#mycroft holmes x deaf!reader
lazydoodlesandfanfic · 8 months
Keeping Quiet (Sherlock & Mycroft X Deaf!Brother!Reader) *PLATONIC
Characters: Sherlock & Mycroft X Deaf!Brother!Reader
Universe: Sherlock
Warnings: Severe bullying, injuries, turf burn, mention of violence
Request: Hi, can I request?, a Holmes brother fic, where reader is their youngest brother who is in high school/university getting bullied bc their disability(mute/deaf) and how their deal with that situation, I kinda want reader to be a ball of sunshine who always smile but are sad inside and although they can see through his smile, they struggle to find a way to help them. 🥺
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Your life from the get go has always been a little harder than other kids your age. For one, you were the youngest Holmes, which wasn’t necessarily a problem, though when you were born your eldest brother had already graduated university, and your other brother was a teenager not far from leaving school. With their own unique personalities, they struggled to connect you immediately, and you didn’t see them much as a young child. However, since starting Secondary school, they had become a bit more involved, especially since you had moved in with your eldest brother so you could attend a good school that was closer to him, however, you were still mostly by yourself, especially since how work driven both your brother’s were. Oh yeah, and the other thing that made your life a little harder- you were deaf. 
A silent world was all you had known since birth, and because of that, you didn’t have to adjust to any change, instead you just learned to do things differently, like when trying to cross a road on a corner, you’d look at those around you to see if they were going to cross, knowing that if the road was clear and they didn’t move, they could hear a car coming. You never had speech therapy growing up, and since when growing up your parents and brothers always communicated with you with sign language, you never used your voice. To you, your hands were your voice, and the thing in your throat that let you make noises was only for dire emergencies to get immediate attention. 
Right now, you were convinced this wasn’t an emergency, but you had the overwhelming urge to just scream as hard as you can. You wanted so badly to be heard, but feared backlash, either from your peers of your issues being perceived as fake or not nowhere near as bad as you felt they were, or backlash from the people who were making you feel like this. 
You’d just gotten home from school, and you entered as quietly as you could, closing the door briskly and looking around, not sure if Mycroft was home, and you didn’t want to see him right now. You closed the front door, looking at the empty coat hook where you’d usually place your coat, except you didn’t have it with you, so instead you just kicked off your shoes and tried to head to your bedroom with your school bag. However, for obvious reasons, you hadn’t heard Mycroft and Sherlock bickering in the other room, or that they had promptly stopped when the front door shut loudly from how quickly you had shut, followed by your footsteps through the house at an accelerated rate to your bedroom, and the noise of your door being shut just as quickly as the front door. The two brothers stood in silence, staring in the direction of the noises before turning to face each other. “Something’s wrong.” Sherlock spoke up. 
“I’m aware of that.” Mycroft scoffed, before they began to walk to go up the stairs. Sherlock stopped at the bottom though, though Mycroft continued up. Sherlock checked the entrance of the house, noticing your lack of coat, either meaning you were still wearing it or didn’t have it, and the droplets of water on the floor, as well as your school shoes being shiny and darker than usual, told him it was the latter. It hadn’t rained in the last hour. He finally followed after Myrcoft, who was already trying your door, though it was locked. He turned to Sherlock, and Sherlock’s eyes followed the wet droplet stains in the carpet to your door. “He’s locked himself inside.” Mycroft pointed out.
“Give me your credit card.” Sherlock demanded. Mycroft went into his back pocket, grabbing his wallet and going through it to hand him a card, before Sherlock shoved him out of the way, sliding the card through the door, pushing the lock out, and when it clicked open, he turned the handle opened the door enough to stick his hand in, reaching for the light switch, flicking the lights on and off in your room to get your attention. He didn’t get a reaction from you. No multiple knocks to signify he could enter, and not a singular knock for him not to come in. He waited another moment, before looking at Mycroft who at this point looked worried, fist pressed to his mouth. Sherlock opened the door further.
They didn’t see you when they first stepped into the room, but Sherlock noticed your school bag- wet through, soaking the carpet, dirty, the zip busted, a strap broken, several school books looking ready to fall out after being crammed in that were soggy and ruined. With that, he knew where you were- the small bathroom attached to your room. He walked to the shut door, trying the door, finding this one unlocked, and he slowly stepped in, looking down and to the side, seeing you sat on the floor, legs pulled to your chest, head resting on your knees. 
“Mycroft, go make tea.” Sherlock said monotone, not taking his eyes away from you. Mcroft, who had noticed your bag and was trying to find anything to salvage, stood up straight, processing the situation, before turning and leaving the room. Sherlock slowly entered the bathroom, kneeling down before sitting on the floor beside you, carefully reaching out, lightly tugging on your soaked and dirty school jumper to get your attention. You peeked up, making eye contact, your eyes red and as wet as your uniform. Sherlock didn’t need to ask what happened, and you didn’t need him going on a revenge campaign in your honour, at least not yet. Instead, he signed ‘I’ll run you a hot bath, and you get undressed. Are you hurt?” You sniffed, signing a yes, before you started to take off your jumper, pulling it over your head, and Sherlock’s eyes immediately took notice of the wet white material that had stains of red on your arms, and as he looked closer, he saw your hands, and presumably your forearms as well were scraped up and red raw. Sherlock took your jumper from you, standing up, before signing to you again. “Drop them just outside the door when you’re done.” He said, turning to the bath, plugging the drain, and turning on the taps, before leaving the room, shutting the door behind him.
Mycroft arrived shortly after with a tray, cup of tea and snacks as well, placing it on your bedside table. “What happened?” Mycroft asked. 
“He’s been bullied. I’m not sure what happened, maybe he tried to bring up what was happening or tried to stand up for himself, but it escalated outside of school- his uniform needs to be cleaned and died- where’s your first aid, he’s scraped up as well.” Sherlock listed. Mycroft’s mouth open and closed repeatedly, before he spoke. 
“I-I didn’t know.” He stuttered. “He never… he never told me he was having issues at school. I had no idea.” He explained, and Sherlock frowned. 
“I didn’t know either.” Sherlock added. It wasn’t a lot to say, but it made Mycroft feel so much better. If Sherlock didn’t notice something was wrong until now, then there was practically no way for Mycroft to see either. You hid it, and you hid it well. You hid it from the best. 
“I’ll call the school administration and organise a meeting with them. I’ll find out who did this.” Mycroft decided, reaching out and taking the jumper from Sherlock. “I’ll also get the first aid” he commented, turning and leaving the room again. Sherlock stood in your room, not moving, and he waited until he heard the bath water turn off, the door open, your clothes hit the floor and the door shut again before he turned and went and grabbed the clothes, taking them to be washed with your jumper. Sherlock heard Mycroft on the other side of the house, yelling on the phone about repercussions, demanding a meeting tomorrow, even if it’s the weekend, before his voice became louder, him walking into the same room with Sherlock, wordlessly giving him the first aid before leaving again to continue his argument, and Sherlock headed back upstairs to your room. 
He peeked into your room, seeing you had gotten out, dried off and dressed into your pyjamas, sitting on the edge of your bed. He flashed the lights again to get your attention before stepping in, coming and sitting down on your bedside, carefully taking your hands, rolling up the sleeves to properly see the scrapes and turf burn, which made him wince, imagining the pain in the bath, even though you didn’t make a peep. You didn’t make sound despite the pain, and that really, really bothered him. He wordlessly cleaned them and bandaged them, before signing to you “Are you hurt anywhere else?” You nodded, crawling deeper into the bed so your legs were rested on it, and Sherlock pulled your pant legs up to your knees, seeing even more turf burns, and he copied what he did with your hands, pulling the legs back down when he was done, before he pushed the medical equipment away from him, and waited in front of you till you looked at him. “Why didn’t you tell us?” He signed to you, speaking the words along with it. All he got was a shrug, which Sherlock was not going to accept. “Did they threaten you?” He added. You looked away, before finally signing. 
“It wasn’t too bad. I could handle it, I didn’t want to worry you. But I think someone else reported what they saw and they thought it was me.” You explained to him. 
“So if it wasn’t reported, you hadn’t planned to tell us?” Sherlock questioned. 
“It wasn’t a big deal.” You signed, clearly frustrated, which was paralleled by Sherlock. 
“Well it is now. We’re your brothers, your family. If something bothers you, you tell us, even if you’re annoyed at the way light reflects through a window, or how they’ve changed the packaging on a product in the shops, you tell us. Even if you think it’s harmless or not a big deal, we’d rather you told us about little things instead of hiding things until they become huge things. This is huge now, and we’re going to deal with it.” His signing firm and almost exaggerated. You’d never seen someone yell via sign language, yet here Sherlock was, somehow finding a way to do it, and it was pretty effective. 
“Okay. I’m sorry.” You quickly apologised to try and calm him down, which seemed to work. 
“How long has this been going on? How many of them are there, and what are their names? Tell me everything.” 
A few minutes later, Mycroft finally got off the phone, pacing for a minute to plan his next actions- deciding if he needed to call someone else, or go and check on you, but then Sherlock came into the room, and handed him a piece of paper, with names, examples of what each person did and their role in the attack, and how long it had been going on with a short timeline of other incidents. “I trust this is enough to start with?” Sherlock asked, watching as Mycroft skimmed over it. 
“This has been going on since he started secondary school?” Mycroft questioned, Sherlock briskly nodded, before tapping the paper to make him focus again. “Yes. This is enough. I’ll locate their parents and addresses, gather more information, I’ll have people look into CCTV to see if we can catch any footage of them following, chasing or… attacking him.” Mycroft explained, folding the paper up, before tucking it into his pocket. “How is he?” 
“He’s going to be sore for a while, keep an eye on his injuries- maybe take him to the doctor just to have it on record. He’s not very talkative at the moment, but we really need to get him to start talking to us more about things happening to him. If he’s ever quiet around you, try and engage him and ask about what he’s thinking about, get him out of the habit of keeping everything locked up. Leave the addresses to me. I’ll personally make sure they get the letters about the police investigation when you have it ready.” Sherlock said, walking to the entrance of the house, Mycroft followed him, watching his younger brother grab his coat, swing it around him and put it on. 
“Sherlock, do not threaten them- it’ll not be good for the investigation.” 
“I have no intention of threatening children, Mycroft. But I will make sure the point is put across that those parents have done an awful job and that they shouldn’t have messed with Y/N.” Sherlock promised, before promptly leaving. Mycroft huffed after the door shut, glancing up the stairs, before deciding to make a fresh hot drink for you to get started with a conversation with you.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in!
