#nct 127 sceanrios
astroyongie · 2 years
Nct 127 reaction when you don't say I love you back please?
NCT 127 Reaction To You Not Saying “I Love You” Back
The way it would hurt him, it’s not a little funny. To be honest he would care much about the reason why you aren’t saying that to him, he would be hurt and on his mind, he has nothing to do with your past since he is your present. Taeil really wouldn’t deal well if a person doesn’t say the words back to him
He would pretend that he doesn’t care. Mostly because he has other things to care about but internally he is still trying to figure out why you should have done this to him. He would try to do things on another way to get you to say it
It’s really complicated, because Taeyong would be super empathic about the situation, he understands why you don’t want to say it, he respects. But internally he would be in inner turmoil, overthinking about everything and even lie to himself about the situation
This boy doesn’t care if you don’t say it back to him. Now that might be surprising since Yuta is someone who needs a lot of emotional connection, however since he can feel it through other than words, he doesn’t need you to conform it for him. He gives you time
Another one that doesn’t care whether or not you say it back. He knows everyone has their own timing and he won’t be annoying about it. Doyoung has a hard time himself to be open so he wouldn’t ever judge you about this
Jaehyun cannot say he loves someone already so you can bet he won’t give a damn if you say it back or not. Whatever you are feeling is up to you, he won’t be doing any argument or fighting you about it. He respects your choice and you will say it whenever you feel like it
Jungwoo tries not to care much, tries not to give much thought about the whole thing because he knows love is a complicated thing. But he would try everything to make you say it so he doesn’t feel insecure about your relationship
It’s very complicated for Mark to deal with that because he is someone that controls a lot his feelings and his relationship. So his partner not saying it back will make him a little upset . Mark lacks understanding on this topics and he isn’t very patient
He doesn’t really know how to feel about it because Heachan despite his impulsive self, is very understanding. However despite communication being important he might still think that you are hiding something or that you don’t love him
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rosietaeyongswife · 1 year
stars | yuta nakamoto
genre: fluff, bit of angst wc: synopsis: never let the lost girl become friends with older guys. never. especially if they're friends with yuta nakamoto. an: quick piece of rubbish. rant maybe, idk. lmao i had to write bcs felt like it. admire my yuta nakamoto. i love him.
how much does it take to someone to finaly be able to listen to you? just once. you've always been there for your closest people. did anyone had issues? you were there to help. of course you were, because why not. you're here for it. you did all your best. but where were they when you needed them? nowhere to be seen.
it's always like you were the one to call. one to rant to. whatever. you did your best. never talks about you, but always listen and help others. when you've tried, topic lasted for a minute. next thing was their issue. isn't it unfair? even your own family. you just want to be listened which was near to impossible.
until you met new friends. until you and yuta crushed. most beautiful human being ever to exist. being around yuta felt like you're not just alive but you're actually living. he had never expected anything from you.
"i care." yuta shurgged, while holding you close. "i don't care about all your friends, nor family. knowing enough is enough, y/n. if you want to talk, do it. i'm there for you."
suddenly all you could feel was knot in your stomach. view in front of you was glossy, and tears went down your cheeks. it's bare minimum, you had never recived.
"yuta, i'd like you to hold me. let's just chill together, and stay in a moment. i don't know how much should i be grateful for you. i love you so much."
"don't say obvious things." yuta chuckled, and you could only stare into his pretty eyes. "one day, i want you with me. i want us to go back to japan. i want to spend my best times with you. i want to show you what you deserve. i love you always. you're stars in my dark universe."
yuta was always proud of you. smallest thing you've done, never failed to make him smile. yuta nakamoto is well aware of you. of your feelings. people you've met made you empty inside, and he's willing to do whatever to make you feel as happy as ever.
"you're doing great sweetie." he shows you thumbs up. "i'm recording it."
"yuta, stop."
both of you were in his kitchen. one cigarette in yuta's left hand, phone in his other hand filming how you were baking cupcakes for both of you. it felt embarrassing to be watched. yuta is crazily in love with you.
"i won't, duh. you're all pretty doing it all for us. i made five cupcakes, and here you are doing another ten. you're amazing, darling."
"yuta-" you stopped because he was in your face with phone. "please, you're can't be for real."
"smile for camera. one day, i'll show our kids these videos, you hate." yuta turned his phone, so back camera can film both of you. yuta with cigarrete in between his lips, and you awkwardly smiling at him. "to my future kids. here's your sweetest mother. she's still a bit embarrassed, because she's all new to affection and being someone's number one, but don't worry. daddy's taking care of her."
"yuta, why are you talking about kids?" you chuckled. "it's like, future? like too much to be talked about."
"i can promise you, it's true."
"whatever. hello our future kids. we're doing cupcakes because yuta said it's amazing idea. as you can see, he isn't the best authority to follow. bad influence for kids." you rolled you eyes. "why don't you throw this off."
"i won't. your dad is fuckin amazing, kids."
"he is." both of you were laughing. "yuta nakamoto is the best person i have ever met. i can promise you, everyone loves him so will you. your parents are fuckin best."
yuta ended video, and was laughing. "i love that my y/n is finaly letting herself be. i love you, darling."
"love you, yuta. forever."
maybe there's finaly person who wants to listen to you :)
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neodreamzenie · 1 year
Mafia Member j.jh SERIES
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Mafia Member pt. 8
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Wc: 0.6k Warnings: Main character on mission
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You were in the car on your way to the club where Seventeen was supposed to meet tonight when suddenly Taeil spoke through his mic. "Okay, once you're there, find a parking lot, but don't leave the car for now. Once you see their van, make sure they're all in the club before you get out, okay?" "Yup!" As soon as you arrived and finished parking, you looked at every car that pulled into the lot so Taeil - through the camera in his earring - could tell you which one was Seventeen's van. After 20 minutes the van arrived at the club.
"That's them. I wrote down the license plate. When they're all at the club, go and put the tracker on their van." With that, you ran behind the van and fixed the tracker under the car. "Good job! Now come back home, Taeyong wants to talk to you about tomorrow's mission." So you drove back home and went straight to Taeyong's office.
"Well done Y/N, you're halfway through the mission. Now let's talk about tomorrow." Taeyong looked at Jaehyun, who then started to explain everything. "So Y/N, tomorrow you will drive to their house alone.§ He started to explain. "You will go to their file room, which is in the basement. The room will probably be locked with a password, which Taeil will find out. He will also turn off all CCTVs. Come back in the morning and we'll discuss the rest." "Understood?" Taeyong double checked. As always, you nodded and Taeyong let you go.
Jaehyun P.O.V
"Don't you think it's a bad idea to let her go alone?" I asked him, feeling somewhat bad about it. "I do have my doubts, but we have to see if she's really ready to do her missions alone. Otherwise we'll have to send her on her missions with the others soon." "You mean you're sort of testing herout?" "Basically, yes." "What if they catch her?" "Then we'll do whatever we can to get her back. She's still the only girl and I don't want Chenle to get mad if we won't find her." I just nodded, not wanting to question him further. With that, Taeyong let me go and I went to my room staring at the ceiling. Why do I have the feeling that something is going to go terribly wrong on this mission?
Y/n P.O.V
It was the next day and you went to Taeyong's office again. "We have the blueprints for Seventeen's house. I want you to take a good look at this and make a plan for getting in and out with no worries." You nodded, took the blueprints, and spent hours drawing up the plan until a knock on the door to your room snapped you out of my thoughts. "Hey Y/n, I wanted to wish you luck on the mission." You could feel how your cheeks warmed slightly and your ears tingled. "Do your best, yeah?" You just nodded again and an awkward silence came up, but Jaehyun broke it after a few seconds. "When you get ready, don't forget to visit Ten and Doyoung. They will give you all the equipment." "Okay, thanks Jaehyun." "No problem, bye." He left your room and you let out all the breath you didn't know you were holding.
You were now situated behind Seventeen's house and went to the back entrance which led to the basement and looked at the blueprints again. "Okay, the cameras are off. The password to the door is 1331." You were walking towards the file room when you heard footsteps, so you decided to hind behind a wall. "What happened to the cameras?" "I dunno, bro." You lost my balance and fell behind, the books on the wooden shelf hanging on the wall behind you knocked down. FUCK!
