atinyladybug-art · 6 months
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The O5 Council of Recollection AU! I'm so happy to complete this. Character designing my beloved <3.
From the left to right, top to bottom, we have:
Gears, Light, Mann, Clef, Blackbird, Cowboy,
Abirt, Magnolia/Newbie, Secret Keeper, Maria Jones (RAISA), Senator and Lament.
They all sorta have their own lore and distinctive responsibilities in foundation!
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welcometothetiktokscp · 11 months
What are all the doctors least favorite SCP?
Dr Sherman: Ooh, that's a hard question. Lets go with... SCP 963, Dr Bright's amulet. Reason being its what keeps Bright alive.
Dr Bright: Hey! Rude!
Dr Blue: My my, that is a hard question. I'd have to go with SCP 1048 "The Builder Bear" would be my least favorite, it's given the entirety of Site-24 a whole lot of trouble!
Dr Richards: Ehhhh, I dont really have any ones i hate, but i keep telling everyone we gotta take down them damn birds! They're spying on all of us!
Dr Brown: Oh god, uh, i mean, there are a couple that freak me out.. hm, lets go with SCP 3000.
Dr Conners: Yeah, i gotta agree with Dr Sherman on this one.
Dr Bright: YOU ALL SUCK.
O5-11: Why does my opinion on this matter count? Fear is the enemy and feelings get in the way.
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upper-admin-scp · 1 month
Five presents Contras with a near-identical plush of her.
I finished!
Oh! How wonderful! ...We like it. It looks perfect! Absolutely perfect! Thank you...
[The split overseer takes the plush and smiles.]
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scythidol · 11 months
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❝ I make your heart weaver, you can't escape;
I steal your lips again and go far away! I'm a trouble, trou-troublemaker! ❞
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@ SCYTHIDOL ﹕ i take requests for pronouns , titles , icons , tumblr layouts & graphics . DO NOT REPOST ANY OF MY CREATIONS .
rules , whitelist & blacklist under the cut . only taking requests from the whitelist !
request rules . . .
O1. please keep your request to 2 themes / characters / ect max
O2. you may be specific , but i might decline if its too complex
O3. i get overwhelmed easily . . . sorry if you have to wait too long ^_^"
O4. you may ask if your request got sent or for me to delete it
O5. if requesting a character , please make sure that they have enough official art ( for layouts / graphics ) or a wiki ( for prns / titles ) !
O6. if requesting a character from games like genshin or hsr , please be aware that i only take requests for playable characters
O7. be nice , say please & thank you !
whitelist . . .
these are sources im always ok with doing , you can always ask if i'm alright with doing another source though . maybe i can make an exception if i like the source .
O1. genshin impact
O2. project sekai
O3. bungou stray dogs
O4. black butler
O5. honkai star rail ( edits are fine , PTs are a little iffy though )
blacklist . . .
these are sources im not comfortable with doing , please do not ask for these !
O1. irl people ( vtubers included )
O2. south park
O3. the dsmp
O4. danganronpa
O5. nsfw themes / sources
O6. anything to do with bugs / insects , mainly cockroaches ( butterflies / moths are an exception )
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pixelatedvoid · 25 days
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Designation: O5-11 “The Liar”
Full name: Treble Clef
Age: ~40
Species: human(?)
Pronouns and gender: Female (mtf trans), She/Her/It
@blobee our clefs should be friends! This is alto post transition btw
Time: 57 minutes
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nonexistent-tales · 1 month
i live for O5 council being silly
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SCP-5383 - The Konami Code But For Catholicism (Suffer Overflow)
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SCP-7320 - Serendipity
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SCP-001 - Dafydd Utica Foolfellow’s Proposal - [the] [HUMAN!] [element?]
