#no matter how many people there are on stage they always find eachother by the end .
haec-an · 5 months
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mark & haechan sbs gayo daejun encore 2023
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venuscnjunctpluto · 1 year
Astrology Observation pt. 2
(Thank y’all for all the support on my first one❤️🙌🏾)
*as a sag Venus sag mars pls stop asking me why I’m laughing…I’m not laughing at YOU I’m just insane😝
*moon in the 1st synastry is so therapeutic you just feel really comfortable opening up to the 1st house person and as the 1st house person I feel honored someone trusts me enough to share their feelings🫶🏾
*people w aqua and libra in their big three are the chillest mfs you’ll ever meet. Even though I’m very chaotic anytime someone describes me “chill” just seems to be thrown in there. We space out ALOT and it’s honestly embarrassing😭 Ex: Alicia keys, lil Wayne, Harry styles, Rosalia. Harry gives such himbo energy in interviews and they drag him for it in the comments but he’s probably just thinking about multiple things at once. Alicia keys didn’t even realize lil mama was on that stage and went on performing lol. Obviously lil Wayne smokes but something about his energy…he’s on cloud 9. And just go watch Rosalia’s chicken shop episode💕😂.
*honestly Aries mars aren’t that bad when it comes to temper because usually they find ways to manage it. Now mars-Uranus aspects is a completely different story. I have late mars-Uranus and it takes me a while to get mad but when I do I can’t even think anymore. My old roomie had a tight square and she would blow up on people for no actual reason like girl sit down😭
*something about Scorpio mars men is just😮‍💨 they have such a sneaky energy to them that makes them stand out. Virgo mars are fine too they’re just so skinny and no matter wtf they do they’re always nerdy ugh (ex: Matthew gray gubler, Lucky daye, Dylan O’Brien, Jeff Buckley)
*i noticed Aries moon don’t really get along w each other. They find their own energy to be too mf much (which it can be) so they prefer being around more calmer people *coughs* libra moons like me. They wanna be bouncing off the walls 🤪 while their friend is just like 🙂.
* fire risings do a lot of things fast. As an Aries rising, I walk fast, get happy fast, eat fast, workout fast. My cousin is complaining her sag rising toddler eats and drinks way too fast.
*venus in 11th…how many tiktok drafts do y’all got😭
*i talked to this guy who had similar placements as me (Venus in 8th and moon in 6th plus Aquarius and Aries placements) It was so chaotic it was literally us going back and forth obsessing over eachother while trying to keep it lowkey. But also the amount of anxiety we are naturally incline to have made the whole situation too mf much.
*i have mercury conjunct my friends mars and for years she tells me the things I say can take people there and make them wanna fight me. It’s in Capricorn and so I was confused before I knew we had that aspect
* i noticed rappers whose lines always stick out to me have Gemini mars or mercury- mars (central cee, king von, tupac, kendrick , j. cole)
*i was talking to this guy and I had Venus and mars plus pluto in his 4th house. Months after we stopped talking our friend groups meshed and he would tell me non-stop I reminded him of his mother. He said she was the same height as me and y’all I was scared to ask what she looked like cause 😫 y’all remember that episode of family guy when Chris dated that girl that looked like Lois yep 4th house synastry.
*im a true crime whore and two women who killed their bfs had sun-Uranus aspects. Their energy was erratic and very off putting in videos. I can’t remember the other one but Courtney tailor/clenney was one.
* More spilling my business on the Internet😍 i think I’m done entertaining people my age. Pluto in the 8th, Lilith in 1st, and Venus conjunct Pluto synastry has been hell. Where’s my sugar daddy/mama?? It’s ghetto out here
*gemini Lilith generation whose a year younger than me is nasty asf😭 esp the tauruses they have their Lilith conjunct their Gemini Venus and opposite their Pluto. One said he had a slept w two girls at separate times. He didn’t know they met until the girls posted a selfie together and tagged him. They later told him they wanted a threesome and he did it😭 knowing astrology I believed every word
* sidebar Neptune-asc people and trying to give off innocent vibes ugh annoying asf to me. I can see right through their bs but they’re able to fool most people.
* mercury-Pluto aspects are in fact LIARS and throw a Scorpio placement in there😮‍💨
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fallingforel · 1 year
“Drop the attitude” prompt with frat harry please? x
a/n: sorry for the M.I.A for the past few days have been going to arctic monkeys getting ready for it and getting over it but it's here and I hope you enjoy! As always my blog masterlist is here and this will give you a prompt list and any existing prompts that have already been made, anywhooo lets get on with the show
warnings: cursing, smoking. If there's any others please let me know.
none of my work is proofread, so please let me know of any errors and I will correct them.
in which you're one directions tour manager and Harry's friend with benefits
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It was a slow day at work, travelling to the next city. not much was to be done other than making correct calls with the next venue to make sure there was enough space for buses to park round the back and to make sure that there was extra security, which there wasn't. So that made you even more stressed, than you already were trying to make the boys concentrate on what the layout for Tommorow was and whether or not they knew exactly what city they were in, which was hard to do when all they wanted to do was play video games and prank wars on eachother, they were still teenagers so there wasn't a lot you could do to keep them concentrated.
And it was safe to say it was pissing you off to no end, it was really hard to keep teenage boys attention for a matter of minutes before they find something else to do. So you had given up and gone to your bunk to finish the calls off to the appropriate people: one to the boys manager back home as a routine to make sure everything was going smoothly, you had been trusted with taking them from place to place setting up the venue, making sure soundcheck was good making sure none of them were injured; on your own as a 19 year old because you had been given such a good placement year for your second year and you weren't going to let it go at least not yet so you lied the best way you knew how since being in customer service roles since you were 15 had taught you, and you weren't going to let 5 short attention spanned boys let this slip through your fingers.
The other calls you had to make was a breeze, just making sure that extra security had been put in place for the next place you were about to pull into, it was needed for the morning not now as no one was around and you had triple checked.
It didn't take you long to pull into the venue, the other 3 tour buses pulled in and you had gone to check if the stage hands knew what they were doing what time soundcheck was and if they were all prepped before you sent them on your merry way to go and get some rest before heading to the last tour bus which was full of equipment to make sure that nothing had been damaged or lost in transportation to the new venue. After you had gone back outside pulling out a cigarette, because the stress had gotten too much for you, the constant shouting and screaming of the fans as well as the boys.
"you shouldn't smoke it's bad for you, how many times have I told you?" Harry said from behind you, not scaring you because you could hear footsteps getting closer to you. "You really think I care? Besides, your bandmates smoke so what's it to you?" "nothing. Don't care about them like I care about you sweetheart" he says before coming up behind you to hug you which you shrug off, beyond pissed at him for not paying attention to you when it was needed the most. "WOW, you don't even care about us?" Louis pipes up from beside him clearly overhearing what had been said between the two of you. "of course I care about you you dick" is all he says before running off to tussle with his bandmate. "don't care about me though, just a pitiless fuck to you." you say in a quiet whisper. Which unfortunately for you Paul overheard "oh Y/n love are you okay?" is all it takes to get you sobbing, which earns you a hug from Paul.
You two stay like that for god knows how long, "you gonna tell me what's going on kid?" Paul is the first to break the silence you two were in while you finished your cigarette. "It's just all so hard you know? I mean how am I supposed to maintain a career and a boyfriend who I manage as part of that career. Not to mention it is so hard to gain his attention, all the time whether it be just us two to get out our needs or to get the whole bands attention for an opinion on what songs they want to sing that night, or what they want to wear or what they-" Paul cuts you off clearly knowing that you were going to break down again
"yes, it is hard I get that, but what you have to remember is that they are teenage boys who got put into a boyband so young, Harry the youngest, who have never known what it's like to endure this. This is their second time doing this so they haven't got the grasp of it fully. But, they will. As for your's and Harry's relationship, I can't speak on, but what I do know is that you can't juggle both, so it's either, you make it a full time thing between you trying not to blur the line, that is so hard to find, between your jobs and your relationship or you cut ties before one of you gets hurt."
"thanks Paul, you always have such a way with words" Is all you say before he is needed elsewhere and he's giving you a wink and standing up from the curb and leaving you.
Lou, then comes over. "Are you okay, darling? I know how challenging these lot can be trust me, try getting their attention to stay in a chair for an hour there's always one that doesn't want to co-operate but trust me you will find a way y/n" and that got you thinking over ways to make them have your undivided attention, before finally heading back to your designated tour bus bunk to get some shut eye.
when you got into your bunk after getting ready for sleep, Harry was waiting opening the covers for you to clamber in which you didn't instead you turned around going into the back of the bus and settling down into the sofa, it was a few moments until the door burst open and Harry came clambering in and sat on the sofa beside you.
"What the fuck Y/n?"
"get lost Harry, I don't want to speak to you right now. Certainly don't want to be in your proximity, now leave so I can go to bed."
"drop the attitude Y/n, I've been nothing but nice to you these past few days, now tell me what I've done to make you a sour headed bitch today"
"Nothing but nice?" you say with a sarcastic chuckle. "let's see first off you just ignore me when I'm trying to get you to concentrate on your job, figuring out what your wearing if you know where to get on and off the stage, where the stage is. Hell, what fucking city your in. least you could do is answer me when I ask you questions, but instead I'm met with yeahs which doesn't answer my questions it literally doesn't take you that long to answer me. The second thing, what the fuck was that smoking thing, we are not in a relationship so you don't get to talk to me like that. I think we have got the lines blurred between our jobs and our relationship, that we're not even in. so I think it's in our best interest to cut ties while we still can and no one gets hurt, just while I'm here being your tour manager but when I go back to University and you go back on your next tour we can see if something is still there."
"lot to unpack there. Look I promise you, you will have my undivided attention from now on and I will try to get the others to concentrate. as for the smoking thing, I'm sorry. It's just I care about you a fucking whole lot, and yes I shouldn't even have said it especially while we're not even in a relationship, but that's just the thing y/n I wish we were, I hate this friends with benefits it makes me seem just like the womaniser the media portray me and you know how much I hate that image. It fucking kills me that you don't want to continue whatever we have right now, but I understand your doing your job and you don't want to blur anymore lines between us so, I promise you this Y/n, I will wait for you however long it takes for you to come around and back to me, whether that be after you have finished your placement year, while your still our tour manager, when you have graduated from university. However long it may be, I'll be here waiting here for you Baby."
"Thank you Harry. Friends?" you ask with your hand held out as a peace offering for him to shake.
"Friends." he agrees shaking your hand.
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revivemyreverie · 7 months
Hello Rev😈
Don’t mind me dropping in with a ∅ for Lucero and Aldrich about their dormmates Stella and Odette
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Stella may as well be a savior of NRC, with how kind and sweet she  can be towards her fellow students. As such, its equally tragic that so many witches take advantage of her poor soul! Time and time again, I’ve watched that poor girl be stepped on by all those disgusting creatures. Thankfully, I’d never try taking advantage of that pitiful girl. Although, I do wonder how far her wishes can go, sometimes…
Odette… only a witch like her could be so tactless. Even when a prince as glorious as myself socializes with her, all she did was turn her head and scoff. Maybe instead of doing nothing more than dancing all day, she should attend an ettiequte class. Then she could rely on more than a few fancy moves to charm people~.
Honestly, I’ve tried my hardest to talk to Stella about my wish, but someone always beats me to her! I have it written down and everything, so it’s just a matter of meeting her before anyone else.
 Other than that, I find her to be someone helpful~! Oh, the countless times she’s helped me with my stage work could make a grown man cry. I should make sure to give something back to her one day. Does she like roses, I wonder?
I won’t lie, I used to think Odette was the most rude woman in this school. But that all changed when I realized she’s a performer like me! I like to sing and Odette… well, her singing could definitely use work, but her dancing is merely phenomenal! When we’re both busy, we tend to leave notes in eachother’s stuff as a form of communication. Ah! That reminds me, I should probably start my response soon…
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jmrothwell · 2 years
Prompt: Day at the Beach
Slices of Summer(Three): A look at the band’s first summer together. Can they figure out boundaries, communication, visibility, among other things and still enjoy their summer?
First; Prev Next
Luke’s eyes wandered over the sand as he fiddled with his acoustic. The beach Julie found may not have been the most popular but it still had it’s fair share of beach goers. Which meant he had to wait for Julie to arrive and finish setting up before he could play anything. It was one of the rules they’d agreed on for today, music was encouraged but only if they had Julie’s bluetooth speaker nearby. 
Luke sighed as he heard a pair of beachgoers behind him. That meant Julie singing with them was off the table. Julie had not wanted to lug their ‘hologram projector’ to the beach, said it wouldn’t make sense since it had a power cable. They still hadn’t figured out how to become visible without performing. Although Reggie swears they were getting close. How Reggie could possibly be so sure was beyond Luke. 
“Dude, thought we were waiting for Julie.” Reggie spoke as he plopped down on the sand beside Luke. Reggie tilted his head meaningfully at the guitar. Only then did Luke realize he was mindlessly strumming out chords. Luke quickly covered the strings with his hand, and Reggie chuckled as he leaned closer and stage whispered, “I won’t tell if you won’t”
Almost immediately Luke started plucking a tune out on his guitar, as he watched the ocean. He knew that he could overwhelm people with his attachment to music. He just couldn’t help himself, for as long as he could remember all his thoughts, conversations, interests, coping mechanisms, they always led back to music. It’d made it difficult to make and keep friends that is until Reggie and Alex. They maybe didn’t get it entirely but they understood that sometimes his brain just didn’t function the same way other brains seem to. 
