#oh yeah and iida but I let him curse in one of my fics so I can’t say him
presentfuckingmic · 2 years
The reason I like my fics is cause I let all the characters say “fuck”. Except Ojirou. Fuck Ojirou.
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koris-crumbs · 2 years
I’m Here For The Entertainment
Prev-Chapter Two-Next
A My Hero Academia group chat fic
Warnings: None besides cursing, just like part one.
Pairings: Just more Izuku pining for Bakugo, it is very strong in this chapter (;
A/N: Hey again yall! Sorry it took me a hot minute to post the next part. If you’d like speedier updates, you can check this fic out on AO3. I have the same username on there ^^ anyways, I hope you enjoy the show again. Sit back and relax as chaos ensues.
#1AllMightStan is online
#1AllMightStan: this entire day was a train wreck ):
LegsLegs is online
MochiCheeks is online
MochiCheeks: aw don’t feel bad bc of what that weird kid from class 1-b said deku
#1AllMightStan: Oh I don’t care about Monoma
MochiCheeks: then what’s wrong?
LegsLegs: I believe Midoriya is referring to Bakugos outburst during class today. He called out Midoriya and Todoroki specifically, so it’s understandable that Midoriya would be a bit upset.
MochiCheeks: ohhhh
MochiCheeks: don’t worry too hard about that either deku
MochiCheeks: we’re gonna do great on our exams (: i believe in us
#1AllMightStan: thanks Uraraka (:
#1AllMightStan: I just can’t help but feel bad
#1AllMightStan: like Ik Kacchan seemed angry, but he seemed a little nervous about the exams as well
#1AllMightStan: he might act all big and bold, but I’ve known him long enough to see the signs that he’s been stressed
MochiCheeks: 👀
#1AllMightStan: every time
MochiCheeks: sorry couldn’t help myself (;
#1AllMightStan: smh
#1AllMightStan: AS I WAS SAYING
#1AllMightStan: I can handle Kacchan yelling at me, that’s not what I’m upset about, I just am kinda worried about him is all
LegsLegs: As you have the right to be. It’s not good for future pros to get too overworked. And as of lately Bakugo has been helping Kirishima study for the practically exam as well
#1AllMightStan: oh yeah
#1AllMightStan: that was nice of Kacchan
TheNewBestie is online
TheNewBestie: jealousy thy name is Midoriya
#1AllMightStan: I am not!
TheNewBestie: the proof is in the pudding
LegsLegs: I never should’ve let you and Ochako hang out alone
MochiCheeks: you can’t stop platonic soulmates Iida
TheNewBestie: for real tho Midoriya, I know it’s hard, but you shouldn’t worry about Bakugo
TheNewBestie: both of you are strong and will pass the exam
TheNewBestie: you are still his rival, even if you do have a crush on him
#1AllMightStan: does it have to be mentioned every five minutes
Kermit is online
Kermit: every sixty seconds in Africa a minute passes
#1AllMightStan: this is my thirteenth reason
Kermit: we talkin about Midoriyas crush on Bakugo???
TheNewBestie: right sorry
#1AllMightStan: no no it’s okay Todoroki
#1AllMightStan: Ik you’re right
#1AllMightStan: besides, I should use this chance to show everybody else what I’ve learned
#1AllMightStan: even tho it feels like it hasn’t been that long, we’ve been through a lot together as a class already
#1AllMightStan: it’ll be nice to see how we’ve grown (:
LegsLegs: I couldn’t have said it better myself, Midoriya.
Kermit: Iida, Ochako is teaching Todoroki tik tok Trends again
MochiCheeks: 🥴
MochiCheeks: me and todoroki wilding in the hallways rn
TheNewBestie: the way I can hear Iida sprinting around the school looking for us
MochiCheeks: well we gotta run before we get hatecrimed
MochiCheeks: talk to you later deku! bye tsu!
#1AllMightStan: bye guys! Don’t let Iida catch you!
TheNewBestie: he probably will
MochiCheeks: yeah
MochiCheeks: you know damn well we still gonna try tho
MochiCheeks is offline. TheNewBestie is offline.
Kermit: rip
#1AllMightStan: wait Todoroki am I in your will
#1AllMightStan: Todoroki
#1AllMightStan: Shoto please
#1AllMightStan: godammit
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intheticklecloset · 3 years
Pizza Party (My Hero Academia)
Primary Universe
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@kwaiibb I’m trying to @ you but I don’t think it’s working, since your name won’t pop up in the list as I type. Either way, this one’s for you! This is the fic I’d written and planned to have out last Monday, but something about it was really bugging me, so I decided to put it on hold. I ended up rewriting the whole thing, and I like this result much better! I’m very happy with it. Enjoy!
Well, this was incredibly awkward.
On the outside Shinsou remained as stoic as ever, but on the inside he was panicking. How did I wind up in this situation? This guy hasn’t liked me since the day we met and now I’m alone with him in Kaminari’s bedroom? What do I even say here? Will he even want to talk to me at all?
“So, uh…” Ojiro finally broke the silence, shifting slightly. Both of them were seated on the floor, waiting for Kami to come back. “How are you adjusting to the hero course?”
“I’m doing all right.” Ask him something in return! “Do you and Kaminari often hang out on your own? I only ask because I never see your class in particular friend groups most of the time.” Not bad, Shinsou.
“We hang out a lot, yeah. Kaminari is kind of friends with everybody. He’s good at being a people person.” Ojiro gave him a tiny smile. “I mean, he even got you to hang out, didn’t he?”
Ouch. Shinsou nodded. “His persistence is contagious, I have to admit.” Silence settled between them again, more crushing than before. Shinsou sighed heavily. “Ojiro, I’m…I’m sorry.”
The blonde blinked at him. “Huh? For what?”
“I used you to my advantage during the sports festival, which made you feel unqualified to continue because you hadn’t earned the slot on your own. Then during my match against Midoriya I called you some unpleasant things. It was only to get him to respond to me, but I still get the feeling you’re upset with me for all of it.” Shinsou bowed his head. “I apologize.”
Ojiro was stunned. This is not what he’d expected when he agreed to hang out with Kaminari and his new friend this evening. “Wow. I mean…thank you, that’s pretty cool of you to say, man. Apology accepted.”
Relief washed over Shinsou. “Thank you.”
At that moment, Kaminari returned in a flurry of motion, kicking open his door while awkwardly balancing a pizza box, some soda cans, and a few plastic cups. “Hey, guys! The pizza party can officially begin!”
Shinsou – being closer to the door – jumped up to help him, taking the soda cans and cups. Together he and Kami cleared a space for their pizza and drinks on his desk. When Ojiro got up to join them, the end of his tail brushed against Kami’s side, and the electric teen jumped back.
“Dude! Watch where you aim that thing,” he teased, pushing the tail aside and poking Ojiro’s ribs in retaliation.
Ojiro grinned. “Wasn’t trying to tickle you. You just got too close.”
“I was here first! You know, that tail of yours could be a serious weapon in a tickle fight. Have you ever thought about that?”
“I’m thinking it now. Maybe it could hold its own against your tickle-shocks, huh, Denki?”
Neither of them seemed to notice that Shinsou had gone silent and was pink in the cheeks. “Um,” he said softly, “there are no plates. Or napkins. I can get some.” He turned to go, but Kami stopped him.
“No, man! You’re our guest! I’ll get them.” He hurried to the door. “Be right back!” And was gone. Again.
Ojiro finally noticed the change in Shinsou’s demeanor. “Hey, Shinsou. You okay?”
The purple-haired boy’s voice came out quieter than normal. “You guys really do have tickle fights a lot?”
The blonde shrugged. “Some of us more than others, but yeah, it’s normal around here. Does that make you uncomfortable?”
Crap. Crap, crap, crap. Shinsou could feel his blush darkening. “No. I don’t mind.”
“You sure? You seem uncomfortable to me.” Ojiro picked up a soda can. “None of us will tickle you until we’ve gotten to know you better, assuming you really are okay with it. If not, we won’t touch you. You just have to set your boundaries. Iida hates it, so we all respect that and leave him alone.”
“I don’t mind,” Shinsou repeated, reaching for a soda of his own. “Kaminari has already tickled me once.”
This time, the silence was different.
“Oh?” The teasing tone in Ojiro’s voice set Shinsou on edge. “I see.” When he glanced at him again, the blonde wore a smirk and there was a mischievous glint in his eye. “So when you say you don’t mind it, it’s like when Midoriya says he doesn’t mind it.”
Lost. Shinsou was completely lost. “W-What does that mean?”
“He told us from the beginning he didn’t mind being tickled, but it was pretty obvious right away that he actually liked it.” Ojiro tilted his head, still smirking. “Does that sound about right?”
Kaminari returned once again, plates in hand, and Shinsou could not be more relieved for a break in the odd tension that had begun to form between him and Ojiro. “Got the plates!”
“And the napkins?” Shinsou said without thinking, immediately regretting it.
“Aw, crap!”
“I can get them—”
“Nuh-uh! Stay!” Denki grinned at them and left once again.
Shinsou swore he was doing this on purpose somehow. When he looked at Ojiro this time, he saw the blonde setting his soda can down, still with that smirk on his face. In a blind panic, the boy from 1-C dropped his unopened can on the ground and dove for him, tackling him to the floor and grabbing onto the first ticklish spot he could find.
“Gah! Hehehehehehey!” Ojiro sputtered, grinning. “Oh, so you lihihihihike doing the tihihihickling? I gehehehet it.”
“N-No, it’s not…” Shinsou cursed himself for getting so flustered, but then decided to embrace the opportunity and straddle the blonde, letting his hands fly everywhere he could, making Ojiro finally lose that smirk and start giggling. “You know what? Yeah. I do like doing the tickling.” And taking it, but we can cross that bridge later. Way later. “Now you’re going to regret provoking me.”
“Provohohohohoking you?” Ojiro’s giggles rose in pitch when Shinsou focused on his stomach, so he stayed there for a bit. “I wahahahahahas only teheheheheheasing. Whahahahahat, can’t tahahake me pohohoking a little fuhuhuhun?”
“You were about to tickle me.” Shinsou started pressing harder, drifting to his sides now.
“Yohohohohou were practically ahahahahasking for it.”
“Come ohohohon, you’re so obviohohohohous.” Ojiro looked up at him with that big, tickle-induced smile and teased, “I knohohohohohow that lohohohohook. You’re juhuhuhuhust like M-Midoriya.”
Shinsou had no idea why he kept being compared to that green-haired boy, but he felt a sudden urge to get a little rougher. He shoved his hands into Ojiro’s underarms and dug in deep, and finally the blonde lost his cocky attitude when he threw his head back and laughed.
“No, you know what? I don’t think I will.” Shinsou smirked, keeping it up, enjoying how Ojiro squirmed helplessly beneath him. “You’ve been teasing me far too much. I think you deserve some punishment for that.”
“How, pray tell?”
“For what?”
Shinsou stopped suddenly, sitting back, frowning. “I said I’m sorry—”
In a flash, Ojiro used his tail to help propel him upwards, effectively knocking Shinsou onto his back so he could reverse their positions. Once the taller boy was straddled, the blonde pinned his wrists above his head and smirked. “That was far too easy. I can only assume that you do enjoy it, at least a little.” Ojiro started poking his sides and ribs. “Am I right?”
Shinsou squirmed, already giggling softly, his face a dark pink color. “I-I…w-wahahahait, Ojiro…!” Ojiro merely flashed him a smile and dug in a little harder. Shinsou jerked, giggles flowing out of him freely now. “Ah! Wahahahahahait, wait! Ojirohohohoho!”
He’d been hoping the blonde would continue teasing him, but the smug look on Ojiro’s face told him that wasn’t going to happen. He thinks I’ll brainwash him if he responds to me now, Shinsou thought, the idea sobering him even as he giggled helplessly. It’s just like with everything else. Everyone’s afraid I’ll use my quirk on them outside of combat.
“Plehehehehease, Ojiro,” Shinsou sputtered, shoving his embarrassment aside for the sake of showing his old rival he wasn’t a threat in this situation. “Dohohohohohon’t just stahahahahay quiet lihihike thahahahahahat. It r-reheheheheally sucks!”
Ojiro quirked a brow, showing he was listening but still not speaking, not giving in to what he thought was another trap.
“I wohohohohon’t brahahahahainwash you, I swehehehehear!” Shinsou hated that he couldn’t even cover his face to hide his blush, since his wrists were still pinned above him. “I swehehehehear, just plehehehehease dohohohohon’t tihihihihickle me without sahahahahahaying anything!”
“If you’re lying…” Ojiro hedged.
“I’m nohohohohohot!” Shinsou’s giggles grew a little lighter, encouraged that he was at least being given a chance. “Plehehehehehease!”
Finally, the blonde broke out into another smirk. “Well, now. So not only do you like being tickled, you like being teased, too, huh?” Shinsou wanted to groan, but it came out as more of a giggly whine. “You do? Well, then, allow me!” Ojiro poked and prodded all along his torso, searching for a stronger reaction. “Tickle, tickle, tickle~ Let’s see if you have a good spot~”
This time Shinsou knew what he meant, and the sound that escaped him was the clearest excited whimper he’d ever allowed past his lips. He squirmed and giggled under Ojiro’s experimental touches, moving around a little more the closer he got to said “spot.” When the blonde finally reached it, however, he jolted and let out a pleading, “No!”
“Oh? Here?” Ojiro latched onto the cry and started squeezing now, making Shinsou begin to really struggle, laughter bubbling in the back of his throat. Ojiro grabbed onto both hips and dug in. “Oh, yes. I think here is a great spot!”
“NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” Shinsou couldn’t hold back the explosion of laughter that left him as his hands flew down instinctively to push at his attacker. He writhed and kicked, but his smile couldn’t be more genuine. “NOHOHOHOHOHO, PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
“Aw, what’s the matter? Can’t take it here?” Ojiro chuckled, switching to kneading. “Tickle, tickle, tickle! Whoa!” Shinsou bucked his hips, nearly making the blonde lose his balance. “This really is a good spot! Ha! Consider this revenge for using me in the sports festival!”
“I’M SORRYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE!!” Shinsou shrieked, growing increasingly flustered from all the teasing and the focus on his hips. He couldn’t control his reactions at all, and the loud laughter and thrashing he was doing made him feel a little self-conscious despite how much fun it all was. “AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!”
Ojiro kept up his ticklish assault for another couple of minutes, grinning at the mess he’d made of Class 1-C’s quiet loner. This really did feel satisfying, even if his jab about revenge had been made purely in jest. After a solid two minutes of relentlessly tickling that spot and forcing a few more hysterical pleas from his old rival, Ojiro let up his attack.
Shinsou rolled onto his side, still giggling, his smile plastered to his face. Ojiro laughed. “Have fun?”
“Y-Yeah,” Shinsou admitted, covering his face in embarrassment. “You must think I’m ridiculous, though.”
Ojiro lunged for him again, poking along his sides and stomach. “I do not. Plenty of my friends like being tickled. You’re no different from them. Take it back. Take it back. Take it—”
“Okay, okahahahahay, I tahahahahake it back!” Shinsou squealed, pushing him away. He shakily sat up, blushing. “Well…Kaminari did say I’d fit right in, I suppose. This isn’t how I was expecting this evening to go, but…I could get used to it.”
Ojiro grinned, then suddenly realized, “Hey, where is Kaminari? He should have been back with those napkins by now.”
Just then the door opened, and Kami walked in with a handful of paper towels from the downstairs kitchen, grinning from ear to ear. “Did you guys work everything out? Are you friends now?”
They both stared at him.
Shinsou spoke first. “Y-You were just…standing outside that whole time?”
“Well, I didn’t want to interrupt, so yeah.” Kami winked at him. “Sounds like you had a good time, though.”
Ojiro groaned. “You are such a dork, Denki.”
“Maybe,” Denki replied, still with that megawatt grin in place. “But I’m a dork with napkins for our pizza party! And I bet you’re both even hungrier now that you’ve had some exercise.” He laughed in response to the withering stares he got for his comment. “I thought so. Let’s eat!”
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kwonhoshi0 · 3 years
𝐫𝐞𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 | fic
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navigation | bonus : the dress
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pairing : todoroki x fem! reader
genre : fluffiest fluff it’s disgusting and sMIdge of angst
word count : 3.5k+
warnings : season s3/4 spoilers, mentions of anxiety and worry
themes : mutual pining, suppressed feelings
summary : you’ve liked todoroki since the first class, you often caught him looking at you but neither of you really knew how to handle this stuff so when you had the chance to be more you decided not to ruin the friendship already there, but being great friends meant you can never confess to him because of the fear of ruining a friendship on top of the that the school festival is just around the corner and you’re doing a duet with jirou, so why isn’t it jirou up on the stage with you.
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| 1 month until the festival |
‘okay so, we still have time for one more song after the group song’, iida looked around the room before jirou spoke up, ‘actually iida i was wondering if i could do a duet with.. y/n’, you paused before looking up in disbelief  ‘me? but..’ you love singing but it’s been so long since you’ve been up on a stage ‘before you say no, ive heard you sing y/n you are.. incredible and ive always wanted to do a duet with you and this is the perfect opportunity’ she shuffled her feet a little, you stared at her shocked, ‘y/n she’s right you’re amazing’ todoroki spoke up making your stomach flip ‘fine but i have to practice a lot’ you sigh defeated, ‘you wont regret this!’ she grinned.
after sorting out all your parts for the show you all got to work, you sent todoroki a little smile which he returned, ‘hey y/n, lets get started on which song to do’ you nod sitting at the kitchen table. ‘i think the song should be moving, not necessarily slow but not too fast?’ she nodded, ‘exactly what i was thinking, i have a couple ideas’ she scrolled through her laptop for songs, you looked up for a second watching todoroki figure out how they’re going to break his ice for the performance, he was pouting a little making small gestures with his hands which made you smile you locked eyes for a moment, instead of looking away like you would’ve when you first met him you shot him a grin which he returned his cheeks dusting pink, ‘okay so this is one of the songs i was thinking’ your attention snapped back to the laptop in front of you, you went through a couple songs before deciding on one final song, ‘rewrite the stars’ you had both watched the movie that it’s from and decided on doing the dance as well with the help of tsu for the lifting part, you practised the dance first since singing was a lot easier than dancing for the both of you.
you used one of the training facility’s to learn the dance wanting to keep the song and dance a surprise from your friends, walking back to the dorms exhausted, jirou smirked at you, ‘i saw you staring at todoroki back when we were looking for songs’ you held back a smile ‘i- uh yeah we’re friends’ you said cursing at yourself for the stutter, ‘friends don’t look at each other the way you two do’ smiling sadly you look at her, ‘i don’t want to ruin the friendship we have’ handing you her water bottle she gave you an encouraging look ‘y/n i see the way he looks at you, but i understand where you’re coming from, i just hope you both realise’ nodding you walked into the dorms together looking up to see everyone sweating from dancing, ‘HEY GUYS!!’ denki waved, you waved back at the blonde ‘y/n, jirou!! we decided on having a movie night tonight for our hard works!’ mina panted.
you grabbed a towel from your wardrobe heading to your bathroom to wash yourself of the sweat, while showering you were reminded of the time you and todoroki got soaked from the rain while walking back to the dorms, he saw you shivering and you weren’t really friends yet so you were surprised when he walked next to you warming you up with his quirk, ‘todoroki you don’t have to i’m o-okay’ you smile up into his grey and blue eyes ‘you’re shivering, you’ll catch a cold if you stay out like this’ he replied while you both walked a little faster, you hurried inside, sitting on the sofa he moved his hands up and down your arms warming you up ‘thank you todoroki’ he smiled, ‘call me shoto’. you smiled at the memory walking back into your room after getting changed to see todoroki sat on your bed, ‘i have movie options for tonight it’s our turn to pic-’ he froze a little, his eyes stuck on your clothes, you decided to wear an oversized shirt with shorts which you couldn’t really see with the t-shirt and your hair still wet, ‘what, what happened’ you said concern laced your voice, blushing his gaze returned to the video game he was playing ‘its our turn to pick, any movie you want to watch?’ you shook your head sitting next to him, it was quite common for todoroki to come into your room uninvited, you didn’t have anything to hide from him, well other than being in love with him.. but nothing in your room can prove that, you had gotten a lot closer after each villain attack, you are a lot stronger than you look but that doesn’t mean you weren’t upset you could’ve done better which means you’re a lot harder on yourself then you should be, somehow he’s always there to help you, he caught you training late at night but you were pushing yourself way too hard and he’s made you train with him since then so you don’t overexert yourself. ‘hmm, actually how about the greatest showman’ you looked to the boy beside you, ‘i have no clue what that is’.
you turned the movie on despite the protests from a certain ashe blonde, you told jirou you wanted them to watch the movie so when they see you both perform they’ll connect the dots to which she agreed was a great idea. finding your space between todoroki and denki you snuggled into the blanket over the two of you. you didn’t see this but he watched the way you sang along to all the songs everyone, he watched your eyes twinkle from the light of the tv, the way your hair frames your face perfectly, he quickly snapped out of these thoughts when you leaned back against the sofa getting tired. ‘are you tired’ he whispered into your ear, nodding you asked ‘are you?’ shaking his head he accepted the hot chocolate mina made everyone, taking your hot chocolate you blew on it a little before taking a sip, sighing from the warm liquid warming your throat you slumped back your knees slightly brushing against todoroki’s in the process. he smiled at your relaxed form. you set the hot chocolate down before slipping back into the position you were in and falling asleep.
you woke up and groaned, looking at the time it’s 3am and you’re back in your bed? a little confused you head downstairs to grab some water, everyone had gone back to bed since the movie probably ended a while ago, ‘hey’ you jumped at the sudden noise turning around to see todoroki laughing at your scared figure ‘jesus’ you laughed as well, it was always nice laughing with him, he doesn’t laugh often so when he does you cherish it, ‘what are you doing down here’ he spoke up as you sipped on your water, ‘i got a little confused because i woke up in my room and then got thirsty’ you smiled shaking the water bottle in your hand, ‘i uh carried you’ he said softly, blush dusting his cheeks, you also turned a little red at his words ‘thank you’ you handed him a water bottle grinning.
the last couple weeks went by pretty fast, you opened up the jirou about todoroki and she seemed pretty set on getting you both together but for the last 3 weeks of you both practising she either cancelled last minute so you practised by yourself or she barely practised with you at all only making sure you perfected the moves, you were a little worried about the performance since when you went over the whole song she kept forgetting the dance, she told you she practises at night but that didn’t reassure you much.
the last week rolled around and you were worried as hell, the performance is right around the corner and jirou is barely trying also todoroki wasn’t hanging out with you as much as usual, you game together on weekends but he was no where to be seen, you shrugged it off since everyone’s busy with the festival and school.
the last day rolled around faster than you hoped it would, the duet you and jirou had been working on wasn’t going great, you had practised hard and got all the little steps right along with the song but it’s like jirou didn’t care about your duet since she was doing great when practising the group song, which had you riddled with nerves, you had practised the levitating move with tsu, jirou didn’t even bother to show up for that day and you needed to talk to her about it but everytime you tried she said everything will be okay scared you just went along with it. since it’s the day before the performance you decided to head to the closed training facility just to make sure you got everything right, just as you were about to head in you saw the lights on, peering around the corner your heart dropped, you saw todoroki with jirou he was on the ground and she held out her hand pulling him up as they laughed, was she just trying to get closer to him this whole time?... you ran back to the dorms tears silently dropping down your face as you did. ‘oh god, y/n what happened?’ momo ran over as you walked into the dorms, ‘nothing it’s fine, i’m fine’ you said wiping away your tears before shutting yourself off in your room leaving your friends to share looks of concern, it took a lot for you to break down like that in front of everyone. how can you do the performance now. you were angry, not at todoroki but jirou for manipulating you like that, you had to go through with the performance though you thought as memories of you and todoroki flooded your head, you knew he didn’t like you but seeing him with someone else hurt a lot more than you thought i would, you sat there as tears slid down your face in silence. you heard a knock on your door, you stayed silent just so they would leave, ‘y/n it’s me.. please open the door’ it was todoroki, your heart hurt at his voice which was laced with concern and worry. you opened the door, ‘what happened’ he looked at you sadly, ‘nothing it’s fine’ you lied looking anywhere but his eyes, he lifted your chin up so your eyes met ‘you’re not fine’ you shook your head away from his grip, ‘i’ll be fine don’t worry’ you put on a fake smile before closing the door and locking it. ‘y/n fuck please talk to me’ you wanted to, you wanted to talk to him so bad but you couldn’t, you couldn’t just ruin your friendship, especially if she makes him happy.
