#my mom got rid of the dogs without telling me
tonystarkstan · 1 year
there was no preparing me for how lonely post-grad life would be lmfao
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AITA for being "negative" about a bunny and refusing to apologize? I don't think I can really shorten this, so I'm sorry for the lack of a TL;DR :/ It's pretty long!! TW for animal death(and potentially animal abuse?)
My mom(42 F) has a habit of randomly bringing pets home. For context, she's a single mother with four kids, with me(17) being the oldest, alongside my sister("E",13) and my two brothers(7 and 4, not relevant to the story). My sister and I share a room and my brothers share one too. My mom works a job that involves sleeping at work and doesn't think it's worth it for us to rent a three bedroom, so she sleeps on the couch on her nights off.
The first time was mid-2020 when she brought home a feral kitten my grandpa found underneath his house. What was supposed to be a family pet quickly turned into a pet that was kept only to E's and my room. He had some sort of sinus issue where he snotted everywhere all the time, so snot was constantly needing to be cleaned and being found randomly on our things. The cat was eventually rehomed after a year because it scratched my sister really badly to the point that my mom was concerned she would need stitches(she didn't. the cat didn't like being pet / touched and my sister wouldn't respect its boundries).
The second time was another cat(2021) that followed my mom from her cat to her place of work. This was when I started getting frustrated with my mom randomly bringing home animals, since the same set up that happened last time happened again- except this time, the cat got old enough to spray, and my mom kept forgetting to get him fixed so our room just smelled fucking awful. This cat was also rehomed when I broke down after realizing it has sprayed all over my books. I told my mom he either needed to be fixed or she needed to get rid of him. He was gone the next week.
Then last year it happened again- except this time, with a puppy(2022). My aunt was looking to get a new dog and sent some puppy photos to my mom, which she cooed over and showed me. She told me she was considering bringing one home, which I instantly told her was a bad idea and went over all the cons. Mom seemed to agree. Then guess what happened to be an early Christmas gift.... -_-
My sister and I took charge on the dog. We got our brothers to agree on a name for him(anyone with younger siblings knows this is a BIG deal lmao), started attempting to crate train him(basically making sure he's okay with eventually being left alone without crying the whole time), and we were the only ones trying to potty train him. Our mom didn't stick to any of this(including choosing a new name??) and the dog still isn't potty trained, and I'm the only one other than my mom that doesn't refuse to clean up after him. The dog doesn't stay in our room like the other animals, but it took months for my sister and I to convince our mom to get a hook lock for our door so the dog wouldn't keep coming in and peeing. The dog didn't end up getting rehomed, but now regularly stays at our aunt's house way more than ours.
It's worth noting at this point that all of these pets were "family pets" according to mom, and she would get upset when me and E pointed out we were really the only one taking care of them. The dog evened out after a while and now it's mostly my mom and I doing the work when he's here, but the cats are still a point of tension for us.
And now. For the fucking bunny!! Jesus christ I'm sorry there's so much backstory to this!!
A week ago my sister comes into our room and wakes me up to tell me mom brought home a baby bunny. It was scary small(3.5 inches long not stretching, 2 weeks old), and wasn't moving much but was clearly alive. My mom said it ran into my Nana's yard after the dog next door scared it off, and it's pretty safe to assume the nest is destroyed. But instead of bringing the rabbit to a wildlife rehab or something, my mom brought it home and told my sister she could keep it. They then put it in a box with some grass and water and did no further research.
I was pretty livid, because 1. This is a WILD rabbit. That's a crime in my state, 2. I think it was insanely irresponsible for my mom to drop this on us, 3. This is not a pet and it's very likely it'll die in our care just from us not being experienced, and 4. On a very basic and selfish level, I didn't want to take care of this animal and I didn't want it in our room(which it had to be). But E has been asking for a bunny for years, so for once she wasn't on my side about a new pet being dropped on us. So I was pretty outnumbered.
I kept pushing for my mom to contact a professional at the very least to ask about its diet(it's very easy to kill baby bunnies by feeding them the wrong thing), and kept trying to get my sister to stop holding / petting it since rabbits can die of stress. My mom listened after a day and my sister never did. Tbh I also thought if my mom contacted a professional the pro would tell her to absolutely not keep the bunny? But it was never brought up in their convo, so I think my mom might have lied about it or something, idk.
I continued being "negetive" about the rabbit and my sister kicked me out of our room for it. I refused to care for it too, even though my mom kept insisting it was a "family" pet(without me it was just her and E taking care of it, and since it stayed in our room my brothers never really got to see it). To be honest I really didn't feel like I had a lot of options, and I thought if I didn't help then maybe they would get overwhelmed or something and decide to give it to a professional. But I still kept trying to give pet care advice, because I didn't want any harm to come to the bunny(for example, my sister likes our room to never have to ac on, but i made sure she was keeping it cool enough for the bunny).
Well... After four days, the bunny died. E was pretty heartbroken, obviously, and my mom was sad, but to be honest I'm just sort of bitter. I'm upset a rabbit died just because my mom wouldn't listen. For more context, I also thought bringing in the bunny was a bad idea because my sister recently lost her dad, and I knew if it didn't end well this would just add more grief to her life. I 100% don't think she's TA in this situation, even if she has frustrated me.
I'm still pretty pissed at my mom for all of this, so yesterday when she sat me down and told me I should apologize to E for how I behaved, I didn't take it well. She said my negetivity made it so E didn't fully enjoy her time with the bunny, and that if I had handled things differently maybe things would have tunred out better. I know E has been avoiding me, which started when we first got the bunny and she kicked me out of the room for being too negetive. I feel like she just needs time to process, and to be honest I don't think this is something I should apologize for, even if it is an apology just to make her feel better. It feels like that would be irresponsible of me? Idk. I told my mom none of this would have happened if SHE hadn't been so irresponsible and brought the bunny home to a grieving teenager, when there wasn't much of a chance of the bunny surviving with us in the first place, but tbh ever since her dad died I've been really trying to do right by E, so I second-guess myself a lot now.
So AITA for being negetive about the bunny and refusing to apologize? To be clear again I don't think E is TA here, but they're both upset with me so idk.
What are these acronyms?
