#one of my favorite parts of the whole fic
iinumakiis · 3 days
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Put Your Records On
prompt: first date with yuuta!
pairing: yuuta okkotsu/reader
warnings: noncurse au, fluff, two idiots in love, yuuta's a nervous wreck, ooc (?), not proofread
a/n: first yuuta fic let's goooo >.< likes + reblogs appreciated!
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A light knock sounds from your door, pulling you from the frantic effort to make yourself presentable. Upon opening up, Yuuta is stood in the doorframe, hands wringing together nervously.
"Hi Yuuta," you beam, flashing him a small smile, "I'll be out in just a second, let me grab my keys." He nods in response, opting to stuff his hands in his jean pockets. Returning with your keys, you shut and lock the door behind you, setting off walking on the sidewalk.
"So, did you have anything in mind?" You ask, glancing sideways to look at his face.
"Yeah, there's somewhere I wanted to show you, I haven't taken anyone here with me yet." He answers, a light blush dusting over his face.
A small laugh makes it's way out of your chest, forcing him to look over at you. He takes in how your eyes crinkle when you laugh, head thrown back ever so slightly, the way you expose your teeth in a grin, and he's bewitched.
One of your hands comes up to fan your face as you try to calm down your laughter. You glance towards him, cocking an eyebrow curiously, having caught him staring at you. Yuuta's face lights up again, quickly snapping his field of vision away from you, his own embarrassed smile tugging at his lips.
"See something you like?" You flirt, playfully knocking your arm into his, causing him to actually laugh.
"Yeah, I think so." He smiles towards you, his smile, that smile that makes you feel like sunshine.
After another 20 minute walk and some flirty-playful banter, he tugs on your arm and pulls you into what looks like a bookstore. Tall shelves line the room, each cluttered with books of any genre you could think of. You inhale, savoring the comforting dusty smell of old books.
"Oh my god, Yuutaaaa!" You squeal, excitement evident in your voice. A hand of yours instinctively comes to clutch his arm and squeeze gently, the enthusiasm coursing through you. "You know me so well."
Much to his dismay, he can feel his face heating up again at the contact, one of his own hands coming up to rub the back of his neck sheepishly. "This actually isn't even my favorite part."
With a gentle hand, he takes yours and guides you to a set of stairs leading to a lower level of the building. At the end of the stairs, a soft gasp leaves your mouth, awestruck by the sight. The lower level was overflowing with records and CDs, a record player sitting on one of the shelves playing an old 70s love song.
Yuuta glances at you, anxiety obviously overcoming him as he speaks quickly, "I know it's nothing crazy or super exciting, I just normally come here when I want to get away. I thought you might enjoy the whole vibe of this place as well-"
His rambling is stopped in its tracks when you wrap your arms around his neck, effectively pulling him into an embrace. "Yuu, I love it! This is amazing!" The corners of his mouth twitch into a smile, sighing in relief.
The next several hours are spent with both of you bouncing back and forth in conversation over music, books, movies - anything that came to mind. Conversation felt easy with Yuuta, and each lull in said conversation felt comfortable.
Well past when you thought you'd be home, you finally make your way outside the store, noticing that the sun had set. Each of you carried a bag with one book and one record, having decided to pick personal favorites for each other and share.
"I should probably be getting home, Yuu. It's dark and I'm really not trying to deal with weirdos after such a good night," you sigh, not wanting to leave him.
Yuuta catches this easily, softly grasping your hand into his and interlocking his fingers in yours. "Don't worry, I can walk you home," he says easily, flashing you his sunshine smile that never fails to make you weak in the knees. Without thinking about it, you're nodding along in agreement, and he's leading you back home with slow steps.
"I really did have fun tonight, Yuu, thank you for taking me somewhere so special to you," a faint blush creeps up your cheeks, mentally thanking whatever higher power that the only light to acknowledge it were the sparsely placed streetlights.
His eyes catch yours and he chuckles, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze. "Why wouldn't I want to share my favorite place with my favorite person?"
At Yuuta's words, the light pink darkens to a scarlet. Too scared that if you speak you'll say something stupid, or your voice will crack, you opt to just hum contentedly in response.
Two pairs of feet tap the stairs up to your front door, and he releases your hand. Arriving home has never felt more tense then it does now, him staring at you, with his ears twinged pink in a blush.
"Well... Uh- I hope you have a good rest of your night, [y/n]," He concludes, starting to spin away from you, mentally cringing at himself for being so awkward.
"Hey, Yuu?" You ask quickly, abandoning your bag on your porch. "Hm?" He turns again to face you, only to find you directly in front of him, breathing a little harder than normal. "Are you oka-"
Navy eyes widen as you softly press your plush lips against his, your hands coming to gently take his face between your hands. Slowly, his eyes flutter shut, letting himself sink into the kiss, silencing any thoughts he had about himself ruining things. His slender fingers find your waist and tenderly hold you, almost as if he let go, you'd vanish like a figment of his imagination.
