb.
“Fuck,” He sighed while guiding my leg down from his shoulder, and with a few more languid, slow strokes of his cock he finishes, slipping from my heat and falling down onto the bed beside me, both of us out of breath and settling over the action we had just committed to.
I clench my thighs shut, keeping his warm seed nestled inside of me. “Good?” I ask and he flips onto his side, arm slinging over my sweat-slicked body, pulling me into him.
“So good.” He presses kisses to the top of my head and I flip around to face him, my eyes heavy with exhaustion.
“I think I like this High Lord stuff,” I say, my hand coming to his cheek and he chuckles, leaning down and pressing a gentle kiss to my lips.
“I think so too,” He whispered against my mouth, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
“Alright, let’s get you cleaned up,” He sat up, pulling me with him and I groaned. “You can sleep after, I promise, Fawn,” He said with a gentle tone that rivaled his earlier rough grunts.
“Eris please, just lay with me for a few more minutes,” I huff stubbornly and he shakes his head, hauling me from the bed and taking me to the connected bathroom.
“I’ll lay by you all night after I clean you up. Sound like a deal?” He says, settling me down onto the cold counter that sent shivers up my spine and I lazily nodded, looking up at him. He grins and leans closer, pressing a kiss to my forehead.
“I love you,” He whispers and I match his smile.
“Love you too, Eris.” I look up at him with only honesty in my gaze. “Now hurry up, I’m tired,” I grumbled and he chuckled.
“Alright, alright.” He shakes his head in disbelief, wetting a cloth with warm water before beginning to clean me up, treating me with utter tenderness after he gave me the two best orgasms of my life. This male was going to be the death of me, and I was going to love every moment of it until that day.
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253 notes · View notes
ghouljams · 4 months
👉👈🥺🥺 speaking of bringing gaz to the masses May I ask for some more regency Gaz and birdie
Your hand hurts. Your knuckles are bruised and your fingers ache when you stretch them, it's a good sort of ache but that doesn't make it stop hurting. You rub your thumb over the back of your gloved hand listening to your mother berate you for something so stupid.
"In the middle of the promenade!" She continues wrapping up her hysterical point, "Never in my life have I heard of a lady acting this way." She shakes her head, the disappointment clear in her eyes. You've never exactly seen eye to eye with your mother, but you'd hope she'd have a little sympathy for your situation.
"Mama, he wouldn't leave me alone, I couldn't-"
"He was courting you!" She cuts you off, raising her voice enough that you flinch a little. Some of the wind leaves her sails at that, the anger still simmering but quieter. "And what about the man that made you into this-" she waves a hand, "-brawler, where is he to take responsibility?"
You sink further back into the settee to pout. You don't have an answer for her. You'd been so quickly ushered out of the promenade by your chaperone that you hadn't been able to give Kyle your name. Mr. Garrick, Sergeant Garrick, you correct yourself. Best not to be too familiar with a man who you'd be better pressed never to see again. It would be smart to avoid him and you try to be smart.
Maybe not smart enough though.
Your family's butler rushes in to the sitting room looking a little harried. He hardly gets out an apology for the intrusion, and an explanation that he couldn't stop "him" before your sergeant is strolling in behind him with all the air of the uniform he wears, and a proud set to his shoulders. Sgt. Garrick looks as serious as the dead, eyes scanning the room and softening when they land on you.
You sit upright, fixing your dress and patting your cheeks to be sure you aren't looking too excited to see him. If you'd hoped that the novelty of your savior would wear off after the adrenaline of your first punch was gone you were sorely mistaken. It creeps over you again stronger than the first time and you flick your fan open to try and quell some of the heat that rushes over your skin at the way he tips his head to smile at you.
"Sergeant Garrick," You greet, sure that your smile rivals only his own when he nods his head in a short bow.
"Ma'am." Oh you could melt. You mother seems less pleased.
"Is there something we can help you with sir?" She asks, lips pursed in annoyance. Your man --look at you, claiming him already, he'd be so pleased-- turns his attention to your mother.
"Just looking for my wife," He informs her. Your mother jerks her head towards you and you do your best not to meet her eye. You glance at Kyle and his smile seems all the brighter, he holds his hand out to you. "Come on then darling," He entreats.
Your mother pushes you back down into your seat when you try to stand. You try not to think too hard about the way Kyle's fingers curl and clench into a fist before his hand drops to his side. The way his smile seems a little colder when it's directed at your mother, the person standing between him and what he wants.
"You're not even courting her," Your mother so kindly reminds him, "I don't know your family, or who you-"
"Then I'm here to formally announce my intentions," He cuts her off coolly, "Sergeant Kyle Garrick," He holds his hand out to her, "I'm going to marry your daughter." Kyle tips his head towards you as your mother takes his hand with no small amount of confusion and asks you, "Any objections love?"
"I'll think of something," You smile, standing to take his arm when he finally releases your mother's hand.
"Perfect," He smiles, and you feel all the warmth of the sun turn towards you with it, "I look forward to it."
277 notes · View notes
arachnixe · 3 months
Small Minded
They say there are powers—unfathomable and unnamed—buried deep within the earth. Boons and banes and spirits and seductions call to the ambitious, but I've never known of someone actually finding one until now.
What does one say to a dark sorceress on the cusp of her victory?
My knight, so loyal and brave, wheezes and gasps for breath within his broken armor. Our roguish friend, normally so quick witted and talkative, lies silent and unmoving in a pool of blood. I don't have the strength left to heal either of them.
"Let it sink in, Princess. I've won."
She has. I bow my head in defeat.
"The Godsblood is mine."
It hovers within her reach, an unshaped carmine gem formed of the crystallized blood of whatever forgotten god was buried here. The sickly sweet scent of its power, like rotting fruit, fills the air.
"With it, I shall wield ultimate power."
Yes, the power to remake the world according to her whim, to raise mountains from the sea or to sink cities into the abyss at her pleasure, perhaps even to rewrite the laws of space and time if she desires.
"At last, I will depose your father and rule all of Rutennia in his place!"
I jerk my head upright and stare at her in disbelief. "What?"
The sorceress Velle grins like an idiot. "You heard me, Princess. Your whole kingdom will be mine."
My face must betray my feelings, judging by the way her confidence falters at my reaction. "You've claimed a power like this, and all you can think to do with it is take over this kingdom?"
"Your father—"
"Yes. I know." I wave off her explanation, disinterested. "He didn't see your worth, you wanted to show us all, I get it, but if all you wanted to do was rule Rutennia, you could have just courted me and then poisoned my father!" I scrub at my face in frustration and suppress a scream. "What small-minded ambitions!"
That throws her off balance. "Small minded? I won! I'm getting everything I want!"
"And what you want," I retort, "is a single grain of sand on a beach." I ball my hands into fists and stalk toward her, outraged that my friends died for so little. "You are a cat who stole a siege engine to catch the mouse that once eluded you. You wouldn't even know what to do with the kingdom once you had it."
Velle barks an indignant laugh. "As if the king does!" She casts a hand toward me, magically halting my approach. "No, he has others handle all the administrative duties so he can simply bask in the worship of his subjects!"
"And when the people don't worship you?" I ask through gritted teeth, "because trade with Melland and Istow has completely halted without their kings' cousin sitting our throne?"
"I'LL MAKE THEM!" She makes a tugging motion in the air, yanking me forward to shout the words in my face. "With the Godsblood I can make my subjects dance like puppets at my command! They will all kneel before my throne."
This close to the gem, the scent fills my senses. It leaves me feeling lightheaded, giddy, almost delirious, even. It draws an inappropriate giggle out of me before I can retort. "Build a doll out of cloth and sticks. Make it kneel. Put worshipful words in its mouth. It will mean just as much. Personally, I got tired of playing with dolls at age eight."
Her face reddens. "You think you can trick me into giving up my goals? You think you can convince me this power is worthless?"
"Worthless?" I cackle. "The power of a dead god, worthless? No, only the things you imagine doing with it are worthless. You want to know what you should do with all that power? I'll tell you."
She leans forward, obviously curious.
"Istow's ports give it mastery of the sea and trade we need," I explain, as if to a child, "but we don't need them if we bring the sea to us. Flood their plains, drown their whole nation if you'd like, but take that bargaining chip away."
Some dim, distant part of me says I shouldn't give her ideas, but every inhale of the intoxicating aroma of Godsblood fills my mind with visions of what that power can do. Why can't she see it as clearly as I do?
"Melland," I continue, "is weak but well defended by the terrain. Pull the mountains down onto their capital, swallow their impregnable fortress in a new chasm, and their resources become ours."
Velle's eyes light up with understanding. "Yes, yes, you're right!"
No, no, no, even I'm still thinking too small. Like a petty warlord with a mere weapon. But this is no weapon, it's the power of a god. I take a deep breath and focus. I need to be thinking like a god.
"No, why set our sights on conquering our neighbors," I muse aloud, "when there's a whole world out there to reshape? We don't need what they have. It's not a zero sum game anymore."
Judging by her face, I've lost Velle again, but I don't care. My thoughts race. With every breath I take, my vision crystallizes.
She doesn't need to understand. I don't speak for her to hear; I speak because I must. "A perfect world, answering only to me. Every river, every pebble, the mountains and the seas, the very stars in the sky, all mine…"
"No." The sorceress shakes her head and tightens her grip on the magical restraints holding me in place. "The Godsblood is mine. I found it. I got here first. You lost."
She sounds so petulant, so small. Velle doesn't understand power, not really. She's merely a spurned court magician who deluded herself into thinking she was more, not someone with the will to rule.
And this is no inert stone. The heart's blood of a god demands to be wielded. It demands the will to wield it.
It was mine the moment I decided it was mine.
Without transition, the stone is already in my hand. A twitch of a thought tears Velle's restraints to pieces, no more than a cobweb caught on a boot.
She's screaming, shouting something, flinging spells my way, but my attention falls instead upon the crumpled figures of my dear companions.
With a thought, I am no longer next to her. I stand beside my knight, seeing him inside and out. His body is a trifle to mend, and like wiping dust from a windowsill, I smooth away the injuries. With little effort, I scan the thoughts within his mind, and… oh, what useful secrets lurking within! Many ways to control this one if he chooses to resist me.
My thief is dead. I refuse to abide that for the only one I recall who could consistently make me laugh, and a god deserves a jester even more than a king, right? All it takes is a touch to reignite the spark of life and bid the soul return to its body; funny, I always imagined resurrection to be a more difficult process.
Last of all, my sorceress. I don't need to read her thoughts to recognize her profound denial of the reality of this situation. She flings chaotic bolts of fire and lightning and ice at me, howling threats and curses that mean very little.
If I want her as my high priestess, I should impress her more.
We stand in the middle of a great empty ribcage, and yes, I think a god-bone crown would suit me. Brittle ribs bend like supple grasses, shrink and weave themselves into an ornate crown to rest on my head. I crush the Godsblood gem in my fist and direct the shards to implant themselves in pleasing patterns within the bone.
Velle ceases her assault. I watch her delusions melt away upon witnessing me destroy the gem. The light of understanding dawns within her mind that my power is entirely mine, never to be stolen. A god-bone collar snakes around her neck as gently as a princess's gloved hand, and I can taste her complete surrender.
The whole world also aches for my touch, but it will have to wait just a little longer for my design to perfect it. There are many more boons and banes buried within this graveyard world, and I'll need every last one if I wish to extend my reach beyond even the stars.
And my first three worshippers still need training.
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff X Reader, Natasha Romanoff X Reader
This fic is inspired by the song Secret by the Pierces and the HBO Max show Love and Death. I recommend listening to the song before reading but it's not necessary :)
Warnings: This story will contain dark themes (such as cheating, violence, stalking behaviour, murder) 18+ Smut and angst. Please consider these warnings before reading! If you do read, please bear in mind I did warn you of these topics.
