#not proofread because it is once again 4 in the morning
Eivor x Femme!Reader - Animalistic Urges
Kinktober 08: Primal Play [explicit]
Contains: strap-on usage, butch/femme implicit
Word count: 745
Ao3 link here.
Men, minors and ageless/default blogs DNI. You will be blocked immediately upon interaction.
Docile little things made for a wolf’s ideal prey: oblivious to the cunning, voracious eyes following them, and once fang meets flesh, delectable.
The Wolf-Kissed was something of a wolf herself. She caught scent of something new, something fresh about you, and her eyes hardly left you since. You returned from the settlement’s trade post yester-eve with an ornate decanter in hand, and when dawn broke, you dabbed a droplet of its contents onto your neck. Rose water. A delicate, feminine fragrance. Eivor found it maddening.
Where your lover was a wolf, you were nought but a lamb. Unbeknownst to you, Eivor had silently tracked your day’s errands, awaiting the perfect moment for an ambush to arise. Cobalt eyes stalked after the sway of your hips, entranced by the liquidity they invoked in the fabric adorning them. She needed only a brief moment in your solitary company – a minute to whisper every detail of what the floral notes dusting your throat made her feel, and to ask if you’d slip away to satiate her hunger, for the gods knew her patience would not last ‘til twilight.
The opportunity arose. All it took was some poetic filth for you to be lured away from the pen of Ravensthorpe, deep into the heart of the forest, where the wolf could feast uninterrupted.
Nature willed it so; lupine teeth grazed the throat of the ovine caged below. The mellow rose laced into the scent of you was divine, and she breathed it in deeply as she sucked on the supple skin of your neck. Eivor’s blood roared with the need to flood her tongue with your taste, and devour you she did. You writhed underneath her, thighs trembling around her ears until you dripped down her chin and then some. The cries bleeding from your kiss-bruised lips were of ecstasy, not agony. She saw no reason to cut them short.
Now, atop a blanket of dirt and autumn leaves, a song of grunts, mewls and snarls echoed through the forest as she knelt and rutted into you like a beast. Your hips melted into her hands, eager to chase the length of the leather sheathed inside you with every deep thrust. Soil stained the underside of your nails as you tore the earth below apart, clawing wildly whenever she bottomed out.
She laid a pile of clothes beneath your head – although possessed by this primal fantasy, she would never risk a splinter slicing her sweet lamb’s face. Tragically, it muffled your raw, guttural moans, but Eivor needed only steepen the angle of her hips and endure the slight burn that followed to have your back arching, drooly lips lifting off the linens to sob freely. Sometimes, you would slur some strangled, garbled variant of her name, too enthralled with bliss to form words. Her heart swelled at the sounds. Prey shouldn’t have to think, after all.
The silky, slick warmth of your cunt pulsed around her cock. Eivor swore she could feel it through the leather. She ground into the fantom feeling, ignoring the searing in her thighs as she pushed down on your hips, burying herself deep enough into your viscera to always be pressed against that sweet spot inside of you.
You almost choked on your own spit, and fuck, was that a pretty sound. Eivor watched, eyes frenzied, as wetness seeped onto the length of her toy. Leaning into you, she maintained a slow, rough tempo, needing to rip more of those noises from your throat.
“Please,” you wailed deliriously in broken tongue. She grunted, resisting the urge to kiss the skin of your back. You needed her just like this, relentlessly pounding into the spot that rendered you a wanton, shaking mess. Her stamina waned, but she refused to fold, not with you grabbing tight fistfuls of the earth with every thrust, coarsely moaning, “Please, please, pleaseplease—”
Suddenly and violently, your frame seized up with a ragged cry of her name. Eivor stilled her hips, finally able to hunch over you and kiss your trembling, salt-licked flesh as you shook underneath her. She buried her nose into your neck, breathing in what hadn’t faded of the floral fragrance that brought about her lustful mania to begin with. It was softer, now more comforting than alluring, bringing a lazy smile to her lips. Still delicate, still feminine. But undoubtedly, one day, it would have her tailing you like a feral mutt all over again.
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btsvt-bar · 2 months
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hurts so good
pairing ꩜ mean husband!mingyu x afab!reader
content/genre ꩜ haters to lovers, ceo/mean husband mingyu, smut (18+ mdni)
author's note ꩜ not proofread . comments are appreciated!
warnings under the cut!
warnings ꩜ smut, fingering, masturbation (m. receiving), alcohol consumption, angry sex, unprotected sex, orgasm denial, creampie, light degrading, dom-ish mingyu, dirty talk, spanking (he slaps her ass like 4 times), begging.
You and Mingyu first met when you were kids. Coming from rich families, you went to the same private school. And to be honest, you really hated him back then.
When you were teenagers, Mingyu was really popular. He was good-looking and smart, being one of the top students of the school. All the girls had a crush on him, even if he was mean to them.
He had always been self absorbed and rude to everyone. Especially to you, and you had no clue why.
You were the quiet, nerdy type. You kept it to yourself, being too focused on your grades and on getting into a good university. Plus, you were basically the only one who didn’t think he was hot shit — but, of course, you’d never say it out loud.
Both of you got into Business School, so you never really got rid of him. His annoying personality only got worse, making you his personal laughing stock.
It worsened when your families merged companies. Coming from the food and beverage industry, and being good friends, it felt natural to merge companies and create an empire bigger than it was before. And, of course, that union had to be sealed with the marriage of the heirs.
When your parents told you, you had a nervous breakdown. They didn’t understand why, labeling you as dramatic. Of course they wouldn’t get it, Mingyu posed as polite and respectful in front of them. But you knew better.
That’s how you ended up getting married to the man you despised. Needless to say, it was the worst day of your life.
Now, three years later, you’re still trapped in a marriage that feels more like a prison. You sleep in separate rooms and on the daily basis, you and Mingyu never really talk, unless it’s a work matter.
Also, you have a terrible sex life. You can count on a hand the amount of times the two of you did it. Yes, you are physically attracted to Mingyu. He has great abs and a big dick, plus delicious big arms and a toned chest. The few times you fucked, you were both tipsy and had had a fight before going out to some company party. It was always angry sex, and you never talked about it the morning after.
With your 4th anniversary approaching, people started asking when are you going to have kids. You dreaded this moment, but it seemed like you couldn’t scape it anymore. It got you thinking about your “marriage”, about how you wished things would change and how you wished Mingyu was a good husband.
As you do your makeup for the company dinner you have tonight, you try to be mentally prepared to be questioned, once again, about your pregnancy plans.
"Hurry up, we’re going to be late" Mingyu says outside your room. You finish putting on lipstick and grab your purse.
You find him waiting on the couch, looking really handsome in his all black tuxedo. His eyes scan you head to toe. His face remains emotionless, but you notice his eyes lingering a bit too long on your wine colored lips and modest cleavage.
"Let’s go."
The music is a bit loud, so you have to stay all the way across the room to chat properly with other people.
You are stuck talking to Mingyu’s friends’ wives. It’s not that you don’t like them, because you do, but the topic of the conversation is not something you want to discuss.
"Cheollie’s been so good to me since I told him I’m pregnant" Gwen says while smiling fondly at her husband, who's across the room. "I mean, he’s always been sweet, but now he’s so much more protective and loving…"
"Wonwoo was like that too" Claire comments. "And he’s just the perfect father. Always wanting to help me out. And he won’t admit, but he loves to prepare Yeji’s lunchbox." The other women coo, finding it adorable. But you feel your face twist into a sad expression.
You knew all of them were in an arranged marriage just like yours. How on earth you were the only one who got unlucky?
"What about you and Mingyu?" Mona, Jeonghan’s wife, asks you. "Are you planning to get pregnant soon?"
You take a sip of your gin and tonic, trying to come up with an answer. They all look at you expectantly, and you don’t have the guts to let them down.
"Oh, definitely! We’re trying" you lie. The other women cheer excitedly.
"You’re gonna have the cutest babies!" Claire says.
"Oh that’s for sure. And y/n will be the prettiest mamma ever!" Gwen gushes.
You start to feel bad about lying, so you finish your drink and walk away to grab another.
As you wait, you see Mingyu chatting and laughing with his friends. And it makes you kinda mad that he’s having fun, and you’re not. When you look back at where the other wives are, you see them caressing Gwen’s pregnant belly and you decide you’ve had enough. You walk over to Mingyu, his smile fading the second he spots you.
"What?" he asks in a harsh tone, left eyebrow raising.
"I wanna go home, I’m not feeling well" you say the first excuse that comes to mind.
"Are you for real?" Mingyu seems so annoyed. Seungcheol nudges him, letting out a quiet ‘bro’. Mingyu sighs. "Ok, whatever."
The ride home is tense. Mingyu was holding back so he wouldn’t make a scene in front of the driver, but as soon as you’re alone in your living room, he couldn’t hold his tongue anymore.
"Why do you always have to ruin the night? Honestly, Y/N, you’re so fucking annoying!" he spits out.
You roll your eyes, deciding not to take shit from him. "I was bored and wanted to come home. You could’ve stayed."
"No, I couldn’t. That would make me look bad."
Usually, you wouldn’t say what you wanted. You’d just ignore and go to your room. But today, after a few drinks, and having to hear for hours on end about how your friends’ husbands were amazing, you felt fed up with Mingyu’s bullshit.
"Maybe you should worry more about being a good husband than about faking it." you point out while taking off your heels.
"Excuse me?" his nostrils flare, signaling how angry he was.
You just shrug, not giving a fuck if he was mad. "It is what it is, Mingyu. You don’t even try to be nice to me, but you worry so damn much about how you’re perceived by others." By now, your purse was thrown on the nearest chair and you’re shouting at him. "I’m done trying to be nice, and I think we reached a point where we should get a divorce and move on. Our marriage is a sham and I’m so fucking done with you."
The man chuckles as his tongue pokes his inner cheek. He looks really annoyed. Mingyu sighs and empties his pockets, putting his stuff in a bowl on the small wooden counter.
You feel livid and his lack of response keeps your mouth running. "What’s so funny?"
"Nothing, just the fact that you think that this shitty situation is all on me." He rises his eyebrows. "Get over yourself, Y/N. None of us is willing to take the first step, that’s why our marriage is a shit show." Mingyu turns around and heads out to his room, but the next thing you say stops him dead in his tracks.
"Why aren't you willing to take the first step? What have I done that is so bad that you can't even be my friend?" A few tears escaped your eyes, but you were quick to wipe them away. "Does hurting me make you feel good or something?"
He had to give it to you. You are being really brave, questioning him and talking back.
The small bar cart catches his eyes and he decides that if you're finally having that conversation — one you should've had years ago —, he needs a drink to get through it. The room is filled with the sound of whiskey being poured. Mingyu takes a long sip, almost downing down the whole liquid, and refills his cup.
If he were to be completely honest, he would say he didn't even know why he hated you. He just did. Nowadays, he didn't mind your presence for the most part. However, when you hit his nerves, he wanted you gone. "Hating you is as natural as breathing for me. It's always been like this, why change it?"
"So we can, at least, coexist in peace? Have some fun, even? I'm not asking you to be husband of the year, but could try to be an ok one." You say with a tired tone, the whole situation already taking it's toll on you. Copying his actions, you poured some of the amber liquid for yourself. "You can get some tips from your friends. They're nice to their wives."
Mingyu snorts. "Yeah sure, if you're going to learn from your friends how to be a good wife…"
"I'm willing to try, Mingyu. But I'm not doing this on my own."
You both calmed down quickly, the heated beginning reduced to a low toned conversation. You’re impressed with how well things are going, considering the two of you usually shout and exchange offenses until someone walks away.
"We can try." His voice is quiet. Mingyu's staring at you, his eyes filled with undertones you don't comprehend yet. His moist lips are caught between his teeth. Shaking his head, he places the empty cup on the cart. "This is funny, you know."
You can see he's conflicted between saying what's on his mind and keeping his mouth shut. "You can tell me, since we're being honest." You encourage him.
He looks you deeply in the eyes and says "We just called a truce like two minutes ago and now my mind keeps whispering that if we were a real couple, this would be the moment to kiss and make up."
Your mouth gapes in shock. The few times you had sex before, you hadn’t kissed. Mingyu would fuck you from behind, fast, hard and with a lot of pent up anger. And that was it. So you were caught off guard by his words. Seeing your expression, Mingyu quickly added: "The alcohol got to my head, pretend I never said anything."
Before he can try to leave again, you grab his bicep. "I hate to admit it, but you kind of have a point…"
Both of you start to feel this weird heat spreading under your skins. You sigh deeply. It’s weird you know precisely what’s underneath those black clothes. Mainly because you feel like you’re going to have sex him with for the first time.
"Want me to fuck you senseless until we spend all our anger and then we can start over?" He offers with a crooked smile you never saw before.
You feel slick pooling in your panties, your body already reacting to his filthy mouth. This flirty, sexy side of Mingyu is new to you, but you’re already loving it.
"Are you for real?"
Mingyu towers over you, making you step back until you reach the nearest wall. "Do I look like I'm messing around? Do I look like I won't fuck you until we both forget we hated each other in the first place?"
His serious eyes and deep voice make you sigh and bite your lower lip, fully invested in him. He reaches out and caresses your cheek before pulling you in for a kiss.
You both moan at the contact. His tongue dominates yours in a second, imposing a fast rhythm. Your core twists, tingling in a way that nearly hurts. Mingyu grunts when you close your arms around his neck and pulls gently at his hair.
The room temperature rises, leaving you both hot and bothered when you break the kiss. "Go to your room." Mingyu instructs and you comply. The walk is torturous, with shaky legs and your skimpy lacy panties sticking to your folds.
You’re shaking a little when you sit down on your bed. The night went from 0 to a 100 in minutes and you honestly don’t even want to think much about it for now.
"Can I come in?" Mingyu asks on the other side of the door, knocking lightly on the wood.
"Yeah, sure."
Mingyu took off his blazer and necktie, and the first buttons of his shirt are open, revealing his toned chest. Once again, you evaluate his beefy body proportions and purr quietly. Gosh, he’s hot!you think.
The hunky man looks around, analyzing the stuff you have in your room. You realize it’s the first time he enters it. "Do you want to keep going?"
Your eyes meet his and, for the first time ever, you see he’s actually worried about you. You limit yourself to nodding. "I’m gonna need you to say it, Y/N."
"Yes. Please get over here." You plea. Mingyu groans and crosses the room. His pants feel tight and uncomfortable, his cock pulsating with each step.
He gets on top of you, bunching your dress up on your waist. "Fuck…" he hisses when he sees your panties. You feel him caressing your clit over the lace and hold back a moan.
Mingyu moves the fabric to the side, easily sliding his fingers through your dripping cunt. "So fucking wet and I barely touched you. Do you get off on fighting with me?"
Your face grows hot, but you’re not sure if it’s because of his words or actions. He teases your hole, prodding a finger in your entrance. All air leaves your lungs. You let out a whimper, which makes Mingyu chuckle.
"So responsive." He removes his hand, his eyes searching for yours again. "If I knew you’re such a horny slut, I would’ve done this a long time ago."
"Shut up." You sass, your heart pounding in your chest. "Just shut up and actually do something."
"You better watch your fucking mouth." He manhandles you until you’re laying on your stomach. He moves you on his lap and uncovers your ass.
To your surprise, he slaps your right butt cheek. You yelp, feeling your blood pumping quickly through your body. He repeats his action, this time with more intensity.
"Cat got your tongue?" He mocks when you stay silent. Truth is, you’re clamping your lips together so you don’t moan. "You’re soaking through your panties… Is spanking one of your kinks?"
Mingyu gives you another sharp slap, but this time he massages your flash to soften the blow.
"One more." Your voice sounds croaky as you speak.
"As you wish." He complies to your request, giving you the sharpest spank so far. You whimper and Mingyu smiles, pleased with himself.
Taking advantage of your position, he slides your panties off and pulls down the zipper of your dress. With his help, you undress.
You’re laying naked on his lap and just the sight of your bare back and red ass makes the blood in Mingyu’s body flow directly to his cock. He sighs and separate your legs just enough to touch your naked pussy again.
"Mingyu please." You cry out loud, needing him to slip his fingers in your hole.
"Please what?" He plays dumb and you feel the smirk on his voice. "I don’t know what you want, you’re gonna have to say it."
You sob in frustration. "Did you really think I was going to make things easy for you?" Mingyu’s hand ghosts over your body, giving you goosebumps from the heat he irradiates. "I hate you, remember?"
This is absolute torture. Your body is boiling with desire and need, you skin nearly burning up. Mingyu traces your tights, his soft touch giving you goosebumps. "Finger me. Please, I really need it. Please please please." You beg and Mingyu chuckles again, amuzed by your desperate tone.
He parts your legs a bit as his big hands trail the path from the back of your tights to your folds. You feel one of his fingers tease your dripping hole and you clench around nothing.
You’re so wet that his two fingers slide easily into you. Your inner walls clamp down on his digits and he groans. "You’re so tight, Y/N. Can’t wait to feel you on my dick again."
Mingyu begins to finger fuck you with a lazy pace, pulling out completely just to push back in at once. Your head feels cottony, like your brain weights nothing. Out of instinct, you bite your own hand to keep your moans from falling off your lips. Your hips move with a mind of its own, pushing back to meet Mingyu’s movements. Soon enough he hits that gummy spot inside you that makes you shiver. He notices you’re close to your climax, so, out of spite, he stops his stimulation.
"Why?" you cry out, tears accumulating in your eyes. "I was so close!"
"Because it’s fun" he laughs while stroking your ass tenderly. "Be good, lay down and spread your legs for me so I can make you cum."
Your limbs feel like jelly when you scramble around to get on your back. Mingyu gets up and pushes his dress pants down along with his black boxers. His cock stand hard and proud, the red tip glossed with pre cum. You muster the strength to get on your knees and approach him, your hands grabbing his shirt to start unbuttoning it.
You work your way up his body, taking each button out of its house. When you take the last one out, your caress his big chest, feeling his strong muscles under your sweaty palms. You smooth your way up to his shoulders and push his shirt down. He’s finally naked in front of you, in all his glory.
You trail his arms and abs, all the way down to his rock hard cock. When you wrap your hands around him, Mingyu lets out a sigh of relief. You stroke him slowly while savoring his low, deep grunts in your ear. Soon enough, you quicken your pace. Meanwhile, all you can think about is his cock splitting you open and you feel yourself getting wetter.
"Tha-that’s enough." He reaches for your wrist to stop you after a couple minutes.
Surprisingly, he pulls you in for another kiss. This time, it’s a slow, passionate one. Without separating your lips, he leads you to lay down again. The new position makes Mingyu’s hips align with yours, and you start rutting each other like animals on heat.
"Seeing you between my legs is so hot." you confess when you part the kiss to breathe. "But it could be better."
"Yeah? How so?" Mingyu pokes his cheek with his tongue, his confidence unwavering.
You bite your lower lips for a second. "You’ll look hotter inside me, dear husband."
His smile falters, his eyes turning darker and darker with desire. You know you said just the right thing to spur him on.
"I’d hold onto something if I were you."
You decide to ground yourself by hugging him. Without hesitation, Mingyu pushes in in one quick, firm trust. He’s swallowed in by your warm, soft walls. You see when his eyes roll back in pleasure, and his reaction boosts your confidence through the roof. On the other hand, his big cock splitting you open twists and tightens the knot on your core even more. You know it won’t require much effort for you to cum.
"Please move" you whim and kiss his lips softly. "I need you to move."
Mingyu gives in and imposes a fast, rough pace. You sink your nails on his back, trying to keep yourself from moving too much. He slides in and out of you deliciously, reaching all the right places. You moan loudly on his ear, and he huffs and puffs on yours. The loud sounds of skin slapping, added with the wet noises coming from your wetness, teleport both of you to a world of your own. A world where the only thing that matters is Mingyu’s rough thrusts and the way your insides mold perfectly to accommodate his dick.
After what it feels like forever, Mingyu folds your legs to your chest, and the position makes him reach new places inside of you. It’s when he starts rubbing circles on your clit that you feel on the verge of frenzy. "I’m almost there." You announce.
His hips redouble efforts, and within a few seconds, and a chant of "cum for me, dear wife" your mind turns blank and your soul is lifted off of your body.
You nearly pass out, all the stimulation being too much for you. Seeing you so blissed out pushes Mingyu over the edge before he has the chance to pull out. He grunts as he covers your walls with his warm milk. Your arms fall limp on his back, and Mingyu’s strength also falters, making him drop his weight on top of you.