"What was that?" "It came from over there." You didn't know where they were pointing at, but you were sure they didn't have hearing problems. Would be unfavorable as a mafia member, right? "Y/N, RUN! SEARCH FOR AN EXIT!!" You ran but your damn shoes kept making loud noises. You knew you shouldn't have put on those shoes. You kept running and finally found an exit!
(1331 = 13 members, 3 units, 1 team)
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ncteaxhoe · 2 years
i am just a hallucination 
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ppangjae · 4 years
made to fall in love | prelude
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prelude | next
SUMMARY. Seoul’s finest 30 under 30. The country’s youngest billionaire. 2019’s richest bachelor. But of all the women he could go after, he goes after.. her?
GENRE. fluff and angst + ceo!jaehyun (someone stop me) + nerd!reader + enemies to lovers!au + long lost friend!au
WORD COUNT. 672 words
warnings. tooth-rotting fluff, banter, bickering, and swearing.
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PRELUDE • 1 new job application notification!
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In your small room, the only source of light illuminating around your surroundings is your laptop screen. Lying down on the top bunk is your roommate, Mark, who sleeps peacefully and heavily in the midst of your loud keyboard typing. Every now and then, Mark would let out a loud snore that startles you in your seat.
You promised yourself four hours of sleep tonight — or should you say morning. Your friends often wonder why you’re still working at your current workplace. If you were honest yourself, you too, also wonder why you’re still working for your current job. But the moment your boss ordered you to bring and do unfinished work at home — without pay — and left you astray, you decided that he drew the last straw.
After spending five hours of working on the company’s architectural project and skipping dinner, you finally call it a night. Of course, your perfectionist self checks over your calculations and math one last time before exiting out of every single tab you had open. You let out a tiring sigh while closing your laptop. You take off your glasses and crack your knuckles before eyeing the Chinese takeout tray Mark bought for you.
As you’re digging into your meal, your phone buzzes against your desk. With a mouthful of black bean noodles, you place your chopsticks down to grab your phone. The text on your screen is blurry, and you put on your glasses to read it clearly.
1 new job application notification!
Your eyes widen and you unlock your phone, opening the job listing app to check your application. At this point, you’ve disregarded your meal. You check the status of your application and your eyes round like huge saucers.
Your job application has been reviewed. After much consideration, we are pleased to offer you a position as STRUCTURAL ENGINEER at Jung Architects. Congratulations!
We invite you to attend one of our company tours before starting your first day. Please reply a date suited to your schedule. We hope to see you soon!
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You promised yourself four hours of sleep, but you broke your promise. After sleeping for two hours, you feel someone lightly tapping your arm. As your eyes flutter open, you groan, wiping drool from your chin. You blindly search for your glasses on your desk and put them on.
Mark grabs your shoulders and shakes you awake. You groan, slapping his hands away from you.
“I was at the best part of my dream and you had to wake me up,” you whine while your eyes threaten to close.
“Don’t you start work at nine?” Mark questions. You peep one eye open and hum in reply. “____, it’s almost ten. You’re running late. An hour late.”
You gasp, jumping up from your chair and dashing towards the bathroom. Mark laughs at you while shaking his head. He glances at the clock and decides to help clean up your desk. Sprawled all over your desk are candy wrappers and eraser shavings. He sweeps it off your desk and into your trash can. He hears the bathroom door open and his name being called. He turns to see you peeking your head through the crack of the door.
“Can I ask you one quick favour?”
He nods. “Sure.”
You nod your head at your laptop. “I have a document open on my laptop. Do you mind printing it for me? Gives me one less thing to do.”
“No problem. Just this document?” He asks.
“Yeah!” You answer. He gives you two thumbs up and you flash him a smile. “I owe you one, Mark. Thanks!”
The door closes and Mark hears the shower turn on. He finishes cleaning up your desk by putting your leftover takeout into a plastic bag. Once your desk is clean, he takes a quick look at the document open on your laptop. Before he clicks print, he stops and checks the document one last time. He smirks and laughs.
It’s your resignation letter.
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author’s note. phew. i’m so excited to see how this series comes along! i hope everything goes smoothly with this one. also, i’m really digging the whole ceo!jaehyun. he suits it sm :’) hope you guys liked this!
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neotan-astrology · 4 years
Jungwoo and Mark - Synastry Chart Reading
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Sun trine Pluto kind of indicates an effortless bond. Like they naturally feel connected to each other. This creates life long bonds.
They also have Mars sextile Saturn which makes their relationship unyielding and gives it a kind of predictability which they both appreciate. They can easily depend on each other and find how the other is always there for them to be a source of comfort.
With Venus opposition Jupiter just each other’s presence makes them happy. They really know how to have fun together. Jungwoo the Jupiter person here can add more positivity in Mark’s life or just make him more optimistic. Though problems can arise if they take each other for granted or just have a lot of expectations from the other.
Sun sextile Jupiter is a very good indicator of a strong friendship. This adds a lot of enthusiasm in their relationship. And they really trust each other. Almost like they feel lucky they have each other in their lives. Mark being the Sun person here would really be encouraging and help boost Jungwoo’s confidence.
They also have Sun trine Saturn which again indicates at a long lasting relationship. They can blindly count on each other. Kind of ‘will have your back’ placement. So a relationship where they both feel secure. There is also a sense of loyalty for each other.
Moon trine Pluto indicates at a very intense bond. and maybe even karmic connection. They both really know each other inside out. So like this relationship is very ‘real’ in the sense they don’t hide what they are feeling from each other. So yeah very understanding.
Overall their synastry chart indicates at a very strong bond that would really last life long!!
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rendezvousrenjun · 4 years
our playlist. | j.jaehyun
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✩ In which each song represents each pivotal moment in your relationship with Jung Jaehyun. ✩ romance + angst | 6.2k words | beware! some cussing :(
Jaehyun loved to learn more about the world. The dork inside him always questioned the most mundane things; Where do phobias come from? What would happen if there were no moon? Can you ever stop loving someone? Being an idol, there were multiple times he missed the regular everyday hobbies he used to partake in. Nonetheless, hands on experience and opportunities given to him by his company would always be something he would be grateful for. His dream would always be first priority, everything else could follow after. 
His company encouraged him to film another “Daily Jaehyun” vlog (although he’d prefer to call them “Yuno Time”) for the holiday season as a gift for all the nctzens. He always enjoyed taking his time filming them, as it basically meant being able to relax and spend some time on himself-- besides the fact that there was a camera or two. 
He had asked Johnny what would be interesting enough to film; Johnny responding with “they’d be happy with anything you do.” 
And yes, sure, they probably would -- but Jaehyun wanted this to be special. Something special he could do. Not even for himself but for others. It was the season of giving after-all. A couple hours of listening to music and pondering on his bed later, he decided he wanted to vlog himself volunteering to encourage the nctzens to do so too. 
That’s when he met you. 
⌜ OUTTA MY MIND - Monsune ⌟
It was right before the sun started to set when you receive a call from SM entertainment. They ask for permission to film at the nursing home you worked at, which caught you off guard. You were in the midst of organizing the files of care home patients -- and no one really calls around this time -- so you ended up jotting down all the information on a folder. To say you were surprised that such a well known company wanted to stop over at this specific care home would be an understatement; but you made sure to relay the message to your manager as well as the rest of the staff members. 
Suddenly the tan dry walls seemed to be splattered with a different type of sunlight -- the transition from day to dusk blanketing over you and your colleagues’ excitement.
The frost on your car window was still intact early in the morning when you show up to work. Funnily enough, everyone else had arrived as early as you. The day began as it always does -- checking stats and arranging breakfast for your designated patients. You hear your manager greet two people about two hours in. They set up cameras in the main halls and public spaces in order to capture all the action without disturbing the elderly. 
Unfortunately it still caused pandemonium, and one certain patient was particular in expressing their unsettling feelings about this. 
“What’s happening? You think being here is some type of sick joke?” He spits out in disdain. “What’s with all these cameras, huh? Gonna capture us in wheelchairs and pissing ourselves?”
You begin to feel guilty. But considering that there wasn't anything you could do now, hearing your manager discuss that some van would be here any time now, you lower yourself to the upset patient. 