You pull away first, looking at him with hazy eyes, hands coming to rest delicately on the chest. A love-drunk smile plays on your face as you slowly steady your breath and racing heart.
"Now I will have a good night."
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© iinumakiis - please do not repost, alter, copy, or translate my works!
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skzdust · 2 days
Room 514
Part 2
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Summary: You’re moving into a new suite halfway through your sophomore year at Stay University, populated by three guys: Jisung, Changbin, and Bang Chan. You meet their friends and quickly become a part of their group, but you find yourself wanting more with Jisung…
Pairing: Han Jisung x Reader
Includes: watching a show, a snowstorm, Romantic poetry, gummy candy
Word count: 1.9k
Taglist: @weirdowithaphone
Author’s note: In most of my writing, I use italics to denote character's thoughts, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to do that in part 1 of this fic, but I did it in this part! I hope you guys like it! Also, poem referenced is "She Walks In Beauty" by Lord Byron. I changed around some of the pronouns for a gender neutral reader.
Reblogs, likes, comments all appreciated!!!
Part 1
You ran your fingers through your hair, leaning back in your desk chair. Your room was usually not where you’d studied when you’d lived with Catherine, but having your own room made you want to try it.
It was not going well, but you weren’t sure if that was the fact that you were working on calculus or the fact that you were used to studying in the library.
You got up and opened your door, hoping that if Jisung got home, he’d come to ask what you were up to.
You were studying for about twenty more minutes before that wish came true.
“Knock knock.” Jisung’s head poked around your doorframe, grinning.
“Hey, Jisung.”
“Oh, that’s not a good tone.” He stepped into the doorway with his whole body. His body… his waist is so small, it’s ridiculously hot.
“Yeah.” You sighed. “This calculus is kicking my ass.”
“Do you want me to help? Or would a drama show be more helpful?”
You closed your textbook, which was not helping at all. “Drama for sure.”
“Perfect. Want to go get snacks?”
You stood up. “Absolutely.”
Jisung grabbed a second, thicker jacket from his room, layering it over the one he already had on, and you went to leave. He paused with his hand on the door. “Don’t you want a coat or something?”
You shrugged. “I’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah, I’m wearing a jacket already.”
A few minutes into the walk to the on-campus convenience store, you regretted your decision. There wasn’t snow in the air or on the ground, but the forecast said a snowstorm was on the way, and clouds were beginning to gather. The wind was cutting, blowing through your jacket with ease, and you shivered.
“You cold?” Jisung noticed your struggle.
“No.” You lied, hugging yourself.
“Lies.” He began to take off his heavier jacket.
“No, don’t do that.” You elbowed him. “I’m not stealing your jacket. You’re gonna get cold.”
“No, I’m not. Han Jisung never gets cold.” He glanced at you with a smile that practically made you weak in the knees.
You mentally shook yourself. I need to chill. He was just a guy. So what if his smile was gorgeous… and he was giving you his jacket because you were shivering, even in this weather… and he stopped in your room to see what you were up to…
Chill! Out!
Jisung held out his jacket to you, and you took it with a sigh. “Han Jisung never gets cold, huh?”
“Never.” He breathed out through his mouth, watching it fog in the air. “Even in a snowstorm.”
“We better try to be inside before that hits.”
He nodded. “Don’t want you getting chilly.”
“I don’t want either of us to get frostbite.” You put the jacket—his jacket—on, taking a deep breath. It smelled like his cologne.
He shook his head. “No one’s getting frostbite.”
When you got to the store, you immediately gravitated towards the candy aisle. Jisung followed you, picking up a chocolate bar. “Ooh, it’s got caramel.”
“You like caramel?”
“Who doesn’t?”
You nodded. “Good question.”
You looked around for a little bit before finding your favorite gummy candy, and you and Jisung walked to the front of the store to check out. Jisung got his caramel chocolate bar and a bag of pretzels, and you got your candy and a bag of microwave popcorn.
You looked at Jisung with a serious look on your face as the cashier scanned your items. “You have to have popcorn if you’re watching something.”
He nodded with an equally serious expression. “Of course, of course.”
Jisung paid, and you walked out of the store. A few snowflakes were beginning to stir in the air.
“We’d better hurry.” You looked at him. “I really don’t want to get caught in this storm.”
He looked up. “Yeah. Let’s go.”
It was about a ten minute walk back to your hall, and you were praying the storm would hold off for that time, but you weren’t that lucky.
“Shit.” Jisung whispered as the wind and snow began to pick up. “We need to get inside. No frostbite today.”
You changed course for the nearest building, which happened to be Hill Hall, one of the English buildings. You recognized it from a creative writing class you’d taken. You scanned into the building and pushed the door shut against the wind.
“So what’s the plan while we wait for the storm to blow over?” Jisung tilted his head at you, looking a bit like a confused squirrel.
