#never thought i would be able to play with apollo. or i'd have all these friends.
noxtivagus · 2 years
thinking about if ever i go to one of those final fantasy orchestras i will Cry
#🌙.rambles#in all honestly i've only played (not all finished though) uhh 7/9/10/13/14/15 & i could play 8/12/type-0 though from my aunt c:#that said i love the osts of all of them ! not even just final fantasy oh man i love the osts of video games so much :c#nier & octopath & kingdom hearts would be next after ff i think#OH i love fire emblem & zelda & bravely & chrono & from software games & granblue fantasy & hades & the witcher & uhhh#a lot more i love music sm :')#sometimes i forget i went to a concert before! kpop. stray kids back in 2019#when txt comes back here or if le sserafim ever. & exo. oh my god i'm not too much into kpop nymore but the music. yes. YEAH#.... soobin is cute too :c chaewon too :c Ok maybe all of them are still but yeah!!!!#back to final fantasy though i think i would actually cry. i really want to go to one eventually. but it seems so improbably. like a dream#but yk before i never thought i could be able to play ffxiv out of the free trial. or i would be able to get endwalker.#never thought i would be able to play with apollo. or i'd have all these friends.#everyone i met this year i never thought i would even meet you bcs goddamn it all happened out of nowhere :')#march. july. october. 3 people especially i think this year that. yeah#one i met due to smth related irl & another was on twitter & the other is in tumblr#it. just. thinking of all the things that i never ever thought would even happen. & of how much more would happen#the hope of more. even if there would also be things that would fall and be lacking. the hope of something greater gives me so much#love for the future. strength to forge onwards. for the unknown morrow.#it gives me so much more than i'll ever be able to express. but there's so much inside me. so much more to life#i'll try my best to at least do what i can. the gaps in my competency i'll make up in trying to communicate at least enough.#i'll work very very hard. i'll do my best. for me & for you all.#recently it feels like my world. while it's still hard to manage n rather overwhelming. it's been connecting more lately#these past few weeks. yeah i've had my struggles but#a few weeks back w my irls. ever since bday though i think it hasn't been quite as much though so i wna work on that soon#w online friends though. it. it means a lot to me to be able to communicate deeply like that here if you know what i mean#everyday i still think of that message you sent. & it means so much to me too to know that. in a way. i've managed to help you too#& another online friend on twt/discord my ffxiv life is. this is the turning point. i never thought i'd be able to have a friend like that#stuff relating to online n fiction for me has been better these days. since i finally also watched smth again after so long. read a bit too#piano soon!!!! but reality has been drifting a bit lately. i'll work on that. but. i've had this newfound motivation fr ever since the 28th#thank you. to everyone. for everything. i'll do so much better from now on.
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milomilesmib · 11 months
Since I have been feeling a particularly strong attachment to my comfort item lately here are what I think PJO character's comfort items would be (short answers in bold text for those who want a quick read):
Percy: a blue stuffie from his childhood. He doesn't often have it with him but he always feels safer when he is with it. And yes, he probably calls the stuffie "he" because I said so
Grover: a little mushroom pendant from Juniper. He never puts it on anything, just keeps it in his pocket and takes it out to fidget with when he's stressed. It has a really smooth surface and pretty colours so it's a good sensory thing for him.
Annabeth: her camp necklace. She always has it and when she doesn't she feels bare. Every time she's stressed she looks at a bead and thinks of a good memory from that year.
Thalia: a shirt she particularly favours because she wore it a lot when on the run with Luke and Annabeth. Any time she's in a bad mood she wears it and it makes her feel a bit better.
Nico: canonically, it's his skull ring, but I also feel like he'd have a childhood blanket that he's really attached to. It's a really soft fabric and so he always uses it when he's feeling overstimulated or understimulated cause it works for both
Rachel: a scrunchie with a fall leaf pattern on it from Percy. It was the first birthday present he gave her. It was all he could find and afford to get her that he thought she might like and he was scared she'd be underwhelmed but she really appreciated that he went through the effort and now she always has it on her.
Leo: a rock he found on a beach field trip with Piper back at the Wilderness school. It's pink and translucent, so when he holds it up to the sun it lights up a bit. It reminds him that he's cared about and loved when he has an existential crisis about being the 7th wheel.
Piper: a rock matching Leo's, found on the same trip. It's grey and smooth with streaks of white and green. It was a big source of comfort for her when mourning Jason, and she was able to remind herself that there was someone out there who shared her pain.
Jason: a silver bracelet Thalia gave him with a lightning bolt charm. It's the only jewelry he wears and he always has it with him, even when he dies.
Hazel: a small keychain from Frank. It's a little bear holding a plastic gemstone heart. She always brings it with her on quests and outings, making sure never to lose it.
Frank: a purple and gold friendship bracelet Hazel made him when he became praetor. He always treasured it because it made him feel like he'd made someone proud, despite the fact he'd already made so many people proud.
Reyna: her praetor's cloak. She didn't think she'd form an attachment to it, but she really liked the fabric and it made her feel important and safe. After she gave it up, Thalia noticed her seeming sad without it and got her a new one, but silver and gold embroidered with the symbol of Bellona.
Will: a pressed flower from Nico. Nico started picking flowers to press when he was unhappy as a way to learn how to keep his powers under control when his emotions are strong. He gave Will the first one and Will was so honoured he decided to carry it everywhere with him.
Apollo/Lester: a new ukulele Will got him after he lost his old one. Like Percy, he doesn't usually have it, but playing it always calms him down and reminds him of the people he loves.
Meg: a chip of a terracotta pot from her childhood home (I forget what it's called). She found it before she and her dad left and decided to keep it as a keepsake.
Lavinia: her star of David pendant, canonically, but I'd imagine she also has a music box with a little ballerina that reminds her of childhood and makes her feel safe.
Feel free to add on with any characters I missed :)
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
New Hozier album comes out in 10 days so here's some Hozier lyrics I can imagine Apollo writing.
I am YEARNING and I am GAY and y'all are gonna have to DEAL WITH IT.
You don't have to sing it nice / But honey sing it strong / At best you'll find a little remedy, at worst the world will sing along - To Noise Making (Sing)
A song about singing and the joy it can bring? God of music written all over it.
I wouldn't know where to start, sweet music playing in the dark / Be still, my foolish heart, don't ruin this on me - Almost (Sweet Music)
I can just see him singing this while falling in love with someone.
When, my, time comes around / Lay me gently in the cold hard earth / No grave can hold my body down / I'll crawl home to her - Work Song
And I can see him singing this while being in love with someone. Also the weight of an immortal singing about devotion after death is v interesting to me, especially when it comes to our poor has-almost-died-and-actually-died-more-times-than-any-other-immortal Apollo.
With each love I cut loose I was never the same / Watching still living roots be consumed by the flame / I was fixed on your hand of gold / Laying waste to my lovin' long ago - Would That I
Apollo's endless cycle of love and tragedy? More likely than you'd think.
When I was a man, I thought it ended / When I knew love's perfect ache / But my peace has always depended / On all the ashes in my wake -Arsonist's Lullaby
Apollo's endless cycle of love and tragedy? More likely than you'd think.
All that I've been taught / And every word I've got / Is foreign to me - Foreigner's God
In a general sense, I think this could refer to how different the rules of Olympus are to the rest of the world. Everything you're taught is right on Olympus means nothing as soon as you leave, and we see Apollo struggle with that in the books. But I also I like to relate these lyrics to the period right after the fall of Greece, when Apollo was likely torn between his people and the new invading force. Honestly I think that would be such an interesting time period to explore.
I couldn't utter my love when it counted / Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now / I couldn't whisper when you needed it shouted / Ah, but I'm singing like a bird 'bout it now - Shrike
Apollo definitely has a lot he regrets about certain relationships, especially after the Trials. His open affection and love for his partners wars against his inability to show true vulnerability and "weakness", so I imagine that he's been very closed off to a lot of his lovers.
