#obi-wan kenobi x alien reader
hereticpriest · 4 months
Mercy Ch. 1 - Every Story Has a Beginning
Rating: Explicit 18+
Relationship: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
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To begin with, some warnings about this story: A/B/O Dynamics, Female Alpha, Male Omega, Some chapters may involve messing with the whole 'alphas are always dom and omegas are always sub' because I think nuance exists even in A/B/O dynamics, Fucking with the timeline (this is a blend of Canon, Legends, and original lore), Minimal use of Y/N (Explained in the first chapter), Reader is an alien species of my own creation and thus has a physical description, Familial bonds explored heavily, Clone rights explored heavily, Violence is more graphic than canon-typical however any graphic descriptions will be noted, AFAB reader, Not beta-read so I apologize for any mistakes.
Chapter Warnings: A bit heavy in exposition - I apologize, I have a lot to introduce. Minimal warnings, but there is some discussion of dynamics with children to prepare them for their future. Child abandonment?
Read on AO3
Masterlist - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four
A floating holo of Haelstruum rotated in the centre of the room, followed swiftly by a couple of other planets from across the galaxy. Ryloth, Shii, Glee Anselm, Corellia, Stewjon, and even Coruscant joined Haela in a cluster before their teacher, Master Yoda, as he began a slow but engaging lecture on the history of each planet and the Jedi they had produced. Haelstruum was not a common addition to the lecture, and as such, was one of the planets which appeared to intrigue the students in the room most of all. You noticed several eyes glancing back at you, filled with curiosity despite having been taught together for many years now. Your pointed ears flicked with irritation, an unconscious habit you had still yet to gain control of despite repeatedly hearing from your instructors that it gave away your true feelings.
“... not many jedi, Haelstruum has produced. Curious, as many force-sensitives, Haelstruum has.” Master Yoda gave a hum of amusement at the way his students leaned forwards towards him. Their eagerness to learn was often his favourite part of visiting the Heloist and Kybuck clans of younglings for lessons. He looked around the room for a moment, admiring the yearning for knowledge of each youngling, before his gaze fell upon you. The only potential Jedi from Haelstruum in nearly thirty years.
A hand shot up directly to the right of you. Doa’su, a teal-skinned Twi’lek who had always been endlessly curious about your species. Haela were rarely found off of Haelstruum, and strangers were rarely welcomed onto the planet, so the Archives or lessons were the only way to learn more about where you came from.
“A question, you have?” Yoda asked, and Doa’su straightened her back to right her posture, trying to look more adult than she was.
“Yes, Master Yoda. I was wondering why there aren’t more Haela Jedi if Haelstruum has a lot of force-sensitives?” She asked with as respectful a tone as a six year old could manage. Your tail flicked behind you, winding in slow s-patterns like a snake through the sand. You were also curious, of course. You’d been taken from Haelstruum when you were only a babe - no more than a year old if your minder in the crèche was to be believed. Yoda’s gaze found you again, and you could have sworn a smile tugged at his lips. Maybe he’d seen your excitement evident in your winding tail.
“Fiercely loyal, Haela are. And fiercely insular, I’m afraid. Believe themselves capable of teaching their own to use the Force and control themselves, the Haelstruum council does.” Yoda replied honestly, and as Doa’su perked up again as if to ask a follow up, he raised a calming hand palm towards her, “While strong with the Force, Haela are, deeply superstitious they are as well. If born under a bad omen, a Haelan is, abandoned they will be. A deep connection to the Force, Haelan seers have, but not always clear these visions are.”
You had a moment of fear at the idea of being abandoned. Considered a bad omen, or seen through the Force to do something awful. You closed your eyes for a brief moment, breathing in deeply, then exhaling slowly and calmly until the ripples in the serene pool of your mind dissipated to nothing.
“How was I found by the Jedi, Master Yoda?” You asked, bringing your tail into your lap to further calm yourself. To your left, you felt a curious gaze from the Stewjonni boy whose freckles seemed as plentiful as the stars in the night sky. His curiosity seemed to rival that of Doa’su, and it was liable to make you nervous again if you gave either of them any attention.
“Ahh, a very interesting tale, that is. Born under a rare foreseen comet, you were. A bad omen, it was said, for a child with the Force to be born under the watchful gaze of this comet. If I recall, lifted a starfruit to your cradle, you did. In the neighbouring system, Master Dooku was, and contacted by the Haelan council, we were.” Master Yoda replied, and you took some comfort in the knowledge that despite being considered a bad omen by your people, they still gave you to the Jedi instead of whatever alternative might have been possible.
“Thank you, Master Yoda. I apologise for the interruption.” You said politely, quieting down for the remainder of the lesson. The boy beside you kept his gaze fixed on your face a little longer, and you finally looked at him, blinking in surprise at the toothy smile he gave you. He wasn’t in the same clan as you - Kybuck clan to your Heloist clan - but you recognized him all the same. Obi-wan Kenobi, a strawberry blonde ball of rebellion and mischief that you did not need to get involved with. You immediately looked away again, your pale pink cheeks gaining a purple flush as your blue blood rushed to your face.
“Names are important,” Master Mundi aurated, his voice soft and lyrical as always as he took ownership of the front of the classroom, “Some cultures use their family name until they are old enough to choose their own name. Some cultures have names that have rich meaning, and are meant to foretell their future, while others simply choose something that appeals to the parents. Some cultures name their children after relatives. There are even some who have a given name that they only use during their youth, at which point it becomes personal and only used between close friends and family. Haela are a wonderful example of this, like our dear youngling Y/N. When Haela begin maturing, they choose what is called a ‘virtue name’. This name can be an attribute that they wish to personify throughout their life, or a calling that they feel deep in their heart. You’re still a bit young for that, Y/N, but I will be very curious to see what you land on.”
You smiled sheepishly, embarrassed by the attention, though Master Mundi swiftly moved onto the topic of titles, and how their importance varied from planet to planet. He was a fantastic teacher, and while his work largely fell into that of a Guardian, he was skilled with introducing Consular matters to the younglings. You quite enjoyed his classes, as even when the topic was boring, his lilting voice managed to keep your attention.
Later that day, while practising with your training saber under Master Yoda’s watchful eye, you couldn’t stop thinking about virtue names. What would you choose? How would you choose something so important without any guidance at all? What if you chose something as a Padawan but found that it didn’t suit you as an adult? You were only eight years old - you wouldn’t have to decide for at least a couple more years, and yet you felt frozen with indecision as if you had to decide this exact moment. From your understanding, the previous Haela Jedi had always chosen their virtue names as they transitioned from youngling to Padawan. That was still years away.
Nearby, Obi-Wan and another human boy had been paired up to spar. The sound of their training sabers buzzed in your ears, though you didn’t look up from the kata you were moving through robotically, far too lost in your head. It was a soothing sound to you, helping you reach a moving meditation state that had you following the will of the Force more than you were consciously following your kata movements. A yelp split the air, and you blinked rapidly as you came out of your trance, ears still buzzing with energy as you turned to see Obi-Wan on the floor with his hand around his ankle. The other human boy whose name you couldn’t remember was apologising profusely, and you could see unshed tears in Obi-Wan’s eyes that he was trying to hide. Master Yoda began to make his way across the room towards them, but you got there first, crouching in front of the Stewjonni boy with a sympathetic smile.
“That looks like it hurts.” You murmured, gently pulling his hands away from his ankle and rubbing your wrists together comfortingly. Despite still being too young for your dynamic to emerge, platonic scenting was common between younglings for comfort and bond-building, even if you barely knew him. He blinked at you, but the tension in his body eased, soothed by your gentle touch. His ankle was already red and beginning to swell, so you placed a careful hand on the joint. You didn’t quite know what you were doing, or why, but you could feel the Force guiding you, breathing through you. You felt bad for Obi-Wan and wanted to take away his pain.
And so you did.
You watched as the swelling began to reduce as quickly as it started. The redness melted back into pale skin littered with freckles, and Obi-Wan’s harsh breathing slowed. He reached for you this time, rubbing his wrist against yours, his body instinctively leaning towards you as he wiped his face in the collar of his robes. You barely even noticed that the boy had clasped his hand with yours, your wrists together while your other hand hovered over his injured ankle. A tingle of connection and thanks shot through you, and you smiled at Obi-Wan shyly as you finished healing his ankle. You removed your hand from his ankle as Master Yoda approached, a fond smile on his wrinkly old face.
“The gift of healing, you appear to have. A wonderful surprise, this is.” Yoda said as you used your grip on Obi-Wan’s hand to carefully help him to his feet. The young human boy rubbed his wrist against yours again a final time, reciprocating that comfort and silently thanking you for it, before he finally, reluctantly, let go.
“Does that mean I will have to stop my training and go to the Halls of Healing?” You asked your teacher with the beginnings of a pout, drawing a croaky laugh from the Master who had trained you for so long.
“Continue to train, you will. Want your help, the Halls of Healing may. But yours, the choice remains.”
You were nearly ten when you were brought into a cosy classroom that you didn’t think was still under use. Plants lined the shelving, and at the head of the room stood a Jedi you knew quite well. He often visited the crèche when he was stressed, playing with the youngest of the younglings or rocking the babies to sleep. He told grand stories of his missions, child-friendly of course, and you would always listen with rapt attention to his dramatic tales. Qui-Gon Jinn. Former apprentice of the man who brought you to the Jedi Temple as a babe.
Your fellow younglings shifted anxiously in their seats, all of you unsure as you had not been told what the lesson entailed, simply a time and classroom number. You held onto your tail to keep it from swaying nervously behind you, catching the eye of Doa’su beside you as she watched you. You offered her a shy smile which she returned, reaching out the short distance to rub your wrists together.
“Ah, a wonderful way to begin your lesson.” Qui-Gon interrupted you, making you jump in your seat. Your cheeks flushed purple, and Doa’su stammered an apology, but the Jedi Master simply shook his head and smiled at you both.
“Most Jedi are Betas, though scholars continue to argue whether that is because of the Force, or simply innately because Betas are far more common than the other two dynamics. I personally believe it to be a combination of both, however it is true that there are several wise Jedi who happen to be Alphas, or Omegas. Master Windu himself is an Alpha, as is my former master, Master Dooku. Master Sifo-Dyas and Master Yaddle are both Omegas.” Qui-Gon explained, “In this class, I will be giving you all a lesson in dynamics, including pack bonds, how your dynamic might affect your connection to the Force and the people around you, and dynamic-specific anatomy.”
After a quick look around the room, you gave a nervous giggle. You weren’t the only one whose face was flushed. Doa’su was as purple as you, and the Togruta youngling Orare seemed to be attempting to sink into the floor. Nanga, a Nautolan youngling was trying to cover her face with her tendrils, while Yaris, a Corellian boy simply pulled the front of his robes up over the lower half of his face. Qui-Gon watched you all with a certain fondness in his eyes, a kind but heavily amused smile on his face.
“All dynamics have scent glands, as I’m sure you are all aware. As demonstrated previously by younglings Y/N and Doa’su, pressing your scent glands together can be a way to comfort eachother, and display bonds of friendship. You have scent glands on your chin, your neck, and your wrists. It is generally considered that scenting via wrists is a platonic display, while scenting chin-to-neck is far more intimate. The glands on your neck are used for mating bonds, though only force-mates are allowed to bind themselves this way within the Jedi Order.” Qui-Gon gestured towards the appropriate glands on his own body as he spoke, and you reached up to touch the gland on your chin curiously.
“How do you know that someone is your force-mate?” Nanga asked, shy but very curious. Qui-Gon smiled indulgently.
“When you brush your force signature against your force-mate, it will instantly create a bond between you, stronger than any training bond or pack bond you may create. Should one not be taking blockers, the scent of their mate might be a good indicator, and might throw them both into early heat or ruts. It is said to be instantly obvious when you meet your force-mate, though only if you meet after presenting.” Qui-Gon explained as he walked leisurely around the room, “I have been asked to warn you that finding your force-mate is a very rare occurrence, lest you feel disheartened if you don’t find them. I have also been asked to remind you that while force-mates are respected by the Council, you must always put the living will of the Force, and the Jedi Code, first.”
The Beta Master went on to explain that heats and ruts were monthly, though many species have stronger heats and ruts during the spring and summer seasons. He explained that the possibility of pregnancy, and the genital anatomy of Alphas and Omegas was species-dependent and very complicated, but to be assured that it was very likely that whatever relationship dynamic you fell into would allow procreation, if you found your force-mate. To your immense embarrassment, Qui-Gon Jinn took the time to explain an Alpha’s knot, Omega slick, and general anatomy of each dynamic for each of the species present in the room. He explained Omega behaviour like nesting, and how it could be supported by their pack. You were relieved when he dispelled the misconceptions around Alpha commands, as they had always been unnerving to you. While a command was compelling, it was not all-powerful, and it was generally used to break through barriers like anxiety or fear. Even the worst, most vile Alpha couldn’t force their Omega or Beta into anything they didn’t want to do. 
Betas tend to have soothing scents, Alphas tend towards woodsy or spicy scents, and Omegas often have flowery or sweet scents, Qui-Gon explained as he went into how scent was as good as mind-reading for many people. It was an innate, biological knowledge that everyone shared. Sour smells indicated fear, tang indicated arousal, warmth indicated happiness or contentedness, and the scent of rot often followed anger or hate. Even as younglings, with very little scent of your own, you could recognize these scents in others around you - particularly adults.
The last part of your lesson revolved around pack bonds and dynamic communication. Packs often fluctuated, and the pack you belonged to as a youngling would change as you became a Padawan, and later, a Master. Packs consisted of a variety of members of different dynamics, headed by an Alpha, and balanced by a strong Beta. Multiple Alphas could be in the same pack, however one of those Alphas would inevitably be stronger than the others, or at the very least submitted to. Alphas chuff when pleased, while Omegas purr. Alphas growl or roar when displeased, while Omegas hiss. Omegas make a chirrup sound to get the attention of those around them, a sharp, ear-catching sound. Betas can purr, and it can be incredibly soothing to be around a purring Beta. Betas also bark when displeased, and even the strongest Alpha would feel chastened by a Beta’s bark.
“When you present your dynamic, you will be given scent blockers, and heat or rut blockers as well. You will be given a birth control implant, which can be removed when you get older, should you find your force-mate. It is important to know that while your first heat or rut can be scary, you will be supported by those around you, and the effects will be swiftly soothed by taking your first round of blockers.” Qui-Gon showed you all the birth control implant in his arm to assuage your fears, letting each of you touch the small shape beneath his skin. You had to admit, it made you feel better to have a frank discussion of these things that you knew existed, but were kept so cloistered in the Jedi Temple.
By the end of the lesson, despite the uncertainty surrounding it, you felt a little more at ease about your future. Most Jedi were Betas, anyways, so you likely didn’t have much to worry about. And you likely wouldn’t present for a couple of years still - the average age for presenting was 12-14. It was a distant worry if anything. There was no way you would be an Alpha, or an Omega. There was no way.
Space was cold.
It was your first clear thought since you’d boarded the small cruiser that would take you on your first mission with your new Master. You stood proudly behind him and the pilot in the cockpit, feet carefully shoulder-width apart, your chin tipped up regally as your Master had instructed you. Your hands were folded carefully behind your back, hidden in your sleeves, and you relied entirely upon your balance to keep yourself upright for the journey despite any turbulence. Most younglings become Padawans closer to the age of twelve, however your Master requested you a little early, believing you would benefit from one-on-one attention sooner rather than later. At the tender age of ten, you looked up into the proud eyes of your Master as he carefully twisted the strands of your hair into your Padawan braid, and you knew you had been right to hope for him to be your Master for all of these years.
“Have you chosen a virtue name, my young Padawan?” Your Master asked as he got to the end of your braid, beginning to tie it off with a teal band.
“Yes, Master. I will be known as Mercy from now on.” You replied, hope stirring in your belly that you had chosen correctly. Your Master smiled fondly as he finished tying off your braid, tucking it back from your face.
“I’m pleased to know you, Mercy.”
“One must master oneself to master the force, my young apprentice.” He had told you as he helped you with your new Padawan robes, “and one must always present oneself the way they wish to be viewed. Project strength, and you will be seen as strong even when you do not feel it. Project regality, and you will be treated with the respect you deserve, despite your youth. Poise and elegance are important for not only consular abilities, but also your lightsaber training, and your force abilities.”
Your Padawan braid swayed against your neck, and you were tempted to tuck it behind your ear to keep it from tickling your skin, but you don’t want to move. You want your Master to know how seriously you take his instruction. You want to prove yourself to him. The journey is long, with a jump through hyperspace that threatens to knock you over, though you use your prehensile tail to balance yourself. Four hours you stand behind your Master and the pilot, who had initially attempted to argue on your behalf that you be allowed to sit. It was kind and thoughtful of him, though you had insisted that you would be perfectly fine standing before your Master could even respond. His approving smile warmed you enough to keep you standing even when your legs began to go numb.
Your arrival upon the small planet is greeted with much pomp and circumstance, and your Master rests a strong hand between your shoulder blades to support you as you walk through the streets of a bustling market. The sights and smells are nearly overwhelming after a lifetime of the cool serenity of the Jedi Temple, but you try to act unbothered and simply wrap your tail around your leg to keep it from getting in the way. You’re too tired for it to truly overwhelm you. Perhaps that had been the point. If you were being honest with yourself, you remember very little about your first mission considering it had largely been a diplomatic mission between your Master and the hierarchy of the planet. Your fondest memories are largely unrelated to your actual goal upon the planet.
Your Master calmly introduced you to the wealth of indulgences available in the small market, starting with a meal in a restaurant by the shipyard which he informed you was your first reward for your impressive standing meditation upon the ship. He ordered several dishes to share, calmly explaining what each food was and the way it should taste as you ate. When you mentioned that the Council might see it as an overindulgence, he simply smiled at you with an eyebrow cocked and asked, “Is the Council here, my young Padawan?” You giggled, taking another bite of a sweet fruit that made your mouth water to hide your excitement.
After your meal, your Master bought you a tin of candy from a booth with a shopkeeper who smiled bright as the sun as she handed it over to you. He bought you a bead for your braid to celebrate your first mission, and a lovely copper-coloured cuff for your tail that was originally meant to be a bracelet. He told you stories of some of his previous missions, and his last Padawan many years ago who was now a Jedi Master in his own right. After meeting with the leaders of the planet and completing the mission, he took you back to the cruiser, however he did not make you stand this time. Instead, he sat with you in the small cargo hold and showed you how to massage the pain from your legs after a busy day. He promised you that while he would demand a lot from you, he would always take care of you.
And you believed him.
For a long, long time, it was true. Your Master taught you his preferred lightsaber form, Form II - Makashi. He praised your elegance with the blade, your prowess with the force, and your poise in the face of all obstacles. He bought you more small indulgences, like hair oils and creams with bacta that would help soothe your aching muscles after a hard day. He filled your datapad with countless books about the force, or history, or poetry. With each one you read, he would indulge you in grand, invigorating discussions that often gave you new perspectives and made you feel more equal with your Master. He brought you to see a couple of plays in the grand theatre on Coruscant, along with an opera for your eleventh birthday.
Your Master disagreed often with the Council, and had many indulgences unbefitting of a Jedi. He was stern when you made mistakes, and far more demanding than many of the other Masters, but he was so nurturing every step of the way that you truly excelled under his tutelage. He would drill you for hours in lightsaber training until you could barely stand, then make you sit in meditation for hours longer until your body ached. He pushed you further than other Padawans your age, and if questioned about it he would simply tell you that you were better than them, and thus more would be expected of you. He made you sit under waterfalls until your body was numb, or balance in a one-handed handstand while using the force to hold rocks in levitation. He expected perfection. And yet, he always rewarded you for meeting his standards. He would rebraid your Padawan braid with new beads and clasps with each achievement, and praise you for your skills. On a mission to a rather rich, lush planet, he bought you a new cloak in your favourite colour to wear over your brown and cream robes.
When you were twelve, you presented as an Alpha, and your Master smiled proudly as he wiped the sweat from your brow and tucked you into bed. He gave you scent blockers in the form of patches for the scent glands on your neck, and cream for anywhere else. He gave you rut blockers to take every day, and explained their importance. Not once did he falter or appear embarrassed in his explanations of your dynamic. Despite the heavy scent of your rut filling the room, he was perfectly composed as he braided your hair to keep it from getting tangled while you rested.
“I knew it.” He said, “You will be a strong Alpha, regal and poised. A paragon of your designation.”
Your Master brought you a robe of his, knowing it would provide comfort as the blockers took effect. Thankfully, you’d only have to endure a couple of hours of this torment. He brought you water, and your favourite foods, cheekily putting a finger to his grinning lips as if to shush you as he did. As if you’d ever tattle on him to the Council.
The following morning, after a long turn in the fresher, you finally felt like yourself again. You took your bedding and clothes to do the laundry, then applied your scent blocker carefully in the mirror. You were sitting on the cushion in the shared space of your rooms when your Master finally joined you. He carefully settled down across from you, his force signature brushing against yours through your training bond to assure himself that you were alright before he sank into meditation with you. When you were feeling calm and collected, and balanced within the force, you finally spoke.
“You have let me waste the morning away. I have training to get to. I am ready, Master Dooku.”
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yandere-wishes · 6 months
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Does anyone remember Novi Stars?? I was obsessed with them as a kid,In my book, they were just as iconic as monster high!! They're what started my alien obsession, and 10 years later, Star Wars turned me into a certified alien-f*****.
I'm kinda curious, but if you could see any Star Wars character/alien species in the Novi Star art style, then who/what would it be??
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yourneighborhoodporg · 4 months
Hello! Could I request an obi wan x reader x anakin fic where the reader is a force sensitive Jedi? They have to go undercover for a mission and ani and obi are awestruck/distracted by reader in flattering clothes (that aren’t Jedi robes) and it makes them both realize their feelings :) feel free to make it a lemon if you want
Little Red Dress
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader x Anakin Skywalker
Warnings: Jealousy, Reader in Alluring Clothing, Brothel Setting, Some Life-Threatening Danger, Light Violence, Creepy(ish) Fella, Soft Smut (Minors DNI), all characters are over 18, Anakin Threatening Murder TM (why am I even surprised 😂), light banter, fluff, alcohol is around, boys being worried, HEAVY FLIRTING.
Song Inspo: Red Dress — MAGIC!
A/n: This took me way too long to get to lol 💀 Absolutely love this request idea which made it so fun to write. Wasn’t sure which gender you wanted for the reader so I made them female-identifying. This is my first request and short (lol) fic so please let me know your thoughts! Hope you enjoy :)
Words: 8.1k
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She was built like a dream — Joseph Heller
Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker were… uncomfortable.
Not because Master Yoda himself had tasked the three of you with this urgent mission to the Outer Rim. Nor was it due to the cloudy, dark, and incessantly rainy atmosphere that was Morlana One’s Leisure Zone— its backstreets dotted by the occasional lifeless streetlight that just barely reflected off the puddles below, paving the two Jedi a glimmering path toward the local brothel.
No. It wasn’t any of that at all.
Instead, they felt a foreign existence within their own bodies, with each nearing step toward the club’s shadowy entrance, on account of the perplexing, and frankly alien, wears that sheened their limbs.
Of course, they never had any styling choice in the matter. Not for an assignment like this, where the elimination of Jedi symbols was expected.
Because this was a mission that required a gentler, more covert hand.
Because this was a mission that had you all undercover.
Nearly 72 hours ago, unknown assailants had broken into one of the Jedi Temple’s artifact rooms. From the emergency cache, they’d stolen seven Kyber crystals, which were always held at the ready in case a Jedi needed a temporary saber after damaging or misplacing their own.
A facility Anakin took advantage of too many times to count.
But, on this occasion, the Order could only count themselves lucky that The Chosen One had again somehow lost his lightsaber during a short mission to the Coruscant Underworld, requiring him to report to that very same artifacts chamber for a replacement before he could continue his search down into the planet’s murky depths. By chance, the chestnut-haired Jedi had arrived just in time to witness that the usually locked, ornate wooden door was notably ajar. And, with further investigation, that the krystals’ storage chest had been ransacked.
With Council Member Master Kenobi assigned to the inquiry, he quickly learned from a few trustworthy sources, including his old friend Dex, that the crystals were flown off-world to be sold at auction. To a seedy establishment in the Morlani System, no less. All with an undetectability and swiftness that duped not only the inter-District and planetary departure security systems, but the Jedi Temple’s once-thought-impregnable apparatus as well.
Evidently, Master Yoda had found that this operation met a sophistication not often seen among the ranks of disparate pirates or common thieves. It was why, after Kenobi came to him with this information, the Grand Master decided that the bearded man and Jedi Knight who discovered the robbery would be assigned to retrieve these precious artifacts. Placing an emphasis on the need to arrive undercover, lest this sordid enterprise catch wind of a group of creeping, saber-wielding Jedi.
They just couldn’t risk it.
Any action like that would certainly force this gang to race underground once again, crystals in tow, before the Jedi had a chance to recover them.
So, the Council supplied Obi-Wan and Anakin with clothes of the region’s elite, aiming to disguise them both as potential buyers.
Kenobi, a black dress uniform with gold, reflective embellishments suffocating his suit jacket while fueling his growing desire to remain hidden within the shadows as it converted his torso into a glinting beacon under the passing lights. And Skywalker, a simpler, but equally sophisticated gray suit atop a pearly white button-down that screamed conformity louder than Anakin could voice his displeasure.
Still, leaving the crystals’ fate up to whether this gang would accept Republic Credits was a game of pure chance. That, and the notion of buying back stolen, sacred property was never the Jedi way.
That’s where you came in.