Chapter 1- Would you be interested in having an affair? (4.7k words)
Other Chapters: 2, 3, 4, 5
Would You Be Interested In Having An Affair?
Got a secret, can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you won't tell what I said
'Cause two can keep a secret
if one of them is dead.
The car came to a slow and gentle stop, Natasha's hand leaving your thigh to pull the handbrake up, securing the car before turning her gaze to you. Her green eyes stared at you in a loving way, a soft smile breaking out onto her face when she sees your eyes firmly locked on the doors ahead, watching the various other people flood into the building. Her hand returns to your leg, squeezing gently to gain your attention, succeeding as you tear your gaze away from the glass doors to your girlfriend.
Your body relaxes at her soft and encouraging smile, your hand sliding on top of hers and turning it over so you could interlock your fingers.
"You'll be amazing love," she whispers, her accent slipping into her words as she raises your hand to her lips, pressing a featherlight kiss to the back of it.
"I don't even know the rules," you mumble to disagree with her, giving her a nervous look as a small chuckle leaves her lips.
"That might be a problem," she says playfully, the light hearted tone somehow helping ease the nerves. "It's a new volleyball club, love, I'm sure half the people here don't know the rules either," she says, truth to her words.
Westview had just opened a new sports centre with a volleyball court for anyone to use, the Avengers facility providing a designated time slot for a volleyball club to start for people interested in starting a new hobby. You'd always been interested in the sport despite not knowing much about it so, when Natasha brought it up to you, you leapt at the opportunity to finally play the sport. You were one of the first names to sign up to the club, unaware that your neighbour had also been one of the first to sign up.
"I can escape Melina and Alexie to come and pick you up whenever you need," she murmurs, brushing a strand of hair behind your ear as you smile at the mention of her leaving her parents earlier. Natasha had wanted to join you on the first trial of the club but her parents demanded her at dinner alone, the latter not too fond of you hence not being invited.
"Nat," you chuckle out, her giving you an innocent look, "You can't use me as an excuse to ditch your parents, no matter how...charming they are," you reprimand, her rolling her eyes jokingly and grumbling at how unfair that was causing you to laugh. "I'll meet you at home?" You ask, breaking the short silence that had taken over the car, her nodding her head and leaning over to kiss you.
Her lips met yours gently, her hand cupping your jaw as she claimed your lips once more, her reluctance to leave making you smile into the kiss.
"Go," you mutter against her lips, unable to stop the smile etched onto her face as she smiles into another kiss.
"I'd rather stay," she murmurs and you let out a small laugh.
"If you're late Melina will, oh I don't know, chop me up with an axe," you joke, causing her to burst out with laughter.
"Fine," she says while still chuckling, "I love you and good luck," she steals one more kiss as a goodbye, leaning back into her seat properly while you unbuckle your belt and grab your bag from the back seat.
"I love you too and I will see you at home," your tone soft as you bid her goodbye, shutting the car door and making your way to the entrance of the sports centre, waving to her when her car drives past.
"Y/n?" Turning around at hearing your name being called, your eyes widen and brows furrow momentarily when you see your neighbour walk up towards you in the changing rooms.
"Wanda?" Your tone is a little surprised, not expecting to see her here. "Are you also here for Volleyball?" you ask, the question is rather stupid as it was the only event tonight. She lets out an angelic laugh, placing her bag down next to yours on the bench and opening the locker, leaving her watch and wedding ring inside there before unzipping her bag.
"Yes, dear," she chuckles out and a shy feeling consumes you as her gaze remains on you, your thoughts screaming at you to say something else but she beats you to it, "And it looks like we're on the same team." You follow her gaze to the shirt the man at the desk gave you, the colour indicating you were on the red team which the older woman was also on.
"It appears so," you say, turning your attention to the woman before your breath hitches, shocked at the sight of her pulling her shirt over her head, exposing her bra-covered chest.
Oh fuck.
A prominent blush forms on your cheeks, your eyes now glued onto your bag as you focus on anything but the beautiful woman next to you. Your mind ran wild with thoughts, most of them berating you for thinking that she was a real life goddess as you had Natasha. Natasha, your girlfriend.
Was it wrong to think about Wanda when you had Natasha? Probably, but you convinced yourself that it wasn't love or lust it was a mere... appreciation? Admiration? For the other woman. She definitely didn't somehow consume your thoughts every time you saw her. Definitely not.
You cleared your throat, not noticing how Wanda smirked next to you at your reaction, tugging her team shirt over her head as you timidly changed into yours, trying to start a conversation to divert your attention and ease your nerves.
"Have... Have you ever played Volleyball before?" You ask, pulling your own shirt over your head and making sure to not look to your right where the brunette was.
"I played it during College and loved it," she answers, pulling up her shorts as you did the same, risking a glance at her as she was now fully changed. You regretted the decision immediately upon seeing how short the green clothing was, flickering your eyes up away from her long, slender legs to her green eyes that had a glint of mischief hidden within them. "What about you?" her tone interested as you pack your things away into the lockers, making your way into the main room with the various sports lines painted along the floor.
"Never," you sigh out, looking around at all the other people here and the other teams. "I don't even know the rules," you mutter, starting to wish you were with Natasha instead and enduring the grief her parents would unleash on you.
"Then I'll have to teach you," she whispers with a thick accent, her mouth close to your ear as her body moves behind yours, probably too close for how neighbours should interact.
Her leg slides in between yours, the sharp intake of breath from you not being heard by others due to the chatter around the room but definitely by the older woman. She moves her foot to yours, sliding your foot across and spreading your legs to have you in the proper stance, her hands on your hips to further show you the position. "That's it, perfect, just like that," you almost groan at her low tone, guilt stirring inside you as you feel arousal pooling between your thighs, the thought of Natasha fading from your mind. "A little lower," she murmurs, guiding you into a semi squat, the feeling of her hand at your lower back now burning into your skin. "You want to be on the balls of your feet, keeping your weight on your back foot though and knees slightly flexed," she instructs but if your being honest, nothing is processing as her breath tickles your neck, her hands gliding up and down your body to show you how to do things.
The shrill noise of a whistle interrupts your mini 'lesson' with Wanda, your heart knocking wildly against your rib cage at the interaction between you both. You follow her to the centre of the room where everyone was, trailing behind to try and get a grip of yourself but inevitably casting your gaze down to her hips that sway ever so subtly and her ass.
"For the first day, we're only going to do short matches to help those who've never played before and warm up the others who know the rules," a man named Steve Rogers said in a loud voice so everyone could hear him, hoping everyone was properly concentrating on the rules as he explained them. To say you were listening would have been a lie, too busy getting distracted by the woman next to you and constantly stealing glances her way.
You were snapped back to reality when everyone around you started moving, watching closely to see where everyone else on your team had gone so you could sit with them. You sat on the floor opposed to the bench as it was full, greeting everyone on the team and trying to learn their names and whether they'd played before. Turns out, everyone on your team had played the sport except you, causing you to apologise in advance for your mistakes that were bound to happen.
"Do you want a quick run through?" A man named Clint says after chuckling at your nervousness, your head nodding as you moved closer to him. You paid full attention to his very brief explanation of the rules and positions, trying to wrap your head around it before your team were called up to play the Yellow team by Steve.
"You've got this," Wanda says with a smirk as you walk to the court, winking at you playfully before getting into her position, bending her knees a little and waiting for the whistle to sound.
Here goes nothing.
"Five minutes left!" Steve calls out on the final game, and you thank every single god up there for the game almost being over.
Sweat coated your body, your breath ragged from running about constantly to try and do anything useful to help your team win the final game. You managed to pick up the rules as you went along and were guided by the people behind you, Bucky and Sam helping you immensely while Wanda played her role as... well you weren't sure of her position but you knew she was extremely good at it.
"I got it," a man named Tony on the other team shouted, hitting it down with force onto your side of the court, your body moving instinctively to stop him from scoring a point. What you failed to consider was the other member of your team heading for the ball as well, colliding into their body and falling forwards hard on your knees, foot twisting awkwardly.
"Shit," you groaned, pain shooting up your ankle as your head leaned back against the cold floor, eyes resting for a moment as you tried to catch your breath.
"Language!" Steve shouted, eyes snapping open and a look of annoyance washing over your face at his stern voice. You were just about to shout back to him how you didn't give a single fuck about using bad language when Wanda dropped to her knees in a state of panic, her body leaning over yours.
"Are you alright?" Her tone laced with worry, hands moving to the back of your leg. Your mouth parted at the sigh of her above you, the green of her eyes swirling with care as you laid on the ground injured.
"I'm fine," you dismiss with a nervous chuckle, moving to sit up, her hand falling from your leg and moving to your back. She doesn't seem to believe your words but you insist you prove to her you're fine, taking Bucky and Clint's hands to get back to your feet. "Fuck," you say under your breath when putting any sort of pressure on your foot, face scrunching up into pain.
"You're hurt," she says, the look she sends your way shutting you up from any further comments. "I've got her," Wanda says to the others, moving her body so that your arm was around her shoulder, using her as support as you left the court, moving to the closest bench possible.
"Thank you," you murmur when you sit down, removing any pressure from your foot to help relieve the pain.
"You need to be careful dear," she softly says, brushing a few strands of hair that stuck to the sweat on your forehead, letting her fingers linger against your cheekbones before pulling away.
Someone kindly brings over an ice pack as two members of the other teams join yours, taking your place for the final few minutes.
A hiss leaves your lips as Wanda presses the pack against your skin, shocked by the cold sensation. You catch her eyes when her head lifts to look at you, her green eyes holding an indecipherable glint in them as her gaze lowers to your lips before flickering away so fast you think you imagined the brief glance.
"What time is Natasha picking you up?" she asks, your face showing your confusion as you're unsure of how she knew you didn't bring your car, but you brushed that aside and answered her question.
"She's not," you say, her brows furrowing before another odd look takes over her face. It looked like she was angry at Natasha for something but you couldn't think why. "I'm supposed to be getting the bus," you say with a chuckle, not too sure how well that was going to work now as the bus stop was at least twenty minutes walk away from here.
"You're coming home with me," she says, more demanding that you ride with her.
"Oh, come on dear," she lets her fingers move to your hand, resting atop of yours, "It's not like your house is out of the way." You offer a shy smile, not wanting to be an inconvenience but she quickly settles it, deciding that you were going to ride home with her, whether you liked it or not.
"Are you sure this is ok?" you ask for what seems like the hundredth time while climbing into her car, grimacing at the pain of stepping in as Wanda lets out a sigh while smiling at the way you fumbled with the seatbelt.
"Yes dear," She softly says, moving your bag to the back seat along with her own, her wedding ring left in her pocket as she puts her watch back on. "I'm just driving home like I normally would," she says to remind you that it's literally no inconvenience at all, "If anything, it's nice to have the company on the drive back." She gets into the driver's seat, checking her mirrors before pausing, looking towards you.
Your gaze is firmly locked on the crowd of people emerging from the glass doors, watching as everyone makes their way back to their own cars.
Wanda can't help but think about how beautiful you look, the way the lights of the car park perfectly highlights your face, the way you subtly bite your lip before turning to her, eyes somewhat a little darker after letting your thoughts drift somewhere a little more sinful.
"Y/n?" Wanda lowly whispers, her gaze flickering down to your lips once more, not hiding it this time as you swallow nervously.
"Yes, Wanda?" your voice trailing off as you're enticed by her eyes, almost put under a spell by her mesmerising stare.
"I have something I want to ask you, but you have to promise never to tell anyone," her body turns in her car seat, her hand moving to brush along your arm, causing goosebumps to rise on your skin.
