#oof it's been a long time hasn't it?
ice-and-fire-au · 4 months
It was a miracle! Z returned back to the hotel safe and sound!
Z: Heh... I guess you guys missed me huh...?
L: Of course we missed you!
H: Wait a minute- Z WHAT HAPPENED!?
Everyone realises that Z had bandages over his chest, he didn't give any attention after all.
Z: Oh this...? It's nothing...
H: Are you sure?
The chameleon looked very worried just like the frog.
Z: Yeah... I'm all good...
Z might seem fine but something was wrong, especially the tone of his voice. It was like something bad happened to him...
L: If you say so...
Just as soon as the mysterious person was going to leave, Z mentioned them...
Z: Say, who is the one in the hoodie...?
L: Who? Me?
Z started to walk towards to them.
Z: yeah... I'm talking about you... Who are you...?
Lunar saw into his eyes... They had some cyan light on them...
L: Lunar... My name is Lunar...
Z: Lunar huh...? Nice to meet you then... Lunar...
Hayes and Latte could say that there was something wrong with Z and both of them started to worry...
L: Anyways... I'm going now... Bye!
Lunar then heads out the room and walks faster, just to stay away from the badger...
In the storage, there was a squirrel who was trying to find something that nobody knows about except for her...
A: Where is it? I know Dutch has it here!
The squirrel was trying very hard to find whatever it was until a bat appeared.
L: Heeeeeeyyyyy Amanda, how's doing?
A: Lantana! Hey, what's up? I mean, everything's good! How about you?
Lantana could see that something was suspicious about Amanda, but she didn't know why exactly... Yet.
L: You good...?
A: Of course I am! What do you mean?
L: I don't know... You have been here for a long time and I'm worried. Are you sure you are okay?
A: Yeah I am...
L: Okay... If you say so...
Lantana then noticed that something gots Amanda's attention.
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L: Is something wrong?
A: ......
L: Amanda?
A: Oh sorry... I thought I saw something but it seems like it is my imagination...
Some time passed and Lunar was walking in the hallways, not knowing where she was going.... Until she saw a door and decided to open it. Inside of the room was Z, it seemed like he was playing his guitar.
L's(?) mind: Should I tell him? Or it would make things worse...?
Lunar(?) was afraid but decided to do the first try.
L(?): Hey Z!
Z: Hey...
Z didn't even look behind to see them.
L(?): So um... How's going, buddy?
Z: .....
L(?): uhh, you ok-
Z: Are you Ashley...?
Lunar(?) was stunned by that question, she didn't know how to answer...
L(?): Ashley!? Who's that!? I have no idea!!
Z: Don't lie to me! I know you are Ash!
Z turned to her with an aggressive expression. Lunar(?) knew that he was telling the truth, so she had to reveal her true identity... She takes off the hood and reveals that he is a tiger!
A: FINE!! Happy now?
She sounded annoyed, she didn't want to take off the hood.
Z: Yes... Very...
A: Look. I know you are mad at me for what happened over there and I want to say... I'm sorry...
Z: !!
Z was surprised that Ashley apologised to him
Z: so... You're apologize, right...?
A: Yes... I am...
Z: If that's so... Give me back my gem...
He offered his hand so Ash could give his gem back to him
A: Wait a minute... How do I know that you are the real Z?
Z: Excuse me...?
A: Oh y'know... How do I know that I'm talking with Z and not... Dio...?
Z: Oh please...! You are talking with me, the real Z and you know it Ash
A: Are you sure?
Z: Yes...
A: Then explain to me the chip behind your neck... I was there too if you remember.
Z was stunned about that information, she was right... They were there too......
Z: I...
A: Yes?
Z then started to laugh...
A: What's so funny!?
Ashley sounded angry now, not liking the laugh at all...
Z: You know... It's really funny that you believe that Dio is controlling me... But I assure you... I am Z...
A: Really? Then prove it!
Z: As you wish...
Then Z grabbed Ashley from the neck and pinned her on the wall. She was shocked by that action but what shocked them more was the cyan eyes and his pink hair is slowly becoming cyan...
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(Ocs that are used for this part belong: @rozex21 and @gayest-squrrel)
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obstinatecondolement · 8 months
I've had the most incredibly painful GI stuff going on today of the kind I used to have every day in secondary school and as and adult typically only have when I am having The Most Anxiety Ever, which I don't think I am? It's not impossible that I ate something that disagreed with me, but I don't think so because it doesn't feel like food poisoning, or I might have a virus or something??
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Me: just trying to work on projects for work so can actually say I've done something at the team meeting tomorrow
My brain: sleepy.... Nap time? Time to get cozy. It's beddy time! Look at your warm, soft pets sleeping next to you. Don't you wish that were you rn?
My body: Your eyelids are getting heaaavvvvy and your brain is foggier than a haunted house attraction. You should listen to it. Close your eyes, just for a second. Just rest.
Brain: How about a nice, short catnap to boost your energy. Only been up for 2hrs you say? That's ok! time is relative and you deserve a nap at any time. You'll feel more rested and energetic if you just take 20 minutes and have a nice little doze, promise...
Body: your movements are slow and clumsy and you'd feel so much better if you just lay down and close your eyes. Just for a minute.
Brain: if you don't take a nap in the next 10 minutes I'm gonna start screaming at you via migraine and force you to take one.
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lynnlovesthestars · 8 months
One and only.
Pairing: Astarion x fem!reader
Genre & warnings: smut and fluff, post act 3, soft Astarion, fingering, slight overstimulation and orgasm denial, unprotected sex, a lil of anxiety? and thinking but lots of love too, blood, biting.. I don't think there's more?
Words: 4.4k (damn i didn't think it was that long oof.
Healing is a slow process, but with you it's a little easier.
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Astarion paced back and forth in front of the tent, weighing the words that were floating in his mind, the feeling that pooled in his stomach and shoved off the fear hidden in the back of his mind.
You were different because you cared about him. You reminded him every night before you'd close your eyes and fell asleep in his arms, and you respected him like none ever did. You reassured him whenever he'd ask you if you were still okay to wait for him until he was ready to try again with sex, and he was oh so grateful for it.
It's been around three years since you were free of the tadpole, you'd grown so much together: patching up each other's wounds while learning how to love. You taught him to be intimate without bedding you. You taught him how caresses could be so much more than sex.
He looked around the camp, you called your old companions for another adventure, helping you find a cure for vampirism, and they all eagerly accepted.
Aylin and Isobel were the only ones missing, literally.
You found a nice spot in the underdark, glowing mushrooms of pretty colors decorated all around you, and the circular cave was just perfect enough for the bunch of you.
You were fumbling around the fire, trying to roast a boar leg you got at a small merchant you found on the road.
Gale was trying to interfere with that boar leg cooking process, but you didn't want to hear him, especially after you had to live off his particularly unsavory stew for months, this time you were taking the metaphorical chef hat and feeding everyone with your newfound skills. Three years away from adventure had to be filled one way or another.
The camp was always lively, that's one of the perks of being so many.
Wyll was playing with Boo, while Minsc and Jaheira were playfully fighting over something dumb. Karlach and Halsin were fast asleep next to the fire, snoring loudly between Gale's words.
Lae'zel and Shadowheart were discussing as always and, though everyone was too distracted to hear him, Astarion was still mumbling to himself while pacing.
The dinner was great, you could see it in the eyes of everyone as they bit into the tender meat and shared stories. Minsc was deep into another tale of Boo, Jaheira and him as your eyes wandered to Astarion, which still hasn't had his dinner.
You couldn't see him, until you noticed that the oil lamp in your tent was on, and his shadow was fixing something around the tent. For what you knew he was moving the pillows scattered around, in a way that you'd be more comfortable while he fed.
They all knew at this point that you'd let him feed off you on daily basis, it started back while you were on your way to Baldur's Gate back then, and you took the habit so much that at a certain point you didn't even feel dizzy after he'd been done.
You excused yourself as you made your way to the tent, it was one of those nights where you needed an extra long hug, and a few kisses on the forehead.
When you opened the flap of the tent, he was still fighting with a pillow, trying to fluff it up just how he liked it, but failing. He was glad that he learned how to hide his emotions, shoving the tension down and away.
You kneeled next to him, placing a hand on his before taking the pillow from his grasp.
He followed your movements closely with his eyes, as you put the pillow on the floor.
He didn't know what he expected to see, but to watch you punch the pillow relentlessly, was definitely not on the list. Though after you were done, the pillow was somehow perfect. Was that how his pillow was always extra fluffy?
You gave him a soft smile before you tossed it next to the others, which you noticed were arranged differently, making something closer to a nest, than your usual layout.
You both didn't speak, you were so close that you'd know just by looking at your bodies, or the way your face crunched, and yours clearly said "cuddle".
In a matter of seconds, he pulled you in his arms before scooting closer to the pillows to rest there.
He loved the way you'd make yourself comfortable on his lap, how you wiggled for a moment before finding that nook where your head rested perfectly on his chest, and the way you would hum when you were happy with the position you chose.
He could live off just of that pretty sound that would come out of your lips.
You were so absorbed by the closeness that you didn't notice the barely perceptible hesitation in his touch, as he slowly turned your face to him, making sure you could hold eye contact for a moment.
The eagerness and the pure undevoted love were fighting with the fear, the fear of reliving those nights he tried so hard to forget, but at the end of the day, he needed you. He needed you more than he feared his nightmares, he needed to feel you around him, he needed to let you feel his love, his devotion, all of him.
If there was one person that he wanted to love so deeply, it was you.
So many times he thought of trying to have sex again just to see if he still was disgusted, but only with time he was able to realize that he wasn't disgusted by sex, he was disgusted of being stripped of his chance to back away. And the more he got to know you, the more he grew closer to you, the more he longed for you, in every way. It was no longer the need for release or just the fucking without attachments, he wanted to make love with you. He wanted to hear you moan his name like a chant, he wanted to feel your hands reach were no one was ever allowed to: tracing his back, on the dip of his lower back, around his hips, at the center of his chest, where his heart, your heart, resided.
There was no one else he desired like this, the idea of other people, or having other lovers but you, made him retch. He didn't want love unless it came from you, he didn't want sex unless it was you making him feel lightheaded. Of course it took him a lot of time to understand this, and a lot of work around his feelings, and his body, and you never shied away from any of his attempts to push his boundaries.
You helped him reshape the ideas of the smallest things, down to skinship.
Even after hours of brooding on how to ask you, he found himself speechless at the sight of your soft eyes filled with love, and the peaceful smile you gifted him. He was mesmerized.
It took him a second to just recollect, as he took his time ingraining in his mind that look he loved so much.
"My love" He whispered as he cupped your cheek, making you lean into his touch. "I've been thinking a lot" His thumb traced your cheekbone ever so slightly, drawing a delicate humm from you. He had planned a lot to say but as you leaned close, the speech was already out the window. So he just lowered you on the bed, and crashed his lips to yours.
It took you a second to process the unexpected movement, but a second later you were lost within his kiss.
Initially it was rough, the way he gripped on you, like an instinct that he could barely control, full of yearning and need, but slowly, the more you relaxed in his arms, savoring the taste of his kiss, the more he would slow down, like a love poem traced with his whole body.
His hands would graze over your hips, your shoulders, your neck, every bit of exposed skin was being caressed by his slender fingers, holding and molding your body like it was putty.
He rested his forehead against yours as he caught his breath, and allowed you as well. His eyes were closed as he was lost in your sweet scent.
It took him another long moment before being able to control his breath, regain his senses as his head was already spinning away.
"My love, allow me.." He breathed ooutsweetly as he latched his hand around yours, your fingers intertwining in his like an instinct. "Allow me to feel you." He placed a soft kiss on your cheek. "Allow me to make you mine" The words came out almost as a plea, like a starved man that was in front of a banquet and forced to resist the need. His lips traveled to your neck, resting where he'd usually drink from you.
"I'm already yours" You whimpered as you could feel his teeth graze, sending a shiver down your spine. You could feel the pit of your stomach bubbling with tenderness, as his eyes were rounder than usual, and his gaze was soft. Though there was a yearning feeling in the bottom, drowned momentarily by the adoration.
So many nights you had to leave the tent to take care of your needs, as you didn't want to burden Astarion with it. You wanted him to be fully there as he helped you release all that pent up tension, not just a shell of him. You craved his love, not his body.
You had to resist the very urge to push your hips against him, even though he was asking you already. You wanted to make sure he was truly okay before making any movement.
He groaned as he tilted your neck, pressing his lips right under your chin, and descending between your clavicle. He wanted to worship every millimeter of you, no skin would have to go unkissed.
"I want to make love to you, my one" He left a bite on your shoulder, no teeth were deep enough to draw blood, but definitely enough to steal a delicious mewl from you.
His words made your heart roar.
You raised your head enough to catch a glimpse of his eyes, now sultry, half closed as his lips still rested on your skin, dropping sweet kisses right where he was.
"Mh, you sure?" You asked as your body basked in the attention he was providing.
"Like I've never been before. I dreamt for so long to have you wrapped around me" He moved again, until your chests were against each other, and your noses were meeting. "I want no one else but you. I want to know what having the love of your life so close, so vulnerable feels like" He placed a quick kiss on your nose. "I just want to get lost in you, to hold you like I've never held anyone" his arm wrapped around your waist, holding you tight to him, like he wanted to merge your bodies. "I want to be one with you" He whispered as he closed his eyes again, inhaling your flowery scent mixed with his.
Your heart was pounding so loudly against your rib cage that you would have sworn he could feel it without leaning in.
You wanted to sound louder, but as your lips opened to say that yes, the sound came in almost a strangle
by all your emotions.
Astarion's eyes glimmered with a light you've never seen before resting there.
He was gentle as he undressed you, every inch that was being revealed to his eyes, was met with his yearning lips, drawing all sorts of pleading sounds from you. Your body was already shaking like a lire string as it was touched, and your lips chanting a melody for him.
