#none of us were getting paid to be there so we pretty much drove out 45 mins to bitch whenever there weren’t people in earshot
p0ison-moon · 2 years
that was one of the most uncomfortable experiences of my life lol
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Life Is Short So Make It Sweet
Chapter Twenty-Six: Busted
Summary- 5.3k. Curtis Everett x Plus!Sized Reader. Everyone is getting together for a dart tournament at Paulie's when everything is derailed before the night even starts.
Warnings- Unwanted attention from drunken men, vicious comments and name calling, fighting, police not taking the situation seriously, talk about Curtis's past and his mental health.
A/N- Thank you so much! Everyone who takes the time to like, share, comment, leave me messages and asks. Especially those who just feel seen in this storyline. You all have all my gratitude and appreciation. (let's be honest, I totally tear up and get all emotional) You all honestly are part of the reason I continue writing and sharing. Special shout out to @what-is-your-plan-today for editing. Dividers made by the talented @firefly-graphics
A/N 2- Is there an award for terrible titles? Cause I should have that trophey.
Chapter Twenty-Five / Masterlist
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You, Claude and Yona drove together after getting done at the school for the week, heading straight for Paulie's. The three of you were getting ready in Yona’s car, laughing amongst yourselves as makeup was applied in the car's vanity mirrors and someone played lookout while the other changed in the backseat. While you were doing the finishing last touches on your outfit, Claude was filling you and Yona in about having her first official weekend with Sophia present. You were finishing up your lipstick while in the backseat Yona helped Claude do her hair. “How are you feeling about this weekend?” 
“I’m excited. I have a bunch of games and stuff to do with her. I just… want her to like me being around when she's with her dad?” Claude fretted a bit, glancing out the window while Yona calmly braided her long hair in an intricate pattern. 
“You don’t have much to worry about. Sophia likes just about everyone. Ella and Grey are pretty good co-parents.” You assured her. “What are you doing this weekend Yona?” 
The woman whipped a couple of ties in Claude’s hair, patting on the braids to make sure none of them were loose. “Tomorrow I’m taking Edgar to do some indoor rock climbing.” She grinned in excitement. “He claims he isn't scared of heights and it's something I love doing, so we will see.” 
“Okay, that sounds pretty cool and Yona, are you like a professional stylist?!” Claude was leaning between the seats to look in the rear view mirror at the tight curls of braids Yona made in her hair, her head tilting left and right to check them out. “I would have paid a small fortune for this at a salon.” 
Yona shrugged as if it was no big deal. “I used to do my friend's hair all the time at home. What about you?” 
“Oh, I think tomorrow we are gonna have a game night with Tanya, Timmy, Ella and I think Grey was coming around too with you and Soph?” You asked Claude and she gave a nod confirming it. “Okay, I’m ready to get inside. Are you guys?” Another glance out the window made you catch sight of Curtis’s truck in its usual place as well as quite a few other regulars and out-of-state plates, meaning it was going to be a busy night.
Which you didn’t mind, that meant Curtis would spend some of the time helping Paulie at the bar making great tips and giving you a chance to shamelessly check him out while he was working. It always made some fun flirting and usually sneaking off together much to Paulie's dismay. Claiming his place of business was reputable. 
“I'm ready,” Claude said as she pushed the door open and the three of you piled out of the car to make your way to the front door, where a group of men were just stepping out and headed back to the cars that had out-of-state plates on them. None of you paid any attention to passing the loud boisterous group till one reached out to grasp your arm, stopping you in your tracks with surprise. 
“Where you running off to sweetheart?” He flashed a grin that was supposed to be flirtatious but came off more leering than anything. It made your heart tighten, reminding you so much of Jake’s grin that he flashed whenever he had you cornered. Your eyes widened in alarm as you pulled your arm from the stranger's grasp. 
“No thank you, not interested.” You said to brush him off, going to sidestep around him to re-join Claude and Yona who just noticed that you were no longer with them. You weren’t allowed to leave though, he stepped back in front of you, blocking your way. 
“Come on, I’m just trying to be nice. You could at least give me a smile.” His gaze fell down your body. You felt sick at his gaze, taking in your figure as if he was contemplating how easy you might be. From the gleam in his eyes, he wasn’t thinking you would pass him up. 
“Let me go.” You said calmly, good at hiding the flutter of unease building. 
“Y/N… You all good?” Claude re-joined you, glaring at the man in your path as she hooked her arm through yours, making you both a joint team. 
He sneered at the two of you, his circle of friends coming to enclose the space further cutting you and Claude now off from the door. There were a few cold snickers and the heavy smell of alcohol coming off of them. 
“Yeah, let's get inside, I’m sure Grey and Curtis are expecting us.” You went to lead Claude through an opening between the strangers but that too was cut off. Over their shoulder, you saw Yona take a few steps as if to join you but then dart inside. You were sure she was going for some help. 
In the few seconds all this took place, you felt helpless. It would take too long to grab the pepper spray from the keychain in your jeans pocket and Claude was gearing up to swing a punch, you felt her practically vibrating with anger next to you. “What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Fucking dickheads, MOVE.” She snapped, pushing against one's chest to back them up a step.
He was bigger though, an unmoveable force who she bounced off.
The original prick barked out as he waved a hand towards you. “That’s the problem with the girls around here, ungrateful bitches.” He stepped in closer to you, brushing against you momentarily to make you stumble back, his hands once more catching you to pull you aggressively in while you yelled with alarm, slapping at him while losing contact with Claude. “You should be thanking me for being willing to fuck someone like you.” 
You could have sworn you felt bile roll up your stomach while his liquored breath soured the air you were breathing, panic starting to set in. 
“Let her the fuck go.” Claude yanked at you once more into her hold and you lifted your arm, throwing a punch at the drunk stranger. Your aim fell wildly off its mark but it was enough for Claude to pull you out of his reach and then a sharp roar came up behind them. You only saw a flash of Curtis’s dark face, enraged before he struck. His fist landed firmly against the back of someone's head, pitching them against one of their drunk friends. 
“Get your fucking hands off those girls.” His voice was deep with anger, while he shoved his way between you and them, his fist landing in someone's gut, making them keel over and throw up the liquor. Grey came up to block you and Claude, sending you out of the mayhem while Edgar barrelled out of the bar to help Curtis. Yona followed out right behind him to get you guys inside. 
“Someone has to help them.” You rushed, ready to go right back out but Grey caught you to pull you back into the bar. Paulie was coming out with a bat in his hands muttering to himself as he went to go outside and from the distance, police sirens could be heard. “Curtis and Edgar are outnumbered, Grey.” You said in a panic and he shook his head at letting you go back outside. Claude and Yona went around the back of the bar to search for a first aid kit. 
“Trust me, it won’t last long. Curtis and Edgar are fine.” Grey assured you, catching you from slipping around him. “This isn’t either of their first fights. Just stay, okay? Curtis would ring my neck if I let you back out there. ” He let you go and moved to slip back outside. 
“Fuck, fuck fuck.” You swore, waiting all of ten seconds to burst out of the door following Grey. Several cop's cars were flashing lights and scattered around the parking lot. Officers were dragging both Curtis and Edgar into the back of one of the cars. “Hey!” You dashed down the steps to yet again be blocked by another man. 
A sober cop this time. You glared up at him while pointing to the car you just saw Curtis and Edgar piled into. “Miss, go back inside.” 
“Why the hell are you arresting them!?” Your voice raised in question. “They saved me and my friend from being harassed and assaulted.” 
“By who?” The officer stepped aside to show the majority of the men from before bloodied and being helped up. 
“Them obviously.” You snapped. “That one blocked me from going to the bar and the rest joined in him taunting us. Fuck, he even grabbed me.” 
“Okay Miss, we can take you down to the station if you want to put in a formal statement against them.” 
“You still didn’t answer why you arrested Curtis and Edgar. Why not those men?” 
You could see the flash of irritation at you, another officer coming up to join him. “Miss, please calm down.” 
“Don’t you dare tell me to calm down.” Your arms folded defensively against your chest as you kept pushing for an answer. “Why?” 
“Because Everett and Bell assaulted those men and…” He waved his hands at Paulie’s “Intoxicated.” 
“That is utter fucking bullshit.” You spat out and they narrowed their eyes at you. “Claude and I were attacked first and they haven’t been here long enough to be intoxicated. The guys who grabbed me, they’re the ones that are intoxicated!”
“That’s not your call to make Miss… What is your name?” 
“Y/N.” You snapped out. “When can they be picked up then?” You were raging now at the utter unfairness of what was going on. The men who harassed you were being treated by a few EMTs for what looked like bloody, possibly broken noses. They had all miraculously sobered up enough to put on a decent act. “Yes, I will be putting in a report on them.” You were shaking while you leaned enough to look around the cops. “THOSE ASSHOLES HARRASSED ME.” You flipped them the bird while behind you Paulie came up, bat still in hand. 
“She’s right, I just kicked them out for trying to start a fight.” 
“Yes, we are being told it was more like the other way around. That Edgar and Curtis were trying to start something inside with them and they left.” 
Paulie snorted in disgust while you rolled your eyes at them. “Bullshit, Curtis, and Edgar weren’t doing anything but hanging out at the dartboards waiting on the girls for a game. It’s a tournament night here. This lot took up the slot next to them and started in on them looking for a fight. Kicked 'em out, we all look out for each other here. It was my mistake not checking outside to see who was in the parking lot.” Paulie gave you an apologetic look. “I’m sorry Y/N, if I just followed them out, and made sure they left...” 
You put a hand on your friend's arm, smiling at him to assure him you weren’t upset. “Don’t, you had no idea they would mess with us too.”  
“Well, we will look into it, if you got cameras set up or anything.” One officer offered a way to a solution, the other looked like he wanted to be doing anything other than dealing with you and Paulie. 
“Yeah, I have some covering the front door, it should see everything that happened out here.” He motioned to go inside, the officer following him. That left you with the one who seemed to not give a shit. 
“So, I just have to go to the station to get Curtis and Edgar?” 
“We will still be keeping them overnight.” 
You wanted to continue about how ridiculous it was, but it was clear that was the most you were going to get. Turning away, you went back into the bar to grab your stuff. “They are not letting Curtis or Edgar out tonight.” You informed the group, Yona immediately grabbed her jacket to slip back on. 
“I can drive us over.” She informed. “They were arrested?” 
“Yeah, supposedly for being publicly intoxicated. And possibly assault.” Claude handed you your purse you had ditched earlier. 
“Do you want me and Grey to go?” She questioned worriedly while Grey went to dig out his car keys. 
“No, Grey you probably shouldn’t go if you have had anything to drink or else they will find some bullshit to charge you with.” You sighed in aggravation. 
He hesitated before pulling you aside. “Listen, I don’t know what Curtis has told you, but they might give you a bit of a hard time.” 
“Why?” You frowned while listening. 
“It isn’t the first time he has been arrested for fighting and it’s been quite a while but they don't let shit go.”
“Of course.” You pinched the space between your forehead and nose. “Okay, thanks. I will drop you guys a message later about what's going on.” You waved at Grey, Claude, and Paulie on your way out with Yona. 
That little dark thought lodged in your brain, wondering if Curtis was hiding his previous arrest from you all along, or was it something he simply never thought to bring up? 
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Edgar paced back and forth in the cell while Curtis leaned back against the wall, one leg stretched out ahead of him and the other folded closer to him, bouncing now and then with anxious energy. They hated this, both of them but all they could do was wait it out. The likelihood they would be let go tonight was slim. Not with his previous track record. 
His eyes were closed as he pictured the look on your face as you looked up at that asshole blocking your way on purpose. You looked calm at that moment, but he could see how wide your eyes were, shining way too brightly with alarm. He had been intent on just approaching and standing the guy down, already knowing he would back down the second he saw him.
But then the bastard had stepped into your space, purposely making you stumble back in an attempt to keep yourself out of his reach, laid a hand on you and that’s when Curtis was ready to rip the man’s head off. 
Curtis did manage to lay the man flat out with the promise that if he ever laid a hand on you or any woman again, Curtis was going to rip him apart. That was when the cops showed up. Familiar faces from years ago dragging him off and slapping cuffs on him. 
‘Bout time we brought you in again.’
He ground his teeth in aggravation at the memories it dragged up, his eyes slitting to open, watching Edgar pace back and forth muttering about asshole cops. Curtis worried about how you were dealing, were you okay? He knew Claude, Grey, Yona, and Paulie would make sure you were fine, but he just kept picturing your face. Hearing you afterward calling his name as the door slammed on him. 
You looked pissed at that moment and he couldn’t help smiling at that. 
“What are you grinning at?” Edgar stopped pacing and slouched on the bench next to him, still a ball of nervous energy. 
“Just thinking about Y/N giving those officers hell.” 
Edgar laughed then, leaning back much like Curtis was. “I saw out the back window, she was mad. Not like it do us any good, but she looked like she was ready to deck him.” 
“Yeah, she did.” Curtis barked a laugh. “I don’t think I have ever seen her mad like that before.” 
“When do you think they will let us out?” 
“They won’t, not till morning at least. Public intoxication and all that.” 
“Bullshit charge, we hadn’t even finished a beer yet,” Edgar muttered in outrage, glancing around the empty cell. “I hate this.” 
“So do I.” Curtis pushed up to stretch himself out, the bench a hard unrelenting place. He would much rather be in his bed with you, soft, and warm in his arms. “Probably those bastards will just get a slap on their hand and let go too.” 
“Fuck I hope not.”
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It was hours later when they were finally let go, served with papers for fines they needed to pay. Charges were dropped against them for assault, much to Curtis’surprise. You and Yona were sitting out in the lobby, both of you huddled in the uncomfortable seats, heads leaning against one another in what must have been an unrestful sleep. Edgar was gentle when he touched Yona, his hand brushing along the side of her face, whispering her name. Curtis squatted in front of your seat, letting his hands slide over yours till your eyes slipped open and you gave him a sleepy smile, sliding forward to hug around his neck. 
“Hey, I didn’t think they were ever going to let you out.” You muttered into the crook of his neck
He squeezed you back assuringly, rubbing at your back. “They like to drag ass over this stuff. You ready to go home?” 
“Please.” You pulled back to let him go and Curtis held you against him a second longer before letting you ease off the seat, pulling himself back up to a stand. In the parking lot, you said goodbye to Edgar and Yona, who were quick to promise to call later to reschedule the missed triple date at the bar but you could tell they just wanted to head home. Neither had gotten a lot of sleep that night. Curtis was relieved to see his truck already there. 
“Yeah, he said he had a spare to your house and grabbed your extra keys.” You dug them from your purse to hand over to Curtis. 
Getting in, the drive back to the house was quiet. But not the typical comfortable kind that happened between you two, more like you had something on your mind and it was worrying you, causing unspoken tension. “Did you stay there all night Honey?”
“Hmm?” You turned back towards him just as he was pulling into the driveway, next to your car. “Oh yeah, Yona was set on staying till she at least saw Edgar, and good luck getting me to leave after what happened. Every time we asked to see either of you, they had an excuse not to let us talk to you.” You paused as if collecting your thoughts. “They seemed to not like you. At all.” 
“Mmhh, yeah,” Curtis said, he wasn’t ready to elaborate and you let it die there for now. Instead, you both made your way into the house, yawning loudly as you looked at the time. 
“Good morning, about the time I typically wake up.” You chuckle and Curtis rubbed at his face, making himself go cross-eyed a bit. 
