#nct 2018 x reader
population-after · 24 days
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milkhwi · 3 months
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Casino Nights - Gambler! Chenle
Summary: Gambling and more gambling, that’s all that mattered to Chenle. The probability of him winning was always high until one day you showed up and decided to change that and his life, too.
genre: gambler! chenle x  gambler! reader
word count: 2.8k
warnings: illegal gambling & swearing probably not proof read enough
a/n: originally was supposed to be a bulleted scenario but honestly,, think this came out better idk anything about gambling dont do it kids- also it’s been in my draft since 2020 omg..4 years yeah last fic ever probably i’ve retired from my good old days. idk if anyone will read this but i’m proud :3 also my longest fic of my entire career who else cheered!
Dies being rolled, cards being shuffled, chips being placed, and bets being made. The casino was always full of gamblers- especially on a Saturday night. The casino was like a second home for Chenle. Every Saturday he would be there- gambling. Chenle, only being an eighteen year old, wasn’t allowed to enter a casino. Reason: age. Of course, it was no secret that gambling at that age was illegal. But Chenle was an exception. He knows how to gamble. In fact, he’s very good at it. The only reason he was allowed in the first place was because he’s rich. Being rich was an advantage to him. He put down exactly $10 million on the line- to which of course, anyone would accept if it was that amount of money. To make things worse, he was going to gamble against one of the best known gamblers. “If I win, I’ll be allowed to gamble and get twice the amount I’m betting. Alright?” Chenle said, with no tone in his voice.
Chenle’s opponent chuckled and smirked at him, “Alright kid, it’s a bet.”
Not long after, the best gambler out there was not only dethroned by an eighteen year old, but exactly 20 million in debt. Chenle chuckled slightly, “You were really that confident, huh?” His opponent gulped, he knew this was something so embarrassing that it would even haunt him in his dreams, “You cheated, didn’t you? Let’s go again, I’ll prove you wrong.” Chenle pretended to think about it, then nodded, betting down $30 million this time.
“Watch me close if you really think I’m cheating.” Everyone watching the game taking place was already sweating. Not long after, they were neck to neck- this made Chenle’s opponent laugh, relieved about the fact that he had a higher chance of winning, but since misfortune was on his side, Chenle won.
50 million in debt.
Suddenly his opponent stood up to say something, but immediately fell to his feet. Shaking at the realization. Chenle leaned towards him- towering him, “Wanna go again? Want to try proving me wrong again?” He said as his eyes darkened.
Everyone was shocked. How could someone so young be so deadly?
From that day on, Chenle became the youngest gambler. No one really opposed the idea of him becoming a gambler- especially at the gambling den and if they did, Chenle would ask them to play a few games.
Chenle did gambling as a hobby. For fun. No one really knew how he was so good at gambling. “He’s rich so he was probably taught in order to bring money to the house” or “What do you expect? It probably runs in the fucking family.”
The truth is, the first time Chenle gambled, he was at stake of losing everything. He wasn’t driven by money. He only gambled because he wanted to see how easy it was to see someone else defeated. He didn’t use his emotions- he used logic. After that, surprisingly- he didn’t get addicted to gambling like many do. Luckily, his parents weren’t aware of what he did in his spare time and they didn’t really care, either. 
His parents only cared that when he finally turned 21, he would take over the company- or when his dad retired and handed him the company. Chenle was completely fine with that but wanted to have a hobby that was amusing to the eye.
Once he got home back from gambling at an ungodly hour, he headed to his room. There was a golden envelope with his name written in calligraphy. He turned his head slightly, murmuring a slight “huh?” and opened the envelope. His eyes turned wide at the contents of the letter. He was invited to go to the most important event of the year, held once a year, the talk of the year- NCT, something anyone would die to attend. The only thing that went through his head was how much money he would make if he would gamble with the rich people attending the event.
“You’re gonna have to attend, alright?” His mother said, taking another sip from her coffee.
“I know. It’s next week, right?”
“Yes, so after your meetings and lunch go and get your suit tailored.” She smiled, and grabbed her bag heading out the door.
Chenle sighed, at the sight of the empty house and how alone he was in the morning. Once he finished his breakfast he headed out to his meetings.
The day finally arrived and his mood was going downhill. ‘It had to be on a saturday, didn’t it?’ Chenle rolled his eyes, knowing he won’t be able to go to the casino. He silently sat in the dining room waiting for his father to finish going through documents inside his office. “Your father is ready to see you.” His mother said, opening the door to the office, making Chenle stand up and head inside.
His father glanced at him and then back at his computer and continued typing. Chenle walked over to his father’s desk, causing him to stop typing and clasped his hands, “I heard your friends are also going to the event.” Chenle noded, a barely audible ‘yes’ coming out of his mouth.
“Well, besides that, put out some good words for the company and try to get us as many new customers you can.”
“Yes, father.”
Chenle’s head swayed back and forth, making his eyes flutter shut at the soft jazz music playing in the background while people talked amongst themselves. As his head was about to fall to the table, Jisung smacks the back of his head, causing him to jolt awake. Jisung laughs and says, “At this rate, you might as well go home.” 
Chenle looks at his watch and sighs, “It hasn’t even been an hour.” 
Jeno sits next to him and says, “Did your father tell you to promote his company?” 
“Yeah- like always.” 
Suddenly, two plates of food were placed in front of him, “While you’re at it, you should eat lots of food!” Jaemin grabbed one plate and started digging in. 
“He’s not wrong. We’re all probably gonna be stuck here for the rest of the night.” Renjun said, trying to grab food out of Jaemin’s plate. 
Chenle checks his watch again, realizing only two minutes have passed, sighing. He looked around trying to come up with a plan on how to leave without anyone noticing in order to go to the casino. He stands up waving slightly, “Anyways, I’ll catch you guys later.” 
“Where are you going?” Donghyuck says, his mouth stuffed with food.
“It’s a saturday.” 
All of them collectively sigh at Chenle- knowing he was doing something he wasn’t supposed to do, but allowed him to do it anyways since they were all friends.
Chenle wandered around aimlessly around the building. Trying to find an exit that was not the front door seemed harder than he thought. At times he got distracted at how many people he had to greet or how the lights oozed an unexplainable aura. He goes up the flight of stairs trying to see if there was a way out. As he looks around, he stops and gazes at you- because of how dark it is, he doesn’t recognize who you are.  But all he knows is, he has never seen you before at these past parties. Even though a lot of people attend, he knows everyone by memory. He continues going up the stairs trying to get a closer look at you, trying not to lose sight of you either. He shakes his head, thinking about how he should find an exit instead. 
About two hours later, he enters the gambling den and a familiar smell lingers around causing him to smile. It has only been a week but he already missed the sounds of the slots and the ambient music playing in the background. As he was walking to the furthest part of the den, he noticed how many people were causing a commotion around a table of blackjack. There you were. Betting with some random old rich man. Chenle shook his head lightly, sighing at the fact that you most likely have lost- if not thousands by now. He signals towards a dealer near your table and shifts his eyes towards you, asking what you were doing here. 
“They’ve been here for an hour. And they’ve won all their games already.”
His ears perked up to that new piece of information. All games won? Chenle loves a challenge. As he walks towards your table, watching you win. He reaches his hand out, “Let’s play a simple game of poker, shall we? I heard you’re pretty good for the hour you’ve already been here.”
“You’re not afraid to lose?” You say scanning Chenle’s face.
“Absolutely not, I have faith in myself.” 
You were in his territory after all, why would he be afraid? Especially if he’s never seen you around. So he put all his chips to bet. 
“Already? But it’s just the first game” You furrowed your eyebrows debating whether to believe if he was really good at this game. 
“One game is all I need.” Chenle said, as he sat down. 
You smirked, realizing how confident he sounded, you placed all your chips down, too. 
And so, the game began with the dealer handing both of you 7 cards. People were already gathering around the both of you. Watching and waiting for this weird tension to be cut. With your poker faces on, the game began, rotating from one another. 
“Raise” You said, causing Chenle to look up from his cards again. Although Chenle looked unaffected from the outside, he was confused, why would you raise again? Was your hand actually that much better than his? Or were you just bluffing? His hand wasn’t all that good, but he needed to win. He always wins. But this game seemed to feel like it was taking too long. 
“Raise, too” Not wanting to back down, Chenle was determined to win. He never felt like he was going to lose against you. Maybe you had a one hour win streak, but he was about to break it. 
Full house. A tie. Everyone started murmuring around the table. A tie? Against the infamous Chenle? Even Chenle looked slightly upset at this. But even this had a solution, he had the highest kind of a full house, automatically winning. 
“Congrats, I’m Y/n by the way. New to the area, heard the rumors, and I guess they were true! Let’s do this again next time, shall we?” Before Chenle could speak, you were heading out, and he was too stunned at the fact that he almost lost a game to some newbie.
“The Zhong Chenle.. almost lost?” Haechan said, bursting out in laughter. Jisung and Jaemin seemed to hold in their laughter in order to not hurt his ego, but hearing Heachans contagious laugh, they couldn’t hold it in.
“Guys stop laughing, this should come off as surprising instead. I mean, a newbie? And a tie at that?” Mark said, while also trying not to laugh. Jeno shook his head, looking at the ground, not wanting to add fuel to the fire.
“I lost my mind that night. I don’t know what to feel.” Chenle sighed, still astonished by what happened almost a week ago.
“Are you gonna go tonight?” Jeno asked, out of curiosity.
“Take us with you this time! I wanna see you get your ass kicked!” Renjun hit Chenle’s shoulder playfully.
He sighed and nodded, “Fine, just don’t say anything stupid.”
Night fall came, which meant gambling night! Chenle brought the boys and was looking around to see if you would show up again. And so, you did.
You walked up to Chenle, tapping him on his soldier, innocently smiling, “Hi! I sure hope you weren’t too hung up on last week’s match” To that remark, Chenle felt his neck burn up, out of embarrassment. The boys looked at him, their jaws almost dropping. They didn’t expect that to be the way the night was starting, but it was probably going to go downhill from that. 