His descent was agonizingly slow, but what struck you was how his movements were.
You knew he was well versed in sex, but the way he was caressing, tracing, kissing, biting, was the one of a man that was trying to listen to your reactions, to savor the tiniest sensations, to learn his lover, such a difference from the confident man that fucked you senslessly in a forest three years prior.
It was no longer about repayment for the feed or protection, it was pure undevoted love in each touch.
Just with those miniscule attentions, your heart was swelling for him, and little did you know that he was hitting him as well, all your emotions flowing around you in the small space of the tent.
Your clothes were soon on the other side of the floor and you took your time admiring him in all his beauty: the way his chest was rising, the way his skin was covered in small old marks, so carefully healed that you wouldn't be able to discern them unless you would be trying to remember his every pore.
"Gods i wish you could see yourself through my eyes right now" He sighed. "I've seen you naked so many times, but right now? No goddess could compare next to you" He kissed your navel delicately as his fingers were grazing your thighs.
You could feel your cheeks igniting at the praise. You wished for a moment you still had that tadpole eating your brain, just for a second to show him the true vision. His body was so perfect in front of you, the truly breathtaking view. You could have sworn he would have made such a perfect painting.
Before you could open your mouth though, he was praising you again.
"No words would be enough for me to explain how every curve of your body makes me ache for you, my one" He leaned forward, placing wet kisses from your neck, down to your hips, over and over again until his name was a broken mewl from you lips.
He stopped between your thighs, taking his time to spread you wide open for him. He kissed that spot that caught his mind right away, that perfect dip of your hips, where stretch marks were concentrated.
He hummed as he couldn't help but graze them with his teeth, stealing one moan that made him almost melt.
Then agonizingly slowly he kissed the inside of your thigh, trailing kisses until his nose brushed against your clit. You wanted to beg for him to eat you, but his head turned towards the other tight, repeating the tantalizing trail of kisses until he reached for your dripping cunt.
"You are so ready for me" He kissed right above your clit, teasing you more and more. "But I have to dine first" a finger gently traced the outline of your lips, taking his time before dipping it between your folds, and earning a moan. It was so long since someone touched you, you could feel your whole body clench at the smallest touch.
He kissed your thigh again, sighing at the softness of your skin. You were so wet he just inserted another finger in you and started pumping in your pussy, drawing those perfect moans from you again, music to his pointy ears.
Then as he added another finger, his teeth sank in your plush thigh. All of your senses jolted up, amplifying everything as he started drinking from you.
His slender fingers reached right where he made you cry in pleasure, as you slowly gave in to the lightheadedness.
As he kept feeding, he still worked you like he knew every movement that would make you whimper, drawing always so near to your orgasm before pulling away.
Moments later he finally let go of your thigh, his teeth slipped away from the pricks they had made home in, and licked away the rivlet of blood still spilling from the new wound, causing your body to arch even more under his tongue. You were so close, so desperate to come you'd chant his name like a prayer, just so he'd taste you.
Instead he pulled out his fingers, taking one at a time in his mouth and sucking your slick off of them.
"You are delicious, my love" He moaned as he popped each finger out of his lips.
You were on edge, so tempted to take control and ride his face until you'd come on his lips, but you had to restrain yourself, you wanted him to guide you through it, you wanted him to have full control of his and your body.
His tongue reached for the rivlet of blood on his lips before pulling you in his lap, your thighs wrapped around his hips like they were made just for that. You could feel his erection press against your folds as he pulled you closer.
His lips and yours clashed together in something that was akin to a slow dance, your arms wrapped around his neck, while his held you by your hips.
You could drink the sighs he was letting out, the smile he grew in that intimate moment, the reason why he wanted you in this position.
For months he tried to imagine how he wanted to make love to you, how he'd feel the safest, and his mind always came back at the idea of your chests against each other, your lips so close he could kiss you, but also where he could hear your moans the closest. How he wanted you to rest against him as he whispered how perfect you were for him, he wanted you. All of you. All of your warmth, all of your skin, all of your sights, he wanted to see how he was affetting you, and how you affected him. He wanted to lift your chin, to kiss your neck, he wanted the both of you to find respite in the tight hold.
Seeing you so close to him, so vulnerable just how much he would be, it was how he wanted it to go, cause this for him was like a first time. He wanted to be overwhelmed by you, as you consumed him.
He wanted to feel his home in you. In you and only you.
He took a moment, resting against you, clinging to you like you were going to disappear from his grasp.
"If you want to stop, you just have to say it, my star" You whispered as you rested a hand in his hair, drawing circles on his scalp as he breathed in your scent, that was slowly mixing with the smell of sex.
"No my love, I'm just bathing in you before doing anything else" He admitted, placing a kiss on your neck, where he was resting his head.
"I don't think I could ever exchange this for anything. No power, or castle could compare to the home I made in your heart". His words were warm, caring, just like scorching fire against ice.
"I love you" You murmured as you caressed his cheek, and brought him back to you.
"I love you too, my one" He kissed you slowly as he guided you up. Bringing you to rest your forehead against each other as you slowly sank on his length. A gasp simultaneously filled the tent, so loud it could wake up everyone, but you didn't care. The air was pulled out of your chests, as you clinged on each other.
You both waited a moment before doing any movement, both overwhelmed by the closeness and the pleasure.
You wrapped around him so perfectly, he could barely keep any control over his body, his mind or his lips.
"Mh so perfect for me" He whispered sultry, as he guided you through the slow movement, allowing him to bottom out before having your hips meet his again, stealing another breathy moan.
It was slow, tender, so much that you could feel your eyes become glassy.
Nothing could ever compare to the fire that was spreading around your body as he picked up pace, stealing everything from you. Your air, your whimpers, your heart, over and over again.
He wanted to savor every inch of you, he would allow himself to fill you to the hilt, as he threw his head back.
"M-mine" He lulled as he couldn't resist the urge to go faster, his body loosing control of his movements.
It became all so sloppy, ragged as he grasped at you ass, his nails sinking into your skin as he slapped his hips against yours.
"This is what you do to me" He rasped as he lolled his head back. His hair wild as some curls fell on his face. His mouth agape as he choked praises.
Sweet gasps echoed between the syllables of your name, as he submitted to the pleasure.
He wanted to scream, to let everyone know you were his and no one could ever coax those sounds from him like you did, so effortlessly.
Your fingers twirled naturally around his curls, pulling his head to yours as you deepened the kiss along with your movements, savoring the taste of his lips and sweat as you made him see the stars.
You drank each other's moans with your lips as you completely gave away to the pleasure, as you gave all of you to each other.
You could barely register who was directing, cause your bodies just felt like one. Molten lava simply mixing as it burned hot like the hells.
You were so close, your whole body shaking as you could barely form a proper sentence. "L-love y-you" You muttered though your tongue felt indescribably heavy and light simultaneously.
You were drunk on him, your eyes rolling back as he hit that spot that could make you come undone. He worshiped every inch he could reach with his lips, making sure your body was left with a memory of the night, of his trust, of his love.
"You fill me so well" you praised with the last bit of your sanity, stealing the most precious sound from his lips.
Euphoria washed over Astarion as he was high on the feeling of your pussy clenching uncontrollably around him.
He pumped in you insatiably as you could feel it build up, the familiar knot as your muscles tensed up, feeling the heat rise and your legs shake.
You were not sure what it was, maybe it was the moaned praises, or his touch, or the way his hair bounced as he sank in your, but you felt your body being stripped of all the flesh, pleasure taking it's place as your orgasm washed over you. Your head rested on his shoulder as he was still lost in you, so close to his own release.
You knew that the only sound in the camp was your skin slapping, and the lustful sounds you'd make for each other.
The frenzy turned into a slow-burning passion, his hips rhythmically pounding in you as his lips met again with yours in a matching kiss, your moans mixing in the middle as you could feel it again, your orgasm building so quickly you barely had time to process how sensitive you were.
You let go of his lips to admire how his mouth parted, a series of whimpered moans fell from his lips as you could feel every inch of you being dragged away in the second orgasm at the sole sight.
His hips stuttered once, twice, before the arrogant orgasm sent him to the moon, spilling all his cum in your warmth.
He stayed in you for a few more moments as he processed how elated he felt.
There was no one else in the universe that would make him feel so safe, so loved. He was gentle as he laid with you in his arms, drawing shapeless lines along your velvety skin.
He couldn't hold back the tears that were forming at the edge of his eyes, as he held this night so close to his heart. For him, this was his first time, and it was with you, his other half.
You noticed right away when the first few tears started tracing his skin. You were so afraid of his reaction that this was like a shock to you, in a way.
You prayed the morninglord he wasn't already regretting the intimacy, maybe he didn't feel what you felt: that sense of belonging, the overwhelming love.
You cupped his cheek as you caught a tear with your thumb. "Are you ok, my star?" You whispered as you took away another and another with tenderness that made Astarion even more emotional.
He slowly met your gaze, his eyes so soft and his lips curled in a tender smile as the droplets still descended down his cheeks.
"I'm perfect, my love" He rested his hand on yours, clasping at your fingers and bringing them away from his cheek.
"Why are you crying?" You offered a reassuring look, the one he learned meant that you were a safe space where he could speak his mind unfiltered.
"I dreamt of this nights for months, how I would ask you, and how I'd hope this would carry out" He exhaled for a moment as he toyed with your fingers.
"And none of those dreams could ever get close to this" His smile was getting wider, accentuating those lines you loved so much.
"I don't care for sex, unless it's with you. Unless it's loving you with every inch of me, unless it means undressing ourselves and being exposed in all our vulnerability. Unless it means I get to feel you become part of me" You were absorbed by his words and his eyes, that you didn't notice he let go of your hand to hold you closer.
"You are the other part of me", He let out shakily. "I might even say you are the best part as well." He kissed your forehead tenderly. "You are my one and only" He whispered at last as he dragged the blanket he had left on the side, on your bodies. You murmured something between a love confession and a praise as he lulled you to sleep in his embrace.
You were fast asleep as he finally remembered what he was forgetting.
He summoned a mage hand, trying to be as silent as possible. The ghostly arm reached under one pillow and pulled out the velvety box, before shoving it in Astarion's backpack and dissolving its form.
"Tomorrow" He noted in his mind. "Tomorrow I'll ask you"
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softshuji · 1 month
Mikey's voice is light.
It's tinkly, a little melodic, a little soft, airy- sounding, like a breeze coming through an open window.
You like how it sounds when he speaks, when he laughs, and especially when he says your name, the little 'chin' at the end he hasn't quite dropped despite being well into adulthood.
You like it even now, a thousand miles away, the tinkly breeze of his voice inundated by the crackle of the receiver, and the occasional shuffle as he takes another bite of a snack on hand.
And he always hums between it, changes position in his bed, an occasional "oof" as he turns over and presses the phone to his ear.
He likes your voice but he's not half as good with the words to describe it. He says it's "pretty" that's it - he likes your accent, the way your mouth forms certain words, the lilting foreignness of his name on your tongue, when you elongate "manjiro" to get his attention.
He's never said it mind you, but he thinks you know it already- or at least he hopes you do. You talk a lot with him, and he's surprised by how much he likes listening.
He's never been the type to slow himself down for anyone, take such a vested interest but it's different with you. He likes the wait, the "uhm" you do before you answer a question, the hum that often accompanies your thoughts.
Like now when you're quiet and he can tell that you're thinking, can almost imagine your eyes fixed to a spot with a frown.
'Hey 'jiro, can I ask a question?' you say now and your voice is punctuated by the rhythmic thump of the washing machine in the room adjacent.
It's a nice sound, helps to ground him sometimes. These almost nightly calls where you're letting him into your space even if it isn't physically. A reminder that you're there, that you're always there.
'Mhm? Yeah?' and he takes a bite of steaming hot taiyaki, winces when the steam seems to burn his tongue and you suppress a laugh at how he curses a "shit that's hot" and takes a swig of juice.
It's almost too comfortable at times like this. You could easily get lost in it- moments that never seem to end, the atmosphere punctuated by a tension that never breaks, a siren somewhere that reminds you of how far the two of you are, the lull in the line where the signal breaks.
And it's almost too easy to say, when you whisper a 'What would you do if you were in love with someone?'
And the silence is palpable, terrifyingly loud.
He stops chewing, eyes widening, a hand half halted in the air as he stares at the receiver, a sinking ache that settles in his tummy.
But he's Mikey, he's manjiro. And he's always known what that meant - the type that never lets anything bother him too much- the type that never cries in front of others- the type that has to be the man you need even if you don't feel like you need him.
'Huh?' he says, a little forced, a lump of taiyaki suddenly caught in his throat. 'You in love with someone or something?'
'Maybe I am. And maybe you know them.'
He lifts an eyebrow, the ache snaking towards his ribs. 'I know them?' and then, a sudden burst of noise. 'Is it ken-chin?! Oh you know ken-chin is in love with Emma-'
'No dummy! It's not ken-chin! I know he's with Emma, I'm not that mean that I'd go after your sisters boyfriend y'know.'
And he laughs unexpectedly at your sudden outburst, and it makes the tension a little easier to bear despite what he knows is coming, a rejection and hurt that he's spent a long time preparing for.
'Oh so not ken-chin,' he says and rolls over, propping his chin up in a hand that now discards the taiyaki wrapper on the bedside table. 'So do I get a clue?'
'No,' you say now, your voice broken by the pop-pop of a car exhausting it's engine outside. 'I didn't say I would tell you who it was y'know. But think...a little closer to home maybe.'
'Oh.......'I get it.' A beat. 'You're in love with Emma!'
'No?! When I said closer to home I didn't mean it like that!' You huff in faux annoyance, and he smiles to himself, the tug of his lips instinctual when he senses the irritation in you, and it hurts to prolong this kind of pain, to slowly tug the band-aid.
'Mhm, you could just tell me yknow, maybe I could help set you up.'