“How about today we nap in bed instead, take a real lazy day?” 
“I could really go for that.” You shrugged out of your jacket and hung it up, offering to take his. 
“Deal, you wanna go get comfy upstairs and I will be up with some snacks?” Curtis offered. 
“I can make you something if you want?” You hesitated at the foot of the stairs, thinking out loud. “I have those veggies diced up and you got eggs, I saw them in there yesterday. I could make us western omelets.”
Curtis shook his head, directing you back towards the stairs. “Nope, I got it. Go shower if you want and get comfy… wear that tee of mine I love so much?” 
You went up a few steps, twisting to face him while still inching up the steps, grinning. “That and what else?” 
“Absolutely fucking nothing.” He gave a feral grin, even as tired as he was and you laughed while finishing going up the stairs. Curtis heard the house's old pipes groan, signaling you started your shower. It gave him plenty of time to get some of the quick easy snacks he had in the house. Grabbing some of Sophia’s granola bars, a bag of your favorite goldfish, his stash of Oreo cookies, and some other randoms he found in the pantry. Then he was sure to make you a cup of your favorite tea with generous dollops of honey to sweeten it to your liking. He took a quick sip, making sure it was how you liked it. 
Curtis finally made it upstairs where his bed never looked so good. Especially with a few of your clothes littered on it from where you undressed to shower. Dropping the snacks at the foot of the bed, he heard you turn the water off, steam flowing from out of the shower. Yanking off his shirt and pants, he walked into the bathroom in his boxers, preparing the tub for himself while you stood at the mirror doing a few last-minute things. 
“There’s a cup of tea on your nightstand Honey.” He brushed a kiss to your still bare shoulder, the towel firmly wrapped around you while you rubbed some of your lotion on your face and down your neck. 
“Thanks Curtis, water should be plenty hot. I was quick.” You smiled at him in the mirror while he shed the last of his clothes and slipped in behind the curtain. 
You finished what you were doing, sure to clean the sink off while listening to the water splash around Curtis, now and then the curtain would move with his movements. You retreated from the bathroom before he finished, crawling up on the bed and letting yourself lean back into the pillows. 
There was a lot to take in over the past several hours. Something you hadn’t let yourself ponder on till now when it was all said and done. You hated the doubt that crept in, the way Curtis had gone after all those men without any hesitation or fear, then Grey making mention that Curtis had been in trouble before. It wasn’t that you thought of Curtis as being violent, not towards you in the least and you had only heard him lose his temper with Edgar at Halloween. But Jake was always such a nice guy until he wasn’t and you never would have guessed that from him. You knew him your whole life, your father and his were partners in their consultation firm. 
But then one day it started and you always allowed it to continue while lying to yourself to be okay with it. As much as you loved Curtis, more than you ever felt for Jake, you couldn’t be that way with someone again. 
Curtis came back out, this time dressed in his plaid pajama bottoms and a faded old tee, ready to crawl into bed next to you. You took an appreciative sip of the tea that he made, letting the warm liquid calm you down a bit more while Curtis slipped into the bed next to you, making a grab for the snacks he had brought up and deposited them on the nightstand, grabbing a couple of oreo cookies and flipping one into his mouth. 
“Thank you for coming to get me at the station Honey.” He finally said, breaking the silence in the room while offering you his other cookie. 
You took it, nibbling on it a second before setting everything in your hands aside. “As I said, after seeing the way those officers were acting, I wasn’t about to leave you there.” 
“They dropped the charges surprisingly,” Curtis admitted while leaning back against the pillows, his hand coming up to your back and tracing patterns in it while he started to relax for the first time. “I wasn’t expecting that.” 
You let yourself sink into the feeling of his fingers on you, making your body slowly loosen from his touch, you were soon easing back and curling up next to him, your hand sliding against his chest while he wrapped an arm around you, pulling you into his side. “They had to drop them after Yona and I went down to fill out our reports against that group, Claude will be going in later today, she told me to do the same thing. Between us and Paulie pulling up his security videos, they weren't able to make anything solid stick. Keeping you overnight was just a way to hold you and Edgar for a while longer." You frowned with frustration.  
Curtis tilted forward to press an affectionate kiss to your forehead, scooping you in closer to him.
"It should have never fucking happened. You, Yona, and Claude should be able to walk across a parking lot at any time." 
You felt the tip of his fingers lift your chin so you looked up at him, the sheer concern in his expression, the way his eyes were a wide blue boring into you, you yet again felt foolish over your concern that this man would in any way hurt you. “Curtis…” You twisted to your hip to face him, letting there be a bit of space between you so you could comfortably look at him to talk. "Yes, I was scared at the moment, but I knew you were close.” 
“Mmmh, They will probably just get a slap on the wrist and nothing further than that.” He practically growled and you let your hand raise to smooth the worried lines in his forehead. 
“Unfortunately that is probably gonna be the case. I hope that they learned a lesson in what the word ‘No’ means though. You and Edgar left them quite a few reminders” You let your hand drop once his forehead smoothed out. “But Grey said that you were familiar with the cops picking you up?” You hesitated, not wanting to bring up his past like this, but you had to know. 
Curtis nodded a bit to confirm. “I can’t say the local Duluth precinct and I are on the best of terms. Of course, this was many years ago, but bar fights weren’t an uncommon thing for me.
You stayed quiet, intent on letting him continue with whatever he wanted to share. “As a young man… I was angry? Lost and unsure of myself, my grandparents did an amazing job being my parents. But I was still mad at the world for having never gotten to have that time with my mom and dad, I never got to see Tyler grow into the man he should have been. I had so many what-ifs built in me. Lillian and Wilford tried to help me, but you know when you are young you miss what is right in front of you.” 
“So all this anger, it turned into fighting?” 
“It did, I would get into it with other people. Looking for it I guess would be the best way to put it. It was the only thing that made me feel good.” He glanced at you worriedly but you kept your features neutral. “I don’t know if I’m explaining it right, I was an angry young man. I’m glad you didn’t know me then.” 
“Hey, we all have our shit, right?” You said with a gentle smile. “Keep going, what happened?” 
“I hit rock bottom. Had to spend some time at a minimum security prison. Not long, but it was several months. My Gram came to visit me several times, and my grandfather did a couple of times. But it was easy to see how disappointed he was. I hated it, I was ashamed of how low I went with it. The judge released me and I went to Nam for a more permanent job.” His fingers flowed up and down your arm, making pleasured sensations settle in you, retaining that connection even while you two were separated a bit to face each other. “Sent me to training and I started from the bottom up. Grandpa was retired by then so I worked up to his position.” 
“You must have wanted the change to work that hard Curtis.” You wiggled a bit closer. “Did all those feelings, the anger… they stop?” 
“Um, I channeled them in a new way. Grey and I were friends during this time, he was always trying to get me to go with him to his uncle's gym, just beyond the school called Big Jon Boxing.
When I got out, I finally took him up on the offer. Big Jon taught me some boxing, tossed me in the ring to punch and kick out all those feelings.” 
You half pushed up, leaning on an elbow. “You’re just sharing with me that you can box?” 
Curtis laughed, shrugging a shoulder. “Yeah, pretty good at it too, not to brag.” 
“Do you still go?” You eased down again, now back in his side, curling a leg through his. 
“I haven’t in a while, not since last summer. Grey was telling me Big Jon was asking when I’m coming back.” 
“So since you met me?” You huffed out, making Curtis chuckle again. 
“Well, I also have some equipment down in the cellar for when I couldn’t go. But yeah… I haven’t felt the need to.” 
You smiled a bit to yourself, it was hard not to feel a bit of pride that Curtis didn’t need such an outlet. Your hand slipped under his tee, tracing your fingertips on his belly, sinking into your thoughts. “Would you go back?” 
“Of course, it is like another home, much like Paulie’s is. I just… haven’t. Actually, in light of what happened, would you like to go?” 
“Me? To a gym?” You wrinkled your nose, the idea of it making you wildly self-conscious. Gym’s always felt like a nightmare, all those fit people and then there is you. You tried, in the past. You went to Jake’s gym using his membership. Always when he was at work, not that he ever said anything, but you could tell that he was embarrassed to see you struggling with the equipment. 
“Yes you Honey. We can teach you some self-defense moves in case you ever feel unsafe or have to be alone.” His hand was assuring on your side, all while his belly flexed under your fingertips. You felt him grasp at the back of your thighs, easing you over him till you were straddling him, leaning against his chest till you pushed up to a sit, using your knees folded under you to keep from leaning too heavily against him. Underneath you he looked perfectly relaxed and content, waiting on you to sort through your doubts and fears about going to the gym. “You could knock Edgar out next time he pisses you off.” He smirked at you and you couldn’t help the little amused smile you gave at your friend's expense. 
“So tempting, but…” 
“But what Honey.” His hands slipped up the bare part of your thighs to grasp gently on your hips and ease you to relax against him. “Tell me.” 
“It’s the gym, full of beautiful fit people.” 
“Nah, this is a cool gym. It’s for everyone.” Curtis said. His hands flexed against your hips, making him smirk a bit up at you. “I could buy you all those hot leggings too. All the leggings.” His eyes glinted up at you wickedly, making you feel heat flush your face and down your chest, your heart race in excitement and apprehension. 
“I have leggings already Curtis, you don’t have to buy me more.” 
“I know and you are always fucking hot in them.” He slipped a hand up your back to lightly grasp the back of your neck, pulling you in close for his mouth to find yours, drawing you into a heated kiss as he set out to prove just what he felt when seeing you in those leggings. Being tired completely forgotten when he flipped you to your back and hovered over you, chaining kisses down your neck and working your shirt up while you did the same with his to toss it away for the rest of the day. 
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lucy90712 · 4 months
Ice skating- Fermin Lopez
When it's winter and cold outside there isn't much to do especially when your boyfriend hates the cold and refused to be outside unless he has to be. Somehow I managed convince him to go ice skating with me I was expecting him to fight me on the idea but he happily agreed to go for our date night this week. I'm not sure if I have excellent persuading skills or if Fermin will just say yes to pretty much anything I ask because he loves me. Fermin doesn't know that I have been skating before, I went quite a bit as a kid and I have been a few times as I've got older so I know what I'm doing. I'm definitely not great but I can hold my own on an ice rink but I can't wait to see Fermin on the ice he's never been the most graceful person so I expect he'll be a little unsteady on his feet at best. 
Like always he came over before we needed to leave so that he could spend some extra time with me. That's something I love about Fermin he just wants to spend time with me so he'll always come over even when I'm not doing anything interesting or we have no plans as he just enjoys my company. Today he brought lunch with him so we ate lunch together and he helped me get ready by picking out a hoodie of his I have in my collection to wear over my outfit so I don't get cold. He also made me change out of the leggings I had on as he said I'd be too cold so I put some jeans on which he was satisfied with and allowed us to leave the house finally. The ice rink wasn't far from my place but Fermin can no longer just walk through the streets like he used to so he drove there and found somewhere nearby but quiet to park. 
We pretty much ran inside as there was a lot of people about and Fermin didn't want to spend ages taking pictures and signing things. He loves the fans he really does but at times like these he doesn't want to be disturbed as there has been occasions when I've waited like 40 minutes just for him to finally be let go by the fans. Once we made it inside there was a lot less people around and none of them seemed too bothered by our presence which was nice. Fermin paid and got our skates before taking me over to a bench so we could actually put them on. I did mine quite quickly as I've done it many times before and I know they need to be tight but Fermin was struggling as they were just too loose on him. He didn't want to admit defeat for a while but after a few attempts he asked for my help so I did his laces up for him. 
"Is my big baby ready to go" I laughed 
"I'm not a baby skates are just stupid how did you manage it?" he asked 
"I've been skating before I went quite a bit as a kid so I knew how to do the laces" I revealed 
"Why didn't you tell me I thought we would both struggle together now I'm going to look like an idiot" he said 
"You won't look like an idiot I promise most people aren't going to know how to skate" I said
"You'll hold my hand though right?" He asked 
"Of course I will can't have you falling over can I" I laughed 
Fermin didn't seem to appreciate my joke but still he grabbed my hand and I led him onto the ice. He was as stiff as a board to begin with but I held onto both of his hands and skated backwards so I could teach him how to skate. Fermin is a quick learner and he always listens to instructions so he worked things out pretty quickly and was able to skate next to me when I let go of one of his hands after a few rotations round the ice. As much as he was getting more confident his grip on my hand didn't let up I don't know if that was because he was scared of falling or because he just didn't want to let me go but either way I kind of enjoyed that he felt like he needed to hold onto me so tightly. 
We had a lot of fun together talking as we skated round and maybe laughed at a few people who fell spectacularly because it is kind of funny. There was also some amazing little kids who have clearly been having lessons that we just watched in awe both wishing we could do that. It had been the perfect date we got to go out somewhere and enjoy time together without really being disturbed at all. Both of us were having so much fun until some guy came speeding round the rink and slammed right into me. I didn't seem him coming as he was behind us but luckily Fermin is pretty strong as he was able to help keep me on my feet as otherwise I would've been on my ass in seconds. Fermin pulled me into his chest as we both came to a halt in the middle of the ice, his hands went straight to my face to see if I was ok as he can read me like a book by just looking at my expression. I've learnt to read him pretty well too but you didn't need to be a genius to see that he was mad and like really mad. 
"Watch where you're going mate" Fermin shouted after the guy who just kept going 
"Are you ok amor?" He asked 
"I'm completely fine I just didn't see him coming" I said 
"I'm not surprised he should've gotten out the way but he didn't because he's an asshole" he raged 
"It's ok forget about that and forget about him I'm not hurt so everything's fine" I said trying to calm him down 
"I'm glad you're ok but that doesn't mean that guy should get away with doing that" he continued to argue 
"Why don't we get out of here so we don't have to worry about him any more and before you do something you'll regret" I suggested 
"We should get hot chocolate to warm us up" Fermin said with a complete change of mood 
Thankfully there is a cafe just across the road from the ice rink so we headed straight there and ordered two hot chocolates with marshmallows. I left Fermin to get the drinks while I found a table for us both and he came back he had the two hot chocolates but also a cupcake which he put in front of me with a big smile on his face. I tried to share with him but he insisted that I sat the whole thing and who am I to say no to a cupcake especially one that was so delicious. Fermin quickly forgot about what happened with that guy and was just saying how much he enjoyed ice skating and that he wants to go again so that he can get good at it. Of course we can’t go that often but we agreed that we should go together again for another date night which I’m really looking forward to. 
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elirandom · 2 months
So I don't know if I had too much tea today or what, but I wrote fic on my phone.
I've yet to be the king of my castle. 1300 PG rated words of Buck and Tommy trying their first date. Which we already know Eddie and Marisol crashed lol. There's both Buck and Evan used here because Tommy can't figure out which one to use. Tommy pov.
Tommy knew he had a shift, but damn if it wasn't hard to take a step back and stop kissing Evan Buckley. Even harder when he saw the stunned look on his face. Maybe the guy doesn't know when he's flirting with people. "So that was okay?"
That gorgeous kid honestly babbled about mouth static looking so adorably confused Tommy wanted to just dive right back in.
Honestly, Tommy came here with the intention to apologize for somehow messing with Eddie and Evan's friendship, poor Eddie high on painkillers had lamented on how he should've known that Buck felt left out. So he figured since Buck - Evan, he's gotta ask him about that nickname sometime, hadn't called Eddie yet he'd be the big man and apologize on his way home from Eddie.