“I guess we can sit in one of the classrooms.” You shrugged, leading the way into the building.
It was a Saturday, and you didn’t see a single other person, even as you ventured further. Jisung suddenly turned into a random room. “Look at this one!”
The room was slightly bigger than a standard classroom, but it didn’t look like one. The walls were lined with books, and a few shelves stood in the middle. A couple of desks were pushed against the wall.
It was familiar. “Oh, I’ve been in here. It’s the little poetry library.”
“Poetry library? I didn’t know we had a library aside from the big one.” Jisung looked around. “And I’m an English major!”
“You’re an English major?” You echoed.
“Yeah.” He grinned. “With a comms double major, for something actually practical.”
“Wow, double major.” You were impressed. “So, you’re smart.” As well as cute. That’s just not fair.
He laughed. “I don’t know if I would say smart. I’ve been known to make some pretty bad decisions.”
“Well, y’know. No one’s perfect.”
“That’s true.” He turned to the shelves. “Do you know anything in here?”
“Yeah, I had a 101 that focused on Romantic poetry. Wordsworth, Byron, Keats… all those guys.” You waved a hand. “I liked the class, but I don’t remember a lot of it.”
He looked at the ceiling for a moment, thinking, and then looked back at you. “They walk in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that’s best of dark and bright meet in their aspect and their eyes.” There was something in his eyes, something you couldn’t quite place.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, and you did your best to suppress your feelings. “We learned that one! Lord Byron, right?”
“Yep.” Jisung smiled. “It’s one of my favorites.”
“And you have the beginning memorized? That’s cool, I’m good at songs, but I can’t remember just words.”
He shrugged. “I really like poetry. I have the whole thing memorized.”
“The whole thing? I could never.” You waved a hand. “I really liked that class, but I’m not that good.”
“I’m sure you could, if you wanted to.” There was a twinkle in his eye. “I could help. I’ll quiz you. Next line, ready? ‘Thus mellowed to that tender…’” He made a rolling motion with his hands. “Fill in the blank.”
“Uhhh….” You racked your brain. “What’s the rhyme scheme?”
“I think ‘bright’ is the rhyme.”
“Well, it’s gotta be ‘light’ then.”
Jisung smiled. “See, you’ve got it! I’m sure you could do the whole poem if you wanted.”
“I don’t know that I want.” You pointed at him. “Why would I when I could just ask you any time I need a Romantic poem?”
“Romantic in the nineteenth century genre sense, or in the love sense?”
“Either. That poem is both.”
“I know a few love poems.” He shrugged. “Not all of them in the Romantic genre. Important clarification.”
A horrible idea occurred to you. “Do you use them a lot? Got a partner you quote them at?”
Jisung laughed. “Nope, no partner. I keep them in my back pocket just in case I need to flirt.”
Your heart jumped. “So… were you just flirting with me?”
Jisung practically jumped towards the room’s one window, pushing back the shade and hiding his face. “Just… ah… exemplifying my knowledge of the Romantic genre.”
“Mhm.” You nodded, eyebrows raised. He’d been very noncommittal. I’m gonna let him be noncommittal.
“Looks like there’s a break in the snow, if you want to go back to our room. I have an idea for a drama we can start!”
“Yeah, let’s go.”
Jisung led the way out of Hill Hall, and you made a face as you stepped into the snow. “My socks are gonna get all wet.”
“Do you want me to carry you back?” Jisung said, a teasing smile spreading across his face.
“You’re making fun of me.” You said, smiling back. “You hate me!”
“I do not!” He protested. “Why would I offer to carry you if I hate you?”
“Oh, I’m chivalrous?”
“Chivalrous Jisung, that’s what they call you.”
He laughed. “That is not what they call me.”
You made it back to the dorm just in time. The snow was starting to blow around in heavy gales as you approached the door.
You made it back up to room 514 and set out your haul of snacks on the coffee table.
“Let me get a blanket.” Jisung walked into his room, and you reluctantly slipped off his jacket. You’d considered “forgetting” to give it back, but it was covered in snow.
He returned with a fluffy throw, and you held out the jacket. “Sorry, it’s all snowy.”
“Oh, don’t worry about it.” He took it and shook it out by the door as you sat down on the couch. “No harm done!”
He walked back over. Please sit next to me…
He sat next to you, throwing the blanket half over himself and extending the other half to you. You scooted a little closer on the couch to curl up under the blanket, swallowing hard.
Jisung reached over you for the remote, his arm brushing your leg. You swallowed again.
Jisung seemed oblivious. “Okay, it’s this show called The Immortal and the Restless. It’s got a vampire, it’s super funny.”
You smiled. “Sounds good, I love a vampire story.”
Jisung bared his teeth and made claws with his hands. “I want to suck your blood!”
“Terrifying.” You were unable to stop the giggle bubbling up in your chest.
“That’s what I was going for.” Jisung sat back down, a self-satisfied smile on his face as he queued up the first episode of the show. “Ready?”