They had sat talking, while Luke continued to play, when Julie showed up behind them. “Seriously?” Their heads swiveled to look up at Julie behind them, their faces caught somewhere between guilt and mischievous joy. Julie, arms full, looked like she was trying to be cross, but she couldn’t hide the sparkle of a smile in her eyes or at the corner of her mouth. The smile soon fully took over as Reggie threw his arms in the air and cried out her name.
Luke knew months ago, she would have just been cross, no hint of smile. Then again months ago she probably also wouldn’t have even entertained the idea of attempting a beach day with the 3 of them. Well, two of them until Alex returned in which case it might be four of them if he succeeded in finding and inviting Willie. Luke couldn’t pinpoint where exactly it happened but he had suspicions that she was starting to understand them all on a similar level they’ve always understood eachother.
Julie quickly set up the bluetooth speaker as Reggie complained about there being so many people and how limited their interactions were going to be. Julie frowned slightly as she glanced at the scattering of people, “I know, but the only way to guarantee not sharing a beach is if we somehow managed to get hold of a private one.” She must have caught something in the changing glint of Reggie’s eye because she simply pointed at him and said no before she returned to setting up the rest of her beach stuff. 
She grabbed a bag, probably the one with her suit in it, and started like she was going to the nearby public changing rooms. She stopped almost immediately and grimaced as she looked back down at her set up. “Maybe we should have waited for Flynn, or even gotten my dad or Carlos to join us. I didn’t fully think through the whole looking like I’m by myself part of this” 
Luke shifted a bit, Julie still hadn’t told her Dad about them being ghosts, so if anything bringing him would have complicated matters more. WHile Carlos had figured it out, he wasn’t sure how having a 10 year old would help. One glance at Reggie and Luke knew the bassist dejectedly thought Julie was about to decide to go home. Luke hated seeing Reggie and Julie looking like that. They came here to have fun after all. Then his thoughts were no longer inside his head, “So, just stay here and chill with us. Like we said you don’t need to go into the water for a beach day.”
Julie seemed skeptical, but Reggie was nodding and added his own argument, “We can always have more than one beach day, Julie.”
“Exactly! Today we can just sit here, and like jam.” Luke said. Reggie shifted next to him and he wasn’t sure what that look in his eyes meant.
“I don’t know,” Julie sighed but sat down anyway, “This was supposed to be a break from band stuff, remember?”
Ooooooh that’s what Reggie’s look was about. He was doing it again wasn’t he? During their summer fun planning sessions Julie had mentioned feeling slightly overwhelmed by the nonstop band stuff. At the time Luke had wanted to argue that Reggie was just as bad as him when it came to fixating on the band. However, Luke knew, Reggie just found it difficult to not get swept away by Luke’s energy. Reggie was fully capable of focusing on other things if he wanted and wasn’t distracted.
Luke could fix this, he could fix this. “So we don’t play band stuff.”
The mumbled groan from Reggie and the side eye from Julie told him he had not fixed this, so Luke pressed on. “I mean, I can jam, you and Reggie can do whatever, You guys don’t,” Luke stumbled a bit over his words. “You don’t have to join me. It’d be nice but you don’t have to.”
Julie’s lips quirked, and Reggie’s wide eye looked almost impressed, a little shocked, but impressed. Julie then shifted so she was sitting shoulder to shoulder with him and subtly knocked their shoulders together. “Thanks, not like I really could have joined you guys anyway. It might be nice to just relax and enjoy listening to some music. But I do want to figure out how to get some time in the water later.”
The three of them shared a fond smile before Reggie started to beg Julie to help him build a sand castle. Luke looked fondly as the two as he continued to play.
AN: Prompt 3 of the summer prompts completed. I hope you are enjoying them. I would love to hear any feedback. I’ve been trying to switch perspectives with these as a writing exercise. And Luke’s was like pulling teeth and was also . . .not how I saw this beach day prompt going.
Edit: Find more of my fics here
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andrewrenaissance · 2 years
Okay but imagine like sort of an emma stone & andrew moment but with you ahha
Like you’ve just won an oscar, this is amazing, and you turn and see andrew the boy who you still love and secretly thank him with a smile
He obviously still feels the same, defo sad that you two had to separate bc of your busy schedules, and like how itd be at the after party… you two would talk and be so kind to eachother and maybe it would be like a moment where you both realize that you could make it work 🥺
Dude! This is kind of fucking heartbreaking.
Because that man would be hoping for you to win so much. Like sure, you're all broken up and maybe you haven't talked with each other since then, but that doesn't change anything about the fact that your performance there was incredible (and he also still kind of worships everything you touch in secret, but that's not why he believes you deserve the win okay). And before the ceremony he would find himself reaching for his phone a couple of times, contemplating to text you to congratulate you for the nomination and wish you good luck, but in the end he would always decide against it.
But hours later, he hears your name called out and he's already very much proud of you no matter what, okay? But this is a big moment and he is just filled with so much pride and joy on your behalf. He would watch you make your way to the stage, his throat tight and his heart beating fast because this is his girl and she had just achieved something wonderful and he couldn't be happier.
You obviously know he's there, but you didn't get to talk with him yet and don't know where exactly in the room he's even sitting. However, once you are up the stage, quickly trying to remember your speech (which you have put together mostly just for laughs because there was no fucking way you could actually win against the other actors), your eyes would somehow find him in the crowd pretty much right away. You would see him smiling at you, his hands still slightly raised up from the clapping and that would put you more into ease. That's just the effect he has. Always making you feel calm and warm. Whether he is holding your hand, or sitting however many rows away from you in a room full of people. You would send him a little smile before looking away, realising that you cannot stare at him the whole time and you would roll with your speech and then send him one last look before leaving the stage.
And at the after party there would be a lot of people coming your way to say their congratulations (some of them being honest, some only polite). All that is sweet and lovely, but you can't help but feel a tiny bit annoyed because they are in the way between you and him. You would have spotted him across the room a few times before, your eyes meeting as his feet would bring him closer but then someone else stepped in front of you and pretty much ruined your moment.
Maybe he would figure out that he would just call you later as to not to interrupt you and your celebrations, and he would shift his focus solely to some of his friends that are among the after party guests. A bit later you would manage to sneak your way over to him, tapping his shoulder just when he was going to get a new drink and his face would lit up when seeing you, laughing when you would make a joking comment about the vultures finally letting you go.
"Any chances you could say it a bit louder? I am not sure if everyone heard," he would point out teasingly, vaguealy gesturing around the room and the said vultures. No one seemed to have heard you though, and if yes they didn't do anything about it so you would just wave your hand a bit.
"Hey," he would finally greet your properly before you would both go in for a greeting hug. Both of you savouring the sense of familiarity and comfort in each others arms. He'd wonder what's the new smell that you are wearing, and you would smile at the fact that he still smells just the same. You could not spend the night away in such an embrace. Definitely not here and now but you would linger in there for a good while before reluctantly pulling away.
There would be a moment of silence next. During which you would just look at each other, smiling while quietly examine the other and anything that could have possibly changed when you were apart.
"You so deserve this one, Y/N," he would break the silence.
"I've missed you," you would blurt out at the same time to which he would smile somewhat sheepishly before he would let out a laugh.
"Thank God, I really didn't want to be the sappy idiot who says it first."
You would blink at him in a surprise. "Did you really just call me an idiot?"
"No. No," he would shake his head. "If I had said it, then I would have been one. You saying it is perfectly fine. You know I would never call you that."
"I am pretty sure you just did," you would state amusedly, piercing him with your eyes while he squirmed.
"Maybe you should get your hearing checked. It might be a bit off due to the applause earlier. Vultures got pretty loud."
"As if you weren't the one who clapped the loudest," you would tease him. "I think I heard a whistle too..."
"Did I say congratulations?" He would try to change the topic and his brows would furrow as he would try to recall.
"You didn't use that word specifically, but you kind of did," you would assure him, making him smile.
"There is something you didn’t say though,” you trail off. 
“If you have missed me too, or not?” 
Those words hit him and he could feel his heart sinking a bit. Did you really have to be asking that? 
It was his fault, he knew it was, even though you had told him countless of times that it was not that case at all. He was not the only one working. He could still remember the words you told him back then... “If at least only one of us loved our job a little less, things would be much easier.”
His love for art hasn’t faltered by any means. But neither has faltered his love for you. He kept waking up every morning hoping that maybe today would be the day when you wouldn’t cross his mind and he wouldn’t miss you. That day hasn’t arrived yet, and maybe that day was never supposed to come at all. 
“I think it was very much implied,” he would answer, eyeing you with a soft expression on his face-
“It was,” you would agree. “But it would be nice to actually hear it.” 
(someone take this away from me or I am going to write a follow-up fic) 
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may-clouds · 2 years
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ginny weasley x f!reader blurb
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― meeting your partner's parents for the first time is usually one of the most daunting things in the early stages of a relationship, which is what you have to face when ginny invites you to stay at the burrow for the christmas break
― fluff
― 0.9k words
― warnings: slight doubt about not being accepted because of your sexuality, implications that the reader has anxiety.
masterlist // twelve days of christmas masterlist
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You took one last look at yourself in the mirror of your dorm, unnecessarily smoothing down your shirt yet again. This level of stress was almost unheard of by your standards.
No matter how many times your girlfriend had tried to reassure you, you were still worried that her family wouldn't be able to tolerate you, let alone accept you.
This was a big step for you, something you'd never even thought about doing whilst in past relationships. You were staying over at her family's house during the Christmas holiday.
Sure, Harry and Hermione would be there, but your situation was different because of your relationship with Ginny.
There was part of you that was absolutely petrified of meeting her parents, even though you'd heard your girlfriend talk about how accepting and loving they are. Hell, even all of her brothers accepted your relationship with their younger sister without a second thought.
It'd been a few months since you'd started dating, so there should be nothing to worry about.
You were now fully packed and dragging your trunk all the way down to the train with your girlfriend by your side.
The pair of you split away from eachother for a few minutes so Ginny could say goodbye to her other friends. Meanwhile, you searched for a place to sit.
Ginny rejoined you in your usual compartment on the Hogwarts Express, accompanied by Luna, each were carrying a couple of handfuls of sweets along with them.
The train journey itself went by much too quickly for your liking, the hours felt like mere minutes because of how stressed you had become.
Luna left the compartment almost as soon as the train ceased to move, but you didn't fully notice because you were too caught up in your head.
"Earth to Y/n. Are you in there?" Ginny’s calming voice snapped you out of your spiralling daze, "The train stopped, we're here."
Your mouth suddenly feels dryer than dry, so you take a gulp of pumpkin juice for a courage boost, but your words still come out as frail and weak, "Oh- Yeah, right."
"It'll all be okay. I know it's hard but you need to stop worrying about this." she replied reassuringly, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder and giving it a light squeeze.
"I know, it's just a big deal. I want your family to like me." you sigh, looking up to meet her eyes.
Ginny shook her head with a smile, "My brothers already adore you, and I just know that my parents will too." she said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Mhm, we should get going. We don't want to be late, right?" you suggest.
"Yeah, Mum always likes getting off the platform as soon as she can when everyone is coming back home for Christmas."
Despite the rush of people pushing and shoving eachother to get off the train faster, you and Ginny exited with your bags somewhat easily. Now came the daunting task of finding her family.
lt was always easy to find a Weasley (all you needed to do was search for a redhead) but this was the first time that you were meeting Ginny’s parents.
"Look Y/n, I see them!" Ginny exclaimed, bursting with excitement as she pointed through the crowd to your right.
Sure enough, a crowd of gingers were huddled nearby a pillar with Harry and Hermione among them.
Without another word, Ginny grabbed you by the hand and lead you towards the large group of people.
"Ginny! It's about time you got here." Ron scoffed, "You too Y/n. I want to get home."
"It's great to see you two," Mrs Weasley greeted, smiling at you warmly, "And it's lovely to meet you Y/n."
"I'm sorry for keeping you all waiting." you apologise quietly, dipping your head to avoid eye-contact.
"Come off it, love, it's nobody's fault." Ginny chucked, squeezing your hand to reassure you.
"Someone's nervous." George laughed, flicking you in your temple.
"Yeah, we've never seen you this quiet." Fred agrees with a cheeky grin, "You're usually bursting with energy."
The twins' teasing is quickly cut short when Ginny not-so-subtly jabs them both in the ribs to shut them up.
From the corner of your eye you could also see Mrs Weasley glare at the two boys, but then regained her composure when she started to speak again.
"But Ginny's right, dear. We didn't mind the wait." Mrs Weasley says, turning to you and keeping that same welcoming smile on her face, "She's told me so much about you, but for now it's time to get home safely."
"Of course Mrs Weasley." you agree, but she only waved a hand to dismiss your words.
"You can call me Molly, you're practically family after all."
Family. The sound of the word alone warmed your heart with the heat of a thousand suns. Especially when the word came from the mother of your girlfriend.
Now you understood why Ginny thought you were foolish to be worried about meeting the rest of her family. Though it was a rational fear, it was an unnecessary one.
"See? Everything is going perfectly." Ginny whispers to you as you both step through the front door of her house.
"I'm definitely looking forward to spending the rest of the Christmas break with everyone." you grin back, pressing a small kiss to her cheek, "Thank you for inviting me here."
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ringmyheart · 3 years
Can I request Vin Jin boyfriend headcanons and some fluff? (You don't have to force yourself)
(This and the other vin jin rq were merged!)