After a few games, that Chenle obviously won. Your interest in him peaked, you were the same age as him after all, and wanted to know what made him more special than the rest. But your ultimate goal was to win a game against him in less than 5 months. This caused you to show up to the den even on the days Chenle never showed up for. But of course, he found out a week after, so he started showing up more, just to see what you were up to. It was strange, really. Both of you were gamblers, but the fact that he felt a connection with you since he tied a game with you was what kept him wondering. The fact that you kept coming and blowing up thousands of dollars just to play with him was also strange. You were a good gambler, keeping Chenle invested in your games. And so, you would meet outside of the gambling den, during the daytime to eat lunch or even dinner. He learned your hobbies, besides gambling all your money away and learned you were an exchange student with rich parents in the other side of the earth that would send you pocket money every weekend to treat yourself. Of course, they didn’t know you were blowing it off to some games every weekend, as long as you kept it hidden and kept a low profile, everything would be fine. 
Chenle felt like the closest person you’ve met in your life. You cherished your friendship with him, but after realizing it’s been 4 months since you’ve known him, you felt a strange sensation of wanting to be even closer to him. And you didn’t know if he felt the same. You didn’t want to risk it anyways. The fact that you managed to figure out how to beat him after 8 weeks of gambling with him and keeping up an act to let him win was something you didn’t wanna tell him. But you were going home for the summer soon and wanted to know if you were even coming back. So you decided to wait 2 more weeks and win against him officially. 
“I can’t believe you’re leaving soon.” Chenle said, sitting down at your usual table. 
“And I’m spending my last days at the casino, how funny is it?” You smiled feeling a sense of competitiveness rush up. “By the way, can I pick the game?”
Chenle nodded realizing they haven’t played a few certain games in a while. And one of them was poker.  “Poker it is.” 
As always, people were dying to see Chenle play against anyone, knowing he would win. But this time you weren’t gonna hesitate. As the dealer handed you  cards, you realized you had to win no matter what.
A straight flush. Everyone cheered around you. Chenle seemed to have gotten the second highest hand out of the deck, and there was no way your bluff was going to work against him. So, you showed your cards. A royal flush. The highest hand. Everyone stood quiet. Even Chenle couldn’t believe his eyes. He clapped, slowly causing everyone around you to cheer, “I knew you could do it, I always believed you.” 
As if it was the adrenaline or the amount of people around you, you suddenly spoke and said “Chenle, I like you”
People took this as a cue and fled to different directions, not wanting to know what was going to happen next. Chenle’s eyes widened slightly and chuckled lightly, “I like you too, so come back as soon as you can”
That summer, Chenle would finally take over the company, which meant he would stop gambling if he didn’t wanna risk the future of the company. And you were working under your parent’s company but managed to land a sweet deal with Chenle’s company while his father still ran it and was allowed to work back with Chenle. 
Taking trips to Sin City was something you adored with Chenle. The faces of other gamblers were priceless when you or him managed to win flawlessly, and with no “record” of ever gambling before. You hardly ever lost any money, so it was only ever done for fun. 
“Chenle, I want to tell you something..” 
“Go on”
“I figured out how to beat you and let you win multiple times afterwards.”
“Oh, it clicked to me the first time we met, I think I got lucky the first time we met.” 
“Wait- really?”
“Yeah, but I was also really lucky that we met that night, I mean what were the odds?” Chenle says, planting a kiss on your lips gently, causing both of you to reminisce about the first time you met.  
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sweetiesicheng · 1 year
jaehyun - day off
word count : 684
"no, yea, sounds good. yea, see you later. you too, bye.”
you woke up for the second time that morning when you heard your boyfriend talking. the conversation was already over when you realized it, and jaehyun hung up, putting his phone on the nightstand with a light thump.
"well?" you rolled over and hugged him, noticing that his tank top moved around in his body and was not correctly oriented.
"i have the day off,” he announced. you squeezed him tightly in response, "stop hugging me,” he demanded.
"i'm cold."
"baby, let me go shower. i'll be back in like ten minutes," jaehyun said while trying to get out of bed. "we're going to have to leave eventually for those dinner reservations tonight," he said and kissed your lips. "you know, you'd probably be less cold if you would wear a sweater instead of the tank top.”
"it's uncomfortable," you said and buried your head in his neck. "can we just stay in bed all day?" you asked.
"did you not just hear me about the dinner reservations?" jaehyun asked before sighing. "come here," he said and pulled you up to lay on his chest. "good morning." you started laughing. "what's so funny?" he asked.
"you're just now saying that to me? we've been awake for awhile now," you answered.
"so what? i'm not allowed to say it again? it's still morning, and technically you fell asleep, so i can say it again to you," jaehyun replied and kissed your forehead. "okay, shower time," he said and pushed you back onto your side of the bed.
"hey! i'm cold!" you whined as you tried to grab him, but jaehyun was too quick and got out of bed. "you suck.”
"let's make something to eat," jaehyun suggested as he walked into the bathroom. you heard the shower being turned on a few seconds after.
you curled up into a ball and almost fell back asleep while jaehyun took his shower. after a few minutes, you sat up and huffed out a sigh. jaehyun came out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.
"you look cute," jaehyun said as he walked into the closet and grabbed clothes to change into.
"i am very cute," you said. "can you throw me a hoodie?" you asked him.
"mine or yours?" he asked.
"yours, of course," you replied. jaehyun grabbed a hoodie from a shelf and threw it at you. the hoodie landed on the edge of the bed and you reached over for it. you put the hoodie in and finally got out of bed.
you yawned and stood in the middle of the bedroom while jaehyun had changed into a t-shirt and grey sweats. he walked over to you and put your hands in his face while kissing your forehead.
"i think you could use some coffee," jaehyun chuckled. "i'll go cook us breakfast. you can go be your cute, sleepy self and put on a record or two on," he said and kissed your forehead again.
you just nodded and waddled out of the room while jaehyun followed you out. you went into the living room and sat in front of the record player that was on a small table. you went through a plastic box that held your shared vinyls and pulled out one of the records. you put the record on and turned the player on. music started playing while you heard sizzling from the kitchen.
after some time, jaehyun came out of the kitchen with some plates. "nice music choice," he commenter and walked back into the kitchen. he came out with a mug and you immediately took it into your hands.
"thank you, babe," you said and took a sip of coffee.
"that was actually my coffee," jaehyun said and walked back into the kitchen. he came back with another mug and another plate. you sat with him in the couch and took another sip.
"love you," you said to him.
"love you too, baby," he replied before leaning down to kiss the top of your head.
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maeumi-jng · 5 months
if looks could kill
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pairing: enhypen x idol!gn!reader
synopsis: jealousy is a disease and he's caught it. or in which enhypen members try not to expose your entire relationship.
warnings: fluff, poor humour, skinship, mentions of falling, a variety of male idols mentioned, talks of insecurity, age-gap between another idol, proof read-ish?
library: enhypen bookshelf
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he's the oldest... he should manage himself. he's mature... he knows better...
but watching you with nct's jeno... heeseung had lost all sense of knowledge and rationality.
you were mcees with jeno back in 2018 to 2019 for sbs' the show. to say fans loved you together was an understatement. even heeseung had been watching you as a trainee, in awe of you and the chemistry you naturally created with everyone.
everyone and their mother was waiting for the news ,that you and jeno were dating, to break. whether it would be by dispatch or some other shady news report, or slip of the tongue... they were all sure and convinced you two were together.
sadly, you both had ended your mcing period together, only occasionally saying hi to each other at other events where you were both scheduled. but recently, the both of you had been reinstated as special mcees for music bank when the current hosts, lee chaemin and eunchae were attending their unavoidable schedules.
heeseung was happy at first that he could see you more considering the promotions for sweet venom had just started. you had been dating for almost a year but spending time with each other was harder than the both of you thought.
heeseung's happiness, however, soon died down when he stepped into that rather small cubicle. the cameras weren't rolling yet jeno and the stupid eye smile of his was beaming down at you. he literally could feel the fawning of the staff behind the cameras, all whispering to each other about the 'never ending' chemistry between you and jeno.
the entire interview was almost uncomfortable. you and jeno had put on your peppy and jubilant personalities for mcing, enthusiastically introducing and talking to enhypen. heeseung couldn't help but notice every time you said something, his eyes would flicker to jeno instead of you and spot the similar look of admiration he himself often sported.
heeseung could only bare tight-lipped smiles to jeno when he received questions, suppressing all his petty grimaces and curled lips of annoyance. it wasn't until he received jungwon's sharp glare and pointed look that he feigned a wider smile and responded with an unfamiliar chirp to his tone.
although heeseung was scolded heavily by jungwon afterwards, at the end of the day it didn't matter. because he had caused enough of a ruckus that fans had sensed his jealousy and ran along with it, making ships and creating dating rumours for you and him. in the end... it all worked out in his favour.
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whoever said jay is calm and collected needs to take a step back and do a bit of rethinking. he's not the leader... poor guy is panicking.
it started at the end of the korean festival kbs was hosting for select groups or artists that were popular and upcoming. you and your group were walking around in circles, thanking fans for their support, makings sure they were warm, and bidding goodbye. amongst all the confetti raining down on you, for some reason, one just had to get stuck under your heel, causing enough friction for you to begin your descent into falling. you would've ended up hitting your head if it wasn't for cravity's minhee behind you. the surprised idol had decent reflexes, catching you by your arms with his own hands.
for a moment, everyone in the room was quite shocked. your own members made sure you were okay. while assuring everyone you were fine, you profusely thanked minhee while simultaneously apologising even though it wasn't your fault in anyways... you were just so embarrassed. minhee was dismissive of the entire thing, just glad you were okay and nothing bad happened.
a minor interaction of sorts... but the repercussions were big. it had set netizens ablaze. news articles and gossip sites had been circulating. fans were looking back at old fancams to see your previous interactions, hoping you and minhee were indeed dating.
yeah jay wasn't happy. he didn't think anything of it initially. he was happy you were fine, similar to minhee, and thankful the idol was there to help you. but then he got the ship edits on his for you page. he blinked blankly and then clicked on the comments... oh boy.
they said you looked good with minhee? that you... 'suited' each other. or 'why haven't i thought of these two together before?' what the hell... the poor guy's literally looking at his screen with the most furrowed brows and dumbfounded face as a burning whirl begins to spark within him.
as dangerous as it was, jay would rather have his name circulating in your dating rumours rather than someone else that wasn't him. so he did just that. subtlety, of course.
jay wasn't necessarily the couple matching type of guy. he liked getting you things that were unique to you. but all of sudden, he was bombarding you with matching items... keychains, phone cases, bracelets, necklaces, even your damn socks.
safe to say, he had created a monstrosity that the hybe pr team was going to spend the next few weeks attempting to deny.