"I promise," the tone of your voice is almost desperate, eager to know what she wants to ask you.
"Do you swear on your life?" She lets her fingers trail up your arm, moving to your drag along the side of your neck and your jaw before resting on your chin, holding your face to look at her.
"I swear on my life," you whisper, unable to look away from her.
"Would you be interested in having an affair?"
You're snapped out of the little trance she put you under, your mind processing her words. An affair?
You couldn't, could you? No. You loved Natasha.
"What about Natasha?" You say, her hand dropping to your lap, resting against your thigh, "What about Vision? You're husband."
The chuckle that leaves her lips is almost deadly, a predatory look flashing across her face as she smirks at you, her eyes darkening as she looks at your lips once more before flickering her gaze back up.
"They'd never know, Detka," she purrs, staring into your eyes with a look that could get anyone to do as she wishes.
"They... I - I couldn't do that to Natasha," you say but your argument is weak and Wanda knows it.
"You would have said no by now if you couldn't do it Detka," her tone sultrier than before, her fingers moving higher up on your leg.
"I love her," you whisper, trying not to give in to the temptation.
"Do you?" she asks, leaning closer. "If you loved her, why are you considering my offer?" Her mouth ghosted yours, a sinister smirk playing on her lips as she awaited your response.
You were lost for words as she slowly moved closer and closer until her lips practically brushed yours, the sweet taste of her lip gloss teasing you.
"So Detka, what's your answer?" she asks, pulling back marginally to properly look into your eyes, gauging your reaction.
"She'd never find out?" you say, lost in the temptation.
"They'd never find out," she whispers sultrily in response, moving her hand to cup your jaw.
Pulling into her drive, Wanda stops the car, looking over to you with a soft look, your gaze following the car that pulls up into your drive, watching Natasha get out of the car and pause when she sees you in Wanda's, a confused look taking over her face. Her lips tug into a smile at the sight of you, sliding her hands into her pockets before leaning against her car, waiting for you to get out.
"Do you need a hand?" Wanda asks as she opens your car door, Natasha puzzled by the action but making no comment until she sees your face scrunch up in pain as you step out of the brunette's vehicle. You take Wanda's hand as she helps you out, the redhead rushing over from her car to make sure everything was alright.
"What's wrong?" her tone cautious as she moves her body to help support you, taking you from Wanda's arms. Natasha's hand cups your face softly as she looks into your tired eyes, the exhaustion from running around catching up to you.
"She fell awkwardly on her ankle," Wanda explains, her tone sharp and blunt as Natasha presses a light kiss to your forehead, the small action making you smile. You notice the switch in hostility towards Natasha from Wanda, not saying anything as you just wanted to lay down somewhere and let sleep take over.
"Oh love," the redhead murmurs, wrapping her arm around you securely while looking at her neighbour, an appreciative glint in her eyes. "Thank you for bringing her home," she thanks the other woman, whose jaw clenches momentarily before letting a fake smile take over her face.
"It was no problem, I just hope her foot feels better soon," she responds, turning her gaze to you, a shiver running down your spine at her intense gaze, her eyes wandering to your lips before flickering back over to your girlfriend. "Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to bed now," she moves closer to you, letting her hand rest on your shoulder and squeezing gently, "Goodnight."
Wanda leaves the two of you as Natasha helps you into the house, you chuckling at how overprotective she was being, not wanting you to hurt yourself anymore.
"Nat," you groaned in the crook of her neck when she lifted you up, letting your legs wrap around her waist as she insisted she carried you to bed. "I am capable of walking," you grumble against her skin, the sensation tickling her slightly and causing her to laugh at your tone of voice.
"Mhmm what was that love?" she innocently asks as she continues to walk up the stairs with you in her arms, hands drifting down lower until they rested on your ass. You rolled your eyes at her actions, deciding to let her carry you all the way as it would be a lot easier than trying to fight this very stubborn woman. "There we go," she softly whispers while lowering you onto the bed, your hand clutching the collar of her shirt and pulling her on top of you.
"How was dinner?" you ask, encouraging her to straddle your lap as you laid against the soft mattress, interested in how her evening played out. You also wanted to distract yourself from the little agreement you made with Wanda, knowing that if you focussed on it too much you would start to feel guilty.
"Don't get me started," she groaned, letting her hands play with yours as she happily sat on your lap, the moonlight streaming in from the window illuminating her face perfectly. "I would have much preferred to have stayed home with you," she murmurs, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.
Your hands drifted down to her lower back while her lips pressed against yours, indulging yourself in the moment as her tongue swept across your bottom lip teasingly before pulling back.
"Oh really?" you mutter while chasing her lips, moving to sit up and snake your arms around her middle, noticing how her eyes seemed to darken ever so slightly.
"You're so beautiful," she sighs out in an awestruck tone a little out of the blue, causing a blush to form on your cheeks at the genuine tone of her voice.
You move forwards to claim her lips once more, hands cupping her jaw as you deepened the kiss, wanting to ease the throb that had built between your thighs during your time with Wanda. It was wrong to use Natasha like this, you knew that, but the thrilling feeling that coursed through your veins at the thought of Wanda's deal seemed to take over, unable to get a grip of your moral compass.
The soft moan that left her lips brought you back to reality, her fingers threading through your hair as her kisses moved to trail along your jaw and neck. Your hands swiftly moved to the hem of her shirt moving to pull the item over her head when her lips caught the sensitive part of your neck, a moan spilling from your lips. You tensed when Wanda's name almost spilt from your lips, your thoughts engrossed by the other woman while Natasha's hips softly pressed against you.
"I'm sorry," you murmur, pulling back from the kiss with flushed cheeks and lust filled eyes. Her brows furrowed at your words, unknowing of the true meaning of your apology as you lowered your gaze and avoided her eyes.
"Hey, it's ok," she coos, lifting your chin gently to meet her gaze, "If you want to stop that perfectly fine love, you know that." You just offer her a small, apologetic smile while she takes the hint that you want to stop, kissing your forehead softly before climbing off your lap, laying next to you. "Do you want another ice pack for your foot?" she asks while letting her fingers draw random patterns on your arm, noticing your odd mood and assuming it was due to fatigue and the pain of your ankle.
"No thank you," you whisper back, staring ahead at the ceiling, trying your absolute best to rid Wanda from your thoughts. Fuck, why couldn't you stop thinking about her?
"I'm going to have a quick shower, love, and then get ready for bed," her lips meet your cheek, pressing ever so gently before moving away to retrieve some clothes for herself and one of her old shirts for you to wear to bed, leaving it by your side.
You're grateful that she's left you to your own thoughts but also a little annoyed as you can't clear your mind to think properly, the image of Wanda's lips ghosting your own refusing to fade away.
At the thought of the other woman you sit up once more, turning your head to look out of the window towards her house, blood running cold when you see her standing by her window staring in at you.
You're about to question her strange actions but the sight of her shrugging off her nightgown has you freezing. You watch as her soft skin is exposed, the lace bra from earlier and a matching pair of panties the only thing covering her body as she smirks at your reaction. Your eyes drift down her body, admiring the way her breasts practically spill out of her bra, the curve of her hips and then lower, only just about noticing the darker patch at the front of her panties and groaning to yourself at the thought of how wet she must be.
Her hand draws your attention as she slides it down her body, sliding a finger under the waistband of her panties before pulling out, a teasing smile engraved onto her face at the way you look so captivated by her. Her finger slides under the waistband again, this time her head lolling back a little, her mouth parting as you see her digit move under the fabric, most likely circling her clit.
You move to stand, ignoring the sharp pain that shoots up your leg and moving closer to the window, watching as she does the same. Her finger leaves her panties, moving to her mouth as she slides it in, sucking on it and groaning at the taste of her own arousal.
You can't do anything but watch her, your body yearning for her touch as she moves even closer to the window, a wicked smirk on her face. Your brows furrow once more as she winks at you, grabbing the curtains and pulling them shut, a sound of disbelief leaving your lips at her cruel actions.
After a moment of collecting yourself, you drag your curtains shut with a little more force than necessary, the frustration of the incessant throb between your thighs not helping with your unusual mood.
You make your way back to the bed, sliding the sports shorts down your legs and your team shirt over your head quickly before grabbing the shirt Natasha laid out for you, slipping it on. You enjoyed how it went to your mid thighs, covering up your most likely soaked panties as you crawled into bed, waiting for Natasha to join you.
Just as you were about to drift off to sleep, on the cusp of unconsciousness, Natasha's body slid in behind yours, her arms wrapping around your middle and pulling you closer. She pressed a kiss to your cheek before letting her head rest against her pillow, ready to let sleep take over her as well.
"I love you," she murmurs as you pretend to be asleep, not saying the words back to her and letting silence take over the room.
What have you done?
I've had this idea for a while now and thought why not turn it into a mini fic :)
This is darker than what I normally write so I hope it's ok 
I hope you enjoyed ;)
Please leave any thoughts/comments/votes <3 I really appreciate them all! 
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fanaticsnail · 25 days
Misc & Marine Masterlist
Navigation Masterlist Here
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To the ends of the earth (one-shot)
The newest recruits taken under the wing of Vice-Admiral Garp are desperately required of breaking in their training. Leaving them in the care of a young lieutenant, Koby begins to develop a crush on his superior as he pushes his body under her command to perform to the best of his abilities.
Téir Abhaile Riú (3/3 Series)
The mighty Marine vessel Vice-Admiral Garp captains was in dire need of repair. Docking against the peer of a small country town, the Marines are welcomed to the shore by an impromptu performance by the local town celebrity band: the 'Merry Mellifluous Quint'. One of the five members catches the eye and attention of the fast-learning, pink haired cadet who in term becomes immediately smitten by the attention she receives from him.
It's All Okay (NSFW One-Shot)
When submissive Koby gives in to his dominant craving, and all he's met with is support, praise and affirmation in your arms.
Please, I'll be good (one-shot)
After rescuing you in the heat of battle, he can no longer contain his desires for you. He was so good. He can keep being good if it means you'll keep kissing him.
Koby, Sanji, Corazon, Sabo, Buggy, Shachi, Ace, Penguin
How They Kiss (drabble)
Four different kisses with all of your favourites. Where would you place them in these categories?
Bound to the Enemy (One-Shot)
Engaged in a heated battle between pirates and marines on neutral ground had the locals enact a punishment befitting the crime. Bound back to back with a marine, you come up with a plan to work together to break out of the trap and return to your crew.
Charlotte Katakuri:
Beautiful (One-Shot)
Big Mom has found her son, Charlotte Katakuri, a partner she deemed worthy enough for him to court for matrimony. While he is smitten immediately with you, he is determined to make a good impression on you by not revealing his face. Your curiosity gets the better of you.
Dreaming of You (One-Shot) NSFW
He couldn't help it. You looked so heavenly in his dream. The way you writhed on his lap, cried his name and allowed him to please you had him wake to sticky blankets when he jolted upright. His thoughts got the better of him, and he was wracked with a new mission to seek out whether it was a possibility to see it become a reality.
Elegia (Part 2 to Dreaming of You) SFW
After the events of Elegia with Tot Musica and Uta, you awaken to the looming figure of Katakuri standing above you. You apologise for the events that transpired, asking forgiveness for putting his siblings in danger, and only have respect meet you in your wake.
I Don't Want To Hurt You (One-Shot) NSFW
You have been married to Charlotte Katakuri for five years, and not once has he engaged with you intimately. You had not even seen his face without the shroud of fur atop it. In desperation for grandchildren from the minister of flour, his mother drugs him with a powerful aphrodesiac. The only cure is to give in to his desires and finally claim you as his spouse. Pollen trope.
