#oc coping with ptsd
aheckinmess · 3 months
Hollow Harmony || Present Mic x OC
(One-shot series 3/3 chapters posted - posted regularly on Saturdays.)
Read on AO3.
Tags: Graphic violence, Hizashi Yamada x OC, Present Mic, Present Mic saves the day, Hizashi Yamada is a ray of sunshine, angst, hurt/comfort, smut, fluff, pro hero to the rescue, learning how to people again, no longer a puppet, wedding time
Word Count: 5,127 words
Summary: One year after breaking free of a horrible life, Ichijiku has made great strides in her mental health and trauma, as well as her relationship with Hizashi. As their impending wedding approaches, Ichijiku starts worrying about the possible roadblocks intimacy could create. One apathetic Aizawa lends his aide and advice.
Author's Note: I haven't posted fanfiction in years, but after a two-year obsession with My Hero Academia, I have more than enough content to share. This first series is pretty dark, but there's some comfort and sweetness along the way. Enjoy.
Content Warning: Smut included in this chapter.
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Chapter 3: Harmonious Happenings
Ichijiku (Tigress)
"Are you ready to head home?"
"No. I need to walk around a little bit. I want to talk to you about something, but I'm not sure how to bring up the subject."
"Is this about physical intimacy with Hizashi?"
I look up at Shouta with shock and disbelief. I knew even before we became friends that he was good at reading Hizashi's mind, but damn! Is he sure erasure is his only quirk? Telepathy seems to come in at a close second. But I can't help it. Such a topic while walking down the street makes my cheeks turn pink. "Y-Yes. Am I that obvious?"
"That...was just a lucky guess." He admits with a drawl. "You've been acting a little off since he proposed to you. It's been, what, six months?" As if you're not keeping count, Logic Boi. He's your best friend.
"Yeah...the wedding will be coming up any day now." That's brought on a whole new wave of conflicted emotions. "I guess I'm just starting to get really anxious. I'm scared."
"About the preparations or about marrying Hizashi?"
"Well, a little of both. But mostly the marrying Zashi part." I admit, fidgeting with the ends of my sleeves in the autumn breeze. "This time last year I almost cut him out of my life entirely for similar reasons. But it's not the same. I'm scared because if he ends up like Kigai–"
"I'll personally wring his neck for you." Shouta finishes for me. "Hizashi is one of the most easy-going people I know. He won't take advantage of you like that. You've been with him long enough to know that. There's something else you're afraid of then, right?"
Damn Logic Boi.
"Right..." I sigh, wondering if this is a conversation I should be having with him and not my therapist. Ms. Sheila said having friends and confidants to talk to are just as important. "I'm worried that...I won't be able to be that intimate with him like he wants right away."
"Okay. Why does that worry you?"
"Because I," Warmth starts creeping into my neck. "Because I've...been able to tell that he gets excited...ahem and I've been privy to that too. So I'm scared that he'll think he's obligated to it once we're married."
"When he first wanted to kiss you, did he seem to think he was obligated to it?"
I blink up at him. "You know about that?"
"Ichi, Hizashi was bouncing off the walls before he went to that hibachi place with you. I'm surprised you got through the first three minutes without him confessing his love on the spot." It sounds so amusing with his dry delivery.
"Oh." Was I really that oblivious? Wow, guess you really are more stupider than I thought. You were still hypervigilant and afraid. It's only natural you'd have missed the signs. "Well...no, he didn't seem to think he was obligated to it, I don't guess."
"Then what makes you think he'd feel obligated to sex?" His tone isn't judgmental, just curious. I'm grateful for it.
"Well, it's different than a kiss, you know? I mean people kiss each other all the time. It's a lot easier to say no...or to stop if it gets too scary." My poor sleeves go through the wringer as I start rambling. A man passing by yells so loudly that I flinch. "B-But it's much harder with sex. If I think I'm okay to start but have to stop, I can't just tell him no in the middle like when we kiss."
"Why not?"
"Because then he'll be mad." I whimper. Eucalyptus tickles my nostrils and I grip my chest and the front of my shirt. "He'll be mad and then he'll hit me and leave me alone."
"Ichi, you're gripping your shirt. Take a deep breath." Shouta instructs.
"Shit. Not now. I'm sorry." I put my face in my hands and grip my hair. "I'm so sorry."
"Take a deep breath. You're safe. He's not here now and you're walking on the sidewalk with me. There's a fire hydrant coming up and a woman rocking her baby while she waits on the bench for a bus. The streets are chatty but not bustling and the wind is cold. Someone's selling fried rice because I can smell it from here. Breathe." He says, immersing me in my present surroundings like my therapist has advised me to do.
Rough sidewalk. Red fire hydrant. Baby crying. Screeching bus tires. Cold wind. Fried rice...with shrimp and broccoli. The visual and sensual cues help me the most. It helps ground me in the present. I inhale and I exhale and the eucalyptus starts to fade. Kigai's hand ghosts my shoulder but I focus on the white lines drawn on the crosswalk and a little girl's cheerful laugh as she swings her doll around. It was the guy yelling that sent me out of it. We're still in the present. Everything is okay. That's it, Little One. Good job.
"Thank you." I take one final breath and glance at him for a moment before I regroup and go back to my original conversation. "Anyway...it's just not the same, Shouta."
"Of course it's the same. You're allowed to tell him to stop at all times. Whether that's before or during the act." Shouta reassures me.
This is new information that makes me pause. You're being a little tease, aren't you? Telling me you want it and changing your mind? Bullshit! You're mine and you'll do exactly as I tell you! I nearly halt right in the middle of the sidewalk, but I power through, needing to have this conversation. I need to talk to someone and hopefully get some coping strategies before I have to pull through this with Zashi. Shouta's probably one of the best people to do that with. He knows him so well.
"Kigai...stopped caring about what I had to say the first time I tried to resist." I admit, tapping my teeth together in my mouth as I purposefully avoid eye contact.
"That's rape." Shouta's voice changes. He still sounds apathetic, but I've learned there are certain intonations where I can tell he's upset. This is one of those times. "Only a scumbag would do that."
"So if I decide to try but...we're in the middle...erm, doing stuff and I get uncomfortable...I can tell him to stop?" I rub my arms nervously, but not because I'm flustered about the subject now. It's because ghostly memories haunt the edge of my mind. "He won't...be angry with me?"
"Let me make this abundantly clear," Shouta begins as I unlock my door to my house and he helps me bring in my wedding finds. I have him set them on the counter while I close and lock the door. "Hizashi can be balls deep inside you and you're allowed to tell him to stop. Knowing Hizashi, who knows about your situation, he'll communicate with you how he needs to stop. If he needs to pull back entirely, if he just needs to wait for you to take a breath and continue, that sort of thing. Hizashi's not going to be angry at you for needing time to work through anything. You lived through hell for three years, Ichijiku. Both he and I and our other friends know that takes time to get over."
I can't help but laugh. Not only because it feels like a weight's been lifted from my shoulders, but also because I'd never expected to hear Shouta Aizawa say the words balls deep inside you to me of all people.
"That's encouraging to know. Thanks, Shouta."
"Of course. And if he ends up whining about it, I'll threaten to cut the circulation from his testicles and he won't have to worry about it at all."
. . . . .
Time flashes by until I'm adorned in a beautiful white dress with my hair twirled and curled in intricate fashion to frame my features. Anxieties ripple through my skin until I see Hizashi standing at the end of the aisle. My heart grows and swells inside my chest until I make it to his side, glowing with joy that he looks so awed and proud as I step up beside him. I give Shouta and Oboro a wave. Nemuri winks at me when I turn back to that side.
And then everything rushes by in a blur. We repeat our vows to the ordained and God, exchange a kiss that makes me dizzy, and then suddenly my last name is Yamada. The after party flurries by because I'd asked for a smaller ceremony, to which Hizashi thankfully obliged.
It's when we start getting closer to our honeymoon destination that I start getting nervous. Just breathe, Cub, remember what Shouta said. He won't do anything you're not ready for. That's the problem. I want to be ready for that. I have a high libido. I'm more than ready physically...but...I'm not at the same time. It frustrates me. Why wouldn't it frustrate him? Everything is going to be okay. When we finally make it to the beach house, Hizashi fully picks me up bridal style to walk me through the threshold. "I heard this was a tradition, so I thought I'd treat you." He laughs, setting me down once we get inside. He looks around. "Damn. This place is nice!"
He's not wrong. I look around and instantly feel the comfort of being in a large space to call my own for the next two weeks. "Oh, look!" There's a little basket setting on the coffee table in the living space. When I pad over to look at it, I flush with a nervous chuckle. "Eeps. It's from Nemuri." I can already see the pink thong sticking out in a folded flower and quickly walk in the other direction. "Y-You can look at that. I'm going to go try and get out of this dress."
"Would you like some help? Can you reach the zipper?" He asks as he also forgoes the gift offering for now.
I swallow, take a deep breath, and nod. "Yes, please." As much as I'm scared of what might come next, I can't get my dress off alone.
We make our way to the room we'll be staying in. My anxiety heightens as I'm innately aware of how close Hizashi is. I pull him into the master bathroom so I can start working on getting all of the pins out of my hair while watching him as he works the zipper.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asks me once he's got the dress hanging open for me to step out. I notice he's looking me over from the back, but he doesn't touch me. "Your breathing is off."
"I'm a little nervous." I don't feel the need to elaborate.
I wring my fingers and twist my newly acquired ring as I look down at it. Then I step out of my dress and start looking for my overnight bag full of clothes.
"Nervous?" Hizashi asks before his eyes widen and he seems to understand. "Oh! Oh. Hey, you don't have to be nervous, lovebug." He crosses over to me as I rifle through my bag and kisses my cheek, but doesn't even move to hug me while I'm half naked in front of him. "I won't do anything you don't want to. You excite me, sure, but tonight doesn't have to be about anything sexual if you don't want it to be." He chuckles to lighten the atmosphere. "Just don't mind me if my body responds. I'm a big boy, I'll be able to handle it even if I can't help what my body does."
I start pulling on some lounge clothes, exhausted from the long social day. When I turn to him, I carefully plant myself against his chest.
"That's...that's the problem. I want...I want you. I'm just scared of wanting you, because I'm scared of how I'll respond. I'm scared I'll disappoint you. I'm scared you'll be mad and it'll ruin everything." I swallow thickly.
He's quiet for a moment, which means a lot coming from Hizashi because he's usually so vocal. It makes me feel good to know he's really thinking this over and choosing his words carefully for me. His hands rub my back and I feel him plant a kiss on the top of my head. Safe. He's safe.
"Well, let's talk about how you want to address it then." He holds my chin delicately to make me look up at him. "Is it something you'd like to try tonight? Or something you want to try sometime this week? Or even further down the line?" He pauses before adding. "Before you answer, know that any of your answers are acceptable, lovebug. I'm willing to work with you. I know it's hard for you."
My eyes get glassy. How is he so wonderful? I have to push forward again to hug him tight, sniffling as I'm overwhelmed with affection that over three years ago I thought didn't exist - or if it did, I thought I'd never get to have it.
"I want..." I take a deep breath and gauge the swirling emotions in my gut. "I want to try...tonight...and throughout the week?" I pause again. "I don't want...to let Kigai influence how I react to you because I know you're not him." I squeeze him in my arms and am rewarded with a squeeze back. "But I don't know...how...to try it. I don't know what I'll be comfortable with or if I'll freak out. And that scares me."
"Hmm," He hugs me for a moment as he thinks. "Why don't we start with baby steps, lovebug? Would you like to try a shower together? That way you can just get used to me in your general vicinity without making any moves on you? Or do you need a smaller step than that?"
I think it over. That should be fine to start...knowing if I can handle him naked in my proximity...that would be good to know to begin with. And if you can't, just tell him that. He'll slow down for you. He's already made that pretty clear. Right...right. "I think we can try that." I agree, before pulling back and fidgeting with my pajama sleeves.
"Alright, well...how do you want to start this, then?" He asks, before he leans over to start the shower. "I guess to start with I'll let you choose the water temperature."
"Thanks." I focus heavily on my breathing for the next few moments, reaching in and adjusting the nozzles until I'm ready to turn on the shower. When that's done, I take a deep breath. "Okay...okay." Ms. Sheila said a good tip was to relax and start with what I'm comfortable with. "Can I have a kiss?"
Hizashi finally breaks into a smile and leans down to close the distance and set his hands on my hips to pull me closer. I'm used to this by now, it feels safe and familiar. I tug at his lip and run my hands along his chest over his shirt. As I feel more comfortable, I tentatively move my fingers under his shirt to do the same thing, just against his skin.
We're okay. We've done some of this before. I'm safe. This is Zashi. I move my fingers up his chest and around his neck. helping him wiggle out of his shirt. When I pull back for air, I'm rewarded with a delectably handsome sight that fills me full of longing...and fear.
I have to remember to breathe as I drink him in. Even though it's just his top half, I can already feel my tummy flipping and warmth make my body tingle. My fingers tremble when I rub my fingers over his abs.
"Are you okay?" He asks me through heavy breaths. "Do you need a minute or can I take off the rest?"
I squeak and hide behind my hands for a moment. It's okay. He's okay. He's safe. Breathe.
"Y-Yeah. If...if I need you to stop, I'll tell you." I promise.
I'm both fully and not at all prepared for when he pulls down the rest of his clothes. My breath gets shaky, but not for reasons I thought it'd be. My body is flooded with desire and eagerness. A soft sound escapes me when his cock starts to harden. Glory, glory what a hell of a way to die, indeed. I want it. You're mine, slut. Shut your fucking mouth, fiend. I tense involuntarily for a moment.
Hizashi clears his throat and asks, "Do you want me to watch you undress too? Or would you rather I hop in the shower first and wait for you?"
"Can, um," I hold my shoulder shyly and flush darkly. "Can you hop in first?"
He kisses my cheek. "Of course." And then he takes off his glasses and disappears behind the curtain.
It takes me a few moments to re-coordinate my mind and breathe, but when I do, I feel comfortable enough to strip down and ready myself. It's going to be fine. It's going to be okay. He won't hurt you, Cub. He's safe. And then I step into the shower.
As promised, Hizashi keeps his distance. He doesn't even look at me for a while as he just lets the water run over him. When he finally does catch my eyes, I don't miss how his eyes widen. He makes a little grunt and his cock twitches again, but to his credit he restrains himself.
"Didn't know it was possible for you to look even more gorgeous without clothes, but here we are." He teases with a wink, before going back to getting cleaned off.
His comment simultaneously fuels my lust and allays my fears. He...he didn't just grab me and have his way. He's being very careful and sweet and...god, it's hot. I manage to make it through the entirety of the shower without feeling too uncomfortable or having a panic attack. The closest I get to panic is when he asks about a scar on my back where Kigai threw a book at me. Somehow, though, I manage to get through an explanation without crying.
When we hop out and dry off, my emotions begin growing more intense. There's a wet place between my legs that I simply can't dry off. We get dry and I stand up on my toes to pull him into a fiery kiss that draws a moan from deep inside. God, that feels better than I ever expected.
His response is eager but hesitant. He doesn't fully touch me until I guide his hands to my bare hips. His arousal presses against my belly in a mutual desire as I move my arms back around his neck and grip him tight. All of the hot and heavy needs rolling around my body have me seeing stars. I pull back with heavy pants and press my forehead against his to look at him hungrily.
"W-Why don't...we move this to the bed?" My neck heats up as I ask.
"Are you sure?" Worry flickers in his eyes.
"I'm sure. I'll tell you if I'm not."
"Then, may I carry you?" He asks first, hands hovering until I nod. Only then does he pick me up with a flourish and carry me over to the bed. He gently lays me across the pillows. "How do you want me?"
Not Kigai. Not Kigai. Not Kigai. I remind myself as he looks down at me so softly. I rub his arms and pull at him to urge him further down. Okay. It's fine. This feels good. He feels warm. "Kiss me more?" I request.
"Happily." He obliges, tasting like spearmint gum and wedding cake.
We make out like this for at least five minutes, though it feels like an eternity of blissful intimacy. I can feel Hizashi get harder the longer we go, and I could swear I've accumulated a little puddle between my thighs by now. So I brave the waters and skim my fingers along his sides, up his arms, and guide him to squeeze a breast.
The jolt of excitement I feel draws a moan from me. The surprise I feel is so palpable my eyes flash open and I grip his hair to pull him closer. I like that. I'm not scared of him. I want more. This is nothing like it was with Kigai. Good job, Little One. But be mindful; don't let your guard down. I heed the tiger's voice. As much as I want to go feral and pick up the pace, I want to be cautious. I've learned through therapy and non-sexual experiences that even when it starts out easy, sometimes my trauma hits me out of nowhere.
