#not that demons care nor does it affect them
itsskoll · 2 years
“Why do all the concubi look the same?” bc all the one’s I’ve drawn are related
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jerzwriter · 1 year
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OK to the heartless demons who have asked why the “baby girl” scene in The Last of Us has destroyed me. (I’m being cheeky about heartless demons, but seriously, I’m flummoxed over this.)
This is the first time in Ellie’s life that she has someone who truly loves her. Someone who cares enough to risk their own life, they will gladly kill to protect her. And not because she is the potential golden child who holds the cure to the cordyceps infection, but because they LOVE HER. She means that much to them. They know that being forced to endure life without her would be a torture they’re not willing to accept.
The look in her eyes when David told her she has no father… the pain was palpable (God bless Bella Ramsey). We know she’s terrified of ending up alone. We know that everyone she has ever cared for has left her one way or another. She’s been alone her whole life and it’s the one thing she does not want to be.
She loves Joel, and he is one-hundred percent her father figure, but they’re both so guarded in protection of themselves. The pain and loss each has endured too profound to allow them to be vulnerable. But where Ellie has built an outer-layer to protect herself, Joel has built a fortress and fortified that fucker so no one can get in. We’ve been watching their defenses fall each week, but the last two episodes has shown us just how much they’re willing to do to save the other.
David’s sadistic words and demonic actions have put poor Ellie through living hell. Then she emerges into a cold, unfamiliar wilderness… alone. She’s lost and traumatized. This BADASS girl is as close to broken as we have ever seen her. Then, Joel appears, and until she realizes it is him, she is horrified.
Now, the look in Joel’s eyes (God bless Pedro Pascal). The horror, the pain, the guilt that he couldn’t protect her. Seeing her broken breaks him, but the relief at finding her. The man is overwhelmed, but instead of retreating, he gives in. He holds her, comforts her, he lets the feelings wash over him and she feels SAFE.
“It’s OK, baby girl. I got you.”
She’s loved and protected for the first time in her life. Joel has not uttered the words baby girl, nor experienced that level of affection since he lost Sarah twenty years before. He has surrendered. He loves her. She has surrendered, she’s accepting his love. Then, both wounded in every way, they stumble off to face the unknown together.
HOW ISN’T EVERYONE IN THE FETAL POSITION BAWLING? I should have had my therapist on speed dial.
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biceratops7 · 1 year
Victor nikiforov and empathy:
Following my fifth (?) rewatch I found yet another reason to be completely in love with Yuri on Ice, and that is Victor being a wonderfully accurate and non-demonized example of someone with low empathy. Seriously as someone who’s autistic and can’t relate to the influx of “actually we’re all super in tune to other’s feelings and have the MOST empathy!”, watch these scenes because this is what it’s like.
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This line at first seems to be Yakov thinking that Victor is arrogant, but Yakov knows him extremely well. He knows that Victor has a hard time viscerally placing himself in another’s shoes, and that’s a major obstacle as a coach.
Victor has trouble understanding what to do in situations that are highly emotional for Yuuri. Instead of being able to directly consider things through Yuuri’s perspective, we see him rely pretty often on environment cues, behavioral cause and affect, or straightforward commands.
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He gets his habit of scolding yuri after a routine from Yakov because that’s what he’s familiar with. It’s not something Yuuri responds to particularly well, but it’s only when Victor pays attention to how others react when Yuuri finishes skating that he changes tactic. Victor sees how the crowd is going wild at the (Japan nationals) and it’s only then it occurs to him that Yuuri’s confidence may be jeopardized if he chooses that moment to criticize his performance. This is something he likely would’ve realized much sooner if he could share Yuuri’s stress easier instead of merely observing that it’s happening.
Then later on in episode 7, we get to the scene that actually inspired this post.
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At first Victor approached the situation almost like an experiment, trying out cause and effect to disastrous results. When you have a much lower threshold for being able to experience another’s feelings second hand, it’s difficult not to think of other’s negative emotions simply as problems that need to be solved. Problem: Yuuri won’t perform well because he’s too anxious, he will only be MORE upset if he loses, and Victor has already tried to reduce his anxiety to no avail. Idea for solution: raise the stakes and see if increased pressure can replace his nerves with resolve, causing a good performance. Afterward, Yuuri will be proud of himself and happy again. Execute plan, observe results, adjust accordingly. When comfort doesn’t come naturally, this tends to be kind of the default. From experience it comes from a genuine place of caring even when it backfires (and it actually doesn’t at times), basically trying to actually fix the thing upsetting your loved one instead of play acting feelings you don’t get.
… however Yuuri was COMPLETELY within his rights yelling at Victor because regardless of intent he picked the worst thing on planet earth to say in that exact moment. I mean I’ve had my fair share of “oh crap someone is upset and it’s my responsibility” fails but my fuck-
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He’s shown to be pretty shit at comforting Yuri/ detached emotionally from the situation, but he is neither coldly unbothered nor strategically hiding it. It may appear callous to bluntly say “I don’t know how to help you” to a loved one who’s crying, but as someone who’s been there, that’s an insanely vulnerable thing to admit. “I don’t feel your pain, I don’t get it. But I love you, and just because I’m not feeling it myself doesn’t mean I don’t care that you’re hurting.”
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When Yuri finally just straight up tells Victor what to do, he is relieved and simply does it. Things are different between them after this episode because Yuuri finds the power to communicate his needs clearly and effectively. Victor doesn’t speak “subtlety” well. Yakov and Yurio both speak their mind to him directly regardless of if it’s polite, Which is quite telling because they’re the two characters he has the longest history with. It shows us the kind of communication style Victor is accustomed to and needs to navigate interpersonal relationships.
I’m not making a statement that Victor is autistic or even disordered per say. I feel his unusual circumstances provide enough explanation, but I really do see that he consistently struggles with empathy in the same way I do. He’s probably the only character I’ve been able to see that aspect of myself in with scenes that aren’t played for jokes.
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poisonheiress · 16 days
To start this lovely commentary, I will place my cards out in the open:
Blitzo is not the villain in his and Stolas' relationship nor is Stolas the victim in this realtionship either.
To some, this statement is a recognizable fact, one the canon caste system even supports. However, many of the current fanbase seems to disagree with this idea, comparing Blitzo to abusive characters like Stella, Crimson, and even Mammon. Others even put him on the same level as those previous characters. Besides this being one of the greater leaps of logic I've seen come out of this fandom, it is simply not true.
Yes, Blitzo does not treat Stolas kindly outside of their sexual agreement with Blitzo appearing to outright ignore him most of the time if not purposefully avoiding him. However, notice the wording I used there: sexual agreement.
Stolas and Blitzo have never been in an official romantic relationship and their current agreement is not one Blitzo entered in on equal footing with Stolas nor out of affection for him. Blitzo agreed to be with Stolas as a means of survival for his business, somethings that is extremely rare for imps to have due to their caste position.
Time and time again we are poorly shown that a rather strict caste system does exist in hell. This means that relationships with people in different castes carry different problems and consequences for those involved.
For those in higher ranking castes in a high-lower rank relationship, the worst outcome of being with a lower ranking demon appears as a diminished social standing and lack of respect, but the lower ranking partner doesn't get that. For the lower ranking demon of the relationship, they risk dehumanization by their partner with them loosing all autonomy and independence. They are no longer themselves; they become an extension of their higher ranking partner, an object that can be tossed away if the partner
Blitzo, who was raised in this system and still suffers under it, is right to fear stepping into a relationship with Stolas, and he has more than a right to refuse to be kind and gentle to a being that is literally hanging his livelihood over his head for sexual favors.
It does not matter if Stolas truly cares about him or not. Their relationship from Day 1 was not something Blitzo could walk away freely from nor even wanted to be in. In physical, social, and economical might, Stolas holds all the cards in their relationship, and nothing Blitzo can do can change that. Stolas could kill Blitzo and no one would turn an eye because he is an imp and Stolas is a Prince.
As a result, Blitzo has no obligation to be kind to someone who is a high ranking member in the system that views him as equal to dirt nor can Stolas be upset about Blitzo doing such when their relationship was born from Stolas taking advantage of Blitzo in a vulnerable situation.
Stolas is no victim here, and if Viv had researched caste systems, the true victim of the relationship would be clearer: Blitzo.
Because at the end of the day, Blitzo remains under Stolas' thumb, an unwilling subject to whatever tasks or desires Stolas forces on him. That is all the caste system of hell allows him to be.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
Hi! Do you think you could do what would lead to a pact with Barbatos? Like, the events leading up to it and what caused it to be made?
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This has been sitting in my ask box for a while because honestly, I'm a bit torn between what I think is more likely to happen, and what my undying love for Barbatos wants to see happen.
Due to potential story spoilers for S4, I'm putting my thoughts (and a bonus drabble) under a cut.
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As of S4, he's starting to recognize his affections for MC are a bit more complex than just regarding them as the human exchange student, someone else he's obligated to be polite to and take care of because Diavolo expects it of him
He's a real slow burn in a story full of very impulsive and needy demons (and angels, and other humans, and maybe a reaper now, too) but I actually love this about him
I honestly don't think MC would ask Barbatos for a pact, nor do I think he would offer one even if they were in some sort of romantic relationship - if this does come to pass, I am really curious because I think it would require exceptional circumstances
He's the Demon Lord's butler, after all - Diavolo is his priority, and I can't see that changing; forging a new pact has the potential to make him vulnerable, or exploitable, and I don't know if he would accept that sort of risk right now
Lowkey though, I like that MC's pacts (so far) are with the demon brothers - I think it makes their relationships more special for it
That being said, I don't think Barbatos would turn MC away if they asked him for help - assuming it's something he can do that doesn't impact his ability to serve Diavolo, and it doesn't put Diavolo or the Devildom in harm's way
Solomon is a bit of a shady wild card, and the fact that he has a pact with Barbatos where MC may not ever have one - well, I think that makes an interesting dynamic too
Don't get me wrong though - I'm a romantic at heart, and there's something about Barbatos agreeing to a pact with MC as a demonstration of his trust and feelings for them that makes me a little weak
Here's a little drabble about it. 💚
BARBATOS x gn!Reader 0.4k Words | SFW | Fluff, Sleeping Together, soft!Barbatos, Slightly Suggestive
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Barbatos is a light sleeper.