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this one here... he can't bare it. jake is already so expressive and clingy (in a good way ofc). he feels a lot. therefore, he really really really likes you.
he won't lie. he's searched the both of your names up on twitter or naver far too many times just to see it trending. not to mention his secret tik tok account where he likes all of the ship edits and videos made for you two, even if they are terrible. more than once his pr team have thought of smacking some sense into him but it just seemed like jake was lovesick.
to be honest, the pr team was prepared to confirm news of you two dating. with the rate jake was going, he would've probably exposed it himself.
and the recent sbs gayodaejeon lost him.
you and yeonjun had a special stage together. he was slightly nervous already in the fact that you were performing together because he knew how fans got. but from the moment the performance started and he realised you guys were having a dancing stage... jake was left to become god's strongest soldier. yeah... no.
how on earth was jake supposed to know it was going to have this much skinship? jake loved shawn mendes but after today... he hated him. furthermore, he hated 'senorita' with a passion.
to make matter worse, the fans who were already going to be a bit delusional, were even more delusional. they were all fired up. "dispatch reveal, when?" "i would cry if yeonjun looked at me like that." "can't tell whether i want to be y/n or him..." "their chemistry... shit..."
his members were already worried for jake but their worry was becoming a constant state. all this jealousy was transferring into his work. jake was showing up to work every day, mind somewhere else, pouty and sulky, always reading the comments and influx of ship edits of you and yeonjun that had replaced his... the AUDACITY. not to mention, he was avoiding yeonjun like a plague. oh he's in the cafeteria? oops, bathroom time. backstage and talking to heeseung? well.
best believe the next few days he's stuck to you as if you were attached by the hip. jake's making it more obvious by the second and he couldn't care less. arm strung around your waist, hand in hand, pretending there was an eyelash on your face just to caress it, passing you his blazer at award shows to cover your legs or back.
quickly, any talk of you and yeonjun was gone and (rightly, according to jake), replaced by you and jake. he even made the mistake of going live, where the entire chat was filled with questions about whether you and jake were dating. someone said blink seven times if he was, so he blinked seven times afterwards. another said clap in a circle if he was, so he did.
yeah... a day later, belift and your company released a conjoined statement to confirm it. fans were mostly happy and also laughing at the fact that jake was so obviously jealous of yeonjun, who he now could look in the eye, knowing you were right by his side (not that yeonjun even cared. if anything, he probably found it funny as well).
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sunghoon and jealousy... one could say it a good mix rather than a bad mix.
sunghoon was used to getting asked out often. not to brag, but have you seen him? it was a good looking guy. he understood it.
but you.. boy, you were on a whole another level. people were practically lining up for you. numbers on napkins accompanied by food or chocolate, straight up confessions or attempts for your number backstage, or even flowers under the pretence of congratulating you.
bold and brave, sunghoon thought. these people were bold and brave to be doing all of this. but he got it. in a way, he was proud. all these people... and you chose him. he mattered far more than you and only the both of you knew it. he cherished that. the secrecy of your relationship, while not ideal, meant keeping all the things he loved (you) all to himself with no one else intruding.
but all this secrecy didn't stop things from going a tad bit too far.
an actor and idol. park jihoon. the man wasn't a confession type of guy. at least not immediately. instead, he liked to court and flirt. and his choice? you.
you had both acted in a drama together recently. the chemistry between you two... well, it set everyone alive to say the least. even sunghoon was flustered... he couldn't tell if he hated jihoon or he wanted to replace jihoon and do all those scenes with you. both probably.
you were clearly paying your dues... being kind and nice to the actor even though the affection was very much one-sided. but either your kindness was leading him on or he couldn't take a hint because jihoon was not afraid of anything it seemed.
when asked his ideal type behind the scenes? you.
the purposeful double meaning type of comments that bordered more on corny rather than flirty? said.
the chance to hold your arm when you both took home the best couple award? taken.
the couple award struck sunghoon's last nerve. because one could excuse the arm thing as a basic manner moment. but the comment jihoon made. simple and quite common in the acting industry. yet said with every pure intention. "i would really like to work with y/n again." followed by the awes and gushing of fans and fellow actors while you painted a small smile and a soft laugh in response.
what. the. fuck.
are you serious? is he serious?
him and jay are the same. they want to be more obvious but in the least obvious way. instead of taking the matching items route, sunghoon needed to directly deal with jihoon. so every time you had a schedule with jihoon... mcing, award presenting, as nominees, etc, sunghoon pulled something new.
you're talking to jihoon about the wide praise you two were receiving for your work and suddenly, "oh, you left your phone at mine, here you go." sunghoon would put what was his phone into your hand and literally leave. and you're left there standing like ??? and jihoon is also like ???
this time you're sitting with the actor backstage and suddenly a water bottle dangles in front of your face. sunghoon is smiling at you, completely disregarding jihoon. "you like water, right? here." uh, sunghoon, sweetheart... everyone likes water. we kinda need it to live, babes.
by this point, you're now expecting sunghoon. eyes darting every second to get a glimpse of his growing hair and the smell of tamburins' wood salt beach perfume in the air to notify you of his presence. but he doesn't come. you're partly relieved but also sad. you were kinda of enjoying it. well, more like it was growing on you.
you and every other artist and actor is going around in circles, thanking the fans for coming tonight and what not. sunghoon is going for a strike. it's the evening, the temperature has cooled down and you're stylist has opted for a more summery outfit in this winter weather. you must be freezing is sunghoon's thought (you can't feel the cold considering the heat of a gazillion lights are on you but sure). ever the smooth man, sunghoon slides off of his blazer and puts it onto your shoulders, telling you to keep warm.
you were shocked.
jihoon was shocked.
everyone's shocked.
sure, sunghoon sacrificed a bit of your secrecy considering by the morning clips of the action were swarming every platform and every past fancam was being investigated, but the look on jihoon's face was absolutely worth it. and if he had to do it all over again just to see you smile warmly back at him and thank him, he would do it again in a heart beat.
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sunoo is one of those people who wouldn't be that jealous. it's not that he wasn't insecure... he was human first and foremost. but he didn't really care for anyone else when it came to you. he only had eyes for you.
also he thought he was already obvious? like he's the one singing your song when they play through his headphones when the group plays the whisper game. or the first one to critique jake when he messes up the lyrics of your song during a live because he knows them off by heart. or the literal STACK of your albums (exclusive, limited, every version) he had in his dorm and his parents' house. there was literally more albums of your group then enhypen's that his parents had taken the responsibility of.
yet, that doesn't stop kim wooseok. well, not him specifically. the fans. you acted with him in the drama, the night has come. you weren't aware of your seven year age gap until your first meeting with him and he said he was like 27. and sunoo was like o_o. bc wdym your 27? he looked the same age as you... and he was playing an attractive teenager easily... wtf? unfair much???
while the age gap wasn't great, the romance wasn't heavily what your show was about anyways, which could make one feel lighter. despite all of that, sunoo had seen edit after edit after edit about you and wooseok. you and wooseok behind the scenes discussing your characters feelings towards each other, you and wooseok at a press conference bc he was making sure you were able to sit down in the small outfit your stylist gave you, you and wooseok in the water together
you and fucking wooseok.
sunoo was going to lose it. how much more obvious could he be?
how about matching couple items? well, the thing about sunoo is that he already has matching items. why wouldn't he? they were so cute!
sunoo also wasn't the type of person to directly combat it. he wasn't sunghoon.
he was mixture of jake, and well, himself. sunoo quickly got pouty and sulky as well. any time he heard that damn mafia alarm ring from your for you page, with feigned and overwhelming kindness, he gently took the phone from your hands and threw it onto the bed before folding his arms and looking at you blankly.
anytime a member brought up the drama on live and set of the chat to talk about you and wooseok, sunoo would immediately try to change the subject or he'd be a bit catty... "i just didn't know how old he was... he like so old." (fans began to notice how often this happened after bringing it up two or three times, resulting in the constant chatter of you and wooseok just to rile him up).
by end of the last episode, sunoo thought everyone would stop talking about the show. but no... you and the damn plot (which one? up to you) left everyone wanting more... especially of you and... yeah, he can't even say the name anymore.
the only way sunoo is getting over this, is by you comforting him. he isn't going to unnecessarily create rumours or try to leak your relationship. to be honest, the thought of it was terrifying. he hated involving himself in drama.
you end up spending the next few weeks almost sunoo-crazed. "oh sunoo recommended me this product..." forget matching bracelets, you brought him matching pyjamas. "oh, my dog? she's great. she doesn't really like people but she seems like sunoo the most. maybe more than me :("
soon, in a year or two, when the news breaks out of you two dating, this odd period of time will finally make sense.
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calm and collected? yes. why? he's the leader. said it before, but jungwon has the sole responsibility to be able to adjust to every situation there is.
an injured member? he's got it.
wardrobe malfunction? let's have a word with the stylist.
mic pack falling off mid-stage? man's got the word 'professional' in his dna.
if anyone asked him, truthfully, jungwon admired you. as a fan and as your boyfriend. you were similar to him. the same age, a young leader, good at basically everything... but you had three differences. one that your group might as well have invented the word popularity. second that you debuted earlier than him. lastly that you, yourself, created a new category of idols - super idols or super-dols.
what is a super-dol you ask? an all rounder that performs and executes everything with diligence and quality. they mean everything. not just the whole singing, rap, dancing combo. they mean the inclusion of acting, music production, song writing... etc.
they said that a person like you only comes once in a life time. they struggled to add people to your assigned 'category'.
to think jungwon was dating you was beyond him. how you liked him was equally beyond him. he thought he was just lucky. you thought otherwise. jungwon was everything to you. he understood you, he was always by your side and he was hard working. life was hard. but being with him made you feel like life in itself made sense.
jungwon knew that people wanted you. not romantically but as friends, as a mentor, as an advisor... it made sense for someone of your caliber. so he wasn't surprised when the newly debuted anton of riize was collaborating with you to produce a new song. but what he didn't expect was the genuine interest of the idol. nor did everyone else.
jungwon was backstage at the mbc gayodaejeon, watching your special stage with anton. it was the last day of the year and the last thing he wanted to do was end it on a bad note with something a fickle as jealousy. yet, the green-eyed monster had found him as he watched anton's gaze remain on you, as though he were unable to move, smiling ear to ear while you sang.
he heard one of his staff whisper to another, "they aren't dating right? gosh, they should date! he looks like he really likes her!"
jungwon could feel the cautious gazes of his members on him, trying dismiss such nonsense with frantic comments. "they don't know what they're talking about, jungwon." "ignore them." " he shook his head lightly, taking a deep breath. he needed to remain calm. if he couldn't, who would?
he trusted you with his entire heart. you liked him, there was no doubt in his mind. his heart skipped when he made you flustered with his sweet nothings and attention to detail. and to be frank, he understood anton. if the positions were swapped and he was in anton's place, he thought he would look at you the same way.
minutes after the clock struck twelve, jungwon didn't have to even look for you. you had found him instead, dragging him behind one of the trailers. you brought him into a long kiss, hugging him tightly.
jungwon smiled into this kiss, bringing you closer to him as all of his nonsensical worries melted away. parting almost breathlessly, his heart warmed at your wish of a happy new year. he smiled once again, placing a kiss the side of your head while he grabbed your hand, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb. "happy new year, baby."