Thankfully, Hizashi's gentle hands help keep me in a right frame of mind. He squeezes my breasts again before pulling back for a moment, rubbing his thumb slowly over my nipples.
"Is this okay, lovebug?"
"Yes." I purr, arching up into his hands eagerly. "I like that a lot."
"Tell me if it becomes too much." He reminds me, before he kisses the little valley between both breasts. "Is that okay?"
"Mhmm..." I massage the hand massaging me. "You can use your mouth, I think. It should be okay."
Even though I assure him, he still moves slowly as he puts his tongue to work. He starts on the least sensitive spot on the soft flesh outside of my boob and slowly works back in to my nipple, asking before he moves in each time. Once he seems to think I've been properly doted upon up there, he pulls back with that familiar worried glaze in his eyes.
"You think you'll be okay if I work my way down? I don't want to rush you."
I gauge my emotions and arousal. My heart's haywire, but not from fear. I'm pretty sure I'll orgasm if he plays his cards right (something Kigai never managed despite touting his conquest of me anytime he could).
"I think it'll be okay. But can you keep moving slowly?" I plead, looking up at him with all the fondness and vulnerability I can muster.
"Of course. I never want to hurt you." He kisses me sweetly, moves up to press another kiss on my forehead, and then moves his hand to rub over my belly while he move his head down so our tongues can dance again.
Soon, his fingers find their mark.
"Fuck, you're soaked." His cock twitches against my thigh as I flush and hide my face behind my hands. His soothing voice lilts into my ear to comfort me. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm glad I make you feel so good. Can I move my fingers?"
"Mhmm..." Even though I don't really say words, my voice still quivers. Not Kigai! I take a few deep breaths to drive my orgasm away so I can talk better."Just...start with my clit a little bit. Don't go straight in yet. I-I need a little more work-up so it'll feel better."
"You got it, lovebug."
His fingers play me like an instrument. And I've learned by now just how good he is at playing any instrument he gets his hands on. He plucks and presses my buttons experimentally until I'm singing out his composition. His finger rings around my clit as he bites my neck. The flurry of pleasure rushing down between my legs surprises me. I didn't think I'd like biting, but color me hot and bothered!
"Zashi!" I yelp out as my back comes off the bed. Endorphins rush through my body as I nearly cum right then. "A-Almost. So close." I pant, trembling under his hands.
"Good, lovebug. Do you want me to rub your clit some more or cum on my fingers?"
I squeak in embarrassment and I give him a half-lidded smile. "I want to feel your fingers...to see if it's going to be okay."
"I'll go slowly. Tell me if you're uncomfortable at any point." He coos, before a finger caresses my entrance. We watch each other as my orgasm builds and he seeks to please me without hurting me.
"I'm going to two now..." He breathes, eyes dilated and hungry as he pushes in another digit and I moan.
My fingers grip his hair and the sheets. So close. Almost there. Please. He keeps the pace slow until I beg him to move a little faster, unable to wait any longer. Almost as soon as he picks up the pace, I'm driven over the edge.
Only right before I cry out his name, I stop. If Kigai knows I'm feeling this good...he'll get jealous. Instinctively, I find my head lulling back as I stare blankly at the ceiling even as sweet bliss floods my senses. You know how good I made you feel, little whore? And you're giving HIM your orgasm?! STOP! You only brought my cub sorrow, bastard. At least Hizashi knows how to please her before himself, you selfish fuckboy.
"Ichan?" Hizashi notices the change instantly and pulls back completely. He turns on his side and covers his bottom half under the covers as he looks at me. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Was that too much? I should have–" But he never finishes.
A sob bursts out of my chest. I cover my face with my hands as the aftershocks of my orgasm bleed into the discordant notes of trauma wracking my body. I want to focus on the pleasure but only pain drips down my cheeks.
"He never made me orgasm." I blubber out, whimpers trickling out of my throat. "I-It felt...like I was going to get in trouble because that was the first time...I'm sorry. I didn't mean to. I'm sorry."
"Hey, shh..." He rubs my shoulder and kisses my cheek. "I'm here. No one's going to hurt you. You're allowed to feel good, lovebug. I'm glad I could make you feel good."
I sniffle as I turn over each of his words, breathing through each of them.
"You're not upset...that you didn't orgasm first...?" I ask fearfully.
"Ichan, if I had my way, I'd make you orgasm until my name was the only thing you could say. It's my pleasure to make you feel good. If I orgasm, that's an icing on the cake, but your happiness will always come first for me." He places his hand at my cheek as he looks at me in earnest.
In a tentative attempt at shouldering past the trauma Kigai left and recapturing the mood, I wrap my arms around his neck and tug at his lip with my teeth.
"Thank you." The sentiment hangs in the air like a comforting shroud for a few moments as we just hold each other. I stare up into the tender yellow of his eyes until I think I'm ready to continue. "I'm ready to try more...if you are?"
"I'm ready only if you're sure you're okay." He kisses my forehead again and combs his fingers through my hair. "How do you want me?"
Kigai's voice still tickles my ears as I think about my next request, but I grit my teeth, take a deep breath, and surge forward. You're mine, whore. You don't get to tell me that I'm yours anymore. Because I'm not! "Can...can you kiss me a little more and then...maybe try...going inside?"
It's a big step. I know it's a big step. But my stubborn determination and Shouta's reassurance ringing in my head that Hizashi will stop anytime I ask him makes the decision. Besides, I've always been driven by my emotions. And right now I'm high on feel-good hormones.
"Are you sure, lovebug? I can move slower if you need me to." Even as he says it, I can tell from his expression that he's eager. And who could blame him? I feel the same.
"I'm sure. I'll tell you if it's too much." I promise.
He doesn't go in right away, even after I reassure him. He's good to me and smatters kisses all over every inch of skin he finds while his fingers work me up again. I close my eyes and allow myself to feel good for once. This...this is what intimacy is supposed to feel like.
"I'm going to move in, lovebug." His voice is strained and I feel his hand on my cheek.
I open my eyes and give him a flushed grin. "Okay, Zashi. I'm okay."
As he moves in, I go from okay to good to great to exquisite. It takes some time - he's still very hesitant - but by the time he's fully buried himself inside me, my thoughts are a mixture of electricity and heady clouds. I start realizing why people call it cloud nine.
"Shit..." He breathes in my ear, sending a pleasant tremor straight down my shoulders and spine. He tries to move away from me but I hold him closer. "You okay?"
"Can you...talk in my ear some more...?" I squeak out, my hips already moving to try and get some friction. We've learned auditory cues are a big trigger for me. I wonder if having some positive auditory cues will help me relax? It's worth a shot. But be on your guard.
I can hear him smirk before he chuckles and gets in close again.
"Like this?" He purrs softly, sending my eyes rolling in my head. "Do you want me to tell you how much I love you? How sweet and loveable you are? How gorgeous?" With each word, he washes away my inhibitions and I feel my muscles relaxing. "I'm going to move now, lovebug. You still okay?"
"Yes." I groan, craning my neck over to indulge in a hot kiss.
I pull back and start trailing my fingers around the shells of his ears resulting in a response that makes me feel good inside. I feel his hips spasm and the high-pitched whine he unleashes in my ear has my body shuddering against him.
"So good...touch me more." His pace grows, and so does my need. "Make me feel good with those delicate fingers. Let me make you feel good, too."
"Zashiiiii..." I whine, moving up to lick his ear to see if that makes him feel good too. I'm not disappointed with the sounds he makes. "You feel good...it doesn't hurt...I love you so much." I whimper as he moves faster and harder.
When we're both at our limit and our orgasm begins to clash together in perfect harmony, Kigai's voice tries to interrupt again. No! You're not in control of me anymore. She's not your puppet!
So when we finally break together? Hizashi's name is the only one in my mind and on my lips.
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justanotherstardrop · 10 months
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Corrin vent (they/them)
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ihathbenobiwankenobied · 10 months
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Obi-Wan Hurt/Comfort and Whump Rec 1: Long Fics
Some of my favorite multi-chaptered or longer form fics (>10K). These are whump, sickfics, angst fics, and hurt/comfort with some very general tags and descriptions. Please make sure you note the tags on ao3 before reading.
I tried to tag everyone I could find here on tumblr, but if you see your fic and want a tag, let me know and I'll add it in. To all the writers, thank you for these fics, I have read each of them multiple times and I am fucking in love with all of them.
Here we go, in no particular order:
Good Man of War - scrapathon
Codywan, OC clones and medics, 16.2K
This fic is so well written and it has some really well-characterized OC clones, including clone medic Zero, as well as a bit of codywan (which I can't resist).
Things Hidden, Things Forgotten- sospes
Codywan, Zygerria/Kadavo arc, 23.5K
This writer has some of the best codywan fics on their roster, but this one absolutely destroys me everytime. This fic covers Zygerria and gets into some of the emotional aspects of the experience for Obi-Wan.
Shoulder the Sky - @kcrabb88
Quinobi, rewritten ending for Palpatine, 149.4K
This fic is part one of the Shoulder the Sky Verse series and is one of my favorite fics of all time. This fic is incredibly detailed, and every character get's their time in the spotlight. The Obi-Wan whump is absolutely delicious, and lasts basically the entirety of this fic. The plot follows Obi-Wan's discovery of the identity of Darth Sidious and how this changes the course of the end days of the Clone Wars.
Whispers from the Dead - @kcrabb88
Quinobi, PTSD and medical trauma, 210K as of 8.14.2023 (WIP)
Another part of the Shoulder the Sky Verse series (please read the fic above first). This fic is a WIP and every time there is a new chapter I drop everything to read it. Equally as emotionally damaging, equally as much whump, and equally perfect characterizations of every single character. I won't spoil the plot, but it's a perfect continuation of the series.
Gaping Hollow - Walpger
Gen - Obi-Wan, Cody, and Ahsoka, Force-exhaustion and hypothermia, 18.1K
Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Cody are trapped in a cave on the ice-planet Vandor and Obi-Wan uses the Force to keep them both warm and alive. This leads to impending Force-exhaustion. This is one of the earliest Obi-Wan-centric h/c fics I read and I love how the author describes Obi-Wan's use of the Force.
Enforced Convalescence - @swbumblebee
Gen - Obi-Wan, clones, and Jedi, sickfic/illness and fluff, 12.5K
Obi-Wan is ill and requires babysitting because he doesn't really know how to rest. This fic is endlessly soft, and Obi-Wan gets taken care of for once in his life. This author writes delightfully soft fics and this one is one of my absolute favorites.
Uja Nejah - @ijustreallylovedaredevil
Gen - Obi-Wan, OC clone medic Stim, clone troopers, Cody, diabetes and medical accuracy, 34.2K
Possibly my favorite fic of all time? Perhaps? Anything by whitchry9 is pure gold and this fic is only one example. This fic follows Obi-Wan's journey through his life as a Jedi diagnosed with diabetes. Deliciously whump, and my favorite OC clone medic, stim. You might as well read the whole series: a series of fics in which Obi Wan Kenobi having a disability somehow saves the galaxy
Iviin’hiibi te Tuur - @ijustreallylovedaredevil
Gen - Obi-Wan, OC clone medic Stim, clone troopers, Cody, epilepsy and medical accuracy, 16.4K
Surprise, surprise, yet another whitchry9 fic. This one is about Obi-Wan's life with epilepsy. This fic also has Stim and has a few extra oneshots that can be read with it.
every shadow - @kenobster
Gen - Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex, Ahsoka, Cody, 501st, Zygerria/Kadavo arc and recovery, 34.9K as of 8.14.2023 (WIP)
This fic is a WIP and at 3/9 chapters, so I am going to to use part of the author's summary here: "during the mass casualty event following Kadavo and Zygerria, Obi-Wan and Anakin seek ways to cope with trauma." I am absolutely glued to this fic, and have already read all three chapters multiple times.
Finding Obi-Wan - @stolen-pen-name23
Gen - Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka, amnesia and angst, 86.8K
For the record, I think I read the entirety of this fic in one day because I just couldn't put it down. In this fic, Obi-Wan loses his memory and finds himself in the lower levels of Coruscant.
something inside this heart has died (you're in ruins) - revanchxst (BadWolfGirl01)
Codywan (implied or pre-slash), Zygerria/Kadavo arc, 22.6K
In this fic, Cody joins Obi-wan on the Zygerria arc rather than Rex. Very painful with a sprinkling of codywan. 1000 kudos for this fic.
The Consequences of a Crash - happygiraffe
Gen or pre-slash Obi-Wan & Anakin, crash-landing injury/infection, 44.9K
ALRIGHT. Alright. This is the first long-fic I read in this fandom, and remains one of my favorites to this day. Delicious whump, a really wonderful look at Obi-Wan and Anakin's relationship, especially as Anakin has just become a Jedi Knight. I reread this one at least once a month.
See My Dreams All Die - @hellotemporaryuniverse
Obi-Wan & Cody (implied codywan), torture by Darth Sidious, 34.7K
This fic is absolutely brutal in the best way. In this fic, Anakin dies and Sidious is looking for a new apprentice. Such good whump.
From the Same Stone - @kckenobi
Gen - Obi-Wan & Anakin, concussion and poisoning, 8.1K
I'm already breaking my own rules, because this fic is under 10K, but this fic is one of my favorites and it's just long enough that it felt like it should be included on this list. In this fic, Obi-Wan and Anakin get trapped in a mine and are slowly ingesting a toxin.
|to failure, sweet victor| - littlekaracan
Codywan, angst and physical fights, 20K
This fic is as fucking bittersweet as it gets. Absolutely destroys me with every read. This fic follows Obi-Wan and Cody on Tatooine, but Cody's chip can't be removed until it has deteriorated to a certain point. As a result, sometimes Cody isn't quite himself.
battle scars - series - @calltomuster
Gen - Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, and Anakin, PTSD and medical trauma, 27.2K
This series gets into some of Obi-Wan's medical trauma and why avoids medical treatment. I can't get enough of the OC clone medic, Fuzzy, and I love how well the author writes Obi-Wan's PTSD.
shoulder the sky - series - Night_Fury
Codywan, Cerasi & Obi-Wan Kenobi & Nield, Qui-Gon & Obi-Wan, PTSD, temporary death, recovery, 196.1K
What can I say about this series? Probably too much. You will just need to read it to find out. Just read it.
chronic conditions - @deniigi
Codywan and clones, epilepsy and chronic illness, 13.1K
Yet another epileptic Obi-wan fic, this one through the lens of Kix and Cody. I am absolutely mesmerized by how this author writes, and I keep going back to this one over and over again.
Six Times Ahsoka Thought Her Grandmaster Was Dead, and the One Time He Actually Was - @pandora15 and lazarusII
Gen - Obi-Wan & Ahsoka, deathfic, 12.3K
The title says it all. You will be in pain.
heavy off a golden hue - @catboydogma
Codywan, hanahaki and chronic illness, 36.7K
This is a series which looks at Obi-Wan's life with chronic Hanahaki. This is such an amazing series, another set of fics I read in one sit-down.
Suddenly this is defeat - ealcynn
Gen, Landing at Point Rain and major injury, 13.3K
This fic is in first-person POV and does an incredible job of portraying Obi-Wan's perspective on the events based on the episode Landing at Point Rain.
This incessant snow - ealcynn
Gen, Landing at Point Rain and major injury, 20.7K
Part two to the above fic. Another extremely well-written fic. I absolutely adore the way Obi-Wan is written.
We Can Be Beautiful - OuzoAthena11
Codywan, panic attacks, 23.2K
The fic summary on ao3 says it best, "Five times Obi-Wan deals with anxiety or a panic attack and one time he causes minor anxiety in someone else." Really well written and soft fic.
Count My Little Scars I've Got Dozens Inside - nuclearturtle
Codywan (as adults), angst and de-aging, 27.1K
A de-aged Obi-Wan fic where Dooku attempts to gain his trust, but inevitably, doesn't. Very angsty. Extremely angsty.
Conjuring Miracles - @kcrabb88
Gen - Obi-Wan, Leia, Tala, Vader, PTSD, 29.8K
Another one by this author. In this fic, Tala doesn't get to Obi-Wan in time, and he ends up being taken with Leia to the the inquisitor base. There, he encounters Vader.
Rapture - @galateagalvanized
Codywan, depowered character, 62.5K
I think the summary on ao3 says it best, "An independent terrorist cell has developed a weapon capable of severing the bond between a Jedi and the Living Force. They test it on High General Obi-Wan Kenobi." Wonderful whump mixed with a great story, and of course, codywan.