A Jedi whose Force-sensitivity was so saturated, that you had the ability to viscerally sense Kyber crystals from parsecs away. And a talent that, in Master Yoda’s opinion, made you the perfect addition to the team.
Well, that and the open secret that the three of you had long ago become an unofficial squadron already. Considering the countless missions you’ve traipsed through together for most of your Jedi, and even Padawan, years, it was a wonder that Master Yoda felt the need to specifically mention your name either way. Even on missions in which the rag-tag trio were slingshotted to opposite poles of the galaxy, you’d always found a way back to each other.
That, or the Force itself had a dire motivation to keep those momentary separations brief.
Perhaps that’s why the two men, in addition to their clothing-related distractions, had sparking nerves heightened by another, salient factor.
That you weren’t by their side.
Given your skill set, it was clear from the beginning your cover needed to be quite different from theirs. So, twenty hours before the auction was set to start, while Obi-Wan and Anakin prepared their disguises, you slipped out. Leaving for the brothel on your own since you all agreed that the only way to secure your cover as an establishment employee was by actually applying to become one.
It was the only surefire way to explore the back rooms without tipping the sellers off. The only option the three of you had to find the crystals’ exact location. And to ensure that when chaos did reign, the artifacts wouldn’t be caught in the crossfire.
Still, neither man particularly enjoyed this arrangement.
“You remembered to bring it, correct?” Obi-Wan voiced, glancing at Anakin’s pensively taught brows beside him as the brothel’s neon purple sign gently flickered into view, encouraging him to once again tug at his neckline’s taught clasp around his throat.
“Of course!” The younger Jedi acknowledged. “I was the one telling her that she should’ve had it in the first place.”
In spite of the underlying weariness still thrumming at his chest, Kenobi couldn’t help but raise an amused brow at his former Padawan.
“You? Lecturing Y/n about leaving her lightsaber behind? I seem to recall that it was your inability to keep track of your own that landed us in this predicament in the first place.”
Anakin scoffed, a subtle smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. “And I seem to remember Master Nu saying that the raid on the artifacts room wouldn’t have been discovered for weeks if it weren’t for me.”
Still, the chestnut-haired Jedi sighed, yanking down the tails of his gray suit jacket that just barely fit his longer form while he continued.
“Besides, it was no mistake. She didn’t take her lightsaber intentionally.”
Kenobi shook his head knowingly. Partly due to his former Padawan’s somewhat warped perspective of the situation, but mostly because he too was not completely on board with the notion of you being undercover and completely unarmed. Though, no matter how much he desired to do so, Obi-Wan had trouble denying that, like always, your reasoning stood sound.
A reminder that subconsciously made his heart flutter.
“You know, Anakin, that she couldn’t have feasibly hidden it away. It’s safer for her that we hold onto it for now. She will have it when she needs it.”
And that’s why, no matter his outward assurances, Kenobi seemed to have an inability to take his own advice. Perhaps too it was Anakin’s own anxieties that were infecting the Force.
But no leakage from his signature could truly reflect the hate Skywalker felt for this plan. He had shot down its premise the whole journey here, but in the end, it was no use. Anakin understood that once you put your mind to something, especially in the name of protecting the community you held so dear, there was nothing anyone in the Galaxy could do to stand in your way.
And he really did treasure you for that.
“I know,” Skywalker grumbled, pivoting to avoid a stumbling Bith with a curved bottle in hand, brown liquid sloshing out to land just beside his black dress shoe as he walked by. “But I still don’t like it.”
Evidently, no matter their confidence in your ability to take care of yourself, the two men remained deeply troubled by the fact that you were still far enough away as to be immune from their protection.
But that would soon change.
“Alright,” Kenobi slowed just beside the establishment’s greasy, revolving door to address the younger man as they neared their arrival.
“We will need to remain in one place so that Y/n can find us. She needs to know where we are at all times to deliver the signal. The zone’s blueprints suggest that the center bar will have the best vantage point. So that’s where we’ll go. Oh—“
Obi-Wan lifted a warning brow at the younger man.
“And don’t stray.”
Anakin rolled his eyes, lips pursing in an attempt to keep his face neutral.
“I don’t stray, Master.”
If you had your portable chronometer on your person, you would’ve checked it by now.
About fifteen minutes, you’d been waiting a handful of meters from the brothel’s storage room, disguised by the far corner tables nestled within the establishment’s shadowy edges. Marking it the perfect locale for distant observers of the night’s entertainment— or idly spying Jedi. Fifteen minutes since Krissa, a now fellow employee, shuffled into that very same room to collect a few crates of Fizzbrew for the opening bar. Nearly twenty hours after you’d secured employment as what the owner lovingly called a “Friendly Dancer.”
Luckily, it was during that same interview that you’d caught the colorful, Force-illuminated trail, leading your attuned senses to this secured back room, like a bloodhound to its prey.
Or a Jedi to her Kyber crystals.
Yet, despite your carefully chosen cover, both assumed identity and dark corner camouflage, you still had a nagging feeling that your specially selected ‘employee uniform’ wasn’t doing you any furtive favors.
Besides the strikingly crimson, skin-gripping short dress that clad your hips, the black, shimmering fishnet stockings and translucent platform heels were sure to draw some unwanted attention during a time in which invisibility was your best friend.
But you had no choice. If you had any hope of maintaining your cover and completing your mission, you had to work with what you were given.
So, for now, one of these rusted-over, ash stools would need to serve their purpose— concealing you from the trickling in throng’s broad perspectives as you kept a peripheral lock on that steel door’s sturdy frame. One by one, hungry bidders with puffy, expensive coats and sparkling wears thickened the atmosphere, all while you hoped Krissa would quicken her exit via the locked door so that you could slip in.
It was moments like these that you’d wished you had your lightsaber. At least then, you could’ve cut through the heavy, metal barrier all on your own.
But, alas, this was a mission of stealth. And you’d be damned to put either Obi-Wan or Anakin in danger because of your impatience.
Causing you to, once more, question their absence.
“Boys, boys. Where are you boys…” you hummed lowly to yourself.
Glancing toward the billowing crowd, you grew remiss at their absence. It was easy to recall how both Jedi were particularly against your decision to immerse yourself into this environment, alone and unarmed. So much so, that you assumed they would’ve arrived by now. An observation that forced you to consider how this mission was sure to sour quick were you required to act without backup.
You shook that thought out of your mind almost as immediately as it arrived.
Obi-Wan and Anakin would always appear when you needed them most.
And you adored them for that.
That, among the litany of elements that drew you into their lives in the first place.
Your first mission together was but a sapling in the times you were to share. Memories, little moments, and fleeting glances recently coalesced into the singular realization that you’d fallen in love with two of the most powerful Jedi the Galaxy has to offer.
But they were just that. Jedi.
And so were you.
So no matter your unquestionable feelings for the men, there was nothing you could do. Putting aside that you doubted any emotional reciprocation, you were sure too that they’d never break the Jedi code for you.
And that left you to again drag yourself back from those innermost thoughts to focus on the situation at hand. Specifically, your conclusion that any dearth left in Obi-Wan and Anakin’s wake would mean nothing of consequence if you couldn’t get into that storage room.
Luckily, there was no need to wait much longer.
Krissa shoved open the door, using her back to thrust it the rest of the way with a crate of clinking, dark green bottles swirling in her arms. Fluttering lilac dress flowing by her legs as her eyes landed on your surveilling form.
“Hey!” She scream whispered, brows stitched in reprimand while she leaned toward you. “You’re gonna get fired before you’ve even had a chance to work if you keep hiding from paying customers.”
You smiled sheepishly, playing into her assumption as you ‘stumbled’ to your feet.
“I’m so sorry,” you mouthed, ambling toward the older woman while lifting a hand to ripple through the force floating by her eyes.
You spoke lowly.
“You want me to help you bring out those crates.”
“I want you to help me bring out these crates,” she parroted in a glazed-over daze, arm catching the steel door just before it shut to allow you entry.
You nodded to her thankfully, even though she had no choice in the matter, before pushing your way past the chilly aperture, entering the stuffy storage room while the door slammed shut behind you.
Speedily, you surveyed the cramped compartment, stacked and spread to the ceiling with a strange concoction of alcohol-filled crates, charcoal cargo containers, and draped artifacts that evinced the basement of a museum far more than a brothel’s back room.
But you didn’t really give it a second thought. If you didn’t want to get caught, then there was no time to ponder aesthetics.
Quickly, as your eyes fluttered closed, you allowed the Force to thicken your blood, treating your body and mind like a living, breathing compass in its guide to connect you with your True North—
The seven missing Kyber crystals.
With vision consumed by blackness, you dodged each precariously placed box and every outstretched figurine that threatened to obstruct your path as your senses drew you a detailed map toward the back wall. Almost like a pulsing beacon, you felt the heat of your connection to the sacred artifacts deepen, warming your more-than-usually exposed skin. Intensifying with each, deliberate step. Until it reached a fiery blaze so extravagant that one stride further would’ve certainly lit you alight.
You opened your eyes.
“Hey!” A deep voice called from behind you, triggering your heels to spin around toward the sudden sound, and away from the loosely sealed cargo container whose subtle, yet familiar, blue shine confirmed your senses.
Swiftly, you absorbed the older man’s ruffly peppered beard and chilled brown eyes as his head poked past the slightly ajar steel door, barely masked snarl contorting his lips.
“I don’t pay you to ogle the merchandise! Get out there and mingle,” he continued, jutting a thumb to the club’s main room to his rear.
You leapt to your feet, making a mental note of the crystals’ location while scurrying toward the owner who seemed to have somehow grown at least one more gray hair since your interview with him.
“Sorry, sir,” you mumbled, twisting to get by his form against the door and entering onto the main floor before turning back toward him. “Won’t happen again.”
“It better not,” he huffed, swiveling to catch the shutting door with his foot before leaning down to retrieve something from behind it.
Still, his muffled voice echoed beyond the subsequent shuffling.
“You’re assisting tonight, and I want high bids. So get out there and make them like you.”
You nodded complacently, already prepared to whip around and follow his orders until the older gentleman reemerged with another case of green bottles cradled under his arm.
“And here,” he shoved the crate, obliging you to catch it somewhat unexpectedly with opened palms.
“Take this to the bar.”
“I don’t like this…” Anakin droned during his casual stroll toward Obi-Wan’s side, a glass of orange fizzy liquid held inconspicuously before his lips.
Kenobi was leaning against the bar, his cup of whatever was on tap cradled between his fingers yet clearly untouched. Instead, the subtly troubled Jedi’s attentive eyes continued their periodic scan of the barely lit brothel. Flitting past the pockets of gold-illuminated tabled alcoves and dark blue paneling, his eyes weaved through the voluminous throng. One that featured intimately quiet mumblings among extravagantly suited clientele and gorgeously draped employees.
It wasn’t hard for him to surmise the highest paying customers from the number of brothel workers who’d hang from their arms, clearly on the job.
Smiling at each of their glances. Laughing at every joke…
Kenobi wasn’t daft.
He clearly understood the expectations a club like this had for its staff. At the least, for those who mingled with the bidders before the show. He’d only hoped that with whatever position you’d acquired for your cover at this establishment, it wasn’t pressing you to do much of the same.
And no matter how illogical it sounded in his mind, he still didn’t want to see that.
Moreover, it seemed to be a thought that equally disturbed Anakin, as his gentle thrums of anxious musing stained the Force, gradually amplifying since both Jedi had yet to locate you.
The younger Jedi had always been protective of you, Obi-Wan excused, unbeknownst that Skywalker was making much of the same defense. Though for the chestnut-haired Jedi, it was more the self-justification that he was a protective person in general. And that this was nothing more than only that.
Just Anakin being Anakin.
“I’m confident she’ll turn up soon, Anakin.”
The younger man expressly sighed, permitting a brief beat to pass as a spring of laughter ricocheted by his ears from a nearby dancer. Waiting for it to die down with bated breath before angling to respond.
“What if she didn’t get the job? She might be trying to find a different way in right now.”
Obi-Wan had no need for reaching out to the Force in order to confidently answer that inquiry.
“She succeeded. Trust me, I’d know otherwise.” He hummed, raising his glass to just barely grace his lips, but never daring to take a sip and weaken his awareness. “However, should they not show soon, I am considering they may have been apprehended.”
Similarly, Anakin vehemently shook his head. He even permitted a wry chuckle to escape past those formerly parched lips before confidently responding to the Jedi Master’s statement.
“No way. If Y/n got caught, she’d send us a signal the second she felt us near.”
Skywalker’s confident air faltered.
“Well,” he shrugged nervously. “Assuming she’s not injured.”
Obi-Wan shot his former Padawan a disapproving glare.
Until his attention was suddenly grasped by a warm, comforting hand sliding across his shoulder.
“Is this what you boys do when I’m not around? Theorize about my potential failings?”
The two men spun toward you, catching the playful smirk consuming your features before their eyes were tugged down like an anchor to trail your stunningly sheathed body, almost as if it was the first time they’d ever laid eyes upon you.
It would be an understatement to state that absorbing this captivating sight had coerced their jaws into forgetting their primary function.
The low-cut style of your short, curving red dress. The fishnet stockings that stretched down your thighs and softly clasped your high-heeled feet. The sparkling, green gemmed earrings that perfectly brought out your plump, red lipstick and long lashes. And, most noticeably, your loose, flowing hair that they’d only ever seen tied back for battle, now resting lushly across your bare shoulders like a still-life statue.
It wasn’t a side of you either men had the pleasure of observing before. And, if given the chance, they’d challenge whichever entity had so long sealed this wonderful sight from their burning eyes to a duel.
One that such an unjust creature was sure to regret.
It was a kind of fairy tale notion that both men pondered instantly once they felt a bubbling heat swarm their countenance when faced by your visual power.
So much so, that Anakin couldn’t help but break the brief lull as his suddenly dried mouth reached down his throat for an audible, and undoubtedly embarrassing, cough as he scratched his nose to try to hide himself.
Obi-Wan wasn’t coping much better. The Master Negotiator had lost all concept of Basic, its vocabulary, grammar, and everything in between as his mind was only filled with your enticing image, your pleasantly exposed skin, and the touch of your fingers to his body.
Until it was too soon gone.
Your hand fell thoughtlessly to your side, head cocking with lifted brows before speaking.
“You can close your mouths. It was just a joke.”
But it was Kenobi who first gathered the confidence to respond.
“Um, you look—“
“Lemme guess. Ravishing? The night’s main treat?” You relayed sarcastically while heaving down a large crate of clinking bottles atop the bar, one that both men only just now noticed before you whipped back toward the still stunned Jedi, drawing their gaze center.
“I’ll have it known that the distance between the storage room and the bar is a mere fifteen-second walk and I’ve already heard it all—“
“…like an angel,” Anakin muttered, not even himself realizing that he’d said that aloud.
Your eyes widened ever so slightly as you felt your heart skip a beat, sending an unexpected tingle to the root of your gut before sheepishly smiling at the deepening flush of the chestnut-haired man.
Obi-Wan, on the other hand, tensely eyed his former Padawan.
“Okay, that one’s new,” you admitted, gaze trailing away to conceal your unpreparedness for such an unexpectedly sweet comment.
Ironically, it was at that moment that your wandering stare settling beyond Anakin’s shoulder abruptly caught a familiar, peppered beard. Accompanied by terse, beady eyes that scowled at you from a far wall with the intensity of a lodestar.
You had a decision to make.
But, really, was there a choice at all?
Obi-Wan would catch on, you thought.
Though, no matter how well Kenobi did understand the requirements of your cover, he still certainly wasn’t expecting you to, in a millisecond, swiftly stride toward his bewildered form to wrap your warm arms around his neck.
Immediately, despite the quickening of his thrumming heart latching onto his Adam’s apple, Obi-Wan raised his usually firm hands to gently clasp at your forearms, being sure to send you a questioning glance as he smoothly played along.
But under all that, and although he was still unsure why, deep down Kenobi secretly hoped that such a quizzical gesture hadn’t encouraged you to subsequently pull away. For some reason, he despised the thought of influencing you to forgo remaining this close to him.
So close, that he could feel the tickle of your breath across his chin.
Thankfully, though, his innermost prayer seemed to have been answered.
“Sorry,” you whispered, conveying an outwardly flirting expression of perked lips and a tilted head.
There were very few people in the Galaxy capable of reading the subtle apologetic shine of your eyes that deeply stared into his. An invisible utterance that remained firm while you briefly freed one hand to beckon over a confounded, and secretly peeved, Anakin who stood just behind his former Master, before you grasped his loose hand and tugged him forward with a terribly fake laugh.
Soon, you rested the younger Jedi’s arm on your lower back, securing its nervously flaccid form around your waist while Skywalker’s face transformed into a brand new shade of crimson once he discovered the dress’s open back.
A clearly readable reaction that deepened Kenobi’s hesitation with his former Padawan’s proximity to you. And while his mind struggled to connect the dots on why he continued to experience these strange bouts of discomfort, too distracted to truly pin down these sensations, Kenobi still felt fueled by Anakin’s expression to nudge you a little closer into his own chest.
If that was even possible.
Paying no mind to the sudden action, you addressed both men, giving a particular glance to Anakin who seemed to be the most caught off-guard of the two of them.
“The brothel’s owner made it very clear that if I don’t ’mingle’ with the customers, trouble will come my way.”
And that made the former slave’s blood boil.
“I’ll kill him.”
“No, you won’t,” you punctuated, temporarily removing your other arm from Obi-Wan to privately rest on Anakin’s balmy cheeks, caressing them down to draw his eyes to your level as he too struggled to fight off the festering heart attack that threatened to crack his rib, and deepened the sudden feeling of emptiness in Kenobi’s chest. “Because we have one mission here, and it’s to retrieve those stolen crystals. And I’m not losing my chance to snatch them away due to your needless protectiveness. I’m quite capable on my own.”
“What do you mean?” Kenobi inquired, taking this opportunity to regain some realm of confidence before snaking his arms around your waist and tugging you toward him with a roughness that would easily read as greedy to anyone who happened to be looking that way.
Still, the unexpected suddenness of his movement set the nerves in your face on fire. No matter, you played into the act, falling into his chest with fingers gripping onto the lapels of his oddly sparkly jacket.
“Um,” you swallowed, regathering your thoughts with a blink. “I’m assisting tonight. Meaning that I’ll be showcasing each item while they’re bid upon.”
You hummed to yourself while considering this new stroke of luck. A sudden vibration against Obi-Wan’s chest that you hadn’t realized sent a fresh, nervous chill down his arms as he held your mystifying figure, encouraging subtly wandering eyes to drink in the sight once more while his unsteady heart began to churn his innermost thoughts.
It was in that same moment that Anakin first caught onto his former Master’s charade, having finally glimpsed an equal measure of voraciousness within his distracted, blue orbs. Something that stoked Anakin’s frustration that began anew with each moment Kenobi drew you closer to himself.
“I say we don’t waste the credits,” you commented, refocusing both Jedi’s attention. “The minute I have the crystals in hand, I’ll send you a signal, and we’ll dash out of here.”
Obi-Wan leaned into you, forehead mere centimeters from yours as a spoke lowly. And for some reason, you thought, with noticeably erratic breath.
“That’s extremely risky.”
“Well, you have my lightsaber. Don’t you?” You challenged with a lift of your lips.
Suddenly, a trail of warm fingers raked up into your hair, sending quite an unexpected chill down your back once they clutched around a bunch and somewhat needily rotated your head toward Anakin’s expectant face. Yanking your body more forcefully before soon feeling his strong arm catch your side.
“I have it,” he spoke lowly.
And in spite of how desperately he tried to keep his eyes connected with yours, he couldn’t help that split second in which they sparsely flitted toward your perfectly tinted lips.
An action you apparently missed for your focus on the mission at hand.
But a gesture that contorted Obi-Wan’s lips into a perpetual frown as his mind caught up with his frothing feelings.
“Good,” you expressed. “Then I’ll have it when it’s needed.”
While your eyes remained focused and thoughtful, half a mind on playing up your cover with the other half on those crystals, Anakin had trouble keeping his eyes from once more wandering downwards.
The feel of your red-draped body against his, the closeness of your bared upper chest and noticeable cleavage, the sparkle of your eyes that comparably made your bright earrings look like clumps of coal.
Though not fully, Anakin was beginning to understand what was going on in his chest to draw his signature into such a volatile temper. Mostly because he couldn’t help himself when one hand released from your soft hair to trail down your exposed back, the other palm brushing upwards from your flank to meet the other side as he briefly traced the outline of your shoulder blades.
All of which sent a lightning bolt of cold heat right up to your head and down toward your sensitively tingling toes before he inched you toward him with the press of his fingertips while he whispered.
“Obi-Wan is right. I don’t think we should take the risk. But just in case you need it…”
Slowly, he retrieved a hand, raking it over your shoulder and feeling every inch of your arm while his mind cleared. The chestnut-haired man’s swelling eyes traced the enticing experience until he reached your hand. And with feigned gravitas clouding his features, he carefully guided your hand beneath his suit jacket, dragging it just along his warm back until you felt a cold metal resting beside his tailbone.
“…you know where it is.”
What was happening?
That was the main question you were asking yourself.
Were both Obi-Wan and Anakin just really amazing actors when the moment required it? You’d certainly never seen such a talent from either of them before. Yet the sudden naturalness, the near familiarity with which each Jedi pulled and held you close? The intimate touches and long glances while this secret meeting proceeded?
You weren’t sure what changed between twenty hours ago and now. Yet, in your core, you knew a part of your brain didn’t want it to stop.
You were a Jedi. You were all Jedi. Committed to a code.
You must’ve been reading this wrong. Feelings that you knew you’d long held for the men had once again clouded your judgment.
Meanwhile, the growing tension between the two Jedi had heightened to a noticeable degree. But with your mind focused seemingly on other matters, it was only just to each other.
“You? Not wanting to be reckless?” You stated, attempting to suffocate your rushing nerves with a confident smirk. “Are you sure I’m speaking with Anakin Skywalker or do we have an imposter in our midsts?” You chuckled. “Oh, and agreeing with Obi-Wan?” You added, raising a brow.
This time, it was Master Kenobi who felt a fire erupt through his veins while his thoughts solidified.
It was you.
You who were making him feel such a way.
Ever and always.
On every mission and in each universal moment, it was you who made the Jedi Master take pause as his heart skipped a beat in your presence.
Master Kenobi was even more firm in this belief: that he was quite finished with watching Anakin cradle you in his arms for any longer. That, and the growing desire fueled by this new angle permitting Obi-Wan to graze over your open back’s supple skin with his eyes, drained him of all his decades-long self-control in an instant.
He needed to do something about that
Reaching a warm hand to the closest corner of your waistline, and with a little nudge from the Force on the other side, Obi-Wan tugged you right into his arms.
You felt the imperceptible, tiny scratches of his sequined suit jacket and the heat barely underneath sprawl across your back while his palms meandered up your sides and down each arm, soon folding them across you as he enveloped you against himself.
This time, you truly couldn’t help the light, crimson blush that bloomed across your cheeks. Especially when Kenobi chose this opportune time to gradually lean into your shoulder, chin dipping so that his lips hung mere centimeters from your attentive ear before whispering a warning with a tone warmer than you were used to hearing from the Master Negotiator.
Especially in the middle of a mission.
“You should listen to him.”
Still, despite feeling the ravenous desire to take a calming breath and smooth your hammering heartbeat, you held firm, responding to his inquiry with an overpowering confidence that usually settled any score when the three of you were having a disagreement.
At the same time, having just noticed the brothel owner’s decision to push off his far wall perch to approach, you decided to also strike a grin, raising a flirtatious brow over your shoulder at Obi-Wan’s unreadably dark eyes while you spoke, maintaining your cover.
“No. The plan stands. Trust me, there’s no need to worry.”
But, unexpectedly for you, witnessing your visually claimed figure in Obi-Wan’s arms barking out orders all while clad in that tiny red dress ignited a fierce burning passion in Anakin to challenge you back as he too decided to make his thoughts known.
Through his words and with his hands.
Taking one powerful stride to stand directly before your toes, the younger man just barely graced your bottom lip to seize your chin, lifting it upwards and twisting you to meet his wanting, blue gaze. Compelling your bright, widening eyes to wonder once more whether the lines between fiction and reality were beginning to blur.
Your breath hitched.
“Gentlemen!” The owner exclaimed, sliding next to Obi-Wan and Anakin to place a performative pat on both their shoulders. “I’m glad you’re enjoying one of our new hires, but I’m afraid that I’ll need to borrow her for the rest of the auction. We are about to begin.”
Wordlessly, both Jedi released their respective grips on you, sharing between themselves an unamused glance above your head while you ambled toward the owner. Never breaking your own, painfully forged smile.
But that seemed to be enough to convince the quite older owner that all was set to begin, as he swiftly turned on his heel toward the brothel’s far podium, motioning for you to follow his trail.
You promptly obliged, yet not before sending one quick, yet quiet, last word with a twist of your head toward the Jedi who begrudgingly stayed behind with crossed arms or a clenched beard.
“Wait for my signal.”
“I’m not stupid, you know,” Anakin commented idling by Kenobi’s side.
The two men continued their observations of the auction since it began half an hour ago, their eyes rarely drifting away from the rather cramped, rickety stage while you traveled from side to side, displaying each item with deliciously attractive poise. Presently, you were exhibiting an old, handheld marble statue modeled after a female Twi’lek. And although other patrons regarded the item with interest, the two Jedi meant to be watching your back for any danger had their minds on other matters.
Anakin couldn’t keep his eyes off your sensually pacing legs, while Obi-Wan could barely remain still with your elegant, tightly wrapped hips moving to and fro.
“I hear 2,000 credits! 2,000 credits. Do I hear 2,100?”