And you roll onto your back, stretch out a hand to the window where the moon sits on a branch, the white ivory of it cracked by the grey mist of the clouds.
'I do not trust you as far as I could throw you when it comes to matchmaking me manjiro.'
'Hey!' he says, a familiar pout as he stretches his hand towards the window on his own side, the edge of his white tank top riding up as he shifts onto his back. 'I'm not that bad. You saying I couldn't find someone who treats you like a princess?'
I could.
You giggle, a slip of a laugh despite the brewing tears. 'I don't doubt it, but no, I don't need you to matchmake me. And besides you're getting off topic. I asked what would you do if you were in love with someone....someone you knew.'
And you sigh, a half stifled thing that you hope he doesn't notice, hope is lost somewhere in the end to end encryption. And he pauses in thought, turning it over on his tongue, the familiar ache, the pain that never ends when he speaks to you, a dread that always follows the searing hurt of your smile across his chest. 'Mhm, depends who they were. Someone close?'
'I guess so. We're...best friends. At least I'd like to think so.'
'Excuse me, you have other best friends that aren't me?!'
You stiffen, pull back a little, a dangerously close dip to the truth. 'I didn't - that's not the point!' you huff, hoping it hides enough, hoping you're still elusive. 'Would you tell them?'
And his heart thunders across his ribs, a plummet into his stomach, a redness that spills across the ivory of his skin. He lapses into a silence then, a quietness punctuated by the thwack of the branches on the window.
'Huh? Oh yeah sorry, got distracted by something.' And he clears his throat, swallowing the ache, the spiky slice of a knife edge across his chest. 'I would only tell them if I knew they liked me too, if I was sure.'
'And....how would you be sure?' A whisper dripped down the line.
His tongue is heavy, clinging to the roof of his mouth, a weight that's heavy and suffocating. 'I don't know, I don't think you could be without being honest.'
'But being honest means you might be wrong, because what if they don't like you back? Especially as your best friend.'
You muffle the sniffle, time it perfectly with the roll onto your side, the moon now falling and hidden entirely by the trees, a white ring of light that cracks through the branches.
'Yeah....' he says, a trail of a murmur that's soft and silky. 'I guess you don't really know unless you try.'
And he hates that he holds out hope, that he wishes he could hear it even now, knowing what he knows, and hoping to hold on anyway.
'Mhm...yeah you're right.' A crash, a crescendo, an end. 'Anyway, 'Jiro, it's late, I gotta go okay?'
'Yeah, yeah me too,' he says, a disappointment crashing through his bones. 'I'll see you tomorrow yeah?'
'Mhm, goodnight 'Jiro.'
'Goodnight Princess.'
And he holds the phone to his ear long after you're gone, watching the moon fall further down, a hand of his stretched out towards it, knowing somehow somewhere you're doing the same.
Reblogs appreciated
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soapsilly · 5 months
Are you jealous? - Roronoa Zoro Imagine
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Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Spoilers for One Piece (?), also NSFW?
Summary: Zoro is not the jealous type. At least he never has been. But when he finds out about his girlfriend's crush on Shanks, captain of the Red Hair Pirates and one of the Four Emperors that rule over the New World, he's not so sure about that anymore.
(Y/N/N) = your nickname
Requests are closed
"What are you reading?", Zoro asked his girlfriend at the breakfast table. The whole crew was as chaotic as ever but (Y/N) hasn't taken her eyes off of the newspaper in her hands once since sitting down that morning, sipping her coffee every now and then, not even acknowledging Sanji refilling her cup multiple times already.
"The newspaper, Silly", she answered without looking up.
"I know that. What's so interesting though?"
"Red-Haired Shanks", she answered almost methodical, her eyes still scanning the paper.
That name sparked their captain's interest, the silly trick he was busy with long forgotten.
"Shanks?", his face lit up, "He's awesome! What about him?"
"Oh, that's right! You know him!", (Y/N) actually put the newspaper down for the first time this morning, "It's nothing exciting really. He's been seen on some island... They just printed his bounty again. I guess to provide an incentive or something", the girl shrugged.
Luffy let out a hearty laugh, "That's not gonna work. Shanks is way too strong"
"He really is, huh?", she leaned her face in her hand as she leaned forward eager to hear more.
"Looks like someone's having a cruuush", Nami sing-songed.
"Maybe just a little bit", (Y/N) held her fingers up in a pinch, "but can you blame me? He's handsome, strong and apparently he's a good guy if Luffy is anything to go by...", she counted on her fingers.
"What? Shanks isn't handsome", Luffy laughed.
"Luffy. Have you seen the man?", the girl feigned shock.
"What the fuck? (Y/N/N) that guy is like 20 years older than you", Zoro spoke up.
"Well yes, but you know what they say, right? On old boats one learns sailing", she shrugged.
"What kind of saying is that?", Robin chuckled.
"A foreign one, I think", she squinted trying to think of an answer.
"A stupid one, that's what it is", Zoro furrowed his brows not sounding amused with his girlfriend's shenanigans.
"Oof, what's gotten into you? You're in an even worse mood than usual...", Nami spoke up but didn't get an answer anymore as the swordsman all but stormed out of the dining area.
(Y/N) grimaced, "I better go check that out"
Once outside she quickly found her boyfriend polishing his swords.
"So, are you gonna tell me what that was about?", she asked him as she sat down next to him, shoulder to shoulder. But instead of an answer all she got was a grunt.
She nudged him in the side, "C'mon, Baby... What's going on? Are you jealous?"
She smiled in disbelief, teasing her boyfriend. Zoro wasn't the jealous type and she knew that. He never cared about other guys. He sometimes even encouraged (Y/N) to let random men in bars buy her drinks so that he wouldn't have to. There was no chance he had a problem with this now.
"You do realize that dude only has one arm, right? What is there to be jealous of?", Zoro tried to sound unbothered.
"What the-? Shanks is still one of the strongest pirates there is. He's an emperor of the sea and before he lost his arm he routinely fought Dracule Mihawk... just for fun", (Y/N) was in awe, "Besides, you only have one eye and you're still pretty great"
She leaned over to press a kiss on the mosshead's cheek, but when her boyfriend only huffed in return, she paused to think for a moment. He couldn't actually be jealous over an innocent crush... She didn't even know the man, why would he make such a fuss over it? But then it struck her - he never cared about all those other men because he just knew that they could never compare to him. He was much stronger than them. Better in any way. But Red-Haired Shanks wasn't like other men. He was strong. Stronger than Zoro. Stronger than Luffy even. A fact that made the pirate hunter feel inferior. The girl grew annoyed at her unability to notice how insecure her boyfriend was.
"Zoro", she tried to get his attention but he avoided to meet her eyes, keeping his face down, still busy with his katanas, "Zoro. Look at me", she told him firmly, placing her hand on one of his to stop him from what he was doing.
When he finally did look at her, she could see how uncomfortable he was with the situation. He didn't mind being vulnerable with her but this situation was different. He already felt insufficient as is - no need to talk about it. He already expected her to make a heartfelt speech about how she only loved him and about how he didn't know how amazing he is but when she grinned at him, he furrowed his brows.
"You're an idiot. You know that right?",
"What? You're calling me an idiot now? I'm not the one trying to cheat!", he thought he was going crazy here.
She couldn't stop herself from laughing at his reaction. She knew him well. Having a serious talk would get them nowhere. If she wanted him to open up she needed to poke the bear a little bit.
"Cheat on you? Where is that coming from? I've never even met the man!", she laughed knowing that he was just in his feelings.
"Well we're getting farther and farther into the New World. It's only a matter of time until we'll eventually run into him and his crew..."
"So the first thing I'll do when we finally do, is to fuck the living shit out of Red-Haired Shanks? Do you think that badly of me or is it what you would do if you were in my situation?", she raised an eyebrow.
"Of course not!", he actually sounded offended.
"Oh, you're too cute", she cooed but turned serious for a minute, "Zoro, I'm serious. I would never chose anybody above you. You're it for me"
Zoro sent her a tight-lipped smile, still uncomfortable with the situtation but accepting her point.
"Besides", she continued in her usual bubbly voice, "we don't even know if Shanks would even want me"
"What the fuck (Y/N)?", Zoro wasn't sure he heard her right but once he saw her bite back a devious smile he knew she was up to something.
"C'mon... I'll make it up to you", she got up and pulled him along with her to the sleeping area, locking the door behind them.
As soon as she made sure that no one would disrupt them, she attacked his lips with her own, pushing him down on the mattress that the two of them would share most nights.
"Fuck, (Y/N/N)", he groaned into the kiss as she was straddling him, grinding her own hips against his already growing lenght. He didn't expect her to take charge like that, especially not after he basically called her a would-be-cheater. He didn't complain though.
She broke the kiss only to rid them of their shirts. He used the opportunity to take a good look at the girl on top of him. She looked beautiful, her lips already swollen from the make out session. He couldn't help but imagine what those lips would look like wrapped around his cock. As if she read his mind, she pressed a last kiss on the corner of his lip before she slipped down from his crotch. Zoro was just about to complain about the lack of friction, when she continued kissing down his neck, his collar bones, his chest - along his scar - down his abs, below his navel before stopping above the hem of his pants. She smiled up at him, not that silly smile of hers that he loved but a lustful one one that made his cock twitch in his pants.
"You're killing me", he sighed but hurried to get his pants off, freeing his already aching cock.
"But you love me for it", she looked up at him before pressing a kiss on his tip, earning a hiss from the mosshead.
He swore under his breath as she took more and more of him in her mouth, wrapping one of her hands around the base of his shaft to move in the same rhythm as the bopping of her head.
He threw his head back as his girlfriend used her lips and tongue on his tip, taking it in deep in her throat and then almost releasing it completely when coming up with her head again. It didn't take long for him to feel his orgasm approaching and he was sure she could tell from the familiar twitch aswell.
"Babe - ah fuck - (Y/N) stop", he panted, trying his best to hold back from cumming.
"What's wrong?", she asked him as she released his cock from her mouth - a string of saliva still connceting her lips to his tip.
"Was close... didn't wanna cum yet", he muttered.
She knew exactly what that meant. When she crawled back up to him, Zoro pulled her in for a deep kiss, flipping them over so that the girl was now lying underneath him.
She arched her back into him as his hand wandered down her body between her legs. His fingers tracing over the lace of her panties.
"Fuck you're so wet already... Didn't even touch you yet", he mumbled against the skin of her neck where he placed open mouthed kisses all over, lightly biting down on the skin above her collar bone to mark her as his.
She tried to retort something smart but choked on her words as Zoro hooked his fingers in side of her panties, yanking them down suddenly. She hissed as the cold air hit her newly exposed pussy.
She let out a loud moan as his pointer and middle finger started to gently stroke her folds before stopping to cirlce her clit.
"Zo- Zoro... Please", she didn't even know what she was begging for but couldn't help it. His teasing was turning her crazy.
Zoro liked hearing his name out of her mouth. He liked that he was the one to make her feel this way. He smirked to himself as he leaned down to whisper in her ear.
"Fuck, you're making me weak. Tell me, who's making you feel this good? Huh?"
"You are!", she moaned, "Zoro, this is all for you. I belong to you"
The swordsman bit his lip as he increased the speed with which his hand rubbed her clit. He could feel his hand drenched in her juices and knew he could fuck her right then and there but first he wanted to see her come undone before his eyes. He could sense that she was close from the way she held her breath. He knew her body like his own. He could see the signs.
"You're doing so good, baby", she could feel his breath against her skin, "Cum for me. Come on now, (Y/N/N). Cum on my fingers"
A loud moan errupted from her lips as the familiar knot in her stomach region finally burst. She muffled the sound by biting in her hand, shuddering beneath him with no sign of Zoro stopping the movement of his hands. Only when tears started to pool at the corners of her eyes, did his hand finally slow down.
He sank down into the pillows, pulling her into his side, his hand lazily stroking her thigh as she breathed heavily. As soon as she caught her breath, she turned to him, a loving smile on her face.
"I thought, I was supposed to make things up to you?"
"Well, good thing were not done yet", his voice was low as he attacked her lips with another hungy kiss. He was just about to crawl on top of her when (Y/N) stopped him. She gently but firmly pushed him back down and broke the kiss only to straddle the swordsman beneath her once again. It was usually Zoro that liked to take charge in the bedroom and (Y/N) never complained - she enjoyed being spoiled by her boyfriend - but this time she was determined to be the one to make him feel good.
He knew it was his own fault. He didn't have to stop (Y/N) from sucking his cock earlier. He could've blown his load in her mouth and she would've swallowed like the good girl she was. He didn't want to wait though. He wanted her then and there - much to his dismay now. His lenght was throbbing uncomfortably and it felt like heaven when she finally lowered herself on his cock, steadying herself with one hand on his chest and the other on the wall behind his head. Zoro's hands found their way to her hips almost automatically, his calloused fingers digging into the soft flesh. They moaned in unison and she leaned forward placing wet kisses along his neck but she didn't move, knowing that he would ruin any kind of rhythm she would attempt to ride him at.
"Fuck, Baby. Don't make me beg...", he panted as his hips thrusted upwards to get some kind of relief.
She let him. His hands roamning her sides - up and down - clawing at her skin.
As he finally calmed down a little - after what felt like an eternity - she started moving her hips, barely raising up from her seated position but rather rocking back and forth. Slowly.
She could feel Zoro's fingernails digging into her thighs but she didn't mind the sensation. In fact, she enjoyed it. As she looked down the mosshead beneath her, she couldn't help but notice how beautiful he looked like this. He was watching her through hooded eyes, mouth slightly agape. She leaned down to capture his lips in a sensual kiss but the swordsman had other plans as he used the opportunity to loudly smack his girlfriend's ass, grabbing at it, earning an even louder yelp from the girl.
"Oh, I see how it is", she whispered in his ear. He could clearly hear the smile in her voice.