Always Gold - happygiraffe
Gen - Obi-Wan & Anakin, terminal illness/cancer, 10K
In this fic, Obi-Wan is dying of cancer and just wants the best for his padawan. Prepare yourself, this one hurts.
As an Obi-Wan whump writer myself, I can't help but throw a couple of my own here (not that these are by any means on par with the quality of the incredible fics above). I have linked a couple below if you are interested:
orbit me slowly
Codywan, burns and recovery, 15.3K
After an injury leaves Obi-Wan down and out, he realizes that time isn't as unlimited as he once believed
green is the colour
Codywan, sickfic and injury, 14K
Obi-Wan, sick with the flu, is cornered by hundreds of droids. Cody and Anakin come to his rescue, but there is unresolved tension between them.
Hope you all enjoy this list!
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Update 27 Nov 23
Ko-Fi thing
You can call me Nyarla, I guess.
Or "Yo She-Bitch." Either's cool.
Soooo I figured I might need to make one of those MASTERLIST things because I cannot stop writing (which is the most amazing feeling ever when I've been in a writer's block for months).
It's just One Piece Live Action right now, but as my confidence increases I might post some of my other fandom work.
I'm Open for Requests for OPLA fics and headcanon. Primarily Character X FemaleReader, but I'm flexible.
I do reserve the right to not write every single request that is asked, since I am human and my abilities do have limitations, but I swear I will try.
I'm not squeamish about much of anything, so don't refrain. I'll always post any necessary ⚠️Trigger Warnings⚠️ right here with the links.
I'm always open to requests for Shanks, Mihawk, Zoro, and Sanji. Possibly also Buggy, Luffy, Usopp, Koby, and Helmeppo, but I haven't written them much, so please bear with me if it takes me a bit to respond.
Honestly please bear with me if it takes me a while to respond to Asks/Requests in general because I get really nervous about getting them perfect.
Some things about the weirdo that's writing this shit can be found here
The Lovely Alphabet (NSFW)
Dialog I Presently Have No Use For
(But might eventually) (basically mini dialogue-centric fics that may make there way into something else later or might not)
01 Get Out
02 Can We Keep Her?
03 What Happens in Loguetown
04 Coffins and Coping Mechanisms
05 Kitty
06 Send Help
07 Pep Talk
08 Death Wish
09 Oh No Not Again
10 Shanty Time!
11 No Sleep
12 The Throngler™
The Best Boys
First Kiss
Material Boys (NSFW)
I Don't Even Know Music Or Something?
Ooooh...Kinky ;D (NSFW)
In the Kitchen
Because I Got High
Short Stuff
ABCs of Kink (NSFW)
D is for Dominance (First Kiss sequal)
P is for Public Blacksmith's Daughter Part 1 . . . Part 2 . . . Part 3
Your Scars Are Mine (NSFW)
(Trigger Warnings for Self-Harm, Blood, Implied PTSD)
Ch. 1 . . . Ch. 2 . . . Ch. 3
Ten Years (unofficial sequel to YSAM) (NSFW)
Mood Swings (mostly SFW headcanons)
Hearing Problems (NSFW eventually)
Guess this is important
All OC Face Claims and Character Sheet Links
Ch.1 . . . Ch. 2 . . . Ch. 3 . . . Ch. 4 . . . Ch. 5 . . . Ch. 6 . . . Ch. 7
Late Night Chats
X plus-sizeReader Headcanons (NSFW)
Tongue Ring headcanons
Strawhat Stowaway Ch. 1 . . . Ch. 2
Redhead suppremacy (sfw headcanons)
(...I hope)
(Some titles subject to change)
Tongue Ring (F is for Food Play)
Blacksmith's Daughter part 2 (P is for Public, ABC's of Kink)
O is for O Denial
B is for Brat Tamer
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batshieroglyphics · 2 months
[FIC] Nothing But Bones ~ Star Wars Prequels ~ Alpha-17/Obi-Wan Kenobi ~ Mature
Title: Nothing But Bones Fandom: Star Wars Prequel Era Author: Batsutousai Rating: Mature Pairing: Alpha-17/Obi-Wan Kenobi, background cloneshipping Warnings: Alternate Universe, Order 66, post-Order 66, PTSD, non-binary clone troopers, survivor's grief, OC death, bad coping methods, original slave characters, miscommunication Summary: Alpha-17 finds Obi-Wan, after the galaxy's gone to hell.
Seventeen looked across at him. Kenobi had lowered the blaster, but he hadn't put it away. He looked tired, worn down and suspicious, and Seventeen found themself wanting to reach out to him, to pull him close and hug him, like Baar had done during bad nights on Kamino. (Somehow, they'd gone soft, in the years between Rattatak and now. They weren't certain how to feel about that.) "I thought you were dead," Seventeen admitted, knew from the way that Rokaia stiffened that she understood. They'd thought Kenobi would, too—they'd never been able to hide much from him, not with his Force—but he just sighed and asked, in a tired voice, "Why are you here, Seventeen?" Seventeen took a moment to debate all the possible answers to that, before saying, "I came here to die." Rokaia let out a sound like she'd been stabbed, while Kenobi just closed his eyes, looking tired and worn as thin as Seventeen felt. "Where's Cody?" Seventeen had to ask, because they couldn't imagine the little shit would allow their general out on his own, not when his mere existence was a crime. "Cody," Kenobi said, agony in his voice, "ordered me shot." Seventeen felt the words like a bolt in the gut, couldn't stop from staggering to the side, Rokaia dragged along with, shouting their name, until they could lean against the nearest wall, trying to catch their breath, to breathe through the horror of Cody, just another faceless body in armour, wanting the Jedi they'd sworn to Seventeen to guard with their life—on pain of a punishment spar or suicide runs or whatever punishment Seventeen thought would hurt enough—dead. Kriff, they did not need that nightmare fuel. They felt Rokaia pulling away from them, opened their eyes to look, see why, only to find Kenobi had approached, within easy reach, and Seventeen couldn't stop themself from reaching out, towards him, needing to touch, to know he was real. Kenobi flinched. Seventeen froze, hands outstretched, thought about pulling away. Stepping back. Leaving. (Their voice had ordered him shot; their face had stood for a mutiny, had stared blankly at the scene of a murder; they could not blame Kenobi if he wanted nothing to do with them.) Except, then, Kenobi reached out, catching one of Seventeen's hands with his own. Seventeen felt it like an electroshock, couldn't tell if they wanted to flinch back or lunge forward, and so was left trapped in stillness, watching Kenobi step forward, closer still, close enough that Seventeen could wrap their hands around his throat and squeeze. (They were a weapon, had always been, but they had never felt quite so dangerous around Kenobi before, not like this.) "Are you going to shoot me?" Kenobi asked, quiet. Something in Seventeen felt like it had cracked open, raw and bleeding, and they had to swallow down bile or a scream, they couldn't say which, before they could say, "No." Swallowed again, harder, and managed to add, "I'm gonna shoot Cody." Kenobi's smile was a bitter, brittle thing, and Seventeen couldn't resist, any more, the urge to pull him close, against their chest, and wrap their arms around him, ignoring his stiffness, the terror that they hadn't seen on Rattatak, not once, but fancied they could smell on him, now. Kenobi stayed stiff for a moment that dragged into hours and days, before he relaxed with a whispered, "Oh," and strong hands came up to clench at Seventeen's shoulders, tight enough to ache, to hopefully leave bruises deep, where they would throb for days, so Seventeen couldn't forget that this was real, that he was real. Here. Alive. "I thought you were dead," Seventeen said again, tried not to care when their voice cracked. "I'm not," Kenobi whispered, and squeezed Seventeen's shoulders, then pulled away.
You can read the whole fic on Archive of Our Own!
Please take pity on a poor starving author and reblog this post? (Doubly important for rare-pairs, y'all.)
74 notes · View notes
insult-2-injury · 1 year
A Worthy Distraction
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Header by my wonderful and talented friend @drawlypsy. Please go check out their work, they're fucking amazing.
AO3 Link NSFW Dottore/femReader, murder couple, dirty talk, fingering, questionable coping mechanisms, over the pants feelies, villains will be villains, trauma
[This is a Genshin OC one-shot I wrote for friends and then rewrote into a reader insert. Some tenses and stuff may be a little wonky here and there, but I think I caught most of it. It is only a tad OC-centric, as reader does have a backstory, but it's minor and shouldn't make a difference. Idk. There's smut.]
The lowdown: reader has anemo vision w/ pyro delusion, has one metal claw hand and PTSD to match
You lay on your side, sprawled out across an uncomfortable-looking exam table like a cat in a patch of sun, yawning and stretching as you awoke from a short nap. Head twitching to the side, Dottore acknowledged your entry into the waking world with a rigid nod and a tiny quirk of his lips, something that could almost be categorized as a rigid smile, before turning back to the subject on his table. 
You shot him a cheeky grin, unruly tufts of your hair falling across your face as you did so. Your socked foot tapped a rhythm onto the metal beneath, warm now with the prolonged heat of your body. Your head thumped back against the metal… Bored. So bored.
Archons, you were just as ambitious as he when it came to testing out new ideas and just as prone to getting lost for hours in the mental process of it all. But he had been at this experiment for days, barely sleeping, hardly eating. Your best friend Ana was off on some secret Fatui mission, his more tolerable clones were deployed in Sumeru, and chatting up the locals was apparently a non-starter. Besides, it wasn’t your fault anyway that the local creperie burned down. And, unrelated, what kind of creperie ran out of fucking crepes?
You were bored. So completely and utterly bored. You sat up, criss-crossing your legs beneath you in order to better watch the Doctor work.
Dottore was a straight line– seemed perfectly content staying in one spot for an entire day, his mind single tracked and obsessive. You, on the other hand, took the path of a crack of lightning, your interests branching and changing rapidly, new revelations branching into new ideas and new ideas springing into new experiments and it was a wonder you ever finished anything at all. You always did benefit from someone who could help organize the near constant fusillade of inspirations in your head. 
You used to have someone. Now they were the ghost in every corner.
You needed distractions. And a man possessed could provide no such thing. Your fingers twitched and the pyro delusion warmed on your hip. Then burned. You inhaled sharply, your heart rate picking up.
You blinked away at the encroaching visions that threatened to steal you, usher you inside. The disembodied voices and the ghostly feeling… the familiar mourning of the fiercest kind of love expanding in your chest but with no vessel, no discernible memory to hive it away in. So full yet so terribly out of reach and–
“You’re fidgety tonight,” Prime said calmly and you gasped, your eyes shooting open in time to catch the fire blossoming at your fingertips, having singed a small hole through the thin fabric of your shorts. Cursing, you swatted at the smoke as he continued evenly. “Go take a walk outside if you must.”
You allowed the span of a few centering breaths to pass as your gaze fell upon Dottore’s raven mask laying on the counter behind him. Your gaze darted back to his uncovered features and you found yourself drawn in, and not for the first time. It was a recent breakthrough, one he’d made no announcement of despite the shock when he’d removed the thing in front of you; a promising sign of trust from a man who so lauded in the unsettling air of mystery he exuded.
You fiddled with the mask in your own hair as you observed. The ancient scar that crossed the bridge of his nose and extended up to his right temple, eyes untouched, the rest of his face pale, smooth, and unscathed. The scar that he could easily remove with his scientific prowess yet he kept it just the same. You’d always reckoned it was a reminder of something; a tether of sorts.
And Celestia knows a mind without a tether was a dangerous thing. Yes, you thought, Celestia would know, indeed.
You let out a sudden shriek of laughter, unprovoked.
“Ah, shucks. You’re always trying to send me away,” you chided finally, rolling the singed fabric between your thumb and forefinger. “Besides, it’s the middle of the night, bozo.” 
The stiff, weary shake of his head was indicative that he was now only slightly bothered by the plethora of nicknames that you’d coined to get under his skin. Good, you thought with delight, he’d better get used to it.
“I mean, heck,” you continued, throwing up your arms, “who knows what kind of monsters are skulking about out there?”
Dottore’s piercing, crimson eyes latched onto yours and you smiled at the clear meaning within.
Worse than me?
A familiar shock of yearning racked the length of your spine. You gnawed at the inside of your cheek, noting the way his eyes flicked to the motion of your lips before slowly drawing back up, almost expressionless. But you knew his little intricacies by now; the indiscernible twitch of his eyelids when you toed the line with him, the drumming of those long, elegant fingers against any available service whenever he was in deep thought. 
How he studied you when he thought you weren’t paying attention.
You had always been attracted to the dark; where flame cast light upon a brick wall you were drawn to the shadows that slid effortlessly in between, morphing and making their quiet nests within the cracks in mortar. Yes, Dottore was indeed a darkly beautiful thing, you thought, not allowing your gaze to stray from his.
“I was under the impression you could handle yourself,” he said coolly, but the bladed glint in his unflinching stare was bright and calculating, even beneath the eerie shadows cast over his features by the medical lamp above. “Was I wrong to think so?”
Hmph. All work and no play made the Doctor cranky. Your nose twitched and you cocked your head, lips curling coyly.
“I can handle myself just fine,” you said, baring your teeth. “But you’d miss me, wouldn’t you?” You placed your chin in your palm to drum fingers against your cheekbones but didn’t wait for his answer. “So I’ll stay right here. For the good Doctor’s sake, of course.” 
You winked.
“For my sake. Of course,” he murmured, examining your wide, inciting grin and the butterfly flutter of your eyelashes. A tiny quirk of his lips betrayed his forced impassivity before he put a pin in the expanding balloon of tension by turning back to the body on the table silently.
You swallowed down the uncharacteristic dryness in your throat.
There were different routes you could take to get your desired result, one that would ease the ache between your legs and provide you a worthy distraction from the ghosts in every corner. You were used to people winding up putty in your hands, pliable and needy; even the self righteous ones. You just had a gift about you, an impulsive need for control in all senses of the word that people just responded to.
Except him.
To have Prime in your greedy clutches would be nothing short of euphoric. But there was something ancient and omniscient about him that made him effortlessly superior to them all, as if he would slip like sand through the fingers of anyone who tried to hold him. He was patient, unhurried; a lone viper coiled atop its rock, full-bellied and confident in his supremacy, so many leagues above that he had all the time in the world.
Your lips twitched. But, so did you now, didn’t you? Cursed with immortality and ironically bestowed the power to alter time; a power that centuries ago you would have used to pulverize the very forces that had granted them to you in the first place. But time just wasn’t enough for you. You were a creature starved. You wanted to devour and destroy each moment now until nothing remained but the burning foundation. And even that must go.
Your mind strayed again and you fought to ground yourself. All must go.
You hissed between your teeth, leaping off the table to take up space beside Dottore, shoulder pressing into his as you studied his bloody work. You viewed his profile in your periphery; his bladed nose, the soft, steel blue curls that framed his face, the slight, disapproving curl of his lips downward as he was jostled.
“Need any assistance?” you said brightly.
“I do not.” His hands began to move carefully across the corpse, but you knew enough about his craft and were observant enough to see that his focus wasn’t on the experiment before him. 
 “Hm… You want a drink or something?” 
“No,” he said shortly, and then as if remembering himself, “... but thank you.”
“Well, you must be hungry at least.” Your long fingers dared to wrap his elbow, fiddling with the rolled up arms of his blue linen shirt before trailing up to his bicep, squeezing. “Goodness, you’re all skin and bones, crazy you can even hold that scalpel like you are. It’s almost like… like… like holding a flimsy little test tube…”
Dottore’s chin dipped, the slope of his nose tipping down toward your mocking countenance, which faltered slightly when his gaze dropped briefly to the two fingers now trailing over the sharp buckles of his arm bands. You hadn’t touched Prime before besides the occasional brushing of shoulders and on the surface, he didn’t seem the type to enjoy such things. Maybe all it took was the right button.
But Prime only hummed, crimson red eyes rising.
“Your actions suggest you desire to take this man’s place.” His voice was soft but rife with danger. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips and you cocked your head to the side like a mischievous crow. You seemed to share the same steady breath back and forth as you studied each other for a short moment.
“Suit yourself, old man,” you chirped, conjuring a gust of anemo to tousle his loose, hanging locks of unruly hair before releasing his arm abruptly and in a blur of motion swinging around to his other side. “You’re loads of fun, you know that? Have your harbinger friends ever told you what a dream you are?”
Friends. Maybe there was a segment of him that had what one could call a friend but Prime, you had observed, seemed to have no interest in any social dealings that didn’t involve the business of sinister diplomacy. The only person who came around here often enough was Pantalone, and you could hardly call a wallet a friend.