Master Kenobi readjusted his shoulders somewhat uncomfortably. “I know. I don’t believe I’ve said otherwise.”
“Don’t play dumb. I know you want Y/n.”
The bearded Jedi whipped his head from the stage as he addressed the seemingly jealous, younger man. And for the first time in a very long time, Obi-Wan began to feel those same, envious emotions with equal strength, like he’d caught some psychic disease from the blue-eyed Jedi’s glance alone.
“2,100! Do I hear 2,200? 2,200 folks, for this ancient artifact of an unknown Ryloth civilization!”
“And?” He acknowledged nonchalantly, taking an assertive stance while he found comfort in the memory of you in his arms. “And what if I do?”
Anakin’s lips formed a thin line, the image of your parted, shocked lips when he caught your dressed figure perfuming his thoughts. “Then you wouldn’t be alone.”
“I’ve noticed,” Kenobi stated sarcastically before raising a rather annoyed brow.
“Going once! Going twice!”
“What are you gonna do?” Anakin mumbled.
Skywalker had to ask the question. Even though he’d already confirmed in his mind that no matter what, no matter if Master Kenobi felt the same, that he’d give you the chance of knowing that there was more than one.
Obi-Wan answered simply. “I’m planning on telling her.”
“Sold! To the fellow in the orange top hat on the right!”
Because through the older Jedi’s musings, Kenobi was arriving at a similar conclusion. That if you in any way felt the same, he’d at least give you a choice.
“I assume you’ll be doing the same?” He continued.
“Yes.” Anakin sighed, eyes returning to the stage just as you remerged with an old, raggedy yet sealed box held tightly in your hands. “And what if she can’t decide?”
Obi-Wan followed the young Jedi’s line of sight, subconsciously licking his lips as the fabric of your tight, red dress pulsed his blood and slackened his jaw.
“Then we do what we must…”
The bearded Jedi swallowed.
“…we help her.”
A rallying spark flung through the Force, filling both Jedi’s senses as they were wrenched from the momentary, visual distraction that was your ravishingly dressed person.
There was no way to deny it. Your pointed expression? Your readied stance?
The signal had just been fired.
Reaching for their respective lightsabers hung inconspicuously at the belt, both Jedi swiftly whipped their weapons out into the open, igniting a collective blue glow that provided enough of a shockingly, eye-catching distraction for you to leap from the stage, box in hand, without much recourse.
Then came the blasters.
As if emerging like shadows from the establishment’s dark corners, a sporadic group of armed men dressed like well-to-do pirates began their determined assault. Coloring the air with orange beams while the crowd scattered, hurried screams and the groans of abruptly shuffling furniture echoing off the walls.
You bolted for the Jedi, triggering both to somersault toward you while they attempted to block any bolt that you nearly failed to dodge before landing at either flank. Thankfully, that provided the chance to fling a searching arm beneath Anakin’s suit jacket, grasping your saber from its warm habitat before yanking it out into the open to launch its green luminescence.
“Go!” Obi-Wan cried, deflecting another round of bolts from your rear while the two men encircled you like a living, breathing barrier.
“We’ll hold them off!” Anakin agreed, flinging a badly aimed bolt toward a now broken and sparking light fixture above before facing you. “Get back to the ship!”
You glanced at both men, making clear your uncertainty and reluctance through the Force as, even with your aid, the gentle perspires of their efforts became noticeable.
But it was their turn to stay firm.
“Now! We’ll be right behind you!” Obi-Wan strictly assured.
So, with the box of crystals secured tightly beneath one arm and your saber effectively defending against the coming onslaught with the other, you decided to, for once, follow the boys’ instructions as you bolted for the exit, and out the brothel’s door.
And, with their hearts already racing, both Jedi had to do their best not to focus on your distracting wears as they paved a path to race after you.
Leaping through the red and white Nu-class shuttle’s rear hatch the instant it opened wide enough to do so was enough to coerce out an instant sigh of relief as your feet landed on the metal floor, drawing you deeper into the bird’s belly. Naturally, after regaining some bearings in the familiarity of the ship, you felt secure enough to set the relatively sturdy box of Kyber crystals atop a nearby ledge before turning to assess the situation behind you.
You already sensed that Anakin and Obi-Wan had stuck close to your heels during the entire escape, sabers twirling with elegant control against any threatening phaser until you strayed far enough beyond the brothel’s preview to lose any potential tails. So you weren’t surprised to find both men maintaining a similarly brisk pace while speeding up the ramp seconds after your arrival. Sabers long ago clipped back at their sides with Obi-Wan leading the way, leaving Skywalker in charge of closing the now slowly rising hatch.
What you weren’t expecting, however, was that the overpowering determination emanating from the bearded Jedi’s face had not in the least bit lessened since he entered the craft. Quickly, yet smoothly, he shed his gaudy suit jacket, tossing it unceremoniously to the side as he subsisted his approach.
In fact, the slight narrowing of those blue eyes, an expression you’d only seen in the occasional sparring session, remained forwardly focused. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was charging right for you, an action itself that compelled you to perplexedly speak while his brown boots closed that ever-shrinking distance.
“What are you—“
Warm lips smashed against yours, moving hungrily yet delicately while Obi-Wan’s sturdy arms snaked around your waist to gently tug you into himself.
Your heart nearly stopped, and from the tingling, tiny explosions erupting at each and every nerve ending alone, you felt yourself fall into the momentum, arms raising with the certainty of a choreographed dance to cradle Obi-Wan’s head and run your fingers through his soft, auburn locks.
Whether consciously or not, his grip on you tightened, straining your breath before you had the unavoidable need to be even closer to him. You intensified the kiss, drawing his plump, reddened lips into slow and steady locks, only for them to release with the duration of a clap before you both deeply met each other again with needy swiftness.
It felt like hours, but it had been mere seconds since the instant his body met yours. Still, the two of you reluctantly pulled away from each other. Mostly to catch much-needed breaths from the pure, unadulterated shock of it all.
Master Kenobi held you still as your gaze graced over his flushed features, including that slightly tussled hair and darkened eyes that diverted from their usual bright sparkle. Especially when they flitted from your surprised orbs, to your plump lips, and back again.
But no matter this pleasing diversion, still, out of the corner of your eye, you were forced to notice Anakin— standing in the far corner in quiet observation, and chillingly reminding you of where you were and what important rules both you and his former Master had certainly just broken in his presence.
What made it all worse, though, was that for the life of you, you could not read the younger man’s expression. Apparently, he had just stood there, arms crossed once the shuttle door was secured and simply… watched? Impassively?
No, that couldn’t be right.
Then, he pushed off the wall.
Anakin’s arms fell to the side as he gradually approached you both, brows tightening into what looked like a slightly angrier cross that ran your brain into overdrive. You were still having trouble discerning his emotions through the Force, but could only make an educated guess that he was beyond frustrated that the two beings closest to him had just broken the Jedi Code.
And, also because, he didn’t seem to have any particular reaction to what Obi-Wan did, making you sadly doubt that he’d ever feel the same way you’d always felt for the chestnut-haired man and his former Master.
So, no matter how right it felt, how much you wanted it, you knew that it was time for some damage control.
“Obi-Wan…” you took a deep, shaky breath, nerves still firing at every end while your stare stood firmly on Obi-Wan’s wanting expression, Anakin nearing your side.
You loosely exhaled.
“Where did that—“
Hot moisture met your neck, Anakin’s wet lips attacking its side and extracting a startled gasp from your lungs as your eyes fluttered closed. Greedily, he cupped your throat to softy tug you toward him, draining your arms into a state of perpetual pliability from the pleasant heat filling your chest.
They slid, soon falling from Obi-Wan’s body entirely before you angled toward the younger Jedi and shakily twisted them around his shoulders for support. Another weak sigh escaped past your lips once you felt Anakin’s teeth graze across a sensitive spot as the weakening kisses continued, an action which only seemed to encourage the younger Jedi considering he returned to that spot with more fervor, sucking it dry until your jaw slackened.
Still, no matter how dazed your mind had become in this last minute of chaos, you just couldn’t believe this was happening.
It had to be a mistake, right? Was something else wrong?
Something must have happened.
Regathering your senses, you quickly pulled away from Anakin, feeling the resistance of your initial jerk snap Anakin from his equally influenced status as he quickly tried to give you space.
“Are you ok??” He asked rapidly, eyes seeping wide-eyed worry and flickers of guilt while Obi-Wan, who was initially calmly analyzing the show, too shifted to share a similarly concerned expression.
“Yes, of course,” you aired, still slightly out of breath as you stared confoundedly at the two men. “I’m fine Anakin, but what is going on? This is coming out of nowhere.” You shook your head. “Were the two of you drugged or something?”
“In a sense, I suppose we were,” Obi-Wan answered nonchalantly.
You raised a brow.
“Y/n,” Anakin uttered, drawing your eyes toward his. “Obi-Wan and I realized something back there during the mission. Something it looks like we both kinda knew for a while but didn’t really understand until now.”
Master Kenobi’s eyes raked across your figure once more while he spoke. “I saw you there, we saw you, truly, for the first time. And I lost my breath.”
You melted at his words.
“All I saw was pure beauty and you, and I couldn’t tell the difference,” Anakin spoke disjointedly, nearly making you giggle. “And I knew that seeing you like this, in this way, I couldn’t wait any longer. We couldn’t wait. We needed to tell you.”
“Tell me?” You asked breathily, preparing yourself for whatever was to come next.
“That we desire you,” Obi-Wan barely whispered, fluttering your stomach. “That you are more important to us than ancient statutes. And we determined that you must know so that you may decide if you wish it.”
You shuttered, worries of the Code fading into nothingness while the two men before you consumed your senses. “Decide?”
Anakin stared at you, a pleading glint in his eyes as he spoke gently.
“Which one of us you want back.”
Your still heavy breaths punctuated the otherwise quiet air. Characteristic of the thoughts rattling against your buzzed skull before a throaty mutter made its way past your teeth.
“I can’t…”
You watched while their faces deflated at your words.
“We understand, Y/n,” Obi-Wan spoke, a subtle sadness drooping his tone. “It’s quite alright—“
“No,” you corrected quickly. “No, I can’t decide.”
Anakin’s brows quirked at this, head tilting as curiosity subdued his brief listlessness.
“What do you mean?” He asked.
You sighed heavily, eyes drifting to the floor with an unaccustomed quiver. “I mean, I can’t decide because… because…”
You bit your lip.
“I want you both.”
Raising your head, you carefully observed the two men, bodies as still as statues while their swollen eyes held firmly on your figure. Anakin nurturing a steadily expanding, devious grin while he quietly flexed a fist, and Obi-Wan, faintly flicking his tongue across his top lip in an effort to carefully drink in your figure.
A pleasant chill ran down your spine.
“Is that alright?” You whispered.
Anakin chuckled incredulously, cueing Obi-Wan to respond to that inquiry.
“Darling,” he murmured, insatiable eyes sucking you barren as the nickname sent a new round of tingles down your legs. “That stretches far beyond ‘alright.’”
“How do you want us?” Anakin posed, tone nearing a growl.
Unfiltered, you spoke your mind.
“As close as possible.”
And the Jedi obliged.
Should I do a part 2 at some point? Let me know :)
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lacontroller1991 · 1 year
Solitude (Obi-Wan Kenobi x F!Reader)
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Main Master List || Star Wars Master List
Summary: While on Tatooine, Obi-Wan stumbles upon someone in need of help, someone he thought was long dead.
Warnings:none really
Word Count: 1.3k
After two weeks of living on Tatooine, Obi-Wan fully understood why Anakin hates sand. No matter where you stand on the planet, there is bound to be grains of sand practically embedded into your skin. On the first couple of days of his residency, he tried to sweep the sand out of his rocky cave, but sand always came back in, so he gave up, chuckling to himself as he recounts tales Anakin has told him about how the sand literally gets everywhere. The more and more he thinks about what Anakin has told him over the years, the more he realizes that Anakin has always been right. Anakin was right about the Council being manipulated. Anakin was right about the sand. Anakin was right about Obi-Wan’s feelings towards you and in his own hubris, Obi-Wan didn’t believe him.
Well, it doesn’t matter now. Not when everybody he’s known and cared for has died. Sighing in regret, Obi-Wan gets out of his bed and looks around his barren cave. How did things fall apart so quickly?
You pinch the bridge of your nose as you look around you, only spotting sand for miles on end. After successfully contacting at least one surviving Jedi, Yoda didn’t waste any time in telling you to fly to Tatooine to complete your training. How are you supposed to complete your training? The wise GrandMaster didn’t tell you, but he sure did give you coordinates to Tatooine.
Fiddling with a bracelet on your wrist, you smile fondly at the piece of jewelry before a frown falls on your face. You remember the last time you’ve seen Obi-Wan like it was yesterday, except it was about a year ago and you don’t know if he’s alive or if he was one of the fallen, massacred by the clones. Stashing your lightsaber in the hem of your pants, you quickly make your way towards the town, hopefully finding something, anything, that will guide you to where Yoda wants you to go.
“Thank you very much.” Obi-Wan bows to the stable keeper before walking over and taking a hold of the reins of his eopie, Akkani, guiding her out of the stable and into the warm Tatooine evening. It wasn’t his first choice to be a meat butcher, but desperate times call for desperate measures. Despite the twin suns setting, Anchorhead seems busier than it was in the morning causing Obi-Wan to look around in suspense, hoping that no one will recognize him; however his search is stopped when he catches a whiff of something… familiar.
Deciding to follow in the direction of the scent, Obi-Wan guides Akkani until he hears muffled warbling with a female voice, a voice that’s too familiar. “It can’t be.” He ties Akkani to a post and rounds the corner and low and behold, you’re being backed into a corner, surrounded by a multitude of large, threatening figures. Obi-Wan bites his lip in contemplation. It’s obvious that it’s you and Obi-Wan can’t help but feel his heart beat again by being near you, but, he has a duty to the boy, to Anakin, to protect the boy from anything and anyone that poses a threat and if he comes out of hiding to protect you, he risks unnecessary exposure that could ruin everything.
The thought that he would put Luke over you makes him pause in contemplation. Is he seriously going to still follow the same set of beliefs that killed his brother? Is he going to put you underneath a one year old?
“I don’t have anything you want.” You try to cower into yourself, making yourself as small as possible so it wouldn’t be easy for them to hit but to no avail as the aliens keep pressing in, angrily warbling in their language, a language you can’t understand. Now realistically, you could easily take them on. You could easily put them in their place, but that would require the use of the force and a lightsaber and if anyone saw, you’d be hanged.
“There you are,” a voice interrupts and your eyes open sharply, trying to locate the voice. The voice that is so unmistakable. The voice that you have missed. The voice that you have dreamed about. The voice that gains the attention of your assailants who turn around, leaving a small spot for you to crawl out of toward the someone who has taken your breath away on more than one occasion. “Sorry for any commotion my wife has caused, she’s a troublemaker. How can I fix this?” Obi-Wan’s hand grips onto your bicep, gently pulling your shocked body up and behind him, keeping a firm hand on your wrist as the aliens wave their hand dismissively, deeming Obi-Wan a threat enough to not really bother with it as they walk away, leaving you and Obi-Wan alone in the alley.
“Obi?” You face him, looking into the same pair of eyes that you’re in love with before Obi-Wan is pressing a hand against your mouth, his eyes hard and the gears in his head turning.
“Shh, you can’t say that name out loud. They’re looking for me. It’s Ben. Only Ben. Understand?” You nod your head in agreement as he removes his hand from your mouth only for you to jolt forward, jumping into his arms and letting out a cry in relief.
“I thought you were dead.”
“I know, I thought you were dead too.” Obi-Wan clutches onto you tighter, scared that if he were to let go then you would once again disappear. He can’t deny how his heart is practically pounding in his chest. All those feelings he had tried to suppress are now coming to the surface and he holds onto you just a little bit tighter, burying his face in your hair, inhaling your scent. “How did you find me? Why are you here?”
“Our old teacher sent me. He told me that I would finish my training here. I didn’t know why, but I guess now I do. I have something to tell you,” you comment, pulling away from him and taking his face into your hands. “I love you. I know you probably don’t return my feelings as you’ve never given me any indication whenever you were around, but I don’t want to hide from my feelings anymore. Ben, I love you so much and I would rather be damned than not tell you.”
“Oh my dear.” Obi-Wan doesn’t know what to say. He has longed to hear those words for years but his duty had always tied him down, and now he has a duty to protect the boy and he doesn’t know what complications you could cause. “Kriff the complications,” Obi-Wan comments to himself, confusing you for a split second before he’s crashing his lips to yours, the Force around you exploding as you kiss back, holding him as close as possible as your lips mold together perfectly, as if they were made for each other.
After a moment, Obi-Wan is the first to pull away, a hand reaching up and cupping your cheek, causing you to lean into it. “I love you too, darling. I’m sorry I made you believe otherwise, but believe me, I love you so much. If you stay on Tatooine, if you stay with me, I can’t guarantee an easy life. I have a mission to complete, you must understand.”
You shake your head as Obi-Wan prepares himself for rejection. He doesn’t even want to live on Tatooine, so he’s definitely not expecting you to either. “I don’t care. I want to be with you, come what may.”
“I’m so happy to hear you say that. Come, let’s get out of here.” Obi-Wan pulls up his hood as you mimic him before you grab ahold of his hand, causing him to smile. For the first time since he went into isolation, Obi-Wan feels a glimmer of hope and happiness, and it’s 100% thanks to you.
General Tag List: @marvelousmermaid​ @himbovillain-anon​ @babblydrabbly​ @a-reader-and-a-writer​ @tavners​
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frost-queen · 1 year
Across galaxies (Reader x Obi Wan Kenobi)
 Requested by: anon; Forever tag: @missmelodramatic​, @theletterhart​, @alex--awesome--22​​, @elllie-does-the-posts​​, @floatlosers​​, @merlieve​​, @queen-of-books​​, @glimmering-darling-dolly​​, @denkisclown​​, @wildieflower​​, @meyocoko​​, @bubblybrianna​​, @justanothercoco​​ @idkwhatmyusernameis​,  @subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23​​, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr​​  
Summary: (Doctor who x star wars crossover) R & the doctor travel to Coruscant where they stumble upon Obi Wan & Anakin. R & Obi Wan immediately hit it off. The day of order 66 comes leading the doctor and you to run for escape, but you wouldn’t. Not without Obi Wan. Trying to pursuade him to come along after finding him, you had set your hopes on a happy ending. Yet tempted, Obi Wan declines your offer, breaking your heart. Staying behind, you say farewells to your beloved doctor before reuniting with a shocked Obi Wan. 
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The TARDIS found sturdy ground. Landing gently. You walked around the panel, closer to the doctor. – “So which planet are we?” – you asked, leaning against the panel. – “Give me a second Y/n.” – the doctor responded, pulling levers, and pushing buttons. He gestured for you to move an inch to the side. You stepped back allowing him to do whatever he needed to do. He flicked his finger against a screen that wasn’t functioning properly to his standards. Not wanting to wait any longer for an answer, you walked up to the door. 
Opening it, you were greeted with a warm dessert wind. It made you cough, waving your hand before you. The doctor gave the screen a push, making it swing around for you to see. – “Coruscant!” – he exclaimed happily. – “So should I be worried or frightened of something?” – you responded, closing the door more. – “Not that I am aware off.” – he came running over, offering you, his arm. – “Makes it all the more fun.” – he gleamed with delight as you took his arm. 
The dessert wind was strong. Knocking you almost out of balance. – “There’s nothing around!” – you shouted trying to look around. Nothing but dessert sand stretching far as the eye could see. Quirking your eyebrow up, you watched as the doctor held his finger up in the air. – “That way!” – he said pointing. Shrugging your shoulders, you followed him through the dessert.
Soon you were huffing and puffing to catch your breath. The extreme heat being a killer. Your ankles ached and you were sure you had been sweating. – “Are we there yet.” – you whined not sure how much longer you could get going. The doctor as chipper as ever, stared at the horizon, standing a bit on a sand hill. – “Come along Y/n! almost.” – he told you, jumping down the sand hill. You groaned irritated wondering why you ever left the cool TARDIS for this heat storm. – “I swear if I don’t get some water in the next five minutes, I’m going to murder someone.” – you breathed out, mouth as dry as the dessert. 
“Just a bit further Y/n, chip up!” – the doctor said motioning for you to hurry up. – “Do not tell me to chip up!” – you replied frustrated, pushing through. You grunted half relieved, half in agony at the sight of a small town. – “Water!” – you called out kicking it up a notch. – “Y/n!” – the doctor had to run to keep up with you, waving his arms worriedly around. You slowed down in the town, looking curiously around. 
The doctor grabbed you by the shoulder, staring as well. You gasped when an alien walked past you. It startled the doctor as well. – “Maybe we should return to the Tardis?” – you whispered to him. It seemed none of the alien types that walked the town seemed pleasant in any way. – “Maybe we should…” – the doctor replied with a nervous swallow.
The doctor was about to pull you along by your shoulders when your eyes caught a human walking out of a tent. A younger teen with him. It made you freeze, standing still in place to stare. – “Y/n come along, let’s go home… or visit the glorious days of Shakespeare.” – he told you, trying to move you. You wouldn’t staring to intensely at the human. Your eyes widened when the man caught up with your staring from afar. He held your gaze till he whispered something to the young man. You freaked out when he started to make his way over. Panicking you turned to the doctor. – “Please tell me I don’t look like a disaster.” – you asked him. 
The doctor frowned, not understand why you wanted to know till he saw someone approach. – “I beg your pardon.” – the man spoke making you spin around to him, a plastered smile on your lips. – “I caught you from afar and it seemed like you could use a bit of assistance?” – he said, hands folded together. – “You sneaky little human.” – the doctor whispered in your ear. You chuckled nervously, pushing the doctor away from you. – “We just got here.” – you told him. – “and are clearly not from around here… I was wondering if you could give us directions to where we can find refreshments.” – you asked, hoping for the best. – “Of course.” – the man replied.
You started following him, seeing the doctor hold both his thumbs up over your shoulder. The three of you met up with the young teen, going inside an establishment. He gestured for you to take a seat while he would bring you drinks. It was a bit awkward, waiting at the table with the young teen around. The man reappeared giving you your drink first with a warm smile. You accepted it, noticing the doctor’s silly teasing expression in the corner of your eye. Elbowing him, you hoped he’s stop. – “So you must have been traveling long. Where did you park your spacecraft?” – he asked. 
The doctor and you sharing a nervous glance. – “Uhm… up all the way in the dessert…” – you informed them. – “That far from the locals?” – he questioned. You hummed loud. – “Like I said… never been here before.” – you said nervously. – “Master excuse me for a moment.” – the young teen said, getting up. He nodded watching his padawan leave. The man’s eyes went from you to the doctor beside you. You could tell what was forming in his mind, putting an immediate stop to it. – “Friend!” – you blurted out. The man blinked surprised; the doctor staring confused at you. You laughed nervously, taking the doctor by his arm. – “He’s a friend…I’m Y/n.” – you said to redirect the focus on him. You held your hand out for him to shake. – “Obi Wan Kenobi.” – he answered, taking your hand as his left hand rested on your handshake. It made you look bashful down.
The doctor smiling giddy at you with a funny point at your cheeks. You slapped his hand away. Obi Wan and you continued to talk while the doctor looked full of wonder around the bar. All of you got up when the young teen named Anakin returned. – “We should head back master.” – Anakin said, leaning into Obi Wan. Obi Wan nodded, clearing his throat. – “Should we escort you back to your ship?” – he said ignoring the confused glance from his padawan. – “It might save you the trouble of walking all the way back…” – his gaze lingering on you. You smiled in return. – “She would be delighted.” – the doctor interfered with a smirk. Obi Wan gestured for you to lead the way. 
You threw the doctor an irritated glance without the others seeing. Obi Wan and you walked beside each other, chatting. A strong wind picked up as it knocked you off balance, right against Obi Wan. – “Oh… I’m sorry.” – you said, holding onto his clothing. – “That is alright, the winds here a strong and unpredictable.” – he answered as you removed yourself from him. He offered you his arm as you took it. The spacecraft of Obi Wan was reached quickly. He held your hand, assisting you on board. The doctor and Anakin following right behind. He led you into the cockpit, offering you the seat beside you. Anakin puffed annoyed, crossing his arms that you had taken his seat.
The doctor gave directions to where your spacecraft stood. You flew low over the dessert land. – “Stop! We’re here!” – the doctor shouted. Obi Wan hitting the brakes hard as you nearly bumped your head. – “Are you certain you were right? I don’t see it.” – Obi Wan looked outside, not seeing anything. – “Yes, it is the right place, you just can’t see it because it is invisible.” – he addressed unbuckling himself. – “Come Y/n.” – he tapped you on the shoulder. You struggled to free yourself as Obi Wan offered his help. His hands close to your body, flustering you. He assisted you out of the chair by holding your hand. He went with you to say goodbye. For some reason finding the need for it. You set off with the doctor, suddenly saddened you had to say goodbye.
“Y/n we need to leave!” – The doctor called out in a panic. His body twitching startled when blasters hit the wall he was hiding behind. – “This is a war.” – he made clear, sticking his fingers in his ears. – “Best we leave before things take a more dangerous turn.” – he grabbed you by the shoulders, pulling you up. He dragged you with him back to the TARDIS. Something so sudden breaking out into a killing spree. Jedi running for their lives as their once trusted company went against them. Blasts were fired as the doctor pulled you just in time against his chest out of reach. – “We are leaving now!” – he ordered not wanting to endanger you. 