But things kinda took a curve with Evan's admission of seeking his attention. And now he had traffic to contend with sadly. So he asked him out, straightening Evan's shirt as an excuse to touch him but still be able to leave. And not think too hard on his soft biteable lips as he drove towards work, he had Saturday to look forward to, he couldn't risk a car crash.
Buck pretty much wriggled in his seat like a puppy, cute as fuck but they had barely had time to talk before their date. Even as it had to be postponed for a couple of weeks with the 118 being one man down and he having to take care of a few brush fires before they could manifest into proper wildfires. And now their dinner was done and paid for and Evan acted like he had ants in his pants. "You ok?"
"Huh, yeah, why?"
"You're a little tense." Tommy gently tapped Buck on his right foot.
Buck shone up with that big smile of his, it was nice to have it directed at only him "This is my first date with a dude, but I'm not weirded out. I mean.."
Tommy saw Eddie and Marisol first, and interrupted Buck, "He-ey!". But he was unprepared for how Buck lost the wide smile and quickly turned around in his chair.
"Buck! You two guys are here together!" Eddie looked as happy as he usually was, Evan not so much. Tommy thought they had talked, no he knew they had talked because Eddie had texted a picture of Buck's apology dinner.
"Yeah, and you two. What are the odds huh?" Evan made a noise in his throat before he turned to Tommy, "Hey I gotta use the bathroom, be right back."
Tommy exchanged pleasantries with Marisol before she kissed Eddie on the cheek and said she'd find their table.
"How's the ankle Eddie?"
Eddie leaned on Buck's chair, "It's okay, I'm not ready to be back on the engine quite yet for a couple of weeks but I'm back to work. It was only a sprain. How's Buck?"
"Buck? Okay I think?"
"No I mean, I thought we were fine but didn't he look a little squirrelly to you? You think he's still feeling guilty?"
"I don't know Evan as well as you do but that boy's gonna feel guilty forever. But no, I think he's fine."
"You'd tell me right? If there's something?"
"I will, now get to your table or your lady's gonna be pissed at me for hogging you too much." Again, but Tommy didn't say that out loud. But he'd seen the grimace behind Eddie's back last time he picked him up to see a match.
"Yeah yeah, make sure he knows I'm not mad ok?"
"Fine, I will. Now scoot." Eddie laughed as he slowly walked to his table.
Evan eventually came out and his smile as he came back to the table was a lot smaller. "You ok?"
"You were gone a long time, you feeling okay?"
"I'm -" he was looking down at their table fiddling with his cutlery. "I haven't told Eddie yet. About -" he waved a hand between them.
"This being a date or the bisexual talk?"
"Um, none of it?" Buck squeaked.
"Evan, why? You can't possibly think Eddie would be bothered about you being not straight?"
"You think so? I mean, I know what you're saying but there's still that fear you know. Irrational or not."
"Come on, let's take a walk or something."
"Can we -" Evan blushed. "This sounds so forward on a first date and I'm not that guy anymore but jeez I don't want another surprise of people who know me tonight. Can we go to yours?"
"Sure. And you can be forward if you want to." Tommy elbowed him gently on his side as they walked out. He figured that Evan was too in his head right now for anything like an arm around his waist, no matter how nice that would be.
He was right, as soon as they were inside Tommy's car Evan took a deep breath and then put his hand on Tommy's arm. "I'm sorry. I've been talking with Hen and my sister and I'm pretty sure I'm fine with being out. So I haven't told the team, or Eddie yet, because I wanted to see how the date went first. Maybe I'm a disaster at dating dudes. Guys. Men."
"You're not a disaster Evan. Or is it Buck? I never got around to asking you about that, all of you use nicknames now. I think Hen and Eddie are the only ones I keep getting right. Howie is Chim these days and apparently you're Buck."
"From you - either works. Coming here to L.A. was a fresh start and Evan was a part of a lot of baggage so finding out that we had too many Evans in class I didn't mind getting a new name. But it's water under the bridge."
"So Buck, why is it so hard to talk to Eddie about this?" Tommy had his suspicions but he wanted the kid to figure it out on his own and not risk trampling over years long partnership because those two were a parental unit no matter what Evan mistakenly thought.
"I don't know." Evan made an angry voice down his throat. "It's like I lock up every time I try."
"He's worried there's still leftover feelings from the basketball game."
"Oh god, he said that?"
"Yeah, he wanted me to make sure you were ok."
"Aaaaand now I feel even guiltier." Evan slumped his forehead against the dashboard.
"There, there -" Tommy patted Evan on the back as he groaned into the car's innards. "Wanna come home and kiss me some more so you can feel extra bisexual before you put on your bigboy pants and call Eddie?"
"You're mean."
"Who, me?"
"Teasing with kisses with a caveat attached."
"I could make a really bad joke about carrots and sticks right now but I'm not gonna." Tommy grinned at the flustered look on Evan's face because he looked a lot less worried about anything right now. He turned the car on and backed out of their parking space, pausing before he turned out into traffic. "So, still wanna come home with me? Because if we stay here any longer I'm gonna end up kissing you anyway."
The way Evan's cheeks turned apple red and he looked up at Tommy from how he was still leaning a bit forward. Dangerous. "Yeah, take me home Tommy."
"Oh I'm going to. You better be a good boy and stay in your seat."
"Or what?" That grin on Evan's face, Tommy was gonna bite it. Instead he gripped Evan's thigh, feeling the muscles clench underneath his hand, before he took his hand back to the gear shaft. "Or we'll be embarrassingly in a car crash and have your colleagues save us from compromising positions."
Evan coughed, "Right."
Tommy smiled at him before joining the cars zipping by, starting on the road home.
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multific · 2 years
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Santiago Garcia x Reader
Why did it always have to be him?
Why couldn't just once you wake up at Tom's or Frankie's?
Why did you always have to wake up at Santiago's?
Last night, you went out to have some drinks with the girls. Nothing unusual for a Friday evening. But you woke up with a headache and you weren't even in your own home.
You recognized the furniture in seconds. You were at Santiago's place. You just hoped you didn't make a fool of yourself last night.
You knew the boys for a long time now, and had an equally long crush on Garcia. So, with him seeing you so drunk, wasn’t a good look for you.
You let out a loud groan.
Took you some time to finally make it out of his bedroom and bathroom.
You headed to the kitchen where you smelt breakfast and coffee.
"Morning." he said as his back was to you, he was pouring coffee into two mugs.
He turned to you as you sat by the desk, he handed you the mug before sitting down.
"Good morning. Thank you for picking me up. I shouldn't have bothered you."
"No bother, really. Do you-Do you remember what happened?" he asked as he took a sip from his coffee.
"No. I didn't embarrass myself, did I? Did I puke in your car or something?"
"No. None of that." he smiled, you did the same before making a face.
You stood up and grabbed some sugar.
"Sorry, I forgot you drink it with sugar."
"It's okay, I should just leave soon, don't want to ruin your Saturday more than it is." there was silence as you ate the food and finished your coffee. He spoke up again.
"Do you really not remember a thing?"
"Sorry, I was very drunk. I'll finish this and leave."
And you did. But you did notice just how he behaved while watching you move around in the kitchen and soon, you left.
“Thank you again for picking me up. Have a nice weekend.” you said as you left. He closed the door behind you.
You got a taxi.
You were in such a hurry due to the fact that you never told Santiago how you feel about him, yet the others knew. You felt comfortable around him, that wasn’t the issue, but you didn’t want to embarrass yourself then you already probably did last night so, it was easier to leave. 
You tried to get closer to him, hoping to confess your feelings but he was always with other women. You had to move on, or this will drive you insane.
You got your phone out, not surprisingly your last contact was Santiago but the name on your phone made you remember the night before.
Shot after shot, using cocktails as chaser. You were proud to be able to drink so much without vomiting, but this time, you might have took it too far. 
You had way too many drinks, you were drunk and in need of the bathroom.
You entered the cubicle when your phone fell out your purse. As you picked it up a name flashed in your mind, so you called.
Santiago didn't pick up. So, you did what every drunk person would, you left a voicemail. 
"Santi." you giggled. "I just wanted to hear your voice.” you let out a sigh. “I'm so pathetically in love with you. Every time we meet, I cannot think straight. Every time the boys tease me about you I just get so angry and jealous because I know you wouldn't choose me. I'm not like the girls you pick up but it's okay. I love you so I stay away. I love everything about you. Your hair, your skin, your eyes, your nose and your lips. You have such pretty lips. I always long to kiss you." you let out another sigh. “I wish you were here, wearing that black shirt, leaving to two top buttons undone just to tease the women, and me. I always want to run my finger down your skin. You are teasing me, and you don’t even know it.”
There was a knock on the door so you had to quickly put the phone down.
"Y/N!" it was your also very drunk friend. "Are you talking to your boyfriend?"
"Oh." is all you said before you ended the call.
“SHIT!" you yelled so loud the driver got scared. "Sorry. Can you just drive me back please? I left my... purse? Yeah, purse!"
The driver hesitantly turned around and drove you back to Santiago's. You paid him before running back to his front door.
As you knocked, you realized you didn't have a plan. You didn't know what you wanted to say.
"Y/N?" he soon opened the door, rather shocked to see you.
"Hi again, sorry. I think I left something here." he let you in as you rushed to the room you stayed the night.
You sat down on the bed. You needed a plan. Something to say or delete the message. But you had a feeling he listened to it already. Which is why he asked you those questions this morning.
You put your face into your hands and groaned.
You got out of the room and saw him sitting on the couch.
"Can you just... forget that I called?"
"Did you mean it?" he turned to look at you, stood up from the couch and slowly walked over to you, trapping you in between himself and the wall. "Did you mean any of what you said on that voicemail?"
You looked into his eyes, you couldn't read him.
"I-I-" now or never. You cannot lie to yourself anymore. "I meant it. I do love you. B-But I know you don't feel the same! It's okay really. I get it, I'm not your type, not even close to it." He slowly leaned down, getting closer. You put your head on the wall, then stopped him with your hand on his mouth. "What are you doing?"
"You said you long to kiss me. And I have been longing to kiss you." upon hearing that you dropped your hand and his soft lips connected with yours, he pulled you off the wall by your waist.
It was a slow and sensual kiss, something to turn you on for a night of fun.
Was he playing with you?
He soon pulled back, catching his breath before leaning in once more. You pulled back a bit which made him do the same.
"Are mocking me?" you asked, slowly getting angry.
"No! No, I'm not mocking you, Y/N. I'm only fulfilling the dream I had from day one. I liked you for so long. the boys always teased me about you. Wanting me to confess, but you were... too pure, too perfect for a killer like me."
You realized both of you were stupid.
"I'm not your type. You prefer the petite ladies, high heels, long hair, big boobs..."
"You are perfection. You are a real woman compared to them. They meant nothing, you are everything. I love you just like you love me."
You needed a moment to fully process what he just said. But apparently he took your silence and kissed you once again. You kissed him back, although your mind was somewhere else, which he obviously noticed because he pulled back, let out a groan as he grabbed your chin, lifting it up until you looked into his eyes finally.
"Focus on me. I can hear you thinking, there is no need to overcomplicate things. We will go on a date for lunch, you spend the weekend here and you can agree to be my girl whenever you are ready." he was confident, that's for sure. Not like you minded really, you knew how he was for a long time, so it didn't really surprise you.
What did surprise you is that he was in love with you. You were sure he didn't like you more than a friend and yet here he was, begging you to go back to him and kiss him like there was no tomorrow.
"Lunch sounds great." you ended up saying with a small smile as he was still holding your chin, he pulled you close again.
Maybe leaving that voice message wasn't the worst thing that ever happened to you. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise, but you could have done without the constant tease of your friends that you confessed while drunk via a message.
Taglist: imreadinggoaway @fleursirvart​​ @v-2bucky ehsebastiancrunch-time-sports  @pxstelrainbow ablogbypeteparker liamssmilersmexylemony @greenarrowhead feelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace @sincerelyfan @theoneanna @aestheticsandmarvel @rororo06 @castellandiangelo @avengers-r-us @destynelseclipsa   @spilledinkindumpster celebsimagine @capsiclesdoll snoopy3000 @firstangeldragonranch @puknow @crazzyter  @alwayshave-faith @soleil-dor @alex12948 scream-kiwi79  @lxdyred  @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​ @liveforkarljacobs @anonymoussherlockandmarvelgeek​​​ @paola-carter​​​
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shellxrls · 2 months
okay so basically for context it was this girls birthday and she threw a massive party at the boneyard, kooks, pogues, everyone was there.
I was with rafe btw. so anyways we went, arrived at about 8pm and everyone was already fucking shit up. topper was pretty drunk already, keep this in mind.
so everything goes pretty smoothly and it’s a pretty good party all in all, apart from a few little scraps everyone is happy.
it’s about 1 - 1:30 when most of our group is packing up, but none of us can find topper, we were all looking for him but we just assumed he’d gone home by himself. brushed the matter off.
Becky’s house was being redone so she was staying at tannyhill with us. So we all went to bed and that was a night.
we hear a car basically crashing into the driveway, Rafe went to look out the window and it was toppers, so we were all a bit confused.
we all went down to go see and topper was in the kitchen, and when I tell you he was completely shit faced. he was so fucked up it was unbelievable okay like his eyes were barely open.
so he comes over, mistakes me for Sarah (for context this guy is still so hung up on her it’s stupid) tried to grab my ass and kiss me.
Rafe had none of it though, literally did not give this man a second chance and immediately pushed him.
topper falls back cause he’s literally blacking out at this point. And that’s that for the night. we got him to drink some water while he was half asleep then we just left him passed out on the couch.
the next morning he was gone. we all went to the country club for breakfast (they have the best hangover food in being so serious).
and Sarah’s there, me and Becky went to talk to her cause she is nice. and basically here’s what went down.
turns out topper had heard John b saying “I love you” to her at the party, and gone absolutely ballistic.
he’d got out of tannyhill at ridiculous o’clock in the morning, and showed up and the chateau. blatantly tried to STAB JOHN B IN HIS SLEEP.
lucky his aim was off so he just hit the mattress but oh my fucking god.
jj went crazy on him, pulled the gun but didn’t use it. Topper got arrested but his bail was paid and he showed up at the country club next week.
he seemed so wasted though like… Rafe didn’t even want me going up to him. him and kelce talked to him though and apparently he thought all of his actions were justified.
of course he got out of any big charges cause it’s him.
oh and he tried to hit wheezie when she asked him about it so he’s banned from tannyhill on rafes orders.
I’m actually shook I swear. probs gonna script that didn’t happen next time I shift cause that was intense idk if I wanna go back to it.
- rafe shifter
OH MY FUCKING GOD ?? TOPPER ?? this is insane when i tell u my mouth was wide fucking open, jaw dropped the entire time wtf !!
FIRST OF ALL HE DROVE A CAR INTO THE DRIVEWAY AND GRABBED UR ASS?? mans is a borderline alcoholic what is going on here cuz how did he get that shitfaced..
rafes reactions was valid icl cuz even if he was drunk as shit he still shouldn’t be touching up on someone else girl. AND I HOPE UR OKAY ! i’d be grossed out if some drunk guy (even if it was someone i knew) started grabbing at me 😐.