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jessource · 5 months
desperate housewives. season six, episode five.
it is in our nature to judge the people around us.
i think you're a lousy mother.
the monkey's killing the clown!
my laundry is clean, folded and put away.
look! open, closed. open, closed.
you shot me!
i'm a good mom, aren't i?
i understand why you're upset. i'd be on edge, too, if my marriage were having problems.
she asked me a question, i just answered it.
they can't keep a goldfish alive for more than one day. what makes you think they're gonna take better care of geraniums?
why isn't [name] helping you?
you're like a dog with a bone. let it go.
you think you can dangle that axe over my head?
let's have a nice father-son chat about how you're cheating on mom.
if it was no big deal, why didn't you just tell me?
things got a little heated the other day, and i think we both said some things we didn't mean.
it left her with this constant fear that everything could suddenly fall apart, and that's why she needs to control everything.
let him go. i can do the gig alone.
stay out of our lives, or you'll be sorry!
we don't need to use that spatula anymore.
if [name] would like to come to [name]'s birthday party, we'd love to have her.
when i first brought you here, you didn't want to set foot in this room.
you're kind of a wet blanket since you quit smoking.
he just went over my head to you.
you tried to kill me!
what were you doing sneaking around my house?
oh, don't blame me. i wasn't even in the room.
last month, we needed a sitter for [name], but you didn't want to miss oktoberfest.
we're gonna have face painting, and a cotton-candy machine, and a clown.
what did i tell you about sledding down the staircase?
[name] just shot [name]
i told you she was gonna snap. it's always the pretty ones.
a monkey almost killed a clown.
she grew up without her dad. her mom was a drinker. so, she had to be responsible for everyone.
we judge the way strangers dress.
i just fired you, so you can go home.
you're the one with dirty laundry.
sorry, but i'm not comfortable with that.
you'll never know what you've done for my sex life.
more cake for us. beat it.
i haven't been able to sleep.
you said you were seeing a guy. you think maybe he had something to do with it?
i thought you saw me.
just 'cause you like crunching his walnuts doesn't mean i do.
do you like pizza?
for example, if she were to ask me if we were having a bouncy house, i'd have to say, "just the biggest bouncy house you've ever seen!"
i knew i liked that guy the minute he walked in.
if you love me at all, you'll give me a match and an alibi.
you want to destroy her life?
i'm just saying, you shouldn't make snap judgments about people.
please, let me go.
this isn't about winning!
did i say one cross word to you?
i make plenty of decisions around here.
i won't look at you no more, okay?
stop it. stop loving me. i'm not worth it anymore.
i had a very irksome encounter myself today.
getting the picture isn't the problem. it's getting rid of it.
you're right, i'm sorry. this is cruel.
i'm so sorry i'm late.
oh, please, if i were gonna kill you, i wouldn't do it in my own front yard.
i know it wasn't you, [name].
you see i'm having an affair, and you just assume i'm a bad person.
i don't have time to argue.
why would people lie to get out of a kids party?
i'm not checked in, i came here to see you.
[name], when you've needed a favor from me, have i ever let you down?
i followed her home, and it turns out she does have a boyfriend. you.
i didn't tell you because i, crazy me, thought it might upset you.
i flipped her the bird the other day after she cut me off.
you know, if you'd taught your kid how to tuck and roll on impact, we wouldn't even be having this conversation!
since you're using a cell phone, you know what century it is.
it's not what i would've chosen, but it's growing on me.
you're just sneaking off here to do the nasty with your boyfriend.
your disdain was perfectly clear from the look you gave me.
well, what are we supposed to do?
if you have a moment, no rush. would you hang this birdhouse for me?
i think you should clear the air.
i was like you. i wanted fun, excitement.
yes, we make these judgements all the time, never thinking that one day we may be judged ourselves.
your gentleman friend stand you up?
let's talk about it.
why are you calling [name]?
and your point is?
well, if you two are so happy, then where did he just disappear to?
[name]? over there. that tree.
i feel guilty all the time.
if you knew more about my marriage, you'd see me very differently.
i don't have any weed, lady.
you won't let us play on the roof anymore.
if you finish your magazine, there's a bible in the nightstand.
i was so startled, i didn't know what to say. i just let it go.
honey, do that thing where you run into the wall. 
i'm sorry. and for what it's worth, it's over.
why would you let them do that?
boy you're everywhere. we should get you a bell.
i know she's going through a rough time, but i have trouble feeling sorry for her.
i have a gun! i've called the police.
these two knuckleheads decided to sled down the staircase.
listen, i've been so worried about you.
we're not doing this anymore.
when did that happen?
you should have whipped out a copy of your best-selling cookbook.
you know nothing about him.
what do you want me to say? that cheating's not a sin when you do it in pearls?
...and i'm trying to make nice with you, as a fellow man, so i guess...
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bloompompom · 1 year
Puzzles - Chapter 10
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Completed, multi-chapter fic (10/24)
Pairing: eren jaeger x female reader
Want to start from the beginning? Find Chapter 1 here.
Word count: ~4.2k
Chapter summary: smut incoming, but maybe not in the most luxurious of places.
Content warnings throughout this fic: explicit sexual content, explicit language, alcohol/drug use. reader discretion advised.
Mikasa impressively scrounged up the rest of your friends just in time for the car to pull up. The sight resembled a mother corralling all of her unruly children in a grocery store. Even without the addition of alcohol, they all looked like a bunch of big kids most of the time.
“Shotgun!” Jean yelled out. He bolted toward the car, arms dangling at his sides like airplane wings. He crashed into the passenger door with a smack that was enough to make you wince.
Mikasa peeled his limp body from the vehicle and shoved him into the car. With Jean in the front seat, Eren sat in the middle row. He patted the space next to him and looked at you with big eyes. This game of musical chairs forced Connie to begrudgingly squeeze into the very back with Sasha and Mikasa.
You huddled between Eren and Armin. Armin, just as sweet as ever, offered to take the middle seat, but you could tell Eren wasn’t about to let that happen. Armin didn’t need the bitch seat twice in one night, anyway. He respectfully tried to give you as much room as possible. Your legs still bumped up against each other even with Eren placing half of your body onto his lap. His large hand clutched at your thigh that rested between his legs.
Eren couldn’t get the sight of you in the bathroom out of his mind. Your pretty body perched on the sink for him, your legs spread and tangled around his waist. His mind wandered and so did his hands. His finger started to trace just under the hemline of your dress. You played oblivious to his advances, considering there were five other people in the car with you. It only caused him to become more forward.
He placed his chin on your shoulder. “Come back to my place with me.”
His breath tickled and made the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. You inched away from the sensation with a simper. Just as you started to mouth ‘not tonight,’ you heard Connie shout from the back seat.
“Eren! Stop being horny!”
Eren shot his middle finger up at Connie, and Sasha was thrown into a fit of giggles. Jean’s head whipped around. “What the hell is going on back there?”
“Nothing!” you yelped. It was a bit too quick, and even you could hear the panic in your voice.
You slumped away from Eren’s lap, barely fitting between him and Armin. You dug around in your purse to find your phone to try and distract yourself. Anything to get rid of the burning feeling in your cheeks. It was a vain attempt, but hey, the dark car did a decent job of hiding your bashfulness.
The car finally pulled in front of Sasha’s house. Armin jumped out first to make way for you. He tugged the seat forward to let Sasha slither out next. Once the two of you were on the sidewalk, Armin got back into the car and started to shut the door behind him.