“You know what they say,” your eyes stare into his with utmost sincerity, taking both of his hands in yours as you crouch to make sure you weren’t talking down to him, “the more the merrier. I’m sorry to put you in such an uncomfortable situation sir, tell me anything you need and I’ll be sure to take care of it right away -- really anything -- it’s just that this publicity could really help this clinic, you know? And -- I really want to raise the donations this year to fund your guys’ equipment -- this could be the perfect opportunity, so what’dya say? Just for today let’s bare with the cameras, hmm?” You rub your thumbs over his palms to calm him down a bit more. 
You don’t even realize Jaehyun had already walked in and started vlogging his greeting of your other colleagues because you’re so focused on the smile the grumpy old man genuinely gave you now. 
“Ooh, baby, let me get you into my life
Ooh, baby, I can't let you out of my sight”
As cheesy as it sounds, Jaehyun was completely enamored by you the moment he laid eyes on you. The way you were comforting the old man, the way you spoke with such hope towards him, the way your entire presence seemed so gentle; maybe he just caught you at the right moment but you immediately made him feel some type of way.
His camera is still focused on his face, and it captures the way he melts in adoration over you, dimples and all. 
Your mind totally blanks out when you look up at him smiling like that and at you. 
“Hey, nice to meet you both. I’m Jaehyun, um-” he bites his lip to stop himself from smiling as wide when you reciprocate one back at him, “what could I do to help?” 
You end up being Jaehyun’s guide the entire time, not like you didn’t mind. Because you did not mind AT ALL. He just follows everything you do, listening to your instructions intently, trying his best; something you found admirable. 
On the inside, Jaehyun is absolutely dorking out at the way you passionately explain things to him, all the procedures and what most volunteers do. He stares at your mouth and the way you form words, or when you scrunch up your nose when he says something jokingly. He almost forgets that he’s volunteering because he’s having so much fun working with you. Oh? Organizing files? Piece of cake. Preparing adult diapers? No problemo. Checking medication schedules? Sure! Speaking to the elderly about taking their insulin shots? Okie dokie. 
You notice that he’s staring sometimes, thinking he ain’t that slick, and when you do catch him his cheeks flush a bright pink and he clumsily swings his head back to fight back his embarrassment. You enjoy how he’s taking what you’re doing seriously; he even nods at your tangents about the importance of taking care of oneself, or the proper way to track your sugar levels.
Which Jaehyun then realizes he’s been neglecting his camera and points at it to declare, “you hear that nctzens? Take care of yourselves and others around you, okay??” 
You end up facepalming with both hands to resist secondhand embarrassment. 
You don’t notice the day pass by so quickly, in fact none of the people at the nursing home did. Jaehyun’s appearance filled them with joy; one of the grandmas even remarked that Jaehyun’s handsome face extended her lifeline -- which caused all the residents to burst out laughing. When the cameras are put away and shut off, you’re upset that such a great day is over. Jaehyun says goodbye to you last, as you send him off from the entrance. 
He skips about five steps down the pavement before he hesitates taking the next. You watch him turn around and take long strides towards you by the door. 
“Don't even know you
But I can't get you outta my mind”
“Hey..” he breathes out in a polite chuckle. 
“So uh, I know I kinda asked you a bunch of questions about you earlier and I hope I wasn’t intruding your privacy--”
“You weren’t!” you cover your mouth with your hand since you’re surprised at how fast you cut him off, “I mean, you really weren’t, it was nice.”
“Um, well, I forgot to ask about something else.” he starts biting the inside of his cheek to fight his own nerves. “But may I have your number, y/n?” 
“I've been waiting for the right time
To let u know that i've been looking for you all of my life”
⌜ you are luhh - cover by Frank Ocean ⌟
Jaehyun really wanted to take you someplace nice for your first date but options were, unfortunately, extremely limited. 
In a way, there were multiple restraints to taking you out properly. He wanted to pick you up, but he didn’t own a car. He wanted to bring you some place where he could show you off, but instead he had to find somewhere with as little foot traffic as possible. He was also apologetic about the fact he asked you to come out after your shift and at night when it was dangerous. 
It was around eleven at night when Jaehyun had asked if you guys could meet up at a downtown music shop on the outskirts of town. You have never heard of this particular one before, as it seemed to be an individual-owned business. 
Entering the shop, hair a bit messy from getting off work, clothes smelling a tad like hand sanitizer-- you are greeted by the soft music playing inside the shop. There was certainly a retro-ambiance that glowed from within: orange light bulbs hanging from the ceiling, little key-chains on a rack, a jukebox stored at the back of the shop, and vanilla scented candles looming over a couple of the vinyl shelves. 
Jaehyun watches the way you make your way over to him in the back. The atmosphere adding to your appearance makes him breathe out a soft “wow”. 
“Sorry we couldn’t meet up earlier.”
“Jaehyun I’m just glad you wanted to meet me at all.” 
His eyes smile at you as his grin spreads across his cheeks. You restrain yourself from pinching them.
“I love this place, it’s like a new little world.” Your eyes move around the room as you talk, walking over to see some of the CDs.
“Right? Honestly I can’t believe it hasn't blown up yet since the owner is such a cool dude too.” He follows you over to the CDs where you excitedly point out your favorites.
You guys naturally get along well, enjoying each others’ company without much thought. It was such a relaxed environment, all the nerves from the start were replaced with wholesome butterflies. The way Jaehyun talked about music was so endearing to you. He was so passionate about his work that it made you respect him even more than you thought possible. 
“Oh!” Jaehyun interrupts himself to pull out two matching keychains with tiny vinyls on them, “look what I bought for us! Sorry if you think it’s a little much-”
“AHHH I love them! They’re so cute! Were they handmade? And there's one for each of us…” You pout at how cute the gesture is, genuinely touched. 
Jaehyun took note of your expression, saving it in his mind. 
“So many things have taken place before this love affair began
But if you feel more like I feel
Confusion can give way to doubt”
Maybe it's delirium from lack of sleep, or the fact it was one am, but Jaehyun really wanted to dance with you. Although he hesitates at first, his impulsiveness takes the best of him and he pops the question. 
You listen to the slow rhythm of the song, and move your head to nod “yes” to the beat. 
“Tell me what it is
What it is, no need to make believe
Look beyond your world
Try to find, find a place for me”
It was supposed to be awkward but why did you feel like you were about to fall asleep in his arms? You were supposed to be embarrassed for basically embracing as you guys slow dance to the beat in this empty music shop, but you weren’t. You were comfortable. And Jaehyun really liked this feeling. 
It was ironic. He was unsettled because he was comfortable with you: your scent, your arms around his neck, his around your waist, your warmth. He plucks up the courage to whisper the question you both have been anticipating into your ear,
“Do you think we could officially be together?”
You don’t move from your position in his arms, his mouth slightly grazing the side of your ear. You take a few seconds to think and he respects the time you take. 
“I think we’re going too fast.”
His body stops swaying to the song playing so he could pull apart from you and see your face.  
“I don't want this moment to get lost.” He takes hold of your arms, squeezing them gently, then making eye contact with you again. “I know we’re going too fast--” he bites the inside of his cheek, “but I don’t know when the last time I felt this way was, or if I’m ever going to feel this way again.”
You stare at him. He’s so straightforward it makes the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. 
“--and being an idol and all--” he pauses to collect his thoughts, “it’s so hard to maintain relationships out of the industry you know? But y/n,” his tone lowers, “I’d understand if you wouldn’t want to get into a relationship with me. Because I’m telling you now, it’s hard. It will be hard. And I sound like a crazy person right now because we’ve only gone on one date but I really really like you.” 
You burst out laughing because the butterflies in your stomach wanted to escape so badly, and there was tension building in your lungs. Jaehyun lets go of your arms, flustered by your reaction. 
You take his palms again and interlace his fingers with your own. 
“Jaehyun I like you too. Although I’m a bit hesitant, I really like you.” 
“I’ll try my best y/n, I promise.” 
“Cuz when you're at your best you are love
You're a positive motivating force within my life
Should you ever feel the need to wonder why
Let me know, let me know”
⌜ --star. - Nadin Amizah⌟
The first time you entered Jaehyun’s dorm you expected it to be extremely chaotic. But then again, you really didn’t know much apart from what the members had posted online on their daily channel. 
It was like any other dorm. It wasn’t exactly messy, but it wasn’t spotless either. It just seemed like the next run-of-the-mill shared apartment complex where people lived. It did, however, have a distinct smell. Coffee? Men’s deodorant? A slight hint of fabric softener -- or was that the soup that was boiling on the stove? It was heavy mix. 