HE TRIES TO FUCKING STAB JOHN B ??? nah what the FUCK topper needs to actually die. that’s crazy as fuck and it must’ve been so scary for u and just everyone tbh ??
somehow out of all of this the wheezie thing seems the most horrible cuz she’s a CHILD ?? what the fuck is wrong w topper ?? can’t believe he wasn’t charged harshly and if i were in that situation i’d just cut him off completely.
tbh i’ve always thought topper had a much darker side to him (esp when he tried to burn down the chateau) and i feel so bad that you had to go through all of that. i’d say script it out if you want to cuz that seems like such a heavy experience, i don’t think anyone in ur dr wld be able to recover from it at least for a while.
i hope you’re okay as well <3 !
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novankenn · 1 year
Hunkering Down (2/3)
Inspired by:
(Hunkering Down 1/3)
Jaune: (Tossing the smoking metal to the floor) Shit!
Ren: That is not a normal reaction for grimm blood. It's almost like it's eating away... Jaune you sword!
Jaune: (Tosses Crocea Mors to the floor as he notices the blade is also smoking.) Fucking hell!
Nora, having found the bathroom, grabbed a small plastic waste bin and filled it with water. She quickly rushes back into the main room and douses both items with the water, diluting the black goo and stopping the acidic reaction.
Pyrrha: How did you know...
Nora: It was a guess.
Pyrrha: A guess?
Nora: Well, chemical spills on skin should be flushed with water, so I figured this was similar.
Loud thuds echoed through the room, causing them all to stop speaking. They just stood there waiting. Those with working weapons tightening their hold upon them. Unarmed, Jaune knew he couldn't do much if one of those things got through the pressure doors, so he moved past his teammates and took a seat at the security console.
As his teammates moved to take positions about the room's only door, Jaune started typing on the keyboard in front of him. He silently thanked Terra for her mentoring him, it was two years well spent. His fingers danced over the keys, as he not so much hacked, but nudged the security system back online. Which brought up all the cameras.
Jaune: Shit!
Pyrrha: Jaune? What is it?
Jaune: They are more than a few of those things out there... a lot more than a few.
Nora: Can you tell how many?
Jaune: No.
Ren: (Pulls his head back into the room.) That door is taking a beating. I’m not sure now much longer it can last.
Jaune: Okay, okay... let's see...
Pyrrha: Jaune?
Jaune: Where is it?
Nora: Fearless Leader?
Jaune: Got it!
Loud screeching could be heard from the fireside of the door as alarms and flashing lights went off in the room. Jaune paid none of it any attention as he continually kept typing in commands. After a few more keystrokes, the alarms were silenced.
Nora: What did you do?
Jaune: I tripped the fire suppression system, specifically in that corridor...
Ren: I don't hear them at the door anymore.
Pyrrha: How did that work? How did you know it would work?
Jaune: I didn't. We lucked out that they used an old CO2 system, over a more modern one.
Pyrrha: I don't...
Ren: CO2 replaces oxygen, and is freezing when released from under pressure. You drove them off.
Nora: I hate to be a bummer, but what now? We're still stuck in here, and I doubt that trick will work a second time.
Jaune: We take stock of what we have available to us, and we figure it from there.
Nora, Ren and Pyrrha all nodded and set about to check their individual kits, while Jaune turned his attention back to the monitors. His deep blue eyes scanned the screens looking for any sign of whatever these things were. It took the others only a few minutes to take stock.
Ren: Well, I have six mags, and three days of rations, plus a first air kit.
Pyrrha: Same on rations, also a first aid kit, and about eight magazines of ammo.
Nora: Same on the rations and kit, but only two mags.
Jaune: I have rations and a first aid kit, but no ammo. (Looks at the charred and pitted remains of his family's heirloom) I'm also basically unarmed.
Pyrrha: So how long before we can expect help?
Jaune: If we can't get a message out, five days.
Ren: As you said, we can stretch the rations out pretty far, but if we end up having to fight those things... we don't have enough ammo... and considering what happened to Crocea Mors, melee is ill-advised.
Nora: So what's the plan?
Jaune: You and Pyrrha are going to check the pressure doors, and then make sure there are no other ways they can get into that corridor. Ren take a look around, see if there is anything we can use.
Ren: This is a security room, so they should have a weapons locker. (Looks about and notices a door with a keypad) I think that might be it, but without a code.
Pyrrha: I think I can take care of the needing a code.
Jaune: Okay, sounds like we have the basics covered. Pyr if you please open that door for Ren and then you and Nora can make a quick check.
Nora: What are you going to do?
Jaune: I'm going to see if I can patch into the main communications array. Try and get a signal out.
With that, everyone went about their tasks, and Jaune put every bit of his training from Terra to work. The others had easily taken care of their objectives, while Jaune struggled to make the rather outdated system do what he wanted. He had almost given up when he finally was able to make his coding work. He smiled as he entered the last lines of code.
Jaune: We have a connection, and we are transmitting.
Nora: The door those things were banging against is okay shape, the other door is perfect.
Pyrrha: I did what I could with my semblance, but it wasn't much. I also crumpled any air vents I saw. Not enough to close them off, but enough that nothing our size could get through them.
Jaune: Ren?
Ren: (Tosses an automatic rifle on the desk Jaune was sitting at.) We have more weapons. There's half a dozen of these in that room, some grenades, and at least ten magazines for each, plus these.
Jaune stood up and with Nora and Pyrrha moved over to the large black case Ren pulled out of the small room. Laying it down, he popped the latches and lifted the top.
Jaune: I haven't seen one of these since I left Ansel.
Nora: It's a gun, right?
Jaune: It's a UA 571-C Automated Sentry gun.
Pyrrha: You know about these, Jaune?
Jaune: Yeah, helped my dad do maintenance and reload runs on the ones around Ansel. We have them mounted on our walls at specific spots. These are in mint condition.
Ren: So you think they might be of any use?
Jaune: I do.
Nora: How?
Jaune: How many do we have?
Ren: Four.
Jaune: Good, then I think what we should do is set two up on the outside of each of the pressure doors. We arm them and then seal the doors. If anything comes towards them that isn't human... they'll go off.
Pyrrha: You sure about that, Jaune?
Jaune: You and Nora both said that door took a beating. We need to do something that will help us hold out. I've got an emergency transmission broadcasting... but we still need to hold out until we receive assistance.
Ren: You sure you know how to set these up?
Jaune: I do. Was there anything else of any use in that locker?
Ren: A few sets of clam-shell body armour.
Jaune: Okay, here's the plan. Everyone is going to get on a suit of body armour, and take one of those rifles. You're going to save your other arms for a last resort. We use up the supplies we found first.
The trio nodded.
Jaune: Then while Ren watches the monitors, Nora, Pyrrha and I will set up the sentry guns. Then we seal the doors and wait it out. With any luck we'll get a response, and be out of here in a few hours.
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lindsaystravelblogs3 · 10 months
Day 69 – Tuesday, 1 August - The Black Sea
We had an early breakfast and were on the bus to take us to the Black Sea before 9am.  It was about 190 kilometres each way, so we spent quite a few hours travelling.  The tour really wasn’t our thing at all, but it was an experience to say the least.  We really wanted to see the Black Sea and we did, so that was certainly worth the trip.
There were twenty-nine people on the tour – all except the two of us were from Arab countries, so they got the lion's share of the guide’s attention, but he did look after us pretty well too.
Our first stop was at a zoo and adventure park – with the inevitable shopping opportunity available to anyone who wanted it.  We didn’t!  Some people paid to go into the zoo section so they could get their photo taken patting an animal (possibly not a tiger or a rattlesnake) and there were plenty of other opportunities to spend some extra lira.  There were a few arcade games, a restaurant, souvenir shops, and a variety of other ripoffs that we ignored completely.  I wandered around looking for birds – heard a few, but saw very little, and nothing of interest – while Heather sat in the shade and read.
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The Zoo fence with examples of what may (or may not) be inside and a quaint umbrella shelter that wouldn't have provided much shelter.
Next stop was at Agva where most of the group paid to go for a ride on a quad bike – there were dozens there and a lot more parked just down the road in case they ran out.  It seemed quite strange seeing the women's hijabs being squeezed into crash helmets and whole families roaring away on a specified trail to catch a thrill or two. They all arrived back safely, although we did see a couple of bikes getting away from their riders.  We had a cold drink while all this was happening – our guide told us that the activity wouldn’t be of interest to us older folk and directed us straight to the restaurant.  And speaking of that, lots of restaurants don’t sell alcoholic drinks of any description.  And you can tell which minimarts are owned by devout and less devout Moslems, according to how their fridges are stocked – with or without beer.  We favour the ‘with’ category.
Then we drove to a river where there was a string of restaurants all overhanging the bank and we had lunch – it was certainly adequate, but not too inspiring. A kilometre further upstream, we boarded some small underpowered boats for a gentle cruise up and back along the river.  I saw a couple of new birds along the way – a cute blue kingfisher probably being the most interesting.
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Passing our restaurant on our river cruise.
We eventually arrived at coastal Sile on the Black Sea (we had had some good views of it from the coach as we drove along) where we all alighted and most of us walked down to the shore about four or five hundred metres away.  We bought a drink on the way and drank it in a pavilion, but it was pretty hot with very little breeze.
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We probably never thought we would see the Black Sea but there it is - and no blacker than any of the others we have seen. But still a big deal for us.
We then walked to the edge of the Sea and Heather sat and watched the crowds while I wandered along the very hot and dusty boardwalk.  I didn’t last long in the heat, so returned to collect Heather for another drink, and eventually returned to get back on the bus and go on to a lake where we stopped for another half hour or so.  There were lots of birds there, but none of any interest – many domestic ducks, pigeons, turkeys, and chooks, but nothing else.  It was quite a pretty lake, but still very touristy.  Despite being a tourist myself, I wish all the other tourists would just go away!
We were back on the bus by about 6 or 6:30 for the long drive back to Istanbul.  The roads all seemed very good, but I think I saw five groups of people changing wheels beside the road, and another with its bonnet up with a bunch of people staring into it with glum looks on their faces.  But worse, just coming into the city, we saw a motor bike that looked as if it had been completely run over by a car and its rider was writhing in pain on the footpath with people trying to calm him down.  Despite the way they drive and ride over here, it is rare to see scratched or bent cars, and this is the first accident we have seen since leaving home.  Scooters, and bikes in particular, roar along at a hundred kph (plus), splitting traffic with a centimetre on either side, swapping lanes with less than a bike-width between the cars they ride between – it is simply amazing that they aren’t building more cemeteries every day.
We arrived home about 9pm and arranged to get dropped off near the supermarket, rather than at our hotel.  We bought a few things we needed for the next two days but ate leftovers for dinner before long-overdue showers and bed.
0 notes
October 29th
Yeah I’m never going to manage to do daily logs, am I?
Today feels like it was at least three days.
It starts out- or rather, technically yesterday ends- with me deciding to take a sleep aid super early so I can get some sleep before making a five hour solo drive.
It worked perfect. I fell asleep around 7 or so and woke up before midnight, absolutely unable to get more sleep even though none of my alarms had gone off yet. I had set alarms for midnight, 2 AM, and 4 AM, just to give me options. Ended up out the door by midnight.
I extracted myself from cuddling my girlfriend, grabbed my and Clover’s stuff, and packed us into the car I was borrowing.
Most of the trip was pretty unremarkable. Did have a minor incident where a car outpaced me and then five minutes later I saw them flipped in a ditch, but another car was stopped already and a cop car pulled over as I was approaching, so I just drove past.
Get to my friend’s place where I’m meant to be ‘staying the weekend’ at around 5 in the morning. We greeted each other- it had been a while- and then I go to the guest room, set up Clover’s kennel, and lay down to try to get some sleep. I don’t end up being able to sleep til after 7, and Clover insisted on waking me up at 9 for breakfast, but still a little more sleep to add on to my tally.
Took her out, fed her breakfast, chatted with my friend’s dad who was there to help him with some stuff, relaxed a bit, had breakfast, and then got ready for graduation.
I intended to get there a little early but between the drive itself and how long it takes to get unloaded by myself, ended up only getting inside with minutes to spare.
Grabbed the name tags for Clover and I and was shown to our ‘pod table’. Clover’s raisers were late, but when the main one got there, it was great! I got to hear about Clover’s shenanigans over the years, and see some adorable photos!
Then everybody was ushered into the main room to our assigned seats. They had a brief presentation about how many volunteers are involved in raising the dogs, had one give a speech, and then showed a presentation of all the graduating teams, their medical issues, and their tasks. Clover was good for the first half, but started getting fidgety after that and by the end was even quietly whining a little.
After that was reception. The donor who paid to name Clover came up to take a photo of us, and two of her other foster parents talked with me for a bit and gave me some puppy photos of her! And apparently the one is making a scrapbook she’s going to send me, along with a comical headband she made for Clover. I’m super excited- one of the few downsides of going through the program for Clover was the lack of puppy photos. I’m so excited to finally get them! I also snuck Clover outside for a break as soon as I could.
After that, one of the program staff came up to me and asked if she could introduce me to another graduating team. She said it was because he was also a long distance (from the program) team, but I got the vibe it was because we were both trans instead. It was still cool talking to him though- he’s had assistance dogs for about 15 years and has been out as trans for almost twice that.
I love meeting trans elders so much. I felt like I bless breaking new ground when I came out not that long ago, it’s so wonderful meeting the people who actually did.
After that, went back to my friend’s house. We introduced his cat to Clover, and it resulted in Clover backing away as the little cat walked menacingly towards her and occasionally hissed. Clover was bullied by a cat a fifth cold her weight at best, the poor baby.
I was missing my girlfriend so I told my friend I was considering heading back early. He asked if I wanted to go to dinner first, and I missed him so an excuse to spend more time (well, less than was planned, but more than if I left immediately) was a very welcome suggestion.
Clover behaved beautifully for dinner (we got sushi), despite how long of a day it had been. I spent some time texting the guy I had met at graduation. As we were getting up to leave, I got my favourite brand of unsolicited comment- surprise from the people who had been seated after us that there was a dog there the whole time.
Went back to my friend’s place, packed up my stuff, and hit the road. The first hour and a half or so went per normal. I was a little sleepy, but nibbled on a snack I had packed for that purpose to wake me up. I don’t know why eating wakes me up, but it does so reliably. It was even mostly a straight shot, other than stopping when the gas light came on to fill up. I had intended to fill up earlier, but got distracted.
And then. Then, all of a sudden, the hood flew up and crashed against the windshield. It took me half a second to process, but then I hunched down to peek through the gap and managed to pull over and put the hazards on.
I get out and try to close the hood only to find that it has been bent far too out of shape to close. I also called the car’s owner to fill them in and ask what to do. I only panicked and cried a little. They stayed on the phone with me until I could get to a gas station, to take a better look, and reminded me they had an emergency kit in their trunk.
The hood stayed down for the way-too-long trek to the gas station, but I didn’t trust it so I strapped it down as well, just grill to bumper. Just enough for a little added security. The car’s owner thinks the latch may have rusted through and broken, but I wonder if I somehow did something. No, I don’t know what. Yes, that may be my anxiety speaking. But I don’t know enough to know that I’m not responsible.
I drove the rest of the way back with no incidents, and dropped the car off at the mechanic. My girlfriend picked me up from there and I immediately hugged her and started shaking. I tore myself away to transfer my stuff (and Clover) from car to car, and then gratefully climbed in the passenger seat.