Not that you had many tried and true friendships besides Ana. There was, of course, the pink-haired stick bug that was a package deal with your best friend and he seemed to be warming up to you a bit, but on the whole, people just seemed to tolerate you. Not your fault. Social skills were a fucking bitch.
“Has anyone ever told you how exasperating you really are?” he retorted and then continued, softly mocking, like he was speaking to a child. “This experiment is a particularly sensitive one that requires a certain amount of space and time to complete. Space and time that you seem unwilling to provide.”
“Provide?” You giggled and leaned in close, voice a low purr in his ear. “You get awfully mean when you’re frustrated, Doctor.” And you swung from him, sauntering away.
On a shelf across the room, a little radio sat playing quiet soul music. With one slow stroke of your forefinger across the dial, you turned the volume up, wiggling your hips to the music as you bent across the counter. But when you peeked over your shoulder, he was paying you no mind. Worse, he was turned completely around, vials clanking as he fiddled with something in the depths of his cabinets. Your sly grin turned into a wrathful frown as you glared.
Taking the radio beneath one arm, you spun around to bow comically low, your free arm splayed out like the spread wing of a bird about to take flight. A gust of anemo slammed the cabinet door in his face and he paused, hand still mid air. Then, terribly slow, he turned, eyes hooded and serpentlike but otherwise expressionless. You waited for his full attention with a feral grin on your face before you flicked the volume up another notch and spun out of the stance.
Your socks slid clumsily across the rubber floor as you moved with exaggerated motions, using the radio as a dance partner, swaying to the egregiously loud music. And to add insult to injury, you sang along, too, belting out the words like you were doing all this to save your own life. 
Dottore’s eyes were all that moved as they followed, crimson glowing in your periphery as you twirled. And even if he had raised his voice above the cacophony, you wouldn’t have been able to hear him. But his gaze challenged just the same.
You shrugged, turned the volume up to max and watched his eyelids twitch in contemplation before he started to carefully put the corpse before him away, zipping them into a body bag before rolling the table away and into the walk-in freezer. He returned, surprisingly gloveless fingers casually brushing down the front of his pants.
All the while, you danced closer, singing and laughing with frenzied glee, winding up to perform a full running slide toward him. But a small, abrupt twitch of Dottore’s wrist paired with a warning, devilish tick of his lips had you dropping the radio in order to conjure your polearm, spinning it elegantly above your head. 
The cogs of a clock rotated before your eyes, a secondhand wheeling at an impossible speed. With practiced ease, you whirled it swiftly back, resetting the clock. You slid to a steady halt in front of him.
The giant needle, half the size of you, that would feasibly have torn into your flesh floated innocently now beside his head, gleaming in the fluorescent light. You searched him with razor eyes, a cocked grin on your face as you reached out with the deadly point of a clawed finger to prop under his chin while the other wiggled beneath the center strap of his harness to pull his face closer. “You weren’t actually going to use that little pin trick on me, were you? I was looking for a dance partner, princess,” you tutted, “not a fight.”
And not taking your gaze off his, you stretched out with your free hand to slowly turn the point of the intimidating needle away from yourself. “Ooh, that is sharp, though!” you remarked. “Very impressive, doctor, I should fashion you up a fancy shmancy corkboard to match. Because you know, I’m nice like that. Now, wanna tell me why you’d go and ruin my good fun?”
“Your good fun…” He hummed regretfully. The finger beneath his chin dug in and he chuckled, a dark blaze of interest in his eyes. “You are right, my dear, I may have overreacted. Well, I am sorry, for all that my word is worth. I simply had the strangest inkling you weren’t listening to me. But now…” The corners of his lips twitched just slightly. “Now you must think me quite uncivil.”
You grinned and met him in the middle of the playing field, the claw beneath his chin falling to round his neck. “You did forget your manners there for a second, huh?”
Dottore hummed, leaning unexpectedly forward and into the grip of your unmoving talons. It seemed every segment of the Doctor favored a nice side plate of anguish, and Prime was no different. They really were just flowers plucked from the same garden. 
The talon of your thumb dug into his pulse point and he let out the softest groan, his breath tickling the strands of hair across your forehead. 
One of his hands peeled your hold carefully from round his neck, holding it instead against his chest. You swallowed down a secret, hidden delight born of being held by a being who did not often seek out the pleasures of touch. In this moment, he was yours. Your Prime.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head, Doctor,” you said, “I can think of several ways to atone.” 
Clawed hand laced beneath his, your free hand trailed down to his lower abdomen, pausing so as to peer up at him through your eyelashes. His breathing remained practiced and steady but there was no mistaking the muscles that twitched and jumped beneath his shirt as your fingers danced innocently from hip to hip. His tongue darted out to wet his lips and his eyes rose to meet yours.
“I shudder to think what punishments a mind such as yours could dream up,” he said lightly. 
Too lightly. Too unbothered. 
“I’d only give as much as you’re able to take, of course.”
“Ah, of course.” 
Dottore huffed out a dark laugh, his free hand rising up to almost tenderly stroke the ticklish outline of your jaw before falling to cup beneath. “I’ve been told I’m long-winded but you don’t give up do you? An admirable trait in some circumstances, I suppose. But you are a horribly impatient thing.” 
His thumb pushed into the plush of your bottom lip, quietly admiring the give of it, the shades of red warping under his shifting pressure. “Although I suppose I have been quite busy, haven’t I?” he crooned and you felt a bright flicker of irritation at the implication that your entire time here had thus far revolved around a one-sided pining for him.
No, no. That wouldn’t do.
You had intended on taking him quick once he showed interest, but something bright and oddly delicate within the depths of your chest had you slowing down. Besides, you supposed a bit of teasing wouldn’t hurt. 
“Being elbow deep in your funny little corpses all day makes you awful ornery. I just think you could use a break.”
Your hand dropped those final fatal inches, brushing along the front of his pants, fingers dragging a slow, lazy rhythm across the twitching hardness beneath. Archons, he was big. And he knew it, too. Had no reservations about pushing his hips forward and into your grip just to watch your eyes widen.
With a centering intent, you located and swiped across the tip, pressing there to savor the bead of precum wetting slowly through. His grip tightened painfully on your jaw and his own thumb jerked forward, sliding between your teeth. His eyes dipped closed almost as if to center himself, his finger resting on the pad of your tongue.
Dottore’s crimson gaze reemerged and fell transfixed upon the digit you pinched between your teeth before releasing. His voice was surprisingly even when he spoke again. “Tell me what you want.”
“You on your knees,” you said candidly, stroking along his length again, so hot against the palm of your flesh hand. “Some begging would be nice.”
His chuckle was a roll of thunder, sinister and foreboding. “Oh? How forward,” he remarked.
“And just a liiiittle bit of your time. Since like you said, you’ve been so busy. Then we can go back to pretending you haven’t wanted this since the very beginning. Is that so much to ask?”
The slow, wicked curl of Dottore’s lips would have sent anyone else running for the hills, but not you, a vicious thread of want unspooling between your thighs at the sight. To have such villainous lips pressing not only to yours but to your legs, your breasts, your everything.
The thought gave you pause, if only for a moment, a lapse that he took full advantage of as he dragged his palms up your sides with the leisure of a man with unlimited patience, his presence hot and solid, thumbs brushing, swooping purposefully along the outside swell of your breasts before trekking back down to settle on your hips. 
“You just want a little bit of my time,” he repeated, nodding, “of course.”
You frowned. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. With a sudden, urgent need to unravel him, you yanked his hips closer with a tug of his belt buckle. “Then why don’t you kneel, hm? Or better yet, pet, why don’t you get on all 4’s for me?”
Dottore’s chest rumbled against yours. “You know,” he said gently, “you were right about me.” Something about his tone had your brows knitting with unease, stomach twisting.
“Was I?”
“I do get mean when I’m frustrated.”
With a single toss of his head, three things happened in sequence. 
One, the needle beside Dottore’s head, the one your elemental skill had been holding in place, impaled into the tile behind you with a deafening crack. Two, there was a terrible sound of something whirring to life. And three, a cloud of winged darkness descended upon the two of you.
Ravens. Too many to count. With bright turquoise eyes and mechanical cries. They were jet black with gold stitching; the man couldn’t help but put signature pieces of himself into every one of his creations and these were no different.
A sudden, predatory step forward by Dottore sent you pedaling away, movement stalled by the backs of your legs hitting against the flat head of the embedded needle, too low to sit on, too wide to skirt around. Instinctively, your fingers found a stabling purchase in the center strap of his harness before you could topple backwards as he drove forward still.
In a terribly awkward mimicry of a ballroom dip, you hung off him, head whipping to the side to ward off the flurry of winged creatures that swept viciously past your faces like an ocean riptide. Spinning, they.painted an almost ethereal backdrop of black wings behind him for but a moment before they fell in a swirling formation around the two of you.
A tempestuous wind, one that matched the power and complexity of your frenzied mind, built with a vengeance around your feet as you swung your sharp gaze to his. Your taloned hand gripped into the blue linen of his shirt as you found an awkward balance, teetering backwards still, knuckles digging punishingly into his chest as you glared up at him.
“This isn’t fun for me,” you complained. “I’m not having fun.”
“Pity.” A thick laugh at your expense flowed like a dark lullaby from his chest as he addressed you with a sharp-toothed grin, ignoring the anemo tantrum even as his hair swept wildly across his face.
“Do you like control?”
“Yes,” you wheezed up at him, neck straining from the effort of holding your head up to glare at him. “I do. I really, really, do.”
“As it happens, so do I.”
“Oh well boo you, you absolute bore. You know, I was wondering where you kept that backbone.”
Both time and an unquelled fury had afforded you the capabilities to destroy a village with a single spin of your polearm. You both knew you could level the playing field if you wanted. And quite literally, too. But despite the terrible yearning to pin him into the nearest wall, to see him come apart at your hands, the storm remained strangely controlled. Even as you clung to him while he explored the notches of your spine gently, the movement clashing with that familiar lilt of cruelty with which he spoke.
“What was it you were searching for, hm?” he crooned. “For me to shirk the integrity of my research just for a meaningless dalliance? You seem to quite fancy the notion of vexing me into compliance, seeing how you’ve been trying to get this spine of yours bent over one of my exam tables for how many weeks now? You spoke of punishment earlier, well I’d like to subvert that notion entirely. Of what use are you having around at all if you only seek to meddle in my work?”
“Four,” you said simply and then in the following silence supplied, “four weeks I mean. And you’re in no position to be tossing around death threats. Not with those arms.”
“Aren’t I?”
Punishment came in the form of his fingers withdrawing from your spine, instead languidly dragging around to your lower stomach. Crimson eyes observed your reactions carefully as he slid a wriggling middle finger across the thin fabric of your shorts, mapping out and nestling between the hidden folds there. His eyes darkened with hunger at the intoxicating sound of your breath hitching. He pressed upward with the pad of that finger, carefully avoiding where you needed his touch most, circling your clothed entrance and basking in the heat emanating between your thighs.
“Shall I proceed?”
“Shall I proceed?” you mocked in a gruff voice. “What is this, open heart surgery? Pass me the scalpel, Doctor.”
“That could be arranged,” he responded, voice tight.
A quiet whine loosened from your throat when his arm slid around your lower back to better support his endeavor as he pressed his thumb into your clit. In a launched counterattack, you slashed four thin strips into his shirt with a flick of your wrist, then hoisted yourself up to his ear by wrapping the back of his neck.
“You want to look at my brain, too?” you said breathlessly. “You can finger fuck that, too, if you want.”
The arm around your back tightened painfully. He continued his exploration of the shape of your cunt, picking up a slow rhythm with two fingers circling your clit. The hand on your tailbone dragged up until it tangled into your hair, holding you there in the crook of his neck while he turned to whisper against your cheekbone.
“I wouldn’t put such temptations into my head, pet.”
“Nothing that wasn’t already there.”
“You are dangerously drawn to the profane, I’m afraid. Hm. What to do, what to do… I think the only way to silence such a perverse mind is to deprive it of what it craves most, wouldn’t you agree?” 
He paused in his ministrations.
You were sure the glare you yanked back to sear him with could've taken out a small village. “No. I would not.”
Dottore chuckled low, but the tone was something you’d never heard, so tattered and almost restrained. Your eyes flicked down to the space between them and you smirked when you saw just how restrained he really was. He snatched your jaw and pulled your focus back to him, squeezing into the meat of your cheeks when you bared your teeth at him.
“You’re not incorrect, though, I have weighed the merits of studying such a specimen as you.”
“Ooh,” you grinned. “Intimately?”
He turned your face to the side to examine. “By and large, people are just a complex sum of their parts but you…”
You’re a person of jagged, scattered pieces I haven’t quite figured out yet.
“-You’ve been useful to me thus far. But all things fade and my patience wears thin.”
The murder of ravens dove back toward you with the command of an unseen signal and you closed your eyes and giggled as talons caught in the mask in your hair, knocking it completely off your head. But when the cold strike of metal wings slit into the sleeve of your shirt, slicing a thin crimson line across your shoulder, your eyes narrowed onto his with a deadpan, lethal focus.
“Do you want to know what happens if you keep pushing? Hm?” His fingers retreated until they splayed across your lower stomach instead.
“Do tell.”
“The bite of a single raven is painless when compared to, let’s say the bite of a scalpel against unsuspecting skin,” he murmured and his lips curled into a razor smile in response to the shiver that drove down your spine even as you vowed not to react. 
“But just imagine in that creative head of yours… the onslaught of hundreds of tiny blades clipping away at flesh. Talons tearing into skin, muscle, perhaps even bone, reducing you to nothing but your base components in none but an instant. A deplorable thought, isn’t it.” The birds dive bombed again and you vibrated with the strangest kind of fever, your eyes fluttering shut as you teetered with the adrenaline, the hypnotizing lull of his voice as he spoke of Death.
Death. That big old thing with wings. Shy and sweet - that shadowed creature that flitted just there at the corner of your eye. Always there, gone no matter how swiftly you turned to look. Soft and unforgiving, a small comfort, as light as the feather of a single raven. That’s all they were, just feathers across time. 
“Open your eyes.” You did with a whine, locking onto Dottore with a furrowed brow, your hands trailing up to bury into his shoulders, recentering yourself with reality. “After all, those would go first, I’m sure. Ravens are inclined to burrow, build their nests in high places. Ah, perhaps I’ll put your skull on my bookshelf. What a pretty sight that would be,” he crooned. His thumb swept up and smoothed across your brow almost comfortingly, circling down to rest on the crest of your cheekbone. Your head buzzed and a deadly impatience gnawed at the place his hand rested unmoving on your belly.
“It is a pain beyond the bounds of human comprehension, to die in such a way, at least from what I’ve borne witness to. Is it Death that you crave? I wouldn’t allow a creature such as yourself a tedious end, you know. No, you deserve something more… remarkable.” With an uncharacteristic bout of submission that had his head cocking in satisfaction, you allowed his hand to wrap your neck, the experimental squeeze like a trigger, your hips rolling needily into his. 
“So I’d beg you the question, what comes next?” he asked. “What happens if you continue to push and push?”
Dottore’s erection dug into the soft of your stomach when you pressed forward, your palms rising to cup his face in wonder. Your eyes followed the track of his swallow. 
Such a beautiful distraction he was. 
“Oh, Dottore… Oh, please, Dottore,” you sang out like a damsel in distress before lightning quick, you wrenched his head to the side to hiss in his ear. “So poetic. Romantic, even. Death by a thousand cuts and all that. Listen, I’ll tell you what happens,” you panted, a pyro fervor rising quickly to the surface of your skin. “Birds or no birds, if you don’t make me cum, I’ll call every last scrap of power you so sweetly bestowed upon me just to incinerate this place to nothing but the ashes of your hard work. What a fucking waste that would be, hm? No punishment quite like the consequences of your own actions is there? Oop! Hello karma, let me introduce you to my good friend the Doctor!” You tittered when the muscles of his jaw clenched beneath your grip.
“And then, Doctor, when we’re both standing here in the rubble of this archon forsaken place, I will go out of my way to abuse the laws of time just to make sure you suffer over and over again and then I will burn you, Prime, I will burn you if you don’t move your fucking fingers right now-”
The rest of your sentiment was cut off by a fist clenching into your hair, tearing your lips away from his ear and crushing them against his own. With a shattered groan, he poured his frustration down your throat while he did exactly as you requested, picking up an intensely fast rhythm against your clit that had you clawing at his biceps, startled from the sudden friction, your squeal of surprise swallowed whole by the violence of his kiss.
There was nothing gentle about the way he moved against each you, hips grinding a relentless rhythm, lips bruising yours as he nipped and licked, hand fisting so tightly in your hair you swore he’d take a good bit of it with him if he ever decided to remove himself.