The Break is Never Easy (Dance Series) (request) (one-shot)
You were invited as an artist to showcase your work at the bi-anual ball thrown for the marines. A decade has passed between you and your severance from your ex-fiance, old flames reigniting as tension builds throughout the night.
Monkey D Garp:
Bonnie Lass: Part 1, Part 2(NSFW) (2/2 Series)
As the assistant to one of the warlords of the seas, it is your task to man the small den-den-mushi earpiece assigned to Mihawk: managing his assignments, scribing the notes of importance. As the receiver drones on, you answer the call and are greeted to the familiar brogue of the Vice-Admiral you had not yet met face to face. 
Bouquet of Red Roses (one-shot)
Your work day was interrupted by an open display of devotion from your lover, something you both agreed was for the best to keep secret from your colleagues.
Chef Zeff:
Honey Glazed (one-shot)
After completing the closing shift of chaotic energy aboard Baratie, conversations turn into flirtations as the chef's hold a completely hypothetical conversation regarding how to adequately prepare and cook-with human. The front of house manager offers her body to be the central focus for the fixation of the chef's unhinged thoughts. Zeff does not shy away from a flirtatious challenge.
Dreaming of You (drabbles)
They couldn't help it. You looked so heavenly in their dreams. The way they had you wrapped around their body as a marionette in their minds, dancing for them as they awoke to sticky blankets when they jolted upright. Their thoughts got the better of them, and they are wracked with guilt. Koby, Helmeppo, Smoker
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Small question what would Court Jester Reader and Prince Yan be like? (Like the sunshine Prince character)
We have the Prince with the knight reader but I wonder what’d be different if reader was a jester instead
A fool and their bigger fool, the crown prince. Sunshine Prince and Jester reader are a perfect match. Their days together are spent having cartwheel and handstand races down the halls and their nights rehearsing acts for the trickster's next big performance. The prince is a little jealous about showing off his jester, but everyone in the kingdom has to see or risk being beheaded. Lunar is a smiley guy, but he saves the biggest, belly laughs for Jester and Jester alone. Jester isn't the biggest fan of Prince's threats towards others, but they assume he's into dark humor. Jester is less likely to catch on to the prince's misdeeds unless he kills someone right in front of them, but even then they'll probably give into his piss poor act of claiming it was all in self defense - even if his "attacker" has all of the defense wounds.
Sunshine Prince: You there! Be my jester dear's audience or I'll feed your family to wolves!.... Show 'em, Y/n!
Jester Reader: A-
Sunshine Prince, laughing himself to tears: hahahaha, they're amazing, right?!? Right?! Laugh right now or I'll cut out your tongue!
Jester Reader: My Prince! 0:<
Sunshine Prince: Right, right. I'm "joking"
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lichenes · 3 months
omg i LOVED ur perdrix fic! would love to see more with that man 💖💖
Thank you for the ask and I'm glad you enjoyed it anon!!
I'm always here to write for himmm. He has charmed me with his inability to be treated seriously by anyone. I adore this guy with my whole heart. I had this idea where he's awkward around others but flirty with you.
Pierre Perdrix x fem!reader
CW: confession, awkward Pierre, mentions of sex (nothing explicit tho), kinda spoilers for "Perdrix", SFW
wc: 611
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Pierre was sitting in front of the precinct, smoking a cigarette and attempting to make small talk with his colleague. "The weather is nice today." He engaged. "We haven't had rain in a while no?" The officer mused. He zoned out thinking about how he'd rather be at home with his family. He visibly cringed at the thought when-
"Pierre!!" You shouted out waving at him. He straightened his posture. "Oh," he said anxiously. "It's... you." You entered his line of vision sporting a pretty comfortable and relaxed look. "I'll leave you two to it, lovebirds." Said the officer whose name you didn't quite rember. "We're not..." he attempted to say.
He relaxed after the guy walked away and looked your way, noticing the way your, he presumed, new lipgloss was making your lips look more kissable than ever. Policeman's eye he supposed. "Well well well, look who isn't working." You said with a twinge of joke in your voice. He smiled at your attempt at flustering him.
"Weren't you supposed to look for a stolen car officer Perdrix?" You teased referencing his previous fiasco-affair with Juliette. You were there to experience all of the fallings in love and subsequent break ups he had with his past partners. You were there to help him through all of it. He remained oblivious through all your courting endeavours.
He always wasn't looking for anything serious or deciding he would remain single, conveniently exactly at the times you were planning on confessing to him. Once, you got more than intoxicated and subsequently hooked up with him confessing your love to him - mid thrust might I add. He claimed to not remember a single moment from the night before and apologised for leading you on.
How you stayed friends this long without you going insane was an enigma to the ones around you. Pierre was always unsure of his feelings towards you or rather, he knew exactly what they were - he was just denying them. He remembered every second of your inebriated lovemaking. In fact, he couldn't stop thinking about it ever since it happened.
He was sure you weren't interested and thought that your love confessions were fueled by alcohol alone. "You always call me officer, why is that?" Pierre asked cocking his head to the side and stubbing out his cigarette.
You looked like a deer caught in headlights when he asked you that question. "W-well uh..." you stammered. "Yeah?" He got closer to you and leaned downwards to be at your level. "Why is that?" He lowered his voice almost to a whisper and burst out laughing straightening his posture once again.
"Ughh..." you hid your face in your palms as he continued giggling. "Pierre I asked you to stop." "Stop what?" He questioned. It was now your turn to lower your voice. "To stop giving me ideas." He paused his chuckles at that.
"I told you time and time again, don't... don't give me hope." You looked him in the eye not afraid to face him with visible sadness behind your retinas. "Funny you mention that..." he retreated into his awkward self.
You were sitting on his sofa. "Remember when I let myself get hit by a car for her..." You nodded. "I'd do something even crazier for you." You snorted. "Crazier than being hit by a car? Voluntarily?" So all this time... he... he did love you? "Why did you get in all those flings then?" He shook his head. "Do you not understand why they never lasted?"
"It was you." He scooted over to you. Taking a hold of your trembling hands. "It has always been you."
_____✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿ … ✿°•∘ɷ∘•°✿_____
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kakushino · 9 months
While being a hopeless romantic hidden beneath his harsh demeanor, he never found himself very intrigued in his own romance, despite longing for it. He simply assumed that in his age, he would never taste the sweetened honey of love on his tongue. Then, the incident in the former village occurred, and he found himself in your presence, longing for you and trying to drive you off, the butterflies in his chest clouding his judgement. You were just as stubborn as him though, determined to do your damn job and get Haganezuka back to full health. That was your own fire. He wanted to drown in it. Hotaru found himself looking for you throughout the village, longing to court you. He was relieved seeing that none of the other smiths wanted you, not that he couldn't handle it, he simply just didn't like the idea of the competition, especially since he was more than well aware of his own flaws regarding his craft. Hotaru knew that many women wanted an attentive husband, and while he would adore providing such, his obsessive behavior towards forging could put a dent in that. Imaging his surprise when one day you approached him, his favorite treat in your hand. "For you. I heard of you working yourself to the bone again. Take it, as a reward for your outstanding craft." You spoke warmly, making the swordsmith's heart flutter. If he didn't love you before, he certainly was enamored by you now. Offhanded mentions of your beauty soon flooded your way whenever you crossed paths with Haganezuka, the man always saying something strange about you or even simply telling you to do small things to keep you safe while you stayed in the village. "Your eyes are pretty, like the fresh ores I get to forge new blades." "Tie your hair up, unlike metals, it can burn away to ash and it'd be a shame to see it vanish." "You're like a freshly forged blade, sharp and beautiful." Each comment never failed to catch you off guard, a fact that delighted Haganezuka. Yet, he internally lamented about how you were still not in his arms at the end of every day. That is, until one night you appeared at his home bearing a few bento boxes and a shy blush on your cheeks. "I was wondering if you wanted to share a meal together?" More than a meal was shared that night, as you found yourself folded nearly in half, legs tossed over Hotaru's shoulders, your name on his lips as he thrusted his length in and out of you, the scent of sex and sweat swirling in the air. A cocktail of passion. "H-Hotaru! Hotaru!" You moaned out, your eyes squeezed shut with Haganezuka's eye drank you in, finally sating his longing to have you for himself. "C-close! More, please, I need more!" "I'll give you more then, my beautiful fire." He huffed, doubling his efforts and smiling inwardly hearing you suddenly scream out for him, the man descending upon you to bite and kiss your skin, leaving behind a collection of hickeys. His claim. The swordsmith groaned out as he felt you cum on his cock for the forth time that night, drawing out a second orgasm from him, overstimulation starting to kick in for the both of you. Yet, he couldn't stop, he never wanted to. Hotaru kept abusing your cunt, molding his shape into you attempting to claim you from the inside out. He wanted you for months now, and still it almost felt like years he's yearned so deeply for this, this feeling of intimacy, of love. He never wanted it to end, to never cease hearing your whines, your cries, all for more of him. Dawn broke after hours, you filled to the brim and then some and Hotaru clinging to you desperately, as if you would disappear if he loosened his grip. Hotaru smiled softly, uttering a gentle "good morning" in his gravely voice. You blushed realizing your situation before sighing and simply curling into his hold. "Five more minutes..." You uttered softly, closing your eyes and listening to the thrum of Haganezuka's heart. ~~~~~~ Enjoy my word vomit, I rewrote this after realizing I was gonna have another situation on my hands. So the first draft is shoved in my docs.
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Oh sweet lord above... that... was...
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Little One - Story AU! | Chapter 2
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Paring: Reader x Aemond Targaryen.
Summary: You are the only daughter of Jacaerys Velaryon, future lord of the tides. After the victory of Aegon and his side in the war, your family suffers the rejection in Driftmark. There you must always give an account to the king's new hand, Aemond Targaryen. However, when the time comes, Aegon and his court claim you as Queen Helaena's lady-in-waiting. As a new piece of the Greens' strategy to coerce your father, you are taken to King's Landing to begin your life in high society. Aemond will be, much to his pleasure, in charge of guiding you in this new stage.
Tags: Alternate Universe/ Enemies to Lovers/ Emotional Hurt/Comfort Drama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Warnings: This fic includes noncon, dubcon, manipulation, violence, death, forced marriage, and inc3st, at some points.
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged in thi series or all of my work, let me know): @thedamewithabook @bluevxnus
Author´s note: Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
Word Count: 3.5K
"What do you think, princess?" One of the tailors looked at princess Jaehaera, who looked sad in front of her mirror. Aemond, sitting as he watched, with a cup of wine in his hand, looked at his daughter, Aegon's daughter. This was how he had to see her, and how he had tried to see her thus far. Jaehaera was his niece in the realm's eyes, but that didn't exempt him from acting like her father most of the time. At a table in the young princess's chambers, the Hand of the King was sitting watching as she tried on the last dress he had had ordered for the princess, who as always seemed to enjoy only her solitude.
"Fine" she replied in a small sweet voice. And that was all he said to her, showing no emotion on her face or in her voice, barely blinking. Just looking in front of the mirror. The tailor looked at Aemond as if he expected some directive more than just 'Fine'. He took another sip of his glass in silence, just before speaking.
“It's a good dress. I like the use of green and gold" Aemond replied, without a smile, just staring at the tailor, almost as if he could read what he was thinking, tasting the fear he had of him... he liked having that power over others. He took another sip and the tailor didn't know what else to do. This was not a conventional royal family in any sense. Fear, secrecy, and unease seemed to reign throughout the red fortress ever since the greens had won the war. They were all puppets and Aemond the main puppeteer. The silence was still heavy in Princess Jaehaera's chambers and the tailor dared to speak once more.
