#not even for a good reason. but im in such a bad fucking mood. and i cannot calm down until i go home. in two hours. cool!
reel-fear · 2 days
Genuinely so curious who Mike thinks is gonna be buying The Cage or the new DCTL GN bc with the way he tweets as far as he's concerned, it's not gonna be:
The queer people he has actively admitted he will never show any representation of in the games.
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2. The POC he has actively fought against representing in his franchise. [Who he also mocked for thinking they would be represented in his franchise]
3. The Bendy fandom which has always been concerned with topics of diversity esp in the sense of queer people since its creation. Who he has responded to really poorly esp in regards to the GN.
4. The fans who critique him. [He blocked me for doing so lol]
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5. His fans in general who he tweets about like this currently. [He's being vague about why people were mad at him or sent him 'nasty messages' because if you actually looked into why you'd see he was in the wrong. Either way, a very hateful way to speak abt ur own fanbase.]
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Reminder while Mike is trash talking his fans he has always treated them rather poorly. The fans who won the fanart contest for Chapter 5 never got their posters actually in game due to it being rushed. Not only was chapter 5 a big slap to the face story wise, but it was literally so rushed he couldn't be bothered to add in the art his fans gave him for his game FOR FREE. [Meatly blames this on a crazy timeline, reminder him and Mike are the literal ceos of this company. The proposal of future updates here is also pretty cruel considering Mike nowadays happily admits he corrupted Chapter 5's source code and therefore literally can't update it At All currently. Because he is a moron]
At least they got to be in Boris and the dark survival, and by that I mean that was the Only game they got to be in so far, isn't that just treating your fans like you love them? Shoving their hard work into a spin off game almost nobody has played or addresses much. [Hell, who knows if with the Lone Wolf rebrand they'll even stay there. In which case they'll be in None of the games, only in the credits of BATIM]
6. The Bendy fans who just generally disagree with him on stuff. Like the new ink demon design where there is literally a public poll showing people generally prefer the old one.
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7. The Bendy fans who can see he is actively lying to them. To their fucking faces.
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He says this has always been the case, but screenshots and links to tweets regarding the books being canon prove it was not. Does he really think bendy fans are stupid or something? [Unless he's admitting here he lied to Kress when he told her the books were canon which sounds worse!]
8. Anyone who doesn't like the idea of giving money to a guy who laid off tons of employees then afterwards thought it was a great idea to express his anti-union views! Also brag about how good of an employer he was, according to his employees, he was not!
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So in summary; Mike is an awful person who has not learned anything from the awful things he did. I will not be purchasing The Cage because, combined with this and his absolute refusal to take any kind of critique or see any differing interpretation of his franchise, I have no reason to think my problems with the franchise will ever be addressed or fixed. I probably will pirate The Cage along with any future Bendy Products [Including the movie] and will do my best to avoid giving it any kind of monetary support. Unless this changes any time soon, I can't see myself making anymore positive Bendy posts soon.
Mike has just managed to make it so hard to speak positively or optimistically of this franchise when he's so willing to broadcast how little he cares about it or its fans. I'm at the point where I refuse to pull any of my punches with my problems with it. What's the point of trying to play nice with my critique when either way the people creating it don't care?
So with this post, I want to invite anyone who feels similarly about the franchise to tell me, make a post or send an ask talking about how all of this makes you feel. It may not change how things are, but genuinely seeing other people share my feelings of anger makes me feel better. It feels nice to see when other people share our same concerns and worries. I'd also love to know if anyone else thinks they'll be avoiding purchasing Bendy products over this.
I'm not forcing anyone to participate in it nor trying to say anyone who doesn't supports mike but genuinely maybe if we can collectively decide to boycott things like the movie, graphic novel and The Cage... It might at least make the bendy devs acknowledge how much they have destroyed their own fandom's faith and trust in them.
The way Mike tweets about his actions like he had no control over why people were mad at him at least proves to me he takes NONE of it back nor regrets it. If you didn't know about his actions and only went off his tweets, you would be led to believe Mike has been needlessly picked apart by fans over things he couldn't control [or in his own words, had his words twisted and taken out of context]. That is not how you speak about your actions if you have actually learned better from them.
anyway, that has been my bendy dev callout post. This is an open invitation to anyone feeling similarly upset about the way the franchise is going to talk about it. It's genuinely nice to see how people feel about this and the more we talk about the more it's likely the bendy devs are forced to address our concerns. I don't think they will but hey, that's why I'm not gonna support them with my money anymore nor am I gonna be nice to them in any content I make critiquing Bendy. I mean I'm also basically making this post just in case anyone asks me Why I feel this way towards to bendy devs/as a way to respond to anyone who thinks I am too harsh in my critique in the future.
As always, it seems the best part of Bendy isn't actually anything about canon but about what the fan's are creating with the ideas Bendy failed to do anything interesting with.
Also the books, the books slap.
#batim#batdr#bendy and the ink machine#bendy and the dark revival#ramblez#bendy and the silent city#bendy the cage#for the record another reason Im making this post is bc some of the only good resources to learn abt why the bendy devs suck are some old#very longer videos and this is a very long post but I thought it was important to document the recent shit theyve been doing alongside some#of the worst past things theyve done bc Mike has been trying to misinform people on what happened but those videos are still great resource#if you want more info n such#long post#mike D#for anyone who doesnt wanna hear abt him since he doesnt go by mood anymore#sorry if this is rambley or emotional Im just so sick of these guys fr dskjhgskdfjghskdjhgkjhsd#I miss when I didnt spend my days stressed about the awful shit mike is gonna say next and how I would have to disprove it in a post later#or explain why its bad to have a cast of nothing but cishet white guys n constantly fight back against any push for diversity in said cast#genuinely its just tiring esp when u see other bendy fans give ignorant or very silly defenses/takes on those things#n then u lose a lot of respect for them bc they are speaking on stuff they dont know much abt so confidently and therefore misinforming#people or even encouraging very bad views on stuff like diversity n its importance#Im not saying people like that are bad people but it is stressful n upsetting when u see someone u thought knew better do that sort of thin#it makes it hard to trust them again on other issues bc u now dont trust they know what they r talking abt!!#like please think twice before telling young artists making norman white was a tough and complicated decision it was fucking not the bendy#devs just think all their humans are white by default and dont wanna change that its been proven time n time again thats all it is#and defending them just bc u like a franchise they made is very very bad!! They are not ur friends!! they suck and we seriously need to#stop pretending they dont!! toxic positivity is only gonna make the fandom an absolute nightmare its not gonna make ANYTHING better#it just means people will be forced to PRETEND they never have negative thoughts abt the franchise n therefore make them burned out#just look at other similar fandoms please lets not make those same mistakes!!#sorry can u tell Ive been having just. A time recently#anyways back to making my queer ass bendy fan game full of so much diversity mike will prolly shit when he sees it DKFJGHKSDJHGKJHSD
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rapidhighway · 8 months
K I've been thinking about this for like a week now. Ignoring any immortal headcanons if you have them. Knuckles knows he's not going to be able to guard the Master Emerald forever and that probably troubles him, but, if he was dying do you think he'd ask Sonic to guard it? He's the person with a unique connection to Chaos and the Chaos Emeralds and he's basically chosen one the most specialest guy, and one of the few people Knuckles could trust with that duty.
Of course I think Sonic would say no. I think he'd never be able to do that and he wouldn't want to.