“I’m going to get something to eat. Maybe a hot dog if they got ‘em this late,” Sasha said. She was already walking toward the gas station just around the corner.
“You shouldn’t be walking alone. Want me to come with you?” you asked.
“Nah. I do it all the time. You just don’t know about it.” She smiled and tossed her keys at you. Your hands fumbled around before you just barely managed to catch them. “There’s an air mattress in the hall closet if you want it. Unless you want to share my bed like old times.”
“Air mattress. Got it,” you said. You watched her spin around and head in the opposite direction. “You’re still sharing your location with me, right?”
“Yes, mom!”
You sighed and started to head toward her house. Before you could even take two steps, you heard the slamming sound of a car door, followed by Armin’s voice yelling, “Eren!”
You looked over your shoulder to see Eren walking around the back of the car. “Head home without me!” he said to Armin. He shoved his hands into his pockets as he neared you, a large grin taking shape on his face. “Thought you could get rid of me that easily, huh?”
“I’m staying at Sasha’s tonight.”
“I’ve crashed at her place before. I’m sure she won’t mind.” He turned around only to see the empty street behind him. “Plus, my ride’s already gone.”
Eren followed you into Sasha’s house like some sort of lost puppy. Once inside, you quickly found the air mattress just where she said it would be. It was crumpled at the bottom with a set of folded sheets on top. You carried it all back to the living room and started to search for an open outlet for the air pump.
You sat in the middle of the room while the mattress began to inflate with air. You only looked up once you vaguely noticed something in the corner of your vision. Eren stood over you with a glass of water in his hand. You took it and said, “Glad you made yourself at home.”
“You’re welcome,” he said, ignoring your comment. He plopped onto Sasha’s couch and started to sip on his drink.
You shut the noisy air pump off once the air mattress felt decently firm. The newly found silence was soon interrupted by the front door opening and shutting.
“Eren,” Sasha said with a loud exhale. “What are you doing here?”
She was standing above you, one hand on her hip and her other hand holding a plastic bag filled with treats.
Eren pointed at you. “She was going to be all alone in here. I didn’t want any intruders to come in and kidnap her.” She rolled her eyes at his lame excuse. His grin only grew larger. “You won’t even know I’m here, Sash.”
“I better not! Those are freshly washed sheets. You better stay on the couch, Jaeger. No boy cooties allowed.” She turned away to head for the stairs.
If the circumstances were any different, Sasha would have continued to give Eren a hard time. The last thing she wanted was for anything to stand between her and all the drunken snacks she was about to demolish in bed.
“Good night, Sasha!” you said once you heard her footsteps creak up the old staircase.
You and Eren assembled the rest of the bed, working together to fit the sheets in place. You collapsed onto the bed with a satisfied huff, and Eren tossed a blanket over you.
You giggled and peeked your head out. Eren was back on the couch, laying in a way so he could look at you. You kicked the blanket off and turned to your side, your face now smushed into a pillow. “You don’t actually have to stay on the couch. You can sleep down here with me.”
“I thought you’d never ask!”
With one quick motion, Eren rolled from the couch and crashed onto the air mattress. The impact sent you nearly flying into the air. His arm swung over you just in time, pinning you down to keep you in place.
You laughed as you pushed his heavy arm off of you. “I still need to get ready for bed.”
You took your sweet time in the bathroom. It was a moment to yourself, to collect yourself after everything that happened. More than that, it just felt nice to strip from your dolled-up costume. You still struggled to recognize the girl staring back at you in the mirror.
The girl in the reflection was sleepy from all of the alcohol. Happier, though, compared to the sad, made-up clown from earlier. Happy that you finally got to touch Eren again in all the ways you pined for.
You washed off your makeup and brushed your hair that only grew more disheveled throughout the night. The last bit of relief would come when you finally tore off this dress. You reached to peel off one of the shoulder straps before realizing you had nothing to change into.
You tucked it back into place and poked your head out from the bathroom. “Eren?”
“Hm?” he mumbled. You turned around the corner to see that he didn’t bother to look up from the pillows.
You snuck over and eyed his shirt that was carelessly tossed onto the floor. You started to pick it up before asking, “Can I wear your shirt to bed?”
You returned to the bathroom and finally freed yourself from the dress. Eren’s shirt was loose and soft, a welcomed change of pace from the death grip of an outfit that you wore all night.
Despite the fact that Eren had spent the last couple of hours in a sweaty nightclub, the shirt still smelt intoxicatingly sweet to you. The familiar, herbal fragrance of his cologne mixed with a scent that could only be described as him. You pulled the collar up over your face and inhaled through your nose.
How embarrassing of me, you thought.
You flicked off the bathroom light and were quickly met with the pitch-black hallway. Your eyes adjusted to the darkness while you stumbled back to the family room. The pale light from Eren’s phone guided you back to the mattress.
He seemed more awake than just a couple of moments ago. He laid on his back, his phone hovering just above his face as he scrolled with his thumb. You took the opportunity to study him before taking another step. You noticed his brunette hair that splayed across the pillow before allowing your eyes to travel further down to his chest.
You sucked in a breath before finally walking over. The mattress jostled when you crawled into the blankets. They were still cold to the touch, causing a chill to run down your spine. You buried your legs into your chest.
Eren set down his phone and slid closer to you. You felt his arm burrow underneath your neck and wrap around your shoulder. You rolled over and let your head rest on his chest. The very chest that you were just leering at. It was warm, firm, and didn’t give under your touch.
You could have fallen asleep right then, but Eren had something else in mind. His hand glided up and down the length of your body. When he reached your shoulder, his fingers traveled higher until they reached your jaw. He angled your chin to face him, and you put up little resistance.
“Do you want to finish where we left off?” he asked.
You were tired. In any other circumstance, if it were anyone else, you would have protested. But it was Eren, right in front of you, and he sucked you in. His voice was molasses, slow and drawn-out. His eyes were as gentle as ever, almost too gentle for what the situation called for. There was something behind his gaze that was more than just pure lust. It made him that much more difficult to resist, so you pressed your lips onto his without hesitation.
He kissed you back. It was deep, the sort of kiss that was aggressive with passion. His fingers left your chin and tangled into the hair on the back of your head. Your movements became hopelessly desperate as each of you grabbed and grasped at each other’s bodies as if you were trying to become one. You couldn’t help but take a moment to giggle between kisses when your noses collided.
He took your bottom lip in between his teeth, nipping at it lightly. It pulled a sweet squeak from you. You slid your hands up his chest and held onto his neck. He was hot under your fingers, soft, too. It helped to ground you, bringing you back to him.
You felt his hand release your face and come to your thigh. God, how he loved your thighs, but you knew that already. He kneaded them, feeling the pillowy skin mold around his fingers. He was deliberate as he caressed up your body, feeling every inch until he was sliding his hand underneath your shirt.