Numb to what was going on, you were handled by the doctor as he decided for you. Finally you arrived at the TARDIS as he opened the door, wanting to push you inside. – “Wait!” – you called out, grabbing the frame. – “There is no time to wait, you need to leave Y/n!” – the doctor using his strength to push you inside. You held your position, not wanting to enter yet. – “I…I can’t leave him here…” – you said worriedly. – “There is no time.” – clenching his jaw, he set more force against your back. – “I can’t!” – you cried out, stepping aside making the doctor stumble inside the TARDIS. 
“I…I won’t let him die… not like this…” – you breathed out. – “Y/n…” – the doctor said, shaking his head. He knew what you were about to do. – “I just can’t.” – you repeated taking a step back. You spun around taking a run for it. – “Y/n!” – the doctor shouted going after you. You ran around in search for Obi Wan. You simply had to find him and convince him to come along. Avoiding the chaos as all that mattered was him.
You ran around a corner, bumping into someone. – “Y/n?!” – Obi Wan called out, taking you by your hands. You gasped, wrapping your hands around him. – “What are you still doing here? It’s dangerous to be here.” – he told you. – “I couldn’t leave you.” – you answered looking up. Blasts came from behind making Obi Wan duck. He pulled you behind him, shielding you with his lightsaber. – “Why did you return?” – he shouted over the blasting sounds. You backed away, Obi Wan forcing you to do so. He pushed his hand forwards, making the droids fall back. 
“You were supposed to leave!” – he said angered with you, grabbing you firm by your hand. – “Why didn’t you leave!” – he wondered, pulling you once more behind his back as the droids rose once more. Your foot kicked against a fallen clone. Looking down, you picked up his blaster to defend yourself. You heard noises from behind you, pointing the blaster to it. From around the corner came another clone. You blasted a hole in its armor. Obi Wan gasped loud, turning around. The blast was so close, he panicked you had been shot. His eyes widened seeing the clone drop to the ground. He grabbed you by the shoulder, wanting to see for himself that you were unharmed. You gave him a weary smile.
Obi Wan took your hand, leading you away from the dangers. – “I’m taking you back right away!” – he said, pulling you along. – “No!” – you shouted, pulling your hand out of. Obi Wan stared confused back at you. – “Not without you.” – you said coming up to him. – “Please come with us.” – you placed your hand on his chest. – “I can take you anywhere in the universe, travel across worlds and time. I can show you the end of the universe and explore the beginning of it.” – you addressed to tempt him into coming along. 
“Please… come with me. You won’t be save here…” – Eyes swelling up at the sign of your upcoming tears. – “Please…I need you…” – you said as your heart broke. A few tears rolling down your cheek. Obi Wan exhaled deep, briefly tempted by your offer. Yet he knew it was wrong to accept. – “I am sorry Y/n…” – he spoke moving his hand behind your head. – “I can’t…” – he added, lowering his gaze. You stepped back, shaking your head in disbelieve. – “Y/n…” – Obi Wan attempted to reach you, but you kept backing away. 
Turning, you ran in the opposite direction. Obi Wan called out to you, hand stretched out, yearning for your touch. Crying uncontrollably, you ran back. The ground giving away underneath your feet as you sunk to the ground. Crying against a wall, wondering what even the point was of all of this. Obi Wan didn’t want to come with you. He’d rather risk his life to remain where he his kind is being hunted and executed.
Pain, you felt immediately ache in your heart. Knees pulled up to your chest, you cowered with heartache. – “Y/n!” – you barely lifted your head up hearing the doctor run over. He dropped to his knees, wrapping his arms around you. – “I’m so glad you are still alive!” – he breathed out, rocking your body in his embrace. You cried even louder making him pull worriedly away. – “What happened?” – he asked lifting your chin a bit up. – “He wouldn’t come…” – you cried. 
Cheeks red from crying. – “but I can’t leave him…” – you continued as the doctor gave you comfort. – “I know…” – he responded, looking pained away. – “You love him…” – he said out loud. You nodded, sputtering out a cry. The doctor pulled you close for a hug, taking a deep breath. – “That is why you must stay.” – he spoke with heavy hearts. You pulled away, wiping your nose dry. – “Who am I to stand between love?” – he gave you a pained smile. You took a deep breath, slowly nodding. – “I should stay…” – you said hesitantly, making up your mind. 
Remembering the day you met him. Longing for that day where things were simpler and where you had some of him. Now you had none of him, but you wanted all. The doctor helped you up to your feet. – “It has been a pleasure being your doctor, Y/n.” – he said blinking his own tears away. He sniffled loud when you touched his cheek. – “You’ve shown me so much, I am forever thankful to you.” – you answered, taking his hand.
The doctor reached into his pocket, revealing a sonic screwdriver. You blinked confused when he placed it in your palm. – “May it keep you save.” – he said looking into your eyes. You smiled faintly in return. Accepting the sonic screwdriver, you threw your arms around him. – “Don’t be a stranger.” – you whispered. He wrapped his arms tighter around you. – “I won’t forget you, Y/n. The girl who lives among the stars.” – he responded, smiling. 
You gave him a goodbye kiss on his cheek. The doctor walking back, your hand slowly falling out of his. Taking a deep breath, you watched him disappear, never to be forgotten. Turning on your heel, you ran to chase down Obi Wan Kenobi. You searched everywhere, coming into the hangar at some point. There you saw him trying to escape in a spacecraft. – “Obi Wan!” – you shouted as loud as you could to draw his attention. His head turned shockingly. Eyes widening at you running over. He stepped back down, staring shocked at you. 
You were supposed to leave so why were you still here? You ran up to him, Obi Wan opening his arms to catch you. You embraced him tightly, rocking a bit. – “I’m staying.” – you said with a warm smile on your lips. Obi Wan keeping you at arms-length. – “How?” – he asked brushing his knuckles over your cheek. – “By choosing you.” – you answered, staring lovingly at him. Your answer brought a smile to his lips, taking your hand as he helped you on the spacecraft with him. Together you escaped.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!    
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thecoffeelorian · 5 months
9 and 18 for the ask game please?
Why certainly, friend! Let me just try to answer these without rambling too much...
9: I'm just a little bit horrified that Mitth'raw'nuruodo, aka Thrawn, ended up growing on me so much that I did a Thrawn X Autistic Reader fic about him. ^^; This character, even though he's a tall blue alien and has zero chances of arriving on Planet Earth tomorrow, did end up destroying at least one large-scale civilization on an Outer Rim planet.
At the same time, he's also one of the terribly rare baddies that doesn't sound or act like a complacent fool, but is also able to go toe-to-toe with the heroes of Star Wars Rebels and, for a moment, actually seems like he could beat them.
Add to that the fact that we both have a thing for art and art history, and...well, it's just a tiny bit eerie to have a villainous character that is almost a shadow version of yourself.
Anyways! Fancasting time!
18. If I were to pick a new dude for the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi...I think I would start with Wyatt Russell, if only for the two facts of him having amazing blue eyes and the ability to rock the scraggly bearded look.
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There's also the idea that he does have some previous fight training as a Marvel supervillain-in-waiting, but anyways. That's as far as my train of thought is going tonight, so I hope I made sense here.
Thank you for the ask!
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zinzinina · 2 years
Hi! Congrats on your one year anniversary and follower milestone! Your writing is beautiful and I'd love to see your take on 🖋️ number 29 'last kiss' with Obi-Wan if you felt like it! 💙
zinzinina anniversary celebration 🌙 (closed)
Hi! 💖 Thank you so much for being here and for your lovely words! I'm so happy you enjoy my writing. And thank you for this beautiful prompt; it ended up being one of my favourite drabbles from the whole set. I really hope you like it! x
29: last kiss
Pairing: Obi-Wan Kenobi x GN!Reader Word Count: 330 Warnings: No warnings, but this one is a little bit sad Rating: T
“I don’t know if I should go,” you breathe.
The spaceport bustles around you, but you don’t hear any of it. Your bags are piled in the sand at your feet; seeming small, considering they contain the entirety of your life. Everything you’ll need to discover a new world on the other side of the galaxy, to feel alien climates, to taste green. Everything except him.
Ben’s eyes crease at the corners, his hands gentle on your shoulders. “This is all you’ve ever spoken about, since the day I met you. The galaxy contains far more than just Tatooine.”
There’s a hardness in your throat—one that doesn’t go away with swallowing. He’s right, of course: the holoprojections throughout your home are proof enough of your dreams of distant oceans and forests, entire moons covered in flowers, nebulae and cloud-gases…this is the moment you’ve waited and saved for your entire life. But now, all of a sudden, you don’t want to leave.
“Come with me,” you say, your voice small. You already know what he’ll say, but you need to offer again, one last time.
Serene and gentle, and endlessly, indecipherably sad, he smiles at you. There are far more silvers at his temples now than when you first met him, striding up out of the sand, though he’s remained as handsome as ever. “I can’t, darling.”
Your eyes squeeze closed as he kisses you, closed-mouthed and chaste. When the transit droid calls for boarding, Ben lifts your heavy bags easily into the cargo container. You don’t want to let go of his hand when you climb the ramp up into the ship, and once inside, you rush to your seat, peering out to the loading platform.
The engines groan to life underneath you, and an automated safety announcement begins, first in Huttese, then Basic. You press your palm to the transparisteel viewport as the ship begins slowly to lift away, leaving a lone, brown-robed figure standing in the sand.
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
Fanfic/ oneshots, number fics open
character match Ups. Closed again. I have over 20+ atm.
I'm gonna try and get thought as many as I can. I might have to close it for longer. But while it's closed I'm still taking Fanfic request.
Please know it does take me some time to write match ups. do take me a little while to do with such a demand for them. And also at the same time I'm working on fanfics around them. But thanks you all for your patients and I hope you enjoy what do to come.
Rules: please if asking for Nsfw or reading be over 18 I have to say it.
Aloud: NSFW, fluff, smut, angst, hurt, mention of past abuse. (Alien love!!!)
I will not do: rape, abuse, Furries (I'm sorry I just don't write it), necrophilia, anything along that line.
Info for Match ups: please the basics, age, gender sexuality(if your comfortable) a small discriptuion of yourself and things you like. these you don't have to be 18 for but please over 15 for these, they are only gonna be cute fluffy writing. I do not do NSFW for maths ups only fanfics and one shots.
One shot and fanfic info: in happy to do nsfw but I do need confirmation your 18 or over either in your bio or on the ask. Same rules apply from 'rules'. Please state what gender you want the fanfic for otherwise I default to They/them for the writing just to be inclusive.
(Guys please be patient, I'm a guy so doing Character X fem reader takes me a bit is all)
Numbers for number fics are here. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
The Bad batch
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Clone Force 99- Hunter
Clone Force 99- Tech
Clone Force 99- Crosshair
Clone Force 99- Wrecker
Clone Force 99 - Echo
Episode 11- Captain Howzer
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Star wars the clone wars
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Captain Rex
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Commander Cody
104th 'Wolfpack'
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Commander Wolffe
Domino squad :,)
Other clones
Commander Fox
Commander Thorn
Grim Squad (my clone squad)
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Newbie- Casket (my shiny son)
Info. So I decided to add my own clone squad becuase it's me hahaha. I don't expect much with them but they are there anyway.
Well everything is set so I hope you all enjoy.
Clone wars
Darth Maul
Savage Opress
Anakin Skywalker
Obi wan Kenobi
Plo Koon
Star wars Rebels.
Older wolffe
Older Rex
Older gregor
Agent Kallus
Eli Vanto ( I don't care if he isn't in it. He is to me!)
The mandolorian
Boba Fett
Din Djarin
Armitage Hux
Kylo Ren/Ben solo
The old republic
Arcann Tirall
Darth Marr
Torian Cadera
OC Characters plus Feature art when asked for match ups or Fics.
Kodja Bathrian (clone wars twi'lek) Male
Varr'ivaz'loawe 'Ivaz' ( Outlander Old republic Chiss) male
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hereticpriest · 3 months
Mercy Chapter Seven: Heat
Rating: Explicit 18+
Relationship: Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader
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To begin with, some warnings about this story: A/B/O Dynamics, Female Alpha, Male Omega, Some chapters may involve messing with the whole 'alphas are always dom and omegas are always sub' because I think nuance exists even in A/B/O dynamics, Fucking with the timeline (this is a blend of Canon, Legends, and original lore), Minimal use of Y/N (Explained in the first chapter), Reader is an alien species of my own creation and thus has a physical description, Familial bonds explored heavily, Clone rights explored heavily, Violence is more graphic than canon-typical however any graphic descriptions will be noted, AFAB reader, Not beta-read so I apologize for any mistakes.
Chapter warnings: Canon-typical violence, small injuries, first time/virgin sex and associated awkwardness, oral sex (m receiving), handjobs (m and f receiving), p in v sex. Let me know if I am missing anything!
Read on AO3
Part One - Part Two - Part Three - Part Four - Part Five - Part Six
Chapter Seven: Heat
Your descent down the mountain is much less difficult than your ascent, however, Obi-Wan has begun to get further into his pre-heat and you know you are running out of time. By the time you reach the bottom again, you are beginning to see the effects in your strong, stoic Omega. You’re proud of him - you can feel his emotions and snippets of his pain through your bond, and yet he hasn’t complained once. You bring him back to the stream and strip off everything but your cloak and robes to keep yourself covered while you quickly and efficiently wash both of your clothes in the swiftly running water. Thank the Stars you had a bar of soap in your medical kit along with antibacterial rinse for field cleanliness. Each article of clothing is hung over a tree branch while you work, and Obi-Wan keeps an eye out around you before going further upstream so he can fill your filtered waterskins. You keep him in your periphery, ears twitching to catch all of the sound around you, listening for threats.
Once your clothes are clean, you approach your Omega, taking the waterskins from him and putting them down on the bank of the stream. You rip a strip from the bottom of your cloak, dunking it in the stream then wringing it out and using the force to give a little tug at Obi-Wan’s robes with a playful smile. Pink blooms in his cheeks and you laugh softly, stepping closer to him.
“Do you mind if I help clean you up a little? I can carry you here if I have to during your heat, but I’d like to get you nice and clean to begin with so you feel more comfortable.” You practically purr, voice low and smoky, the sweetening of his scent growing strong as you speak. Obi-Wan swallows hard, nodding his head as he undoes his belt and drops it, opening his robes to show off his otherwise naked body. His chest is covered in lovely ginger hair, far less sparse than it was when he was young, and you run your fingertips through it impulsively while he shivers. You rub soap into his underarms while he blushes and stammers, as quick and efficient as if he were a patient. It was certainly nowhere near your first time helping clean someone up, but Obi-Wan had always been shy, as typical of most Jedi. You wipe away the residue with your cloth, pausing briefly to scent him again to calm him down before you continue.
His stomach is still covered in the dried remnants of his cum, so you gently run the soap and then the cloth over it, scrubbing gently to get it out of his body hair. His thighs are damp with sweat and slick, so you wipe them down, crouching in front of Obi-Wan in a way that has him stirring. The crease of his thigh and pelvis is next, and Obi-Wan’s face is red when you look up at him. You can feel the hint of shameful joy of being cared for so intimately, of having someone see the most intimate parts of him. Not just see him, but touch him, clean the sweat and slick from his body, smell his desire and the fact that he hasn’t been able to wash since his last sonic shower the day before your ship crashed. The lack of judgement - the love in your eyes - is making him feel so many tangled feelings.
He’s starting to get hard, cock swiftly filling with blood, and you flick your tongue out to lick your lips as you shamelessly wipe down his crotch to get the dried precum out of his pubic hair. Obi-Wan outright shudders as you dip the cloth in the water again, wring it out, then wipe down his balls. His hand grasps at your hair and you laugh softly, bringing your other hand up to grasp a handful of his ass and part his cheeks, drawing a squeak of indignation from him.
“I-I can do this myself.” He reminds you, and you shrug, leaning into his hand on your head, your tail wagging behind you shamelessly.
“I don’t mind, my sweet little Omega, but if you’d rather do it yourself while you’re still coherent…” You shrug, putting the choice in his hands. You would never want to cross his boundaries. Obi-Wan considers for a moment, and you feel his twofold embarrassment through your bond at both the act itself, and the fact that the idea of it is turning him on.
“I… I suppose, if you want to, darling.” He finally mumbles, and you stifle a chuckle to avoid making it worse as you quickly and efficiently clean him up. Once you’re done, you stand and give him a gentle kiss, then shed your cloak and robes completely instead of just leaving them hanging open like you had for Obi-Wan. You feel a sharp tug through your bond, the feeling of blood rushing, an intense need, and so much love it nearly makes you dizzy. You smile to yourself, hanging your clothing up on a tree branch and approaching the stream again. You startle as Obi-Wan steps up behind you, hesitantly placing his hands on your hips.
“May I help you as well?” He asks, and you let out a happy sigh at the idea, giving the cloth a really good scrubbing before wringing it out and handing it over to him with the soap. He takes his time familiarizing himself with your body, washing your underarms while he looks over every inch of you. You instruct him to wash under your breasts, where sweat tends to pool in the breast binding you wear, and he tentatively does, though he does also pause to trace his thumb across your nipples. You laugh, giving him another encouraging kiss.
“You’ll have plenty of time for that later, dearest. We have to get back to our shelter, unfortunately.” You remind him, and he hums his acknowledgement, refreshing the cloth while parting your thighs with a gentle hand. He’s more efficient here, his ears just as pink as the skin he’s washing, and you can feel his desire spiking as he tries to thoroughly but gently clean your cunt and inner thighs of the sweat and slick of the last couple of days. He doesn’t crouch like you had, and you feel the thought almost as if it’s your own, that he worried if he did he’d bury his face there and never stand up again.
Once you’re mostly clean, you both step into the stream to wash the remnants of swamp water from your lower legs and feet. It’s a quick affair, the water too cold to be comfortable for long, but it does inspire you to try and use the Force to wring every last bit of water from your clothes so that you can get redressed quicker. Unexpectedly, it works, and you both get dressed in a shivering rush of laughs and flying fabric. You both only dress in your underwear, pants and undertunics. You won’t need the rest - it’s warm on this planet even at night, and Obi-Wan will need all the fabric he can find to make a suitable nest. You even forgo the breast binding for ease later, wrapping it up in your bag. You find a conveniently shaped rock with a deep enough well for it to act as a basin, filling it with water and carrying it back to the alcove with you while Obi-Wan collects firewood and builds a campfire just outside.
As you’re arranging the makeshift basin with your bags nearby, ensuring everything will be relatively within reach, you hear a breathy whimper at the same time as you feel cramping through your bond. Obi-Wan’s heat is nearly here. His need to nest has been slowly building as you worked, but now, it’s too strong to ignore. He makes his way into the alcove with you, gathering the suitably large pile of clothing you’ve laid towards the back so that he can start arranging his nest. As you finish the campfire he’d started, you notice Obi-Wan fussing with his cloak on the bed of moss and fabric. He’s created a sort of nest from the moss, both of your robes, spare tunics and pants. Now, he’s laying his cloak over it, tucking and fussing until it sits right. Next, he takes your cloak, giving it what appears to be the prime spot in the nest. You smile adoringly, admiring him as he works with what must be a sappy look on your face because as soon as Obi-Wan turns around and catches you, he starts blushing again.
“I’ve never done this before.” He admits, and you shrug, approaching tentatively. Omegas can be protective of their nests even with their Alpha in the early days of a relationship. Obi-Wan seems to calm down as you crawl across the edge of the nest though, reaching for you and pulling you closer to him.
“That’s okay. It looks like you’re doing a wonderful job, dear. It looks very comfy. You’ve done so well with so little to work with.” You praise him, and he beams at you, drawing you into a gentle kiss. Your tail wraps around his ankle instinctively, drawing a happy sigh from your Omega against your lips. You give him another sweet kiss, then slip out of his nest carefully to avoid disturbing it.
“Where are you going?” Obi-Wan whines, and you chuckle, sending him soothing waves through your bond.
“I have to scent the perimeter of our den, dearest. I won’t take long, and I’ll be right here.” You promise, and he nods, but he keeps his gaze on you as he curls up in his nest, “Eat a ration bar, Obi-Wan, you’ll need your energy.”
He obeys you, fetching a ration bar from your bag and eating it politely but quickly while he watches you. You rub against the edge of the alcove, covering the stone in your scent as best as you can, running purely on instinct. You’ve never done this before, but you know you’d tried to when you had your first rut. Master Dooku had stopped you, strong but gentle hands holding your wrists to keep you from sending your scent flooding through the halls of the Jedi Temple. Now, no one will stop you. You have an Omega to protect, sweet as can be in the nest he made in a den you found, just as your instincts demand. You have to mark your den so that anyone that comes anywhere near will know the consequences of getting too close. At a certain point, you will have very little control of how violent your reaction might be.
By the time you’re finished scenting the den, the sun has begun to dip, painting the sky in purples, pinks and orange. Obi-Wan has curled himself up in his nest, rubbing his lower belly as he is wracked by cramping. As you begin to approach your Omega, you get a prickling feeling in the back of your neck. Something is watching you. You know Obi-Wan senses it too because he doesn’t fight you as you gesture for him to stay in the nest when he begins to get up. You growl deeply, your subvocals rolling farther than the sound could ever hope to reach, and Obi-Wan shivers with delight. You can feel it - he’s not afraid with you there to protect him, but his arousal is sharp and tangy in the air.
A creature similar to a loth wolf or a Narglatch creeps out of the darkness, ribs expanding harshly with every breath. It’s a bit bigger than a loth wolf, with large paws tipped in claws that more resemble a nexu more than anything else. Short-haired, with a line of longer hair down its spine leading into its tufted tail. It has the longer snout of a loth wolf and fangs like a raxshir, but you notice lines of teeth down its throat, likely for the purpose of guiding prey down its gullet. It stalks in front of your den, and you growl loudly as you rise to its challenge, baring your teeth at it in an obvious threat display as your tail lashes behind you. Your ears are pinned back to your head, furious to find this dangerous creature so close to your Omega. You kick off your boots by the entrance, dropping your lightsaber into your bag to keep yourself from using deadly force unnecessarily. You step out into the barely lit forest in only your pants and under tunic, and lower into a stance you’ve never used before in your life. It comes naturally, but you don’t recognize it as any form opener you’ve ever heard of. The creature leaps at you, jaws open and snarling, but you duck low and get it round the neck, muscles in your arms rippling as you hold it. Its massive paws slap against your back, claws digging in and ripping open your skin as it scrambles for purchase that will allow it to escape your hold.
You plant your feet, anchoring your grip with one arm while reaching down with the other to grasp at its back legs. Lifting it over your head, you throw the beast into a nearby tree, roaring your dominance. You hope that the hit will be hard enough to make the creature realize you’re not an easy meal, but it comes back for more with drool dripping from its jaws. You smoothly dodge its gaping maw, then reach out with the Force and push it hard into a jagged boulder to the right of the alcove entrance, but this time you follow it. It swipes at you as you come close, rearing back onto its hind legs and smacking you across the face with a paw hard enough that it nearly breaks your nose. You growl, swallowing blood, and this time you pull it down with the Force until it slams into the dirt. You don’t want to kill the beast needlessly - it is just hungry or defending its home like you are. It snaps at you as it tries to stand, and you grab its lower jaw, then wrap an arm around its head to grab the upper jaw with your other hand. Obi-Wan watches as you hold its mouth open, your teeth bared and tail lashing behind you while it tries to snap its jaws closed. Your next growl is all subvocals, nearly inaudible, and the beast ceases fighting beneath you. You hold it still for a moment longer, then shove it down as you step back and release it, in case it decides to keep fighting. Thankfully, the beast seems to decide you're not worth the effort and runs off into the woods, and you can finally take a breath. 
You’re dirty, sweat pouring down your back and stinging as it drips into the scratches dug into your skin, but as you approach your hideaway Obi-Wan looks you over with a hunger you feel in your bones. You take a second to start the process of healing yourself, checking your nose to ensure it isn’t broken as you approach. Your Omega’s heat has nearly begun. He kisses the blue blood from your lips, strong hands caressing your hips as he pulls you into the safety of your den. You breathe him in as he checks your back out, ensuring that you’re actually healing yourself instead of being stubborn, then pulls you into his nest to take a quick rest while you both wait for his heat to settle in.
You allow Obi-Wan to curl around you, murmuring praise for how well you protect him, how strong you are, and how attractive it was to see you fighting that creature with your bare hands for him. You doze off to his scent surrounding you, and the firm warmth of his body wrapped around yours, his nose buried in your neck.
Far, far away in the council chambers of the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, the Council watches a holo of yourself and Obi-Wan. Your old Master leans forwards in his seat as you tell them about the crash of your ship, and that while you’ve survived, your ship is basically scrap metal at this point. Master Windu hums thoughtfully as you tell them that you are stranded with limited supplies, no scent blockers, and no rut or heat blockers. You, very clinically indeed, tell the Council that Obi-Wan’s heat is nearly here while the man in question tries to look as professional as possible, thankful that the holo can’t translate how red his cheeks are.
“Obi-Wan and I opened up our Force signatures to each other for the first time, and we have discovered that we are Force-mates. I have a feeling few of you will be shocked by this news. I will be bonding with him during his heat. I apologize that I cannot ask permission, however I will do what I must for my Omega. Please inform whoever you send to our rescue not to approach our coordinates relayed through our distress beacon until the customary five days are through - I doubt that will be difficult as the journey here is just over three. I will accept any punishment deemed necessary on behalf of both Obi-Wan and myself when we return to the Temple. May the Force be with you, and whomever you send to our aid.” You end the holo recording on a somewhat somber note, and the Council sits in stunned silence for a long moment before it is broken by Master Yoda’s quiet laugh.
“Works in mysterious ways, the Force often does.” He says, and Master Plo Koon sits up straighter.
“I would be happy to collect my old Padawan and her mate. I’m a skilled pilot, and I’m sure I can handle the dangers circling the planet.”