With that she picked up the pace. Riding his cock faster and more forcefully now. Her tits bouncing to the rhythm. A loud 'smack'ing sound filled the room as her wet pussy came down on his cock over and over again. His hands grabbed at anything they could reach, incoherent moans falling from his lips. She had never seen the swordsman this desperate.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck. (Y/N), don't stop. 'M so fuck- fucking close", he told her trough gritted teeth. For a short moment, (Y/N) thought about stopping - just to fuck with him - but then decided against it as all of this was to make up for making him feel bad. She didn't abandon the idea completely though, keeping it locked away for when the time was right. Whilst she was already fantasizing about when that would be, she could feel the familiar twitch of Zoro's cock inside her.
"Yes, Love", she cooed, "Cum inside me. I'm so needy for you. Only you. No one else could ever make me feel this good, Fuck."
She didn't have to tell him twice, hearing those words out of her mouth paired with the way she was riding him so effortlessly was enough to send him over the edge, gripping her hips so tightly, she was sure there would be marks.
She slowed her movements as she rode out his high before completely stopping them once she felt him finish. As he guided her off of him, she collapsed into the pillows, both of them completely exhausted, a light film of sweat coating their bodies. He pulled her into his side once again, her head now comfortably resting on his chest. Neither of them saying a word. The only sound that filled the room were the heavy breaths and the occasional peck here and there. It was Zoro that eventually broke the silence.
"I- uh.. I guess I should get jealous more often, huh?"
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dntaewithluv · 2 years
Private Lesson | myg
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Your little sister finds it odd how you've been taking private lessons from her piano teacher for over a month now, but she hasn't heard you actually play even once...
🎹 Pairing: pianoteacher/pianist!yoongi x reader
🎹 Word Count: 5.5k
🎹 Rating: 18+
🎹 Genre: Friends with benefits to lovers, piano teacher/pianist au, smut, fluff, minor drama/angst
🎹 Warnings: Y/N is lying to her younger sister, explicit language, we love secretly hooking up with our sister's hot piano teacher 🤩, making out, biting/marking, Yoongi has some dom tendencies, groping, there's an actual piano lesson and it's wholesome until it's not™️, Yoongi plays his sabotage card 😈, explicit sexual content, lots of teasing/taunting, rubbing, fingering, multiple orgasms, cum eating/feeding, oral (f receiving), hair pulling, scratching, brief handjob, unprotected sex (pls be safe), sex on top of Yoongi's first love (the piano 👀), it's fluffy and wholesome at the end, Y/N lets Yoongi keep her underwear, really the only drama/angst is because they're hooking up in secret oof
A/N: Funny how I forget this man owns me until I see him again and then it's painfully clear 🥹 This was inspired by and spiraled into this™️ after the YTC concert this weekend. It felt really good to be inspired and motivated to write something again, so I really hope you enjoy this if you decide to check it out 🥰 Thank you as always for your patience and kindness and support I purple you always 💜
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“Okay, Faith, I’m heading out.” you called out as you made your way towards the front door, “Should be back in an hour or so.”
Your fifteen-year-old sister, seated at the kitchen table, looked up from her phone, “You know, I really just don’t understand why you don’t just sign up for one of his classes. I know he offers them specifically for adults. It’d probably be way cheaper than whatever you’re paying for all these private lessons.”
You laughed at her remark, trying your best not to let your nerves show.
“I told you, I don’t feel comfortable playing in front of other people. Too much pressure, and too many pairs of eyes on you. Having one person there makes me nervous enough.”
Your little sister stared back at you, seeming to search your face for some answer to whatever she was looking for.
“Yeah, but, Y/N, you won’t even play in front of me. And I’m your sister. You’d think after six weeks worth of lessons, you’d at least be able to do that. Wouldn’t it be cool for us to be able to play something together sometime?”
You felt a twinge of guilt pierce you at her words and the look on her face. You nervously chewed on your bottom lip as you wracked your brain for a response that would satisfy her.
“Tell you what, Faith. I’ll ask Yoo-I mean Mr. Min to teach me one of the pieces you guys are working on in class, and we’ll try to play together soon. Sound good?” you proposed, hoping it would suffice for now.
Faith’s expression shifted, and you were grateful to see that she didn’t look nearly as upset.
“Yeah, okay, sounds good. Have a good lesson.” she said with a small smile before turning back to her phone.
You waited to let out your sigh of relief until you were on the other side of the door. Well that had been fucking close.
Your anxiety only grew more heightened as you pulled up to the familiar condo. No longer feelings of guilt, but of excitement and anticipation. You felt yourself walk a little too fast up to the door, finger immediately reaching out to push the doorbell. You held your breath as you always did when the door was being swung open. And then there he was.
It was truly unfair how hot he looked today and every time you saw him. He had a plain white tee tucked into a pair of high waisted black pants, a single silver chain hanging from his neck. His long, dark, gorgeous locks cascaded down either side of his handsome face. Every single part of you was buzzing.
“And here I was starting to think that maybe you were going to stand me up for our lesson.” he greeted you, eyes giving you a very obvious once over.
Heat washed over you.
“You know I would never.” you voiced, a hint of playfulness in your tone, “I need the practice, and you and I both know it.”
An amused smirk took over his features, “You know I’m always more than happy to oblige a student in need. Please, come in, and we can get started.”
You sauntered past him and into the condo, feeling his gaze on you all the while. No sooner had he closed the door behind you, than you were being pushed up against it, Yoongi hastily crashing his lips against your own. You matched his urgency as your mouths moved together, and your hands slid up into his midnight strands.
He was always more worked up, more rough, anytime you were late. Anytime you had kept him waiting. Today was no exception as he practically swallowed you, his fingers surely making imprints across the skin of your hips from how hard he was pushing you against the door.
His teeth nipped harshly at your lips as his tongue tangled messily with yours. That wild look you had come to know all too well over the past six weeks was present in his dark eyes when he suddenly pulled back from you.
“Well, shit.” you rasped, laughing slightly, “I missed you too.”
Yoongi’s response was to begin hungrily kissing down your neck, and you sighed out as you held him against you.
“You were all I could think about all fucking day.” he murmured as his lips seared against your skin.
“Mmm, you might’ve crossed my mind a time or two.” you teased back, and Yoongi growled against your neck before sinking his teeth into you.
You cried out, your head falling back against the door. He pushed one of his legs between yours and pressed his thigh against you, making you let out a whimper as his tongue simultaneously soothed the spot on your neck. His leg pressed harder and you gasped sharply, “You really wanna be a brat today? After you were already late? Think carefully about your decision, darling.”
It probably wouldn’t be the best idea to be honest. And you knew you would struggle to come up with a reason to explain to Faith why you couldn’t walk the next day…
“No…no. I’ll be good, Yoongi.”
He kissed you just behind your ear, hot breath hitting your skin, “Smart girl. Looks like I’ve been teaching you something these last several weeks after all.”
He immediately went back to sucking color into your neck as his fingers slipped beneath your sun dress and began trailing up the inside of your thigh. His other hand roughly pulled down the strap of your dress to expose your shoulder and some of your chest. Your mind was starting to go fuzzy. The way it always did when you were with Yoongi. But the mention of his teaching reminded you of your promise to Faith.
“Yoongi.” you tried, but it came out as a moan from the way his teeth scraped against your collarbone.
His free hand groped at your breast over your clothes while his fingers started to dip between your thighs. It wouldn’t be long before you would be lost in your pleasure. Lost in him.
“Yoongi, wait.”
You’d actually managed to find your voice this time, and Yoongi was immediately pulling back to look at you as his hand retreated out from underneath your dress.
“Darling, what is it?” he queried, concern briefly flashing across his handsome features.
“It’s just…it’s my sister.”
Yoongi’s eyes went wide, “Wait, does Faith know about us?”
“No, no.” you reassured him quickly, “At least I don’t think she does. But, she is starting to wonder why after six weeks of lessons that she hasn’t heard me play. Like, at all.”
You watched as Yoongi processed this information, and marveled at how cute his thinking face was. You desperately wanted to be kissing him again, but it would have to wait for now.
“So, what you’re saying is, that you think our weekly “piano lessons” should actually be used for piano lessons?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at you.
“I mean, we can definitely still have sex. But I do think I should at least start becoming more familiar with the piano if we wanna keep this under wraps like we have been.” you explained further, looping your arms around Yoongi’s neck as you talked.
His hands came to rest on your hips once again, “You know, darling, I think I have the perfect solution.”
This time you lifted your eyebrows at him. You knew he was fucking with you, but you still decided to ask anyway.
“Oh, and what solution is that?”
Yoongi gripped you harder, making your dress bunch up slightly in his hold.
“I could fuck you on my piano. That would definitely help you become more familiar with it.” he mused, his tongue darting out to wet his lips.
You rubbed your thighs together before you could stop yourself, and Yoongi, of course, noticed immediately. You quickly tried to defuse the rapidly mounting tension.
“Yoon, I’m serious about this. It’s really important to my sister, and at least this way what I’m telling her won’t be a complete lie. Just teach me some of the basics so I have something to show from all these “lessons”. Pleeeeeeease Yoonie.” you pleaded sweetly, and the piano teacher revealed his gums when he smiled at you.
“Alright, alright. You’re right, it probably wouldn’t be a bad idea. And if anyone’s gonna teach you, it should be me.” he relented before taking both of your hands and leading you over to one of the many pianos he had in his luxurious condo.
This particular one was displayed right by his wall of glass windows. Sunlight filtered through the panes and fell on the inviting instrument. Yoongi gestured for you to take a seat on the bench, and you let out a slightly nervous giggle before sitting down. You only missed his warmth for a second before he was right next to you, hip bumping against yours.
His fingers hovered over the keys with such a natural grace, and all you could do was stare at him in awe for a moment. He belonged here. That was clear as day. He positioned his foot on the pedal below, closed his eyes, and began to play. The notes were soft and delicate, as was his touch against the keys.
He looked so beautiful like this, and you felt your breath catch in your chest. It was as if he and the instrument were one and the same, sharing the same soul. He was lost in it, and the music was lost in him. Out of everything you and Yoongi had done since the two of you had started hooking up, this, this, felt the most intimate.
You were overcome with the sudden realization that you were starting to fall in love with him, and nothing had ever scared you more in your entire life. Yoongi’s eyes suddenly fluttered open, and you weren’t prepared for the calm intensity in them when he turned to you. Without taking his hands off the keys, he leaned over and gently brought his lips to yours.
You felt yourself flush furiously because this was a different kind of kiss. Not the kind that had heat surging through you and craving more, more, more. The kind that made your heart stutter in your chest and sent every part of you fluttering. A kiss that made you think that maybe, just maybe, he was starting to fall for you too.
The two of you broke apart, but the closeness remained.
“I don’t know if I ever told you,” Yoongi began softly, warm breath hitting your lips, “but the piano was actually my first love.”
He grew shy suddenly, cheeks heating at the admission as his hands froze over the keys. He had really shown you something so precious. Something that was at the very core of who he was. All you could think about was how honored and lucky you felt that he had chosen to share it with you.
You smiled warmly at him, “Well, then, I’m honored to meet her. Thank you for sharing this with me. You really play so beautifully.”
He blushed deeper, and his gums poked out when he grinned bashfully back at you. The moment felt as delicate as the notes he’d just been pulling from the piano. You found yourself wanting to stay in it for as long as possible. But then Yoongi suddenly cleared his throat and brushed his hands nervously over his pants.
“Okay, your turn now.”
“You really expect me to follow that up?” you questioned back, the nerves beginning to settle over you once more.
Yoongi chuckled, the sound dancing in his eyes, “Of course not. I’m just gonna show you some basic scales.”
You playfully bumped his shoulder with your own.
“Show off.” you remarked teasingly.
“Don’t act like I didn’t just woo the fuck out of you with my piano skills.” he quipped back, flashing you a cocky smirk.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t stop the smile that spread across your face, betraying you.
“Okay, fine. Consider me wooed. I guess you can court me now or whatever. After our lesson of course.” you reminded him, and Yoongi swept his hand over the top of the keyboard as if to say “All yours”.
As promised, Yoongi taught you some of the basic scales. It was honestly so hard to concentrate though because there was something so sexy about when he went into teacher mode. Especially once he covered your hands with his own to guide them over the keys. Your brain just went completely blank anytime his hands were on you.
“You know, you could always just join one of my classes. If you wanted to.” he voiced as he helped maneuver your hands.
“Yeaaaaah, something tells me I wouldn’t be able to learn very much. I’d be too distracted by the hot teacher.” you replied cheekily.
Yoongi’s grip on your hands tightened briefly, and you smirked to yourself. But then he switched to teasingly trailing his fingers over your hands and up your arms and back down again, sending shivers through you with his phantom touch.
“I don’t think I’d be able to concentrate either.” he started, his mouth right next to your ear, “There’d only be one thing I’d want to have my hands on…and it wouldn’t be the piano.”
He pulled your ear between his teeth, and you squirmed next to him on the bench. His lips traveled along the length of your jaw, warm and hungry. You sighed out as you leaned into his touch, “Well I feel properly educated for the day. You were a great teacher.”
He hummed, and his mouth vibrated over your throat.
“Mmm, I want you to play the C major scale I showed you before we finish up our lesson for today.”
You pouted even though he couldn’t see it.
“Yoonieeee.” you whined, his teeth grazing your skin in response.
“Play the scale, and then we can start our real lesson.”
You hesitantly raised your fingers over the keys, trying to remember what he had literally just taught you. You pressed down on the first few keys, feeling a tiny victory at the familiar sound. You felt a little more confident going forward now. Until Yoongi sabotaged you by sliding one of his hands over your shoulder and down the front of your dress. He squeezed your breast, and you cried out as your finger struck the wrong key.
“Yoongi.” you scolded him, but he paid you no mind as he continued to knead your soft flesh and bruise your skin with his harsh mouth.
His thumb flicked over your nipple, and you jerked on the bench.
“Start again.” he said simply.