He's grown used to getting up in the middle of the night if his Young Master needed him, and he would wake early to make sure the castle staff were each assigned their daily tasks. He personally prepared the morning’s meal and tea, ensuring Diavolo had his breakfast tray and daily paper ready the moment he woke up.
Now, Barbatos sleeps lightly for another reason.
You’re turned away from him, one of your shoulders bare where your night shirt has slipped out of place. When you bury deeper into the sheets, the fabric slips even more, and he can see the edge of his pact mark against your skin.
You’re sleeping so peacefully and he knows he shouldn’t disturb you, but he accepts whatever consequences may come later when he brushes over the mark with his finger. Once he touches you, it's difficult to resist the urge to explore more of your warm skin, to examine the evidence of his claim etched into your flesh.
He slides your night shirt out of the way so he can trace the mark with his tongue. He presses his lips to the mark, pulling your skin between his teeth gently before laving over the indents left behind. The indents of his teeth that litter your skin will fade soon enough, but he sighs with satisfaction anyway - his pact mark will remain until the end of your days together.
He can feel you stirring against him, and he has the decency to pretend to look ashamed that he's been caught. He pulls back slightly and meets your sleepy, curious look when look at him over your shoulder. Sleep fades from your gaze when your eyes shine bright, the corners of your lips lifting into a sweet, dreamy smile.
He wonders what you see that makes your breath hitch slightly, that makes your beautiful eyes shimmer with warmth. You've managed to see past all the masks he wears, the walls he builds to keep pesky emotions at bay. You've claimed his heart for your own, and he gave into the inevitable; he surrendered it willingly at your feet, a prize for the victor, your spoils of war.
He smothers the fleeting twinge of disappointment when you roll over and face him properly, nuzzling against his bare chest and throwing an arm over his waist. He curls his fingers over your shoulder - palm over his mark protectively - and keeps you close, basking in your warmth until his other master needs him.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
like real people do: diavolo
they've seen the world shift and change throughout their long, long lives, but if they could they would have given it all up just to be with you.
I could not ask you where you came from I could not ask and neither could you. Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips We could just kiss like real people do.
The stack of paperwork on Diavolo’s desk never seems to decrease in size. He sighs, tearing his gaze away from the pile and towards the packet currently in front of him. He can briefly make out something about the economy in the outskirts of the Devildom and how their markets don’t have as many laborers, and he feels a headache coming on. Everyone looks to him. He’s still an incredibly young demon, and yet the weight of an entire realm is on his shoulders. It isn’t hard to see why he’s slowly deteriorating, nor can he be blamed for it.
He wishes he could have fun like those rowdy demon brothers do, going off on adventures with MC and visiting sweets shops and being able to talk to each other about things. (Even though Lucifer always said siblings weren’t as fun as Diavolo thought they were, he had to disagree. What he wouldn’t do for a cute little sister or brother to spoil and spend time with. Unfortunately, that was not his reality. His reality was stacks of paper and stuffy suits and formal events and speeches that were meant to rally demonkind together.)
A soft knock at the door snaps Diavolo out of his thoughts, and he sighs.
“You may enter.” he calls out, eyes bleary and unfocused as they turn back to the packet. 
“My Lord.” Barbatos bows as he enters, looking as energetic as always, “MC has requested an audience with you.”
Diavolo almost twists his ankle when he jumps up, eyes brightening immediately. A few papers go flying and his pen clutters to the floor. Barbatos does not look amused as the important paperwork is scattered across the office, but Diavolo cannot bring himself to care.
“My Lord, have you finished any of your work?” he asks, stooping down to pick up as many misplaced documents as he can.
“Yes, yes of course! So much work is done! Does my hair look alright?” he frantically looks for a reflective surface, patting down what he thinks may be unruly strands.
“Your hair looks fine as always, My Lord.” Barbatos stands, placing the stack of papers carefully on his desk, “I have served them tea before I came to get you. They talked very fondly about your trip together to Bayside Bonanza Worlds of Wonder. It seems they want to take you out again, though I myself am unsure if I should grant them the pleasure after what happened.”
The last part of what Barbatos says goes flying straight over Diavolo’s head.
Diavolo has to hold back a booming laugh at that. It’s like his heart is soaring with glee at their proposition. He has to remind himself daily that just because he doesn’t have the brothers doesn’t mean he doesn’t have anyone. He has Barbatos, Lucifer, and them. (Most of all, them. But he could never admit that to himself. It seems…selfish.)
”What wonderful news!” he beams, crossing his arms over his chest in a vain attempt to contain the affection threatening to bubble up and explode within him, “Please, escort me to them at once!”
“As you wish, Young Master.” Barbatos bows, turning to lead him out of his office, “Though I must warn you, I will still hold your accountable for the work you need to do.”-
That comment would normally sink his mood immensely, but the promise of them keeps his heart light. It’s a mystery as to what he would do without them, but hopefully he’ll never have to find out.
(Hopefully they’ll be around forever. Another ideal, added to his lofty tower.)
The hallways all blur together as he rushes through the palace, Barbatos following a safe distance behind him as his heart pounds so hard in his chest that he hears it in his head. He knows where they are, he knows they’re getting closer with every step, and yet he’s so, so greedy for a sight of them.
Perhaps he throws open the door with a little too much force, because the first thing he sees of them is their jump of surprise. Their face looks unbelievably shocked, but before he can utter a single apology they’re laughing and jumping out of their seat for an entirely different reason. Their arms are around his neck before he realizes it, and they’re hanging off him with a huge smile and lots of chatter that he can’t even decipher because they’re finally touching him in the way he’s wanted them to for far too long.
(He likes to tell himself that anyone would do. That any physical contact would be enough to sanitate his desire for a casual relationship like this. But no, it couldn’t be just anyone, not after he’s had a taste of them.)
“Well, hello there!” he beams, crushing them against his chest with the biggest smile he’s ever worn, “I’m so glad you could make it! I hope I’m not taking up too much of your time-”
“Oh, no! You aren’t, I promise!” They laugh, looking absolutely ecstatic to be wholly encompassed by him, “I managed to sneak away from Mammon and the others, just for now.”
Mammon. The others. Oh, he gets so jealous when he hears those brothers mentioned. Diavolo doesn’t want to ruin that precious smiling face though, so he covers his flaming envy with his own smile. It doesn’t stop him from holding them even tighter, though, but before he can really indulge in them, Barbatos enters the room with a scowl. He’s clearly upset at Diavolo for not doing his work and running through the palace like a dog, and the second he sees them hanging off of the Demon Prince he gestures for them to get off. They pout and stick their tongue out at Barbatos, which makes Diavolo laugh so loudly he thinks the castle walls might have rattled. They are by far the only human who would ever dare to make such a mocking gesture at a demon, and that’s so endearing.
Before Barbatos can peel them off himself, though, they start loosening their grip. He gives the human one last squeeze before setting them down, resisting the urge to pout just as they had at the loss of contact.
“I’m delighted to have you, MC!” he smiles, offering them his elbow to make up for the interrupted hug, “Allow me.”
They swoon dramatically and take his arm, allowing him the pleasure of walking them over to the small tea table set in the center of the room. He fixes the positioning of their chair for them (and internally giggles about how they were so excited they almost knocked the ancient piece of furniture over when they threw themselves at him) and gestures for them to sit.
“Thank you.” they say, looking right at home in the Demon Lord’s Castle.
Diavolo ignores the giddy feeling that wells up in his chest at how domestic this feels as he sits down across from them.
“What brings you here, MC?” he asks, setting his intertwined hands on the table.
“Well…” they do the same, clearly teasing him for his formalities, “I wanted to discuss some business with you.”
“Ah, Barbatos has made me aware of your plans to...how did you word it?” he hums, amused at their choice of words that he absolutely remembers.
“Take you out. Like a date.” they grin, radiating smugness that's very becoming of Solomon’s student.
Diavolo wishes they could have this conversation away from Barbatos, who pours their tea as though he isn’t listening. He envies Barbatos’s ability to be present but act as though he couldn’t be more removed—Diavolo thinks his life would be a bit easier if he could do the same. Except he can’t, because he has stacks of paperwork in his office that scream his name every night and make him toss and turn until he gives up and stares at his dark purple canopy and waits for morning. It would be easier to sleep if they were there, he thinks, and he has half a mind to ask Barbatos to make a portal to their room in the House of Lamentation, where they are no doubt sleeping peacefully, so he can drag them into his arms and finally, finally have a good night’s rest.
A rest where he can be Diavolo, with no responsibilities and no crushing weight of an entire realm. Where he can be the demon that takes them out on dates without the entire Devildom scrutinizing them. Where he can be the demon that tries to win the brothers over for their permission to date them (instead of them being too intimidated to tell him no.) Where he can be the demon that walks them to RAD without stares and whispers following them on campus. Where he can just be the demon they love, without consequence or obstacle or any deep rooted hatred.
The world doesn’t work like that.
 “Lord Diavolo...?” they wave their hand in front of his face, a concerned expression on theirs, “Are you alright? You just zoned out-”
“Fine, I’m fine MC.” he coughs into his hand, hoping his embarrassment doesn’t show, “Ah...yes, I would be happy to accompany you to Bayside Bonanza Worlds of Wonder.”
“Without the...bump in the road?” they laugh awkwardly, wincing as they catch Barbatos’s eye.