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SCP-5983 - Nuke York, Nuke York
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the-true-boomer · 2 months
(since I'm on an absolute tirade with my o5 council posts, I figured I'd make a single post with all of them and their backstories. this'll be updated gradually so you might wanna check back sometimes for updates)
Please enter credentials. Processing... Welcome, Administrator. What files would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "O5 Council Personnel Files" What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-1"
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Full Name: James Aaron Siegel Designation: O5-1 Codename: The Founder Purpose: Guiding most base foundation operations. Age: 51 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Country of Origin: The United Kingdom Accent: British Medical Information: 89% of his body is composed of mechanical replacements because of the an attack by SCP-682 during the Anomalous War. Social Relationships: Romantic partner of The Nazarene (O5-2). Closest platonic relationship is The Administrator (O5-0). Other Information: In a romantic relationship with the previous Administrator before her untimely death. Founded the Society for the Preservation of Humans during the anomalous war to save as many people as they could. On one of the missions, he came into contact with SCP-[PENDING] (The Gate Guardian), which told him to "protect". Constantly carries SCP-0462 (Lucifer’s Sword) What file would you like to access? What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-2"
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Full Name: Ezra Nahir Designation: O5-2 Codename: The Nazarene Purpose: Chief information on interdimensional travel. Age: 49 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Country of Origin: Iraq Accent: Arabic Medical Information: Nothing of Note Social Relationships: Romantic partner of The Founder (O5-1). Closest platonic relationship is The Psychiatrist (O5-3). Other Information: She was brought into our universe via unknown means from another one. She is the alternate version of one of the researchers at the foundation. Her counterpart native to our timeline has not been made aware of her existence. First encountered The Founder (O5-1) during the same period of time in which he met SCP-[PENDING] (The Gate Guardian). Enjoys gardening. Former head of the ethics committee. What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-3"
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Full Name: Dr. Hoga Kenshin Designation: O5-3 Codename: The Psychiatrist Purpose: Chief of the Ethics Committee, in charge of quality of life. Age: 37 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Country of Origin: Japan Accent: Non-Discernable Medical Information: Nothing of Note Social Relationships: No known romantic partner. Closest platonic relationships are The Nazarene (O5-2) and his assistant (Deborah Syphus). Other Information: Assisted in founding the Ethics Committee. A more recent addition to the council as a new person was needed after The Nazarene (O5-2) stepped down. Got a Ph.D. in bioethics while on the council. Firmly believes that therapy on personnel and anomalies could solve many issues the foundation faces. Constantly butts head with O5-6 (The Cowboy) due to his method for keeping the world safe is to “shoot it until it dies.” Enjoys gambling as a hobby.
What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-4"
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Full Name: Kai Taylor Designation: O5-4 Codename: The Ambassador Purpose: Serves as a liaison between The Foundation and other GOIs. Age: 36 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Country of Origin: Australia Accent: Australian Medical Information: Slight anxiety. Social Relationships: Unconfirmed romantic relationship with O5-7 (The Unlikely). Closest platonic relationships are O5-10 (The Archivist) and O5-0 (The Administrator) Other Information: Worked at the foundation before the anomalous war, after which he gained a seat on the council. The reason for the speculation on his romantic entanglement with O5-7 (The Unlikely) is that while he has denied it, O5-7 (The Unlikely) confirmed it. Assigned female at birth. A former actor, which could possibly explain his absurd charisma. Confirmed to have super-speed, capable of crossing the entire globe in seconds at a speed of 3496330 miles an hour, or 4556.85 times faster than sound. While he works with O5-5 (The Blackbird), they are not close friends. What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-5"
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Full Name: Gabriel Lucien Designation: O5-5 Codename: The Blackbird Purpose: Chairman of the Department of Paranormal Organisation Review. Age: 42 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Country of Origin: Turkey Accent: Turkish Medical Information: Nothing of Note Social Relationships: No known romantic partner. Closest platonic relationships are O5-6 (The Cowboy) and O5-7 (The Unlikely). Other Information: Has a pension for birds for an unknown reason. Constantly doodles birds, goes on birdwatching tours, has a signature with 5 blackbirds, and incorporates birds into his outfits. Has a pet raven named Edward, or Eddy for short. A skilled artist. One of the more laid-back members of the council, known for his level-headed decision-making. Uncle of Calvin Lucien, Special Agent of the Chaos Insurgency. Extremely regretful of what he did to their family. What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-6"