He palmed your breast, and you let out a series of faint moans. You melted into the heat of his hands as if they were sculpted to fit you. The pathetic sounds you made were muffled once you felt his tongue meet yours. Your thoughts grew fuzzy, feeling his warmth take over your body.
You had completely lost your bearings. If Sasha were to walk down the steps, would you even notice?
Eren leaned over until he was entirely on top of you. He started to pull back, but you only took his face into your hands, wordlessly pleading for more. He finally sat back onto his knees to catch his breath. It wasn’t until then that you noticed how badly you needed air, too. Your chest was shaky as you inhaled, wanting nothing more than to have the warm feeling back.
Straddling your body, he watched you push away the strands of hair that fell into your face. You kept your attention on his half-lidded eyes, the way his glazed stare looked you over. That, coupled with the low breaths that left his parted lips, was all too much for you to handle. He looked so striking like this that it was almost obscene.
Your eyes unwittingly traveled lower. Honestly, it was unavoidable. He was a vision before you in just his boxer briefs. It was like you were trying to memorize each part of him: his chest, the pretty V that was carved into his stomach, the lean muscles of his thighs. You wanted to take a snapshot to store away for later.
A smug smile etched its way across his face. You always seemed to gawk rather noticeably, and you wondered what sort of dumb expression you wore that made it so obvious all the time.
Eren continued to balance on his knees, shifting ever so slightly to counteract the wobbly air mattress. He peeled the tie from his wrist and combed his fingers through his hair to pull it back. You could hear the snap of the elastic as he tied it off.
His darkened eyes never left your own. Well, they did once he noticed you reach for the hem of your shirt. It remained bunched up just under your breasts. You couldn’t go another second without the feeling of him against you, his warm lips on your skin. You tugged the shirt higher, slowly and demurely, your blown-out pupils staring at him the entire time, drawing him in.
You watched his face melt, jaw going slightly slack at what you were showing him. His eyes flit over the sight of you, illuminated just enough by the streetlight that poured through the blinds. You were like a dream to him.
“You’re so–”
He cut himself off, incidentally, when he returned his hands to your body. The feeling of your flushed skin made it difficult to concentrate on anything other than you. He continued to dance his fingertips along your sides until they hooked the waistband of your underwear. He played with it between his fingers leisurely, only pulling it down as far as to show the crease of your thigh. You bit your lip in anticipation.
Eren leaned forward and pressed his mouth against the side of your throat. He left hot, open-mouthed kisses against your skin. He continued to kiss and lick his way down your collar bone, to the valley between your breasts, down to your stomach. His fingers continued to fiddle with your underwear, unsure if he was teasing you or himself at this point.
You wanted him to take them off right then and there, but he continued to take his time. You flinched at each of his touches, each tickling you in just the right way. He felt your muscles flutter under his lips and reveled in how sensitive you were. You wanted him just as badly as he wanted – needed – you.
He never wanted to stop but only did once his face was just above your hips. He placed a hand between your thighs.
“Is this okay?” he asked. His voice was low, just barely above a whisper.
You nodded. Eren returned to leaving wanton kisses along your hip bones. His thumb traced over your clothed center, delicately rubbing small circles over your clit. You buckled underneath his touch, indistinct murmurs leaving your lips. Eren let out a deep exhale as he listened to you, his eyelids fluttering shut as he continued to kiss his way down.
This was the moment he ached for since he first met you. He wanted to learn every part of you. “You have,” he started to say. His raspy words were broken up by the kisses he placed on your inner thighs. “No idea what – you do – to me.”
If you weren’t so caught up in the moment, that sentence alone was enough to make you laugh. You couldn’t fathom having any power over Eren. Especially now, him looking at you like that, with his face between your legs. You would have done anything he asked.
But only he knew how true his declaration was. No other girl – no other person – had ever consumed his mind as much as you did. Just the slight chance of seeing you again sent him nearly sprinting to a coffee shop, after all. Your presence alone made him feel dumb with glee. He couldn’t imagine teasing and tickling any other girl as much as he did with you, just because he wanted to hear your sweet laughter.
And while he absolutely adored your laugh, he loved the sounds you were making now even more.
His fingers returned to the band of your underwear. You lifted your hips and allowed him to pull the thin fabric down. Once you felt your underwear reach your calf, you gently kicked down until they slid off of your ankle.
The feeling of cool air on your wet, sensitive skin caused goosebumps to scatter across your body. Eren’s warm breath quickly tamed the chill. His hand squeezed the tops of your thighs, rubbing them with reassurance. One at a time, he lifted your legs and placed them over each of his shoulders.
You felt him continue to lick and suck around your hips, slowly trailing lower once more. He nibbled at the plush of your inner thighs, and you could already imagine the telling bruises you would find there in the morning. The tickling bites caused your hips to rut against the mattress. Creaking sounds started to escape underneath your shifting weight.
His tongue flicked a swift motion through you, and it was enough to make your back arch. Your head pressed back into the pillow, your breath hitching like it got caught in your throat. He continued, but he was merely teasing you, just grazing kitten licks. You shifted your hips toward him, begging for more.
You stole a glance down to give him a pleading look. You were met with his dazed, turquoise eyes. He didn’t look away from your face once, unable to stop himself from admiring your expression, relishing in your pleasure. The doe-eyed look on your face was almost too much to handle. He couldn’t resist burning his face further into you, finally giving in to what you craved. The flat of his tongue lapped at you, only stopping for brief moments for his lips to gently suck at your clit.
Your face began to swelter. You ran your fingers through your hair to brush back pieces that clung to your skin. You gripped at the roots, your breathing growing more erratic and heavy. Your twitches caused the air mattress to annoyingly buckle beneath you. It felt even more unsteady than before. Its squeaky sounds filled the room in such a way that made you wonder if it wanted you to get caught in the middle of your salacious act.
Overrun with the sheer ridiculousness of the moment, you let out a breathy laugh, throwing your wrist across your eyes. You only peeked out once you heard Eren start to join in on your chuckles. As you locked gazes again, you were instantly comforted by his lighthearted expression. It was as if neither of you could believe you found yourselves here.
With a soft smile on his face, you watched him return his lips to your thighs. You let your head fall back to the pillow once again. He brought his mouth back to your clit and licked faster than before. That familiar, winding feeling burned hot in your stomach.
Your hands clutched onto the sheets, twisting them between your fingers and nearly tugging them off the corner of the mattress. You could feel your heels dig into the muscles of his back. He gripped the spot where your thighs met your hips with bruising force, trying to keep your fidgety body still for him.
“Right there,” you shakily breathed. Weak cries continued to shamefully spill from you. “Wait – a little to the right – Fuck!”