crawling out of bed you washed your face and got dressed as usual. afterwards you headed downstairs as you remembered the events of last night, pushing them to the back of your head you made tea for you and a couple others, ‘morning y/n’ denki smiled his hair a little disheveled from waking up early, well it’s 7am on a monday so not so early. ‘morning denki’ you smiled a small smile at him, ‘are you okay, after last night’ he nudged your shoulder, ‘i’m fine dont worry’ you said handing him his tea.
you were anxious, your performance was in an hour and jirou was no where to be seen, your group performance went amazing, you couldn’t help but glance at todoroki as he performed, he tried to talk to you before but you only said a couple words to him before saying you needed to get ready, ‘sorry shoto, i’ll talk to you after’ you smiled heading off to get ready, your dress is beautiful, it’s a pale rosie colour with a sheer black mesh over it, it looks a little vintage as it has a corset and it’s off the shoulder. you put it on and momo gasped at you ‘y/n, you look beautiful’ she had a big smile on her face, denki and kiri walked in and as a soon as they saw you they had the same expression on their face as momo did ‘WOAHH Y/N’ denki yelled ‘y/n you look amazing’ kirishima added, you smiled at them all before momo dragged you into a chair to do your makeup, she added a black wing to compliment your eyes matching with the dress, and some pink blush as well as tinted red lipstick. you were ready, ‘hey guys wheres jirou, she’s meant to be getting ready with me’ you frowned at the girls unusual lack of cooperation, ‘oh, uhh she’s getting ready in the other changing rooms’ denki said stuttering making you furrow your brows a little, is she avoiding me? you thought, does she feel guilty, pushing these thoughts to the side you stood beside the stage watching as class 1b walked off stage.
you felt hands on your eyes, ‘what the fuck’ you said as denki quickly said ‘trust me just let me walk you to the middle of the stage and then i’ll let go’ you agreed quickly knowing the performance is due to start, walking to the centre of the stage you turned around so you are facing where you were stood moments ago, denki stood there smiling sending you a thumbs up, smiling as you’re back to back with jirou not actually seeing her yet since denki made sure to keep your eyes closed, the backing track started, this part was you and jirou singing as she took the lead. ‘you know i want you, it’s not a secret i try to hide’ your eyes widened as you turned around instead of jirou it was todoroki singing with you, he somehow knew the dance and the song, [ blue : todoroki | red : you | purple : both ]. ‘i know you want me, so don’t keep saying our hands are tied’ your hand pressed against his as you walked in a circle your dress trailing behind you, your eyes still wide from the shock of him singing with you, he looked at you like he’s been waiting all his life to see you, as if you weren’t on a stage in front of the whole school, the feeling between your hands felt electric ‘you claim it’s not in the cards but fate is pulling you miles away and out of reach from me, but you’re here in my heart so who can stop me if i decide that you’re my destiny’ his eyes didn’t leave yours a smile plastered on his face, he pulled you in so you’re only an inch away from his face exactly like the choreography you learnt ‘what if we rewrite the stars, say you were made to be mine, nothing could keep us apart you’d be the one i was meant to find’ you fought the urge to kiss him right there as you both pulled away and he twirled you around ‘it’s up to you and it’s up to me, no one can say what we get to be, so why don’t we rewrite the stars, maybe the world could be ours, tonight’ you broke apart again then grabbed his hand as he pulled you back into his hold his hands on your waist looking into your twinkling eyes, you pushed yourself away backing away as tsu pulled you up so you’re now levitating up earning gasps from the crowd, ‘you think it’s easy, you think i don’t want to run to you, but there are mountains there are doors that we can’t walk through, i know you’re wondering why because we’re able to be just you and me within these walls but when we go outside you’re gonna wake up and see that it was hopeless after all’ he watched you, as if you were the only person for him, he knew in that moment that he could never see someone the way he sees you, ‘no one can rewrite the stars, how can you say you’ll be mine, everything keeps us apart and i’m not the one you were meant to find, it’s not up to you it’s not up to me when everyone tells us what we can be, how can we rewrite the stars say that the world can be ours tonight’ he watched you with stars in his eyes as tsu lifted you back down, you grabbed his hands feeling as if you were flying as you sang together ‘all i want is to flyy with you all i want is to fall with you, so just give me all of you, if feels impossible, it’s not impossible, is it impossible, say that it’s possible.. how do we rewrite the stars say you were made to be mine, nothing could keep us apart, cause you are the one i was meant to find, it’s up to you and it’s up to me no one can say what we get to be, why don’t we rewrite the stars, changing the world to be ours’ you caught your breath as todoroki held you closest he’s ever held you before, you could feel his breath on you, you looked up at him, eyes locked as you got ready to sing the last verse, ‘you know i want you, it’s not a secret i try to hide, but i can’t have you, we’re bound to break and my hands.. are tied’. you breathed as the audience broke out in cheers, ‘y/n’ you looked up at him again, flicking between his lips and eyes, ‘shoto’ you smiled, before you could say another word he held your waist before putting a hand on your jaw.
‘y/n i’m so fucking in love with you’ he breathed closing his eyes as if he was waiting for rejection, your eyes widened and then it hit you, jirou was teaching todoroki the dance and the song, that’s why she barely showed up, that’s why they were together that night, your smile wider than it’s ever been, you put your arms around his neck and kissed him his lips gentle on yours, the cheers around you grew louder and you could hear a couple people sobbing as you both pulled away, ‘i love you too shoto’ he beamed at you, his smile melting your heart.
as you both got off stage your class surrounded you screaming ‘THAT WAS FUCKING INCREDIBLE’ kirishima and denki screamed, momo was sobbing as well as hagakure and uraraka. ‘y/n i’m so sorry for making you think any different about the performance and probably causing you a lot of worry’ jirou said sympathetically, ‘are you kidding, jirou i couldn’t thank you enough’ you smile hugging the girl, ‘guys seriously that was incredible, even kaachan had his mouth open’ midoriya rambled making you both laugh, ‘I DID NOT DEKU’ he yelled at the green haired boy, todoroki pulled you into his arms again ‘shoto, are you okay’ you pouted returning the hug ‘it’s taken me so long to say something, i’m just so glad we’re finally here’ he beamed kissing your forehead, ‘that was AMAZING young todoroki, young y/n, to see a young couple with such chemistry perform!!’ all might yelled making you laugh and thank the elder. you both walked back to the makeup room to find makeup remover, ‘i can’t believe it took us this long’ you pout as he laughed pulling you into his chest ‘i’m glad i have you now’ he grinned placing small kisses on forehead making you giggle, you grabbed the makeup remover, ‘l/n, todoroki that was a great show’ aizawa peeked his head through the door, you both thanked him as he walked back to the staff office, momo had to do your makeup again since you had to have photos taken in the outifts you performed in so you quickly took the photos and got changed into normal clothes before mirio asked you both to look after eri while he got aizawa sensei. you had met eri before when she came over to the dorms and she surprisingly liked you a lot, and todoroki for that matter, she laughed with you as you got her some chocolate, ‘thank you y/n-san’ she beamed at you. mirio came back with aizawa as it’s time for them to leave, you said your goodbyes. you all trudged back to your dorms exhausted, you took a shower and changed into an oversized jumper with sleeping shorts, walking back into your room to see todoroki on your bed with wet hair, he was picking through movies, you sat next to him placing a towel on his lap and laying your head there, ‘what are you doing’ he smirked, ‘i don’t want to get your legs wet’ he laughed a little at you as he picked a movie, he ran his hands through your hair tracing your nose and lips making you giggle, ‘we rewrote the stars’.
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A/N :
ive hit peak sadness, What THE FUCK THIS IS TOOTH ROTTING FLUFF. i’m so sorry
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taglist : @blazedbakugou @todoroki-shoto-is-life also @shotos-noodles i think you’ll like this <3
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mizunetzu · 4 years
iida 😍😍😍 that’s it that’s the request
Stay tuned y’all, I’m posting all parts + true ending all at once HAHA
Iida x reader - Iida Tenya’s Imaginary Boyfriend (pt.1)
⚠️Warnings - um...idk but, a teeny weeny bit of ooc Iida bc haha
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Part two can be found here!
The true ending can be found here! (Pt.3)
Tapping your fingers on a surface repeatedly is a past time that Iida found rather irritable. Along with chewing or clicking on pens, bobbling your knee, fumbling with your hands, things like that.
Though, Iida couldn’t help himself from tugging and tapping on the light red watch strapped firmly to his wrist, checking it habitually.
Uraraka eyed Iida as he tiredly rubbed at the bridge of his nose, staring down the black clock hands as they moved too slowly for his liking. “8 more hours till I can see (L/n)-kun again...” he mumbled ever so quietly, pulling his grey sleeve back down.
He drummed his fingers on the side of his desk once more. Uraraka pursed her lips.
“Ne, Iida-kun, you look sort of...restless, these days. Did something happen?”
Iida looked up from his lunch. He hadn’t realized he was picking at his rice until Midoryia set a hand on his shoulder. He untensed and grasped his chopsticks correctly. “I assure you everything’s..alrig-“
“Who is ‘(L/n)-kun’, Iida?”
Uraraka butt in, both hands clenched and resting on the table. Iida stood silent for a tad too long.
“W-well I heard you mumble something about ‘8 more hours till I can see ‘(L/n)-kun’ again’ in class today a-and I was just wondering-“
“It’s no one you know.” Iidas voice was uncharacteristically dismissive and unstable. Two words that never would be used to describe Iida Tenya.
Iida abruptly rose from his seat. “I apologize. I need to do something.”
He briskly walked towards the exit of the cafeteria. Midoryia watched as he discreetly fumbled with the straps of a light red watch barely hidden by his blazer sleeve. He turned back to the table, to Uraraka and Todoroki.
“What do you think happened to Iida-kun? He barely seems like himself...”
“It’s been like that for about a month now, has it not?” Todoroki tapped on his chin with the butt of his chopsticks. Uraraka sighed.
“think it has something to do with this ‘(L/n)’ person?”
Todoroki shrugged. Midoryia sighed, bringing a forkful of rice into his mouth before stopping. “Actually, I think I remember Iida asking me about someone like, a month ago.”
“Was it ‘(L/n)-kun’?” Todoroki and Uraraka questioned, almost in unison. Midoryia let his fork drop back into his bowl. “I...I’m not sure. I think he was asking me about a name like...Ryota? No...Tadashi? No no, that wasn’t it...”
Midoryia rubbed at his chin, before a name popped into his mouth. “Oh! I remember! He asked me...”
“...Midoryia-kun, have you seen (L/n)-kun this morning? I haven’t seen him and he has my Quirk-Law textbook.”
Midoryia looked at Iida like he grew a second head. “...gomen, who?
It was Iida’s turn to look confused. He stopped eating his breakfast and faced Midoryia fully. “...(L/n)-kun. (L/n) (Y/n)?”
“Theres no one here named that, Iida-kun...” Midoryia awkwardly gulped down his water, filling his mouth to prevent him from accidentally saying something harsh. He wasn’t sure if he was in the wrong, or Iida was just plain on delusional.
Iida pursed his lips and turned to Uraraka, Tsuyu, and Todoroki. Perhaps Midoryia was just feeling a bit amnesic. Plus, (Y/n) was real close with Uraraka, even if it was slightly to close for his liking. So, she was bound to be able to answer Iidas inklings, right?
“Uraraka-kun, surely you’ve seen (L/n)-kun this morning, am I wrong? A-and what about you, Tsuy-I mean Tsu-chan. Todoroki-kun.”
All three of them gave him the same look of disarray Midoryia had gave him. Tsuyu shook her head while Todoroki grunted out a “no.” Uraraka pitifully set a hand on Iidas shoulder.
“Iida, are you feeling alright? There’s no one here named ‘(L/n)’...”
“Sure there is!” Iida was starting to get a little frazzled. Is this some kind of sick joke? If it was, he’d be willing to laugh it off right now. Surely any second, (L/n) would come running down, claiming he overslept and scarf down his breakfast. Where was he? He was waiting.
One by one, everyone surrounding Iida started to oogle at him, watching as their level headed class rep unraveled at the seams. “W-why must you all look at me like I’m crazy! Have you all forgotten about your own classmate?!”
Iida cursed himself for raising his voice. He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding while Yaoyorozu silently counted all the people eating breakfast.
“...19...20. Yeah, no, everyone’s here. All 20. We have not forgotten anyone, Iida-san.”
Iida grit his teeth, a wave of worry piercing down his spine. “20? You can’t have counted 20 in this class if you have not counted (L/n)-kun!”
Everyone copied the look of confusion Iidas friends made. He broke into a cold sweat, grasping at the corners of the table. “(L/n)! (H/c) hair? (E/c) eyes? Accidentally stepped on Bakugou-kuns toe and had to be sent to the nurses office last week?”
People murmured and shook their heads amongst themselves. Some with genuine confusion and others with plain worry. Iida’s lost it, is what their probably thinking.
Iida stammered. “H-how can-“
“Iida-chan, don’t you think we would’ve known if we forgot someone? And don’t you think it’s weird we all collectively forgot this person you’re talking about? Sorry to say, Iida-chan, but this (L/n) person most likely isn’t real. Or we just don’t know him, kero.”
Iida opened his mouth to say something. Tsuyu looked at him with her blank stare, before subtly gesturing to everyone else with her head. He looked around the table.
Everyone either nodded tentatively or downcast their eyes as to mask their pitiful agreement. Everyone seemed to silently agree with her. Iida was stunned into submission.
He scrambled out of his seat. His voice cracked in disbelief. This was a joke. It had to be. “I-I’m going to go wake him up. He’s...he’s probably still sleeping. That’s all. You all are just being delusional.”
He walked as calmly as he could away from the common room, but once he turned the corner, he started sprinting. He hiked up the fabric of his pants over his calves as he ran, running up the stairs next to the elevator. The elevator would’ve took too long.
Running up to the fourth floor, he skidded to a halt in-front of (Y/n’s) dorm. Iida’s hand went up to grasp the doorknob, before hesitating and letting it rest flaccidly on the handle.
“(L/n)-kun?” Nothing was heard or called from inside the room. He really is a heavy sleeper. Iida swallowed the growing lump in his throat. Why was he so nervous?
Outside (Y/n’s) room, he knocked gently on the frame of the door. His voice wavered. “(L/n)!”
There’s no response.
He really didn’t want to enter his room like this. It was a breach of privacy. What if he was just changing? No, if he were changing he could’ve surely heard him knock and call out his name. He has to be asleep.
He really left him no choice. Iida gently opened the door.
He was face to face with an white, blank, empty room. The supplementary provided curtains were drawn closed and there was dust gathering around the bare floorboards. There was no trace of the dimly lit room, with papers strewn across the wooden desk and a bed that was never folded or made. There was no trace of the oddly sweet smell that came from his room, that never really bothered anyone, but no one ever knew was caused it.
There was no trace of (L/n) (Y/n).
Iida felt his knees buckle from underneath him. His legs promptly folded together, his engines digging into the skin of thighs. His jaw went slack. He heard footsteps echoing closer, eventually dying out with the assumption that that someone was behind him. He felt uneasy. He felt like throwing up.
“Iida...?” Uraraka’s voice was soft, like treading on thin ice. He heard Yaoyorozu hum softly, worry lacing her vocal cords. He panned his head slowly towards them, not wanting to look at the blank room once filled with life anymore.
“‘He’ was never here, Iida-San” Yaoyorozu crouched down, tucking her elbows in. “Do you need to talk to a professional...?”
“No! I need to speak with (L/...” Iida’s voice trailed off. There was no point in fighting a losing battle. He knew Uraraka and Yaoyorozu wouldn’t believe him. No one seemed to.
“...most likely...”
Uraraka’s eyes widened. “I...I remember that!”
Midoryia shoveled some food into his mouth. “Yeah, he seemed really out of it since then. He didn’t even notice when Kaminari-kun cheated on last weeks quiz.”
“Don’t you think it’s odd he still hasn’t gotten over this person even after a month? Iida isn’t the type to dwell on things. Whoever this (L/n) person is, he’s obviously important to him in some way.” Todoroki slurped up more of his soba. Midoryia and Uraraka silently agreed.
“Well-Deku said it himself-this person isn’t real!” Uraraka knitted her eyebrows together, slumping back in her chair. “And even if we tried asking Iida, he’ll probably blow us off again...”
“Still...he got me curious...I wonder what ‘(L/n)-kun’ looks like...”
Midoryia’s ears perked up. He shuffled around in his pockets, fishing out his phone and booting up a search engine. Typing vigorously, Todoroki and Uraraka leaned over the table and across his shoulder to see what he was typing. His screen turned pink, displaying a website.
“M-My mom was talking about this place a few days ago...I-we could get some information out of Iida-if he lets us take him-and know what (L/n)-kun looks like-!”
The bell rang, cutting Midoryia off promptly. He saved the address down in his notes, sending the web address to his two friends and pocketing his phone once more. Todoroki set his tray on top of the trash can, dusting off his blazer.
“It’s decided. We’ll go after afternoon classes. I’ll go get a permission slip from Mr Aizawa to leave campus. I trust you two can convince Iida to come along?”
Midoryia and Uraraka nodded. It was a plan.
The four stood in front of a small corner shop, it’s sign looking like it was made of cheap plastic, with the words “Art through words” written in dark pink cursive.
It was very off putting, but it had been gaining popularity through social media and other networking apps. Apparently it’s very popular with people who lost a loved one or police looking for a sketch of a villain.
“I...still don’t see why you two requested my presence he-“
“We just wanna know something.” Was all Uraraka said. Midoryia and Todoroki had a firm grip on each of Iidas shoulder blades, shoving him in through the narrow door while Uraraka strut in happily.
The doorbell gave a small jingle. A pale, soft-eyed woman looked up from her desk, her reddish-pink lips quirking up into a soft smile. Her wavy blond hair flowed as she stood up from her chair, leaning over the receptionist desk and resting her elbows on the surface.
“I take it you must be ‘Izuku’. Thank you for calling earlier.”
Midoryia hummed. The lady smiled warmly, leaving her desk to lead them to a door. “Well, follow me, kids. Sorry, my receptionist is on break-I don’t want you to think I’m some sort of scam arti-“
“No no, we’ve seen you around on videotube...and your quirk is amazing...”
“I’m sorry, may I ask who and what we are doing here?”
Everyone turned to Iida. The woman smiled gently, taking a seat behind a sketchbook propped up by an easel. The 4 took a seat across from her, sinking down into a pink couch. “I apologize. Let me give you my formal greeting.”
“My name is Kaitekina Byouga. I can illustrate anything someone describes with complete accuracy, as long as you aren’t lying about your description.” Iida pursed his lips.
“My business usually caters towards people who lose loved ones, so it’s strange to see such...young teenagers in my studio,”
Iida stiffened. He finally caught on. ‘Lost loved one’. It was obvious. He supressed a pointed glare at his friends, choosing to adjust his glasses instead.
“Alright,” Kaitekina flipped open her sketchbook, setting it back down on the easel. “Who’s going to describe something to me?”
Everyone gestured at Iida.
Hahaha suffer
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katsukisblackteddy · 3 years
You Have My Heart...
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Word Count: 2.14 k Pronouns: feminine (she/her) Pairings: K. Bakugou x reader Warnings: gore, dark fic ahead, violence, cursing, death
Thanks Marie ( @dailydoseofscenarios​) for letting me be part of the server event! I had a lot of fun writing this, and as you can tell, I took the prompt kinda literally...anyways....I hope you like it! Don’t forget to check out all of the other fics in this event under the server event hashtag!
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The ash blonde sat in the oversized red leather arm chair that faced the large window overlooking her garden. He let out a soft sigh, readjusting his position to get more comfortable as he leaned his chin in the palm of his hand. 
“What am I supposed to get her, that she doesn’t already have?” He questioned aloud, his crimson eyes shifting to the side as the large dog beside the chair let out a sigh himself moving into a laying down position, as if to say, I don’t know why you’re asking me. 
“You aren’t very helpful, Khan.” Katsuki muttered, as his eyes focused back on the window, a ghost of a smile pulling at his lips at the sight of his beloved wife in the garden below. Khan let out a whine in protest, as a close lipped smile grew on his owner’s face a moment later. “I’ll ask Shitty Hair.” Katsuki stood to his full height, the large black dog standing as well, prepared to follow him.
The ash blonde and his loyal dog walked down the long expanses of hallway, ornately decorated with golden accents, on the way to his private quarters. “Good day, Master Bakugou. Please give my best to the Mistress.” A few servants said as he passed them in the hallway, simply nodding in acknowledgement before he closed the heavy wooden doors to his study.
“Khan get me the ink.” Bakugou stated without looking up from where he was writing, the quill held firmly in his left hand, an almost empty ink well beside the letter he was in the process of writing to his best friend. “Good boy.” He threw the dog a treat as a reward before going back to writing, Khan settling at Bakugou’s feet once more in content silence.
“Dear Shitty Hair, Help me or else. What do I get Big Hair for Valentine’s Day? Come over and help me now. I won’t help you next time with Raccoon Eyes if you don’t help me. Signed, K. Bakugou.” The explosive man read aloud, nodding once before shoving it roughly into an envelope. He scribbled the information down before sealing the expensive stationary with golden wax, pressing the Bakugou Family Crest into the warm wax to leave an imprint.
“You!” Bakugou’s loud voice startled the butler walking past him in the hallway, the man blinking up at his employer nervously. 
“Master Bakugou?”
“I don’t care how you get this to Kirishima, just do it. And get it there by this afternoon.” Bakugou told him before walking away. He didn’t have to tell anyone anything twice, and he liked that.
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A number of hours later, one of the servants announced that Kirishima had arrived, while Mina went to the garden to spend time with (y/n). 
“So is there a reason a winded man servant showed up at my door some time ago? You aren’t a father yet...are you?”
The ash blonde scoffed, quickly dismissing the idea with a roll of his eyes. “Fuck no.”
“Well, you aren’t getting any younger...”
“Well, I’m not getting any older either...”
“Don’t counter my point with another point.” Kirishima argued back as Bakugou rolled his eyes and flipped the redhead off with a small smirk.
“Whatever.” Bakugou stated as they both sat down in a chair. “I can’t think of anything to get (y/n) for Valentine’s Day.”
“It’s your anniversary, too right?” Bakugou nodded. “How many years?”
“183.” Bakugou said after a moment in thought. Kirishima stayed quiet as he thought.
“Do you remember how we all met each other?”
“You mean on our wedding night?” The blonde snorted as Kirishima rolled his eyes.
“Well, I guess...but you remember the first time you saw her right?”
“Well yeah, but she was just an extra then...I didn’t even know she was the woman I was going to marry.”
“What did you do? You weren’t an asshole to her, were you?” Bakugou simply glared at Kirishima. “Damn, you were.” Kirishima frowned.
“That’s a lie, Shitty Hair!”
“Whatever, just give her something super unconventional. Mina loves those types of gifts.” 
“Like what?”
“Well, you remember those super exclusive auction seats that we scored a few decades back?”
“Which ones? The Body is Art ones?”
“Yeah...well, I contacted Pierre and he lined up this whole private show and he let me harvest the different pieces...anyways, Mina loved it....We ended up keeping a few things.” Kirishima shrugged.
“How did you contact Pierre? Didn’t he say he hated technology?”
“That just what he tells everyone. He owed me a favor from a while ago. Anyways, the man loves you, I’m sure he’d do it for you in a heartbeat.”
“Whatever.” Katsuki shrugged dismissing the idea, but he would definitely look into it later. “Are you staying for dinner or not?”
“Are you asking?”
“Answer the question, Shitty Hair.”
“Sure!” Kirishima smiled widely, showing off his sharp teeth before the pair of friends decided to join their partners outside in the garden.
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“Hey Mina?” (Y/n) questioned, looking over at the pink skinned girl who had her back against a tree. Mina’s eyes focused on her, a kind smile on her face.
“I’ve been thinking of what to get Katsuki for Valentine’s Day...and I want your opinion on it...” (y/n) trailed off, growing slightly nervous that Mina would think the gift was weird or stupid.
“If you wanted to model lingerie for me, you could’ve just said that...though Bakugou wouldn’t care if you were in a sack or lace...have you seen the way he looks at you? How do you not have gremlins...I mean children yet?”
“Mina! Get your head out of the gutter! I’m not modeling lingerie for you...right now at least...and we’re too young for children...”
“You’re 200 years old, but keep lying to yourself.” Mina teased as (y/n) rolled her eyes at one of her best friends, her face still slightly hot from what Mina had said earlier.
“What’s the surprise then? If it isn’t you in new lingerie or a child?”
“So...I thought it would be fun to recreate the night we first met?”
“But you literally just said you weren’t giving him lingerie.”
“Mina! The actual first night we met! Not our wedding day!” (Y/n) laughed, throwing her hands up in mock exasperation.
“Oh...the hunt? Ohhhh, the hunt.” Mina’s smile grew wider the longer she thought about it.
“That’s perfect! But the lingerie thing would’ve been nice too.”