He rubs his nose on your neck in an affectionate gesture. You smooth your hands on his back in a retributive way. The two of you stay silent for a while, enjoying the proximity and giving yourselves time to come back down.
When Mingyu slips out of you, a stream of white floods out of your messed up hole.
"Fuck, I should’ve pulled out." Mingyu searches for your eyes, his brown orbs filled with worry. You smile softly at him.
"It’s ok, I don’t mind." You reassure him. "Just help me clean up, yeah?"
Mingyu gets up immediately and enters your en suite. He comes back a minute later with a wet cloth in hand.
"You ok?" He asks while cautiously rubbing it against your sensitive cunt.
"I’ll probably limp tomorrow, but I guess that’s the downside of fucking your hater, right?" You joke and he chuckles while shaking his head.
"Well, I guess we’re sort of friends now."
"Yes, definitely." You agree.
He discards the towel and lays back next to you. You’re under the sheets now, and your body feels completely spent. "You’re not going to sleep, are you?"
You nod, feeling your heavy lids take the best of you. "I sure am."
Mingyu gets on top of you again, and hold your chin to make you look at him. "I’ll give you 30 minutes to recover, dear wife." The stupid nickname rolls out of his tongue with an almost tender laugh.
"I thought you were fucking me until we spent all of our anger." you state, struggling to keep your eyes open. "I don’t feel angry anymore."
"I do." His eyes hold mysteries you’re yet to discover. "I’m not done hating you yet."
His low deep voice stirs your insides. You sigh, feeling your heartbeat increase again. "30 minutes and you can hate me all you want."
"Deal." He presses a kiss to your lips and goes back to the empty side of the bed.
You feel him scrambling around looking for the TV remote control. As you let your tiredness get the best of you, all you can think about is that you’re going to fight with everything that you have to make things work out between the two of you.
© btsvt-bar, 2024
m.list ♡
read the sequel: down bad
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Hey have a request I’d love to see a fic like this:
Dad!Eddie x mom!reader their reaction when their 18 year old daughter comes home with her first real boyfriend turns out it’s a metalhead like Eddie :)
I hope you can do something like this <3
This is so cute, and I love the idea. I just picture Eddie being a complete girl dad. Hope you enjoy. 🩷
Requests are open for the time being.
Dad!Eddie Munson x Mom!reader
Warning: none, just some fluff.
A/n: This is fluff, but I still do not want minors interacting with my work. Not proofread
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"He's coming over!" Your daughter Julie raced down the stairs yelling out to you.
Eddie looked up from his phone with his reading glasses hanging off his nose. "Who's coming over? He?"
You saw him looking towards you and then back at your daughter. She just turned eighteen a few months ago. She was born on July tenth. Which was also the birthday of Ronnie James Dio. Something Eddie never stopped bragging about saying it's "the most metalest thing ever."
He fell in love all over again the moment she was born. She was glued to his hip. Anywhere he went, she went. If he was eating, so was she. If Eddie got a tattoo, then he was buying her one out of the bubble gum machine for her to match.
He couldn't stand watching her grow up. Seeing her go from this tiny little thing to a young woman was difficult on you both. She had his eyes and dimples along with his sarcasm.
"Oh, uhh, her boyfriend Eddie, remember he's coming for dinner." You reminded him while trying to keep things calm.
"Boyfriend?" He repeated.
Julie rolled her eyes. " Yeah dad boyfriend you know the guy I've been telling you and mom about for like the last two months."
Eddie didn't say a word back. He knew he couldn't stop her from dating. He actually didn't hate the idea of her dating. He hated the idea of some guy hurting her.
That's all it really came down to. He's tried so hard to shield her from all the bad in the world. But you've helped him realize that's impossible, and he needs to just let her learn.
Once your daughter left for the day, you sat with your husband. You wanted to take his mind off of things and just help him relax. He already possibly has high blood pressure. You didn't want to make it worse.
"You wanna go out back and work on your tomatoes? " You got up and started massaging his shoulders.
He smiled and took off his glasses. "I actually gotta tune up my bike, but maybe tomorrow, sweetheart."
"Are you okay?" You leaned down by his ear.
"I'm fine-- I'll be fine." He reassured you. You turned your head and gave him a little kiss to his cheek.
He was still as handsome as the first time you saw him. His eyes have the prettiest crinkles from all of the years of laughing. His smile lines are visible under his stubble. His hair is starting to finally grey in certain parts. You've been together since you were practically kids.
You and him fell in love the millisecond you laid eyes on each other. Your parents hated him at first. They tried so hard to keep you two apart, but you weren't having it. Nothing was going to keep Eddie away from you.
He tried so hard to win your parents over, mainly your dad. Since your mom softened up when she got to know him better. Your dad was a different story. Your dad didn't like his look.
The tattoos, hair, and music he was strictly against. Eddie was used to being treated like that. He was used to people judging him before they really knew him. That doesn't mean he still didn't try to get your father's approval because he did. All the time, with little to no luck.
You noticed Eddie had been in his garage all day. He said he had to give his bike a quick tune-up, but that usually only takes a few hours. He's been out there since this morning. You look at the clock, and it's now going on 4 pm. Julie has been home now for just an hour or so. She wanted to get ready in time to introduce you to her boyfriend.
You know he's nervous about meeting Julie's boyfriend. He doesn't want to seem like some weird overbearing parent. This is her first serious relationship, it seems like. Eddie wants to be protective, but he doesn't want to scare the guy off. He doesn't want your daughter to hate him.
A loud knocking knocking at the front door tells you he's here. Before you could even leave the kitchen to answer it, Eddie somehow is already there.
He swings open the door and is met with a guy not much taller than him. He has short dark hair with a denim vest similar to his old one. Various pins and patches littered all over it. He was wearing an old Slayer shirt underneath with black boots.
Eddie eyed him curiously. "Whooo are you?"
"Oh, I'm um, Noah...Julie's boyfriend." He held out to his to shake Eddie's. His other hand held some flowers in it.
Foot steps come running up next to them both, and it took Eddie a moment to process who they belonged to.
"Dad, this is Noah." Julie took his hand and brought him inside.
"Right-nice to meet you." He finally shook his hand back as he walked past him.
Eddie was stunned. The second he saw him, he got instant flashbacks of when he was younger going to meet your parents for the first time. He wanted to hate the guy. He wants to be this tough, hard ass to him. But now he can't bring himself to do any of that.
"Eddie, come help me with dinner." You whispered.
"Yeah - Yeah, okay, I'm coming." He shook his head and smiled to himself.
"He bought me flowers." You pointed at the vase holding the bouquet.
"So i buy you flowers all the time." Eddie shrugged, still trying to keep up the facade that he doesn't like the guy.
He grabbed a knife and helped cut up some onions. He looked out the window in front of him and watched your daughter and her boyfriend outside. You stopped what you were doing to focus on them, too. You saw how Eddie's eyes had softened when Noah put a little buttercup flower behind her ear.
You and him instantly had memories flooding in from your earlier years as a couple. Where Eddie would find a pretty flower and put it behind your ear. Or how he would lay with you for hours looking up at the stars. You could see he was getting a little emotional about it. More memories of picnics together in the back of his van.
"You gonna cut those onions or keep zoning out?" You nudged him.
"Sorry, I'm ju- I'm just thinking." He spoke quietly.
You went over to him and rubbed his back. "About?"
"I'm supposed to be a dick head to him, but I can't bring myself to be that way" Eddie kept looking out the window, watching Noah with your daughter.
"Who said you had to be that way?" You looked out to where he was.
He shook his head. "No one... I'm just being over dramatic like usual."
After dinner was over. Noah and Julie were sitting on the couch together while Eddie was sitting in his chair. You were busy getting dessert ready for everyone.
"Hey dad, did I tell you Noah is in a band." Julie giggled.
Eddies face lit up. "No, you didn't. do you play?"
"Uhh, well, I used to drum, but now I sing." Noah informed him. He acted a little shy to even have it brought up so suddenly. He felt put on the spot.
He nods "I used to be in a band too."
"Really?" Noah moved a little closer towards Eddie leaving Julie behind at the other end of the couch.
"Yep, I used to play guitar and sing, actually." Eddie smiled and looked proud to be talking about his former band days again.
"I have some old stuff in my garage where my band "toured" for a bit and my old gear." He pointed behind him.
"Can we check it out?" Noah looked like a kid in a candy store when Eddie mentioned his old gear.
"Follow me," He grunted while getting out of his chair. His knees popped as he stood up. Years of hard work finally taking its toll on his body.
Julie just sat there watching her boyfriend and her dad, leaving her all alone in the living room. You were busy in the kitchen cutting cake and putting the pieces onto plates.
"Guys, dessert is ready!" You jogged to the living room to find it empty except for your daughter.
She rolled her eyes "they're in the garage."
You couldn't help but chuckle.
All day, you had anticipated this first meeting to be a disaster. Now you have your husband and your daughters boyfriend playing guitar together. You know Eddie didn't have a mean bone in his body. Even at his cruelest, he was still considered nice to most.
"Think dad likes him?" Julie crossed her arms, looking annoyed. She was being sarcastic. You could tell by her tone.
You pressed your lips into a thin line, trying hard not to laugh. "He hates him, I'm sure."
You could hear them both screeching from out back. Heavy metal loudly playing, and Eddie's old guitar plugged in. You and your daughter sat eating dessert, trying to drown out all the music. The night ended with Noah being invited back over next weekend. While Eddie was upstairs putting ice on his now sore neck. He forgot his age for a few hours and became that young twenty something man again.
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satorhime · 1 year
. ・。・ self checkout ࿐ nagi seishiro.
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── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ content ㆍ﹒fluff, aged up!nagi, pro footballer!nagi, height difference (reader is shorter than nagi), shopping trips, slightly suggestive, established relationship. f!reader. w.c. 2k & not proofread.
── ◜ ⪩⪨ ◞ synopsis ㆍ﹒nagi enjoys running errands if the two of you go together. & ໒꒰ྀི ´ ꒳ ` ꒱ྀིა notes: baby’s first blue lock fic !! honestly i’m supa nervous bc i haven’t written 4 them before n i’m still figuring things out but i hope u enjoy reading this anw <333
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“this date is so tiring,” nagi laments for the fifth time since you stepped through the automated sliding doors of the neighborhood supermarket. he blows out a breath from his puffed cheeks, sounding as if he is on the verge of collapsing while you browse the shelves for pantry essentials and late night snacks. “when can we go home?”
a trendy song from a summer spotify mix croons over the tinny speakers overhead, its bubblegum pop lyrics interrupted every now and then by a cheery voice advertising new items and upcoming discounts. the supermarket is busier than when you and seishiro usually stop by, which isn’t all that surprising considering it’s the end of the day. college students carry armfuls of instant ramen and sugary sodas for study sessions and old ladies browse for medicinal teas while parents push full carts of groceries, ignoring their wailing children who press their little noses against the frosty glass of the freezers, begging to be given overpriced ice creams locked away inside.
and you resist the urge to roll your eyes with exasperation, glancing over to where your boyfriend leans heavily on the handle of the cart he has been tasked with pushing for you— his long fingers tapping away at a mobile game on the screen of his phone.
“that’s because,” you begin, wagging a finger at him when you turn around and toss an item into the bottom of the cart. “it’s not a date, sei. i told you that i had to run errands today and you insisted on coming with me when you hate it.”
“‘s’boring at home when you’re not there, so it seemed like a good idea at first,” he shrugs, rolling the cart further down the aisle when you’re on the move again. slothy, midwinter gray eyes drag lazily over your body— taking in the way your faded t-shirt (which is, really, just one of his old ones) rides up a little on your body, exposing the cute little dimples in the soft part of your back as you stand on your tiptoes, struggling to reach one of the higher shelves in the freezer section.
you are well aware that nagi hates daily tasks. things such as making the bed in the morning, washing the dishes after dinner, or visiting the laundromat once a week requires too much energy from your drowsy footballer boyfriend, but it makes you happy to know that he tries, even if he falls asleep while doing it; that he will do anything if you are involved, and nothing if you aren’t.
like right now, he abandons his mobile game and the shopping cart in the middle of the aisle without care to come over and help you, making a mother of two-under-two glare at him viciously. he snorts, sliding his hand into the back pocket of your denim shorts, a romantic comedy habit of his when the two of you are walking anywhere together. nagi’s head tilts cutely to one side, blinking owlishly up at the shelves. “which one d’you wanna get, shortstack?”
“i am not short,” you huff, twisting your mouth to one side at his teasing, but you point to the item you want— an assorted pack of ice lollies. “shelves are designed against short people. and i dunno— are we in the mood for ice cream or popsicles?”
it’s hard to make a decision because freezers full of summer treats line both sides of the aisle. tubs of gourmet gelatos, variety packs of creamy ice candies, and an endless selection of mochi with custard fillings in the middle that make your mouth water at the thought of bringing them home with you.
“i’ll eat them no matter what anyway,” he shrugs, unwilling to be the one to choose, but then his gray eyes glance down at your lips, then back to the items in front of you. you swear that his eyes darken to a stormier color, even though his expression never changes. “you make cute sounds when you suck on ice pops, and you always taste sweet after. get those.”
and then he faces forward, browsing the selection of ice creams with interest, as if his words didn’t short circuit a current in your brain. you’ll never understand how seishiro can say the most outlandish things so casually, only to return to what he’s doing while you’re left attempting to calm your fast heart.
“ice pops it is,” you say, a little winded. “make sure to get the second pack, and not the first.”
“mhnn, why’s it matter? the second one’s farther back. they all look the same to me.”
“they’re not. the first is one everybody has touched or returned.”
“that . . . makes sense,” he considers it, then he nods, lips formed into a little ‘o’ shape. “okay, we’ll get the second one.”
you watch as he steps forward, pushing the first pack of ice lollies aside to select the second as you requested, reaching the item with ease and heavens, it’s moments like these when you are reminded just how much bigger seishiro is. he’s always towered over your shorter height and it’s so, so unfair how he uses it to his advantage, making your tummy burn at the sight. frosty air wafts from the open door of the freezer, bringing chills over your heated skin. “‘s a good thing i was here, since you’re so little— there was no way you could reach it.”
“‘m not little,” you mumble, all pouty because nagi is squishing your cheeks between two finger pads. “you’re just so tall. it’s unfair.”
“want me to be shorter?” he asks, and before you can ask what he means, nagi drops the pack of ice pops into your hands and deflates dramatically, bending down to drape himself over your frame. his head tucked against your shoulder, the footballer’s milky fringe tickling the skin of your neck as he closes his eyes. “man, now ‘m even more tired.”
“seishiro, you’re heavy.”
“i know,” he sighs, eyes shuttering below thick lashes, but he makes no effort to move away from your body. instead, his hand slithers under your shirt. making you shiver because his fingertips are dewy and cold from the arctic blast of the freezer and the frozen treat he picked up. you hiss, squirming under his touch as his fingers trail across your belly. “but i’m tired ‘n’ you feel s’soft, like a pillow.”
“nagi, off,” you wheeze, his extra weight making it hard for you to properly breathe. it’s easy to forget how solid he is, straight lines of athletic muscle that usually has you cow-eyed and cooing, as long as it’s not weighing you down in the middle of a supermarket. you try to shake him off, but the midfielder only squeezes you against his body even tighter, his slightly damp lips pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck, sending a shiver down your spine. “we’re never gonna get anything done like this, you lazy boy. if you don’t wanna walk, go wait in the sitting area with the grandpas.”
he sighs in defeat and shakes his head, pressing his lips together in that cute frown he pulls whenever he’s thinking. then, he’s dropping his arms from you suddenly. “mmhn, got a better idea.”
“and what’s that—”
you face nagi, only to catch your boyfriend with one foot in the shopping cart as he tries to hoist himself over the railing and inside of the basket.
“sei, you can’t fit in there—!” your eyes flicker between him, and the elderly man judging the two of you at the other end of the aisle. “you’re too big.”
“you’re always saying things like that,” he says, and the innuendo intertwined in the words flies over your pretty head because with one boost, he’s hopping over the railing and sinking into the cart, the metal rattling in protest. you stand there, dumbstruck as he settles. “now i can stay with you without walking.”
“yeah, but now that means i have to push you,” you grumble. “i should leave you here and get a new cart.”
but it’s hard to refuse when your boyfriend is that cute. his impossibly long legs are folded against his chest so that he can fit inside the shopping cart comfortably, taking extra care not to crush any of the delicate items surrounding him. the lower half of his face is buried into the collar of his soft hoodie as he absently chews on the drawstrings, but you can still see the sanrio bandaid you put on him yesterday after he got a nasty elbow to the cheek during football practice.
even though you two are already receiving strange looks from other shoppers passing by, you grip the handle, pushing the cart and your boyfriend dutifully, rolling it onto the next aisle.
“you look ridiculous,” you tell him, but you’re grinning. “but here, you’re on list duty. what do we need to get next?”
nagi’s eyes dutifully scan over the shopping list open in the notes app of your phone, his fingernail scrolling the screen lightly.
“it says ‘ramen because my greedy athlete bf keeps eating it all’ so y’need to get . . . oi, you mean me—”
“i wonder who wrote that there,” you whistle innocently, plucking the device out of his hands, wheeling him away fast.
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the rest of your shopping trip is a blur, except for you turning a corner too fast and nearly dumping him out of the cart or the weird looks shoppers continue to give you because by the time you’re lining up in the queue, nagi is buried under the items because he takes up too much space. there’s a bag of rice on one shoulder, a pack of ramen on the other and fresh radishes sprouting from the snowy peaks of his head. not to mention, he’s still holding the pack of ice pops, condensation dripping over his hands.
“you’re making them melt, sei.” because he runs hot a heated blanket in the summer, and you can sympathize with the poor popsicles being defrosted in his big hands.
“‘m gonna eat one so they won’t— oh, hey this one is lemon,” he says, prying open the cardboard lid and tearing open the plastic wrapper of a lemon crème ice pop. tongue peeking out to lick before he’s holding it over his shoulder for you to taste next. “try it. i don’t sound as cute as you when i eat them.”
“sei, you’re not supposed to open those before we—” but nagi pushes the cold treat between your lips insistently, your eyes rounding wide, whining in protest as the ice pop hits your sensitive teeth. but it does taste good— creamy, sweet and sour flavors coating the surface of your tongue. “oh, it’s sh’good. we should get another pack.”
“see? y’make the cutest sounds when you suck it.”
“shut up, seishiro.”
you begin placing the items on the conveyor belt, listening to the irritating bleep, bleep, bleep of the scanner as the cashier rings up each product. you’re not frugal, but you peep at the total on the screen every now and then with a wince.
“that’s it for you, or are you buying the man in your cart too, ma’am?” the cashier asks, glancing at nagi as he finishes off the melting ice pop in the shopping cart, chin resting on top of his knees.
“no,” and you giggle, cheeks warming as you roll your eyes in exasperation. “this one is already mine.”
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feyascorner · 5 months
So might have noticed i have read all your fics and I absolutely love them all!
If your open to taking this request for a fic, i would love like 4 times astarion was jealous and 1 time you were! (I dont know if your familiar with the prompt). Tav sleeping with someone before they get together (act 1) he’s catching feelings! After relationship is established: Act 2 Halsin showing his interest (whether its reciprocated is up to you!). Act3 Shar’s caress, the owner talking about Tav’s interest and drow twins!
Finally, Tav being jealous! Astarion fully enjoying it!
Or just anything with jealous astarion i would LIVE for! Love your work either way 😆
also this is not proofread unfortunately, and I'm not 100% if i did this right but we rock and roll!!!1
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As much as Astarion boasts (and resents) his familiarity with seduction, you're an anomaly he's yet to understand despite his centuries of experience.
Never once in his courtship, even when he'd been alive, had he felt so tested that he was jealous, over someone. Not really, anyway. Sure there were bits of bitter feelings here and there, but most were trivial and about something involved in the relationship, not the person themselves.
He's counted four times since the two of you met, where he had to resort to his better judgment to avoid resorting to pettiness. The first one, was out of necessity--so much so that he didn't even realize what it was at first.
He had watched you snuggle up to Shadowheart of all people, just when he thought he'd finally manipulated enough to have you wrapped around his finger. Instead, he had to hear you laugh as you let the cleric lead you to a nearby lake, making him question if somehow, he'd gotten rusty. Especially when the rival in question was clearly too busy having a religious crisis to properly court you. Sure, you technically didn't belong to him, nor did he belong to you at the time, but he went to sleep feeling oddly irritated. He made sure to flirt with you even more, apparently, the next morning.