*Not my gif
TAGS: @holy-tea-cup-blog @sassy-specter@keenmarvellover @multifandomfix @sleutherclaw @otterly-fey @rebellionofthecattle @hello-love-youre-pretty @werosemagic @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @originalpottervengerlock @supernatural-pan @esoltis280 @lady-of-lies @lenaswritingandstuff @macbetheliza @mandywholock1980 @cdwmtjb8 @caswinchester2000 @determinedpines @huntheimpossible @automaticbakeryfreakshoe
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7soulstars · 3 years
Hi!!!! I just read your “Sherlock with a Deaf S/O” I was hoping yiu could do a part two of it including meeting mycroft and Moriarty! It’d love to see their response to the s/o and how they’d act around her. I’m curious to see if moriarty would use her or avoid her 
Thank you so much for reading the first part ! I really never expected it to get so much love *I may have shed a few tears*. I hope you like this part love!
Sherlock with a Deaf S/O 
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Part 1 
- Every relationship has their fair share of obstacles.....
- Well yours was Mycroft Holmes and Sherlock’s was James Moriarty.
- Mycroft was the epitome of O V E R P R O T E C T I V E
- Literally ran a background check on you and had people stalk you and your daily routine.
- It was so obvious at a point that you asked his ‘spy’ to walk by you instead of following you.
- Mycroft’s face when he found out about that was priceless.
- He took it as a challenge and kidnaps you the same way he kidnaps John
- But one thing his bAcKgRoUnD check didn’t tell him was of your disability.
- So when he met you he was like OOP- 
- Not used to having someone be affectionate and polite to him he freaks out often when he sees you.
- Softens up really quickly tho.
- You kinda become a way for him to convince Sherlock to do things for him (because he literally cannot say no to you)
- “MYCROFT STOP ASKING MY GIRLFRIEND TO CONVINCE ME TO HELP YOU !” “Well, it’s working isn’t it ?” “..........yes”
- Mycroft probably rants to you about Sherlock even though there is a high possibility that you took your hearing aid off and stopped listening and are just nodding you head in intervals.
- Buys you those concert tickets with Sign Language interpreters that were too damn expensive for you to afford.
- *Slides an envelope with tickets into your lap*
-*gasp* “Mycroft what the fuck !?”
- Let’s get to our local consultant criminal.
-When he finds out about you he is intrigued. 
-Obviously our Baker Street boys figure out.
- *que Y/N Protection Squad*
-But Jim being Jim gets to you anyway.
- It was weird to say the least. One minute you were calmly reading a book at your favourite cafe and the next minute Jim was sitting infront of you eating cake.
- You knew who he was. After all it was your boyfriend’s favourite conversational topic.
- The soft “Hello James” from you had really caught him off guard considering he expected you to run away and for him to kidnap you and what not.
-Dating Sherlock had made you confident and knowlegible enough to know how to deal with psychopaths and sociopaths. 
-Of course Jim noticed. The way you kept quiet as he talked, how you looked amused at his antics, and how you focused more on his actions than his mouth and his words, how you made witty remarks that you used on Sherlock when he was being a whiny little shit.
-By the time you left and surprisingly he let you go. He was impressed quite simply to put it.
-He wanted to mess with you because that would enrage his favourite enemy.
-You didn’t tell Sherlock because you knew he would panic .
- But you mentally facepalmed yourself when you woke up in a yatch in the middle of the ocean as Moriarty taunted your boyfriend through your phone. You could figure out some of what he was saying since his mouth moments are so.....pronouced..
- Shockingly Jim did not treat you like others he kidnapped. 
-He kept you entertained till Sherlock figured out his game and saved you.
-He made it very clear to Jim that he will reign hell upon him if he ever tried to touch you and James actually gave and kept his word that he wouldn’t.
- Sherlock had become clingy since that incident as he found subtle ways to spoil you and you realized it was because he felt insecure that you would think James was better than him.
- Of course your heart sank at it words and you insisted to him that it was the other way round.
-Occasionally James sends you gifts and letters on special days because he seemingly liked you and wanted to rile your boyfriend up and i was on these days that you would take your hearing aids off and close your eyes to ignore your boyfriend’s childish whinings and ruckus wondering if your deafness is actually beneficial at times.
-Oh well at least you knew you were dating a man who loved you probably even more than you loved him and his actions were enough to confirm it.
*gets ready to be pelted with stones*
Finally done ! I’m sorry it took so long. As I said,I have my finals coming up and it’s kept me really occupied. Again I really really really tried my best and I really hope you all like it. In case of any mistakes I’ve made or if I have written anything offensive or triggering please tell me in the comments so that I can make immediate corrections. Please like and reblog my work if you like it to support me. Comments and constructive criticism is always appreciated. Please do not plagarize my work I really work hard on it! I have several fics to be completed but I promise to finish it soon. Thank you guys for always being patient. 
~Love Hri! 😘
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imperial-martian · 5 years
Silent Memories {Mycroft Holmes x Reader}
Requested by @letysg0
Hi! I was wondering if you could do something about Mycroft and a deaf reader... I was thinking about it when I saw some stupid-ass memes hsjdhshd
A/N: The parts that are italicized are memories.
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Mycroft x Deaf! Reader
Mycroft entered his manor, shutting the door softly behind him. Mycroft placed his keys on the hook which he always used to hold his keys, placing his umbrella on the designated stand below it. With a gentle sigh, Mycroft made his way to the stairwell, walking up a few steps with soft, careful movements. 
Upon reaching the top of the steps, Mycroft turned left to walk down the long hall to his bedroom. He smiled softly to himself as he opened the door, hoping to see you so infatuated in a book you were reading, or maybe watching the telly with subtitles on. He hoped to see you snuggled up in the duvet, your hair somewhat messy, and maybe even a little selfishly did he hope to come in while you were taking a shower. 
He hadn’t expected to walk in and see you sleeping so peacefully, your head resting on his pillow and your body curled up into a ball. Mycroft couldn’t help the slight sense of worry that washed over him at that moment.
Mycroft had left work fairly early, planning on spending some time with you, something he seemed to lack doing- which he knew he had to make up for. So, upon seeing you sleeping at such an unusual time for you, he couldn’t help but wonder what had gotten you so tired. 
Walking over to you, he quickly deduced why. The small paint specks scattered across your arms, the way you laid your hand flat on the bed, signaling that you wanted to rest it. You had been working on a project for quite some time, and every time you finished Mycroft had noticed that you had outdone yourself. His worry finally subsided as he then realized that you simply needed the time to nap, and he decided that he’d join you in such an activity.
So, after placing a kiss to your temple, Mycroft made his way over to his wardrobe, removing his tie and placing it neatly in its designated spot. Removing his blazer, he grabbed one of his hangers and placed the blazer on it, hanging it on a bar which had all of his other expensive clothing. He took his shoes off next, placing them on a shelf beside his other leather shoes. 
Minutes passed and he had finished changing completely, now he was simply in a black t-shirt and some sweatpants which he usually fell asleep in. Humming softly to himself, he got in the bed beside you, smiling softly. Wrapping his arms around your torso, he sighed contently. 
You smiled softly to yourself, not even realizing you had done such a thing. However, this was a rare affectionate moment from Mycroft, and even in your sleeping state, you knew that this was his way of making up for lost time. But, you also knew this was his way of escaping the stress of working as a government official. 
Mycroft carefully pulled you closer to him, your back resting against his chest, and he couldn’t help but smile widely. Mycroft kisses the back of your head, closing his eyes as he took in the scent of paint that lingered on you, signaling that you hadn’t showered after you finished painting. Mycroft didn’t seem to care, the smell of paint on you was fairly common anyways, actually, it more so relaxed him if anything.
Mycroft slowly brought his hand up to your arm, his fingers ghosting over the skin, caressing it softly. He trailed his fingers up to your biceps, back down to your forearms. He continued to do that, a smile on his face the entire time he had and slowly he started to drift off to sleep alongside you, memories from his past being the only thing circling his mind.
It was a spring day in London, the heat from the sun was a comforting warm and allowed Mycroft to feel somewhat comfortable in the blazer he was wearing. He was in a cemetery, visiting a grave with a few others- who you later found out were Mrs. Hudson and a John Watson. 
The grave in which he stood upon was made with a shiny black stone, polished so that you could see your reflection in the stone. The name upon the grave, ‘Sherlock Holmes’, would cause much chaos later on in both your life and Mycroft’s.
However, at that moment Mycroft stood in front of the grave, his brothers grave, a sigh leaving his lips as he listened to the sobs of Mrs. Hudson behind him. He closed his eyes, taking in all the sounds around him, all of his senses sharp as he took a deep breath. The burden (which he only acknowledged now as one) he had of knowing his brother was alive, and it would not be such a burden if it wasn’t for the fact that he could hear the pained sobs coming from behind him. The sobs in which he hated to hear, and not simply from Mrs. Hudson, but he learned later on that he hated them because of you as well. 
His thoughts faded away as he heard the footsteps walking up to him and a hand rest on his shoulder. Turning his head, he realized who it was that placed the hand upon his shoulder- or rather he knew long before due to the footstep pattern. 
As he looked at John, his pale blue eyes focused completely on the man which had just placed a hand upon him, he waited to hear what it was that he John was going to say.
“I do believe it is best Mrs. Hudson and I leave,” John started, sighing gently before continuing, “and I think it is best you do as well. Staying here for too long brings too much pain for even you to handle I am sure.”
Mycroft gave John and nod, “I will,” he assured John. Mycroft watched as John nodded before he walked off and lead Mrs. Hudson back towards Baker Street. Mycroft stood in front of the grave for a few more minutes, all his thoughts coming back to him before he sighed and spun on his heel, his umbrella digging into the grass.
He took a step forward his umbrella sinking into the ground with every step he took before raising a brow as he saw a shadow to his right. Turning his head, he saw you, your back towards him as you looked at a grave, a sketchbook in your hands. 
Mycroft walked over to you- something he then didn't understand why, but now was so thankful he had -and standing behind you, he read the name upon the gravestone. 
You noticed the shadow that had hovered over you and turning your head you saw Mycroft behind you. Becoming startled at the fact that a stranger who you have never met before was standing behind you, you yelped, instantly standing and turning to look at the man. 
Mycroft, who had stepped back after you had yelped, looked over you with an intense stare. He hummed softly as he realized one important detail. The way your eyes kept flickering to his mouth, a sign that you were waiting for him to speak so that you could read his lips. Another sign was the fact that your ears twitched slightly, signaling that your brain must have been searching for some sort of sound to hear. 
Sighing, Mycroft hooked his umbrella to his forearm so that he could perform sign language properly. 
‘Forgive me for startling you, I was simply visiting a grave when I noticed you sitting on the ground in front of this grave,’ Mycroft signed, looking up at you for a reply.
You were completely taken aback because not only did this man know you were deaf, but he knew sign language as well. 
‘Sorry, I just didn’t expect somebody to be standing behind me, especially somebody I don’t know,’ you signed back, your brows furrowed in question.
Mycroft sighed, nodding his head in understanding. ‘Right, I do apologize for interrupting you abruptly, I simply saw you sitting on the floor with your sketchbook and got curious. I guess I was still processing my thoughts and not the outcome of my actions,’  he explained, giving you a small apologetic smile. 