“Mina! If you wanna see me in lingerie, then you should’ve just said that.” (Y/n) giggled before further explaining her plans for Valentine’s Day. 
It was the only plan she could think of for the man she had loved for almost all of her life...a man that seemed to have everything he could ever want.
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“I don’t understand why you couldn’t have just hired more people to help.” Mina complained while straightening a string of lights. 
“It’s more fun, and besides, all of the girls are back together!” (y/n) commented, gesturing towards all of the girls that were gathered around the room, each hanging different decorations.
“How long has it been since we’ve all been in the same place?” Ururaka questioned with a wistful sigh.
“At least 30 years.” Momo chimed in. “We really do need to see each other more.”
“Then we should have more balls, like we used to.”
“This isn’t a ball, Tsu.” Mina pointed out. “It’s the hunt. You know, like we used to have way back when.”
“Wait a second...where are we getting the prey from?”
“Aren’t you vegetarian?”
“No, Iida and I gave that up like 5 years ago.” Midoriya laughed. “Iida just likes sustainably sourced and organic.”
“Oh come on, you haven’t ever just gone to a night club to pick up a few?” Mina teased as the girls, Midoriya, and Denki laughed. 
“No, that’s so 1960s, Mina.”
“No, that’s date night.” Mina corrects as (y/n)’s face heats up slightly as she laughs.
“We’ve done it a few times...not recently though, we’ve been pretty busy...one of our neighbors called the cops because she thought she saw us doing something suspicious.”
“What were you doing?”
“Well we may have been hiding a body, but that’s besides the point. That old lady should’ve minded her own business. It’d be a shame if she were to suddenly...go missing.” (Y/n) mumbled with a roll of her eyes as they all laughed.
“Alright, everyone go change! We’ll be starting in three hours!” Jirou announced, ushering everyone to different parts of the large castle to change into their special outfits. 
It only took everyone an hour and a half to two hours to get ready, the last hour was spent doing finishing touches and everyone calling their partners to come as a surprise.
“Oi Shitty Girl! What’s the problem? You aren’t hurt are you?” The aggressive blonde questioned quickly, his red eyes gliding over (y/n)’s body as if checking she was ok for himself. 
“Then what’s the problem?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow at her as she placed a blindfold over his eyes. “Shitty Girl, what are you doing?”
“Be patient, Katsuki. You’ll like the surprise.” (y/n) said in a teasing voice as she led him into the large ballroom. The sun had just sat and the night sky was dark and littered with stars that could be seen from the windows.
“What’s all of this?” Katsuki questioned, finally removing the black blindfold as he scanned the room, surprised to see all of his friends equally surprised from where they stood with their partners. 
“Surprise! I thought it would be fun to recreate the party that happened the first time we met each other. Happy Valentine’s Day!”
“We’re going on a hunt?” Denki questioned excitedly, practically bouncing up and down as Jirou just smiled lightly at his antics.
“Duh.” Jirou mumbled from beside him with a quick roll of her eyes as everyone made their way outside. 
“Ok here’s the rules...and it’s the Valentine’s Day edition! So there’s 20, whichever couple can get the most hearts wins.” Midoriya announced with a large smile on his face. “(y/n) release them, and we’ll give them a minute long head start.”
(y/n) walked over to the where the 20 individuals were lined up single file, metal cuffs around their wrists and longer ones around their ankles. Each one wore a black leather collar with a number from 1 to 20 on it. “You evil bitch! Let me go!”
“Where are your manners, Thomas? You were so good up until now...I wouldn’t want to have to make an example out of you.” (y/n)’s voice was kind and soft, but the look in her eyes was anything but that. 
“Why are you doing this?” Thomas questioned, his blonde hair falling into his light eyes as she stared in fear at the group around him before meeting (y/n)’s eyes once more.
“It’s fun, Thomas.” (y/n) told him, patting him on the head before releasing everyone’s cuffs. “Go ahead...you’re free now.” (y/n) urged as they all just stood there with blank stares. They continued to stand there, looking at each other. “I said go!” (y/n) repeated, her eyes practically glowing in the light of the full moon. The soft light shining against the sharp points of her canine teeth. 
The group of 20 broke off into a sprint, disappearing into the tree line as Iida looked down at his watch. “Is it time yet?” Denki questioned, obviously ready to begin.
“Almost.” Iida replied shortly, a smile growing on his own face as the seconds counted down to zero. “Now!”
Everyone ran after that, disappearing into blurs with the speed they were moving. (y/n) ran with a long spear, the silver tip shining in the moonlight as she jumped forward, releasing the spear into the unsuspecting number 13. 
13 fell to the ground after looking down at the sharp spear poking through his chest. No sound leaving his lips since it had all happened too quickly. “One down!” (y/n) called out, seeing the recognizable flash of blonde that belonged to her husband. 
Katsuki came to a stop beside her, his hands stained red along with his lips. He smiled at her. “Two, actually.” He told her, showing her the heart in one of his hands. “Happy Valentine’s Day...I’ve already given you my heart figuratively, so now I’m giving it to you physically.”
“Aw, that was cute.” (y/n) laughed before accepting the gesture. “You can have mine too.” She added after her laughter died down, picking up the bloody organ from number 13 before holding it out to Bakugou.
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quirkswriting · 4 years
witching hour
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Overview: Halloween has always been an extra magical time of year for you, and when you happen to run right into a very cute guy at the candy table at the party you're attending then you just know this is going to be one supernaturally good Halloween! And not even a talking cat can ruin it for you. Pairing: Iida Tenya x Fem!Reader (Aged up Supernatural AU!) Word Count: 4.4k Warning(s): A little bit of cursing? And the reader is FEM! So if you are uncomfortable with that please  be aware! Author’s Notes: This is part of the Sweater Weather BNHA Sanctuary Fall Collab 2020! You can find the masterlist here, and please go check it out and give the other fics some love too! They’re all AMAZING!!! This one is unashamedly cheesy, corny, and definitely inspired by Sabrina the Teenage Witch (because that just screams Halloween to me, and I hope it does to you too!)
“Hey, I’m home!” you called, walking in through the back door of the house with your shopping bags in hand. You nudged it closed with your elbow and put the bags down before pulling your shoes off. There was no answer, but you could spot a folded piece of paper on the table that would most likely tell you where your uncles could be found. You picked the bags back up and moved them over to the counter before walking back to the table to take a look at the note.
Your name was written across the front in Uncle Toshinori’s neat, blocky handwriting, and as you opened the letter it flew out of your hands and started hovering around your head. Both of your uncles owned fully functional mobile phones, you made sure of it, but sometimes they still preferred doing things the Witch Way.
“Hello, young (Y/N!)” the letter started speaking, your uncle’s voice coming out loud and strong as if he was standing next to you. “Taishiro and I have gone shopping for Halloween gifts for Nemuri’s party! We’ll be home in time for dinner, so save your appetite! See you soon!” As soon as it had finished, the letter exploded into tiny pieces of confetti; you were happy to see that they were tiny little orange pumpkins and black bats, perfect for the time of year. Brushing the confetti off of your sweater, you walked back over the counter where you’d deposited your bags and started pulling everything out so you could start to put it away.
Maybe it was corny, and maybe it was cheesy, but Halloween was hands down your favourite time of year. Everything about the month of October was great; the leaves started changing colours, the temperatures dropped for that perfect sweater weather (for a week or so, at least, before it got too cold), and the fact that this was the one month of the year that all of the weirdness that usually followed you around could be excused as part of the spooky season. Which, okay, not that it was ever really excused by your mortal friends, but still. Being a Witch was never easy, but least Halloween made it easier than normal.
For Witches like you and your uncles Toshinori and Taishiro, Halloween was more than just an excuse to decorate the whole house, dress up in costumes and consume an absurd amount of candy—which you definitely did, you wouldn’t deny that—it was the season when your magic was strongest, and it was a time when you would get together and see all of your friends and family who didn’t live in the Mortal Realm like you did. And this year would be extra fun because instead of going to the family party this year (being held by Uncle Tsunagu, which always promised you’d be bored to tears), you were going to a costume party being thrown by a friend of your uncles.
“Ooh, what did you bring me?” You were shaken out of your thoughts by a voice to your left, and you turned to see Shinsou, your uncles’ deep purple cat, had jumped up onto the counter and made himself at home on one of the empty plastic bags. Sneaking up on everyone else was one of his favourite things to do (aside from take naps, provide unwanted sarcastic commentary, and pretend he didn’t love playing with the cat toys around the house unless he thought he was alone). You rolled your eyes, reaching over to scratch him behind the ears.
“Nothing, you nosy cat,” you told him, and he swatted at you with one of his little white tipped paws. You withdrew your hand, going back to emptying the bags.
“Rude. You leave me all by lonesome, no one to give me food or throw my mice for me, and you don’t even bring something home for me?” he asked. You ignored that. You instead turned to the pile of things on the counter—most of it was Halloween candy you were planning on hiding in your room to snack on when you were studying, but you’d also gone out to get a costume for the party that you were going to. Shinsou walked closer, making his way around the boxes to come and see what you had.
Holding up the costume against your body, you showed it off for the feline. “So? What do you think? I thought it was really cute!” you told him. He looked you up and down, his small face scrunching up.
“You’re going as a Witch? Really? And I thought your uncles were unoriginal,” he said. You pouted, folding the costume and putting it back on the counter. It was a really cute little dress and hat combo that you’d picked up, and you thought it would go perfect with some tights and shoes you had in your closet somewhere.
“Oh yeah? And what are you planning to be for Halloween?” you asked, and Shinsou huffed. He brought one paw up to sweep through the air as he gestured across the kitchen.
“Well, the last time I was human for  Halloween was when my cult—er, my organization was planning to make me Emperor of Earth, and I was a pirate,” he said. You could only imagine Shinsou in an absolutely ridiculous outfit, probably dressed just like Jack Sparrow, right before he was busted by the Witches Council for trying to take over the Mortal World. Sometimes you had to wonder how someone like him could do something like that, but he had this weird ability to talk people into almost anything. “Everyone loved it. But now I’m a cat, so I guess for Halloween I’ll just be a cat who pretends to listen to you whine about how you’re still single and eating candy corn by the bucket.”
“Well if you liked being a pirate so much, why don’t you do that again this year?” you said, huffing slightly. You pointed your finger at Shinsou, concentrating, and then in a poof of smoke and sparkles, he was sitting on the counter in a tiny pirate costume. He stood up and looked himself over, turning in circles. You couldn’t help but laugh as you grabbed your candy and your costume and took off out of the kitchen and started climbing the stairs. You could hear the jingle of Shinsou’s costume from behind you.
“Hey! Come and take this off of me!” you heard him yell, and you only laughed louder as you ran into your room and closed the door before he could get inside.
“Have fun, Shinsou!” you called, and you heard his little claws start scratching at your door. You could hear him grumbling something about no one appreciating his sarcasm and you walked away to go hide your candy from your uncles.
Yep, Halloween was always fun in your house.
A week later, you were putting the finishing touches on your makeup before you were supposed to be leaving for the Halloween party. You were sitting at your desk in front of the mirror while Shinsou was on your bed, stretched out and toying with one of the tassels on the end of one of your pillows. You were still happy with your costume choice, no matter how many snarky remarks Shinsou made—there were a lot of them—and dressing up as a Witch was fun! Plus, the outfit itself was very cute, especially since you’d been able to find the tights and cute black shoes you’d been looking for.
You heard a knock on your half open door, and you looked up to see Uncle Taishiro poking his head through the doorway. His face was stretched wide with a grin, and you saw that he’d slicked back his normally unruly blond hair and left his face on display.
“You about ready, kiddo?” he asked, and you nodded. You finished up and quickly packed away your makeup before standing up and picking up your hat to place on your head. Uncle Taishiro stepped fully into your room, and you did a twirl to show off your costume. He gave you a thumbs up, laughing just a little. “Very nice! You make a very lovely Witch, (Y/N), if I do say so.”
“And you make a very handsome Gaston,” you told him, seeing his costume. He brought up an arm to flex, winking at you. You had to admit that his costume did look very good, and very authentic. He most likely magicked that up, but why not? You’d used a little bit of help yourself, just to make the details on your dress sparkle a little bit brighter in the light.
“If you’re both done goofing around, we have a party to get to,” Shinsou interrupted. He made his way across your bed wearing his little tuxedo and bowtie, before jumping off the bed and up into Uncle Taishiro’s arms. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your bag, pulling it over your shoulder and walking out of your room behind your giant of an uncle (you swore there had to be some kind of giant genes in your family, because both of your uncles were humongous—well, Uncle Toshinori used to be, before his… accident, but still). Uncle Toshinori was waiting in the hallway, and he was wearing a skeleton costume that you were pretty sure you had seen him practicing a spell for earlier in the week to make sure it was showing off his real bones. He really did go all out for Halloween and you admired that about him.
“Young (Y/N)! Very cute, you make a very good Witch,” he said, holding up his camera so that he could take a photo. You smiled and let him do it, and you took it from him to take some photos of him and Uncle Taishiro before the three of you left.
It wasn’t long before the three of you (plus Shinsou) were going through the hall closet to get to the entrance to the Other Realm, which was surprisingly empty tonight. Everyone else crossing over had most likely done it earlier in the day, which worked in your favour. Uncle Toshinori entered Nemuri's address into the system and then you all stepped through the door, popping out the other side and right into the party.
“Tai! Toshi!” came the loud voice of the host, Nemuri Kayama, who came over to give them big hugs. She was wearing some kind of leather looking bodysuit—maybe she was Black Widow? You had no idea. She did look good, though. She always did. And when she spotted you, she was quick to bring you in for a hug as well, crushing you up against her chest. It was only for a few seconds (but it felt like a lifetime before you could breathe again, black leather and a big chest were not a good combo for close quarters). Then she was letting you go and while you readjusted your hat, she started ruffling Shinsou’s fur.
“Aw, look at the fancy cat! Are you a butler, Shinsou?” she asked, and he swatted at her hands.
“Absolutely not, I am James Bond, thank you very much,” he told her, puffing himself up to show off his little tuxedo jacket and bowtie. You hid a laugh behind your hand. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I am going to find the catnip bar and enjoy myself while talking to people who will appreciate me and what I have to say.” And with that he jumped out of Uncle Taishiro’s arms and threaded his way through the crowd. He’d find his way back eventually—that, or you’d end up finding him passed out somewhere or playing with Nemuri’s curtains. Both had happened at family gatherings before.
Uncle Toshinori handed Nemuri the Halloween presents—which was a tradition, exchanging Halloween presents was a big deal among people in the Other Realm—and then he and Uncle Taishiro were being pulled away by friends who had spotted them and wanted to see them. You recognized Keigo and Miruko, who came by the house pretty often, and there was also a man with very, very long blonde hair dressed up as a cowboy and a man with not quite as long dark hair who looked like he had also taken your idea and dressed up as a Witch. You smiled and waved, and Uncle Taishiro told you that you’d be leaving at midnight and one or two of your cousins were hanging around so you should look out for them if you needed anything. You nodded, but there was no way in hell you were going looking for your cousins. With your luck, it would end up being Izuku. Who was fine, really, you liked hanging out with him when you were kids and he was a nice enough guy (you talked at all mandatory family functions and usually stuck together along with cousin Mirio to protest being stuck at the kids table) but you wanted to have fun and he was… well, too quiet for having fun at a party like this. Sometimes you wondered if he really was from the Werewolf side of the family. But you decided to try and have fun on your own. Which… lasted all of about five minutes before you realized there were a lot of people here. Maybe you needed to take some time to make a plan before you approached anyone else to talk.
So here you were, standing by the snack table, trying to decide what you wanted to eat while you formulated your plan of attack. You’d vaguely recognized a few people on your way over there—a lot of your uncles’ friends were here, and they’d all brought people (Siblings? Children? You had no idea) who looked about your age. Or, well, you thought they looked about your age, but you could never really tell. Especially with vampires. You got yourself a cup of punch (which was a very cute little goblet! Witches really do take Halloween very seriously) and you were browsing the wide selection of food before you saw it. The biggest bowl of candy corn that you’d ever seen. And it was calling your name (which it may actually have been, for all you knew Nemuri might have bewitched the bowl to entice people to eat it. Not that Witches ever needed a reason to eat candy corn).
You walked towards it, reaching for the scoop to get yourself some of the nice little treat when your hand collided with something—or someone, actually, who was trying to grab it at the exact same time. You looked up, startled, to see a young man who looked about your age standing on the other side of the table. He was… well, you’d be lying if you said he wasn’t absolutely handsome, and you couldn’t help but stare at his face. He had short, neatly styled dark blue hair, with some very uniquely shaped pointed eyebrows that were almost near his hairline. His eyes—which told you that this was a Vampire—were red and shining behind black framed square glasses. His face was square, with a very defined jawline, and you were now realizing that you were just standing here staring at a very pretty, very strange new person who was probably wondering why you were being so weird when all they wanted was candy corn.
Your eyes met his and you smiled at him, shrugging one of your shoulders as you moved your hand back and away from the bowl to let him go first. That caused your hand to brush against his once again, and then all of a sudden the bowl was in the air and there was candy corn everywhere. It took your brain a second to catch up, just as the bowl hit the floor, before you realized he had flipped the bowl over.
You couldn’t help but let out a laugh at the look of absolute shock on his face. His cheeks very quickly turned bright red, and he bent down to pick up the bowl. You looked around, and thankfully the music seemed to be loud enough that no one had really noticed. You pointed your finger and then in a flash of sparks the bowl was full again and the floor corn was in the nearby garbage.
“Didn’t know you were that against candy corn. Did it hurt you when you were a kid?” you asked, the words coming out before you could stop them. You really had to stop hanging out with Shinsou so much, he was rubbing off on you. The stranger blinked, before setting the bowl back down on the table and clearing his throat.
“Um… I was just surprised, is all,” he said. His voice was deeper than you’d thought it would be and it suited him way more than whatever you had imagined in your head. “I didn’t think you would actually be a Witch, though. Your costume is a little on the nose.” Oh, so he wanted to play that kind of game, huh? You reached forward and grabbed a handful of the candy corn as you looked him up and down. He was wearing some kind of… knight costume? Which looked pretty authentic, you had to say. It was white and polished, with gold detailing that looked like leaves all across his chest, and a deep blue cape slung across his shoulders and falling down behind him.
“Mine is on the nose? Are you supposed to be some kind of… prince? I hope that armour isn’t made of silver or you might piss some Werewolves off tonight,” you said, and you were surprised to hear him snort at that. You popped some pieces of candy into your mouth, smiling again, and you saw his cheeks flush once more.
“I’m a knight, I’ll have you know,” he told you. You shrugged. He looked good either way, honestly. “This was my brother’s. Not silver, thankfully. But at least a little more creative than some other costumes.” You frowned, your eyebrows pulling together. So he was being serious when he implied you weren’t creative?
Your train of thought was interrupted, though, when a loud voice yelled “TENYA!” and you looked around, startled. Not too far away was another young looking man with the same colour hair as the man in front of you was waving over at you. He was dressed up as Batman—a very, very good looking Batman with his mask sitting in his lap so you could see his face and how much it resembled the pretty boy in front of you—and he was gesturing towards you. But your name wasn’t Tenya, so it must have been towards the person in front of you. Who was probably named Tenya. You looked between them, and the Vampire in front of you sighed and excused himself. You watched him make his way over to Batman, who nudged him lightly on the arm before they started talking.
You couldn’t help but watch the two of them go back and forth, trying to imagine what they were saying. Batman was making a lot of hand gestures, some in your direction, while Tenya kept very rigidly waving his arm up and down with his hand open and palm flat out. Maybe Batman saw what happened with the candy corn? Or Tenya was supposed to bring him candy corn? You kept eating it yourself.
After a moment or two had passed, you realized that okay, it was probably time to go and find someone else to talk to. Which was sad, because as odd as this Tenya was, he was still very cute and you did like going back and forth with him. But you should probably try and have some fun before you had to leave. Looking around the crowd, you spotted a group of younger people not too far away, and they looked friendly enough—there was another young woman who was dressed up as what looked like a pink fuzzy sheep? Beside another woman dressed as Bo Peep, and a guy dressed up as what looked like Gomez Addams—so you figured it was worth a try. You grabbed a handful of candy for the trip, and you turned to leave. But you didn’t make it two steps before all of a sudden Tenya was back in front of you.
“Um, wait!” he said, holding his hands up in front of him. You nearly jumped. You always forgot how fast Vampires could be; you didn’t know very many back in the Mortal Realm. Batman was coming up behind him, stopping his wheelchair just behind him.
“Is everything okay? Did you forget something?” you asked. Tenya paused, just for a moment, one of his hands coming up to rub at the back of his neck. It looked kind of cute, really, a little flustered and out of place. Vampires were usually old school and old money (from what you knew) so this was unexpected. But not a bad thing. You leaned against the table, crossing your arms over your chest as you watched him.
“Are you four hundred or are you four? You can do this! Come on!” Batman probably meant to whisper that, but he was loud enough for you to hear. Tenya groaned.
“Look, I… yes, I forgot something,” he said. He pushed his glasses farther up the bridge of his nose, and for the first time tonight you saw his lips curve up into a smile. You mirrored it, unable to help yourself. “I forgot to tell you that while your costume choice is on the nose, it’s also practical and… it suits you very well.”
Well. That was unexpected, but you weren’t going to complain. You uncrossed your arms and brushed your hands along your dress, smoothing out the fabric. “Yours does too, Prince Charming.” You knew he’d said he was a knight, but you couldn’t resist. Batman laughed from behind Tenya, who turned to shush him.
“She’s great! Don’t let this go to waste, Tenya,” he said, slapping Tenya on the back. The armour made a loud clang, and Tenya swatted at Batman’s head. The older (you thought? Maybe? God, Vampire aging sucked because no one could ever tell how old anyone really was) blue haired man waved at you, before taking off across the room. The armoured male turned back to you, shrugging.
“Please excuse my brother. He’s… probably drunk,” he said. You laughed loudly, waving your hand in front of you.
“It’s okay! He’s pretty funny,” you said. That got a smile out Tenya, and you were happy that he’d come back over. You grabbed another handful of candy and offered him some. He took a few pieces, and the two of you eased into conversation. You found out his name was in fact Tenya, he was definitely an old money Vampire, and he was planning on studying History (since he had already lived through a lot of it, why not get a good grade out of it? But seeing how animated he got discussing his passion for all things old and dead in History books, you thought it was kind of cute).
Before you knew it, hours had flown by. It felt like minutes, really, and you were definitely happy you hadn’t ditched the candy table to try your luck with the other people at the party. You were just getting to learn about Tenya’s brother’s wild antics as a soldier wearing the armour you’d admired earlier when you heard your uncle Toshinori call, “Young (Y/N)! We need to get heading back! Time to go!” You looked over your shoulder to see your uncles waving to you. Uncle Toshinori was holding Shinsou in his arms, and his jacket was unbuttoned and it looked like the cat had a very good time because he was currently passed out. And most likely purring. You nodded, sending them a thumbs up.
“It’s been nice talking with you,” you said as you turned back to face Tenya. His smile had turned into a frown, and he nodded. “Those are my uncles, I gotta get going. Have to head back before the door to the Mortal Realm closes for the night. But this has been really fun, Prince Charming.”
“Yes, of course, please get home safely,” he told you, and you couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit disappointed that he hadn’t asked for your number. But at least it would be a cute story to tell your friends, and maybe you’d see him next Halloween? Hopefully? You hiked your bag further up your shoulder and started walking towards your waiting uncles. But after a few steps you stopped. Did you really want Shinsou to make fun of you for hanging out by the candy and pining after a Vampire when you could have done something about it? Absolutely not. Tenya was cute, you both liked candy corn, and how cute would this story be to tell when people asked you how you started dating?
Maybe you were getting ahead of yourself, but you were gonna go for it.
You turned on your heel and walked back over to Tenya. You dug one hand into your bag, digging through it until your hand closed around what felt like a pen, and thankfully was a pen when you pulled it out to take a look. You took Iida by the wrist, pulling his hand close to you, and clicked the pen so you could scribble your name and number across his palm.
“This is my number. Let me know the next time you’re free, and maybe sometime before next Halloween we can go get some candy corn together and not have it end up on the floor,” you said, drawing a little heart underneath your number. You looked up at him and smiled, and you were happy to see his mouth hanging slightly open as he looked down at his hand. You squeezed his wrist once before you let it go. Uncle Taishiro called your name again, and you waved at the boy in front of you before turning around and following your uncles out of the party. You kept that big smile on your face the entire time, and pretended you didn’t notice the looks your uncles were giving each other behind you.
Yeah, Halloween was definitely your favourite time of year.