So I will not ask you where you came from / I would not ask and neither would you / Honey just put your sweet lips on my lips / We should just kiss like real people do - Like Real People Do
Adding onto the last part (and this is entering headcanon territory) Apollo wants the love part of the relationship without the true vulnerability. He wants to be able to keep all of his walls up while still being truly loved, which is sadly kind of impossible. To me, it always seemed like Apollo was chasing the idea of being in love more than the person he's loving themselves. And this doesn't mean Apollo doesn't care about these relationships, in fact, he seems to throw his whole soul into them. He wants to love someone, he just isn't ready to be loved back.
The entirety of Jackie and Wilson and the entirety of Talk
They just fit man, idk
+ so much more but I'd have to write essays to fully explain how I feel about each one
I'll probably reblog this after I binge the new album with more so look forward to that.
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nanatsuyu · 6 months
hi I looove dashboard saints your characterization is so lovely <3 also was wondering your thoughts on Nora’s kandrew-adjacent tweet
Aaah thank you!! They're a lil rough and scrungly but I care them deeply ;;
And oh boi lmao that's a loaded question innit
I'll put under the read more in case people are trying to avoid anything new content wise!
So I saw a few of tweets and they weren't necessarily a surprise to me? Surprisingly lol
Kevin being the problem child wasn't out of my realm of thinking, but I'd never put it into those words. Though there is something to be said about her mentioning Kevin has a "homoerotic what are we" effect on people which like against also isn't a major surprise? (I'm thinking distinctly of that scene where he covers Neil's eyes because I don't know it was pivotal yes but also not the straightest thing I've read a man do.)
I am glad there was no elaboration like 'Andrew had unrequited feelings because of it' because honestly I think I would have had a meltdown if that was ever confirmed or something. Apollo do not grant me your gift of prophecy I need handled with kid gloves I am fragile.
But I mean in Most of my kandrew stuff with shipping goggles on, I always imagine Andrew being the one floundering a bit while Kevin is very blasé or unaware (or uncaring that he comes across that way). So for it to be canon, I'm like yeah alright.
The choking incident with Andrew not having and regrets also makes sense. That's a very Andrew way of considering it. (I have my own issue(1) with how that event went down but that's another story.) Kevin knowing Andrew would be mad also makes sense and it does really break my heart that he had already forgiven Andrew because he knew how he would react. Heartbreak in the 'oh god he knows Andrew so well' way. I've mentioned before that I always assumed from the moment Neil made him promise not to tell, that Kevin has resigned himself to his own grave, though. There was no way he was going to come out of that unscathed. I'm really just starry eyed over the fact that he knew it would happen and he wouldn't blame Andrew because he knew Andrew had fallen for Neil. Kevin holding onto all that remorse of not being able to do anything for Neil, to then be compounded with the knowledge that he would also be more or less playing a card in taking something away from Andrew? When Andrew had tried so valiantly to say he didn't care about anything or anyone? Kevin obviously knew that was a lie before Neil, but I imagine watching Andrew's feeling unfold for a person and knowing what was going to happen was gut wrenching. Kevin aka the boy with a heart of gold he's never been given the chance to really polish.
This all is completely, lovingly, amazingly, wonderfully rectified by the joy that is if andreil got married "Andrew would choose Kevin". Like I read that and my skin healed, my crops were watered, I never wanted for again. I dunno there was a part of me after reading that never felt a certain closure with their relationship (I mean sands the tattoo thing that helped and lives rent free) but I'd always kind of wondered if they ever got on after that. And apparently it was a no brainer if the option came up so I'm :')
This was long winded to say I'm happy to agree and incorporate these into my bank of knowledge but also please god no more angst for them I need to rest my weary heart
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nonbinarytriscuit · 1 year
BioShock Roleplay! Looking for someone (18+ for comfort reasons) to play as a Big Daddy!
If this pinges your interest you can message me on discord @2tiredboi#1321. Please be able to do at least two+ paragraphs for replies.
I have always have loved the BioShock games and my favorite two enemies/characters are the Little Sister and Big Daddy. I came up with what I thought was an interesting idea to toss in a Prototype Little Brother into the Universe. So, I will be playing Said Prototype Little Brother but he'll be an OC! I am looking for someone to play as a Big Daddy to protect my little one and just to grow to love the kid as if he was their own. I am up for you to be any of the types of the Big Daddys; Rosie, Bouncer, Rumbler, Alpha Series (if you want to do an awesome twist and make our two have that forever bond), or a Lancer.
How this is going to start is your character, Big Daddy has lost his Little Sister (or if you choose to do Alpha Series has been searching for mine since they woke back up) as mine has lost his Big Daddy. How they meet well, yours arrives in an area where mine is currently being attacked by some slicer who wants his Atom. He steps in and saves him. However to make this more interesting my character who I'll call Apollo is the only known Little Brother. So, the reaction of yours realizing he is well a he is all up to you. I would love for them to bond and have a strong connection to one another.
More about my Little Brother Oc is his name is Apollo, he is six years old, and the same height as a normal Little Sister (that you encounter in the first game) so I'd say he is 3'4. He is a very curious child and everything tends to catch his attention. His Big Daddy before always had to put him back on track. He looks like this (just without the shoes, socks, and the hat)- https://78.media.tumblr.com/ef9a0b8b6b392713d501b07d201a8af4/tumblr_ov09gd9TOx1vt1uy2o1_500.jpg
The backstory for him is similar in the beginning but will change depending if you choose to be an Alpha Series or a different type. I will send it once you decide which Big Daddy you want to be! Also please let me know the nickname you want Apollo to call him!
His glowing yellow eyes stared down at the lifeless body of Mr. Bubbles. It shocked and frighten the child to his very core to see what he had thought as the strongest being alive fall right in front of him. He was frozen in place for a few moments. Just standing there and staring wide eyed at his protector. How could someone have taken Mr. Bubbles down?! Without another thought he ran towards Mr. Bubbles and grabbed one of their arms. "Wake up! Please Wake up!" Apollo shook one of the arms that belonged to Mr. Bubbles'. Nothing. No movement. No sounds.. Whimpering the child shook the arm again as hard as he could attempting to wake up the other again. Nothing.. Why wasn't he waking up?! The child became more panicked as the seconds ticked on. He had never been on his own! Mr. Bubbles had always been there with him!
"No, no, no, no! Mr. Bubbles please!" He shrieked out in pure agony. This wasn't suppose to happen! No one was suppose to be able to defeat them! His head jerked up when he heard footsteps coming towards him. His eyes widen and terror shot right through him as the monster came closer to him. What was he suppose to do? Mr. Bubbles had always been the one to protect him! Snapping out of it he scrambled then quickly ducked behind Mr. Bubbles' helmet. It didn't do much good as the Slicer had already seen him. Within moments he was snatched up by them. A scream left him as he struggled against the Slicer. "No, no! Let me go!" He cried out shoving at the Slicer's chest. His screams echoed through the hollow halls, catching the nearby attention of another Big Daddy.
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romeulusroy · 3 years
Vulcan (Arthur Shelby Oneshot) Pt. 2/12
Character/s: Arthur
Word Count: 1,145
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @writerdream22 @death-of-a-mermaid @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @captivatedbycillianmurphy @theshelbyclan @creativemayhems @soleil-dor @thegirlwithoutaname87 @babylooneytoonz @peakyxtommy @locke-writes
A/N: Hello I'm a liar I stayed up v late to write this and I'm too impulsive and impatient not to post it asap!!! I hope this one is as good as the first!!! And makes you want to read more!!! Again this is my first BIG series which is kinda scary considering there was a time I thought I'd never be able to write more than 500 words! Look at me now :D Anyways, be sure to check out part one my loves and I just really hope you like it!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💖💜
Gif Credit: @peakycillianblinders :)
ROMAN GODS SERIES: Jupiter /Juno / Mars / Vulcan / Mercury / Minerva / Neptune / Venus / Pluto / Janus / Caelus / Apollo
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You are no more human than himself.