Fuck. This was going to be impossible.
Your hands were shaking this time as you positioned them back over the keys. You willed all your concentration and focus to be on playing the right keys in the scale, and not on Yoongi’s other hand, which was now starting to slip under your dress. You held your breath, making it about halfway through before your hands slammed down on the piano from the feeling of his fingers dipping beneath the waistband of your panties.
“How in the fuck do you expect me to do this?” you demanded in frustration, your body beginning to tremble slightly.
His long digits glided through your folds, teasing you, and your hands curled into fists against your knees.
“Focus. Start again. Play the scale.” he pressed, the words searing against the skin of your shoulder.
Maybe if you just got through the scale as fast as possible. You discovered, however, that when your speed increased, so did the speed of Yoongi’s fingers as they rubbed over your aching core. Your head had nearly slammed down into the keys. You whimpered and started again, slower this time. Yoongi immediately slowed down with you. It took all of your strength and willpower to block him out, but soon you had reached the second to last note in the scale. You prepared to play the final note, but suddenly shot up from the bench when one of Yoongi’s fingers pushed inside of you, “Yoongi, fuck!”
He used his free hand to push you back down and hold you in place before inserting a second digit, making you writhe on the bench.
“Again. You almost had it that time.” he taunted you, and you could see his wicked smirk out of the corner of your eye.
He opted for just watching you this time as you started the scale again, but his hand didn’t cease its movements between your legs. His fingers plunged inside of you, crooking and twisting in a way that was nothing short of sinful. You had reached the last few notes again, you were so close. Yoongi’s thumb brushed over your neglected clit, and you yanked your hands down to your lap to keep from playing a wrong key as you nearly let out a sob.
“Oh, darling, you’re so close. Finish it.”
Your hands were shaking so violently now, but you still somehow managed to play the last few keys without any more errors. All the built up tension and pressure had you releasing all over Yoongi’s fingers as soon as your hands left the keys, and he hissed next to you.
Your body was still trembling in his hold, and you panted heavily as you struggled to regain your senses. Yoongi reached out with his clean hand to pull the cover back over the keys before withdrawing his other one from between your thighs. His coated fingers were slipping past your lips a moment later and pressing down on your tongue. You were still feeling hazy, but you sucked them clean without needing to be asked, Yoongi humming in approval.
He stood up from the bench a moment later, and reached down to lift you up and perch you on top of the piano, your head still spinning. His hands slid up your thighs, fingers digging in slightly. He pressed a kiss to the inside of your knee before slowly moving higher, the feeling of his wicked tongue making you grip onto the sides of the piano.
His fingers twisted into your waistband before pulling your panties down your legs and setting them on the bench next to him. Yoongi pushed your dress up to your hips to expose your dripping cunt, and his eyes blew out at the sight. His gaze flicked up to meet yours, and you could see the desire, the hunger, pulsing through him. You clenched around nothing.
“Lay back for me, darling.” he instructed calmly.
Your heartbeat was deafening as your back met the wood underneath you. You let out a yelp when Yoongi wrapped his arms around your thighs and yanked you to the edge of the piano.
“Fuck. You have no idea how much I’ve been dying to taste you again.” he rasped out, and your fingers scratched against the wood.
He dove right in and started cleaning up your release, your back arching off of the piano as you gasped sharply. Yoongi ate you out messily, his grunts permeating the air while his face was buried in your cunt. The things he could do with his mouth, his tongue, had to be some kind of artform. A skill he had finely tuned much like his talent for the piano.
Your hands reached down to tangle in his long, fluffy hair as his tongue fucked into you. His nose kept bumping against your clit, making your nails scrape over his scalp.
“Oh my god, Yoongi.”
One of his hands snaked its way up your writhing body to roughly grab at your breast. Your body twisted on the wood when you felt his mouth suddenly envelop your bundle of nerves.
“Fuck. Fuck! Yoongi!” you cried out as he vigorously sucked at your clit, tongue flicking over the bud in quick strokes.
He always made you come undone with his mouth faster than anyone ever had, and today was no exception as you felt your high speeding towards you. His fingers dug into your skin harshly as he continued to eat your cunt like he was starving for you. You pulled hard against his dark strands, and Yoongi growled before grazing your clit with his teeth. Your desperate, breathy moans filled the air as you practically convulsed on top of the piano.
“Close…Yoon…” you panted out.
“Come for me, darling.” Yoongi coaxed, voice husky and dark, “Wanna feel you on my tongue.”
He nipped at your bud again, and you sobbed his name as you fell to pieces. Yoongi kept devouring your cunt until you were shivering in overstimulation and whimpering feebly. You felt him finally surface, and it took all your strength to even lift up your head to look at him.
His breathing was ragged, hair wild, chestnut irises nearly black, and his lips glistened with your release. You moaned softly as you watched his tongue swipe across his mouth to finish cleaning you off of his face. He looked absolutely wasted off of you.
“Always so fucking delicious. Could stay buried in your sweet little cunt all day.” he remarked, and you were caught off guard by how fucked out he sounded.
“I think I would die if you did.” you offered back weakly, making Yoongi laugh, his gums peeking out adorably.
“Alright, darling, watch out. I’m coming up there.” he said, and in your post orgasm haze you really thought he was joking.
But within a few swift movements, he had hoisted himself up and was hovering over your shocked figure.
“Wait, are you… You’re, you’re actually gonna fuck me on your piano?” you asked incredulously as you blinked up at him.
Yoongi shifted so you could feel just how hard he was as he brushed against you, “Wanna know a secret? It’s actually always been a fantasy of mine.”
You let out a small gasp as his admission washed over you.
“You mean, you’ve never done this? With anyone? Like ever?” you questioned further, genuinely feeling dumbfounded.
“Never.” Yoongi answered, flashing you a shy smile, “What do you say, darling? You wanna be my first?”
Your heart constricted in your chest at his choice of words. The fact that he wanted to share this first with you. That you would be the one to fulfill this fantasy for him. Warmth spread over your entire body.
“Yoongi Min, I would be honored to take your piano virginity.” you tried to say as seriously as you could manage, but as soon as Yoongi started chuckling, so did you.
“Please, taking you on my piano is my honor.” he voiced thoughtfully before leaning down to kiss you.
You immediately came to life beneath him, your hands finding their familiar home in his hair. You could taste yourself on his tongue as he devoured your mouth. Growing impatient, you made a grab for his pants. Yoongi smirked into the kiss as his hands joined yours to help free him from the confines of his clothes. He sat up momentarily to slip his white tee over his head and sweep his messy locks back from his face, top half bare except for the silver chain laying against his skin.
You shamelessly ogled his broad chest and defined muscles, your eyes trailing down his body to his achingly hard cock that bounced back up against his stomach.
“God,” you whispered as you reached for him, “you are so fucking hot.”
Yoongi flushed at the compliment, letting out a hiss when your eager hand wrapped around him a moment later.
“Like it’s seriously unfair.” you whined as you began giving him a few teasing pumps, and Yoongi groaned beautifully in response.
“What’s unfair is how unbelievably sexy you look right now. Fucked out on top of my piano, just waiting to be stuffed full of cock. Begging to be aren’t you, darling?”
God, he was so fucking hot when he was cocky. You needed him so bad, there was no point in delaying things any further. You released your hold on him and stretched your arms out above your head, inviting him with your eyes, “Do your worst, piano man.”
“Oh, I am going to wreck you.” he growled out before descending on you, and you let out a squeal as his body pressed down on you.
He intertwined his hands with your own, keeping them pinned above your head as his tip prodded at your entrance. He gave them a tight squeeze as he began pushing further past your walls, both of you moaning out at the sensation of feeling him inside you again. You arched into him at the stretch, and Yoongi placed a kiss on your shoulder.
“Always so tight, darling, fucking hell. You take my cock so well. Love fucking you open like this, feels so good.”
You preened at his praise, your head shooting up suddenly to connect your lips. Yoongi groaned into your mouth, finally bottoming out inside of you. Your legs came up to wrap around his waist as you kissed him furiously. Yoongi squeezed against your intertwined hands while he slowly drew back out before slamming all the back in with a harsh thrust that knocked all the air from your lungs. He quickly created a rhythm, driving his cock between your walls in swift, but powerful movements, your body sliding further up the piano with each stroke.
“Fuck…Yoongi.” you moaned brokenly as you lost the energy to keep kissing him.
He breathed hot air into your mouth as he continued fucking the life out of you. You held each other’s hands so tight it hurt, but it also served as an anchor to this moment and to each other. Yoongi grunted, hips snapping roughly with every thrust. Your head was starting to go fuzzy again, and you knew you wouldn’t last super long after he’d already pulled two orgasms from you today.
Yoongi released your hands suddenly, his fingers immediately snaking into your hair, tangling and pulling at the strands. Your hands latched onto his broad shoulders, and dug into his skin as he reached the deepest part of you again and again. Yoongi let out a snarl, “Fuck. You gonna scratch me up again today? Love when you leave your mark on me. A reminder of just how good I fuck you. Isn’t that right, darling?”
But you were beyond words, only able to respond with moans and whimpers as you clenched around him.
“Your perfect little cunt is squeezing me so tight, shit. You gonna come for me again, darling?”
Tears blurred your vision. Everything felt too good. Yoongi felt too good. His cock dragged inside of you at an agonizing pace, making you feel every inch of him. You bit down hard on Yoongi’s shoulder as your nails raked down his back, pulling a string of moans from him in response.
You felt one of his hands leave your hair and trail down the length of your body. His fingers strummed across your aching clit, and you let out a scream as everything inside of you snapped. Yoongi swore loudly as you came all over his cock, and he began fucking you with renewed vigor. You just held onto him for dear life, body shuddering, as he chased his own high.
He fisted your hair tightly in his free hand, groaning and panting as he continued rutting into you. His other hand gripped your hip hard enough to bruise, like he was holding onto you for dear life too. His thrusts began to stutter, and he leaned down to clumsily kiss you.
“Ah,” he moaned against your lips, “ah fuck.”
He twitched inside of you, and then he was coating your walls with his own release. Yoongi practically collapsed on top of you, his hair tickling your face as the two of you fought to catch your breath.
“Well…your fantasy…was it everything…you’d dreamed of?” you managed to ask, threading one of your hands through his fluffy locks.
You felt Yoongi smile against you, and your heart skipped in your chest.
“More…it was more. Reality topped fantasy…hands down. You topped fantasy.”
Your face warmed at his words, and it didn’t go unnoticed by Yoongi.
“I mean, technically…I actually bottomed fantasy.” you quipped back, and he nipped your neck in response, making you giggle wildly.
“Brat. I was trying to be sincere with you. I really like you, Y/N. And I hope we don’t always have to be a secret. I know you’re worried about everything with Faith, and I get it. But, at the risk of putting myself out there and sounding like an idiot, I want the day to come when I can be your boyfriend, and not just your little sister’s piano teacher that you fuck once a week. I want something real with you, and I want things to be okay between me, you, and Faith. Now would be a good time to tell me to shut up and stop wishing for a fantasy. That this is just sex, and that’s it. Just please, say something.”
You felt frozen beneath him, your tongue heavy in your mouth. One wrong word could shatter all of this. Or the right words, the true words, could be the start of something real and beautiful like Yoongi had said. He was laying so close to your heart, and the way it was rapidly pounding would probably end up giving you away anyway. He had taken the leap for you, and to you, Yoongi was more than worth the jump.
“Yoongi I, I’m falling for you. And it terrifies the hell out of me, but it also makes me feel excited, and hopeful. Being with you these last several weeks…it’s the best I’ve felt in a really long time. There definitely would have to be a conversation with Faith first, but I really want this, us, to be something real too. It’s not just sex for me anymore, and I don’t think it has been for awhile. I get butterflies when I think about seeing you. Not just fucking you. But seeing you and getting to be with you, even if it’s only for little bits at a time. Any time I can get is worth it to me, cause you’re worth it to me.”
You waited anxiously for his response, which came in the form of him covering your lips with his own, his hands coming up to cradle your face. It felt like the kiss at the piano earlier, only more sure, more confident. It was like you could feel everything that he felt for you, and you kissed him back, hoping that he could feel the same.
The two of you laid there for some time, just lazily tangled up in each other and in the fragile moment. Yoongi groaned loudly when you finally spoke up and mentioned that you should probably be heading back before Faith started to worry. He had the cutest pout on his face as he climbed down from the piano before holding out his hand to help guide you back to the floor.
“I can’t wait until you can finally just stay, and I can fall asleep next to you.” he voiced softly as he straightened his pants and retrieved his white tee from the floor.
“Me too.” you agreed, pushing up on your toes to kiss his cheek, and Yoongi immediately blushed.
“Hey, do you think I could hold onto this?” you added, gesturing at the shirt in his hands.
He gave you a gummy smile, “That’s not really keeping things a secret now is it, darling?”
“I’ll be careful with it. It’d just be nice to have a little piece of you with me.” you told him sweetly.
“Alright, it’s yours.” he said, tossing the shirt to you, “Can I keep these then? As something to remember you by.”
He bent down to pick up your panties from the floor and raised a mischievous eyebrow at you.
“Yoongi!” you exclaimed in shock, your cheeks burning.
“I’m kidding! Well, kind of.”
He flashed you a cheeky little smirk, and you shook your head at him, laughing.
“Well, if I just so happen to leave here without them, then I guess that really can’t be helped now can it?”
Yoongi hummed before stuffing the garment into his pocket.
“Yeah, guess not.” he agreed nonchalantly.
You felt your face heat once more, and you briefly turned your gaze to the piano, Yoongi’s eyes following yours.
“Shit!” he cursed suddenly, and worry immediately overtook you.
“What’s wrong?”
“It just occurred to me that I’ll never be able to play at this piano again without getting hard.”
You busted out laughing because you definitely had not been expecting that answer.
“Well, then, I guess you’ll just have to fuck me on every piano you own so that this one doesn’t feel singled out.” you quipped back as you gave him a knowing look.