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Like Lightning After the Thunder: Chapter One: Damned Smile
Fic Summary:
His breath wavered as he stared into Katsuki’s eyes. He knew he could get out if he tried. He could knock Katsuki out, hope that no one else would find them, and run back into the shadows where he belonged. Katsuki may have had him pinned down but he was in Denki’s range now and it would take little effort to send a charge through Katsuki to paralyze him temporarily.
It would take barely any additional effort to kill Katsuki.
As the sparks began to charge, lighting up the air around him, Katsuki refused to back down.
Katsuki always knew he was destined for great things.
He didn’t think he’d have to turn his back on all he’s ever known to get there.
Rating: T
Warnings: Eventual major character death, implied/referenced child abuse, psychological trauma
Other Tags: Bakugou Katsuki/Kaminari Denki, slow burn, alternate universe - canon divergence
Read on Ao3 (links to corresponding chapter) or read below
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Even years later, that damn smile haunted his dreams.
There was absolutely no reason for him to still think about the event. Everything had been taken care of when it had happened― injuries were treated, authorities alerted, information secured, and a press conference to tie it all up in a big red bow. There were no loose ends, no surprise second coming, no physical reminders of what happened lingering in his daily life. Katsuki would have labeled it as done, dealt with, and no longer relevant, shoving it aside in his memory so he could focus on actual important shit.
Except his mind had different plans.
When he was lucky, he could completely forget about the event for months. Other times, his dreams would be filled with nothing but that damn smile, taunting him with its silence. He could usually predict when the dreams would come― the anniversary of the event for example― but other times, it seemed like anything could trigger the memory. He once saw a bright yellow balloon and for the rest of the day, every time he closed his eyes he saw that damned smile, never wavering despite the curses and insults Katsuki spewed.
He wanted to forget it. He wanted so desperately to forget it. For the image to erase itself from his mind, for it to take the feelings away with it. He could deal with the anger, he could always deal with the anger, but when his memory reminded him of the wave of hurt and betrayal that nearly blinded him…
When his alarm jolted him from his sleep and freed him from the smile, he couldn’t get out of bed fast enough. He woke up drenched in a cold sweat, sheets singed and smoking lightly as he unclenched his hands, and Katsuki was, for once, very relieved that not all of his sweat was explosive. He slapped the singes a few times to ensure that all of the embers were put out before heading for the bathroom, cursing under his breath as he flinched at his own reflection in the mirror.
There was nothing particularly wrong with his appearance, if you didn’t count the dark circles under his eyes from a fitful night’s sleep or his clammy skin, but after being plagued by the smile, Katsuki could barely look at himself. His reaction to the smile made him feel weak, like he couldn’t handle himself and that there was something wrong with him. It was just a smile after all. There was no reason for him to react to it like a nightmare, no reason for him to lose sleep over it or to feel overwhelmed by emotions at the thought of it.
Yet when he saw the smile and saw how the corners of his mouth were tugged a bit too tight, how his eyes were open a bit too wide, how the only shine in his eyes were the reflections of light on tears that refused to fall…
Katsuki cursed.
The icy cold shower did little to help distract him from the memory, nor did his morning run nor the steaming shower he took after. He wasn’t supposed to head into the agency today, so he didn’t have any planned beatdowns for today, and yes he probably shouldn’t be hoping for it, but part of him hoped for a sudden emergency villain so he could distract himself by focusing on beating some villain’s ass into next week.
A few hours later when his phone refused to stop buzzing, Katsuki wondered if throwing his phone across the room until it stopped would be close enough to beating villain ass to work. He reluctantly decided that talking to people so they’d leave him alone was probably less hassle to deal with than having to replace his phone and distribute his new number (even if it would give him an excuse to ghost some of these damn extras).
A few individual texts and a group text were the cause of the buzzing. As the group text’s new message count continued to rise, he figured it would be easier to respond to the individual texts first. Just in case he changed his mind about destroying the phone.
Four Eyes (Rocket Legs): Hello Bakugou, this is a reminder about the upcoming Class A reunion. As the head of the reunion committee, it is my duty to ensure an accurate headcount for the event, and I have yet to receive your response about your attendance. Please ensure to respond via the following link by this Friday at 11:59PM. [Class A 10 Year Reunion RSVP]
Four Eyes (Rocket Legs): In case you missed the previous messages regarding the reunion, the event is March 28th starting at 7PM at the Shinjuku Hotel in Musutafu. If you need to rent a room for the night or the weekend, please alert the Shinjuku Hotel staff that you are part of the Class A reunion party by next Wednesday for an event discount.
Katsuki frowned. He wasn’t exactly looking forward to the possibility of being surrounded by all of his former classmates and even less at the idea of being socially obligated to spend the entire evening with them. At least when he met up with his friends elsewhere, he could always claim needing to leave early so he could make the last train or that work needed him to come in early the next day.
He closed out of the conversation, figuring he still had a few more days to decide if he really wanted to deal with his classmates for an entire evening.
Midoriya: Hey Katsugou! I was wondering if you’re going to go to the reunion? Tenya said the deadline to RSVP is coming soon and we haven’t heard from you, so I just thought I’d check in!
Katsuki: The fuck is Katsugou?
Midoriya: Oh sorry!! Typo!!
Midoriya: Anyway, are you coming?
Katsuki closed out of the conversation and moved on to the next one.
Shitty Hair: Katsuki! Are you coming to the reunion or not dude????
Katsuki: Fuck off.
Shitty Hair: Aww dude that’s no way to talk to your best friend, you know you love me!!
Katsuki: I’m blocking you.
He did not, in fact, block him. But he did close out of Eijirou’s texts.
Save for the newest text sent directly from Eijirou, all that was left was the backlog of texts in the group text. It had kept going off while he was reading the other conversations, so Katsuki figured it meant that everyone was either off for the day or on their lunch break.
Raccoon Eyes: guys!!!!! the reunion is COMING UPPPPPP!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: i cant wait to s
Raccoon Eyes: ee all of u guys again!!
Tape Face: lmao you saw us last week
Raccoon Eyes: yes
Raccoon Eyes: an eteRNITY ago
Raccoon Eyes: and like
Raccoon Eyes: kats left early so we didnt have everyone
Raccoon Eyes: so it doesnt count
Shitty Hair: Yeah Katsuki don’t leave early next time!!
Raccoon Eyes: we just have to hold him hostage next time
Raccoon Eyes: or like
Raccoon Eyes: AMBUSH him
Tape Face: i can always tape him up
Raccoon Eyes: tape him to the wall
Raccoon Eyes: and then like
Raccoon Eyes: steal his wallet
Raccoon Eyes: cant get on transit w no moneys
Raccoon Eyes: ei and han hold him down
Raccoon Eyes: i run to hide his wallet where he cant fi
Raccoon Eyes: nd it
Raccoon Eyes: probs keeps kats tapped to the wall all night
Raccoon Eyes: free up his arms so he can have a drink????
Tape Face: explosion palms dude
Raccoon Eyes: oh u right
Raccoon Eyes: he can just have a cup w like
Raccoon Eyes: a REALLY REALLY long straw
Raccoon Eyes: make sure u tape him up w his hands behind his back
Tape Face: you got it
Shitty Hair: He’s in this chat guys he’s going to see the plan
Raccoon Eyes: whatevs we can still totally blindside him
Raccoon Eyes: ANYWAYS
Raccoon Eyes: ure all going right?????
Tape Face: ya I rsvpd a while back
Shitty Hair: Yep!! Wouldn’t miss it for the world!
Raccoon Eyes: what about u kats
Raccoon Eyes: kats???
Raccoon Eyes: k
Raccoon Eyes: a
Shitty Hair: I’ll text him separately
Raccoon Eyes: t
Tape Face: he probably has this muted lmao
Raccoon Eyes: s
Raccoon Eyes: !!!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: how dare u ignore us
Raccoon Eyes: after everything weve done for u!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: thought we were ur ride or die hoes
Raccoon Eyes: dont tell me ur not going!!!!!
Raccoon Eyes: im so offended
Raccoon Eyes: how could u do this to us kats
Shitty Hair: Maybe he’s at work today?
Raccoon Eyes: boo
Raccoon Eyes: how dare he prioritize wo
Raccoon Eyes: rk over us
Raccoon Eyes: his best friends
Raccoon Eyes: the suns of his life
Raccoon Eyes: the bit of happiness in the cold
Raccoon Eyes: cold
Raccoon Eyes: cold
Tape Face: coooooooooold
Raccoon Eyes: thing he calls a heart
Shitty Hair: Lmao
Tape Face: its got a bit of warmth
Tape Face: most of it is his temper
Raccoon Eyes: boom boom POW
Raccoon Eyes: well while we wait for kats
Raccoon Eyes: help me pick some photos for the slideshow!!
Tape Face: are you doing only UA pics or some stuff since then
Tape Face: somehow iida managed to not specify lmao
Shitty Hair: The info email was like ten pages, how did he miss it
Tape Face: idk
Raccoon Eyes: ive got plenty for both!!
Raccoon Eyes: momo said pref UA pics but some new stuff is good too
Raccoon Eyes: show how far weve come n all that
Tape Face: oh cool let me get some opinions then too
Shitty Hair: Anyone have any pics of the camping trip from second year?
Raccoon Eyes: before or after todoroki and kats’ fight turned it into a icy hot springs
Shitty Hair: Both lmao but probably before it went to hell
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: ofc ive got us chillin in the springs
Raccoon Eyes: well most of us
Raccoon Eyes: kats u never get in the water w us :C
Raccoon Eyes: lets go to the beach next time!!
Tape Face: hed prob boil the water w you in it if you dragged him in lmao
Tape Face: spicy acid time
Raccoon Eyes: id like to see him TRY
Shitty Hair: Don’t tempt him lmao
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: i got like a shit ton more
Raccoon Eyes: should i send some of THE FIGHT
Shitty Hair: Maybe not
Tape Face: yes
Tape Face: well
Tape Face: depends on how many pissed off katsuki pics youre putting in lmao
Raccoon Eyes: OH
Raccoon Eyes: OHHHH
Tape Face: ?
Raccoon Eyes: dude
Raccoon Eyes: do u have the POMERANIAN pic
Tape Face: o shit
Tape Face: image.png
Shitty Hair: I still think Katsuki should’ve taken that pup home
Shitty Hair: They’re matching!
Tape Face: image.png
Tape Face: i also have this one
Tape Face: when she tried to bite his nose off lmao
Raccoon Eyes: kats couldve named her king explosion murder
Raccoon Eyes: or just murder
Raccoon Eyes: p sure she wouldve tried to murder kats at least o
Raccoon Eyes: nce
Tape Face: lmao she basically tried when he found her
Shitty Hair: Maybe it’s for the best that he didn’t keep the pup
Tape Face: look what i found
Tape Face: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: AWWWW YES
Raccoon Eyes: LOOK AT USSSSS
Raccoon Eyes: we look FABBBB
Shitty Hair: Is that from the dance?
Tape Face: ye
Raccoon Eyes: guys what if we recreate that pic at the reunion
Raccoon Eyes: the fits?
Raccoon Eyes: immaculate
Raccoon Eyes: the pose?
Raccoon Eyes: perfection
Tape Face: hotel?
Tape Face: trivago
Shitty Hair: I’m down for recreating some pics!
Raccoon Eyes: yessssss
Raccoon Eyes: u have no choice either kats u gotta do it
Raccoon Eyes: wherever u are
Shitty Hair: Oh he replied!!
Raccoon Eyes: SWEET
Raccoon Eyes: what he say
Shitty Hair: He said fuck off
Tape Face: as expected
Shitty Hair: Lmao he threatened to block me again
Tape Face: thought he said he was blocking you last week
Shitty Hair: Yea exactly
Raccoon Eyes: HOW RUDE
Raccoon Eyes: as punishment for not paying attention to us
Raccoon Eyes: im gonna send this
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Tape Face: LMAO whend you make that
Shitty Hair: Is that Katsuki with a cat face and ears
Shitty Hair: Dude I don’t know if he’s going to kill you for that or for the pink hair first lmao
Raccoon Eyes: lmao made it just now
Raccoon Eyes: well MAYBE if he ANSWERED us
Katsuki: Delete it.
Tape Face: O SHIT
Tape Face: you summoned him
Raccoon Eyes: NO I WILL NOT
Katsuki: Delete it Raccoon Eyes or else I’m coming for you.
Tape Face: are you coming for the left shoes and shittin in them
Raccoon Eyes: NOOOOOOO not my shoes!!!!!!!!
Tape Face: its just the left shoes tho
Katsuki: What the fuck are you two going on about?
Raccoon Eyes: DONT COME FOR M
Katsuki: I’m not coming for your fucking left shoes. Or any of your shoes.
Katsuki: I will be coming for you if you don’t delete that picture, though.
Raccoon Eyes: I BEG
Raccoon Eyes: PLSSSSS
Katsuki: Delete the picture.
Raccoon Eyes: ugh fiiiiiiiiiine
Raccoon Eyes: its deleted
Raccoon Eyes: i wont send it to momo for the slide show
Katsuki: Good.
Katsuki: Fuck off.
Shitty Hair: C’mon Katsuki!! It’ll be fun!!
Tape Face: ya it wouldnt do if we didnt have our exploding star
Raccoon Eyes: ill send momo WORSE if u dont come
Raccoon Eyes: nd u wont know WHAT til AFTER
Raccoon Eyes: so PLSSSSSSSSSS
Raccoon Eyes: ill spam u a lot worse if u dont show us proof of rsvp
Raccoon Eyes: pls kaaaaaaaaats
Raccoon Eyes: kaaaaaaaaats
Raccoon Eyes: k
Raccoon Eyes: a
Katsuki: Ugh fucking fine, I’ll do the RSVP now then.
Raccoon Eyes: t
Raccoon Eyes: YAY
Four Eyes (Rocket Legs): Good afternoon, Bakugou! I just wanted to confirm with you that I have received your RSVP for the Class A reunion. As a reminder, if you need to rent a room for the night or the weekend, please alert the Shinjuku Hotel staff that you are part of the Class A reunion party by next Wednesday for an event discount.
Katsuki: image.png
Katsuki: image.png
Katsuki: Four Eyes is watching the RSVP form like a fucking hawk apparently.
Raccoon Eyes: YAAAAAY URE RSVPD!!!
Shitty Hair: You know him, always dedicated to his work
Tape Face: sweet
Raccoon Eyes: are u guys getting rooms
Tape Face: yea musutafus too far for a round trip
Tape Face: esp since itll prob end late
Shitty Hair: I got one for the weekend!
Tape Face: wbu mina
Raccoon Eyes: booked a room already!!
Raccoon Eyes: kaaaaats wbu
Raccoon Eyes: u should
Raccoon Eyes: we could have a brunch or lunch or s/t thats just us
Raccoon Eyes: plsssssss kats
Katsuki: I’ll think about it.
Tape Face: better than a no lmao
Shitty Hair: If they run out of space or if you decide last second, you can room with me dude
Raccoon Eyes: awww why not a yes
Katsuki: I haven’t asked the other Four Eyes for the time off yet.
Tape Face: is this four eyes no4 or no15
Raccoon Eyes: four eyes no69
Raccoon Eyes: no wait
Raccoon Eyes: no420
Tape Face: haha blaze it
Raccoon Eyes: BLAZE IT
Shitty Hair: It’s number 7
Katsuki: Fuck you, I don’t have that many Four Eyes saved in my phone.
Shitty Hair: I’d be surprised if you had 420 contacts period dude
Raccoon Eyes: would b hilarious tho
Katsuki: Yes, it’s Four Eyes number 7.
Shitty Hair: I was right!!
Katsuki: Why would I ask any of the other Four Eyes for time off? They’re not my fucking bosses.
Tape Face: dunno
Raccoon Eyes: idk maybe ure secretly dating one a
Raccoon Eyes: nd have to confirm that its ok
Tape Face: o shit
Tape Face: scandalous
Katsuki: Shut the fuck up, I’m not dating anyone, secret or not.
Raccoon Eyes: thats what they all say
Katsuki: Whatever. I’m not dating anyone.
Raccoon Eyes: kats n four eyes no420 sittin in a tree
Raccoon Eyes: k
Raccoon Eyes: i
Raccoon Eyes: s
Raccoon Eyes: s
Raccoon Eyes: i
Katsuki: I’ll blow up all of your left shoes when you’re not home.
Raccoon Eyes: n
Raccoon Eyes: NO
Shitty Hair: Hey what do you guys think of this photo
Shitty Hair: image.png
Tape Face: dude yes
Katsuki: Do we really need to send them pictures? It’s not like we fucking forgot this stuff already.
Tape Face: you can be a killjoy if you want lmao
Tape Face: im sure mina will send more than enough to cover for you
Raccoon Eyes: U BETCHA
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Raccoon Eyes: image.png
Tape Face: lmao why do you have a pic of katsuki throwing ei
Shitty Hair: I still can’t believe you did that bro
Katsuki: I gave you plenty of fucking warning.
Shitty Hair: Saying “I’m throwing you” AS YOU’RE THROWING ME is NOT PLENTY OF WARNING DUDE
Raccoon Eyes: im always ready to document golden moments
Katsuki: Shut the fuck up. We won the training exercise so what’s it fucking matter?
Shitty Hair: YOU THREW ME!!
Katsuki: Tape Face caught you before you could get hurt.
Shitty Hair: YOU /THREW/ ME!!!!!!
Tape Face: barely caught
Katsuki: Whatever.
Raccoon Eyes: im still impressed by how eASY u made that look
Katsuki: What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?
Raccoon Eyes: o look conveniently timed distraction photo spam
Katsuki sighed as he continued the conversation, commenting here and there on the photos his friends sent for judgement. In retrospect, he probably should have tried to talk to Shion first, since there was a chance she would have denied the time off for the reunion. Although, knowing her, she would have accepted just to force Katsuki into socializing. He opened up a new text message, figuring that if Shion did decide to deny the time off, he would at least have a screenshot to send to his friends explaining the sudden change in plans.
Katsuki: I need March 28th and 29th off.
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Do my eyes deceive me? The great Katsuki Bakugou, asking for time off?
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): I’m amazed! Usually I have to ask you to take the day off!
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Nay, not ask, but force!
Katsuki: Are you going to give it to me or not?
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Depends! What do you need the time off for?
Katsuki: Class reunion.
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Oh those are fun!
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Fill out the proper time off paperwork and have it on my desk by Monday. I’ll approve the time off.
Four Eyes (Shitty Shion): Just keep your phone on you in case we need you to come in for an emergency, but I’ll try not to ruin your reunion with work.
Katsuki: Thanks.
Well, so much for an easy way out.
Katsuki pinched the bridge of his nose when he noticed that his phone had already accumulated another thirty texts in the past few minutes, no doubt primarily from Mina. He scrolled through the backlog, sending a few mostly empty threats when he saw photos he did not want projected for the entire class to see, freezing when his gaze met a pair of familiar amber eyes.
In his scramble to close out of the photo, to escape the genuine smile that somehow was more haunting than the one in his dreams, he left the group text completely. He briefly thanked his past self; he’d impulse or rage quit the group text plenty of times before that this wasn’t unusual behavior. If he was lucky, his friends wouldn’t have noticed the timing of his departure and would assume he was just fed up with the notifications or the conversation.
Shitty Hair: You okay, Katsuki?
A weak laugh escaped Katsuki’s lips as he read the newest notification. Of course Eijirou noticed.
Katsuki: I’m fine.
Shitty Hair: Okay
Shitty Hair: We don’t have to talk about it
Shitty Hair: But if you want to, I’m here dude
Shitty Hair: I’ll tell the others that you left so your phone would shut up and not to add you back yet
Katsuki: Thanks. Really.
Shitty Hair: No problem dude
Katsuki put his phone down, silently praying for the smile to leave him alone.
When he finally laid down for bed that night, he repeated the short prayer, for a peaceful night’s rest free of the smile, of the hurt, of the pain, of the guilt.
But as always, the smile came.
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iidascalves · 4 years
Feeding Strays (Shinsou x reader)
Tumblr media
Hello! This is my first time posting a fic on here but I decided to do it because I want to practice writing and also because I LOVE Shinsou. Thanks for reading! Please make requests! ===========================================================
“Sensei, I need a slip to leave campus tomorrow morning please.” Aizawa took his head out of his hands and looked at you blankly for a second. He sighed as he swiveled his chair to a drawer and took out a passbook.
“When are you going and why?” Aizawa asked before he reached for a pencil. He looked at you lazily but you knew he never let kids leave campus without a good reason. You also knew that he, out of all teachers would allow you to leave with the least amount of questions.
“Tomorrow morning at 5:30. I need some things from the store.” You replied as you anxiously watched him lazily reach for a pencil and fill out the information.
“Who will accompany you and how long will you take?” Aizawa had to be detailed filling out excursion passes. Ever since Izuku’s run-in with Gentle the morning of the sports festival, all hero course kids were kept under strict watch. It’s also a rule that students use the buddy system while going out.
“Kaminari will. I think we’ll take about an hour.” You replied.
“An hour?” Aizawa said in a surprised tone. “When you’re done hurry back. Even though it’s your day off I expect you to spend it where you’re guaranteed safety.” Aizawa was done filling out your pass and made a note to tell the main office later.
“Thank you Sensei!” You said as you took the pass.
“Just be careful.” Aizawa warned as he slid into his sleeping bag behind his desk.
“Shit.” You cursed as you sent your fifth wake up text to Kaminari.
After ten minutes of waiting it was 5:35 when Kaminari finally emerged from his room. “I would have NOT agreed to this if I knew it was at the ass crack of dawn.” He yawned and grabbed the cold toast you had for him. “What are we even doing.”
“I told you yesterday. I want to see who’s been feeding the street cats I take care of. There’s one that my Dad said might be developing a thyroid problem and he needs a certain kind of food.” Your Dad was a vet and you had sent him a picture of the cats. You told Kaminari about the cats many times before. You had been taking care of them since last term but about a week ago you found that someone had been feeding them breakfast in the early morning. Since the cats were near the school, you’d always just sneak out, feed them, and return before anyone noticed. Your portal quirk made sneaking off and onto campus easy. But since this was not a routine feeding and more of a stakeout mission, you needed time to monitor the corner of the park that the cats inhabit.
“Let’s go on the swings while we wait.” Kaminari suggested. For the next fifteen minutes you two swung on the swings and made tik toks on Kaminari’s phone. Despite your friend forcing you to dance for clout, you couldn’t be distracted from anxiously peering over at the cat’s corner of the park. “For the last time (y/n), it’s BEND, SNAP, SHAKE- wait, is that Shinsou?” Kaminari took a break from reprimanding your dancing to yell over to his friend. “Hey! What are you doing here this early?” Kaminari yelled across the silent park.
“Idiot. You’re going to wake up the neighborhood.” Shinsou whisper-yelled back to him with a hand purring the side of his mouth. Shinsou walked up to you two.
“Shinsou, I don’t think you met (y/n). Her quirk is portals and she’s shit at tik tok dances.” Kaminari slapped his hand on your back as he introduced you to Shinsou.
“I saw you at the sports festival a while back. Impressive stuff.” Shinsou looked you up and down quickly and his eyes settled on your face waiting for a reply.
“Thanks. I hope we have have training with class 1-C. Your quirk is fascinating to watch in action.” You felt the tips of your ears redden as you forced yourself to stop gushing. Shinsou’s cheeks held a tint of pink as Kaminari began to talk again.
“(Y/n) could not stop watching you at the festival, Shinsou. She kept talking with Iida about new ways you could use your quirk. Its funny cause all she uses her quirk for his to sneak off of campus to feed those cats.” Kamianri laughed as your face reddened. You took a shallow breath and directed the conversation elsewhere before Kaminari could embarrass you more.
“We came because I wanted to see who was feeding the cats breakfast. The brown tabby with the green eyes might have a developing thyroid problem. I wanted to make sure he was getting the right kind of food.” You looked Shinsou over after you spoke and noticed a small convenience store bag in his hands.
“Is this okay for him to eat?” Shinsou stepped forward and opened the bag for you to see. He watched as you carefully studied the cans of food. You picked up a pink can and smiled.
“This one is good! A pate with high-protein and low carbs is best. Thank you for helping take care of the cats!”
“Y-yeah. Of course.” Shinsou’s eyes focused on the ground before turning his head to the corner of the park. ”They’re probably hungry for breakfast. Want to feed them together?”
“Yeah! Kaminairi, you coming?” You turned back to him as you began walking toward the small horde of strays.
“Uh, actually I was thinking of heading back to the school if that’s okay with you. I need to study if I want to intern next month. Will you be okay walking back by yourself?” Kaminari was fidgeting with his zipper while looking between you and Shinsou. His eyes latched onto Shincou’s upon asking his final question. After a tense and confusing silence, Shinsou got Kaminari’s message.
“I uh, can escort (y/n) back to campus if you want.”