Nothing, though, more human than mans own emotions. The very things that beat and pound against the cage of his ribs, breaking every bone, tearing through himself in an effort to conceal until he is nothing but ruins himself, until there is no fight left. The very things that rule him. Control and berate his spirits better than any blood could. It's not their words spoken behind closed doors, or the distance they put between themselves, but their expressions. The pity. The disgust. The horror. As if he is less, as if he were mortal. Atop their pedestals they are in power, in control, their true selves hidden behind masks. He lives truthful, exposed, waiting for infection. Begging for it. Few can understand, fewer sympathize, but from the moment you looked at him, watched the lines in his forehead crease, his mouth fall, his entire outward being change, you knew. How could Gods possibly live among their people and not pick up a few habits? Not just the things they mirrored with ease. Joy, sadness, even anger became second nature. He was burdened with more, with complications. Anger became fury, rage, bitterness, even destruction.
They were scared not because they could not understand what it felt to hurt so deeply, to bleed to freely, but because pride lived in him where they felt nothing but shame. Shame for screaming, crying, sobbing. For finding their knees weak, breakable, their spirits broken, their worlds shattering before their eyes. Shame for falling, shattering, letting themselves be weak, vulnerable, human. He was not. Openly, he let these things seep through his words, his actions, carrying it on his back when there was no where else to put it, never daring to put up a front of invulnerability. Gods could be fragile, too.
And just as they could be fragile, they were dangerous.
Not once would he let you forget that.
You never saw it. Not when it was happening. When his arms grew tired, when his back ached, when his eyes saw red. The myths, the stories, the thing of nightmares. Horrifying. Truly horrifying. In his prime, nothing left unharmed, untouched. Pushed to the edge, he didn't just fall, he put on a goddamn show. Sometimes you wished to watch, see for yourself what it was that made others shake, what made them leave everything they had in his name, praying for joy. Sometimes you decided it was better to leave it up to your imagination. You were there after though, ordered to clean up, collect his pieces, hold him together until someone more familiar put him back together again. He trusted you, for what reason you still questioned. Let you get close enough to hush his own unrecognizable sobs, plucking the gun, knife, pipe from his weak hand, wipe the red from his cheek. Still wet. It wasn't a fall from grace, not exactly, but a taste, a glimpse of how fragile ones world really was when immortals lost their grip. Just as they could play nice, offer riches, they could leave nothing but ash in their wake.
Little fires everywhere.
The ruins were magnificent. Shocking, and amazing. Homes unrecognizable. Bodies shredded, anonymous now, without worth. The grass and trees blackened, smoking even as the sun rose, welcoming a new day. You never could get used to the smell of burning flesh, the stinging in your lungs enough to bring tears to your eyes. The clouds grey, moody, as far as you could see. A reminder, as if the unsettled silence weren't enough. All that's left is the quiet cry of the crackling fire, weaker and weaker with every passing second. He could not bear to look. A man gone blind in his rage. You'd seen it enough with the mortals to know. Humans had a funny way of wanting to protect themselves, their psyche, even at their most destructive. Funny, and odd. He possessed these same traits. Weakened by what he's done, exhausted, there is not another threat of this for a long time. But when it comes, because it always does, he'll scorch the new earth, this new life, without hesitation.
Sometimes, it's not an outward cry, but inward. A gun to his head, the metal kissing his temple goodnight. The rope around his neck, soft against his skin. The booze sweet, tempting, making his steps light and careless. Someone is there before it's too late, before there is no God left, easing him off the ledge the way they think they'll always have to. This you do not see. You do not hear. This is kept among gods, another secret they are sworn to, another thing they can use against one another. But you know, as you would. And again, you understand. Stitched across his features. A crime not yet committed. In due time, he promises, without a single word, and you believe him. Succumbed to his emotions. He does not berate them, or belittle, but joins them, knowing, despite how much it hurts, how beautiful they really can be.
Something none of them could begin to understand.
All of this is worth the euphoria, the tears of joy, walking the thin line between elation and madness, even if it only lasts one second.
Lower on the ranks, the impoverished class, fresh blood, sent to do the work no one else wanted because you had no other choice. Unlike the rest, he was eager to join, to help, anything to rid himself of his own guilt, gain back the respect he's lost. A glance is all you share. That of secrecy. Those moments, where he is shattered, the source of so much heartache, kept between you. Not out of personal gain, for leverage, but because you, too, have found yourself the cause, not the affect. The rest underestimate, overlooking, never meeting your eyes, but he is careful. He doesn't know, none do, but he is one of few who see man and God all the same. Strengths and weaknesses. Pain and suffering. Love and war. A multitude of pieces, each worthy in their own right of respect, of understanding and patience. One is not only their mistakes, their faults, all the things that keep them awake at night, just as they are not only their vigor, their vitality, all the battles they've won. They are all of them, and more, things he cannot even see, nor begin to comprehend. So, he looks you in the eye, as he does the others, regardless of who they take orders from.
As long as he's concerned, with that cap, you're one of them. The rest of the family, they differentiate, they seclude, they draw a line right down the middle. Us and them. Worthy and unworthy. Those that decide and those to be disposed.
Not Arthur, though.
He is different.
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veenussposts · 4 years
Mingi as a demigod (and your boyfriend)
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Mingi was always a lazy person who found it difficult to be punctual and maintain an orderly lifestyle. However, he always did things well even if he had no idea what he was doing.
And things didn't change when he arrived at Camp Half-Blood, after trying to be killed by a minotaur as he walked back home.
After being claimed by his father, the God of war, Mingi continued with his same attitude as always and, unintentionally, quickly climbed into the hierarchy of his cabin. He was just good at fighting, he was honestly the best, even though he never had any training in the art of war.
He only had fun with Apollo's sons and daughters and yet no one was able to beat him in a battle. The laurel crown was his over a year ago and no one could take it away from him.
But everything changed when you arrived.
"Who is he?" Mingi asked one of his sisters who was observing all the commotion that was forming in the camp due to the arrival of a squad commanded by you.
"He is a roman demigod, one of the leaders of Camp Jupiter, the only child of Bellona the goddess of war, destruction and devastation"
"Uff, it's a very long and intimidating name for a boy. I bet he's not that good"
With determined and somewhat haughty steps, Mingi came towards you with his chin up to ask you to a duel. The warriors under your command looked at each others scared when they heard Mingi challenging you. What did you do? You laughed at him and then completely ignored him.
Or at least that's what Mingi believed because even though it didn't seem like it, you really paid attention to him. At a glance you realized that, after being rejected, that son of Ares made vibrate some swords while walking back to his cabin.
You had a slight suspicion of why that happened but there was only one way to check it.
It was a normal day after a chat with the director of the Greek camp, you were on the banks of the great lake meditating when you felt a familiar sensation in your stomach. Someone was watching you. With a single movement, you unsheathed your sword and threw it towards where your instincts told you.
"If this were a real fight you would already be dead" Your sword was pointed at his forehead as it floated in midair. With a single wave of your hand, your sword turned towards you and came back to its place.
"What... Ho-how did you do that? You... how did you manage to stop it before... and..."
"I didn't stop it, you did" Mingi's eyes widened, looking at you in surprise. "The weapons obey you, they will do whatever you tell them to do. You can even fight with them even if you don't have them in your hands"
"But my brothers cannot do that"
"That is because only a few are blessed with the gifts of their parents. Some children of Apollo can heal, others cannot. They are gifts that have to be used and I am willing to help you, son of Ares, even if it goes against my principles as a descendant of a Roman Goddess "
And that was how Mingi, dumbfounded by the way your tan skin shone in the sun's rays, agreed to train with you.
Things were going well, too well. Mingi was more powerful than you imagined and could follow your strict training without problems.
As the days passed, your stomach felt strange sensations and it wasn't your sixth sense. It was something else.
"Am I in love with a Greek demigod? Oh my Jupiter"
On the other hand, Mingi was totally in love with you. Every cell in his body went into ecstasy every morning when he saw you, he seemed to be flying through the clouds every time he saw you smile and the mere fact of listening to your compliments when he did something right blushed his cheeks.