Master Windu nods in response.
“Bring Master Qui-Gon with you. Familiar Betas will be a better rescue team, and the man is going stir crazy.” He said with a hint of humour in his voice, and a fond smile.
Warmth. You’re wrapped up in blissful warmth, and the sweet scent of your Omega, tangy with arousal. You blink awake, staring out of the small alcove into the darkness of the forest before you, disoriented briefly to find it so late before you remember that you’d decided to take a nap in preparation for the inevitability of your Omega’s heat hitting early this night. You hum as you twist in Obi-Wan’s arms, your hand stroking down over his side. His scent has turned, the deep sweetness and bergamot-like tang of heat bleeding out of him as it settles in. He’s hard against you, though you woke early enough that he still sleeps on without the sharp ache of need.
You decide to get ahead of it, dipping your head to kiss along his neck and up the column of his throat. Obi-Wan stirs beneath your lips, his arms tightening around you, and you smile as he sleepily mumbles your name. Not your virtue name, but your actual name, the one you’ve kept in your heart since you became a Padawan in accordance with your Haelan heritage. Y/N. He’s one of the few people that likely remember it, and it makes you happy, reminding you of how long you both have known each other. His lips part around a moan as you press a couple of kisses along his scent gland, and he stirs in your arms, shivering as your thigh slides between his legs while he’s still sleepy and pliant. Your tail curls around his knee possessively.
“You smell so good, sweetheart.” You whisper, and Obi-Wan sighs happily, twisting his fingers through your hair while he grinds against your thigh. It takes very little effort to pull Obi-Wan’s undertunic over his head, discarding it behind you and splaying your hands across his chest so you can feel his chest hair under your palms. His hips roll in little circles as he grinds against you, breathing hard against your ear, and you feel the instinct to bite a necklace of lovebites around his neck as he leans his head back to expose his throat. You cover his neck in kisses instead of bites, dropping your hands to grasp his hips and guide him to thrust against you.
“More, Alpha.” Obi-Wan begs, pupils blown wide with desire as he clutches at you, “So close. I want to come.”
You hum with satisfaction, undoing the ties to his trousers and guiding them doing his legs to avoid too much of a mess. Once your Omega is naked, you press him back into the soft fabric of his nest and dip your head to lick a fat stripe up the underside of his cock, drawing a loud, broken moan from his lips. Your tail lashes behind you, showing off exactly how eager you are for him. His hands tangle in your hair, and you have to hold his hips down to keep him from rutting against your face even as he whines. The taste of him sits heavy on your tongue, and you can feel a pull deep in your gut, so you wrap a hand around the base of him and slowly guide him into your mouth. It’s a new sensation, a little uncomfortable at first, especially accommodating his size. You have to really work to hold his hips down, but you find yourself slowly getting used to the way his girth fills you. He’s so close that it only takes a few bobs of your head before he’s coming down your throat, grasping at your hair and tossing his head back while he moans your name.
You swallow the salty mess of him, then crawl up his body, letting him pull you into a needy kiss so he can lick the remnants of his spend from your tongue. It takes only a few moments for his need to rise again, and you figure it’s about time you both become one. You’ve made your poor Omega wait long enough. Obi-Wan helps you strip your clothes off as soon as he realizes that is what you’re doing, and you sigh as he pushes you back into his nest, his mouth closing around your right nipple the moment it’s revealed. He discards your trousers somewhere off the edge of the nest behind him as he explores your body, his hands grasping at your breasts. His hot little mouth leaves a trail of kisses across your chest as he moves to give the same love to your left nipple, and you moan as he puts a bit more of his weight on you, pressing his hips into yours so he can grind blindly between your legs. The head of his cock catches against your hole, and you have to grab his hips to stop him from slamming home, moving swiftly to roll him over onto his back. The whimpers are instant.
“I know, I know, lovely. Shhh.” You whisper, straddling his lap and holding him down, “I just need to make sure I’m ready, or it’ll hurt. Can you wait for me, or do you need me to make you come again first?”
Obi-Wan shivers, looking you over for a moment while he decides whether he can wait, before reaching between the two of you to cup your cunt in one large hand. You nearly buckle at the touch, eyes wide. No one’s ever touched you there before, and you’ve only touched yourself a couple of times through the years.
“Let me help.” he murmurs, boldly gliding his fingers through the wet heat of your cunt, running entirely off instinct and the very little anatomy you had learned in your lessons. He strokes his thumb sloppily across your clit, probing gently at your hole with his middle finger, carefully sinking it in the moment you give him a nod. You’re wet enough that he is quickly able to add a second, and he pants for breath as you moan above him, thighs tight around his hips. He doesn’t really know what he’s doing, but he lets your body guide him, pumping his fingers into you a little faster as you grasp at his chest for support and roll your hips with him. Eventually, you grab his hand and pull him free of you, bringing his fingers up to your mouth to suck your own juices from them while he watches with wide eyes.
“Good boy. You’ve waited so long, sweetheart. You’re so strong.” You murmur, letting go of his hand so you can reach between you both and guide his cockhead to press against you so that you can sink down on him. The stretch of him is immense, and you both moan in unison as you roll your hips about halfway down, lifting a bit to ease the pressure before sinking down again until he bottoms out. Obi-Wan scrabbles for a grip on your hips, well-kept blunt nails digging into your skin and leaving red lines behind as he tries to breathe through the overwhelming pleasure. You’ve never felt so full in your life. It takes you a second to get control of yourself, and Obi-Wan rolls his hips up into you as you breathe through the fullness, unable to help himself. He’s still early in his heat, so he has some degree of control, but you know that won’t last long. You take the chance while you can to adjust and slowly make love to him, leaning forwards for a kiss while you slowly get your legs under you and begin to ride him.
Obi-Wan clings to your hips, desperate moans slipping from his lips in between messy kisses that send lightning racing down your spine. It’s good, but it takes time before you find the right way to move, where to put your hands and how to balance properly. The first couple of thrusts are awkward, Obi-Wan trying to match you but nearly jolting you off his lap while you struggle to figure out what exactly to do with yourself. It shouldn’t come as a surprise - you’re both virgins, and sexual education is limited at best at the Jedi Temple, largely revolving around how to avoid faux pas with species that have freer outlooks on sexuality than the Jedi themselves. Once you find a good rhythm, riding your Omega becomes a little easier, and starts to feel natural. You find a pace that works for both of you, slow and deep and hard, the head of his cock kissing your cervix with every thrust. The curve of him drags against that spongy spot inside of you that you’ve found the few times you’ve touched yourself, and you feel a little wild with it, shooting sparks of pleasure through you with every movement. It’s so much, so overwhelming, but you’ve not had a lick of pain so far. Just a mind-numbing stretch around the girth of your Omega, and the sparking pleasure of his cock bumping against your cervix with every thrust. It’s like he’s made for you, the way he fills you so perfectly, just on the edge of too much.
“Almost there, Alpha, almost-” Obi-Wan cries out, cutting himself off with a groan as he arches his back, gripping your hips and pulling you down on him harder. You meet his pace, taking his hands from your hips so you can pin them above his head, taking over so he can ride the waves of pleasure and just enjoy it. A ragged groan rips from Obi-Wan’s throat, and you feel through the bond all the things he can’t manage to say as he nears that peak. At first, it’s just feelings. Pleasure, desire, love blooming bright, happiness, bliss. And then, words form.
You feel so good around me. My perfect Alpha, taking such good care of me, and making me feel amazing. Force, Mercy, I feel like I’m melting. I want to come inside you, feel it flow out of you onto my skin. Want it to take. Fuck a baby into you so everyone knows I belong to you. Want to be yours, Y/N. I need you to be mine. I need you. Stars, I’m going to come. Gonna fill you up. Take it from me, Alpha. Take it! Take me!
You lean closer to him, grabbing his chin and gently forcing him to look at you even through the haze of his pleasure. His pupils are blown to the point that his pretty ocean blue eyes are nearly black, and his mouth is lax with pleasure. You kiss the soft wrinkles of his sweetly furrowed brow, unable to help yourself.
“Do you want me to bond you? Do you want me to mate you properly, my sweet Omega? Do you want to be mine?” You ask, and Obi-Wan nods jerkily, tears in his eyes, “I need your words, baby.”
Yes! Mate me. Bond me, please, Alpha. I want to be your mate.
Good boy, my sweet Omega.
You lap at his mating gland, hoping that your Haelan saliva will help ease any associated pain. Your fangs are sharp, so you hope it won’t be too uncomfortable. You’ve been told time and time again that the pain is negligible while in the midst of a heat, rut, or even just an orgasm, but you can’t help but worry about hurting your Omega. Your tail is wrapped tightly around your Omega’s thigh, needing every part of you to be holding onto him. Obi-Wan whimpers below you, and you finally cup his neck, holding him still so you can sink your sharp, aching teeth into his mating gland. Blood blooms in your mouth, and Obi-Wan gasps, thrusting his hips sharply up into you. His mind is a flurry of ‘yes’ and ‘yours’ through the bond, and you don’t feel much pain at all from him. Something else clicks into place between you, a deeper level of the bond, and you feel yourself suddenly nearing the brink of orgasm as if it’s snuck up on you. You shiver with pleasure as you feel Obi-Wan jerk below you, and each throb of his cock as he fills you with cum. You brace yourself atop him, rolling your hips in lazy circles to prolong his orgasm and pulling away only when you feel him on the brink of oversensitivity. 
You lay down beside your Omega, pulling him gently into your arms and petting his hair as he comes down from the high of it, panting like he’s run a marathon. It takes him a few moments before his breathing starts to even out, and you stroke your fingers through his chest hair with one hand while the other delicately smoothes the strawberry blond strands of his hair out of his face. Your eyes are locked on his mating bond, the imprint of your teeth in his neck making you feel at once both lost in adoration and like a brute. His heat is temporarily sated, and he nuzzles against you, pulling your leg over his hip to open up your thighs.
“Sorry I didn’t make you come, darling.” Obi-Wan murmurs softly, and you laugh softly, pulling him closer before he can feel too guilty about it. You smother him in kisses, nipping at his pouty bottom lip and the tip of his strong nose.
“I would be shocked if you did, sweetheart. It’s our first time. We’ll learn.” You murmur, sighing as he slips his hand between your legs to cup your cunt again. His chest starts to rumble, a broken, raspy thing that tells you he’s never really purred before. But he purrs for you. He purrs for you, nuzzling his nose against your pointy ear and nipping the tip of it while scooping up the cum leaking from you and pushing it back in. He thumbs your clit, exploring your feelings through the bond to find what makes you feel good, and pushing two thick fingers into your cunt. With his purr against your back and his lips grazing over your mating gland, you find yourself swiftly nearing that peak again, rocking your hips to meet each thrust of his hand.
“Feels so good. My sweet, perfect little Omega, taking such good care of me. You gonna bite me, make me yours?” You mix teasing and praise, shivering as Obi-Wan nips sharply at your jaw.
“I am yours, dearheart. And you are mine.” Obi-Wan purrs, crooking his fingers while working his thumb over your clit, and you feel something pull in your gut as you come tumbling over the edge into the strongest orgasm of your admittedly limited experience. Obi-Wan sinks his teeth into your mating gland as pleasure floods your system, and the final tumbler clicks into place, unlocking the full potential of your bond. You shudder as you come a second time mere moments after the first, and Obi-Wan groans against your neck, blue blood dripping down his chin. His purring gets louder until it’s all you can hear, and you lay in a puddle of bliss in his arms as you come back to yourself. When you manage to open your eyes, it’s to the image of Obi-Wan with your blood in his beard and moustache, sucking every drop of your release from his fingers. You sigh, leaning up to shamelessly kiss every drop of you from his chin before licking your way into his pliant mouth.
“I love you.” You whisper when you part, and Obi-Wan smiles as he presses his lips against your mating gland.
“I love you too, darling.” he purrs back, licking around the raw bite to clean up the blood. You roll onto your side, dipping your trusty cloth into the basin of water you collected so that you can clean both of you up. You’ll need to rest. Tomorrow, Obi-Wan will be delirious with need and you will have little time to rest in between taking care of him. You can feel the stirrings of your rut as well, triggered by his heat and swiftly approaching. Once you’re both cleaned up, you pull your cloak atop the both of you and curl yourself around your Omega, nipping his shoulder when he sleepily but playfully grinds his backside into your pelvis.
“Sleep, needy little thing. I’ll take good care of you.”
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soft-for-them · 3 years
Doctor ❀ Captain Rex x Nonbinary reader ❀ Headcanons
anon: 👉👈 maybe a Captain Rex x NonBinary!Reader going out to 79's on a 'first date' type thing together? 🥺🥺
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Not proof read.
. Now the day Captain Rex asked you out you were completely surprised. . For one thing it was out of the blue. . You see you’re a doctor who was drafted in from you home planet so you’re quite a different face from the mass of blank faced nurses and alien doctors who looked after the clone troopers. . From day one you have garnered attention from your patients wanting to know about you. . Actually, a couple clone troopers have already asked you out. . However, you have declines them all partly because you’re new but also because you they are only asking you out due to curiosity. . Anyway, you don’t know what’s so special about yourself, despite being a brilliant doctor, but you hope everything will calm down so you can settle in. . Most of the time you hang around the med bay whilst the more senior doctors’ boss around everyone. . Normally the more mundane things are left to you to do. . Mostly clone trooper come in but the odd Jedi do wonder in. . That’s how you meet Rex. . Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano and exceedingly handsome Rex had walked in one day when most people were on their breaks. . You know of Skywalker and Tano for they often come by with childish scrapes from each other that you keep quiet about so you don’t tarnish the Jedis reputations. . (I can imagine just Ahsoka and Anakin messing around like siblings and just accidentally hurting each other, like scrapped knees and sprained ankles.) . You were just patching up Anakin’s bleeding elbow whilst Ahsoka laughed her ass off and all you could do was steal looks at the all too pretty clone trying not to laugh too. . He stood a littles way off, a grin ghosted over his face, he clearly found the moment entertaining. . Some antiseptic and a big plaster later (with some more stolen glances at Rex) you had finished up patching up Anakin. . “All done master Skywalker, I hope that boo boo will heal very quickly.” You half joke making Ashoka laugh even more and Anakin pouting like a child. . But what gets you is the deeps laugh that rings out through out echoing around the room. . Rex was chuckling at your joke. . This man you had just met and started crushing on straight away. . If Anakin and Ahsoka where like little siblings play fighting all the time then you are certienly like a love sick teenager falling for some one just for their looks. . It’s like the first time you’d met Obi-Wan Kenobi all over again. . (I’d imagined that most people have had a thing for Kenobi…) . Tano and Skywalker mush have seen your flustered face as the man chuckled because both of them had given each other a knowing look. . A look of a plan forming. . As soon as all three where ushered out into the hallways by an impatient nurse complaining about their ‘too loud’ laughs did the two Jedis’ pounce. . Apparently for the next half an hour they both bugged Rex with anecdotes and complements towards you. . Everything from “Doctor (l/n) is probably the most intelligent person I know.” to “I’m surprised no one has asked them out yet.” to even “I heard one of the Jedi like likes them.” . So not even a hour later did Rex walk to you small desk and ask you out. . Obviously, you said yes but you were still shocked. . Very shocked indeed. . So shocked that now as you walk into the 79’s you look like a deer in headlights. . The two of you still in your work uniforms Rex leads to the bar. . He does a thing where he carries on standing, almost shielding you, as you pick a seat to sit in. . Only then does he sit next to you. . “Do you want a drink?” you are asking hoping that the nervousness between the two of you will go away. . He smiles, a word stuck on the tip of his tough, he seems like he wants to say something long but instead he just says something simple. . “I’ll have what you’re having.” . Rex knows what he likes to drink. . He could have easily just said what he wanted and be done with it but his curiosity and internal nervousness has gotten the better of him. . He remembers someone telling him that ‘you can tell a lot about someone about the drink they order at a bar.’ . You see he has
heard of your way before Anakin and Ahsoka had dragged him to you. . You’re the new doctor who has rejected three clones trying to ask you out. . You’re the quieter doctor who looks like they’d fit better in a doctor’s surgery handing out prescriptions and being a family doctor rather than being thrown into a war. . He has been curious about you for a while but finally meeting you, finally putting the face to the stories had urged him to ask you out (that with the two annoying Jedis coaxing him to also do it.) . You and Rex raise you hands to signal the waiter. . “Um- Can I have a (drink).” You half shout to the person behind the bar. . “Same for me.” He turns to you fully, “That’s actually a very good drink.” . “Well, I have good taste in things.” You try to flirt. . You might think the silly line falls flat but Rex faces sparks up, you did say yes to this, so surly you do have good taste. . Before he can get a half flirty quip out the barkeep comes over with your identical drinks. . Rex gets his drink first then the barkeep places a coaster in front of you place a drink on it. . “Sir?-Ma’am?-“ the barkeep begins. There’s no malice in their tone they are just a bit confused. . “Doctor.” You correct pointing down at you work uniform. . “Do you often use that?” Rex asks whilst sipping his drink. . “Use what, the doctor thing?” . He nods. . “It’s much harder trying to explain to every new person who I’m going to say one word to that I’m nonbinary, it’s much easier to say I’m a doctor.” . “I better not be just one of those new people you say one word too.” .You raise you drink up prompting Rex to clink his glass with yours and then you take a sip the lukewarm beverage that really shouldn’t be lukewarm. . “Please don’t call me doctor, call me (y/n).”
Oof, Tumblr has been annoying all day, I think it's because I'm formatting on BETA editor sooo yeah, I just want to get this posted and done, I'll go back later and edit it.
I could re write this as a one shot if people like the concept because this isn't my best (but not my worst lol).
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Long time no see
Summary : Two years into an undercover mission, you find yourself meeting the very man you had to leave behind.
Obi-Wan Kenodi x Genderneutral!reader
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The low boom of the bass permeated through the sweaty bar as Master Kenobi and his padawan moved through the crowd.
“Master are you sure this the right place ?”, Anakin mumbled to his master, uncomfortable in the civilian clothes that many of the regulars wore. His status as a padawan hidden as his braid was tucked under the shoulder-length wig.
“Yes Anakin, I’m sure and please stop fidgeting, you’re drawing attention”, he replied as he glanced around the crowd inconspicuously.
“Yes Master”.
Eventually, the pair found an empty booth in a more secluded part of the club, but also a lot closer to one of the many circular platforms dotted around that were mainly used by scantily-clad dancers of varying species and gender. One of the platforms was directly in front of Obi-Wan’s line of sight and was a lot larger than the other platforms, probably used as the main stage. At the moment it was empty as the generic low-bass music continued to play.
“So this informant, any idea how we’re supposed to find them ?”
“Patience, young one”, replied Obi-Wan.
The music suddenly changed and the lights dimmed so that the main stage was lit up. Both men looked at the stage as two twi’leks, one male and one female, start dancing along to the beat.
Here we go again. Just like every other night for the past two years, you sat in the dressing room getting ready for your performance. At least this time, you know two Jedi will be waiting for you for information. They should be easy enough to spot, even if they think they’re amazing at being disguised. Most of the time ordinary people don’t notice them when they’re not in their robes, you, however, could spot them a mile away so it didn’t really matter that you had no idea who the Jedi you were supposed to meet was. Hopefully, after you’ve dropped the info, your undercover mission will be over and you can get back to what you’re fantastic at : bounty hunting.
“Come on honey! We’re up!”, shouted Iyal’, a young yellow twi’lek that was your only friend among the dancers.
You took your robe off, revealing the provocative outfit and sauntered on stage as your back-up dancers, Iyal’ and another twi’lek, began dancing to the beat of the song. They separated to reveal you to the audience and you began singing.
As you sing and dance sensually to the song, you check out the crowd entranced by your performance in search of the two Jedi. Your gaze lands on the two men sat in a booth near one of the smaller dance platforms and you falter slightly as you recognise him.
Anakin glances confusingly at his master’s swearing. The usually calm and composed Jedi master was visible flustered at the sight of the beautiful singer on the main stage.
“Master, are you alright ?”
Obi-Wan cleared his throat and readjusted himself so as not to seem affected by the performance. When he was told to meet up with an undercover agent, you were the last person that he had expected to see.
You gave it your all on the final note, the club whistles and applauses your performance. The twi’leks move off-stage as the generic low-bass music returns. You walk off-stage in the direction of the booth.
Nervous butterflies were fluttering around in your stomach despite your confident strut towards the two Jedi. Holy Sith! Why does he have to be so hot? He was already attractive when he was a padawan but the long hair and beard just make him ten times hotter.
As you reach them, you coyly sit next to the older one.
“Of all the places I thought I would see you again Kenobi, this is certainly not one of them”
“Likewise my dear”, he responded coldly.
Anakin furrowed his eyebrows at his master’s cold greeting before introducing himself.
“Pleasure to meet you”, you reply smirking and coyly extending your hand for him to shake. Despite the coldness from Obi-Wan, you still had an act to maintain.
“Anakin, why don’t you go get us both drinks whilst I discuss matters with our informant”, Obi-Wan ordered.
“Now, Anakin.”
He nodded his head towards you both before getting up, slightly concerned at his master’s strange behaviour.
“ Master”, you say as if testing the way it sounded. “It suits you.”
“Yes well ... thank you”, he coughs. You smile slightly, glad you could break his impassiveness, even if only for a moment.“From what I understand, you have some information on a potential terrorist attack”
“It’s always straight to business with you, even when we were younglings”
“I hardly see why that’s a bad thing”
You smirk at him before gently removing a disc hidden in your bra.
“This disc has everything I could gather without being caught”
Obi-Wan briefly glanced down but quickly looked away before you noticed where he was looking.
“Your effort is greatly appreciated by the council”, he curtly replied as he took the disc from you.
You felt disappointed at the lack of reaction. You always knew that if you did ever see him again, the encounter would be at the least awkward, but you still hoped that somewhere deep down, he was happy to see you.
The sound of shouting above the music catches your attention. Anakin was stood with his fists clenched and struggling to stay calm as a Rodian screeched at him. The second you look at the scene, you notice a determined group walk in your direction. You recognise them immediately as henchmen from the separatist group that run the club as cover.
“Fuck, we’ve got to get out of here. Grab Anakin and meet me at the back”. If they figure out that you’re with a Jedi, your cover will be blown. You get up to meet the group of intimidating aliens, still maintaining your flirty persona.
"Hi fellas, what can a gal get ya’ ?" You flirtatiously greet.
" How about two Jedi scum.", growled the big Trandoshan. You try to hide your nervous giggle.
" Oh sugar, if that's what you want, you ain't gonna find any here"
"Really", he stepped closer to you, "then why did we catch you chatting them up." Crap.
"Oh, don't be silly. Those two fellas were just here for a good time. Here, let me grab you fellas some drinks, on the house"
You quickly turn away to escape but the Trandoshan roughly grips onto your arm. You slam your heel into his foot, causing him to yell in pain and let your arm go. Time to get out of here. You start running and pushing through the crowd of semi-drunk club-goers.
The group draw their blasters and run after you.
You manage to run out into a dark and dirty alleyway with a dead-end.“Not so fast”, two Devaronians block both sides of the alleyway, cutting off your escape route. Oh, crap.
Suddenly the sounds of lightsabers and blaster fire catch your attention. Upon the rooftop, you spot the two Jedi deflecting blasts close to the edge. They make quick work of the thugs attacking before Obi-wan notices the trouble you’re in the alleyway below as the two Devaronians trapping you rush at you.
Without much thought -and to Anakin’s confusion- he calls your name and throws his deactivated lightsaber to you. You catch the lightsaber and ignite, smirking at the two thugs who suddenly stopped at the sight of the blue blade. They start firing their blasters but you gracefully deflect the bolts back to them before swiftly cutting one of the Devaronian’s arm off and roundhouse kick him in the face, incapacitating him. You promptly twist to face the other thug who had stepped back slightly in fear. Swinging the sabre skilfully, you use the force to pull the blaster out of his hand before slamming the hilt into his face, effectively knocking him out.
Both Jedi smoothly leap down from the roof to join you.
“You’re a Jedi ?!”, exclaimed Anakin incredulously.
“Was. I’m not any more.”, you admitted.
“Yes well, let’s get out of here”, said Obi-Wan, quickly cutting off whatever Anakin was about to say to your reply.
The three of you headed out of the alleyway and headed to the parked speeder hidden in the shadows. Upon approaching the speeder, you noticed that only seated two people and stood awkwardly looking at the men, wondering how we were going to get around the problem. Obi-Wan noticed the same issue as you. As Anakin sat in the driver’s seat, he took his place in the passenger’s side and simply patted his lap. You flushed at the action. When you didn’t immediately move, he looked at you with a slight smirk and raised an eyebrow.
Over the past two years, you became used to the flirtatious smirks and sexual remarks from both attractive and unattractive customers whilst working in the seedy club in the lower decks of Coruscant. You were used to dancing provocatively in front of an enraptured audience. But one simple hand gesture from him and suddenly you were blushing mess. You also realised this is the first time that he’s somewhat smiled since seeing him again. This only made you blush more. In an attempt to mask how flustered he made you, you moved to gently sit in his lap. He wrapped his arms around your waist to secure you, making you blush even harder and making the resurfaced butterflies flutter crazily in your stomach but thankfully he couldn’t see your face. Anakin, however, saw the entire exchange but decided not to say anything. He’ll have to question his master later.
Anakin flew the speeder to the Jedi temple, much to your reluctance. After the feeling of disappointing your master by leaving the order, the thought of ever returning made you feel queasy and the warmth of his arms wrapped around you didn’t help. As Anakin landed the speeder, Master Yoda, a blue and white astromech droid and a gold protocol droid greeted you. You stood behind the two Jedi, hoping to be ignored by your former master. No such look as he greeted you :
“Good to see you, it is, my former padawan”
“Master Yoda”, you greeted, bowing in respect, “it has been a long time.”