“One sec.” You grabbed your candy. “Okay, ready.”
He pressed play, and you opened the bag. “Want some?”
“Sure.” Jisung took one of the candies. “Ooh, I love these.”
“Me too.” You smiled. “We should do this regularly. Looks like a long show.”
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Jisung nodded. “If you don’t like it, though, we can find another one.”
“I think I’ll like it, I like vampires.”
He did the teeth and claws again.
“Thank you.”
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blackkatmagic · 2 days
query: how do you characterize the four wandering masters (where did you get the personality from? is it straight from the comic, or did they just pop into your head from it?) and do you mind people riffing off of your fics with credit given?
i'm going to get some unexpected free time on my hands sooner or later; and honestly you've captured me with your wandering masters fics and their dynamics. ESPECIALLY nico diath. i don't know what you put into your characters but it's absolutely delicious, thank you for writing them <3
One of my favorite parts of writing for characters who don't get a ton of screen time is pulling together all the scraps of information canon gives about them to create a coherent characterization, so the answer to your question is basically "yes". For example, Jon only appears directly in the one comic where the nomadic masters are featured, but there's a lot of circumstantial facts given about Dark Woman and how she raises padawans, how the Bounty Hunter's Guild operates, etc. From all of that, I sort of...smashed things into a usable shape. The same for Nico, who gets one issue of screen time, while Tae gets a whole run of comics and talks about Nico quite a lot, and other issues offer background on the Diath family in general. It might not jive with everyone's interpretation, but it's what makes sense to me given what canon provides.
That said, I absolutely do not mind people riffing as long as there's credit! And if you want to read the issues where Nico/the Diaths come up, I'm happy to point you in the right direction if you need it.
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mantimae · 10 days
Thinking about how Tim in RR 2009 had time to totally trash his room (shattered glass EVERYWHERE, furniture thrown into walls etc.) right after Dick took away robin and also had time to clean it up completely, incredibly tidy, pristine and neat. PACK and LEAVE without anyone even noticing or coming to check on him. And then once Alfred did come to bring him a snack he was immediately scolding before he noticed Tim was gone and then surprised when Tim wasn't there. Absolutely underappreciated moment and I will be drawing about it.
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crispyjenkins · 6 months
(AC wip) The Savage Price of Piety
it's desmond's deathday and i wrote like. 9,000 more words to this wip (first two parts here) last week and i want to brag about it, so happy deathday you wet bastard (mostly gen but with a surprise rarepair, time travel/reincarnation, found family, william miles’ a+ parenting, accidental subterfuge, desmond goes by miles mostly, inspired by study of flight by @esamastation but with a twist!, only somewhat historically accurate swears by which i mean probably not at all but leonardo had some Opinions alright) have some (three) chronological but scattered bits of scenes
  “Oh,” Claudia says as soon as she opens the door, seeing Ezio’s rather wretched expression, “you’ve figured it out, then.”
  “You could have told me,” he growls, following her into the entryway and closing the door behind himself. 
  Claudia scoffs, spinning on heel to lead the way further into the building for the kitchens. “I had one conversation with the boy, brother, I was hardly sure of it myself. Wait,” she halts and points a finger at him accusingly, “how did you figure it out?”
  Ezio, quite graciously he thinks, ignores the subtle insult to his intelligence. Sighing, he pushes back his hood before their mother sees him with it on indoors, and runs a hand over his beard. “I had Leonardo visit.”
  Claudia’s face slackens, before twisting into a rage that has Ezio stepping away warily.
  But she punches the wall instead of her brother, a shouted “Gods damn it!” echoing in the narrow space. Then she spins on her heel and hollers further into the residential part of the bordello, “Mother! We forgot about Leonardo!”
  Horrified by his sister and concerned for his mother’s current mental state, Ezio reaches out to put a hand on Claudia’s arm, but he doesn’t get the chance before Maria de' Auditore is shouting right back, “God damn it!”
  Grumbling, Claudia stomps down the hall and leaves a very confused Ezio hurrying to follow; she ignores all his pleas for explanation until she’s stomped into the kitchen, where their mother is pouring two very large glasses of wine, with very little water to cut down the potency. She passes one to Claudia silently, and then they both drink, though luckily they aren’t attempting to down it all at once.
  “I can’t believe we forgot the Maestro,” their mother mutters to herself as she comes over to kiss Ezio on both cheeks, before shoving the still mostly-full glass into his hands.
  “Forgot him for what?” Ezio wants to know, clutching the glass like a mother clutches a babe.
  “To test if Miles really is an Auditore.” It’s said so flippantly, like it doesn’t affect Claudia at all, but she also collapses into one of two chairs at the little tea table under the largest window. Their mother takes the other, massaging her forehead and looking like she’s grieving their family all over again.
  It occurs to Ezio, as he moves to stand next to the table, that she probably is.
“It’s all up to you now, Seventeen.”