"He is very cute"
"I think you are the only person in the world who thinks that he is cute. Brother, every time I look at him I feel like a deer being analyzed by its predator. He's scary"
"Yeah, that's one of his many charms. Ahh, he's magnificent"
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Your swords collided, they withdrew and returned to find ways to outdo each other and catch up with their opponent. A slight whistle accompanied the movement of both, indicating the speed of your movements and your location.
"I'm sorry to inform you that this fight will be won by me" Mingi said as his eyes closely followed you.
"Don't sing victory yet, redhead"
Your swords collided again and both of you continued to dance across the training ground in a fight that never seemed likely to end because neither was ready to lose.
You, who at the time were leading the initiative, attacked while Mingi defended himself. He leaped back, accurately moved his hand, and one of his two swords, which he had previously lost in a counterattack against you, shot out at top speed. You barely had enough time to turn around and dodge the attack, consequently your opponent's weapon cut a piece of your purple cloak that was part of your armor.
"Well if this was a real fight you would already be dead" The cold metal of his weapon was leaning against your neck while a silly little smile was drawn on his lips as you stood up slowly. "Can I sing victory now?"
"I don't think so" The smile on his face faded when he saw out of the corner of his eye your great sword, pointed at him in midair. "I think you are dead"
"Yeah, but dead of love for you"
Your eyes widened like saucers and Mingi's hand that didn't hold the sword opened, letting it drop to the ground. His cheeks started to turn deep red like his hair as he tried to look anywhere but you.
Hell, he had screwed up. Surely you were going to reject him, surely you would laugh at...
"In that case... I guess I'm dead too" Before Mingi could understand your answer, your strong arms were around his waist, drawing him towards you. You were so close that you could smell the sweet scent of his cologne, your noses were rubbing against each other and your lips were only a few millimeters apart. "I... I also like you, too much for my liking but I couldn't help it"
Mingi leaned his head forward and kissed you, softly at first, and then with immense passion causing you to cling to him as if there was no tomorrow. His lips were caressing your trembling lips, sending shocks of electricity along your back, causing emotions that you had never thought you were capable of feeling.
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Mingi almost went crazy when you confessed with a blush on your cheeks that he was your first boyfriend. For that reason, you weren't quite sure how to act in certain situations.
Despite being stoic, strict and not very good with words, Mingi knew that you loved him because your actions showed it. For example: the time you were training and it started to rain, without thinking twice you took off your cape to cover Mingi so he wouldn't catch a cold.
HE LOVES PLAYING WITH YOUR LONG HAIR. He could be brushing, stroking, or just playing with it all day.
"Just relax, I'll wash your hair for you"
He is capable of sending a sword flying to anyone who dares to speak ill of you.
"I'd fight the whole world for you and I don't care how cheesy that sounds"
Mingi says and does things on purpose to embarrass you for his own amusement such as calling you by cute nicknames in front of your legion or dancing while he was wearing your golden armor.
You haven't tell the others about your relationship but all the demigods in both camps know that your are a couple.
Gets giggle because of your existence and blushes when you kiss him.
The biggest cuddle bear ever.
When you had to leave Camp Half-Blood to return to Camp Jupiter Mingi did his best to keep you from leaving but, unfortunately, it was your duty and you had to leave. The first night without you he cried because he missed you.
Now, Mingi is only in Camp Half-Blood the summers, the rest of the days he lives in Camp Jupiter with you.
He sleeps on your chest because he says your skin is very soft and warm, he feels calm and protected in your arms.
"You're ridiculously comfortable"
His cellphone password is the date of your birthday and as a wallpaper he has a photo of you smiling after the daughters of Venus combed your hair in a large braid decorated with flowers.
Every summer at Camp Half-Blood, Mingi tells the new demigods how magnificent his boyfriend is, telling them that he is the most powerful person ever born, that perhaps you were the reincarnation of a hero like Hercules. Sometimes just to bother you, he tells you to go to the camp to sign autographs because everyone admires you but not as much as he does.
Worries about your safety 24/7.
"Zeus, I was very worried"
"It was just a reconnaissance mission, baby. There's nothing to worry about"
You never fight, you have a healthy and prosperous relationship, but sometimes when you have had a stressful day you ignore each other unintentionally.
In conclusion, just being with Mingi makes you happy. That redhead, son of Ares, has completely changed your life in a wonderful, magnificent and extraordinary way.
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bumblesimagines · 4 years
No Light, No Light
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Request: Yes or No
I'm doing everything but that Jacob Black fic lmao. I'm obsessed with this song and this (Y/N).
You are the hole in my head
You are the space in my bed
You are the silence in between
What I thought and what I said
Jason watched as you laughed at one of Gar's jokes, hands covered in cookie dough as you, Rachel, and Gar attempted to make cookies. In Jason's mind, your smile alone could lift anyone's spirits and the way your eyes shone with happiness. It made his heart swirl with affection and butterflies fill his stomach. You grinned, rubbing cookie dough on Rachel's cheek. She squealed, laughing. Gar took the opportunity to eat some cookie dough before Rachel could scold him.
"Jay!" Christ, nobody could make his legs turn to jelly and his cheeks turn soft pink like you.
"Come join us." You cooed, eyes soft and angelic.
You are the night-time fear
You are the morning when it's clear
When it's over, you're the start
You're my head and you're my heart
You sipped on your orange juice, watching the cookies bake in the oven while Gar and Rachel laughed in the other room. Jason's eyes looked at the golden markings on your (S/C) skin. They were gorgeous and fit you perfectly. Jason reached out, tracing one with his finger. Your skin was warm and soft to the touch. You finished your juice, licking your lips and placing the cup in the sink. Jason glanced up at your eyes. You really were Apollo's son. When Kory and Dick told the team, he almost laughed. Then, he saw you. You had been very suspicious and distant at first, you had an injured wing of course, but you grew closer to the team and eventually joined them. Jason couldn't stop his feelings from flourishing.
No light, no light
In your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day
Jason hissed, hands gripping the sheets.
"Sorry." You whispered, eyes filled with cocern. You continued to use your power to close up his wound. It gave a slight burn. the deeper the wound, the more it burned. It made sense, your powers had to do with light and fire afterall. Jason shrugged.
"I've felt worse." He mumbled, watching the wound close completely. A scar took its place. You gave a small smile.
"You should be careful, Jay." You gently grabbed his hand, rubbing your thumb against his, unaware of the way his heart sped up. Jason grinned, playfulness shining in his blue eyes.
"I'm always careful, can't you tell?" He motioned to the scar. You let a laugh slip and rolled your eyes.
You can't choose what stays and what fades away
And I'd do anything to make you stay
No light, no light
Tell me what you want me to say
You took notice of the way Jason shivered. The temperature had suddenly dropped over night, it was no wonder he was freezing. You pulled the cozy and warm blanket up, giving a smile as you stood.
"Can you stay?" Jason asked, fingers wrapping around yours as he stared at you with hopeful eyes. You gave in, not being able to resist his puppy eyes. You got into bed with him, feeling him cuddle against you, seeking your warmth.
"Christ, you're like a heater." He mumbled. You chuckled, watching him use your arm as a pillow. You ran your fingers through his messy dark locks, watching him doze off. Jason scooted closer, heading moving onto your shoulder as his arms wrapped around your torso.
Through the crowd I was crying out and
In your place there were a thousand other faces
I was disappearing in plain sight
Heaven help me, I need to make it right
You watched as Dick and Jason argued, getting into each others faces. You stood up from your spot on the couch, approaching them.
"If you weren't so reckless-"
"Reckless?! I was protecting the team!"
"Guys!" You spoke louder, breaking their argument. They stopped and looked at you. Dick sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. He let out an exhausted sigh.
"What?" He asked.
"Can you... Solve this disagreement more calmly? Or at least not in front of the others?" You asked, motioning to Rachel and Gar. Dick glanced at them before nodding.
"Yeah," He nodded. "Can do."
"Jesus.." Jason rolled his eyes, arms crossing.