“Have become a fine Jedi, you would, but become an invaluable ally, instead you have. If correct, your information is, prevent losses, it may. Hmm. Been prepared for your arrival, a room has. Show you the way, C3PO will. Discuss further action with the council, we must. Talk later, we will.”
During the walk to your new room, you ignored the ramblings of the protocol droid as the familiar corridors of the Jedi Temple made you feel nostalgic. You remember the times you and Obi-wan would get in trouble as children. You shared everything with each other. But as you got older, you developed a crush that no amount of meditating would get rid of it. You had to hide your feelings as it was against the code to form attachments. However, it was far too late. You thought by distancing yourself more would make a difference but no matter what you did, his smile, his laughter, everything about him would make your heart flutter. Dismissing the droid once when you reached the room, you decided that a shower was in order.
The sound of the door knocking pulled you from the meditative state you had been in. After your shower, you started your bedtime ritual which included a small meditation session. Since leaving the order, you were no longer obligated to follow their rules and rituals but nothing helped calm you down better than meditating. It was currently three o’clock in the morning and so you definitely were not expecting anyone to come knocking. You opened the door :
“Obi-Wan ?”
“I realise it is far too late and I should be leaving you to rest but I can’t sleep.”
You silently gesture for him to come in before closing the door. As padawans, it wasn’t unusual for one of you to go see the other when we had difficulty sleeping. Nothing had to be said. You started making two cups of tea as he sat on the small couch near the window of your room. He wasn’t wearing his robes but a thin cotton shirt and trousers. For a brief moment, you both felt like padawans again.
As you handed him his tea, he shifted and the moment of nostalgia was over :
“I’ve come to apologise”, he started, “I was unfairly rude to you and I would also like to apologise for blowing your cover”.
“I somehow don’t think it was your fault. Something tells me that they had known about me long before you even turned up”
“You suspect they knew you were a spy ?”
“Yeah, call it a gut feeling”
He nodded in agreement, stroking his beard. You didn’t think he could be any more attractive but the sight of him sat on your couch in his casual clothes made everything seem intimate. You had to tear your gaze away from the hand near his mouth, hoping he didn’t sense what you were feeling.
“I hated being there anyway, so I’m definitely not upset over never having to go back there ever again”
His brows furrowed at your statement :
“More so than here ?”
“What ?”, you reply in confusion.
“I - Did you hate it there more than being at the Temple ?”
You looked at him, wondering why he would ask such a question. Normally, you would just ignore such a question and try to change the subject, but had been a very tiring day and something about the moment just made you want to give in.
“I never hated being at the Temple.”
A heavy silence followed your answer. When you left the order, you promised you would never tell anyone your reasons, afraid of rumours would spread and Obi-Wan’s devotion to the order and the code would be put into question.
“Why did you leave ?”
“Obi-Wan, I-”
“No please. I never understood why you left. I thought you were happy at the Temple. I remember the fun we had as children.”
“Obi-Wan please -”
He gently picked your hands up and held them, gently rubbing the back of your hands with his thumbs. The rough but soft caress of his thumbs made you feel weak and you felt resolve crumble.
“I loved you”, you quietly whispered. Hoping maybe he hadn’t heard you, but the sudden freezing of his thumbs confirmed that he had.“ I tried not to”, you quickly added. “ I tried so hard to be a good Jedi but it didn’t work. If anything it made me love you more. So I left. I didn’t want to ‘corrupt’ you. I knew how much becoming a Jedi Knight meant to you.”
You couldn’t look him in the eye, afraid of what you’ll see. Afraid that he would turn cold again and that it would truly be last time you ever see him again. Instead, you heard him move closer and felt his forehead gently rest against the side of your face. Confused, you gently turn your face to him so both of your foreheads rested against each other. He had his eyes closed and you closed your own. You could feel his warm breath softly flow over your face he slowly leaned in more. His nose brushed softly against yours as his lips pressed to yours. Your lips touched for a few seconds before he leaned in more, deepening the kiss. One of his hands moved up to gently cup your jaw.
After what felt like hours, but probably was only a few minutes, you both separated. You were in a daze and felt on top of the world.
AN : I had to repost this because Tumblr glitched, but anyways here it is. I spent way to much time on this and I’m still not entirely happy with it but I hope you enjoy it !
PS : Please tell me I’m not alone in struggling to find titles for their fanfictions.
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Courtship | [Obi-Wan Kenobi x M!Reader] | Star Wars
Notes: This is inspired by @xmalereader​ Mandalorian x Dark Fey! Reader story. I absolutely adore his stories and the concept, therefore I wanted to write something similar, only with Obi-Wan. 
Although this is based off Maleficent: Mistress of Evil, I just mainly used the character designs, while deciding the culture of the Dark Fey myself. So it could be interpreted as an AU
Fandoms: Star Wars, The Clone Wars, Maleficent AU
Warnings: Heartbreak, Slight Fluff, Slight OOC, Obi-Wan Being Oblivious
Summary: Obi-Wan knows nothing about courtship and causes a huge misunderstanding.
Word Count: 7′455
Taglist: - 
If you want to be tagged in my stories send me a pm with the fandom/character name! Or comment on the fic :)
Reader is a Dark Fey!
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Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka had been on an undercover rescue mission when the transport ship that should have taken them back to the Core Worlds malfunctioned. 
That only worsened the mood because their mission target had died and Obi-Wan had gotten his lightsaber destroyed in the process.
Anakin, the great pilot he was, decided it was for the best to try and land on the nearest planet and get help. 
But none of them had expected that the small multicolored ball they had landed on only housed a few inhabitants - most of which had never seen a spaceship, or even a droid. 
Thankfully they found one of the more progressive tribes. 
They had a person who spoke Basic, and fortunately, C-3PO was with them for the rescue mission, so they had another way to communicate. Although, the language of the natives was only partly in his database. 
The alien race who lived on the small planet was a species they had never seen before. They were all winged, with feathers of different colors and lengths, and two large horns that were different for each individual. 
They called themselves Dark Fey, however the name didn't seem accurate. At least not for him. Dark wasn't a word Obi-Wan would have associated with them.
Especially not with the man who had taken them in. 
Y/N was the son of the tribe chief of the village, and his wings reminded the Jedi of a butterfly in one of the Jedi gardens. They were mainly orange, with a speck of white and black and some small blue dots. 
His father's wings were even more colorful, but Obi-Wan preferred the ones of the son because they were less shrill. 
And like the color of his wings, Y/N was kinder than his father. He wanted to help them find a way back to Coruscant.
"Father, we need to help them," argued the h/c-haired man, his eyes glistening with annoyance when his stubborn parent crossed his arms and flipped his wings. 
The three Jedi were currently in one of the giant tree trunks, in the forest where the Fey resided, in a room as big as the Jedi Archives. It seemed to be the tribe's meeting hall. 
Y/N's father Aster sat on a throne made out of small tree branches, his red and orange wings spread wide behind his back. 
"Don't act like that, please," groaned Y/N, and Anakin and Obi-Wan only watched with furrowed brows, not understanding what kind of conversation was going on between the two men. 
C-3PO informed them about the dispute between the son and the father, and they realized that the tribe chief did not want them here. 
Ahsoka happily munched on the fruits that one of the younger Fey had brought, oblivious or more likely ignorant of the tense atmosphere in the hall. 
Although the Fey appeared not to welcome them, they still provided them with some hospitality. The Togruta flashed a toothy grin at one of the kids, and they giggled. 
"You know exactly why I don't want to help them!" 
Y/N's father looked at the three Jedi with a stern expression, and the only person in the room who wanted to support them huffed in anger. 
"We'll be careful!" 
The tension suddenly rose, and Obi-Wan assumed it was because the younger's wings now rose too, his feathers ruffled. 
"May I say something?" he asked carefully, all eyes then turned to him. 
The five women next to Aster leaned forward to listen, they were probably the elders of the tribe. 
Y/N turned to him, his eyes held a hint of displeasure, and Obi-Wan gulped, now asking himself if he had just made a big mistake. 
"Speak, human," ordered the tribe chief, the Fey who spoke Basic translated, and he bowed slightly, then made eye contact with Y/N's father. 
"We are only looking for a spaceship that can take us off-planet. We don't want to burden you with our presence and neither wish to harm you, we can also camp outside your land if you wish us to." 
The pupils of Aster shrank considerably, the air turned cold, and Ahsoka stopped eating. Anakin gave him a worried glance, and the Jedi realized that he had said or done something wrong. 
He lowered his gaze, and Anakin mimicked his posture, his hand gripping his lightsaber inside his sleeve tighter. 
Silence reigned over them, and Obi-Wan tried to catch a glimpse of the tribe chief, but then Y/N stepped before him, obstructing his view. 
"Father...", he began, but Aster interrupted him, standing up from his throne, wings now spreading even further, showing his hostility. 
"You became a burden when you stepped foot on this planet!", he snarled and descended the stairway made out of the giant tree. 
His son held his ground and ruffled his feathers. A single feather touched Obi-Wan's cheek, and he flinched from the softness. 
He looked upwards, and the man before them looked like an unmovable stone, an unbeatable protector, who had descended from heaven to help them. 
"They did not know, Father! And they had no choice either!" 
Y/N's voice now sounded as agitated as his father's, and the situation was about to escalate - although the Jedi did not know into what - when a calm voice suddenly spoke: 
"Believe in your son, Aster." 
Everyone in the hall turned toward the gigantic entrance where a single Dark Fey had landed. 
It was a woman with snow-white wings and silky hair that reached her hips. The present Fey bowed, and the Jedi knew that the newcomer was a respected figure within the tribe. 
From the way Y/N smiled at her and how the woman opened her arms wide, she probably was related to him, although their features showed no real resemblances, besides maybe the eyebrows. Y/N hugged her without hesitation.
"You're back," stated Aster, and his wings slightly relaxed. 
The woman smiled and then turned to Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka. 
"I apologize that I could not greet you when you arrived here. I am Neela, and you're names are?" she spoke in Basic, and all three of them were surprised.
Although it probably shouldn't shock them that much, when they first met Y/N, he also spoke the language. 
The translator seemed to have taught it to the ones who wanted to learn it. 
Anakin introduced himself first, a brilliant smile on his lips. Obi-Wan rolled his eyes in his mind. His former padawan had probably realized that Neela seemed to be the only one who could tame the tribe chief to some extent. 
Ahsoka greeted the woman with a respectful bow, and Obi-Wan did the same when he said his name. 
He stole a glance towards Y/N who's lips now showed a triumphant grin. The man noticed his stare and winked at him. His expression was something along the lines of 'Don't worry, we got this'. 
It seemed like the arrival of the white-haired woman turned the tides in their favor. 
"I heard you are stranded. Your arrival here is of great significance for us. My husband knows that, and his caution is not unreasonable. We do not wish to get involved with the galactic conflicts that are waging right now, I hope you understand." 
So, she's Aster's wife... But Y/N truly doesn't resemble her. 
Obi-Wan was curious about the woman. She knew more about the galaxy than the rest of the Dark Fey, or so it seemed. 
He nodded, and Anakin replied: 
"We do. None of us wants to involve you in the war, we're just trying to return home. Our ship is badly damaged, therefore we wanted to find someone who can take us with them." 
While Neela asked about their transmitters, Aster's face darkened, the further the conversation continued, but he did not interrupt his wife. 
Ahsoka's eyes glistened with respect, and Obi-Wan could imagine what she was thinking. Aster may be the tribe chief, but Neela held the reins in their relationship, which influenced the whole tribe and important decisions. 
Anakin then informed them of the last SOS-signal they had sent before they breached the atmosphere of the planet. 
"Someone is probably already looking for us," added Obi-Wan, and Aster's eyes turned into slits. 
"They will come and force us to leave!" he growled, more towards his wife than the Jedi. 
Neela turned around to face her husband, and he visibly flinched. The woman spread her white wings, and her wingspan was even wider than her husband's and Y/N's. Her aura was way more intimidating than the tribe chief’s one.  
"They won't stay, I will make sure of that." 
She spoke in their native language, but C-3PO translated it, although reluctantly, and the underlying threat worried Obi-Wan. 
If no one arrives will they try to kill us?
But Aster relaxed, and he stepped towards his wife, their foreheads touched, and the tribe chief sighed. 
Neela's wings lowered, and she then turned around again, her hand on her husband's back. 
"You are welcome to stay until your friends arrive. We will make sure that they will find you." 
Their action before not only was a display of intimacy but also an opportunity for a silent conversation, where they had decided if they would help the Jedi or not. 
Relief washed over Obi-Wan, and Anakin's shoulders relaxed. 
As if on cue ran the Fey children from the one corner of the hall towards Ahsoka, and they laughed and fluttered their wings excitedly. They spoke a few words in broken Basic and twirled around her.
The Togruta blinked in surprise and then joined their happy laughs and followed them to their friends. 
Obi-Wan and his former padawan cautiously stood up. Anakin only watched when the small bird-like kids kidnapped the Togruta, his expression showing a hint of worry. 
"She will be fine," said a calm voice, and the Jedi knights’ heads turned towards Y/N, who had walked closer. 
"I'm worried she'll do something offensive," confessed Anakin, and the man laughed loudly. 
His head tilted back, showing a necklace with a long blue feather and his wings flapped wildly. 
"Not to be mean, but you already offended us greatly, another misstep won't matter." 
The Fey continued to laugh when he saw their upset expressions. 
"Don't fret it. it's already a miracle that your droid knows parts of our language. How would you know about our culture." 
Neela joined their talk. Her eyes focused on Anakin. 
"May I talk to you?" 
He shared a look with Obi-Wan and then shrugged his shoulders. 
"Sure," he responded, and they distanced themselves, Obi-Wan now being left alone with the chief's son. 
"Why..." he began, unsure whether he should ask or not. 
"She can feel he's special." 
He lifted an eyebrow. 
Y/N turned his in Neela's direction. 
"Mother is like you. She was chosen too." 
Obi-Wan could guess what Y/N meant, and it honestly didn't surprise him as much as it probably should have. The moment Neela had stepped into the hall, the force had changed around them. 
"What about you?" he asked curiously. 
Y/N's expression turned somewhat solemn. 
"No, I- I wasn't chosen. It's not possible." 
The Fey's hand grabbed his necklace, and his wings quivered. 
Obi-Wan realized he had touched a sore spot and decided not to pry further. 
"Come with me", said Y/N after a short while, and his smile returned to his lips. 
"I'll show you where you guys can stay." 
The Jedi followed him out of the hall, after glancing back one last time to see Anakin and Ahsoka standing surrounded by Fey.
Y/N lead him across the branches of the giant tree, which seemed to be the main living area of the tribe. 
Twice, they used a hoist to travel higher up, the Fey explaining that they had been built for their youngest who couldn't fly yet. 
The Jedi could stay in a room, hollowed out of the main branch. The room was sparsely decorated with wooden furniture, and instead of beds, there were three hammocks made out of thick green fabric that felt considerably softer than it looked. 
Obi-Wan put his small backpack he had taken from the ship on the table and then turned towards Y/N. 
"Thank you for everything." 
He smiled at the Fey, and the man's expression twitched. 
"It's fine", he responded curtly, and before Obi-Wan could ask if something was wrong, he had already passed through the leaf curtain that gave the room some privacy and jumped off the branch. 
Obi-Wan stayed behind with a somewhat worried expression. He remembered what the man had said before. “You already offended us greatly.” 
Hopefully they weren’t digging their own graves.
They stayed on the small planet, in the giant forest for about a month, and in the beginning, they held their respectable distance from the Dark Fey. 
They got invited to meals and attended them, but only Y/N, Neela, and the translator, who turned out to be a teacher and one of the only Fey who had left the planet before, really talked to them. 
If the children were excluded. 
They had a great time with Ahsoka, and she played with them and even found some friends in her age group, who were studying under Danosh, the translator. Thanks to him, most of the children could speak a few words in Basic, allowing Ahsoka to communicate with them.
Aster had instructed the tribe members to treat them with respect and give them everything they needed, but his hospitality ended there. 
He did not include them in any kind of activities the tribe performed besides the meals. 
The Dark Fey were a close-knitted species, and the tribe of Y/N did almost everything together. They ate together, hunted together, played together, and even slept together. 
They seemed very suspicious of strangers - at least the adults - and they mostly kept to themselves, only talking to the Jedi if necessary.
While Ahsoka got mostly occupied with the children, Anakin's attention got caught by Neela, with whom he even traveled to one of the Fey's sacred places for the Chosen. 
Obi-Wan got mostly accompanied by Y/N, but he did not mind that at all. 
He enjoyed the other's presence, and his open-hearted character and he talked with the man about all kinds of things. 
He told him stories about the Jedi, the beauty of the Jedi gardens on Coruscant, the vast ice tundras of Ilum, and the force. 
On the other hand, Y/N taught him about the Fey culture, the significance of one's first flight, the meaning of life according to the elders. 
He told Obi-Wan the story of the Batellia flower, that would soon bloom at a day the tribe celebrated. 
"The flower blooms for a very short time and then it dies, its roots forming a bond with another plant." 
Obi-Wan had asked the Fey why they celebrated that day then. 
"Batellia portrays the honest truth of our lives. We live, we die and then we join the Ancestors and the Phoenix Mother." 
Y/N also told the Jedi about the worst punishment a Fey could receive - losing one's wings, and the importance of death in their culture. 
But one thing he did not talk about because he thought Obi-Wan knew. 
For him, it was obvious; Something even the wingless humans should know about, but well... 
Maybe the Jedi were just too dumb.
"What's that?" asked Anakin, pointing at the shimmering blue stone on Obi-Wan's nightstand while drying his hair. 
He looked at the stone he was pointing at. 
"It's a present from Y/N. It's a "Soulstone" according to him. It glows in the dark." 
He smiled faintly, remembering when Y/N gave it to him. 
It's already been three weeks since they had stranded on the small planet, and the Fey had found them. And he and the chief’’s son had formed a close bond. 
They had traveled twice to their spaceship, Obi-Wan showing it to him and explaining the mechanisms while Y/N watched from a safe distance, seemingly too scared to approach the metal beast.
Y/N also accompanied him to highest tree they had, trying to send another SOS signal. He caught him, when he almost slipped and Obi-Wan clung to him like dear life, because they were so high up. 
The Fey had only laughed, his eyes glimmering with something Obi-Wan couldn’t quite place.
His former padawan looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 
"And the one next to it? Also a present?" 
"All of them are presents, Anakin", said Ahsoka, who had suddenly appeared and now strut to her backpack, a new load of her favorite fruits in her arms. 
"What about me? I want a present from Y/N too." 
The Togruta eyed him strangely, then muttered something to herself and grinned. 
"They are just things he had found on his regular trips to the river," Obi-Wan said, trying to calm Anakin. 
Although he also questioned why he seemingly was the only one who regularly received gifts from Y/N. 
On the other hand, he felt a tingling sensation in his chest, somewhat proud that the Fey apparently viewed him as special.
"Did Neela not give you a present?" 
Anakin shook his head but then replied: "I don't really care, the things I've learned on our trips to their temples are more than enough. Did you know that the Chosen use the power of their emotions to strengthen their force abilities? They aren't unleashing them like the Sith, apparently, but I don't really understand the difference yet. Neela will tell me more tomorrow. She's busy with the preparations of today's feast." 
Anakin's voice was full of excitement while he talked, and Obi-Wan got reminded of his early padawan days when the boy had commented on every little thing with amazement. 
"What's different this time?" he asked, Ahsoka watching the both of them silently, her fruits now stored in her backpack for tomorrow when she would go on a trip with one of the Fey at her age. 
"They will perform dances after eating. It's going to be quite a spectacle, according to Neela. She wanted us to stay and witness it." 
Obi-Wan furrowed his brows, sitting up from his lying position in his hammock. 
"Is that really such a good idea? Aster still doesn't seem too keen on having us around." 
Anakin shook his head and pointed at him. 
"No, we must come. Especially you, the chief actually requested it." 
The Jedi's eyes widened. 
Aster personally demanded that he attended? Why? 
Obi-Wan wasn't delighted to see the dances after hearing that, and he went to the daily feast with a queasy gut feeling. 
The meal went like normal. 
The Fey sat in groups in the big hall, various bowls with different dishes on the ground, some of them vegetarian, some with fish, others with meat. 
The ages were mixed, and Ahsoka, Obi-Wan, and Anakin got accompanied by several small Fey who had played with the Togruta before. 
Normally, Y/N and Neela would be in their circle too, but this evening they were nowhere to be seen. 
"Probably still preparing", said Ahsoka, and Anakin nodded with a full mouth. 
They both anticipated the dances, while he was the only one who somehow couldn't. 
He just worried why Aster would want him to be there. 
Not having Y/N around made it worse. The man had acted as a calming presence in the last few weeks, and Obi-Wan had begun to like him a lot. 
The Fey was thirsty for knowledge, kind, and also understanding. He liked to listen and Obi-Wan always felt some sort of proudness, when he could guess Y/N’s thoughts or feelings correctly from the way his wings and feathers moved.
The Fey seemed to shine like a light, he was very popular with the others of his species, especially the female ones, and it was obvious that he would be the next chief. 
Although, he wasn't Neela's son. 
His mother, Aster's first wife, had died a long time ago, and his father had remarried. Neela gave birth to two other sons, but they both did not want to follow in their father's footsteps. 
Y/N didn't dislike his father for remarrying, he loved Neela like his own mother, and she loved him like he was her own son. 
Obi-Wan admired their strong bonds and Y/N's personality. 
He was comfortable around the other man, so comfortable that he had confessed the secret feelings he had harbored for Satine Kryze. 
Y/N had listened silently and then patted his shoulder to comfort him. He didn't say a word of judgment, silence was the only thing they shared at that moment, but Obi-Wan felt so much better after telling him. 
Everything went well, and although they had been here for three weeks and he knew that Cody and the High Council were probably dying from worry, he felt relaxed and content. 
When he swayed in his hammock in the evening, the stars visible through the carved out window at the ceiling, his hand holding the “Phoenix’s heart” - another stone Y/N had brought him that was always warm - he even dared to think that he wouldn't mind staying with the tribe forever. 
But now... 
Now the peacefulness seemed to be in danger. 
Obi-Wan barely ate anything, and when Aster finally stood up, the Jedi couldn't stop his whole body from tensing up. 
"Let us go to the Ancestors Realm!" the tribe chief shouted, and the present Fey joined in a cry of joy. 
"Come on!" squeaked one of the children and grabbed Anakin's arm. 
Another clung to Obi-Wan, and the young Fey pulled the three Jedi towards the hall entrance with surprising strength. 
The Ancestors Realm was a place at the crown of the giant tree. They had to use nine hoists so get up there and when they arrived, the air was considerably thinner. 
It was a flat plateau out of red lichen, the tufts at the border of the round area were glowing, and it did look like from another realm. In the middle of the plateau burned a bright fire, illuminating the faces of the arriving people.
The Fey sat at the edges, Ahsoka went to the new friends she had made, and Obi-Wan and Anakin joined Aster and Neela, the latter had shown up out of nowhere. 
The tribe chief greeted them with a smile, which surprised both of them, and he motioned for Obi-Wan to sit next to him. He hesitated for a second, but when the chief looked at him with true friendliness in his eyes he gave in.
The Jedi carefully sat next to Aster, avoiding the man's wings, which he had leisurely spread behind him, and then crossed his legs.
"Are you ready?" asked the leader, and Obi-Wan smiled weakly. 
"Yes...?" his answer sounded more like a question, and the man next to him laughed. 
"You'll like it, I'm sure." 
He could only nod, a big lump in his throat. 
He knew that Aster was watching him intently from the side, but he had no clue why. 
But before he could ponder over it, one of the elder Fey began to hum, and the rest of the Fey immediately joined. 
It was a tribal melody, and it resounded deep in Obi-Wan's chest. Aster started clapping in a rhythm, and the male Fey followed his lead, while Neela clapped another beat, and the women did the same. 
The humming was accompanied by the beating of a drum and a sudden cry caused the female Fey to shout. 
It was strange for the Jedi, but all three of them were mesmerized by the following scene. 
The shouts were a signal for the dancers, and seemingly out of nowhere appeared the few missing Fey. Among them was also Y/N, who Obi-Wan could only recognize because of his wings. 
The dancers were a group of males who wore masks that covered their entire faces, their bodies decorated with glowing paint. 
They flew a circle above the sitting Fey, and their wings spread, causing loose feathers to descend. 
Obi-Wan caught one, and it only took him a glance to know to whom it belonged.
Aster flashed a grin at him and motioned him to clap too. 
He put the feather carefully in his robe, worried that he damaged it, and then joined the clapping, feeling excited from the display of the dancers. 
They twisted and turned with surprising speed and elegance, and when they landed, the actual dance began, and the sound of various music instruments echoed in the tree crown. 
The young men all randomly picked a person in the crowd and started to perform in front of them. 
Their wings were the main attraction of the dance. They spread them and flapped, showing off their brilliant colors. 
Obi-Wan watched in amazement, not realizing that a certain person was staring at him intently. 
A light shove from Aster startled him, and he noticed the person who had gotten closer to him. 
Y/N's eyes glistened from behind the mask, and the glowing blue body paint gave him the appearance of an ethereal being. 
He twirled and then hid his lower face with his left wing. His e/c eyes pulling Obi-Wan's attention towards Y/N like magic. The Jedi felt like he was in a trance. 
The Fey looked beautiful, but at the same time powerful, his sturdy muscles visible thanks to the fire. 