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barkingangelbaby · 4 days
venting so much i ran out of tags lmao
#i think im hallucinating ?????#i have my headphones on (listening to boyfeel on repeat n choppin up some paper)#and keep feeling / seeing shadows in my peripheral vision#im probably just dehydrated and having bad floaters but i dont like it :)#today has also been bad dramatically awful#life isn't serious there's no reason to feel this heavy#oop very emo thoughts incoming#life can't be meaningful or ill miss my parents too much but can't be meaningless or im living without them for nothing#im just. struggling very hard this year. idk#i had so much health bullshit going on for months that i put off going to a psych n now im so busy that it feels bad taking time off for it#and im also scared of getting on meds bc the idea of being dependent on something that i might not have access to is.. auuughhh#idk dude my adhd has been debilitating lately and i feel so stuck and sometimes i think i have ocd bc my compulsions are so fucking bad and#all my mental bullshit with my breathing has slowly been driving me wild and peaks my anxiety#and sometimes i worry abt being bipolar bc my mom's mom is and my mom's best friend told me she thought my mom might have been#bc the way my moods are so low or so high is exhausting it feels like i haven't had a “normal” day in so long#but also atp when im happy i feel manic bc idk how to healthily experience happiness anymore#idfk y'all !!!! im also very nonverbal these days#ugh and still going back n forth on telling my therapist ive been suicidal again bc i dont want him to have to report me or anything idk#a few months ago i made a joke about offing myself and he got rly serious n said he'd have to take action if im serious so im leaning no#like. i wouldnt actually kill myself. i just don't want to exist sometimes in this life#its just been very very very very very very very very very very very very very very hard lately without my parents or grandma#and even after all these years it's still heartwrenching to think about continuing to live this life without them#like. i just want to make them laugh. i just want to feel their arms around me in a warm hug. i just want to dance to their favorite songs.#i don't want to think of them and see their dead bodies anymore. i want to remember them healthy and smiling.#i would take care of them again in every lifetime but fuck dude. i just want to remember their good days instead of the end. can i please#please fucking invision them at their best. i want to remember the dad that played baseball and video games and whose laugh filled the room#i want to remember my grandma who was so sassy but kind. whose button nose crinkled when she smiled. who taught me to happily be dramatic#i don't want to remember them being frail. i want to forget the frustration i saw in their eyes. i want to forget seeing them struggle#(insert sadness about not remembering my mom at all)#just. fuck dude. my life is simple and i am safe so i shouldn't complain. but things feel so fucking hard sometimes. i feel so heartbroken
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gibbearish · 6 months
oh psa but if you're in an industry that checks IDs and the person in front of you is clearly trans, don't make comments about anything on that ID. for instance saying "OMG your middle name's Danielle? that's my name too!!!" to someone 5 feet tall with a full beard is perhaps not the best choice one could make if one didn't want to put a neon glowing sign above that person's head saying "THIS IS A TRANSGENDER" to everyone they're with
#it is p funny tho going out places with cis / nb-and-always-presented-as-agab friends and always getting singles out abt my#id in Some Way and them always being like ??? wtf that was so weird what was up with that#and i have to be the one to be like 'remember that my id has an f on it' and theyre like :0 ....... >:0!!!!#like fuckin. the time i got id'd at goddamn jack in the box????#she was like 'yeah we have to check it on all orders over $25' which had never happened before and has never happened since because#its fucking jack in the box so every stupid order is over $25#for important context i was driving and bf in passenger seat was paying so id handed her his card and was way less passing than now#so once we left travis was like yo wtf that was so weird why on earth would they id someone at jack in the box?????#and im like well because i look like this and i handed her a credit card with the name travis on it and people making#up reasons to check trans-looking peoples ids to verify if theyre trans or not is unfortunately not an uncommon occurance#and he was completely floored that that was even a possibility#which like mood when i was doing bev steward literally the only thing i was thinking about on those ids was birthdays#course i was working at a theme park so we had ids from all over the country#and world but nonamericans had passports which are much more consistent than state ids#so id get handed someones id and just be like ugh ok where do they hide it on this one i have 50 people in line i dont have time for this#like why would i be wasting time casually perusing their gender marker yknow i have shit to do#so the fact that there are people who will feel the need to know that so bad that theyll do that is just wild to me and presumably him too#(working there was how we met and he ended up being bars lead then full water park sup after i left the job)#but yeah after he had his 'wait people actually do that?' realization he was just like '....well then good thing it was my card so we had to#give her my id so she'll never get to know for sure‚ get fucked' LMAO#ooh or when me and a friend went to trader joes and bought drinks cause i collect cool drink cans and when the cashier was checking#my id i made a joke to ny friend abt my picture looking like bobby hill and the cashier was like 'GASP dont say that about yourself youre#beautiful!!' which i believe i did have the beard by this point so it was a pretty obvious dig#and the picture super does look like bobby hill by the way like ill show yall if anyone's curious but literally no one irl has disagreed#except this one random woman lmao. but we get out and my friends like ????????? that was so weird#why did she say that????? and im like. well it has an f on it remember#and once again the :0 -> >:0 transformation#like it sucks having it happen but there is smth really funny abt watching friends so inclusive something like that never even#occured to them realize that thats a thing people will do and it just happened right in front of them#shoutout to my roommates friend tho who has worked at a sex shop and weed shop and changed my rewards account name for both to chosen name
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downfour · 6 months
I should be allowed to fucking maim shit because im the specialest person on earth. and because ive earned it
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sparkle on stampede saturday !
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713-4th-ward-g · 1 year
#cant lie my cousin erik disrespected the fuck out of my cousin Richard and i yesterday#that shit killed the whole vibe of the get together#bruh got so mad cause we told him he didnt put enough seasoning on the pattys he placed on the grill#which he didn't put enough... he barely even did a sprinkle of all purpose seasoning and then smeared it all over the patty with his hands#while the patty was still a bit frozen over the fire so he wasnt getting any seasoning deep into the patty just the top layer#since it was still frozen and not fully ready to be grilled#and he tells my cousin Richard and i:#who the fuck yall think yall are telling me how to season food yall dont fucking know how to barbecue#- which is false ive cooked/barbecued at least 4 times at thomas crib and was the main cook- and richard is always the griller at cookouts#then also preceded saying: yall don't know fucking shit about cooking shut the fuck up you stupid dumbasses#bruh i wanted to leave so fucking bad i immediately went inside and got my stuff and was looking for my keys i had given to one of my peeps#cause i usually end up driving home from there cause im not to comfortable sleeping there as much anymore particularly cause of how erik#has been getting very out of pocket in recent years and yesterday was really my last straw for me honestly i dont think ima be going over#for quite a bit; the only reason i went was it was my cousin Julio's birthday and the fight was yesterday#julio had been ina nad mood all week and jr told me to surprise em to cheer him up a bit and so i did#i pulled up and we watched some wrestling before people came for the fight and he ended up getting a bit happier and ended up#having a good time until erik killed the whole vibe and made me want to leave#which I couldn't cause my cousin jr took my phone so i couldn't order an uber home.. and someone had my keys.. i was so done#jr convinced me to stay cause it was Julio's birthday but i still just wanted to leave so badly#i dont think ima be going over there for a while he really disrespected me so bad for something so small as seasoning#which it really wasnt any seasoning put on the burgers.... it was honestly not a good time after that whole debacle#personal
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fillinforlater · 5 months
Hii! Could you do a smut of Minnie x Yuqi x Miyeon please? I don't really have any specific things I want in it other than scissoring and all of them just all over each other lol
Sorry im in a mood-🤪
To Glide
Minnie x Yuqi x Miyeon
Length: 2.000 words
Tags: lesbian sex, lesbian threesome, LOT'S OF LUBE, annoyed sex, fingering, clit play, scissoring, lesbian missionary, fold in half (Yuqi), pretty and submissive (Miyeon), has had fucking enough (Minnie)
(A/N: Here is a random drop to start of the new year lol. This is what happens when you send the right ideas to me. Have fun and stay healthy!)
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“This is such a not-good-idea.”
Minnie sighs and pinches her forehead. To say that she has doubts about this new ‘project’ of Yuqi would be an understatement. She hates that this obnoxiously loud girl always pushes onward with her ideas without ever thinking of the consequences. Like last week, when she threw this party at Miyeon’s house—Minnie expected a handful of people—and suddenly hundreds of people turned up and trashed the whole thing. For some reason, Miyeon didn’t even care all that much.
Guess Yuqi’s tongue kept her busy all night, Minnie thinks, an envious blush on her cheeks. That’s the curse of Yuqi, she might at times be a bad friend, but in the end, she is just irresistible. In the end, Minnie can only blame herself for not rejecting Yuqi’s plans of filling a small pool with lube—in the middle of Minnie’s own living room. 
Your house is the biggest, Yuqi argued, and with a few adorable blinks, she got what she wanted. And now Miyeon is already ready to dump in over ten bottles of lube into the small plastic construction, definitely not made to withstand whatever crazy games Yuqi will come up with. Minnie can still say no, still send them home, hell, they can have enough fun with each other in Yuqi’s—
“Aw, why not, Nicha?” Yuqi complains cutely and wraps a sly arm around Minnie’s waist. “It will be so much fun, don’t you think? I can’t see how it can go wrong.”
“It’ll be such a mess,” Minnie argues, but it’s fragile, because Yuqi’s magic goes beyond puppy eyes and that deadly voice: she is already fiddling with the buttons of Minnie’s jeans, easily able to pop them open and dig her hand onto Minnie’s sex. The thought alone arouses her. “I-I don’t want to clean up afterwards.”
“Then I will clean up, okay? Pinky promise?”
“O-okay.” Dammit, she couldn’t resist again. Minnie is just too weak for Yuqi.
“Perfect. Miyeon, pour in the lube! Let’s have some fun.”
“Okay, babe~” Miyeon shouts back and gleefully squeezes out bottle after bottle until the clear liquid has thoroughly covered the entire plastic surface. “Should we get our bikinis?”
“Nah, screw those. Bikinis are for public pools.” Yuqi starts to unzip her top and jumps out of her pants. “At home, with my girls, I don’t want to wear clothes!”
“Oh~” Miyeon coos and Minnie can see that horny glint in her eyes. “I love that! Let me get undressed too.”
Minnie looks at them for a second, their bodies being revealed piece by piece, bare and completely spotless. Yuqi is a perfectionist when it comes to her own nude body, but at the same time, she does not give a single fuck about other people’s short comings. She just loves nudity, and so Minnie isn’t the only one starring when Miyeon gracefully removes her tight crop-top and moves her hips in quick circles until her black shorts fall down. 
“I see you came prepared,” Yuqi says in excitement, because of the lack of underwear on Miyeon’s stunning frame.
“I still have the bikini in my bag, but—
“I kinda knew you wouldn’t want to see it.”