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riki was right on the precipice of youth and adulthood. he was only a year younger than jungwon but everyone always treated him with such fragility. not just because of his young age but the innocence that came with moving to a different country because of his said young age.
but riki was more mature than he looked. he had to be. it wasn't that he was alone. no. his members and friends would never ever make him feel like that. nor would you. but this type of maturity was required of him.
upon seeing p1h's soul or haku's eyes constantly travel back and forth to you as he interviewed your group, riki resolved to maintain stoic and pretend like he didn't care. you were in public, all eyes were on you. did it bug him that the person looking at you was the same age and also japanese? yes. but the nudge of jungwon and the thought of dealing with the staff was enough to make him stand down at the time. to be honest, if haku's whole thing ended after the interview, riki wouldn't of cared.
but it didn't.
riki was observing him throughout your performance (well as much as one could, he was still trying to watch you) and haku kept looking at you. like his eyes were moving with you as if he was only focused on you. but it was fine. riki could handle this... this was life... right?
haku, however, seemed to enjoy taking on every last nerve of riki's (unintentionally ofc, sorry haku 🥹). your group and enhypen were seated together backstage, all chatting and playing card games to waste some time before having to go back out. riki, ever the communication expert, already pointed the boy to you. "can't you just look away every time he looks at you?" he complained.
you raised a brow, placing down a card. "you want me to not meet his eyes in an interview? riki, i didn't peg you as the jealous type," you teased.
riki blankly looked at you. "i'm not," he said defensively, folding his arms. "i'm not jealous. i'm just being... absolutely reasonable."
"sure, sure..." you squinted your eyes, nodding sarcastically. "riki, just forget about it. you were probably hallucinating. he probably was just looking at me normally. honestly, you should rest more like i told you to."
riki wished you were right. that he was indeed hallucinating. but any maturity riki had been working on was already on a thin line and diminished as he saw haku walk up to your large group, greeting everyone but mostly you. heart eyes and all.
in the moment, it dawned on you that riki was in fact right. haku's finger twiddling, the brief pause before he spoke as if he was thinking about what to say only for him to still fumble over his words, the tinged ears... you had done the same thing to riki when he suddenly told you he liked you after being clingy for days on end.
well... shit.
you were quick to act.
no one spoke as much japanese as the yearly comebacks warranted. at least that's what you figured when you greeted him back in japanese, introducing riki to him as another japanese idol he could be friends with and the best part, as your boyfriend.
the corners of riki's mouth couldn't help but twitch up. to say he was belated was an understatement. he dipped his head a little, a wide smile now sprawled all over his face.
the visible disappointment on haku's face made your heart ache slightly. you felt terrible. maybe you should've let him down less... directly. but the obvious happiness riki was radiating off of him made you want to smack some sense into him.
by the end of your schedule, you had hesitantly accepted riki's offer for you to sleep over at the dorm because you had no idea why but regret felt like it was looming over you. and boy was it. the entire way back home, riki teased you the entire time.
"say it again. say that i'm your boyfriend again! why not? too shy? you weren't shy then.. you said it so confidently like..."
the teasing only ended when you ignored him for the rest of the ride and riki realised he had fallen victim to the silent game. he was a fan of silence. but this was not the one he enjoyed.
cutting back on the teasing, riki just relished the fact you were asleep in his arms and not anyone else's. you were with him and that's all that mattered. ♡︎
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© maeumi-jng | do not copy, post (repost is fine!) or translate anywhere else! thank you ♡︎ requests here!
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cashmeremars · 11 months
𝐬𝐞𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 || 𝐦.𝐥
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: mark lee x non-idol!reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you miss Mark, but he’s busy with work and you’re busy with school, so your relationship lives through a computer screen.
𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fluff, established relationship, semi-secret relationship, mark sings you to sleep :(
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.3k
𝐚/𝐧: soft boyfriend mark is the only mark that matters. i’ve had this in my drafts since 2018...
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11:48 pm
12 more minutes until you’d get to see him again. 
You sighed as rays of blue light danced on your skin. You hadn’t heard from Mark in 2 weeks. His schedule had gotten so hectic preparing for the Dream comeback and the 127 tour, he hardly had time to think, let alone call you. Mark’s absence was difficult, but it was understandable. He was doing what he loved, even if it meant being sleep-deprived, overworked, and under-appreciated. You hated how the idol life took its toll on him, but he constantly reassured you that he was fine. 
With bags under his eyes, ever-so-slightly slumped shoulders, and a jitter in his fingers, he told you he was fine. So you told him you believed him, even though it split your heart in two to watch him suffer. You never wanted to pry because it might stress him out to really talk about his feelings, so the time you spent together was treated like an escape from reality; An escape from fame for Mark, and an escape from academia for you. 
Mark would tell you about a funny thing that Haechan did in the dorms, or read you a poem he had written while in the car heading to dance practice. Your favourite was when he would bring out his guitar and pluck haphazard melodies as you watched him through the screen. Then Mark would ask you about your day, and you’d tell him about the quaint little cafe you stumbled into after an exam, or the squirrels that you fed at the bus stop on your way to school. 
The few times that Mark would actually tell you about his NCT activities, he’d rave about how amazing tour practice has been, and how he wanted you in the crowd with him. On those days, you’d have to remind Mark that you couldn’t be anywhere near his professional activities because the chances of one of you slipping up and giving nosy fans or intruding journalists a reason to speculate Mark’s romantic life were too high. 
Then you’d fall into a suffocating silence until one of you changed the subject. 
11:58 pm
2 more minutes until you’d get to see him again.
Your heart melted into the floor as you tussled with the wires of your earphones. Should’ve just bought those Airpods, you thought to yourself. You opened up your laptop, hands shaking as you navigated toward the Facetime app. A green dot appeared next to your laptop camera, and you stared into your reflection. You analyzed the background presented on the screen with a sigh. Your room was a mess. Worse than it usually was. You pushed yourself out of your desk chair, practically sprinting around your bedroom trying to make it seem presentable. Mark had seen your bedroom in every manifestation, from organized to sloppy, but it had never been this bad. 
You tossed the dirty clothes laying on your bed into a hamper before adjusting your duvet. Your textbook sat open on your pillow, reminding you that you’d have to finish whatever chapter you were on once you were done indulging in fantasyland with Mark. You threw your bookmark into the bind of the textbook before slamming it closed. Reality could wait until tomorrow morning. The stuffed panda Mark gave you leaned on your headboard, greeting you with its permanent smile. Mark won the stuffed animal for you at a carnival in Chicago when he was on tour. He told you that the moment he saw it, he knew he had to win it for you. 45 minutes and $60 later, the panda was looped under Mark’s arm for the entirety of the tour until he was finally able to bring it back home to you. 
12:00 am
Your ears perked at the unmistakable melody ringing from your laptop. 
[Mark <3 is calling]
Your feet carried you to your computer in what felt like half a second. You plopped down onto your chair, fixing your hair before putting in your earphones and navigating toward the answer button.
“Yeobooooo,” Mark’s voice flooded your ears, allowing a riptide to form in your heart.
“Maaaarrrk,” you reply as the corners of your mouth began to upturn. You felt your cheeks warm up at the sight of Mark. He was dressed in an oversized grey hoodie, with flat hair, and his round glasses. You loved when he wore his glasses. You’d always teased him, calling it harry potter cosplay, but he was undeniably adorable. 
“Oh, God, you don’t even know how much I’ve missed you. I’ve been talking about you so much that Johnny actually banned me from talking about you,” Mark chuckled, “$2 fine every time I mention your name,” Mark explained. You felt your heart flutter knowing that Mark missed you as much as you missed him.
“Tell me about it. My friends groan whenever I bring you up when we’re hanging out on campus. I’ve been insufferable without you,” you sigh.
“Glad to know we’re in the same boat.” Mark’s hearty laugh warms your ears. “How’s school?” he continues. 
“It’s fine. Just the usual; tests, quizzes, labs, annoying professors, blah, blah. How’s idol life?” You ask.
“Same old. Dance practice, recordings, youtube content, variety shows, same as it always is,” Mark’s reply matches yours, embodying the mutual frustration with the repetitive monotony of your lives that you both feel. 
“I get it. It’s nice seeing you for a change, even if I’m technically not actually seeing you. I like hearing your voice.” You fiddle with your earphone wires.
“Yeah, I wish I could reach through the screen and just be there with you. I’ve really missed seeing you in person. Hearing your laugh, the way your nose crinkles, how warm your hugs always are,” Mark trails. You couldn’t help but smile at his words. You missed him more than you’d ever missed anyone. 
“Yeah, it sucks a lot. You know, at one point I started listening to those ASMR phone call things on youtube that your fans make of you. They’re actually quite well done,” You confess, opting to stare at your laptop keys instead of Mark.
“ASMR phone calls? I didn’t even know those existed,” he replied. He sounded more amused than weirded out. Mark was never judgemental, especially when it came to you. 
“Oh, well you do now I guess.” 
“I guess I need to record one of our phone calls so I have something to listen to as well,” Mark joked.