  Desmond opens his eyes to the dark of the dormitory, faint moonlight cutting over the floor between his bed and Nino’s, and he can’t bring himself to move — even to roll off his arm that is very much still asleep. 
  Clay still haunts him.
  Five hundred fucking years, and his current twenty-four besides, and that fucker still won’t leave him alone. If Desmond were not so familiar with what an actual Bleed feels like, he’d almost think Clay is stuck in his brain the same way as his ancestors. Thank fuck he stopped Bleeding Ezio’s memories and feelings, while still retaining much of the training.
  Fuck, time travel is so weird.
  Or, reincarnation? He’s not sure of much, but he’s sure he was dead, he’s sure he burned, and he’s sure that though his 15th century mother had affectionately called him [redacted], his name is Desmond Miles.
  Or just Miles, he supposes. Sue him, he panicked when Adele first approached him, and the best aliases are ones you know you’ll respond to, right? If only he’d have had the forethought to divorce himself from his... future family’s surname.
  It sounds different enough with an Italian accent that it hasn’t caused any problems, yet. Like making him flinch. Or snapping that he hasn’t been a Miles since he was sixteen.
  Granted, he still has no idea what he would go by instead. Altaïr and Conner would feel weird, while Sef or Darim are just a bit on the nose, and does he look like an Edward? Malik, maybe. His grandmother here, now, is actually from the Levant, so his skin is certainly dark enough that people wouldn’t be surprised by the name.
Except that feels almost akin to naming himself Leonardo.
  So instead, Leonardo spends every spare moment with his best friend, sometimes to brainstorm, sometimes to simply be there for him. It’s during one of these visits, he and Ezio once again observing the youngest assassins in the training ring, that he hears Miles laugh for the first time, and it’s as if ice water has been poured directly into his veins.
  Oh fuck. Oh Saints, oh Holy Father, oh fuck.
  “Leonardo?” Ezio asks quietly, head tilted towards him in concern, but Leonardo ignores him to stumble for the bannister to lean over it and stare down at Miles learning a little jig from Tullio, laughing all the while.
  He had only heard it once, truth be told, and it had been Salaí that had caused it, but even three years later, Leonardo remembers the laugh of Rodrigo Borgia’s sinister little shadow.
  Below, Miles doesn’t stop smiling, but his golden brown gaze yanks up towards Leonardo as if knowing his thoughts are about him. His eyes narrow, then widen slightly in realisation, and then he winces and looks away, which is all the confirmation Leonardo needs.
  Turning around, Leonardo grabs a confused Ezio by the arm and drags him from the training room, ignoring his protests until they find the nearest empty room.
  “Leonardo, what—?”
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voiceofsword · 5 months
Yaaay ^_^ hiii
Ummm. Rinniki. I love them. Uh. Do you think that Rinne waiting to kiss until marriage is a genuine thing he's committed to or do you just think he was a massive coward because of how forward Niki asked and now he's gotta commit to the bit. Both are funny but I think the latter is funnier.
OK PERSONALLY.... i do think rinne would be committed to it. i think hiiro would probably be too, if its something thats ever crossed his mind. but at the same time, i also think rinne could be convinced if niki really kept insisting, because if it happened once it's easy enough for rinne to shrug off, but after that i can only imagine it really feels like niki's testing his patience.... tradition vs the love of his life FIGHT!!
but also the one u suggested is so funny too. its like playing a game of gay chicken but niki doesnt even know hes participating in it, he would fully believe it's part of rinne's hometown traditions and just occasionally suggest them kissing but it wouldnt cross his mind that its not true. meanwhile rinnes like (tightens fist) idk how much longer i can do this. its really funny when rinnes portrayed as a huge playboy by people when in my head its more enjoyable to see him as a blushing virgin who doesnt even know how to kiss properly and wants to be with niki forever. he simply doesnt know where to start 😭 whereas niki doesnt think that hard about anything, so wanting to kiss rinne is just Easy. it comes naturally
in either case i think niki would probably be the one to initiate, i.e getting all close to rinne, intimate atmosphere, etc.. but rinne would have to be in just the right mood/mindset to know nikis serious and that he really really wants this, too. there's this beautifully written fic that expresses my thoughts on this really well; the fact that deep down rinne's insecure, too, and he wants confirmation of niki's affections just as much as niki would want his, even if theyre not entirely on the same page (but they can learn to be, theyre very important to each other!)
so rinne being really insistent about wanting to get married first is because he wants to make sure niki really loves him, too, even though its obvious he does — he just expresses his love differently.