A heat is rising up inside Minnie. No anger or annoyance can keep it down anymore; the arousal is too great, irresistible, like the sight of Miyeon and Yuqi flopping into the pool. The lube flies everywhere, most importantly on their legs, their chests, their hair, their bellies, their feet—Minnie does not notice the mess being made. 
She is depraved and horny, the way she tears off her jeans and top is chaotic, unplanned. Minnie has become a mess by just looking at her friends. Luckily, Yuqi does not notice. She's too busy with Miyeon and getting her fingers all over the elder’s skin. That is until Minnie bursts in and disrupts them, putting real strain on the edges of the plastic pool.
“Hey, watch out,” both Yuqi and Miyeon laugh. “You’re about to break it.”
“I- I don’t care! You two are being too loud, I need to shut you up a bit.” Minnie’s rebuttal is weak, because Yuqi gets a hand on her hairy cunt and starts to rub all over it.
“Oh, you want to shut us up by destroying this pool? Makes sense, makes sense.” Miyeon giggles and adds. “I think our friend here is tripping a bit. Tell us, Mi~nnie~
“How do you want to make us shut up?”
Minnie has never felt this ferocious, it’s like the spirit of a savage, unchained animal has overcome her. She wraps her entire arm around Yuqi’s tiny waist and spins her around. The small woman is still laughing, but with two lube-drenched fingers straight into her tight cunt, she is now Minnie’s prisoner. A happy prisoner, who quietly moans and hums with every curl the digits in her pussy make.
“Oh my~” Miyeon gasps and intently watches on as Minnie squeezes Yuqi tightly and makes sure to never stop pumping into that wet cavern. Yuqi still thinks this is all fun and games and tries to kiss Minnie, but the Thai girl goes straight for Yuqi’s neck and marks it with a frantic bite.
“Mi-Minnie, what the—I never knew you liked—”
“How about you shut your pretty mouth up and get on all fours? 
Yuqi twitches around Minnie’s fingers when she hears this command. After a bit of slipping and falling she finds herself in the suggested position with Minnie’s hand cupping her labia and slowly rubbing lube across it. Yuqi arches her back, eyes closed to intensely feel every touch on her folds, then inside her pussy when Minnie decides to penetrate her once more. Miyeon gasps again.
“How about you lay down too, pretty?” Minnies suggest to Miyeon who needs a few seconds to wake up from her slumber and lay down into the slippery mess. She instinctively opens up her beautiful legs when Minnie’s hand approaches her, then the girliest of moans leaves her lips when her cunt gets filled. 
Minnie’s heart is pumping up to her head, knocking on her brain and she loses all her senses except for touch on her fingertips, which become drenched in arousal. Every thrust, it doesn’t matter if they are hard or soft, makes her greedy, as if this scenario wasn’t enough. She has everything a girl could ever want, but now she needs more. 
Minnie needs Yuqi to ruin herself—which happens sooner than she could’ve ever dreamed of. Yuqi’s ass moves on its own, her hips slam backwards and swallow every inch of Minnie’s flicking fingers and when three of them finally pierce her pussy open, she cums. Face buried in ridiculous amounts of lube, Yuqi groans and trembles and falls over, eyes rolled into the back of her head—that’s what Minnie wanted. But her greed doesn’t stop.
She looks at Miyeon, her pout, her need for release in this slippery mess right in the middle of this living room—Yuqi will have to clean it meticulously afterwards, because Minnie plants her puffy pussy right on Miyeon’s and starts to wildly rub it over her. Minnie knows that Miyeon is quite familiar with scissoring, this is definitely no first for her, but she nonetheless reacts to it like a virgin. She desperately holds onto Minnie’s hip and through a voice broken by moans begs her to go slower. 
“Should I really go slower?” Minnie teases when Miyeon starts to grab her waist and bite her lip. Her face is so eerily perfect with all the wet lube and sweat on it, the blush that isn’t faint but blunt and bright. “Don’t you want to cum with your pussy, pretty princess?”
And then Minnie just continues, her hips slam down, against those aroused folds. She also makes use of her hands, spreading lube all over Miyeon’s boobs, midriff, down to the hard nub that looks like it’s about to explode if just—
Someone would—
“Not there, not there, Mi-Minnie, I’m about to—”
Minnie plays with it, rubs the clit side to side and Miyeon bursts into a loud and wet orgasm that has the pool suddenly filled with lube and girl juice. Minnie still doesn’t stop, instead she squeezes out every last second of Miyeon’s high by squeezing her breasts and squeezing more lube over her feet, which Yuqi is already eagerly playing with, in trance at the taste of Miyeon’s soles.
“Gosh, she looks so hot,” Yuqi whispers at the sight of Miyeon, who cannot escape the overstimulation. There is just no grip on anything, it’s like the entire universe wants her to glide back to Minnie and her pervy hands. Hands that can’t stop groping her, covering her in so much lube, she feels too heavy to fight back. 
“You’re one to talke,” Minnie responds and raises an eyebrow when Yuqi dares to look back at her. “She went down fairly easily, but I know I need more with you.”
Yuqi smirks and like the angelic devil on Minnie’s shoulder leans in and hums:
“Then give me more.”
It’s hard to tell if Yuqi regrets her witty remark or if this was the actual reaction she wanted. In the blink of an eye, she finds herself below Minnie, in the deepest mix of cum, sweat and lube she has ever been in. Minnie immediately goes for her limits, grabbing her ankles and folding her in half while looking absolutely unamused.
“I know you can fold like a lawn chair,” she snarks and Yuqi gasps when her heels are almost level with her eyes. “So you better keep this up, because I won’t stop.”
“Wha-what are you trying—?”
“You’ve never had it like this, huh?”
Minnie crashes her hairy cunt right on Yuqi’s perfect slit. The slap is loud, the sting is painful at first, but Yuqi gets no time to scream because Minnie just continues. She rides her fat lips all over Yuqi’s shaven crotch, spreads her arousal to add more wetness, to glide better.
Glide she does. Yuqi has to take deep breaths that quickly turn to moans every time Minnie glides over her clit. Back and forth is great, left and right is excellent, Yuqi’s mind starts to spin in the same rhythm that Minnie’s pussy spins. That is until she goes up and back down. That’s too much to handle. Yuqi’s nails dig into Minnie’s elbows and she can see the Thai girl only through tear filled orbs.
Hottest of all: Minnie shows no reaction to this athletic feat. She just leans down, lips right on Yuqi’s, but instead of kissing her, she spouts dumb, dirty bullshit that has Yuqi in an ultimate frenzy.
“You never had a girl take you missionary. I fucking know, because I always hear them moan, not you. You think you’re such a player, Yuqi, the girl that gets all the bitches—that’s over now. Now you’re my bitch and I will fuck you like it. You will cum on this hairy pussy and then I’ll make you clean it up.
“Do you understand?”
“Y-yesh, Ma’am!”
Yuqi whines, Minnie smirks.
“Good. That was easy, didn’t know you could be so submissive. I think you should get an orgasm, slut.”
As predicted, the final thrust starts of Yuqi’s climax, one that lasts for a while. While not as messy as Miyeon’s, Minnie can see how intense it was for the smaller woman below her. Yuqi is a fucked mess, messy hair, messy pussy, messy face, something that can surely be a seat in the future—nah, fuck the future. Yuqi won’t always be her bitch, might as well—
“I think you’re learning your place.” Minnie gives Yuqi some time to adjust her posture, time Minnie spends on a quick look at Miyeon, who is busy stimulating her nipples to the sight of what happened in front of her. Minnie has no clue how and if to include her; an issue for later. “Now eat me.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
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helluvapoison · 3 months
Hi!!! For the injury promts, could i ask for prompt 6+dialogue 17 with Lucifer? Im down so bad for this man-
you make it easy
warning: blood, violence, ooc(?), angsty and dramatic
Stars, he should’ve accepted your offer when you asked to join him on this morning’s errands. He was a fool to think his good mood would last.
Believe it or not, there was a time when Lucifer noticed everything. The sky is brighter than it was yesterday, he would say to no one, he simply noticed. Nowadays it was harder, a struggle to live outside his own mind. There was a passing thought every now and again. Hey, that lamp is new or Charlie’s nails match Maggie’s. But even those came at the worst times and he never pointed them out when he should, be it in the middle of an argument or entirely different conversation. Determined, he kept trying. More than that, he tried to see his world through his daughter’s eyes, to see that there could be good in the strangest places.
It was hard when the looming cloud of misery and evil followed him every time he tried to leave the hotel. The only time it didn’t was when he was accompanied by you. Charlie, as good natured and pure as she somehow was, was biased. Lilith’s doing, of course. His ex-wife made it seem like Lucifer’s decision was a gift and not the curse that it really was. But you… you were magical. You held an umbrella he couldn’t see that kept him safe from the endless troubles he made with his own two hands. While he knew he had every capability to protect himself physically, the inner workings of his mind was an entirely different story. Besides, it was, admittedly, nice to have someone else do it simply because.
You didn’t want anything from him. You just thought he was worth the effort.