At that point I kinda shut down. If I let myself feel my emotions, I started breaking down; if I let myself think I started spiraling, and if I let myself feel the pain my body was in from almost 12 hours of driving and a full day of activities I might scream. My girlfriend noticed, tried to do small talk, and held my hand the whole way.
Finally get back to my place, ditch my stuff in the entry way, fix my bed up from the child stealing it while I was gone (mostly- my support bar is pulled out for some reason, but that can be fixed tomorrow) and snuggle into my girlfriend… and immediately start just about breaking down again. So I shut my brain up once more, except my heart is still well into the triple digits and the tears won’t stop even though the head is empty.
And now every time I try to sleep my brain starts spiralling again. So I’m trying to distract myself. So far all I’ve managed to do though is kill time. I even messaged my discord servers that I might be a little sporadic the next few days. And then promptly read every channel I had missed today. My girlfriend has to leave early tomorrow for prior plans. I just want to cuddle her. And my brain refuses to cooperate.
Honestly, I mostly came back to this log for today in hopes that writing it down will let me be able to sleep. Or at least cuddle without falling to the Bad Thoughts.
For the record, they seem to mostly be decided into two camps- one, the incident going far far worse than it did and two, how horrible I am for letting it happen/causing it. Somewhat how much punishment I deserve for the latter.
Fucked up on that aspect, my brain is. I may be wrong, but I think most people would be like ‘I did something bad and I’m not being punished? Lucky break, I’ll make sure to never do that thing again’ and my brain is just like ‘I’m not being punished? I’ll punish myself! Far worse than anyone else probably even would.’ Not sure if it’s a trauma thing or a kink thing, but it’s definitely weird.
Birds are singing outside. Shouldn’t they be south for the winter by now? But they’ve made me aware that it is five AM. I need to at least try and sleep again.
0 notes
salaciousdoll · 2 years
The Return of the Fling
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Pairing: Bonten! Ran Haitani x Fem!Reader
Warnings: No plot( to me), black coded reader, a bit of Yan! Ran, Filthy Smut, Dumbfication, Breeding Kink, Bimbofication sloppy top, Face fucking, Cum eating, Mating press, Hard fucking, Sugar baby! Reader, Sugar daddy! Ran, No gag reflex, slight hint at cheating Ran( not on reader)
Wc: 968
My piece for Valentine’s Day even though I’m late ☺️
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You and Ran always hit it off up until he had recently gotten a girlfriend.
You didn’t want to deal with the drama that comes with that, so you left. Leaving gave you more and new opportunities for yourself more than anything. Did you miss him? You couldn’t say. Did you miss his dick? Yes, yes you did.
Fucking with Ran was a come up honestly because for one, he spoiled you until there was possibly nothing in the black card. Meaning never, he never stopped spoiling you even when he’s with someone else.
Even when he’s sending you flowers, Dior heels, Telfar bags, and so much more.even when he brought you card and mansions. You were his baby but he wasn’t yours. He knew that and you knew that.
That’s why he’s balls deep inside of your mouth, fucking into it without no remorse while grabbing onto the hair he paid for to get done.
“ Fuck, baby, just like that, suck that cock. You’re a hungry whore now? All for me, me who you said couldn’t get none anymore, right?”, Ran groans as he holds your head, moving in and out at a rapid pace.
Nothing but wet noises and your moans on his dick could be heard as a response from you because he was so balls deep that you felt like you had food allergies and your mouth was closing up.
“ You’re gonna take my cock like the greedy whore you are? You’re my bitch now! Unghh fuck!”, Ran moans as he watches your face contort in pain and hunger. He watched with hooded lilac eyes as you take him into your mouth with no fucking Gag reflex. Just like he likes it.
Pearl tears crashed against your eyelash line while spit was now dripping down your mouth onto your open chest, “ Mmgh!”
“ That’s right Baby doll! Nghhh s-shit, Take my cum like the fucking good girl I’ve trained you to be!”, Ran moans while his big heavy balls slapped against your cheek. One hand grabbed your hair while another hand slapped you over and over.
Nothing but whiteness could be shown in your eyes as you tried to maintain eye contact with him. You couldn’t, so you closed your eyes and just sat there like a proclaimed trained doll ready for whatever someone gives her.
“ Look at you, fucking brain dumb. All because my f-fucking cock down your tiny little throat. Fuck! That fucking bulge just drove me to the fucking hnghhh!”, Ran moans, throwing his head back as he comes to a stop. He was now just exploding inside of your mouth with a blank mind consuming his actual mind. He was the one who was dumb down now.
You happily swallowed every last drop of his salty, but tasty cum. He thrusted one more time and then pulled out, “ Lemme see, open up that pretty little mouth.”
“ Aah.”, You say as you open your mouth wide and show the last bit of cum he gave to you. You gargle it before swallowing it, “ That was so fun, daddy. You better get home or she’ll f-”
He chuckled before feeling himself growing hard again, “ We broke up, now get on the bed and open that pussy up for me.”
Deep down inside you were screaming because you missed this dick and he’s not with her no more, so double win for you.
You got on the bed and slowly opened up your legs showing your wet dripping pussy to him, using two manicured fingers to spread your hot pussy, “ Please, fuck me up, Ran.”
Ran chuckled, “ Don’t worry I am.” As he said that, he gripped your legs and pushed them back before using one hand to push inside of your pussy he was feigning for.
“ Mmgh, fuck. Give it to me!”, You moaned while throwing your head back against the pillow. Ran put his head in your neck and hook them back up properly before digging inside of your pussy like his life depends on it.
The vibrations of your bodies moving and the moan he was letting out without a care in the world, “ Mmm, fuck, I missed this pussy. How dare you try to take this pussy away from me? Oh fuck!”
You couldn’t even answer because he was slamming inside of you at a rapid pace. He was fucking you like he was in heat and you loved every second of it.
“ Nnnghh, fuck R-Ran you keep fucking me like this, imma cum.”, You moaned as you raked your nails down his back hearing his hiss at the feeling. You thought that would slow him down, but it didn’t. It only made him go even faster.
You couldn’t take his big cock going in and out of you at a pace you’ve never seen him fuck like that before, “ Take this dick, come on. You can do it baby, hold it until I get there.”
You groaned before he started pulsing inside of you. Ran took his arms from under your thighs and out them under your ass before lifting your up, fucking you back onto him while he was still pounding inside of you.
“ Unghhhh fuck! Yes baby, I’m about to give you a child, you’re whore ass would like that wouldn’t you? Fuck you, y/n!”, Ran moans as tears crowed his vision just a little bit as he bit into your neck while you clenched and unclenched around his pulsing and cumming cock.
“ Fuck!!, I love you too, Ran!”, You yelled out as your gates opened and cum flooded his cock, some even dripping out and down his cock.
Ran chuckled, “ I’m never letting you out of my sight ever again, Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“ Happy Valentine’s Day, Ran.”, You say before kissing his sweaty forehead.
Tags: @dejwrites @simpingforle0valdez0414 @bontens-angel ( lemme know if you don’t want to be tagged in anything else that doesn’t concern what you requested).
Lemme know if you want to be added to my taglist💞
Ps: This my first short fic☺️
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ystrike1 · 2 years
Leylin of Turin - By Na Yoo Hye (6/10)
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I can't do it. The art is pretty. The yandere pretends to be submissive but he's black and rotten on the inside. I guess that's good. That's a a decent yandere concept. Uh. The...that's it. Everything else is bland and none of the characters are charming at all. Even the yandere is kind of a snorefest.
Leylin of Turin is perfect. She is destined to become the one and only Grand Duchess. She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth and a thousand servants. She has it all, but nobody likes her because she's cripplingly insecure and paranoid.
Just kidding.
That would actually be a fairly unique and engaging premise.
That version of Leylin died.
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This is a reincarnation novel isekai because of course it is, and that makes it even more unbearably boring. The original Leylin was more interesting than her reincarnated version. The original Leylin was a neglected wife that went crazy from lonliness and abused her son. She didn't get any respect or love from anyone, including her husband Damien. So, she turned into a bitter woman that eventually commited suicide. I would love this webtoon if it was about the original Leylin. If the original Leylin turned back time before her death that would be interesting. Then we would get to watch a woman with nothing try again. Her death also drove her husband crazy, even though he never paid attention to her or his son. Why? Did he secretly adore his pathetic, unpopular, political marriage partner? We'll never know. That's a decent plot, but sadly the author just throws it out.
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The tragic Lady Leylin dies and a Korean highschooler takes her place. The new Leylin is literally nothing like the original. She's smart and kind and resourceful. She's also an adorable child that everyone hails as a genius. She works extra hard because she doesn't want to die like the original Leylin. Every character sings her praises constantly.
It's aggravating.
Bring back the original bitchy Leylin!
Please! Reincarnate me into that story instead!
Ok so new Leylin gets the perfect childhood. Her only two flaws are being too skinny and her "serious" illness. Magic exists in this world, but Leylin got unlucky for once. Magic leaks out of her at random. She can't control it. When it drains out she loses some of her life force. When she finally runs out of mana she'll die. Her brother has been giving her his mana to help her survive.
That's potentially interesting. Yay!
(Don't get your hopes up.)
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Leylin's brother Cedric used to hate old Leylin for... pretty much no reason. They were half siblings not full siblings. Some manipulative maids tricked them into fighting each other, and then Cedric sold old Leylin into a loveless marriage.
What an asshole.
New Leylin kisses Cedric's arse, so naturally he falls for her. He tells the maids to stop looking down on his cute, obedient sister. Then he buys new tutors that acknowledge what a genius she is. Those royal tutors heap gifts onto her until the other children in high society get jealous. When Leylin faints because of her illness a girl named Marianne gets blamed. Marianne's entire family gets ruined because she "offended" Leylin. It's a misunderstanding but Leylin doesn't fix it. Her overprotective tutors pounce on Marianne and kick her out of high society. Her family falls into ruin too.
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All because Leylin fainted. Marianne did insult her, but Marianne was also like... twelve. The point is I feel bad for Marianne. All of these reincarnation story authors don't seem to understand how creepy the age gap is. New Leylin's soul is at least fifteen years older than her young girl friends. She has every unfair advantage. No I'm not impressed by an ADULT "beating" a TWELVE YEAR OLD. These kinds of scenes bother me. They're yucky.
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Um...am I supposed to be cheering for new Leylin? She's an opportunistic, cowardly person that acts cute on purpose. Everybody loves her because she knows how to kiss ass. All of her relationships and friendships feel super janky. We are definitely supposed to love new Leylin. Everybody does unconditionally, but she sucks and she's boring. The only good thing about her character is her pipe. She smokes medical herbs because her body is weak. After she gets older she needs them to mitigate her pain. That's actually cool, but Leylin herself is bleh. The scene were she meets Damien is ok too, but it feels so forced. Leylin just meets him randomly in the woods.
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Leylin's magic disease allows her to cure the mad prince Damien with a single touch. She starts eating his magic instead of her brother's, and that mutually benefits both of them. Damien was born with too much magic. He can't sleep. He hallucinates sometimes. He always gets migraines. He used to accidentally kill people with bursts of magic as a child. Leylin's mere touch cures him. He was old Leylin's husband too, so new Leylin doesn't trust him. Is that the conflict? No. She's willing to marry him for the sake of Turin anyway.
Sidenote: The original Leylin did not have this disease, and it is the only reason why Damien falls in love with new Leylin. Did the author forget to include the romance part of this romance? It feels like they skipped a few steps. Most of them. Maybe all of them.
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Damien kneels before her and vows to be her loyal slave husband after less than an hour. Her brother hovers around her protectively the whole time and they fight about who loves Leylin more. The "who loves Leylin the most" fight repeats ten times. Cedric doesn't have a personality outside of loving Leylin. Damien is worse, because he's clearly just in love with her because of her healing touch.
No, seriously.
The author completely bungles the romance. There isn't much chemistry between the main couple. Damien just kisses her holy hands all the time and dreams about locking her away.
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He is a yandere. I don't doubt that. He will never love anybody but Leylin, and he will always worship her. All of the flashbacks with old Leylin are painful. He always just dismisses her because...well...his infinite mana was always making him suffer. He couldn't love old Leylin properly. He had an eternal migraine. Damien would not have fallen for new Leylin if she didn't have this bullshit disease that wasn't in the original story setting.
Damn you author!
Why would you constantly taunt me with a better story and make me read this? Why? Are you scared of writing a retribution arc for an abusive mother? I bet that was it. Why write an actual dark yandere story when you could chuck another high schooler into a castle? I'm sure people aren't bored of that yet!!!! hahaha!!!
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Damien has a dark past, but it doesn't matter. Nothing matters except Leylin. We have to watch every character praise Leylin every day. Praise Leylin! She said one nice thing once and then she fainted. She is clearly the greatest woman in this empire.
STOP writing mediocre protagonists! Nobody wants wish fulfilment reincarnation junk like this. It's boring! It's stale! It's nothing! It's a waste of good art!
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dreamescapeswriting · 3 years
Our Girl ~ OT7 [Request] [M]
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PAIRING: OT7 X Fem!Reader
GENRE: Porn...Just literally porn with a little backstory, established-relationship, Groupie for BTS, gang bang, oral both f and m receiving, derogatory terms, pet names, cum play, use of toys, swearing, anal
A/N: I am still trying to get the hang of ot7 smut so this is probably a little tame but I hope this is okay for you my love! 
WARNING: Not realistic, this is just fictional and the anon said anything goes so I went for this kind of scienero, please don’t come for me about it not being “realistic”
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There wasn't much to know about your relationship with the boys, it was one that had to be kept under extreme secrecy from everyone. Not even your friends and family could know what you really did for your job.
"Y/n? You okay?" You glanced over at Yoongi and nodded your head at him. Over the past seven years of working for BigHit and the boys, you'd grown extremely close with each of them. Well, you had to be close to them all since they were regularly sleeping with you, not all at once. It had been decided that the boys needed that in their lives since they were famous and couldn't exactly have "normal" relationships you were brought in. At first, it freaked you out, you were getting paid to let seven different guys fuck you but as time went on and you spent more and more time with each of the boys you began to develop and grow feelings for them. Eventually falling in love with them and in turn, them falling in love with you. It was difficult to accept at first but you all came to arrangements with one another, spending each night with one boy doing whatever you wanted. Date nights, chill nights, whatever you fancied. Tonight it was Friday which meant it was your night with Yoongi, 
"Yeah, just tired." You whispered as you snuggled your head down into his neck, trying to keep your attention on the movie he'd put on but you were too tired to focus on anything. 
"Did we scare you with our question earlier?" The question. You thought back on what they had asked you and it wasn't a completely outlandish request but it was something that worried you. Since being together none of you had engaged in a sexual encounter with more than three of you but the boys expressed wanting to try something with all of them and you. 
"No, I just...I don't know how it would work." You admitted as you glanced up at him, he reached forward to pause the movie before sighing and looking at you. 
"You know it would never happen unless you were 100% okay with it...But we'd thought everything through, we'd look after you throughout it..." He began cupping your face in his hand, rubbing his thumb across your cheek as he smiled at you reassuringly. With the boys by your side, you felt as though you could do anything but this was something else. All seven of them wanting to have sex with you, you didn't know if that meant trying to share you or if the boys would be together and, as if he could read your mind, Yoongi chuckled softly at you. 
"Nothing would happen between the boys, we all want to be with you...You don't have to but we just thought we could suggest it." It wasn't as though the thought was completely new to you, you'd thought about it many times before but now that the opportunity was presenting itself it was a little nerve-wracking to say the very least.