Your whines stirred up Eren even further. He knew you were close, and without stopping for a breath, he started to sit up a bit higher. He grabbed your calves and pushed them down. With your knees pinned against the mattress, he continued to have his way with you, even more fervently than before. Pleased hums left his lips as he had you on full display for himself.
You felt the vibrations course through you, and it was just enough to cause that wound-up feeling to finally snap. Your entire body flexed, head shooting upright instinctively. Your hands flung to his head, fingers firmly lacing themselves through his hair for any sort of support.
Before you could finish your gasp, Eren’s hand flew over your mouth and clamped down. Through nearly tearing eyes, you looked down to see him wink at you as you finished. Though he wanted nothing more than to hear you – especially if you were saying his name – Sasha’s living room was not the place for it.
He dropped your quivering legs. His fingers returned to your clit, lazily making circles to ease you down from your high. He left sloppy kisses along your body while he crawled his way back up. Once you were face-to-face once more, you watched him wipe his forearm over his mouth, revealing his characteristically proud grin.
You covered your face with your hands like it would protect you from the embarrassment that consumed you. “Sasha is going to kill me.”
Eren collapsed at your side. “You and me both.”
You finally peeked out from beneath your hands when you felt the mattress rustle. Eren sat up to reach for your underwear that was haphazardly kicked to the end of the bed. He helped you back into them before covering you both with the blanket.
You continued to lay, a bit helplessly, on your back. Your heart was still pounding against your chest, and you swore it could have broken your ribs. Eren curled up beside you, draping his arm over your body. It didn’t help the whole rapid heartbeat thing that you had going on. When he shifted to get comfortable, you felt his hips – more than his hips – rub up against you. You both couldn’t ignore it.
“Er, sorry.” He sounded flustered. He pulled his pelvis back to create some distance between the two of you.
You instantly felt selfish for not reciprocating the favor. You rolled over to face Eren. You didn’t bother to look up at him, focusing on your hand that gingerly traced down the length of his toned stomach. You attempted to slide your fingers under the band of his boxers, but he grabbed a hold of your wrist.
“It’s alright,” he said. “We’re at Sasha’s, remember?”
You looked up at him and frowned. “I feel bad.”
“Don’t.” His voice was stern this time. “I seriously didn’t mean to imply anything.”
He released your wrist and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer. You buried your face into his chest, letting out a deep exhale as you finally felt yourself beginning to relax.
“I just wanted to prove your little theory wrong anyway,” he said. Just like that, the arrogant guy you had come to know was back.
You pursed your lips when you remembered the joke you made during your bowling date. Yeah, I deserve that, you thought. Eren couldn’t help but laugh at your lack of response.
The next thing you knew, you were rudely awoken by the sunlight that slipped through the cracks in the blinds. One beam landed perfectly across your eyelids. You reflexively reached to cover your face with the blanket before slowly opening your eyes.
“Good morning, you two.”
You heard Sasha’s familiar, sing-song tone from across the room. You told yourself that you would have Eren sneak onto the couch before she woke up. That clearly failed.
You rolled onto your stomach and peered up from your pillow in disgrace. Your tired eyes met Sasha’s lively ones. As much as she wanted to mercilessly tease you, she had secretly been rooting for something to happen between you and Eren.
Her thoughts were far more naive than the actuality of the situation.
“Guess I’ll have to wash the sheets again since Eren’s stinky feet were all over them,” she said.
“They’re not stinky!” Eren grumbled, yanking the blanket further over his head. Neither of you realized that he was awake, and his sudden outburst caused both of you to cackle. Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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nandawrites · 10 months
The first push on the wheel
Written for Day 1 of @crazybweek: First Impressions. It's a little short, because I was writing it at work, but I really wanted to write something for this group I love, specially since their solos are releasing today, so hope you all like it!
Saegusa's smile was razor sharp.
Nevermind a military general, he was looking at Rinne like a shark that had gotten a tasty prey in front of it, one that was not only willing but practically begging to be thrown down its throat.
"You understand what you have to do, then?"
"Crystal-clear, Mr. Director. Don't worry, you are not gonna find a better man for the job than me."
"Job of what? Suicide-bomber?" Niki's voice reached him from his left and he turned to glare daggers at him, pinching his arm in retaliation, causing him to yelp.
"Hey, Niki, didn't your mom ever taught you to stay quiet while the adults are talking? Mr. Director here is offering us the ES on a silver platter. We would be fools not to take it."
The spark on Saegusa's eyes somehow got even more dangerous.
"Now now. I didn't expect a rabid dog would be so obedient, I salute you for that."
Rinne's smile took a turn that was just as sharp.
"But we aren't dogs, dear Mr. Director. We are bees, didn't you say so yourself?" He pressed a finger down on the contract on the table between them. "Bees don't sting the keeper while his help is being benefitial to them, but they will sting anything that they perceive as a threat."
"I wouldn't expect anything else. If we are clear, I'll go and call the other two in, then."
Niki's hand was around his wrist the moment Saegusa walked away to the door, his voice low and frantic.
"Rinne, I don't like this at all. Bees make delicious honey, but they die immediately if they sting something. I don't wanna die, and I suppose I don't want you to die either. We don't have to do this. Please."
"We are not going to die. I have a plan, so relax ok?"
"Being a suicide bomber for revenge is not a plan. There's no way we are getting away with this, so let's just-"
"Niki. I know what I'm doing, ok? I have everything under control. I just need you to trust me on this one. Please?"
He saw the moment his pleading broke through Niki's defence.
"Fine. But just so you know, you sound really gross right now. Being a martyr doesn't suit you."
The comment made Rinne laugh, just in time for Saegusa to return with the other two members of their so-called "unit" in tow. A pair of set mouths and suspicious eyes that reminded him of a mirror. He decided he liked them both already.
Setting the show in motion, he climbed on his chair and set a foot on the table, towering over them as he sneered. "So you two are the other maggots that got stuck in this rotten unit with us, forsaken from the shiny heaven of idols above, huh? Welcome! Now we can get this party started for good!"
More mirrored looks of affront and disgust. A spark in their eyes he knew well. Oh, they really had something to them, they would be perfect.
"Himeru doesn't appreciate being called a maggot, and would caution you against speaking to Himeru like that again."
"What he said. Who do you even think you are to talk to us like that? Aside from a loud-mouthed idiot?
Saegusa walked around them, taking back his seat on the table and still with that sickeningly sweet smile that didn't reach his eyes.
"This is the man I was telling you about, Rinne Amagi. He will be the leader of this unit called Crazy:B."
Rinne strode along the table in their direction, going as far as he could without tipping it over.