‘No need for an apology sir, I understand. Visiting a loved one is always hard, that’s why I draw while I’m here, it keeps me distracted from memories and focused on the drawing,’ you replied, gesturing to the sketchbook which rested on the ground beside your foot. 
Mycroft nodded softly in understanding, hoping that he had a similar tactic, something that could distract his thoughts. However, when your a genius such as he is, it becomes hard to do such a thing when you have become accustomed to the circling around in your head. 
‘I understand Miss,’ Mycroft signed, assuring you that he did in fact understand, noticing the way you shifted in discomfort, having thought that what you said was too personal. ‘I should introduce myself, Mycroft Holmes.’ 
‘Y/N L/N.’
Mycroft smiled in his sleep, the thought of the first time they had met six years ago always being one of his favorites. Although the setting of the meeting was rather unfortunate, the interaction had always been a pleasure to him. After that his entire world changed. He had found out that you went to the cemetery every Saturday, and often times Mycroft would be there. 
Although you thought it was rather strange and honestly alarming how often he had just mysteriously bumped into you, you both laugh about it now. It had become obvious as the years passed Mycroft had become intrigued by you within the first meeting. Why that is, not even the Ice Man- as he is so called -knows. It was strange, plain and simple. 
Yet, time moved forward and the more frequently Mycroft visited the cemetery when you did, the quicker you caught on. Finally, you had signed to him that you should both go out to a café to simply communicate with one another in a proper location. 
He had agreed and that had become the usual routine for a few months. You’d both visit the cemetery, spend some time visiting the grave before heading off with each other to a nearby café, sometimes a bakery. 
It had been the eight-time you both went out when Mycroft finally accepting his feelings, and instead of hiding them, expressed them. 
Mycroft sat across from you, his elbows resting on the table, his hands folded with his chin resting upon them. He observed you with gentle eyes as you brought the cup of tea up to your lips, taking a small sip before holding the cup in front of your face for a few seconds. He watched as you let out a pleased sigh as you removed the glass from your lips. He watched the way your e/c eyes looked up at him, a sort of emotion he could tell was relief, maybe even comfort- however, he wasn’t sure, seeing as he lacked information on said emotion. 
You placed the cup down and tilted your head to the side as you saw Mycroft observing you. You smiled sheepishly, wondering what it was that had Mycroft so lost in thought. A small blush made its way to your cheeks as you looked down shyly, his pale blue eyes focusing on you intently.
He soon realized that you looked down and sighed softly, realizing that he might have made you uncomfortable. Reaching across the table, he placed his hands on top of yours softly, yours having been folded on the table. He watched as you looked up at him, and you let your hands shift so that they were holding each other’s.
You had both stayed like that for a while, another thirty minutes or so before Mycroft paid for the order. Standing up, he grabbed his umbrella and hooked it onto his forearm, holding a hand out for you to take so that he could help you. Smiling, you placed your hand in his and he carefully helped you stand.
He gestured for you to walk out first, a small smile on his face as he placed his hand on the small of your back. Walking with the umbrella in his left hand, his right arm hooking around your left as he walked you to your flat.
Upon arriving there, you both turned to each other, planning on giving each other a proper goodbye before leaving. However, as you both faced each other, Mycroft raised his hand, placing his pointed finger and thumb on your cheek before kissing you softly, a slight smile on his face as he broke away, opening his eyes to look at you.
He saw the blush the dusted over your cheeks, this one much more prominent than the last, and smiled. He leaned forward, kissing your forehead before turning his back to you, walking in the opposite direction.
You watched him leave until he was only a shadow, and smiled widely as you headed into your flat. That smile only returning again when you got a text from Mycroft that night, asking if you’d like to go to dinner with him the following day.
He felt a shift in the bed, and opening one eye saw that you had turned around and were looking at him, a gentle smile on your face. Mycroft opened both of his eyes now, mirroring your smile with one of his own.
You hummed softly as Mycroft shifted his hands on your back, moving to pull you just slightly closer. Smiling still, you brought your hand up to his cheek, rubbing your thumb on it softly as you looked into his pale blue eyes.
Leaning down to you, he kissed you softly and with care before backing away again and glancing at the time, realizing that reservations were in an hour.
Tags: @letysg0, @writingsofa-hobbit
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gingers-writing · 6 years
Mycroft X Deaf!Reader
Words: 570
Warnings: References to cheating, bullying.
Summary: you as Mycroft’s deaf girlfriend outsmart Irene Adler.
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The relationship wasn’t easy, Mycroft was exceptionally busy. Like always, for any relationship to function you needed time, even conversation was hard. You’d learnt to lip read but sometimes the man forget you need to see his lips in order for you to know the information he was telling you. Recently was bad, you’d been arguing, he had called you a gold fish, you called him selfish, now you’re both fish. You’d laid in bed, staring at the ceiling, you’d felt him lay next to you but payed him no attention. Until you felt him kiss your cheek, turning to look at him, his cheeks tear stained, and his lips moving. ‘Will you ever forgive me?’ Oh crap he’d been talk to you, apologising. Okay, stay calm, play along.
Things settled and your relationship was good for a long time, until she turned up. ‘The women’ Sherlock Mycroft and her had been in the dinning room, you’d found them days earlier, she was on her knees in front of him practically kissing him. Mycroft looked dazed and confused, she smirked, began to say something to you but you never watched her lips. That night you didn’t stay in the touch, you didn’t want too, you understood that as a human, Mycroft had urges you were not ready to satisfy, you’d told him he could sleep with others. He told you he’d happily wait for you forever; perhaps forever was shorter then you expected.
-In the dinning room-
She smirked “he calls you the ice man...” Mycroft didn’t seem bothered, she tried a different approach. “Tell me about her...” settling into the chair “the women, average height, (y/h/c) hair, walked in on my trying to seduce you...” that struck a nerve with Mycroft. “That’s Y/N...” Sherlock began, it was no secret that Sherlock craved for attention. A smirk crossed Irene’s lips, “she ignored me the other day, I told her to watch and learn, then again this morning, I don’t think she likes me...” Mycroft scoffed “she’s deaf, but I think she’d ignore you if she was able to hear....” he’d wanted to talk Y/N since she walked in, Mycroft had bend pushed on, he did nothing willingly.
She was still smirking “he has a name for her too, I didn’t understand it till now, the unknowing target....” Mycroft physically shivered, he’d be increasing security on Y/N. That’s when you knocked on the door, Sherlock opened it and you came in, you lost your voice for a second. “Is she a mute too...” Irene teased, and your voice retuned “I worked it out..” your spoke a little loud but you couldn’t tell. You held your hand out to Sherlock, he paused before giving it to you. You assumed Mycroft had given him the nod, your fingers typed in four letters and you smiled. “Game over...” you held the phone to her, tears rolled down her cheeks. You showed Mycroft and Sherlock, unlocking the phone and giving it over.
-Later that night-
Mycroft was stroking your hair, you laid across his lap and smiled happily. He began to talk, ‘you may be deaf, but you sure are fantastic...’ you smiled “thanks...” he’d grown used to your loud tone, he actually quite loved it. ‘I’ll still wait forever...’ he commented before kissing you.
If you’re a fan of my work don’t forget to leave a ‘heart’ and follow to make sure you don’t miss anything. I’m always open to requests so feel free to message!
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too-many-baes · 5 years
The Almost Divorce
Pairing: fem!reader x Mycroft Holmes
Warning(s): injury, mentions of blood and death
Word Count: 2.3K
Request: Could you do a very angsty one where the reader gets hurt saving her ex-husband Mycroft from danger? They were married for almost five years but they decide to break up since Mycroft only married the reader as an arranged marriage but the reader is in love with him. When the reader saves him and almost dies it makes Mycroft realize that he loves the reader and it might not be too late. - by Anon
* request edited for length and clarity *
A/N: Whippee, my first request for this blog! Thank you so much anon for sending in a request, it made me so happy. I hope you like it 💖
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“Mycroft get down!” Bullets are flying everywhere in a blur of silver and black. You rush to where Mycroft had been standing stunned but was now crouched behind stacked wooden boxes. They were thick enough that the bullets weren’t piercing them yet, but the amount of wood shards flying off let you know it was only a matter of time before he was in serious trouble. You had to get him out, and fast.
You crouch down beside him to share his cover. You check your gun to see you only have half a clip of ammo left, not enough to hold everyone off. “Fuck!” You exclaim, your frustration spilling over. You chance a glance at the man beside you. He’s scared, you can tell. Sweat travels down his face and he has a small shake that can only be attributed to adrenaline. He turns his head to look at you and his eyes plead with you, almost begging for help. Mycroft is a brilliant man with a brilliant mind but conflict to this degree wasn’t his territory, it was yours. And right now, looking at this brilliant scared man all you wanted to do was hold him. Reassurances wouldn’t do, he was too much of a logical man to need empty words of comfort. What he needed was contact. You wanted to intertwine your fingers with his and have his body so close against you that you could feel his heart beating against yours. That was what he needed, contact. Right now though you had to focus on what he really needed and that was for you to get him out of here, safe, with not a hair on his head harmed. That you could do.
“Mycroft, you have to listen to me.” His eyes that were scattered and unfocused now look at you. His breaths are sharp and short and his shakes haven’t subsided. “There’s a door to your right. Turn around and look at it.” You instruct, knowing that if he had a chance to visually take in the information you were about to tell him he’d take it on much better. He quickly glances towards the door then turns back and frantically nods at you. “We’re going to run to that door to get out. I’m going to cover us on the way.”
This time his head is shaking at you incredulously. “The chances of making it out there are below 5%, there’s too many men. We’re completely outnumbered, if we just surrender there’ll be men coming to get us”, he rambles, “best in the country”, he says out to the air rather than to you. He’s looking around again, eyes darting with no real direction and head calculating numbers he pulls from hidden rooms in his mind. Even now with bullets ricocheting off the walls and pummelling into the boxes acting as cover, his mind was running at a million miles an hour. He was still analysing and assessing, figuring out statistics and likely outcomes. His mind has no limit and no matter how much you admire him for it, it was now your job to convince that brilliant mind of his to follow your lead. You’d struggled with this in the past but now you had to force him to see things your way.
You reach over and grab his hand, which is clammy and jittery. He looks confused down at the movement and then back to you. “You have to trust me on this one. I’m going to get you out of here.” No matter what scenarios and numbers were flying through his head one fact stuck out to him that caused him to nod his head in agreement with your plan. You love him. Well, you loved him, that much he knows for sure. That’s enough to slice through all the other logic he could use to debate alternate plans. You loved him, and you’d never let anything happen to him.
This time it’s your turn to glance down at your hands, for one last boost of confidence before you brave the storm of shots. Your right one is holding his left at an angle that makes you notice a thin gold band encircling his ring finger. He’s still wearing his wedding ring. That little gold token gleaming at you filled your frontal lobe with flickers of happiness from the past five years, and that sudden rush of emotion is enough to drive your plan into action.