“Great! See you later!” Kaminari gave you a smile before speed walking away. After Kaminari left you and Shinsou headed over to the cats. Upon hearing the rustling of the convenience store bag, the cats began to meow and rub your ankles with their heads. You helped Shinsou distribute the food to the awaiting cats. Once everyone was fed you took a seat on a nearby bench.
“You really like these cats, huh.” You said to Shinsou as he approached.
“Oh like you don’t?” Shinsou teased. “It sucks they don’t have proper homes. They deserve more than a shitty corner of a park.”
“I was thinking,” You shifted your body so you were facing him. “with winter coming it might be nice to build a shelter for them. You know, with heating pads and beds.” Shinsou perked up the more you spoke. “I could even ask Hatsume to help out.” Shinsou smiled at you and looked towards the cats eagerly eating their breakfast.
“I think that’s a great idea.” Shinsou grinned at you, warmth seeping from his smile.
“Thanks for walking me back to campus, Shinsou. I had a great time talking with you.” You stood facing each other outside UA’s entrance. You both avoided each others gaze before Shinsou broke the silence.
“If you want, we can meet and do this again. Most mornings I’ll feed the cats while I’m jogging. If you’d want to tag along I can ask Aizawa Sensei.” He was looking down at you, scratching the back of his head while his eyes avoided yours. You beamed up at him.
“I’d love to! I’ll draw up some blueprints for Hatsume later today.” Your eyes found his violet ones and you felt your cheeks flush pink.
“Perfect.” Shinsou smiled and turned to walk home. “I had a lot of fun, (y/n). I’ll see you around.” You watched as he rounded a corner and returned the way you two came. It was a quiet walk back to the dorms. You watched your feet as you crossed campus. Your cheeks were still flushed as you fantasied about your next encounter.
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snowe-zolynn-rogers · 4 years
The BNHA Group Chat Fic Nobody Asked For
Pairings: Todoroki Touya (Dabi)/Mr/ Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Shimura Tenko (Shigaraki Tomura)/Chisaki Kai (Overhaul)/Kurono Hari (Chrono), Yamada Hizashi (Present Mic)/Aizawa Shouta (Eraserhead)/Shirakumo Oboro (Loud Cloud)
Word Count: 3,895 Words
Summary: Kaminari unknowingly creates the ultimate hell of both Class 1-A and Class 1-B a week after they move into the dorms.
Warnings: Cursing, Sleep Deprivation, Insomnia, Half Blind Character, Deaf Characters, Anxiety Mention, Mostly Mute Character (due to a different medical issue), Selectively Mute Character, Homophobia, Sexism, Caps, Food Mention, Period/Menstruation Mention, Mineta Minoru Exists (sadly), let me know if I should add anything else.
Note: AU where the League Of Villains are just hero course students. btw Yukimura is Dabi (he goes by his mother's surname (mostly because it's his last hurrah at making Endeavor absolutely livid at him and partially so he and Shoto don't get confused whe someone calls for 'Todoroki')
Usernames:  We Are Number One™ Aizawa: Dadzawa, Aoyama: immafiringmahlaser, Ashido: princessbubblegumknockoff, Asui: Galvan, Iida: Emergency Exit, Uraraka: 9.8, Ojiro: tailfloof, Kaminari: Pichu, Kirishima: baby shark, Koda: youredoingamazingsweetie, Sato: GuyFieriIsGod, Shoji: Cthulhu, Jirou: Jack Skellington, Sero: Spider-Man, Tokoyami: EdgarAllanCrows, Todoroki: WHERE?, Hagakure: cena, Bakugo: WHAT?, Midoriya: SmolMight, Mineta: Mineta, Shinsou: exhausted, Yaoyorozu: TheGreatCreator, Kurono: stopwatch, Chisaki: donthugmeimscared, Yukimura: choticgaydisaster, Bubaigawara: shadowclonejutsu, Shimura: idontfeelsogood, Awase: illrememberyouallintherapy, Kaibara: IDOWHATIWANT, Kamakiri: scyther, Kuroiro: itsmeyaboy, Kendo: Akimichi, Kodai: deadinside, Komori: shroomgurl, Shiozaki: wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs, Shishida: furry, Shoda: cryptid, Tsunotori: mylittlepony, Tsubaraba: airbender, Tetsutetsu: Iron Man, Tokage: t-rex costume, Fukidashi: glorifiedtextbubble, Honenuki: Eren Jaeger/spookyscaryskeletons, Bondo: Slimer, Monoma: HopeSummers, Yanagi: iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE, Rin: snek, Toga: mystique, Sako: lostmymarbles, Hikiishi: queenofmagnetism, Iguchi: eye gucci, Shinokanri: stardust
Usernames: Emos Anonymous Kaminari: blackcloakedbrides, Shoji: fryingpan, Jirou: greentwentyfourhours, Tokoyami: myscientificinfatuation, Todoroki: twentyoneplotpoints, Bakugo: immobileinwhite, Midoriya: falldownboy, Shinsou: stabtheveil, Kurono: inhalecarolina, Chisaki: plummetingininverse, Yukimura: anxietyintheclub, Shimura: nappingwithsirens, Kuroiro: thousandfootcane, Kodai: marianaspit, Monoma: entiretimelow, Yanagi: recentyearsday, Sako: halfminutetomars
Usernames: UA Teachers Are Tired™ Eraserhead/Aizawa: grumpy scarf cat, Present Mic/Yamada: screeching cockatiel, Midnight/Nemuri: chaotic goth gay Ingenium/Iida: gotta go fast, AllMight/Toshinori: actual sunshine, Vlad King/Kan: bloody hell, Power Loader/Majima: speechtotext, Ectoplasm: needalegup?, Snipe: kazoo cowboy, Cementoss: concrete block, Blackmist/Kurogiri: goth portals
BNHA Group Chat-Chapter 1
12:34 AM
Kaminari has added Bakugo, Kirishima, Sero, Ashido, and 45 others to 1-A and 1-B
Ashido: ooooh
Ashido has changed the chat name to We Are Number One™
Kaminari: oh my god why didn't I think of that!?
Ashido: because honey you're too precious to meme like that but its okay because you're cute
Kaminari: YAY I'M CUTE
Bakugo: I'll let you off with waking me up once.
Bakugo: ONCE!
Bakugo: As long as you come up here and go to sleep, Kaminari.
Kaminari: In your room?
Bakugo: Door's open, get up here.
Bakugo is offline
Kaminari is offline
3:45 AM
Todoroki has changed their name to WHERE?
WHERE? has changed Midoriya's name to SmolMight
WHERE? has changed Iida's name to Emergency Exit
WHERE? has changed Uraraka's name to 9.8
WHERE? has changed Asui's name to Galvan
WHERE? has changed Yukimura's name to chaoticgaydisaster
WHERE? has changed Tokoyami's name to EdgarAllanCrows
WHERE? has changed Shimura's name to idontfeelsogood
WHERE? has changed Kurono's name to stopwatch
WHERE? has changed Bakugo's name to WHAT?
WHERE? has changed Kaminari's name to Pichu
WHERE? has changed Kirishima's name to baby shark
WHERE? has changed Ashido's name to princessbubblegumknockoff
WHERE? has changed Sero's name to Spider-Man
WHERE? has changed Shouji's name to Cthulhu
WHERE? has changed Yaoyorozu's name to TheGreatCreator
WHERE?: that's that I know and I'm sticking to it class 1-b do your own
WHERE?: ah yes my last sleep deprived act for the night
WHERE? is offline
3:48 AM
chaoticgaydisaster: I very much approve.
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Sako's name to lostmymarbles
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Iguchi's name to eye gucci
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Toga's name to mystique
chaoticgaysisaster has changed Shinōkanri's name to stardust
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Bubaigawara's name to shadowclonejutsu
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Hikiishi's name to queenofmagnetism
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Chisaki's name to donthugmeimscared
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Kuroiro's name to itsmeyaboy
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Monoma's name to HopeSummers
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Shiozaki's name to wElCoMeToBiBlEsTuDiEs
chaoticgaydisaster: goodnight
chaoticgaydisaster is offline
6:30 AM
SmolMight has changed Hagakure's name to cena
SmolMight has changed Aoyama's name to immafiringmahlaser
SmolMight has changed Jirou's name to Jack Skellington
SmolMight has changed Sato's name to GuyFieriIsGod
SmolMight has changed Ojiro's name to tailfloof
SmolMight has changed Koda's name to youredoingamazingsweetie
SmolMight has changed Tetsutetsu's name to Iron Man
SmolMight: thank me later
8:30 AM
HopeSummers: why is nobody changing more 1bs names?
HopeSummers has changed Kendo's name to Akimichi
HopeSummers has changed Kamakiri's name to scyther
HopeSummers has changed Tsunotori's name to mylittlepony
HopeSummers has changed Rin's name to snek
HopeSummers has changed Honenuki's name to Eren Jaeger
HopeSummers has changed Shoda's name to cryptid
HopeSummers has changed Shishida's name to furry
HopeSummers has changed Komori's name to shroomgurl
HopeSummers has changed Awase's name to illrememberyouallintherapy
HopeSummers has changed Kaibara's name to IDOWHATIWANT
HopeSummers has changed Yanagi's name to iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE
HopeSummers has changed Tsubaraba's name to airbender
HopeSummers has changed Kodai's name to deadinside
HopeSummers has changed Fukidashi's name to glorifiedtextbubble
HopeSummers has changed Bondo's name to Slimer
HopeSummmer: All done. Everyone has a name.
Eren Jaeger: um...what is an Eren Jaeger?
HopeSummers: fuck
HopeSummers has changed Eren Jaeger's name to spookyscaryskeletons
spookyscaryskeletons: Oh I know that one!
HopeSummers: Also I'm making you you watch Attack On Titan. You've gotta Hon.
spookyscaryskeletons: This chat is actually very useful come to think of it.
spookyscaryskeletons: Does anyone have any ideas of what to have for breakfast?
HopeSummers: Honey, you know you can't chew. What are you planning?
spookyscaryskeletons: That's okay! I want to make sure everyone is healthy!
HopeSummers: I know. Uhhhh, pretty sure I've never heard of anyone in our class having any allergies to it so just go with congee.
spookyscaryskeletons: Thank you.
IDOWHATIWANT: Honenuki? More pure than Midoriya?? more likely than you think.
Cthuhlu: I saw a cat on the fourth floor.
Cthulhu: I opened my door and she just walked in like she lives here.
WHAT?: Fuck. Hotaru got out last night when Kaminari came in.
Cthulhu: So I just send her back?
WHAT?: Yeah, she'll be fine. She does that.
SmolMight: Oh my god you brought Hotaru.
WHAT?: So? And Todoroki brought Asahi. And Koda brought Usagi.
itsmeyaboy: I'm so lost.
chaoticgaydisaster: Their pets.
itsmeyaboy: We're allowed to do that!?
chaoticgaydisaster: No, Asahi, Usagi, and Hotaru are service animals.
mylittlepony: why do they have service animals
chaoticgaydisaster: kinda a rhetorical question ya know
chaoticgaydisaster: also not my place outing it
WHERE?: I'm blind in my left eye. Asahi is my service dog
WHAT?: Fucking deaf and clinically depressed
youredoingamazingsweetie: Usagi is my emotional support animal for my anxiety.
itsmeyaboy: Are you kidding? Other people here have disorders?
itsmeyaboy: I thought I was the only one.
chaoticgaydisaster: I'm mostly mute, can't talk too much or my jaw hurts and I have anxiety
itmeyaboy: Hey, I have selective mustism.
chaoticgaydisaster: We need to hang out.
lostmymarbles: Happy you're making friends, dear.
mystique: Purest Couple Ever™
Mineta: gross gay people
Mineta: gay people should die
49 members are idle
9:00 AM
WHAT?: I really fucking hate him
baby shark: everyone does
9:00 AM
WHERE?: I'm uncomfortable.
SmolMight: I wanna yeet him into the sun
9:00 AM
Emos Anonymous
myscientificinfatuation:  I really hate that purple fucker.
stabtheveil: WHAT DID I DO!?
immmobileinwhite: Nah man, the grape fucker in 1-A.
blackcloackedbrides: shit, I didn't add you, Hito
stabtheveil: add me to what?
twentyoneplotpoints: to a big group chat between 1a and 1b
nappingwithsirens: he made it last night while someone us were actually trying to sleep
greentwentyfourhours: i was busy not caring about that chat
stabtheveil: oh. its okay if you don't add me, i'm not exactly part of the hero course
falldownboy: that's not it Hito
anxietyintheclub: I'm adding him to the big chat you monsters
stabtheveil: wait, wtf is even happening in that chat?
plummetingininverse: hell actual literal hell hito
immobileinwhite: No, it's just Mineta being a fucking asshole again and the others are all relatively okay.
anxietyintheclub: I'm still gonna add our good purple boy to the chat. He deserves love too.
9:10 AM
We Are Number One™
chaoticgaydisaster has added Shinsou
chaoticgaydisaster has changed Shinsou's name to exhausted
exhausted: coolio
chaoticgaydisaster: feel free to read the backlog
exhausted: in front of my salad? hell na
idontfeelsogood: Shinsou why? why must you meme this early in the day?
exhausted: <- read my name bc its accurate
donthugmeimscared: Shinsou, are you really eating salad this early dude?
exhausted: its not salad
exhausted: leftover miso
Emergency Exit: Shinsou, you really should eat more than just miso
exhausted: fuck you i do what i want let me be sleep deprived
Emergency Exit: Shinsou...
Mineta: new kid has balls
Mineta: get it? balls?
Mineta: that's a guy right?
50 members are now idle
9:20 AM
Emos Anonymous
falldownboy: why don't we all just visit the 1b dorms? i'll get floor 2
immobileinwhite: Good idea, I'll round up floor four.
nappingwithsirens: me and @plummetingininverse already have Jin in my room
twentyoneplotpoints: me and @anxietyintheclub can get floor 5
blackcloackedbrides: dibs on getting floor three
myscientificinfatuation: Sato says he's bringing a shitton of muffins if we do
anxietyintheclub: I private messaged Atsu, he says 1bs okay with us coming over.
plummetingininverse: everyone, to your floors! onward to 1b's dorms!
10:45 AM
Emos Anonymous
anxietyintheclub has added Kuroiro, Yanagi, Monoma, Kodai to Emos Anonymous
anxietyintheclub has changed Kuroiro's name to thousandfootcane
anxietyintheclub has changed Yanagi's name to recentyearsday
anxietyintheclub has changed Monoma's name to entiretimelow
anxietyintheclub has changed Kodai's name to marianaspit
thousandfootcane: dafaq is this
plummetingininverse: Emos Anonymous where you can be an emo without judgement or allusion to the outside world of our emoness.
plummetingininverse: i'm still so tired guys i think i'm getting sleep deprived
twentyoneplotpoints: we could make a blanket fortress in the 1b commons
anxietyintheclub: on it, asking Atsu
12:34 PM
We Are Number One™
shadowclonejutsu: guys look how cute this is [several pics of Yukimura, Shimura, Shinsou, Jirou, Kodai, Bakugo, Monoma, Midoriya, Todoroki, Yanagi, Tokoyami, Chisaki, Shihai, and Kaminari asleep in a blanket fortress in the 1b commons while Sako sits guard outside also asleep]
mystique: oh my gods so cute
eye gucci: how are they allowed to do this?
Emergency Exit: Well, it's very likely that Sako asked Vlad King if they could and got permission.
snek: is there a reason it's just them?
baby shark: because they have an emo chat and they almost all have insomnia (i think)
snek: ah, cool thanks Kirishima
12:45 PM
private chat between Aizawa and Iida
Aizawa: oi, class president. What does everyone need from the store? Gather a list and anyone who wants to go by 1:30
Iida: Yessir
Iida: You know, we have a group chat. I could just add you to it to ask everyone.
Aizawa: Ugh fine.
12:48 PM
We Are Number One™
Emergendy Exit has added Aizawa to  We Are Number One™
Emergency Exit: Mr. Aizawa would like to know what class 1a wants from the store.
Aizawa: and who wants to go
Aizawa: we'll be leaving at 1:30
baby shark: Bakubro probably needs more wet cat food and umaibo
9.8: Todo needs more dog food, this morning he said he's almost out.
cena: I'm sorry, I can't help myself
cena has changed Aizawa's name to Dadzawa
Dadzawa: thanks i hate it
princessbubblegumknockoff: OH MY GOD HE MEMED
Dadzawa: anyway what does everyone want form the store?
Cthulhu: Kami's awake now he says he wants chips
Dadzawa: why is he just getting up so late?
baby shark: he's not. scroll up a bit.
Dadzawa: ah, also wake them up, they shouldn't be sleeping this late in the day.
Galvan: Are you really one to talk?
tailfloof: ...would you like some of Todoroki's ice for that burn?
Dadzawa: if it wakes him up, yes
Cthulhu: I'd wake them up if I knew which ones slept last night.
immafiringmahlaser: Midoriya slept for four hours. Tokoyami slept for six.
9.8: Jirou did NOT sleep if the music from her room at three am is anything to go by
baby shark: Bakugou didn't either he was on tiktok he can't lie I heard him laughing at 4am when I had to go to the bathroom
GuyFieriIsGod: Yukimura and Todoroki did sleep but not very soundly.
youredoinggreatsweetie: ...Kaminari only got a couple hours rest after he went to join Bakugo.
shadowclonejutsu: Shimura and Chisaki DID NOT SLEEP under any circumstances
Cthulhu: So I wake up none of them?
Dadzawa: no, wake up my son and send him back to the Gen Studies dorms
Dadzawa: also wake the twins
Cthulhu: ...Your son?
Dadzawa: Shinsou. wake up Shinsou.
Cthulhu: Oh.
exhausted: whats up dad?
Dadzawa: I'm doing our food shopping too. what do you want kid?
exhausted: coffee, energy drinks, my medications are finally ready at the pharmacy, more miso paste, fish sauce, kimchi, noodles, vegetables (you know the ones i usually get), and gochujang
exhausted: hah see iida i do eat things besides miso
Emergency Exit: Not by much, those are things you ADD to your miso or have WITH it.
exhausted: fuck you let me have my samefoods
Emergency Exit: I suppose it's reasonable then.
Emergency Exit: Also you forgot your red chili flakes and ungodly amounts of every type of tofu.
exhausted: THANK YOU IIDA I WOULDN'T SURVIVE WITHOUT YOU ^^^^^ Dad add those to our list too
Emergency Exit: You're very welcome and very right.
Dadzawa: excuse me I take very good care of my son
exhausted: well it really doesn't help that all four of us have different samefoods right now, dad.
Dadzawa: okay you got me there
princessbubblegumknockoff: HE MEMED AGAIN
Akimichi: what are y'all talking about with samefoods? What are those?
t-rex costume: WHAT ARE THOSE
mystique: no, hush sweetie
Dadzawa: wait is that Tokage from 1b?
t-rex costume: yup
Dadzawa: why is you name t-rex costume?
HopeSummers: Because, the first day living in the dorms she walked around in a t-rex costume and scared the shit out of everyone in the 1b dorms, Vlad King, and some of the upperclassmen too.
Dadzawa: oh
Akimichi: guys what are samefoods?
Dadzawa: oh yeah. if you're autistic (or adhd) sometimes you'll eat the same food over and over and never get sick of it and it can last for YEARS
exhausted: you've had that juice pouch samefood since high school
Dadzawa: yeah, having you fucked up my eating schedule, kid
cena: context pls
Dadzawa: I'm ftm and got pregnant with Hitoshi very young and this little shit made me crave juice pouches for all nine months and it's been fifteen years and it's still a samefood.
idontfeelsogood: oof, that sucks. I've had takoyaki and yakitori as mine for three years and i'm finally getting sick of them.
Pichu: Mr. Aizawa can you pick up tea, pocky, instant noodles, and daikon?
Ddzawa: you're coming with me like Hitoshi, Kaminari, you need to pick up your medication too.
Pichu: I'll get ready.
tailfloof: dude, it's still only 1, you've got 30 minutes
Pichu: I need to look cUTE OJIRO
Dadzawa: you will look cute anyway, you're a puffball. but go ahead and primp if you want to Kaminari.
SmolMight: does this mean I have to go for my medications too?
Dadzawa: no, your mom said she's bringing yours tomorrow
donthugmemscared: do i go for my anxiety meds?
Dadzawa: yes and get a list from floor 6
Dadzawa: also Yukimura and Todoroki are going too so you two compile a list from the 5th floor
Dadzawa: pick a person from each floor to send with a list other than those who have been already been Chosen™.
lostmymarbles: sweetie, pick me up juice and Honenuki some more yogurt. I'm out and he's getting low.
chaoticgaydisaster: got it babe
princessbubblegumknockoff: they're so cute
EdgarAllanCrows: Apparently I've been elected for floor two's groceries, I have lists from each this floor's inhabitants.
EdgarAllanCrows: Aoyama, what if they don't have edible glitter?
immafiringmahlaser: sprinkles shall suffice. they are for ice cream after all
WHAT?: even his ice cream needs to be sparkly
SmolMight: coming from the man who went to pride with glitter in his hands so he could make glitter bombs with his explosions and make the little kids in attendance happy
WHAT?: fuck you
SmolMight: no thanks
Cthulhu: Wow.
WHERE?: would you like some of my ice for the burn, Bakugo?
Iron Man: i can hear his explosions in the 1a dorms from the 1b dorms
HopeSummers: We all can. I'm on the top floor and I can hear them.
Dadawa: don't destroy school property. inside the dorms at least. now, who else is going?
baby shark: I'm going for floor 4
donthugmeimscared: Me, Hito, Toko, Todo, Yuki, Kami, and Kiri are going sir.
Dadzawa: good. also, Shimura you're going too. Chisaki's been off his medication for two days and your outgoingness will keep him from getting frightened and forgetting something.
Dadzawa: Iida's in charge when we leave btw.
TheGreatCreator: Wait, I need pads but I can't get out of bed again because it hurts to move.
Dadzawa: omw with midol, hot rice packs, and chocolate.
TheGreatCreator: Thank you, Aizawa Sensei.
Dadzawa: the things I do for my students.
TheGreatCreator: thank you again, Sensei
Dadzawa: no problem at all.
1:20 PM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: so does anyone have any last minute requests?
exhausted: ...spam?
Dadzawa: already on our list, Hito
exhausted: oh yeah, Eri eats it too.
Pichu: btw me and Kiri are picking up everyone ice cream, compile a list real quick.
Dadzawa: limit of one per person with exception of people with samefoods or cravings
TheGreatCreator: Chocolate sounds nice
WHAT?: yo @baby shark get me french vanilla and pop rocks i want it
Cthulhu: squid ink so it's black like Tokoyami's soul
EdgarAllanCrows: This is why I love you, you know?
Cthulhu: I know, babe.
SmolMight: anything banana preferably chunky monkey if the store has it
immafiringmylaser: nutella, sil vous plait.
shadowclonejutsu: cookies and cream
Spider-Man: Sato say he wants cookie dough. I want blueberry. Tsu says raspberry.
princessbubblegumknockoff: bubblegum for me and Uraraka says she wants mint choco chip
Emergency Exit: Kouda, bless his pure soul, has asked for peanut butter. Ojiro asked for vanilla and Jirou and Hagakure want caramel and coffee. I'd like rocky road.
WHERE?: do you want ours as well, Kami, since we all have our own lists to obtain and you and Kiri are the ones who want to get everyone ice cream?
Pichu: yes.
WHERE?: butter pecan
chaoticgaydisaster: blue moon
exhausted: cotton candy
EdgarAllanCrows: Charcoal so it's black like my soul
shadowclonejutsu: wow you're emo and need to chill
EdgarAllanCrows: I'm as chill as I'm ever going to be.
shadowclonejutsu: that's frightening
Pichu: I'm getting almond honey ice cream
baby shark: i'm getting green tea
donthugmeimscared: anything dairy free is fine as long as it's no trouble please
idontfeelsogood: get him dairy free cinnamon bun from ben&jerry he loves it. also get him several he finishes them quickly. I want cherry and dark chocolate so I can mix them.
donthugmeimscared: thank you, Tenko. I didn't think you knew that...
idontfeelsogood: meek bastard, you're my friend of course I'd know your favorite ice creams
stopwatch: Chocolate malt please. Also dear we love you, please do speak up on your preferences.
donthugmeimscared: thank you, Tenko and Hari 0///0
WHERE?: he's actually blushing and it's adorable
chaoticgaydisaster: [short video of Chisaki struggling to hide his blushing face behind his phone while he whines at Tenko and Hari to stop embarassing him]
chaoticgaydisaster: you're welcome, Tenko and Hari. enjoy that vid of your boy toy you gay disasters.
idontfeelsogood: coming from our resident chotic gay disaster
chaoticgaydisaster: hey, I own up to it. pisses off my dad more too so might as well
Spider-Man: dude, are you okay?
chaoticgaydisaster: yes, i'm fine
Spider-Man: you were just typing a three word sentence for two minutes are you sure?