"That's right. I am your leader, your Queen Bee. And you are the poor maggots that have to follow my every command. Two little larvae that this rotten industry has tried to crush and leave to die, that got labelled as "troublemakers" and "useless" just like me and thrown inside this beehive to fight for our lives or perish into the hell of mediocrity while they pat themselves on the back for getting rid of the trash while never really giving us a real chance. But I can take the three of you maggots and make you into killer bees that will carve your space into the hearts of these pseudo-gods and fill them with your poison until their own bullshit is spread all open for all the world to see and their fake pedestals crumble from under them for daring to look down on the rest of us mere mortals in this Colosseum. I can give you he chance to fly higher and burn brighter than all of them, scorching this rotten tree that tried to crush you and making it into your own Paradise. So what do you say, are you with me?"
They weren't at all stupid. He hadn't been able to confuse or dazzle them with his mad speech; they knew very well what he meant and what he intended for them to do.
And still they looked at him and nodded.
Rinne cackled, delighted, and jumped down from the table in front of them patting them on the back. He looked back at Niki and his horrified expression just made him cackle louder.
The wheel of fortune had been spun, the games had begun.
And he had every intention to win.
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kedreeva · 2 years
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I saw the notification dot appear on my inbox and I thought oh no a message. and then I thought, but wait, it might be Delightful!
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You should do some of your work!! I'm proud you did 3 more pages. I am also struggling to write my nanowrimo stuff, but I will keep going today on faith that you will join me and do some work.
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There's not water in the eggos?? They're bread! As for the chicken, well. Listen. it's breaded, and frozen. I microwave it for like 2 minutes to warm it up, and then I stick it into the toaster for a couple minutes, so that the outside is crispy!! That way I can have chicken for my salad or whatever without having to turn on the whole oven. Also we got rid of the toaster oven because I set it on fire a few times. On the bright side, I know how to use a fire extinguisher now.
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It's just a little one with a few friends! hmu on discord if you wanna come join in (Kedreeva#4912)
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They're baby!!! We should get baby steve and jonathan.
PLEASE IMAGINE. Smash some ideas together. Steve meets Jonathan when they're Little, maybe 8 years old or so, because they'd both been feeding the same stray kitten. She's a few months old, but Lonnie won't let her in the house and neither will Steve's parents, so they've been spending their allowance/neighborhood chores money on cat food and she's just been traveling through the woods between them eating at both homes.
One night Jonathan sneaks her into his room for the night because it's getting colder now, and Steve gets worried because she doesn't show up, so the next morning he puts on a backpack with a container of treats and a drink for himself and granola bar, and he sets off into the woods. He catches Jonathan playing with her out in the woods where his dad won't catch him, and confronts him about Stealing My Cat. They figure out what actually happened, and agree to coparent the cat, but they sort out who feeds what, and both of them always leave water out. When Lonnie leaves and Joyce gets a dog to alert them in case he comes back, the cat stops coming around to Jonathan's. Steve assumes full care of her from then on, and they stop talking. Jonathan's hurt; it's not his fault his mom got a stupid dog. Steve could have at least called him (Steve HAS his number, Jonathan gave it to him in case something happened with Princess). Steve's parents won't give him the phone.
So they fall out. They don't talk anymore. They grow up. Steve becomes a real dick in school, Jonathan becomes a real loner.
Monsters drop from the ceiling, and Jonathan takes his hand without thinking. Steve jumps on command. They wind up at the hospital, but things calm back down. They tentatively start to talk again, and Jonathan works up to ask whatever happened to Princess, and Steve is surprised, and tells him nothing, she still comes by nightly, and since his parents are out a lot, he lets her in the house. She sleeps between his legs under the covers.
Does he want to come see her?
Takes him home that evening, and they sit on the couch until the sun is nearly set, and Steve rockets up to no cue Jonathan can tell, except when he looks, there's Princess at the backdoor, waiting. Steve picks her up and she shoves her head under his chin, and he puts her down in Jonathan's lap. She gives his fingers a little sniff, and seems to remember him, rubbing her face all over his hands.
And it's a couple of years later, when Vecna's dead and Steve has volunteered his house for D&D night partly because Dustin begs and partly because he wants to see more of Eddie, and Jonathan stays after bringing Will and El and Dustin over, and Nancy stays after bringing Mike and Lucas, and the three of them sit outside on the deck and Princess curls herself around the legs of the chairs and curls up in Nancy's lap eventually.
And that's when Max and El come out, and El looks sick at the sight of the cat, and everyone thinks she's afraid of it, until she hesitantly explains that cats hate her and that she hurt one before. Jonathan assures her Princess won't hurt her, and makes space for her to come sit next to Nancy, and El lays a hand softly on Princess' side where it rises and falls in sleep. Princess mrrps without lifting her head and begins purring like a little motorboat with El's hand still on her, and El just starts crying.
And Jonathan hugs her and looks at the others like ??? and Max sits where Nancy had been when Nancy stands up with Princess, who wakes and doesn't seem to mind being cradled like a baby in Nancy's arms (no one would mind this, ever). And they manage to calm El down, and El asks if she can hold Princess, and Nancy slips her into El's arms and Princess butts her head against El's jaw and purrs and purrs and purrs and El cries a little bit more, but she's smiling.
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but listen..... you should write it...... for me
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But listen....... it would be sUCH A PRETTY PICTURE. if all u need are pencils I will SEND YOU pencils and u can draw me dyspraxic!Steve being taught to play by Eddie, who is patient and smiling sweetly at him.
also, sorry to break it to ya but you're in the club now. suckerrrrr
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Oh Steve's hand on his hips is the Mom Stance he uses when the kids are being insufferable. GOd I can't WAIT for you to get to the part where Steve adopts all the kids and they adopt him back.
I'm sorry about Will. He does not catch a break until the plot starts ignoring him. Hoping that changes in season 5!!
I hope that you're able to get some sleep, I took the night off yesterday and slept for like 10 hours straight. turns out I didn't take my iron. SIGH.
I look forward to your S2 ranting :)
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rvllybllply2014 · 28 days
Oh so I’m using you???????? You’re joking right? No? You’re serious
Who provides you a place to stay free of charge and never kicks you out? Me. You go to your moms and always get kicked out so no you don’t even live permanently with her (spoiler your mom sister and niece don’t want you permanently). Your address is my place. Yeah totally using you aren’t I?
Who drives whom everywhere? Including to work and to run errands for their family when you’re at said family home and have access to a truck and car? Oh yeah including winter in snow in hilly neighborhoods? But okay I’m using you. The only reason you put gas in is so I can continue to drive you everywhere.
Who does all the laundry even though you’re a capable grown man? Oh me. But yeah I’m using you.
Who sleeps on a couch when they can’t sleep so you can get some sleep? Me? But oh no I’m fucking using you.
When sick who still drives you and cooks and does laundry for you? Me but yet again I’m just using you, especially when my fever is sky high and I have to drive an hour round trip because your drunk.