A flame began to burn in his heart and it reminded him of something, however, he couldn’t figure out what. 
The feathers shook when the music quickened, and the Fey jumped from one foot to the other, his heels never touching the ground. 
The Jedi followed the man's every move, too enthralled to notice how Aster and Neela were staring at him with pleased smiles. 
Anakin looked at them with a wondering expression, not knowing what they were thinking. 
Obi-Wan's mind got filled with a thousand thoughts. His heartbeat had quickened, and the sudden wish of taking a holographic photo of Y/N dancing surged through his veins. 
He didn't expect the man to be able to move like this, like an elegant warrior. 
It was a traditional dance, the other men of the group performed the same routine, but Y/N's was somehow special. 
It felt sensual and, at the same time, like a plead. 
The man's wings stretched towards Obi-Wan. Had he leaned a little forward, his nose could have touched a feather. 
The music turned to a crescendo, and he knew the dance would be over soon, already a little disappointed. 
With a sudden move back, Y/N spread his arms, that had also reached out for the Jedi, to the side and his wings darted back and froze in a position similar to the Jedi order's symbol. 
The ending was improvised by him, the wings of the other dancers had stopped in a different pose. Obi-Wan’s heart jumped and he let out a shaky breath.
The  Fey for whom the other dancers had danced began to stand up and clap and howl wildly, their ardor audible in their voices, and Anakin and Obi-Wan joined in. 
The dancers walked up to the audience members they had chosen and they pressed their foreheads together. Obi-Wan watched their display of affection with a big smile. He loved the kindness the Fey held for each other. 
The tribe leader couple also stood up, he following their lead, when Aster suddenly pulled him closer with an arm around his neck, and the tribe chief asked him: 
"Did you like it?" 
And Obi-Wan could only exclaim with an excited tone: 
"Yes! It was wonderful!"
Y/N's father showed a very pleased expression and then let go of him. 
The Jedi wondered for a moment if that was the only thing he wanted to know, but his attention shifted when a glowing figure appeared in his peripheral vision. 
"Obi-Wan" uttered Y/N, while taking his mask off, his breathing was slightly heavy. 
"Y/N, you were amazing! The dance displayed so many emotions, I loved it!" 
The Fey stopped short in his track, and then his lips formed a breathtaking smile, which reminded him of the sunrise in the morning. 
"Thank you!" 
Obi-Wan's head got suddenly grabbed by the other man, and their foreheads touched in a swift motion. 
Y/N's skin felt hot from the dancing, and the Fey's breathing shook his shoulders, but Obi-Wan was solely focusing on the man's closed eyes. 
Their position felt almost too intimate, his heartbeat pounded loudly in his ears, but he did not move back, ignoring the sudden flutter in his chest, telling himself this was courtesy and showing his respect for Y/N. 
He expected the other to pull his head back, but the Fey did not move, until his father patted his shoulder and laughingly boomed: 
"That's enough, son. You'll have plenty of time for that later."  
Y/N finally pulled back, although not stepping far away, and he turned to his father, shooting him a glare. Obi-Wan stood somewhat dazed, blinking wildly, and wondering what Aster meant with later.
"I'm proud of you, Y/N!" said Neela, and she hugged the man. 
The Jedi smiled at the display of their feelings, and he distanced himself to give them some space and to calm his beating heart. 
Get it together. Your heart is acting as if you’re in love.
He turned to Anakin, who talked to Ahsoka, both their expressions still showing amazement. 
"That was soo cool!" squealed the Togruta, and his former padawan agreed. 
"I now feel the desire to have wings too," added Obi-Wan to the conversation, and they turned around to greet him. 
Ahsoka's eyebrows shot up, and she grinned somewhat disbelievingly. 
"So, you did it," she said, a matter of factly. 
"I did what?" he asked, not understanding what she meant. 
She gestured towards his face, and he tilted his head in confusion. 
"You got paint on your forehead." Anakin said while watching his padawan with questioning eyes, but the Togruta didn't say what she was hinting at. 
And he didn't find out until the end of the evening. 
After he had talked to the two other Jedi, Y/N had shown up again and told him that he had to attend a family meeting. 
He was apologetic, his expression showing clear annoyance and Obi-Wan felt bad for the Fey, although it wasn't such a big deal for him. 
They could talk about his performance tomorrow. 
So they said goodnight to each other, Y/N once again pressing his forehead to Obi-Wan's, who let it go without a word. 
Aster and Neela also left. 
They only waved at them, the tribe chief winking at Obi-Wan, leaving the Jedi once again puzzled about why the man had changed his behavior so suddenly.
Although the Fey poured out some delicious alcohol, the three Jedi decided to go back to their room. They were surprisingly tired from seeing the performance. 
When Obi-Wan had already laid down in his hammock, Ahsoka addressed him: 
"Congratulations, Master." 
He lifted his head to peek over the hammock's edge. 
"Congrats for what?" 
"You and Y/N." 
He didn't understand a word. 
"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice sounding slightly worried. 
"Don't you know?" she said, now sitting up inside her hammock. 
He only blinked. Ahsoka's expression turned baffled. 
"The performance today got danced by courting Fey." 
Obi-Wan opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out, then his eyes widened. 
"Are you saying... Y-Y/N..?", he finally squeezed through his lips, realisation slowly dawning on him. 
She mirrored his shocked expression. 
"You didn't know?! But you accepted!" 
He was panicking now. 
"Accepted what and when?!" 
Anakin walked into the room, unaware of the sudden revelation. 
"What's going o-" 
"The forehead touch!" 
Obi-Wan sank back into his hammock, his heartbeat thundering in his ear. He had gotten a confession and he didn’t even realize.
"Oh, what have I done?"
The next morning, Obi-Wan felt no motivation to stand up. 
He wasn't ready to clear up the misunderstanding that had happened yesterday.
 He hadn't known that the dance was about courtship, nor that the forehead was something only romantically involved Fey would do. 
He just thought it was something intimate that friends, partners, and family did. The other dancers had done it too, but now he knew the real reason. 
That’s why not all of them touched foreheads, they got rejected! 
But apparently, he was wrong. 
And now he had to take the consequences. 
"Come on, old man. Get up", said Anakin with a laugh, and he made his former master's hammock sway. 
"Why can't I just die right now of old age?" he sighed, feeling dreadful about what was about to come. 
Anakin snorted, and he finally sat up. 
He had to talk to Y/N before the whole thing escalated. 
But oooh, it already had.
"How did you not realize?!" shouted Y/N. 
The Fey was shaking Obi-Wan by the shoulder. 
"How should’ve I known?!" he shot back, now also agitated, after the other had told him his parents practically considered them being already married. 
"I brought you all these presents!" 
"Friends do that from where I come from!" 
"You kept my feather!" 
"I thought it would be a great memento!" 
"I let you touch my wings!!" 
"How should I know that's considered to be something intimate?!" 
Their voices got louder and louder, and their argument caught the attention of some unwanted spectators. 
A group of young Fey had begun to follow their conversation behind some branches, but Obi-Wan didn’t acknowledge them, too angry and panicked at the moment.
Y/N's wings had begun to flip in obvious anger, while Obi-Wan furrowed his brows in annoyance. 
"I literally danced for you at the courtship ceremony!" 
Obi-Wan gnashed his teeth in frustration. 
"How was I supposed to know it was about that?! Anakin only told me it was a dance performance!!" 
"But you-you said I danced amazing and you loved it!” 
The Jedi didn’t respond to that, only showing a guilty expression.
The Fey bit his lips when he finally realized how grave their misunderstanding was. 
"I didn't know...", muttered Obi-Wan, feeling helpless because he knew he had hurt the other. 
"Forget it," growled Y/N, then he turned in a swift motion and darted from the tree branch. His wings flapped with such a force that a few feathers fell. 
The Jedi only watched how they slowly descended, and they seemed to represent his heart. 
It sunk, and a sudden pain in his chest caused him to clench his jaw. 
How should I have known?
He told himself that he had had no idea, but deep in his chest whispered a voice that he did. Y/N’s feelings were obvious.
Maybe he just didn’t want to acknowledge them, knowing that nothing could come out of their relationship. 
Even if you do like me, Y/N, we can’t be together. 
A few days passed, and the atmosphere had turned awkward. 
Aster's sudden goodwill had as quickly disappeared as it had come. 
After the chief had learned of the misunderstanding, he had almost attacked Obi-Wan. Neela held him back successfully though. 
Anakin felt guilty for being partly at fault, and Ahsoka also apologized for not telling him what she had known about the courtship rules. 
They spent their days waiting for any kind of sign of the Republic, and they became restless. 
Obi-Wan felt genuinely guilty for misleading Y/N, and he grieved for their friendship, which seemed like it had already ended. 
The Fey hadn't shown himself to any of the Jedi, and Obi-Wan couldn't help but worry because neither Neela nor Aster had seen their son after he and the Jedi had argued. 
Then, one day, a Fey appeared in the great hall, informing Aster of the gigantic triangle that had appeared in the sky and the small flying objects that had landed somewhere close to the forest's border. 
Anakin shouted triumphantly, and Obi-Wan felt relief wash over him. 
But at the same time, he felt a pang in his chest. 
He didn't want to leave, not before he cleared the bad blood between him and Y/N. 
But Cody and Captain Rex found a scout of the tribe pretty soon, and they finally reunited only a week after the courtship ceremony. 
"Good to see you alive and well, general," said Cody, and Obi-Wan smiled weakly at him. 
"Good to see you too, commander." 
The clones got accompanied by Plo Koon, and Ahsoka was delighted to see the Jedi master again. 
While Anakin and his padawan were happy about their rescue, Obi-Wan couldn't stop himself from wishing they had come later. Now he wouldn’t get another chance to talk with Y/N.
He collected his belongings and hesitated when it came to Y/N's presents. The various crystals and shells on his nightstand. 
He contemplated whether to take them with him or not, but the thought of leaving them behind hurt him and he decided to bring them home. 
Although they had parted with sour feelings, he still appreciated the memories he had made with Y/N. And his heart honestly didn’t want to forget anything, not even the forehead, which apparently symbolized a kiss. 
They Fey did not publicly kiss, one of the things they didn’t display to others, Ahsoka had told him. 
When he heard about that, he couldn’t stop his brain from forming all kinds of thoughts and his ears had turned pink. 
He walked up to me and kissed me, figuratively!
The misunderstanding was really a disaster. 
He now also knew why the other Fey had treated him with more respect even though Aster seemed to hate him again. 
It was because he was the object of the future tribe leader’s affections - although he had rejected him.
He shook his head to get rid of the thoughts and left the room, Y/N’s presents stored in his backpack.
He bid farewell to Danosh and the other Fey who had treated him nicely and then joined Anakin and Ahsoka who waited with Cody, Captain Rex and some other clones next to Aster and Neela.  
The tribe leader couple accompanied them to the ground and their canon gun ships. 
Obi-Wan watched the ships from the border of the gigantic forest and his chest tightened. 
He bit his lip, his heart now clenching from the idea of leaving and never coming back. 
They were half way there, when Aster and Neela stopped walking.
“We’re not going any further”, explained the white-haired woman and Anakin sighed. He said goodbye first. The chief only nodded at him, but Neela gave him a long hug and whispered something into his ear, while caressing his hair.
Obi-Wan could see that the woman somewhat appeared to be like a mother-figure for Anakin. He felt the pain of saying goodbye in Anakin’s force presence. 
Ahsoka also gave Neela a hug and she bowed at Aster who surprisingly patted her shoulder and said: 
“Stay sharp, little one.” 
The Togruta beamed and then it was Obi-Wan’s turn. He looked at the chief and behind the animosity in his eyes, he could see genuine regret. 
He didn’t know what to say and just awkwardly stood there, when Aster coughed and grumbled: 
“You would’ve been a splendid son-in-law.” 
The Jedi blinked and Anakin couldn’t stop a snort, laughing silently at the blush that swept across his former master’s cheeks. 
“Uh- thank you.”
“Obi-Wan,” said Neela and she opened her arms wide. He willingly walked into her embrace and she also caressed his hair, while hiding his embarrassment with her wings. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispered. If he couldn’t tell it Y/N personally, he would tell his mother.
“It’s alright. Y/N is a little hasty sometimes, especially when it comes to his feelings. I’m not trying to say he rushed into the idea of liking you...”
Obi-Wan’s cheeks heated up again, not knowing how to react when a woman, who was the mother of the man who liked him, openly talked about her son’s and his relationship.
“He’s genuine, but stubborn. He was born here and never set foot on another planet. You swept him off his feet and he got too excited, not registering that our manners and traditions are unknown to you.” 
He nodded into her shoulders and she let him go to look into his face. Her blue eyes glimmered with kindness.
“I’m glad you were his first love.”
He blinked and her sentence hit him right in the gut. Oh, wow, he really hurt the man, huh.
She traced the line his knitted eyebrows made and smiled.
“It’s not your fault, Obi-Wan.”
He wanted to reply something but he had a lump in his throat and could only nod.
She let go of him and he stepped back, his expression showing how sad he was about their departure. 
The Jedi and clones turned and began to walk away. Every step physically hurt Obi-Wan and he breathed out shakily, face looking down to not see Anakin’s and Ahsoka’s possibly judging expressions. 
Suddenly, a shadow sped across the plain and before he could look up, a person landed right before his feet, causing him to make a step back. 
He tilted his head, startled, his eyes meeting e/c ones. Time seemed to stop.
"Obi-Wan," breathed Y/N and the Jedi's heart started to pound faster. 
"You came," he hesitantly said, his tone revealed his relief. 
"Yeah... I have to tell you something." 
Obi-Wan turned his head to Anakin and the others, they feigned ignorance and acted as if they weren't listening closely to their conversation, although they were. 
"O-Okay, but I want to tell you something t-"
"I fancy you."
Hearing that sentence directed at him caught Obi-Wan off guard. 
Not that he never had been confronted by similar words, but it had never been in such a blunt fashion. And also not from a person he secretly liked too. Satine had been a different case. 
A blush crept up his neck, cheeks and ears and he swallowed hard. 
He had expected Y/N to tell him an apology or a goodbye, but not a love confession. 
"I'm sorry. I projected my culture onto you and didn't consider your feelings." 
Obi-Wan was flustered and he checked his surroundings again, the clones and the two Jedi now blatantly listening without even trying to hide their interest. 
"I-I..." he began, not knowing what to say. 
He knew he had to reject the Fey but his fluttering heart absolutely didn't want him to. 
"I'm a Jedi, Y/N," he eventually said, his tone sounding pained, and Obi-Wan expected the other man's face to sadden, after all, he did tell him what that meant when it came to attachments, but the Fey's smile stayed on his lips. 
"I know. I just wanted to tell you properly." 
The smile was the same radiating one he had flashed him after the courtship dance. 
Obi-Wan clenched his jaw, contemplated for a second and then, without hesitation, he took a step forward and grabbed Y/N's face to bring their heads together. 
Their foreheads touched and the man's eyes widened. 
Obi-Wan locked his gaze with his and the Fey sighed, now pressing his head closer and putting his hand on both side’s of his neck.. 
"You're making this very hard," he muttered accusingly, while tracing Obi-Wan’s carotid artery. 
The Jedi laughed weakly, the pain in his chest swelling. 
"I know, I'm sorry." 
He closed his eyes and breathed in, the smell of damp soil, fruits and leather filled his nose and Obi-Wan tried to engrave the scent in his mind. 
"At one point we'll have to stop," whispered Y/N and he grumbled. 
"I'm just soaking you in", he replied, eyes still closed. 
I don’t want to let go. 
He heard the Fey breath out slowly. 
Then the man moved away. 
Obi-Wan opened his eyes in protest, then his hand got grabbed, and Y/N kissed him. 
The Jedi's eyes widened and he remembered that Anakin, Ahsoka and the clones were watching, but his reason got thrown out of the window by his heart and he returned the kiss. 
It was a short and bittersweet one. Just like their relationship. 
Like the Batellia flower, their love finished before it could even properly bloom. 
But Obi-Wan did not look back at these four weeks with regret. 
After he had returned to Coruscant and continued fighting in the war, he would often smile at random times, his hands buried in his robes, where he caressed a soft feather. 
And he could be damn sure that on a small planet in the Outer Rims, a Fey would trace the faint glow of a blue kyber crystal, he always had with him around his neck.
And who knows, maybe they’ll meet again.
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corrupt-fvcker · 4 years
hey, gorgeous! can i request an imagine of obi-wan kenobi telling me that he cares about me? literally not fussy on what takes place. just been feeling worthless lately & need some validation from my fave character (plus i adore you & your writing ❤️)
Coruscant Nights (Obi-Wan Kenobi x gn!Reader)
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Coruscant Nights ( Obi-Wan Kenobi x gn!Reader )
Warning: angst, comforting, typical admitting feelings awkwardness, unedited writing 
Word Count: 3.7K... oops
Author’s Note: i swear that this was supposed to be short but i couldn’t help myself. also my inbox is always open if you need someone to talk to, sweetie<3 
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Nights on Coruscant were never pleasant. The beautiful stars were hidden beneath a thick blanket of smog, leaving the night sky a dull gray. Peace was an alien concept to the planet, the incessant buzzing of traffic always breaking through the walls of every bedroom. Your personal quarters were supposed to be a safe haven from the war, a sanctuary where you could rest and meditate freely. Though the foam of your sleeping matt felt like harsh concrete against your back and the light blanket that was thrown over your body seemed to weigh a thousand pounds, crushing you, suffocating you.
Sleep never came easily to you, not anymore. No matter the number of grueling battles you've suffered through, nothing compared to Coruscant nights. War could not reach you within your chambers, and without the distraction, you found yourself stuck in a constant state of turmoil.
Sleeping between battles was easy, your body usually too exhausted for your mind to put up a fight. Curling up behind a barricade or leaning against the interior of a gunship, finding temporary safety to allow sleep to take you.
You were never so lucky when it came to finding sleep in your bedroom. You'd stay awake for hours, restlessly twisting and turning in a lame attempt to find comfort. It wasn't uncommon for you to still be awake as rays of warm sunlight pierced through the cracks of the viewport blinds. And the mornings were always the same, sluggishly rolling off your sleeping mat, equally glad that the night was over as you were irritated that you found no sleep. You'd then trudge to the showers and continue on with your day.
Your master, of course, noticed your state of restlessness almost immediately after your sleep routine was thrown array. Obi-Wan had always been quite an observant individual. And after you waved off his questions of concern and assured him that you were fine, he took that as the green light to tease you.
Comments on the dark circles under your eyes or how you slouched were endless. Obi-Wan didn't even hold back after you snapped at him for laughing at you for falling asleep during a debriefing.
You were so delighted to find that your master found your suffering humorous.
Except he didn't laugh when you passed out on the battlefield. You had managed to stay awake throughout the entire battle, your form a tad sloppy but efficient nonetheless. And as the last droid toppled over after a blast bolt had knocked the head off its hinges, sleep hit you almost instantly.
You remember your master walking over your, his hair mussed from fighting and a proud grin stretched across his face. You remember silently thinking how beautiful he looked before your eyes unwilling closed and you felt yourself falling. A warm pair of arms wrapped around you, enveloping you in warmth, the feeling so pleasant you would've moaned if you weren't so incredibly tired. The voice of your master, concerned and distant as he called your name, echoing in your mind as you drifted off.
You don't remember boarding the ship or taking off into hyperspace, but when you finally cracked your eyes open and your blurry vision stubbornly cleared, you discovered that you were no longer on the battlefield and pieced together that you were on your way back to Coruscant.
Your eyes scanned the area, there were no troops in the room, only the faint sound of chatter beyond the closed door of the compartment you rested in. You wondered how you had gotten back to the ship. Had Obi-Wan carried you? The thought of his arms wrapped around you in such a manner being embarrassing enough for your face to heat.
Too tired to dwindle on the subject, you allowed your body to relax. Sleep was tempting and at the moment felt easy enough to obtain, your body eased and your mind clear. You figured that you might as well seize the opportunity before you were forced to return to your quarters on Coruscant. You felt comfortable here, warm even.
And then the warmth beside you shifted.
Oh, oh.
Your entire body tensed, not daring to look at the face of the individual beside you. You knew it was Obi-Wan, his distinguished scent just now registering in your brain and the arm slung around your shoulders was unmistakably his. And you could've sworn you were about to die, the thought of your master being so close driving you insane. You prayed that you weren't projecting your aura onto him.
And as he shifted, the arm that had wrapped itself around your shoulders pulled you impossibly closer. And his head rolled, tucking his face in the crook of your shoulder as he leaned on you. His beard tickled the softness of your collar as his breath fanned out against your skin, slow and even breaths that told you that your master was asleep. But that absolutely didn't stop your face from burning up in embarrassment.
You felt intoxicated, wrapped up in Obi-Wan's arm as he subconsciously cuddled you in a way that you sure would be deemed inappropriate by the Council.
You should've pushed him off of you, it would've been the respectable thing to do. But he was just warm, invitingly so. He was asleep with his head resting in the crook of your neck, and you just knew that you'd never get this sort of closeness with him again.
So you didn't push him off, instead deciding to melt into his embrace because you told yourself that it was alright to be selfish if it meant your master got some well-deserved rest. You closed your eyes, relaxing despite the hard floor of this ship hurting your backside. The temptation of leaning further into your master's arm only too endearing.
Apparently, that was a mistake.
Obi-Wan's breathing stuttered, its patterning shifting as the presence of his conscience grew more and more aware.
Fuck. You woke him up. He's awake. Your master is awake, and you are kriffing cuddling him.
You freeze, knowing that it'd be helpless to pretend to still be asleep. You're master's far too observant for such juvenile acts.
You feel his body twitch, trying to be subtle as the cogs in his brain push to return back to its fully functional state.
A moment of silence drifts between the two of you, neither moving or thinking loud enough for the other to hear. A simple moment of allowing each other to rest beside the other, eyes staring off into the distance.
Obi-Wan is the first to move, reluctantly lifting his head from your shoulder. He paused for a moment, swallowing thickly before focusing his gaze on you.
He found that he couldn't read you, whether it be because you didn't want him to or because he was also too tired to properly pick up on your emotions. Perhaps a combination of the two.
Obi-Wan pulls his arm away, tingling from the awkward position and untangles you from his embrace.
You feel odd avoiding his stare for so long, forcing yourself to meet his gaze. He looks guilty, you notice. Looking as if he had just violated you.
You want to assure him that it's fine because his body was warm and his arm makes a comfortable headrest. You want to tell him that if anything you should be sorry because your lack of sleep affected your mission and was also the reason for this awkward situation. But Obi-Wan beats you to it.
"Excuse my behavior, padawan," Obi-Wan utters, his voice sincere yet boldly professional. "I must've fallen asleep on accident."
And you find that his words hurt more than they probably should have. Because you realized how wrong you were, Obi-Wan doesn't think anything of this. Being so close to you doesn't make his heart race as it does with you. The feeling of your skin doesn't intoxicate him as his touch does with you. The fact that you really are nothing to him other than his padawan when you crave a deeper connection, something intimate. You wanted Obi-Wan to be flustered, embarrassed, angry-- anything besides acting as if it was nothing.
An accident, that's what this was to him.
You force a convincing polite smile. "No worries, master."
You don't say anything else, you can't say anything else. A lump formed in your throat, a smothered sob blocking off your ability to speak.
You tear your stare away from him, though you can see him nod in the corner of your eye.
Then like adding salt to the wound, Obi-Wan stands up from the floor and takes a few steps back. You don't dwell on how he ripped his body away from yours so easily.
"I'm going to go speak with Cody," he informs blankly, pausing by the doorway as he waiting for your confirmation.
You offer him a small nod, holding yourself together as he disappears and the door closes behind him.
You suck in a deep breath, exhaling shakily as you lean against the hard wall of the ship. Your body ached with each movement and your brain begged for more sleep. You close your eyes, hoping to rest before arriving on Coruscant.
Though as you sit on the cold floor alone, you realize that sleep isn't going to come.
━ ━ ━ ━
You’re sobbing, which is completely humiliating even if you’re the only one who knows. You're alone in your quarters, bawling your eyes out because you realize that your master feels absolutely nothing for you. Or at least, feels nothing romantic towards you. You wish it didn't hurt as much as it did, it's not like Obi-Wan was trying to completely shatter your heart. And it certainly wasn't his fault that you were foolish enough to catch feelings for him in the first place.
After arriving to Coruscant, you immediately returned to your chambers without speaking to anyone. Not even your master.
It was late at night when you arrived, though you didn't even bother trying to sleep. You knew that the attempt would be useless. Instead, you decided to sit on your sleeping mat and meditate. Which was a mistake. The experience was overwhelming, to say the least. Your mind drowning in the pent up emotions you had harbored for your master that had been set free. Anxiety, hurt, anger, regret, loneliness, guilt... they were suffocating.
All the toxic emotions wrapped up in a blanket of confusion because you simply could not stop thinking about him. His warm smile that he greeted you with every morning. His auburn hair that seemed to glow in the sun, almost like a halo encircling the crown of his head. The freckles that spotted his body, marks of beauty that covered him head to toe. His cerulean eyes that twinkled with a hint of mischief that no respectable Jedi Master would have. The warmth of his embrace that felt better than sunlight after a mission to Hoth.
But you didn't love him. You couldn't love him. And even if you did -- which you certainly didn't -- Obi-Wan could never love you back. He had taken an oath, he wouldn't break it for someone like you. A helpless padawan.
That's when you started to cry. Hard.
You couldn't stop the tears from falling from your eyes any more than you could stop your heart aching for Obi-Wan Kenobi. You feel stupid. Worthless.
You should just leave, you decide. Leave Coruscant, maybe go to a different temple on a different planet with a different master where you wouldn't have to suffer through another Coruscant night again. Maybe there you'll find sleep.