something that doesnt change tho is that both of them want kissy. i think spiritually theyre both married anyway
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blushinggoku · 5 months
Been watching some dbs related videos and I'm sosoo glad I gave up on that anime because oh my god the story gets worse with every arc. Wtf are they even doing anymore
#watched a vid summarizing the granolah arc and literally genuinely what was that#my favorite part was when frieza showed up outta nowhere with a new form he'd cultivated#in a alternate dimension that distorts time in a similar way that the room of space and time does#proceeded to one hit kill the big bad of the week. knock out goku and vegeta for shits and giggles and then dip#hilarious#but it was meant to be totally serious and to show that frieza's totallyyyy a threat again guys for real lets goo round 3#and that was literally the most interesting part of the arc#Im so mad about the fucking bardock retcon#but not about the hypothetical wish he made. I remember reading somewhere that the English translation of the manga was incorrect#and ik a lot of people argue that the wish he made just retconned the whole message of dragon ball#but thats based on the English version of the manga#also speaking of bardock and retcons related to him Im still livid over the fact that they changed goku's origin story#to be an almost exact ripoff of superman's#and they retconned the start of the saiyan arc with that too#radirz said goku was sent to earth to destroy it as a baby. but now goku was sent to earth on purpose to save his life?#bullshit. I call bullshit#man Im sorry that most of my original posts so far have related to me bitching about Super#I want to engage with dragon ball contentbso bad but how can I when mostly everything is about Super now?#can't even read a good fanfic without goku's character being bastardized and infantalized the way it is in Super#literally fouvd my dream fic the other day but it got ruined 12 chapters in because the writer had started watching super#and completely changed the plit of the fic and goku's character to fit into the world where super resides and it made me want to eat glass#I will be more funny and talk about better dbz related stuff soon I prommy <3#star scrambles
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I planned two parts of Up On The Cliff*¹ and my favorite scene isn't even in the first half 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫
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lovesickeros · 5 months
(Anon from yesterday ⭐)
Would you mind showing your Furina plushie when you will get it? (Or if you already did, I am interested)
(love how you wrote the small drabble in tags I was kicking my feet reading it. Poor baby doesn't know how highly Sagau and other Archons are thinking of her.)
(forgive my mistakes, English not my native language.)
i don't know when she will be coming (probably not until feb at this rate) but i got her from plushshop if you wanna see it!!! it's part of their meow collection.
also your English is fine djsvshdjjd I am not immune to writing whole essays in the tags though its a habit atp....I can't escape it
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scribeoffate · 1 year
If you’re open to an anon request: Scott/Derek, alternate universe (but still werewolves) + hurt/comfort, explicit rating welcome (but not required)
Thanks for the prompt! Scott and pack are part of a heist time a la Ocean's Eleven.
Derek crosses his arms and leans against the wall. He keeps his eyes on Laura as she works the room. If it so happens that Scott is working with Laura on this job- well- it’s not Derek’s fault that his dazzling smile lights up the room.
Or that his ass looks so good in those black slacks. Or that he can see the way the muscles of his back ripple through his white button down.
“You’re staring again,” Stiles mutters from his station carrying a plate of hours d ourves around the ballroom.
“I’m supposed to be watching them,” Derek points out mildly.
“Yeah okay, Intense McStalkerwolf,” Stiles murmurs before offering his tray to a well-dressed couple.
Scott shrugs his black jacket over his white button up top.
Derek stands a little taller as Stiles trips over the chair closest to him. The tray crashes onto the floor spilling pastries and meat pies onto the floor.
Laura, Scott and their target turn toward the commotion. Laura rushes to help while Scott swipes the key card they need from their mark’s jacket.
Quicker than any human eye could follow, he trades it for the fake Lydia and Mason had created. He flashes Derek that blinding smile as he finishes and joins the fray helping to clean up Stiles’s mess.
Derek keeps his eyes trained on his team, which absolutely includes Scott’s pristine ass, in case anything untoward happens.
“Oh my god.” Malia glances at him from her vantage point on the other side of the ballroom. “You are so far gone.”
Derek shrugs, but doesn’t breathe until Scott and Laura have pulled away to begin phase two.
He’s startled when Scott approaches him after passing off the card to Kira.
“It’s important,” Scott says, voice soft, “that I continue to be seen. And what better way to do that than to ask the handsome man in the corner to dance?”
“I don’t see any handsome men around,” Derek deadpans just to see Scott smile and maybe hear him laugh.
“Perhaps a handsome wolf, then?”
Derek take Scott’s outstretched hand and follows him to the dance floor.
Scott’s fingers are strong as they wrap around his waist and they start to move to the music. Derek easily follows the simple waltz steps despite the proximity of Scott’s right hand to his ass.
Or Scott’s left hand in his. Or the way he looks away when Derek tries to meet his eyes.
“That was nice,” Scott says as the dance finishes. “Thanks.”
Scott has the grace to look flustered. “Why are you like this?”
“You like it.”
Scott shakes his head. His phone vibrates and he checks it, frowning.
“Looks like Kira may need some backup. You in?”
Derek nods once and follows Scott into the hallway.
He doesn’t expect Scott to slam him against the wall. Or brush his lips across Derek’s with a hesitation that doesn’t match the heat in his eyes.