If only he could think the same for himself. Not even two blocks into town did the thick clouds gather into a storm above his crown. It whipped and raged in his mind, hissing what he already knew. He wasn’t. God was punishing him for a reason and that reason stared him in the face every waking moment in Hell. Piles of bodies, gallons of blood, drugs, sex, etc. Not an hour could go by without seeing it all. So who could blame him when he lost sight of Charlie’s dream in the fog of guilt and self pity? How was he supposed to notice anything other than the deplorable sinners and their heinous ways?
He rounded the first corner he could, gasping and clutching at his vest. Whistle leaning against the cool bricks, a shadow stretched toward him. He saw. He saw the demon, he saw the jagged knife and he saw the intent in their eyes. Going against the King of Hell was a suicide mission but Lucifer saw exactly what they wanted from him. Retribution.
In all but a moment it was over. Red blood splattered on the alley wall opposite to him, merely adding to the number of stains it had worn over the centuries. Golden blood though? WItnessing that was a treat indeed. Through the tear in Lucifer’s ivory suit he could see it dribbling down his arm. As his eyes traveled over his attire he could see it was also blighted by the demon’s blood. That took precedence over his own injury but at the time he was grateful for the distraction. The news would lap up a scandal with the Morningstar name on it–
He needed to leave.
Lucifer attempted to summon his wings but they refused to budge. The sky was unsafe to them. It felt as if a thousand eyes were judging him from above. Fuck the news— Heaven was judging him.
He needed to hide.
The man slammed the end of his cane against the ground, instantly conjuring a portal that dropped him unceremoniously into your room.
A guttural growl ripped from his throat as he took in his surroundings of your belongings, “No! No, you stupid–!”
You performed magic once again; turning gold into ice and freezing him in place with his back to you. He begged the wall for answers. What should he say? What should he do? Why the fuck did his magic bring him here when he just wanted to–
“Is that– Fuck! You’re bleeding!” You gasped
“Am I? I hadn’t noticed! Funny story, I didn’t mean to intrude– you know me, a gentleman should always knock– so I’ll just get out of your hair.”
As he spoke you’d scrambled over and stole any chance he had of absconding out of there. His voice got smaller and smaller until it was nonexistent. You reached not for his arm but for his coat, pulling it back to reveal a bigger patch of gold seeping through his vest.
“Oh that can’t be good.” He muttered, more annoyed than anything.
“Ok, uh, fuck. Fuck. You stay here and I’ll get—”
The second he felt you withdraw he whipped around and snatched your wrist like a lifeline. Your chest puffed with a smaller, quieter gasp as you drank in his appearance. Covered in more blood than just his own, he looked utterly panicked. Less than few had seen the king this way.
“No! No, I-I-I can’t have anyone see,” Daring to look down at himself, he foolishly thought maybe the gorey reminder wouldn't be there. And like a fool he winced when it was, “this. Please don’t tell anyone— Especially not Charlie.”
There wasn’t an ounce of hesitation in you, just a firm nod that filled him with relief.
“You’ll do everything I say then.” You bartered, though it wasn’t much of an option.
Lucifer’s heart threatened to plummet to his stomach. He tried desperately to blink away the fog of doubt that lingered. You wouldn’t blackmail him… would you?
“I… Yes? W-Well, what do you want?”
“I don’t want anything—! Er. I mean, I guess I want you to listen and be still while I clean you up? I’ll probably have to burn this before Al sniffs it out. And Nifty’s been going through my shit again so it’ll take me a minute to find…”
You began talking to yourself and Lucifer tuned your voice to background noise when he heard all he needed to. Of course you wouldn’t blackmail him, he felt horrible he even doubted that!
The word ridiculous came to mind as he looked up to try and spot that invisible umbrella you always seemed to be holding for him. While Lucifer searched the air, you got to work. He was malleable for your gentle hands, allowing you to strip his upper half and discard the evidence in the fireplace of your room (he didn’t complain, you’ve seen his suit collection) You diligently cleaned both cuts with utmost care, surpassing what he deemed acceptable and ignoring him when he said exactly that. Only when his skin was porcelain again did you bandage them with a nearly depleted first aid kit you kept under your bed.
“Here, it might be big on you but it beats freezing. The sixth floor has a vendetta against working heaters so it gets chilly here. That's why I keep the fireplace on all night.” You rambled as you pulled one of your own shirts over Lucifer’s head. He noted it was one of your favorites as he had seen you wear it often. Sometimes days in a row! He was more than honored; he was on cloud nine! If this is how you felt when you wore it, he’d never take it off.
“Thank you.” Lucifer said softly. For everything, he didn’t add.
“Anytime,” You replied dutifully. Then casually killed him with, “You can have my bed, by the way. I’ll take the sofa.”
“That-That’s much too generous. You’ve already done so much, I—“
“If it were me, would you let me leave?”
His eyebrows nearly shot up and off his head. The very thought of you bruised and bleeding in his room had flames licking the back of his throat. He needed to expel the smoke through a sigh, covering it up with a fist to his mouth, mumbling,
“You know I wouldn’t.”
“My sentiments exactly. So get your royal ass in the bed… Your majesty.” You bowed low and perfectly, keeping eye contact with him all throughout your bit.
A minuscule laugh escaped him and you beamed seeing your efforts were not in vain.
“Fine. Well… we could, ah, both fit in your bed. If you wanted! I-I’m just looking at it a-and that sofa is not an adequate sleeping area for you. Much too small.” He squinted at your couch disapprovingly, pursing his lips as he pretended his heart wasn’t about to leap out of his chest.
You stood to your full height, seemingly considering the offer, “Only if you’re sure I wouldn’t hurt you.”
Already pulling back the covers for both of you, he scoffed and actually tried to shoo your worries away with a wave of his hand.
“Hurt me? No one can hurt— Oh. Hm. You caught me on a bad day, I can’t say what I normally do.” Lucifer tucked his hooves under the blankets as he spoke, waiting for your cue of laughter that never came.
The bed dipped beside him, much closer than he was anticipating. Your forehead melted against the top of his fluffy, blonde hair. He watched your hands twitch, longing to embrace him but too cautious for your own good. If he wasn’t such a coward he would close the distance himself.
“I didn’t know you could get hurt.” You sighed heavily, finally releasing what had troubled you since you saw him.
Lucifer’s brows dipped in concern but he kept his eyes trained on the burning fireplace across the way, “Anyone can get hurt down here.”
“That shouldn’t be possible. You’re the king.”
“You’re going to give me a big head, darling. Being a king doesn’t exempt me from pain. There’s quite a few ex-kings down here that could tell you that,” He attempted to laugh. Subconsciously his hand landed over his bandaged side, rubbing the soft fabric of your well-loved shirt. “I’ll be alright. Besides it wasn’t an angelic weapon so it wasn’t a serious assassination atte—“
“What?” You reeled back with wide eyes, kneeling beside him and gripping his shoulders lightly, silently begging him to focus, “Wha-What do you mean!? People have tried to kill you before!?”
He stared at you like you asked him why the sky was red. He didn’t understand your panic but he knew he didn’t like it.
“Well… yes? Yours truly isn’t only hated by Heaven. There’s plenty of people down here that pray for the royals' downfall, Hellborn and sinners.” Lucifer tilted his head, confusion had his brows furrowing, “But they can’t kill me.”
“But-But you said it probably wasn’t serious? How do you know? Who did this to you; what did they look like? I-I’ll go find them and—“
“Good golly, breathe! Just let it go, it doesn't matter.”
Your eyes flashed red to let him know the fire of your fury you was blazing. But your eyes glassed over as well, pupils shrinking and jumping across his face like you were memorizing every detail. You held him so gently, like he was going to disappear if you let go.
“Yes it does! It matters to me because you matter to me, Lucifer!”
You were scared.
“I-I—“ He was dizzy with euphoric disbelief. You could tell him every day that you cared about him and he would become breathless every damn time. “I killed them.” He managed to choke out.
You didn’t immediately relax like he had hoped you would. Exhaling through your nose you nodded once that hit him with another magical wave of pride, solidifying his choice and making him sit slightly straighter.
“Good.” Your voice dropped dangerously for a moment. He was presented with the terrifying reminder that you are a sinner, you’re down here for a reason. He couldn’t linger on the fact when the red wisped away from your eyes and returned to the lovely shade he remembered and adored. “That’s why you didn’t want Charlie to know.”
“Anyone,” He corrected softly before his voice turned almost bitter, “No one can know. It might give people the wrong impression if their king did the opposite of what his daughter’s hotel represented. Not-Not that I care what they think but… I don’t want to let her down. Again.”
You practically pulled him in your lap, tucking your chin against his shoulder and sighing heavily. Your warm breath tickled his skin and sent every hair he had standing at attention.
“Your secret’s safe with me.” You promised.
“How.. is it so easy for you to say that?”
“I dunno.” You said all too honestly, pulling back slightly to rest your forehead on his, “Some people make it easy.”
Content with that answer, for once his mind quieted and stilled. He melted against you until he was safely tangled in your embrace.
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!!my opinion based on the people who’ve I interacted with and also just very random!!
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If a Cardinal stellium loves you they will care for you and help you in all ways they can, because how much of a passionate person they are.
Aries moon = longing for a relationship
Water sun + sag moon = being annoying and sometimes stuck in a bad mood.