Right, that. Even though that man had been of no danger to Diavolo, if anything had happened to him Barbatos would have had both their head and Belphegor’s. He always thought human beings were beautiful, just like them, but that had been his first exposure to how wicked human beings could truly be. They do coexist with demons already, but it’s a parasitic relationship where the demons take and take and the humans only get worse and worse. Demons suck the life out of humans, they consume them whole, desires and all. It’s a terrible thing, and even though Diavolo knows he’s a demon himself and that he’s not exempt from these things, he wants to do whatever he can to change it.
They only inspire him, spur him on, make his lofty ideals seem possible.
“Without the bump in the road.” he whispers, reaching across the table to offer them his hand.
They take it without a second thought, and their lack of hesitation is as amusing as it is reassuring. They really aren’t scared of it, are they? It’s not just about Diavolo being a demon anymore, or about him being demon royalty. It’s about the responsibilities being close to him will bring. It’s about the fate of two entire realms, resting in their hands, and he wants to ask if it’s as exhausting for them as it is for him but he doesn’t.
He doesn’t feel like he has to, because with them, he is stronger.
Diavolo has always been concerned about what his spoiled upbringing did to his character, whether he forced Barbatos to stay with him or whether he imposed his will a little too hard onto Lucifer during meetings. Now he has to worry about what it will do to them, and their bright smile that he wants to keep all to himself. It’s why he holds himself back, refusing to ask them to accompany him anywhere, but their steady acceptance and even them seeking him out voluntarily has his restraint dangling by a thread.
It won’t be long until he leans in, souls flaring with desire, and captures them. It doesn’t matter what part of him he takes first, as long as he can drag his mouth along the soft patches of skin and make the flesh scream Lord Diavolo was here.
Guilt crashes over him the second the desire subsides, and he feels the need to apologize to them almost immediately. What is he thinking? He’s so jealous of the brothers that get to crowd them every day that he’s losing his mind. He wants to be that close to them, he wants to be able to waltz into their room and sit on their bed and play Mononoke Land but he can’t, and he’s so very sorry.
Being a demon and having desires is who he is, and yet he finds himself apologizing for it every chance he gets.
He doesn’t want to scare them.
“You’ve never scared me.” they whispered, brow furrowed as they trailed a hand down his face, “Diavolo, I promise you’ve never ever scared me.”
It was the first time they told him they weren’t scared.
The first time they’d said his name.
It was the first time someone held him that gently, and the first time someone had treated him like a friend.
Diavolo finds himself staring at them again, and when they squeeze his hand he squeezes it back.
He has only one desire now.
And damn it, that desire is to be able to love them.
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animeyanderelover · 2 months
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Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, overprotective behavior, stalking, manipulation, abduction, threats
Tags: @kanaosprotector @leveyani
S/o can look into the future
Kamado Nezuko
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💕Nezuko honestly doesn't care much about your ability as long as you don't abuse it for evil purposes. Considering that her personality has been underdeveloped as a demon in favor of building a resistance against the sun, chances are also that she might not even grasp the full concept of what your skills are anyways. She does sense however that there seems to be something different about you, whether she concludes that due to observing you or taking notice of the way people around you treat you. Most of the time Nezuko is quite harmless though as she mainly just follows you around wherever you go. She is incredibly protective as soon as she senses that you are distressed or scared though which means she will keep you safe from people who try to force you into telling them their future. Obviously she has resorted to not killing humans so in most cases she helps you to escape. It is far more likely that it is her brother who is asking you for your help due to your ability to see the future for Nezuko's sake.
Kocho Shinobu
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🦋​Shinobu is quite talented to hide her true feelings behind her sweet appearance which can be deceiving. Obviously she has a certain interest in your abilities when she finds them out since she is still a Hashira after all but she also recognises what this implies if you were to use your vision daily. Her cover would be blown sooner or later as you may see scenarios of the future where she reveals the darker side of her personality to you which she has been hiding so far. There is a lot to consider but she doesn't show it when she is around you as she attempts to question you about your abilities and how exactly they work without appearing suspicious. Is there a limit to how far you can see and does the future change depending on the decisions individuals make or is it all already decided? All of those information would help her crafting a plan the moment you would figure her out. She doubts that even your vision would do much if she would manage to poison and weaken you though.
Rengoku Kyojuro
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🔥​Whilst he isn't too insistent about using your gift to find out how his own future with you might look as his delusional streak gives him an unbeatable confidence that you'll be in it, Kyojuro is very dedicated to his tasks as a Hashira. With your foresight he and other Hashira may be able to prevent demon attacks before they even happen and even detecting Muzan might be easier. Since this duty wouldn't require you to fight against demons yourself nor would it put you into any danger as long as no demon finds out about you, Kyojuro is willing to let you do this. He never really considers that you may use your abilities to escape him if you would see something in the future that would paint him in a bad light yet it is still quite a bit of trouble to get away from him. There is his younger brother, other villagers who adore him and then Kyojuro himself who would never stop searching for you. Surely there has to be a misunderstanding. Why don't you just talk to him, darling?
Kanroji Mitsuri
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💓​You can definitely expect her to be curious about your gift as she wonders how the future will look like and you only give her more reason to gush over you because of it. She is prone to fantasising about a happy future where the two of you live together as a happy and married couple but she is at least lucid enough to recognise that this isn't the reality she is living in currently. She is still very hopeful about her dreams and that they will come true in the future so you would break her heart if you were to tell her that you don't see this in your future yet it would also only serve to make her more determined to work harder to win your affections. Obviously she isn't pressuring you into telling her anything nor will she allow anyone else to pressure you into becoming the next oracle. Mitsuri would, however, support your decision if you were to decide to use your foresight for the greater good by working for the Demon Corps and predicting future attacks and appearances of demons which would aid greatly in serving lives.
Kibutsuji Muzan
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🩸​Your gift in a scenario where Muzan is the one obsessing over you is absolutely terrifying because he would abuse this to its full extent. Of course there is still an affection and attachment that the demon king holds for you somewhere in his many hearts but it is undeniable that by figuring out your abilities, he gets a lot more obsessive and possessive over you. Implications are that you will know about him and try to flee beforehand which he wants to prevent under all means necessary. He will either act quickly by abducting you himself or he will order all of his underlings to hunt you down and bring you to him alive if you should manage to escape in time and piss him off greatly as a result. You will be forced to tell him everything you can see as well as your gift might just be what he needs to find the Blue Spider Lily and he is not going to be patient about it if you would deny him your help. What are you trying to accomplish by denying him? Even your foresight will not be enough to get away from him.
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silkythewriter · 1 year
General dating headcanons for Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, and Alastor?
꧁General dating headcanons for Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, and alastor!!꧂
Summary: dating headcanons for our favorite demon boys!
Small warning!: sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and Sorry if any of the characters are OOC!!
Small note!: Hi! I’m exited to be writing again for hazbin hotel I hope you enjoy these!!<33
Fandom!: hazbin hotel!
Daily song suggestions!:
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❤︎︎Angel Dust❤︎︎
He absolutely loves physical affection to be honest only thing is don’t do it without warning cause he could get quite startled. But other then that he loves when you hug or cuddle him <33
He never ever lets you get involved with his work though, even if you guys met at work or not he just doesn’t like bringing up work with relaxing time, also Valentino is a powerful man so he doesn’t want you getting involved with his shady business
I feel like he knows a lot of self care routines and he loves doing it with you!! Like face masks and stuff, he also likes showing you how he takes care of his fur/hair and chest fluff he finds it relaxing doing it with you and explaining the steps
He calls you and him the parents of fat nuggets ☠️ but honestly you don’t mind considering how cute they are!! He loves playing with fat nuggets and you, he even once did that thing where you put your pet on the ground and made them choose between you and the other person, fat nuggets went to you some how which angel was completely shocked about but accepted it 😭
This man can get very flirtatious at any given moment even when it isn’t appropriate, like that one time he started flirting with you as you tried talking to a friend on the phone ect. You always get flustered or flirt back, if you do flirt back expect a flirting war too Accor
He loves stealing stuff for you, of course he never out right says it but when you see a ring he gave you and see a name incrusted into it on the inner side you kinda just assumed it 🤷‍♀️
Overall this man is very affectionate towards you and absolutely loves you to death and back, and he can show it in many different ways if you know what I’m sayin 🧑‍🦯
Cherry bomb and you are great friends to be honest and honestly angel loves that, he absolutely loves shopping or blowing up and causing chaos together!!!
Has adorable nicknames or you like sugar, bunny, sweet cheeks, and my lil addiction <333
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People where honestly surprised with your guy’s relationship and how you made him fall in love with you- they always assumed he just hated the thought of dating until you came along
Please be patient with him cause he’s not the best with physical nor emotional affection he’s still getting use to it so please give him the poor guy some time 😭😭
Drinking buds for sure only if you really want to though, but don’t expect to get drunk easily. You’ll have a to wait a bit and dink wayyy more then what’s good for you just to see him tipsy
He doesn’t let you try drinking like him cause he does worry for you even if he doesn’t show you in the best ways.
Your guy’s relationship probably gets really rocky sometimes, he honestly doesn’t mean to do it but he’s just kinda getting use to the idea of someone caring for him so he can maybe make you cry sometimes because of he’s comments so if your soft hearted keep in mind he doesn’t mean it in a rude way!….most of the times….
He’s has a genuine fear of you leaving or you just breaking things off randomly cause he knows his behavior is hard to handle but he can’t really fix that
He does (surprisingly) cut back on drinking, this honestly took him a bit of will power but he did it for you so he doesn’t regret it one bit <3.