Your first instinct was to go to the kitchen as Jaehyun was locking the door. An auntie was stirring the soup and was quite startled at your appearance. 
“I’m so sorry! I couldn’t help but come over because it smelled so good…” The auntie, followed by Jaehyun, started laughing at your charm. 
“Auntie this is y/n.”
“I’m Jaehyun’s friend, nice to meet you.” 
“Girlfriend actually--” 
You look up at Jaehyun in surprise, the word actually leaving his mouth for the first time. Taeil walks into the kitchen at the sound of the word as well and greets you happily. 
“See I told you not to worry about the members.” Jaehyun whispers as you two make your way towards his bedroom. Once you’re inside, you sit at the edge of his barely made bed and lean over towards his piano to play a single note. 
“You want me to play you something?”
“You sure? You don’t have to, we could just chill now.” 
Jaehyun grabs some of the red wine in his little refrigerator and hands it over to you, then sits at the keyboard to brush over the keys. 
“Lend me your palm
I have brought you a star
As bright as who you are
But not enough as lovely as what you are”
Listening to Jaehyun play so effortlessly, the way his fingers glide and shift between keys while concentrating on the sheet music made you realize how he shined as an artist. You’ve always known he was talented (guiltily listening to all his covers on Youtube at least ten times on repeat), but you are always hypnotized whenever you see it live. His voice mixing into the melody was so fucking beautiful it made you emotional. He was just so fucking beautiful. 
“WHY ARE YOU CRYING??!!” He abruptly stops playing to twirl his chair over to you who’s currently bawling after finishing about half a bottle of wine. He takes your face in his palms, wiping your tears with his sweater, concern evident in the crinkles of his forehead. 
“Jaehyun… you, you….you’re a star! Just so talented! I can’t handle it!” You look him dead in the eyes with tears springing up again at this drunken confession. 
He’s overwhelmed with your red cheeks and the passion you have to continuously proclaim how amazing his voice is. It really means so much to him hearing this from you. He keeps staring at your mouth babble on about how he deserves recognition -- the entire world even -- and he can’t help but melt. 
“Whisper me a kiss
You can draw me your dreams
It’s safe inside this tiny house
Where we both understand of who we are”
“Can I kiss you?” He asks and you stop talking just to gasp. 
“dUH you beautiful MAN!” You throw your arms around his neck sloppily and he smiles while he presses your lips together for the first time, tasting the wine from earlier. It’s sweet and soft and meaningful. Just like you. 
You try to lean more into him but you end up almost falling over from the edge of the bed. 
“I might have to return you to the sky tonight
But now it feels like you make everything alright
I might have never told you but with you
Feel like everything is right”
⌜ Thank You - JUNNY⌟
It’s been exactly one year since Jaehyun and you have been dating. Surprisingly no one has caught you guys yet, other than your closest, most trusted friends, and of course, the NCT members. Unfortunately, your boyfriend was doing promotions for their new comeback all day today. You were extremely proud of him and really happy that he was living out his dream, it was just a tad tiny bit disappointing you couldn’t make it to any of stages since you were at work all day as well. 
Not seeing each other in person was something you both had to get used to. It was difficult when both of you wanted to be comforted, or do things together. But for the past year you guys have been staying strong for so long, it was just the normal in your relationship. It often led to multiple miscommunications here and there, but in general, you two were going steady. 
You had sent Jaehyun a happy anniversary paragraph the moment you wake up, excited despite knowing well enough you weren’t going to see him today. 
↬ Baby! Good morning! I hope your promotions do really really well! You’re going to do so well today. Know I am always proud of you, my precious star. I can’t believe it’s already been a year together. I hope it turns into two years, or five, or maybe… fifty? AHAHAH I miss you! Stay Healthy! Happy Anniversary. I love you. 
You constantly checked your phone throughout the day to see if he replied to the message, but he didn’t. 
Even when the television in the nursing home switched to a music network where Jaehyun was performing you wondered if he didn’t even have time to send a quick text while he was getting ready throughout the day. 
You knew you shouldn’t complain. He was busy. You were busy. But busy enough to not even greet you? Wasn’t that a bit much? 
Nevertheless it puts you in a bad mood for the rest of the day, all the way to the car drive home, and all the way to your bed. You check your phone one last time right before twelve am strikes, and decide to sleep it off. 
The next morning you wake up to your phone ringing continuously at around three am. 
↬ 14 Missed Calls from ‘My Star’
↬ 25 Text Messages from ‘My Star’
↬ Incoming Video Call: ‘My Star’
You press accept, rubbing the sleep from your eyes to try to adjust to the bright light of your phone in the pitch black of your bedroom. 
“I just wanted you to know
For you I have my gratitude
and so much more
Every one of your messages
I be reading inside”
“Y/n….” Jaehyun was sobbing on video call and you were genuinely confused for the first minute or so because your body hasn’t adjusted to what was happening yet. “I’m so sorry for not replying--” he starts sobbing again, “you must’ve been so sad oh my gosh….”
You straighten up so you could see Jaehyun’s face on camera and your heart drops at him feeling bad for not replying. “Jaehyun! Today was your comeback! You should be happy!”
“But I didn’t even reply y/n! I’m such a terrible boyfriend!” 
“Hey…. shhh…. It’s okay. Well, to be honest I was pretty upset, but I know you didn’t mean to leave me hanging.”
“But I did! I even left you on read, oh my gosh I’m literally the worst.”
“Hey! Stop disrespecting yourself like that. You’re here now that’s what matters.”
Jaehyun sniffles and starts wiping his tears and begins to regulate his breathing again. 
“I prepared a video to send you of me singing -- thank goodness I took it a couple days ago or else it would’ve sounded terrible now.”
“Oh really? Is it in our chat?”
“Yea I sent it on messages, basically I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me. And that I’m so happy I met you by chance because I really wouldn’t know what I would do without you. Literally -- showed me another perspective on life and you are always supporting me. You’re so beautiful inside and out baby I-” he starts choking up again, “I love you.”
“I love you too Jaehyun. Now go to sleep! You must be so tired oh my goodness! How long were you calling me for?”
“Are you sure? We can stay up and talk about your day, it’s really okay.”
“No it’s not okay go to sleep babe, I can feel your sleepiness from here.”
“You know me too well. Goodnight mwah baby. Again, I’m really sorry and I miss you.”
You ended up watching Jaehyun’s video singing you a song. He begins by saying how he thinks the lyrics really resonate with him, followed by Haechan and Johnny shouting behind him. 
“I’ve been listening
to you from the start
Thank you for today
Tomorrow yesterday
Every day and night
I wanna thank you
for believing
I’ve been listening
to you all along
Put it to my faith
I just feel amazing
Every day and night
You make me feel alive
Thank you for your love”
Now it was your turn to bawl. 
⌜ Mad - Ne-Yo⌟
No relationship is perfect. No matter how hard you and Jaehyun tried there was always some sort of barrier. Or some unspoken rule. At first you thought it was the lack of time both of you had for each other these days. 
You, being busy taking care of the residents in the care home. Jaehyun, busy preparing for his world tour. 
“Oh baby this love ain't gonna be perfect, oh no (perfect, perfect, oh)
And just how good it's gonna be
We can fuss and we can fight
As long as everything's alright between us
Before we go to sleep”
At some point you realized you couldn’t rely on Jaehyun completely anymore. 
You had just witnessed the old man who had grumpily refused to be caught on camera just over two years ago, pass away. This was the most difficult part about your line of work, and you really just wanted to be held and be told it was okay. However, when you showed up at Jaehyun’s dorm he was asleep on his bed after a long day of practice. You wanted to wake him up to talk to him about how hard it’s been for you lately -- and you did. You wanted to be selfish and talk about it because it’s something that’s been snatching your insides.
“We fight in this war, baby when both of us are losing, oh, whoa
(This ain't the way that love is supposed to go)
(What happened to working it out?)”
When he woke up he wasn’t too happy. Snapping crankily at you because he had a bad day at practice and that he was extremely tired. Initially, you were stunned. Was this really the Jaehyun who promised that he’d try his best? You wanted to be considerate, you really did. But eventually you start to feel like you were less important and less loved in comparison.
You questioned whether your problems were even valid enough to talk about with him. Ever since that day you questioned everything you said before telling him anything. Always the one supporting him. Always the one to lend a shoulder. 