"You know what? I don't need this shit." Jason snarled, storming out after bumping shoulders with Dick. You watched him leave with a sigh.
"He'll be back. He'd never go far without you." Dick said as he walked past you. Your brows furrowed at his brows.
You want a revelation
You want to get right
But it's a conversation
I just can't have tonight
You shifted your gaze away from the music sheet and looked at the figure leaning against your doorway.
"What's up, Jay?" You asked, nodding for him to enter. He did so, closing the door behind him and getting closer to you.
"Sorry for my attitude earlier, (N/N)." He apologized quietly, barely above a whisper as his fingers drummed against your desk. You faced him, brows raising as a smile slipped.
"You should be apologizing to Dick, not me." You said, locking eyes with him for a brief second before he tore his eyes away.
"I know.." He licked his lips, gaze focusing on your lamp. "I don't want to though. Not yet."
"Okay, but do it soon." You gave a comforting smile.
"You wanna sleep in here again?" You asked, putting away your music sheets and standing up. Jason nodded, cheeks and ears turning a soft red.
You want a revelation
Some kind of resolution
You want a revelation
You approached your dresser, hearing the bed squeaking as Jason sat down. You slid off your shirt, rolling your shoulders. Jason studied your wing markings, capturing and memorizing every detail. You changed into some sweats before going to your bed and laying down. You turned off the lamp once you pulled the blankets up and shifted to face Jason. Your eyes adjusted quickly to the dark so you were able to see Jason's face more clearly. Your raised your hand, fingers tracing random shapes against his cheek until he fell asleep. You leaned closer, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead.
"Night, Jay." You mumbled.
No light, no light
In your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day
You can't choose what stays and what fades away
And I'd do anything to make you stay
No light, no light
Tell me what you want me to say
"Did Jason ever come back last night?" Dawn asked, pouring you some juice. You nodded. Her brows furrowed.
"Really? When I checked his room he wasn't there." She said.
"He slept in my room." You told her, grabbing the cup and bringing it up to your lips. Her brows raised and a smile appeared on her face.
"Oh?" You cocked a brow at her tone.
"He slept in your bed?" She asked with a grin. You rolled your eyes, figuring out where she was going with the conversation.
"Pay attention to your pancakes, Dawn."
Would you leave me
If I told you what I've done?
And would you leave me
If I told you what I've become?
You read over an article, talking about the new Robin being too brutal and unlike the old one. You looked over at Jason, watching play random keys on your piano. You weren't aware of the inner conflict going on in his mind. He was tore between asking you if you thought he was a bad Robin or not.
"You're a good person, you know that, right?" You asked. Jason sent you a grin.
"Obviously." He watched you snort and look back at your phone. He relaxed, playing a decent tune on the piano. Jason licked his lips, switching onto a different conflict. Confessing his feelings.
Because it's so easy
To say it to a crowd
But it's so hard, my love
To say it to you out loud
Jason turned in his seat, looking at you. He cleared his throat. Your eyes flickered over to him.
"You've... You're into guys, right?" Jason asked. You nodded, putting your phone on the nightstand. He nimbled on his bottom lip, racking his brain for ways to confess.
"I think, no, I know I'm into guys." He said, avoiding eye contact. Jason heard the bed squeak and looked up, seeing you sitting.
"And... For the longest time, I've had feelings for you. I thought it was just a small crush at first but..." Jason's typical confident and cocky attitude flew out the window. He was beyond nervous.
"I figured out that I really like you. Maybe more than like. You don't have to return my feelings or anything, I just wanted you to know how I feel about you."
No light, no light
In your bright blue eyes
I never knew daylight could be so violent
A revelation in the light of day
You can't choose what stays and what fades away
And I'd do anything to make you stay
No light, no light
Tell me what you want me to say
Jason felt anxious. The thought of you rejecting him was bad but the thought of you never speaking to him again was worse. He had gone to you with all of his secrets. He had spilled out all his thoughts and problems. Jason had told you about his past, Bruce, all his problems. He heard the bed squeak again and swallowed as your footsteps approached him. Jason kept his gaze on the floor, not wanting to look at you and break down. Warm hands cupped his cheeks, tilting his head up. Soft and gentle lips covered his and Jason froze up. He stood, his hands going to your wrists and grabbing them as he kissed you back. It was his first but he had seen enough to know how to kiss properly.
You want a revelation
You want to get right
But it's a conversation
I just can't have tonight
You want a revelation
Some kind of resolution
You want a revelation
You pulled back slowly, Jason almost chasing your lips for another kiss. You laughed at his flushed face and eagerness. You rested your forehead against his, bumping noses with him. Jason dropped his hands and instead placed them on your hips.
"Does that mean...?" He trailed off. You chuckled, nodding.
"Yes, you dork, I like you too." You grinned, watching his blue eyes light up. Jason leaned in, capturing your lips. It was sloppy but sweet.
You want a revelation
You want to get right
But it's a conversation
I just can't have tonight
You want a revelation
Some kind of resolution
Tell me what you want me to say
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movienotesbyzawmer · 3 years
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April 10: Rocky II
(previous notes: Rocky)
When this movie came out I was a little kid living in Northern California, and we used to go to huge drive-in movie complexes that had like six screens. No matter what movie you were watching, you could see other movies from your lot. I don't remember which movie we were watching at the time, but I remember being distracted by a nearby screen showing Rocky II. I totally watched the ending in suspense. It was eventually on cable a lot so I was able to see it for real, but still like 40 years ago.
Anyway, I wonder if this movie will have the effect of dulling the charm of how the first movie ended, so climactically and with appealing suddenness.
Also, is this the only one of the first four movies that doesn't have a rollicking hit song emerging from its soundtrack?
Stallone famously wrote each of these movies all by himself, and starting with this one he is the director of a bunch of them as well.
Same kind of intro with the fanfare, except the music sounds very clearly, to me at least, to not be playing on real horns. I think it's synths. "Modern".
We're now just watching the end of the first movie. We get to relive the intense experience of seeing Adrian's face in closeup closing her eyes for one and a half seconds. The drama.
The whole first five minutes is the whole last five minutes of the first movie. That's weak. Cheap.
Then the whole opening credits follows, and it's following the ambulance that's taking Rocky to the hospital because of all the punchplay. Not a good use of this time. But more importantly: are they going to address the eyelid situation.
Rocky and Apollo confront each other in wheelchairs in front of the press at the hospital. They're still fired up.
After Rocky gets out of the hospital he rambles a lot and it's like an amateur improv scene where he's figuring out on the spot some things to say about where they are. He gets the idea to have Rocky propose to Adrian, then when she accepts he does a Tarzan wail. What a cheeky clown that Rocky is.
His eye seems fine now.
0:18:20 - the a cappela street musicians are still at it, still not very complex with the harmonies. Isn't Sylvester Stallone's brother a singer named Frank, and does he look like the guy in this scene? I bet it's him.
I'm pretty bored of this movie so far. It's like the people were clamoring for an answer to the question, "what happened after the fight", and Stallone's enthusiastic answer was "just regular stuff like you'd guess!!!!!"
Oh my. It's their wedding night and they talk like dumb, uninspired newlyweds and then kiss, and it's like the director, who remember is Stallone, directed the two of them, one of whom is also Stallone, to perform slow, exotic lip dancing and no one told him that's a thing called kissing which is normal and common.
Rocky has some money now so he and Adrian are looking at buying a house. The realtor is all "this whole place is supported by solid steel" and Rocky is all "yo Adrian that would be a great spot for a radio". It's like porn stars that have been told to ad lib for a few minutes in the beginning of the scene. Except that we aren't about to be rewarded with porno.
0:28:05 - Adrian is pregnant! They talk about it. They talk about it in small talk. "What if it's a girl" "Oh a girl I didn't think about that can you imagine".
So one of the adventures of post-the-first-movie Rocky is that he gets to do a commercial. They show the filming of that and that it doesn't go well because of his Rocky personality. And the next scene he has realized that he needs a white collar job so he's at an employment agency office and asks for a job where he gets to sit. But he's not a good fit there. So he goes and gets a job at a butcher place. He promised Adrian he was done with boxing so now we have this boring part of the movie which isn't short enough.