If a person has no earth placements, best believe they can’t drive good 😭 but isa okay bc HOT GIRLS = CANT DRIVEE
Aries moons never stop talking, like even if no one is responding they will still talk and talk, but on the side note they’re very entertaining ♥️
Libra moons being big softies (ARIES TOO FOR THE PEOPLE THEY CARE ABOUT) and not taking their own advice.
Gemini placements love the occult.
Gemini moon and/or gemini mars give me paranormal and ghost hunting vibes.
Leo venues and the toxic urge to crush on a bunch of random people for random reasons.
Fire placements are great manifestors.
Gemini placements are so HAWT god, like honestly why don’t more people talk about it.
Capicorns moons are so loyal in relationships.
Aries moon with a leo venus and sag mars, is such a affectionate reactive loud lover, they’re so cute until they aren’t 😭
Honestly anything with a leo venus and sag mars, gives so such cute and hyper vibes!
Leo placements when you get something they want -> 😾
Gemini & Aquarius moons and their weird but curious fascinations with dr00gs sometimes.
Scorpio rising with libra placements have the tendencies to go back to their exs 😭 IM SORRRYY
Scorpio placements do be just out here drawing.
Aries rising and having a strong sense of justice, when something isn’t right they have to voice that.
Gemini moons can come off as fake off first impressions but they’re really not, they may just trying to figure what energy your on so they can match that, or you just caught em at a bad time.
Scorpio risings all have the same look or presence 👁👁🕴🏾
When people say Leo mercuries are dramatic when they talk, they’re not lying, Im a leo mercury and when people said that I thought that was totally bullshit, UNTIL I saw a fucking video of myself talking from another person’s perspective.
I’ve seen so many Capricorns and pisces pairings.
Libra placements don’t like looking or acting messy especially in front of other people.
Virgo moons scare me so bad like I want to understand how you think bc i just can’t fathom. I know you have secrets, but I just can’t tell exactly what they are 🙁
Scorpio moons idea of humor is being meanly sarcastic to others, or just saying funny insults.
When I think of sag placements I think of comfort/comfortability, whether that’s the way they like to dress, or what they like in a person, or how people feel when they’re around them.
Aries north node = saying random monologue or outbursts and no one responding or doing anything because it’s normal.
Libra moons have hella friends, or just get along with a lot of people.
Scorpio placements = tsundare
Leos love boys, specifically leo mars.
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wonjns · 10 months
particular — i.cy
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pairing. im changkyun x male reader
genre. smut
summary. another long day of work leads to a horny mood, thankfully you have a (slightly odd but extremely sexy) boyfriend who's always willing to help you out.
includes. car sex, semi-public sex, slight voyeurism, masturbation, cum eating, unprotected sex ( dont irl !! )
WC. 1.7k
°A/N. . . ok this is literally so random it was just an old draft i started literally last year ?? but i just had to finish it bc wow i forgot how much i love chankgyun and i hope u guys like this !!
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everybody usually labeled your boyfriend as a bit of a freak, but you just liked to think of him as selective about what he liked when it came to sex.
despite his horny tendencies, changkyun had never done anything outlandish or unheard of before with you - shit, he was hardly even open to trying new things. he simply knew what he liked, despite how specific some of his turn ons were. you understood that, and he always appreciated how open you were to his desires.
just like now, as you sat in the passenger seat of his car – your pants long discarded as you palmed your exposed member while he watched you with intense eyes.
you woke up in an uncharacteristically needy mood today, dropping hints as soon as he picked you up from your barista job. changkyun could feel the desire radiating off of you in waves the minute you laid your eyes on him, the way his fitted black gym shirt up clung to his chiseled torso stirring a fire in your gut. it was unlike you, but you practically begged to have him before he could fully drive down the street. and who would he be to tell his favorite boy no in that moment?
he just wanted you to do a thing or two for him first.
for some reason, changkyun loved to fuck you after seeing you reach your climax first. something about how spent you would be just ignited him in a blaze, pounding into you extra passionately afterwards... every single time. 
so you didn’t hesitate for a second when he asked to see you pleasure yourself until your first orgasm, then he would touch you. you obliged, immediately throwing your head against the seat rest from a couple strokes to your cock. 
but before you knew it, you had been at it for 10 minutes, unable to get yourself climaxing despite your needy state. your hands simply never felt quite the same as changkyuns larger, warmer, and much more experienced ones. your wrist was starting to cramp after putting in so much effort to no avail, groaning out of frustration when you saw changkyun begin to palm himself over his gym shorts.
you were sickeningly turned on at how aroused he was getting at your frustration. you had always needed his help with nearly everything, especially when it came to sex, so you were always so pliant and obedient — and fuck did it turn him on.
“kyun, i need you so bad, please.” you whined, feeling overwhelmed with the hunger that he stared at you with as you played with your throbbing length.
changkgun’s jaw clenched for a second before he slowly licked his bottom lip, watching your hands run along your cock. he didn’t even want to blink and risk missing a second of the beautiful sight before him.
“you’re doing good, baby, keep going.” he sternly encouraged, voice so deep it caused you to whimper with more want. his eyes shot up to yours for a second, darker than ever. “are you close?”
“mm mm,” you mewled in response, gaze dropping to his erect nipples poking through his dry-fit shirt. you stroked yourself deeper, remembering what he looked like underneath the thin fabric. “let see your abs, please.”
the ever-so-cocky grin that you were used to grew across changkyuns face. and as annoying as it was, you fucking loved it.
he’d been working out so much at home lately, and it showed more as the days went on. you would always watch in perverted silence, eyes fixated on his back muscles as he did pull ups on your bedroom doorframe. the way his round shoulders were forming, tan thighs growing more muscular, and of course that torso being shaped by the gods - there was hardly a time that he’d be doing his sit ups in the living room that wouldn’t end in you two getting some extra cardio in on the couch after.
changkyun complied to your request all too easily, reaching down to drag the hem of the shirt slowly upwards. the material slid up and bunched around his broad chest, bronze chiseled abs glaring right back at you.
he must’ve just finished working out before picking you up from work, as there was still a thin sheen of sweat reflecting off the grooves of his muscles. you just wanted to cum all over them right then and there, and to lick it off after without a care in the world.
and that was all it took. the thought alone activated a long whine out of you as you squirted all over yourself, ropes of your white essence shooting up onto your stomach and thankfully missing your uniform shirt by a smidge.
you felt a little out of breath already, but the marveling in changkyun’s eyes gave you all the boost you needed. you didn’t bother discarding your shirt as you scrambled into his lap, back accidentally honking the horn in the process. you’d didnt give a damn.
“there, will you kiss me now?” your voice sounding much more desperate than you wanted it to.
changkyun offered you another smirk before slightly lifting your shirt and scooping some of your arousal off your stomach with two fingers. you didn’t need any instruction as you opened your mouth, excitement stirring in your bones.
your boyfriend’s eyes struck in a trance as he rubbed his fingers along your tongue, spreading your salty love liquids around to his liking. his free hand held you firmly in place by your neck. you took the opportunity to suck on his digits for just a moment before he pulled them away.
your tongue protruded out to show chankgyun his work, prompting a deep groan out of him.
“that’s my boy…” he finally mumbled before surging forward, finally soothing your aching lips with his own.
the kiss was deep, full of hunger as changkyun wasted no time in slipping his tongue in to mingle with yours. he took his time tasting you, collecting the smeared essence off your tongue to take for himself. he was so noisy today, as another one of his moans shook you to your core, and you were thankful to be perched on his lap... otherwise your knees would’ve given out immediately.
you were growing drunk on his sloppy open mouthed kisses, feeling along those godly abs before you forced yourself to pull away - unable to hold in your final request any longer.
“changkyun,” you huffed, “please fuck me.”
the dark haired man laughed at your already desperate state, warm hands encasing both sides of your hips securely as he looked you up and down.
“i don’t know, prince, right here and now? you’re already so sensitive, i’m not sure if you could handle it.” he mocked, experimentally rolling his hips up into you.
the thin material of his workout shorts boldly exposed how rock hard his bulge was already. he felt so, so big and it sent your mind reeling. your eyes rolled back when you rocked your hips down into him in response, clutching his broad shoulders.
“let me try.” you cried out, reconnecting your lips before he could form a reply.
after the two of you shared a hot, needy make out session for a couple minutes, changkyun skillfully removed both of your clothes before you could notice.
his teeth ran teasingly along the column of your neck before he passionately sucked on your adams apple, flipping you over and lowering the seat back. you moaned as you ran your hands down the expanse of his exposed melanated back, the valleys of his toned muscles sending you into a haze.
chankgyun made sure to leave an array of pretty little marks all over your neck before finally ridding himself of his underwear and fishing the small bottle of lube out from the center consul.
he laughed to himself, realizing that normal couples probably wouldn't keep something so vulgar brazenly in their car. but the man learned quickly that he had done it to himself; after corrupting you for the first time, you had become such an insatiable little thing.
when both you and he were finally prepped, he teasingly prodded his thick head against your entrance.