You two were stressed and tired all the time. You wanted to communicate with him, you really did, but the opportunity felt like it never came.
“Let’s break up.” 
Jaehyun was in the middle of his rants, the only thing he did when you two saw each other in person nowadays. You sat at the edge of his bed, the same place where he kissed you for the first time. Except this time instead of playing the piano he was playing with your heart.
“And now as I'm yelling over her, she yelling over me
All that that means is neither of us are listening”
“You never listen to me anymore. I’ve been trying to communicate with you but all you ever talk about is your fucking tour. Don’t get it twisted -- I’m proud of you. I’ve always have been. But what about me --” you finally snap. You can’t stop yourself from breaking down right there. 
Jaehyun is silent. He doesn’t hold you. He’s in shock. Was this really how you felt? This whole time? He just let this happen to you? 
“You’re not going to argue with me? Say anything?”
“I can’t argue with someone who's already made their decision. I told you that it was going to be hard, I thought you expected this? What happened to all the promises huh?”
“Oh? Promises? We’re talking about promises now? Where were you when I needed you most? When was the last time you comforted me for once? Huh Jung motherfucking Jaehyun?!”
Doyoung could hear the yelling from his bedroom and decided to check up on you guys to make sure nothing too bad was happening. When he interrupts you two arguing, you take this as an opportunity to get up and leave. 
“Fine! Leave! I’m leaving tomorrow morning anyways! Have a good life y/n!” Jaehyun basically spits out of his mouth, ears red, venom pouring out through every word. 
“But baby can we make up now
'Cause I can't sleep through the pain (can't sleep through the pain)”
None of you sleep that night.
⌜ Hearing Your Voice - Omar Apollo⌟
Seeing Jaehyun so at ease on national television, or just on promotional photos on Twitter or Instagram hurt you more than it should.
It’s been a month since you two broke up but it still feels fresh. You still loved Jaehyun. However, him not even messaging you once after your fight was absolutely ridiculous to you. What was he expecting? You running to him at the airport like in the movies? So what? You could apologize? There’s no way you were in the wrong though. It was just hard. Knowing he didn’t care enough to call. 
Halfway around the world Jaehyun knew he fucked up bad. But he tried to ignore it. He wanted to enjoy being with international nctzens and exploring the world with his members. Everyday held something fun, although he had to admit he would zone out in some of the interviews, he really enjoyed his time out.
“I got time, what you expected?
Sleepless nights, felt disconnected”
It was when he got back to his hotel room every night where he realized how empty he felt at the end of the day. 
He couldn’t sleep alone. Although, you never got to sleep with him often anyways. It was something he truly regretted -- not being in your company enough. It was too late now though. His competitiveness and pride got the best of him. He lost you and that was that. He didn’t make you happy anymore and you probably didn’t even think about him as much as he thought about you. Damn. Thinking about you like this. It was a lot. 
“But that's not fair
You got everything I need
Used to call me constantly”
He misses you. Like crazy. So much he would even dream about what your voice sounded like, or what your hands felt like to hold, or all the times you were there for him. All the times you put in effort and went out of your way just to see him. Or the smile you would put on for him so he wouldn’t feel bad about forgetting something. He used to do that too. When did it go wrong?
“It don't make sense to me
But I'm fantasizing 'bout hearing your voice”
It doesn’t make sense. He should’ve been content with what he has, his dream was always a top priority, but why did it always felt like he was always forgetting something? No matter how many days passed, or how many sleepless nights went on, you were always lingering around him. Haunting his thoughts every second he was conscious -- even unconscious. 
He saw you everywhere he went, hell, he couldn’t even look at stars without thinking of the way you called him your’s. He worried about you so much he thought he was going to die. 
He wanted to hear from you again. Talk to you again. But he didn’t. He was too stubborn for his own good. 
Despite all of this, you did not know. You were blinded by your own assumptions about how Jaehyun was probably out with somebody else. 
The only time he heard of you was when Doyoung approached him asking him if he knew how you’ve been these past few months. In which Jaehyun could only bitterly laugh, obviously still hurt from hearing your name. But it was more self-harm than harm from you: he’s doing this to himself. Jaehyun recollected himself quickly though when he noticed Doyoung remaining stoic.
Doyoung puts his hand on top of Jaehyun’s knee and looks back up at him. 
“Jaehyun. I know you are hurt right now, but y/n got in a car accident last night, and I think right now, more than ever, it’s time for you to swallow your big ass pride and just go to her. Stop playing the victim when we all know you were the one neglecting her in the first place.”
“I'm not confiding in
What's really here”
Everyone has a realization so powerful it basically breaks them at some point in their lives. A realization so daring to cross one’s mind. This was Jaehyun’s:
You were now his top priority. 
⌜ Nothing - Jeremy Passion⌟
↬ Report: NCT Jaehyun leaves Worldwide Tour early for unspecified reasons. 
“There's not much, not much the world can do
To keep me away from you
I am committed to make sure
These dreams we have come true”
You feel your body’s soreness the moment you wake up from your hospital bed. It was late at night, the humidifier and flowers next to your head, while the window that presented the night view was on the other. You feel something tickle your left hand, so you try to extend your neck to look. 
At the edge of your bed, was Jaehyun. Your hand was clutched in his as his hair fell near the tips of your fingers. He was sound asleep, sitting in such an uncomfortable position. This was a dream, no way Jaehyun could be here right now. 
But you move your fingers to feel the tuft of hair, and to your surprise, this was real. His eyes flutter open and he raises his head to look at you in person for the first time in months. You retract your hand agonizing slow in order to put yourself through any more pain, but Jaehyun gently clutches your palm again. He starts rubbing it against his cheek, and you choke up at his touch.
You didn’t want to melt so easily under his touch, but it all felt so familiar. He doesn’t break eye contact with you when you simply stare at him, expression unreadable. He moves your knuckles from his cheek to his lips, where he presses a warm kiss, warm tears falling in the process. He holds your hand with both of his as he silently sobs into it. 
“Why are you here? I thought we both agreed we were broken up.” You try to steady your voice, but there was an underlying quiver to your tone. You do not have the strength to remove your hand. 
Jaehyun grips your hand tighter, his breath exhaling “sorry” repeatedly over it. You can’t hold yourself back anymore. 
“It’s like you never listened to me!” You yelp out between broken cries, “and it hurt to know that the person I thought I would’ve spent forever with just left me in the dust like that! Everyday I wondered, ‘no way he could’ve done that -- not my Jaehyun.’ But you did--” 
He reaches over to hold onto your arm now, trying hard not to hurt you any further but wanting you closer to him. 
“You know what? I spent all my life taking care of other people and I thought, maybe this just once you were going to take care of me.”
His sobbing gets increasingly louder, hearing those words fall out of you. He buries his head into your shoulder gently, your arm still lodged in between his chest and arms. It was an uncomfortable position, but he wanted to hold you. To hold you properly this time. 
“Wait -- I just realized -- I’m upset with you right now but what about your tour?”
“Don’t care. I miss you. I’m sorry. Really sorry. Really sorry…” He keeps mumbling apologizes into your shoulder. 
“Honey, we'll make it
Nothing can stop us, nothing can stop us now”
You cave in and peck him on the top of his head, “I’m not forgiving you right away okay? It’s going to take some time for us to heal and communicate properly this time.”
“But this time nothing is going to get in the way for how I feel about you.”
“How can you say that so surely?”
“Because I love you and I’d do anything to make you feel safe with me again.” 
“I've been blessed with the privilege
Of loving you, babe”
⌜ Day 1 (Brooklyn Session) - HONNE⌟
“When I first met you, it just felt right
It's like I met a copy of myself that night
I don't believe in fate as such
But we were meant to be together that's my hunch”
You told Jaehyun that getting a white couch was going to be a bad idea but you guys ended up getting one anyways. Turns out, despite the stain-potential, the one he picked was so comfortable to the point you two often fell asleep on it. 
You join Jaehyun on the couch as he flips through one of your photograph albums. Your arms sneaking around his torso to hug him from behind. 
“I got lucky finding you
I won big the day that I came across you
'Cause when you're with me, I don't feel blue
Not a day goes by that I would not redo”
“You’re looking at our album?”
“Mhmm” Jaehyun hums back, eyes admiring the shared pictures you two have taken over the years.