The second time, he had accepted the strange feeling in his chest whenever he saw you. And Gods he should have done it earlier. He made sure to show plenty of public affection, kissing your cheek or hand randomly as you and your companions explored the shadow-cursed lands. He got a mouthful from Lae'zel a few times, but he couldn't care less. And just when he believed he'd eliminated any potential rivals, the damned druid suggested that you had feelings for him. Here, he felt that same churning feeling he had weeks ago at camp, and found it was one that he didn't long for. He wouldn't have blamed you if you'd considered it--especially since the two of you stopped being physically intimate after his confession. But he could deny how much he hated this feeling. Pretending he hadn't heard, waited for you to approach him that night. When you reassured him you'd said no, he could breathe again.
The last time was weeks later, at Sharess' Caress, where the two of you were approached by the drow twins. And when he'd confessed he wasn't ready to become intimate again, as much as it scared him, you only smiled at him and nodded. That cursed warmth he felt from such a simple act of kindness would follow him to the end of his days. But he hadn't had enough time to revel in it, because the drow twins assured you only you would be enough, even if he wasn't a part of it. The moment you refused, he was already dragging you out of the room, cursing the twins under his breath.
But for the first time, he thinks you're the one experiencing that dreadful feeling of insecurity.
"Your measurements are perfect for this new selection that just came in! Here, let me just check if the rest would fit."
He'd thought little of the harmless touches of the tailor, but as he notices your expression through the reflection of one of the mirrors, he thinks differently. Your lips are pursed, eyes following the tailor's movements like a hawk as you tighten the arms crossed over your chest. Astarion himself is no stranger to touch, especially to innocent ones like this, but if your body language means anything, the sentiments are not mutual.
The tailor reaches up to measure his arm span, inevitably bring their face a little to close to his neck. He just tilts away, nodding mindlessly at what the tailor is saying, but his attention is fully on you. You're fidgeting, and your anxiousness is impossibly obvious to him, but the more mischievous part of him stops him from doing anything about it. Instead, he revels in it.
"Did you get my inside leg?" he asks the tailor, grinning widely. "I think you might have to redo it. I was leaning a bit."
The tailor agrees though all he sees is a nod of a head and a voice in his ear going right through the other. He observes as your face falls, and just as the tailor crouches down and leans close, you're immediately across the room at record-speed, hand latching over the tailor's wrist.
Astarion barely manages to hold in his laugh. His smile, however, is another story.
"I'll do it," you mumble to the tailor. They look to you and back up to Astarion before seemingly realizing what's going on, nodding.
"Very well."
He never thought you could look even more alluring than he already finds you, but the way your jaw clenches and your brows furrow makes him think otherwise. You lean down and take the measurements as needed, stomping on his foot in the process.
He snorts.
Once the tailor leaves for the stock room, he finds you sighing. "You did that on purpose."
It's not a question. He laughs, and while he could just apologize, he takes your hand in his, tilting your head with the other so you'd look at him. He might even consider the glare you give him as cute.
"Jealous, are you?"
"What do you think?"
"I was starting to think you weren't capable of jealousy."
"Why not?" you say, feeling his thumb rubs the top of your hand. "I've been plenty jealous before."
At this, he raises a brow. "I'd surely remember that."
"When we first met," you recall. "You flirted with practically everyone in camp. Saying you wanted to drink from Wyll, or something like that."
"You must know that I was--"
"I know what it was," you roll your eyes. "Not at the time though, and I thought you'd lost interest in me."
His jaw falls agape. "You're jesting."
"Why do you think I started flirting with other people? I figured you didn't like me as much as I liked you, so I moved on. Tried, at least."
"Is that what your visits to Shadowheart were?"
You scrunch your nose. "Oh Gods, I forgot about that. I'd rather not remember sleeping with one of my closest friends, thanks."
He can't help the grin stretching on his lips, and you notice, feeling yourself smile with him. "You're enjoying this far too much, Astarion."
"Please, tell me the next time you're jealous, so I'll know to keep an eye on you."
"Don't ask such ridiculous things," you retort, feigning annoyance before lifting his palm to your cheek and pressing a kiss to it. He swears his undead heart might've felt it. And just like that, the tailor returns, and you drop your intertwined hands, and he sees you shoot him a warning glare.
Acknowledging he's had enough fun teasing you today, he shrugs, and when the tailor begins showing him an array of outfits, he's not listening. Instead, he toys with the ring behind his back, making sure to commit your expression to his memory.
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whiskeyghoul · 2 months
Pt.3 || She blinded me with science || [Spencer Reid x Goth!reader]
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Read pt1 here, previous chapter, next chapter.
A/N: Hello hello, we are finally to the unofficial first date hehe. This is a bit of a longer one because somehow I kept on writing. So once again this is not proofread. I don’t know yet how many parts this story is going to be, because I just want to continue this for as long as I can. I have some ideas for some more future angst that I want to start setting up to keep it interesting. Anyways, enjoy the read. If you do please like, reblog or comment. If you want to be added to my tag list let me know.
Tags: Fluff, sweet fluff, two idiots in love, goth!reader, alt!reader, coffee date, but is it really a date, both are flustered messes.
Warnings: Discussions of murder. Nothing worse than in criminal minds itself.
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Spencer POV
Spencer stood in front of the lab door again. Hearing the music pour from the cracks, Siouxsie and the banshees again. A familiar situation. Only this time he felt even more nervous than he had before. There was a cup holder in his left hand, the two steaming beverages balanced equally. The smell of cinnamon and coffee filled his nostrils as he took a deep breath. Trying to calm down his racing heart. It had been 4 days since he first called you. 4 Days of wanting to get back to Quantico as quickly as possible so he could bring you the coffee you wanted. He called you every day, short calls at the end of the day right before he’d go to bed. He felt giddy when talking to you, and would go to sleep thinking of when he’d get back. He finally returned late last night, the office was already empty and there was no sign of you to be seen. So he had gone home, planning to get out and get coffee early in the morning. That left him here, in front of your lab. 
As Spencer stood, staring at your name plaque next to the frosted glass door, he felt like he might be going too fast. Coming on too strong perhaps. He didn’t have time to worry about it though when the door in front of him opened. The music turned louder as you came into view. Beaming at him, “Were you planning to come in, or what?” Your voice sounded so melodic to him. Sweet, warm, and slightly teasing. “You saw me?” He asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. “It’s frosted glass, I knew there was someone waiting. From the height I suspected it was you.” You answered with a shrug. Spencer did notice the slight pink tinge that dusted your cheeks at those words. The way you avoided eye contact for a moment. You were embarrassed. If only just a little. “I got your coffee.” He held out the holder with the two cups, watching you perk up at the sight of the coffee. “Come in, we can sit together.” You answered him, taking the coffee cup marked with cinnamon. Spencer smiled, he quickly fixed his hair when you turned around, following into the lab. You still wore an almost completely black outfit, this time a skirt that hit just above your knee, large black platform boots made you taller than before. He had noticed this time you wore a ripped shirt, still with a logo on the front that he did not recognise. 
The music was turned down to a mild background noise. Spencer watched you place the little remote on the desk before you sat on the wooden surface. Turning the chair like an invitation for him to sit. His eyes wandered to your legs, the skirt riding up slightly exposing more of those gorgeous thighs. He quickly placed his bag on the ground, before he took his seat forcing his eyes to your face. He didn’t want to feel like a pervert staring at your thighs. The position causes Spencer to have to look slightly up at you, in turn you smiled at him after taking a sip of your drink. He turned slightly side to side in the swivel chair, a nervous energy overtaking him. His knee bumping into your leg softly. He usually was so full of words, but in your presence he was once again speechless. “How was the case?” You spoke up first, breaking the relative silence that had been over taking. Spencer's eyes wandered to his hands in his lap, where he held the cup a little awkwardly.
“Oh, it was a bit more difficult than expected.” He tried to find his voice, still feeling a little tongue tied around you. “There was a group of male bodies found in more of a ritualistic setting in a warehouse. Laid out with their heads towards each other in a cross like fashion, all dressed in white, and with myrrh found on their hands. At first we thought of ritual killings, after learning they were all members of the parish it seemed most likely…” When Spencer looked up and saw you were watching him with undivided attention he was surprised. Normally when he rambled people were either bored or cut him off quickly because it was an inconvenience to them. Yet it seemed to him you weren’t inconvenienced at all. He stopped, feeling his heartbeat pick up again. 
“But it wasn’t a ritual killing? Was it made to look like one then?” You asked him. Your interest in the story was clear to him. You were leaning slightly closer, towards him, the smell of cinnamon mingling with your perfume was a little distracting to him. “It was but not really intentionally I suppose.” He continued to explain the case. He had managed to find his voice, describing what happened, how they managed to track down the unsub, and how the killing was done by a former church member who wanted to expose the victims for their wrong doings. When you would interject with questions he had time to sip his coffee. Slowly but surely the cup grew colder, the coffee becoming less likable with each sip but he didn’t seem to mind as much. So he moved closer to the desk, in turn slotting his knees around your right calf, before placing the coffee cup on the desk. He preferred this, being close to you. Enjoyed the way you were listening to him and showing interest.
“What was it like here?” Spencer asked after he answered your last question about the myrrh, changing the subject to you. He wanted to know how you spent your time, wanted to know what you liked. The idea of learning more about your hobbies and interests had taken up residence in his head. The entire time he had been away there was just this difficulty focussing on the case. Hotch had even called him out on his lack of focus, remarking that he had been unfocused and to get some shut eye if he had a difficulty due to lack of sleep. Instead he had gone back and picked up his phone to look at your number. Debating to call, scared you wouldn’t pick up. When you did hang up the first time he felt a little defeated, his heart was beating out of his chest. However, still feeling like he needed to try again, he hit the call button again. When you did pick up that time, and your voice rang out through the speaker on his phone, relief washed over him. Starting to ramble on as he tried to find the right words to explain how he felt. His heartbeat was still a mess, his head an even worse one. That was until you had explained you had given him his number because you wanted him to call. Suddenly, he could think again.
“Oh, it was fine. When you called I was over at Pen’s place, maybe she told you about it. Other than that it was pretty normal. Currently I am still working on some tests on the stomach contents of a presumed poison victim. I did get something interesting. Do you want to see?” Your smile was infectious as you placed a now empty coffee cup next to Spencer’s discarded one. Spencer watched enamored at your shift, the excitement washing over you showing just how special this thing was. That apparently it had made your week.  "Of course." He answered, delighting in getting to know just a little of what you enjoyed. Spencer watched as you hopped off the desk, suddenly standing so close to him. He really looked up at you, taking a deep breath to take in that intoxicating perfume. You were practically straddling one of his legs as you stood there. He was scared to move, just in case he touched something he wasn't supposed to. His heart beating out of his chest, he could swear he could feel the heat from your skin through the fabric of his pants.
The moment was short lived when you moved a step back and around. Making your way to one of the many cabinets that lined the wall. Some with warning stickers only alluding to the dangers of the content. The one you walked to didn't have any of those labels on them, it was lower than most other cabinets picking up what looked like a frame. He watched you, the way your hips swayed did something to him. Spencer averted his eyes before he got off of the chair, walking over towards you. “It came in yesterday after you called. Maybe you find it a little weird so don't freak okay.” You looked back over your shoulder. Spencer's heart skipped a little, for some reason when you looked over your shoulder the light hit just right, making you glow. All he could think about was wanting to be close to you then. How wonderful you looked. More importantly, how soft your lips looked.
“I won't, I have seen a lot of weird things.” Spencer promised. Taking a few steps closer so he was a foot or 2 away from you. His face was still feeling warm as the urge to be close continued to brew. “You probably have.” you turned to face him as you spoke, still holding the box with the glass facing your body. “So, my favorite books of all time are the Hannibal books. I know… predictable. But they are wonderful books.” you turned the box and Spencer was faced with a beautiful death’s head hawk moth, pinned up against a dark blue background. He smiled a little, having you excited over a moth that was on the cover of your favorite book. He had to file that away for later. “I saw someone sell it online, and just had to have it.” You sounded a little embarrassed. He could see the small flush return to your cheeks. “It's a beautiful specimen.” He answered, “Did you know they squeak when distressed?” He added, unable to stop himself from fact sharing. “I do now.” The smile you wore made him want to lean in, want to kiss you. It was overwhelming. So he bit his lip, not wanting to do something to scare you away. This was new.
You turned away from him, placing the pinned moth back on the small cabinet. Spencer took a step even closer without even thinking. When you turned around you looked surprised, head tilting up to look him in the eyes. He took note of the little breath you took in, how your eyes lingered on his face as your surprise faded away. Just like you had done that first meeting. The mood shifted from nervous excitement to something more intimate. “Spencer?” The way you said his name made his mind go stupid, he could listen to you saying his name over and over again for all eternity. “Yeah?” He said it softly, not sure if you really wanted an answer, or if he even had the brain capacity to answer you coherently. “You’re staring.” The tease in your tone was clear as day. Yet you spoke so softly, with your cheeks dusted in pink. “So are you.” He whispered back. His heart was beating out of his chest. "Touche." You whispered back. With how close you were, the mingle of cinnamon and cherry was too much. He couldn’t think any more. His hand was itching to reach up, to cup your cheeks as he would kiss you.
Spencer’s mind wandered with the idea of how your lips would taste. Obviously the cinnamon would be there, but what else. He wanted to find out. Wanted to kiss you until the coffee was gone and he could just taste you. How his hands would course through your soft hair, or hold your head as he kissed you. Then again he wanted his hands to hold your thighs, the ones which were so enticing to him. The feeling of your soft skin under his fingers, the idea made his mouth water. So, he gently moved his hand up, his fingertips gently caressing your cheek. Your skin was as soft as he expected, maybe even slightly more so. You were warm, flushed and he couldn’t take his eyes off of you. Wanting to drink up every little reaction, every movement and intake of breath. “Spencer.” You breathed his name. Another eruption of butterflies in his stomach. “Is this okay?” he asked, tucking a small piece of hair behind your ear. It was as smooth as he envisioned. 
You nodded your head, eyes still transfixed on his face. It was cute, Spencer thought, the way you were suddenly the one at a loss for words. How both of you seemed to be so affected by each other. He moved his hand again, placing it where your jaw met your neck, he could feel your heartbeat racing under your skin. A smile tugged at his lips. He was about to lean in, to press his lips softly to yours, unable to resist the urge, when suddenly an alarm rang throughout the lab. Pulling him from the intimate moment. A little resentful of the equipment interrupting him. He watched you close your eyes and breathe out through your nose almost with a sigh. “I have to get that. If I don’t I might not get accurate readings on the toxicology.” You looked a little disappointed. Spencer felt just a little pleased at that. “I understand, my team is probably wondering where I am too.” He responded, taking a step back and allowing you space. He was surprised when you placed your hands on his shoulders, “lean down a little.” He did as you asked, leaning down until his face was almost level with yours. You tipped up onto your toes, the platforms making you at eye level with him.
You smiled, quickly planting a soft kiss on his cheek. He felt his cheeks flush as his brain went blank as his senses just filled with you. “There, that will have to do for now.” You spoke as you pulled away. Spencer was wide eyed but he felt his lips curve into a dopey smile. “It will, for now.” He answered. “You better wash that off before you go back to the bullpen.” You were referencing the lipstick stain on his cheek most likely. “I might want to keep it.” He knew that Derek would tease him for it. It would be a reminder of you though. Of your lips on his skin. “Hmm, don’t blame me for the relentless teasing you will undergo if you do.” You grinned before turning to head to the beeping machine. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Spencer said and you looked back over your shoulder. “See you tomorrow.” You called back before getting to work on the tox screen.
Before Spencer returned to the bullpen he made a quick stop at the mens restroom, taking out his small phone and snapping a picture of your lipstick mark on his cheek. A reminder for later. Before he washed it off with reluctance. He was already looking forward to tomorrow.
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Tag list: @depressedbutartsy @sarai-ibn-la-ahad
282 notes · View notes
space-mango-company · 2 months
Stranger | Chapter 5
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
TW: Descriptions of Violence, Mentions of Cannibalism
Tags: Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen x Atreides!Reader, Arranged Marriage, Eventual Smut, POV Second Person, No use of y/n, Original Characters, Canon What Canon
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Not proofread!! Holy moly. Here it is, folks. The scene that inspired this whole fic. I had fun writing this so I really hope you enjoy it. Once again, I appreciate everyone who likes, comments, and/or leaves kudos so much. I really started this fic for myself but good golly, that dopamine rush whenever I get a notif might be more addicting than spice. I'm glad to be part of the bald man brigade.
Also, I can't believe I'm only now questioning why I decided to write this in the second person? I guess maybe I thought this fic would be a lot shorter and not that deep, lol. At this point 'y/n' probably has enough personality to just be a straight-up OC. It's funnier because I don't even find second-person or y/n fics any more engaging either. I always detach myself by giving 'y/n' her own name and only seeing her as a character in the fic.
ANYWAY, sorry to ramble. Stay safe and have a good one, ya weirdos.
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You step out into the dark cul-de-sac of the guest hall, illuminated only by the large suspensor lamp in the middle. Feyd-Rautha looks you up and down, seemingly entranced by how the dim light casts his shadow on your modest dress. Atreides green, he recognized.
"Trying to sneak into my rooms again?" you say arms crossed, leaning on your door. "I didn't appreciate the last time, by the way."
"It's my house," he says cooly, "and I did knock this time."
You stare at him indifferently.
"Quite the display from you yesterday morning, using The Voice on me." His voice low and raspy, "I should have you drawn and quartered."
You scoff in his face. "You almost choked me to death. Are you trying to start a war?"
He takes a step closer and his face is inches from yours, you can feel his breath on your cheek, "I didn't think I'd like you this much, little hawk."
"What do you want, Feyd-Rautha?" you had no patience for him right now.
"Ah," he steps back, a dark smile on his face, "I've been waiting to hear my name from your tongue." His hand reaches for your lips. "I've grown quite tired of 'na-Baron'."
You grab his wrist before he can touch you. "If you're only here to toy with me, I would rather be left alone to prepare for bed." You release his hand and turn to open your door.
Feyd-Rautha props an arm against the doorway to block you. "We're to be married in three days," he says, "and I just can't seem to bring myself to let go of my 'harpies', as you called them." He meets your gaze. "You said you'd kill them. Did you mean that?"
You look up at him with steely eyes. He towered over you but your heart felt no fear, "Yes."
His coy smile returns. "Good. Come to my training hall tomorrow," he says, walking away.
"What?" you call after him.
"Dress to fight," he says over his shoulder. "I want to see what you can do, Atreides."
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You needed no help from Zora in putting on a loose shirt and long pants. The plain beige outfit certainly wasn't as elegant as the dresses you had been wearing so far. But it was comfortable and you could fight in it, which was all that mattered. Still, you look yourself in the mirror. The soft, airy fabrics draped over your figure well but perhaps you were not in the best shape as you once were. Your muscle mass is much less than your brother's and he wasn't particularly built himself. You admit you did wane off your training sessions with Gurney and Paul leading up to your departure from Caladan. Nevertheless, you were still a skilled warrior. Another secret you've been keeping from the Harkonnens.
You were 14 when you started learning the blade. Watching Paul, 2 years your senior, practice with the Atreides Warmaster lit a fire in you. You didn't hesitate to pester your father to let you train with them and of course, there was nothing he could deny his darling daughter. You were a fierce and determined student. Gurney Halleck was a man you genuinely believed to be one of the best fighters in the Imperium, along with Duncan Idaho. Gurney would train you and Paul on even days. On odd days, your mother would teach you the Weirding Way. These lessons, much like the rest of your mother's teachings, your father wanted to know nothing about. After becoming decently adept at Prana-Bindu and gaining almost complete physical control of your body, Lady Jessica insisted that you also be skilled in the Bene Gesserit style of combat.
You were far from mastery in either but the combination of both trainings made you a formidable fighter. Despite this, you could never seem to beat your brother in a sparring match. A fact that frustrated you to no end, though you appreciated that Paul never went easy on you. You'd always blame it on him having trained for longer than you have. But in truth, you knew there had just always been something special about him.
"Are you ready, my lady?" Zora's soft voice wakes you from your thoughts.