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Honestly the way I see it, it doesn’t matter if you’re a very calm person or outgoing person. No matter what this relationship is gonna end up being considerably chaotic
He ropes you into everything he does. Doesn’t matter if u r a design student or an architecture student or if ur on the opposite side of the school from him, u r practically in his class. Dating him is like signing a contract sealing away ur own life bc he makes it a point to be ALWAYS w u
In class he doesn’t gaf if the teacher has ur seat on the other end of class, he is somehow finding a way to sit next to u against ur will or not. And when the teacher moves u two away from eachother INTENTIONALLY bc of this, he is threatening whoever happened to sit next to u to trade seats w him. He will go as far as to dress up as them to make it look like they’re them to be next to u and he’s so dramatic ab it.... being away from u felt like u were star crossed lovers whom the world was fiercely against
And if UR against this cuz ur tired of getting in trouble in class, or if you reject any of his advances, he’s gonna be really, really, really offended. He will at first sputter and be kinda shy and embarrassed about it, before he goes “fine! Have fun on your own without me, the greatest thing in your fucking life!”
He move seats back and will glare at you periodically every five minutes to pavlov dog you so that every five minutes every day, even when he’s not there, you feel the burning stare of vin jin
If you’re his s/o, he’ll buy you a matching pair of sunglasses so ur the freshest looking couple around Seoul (they’re hideous and thick but he thinks u look fly)
The glasses don’t have nearly as many layers as his does for himself so u can see, and u wonder how he managed to make them just as bulky and if he did it on purpose to sabotage u. Like “did u make my glasses purposefully ugly so no one else will want me?”
U have to dodge a punch after saying anything like that ab his fashion decisions LMAOAO
He’s rlly proud of u two matching. With the glasses and anything in general. He’ll make you wear a jacket matching his, or the same shoes and he will stop people in the hall and be like “wait. Notice anything cool ab us today?? Cooler than normal??”
And when they don’t respond he boasts “that’s right!! Me and my other half r matching. Look at us and weep, losers.” He thinks u two look so good....... if ur enthusiastic ab wearing matching things too he is elated u have to pray that tomorrow he won’t show up w another “if lost return to Vin Jin” “I’m Vin Jin” pair of jackets or anything of the like bc it happens SO OFTEN
And on the topic of sharing when it’s cold he likes to share jackets and blankets w u. Ur desks r moved by eachother by vin jin himself and u two share one blanket over u and shiver bc he just likes it, sharing w u plus he’s slightly warmer. And yes if you guys had indivizual blankets you would be warmer, but u guys have to struggle together he doesn’t care what anyone says (yes even ur protests ur sharing that one blanket wether he has to wrap it around u himself and tear up the one u brought on ur own or what”
He is so blind in love that he cannot tell when u guys suck at stuff. Like if ur in the wrong he doesnt care ur RIGHT and he’s taking that to the grave. He can belittle u and call u out but if someone else says ur in the wrong it’s on sight
Will die protecting ur name even when ur the one who was genuinely wrong
He forces u to make a beat for him to rap to. He loves rapping and wants to enjoy it w u, so ur forcefed YouTube videos of how to beatbox so u can be his bgm and eventually u probably just start to enjoy it to
And u always start a beat and he starts busting out rhymes and it’s SO BAD. It doesn’t matter if ur good at beatboxing if vin Jin is on the track w u it’s gonna sound terrible he brings the quality down immensely but u two just cannot tell
Like after a two session ur like “omg... that was so good. We should go pro?” “Fuck yea we should we’re better than those posers” “we could rlly make it in the industry fr” no u absolutely could not
During the school festival, u sang with him and it was SO bad. Half the crowd is gonna have 2 be hospitalized but u two had FUN up on the stage
Like I said, he has absolute faith in u. All u do is right. If ur driving a car for the first time, he is going to be ur little hype man doesn’t matter if u suck. U hit a curb and he went “YES babe!! Ur killing it cant wait till u hit the road bby” Ur not allowed to touch a car for the next two years now bc he kept cheering u on when u we’re doing CLEARLY wrong things
On a plane u r looking for the bathroom like pensively and u see a handle and look back and r like “is this it???” And vin jin thinking u r all righteous will go “yea babe go for it” and u open it and u depressurizate the cabin immediately
Now both on like 5 no fly lists
He loves to do things with u, like I mentioned earlier, and things he wouldn’t do alone he’ll do w u. Like drawing alone?? Boring. Drawing w Y/N??!!! Who knows what could happen..... so much fun could ensue. Maybe he will draw u cutely. Maybe he will draw u so ugly u will be forced to engage in a fight.
He likes to play just dance w u and compete for the “greats/all star!” Little titles above, and it becomes like a Friday night ritual for u two to turn just dance on and just go at it. But sometimes he’ll get too intense and suddenly he’s actually fighting for the chance to beat u. Will trip u so u lose on purpose
He makes u listen to him sing and rap to u. And u try to leave and he hugs tightly and is like LISTEN IFS FOR U, DONT BE UNGRATEFUL and now u have to listen
He makes u a mixtape of songs he made himself and they are all considerably worse than “remember the times we had”. It’s uploaded on SoundCloud and all the comments r hate and u listen to it a lot bc u know he loves u sm he made u a mixtape ya ur gonna play that but everyone else hates it w a passion
Like the comments r like:
Daniel: well.... it’s definitely a song 😅 I’m glad you love (y/n) so much!
Duke: he’s not making it out the hood 😐
Zach: never let this man in a studio AGAIN
Mary: this should’ve stayed in the CD
(Y/N): love it! 😍
Zoe: kill your producer 💀
Mira: ...
He’s overprotective too
If someone looks at u for more than a second he’ll go “what?? U think she is hot, huh? I’ll kick ur ass fucking perv.... cmon babe let’s go”
Will throw his arm around u and streer u the opposite way of any potentially good looking ppl to keep ur eyes on him
Oh Daniel is coming?? What a coincidence u and vin Jin suddenly have to turn the corner to the other way of ur classroom for some reason
Eli is near?!!! Oh no u just got milk spilt in ur eye!! Oh no now he has to wipe ur eyes and u two have to leave the cafeteria whatever will he do
It’s not that he doesn’t have faith in u, he doesn’t have faith in other men. Like he thinks they r all competition, and doesn’t doubt ur loyalty rather doubts how good he can b for u
WILL beat someone up for u. If someone smokes while ur around suddenly his fists r swinging at them cuz even if u smoke or vape urself no one else can get that stuff in ur lungs but YOU or HIM!!
If ur crossing the street and a car almost hits u, it’s the cars fault and he’s kicking the license plate and cursing it out for almost touching u “stupid fucking piece of metal”
Is the type of boyfriend to call u when he knows ur in an Uber and be like “babe u got ur gun w u right?? Oh don’t forget ur BOMB and ur MACHETE!! Yeah just left the house I killed some ppl nbd haha anyways HRU what’s ur Uber driver like” so the driver of ur car won’t even think ab kidnapping u. He has got ur back even when u do not want it
He doesn’t want u to see his eyes, so he’ll tell you to look away so he can take his glasses off and look at u in full color in all ur glory but he never tells u WHY he’s telling u to look away u think it’s a weird thing of his, or he’s insecure ab his face which is partially true but really he’s taking his glasses off and just looking at u. Adoringly.....
He hates PDA. He loves PDA. Do u see his dilemma
Like he loves PDA but doesn’t want anyone seeing him vulnerable even u.... so he’ll hold ur hand and be like “EWWW WHAT R U DOING GET YR HAND OFF MINE”
If u take the lead THATS best bc he can blame it on u and it’s ur fault he HAS to lock fingers w u cuz u did it to him first and he has an excuse to touch u and v like u started this im just sending u ur own energy back 😤
The type to be just like blind, overwhelmed in love. Always thinks ab u, always wants to be w u, worries ab u a lot and frets over u without showing it.... he hates it and loves it to death. Despises it but wouldn’t give it up for anything in the world
Eats lunch w u in the cafeteria and if u sit w someone else u r the ultimate traitor and he will trash talk u to hide his hurt to Mary the entire lunchtime. Kinda possessive.... wants u to also only think about him
WOULDNT EVER fight u for real. Play fights occur VERY often, like pillow fights, tripping ur foot when u say a joke insulting him, grabbing ur collar but he would sooner die than lay a finger on u
Verbal fights happen a lot and if he ever like LOSES it he may lash out and almost hit u and follow thru. I don’t think he’d be able to catch himself that quickly, and if he ever did he’d regret it for the rest of his life. Literally until the day dies he will take it to his grave
He may not sputter out apologieswill just look at u incredulously and then at his hands because what had he done? What did he just do? To you???????? (Y/n))))?????? His (y/n)??? Light of his life?
Will apologize probably over text or through a note or call, and if u don’t respond he is consumed by regret and tries to find u instantly like runs back to ur place
If u forgive him he feels bad still, because does he deserve it? And he might just isolate himself for a bit bc he can’t face u and if it left a scar he is dead inside. It kills him, literally
I could go on w this but I’ll probably save it for another separate pair of hcs later 😭
If u guys ever break up he will fight for u again and won’t stop till ur back together like flowers in ur locker every day, chocolate give during lunch, etc. He wont ever give up hope that he can win u over again and be w u again. He would keep trying, when he wakes up his first thought is ur name in a cold panic bc he can’t rest easy till ur his again and he will try and show off and poorly serenade u and trash his price and be corny and cheesy to get u back
Will set up a performance w the school to let him rap w a mic during lunch for u and he’s saying bars like “(read in bad rapping voice w inconsistent beat) (y/n), love of my life, uh, without you I’d die, uh. Please won’t you take me back? Yuh, without you ima have a heart attack. (Wha!). (Y/n), love of my life, yeah, without you I’m in strife, yup! Please be mine again, (babe), I can never rest till then.”
If the embarrassment doesn’t make u take him back so he’ll pls stop, and when he stands up on the lunch tables to do a little performance doesn’t do it either, then the odd sincerity of his voice and pain in his look (even tho while rapping he sticks out his lower lip in a weird pout) definitely, hopefully will
U make everything worth it !! Truly the light of his life
I hope these were what u wanted, I just had fun w them and wrote stuff that came off the top of my head when I thought of VJ!! ❤️
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Business AU - Working Late, Part 6
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5
Just two cuties learning more about eachother ooohhh u___u 💜
Help, I’m getting too involved in this fic fsdfhsjfbsd
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They had agreed to meet at Vee’s apartment building at around 6:30-7:00pm, exchanging phone numbers for easier communication. They had yet to know where they’d spend the evening on this Saturday, but knowing New York was full of surprises, it wouldn’t be hard to find something to do.
Vee was franctically moving back and forth from her bedroom to the bathroom, trying so hard to find anything good to wear. ... They should’ve decided on an activity, dammit. Now she didn’t know if it would be wiser to wear a dress, or something more casual? As her hands were shovelling through clothes in her closet, she heard her phone beep to life, signaling a notification. Glancing at the time, it was barely over 6pm. It was a text from Donnie, to which she couldn’t help raising a brow:
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Her lips were pursed in a thin line, answering anyway:
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She put her phone away. He wasn’t supposed to get here in at least thirty minutes to an hour, so there was no rush.
She jumped when the door buzzer rang. Her frown was formed in an instant, running to her intercom and cracking it to life.
“I was curious ‘cause I wanted to come up and see where you live!” responded Donnie’s voice through the intercom.
“What are you doing here? It’s only 6pm!”
“I figured it’d be a good excuse to come up to your place.”
“Donatello you are one sneaky bastard,” sighed Vee. “... Alright, come on up.”
As soon as she unlocked the main entrance downstair, that’s when she realized that she was still only in her underwear. She panicked for a couple of seconds, allowing some time for him to enter the building, then running to her room and grabbing any pieces of clothing she could find; a pair of sweatpants and a tank top. Almost falling in her rush, she then rushed to her entrance, opening the door in a hurry. She met face to face with Donnie, the mutant’s hand in a motion to knock, but promptly stopped. His eyes were wide as he noticed her a panting mess.
“... I guess it wasn’t such a good idea afterall,” he chuckled.
“Let’s just say you took me by surprise. I still have yet to decide what I’m gonna wear.”
She moved, gesturing him to come in. As he passed by, she glanced at his look. He was rather casual for the occasion; a pair of blue jeans and a black shirt, not entirely buttoned at the top, giving a slight sight to his plastron.
“Looking at you, now I finally have a better idea of what to wear,” she pointed out. “At least that’s good.”
As she walked to him, she vaguely gestured the surroundings: “Welcome to my oversized closet. One bedroom, one bathroom, the rest is the living space connected to the kitchen. ... This must look like a tiny shithole to you.”
Donnie tsked: “Don’t be so hard on this place, it has its charms! I think it looks nice. ... It suits you in terms of taste.”
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“Most of the furniture is second-hand, which is cheaper most of the time,” added Vee, going towards her bedroom. “I wouldn’t say it’s one hundred percent my taste, but at least it fills the space. ... This place is tiny, but good enough for me.”
As she was about to close her door, she did peak back at Donnie, flashing him a smile: “Make yourself at home, I’ll be ready in no time.”
The terrapin took that as an invitation to look around the place. To be frank, he did arrive earlier in order to do such thing. He always thought that a person’s environment could tell so much about them. Overall the place was tidy, with the exception of a few books here and there and some papers and pencils layed on a coffee table. She had a bookshelf completely filled, books about various subjects neatly placed and organized. An electric piano was resting against a wall, various partitions showing on a music stand close by. There were some art and pictures decorating the space - but none were showing people, even relatives if any... He also noticed a faint smell of coffee in the air, judging that she must have brewed some earlier. There was this sense of coziness, something only a small and well-thought apartment could give, and it definitely did suit her well.
Vee’s bedroom door opened, revealing the woman in much proper clothes. Both smiled, Vee playfully adding:
“I figured I’d bring the curse back.”
She had also opted for jeans, her upper body adorning a black tank top and a black blazer over it.
“At least you have more style than me,” added the turtle.