"You don't have to give us an answer right now, we can wait." He promised you as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and smiled at you. Yoongi was one of the boys you got along with most in the group, the two of you rarely had sex unless he wanted to get his anger out through sex or because he was extremely needy so your days together were normally spent binge-watching shows, movies or watching him work while you did some of your own hobbies.
"I'll keep thinking about it," You promised him, looking back at the screen before back at him with pleading eyes. You wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed beside him and fall asleep and he could tell that by one look at you. 
"Fine, but I'm keeping the movie on...Get comfortable," He grumbled as he laid down on the bed with you, pressing play while you snuggled against him falling asleep within a matter of minutes. He smiled down at your sleeping figure and kissed the top of your head, 
"Love you, baby." He whispered before watching the movie once again.
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A month after your date night with Yoongi you finally told the boys you would be comfortable doing what they wanted to do but then nothing happened. No one spoke about it again and no one brought it up with you, deciding that they probably lost interest you never brought it up either.
"H-Hobi," You breathed out as your hands ran through his hair, his lips were attached to your clit as he ate you out in his room, smirking against your core as you let out the most beautiful moans for him. You were blindfolded and laid on the bed for your date night with him. Hoseok was always looking for new ways to spice things up in the bedroom so you figured this was just his new way of doing that with you,
"Don't stop!" You cried out as your head began to spin and the pit in your stomach began to deepen, you could feel your orgasm building up with each flick of Hoseok's tongue and thrust of his fingers inside of you. 
"F-Fuck!" You screamed clenching around his fingers as a wave of euphoria washed over you, cumming all over his fingers as you screamed out his name loudly. Holding his head against your core as you came down from your high, panting heavily as he slowly removed the blindfold from your eyes. 
"You're so sexy when you pant like that," Your eyes snapped over to the corner of the room where Namjoon was sitting in a chair, a tent in his pants and he slowly ran the palm of his hand over it. 
"J-Joonie?" You stuttered out as Hoseok stood up, wiping the corners of his mouth and letting out a small moan from the way you tasted. 
"Doesn't she just have the cutest moans," Hoseok said in a cocky tone, turning to look at the bedroom door where Yoongi and Jimin were standing holding a small bag in their hands. A bright pink bag which you knew the contents of. It was Jimin's sex bag. Everything he used on you was in there from toys to items he could use to tie you up with, everything that excited you both.
"We asked Hoseok to warm you up for us," Jin said as he watched you, it was coming to your attention that all of the boys were in the room now and watching you. 
"T-This is happening tonight?" You asked, your eyes bouncing between all of them as you grew wetter at the thought of it. Despite just cumming hard over Hoseok's fingers the thought of having them all here was exciting you more than you thought it would. 
"Look at that, legs clenching together at the thought of us all taking you in one night," Taehyung smirked as he crawled over to you on the bed, running his hands between your thighs to show off your core to everyone in the room. 
"Such a sticky, pretty little mess." Jungkook approved as he licked his lips, kneeling down on the floor in front of you as he blew cold air against your throbbing clit making you roll your head back. Taehyung attached his lips to your neck and began kissing softly, biting into your skin in the places he knew drove you crazy, 
"How is-" You stopped talking to let out a moan as soon as Jungkook ran his index finger through your folds, 
"How is this going to work?" Your eyes glanced over at Jin who was normally the level-headed one in situations but all he did was wink at you before Jungkook's lips were attached to your already sensitive clit.
"O-Oh fuck!" You cried out rolling your head back as you laid down on the bed, back arching as he continued to eat you out aggresively. It was the way he got whenever he was jealous of the other guys, even though you were dating each of them Jungkook was still a little sensitive when it came to sharing you.
"Jungkook-AH!" You screamed out as he slid two of his fingers into you and began curling them up, your head was spinning as you rolled your hips up to meet the thrust of his fingers. 
"Such a good little slut for us," Taehyung cooed as he reached over to your face and began stroking your cheek, making you look at him as he pulled himself free from his trousers making your mouth water. 
All you did was part your lips for him and he smirked at you before running the tip of his cock along your bottom lip. 
"T-Tae! I want it," You begged him, sticking out your tongue for even a taste of him as he and the others all chuckled. Your head was spinning from Jungkook's actions but you begged Taehyung to let you taste him until he sat you up into a crunching position, 
"Now be a good little girl and suck," He told you as you took him into your mouth instantaneously, swirling your tongue around the head of his cock while your hand massaged the rest of his length.
By know the boys were all naked and watching you, Namjoon was pumping himself while Yoongi and Hoseok watched in awe of what Jungkook was doing.
"Jimin, isn't there something in that bag for her?" Your eyes glanced over at Jimin as you let out a moan around Taehyung's cock. 
"Don't look at him." He growled making your eyes dart back up at him as you moaned out again. 
"C-Close!" You screamed as Jungkook continued to aggressively eat you out, thrusting his fingers deeper into you until he suddenly stopped and you felt your orgasm being pulled away from you. 
"W-What-" You let out a loud moan as you felt Jungkook suddenly slide into you and you clenched around him. 
"F-Fuck, Jungkook I thought we were waiting to enter her until Jimin gave her, her present." A disappointed sounding Taehyung whined as he watched Jungkook slowly thrust into you, making you cry out as your back arched back. Taehyung pumped himself while watching you cry out in pleasure from his younger band member. 
"Faster," You panted looking at Jungkook who continued with his agonisingly slow yet hard thrusts making you whine out in displeasure. 
"Here, Hyung." Jungkook took Jimin by the hand and smiled down at you as you stared up at him in confusion. Jimin's hand ran through your folds as Jungkook continued to thrust into you, 
"Do you think we'll need lube or is the little whore wet enough?" You cried out as he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts, Jimin's hand moving out of the way as Jungkook dragged you to the edge of the bed thrusting insanely fast making your head spin. 
"J-Jungkook....I-I can't- I-I need to cum." You threw your head back as your second orgasm ripped through your body more powerful than the first you came around Jungkook's cock before he came into you, spilling his hot seed before grunting and biting down on your neck. 
"I-I didn't want my turn to be over," He mumbled before moving away from your legs and going to clean himself up in the corner. 
"On all fours princess," Namjoon praised as he looked at you, you got onto the floor before getting down on your hands and knees looking up at him for approval. 
"Such a good girl, you're our good girl right?" You nodded at him as he stood in front of you, cock right in your face as you licked your lips at the sight of it. 
"Jimin," Namjoon looked behind you so you glanced over your shoulder to see Jimin with a bottle of lube and a small butt plug for you. It wasn't something new, you'd been using them for a while with him and Yoongi.
"D-Do it," You giggled, wiggling your hips as you turned back to look at Namjoon, stretching your hand out to take him into your mouth but he swatted your hand away and thrust into your mouth. Holding onto the back of your head as he did small thrusts moaning out loudly,
"So pretty being stuffed full of cock." Jimin praised as he rubbed the lube around your hold, thrusting two fingers into you before gently pushing the cold metal plug into your ass making you cry out around Namjoon. 
"D-Do that again," Namjoon panted as he looked at Jimin who pulled the plug out before pushing it back in making you cry out around Namjoon again who grunted. 
"I-I think she likes that, do you like that princess?" You nodded your head around Namjoon's cock before he pulled out and cupped your chin in his hands. 
"Do you want someone to fuck you in the ass baby?" You nodded at Namjoon's question and the plug was pulled out once again. 
"J-Jimin," You pleaded as you looked over at him, his cock pressed against the entrance as you moaned out.
Spreading your cheeks apart Jimin moaned out loudly as he slid into you, both of you moaning in sync with one another as Namjoon slipped back into your mouth. 
"I can't wait any longer," Yoongi grumbled laying down on the floor underneath you as he rubbed his cock at your core, smirking as he watched your eyes scrunching together. It was nothing new having one of them fuck you in the ass while the other fucked your cunt but you were already feeling full. 
"Look at that, she just loves being filled with cock," Yoongi praised as he began sucking on your nipples, guiding his cock into your wet cunt as you moaned around Namjoon sending him over the edge. 
You swallowed every drop before giggling up at him and moaning out as Jimin and Yoongi timed their thrusts with one another. 
"Jimin! Y-Yoongi!" You gripped onto the carpet floor as your head rolled forward, thoughts racing as they continued to thrust into you. 
Jin stood in front of you as he began smirking and rubbing his cock,
"Tell us what you want," He smirked pumping himself faster he continued to watch your eyes roll back as you cried out mumbles of their names. Begging them to let you cum as you continued to roll your hips back. 
"Please, I-I want to cum!" You screamed out as Jimin slapped your ass and smirked as you clenched around him and Yoongi. 
"You wanna cum? What happens after that baby?" Jimin slapped your ass again as he asked you the question and you screamed out in pleasure. Yoongi's thumb made its way to your clit and began rubbing as your screams grew louder. Sweat was beginning to run down your face as they continued to fuck into you. 
"Y-You can cum all over me, claim me as yours." You screamed out as you continued to roll your hips, Jimin exchanged a look with Jin who nodded. Jimin began picking up the pace as did Yoongi until your head began to spin. It was as if you had static in your brain as you felt your orgasm coming closer to you. 
"FUCK YES!" You screamed out as you gripped onto the carpet, your toes curling as the pleasure ripped through your body, your head thrashing back as you came around Yoongi. 
The boys pulled out of you and you let out a dissatisfied whine as you realised neither of them had cum but now all seven of them were standing in front of you pumping themselves. 
"Be a good girl and open your mouth," Jin smirked as he looked at you, you did as you were told parting your lips and sticking out your tongue as each of them began to let out loud groans of your name. 
"S-Shit," You stared up at Jungkook who was the first one to cum and you giggled as he shot his load onto your cheeks and some into your mouth. Next was Taehyung who thrust into your mouth as he came making you look into his eyes as you swallowed every drop. 
"F-Fuck." He grunted as you swirled your tongue around his tip before moving on to Yoongi and Namjoon, you began pumping them with your hands before squeezing both of their tips into your mouth and pumping them until they came loudly, cumming in your mouth and over your tits as you giggled at them happily.
"Our turn," Jin said as he looked at Hoseok and Jimin who were crowding around you, you looked up at each of them switching your mouth between them until all three of them grunting and came onto your face without warning making you whimper. 
"Our dirty little girl," Jin moaned out as he went to go and get you a washcloth to clean up with and Hoseok went to run you a bubble bath. 
It was safe to say that wasn't the last time it would be happening but you all agreed to keep it for special occasions or when you were feeling really needy since it drained you so much.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @rjsmochii​ @taestannie​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @jin-from-the-block​ @acciocriativity​ @that-anxious-bisexual​ @mwitsmejk​
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milk-carton-whump · 2 years
This story came about cuz @cowboy-anon wanted a sad boy tied up for Christmas and essentially I ended up doodling that but then we got swept up in the moment and here's a story based off that character.
CW: pet whump, cage, abandoned whumpee, pet whumpee, some dehumanizing language, neglected whumpee, emotional whump
It'd been forever since either of his masters had paid him any attention, aside from feeding him and adding water to his bowl. So long since he'd been hit or pet, given attention in any capacity and it made him crave the attention. 
Now to his surprise, Master Dear had come home but was later than usual. The man also had something new with him… or someone, a new pet. 
He would be lying if he said he wasn't excited for a playmate. Maybe they'd be someone he play with or hug or take punishments with him. He sat up in his too small cage, smacking his head on the bars as he had to stay bent over. 
"Master! Master!! Is that a new pet for us?" He chirps up in a sore and raspy voice.
"ZERO! I never told you to speak. Now, I don't want you talking to or touching Paris. Understand, mutt??" Master Dear snapped at him. 
Zero shrunk back against the wall of his cage, nodding in understanding. 
Days passed until they became months, Zero watched as Paris was given everything he used to get. Time to cuddle and special trips to get treats. Master Dear invited Paris onto the couch in Zero's old spot while Mistress Sweetheart let the new pet eat scraps. 
It made him wonder what Paris had that he didn't, pretty chocolate hair that looked soft in comparison to his dirty gray tangles. A nice body that seemed to be perfect for holding in comparison to his boney and slender frame. Lastly was Paris' melodic voice, carrying in the air like a songbird while his was harsh like a scratched record. 
But, Zero used to have a pretty name once, soft silver curls, a perfect figure for hugging, and a soft spoken voice, all things that had been perfect for the pair. He didn't know what happened, he'd been a gift, a sign of love from Master Dear to Mistress Sweetheart. 
An entire year passed since Paris had come home, replacing him or so he thought. Master Dear came over to his cage and unlocked the door, clipping a leash to his collar. This was different, it was new. Maybe they'd changed their minds, they still loved him… well in his heart he knew they always had. 
"Come on Zero, we're going on a car ride." Master Dear said in his old kind tone, one that made Zero's heart melt. 
His legs struggled to hold him, having not held his full weight for well over a year or more he didn't keep track of that kind of thing. He pushed through, needing to prove himself as good still. And it must've worked as he was allowed in the front seat, a luxury he hadn't been granted in a long long time. 
He watched as houses passed out the window, people and trees, the outside world sped by. He missed these moments, maybe he'd be going to get a bath or nice clothes like Paris got. What else made this special to him was that it was just him and his Master.
The car slowed to a stop on the side of the road and Master Dear climbed out of the driver's seat, picking Zero up out of the car and setting him beside a street sign. He watch as his leash was tied to the sign, at least now he couldn't get lost he considered. 
"Zero. Stay. I'll be back." Master Dear said and pet the boy's head.
Zero was starved of all touch, he greedily soaked up the short touch that was over all too soon. He yearned for it to return, wanting that affectionate touch to be given back. He'd missed it so much.
Now he watched as the man stepped back and climbed back in the car. Watching as the car drove away. He stayed, perfectly aware that the man would come back for him as promised, Master Dear would never lie to him. 
Hours passed and the cars that passed weren't familiar, none were Master's car. The longer he waited, the more confused he became, wondering where the man had gone and ran every possible incident through his head as to why he hadn't returned. 
As the sun came up the next day, Zero was huddled to the post he'd been tied to. He was waiting for a man who would never come for him, he knew that deep down. However, he wouldn't accept that as his heart broke, weighing heavily in his chest. Even as a voice called to him, he found no motivation to lift his head. 
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mistersshelby · 3 years
I have an idea for the story. So, maybe Thomas Shelby would be invited to a party to do some business but all of the guests would be speaking in different language (unfamiliar to Thomas) and he would ask the reader to come to the party to translate it (she would be almost native to it) and the guests would hit on her all the time and even though Tom and reader are not together he would be veeeeeeery jealous of her!!! (We love some good jealous Thomas) It’s just an idea, I hope you liked it! 😊
sorry this took so long!! hope you like it! also just disclaimer i don't actually speak german anything i used here i used google translate for so i'm sorry if it's incorrect!!
questions, comments, concerns
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“Business with the Germans?” You frown, “I didn’t know you worked with the Germans.”
“The alliance is new. Will you do it?” You’re sitting across from Tommy in his office and he looks rather bored, “I’ll pay you extra.”
You smirk, “Can I get a new dress?”
He sighs, “Sure.”
“Okay.” You fold your hands in your lap, “I’ll do it.”
“Great.” He says dismissively, “I’ll pick you up at 7.” He pushes some cash across his desk, “Go pick out a dress.”