And nothing could have prepared you for the peculiar sensation - an uncharacteristic feeling of being completely unsure of what came next. Of being knocked completely sideways whilst never feeling more balanced. Like there was a pulsing thing in your sternum running parallel to your heart, some melancholy sensation that centered and secured. 
That tethered.
Wind howled around them. Birds cried. And somewhere, somewhere in your addled mind, there was quiet.
Pleasure recycled from your mouth and into his as he drove you toward a climax that came fast but ferocious in its intensity. The borders of your vision faded until all you could do was wrap your arms around his shoulder and hold on as you shook against him, a high pitched whine spilling from between your lips. And his crimson gaze, glazed and almost desperate, remained open to study the way in which you unraveled; how your eyes screwed shut, your fingers finding purchase in his own hair, tugging it terribly hard to prove some semblance of control over him even as you came apart with nothing but his fingers.
Time, with no assistance, seemed to stand still as you came to, your nose pressed into the soft crook of his neck, arms still wrapping his shoulders. Papers were scattered, tables overturned. Some ravens flew still, riding the leftover anemo current above, while some perched, eyeing the two of them with a cold, mechanical disinterest.
A song played on that little radio somewhere, broken and skipping but still pushing through as he swayed back and forth.
“Are we… dancing?”
Soft wings brushed across the hollowness in your chest and you nuzzled further into him without much thought. Holding your breath, you dragged your fingers down his chest, intent to undo him in the same way, his cock still hard and insistent against you, but he swatted your fingers away. Once, twice.
“Hey. You haven’t even-”
“Be quiet.”
“Why do you get the lead?”
Dottore didn’t say a word, but his weary sigh tickled the back of your neck and you fell into the silence that comes with newness.
“Did you know ravens usually work in pairs to acquire their food?” you said suddenly.
There was a long pause. “...I did.”
You said nothing else, and if he noticed the unsubtle way in which you stole back the lead, he didn’t say a word.
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xmalereader · 1 year
Miles Miller X Vampire! Male Reader
|| Masterlist ||
Authors note: Finally! Posting again 😭 been so busy and I’ve been full of inspiration to write for many characters but gotta take my time, anyone this shot is semi related to the plot of Bad Times At El Royal. I recommend watching it, a little slow but huge twists here and there and wanted to change some thing up to make it interesting so enjoy!
Summary: Miles works at the hotel El Royale after the war in Vietnam. He’s finding a way to cope through the trauma so what better way then to bury yourself in work? Let alone in a hotel full of vampires and with him being the only human.
Warnings: Fluff, mentions of blood, slight angst, PTSD, mentions of Vietnam war, 1960’s, Vampire reader, Vampire OCs, hotel clerk, Miles is Shy and submissive, hints of possessiveness, reader is the boss, slight NSFW 18 +, mentions of biting, masturbation, pet names.
Word count: 2.5K
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Miles can see the snow sticking from outside the hotel window. He’s been working at the Hotel Royale for two years now and he’s grown used to the weather change, knowing that the winter season is the most popular for customers to rent out rooms in order to give themselves the chance to ski on the storm dies down.
He also knows that he’s to expect some important guests that he’s been taking care of during his time at the hotel. For years, Miles has been look for a distraction from his time serving in the Vietnam War, after he return back home he turned to drugs and alcohol like many others soldiers who returned.
It was the only way to keep himself grounded, but after some time the drugs only affected him more and worsened the situation and instead turned to keeping himself busy with work. Miles was lucky enough to get hired at the El Royal hotel.
A hotel set between the borders of Nevada and California a very popular location for many guests visiting and looking for a place to stay. The first time he arrived the hotel was low staffed, not many stayed for long and Miles ended up handling many different positions.
He worked the front counter, did the cooking, cleaning, made sure that everything was ready for the next customer. It wasn’t until the hotel was purchased by a man he didn’t know much about.
All he knew is that the hotel was purchased and under new management.
Miles expected himself to get fired or let go due times management but instead was allowed to keep his job. Many others were let go or replaced with new people. It reached a point where Miles was the only staff member who didn’t get fired and was allowed to stay.
He didn’t know why the new management wanted him, he never asked and instead did his job. He made sure guests paid or their stay and signed the ledger.
It wasn’t until a year later that Miles found out the truth about the new management.
Miles had finished checking in a new couple who were staying in a room in Nevada, providing them there key and letting them know about there breakfast hours.
His soft smile soon faltered when the double doors up front are pushed open, revealing a women wearing a long black coat and a large hat that covered her face, but enough to see her smirk as she approached the front desk where Miles stood.
Miles swallows nervously. “Veronica.” He says softly towards the women in a soft greeting as she removes her hat and sets it aside, both hands on the counter as she leans forward.
“Miles, the usual please.”
Miles gives a hesitant nod. He’s worked with the women for months now and should be used to her presence but each time she made an appearance he always found her intimidating. Holding out the ledger he provides her the key to her room.
“Room 6 in California.” He says as Veronica pays him the twenty dollars, enough for an entire week.
Miles watched as she signs her name on the ledger, setting the pen down and taking the key from the counter and giving him a sweet smile. “Miles, I’d appreciate if you could bring me a drink to my room.”
“Of course,” He nods his head, giving off a bashful smile before watching her leave, her long coat swaying as she makes her way outside.
Miles gives himself a few minutes to collect himself before letting out a deep sigh. Veronica stayed at the hotel during the winter due to her work in fashion. Miles knew very little about her but knew that she was famous in the fashion industry and there were times where they only spoke a few times, slowly becoming a regular at the hotel to the point where she speaks to him like a friend, even though he still fears her.
Before he could close the ledger the front door is pushed open causing him to look up to see another one of his regulars.
“Sophia.” He gives the dark skinned women a smile, getting the women’s attention as she approached him with a smile on her face. “Miles! It’s been so long.” She says with a kind voice.
Sophia cups Miles cheeks and pressed a soft kiss against his forehead in greeting before letting go. “My, look at you.” She coos at him, her long slender fingers fixing his curls as he blushes softly at her actions.
“Have you been sleeping?” She questions, noticing the bags under his eyes as Miles chuckled softly. “Winter season keeps me busy, ma’am.” His soft accent showing.
Sophia’s smile slips away into a frown. “That’s not very good, I’ll talk to Y/n about it and make sure he finds an extra counter boy—“
“No! I—that won’t be necessary. You know that Mr. Y/n only trusts me with our guests and with regulars too.” His voice shows a hint of determination. His boss, Y/n, who he’s only met once had placed his trust on Miles to take care of the hotel. He couldn’t lose the man’s trust after working hard on keeping things well hidden.
The women before him sighs deeply, getting his attention before nodding. “Very well, if it gets bad you tell me.” She reminds him before signing her name on the ledger and handing him a twenty.
“The usual?” Miles questions, earning a sly grin from the women. “You know me.”
Miles blushes softly, heading towards the cabinet to collect the room key and handing it over to her.
“Room 8, Nevada.”
Sophia takes the key from his hand. “Thank you, darling.” She gives him a wink before walking away she turns back to Miles. “Oh! I forgot to mention, Y/n should be arriving soon and he’s not in a good mood.”
Her last words cause Miles to freeze in panic. “You know what to do, it’s that time of the year.” She reminds Miles, giving him one last wink and leaving to her own room.
Miles appreciated Sophia’s heads up, he’s known her the longest before Veronica. She was the first women to ever be kind to him, always showing her worry towards him and making sure that he’s healthy. Sophia was an actress, her beauty and her way with words swoon the crowd. Every time she entered a room all eyes were on her and she knew it.
After she lets him know about Y/n coming he’s quick to clean up, locking the cabinet and putting away the ledger along with cleaning the counter. Even though he’s been working here for two years he likes to stick to his schedule and tasks in order to keep his boss satisfied.
When he first met Y/n he felt fear for the first time in years. The man always wore a stoic expression, wearing a fancy suit and only talking when someone was asking him a question, he was never one to start conversation from what Sophia has told him, but each time him and Miles meet it’s like his boss has changed.
The stoic act changes the minute he steps through those double doors. Miles didn’t know much about Y/n, only that he bought the hotel and that he was using it for special occasions, usually during the winter which is why Miles was always nervous when the season approached.
The young man moves around the lobby quickly, making sure that everything is cleaned and cursed under his breath when he remembers Veronica’s request for a drink. There regular cook wasn’t in today and won’t be in until tomorrow, giving him the chance to enter the kitchen and towards there large fridge where there regular guests food is stored.
Upon opening the fridge he’s met with a shelf full of blood bags, gently reading the labels and making sure that he provides Veronica the one she enjoyed the most before taking it into his hand and grabbing a wine glass on his way out. He makes it to Veronica’s room, giving the door a soft knock before she’s yanking the door open.
“The usual?” She questions, stepping aside to let Miles enter the room.
“Fresh, just how you like it.” He answers, setting the glass down and pouring the blood into the glass. The first time Miles did this he wanted to vomit but after some time he grew used to it.
Once the blood bag is empty he sets her glass next to the bedside table and sets a napkin next to it.
Veronica sits on her bed and smiles. “Thank you, pretty boy.” She takes the glass between her fingers and inhaled the scent, exhaling in satisfaction while Miles shuffled in place nervously.
“Enjoy, if you need anything else I’ll be at the lobby.” He gives the women a nod and heads out of the room before she decides to keep him busy with her work stories, pouring her stress onto him, which he did not have the time for.
Miles moved onto his next task, keeping the human guests from leaving there bedrooms. The winter season was his busiest, not with humans but with Vampires.
The hotel was used during the winter by various vampires who came to relax and enjoy a drink or two without having the human race exposing them to the world. The hotel wasn’t just used for Vampires but humans too, which Miles handled.
His boss, Y/n, purchased the hotel as a safe heaven for both vampires and humans. He knew that humans could easily find out about them if see drinking blood during dinner or small parties that were hosted. Y/n wanted to keep the peace with humans and tasked Miles to make sure that they are to keep there guests indoors and away from the lobby.
So, every winter Miles would enter the back room where he has access to walking behind the walls of each hotel room where he switched on a sleeping gas that released into the guests bedroom at a certain hour. The gas kept their human guests asleep for the rest of the night while their real guests enjoyed their night.
Miles wasn’t proud of his work, but it was the only way of keeping them safe from the hands of vampires.
Y/n was strict towards his rules; if any Vampire laid hands on a human guest he wouldn’t hesitate to kill them. Miles hasn’t seen that happen, yet and hopes that it never does.
Miles is busy cleaning the bar that the sound of slamming doors startled the poor man, eyes wide as he watched Y/n step inside the hotel lobby with a glare on his face. He knew that the man wasn’t in a good mood.
He’s quick to abandon his work and make his way over to Y/n.
“Uh…Mr. Y/n, sir?”
His voice gets the man’s attention, his glare directed towards Miles until it slowly softens. “Miles.” Y/n breaths out, earning a small smile from the clerk boy.
“Sir, Sophia told me that you weren’t doing well. Would you like me to get your room ready and perhaps something to drink?” Miles offers.
Y/n sighs deeply, removing his coat and hanging it on the coat rack near the entrance. “Please, make sure that extra pillows are provided.” He adds on while Miles nods at his words. “Anything planned tonight? Would you like me to prepare anything else?”
“Not tonight,” Y/n lets Miles know as he walked around the lobby with Miles following behind him. “No special occasion?” The clerk boy wonders with a raised brow.
“Not this year, I’m not in the mood to deal with some old friends.” He grumbled out, too upset to even talk about it. “Are Sophia and Veronica here?” He suddenly asks, getting Miles attention.
“Yes, sir. Veronica is staying in California and Sophia is in Nevada. Would you like me to get them?”
Y/n sighs. “No, I can deal with the two for now.” He makes his way to the bar, finding an empty seat and slumping down while Miles makes his way around the counter and sets a glass out to serve Y/n a drink, blood bag in hand as he pours it into the glass.
“Anything else you’d wish from me tonight? I’ll make sure to provide you those extra pillows you requested.”
Y/n takes his glass in hand and drinks it down, blood dripping past his lips and chin when he’s finished, using his own hand to wipe away the blood that smears his chin. Miles can’t help but stare at the man before him, watching him closely before clearing his own throat.
“I’ll go ahead and make sure that your room is ready.” He stammers out, lowering his head and making his way towards Y/n’s suite. The room is always cleaned after everyone leaves but Y/n’s room was personal and only Miles had gained the privilege to enter without any trouble. Y/n trusted Miles with his personal space that the young man only cleaned areas that needed to be cleaned while the rest he left in its same place.
Miles made sure that he brought extra pillows for Y/n, making the bed and setting the pillows in a way that look comfortable. Miles doesn’t notice Y/n standing behind him, watching everything from the doorway as he leans against the doorframe, arms crossed over his chest as his own eyes roamed up and down Miles body.
The amount of times that Y/n wanted to pin the man down and have a taste of his blood, he could hear his heart beat from miles and knew how fast it increased the minute he made an appearance. The times that Miles would whimper from nightmares in his one room when he was alone.
Y/n had wanted to pull the man close and reassure him that he was safe that he could keep him safe that he could give him what he wanted to please him to pleasure him.
The Vampire growls at his thoughts, avoiding them as much as possible. He couldn’t do anything that’ll frighten Miles even more, poor kid was still getting used to the fact that he was working in a hotel full of Vampires that lusted for blood.
“All done.”
Miles voice brings Y/n back to reality, looking up to stare at the man before him, shifting his eyes towards the made bed and smiling softly.
“Thank you Miles.” He steps inside the room and approached his own bed, sitting on the edge and working on removing his tie. His sudden actions gets Miles flustered as he stutters out.
“I will attend to the others, please get some rest and if anything is needed—“
“I’ll make sure to call for you.” Y/n finished for Miles who smiled at his words.
“Uh—have a good night.” With that Miles closed the door behind him, leaning Y/n at his own devices while the older Vampire huffs out a chuckle at the sound of Miles heart beat increasing from the other side of the door.
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cookie-crumblr · 2 months
The Smell of Smoke
F!Reader x OC
Part 9~
His Info: 🐺🍒
Part 1 — Part 8, Part 9 Epilogue.
(parts 1 - 8 is a different ML)
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CW: F! Reader, reader has a vagina, reader referred to as she/her, married reader, reader has ptsd, therapy, werewolf, size kink/difference, reader in a dress, bloody meat eating(not by reader), comfort for all the past hurt, protected sex, sweet tbh, lovey dovey, p in v, fingering, squirting,
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It’s been a few years… Well five to be exact.
You still haven’t been able to have sex in a while, but your partner doesn’t push you.
In fact he doesn’t even ask.
He just wants you to be happy and he knows when you’re ready you’ll come to him.
He’s comfortable with you, and you’re comfortable with him.
You both live in a cozy little stone cottage with a fireplace in the middle of a spruce forest. It’s perfect, everything you needed after everything you went through.
You also, thankfully, have internet, and are able to attend weekly meetings with a therapist, and monthly meetings with a psychiatrist.
Ever since what happened you’ve hardly been the same person, but you’ve been filling your hollowed shell back up slowly with things you can enjoy, and Ace helps you every step of the way.
And After his brother died he didn’t chase you down, he was just there for you, and you were there for him.
It happened as naturally as the rivers rush to ocean. As caterpillars morph into butterflies.
And you’ve always trusted him, even when it was all going down.
He doesn’t even mind in the slightest that you spend your nights reading smut about abusive partners to cope with what you delt with. Even though it worried him at first, he thought that you might try and go seek it out. He knows now it’s just a safe mechanism to help your brain feel less traumatized by what happened in the past.
Your life is peaceful.
Today’s your marriage’s anniversary!
Ace is walking you through the woods, a picnic basket on one arm, and you on the other. The trees smell so amazing…
He even offered to carry you, but you just giggled back at him, and walked ahead until you realized he’s leading the way and had to return to his side.
His muscles are even bigger now, he chops firewood for you both all year long to stock up so he doesn’t have to as much in the winter. And in the winter he has a weight lifting set in your shed with a space heater.
He takes his morning runs, and his monthly transition is one of the easiest things you’ve had to “deal” with, as he calls it. He turns into a big humanoid puppy, it’s too good to be true, and you wouldn’t believe it yourself if your didn’t get to cuddle a massive and super warm, super fluffy werewolf every month.
You don’t need the fireplace or even blankets on those nights, his massive body keeps you toasty.
“We’re almost there,” He sighs happily, his big warm hand covering yours to were your fingers look just so tiny it’s almost funny to you.