Yoongi’s eyes were darkening immediately, “I think you better text your sister and let her know today’s lesson is running a little late.”
You grinned wickedly back at him, rising to the challenge.
“Whatever you say, piano man.”
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rosedom · 2 months
I can't go off-anon because,,, sideblog ;^; but its aureramphibian hi hello non-anonymous because I'm YOUR problem now. Suffer :)
My brain is about 90% thoughts of Pretty Fictional Men and about 50% of the time, it's specifically either Tighnari, Cyno, Kaveh, or Gaming and I feel like you would appreciate this Gaming thought, so,, here! Have! :D
im a huge sucker for secret relationships idk why but having a secret relationship with Gaming, not because either of you are embarrassed but like- it's still new, and he does NOT want to have to introduce you to his whole extended family because if one of his aunties saw y'all together and couldn't keep quiet about it- oof. He's already having nightmares about the amount of calls he'd get from relatives begging him to meet you if that were to happen. So to avoid that, he suggests you keep it secret for privacy :D And it works! But also sucks because he's so busy and his family likes to do the whole... surprise drop-in thing. So to avoid any Awkward Circumstances y'all are essentially restricted to your place. And this was literally all just background lead-up that doesn't really matter but ANYWAYS
Can you imagine him being so pent up, not because he hasn't seen you but because he HAS, he's seen you practically every day and it's killing him because it's always in public and you're both trying to be careful? He hasn't touched you in ages, he hasn't had you touch him in ages and it wears on him so much he actually turns down an extra job (something he NEVER does) to make sure he has time to go see you ;-; Sweet little lion ;-; (absolutely stealing that nickname for him from you unashamedly. you were right about it. If it ain't broke, don't fix it)
But god, he'd be accidentally teasing himself too!! Not even doing anything, just that it's been so long since he's seen you and he's So Goddamn Pent Up that he keeps thinking about you,,, your hands,,,,,, your body,,,,,,, how well you kiss him, touch him, fuck him,,,,,,,,, and he realizes he's not only almost to your house, but he's hard and achy, AND he's soaked through his boxers :( poor baby :(
When he finally makes it to your house you bet your sweet ass he's immediately kissing you, grabbing you, so much more uncoordinated than how he usually is that even without how he's literally whining into the kiss, you'd be able to tell he's needy. He just wants you so badly :(((( Wouldn't even care how, just needs you Right Fucking Now and however you want that to be he's already pliant and willing under your hands, slowly blinking at you with those beautiful eyes of his already hazy- Hell, he'd be happy if you shove your hand down his pants right here against the wall, fill him with your fingers and play with his cock, already sticky from having to walk all the way here in soaked boxers. Make sure you kiss him while you do, though, he'd be a little loud :( He really can't help it though! Poor baby's just missed you so much, finally having you all over him like this is turning his brain to mush :(
Anyways hope you enjoy >:] love u Rosey, mwah
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I ENJOYED THIS SO MUCH !! i am so sorry for such a late reply omg ,,, i had been thinking about this so so much but never got down to actually thinking up a post LOL
literally anything tighnari cyno kaveh ga-ming i will readily eat up (and eat you out for) . . . pls spam me. i think this is one of if not the hottest imagine i have ever received.
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so SEE, NORMALLY, secret relationships aren't my thing ,, but oh my fcking god, ur idea? i love u. i love u so much. "it doesn't really matter," u say, then drop the absolute best lore ever. kiss me.
THE TENSIONNNNN mmmm he's already so needy, even when it's not a secret dating scenario, so to be restricted like this . . . thank god his t-dick can't cause a noticeable boner through his already thick and draping pants, 'cos if so, he'd be absolutely fucked (wishing he got fucked fr) (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
the side glances in public, the sweet smiles you give each other in those short seconds where nobody is looking . . . it gives him butterflies, makes his skin burn where your hand will brush his in passing, but it's also not enough—not nearly enough !! poor baby, havin' to touch himself to the thought of you when you're right there. it's different like this than before you two dated 'cos then he didn't know he could have you; but like this, when you've already loved him, fucked him, claimed him, how is he supposed to live without it? and his own hand—clumsy, never as good as your own fingers or, god, your cock—can only go so far.
sweet baby, sweet little lion, all hard n' wet because of you . . . pls steal the nickname idec i love pet names !!!
he'd turn down the new mission, the possibility of that extra mora, saying to himself he just wants to spend time with you—not anything else, nothing indecent, nothing of the sort !—except he's halfway to your house, and here he is, achy between his thighs and halfway in a trance because thinking about you has him thinking about your body, has him thinking about your hands, your hands on him, in him, and his cunt is just so empty, now, weakly clenching around nothing as he's lost in a daydream about you.
the idea of ga-ming bumbling through liyue all quiet, all serious looking, when he's normally so bubbly, loud—i want to have the mind to wonder what the folks on the street would say, but i also just. don't care. this is about ga-ming ! not them !!
and then he's at your door, barely giving you the chance to welcome him in and greet him before he's on you, clutching desperately at any part of you that he can reach and kissing you all sloppy. he's so so needy, and so so wet, and he's parting from your lips to look up at you so docile yet so fucking aroused, eyes blown wide and hazy . . . :( he deserves your touch after so long starved of it.
he'd keep going in for kiss after kiss, and he'd be whining so prettily, soft and breathy and high in his throat. i love him so much. pls ,, all of this happening not even two steps from the door . . . he just needs you so bad !!
slipping your hand down his pants between kisses, during kisses, hearing his moans tumble out of him only to be swallowed up by you immediately . . . just the thought of how fucking soaked ga-ming would be is so mmmmm; your fingers would slip inside oh-so easily, his cunt fluttering and welcoming one, two, three fingers in as your palm is left to grind against his cock rjjfhfkr
and you're kissing him as you do it all, keeping him quiet and pinned tight between you and the wall. 'cos he'd be so desperate for you, but you're just as desperate for him <333
be my problem. please. pls. i love you. i love this. this was so (⁠♡⁠ω⁠♡⁠ ⁠)⁠ ⁠~⁠♪ !!!!!
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missmonsters2 · 2 years
“Can I at least shut the door before you decide to pounce on me the moment I come home,” with Wanda please?
Somewhere Around Midnight
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Reader
Summary: The one where all that waiting has come to fruition.
Warnings: none.
Note: give ur nub a break LMAO
Count: ~1.1k
Wanda takes a deep breath as she stands at her own door. Her hands are abnormally clammy, and it's a feeling she's inclined to say she doesn't like. 
The cause of her clammy hands is that Wanda's finally decided she'll confess to you today. Even though you're dating someone, that doesn't deter Wanda from her decision. It's not like she expects anything from it anyway. She just thinks it's unfair that you're in the dark about her feelings while she's elated every time you touch her.
It's complete madness she somehow made it this far without saying anything or accidentally revealing herself, considering she lives with you, but that has to be a testament that she's God's favorite. 
With a light puff out of her mouth, Wanda unlocks the door and opens it.
"Oof—" Wanda grunts, her body swaying slightly as she catches you. Her arm automatically wraps around you, and she tries her best to not inhale deeply like a creep. But you're warm, and that has her sighing softly. 
"Can I at least shut the door before you decide to pounce on me the moment I come home?" Wanda jokes softly as she rubs your back in a soothing up-and-down motion.
"Did I scare you?" You cackle as you untangle yourself from Wanda. You look at the clock and see that it's nearing midnight. "Were you caught up on the subway? I was waiting long at the door."
Wanda quirks her brow at you. There's no way she's going to admit that she was standing at the front door for almost 15 minutes. "Serves you right for trying to scare me. But no, I just left Natasha's a little later than when I texted you I was on my way home."
You huff but give her a smile before turning around and walking into the kitchen. "Hungry?"
Wanda shakes her head, taking off her jacket and scarf. "Some tea would be nice though."
You turn on the kettle and grab Wanda's favorite mug and an apple spice teabag. 
"What did you get up to? Did you go out with Andy?" Wanda tries to not grunt in annoyance at your boyfriend's name. Some hotshot lawyer you met on the subway a couple months ago. 
It wasn't fair at all to hate him just for the simple fact he was dating you. Especially when he's been nothing but nice to Wanda, genuinely trying to extend an olive branch every time he saw her. 
Truthfully and objectively, there was nothing wrong with Andy. But Wanda can't help but be standoffish at every opportunity. You never say anything about it, so Wanda hasn't stopped. 
"Nah," you shake your head as you pour milk into your cereal, happily munching on your late-night snack. "I fell asleep for two hours, and then I wanted to watch Disney movies and Andy's not into that."
"Because he sucks," Wanda mutters as the kettle goes off, and she moves to pour hot water into the mug you've set for her.
You merely chuckle but don't comment on it as you continue to munch and crunch. 
Wanda takes a few sips that nearly burn the roof of her mouth before she sighs. She should just get this over with. These feelings were just growing, and she felt so guilty every time you hugged or cuddled her. Wanda felt like she was taking advantage of you or something. 
"Um, can we talk?" Wanda mumbles as she sets her mug down.
"Mhm," you hum with a mouthful of cereal. 
Just say it, Wanda tells herself. Just say it and get it over with.
"So," Wanda sighs. "I feel like the air between us has been weird lately..."
"Mhm..." you hum more slowly this time as you look at her, setting down your cereal. 
Wanda feels herself starting to stutter at the nervousness. Her hands are clammy again, and she has to resist wiping them on her jeans. 
"I like you," Wanda spits out and then keeps going before she loses all her nerves. "Like, in a romantic way. Like in an 'I think you're so wonderful, and I wish you were mine' kind of way. And I know you're dating Andy, which I would never try to ruin in any way, but I like you."
You merely continue to stare at Wanda, and she feels herself rambling on, but she can't stop now.
"And I just wanted to tell you because I don't think it's fair you don't know that every time you hug me, cuddle me, or hold my hand, I kind of feel like I'm going to lose my shit. I'd understand if you want to dial back on that or want me to move out."
And with that, Wanda's semi-panting from getting all those words out and her nerves making her breathless. 
Wanda watches as you blink at her two times before you slowly pick your cereal back up and start eating again.
"So, you like me?" You ask between bites.
Wanda bites her lip and nods.
"In a romantic way?"
Wanda nods.
"Like you want my sweet lady kisses?"
Wanda's face burns at your words, and she semi-scowls at you but reluctantly nods. 
"Okay," you simply say as you look down and scoop up the last bit of cereal, swirling the milk around with your spoon.
"Just okay?" Wanda frowns.
You look back up at her. "Does this mean I can break up with Andy now?"
Wanda's jaw drops at your words. "What?"
"Does this mean I can break up with Andy now?" You repeat again as if the reason was Wanda couldn't hear you. 
"Why would you break up with him?" Wanda asks in disbelief.
"Well," you hum, setting down your cereal when it becomes clear you won't get to drink the milk until you get this settled. "I was just waiting for you to finally give in to the fact you've been in love with me since we were, like, 17. I was passing time."
Absolute incredulity crosses Wanda's face.
"Why did you just say something?!" Wanda nearly yells. 
"I don't know, you're kind of stubborn. I feel like you'd just never date me just to spite me if I brought it up and you weren't ready," you shrug.
"I didn't even know you were into girls!" Wanda huffs.
"Oh, I am but I learned my lesson early on that girls figure out much faster you're just passing time with them and it becomes ugly fast." You shake your head with a shiver.
Wanda's mouth opens and closes multiple times as you finally decide you can drink the remnants of your milk. 
"Anyway, I should probably call Andy now and break-up," you say as if you're just going to the store to get milk. "Can you put on Hercules?"
Wanda expected many things from her confession. 
Acceptance but awkwardness to follow.
But this was just bold confusion. 
"Are we...are we dating?" Wanda mutters to herself but finds herself going to the couch. 
She looks at the clock and finds it's just somewhere around midnight, and only the weirdest but greatest things happen around this time. 
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twd-l0ver · 7 months
I can't
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It's been 3 days since you had seen Daryl since the argument. You were starting to believe he hadn’t really cared since he hasn't showed up. You hadn't told anyone about the situation because if you did you'd cry. Not knowing what to do you got comfortable on the sofa and started reading 'Desire Unchanted'.
After a couple minutes of reading there was a sudden knock on the door without giving it thought, you opened the door to be faced with Rosita and baby Socorro. You immediately light up at the sight of them. "Hello mamas, how are you?" You say in a sweet baby voice to Coco. "I wish you would greet me like that everyday" Rosita chuckled. You laughed and hugged Rosita letting them in.
" How have you been, I haven't seen you outside like you usually are?" You sighed "I've been through hell for the past couple of days" . "Why, what happened?" You raised your brows and blew air "oof well let's start with... I found out I'm pregnant 2 weeks ago..." "WHAT, oh my god, congratulations! Does Daryl know??" She said with a smile beaming on your face but seeing your not so happy expression it slowly faltered. "How do you feel about it are you happy?"
"I am but.., when I went to go see Daryl a couple of days ago", tears started swelling in your eyes as Rosita got up to sit next to you, Coco instantly reached out for you as you lifted her to your lap. " I had the box to give to him but before I could he told me had something to tell me" your voice hitched at the thought of it, "he basically told me he cheated on me, a whole argument broke out but it felt like I was talking to a wall, so really I was just arguing with myself, before I left I threw the box over to him and just left.
Your face was now stained with hot tears. Rositas face was in disbelief, " hijo de su puta madre (son of a bitch), how could he- why would he!?" "That's what I said but he told me nothing, I told him to come find me because I was done, it's been three days since, and I blame myself because I feel like I wasn't good enough" . "Hey! Don't say that he's the stupid one who wasn't good enough for YOU, he was to blind to see the best woman for him so don't blame yourself for his actions".
You looked up at her with a sly smile "Thank you Rosa" you say leaning your head on your shoulder, "anytime I'm always here when you need me" she assured resting her head atop of yours.