You eagerly take the cash and leave his office. Tommy never took you on business. You had always hoped he would, but you knew for the most part he only ever asked you to check over the books for him, needing your patience and attention to detail. But now, now he needed your German. And you got to wear a pretty dress.
Tommy was silent as he drove you to the party. The only instructions he gave were to not let anyone know that you spoke German, at least at first. Easy enough. After being in Birmingham for so long you were more capable of sounding like a native Brummie than a German anyway. Though your mother had left Germany with you long before the Great War, you knew the way the Brits saw Germans and so you had removed every trace of your native country from yourself.
“You’re German.” Tommy had said the day you sat across from him, to apply for the secretarial position.
“Yes.” You swallowed tightly. You knew a decorated war vet like Tommy was highly unlikely to hire a German, but you had to try. You were out of money and you needed a job.
“When did you leave your home country?”
“1910, sir.”
“And who did you support in the war?”
You opened and closed your mouth, “I was still quite a young girl then, sir, I knew nothing of politics.”
He carefully leaned forward at his desk and folded his hands in front of him. You avoided his eyes, “Which side?”
“I supported the Allied Forces, sir. I like living here, I supported my new home.” You say quietly, still unable to meet his eyes.
“You don’t sound German.” He says.
You look up at that, “When the war started I made sure I sounded like true Brummie. I think you know what patriotic men do to women from the enemy country.” You recalled a memory of being backed into an alley by two Englishmen who had heard you mutter something in German while in a shop. “I rarely speak German anymore.”
“But you can?”
“Yes,” You say and smile sadly, “Sprechen erinnert es mich an meine Mutter.”
He had no idea what you had just said, but it made no difference, “Good.” He took out a cigarette and lit it, “You’re hired.”
You think now as you sit in this car that even all that time ago, Tommy must have foreseen that he would need someone around who spoke German. 
Though you had looked forward to this party all evening, you felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest as Tommy walked you inside, “Stay close to me and just listen.” Is all he says and you manage a nod.
Hearing the cacophony of German as you entered the room nearly brought you to tears. You loved England and were proud to be English now, but you hadn’t been in a room with so many Germans since you were barely a girl and the nostalgia rushed through you. You thought of family parties, your father sneaking you a sip of beer when your mother wasn’t looking, the smell of her potato pancakes filling the whole house.
“Are you alright?” Tommy asked, noticing the expression on your face.
You shook off the memories, “Fine.”
Tommy grabbed two champagne flutes off the waiter’s tray and handed one to you as an older man approached him, flanked by two associates.
He spoke to Tommy in heavily accented English about a deal. It didn’t concern you and they were speaking English so you directed your attention elsewhere and found there were several sets of eyes on you. You were one of maybe two women that were in the room currently and you found yourself sweating beneath their predatory gazes.
And then one of the associates of the man who spoke to Tommy said something lowly and German and you had to hide your blush. Tommy sensed your change in behavior and forced a smile, “Excuse us a moment,” He takes your arm and drags you from the room, “What did he say?”
You open and close your mouth, “Tommy, it had nothing to do with the business, it’s fine.”
He narrows his eyes at you, “They said something about you. They know you’re German.”
You sigh, “No, but with the way you just pulled me out of there, I’m sure they do now.”
“What did he say?” He repeats.
You chewed the inside of your cheek and sighed, “They want to have a go at me as well in addition to… The weapons that you seem to be selling them.”
He stares at you and then nods, “You can let them know you speak German now.” And then walks back to the men without waiting for you.
You frown to yourself and then walk back to Tommy. When you return, they’re speaking business again and the one who suggested he wanted to fuck you stares you down again. You look away.
He elbows the man talking to Tommy, “Sag ihm, ich will Zeit mit seiner Hure oder es wird keinen Deal geben.” Tell him I want time with his whore or there will be no deal.
You finally look at him, the disgust evident on your face, “Ich bin keine Hure und wenn du mich berührst, werde ich sicherstellen, dass du mit einer Hand weniger gehst.” 
The men pale and Tommy leans to your ear, “What just happened?”
“He insisted on fucking me and I told him if he touched me he’d leave without his hand.”
Tommy couldn’t hide the smirk on his face as he turned back to the Germans who still had yet to regain their color.
“You brought a German with you?” The first one said.
“Well, I didn’t want to be at a disadvantage seeing as I’m the only Englishman here, surely you understand. It appears you’ve upset her as well,” He clicks his tongue, “That’s not a very good idea.”
“My men are not afraid of your small woman, Mr. Shelby, and they still feel that since you brought her here she is fair game--”
“I think she made it perfectly clear that no one will be laying a hand on her,” He stepped to the man, “You may not be afraid of her, but you should be very afraid of me. And I don’t take kindly to my associates being disrespected.” He steps back, “Now we can resume the business or we’re leaving. Your choice.”
“You forget, Mister Shelby, that you are outnumbered here.”
Tommy smiles, nodding, “You think I would come alone. I brought a German with me, none of you thought to consider that I would prepare in that way. Do you really want to take the gamble that no one else is with me?”
The Germans hesitantly looked around the room. You were fairly certain Tommy was bluffing, but he could have men waiting outside that he hadn’t told you about. If you were the Germans, you wouldn’t take the gamble. Tommy was fuckin’ ruthless, you’d witnessed it first hand, but he was also clever as hell. Could probably outsmart every person in this room. You would never bet against him.
Suddenly, the Germans smile, “Why don’t you and your woman enjoy the party, eh? The business can wait.”
Tommy stares for a moment before smirking, “Pleasure, gentlemen.” And then he leads you away.
You exhale in relief and Tommy notices, “I’m sorry.”
“No,” You frown, “No, don’t be sorry.” And then you smile, “This is the most alive I’ve felt in years.”
He manages a small smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes, “Go enjoy yourself, then. We’ll leave in an hour or two.” And then he’s gone before you can protest.
Before you know it, there’s another man next to you. He has kind eyes, “Sprichst du Deutsch?” He asks.
You nod, offering him a shy smile, “Ja.”
Tommy had disappeared into a dark corner, perplexed by the sudden feeling he needed to protect you, needing to drown it in alcohol. He was watching you still, the easy way you talked to the men who ate up your smiles and shy glances. You were kind, good. And yet, when you bit back at those Germans like a Rottweiler he thought maybe you had been hiding something from him. These men would rue the day they underestimated you, he was sure of it. He was beginning to regret it himself especially as he saw the glint of a knife tucked away in your hair disguised as a clip, something he certainly had not told you to bring.
They all eat you up, and you’re polite, but you keep looking around the room. Looking for more suitable men or looking for him? He lets himself imagine the latter and then feels incredibly stupid for even wanting it. Wanting you. And the want and the jealousy only grows as he keeps drinking and you laugh at some joke the German toff next to you had recited. You even reach out a hand to rest on his arm. Tommy’s hand tightens on his glass.
And then when he leans over to whisper in your ear, his lips fall to your neck. You don’t push him away and the roaring in Tommy’s ears is deafening. He wants you to reach for that knife in your hair and cut him, but instead you lean into his touch, your eyelids fluttering with pleasure. 
That’s the final straw. Tommy cracks his neck each way before standing. He walks over to you calmly and clears his throat from behind and you jump, spinning to look at him. “Tommy, I--”
“Are you having fun, love?” His tone becomes territorial and the toff is already frowning. Good. But you’re also frowning at the endearment. He doesn’t blame you, he hadn’t paid much attention to you before tonight.
You frown, “Yes.” You say firmly. He almost raises his eyebrows at the challenge in your voice.
“Go and fuck off now.” He says to the toff, not taking his eyes off you.
“I, but, we were just--” The toff starts and you begin smirking.
“Yes, Tommy,” You continue, “We were just getting to know each other, did you need me for something?” He can see in your eyes you’re aware of the effect you’ve had on him tonight and you’re enjoying this. You’d push him over the edge if you could. He had gravely misjudged you.
“You’d like to continue talking with the toff?”
“Oh, Tommy,” You lower your voice, “We were doing much more than just talking.” There’s deadly rage in his eyes and it delights you.
“Brauchst du mich, um ihn loszuwerden?” Do you need me to get rid of him?
You laugh, still looking at Tommy, “Oh nein, Liebling, du würdest dich nur umbringen lassen.” Oh no, darling, you’d only get yourself killed.
“What are you saying to him?” Tommy asks coldly.
You ignore his question, “What would you do if I kissed him right now?” You whisper in Tommy’s ear.
He looks at you with such disdain, you’re unsure if maybe you crossed the line. “Do you want him dead?” Tommy asks quickly in Romani. You had spent enough time with the Shelbys to pick up some words here and there and he knew you would understand. 
You stare him down for a few moments, the poor toff still waiting behind you. Finally, you sigh and turn to him, “I’m terribly sorry, but I must be going.” You tell him in English, “It was lovely to meet you.” You don’t kiss him on the mouth, but you do kiss his cheek lightly and it takes everything in Tommy not to pull that knife out of your hair himself and cut him.
You walk out without waiting for the toff or Tommy and as he walks behind you he thinks of all the ways he’ll give you hell for what you did in there. When you’re outside, he catches up to you and grabs your arm, backing you against the wall. He grips your throat with his hand, enough that it should scare you, but not enough to make it hard to breathe.
But you only look at him defiantly, that smirk still on your face, “If I had known it was this easy to make Tommy Shelby squirm I would’ve done this ages ago.” You said.
He can’t answer you, can’t think of anything but that mouth, that dirty, cursed mouth. And so he covers it with his own. His kiss is rough and angry and his hand tightens around your throat enough to make you gasp, but he can feel you’re still smiling. You like it. That only arouses him further.
“You’re fuckin’ evil.” He says into your mouth and you moan when he tightens his hand again, “Will you come to bed with me?”
He pulls away from you the smallest bit to read your face. “Yes,” You say breathlessly.
He leans in for one more hungry kiss before pulling you roughly by the wrist to the car. His hand wandering up your thigh throughout the drive home. It was probably the best night of your adult life.
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cinebration · 3 years
Too Young (Forrest Bondurant x Reader) [Request]
I’m fine thank you can I describe my request because there is a no word for this at least i dont know I’m 21 so if you include this in imagine i will be really happy i love forrest bondurant he is shy caring strong and little bit mad giant bear a i want it fluffy and little bit angst I thought forrest wouldn’t want to love younger than him. I hope i can tell what i request because english not my native thank you so much again not much forrest imagine i really love this — Requested by @shooterere
This turned into something more than I expected. I had fun!
Warnings: none
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Gif Source: fandomfatale
Pa operated one of the smaller bootlegging businesses in the county, but the moonshine he made was worth a hundred of the bottles being churned out by other operations in the immediate vicinity. People paid good money for your pa’s moonshine, though you wouldn’t know it to look at you and your family.
You lived in a ramshackle house on the edge of a farm known for producing one good crop for every five. You had just as many siblings, all of them younger than you, racing around the house like demons and driving both you and your beleaguered mother to wits’ end. So when Pa asked you to make a delivery, on account that the oldest of your brothers was a scant fourteen, and the fact that no one would stop you, you leapt at the opportunity. You put on your Sunday best, though it wasn’t much, and drove the old beat-up Ford truck down the country road into town.
It was there you met Forrest Bondurant. He operated the gas station you pulled up to after you delivered the moonshine. The smell of pie wafting from inside the restaurant behind the station was too good to resist.
He sat alone, his hat resting on the table in front of him. Glancing up when you entered, his brow furrowed as you slowly walked through the restaurant and up to the counter. You ordered a slice of the pie and a small cup of coffee, no cream, no sugar.
“This ain’t the watered-downed stuff,” the waitress told you.
“I know.”
The apple pie was thick and rich with apples and cinnamon flavoring. As you sat eating it, you swept your gaze around the room. There weren’t many people inside, but as soon as you fixed on Forrest, all else fell away. He met your eyes levelly, a frown pulling on his mouth. Tucking an errant strand of hair behind your ear nervously, you returned to your meal.
He approached you a moment later, the scrape of his chair back against the wooden floor alerting you to his intentions. You swallowed thickly, working up your courage as your heart fluttered with hope.
“You Frost Farm’s oldest?” The way his voice purred made a shiver roll through you even as disappointment followed it. He wasn’t interested in you, only in who your pa was.
“Yeah,” you answered, looking down.
“What are you doin’ here?”
“Making a delivery.”
“Your pa sends you off to do that yourself?”
“My first time today, but he hurt himself, so I figure I’ll be doing it for some time.”
“How’d he hurt himself?”
“He fell,” you lied.
Forrest’s gaze burned through you. Standing firm, you ate the last of the pie and swigged it down with the dregs of the coffee, the bitter mingling with the sweet down your throat. Excusing yourself, you slipped off the stool and kept yourself from sprinting away to the beat of your thumping heart.
Forrest showed up the next day at the farm. You were out in the field, elbow-deep in the dirt, when the truck engine chugged up the dirt road. You recognized it vaguely as one you had seen parked outside the Bondurant gas station. You didn’t see who exited the vehicle.
Turning back to your work, you yanked out another weed and ignored the beating of the sun overhead.
When your stomach rumbled as the sun reached its zenith, you rubbed off the dirt on your apron and headed back inside for lunch. The truck was still parked outside the house.
As you neared the front door, it opened. You froze in your tracks. Forrest Bondurant stepped across the threshold, bidding your parents goodbye with some mumbled words. He paused when he saw you.
“Mr. Bondurant,” you said, nodding nervously.
He nodded back, putting the hat firmly on his head. His gaze swept over you. You became painfully aware of the dirt across your hands and knees and how it stained your apron and dress.
“I’m taking you for your other deliveries,” he mumbled suddenly. “’Til your pa gets better.”
You blinked in surprise, tried to find words. “Thank you.”
He nodded and stepped past you, leaving you stunned on the porch.
The first few deliveries, made in your truck, not Bondurant’s, passed in awkward silence. You didn’t quite mind it so much, if it weren’t for the fact that being nearly shoulder-to-shoulder with the man was sending your senses quite mad. Not even the Franklin boy from the farm next door had made you as deliciously nervous as Forrest did. Your head swam with it.
But the trips after that improved when you began talking to him. You didn’t say too much, because he seemed too quiet to listen to you ramble on. Rather than complain about your siblings or the lack of help for the farm, you focused instead on the moonshine business.
“I dunno know if Pa told you, but we got into trouble with the law,” you said after a delivery. “They wanted our earnings, but Pa told ’em that we don’t have enough to pay. They broke his leg for that.”
“Were you there?”
“Outside, looking between the slats. I waited ’til they were gone before I went in to help Pa.”
Forrest frowned. “Why were you there?”
“I work the stills.”
He fixed you with a stare.
“It’s nothing,” you assured him. “I like the work, honest. It’s very methodical, and I like that.”
Forrest remained silent for the rest of the drive ’til you neared town.
“Show me,” he said.
You hesitated. “But you’re the competition.”
“I won’t steal your secrets. I just want to see.”
You wanted to show him, to impress him, but the idea of the Bondurants taking over your stills or trying to use your methods nagged at you. The desire to please him won out. You turned the car toward the farm and drove well past it, deep into the woods extending beyond it. Then you hooked a right and stopped the truck.
From there, you walked Forrest all the way down into a small ravine that led to a cave in the hill swelling behind it. The cave smelled cool and a bit damp, but you had remedied that with some techniques to moderate the temperature. Forrest made a circuit of the room, eyeing your still critically as you walked him through parts of your process.