Okay it's definitely going in a direction of not-boxing-is-sucky-for-Rocky, because he lost the butcher job and had to sell his car to Paulie. He said "it's a great car, buckle up for safety!" Do you think Stallone actually scripted that line or did he improvise it and the director, who you may recall is also Mr. Stallone, thought it was really good and kept it in
0:46:30 - He goes to visit Burgess Meredith at the gym. BM is not helping Rocky's morale, tells him he's washed up POI-manently. He begs for a job doing menial tasks at the gym and BM tells him everyone will think he's a loser but okay. Stallone does okay looking humble about that.
When he comes in to the gym everyone is laughing at a very stupid editorial cartoon in the local news publication, it shows Apollo doing harm upon Rocky-as-a-chicken with the ingenious caption "APOLLO CREED VS THE STALLION CHICKEN". It was clearly "STALLION CHICKEN". That does not make any sense.
BM was easily persuaded by Apollo's cockiness and so he then shows up at Rocky's nad easily persuades him to accept the rematch deal. Feels like movie formula but at least it's about to be less boring.
I like BM's voice.
They're doing a thing going back and forth between Rocky training and Apollo training. Apollo's is going better, partially because his facility is kind of luxuriously spacious. Then they stuck a scene in the middle of that of Adrian working at the pet store all preggo, but having trouble lugging a weighty thing and listen my friends, I think Talia Shire acting is not good acting.
We're in a long sequence that's about how Adrian had the baby prematurely and she slipped into a coma or something, and it's made clear that she had health problems because she was stressed out and overworked because of the heavy things at the pet shop and the husband who went back to boxing. Big old guilt trip taking up a lot of the middle of the movie. Adrian is in a coma. They don't show the baby. It's all just sadness about comatosity of Adrian.
But! She eventually wakes up! And after the first ever conversation they've ever had about what to name their newborn son, Adrian inexplicably changes her tune and tells Rocky she wants him to win. "Win!" That's what she tells him. Then she says it again. Stallone writing, Shire acting, what more could you want.
Now an upbeat training montage that's more hopeful and he's obviously high energy. He must be hitting the punching bags better because just look at how confident he looks.
1:29:35 - It is the sequel to the famous running montage from the first movie. The inspired updates include a new recording of that same song but with children singing "flying strong now" or whatever, and also children following him on his majestic dash to the steps of that municipal facility. Someone probably said "do the running scene again just exactly like in the first movie", but no. Stallone was not satisfied. "We will change it a little," he proclaimed. And lo.
Oh I hope there will be a sequel to the shot of Adrian closing her eyes for considerably longer than a blink. Do you think when people stop her on the street they're like "do the eye close thing do the eye close thing! My friends will all ask if you did the eye close thing and I need to tell them yes she did I saw it and it was even better in person"
We're at the fight now. It's about to start. It's all going as expected. I truly believe that everything will be okay.
Before it starts, Apollo tells Rocky, "you're going DOWN". So maybe it will NOT be okay after all…
Seems like the shots of this fight are not as varied or interesting this time, and they're relying more on the announcer commentary telling us what to think compared to the first movie.
Now the obligatory montage to show us the rounds moving forward and them still going at it. Not the same style as the first movie, but whatever it's working fine. I'd maybe watch a boxing match if it were shot and edited like this so that it's just ten minutes.
I swear I remember seeing this imagery from across the drive-in way back in the 70s, I don't care if you believe me or not it's the truth.
Look, I know I don't know nothin' 'bout boxin' but it seems like you're supposed to use your forearms as shields kind of, and Rocky doesn't do that like at all.
The dialogue is telling us that Rocky is maybe losing going into the final round. I wouldn't have thought so… thanks dialogue!
"YOU'RE GOING DOWN" repeats Creed. Such writing I tell you. Rocky II - A Film By Sylvester Stallone.
I will never forget the carefully choreographed climax of the movie. They both crumble onto the floor and the one-to-ten countdown all slow-like as they maybe try to get back up and Apollo doesn't and Rocky barely does so he is the new world champion. Then the last couple minutes of the movie is the same basic energy as the first movie. It's like the first movie's ending was a template and they just replaced a couple of things.
They kept making more of these movies! I'm going to keep watching them! I'm going to do this notes-about-them thing!
(next: Rocky III)
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lovemecharlie · 5 years
Five Months In.
Charlie's Gender Reveal x Kristina the FreakyThief finds a new love 💕
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Charlie felt like she was on her period almost, but without the blood and once her belly had grown to a noticeable size, suddenly everyone in her life was an expert on pregnancy and babies, feeling the need to tell her everything they'd ever half-read or heard. Her parents had stories about her childhood for days, odd stories that only Erik wanted to hear so that he could look at her and laugh. He wanted to get slapped, Charlie had the suspicion that he got off on it especially since she'd been a bit more temperamental than usual. Her moods changed quicker than Bastion's outfits. Her clients had helpful tidbits at times, but mostly empty aww's, nosey digging questions, and general knowledge. Nothing for the swelling, constipation, or bloating. She was grateful for the consideration and well wishes, but she wished people would mind their own business in the most polite way possible while keeping their hands to themselves. They weren't at the Apollo and her stomach was not a block of wood people could rub for good luck. Anyway, that was neither here nor there, the day of her gender reveal had arrived and she was determined to have a great day. She felt energized and there was a party to prep for.
"Need help," Erik asked waltzing into the room. He never knocked, he'd always just barge in.. often not even saying anything, just staring out of the window. Sometimes she'd stand next to him and he'd hug her. Those were the times she wondered if he was really okay, though she never asked, she just stood with him. "Nope, I'm feeling pretty decent so I've got this," Charlie smiled casually lifting from the bed to take her shower. Erik walked to her west facing floor to ceiling window. Nearly all of her walls were replaced with windows tinted from the outside. Thick glass stretched horizontally across the room, giving a magnificent sky view, property view, and beyond. He could see everything from her windows, the perfect high perch.
"You know this used to be my office before we met? I used to come in here to think when life, Wakanda, the center, Hennessy, Angéle, Kimora, and that damn Davita," he smirked, "..would get to be too much." He paused looking out and Charlie made her way to his side to stare out as well. "Sometimes they would really raise a nigga blood pressure to the point where I could either snap and do something terrible that I'd regret or I could walk away. It's like the same decision has been presented to me over and over again my whole life and because of the love implanted in me by my father, I've been forced to face these situations head on. Because I loved my wives, I couldn't hurt them like I'd hurt someone else. I'd lock myself in this room and look out these windows reminding myself of why I chose this road. Why I ain't give up in Wakanda? Why do I still push for these folk who act like they don't give a damn when I do it for them? Why I let myself fall in love?"
Charlie simply listened as Erik was transported back in time through his thoughts.
"I want you to know that no matter what happens in this house, you're special to me like this room is special to me. I'm safe with you. Don't think I don't appreciate it and all the times you spent right here with me while I was going through it."
Wordless, Charlie wrapped her arms around his waist, her head against his bare chest. He smelled good.. clean and fresh like rain. His fingers absentmindedly played in her curls as they stood there in silence.
"Can I be your safe place," he asked suddenly, catching Charlie off guard and causing her to realize that other than prayer.. she didn't really have one. She didn't trust anyone enough to be that vulnerable. Did she even trust Erik? She had to think about it. No, she didn't, but if she was going to stay with him, she needed to start. There was a long silence, since she refused to give him a yes that she did not mean and he was patient as he said he'd be.
"..Yes," she finally whispered into his raised skin answering the spoken and unspoken questions between the two of them. On her return to the household, she'd promised she'd try to make the marriage work and this was taking a giant step in the right direction. She hoped she wouldn't regret it.