“I can’t wait! I um… Have a surprise for you too, hah,” You laugh trying not to sound nervous.
“You didn’t have to get me anything Y/nick/N! I just love you!”
“Well i did anyway!” You stick your tongue out at him defiantly.
“Hah! well okay then, I’m not about to turn down anything from you!” His beaming smile is contagious and you breathe in the fresh, nature scented air.
He leads you to a gorgeous clearing not too far from your home with a lake and a waterfall… He put up fairy lights, and it looks like the cleaning is sparkling! It’s beautiful, like actual little fairies dancing between the branches all around.
“Woah!” You pull away from him to run ahead, and do a spin. Your dress flows out as you do.
The grass is so soft here, and the setting sun kisses your skin through the branches.
You deserve this life.
This nice, peaceful, perfect life.
With a partner that actually loves and cares for you.
Speaking of, You turn back to see him gazing in utter awe at you. His head tilted to one side like an innocent puppy with his ears perked up waiting for a treat.
And you have one for him… After food of course.
“Come, let’s eat! I made your favorites,” He learned your favorite foods and learned how to make them for you, all those bad days of panic attacks and flashbacks made better with a yummy treat. Sure it didn’t fix them, but he cares and that’s what helped the most. His actions show nothing but care and love and patience with you.
Your meal is amazing, he’s cooked it to perfection. His is an extra rare steak and some grilled asparagus. You always know what he’s gonna pick to eat too, something bloody with a side of homegrown dark greens.
He built you a green house and raised flower beds, so most of your food you get to grow yourself, he hunts for the rest.
You’re both relaxing with content bellies when you look from the stars to him, and down to your hand in his.
“Ace, I want you…” you tell him in earnest.
“A-are you sur— No, right! Of course you are… Please tell me the second you’re uncomfortable, I won’t be upset!” he stammers a little, while messing with his fluffy pink mop.
In your purse you brought lube and a condom, and you show him with a hot face.
His smile is dorky and cute, if his tail was out it’d be wagging, he can’t help his excitement, and his aura’s vibrations in the air seep into your body.
You smile your own cute dorky smile back up at him.
He gently takes your hand and leads you down into the grass, laying you on your back. The ground hugs you, and feels just like a comfy cushion all around. The weeds tickle your arms and legs adding to your overall giddiness.
he puts the condom in between his lips while he takes off his shirt over top of you.
He keeps looking at you with big round pink puppy dog eyes, making sure you’re still alright.
His rough hands that are oh so soft against your skin, travel from your calves to your thighs, around your sides up to your collar bones and down your arms. He’s worshiping every inch of you.
You join him and start to feel up his muscles, his rock hard chest, to his washboard abs, back up to his shoulders and down his huge arms and into his hands.
“C-can we hold hands…” You ask looking away bashfully.
a tear forms in the corner of his eye, “You’re so precious, Y/N” he blinks it away with an honest and heartfelt laugh. “I have to… Put this on first” His dorky smile comes right back and you let go, your hands in little nervous fists up on either side of your chest. “Hey it’s okay, I’m here, You’re okay,” He coos, and gently finds your hands again.
“May i?” He asks, and you nod your head. His hand glides over your skin again, pulling your dress up over your waist, and exposing your lower half. He pulls down your panties and lets out a shaky sigh, admiring your body.
His lust is palpable, and you’re feeling the heat too. You have been for a while, you just still felt so scared. Everytime you’d think about it and you’d be unable to breathe or function for days. Not to mention the night terrors that had you waking up punching Ace, not knowing it was him and not Ezra.
But it’s been long enough and you want to be fully free and happy, without the past weighing you down anymore. You were finally getting better.
He presses a couple fingers to your slit, “I-is this still okay?”
“Y-yes!” You quietly gasp your response, not fully expecting his touch that time. His hands are so hot, and so, so big, and calloused. You feel every bump, as he starts to slowly spread your lips, and get your slick before coming up to your clit for a quick spin. He remembers the lube and puts some on his fingers, “I’m, gonna open you up.” He tells you both.
Even though he’s a little awkward, his directness is turning you on more, and soon he makes contact to your skin with the cool jelly. Goosebumps raise over your flesh and he squeezes your hand with his own. His other presses into you, at first you yelp but hold his hand there so he can’t pull away.
Seeing you holding his arm, he pushes his fingers deeper in. your back arches with them and you squeeze his other hand, bringing it closer to you, you kiss his thumb in a loving gesture.
He could seriously cry right now. But he has to do this for you. He wants nothing more than to make you happy, than to make up for everything he let his brother get away with, with you. He doesn’t think he ever could, he knows he can’t. He isn’t delusional.
He curls them inside you, and finds a spot that makes you mewl and stays there, massaging it with his thumb and two fingers in a big soft circular motion.
You’re sighing it feels so nice, like an actual massage, as if this isn’t even sexual he makes you feel pure.
“I think… I’m ready,” You gasp, and hold his forearm now with both hands trying to pull him away and the second you tug he follows your lead.
“I love you,” He kisses your head, and lines himself up with you, he makes sure he’s holding your hand in one of his, he puts it up over your head against the grass. so he can hover over you. eyes level with your own.
“I love you—Tooo,” you let out a high pitched sigh as he pops his spongey tip into you and rolls a little. “Haaah ahhh” Again he massages that one spot this time with his hot cock, and it’s driving you mad! you can’t help but want to be fucked now. “Please A-Ace! F-fuck me!”
Your words almost awaken his beast but he has to keep that locked away. Not right now, maybe in the future, but not right now. He starts a slow pace, but it still isn’t enough for you.
“Ha-harder! please! Or faster! o-or both!”
He listens and jostles your whole body with one hard thrust all the way in, kissing your cervix. He looks you all over to make sure you’re okay but you’re in ecstasy, brows knitted, lip bitten, moaning… Waiting for more.
He gives it to you, pounding into you with a controlled vigor, he’s used to having to control himself, so this comes naturally to him, even without much experience.
He changes his pacing frequently to keep his own excitement down while yours rises.
Quicker and quicker!
and then a slow pound into you as deep as he can. Speeding back up and only pushing in about halfway, hitting that spot and so frequently~ “Ah~” If you’re not a squirter you are right now.
You’ve never had an earth shattering, universe opening, orgasm like this one before. Holding the hand of someone who really truly loves you. You come so hard for him.
“I’m so, so proud of you! You did so good! You’re— Youre amaz-ing!!” He comes so sweetly as he coos to you.
When he pulls out he takes your lips with his own. Then pounds into you until your both coming undone again and shaking, your legs are twitching so bad by the end that you can barley stand.
He carries you home that night a satisfied and happy man.
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alteon77 · 1 year
Updated Masterlist of Writing and Art
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About the writer/artist: I like to write and paint. My current obsession is Sandman, but I enjoy most fantasy fandoms as well as anime (I think I’m on season seven billion of One Piece right now 🤣). I'm also weird as they come (and awkward, too), so just please ignore my oddball (coughTERRIBLEcough) sense of humor.
On a more personal note, I have PTSD and suffer from severe manic depressive episodes. Writing and art are my most familiar coping mechanisms, and I need them like I need oxygen. Seriously, there were times in my life that knowing I had to finish a story or a piece of art was the only thing stopping me from ending up dead. So, I don't take part in fandom drama. Having my peace and protecting my mental health are very big deals to me, and I won't risk those for anything if I can help it.
As for my writing, it ranges from short one-shots to ridiculously long novel series. I use third person POV (on longer series) as well as second person (on shorter things). I also try to always exclude physical descriptions when writing main character OCs and assign them nicknames to avoid using Y/N. I love to read Y/N fics, but writing them makes me feel like I'm at work. And who actually wants to ever feel like they're at work when they're engaging in a hobby? Definitely not me.
Lastly, there's usually more stuff on my AO3 page than I have listed here, because I forget to post it pretty often. Oops. I'll get around to moving it all over one day. Probably. Maybe.
Feel free to leave an ask if you want or just drop by my DMs. <3
Artwork links are at the bottom of this list, so if you're here for those, that's where they are.
Sandman 'Verse
All the Precious and Fragile Things (so easily do they break)
After banishing his lover from the Dreaming for her betrayal, Morpheus learns that she is pregnant with his child.
And that she’s been captured by a revenge-seeking Alexander Burgess.
What the both of them are unaware of is that this will set in motion a cascade of unfavorable events, causing a chain reaction that threatens the whole of existence itself.
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PART I: All of This Past
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
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PART II: These Tender, Loving Mercies
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
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PART III: When It All Falls Down
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
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PART IV: The Dark of War
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Sometimes He's Sweet
Morpheus hates the holidays.
As excited as she seems to experience the mortal holiday, he's… less so. Much less so. With the entire collective unconscious contained within him, this time of year can be wholly overwhelming, a miasma of too much red and green, too much worry, too much loneliness, too much excitement, too many similarly themed dreams, too many similarly themed nightmares, and far far too many holiday songs. It all bleeds out from the collective unconscious into his own mind, sticks there like weeping sap to a tree until he feels half-mad with the unrelenting presence of it, with his inability to get free from its cloying trespass upon his very being.
This is just a little sweet fluff for the holiday season. It takes place between chapters 19 and 20 of "All the Precious and Fragile Things". No spoilers here if you've read that far!
The Dog Debacle (or how best to sneak a dragon into the dreaming)
Morpheus' daughter gets a new dog.
Well..... kind of.
That Familiar Feeling of Family (or how Hob Gadling ended up as an uncle to his stranger's oftentimes feral children)
It's a pretty universally known thing that families are just strange. As Hob is quickly figuring out, however, this little fact is magnified by AT LEAST a billion when the family in question is Endless.
(A lighthearted story in which Hob Gadling finds out his stranger has married, makes friends with a homicidal maniac/ruler, and manages to become an exemplary uncle to a pack of magically mischievous children. Really, now all he has to do is convince everyone to stop calling his and Dream's weekly meetups "playdates", and then his life would be practically perfect.)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
The Maker, the Muse, and the Sundered Song
In his temple, what remains of Orpheus waits in trepidation. Something is changing. Something that he knows might alter the very fabric of the world as he understands it.
Finally freed from captivity, Calliope struggles to make any meaningful changes to the laws that saw her bound and taken in the first place. When the strange woman appears on Mount Parnassus and offers help, Calliope knows she would be a fool not to accept it. Even if she thinks that she's being lied to.
Meanwhile in the peace of the Dreaming, Morpheus grapples with guilt over his son's fate. As he basks in the love of his new children, he can't help but to regret his own failings where Orpheus is concerned.
And as for May, she's really just got a job to do. And her own traumatic issues to deal with. And if it's all hella awkward because she's having to work alongside her husband's ex-wife, she'll see it done anyway. There's even the small possibility that she might eventually admit to Calliope the truth about her identity. That is if she can ever actually work up the courage to say it aloud.
Chapter 1
Nothing in This Closet but Boots and a Boy
Morpheus is wildly protective of his daughter.
That's probably bad for the boy in said daughter's closet.
AU's and Other Stuff in the Sandman 'Verse
Of Exes, Hellhounds, and Waffle Fries
Morpheus shows up to rescue the woman he probably loves (though he won't admit it) from hellhounds and ends up getting roped into helping with her family. This is one of those extras that doesn't fit into the main story, but it's fun, so I'm posting it.
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The Bizarre Breeding Habits of Anthropomorphic Personifications
It's a tale as old as time.
Two idiots fall in love. Two idiots fall out of love.
Neither one of them is expecting a baby to come along and derail their unhappily ever after.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Original Fanart
I like to play around with different styles and to try new things with my artwork. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't. I'm still learning, and I am so far from being a professional that it's laughable. But I only post things that I think look decent or that I think others might enjoy.
The Lover's Argument (Morpheus x oc)
Oneiros (Morpheus in Grecian garb)
Because I could not stop for Death, she kindly stopped for me... (Regency era Dream and Death)
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iravaid · 1 month
🎮🩹🩸💯🎄---for Mr Tommy Riley (yes, I consider him your oc) (yes, I picked the Christmas tree on purpose mwah 🫰)
(from this meme)
Heehee hii womby!! Snatching Thomas E. Riley from Lapham's cold, dead hands after Szilvi's oviraptor attack squad is done with him. I'm so happy you asked heehee
(and oh, so you're evil? You're evil, now? you're sick and twisted and evil?)
🎮 VIDEO GAME CONTROLLER — what are three of your oc's favorite hobbies?
Being a munch Although it was initially going to be his career (tattoo artist Tommy-truthers make some noise), I can see Tommy enjoying art as a hobby and way to relax/clear his head. He never used to draw a lot of people before, focusing instead on other popular subjects for tattoo designs such as ships and snakes and tigers. But his newer sketchbooks feature a lot more of Beth and Joseph, with a few of Simon and his mum interspersed between his studies of household items and appliances.
Tommy is a Man U fan, as is family tradition. I count football fanaticism as a hobby because have you seen these people. Do you understand the dedication to know so much about all those balls and points and such? Dear god. Tommy, Simon, and Beth on footie nights out were terrifying concepts, many Chelsea fans mauled. Sad!
It mightn't be strictly a hobby, but I can see Tommy redirecting any pent up energy towards making small renovations in his home/his mum's home, or even woodworking and making things like a jewellery box for Beth, or little carved nativity scene for Joseph's nursery class. Man works with his hands and his thoughts can get a bit much at times, so may as well redirect towards something productive, as he's been taught (even if this does encroach into dysfunction territor when he's working to exhaustion so he doesn't dream when he finally sleeps).
🩹 ADHESIVE BANDAGE — does your oc have any physical and/or mental disabilities?
I can see Tommy having chronic pain from his back injury and the resultant muscle strain and poor healing that came of it. Nothing a couple heat pads and, uh, working a labour intensive job can't fix...
Between drug addiction and childhood trauma, it's not out of the picture for Tommy to also have developed PTSD/CPTSD from his experiences. For a myriad of reasons (potential access to counselling, access to familial support, not being autistic, not being in the military) it's not as extreme as Simon's, and so his emotional intelligence isn't as stunted, but he's still very much living with the effects of being physically and verbally abused as a child, as well as being addicted to opiates in the past, far into adulthood. Again, has better tools to cope with it, but Tommy isn't perfect, and I can see most of his symptoms manifesting in fawning responses than Simon's fight.
Tommy also has leanings towards depression, and there are times when his mental health declines to the point of it being disabling. I don't see him being diagnosed with depression, nor complex PTSD, as the NHS mental health services are in fucking shambles and some doctors mightn't even recognise the latter in his time.
🩸 DROP OF BLOOD — what is your oc's blood type?
So. I don't have a clear answer to this, because I need to know what Simon's blood type is, and it's not listed anywhere. I think there is a fun off-stage/underlying tragedy in Simon and Tommy having incompatible blood types, in that even if Simon had gotten to the flat in time, he wouldn't have been able to 'save' Tommy via donating blood. Something something, the nature of tragedy so deeply set in Ghost's being that it's biological.
Perhaps it's campy, perhaps it's too much, but whatever‼️my oc now.
💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
TOMMY IS THE YOUNGER BROTHER! The wiki is LYING the comics confirm so here:
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Tommy is 6'2" and lanky as anything, and unless his brother is on leave, he tends to be the tallest person in the room, bless. Additionally, I can see Tommy having insane forearm and grip strength just from being a tradesman for the better guts of a decade.
Some people have noticed, but Tommy doesn't drink alcohol at all in 'I Wait For You', which is on purpose. He's chosen not to drink, in spite of Britain's heavy drinking culture, as a means of preventing any reliance/gateways, as well as the fact that he doesn't like getting drunk, anyways, primarily because of bad memories of his father after one too many drinks.
🎄 CHRISTMAS TREE — what is your oc's favorite holiday?
Of course it's christmghjgkfgwlisfhdn-
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(jokes aside I can see Tommy not having a favourite holiday until he's an adult and meets Beth and falls in love with her, and they eventually have a family together. Then his favourite holiday becomes Mother's Day.)
Augh thank you for the ask :'D It reminded me i have very big feelings about Tommy Riley and his everything, and now my chest hurts heehee
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foxymoxynoona · 10 months
My Matryoshka: Coming August 22
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Banner and linebreak by @awrkives
Book 3 of The Secret Song Series
Idol JK x Russian-American OC
Summary: Jungkook and Sasha are grateful for the newfound stability of their relationship as careers seize the spotlight. Sasha has a thesis to focus on in a hostile academia environment. Jungkook is eager to share his maturing identity with the fans, the world, and his hyungs. But with so much looming change, it's easy to feel like the golden days have already passed. Can they be enough for each other through it all? And really, who could have predicted what one little full sleeve tattoo would cause?