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Full Name: ​​Jasper Morgan Designation: O5-6 Codename: The Cowboy Purpose: Commander and Field Leader of Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 (The Red Right Hand) Age: 43 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Country of Origin: United States of America Accent: Southern America Medical Information: Smoker. Social Relationships: “Friend with benefits” too O5-11 (The Liar). Closest platonic relationships are O5-5 (The Blackbird) and O5-7 (The Unlikely). Other Information: While they are still friends, he and O5-7 (The Unlikely) are antagonistic towards each other due to his connection with the Chaos Insurgency, which was founded by former Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 (The Red Right Hand) operatives. Founding member of the new O5 Council. Only ever seen wearing a bright white suit and wearing a white cowboy hat. Holds an office in the Pentagon. Suspected of not knowing how to ride a horse as, anytime he’s tried, he’s quickly fallen off. Wears a black and red suit when on missions with Mobile Task Force Alpha-1 (Red Right Hand). What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-7"
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Full Name: Victor Dreyfus Designation: O5-7 Codename: The Unlikely Purpose: Head Director of the Chaos Insurgency Age: 38 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Country of Origin: United States of America Accent: Neutral American Medical Information: Scar over left eye. Social Relationships: Unconfirmed romantic relationship with O5-4 (The Ambassador). Closest platonic relationships are O5-5 (The Blackbird) and O5-6 (The Cowboy). Other Information: Has survived a curious number of assassinations, which likely means anomalous interference. Catholic. Tallest member of the O5 Council. The Council is aware of his relationship to the Chaos Insurgency which has led to many arguments with O5-6 (The Cowboy). What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-8"
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Full Name: Ethan Monroe Designation: O5-8 Codename: The Lesser Purpose: Chief Contingency Coordinator Age: 31 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Country of Origin: United States of America Accent: Neutral American Medical Information: Heavy Anxiety, PTSD Social Relationships: Romantic partner of The Outsider (O5-9). No close friends to speak of. Other Information: Extremely cautious due to a mistake in the past which led to the assassination of Dr. Ivans. Wears a large metal mask that resembles a skull. He’s denied telling the reason as to why, but the two prevailing theories are either shame or heavy scaring. If the scaring theory is correct, they likely came from the train crash that took the lives of his brother and 97 others. Extremely scared of O5-0 (The Administrator) due to a previous encounter after the assassination of Dr. Ivans. This event has also led him to severe caution in decision-making. What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-9"
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Full Name: Lorelei Aroha Campbell Designation: O5-9 Codename: The Outsider Purpose: Serves as an interpretation of what Foundation actions look like to civilians. Age: 29 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Country of Origin: New Zealander Accent: Kiwi Medical Information: N/a Social Relationships: Romantic partner of O5-8 (The Lesser). Closest platonic relationship is O5-11 (The Liar). Other Information: Carries a cane for no reason as she does not have any medical problems that would require it. Her appointment barely passed, with a Council vote of 5 to 4. When not working for the foundation, she is a geology professor. Initially developed a relationship with O5-8 (The Lesser) out of pity, but she claims she grew to love him genuinely. May be cheating on him, however, he hasn’t been made aware. What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-10"
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Full Name: Asha Sinclair Designation: O5-10 Codename: The Archivist Purpose: Keeps the records of the foundation and its operations. Age: 44 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/It Country of Origin: Botswana Accent: Neutral American Medical Information: Wings Social Relationships: No known romantic partner. No close friends. Other Information: There have been multiple archivists before the current O5-10 (The Archivist), even before the Anomalous War. Has wings, and has denied telling anyone where they came from, though that, coupled with the markings on her face, leads to several religious theories. Has access to a Way, leading to the Wanderer’s Library, the base of operations of the Serpent’s Hand. An unconfirmed contempt for humanity as she rarely ever talks to anyone outside of her duties. What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-11"