“i’m going in, baby boy. hold on tight.” he spoke.
his teasing actions caused you to already clench around nothing, but you tried to will yourself to relax. he slowly pushed in, and you couldn't even attempt holding your noises in. not like he would want you to anyways.
changkyun's ego would always skyrocket every time he heard how good he made you feel. his favorite would be times just like this, when you were in your most fucked out state just babbling over how much you loved him and his huge, skillful dick.
you clung to your boyfriend tighter as he ground his hips into you rhythmically, taking you to the stars and back right there in his driver's seat.
it didn't take much for you to announce your second orgasm, the sensation hurdling towards you as changkyun relentlessly pounded into you with a starved passion.
when the blissful relief washed over you, once again coming all over you and changkyun's stomach, he couldn't even warn you of his own climax as the fluttering of your walls began milking him dry as well. he wanted to bite down on your collarbone but refused to look away at how cute your scrunched up face looked, loving that he was the reason for your ecstacy.
changkyun tried to still his head from dizzying, groaning as he watched his own come begin leaking down your leg. he went to grab napkins from his consul, but you stopped him immediately, pulling him back on top of you for one more deep kiss.
you just wanted the both of you to rest in that moment, so fucked out that you didn't feel like moving despite the stickiness forming between the both of you.
your boyfriend chuckled as he lowered himself to your ear, pecking your cheeks a couple times.
"ok, 5 minutes babe. but then we have to get out of this parking lot, your job has cameras."
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© 𝐟𝐥𝐰𝐫𝐛𝐨𝐢 — all rights reserved
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spiderlandry · 11 months
can you please do “there’s only one bed” trope with Ethan Landry and it’s pure fluff but reader and Ethan are just “friends”, pretty please and thank you 🩷🤗
i’ve always wanted to do a one bed trope but never really had a reason so here’s my chance! hope you like it anon :)) also this ethan gif is so cute i canMt i love him so bad im never getting over this man
100 follower event
warnings: tiny bit of angst/insecurity but it’s sandwiched between pure fluff, also sexual innuendos but not that bad
space — ethan landry
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The car sputters to a stop, and you grumble, pulling over to the closest parking space. “Stupid piece of shit!” You yell at the steering wheel, taking your anger out on the horn, likely waking up any of the houses nearby.
Ethan had never seen you this angry, not even when your professor refused to give you an extension after you’d never handed in anything late. Then, you just got ice cream and your mood was alright. But now? He’s sure you’re going to rip his head off for breathing when you glare at him in the passenger seat.
“You told me…” you took a deep breath, trying to calm down. “…that your car was fixed, Landry.”
Oh, yeah. The said stupid piece of shit is his car.
“I—I thought it was,” He mumbles, shrugging.
“This is the fifth time it has broken down.”
“I know, I know,” he puts his head in his hands, ashamed. “I’m really sorry. Like, genuinely.”
There’s nobody on the road. You take a look at the time, and it’s almost three am.
“Fuck, Ethan.” You rub your eyes.
He tries to ignore something stirring inside him when you said his name. “Look, we can just get a motel. I’ll pay. And we can take a rental, or something. I’ll cover it.”
God, you think. He sounds like a kicked puppy.
You take another deep breath. “It’s not your fault, it’s fine. We can split it.” You soften, finally getting a glance at him and he looks like a kicked puppy with those doe eyes.
“O—okay,” he nods. “I’ll look up motels.”
There’s a moment of silence and while Ethan is focused on his phone, you take the time to admire him.
He’s pretty. Annoyingly pretty.
When you’d met him, he seemed intimidated by you. He couldn’t talk to you until you talked to him first. You wanted to be more open, be more inviting, but the friendship was progressing slowly. You didn’t mind, though. It was a good challenge. But being so angry definitely isn’t helping, so you try your best to calm down.
“I found one,” he says, head snapping up at you when he finally feels your gaze. You’re definitely mad, he thinks.
“Alright, let’s go.”
The man at the front desk doesn’t even look the least bit apologetic when he says, “It’s the only room.”
You turn to Ethan for guidance, not knowing what to do.
The only room. One queen-sized bed.
When he doesn’t answer, you turn back to the man again.
“Are there any other hotels or motels near here? Like, within walking distance.”
Ouch. Are you really that desperate not to sleep in the same bed as him? Ethan can’t help but take it to heart.
“The closest is two miles,” The man answers, almost smug.
Ethan can tell you’re trying not to do something drastic.
“Fine,” you sigh. “Give us the room key.”
Ethan speaks when you both reach the room, opening it and seeing the only bed in the room. “I can sleep on the floor.”
Your head snaps toward him, eyes wide despite your lack of sleep. “Does being in the same bed as me actually repulse you that much, Landry?”
As the two of you enter and close the door, he starts shaking his head profusely. “No! Why—why would you think that?” It’s literally the opposite of how he’s feeling. It excites him, and it’s worrying.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it.”
Nothing?! Why is that nothing? Do you think he doesn’t want to be around you?
There are only two pillows, and since you need them to sleep, you can’t even put one between you. He can read the unease on your face.
“Really, I can sleep on the—”
You hold you hand up and he snaps his mouth shut.
“Just. Just get in the bed, Ethan. I’m tired.”
Butterflies swarm his stomach at the prospect of actually getting in bed with you. You sounded so gentle. For a short moment, he imagines a world where you’re saying that because you have a home with him, sleep in the same bed every night.
He’s not aware of how true it will become in the future. He’s not even giving himself a chance to think about it.
He can feel your warmth radiating from your side. It's dark, you’re turned away from him, while he’s facing the ceiling unable to close his eyes, wanting to savor the moment.
You’re both under the same comforter. You’re inches away. God, help him.
“You’re awake, aren’t you?” Your voice is quiet, but he hears.
Should he answer? “…Yeah.” Well.
There’s a rustling beside him, and it sounds like you’ve turned your body toward him. He wants to do nothing more than turn on the lights and see your face as you lay there.
“Ethan,” you say. “Are you scared of me?”
“What? Why would I be scared of you?”
“You seem scared of me.” Maybe it’s the way the silence plagues you both, the darkness making it hard to see, that it feels easier to talk.
“I am scared,” he admits. “Just not of you.”
“Then what?”
“I’m scared that I’ll make myself look like an idiot.”
“What?” You almost sound scandalized. “In front of me, you mean?”
“You can figure that out,” He wants to laugh, but his nerves consume him. You’re smart, he’s sure you’re just asking this to tease him, you’ve likely figured it out the moment you met and he stammered while saying his name.
It’s so quiet that he thinks you might have fallen asleep, but you surprise him by saying, “Can I touch you?”
What?! “What?!”
“It’s—!” You slap his arm lightly. “It’s not like that, perv.”
Now he actually laughs. He’s a bit more at ease now. So much that he has the courage to ask, “Are you suggesting we cuddle?”
“You can figure that out,” you reply, mocking him.
Instead of responding, he reaches out for you cautiously until he finds your waist. Where the hell did this confidence come from?
His hands are what you need to make that final step, scooting closer to him to encourage him to snuggle closer.
“Come here,” You whisper, almost scared to break the spell. “Closer.”
He clings to you like a koala desperate not to fall off a branch, and though it feels a little awkward with the amount of muscles he has, his head perfectly against your neck.
“I feel the same way, you know.” You stroke his curls, hands resting at the nape of his neck. He’d be purring if he were able to, he’s sure.
The next morning, you share a laugh when you both realize that you’ve switched places, and you’re now the one clinging to him.
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serxinns · 3 months
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Ok, so you know this post? Made by @lets-get-kraken-boys I wanted to make an image of another reason why readers went to the big 3 for comfort and help HEAR ME OUT
So imagine one day you weren't in a good mood and didn't wanna deal with your classmates today but their overbearing behavior towards you was just making it worse
"C'mon y/n just one more game!" Mina said while pulling your arm rather strong "Mina I said no please leave me alone I don't feel like it "But it'll be so much fun!" Hakagure said while pulling your arm you "I said NO" you yelled pulling away from hakagures grip harshly and walked away the 2 girls stood there in shock and hurt a bit are u ok? were you hurt!
