#nblnb vampires
vamprefaggot · 1 year
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happy pride month, t4t vampire(s) be upon ye
id: a naked, warm brown skin-toned person, with brown curly hair, light body hair, and stretch marks, is sprawled across the lap of a vampire. their head is tipped back, eyes shut in pleasure, and their arms looped around the vampires neck, clutching at their shirt. the vampire is a large, fully clothed person, with darker skin and curlier hair. they're watching the person on their lap's face intently, one hand curled around their back and holding their shoulder, and the other between their legs, presumably fingering them. The vampire also has sharp fangs and blood on their face and hands, and the person on their lap has some blood on their throat.
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bl00dymlm · 6 months
any vampires wanna come sink their fangs into my neck?? id be very down
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werewolf-loverboy · 1 month
i’m a silly werewolf guy where’s my cool vampire boyfriend :(
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bdsmess · 3 months
“I’m pushing blood from my capillaries through my vagina’s cell walls for you so I can take you inside me” is a newly special level of romantic to me. and also hot. Someone is never gonna tell me they’re wet for me again without me thinking about this. Do I get you wet sweetheart? Is your arousal deconstructing the barriers between your insides and your outsides? Do you mind if I taste it? Suck the essence of your lifeblood off my fingers? Bury my tongue inside you to wring more of you from your veins?
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palatteflags · 9 months
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Vampirecore based Enbian moodboard~ ^^ For @songboylyric c: Hope you like!
Want one? Send an ask!! -mod Jay
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soft-pink-switch · 9 months
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I have no idea where this is from I found it on Pinterest keep an eye out as I reverse image search
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rawro · 2 years
if you are a vampire with sexy fangs then this is me asking for us to kiss sloppily with tongue
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stevie-kiwi · 10 months
hiya, welcome to my horny corner, where i, stevie, share my horny little thoughts throughout the day.
if you’re lucky i might share some pics of me aswell, but the horny corner will be mainly text posts :3
i’m a switch open to dm with other trans people, not really comfy talking this way with cis ppl sorry, hope you can understand.
for me:
height/ strength play
knifes and blood
actually being a switch ;)
hands <3
all things occult (monsters usw)
free use (fully consenting)
not for me:
cnc and stuff like that
fully clothed/fursuits (need to be nakey :3)
detrans and degrading regarding gender
neutral to petplay, pregnancy and furries (if ur nakey ;3)
love to answer dms, so text me if u wanna
minors dni!
i’m not a gendered being, don’t put me in your mlm/wlw blogs, thanks <3
will try to post genital neutral, doesn’t always work but expect both sides from me ;)
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disableddee · 1 year
My girlfriend is currently on a plane back home for the summer until the fall semester. The one thing no one tells you when you enter more than one polyamorous relationships that theres a false sense of security when one or more of your partners is partially long distance. My boyfriend lives in another state until next weekend but my girlfriend has been here for school for the past 10 months. I thought “oh well at least she’s here, at least I’m not physically alone” but then my boyfriend came down to visit for my birthday at the beginning of the year and I had them both in arms reach which was an amazing feeling but then he went back home and I was broken, it was okay though because my girlfriend was still here. Now, as I have to wait 2.5 months for my girlfriend to cone back theres this 10 day waiting period in which I’m physically alone until my boyfriend moves in with me. 10 days has never felt this long. 5 minutes has never felt this long. I cannot process that I can’t take a ten minute drive to go spend the night with my girlfriend. It’s like the universe is purposely giving me such short times in which I’ve got both of them with me physically. I know summer will be over soon but fuck I have never wanted school to be forever before this. And I am aware that I’m being dramatic. I know that I’m lucky to have one partner let alone two. I’ve got anxious attachment and codependency problems, I’m working on it. I just have so much fucking love for these two it’s painful to not be able to declare that love in person and to hold them tight.
To everyone waiting months for school to start again to see the people they love most again, we’re so much stronger than we think. We are going to get through the summer and our reunions are going to be so fucking worth it.
To Frances and Alice, I love you beyond any sonnet or poem or song could ever express.
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arc-angel-o · 2 years
I want a wife so i can write songs about them 😭
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dumbdomb · 1 year
hot masc uterine blood on your tongue
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isthequeerbookgood · 3 months
About the blog
I read books with queer representation and write short reviews with my honest opinions. I'm much more interested in whether a book is fun and enjoyable to read than whether it has deep artistic merit, but I got tired of coming across an exciting list of new queer books - only to find out that most of them are just. Not well written.