"Hm? Right. Yes, let's go." You quickly tie your hair out of the way and grab your father's dagger from atop your dresser.
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There was no fanfare when you entered the hall. On one end, the na-Baron's concubines sat chained on the steps of the shallow recessed pit in their leathers, their glares piercing through you. Your eyes linger on them as Feyd-Rautha and his Warmaster greet you.
"I was starting to think my lady bride was bluffing," Feyd-Rautha says as you approach him. The older man beside him offers you a polite bow.
"Perhaps she wasn't so keen on your brutish games," you bite back. "Your lord uncle won't be joining us?"
"No," Feyd-Rautha crosses his arms, "but he'll be hearing about your victory. Or your demise."
"Right. Well, I assume you'll be releasing them from those chains," you nod towards his pets "Not sure why they're necessary."
"Oh, trust me, little hawk. They're necessary." Feyd-Rautha motions to a servant.
"Your blade and shield, my lady," they bow, presenting you with a knife and a small device you recognize as a Holtzman shield.
"I've brought my own," you unsheath your father's dagger. You contemplate taking the shield but remembering that the na-Baron forwent it during his gladiator fight, you decide to do so as well. "They've no weapons anyway, the shield seems pointless."
Feyd-Rautha shrugs, "If you insist."
You take a deep breath, "Let's get this over with."
You lightly stretch as you walk down the steps of the shallow pit to stand opposite the na-Baron's concubines. You had come into this on the pretense of righteousness. For Iassa, you told yourself. But you've known her a mere two days. A part of you wanted to show off. You were good and you knew it. You could probably kill anyone in this room, even Feyd-Rautha. You craved the respect of the people here: the Harkonnens, the people of Geidi Prime. You figured this was one way to get it.
Feyd-Rautha walks around the pit to one of his concubines and kneels to whisper something in her ear. You assume a fighting stance when he moves to release her from the chains. When you meet her eyes, they are filled with feral bloodlust.
Suddenly, you weren't so bold. The veil of courage you have maintained since you arrived, even when Feyd-Rautha had your neck in his grip, is torn apart when you face this woman. You could tell no part of her would hesitate to rip your throat out with her bare teeth. You were almost relieved they were unarmed, but you weren't sure if that would make them any less lethal.
Fear grew in your chest and you had less than a moment to recite the Litany in your head before the concubine lunged at you.
You crouch down in time and slash at her abdomen as she approaches you. You turn to face her on the other side of the pit and she wastes no time in attacking you again. She attempts to grab your armed hand but you take hold of her wrist first and move to pin it behind her back. Quickly, your blade drags across her throat and she falls to your feet.
The kill has not yet registered in your mind but your heart is racing. You can almost hear your blood coursing through your veins. You held your arms outstretched, your eyes focused ahead, ready for the next one.
Across the pit, Feyd-Rautha licks his lips, smiling as he releases his second concubine. This time, you walk toward her while she moves to attack you. You clock her head with the pommel of your dagger and knock her a few steps back. She reaches a hand to wipe the blood beginning to drip out of her nose. After examining it, she snarls and bares her sharp teeth at you. Your mind is blank now. She dodges your first slash then manages to land a blow to your jaw. You seethe from the pain. You spit out the mixture of blood and saliva filling your mouth. The anger at the hit drives you to rush at her. Seeing an opening, you duck down to her waist and stab her twice. As she falls to her knees, the look of determination doesn't leave her eyes until the very last moment.
When you turn around, Feyd-Rautha has already released the last concubine. The ruthless scream she lets out disorients you. She pounces and knocks you over. She straddles you and pins your arms to the ground, your blade sliding inches away. She screams again in your face at the death of her sisters. You wedge your right knee between you and her abdomen, the only thing keeping her teeth from reaching your throat. You grunt as you struggle to free your hands. In your periphery, you see Feyd-Rautha, wielding his own blade, take a step into the pit.
"GET BACK," you roar, and he is powerless to refuse.
You turn back to your opponent still on top of you and you butt her head with your own. She loosens her grip and you kick her off to hastily crawl to your weapon. When she reorients herself and attempts to grab you again, you hook a knee under her arm and flip the both of you over. With your weight on her chest and both your knees pinning her arms down, she thrashes underneath you, claws digging into your right ankle. You take your blade in both hands and her screaming is silenced when you sink your knife deep into her heart.
When you rise, the room is quiet. Your chest heaves. The stark white ceiling lights don't help the lightheadedness that begins to wash over you in the post-adrenaline rush. Feyd-Rautha says something from behind you but his speech is garbled as you reel from the thrill of what just transpired. You were electrified. You almost... wanted more.
Then, the realization of the revolting scene you are in settles upon you and you are knocked off your high. You look at the leather-clad bodies scattered around you, the grotesque way they lay on the floor, the red blood pooling around them made brighter by the sterile grayness of the room. You did this.
A hand on your shoulder snaps you out of it. In reflex, you turn and raise your blade at the offender.
Feyd-Rautha holds his hands up, "Whoa, easy, Atreides. Trying to kill me? Don't want to start a war, do you?"
You yield your weapon. Your eyes dodge his as you look to your feet and try to steady your breathing.
"Enjoy your first taste of blood?" Feyd-Rautha says, the look in his eyes indecipherable to you. He raises a hand and swipes his thumb on your cheek. It comes away covered in crimson.
You gasp and reach for your face with your own hand. You don't even know if it's your blood or theirs, or when it got on you. Your heart pounded, unable to decide whether you were repulsed or proud.
"Look at you," he says licking the red off his finger. You could not help but stare at him through the strands of your hair that had come undone in the fighting. "You're beautiful like this," his hand reaches for your face again.
"No," you say low and quiet when you swat his hand away, "you're sick." You didn't know if you meant him or yourself. You calmly turn to leave. No one stops you when you make your way up the shallow steps of the pit. As you pass Iassa—no, Zora—by the doorway, you tell her flatly, "Prepare a bath."
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You had never taken a life before. Today, you took three. You were glad you didn't know their names. You decided you'd never find out.
After Zora pours a final pitcher of hot water into the bath, you tell her, "You may go. I'll dress myself later, thank you."
She bows and makes her way out of your rooms.
In your solitude, you bring your knees to your chest. You had been quick to wipe the blood off your cheek before you even reached your quarters. Now, you cup the water into your hands and rub it into your face, the slight sting of the heat comforting you.
He was a cruel man, your betrothed. This is what you've decided. Having you kill the concubines he claimed to want to keep so much. But wasn't it you who threatened to kill them? He started it, you argue with yourself, when he had Iassa killed. You felt like a child.
When you used to hear of Feyd-Rautha's exploits, you had to mask your disgust. And yet now, you had killed so easily in that pit as he had in the arena. What was this place doing to you?
When you left Caladan, Paul had never killed anyone either. You wonder if he ever does, would he feel the same exhilaration you did when you slit that first concubine's throat. No. Your brother was fierce but, like your father, he had a good heart. You beat him by three. You hoped it would stay that way.
You think about your future here, marrying Feyd-Rautha. Producing heir after heir under the Baron's watchful eye. You were a broodmare. Despite all your fancy training and education. Despite your little demonstration earlier. It was the bitter truth.
You missed home. You missed walking along the beach at night with your father. You missed your mother's gentle hands brushing your hair. You missed the banter and teasing with your brother. You missed Gurney, and Duncan, and the cold breeze on your balcony, and getting to roam free and going anywhere you pleased. When the tears come, you sink deep into the bath so they might fade away in the water.
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Chapter Links: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5]
Taglist: @torchbearerkyle @austinswhitewolf @dreamlandcreations @emeraldsgirl @strawberryfieldsforevermore @bornslippys @vexis-world @aoi-targaryen @alexandrainlove @mamawiggers1980 @sstardussty @aboutthenabaron
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366 notes · View notes
owliellder · 9 months
The Finer Details
Post DI! Leon Kennedy x f! Painter Reader
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MDNI 18+
(Session 1, Session 2, Session 3, Session 4, Session 5, The Reveal)
Description: Leon realizes that retirement is in his best interest now that he's getting older. All of his accomplishments as an agent mean he's truly earned a painting to commemorate..
Warnings: Not Proofread, Age gap! (reader is anywhere between mid-late 20's and Leon is 40), Porn w/ Plot, Use of she/her pronouns, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Alcoholism, mentions of trauma/PTSD/depression, P in V smut (wrap it NEOW), Leon cries during sex 💔
Tags: Older Leon Kennedy, Younger afab!Reader, Leon is SAD but he is your muse, Crying, mentions of Leon masturbating, starts off with Dom! Leon and Sub! Reader, falls into switch territory because that man needs some serious TLC, Praise kink, Hickeys, Handjob, Nipple play, Oral sex (m! and f! receiving), and a heavy dose of Aftercare
Author's Note: I write these at work and I work nightshift all alone in a little gatehouse, right? I kid you not 3 coyotes were staring at me through the door and I didn't even notice. I saw them running by on the cameras but I honestly thought it was just a group of feral cats cause they were so small.
Anyways, thank you for 300 followers!! I'm geekin' out over that! And Friday morning the last chapter will be out 😈🙏
Cross-posted on AO3
Session 5: Finishing Touches
The word excited was a vast understatement when it came to seeing you again.
Leon's heart was thrumming against his chest as he stood silently in front of your apartment door. His hand was raised up halfway, ready to knock, but a sudden wave of anxiety was holding him back. He was at your apartment. Your apartment.
The drive over was relatively short, it was closer than your workspace, yet he felt confident the entire way here. Now here he was, frozen in place, worried his knock would be too loud or make him seem desperate, even. A ridiculous thought, obviously the man knew that, but it gripped his mind nonetheless.
You must've had a sixth sense, having opened the door before he'd built up the courage to actually knock, when all reality you just recognized the sound of his motorcycle at this point. The sweet smile you gave Leon was enough to draw him into your apartment. He was quick to take his jacket off since he was sweating bullets, hanging it up on the coat rack next to your front door.
You could tell he was nervous just by how jittery he was, it was endearing yet worrisome at the same time. Seeing how worked up you made him was adorable, but at the same time you didn't want him to feel uncomfortable around you.
"Sit wherever, Mr. Kennedy. My house is yours." You placed a hand on his bicep to try and ease him, smile still remaining as you watched him survey the living room. A quiet laugh fell from his lips as he trained his eyes on you. "It's Leon, please. Making me feel real old over here..." You rolled your eyes with a playful groan. It was just a formality you'd trained yourself to respond with when it came to clients. A hard habit to break since you'd never really dated any of them before now.
With a gentle pat, you slowly turned and walked off into your admittedly small kitchen where the faint sound of boiling water could be heard. It took a few seconds before Leon decided to follow you, not totally convinced to take a seat just yet. You glanced over your shoulder at him before turning back to reach up into one of your cabinets, pulling out a couple mismatched mugs. "You like chai?" He nodded, licking his lips at the idea of something to drink.
The man could only stand awkwardly a few feet behind you and watch as you grabbed a couple tea bags from another cabinet, setting reach bag in their respective mug. An electric kettle sitting atop your counter beeped once it reached the selected temperature, prompting you to grab the handle and pour the water into the mugs.
You covered the mugs to let them steep, turning around to lean back against the edge of your counter so you could look at Leon. He looked like a lost puppy, hands in the pockets of his jeans as he took in your kitchen. With a sympathetic sigh, you pushed yourself from the counter and looped your right arm through his, leading him out of the kitchen back towards your living room. "Get comfortable, I'll bring the tea over here, okay?"
He just let you lead him over to the couch, sitting down at your request with a meek nod. He really should be more confident than this, but he was far out of practice when it came to women. The idea of messing this up for himself was terrifying.
Leon's head followed you as you walked around to the front of the couch, watching as you set the mugs on the coffee table before sitting down next to him. He rested his hands on top of his thighs, eyes now stuck to the tea placed in front of him.
"Are you feeling alright? You look like you're gonna throw up." You meant this in a joking manner, even giggling a bit as you spoke, but Leon's head jerked away from the tea to look at you, eyebrows furrowed with worry as he shook his head. "No-.. No, I'm okay, just... Can I be honest?"
That kind of question never failed to make you nervous, and he was quick to pick up on that, clearing his throat after stumbling over his words. "It's... It's been a long time since I've done anything like this. Seeing someone."
Your mouth formed a small 'o' shape at his confession before falling back to that same sweet smile that you welcomed him in with. "You're right to be nervous, Leon. But hey," you paused to scoot closer to him, ".. I've had the privilege to learn a bit of backstory from you already, and after working with a few other agents before you, I have a general idea on just how taxing that kind of job can be."
Leon tightened his lips as he listened to you, worry still plain on his face. You were right and maybe that's why he grew to like you so easily. He didn't have to explain anything since you already knew the basic gist of it all, holding a level of understanding that most other potential partners wouldn't have.
You reached in front of him to grab the mug, carefully placing it in one of his hands before reaching further to grab the other, now having him hold the mug with both hands. He kept fidgeting with his jeans, clearly needing something to hold onto.
"I won't pry, the details of your job seem pretty intense, but I want you to know that I'll never turn you away, relationship or not." You'd grabbed your own mug now, looking down as you pinched your index and thumb on the paper end to the tea bag to jostle it a bit. "You've more than earned the time you have now to just be yourself."
Leon swallowed dryly, turning his attention down to where he was holding the mug in his lap. He didn't even know he needed to hear those words, but dammit were they definitely hitting home.
"Thank you." He managed to say, voice meek and slightly scratchy from just how dry his mouth had become. "You... have a way with words?" He breathed out a chuckle to which you followed up with a laugh of your own. Despite feeling so vulnerable and awkward, he still managed to make a joke.
You closed your eyes as you brought the mug up to your lips, taking a sip of the now perfectly warm tea before opening them again to give the man next to you a smirk. "What a charmer you are, huh?"
And just like every other time the two of you had been around each other, Leon started to relax by the hour; talking more, joking more, getting closer to you, and once you both finished up the tea, he held onto your hand with his own.
He followed you around your apartment when you excitedly asked to give him a tour. It was small, a very humble one bedroom, one bathroom apartment, but to Leon it was probably the most comfortable place he'd ever been. So similar to your workplace in terms of decor, but now it was full of your more personal items.
The smell of the tea from earlier was beginning to fade, making way for the smell of just you, such a pleasant and intoxicating smell to the man.
Your bedroom was the biggest culprit so far, the two of you winding up sitting on the edge of your bed. Shamefully, he'd zoned out as you rambled on about whatever, just soaking in the feel of your comforter beneath his hands. It was soft, but definitely not as soft as your lips were.
While Leon was zoned out, his eyes had gotten stuck again, this time on your lips as they moved. You were focused somewhere else, looking forwards, not really paying attention to where he was staring. He so badly wanted to kiss you again, the last kiss didn't last nearly as long as he would've liked it to.
Leon knew his words would fail him and he wanted to act before his nerves got the better of him, leading him to moving his eyes up to yours, his hand reaching to gently hold under chin so he could turn your head to face him.
The feel of his hand caused you to pause your ramble, letting him turn your head to face him. He looked so handsome with that wanting look, his eyes flittering from your own and back down to your lips.
He seemed to know what he wanted, so you opted to just let him slowly pull you closer into a kiss, eyes closing as your lips touched his. It was a little longer than the kiss you shared the night before, but after pulling away and seeing the shy smile you had, he couldn't help but pull you right back in.
His eyebrows furrowed, hands finding their way to your back to pull you closer, one between your shoulder blades while the other on the small of your back. You arched against his touch, letting him angle you the way he wanted. Leon's hands moved to make way for his arms, biceps flexing as he tightly wrapped them around you. He had to hold on tight, fearing he would lose his little slice of heaven if he didn't.
Your lips felt amazing against his, so soft and pillowy. And god, the way your skin felt when he shifted one of his rough hands up under your shirt. He needed more, all of you.
He let out a low groan, almost a growl as he nibbled on your bottom lip before moving down to your neck. He leaned back a bit so his shoulders were resting against the head of the bed frame, managing to pull you even closer so your chest was pressed up a little higher than his, his head buried into the crook of your neck.
You breathed out a shaky breath as his hands began to wander again, still underneath your shirt. They went up and down your back, moving down to occasionally squeeze your waist. You made the prettiest sounds when he did.
Leon felt so needy, holding onto you like this, for dear life. He couldn't help it. You were his lifeline right now.
His lips trailed along the underside of your jaw and down the front of your throat, making sure to leave a trail of hickeys in their wake. He could feel you swallow and the vibrations from your moans, loving how alive you felt in his grasp.
You ran your fingers through his hair before gently tugging him away from your neck, tilting his head back ever so slightly so he was looking up at you. He was panting, breath cold against your spit-covered neck. You gave him the most endearing look, one hand trailing down to cup the side of his face. You didn't want him to worry even for a second.
"I'm not going anywhere." You whispered, running your thumb along his bottom lip before bringing him into another kiss. His grip on you loosened enough for you to carefully slide down and settle your upper half into his lap.
Leon's lip quivered as he watched you, hands trembling once you'd slid out of his grasp. Your words were comforting, but he couldn't hold onto you the way he wanted when you were down there. Though, with the way you rested your cheek against the bulge straining in his jeans, he wasn't all that worried anymore.
You watched your hand with a lazy smile as you stroked him over his jeans, both arms resting on his thighs to keep them spread apart. Leon needed love and care and you were more than willing to help him make up for the lost time.
After unbuckling his belt and pulling it off, you unzipped his jeans, sitting up to pull them down in the front. You looked up at him through your eyelashes, silently asking for permission to which he eagerly nodded his head. He even reached his hands down to help, but you swatted them away.
"Let me take care of you..." Carefully, you pulled the front end of his boxers down far enough for his cock to spring out and then up against his stomach, already leaking precum. Leon groaned as the cool air hit it, causing his hips to jerk up a bit.
You didn't want to tease the poor man, so you reached your hand up and gripped the base, pulling it upright and to the side slightly. You stroked him languidly before placing a gentle kiss against the shaft. He whined, his legs now starting to shiver from the adrenaline.
Leon never could've imagined he'd get this far with you tonight, let alone get to watch you stroke his dick while giving it kisses and little kitten licks. A pitiful moan was pulled from him when you wrapped your lips around the tip to suck, your hand now stroking him faster.
You were so careful with him, focusing on his pleasure, having even stopped a couple times to make sure he was feeling good and also just to tell him how good he was doing.
With his cock now deep in your throat, tears were streaming down his face, small sobs falling from his lips as you bobbed your head up and down. It was all so much; the smell of your bedding, the feeling your mouth wrapped around him, the sound of his own weak little cries hitting his ears.
"I'm-.. God I'm sorry- I-" He spoke breathlessly through the moans and sobs, hands fisted into your comforter as he began to worry he'd chase you away. You pulled your mouth off of him, hand moving from holding the base to stroking him again. "You're doing such a good job, Leon. Just let go for me.." With your hushed words, you quickly put your mouth back around him, going right back to deepthroating him.
His orgasm surfaced fast, throwing his head back with a high pitched whine as he all so suddenly came down your throat. After pulling away, you gave the tip of his cock a gentle kiss before tucking it back into his boxers for him, staring up at him while running your hand along his thigh.
It was hard for him to look down at you, his head feeling heavy. A few small tears fell here and there, but now he was able to give you a tired smile. "Was that alright?" You asked him again, voice raspy from deepthroating the man.
Leon huffed out through his nose, smile widening as he quickly sat up, reached down, and pulled you up so your chest was pressed against his again. He wrapped his arms around you, hugging you tightly once more before burying his face into your neck.
It would've taken years for him to open up like that with anyone else, but it was different with you. You already knew, you understood, you were patient with him.
You made him feel weak in the best way possible. For once in his life he didn't need to be that strong, stone-cold agent who didn't bat an eye at death. With you, he could be soft.
It only took a few more sessions for Leon's portrait to be finished. All that needed to get done was some finishing touches since little things tend to get smudged along the way. All a part of the process.
Unfortunately for Leon, you didn't let him see the final product, blocking his every attempt to see it while saying something about "You don't get to see the bride before the wedding!" Whatever that meant.
When you told him it would take about two months to dry, he turned into the biggest man-child you've ever seen. Leon was just as bad as Chris in that sense, only difference being Claire was there to help contain Chris when he tried to see their portrait. Now you were left to deal with Leon's shenanigans all on your own.
No matter how much he begged and pleaded, you didn't relent. Hell, you even chased him out of the building with a dirty paintbrush. Two months was too long to wait for something like that. You were basically torturing him.