WHERE?: oops would you look at the time we've gotta go to the store.
chaoticgaydisaster and WHERE? are now offline
Cthulhu: So Midoriya, any explanations? You are the one who's closest to the twins.
SmolMight: would you look at the time. I need to go for a run around the school. be back later!
SmolMight is now offline
1:40 PM
We Are Number One™
Pichu: hey, 1b what ice creams do you like?
lostmymarbles: Rose.
itsmeyaboy: lavender and Juzo likes strawberry
Akimichi: mississippi mud for me, Yui likes peach, Ibara likes butter brickle, Tetsu likes grape, and Reiko likes maple nut.
stardust: sakura for me, coconut for Ichi, praline pecan for Tami, and cherry for Himi.
illrememberyouallintherapy: fudge. cinnamon for Sen and salted caramel for Kosei.
HopeSummers: ube. Tokage likes anything apple, Shishida has said he likes pumpkin, and Shoda likes orange.
glorifiedtextbubble: Espresso.
Slimer: pistachio
scyther: Lemon
shroomgurl: watermelon
mylittlepony: black walnut
snek: peppermint
Pichu: thanks!
2:30 PM
We Are Number One™
Dadzawa: groceries, 1a children.
WHAT?: Gimme a few minutes, Hotaru fell asleep on me and I'll be damned if I break the rule of cat
exhausted: cat? owo
Dadzawa: child, no. leave his cat alone.
WHAT?: Actually now it's cats.
Dadzawa: why
WHAT?: Well, me, soy sauce, and racoon eyes were out for a walk around the campus and we found a kitten so we took her back with us.
princessbubblegumknockoff: [pic of Bakugo aying on the couch longways with a lavender persian cat asleep on top of him. Hotaru, Bakugo's calico maine coon cat, lays curled under his bent knees, eyes staring the camera like it offended her ancestors]
exhausted: what is the name of the fluff child?
Spider-Man: doesn't have one
WHAT?: honestly, I'm not sure I can keep a second cat.
exhausted: dad, cat. Cat. CAT!
Dadzawa: I did say you could get a cat once you got into high school. deal.
exhausted: is my baby a boy or girl?
princessbubblegumknockoff: a girl.
exhausted: Ayane. her name shall be Ayane. it means colorful sound. perfect for a granddaughter of the voice hero: available screech.
Dadzawa: pfft Available fucking Screech. i'm writing that on the board before his class on Monday. That's your best one yet.
exhausted: I've never been happier to be your purple double.
Dadzawa: those snarky comments remind me that you literally copy-pasted my personality save for a couple of those habits Zashi and Oboro taught you.
exhausted: meh one got me to walk and the other one taugght me how to scream “fuck you” at creepy strangers at two years old so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dadzawa: true true.
exhausted: um...nobody's been responding but us, dad.
Emergency Exit: You two's family moments are adorable nobody wanted to interrupt.
Akimichi: agreed.
exhausted: understandable.
Dadzawa: carrying on, all y'all come down here and get y'all's groceries before y'all're eating mush cream.
exhuasted: coming dad, currently petting your new grandchild.
Dadzawa: ...
Dadzawa: bring the child as well, I wish to see my grandchild.
chaoticgaydisaster: @lostmymarbles babe, come get yall’s juice
lostmymarbles: Which type did you get?
chaoticgaydisaster: a lot of flavors. ( ° ^ ° )
lostmymarbles: Aw, Love, did you panic?
WHERE?: He did. He had full panic attack in the juice section.
Dadzawa: why was I not alerted to this?
WHERE?: I got this, that's why.
lostmymarbles: Sweetheart, are you alright?
idontfeelsogood: he's fine. btw he got you apple, orange, grape, raspberry, lemonade, cranberry, and peach. We stopped him before he could load the whole cart with juice.
lostmymarbles: Aw, babe you remembered that I liked the peach juice.
chaoticgaydisaster: it's only fair. you made that big date night dinner last night.
idontfeelsogood: thank me, Sako, you whipped gay hoe [pic of Yukimura blushing darkly from under a weighted blanket on the couch while Chisaki cuddles up against him.]
itsmeyaboy: i'm lost. what did Sako make for Yukimura? dude can't chew food.
stopwatch: Atsuhiro made Touya his famous ultimate mac n cheese with chocolate pudding and half baked brownies for desert. They watched their favorite three arcs of Fairy Tail, which are the Battle Of Fairy Tail, Tenroue Island and the Grand magic Games Arcs, btw. And then proceeded to read the Percy Jackson books until midnight.
stopwatch: I'm also 90% sure Yukimura proposed because of all of this.
lostmymarbles: I'm the one who proposed actually.
cena: *ambient excited screaming*
WHAT?: Okay, Sako. *cracks knuckles* We’re just gonna talk.
WHERE?: no, leave it. I told him he could.
WHAT?: what?
WHERE?: he asked me if he could so I said yeah and so yeah, he did it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
iLiEdImDyInGiNsIdE: I hear screaming above me.
mystique: that's just Eri. she's excited. Touya and Atsu been dating for two years eleven months and twenty four days and they've acted like the most Pure Couple Ever for the whole duration.
queenofmagnetism: You kept track.
mystique: of course. Their anniversary is the fourth of August.
eye gucci: this is beautiful.
mystique: fuck she's gonna destroy her room
mystique is now idle
Dadzawa: as your teacher I'm obligated to say you're both far too young to be engaged, but given I literally had a kid two years younger than y'all, I'm just gonna say damn you remind me of me, Oboro, and Yamada when we first started dating please keep up the good work.
lostmymarbles: Is it the personality reflections or the complimentary autism-adhd box set you and your husbands have too.
Dadzawa: both.
Taglist: @logan-sanders-enthusiast @luckyicekitsune @whippedbel @lgbtforeverything @pinecone-chomper @mikmacmoo @wasinotwantedatthisexactsecond @purplespiderstormcloud @stankyratman @king-of-the-oranges @headcannons-and-random-things @fear-ze-queer @turtleluv799 @ymmm-someone
28 notes · View notes
Imagine Reader/Katsuki Bakugo
Tumblr media
It has been a long time since I last watched or read BNHA but I have found myself really wanting to write some of these because of tiktok. So, please, forgive me if I take some stuff out of the anime context. Also, there has been a long time since I last wrote something in English. Forgive me if I make some mistakes.
Context: You are a new student in class, your quirk is regenerating (just like Deadpool) underneath the school chlothes you always wear a special long sleaved shirt with turtleneck that fully covers your body, because it is full of scars from the regeneration.
Your personality is a defiant one.
From enemies to lovers kind of fic
Everyone is wondering where did you come from in the middle of a semester, but you can't reveal this secret. You have been keeping it to yourself and everytime people try to approach you, you make up an excuse to quickly leave.
Until this day, in which your P.E. class demands you to go through a very dangerous obstacle course. Everyone has done it and you are the last one. Nobody has ever seen your quirk in action so everybody is anxious to see how you go. Bakugo pretends not to be interested, but he watches you out of the corner of his eyes.
Aizawa approaches you and tells you not to disappoint him. You nod and go ahead. Nobody can barely see your movements, you are too fast for any of the obstacles to hit you, even the big logs that hit most of the students. "So fast!" you can hear Denki saying while you hop from obstacle to obstacle. That is how you learned to be, because using your quirk is just a last resource to you, once it always leaves you scars.
In the las obstacle you notice that you miscalculated and a log is going to hit you right in the chest. You hear everybody screaming as you hug the log and let it take you with its balance. You can feel your insides crush and spit some blood on top of it.
Iida and Midorya try to hush to help you but Aisawa stops them from doing it. It seems like he knows your quirk (of course, he is the teacher... or is there something else to it?)
Even Bakugo is now watching deeply impressed as you hop on top of the log and backflips from it to the finish line. Your uniform is kind of wrecked but your blouse is intact, so is your chest. "Wooooooow!!!!" You hear them screaming as you wipe the blood from your mouth. Momo, Mina, Sero and Denki run towards you, excited to hear how the hell did you do that, Midoriya comes through the middle of them telling you that you NEED to tell him about your quirk, he has a notebook in hands. The others are clapping. Except for Bakugo, he has crossed his arms over his chest and has a repressed angry look.
"What's up with that? That was not impressive at all."
"Ahn... you tied in time, bro" Kirishima answers.
You hear a big explosion, and somebody screaming "WHAT THE FUCK?!", everyone around you is pushed down to the sides and now the only view you have are those raging red eyes amongst the smoke coming towards you.
"I WANT A REMATCH, NOW!" He screams with a finger pointed right to your face.
You feel kind of impelled to accept, he is looking at you, chin up, as if he is better then you. Who the hell is this boy?
Actually the way he always acts like he is better then everyone else has already caught your attention in these recent days. You see how awfully he treats his friends, he is always so loud and curses all the time. Yeah, you definately don't like this guy.
You are about to say yes, but you feel Aizawa's cold look at you. Damn it!
"I am not interested." You answer, hitting his finger with a smack.
Bad choice. You can feel the heat coming from him increase as he seems ready to jump on top of you and blow you out of existence.
"BROOOO, calm down" Kirishima comes between you. "Aizawa is not diggin' it, bro."
Bakugo stares at you as if he is going to sunddely jump over Kirishima's head and kill you with his bare hands(he probably could, you can feel it), but you stare back at him and even show your teeth a little. He gets kind of impressed with it, but gets back to his angry expression. He turns to the side and goes away stomping his feet and almost literally exploding with rage.
"Hey, ahn... y/n... that was really amazing! Don't mind him, this is his way to show he was impressed" says Kirishima with the most friendly smile, before going after him.
"Kaachan is really that way you will get used to him." Midoriya says. You can feel he is ashamed.
"Who does that motherfucker thinks he is?" You say as the others around gasp.
"You don't let him hear you say that." Denki says in the thinniest voice.
You leave, also stomping your feet, that boy made you angry. Everybody stares, as they did not expect you to react like that.
A few days go by. Every time yours and Katsuki Bakugo's sight cross people can hear both of you growl.
You have been competing in every single activity you face: from who gets better grades to who arrives first for lunch.
There are romours going on about your quirk around the school. Some say you might have invincibility, others, that you have some sort of superspeed. No one is right. You are as misterious as when you arrived, but now people know that you really hate Bakugo. And he hates you back.
"I didn't think he could hate someone as much as he hates you." Kirishima says to Midoriya as they watch you and Bakugo have a desagreement on who arrived first at the vending machine.
"What? Kaachan doesn't hate me... was that how it looked like when he was picking on me?"
"That what it WOULD look like if you fought back." Tsuyu answers.
"Listen here, you brat, I was already choosing my drink, you can't just come and put your money ahead of me!" You say as you punch the vending machine.
"What did you just call me?! Anyways, you were TOO SLOW, I wouldn't wait." He smirks at you, pressing the number of the last Coke in the machine.
"This Coke is mine!" You answer, infuriated.
"There is some Pepsi, still."
"Son of a..."
You lean towards him to take the Coke from his hands. All of a sundden the can bursts and the drink spills all over your face as Bakugo laughs.
"Ok, it is all yours." He says, cleaning his hand in your already sticky uniform.
"Ok, that is it!" You say, and jump onto him, punching his face as you both fall on the floor.
"OH SHIT!" You hear someone scream as you punch Bakugo as hard as you can, alternating hands.
You hear people coming towards you, but you don't see them arrive, as Bakugo explodes you from off of him. You fly to the other side of the common room, falling on a table that breaks with the impact.
"I'M GONNA KILL YOU, ASSHOLE" you hear him screaming from the other side of the room.
You smell burnt meat. It is you, he hit you right on the chest, your shirt is ruined (if you are a female or wear a binder, it is not burned, don't worry, no tiddies out). There is a huge burn that goes from your chest to your chin. You stand up cracking your wrist and putting yourself in a fight pose.
"That is it, you fucker." you hear everyone gasp when they see the burnt slowly desappearing under a brand new skin layer. "You're dead."
You pick up a foot from the broken table and run towards Bakugou, he makes two explosions agressively on you, but you don't care. Half of your face and your hips get burned in a deep flesh wound and are quickly healed by your quirk. You hit him hard in the face with the wood. He bumps into the wall and falls sitten.
"What the fuck?!" He exclaims, watching you finish your healing process.
You are about to hit him once again, and he is about to explode you one more time, but nothing comes out of his hand and you feel the piece of wood being taken away from your hands.
"Ooooh, shit..." you hear the others saying and see them stepping away.
Aizawa is standing behind you, his eyes are furiously shaking and he is holding your piece of wood. You probably woke him up, as he is in full pijamas.
"Oh shit." You say slowly stepping away.
Being responsible for washing everyone's P.E. uniforms and cleaning the room for a whole month didn't sound like too much of a punishment for breaking the common room and almost killing a colleague. But... you had to do it with HIM.
"Are you gonna sweep or what?" You complain when you see he is barely doing something to clean the classroom.
"You are the one used to using a piece of wood" he says leaning against a desk you had just put in position.
"You will see where I am gonna put this piece of wood if you don't help" you answer putting the broom over your head in a threatening way.
"Let's see how many times I need to blow you up before you die!" He answers opening his hands wide besides his hips.
You are ready to start a fight when you remember Aizawa talking to you: "you should not be so fast in disappointing the last family you have." You put the broom down and sigh.
"Quitter." Bakugou says, leaning against the desk once more and putting his hands in his pockets.
"Aizawa is my uncle, you know." You say, getting back to swapping. "This is why I got to come to the academy in the half semester."
You notice he is shaken by the news, but he plays it cool.
"Why are you telling me that?" he says.
"Cause this is the only reason I don't beat your motherfucking ass." you answer.
"Ha, as if." he says smiling in a maniac way. "It took me 200 explosions to beat the shit out of Kirishima. Your quirk is similar to his in a certain way, there must be a limit. Of explosions you can take."
"I can do a whole lot of damage before my quirk starts to wear off." You answer, putting the broom aside. "But I tend to doge attacks, because..."
You open the shirt of your uniform, making Bakugo step back surprized, even more so when you open the zipper of your special suit. Bakugo's face turns from a bright red to a pale white as he lays eyes on your body full of scars. You have all kinds of them, big, small, one specially big that goes from your hip to the beginning of your neck.
"What the f..." he seems to swallow his mean words. "So... things leave scars on you."
"The more I use my quirk, the bigger is the possibility of leaving scars."
"I bet you get into lots of fights." he says, opening smile with the side of his lips.
"Those are mostly from the accident when my parents died." you say, head down with a frown.
Bakugo stares at you kind of embarassed, not knowing what to say. He takes a step fowark, slightly reaching to you.
Then, you start to laugh.
"I'm kidding, dumbass!!!" You say, bending foward, cleaning tears from your eyes. "Yeah, I get into a lot of fights."
"You... you..." Bakugou is startled, but also angry. He doesn't know how to react.
"You should see your face! You were totally soft over me."
"You were totally soft!"
Bakugou threatens you with his hands wide open, but you keep laughing at him.
That is when the door opens.
You and Bakugo turn to see professor Mic, absolutely atonished. At first you both think he has gotten you about to start a fight, but then you realize, what it actually looks like. Your shirt is open, Bakugou's hands are aiming at your chest.
You both scream. Professor Mic also screams.
Part two here:
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Late Nights and Lavender Tea
series masterlist ☕️
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Ochako Uraraka 
Warnings: Some lauguage, gets a lil steamy at some parts, slow burn
Summary: After a year of friendship, Uraraka realizes that she is totally in love with her best friend, Midoriya Izuku. There's just one slight problem. She's in a happy, committed relationship with Iida Tenya.Or is she? As their relationship progresses, she sees a side of Tenya that scares her- and she wonders if she made the right choice to get with him in the first place. And her resurfacing feelings for Izuku aren't helping her case, not in the slightest.Midoriya Izuku always avoids romantic relationships, but he simply cannot avoid his feelings for Uraraka Ochako. She's taken, but Izuku can't help but hopelessly pine after her. After seemingly the millionth late-night talk over tea, he realizes that he's head over heels in love with her. He's in love with a girl who's off-limits. He can swallow his feelings for her sake, of course.That's okay with Izuku. If she's happy, he's happy for her. It's really okay, honestly.Teenage relationships are hard. That's one thing they've both realized.
Notes: This is my first fic, let me know what you think! (cross posted on ao3)
Chapter 1- Everyone Has Soba, Shoto
Ochako had never liked the color green. 
It had always reminded her of her childhood, the color of the kitchen in her parent’s house, the place where she had overheard so many painful conversations of wondering where they would get the money to feed their little Ochako. It reminded her of the color of her unborn brother’s onesies, which she had lovingly picked out with her mother, so excited to finally not be alone, and then one day, her parents sat her down at the table and told her that her brother would never be born…
After that, the color green had always been something Ochako turned her nose at. 
That was until she met Izuku. 
She had been in love with Izuku since before the Provisional Licensing exam in their first year, and honestly, nothing had happened since she realized that he needed to focus on being a hero, and had decided that if that was what he needed, she wanted that for him. So, she had stepped away. Even though they had gotten closer and closer over the past year, she knew that he most likely didn’t reciprocate her feelings, and probably had no idea she even felt this way about him. For a guy that was so observant, he tended to be quite oblivious. 
After she met Izuku, she fell in love with the color green. She loved the way his green locks fell around his face, how they flopped in his eyes when he bent over his notes, writing and muttering like a madman. The color of his costume and the shine in his spring-green eyes when he said that his ‘Deku’ meant ‘you can do it’ instead of useless because she told him she liked Deku, that Deku was the name of a hero. Izuku had made Ochako love the color green, and masked the pain with happiness and love. 
However, everything didn’t always go as planned. She knew that he wasn’t focused on a romantic relationship. So she decided to push aside her feelings for him until he was ready. 
“Hey Ochako,” said Iida, kissing her on the forehead as she shook out of her thoughts. “How are you this morning?”
“Hi Tenya,” she replied, looking away from her breakfast and smiling at him. They had been dating for a little while now, since the end of the last term. Their relationship had been comforting, like a warm blanket you didn’t want to leave. Tenya made her feel safe, loved. She had pushed aside what she felt for Izuku a couple of months ago, and when Tenya asked her out, she accepted, and they had been going steady ever since. “I’m alright, just tired.”
“Did you stay up all night again? Because you shouldn’t do that,” Tenya reminded her sternly, but his eyes were soft, and she knew he wasn’t really mad.
“You know I can’t help my insomnia,” she teased lovingly, placing a hand lightly on his chest. 
“God, would you two get a room already?” Kaminari groaned from behind them, causing Ochako to go red, her cheeks flaming furiously. She had been so caught up in talking to Tenya she had forgotten she was around other people. Ochako looked over at Izuku, who was sitting across from the pair, to see he was avoiding her gaze, his face stoic. Huh, she thought, I wonder what he’s thinking about.
Tenya laughed. “Are you offended by our love?” he asked, wrapping his arm around Ochako’s shoulders and kissing her cheek. 
“I am when it affects my breakfast,” Kaminari retorted. The rest of their classmates laughed, except for Bakugou, who seemed too wrapped up in his food to notice what was going on. Kirishima was watching him lovingly, and Ochako smiled, remembering how happy he was when Bakugo asked him out the month before, saying that they needed to get over themselves and just go out. She remembered him coming to talk to her right after, remembered the genuine, happy smile on his face when he finally was with his person.
She watched them now, Kirishima worryingly trying to clean off his boyfriend’s cheek, and Bakugo swatting him away angrily, but only half-heartedly. Her heart swelled with happiness for the two of them. 
“So,” she said, leaning onto the table. “What’s your plan for the Sports Festival, Deku?”
“Huh?” he looked up from his food, looking like he was trying to shake himself out of a funk. “Oh yeah, um, well if I told you, it wouldn’t really look good for me, would it? You could use it against me”
He was laughing, but his eyes were sad. “You okay Deku?” she said quietly, trying to keep their conversation private, even from Tenya. He just wasn’t as close to Izuku as she was. She looked over at him to make sure he wasn’t listening, but Tenya was engaged in a deep conversation with Yaomomo. 
Izuku looked at her, with a smile that didn’t reach his eyes. “Of course I am, Uraraka. I probably just didn’t get enough sleep I guess,” he said, running his scarred hand through his already tousled green hair. She frowned but didn’t press him any further. He probably just didn’t want to talk about it. 
“Alright, class 2A! File out! We have to be in class soon!” Tenya called and turned to me. “Are you ready to go Ochako?”
“Yep!” she replied, grabbing his hand and standing. “You coming Deku?”
“Yeah, I’m right behind you,” he said, grabbing his bag from under the table and stuffing the last of his breakfast in his mouth before hurrying after his lovestruck friends. 
A constant ray of sunshine and happiness. 
That’s what Ochako had been to Izuku since he met her. An amazing friend, a shoulder to lean on, and his favorite person to share talks in the kitchen with at one AM, bonding over not being able to sleep. He had begun to rely on her, her calm words, her determination, her sweet embraces when he felt down. Izuku had been happy to be her friend. 
That was, well, until she started dating Iida. Izuku would see them together, laughing, talking, kissing, and he would feel a ball of anger in his chest, a feeling that was ripping him apart from the inside. He endured it blindly for the first month or two of them dating, not knowing what he was feeling. Until one night he was sitting alone with Ochako in the kitchen at midnight, sharing cookies that they’d found in the fridge when he felt it. It was like a fire, a burning desire to reach out and touch her soft, slightly tousled hair. To kiss her pink lips, to stare into her eyes, and have her love him. 
It was then, that he realized he was in love with her. 
It was a new feeling for Izuku. He had never had time to dwell on things like relationships his whole life, no one had wanted to be with a quirkless wannabe anyway. And after he got his quirk, he had been so busy trying to learn to wield it that he didn’t even think of anything else. He had noticed Ochako before, the way her costume hugged her in all the right places, the way her eyes shined when she looked at him, not from tears, but as though she was longing, but he had dismissed it. But after Ochako was taken, in a happy relationship with one of his best friends, he realized that he was completely head over heels in love with her. And God, did it hurt. 
“Hey Deku, Iida and I got permission to go out to dinner with Tsu, Todoroki, and Sora, do you want to come?” Ochako asked, pulling him out of his thoughts. 
“Sure,” he replied, “Just let me get my wallet.”
“‘Kay! Meet us outside in five minutes!”
“Okay!” smiling, he turned to head for the elevator. When he reached his dorm, he swiped his wallet off the dresser, and silently cursed himself for saying yes. She had looked so cute in her soft pink sweater, he was reminded every day just how beautiful she was. God, this was going to be hard. 
When he reached the front door, he could see Todoroki and Sora, the Power Couple of class 2A™, standing with Tsu, and saw Iida helping Ochako put her jacket on. Izuku paused at the door, swelling with jealousy. That should be him. He brushed it off, and shrugging his jacket on, walked out of the Heights Alliance building to greet the group.
“Hey, Midoriya!” Sora called, a grin spreading across his face. Todoroki, holding his boyfriend’s hand, turned to smile shyly at him. 
“You ready to go Deku?” Ochako asked, smiling happily, Iida’s hand on her shoulder. Izuku felt a pang of desire to be in Iida’s place. 
“Yeah,” he replied, and the six of them started for the edge of campus. 
When they got to the train station, Izuku made sure that he positioned himself as far away from Ochako as possible, sitting across from her, trying not to watch her and Iida talking and flirting with each other. He tried to distract himself with strategies for the Sports Festival, on possible pairings and matchups, but he couldn’t drown out the voice in the back of his brain screaming ‘SHE SHOULD BE WITH ME’ over and over. He felt pathetic. 
They arrived at the restaurant without a hitch, thankfully, and settled in. Izuku tried to avoid sitting next to Ochako, but that plan was foiled immediately.
“Come sit next to me Deku!” Ochako said, oblivious to his obvious need to sit somewhere, anywhere else. 
“Okay… sure,” he answered, cursing those beautiful eyes, so pure and innocent, he just couldn’t say no.
He sat down next to her, thankful he was on the edge so that he could scoot his chair away from hers. 
“So, what will you all be having to drink tonight?” asked the waitress as she approached the table, passing out menus. They all requested their drinks, thanking the waitress, and settled in, conversing over possible food choices. 
“Do they have Soba?” Izuku heard Todoroki ask Sora, to which Sora replied; “Yes Shoto, everyone has Soba.”
“What are you getting Deku? I might just get rice balls…” Ochako asked, trailing off.
“I’ll just get katsudon, I guess,” he answered, and she smiled. 
“Typical Deku.”
He smiled at her and then turned back to the menu when his heart started to betray him by beating furiously. Why did she have to be so damn cute?
The group ordered their food and just talked while they waited. They talked about school, what they wondered the first two events of the Sports Festival were going to be, what they did over break, and what their other classmates might be doing. 