After sitting for a couple of minutes she got up picking up Coco from your lap "you know what instead of just sitting here let's do something, how about we cook?" You beamed with joy at the mention of food "ooo yes, we have to ask Carol for her book".
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Walking out the house you bumped into something hard, looking up you saw it was none other than Daryl. Your body tensed as you made eye contact with him. "Can we talk?" You turn to face Rosita as she's making daggers at him, "Rosa how about you go get the stuff ready and I'll come and get you?" She nodded her head , walking forward slightly nudging Daryl in the shoulder as she left.
You nodded your head to let Daryl in. You stared at him waiting for him to speak. "Can we sit?" "Mhm" . As you both sat across from each other he handed you a bag, you looked into to it and seen it was baby items, a small smile appeared on your face "thank you".
"Y/N I jus' wanna start of with I'm sorry for what I did t' you, I'm sorry fo' what I put yea' through the last couple of days. Wha' I did has no ex'cuse, but that night was meaningless t'a me. It was a huge m'stake riskin' what we have. I can wait as long as yea' need me t'a. I want t'a make it right I want t'a make it work fo' our kid and us I kno' it's gonna take time but I can wait as long as yea' need me t'a hope yea' can f'give me. Because I still love you."
You sat there for a second tears threatening to spill but not falling. Taking in a shaky breath, exhaling with a big blow you spoke.
" I know you're sorry Daryl I know you are, but what you did, it did mean something because there has to be a reason to why you did it. That's something I still want you to explain to me. And you don't have to worry about having to make it work for our kid because we are going to no matter what. And yes it's going to take a while but Daryl I can't..."
"I can't forgive you just yet because, it still hurts, although I'm hurt, I'm not going to deny the fact that I still love you because we have together for years"
" I jus' needed somethin' at tha' moment an' she was there, I don' kno' any other way to say it was jus; in the momen' "
With a nod you took in a deep intake of breath and got up, Daryl doing the same, walking outside closing the door behind you. "I appreciate it a lot Daryl so thank you. "
" I couldn't jus' leave yea' withou' n' explanation."
Looking up at him you gently wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist just holding each other for a moment. Whispering to you he said "im gonna' make it up to yea'. " " I know you will." Pulling away, you asked " so how do you feel about the whole situation?" You said moving your hands around your stomach.
"I'm alrigh' sorta excited to meet lil bean" "Little Bean?" "Mmm wha'ever" "No no I like little bean" you said giggling, " As much as I would like to talk about 'little bean' I have to go to Carol's."
"mhmm, yea' think I can come by later in the week" "Yes you can Daryl it's still your house." "mk I'll see ya' then" " alrighty bye" you said waving. Turning to walk the opposite direction he was your heart was still aching, but glad he finally spoke to you.
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this took me way to fucking long bruh, Im not sure if I even like it 😭 but I hope yall enjoyed it sorry for like the 2 week delay LMAO
taglist : @walker-bait-1973 @littlelovingideas @blackvelveteen1339 @lunajay33 @pandarooooo-blog @sweetz1919 @targaryenmoony @daryldixmedown @cant-help-simping
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bookofmirth · 4 months
Can I ask who's side you were on from the Ember bonus chapter? Or are you kind of neutral on it?
Oof this is so complex, anon. This is going to be so long. And I doubt that this conversation will be settled any time soon.
I wouldn't say that I am neutral because I have Thoughts and Feelings, but I think Rhys and Nesta both had good points and did dumb things. I know this post leans in Nesta's favor, but it's not anti anyone. It's more my thoughts about how complex the situation was, and why I think people did the things they did, what was motivating them. Let me explain:
Should Nesta have consulted someone about giving the mask to Bryce, even just to borrow it? Yeah, I think she should have. I knew that she had done that prior to having read the bonus chapter, and in the back of my head I thought it was so... weird for her to have given this important object of power to Bryce without asking for anyone else's opinion? I felt like I was missing some context, like why does Nesta just hold onto these objects all the time and do with them what she wills? Guess my unease was right, because other characters do NOT like how she handles the trove.
The stakes from Nesta being wrong about this were insanely, astronomically high. And "astronomical" isn't even a metaphor in this case, it's literal. She wasn't wrong, but that is a huge, gigantic, ridiculous risk to have taken. Everyone in acotar knows that the Daglan/Asteri are the beings who oppressed them thousands of years ago, and now they have proof in Bryce's arrival that the Daglan are still up to their old tricks. For the Daglan to then have these objects of immense power, potentially?? OOF. And Nesta is newer to the fae world, she may not fully grasp the gravity of the situation, so she probably wasn't working with complete understanding of the implications.
I mentioned that the group chat has been ACTIVE on this topic, and @areyoudreaminof (I think it was Kelsey, if not correct me) said that perhaps Nesta was thinking that by doing this, she could help humans in some way. Maybe not the humans she grew up with, but somewhere, Nesta thought, maybe she could do something good for other people who are effectively powerless. So I understand why Nesta did it. This was also after she had spent a bunch of time with Bryce, they learned about each other's worlds, and I think they had attained a sort of understanding.
Also side note, but people didn't trust Nesta with Made objects in acosf either and that was condescending as fuck - maybe she didn't want to be just as shitty to Bryce as everyone had been towards her. I get why people don't trust them with these objects, but in a way it comes down to underestimating them and not understanding their intentions.
Was Rhys right to have lost his mind about the mask going to another world? Absolutely. The Night Court is his responsibility, which means that everything that happens there ultimately falls to him. His fears about the Daglan invading again have been real since he saw Aelin falling through the sky. He's been thinking about these very real threats for a while. Merrill is researching other worlds and although this hasn't been confirmed, I feel like she was brought there for that reason? To give him answers? Whether or not that's true, Rhys is the High Lord and the fact that some of the most powerful objects in their possession were off galavanting in another world without his knowledge, in a way that could literally lead to the destruction of their world - Rhys being understanding and nice about it in this situation would be totally unrealistic.
Rhys has also Been Through It in terms of war, court politics, fae bullshit. He has a much better grasp of what the consequences could be if Made objects get into the wrong hands. His fears aren't hypothetical, they are very real.
HOWEVER - was Rhys right to have treated Nesta the way that he did? Absolutely fucking not. I am honestly so sick of him being a dick to Nesta just because of shit she's done to other people. Not to him. It was so hard to read descriptions of Nesta's body language when they came back into the scene, after their fight. "Nesta's shoulders tensing, her head bowing". For Nesta to have been so thoroughly chastised by someone who already has a history of treating her like shit, it made me so mad. For Nesta, who has gone through so much growth and made so many strides to not hate herself, to regain confidence and better awareness of herself, to have been made to feel small - it makes me so, so mad honestly.
The thing is, we don't actually know the content of their argument, what Rhys, Cassian, and Azriel said to Nesta. All we have gotten thus far is the aftermath. Maybe Rhys tried to be tactful and then Nesta pushed his buttons, as she's done in the past. All we know is how Nesta acts afterwards, which doesn't make me feel charitable in terms of how Rhys handled it.
I think - and again I'll need to read more of the context of this fight which I assume we will see in acotar5 - but I think that one of the main reasons Rhys was pissed off and reacted the way he did was because of his ego (and fear, even if it's justifiable). He's so used to calling all the shots, to having everything under control, that I think he's not used to anyone else having power on the same level as him. Power in this sense refers to authority, the ability for other people to make these kinds of decisions without consulting him. He's used to being the Big Man in Charge and Nesta is clearly a threat to that. This is all my headcanon/assumptions about how he's feeling, but... I'd be surprised if I'm off the mark, based on his past behaviors and the way he makes executive decisions without consulting the IC, who ostensibly exist in order to support him.
Basically, I think that Nesta was on shaky ground in letting Bryce borrow the mask even though it did turn out okay in the end, but Rhys was wrong for acting out the way that he did.
This is only somewhat related to your actual question, but I think that this is one of the scenes that we will see in acotar5, made possible by having Azriel's POV, him as the main character.
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leejenowrld · 5 months
has jeno ever cried for yn? (out of fear, jealousy, worry, etc?)
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yeah! i mentioned that it has happened only three times. when something is on jeno’s mind his first reaction is just being fucking annoyed and trying to distract himself rather than crying. he’ll go rougher with yn in bed when he’s upset with consent ofc! she loves when he takes out his stress in a sexual way oof it’s kinda hot
but the three times he has broken down in her arms, full on sobbing and shaking :( let me tell you what happened
the first one isn’t as sad, it’s more happy tears. jeno worked his ass off in an assignment like he had so many sleepless nights and yn would stay up with him and cockwarm him lmao out of his requests. (i mean sometimes she’d fall asleep in his lap) and when he got the results for that assignment… when he received full marks. oh my god. he just overcame with emotion. yn was laying in bed and of of nowhere a sobbing jeno comes up to her, instantly goes on her body and starts shaking against her and starts crying into her neck :(( yn’s reaction omg… she didn’t know what happened like at first she did her best to hold her own tears back (because she always cries when others do) she hugged him so tightly, played with his hair, kissed his temple and was just patient with him. then he told her what score he got and they both just giddy smiled to each other and had probably one of their most passionate kisses ever and they cried to each other :(( wiping each others tears and kissing all night long.
the other two times have been out of pure anger and frustration and jeno just being upset. once was a time where he got in quite a serious argument with both his dad and jaemin, it was two separate arguments and it happened on the same day and it just made jeno’s head spin so much and he held back from breaking down but the second he was in yns arms, he sobbed and just started shaking against her :( yn kinda knew what happened already, jeno told her bits and pieces before but once again. she tried to other her best comfort and just allow him to cry into her, she just held him so strongly and made him feel loved and heard. she even fed him medicines and soup :(( the temple kisses and the wiping of tears ugh. she made it clear that she was not angry at him, the two arguments were quite insignificant in the long run and jeno made up with both of them the next day (with yn’s guidance and advice)
the third time was out of pure sadness and fear too. it was a time where jaemin got pretty fucked up over drugs and had to go to the hospital :(ieno was one who made the call and it all just got really overwhelming for him. he cried for jaemin. he was genuinely frightened and scared. it was about 3pm and yn wasn't there, she immediately came over when she answered the phone to him crying to her and telling her what happened: she dropped everything
other times he's cried hasn't been that intense. yn and jeno cry to each other when they're so in the moment and tell each other how much they love each other and how they wanna grow old, marry and have babies and have their own house. it's more so yn sobbing in his arms and jeno letting out like 5 tears whilst comforting her 😭😭
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 11 months
Meet the Parents Part 2
Okay, once again, I rambled for too long and needed to do a second part. Sorry that this post is also coming delayed, real life stuff comes first.
Part 1 to be up to speed!
You know? Maybe it was for the best that the post got cut short, I realized of a small detail that didn't notice yesterday.
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The sequence where this four frames are from last around a 1 or 2, I am not really doing this in any professional fashion so I cannot say the exact time; but it is pretty quick, even at half speed.
But you can see how for a moment, Gwen either realizes this is not going well, or drops the enthusiastic persona for a second. Either way, I think it shows that this is not going how she expected.
While Gwen hasn't heard enough to know it was a bad idea using their first names, I don't doubt that Miles talks about them fondly.
She got along well with May and Ben (I notice later that there are some flashbacks including Ben.) And that probably meant a lot to her because you can see how prevalent was the relationship between those families, eating together, talking, etc. Almost like a family.
I don't think Gwen would like to replace Peter and his family, but Miles is not a replacement of Peter anyways. She probably wanted meeting them (Even if I am sure she didn't want to have this meeting today,) would run a lot more smoother.
Because she knows Miles loves his parents, and they do sound like good people; she didn't even seem to think this could actually turn so awkward.
This moment just last a couple of seconds at best, so this goes fairly quickly.
And again, I am not saying this because I want to paint Miles' parents in a bad light; even if they are not giving a fair shot to Gwen, all things consider they are been extremely patient with Miles.
(I really need to do a post about that.)
Now going back to where we left it.
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Oh this scene is so hard for me to see.
(Sorry, but DAMN the representation here; this didn't exactly happen to me, but similar enough that is giving me the most embarrassing flashbacks. No I am not saying this is an universal experience, just very painfully real to me.)
Okay, Miles' parents are being over protective here? Oh for sure.
While I think their actions are very logical and understandable once you remember they have no idea what Miles is doing; this is really the part where Rio and Jeff shows us they also need to mature in this movie.
And I don't say it as an insult; a lot of parents have trouble with this transition, and Miles is their first and only child; with said child suddenly not acting as the same kid anymore.
(Sidenote; I am surprised Miles doesn't have any siblings, Jeff and Rio look so in love I am surprised it didn't happen.)
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I love how Gwen just takes her hand back, like "well damn I didn't even get a date with him and his parents already are telling me to back off."
Also oof, poor Miles. Honestly forget three months this is probably worse than that already.
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Rio making that joke is painfully realistic and let's move on to the other part of that dialogue.
I think Rio and Jeff aren't just trying to establish some rules with Miles (considering the amount he has broken today,) but they also need to reaffirm themselves of being able to dictate what's going on Miles's life.
Again, this is coming just after they grounded him, and then he dipped out. They are feeling they are losing him.
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I love Rio, I do, but ma'am this is how you get your kid to keep even more secrets for you.
Not much else to say here, this is the lesson she and Jeff need to learn. Miles is (probably) still hating being alive right now; and Gwen is somehow able to keep that composed face despite everything which has to be one of her most impressive feats in this film.
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I honestly have to feel it for Gwen right now.
She probably knows the alert her watch is giving her is bad news, so she really doesn't have another choice.
Forget not making a good impression with Jeff and Rio, now she just lost her chance to have a decent goodbye with Miles.
At this point I don't think she would had admitted to herself this couldn't happen again, I think even now she hoped for another chance later down the line. But there is no idea to know when.
I have no idea what she would had said if she had the chance to say goodbye on her own terms, to his face; but it was certainly not what she ended up doing.