The shower was exactly what her body needed and when she emerged towel-wrapped and hair wet, Erik was still there at her window. She approached and he did a double take, taking in the wet curls draping over her shoulders and her glistening skin. As if forgetting the thoughts he'd been tangled in, he tilted her head back kissing her on the forehead and lips before halting her with his hands in the air. "Wait here, I'll be right back," he stressed before jogging off. When he returned a minute or so later, she was sitting on the bed, waiting. He held out a garment bag and what he unveiled was a jumpsuit. An iridescent champagne colored jumpsuit with a long bejeweled train glowing from the waist. It was beautiful.
"This is for me?" Charlie leaped inspecting the garment. It was precisely her style.
"Try it on," Erik grinned full of pride, helping her into it. It was a perfect tapered and comfortable fit with space for her growing belly. She looked in the mirror, her smile wide as he stood behind her adding a chunky diamond choker set in more diamonds in rose gold. "Don't worry," he rushed watching her expression, "I'll return it if you don't wanna keep it, but for today let me ice you out. Then you can trade it for a mountain of haircare products or whatever it is you splurge on."
She laughed. She splurged on gifts. The Kompound was bougie and fancy as hell. Diamond this and that, cars on cars.. She couldn't buy them Calvin Klein. Calvin Klein??? She'd be shot! No, she saved her coins and splurged on holidays so that she could afford the big brands.
"I'm a spoil my lil monster when she comes. She finna be the iciest baby all because her mama wanna be plain."
"You can spoil our SON however you wanna spoil our SON, HE's our SON," Charlie grinned.
"Like I said, my PRINCESS will get the south pole around her neck."
"Poor polar bears," Charlie chuckled admiring her sparkling reflection. She needed to beat her face and throw on some heels, although her feet were swollen. She wondered if she could jam them into some heels.
"Just wear flats," he chuckled dropping some sparkly flat shoes near her feet.
"I want heels. This look needs heels!" Her hands posed on her hips, she was feeling herself, standing on her toes.
"As clumsy as you are without them? I don't need a reason to worry. Angel's pregnancy stressing me enough."
"How are you holding up?"
He looked at her like he had just run a marathon and was out of breath, shaking his head.
"Damn," she grimaced. "It'll be worth it. Once the twins get here and she's given birth, she will heal and you will too. You'll be able to show her all the love you've been afraid to and the twins will help you."
"I'm scared, Charlie. I need her around. I don't know what I'll do if... I can't.. I can't do this shit without her-"
"I know. She'll be okay," Charlie smiled holding his chin in her hand, "She will!!! You'll be okay. You'll look back on all of this and it'll be another segment of your crazy life that you've fought through. You're Killmonger! If anyone can make it through this rough stage, it's you. Positive thoughts. In fact, let's go see Angel right now."
The time had come and Charlie's face was finally beat, her hair twisted with added hair in a long ponytail. She felt like a badass intergalactic fairy. Erik wore white, his vest accented with the same champagne iridescent material. The wives, Kristina, and Davita wore variations from the same color family from champagne to white to silver to lavender.. as did the extended family for the most part. Diamonds dangled all over and everyone was beautiful. The event was in the massive backyard near the lush garden where the large gazebo stood overgrown and taken over by flowers. The DJ mixed oldies like Frankie Beverly and Earth Wind & Fire with new music from the likes of Sango, H.E.R, Khalid, MNEK, etc. There was even a sprinkling of some lit gospel, something for everybody. People drank, laughed, danced, and feasted on a spread produced by the mansion's kitchen staff. Of course, Josphine and Kristina had to contribute a few gems like cobblers and pies because they had a specific way of making them that couldn't be duplicated.
When the games came, the guests got even louder and Charlie was grateful that Erik owned so much land, the neighbors were far away. "It's a boy, her stomach is low!" "She a little fatter in the middle, it's a girl." "It's gotta be a boy!" "No, the baby's too high, she's a girl!" Charlie earhustled as the loud debates went on and Erik being the hustler that he was took bets causing Charlie to roll her eyes. Nakia insisted that the baby was a girl siding with Erik while T'Challa refused to comment. Nakia's sideeye kept him from disagreeing. The wives refrained from comment too, already aware of the baby's gender since they'd set up the reveal.
"Travante!" Charlie yelled, waving excitedly when she noticed the chocolate man appear in white and silver, his smile the whitest of all.
Erik's brow raised as he watched the exchange from a short distance away, his ears listening hard as he watched her lips trying to read them. He decided to trust that Charlie knew what she was doing while he socialized, but he still stayed close.
"I'm glad you could make it," Charlie grinned giving Tre a loving side hug and dragging him to meet the other wives. "Y'all this is THE Trevante. Trevante, this is Hennessy, Kimora, her sister Davita, Bastion.."
"I've seen you before," he pointed to her and she grinned, swishing her dress, flattered.
"This is Aly'Sha, Ryley, Angel.."
"Wow! I've heard about you. I'm glad you're doing better.. and you look stunning. You strong as hell," he gaped and Angel's warm smile made him smile.
"Aight nigga," Erik spoke in warning stepping back to Angel's side in her tricked out Chanel inspired black and gold wheelchair. He was being extremely patient and Charlie was proud, giving his hand a squeeze as she smiled at Tre. Tre nodded, calm and understanding.
"And this is Josephine, Homie, and where is... oh there she is!" Charlie grinned. Over by the dessert table was Kristina making sure everything remained presentable and attractive. She wore a champagne sequined one- shoulder dress that fit her like a second skin, her cleavage sparkling and her full and flowing. "Kristina," Charlie yelled waving her over. The second she spotted Trevante, her eyes focused in on his face and she swallowed.
"This is our little bee, Kristina. Little bee, meet Trevante," Charlie gestured. Kristina's face flushed and Trevante grinned. It was an instant connection that Charlie felt. She could see the chemistry creating bonds on their eyes. It made her feel like playing Cupid.
"Aow SHIT," Charlie yelled dropping her glass of sparkling cider. It shattered and Erik pulled her away quickly from the glass. As he was about to bend to pick it up, she gripped him hard pausing him. "Tre, would you mind going to find a staff member to clean this up? Check in the house. Kristina, could you escort him so that he knows where to go? I'm so clumsy, wow. I can't believe I did that.. Sheesh!"
Watching the two walk away toward the house, Charlie saw the visual herself and Erik in the early stages and it made her smile.
"Okay, Cupid," Erik grinned, "I see you."
"See what happens when you trust me," she mused.
As the festivities continued, the moment everyone had been waiting for finally came. Charlie was so anxious with excited energy that Erik had to rub her arms and he was just as antsy. "Are you excited, are you excited, are you excited?" Charlie bounced.
"AHH," good his eyes widened before he shook his head laughing out the excess energy.
"Look at you, you shook boy," Hennessy teased. "We already know the gender, it's fun watching you sweat," Ryley laughed enjoying the flustered Erik. He put up a playful middle finger, pacing and Charlie could see him taking deep breaths. "As long as it's healthy," she mouthed and he nodded picking up the bedazzled handgun and aiming it at the target set up free and clear in the distance, a large white balloon with 'Charlie & Erik' written on it in black script. She picked up the identical gun laid out for her and aimed it at the large black balloon with the same writing in white.
"You ready, C?"
Charlie made sure her aim was on point. "Let's go get'em!"
The guns fired simultaneously and both balloons popped flaring into two pink explosions. Erik dropped the gun, not knowing what to do with himself as his arms swung across his body.
"TOLD YO ASS," he grinned with an aggressive index pointing, eyes wet. Charlie wiped his eyes nodding. She was speechless, her own eyes wide in shock. She really thought it was a boy, but she was happy regardless. Nakia could be heard in the crowd telling M'Baku to pay up and all of the wives congratulated the happy couple one at a time followed by the party-goers, some of them very drunk. It was a perfect moment.
"Daka," Charlie whispered in Erik's ear with a humored expression once they caught a break, "Where did the little bee and Trevante go? Did they ever come back?" Erik grinned rubbing his beard and shaking his head before looking to the house. They'd been MIA for a while.