On the off chance he gets use to physical affection, he absolutely loves when you pet his fur/wing. Sometimes it leads him to purring iyour lucky but the other staff tease him about it a lot so he’d rather do it in private ☠️
Not one for PDA to be honest he has a rough persona and he has a hard time shifting/Changing that
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🐍Sir Pentious🐍
This guy is a piece of work honestly- he’s a big hand full
Whenever you guys are in public he’s a “bad boy” but trust once your behind closed door this man is all over you and can’t handle being without you😭😭🫶
If you complement one of his plans or inventions you bet he’s gonna be stuttering and blushing like he’s having a heat stroke- he feels completely embarrassed afterwards 😭😭
The egg bois love setting you guys up for random dates- sir pentious always said he hated it but secretly loves it cause you laugh and giggle at the silliness of the situation, he find your laugh intoxicating
You have to constantly make sure he isn’t hurting or accidentally killing the sweet eggs ☠️they are at constant thanks to your mercy and treat you as well as they treat sir pentious. They absolutely adore you<3
You have to make sure he’s okay after every battle he has that mostly contains alastor- you have a bone to pick with that deer boy but for now you have to focus on the hurt grumpy sack of snake infront of you
He has cute nicknames for you like angel!!, the ones he uses the most is my butterfly, tiny mice, and darling <3 he mostly uses them in private though cause he doesn’t wanna show any weakness to he’s enemies
Whenever you guys cuddle he loves wrapping he’s tail around you while he snuggles his head into your chest or you snuggle into his, sometimes he accidentally tights his grip a bit to much- but it manageable once you start getting use to it!!
He can be quite the drama queen sometimes- depending on the setting and situation. If you guys are in private you have to help him calm down by hanging out with him or just petting him and comforting him. But if you guys are in a public situation he’ll just make a big scene and just fight someone randomly-
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This man can be such a gentleman but smart ass at the same time 💀💀
People are very aware of you guys being together, which leads to people scattering or running off at your presents because their terrified of what would happen to them if they do one wrong move around you
He’s a complete gentleman to you, like opening doors for you, pulling out a chair, or kissing the back of your hand type stuff! Honestly it would be completely adorable to people if it wasn’t for his overlord status
He’s pretty okay with PDA! Just doesn’t really like overdoing it, he mostly keeps it to hand on waist and that’s pretty much it 💀he likes dong more interment stuff privately like hugging or cuddling
On rare occasions he might let you stroke his hair or touch his tail but it’s very rare 💀 he doesn’t like being vulnerable most of the time so don’t expect this to happen often sadly :(.
He loves seeing you wear he’s tie for some weird reason, he can’t explain why he does he just finds it adorable and humors it
OMG, he absolutely AODRES making Jambalaya for you, or just cooking and baking in general!!!, though he’s a bit worse at baking then cooking but he still finds it fun! It doesn’t Matter if you do or don’t know how to cook or bake it’s just for fun, he loves seeing you giggling or smiling while your clothes and face are covered with flower and such <3
He’s not overprotective to say just a bit… worried, is the best way to put it, of course he never breaks he’s undying smile but with how many powerful enemies he has he gets worried about all the worst possibilities, that’s why he keeps a close eye on you, also makes you guys wait awhile before being a bit public about your relationship but even then few demons know about it if they pay close attention. Which works in their favor cause they can quickly run away from you just incase the radio demon is lingering near you
Nifty is one who goes with you incase he can’t he needs to make sure your okay, or he just sends his shadow. Like I said he has many powerful enemies so being with him might come with some drawbacks but trust me after awhile it’ll be worth it!! <3
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THANK YOU FOR THE REQUEST!!! I absolutely loved writing this😭😭😭😭🫶🫶🫶it was so fun I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!
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How will the upcoming Eclipses affect you?
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Note: this will be focused on Vedic astrology, so please be respectful if you don't agree nor care.
On March 24, 2024 there will be an Penumbral Lunar Eclipse forming from 9:53pm-2:32am PT, followed by a Total Solar Eclipse on April 8, 2024 at 8:42am-1:52pm PT.
As the ancient Indian legend goes, an eclipse occurs when the shadowy demon Rahu Ketu gets his revenge on the Sun and the Moon by consuming them and stealing their luminous rays. Their pure, creative energy gets twisted and dark during the eclipse and for a few days after. This myth does not exactly conjure a heart warming mental image, and that’s intentional.
According to Vedic Astrology, is that eclipses can be a really bad time to start or make key decisions about projects, relationships, jobs, or any other important thing in the material world.
Do not, on the day of an eclipse or the few days after it, start an important new project, sign a contract, make a deal, or any other material activity if you have another option.
On the other hand, eclipses are a great time to stay in, meditate, and do your inner work. In fact, they provide an especially rich opportunity to connect with spirit because the ‘veils’ are thin.
The Lunar Eclipse will happen in the Virgo-Pisces axis, while the the Solar Eclipse will occur in Pisces. There will be a heavy focus on decluttering our day to day habits which are all deeply related to our spiritual practices and hygiene. Imagine that a huge storm comes through to transform the way you work, your health habits, organization skills, and show you how all of them are deeply connected to our subconscious mind. It comes to show us how most of our day to limitations come from within, and how endings are actually a divine blessing.
Depending on what house the Lunar or Solar eclipse will be transiting in our chart, it will tell us where to expect this transformations, karmic balance, and overall readjustments.
Here's how the Lunar Eclipse (full moon) or Solar Eclipse (new moon) will affect your chart:
1st/7th House Axis: there will be major changes to how you relate to yourself and others. The way that your personality, physical self, and approach to life has been currently functioning when it comes to relationships, business partners, and way of interacting with others overall will be highlighted for good, bad, or both. If you're a Pisces ASC, there will be a focus and major transformations within your close relationships. If there's anyone that you've been holding onto despite knowing how toxic it is, then you will see it faltering away by the end of April. If there's anyone who has been actively holding negative intentions or sending evil eye your way, it will become obvious, which will then lead you to severing it for good. Now, for Virgo ASC, you will notice major changes to your physical health depending of course on how you've been taking care of yourself. As well on your daily routine, work, and other related themes. There will be an event that will occur that will somehow change the way you've perceived life or yourself, and that will become the trigger to a meaningful change in your personality or attitude.
This eclipse will wash away like a sea storm anything that has been holding back both these signs from greatness, or will make them pay back some pending karma if they've been neglecting themselves or spiritual path. The eye of the storm is on YOU. There will be nowhere to run to anymore. You will face yourself, accept it gracefully, and evolve into the version that has been calling out within for very long.
If you've already been working on your inner and outer self, then no worries! This energy will simply push out of your way anything that has been blocking your blessings.
2nd/8th House Axis: there will be major changes to the way you've used money and resources to achieve longevity, to heal, towards your food habits, and long term financial security. Some major event will make you realize that perhaps you haven't been utilizing it in the best way possible. There might a sudden debt or losses coming your way if you've been ignoring your finances, or on the other hand, there might be a sudden gain of money that happens without you expecting it at all. Overall, it is suggested to not make any major financial decisions and to instead sit down and focus on organizing your finances. Think about those expenses that you don't actually need and that are affecting or accumulating long term. The ones that could be keeping you from achieving long term financial security. Make introspection your focus, and regardless of what comes your way, you will be able to handle it.
3rd/9th House Axis: this is more of a mental and spiritual focus, which is very good actually. You will see changes occuring in the way you've been communicating with yourself and others. The way you've been socializing with siblings, neighbors, and those within your near vicinity. All of this has been affecting how your mental and physical horizons have expanded so far. Your inner world has always been related to your philosophy, education, interactions with those that come from a different cultural background, and your ethics as well. There might sudden events that occur that will transform the way you've been dealing with those matters. Perhaps your relationship with your siblings is not good, but now one of them needs urgent help, and you're put in a situation where your aid helps mending the situation or making you realize why the distancing must continue. Another way could be, how you've been resisting developing academically to a higher level, and now a job requires you go back to learning something. It could also be unexpected traveling or changing from one religion to another (or to believing in none).
4th/10th House Axis: the changes that will occur will be related to how your home environment, family, inner world, mother wounds, or foundations have been affecting your career, reputation, public image, and fame. A situation might occur that changes the way you've perceived both of these matters. Perhaps you've been limited by a tumultuous home situation for a while, and that has kept you from reaching your peak career level, which would then be transformed so you can finally have access to it. It could also be that you've been hyper focusing so much on work that you've been neglecting building a stable home where you can feel safe, secure, and develop your inner world further, which would then imply something happening at work that forces you to face it. Overall, you will find peace among the storm when you decide to sit down and meditate on inner limitations that have been keeping you from reaching your material goals. Do you shy away from the public? Do you hate being perceived? Or Do you love being the center of attention too much? Are you always trying to appeal to the public even when you feel differently within?
Also, this might not occur to everyone, but I sense that those who might be doing corrupt dealings in at work or home will be suddenly exposed for everyone to see. An abusive parent that no one knows about because he keeps a pretty reputation? Everyone in the family and outside will see their true colors. A boss/celebrity/senator that’s using their power to abuse those under their leadership? Public embarrassment as everyone will be seeing their “dirty laundry” and there’s a possibility of them losing said position due to it.
5th/11th House Axis: these changes will be surrounded by the way your romantic pursuits, self expression, creativity, and children (if there are any) affect your goals, long term vision, friends, social network, online persona, wishes, and desires of the future. A situation might occur where a recent crush or someone you’re casually dating (not necessarily formal) exposes something about themselves or you that changes your perception of what you want for the future. It could also be them doing something that affects your reputation online for good or bad. There could also be something like a hobby or creative pursuit bringing you a secure income or popping up on social media. For some others, it could also be adjusting the way they express themselves with their future goals/wishes/desires.
This might not be for majority, but there might be some who find out they are pregnant, and that will of course, put them in a situation of having to re-evaluate their future. If there’s already children in the play, then there might be something that gets revealed about them as well.