Rating: So Very Explicit
CW: explicit sex, alcohol, recreational drug use, mental health issues, unhealthy coping mechanisms, diet/weight/appearance pressure, references to/healing after child abuse and sex trafficking, anxiety, depression, PTSD, queerness and identity, unhealthy past relationships, abusive parents, alcoholism & addiction in loved ones, harassment (sexual and non-sexual), celebrity scandal, enlistment, public sex, anal sex, oral sex, masturbation, porn, marathon sex, explicit photos & videos, period sex, drunk sex, sex toys, probably more things I'm forgetting
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��.ೃ࿐ READ ON ▌ Wattpad 🏛 AO3 🏛 Quotev 🏛 FFN
THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES IS SWINGING ⸺ this is the first book in a pjo au that i am working on, it is based on the books AND is not really based on the tv show series as i started it months before the show came out. it starts in the titan's curse and thus contains spoilers (for those who have only watched the show) for the lightning thief and sea of monsters. it is a slow burn luke castellan fic, with a little bit of grover underwood sprinkled in although as i'm writing it, i am currently considering that luke/oc/grover be the end pairing in the series. only time will tell what the endgame pairing will be. currently the book is focusing on found family and the roll the oc plays in the pjo verse.
🏛.ೃ࿐ SYNOPSIS.▌ ❝Through out the three centuries that Sarah's been apart of the Hunters, she's come to realize that being a Demigod thoroughly sucked. Growing up as a child of Hades in the Puritan village of Salem, Sarah never once had it easy. But she had been happy, happy to be alive, happy to be apart of the Hunters. The threat of an impending war is imminent, and while Sarah is far from being at the center of it, the sword of Damocles still swings precariously over her head, for Sarah was a hero that had been happy for far too long. perhaps after three hundreds years of living a relatively joyful life for a Demigod, it was time for Sarah Willoughby to sacrifice something.❞
🏛.ೃ࿐ CHAPTERS.▌ Currently Published: 001 Prologue, 006 Chapters, 002 Misc. Chapters
🏛.ೃ࿐ CONTENT WARNINGS ▌Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Not Canon Compliant, Slow Burn, Prophecy, Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Families of Choice, Past Relationship(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Period Typical Attitudes, Internalized Homophobia, Historical Inaccuracy, Medical Inaccuracies, Childhood Trauma, Percy Jackson has a Twin, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Original Character Death(s), Canonical Character Death, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Enemies, Enemies To Lovers, Luke Castellan Redemption, Fix-It of Sorts, Angst and Tragedy, Blood and Injury, BAMF Percy Jackson, BAMF Bianca di Angelo, Protective Siblings, Sibling Love, Inaccurate Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Monsters, Luke Castellan-centric, Original Character-centric, Complicated Relationships, Serious Injuries, Good Parent Hades (Percy Jackson), Necromancy, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies
🏛.ೃ࿐ RELATIONSHIPS ▌Luke Castellan/Original Female Character(s), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Hades/Original Female Character(s), The Hunters of Artemis & Original Female Character(s), Maria di Angelo/Hades/Persephone, Nico di Angelo & Will Solace, Bianca di Angelo & Nico di Angelo & Original Female Character(s), Clarisse La Rue & Original Character(s), Grover Underwood & Original Character(s), Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson
🏛.ೃ࿐ CHARACTERS ▌Original Child(ren) of Hades (Percy Jackson), Original Child(ren) of Apollo (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood, The Hunters of Artemis, Bianca di Angelo, Nico di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Thalia Grace, Zoë Nightshade, Original Jackson Character(s), Original Child(ren) of Aphrodite, The Olympians, Annabeth Chase, Kronos, Artemis, Hades, Persephone, Castor, Pollux, Chiron, Ethan Nakamura, Dionysus, Rachel Elizabeth Dare
🏛.ೃ࿐ AVAILABLE ON ▌ Wattpad 🏛 AO3 🏛 Quotev 🏛 FFN
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justrainandcoffee · 2 months
Against all odds (Alfie Solomons x fem!oc) Part 3
Crossover Peaky Blinders - Hunger Games
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Series masterlist. Part 1-Part 2
Summary: During the 62th edition, despite having a lot of mentors thinking he's a traitor, Alfie and Rose get closer but his past trauma is still with him. A friend of his, gives him an advice. || Two years later, during the 64th Hunger Games, Rose decides to tell him what she knows but it not ends well. President Snow, appears.
Series warnings: Mentions of sex (consent and non-con). Murders. Blood. PTSD. Cheating. Prostitution. || This is set in Panem universe. Topics as minors being sexual corrupted are also mentioned because it's CANON.
Words: 3.6k || Alfie x Rose masterlist
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Fuck them.
That was what Alfie thought while he was on the balcony, resting on a luxurious sun lounger. The night was warm and it'd be more perfect if he could see the stars but the pollution of the Capitol prevented that. Back in District 9 the air was pure and stars decorated the sky. Rose's head was on his chest and he was stroking her hair. She was snuggling up against him.
They hadn't had sex yet. In his house in the Victor's Village, things were different. Sex was just a way to forget, to cope with his trauma. Couple of minutes almost every day were enough. No feelings, not attachments.
The first year after meeting her nothing changed. A blowjob in exchange of cans of food or a handjob in exchange of bread. Always if the other person was adult and it wasn't forced into anything by anyone. After those years, Alfie knew the people who always visited him. Usually, there wasn't any problem.
But last year everything changed. Last year, the memories of her kisses, the feeling of that last night together when Rose was sleeping in his arms. It was difficult for him not to feel anything when her company, her smile were worth enough to travel all that distance to the Capitol again. Or better, when he wasn't sure, or at least he didn't remember feeling something similar. So, last year and the beginning of that one he simply rejected his visitors. And yet he continued giving them food or medicine if they asked for.
Rose never forced him even when Alfie noticed that she wanted more than kissing him. There was a look in her eyes, every time he pushed her away from him when things were going beyond his control. It was acceptance of his trauma. But for Alfie, in his mind, it was deception.
Alfie wanted the same but every time he thought about it, his mind went directly to that infamous night. That old woman moaning beneath him, whispering dirty words that only increased his disgust, her nails hurting his body…
She started to call him "Al" few days ago and Alfie couldn't help but think that it was the sweetest nickname that anybody had given him.
"What are you thinking about? You're quiet."
"Just thinking about the games, sweetheart," Alfie lied. "Are you tired?"
"Yeah, a bit. It was a long day. But I don't want to leave this spot "
"The sun lounger?"
"You, silly," she chuckled "You're better than the sun lounger."
She kissed his shoulder before standing up "but you need to rest, don't you? And I need to begin with the new design for their tv presentation. There's a new presenter. Extravagant… but, seems good."
"I didn't know. A man?"
"Yeah. Caesar Flickerman, I think his father or grandpa were the first one to show the first tributes, ages ago."
"Family business."
"I think so. Go and rest, Al. You deserve it."
"Do I?" he smiled at her and kissed her hand.
"You do."
Except for Lucy Winters and the ones from district 3 and 8, most of the other mentors just ignored him. He gave a shit. He was still worried about the kids under his care, about the fucking Arena and about his own life, to pay attention to them. And his personality was too strong to beg for some kind words.
"I heard that the Arena is quite unique this year" Lucy said.
Both of them were watching their own mentee trying to climb a rope. Her girl was doing better than his. But Theresa was good with axes. At least it seemed so. Alfie watched for a moment the girl from District 10 studying the plants.
"Every year it is."
"Some years are harder than others. And it seems to me this one is one of those."
"Say it out loud. Some years they put their whole shit on it," Alfie groaned.
"They want a show and visual effects are their speciality. We lost our male tribute last year because he put his feet on a landmine and exploded like confetti. I heard people cheering at it," Lucy clenched her fists "one day they're going to have a tribute so unhinged that he or she will to commit a massacre and they are going to lose their head. They deserve that! Not the kids, but the bastards…"
"They're going to kill her or him, then. They don't want a monster. They want cute kids. Fuckers. Fuckers."
"Nothing last for ever. Not even the games. But in the meantime…" Lucy stood up "I'm going with Tommy I'm seeing him talking with one of our kids. Alfie…"
The mentioned man just looked at her and she kept talking "don't let the past ruin your present."
Rose still felt guilt because she was unsure of telling Alfie about the microphone in the control centre. When he mentioned the desert, she just nodded.
That was the second day after the Games officially started. As usual, the bloodbath was the end of the road for a lot of tributes. The careers took care of several of them. Including Armand who was trying to run away when the girl of district 1 threw an arrow directly to his heart. Theresa and the girls from district 11 and 12 made an alliance. For now, it was working.
The cactus provided hydration but also, as the girl from district 6 discovered, its spines were poisonous. A simple scratch and the girl was dead. The sound of the cannon resounded in the Arena.
The sun was shining and it was obvious that it was hot. Sooner or later tributes will need water and unless their mentors send them bottles, they'll need to go to the cactus. Carefully.
From the original alliance only remained Theresa and the girl from 12. The black girl from district 11 was killed by one of the careers. That was the beginning of the third day.
Things started to go to shit when Theresa broke her wrist running from tributes who were chasing her. She managed to escape but she had lost her partner who was hidden somewhere else and now she couldn't use her right hand. Rose managed to help Alfie to get her fresh water and some bandages but that's all they could do. Obviously the girl needed a hospital, but that was impossible. Both of them noticing that Eva, the girl from District 10, was doing surprisingly good. Along with district 9, 11 and 12, 10 wasn't famous for having a victor usually their tributes died soon. Neither Alfie or Rose were alive when district 10 won its last games, nor they were even close to be. Rose's mother was still a baby when that happened. It was really far in time. With luck, maybe that year…
Rose had fallen asleep on his shoulders and Alfie covered her with a blanket. Next day he was going to tell her that Theresa didn't survive the night. It was something obvious. Too young and too much pain, probably an infection, too. Alfie followed her steps and fell asleep on the same sofa next to her.
The white sound of the TV woke up her. It was near 3am. The screen showed the Arena but it was quiet, you could only see the tributes on the ground sleeping.
Sleeping like Alfie at her side. She stroke his brown hair with the her fingertips. Whatever was happening between she and he, it was something different. Alfie was the last thing she expected to find in her life. And yet, after three Hunger Games together, he and the feelings she had for him was the only thing that survived the Games.
Alfie felt her and opened his eyes.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up."
"It's okay, sweetheart. I should go to bed anyway, this is not the best place to sleep."
"No, it's not. You better go, it's late and tomorrow…" Rose watched the TV, "she'll need you."
"Theresa's dead."
The young woman looked at him, surprised. Then stared down "I'm sorry."
"Don't be. She was suffering. Not anymore," he said as he tucked her hair behind her ear.
Alfie kissed her temple. "Next year, maybe."
Don't let the past ruin your present.
Alfie put his lips on hers and kissed her once again. This time he sat her down on his lap, her legs at each side of him.
She could feel him, only their clothes were in between. It was a nice feeling and she really wanted to be with him. But Rose couldn't blame Alfie if he didn't want the same. Someone had ruined him. She could wait another year, if he needed time.
"I think I fell for you…" she whispered when they pulled apart. It was true.
"You think?" his arms were around her waist and unconsciously, he was pressing his hips against hers.
"It's risky! I'm married. Lawrence is a brainless worm, but he's powerful and if he knows... my little brother is still in age of being reaped. But- but I love you."
I love you.
He remained in silence not knowing what to say. His whole life hated the Capitol and people living there. Nothing but a colourful bunch of stupid and cruel people. She wasn't from the Capitol, true, but she was still living there.
"I don't expect the same words in return," Rose spoke again "I just wanted you to know. It's okay for me if you want to continue this with not attachments or not continue it at all. We need to work together the years to come anyway, so… don't worry. We're adults."
Alfie looked at her. How distant in time was that first kiss full of sadness years ago and how different it was from the last one, minutes ago. She was still on him, waiting for an answer that Alfie didn't know how to articulate.
"You should go to sleep, Al. Even if there's no one needing you."
Although I need you, she wanted to say.
"You worry a lot about me, luv," he finally spoke. He stroked her cheek with his thumb.
"Someone has to. If don't, the future kids will be alone. They need you."
"Yeah, well, it's not like I'm a successful mentor. 16 dead kids and counting," Alfie clicked his tongue, shaking his head.
"And yet, you're the only thing they have. The only proof they have that it's possible to survive the fucking Arena. Ask yourself how many kids are growing up listening about your victory back in your district. 'Is that Alfie Solomons, mommy? The one who won the 53th games?' 'Yes, son, he is.'"
He couldn't help but laugh. She laughed, too. Alfie put one of his hands behind her neck pull her to him again, kissing her one more time.
Fuck the victors who thought she was like her husband. Fuck them. Fuck that old disgusting woman who caused a trauma on him. Fuck Snow, Lawrence Evert and the whole world.
Alfie picked her up and carried her to his bedroom. He closed the door with his feet. That turquoise dress she was wearing soon ended up on the floor, along with his shirt and pants.
He was on top of her kissing her neck, while her legs were already wrapping him. It was so different from the old woman, this was desired, wanted. Alfie pressed himself against her. He could feel her warmth. Rose took his face in her hands and made him look at her.
"Only if you want to," she said.
"I want to, sweetheart," he replied finally thrusting her. Both let out a moan. Alfie stayed still for a moment, feeling her. He couldn't compare the feeling because he didn't have anything to compare to. Slowly he began to move in her. Both smiled at each other.
"Rosie…" he said when finished. Both exhausted, but happy. The man kissed her forehead. "I love you, too. My Rosie."
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The previous year had been Alfie's 10th anniversary of his victory. And yet, it seemed it was yesterday he had won. His gift was to lost another two tributes.
This year there was another kind of celebration. One more private. Those were the fifth games they spent together. Two years ago neither of them were ready to admit that they longed to see each other. But last year it changed. The Games gave them the opportunity to be together. And same it was this one.
Rose prepared the costumes with anticipation, no matter the height or weight of the new kids the costumes were already prepared and once she could see them, her only job would be adjusting the clothes. No more wasted nights in her studio. The nights she used to spend sewing now they belong to Alfie. Including the first night after a whole year separated.
"Are you a couple?" asked Hilda, the female tribute, the morning after their arrival. Unaware of their behaviour, Alfie and Rose were chatting animatedly. Too close.
"What? No!" Alfie denied "don't be ridiculous."
"You are! Alfie, you're the grumpiest man I ever met. But I see you're happy now. I doubt you're happy because we're in the Capitol. Or this food over the table makes you happy or it's because of her."
"Hilda, that's a complete nonsense. She's just an old friend of mine, and also a married woman!"
"I am," confirmed Rose showing the girl her wedding ring.
"Pfff. As if a married person can't be with a single one. I'm not 5 years old, Hello! But if you want to lie… I'm not going to say a word anyway. I don't care. Besides… you're just friends."
"You said it. Just friends. As soon as you finish your breakfast we're going to the training floor," Alfie said to the girl "fuckin' hell! Kids these days…"
Rose couldn't help but chuckled at it. Every year that passed their were getting way older than his tributes. Five years ago, the age gap between them and Philip and Reah was minimal. If they had survived both of them now will be older 20. Now they were the perpetual ghosts of a 16 years old tributes. Same as the rest.
Alfie finally went with Hilda and the boy named, Alex, to start their training while she stay in their floor decorating the shoes, that was something she could do there. In the meantime, she heard the conversations inside the control centre with a earplug she had acquired.
"…not so deep, you fucking idiot. You're going to kill them all. The pressure is too much."
She could hear the voice of a man talking with another one that seemed to be younger.
"Code: 67-b!!" yelled someone in the background.
"That was a mutt," she thought. After five years listening non stop, Rose had learnt a lot of those codes and they never changed them. But still she couldn't identify what kind of Arena they designed this time.
After at least half an hour of unimportant chatting, she heard the first confirmation.
"I uploaded it," the younger voice said "not so deep, but I added another tunnel."
"Good job, Adam," reply the old to the one called Adam. "Let's see who of these little bastards can survive this underwater cave."
The shoe she was decorating fell on the floor. An underwater cave? How the fuck they were going to survive? Even for those from district 4, it'd be too much.
Rose stared at the wall. She was ready to tell Alfie the truth. He needed to prepare Hilda and Alex for something that was definitely new.
She turned off her earplug and hide it. Then Rose left the floor in search of Alfie.