"Y/n why aren't you coming to eat dinner with us is everything OK?" You groaned just wanting to be left alone and eat in your room but were interrupted by your class rep iida knocking on the door every second you didn't respond "Yes iida I'm fine I just wanted to eat alone" you said not wanting to sound annoyed to make iida leave "but all your friends are worried and want you to be there even Mina and hakagure said you were in a bad mood so-" "I'm fine iida you can go now I don't want to eat dinner with you, especially with all of you today goodbye"
Iida was shocked at your behavior and response you were usually the one who never gets angry or upset which made him more nervous than before he had to go in there and help you out! "No y/n there's Cleary something wrong! You can talk to me ill listen" Iida began banging on your door which made you more overwhelmed and pissed so without any hesitation "I DONT NEED HELP LEAVE ME ALONE YOURE MAKING IT WORSE" You threw a heavy book at the door which surprise Iida as he backed up, defeated he went slowly went back to the dinner table the class looked at him confused and ask how were you doing but he didn't answer just looked down
You just got back from the convenience store to get some snacks Lucky for you they got your favorite snack and brand all at a cheap price with a drink in hand but unfortunately for you, there were some of your classmates in the common room and it and even worse it was bakugo and his gang watching a movie you quietly tried to sneak pass with all your might trying not to make a sound, it was all going smoothly until bakugo saw your shadow figure "Oi! Fuckface!" You mentally cursed at yourself you just had to bump into the worst one and it was Bakugo
"what do you want im not really In the mood to deal with your Bullshit" At the moment you just keep walking ignoring him for the best but it wasn't the best option for Bakugo "Oi don't ignore me!" He was now off the couch "Bakubro that isn't very manly" Kirishima sternly said while but Bakugo scoff "Fuck off shifty hair, hey why aren't you joining us for a movie what are you scared?" He said teasingly like he was trying to taut you to make fun of you "Bakugo I'm not in the mood for your Bullshit today so please just leave me alone" You once again turned away and began to walk to your dorm until a strong handheld you and yanked you
"Ha!? What do you mean you're not in the mood jeez are ready to cry or something because of my comments why are you even trying to be a hero if your feelings get hurt so easily!?" Now he was pushing it, your hand was gripping the plastic bags Hard now shaking... tears threatening to swell up "Bakugo that's enough! You're making it worse it's okay sweetie" Mina said hugging you even tho you tried to push her off but she kept insisting trying to hold on to you to the point that didn't cause comfort but rather discomfort
"Aw, now you need an alien to hug you, wow you're really that weak I can already see the tears haha! If your gonna be a hero your gonna have to suck it u-" "SHUT UP"
You breathe heavily seeing your blonde classmate, butt on the floor, stunned holding his bloody nose but you weren't done you tackle him, pinned his arms down with your legs, and decided to punch him repeatedly "YOU THINK *thud* YOUR SO BETTER THEN ME *thud* ALWAYS TOSSING ME AROUND LIKE SOME DOLL *thud* MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT HOW I LOOK *thud* ABOUT HOW I FIGHT *thud* ABOUT...ANYTHING* bakugo face was already caked with blood and bruises and a black eye
Bakugo tried to pry you off telling you to stop but his face was so beaten up and his throat hurt from your punching it hurt for him to try, but you made her his arms were pinned, and all the anger, the frustration the memories the everything that happens to your life plus adrenaline was making you keep going
every single one of your classmates was screaming panicking and begging to stop Kirishima tried to pull you off telling you thats enough but you used your quirk making him crash to the wall a bit causing a dent and him having a bloody nose, everyone watched in horror, shocked some even amused the girls mostly hakagure, Mina, and momo cried and begged desperately for you to stop they didn't want you to get more house arrest days or worse expelled, Iida managed to get out of his shocked and pry you off of him
It should've made Bakugo angry at you and PISSED even cause the great Bakugo katsuki was getting beaten by an "extra" like you but it strangely made him giddy...? Was he more determined to be the big bad wolf or Was he enjoying you berating and beating the absolute shit out of him, proving to everyone how insecure and stupid he was for underestimating you?
When Iida Finally pried you off of Bakugo you stood up ready to say even more stuff to him but you froze in shock, fear, and confusion a passed-out blonde caked with blood and bruises all over his face red and purplish spots forming on his cheeks his nose oozing out blood like a waterfall but fortunately no teeth have been knocked out you looked at your work in horror you slowly raised your hand shuddering seeing that it was full of bruises and blood and your clothes covered in blood his blood
Every classmate was looking at you it wasn't in hate nor disgust but pity, worry, and scared as much as they were worried about Bakugo they were worried about you more, Iida slowly tried to come to you to talk to you or to at least comfort you "y/n... I" before he could speak you ran pushing past your classmates not caring if they fell, Iida stood there in disbelief while Kirishima and Denki carefully grabbed bakugo by the shoulder escorting him to recovery girl
while the rest of your classmates were still in shock they wanted to go find you!! they do if they all talked about it nicely and you behave and force Bakugo to apologize then everything is ok!! They banged on your dorm room but you weren't there they searched all around the school the bathrooms, the halls everywhere but you weren't there!! where could their darling be!?
You crouched down in an empty hallway and managed to get some of your snacks you held the snack in hand still bloodied, you slowly took a bite out of it while a big glob of tears was finally released you were crying now like a fool, like you didn't just beat the shit out of your classmate, just when you were about to take another bite and just mope alone 3 familiar voices made you lift your head they ran up to you worriedly when they saw your bloody clothes and knuckles
The big 3 crouching down to your level Neijire on one side rubbing your back Tamaki giving you a handkerchief to blow your nose and dry your eyes and Mirio couching down at your level rubbing your shoulders giving you a smile
" What's wrong lovebug why all the tears," Neijire said looking sympathetic
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danikamariewrites · 8 months
can i please request a rhysand x reader where reader is extremly blunt, like they’re at a high lord meeting and beron keeps chatting shit and she just says something like ”oh my gods does he ever shut up? ” or ” no one here wants to hear you speak anymore ” and rhys just loves it even tho he has a stone face. Or when she’s in the mood and they’re at dinner w the inner circle she says ”do you wanna fuck?” or ”i’m horny let’s go home” and everyone stares at her with amusement bc she’s so real🤞 and one time she might be getting hit on and the guy just doesn’t quit so she lists all the things wrong with him, not to be rude but bc she honestly thinks that. PLEASE🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️🖤
Rhys x reader who does not give two fucks hc
A/n: I wish I could be this blunt 😂 If I were this honest every problematic person in my life would be gone
Rhys loved that you were an honest person
You aren’t afraid to speak your mind and he found it quite amusing since he couldn’t really say what he wanted
The inner circle finds it funny
You even rival Amren for bluntness
You two butt heads sometimes but it makes for fun entertainment
Something everyone feels bad about is telling Cassian no but you have no issue shutting down his dumbass ideas
“No Cass. That’s a shit idea babe.” “What?! Why?” “Cassian I could list a million reasons but you wouldn’t listen to a Single one.”
You and Azriel got a long very well
He’d even ask you to come to a few interrogations bc your bullshit detector is amazing
You can always tell when someone is lying
If you guys are out at Rita’s you’d be staring at Rhys watching him dance which is very hot
Back at the table while you all wait for more drinks you’re just staring at him, your feet in his lap as you stroke his jaw you just blurt out, “Im done here. Can we go home and fuck?”
Cassian and Mor would be shocked and then have that face like ‘yeah she’d say that’
Rhys was pulling you from the booth winnowing you home immediately
High Lords meetings are whole other ordeal
You can’t hide when you don’t like someone on your face
And there are A LOT of people you don’t like
The main two you hate are Tamlin, for what he did to Feyre and her sisters, and Beron bc he’s an abuser and a moron
Beron is complaining about the human lands again and how we’re too connected now
No one would cut him off for the safety of everyone else
You’d be lightly hitting your head on the back of your chair, your face pulled in an annoyed look
“Oh my gods!” Everyone turns to you and Rhys just gives you an amused look
“Excuse me?” Beron says like he can’t believe someone would cut him off “you’re excused if you’re going to keep complaining. No one can stand your shit. It’s all mindless crap with you. Wah-wan-wah not everything can go your way Beron!”
You settled back in your chair
Your court was trying not to laugh, Rhys had a straight face, and Eris was trying not to smile
Helion made eye contact with you and he looked like a kid in a candy shop
“Well…” Thesan said carefully, “I think we’re done for the day.”
Rhys winnowed you home and you all had a good laugh about Beron that night
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luv4georgie · 2 months
ooh that prompt list is lowkey 🔥🔥
can i get a (squinting like im trying to order fast food) number 14 angst? it can be with any sauce (driver)
my kind of woman.
Oscar Piastri x fem!reader
in which formula one star, Oscar Piastri, and girlfriend, Y/n Y/l/n, get into a fight over something extremely stupid.
warnings: FLASHBACKS IN ITALICS, extremely slightly toxic, shouting, mentions of Gods torture to woman because of what Eve did 🙄🙄, swearing!!!
prompt 14 on angst- “just… lay down with me”
“your my, my, my, kinda woman”
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“don’t even bother coming Y/n” was the last words that came out of Oscar’s mouth. he’s called me shortened version of my name during an argument before but never my full name. my face dropped and my stomach sunk to my feet when i heard my boyfriend say my full name. that’s when i instantly thought it was my fault. Oscar was off to the Australian Grand Prix after the ‘fight’ happened. it wasn’t physical or anything just really verbal. i was scared of him. i couldn’t tell if he could tell i was. he really shouted. i don’t know why. i was on my period, which made things 10x worse. as soon as i heard the hotel door slam shut, i burst into sobs.
“Oscarr” i sung, skipping over to my boyfriend. it was day 3 of my period and i was in a pretty good mood because i hadn’t got any cramps today. it was around 7-8am and i wasn’t tired for some reason. “what” my boyfriend, Oscar, responded to me. i flinched slightly, but brushed it off and smiled. i wrapped my arms around his shoulders from behind him. he was sitting on the hotel couch with a coffee sat on the table in-front of him, going cold. i kissed his temple but instead of doing something nice in return, he grabbed my arms and shoved me off of him. i let out a quiet ‘oh’ as i felt a pang in my chest. “oh” he mocked in a weird, lazy tone. i just narrowed my eyes at him. “sorry?” i said, making sure i heard him right. “oh shush Y/n”. he rarely uses my full name on me so it was clearly serious.