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Full Name: Lorelei Vale Designation: O5-11 Codename: The Liar Purpose: Chief Disinformation Officer Age: 39 Gender: Female Pronouns: She/her Country of Origin: Unknown. Accent: Varies. Medical Information: Nothing of Note Social Relationships: “Friend with benefits” to O5-6 (The Cowboy). Closest platonic relationships are O5-9 (The Outsider) and O5-5 (The Blackbird). Other Information: Most definitely a shapeshifter, with all her forms being conventionally attractive and donning expensive clothing. A quite sizeable risk to the foundation prioritizes their self-interests over the good of the council and others. Sometimes rumors around the foundation for the fun of it. What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-12"
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Full Name: Cyrus Neuros Designation: O5-12 Codename: The Cerebral Purpose: Anomaly Rotation Officer, Personnel Interviewer. Age: 33 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Country of Origin: America Accent: Uses a computer to communicate. Medical Information: A brain in a jar. Social Relationships: No known romantic partner. Closest platonic relationship is with his caretaker (Margret). Other Information: Possibly the inventor of the current amnestics the foundation uses. Was initially known as The Physician before his injury that forced him into the jar he now sits in. Was a victim of SCP-106 (The Old Man) which caused his body to fail, leading to a rushed council vote to save his life. Currently trying to have a robot body built, progress remains stunted. Right now, in his own words, “we’re just kinda going with the flow of things.” Has a malaysian striped coral snake named Shesha. Has a collection of model trains. What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-13"
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Full Name: Yalmü-Garbha Designation: O5-13 Codename: The End Purpose: Prisoner of the council. Age: Existed since the beginning of time. Gender: Inapplicable. Pronouns: He/they/it Country of Origin: Inapplicable. Accent: Varies Medical Information: Nothing of Note. Social Relationships: No known romantic partner. Closest platonic relationship is O5-6 “The Cowboy.” Other Information: The earthly avatar of The Brothers Death. In the event of any form of end-of-the-world scenario where next to or all of humanity perishes, O5-13 (The End) has 48 hours to return them all to life. Extremely uncaring on foundation matters unless they involve death in some form. He and O5-6 (The Cowboy) occasionally go on bar dives in the middle of the night, when patrons are tired or drunk. What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-14"
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Full Name: Dresden Oakland Designation: O5-14 Codename: The Overseer Purpose: Oversees the universe the foundation operates in. Age: 44 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Country of Origin: United States of America Accent: Neutral American Medical Information: Half skin is covered in molten rock. Social Relationships: No known romantic partner. Closest platonic relationship is O5-1 (The Founder). Other Information: May take his job the most seriously out of any of the other council members. Had a wife (Hakaru Nakamuri) and an unborn child who was killed by SCP-682 (The Hard-to-Destroy Reptile). Obviously, he hates SCP-682 (The Hard-to-Destroy Reptile) very much because of this fact. The reason for his skin condition is because the previous overseer of this universe (Tarsa) did it to him before being slain by O5-1 (The Founder). Worked for the foundation before the Anomalous War. What file would you like to access? Processing... Accessing "File O5-0"
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Full Name: Eidolon Zephyr Designation: O5-0 Codename: The Administrator Purpose: Contingency in case any of the council step out of line, tiebreaker vote. Age: 46 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him Country of Origin: France Accent: French Medical Information: Nothing of Note Social Relationships: No known romantic partner. Closest platonic relationships are O5-1 (The Founder) and SCP-343 (God). Other Information: Consistently wears SCP-262 (The Coat of Many Arms). Said numerous times by various members of the council to be the best-dressed member. A bit sorry about giving O5-8 (The Lesser) PTSD, but he tries to not dwell on it. Brother of the previous administrator, taking over after she passed. Quite kind as far as people working for the foundation go as he occasionally checks in with both D-Class, scientists, mobile task force operatives, and some anomalies.
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overseer-o5-1 · 1 year
Rogue MTF dogs will be made examples of...
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tinysmileyrose · 11 months
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what the text says because i have god awful handwriting: "i'm too cool for this shit" -Clef "Uhm." -Bright "..." -Hal "FILTHY GREENS" -Clef "his blood is on her hands, and her blood is on his." -Clef "my sweet child, the one who will end the world, the product of her." -Clef
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soggithyfroggithy · 3 months
How the O5s would interact in my headcanon
11: uno
12: wait, i thought this was monopoly?
13: im pretty sure this is go fish.
10: this is shoots and ladders you fucking morons.