Overall, I would suggest to sit down and meditate on the ways that you’ve allowed your inner expression to align with your goals. Are you holding back your gifts and not expressing them online out of fear? Are you overly focusing on material goals so much that you are getting disconnected from your inner child? Are you connecting to the things that bring you joy and align with your goals?
6th/12th House Axis: in here the changes or revelations will have your day to day work, routine, health, and service given to others put into contrast with how you maintain your spirituality, karma, and subconscious beliefs. There might be situations that occur at work that will shake you enough to drive you into isolation and healing. So there’s the possibility of losing your job, only to realize that if you wouldn’t have then a better one was not going to arrive. It could also be something within your spirituality coming to the front and pushing you towards changing your day to day routine, like adding yoga/meditation/journaling. For some others, it could be health conditions that were ignored coming up, and needing to be dealt with wether you like it or not.
I would suggest prioritizing your mental and physical health A LOT during this time, although it won’t be optional. Focus on those aspects and you’ll get positive results by the time eclipse season ends. Just make sure you don’t resist or fight them, as it would only get worst.
Hope this is useful and informative reading! Please do not be afraid of these Eclipses, they often come with necessary changes that will help us be aligned to our best version.
From my previous experience, I had one occur during my birthday, it was super heavy and honestly the worst one I had. But, I was able to release all the frustrations I had dwelling inside, and literally the next day, had an AMAZING experience. Few months later, four to be specific, I was able to meet my current partner. Mind you, after dealing with a situationship a month after said birthday that left me shook, but was very much needed. Everything I had asked for during the Eclipse came to me, but in a really wonky way, hence why its best to NOT manifest during an Eclipse (if you like chaotic energy though, go right ahead).
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Thinkin about Su Xiyan, Tianlang-jun, and Luo Binghe again…
Su Xiyan who was forced into doing things and who desperately didn’t want to betray Tianlang-jun and who drank poison so she could see him again and warn him only to find out that she was far too late. And she gave birth to a little baby boy and instead of tossing him overboard into the water or letting him freeze, she wrapped him in her own robes to send him down the river. She must’ve been hoping he’d live, right? She must’ve been desperately longing for her child to live. She must’ve been so tired. She looked back on those times when she and Tianlang-jun would tease and flirt with each other and despite everything, she must’ve felt so terribly, terribly alone.
Tianlang-jun, who begins as a legitimately almost pure-hearted maiden. He likes to bounce around the human realm and play their songs and read their stories and spend way too much money until he’s broke. And he falls so hard for Su Xiyan. He falls so hard for her, to the point that he brings her up constantly and he asks Zhuzhi-Lang whether or not he’s handsome and he trusts her and trusts her and trusts her… only for everything to be torn apart. Only to be buried under a mountain and stuck thinking that Su Xiyan is the one who caused all of it. Barely even able to mourn for everything he’s lost.
It isn’t like the world is kind to them after everything. Tianlang-jun is painted as a monster who was on the verge of storming the human realm. Su Xiyan is badmouthed the moment people find out that she was pregnant with Tianlang-jun’s child. No matter what she does, she can’t win. If she betrayed her sect for Tianlang-jun, then she was a traitor who was seduced by a demon. If she betrayed Tianlang-jun for her sect, then she was a horrible mother and terrible woman. If she tried to kill her unborn child, she’s unfit to be called a woman. If she tried to save him, she brought an unholy abomination into the world. She just can’t win.
And of course Luo Binghe’s supposed to be tragic. Of course his story is supposed to be sad. But he’s so desperate for any hint of affection and he’s told to his face that he’s an unholy abomination and his father doesn’t seem to care about him and his mother tried to abort him and it’s so easy to feel all alone. It’s so easy for him to feel like he doesn’t fit anywhere, because he’s both human and demon, which means he’s neither human nor demon.
The part that always makes me tear up is when Luo Binghe tries to merge the two realms together. He’s so desperate. He’s so broken. He doesn’t know what to do and he only knows that he doesn’t want to be left behind. He says that nobody has ever chosen him. He says that it would be fine even if Shen Qingqiu hated him, as long as he didn’t toss him aside.
And it’s awful! This family is awful! It’s so sad! It’s too sad! Su Xiyan chose Luo Binghe before anyone else did. Su Xiyan chose to save him, chose to try and keep him warm and dry. Even at the cost of her own life, she chose him! And she chose him because she loved Tianlang-jun! She basically poisoned herself trying to keep the only thing she had left of Tianlang-jun alive! Tianlang-jun says that Luo Binghe looks like her. Tianlang-jun can’t even be angry or sad when he mentions her, he just goes blank, until he finds out that she really wanted to save him and he can’t help but love her all over again! Tianlang-jun looks at Luo Binghe and Luo Binghe is proof that Su Xiyan loved him!
Luo Binghe realizes that he hurt Shen Qingqiu and he’s more than horrified. All he’s ever wanted to do is be strong enough that Shen Qingqiu doesn’t have to get hurt saving him anymore, but all he ever seem to accomplishe is hurting Shen Qingqiu himself. He tries to learn demonic cultivation to get stronger and he gets pushed into the Endless Abyss. He tries to learn spiritual cultivation and Shen Qingqiu dies in his arms. He tries to keep Shen Qingqiu’s body in perfect condition so that he can bring hin back to life, only for the body to be stolen out from under him twice. He asks, again and again, for Shen Qingqiu to choose him, and he never gets chosen.
But, you can’t actually blame Shen Qingqiu. Because all of those scenes of him not choosing Luo Binghe ARE him choosing Luo Binghe! He chooses Binghe and Binghe’s safety everytime, he just never realizes that he himself is necessary for Binghe to be safe. And why would he assume that? He hurt Binghe and he feels like he can’t be forgiven for it, to the point that all of his suffering is him punishing himself.
Luo Binghe in the wedding extra asks Shen Qingqiu to marry him and he’s so nervous beforehand that he literally trips. He stutters. And even after he asks, he tells Shen Qingqiu not to answer, because he can’t listen to the answer, he can’t listen to Shen Qingqiu turn him aside again and he contents himself with thinking that even if they aren’t married, Shen Qingqiu has indulgently allowed him to follow wherever he goes, and that’s enough.
So when Shen Qingqiu does say yes, it’s emotional. He’s shocked. And even as he pulls out all the stops for the “wedding,” I don’t think Luo Binghe is actually convinced that Shen Qingqiu meant it until the next day, when Shen Qingqiu calls him “Husband” without even being asked. I think that’s the moment it hit him. Shen Qingqiu chose him.
We start the novels by hearing a basic outline of PIDW, which starts with Su Xiyan choosing Luo Binghe. We end the novels with Shen Qingqiu choosing Luo Binghe. Luo Binghe finally, finally understands what it feels like to be loved.
Meng Mo and the Huan Hua Palace Master want Luo Binghe as their student because he’s powerful and capable and, in the Palace Master’s case, he reminds him of Su Xiyan. His wives, it’s somewhat strongly implied, mostly wanted him for sex and what he could do for them. Nobody ever really befriends Luo Binghe at any point. He’s always standing apart from others. He’s never part of the Huan Hua disciples and he stands out amongst the Cang Qiong sect disciples and he stands out among demons and he stands out among humans and
And he finally stands with Shen Qingqiu. He’s finally not alone. He’s finally someone’s first choice. He finally feels like someone’s first choice.
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fun-k-board · 1 year
AVATAR 2009 with a Human ! S/O who adores Christmas
Characters included: Jake Sully, Neytiri, Tsu'Tey
Pronouns: They / Them
Relationship: Romantic
When text is in bold that means it's spoken in Na'vi, I have no clue if Na'vi have gender neutral language so sorry if this isn't accurate.
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Jake Sully
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Jake never understood about Christmas, he wasn't one of the lucky few on Earth who had a rich family nor did his family particularly show an overabundance of affection.
He and his brother weren't to close, it hurt when he died of course, but at the end of the day he wouldn't see him for years when he went to Pandora anyway.
So, your sadness over not being able to celebrate it was confusing, but Jake cared for you and tried to comfort you despite this.
"You don't look so good." Jake mumbled and sat down next to you, his eyes stared into you intently as he waited for a response.
"I just miss my family, we use to celebrate Christmas and..." You trailed off, your ears down and tail curling on your thigh. A whimper escaped you as tears began welling in your eyes.
"Oh." He paused, sucking in a large breath "I'm sorry. Maybe we could make last minute presents for each other?" Jake quietly suggested, pulling a shy smile that showed off his sharp teeth.
"That'd be nice..." You quietly whispered, smiling back softly at him while you tried wiping away your tears as calming your breaths.
And so you made whatever you thought would be best for Jake, I could imagine him getting you a weapon or maybe some type of neckwear that would give you a sense of pride.
He doesn't really try to expand it to Neytiri given the cultural differences, but I see Norm getting into the holiday spirit, maybe Grace if her present is a cigarette.
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Neytiri taught you and Jake the ways of the Na'vi, to which you both listened, adapted and overcame the differences in your cultures.
However, you still missed your old life. As horrible, polluted and poor Earth became, you still missed family. Apart of family was Christmas, giving to others even outside of who you considered family just to see their smiles, it was something you hadn't experienced in years. You missed that. And you'd never get it back.
"There is something on your mind." Neytiri plainly stated, her words catching you off guard, looking you up and down as she handed food to Jake on her right.
"It's a time of year at home." He replied, looking to me in pity. "Where you can participate in a tradition on Earth, I'll let them explain the details if they want." Jake awkwardly looked away, munching on an unnaturally large amount of teylu. Neytiri turned to me expectantly.
"It's one about family and giving, cherishing those you love, those and even the things around you." You nodded as you spoke even if there was no reason to, awkwardly smiling while Neytiri smiled sweetly.