“Oh you know what would be really good right now? If we listened to ‘our playlist’ so we could be extra nostalgic HAHA!”
“Should we?” Jaehyun flips to the next page, “man I still can’t believe you added the song that reminds us of our breakup on it…” 
“Oh shhh… it’s a good song.” You get up to play the playlist on your guys’ home stereo. “If we didn’t break up that one time we wouldn’t have gotten this far yaknow?”
“You’re right baby.” He pulls you back to the couch to sit next to him, placing the album between the two of you.
“I still can’t believe you took a picture of that red wine bottle.”
“But that’s not any red wine bottle, y/n. That’s the first kiss red wine bottle.” He flashes his timeless dimple at you as the two of you fond over the memory. 
“I could barely remember our first kiss.”
“I can kiss you now if you want?”
Jaehyun wraps his right hand around the nape of your neck as the other one gingerly makes its way to your left cheek. He places his soft lips against yours, leaving the taste of his peach lip balm on you. There’s a cold sensation pressing into your skin, reminding you of the silver ring that matches yours placed on his ring finger. 
“You'll always be my day one
Day zero when I was no one
I'm nothing by myself, you and no one else
Thankful you're my day one”
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sweetheartyuta · 4 years
Being Best Friends With Chensung
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A little something something that’s been sitting in my drafts x
this is non! idol btw
this is going to be a long ass ride, buckle up
first of all if you’re best friends with both Jisung AND Chenle then you, my friend have a the patience of a saint.
Constant pranks
waking you up with silly string
setting your alarm clock for 3am on a school day
I mean they literally turned you into a meme that went viral 
they will not lET YOU LIVE
like rip to your eardrum 
they imitate you allllll the time
they constantly roast you for literally just breathing 
your personal hype men
like this one time you posted a selfie on instagram 
“ooooooooooooooh this is fire” - @ j1sung
“look at the glow!!! I’m living for this angle, issa snack!” -@ ch3nle
 they’d be hella protective though, although your friendship was strictly platonic and on a friend level, they’d be vary wary of any of your love interests because they placed you on a pedestal and no one was good enough for you and you deserved only the best
like this cute guy asked you out one time and they walked straight over to them and Jisung slammed his locker on chenle’s fingers which was a great start since intimidating was whAT THEY WERE GOING FOR
and they’d just quick fire him questions at him “how long have you liked Y/N for” “where are you taking them on a date?” “why do you like them?” 
binge watching kdramas together with you sat in the middle and every time there was a kiss scene they each put a hand over your eye because you’re still a small child to them even if you’re older
then once you’ve finished watching it, you’d all rate it out of ten 
late night runs to the convenience store for ramen and banana milk, taking it to your secret spot while stargazing on clear nights 
falling out for approximately 3 minutes before one runs back to the two of you crying and apologising
going straight from school to karaoke and even though the walls are soundproof you’d still get noise complaints because they’re juST THAT EXTRA
anytime you were feeling sad they’d take you to the pet store to look at tiny baby hamsters to cheer you up 
they go all out on your birthday
like as in they got you a t-shirt with a picture of the three of you on it (as well as a cushion and a freaking candle) and a photoframe of the both of them with signatures above it for when the get “recognised”
pffffffffffffffffffffffffftttt okay boy bye 
disney marathons in your homemade fort with snacks piled high 
food is an reoccurring theme in this friendship tbh 
yo but in all seriousness they’re the most supportive duo you’ll ever come across
you play a sport? they’ll be at every game with banners and wearing your matching t-shirts
you sing/ play an instrument? They’ll be at every band practice/ concert and have already come up with merch ideas 
you love art/ writing? they’d be at every showing and unveiling of your newest masterpiece and want it printed out onto a poster for their houses
always have your back, like it would be stupid to talk about you in front of them because they’d be shut down in a matter of seconds (vERBALLY, WE DON’T THROW FISTS MY SONS ARE DELICATE)
very caring and would do anything to make sure their friends knew they were loved, appreciated and cared for because they knew that you would be there to do the same
like them seeing you in the crowd of their first school concert made them so happy and instantly calmed their nerves because they were just so happy to see a familiar face
and literally if anyone mistook you for dating either chenle or jisung you would both give them the most repulsive look I’m dYING AT THE THOUGHT
“oh my god I literally just ate my lunch again” “how could anyone see us as a couple I’d literally want to rip my own hair out” -LMFAO
but all in all you’d be the luckiest (and unluckiest at some points) person to bag BOTH Chenle and Jisung as best friends because you know that with them, you have friends for life
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mx-o · 4 years
》 nct ot21 mafia! au
》 warnings ; i dont think any :)
》a/n: my exams are all finsihed so i will be trying my best to upload more!! any feedback would be great cosidering this is my first and only fic. 
word count: 1.4k
masterlist | previous
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yakuza /jəˈkuːzə/ noun
a powerful Japanese criminal organization.
four, part two
there was a sour taste in kun’s mouth when he spoke.
“ah hyung, please don’t be so formal,” yuta sighed in discontent. taeil and kun smiled at him, regardless of what they thought.
nakamoto yuta was a wild card. not a lot of people really knew his story and it was kept that way for his own sake. yuta had been involved in the wrong crowd for a long time back in osaka, japan. in fact, his father had been involved since before yuta was born. yuta hadn’t ever been on the right side, what with his father being a low-rank in the yakuza and his mother being ‘missing’ due to a rift between his father’s gang and a rival gang two cities over. taeyong had met yuta in a robbery—taeyong’s to be specific.
taeyong had been travelling back and forth between seoul, tokyo and osaka handling business for nc tech as they had just started out and really only had about six members. yuta had seen him pass by often, from where he saw through the widows of the beaten down homes, he ‘stayed’ at. he’d figured taeyong was just another rich businessman he could scare into getting a few hundred from but boy, he wasn’t expecting a job offer.
taeyong brought him back to seoul with him to train alongside johnny and sicheng, and so grew to become close friends with them both. however, it didn’t last long since nc tech’s first international branch was opened in tokyo, and yuta was offered the position. what he never would mention though, is that he’d been in some serious trouble with the rival gang that took his mother and taeyong saved him just in time. he owed that man his life.
“yuta, how nice of you to join us. i thought doyoung was joining us as well?” ten piped up, taking a swig of the carbernet from his glass, ever so swiftly.
“ah, no. i’m afraid he couldn’t make it,” he spoke calmly looking at his watch. yuta knew how to lie well, there’s no doubt—but he didn’t know how to lie to the only group of people who knew all his tells. no one mentioned the fact.
“what a shame. send him my regards,” taeil managed to say, a slight grit in his teeth.
by this time donghyuck had long put down his water glass, now feeling a strong grip on his shoulders from the man he’d yet to look at. his body was stiff from the sudden touch from the newcomer, and it didn’t go unnoticed.
“this must be your new trainee. what’s your name boy?” yuta said cheerfully, leaning into the chair and closer to donghyuck himself. this only caused the poor boy to let out the breath he didn’t know he was holding.
he replied quickly, mustering up any and all the confidence he could, “haechan, sir. my name is haechan.”
yuta chuckled lightly, leaning away from the chair, “ah, there’s no need to call me that. it only makes me feel old.”
donghyuck had wanted to stand up out of his chair to greet the elder properly, but he was trapped between the man himself and the table. he only managed to look down at his lap at this point, being intimidated by what he recalled as the strongest and most powerful men in neo culture technologies. thank god yukhei was nothing like them, he thought.
“yuta, come. we were just about leaving. let’s continue this at the office, yes?” taeil took lead in relieving the awkward situation. he stood first and lead yuta towards the door while the other five men followed suit.