Who raised a fucking dog that they didn’t really want? Me. But somehow I’m using you. You left your puppy with me for 3 FUCKING MONTHS to raise while you went 10 minutes away to your moms. I’ve fucking trained him but you want to threaten to take him away from me now that he’s grown and trained. But somehow I’m using you.
Who also keeps track of said dogs needs? I.E. food and treats? Not you I’m the one feeding him and training him. But yeah I’m just an user.
Who constantly lies about the relationship being fine to their best friends and their parents? Me, they worry that I’m being abused (I am) but I lie and say we’re fine. But I’m using you.
Who worries about your health and alcoholism and blood pressure. To the point of suggesting AA meetings and reminded you for a whole month to take the damn blood pressure medicine? Me. Oh no that’s me somehow using you.
Who remembers to get stuff for the house not just what they want when shopping for groceries? Me, without me you wouldn’t have clean clothes, socks, soap or wash cloths. But yes I’m totally using you.
Who always makes sure to ask before spending money? And if you complain about the price offers to modify it to make it cheaper? Hint it’s not you, but me. This also includes me working THREE FUCKING JOBS WHILE YOU AAT AROUND AND GOT DRUNK AND SPENT MY MONEY WITHOUT ASKING. So who’s really using who???
Who gets used as an emotional punching bag? Me but nope I’m second using you.
Who cooks all the food until recently? Me but that’s using you right
Who does all the emotional labor without getting any in return? Me, but wait I’m just using you.
Who validates your feelings? Me. I can’t express any feelings without being bitched at. Again I’m just using you
Who cleaned out the car recently and threw out so much of your shit?? Me. But yeah totally just using you by letting you store all your shit in the trunk
Who throws away all your trash from the car? Me. I don’t even complain even after asking you multiple times to do it. But yeah I’m just using you
Every. Single. Trash. Day. Who brings up trash from the room?? Not you me. But I’m just using you
Every time I ask you for a small favor it’s I’m using you. But you don’t realize how you’re actually using me constantly. Like I know for a fact if your mom asked you to get rid of a wasp nest on her door frame it would no questions asked. But with me it’s a fucking fight. When I point it out you tell me to stop comparing myself to her, I’ll never be her which I don’t want to be. I want a partner not a fucking child. Again I point this shit out to not compare me to your mom it’s just the hypocrisy of me not being your mom and you not needing one to you treating me like one but only worse without respect or love. Idk maybe I am just stupid and shouldn’t want respect from you. Maybe I should start showing you how I can really use you even tho it goes against my nature.
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echo-s-land · 4 months
Dites rien à ma mère/Don't tell my mom a thing
Tonight I’m on answering machine
Done with everybody pestering me
If it’s really urgent, you know my address
I’d like to be alone
I don’t believe much in magic anymore
I know I’m young
But I’m only a nostalgic old man
I close my eyes and I’m leaving, an effort to escape
Far on a desert island but I’m scare of planes
I listen to the silence like it was Michael Jackson
I covered the mirror to be sure not to see anyone
I’m going to isolate myself in a garage not far from here
Robinson Crusoe with a sofa and Wi-Fi
And I order a pizza, there’s only that that comforts me
To avoid the delivery-man I slips the bill under the door
I look forward, people passing by
Wanting to be grown-up1 I lost myself
With time my childhood passed but I’m having a hard time leaving it behind
I bask in my boredom, I’d be cold if you approach me
And if things always look better in the morning, an advice : close the door2 I should skedaddle far away
It does some good sometimes
It’s true since some months I laugh less
My lucky start will start to shine tomorrow
I’m in a bad mood3
And I have it in my hand3
[Bigflo & Oli] Yes, I have a hard time partying
When I dance I think about the future
And often I overthink
Yet I should breathe
But I can’t pretend
To forget my friends, my town that is struggling
Yeah I know smiling is tempting
But tonight I’m sad
Don’t tell my mom a thing
[Bigflo & Oli] Don’t tell my mom a thing
Don’t tell my mom a thing
She worries enough already
Don’t tell my mom a thing
Don’t tell my mom a thing
Yet time passed
Don’t tell my mom a thing
Don’t tell my mom a thing
Deep down I think she knows
Don’t tell my mom a thing
Yeah, don’t tell a thing, don’t tell a thing [Bigflo & Oli]
Sat in the back of the classroom on a chair without talking
It’s been two hours I repeat I’m going to arrive soon
But my friends tell me ‘what a shame
We almost don’t see you anymore since you got the gold record’
I should put more efforts
I don’t want to get rid of it
My suitcase has been ready for four years but I don’t have the guts to go
I pretend to be interested in people
But think again, my girlfriend calls me but I don’t pick up
People talk about fashion
People exchange some cigs
Once again I think to myself I was born in the wrong generation
Then a friend pats my shoulder
He says ‘how are you feeling ? You have your head in the clouds again Flo, you should come back down’
I look around me, I would like to change scenery
Even if I see glasses and hearts overflowing
To take off, leave Earth and all its mess
I wait for it to be god-sent but for now it’s raining cats and dogs4 [Bigflo & Oli] Yes, I have a hard time partying
When I dance I think about the future
And often I overthink
Yet I should breathe
But I can’t pretend
To forget my friends, my town that is struggling
Yeah I know smiling is tempting
But tonight I’m sad
Don’t tell my mom a thing [Bigflo & Oli] Don’t tell my mom a thing
Don’t tell my mom a thing
She worries enough already
Don’t tell my mom a thing
Don’t tell my mom a thing
Yet time passed
Don’t tell my mom a thing
Don’t tell my mom a thing
Deep down I think she knows
Don’t tell my mom a thing
Yeah, don’t tell a thing, don’t tell a thing [Bigflo & Oli]
That’s for those who don’t know how to dance
Alone in the back of the night club they’d like to enjoy themselves
But deep in their head they have lots of thoughts
So everyday they have a hard time moving
We know [Oli] Yeah I have a hard time partying
When I dance I think about the future
1 : same word as for ‘great’
2 : ‘things always look better in the morning’, ‘sleep on it’ is ‘nights bring advices’ in French. Hence, if it does, keep the door close and don’t listen to it
3 : literally ‘to be of bad hair’ in French. An expression. ‘To have a hair in the hand’ is another expression meaning ‘to be extremely lazy’
4 : ‘to be god-sent’ is ‘for it to fall down from the heavens’ in French. ‘raining cats and dogs’ is ‘raining ropes’. → He’s waiting for something to happen without having to do anything but for now all that’s happening is, figuratively or not, rain
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WIBTA if I take some of our dogs to the pound, or make my mom buy them shock collars?
CW: Animal Abuse Mention, Suicide Mention
I (nb24) live in a house with my mom, dad, little brother and 4 yappy dogs. Living in this house takes a severe toll on my mental health, but I'm generally left to my own devices and it's a stable environment. I do not have the finances to move out, the economy is in shambles.