Derek cups Scott’s cheek and pulls him closer. This time Scott’s kiss is demanding, insistent. Derek parts his lips and kisses back.
“God, it’s about time.”
Derek looks up as Stiles flies into the hallway, without his tray.
“Uhm,” Scott answers eloquently.
“Dude, I am happy for you both, I am. But right now we gotta go. Shit’s about to hit the fan. Kira’s been made.”
“Malia should have the car by now,” Laura says. She punches Derek in the shoulder. “Glad you finally got your man.”
A car pulls up at that moment.
Derek looks at Scott and reaches for his hand.
Scott’s smile is blinding. “You did want me?”
Derek blinks. “I thought it was obvious.”
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daz4i · 2 years
if i may complain for a bit about something that doesn't actually matter and can be easily avoided. god i hate fics that baby-fy chuuya
#yeah yeah i know just don't read them w/e. there's no tags to avoid these unfortunately 😐#it kinda feels like a fanon of fanon. it's so far removed from his canon self even if some core elements are there.#why write him like a 15 y/o even as an adult. and the thing is. even when he was 15 in canon he wasn't this childish. c'mon.#a lot of the most popular skk fics have him characterized like this and man I'm tired. look how they massacred my boy.#ok complaining session over. i feel like i sound kinda mean. sorry abt that.#it doesn't actually matter that much just a bit frustrating when it keeps happening when you're already a couple hundred words into a fic#edit: i lied I'm not done complaining i gotta turn this into a rant bc ppl misunderstanding my favorite character online is a crime.#childish was the wrong word for me to use ig it's more like. innocent.#girl. bestie. he has been part of criminal organizations quite literally since he remembers himself.#he is not some sweet uwu baby who's a bit of a tsundere or w/e. he's got genuine reasons to be angry yknow. he's been through shit#and he's not innocent? he's in the fucking mafia lol we literally see him kill like 20 people in 5 minutes at 15 y/o.#he's not naive either???? he may not be dazai levels of smart but he's still capable of figuring things out himself????#like he did figure out rimbaud's thing by himself. he's not stupid or slow. he wouldn't be a mafia executive otherwise.#and that's also the reason he can't be naive like... he is in constant danger after all#and idk watering down all this^ for aus is boring and turning him into practically an oc but it's even worse in canonverse#or literally any au where he suffers the same amount as he does in canon. bc then what's your excuse for watering him down.#it feels like forcing him into this very clear cut mold you see in every media when he is literally. not that.#no one in bsd is honestly that's part of its charm imo. they all subvert your expectations of their character archetypes#i think this is why it's making me so angry bc it doesn't feel like just misunderstanding the character but also the whole story. in a way.#am i going too far? perhaps. i dunno. i do feel less Dirty after letting out this frustration tho.#complaining session is now officially over okay. yes. sorry. i don't mean to offend anyone sorry if i sound mean at any point.
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nateslehky · 1 year
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dbphantom · 2 years
What it's like reading ur old writing and getting to a particularly awful or self-indulgent part
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#Untitled Document why do you make me feel this way#I'm scrapping that ffxv h2o au fic I posted to ao3 its 4 years old and I have a better edition planned#I might just upload the rest of the 'continuous' parts as the rest of the chapters and then post the new version bc it's not even close#It's a completely different fic at this point#This isn't an HD texture pack release this is a total remake. We are going from 2d sprites to hyperrealistic 3d models#H2O au#Cruddy rambles#See in the new edition Celor actually isn't around when Ignis bargains with Leviathan and the pact itself is now fully fleshed out and a#Very conscious decision on his part after visiting the Lux Et Umbrae exhibit at the Lucis Royal Museum because there was a whole thing#With a marilith and Noct getting hurt and being terrified and then going to Tenebrae leaving Ignis behind to wonder wtf was going on and#Regis acting sus around him afterwards and then leviathan tricks him because he's 8 years old literally a child and he signs away his#Future in order to get what he wants#Vs the old version where it just sorta. Happens. Because he got sad for a little bit.#The spelldaggers thing is conversely LESS complex in the HD remake. Because it added nothing to the actual plot and this is long enough as#It is. The old guys are all still bros tho. Regis Cor Clarus Celor... They're all bros. And then the chocobros go on the trip and obtain#2 MORE DADS#Because while Cid can be a hardass he means well and cares about them and *basically* adopts them all after insomnia falls#And Weskham is one of my favorite characters in general he's just so fun to write... I am keeping all of his scenes basically the same#But adding even more and also a bit more context as to who he actually is (Regis's old adviser) because uh... That's important! Esp if he's#Dating secretary camelia#Also I added an extra scene to the mythril plot where ardyn infiltrates the group as Gladio to cause discord while Gladio is#Off hanging with Cor#Because we needed more of ardyn's illusions in the main plot esp before Altissia bc what da heck...
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thedeadthree · 1 year
hiii :D ❤💘🍰 for lilia & lucinde?