"It sounds like a wonderful tradition. What is it called?" Her stare bore into your eyes, her own were soft.
"Christmas." You sighed, continuing only because the silence would be unbearable. "We hurt our great mother and caused a lot of pain, it became harder and harder to celebrate as time continued. Now almost nobody truly celebrates it as it was intented, instead a shallow reminder of what it originally was." Neytiri held your hand and nodded.
"I am understanding of your pain, I hope all sky people learn to see as you and Jake have."
She doesn't go out of her way to celebrate it, but notes the general time it happens around and maybe gives you little trinkets that would be meaningless to most.
I can definetly imagine Neytiri showing you in depth Na'vi culture, as she already does, but with more pride as she realises how important you can take cultural and traditional events. But, most of all I imagine you'd be spending time with each other, even if she personally doesn't believe in Christmas, she believes in you. Neytiri sees you.
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He mainly made fun of you and Jake for being 'demons', so getting to know you was a lengthy process and required patience on both ends.
Given you were already learning of Na'vi culture from Neytiri, he didn't find the need to teach you anything other than fighting and flying, so when you asked him about something the explanation was very short and simple.
Tsu'tey couldn't say he was too interested in sky people or their traditions, but he noticed you weren't doing too well for the past few weeks. Your sour mood showed in your training and pushed you back, so it was garunteed he would speak on it eventually.
"Why are you sitting here? The ikrans are-" He was momentarily stopped in his words by your tear stained face. Not only was your face uncanny for him with your features unlike natural Na'vi, but beyond that, you were hurt.
"What... What is bothering you?" You noticed his switch to English as hesitantly placed a hand on your shoulder, lowering into a kneel as he stared deep into your eyes.
"Us human- uh, sky people, have a tradition." You began, Tsu'tey was interested in your words and the curious look he had told you to continue "This time we begin giving gifts, we spend more time with family, friends and... Significant others." You coughed shyly, unsure of the word in Na'vi before remembering "Mates." You clarified.
"It sounds like a prosperous time for your people." He nodded respectfully, holding your hand and looking comfortingly into your eyes. "I see your pain, and I am sorry brother/sister."
He, like Neytiri, doesn't go out of his way to celebrate. Mainly taking part in spending time and showing how much he loves you. Sometimes it can be awkward and stiff, but Tsu'tsy is quite literally an alien who viewed all humans as demons. Unless you explain to him how you view Christmas, he's unsure of how important it is to you and doesn't want to come off as offensive.
In turn, I can imagine him pointing out things similar to his own culture, feeling like a part of him was always with you even before you met.
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violetduchess · 11 months
Muzan drabble prompt 27? Reader is a non violent demon and is head over heels for muzan. I love muzan so much he's my bbg
27. "Please stay with me."
The moon hung high in the night sky as you found yourself standing before Muzan, the one who held your heart captive. Your voice quivered slightly as you mustered the courage to utter those four vulnerable words.
"Please, stay with me."
Your eyes pleaded with him, filled with a mix of longing and desperation. You had always been a non-violent demon, your abilities geared towards healing and restoration rather than destruction. But even with your pacifistic nature, you couldn't deny the depth of your feelings for Muzan.
In his presence, you felt a whirlwind of emotions—intense adoration, an undeniable connection, and a desire for a future together. The thought of him leaving, of being separated from the one who had captured your heart, was unbearable.
You reached out a trembling hand, as if to bridge the gap between you and Muzan, to hold onto the fleeting chance of happiness. "I care for you deeply," you confessed, your voice laced with sincerity. "Your darkness does not scare me. I see the good within you, and I want to be by your side."
Muzan's gaze met yours, his expression unreadable for a moment. There was a flicker of surprise, perhaps even a glimmer of something softer in his eyes. The weight of your words hung in the air, anticipation rising within you.
But then, as if a shadow fell over his features, Muzan's expression hardened. He pulled away, distancing himself from your touch. "You don't understand," he murmured, his voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and resignation. "I am darkness incarnate. To stay with me would only bring you pain."
Tears welled in your eyes, but you refused to let them fall. You couldn't force someone to change, nor could you extinguish the darkness that consumed Muzan's heart. Despite your own feelings, you had to respect his decision.
"I understand," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "But please know that my offer still stands. If ever you need someone to listen, to stand by your side, I will be there."
With a heavy heart, you turned away, knowing that some loves were simply not meant to be. The pain of unrequited affection lingered, but you refused to let it dim the light within you.
As you walked away, you vowed to channel your love and compassion towards those who were willing to accept it. And though Muzan may have turned you down, you would continue to offer him support and understanding.
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All rights reserved @violetduchess. All works of fanfiction belong to me, please do not copy, translate or repost any works without my express permission. Thank you.~☆
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the-six-that-thrive-if · 10 months
How would u rank the ros from most to least jealous/ possessive and how do they act when they’re jealous
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She is the definition of jealous and has no fear showing it. Unless it's someone she likes, Angel expects anyone else is trying to steal you away. Like to the point she might get violent if provoked. She would never hurt you, but she would hurt the person she's jealous of, she definitely will. She's definitely the most possessive and obsessive.
If it's the other way around and you're trying to make her jealous, she won't be mad at you, since that just means you care about her and want her like she wants you. It's not hard to make her jealous tho.
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If he could keep you trapped in a cage, he would. Unlike Angel who would never lay a hand on you, he would. Like absolutely would. The only reason he's second is because of his Fem side. When he's jealous, he has no problem saying he's jealous, and in fact is mad at YOU for making him jealous. [He's so mean.]
Don't try and make him jealous.
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He doesn't mean to be jealous, but it's definitely tied to some childhood trauma. He won't ever act on his jealousy but he would get real clingy and seem distant. When he's jealous he just lets whoever is making him jealous continue, unless it gets physically, he's pulling you away.
If you try and make him jealous, he honestly feels horrible about himself. Like why would you do that to him. Then later he'll be mad at you, and won't talk to you for weeks, unless you apologize.
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He's really cool with his jealousy. If someone is flirting with you, he doesn't care, since he trusts you. (He's definitely turning up the heat tho. Feels like you're standing in an oven.) He's not that possessive either, since nothing can top his bond nor bloodhound loyalty to you.
Now if you're the one who's flirting and or trying to make him jealous, you're not getting a reaction—this is due to his bloodhound loyalty, since there are many bloodhounds who are tied to one God, it's not unusual for their God/Master to favor another, so Dante won't be jealous, but he does try harder for your affection. [See, you got him feeling like he's not pleasing you enough.]
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Healthiest Love Interest. She genuinely trusts you and she doesn't care if others talk nor flirt with you, because she expects you to turn them down, out of respect for her. If she's feeling jealous, she'll have a simple conversation with you about it, and is very good with communicating her needs, though it comes out sorta blunt and mean, which she works on.
If you're the one flirting to make her jealous, she's slightly amused, but she's more worried about why you felt the need to make her jealous. Always wanting to get to the root of the problem.
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You could spit on him and he'd say thank you. Honestly let's you have free reign in the relationship as long as they don't cross his boundaries and you remain honest. He's not real possessive nor the jealous type.
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This man doesn't care.
If you're actively doing something to make him mad and or get on his nerves, he's simply ignoring you and moving on. Don't play with him, cause he has no issues cutting bitches off. He's also not the jealous type. If someone flirts, he expects you to ignore them or brush them off, simple.
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bunchofstraydogs · 4 months
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@nihilo-sensei Sorry for the late response, i gave up on writing lmao.
I see where you’re coming from, but to be honest, I don’t see BEAST!Atsushi and Kyōka joining canon verse ADA. B!Atsushi is, at best, unhinged. Far more than canon Atsushi ever was. Some things in our lives get so deeply engraved into our souls, that it becomes our nature. Beast Atsushi isn’t good, nor inherently evil, he’s just wild. Feral, actually, would be the perfect word to describe him. You can’t have someone as bloodthirsty, terrified, and unstable in ADA. They’re a detective agency that first and foremost have a duty to protect the public, not a sanctuary for the mistreated. While they comprise of such people, Beast Atsushi would be more of a liability, despite him being a far better and more competent fighter than canon Atsushi.
And where Atsushi goes, so does Kyoka, and that hasn’t changed.
For canon and beast SSKK meeting, i will remove everyone else from the equation and focus on these chuckleheads.
Beast SSKK doesn’t have the same dynamic and connection canon SSKK does. This fact mainly affects how Chuuyas would perceive the other two. And among the four of them, only B!Dazai would have a clear understanding of the situation.
Let’s start with Dazai. Beast Dazai is vastly different than canon Dazai. In canon, Dazai was set off on a better path by Odasaku. He’s also grown to care about people and doing relatively right by them. He also lives because he doesn’t want his death to hurt others. He has a goal, he has done good (he’s far from being good, though), and people depend on him.
Beast Dazai, on the other hand, while knowing the other side of things, is entirely whacked in the head and selfish. Obsessed, even. He also never had Oda in his life, only knew him from memories that weren’t even his. He is far colder than canon Dazai (not that the canon one is a ray of sunshine). While he did steer the mafia to protect people from the shadows, his only goal was to make certain that Oda lives and becomes the author he wanted. That, and to be friends with Odasaku, something that seems to be impossible for him. He never truly cared much about the rest.
Dazais wouldn’t take well to each other. I am certain Beast Dazai would actually hate canon Dazai on some level for getting to experience friendship with Oda and for “letting” Oda die. Canon Dazai, on the other hand, would at first look at his parallel self notice the sheer difference, the emptiness and darkness, and would see him as the biggest threat, actually. Because it’s true, his greatest enemy is, and always will be, himself. In this situation for a different reason other than his inner demons. Because who else can pose the intellectual challenge to Dazai better than Dazai. And this one in particular has the upper hand, knowing what he does.
Neither of them would concern much with Chuuya of either world, as they pose larger threat to each other.