“what’s wrong Osc?” i asked. “oh my god” he whispered to himself. i stepped back in disgust at my boyfriends new attitude. he turned his head around to face me “i told you to shush? didn’t you fucking here me?” he said a little but louder this time. “but i was just trying to find out what’s u-” i started. then he got up and really shouted. what had him in such a bad mood this morning? tears pricked my eyes as he shouted all horrible words at me. “O-Osc-” “no Y/n, i don’t want to fucking hear it”. i was really upset. i hadn’t done anything. have i? then i heard him mumble under his breath. ‘stupid bitch’ “Oscar what the fuck?!” i whisper-shouted, due to my tears getting in the way of everything. “you heard me.” he said. then i cried. “jesus christ… here you go with fucking crying” he says, throwing his hands in the air and letting them smack back down by his sides. making me flinch hard. he didn’t even care. “don’t even bother coming Y/n”
(hours later…)
my face was buried in the hotel pillows. i was trying to sleep but i couldn’t i just laid there, face down blankly. my cheeks were stained with tears. but i didn’t care. i just sat there for hours, rethinking and trying to figure out what i had done wrong that morning. until i heard the front door open, a bag drop and light footsteps coming towards the door. “hi baby” was what i heard. hi baby? the fucking audacity this man has to scream in my face and come back to say ‘hi baby’?? after not getting a response, Oscar walked over to the bed, took of his shoes, tried to touch my leg in a form of comfort but i just shook him off of me. he sat on the bed for a few seconds, most likely watching to see if i would respond. after still no reply he got up and turned the shower on. he was probably sweaty anyways. after a few minutes (because whoever wrote this, oh me, is lazy asf) Oscar came out the shower and put a pair of sweats on and a hoodie.
i felt the bed dip beside me and a hand went on my lower back. “are you okay?” he said. i just got up, grabbed a pillow and went to the couch. Oscar shouted after me “Y/n/n!”. still no response. he followed me out the room and to the couch. “what’s up sweetheart?” he asked. “what’s up? what’s fucking up? what do you mean Oscar? you fucking screamed at me this morning and now your trying to see what’s up?” i finally confronted him. he squinted his eyes at himself and once he finally remembered everything he ran a hand over his face. “i’m so sorry about that, my love, i was just really tired” “that’s not an excuse to shout at me Oscar, i was really upset” i whimpered. he just had a-lot of sympathy in his eyes and left me there, sitting on the rather uncomfortable couch.
after minutes that felt like hours, i got up and went to the bedroom me and Oscar had set in. i cracked the door open slightly. “Osc?” i whispered. “yes?” he replied. “can i sleep in here? i’m sorry i tried to sleep on the couch”. even in the dark i could tell Oscar was smiling. “please, just… come and lie down with me, i want to hold you” so that’s just what i did. “i love you Y/n/n, so much and i’m sorry i lashed out on you like that. it wasn’t okay and i will do everything in my power to make sure it will never ever happen again. im so so sorry and i love you so so much” “i love you too koala” we both giggled and lay there, holding, kissing and touching each-other. not sexually. just like we had been touched starved our whole lives and we just wanted human contact. i love him and i trust he wouldn’t do it again.
AUTHORS NOTE: sorry this is short :( it’s midnight after all and i have an assignment due at 9 that i haven’t actually done so i will 1000000% be doing that… AFTER I DO SOME OTHER REQUESTS 🥳🥳 don’t worry its not an assignment that matters. i’m already trained in Marine Biology (my dream job!!) and can’t wait to pursue my career!!!
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icyharrington · 2 years
Writing prompt 142 with Eddie?
142. “Could he make you feel as good as i do?”
oooo finally an opportunity to write some pissed off eddie content teeheeeeee okok lets do it !!! PS I AM STILL TAKING PROMPT REQUESTS !! the og post is on my page so go check it out and send me one if you’re interested! :3 also sorry if this sucks im not used to writing multiple different fics/blurbs/whatevers in 1 day dfjgkdjfg
contains: jealous!eddie, mean eddie, dirty talk, degradation, fingering, general rough/mean dynamic (he still luvs you tho don’t worry uwu)
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You’ve never seen Eddie this angry before, and your body is caught in limbo between utter terror and arousal.
So you’d fucked around with Steve Harrington- you and Eddie were on a break! And a well-deserved one, at that, considering that he’d been devoting all of his time to his fantasy campaigns rather than his real life, human girlfriend.
Eddie stands before you in his bedroom, his wide brown eyes unusually cold as they size you up. His arms are folded protectively in front of his graphic t-shirt, a prominent frown on his lips. “So what you’re telling me, (y/n)- and correct me if I’m wrong here- is that you let Steve Harrington’s dick inside you? Is that what I’m hearing right now?”
He sounds so sarcastic, yet so deadly serious; it sends an uncomfortably cool chill up your spine, and you’re unsure of what’s about to happen.
You look him dead in the eyes despite the anxiety it causes you, unwilling to back down. “Yes, Eddie, I did. I fucked Steve Harrington. So fucking what? We were on a goddamn break! It’s not like you ever wanted to fuck me while we were together.”
“That is such bullshit, (y/n),” Eddie seethes, taking a lingering step towards you. You stand frozen in place, your limbs unwilling to move from where they’re planted. “Every time you’re in the mood to fuck, it’s when I’m busy with Hellfire!”
“You’re always busy with Hellfire!” you scream at him, one-upping him by taking your own hopefully-menacing step in his direction.
“What about that night in my van when you turned me down? Or when you told me to stop being gross when I was feeling up your ass, hm?” He cocks his head threateningly, sauntering until he’s face-to-face with you.
“I just said that because I was in a bad mood, Eddie,” you murmur, feeling a little guilty about the exchange in retrospect. Usually you loved when Eddie would touch you, even by surprise- he’d just happened to catch you on a bad day. “I don’t think you’re gross.”
“Oh, really? ‘Cause I think you do. I think you find me downright disgusting. That’s why you ran off to go spread your legs for Steve Harrington- to find out what it’s like to fuck a real man. Right, (y/n)?” His eyes are welled with tears, though he’s good at keeping them at bay, with his face contorted into a scowl. “Making a fucking fool of me, huh? Dating the freak and fucking the jock. I bet you did it before our break, you fucking slut.”
He’s shaking, and you want to hug him, though you’re scared what will happen if you do. You mentally kick yourself for even allowing the secret to slip in the first place, but you never would’ve forgiven yourself if you hadn’t told the truth.
Now, though, you wonder if it would’ve been worth it to lie, just to prevent Eddie from believing all the other untrue parts his mind had invented. “Eddie, I would have never done that to you!”
He drags his eyes up and down your body, taking in the short skirt you’re wearing, paired with a pair of platform boots and a cropped sweater. When he speaks, he doesn’t reference anything you just said, evidently too wound up in his emotions to process much else. “Yeah, prancing around at school looking like that, huh? You dressed like that for Steve, didn’t you? Wanted him to take you in the bathroom and fuck you stupid?”
You whimper; you aren’t certain if he’s intentionally trying to make you horny right now, but for some unfathomable reason… you so are. “No, Eddie. I promise you, I don’t want Steve. It was a stupid mistake, Eddie, I swear! I was upset about us being on a break, and I just…I don’t know! I fucked up!”
“Yeah, you’re right, (y/n). It was a stupid mistake.” He takes in a breath, seeming to ponder on what his next action will be, before he shoves you back onto his bed. “Real fucking stupid. That’s my pussy you’re throwing around like a tramp, get it?”
He flips up your skirt, grasping your pussy between your legs and rubbing you harshly through the thin lace fabric of your panties. “Oh, I’m sure Steve Harrington could never get your pussy as pathetically wet as I can.”
You don’t say anything, moaning out at the rough motions of his callused hand against your soaked underwear; if he continued doing this for another minute or so, you’d probably cum without needing him to do anything else. He smacks your cheek lightly in response to your silence, narrowing his dark eyes at you. “Could he?”
“N-no, Eddie,” you whisper, letting out a strangled whine when he moves your panties to the side and presses two fingers into you abruptly. “I told you, it was a mistake. I want you, Eddie.”
“Could he make you feel as good as I do?” he demands, taking your jaw in one hand and jerking it so that you’re facing him. “Hm?”
You shake your head rapidly, a helpless look on your face as you silently beg for his forgiveness (which you know is already granted, though you don’t expect him to tell you that quite yet). “No, Eddie. Never.”
“Fuckin’ thought so,” he says as he continues to fuck you with his fingers, adding a third in order to stretch you wider. “You’re lucky I love you enough to teach you a lesson instead of kicking your ass to the curb.”
He’s not serious- at least about the kicking-you-to-the-curb bit, though the way he’s speaking to you is making your skin prickle over with warmth. There’s just something about your soft, sweet Eddie being mean that turns you on beyond belief.
Looking up at him with wide doe eyes, you hold back a knowing smirk. “You’re right, Eddie. I am lucky.”
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