You release his hand and give him a curt nod with steely eyes. He knows you well enough to know that means prepare yourself. You mime a silent countdown from three on your fingers and when you drop the last finger with your hand balled in a fist you both leap up and into the line of fire.
As you make a dash for the door you make sure to have your body in front of his the whole time. With what few bullets you have left you must be strategic, only firing one off when absolutely necessary.
Mycroft is out of the door and you turn to follow him. The wave of triumph you feel lasts but a second as a piercing pain shoots through your abdomen. You cry out in shock, placing your hand over the injured area. It comes away red telling you all you need to know.
Mycroft is at your side, throwing your arm over his shoulder to get you to the car.
“Keep pressure on it, don’t stop holding it”, he instructs as he helps you into the back seat.
As he speeds you down the motorway your adrenaline starts to wear off and the pain starts to overcome you. The entire time Mycroft is speaking to you, urging for you to stay awake and stay alert but his pleas fall on deaf ears. All you know is pain and all you feel is blood slipping past your fingers. Against Mycroft’s wishes you let your eyes slip shut to get some reprieve from what has become unbearable light. It feels good. So good that you find you can’t force them open again. You feel a black warmth start to take over your body, and with Mycroft’s pleas fading in the background you embrace the dark. You surrender your consciousness to the unknown as you feel your pain alleviate.
When you awake you feel as though you are being weighed down by a large smothering blanket. You can’t move under it’s weight and you can’t open your eyes. A loud, steady beeping fills your ears. If you’d had control of your limbs you’d have swatted at the source, instead you are forced to endure the continual mechanical beeps. You realise that it feels as though someone has your hand in theirs. You try to remove it but succeed only in the smallest movement of your fingers.
“Y/N?” It’s Mycroft, his voice hoarse and desperate. You try to speak to him only for small grumbles to escape your lips. “It’s okay, you’re safe.” His hand not locked with yours is at your shoulder rubbing soothing circles on your covered skin. “You got shot in the back. The bullet went right through but they had to put you in theatre to stop all the bleeding.” He speaks as if he can read your mind, answering the thoughts that were zipping through.
Finally the weight lifts enough that you manage to open your eyes, little by little, until you have full sight of the room. Everything is stark white and sanitary, the only distinguishing feature being the beautiful man sitting beside you. You glance down and catch a glimpse of that little gold band once more.
“You’re still wearing your wedding ring”, you say, your voice scratchy from hours unused. His eyes quickly glance at his finger before looking at you and awkwardly clearing his throat.
“Yes, well you haven’t signed the divorce papers yet so we’re actually still married.” The papers sat on your desk in your apartment, tear stained and awaiting your pen upon it. Many nights you’d sat down and desperately tried to finalise what your husband wanted yet you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. It seemed final, like once you put pen to paper you’d be signing away any chance that was left for you and the man you love. You were strong, but not that strong. “So are you.” He points out, motioning to your left hand where your ring laid. You move your thumb and lightly adjust its position. “You know why.” He has nothing to say sitting there all poise and logic, for it’s true, he knows.
He knows when your wedding was arranged both of you were following orders, neither of you wanted it. He knows that you were open and genuine while he was cold and calculating. He also knows that despite this you fell in love with him. He watched it happen before his eyes, helpless to stop it. He didn’t want any part of it, he didn’t want a wife to begin with let alone one that was falling for him. He let it go on for five years before compassion got the best of him and he filed for divorce. He didn’t want to carry it on any longer, the hope and longing from you too much to bear. It would have been cruel to let it continue.
He broke your heart regardless of his intentions. The day the papers arrived you were inconsolable because it was over. Your time with him and any chance he might feel the same was over and finished and it has been eating away at you ever since.
“You nearly died on that table”, he says, “if we’d arrived any later you wouldn’t be here now.” You simply shrug your shoulders at him.
“Does widow not have as good a ring to it as divorcee?” You say in bitter humour. His movement on your shoulder ceases and he removes both of his hands from you.
“You could have died Y/N, now is hardly the time for jokes.” His voice is stern and almost angry. He never did take your jokes very well.
“If not now then when?” You question with a shrug of your shoulders. “It doesn’t change the fact that I’m still alive and we’re still getting a divorce.” You can’t look him in the eyes as you speak for if you did you know you’d cry which is the last thing he’d know how to deal with. The room is quiet for an uncomfortable amount of time which made you wish you could pluck your spoken words from the air and shove them somewhere deep and dark, away from the light of day.
“When you were in the back of the car”, Mycroft begins hesitantly, “and you passed out, I thought you’d died.” The way he speaks his sombre words shocks you, emotion you’d never heard from the composed man seeping through. He takes in a large shaky breath before continuing, as if he had to steady himself. “When they took you into the operating theatre I thought you were gone. It made me realise something.”
You almost daren’t ask but your heart beating eagerly in your chest left you no alternative. “What?”
“It made me realise that I, that I l-, I”, he speaks while trying to articulate his emotions, “I love, I love you.” Even though it was stuttered and scared, as far as you were concerned he’d spoken in prose. This was all you’d ever wanted. He loves you too. In reality you could barely move but you felt like you could fly.
“You love me?” You croak, your tears getting the better of you and escaping their ducts. “You don’t love anyone like that.”
“I never have”, he says in agreement, “until you. I realised if you never came out of that theatre I’d never be the same.” You desperately reach your hand out for his and squeeze it tightly. He brings his other hand up so yours is nestled between his.
You stayed there, looking at each others faces and soaking up the pure unadultered joy that filled the room. “Does this mean I can get rid of the divorce papers?” You ask hopefully.
“Burn them for all I care.” You laugh at his eagerness before reaching your free hand and placing it on his cheek.
“I love you Mycroft.” He stands and closes the distance between your lips, placing a gentle and tender kiss upon them. He rests his forehead on yours, not yet ready to separate from you.
“I love you too. I was afraid I was too late, that I’d pushed you too far”, he admits to which you shake your head lightly against his.
“Why do you think I hadn’t signed the papers?” You say with a cheeky grin. You lean in to capture his lips once more before he shifts away.
“You have to rest”, his says with his hand on your shoulder, “I’ll be back when you wake up.” You watch his retreating form wondering how you got so lucky as to have one of the best minds on earth fall in love with you.
You laid your head on your pillow resolving it’s not worth wondering. His was in love with you, and it’s all you could have ever wanted.
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thebeethathums · 5 years
Observers - 26
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
Warnings: Insecurities and fears
A/N: Very long cab ride.
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You practically tore apart your closet trying to find something appropriate for the weather that also fit Sherlock’s demands and came up empty-handed. Resigning yourself to hoping he didn’t want you to run around outside for very long, you picked a sleek black pencil skirt that hit you mid-thigh and an off white button down with a v neck that showed a tasteful amount of cleavage. You paired the simple outfit with a set of patent heels in a bright teal, a matching teal scarf, and warm aubergine purple cardigan. Having no idea how much time you had before he decided it was time to go, you dumped your make-up on the counter in an effort to find the berry colored lipstick you wanted.  It wasn’t an easy feat as you hadn’t been kidding when you said you were a lipstick junkie, poking through over twenty different shades of lipstick and a handful of glosses before you found the one you had in mind. You kept your make-up classic with a dusting of gold eye shadow and winged black liner across your lids with full lashes, all balanced with the strong opaque berry toned lipstick. You were just finishing pulling your hair up into an appropriate style with some strands falling around your face to soften it, when there was a loud thunk and then a knock on your door. You smirked- you may not have learned the first time, but Van Gogh be damned if he was going to fling your door open a third time without knocking. You went to unlock the door, fighting the urge to giggle as you put a hand on your hip, “Problem, Sherlock?” 
He narrowed his eyes at you as he rubbed at his shoulder where it had hit the door, “It was locked.” 
A small laugh escaped your lips, “Obviously. That’s why you knock.” Your words fell on deaf ears as his attention turned from the troubling state of your door to your appearance, his eyes trailing over your form from the floor up. He felt like his heart stopped beating for a minute and his mind momentarily short-circuited before kicking back up at breakneck speed to take in every single detail of your outfit and your legs and your curves and your… unamused expression.
“If you're quite done molesting me with your eyes, Sherlock, I’d like to get whatever this theory is tested and over with.” He gave you his own unamused look before turning to walk out of the flat, “You look... presentable.” You rolled your eyes, having caught the smile that he’d been trying to hide as he turned, and took a moment to look him over as you followed him out the door. It was hard to tell if he was dressed differently than he usually was because of his ever-present trench coat and scarf. Once the two of you were bundled into a cab, sitting across from each other, you looked out the window and wondered what this was all about. Sherlock had been very pleasant to you today. You assumed it was because he knew about the nightmare and his role in it and while nice it was a little disconcerting. He’d succeed in reassuring you that he would never lay a hand on you in that way but there was still the troubling matter of your painting. There was also this niggling fear that your ex would somehow know you’d not only started up your work again but that you had a strange quasi-relationship with your brother’s flatmate. You thought about what would happen if he did manage to find you, the punishment you’d receive, not realizing you were holding your breath until your vision blurred and you sucked in a sharp gulp of air to compensate. You cursed yourself, knowing that Sherlock definitely noticed that, and prayed he wouldn’t push anything because you weren’t in the mood to indulge him in his deductions, especially when it came to this. You took a slow deep breath and went over color theory and cross-hatching techniques in your head to keep your thoughts from wandering dangerously into memories or imagined scenarios, hoping to reassure your subconscious that that part of your life was over now. Sherlock opted to look at you instead of out the window as you were. The last time he’d seen you in anything other than a jumper and jeans was when you’d gone out after the unfortunate mug incident. He was beginning to think an obsession with jumpers was something that ran in your family, as both you and John seemed to have an unending supply. This time he could take in your attire with a little more interest than the first time as he’d been in denial then. It was always fascinating to him that just a change of clothes and appropriate make-up could make most men see a woman in an entirely different light. Up till now, he couldn’t understand it; he still didn’t to an extent… it was so base. A change in appearance could hardly change if they were terribly dull or not, so the new attraction was purely physical. Considering this when he looked you over, he found that maybe when one was already content with another’s intelligence and personality the addition of enhanced physical attraction was much more enjoyable and at the very least interesting. His gaze seemed to have a mind of its own, finding your legs, lips, and chest more often than he was even aware of, and he couldn’t seem to stop chewing on the inside of his lower lip. Internally he was much the same, his heart seemed to vary in rates from dangerously slow to treacherously fast and his mind was conjuring up some very interesting images. This was by far his most complex experiment involving you and the results were already fascinating. 
He was so busy observing himself that he almost missed the pained expression flash across your face before you took an audible and fast breath of air. Almost. 