Chuuyas, on the other hand, well. Unfortunately, we haven’t seen much of Beast Chuuya, so I don’t know how different he is not having the history with Dazai he does in canon. Nor do we know how he joined. But he appears to be the same spicy, loyal Chuuya as he is in canon. His disdain for Dazai is larger than in canon, but his loyalty is holding him in place and is aware that Dazai is above him. Canon SSKK are a duo, partners, equals, whatever have you. So the power dynamic is different.
That said, the difference in the Dazais is obvious at first glance, and both notice it.
I think that, the more those two talk and provoke each other, the more they realize how unlike the state of things are between them. That gets them even more confused and weary.
But to cut it short, Chuuyas would be able to coexist with each other.
Beast Chuuya would be annoyed with canon Dazai at most, but loyal to his Dazai and serve him in the end.
Canon Chuuya would fall into a familiar tandem with his Dazai to resolve the very big problem that Beast Dazai poses.
Beast Dazai wouldn’t care much about the situation. He’s not looking to cause a ruckus in the canon world or any tangible trouble for the other two (besides just mind fucking with them for his own amusement), as Oda is already dead in their world so any effort on his part is wasted.
And canon Dazai would hyper focus on Beast Dazai, of course not leaving Beast Chuuya out of the equation. But given the chance, he may try to play things off and annoy Beast Chuuya by “ordering” him around as he is his “boss” and tell canon Chuuya to be more like Beast one.
I cannot guarantee the accuracy of this text. It’s been years since I read BEAST and I definitely forgot things. It’s also been a hot moment since i last immersed myself in the franchise, so ya. Don’t take it to heart. Hope you liked it.
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ineffable-sideburns · 4 months
Okay, so I’ve seen a few comments about how it took Gabriel and Beelzebub only 4 years to choose their own sides but 6,000 years after the garden wall where Aziraphale lied to God, he’s somehow still right where he started when it comes to breaking out of the terrible institution he’s a part of (I disagree there but that’s a different conversation and I just wanted to focus on Gabriel and Beelzebub for a second.) This is half baked and I’m not looking to prove anyone wrong because I don’t think anyone is necessarily wrong. It just got me thinking and I thought this context might be important as to why it was so “easy” for Gabriel and Beelzebub.
First of all, I think that Gabriel (and likely Beelzebub) are different from Aziraphale in a few ways, so imo it’s hard to directly compare their journeys. Gabriel in particular, doesn’t really think about things too deeply. His thought process after Armageddon’t was (reductively): what the fuck am I going to do now > oh hi beelzebub you’re tired of your job too? > okay I like the fly demon now they gave me a gift no one has done that > I’m just gonna tell my people “no Armageddon sequel” > now I’m on trial and I’m ready to be sent to hell, see ya soon babe! 🫶 > oh fuck he’s not going to send me to hell 🙄 > time to get naked and hide my memories before I’m erased as Gabriel
And the fact that Gabriel went about things the way he did, with the simplest plan and outlook, and it almost ended in him getting his current identity erased, shows that he either just doesn’t think about or worry about things the way Aziraphale and Crowley have had to, or he just doesn’t care. A bit of both, I think. This is me reading between the lines, but after season 2, Beelzebub and Gabriel come off as the kind of people who do their jobs out of necessity, not passion: “this is just what we do (follow the great plan), this is how the world is and it’s what I’ve always known”, and most importantly “what option do I have other than to keep doing this?”
I think you can certainly read the tarmac scene after Armageddon’t as the catalyst for them first questioning the purpose of it all, but it’s also where they see that doing something other than the Great Plan (or what they’ve been doing) is an option.
…I’d also argue that there’s a difference between reciting the company policy and feeding that as ambrosia to your underlings (season 1 Gabriel reads this way to me in hindsight), and believing it and caring about it yourself. Like I said above, Gabriel and Beelzebub are not very passionate, nor do they think about things in the way of “what does all of this mean about me?” They’re out of touch, they don’t interact with humans in ways to see them as people which might cause them to question their actions and their self-concept: this is just a job for them, they pull in the numbers, and they know what they’re meant to be doing, and do it. Even after they realize that it’s all pointless and they choose “their side”, neither of them really comes off as someone who thinks like someone like Aziraphale or Crowley. Beelzebub shows a desire for praise for all the work they’ve done for hell — the opposite of Crowley, who cares about how his actions affect humans, and avoids doing his real job as much as possible in order to minimize harm to them. Aziraphale is someone that believes in the company policy, and the message, to the point that it’s become the crux of his whole identity, even if he also thinks the company is going against its own preachings. This is part of what makes it harder for him to leave. Whereas Beelzebub and Gabriel, who have not internalized their actions, or self-identified with the company in the same way, can jump ship quite easily.
There’s also another reason Gabriel and Beelzebub could “work it all out” and leave so easily: they were in the highest positions possible aside from being the Metatron/God or Satan, and that comes with the vantage point to see more of the whole forest and not just the trees. Maybe enough to know that changing a corrupt institution from the inside is impossible, or at least certainly enough to know that their position isn’t as powerful as someone like Aziraphale might think it is. You could also argue falling and going to hell is an easier solution than fixing heaven so that Beelzebub can come up to join, and Gabriel went for the method with the quickest results.
Aziraphale both has a natural inclination (as evidenced as far back as the garden wall) to internalize his actions (not everyone does that, and there’s different degrees of doing so), and he then is left to experience humanity while heaven and hell do terrible things to it. Other than earth being a way for Gabriel and Beelzebub to meet up, and their affinity for Buddy Holly, they don’t really care about or understand humans…that’s ironically what makes their jobs just jobs and so easy to leave. This difference in perspective is why for them it’s like leaving a dead end job where they aren’t appreciated enough, when for Aziraphale it’s like leaving a cult.
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lazulirus · 2 years
One too many
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• It was time to face the consequences of your actions - the suffocating tension in the house, the silent treatment and your hurt heart. You could understand why others were mad at you, but why does even Lucifer turns the other way when you appear?
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• Pairing: Lucifer x reader (gender neutral)  • Genre: fluff • Word Count: 2.7k • Warnings: mentions of alcohol and being drunk • Note: Many of you asked for that, and even more of you left love under the first part; as 500 followers celebration I present the second part of A lot of wine, not enough of love
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To say you could cut the tension with a knife would be an understatement. You doubted there even was a blade strong enough to do that. 
It was suffocating and completely wrecking when half of the house refused to speak to you, sometimes even completely ignoring you. Satan forgot day after day about your tutoring. Asmodeus was now constantly on his phone and never missing an opportunity to say how disappointed his followers were. Belphegor pretended to not hear you - no matter if it was simply passing something during meals or just saying hi at school. Mammon was close to breaking, but the three younger brothers always appeared to force him out of your company. 
Ridiculous behaviour, one that should be put to stop the moment it started. But Lucifer turns a blind eye, always excusing himself when you enter the room. 
Thus your days consisted of venomous scowls, childish glares and loneliness growing stronger and stronger - till you never was in the mood to play with Levi nor to even get up to spend time with Beel. Humans needed interactions and affection, suddenly depriving them of both, locking in suffocating hostility only led to them staying in bed, eating less, sleeping more. You were too tired to try talking to brothers again, to ask again when they'll stop being childish, when they'll be kind again. Probably, if it weren't for Beel, you would have become one with the bed. 
"Beeeeeel, let me down." You whine but put no real fight as you dangle on the demon's shoulder, face front; with enough bending of your neck, you could look at this worried face. 
"No. We're going out." He put you down. It was almost adorable when he forced his voice to be stern, yet fondness and worry seeped through. "Go wash and change clothes… please." And how could you say no to those giant pleading eyes? "Levi won tickets to some… uh, "normie restaurant," he said you would like."
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Giggling, feet stumbling, doors slamming and shushing so loud it more gave away your position than hid you - the noises you were making would wake up the dead. Beel tries to shush you, his actions way calmer and controlled; the pink tint on his cheek matched nicely with his hair. 
"It's late, let's not wa—" 
"Where have you been?" Like a mad mother, arm crossed, annoyance written from the tense of his muscles to the gleam in his eyes - Lucifer was standing at the top of the stairs, his eyes more focused on Beel than you. "Do you have any idea what time it is?" 
"Sorry, Lucifer… we lost track of time…" 
"Yea~ 'Cause it was 'o fun!" Red eyes look towards you; softer. How blessed Lucifer was that Diavolo was nowhere near, and there was no need to explain your poor state. Head leaning towards Beel, who was your only support, and it seemed like you were feeling too hot, given your unbuttoned shirt and your jacket in Beel's free hand. 
"Explain." Was all that Lucifer said, the annoyance that bleed through, more and more, was only adding to his stern voice. 
"We went out to eat…" His eyes stay on the floor, the plinking of the jacket's zipper an only accompaniment. "And we ordered some drinks to lighten up the mood but… I forgot that alcohol in them works stronger on humans…" 
"It's not your fault, Bwel," You say, clinging to his arm like a koala, much to Lucifer's annoyance. "You're the only one that cares abowt me. You're the bestest of 'em all." Beel gently pats your head that so cutely nuzzles into him, but his eyes glance at Lucifer nervously - the eldest magic aura growing with every second just to calm down with an exhale. 
"I'll take care of them." The clicking of his shoes echoes in the sleeping house. "You can go now."
"Lucifer, are you sure…" 
"I'll pay for your next meal in the city." Beel hesitated, but the idea of going wild and not having to pay for it… Lucifer was responsible, for sure there was no need to worry? Unsure but still agrees, Beelzebub detaches you, and you were quick to latch on to Lucifer instead. It was almost cartoonish how quickly Lucifer's demeanour changed, now smiling softly; his attention was focused solely on you. Beelzebub excuses himself awkwardly and silently. 