MIA HI DEAR ! i hope ur doing well hun! the infamous dears truly have a vice grip on me rn ty ty so much !!!!!!! 🌸✨💕
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❤: what are three of your oc's positive traits?
the darling lila is a maverick (an unorthodox or independent-minded person), rather astute (having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage), and alluring (powerfully and mysteriously attractive or fascinating; seductive.) !
💘: what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
lizzie lovelace a pop princess caliber face in music, and a former romantic partner of her fathers along with jazzy, together make the dynamic duo that keep lila centered and the first people who hear anything and everything before anyone else on her life. jazzy was actually the first person she met in middle school following her relocation to new york from new orleans (and before that ! paris! her parents loved to move places on whims sajnxka) and save for the BOTB have been inseparable ever since ! she was then introduced to rowan through jazzy and the trio with lizzie have been her anchor since as well! her partner in crime and the go to to cure her bad days! she can be a lot but they truly have her best interest at heart something she didnt have from her parents and for that they mean the world!
🍰: when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
her birthday is april 19th, 1997 and she is 26! lilia is an aries sun, a libra moon and a leo rising! i would say the card i most align with her is the death card in reversal at her best and upright at her worst. mars would be her ruling planet and her ruling number would be 1! she veeery identifies closely with a very much amount of the traits belonging to her sun and moon and rising ! especially her moon and rising but also a lot of her sun sign as well!
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❤: what are three of your oc's positive traits?
lucinde known by her stage name "lucy less" (formerly lucinde lawless to match sevens but she shortened it following their breakup :') ) is felicific (relating to or promoting increased happiness), captivating (capable of attracting and holding interest; charming.), and wistful (having  or  showing  a  feeling  of  vague  or  regretful  longing) !!!!!
💘: what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
seven. seven always will be and still is in spite of the way things ended. she still carries a torch for him these years following and from a distance wishes him well. (if you hear sobbing its me!) the close second and she tells him he's the first would be her brother! he too has a band of his own and is the drummer for an experimental noise rock outfit. OF COURSE there's rowan the remedy to all her bad days wizard in making her smile the best thing since sliced bread and her best friend. and iris who shes been friends with since they were in pre-k, devyn, orion (she had a "secret" crush on him that he probably knew but didn't tell her to save her from the embarrasment that he knew kjsndak), and of course the fans of her band MALWARES (formerly error 404 i just thought it sounded cute!) !
🍰: when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
lucys birthday is november 11th, 1997 and she is 26! shes a scorpio sun, sagittarius moon and aquarius rising! the world is the card in tarot that i think i love the most for her. and her ruling planet would be pluto and her ruling number would be 2! on stage she is the archetypal scorpio and off there is so much of her sign she relates to! along with her moon and rising as well that she closely relates!
#🎠: mia#alfheim-elves#i will for sure be making a piece to introduce the side characters for the dears ! they mean the world to me as well!#THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK DEAR YOUR A TREASURE! this was so cute to do!#astrology asks my favorite asks in the world on par with music ones AHH the astology nerd in me was SHRIEKING <3#oc: lilia laurent#oc: lucinde lau#leg.txt#leg.asks#leg.ocs#there are a couple things with their signs that arent quite right but i wanted their signs to closely reflect them as people !#sjhdhncjh so this was almost done and then i went to undo something and the whole post was erased but ! we are good now <3#technology smites leg AGAIN jjajsknak 🥀🥴#there is a fic i plan to write with lila realizing her feelings were real feelings for G and shes on the phone with liz and jaz and its AHH#like her having the thought she had been on a MISSION to be unlike her parents only to not be any different and the weight of her actions#liz BEE lines to lila its a whole thing and i am very looking forward to writing it <3#leg says kjsnkjan manifesting that the writing gods are merciful and i can write it!#lucys brother is also VERY into astrology and is wholly convinced she and seven are cosmically meant to be ksjmskja#but is also very VERY bitter he broke her heart so in equal parts is rooting for them and like 🥀😠 adskmlskjasn#and of course i cant thank enough ash for the loveliest banners ever 🥀✨😭 TY !!!!!#changed my mind lizzie was a romantic partner of her dads before he met her mom and has been a friend of the family since <3#they sort of dropped lilia on her because lilia ADORED liz and she became a mother figure soon after :)#they could go party with their friends and liz was like ?? but lilia needed SOMEONE to be there for her so she took that mantle ! 🥀❣️
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slowdrippingnoise · 1 year
did I ever outline my ideal rainbow rocket social dynamics chart (major groups, obviously theres lots of threads connecting everybody which need elaboration as well) mean girls club: giovanni, lusamine(she's here fight me), ghetsis, lysandre assortment of weirdos/dad moment: archie, cyrus, guzma(hes here on weekends) maxie: maxie
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honeydjarin · 2 years
Maybe if I actually broke chapters up into smaller chunks it wouldn’t feel so difficult to write asdfghjkl
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