“Nonsense,” Vee scolded in a fake tone, giving a playful slap on his arm as she passed by, going to the kitchen area. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
She got two glasses out of a cupboard, showing them to Donnie: ‘‘Water? ... I don’t have anything else fancy to drink.”
“Water is good,” he smiled, leaning against the kitchen island.
He really didn’t know why, but looking at her go in her own environment was making him happy. It felt much more intimate to see her at ease and relaxed...
“So, what did you have in mind for this evening?” she asked, setting the glasses down and offering one to him.
He took a sip, looking pensive for a moment.
“We can definitely grab a quick bite somewhere, theeennnn...” He looked around quickly, then pointing the piano. “You like music? What genre?”
Vee shrugged: “Pretty much anything, but I do have a preference for classical and jazz. Why?”
“We could definitely drop at a jazz club then! I know some interesting places in Midtown.”
“I’m down for it then, monsieur,” smirked the woman.
They had opted first to go to a small local café, indulging themselves to some coffee and simple food. There was no need to be fancy-pantsy, prefering the intimacy and coziness of this small place. To be frank, it was the perfect setting for some casual conversation, finally taking the time to get to know eachother further more.
To quench Donnie’s curiosity, Vee explained why she moved to New York city. She felt like she had been facing a wall for too long back in Montréal. A lot of things had gone wrong in her personal life, her career seemed to go nowhere. All she wanted at some point was to run away. Start from scratch and be on her own... She had visited New York a couple of times before and had been in love with the city ever since. It only felt natural that she’d want to move there - knowing big cities were at least familiar to her, yet she could experience new things out of it. Her family had been furious about her choices, but she chose to stick to it and moved without any help. She found her apartment and her job all by herself. She handled all sorts of paperwork herself regarding her move. She wanted to be alone. She wanted to prove herself that she could make such a huge leap in her life.
As for Donnie, without going into much details, he explained how the Hamato Enterprise came to be. After his father’s death, he and his brothers joined forces and decided to reveal themselves to the world - with the help of some key figures in the city. Their knowledge of New York and its pulse proved to be a tremendous help for developping tactics and plans to advance the city’s security and good life of its people. It was still not perfect - how could it ever truly be anyway? - but the turtles had New York and its denizens at heart, and they would do anything to safeguard it. They had attracted good and bad attention on them over the years, but that never distracted them from their goals to bring out the best out of this city.
Vee could admire the intentions, although she did raise concerns in regards to judging what could be “best” for the city. There were too many variables that would never allow a perfect “cookie-cutter” plan for peace. Donnie was well aware of that and it was something he had personally raised to his brother Leonardo - who was mostly in charge of security matters. Sacrifices had to be made at times for the people’s sake, but at least the four brothers’ different points of view helped painting various scenarios into shades of grey, rather than in a fully black and white picture.
Done with their meal, the duo proceeded towards Midtown. The evening was warm and the streets colorful. Energy and life were coursing through every corners of the city, truly reminding that New York was indeed the city that never sleeps. They found solace in a jazz club inbetween other venues. There was already a good crowd seated there, so they both found their place towards the back of the room, although they still got a nice view on the stage. A band was already playing, setting a smooth ambiance to the scene. After they ordered some drinks to their table, Vee made herself more comfortable as she removed her blazer, revealing her tank top, as well as the tattoo adorning her upper left chest part.
“Oh nice,” started Donnie as he took a better look at it. “I did notice your tattoo by some occasions, but it’s the first I’m seeing it fully!”
“Yeah, sorry, it’s starting to get hot in here.”
“No need to be sorry for anything, I enjoy the sight,” winked the terrapin. “How many tattoos do you have?”
“Let’s see...,” quickly pondered the woman. She quickly gestured or tapped whichever part she was mentionning afterward: “One at each legs - ankle level. Both wrists, on the insides. Inner left forearm. On the ring finger of my right hand. Behind my right shoulder. Do I need to still go on?”
“I’m guessing you want more of them?”
“Oh absolutely,” smiled Vee. “Hopefully I can get both my arms fully covered at some point.”
“I could probably help with that.”
The woman couldn’t help her small frown, slightly curious.
“How so?”
“I know how to tattoo! I did my brothers’ tattoos.”
She hummed in approval, her eyes wide with interest, as well as lightly tapping his nearby forearm by absolute delight.
“Well, well, well. Have I known, I would have asked for that instead of a date!”
“Oh come on, is this evening going so bad right now?” teased Donnie.
“I’m joking,” reassured Vee, her smile soft. “I’m having a really nice time so far.”
Her hand remained on his arm, lightly stroking his scales. Her eyes drifted back to the scene, watching the musicians play. She rarely had the time to watch any live performances nowadays, so this experience was most definitely welcomed this evening.
“I’ll never get tired of music...,” she started dreamily. “It’s been my first real passion and it might forever be so.”
“I suspect you play the piano, since I’ve seen one back at your place,” inquired Donnie.
“I’ve been learning it by myself for so many years now. My main instrument though is the Alto Saxophone and I’ve been singing as well. I do compose in my spare time too.”
“I’m curious about all of that now. When can I hear one of your masterpieces?”
She squinted her eyes in amusement as she glanced back at the turtle.
“In due time, dear. But for now let’s enjoy the music already available to us.”
In answer, Donnie simply moved his arm so his hand could rightfully hold Vee’s, their fingers interlacing - threes and fives. They spent the whole show like this, forever enjoying eachother’s presence. How could this evening be even better than this?
“I still can’t believe that last band that played. I’ve never heard a saxophone squeak so much in one performance. It was so bad!” laughed Vee.
“You should’ve gone up on stage and steal the show. That would’ve been fun,” teased Donnie.
“Oh no, no, no!” quickly replied the woman. “This city is not ready yet to hear my talent.”
Her tipsy state did bring more fun into the conversation, Vee holding onto Donnie’s arm as they were heading toward’s her apartment building. She still had all her mind, but her mood was light and happier than usual, definitely on a cloud. As they stopped to the main entrance’s door, Vee couldn’t help tracing a finger over the visible parts of the mutant’s plastron.
“... Wanna come upstair for another glass of water?” she asked.
Donnie showed half of a smile, slightly shaking his head.
“No, I’m good. ... I don’t think it’d be a good idea to go up with you.”
“How so? I’m bad company?”
“No, you’re an excellent one, in fact....”
A shiver passed through Vee as she felt his hand at the small of her back, keeping her close.
“... J’ai beaucoup aimé ce temps passé avec toi (I really liked that time spent with you),” he said, his other hand lovingly cupping her cheek.
Vee couldn’t help her grin, leaning into his touch.
“Not bad. You’re not that much of a lost cause with French after all.”
“Let’s just say you’re inspiring me, all of a sudden.”
A quiet chuckle left Vee: “Monsieur Donatello, vous m’en laissez bouche bée (mister Donatello, you’re leaving me speechless).”
They couldn’t stop reading one another, ever leaning so close...
“... I could leave you even more speechless,” murmured the mutant.
In a joined, yet tender motion, it didn’t take long for their lips to meet, Vee helping herself by standing at the tip of her toes. It simply felt so natural... An overdued resolution that was only bound to happen. It was both brief and taking forever, the feeling sending fireworks through them both. They kept close as the kiss ended, Vee’s blush way apparent as she couldn’t stop smiling.
“Well, that’s one good way to end the night,” she said lovingly.
“I wanted to do that for quite some time now...”
“I won’t say no to a second serving, good sir.”
That amused Donnie, indulging himself to a second sweet kiss. He didn’t want to rush anything, keeping it quite simple for the moment. Oh but how did it make him crave for so much more... After they parted once more, Donnie knew he had to leave. They had taken some good steps together, but right now they needed to halt that race... as good as it felt.
“Goodnight, Vee...” he cooed, feeling enamored.
“Goodnight, Donnie. I’ll dream of you...,” sweetly added Vee.
“Then I shall meet you in mine as well.”
It’d be quite pleasant, indeed.
((Part 7))
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lazypeachsoul · 3 years
who you really are.- Loki Laufeyson.
chapter one.
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Warnings: this fic will include discussions of gender, pronouns, etc. This chapter does not include any warnings.
Word count: 1,6k.
A/N: This is the first chapter to a multi-part fic I created thanks to and idea by @insanitybyanothername. Thans for the inspiration! I hope you like it 🌼 This is more of an introduction to the story so not a lot of Loki x reader action.
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The first stages of a relationship can be challenging. A mix of excitement over the newness of the feelings and the awkwardness of trying to learn how to be around eachother created what many called the ‘honeymoon phase’. And everything they talked about seemed to grow exponentially when one of the parties was a god still trying to get used to Earth, or Midgard as he called it.
When you had first met Loki things had been rocky at best. You were another worker of Stark Industries who was tasked with leading the team creating the better and improved gear for the newest avenger, whose identity still hadn’t been disclosed.
It wasn’t until weeks into working with only notes about this mysterious person and their powers that the announcement was made. John Doe as your team had been calling him was none other than the nordic god Loki of Asgard. The uproar that the announcement caused shook the entire company. Tony Stark was offering shelter to the same man who had tried to destroy the world in 2012 and people were not happy.
Even within your team the situation was tense. Some members had quit because they had been personally affected by his actions and others remained just because they were curious about him. And that unfolded in the first try-on session for the gear.
He had appeared followed by Thor and your boss Tony Stark. Introductions were short and Loki didn’t seem to be in the mood for socializing. He remained silent, rolling his eyes and scoffing at the details you tried to explain about the new gear. And the tenth time he seemed to underrate your design you had to intervene.
“Anything wrong?” As much as you tried to keep your voice leveled the tension in it was not that well hidden.
“I am unable to comprehend why I can’t wear my asgardian attire. Thor does and nobody questions it.” He pointed to his blonde companion who seemed to be nervous about his brother's reaction. “I don’t trust midgardians to create something advanced enough for my capabilities.”
“I can assure you your ‘capabilities’ have been taken into account.” You responded through gritted teeth. “And as for the need of the new gear, since you are here on the intergalactic equivalent of parole you have to wear it so that you can be controlled in missions.”
The room grew quiet and the surprise was evident on everybody’s faces. Some of them were probably surprised you would unveil the real reason for the wardrobe change, others were surprised at your boldness when speaking to a god, and one person in the room was surprised at the sparkle he had seen in your eyes when you spoke.
Months after that interaction things seemed to have changed drastically. Loki was adapting as best as he could to his new home, although he would never call it that, and you had become a willing companion on that journey. So willing that it became something beyond platonic, leading you to your current situation.
Loki had arrived back from one of his missions hours ago and you still hadn’t seen him. Normally if he wasn’t too tired he would quickly clean up and visit your lab, spending the rest of the day sulking or complaining about the mission and avoiding the bureaucratic side of the job, reports apparently were too human for him to do.
But you still hadn’t heard a peep from him, making you wonder how bad the mission could have gone. You received Loki’s gear merely an hour after the announcement of his arrival and when checking the damage you didn’t see anything that would show big wounds or injuries, so him being hurt was out of the question.
Maybe Loki just was in one of his moods and waiting would be better. You were wrapping up your work and exiting your lab when you saw a red cape turning the corner of your hallway. Thor. he could help you to understand how Loki might be, they were on the mission together.
Holding your jacket and bag closer to yourself you picked up the pace, trying to keep up with the big strides of the God of thunder. You caught him waiting for the elevator,a situation that even if you had been working for the Avengers for years still felt weirdly normal for a god.
“Hey Thor! How are you? How did the mission go?”
You were sure that his booming voice when greeting you could be heard all around the floor, but it never failed to make you smile. Although you were infinitely closer to Loki, sometimes too close according to the people around you, Thor had become a part of your life. He had told you multiple times how happy he was that you and Loki were ‘pursuing a courtship that he hopes will last eons’ and he had always tried to tell you how grateful he was for how you treated his brother.
“The mission went great, we managed to put the fear of justice in them. They will always remember the Avengers are here to stop their evil plans.” He explained, making the entire mission sound like a fantasy book. “Loki was incredible, he served justice and showed his potential. You should be proud.”
“I am, Thor. Always am.” You admitted with a smile on your face. “Speaking of Loki, have you seen him? He didn’t come to my lab when he arrived.”
Thor looked back to the metal doors of the elevator, fidgeting with his armour. He never usually shied away from conversation so his reaction put you off slightly. Was Loki angry? Or maybe he lashed out and Thor didn’t want to give you a bad impression of his brother?
The elevator finally dinged signaling the arrival of the cabin. He entered quickly before turning and looking at your defeated form.
“Loki was okay, just deep in thought over personal matters.” Seeing you frown at his words, the man quickly tried to mend the situation. “His own personal matters, not yours. Yours as in courtship matters. He’s very serious about the courtship, do not worry about that…”
Seeing Thor tripping over his words would have been really funny if the situation didn’t worry you. From what you had gathered, Loki seemed to be overthinking something personal but not about your relationship. Great, that didn’t make you relax one bit.
“Maybe you could visit him. He went out but he must be back by now, that way your worries could be forgotten.”
“Yeah, maybe i should do that. We both know how Loki gets when he thinks too hard.”
Thor smiled at the comment, making way for you to enter the elevator and finally allowing the doors to close.
The living quarters of the superheroes were strictly out of reach for everybody but them. Workers were only allowed if invited or were needed for whatever reason. You had only been there once, Loki having invited you to wait in the living room while he got ready for one of your dates, truly teenager style. Normally both you and Loki preferred to find comfort outside the limits of the compound, like your apartment. Out of hearing range of super soldiers and trained spies.
When the doors opened to the quarters everything seemed eerily silent. The only other time you had been there the living space had been as noisy as you would imagine a house inhabited by earth’s mightiest heroes might be.