Looking you over, he came to the realization that you were very good at hiding your thoughts from him. Sure he could easily read you- what you had done during the day, how you were feeling, things like that- but what actually went through your mind was somewhat of a mystery to him. Normally he didn’t care, you gave him clues in your actions so he didn’t feel the need to know, but now you were sitting, unmoving, with your face showing only the slightest signs of being troubled and he was frustrated. Something had upset you, that much was obvious, but what. His mind started to race to find an answer, using clues from earlier that day to come to a tentative conclusion: you were thinking about your ex. He moved to sit next to you, causing you to turn from the window to look at him, “Yes, Sherlock?” “Tell me.” You sighed, “There’s nothing to tell.” “There is. Don’t lie.” You chewed at the edge of your lip and looked back out the window in an effort to ignore him that was quickly thwarted when he wove his fingers between yours, making you snap back around to look at him. He was unfazed and caught you in his intense gaze, locking your eyes with his so there was no chance of escape, “Tell me.” Your voice came out soft and unsure, “What if he finds me?” You tore yourself away from his intrusive stare, “I know it’s irrational- the odds of him finding me are low- but if he did… there are so many things he would punish me for.” Sherlock’s grip on your hand tightened, “John would never allow it.” 
He would never allow it. You didn’t respond, looking out the window again pensively, you knew he was right but in truth that was part of your fear, something could happen to John if it ever came to that. He could end up hurt or in jail because of you. It was a rather terrifying thought. Sherlock frowned at the back of your head, he wanted you to feel safe so you could go back to your normal habits instead of living by that man’s rules in anticipation of his return to your life. He even briefly wondered if Mycroft had any pull in France, maybe he would agree to put him in jail so you wouldn’t have to live with the uncertainty.
He was lost in his thoughts, coming up with and then dismissing various options, when you squeezed his hand and he turned to look at you in response. Surprisingly there was a smile on your face, “You’re cute when you fret.” “I'm not fretting.” he denied firmly. You just gave a knowing closed-lip smile and a small hum of amusement before looking out the window again as he scowled at you. How did you do that? How did you see these things? You weren’t supposed to know he was fretting, much less think it was cute. Sherlock Holmes, the world's only consulting detective, was anything but cute. Handsome, intelligent, arrogant, and cheeky- among other things- but certainly not cute. What did you think he was? Some sort of overgrown kitten? You giggled, drawing him from his thoughts again, and he realized he’d been making a face, which was no doubt the cause of said giggling. He opened his mouth to say something to put an end to your small bout of mirthful laughter but then thought better of it, it was far better than the worry you’d been wrapped up in just moments before even if it was at his expense.
TAGS <3:
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[2015] [2016] [2017] [2018] [2019] [2020] [2021]
Head Canons/Would Involves Tagging Master List
Tag for [Would Involves]; [Head Canons]
[In Chronological Order]
Dating Liam And Being Jackson’s Younger Sibling Would Involve
Being Sherlock’s Niece (Mycroft’s Daughter) And Meeting Moriarty Would Involve
Peter Maximoff Helping You With Your Depression/Anxiety Would Involve
Being Best Friends With Liam Dunbar, But Him Being Secretly In Love With You Would Involve
Dating Nightcrawler Would Involve
Dating Merry Would Involve
The Avengers Helping You With Your Anxiety And Depression Would Involve
Dating Weasel Would Involve
Being Remus’ Sister, Dating James And Sirius Having A Crush On You Would Involve
Dating Thorin Would Involve
Being An Avengers That Is Also A Mutant Would Involve
Being Gandalf’s Apprentice Would Involve
Dating The Twelfth Doctor Would Involve
Being Voldemort’s Daughter Would Involve
Coming Out As Genderqueer To The Avengers Would Involve
Being A Knight Of Camelot Would Involve
Dating Rick Flag Would Involve
Team Free Will Catching You Kissing Your S/O Would Involve
Being Best Friends With Zach But Him Having A Crush On You Would Involve
Marrying Jack Sparrow Would Involve
Dating Jojen Reed Would Involve
Being Severus Snape’s Child Would Involve
Dating Alpha!Aiden Would Involve
Being Part Of The Avengers And Dating Kurt Wagner Would Involve
Cuddling With Draco Would Involve [Part 2]
Draco Dating Ballerina!Reader Would Involve
Draco Dating Hufflepuff!Reader Would Involve
Being Best Friends With The Stranger Things Gang Would Involve [Pre Eleven + Post Eleven]
Team Free Will Finding Out You Are A Witch Would Involve
Slytherin!Reader Dating Seamus Finnigan Would Involve
The Ninth Doctor Trying To Show You That The World Is Not A Hopeless Place Would Involve
Gryffindor!Reader Being Cedric’s Little Sibling Would Involve
Hugging Newt Scamander Would Involve
Being Snape’s Child And Being A Member Of The Order [Of The Phoenix] Would Involve
Ravenclaw!Reader Dating Fred Weasley Would Involve
Ravenclaw!Reader Dating Harry Potter Would Involve
Being Sirius Black’s Fiance And Being Reunited With Him After He Escapes From Azkaban Would Involve
Female!Reader Dating Hermione Granger Would Involve
Being Harry’s Twin And Dating George Weasley Would Involve
Being Lily’s Twin And Dating Sirius Black Would Involve
Dating Theo And Being Part Of The Pack Would Involve
Being Newt’s Little Sister And Coming With Him To New York Would Involve
Slytherin!Reader Dating Newt Scamander Would Involve
Being Newt’s Sister Would Involve [includes younger sister, older sister and twin sister!reader]
Being Pregnant With Draco’s Baby Would Involve
~hiatus for exams~
Being Sherlock’s Sister But Being Smarter Than Him And Dating Moriarty Would Involve
Sherlock Being A New Dad Would Involve
Dating Nate Heywood Would Involve
Being Newt’s Hufflepuff Best Friend/Almost Lover Would Involve
Teen!Reader Joining The Avengers Would Involve
Being Best Friends With Sherlock Holmes Would Involve
Witch!Reader Falling In Love With Credence Barebone Would Involve
Dating George Weasley And Being Harry Potter’s Hufflepuff Twin Would Involve
~break bc school sucks~
Newt Scamander Showing You The Suitcase For The First Time Would Involve
Gryffindor X Hufflepuff Relationship Would Involve
Being Deaf In The Teen Wolf Pack Would Involve
Being A Muggle And Becoming Teddy Lupin’s Girlfriend Would Involve
Dating Oliver Wood Would Involve
Being Harry’s Twin And Remus’ Goddaughter When You Don’t Know You’re Harry’s Twin Would Involve
The Avengers Spending The Holidays With You Would Involve (+ What Gift They Would Give You)
The Avengers Spending The Holidays With You Would Involve [Part 2]
Gryffindor!Reader Dating Cedric Diggory Would Involve
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Requested by Anon: Sherlock x reader where she is pregnant with his baby & he loves her so dearly but one day she is seriously seriously injured in a case and it's kind of sherlock's fault indirectly and she loses the child tragically. Sherlock is v guilty and protective and sorry
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(gif not mine but writing is)
Walking into the living room you span around in your cream coloured dress and you felt beautiful. "Come here you." said Sherlock as he grabbed your hand, pulling you towards him to sit on his lap. He began to kiss you as he placed a hand on your tummy. Your bump wasn't showing yet but you had a first scan. There was a healthy baby that you hope would be as intelligent as its father. You gazed into Sherlock light eyes as you brushed his dark curls from his face. "What did I do to deserve something as perfect as you two." he sighed with happiness. "Saved thousands if not millions of lives by being a smart arse?" you answer playfully as you leave a light kiss on his nose. He smirked.
"Mycroft keeps texting me asking how I am. I think he is excited about becoming an uncle." you giggle as you look around. Your eyes stare at the vacant bedroom. "I was thinking of perhaps making John's old room into a nursery but only if you're OK with the idea. He's really settling into his new place with Mary." you say stepping off of his lap. Sherlock stared down the hallway at the now empty room, a grunt of contemplation left his lips. You understood that there was a lot of memories tied to the rooms in 221B Baker Street but at some point he will have to make changes so new memories can be made. One thing must be paramount, you must not rush him with his decisions.
Grabbing a glass of water from the kitchen you turn back to see Sherlock on his laptop. Walking up behind him you gaze over his shoulder at the computer screen. On the screen was a photograph of a man that was the latest big criminal that needed to be stopped. He had red curly hair and wore a long dark coat. It all started when he replicated some of Sherlock's early cases. It's like he wants to copy and get Sherlock's attention for some reason. Kind of like a fan boy gone wrong. "I wonder what he is going to do next. The dedication and details that he puts into his crimes really are fascinating." Sherlock said as his eyes sparkled with curiosity. Worriedly you put a hand on Sherlock's shoulder as you spoke. "You're leading him on too much Sherlock. Surely you can see that each murder is getting more elaborate with more victims." "I know. He's just so interesting." he sighs. "The guy is a maniac." you interject. "Besides how many days has it been since the last murder?" The criminal now had a clear murder pattern. "Five. Today could be my lucky day." replied Sherlock. Sometimes you worried about Sherlock. Murder and detective work can seem like a game to him. It's like he forgets that people's lives are at stake. "Please Sherlock. You know who he is just arrest him. Don't toy with him or let him toy with you any longer." you say with concern but your warning appeared to go on deaf ears.
Sherlock opened a new tab on his laptop and began frantically refreshing his 'Science of Deduction' website because that is how he has communicated with the suspect previously. "I'm just going to pop out to the shop, maybe buy something for lunch. The doctor says that exercise is good for the baby." you sigh walking past Sherlock. He suddenly turned around and grabbed your hand. He placed it against his lips, kissing it whilst his eyes stared into yours. "Don't be too long... This will be the last time I tease him. I promise." he said apologetically. "I'll be back soon you psychopath." you giggled at him as you began to walk down the stairs. "High functioning sociopath." Sherlock called back.
Sherlock had unknowingly been waiting for at least an hour. A 'ding' noise came from his laptop notifying him of a new message on his site which read. 'Why don't we finally meet? I have been waiting for so long to meet you. Shall we say the old factory?" Finally what Sherlock had been waiting for. As he went to grab his black jacket something struck him. It had been too easy. Before the criminal had laid out puzzles for him to solve but this time he arranges to meet face to face? Confused, he reaches for his mobile and dialled a familiar face, one of the few he could truly trust. "John? I know that you are probably busy but I need your assistance. It's the copycat killer. He's suggested a meet up but I don't think that all is as it seems."
"I'll be a while Mrs Hudson" Sherlock called as he hailed a cab. The taxi picked up John on the way. The pair discussed how John should remain hidden somewhere in the factory but be ready to strike if things get out of hand.
The factory was disheveled. The walls thick with dust and most of the windows were shattered or boarded up. As John looked for another entrance, Sherlock quietly walked in. He vaguely recalled that this factory was significant in one of his very first cases. Was it a body found here or a major clue that helped solve the case? Sherlock walks into a big room surrounded by small offices.
"I thought you would be coming so I brought you a gift or was it that you brought me a gift?" said a gravelly voice in the distance. Out stepped a red haired man wearing a purple shirt, black jacket, trousers and shoes. Exactly the same outfit as Sherlock had on. Sherlock's eyes widened as he could hear somebody quietly crying from the stranger's direction.