Luckily for you and him, it was easy to distract the man with the promise of a comfortable night at your apartment with some takeout. Afterwards, he really only ever asked about the portrait when he saw you working on something else. By now you'd hidden the painting away from his prying mind to give it time to dry. Out of sight, out of mind.
In the meantime, you would sketch him at random; while he was sitting on your couch, with his glasses on, naked on the bed posing for you "like one of your french girls", which was pretty funny yet surprisingly helpful. It had been a long time since you had the chance to draw a nude model, and what better than the ex-agent you'd grown so fond of?
Now it was just a matter of playing the waiting game. Leon's portrait was made to be extra special, secretly working on it while he was sleeping or off at the gym. Sure it prolonged the drying process, but you can't rush perfection in the end.
tags!: @greywardensaywhat @xkittiecatx @httpsuguru @k-fallingstar @lysa1201 @bobastayhigh @pocketstoriesstore @agent-dessis-posts @klee-iii @missjoenowhere @bbjposay @lazuliglace @bigtiddiesimp @finsternisle @sweets3rial @sodacolablast (there's a few of you that tumblr wouldn't let me tag for some reason 😭)
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matts-k1tten · 3 months
𝐖𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐦𝐞 pt.5
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Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4
summary: y/n finds her boyfriend (now ex) Chris cheating on her at a party and vows to make him feel the way she did..
warnings: angst, swearing, let me know if I missed anything.
*not proofread*
pink: y/n
green: Mia
orange: Chris
blue: Matt
purple: Nick
What the fuck did you do?
“Shit! Nick just texted me!” I scream as I look at my phone quickly wiping my tears out of panic. “Oh, well what did he say?” Mia asks turning to me. “He seems mad over text he said ‘what the fuck did you do?’ and when nick finds out that’s when you know it’s bad.” I say about to shit my pants.
“Oh shit.” Is all Mia said as she turned back to the steering wheel. “Well, let’s go home first and shower and we’ll figure something out alright?” Mia speaks again. I only nod as Mia starts to drive.
My phone then dings once again.
You’re coming to my house tomorrow at 3:00pm sharp.
“Who was that?” Mia asks keeping her eyes on the road. “It was Nick. He- um, said we have to go to his house at 3:00pm sharp.” I respond trying not to let the anxiety get the best of me. I start fidgeting with my fingers and bouncing my leg up and down aggressively as Mia glances to me and reaches over the console to hold my hands.
“We’ll be fine, we just have to go and get it over with okay? You can’t avoid it forever.” Mia says her eyes still looking ahead. I just smile at the side of her head.
“You’re my best friend and I love you so much, you know that right?” I smile at her. I see the smile on her face grow as she squeezes my hand a little bit. “I’d do anything for you because I love you and you mean so much to me.” My smile grows and I look out the window.
“How far are we?” I ask getting bored. “About 10 minutes, not that long.” Mia answers. I just sigh and look out the window thinking about the things that could happen tomorrow.
What would Nick say? Is this the end to my friendships with them? What’s Matt gonna say? What’s Chris gonna say? Will nick hate me?
Thoughts raced through my head as I stared out the window. “Don’t think to much. The more you think, the more bad it’ll likely get.” Mia looks at me for a split second. I just nod a bit and lay my head against the glass.
“I’m just….thinking about how it could go.” I say softly. I look over at Mia who looks over at me then back to the road. “Wipe your face, you have mascara running down your cheeks.” Mia smiles. We both start laughing as I grab a napkins and wet it with some water we left in the car. I sniffle a bit and look in the mirror to wipe my face.
Mia then pulls into my neighborhood and drives down the street to where my house is. Mia and I both hop out the car and to the door and unlock it. “Let’s get ready for bed, we’ll think about this tomorrow, yeah?” Mia suggests. “Yeah.”
I slowly open my eyes adjusting to the light flooding in through the curtains blinding me as I wake up. I slowly sit up and look around my room. Mia is on my bed beside dead asleep slightly snoring.
I check the time “1:33”.
I get out of bed and grab my phone to go use the bathroom and make breakfast. I do my business and head down the stairs to the kitchen and pull out ingredients for pancakes. As I’m frying the pancakes, Mia enters the room rubbing the sleepiness out her eyes.
“Good morning.” Mia says as she stretches with her arms going over her head. “Morning.” I smile back. “Oh! I love pancakes!” Mia shouts like a kid and sits down at the island. I slide her a plate of pancakes and put some for me. We start eating silence taking over the room. “You ready for today?” Mia asks. “Not really, I have to mentally prepare myself for it.” I reply with food in my mouth. “Chew that and then talk.” Mia laughs out loud.
I just chuckle and chew faster.
My phone dings with a next from non other than Nick since his brothers don’t have the balls to text me themselves.
Remember, my house at 3!!
I just put a thumbs up and turn off my phone and place it face down. “Nick just texted me reminding me like it wasn’t what I was stressing about all night.” I look at Mia who is on her phone. “Yeah, well it means he’s really serious about it then.” Mia responds not taking her eyes off the screen.
I finish my pancakes and put the dish in the sink. “Get ready we’re gonna leave in like 30 minutes!” Mia shouts after me. “Okay!”
Mia pulls into the boys driveway and puts the car on park. “Nick said the door should be unlocked.” I tell her. “I need you to prepare yourself for what’s about to happen next because it could be a gamble, he could yell at you, make amends, try to forget about it, fuck maybe even kill you!” Mia says making me laugh. “Like Nick would do that, Nick is smart he’d probably try to understand the situation.” I say sounding more like i’m trying to convince myself.
Mia just hums and gets out the car and so do I. I mean, I was shitting myself to say the least. When Nick gets involved, that’s when it gets serious.
Mia opens the door and lets us in and I shut the door behind us. “Hello?” “In here!”
Mia and I stomp up the stairs to be met with the boys sitting on the couch. Nick with his legs and arms crossed, Matt with his phone in his hands, and Chris sitting with his head in his hands. Once we make it up the stairs, Chris looks up at us and I can see in his eyes that he’s been crying by his red and puffy eyes.
I suddenly feel bad seeing that him and Matt aren’t even sitting next to each other instead, they were sitting on the complete opposite sides of the couch with Nick in between them. Usually they would be so close to each other that their knees would be touching and Chris clinging on to him. It broke my heart to think that I did this.
My face visibly drops examining the room. “Have a seat.” Nick says to Mia and I. We both quickly plop down right next to each other. Matt turns off his phone and looks at us. No emotion behind his eyes beside the slight redness and veins in them.
Nick’s face is stern and serious as he looks at us. “All of you, are childish. I don’t know what goes through all your minds but you all really need to get your acts together and learn how to be an adult. If you don’t, your actions will cost you your emotions like this. So I just wanna know, if someone cheats on you, you wouldn’t want to try to hurt them back right? Be an adult and talk it out and settle it in a mature way, I get that Chris cheated on you but maybe think out your options first.” Nick says coldly.
I nod and look down at my fidgeting fingers. Nick turns to Chris. “Now, Chris if you would have just communicated with y/n and told her that you didn’t want to be in a relationship anymore, that you could’ve just said that.”
Ouch. The words said out loud hurt even more.
I feel tears start to weld in my eyes but I quickly blink them away. “I-I wanted to be in a relationship with her I just-I don’t know, I love y/n and-“ “Bullshit!” I scream cutting off Chris. “Y/n be mature-“
“No! If you loved me, you wouldn’t even have cheated in the first place! This-“ I motion my finger in a circle. “Would have never happened if you would’ve just kept your dick in your pants and controlled yourself and oh! Better yet, answered me! Since you “love” me so much!” I scream at Chris anger suddenly surging through my veins. “Y/n!” Nick stands up.
“It’s fucking true! He could’ve just texted me back and updated me on the past two weeks of his life instead of ghosting me like an asshole all that time!” I stand up as well. “Don’t call me that!” Chris stands up now face to face with me. “Why Chris?! You are an asshole! You broke my heart and cheating on me with that fucking whore that you know made me develop my problems in the first place!” I shout back poking my finger against his chest.
“That doesn’t mean you could go behind my back and fuck my brother!” Chris shouts back. I fall silent not knowing what to say next. “I didn’t know you still loved her.” Matt says under his breathe so quiet I barely caught it. Everyone in the room turns to him. Matt stands up.
“If you would’ve been a better man, you would improve your communication skill and tell everyone in the room how you feel! You can’t just keep to yourself whenever you do so without thinking of the effect it has on other people!” Matt shouts directly at Chris. “Maybe, you should find another girl to fuck and not my fucking ex! Why would you fuck my ex in the first place!? I’m your fucking brother for crying out loud!” Chris screams at the top of his lungs angry tears now streaming down his cheeks.
Matt doesn’t say anything as he puts on an angry fist and clenches his fists looking like he’s ready to punch Chris. “Stop! What are you doing?! All of you, sit your asses down!” Nick shouts and puts his hands in between his brothers. We all listen and sit back down. “Y/n, you know I love you. Right?” Chris asks in a broken voice him now crying. I don’t look at him as tears start to fall down my face. I keep a straight face and look forward ignoring Chris as I shake and cry.
“Y/n!” Chris shouts next to me and attempts to grab my hand to which I quickly pull away. To that, Chris lets out a sob and I close my eyes and quietly cry.
Mia rubs my back as Chris just stares at me in shock. “Don’t talk to me right now Chris.” I say quietly in a broken voice.
I just couldn’t look at him. If i did, I knew I was gonna burst into tears so I just looked forward. Everyone just stares at Chris and I, none of us not knowing what to say next.
“I-“ I sigh harshly. “I’m…sorry, to all of you. I know I’m not mature and I’ve been trying to get my act up but I really can’t. I guess this is my nature.” I whisper to everyone. Nick sighs and walks over to me and sits in between Me and Chris. Nick places his hand on my back and pulls me into his chest as I start to sob uncontrollably.
Nick rubs my back attempting to make me feel better. “It’s okay, let it out.” My sobs grow louder hearing his words. I start to wail loudly but Nick stuffs my face in his chest to muffle me.
Hearing my sobs, Chris’ face visibly turns in a hurt expression knowing he was the one who made me feel like this. “You’re okay.” Nick whispers. I cling onto Nicks shirt and try to breathe.
“Breathe.” Nick says softly. I listen and take deep breathes attempting to calm down and pull away wiping my tears with my sleeves. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s alright, y/n” Nick cuts me off. I turn to Mia who smiles at me softly and puts her hand on my shoulder. I look over to Chris who’s staring at us with tears forming in his waterline. I glance at Matt who can’t even look at us. “This is fucking stupid.” Matt mumbles. “Matt-“
“Why are you always trying to start shit?! Why can’t you just shut the fuck up for once and just let everyone breathe without your constant complaints!” Chris interrupts Nick. Matt turns to Chris. “I’m trying to start shit?! Look at you kid! You’re the whole reason why this whole situation happened!” Matt shouts at Chris. Mia and I stay quiet as Nick tries to calm them down.
“Shut up both of you!” Nick yells. The two stop talking. “You two-“ Nick points between them. “Need to figure out a way to fix whatever this is before I kick one of you out because I cannot live with two idiots who don’t know anything but to argue!” Nick screams at them.
It hit me again. What I did will forever damage their relationship. I can’t help but to feel guilty, when Mia brought up this plan I didn’t think about the outcome other than hurting Chris, fuck. Why would Mia even bring this plan up in the first place?
Why did I do this?!
“I’m leaving-“ Matt says and tries to race to his room when Nick holds him back. “You’re not going anywhere until this is all resolved.” Nick says and sits Matt back on the couch. Nick sighs harshly and turns to all of us. “I just….don’t know what to do with all of you. I don’t know what you guys want me to do, if you want me to throw you guys in a cage and fight it out or what but-“ Nick cuts himself off by taking a deep breath in.
“I just need you guys to….sort this out yourselves. You can’t just depend on me to clean up your messes, you have to learn to become adults and learn that your actions have consequences. So, I’m not going to help you guys with this. You guys are on your own this time.” Nick says quietly.
It felt like a mission. Like the objective was to resolve all of this. But it was gonna be hard, considering that Chris and Matt literally despise each other and Chris and I made stupid decisions which led us here in the first place. I felt like I was gonna fail this so called “mission”.
“Think through all your options this time you guys, please?” Nick pleads and walks away. Now that Nick was out the room, it was just the four of us. I sigh and think about my options to make this all work.
But I couldn’t think of anything. I shake my head and mumble a quick apology and stomp down the stairs Mia trailing behind me.
Where do I start?
a/n: hey yall. I know Matt and Chris would never fight over a woman but erm it’s just for the story and the plot so shush and bear with me. so uh yeah hope you guys enjoy!!
taglist: @sillyfreakfanparty @stasiesturn @braindead4l @sturniololol @idkwhatthisevenislol @blushbunii @cindylcuwho @jennss23 @tyslover @st7rnioioss @ilovechrissturniolo1
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farfromstrange · 8 months
6 Totally Random Matt Murdock Headcanons that keep me up at night
Pairing: Matt Murdock x afab!Reader
Summary: Just some Matty headcanons today!
Warnings: Mentions of Smut! 18+ MINORS DNI! (Not proofread)
A/n: I was planning on writing a fic, but then I found this in my drafts and thought I would finish it. Yes, I did write those at three in the morning every time I woke up. That's...that's not unhealthy at all or anything.
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1. Volume
Matt is a very vocal person in bed. I'm not talking full-on screaming though.
While there are times he is quiet to hear your breathy moans and whines as he’s pounding into you and he hears you begging for “More, more, more…” as soon as he feels you around his cock, it’s game over for him. He loses that tiny bit of self-control. He grunts and groans, and sometimes, when he feels particularly in the mood, he whines and whimpers because you treat him so well.
Don't even get me started on when he goes down on you. He will moan just from the taste of you, and then some more when your hands tangle in his hair, causing the slightest amount of pain. He thrives off of it.
He wants to show you how good you make him feel, not just the other way around, and ever since he has noticed that you like it when he makes noise, he makes sure to moan every so often when you're fucking or making love or simply enjoying each other's bodies in all the ways possible. He trusts you enough to do it, to let himself go and surrender himself, and you reward him for being a good boy.
2. Eating...
We have established that Matt Murdock is the King Of Eating Pussy. The love for giving oral runs deep, not just in his desire to please and never take anything in return. Not just because he wants to make you feel good. It's literal torture on his sensitive senses when he doesn't get to drown between your legs at least once.
It's his form of worshipping you, of praying to you in a highly blasphemous context when he thinks about the things you have moaned, but he would do it time and time again. He loves it. The taste alone gets him high and then it's all he focuses on. It calms him.
I truly believe that hearing your heartbeat, the blood rushing in the veins of your thighs, and the taste of your arousal mixed with pheromones do something to him that lets out some sort of animal whenever he smells you. And then he just needs to have you or he will go crazy. It's the same with your natural scent.
Matt Murdock gets off on the mere taste of his partner’s arousal. He can taste it in the air. He makes sure to make you come on his tongue at least once when you’re getting intimate, and not just as foreplay. He does it before, during, and after, depending on his and your mood. He knows what buttons to press, how hard to suck on your clit and he knows how to slide his tongue inside of you and fuck you with it until you’re shaking. He will keep your thighs spread wide and hold you down, but let you wrap your legs around his head and clench around him because he loves the momentary loss of oxygen.
3. Consent.
He will only ever touch you when he knows that you want it. He won’t fuck you when you’re not in the right mental state because he doesn’t want to take advantage of you. He makes sure to ask and communicate and when your answers are not clear, he stops the scene. He can hear it in your heartbeat and he would never cross that line, not even when he is horny and full of adrenaline in the middle of the night.
He would ask you for permission to fuck you when you're asleep, maybe, so he won't have to wake you when he comes home late from patrol, but even then he needs vocal confirmation beforehand to know he won't cross a line. So every night when he leaves, he asks if you'd still be okay with it, and after learning that he would be anything but mad when you say no, you give him the most honest answer.
4. Cuddles
When he has a bad day, he wants nothing more than to be held by you. Either he is the little spoon or, and that happens the most often, he places his head in your chest as you entangle your limbs with his and hold him close, raking your nails through his hair.
He relaxes when you massage his scalp, but he also enjoys your touch on his tense shoulders, and that's when he likes to be pampered like a little princess. Pampering, in this case, is cuddles. He wants all the cuddles you can give him.
It's nights like these that he realizes how in love he is with you, and how safe he feels when he's in your arms. But God forbid anyone finds that out. He will not admit that he enjoys being pampered by you because that would make him seem vulnerable, and we all know our dear Matthew, don't we?
5. Concerts
This came to me randomly, but since he has sensitive hearing, it would be hard for him to go to concerts with you. However, he will make sure to follow along to the venue, drop you off, and then I'm certain he would find a rooftop somewhere further in the distance, put some earbuds in to protect his sensitive ears, and he would listen.
He would filter your voice out of the crowd and imagine himself dancing to the music with you. He loves how excited you get when your favorite artist is playing. He knows you're aware of what he's doing, and you make sure to whisper, "Thank you," under your breath.
Listening to you have fun at a concert would also broaden Matt's horizons when it comes to music, and you would catch him playing your Playlist at home while cooking one day, humming along.
One of these days, you will find a way to take him there with you, but until then, he makes sure you at least know he's listening while you're having the time of your life.
6. Neck-holding
This doesn't need an explanation, but I will give it to you anyway.
Matt loves holding your neck, sexually and non-sexually. He loves feeling your pulse, the way you respond to him, and he loves how much closer you get whenever he does it.
He'd be like, "Come here, sweetheart." And you would jump into his lap, cuddling into him, while he holds you with one arm around the rest of your body, the other wrapping gently around your neck.
And in bed, you guys probably know how it would go.
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Do you guys want a Part 2? Maybe some angst?
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i520u · 1 year
impulsive thoughts ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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there’s a season 4??? omg i was just about to cancel my netflix subscription LOL also i didn’t proofread this so my bad if there are grammar or spelling errors i’m sooo sleepy rn but thank you for requesting! <3
ricky x gn!reader, fluff(?), enemies to lovers, one-shot
request is open!
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your heart was beating out of your chest as your uber finally stopped in front of the gates of your university. if it wasn’t for ricky shen and his idiots of a group of friends constantly being late last semester, your university would have never updated their policy of not giving attendance to any students who came to class later than 10 minutes within the scheduled lecture session.
“fuck.” you muttered under your breath as you started bolting to your campus. the large compound was not helping at all with you already being 5 minutes late. you wished you ran more in the mornings, or maybe went to the gym more often — why were you already out of breath?
as you continued running, even climbing 2 flights of stairs because the lifts were taking forever, you were quickly approaching a bunch of people ahead of you walking in a slow pace. “excuse me,” you said in a slightly loud voice, it worked for most of the part as most of the students moved out of the way — except for one.
of course it had to be him. nothing could ever get through his thick head it seemed. as a result of bumping into ricky, his phone fell out of his hands, followed by a loud thud that you swore the entire hallway could hear as the device hit the floor. “what the hell?” he mumbled as he looked behind him in complete shock.
his face distorted into what could only be described as disgust when he was met with the sight that unfolded before his eyes. you. “do you not watch where you’re going?” he asked, a lace of sarcasm was palpable in the tone of his voice. if you had more than 3 minutes before you were officially declared absent, you would’ve retorted back; but you didn’t.
rolling your eyes, you continued speed walking, thankful that you made to class in time. so did ricky, unfortunately. there wasn’t much seats left given that you were late which made you have no other choice but to sit together with ricky at the same table. you didn’t want to spare him any look as you know you’d die out of disgust for him, so your eyes wandered to his phone on the table.
it had a prominent crack across the screen, and you were almost 100% sure you caused that. you pressed your lips together, a pang of guilt suddenly washing over you the longer you stared at his phone. you knew he could easily afford a new one, but you were a bigger person than him, and you acknowledge your mistake unlike him.
but at the same time, you did not want to apologise to him. not because he doesn’t deserve it — you just don’t want people thinking you’re friends with him if they saw the two of you talking.
you didn’t hate him at first, but seeing the way he acted at the beginning of the year was enough reason for you to hate him — and the fact that he’s just never had anything nice to say to you amplified your hatred even more.
letting out a soft sigh, you muster up all the courage to apologise to him, because once again you are a bigger person than he’ll ever be, and you admit to your mistakes. your hand reached out to his, gently tapping it to get his attention.
ricky’s eyes darted to the side when he felt your touch, he was almost taken aback. if he gave it a thought, this was the first time the two of you had ever had any kind of physical contact. he gave you a slight head tilt, motioning you to explain why you wanted his attention in the first place.
upon seeing the way he reacted to you trying to call him, you fought back the urge to roll your eyes at how brazen he was. “sorry for breaking the screen of your phone.” you pointed, your voice sounded sincere to him. ricky almost scoffed at your apology, though. were you actually apologising? over something so small? he wasn’t even holding it against you, since his phone has had that crack since over a month now.
he was going to explain to you that you weren’t the one that caused the cracked screen — but an evil idea had popped into his mind right before he could say anything nice. it was like he was physically incapable of being nice for any longer than 3 seconds.
a smirk started to form on his face as he looked you in the eyes, which almost made you back away from him completely. if you were not in the middle of apologising, you would’ve definitely said something smart-assy to him by now.
you gave him a weird look as he narrowed his eyes, “are you really though? sorry?” he asked, leaning his face closer to you. you had to look around the class for a quick second to make sure that you weren’t actually the only one in the class, and that this was actually happening to you. you leaned into your chair to back away from him, nodding your head as you do so, “i–i am…?” what was intended to be a statement turned into a question instead.
hearing the uncertainty in your voice gave ricky more leeway to tease you, “you sound unsure yourself,” his face was smug as he leaned back, finally giving you room to breathe normally. “can you just accept my apology like a normal person?” you retorted, you physically couldn’t stop yourself from saying something snarky to him as he had successfully gotten on your nerve with the sudden invasion of privacy he just did.
his head immediately turned to look at you, almost shocked that you had said something rude not a minute after apologising to him. a part of him wanted to laugh too, you were making his job way too easy.
he shrugged as his gaze returned to the powerpoint slideshow your professor had opened up. “seems like you’re not actually sorry,” he paused, raising his phone to your eye level. “this isn’t cheap to fix, you know.” he finished, another sly smile forming on his lips.