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Girl, 3 years being spiderwoman and you can't still come up with good lies for situations like this?
Ok I cannot blame her for not being able to come with up with something better; this entire conversation was already not going well and now she basically needs to flee, which doesn't help.
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Oof, look at Miles's face, he really looks so heartbroken here.
For all the awkwardness Gwen has sported during this conversation, this is among her most natural expressions; while she is probably not stranger for dipping early, I do think this is not how she wanted to leave.
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Gwen really didn't want to leave, at least not leave Miles. While she couldn't really explain what was going on, I think she wanted to let him no that this isn't about his parents or him, she wouldn't be going out if she didn't have any other choice really.
Jeff hasn't really said much during this conversation, mostly having judgy stares at most, but you can see his expression become a bit more open once he sees Gwen's behaviour change.
Rio I think is trying to maintain a mask because she probably also caught on this looking a bit off, but also because is around here that she starts to realizing how much Gwen means to Miles.
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I think is also around this point that Rio seemed to want to say something else.
She could just be trying to say goodbye, but I think her expression and her hand point out more than she actually wanted to intervene here.
I am pretty sure that regardless of how Jeff and Rio felt about Gwen, they didn't want to make her run away like that.
Because again, they are missing context; Gwen is leaving because the Spot flee and she just got herself into a mess, Miles knows this is related to spidey issues.
But as far as Jeff and Rio are concerned, this girl tried to be friendly (way too friendly for their liking but friendly nonetheless,) and is now running away after Rio decided to play Mother Hen.
(Sorry, that joke may not be understandable in english. Mama Gallina/Mother Hen is an expression used a lot in my country for moms that are very protective of their kids.)
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Oh, this shot.
This is an interesting comparison because when Miles heard that Gwen was leaving, he looked so crestfallen; she could see it so did his parents but he didn't register the fact that it was so pain this was for him.
Gwen maintained a somewhat composed face to them, but on this shot that she is giving everyone the back, she looks so sad.
This, is basically their relationship in a nutshell. Miles wears his heart in his sleeve and can't help himself on it, and Gwen tries her hardest to keep her emotions at bay, but everything so often they creep back.
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This is awkward, and it looks awkward, and this is really more into speculation territory than analysis, but I think she did it because she wanted to go for a hug, or similar.
I had mentioned in other posts how I believe Gwen is an affectionate person, or at least, someone who likes and seeks physical affection to those important to her.
The way she went to hug her dad both at the beginning and end show how much she craves affection; and how she barely contained herself before hugging Miles tells me not just that she probably has even less people to hug nowadays, but how much important he is to her.
But she probably doesn't want to upset his parents more, and his mom told her just a minute ago to basically leave Miles alone; so this was the best she could think of.
Nobody is really happy. Even Rio and Jeff are realizing how uncomfortable is Gwen; thought again, they are probably thinking this is all their fault.
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This is really the moment when Rio and Jeff are probably realizing that whatever the heck is going on with Gwen and Miles, is important to them, or at least Miles.
Again, Jeff and Rio are worried, and they have no idea what Gwen's situation is, Miles mentioned she left town but they didn't even believe she existed prior this so they probably doesn't think that's case. Or even if it was, well, keeping contact can't be that hard in this day and age right?
(Sadly, Miles really needed to fall in love with a girl who to get in contact with you need technology from another timeline.)
Miles is 15, and they just met this girl, they couldn't imagine how much she matters to him, specially with all the secrets.
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And here, is when Rio finally can let her own feelings aside for a moment, and see her actual son, and not the idea she has of him.
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Of course, he is just staring at where she is at, no idea when he would see her again.
A part of me wonders, if he would had tried to go and say something else if his parents wouldn't had been here.
I really, do think Gwen wanted to say something else.
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Now with all the context, it makes me so sad to see Gwen leave, and still have trouble to actually do so.
Because she knows this meeting wasn't suppose to happen, and she has no idea if she could ever repeat it or when. She has been so focused on Miles she completely neglected the mission, heck, she even neglected to keep an eye on the guy, which wasn't even so much of a fix for this situation.
You know? Something I kept thinking while analyzing this scene, is how is not just Miles struggling to keep a civial life and a spider life, Gwen is going to the same thing, or similar enough at least.
At this point, she has embraced the Spidey life, she literally has no other choice because she cannot go back home. Her life as Gwen Stacy was gone; being able to just be a carefree teen is left by the times she can be crashing at Hobbie's dimension, and even then, you see that is not enough.
In this sequence, she tries to go back to those patterns, like the camaraderie she had with May, or the jokes she probably shared with her dad's buddies.
But it doesn't go well, and her last moments with Miles were extremely awkward, and them discussing about the organization.
This all feels just like a bitter reminder, she can't be just a teen anymore.
Is a shame, because on the Clock Tower we basically confirm, that Miles was the only person that could make her feel that someone was seeing her for all her. To combine those two worlds she belonged.
But she can't have that now, just like she believes, she can't have Miles.
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suguwu · 5 months
The bridgerton!stsg your engagement ring is yours and Satoru's birthstones with Suguru's being set in the band descending from the main setting. You mainly wear shades of blue, like Satoru's house colors but your outerwear is often dark shades of purple. The pearls you wear are white and black - the lovers eye necklace is an eye that it definitely not your husband's distinct blue but if you look at Satoru's hands there might be a matching eye on a thick band on his right hand.
People are also shocked by the lack of staff at the Gojo estate, a small but efficient force. It's mainly because they won't comment on how Suguru hasn't stayed in the guest wing in years and has the room across from the couples suite - or how the bed in that room hasn't been slept in in a long while (even since before you were married)
Sorry I had a thought of making bridgerton!stsg more gay and also in love with reader and each other
ooooh yes i love all of this! especially the bit about the lovers eye necklace and rings bc oof that would be so obvious. but perfect for them.
i did laugh at your idea about the clothing bc we are the same, anon. sometimes you wear things so different from what gojo is wearing, and when you stand next to suguru, it looks like the two of you are married, because your color schemes and clothing match.
i do think that bridgerton!stsg tends towards staying at suguru's estate, instead—it's less obvious, smaller, able to run on a true skeleton staff. the gojo estate is just too big, too centered in society life, not to mention his other family members who live there. the staff are more likely to be in the pocket of satoru's family than his.
suguru's staff, though—they're a loyal bunch. more family than staff, really. there's no mention about how the bed in the guest wing never needs to be made in the morning or that they wear matching pocketwatches. and when you arrive, there's no mention of how suguru's sheets smell of you. how satoru leaves you alone in the estate for days at a time, sometimes. except you're not alone—you're with suguru.
either way bridgerton!stsg are very much in love with you and each other, no questions asked. they're just. not normal about it.
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aravas-writing · 3 months
(Secret Star Au)
As Cinder walks through Beacon campus and sighs wishfully remembering he porn debut on Rave Romp, or more explicitly the man that she will never forget, regretful she didn't have a way to keep in contact with him, in her daydream in memory lane. She bumps into someone she looks up to tell them off until she saw the familiar blond hair and blue eyes, both their eyes widen. Yang and Ruby are next to Jaune, but are ignored by Cinder with everything else, her only four on Jaune. Her cheeks turn a little red and her, eyes than smolder lovely at Jaune, giving a seductive smile as clenches one hand on his chest while rising the other to gently caress his cheek gently. What does Cinder say and do to Jaune, not caring what others see? What is it that will leave Yang and Ruby red in both embarrassment and jealous anger?
The infiltration into Beacon had been a predictable success, though it was very much a waiting game from that point forward. Thus, she was left with very little to actually do beyond scoping out Beacon itself.
However, during the late evenings, Cinder retreated someplace safe and quiet to watch her favourite video, the first time she had met Jaune.
Or rather, Jamie Darc.
The ferocity with which they had been going at it had astounded her when she first saw it, but she had long since succumbed to her need for masturbation, each time she watched herself getting fucked over and over again by her favourite blonde.
A small, wistful smile graced her lips as she recalled the entire shoot. It was almost a shame that they didn't have any material of the after-party in the shower. The memory alone lingered, like the warmth of a passionate kiss.
She had been walking through Beacon's vast halls for a while now, no aim nor goal. For a long time, her every action and thought had been governed by the lust for power, itself fueled by the need to survive, the fear of being weak. Taking some time off from that had felt nice, even if the pesky parasite within her disagreed.
Cinder did not listen to it. It was merely a means to an end.
Still, she found herself missing the blonde she met months ago. He was nice, naïve, but endearing and...he had that something to him that Cinder felt magnetised towards. No, it was not his dick, even if it was a hefty bonus.
As she dreamt of their time in the showers again, she didn't notice someone right in front of her.
"Ugh! Watch it, you-"
Any insult on her tongue died there as she beheld the man of her fantasies once again. Jaune was here, in Beacon.
"Well." Cinder showed her genuine surprise and joy, just for him. Her hand wandered up to his cheek to caress it. "It has been far too long, hasn't it?"
The ravenette just so happened to ignore two decisively unhappy huntresses to his left and right, who would be dragging their guy back to safety immediately.
It mattered little. Cinder would have to amend her plans a little bit, however, to ensure Jaune's survival.
Just so that they could share a bed again and, hopefully, forevermore.
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nice to be; ghost/simon riley
pair. ghost x male!reader, soap x reader x ghost if you squint
summ. you and soap are unofficially ordered to keep ghost in bed as he seems to have a habit of not only not sleeping but wondering off in the morning and price not being able to find him
gen. fluff
tw. don't think there's anything, really cheesy
wc. 0.9k
note. this is the most fanfic fanfic i've written oof
You, Soap, and Ghost all sit on his cot which thanks to Price is a bit bigger than the regular issue to fit all three of your big selves. Not only did Price pick you and Soap out because you are the biggest guys but you both seem to get along well enough with Ghost for him not to protest as much. He still argues against it—a lot. But in the end, he does not win and here you two sit on either side of him.
"Hey, wait a minute," You hold your hand up, the other two stopping in their tracks as you grip the hem of your sweater. See, usually sleeping alone in your cot with the pathetic excuse of a blanket they give you means that without bringing your own bulky and actually warm sweaters from home, you'll shiver all night long. But sleeping with two hulking men probably means your sweater is going to cook you in your sleep. "I'm gonna sweat to death with this thing on," You remark before pulling the article over your head. With the reveal of your arms that Ghost hasn't seen before, he's stuck staring as you stuff your sweater under his cot. Soap has to hold back a chuckle but he isn't exactly innocent either. "Okay, 'm ready," You turn back to both men who immediately turn their faces away, (blushing like idiots).
You all lie down and even with the bigger cot it's a squeeze, it still is a cot after all. "Alright, L.T.," You hear Soap say as he slowly reaches out his arms, "this is tuh to keep ya in place." You almost chuckle at his sudden slip deep into his accent. He wraps his arms around Ghost, who just lets out a grunt, making you hold back another laugh. 
"Gotta do the same thing," You tell him, his eyes practically staring into your soul as you get close and wrap your arms around his waist. He grunts again at the contact but this time a little softer like he's almost used to it. He isn't. By any definition of the word, he is not used to it but it actually feels okay. And maybe it helps that it's his two closest companions boxing him in but either way, it's actually nice to be held. That's not to say it isn't a little awkward. 
Your face is nearly inches from his which is a bit more intimate than either of you would like. It doesn't help your case that he's masked and you're not so all you can see are his eyes while he's got access to your full face and features. The more tired you get though, the less it matters. You close your eyes to escape his gaze and try to sleep which you hope you can. 
Ghost is honestly a bit uncomfortable. This is all weirdly intimate. Also, you try sleeping sandwiched between two large men and see how you feel. Especially, having been touch starved for about ten years straight, suddenly being held by two of your closest friends takes a while to get used to. The longer he lays beside you two though, the more he likes it—thinks he could get used to it.
Then you shift in your sleep, wrapping one of your legs around Ghost's. He finds himself blushing with your body so flush against his and he's embarrassed. I shouldn't feel like this. He swallows his guilt and tries not to think about it. Of course, trying not to think about something always makes it worse and in a moment, he's in a whirlwind of thoughts. He wants to get up and walk, try to clear his head but he's boxed in by you and Soap. He tries moving, wriggling out of your and Soap's grip but instead, he wakes you up.
You stir, a little confused and out of it, looking down at Ghost as you sit up on your elbow, pulling away from him. "Ghost?" You pull your leg back and blink the sleep from your eyes. "Hey, you okay?" Ghost looks like he's about to cry. You've never seen him like that. The sight wrenches your heart. "Hey," You whisper, "Simon?" You lean in.
"Yeah, I'm alright."
"Are you sure?" You ask softly. "Is it too much? I can get Soap off," Your eyes are attentive and your voice is calming. It all actually helps.
Ghost shakes his head a little. "No, I'm fine."
"Really?" You press him further, raising a brow. 
There's a long pause before he confesses, "I got overwhelmed but... I'm fine now, thanks to you," He mumbles the last part. 
You want so badly to ask 'what was that?' but you bite your tongue. "You okay to go back to sleep then?" You yawn as you look down at him. You can't help smiling at the sight of Soap's arms around him and honestly, can't wait to wrap yours around him again. 
"...Yeah, I think so," He answers. 
You laugh, "I've never seen you so nervous, L.T." You're smirking and Ghost hates that he finds it attractive. 
"Shut up and come here," 
"Demanding, are we?" You tease. "Kidding," You add quickly before finally lying down next to him. You wrap your arms around him and scoot closer. "You're really warm," You mumble against his shoulder. "We should do this more often." 
"Don't push it," He grumbles.
"You love me," You pull back and look into his eyes. 
He does love you but that's for him to know. He just grunts and closes his eyes. 
"Goodnight, Lieutenant." You smile to yourself, falling asleep quickly against the rise and fall of Ghost's chest. 
Ghost smiles to himself too. It's nice to be held. It's nice to be loved. 
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