The man was clutching onto your arm, dragging you close to him. "Sherlock" you whimpered. Tears ran down your face and you trembled with fear. "Isn't she beautiful." said the criminal as he gently stroked your cheek. You could see Sherlocks fists clench in anger. Using the hand on your cheek he slowly moved your head to face him. Suddenly he slapped you across the face and Sherlock darted forward. "Ah Mr Holmes, you've now shown me your hand. Wouldn't want to do anything reckless now would we?" said the criminal and Sherlock froze.
"Just let her go. You have me now. I'm the one you want." said Sherlock who kept a steady sounding voice, though it was taking a lot of effort. "True" said the criminal as his eyes looked away from Sherlock and back to you. "To show there's no hard feelings, how about a hug beautiful?" He holds an arm out and wraps it behind you. One arm remained down by his side as the other pulled you forward, crushing your body into his. You let out a blood curdling scream as a huge sharp pain cuts into you. Smirking, he slowly removes a large knife from your stomach.
"No!" Sherlock shouts with more anger and anguish than you ever knew he had. As the criminal was distracted, John crept up behind him and tackled him to the ground. Witnessing what had just taken place, the doctor did not hold back with the punches. After knocking the criminal out he phoned the emergency services.
Your legs became weak and Sherlock leapt forward to catch you before your body hit the floor. Looking down you could see your dress being stained by a growing patch of red. "Keep your eyes fixed on me." Sherlock said as he took your hand in his. Tears rolled down his face.
"Sherlock... No matter what happens know this... I love you... You... Idiot." you whispered shakily. John was applying pressure to the wound and you cried out in pain. "John you're hurting her!" Sherlock shouted angrily. He knew that John knew what he was doing. He knew that John was a doctor. But seeing you in pain like this was too much for Sherlock to bare.
"Sherlock... He's trying to help." you whispered. Your eyes closing as you felt very sleepy. "(Y/N) stay with me. Please stay with me. You have to stay with me." Sherlock begged as he squeezed your hand, forcing your eyes open. Despite this you could not fight it any longer. Your eyes closed. The last sound you heard was Sherlock crying in despair.
Your eyes slowly open. You were laying in a white hospital bed. Looking down you see Sherlock clutching your hand in his own, his head on the bed. The duvet felt damp where his face was on top of it. "Hey you." you manage to say even though your voice was quiet. Sherlock looked up. His eyes were red and watery from crying. "(Y/N)!" Sherlock exclaimed whilst he tenderly kissed your hand. A smile crept onto your face. You looked around the room. There was a smashed vase and a set of drawers that had been ripped apart. The curtains in the room had also been partially pulled down. Then it dawned on you. A sinking feeling began to wash over you.
You tried to sit up whilst you whimpered in pain. "Don't move too much. You've lost a lot of blood." Sherlock said as he carefully helped you to sit up. Your eyes filled with tears as you stared into his. "And we both know that I have also lost something far more precious." you said crying. Sherlock slowly nodded his head as he began to cry. He moved up towards you and kissed your forehead before hugging you. You pressed you face into his chest, muffling your sobs.
One week later
221B was full of colour as bunches of flowers of sympathy from friends and family filled the room. The biggest bouquet by far was from Mycroft. You sat in John's chair reading a book as Sherlock read the newspaper, but he was really staring at you. You sighed placing the book down and rubbing your stomach. It was still sore. "I'm just going to pop out to the shop, maybe buy something for lunch. The doctor says that exercise is good for my recovery." you say wincing slightly as you stood up. "Great idea, I'll tag along. Fancy chips?" Sherlock added as he grabbed his jacket. "Sherlock. I'm only going to shop on the corner. I can go by myself." you smile. "No." he growled. "You're not safe out there any more. Last time you went out. You... We lost our..." his voice was breaking. "It was my fault I should have listened to you. I should have quit while I was ahead."
You walked up and hugged him."The only person at fault was that maniac. Think about it. Going out by myself isn't all bad. We would have never met if I didn't bend the rules and go out on my own." you smile as Sherlock's mouth also curled up into a smile. You reached forward and grabbed Sherlock's hand. Despite there still being pain in his eyes, the smile stayed on his face. "Chips?" he asked as you both walked down the stairs and out of 221B. "It's a date. You psychopath." you reply, staring into his eyes. "High functioning sociopath." he protests before gently pressing his lips on yours.
317 notes · View notes
lazydoodlesandfanfic · 2 months
Testing His Deductions (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
High Pitched (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
Saturn (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
Why Not? (Sherlock X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Fell In Love (Sherlock X Fem!Reader) Pt1 Pt2
I'm Looking Right At Him (Sherlock X Fem!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
My Own Personal Hero (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
Deaf (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
John's Little Sister (Sherlock X Fem!Reader)
We're Married (Sherlock X Wife!Reader)
Arms (Sherlock X Reader)
Low Risk (Sherlock X Teen!Reader)
Old Actions (Sherlock X Teen!Reader)
Bad Day (Sherlock X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Who's Getting Together (Greaser!Sherlock X Fem!Greaser!Reader)
Deducing A Deducer (Sherlock X Teen!Reader)
Past Resemblance (Sherlock X Teen!Reader) *TW
Uncle Locky (Sherlock X Niece!Reader)
Not Feeling Loved (Sherlock X Daughter!Reader)
Binder (Sherlock X Trans!Son!Reader)
Favourite Big Brother! (Sherlock X Baby!Brother!Reader)
A Friend In Need (Mycroft X Fem!Reader) *TW
Dirty Little Secret (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Baby Sitter (Teen!Mycroft X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Falling In Love (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
You Love Me? (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
A Little Us (Mycroft X Wife!Reader)
Long Lasting Crush (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Upstairs Neighbour (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
He Seems Nice (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Monsieur (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
You'll Be Alright (Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Secret Relationship (Mycroft X Moriarty!Fem!Reader)
Baby Holmes (Mycroft X Pregnant!Reader)
Personal Case (Mycroft X Reader)
I'll Be Your First (Mycroft X Reader)
Mycroft? (Mycroft X Reader)
Your First Time With Mycroft Holmes Would Include...
A Need For Attention (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader) Pt 1/ Pt 2
Honesty And Truth (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Walk Away (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Tattooed Skin (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Still Proud (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Tea Party (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Affection (Mycroft X Daughter!Reader)
Babysitting (Child Mycroft X Baby!Reader)
Mental Scars (John X Fem!Reader)
Keep Her Safe (James Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Unknowing Pawn (Moriarty X Holmes!Reader)
Based On Lies (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Expensive Flowers (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
The Normal One (Moriarty X Holmes!Reader)
Sebby's Sister (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Excuse Me? (Moriarty X Fem!Reader)
Read You Like A Book (Moriarty X Reader)
Seven Nation Army (Mycroft X Reader)
View (Moriarty X Teen!Reader)
Moriarty Helping His Sister Through An Abusive Relationship Would -Include...
Moriarty Dating A Hobby Artist With Anger Issues Would Include...
Wanting Normalcy (Moriarty X Teen!Fem!Reader)
You Made Her Cry (John Watson X Sister Reader, Mycroft X Fem!Reader)
Her Revenge (Sherlock X Fem!Reader X Moriarty)
The Dress (Sherlock X Sister!Reader X Mycroft)
Like Her (Sherlock & Mycroft X Sister!Reader)
Newbie (Sherlock, John & Lestrade X Fem!Reader)
Fitting In With The Weirdos (Sherlock, Mycroft & John X Fem!Reader)
Drama Queens (Sherlock X Reader X Mycroft)
Not Part Of The Plan (Moriarty X Holmes!Sister!Reader X Moran)
Comparisons (Mycroft X Fem!Reader X Sherlock)
Overprotective (Molly X Sister!Reader)
Happy Anniversary (Molly X Fem!Reader)
Spotting The Odd (Eurus Holmes X Teen!Fem!Reader)
Bonding Time (Eurus Holmes X Reader)
The Flirting Game (Lestrade X Fem!Reader)
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7soulstars · 3 years
Hello ☁️ Can I request a Sherlock x deaf reader who is very shy and self concious? you're an amazing writer!
 Omg thank you for requesting darling! I had a lot of fun researching this but it was quite a challenge ! I wasn’t sure if you wanted a fic or an hc so I decided to do a hc ! I hope you like this !
Sherlock with a Deaf S/O
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- Now it is not new to everyone that Sherlock doesn’t do feelings.
- He knew sign language, he had learnt it for a case years before meeting you.
- You kind of saved him from getting strangled by a murderer by knocking him out with a fire extinguisher the first time you two met at a library where he followed the murderous man.
- Why were you there ? Well it is a good place for an introvert to hang out. You were studying a bit of something related to your profession when that happened.
- John, Greg and his divsion had followed in a few mintues later .
- “Sherlock!” *looks at you who is staring down out the fainted body in absolute terror* “Thank you for helping him !”
- But you didn’t hear him, you chose not to wear your hearing aid that day either.
- “She’s deaf Gavin stop embarrasing yourself ! Really are you that stupid? ”
- You never thought you would see him after that but fate had it’s own gameplay.
- Next time you met him and John was when he scared off a creepy man following you.
- “Just a payback for last time”, he had signed looking at any direction but yours.
- You just stood their silently. You were too shy to talk so you decided you should take your leave from the undoubtedly handsome detective with a squeaky little goodbye.
- But he stopped you by saying that he needed help with a case related to your profession.
- He lied.
- He spent the entire night bothering Greg and Mycroft to find him a case involving you profession.
- Soon enough every single person who Sherlock was always around had to learn sign language even though you assured Sherlock you knew how to lip read.
- Sherlock speaks too fast so he always has to sign for you.
- You feel bad because you think it’s bothersome but your boyfriend doesn’t think so.
- “It’s quite entertaining keeps me alert and on my toes”
- Explains how he solved a case to you in rapid sign language because we all know that little shit will be all smug about it.
- Unspoken habit of not shooting while you’re at 221B because the vibrations startle you a lot.
- You are highly insecure and he read that out the moment he saw you but he doesn’t know the cause.
- So he asks. ( And has John by his side to whack some sense into him incase he blurts something rude)
- By the time you had finishing the duo had the biggest frowns on their faces
- The fact that you were rejected by regular schools for being disabled and were not accepted at a school for people like you for not fitting into the stereotype pissed Sherlock off.
- The fact that you underestimated yourself annoyed him even more.
- You are highly intelligent and Sherlock knew that very well, but your self conciousness always came in the way.
- He starts giving you little affirmations all the time.😭
- You often refuse to wear your hearing aids because they’re a bit uncomfortable but Sherlock insists you to wear them whenever he drags you out on a case.
- “Not everyonee is as smart as us darling”
- He doesn’t smoke anymore. Whenever he has a bad day he just gets home and stares at you.