"Then, if it's fine with you, I'll retire to make the final arrangements, my prince" said the poor man. His gaze dropped from him. He could not bring himself to defeat that cruel look that Aemond seemed to maintain all the time. Several of the maids ran to help Jaehaera undress her and she just sighed sadly. She was the living example of what the war had done to the children who had spent their childhood in it. Aemond worried that she was so lonely, but he too had been a lonely child, and he hadn't fared so badly, had he? The tailor was preparing to leave when Aemond spoke with authority.
"Wait," he said, taking his hands behind his back and slowly approaching that man. The new dress twisted in his hands. Aemond's presence was more than any of this fortress could bear. “The other dress that I ordered you…” he began saying, but the tailor interrupted him.
"Is that dress also for the princess, my lord?" he asked confused, but soon realized his mistake. He had interrupted the one-eyed man at his request. Fear could be seen in his eyes at such audacity, and Aemond only smirked, as if taking mental note of the challenge.
“Do you think Princess Jaehaera will wear so many see-throughs at a tournament holding?” he asked arrogantly, perversely inviting that man to interrupt him again. Aemond couldn't see it, but Jaehaera looked at him for a moment in confusion. Finally, she just continued to be dressed by her maids.
"No, of course not, my lord," the tailor replied quickly, almost bowing to be forgiven. Aemond smiled again, amused by the situation, and returned to square himself on the ground, maintaining his always powerful posture.
"The girl who has to put it on is already here," he informed without expressing any emotion, although he was excited by the prospect of seeing you in that dress. "Tomorrow I would like you to come back with it and we can try it out to her"
"So it will be done, my lord," said the tailor, bowing a thousand times, just before leaving. Aemond smirked again and turned away. Jaehaera was already dressed again and she had leaned on the balustrade of the balcony that overlooked her room. Aemond moved to stand beside her. It was a good day.
“Hm, today is a good day for flying” was all he said and Jaehaera didn't even look at him. She this she kept watching as Morghul, her dragon, and Tessarion, Daeron's dragon, flew together through the sky, almost in perfect synchrony. Two more of the few survivors of the Dance "Maybe we could go flying together today." Aemond tried to sound excited at the prospect of spending time with her, but he knew it didn't sound natural. Few things moved Aemond anymore.
"Uncle Daeron and I already said we'd go flying together today," she whispered back. "But thank you, Uncle Aemond." Jaehaera had enjoyed the stories Aemond had told her when she'd been a child, but that was all. The beautiful memories that the princess had of her 'Uncle'. Aemond was not a loving and charming man like Daeron, not even a man given to pleasure like Aegon. He only knew obligation and duty.
Aemond turned, ready to leave Jaehaera's chambers. He would spend the rest of his day until dinner in the library. He could go see Helaena or his mother, but he would only find them mourning the loss and damage of the war. Aemond Targaryen must have been the loneliest and most feared man in the seven kingdoms.
You felt your skin burn, completely stung by the victory of that sponge she had used to scrub your body. You had told that girl, which had gone to attend to you in the bathroom, that you knew how to clean yourself. But she this she seemed to have despaired seeing your soft and slow movements during the bath and had ended up taking the sponge and doing it herself. It was clear that she used to work fast. She must not have given her time to do all his tasks in that big castle. She finally looked at you with relief when you got out of the tub and began to dry yourself off. You did it briskly while she sighed with relief and began to prepare her dress for that night.
“At least you know how to dry yourself. That reassures me” the woman told you as she took out a garment from her own trunk that she herself had brought there “By the way, my name is Mistra. I'm going to be the one to help you bathe and dress for the time you're here” she sighed tiredly as she took another green garment out of the new trunk.
"I have brought my own clothes" you answered her, pointing to the trunk that she had prepared for you in Driftmark before leaving. You walked over wrapped in the towel, and when you opened it, it smelled like home. You felt tears well up in your eyes, but you didn't cry. You couldn't cry there, when would you come back? Maybe never and that saddened you more.
Mistra looked at you for a single moment as if she took pity on you, but she only continued afterwards preparing the green dress while she watched as you looked for another one in your trunk. You brought her a black dress, with the heraldry of the Targaryens with turquoise blue motifs. You liked that dress. You showed it. As if it were what you wanted to wear and the poor woman smiled sadly, as if that garment reminded her of better times.
"You can't wear that garment. Come on, it would give the one-eyed man and her mother a heart attack if they see you with that ” she spoke to you as if you were in Driftmark. You smiled at her crazy ways, but then you remembered your father's words. You couldn't trust anyone, what if that woman and her words were just a way for you to fall into Aemond's trap? Your smile faded at that moment and the woman noticed it. You remained silent while she dressed you. You saw your reflection in the mirror. You were dressed completely green. You didn't like it and you looked the other way. "Don't worry, you'll get used to it. We all did it when they won” Mistra sighed, and you turned to look in the mirror. You wanted to go home.
Aegon took another swallow from his wineglass, until it was empty. "More," he ordered, and the cupbearer came running to refill it almost to the brim. The swollen features and scars that covered part of his face from the war made it almost impossible for Aegon to breathe or drink, but that didn't stop him from drinking. Aemond looked at him. He was sitting in the center of the table, in the king's place. They hadn't started dinner, but Aegon was already on his fourth glass of his wine. Aemond was standing behind him, waiting for the rest of his family to dine. Silence prevailed between the two brothers. Aemond had arrived on time as always, and Aegon had been brought there by the guards, on Aemond's orders. What was not done in that place if it was not under his command? The first to appear were Helaena and Alicent. Helaena was dressed in mourning for her dead children, she had almost lost her mind in those years, and Alicent was carrying her with difficulty to her chair. Aemond came over to help them, while Aegon continued to drink. Looking at the sadness and madness that reigned in that room, Aemond wondered if he had been worth the victory. But of course he was worth it. He was almost king. The room was barely lit, as it always was when Aegon dined with them, as if that would prevent the rest of his family from seeing his burn-scarred body. Now not only was the atmosphere hostile and gloomy, but it was also poorly lit. Aemond heard Daeron's laughter down the hall, and Daeron appeared with Jaehaera on his arm. The young woman's eyes always lit up when she was with her younger uncle, but they soon became dull as she entered the room, seeing that unfortunate spectacle, which more than inspired glory and triumph, exuded fear and grief. Daeron kept smiling, at least he didn't stop doing it even under the circumstances. Always gentle and nice.
“And (Y/N)?” Daeron asked, moving closer to Aemond in a whisper, having released Jaehaera to his mother. “I think you should set her as Jaehaera's lady-in-waiting. They are more or less the same age, and the princess could use a little company” Daeron whispered close to him, genuinely concerned for his niece and the loneliness that surrounded him.
"Since when have you thought and not obeying, brother?" Aemond snapped, giving him a dirty look. He fixed his only eye on his younger brother, as if he wanted to scare him away. But Daeron kept on talking to him.
"Then why did you bring her?" the knight snapped, and Aemond was just about to respond when everyone else in the room fell silent. All eyes were on the small figure that appeared dressed in green through the door of that room where they always dined. Daeron and Aemond looked at you, even Aegon stopped drinking. You felt clearly uncomfortable and looked at the only figure you knew in that room. Aemond was looking at you now with a smirk and moved closer to you. While the guard announced you. “Lady (Y/N) Velaryon” You had never been announced before and you felt your stomach turn. Aemond took your hand and led you before the others in the room. You saw Queen Mother Alicent sigh as if she didn't believe what was happening, as if the last place she expected to see you was there. She looked at her middle son as if after dinner she was going to talk to him. Aemond led you to the center of the room and there he released you. Daeron smiled as he stepped behind a young woman who must have been a little older than your age, with violet eyes and silver hair. She must be Princess Jaehaera. Daeron placed a hand on her shoulder and caressed her. You felt yourself as if you were a dog that had just been adopted, a pet for the use and enjoyment of that family. You looked at Queen Helaena, who was staring at the ground, almost as if she wasn't there.
"So, in the end, Jace did know where to put his cock" Aegon laughed, raising the glass to his misshapen lips and watching you in silence, almost as if devouring you. Everything that Aemond's cold, distant gaze hid was shooting out of Aegon's eyes. You have never felt so exposed. They introduced you to everyone who was there. That's how you met the princess, the queen and the queen mother. The latter didn't even dare to look at you, as if your presence only bothered her. But, the worst was when arrived at Aegon II's turn. He made you kneel before him and forced you to kiss one of the rings he was wearing. You realized that the war had destroyed him, but he tried to smile at you with his best smile and spoke to his brother with an amused tone “Aemond. Very good acquisition. She's very pretty when she's kneeling down.” You felt your cheeks turn red and you looked down at the ground.
Aemond did not reply. He only told you to sit down for dinner in one of the corners of the table, next to the princess. You prayed before dinner, much to your bewilderment, because in Driftmark few times they thanked the sitters before dinner, but you weathered it the best you could. You opened your eyes in half of the offering, and while you saw Aemond also with his only eye closed, Aegon looked at you funny, at the same time that he drank from his cup. He even winked at you and you closed yours again tightly. You didn't know if you could get used to that. Once the prayers were over, you began to eat. While Aegon ate without measure, the others took small bites. It even seemed to you that Aemond did not even take any food to his mouth, only occasionally his glass of wine.
Daeron was the only one smiling at that table. His eyes lit up every time he looked at Jaehaera and tried to get the two of you to talk, without much success. Everyone at that table seemed sad, and you could only be lost in thought as you turned the food on your plate.
"What a pretty little girl," Aegon whispered to Aemond, who, as always, had sat to his right at that dinner. He brought the glass back to his lips without taking his eyes off of you. You didn't even see it, too deep in your sadness to attend to anything else "Do you think that she already...? You know?" he indicated his younger brother with a suggestive grin, taking a sip again. Aemond didn't even speak. I just take another small sip from his glass. His throat was suddenly dry from imagining Aegon in the same bed as you. He was sure that it was the idea that was going through the king's rotten head at that moment.
"According to her parents she hasn't bled yet," Aemond replied for the first time taking a bite of the pheasant they had served. There was also roast pork, but he never ate pork. It was a matter of principle.
Aegon snorted in amusement at those words. "Yes of course. Those boobs belong to a girl who doesn't bleed” said the king without taking his eyes off your cleavage. Aemond had you had another of the green dresses put on you for his enjoyment. Not Aegon's.
"Anyway, your grace is not going to fuck her" Aemond replied without looking at him, continuing to eat, wishing his brother would shut up for once. He leered at you with the only good eye of his. You were very pretty that night, but he wasn't going to touch you. He had promised himself. He wasn't going to fall under the spell of legs spreading for him again. What had happened with Alys was proof of that. He couldn't fail on such base instinct again.
“So… have you brought her for yourself? To Fuck her and deliver the final blow to those bastards?” Aegon laughed, finally breaking away from whispering in Aemond's ear with his alcohol-laden breath. The one-eyed man on that occasion looked at him in a bad way.
"No. I just want to prevent her parents from trading her for something that could be a threat to our power” he said through his teeth, trying to explain, as if that was the only excuse for which he had brought you there.
"You will speak ‘your power’" Aegon replied as he returned his attention to his food. Was it the only reason? Well, he also felt that he controlled Jace that way and any desire for rebellion that much better. He now he had a hostage in king's landing. Those were all the reasons why he had brought you here. He lied to himself.
Helaena made no sound. Since she had lost Maelor and Jaehaerys, she had not enjoyed any of his encounters with Aemond. With her gaze fixed on the ceiling, she waited for her brother to finish his duty. She didn't want to get pregnant again, but she prayed to all seven of them for it every night Aemond came to her. At the beginning of marrying Aegon, Aemond's visits had begun to happen due to the lack of appreciation that the king had had for Helaena. She needed an heir, and Aemond had made her two before the war. They had fulfilled his part of the bargain. Her younger brother had never shown much sign of enjoying it, though she had at first. She had caressed and kissed him in search of a simple touch of love. Aemond had sometimes smiled, sometimes, very rarely, laughed, and sometimes he had returned her kisses. But not now, now it was just the obligation to maintain a status quo that didn't make anyone happy.