When the food came they dug in, Todoroki and Sora eating their Soba, Tsu and Izuku bonding over their hopes for this year’s classes, and Iida and Ochako making the rest of the table sick from the lovey-dovey kissing and flirting.
“My goodness, at least excuse yourselves!” Tsu burst out after about ten minutes of this. Ochako blushed, and Iida stood up, laughing, pulling her with him.
“We’ll be right back,” Iida called over his shoulder, pulling a laughing Ochako behind him. Izuku watched them go, his heart throbbing. Todoroki and Sora locked eyes, smirking, and Tsu shook her head, chuckling slightly. 
“Do you have something we should know about Midoriya?” Todoroki asked, slurping Soba, while Sora smiled pityingly.
Izuku blinked, looking away from the lovesick couple outside kissing in the dark. “Wha- what do you mean?”
“Oh please, you’re so obvious,” Tsu laughed, rolling her eyes. “You’re so in love with Ochako that you can’t keep your eyes off her.”
“No, that’s not…” Izuku sighed, giving up. “Fine, is it really that obvious? I thought I was being subtle.” At that, the other three burst out laughing. “Hey! You don’t have to be mean!”
“Oh Midoriya,” Sora said, wiping nonexistent tears from his cheeks. “You are the opposite of subtle.”
“I’m pretty sure everyone in the class knows,” Todoroki laughed.
“Everyone?” Izuku gaped.
“Well, not everyone,” Tsu said. “I’m pretty sure the only people who don’t are Ochako and Iida, to be honest.” The group turned to look outside, where Iida and Ochako were still laughing, playfully hitting each other’s chests, and kissing.
Izuku groaned, his head falling into his hands. “I’m hopeless aren’t I?”
“They seem pretty in love, don’t they?” Todoroki observed, earning an elbow in the ribs from Sora. “Ow! What was that for?”
“Don’t worry Midoriya, you’re not hopeless. You’ll find someone…” Sora said, faltering at the look on his friend’s face. 
“She’s all I can think about. I can’t even be near her without finding ways to touch her, even if it’s just a brush of our knuckles, or our knees touching a bit, but then I remember she’s with Iida, one of my best friends, and I don’t know what to do. I’m in love with my best friend’s girlfriend!” Izuku moaned. Todoroki, Sora, and Tsu exchanged worried glances and Tsu moved to set her hand on Izuku’s shoulder when the happy couple burst through the door, making their way back to the table. 
“Hey, Deku are you okay?” Ochako asked, her cheeks red, and her hair a bit tousled. 
Izuku jerked up from the table, seeing her disheveled appearance, and Iida’s small smile, and felt compelled to hit something. He was shocked his voice came out so calmly when he replied, “I’m fine, I’m just tired.”
“Are you sure? You look-”
“I’m fine Uraraka,” Izuku said, cutting her off. 
“O-okay,” she said, face falling slightly before putting the mask back on. “Everybody ready to go?”
“Um, yeah just let me get a to-go container for Sora’s Soba,” Todoroki said, eyes darting to Izuku, trying to distract from the fact that his friend’s face had never looked so sad. 
“That’s alright Shoto, I don’t really want it,” Sora replied, setting a hand on his boyfriend’s shoulder and smiling. 
“Not for you, for me,” Todoroki smiled, and the rest of the table laughed, even a small chuckle from Izuku. 
Hope you enjoyed Chapter 1! Stay tuned for Chapter 2!
Le bonus:
Quirk: Reality Warping- he can manipulate what others see, but he can only project things he’s seen before once they talk to him, much like Shinsou’s brainwashing
Looks: Black hair, brown eyes, around 5'8"
Sora is Todoroki's loving boyfriend, he brings Todoroki out of his shell and helps him become more comfortable around others, and the two of them provide great comic relief.
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captainsolare · 4 years
Unspoken Words Chapter 7: Coffee
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fic masterlist 
warnings: angst angst angst, like a lot, I’m so sorry, cursing,
It was late afternoon when Bakugo arrived at the coffee shop they were meeting at. He went to the counter and ordered, picking a table in the corner by the window to sit at while he waited for his order and for Deku. “Hey. I’m here, table in the corner by the window.” he texted. “Okie dokie! Be there soon.” Deku replied, but Bakugo didn’t know that he had no intention of showing up at all. 
Fifteen minutes passed, then an hour, then two, clouds were moving in. Bakugo kept sending messages, each one making him feel more impatient and desperate as the time passed. It was 6:30 when he finally gave up, suddenly feeling like his hours in Kirishima’s room last night writing and writing and throwing the papers of what he was going to say at the trash can because they just didn’t seem good enough, felt useless. He guessed he shouldn’t have been surprised that Deku wouldn’t show up, but still, he had gotten his hopes up that maybe, just maybe, he could have gotten them on the path to fixing things. Katsuki knew that he’d screwed up in the past with his childhood friend, the bitter words he had spoken to him rattled in his brain, and the physical harm made him sore, even though it was the past him who had inflicted that pain. 
He exited the coffee shop, and looking up at the darkening sky, made a call to Deku on his cell phone. Straight to voicemail. “Dammit.” he said aloud, causing the woman entering the shop to give him a judging sideways glance. He was too upset to care about her though, the machine beeped, and he cleared his throat, “Hey. Deku.” his voice cracked painfully, pathetically. “I guess I really messed up didn’t I? I-I’m sorry, for everything. I was going to tell you this in person but you obviously don’t want that… so I’ll stay away if that’s what you want. Just hear me out okay? I just want to have a serious conversation with you.” With each word he spoke, a raindrop fell on his cheek from above, and when he was finished pouring out his heart to a boy that would never listen to him, he couldn’t tell if it was the rain that was salty, or his tears. 
Bakugo pulled up the hood from his hoodie to try to protect him some from the rain as he walked back to campus, but it didn’t do much to stop the rain from getting through, chilling him to the bone. As he walked, he felt a painful sense of loss, as if something had ended before it had even begun. 
Uraraka was lying in bed listening to music when Midoriya entered her room. “Deku? What are you doing here? Don’t you have to meet up with Bakugo soon?” Midoriya met her question with a grimace, “Yeah, I just don’t want to go.” Uraraka gave him a pointed look, “So you’re just going to ditch him after all the work Kirishima and I did to help you guys? Don’t you want to hear what he has to say?” Midoriya rolled his eyes, “Honestly, no I don’t.” “So you don’t want to fix things? I thought that was the whole point of meeting up with him. That’s why Kirishima and I tried to help. Didn’t you say in the message that you sent him that you wanted to be his friend?” 
“I never asked for your help Uraraka! I didn’t ask for anyone else to get involved either. I was perfectly content ignoring him and then you decided to butt into my personal problems. I don’t have to do anything, there’s nothing for me to fix because I did nothing wrong. I’m not going and that’s that.” “Oh. So you think this is my fault? I was trying to help you feel better.” 
Midoriya’s phone chimed. “Is that him?” Uraraka asked. “So what if it is? Why do you care about him so much?” “Because he’s my classmate, and supposedly your childhood friend, and I’d like him to be my friend too.” At that, Midoriya scoffed. “Friends? With him? You must be joking. Do you even know anything about him? Does he even know who you are?” “So what if I don’t! That doesn’t mean I can’t want to get to know him better. You should at least give him the courtesy of hearing him out.” “No. I said I’m not going, I don’t have to be courteous to anyone, especially people who butt into my problems unasked.” 
Uraraka was shocked that he was acting this way, tears started to prick in her eyes. “What’s gotten into you Deku? Why are you acting like this?” “I don’t know Uraraka, maybe I’m just done with the whole nice guy act.” “Get out of my room.” “What?” “I said get out. You don’t get to act this way towards me and stay.” “Fine.” “Fine.” Midoriya left, leaving Uraraka alone with her tears.
Kirishima was at his desk when he heard a pounding knock on his door; he opened it to find a rain-soaked Bakugo at his door. “Dude, are you okay?” he asked, letting his friend come inside. As soon as the door was shut, Katsuki collapsed into a sobbing mess against it, all the pain and regret he had been beating himself up over ever since he got that text message only coming out as shaking shoulders and gasping breaths. His head was pounding, his heart was pounding, and everything hurt on the inside. He tried to speak but all the words were caught in his throat, and he couldn’t force them to claw their way out.
 “Hey! Hey! Katsuki you’re scaring me, are you okay?” Kirishima asked, trying to help his defeated friend off the floor; when it proved unsuccessful, he decided his best course of action was to sink to the floor next to him and just hold him. He tried to stroke his shoulder soothingly. “It’ll be okay, just breathe. In and out. In and out.” Bakugo tried to follow his directives, but he was still gasping. “He-he never showed up.” Bakugo managed to choke out, not even caring that Kirishima had used his first name. “Oh.” 
Once Bakugo had calmed down, Kirishima gave him some dry clothes to wear and a towel to dry his hair. Kirishima had convinced him to move to the rug instead of sitting in the doorway. “I’ll be right back. Feel free to use the bathroom to change, and you can take a hot shower if you want. I’ll have tea ready for you when you get out.” Bakugo only nodded, fearing he’d cry again if he tried to speak again. 
Kirishima returned, tea in hand, to find a freshly showered Bakugo asleep on his rug. “Guess he must have tired himself out.” he thought, setting the tea cups on his desk. Stooping, he grabbed a blanket from under his bed and draped it over his sleeping friend. Kirishima sat on his bed and watched him sleep for a while, sincerely hoping Bakugo was going to be okay. He had never seen Bakugo so emotionally vulnerable before, and it made him concerned to say the least. “Well, at least he came to me and didn’t try to go fight someone.” he thought, “Maybe I can convince him to go to the festival with the group tomorrow to take his mind off things.” 
Kirishima soon drifted off as well, but Bakugo woke up soon after. Bakugo felt disoriented when he awoke, finding himself on a floor not quite remembering the events that had led to him passing out on said floor. Suddenly he noticed Kirishima asleep on the bed and it all came flooding back. “Oh no. I really showed him how weak I am, didn’t I?” he thought. Bakugo gathered his wet clothes from the bathroom, and tried to leave quietly, but stole a glance at probably his best friend in the world as he was asleep. “Thank you.” He whispered, closing the door softly behind him. 
Kirishima awoke to a ding on his phone, Mr. Nitroglycerin had uploaded a new cover, Coffee by Havelin. Excitedly he listened, but as he processed the lyrics he soon came to a realization, the mysterious Mr. Nitroglycerin was not so mysterious after all. “Oh.” He whispered, he pulled up all the previous covers and their lyrics on his computer. One by one he listened to and read them. Always, I’ll care then Navy Blue then Tell Me How and finally, Coffee. “Oh shit. It’s been him all along. And these are all about Midoriya.” He wrestled with this new information, and tried to figure out what he should do. He decided that the best course of action was to not tell him that he knew, Bakugo was probably already embarrassed enough about the night’s events, no need to add something else to the pile. 
Uraraka walked straight to the door and knocked before she lost her resolve, “Alright Uraraka, you’ve got this. He’s not as scary as everyone thinks he is.” 
Bakugo jumped at the knock on his door, he quickly checked in the mirror to make sure it wasn’t obvious he’d been crying again and when he was satisfied he opened the door. Upon seeing that it was Uraraka outside his door, he wasn’t sure if he was relieved or sad to see that it wasn’t Kirishima standing there. “What do you want Pink Cheeks?” He asked, but there was no bite behind it. She looked at him, cheeks stained from what looked like tears. She thought she saw a flash of concern in his eyes, and it spurred her on. 
“What I want is for you to be my date for the festival tomorrow.” She answered simply, no trace of nervousness in her voice. “Wh-what?” Bakugo sputtered, this was the last thing he was expecting. “Why me? Don’t you have anyone else who can take you? I wasn’t even planning on going.” “Because, I was going to go with Deku. I know what he did to you today and I’m mad at him for being immature about it. Plus, going with Iida or Todoroki or any of the other boys wouldn’t have the same effect on him as going with you.” Bakugo narrowed his eyes, “What’s that supposed to mean?” “This is letting him know that I’m siding with you in this situation. Besides, I trust you to treat me to a good time.” She answered evenly, not backing down. 
Too tired to discuss it any longer, and realizing this benefitted him as well since he could avoid Kirishima and Deku, he relented. “Okay, it’s a date then. I’ll pick you up at your room at 7. Good night.” he grumbled, closing the door in her face. 
As soon as the door shut, Uraraka let out a sigh she didn’t know she was holding. Little did she know, Bakugo was doing the same thing. “My first date,” he muttered, “And I didn’t even get to be the one to ask.” He wondered if Deku was the one that made her cry too.
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petri808 · 6 years
Meet Me in the Middle
@writer-appreciation  Here is my fic exchange story for @vikingpoteto  I hope you like it!  :)  My first foray into the BNHA fandom.  Fluffy TodoMomo :)
“Okay the rules are race to that blinking buoy and back, no quirks allowed!”  Iida points at Bakugo and Todoroki specifically.  “Got it?”
“Keh!”  Bakugo shakes a fist in emphasis, “As if I need to cheat.”
Todoroki crosses his arms, “don’t lump me in with them.”
“What do you mean them!” Bakugo now sets his sights on Todoroki, “you always think you’re better than us!”
“Tch, because I am.”
“Why You!” Bakugo lunges for his rival but is grabbed by Kaminari and Kirishima.  
Kaminari, “He’s just trying to get you riled up.”
Kirishima, “Yeah just kick his ass in the race!  That’ll show him!”
But Todoroki just snickers and walks away leaving the Baku Squad, as they’ve become known as, to brood and plan their revenge…
With all the guys lined up at the shoreline, the women cheer them on, rooting for their favorites. Even other spectators on the beach drop by to see what was going on with the UA students, it was quite a spectacle and privilege to get up close to the newest heroes, a handful having already been in the news since receiving their licenses.  With the cry of “Go!” from one of the girls, the guys take off on a sprint, diving into the water as soon as it’s waist high.
There’s a flurry of spray and white wash, bodies disappearing under the waves before resurfacing in different stroke styles and paces, not taking long for the racers to separate into leads and laggers.  No one is surprised to see Todoroki in first with Bakugo at his heels, followed by Iida, Kaminari, Midoriya, Kirishima, then the rest.  But, as they reach the three quarter mark the crowd notices something odd, the Baku squad has slowed down.  It made no sense with how competitive Bakugo tended to be to let Todoroki pull off an even larger lead.
The racers round the buoy, still maintaining their positions, Todoroki, Iida, Midoriya, and so on, but where was Bakugo, Kaminari, and Kirishima?  So, enthralled with the race that no one on shore seemed to notice their disappearances.  
Suddenly, Todoroki slips under the surface, disappearing for almost 20 second before returning, gasping and fighting something.  For a second time he goes under, time ticking by before he surfaces, screaming at something or someone.  Immediately after he comes to light, those of the Baku squad reappear a few feet away, laughing and rushing to catch up to the other racers leaving a very angry Todoroki behind.
With their revenge secured, it didn’t even bother Bakugo for coming in 3rd behind his other nemesis Deku, high fiving his buddies for helping in the mission once they reach the shore.  The girls come running congratulating Iida for winning and the rest in order, but Yaoyorozu stands back with her arms crossed staring out into the ocean. “What happened?” she questions Iida and Midoriya, “why is Todoroki still out there?”  
Iida and Midoriya turn and follow her gaze to see Todoroki hanging onto the buoy.  They were so focused on their race they hadn’t even noticed that something weird had gone on.  Again, she asks, but this time narrowing her expression and glaring at the Baku squad.  “I saw those three disappear, Todoroki get yanked under, then next to you knew he was floating, and they were racing behind you two.  I think they did something to him.”
“Kaachan,” Midoriya signals to Bakugo to look at him, “did you guys do something to Todoroki?”
“What are you accusing me of Deku!”  Bakugo stomps over.  “If you’re so worried about him, you go and check on him!”
“I’m not accusing you, I’m asking if you did something!”
They stand glaring at each other almost nose to nose daring the other to make a move, Kaminari and Kirishima pulling back on Bakugo, Iida and Yaoyozoru pulling on Midoriya.  
“Come on Bakugo, let’s let them figure it out themselves,” Kaminari starts to drag his friend away.
“Oh, no,” Yaoyozoru grabs Kirishima’s arm, “you two know something don’t you?!”
“We didn’t hurt him or nothin, why don’cha go check on your boyfriend yourself and find out.”
A blush instantly takes over at the insinuation.  “B-B-Boyfr…” she couldn’t believe they would call him that!  “He’s not!”
But Kirishima laughs and pulls away from her relaxed grip, “sure, just tell yourself that,” walking away with his friends.
Midoriya places a hand on her shoulder, “I can go and check on him Momo…”
“N-No, no, I’m fine, I could use a dip in the water anyways.”  ‘and cool down this flushed feeling!’ Yaoyozoru walks away towards the waterline, tying up her hair as she prepares to dive in.
Uraraka and Asui walk over. “What was that all about?”  
“Is Momo okay she seemed upset, and what happened to Shoto?”
“I think they’re fine, she just got upset when Kirishima called Shoto her boyfriend.”
The two girls chuckle. Asui, “I think Momo does have a crush on him…”
She hadn’t planned on getting wet today, it was supposed to just be a day of lounging and working on her tan, and maybe admiring someone at a distance.  Ever since their alliance against Aizawa, little flutters of a school girl crush made themselves known and those feelings had only grown the longer she watched Todoroki develop as both a hero… and a young man, a very handsome and dignified young man in her eyes.  With one last look at her target, Yaoyozoru makes the plunge…
Fuming, angry, livid, these were the only emotions Todoroki could feel when he watched his enemies leaving him stuck at the buoy.  He cursed them, screaming, scheming that he would get them back for what they had done! And then he saw herstanding at the water’s edge, looking at him.  Why was Momo looking in his direction?  
Shoto watched the show unfolding on the beach between Deku and Bakugo, soon morph into words between Kirishima and her, and now she was heading towards him.  ‘Shit! Not good!’  Why couldn’t it have been Midoriya, or Iida, any of the guys that came to check on him, no it had to be her?!
He knows it won’t take her long to reach him and he begins running ideas through his head.  Should he freeze the water around him?  No, he doesn’t want to risk injuring her, plus he’s never had to deal with this kind of volume.  Fire is of no use here.  He could try to hide around the buoy, tell her to go away, but knowing her she might demand a better answer, and the buoy isn’t very big anyways.  She’s almost to him.  ‘Damn it!’
“Momo stop!!  Don’t come any closer!!”
“What?” she barely can hear Shoto over the waves.  “I can’t hear…”
“I said don’t come any closer!!”
“Why,” treading water at about 10 feet away, “is something wrong?”
“I can’t tell you that!”
“Why not?!”
“Because you’re a girl.”
“What the hell does that have to do with anything?!”  Todoroki was never known to be biased and it kinda pissed her off that he’s using that against her now.
“Look, if you’re tired, or have a cramp and can’t swim, I can pull you to shore, but I don’t appreciate being treated differently just because I’m a female!”
“Ugh,” he runs a hand over his face, still clinging onto the buoy with the other.  “That has nothing to do with My problem…”
“Just tell me what the problem is…”
“They stole my swim trunks okay!”
“They stole…” processing the statement, it takes but a second for her to realize just why he didn’t want her coming closer.  “Oh!!” If she thought this little swim would cool her off she had been dead wrong.  Now she was pretty sure her face was as deep a red as Kirishima’s hair or as heated as Bakugo’s flames.  “S-Sorry…. Was it Bakugo?”
“Yeah, they ganged up on me.”
Momo thinks for a minute as she wills away her embarrassed appearance.  She could swim back to shore to see if any of the guys brought an extra pair, or maybe…  “Um, I think I could make you some shorts, if you’d like, I’ve never tried to produce guys clothing but I’m pretty sure I can do it.”
“I, yeah that would be great, then I can go back to shore!”
“Um, it would be difficult for me to tread water and generate the shorts, do you mind if I hang onto the buoy…”
“I’ll swim out a few feet, would that work?”
She nods her head and after he moves far enough away to where she can’t accidentally see anything, Momo takes a place next to the buoy and concentrates on the shorts.  She wasn’t a 100 percent sure of his size, though she had a clue, but when it was finished, it appeared like it would fit him. “I’ll hang it on the buoy.”
They switch places, Momo treading water at a small distance while Shoto tries on the shorts.  “Hey, these fit perfect, how’d you figure out my size?”
‘Like I’m gonna tell him the truth.’  “Lucky guess.”
He swims over to where she’s treading, “Thanks Momo, you’re a lifesaver.”
“You’re welcome.”
When they reach the shore, Shoto stops Momo to thank her again for helping him and after responding with a it was nothing, she turns to head towards her friends.
“Wait,” he grabs her wrist. She stops and turns back, looking at where his hand was gripped to her arm before turning her focus on his face. “I um, was wondering,” letting go of her arm to rub the back of his neck instead, “would you, maybe, like to go to the movies with me when we get back to town?”
Was the sun making her hallucinate?  “Are you asking me out on a date?”
“Well, yeah, only if you would want to…”
She looks down, her cheeks coloring once more, “I’d love to.”
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Sero Week Day 1
Older Sero / Embarrassed
The Legend of DKFSTA
(posted on WST cuz I couldn’t wait on mine)
This Fic is trash—beautiful trash which I adore and would die for—but trash nonetheless. This fic has not been beta’d in any way, shape or form. Expect type-os, punctuation abnormalities, continuity issues and possible/probable OOC issues. At the end of this fic I will give you the template in order to play this dumb game. (it’s the same one I posted last night.)
Also, I was going to add reaction images but they were breaking up the story so I left ‘em out, if you want the reaction image version hit me up and I shall post it. 
Anyway you guys have been warned lol rated T Word Count: 4.4k    
Read it on Ao3
“I’m sorry this game is called what now?” Sero asked incredulously as he joined Mina, Momo, Jirou, Tooru, Uraraka and Tsu in common room. He agreed to join in on their collective sleepover for no other reason than to make sure certain “individuals” (one individual if we’re being honest) wouldn’t mess with them. However, the girls decided to sweeten the deal by promising to watch one of Sero’s favorite movies. It was kind of a guilty pleasure movie, so the offer was pretty appealing. And well  look it may seem like a small thing but… the kid was a little lonely lately, and he was sure that this would be the one thing to cheer him up! Right?
What he would soon discover, was that there was a catch. Of course there was. Poor Sero… This is the tale of how he got dragged into playing the insidious game he would ever be cursed to participate in.  
“I told you it’s called D-K-F-S-T-A.” Mina rolled her eyes
“That is not the name you used at all.” Sero said pointedly
“Well, whatever. Look it’s fun I promise.” Mina’s demonic like grin suggested that this game in particular was anything but fun.
“Mina, I love you, but your definition of “fun” is far different from others’.”
“He’s got a point.” Jirou said in a bored tone, “Although, I gotta admit the game is kind of fun. In a very dumb way. Unless you’re too chicken.”
“Are you trying to pull a me right now?” Ser asked, “I’ve done this enough times to Bakugou to know what you’re doing. But hell I don’t see the harm if you it’s alright...”
“SERIOUSLY?!” Mina screeched, “I’ve been your bestie since year one and you trust Jirou’s opinion over mine?!?!???”
“Mina.” Sero eyes locked onto hers, “Do me a favor and, think back to last week when you and Kaminari thought it would be fun to—
Mina put her hand over Sero’s mouth,“Ok-OK! Fair point! We don’t need to talk about that.”
Momo, Jirou, Uraraka, Tsu and Tooru all gave the two of them the most terrified glance. They sort of  wanted to know what Sero was going to say but at the same time… they didn’t want to know. So they just left it at that, and hopefully the actual event was not as insane as what they were imaging, but knowing the meme queens...
“Alright fine, whatever so like how to I play this? Is it like MKF?” Sero’s eyes widened when all of the girls groaned at the same time.
“Why the hell didn’t we just play it like that!?” Tooru yelled
Uraraka face palmed, “That would have saved so much time.”
“Because it’s not as scientific that way!” exclaimed Mina
“Oh yes, because the ancient method of Mash is much more “scientifically accurate.” Jirou said complete with air quotes as Momo chuckled beside her.
“Scientifically accurate?” Sero asked.
“It determines your soulmate DUH, same as MASH, but you know better.” said Mina.
“This is too silly I’m going to bed, night guys.” Tsu said going to sleep for the night. Everyone wished her a good night and Sero wanting this to be over so they could just watch the dang movie already. He again picked his favorite guilty pleasure movie—a romantic comedy—what? He’s allowed to like ‘em jeez! Half the damned reason he agreed to this was because a) he knew he wouldn’t be judged and b) he wanted someone to watch it with him and this was the perfect place! Oh well, this game can’t take that long right?
“Okay, guys seriously? Just tell me how to play.”