[jan 17; 10:07]
ten led his trio behind kun and taeil as they entered the elevators of the main lobby of neo culture technologies beijing. they were escorted by the building’s security, turning everyone’s attention towards them. it’s not every day you see the heads of neo tech all walk into the same building at the same time.
they had waited in the elevator for the short while it took to reach the top floors of the building. when they reached around floor 48, they all instinctively seemed to reach for their neckties and adjusting them, as if they were the ones that needed to impress.
they headed to the conference room on the 49th floor. luckily, all neo culture technology buildings carried mostly the same floor plan, so they all knew the way despite it being the first time for some of them.
the frosted glass double doors of the conference room opened to reveal six men, roughly around the same ages, gathered around the oval table. the other seven men walked in, kun and taeil leading and taking their seats first, ten, johnny and sicheng following. donghyuk had noticed that the four boys he actually knew were standing and took it as a note to stand too.
yuta had already been there for the past fifteen minutes or so and had been catching up with yukhei and the others.
wong yukhei, or as known by his codename, lucas, was the current COO of neo culture tech beijing. now, many people have no idea just how he landed the highest position there, but it had a lot to do with kun. beijing is nc tech’s newest and biggest branch, one that they had waited almost 3 years to launch. they had recruited many of their finest from china—take sicheng as an example—and had turned them into the best of the best. that explained why most of their chinese members, were still in training. they took all the fine tuning and polishing to make the best that they could be in that field.
yukhei, however, wasn’t really that. he was more of a ticking time bomb that would explode under too much pressure. but he was smart, tactical even, and could see how a scenario would play out given the best view of it. that’s why kun had him take over his position, so that he himself could return to korea to oversee more pressing matters and when the time came, relieve yukhei of his title. that time is yet to come since yukhei had only been in charge of the branch for roughly five months already and successfully oversaw the building of their newest hotel and the training of four recruits himself.
kun was the first to speak up, “i see the hotel came along fine, congratulations,” he said with contentment, almost like a proud father.
“it’s not completed until we open to the public, hyung,” yukei’s deep voice mused.
that’s why they were there in the first place. to open the hotel and get down to business—the shipment.
“ah, yes. we have a party to plan, then don’t we?” kun jeered. johnny and yuta’s ears perked up at the mention of a party. “where are xiaojun and hendery, by the way?” he asked, noticing the two that weren’t present rather than addressing the elephant in the room. well the four elephants in the room.
actually, they’re more like foxes and they go by renjun, yangyang, chenle and jisung.
taeil had his eyes on them since he had entered, causing them to bow their heads in respect. the same with haechan since he really was just copying their moves anyway.
“lucas, introduce me to your recruits, i’m afraid i haven’t formally met them yet,” taeil said with intrigue, eyes still focused on the boys and kun’s question remaining unanswered.
“ah yes, my apologies,” yukhei began, changing his train of thought from the excuse he was going to give kun for his partners’ absences. “these are my recruits—renjun, that’s chenle, yangyang and he’s jisung, our youngest,” he introduced pointing to them in the order they stood from left to right.
“renjun specializes in weapons, chenle does finance and a little bit of hacking and code, and both yangyang and jisung are training to be assassins,” he stated proudly, mirroring kun’s tone from earlier. taeil’s expression hadn’t wavered.
yukhei had usually been lenient with them when it came to training but had still enforced on them that they needed to complete it before the hotel had opened considering it would be their new front and a new territory that would need defence.
that time had been nearing close and they had undergone heavier training these past few weeks, yet none of the boys looked distressed or tired even.
“you four, and haechan—you too, can you give us a moment while we get down to business?” taeil said, still looking at them.
the youngest five left the room immediately, a soft “yes sir” emitting from chenle.
“alright, let’s get started.”
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kp-moodboards · 5 years
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a garden stroll w/ yuta
{requests open}
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monggu-eomma · 5 years
Kitchen Fire (Haechan Drabble)
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Pairing: Haechan x reader
Warnings: One swear word. 
Notes: This drabble is somewhat based off of the one video where Haechan is cooking and starts a lowkey fire. Have you listened to NCT 127′s new mini album? Which one is your favorite song? Anyway, I hope that you enjoy this!
“Nothing more satisfying than watching a fire that you started,” you said with your arms crossed against your chest and your back against the entrance of the small kitchen. 
“Aren’t you going to help me?” Haechan said with panic in his voice as he searched for something to help him put out the fire in the pan.
You laughed at the sight of Haechan’s fumbling and you had to admit it was cute. Since Haechan couldn’t find what he was looking, you took action by grabbing an old blue colored rag and running it through water. Once the rag was wet, you threw it onto the pan and the fire diminished.
“There. I fixed it,” you proudly said with a bright smile on your lips.  
Haechan closed his eyes and sighed, letting his shoulders sag.
“Just… Just don’t tell, Taeyong,” Haechan said as he checked the contents of the pan.
“I’m pretty sure that Taeyong is already well of your blazing habits in the kitchen,” you jokingly said.
“He doesn’t need to know that I started another fire,” Haechan said, a smile finally gracing his lips. 
“You’re right. If he finds out, you’ll be banned from the kitchen forever.”
“Why does it smell like smoke?” Haechan and you heard Taeyong call out from his room. 
“Oh shit.” 
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astroyongie · 2 years
Johnny sfw a-z analysis? Thanks!
A To Z Analysis : SFW
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A = Affection
Quite affectioned, even if it depends on his mood, Johnny is the type to like being around his partner
B = Best friend
As a best friend he is a true gossip girl. He loves to talk to you, to share histories, to drive you around and just have fun overall
C = Cuddles
Quite cuddly, when he is in a soft mood. He likes to do it in front of the tv or in bed
D = Domestic
Not very domestic, even if he will do his best to help you around, but don't expect much out of him. He isn't good to do housework and is slightly lazy
E = Ending
It depends of the reason why you both breakup and how he handled it. You guys would still be friends or he would never talk to you again, no middle
F = Fiance(e)
Commitment doesn't scares him and he does want to find the true one and have a stable relationship with. He wants to marry soon honestly.
G = Gentle
Again, it depends on his mood. Johnny can be the sweetest person ever or he can be a real jerk and be very harsh both emotionally and physically
H = Hugs
He loves hugs especially back hugs and warm ones. He loves to have you on his arms
I = I love you
He probably says it first, even if the first ones won't be that real. But with time it becomes more meaningful
J = Jealousy
Can be quite jealous if the other persons doesn't follow boundaries or if he was already in a overall jealous state or bad mood state
K = Kisses
His kisses are airy, soft, tongue and usually very light
L = Little ones
Loves children and wants to have children of his own. He thinks he will be a good father
M = Morning
Mornings are usually spent well, with coffee and baking goods, and him doing jokes
N = Night
Usually there can either have some bed activities, watching some films together, cuddle or pillow talk. The only times nights have nothing special and are cold is when you both argued
O = Open
He is very open about things, and Johnny will tell you about his feelings and his experiences, but sometimes you might feel like he isn't being honest about certain points
P = Patience
He can lose his patience quite easily and rub the wrong way so don't make him angry
Q = Quizzes
He doesn't remember much to be honest, only the typical things and he sometimes forgets about things you like but he will do his best
R = Remember
His favorite moments are the light laugher ones, where you both just bound together
S = Security
Quite protective, wouldn't let you go off by yourself and will always be by your side you need him to
T = Try
He puts some effort though, he likes to buy you nice gifts and things and he likes when you use them
U = Ugly
He has the bad habit to push you away and to be extremely grumpy when he is having a bad day or bad mood
V = Vanity
Cares a lot about his appearance but will be natural around you
W = Whole
He feels incomplete sometimes but he won't say it to you
X = Xtra
in a relationship you would ever love him more or hate him
Y = Yuck
He doesn't like when his partner cries for "nothing", doesn't like when they are being too emotional over things or too dramatic at his taste
Z = Zzz
He sleeps after quite some time. He snores slightly
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mylovely-yukhei · 5 years
[1:36 pm] you and yukhei build an incredible blanket fort and watch movies inside until you both fall asleep.
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serendipitykpop · 5 years
i want you
Pairing: kim jungwoo x reader
Summary: “After seeing you, I definitely wanted you.”
“Oh, come on, Y/N. Don’t look like that.”
You took a long sip of your drink, then waved your hand. “I am only here for the milkshake. You all can do whatever you please. Just keep me out of your shenanigans.”
`Honestly, I’m surprised Y/N even said yes to hanging out with us today.”
“Right? Usually, Y/N never leaves the house. Ever.”
“It’s because Y/N loves us a lot!” One of your friends giggled and pulled you into a tight hug. You groaned at her tight grip, but let her be. Your red cheeks revealed you didn’t actually hate being with them. You just didn’t want to admit it.
“So why was I dragged along on this trip? You’re planning to do some matchmaking for each other, aren’t you? I serve no purpose here.” You took a long sip from your milkshake, raising an eyebrow at the five of them. They grinned as they looked at each other, then back at you.
“Well, we needed your help.”
“My help? Really?”