- *stares* 
- ”Need a hug ?”
- *wordlessly falls into your lap as you skim through his curls*
- Once did the same when you had a REALLY bad day and when you were extremely insecure.
- “You do this for me all the time you look like you need one today...”
- You cried in his arms and he said nothing. Just held you tighter because that’s what you needed the most.🥺
- IRENE WHO ? He figured out you felt like she was better for him than you and the man blocked the woman’s number and told her to not contact him again in the most polite way possible
- You’re the only one who can handle his childish tantrums when even John can’t.
- “You are MY GIRLFRIEND don’t side them !”
- “It was an ExPeRiMeNt Y/N !”
- You being the only one who is allowed to stay in the room while he is in his mind palace.😤
- “Anderson get lost, Y/N where are you going? Stay here”
- “Sherlock really loves you darling I just know it !”
- ”MUMMY !”
-”You better marry her”
- He makes you feel like the most important person in the room in the most subtle ways.
- Even his rivals know that you are a line they willl never dare cross because nobody touches Sherlock Holmes’ girlfriend or they will pay in unimaginable terms.
- Even though he would never dare to tell you, William Sherlock Scott Holmes was awfully and dreadfully in love with the local shy and deaf girl and the entire world knows of this.
Part 2
*Stops typing and wallows in self embarrassment because I think it's not perfect enough for my perfect readers*
Sherlock: it may be shitty but you tried
Me*nodding*: I tried😔
Moriarty: well, all you can do is pray that they like it.....
But in all seriousness I FINALLY finished this piece after battling with my writer's block. I know this is not at all accurate and that brings me to an important point. I research a lot for this hc but I was disappointed that there was rarely any information on deafness and experiences of people with disabilities and problems faced by them. What does that mean?
Again I really really really tried my best and I really hope you all like it. In case of any mistakes I've made or if I have written anything offensive or triggering please tell me in the comments so that I can make immediate corrections. Please like and reblog my work if you like it to support me. Comments and constructive criticism is always appreciated. Please do not plagarize my work I really work hard on it! I have 4 fics to be completed but I promise to finish it soon. Thank you guys for being patient. 
~Love Hri! 😘
394 notes · View notes
thebeethathums · 5 years
Observers - 65
Pairing: Sherlock Holmes x Reader
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You sniffled quietly and buried your face in your hands to weep, not caring in the slightest that it hurt to do so. You were so unbelievably conflicted. You didn’t want to be alone, it terrified you at the moment, but at the same time you didn’t want anyone around- you were so upset that you just wanted to scream at the universe. No one needed to be around that… especially since you couldn’t read their faces. There was a light rhythmic knock on the door, startling you, and a male voice with a light Irish accent cheerfully called, “Hello, darling. I just need to check your charts… are you alright?” “I’m blind. Does that seem alright to you?” you snapped and then quickly followed up in an apologetic tone, “Sorry… that was rude. Can you- could you just come back later? I really just need to be alone for a bit.” The voice hummed, “I understand, love,” and then turned a little dark and slightly emphatic, “I won’t bother you again for a while. Rest up.” You tilted your head a little confusedly, your hearing was good and you had good tonal memory but you just couldn’t grasp people’s feelings or intentions from their voice like you could when you looked at them. You heard him shuffle away and mumbled, “thank you,” before pulling your legs up to your chest. It was a painful move and had any of your health care team or John seen you they would have protested and scolded but you were beyond thinking about that, weakly wrapping your arms around your knees to cry into them.
After you kicked him out, John didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want to leave the hospital but he obviously couldn’t go back in with you until you had some time to think. He just wandered aimlessly for a bit and then let out a frustrated growl and headed to the morgue. Molly was surprised to see him, getting a hopeful look in her eyes, “She’s awake?”
"Yeah," John nodded, sinking down in her rotating desk chair with a heavily weighted sigh as Molly excitedly exclaimed, “You hear that, Sherlock? She’s awake.” “Of course I heard, Molly. I’m not deaf,” Sherlock stated flatly from the microscope and John furrowed his brows as he noticed the man’s presence, “How long have you been here? You could have visited.” He gave no answer and Molly offered, “He’s been in since yesterday afternoon,” before giving John a small frown, “If she’s awake… why are you here? Shouldn’t you be with her?” John got up to pace, dragging his hands through his hair frustratedly, “She kicked me out… said she needed to be alone.” “Why?” Molly wondered and John stopped, standing quietly for a moment as he wondered how to explain before simply stating, “She can‘t see.” That caught Sherlock’s attention and his head snapped up, “What?” John sank down in the chair again as both Molly and Sherlock looked at him expectantly, “The blow to her head bruised her occipital lobe rendering her temporarily blind…. She’s not taking it well. She practically screeched that I leave as she cried.” He slumped over to hold his head in his hands, “What am I supposed to do? Everything I would normally do to cheer her up involves seeing and she’s too beat up for me to even hug her. I just feel so- so…” he paused and then sighed, “helpless.” Molly came to rub John’s back, “I’m sure you’ll think of something, John. She just needs time.” Sherlock abruptly got up and strode out, leaving John and Molly to look after him in confusion. He simply couldn’t bear it anymore, his heart voice had won the argument now that he was thinking about how completely devastated you must be over the loss of your vision. He knew it must be bad if you’d pushed away John, you’d never push away John for any other reason. You needed him and he was going to go to you but only after he made one stop. There were a few things he needed first. Over the sound of your crying, you heard some faint footsteps entering the door to your room and you quickly snapped, “Bloody hell! Can’t you people just leave me alone.” The footsteps stopped as Sherlock took in your battered form, he hadn’t actually seen you since that day in front of the flat and his heart ached in a terrible fashion when he saw just how bad it really was. There wasn’t an inch of your skin left unharmed and your arm was heavily bandaged. He wished he’d killed that man. He would have had Lestrade not pulled him off. He watched you tilt your head, listening to see if whoever it was had left, and then growl, “I can hear you breathing you know.” He stepped over to you, setting the things in his hands down on the chair John had been in, “I’m positive you shouldn’t be sitting like that, love.” Your head snapped up in the direction of his voice and his heart twisted painfully in his chest as you blinked at him absently, “Sherlock?” The tears sprang back to your eyes with renewed fervor, as you tumbled, “Please don’t be cross with me I’m sorry I went to Mycroft over you, I didn’t want anything to happen to you or John. I wasn’t observant enough and I dragged you both into this whole mess. I shouldn’t have let my fear get-” “Shut up,” he snapped, “Can’t you see I’m not cross in the slightest. Stop apologizing.” “I can’t see anything,” you sobbed into your knees as he realized his mistake and sank down the bed next to you, unsure of what to do since he couldn’t exactly hold you, “I didn’t mean… (F/n). Don’t cry. I just- stop that. I’m not mad, just- just- stop crying.” To his surprise you gave a soft laugh through the tears, “You’re fretting. It’s cute.” Must be the meds, he thought as he smiled softly, reaching to cup your face, “I am not and it is not.” You leaned into his touch, bringing your hand up to place over his, before he pulled away to help you stretch out your legs again, “Don’t sit like that until your ribs have healed.” You nodded and leaned your head back into the pillow, wiping your nose with the back of your hand as you whispered, “I feel so empty.” “Statistically, your vision should return fairly quickly. I know it must be difficult but try to keep that in mind,” he stated, bending to pick up one of the things he’d brought. “What if it doesn’t?” you whispered and he simply hummed, “It will.” You could feel him shifting, hesitating, and reached out to find him, glad when your fingers hit shirtsleeve instead of air, “What’s wrong? I can feel you fidgeting you know.” “Would you be willing to help me test a theory?” he murmured as you fingered his sleeve and you nodded, “You know I almost always am. Do I get to know the theory we’re testing this time?” “No. Now close your eyes and just listen.” You did as he asked, settling back into your pillow, but kept your fingers on his sleeve as he cracked open the book and his voice filled the room with the first lines of La Belle et la Bête, the French dripping off his tongue. You smiled a genuine smile, something he was very glad to see, and drifted off to sleep listening to the deep melodious sound of his voice reading the classic tale.
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gingers-writing · 6 years
Master List
Fan Fictions
* = Smut
^ = fluffy
Requesting Rules + Prompts
Valentine’s Special’s
Lucifer Morningstar (Fem!reader) ^
Bruce Banner (Fem!reader) (* near the end)
Hansel Grimm (Fem!reader) 
Star Wars 
- Kylo Ren
Jealous Kylo Ren, *
- Poe Dameron
You’re a goddess, *
Internal Ships
Bruce X Tony (Science Bros), little NSFW *
Ghosts in the Tower (No shipping),
- Avengers 
Daughter of Gaia, Pt2,
- Series
Bruce Banner,
The first Period with…
The first baby with...
Clint Barton,
Thor Odinson,
Loki Odinson,
Tony Stark,
Steve Rogers,
Bucky Barnes,
Natasha Romanoff,
Phil Coulson,
Bruce Banner,
- Bruce Banner
Bruce x Male!reader,
Pregnant!ill!Reader X Bruce,
- Loki X Reader
Stealing my clothes (fem!Loki x fem!reader) 
Servant (male reader), P1, P2, P3
Pregnant!Reader X Loki,
Thor x Loki x Male!Reader,
Sharing a bed with Loki,
Sex with Loki, *
Sharing a bed with Loki (Narrative)
Physical Therapy,
Little Loki, ^
- Thor X Reader
Thor X Loki X Male!Reader,
Sharing a bed with Thor, ^
Sex with Thor,*
NSFW alphabet (male reader) *
- Tony X Reader
Depressed!Reader x Tony,
Imagine dating Tony Stark (Male reader)
NSFW alphabet
When Dad Found Out (Stark!daughter x Peter Parker)*
- Steve X Reader
Miracle, *^
Sex with Steve, (male reader) *
Boyfriend Steve Headcanon, (male reader) ^
Flower Talk,
- Bucky X Reader
Doll *
21st Century Club, * 
Dating Bucky headcanon (male reader),
Shower Duet, *
- Clint Barton X Reader
NSFW Alphabet, * 
- Natasha Romanoff X Reader
- Eggsy Unwin
3 Years together, *
BBC Sherlock
- Johnlock
PDA in the alley,
- Sherlock
Depressed Reader,
Miss Adler, P1,
- Mycroft
Secret Relationship,
Deaf Reader,
First night sleeping together, ^
Making Mycroft Holmes happy, (pregnant!reader) ^
How you ended up dating Mycroft Holmes, ^
Harry Potter Universe
- Harry Potter
- Ron Weaselly
- Hermione Granger
- Draco Malfoy
NSFW Alphabet, *
Shameless, *
Genderneutral Sex, *
Draco or Harry, ^
Sad Horny Wolf, *
- McHanzo
Young *
573 notes · View notes
Drama Queens (Sherlock X Reader X Mycroft) *PLATONIC
Characters: Sherlock X Reader X Mycroft
Universe: Sherlock
Warnings: None
Request: Being both Sherlocks and Mycrofts best friend and always helping them sort their problems out but one day while both are being overly dramatic the reader has enough of it and tells them, that they aren't the only ones with problems and that they never even considered that their friend could need some reasurance too. Perhaps as a fluffy imagine? :)
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You’d been best friends with the Holmes brothers since you met in primary school. You were a year younger than Mycroft, but managed to get in his class. You had been sat next to each other and you surprisingly got along well. Not long after that, he had invited you to his house for tea, and that’s how you met Sherlock.  Sherlock took a lot longer to get to like you, but he eventually warmed up to you, and he often searched for your attention.