“I’ve sent you like 200 voice recordings in the past, though,” you laugh. Whenever something happened at school and you didn’t feel like typing, you would send Mark voice recordings of you detailing the events that had occurred. Mark always preferred those as he felt as though he were having a real-life conversation with you. 
“Oh yeah. I hadn’t even thought about that. I’ve just been suffering without your voice for no reason.” Mark pushed up his glasses. “Hey, is that the panda I got you?” He says as he leans further into his laptop camera to peek more into your bedroom. 
“Of course. I’ve kept it on my bed since you gave it to me. It still sort of smells like you,” You say as you get up from your chair and walk toward the panda.
“Probably because it was in my suitcase for like 2 months before I could give it to you,” Mark laughs. You give the panda a squeeze before walking back to your chair, placing the panda on your lap.
“I like it. It feels like you’re here even when you’re across the world,” You gaze at the panda once more. Noting how its right ear has started to flop down with time. 
“When do I get to see you?” Mark asks, adjusting the hood of his sweater.
“I’ve got three more weeks until the semester ends,” You say as you glance quickly at the calendar hung above your desk. 
“I’ve got three more weeks until the tour starts,” He sighs.
“So that gives us… 2 days?” You squint.
“2 days,” Mark confirmed.
“Is that enough time?” Your fingers start to tinker with the leg of the stuffed panda.
“If you’re willing to be a night owl, then it should be perfect,” He replied, running his hand through his dark hair. 
You and Mark hardly ever hung out during the day because of the risk of fans or sasaengs spotting you in public. So you’d usually hang out through the middle of the night, hanging out in parks, taking walks through your neighbourhood, or sneaking him into your house so you could watch movies together. It wasn’t ideal, but just being with him was enough. 
“I think it’ll work,” you smile. 
“Oh! Do you wanna hear something I’ve been working on?” Mark perks up, looking around his desk for a moment before locking eyes with something off-screen. 
“Of course.” You straighten your posture in your seat, anticipating whatever Mark has stored for you. Mark reaches over until his body is out of frame. He returns with his acoustic guitar in hand. 
“Okay, it’s a work in progress, and I don’t really have any lyrics for it, but I thought the melody was cool.” Mark begins strumming the guitar, closing his eyes as he allowed the melody to float from his fingers. 
It was beautiful. The melody was soft and sweet, a contrast to most of 127’s songs. He began humming along to the guitar, possibly singing what he imagined the lyrics should sound like. The song was pretty, even through the slightly muffled audio from your earphones. You leaned your head into your hands, watching him get lost in his music. It was amazing to watch him. You could only hope to find something that made you feel half as passionate as Mark was with music. His sleepless nights were worth everything in the world if it meant he got to create music. 
“How was that?” He asks, opening his eyes to gauge your reaction. 
“It was perfect, Mark.”
“Really?” He raised an eyebrow at you. He was always so hypercritical of his own work. 
“Yeah, I really loved it.” you nod, “Do you know what you want the song to be about?” You continued. 
“Yeah. I think I want to make it a love song about a boy who meets a radiant girl that he can’t stop thinking about,” Mark looks at you expectantly, holding back his signature ping-pong giggle. 
“Would it be a stretch to assume that the song is about me?” you raise your eyebrows at him. 
“Not a stretch at all. The song is absolutely about you,” Mark’s smile seems to warm the atmosphere of your room. 
“So, would you release it with the group?�� you glance at the mini NCT poster decorating your wall. 
“I think I would want it to be a solo song.” He tilts his head, quirking his eyebrows. 
“A solo?” your voice perks.
“Yeah, I mean if that ever happens again. I feel like it would be refreshing compared to the concept that I currently have going on.” Mark motions with his hands.
“I agree. The duality of man,” you joke. 
“And it’ll be like our secret special song or something. Only we would know that it’s about us,” He continues. 
“Well, us and the rest of your bandmates would know,” you say. 
“Right,” He smooths out the sleeve of his hoodie. 
“I really like watching you perform, Mark.” you lean closer to your camera, watching the way Mark becomes bashful under your gaze. 
“Thank you,” he whispers. His eyes remain locked on his keyboard as he scratched his forehead. He always got awkward when you complimented him. 
“I’m really proud of you, Mark. Even if the company takes you for granted, I see the effort you put into everything, and all I can say is that I think you’re phenomenal. You’re so talented, Mark. Everything that you do leaves me in awe,” You continue. 
Mark pauses for a moment, allowing your words to sink in, “I love you,” he replies. 
“I love you too, Mark.” You smile. 
“Do you wanna hear something else?” Mark asks, reaching for his guitar once again. You nod. You bring your knees to your chest, allowing your head to rest on them as you wait for him to start playing his next piece. You spent the next hour joking around, trying to come up with the most absurd lyrics as Mark strummed his guitar.
3:02 am
Your snores peppered Mark’s ears as he watched you through the computer screen. You’d fallen asleep accidentally about 30 minutes ago, but he didn’t have the heart to end the Facetime call because it meant he wouldn’t be able to see you again for a while. Mark placed his guitar on the floor before reaching for his phone. Your upper body was still in the frame as your head was leaning onto the desk. He could see the soft rise and fall of your shoulders through the pixelated screen. Mark always thought you were adorable when you slept. Your cheeks always puffed up and your mouth would twitch occasionally. Mark opened his camera app, laughing to himself as he zoomed in on your sleeping face. He snapped 3 photos before he started looking through them. Mark laughed again as he clicked on his favourite photo, making it your new contact photo. He sent the same photo as a text message to you, as a fun surprise for when you wake up. He closed his phone, opting to look at you once more. She looks peaceful, he thought to himself. The stress of school-work or exams didn’t matter to you when you were in slumber, and it made Mark’s heart swell. All he wanted was for you to be happy. Mark takes off his glasses, placing them down as he lays his head on his desk, mimicking your position.
“Good night,” he sighs, joining you in sleep.
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fic recs
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avianyuh · 8 months
***this masterlist took forever because I had to scroll through SIX YEARS worth of work. this is the most updated masterlist on my page so use this one if you need navigation :) ***
Who I write for:
-NCT🟢 (mainly anyone that was apart of NCT 2018, but if you want WayV, I can do that!)
-Monsta X 🫡 (but I'm emotionally scarred from Wonho so idk...)
& sometimes SHINee
UPDATE 02/28/2024: girlies i have nothing to say about ATEEZ anymore, it's just not gonna happen so I took them out of the ML😥sorry. BUT, I will now be adding *some* second gen groups because the fics are LACKING. I already said in the past I would write for SHINee and I stand by that! I just don't have much to write for them atm. Does anyone want a BF!Minho? idk...Who wants SUJU? Well, it doesn't matter cuz I do😁 I will also add Jaejoong from TVXQ/JYJ, not the whole group for TVXQ cuz I'm really only familiar with him and Junsu. I will also start up again with EXO so keep a look out if you like those fics. Anyways, this was just a PSA I wanted to make.
🔍navigation help + notes🔎
-If a group is crossed out it means I no longer write for them
-Please don't be afraid to request something. idc if it's anon or not. if you want something written, just send in a request :) it will encourage me to get to whatever group someone requested faster. as long as they're mentioned above, I'll write for them (only because I like to be familiar with the members so I can write accurate depictions of them)
*upcoming works*
-NCT something with Johnny *um idk, if not by the end of march then probs early april*
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BTS reactions:
requested; bts reaction to you having diabetes and not taking care of yourself
requested; namjoon taking care of his chronically ill girlfriend
requested;BTS getting jealous over crush giving more attention to Yeontan or Bam
requested; Giving BTS flower crowns
requested: BTS accusing reader of leaking sensitive info
requested; BTS helping S/O with finals
requested;BTS misses crush on tour but is too shy to confess
request; BTS gets jealous and confesses to crush
request; BTS comforts S/O who starts flunking exams
request: BTS Suga, Taehyung, Jungkook and their pets
requested: BTS as your brother
One Shots;
Dinner Date, Jeon Jungkook
Time Off; Jung Hoseok
*I know this isn't all of nct in the pic, I just like it and it's hard to find unofficial photos of ALL of them, plus Yuta looks hawttt*
*edit:::changed photo in Feb.2024, still can't find a good photo with all of the members, plus some people have left, BUT I will always include Lucas if I find a good one because he was done so dirty by the f-ing saesangs. ANYWAYS...
I will always choose a pic where Yuta looks hot, so you have been blessed by this pic, ur welcome*
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NCT headcanons;
a soft day with nct part one (taeil through jungwoo)
a soft day with nct part two (lucas through jisung)
nct as boyfriends (taeil through jungwoo)
nct as boyfriens (lucas through jisung)
christmas with nct (taeil through ten)
requested; how nct would confess to their crush (taeil through jungwoo)
NCT reactions:
nct u reaction to meeting your parents
requested; nct reaction to someone touching you inappropriately (taeil through mark)
requested: NCT reaction to you asking to move in together
nct reaction to you thinking you're fat: -yuta -jaehyun -mark
-taeyong -johnny
requested;NCT 127 commenting on GFs IG post
Individual member posts;
dating jaehyun
requested; dating mark
requested; dating haechan
requested; dating johnny
dating lucas
dating taeyong
dating yuta
requested; soft dom! winwin
requested; NCT 127 MLT break up with current GF for their crush
One Shots;
making time;mark lee
tattoos; Yuta Nakamoto
'I'll Call You; Jaehyun' [part one] [part two] [part three] [part four]
requested; Taeyong fic
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EXO headcanons;
Oh Sehun as a boyfriend
Baekhyun as a boyfriend
a soft day with EXO (hyung line)
a soft day with EXO (maknae line)
One Shots;
insecure; Kai
baekhyun request
requested;baekhyun missing his ex
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Day6 headcanons;
day6 as boyfriends
One Shots;
'I Love You'-Jae Version
'I Love You'- Young K
GOT7 as boyfriends
TWICE one shots
Requested: A Trip With Jeongyeon
BlackPink headcanons;
Jennie As Your Best Friend
Root Beer Float
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venusorbits · 2 years
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SYPNOSIS ︴How you become an iconic and legendary idol in the kpop industry, with your booming fame, charm, undeniable talent and strong presence. It's no surprise that you're catching eyes everywhere you step in. The path of stardom, was not the easiest but the blood, sweat and tears, you gave for this was worth it.