“Almost everybody is resting or training. That’s why there’s so much calm. Loki’s chamber is at the end of that corridor. I think it would be best if you went alone, he has a tradition of pranking me when I get close to his property since we were children.”
“Thank you Thor. I look forward to hearing more about that tradition someday. Relax, you must be exhausted from saving the world.”
He was thanking you back but you had already started walking down the hallway in the direction you had been told. It wasn’t difficult to find his room, it seemed to be separated from the rest of doors and had a much more regal look to it, more than likely his way of making his room more apt for his rank.
You knocked on the solid wood and waited for a response. When you knocked again, with more strength this time, the door moved and opened letting you enter. You knew you probably should have waited for Loki’s answer but seeing as the door wasn’t locked you thought he wouldn’t mind.
Upon entering the room you were in awe of the decoration, the area looked closer to a palace room than the basic compound design. Stepping further into the room you found a big bed, sheets undone and clothes strewn on top. Looking closely you saw what seemed to be a short sleeved dress, but you quickly discarded the idea. It probably was an asgardian tunic of some kind.
You heard movement to your left, finding the door of what would most likely be the bathroom. Loki must have been cleaning up after a rough day. You took a step towards the door ready to knock on it when the door opened unexpectedly, making you and the person at the other side jump upon seeing each other.
Your heart seemed to drop when the figure emerging from the en suite was not your boyfriend but the most attractive woman you had seen in your life wrapped in a towel. After years of learning through movies and tv shows the first thought that came into your mind was that Loki was cheating, but a closer look to the woman and you saw that mischievous spark in her gaze.
“W-what are you doing here?”
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Taglist: @teenwonder @kyli314
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vegalocity · 3 years
Peachtea/TripSun angst idea. Nobody knew Wukong would disappear for 500 years so they're mourning until Xiaotian starts training with him. Tang composes himself to wait a little longer but Wukong just ignores all the signs. Until he gets into an argument with Tang and Tang ends up snapping "Why did you disappear for 500 years?!"
Okay so here’s the thing, I can only get behind the whole ‘The other Pilgrims ALL thought Wukong was dead and are PISSED at him now’ stuff, only, and I mean ONLY if Wukong either thought they all didn’t want to hear from him again anyway, or if he thought they were dead too.
....I mean my only contributions to all those ‘Reunion with Baije and Wujing’ posts were both ‘Wukong thought they were dead too’ so CLEARLY thats my read on the whole thing. I sincerely can’t see him just... NOT telling people he cared that much about that he was gonna bounce for that long to be alone on FFM, so if he knew they were alive he would have told them. 
And then you know someone spotted that little shrine with the origami figures in the Special and I was there like:
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 So like, lets do something we’ll both enjoy here then because all of those reunion fics are almost exclusively centered around the trio, and we oh so rarely see Sanzang (whether he is Tang or not) get involved. 
So like first off, assuming LMK is on a sci fi alternate earth instead of being in the future, there’s still a solid nine hundred or so years between the end of the Pilgrimage and the supposed time Wukong disappeared for Monkie Kid timeline (JTTW is set in like the 600s or so if i remember correctly, might be wrong about the exacts tho) so lets assume those nine hundred years were uneventful.
So yeah, idk the hows, the hows don’t matter. What DOES matter is Wukong somehow loses contact with the others and is somehow convinced they were all killed, had his last stand against DBK and then went off travelling for a century to come to terms with his brothers and his precious, darling, beloved Master all perishing due to his inability to protect them.
and meanwhile for the others he was just... GONE. Like he’d vanished off the face of the earth, And the last the three of them ever saw of him was the staff rooted into the mountain that now kept the Bull King below. Just in case maybe the tree of them would periodically head off to Flower Fruit Mountain and check in with the monkeys that could still talk, but after about a century it was clear. If he WAS still alive, he wasn’t coming back. And the idea that he’d purposefully leave all of them behind just for the hope that he WAS still alive would do his memory a disservice. 
So when Wukong returns to FFM wouldn’t it be great if he like, JUST missed that last visit? Like DAYS after Sanzang, Baije and Wujing had been there for the final time to hold an impromptu funeral for their dead friend on his homeland and finally accept that he was gone, Wukong returns to the mountain and builds his little shrine for his dead friends... the Monkeys all look at eachother awkwardly and shrug, assuming this will be settled soon enough, surely it’ll be solved before too long.
And then another 400 years of kingly depression naps and the others falling in and out of contact with eachother as they adapt to the ever changing world around them later, Xiaotian snatches the staff from the bull family.
And... Look... It’s been a ROUGH 500 years on Sanzang now called simply Tang. He’d only recently tracked down Baije-now-called-Pigsy in the past... what Ten years? and was only tangentially aware of what Wujing-now-called-Sandy was up to. And... Look... LOOK. It’s ridiculous that he’s still hung up over losing Wukong as much as he is. He’s Well FUCKING aware it’s ridiculous. He should know better, he quite LITERALLY reached immortality through enlightenment. He KNOWS he should know better. 
So why-... Why can’t he say his real name without his gut still twisting into knots? He still tells the stories because telling them behind a wall of detachment, pretending he wasn’t there on the action for most of them helps in some small way, but why does he have to always call him ‘the Monkey King’? What a question, he knows why. He gave his heart away when he was still mortal, and so mortal his heart will forever stay. Dead and returned to the stone with the impulsive monkey he’d given it to.
And then It’s not dead. Because he’s not dead. and honestly at first it’s just shock, it’s just reeling with the sheer tidal wave of feelings he had to spend hours meditating just to sort through. The three of them meet up after Xiaotian and Xiaojiao have turned in for the night to discuss what the FUCK just happened, and all three of them come away with different conclusions. 
Baije is furious and will refuse to seek out Wukong unless its to tell him off for letting the three of them belive him dead, Wujing is sad and would like to see Wukong again to simply ask why he’d decided to cut the three of them out of his life like that, but doesn’t want to do it alone. And he’s...conflicted.
He wants this to be a joyous discovery. he wants to be so relieved and euphoric at his monkey still being there, having ALWAYS been there, that he wouldn’t be able to stop smiling for days on end. But he can’t. It’s all so... messy inside and he’s going to need to keep his distance if he wants to be able to approach Wukong with a level head. This was why attachments such as these were foolish he should have known better all those years ago but it was centuries too late now, and this confliction is what he has to suffer through as the result... wanting to laugh and cry and scream all at once because Wukong is ALIVE, he’d spent SO long in mourning for him, and HOW DARE HE ignore them all and let them assume the worst?!
So he hides behind that Scholar Tang persona while he sorts through his emotions. And it works for the most part. 
And then New Years happens.
And... Look, Wukong’s been THROUGH it in the last 500 years. He’s done everything he could to just... GET OVER the loss of his love His Master and His brothers. he went through all the damn stages of grief, 
Spent that first decade in denial poking around everywhere he could to see if any of them-ANY of them were in hiding somewhere, spent another three decades wandering the world and starting fights with other cultures divine warriors (and that Aphrodite chick was DEFINITELY hitting on him the entire time, extolling about how rarely she got to use her ‘Aria form’ whatever that meant) to work through his rage without actually getting himself in trouble with his own heavenly court. Spent another twenty years or so looking through as many underworlds as he could find, no matter how many of them really wanted to test just HOW immortal he was (Answer: Too Immortal for any of them) to see if ANYONE had anything he could work with, and always coming up empty. eventually crossed the ocean to the other landmass because he was tired of looking at all of these places and seeing either memories or wasted time looking for bargaining chips, and spent a decade or so deciding he hated Mexico and went back to China. and then spent another thirty years just procrastinating returning home to his mountain.
When he returns to flower fruit mountain its as though he’d never left. His monkeys greet him with excitement but he’s standing on the shores of his home he hasn’t seen in a century and... feels nothing. Like his ability to feel anything for anything beyond the people he’s lost is gone. He makes a little shrine that spends most of its time on a shelf that's difficult to be able to look at full on without craning your neck weirdly and if any of his subjects notice that he takes a bit too much care in folding the little paper figure of the monk as he sets the four figures up along the edge of the little thing none of them judge him over it. He’s rarely got the energy for tears anymore, but when he does it’s usually when that little figure catches his eye.
By the time Xiaotian crashes into his life he’s... getting better. At least he thinks he is. having the loud excitable boy in his life is helping chase the shadows away a little bit (though when they return oh how they scream) and he hears some stories of his friends on training days and... geez sometimes he’ll tell this or that story and Wukong will be so THOUROUGHLY reminded of someone that it just... hurts.
And then New Years happens.
And he finally sees him again -- And he finally meets Xiaotian’s friends
And he still doesn’t know how to feel it’s all SO MUCH -- And they feel familiar so he gives them all a quick glance with golden eyes
And he can only do the one thing that feels safe right now -- And oh... that makes sense. How lucky they all found eachother again after reincarnating.
Sanzang hides behind the Tang persona and lies with an energy that could only be harvested from the sheer maelstrom of emotions fighting for dominance -- and Wukong leaves before he says something incriminating because now he knows and he can’t Un-know.
He should have known better but its centuries too late. And it doesn’t even matter that he doesn’t know how to feel about this whole thing he HAS to keep seeing him, he can NOT let him vanish again -- This was a mistake, this was a mistake, he cannot face them all and see lack of recognition, he cannot have his brothers treating him only as Xiaotian’s mentor he can NOT handle looking at him and seeing a stranger.
He needs to at least TALK to him -- He can’t stay away
Wukong doesn’t start out hanging out at the Noodle Shop on down time, that’d be too much too quick, especially since Baije-.. Since Pigsy is clearly still pretty steamed for the whole ‘letting Xiaotian into the world of magic and monsters’ stuff. But he’ll often shapeshift and keep an eye on things like that... No he is NOT eavesdropping on the reincarnations of those three out of the ridiculous desperate desire to feel close to them again. Because he’d rather just love him miss them from afar than be treated as a stranger.
But of course Tang notices when he does. Every time. And every time he wants to say something but his throat feels too tight. That first day he’d fallen on the persona because it was all he felt he COULD do but now the very idea that he’d have to pretend to be someone else just to be able to speak to his monkey not his not anymore Him was completely out of the question. Tang’s actually surprised with himself the first time he finds his voice. 
The conversations come quickly, neither of them quite content to ignore the other now that its become obvious. The conversations are mostly stilted, awkward. Wukong seems both unable to help himself from talking to him, but unwilling to LOOK at him. Tang’s best guess is that he somehow doesn’t recognize him, Had he really changed that much in the time they’d been apart? Had he really lost so much affection for his old master that he could no longer recognize him beneath a slight change in appearance? That might be the reason the Hurt finally starts to win in the eternal standoff between Joy and Sorrow in how this whole thing makes him feel. 
And maybe it’s something simple, maybe Wukong is just barely starting to lower his guard a bit. Maybe just sharing a space with the man who once was the love of his life his master was finally starting to chalk over the rough edges his long since broken heart would constantly stab into him with. and he just SAYS something. Something probably innocuous, something he’d said a million times on the Journey alone. And to Tang it just... feels like he’s mocking him, like he’d known this whole time and had just been playing with his emotions in a way he wouldn’t have tolerated back then- so why should he tolerate it now?
 And the first words out of his own mouth are “Bad Monkey!” and Wukong freezes as Tang begins to lecture him
How he’d spent a solid third of his time immortal in mourning over him, how he’d been the one to tell Baije and Wujing that it would be a disgrace to his memory to believe him alive and instead that he’d chosen to cut the lot of them out of his life, despite how much HE’D wanted to believe it too. How hurt he was to find out that not only he HAD been ignoring them for so long but also that he’d apparently had apparently not even recognized any of them when they HAD all seen each other again! How much he’d missed him, how happy he’d still been to see him again. 
Yes, yes, pathetic, emotional baldy always bursting into tears at the simplest of things nothing’s changed etcetera etcetera- He hadn’t been lying on new years when he said he had a million questions, but all he really wanted to know was why? Why did he cut them out of his life, why did he shut HIM out? Why did you disappear for 500 years Wukong?
And Wukong reaches out, his hand is- shaking? and removes the glasses from right off his face--normal glass obviously, Baije had insisted they completed the scholarly look and annoyed him into compliance--
“You’re-” he hesitates, looks, almost afraid? “You’re not a reincarnation..?”
Well now they both looked the part of fools.
Two sobbing fools clutching to eachother in the alleyway behind Pigsy’s shop, and oh MAN did they have some things to talk about, because Wukong was DEFINITELY coming back with him to his apartment for the night and then first thing in the morning he was going to visit his brothers to internalize that THEY weren’t reincarnations either and then he was going to have to explain where he’d been for that first century while they were all still looking for him to THEM too. 
And yes he should have known better than to get attached to him in this way in the first place, it was disgraceful, the sheer misery it had brought alone was proof enough of that. But Wukong was nuzzling into his shoulder, and pressing those strange feeling monkey kisses across his cheeks and jaw,  and his breath was hitching with pure relief and joy and it was for him-
And fuck it, he just didn’t care. 
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pluto-fics · 3 years
Promise (M)
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One Shot | GrungeGuitarist!Jimin x Reader 
(established relationship)
Genres: fluff, romance, smut
Rating: 18+ (M) for explicit sexual content
Word Count:  9,062 words
Warnings: tooth rotting sweet fluff, profanities, mild dirty talk, smut, light nipple play, dry humping, fingering:fem receiving, unprotected sex (stay safe), slight creampie, softdom!Jimin
A/N: This is a re-upload after I have taken down the original for editing purposes and strongly inspired by the 200414 MiniMoni VLive, because Jimin looked great and I’m weak for that man. You may need to see a dentist after reading this because this is pure teeth rotting fluff, my friends. Jimin is a true softie for (Y/N) here lol.