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biscuitdolly · 2 months
hobbies to try out ♡
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hobbies are such a great way to spend your time rather than being on technology all the time. It's great to have a skill, as skills can help you make friends, and can also open up new job opportunities!! here are some ideas, some are easy and simple and others are a little more advanced, there's (hopefully) something for everyone !!
O1 , painting / sketching
O2 , ballet (or dance in general)
O3 , sewing
O4 , reading
O5 , journalling
O6 , gardening
O7 , baking
O8 , photography
O9 , creative writing / songwriting / poem writing
1O , yoga
11 , learning an instrument (electric/acoustic guitar, drums, piano, violin etc)
12 , bracelet/jewellery making
13 , thrifting
14 , skateboarding
15 , hiking / exploring
16 , calligraphy
17 , pottery
18 , knitting / crochet
19 , pilates
2O , learning a language
21 , origami
22 , archery
23 , bird watching , herping , and animal/bug study in general
24 , mycology , plant observation/documentation
25 , start a podcast or amateur radio
26 , roller skating
27 , gymnastics / acrobatics
28 , cardistry
29 , terrarium making
30 , calisthenics
hope this helps!!!
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rosiehrs · 1 year
YOU DON'T KNOW MY NAME ## bae joohyun
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influencer!irene x fem!reader
SUMMARY ⤻ irene was a private influencer and y/n was an avid follower. you were extremely open about your admiration for the older girl. like every other fangirl, you want her to notice you – but she doesn't know your name. (and you don't know hers)
CONTENTS ⤻ smau, non!idol x reader, wlw, fluff, crack, minor angst, fangirling, pining
WARNINGS ⤻ dark jokes, strong language, suggestive jokes, large age gap? (reader is 21, irene is 32), will add more in the future!
FEATURING ⤻ red velvet, jennie kim (blackpink), im nayeon (twice), nakamura kazuha (le sserafim), aeri uchinaga (aespa), choi yena (soloist), kim gaeul (ive), shin yuna (itzy), more characters to come in future chapters ˆ-ˆ
STATUS ⤻ ongoing.
UPDATES ⤻ whenever i can!
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PROFILES..! yena's charity work. millennials + yeri.
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O2 – dm her u won't
O3 – the beginning
O4 – yeri knows
O5 – opposites attract
O6 – default settings
O7 – compatible?
O8 – 'i always win'
O9 – unnie collector
10 – number exchange
11 – 'i'm almost there'
12 – date night (half written)
13 – burn the trauma suit
14 – friends
15 – filtered yn era (?)
16 – card reading
17 – kirby says hi
18 – stranded
19 – 'i see you'
20 – saviour (written)
21 – 'i don't like her'
22 – invitation
23 – realisation
24 - right but wrong
25 - close to you
26 - quote of the day
27 - blue
28 - every sunday
29 - pent up (written)
30 - let it all out
31 - call
32 - yena's right
33 - still stands
34 - thanks, nayeon!
35 - valentine
more to come..
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taglist (closed)
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*Tap tap*
"This thing on?"
"Ok.. good."
"Er- Hello! My name is Dr Sami Brown. We have been approved by the O5 council to make this tumblr account and answer any questions about the SCP that you have and to talk to some of the doctors!"
"God, I hope this doesn't backfire."
-------------------------Secure. Contain. Protect.-------------------------
This is an SCP rp account based on characters I've found on TikTok.
Characters ill be rping as:
Dr Theron Sherman ( https://www.tiktok.com/@site_42?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc )
Dr Blue ( https://www.tiktok.com/@starboyblue?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc )
Dr Dick Richards + all clones ( https://www.tiktok.com/@wow_its_ian?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc )
Dr Jack Bright (Specifically https://www.tiktok.com/@dr_rook_scp?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc )
Dr Sami Brown ( https://www.tiktok.com/@sleepy_sami?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc )
O5-11 (Specifically https://www.tiktok.com/@overseer.greivs?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc )
Researcher Andrews ( https://www.tiktok.com/@n0vusparr0tus?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc )
Dr Conners ( https://www.tiktok.com/@s3renaquin42?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc )
Do not rush me to post!