CONTENTS ︴idolverse!, idol kpop reader industry, fluff, kpop industry being terrible and toxic, sasaeng, dispatch, angst, hate comments and everything that's terrible and annoying that comes being in the kpop industry.
PAIRING ︴Eventually Johnny of NCT x K-Pop Soloist! reader
TAGLIST ︴@vapingcandy @pinkladybugs-world @rosabella1009 @sadisticfries​ @oceanic-jupiter-sea @itskpopular @alixnsuperstxr  if you want to be tagged on send me an ask.
NOTE: This is still an 'x Reader fic' technically but, I have to make a name the person, to make it easier for me to write about. I will try not to mention the name I gave the you/oc so, you can still indulge in it. But, there will be occasions when I will have to write it out! Thank you!
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( ♡ ) ━━━━━ LINEUP OF THE ERAS
TRACK LIST TWO ≡;- ꒰ ° DEBUT ERA | 2011 ꒱
TRACK LIST FIVE ≡;- ꒰ ° LIE TO ME ERA | 2015 ꒱
TRACK LIST SEVEN ≡;- ꒰ ° ?? ERA | 2017 ꒱
TRACK LIST ELEVEN ≡;- ꒰ ° ?? ERA | 2021 ꒱
TRACK LIST THIRTEEN ≡;- ꒰ ° ?? ERA | 2023 ꒱
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vampzity · 2 months
get to kηow me!
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welcome to my blog! here’s some highlighted info!
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—✫ home | main master list | requests + guides | taglist | bias tag
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basic info!
—✫ i go by ash or manda
—✫ she/her, pan, infp, multistan, 03 liner, afrolatino, my fav colors are red & black!
—✫ i’m an aries! my bday is april 19; 🌙: sagittarius, ⬆️: capricorn
—✫ ult groups: bts, twice, ateez, p1harmony, txt
—✫ ult biases: jimin, momo, sana, wooyoung, yunho, theo, yeonjun! i have a bias tag at the top that includes my bias wreckers :))
—✫ i don’t just listen to kpop, i also listen to alternative, r&b, and rock music! my fav artists: ariana grande, mitski, sleeping w/ sirens & the weeknd! i got into kpop late 2018!
—✫ some other groups/solotists i listen to: aespa, dreamcatcher, nct, exo, shinee, red velvet, chungha, sunmi, xikers, gfriend and, more!
—✫ i’m currently in nursing school & working up to 25 hours a week, so it may be why i tend have slow uploads haha :’)
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about my blog + disclaimers!
—✫ i DO NOT follow back ageless blogs!
—✫ this is a mixed content blog! i do not mind minor interactions as i do post sfw content or have many ideas for them!
—✫ however with that, i also plan to post nsfw & mature content! minors should be mindful of this as i will include tags & warnings (such as 18+ and MDNI) to let you know! that being said, I DO NOT tolerate minor interactions on these kinds of posts!
—✫ i normally use fem or gn terms, i will always specify which. i usually use fem for smuts! i write ateez x reader. I WILL NOT write member x member content as this makes me personally ucomfy to do. please do not request for it!
—✫ i may write for other groups soon, but i’ve currently been drawn to writing txt! :)
—✫ my master list has a tag guide to go off of, as i will have a tag labeled next to each fic link. the tags are as follows below:
(!): angst (+): fluff (=): suggestive (^): trigger warning (*): smut
—✫ my requests are open! i’ll try to get to them as i tend to get busy, but don’t be afraid to ask or leave requests for me :)
—✫ i currently only write for ateez! but i may be open to other groups in the future :3
—✫ please follow the rules above! i’m not responsible for your actions if you choose to read something i clearly put MDNI tags for.
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rules to go by!
—✫ i do not tolerate any form of bullying. this includes homophobia, sexism, racism, transphobia or anything under the umbrella.
—✫ my disclaimers! please look out and watch for them as i specified them for a reason! they will be labeled on content, in my rules AND on my masterlist so there’s no reason why it gets missed!
—✫ please be mindful that I am a full time student while working part time! i’ll try to make as much time for writing as i can however, it’s not always guaranteed.
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vkooksupremacy · 10 months
Never Say Goodbye
NCT Dream x Male Reader Platonic
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NCT Dream were absolutely crushed when their maknae, Y/N, decided he was leaving due to his mother's death. Yet one day, they hoped for his return.
Almost all the members of NCT Dream had graduated. Only Jisung was left, and new members who were Jisung's age and joined after Y/N's exit.
It was time for the other members of Dream to graduate. Except the original seven Dream members had a surprise. So did one more person.
After Dreams graduation concert, a video began to play. "Graduation" also began to play, the audience tearing up when they saw all the original Dream members show up on screen.
"Hey, NCTzen." Mark started, waving to the camera. "Before Dream graduates, we wanted to give you a surprise."
"As you know, we graduated in 2018 and 2019." Renjun continued. "We have truly enjoyed watching Jisung and the rest of Dream grow."
"However, we have something to say." Jeno added. "Remember 7Dream?"
The crowd burst into cheers as Haechan appeared on screen.
"We're coming back."
"We will be a fixed unit now, NCT Dream." Jaemin said.
"There's an even bigger surprise." Chenle was unable to keep in his giggles.
"As most of you guys know, our maknae left sometime on 2019." Jisung said, making the audience cheer even louder. "Y/N was one of our most popular members. We loved him wholeheartedly, and still do."
"Hey guys." The audience quietened down. Y/N's face appeared. He'd grown up. His face had matured, but he still had that child like demeanor. "I'm back. Permanently, returning to 8Dream."
The audience went ballistic, chanting Y/N's name as eight blocks rose from below the stage to greet the original Dream members.
"We're coming back with our new album, Hello Future, this May." Mark announced. "The return of NCT Dream."
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acaiasahi · 2 years
tag game, get to know me! ☆
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name: jaydi!
sun sign: virgo
height: 5'0... mind yo business...
time: 12:40 PM
fav band / artists: treasure, p1h, stayc, enha, cravity, twice, svt, nct dream, le sserafim, red velvet, jo yuri, hoody, loco, crush, kehlani, sza, pink sweat$, laufey + loads more lolzies
last movie + show: earwig and the witch + extraordinary attorney woo!
when did you create this blog?: i believe i created it way back in 2018-19 for reading purposes and began writing in march or april
what do i post?: fics, x readers, sometimes layouts, + rants
other blogs: @jikjihoon (sfw - kpop fic rec), @reidsphds (sfw - non-kpop fic recs)
do i get asks?: occasionally, i'd love to talk to more ppl tho. idk how to converse lolz
average hours of sleep?: depends, usually 5-6. on a bad day, maybe the whole day TT
dream job: veterinarian or nurse, leaning towards ver tho
dream vacation: probs the philippines, korea, paris, and nyc
fav song atm: "the perfect pair" by beabadoobee, "_world" + "dar+ling" by svt ( can u tell that i miss them saur bad?)
tagging ; thank you for the tag, mike! @hotboyyeonjun <3 @h4chi @youngminhee @i-luvsang @hwaflms @asahicore @wyynn @alohajun @existnesia + anyone who'd like to join! :3
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stormiestories · 1 year
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I posted 3,607 times in 2022
22 posts created (1%)
3,585 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 100 of my posts in 2022
#ateez - 4 posts
#stray kids - 3 posts
#... - 2 posts
#monsta x - 2 posts
#153cm - 2 posts
#omega x - 2 posts
#seventeen - 2 posts
#nct - 2 posts
#good - 2 posts
#easily - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#also used to get a lot on my shoulders until i figured out my conditioner was the cause if i didn't rinse it out before washing my body
My Top Posts in 2022:
I became a kpop stan in 2018 but didn't really become a multistan until the end of 2019; and then the world shut down. I have to ask, was it common for so many groups to be touring at the same time pre-covid? Don't get me wrong, I'm beyond thrilled to be able to see so many groups in person, but I mean...
January: Ateez ✅️
February: Monsta X
May: Monsta X✅️
June: Stray Kids✅️
September: Seventeen, Verivery
October: Omega X, NCT 127, Enhypen
November: Lay, Ateez (These are the same weekend btw right after Thanksgiving)
Now, do I need to go to so many shows? No. Do I want to? Yes. Seventeen and NCT 127 are going to start enlisting soon and I want to see them before they go. The only reason I'm not going to NCT is because the date they're in Newark is the same day I'm flying to Chicago for Enhypen. Which I'm only doing because the Enhypen NYC stop isn't a great venue and tickets are being resold for $400 for the very back. When is the next time I'm going to be able to see Omega X? They're relatively quiet rookies and the oldest is expected to enlist next year. Do I need to see Ateez twice in the same year? No, but my seats last time weren't great and I want to be able to see them better.
Back to my question: was this normal before? Or should I expect to be broke for a while?
5 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
Trying to write a fic, and while I know what I want the end results to be, I'm struggling to put what I want into actual words. Trying to base it off a personal experience, but I can't just dive into the main event. Without a build-up, it makes no sense unless the reader also has the same experience. But also I feel like the build-up is taking too long and not going how I want.
6 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
So legit question: anyone know how to save videos and stuff from VLive? Because I have 10ish concerts I paid for that I want to be able to watch again when VLive shuts down in a few months
6 notes - Posted October 14, 2022
I have finally finished setting up my kpop collection! Lights are up, albums are organized, lightsticks are in place, it's perfect
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Just as a nitpick, I might get a string of those battery operated wire lights for the top just so the poster/record/seasons greetings aren't so dark
Next step is to finish unpacking and get everything else put away
8 notes - Posted October 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Everything is in its new home
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Now to spend this snowy afternoon cataloging albums and sorting photocards into my binder
And putting my lightsticks back
24 notes - Posted January 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dreamiesdotcom · 5 years
[9:11] It's a sensation you can't clearly describe, but something you could compare to smoke, to haze — something blurry, something that makes you feel like you're lost inside a foggy place. It feels like a lost home; it feels like you're about to lose your home.
It's devastating, heart wrenching, cruel in a way that is as lovely as the gentle gaze he greets you with, his kind smile, and the warmth he provides you in this distance, hands on your cheeks and bodies against each other, eyes glistening with joy through the tears. Kun sighs and grazes the sides of your face gently with a smile,
"I'll come back," he says softly, even softer than his usual tone. A sound he reserves for you, a sound you wish to hear for as long as you could, "I'll come back to you, so take care, okay?"