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You still remember the first kiss you shared with him. That one night, when you met on the playground in your neighborhood, sitting beside eachother on the swings as Jimin told you about his big dream for the first time. He wants to succeed with his band. He dreams of a future as a well-known guitarist. And back then you had told him that you did not think of it as a silly wish. You believed in him back then when your teenage self agreed to stay by his side, and you still do to this day. This was also the moment in which he knew – he was madly in love with you.
Looking back on your last years of dating Jimin, you could not deny what a cliche rebel couple you were. Instead of asking you to prom, your boyfriend skipped the whole event with you and his bandmates to break into the football field of your school that night. But you did not regret it one bit. The memory of your friends chasing eachother on the field and lying in the grass to look up at the starry night sky was as vivid and precious to you as no other. That same night you saw the first shooting star of your life while holding Jimin’s hand and begging him to tell you what he had wished for. Yet, he never told you, to this day. Instead, he said “Let’s stay like this forever” and gave your hand a meaningful squeeze with the reflection of the stars above shining in his eyes. 
His words from this night turned into a promise you both made and kept.
You were there for each one of his band’s gigs in small bars and scene clubs. You were there for many of their band practices, too. And now you are there to witness their first big breakthrough as the opening act to an increasingly popular indie band.
Holding Taehyung’s bass guitar, you watch his attempt to fix his hair. He must have applied half a can of hairspray by now and you doubt that even a single strand would budge during the show. However, Taehyung wants to be safe. “This is our big deal! The most important performance we have ever had yet!” He wants to give it his all, just like the other members. 
You turn and look at Yoongi, who is sitting on the couch in the corner of the small dressing room while tapping his drumsticks onto his thighs in concentration. Having known him for as long as the other boys, you quickly realized that he is wearing his “lucky charm” – his signature worn out leather jacket. He wore it to their very first gig, wore it daily during finals week and he also wore it that fateful night you all skipped prom together. The memories place a nostalgic smile on your lips.
Meanwhile, Jeongguk keeps pacing around the room while mumbling the lyrics to their latest song. He may be the youngest of them all, but he is a real multi-talent. It's almost like magic, the way he is so damn good at everything if he just wants to succeed at it. Eyeing his guitar on its stand next to Jimin’s, you can't help but wonder where your boyfriend, the main guitarist of this band, has gone to. He had left the room about 20 minutes ago, saying he was going to the toilet real quick, but he has not returned since. “Thank you,” Taehyung smiles as he takes his bass from you. “Is Jimin still gone?” He then asks. Nodding, you already make your way to the door. “Yes, but I’ll go check up on him.
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Striding through the cramped halls backstage, you make your way to the men’s toilets. And just when you raise your hand to knock on the door, it opens to reveal the man you have been looking for. 
“(Y/N)?” He was clearly startled. You sigh in relief. “It’s been over twenty minutes, just what in the world were you doing in there?” you ask, sensing that something was wrong. Seeing the deep red tint on his bottom lip, you can already guess what he was doing. Biting his lip when he got nervous was one of his habits. And judging by how red it was, he must have been gnawing on it like crazy. Since he does not respond, very aware of how easily you could read him and his body language, you decide to ask straight away. “How bad is it?”
You almost see the heavy weight on his shoulders as he says “Very bad… Baby, I can’t mess this up. Not this time. It would ruin everything we’ve worked so hard for.” A compassionate smile finds its way to your lips. “You’re always worrying so much. Jimin, you’ll do great. I am one-hundred percent sure of that, alright?” Noticing the doubtful glimmer in his eyes, you continue “You’ve worked so hard for this very moment. Don’t dread it, enjoy it. When you guys go up on that stage, I want you to relish that moment. Because this is going to be the first time of many more to come.”
His lips slowly curve upwards as he nods slowly, “Alright.” You smile and pull him into a hug, feeling the fast rhythm of his heartbeat as he too holds you close. “No matter what’s going to happen, I am and will always be your biggest fan” you say. Chuckling, he moves a hand to gently cup your cheek and look at your face. “I know. Thank you for being here, (Y/N).” A second passes in which you smile at eachother, before he leans in to kiss you. 
“Ugh, are you serious? We’ve only got ten minutes to go through the setlist before we go on stage, so move your ass back into the dressing room before it’s too late!” 
The two of you immediately part at the sound of Yoongi’s aggravated voice behind you. You know that he did not mean to be rude, yet the sharp sound to his words really shocked you for a second. Seems like Jimin was not the only one who was nervous to the bone. You see Jimin sending you an apologetic smile before rushing after his hyung. Shaking your head, you make your way to the stage already, not planning to interfere in this special moment your boyfriend and friends would share right before the show now. You could still wish each one of them good luck when they go up there, after all.
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From your spot next to the stage you had a perfect view not just on the boys, but on the audience as well. And you could not feel any prouder of your friends. They had introduced themselves a little awkwardly, but as soon as the chorus to their first song started the audience was going completely crazy. They loved it. And you could tell how much joy the boys felt in that moment. 
As the songs got heavier, the movements of the crowd did the same. They even formed a small moshpit at some point and tried to shout along to repetitive phrases of the last song’s chorus.
It was clear that Jeongguk did not lie when he told the audience how much he loved them for being so welcoming and wild. And so did the rest of the boys, bright smiles painted on their sweat covered faces. 
You almost could not believe your eyes as you watched them on stage. They looked like absolute rockstars already, the sweet boys you have known for such a long time suddenly looking so grown up. Finally, your eyes lock on your boyfriend, cooly jumping onto a platform at the front of the stage to play his solo. As he throws his head back while playing the longest note of his solo, you can see the sweat running down his neck and strands of his once well-styled hair sticking to his skin. In this moment, he looks like the very definition of ‘sinful’, reviving memories of the last time you had seen him like this - in a wholly different context. But these thoughts have to wait. 
When they finally play the last tunes of their performance, the crowd cheers loudly – the sound of hundreds of people cheering for your friends and filling your heart with immense joy and pride. You too are cheering as they come down the stairs, sweat dripping from their brightly smiling faces. “That was incredible!” Taehyung exclaims with a voice of true ecstasy. Jeongguk nods, patting his friend’s shoulder as the two of them give you a high-five while passing you to get back to the dressing room. You greet Yoongi with a big grin and loud “You did amazing!”, happy to see him beaming one of his rarest gummy smiles back at you as he slings one arm around you in a rushed hug while thanking you before he follows the others. 
The main act is already approaching to go on stage as you almost tackle Jimin the second he gets off of the stairs. “You were unbelievable! I told you you’d do well!” you cheer as he laughs wholeheartedly at your enthusiasm. “I feel like I’m in heaven, did I die on stage?” he asks as he hugs you tight, his entire body still trembling due to the rush of adrenaline. 
You laugh and kiss his cheek, then his nose, honestly just aiming at random spots on his face as you do so. “I’m so proud of you, Jimin” you say as he’s grinning widely. 
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After a few minutes of basically shouting praises and cheers at one another and then making fun of Jeongguk for suddenly crying tears of happiness, the boys watched the concert from beside the stage with you. They even were asked back onto the stage for a few songs during the encore, which the audience clearly enjoyed just as much as the performance prior to that. On your way to the hotel you guys would stay at for the night, you checked the boys’ band profiles online and could not have been any prouder when you saw the follower counts continuously rising on each one of them. 
The other band had invited your friends to an after party at the hotel’s bar and after an hour or so you decided to let them have this moment to themselves. Especially since you were already getting tired anyway. So you went to Jimin’s and your room instead. Honestly, you could not believe it yourself either. The four men you have been supporting for more than five years, basically since the day they decided to practice and start a band together, finally are so close to their goal. 
You take a quick shower and wrap yourself in the hotel’s bathrobe before drying your hair and starting your basic skincare ritual in front of the mirror above the sink. As usual, you get lost in your thoughts while massaging the cleanser into your skin and rinsing it off, thinking about how much has changed within the past couple of years. You first met Jimin in high school, both of you being friends with your classmate Jeongguk and naturally meeting eachother at his parties or during lunch breaks. That was how you made friends with Taehyung and Yoongi, too. Even though you did not share any classes with even one of them, you became friendly with them very quickly. 
This friendship held for many years. You graduated, went to college, shared many memories together – and here you are today.
While you were so lost in your thoughts and washing your face, you did not hear the door to your hotel room as someone entered. So when you come out of the bathroom, you nearly have a heart attack as you see someone rummaging through your boyfriend’s suitcase. Until you realize that it is Jimin himself. “Hey” you greet him casually, a little confused by why he is here and not with the others. Turning around, he beams a smile at you, greeting you back. “Did your after party end already?” you ask and take a seat on the edge of the bed as you watch him collect his sleepwear. “Not really” he says, “I just didn’t feel like staying much longer.”
You are about to ask if something had happened. But then Jimin already stands in front of you with a grin and kisses the top of your head, one of his hands dropping to your exposed thigh. His thumb is slowly rubbing circles into your skin as he looks you in the eyes. “And I thought we could celebrate in a different way tonight…”
There it is. That signature smirk on his lips as he awaits your reaction, just like the smirk he would send your way every now and then when he was on stage earlier. He knows that you like the attitude he holds on stage, that you watched him and his every move closely.
And quite frankly, this is not the first time you are feeling this way. After the boys’ very first gig you nearly jumped Jimin the second he came off stage. You would be embarrassed, but who could blame you? Whenever your sweet boyfriend steps on stage, it is as if he takes on a different persona. His cute eye smiles and giggles get replaced by a sinful smirk and bedroom eyes. Even the way he walks or pushes his hair back looks so different on stage in comparison to the man you know off stage. 
You mirror his smirk as you nod and cup his face to pull him in. “Sounds great” you say before kissing Jimin and feeling the upcurve of his lips against your own. His hand on your thigh glides down to the back of your knee as his other hand softly pushes you down by your shoulder. He leans down to capture you against the mattress with your leg on his hip as the kiss grows heated. 
Wearing only the flimsy bathrobe, you moan into the kiss when you feel his crotch moving into your own, the rough material of his ripped jeans eliciting a raw sensation against your exposed skin. Detaching his lips from yours, he moves on to your jaw and neck, following an imaginary trail as he leaves wet kisses on his way down. Your hands wind through his messy hair as the back of your raised thigh is being kneaded by his hand. 
“Seems like you planned for this to happen tonight” he accuses you with a smirk before untying your robe, wanting to see your body that’s hidden underneath. “Tell me, did you enjoy today’s show?” You nod and help him with the knot in your belt. “Use your words, baby” he then says, stopping your hands by engulfing them with his as he looks at your face expectantly. “Yes. I enjoyed it a lot” you say, not trusting your voice with the way his dark eyes lock with yours. 
He nods once, satisfied with your answer and places a kiss on your collarbone as he lets go of your hands and opens the robe. “Did you like my solo performance, too?” he asks, kissing down to the valley of your breasts and sinking his hips to yours again, pressing the prominent bulge in his jeans against your pulsing core. You sigh in pleasure as you whimper. “Yes. Very much.” Now kissing around your left nipple, he moves a hand to your other breast, stimulating your right bud by softly rubbing and twisting it between his fingers. Holding onto his shoulders and arching your back with a mewl, you press your chest to his lips and he sucks on your bud before licking around it. “What part of my performance did you like best, baby?” he asks, his voice nearly a whisper before he continues to work his magic on your sensitive chest. Moaning at the stimulation, you grind your hips against his and say “I liked it all… But your h-hip thrust during “Lie” nearly had me drooling.”
He chuckles and glances up at your face. “You mean this one?” He asks and pushes his clothed crotch into yours by re-enacting the skillful bodyroll he had shown on stage. You moan and nod, wishing for him to finally take off some of his clothes too. “Yes!”
Caressing your sides, he kisses down your stomach before sitting up and looking at your exposed body while licking his lips. "Just how much did you enjoy the show? Did you get wet?” His face does not look as playful as it did mere seconds ago. Instead, his gaze looked almost serious, yet filled with lust. Feeling your cheeks burn, you guess you must be bright red in the face as you avert your eyes and nod bashfully. “I couldn’t help it…” you admit quietly. 
When you hear a rustling noise above you, you see Jimin pulling his shirt over his head, the delicate silver necklace with the letters of your name dangling from it getting caught in the fabric for a second, dropping the shirt somewhere near the bed before he leans down once again. His face now just a hair’s width away from yours, he doesn’t give you the chance to fully admire his toned body when he smirks. “If that turned you on already… Then how wet are you right now?” he asks, sounding as if he expects you to answer when his hand slides down your stomach, over your pelvis to where you wanted it most. You whimper at the soft touch of his fingers, your core feeling so sensitive after the rough thrusts of his jeans clad crotch. 
“So wet. Just for you” you moan, remembering how much he likes to be reminded that he is the only one who ever makes you feel this way. Jimin likes to be in control during sex. He loves it when you're obedient, like you are his and his alone. Humming at your response, he slowly moves his fingers up and down your slit before drawing small but firm circles around your clit. Gasping for air at the sudden pleasure, you hold onto his arm. Nearly fearing that he might move it somewhere else if you don’t hold it in place. He knows your body like the back of his hand, as you do his. Both of you know every sensitive spot, every little mole and every trick on the other's body, understanding how to make the other feel good. “You’re such a good girl for me, huh? Only having eyes for me, getting this wet only for me…” His voice is deep and his fingers relentless as he stimulates your clit until your thighs begin to tremble. “Do you want me to make you cum like this, baby?” He asks you and inserts a finger into your dripping hole, his lips now next to your ear as he places a kiss on your temple. You moan louder, shaking your head. “No… I want more. Jimin, please!” 