"They're fine," he told her when she called him. He went out considering she wasn't allowed to be inside there while the tributes were training. "Alex is good with kn…"
"Listen to me!" she demanded, then she lowered the voice "Alfie, the arena this year is an underwater cave and I think we didn't see anything like that before. Your kids need to climb a slippery rock until reach the surface and they put the cornucopia under the fucking water. So every time they'll need a weapon or if they survive to the feast, they'll need to dive. Did you hear me?"
"How the fuck do you know that?"
"It doesn't matter. But I know it and you should do something about it or you're going to lose both of them the first minute. There's a swimming pool crossing this hallway. Take them there, too."
"It does matter to me. But we can't talk here."
Alfie and Rose were arguing in his bedroom later that same day. Alissa had taken the kids to explore the building, so they were alone.
"You knew the whole time. You always knew!"
"How. Why! Your husband told you?"
"God damnit, Alfie, no! If I tell you, you won't understand. It has nothing to do with the asshole. It's me. I… can you please, trust me?"
"No. I can't. From the moment I met you, you knew!! fuck!! you knew from the very beginning the different Arenas!! What the fuck are you telling me about trusting you? I could have done more for those children! I saw them died!"
"I saw them died, too! Don't think I don't see them every fucking night in my head!! The first year I didn't know you! What did you want me to tell you? 'hey! I'm your stylist! And the Arena this year represents the Grand Canyon, how are you?"
"And then what? The following years, what? Last year?! Two years ago?!"
"I didn't know how. And because the less people know about it, the better... I…"
"You what?! The better what?!"
"My business, Alfie!! Fuck… I'm not betraying you. I swear. I swear. Please, believe me."
"I need to be alone."
"Get out, Rose."
Alfie didn't talk to her the following days. Of course they didn't sleep together, either. Alfie was upset and she understood why, but she was also protecting him. If by any chance, Snow knew about it, Alfie could be free because he knew nothing.
The third day after the argument and barely speaking with each other, Rose found him reading a book about survival skills sat in front of the window that faced the city.
"Are you still mad at me?"
"And if I give you this?" he opened her hand and showed him a wheat ear with googly eyes and blue hair "his name is Wheaty. Wheaty says: Rose loves you with her life, even if you don't think so."
Alfie watched at the ridiculous toy and smirked "Wheaty seems to be a wise man."
"He is." Rose gave it to him and Alfie put the toy in his pocket. "I'm not the only one against this bullshit in the Capitol, Al. But I'm just doing my part… and I don't want you to be involved in this."
"I'm with you. I don't know what the fuck are you doing, Rosie. But I know you're crazy."
"Is that good or not?"
"I don't know yet." Alfie put the book aside and sighed, "I'm mad at you. But I also believe you, these days I sent them to train in the climbing wall and then to the swimming pool."
"It worked?"
"I hope so."
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Far away from the building, inside an exclusive mansion, President Snow was watching the sky. A woman next to him, his secretary, was taking notes.
"Anything else, sir?"
"Tell me, Hazelle, have you ever sense that something is wrong but you don't know what?"
"Sometimes, yes."
"It's good to know, Hazelle, that I'm not the only one. One last thing, before you go to your home… I'm going to need a new suit to congratulate our new victor, who ever wins the Games. And I want a new stylist, please, contact Mrs. Evert. She's working with district 9."
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enihk-writes · 6 months
[thunder bolts in a clear sky]
cross-posted on AO3 (hiatus there until further notice)
pairing: mhdd!chung myung x afab!she/her!reader (undecided)
OC x afab!she/her!reader (doomed yuri) mhdd!chung myung + afab!she/her!reader (queer-platonic attraction that's not inherently sexual or romantic and not fully platonic either, reader is going to end up being very aroace if that's not how you roll then... sorry i guess...)
plot overview: reader is a person from an unspecified distant future, reincarnated into the current mount hua timeline after facing execution for multiple low-level crimes among other false accusations. the chapters will switch between her current timeline and ones which will delve into her past — introducing the world she came from and the people she knew in more depth.
will be attempting to explore the difference in philosophies between reader and chung myung — nihilism in that nothing you do will ever matter vs chung myung who strives to create a better future that he might not even have a chance to see. reader who can connect with people around her vs chung myung who has trouble opening up and trusting others with his burdens... among other topics i.e. reader's feeling of alienation in both lives as someone who physically does not look like she belongs in this community
content warning: canon-typical violence // blood and violence // gore // body horror // execution // torture // emotional manipulation // implied and referenced child abuse // grooming // child soldiers // post-traumatic stress disorder - ptsd // unhealthy coping mechanisms // war crimes // government experimentation // government conspiracy // government agencies // disability // flawed justice system // other additional tags to be added + tags may change
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❀ chapters ❀
any discussions or mentions of the topics disclosed in the content warnings will be marked at the end of the chapter titles with a [*]
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whumpsday · 8 months
absolutely feel free to ignore this if you don't wanna answer it (i know that some people love this question but others don't) but do any of your K&J OC's have mental disorders? Like adhd, autism, ocd or any of that stuff (outside of PTSD of course)?
i've seen some stuff in certain chapters that i really relate to as a neurodivergent person, like kane enjoying fidgeting with things and laken's struggles with personal boundaries/certain social cues.
whether you feel comfortable confirming or not, i still absolutely love and appreciate those little moments of representation, but i just thought i'd ask :D
yeah!! this is a story about trauma so obviously like half the cast has ptsd. i have my own slew of stuff (depression, anxiety, ocd, adhd, ptsd, and an ed). some of this is less "i'm setting out to write a character with x" and more "ooh someone told me a cool headcanon i'm making canon" so i'll indicate when that's the case lol
kane - ptsd, binge eating disorder (upcoming in ch.55), and i didn't originally write him with the intent, but @whumpshaped has brought up reading kane as having bpd and it kind of fits rly well. i've been a bit nervous about making that canon bc kane was an abuser in arc 1 and there's a lot of stigma associated with that when it comes to bpd, and i didn't wanna add to that? though i feel that kane is enough of a well-rounded character that it would be okay?
jim - ptsd, major depression, definitely would have developed a substance abuse disorder if liz wasn't taking care of him but that was avoided
liz - adhd, ptsd (from watching her parents die as a kid)
bellamy - generalized anxiety disorder (he's pretty good at coping with it), a bunch of common phobias if that counts (bugs, heights, etc)
laken - i didn't write them with the intent, but i like your reading of laken as autistic so i'll make it canon :) why not!
graham - social anxiety disorder (had that pre-whump), ptsd
anton doesn't have anything he's just an asshole. his sadistic behavior is based off the concept of energy vampires, vampires who feed off the negative emotions of others- in his case more a metaphorical feeding than a literal one.
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
Arranged Marriage
Marriage Principles series by Fahye (E, 38k, wangxian, LXC/JGY, canon divergence, arranged betrothal)
❤️ I Started From the Bottom/And Now I’m Rich by x_los (E, 57k, WangXian, WWX/Others, Mutual Pining, Marriage of Convenience, Arranged Marriage, No Sunshot Campaign, Fix-It, WQ Lives, Transmigration, Time Travel, Weddings, Sugar Daddy, Sugar Daddy, Black Widow, Protective Siblings, Dysfunctional Family, Family Bonding, Sugar Baby, consort, Politics, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Crack Treated Seriously)
An Elegant Solution by giraffeter (E, 205k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, fix-it, everyone lives au, courtship, polyamory, smut, Mojo’s bookmark)
cloudy autumn heaps the sky by anatheme (T, 23k, WangXian, Fantasy, Secret Identity, Dragon LWJ, Fox WWX, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Timeline What Timeline, wwx is a little older here, wwx piling gifts on lwj and encouraging hoarding tendencies, Sharing a Bed, Literal Sleeping Together, Arranged Marriage, of sorts)
The Oriole Behind You by mercyandmagic (M, 97k, wangxian, LXC/JGY, JYL/JZX, JC/LQY, many other pairings, arranged marriage, greatest matchmaker WRH, family feels, angst w/ happy ending, everyone lives au)
of all the hands by typefortydeductions (E, 51k, wangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, emperor LXC, PTSD, nightmares, dual cultivation, mental health issues, fluff & angst, consensual non-con, pining, politics) 
💖 sweet chaos by eachandeverydimension (G, 86k, wangxian, arranged marriage, different first meeting, falling in love, getting together, lwj in lotus pier, Chinese culture)
💖 hot necromancer singles seeking dom daddies in your area by Mikkeneko (M, 19k, wangxian, yiling wei sect au, BDSM scene, dom/sub, brat wwx, rope bondage, caning, aftercare)
Neatly Arranged by thunderwear (T, 45k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Angst with a Happy Ending, lwj’s mother is here but only briefly, RIP, Shenanigans, Fix-It, of sorts, Canonical Character Death, but not all, did i forget to tag pining, because this fic is like 90 percent pining, Hurt/Comfort)
❤️ a stone to break your soul, a song to save it by rikke (M, 180k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, arranged marriage)
Into the Oubliette by Ruixx (M, 121k, WIP, WangXian, Growing Up, Fix-It of Sorts, Arranged Marriage, Time Travel, Sibling Bonding, Adopted Sibling Relationship, Canon Divergence, Light BDSM, Breathplay, Wwx protection squad, Sunshot Campaign, War Politics, Hostage JYL, Visions, LXC Redemption, general lwj, Internal Sect, Politics, Good Uncle LQR, Lan OC’s, No Golden Core Transfer, Empire Building)
Baby Whisperer Wei Wuxian by Preludian_Staves (T, 15k, WangXian, Accidental Baby Acquisition, Canon Divergence, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Not Jiang Clan Friendly, Arranged Marriage, (eventually for reasons), endgame wangxian, Parent-Child Relationship, Soft WWX, Pining LWJ, Good Parent WWX, WWX Is Good With Children, Single Parent WWX, Fluff and Angst, Rituals, Protective WWX, Protective LWJ, Developing Relationship)
Instead of rabbits, I'll give you this by Bloodcoral (T, 94k, WangXian, XiCheng, Canon Divergence, Angst, WWX is a mess, Fix-It, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, LXC is the best, JYL deserves much better, no really...she does, Arranged Marriage, Did I mention angst, Canon Rewrite, Some people do die...just the bad ones, well adjusted Xue Yang)
Polishing Jade by Starra (M, 252k, WangXian, Modern AU, Arranged Marriage, Awkward Dates, Slice of Life, Most likely OOCness, Falling In Love, Everyone Needs A Hug Loneliness, Feelings Realization, Drinking to Cope, Implied/Referenced Abuse, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Suicide, slow-ish build, Eventual Cohabitation)
The Distance Between Fondness and Something Akin to Love by countingcr0ws (M, 20k, wangxian, arranged marriage au, not canon compliant, war, romance, mistaken identity, impersonation, awkward flirting, wedding planning, Chinese tradition)
a light hidden and singing by occultings (microcomets) (E, 48k, wangxian, arranged marriage, pining, getting together, slow burn, misunderstandings, miscommunication, blood & injury, happy ending, smut)
A Little Stabbing by tuesday (T, 4k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Canon Divergence, Minor Violence, Light Angst)
use the wood brought in by the tide by Lirazel (M, 27k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Hurt/Comfort, Warning for Physical Abuse, Falling In Love With Your Husband, pining for your husband, Sibling solidarity, dealing with your in-laws, lwj's typical inner maelstrom of emotions, WWX Whump, Protective!LWJ, lwj&jyl friendship, intimate hair brushing, Skinny Dipping, Growing Up, Establishing boundaries)
The Measure of Happiness by Anonymous (T, 5k, WangXian, misunderstandings galore, Pining your name is WWX, Arranged Marriage, No Sunshot Campaign, Alternate Meetings)
like the sun coming out by Anonymous (T, 2k, WangXian, No Sunshot Campaign, Good Uncle LQR, Supportive LQR, Protective LQR, Arranged Marriage, Domestic Hurt/Comfort, Miscommunication, Light Angst, Crack Treated Seriously)
True Gold Fears No Fire by defractum (nyargles) (M, 64k, WIP, WangXian,  Royalty AU, Ancient China, Wuxia, Historical Inaccuracy, Arranged Marriage, Identity Porn, Mutual Pining, Emperor!LWJ, empress!wwx, Eventual Happy Ending, Misunderstandings) Imperial cultivator au with very fun identity shenanigans.
rebuttable presumption masterpost by sarah-yyy
permissive presumption by sarahyyy (G, 7k, WangXian, Royalty, Arranged Marriage, Pining, Mutual Pining, Misunderstandings)
🧡 hypothetically, of course by johnnyfucksup (G, 22k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Character Study, Kinda, Inter-sect politics, a little bit, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Strangers to Lovers, Getting to Know Each Other, Falling In Love, The Mortifying Ordeal of Falling In Love With Your Betrothed, Getting Together, Happy Ending, Love Confessions, very awkward ones at that, Slow Burn Speedrun)
Lead Me On Through by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 54k, WangXian, Arranged Marriage, Practice Kissing, practice other things, horny boys in love, questionable logic, Questionable Choices, slight knives, Happy Ending)
Give Me a Chance to Fall by brooklinegirl (E, 37k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage)
The Scarlet Lotus by rainbowninja167 (M, 137k, WangXian, Marriage of Convenience, Secret Identity, Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Canon-Typical Violence, canon-typical war crimes, Yunmeng Bros, the mortifying ordeal of getting seduced by your own husband, nonlinear chronology we die like cql, just kidding nobody dies in this fic, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Miscommunication)
Marriage Woe-nos! Series by oleanderedits (G, 10k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Spite Courting, Comedy, fake dating to real dating, or maybe it was never fake?, Everyone else's p.o.v., Crass language)
With No Particular Affection by Chrononautical (E, 92k, WangXian, Modern AU, Arranged Marriage, Kid Fic, Miscommunication, Family Drama, JFM and YZY’s A+ Parenting, Good Uncle JC, Wedding Fluff, Genius WWX, Street Kid WWX, Homelessness, Rich LWJ, Oblivious WWX, Cinnamon Roll WN, Implied/Referenced Suicide, WWX Has a Pregnancy Kink, Domestic Fluff, Fluff and Angst)
I Have Arranged to Tie You to Me by xxxMiaHikarixxx (G, 47k, WIP, WangXian, Lan protective team, Time Travel, Past, LWJ oriented, Arranged Marriage, Boys In Love, Soulmates, Fix-It, Jiang siblings, not jiang parents friendly, JC is slowly becoming a good sibling, Soft LWJ, Protective LWJ, Genius WWX)
Accidental/Drunk Marriage
Being Known series by dragongirlG (M, 42k, wangxian, canon divergence, cloud recesses study arc, drunken confessions, oblivious WWX, humor, fluff & crack, accidental betrothal, family drama, political alliances, arranged marriage)
Kingfisher Feathers by anonymous (E, 122k, WIP, WangXian, Royalty AU, Emperor LWJ, Concubine WWX, A/B/O, Mpreg, Mutual Pining, Angst with a happy ending)
live from new york: an snl au Series by varnes (E/M, 105k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, Modern AU, SNL AU, slow burn, friends to lovers, pining, getting together, happy ending, Idiots in Love, and they were ROOMMATES, Frottage, Light Bondage, could not be lighter or gentler bondage, Secret Marriage, Accidental Marriage)
Magical Marriage Ribbons by starandrea (G, 2k, WangXian, Gūsū Lán Forehead Ribbon, Accidental Marriage)
Falling for You Series by Harleydoll (M, 12k, WangXian, Modern AU, Mild Sexual Content, Light Bondage, POV WWX, Oblivious WWX, Pining LWJ, LWJ Has Feelings, Accidental Relationship, JC is So Done, Wedding Planning, Fluff and Humor, WangXian get a Happy Ending, Protective LWJ, Possessive LWJ, POV LWJ, Supportive LXC)
Hangover by TriviasFolly (T, 83k, WangXian, Modern AU- College, Drinking, fluff? I guess, Las Vegas, Implied/Referenced Underage Drinking, drunk marriage, protective Jiang siblings, qiren being a bit of an asshole, Mental Health Issues, positive recovery, WangXian positivity, Healing)
Only Fools Rush In by vesna (mrsronweasley) (E, 27k, WangXian, Modern AU, Woke Up Married, alcohol use but no sex happens while drunk, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, what happens in Vegas etc etc)
Otherwise Engaged by DecemberCamie (G, 5k, WangXian, Modern AU, Professors, POV Outsider, Mutual Pining, Accidental Marriage, Getting Together)
Standing Engagement by x_los (E, 18k, WangXian, ChengQing, Misunderstandings, Accidental Engagement, Engagement, Sunshot Campaign, Golden Core Reveal, Canon-Typical Violence, Accidental Relationship, WQ Lives, Everybody Lives, Episode 19, Episode 21)
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