“god, what do you want me to do then?” you scoffed, not actually meaning what you had just said. ricky held back a laugh, “if you were really sorry, you’d let me kiss you,” he didn’t actually mean it, though. he just wanted to see you flustered and embarrassed. his gaze once again diverted to you so he could catch a glimpse of your reaction.
your eyes were wide as you tried to process what he had just said, and if you had actually heard it correctly. but he said it loud and clear — there was no way you heard it wrong. “are you serious?” you asked in disbelief. ricky nodded, winking at you afterwards. “ricky, fuck you.” you bursted, rolling your eyes at his demeanour.
“would you, though?” he continued, his annoying smile only widened. “you’re so annoying.” you added, hoping one of your words would at least make him stop talking to you. you weren’t even sure why you were still entertaining him. ricky leaned closer to you once more, “and you’re not actually sorry, because if you were, you’d do as i ask.” he whispered, a soft chuckle following him at the end of the sentence.
your professor, all the way at the front, all of a sudden had shut the lights off inside the auditorium. he was telling the class of a 10-minute tutorial video he was about to show for everyone to see.
an idea popped into your mind at that very moment, seeing it as an opportunity. it wasn’t like anyone was gonna see the two of you in the big, and dark auditorium — and ricky was already inches away from your face. you decided to let your impulsive thoughts win this time — and for a good reason! you convinced yourself
swallowing the lump that had formed in your throat, you quickly grabbed ricky’s face — not giving it much thought if you were being harsh. ricky’s eyes were still adjusting to the dark when you suddenly started tightly grabbing his face. the next thing he knew, he could feel the warmth of your breath on his lips.
you could somehow smell ricky’s breath — it was sweet, contrary to his characteristics of a complete degenerate. his lips were soft, and he almost immediately kissed you back. you expected nothing less from someone like him, of course he was an extremely good kisser.
before you got carried away, you immediately broke off the kiss. you tried your hardest to look tough, glaring at him although you weren’t really sure if he could see you. “now stop bothering me.” you warned him. your eyes finally diverting to the big screen in front of you.
ricky wanted to say something to annoy you, but he was genuinely too stunned to form any sort of coherent words. for the first time in his life, he decided to stay quiet. he was completely shocked that you would actually kiss him, without giving it a second though or whatever.
and he was taken aback by how good you were at kissing, it almost made him want to kiss you again. but you hated him, so he couldn’t do that. his heart was banging in his chest, he could physically hear it. but he wasn’t supposed to feel this way? you hate him. and he likes making you find more things to hate about him.
he turned to look at you again, to make sure the kiss had actually happened. to his surprise, you were also stealing glances from him. the two of you immediately looked away, eyes widened at the awkward eye contact. what just happened?
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barefoothighlander · 1 year
pick and go - 2
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summary: you’ve just landed a job as athletic trainer for the manchester rugby team, the night before you start you decide to stop by a pub. you end up meeting Simon whose rugged charm and strong form influence you to take him home, only to find out the next morning that he plays for the team. rugby au
warnings: mdni (18+), smut, p-in-v sex, creampie, dirty talk, riding, small mention of razors and blood, simon's a flirt
prev part
a/n: once again, shameless porn with plot, I'm prob gonna do 1-2 more parts for this, not proofread.
You sit in your office tapping a pen against the desk, you’re fidgety watching the clock hands tick down, 4:47, a few more minutes and you’d be off, heading home, waiting for him. Truthfully you couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, he seemed the flirty type, and you figured both of you recognized what happened as a one-night stand, simple gratification that would end in you both acting professionally at work. Your mind is running rampant with thoughts, a million things at once, trying to finish your reports for the day before tossing them aside, deciding you couldn’t focus. You clean up your office, putting things back in place, glancing up at the clock and deciding you could afford to leave a few minutes early, training had ended hours ago, you had no injuries to attend to, you could leave.
Arriving at your flat you’re in a blind panic, the drive back took a little longer than usual and it was already 5:17, you ran around cleaning the rooms, tossing out trash and shoving strewn clothing into a laundry basket, you needed to show, tending to large sweaty men all day left you in a sheen of your own sweat, your hair a mess. You strip your clothes and rush into the bathroom, washing your hair as fast as possible before running a razor over your legs, in your panic-induced state you had managed to knick your knee, a small pool of blood forming at your feet. Fuck, you turn the shower off, covering yourself with a towel as you step out, rummaging through the cabinet for a band-aid, you find none and resort to searching in the kitchen, you stop in your tracks at the sight of him,
“Simon, what- how did you get in here?”
“Door was open, figured you wouldn’t mind”
“It’s still breaking and entering if I leave the door unlocked”
He smiles, “You’re bleeding”
Oh, “Yea I cut myself on accident”
“Here sit down,” he says, moving into the kitchen to find you a band-aid,
“The one in the corner,” you say, pointing to the cabinet, he grabs the box moving towards you and kneels in front of your form, you’re suddenly aware of how bare you are, a thin towel covering you, he grabs your ankle resting it on his bent thigh before placing a band-aid over the cut, looking up at you before placing a soft kiss to the wound and you blush. He stands tall in front of you, you have to crane your neck just to see his face,
“You’re blushing”
“I’m basically naked”
“Yeah, I noticed,” He says, grabbing the back of your head and pulling you into a deep kiss, he smirks against your lips, hands coming down to settle on top of yours as he pulls the hem of your towel from your chest leaving you bare. He pulls back, “So how was your day”
You tilt your head, “Seriously”
“Yeah, figured I’d come by for a chat”
“You’re gonna make me beg, aren’t you”
“Knew you couldn’t resist me love”
He closes the gap between you, lips finding yours again and he hoists your legs around his waist, holding you as he sits on the couch. The kiss is heated as he teases at your parted lips with his tongue before diving in, kissing you deeper, his hands roam your naked curves as you grind down on him, arousal pooling in your stomach. His lips release yours as he moves down, kissing and licking at your neck, biting lightly above your collarbone, a small gasp escaping your lips as you grind down harder, the fold of his pants and growing erection stimulating your clit.
“You’re all I could think about today,” He says, “Messed up a bunch of drills because of you”
The fire in your abdomen is growing as his words go straight to your core, bringing you closer to your peak, he palms at your breasts, sucking a nipple into his mouth as your hands run through his hair, he grips your hips with a bruising pace, forcing you down onto him harder,
“Fuck love, feel that, that’s what you do to me”
You’re moaning in his ear and he moves you at an unrelenting pace, you crumble against him, forehead pressed to his shoulder as your climax hits you.
“Soaking my jeans baby, gonna have to do something about that” He says, grabbing your waist and flipping you onto your back, he tugs off his shirt and your hands roam his toned form, feeling over every ridge of muscle. He unbuttons his jeans, pulling them down enough that his cock springs free, hitting against your lower stomach, cocky bastard wasn’t even wearing underwear, he leans down and kisses you, running his tip through your folds gathering your slick on its head before teasing at your entrance.
He watches your face contort as he pushes the head of his cock inside you, your thighs clench around his waist as he pushes in slowly, giving you time to adjust to the stretch. He sits back on his legs, spreading your thighs so he can get a full view of where you meet, running his hands over your skin before settling them to hold your waist as he begins thrusting into you. You reach back to grab at the armrest as he fucks deep into you, his thick cock gliding against your soaking walls, he grunts as he feels you squeeze him, moans falling from your open mouth. He grabs one of your legs, resting it against his shoulder, the new angle allowing him to hit impossibly deep inside you as your back arches from the couch, he’s pounding into you, bringing a thumb to toy with your clit, the stimulation causing you to clench around him.
“Shit love, so tight, not gonna last long” He punctuates his last words with a harsh thrust that has your eyes squeezing shut, the rough pad of his thumb circling your swollen clit inching you towards your second orgasm. His thumb working in tandem with his thrusts brings you to your peak, you cum with a cry as he fucks you through it,
“That’s it love, doing so well for me”
His body cages yours as his arms snake under you to grip your shoulders, he’s pounding into you, tip hitting your cervix with every thrust as his moans breeze across your ear, your nails digging into his back as his hips stutter, slowing his thrusts as he shoots his cum deep into you.
He rests his softening cock inside you, trying to catch his breath as you feel your mind cloud in a lust-filled haze, he pulls out of you slowly, tucking himself into his jeans before moving to the bathroom and grabbing a damp towel for you, softly cleaning you up. He sits back on the couch, pulling your legs onto his lap as he kneads the meat of your calves, you rest for a few minutes, feeling your heartbeat fall back into a steady rhythm before getting up to throw some clothes on. You settle on a pair of panties and a large shirt, figuring he’d already seen you naked, his eyes glued to you as you walk back into the room, setting yourself beside him. His arm snakes around your shoulder, pulling you close to him, your head resting against his chest while he reaches for the remote, turning the tv on and flicking to the sports channel.
“Seriously?” You say as he lands on the rugby game
“Think of it like homework” He smiles, resting his cheek against your head.
Sitting for a while, watching the game you feel your stomach grumble.
“You hungry?” You ask
“I could eat”
Stupid question, the man ate constantly considering how many calories he burned during his games. The two of you settle on Chinese food, ordering for yourselves and awaiting its arrival.
When the food had arrived you and Simon sat on the stools in your kitchen.
“Does the team know about it?” You ask
“Us, our having sex”
He laughs a little, “No I’ve not gone and told the whole clubhouse that I’m fucking our doctor”
You nod, “Good cause, I think they’d fire me”
“Ah wouldn’t want that now”
You smile, returning to your noodles as a comfortable silence falls over the two of you. You finish eating, cleaning up the dishes before looking out the window.
“It’s getting late” 
Simon turns to look outside, “It is yeah, you kicking me out?”
“Kinda, you almost made me late to work today, can’t have that”
He laughs, “Alright” He picks up his clothes, throwing his shirt over his head as you stare at him, “You know if you stare like that people will find out without me saying anything”
You huff a breath through your nose, moving towards him and reaching up to kiss him, “Goodnight Simon”
“I’ll see you tomorrow love, sweet dreams,” He says with a wink, walking through your front door, leaving you alone in your flat.
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peakyswritings · 4 months
Caught in ‘4-Cakes’
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Summary: What seems to be just another morning at Arrow House takes a slightly different turn. A fairly sweet one.
Warnings: nothing, just tooth-rotting fluff. No proofreading.
A/N: written for @runnning-outof-time’s celebration ‘Caught in 4K’. Congrats again, darling🎉🤍. It was really fun to join your celebration, and it was even funnier to imagine Tommy getting caught doing something that he wouldn’t usually do!
Word count: 787
Dividers credit
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The sunlight filtered through the window, the lace curtains allowing the warm rays to fall right on your face, disturbing the peaceful sleep you were in. Frowning in annoyance, you rolled over on your side with the intention of shifting closer to your husband, seeking refuge in his strong frame. But when you reached out to his side of the bed, you were met with a cold, empty spot, the wrinkles on the bedsheets under your fingers the only proof that he’d spent the night next to you. It wasn’t the first time you woke up alone, and it surely wouldn’t be the last.
It wasn’t easy being married to a man like Tommy Shelby. To support him in his relentless ambition, to watch him strive to always have more, take more, to build his empire brick by brick, killing after killing, cutting after cutting, another part of his soul the price to pay for each achievement. Never knowing when he would come back home at night. If he would. But you were well aware of what you were marrying into, when you accepted his proposal a little over a year ago. And you had never regretted saying yes that night, not even once. Because in the privacy of your home, he wasn’t Thomas Shelby, head of those Peaky Blinder Devils. He was your Tommy.
Most of the times, at least. You had married both men, after all, and you had soon found out that one could not exist without the other following like a shadow. No, it wasn’t easy being married to a man like him. Yet, loving him came as natural as breathing.
Your naked feet made almost no sound on the cold floor as you headed downstairs, your mind dreaming about the delicious cupcakes you had made the previous day. You could already feel the sweet frosting melting on your tongue, mixing with the freshness of the ripe raspberries. You had never heard of those kind of sweets until your honeymoon in the States, and ever since trying them for the first time, you had promised yourself you would try to replicate them one day. What better occasion than Tommy’s birthday?
For him, it was a day like any other. He had never liked celebrating, and even taking a day off was out of the question. It took a lot of convincing on your part, but eventually you were able to bargain a whole day just for you and him, no work, no business, no worries of any kind. And you’d have bet everything you owned that he had actually enjoyed to be woken up with a tray of cupcakes waiting for him. He wasn’t a big eater, and you had the feeling he had only tried one to make you happy and not offend you, since you had spent your time to do something nice for him, but it was clear he had appreciated the gesture.
However, as you now entered the kitchen, you were pleased to find out that maybe he had appreciated it way more than you thought. Because, completely out of your expectations, not only was Tommy still home - not conducting his business God knew where -, but he was also eating one of the leftover cupcakes, nodding his head in appreciation. A mischievous smirk grew on your face as you sneaked up to where he was standing near the counter, walking on your toes in order to make no sound.
“So you do like them,” you exclaimed, making him turn around in astonishment. It wasn’t easy to sneak up on Tommy Shelby, that man had eyes behind his head. Yet, for once, you had caught him off guard.
After the initial surprise, his icy gaze softened, and his lips curved in the shadow of a smile. “You had doubts?”
You were just about to answer, when you noticed the frosting at the corner of his mouth. A giggle escaped your lips at the sight, making him furrow his eyebrows.
“Why are you laughing?”
“You made a mess,” you shook your head, collecting the frosting on his skin with your finger before taking in to your lips. You hummed at the sweetness, making Tommy chuckle in turn. “It’s even better today.”
“It is,” he agreed, a rare relaxed expression on his face. The loving look in his eyes was enough to make your heart flutter as if you were still a school girl talking to the boy she fancied. It was mornings like this that made every sleepless night, every obstacle, every pain worth it.
And just like you were a girl, your knees almost buckled as Tommy leaned in to place a tender kiss on your lips. “Good morning, love.”
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Tag list: @iamngoclinh08 @lilywinchesterlove @fandom-puff @capitanostella @caelys @lucillethings @peakyxtommy @queenofkings1212 @lyarr24 @kmc1989 @call-sign-shark @jomarch-wannabe @ce1iat @red-riding-wood
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deansapplepie · 8 months
Till THE DEAD do us part | Chapter 5
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A/N: This story will take place in all the seasons, but it’s not exactly a rewriting cause I’d have to re-watch everything to use the exactly lines of the characters, also I think it’s better if I tell a side story without changing the main facts of the story.
This story has a Female Reader, but I don’t describe her appearance, so anyone can identify with her.
Chapter 4 Chapter 6
Chapter 5: We’re all gonna die
Summary: The group needs to leave the CDC in a hurry, they find a place to stay the night and head to Fort Benning in the other day. But if Y/N knew something is that if it was bad, it could become worse.
Warnings: swearing, little angsty, fluffy, nightmares, violence, mentions of death, mentions of a possible rapist (coughshanecough), a child get lost, blood (?), pinkies. Minors do not interact.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader (Rick’s Sister)
Word Count: 4,016
Extra notes: I proofread the text, but English is not my first language, so feel free to correct any mistakes, of course with love. I’m consulting a timeline of everything that happened, but it can happen that I put events out of order, but I don’t think it’ll make much difference in the story. ALSO, I’m praying my Daryl isn’t too out of character.
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You woke up with Luna scratching the door, probably someone was already up and she wanted to leave, see the person and play around. You got up and told her to wait. You went to the bathroom, brushed your teeth, washed your face and brushed your hair… it was kind of still humid when you went to sleep, so at the moment you could just say it was a mess. You changed your sleeping clothes into your ‘daily life I need to run if shit happens’ clothes and finally opened the door so Luna could leave. She went straight to Glenn and T.Dog that were talking in the corridor, Gleen looked awful.
“Good morning boys!” You said while approaching them.
“I’m never. NEVER. Drinking again.” Glenn stated, face contorted and hand on his stomach.
“That’s what we all say. You’ll drink again eventually and be hangover too. But with the time you get better at it.” T.Dog tried encouraging.
“I’m serious, I’m not putting alcohol in my mouth again.”
“Poor baby, I feel sorry for you. But well, world is ending and now you can at least say that you already got drunk and hangover once.” You hugged him sideways. At the same time it was bad to see the younger man in this situation, it was also a little bit funny to see him having this experience.
You let both of them go to the kitchen to have breakfast, you wanted to have breakfast too, but before you wanted to say hello to your family and seek some hugs. You liked hugs, specially in the morning. When you were little you would hug all your family in the morning, or at least the ones you had close so you could hug. At Uni, it would be your friends or your boyfriend that at the time thought you were too clingy, and when you received Luna as a gift, and were living alone, she would be the ‘person’ you would be hugging every morning. You also liked hugs during the day, but in this world you didn’t have time for this, and also you knew that most of people didn’t like to be hugged all the time.
When you was on your way to your family’s room, you encountered Lori. She looked terrible, and she didn’t drink that much. She saw you and tried to put a smile in her face. You just went to her and gave her a hug, this hug would be because of your necessity to hug people, but in the moment you knew she was the one that needed that hug.
“What happened? No offense, but you look like shit and I know you didn’t drink that much.” You asked leaving the embrace but still close and caressing her shoulders. “Did Rick and you have a fight? Do you want me to kick his ass?”
“He… he didn’t do anything. We’re fine. I’m fine. Don’t worry.” But you couldn’t not worry when your sister in law looked like she had been crying all night long. Would it be possible that Shane didn’t listen to your advice? You knew Lori was trying to distance from him, even if in the wrong way and even if the best thing to do in the moment was for both of them to sit and have a talk with Rick. But you knew she was trying.
“Of course I worry. We’re sisters. If it was Shane…” Before you said what you wanted to say Carl left the room and you had to stop talking. “Good morning little man!” You said and soon embraced him.
“Good morning Aunt Y/N, did you sleep well?” He asked after your embrace.
“Yeah, and you?”
“Me too, It was so good to sleep on a good place after so long.” Even the kids knew how to appreciate the comfort you all lose.
Rick apparently was knocked out, you didn’t blame him… he was the one that drank the most. Lori was going to wake him up, so you decided to go have your breakfast, siblings morning hug could wait. You took Carl with you, followed by Luna that would smell everything along the way. When you were close to the kitchen she ran lefting both of you behind.
“I think Luna can already smell the breakfast.” Carl commented, you laughed that was pobrably true.