The house was empty, each corridor only carrying echoes of Lucifer's steps; he found it easier to carry you, and you didn't mind. You don't notice that he goes in the 'wrong' direction, that instead you were on silky sheets and a king-sized bed. Why Lucifer did that - it was a mystery to himself, or rather, he refused to answer the question. 
It has been so long since he had you so close - days, even weeks without you, even in the same room, let alone so close, able to caress your cheek with you sending him a smile. It hurt Lucifer to stay away, he saw every sad glance, every evening of you skipping supper, how Levi's second controller collected dust, how rarely he heard the creak of your doors. Yet, Lucifer did nothing. He didn't know what he would say if you asked questions about the night, he didn't know what he would say if he had to question his behaviour. So he ran away, like a coward, talking himself into thinking it was less hurtful to his pride. 
"Hey~ I'm not sweepy yet…" You say, but don't move from the spot, enjoying how cold and huggable the pillow was. The room was spinning and a bit blurry, and it was hard to make out who you were left with. "If Bwell trusts you, it should 'e fine." You giggle, talking strictly to yourself. "Hey, do ya like Bweel? He's sucha kind guy! Not like the rest of 'em…" You play with your caretaker tie as your mood sours, remembering the rest of the awful demons. "Well, whateva. Do you wanna drink somethin' with me?" 
Lucifer would consider the proposition, even coo at how adorably your speech was under the influence if it didn't bring memories. 
Why won't you drink with me now? 
He remembers, the hazy memories of how you pushed away his every advance when the roles were reversed  - afraid of hurting him? Using him? Lucifer did his best to understand your human thinking, and why you thought it was immoral to give yourself up to the desire. 
But he was a demon; "immoral" had no meaning for him. When you were sprawled on his bed, adorable yet alluring, with your shirt unbuttoned, teasing, with your eyes lidded, inviting - why shouldn't he indulge himself? Why stop, when he was already hovering above you, lips trembling in the desire to kiss, fingers gripping the sheets instead of your body. Your chest rising quickly, hypnotising, his own breath becoming uneven - Why stop? 
I love you, Lucifer.
He steps away. 
Instead of continuing to drink in your sight, he drinks Demonus; from the glass, not the bottle, still having some dignity. His thoughts were in disarray, scrambling to stay coherent and keeping his desires like a muzzle on a wild dog. He was doing his best, trying so hard— Your weight on him was sudden and distracting, caging him in the same armchair he held you hostage on that cursed night. This time, he felt so little in control, grasping the shreds of it while he looked away, lips hidden in the glass; Demonus was bitter. “I told you, I wanna drink too.” And your words were so, so sweet, your breath of Devildom’s fruits with just a hint of alcohol hitting his face - Beel had to treat you to very good drinks. Lucifer swallows more saliva than the alcohol he pretended to drink, weighing his options, trying to understand. “Well, I can give you a taste.” His tone was nonchalant, confident, yet his lips trembled when he inched towards you, heart pounding, head spinning - you wanted this, right? With your legs on each side of him, with your hands on his tense shoulders; grip so delicate, loving. Red eyes jump around your face, looking for any sign of displeasure, any sign that he was reading it wrong - were you really in love with him? Those beautiful, hopeful red eyes got as big as a coin when you put a hand on his mouth. “We can’t!” You pout, almost angry at Lucifer, who just looks bewildered. “I… I wanna give my first Devildom kiss to Luciwer.” He slowly, delicately takes you by the wrist. “But…” Squinted eyes, furrowed brows  - utter, complete confusion as his head tilts to the side. “...I am Lucifer?” “No, you’re not!” You gesture with your free hand towards him. “Luciwer is way pwettier… And he dresses like… not so sloppy!” The demon’s mouth was open, but no words were coming out. His attire, the tie you made lose yourself, was in your opinion sloppy. “I… I see?” Although the rest was on him. Asmodeus did mention that his hair lost shine, and Mammon snickered that the circles under his eyes matched Levi’s - both of them got a glare as they were the cause of those issues. Lucifer couldn’t sleep well knowing how in pain you were. Knowing how with each day you were drifting apart - from his brothers, from him - was giving him more stress than any task from Diavolo.
It was laughable, even for himself, that such a trivial thing was giving him so much anxiety. Why was he reacting in such a way? Lucifer refused to answer it. 
"What do you like about him? Lucifer, I mean." He didn't want to think about those things; feelings, worries. Now, hearing praise from your sweet lips was way more alluring and just the thing he needed for his wounded ego and bruised heart. 
"He's… smart… powerful and so handsome! Luciwer is also responsible, so he's, what was... A father material to be honest." He raises an eyebrow, his smirk distorted in the glass. Who would have thought you had such ideas for him? "I mean, what else do ya need from a man? Smart, strong, responsible, he's even funny sometimes!" Lucifer nods, he indeed got all those qualities. 
"But he's also such a dick!" 
Lucifer chokes. 
"Excuse me?" He spats out, throat burning from alcohol. 
"Don't ya agree? Everyone thinks that!" Your annoyance becomes more and more visible. "He got mad at me for nothin'! It's not like I wanted thanks or anythin', I helped 'cause… y'know, I like him." You smile just for a moment, remembering all the things you liked, loved even about that demon just to return to your angry monologue a second later. "He never talks 'bout his feelings! He doesn't wanna say why he's mad or if he even… likes me? Dunno, he probably doesn't…" Lucifer should say something, stand in defence of his feelings if he only understood what he was feeling. He remembered clearly the adoration he felt towards you - the things he declared that night didn't disappear with the alcohol. Even at this moment, he felt the same adoration towards you as he felt then, as he feels every day. But one question stopped him from acting, another he didn't know how to answer - that adoration was love or desire? 
Was he so drawn towards you because he desires your body or because he loved your touch? 
"You know…" You mumble, getting comfortable on his lap, inching closer to him. "...maybe I wanna taste that after all. Second best…" 
Did he yearn for a kiss or what was hiding behind it? 
"You're drunk." He finds himself parroting as he turns away, running away from your lips; cheeks dusted with the slightest pink. 
He finds the idea not as appealing as he thought - your eager words, soft lips, but no love behind eyes, only a haze of alcohol. If you were to get closer, he wished for it to be without the help of drinks or controlled by a clouded mind - he wanted your decision to be clear, honest, coming from the heart. 
"Would you… kiss Lucifer if given a chance?" He finds himself saying - ridiculous, absurd, but he cannot stop himself. 
"I mean," you tilt your head, "I like him, but he doesn—" 
"If he did." Only red eyes turn towards you. "Would you?"
It was hard to understand your caretaker's intentions as the only thing in your head was the buzzing of alcohol. Why wouldn't you kiss a demon you loved? 
"But he doesn't." You argue. "If he did, why he doesn't talk to me?" 
"Maybe…" Lucifer looks away again; heart pounding, each step like on a field of mines. "... He was scared." When he sees your confusion, Lucifer adds: "He never was good at… expressing feelings, you see."
"So… You're sayin' he likes me, but… felt stupid after what he said that night?" You were surprisingly bright despite the influence and hearing what Lucifer was aware of deep down made him scoff, then blush. Meanwhile, you feel the heat coming to your face and your eyes going wide as your caretaker nods.
"He likes me…?" Just a mumble, soft, shocked. It was hard to believe a demon so perfect would fall for a human, that his advances were something more than drunkards rambles. His weird behaviour only enforced those ideas but now… To hear so confidently that Lucifer loved you…
"I have to talk to him!" You almost trip on your own legs. Now alcohol found a new emotion to entertain and enforce - panic. What if Lucifer thought you were mad at him? What if you wasted so long not talking about the issue, and he thought you didn't like him? If he really liked you, you had to talk about it now! 
This time, the grip on your wrist was stronger, still not bruising. 
"You should go to sleep, you can talk about it calmly tomorrow." You wanted to argue, but tiredness settled on you like a veil. Suddenly, it was hard to keep your eyes open and your mouth shut from yawn after yawn. 
As Lucifer lays you to bed, makes sure you're comfortable and falls asleep in seconds, he finds the words suitable, falling from his lips smoothly:
"I love you."
It wasn't a simple desire, he didn't long for the touch nor your flesh but what was hiding behind the gestures - love, adoration, longing. He wanted to see those things in you, the same things he could now, finally confidently say he felt towards you. 
Why did he run away from your questions? Because he loved you. 
Why did your sadness make him anxious? Because he loved you. 
Was that desire or love? Love. 
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You wake up moaning, head throbbing with pain and limbs refusing to cooperate. Face instinctively hiding in the pillow despite knowing that you had no bright light to fear in Devildom. Only the creak of the door forces one of your eyes open; despite seeing it's not your room, you don't find the energy to panic. 
"Good morning." Lucifer's voice was calm and collected like always, and your eye, hazy from sleep, didn’t find anything weird in his appearance - soft hair, smart clothes and… trey in his hands. You frown, trying to remember last night, but it only worsens your headache. "I prepared medication, water and a light breakfast for you. Unfortunately, you missed it." 
You slowly sit up, avoiding any sudden movements - the last thing you needed was puking in front of your crush. 
"What happened last night…?" You mumble, still under Lucifer's soft duvet; still in the t-shirt and pants from escapade with Beel. 
"I got you to bed." Simple, and straight to the point as he sets the tray next to you on the bed. "I hope sleeping here wasn't worse than sleeping in your bed, I wanted to have an eye on you in case Devildom's alcohol affects you in a strange way." 
"You cared…" Unfortunately, the crunching of toast didn't drown out those mindlessly said words. 
"Of course. You are dear to me, after all." You can't control yourself, your face showing every bit of shock - from wide eyes to mouth open just slightly. He… what? 
Meanwhile, Lucifer stays the same, finally content and calm as he found all the answers he needed. 
He loved you, too.
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