@poosypoosy @bastioncarterstevens-udaku @hennessystevens-udaku @itsangeludaku @alyshastevens-udaku @itskimorafireudaku @allhailnjadaka @bidibidibombaclaat @blackpinup22 @destinio1 @hold-me-like-a-heart-beat @leahnicole1219 @vikkidc @thehomierobbstark @trevantesbrat
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ooc: I recall that I said I would post down some of my more recent AA thoughts, one of them being what I would like to if Apollo's game had gotten a fifth case ala Rise From the Ashes. I figure since Polly isn't complying, I may as well type it down. Who knows? It could probably make for a good plot/thread.
I figure it'll be easier to list the ideas off, then explain them.
Don't have Phoenix involved in the case, at least until the end
Be a proper bridge to Dual Destinies
Continue the tradition of Apollo having not entirely innocent clients
Have anyone BUT Klavier be the prosecutor
No high stakes, have the case be a good ol' murder mystery
Alright, explanation time, starting with:
Don't have Phoenix involved in the case, at least until the end
It's no secret that Phoenix pretty much stole Apollo's limelight in his own game. That's why, if the game ever did get a 5th case, I wouldn't want Phoenix to be involved or seen in any way, shape, or form until the very end of the case. Don't get me wrong, I like Feenbean, especially Hobo Feenbean, but his time is done for now.
Be a proper bridge to Dual Destinies
Yeah, Dual Destinies did a very poor job of bridging the gap between Hobo Phoenix and new Phoenix, not to mention the fact it gave Apollo some much needed backstory which he could have really used in his own game. The latter half of the problem is easy to fix. Just have Clay call Apollo and give him a pep talk similar to what Phoenix did in 6-2, or have him appear in person saying that he wanted to watch one of his best friend's trials. As for Phoenix, like I said, have him appear at the end of the case, with him saying he's planning on going to Europe for a while after passing the bar. Also, have him apologize to Apollo for his behavior towards him during that year. That alone will show Apollo that Phoenix is starting to get back to his old self and toss aside the jaded hobo he's been for years. Not to mention it'd make seeing him again after returning from Europe in Dual Destinies a lot less jarring.
Obviously patching this problem up is easier if Phoenix is allowed to appear during the case, but I figure giving Apollo some identity in his own game is a better priority.
Continue the tradition of Apollo having not entirely innocent clients
This one is probably the simplest to do and probably the most trivial, but I do love the fact that all of Apollo's clients (pre Dual Destinies anyways) were all guilty of something other than the murder they were accused of. This simple notion is enough to start giving Apollo major trust issues. More on this fascinating analysis can be found in this post here.
Have anyone BUT Klavier be the prosecutor
Yeah, I won't lie, this one is more personal/petty. I simply dislike Klavier and would rather not see him. Plus the guy is still probably dealing with the reelback from his band breaking up, and his brother showing his true colors definitely stirred something up I'm sure.
The only 3 choices I can think of for the prosecution are Edgeworth, Fransizka, and Winston Payne. Haven't played or watched either of the Investigations games, so I can't comment confidently on any prosecutors seen there. The only one who would probably be a really good fit would be Sebastian Debeste.
Edgeworth is a pretty left field option, but damn it these two need to meet. Plus, a courtroom battle between Edgeworth and Apollo would be quite interesting, since Apollo doesn't bluff nearly as much as Phoenix. When he does, it's usually to draw out new evidence. It would be a legit game of debating+logic chess for at least 80% of the trial.
Haven't seen much of Franny prosecute, so I can't really comment, but Apollo does not have Phoenix's ridiculous luck+endurance, so those whips might be deadly...
Payne could actually work if you tie in the "succession theme" from 4-4* in a really ironic way? Like, he decides if he loses this case, he'll file for retirement. The fabled Rookie Killer getting permanently "killed" by a rookie. Phoenix wasn't able to do it, so this is about as close as it's going to get for Apollo unless we can deviate from Dual Destinies entirely. Could also serve as a catalyst for Gaspen to go up against the WAA.
(*The 4th case for Apollo Justice is named "Turnabout Succession", but really, Apollo didn't succeed Phoenix at all. He was just his mouth piece against Gavin. And to add salt to the wound, Phoenix ends up returning as an attorney in Dual Destinies, so yeah, it makes everything moot. I would have definitely loved to use Edgeworth with this themed framework in mind, but it only works properly if Phoenix never returns to law or choose a different law based profession, like a professor at Themis or something.)
No high stakes, have the case be a good ol' murder mystery
Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice both have fifth cases with stupidly high stakes if you lose, even more so than the trilogy's final cases. As noted in this post here, Apollo Justice as a game inverted so many themes from the trilogy, so it wouldn't hurt to invert this one as well. Obviously this is AA, so we can't have a normal trial, but simply make it more down to earth. And please don't let it drag on like RFtA. Seriously.
Anyways, those are the main things I'd have wanted to see if AJ ever got a fifth case. Hopefully I didn't bore ya. Some other optional things could include the case utilizing a new puzzle solving method exclusive to whatever device it is released on, or having Apollo alone on the defense's bench (meaning no Trucy or Phoenix to give advice or comment. Him standing on his own for once would definitely help him.)
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aceprosecuties · 6 years
I'm not a Ph.D candidate by any means BUT I have studied Politics and... yeah... there's no way he could be prosecuted... I'd never thought of it that way but you make a really good point and I'm now annoyed with you
Like I’m not an IR scholar (my area is more comparative and American), but I know the basics surrounding international law and so it just bothers me when people are like “oh prosecute Nahyuta he’s just as guilty as Ga’ran!!!!!1″ 
First of all, of the international courts available, an attempt to prosecute him would have to go through the ICC - the ICJ is just for disputes between nations and the ICTY is only for crimes committed during the Yugoslav wars.  
The International Criminal Court is not something that people can just use for anything; it specifically was created to prosecute certain crimes that the international community found especially heinous, such as genocide and other crimes against humanity and war crimes.  This also comes into play only if the national court does not have an active investigation - since Ga’ran already has been imprisoned by her own state, there is no need for the ICC to get involved.  Nahyuta is not being shielded so much as has been recognized as a victim of her, and even the ICC has said that heads of government/state could be held liable for the actions of their subordinates in certain situations.  I would say actively threatening/forcing Nahyuta to do what he did constitutes her being liable for any of his wrongdoing. 
The ICC “focus[es] its investigations and prosecutions on those who, having regard to the evidence gathered, bearthe greatest responsibility for such crime.” (from Understanding the ICC document).  Again, Nahyuta is not this person - this person is Ga’ran.  Again, Ga’ran has already been put into prison and (if not at the end of 6, assumed afterwards) prosecuted by her own nation, so there is no need for the ICC to get involved at all. 
Even if we wanted to assume that Nahyuta was not under extreme duress, he still wouldn’t be able to be prosecuted in the ICC because what he has done does not constitute any of the crimes the ICC prosecutes.  There was no genocide committed; even Ga’ran did not commit the act of genocide, which is a very serious crime.  Khura’in wasn’t at war, so war crimes is off the table.  Crimes against humanity is more widespread, so I personally don’t think it would fall under that either.  
Also, it becomes complicated if Khura’in did not recognize the Rome Statute - since the ICC has no police force, it relies on the state governments to arrest individuals.  If Khura’in has not acknowledged the ICC, they could consider it an act of aggression if another state’s police come in and try and arrest their new leader (whom, based on the ending of 6 has been acknowledged as a victim of Ga’ran himself and is nationally adored), and thus it could lead to an international crisis.  International law gets tricky since state sovereignty is usually what leaders care about the most, especially according to realist interpretations of international relations.  
I’ve already explained briefly in my slideshow about politics in AA6 that Interpol wouldn’t have gotten involved and that hasn’t changed. 
I can go on, but basically, saying that Nahyuta Sahdmadhi should and could be prosecuted on an international level is just.........incorrect on so many levels.  Not to mention it erases his status as a victim and pawn of Ga’ran himself, and makes it imply that he was fully compliant and willing and not a hostage in his own right.  Don’t cheapen his story just because he was mean to Phoenix/Apollo/Athena throughout the game up until the final case. 
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