They nodded, which made you narrow your eyes at them and their suspicious activity.
“You haven’t forgotten I have no experience with any of the male species, right?”
They snickered at your use of words. “Male species.”
You rolled your eyes and pushed yourself up. “I’m going home.”
“No, no! We’re sorry for teasing you!”
“We want you to stay!” They cried and hung onto you.
“Why? So you can tease me about my lack of experience with boys?”
“Well, kinda.”
You groaned and shook your head. They grinned as you sat down again after they let you go. You pressed your cheek against your knuckles and sighed.
“You all are so cruel to me.”
“It’s out of love.”
“Uh huh.”
After that, they left you alone to be on the lookout for a potential partner. You watched with your chin perched on the palm of your hand, enjoying your milkshake while they did so. You also had to hide your snicker behind your hand when you realized how obvious and idiotic they looked. Seriously, they really were on the lookout for any boy that would do.
Finally, after much complaining and weird staring, they found someone. One of your friends tugged at your shirt and you sighed. You turned to them and raised an eyebrow.
“Found one?”
“He’s absolutely magnificent! Come see for yourself, Y/N!”
“Don’t wanna.”
“Just leave Y/N be. We have a more important matter to deal with right now.”
“You’re right.”
You sighed and shook your head as they walked over to the poor boy just trying to hang out with friends. Instead, he was about to be bombarded by your friends. You looked away when they started talking with him. You hummed a tune and took a look around, unaware of what was going to come.
“Hey there.”
Jungwoo stopped eating and looked up, meeting the eyes of your group of friends His own friends oo’ed and hyped him up, but he was still trying to process everything.
“Um, hello?”
“We saw you over here and thought we could come say hi!”
He politely smiled and nodded. “Oh, well then hello. I’m Jungwoo.”
“It’s nice to meet you, Jungwoo.”
While they attempted to flirt with him, he wasn’t even paying the slightest attention. In fact, his eyes wandered over to you who was sipping from your milkshake.
He tilted his head and raised an eyebrow as he watched you. He snickered when he saw you pull away from your cup with a confused look on your face. You stared at it, then smiled and nodded at how decent it seemed to be. You went back to sipping your drink, simply ignoring the fact that your friends were over here. You were so immersed in your own little world that nothing else mattered except for that milkshake.
What a weird yet cute person, he had thought.
Your friend’s voice brought his attention back to them and he tried to pretend he was listening to them the whole time. He politely smiled and gave them his attention this time around.
“So Jungwoo.”
“If you had to pick who you liked most, which one of us would it be?” Your friend gestured between each of them. His eyes widened in surprise while his friends nudged and teased him.
“You want me to choose? What for?”
“Just for fun.” They shrugged, anticipating his response.
Jungwoo hummed as he thought of his answer, but he had already known who he wanted to pick. He smiled and pointed in a random direction, which caused everyone’s eyes to widen. “I want that person.”
Everyone followed to where his finger was pointing and they ended up at you. You slowly looked over with the straw still in your mouth, then choked on your milkshake from the surprise of having everyone looking at you. Your eyes widen as you turned away and covered your mouth.
“You want Y/N?”
“Yeah, Y/N seems like a lovely person to me.”
You glared at him from over your shoulder and he grinned, waving at you. You huffed and turned away once more. While your friends frantically pat your back to help you out, his friends turned to him in disbelief.
“Jungwoo, are you sure about that?”
“Yeah, what about the other people you could’ve chose from?”
“I mean look at the person you chose!”
He did just that and couldn’t help but grin. You were still trying to contain yourself while your friends were making sure you weren’t going to die on them.
“Yeah, that’s definitely the one for me.”
“You’ve got weird taste, Jungwoo.” They shook their heads and he chuckled, placing his chin on the palm of his hand.
“You think so?”
They glanced at you, then back at him.
Jungwoo looked back at you and was positively sure that he didn’t make a mistake. He nodded and smiled giddily.
“After seeing you, I definitely wanted you.”
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ppangjae · 4 years
quarter-love life crisis | j.jaehyun
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LET ME KNOW - series masterlist
quarter-love life crisis → next 
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[5:48 pm]: He’s come to the conclusion that he’s currently experiencing quarter-life crisis. Jaehyun stares at a couple seated at the waiting shed with disgust, grimacing when the couple share a quick peck on the lips. Scratch that. He wasn’t experiencing quarter-life crisis. He was experiencing quarter-love life crisis.
“Would you stop looking at them like that? They’re just trying to love each other in peace.” Jaehyun hears you mumble before sending you a glare. You raise an eyebrow at him.
It was quite ironic how Jaehyun so happened to be born on Valentine’s Day. He had a love-hate relationship with his birthday. He loved getting birthday gifts but he hated being asked whether his imaginary girlfriend gave him a birthday gift right after. He loved throwing birthday parties but he hated having his love life become the topic of conversation during dinner.
Or maybe he’s just bitter. Maybe he’s just acting up and being petty because he’s never been in love. He’s never been in love with someone ever since his ex-girlfriend cheated on him four years ago.
“Have you ever considered dating?” Jaehyun suddenly blurts out, and you look up at him with confusion. He looks like he’s asking the question out into the void, and you can’t help but snort. He glances at you. “Really. Have you?”
You shove your hands into your pockets. You shrug your shoulders, “I have, but it’s a bit complicated.”
He nods his head and huffs out. Your eyes slowly trail up to look at his side profile. He looks like he’s deep in thought. “A bit complicated?”
You hum in reply. Now it’s your turn to fall deep in thought. You’re oblivious of how Jaehyun notices you’ve fallen silent. He glances at you, parting his lips to say something but stopping himself just in time.
He realizes that his love life crisis is nothing compared to yours, especially with how you looked at this very moment. It truly was a bit complicated.
To put it simply, you’re hopelessly and painfully in love with your best friend, Jung Jaehyun. And you’re not quite sure what to do about it.
He nudged you and you snap out of your trance. “I guess it really is a bit complicated.”
“I guess so.” You purse your lips into a tight line. “The bus is almost here.”
You’re the first one to get up from the bench, followed by Jaehyun. You’re turned around with your back facing him, watching the bus as it approaches. Once the bus halts to a stop, you turn towards Jaehyun and he feels his breath hitch in his throat.
It was almost as if time had slowed down. You look at him with doe-eyes and a warm smile. He feels himself freeze in his spot and the beat of his heart slow down. It’s a feeling he can’t quite describe because he’s never felt this way before, how his heart seems to stop and how he forgets what words are and what words to say.
But it doesn’t last long when you look at him with confusion, playfully hitting him in the arm. He snaps out of it and you chuckle. “If you’re just going to stand there, the bus is going to leave us.”
“R-Right,” he laughs sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. As you get onto the bus, he can’t help but stare at you one last time.
It may be a bit more complicated than he initially thought.
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svtts · 5 years
↠ 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵 38; ‘𝘪 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘭𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩.’ & 𝘭𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘬
when you agreed to meet all of jungwoos friends, you’d imagined maybe meeting them in blocks not all once. however, jungwoo was so excited to introduce you, he forgot how loud his friends were.
it was overwhelming meeting nine new people at once, all of them very excited and outgoing. instead of being squashed into on dorm, you all sit in their practice room. 
‘hey.’ a guy, his hair a natural black, strong cheekbones and jawline. ‘im mark.’ he says shyly. you bow in response as jungwoo giggles with jaehyun at your flustered state.
‘let’s do it again.’ the person you recognise as taeyong speaks over everyone. 
‘i’ll be right back.’ he says, then running into a line with the others, jungwoo sends you a wink, and you roll your eyes. the music plays, regular, the song you’d listened to with him. 
the precision and talent left you speechless, when they finished, all of them breathing heavily. you clapped breaking the silence, and mark looks at you through his hair. 
‘it was really good.’ you say, laughing nervously. they thank you before deciding to wrap up the practice and heading out for a bite to eat. whilst walking, you found mark next to you, both of you deep in conversation.
‘i like your laugh.’ he says randomly, your cheeks becoming a pink colour as you blush at his compliment.
‘thank you.’ you stutter, looking down. 
‘its like perfectly sweet and cute. a sound i could listen to all day, dreamy and angel-lik-’ he stops when he realises everyone is listening and he’s rambling. johnny whistles and you hide your face and mark nervously scratches the back of his neck.’but really.’
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