And through your anger and guilt, you stuff a clean change of clothes into a knapsack, throw a cloak other your shoulders, and clip your lightsaber to your belt. Your body is thrumming with energy, pushing you to just leave because it will surely be easier than having to deal with any of this. Marching through your chambers, sparing it one laster final glance, you open the door--
And there he is. Staring down at you with tired eyes. The same eyes that you dream about gazing into. The same eyes of your master, who looks absolutely wrecked from exhaustion and now worry.
His eyebrows furrow, flitting from the knapsack back to your eyes. "Padawan?"
You're frozen. You didn't want to actually face Obi-Wan and tell him that you're kriffing abandoning him. You can feel his eyes scanning over you, examining your puffy eyes and your tear-stained cheeks. "What are you doing?"
The tension in his brows doesn't release, Obi-Wan taking a step forward, forcing you to take one back. "I could ask you the same."
You're eyes dart to glance over his shoulder, the hallways were empty but his body was blocking the doorway. He was practically towering over you.
You swallow. "I asked you first."
"Couldn't sleep," Obi-Wan admits, his gaze softening slightly. "You?"
Your heart is aching. Silently begging him, please don't make me say it.
You don't say it. "I couldn't sleep either."
It wasn't technically a lie, but it wasn't truthful enough for Obi-Wan to ease up.
Obi-Wan wasn't daft either. "You're leaving."
The statement is enough for tears to well in your eyes, threatening to spill over. You suck in a shaky breath, trying so hard to not break. "I... I don't know."
A heavy sigh ripples through Obi-Wan's stiffened form, your master's posture relaxing ever so slightly. Without speaking another word, Obi-Wan fully enters your chambers, the door closing swiftly behind him.
He's never been in your personal quarters before you realize, suddenly feeling impossibly more vulnerable than before. His eyes curiously shift to look around, glancing at the few personal belongings scattered about. Old dusty trinkets from past missions the two of you had completed, a few colorful rocks that he remembers you collecting from the shores of a lake on Naboo, and an old drawing that he had given to you. He had drawn it on the back of a paper menu at Dex's Diner after promising you to get you some decent food after a particularly long mission filled with ration bars and filtered creek water. Your room was undeniably you, he notices.
Obi-Wan returns his gaze to you, watching how you stand uncomfortably in a few paces away from him. Obi-Wan gestures to your sleeping mat. "Sit down, padawan."
You hesitate slightly before settling down on the foam mat, sitting with your legs crossed in front of you. Your hands are shaking as you rest your hands in your lap, slouching forward as if you were trying to fold yourself up into a ball and disappear.
You hear Obi-Wan pull the chair out from your desk and sit, you can feel him staring down at you.
Obi-Wan puffs out a small breath. "What's the matter, Y/N?"
Your muscles go rigid. He never calls you by your first name. It's always padawan or young one. Once it was even my padawan, but never has it been Y/N. You've forgotten what your name sounds like coming from the mouth of another. And when Obi-Wan said it, you felt yourself grow warm. It just sounded right coming from his lips.
But you hated how miserable Obi-Wan sounded. His voice heavy with exhaustion and confusion, you even heard worry laced in his tone.
You sniffle because no matter how horribly Obi-Wan hurt you, you never wanted to hear him sound so defeated. You're trying not to cry, but it's so obvious that even Obi-Wan can see it in the darkness of your room.
Your bottom lip quivers. "It's nothing, master." It comes out so broken, so weak. The sound of your own voice only makes you want to cry even more.  You don't dare return the favor of saying his name, scared of what it might sound like on your tongue.
"It's not nothing," Obi-Wan assures, refusing to let you dismiss your feelings so easily. "Tell me, padawan. Let me help you."
But that's the problem. "You can't help me."
It wasn't supposed to sound like a challenge, it wasn't supposed to sound like you were silently begging him to kriffing help you. Because you knew that what you needed was something that Obi-Wan couldn't give you. He had taken an oath-- you had taken the same oath as him. But here you were, crying on the floor of your bedroom with a heart aching for the man was desperately trying to help.
You felt the warmth of his hand on your chin before you could gather your senses to realize that he was kneeling right in front of you. You hadn't heard him cross the small distance that had provided as a barrier between the two fo you. He cradled your chin in his hand, forcing you to meet his gaze.
You'd never seen his eyes look so tired, not even after the harshest missions or tedious council meetings. He looked like he hasn't slept in weeks.
Though despite his exhaustion, his eyes were begging you. "Let me try," he almost whispers, nothing but sincerity in his tone. "Please let me in."
You know you shouldn't. You know it's a horrible idea. Surely he'd be absolutely appalled, politely letting you down because that's just the type of person Obi-Wan is. Kind, compassionate. And every fiber of your being is telling you to keep your mind guarded and continue to pretend like nothing was wrong because that would be a million times easier than admitting to Obi-Wan that you're kriffing in love with him--
The realization hits you much harder than you expected, piercing through your consciousness like hot plasma. You're quick to cover up the fresh wound and push it deep within your mind, but your master has always been far more skilled in the Force than you could ever imagine.
He plucks the seed of pure adoration from your mind and expands it like a hologram, his eyes widening as he focuses in on your now flowing emotions.
He sees it all. The longing glances you steal whenever he's distracted with Cody during a debriefing. The heat the pulses through your blood whenever he brushes up against you when boarding the gunship. The prickling of affection when he teases you with a wide grin stretching his face. The hopeless wish of launching into his arms when you see him after a battle. The long and sleepless nights on Coruscant that you lay awake wishing that your feelings would fade like the battle scars on your torso because you didn't want to sleep alone and feel nothing but cold loneliness in your quarters. You wanted to be in his quarters next to him, warm and safe in his arms.
You can't stop the hot tears from freely falling down your face, timidly staring your master as you await his immediate rejection.
You should've fled when you had the chance. You think about getting up and leaving, but then Obi-Wan's hands are cradling your face. You continue to stare at the wall of your quarters, your eyes choosing to settle anywhere but on him.
"Y/N, look at me," he speaks, waiting patiently for your eyes to meet his gaze. He doesn't look as revolted as you believed he'd be, he looked oddly calm. Almost at peace.
You swallow thickly as you struggle to maintain the intensity of his stare. "I'm sorry," you mutter, your voice the smallest that either of you had ever heard it. You had never felt weaker than at that moment, having nothing to do but wait.
After what seemed to be an eternity of silence, Obi-Wan leans forward, brushing the wet streaks of tears off your soft skin. "Don't be."
Equally embarrassed and confused, your brows furrow. Obi-Wan can't suppress the small quirk of his lips as he watches you, completely captivated by your emotions.
Obi-Wan closes the distance between you, his lips softly brushing against yours before kissing you. Your shocked, frozen even before you can register what's happening. He almost pulls away when you don't reciprocate his kiss but you chase after him, leaning forward to catch his lips. You feel him grin under your touch, removing his grip on your face to pull your body closer to his.
The warmth that you longed for returned, enveloping you whole as you feel Obi-Wan's tongue brush against your bottom lip before parting for air.
Both of his arms are wrapped around you, your chests pressed together as your hands rest on his broad shoulders.
"Please don't leave," he whispers, your noses brushing against each other as he speaks. "I need you here."
You're speechless at his confession, gazing into his eyes to find that he's looking at you like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever laid eyes on. Had he always looked at you like that?
You don't know what to say, you nod.
His small smile broadens into a smirk, his hands still griping your robes to keep you against him. He doesn't say anything else, just continues to stare at you. His irises glistening with complete adoration despite the dark circles tracing his eyes. There's this beautiful simplicity of his affection that makes you realize how complex it truly is, and it takes you a moment to realize that he feels the exact same way. Obi-Wan also spends his nights alone and sleepless in his quarters thinking about you.
You can't conceal the grin that stretches your face, leaning in to press another kiss to Obi-Wan's lips. Obi-Wan gladly reciprocates your affection but pulls away as the kiss ventured too far from chaste.
He chuckled how a noise of disappointment escaped your lips when he pulled away, his hands rubbing soothing shapes along your back.
"Not tonight, padawan," Obi-Wan muses, so close that all you'd have to do is inch forward for your lips to meet. "Tonight, you need to rest."
And as you curled up in Obi-Wan's arms, warm from both his embrace and affection, you found sleep.
━ ━ ━ ━
haha, again wasn’t supposed to be this long but i’m an obi slut.
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lucid dreams | prologue
Obi-Wan Kenobi X Reader [Soulmate AU]
synopsis: Dreaming has become a meeting place for two people destined for each other. They say you see everything related to your soulmate in your dreams, including your soulmate. Surely meeting someone you’re destined to be with wouldn’t be difficult, right? Wrong. For you, it’s impossible. Sometimes you think your dreams are mere compensations for not having a soulmate.
warnings for this chapter: mild swearing
word count: 941
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They say, when you reach the age of 20, you see everything related to your soulmate in your dreams, including your soulmate. These dreams last for an hour and after that hour, you see nothing but darkness. You’ve seen him, but you never got to talk to him, let alone gone near him. You learned (in a complicated way) that you only see each other when both parties are asleep. In every dream you have with him, the both of you always stood far from each other. He was always covered in thick brown robes which struck your curiosity even more, because you couldn’t really make out his features other than his auburn hair and beard. 
Your dreams were often filled with odd looking spaceships, planets that do not exist, and weird, alien creatures, none of which made sense. This made you wonder if your soulmate was an astronaut working for NASA. Perhaps he was a scientist studying extraterrestrial life, maybe he was just one of those people who believe in aliens and lizard people, or maybe he was a big nerd. God, what have you gotten yourself into?
You kept track of these dreams. Just like what you’re doing right now, right after you woke up. “Flying cars, city-filled planet, aliens, laser swords, people in cloaks, books with alien language,” you mumbled while jotting them down on your dream journal. “Same as always.” Like everyday, you wished for something to be different. “When will I ever get to meet Mister Soulmate, Vincent?” You crouched down to pet the black and white feline. He meowed. “I know, I know. Breakfast first.” Vincent meows again. 
After getting breakfast for the cat, you grabbed a change of clothes and rode your bike to the cafe with Vincent in the little front basket of your bike. You were meeting up with a friend for coffee. She called you the night before, greeting you with obvious excitement and glee, telling you that she has something to tell you and that it would be better to talk about it in person than over the phone. If you knew anything, she probably met her soulmate already. Not just dream-met them, but outside-of-dreamland-met. 
She was sitting outside the cafe, two drinks already on the table. “Hey,” you greeted. You took a seat in front of her. “Aww, you brought Vinnie?” She coos, picking up the cat from your basket. “He can’t be left alone in my apartment anymore. Last time I did, he scratched the shit out of the curtains you gifted me.” She gasped, “Bad, Vincent!” She placed the cat on her lap, scratching his head. “Come to think of it, I’m glad he did that.” You joke. She sent you a glare.“So... what’s up?” 
“We finally met up, y/n.” Your friend smiled wide. “And I’m not talking about meeting her in my dream, you already know I have.” Bingpot! Just as you suspected. “Remember when I told you that my parents told me the ‘dream-meeting’ stops once you meet your soulmate and you just get random dreams? How’d you meet?” You took a sip of your drink. She nodded, “It really does. Which is why we stalled for a bit. And also, you know, because we both wanted to focus on college. She’s so much more lovely in person.” You have never seen her this happy. Her eyes were sparkling. “If only mine would talk,” you grumble. “Wait, wait, wait. You have never talked to Mister Cloaked Man?” You shake you head. “You dummy,” she laughs at you then raised a brow. “You wasted five years of your life not talking to your soulmate who was right in front of you every night?! Why?” In all honestly, you have, but...
You tell her he always looked uninterested. That he seemed guarded and closed off. He only looked at you from a distance. “Ah, yeah, I remember. Maybe he’s an introvert, a busy introvert. It’s perfect, you always thought he might be a scientist.” She replied, adding, “you should be the one to break the ice between you two.” You consider her statement with a nod and a final sip from your cup. “It’s been nice seeing you.” She says it more to the cat than to you. You just laugh. “You, too. Work’s been eating you up lately.” Your friend works for the papers, and you’re an artist currently working on several new pieces for your gallery. So... you both were busy.
Later that night, you decided to take her advice. You were the one to spark up a conversation. And so, you hop in your bed with Vincent on the other side of the mustard colored duvet covering your body. Sleep slowly taking you in.
Moments later, a blur of lights started to become clear. The empty void of dreamland slowly fills up with flying automobiles, aliens, and laser swords, like Time Square. Where are you? You thought. You glance at your surroundings once more. Books were floating in midair. “So, you’re reading, huh?” You spoke softly. “Then that means you won’t be showing up for a while.”
You waited patiently for a brown cloak to appear in front of you. “Do you not sleep?” You muttered under your breath. You wandered around dreamland, admiring a floating glass with a city behind it. “City-planet,” an amazed sigh escaped your lips, taking it all in. Unbeknownst to you, he stood a few feet behind you. “It’s called Coruscant,” he said. His voice was smooth, like silk. You like him already. You turned around to face this man. He was wearing his infamous brown cloak. “Hello there.” 
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a/n: here it is, the prologue! I hope you found it enjoyable and worthy of your time. This will be a series that I’m hoping you’ll stick around for.
taglist: @itsyellow​ @dance-like-russia-isnt-watching​ @fandom-blackhole​ @marvelunistudent @fandoms-pizza-wifi-ym13
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lacontroller1991 · 4 years
Touchstarved!Obi-Wan Kenobi x Reader Blurb
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Requested by Anon: “touchstarved!Obi Wan and reader finding out and trying to help him by giving him hugs”
I would give ANYTHING to hug my mans
Jedi were told from the start to not form attachments. That included no emotional attachments. No physical attachments. The first time Obi-Wan was hugged was by you, a waitress at Dex’s dinner. He couldn’t explain what he felt when you hugged him. He couldn’t explain the warm fuzzy feeling he got when your arms wrapped around his torso and he froze. He couldn’t explain the feeling of butterflies in his stomach when your head laid against his chest. He couldn’t explain it, but he liked it. He knew it was wrong, which is why he had been avoiding your transmissions and been avoiding his favorite diner.
“(Y/N)! Where has my boy been?” Dex called out to you, startling you as you tried to regain balance on the tray of Jawa Juice you were holding.
“I’m not entirely sure, I gave him a hug the other day and ever since that he hasn’t sent me any sort of messages, maybe he was called away for a mission,” you responded as Dex walked over to you.
“You hugged a Jedi?”
“Yeah, are we not supposed to?”
“It’s against their code to form attachments, physical and emotional, maybe he got startled by it,” realization dawned on your face as you shook your head in shame.
“Kriff, I knew I shouldn’t have, but he looked like he was having a bad day,” you murmered as Dex patted you on the shoulder.
“Go find his master, Qui Gon, maybe his master will have a clue as to where he is,” Dex stalked off as you stood there thinking of what to do.
Later that day, you went back to your small apartment to change into something more subtle, something that wouldn��t catch a Jedi’s eye. Slipping on a hood, you stepped into your speeder and punched in the coordinats for the Jedi Temple. Growing up, you had never known about the Jedi, only knowing about them when you moved to Coruscant when you were 16.
Walking down the halls, you glanced around at the old building, looking down every corridor, hoping to spot your Jedi friend. Not looking, you tripped over something and let out a stream of cuss words as you clutched your wrist.
“Lost, are you?” A voice asked as you turned your head and saw a green alien beside you, causing you to jolt from the ground.
“Yes, as a matter of fact. I am looking for an Obi Wan Kenobi,” you mentioned as he beckoned you to follow him. After walking down the numerous halls, you came across a room and saw children in there practicing and Obi Wan teaching them. Yoda left after clearing his voice making Obi Wan look up and see you.
“Alright guys, you’re done for the day,” he spoke softly as the younglings followed each other out of the door.
“ And here I was thinking you had died,” you commented as he turned to face you, the butterflies returning to his stomach.
“Why would you think that?”
“Oh, I don’t know, you suddenly fell off the face of the galaxy, I couldn’t get ahold of you no matter what, plus you haven’t been to the diner recently,” you recounded as he lowered his head, thumbing his padawan braid.
“We shouldn’t see each other. It’s against the code.”
“It’s against the code to talk to each other?” Raising an eyebrow, you tooka step closer, noticing how a thin line of sweat began to form on his forehead.
“It’s against the code to be friends?” 
“No.” He stated harshly as you haulted in your movement, suddenly getting an idea in your head.
“Is it against the code to be touched?”
“No,” he mumbled as you let out a sigh and walked before you were completely infront of him.
“Is it against the code for me to hug you?”
Shaking his head was all the confirmation you needed before you swung your arms around his neck and lowered him into you, grasping him tightly as he clutched your clothes, shaking from the contact that you were giving him. 
After a minute you pulled away, taking his face in your hands. Gently stroking his cheek, you gave him a soft smile as he regained his posture.
“Thank you, (Y/N).”
“Anything for you, Obi-Wan.”             
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dameronology · 4 years
the one with the blind date {obi-wan x reader}
summary: your mother has a knack for setting you up on the worst blind dates. this time, it might be different. 
i know what you’re thinking - ‘but val! jedi aren’t allowed to date!’ but for the sake of this fic, the jedi code can suck a fat one because it’s 3am 5am and i don’t have the brain cells to work around star wars canon 
love u lots and hope you enjoy 
- jazz
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You weren’t entirely sure if your mother’s judgement towards your life choices was supposed to be malicious or not, but it certainly felt like it. The fact she called you to remind you that your cousin just had her third baby! or mention in passing that your friend from school just got married (again)! always felt like it had an ulterior motive. You loved the woman dearly but maker, you wished she would shut the hell up sometimes.
It wasn’t as though you weren’t successful. You had an important job working for the Senate, you’d graduated from the University of Cloud City with honours and you owned an apartment in Coruscant. Did she know how hard it was to get on the property ladder in this city? It was probably one of the selling points she used every time she set you up on a blind date. They were usually with older men, twice divorced and with more baggage than you were ready for.
You weren’t expecting this date to be any different - your mother had mentioned he was a friend of a friend (possibly of a friend, of another friend and then maybe the colleague of that friend). She hadn’t told you what job he had, only that he was a bit older than you and ‘earned enough to support a small family’ - but you had chosen to ignore that last part. She’d arranged for you to meet at a diner downtown in the early evening, and you weren’t expecting too much. 
There were only two people in the diner. One was a man of an alien species who appeared to be roughly 150; he had a pint in one hand and a burger in the other. The other one was undoubtedly a Jedi - and a very attractive one too. He was browsing the menu, brow furrowed slightly as he frowned. He looked up as the bell on the door rang, and your eyes met. If he was your date, your mother had done well for once (though she could have pre-warned you about his occupation).
‘Hey, you must be-’ He offered you a warm smile, standing up from the table to wave you over.
Say something, dumbass you pushed yourself. 
‘- that sure is me!’ You quipped. Great start, you moron. 
‘It’s lovely to meet you.’ The Jedi sat back down as you shuffled into the booth opposite him. ‘I’m Obi-Wan.’
‘Right, yeah - sorry, my mum did tell me your name.’ You replied. 
‘What else did she tell you?’ He quipped, quirking one of his brows. ‘Just so I can try and live up to whatever lively image I’m sure she’s created.’
‘Just your name.’ You laughed. ‘She didn’t mention being a Jedi or anything.’
Obi-Wan paused for a minute. ‘Oh, I’m not a Jedi.’
You froze slightly, quickly trying to think of a response. It hadn’t been a reach - he was wearing robes, and you could see what looked like a lightsaber under the table. Not that you had been looking under the table, or down there - and maker, this was embarrassing.
‘I’m joking.’ He suddenly burst into a fit of laughter. ‘I am a Jedi. I thought it would break the ice but you look like you’re about to cry-’
‘- that was mean!’ You reached across the table to swat at his shoulder. ‘I pride myself on my intuition, Obi-Wan.’ 
‘I wouldn’t call the fact I’m wearing a Jedi robes and carrying a lightsaber intuition, more like the glaringly obvious.’ He leant back, crossing his arms over his chest as he smirked at you.
You liked this guy.
‘But what do you do?’ Obi-Wan continued. ‘Your mother mentioned that you work for the Senate.’
‘I do!’ You replied. ‘I’m a political advisor.’
‘What does that entail?’
‘I just sit there and tell the senators if they’re being just a bit stupid or completely stupid.’ You grinned. 
‘Well, it certainly sounds like a very important job.’ He smiled back.
‘You’re one to talk. You’re like..the keeper of the Force.’ You replied. 
‘That’s not quite it.’ Obi-Wan couldn’t help but laugh at your attempt to describe his job. ‘But you’re close.’
Two hours later - and after ordering food that you’d both been too distracted to touch - you were both doubled over in laughter at something Obi-Wan had said. He was funny; you’d figured out that much. It wasn’t in an obvious way, but more of a charming, observant way. He took an interest in you as well - he asked about your job, your hobbies and your time at college. In a way, he felt a bit too good to be true. Every guy your mother set you up with had fallen short within the first five minutes.
What could it be? Was he secretly already married? Was he a convicted criminal on the run and posing as a Jedi? 
‘I have to ask.’ Obi-Wan reached across the table, warm hand falling on top of yours. ‘You have a good job. You own your own apartment and you’re beautiful. Why do you need your mother to find you a date?’
You let out a small laugh, shaking your head. ‘I don’t meet many suitable people in my line of work. They’re either much, much older senators or...actually, that’s it.’
He chuckled slightly, squeezing your hand - you could have sworn that your heart stopped for a moment (either that, or your coffee addiction had finally caught up with you). The fact you’d been too deep in conversation with him to even look at your food said a lot. Before now, no man would ever have been able to come to between you and a burger. 
‘Let’s get out of here.’ Obi-Wan threw a few credits on the table. ‘I know a place that has better food.’
You tossed a few of your own credits, giving him a nod. ‘I’ll have to take your word for it since neither of us actually touched this food.’
‘I’m easily distracted, apparently.’ He joked, offering out his hand to you as you pulled your jacket on.
‘That’s bad for a Jedi.’ You joked, taking it.
‘I correct myself.’ He paused for a moment, shaking his head. ‘I’m easily distracted by you.’
‘Right, I have a tendency to do that.’ You replied. ‘I bet my mother didn’t tell you that I was so breathtaking.’
‘Actually, she told me I had a mission.’ He replied. 
The cold night air hit you as you exited the diner. You could hear the buzz of the city traffic further uptown, filling the silence as you pondered his statement for a moment. Your mother worked as an admin assistant for the Jedi temple - she organised transport and missions and the logistics of most their operations - and she had a tendency to spill embarrassing things about you in conversation.
‘A mission?’ You grimaced. ‘What did she tell you it was?’
‘To investigate that very diner we were just sat in.’ Obi-Wan smiled down at you, face lit up under the lights of a theatre as you walked past. ‘She only told me before I left the temple that it was a blind date.’
‘Maker, that woman.’ You muttered. 
‘I’m not complaining, though.’ He quickly replied. He let go of your hand, moving to fling his arms across your shoulders and pull him closer towards him. ‘I was a bit worried that you were going to be...’
‘...like her?’ You nudged him in the ribs slightly. ‘Because that’s something I worry about too every time I get a bit older.’
‘Oh, you have nothing to worry about.’ Obi-Wan said. ‘You have her nose but I’d say that’s it.’
A few more hours passed, and you found yourselves having walked all the way to the other side of the city. You were latched onto his side now, one arm around his waist whilst his rested on your shoulder. The warmth of his body against the cold of the night air was a wonderful contrast and you couldn’t help but smile at how at home you felt. He had a very calming presence (probably something to do with the whole Jedi debacle). 
‘Let’s sit down.’ You wrapped your hand around his wrist, tugging him over to a low-sitting wall. 
You were on the edge of Coruscant, a few miles away from the city centre. The lights of the vast skyline illuminated the road in front of you, the whites and blues and red of the mammoth buildings blurring into a technicolour dream. You sometimes forgot how wonderful the place was, especially when you spent so much time observing corrupt politics and dodgy dealings at your job. That wasn’t on your mind, however - Obi-Wan Kenobi was at the forefront of your thoughts. 
‘You’re cold.’ He commented.
‘I’m always cold.’ You shot back. ‘Isn’t that something you can tell through the Force?’
‘Oh, my dear.’ Obi-Wan chuckled. ‘The Force doesn’t work like that.’
‘So, it’s not like mind-reading and magic tricks?’ You shuffled slightly in your seat, turning so that you were facing him. 
‘I definitely can’t read your mind.’
‘That’s a shame. It would make this whole dating thing much easier.’ You quipped.
‘You could just tell me what you’re thinking.’ He reasoned.
You paused for a moment - you were thinking about kissing him, obviously. There had been several moments through out the night where you almost had, but it hadn’t felt like the right time. But here? Basking under the glow of the city lights, sat so close to him? You’d be damned if there was a better chance than this. 
Obi-Wan met you halfway, your lips brushing against his. Like him, they were soft and warm, and you felt yourself leaning further into him. One of his arms wound around your waist, making an attempt to pull you close, though such a thing were possible. Meanwhile, you had one hand on the back of his neck, softly playing with the hair that fell onto your hand. 
There was a gust of wind, and you suddenly jumped back with surprise. He laughed at your reaction, dropping his head into your shoulder as his body shook against yours. 
‘So,’ you began. ‘Second date?’
‘I don’t think we’re done with this one.’
(Within the year, your mother finally had bragging rights about the fact it was her child getting married this time). 
there’ll probably be a part 2 to this i won’t lie to u i’ve already got it written in my head 
also shout to @karasong​ and @drinksomecoco​ for ur encouragement/ideas ily guys 
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