Aemond continued his methodical thrusts of her, not even looking at his sister who lay beneath him, her legs spread and her body drenched with the sweat that dripped from his body. Now Aemond was even thinner, but he was still slender and strong. His white skin was seen on many occasions crossed by scars that were even whiter as a result of the Dance and some confrontation that he had had afterwards. He continued his duty by pinning his one eye against the wall. He had undressed out of habit, as if it would help either of them finish sooner, and he had left the eye patch on. They would finish soon. He told himself. He worked on his mind to get aroused. He thought of Alys and the encounters he'd had with her in Harrenhal. Always torrid and passionate. He thought of her seeking his release and continued to move his hips almost desperately to finish. Something like a snarl escaped his lips at that moment, just as he remembered that time he'd fucked Alys on her fours and she'd smiled over her shoulder as if she'd enjoyed it. He wanted to believe that she had enjoyed it.
One of his hands grabbed one of Helaena's thighs and moved her under him. He was close to his climax. He buried his head in the pillows. Gods. He pictured you. It was a simple moment. You, like Alys, seemed to enjoy it. You screamed his name like he was a god while you cumed. All your hair scattered across the pillow as he kept pounding into you. You yelled at him that you loved him and he still didn't slow down. He growled again and gave two last thrusts that released him from the tension that had occurred in his lower stomach. He had verified in recent times that if he thought of you, that duty became a little more enjoyable. He came out from between Helaena's legs, who was still in that position. The maester had instructed her not to move afterwards, thus increasing the chances of conception.
Aemond got out of bed and went to the table where there was a single glass of wine. He took a drink while he looked out the large window of the room. He heard his sister cry, trying to control herself and return to silence. He placed both hands on the cool stone and stretched out his back. He was tired. But, he realized why he had brought you to King's Landing. You smiled. You were the only person he had seen genuinely smile in all those years. He remembered the first time he had seen you swim on the beach, so smiling and pretty, and he told himself that he also wanted to be the reason for your happiness. He hated himself for wishing for something so stupid.
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cilil · 1 year
𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞!𝐕𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐫 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 - 𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓀𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓎ℴ𝓊 𝒶𝓈 𝓉𝒽ℯ𝒾𝓇𝓈
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Characters: Manwë, Varda, Oromë, Námo and Irmo; reader's gender is unspecified - all up to your imagination~
Featuring: Dom/sub dynamics/undertones, predator/prey kink, soul sex
Warnings: Possessive themes, bit of rough foreplay and sex, smut/suggestive
Author's Note: Thanks to everyone who voted on my recent polls. I'll be trying out a bit of a new format, combining headcanons with small scenes/imagines, with this one and hope you'll find it enjoyable. If there are other characters you'd like to see for this, feel free to suggest and keep an eye out for future polls!♡
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ଘ The Elder King is a romantic lover and enjoys courting you, though even during these early stages he finds ways to subtly claim you for himself: He showers you with gifts like jewellery with sapphires (his signature gemstone), robes in his colours, objects decorated with feathers or bird-shaped items and writes poetry for you which he recites and sings for you both in private and in public.
ଘ Once Manwë has successfully conquered your heart, he makes sure to publicly display his affection for you by making you sit on his lap, kissing you and wrapping his wings around you at every opportunity.
ଘ In the bedroom, little remains of Manwë's calm, serene demeanour. He loves marking your body with his talons, covering you in love bites and engaging in breath play to make you feel just how much you need his element - need him.
ଘ Manwë has a breeding kink that gets particularly strong when he's in heat or nearing it and loves filling you up to make sure that his essence remains inside you as long as possible and his scent stays on you, deterring any other suitors from approaching you.
. . . . . ◟੭. . . . . ◟੭. . . . . ◟੭
Your lips part to release a soft gasp when Manwë pulls you closer and presses open-mouthed kisses to the side of your neck, biting and sucking gently to leave blossoming marks. His mighty talons draw patterns on the naked skin of your back, causing you to arch and lean into his embrace; he is careful not to hurt you, though you already know you will be covered in thin red lines once he's done with you. 
"My little dove," Manwë croons between kisses, his voice deceptively soft; he caresses you like a warm, gentle breeze, though you know a mighty storm is slumbering underneath his calm exterior, ready to be unleashed, should anyone else attempt to touch what is his.
"Yours," you whisper. Your hands claws at his robes as Manwë continues to mark you as his for all to see; the Elder King's mate and lover that no other would ever dare to lay claim to.
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✧ The Queen of Stars is often absent from the daily affairs of Valinor in favour of tending to her creations in the depths of Eä, but she makes sure everyone knows exactly who you belong to even when she's not present.
✧ Varda loves giving you pretty necklaces, bracelets and other jewellery adorned with charms that are filled with her starlight, protecting you and burning anyone who attempts to touch you without her permission.
✧ When she makes love to you, she ensures that you will remember her touch and others see the marks she left on you as will - in case anyone was doubting that you are hers - by painting luminous constellations on your skin with her fingers, twinkling little stars reminiscent of notes in a song of her love for you.
✧ Varda also gives you water from her wells to drink, enjoying the thought of her essence filling you and providing you with light and refreshment. She will stop at nothing to make sure the powers of darkness and evil stay far away from you.
. . . . . ◟੭. . . . . ◟੭. . . . . ◟੭
"Hold still, my little light," the Queen orders, pushing you down and into the soft sheets of her bed with gentle authority. 
You blink nervously when you see the tip of her index finger glowing with sacred, primordial light, ready to paint the canvas of your bare chest with tiny, glittering stars. 
"Will it hurt?" 
Varda smiles and leans down to kiss your brow. "Of course not. There is no evil in your heart, dearest; my light would never hurt you." 
Her starlit touch is hot, and for a moment you fear it'll sear your skin, but as soon as she begins caressing you, reminiscent of the gentle strokes of a paintbrush, the sensation changes to a comfortable heat. You raise your head to watch as she turns you into another one of her masterpieces, and your beloved Queen looks pleased whenever her nimble fingers elicit small noises from you, her luminous eyes holding your gaze while she slowly works her way lower and lower. 
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♘ Oromë is a hunter with all his heart, so once he has caught you, he certainly won't let anyone take away his favourite prey. He loves giving you trophies from his hunting trips to wear as accessories, a not-so-subtle message to all that you now belong to him.
♘ But that won't satisfy him for too long. The huntsman of the Valar is a wild and passionate lover and covers you in bite and scratch marks every time he takes you, making sure they are visible too.
♘ Oromë loves all sorts of cuddling and physical affection and actively initiates it whenever an opportunity presents itself. While this is certainly done for his and your enjoyment, he also wants others to see that you are his and his alone and ensure that his scent will be all over you even when he isn't around, in order to ward off unwanted attention from other suitors. For the same reason, he also breeds you thoroughly.
♘ If you are a good little pet for him, Oromë will reward you with a lovely collar he made specifically for you, letting everyone know that he has claimed you and intends to keep you.
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Oromë's large hands hold on to your hips with a strong, bruising grip that has you whining into the moss below. You already know not to expect mercy whenever you play his favourite game of hunting and catching his prey, a symbolic earning of his right to claim you. 
"What a lovely little deer," Oromë purrs and leans forward to bite the juncture between your neck and shoulder while he enters you with the fierce determination of a feral beast. 
Your cries and moans only spur him on to thrust deeper and harder, his hands keeping you in place with the strength and steadiness of an experienced hunter. As far as you know, you two are alone in this part of his woods, yet something tells you that he wouldn't mind if one of the other hunting parties found you – to see him taking you, marking you, filling you with his seed to ensure that his scent you be on you for days to come. 
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☯ The mark of a Fëantur may be subtle, though no less intense than those visible on your skin. Once Námo has taken you as his lover, he binds your fëa to his, leaving an echo of his song and a ghost of his touch with you wherever you go. Those proficient in ósanwe and/or attuned to spiritual matters feel the Doomsman's presence wherever you go, no more than one call through your bond away.
☯ Nevertheless, Námo knows that not all Incarnates are able to sense and heed his silent warning, so he also presents you with clothes and jewellery to adorn your body. He likes long, flowing robes in dark colours, veils and little charms shaped like crows and ravens, similar to his own attire, and greatly enjoys seeing you wearing those, an unmistakable sign of belonging to him.
☯ When he isn't present and you are outside of his halls, Námo may occasionally guide your fate in whichever way he sees fit to make sure you return safely. Those who attempt to harm you will face the Doomsman's wrath.
☯ Yet as much as he wishes to protect you, Námo wants nothing more than to own and mark you in the most intimate way possible - which is your fëa. Should you ever be slain, or once his need and longing overwhelm him, he will whisk you away to Mandos, keep you there until the end of the world and fill your spirit with his song and essence time and time again until you know no other than him.
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Cool lips kiss the nape of your neck when Námo takes you, slowly and deliberately, enjoying the way your smaller form trembles in his arms. He's sitting on his throne with you on his lap, your robes covering the illicit image of the Master of Fate penetrating you, yet the small moans falling from your lips and the movement of his hips betray the truth. 
"Let me have you," Námo whispers, and you know he wants more than to claim just your body, so you open your mind to him as well. 
The sensation of his fëa reaching out to touch and intertwine with yours is just as intense as the joining of your bodily forms. Your helpless noises increase in volume despite your best efforts to hold back, yet Námo doesn't seem to mind – in fact, you begin to suspect that he wants the residents of Mandos to look up at his throne and watch, so they will know who you belong to for all ages to come. 
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☾ No one has escaped the loving arms of the Lord of Dreams without remnants of glittering dream dust on their clothes and skin, and you are certainly no exception, quite the contrary: As Irmo's favourite little butterfly, he makes sure to touch, embrace and cuddle you to his heart's content, and ever since your courtship started, you feel like the dream dust has never left you again. He feigns innocence, yet you suspect that this is very much his intention, so everyone can see his touch upon you even when he isn't around.
☾ Irmo crafts a special dream catcher for you and makes sure you wear it at all times, an unmistakable sign of his love for you. It contains a small part of himself and his power, and he taps into it to ward off nightmares.
☾ He also likes entering your dreams, spending time with you there and, most importantly, ensuring that no other suitors may ever find their way there, because you belong to him and him alone. When you sleep in his gardens, you often wake up feeling his lips and hands kissing and caressing your body, leaving trails of dream dust and, at times, colourful patterns on your skin.
☾ As much as he enjoys claiming your body, he desires nothing more than to possess you in spirit as well, so that the union of your fëar leaves a permanent mark on your very being, filling you with his song and his essence.
. . . . . ◟੭. . . . . ◟੭. . . . . ◟੭
"Here? In the middle of your garden?" 
Irmo merely laughs in response and rolls you over on your back to climb on top of you, his iridescent butterfly wings fluttering excitedly. 
"Why not, my darling petal? Is our love not the fairest and most beautiful thing my garden has ever seen?" 
Glittering dream dust falls from his wings and hair as he leans forward to kiss you, and you soon find yourself feeling both soothed and excited by his presence and the comfortable weight of his fána on top of you. 
Sensing your emotions, Irmo's gentle hand sneaks between your legs and finds you willing and eager for him, ready to be taken. He breaks the kiss to gaze at your face, delighting in your blushing cheeks, half-lidded eyes and parted, wet lips, panting softly as you look up at him. 
"I will make love to you until you fall asleep in my arms," Irmo whispers, "and when you do, I will continue to make love to you in your dreams." 