He smirks and adds another finger, scissoring and curling them inside of you.  “More? How much more do you want?” He asks “More, like this?” and pumps them knuckles deep into your pulsing core before he adds a third finger, stretching you nicely and rubbing your walls to find the spot that has you seeing stars. 
The moan of his name that leaves your lips sounds like a beautiful melody to Jimin’s ears as he kisses your cheek. “Please, Jimin! I need you. Need you so bad” you beg, desperately wishing for him to just fill you up with his cock instead.
His fingers push into your most sensitive spot, rubbing it with every following thrust of his fingers as it has you arching your back off the mattress and mewling in delight and frustration all at once. “Please, Jimin!” you repeat, clumsily trying to unbuckle his belt. Chuckling, he pecks your lips and whispers an “Ok” before pulling his fingers from you and locking eyes with you as he moves them to his mouth, sucking them clean one after the other with a low hum. Your breathing picks up as you watch him and you pull him closer by his shoulders. The feeling of his lips on yours is what occupies your mind completely as you share a messy but passionate kiss. Opening his belt and jeans before pushing all of it down his thighs, along with his boxer briefs, Jimin doesn't let off of your lips until the very last second. 
You smile at your lovely boyfriend before following the trail of fading marks and bruises you had left on his neck two days ago down, only to swallow at the sight of his fully erect dick, the tip an angry red as it’s leaking pre-cum and the shaft a width that stretches you so deliciously every time. “Fuck” you groan as you drop your head back, craving the feeling of him inside you so bad, it’s ridiculous.
“Spread your legs for me, baby. I want to see you” you then hear Jimin say, as his hands already hold onto the back of your thighs to push them apart. You bite your lip in anticipation and open your legs wide, watching the way he takes in the sight. “Look at the mess you’ve made… And we’ve barely even gotten started …” he groans, watching you gush and clench around nothing in anticipation of what’s to come. He holds onto his shaft and moves it up and down your folds. A movement that has both of you sighing in pleasure. When he aligns his dick with your wet hole, he moves to hover above your face again and your arms wrap around his neck as he pushes into you slowly. Inch by inch, he stretches you further, the drawn-out moan leaving your throat and your clawing hands in his black hair a clear evidence of the blissful feeling it elicits. 
“Fuck, you’re always so tight for me, baby. Feels so good” Jimin growls through his teeth, eyes closed as his forehead rests on yours. He is holding back the urge to fuck into you right from the start, you can tell. He bottoms out, dropping his head into the crook of your neck and waiting a second or two for you to get used to his size. When you move your legs to wrap around his hips, he gets the sign and slides out until only the tip is left inside before thrusting all the way back in. You moan in unison as he keeps up a steady rhythm, repeating this motion over and over again. 
When his pace reaches a high, his hands move to your thighs, pushing them further up towards your chest to reach deeper into you. You release a broken moan of his name at that, feeling his dick deep inside you as he fills you with each of his thrusts. Sinfully wet sounds of skin hitting skin and your shared moans fill the room. “Shit, I’m getting close” he pants out inbetween lustful grunts and groans.
You nod, implying that you too are nearing the end, unable to use your words as the only sounds leaving your throat right now are euphoric moans and whimpers. Keeping up his fast rhythm, he moves a hand down inbetween you both to rub his thumb around your swollen clit in quick movements. “That’s it, cum for me (Y/N).” You almost shout out when you feel the coil in your lower belly snap as you come undone, your body shaking and your eyes rolling back to the point where all you see is white. 
Riding out your orgasm, you feel Jimin holding on your waist tightly and increasing the pace of his now erratic thrusts until he cums with a broken moan, buried deep inside of you as he fills you with several spurts of white. Resting his head on your chest, he pants in synch with you as you both try to recover from your climax. Your hand glides through his hair on the back of his head mindlessly, caressing and massaging his skull until he moves to pull out and fall down beside you on the bed. 
“Was this the kind of celebration you’ve been thinking of?” you ask, turning onto your side to cuddle into his bare chest. His arms instinctively wrap around you, holding you close and caressing your back. “No, this was better” he says with a cocky smile and kisses your forehead. “And so much better than any after party, too.”
You close your eyes as you listen to his heartbeat slowly going back to it’s normal pace. “I’m really proud of you, Jimin” you then mumble into his skin. He chuckles. “Did I fuck you that good?” Frowning and pinching his arm, you say “No!”, resulting in a genuine laugh from him. “I mean because you’re so close to fulfilling your biggest dream. You’ve come so far, baby.”
His amused smile becomes gentle as he nods and moves his hand to stroke your head, his hand smoothing down the nest that has formed on your head. “Do you remember the night on the football field?” he suddenly asks, his voice almost a whisper. Opening your eyes before you nod, you smile softly. “Of course…” Playing with a strand of your hair, he goes on. “That night, we saw a shooting star. And I wouldn’t tell you what I wished for.”
You grumble. “Yeah, I’m still curious.” Chuckling once again, Jimin says “Back then… I didn’t wish for our band to succeed. I didn’t wish for a chance as a musician. I didn’t wish for anything that I’d usually wish for.” Listening, you move your head to face Jimin. “All I asked for was for you to stay with me. All the way.”
Feeling the beating of your heart increasing in pace and your eyes starting to water, you were left speechless. “But then… We made that promise. I kept my wish from you, thinking it wouldn’t become true if I told you. That’s so ridiculous, isn’t it?” he says, smiling in shame when he realizes how superstitious this was. You shake your head, giggling quietly. “It is ridiculous, because you definitely wasted a chance for a wish there.” you say, looking him dead in the eye as he mocks offense. “I promised to stay with you forever. And I’m not one to break promises, ever.” Extending your pinky finger, you hold it up to your heads.
“Alright, same for me” Jimin smiles, now an amused curve to his lips rather than the bashful smile from before, and links his pinky with yours before refreshing the seal of your old promise with a kiss to your lips. 
"You know... This is the cheesiest thing you have ever said after sex." you suddenly deadpan, grinning at your embarrassed boyfriend's blushing cheeks as you both break out into quiet giggles a second later.
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Thank you for reading this One Shot. Let me know how you liked it! 
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– Pluto 🌑
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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My last post wasn't intended as a comprehensive analysis of the leaked footage circulating on social media- neither is this. I will share my analysis later. Promise.
However, I think y'all know where my head is at with regards to what I think is going on in that footage and I have to stick with that for now. Until further notice.
I have read all of y'all's thoughts and opinions on the footage, and I have to agree with most of you about not jumping into conclusions-but for a totally different reason of course.
Apart from a suspicious comment that spent an eternity critiquing my use of similes and metaphors in my last post- which I found really bizarre, I think everyone else's opinion on this matter is valid.
I mean, we all don't know shit now do we? Lol. We are presented with the same set of facts upon which we are tasked to interpret based on our understanding of Jikook's dynamics. Right?
When I theorize and speculate on Jikook, often it is based on how I see them mostly. And when I read your thoughts and messages I assume they are based on your own understanding of Jikook and Jikook's dynamics which I respect.
So explain to me again why y'all think JK is zoned out, stressed out of his wits due to his introvertedness but somehow the person he is supposed to be dating isn't attentive to him?
What am I missing?
Isn't this the same narrative other shippers spin about their ship? Claiming two people are in love but dismissing when they don't provide evidence of that love they feel so much for eachother?
I don't expect anyone to buy my weird ass theories about Jikook but God, the scenario y'all's describing sounds nothing like the Jikook we all know and love. In my humble opinion.
You think JK would be stood there having an episode, looking like Edward Scissorhands if he was head of the Volturi and Jimin wouldn't be all up on him to ease his stress anyway he could in an instant? Y'alls tripping.
Now, I am not disagreeing with y'all- but I'm judging you harshly. Lol.
C'mon now, this is Jimin. This is the man who runs across stages to wipe JK's tears away. The same man, that y'all swear by heaven and earth is in love with JK- or was that a lie too? Chileeeee.
Y'all got me all kinds of fucked up. Lol.
Jimin is super attentive to JK. He knows him better than anyone in the group- better than us. He cares and caters to him. He straps on his imaginary tootoo and plays head cheer for Jk when he is down and worn out- I will fight anyone who says otherwise.
He is JK's clutch. His catalyst. When JK is feeling any kind of way he finds his way to Jimin. Remember AAA 2018, when he was so nervous and anxious he kept rubbing Jimin's arms back and forth to calm himself down?
Mama 2019, on stage where he embraced JM in the most beautiful way we ever seen because he was happy nervous?
How many times have we seen JK grabbing Jimin and pulling him to himself when he is nervous?
Jimin is always the first one to pick up on these cues you are talking about. He is always the first person to know about these moments when JK has them. And tries his best to make JK feel at ease- y'all are breaking my heart.
Seriously, does this sound like Jikook to you?
Isn't that one of Jikook' tells? Do you see anyone besides JM in the group doing these things for JK without fail? Isn't that one of Jikook's distinctifiers? What is going on here!
You think JK would go through all that and JM would be congregating with the extroverts akekeking his butt off in a distant corner not noticing, not caring? Does that sound like Jimin to you?
I get your intentions here I do. Jikook is perfect from heaven, they don't fight- even though they themselves have admitted to squashing one for Jesus multiple times, but God forbid any one should assume and speculate that they have couple fights from time to time and suddenly we are the reason Jikook Antis exist. This is ridiculous.
When it comes to Jikook, if it looks, sounds, talks like a duck- it usually is a duck.
We've seen how JM is when JK is feeling a bit grumpy and isolated from the group. Jimin would ask everyone to shush it and give JK the floor- everyone, JK says I'm sexy let's hear him explain why.
He would bring JK into the conversation, crack Jokes and name drop him randomly Just to make JK feel part of the conversation.
In the new Jersey VLive where JK was tensed up didn't Jimin notice immediately and started rubbing his chest back and forth because that's what JK does to calm himself down when he is nervous?
Have we not seen Jikook at photoshoots? Did y'all not see winter package 2019?
Are y'all telling me JK was going through all that and JM couldn't pick up on his mood? Just tell me you don't believe Jikook is real and go. I'd rather you say that than make JM out to be this emotionally deaf to JK's needs.
Jikook is complex but they are not complicated.
They speak each other's love language. Jimim cares about JK a lot. More so than he cares about anybody else in the group.
He is equally a shy person but he puts that aside to love JK shamelessly. It's clear that whatever had transpired, Jimin just wasn't in the space to be that person JK needed in that moment and the others equally couldn't get it up for him because none of them know how to get through to him the way Jimin does.
I agree JK was probably going through his own shit. I agree it's highly possible that he had zoned out. But where does that sit in Jikook's dynamics?
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My take on Till..
What follows is my personal take on Till Lindemann, without ever having met him but i occasionally like to ramble and it's sundaymorning and i don't feel like doing something useful yet...so here goes (will probably be long) 🌻
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My feeling is that Till is one of those people who is absolutely genuine and authentic. A person who others would describe simply as 'Till is Till'. I would bet that if someone who knew him 30 or 40 years ago, would meet him again today, they'd instantly recognize him and what he does and feel he hadn't changed a bit (not necessarily meaning his looks, because obviously those have changed over the years). His character seems to be very true to himself. He still has the boy/young man in him and his likes and dislikes probably didn't change much either.
That's not to say that he is a 'simple' man. He has many facets and several more 'extreme' than the average person-in-the-street. But in every facet he is what he is and pursues it because he is completely into it. Whether it's the dark side that comes out in his lyrics and poetry, the cutting or burning himself in his performance art, going on his own back to nature, boozing, sex, partying with like-minded people, childlike humor; he has no hesitation about any of it, gives himself completely because *he* wants it and enjoys doing it, not to please others, or because they tell him to. His entourage, the people that often travel with him and hang out, will probably cater to his likes and not try to impose their own likes on him.
For people he has to deal with professionally (making music, shooting videos, doing interviews etc), the trick will be to find a way that is in Till's broad scala of 'things he likes' and if you succeed, he'll be easy to work with and do what you want, without even much discussion. If you don't, i think he'll loose interest quickly and before you know it, he's off doing something else, and then you're done.
Imo he doesn't suffer from the idea that many people have when they get older, that they can't do the things anymore they did when they were young, *because* they got older. If Till thought it was funny to try and nick snacks from grocery stores, he still thinks it's funny now, where others would think "well, we were young kids then, but it isn't appropriate anymore". That others feel the need to explain his actions with "then he was an 'angry' youngster, now he is a quirky grandpa", doesn't bother him, but i doubt he himself feels an explanation is needed, it's just the way he is.
All in all very much a 'What you see is what you get' kind of guy.
I think Flake is the easiest one for Till to relate to, because like him, Flake is an authentic person: Flake is always Flake. Imo Till likes Flake's dead-pan, and selfdepreciating humor. They share a dressingroom and although they seem to be completely different people with regards to how to do a concert and who to invite for the afterparty, their combination works well for both of them. And Flake likes Till as Till and trusts him completely. I doubt even if Flake had a reservation about something Till does or says, he'd feel the need to say it to him.
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There are few pictures or stories about specifically Till and Olli together, there is relatively little info on Olli himself (outside of concerts). I think Till appreciates Olli's calm and straightforwardness and Olli likes Till to work with, but other than that they may not have that much in common. Maybe in this case the age-difference is also a factor being the oldest and youngest in the band; an difference of 8 years may not seem much when you're in your 50's, but it is when you're in your 20's, and if you've known eachother for as long as they have, that often lingers on in the way you see eachother when you're older.