When you arrived to the kitchen you discovered the true reason that she ran. Him. Daryl Dixon. And probably he was the reason why she started to scratch the door to go out making you wake up. ‘Are you in love with him Luna?’ You thought, because seamed that even your dog had a crush on the man. Talking about him, you hoped it would not be weird between you two today, because you would hate yourself for it. But he made a pinky promise, right? And he was not happy about making it, so he’s probably going to comply with it.
“Morning everyone!” You said once you were in the kitchen. Glenn had his face on the table hid by his arms and mumbled something incomprehensible, Sophia answered back, as did Carol.
“Mornin’” Daryl replied from where he was being overwhelmed by Luna’s love.
“I think that’s it, I’m gonna give her to you. It’s clear now that she likes you better.” You declared, he just mumbled something face getting tinted in red at your sight remembering the last night.
“You can’t give the gifts you receive to others, Y/N/N.” Shane complained playfully entering the room. Luna was a gift from him and Rick, like many other things you had. He came to you and hugged you, giving a kiss on the top of your head. “Good morning.”
“Morning…” you replied appreciating the hug. Now that you were on good therms again both of you felt comfortable about it. “But look at her Shane, she obviously doesn’t like me anymore.”
“Don’t be dramatic.” He said pulling away from the hug. You looked at him and saw a bruise on his face and neck, like someone scratched him pretty bad. ‘Shane… what kind of stupid shit did you do?’, you thought to yourself.
“What is this?” You asked pointing at him.
“Er… I think I scratched myself while sleeping, I woke up and was like this.” He gave the excuse, you didn’t believe, but you would not make a scene right now.
You sat on the table and ate your breakfast in silence, thinking about everything and trying to put the pieces together and you were not liking the path your thoughts were going, because the pieces you put together told you Shane was a rapist and you could not conceive the fact that maybe he tried to force Lori to something. You got chills at the thought, but was soon distracted when your brother entered the room.
“You look like shit.” You blurted your thoughts without thinking much.
“Good morning for you too, wanna know something? It feels like shit too.” He came to you and you hugged his waist not worrying about getting up from your chair.
During the breakfast Dale questioned Jenner about the things you needed to know, he was not wrong you really were there for answers. Jenner took you to the control room and asked the virtual assistant to play for you one of their experiments and you could see a person dying and reanimating afterwards. At the same time it was shocking, it was very impressive to see the human brain functioning.
In a short time you also discovered that your time in the CDC was getting short, you were going to get short on air, electricity and the whole building would go on flames. Like, how could he let this out and tell nobody the day before? You ran to take all your things from the rooms and get out of there as fast as possible, but the doors were closed and chaos was everywhere, some tried to break the doors, others tried to convince Jenner to open the goddamn door. And Jenner revealed to everybody that Rick thought it was a question of time for all of you to be dead.
“And he didn’t lie smart pants, we’re probably all gonna die soon or later, but we don’t wanna die right now so open the fucking door” you had already lost your patience and were considering if beating his ass wasn’t a so bad alternative.
You don’t know exactly how, but Rick convinced Jenner to open the door. The son of a bitch could open the door all this time! Jacqui decided to stay and there wasn’t much you could do about it. You tried to convince her, but nothing worked. Andrea also decided to stay and Dale stayed to try convincing her, you were not going to wait and see the results. You grabed your things and Luna’s harness and ran as fast as you could to the exit.
When you got to the exit you couldn’t leave using the door, the only way was a big glass in the building that apparently was bulletproof cause it was very resistant. To your lucky Carol had found a granade in Rick’s clothes while washing it and you couldn’t be more grateful about it. All of you shielded behind some stairs, Daryl “hugged” you kind of shielding you and Luna from anything and the granade exploded breaking the glass. As soon as the glass was broken Rick commanded everyone to go and leave. You saw all the glass on the floor and you couldn’t possible let Luna step on them. You tried to carry her with much difficulty, she was a big dog, even for a female. Daryl was almost jumping outside when he turned and saw you struggling to carry the dog.
“Come on! Hurry up!” He said a little pissed, a little nervous and a little angry too.
“I’m going I can’t let her step in the glass!” You stated. He grunted and came to you taking Luna from you, he carried her fast and easily to the “exit” what helped you being faster too.
“After all this shit, you better fucking obey me.” He said to the german shepherd putting her on the ground, taking your pulse and running to the cars.
As soon as you got to the car he opened the door, You entered it and next thing you knew he was telling you to get down, his body pressed on yours and an enormous explosion was heard.
His face was hidden on your neck, you could feel his warm breath and you couldn’t help but remember from the last night. You were feeling like a teenager full of hormones again. After some moment he raised his face and looked at you.
“Are ya alright?” He asked looking at your face. “Sorry if I crushed ya.”
“I’m fine. It’s okay, thanks for the help.” You answered, before you could do anything Luna, that was on the truck’s floor, licked Daryl’s face with no warning.
“Not my mouth Luna!” He complained, you couldn’t resist but laugh.
“I think we can get up D.” You said still laying in the car seat with him on top of you.
“Er… yeah, sure. It’s true.” He got up, opened the car door so you two could organize things to leave and for a moment you contemplated all the destruction that explosion caused.
Soon Dale and Andrea could be seen and you were glad that they could make it in time. First thing you decided to leave the place, you could decide were to go after it. You stopped at the Vatos’ place, you didn’t know this place, but it looks like Glenn, Daryl, T.Dog and Rick ran through it last time they were in Atlanta.
When you entered the place it was clearly abandoned, but soon you discovered dead bodies, some where shoot and others stabbed. You don’t know how Andrea could think hey were dead by walkers, it made no sense. That was cruel. All those elderly people executed.
“They were good people.” Rick sadly told you. “They tried to appear tough so other would not harm them… It looks like it didn’t last for a long time.”
He told you how they cared for these elderly people that were abandoned to die by the ones that took care of them. It was incredibly touching all the history and sad how it ended. Sometimes, you thought if this world were a place for good people.
You needed a place to stay, so you found an empty room so you all could pass the night before heading to Fort Benning. The room would be crowded for all of you, but at least would be sure everyone was safe. Daryl offered to take the first watch, sitting by the window. You chose a spot in the back of the room to put your sleeping bag and take some rest.
Hands. Dead hands. Grabing you. Pulling you. You fought against them, but they were too many. You had no weapons. Nothing. You tried, but you couldn’t fight longer and when you gave up fighting you were bitten, once you felt the stabbing pain, you woke up. Fighting for air. A burning sensation on your chest. Fuck. You hated nightmares, and since the world ended you had plenty of them. You sat and looked around for Luna, she was nowhere close to you and now you could use some cuddle with her.
In the dark room you could see Daryl’s silhouette at the window, and now you had an idea where Luna could be. You got up and approached the archer.
“Go to sleep, I’ll take watch now.” You said sitting by the other side of the window.
“Nah, not happening. My watch’s not over and T.Dog said he was taking next watch.” Anyone else would gladly go to sleep and let you on watch, but ‘Daryl’s fucking stubborn’ you thought.
“I’m not sleeping now, so you could use some sleep.” You stated and focused your attention on the window.
“Was it bad?” He asked and for a second you didn’t understand. “The nightmare.” He knew you had one, even in the dark he could see your sleep was not a peaceful one.
“Yep.” You gave a short answer, funny because most of the time you did all the conversation and Daryl didn’t have to talk much.
“Do ya really think we’re all gonna die?” Yes, you really thought, and that terrified you. You were afraid of dying, but you were absolutely scared of everyone you cared about dying and being left alone. So, you were terrified and also a little selfish for not thinking about how the others would be if you died first.
“Eventually? Yes. We’re out numbered.” You said, you just didn’t know when or how, but the odds were not on your favor. “I-I don’t wanna die.” You confessed, just because you thought everyone was going to die, it didn’t mean you were not afraid of dying. “And I don’t want neither of you to die.”
He could give you any harsh answer. He did got mad back at the CDC when he heard Rick said everyone was going to die and he also get pissed when you said he didn’t lie. But he could see you were frightened. He hated to show weakness, he was taught he couldn’t be weak. You were usually strong, of course you were very emotional like most women, but you were different… you knew how to fight, you’d kill walkers and not be afraid to protect the people you cared. Eventhough the first connection you made you were in a vulnerable moment, he could see your strength. So he could not bring himself to lose his temper with you at this moment. Also the fact that if your conversation got heated you would wake everyone up, helped a little.
“Don’t think about it. We’re gonna survive. We’re gonna fight. I can’t say that we aren’t gonna die, but we’re gonna be a pain in the ass of death, cause she’s gonna have to work her ass to kill us.” You thought this was the time he had most talked in all the time you knew him, it was not typical from him to talk much. “Ya aren’t giving up. Ya aren’t gonna stop fighting. Promise me.”
“Are you really asking me to make a promise?” You asked incredulously, he was so resistant to make a promise to you the day before. You were almost incapable to hold a laugh when you saw his hand in front of you with his pinky raised.
“C’mon, I don’t have the whole night.”
“Ok, I promise. I’m not giving up or gonna stop fighting.” You linked you pinky with his and sealed with your thumbs.
Daryl got up and went to T.Dog, waking him up to take the watch. He came at you and said: “Let’s sleep.”
“I’m not sleeping D.” You tried to say, you couldn’t dare closing your eyes and seeing the horrible scene from your nightmare.
“The watch is mine Y/N/N, you can go to sleep.” T.Dog said taking the place near the window.
“C’mon” Daryl called you again.
You followed him to the spot where you were sleeping previously he dropped his sleeping bag on the side of yours and gestured for you to lay down to sleep. You laid turned to his side, he had his back on the floor and stared at the ceiling, but he could feel your eyes on him.
“Go to sleep.” He whispered turning to you.
“I can’t, I feel that I’m gonna be there again if I close my eyes…” you didn’t need to say much, he knew you were talking about the nightmare.
“Ya’re not there. Ya here. I’m here.” He said and what he did next you didn’t expect. His hand went to yours and he intertwined your pinkies. And you could not help but feel a warm feeling in your heart. “Now, let’s sleep.”
The next morning you woke up with Luna licking all of your face. You tried protecting your face, but she wasn’t going to give up. You sat and didn’t saw Daryl by your side anymore. Everyone was getting ready to leave, so you had to do the same.
When everyone was ready a discussion about having less cars started, it was agreed that it would be better to economize fuel. You’d only remain with Carol’s Cherokee, the RV and Merle’s bike, that was now Daryl’s. You’d be all crushed in the cars, butyou had to make choices.
You were already leaving the room when Daryl stopped you. “I think it’s better if you go with Rick. The bike isn’t very comfortable for 2 during a long trip.” You should have seen it coming, but well… he was kind of right.
“Sure, no problem.” You smiled, he wasn’t wrong but you couldn’t help feeling upset. You liked travelling with him. “I’m sure Luna and me can fit well on the back of the Cherokee.”
Rick made sure to make some space for you in the back of the cherokee and you sat back there while Luna sniffed everything.
“Can I go in the back with you Aunt Y/N?” Carl asked you by time he entered the car.
“Sorry Carl, there’s no room for you AND it’s safer where you are.” You said, there was room and you knew he would play that card, he was a smart kid, so you played the “safe” card before he could come with something smart.
The rest of the car trip was uneventful, that is until you came to a huge block on the road made by several abandoned vehicles. You tried going until the radiator hose of the RV broke. You all got out of the cars and decided to look infor supplies or anything useful. You found some snacks, headache pills and a kitchen knife. Not much to be honest. You thought you’d be more successful looking for fuel and car parts.
You gave up and went to Daryl and T.Dog, to help and learn how to siphon fuel. You could be alone anytime and need it, so it was a useful thing to know. Then you heard Rick telling everyone to hide, a herd was coming. Fuck. Where were you supposed to hide with a fucking gigantic dog and at the same time make the dog quiet?
You brought Luna behind a van that was kind of transversal on the road and had concrete blocking on the other side you sat there on the floor and put the harness around Luna’s mouth hopping it would be enough to make her quiet until the herd passed. Memories of your nightmare came to your mind and you tried to calm yourself and your breathing, that wasn’t a good time to panic. They were passing while you prayed for whatever was out there that they would not see you. You were well hidden but if one of them tripped and fall on you, you were doomed for sure.
As soon as all of them were gone, Daryl came to find you. “Are ya ok?” You got up and nodded, but he knew you were far from ok, you were shaking.
Soon you heard a commotion and ran back to where everyone was. Sophia had run to the woods followed by walkers. Shit. If it could get worse, it would get worse. Carol was despaired and when Rick came back without the little girl she cried even more. Lori and you hugged her trying to reassure that they would find her. “Daryl is the best tracker, he’ll find her.” You said while rubbing her back.
T.Dog had an ugly cut on his arm, you take a first aid kit to clean it and cover. You were a doc after all, an animal doc, but nobody could ask much during the apocalipse, and you knew how to properly disinfect the wound. “Wow, it looks bad. I think you need stiches, but we also don’t have anything to do this. Some antibiotics would do good.” You commented while cleaning the wound and preparing to bandage it.
“It’s gonna be ok, I’m tough. Don’t worry.” He say, but you knew you all should worry and take a look on him from time to time, because if he had fever the chances of it going really wrong were big.
When Daryl and Rick came back without Sophia it was heartbreaking. They said they encountered a walker and they killed and opened it to make sure it didn’t kill or ate Sophia. Just imagining gave you chills. Carol blamed Rick for leaving the girl alone while he was actually trying to save her. You couldn’t blame Carol for her reaction, but you couldn’t blame your brother either. It was not his fault, it wasn’t Sophia’s fault too.
Soon all of you went to sleep with the promise to find Sophia in the morning. You laid with Luna and Carl in the back of the Cherokee and while they slept peacefully you couldn’t dare to allow yourself to sleep… until your eyes closed and you did.
Final Note: Thanks for everyone reading, liking, reblogging and commenting, it’s really good to receive your feedback.
Taglist: @sunnybunnyy2
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kidrauhlschik · 7 months
1. Tangled Memories ~ Lee Know AU
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Post Traumatic Amnesia (PTA) is a transient state of confusion, disorientation and memory loss that occurs immediately following a traumatic brain injury. PTA is sometimes also referred to as post traumatic confusional state and can occur from the moment of injury until the return of continuous memory.
The accident was a tragedy.
But it was the best tragedy to ever happen to you.
This is part 1 - pt 2, 3, & 4 is in the masterlist linked above :)
Warnings: angst, f!reader, enemies to lovers, drunk driving, gaslighting, Fighting, yelling, cursing, angst, heartbreak, lies, angst, accidents, not proofread, minho is mean, lmk if I missed anything!!
Words: 3.5k
Being late was one of your biggest pet peeves. One time when you were 13, someone told you that being late was rude because it shows no regard for other people's times, and for some reason, that just stuck with you. Ever since, you have never allowed yourself to be late to anything, no matter how insignificant it may be. This is odd, because you truly do not mind whenever someone is late to do something with you. Even though you find it annoying at times.
Times like today, when you have been waiting for one of your best friends to pick you up for at least 30 minutes, you do find it a bit bothersome. Waiting for Bang Chan is always a chore, how can someone be late to everything? You are halfway convinced that he was probably late to his own birth. Maybe he'll be late to his own wedding as well. You wouldn't put it past him.
Christopher: here
"Finally!" You say to yourself at the sight of the message, as you jump out of the couch and quickly grab your wallet and keys.
Much to your dismay, Chris isn't alone. The literal spawn of Satan and the bane of your existence sits in the passenger seat.
It's not that you and Minho casually disliked each other, it was more so loathing and pure hatred. It didn't start that way, but the relationship has evolved to a point of no return.
Before you met Bang Chan, you met Minho, and the two of you were in the same class. It was eight in the morning, and you could say that neither of you were morning people at all. During your first encounter he spilled hot coffee on you after bumping into each other. Neither had seen the other, him because he was looking down at his phone, you because you had your eyes glued to the flash cards in order to study for a test. It was just unlucky.
"Dude, what the heck?" You ask, while looking down at your spoiled shirt and cards you were holding.
"That was like $6 dollars." He points at the cup on the ground.
Did he want you to pay for it? After he spilled it?
"And this shirt was like 30 bucks!" You told him
"Oh yeah? Cry me a river dude." The two of you got progressively louder in your argument until class started and you both walked to opposite sides of the room, huffing and puffing, but not bothering to come to a conclusion for the minor inconvenience.
The next time the two of you interacted with each other, was a couple of months down the line. Luck has never been your strong suit, so you weren't even surprised when Minho was announced to be your project partner. However, close proximity just made everything worse.
Every meeting the two of you held, turned into a screaming match. The arguments were always blown out of proportion, most of the time they were over the font size, or the color of the slides, sometimes it was over who would speak when. It was petty, but neither of you liked the other, and you were both petty people. Once the project was over, you made it your life mission to avoid him and he did the same to you.
Once again, your luck showed its true colors when your new friend Bang Chan wanted to introduce you to his group of friends. The second the two of you walked inside of the pizza parlor, you heard a loud groan.
Looking around to see where the sound came from, you were met with the only person you strongly disliked at your university.
"Please don't tell me that witch is your friend." Minho closed his eyes, fearful of what he knows Chris' answer was going to be.
"The two of you know each other?" Was his response and that sparked the never ending rivalry that you both had to this day.
In your head, you attempted to be civil, but in reality, you kept on belittling him, and always disagreeing with whatever he had to say. He always did the same to you, but you were both Chan's friend's and neither of you wanted to back down.
If either of you had been more rational, or less headstrong, then everything would have blown over, but you and Minho weren't mature at all. A petty resentment ended up turning into so much more.
One day, he brought the whole group coffee, but forgot to get you one as well. So in return, you invited the group for a night out, and you forgot to invite him.
He made plans for everyone to meet at an arcade, but he told you the wrong address, and led you to the one on the other side of town. He bought a new speaker, so you stole it when Chris was cat-sitting.
When everyone was in the lake, he casually picked up your phone and threw it in the water. The next day he had a swarm of bees infesting his car.
The "pranks" as you two would call them, soon became so much worse. All bets were off the table. The guys honestly thought that the two of you were the unluckiest people in the world, they no idea that you were the cause for each other's misery.
He would see your car parked outside of a shop, and would casually slash one of your tires. Then he would wait outside and say something among the lines of "That's unfortunate." And leave you stranded. In turn, you would go to his place in the middle of the night and black out his car windows with spray paint.
It felt like the two of you were out for blood. You were always arguing, the arguments always hit home for the both of you, always targeting insecurities and sensitive subjects. You tried not to talk to each other when out with other people, but the second either of you made eye contact or spoke, a small bomb always went off.
The guys tried keeping you separated from each other, but at times, the task was impossible to maintain.
The issue was that the two of you were too much like each other. Both with iron walls incasing your heart, both with words like venom towards those who deserved it, both with eyes as cold as ice, and both with burning fury that was reserved for one another.
Bang Chan would try to mediate, and get you guys to talk it out, he knew that if you did, you guys could be friends. Every time he tried, he'd end up having to put down a fire. The animosity was just too much, especially when neither of you could act like an adult and avoid conflict. So eventually, everyone gave up and viewed your arguing as the new norm.
"Why is he here?" You asked Chris as you climbed on the back seat.
"Why the fuck do you think I'm here?" Minho replies without taking his eyes off his phone.
"Someone called to get his car towed and he can't pick it up until Monday." Explained Chan as he began driving.
"Who would do such a thing?" Your feigned surprise earns you an eyeroll from Minho.
Neither of you ever told the true nature of your evil antics to the guys. The both of you actually cared about your friends, and you both were aware that if they knew, they would be pissed at the way you have been treating each other for the past year. Maybe they could let some mean comments slide, but nothing to this degree.
The car ride was mainly silent. Except for when you and Chan would be having a conversation and Minho would hop in with a snarky remark. When you arrived to Changbin's house, the area was neat and tidy.
Key words. When you arrived.
Now, there were cups everywhere, pillows thrown, liquids spilled, and much more. It's like a tornado had ransacked the place. However, it was no tornado, it was you and Minho.
The movie was long forgotten, and the rest of the guys were laying on the couch, scrolling through their phones, while waiting for the new argument to calm down.
It started over something stupid, as per usual, you had been sitting next to Jeongin. He was talking about the new Exorcist movie that was coming out, and you made a stupid joke about Minho being the scariest thing in the room.
Maybe it was the wrong day to mess with him, or maybe it was because his car was locked in a parking lot somewhere. One thing was for sure, it was definitely the wrong time.
He grabbed the little cushion nearest to him and chucked it your way with a little too much strength and it hit you straight in the face.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?"