So I'm here to start my own list, according to the kinds of books I like to read. I focus on books that are:
Indie and self-published
Sci-fi and fantasy romance
Broadly speaking, I'm looking for books that are a bit off the beaten path: you don't need me to tell you that Gideon the Ninth is worth reading! You'll mostly see sci-fi and fantasy adult novels, because that's what I enjoy reading, but the occasional historical or YA might sneak on.
An explanation and library of my tags can be found underneath the cut.
Rating System:
Bad - a book that was bad. I probably didn’t finish it, and wouldn’t recommend anyone else even start.
Readable - I didn’t think this was amazing, but I did finish it. It’s readable, and probably worth it if you enjoy the tropes.
Good - I enjoyed this, and would recommend it!
Fantastic - I am kissing the author with tongue
wlw - the main relationship is between two women
mlm - the main relationship is between two men
wlnb - the main relationship is between a woman and a nonbinary person
mlnb - the main relationship is between a man and a nonbinary person
nblnb - the main relationship is between two nonbinary people
mlw - the main relationship is between a man and a woman
polyamory - the main realtionship is polyamorous
trans rep - a major character is transgender, usually one who broadly identifies as a trans man or a trans woman
nonbinary rep - a major character is nonbinary
smutty - contains explicit on-page sex
closed door - characters have sex, but it's fade to black or expressed in vague or metaphorical terms
nonsexual - contains no sex
they technically don't have sex but - something happens that feels like a sex scene even though it isn't. you know that scene in harrow the ninth with ianthe's arm? that.
Miscellaneous Tags
I tend to tag for a few major features of the setting, such as time period or if there's vampires involved. Some miscellaneous tags that have shown up so far:
Science Fiction
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hey y'all its my pinpost
im zmii, they/she/he, a neurodivergent non-binary slavic soft butch dyke with mommy issues and some questionable kinks
'm here to shitpost abt my fandoms and to be horny on main and i wanna find some mutuals soooo
my fandoms:
good omens, our flag means death, hellaverse, mcr, ghost, and the vampire chronicles (plz i wanna find somebody to love vampire shit with)
- homophobes, transphobes, biphobes, lesbophobes (especially cause im gonna punch you in your fucking throat), ableists, racists
- if you sexualise minors, incest, zoo, necro, rape at any levels
- cishets are on thin fucking ice
- please minors dni with any nsft posts of mine, on all of the others (like fandom brainrot and stuff so yeah) youre okay!!
also i have no idea of how to use a fucking computer so if im not responding im most likely not ignoring you im just struggling with how tumblr works
soo welcome dears ✨ feel free to send asks (horny asks are welcomed!! i'm nblw/nblnb, butch4all switch and vers; currently experimenting with t4t so i'm kinda for anyone except cismen) and/or interact somehow (dms are welcome but ask first in asks/anons)
taken anon emojis: 🦇
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findroleplay · 2 years
17nb (18 in October!), looking for anyone 17+ to roleplay adv lit - novella, oc x oc, mlm or wlw ocs! (Also nblnb, mlnb, wlnb, you get the gist. Anything LGBT, as someone who is LGBT.)
I don’t have any specific au’s in mind, and I don’t typically do franchise roleplay, but we can have a plot based on the setting or plot of any franchise you’d like! I personally like gothic settings and anything with fantasy or vampires, I also REALLY enjoy crime.
I’d prefer if we could use multiple ocs.. as in, have a main pairing with side characters (and possibly side pairings) that make appearances! I love doing world building, oc building, and the such. I love making pinterest boards and playlists based off of ocs as well! Plot is fun to do + plan when you provide more to it, after all!
I don’t have any limited topics when it comes to writing, though I’d seriously prefer if you could write 7-8 paragraphs.
I roleplay mostly on discord, but any platform is negotiable.
Interact with this post and I’ll get back to you! :))!!
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roleplay-today · 2 years
17nb (18 in October!), looking for anyone 17+ to roleplay adv lit - novella, oc x oc, mlm or wlw ocs! (Also nblnb, mlnb, wlnb, you get the gist. Anything LGBT, as someone who is LGBT.)
.. I don’t have any specific au’s in mind, and I don’t typically do franchise roleplay, but we can have a plot based on the setting or plot of any franchise you’d like! I personally like gothic settings and anything with fantasy or vampires, I also REALLY enjoy crime.
I’d prefer if we could use multiple ocs.. as in, have a main pairing with side characters (and possibly side pairings) that make appearances! I love doing world building, oc building, and the such. I love making pinterest boards and playlists based off of ocs as well! Plot is fun to do + plan when you provide more to it, after all!
I don’t have any limited topics when it comes to writing, though I’d seriously prefer if you could write 7-8 paragraphs. I roleplay mostly on discord, but any platform is negotiable.
Interact with this post and I’ll get back to you! :))!!
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mxbutchtwink · 3 years
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