I will not be doing any non-canon ships/shipping the doctors together. Most i will do is some extreme Friend-Zoning.
No NSFW. I'm a minor and so is the person who plays Sami Brown.
Do not take everything I say for the truth! If i say something in rp that contradicts something the IRL person said about the character, please let me know.
Follow up on the last rule: I will be taking into account things that have already been addressed for the characters that the IRL person said (Ex.: Dr Sherman is Asexual, Dr Richards has clones, etc.)
If there is another character you'd like to have rp, let me know.
Oc's are welcome! Also, please let me know if you'd been interested in rping with my character Dr Varitas.
May add more rules, otherwise, have fun!
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okwonyo · 8 months
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✸ SYNOPSIS !idols flirting with their fans during fan-signs is not something new, especially on stantwt. but you never thought idols falling in love with fans was possible.
or in which life circumstances make you meet heeseung again. he, who still can't get you out of his mind and is ready to do everything to finally be your boyfriend.
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PARING ⌇ lee heesung x fem!reader
𐙚 GENRE idol au, stranger to lovers, fluff, humorous, tiny bit of angst, smau + maybe some written chapters, twitter language.
FEATURING ୭ৎ enha! all, the boyz! juyeon
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O3 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👨 (me and her)
O4 oh word
O5 i don't know this word sorry
O6 youre corny
O7 well good luck to you @/heeseung !!
O9 ..
1O ..
11 ..
. . .more tba
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TAGLIST : @nwjws @mimi1xx @hangecanweholdhands @isoobie @xyadix @gyuszie @tsukette @manooffline @bbangricz @ghostiiess @dearflwrz @rodygr @lol6sposts @haechansbbg @ilovewonyo @flmtunes @ikeulvr @spilled-coffee-cup @ashy1um @woncine @ughpixa @jaeyunology @jungwoneez @doublasting @kimiczi @stariqwon @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @iea-tsand @anyavaramyr @hoeinthehouse @lovvette @makiswrld @yenqa @ibsysbsfsunsbs @yeokii @jiawji @ririlovesrenjun @glitterssim @teddywons @electrobutterfly @Casemoa143 @lilriswife4life @syuuji @jungkookcocoa @httpsneptvnn @mrchweeee want to be added ? go here networks @kflixnet @k-films
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kisscara · 1 year
heartbeat rhythm! [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ modern au, fluff, wee bit of angst
the rewritten project of the secrecy of our confessions.
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
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taglist is closed
tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @loverhole @star583 @soobasaur @aeongiies @ghosted-fr @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @aaeng121 @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @kur44pika (50/50 tags occupied)
status: ongoing (started on feb.24.2023)
side notes: guys i beg you do not spam like as you read each chapter thanks🤝
O1: live performance!
O2: can i have your twt?
O3: totally not friends!!
O4: the student council
O5: madam faruzan who?
O6: 1+ student council member!
O7: manager faruzan
O8: a helping hand
O9: his way of thanks
1O: class 1-D's preparation
11: a suspicious offer?
12: shopping spree!
13: bumping into someone familiar
14: to be stressed
15: to be comforted
16: the big day!
17: i don't know if i can trust you anymore
18: stuck
19: sick days
20: this one's for you!
epilogue: he was once my biggest fan.
© kisscara
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pixelatedvoid · 2 months
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Sorry to my followers but I just needed to throw these out there
Picrew is https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/644129
in order:
O5-1 The Founder, Aaron Siegel O5-2 The Nazarene, Sauron Light O5-3 The Kid, Orion Smith O5-4 The Ambassador, Alexander June O5-5 The Black Cat, Lyca(n) Muradov O5-6 The Cowboy, Mikell Marigold O5-7 Teeth, Teeth Summers O5-8 The Newbie, Rayne Garcia O5-9 The Lovers, Daniel McKay & Mikael Erin O5-10 The Archivist, Yunio Diarez O5-11 The Liar, Treble Clef O5-12 The Accountant, Omar "Cyrus" Alawe O5-13 Tamlin, Joey Tamlin The Administrator, Ezra Light
Finally, all the official designs and names for my O5 Council!!! <3
sorry for the massive tag list
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