"Of course. Of course you will come back, Qian Kun," your eyes cast upwards towards the blurry image of the ceiling, holding your tears. The last thing you want to do is cry in front of him when he's sure to be met with more stress after his plane lands to it's destination, "You're the one who should take care. You and the boys."
"We will," he nods and you press your lips in a thin line. You look at the other side of the place where the other boys are, you know they were watching and is just pretending that the luggages are as interesting as the sight in front of them right now.
"I love you," and once again, it feels like all air has been knocked off you. It's not the first time yet it feels just as special — the word isn't so frequently voiced out in your relationship. You both know it as a fact and is shown through the simplest actions, but he said it to you, right now, in the middle of a crowded airport, all soft smiles and sweet eyes, sending you the very same type of gaze that he would to a precious gem. You feel like a cliche, you love it. "I love you, Y/N."
The second time he repeated it felt different in a way you're unsure of, but you're certain it made you feel all types of feelings that you could compare to summer; a sunny weather, a bright day and the scent of sweet treats, so strangely very like the chaste kiss on the forehead he gives you, and you can't help but return them, "I love you too, Kun."
He then smiles, and it doesn't feel like you're losing your home anymore. You knew it the moment you first exchanged fond glances, a relationship with Kun isn't bound to be ordinary nor convenient, but that doesn't make it any less worth it. He has to leave for work, and it's not the kind of 'leave' that will allow you to meet each other by the end of the day. It's the kind that will leave you conversing through the phone for months, unable to physically connect even if you're dying to.
Still, whenever he has to leave, Kun thinks he leaves a piece of him to where you are — maybe a bit of his heart, maybe a dear memory. In this way, you have something to remind you of him, and he has a reason to come back. Maybe it’s a fragment of his imagination, something his mind did to soothe the loneliness of not feeling as complete as he should, but thinking about it makes him feel a little warmer inside, clears all his doubts and lets him feel a lot less cold.
Kun never says goodbye too, he says because it's too melancholic. He hates that it makes the moment feel like a last, and it sounds so clearly of parting. The last thing he wants to do is make you sad before he leaves, unable to comfort you like he wants to. More often than not, he resorts to forehead kisses, and a sweet little whisper of "I'll see you soon?"
You nod at him, sending him off before realizing he tangled your pinkies up into a promise. You feel giddy inside and a smile makes itself visible in your face despite Kun's image slowly leaving your sight. You nod to yourself, heading out of the crowded place, assured. Before driving back home, you notice a handkerchief on your passenger seat with a note saying 'Keep it safe, I'm gonna need this back' and you smile at the silliness and sweetness of it all. You nod to yourself once again, a silent promise of 'I'll see you soon' leaving your lips.
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sweetiesicheng · 2 years
jaemin - lazy day
word count : 468
"this movie is pretty good," jaemin said while you snuggled closer to him. he fixed the comforter, making sure both of you were covered with it.
"i don't like those two girls and that other guy though. they annoy me," you said and shifted a bit, leaning your head on jaemin’s chest.
"so you don't like anyone but the main dude?" jaemin asked you.
"mhm," you confirmed with a nod, "oh, and that guy. he's funny," you added, pointing at one of the characters on the screen.
"yea, he's a really good actor and a really good comedian," jaemin mentioned and grabbed his glass of water from the nightstand. he drank some of his water and put the glass back on the nightstand.
you two continued watching the movie when jaemin's phone suddenly rang. he sighed and grabbed his phone off of the nightstand while you paused the movie with the remote.
"hello?" he answered. you heard renjun's voice on the other line, "really? but what about tomorrow morning with that schedule? okay, yea, sounds good with me. i might spend the night at y/n's again. i'll text you guys later about it. okay, bye."
"what did renjun want?" you asked him and resumed the movie.
"a schedule got moved to next week for some reason, but nothing else got moved so i have tomorrow off now," he answered with a smile.
"so you're spending the night again?" you asked.
"if you're fine with that," jaemin replied.
"of course i am," you smiled and kissed him.
"oh, renjun said him and the guys are going out to eat tonight and told us to join them," he mentioned and kissed your forehead. "do you wanna go?"
"sure, i'd be fine with that," you answered. "after all, i don't think we can spend all day in bed watching movies."
"we could do other things in bed."
immediately, you grabbed one of your stuffed animals and smacked jaemin's face with it.
"why do you always hit me with stuffed animals?" jaemin asked and hugged your stuffed animal with his arm that wasn’t around you.
"i mean, i can slap you in the face if you want me to," you replied and poked his cheek.
he rolled his eyes at you, “you’re so weird sometimes," he commented.
"i'll take that as a compliment," you said and nuzzled your head in the crook of his neck. "wait, when are we going out to eat?" you asked him.
"like around seven. we have awhile until we have to get ready," he answered. "oh, you're probably hungry. we haven’t eaten lunch yet. do you want to order take out?" he asked you.
"please," you answered and jaemin chuckled.
"double please."
both of you laughed and jaemin kissed your cheek, "you got it, baby."
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imajin-that · 5 years
These Things Do Happen - Kim Doyoung Smut
Hi guys!! Its Admin Daisy here. (Like our new names?) I know admin Peaches said that I would be writing a Leo smut, I was feeling Doyoung a lot more lol. She is currently working on her smut (Will it be Yuta? Will it be Youngk? Find out soon!) I was really struggling with writing this because I have never written smut before. I hope I did okay, please send any constructive criticism you have, I appreciate any help I can get lol. 
Rating is 16+ as it is very graphic, but I mean, I can’t really stop anyone from reading it, so be warned. ALSO it does have Dom/sub undertones as that’s what I’m into, so please, if you’re not into that, be warned. Good luck and enjoy!
♥♥♥ Admin Daisy
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The bumping of the bass, the mass of bodies pressed together, and the short skirt your friend made you wear were all things that were raining on your mood. Somehow, your best friends convinced you that going to a new night club would be fun. At first it was, but then they separated into the crowd to dance with random people. Which is fine, but not something you were interested in doing. And if you weren’t tonight’s designated driver, you’d have gone home already. Instead, you’re sitting on a cracked leather bar stool sipping sprite through a thin black straw.
Pushing the sleeve of the pink fur coat you were wearing back over your shoulder for the umpteenth time in the last hour, you pull out your phone and sigh when you realize that the time has been dragging on and it wasn’t even close to the agreed upon time to go home. The seat next to you creaked as someone sat on it, and a husky voice called out for the bartender. Glancing over with vague interest, you scan the figure of the man next to you. He’s clad in a white tshirt and black skinny jeans with holes in the knee. His head is tilted down, long fingers are playing with a peanut shell from the bowl on the counter. It’s not yours and you have no idea where it came from, but there were several shells torn apart sitting on a napkin next to it, so it had to have been there for a while. Your eyes roam his face as he concentrates on his task. His eyelashes are long and his nose and jaw were strong, despite his face as a whole seeming soft. His black hair was styled and pushed back, the pink and purple lights danced against the tresses in a way that was almost romantic. Almost because the song was about bodies caressing and breath intermingling in hot, heady waves.
“You like what you see?” His voice was laced with amusement but you couldn’t see his expression from your current perspective.
“Maybe,” You shrugged, your gaze shifted from the man next to you back to the crowd and your brought the straw to your lips and took a sip of your drink. “Lots of people here tonight, it’s hard not to see something you like.”
“Well, I certainly see something I like. How about we go dance and see if I can figure out what exactly is catching your attention.” You turned to like at him only to see he was completely facing you. His hair, though mostly black, actually had blue in it. The whole look was more attractive than you had initially thought.
“What’s your name?” You took another sip of your drink, noticing his eyes narrowing on your lips.
“Doyoung.” His eyes snapped back up to yours. “And yours?”
“Y/N.” You set your glass on the bar and stood up, “Let’s go, Doyoung.” The name tasted delicious on tongue.
The two of you wandered to the dance floor, Doyoung’s large frame pushing through the crowd until you reached somewhere further in the center. Large hands wrapped around your waist and you swing your hips in time to the music. Despite the swarm of bodies surrounding you, your focus was on the man behind you. You danced like that for a few songs before his hands started to move, one hand moving delicately across your abdomen while the other move to pull your hair to one side. His head moved into the crook of your neck, his breath coming out hot. A shiver danced up your spine as he pressed soft kisses to your shoulder, now exposed by your jacket falling off your shoulder. Your head fell back when his hot tongue licked a strip from your neck to your ear before nibbling on your earlobe. Eventually your hips swaying brought your attention to the fact that you were not the only one aroused. The thought had your core throb in want, Doyoung nips at your jaw, eliciting a small moan from you.
“Come on baby girl, through the crowd as discreetly as possible. Don’t want others to notice how hot you look for me.” His hand slid towards the hem of your skirt, his fingers dragging softly against your thigh before slipping under the hem. His lips captured yours, swallowing your gasp when he caresses you through your panties. “Already wet for me baby?” His words were pressed against your mouth as you panted. You squirmed a little when he started rubbing a little harder. His hand came up to your throat and settled there gently.
“Doyoung.” Your voice came out in a breathy moan.Doyoung kissed you again before nipping at your jaw and slowly sucking down until he reached the crook of your shoulder. He nipped again, harder this time as his fingers slipped into your underwear. You moaned again, louder this time. If you weren’t blissed out, you’d have been embarrassed. Nipping and sucking on your throat, he stroked your clit. Moving back up to your mouth, he kissed you right as he slipped his middle finger in your pussy, thumb still massaging your clit. Your moans were swallowed by his mouth and he used the opportunity to push his tongue in your mouth. As he continued, you could feel your core heat up more as your orgasm came. Moaning into his mouth, you grasped onto the arm still wrapped around you as your legs shook with the weight of your orgasm.
Doyoung pulled his fingers out adjusted your skirt before turning you around. Looking straight into your eyes, he put his fingers to your lips. Obediently, you sucked his middle and pointer fingers into your mouth.