“Figure we could make gin this way eventually, too,” you said, “when they lift the Prohibition.”
He looked at you keenly.
“They’ll do it,” you assured him. “Otherwise we’ll have ourselves another war.”
He grunted noncommittally and took a swig from a nearby bottle, testing the quality of the moonshine. The soft light from the oil lamp you had lit bathed his face in warm golds. Caught up by the vision, you reached out and gently touched his cheek.
He froze, turned woodenly to you. The guarded look in his eyes discouraged you.
“I’m sorry,” you mumbled.
“You’re too young.”
“I’m twenty-one.”
He shook his head.
Frustration welled up within you. You glanced up at him, your hand clenching into a fist at your side. “Too young. Too female. Too fragile. You sound like every other man I’ve ever talked to.”
He blinked in surprise, taken aback by your sudden emotion.
“I can do more than you think I can, and I’m not that fragile. I’ve had to grow up fast, because Ma’s too weak and Pa’s not got enough boys yet to help him.” You grabbed his hand suddenly, pressed his palm flat against yours. “Feel that? I don’t have soft hands. Those are working hands. When I’m not in the fields, I’m in here, making the best goddamn moonshine in the county. I don’t have time, you see, to waste on being young.”
Forrest stared into your face as the wind died out of you. You turned away, suddenly embarrassed by the outburst. “Get out of my workshop.”
He didn’t even hesitate. He walked right of the cave. You waited fifteen minutes before realizing that it was rude to let him walk all the way back to town on foot. You raced to the truck and drove down the road until you found him lumbering across the dirt. You drew up beside him and wordlessly opened the door. He hesitated before climbing up into the cab.
“Sorry,” you mumbled.
You felt his eyes on you the entire drive, as though he were trying to keep you rooted to the spot. At last, you arrived at the gas station.
“You don’t come with me on deliveries anymore,” you said.
He didn’t get out of the car. “Who else has said those things to you?”
“What things?”
“About you being too weak.”
You shrugged. “Everyone. Probably your own damned brothers, for all I know. ‘Waste of a pretty face, making that girl work the fields. She ought to be providing a family.’ But I like the work. I like working.”
The cab filled with silence as Forrest stared out the windshield at the dark restaurant. Exhaustion settled in your bones from the emotional outburst and the pain of rejection.
“If you worked here,” Forrest said suddenly,” your hands wouldn’t be so rough.”
You frowned. “But I don’t work here.”
“I could get someone to work for your pa on the farm,” he continued in a low rumble. “And you could work here and your workshop.”
“Are you offering me a job?”
He grunted.
He shifted uneasily on the seat. “To keep you around, if you won’t let me make deliveries with you.”
The pieces didn’t quite fit together. “Why would you want to keep me around? I’m too young, you said.”
“I did,” he agreed.
“Then why?”
He fixed his eyes on you with a look that said, Do I really have to say it?
You met his gaze for a long while before slowly nodding, feeling something like hope flutter in your chest again. He nodded back, grunted quietly, and wished you a good night as he climbed out of the car.
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adezahnae · 3 years
While We’re on a Little Trip (Part 3)
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A/N: Hello my princesses😌 I hope you all didn’t wait too long for this🥺 I wasn’t feeling like myself bc of my period🙄 I hope you enjoy💕
Warnings: Bit of plot twist, humor, fluff, slight smut, love making, secrets, Daddy kink, jaehyun got some explaining to do😔
Tagged People: @ahgasearmyfan @whoreforshuaaa
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Your POV
Me and Jaehyun were now in a store, paying for snacks for the road, well for the flight. I couldn’t control my excitement as we were getting things. “Oh my gosh! Omg! I can’t believe I’m getting on an actual plane soon!” I said following behind him. “Mhm.” He said not paying me any attention and just grabbing things while listening.
“It’s just like...this is what the rich people do! Go on trips that needs a plane!” “Mm.” “And what if it’s first class?! Like ooo!!! I’m gonna be soo happy!” “It’s a private jet, babe.” He said now walking to the cash register. “Eeee! Yes! That’s even better!! Like it’s like rich couple vibes and with the house as well along with a nice car and speaking of car, we were drove here! Ha! This is so coolll!! And just imagine how beautiful it’s gonna be up there..WAIT! HOW BEAUTIFUL IT’S GONNA BE UP THERE!” I ranted like an excited child in a candy store.
Jaehyun sighed. “One popsicle please?” He asked the cashier. The man gave him one and paid for it. “Thank you, come on Y/n.” Jaehyun said while pushing me out of the store. “But no! Didn’t you say the house we’re staying at is gonna be on a private beach?! Ahh! I can’t wait! The waves of the pretty water and maybe the moon will shine!” I said as he helped me in the car.
“Yes sweetheart.” He said entering after me. “I can’t even form a correct sentence anymore, this is the best thing ever! Like the best thing ev-“ I was cut off by him popping the popsicle in my mouth. “Baby..you’re talking too much. Just wait until we get there okay?” He said. I nodded. “Ooh! This is the blue flavor!” I mumbled while eating the popsicle. He smiled at me. “Okay, you can go now.” Jaehyun said to the driver. “Yes sir.” The driver said.
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We were now in the parking lot of the plane and our luggage was getting loaded into the plane. I finally finished my popsicle and Jaehyun helped me out of the car. “Wow!” I exclaimed as I looked at the jet. “This is beautiful Jae! Really!” I said hugging onto him. He hugged me back and kissed my forehead. “Come on, let’s get on.” He said taking my hand and leading me to the plane. Before we could enter fully, we heard a car pull up.
“JAEHYUN! STOP!” We heard a girl say. We turned around and seen that it was a different girl. “Jae. I have to talk to you.” She said. “Jaehyun, who is this?” I asked. “Y/n, get on the plane and don’t say a word.” He said to me. I looked at her and back at him. “Jae-“ “Baby, don’t go against my word right now.” He said turning his head towards me. I sighed and nodded.
“Okay..” I walked on the plane and sat down on the chairs. Wow, it had a kitchen, a bed, a bathroom. It was like a mini house apartment. I went up the stairs and seen that it gives you the top view of plane. “Wow..” I smiled. I heard that the jet was taking off now and I then hear Jaehyun enter the jet, without a word.
I went back down the stairs and seen him in the chair, with his head in his hand. “Jae?” I called. I approached him slowly. “Jaehyun?” I called again. “Yes?” He replied. “It’s okay...whatever it is..it’s okay..” I said rubbing his shoulders. I walked around and straddled his lap. He breathed out and let his hands fall to my sides. “I love you..remember that, Y/n.” He said.
He looked as if he did something wrong or ashamed of something. “I know, tell me what’s wrong?” I asked. He shook his head and pulled me towards him. “Just...tell me you love me.” He said. “I love you..I’ve always had and I always will.” He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed my shoulder. His lips traveled up my neck and to my lips.
His movements on my body started to roam up. He took the zipper on the back of my dress and pulled it down. He found my bra clip and unclipped it. He picked me up and placed me on the bed. He pulled off my heels and let my hair down. He kissed on my neck again while he pulled my dress down along my bra. I gripped on his shoulder. “Jae..” I moaned. He took off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. I unbuckled his pants and pulled them down. While I did that, his lips were on my nipples.
He left soft kisses and sucks on them. I arched my back up and put my fingers in his hair. He took the rest of my dress off with my bra and underwear and placed them in the chair beside us. He pulled down his pants and underwear and kissed my cheek, sliding in. I gasped out and bit my lip. “J-Jaehyun...Daddy..” I whispered moaned. He groaned while moving his hips in and out slowly. “Do you love Daddy? Forever?” He asked me with the still same regret in his voice.
I was in too much pleasure to talk about his tone. “Yes. I’m gonna always love you..” I said placing my hand on his cheek. He rocked his hips into mine faster, making me groan out. “I love you too Y/n..” He whispered looking in my eyes. We made love as the jet was now flying in the sky.
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Jaehyun’s POV
I sighed out as I sat by the end of the bed. Y/n was now asleep behind me and it was night. How can I tell her this? This would break her, it would hurt her so much...My thoughts were cut off by my phone vibrating. I seen that it was Alexa calling me. I picked up the phone and answered. “Hello?” I said. “She wants to speak to you..” She said. “Go ahead.” I said. “Hi daddy.” I heard my daughter’s voice say.
“Hey baby, how are you?” I asked. “I’m okay..I miss you daddy.” She said. “I know baby, Daddy misses you too.” I smiled. “When will I see you again?” She asked me. I smiled at her words. “Soon baby. You will see daddy real soon.” I said. “Okay..I wove you. Do you wove me?” She asked. I shed a tear. “Daddy will always love you. No matter what happens.” I replied. I heard her give the phone back to Alexa. “Hey.” She said. “Yes?” I replied wiping my tear. “Why her?” She asked, knowing who she was talking about. “Alexa you have no right to ask me what’s going on in my life.” I said.
“But! She was pretty! Jaehyun! I was before her, and that crazy bitch of a wife you married! I have your daughter! You can’t tell me why you choose her?” She complained. “You sound pathetic, Alexa. We are over. It’s been three years now.” I said. “Does she call you Jaebear as well?! Did you beat her like you did me?!” “I did not beat you Alexa.” I growled. “Yes you did! You always did! Remember when I put you in jail for that?! Does she know that you’re a woman beater?!” She exclaimed.
I peeked over at Y/n to see her fast asleep still. I went upstairs and sat down. “Listen, don’t you dare talk about this shit in front of my daughter because I know she is still there. I turned my life around Alexa.” I said. “Did you really?! How about the time where you forced me to get pregnant with her, when I told you I didn’t want children! You forced me to get pregnant with Lia!” She cried.
I sighed. “Alexa stop it right now.” “No! I’m sick of this! Being under your spell like I wasn’t there before her! I am the first one! Before your bitch ass wife and my stupid ass sister!” She yelled. “WATCH YOUR FUCKING MOUTH WHEN YOU TALK ABOUT HER!” I yelled. “You must really love her...why can’t you love me Jaehyun?! Me?!”
“Because you were hell to me! In and out my wallet every night we slept together! And do you see the shit you’re putting me through right now?! Why do you wanna be in the picture soo badly again Alexa?!” I exclaimed. “I hate you..you make me sick!! You put me through hell! You hit me every damn day!” - “I only hit you twice Alexa and told I would never do it again.” - “I don’t remember none of that! You put me through so much shit..I HATE YOU!” - “I hate you too! Believe what you want, I care nothing for you anymore. I care for only my daughter.”
She went silent. I heard her walk away and close the door. She sighed. “Jae..you always know how to get me hot and bothered don’t you?” She said on the phone. I hear her unzip her pants. I sighed. “Alexa stop this right now.” I said. I heard her moan. “Please..say more harsh words to me. You know, your cruelty always got me wet..” She said.
“Alexa, I said to stop.” I growled. “Ooh growl again, come and hit me. You knew that turned me on too..” she moaned as she touched herself more. “Alexa, you’re fucking mental. You choose to fight with me every change you get and I’m sick of it..I will be coming for my daughter. We’re over.” I said. “Yet you’re still on the phone, listening to my wet pussy. Why don’t you hit me like you did before? You knew I liked it. Just pretend it’s Y/n. Pretend like you’re listening to her moans over the phone. Come and hit me Jae..put your hands on me.” She moaned.
I closed my eyes and sighed. “Okay Alexa. Listen to Daddy.” I said. “Mhm? What do you want me to do?” She asked. “Take the hand you’re touching yourself with and use that thumb to rub over your clit.” I instructed. She whined out as she did so. “What else?” She asked. “Now take your other and hang up the damn phone. I’ll see you in court when I get back.” I said. “Jae!” I hung up on her and walked back downstairs. I seen that Y/n was still asleep. I sighed and kissed her forehead.
“I’m sorry I’m putting you through this...” I whispered while rubbing her hair, shedding a tear. “Jae?” She called. “Yes baby?” He said. “Are you okay? Why are you crying?” I asked. I quickly wiped my face. “No reason Princess. Just go back to sleep..” I said. She nodded. “Stay with me..” She mumbled as she pulled me towards her. I crawled in bed with her and let fall asleep on my chest. I stroked her hair as I looked out at the clouds and the stars and moon. I have my ex-wife trying to ruin me and Y/n’s life, I have my daughter to think about, and now Alexa is trying to come back and my past is trying to haunt me alive...Why did I do this? “How am I gonna do this?” I said to myself.
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Your POV
I woke up from my slumber and turned around to see Jaehyun’s sweet smile. “Good Morning.” He said. I smiled and kissed his lips. “Good Morning.” I replied. “We’re here..” He said. I sat up in the bed. “Really?!” I exclaimed. “Mhm. Here put your clothes on.” He said handing me my sundress with my sandals. “Okay, let me go and brush my teeth.” I smiled running to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my face and showered.
I got out of it and I put my dress on. I walked out of the bathroom to see Jaehyun dressed as well in some jeans, a button up shirt and a cap that was backwards. “Are you ready?” He asked me with a smile. I nodded. “Uh huh! Let’s go!” I said grabbing my bag. I figured all of our bags were in the car and we walked out of the plane.
We seen the driver and bodyguards fighting with some woman. “Let me go! I know him!” She yelled. “Stop.” Jaehyun said. The men pulled away and revealed the same girl who was there when we boarded the plane with a small girl in her arms. Jaehyun stopped dead in his tracks as if he just saw a ghost. “I told you Jae, you can’t just throw me away!” She yelled. She looked strung out on drugs.
“Jaehyun who is this?!” I exclaimed out of fright. “Hi daddy..” the little girl waved. “W-What?” I asked. Jaehyun looked over at me and then back at her. “Oh! I’m sorry we haven’t met, I’m Alexa! Yo-“ “Alexa.” Jaehyun said. I looked in between the both of them and seen that I favored her a little bit. “Why?! Just tell her! You’re so weak!” Alexa yelled.
“Tell me what?” I asked, lowly. “That your little boyfriend her was fucking-“ “Damn it Alexa shut the hell up!” Jaehyun yelled. “No! I’m not leaving! You need to spend time with your daughter anyways!” Alexa yelled. “D-Daughter?” I questioned. “Damn it Alexa, LEAVE!” Jaehyun yelled while losing his temper. “Daddy..Why are you yelling?” The little girl asked while frightened. Jaehyun sighed.
“Alexa give my damn daughter and leave.” Jaehyun said. He took the little girl from her arms. “Now leave.” He growled. She smirked. “You know I love this side of you Jae..” She said trying to feel on him. I step forward. “Just go...” I said. “Aww how cute you are-“ “Leave me the hell alone.” Jaehyun said. “Fine..but you will never forget me. Ever..” She said. She got in her car and pulled off from us. “Daddy..I’m hungry.” Little girl pouted. “Okay, we’re gonna go and get something for breakfast..” Jaehyun said.
I couldn’t register anything at this moment. A daughter? Alexa? What was she trying to tell me? I seen Jaehyun turn to me. “Y/n-“ “Don’t. I...can’t think right now..” I said. I got in the car and shut the door behind me. I heard him sigh and get in after me. I put on my seatbelt and looked out the window. He got in the car after me and put his daughter in the seat beside him. He buckled her up and himself in the seatbelts. “You can go.” He said to the driver. “Yes sir.” We drove off to a restaurant in silence. I couldn’t even stomach to look in his direction...
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