"It's just a pillow. Calm down."
So without giving it much thought, you flung the cup that had been in your hand towards him, spilling red liquid everywhere, mainly on Minho.
"Here we go again." Whispered Jisung as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.
"What the fuck is your problem!?"
And like that, a full blown argument started, it went from throwing things and yelling, to finally approaching one another and yelling in each others faces.
Every now and then Chan would tune in to the argument, hoping that it would blow over as soon as possible. He was annoyed, but he knew it was bound to happen, even though he hoped it would be a smaller argument night. He cared so much about Minho and you, that's the reason he hadn't cut anyone out, but he had ran out of options. He knew why Minho was the way that he was, and he knew why you were just like him.
Minho had dreams when he was growing up. Dreams that he sacrificed everything for. He gave up on his youth to join a dance team in hopes to one day become a K-pop idol. He spent countless of nights practicing until the middle of the night. While everyone was out partying and enjoying their high school years, Minho joined a K-pop company and he had been so close to debuting with a group. He trained with said group for years, and became best friends with them. Once they were at the end of the race, Minho was cut from the group and let go by the company. All of his efforts, years, blood, and tears, wasted. Now he had to watch his closest friends become global super stars and he had nothing. He isolated himself and gave up on dancing, he vowed never to dance again. He enrolled into university and built walls around himself. He hated himself, and Chan figures that he still does. Haunted by the shame and guilt of never being good enough, he became bitter and angry. He held so much anger in. It wasn't until he met a shy boy called Jisung, when things changed for him, but his walls were still up. Despite caring about his friends, his scars still ran deep.
Chan didn't know much about you though. You only ever allowed bits and pieces to slip through your fingers. Your guard was up too. Lacking trust on everyone, you barely ever talked about your past. Always telling Chan and yourself that it was your own burden to carry, and no one should bother with it. He didn't know much about your family, the only thing you ever told him was in passing when talking about Christmas plans.
"Are you going home for the holidays this year?"
"I have no reason to." You and Chan were walking to the nearest target to pick up baking powder to make cookies later.
Rubbing his hands together to keep warm, he looks at you in confusion. "To see your family?'
"I have no family."
The subject dropped immediately. He can sometimes see through the cracks though. He sees the way you never let yourself cry, and the way that whenever something bad happens to you, your smile falters but remains. He always questioned how much of your happiness was faked.
So Chan holds out hope. You and Minho were broken in different ways, but similar in many more things. The way that you are protective of the people that you care about is the same way that Minho protects his loved ones too. Like you two are afraid of losing and letting go. You had lost too much and you both refused to keep on losing more. You are both rocks, never letting too many emotions seep through. More importantly, you both carried the same anger. Probably the only emotion you guys show freely, both bold and unrelenting. When he introduced the two of you, he should have known that was introducing a hurricane to a tornado.
He is broken out of his train of thought by your voice.
"Let me fucking go!" Minho had you wrist in hand, presumably gripping it with too much force.
"You were going to hit me bitch." He was right, you raised your hand to slap him after a particularly nasty comment.
"Guys! Calm down! Minho, let her go." Chan got up and grabbed Minho's wrist in turn, but he wasn't letting you go.
"You deserved it asshole."
"Now I get why your family fucking left you." Ouch. He probably didn't know your story, it wasn't possible, but he probably came to the assumption that you weren't exactly close to your family based on the fact that you never talk about them or visit them. Maybe he heard one of the guys talking about it. Either way, it hurt.
"Maybe if you weren't such a dick, you would have actually made it in life, you fucking failure."
His lips shift ever so slightly. Only you notice it while everyone is trying to calm or separate the two of you.
"Get the fuck out." Strangely calm, the change of tone almost gives you whiplash. This was eerie, there was nothing in his voice, completely void of all emotion. Even anger.
"This isn't even your house." Disbelief clear in your response.
"No one wants to hang out with a fucking whore that only came around because she fucked her way into the group."
"Minho!" Chan screams while still trying to get one of you out of the room, it was like separating rabid animals from one another.
You stood in shock. It wasn't true, but it somewhat was. You and Chris had a one night stand, it meant nothing. You two actually had breakfast the next morning and decided to remain as friends, but you were always scared that anyone would think that you had other intentions.
"You are truly fucking delusional if you think that any of us will still speak with you after college. I'm a fucking failure but at least I know I won't die alone like you. You're going to end up alone." Ouch part two. It's like he knows what he's aiming at.
Everyone in the room had their eyes on you. No one knew what to say. The insults never ran as deep, they were always over superficial things around them, but this time Minho wanted you gone.
"So maybe, it would be best if you grabbed your shit and left, because I promise you that no one here would follow."
"Fuck this." You didn't have to take the humiliation, and you couldn't allow anyone to see you faulter. So you take his advice and make your way out.
Everyone was in too much shock to prevent you from leaving. To you, that meant that Minho was right. They don't care about you and apparently no one does. Just like that, you're willing to let a year of friendship go down the drain. If they're going to leave you anyway, what's the point of sticking by?
Maybe you'll do them all a favor and disappear from their lives.
This wasn’t like you though. You’re able to brush off insults like dust. It wasn’t a big deal at all, it shouldn’t have gotten to you the way it did, especially because Minho said it. Maybe it was the mixed drinks that Hyunjin had been making you all night. Either way, you knew that you needed a second to clear your head.
It was dark outside. Traffic was aggressive and loud, but that didn't matter to you at that moment. Your own thoughts were more unbearable than that.
Inside of Changbin's house, everyone was attacking Minho.
"Why the hell would you say that?" Said Jengin.
"That was fucked up Minho." Hyunjin said as he made his way to the kitchen.
Minho had to get defensive, "Did you people not hear the shit that she was telling me?! Why is it always "Minho said this, Minho said that" When that bitch is probably even worse than I am?" Through his rant, Chan could see a crack. The usual coldness is gone, replaced by desperation. Minho hated his own thoughts. Why were his friends not on his side? Why is he always the villain? For a second Chan sees an emotion that he has barely ever seen Minho wear, fear.
"Jisung?" Minho turns to Han, the name sounded like a question, maybe even a plea. If anyone were to be on his side, it would be his best friend.
Han stares at him blankly. "You took it way to far Min. Even for you, that was low."
"Even for me? You guys are making me seem like a damn demon!" Chan goes to put a hand on his shoulder but Minho is quick to shake it off. Avoiding is something Minho has always excelled at.
Overwhelmed by the situation, he also walks out of the door, he can't let them see him faulter.
As he begins to walk, if feels oddly similar to the night he was kicked out of the company. It had been raining that night and Minho walked home. He felt that he wasn't even worth getting a taxi. The word "useless" replayed in his head that entire night, similarly to how he felt right in that second.
He thought of what he told you. He didn't regret it at all, but he couldn't get away from thinking, he might die alone too.
The relationship between the two of you had always been strange to him, to say the least. It's almost as if he was expected to hate you. To be honest, he couldn't quite remember how you guys met or why you hated each other so much. He just knew that you spawned into his life and made it hell, and he wouldn't go down without a fight. Just hearing your name brough him annoyance, like a natural recoil in his body runs away from you.
Maybe he hated himself so much, that when your eyes mirrored his, he couldn't stand it. Maybe the both of you saw everything you hated about yourselves in one another that you couldn't help but to fight back. Neither of you realized it though.
While Minho was trying to clear his head, he noticed something down the block. It seemed like emergency lights. Similarly like the cat in the saying, Minho got curious and quickly walked toward the hoard of people. After pushing through the bodies, he's met with a surprising sight.
It was you, on a stretcher.
His eyes wide with shock, wonder for a bit, trying to take the situation in. He looks around and sees a car, not far own the road, with a smashed windshield and blood splatter on the broken glass. A cop is restraining a man right beside it, who must have been the man driving. The people around are simply blocking space and gasping at the sight.
Minho wanted to hop in the ambulance out of instinct. He wanted to jump into action and tell the paramedics that he knew you, but he held himself back. You wouldn't want him there and he didn't want to be with you either. So he stood in place, confused and in a daze as he saw the paramedics close the doors of the ambulance and speed away.
It wasn't until the area started to clear out that his brain came back into focus.
Despite the knot building at the base of his throat, and his gut tightening, he pulls out his phone. With shaky hands he taps on Chan's name.
"Hello?" The heavy Australian accent is heard once Minho brings his phone to his ear.
"Y/N is hurt."
A/N: This was originally going to be a big 20k word chapter. im excited to write it - it'll probably be a total of thee parts. Maybe two.
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nerdiellers · 10 months
A Lifetime | Death
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feat: Nanami Kento x fem!reader, Gojo Satoru x fem!reader
cw: cussing, mention of death/suicide, mental illness, slight child neglect, spoilers for jjk
summary: taking the news of the death of your husband was something you never expected. you spiral into despair as you grieve
a/n: this hasn’t been proofread, so please forgive any typos and mistakes! I write on my phone and I have autocorrect on because I’m too lazy to fix what I type
next chapter ↝ | masterlist
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You stood in the kitchen staring at Yaga with wide eyes, your hands shaking.
“W-What?” you asked quietly.
Yaga rubbed the back of his neck and exhaled through his nose. He knew this would be hard, but he wanted to be the one to tell you rather than anyone else. He was your teacher and friend.
“Nanami Kento was killed in battle against the curse Mahito. Itadori Yuji reported this incident as soon as he could.” Yaga spoke quietly.
Your heart stopped and the shaking proceeded to become worse, causing your hands to crush the glass you were holding as you were about to set a glass of tea down for Yaga. This caused the porcelain shards to cut into your hand, causing Yaga to immediately jump from his seat, rounding the island in your kitchen to get to you.
You couldn’t feel anything though, couldn’t process the news. The wounds you received didn’t even register to you as Yaga took your hand and ran it under the water, gently taking out the shards.
Kento, your beloved husband, was killed. By a curse. He had told you about the upcoming incident with the promise of coming home on time as usual. You remember him leaving in the morning as usual, leaving you with a kiss to the top of your son’s forehead and a kiss to your lips, making sure to tell you both that he loved you.
But he wasn’t coming home. Ever again.
As soon as your brain processes this, the tears welled up in your eyes, your legs giving out and you fall to the floor. The fall was softened by Yaga, who was in the middle of treating your wounds.
Once you’re on the floor, the tears began to flow, heaving sobs and screams escaping your throat. You’ve lost the love of your life, your soul mate, your best friend. You couldn’t believe this to be real, hitting yourself in order to determine whether this was real or just a terrible and excruciating nightmare.
After the first hit, you raised your hand once more, ready to strike yourself again before Yaga gently grabbed your wrist.
“Y/N.” He spoke.
You had no energy to fight against him. The air escaped from your lungs and you felt yourself have a panic attack. How were you supposed to go on without him? How can he not be here to watch your son grow?
And then it hit you — your son. How was he going to process the news? How will you tell him?
Your mom would come home after picking your son up from preschool in a couple of hours. He was so attuned to your emotions that he would know something would be off. Your son was only 4, he wouldn’t fully comprehend grief just yet as he was still learning how to be more attuned to his emotions and keep them under control.
Fortunately for you, he had his father’s personality. He was incredibly smart and understood things perfectly fine when it came to anger, but he had never had to learn how to control his grief.
The thought split your already broken heart further, feeling as if the shards of your heart had spread and was stabbing you on the inside, slowly making its way through your body, making sure to stab every nerve you had along the way.
“Y/N.” Yaga spoke to you in a gentle tone.
For the first time since you found out, you looked at Yaga through blurred eyes, fully recognizing that your tears hadn’t stopped and Yaga had been holding your hands. Your throat burned, just how long were you screaming as your tears fell?
Yaga’s expression was that of utmost concern. He was your teacher, having taught you, Nanami, and Haibara. The three of you were close to each other as he remembered.
Eventually you and Nanami had begun dating within your first year before getting married after he left the Jujutsu world. Yaga, of course, had been invited as Nanami’s best man. The wedding itself was beautiful and you were stunning. The way your and Nanami’s eyes sparkled as you saw each other was something out of romance novels and Yaga felt a sort of pride knowing that he had watched the two of you since the beginning.
And here he was, at the end, the one place where he didn’t want to be as he watched you crumble in front of his very eyes. Jujutsu sorcerers dying was almost common, but Nanami was a great sorcerer. Yaga should have known that even the strong ones would fall eventually.
First Gojo disappears, and now Nanami is dead, two things Yaga never would have expected. But he had grieved as much as he could, it was your turn to grieve. And he was here for you as often as he can be due to the events in Shivuya taking what little sorcerers we’re available. He would have asked you to join, but he didn’t want to risk Yu to become an orphan at such an early age when he’s expected to manifest his powers any day now.
Looking into your eyes, he felt his heart break. You were never to look like this, so broken and done.
You were waiting patiently for Yaga to speak, the tears never ending as you hiccup every so often, the sobs having done so much to your throat.
“Nana- no, Kento,” he corrected himself “was a great sorcerer and he will be deeply remembered throughout the years. I will help you with funeral services as soon as Shibuya is dealt with, this I promise you.”
You tried your best to smile, showing Yaga the appreciation you feel, but it felt so wrong to smile, not while you’re grieving. Instead, you nod. You couldn’t find it in your heart to be vocal fearing that as soon as you open your mouth, you’ll start screaming again.
Yaga continued to hold your hands as you worked through your tears before he was called away.
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You hadn’t moved from your marital bed since Yaga left, hugging Kento’s pillow tight, feeling your heart painfully pounding against your chest, your body growing numb as emotions left your body completely. Even the feel of your own heartbeat had begun to feel numb.
You never thought you’d have to experience this in your lifetime. Kento was a strong sorcerer and he was physically gifted in combat. You couldn’t ask for the details, afraid that your imagination would run wild with the details.
The front door clicked open and shut, indicating that your mom and son were home.
“Y/N? Where are you dear?” Your mother called out.
“Mommyyyyyy!” Yu yelled.
Hearing the tiny footsteps, Yu knew exactly where to find you; in your room. Pushing open the door, Yu sees your form on the bed and his eyebrows upturned — he could feel something was wrong when you didn’t greet him like you normally do.
“Mommy?” He called out, nearing your bed before using the stepping stool you and Kento left on the side of the bed so that when Yu needed the two of you, he could climb into bed himself and cuddle in between the two of you. He felt safest in between you and his father.
“Mommy what’s wrong?” Yu asked as he climbed your bed and crawled his way over to you.
“Yu? Did you find mommy?” Your mother asked as she entered your room, stopping as she sees your still form on the bed. Yu looked at his grandmother, worry expressed on his face.
“Gram? What’s wrong with mommy?” He asked.
As your mother neared you, she shook her head. “I’m not too sure sweetie, why don’t you go to your room so I can talk to your mommy?”
Yu shook his head and held onto you. It was pitiful, you couldn’t even register your own son’s arms. You didn’t feel even an ounce of happiness that your son was home.
“Yu,” your mother spoke in a gentle tone “I need you to please let me talk to mommy. It might not be something you’re meant to hear.”
Yu gazed at his grandmother before looking at your expressionless face, your eyes red, hugging his father’s pillow before looking back at his grandmother, nodding with a solemn expression before safely sliding off of the bed. He walked to the door before turning to look back at you.
“I love you mommy…” he spoke before leaving entirely, heading to his room as instructed.
As soon as the door was mostly shut in Yu’s room, your mother looked at you. Sitting on the edge of your bed, she placed her hand on your arm, trying her best to be gentle with you.
“Hon? What happened.” Your mother asked.
You felt your tears sting your eyes. Biting your lower lip, you try your best to contain your tears before covering your face with the pillow.
“Kento’s dead, mom.” Your voice squeaked, hoarse as you spoke. And that was it, your tears fell again as you began to sob into the pillow, attempting to muffle the sound as to not alarm Yu, who you were sure was listening in his room.
Your mother felt her heart break, seeing you like this. She knew the risk of being a Jujutsu sorcerer, but she also knew Kento was particular when it came to the missions. She for sure believed that he would stay alive, but fate is inevitable.
“Honey…” rubbing your arm, she felt your body shaking as you attempted to hold back your tears. “You can go ahead and cry, don’t hold them back. You know it upsets your stomach.”
You snapped and looked at your mom, brows furrowed.
“I don’t care about my stomach ma! My husband is dead! My partner, the love of my life, Yu’s father!” You yelled.
Your mother’s brows knitted together. “Please keep your voice down honey, you don’t want Yu to hear you.”
Your brows upturned. She was right, you didn’t want Yu to know, not just yet while you were still figuring out how to tell him.
“Daddy’s dead?” A soft voice echoed in the room.
You and your mother’s heads turned towards the doorway to see your son in his pajamas, his tiny hands clutching his shirt, his eyes wide.
Your mother sighed and stood, making her way to Yu, before crouching down to his eye level.
“I want to tell him.” Your voice a hoarse whisper.
Your mother looked at you as you stared at the wall in front of you. You looked tired, exhausted even. It was to be expected, losing your significant other was one of the hardest things to go through.
Standing, she patted the top of Yu’s head before leaving the room, giving the two of you privacy.
“Mommy?” Yu asked. He knew you were sad and he could see it in your eyes. You looked at him and gave him a pained smile.
“Come here, baby. Let me hold you.” You asked, holding your arms out for him.
Yu immediately ran to the stepping stool, lifting himself on the bed and into your arms. Wrapping your arms around him, you looked into his eyes, the same eyes that resembled Nanami’s with your hair color.
You remembered when you were pregnant with him, Kento had quit working at his job because he was tired of exploiting others for the sake of money, and you wholeheartedly agreed with his decision. He had become a Jujutsu sorcerer once again.
You inhaled then exhaled. Looking into the eyes of your son once more, you raised your hand to gently set it on his cheek, rubbing it.
“I’m afraid that —“ you paused to control your tears, but your voice betrayed you as you continued. “Daddy’s not coming home.”
Yu tilted his head. “When is daddy coming home?”
Your breath hitches, doing your absolute best to control your emotions for your son. You never thought you would have to say this.
“He…he won’t be coming home, baby. There were complications in daddy’s mission and he…he passed away, sweetie.”
Yu stared at you as if he was trying to gauge your emotions to better attune himself to it. Eventually, the tears welled up in his eyes.
“Mommy?” Yu cried. If you could feel anything, you could feel what was the rest of your broken heart shatter. And the fact that you don’t feel anything when looking at your crying son makes you feel horrible. But you were broken and didn’t have it in you.
As the arms around your son tightened slightly to reassure him that you were there. But were you really? The two of you were grieving for the loss of Kento, your husband and Yu’s father.
You couldn’t even feel your son in your arms, the numbing feeling taking over you, the poison coursing through your veins, numbing your body but not enough to no longer feel the pricks to remind you of the poison, the grief you were feeling.
“-ey? Y/N!”
Your eyes snapped up to look at your mom, who was standing beside your bed, staring at you, her expression full of concern.
“Honey, I can stay with you, help you take care of Yu.”
You shook your head.
“I just…I just want to be left alone.” You answered, your voice had gone from a choke from holding back your tears to a low monotone devoid of emotion.
“I can take Yu and he can stay with me while you grieve.” She offered.
Yu immediately pulled away and shook his head.
“No! I wanna stay with mommy! I don’t wanna go!” He yelled as he cried harder, as if he was throwing a tantrum, which in this case would count as a tantrum.
Your mom reached her arms out and went to gently take Yu from your arms as they loosened your hold on him. As soon as your mom touched Yu, he screamed and grabbed onto your shirt.
“No! Mommy!” He screamed, holding onto you as he screamed and cried.
You continued to sit there as your son was clutching onto you for dear life, begging you to keep him safe but you didn’t have the energy to do so.
Yu continued to clutch onto you while your mother tried to pick him up. Every gentle pull resulted in him screaming and eventually your mother gave up, leaving him to cry on your chest. Sighing, your mother looked at you.
“I’ll come back tomorrow to take Yu to preschool, ok?”
“I don’t wanna go!” Yu screamed. He wanted nothing more than to be with you, his safe haven. But could you provide your son with that safety?
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I hope this turned out well! I’ve been stewing on this for a few days while I’ve been trying to think of how to write the Lucifer story.
I planned on making this a series, so please let me know if you’d like to see more!
Jujutsu Kaisen belongs to Gege Akutami
©️nerdiel-has-no-braincells Please do not copy, translate, and post as your own. Reblogs, likes, and comments are ok with me!
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