‘Good girl.” He said, dark eyes focused on your mouth. Deciding he was satisfied with your cleaning, he pulled his fingers out of your mouth and leaned in to kiss you again. “Lets go,” His voice was rough with lust, the sound went right to your core. He turned you around and wrapped one hand around your waist while he pulled you through the crowd until you reached the bathrooms. Pushing the door open and slipping inside, you leaned against the wall and took a moment to catch your breath while he checked the stalls. Looking at him in better light had you realising he was even more handsome than you previously thought and significantly taller than you. But no so much taller that the height difference was disconcerting. You watched has his fingers deftly twisted the lock on the door before turning to you.
Doyoung’s eyes ran hotly over you frame before he sauntered over to you. He twisted one hand in your hair and pulled you in for a heated kiss. His other hand was gripping your thigh and pulling your leg around his waist. “You have no idea how bad I want you right now.” You whimpered as his clothed erection rubbed against your core. His hand drifted from your thigh to push your skirt up, deft hands ripped your panties off and tossed them away before pressing his thumb to your clit again. “Such a good baby girl for me.” He murmured in your ear as you moaned at his touch.
“Please.” You whimpered, wanting him to hurry and fill you up.
“Please what?” He stroked harder.
“Please fu-” He slipped a finger in you again and nipped at your ear lobe. “Fuck me. Please.” You words came out in whimpers as you asked for what you wanted.
“As you wish.” He pulled his hand out of your hair and reached for his pants, undoing the button and zipper and pushing his pants and underwear down a little before pulling his cock out and stroking it, thumb working to spread the precum around. The tip was purple and his length was impressive. The size of it had your mouth watering, and in different circumstances you might have asked if you could suck it, but at this moment all you wanted was his length stretching and filling you. Doyoung pulled his fingers out of you, and you whimpered at the loss. He didn’t leave you wanting for long, however. He kissed you deeply before biting your lip and pulling back. He lined the head up to your entrance and slipped the head in before looking at you and smirking. You were about to ask for more but were interrupted when he gripped both of your thighs and lifted them, causing you to sink onto his cock. His arm veins rippled as he held onto you and both of you moaned when you were fully seated.
Barely having time to adjust before he was sinking his cock in and out of you, pulling out to the tip and then pushing fully into you at a harsh pace. One of his hands let go of your thigh, only to tangle in your hair and pull so your neck was exposed. You moaned as he sucked marks into the sensitive flesh of you neck and thrusted quickly and hard into you. When your orgasm hit again, your moan was long and drawn out. Doyoung continued to pound into you until his orgasm hit too, his cum hot inside of you. He kept himself inside of you as you came down from your highs.
Doyoung lifted you up and moved you over to the wall closer to the sink, his length moving inside you. You shook with the aftershocks and draped over him tiredly. He whispered sweet words to you as he wet a paper towel and pulled out. He wiped the paper towel over himself and then softly over your areas to clean up the leftover mess. After checking to see if you’re okay, he stand you up and pulls your skirt down, a small frown on his beautiful mouth.
“Come with me.” His voice was authoritative and you followed obediently behind him, hand in his. As you walked behind him you noticed that his back pocket had fabric in it. Focusing on it, you realized it was your panties he had ripped off. The realization made you flush. Doyoung stopped at a table filled with jackets and empty beer bottles and glasses. He pulled a grey hoodie from the back of a chair and turned to you. Smiling softly, he pulled the sweater around you and tied the sleeves together. It was big enough it wrapped almost completely around you and covered more of your thighs than before.
“Thank you.” You spoke softly, a little embarrassed. “But how will I be able to give it back to you?” He pursed his lips in thought before brightening and tapping his nose.
“You can give me your number and I can contact you.”
“Okay.” He grabbed a phone off the table and unlocked it, tapping somethings on the screen before handing it to you to put your information in. In the name part he had written “Pretty Y/N.” You smiled and typed you number in before handing his phone back.
“Thank you.” Over his shoulder you saw several of your friends waving to you. “I gotta go, my friends are looking for me.”
“Oh. Maybe we can go for coffee sometime soon?”
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kpopimaginee · 5 years
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₊˚ˑ☁️° IMAGINE #6
NCT and your group are shooting a new music video together. You are already known for being an Johnny's interest and you refusing his confessions.
Interviewer: Johnny, why Y/N is not falling for you ?
Johnny: *gif*
I don't know, but she will be mine soon
Interviewer: She will be yours??
Johnny: Yes
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yakuly · 2 years
Lento ...
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〯₊ ¡Mark Lee! (NonIᴅᴏʟ!Mark x ɪᴅᴏʟ!NonIdolꜰᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ). ᴘᴀʟᴀᴠʀᴀꜱ: 994 palavras ᴀᴠɪꜱᴏꜱ: menção de comida.  〯₊
  Se Deus existe ele me odeia. Se Alá existe, ele me odeia. Se algum Orixá existe, certeza que me odeia. O fato é: não importa sua religião, seu Deus provavelmente me odeia. E se você é ateu, bom então a vida me odeia.
Por que sério, além de ser afim do cara ele tem que ser meu melhor amigo, e ainda estar saindo sem parar com a minha colega de apartamento? Tem como piorar?
  Hoje, sexta feira a noite e mais uma vez estou no meu quarto me preparando pra mais uma noitada. Moletom e pizza sempre foram a melhor escolha pra uma fossa em casa. Park Mina, minha companheira grita do corredor que está saindo, e apenas escuto, com meu cérebro trabalhando ardilosamente pra acabar comigo, me fazendo imaginar como será sua noite ao lado de Mark Lee. Eles vão pra balada? Pra um restaurante? Karaokê? Eles vão se beijar? Vão comprar coisas um pro outro?
 Suspiro tentando ignorar a vozinha chata na minha cabeça, e dou o play no meu Dorama lindo do Chanyeol. Mas mal consigo me concentrar no gigante adorável e seus óculos sem olhar para o celular a espera de alguma notificação do rapaz me convidando para uma noite de jogos que fazíamos antes.
 Finalmente minha campainha toca avisando que o entregador havia chegado. Meu nível de serotonina se levanta minimamente com a perspectiva de comer minha pizza de brócolis. Abro a porta pronta pra brincar com o rapaz, que poderia ser tranquilamente Heechan, o filho da vizinha que sempre me entrega meus pedidos, mas me assusto vendo Mark Lee parado ali bem na minha frente. Eu congelo com a visão, e por um instante acho que tô alucinando, mas o moreno ri de canto provavelmente nervoso.
"Hey! Alguém em casa?" sua voz é meio baixa e um tanto insegura.
"Ah, oi. O que faz aqui?" é tudo que consigo proferir, afinal, ele é a última pessoa que eu esperava ver ali. Ainda mais vestindo o mesmo que eu: moletom.
"Vim te ver, faz tempo que a gente não se fala" Mark ainda falava baixo me olhando incerto, e eu ainda não sei o que fazer. "... então eu posso entrar? Por que assim, aqui tá um pouco frio..."
  O deixo passar e só então percebo minha pizza, suas sacolas em mãos. Vamos de volta para o quarto e tento agir normalmente. Nós sentamos na cama e ele espalha o que trouxe: balas, chocolate, salgadinhos e soju. Abrimos a bebida e a sua cara quando vê o sabor da pizza é a melhor.
"Brócolis? Sério?"
"Yah! Não me julga!" digo um pouco mais alto "e se eu soubesse que vinha, pedia ainda mais brócolis!" aponto pegando uma fatia. "Pensei que estaria com a Mina."
"Não, você sabe que balada não é a minha praia. — Lee responde como se fosse óbvio. Solto uma risada descrente.
"Vocês andam tão colados que não duvidei de você ir com ela." solto um pouco ácida antes de tomar um belo gole de Soju.
"Isso é ciúmes?" indaga sorrindo de lado. Minha vontade é de gritar que sim, que ele era cego, lerdo e burro demais, mas só rolo meus olhos e bebo um pouco mais. "Wow! Vai com calma ae!"
"Eu mereço essa bebida divina, okay?" reclamo pegando a garrafa que me foi tomada e terminando de uma vez.
Consigo o fazer ficar quieto enquanto assistimos o Dorama, e como sempre seus comentários são os melhores e me fazem rir, mesmo eu querendo ficar brava.
"Oh! Chanyeol, por que tão lindo?" solto baixo, mas aparentemente Mark me escuta e cutuca minha perna. "Que? Ele é. Faz rap, dança, canta, compõe, atua, é fofo, engraçado, inteligente, fala inglês, e ainda sabe montar um bar." listo as qualidades do meu utt, sob o olhar tedioso do meu amigo.
"Eu também sei fazer tudo isso!" ele me responde parecendo ofendido.
"Hum, eu não deixaria uma furadeira sob sua responsabilidade." implico rindo, mas percebo que sou a única que o faz então paro desviando meu olhar do seu, super intenso.
  Me viro prestes a perguntar por que me ignorou nas últimas semanas quando sou surpreendida por sua mão na minha nuca, e ele me puxando para um beijo. Mas demoro pra processar e quando vejo, Mark me olha apreensivo.
"O que foi isso?"
"Eu gosto de você. Mais que como amiga, e estava com medo do que ia pensar, da sua reação e de estragar nossa amizade, então pedi ajuda da Mina sobre o que fazer, por que não aguento mais esconder meus sentimentos por você."
  Assim que tenho minha resposta o encaro na dúvida se o bato por me fazer acreditar que estava interessado em Mina, ou se o beijo por finalmente saber que sou correspondida.
"Mark Lee!" solto brava o dando um tapa em seu braço. É, parece que meu sangue quente age mais rápido que eu. "eu não acredito que fez isso comigo!" lhe dou leves tapas, e o idiota cai de costas na cama reclamando. "Eu acreditei que tava afim da Mina, seu desgraçado!"
"O que? Por que?" o moreno consegue segurar meus braços parecendo bem confuso. Ele para então pra pensar e sua boca se forma um "O" num sinal claro de que entendeu o que aconteceu. "Não, nunca gostei dela assim."
"Certeza?" preciso confirmar para poder tomar meu próximo passo, e quando ele confirma com a cabeça, me jogo em cima dele, colando nossos lábios.
É a sua vez de não entender o que aconteceu, mas quando seus olhos encaram os meus e ele vê que eu também sentia a mesma coisa, finalmente nos beijamos de uma forma intensa.
No final das contas não era só Mark Lee que era lento. Eu também era.  
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