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evanesdust · 11 months
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be everything that you need
written for @sterekfests week six prompt: luxe lakeside, @sterekweekly word prompt: ocean, @sterekbingo square: falling asleep on my shoulder, and @sterek-and-stuff-events mead moons prompt(s): claiming, full moon, and buck
Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale Additional Tags: POV Stiles Stilinski, Alternate Universe - Werewolves Are Known, Established Relationship, Summer Vacation, Alpha Derek Hale, Full Moon, Werewolf Courting, Blow Jobs, Fluff, Hunting and Providing, Erica Reyes is a Little Shit, Hale Pack - FREEFORM
Stiles could feel Derek's gaze on him. It was like a physical touch, and when he looked over his shoulder, he smirked. Derek's eyes were dark, flared with heat. "See something you like?" Stiles asked, a teasing lilt to his voice. Derek pressed against his back, kissing his shoulder before turning Stiles in his arms. "You know I do."
"Holy shit," Stiles whispered as he climbed out of Derek's Camaro.
When Derek said his family owned a cabin by the lake, Stiles had stupidly imagined something more like the small, quaint wooden cabin he used to stay in whenever he went fishing with his dad as a kid. The kind with a low front porch and long overhanging roof—not the mansion in front of him.
It was all stone and wood and glass windows. High ceilings with diagonal harsh angles. An architect's dream.
After Derek grabbed their bags from the backseat, Stiles followed him up the steps to the wraparound porch and into the cabin. It was quiet, which was surprising since Isaac, Erica, and Boyd were already here, but they were probably down at the lake by now.
"Let me put the bags in our room and then I'll give you a tour," Derek said, leading him down the hall to the last door on the left.
Stiles was sure he looked ridiculous with his mouth hanging open as he took in the floor-to-ceiling windows on two walls that looked out toward the lake and into nature. The room was painted in warm colors, and they had a fireplace, as well as a private bathroom. In short, it was perfect.
Derek set their bags on the bed and turned to Stiles with a smile. "Did you want to change? I figure we can head down to the lake after the tour. Everyone else is probably down there already."
"Yeah," Stiles said, walking up next to him and grabbing his bag. He unzipped it and dug around for a pair of his swimming trunks. However, he froze the moment Derek yanked his shirt over his head, putting all that smooth skin and hard muscles on display.
Seriously, Stiles knew Derek had to scent his arousal. The smirk on Derek's stupidly handsome face said as much.
"Oh, shut up," Stiles grumbled, though it was without heat. Besides, it wasn't as if Derek wasn't just as affected by Stiles—which was proven when Derek growled after Stiles took his own shirt off.
Stiles could feel Derek's gaze on him. It was like a physical touch, and when he looked over his shoulder, he smirked. Derek's eyes were dark, flared with heat.
"See something you like?" Stiles asked, a teasing lilt to his voice.
Derek pressed against his back, kissing his shoulder before turning Stiles in his arms. "You know I do."
And when Derek's hand landed on the side of his neck—his thumb creating circles on Stiles's skin that exploded through his body in currents of pleasure—Stiles quit breathing. The look on Derek's face was intense, as if Derek were devouring him with his eyes. And then Derek dropped his hand, only to place it on Stiles's bare waist as he dipped down to mouth at the crook of Stiles's neck.
Derek's lips, so soft and moist, nibbled on his skin. Stiles moaned, tilting his head back in encouragement.
"One day, I'm going to claim you," Derek whispered before biting down a little harder. Then his tongue swept over the spot, sending shivers down Stiles's spine. "Right here."
Jesus fuck.
Stiles wanted that. He wanted Derek to suck bruises onto his neck and shoulders. Onto his chest, stomach, and thighs. He wanted Derek's marks all over him—claiming him. He knew it would happen one day, and he couldn't fucking wait.
Derek's mouth laid a path along Stiles's throat, dropping hot, wet kisses along the way. Stiles's dick sprang to attention, straining painfully against the zipper of his jeans. Derek raised his head, his tongue landing at Stiles's ear, and Stiles shivered when Derek sucked his earlobe into his mouth.
He gasped.
He moaned.
"You smell so good," Derek whispered before shoving their bags to the floor and pushing Stiles back onto the mattress.
Derek straddled him, urging him to lie down. He attacked Stiles not even a second later, as if he couldn't wait. Kissing him—all hot and wild. Crazed with desire.
Stiles scrambled back to get all the way onto the bed, pulling Derek with him.
Yes, yes, yes, his body chanted as time slammed to a halt. Everything and everyone was forgotten. This was all Stiles wanted right now. All he needed.
Derek's hard, warm body over him, pressing him down into the mattress.
Derek's big hands threaded into his hair.
Derek's mouth slanted down over his again and again.
Oh yes, oh fucking yes, please.
Derek's lips were warm and wet. His tongue made long, greedy draws against Stiles's that made his toes curl. There was absolutely no finesse to their making out; both were too hungry. Too desperate. The room filled with their moans and groans. Their grunts and heavy breathing.
Stiles trailed his hands over the hard planes of Derek's back, the skin-to-skin driving him wild. And then Derek pulled away. Stiles let out a completely unmanly whimper, but Derek grabbed his chest, tweaking his nipples, and Stiles let out a howl of need.
Derek's eyes were half-mast, filled with lust. His golden skin was flushed with desire—for Stiles. It was such a heady feeling. With Derek grinding against him, Stiles was sure he'd blow in his jeans.
Especially when Derek said, "Want to suck you."
And before Stiles could even nod, Derek began dropping hot, open-mouthed kisses across his pecs, lingering over his nipples. Then he traced the centerline of Stiles's chest with his tongue. Like a fucking tease.
Stiles was on fire, panting like a maniac. He lifted his hips when Derek yanked his jeans open, tugging them and his boxers down his legs. And when Derek nuzzled his groin, Stiles fisted the sheets. His grip tightened when Derek's tongue traced his cock. It sent an electric jolt through him, and his hips canted off the bed, desperate for a bit of friction.
When Derek opened his mouth and took Stiles in, Stiles's brain took a sabbatical. It short-circuited as everything was reduced to wet heat and suction.
Stiles looked down his body, and the sight almost undid him. Derek Hale was on his fucking knees—for him. His cheeks were drawn in, and he gave a good, hard suck, making Stiles shout.
Derek moaned, and Stiles watched as he reached down, rubbing himself through his jeans.
Derek moaned again, and the vibration almost finished Stiles off.
"Wanna suck you, too," Stiles rasped.
Derek quickly yanked his jeans open. He pushed them and his boxer briefs off, and they hit the floor with a jingle when he kicked them over the side of the bed. And then Derek was back. He flipped around, kneeling beside Stiles's head, and bent over, taking Stiles from an even better angle than before.
"Ugnng…" Stiles said. It was hard to be eloquent with Derek's mouth on his dick.
He ran his hand up the inside of Derek's bare thigh, his fingers sifting through his soft leg hair on the way to the good stuff. When Stiles cupped him, Derek gasped. When Stiles stroked him, he moaned.
The salty flavor of skin burst on Stiles's tongue when he gave Derek a long, slow suck, and Derek let out the sexiest noise Stiles had ever heard—no matter how many times they did this.
Stiles swirled his tongue and slowly slipped down to the thicket of dark curls at the base of Derek's gorgeous cock, licking every inch of him. Derek was thick and hard and throbbing in his mouth, and then it was practically over.
Derek kept moaning as he thrust into Stiles's mouth, and Stiles knew he wouldn't survive it. It was too good. He was too close.
So. Fucking. Close.
His balls drew up tight, and he pulled off Derek's dick, stroking him as he slammed his head back onto the pillow and gasped, "Oh, fuck. I'm coming."
His orgasm crested, filling his world with intense, pulsing pleasure. A few seconds later, Derek followed him over the edge, coming on a muffled groan, spilling over Stiles's hand and shuddering with satisfaction.
Silence descended as they caught their breaths, Derek panting against Stiles's stomach.
"Come up here," Stiles croaked, wiping his hand on the comforter, and Derek swiveled and fell, his head landing on the pillow beside Stiles.
Derek turned on his side, reaching for him. They kissed, and Derek's mouth was salty now. Stiles could taste himself, and—fuck!—that was hot. They laid there, making out for seconds, minutes, hours, when there was a knock on the bedroom door.
Stiles had forgotten that the pack was there, and when he looked up, Erica pushed the door open, her cherry-red lips lifted in a smug grin.
Derek threw a pillow at her, quickly maneuvering his body to shield Stiles from view.
"If you guys are done," she said, easily catching the pillow and throwing it back. "Boyd's got the grill fired up."
Derek swatted the pillow away before it could hit them and let out a sort of growl mixed with an exasperated laugh. "We'll be there in a minute!"
She tossed her blonde curls over her shoulder and turned on her heels. Her laughter echoed down the hall, and Stiles chuckled nervously. It wasn't the first time they'd been caught in a compromising position, but it was still embarrassing.
Derek probably sensed his unease because he began rubbing soothing circles on Stiles's back. "I'm sorry."
"It's okay," Stiles shrugged, huffing a laugh. "I'm surprised you didn't hear her, though."
"Well," Derek kissed the tip of his nose. There was humor in his eyes. "I was kind of distracted..."
Stiles snorted, then nodded because that was true. Besides, it wasn't as if they had any real sense of privacy with Derek's pack around. After a moment, he said, "Alright. Guess we should change and get out there then."
Derek nodded, giving him a soft kiss before climbing off the bed, and Stiles did the same. They picked their bags up from the floor and found their swim trunks. They quickly cleaned themselves up and changed.
"Ready for the tour?" Derek asked when they were done, and Stiles nodded.
He followed Derek back down the hall to the huge living room with comfortable-looking couches and armchairs. The fireplace was massive and had a large wrought iron clock above it.
Super fancy, but also cozy. Homey.
They walked into the kitchen, and Stiles was sure it could rival any five-star restaurant with its stainless steel, high-end appliances. And there was a large center island that could easily seat Derek's pack.
After a quick tour of the rest of the cabin, Derek and Stiles headed outside. The backyard had a huge firepit, and Stiles couldn't wait to sit out here, curled up on one of the deck chairs while the pack ran under the full moon.
All at once, a wave of calm washed over Stiles. He could still feel the warmth of Derek's hands on his skin and the echo of his pleasure in his body.
Derek put his arm around Stiles as they walked toward the pack, and Stiles couldn't help but smile. This was his life now, and he wanted to savor every moment.
He didn't want to take this for granted—not for one second.
He'd never felt happier.
Stiles sat on the back deck, grateful for the warm evening air. He watched in awe as Derek and his pack ran through the woods under the full moon—the sky painted purple. Every once in a while, he could see them dash between the trees, their silhouettes lit by the silvery light. It was a beautiful sight, and somehow, Stiles felt connected to them. As if he could feel their wild energy and connection to the natural world.
There was something about the experience that stirred something deep inside him. Almost as if he were home.
Derek howled. The sound echoed through the trees, and all Stiles wanted to do was be out there with him. Running beside him. Well, more like walking because, honestly, Stiles hated running.
So he stepped off the back deck, shoving his hands in his pockets as he trekked toward the tree line. He breathed in the night air and listened as the pack's responding howls faded into the night.
Usually, Stiles would be scared to walk through the woods at night with the trees casting ominous shadows, their dark fingers stretching toward him in the moonlight. But this time, the moonlit forest was comforting—as if it embraced him. It was almost peaceful. It also helped to know that he wasn't alone. All Stiles had to do was call out, and Derek would come running with three werewolves at his heels.