But that was years ago now. You were all grown up, though you managed to remain close friends with Sherlock and Mycroft, despite rarely seeing them due to work. Mycroft would often invite you to tea on your days off to catch up, and Sherlock would call you at random or show up at your house to check on you or ask for help with something, or to invite you over on a later date.
Despite the fact that you were all grown up, mature and with serious jobs, there was always something childish about the pair that you seemed to pick up on.
They were absolute drama queens.
Every time that you saw either brother, the conversation would quickly change to them ranting about the other and about how awful they are. After a while it grew old and you only nodded along, offered advice you knew they wouldn’t listen to and leave when they’ve calmed down and wait for the next time. Half the time it felt like you were their therapist, more than their childhood friend, and you could barely get a word in these days. You felt that they barely knew you- there was so much pent up that you need to let out, but no one would give you the time of day to listen.
It was understandable you’d reach a breaking point, and unfortunately, that was today. It was a rare occurrence for all three of you to be in a room together, but their hate for each other (and refusing to take your advice to discuss this earlier had fallen on deaf ears) had caused them to start an argument. Where? At your house. You felt like the referee as they spat insults at each other, while you watched, unamused and generally annoyed. As they bickered you could feel the anger and annoyance growing and morphing with their increasing volume until finally- “Will you both shut up!?” You snapped.
There was a stunned silence, both brothers looking at you in shock. You were dripping with annoyance and it started Mycroft and Sherlock, who had never seen you like this before.
“No, you’re going to listen to me, now.” You interrupted Mycroft, and he flinched at the voice, but let you talk. “I’m sick and tired of hearing you both whine and complain about each other and everything that doesn’t go your way- and when I try to help, you dismiss me like it’s the stupidest idea in the world! The only time I see you both these days is when you have a minor problem that you blow out of proportion!” You yelled. By this point, both men resembled boys being scolded by their mother, and that anger was quickly disintegrating into a mix of different emotions. “You make me feel like your problems are the only ones that matter and I feel like my own problems aren’t important enough to matter. To be listened to.” Your voice had lowered, but they heard you all too well, and that guilt they felt just filled their stomach and made them feel sick, finally realising their actions.
Looking at you, they saw how worn down you had become by their actions over the years, and how you were so close to breaking- to breaking them off from your life just to actually function… and that thought of you not being there- losing you- terrified them. They only had to glance at each other to know they were thinking the same thing. It was their turn to be the therapist.
Hope you like it! If you have any questions, please send them in! 
*Not my gifs
TAGS:   @courtneychicken  @graysonmalfoy @bellero @ariennisimpressed @captain-peanut-at-your-service @imbuckypositive
429 notes · View notes
Favourite Big Brother! (Sherlock X Baby Brother!Reader)
Characters: Sherlock X Baby Brother! Reader
Universe: Sherlock
Warnings: Bit of blood, upset toddles
Request: Do you mind if I Request a SherlockxBabyBrotherMaleReader? The MR is 2-3 years old, really shy, almost deaf (he needs hearing-aids) and he cant walk properly on his own (like he have to be carried). Mycroft left the MR is Sherlocks care for the weekend (John helps him too) but Sherlock kind of upsets him and he cries non-stop and nothing works at some point he injured himself and then fluff! If not possible please tell! Im sorry for bothering you with it! Wish you nice weekend!
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Mycroft and Sherlock had a little brother. A VERY little brother, called Y/N. You were a surprise on the Holmes family, but loved all the same. You were 2 and still mastering walking, but you didn’t mind being carried. Also you’re two older brothers were very protective of you since you were so little and you also had trouble hearing. You got checked up at the hospital and they found out you had lost most of your hearing, but since you were so young, you needed special made hearing aids, and since yours were broken you were waiting for your new ones to arrive.
Your parents had left you in the care of your eldest brother Mycroft for a few weeks while they went on a cruise. Unfortunately he had to leave the country for the weekend, so he had no choice but to leave you with Sherlock.
Sherlock and John were bickering when Mrs Hudson opened the door. “Sherlock, Mycroft is here to see you.” Mrs Hudson informed him.
“Tell him to bugger off!” Sherlock told her.
“Don’t worry, I’m not staying, just dropping off Y/N.” Mycroft came into the room with you on his hip. Mrs Hudson smiled and played with your cheek. Sherlock knew their mother rarely trusted him with you, so it must be urgent. “As you know Sherlock, mom and dad are on a cruise, and I have a business trip this weekend, and I have no one to watch Y/N, so… Care to take care of our little brother for a weekend?” He asked.
Sherlock wanted to say no, but then you turned and saw your other big brother who you hadn’t seen in a long time and squealed, reaching out for him, leaving Sherlock no choice but to take you from Mycroft.
“Wait, since when did you have another brother?” John asked.
“Two and a half years ago.” Sherlock answered simply.
“Well I’ll be off. Good day Mrs Hudson. John. Sherlock. Bye Y/N!” Mycroft did a little sign language which you were still learning, and you did the simple sign for bye. Mrs Hudson went downstairs and Mycroft left, leaving Sherlock and John with the infant. Sherlock sat on his seat with you on his lap, John opposite him.
Soon you got a bit fussy and whined at your brother and pretended to put something in your mouth. He stood up and put you on Johns lap and went to ask Mrs Hudson for food. You turned to John and smiled. “Hey Y/N! How are you?” He asked, only to get a moan from you. Seeing as you couldn’t make out words, you were tone death, and instead of first words, it was first sign. He tried to get you to say words, but only got confused looks, moans and little hand movements which he couldn’t read as sign language.
Sherlock came back with a plate of food and offered it to you, and you took some of the food off it and put it in your mouth. He put the plate on the table and you carefully slid off John’s lap and toddled over to the table and held on to get more food before sitting down on the floor.
After eating you got tired and went to your brother who picked you up and you quickly fell asleep on his lap while he worked. “Should we put him to bed?” John asked.
“No he’s a fussy sleeper he’ll only sleep while hugging either someone or his elephant, which my idiotic brother didn’t bring. He thrives off physical touch and smell.” He pointed out.
John went to bed and got up early the next morning to see Sherlock asleep in his seat with you still on his lap. He decided to save the wait and went to get you both breakfast. He came back and the smell of food was evident for you since losing a sense strengthened your others and you woke up quick, and Sherlock woke up when he felt you move. He put you down so you could eat on the floor, and he ate his food as well.
John opted taking you out to get some fresh air and Sherlock disagreed till he mentioned that Mrs Hudson would be up soon to fuss you, in which he quickly got you in your coat and took off. They took you to the nearby park, and that’s when John saw Sherlock act in a way he’s never seen him act before. He was watching you closely to make sure you don’t get hurt and if you couldn’t get on something, he’d rush over and pick you up before going back to observing from the corner.
“You know Sherlock… you make a pretty good big brother.” John complimented.
“It’s rare I spent time with him, so I choose to spend it wisely.” He dismissed.
“I understand that Sherlock, it’s just that… Y/N seems to be the only thing you and Mycroft and agree about. You seem awfully protective of him.” John pointed out, and Sherlock looked at John.
“John you’re a doctor. Looking at Y/N in the past 24 hours, have you noticed anything strange? How he reacts to certain things?” Sherlock asked. John looked up in deep thought.
“Well when he was on my lap, he didn’t seem to be able to talk, and he smelled food before you.” John thought. “So lacked skills in speech and enhanced smell, and you said he thrives off touch… that’s similar to what you see in… Sherlock is Y/N deaf?” John asked looking back up at the detective.
“Nearly. He has very limited hearing, even when talking from up close, your voice would appeared muffled to him. He usually has hearing aids but he’s outgrown his so we’re waiting on new ones. He can do simple sign language instead of speaking. When you live in London with taxis, buses and stupid drivers, you rely on hearing, so being unable to put’s Y/N. I’m his ears while he’s in my care so I have to monitor him at all times, and since we need hearing to balance, it makes walking a challenge, which is why he’s a late bloomer.” Sherlock explained. While explaining, he had took his eyes off you, only to hear you start crying. His head shot around and saw you walking as fast as possible over to your big brother, starting to tumble. Sherlock raced forward and caught you before you fell, and scooped you up. You showed your big brother your arm which was scraped up and bleeding. He looked around for a culprit, only to find a moving Ferris wheel. Now deeming a children’s play area a safety hazard, Sherlock announced you were going home. You didn’t let go of your brother the entire way, your cries turning into little hiccups and whimpers.
Getting to the apartment you sat on Sherlock’s lap while John patched up your arm and bandaged it up. John went to get some tea and when he came back, you were asleep again with Sherlock holding you close and deep in thought. “When is Mycroft coming for him?” John brought up.
“Probably in the next two hours.” Sherlock said, only glimpsing at the clock.
“You don’t look thrilled.” John pointed out. There was silence for a second. “Why don’t you ask if you can have him on weekends?” John asked.
“He won’t trust me since I let him get hurt…” Sherlock said, a frown evident on his face.
“I’m sure he’ll understand it was an accident.” John tried to reassure. Soon Mrs Hudson let herself in.
“Boys, Mycroft is here.” She informed them. He came in the room and frowned when he saw the bandage around his little brother’s arm.
“What happened?” He asked.
“It was an accident. We took Y/N to the park and he scraped his arm.” John defended. Mycroft sighed.
“Give him to me, Sherlock. I’ll take him to the manor.” Mycroft demanded. Sherlock hesitated, looking down at his little brother. He was scared that he might never spend any time with him again. You were the only Holmes who didn’t annoy the living daylights out of him. He hesitantly stood up and you started to stir, especially when you felt yourself being took away from your brother. You opened your eyes and saw your oldest brother, but you turned and saw your other brother, your favourite brother. You didn’t want to leave and reached out for him. When he didn’t come to collect you, you started crying. Something snapped in Sherlock. He hated seeing you upset and snatched you off Mycroft and cradled you, and you were quick to shush. Everyone was shocked, especially Mycroft. “…I’ll go get his elephant, I’ll be back soon. I’ll tell mum and dad he didn’t want to go.” Mycroft excused himself. John and Mrs Hudson couldn’t help but smile at how cute and protective Sherlock was over you. Let’s hope Moriarty doesn’t find out about Sherlock’s biggest weakness.
Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed it! If you have any questions or requests, please send them in! I literally got emotional writing this!
*Not my gif
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