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Schneider is imo the one in the band who appeals to his 'young dude' side most. They share a sense of childlike or boyish humor (the little video of Till playing with his loose fingernail would imo be something that would amuse Schneider as well). When they did the video of Ohne Dich and Till joked with Schneider to have a threesome with one of the dummies. I think Schneider enjoys this side of Till, but doesn't necessarily understand all aspects of Till. He might joke along about sex or the darker lyrics, because he thinks it's all for fun and for a laugh, and then is a bit confused when Till actually writes the lyrics down and 'means' them. I think Till's performance art is way out of Schneider's comfortzone and even out of Schneider's entire frame of reference. (And i still think that Schneider unfollowed the Till_Lindemann_Official account on IG after the 'BJ under the drumstage' video showed up; not that that account is maintained by Till anyway, and nowadays it's mainly used to plug merch, so maybe that's why Schneider unfollowed).
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Paul is the one (also mentioned this in another ramble post) i think who is most acceptant of the extremer sides of Till, up to a certain point. And when in Rammstein, Paul tries to coax Till to stay within certain boundaries. Paul knows how to get Till to only go as far as Paul thinks is okay, secretly imposing his own way on Till, but wrapping it in a way that Till accepts it and goes along. Till likes Paul, his humor, clowning around with him on stage (and probably off it as well). The one thing I think Till doesn't like is when Paul starts arguing or quarreling and he only tolerates it as long as he doesn't have to get involved himself. Without Paul's meddling the band probably wouldn't be what it is today, and in the end that is appreciated, but during the proces, i think Till rather leaves to have a beer or two (or four) and wait for the Paul-storm to have subsided. Paul has probably mellowed down over the years and isn't as blunt or sharp anymore as in his youth, and this makes it easier to relax and have a good time together, but i don't think Paul would soon join Till's entourage.
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Richard is the one Till has known longest and probably best of the band. They lived together when they were young, went on holidays, shared views on sex and relationships and loved to go partying (even though Richard's vice was always more drugs than alcohol, but that didn't matter in having a good time). They also shared the experience of not having a good childhood, and it was probably of comfort to them both to have someone who understood that. And they are a shared family, having a daughter each with the same woman, and for Richard family is no.1. They also complement eachother in their work. There are loads of interviews where Richard is gushing over Till as a writer, a person, a friend, without even having to be asked (he'll just bring up the topic himself). Richard takes his work very seriously, wants to achieve new things and still argues if someone wants to meddle with his creations, and imo (see Paul) this is the part Till would rather skip and not get involved with; i could also see that Till doesn't really *get* the overthinking/worrying side of Richard. Likewise, i think Richard doesn't *get* some of the extremer sides of Till, like the 'Till enjoys pain' aspect (i think Richard hates Till being hurt, even he does it himself). I do think that over the years though that unlike Till, Richard *has* changed; which isn't necessarily bad, he seems to have his drugaddiction under control and having a young daughter maybe calmed him down a bit. Maybe there is also a bit of a midlife crisis going on (some people over 50 feel they have reached their peak and just want to go on relaxed until their pension, but Richard certainly isn't one of those). Imo this has led to the two not being as close as they once were; i think Richard regrets it more than Till. Richard has mentioned how Till doesn't seem to have a lot time, and with that he probably means one-on-one time. From Till's point of view, Richard is the one who changed his fancies and likes (never directly refering to him in interviews but occasionally mentioning not being into something like yoga or therapy, which have helped Richard a lot over the years).
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See...told you it would be long...for what it's worth: which is nothing 🍀
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keeperoftinyarmy · 4 years
I think people are blowing out of proportion t\k’ interactions, they’re friends, and yes they definitely look a lot closer than usual, but I mean that makes sense? In the soop? If that’s affecting Jikook’s relationship I would be giving jk the side eye, but I don’t believe for one second jk is the type to push someone aside for another. Neither is jm the type to stand for something like that. They’re fine. But I think your anons and actually a lot of jikookers recently are coming to this conclusion because there hasn’t been much jikook recently, pls nobody come for me I know they have their moments, but it’s hard for me to ignore that they’re not the same as they were pre October. More aloof with eachother I guess is the word? You can see that aloofness during the lgo comeback, when talking about their scene. Also, the cute moment jk enclosing jm was sometime September. I don’t use covid to explain away the lack of jikook, it’s my own opinion that Covid didn’t change that much, the only thing we’re missing out on due to the pandemic is their on stage moments, but everything else, interviews, performances, bangtan💣s are the same. I don’t believe we can use covid as an excuse for lack of jikook recently.
We’re also free to agree to disagree, and I disagree with you on 116 and 117 not being t\k heavy, it definitely was. Attached at the hip and pressed together sitting alone on the couch, it was like that ‘spot the couple’ thing we do with jikook. Even the captions by big hit on t\k were pretty obvious. “In their own little world 💕” with hearts and they 100% were, they were both completely oblivious to everything else happening. At the end of the day, jikook is an exhausting ship to be on, both because of the antis and also just jikook giving us whiplash sometimes. And honestly, I can see why jikookers may be freaking now, t\k haven’t been as close as they have been the past couple months since 2016, and maybe a lot of bang jikookers haven’t seen how close t\k were prior to their distance.
I’ve been here since late 2016 (august) and there’s been so many times I’ve flipped flopped between jikook being boyfriends and just close friends. I think it’s hard for some people not to take this seriously and do get worried over things, so I don’t think all of them are trolls or hidden tkkers. I think many are genuinely anxious jikookers that are getting too attached or hung up on things recently, and can you really blame them? It’s easy to say stop but it’s not always that easy, and with a global pandemic with bordem, stress, and for some social isolation and loss many most likely latched onto jikook, I think that latch can cause a lot of anxiety, on top of everything going on outside bts. But I’m not a psychologist, it’s just things I’ve noticed recently. Purple you everyone.
I respect your opinion. I don’t assume anyone is a troll and I take comments from “doubters” seriously. Hopefully anyone who is feeling too consumed by BTS or any fandom can find a way to take a step back and breathe.
But I do disagree with you on a few points.
I don’t know what jikook are to each other. I can just see they are close and I will boldly say I think they are closer than vmin or tk. I’ve felt this way for years. I’m officially army since 2017, and I’ve inexplicably watched virtually all bts content in order, so I’ve seen the progression of the group and the members from source material, not fan edits. All that to say, I’ve never flipped on jikook closeness. So TK or vmin for that matter being joined at the hip during a Run ep or hanging out during Bon Voyage has no impact on what I see between jikook.
Covid did change things. We went months where all we saw were arts and crafts lives and a few commercial shoots. The guys themselves have said how hard it has been for them with no performances and less schedules. 2020 was not business as usual for them. We didn’t just see less jikook, we saw less ot7. Most of the lives were solos or duos. It was rare to get them all together. That’s a big change.
But to bring this back to jikook, pretty much every thing official they’ve done during covid, we’ve had jikook. Karaoke, rainy fight, baskin Robbins, chilsung, mots:one, bangbang con, gimbap live, ITS (featuring mosquito net), Dynamite (many instances in content associated with it), Japan fan club, LGO mvid, BE unboxing, Be live, there is more but I’m tired of typing.
My point is jikook is still jikook in 2020 and it doesn’t take slow motion or deep analysis to see it.
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mackeydoodledoo · 3 years
Two Different Types of Musicians (Part 2)
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Pairing: Jesy Nelson x (Fem!)Reader
Summary: You're a musician who plays instruments, so you are a renowned Guitarist, Bassist and of many other instruments however, mainly guitar and bass. Jesy Nelson is most known for being in the British girl group; Little Mix. In Little Mixs' upcoming tour, their managers and producers want to pick the best of the best musicians to help them with this tour. One of them happens to be you....
Warnings: Past Trauma
A/N: This is in 1st person
I watch from backstage as Perrie begins talking about a song that’s titled "The Cure" and I begin hearing the crowd chant Jesy's name. Feeling empowered by said song and the crowd themselves, I grab a mic and begin chanting with the crowd. The girls look around for a hot minute before turning around to me. I begin walking out from side stage and the crowd cheers. Jesy's eyes begin shining against the light and she covers her mouth, crying tears of joy. She comes walking toward me se we meet halfway and she holds her arms out for me and we embrace.
"This goes out to people, like Jesy, like me," I start, "Or anyone who's experienced negative comments or in general life. And that it has effected oneself and no longer want to feel that pain."
I wrap my arm around Jesy's neck as we walk back to the girls. I start the beginning of the song, caught off guard by everyone, but Perrie, Jade and Leigh-Anne soon join in. Jesy cries as she hears the crowd and the four of us sing to her. And when it got to the bridge, I turn to Jesy and use my thumb to wipe a tear I notice fall down her cheek.
"You're going to be okay Jesy Nelson," I speak into the microphone, "Why? Because you have your girls, your fans who love and support you. And you have me. I'm here for you."
I lean in and place a kiss on Jesy's forehead, symbolizing that I deeply care about her and that I'll always be there for her. Our foreheads touch as Jesy continues to cry. I turn away from her but still holding onto her and raise my free arm into the air, symbolizing that no negative nancies (as Jesy stated in an earlier interview) will ever get the best of us and that we aren't alone. I realize the crowd follows suit of my action and the song ends. Perrie, Jade and Leigh-Anne do the same.
Once the final show concludes and I leave tomorrow.... I wish I didn't... I was having a great time with everyone.... With Jesy.
"Hey love," a voice calls before I head out the back entrance
"Hey you," I smile, "Shouldnt you be celebrating with your girls?"
"Well, I want to celebrate with you too," she says
"Id love to," I say, "I just want to drop my guitar back to the hotel first. Care to join me?"
She nods happily and I lock my case. I hold her hand as we make the exit and she begins signing fans' merch nd taking selfie with them. I watch them from a distance.
"Could I have your autograph?" Someone asks
I turn my head and smile, "For sure."
Once I sign their merch, I happily accept selfies and autographs. Once everyone has left, I hold Jesy's hand again and we hail a taxi to go to said restaurant that everyone else was in.
"Theres the two lovebirds," Jade giggles, holding up a glass of wine
"Are you drunk Jade?" I ask, laughing
"A little," she answers, "But I don't care im super happy."
Jesy and I sit nxt to each other as they all give cheers to another successful tour and cheers to their very first live band.
Once we all get back to the hotel, everyone goes into their respective rooms. I go through my phone and find new follows on Instagram and tagged photos from earlier. I like them but I don't follow them back, I don't really like having my "following" list very long. I suddenly hear a knock on my rooms door. I get up and walk over and open it.
"Hey Jesy," I yawn, "Can't sleep?"
"Yeah I can't, can I come in?" She asks
I step aside and allow her to come in. She seats herself on the bed and motions for me to sit next to her.
"What's up?" I ask
"Nothing really but its just-" she starts, "I remember our first interaction."
"Yeah," I chuckle, "I had to snake around the fans just to get to the other side. And when you kisse die on the cheek to satisfy questioning fans about us."
"Yeah," she sighs
"You remember watching me jump out from the stage and begin shredding the riff to the live bands opening set?" I ask
"Yeah," she giggles, "You practically fell but pulled it off so well. How do you do it?"
"Making things work when you fucked up," I explain, "I've learned this during indoor drumline. No matter what someone did. Even if it was you, just keep doing your part and not think about how you fucked up. It's how you decide to continue pulling it off. And I decided I was going to pull it off the best I could ever do."
Jesy stares at me, in awe and I do the same to her. We've only known each other for a couple of months but, holy shit I really like Jesy Nelson. Regardless of what negative people thought of her. Qhat I thought of her was what mattered to me. And she was the member who caught my eye when I began listening to them.
"Jesy I-"
Before I could go on, her phone rings.
"Oh that must be my boyfriend," she says, "oh i think he saw the photos of us.... I'm sorry I have to go."
I dont say anything to her but motion for her that she could leave. How could I be so dumb. I knew she had a boyfriend but going as far as holding her hand and she kissed my cheek?
As I walk through the airport to head back home, I reminisce on the memories I've made while on tour, the scenery that I never saw with my own eyes before and Jesy. Dont get me wrong, the girls have had left an imprint on my brain. But Jesy stood out to me the most. From our first interaction to our last. I write up before the crack of dawn and had a taxi drop me off. I didn't want to pain myself off saying goodbye to Jesy and the girls. Besides, Jesy never liked me back anyway. I was kind of upset, even if I was oblivious to people flirting with me and can't tell if they actually like me or if they're being nice, I really did feel something sparking between Jesy and I. But I was too scared to make a move, in hopes of not making anything awkward between us.
"Y/N!" A voice echoes as it becomes more clear and pulling me from my thoughts and music
I immediately recognize that voice. I turn around and see Jesy and the girls. But Jesy is walking over pretty fast.
"Jesy?" I call out, pausing my music and walking back over
As we hug again, Jesy's grip feels tightened as she bunches parts of my shirt into her hands.
"What are you doing here?" I ask, pulling myself away so I could look at her
"I forgot to give you this," she says
In one swift motion, she coils her hands around my neck and pulls my face close to hers, our lips meeting eachother. Once I overcame my initial shock, I coil my arms around her waist. Our foreheads touch as we pull away from one another.
"I was scared you didn't feel the same," she says
"Me too but about you," I reply back, "But are you sure you don't need a big strong man in your life?"
"Oh as our song says 'we don't need a man'," Jesy laughs, “Besides, being in a relationship with another musician is an adventure.”
"But-but I thought-" I stutter
"We were actually broken up before tour," Jesy says, "I'm sorry if I said Boyfriend I don't know why I said that last night I-"
I kiss Jesy again, hoping to make her shut up.
"I still have to go home Jess," I say, bitterly, "But hey, you have my number, I'll try to post about the gigs I'll do and more."
Jesy smiles, "Don't Worry Y/N. We'll be okay. Why? We have each other."
I chuckle, "Took the words right out of my mouth."
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