“You got it my Office Supply Guy!” Mina beamed as Sero shook his head, “So here is how you play. You give me a list of 10 people you like as platonically ONLY. Then you give me a list of another 10 people but this time it’s people you find hot—or well: attractive, aesthetically pleasing and/or who you would hypothetically/potentially would want to date. Then, you give me 2 sets of numbers 1-10, then a set of 6 numbers in random order from 1-10.”
Sero was trying very, very hard not to laugh, this sounded fucking ridiculous, “Oh, is that all?”
Jirou smirked as Tooru, Uraraka and Momo stifled their giggles
“You guys—just come on okay? I’ve been trying to get the guys to play this but Kirishima knows better, Bakugou would never and Kaminari doesn’t have the attention span for it.”
“Mina. I barely have the attention span for this, so what am I supposed to do again? List 10 friends or whatever? Also wait what do you mean Kirishima knows better, cuz I’m not gonna lie that is more than mildly concerning.”
“Duh, Kirishima and I went to the same middle school, remember?! We all got bored and played it there all the time.” said Mina “But to answer your other question yeah, give me 10 people you aren’t attracted to.”
“Okay easy: You, Kaminari, Bakugou, Kirishima—
“Noooo you can’t put Bakugou and Kirishima on the same list.”
“What? Why?”
“Because they’re dating! You match up people in the first set you name with the second—trust me it’ll all be clear when we start.”
“Mina, none of this is clear, you do realize that, right??” Sero said feeling like his eyes were ready to roll out of their sockets
“In Mina’s defense it does make more sense as you play.” Uraraka smirked. See that should have been the first sign that something was wrong with this game. Uraraka never smirked, and if he were being honest… it was the most terrifying thing he’d ever seen.
Sero sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, “okay fine, so leave them off?”
“Or you put one on this list and the other one on the, people you wouldn’t mind dating list.”
“Or the ‘hotties list’ as she called it when we she made me play it.” Jirou rolled her eyes.
“Right, okay so my list of friends who I do not want to date take two: You, Kaminari, Jirou—”
“Ouch, me I get but you’re putting Jirou on the platonic list?”
Sero went red, “I—I don’t mean I don’t think Jirou’s unattractive I just—Jirou and I fist bump, I feel like once you’re in the fist bump zone that means you’re buddies for life and that’s kind of it and I—”
“Mina, can you stop torturing him?” Momo asked.
“Yeah, otherwise we’ll never get to the actual game and then no movie.” Jirou yelled in Sero’s defense, “No worries Sero, I feel exactly the same way.” Jirou fist bumped him in solidarity, besides she’s ashamed to admit it but she was pretty excited to see who Sero would be matched up with in the end.
“Okay. Fiiiiiiiine. So Sero on your first list you have: me, Kaminari, Jirou and you need 7 more people.
“Seven… right, uh…Tokoyami, Tetsutetsu… um… shit this is hard!”
“Right?!” Tooru squeaked, “It’s actually really hard to list all of these people! Oh but yeah you can totally list us under the friends list.”
Sero blushed, “Well… like what if I dunno I’ve had a crush or two on some of you—from like first year.”
“Oooooh who?!”
“Uraraka and Momo…”
Momo and Uraraka blushed, “Aw Sero!” Mina squealed.
Sero, realized he should have trusted his instincts. This insidious “game” was a trap. “H-heh, so okay how many more people do you need?” look into editing
“Well, let’s see, we have you—
“What? I didn’t list myself.”
“Yeah, I listed you—MASH rules the host can add one person to each list—now shush. You have listed: You, Me, Kaminari, Jirou, Tokoyami, Tetsutetsu. Great! Four more to go!”
“Tooru, Uhhhh… Oh! Camie, Inasa, and Shinsou! Done.”
“With the first list you are, and aww I’m glad you and Shinsou are friends! I feel badly that he didn’t get moved up to the Hero class sooner.”
“Yeah me too he’s a really great guy, and wait I gotta do the same thing in the other list?”
“Yep! So if you would please list of the people you could potentially see yourself being with, and/or you find cute.”
“Aw Jeez, what is this the most complicated game known to man?” Sero said exasperated AF, “Fine. But Mina? I’m giving you this list once and only once and if you miss somebody then that’s your fault and you have to fill in the damn gap.”
“Ok, ok, I got it… go!”
“Uhhhhh, ok, Momo, Kendou, Uraraka, Iida, Shouji, Ojiro, Awase, Shindou, and um… um. N-Natsuo?”
“Natsuo… as in Todoroki’s older brother?”
“Yeah, I mean, I guess? I mean he’s pretty cute, and I’m running out of people to name.”
“He’s four years older!”
“Again, you said people I thought were cute! He’s cute it totally counts! I’m not saying I’m gonna jump his bones or anything! Anyway, that’s ten right?”
“Nope that’s nine but since you choose a slightly older Todoroki, I am putting our Todoroki.”
“Y-You can’t do that.”
“Oooooh yes I can and I am.”
“Fine, I change those last two, to um—um…”
“Nope, no take backs and you took way too long on the friends list, this is the list of hotties you are stuck with.” Mina gave a mock innocent smile
“You’re only freaking out about it because you have to deal with Todoroki being on the list.” said Jirou struggling to hold back a laugh
“And the only reason he only put Natsuo on because it’s safer option.” Momo said coyly, “ You chose him because it means you wouldn’t have to say Shouto.”
Sero went red, “What does that have to do with anything?”
“That you like him… a lot” Uraraka chirped
“I do not. I mean yeah we’re friends, just friends.”
“Mhmm… sure.” Tooru laughed
“You guuuuuys!”
“Ugh, sure whatever you say can we just finish the stupid game? Random numbers?”
“Yep 10 random numbers 1-10 2x plus 6 random numbers 1-10” Mina clicked her pen a couple of times and Sero rolled his eyes for probably the umpteenth million time during this dumb game and spouted out numbers. What the actual fuck had he been thinking when he agreed to this shit?
“Alright! Now we can start!” Mina squealed with glee, “So here’s what’s going on, the first two number sequences you gave me? Well, they match up to names on either of the two lists. So I’m going to give you two names aaaaaand you’re going to tell me if you’d think they’d be a good couple or not.”
Sero blinked, “What?”
“Sero, you’re not a dumb guy, stop acting like it. Okay, you for example got paired up with oooooh Shouji.”
“I’m going to say this again. What?”
“So your name was first on the friends list, and when you gave me the list of 10 numbers you said the number 2 first. That effectively gave you the number 2 and on the other list, you named Shouji fifth but in the number sequence you said the number 2 fifth. Hence you getting paired with Shouji. So now I’m going to give you couples based on number matches and lol you’re going to tell me if you think they’d be a cute couple or not, and I record your answer as yes or no.”
“Okay, I suppose that makes sense… so what the fuck does D-K-F-S-T-A stand for.” Sero filled with dread the likes of which he had never felt before, When Mina answered. “Oh that, heh you’ll see.”
Sero swallowed hard, “O-Okay?”
“Great, so do you see you and Shouji together?”
Sero did not miss the fact that they were all silently laughing at his misery, he also didn’t miss that he was going to have a fun time explaining all of his answers, “Yes…”
“Oh my god I knew it.” Tooru squealed
Sero groaned, “He’s a nice guy okay?!”
“Right and kissing him during truth or dare last month has nothing to do with it?” Jirou playfully punched his arm.
“Sh-Shut up Jirou! Unless you want me to pull out some receipts on all of you.”
“Fair enough.”
“Ok, ok next, oh oh wow lol nope,” Mina laughed.
“Me and Ojiro.”
“Oh, definitely not, Ojiro deserves better.”
The room burst out in fits of giggles.
“Kaminari and Iida.”
“Huh, yeah kinda—wait actually nope, def not. They get along super well and I love both of them a lot but I feel like they’d be missing chemistry?”
“Oh same,” said Ochako.
“Right?” said Sero
Mina wanted to get to the “good” part of the game so she interrupted, “Jirou and HA! Natsuo.”
Before Jirou could even open her mouth Sero said “No. I didn’t realize it was gonna be like this, you guys were right he’s way too old.”
“Not old enough for you to have a semi crush on him.” Jirou smirked
“No, that’s Todoroki Shouto you’re thinking of.” Momo giggled
“Would you guys shut up about that? Look okay yes, I’ve stayed over at his house a couple of times and yes—”
Mina’s widened in shock “He let you stay at his house?!”
“Well uh—yeah when his dad’s not home. Listen remember during our last break? My parents got the dates all mixed up, and they were out of the country. I was just gonna stay at the UA dorms but Endeavor was on a mission in Osaka and Todoroki insisted I come home with him. Natsuo and Fuyumi are really nice, I actually owe them my weight’s worth in grocery money for sure but they wouldn’t let me pay for anything. So—why are you all looking at me like that?”
“Oh nothing” Momo smiled oh-not-so-innocently
“Absolutely Nothing.” Jirou shrugged her shoulders
“Not a thing.” Uraraka said her hand propping up her chin in mock contemplation.
“Nothing at all.” Tooru hummed
Mina didn’t care about subtlety and just plunged in, “So... you’re like sure there’s nothing going on with you and Todoroki?”
“Is this seriously what we’re going to be talking about the whole night?” Sero said desperately trying to calm himself down to rid his cheeks of the epic blush that was currently decorating his face.
“Depends, when you uh stayed over at his place… did you guys sleep in his room?”
Sero opened his mouth to offer some sort of a response but his words died before they could reach his lips. He instantly made a tight lipped smile and refused to look at any of them.
“It wasn’t like that!”
“Honestly Sero, you are hopeless.” Mina shook her head, “Okay, Tooru and Kendou.”
“No, not really, you guys don’t talk enough.”
“Yeah that’s fair.” Tooru yawned in agreement, “Aw man... guys I hate to tap out early but I’m exhausted, pleeeeease you have to tell me how this ends.”
“Oh you know it girl, sweet dreams!”
They all wished Tooru good night which luckily let Sero have enough time to collect himself for the next onslaught of questions. He thought he was prepared, he thought it must be close to finishing right? He could do this… well that’s what he thought before he heard Mina cackle.
“Oh god who with who” Sero dreaded asking.
“Tokoyami and Uraraka.”
Everyone cracked up at that because well no matter who Uraraka ended up with, unless it was with Midoriya it was gonna be a no (and the boy wasn’t even listed).
“Lol nope, she has eyes for only one person on this earth.”
“Sh-Shut up!”
“Oooooh ok, I see, so it’s okay to humiliate me, but not you.”
“Well duh I’m not the one playing the game.”
“Yeah well—
“Sero stop arguing with Uraraka, the faster we get through this the faster we can—Oh My God,” Mina struggled to keep a straight face, “Shinsou and Shindou.”
Everyone cackled, and admitted to himself internally that maybe this game wasn’t that bad.
“You know what? Weirdly enough, I kinda see it. If only for the reason that Shinsou wouldn’t let that smug good looking asshole get away with shit.”
“You do realize you and Shindou kinda look alike,”  Momo offered.
“No we don’t?”
“You kinda do though,” said Jirou.
“We do not, what drugs are you all taking?”
“We aren’t on drugs, you guys do look a little alike and It’s not a bad thing.” Ochako chimed in.
“I’m aware, he’s nice looking, but I mean we don’t.”
“Sero…” Mina for the first time that night gave him a soft look.
“We know why you’re saying that, you’re good looking!”
“I’m fine looking.”
“Moving on please.”
“Ugh fine, oh! Camie and Momo!”
“Awwww, that would be kind of adorable.”
“She is pretty…” Momo sighed wistfully
“You know I could set something up, right?” said Sero
“No no! That’s okay!”
“You sure?”
“I could set you up with Todoroki,” Momo countered.
“We room next to each other so like lol if that were ever to become a thing, which it won’t. I swear I’m a big boy, I’m more than capable to do it on my own.”
“Yes, because you’re so good at telling someone you like them,” said Jirou.
“You know what Jirou? Those who live in glass houses…” He gave her a pointed look causing her to mutter some choice insult phrases Sero’s way.
“Moving on,” Mina hastily smoothed over, “Oh! Inasa and Todoroki.”
“Yeah I can see it heh,” Sero shrugged, “considering they dated for a bit this summer.”
“Yeah, they like had a lot of fun and like I-I dunno they kept trying to make it work and it was really hard though... because of the distance. But yeah like yeah they were a thing, I think they ended it for good but I don't know...” Sero shrugged, "I'm pretty sure Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima were supposed to meet up with Inasa tonight, maybe Camie too. They might get back together, and like that would be nice..."
“Oh Sero…”
“Why are you “Oh Sero-ing” me? They make each other happy, plus it’s not like I have a stake in this.”
“Sero, it’s okay you can admit you like him, who are we going to tell?” Momo asked gently placing her hand on his back. Sero couldn’t look at her so he just responded with, “He’s my friend. How many times do I have to say that? Of course I like him, but like just as a friend. I didn’t put him on the other list you guys did, anyway...” The girls gave him a look but Sero gave them his winning smile, “who is next in this crazy game or is that it?”
“Alright…” Mina hesitated, wanting so very desperately to make sure Sero was okay. Yeah they messed with each other a lot but Sero was family to her… but the boy was stubborn as hell so she just moved forward. “Okay! Oh god! Satou and Awase!”
“LOL nope. They’d like run out of things to talk about in 5 minutes or less, so is that it?”
“No! Now, we get to the really fun part.”
“The really fun part? Oh hell, the fuck is “the fun part.””
“Yup give me 6 random numbers 1-10.”
“Mina, you totally made this game up.”
“I DID NOT! You can ask Kirishima!! I swear! We played this in middle school all the time!!!”
“What hell dimension did you guys go to middle school???”
“Oh just come on!!! You’re taking forever!”
“Because you keep talking!”
“This is ridiculous,” said Momo, “Give me the notebook Mina I’ll do it from here.”
“Oh good idea he’ll answer you without a fuss.”
“I’m not making a fuss!”
“Kinda are.”
Sero rolled his eyes and gave the random numbers to Momo, “Ok what do I need to do now?”
“Answers these honestly AND you have to explain your answer.”
“Would you date Ojiro?”
“No, I mean he’s awesome but… it’s just… I know he has a crush on someone else and it would feel really weird if I went in there and asked him out. Like it just seems very inconsiderate and like… you know why bother asking a friend you know isn’t into you out? It will just wreck the friendship, and yeah, like who wants that, you know?”
There was a collective aw from all of the girls and Ochako reached out for Sero’s hand, “Are you sure you don’t want to talk about feelings you may or may not have for someone?”
Sero sighed, “I appreciate your attempt at ambiguity Uraraka, but um, lol yeah we’re not going there, because there are only so many times I can tell you all he’s just a friend without taping you all to the ceiling.”
“Okay would you kiss...” Momo blinked before continuing. “Oh me!”
“I would.” Sero smiled and kissed Momo on the cheek.
Momo giggled, “Aw shucks Sero.”
He snorted, “Never say that again.”
“Yeah I regretted it the instant I said it, thank you for the kiss.” She playfully shoved his shoulder with his.
“Oh anytime lol.”
“Okay would you go to First Base with Natsuo.”
Sero’s eyes bugged out of his skull, “Nooooo. DEAR GOD NO! Like you guys said he’s like 4 years older! AND I DIDN’T  REALIZE IT WAS GONNA BE LIKE THIS!!!”
“Right well, now you know for next time.”
“What makes you think I’m ever playing this stupid game ever again?”
“Because it’s ridiculous, it’s fun, and again it will determine your soulmate!" Mina said in a sing-songy tone, "Now. Would you go to second base with Awase.”
Sero went pale as a sheet, looked away and mumbled out his answer.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
“I said… w-well, since it’s already happened I guess I gotta say yes.” Sero rubbed the back of his neck
“I’m so sorry, what?!?!!!?” They collectively screeched
“Uh. Details. Now. When the heck did this happen?!?!?!!!” Jirou demanded
"Ugh, ok... so... remember that time we had training with 2-b last trimester? The one off campus? We had that party? Awase and I got matched up for seven minutes in heaven and like neither of us had really kissed someone with tongue before… So like yeah we um started kissing and um then… u-um well... like we progressed to um making out and it was n-nice.” Sero swallowed hard, “And OK SURE maybe we got a little carried away in the moment—but like!!! IT WAS ONLY THAT LIKE ONE TIME AND NOTHING HAPPENED WE JUST MADE OUT and had somewanderinghands BUT NOTHING BELOW THE BELT!!!”
“Oh my god this makes so much sense now, you looked like a rumpled mess. Did you guys ever try dating after?” Momo pressed.
“W-we might have made out a couple more times, but that was it. There was kind of no romantic feels there, as much as I wanted there to be then I could have just moved on from–”
“From?” asked Jirou.
“Nothing, no one, it doesn’t matter. Next question?”
“Would you go to Third with HA omfg Shindou.”
“Well for one, ew no. You guys said he looks like me and I can’t ever unsee that and it’s so weird to think about now. And two, he is much of an asshole as he is amazing to look at, absolutely not. Can you imagine? He’d allude it to everyone anyway. Not say it outright because you know “his image™.”
“Oh god what a nightmare yeah, besides he doesn’t deserve you.”
“Awwwwwww Mina, that’s the nicest thing you’ve ever said to me.”
“Uh-huh after you’re done torturing me that is.”
Mina gaped at him like he’d just slapped her, “RUDE.”
“Okay Sero, last one.” Momo laughed and then her eyes widened, “Oh my god. Okay just know that I did not do this on purpose. This is actually just who you got.”
“Would you go all the way with Todoroki?”
“Would you–
Sero blinked, and interrupted, “No, I’m not answering that. There is no right answer for that. If I say no, you’re going to say I’m in denial or some bullshit.”
“You are totally in denial,” said Mina.
Sero glared, at Mina before sighing, “And if I give you my logical answer, you’re gonna make a big deal out of it and I’d rather not do this. It’s–look can we just pretend that like I said whatever you want me to say and we can move onto the movie or something?”
“But after you finish this one then we calculate your “soulmate”, with you know science.” Jirou smiled
“Right. Science. Weren’t you the one to point out how BS this concept of “MASH science” is?”
“Well yeah but this is the last one and like we don’t mean to actually bother you about this.”
“Aw yeah, come on Sero, we promise we won’t make this into a big deal. Besides it’s not fun to poke fun if you’re not actually having fun ya know?” Mina gave a very OVER enthusiastic grin, which melted Sero’s misgivings
“Oh alright.” He took in a deep breath, and rubbed the back of his neck. “Hypothetically? I would–hypothetically–b-because we’re friends and I know he wouldn’t laugh at me, or make me feel more self conscious than I already am. And that yeah, it would be awkward as hell, and sure it would be ridiculous, but it would be like nice? I don’t know, I just trust him, and I think if hypothetically we would do that… then like it would maybe even be fun? Or… I don’t know I just can’t really see even saying yes to anyone but him...” When he looked up he saw the girls’ mouths gaping, and he instantly looked away completely missing the girls’ waving and signaling for him to STOP.
“I-It like wouldn’t be weird I guess? Again, like I trust him and I-I dunno. I just think going all the way with Todoroki would feel natural instead of… terrifying ya know? And--”
Finally Mina screeched, “HI TODOROKI HOW’RE YOU DOING?!”
Everyone went completely still as Sero turned around with a breakneck speed only to see that Todoroki was not in fact out with Kirishima, Bakugou, Camie and Inasa. He was instead, standing right behind him looking pretty bewildered slapped across his face. All that could be heard next was Sero softly uttering, “o-oh fuck.”
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Ochaco and the Mechanic (Kacchako)
Ochaco Uraraka had a really good day, and here’s why.
It had all started earlier that day, she was heading home from her friend, Izuku Midoriya’s house. They hadn’t done anything special really, their other friend, Tenya Iida, had also come over, and they just had a blast hanging out together. That was the thing with good friends, it didn’t have to be special as long as you were together!
Anyway, on her way back, her car stalled and although she managed to pull over on the side of the road, she had no idea what had happened. She was no mechanic, and she wouldn’t know the first thing of where to look for the problem. Great.
So she had to sit and wait for the tow truck to come and tow her car to a nearby mechanic. Thankfully, it wasn’t too long of a wait and she stepped out of her car to greet them.
One of the men was an energetic redhead, very cheerful and understanding of the situation as he hooked everything up. The other guy, however, was waiting in the truck itself and looked like he would rather be doing anything else. He was a blonde, with weird spiky hair but not as spiky as the redhead’s. He seemed to wear a permanent scowl on his face, or he was just annoyed. Either way, he didn’t look pleased to be there.
Once they were all squished together in the truck, the redhead introduced himself.
“Eijiro Kirishima! Nice to meet you, and over there is my buddy Katsuki Bakugou!”
“I’m not your friend.”
“He’s a little grumpy.” Kirishima winked and nudged her. “However, he’s in a better mood since he’s got a pretty girl sitting next to him!”
At that moment, Bakugou reached behind her and whacked the back of his head, scowling. But was that a blush??
Once they got to the mechanics, they were greeted by two more people. A blonde guy who introduced himself as Denki Kaminari and a guy with black hair who introduced himself as Hanta Sero. They were as happy and nice as Kirishima, and apparently took as much joy in teasing Bakugou as Kirishima did. She liked them, and they were nice guys, and while Bakugou and Kirishima took a look at her car, they sat and talked with her.
“Yeah, Bakugou and Kirishima opened this place together and we came along for the ride! Sure, it’s a small place, but we get a substantial amount of customers, and hopefully you’ll become one of them!” Kaminari nudged her with a wink, flashing a grin.
“Then stop harassing her if you want her to be a permanent customer.” Bakugou scowled and walked over with Kirishima. “Anyway, listen, turns out there was oil leaking from your car and that’s why it stopped, too much leaked out.”
Ochaco groaned. “Great.. Well, how long will it take?”
“That’s the good news, it’s an easy fix!” Kirishima piped in, grinning. “It just needs to be resealed, it was long overdue for a new one anyway, but some other guys when replacing things that need to be replaced on your car get lazy, and don’t actually do it!”
“Anyway, we just need to refill the oil tank and reseal it and you’re good to go, shouldn’t take more than thirty minutes.”
“Oh thank goodness, thank all of you so much!” Ochaco beamed, reaching for her purse. “How much do I owe you?”
Kirishima grinned. “Welll, since it’s your first time here and since there wasn’t a lot of work to be done, you don’t owe us much, but hopefully you come back!”
“Definitely! And I’ll tell my friends about it too!” She smiled widely, her eyes drifting over to Bakugou. His gaze quickly snapped back to the floor, going over to her car. “Is he okay..?”
“I think he’s just super into you, that’s all.” Sero chuckled and glanced over at him. “He doesn’t really act like this around any other customers, dare I say Katsuki Bakugou has a crush!”
“Shut the fuck up dumbass!”
Kaminari cracked up, slapping his knee. “I think that just confirms it, but here,” He took out a piece of paper and a pen and scribbled a number down on it. “Bakugou’s number, call it if you want, or use it to mess with him, either way it’ll be funny to see him angry or flustered.”
She took the piece of paper with the number on it, smiling a bit. Despite his abrasive personality and slight temper, she wouldn’t mind getting to know him first! Oh heck, why not? “Sure! But later.”
Kirishima smiled and nodded, “He’ll be so excited! Or, as excited as he can get.”
Later on, after she had paid and left, and as everyone was preparing to go home for the day, his phone buzzed. Who the hell would be texting him? The only annoying people that texted him were right here in the room with him, unless it was his mother, which was also a possibility. However, it was none of the above.
‘Hi! It’s Ochaco from earlier, Denki gave me your number, thanks for everything!’
That bastard, he should kill him for this, but then his phone buzzed again.
‘Maybe we could meet up for coffee sometime?’
He gulped and texted back, his cheeks growing redder by the second. ‘Hope you aren’t texting while you’re driving round face, it’s fucking dangerous.’ He paused for a minute before continuing, ‘Besides, if you died I couldn’t meet up with you. So keep your damn eyes on the road.’
Back at her place, Ochaco smiled and giggled, her cheeks growing pink. He was actually being considerate, despite the few curse words thrown in there. Probably to hide the fact that he cared, but it was sweet to her! She chuckled and sent back her reply, ‘Don’t worry, I’m home! Let me know whenever you’re free :).’
A second later, he responded, ‘I’ve got a day off in a couple days, just let me know when and where we’re meeting or I won’t come.’
She laughed again, typing that she promised she would and that she was looking forward to it. She really was!
And just as she was about to sit down and watch a movie (Disney marathon!), he sent one last message.
‘Looking forward to it too round face.’
(My first bnha fic ! It’s exciting, and I just hope I didn’t write any of the characters too ooc, I tried my best 😅Kacchako is good and I love them and I wanted to write them something, hopefully I did them justice. Also, true story, this happened to me and my family’s car over the summer so this is based off a true story lmao)
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