Stiles closed his eyes, tilting his head back as he took in the sounds and scents around him: rustling leaves, a loud whoop and laughter from the pack, and the smell of damp earth and rotting wood. When he opened his eyes, he smiled at the glow of pale moonlight. It was like an awakening of his senses, and he couldn't help the feeling of contentment that washed over him as he stood there, just inside the tree line.
A branch snapped. Stiles squinted, trying to spot whatever was coming his way. A figure stepped out from the shadows—a hulking beast of a wolf that stood nearly as tall as him, fur black as night.
Stiles smiled as he approached, and then his mouth dropped open at the sight of the large buck Derek was dragging. He was speechless as Derek set it at his feet.
Derek looked smug, wearing a smirk that was recognizable in any form. And he had every right to because, sure, Derek was an alpha werewolf, but this buck was massive. Not something Derek chased and snapped up with ease. No, a buck like this wouldn't have been easy prey.
Derek had to hunt this one down.
And Stiles knew there was significance in the gesture. A courting ritual for werewolves. Derek was showing Stiles that he could provide for him—that he would be a good mate.
It sent a thrill through Stiles to know that Derek wanted him that much.
"Thank you," Stiles said, brushing his knuckles down the side of Derek's face, and when Derek sat back on his haunches, Stiles carded his fingers through Derek's soft fur and pressed their foreheads together, smiling. "My alpha."
Derek's tail thumped wildly on the ground before giving Stiles a tongue bath.
"Okay, yeah, no." Stiles grimaced but laughed, pushing Derek back before wiping the slurpy kiss away with his shirt. "We don't make out in wolf form."
Derek chuffed, but there was humor in the tone, so Stiles didn't think he'd offended him. And then Derek gently bit down on Stiles's hand, tugging him back toward the cabin.
Or at least that was where Stiles thought Derek was taking him until Derek turned down the path that led toward the lake. It might not have been the ocean, but it was still beautiful, nonetheless. Derek let him go when they got to the water's edge and trotted out into the water.
Stiles chuckled, running a hand through his hair. The lake was dotted with what looked like tiny sparkles beneath the surface, as if stars had fallen into the water.
"Er, what are you doing?" Stiles asked. "And what about the deer?"
Derek didn't answer. Instead, he ducked under the water, disappearing for a few moments. When he reappeared, he was shifted back.
"The pack will take care of the buck." Derek said, walking out of the water until it was waist-high, looking hot as fuck. The dim light made shadows in the valleys of his abs, taunting Stiles. Teasing him. "The water's nice. You should join me."
"I don't have my suit," Stiles pointed out, but Derek gave him a look that screamed, so? It made sense since Derek was naked, after all.
So Stiles kicked off his shoes before stripping out of his clothes, dropping them onto the rocks at the water's edge. It wasn't a hot night, but the temperature wasn't too bad when Stiles stepped into the water. In fact, it caressed his bare skin as he waded toward Derek.
Derek chuckled, and the sound made Stiles smile, his chest warming. It was probably cliché, but it really was music to his ears.
When he reached Derek, Stiles sprung forward, grabbing Derek's shoulders as he wrapped his legs around him.
Derek cupped his ass and kissed him, moaning into his mouth.
"You are so fucking addictive," Derek whispered when he broke the kiss.
Stiles blushed. Or at least he assumed he was from the heat rising to his cheeks. So he let go of Derek and ducked under the water, swimming out toward the floating platform. Stiles had laid out there earlier after they ate lunch.
The difference now was that the water was dark. Obviously.
The lake was beautiful—and a little creepy, if he were being honest. There was a tiny part of Stiles that hated when his feet touched something he couldn't see. And, as if he manifested it, something touched his leg when he was almost to the dock. He knew it was Derek, though. And sure enough, Derek broke the surface not even a second later, face split in a ridiculous grin.
Stiles splashed him, exclaiming, "You asshole!" Though his tone was light—no heat in his words.
Derek laughed, treading water beside him. "Forgive me?"
Stiles nodded, biting back a grin. "Just don't do it again."
"I won't," Derek promised. The expression on his face was soft and sincere, and Stiles trusted that he really wouldn't.
Derek smiled and hauled himself onto the floating platform, but Stiles didn't climb on just yet. He needed the water to cool his heated skin. Especially when Derek sat on the edge, his legs dangling in the water while his bare chest glistened under the moonlight.
Jesus. So sexy.
When Derek held out his hand, Stiles took it, allowing Derek to pull him up onto the platform. They laid side by side, watching the stars overhead as they talked about anything and everything. About nothing.
Stiles couldn't help himself—he curled closer to Derek, inhaling his scent and feeling content. When Derek cupped his cheek, Stiles leaned in and kissed him. Opened for him as their tongues tangled. And when Derek's fingers wove through the hair at the back of Stiles's head, Stiles moaned, grateful that the darkness gave them some semblance of privacy.
There he was, making out with the most beautiful man, Derek's cock hard against his belly. This had to be what heaven felt like.
Stiles pulled away with a sigh and laid his head on Derek's shoulder, snuggling closer. It was late, and he was getting tired but also wasn't quite ready for the night to end. Still, he must have drifted off at some point because Derek shook him awake. He smiled as Stiles blinked up at him, bleary-eyed.
"Hey," Derek whispered, trailing a finger down the side of Stiles's face. "We should head back. You were falling asleep on my shoulder."
Stiles groaned. Okay, it was more of a yawn.
"It's too soon," he complained.
Derek chuckled. "Come on, Sleeping Beauty. There's always tomorrow."
Stiles sighed, but it was half-hearted. He wanted to stay, but Derek was right—they had the rest of the weekend. Besides, it wasn't as if they couldn't cuddle in bed. So he clambered off the dock, shivering as he dipped below the tepid water.
There was a splash beside him, and then Derek popped up next to him, grinning. He spun, giving Stiles his back. "Come on. I'll carry you back."
Stiles couldn't help but smile at the gesture and did as he said. His heart swelled as Derek swam them back to shore.
Twenty minutes and a quick shower later, he was tucked away in bed—heart completely full. And as he drifted off to sleep, Stiles never wanted this feeling to end.
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pandafishao3 · 5 months
Had a prompt suggestion:
Alpha!Bucky being possessive/Jealous over his mate Omega!Steve when Alpha!Peggy starts sniffing around.
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Bucky watched from across the dining hall, blood boiling, as Peggy crowded Steve into a corner by the food. She was pointing at his tray and smiling about something, and even from this distance Bucky could see his mate blushing. This wasn't the first time Peggy did this - just last week, the busty alpha had sniffed openly at Steve's behind and commented that he should be getting his heat soon. The audacity of that woman. It was all Bucky could do not to attack here right in the dining hall.
"Don't" his friend Clint wheezed at him, clutching at his arm. His angry scent was ruining the delicious smell of the food in front of them. "I know what you're thinking. Just don't" he warned Bucky.
"How long is she gonna be a sore loser for? I claimed Steve over a year ago" Bucky muttered back.
"He's a good prize" Clint shrugged and shovelled some mashed potatoes into his mouth.
He was. There weren't a lot of omegas in their village, and Steve was one of the few male ones. It had taken Bucky some courting, and he'd been far from the only one who'd courted Steve, but 15 months ago the little omega blushingly agreed to be claimed and bred, and he'd belonged at Bucky's side (and on his knot) ever since. It just seemed Peggy Carter didn't get the memo.
Since omegas were rare, it was getting more and more common for several alphas to share an omega in a small pack. Bucky figured that was what Peggy was fishing it - but if she was, she'd be in for a disappointment. To Bucky, Steve was the sole most important thing in the entire world, and he had no intentions of sharing him with anyone. Just the thought of someone else being inside his omega made him want to snarl. A part of him wished they didn't live in a communal village like this, where they all ate together and had to see so much of one another, because if Bucky was being honest he'd rather shut Steve up in a cottage and just keep him barefoot, pregnant and nesting.
As Steve was walking over to him with his tray, the alpha had to unclench his fists. Steve's face was flushed and he looked shy at his mate when he ducked his head down in a submissive greeting and sat down.
"No, sit here" Bucky suddenly said and patted his lap. "I'll feed you, sugar" he smiled. Steve's blue eyes went wide, since Bucky usually didn't display such dominant behaviour in public, but he obeyed his alpha. With a shy smile, he got comfortable in Bucky's lap. His small weight was nothing for the burly alpha.
"Hi Alpha" Steve greeted and nuzzled his lover. In return, Bucky caught him and pressed his nose to Steve's neck where he dragged it up and down his gland in a territorial display. He grunted quietly as he did so, and kissed up Steve's throat - making damn sure Peggy was watching him to so. The tag on Steve's collar clinked as he giggled. "Buck, what are you doing?"
"Just touching my sweet omega. Am I not allowed to?" Bucky murmured, all the while letting his heavy hand rest possessively right over Steve's crotch. Clint made a noise beside them and slipped away; he was a beta, and it made him uncomfortable to be reminded of his lower status. But Bucky didn't care at the moment.
"O-of coure you are" Steve stuttered adorably and squirmed in Bucky's lap. The faint scent of slick mixed with the scent of Steve feeling embarrassed. Bucky didn't care about that either. He just rumbled deep in his chest and kept licking over Steve's gland, right over the bitemark there which marked the omega as his. His grip over Steve's cock, safely tucked away in a cock cage, hardened slightly.
"Gotta make sure everyone knows you're mine" he murmured into Steve's ear, voice darkening.
"Everyone knows, Alpha" Steve softly said. Meek and sweet as he was, he let his mate manhandle him in front of all the others, even if it made his face burn.
"Not everyone" Bucky grunted. "And I think it's time I started reminding people. You're not up for sharing, Steve"
"I don't want to be shared" the omega quickly said with a pout.
"I know darling, I know. And as long as I'm here, no one's ever gonna touch you" he rumbled. Using his grip on Steve, he pushed him down against his own crotch so that the omega could feel his erection pressing against his ass. The little omega squeaked. "Now, I'm gonna feed you proper, and then we're going straight home to get this inside you. I think I need to start scent marking you" Bucky told him.
"Present for me" Bucky ordered as he unbuckled his pants. Scurrying across the bed, Steve hurried to obey. He was already naked, with his hole wet and clenching and his cock cage hanging between his legs. If he was a good boy now, Bucky would let him out of it tonight to play a little - but Steve preferred getting his orgasms from his hole anyway.
Bucky smiled at his beautiful mate. "That's a good boy. Spread your legs a little more, that's it" he corrected him and stepped up next to the bed. Grabbing Steve's waist, he pulled the omega backwards on the sheet as he squeaked, until Steve was right in front of him where he stood at the end.
He took his hard cock and lined it up with Steve's hole; there was no reason to prep him when Bucky fucked him as often as he did. "Deep breath, sugar" he said - and then pushed inside.
With all that pent up anger and nowhere to go accept out over Steve, Bucky used his omega hard and fast. He fucked him at a punishing pace, railing him right into his sweet spot until Steve was crying from overstimulation and coming helplessly all over his alpha's cock. Bucky forced three orgasms out of him before he let himself get close to the edge. And just as he was about to pop his knot, he pulled out and squeezed it instead.
"Stay still" he groaned at Steve, and then came all over his ass and back. It splattered all up to his neck too, and still shaking from his climax, Bucky rubbed it all in, paying special attention to get it worked into the leather of Steve's collar.
When he was done scent-marking the omega, he got into bed too and let Steve curl up in his lap. Lovingly petting him, Bucky kissed Steve's forehead and told him he was a good boy and deserved a treat later. Steve beamed at him for that.
Most importantly, Steve smelled strongly of his alpha now. That'd keep Peggy away. Bucky hummed happily and tugged at his collar. "I'm gonna start doing this every morning, I think" he murmured.
Steve blushed bright pink.
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