My mom had accumulated two small and very loud dogs over the years. This already was a strain. Neither of these dogs are trained. They are never taken outside, only use the pad about half of the time, and one actively attacks and bites visitors. (They are so small that this doesn't cause severe injury.) I am autistic and am easily overstimulated by loud noises. So was my format partner, and the dogs were one of the contributing factors as to why they moved out (though not the primary one.)
Things only got worse after that. About a year ago, my mom brought home two more dogs without anyone's consent. She had apparently discussed the prospect of bringing home one to my dad exclusively, but not two. She said that they were the last two at the breeder and she didn't want to separate them.
One of these dogs turned out to be very anxious and barks nearly constantly. I tried voicing my concerns, telling my mom that the dog would be a problem and she should give it away. She insisted that it would settle in, and if it didn't, she'd consider my words. The dog has only gotten worse, and she moved the goal posts, refusing to get rid of the dog because it's bonded now.
This has had debilitating consequences. There have been weeks where I would be having a full meltdown every day. My headaches have gotten worse and are definitely affecting my work. Everyone else in the family hates this dog, and my dad has often threatened to abuse or kill it. My mom has been offering unethical solutions like debarking, which I've refused, but still will not give any of the dogs away.
At this point, I've reached my limit. I cannot continue to live like this. The noise has been frequently driving me to thoughts of SH or suicide.
From what I see, I have three options.
1. I can either underhandedly steal the two most problematic dogs (the new one and the one that bites people) and take them to the pound, where they will... hopefully... be adopted eventually. My mom is going through a lot of severe unrelated stress rn, so I'm afraid of the wrath I might receive and the repercussions this will have on her mental health.
2. I finally cave to the immoral options. The one that seems the least bad would be remote-controlled shock collars. I've already tried the humane ones that vibrate and they do not work.
... or 3. I don't do anything to the detriment of my mental health. This is their home and their pets. Maybe I can find a place to stay during the day so I'm not trapped here.
So... WIBTA if I carry out option 1 or 2? If anyone has any advice I'd love to hear it. Please help.
What are these acronyms?
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
This is one of the last areas where morlok are. The other hospitals and schools and those are being worked on now and fire departments and people pulling them out and they're getting ripped out and they're evacuations going on and it's picking up speed and tempo right now it's at about 18% from 15% this morning and it's been getting to speed up. Fairly soon we're going to hit 20% plus. It's going to be over for them shortly but not before they stab their father in the back fully and they mentioned it too a lot I'm trying to do it to our son and they don't care too but some do so we're going to hit them. It's a huge pile of them that need to go here in punta Gorda they're sick and the stupid and one around all day bothering him and we need to get them out and I'm going to start pulling them out his jobs are a godsend and shows just what assholes they are. They pulled out of that job behind Walmart and it's very hot but he says if you don't go over there and do something what do we really doing so we're going to go over there and start doing the bug treatment and see what happens when we bring protection of course.
Thor Freya
We're going to go with you and we're going to have patrols and we're going to set up the sheriff down there it's no reason not to they're out there doing stupid stuff
We get back in people talk about us forever and people doing stuff to us and taking stuff from us I feel starting to see something everybody wants us out of here so we're going to leave
We get back at people who pester us in space it's our area, as a matter of course as a matter of 50% down to 3% as a matter of course for pestering us in space alone the rest of it is I assume on the cake you losing all of your territory and running to the islands and having a shield above you is what you get for what you're doing here moron and we're going to get you back for your statement nobody says that about us without dying
Zues Hera
I'm going to shoot you in the head dan and Trump if you bother me during my stupid laundry session I don't like doing laundry at all you stupid f**** I'm going to have you shot in the head if you bother me
You can't help it we have to and he says good you'll be shot in the head
I sort of see something he's asking for it he said those are the words you need to say no you already said them and you're going to be shot in the head so he's saying about us and it's not just saying he says but that's fine you're f****** moron and be stupider
Trump I got to tell you this kids got to go Trump says so you got to go Trump and we're going to kill you over and over so you don't come back and you're going to start seeing dead Trump in the news and dead Dan headshots and anybody else that steps up to the plate to bother us believe you me you pestered us into getting rid of you you did a good job and you still are
We'll take care of you too and your garbage and you just won't shut your f**** miles we're going to take care of you ASAP
Thor Freya
Got a huge list of stuff to do to you too I'm going to start off by shooting you in the head
Mac daddy
Little round off a full day and shoot you two in the head and execute you as the treasonous dogs that you are you don't belong to him and your pestered everybody to get rid of you and now you're getting rid of it's too stupid to know it retards
Mike tew
You're so f****** God damn dumb you you hardly understand what he's saying you went from 50% of the world's population to fairly soon 3%, aren't you the greatest that is the greatest leaders your president and the BJ vice president and you lost your realm that you had you dumb f*** how come you can't tell that happened
Zues Hera
We can tell something happen we don't know how bad it is apparently we can't count
Oh so you remember your mom she saw you counting stuff and gave you a shot of whiskey when you're a baby but seriously you people are dumb you can see all the people leaving from satellite okay those areas are not yours anymore that's how you should look at it
Zues Hera
To the effort to get us to shut up we won't leave him alone at all we keep making it worse and worse we're getting shot today Dan
0 notes
xlovely-daydreamsx · 2 years
Black Lab (Yandere!Hawks x Reader x Yandere! Dabi) Ch. 3
Find Chapter 2 here!
Find Chapter 1 here!
Summary: You try to get things back to normal, but normal seems impossibly far away.
Warnings: yandere themes, stalking, manipulation, later-nsfw, slight non-con, age gap (kinda)
Note: Woahe, sorry for the wait on that, everyone! Thank you all so much for the support on this, and the patience. I will continue to try to update this semi-regularly, and I’m also gonna try to get a chapter or two of my other hawks fic out as well. again, thank you so much for the love, and please let me know of any spelling errors or anything else that needs fixed :) now, without further ado- black lab
He left shortly after he dropped the bomb, a second soulmate, thanks to your screaming fit. He tried to calm you down, say sweet things to you but they only served to make you feel sicker. 
You holed yourself back up in your room, buried in your pile of blankets and stuffed animals (and a newly acquired, slightly damp towel) that you swore wasn’t a nest, but tried to pry yourself out of it when your mother got home- you hadn’t told her about your Alpha’s visits- she couldn’t afford to take off any more days for you and your problems, and you certainly weren’t willing to stress her out more than she already was.
You heard the dog whining downstairs and the familiar creak of the door, signaling your matriarch’s return, and you bounded down the stairs- sometimes, the only thing that could cheer you up was her.
“You look better today,” she says as she takes her seat in the kitchen, already popping off the cap of a beer, “I’m glad to see you’re not crying anymore.” You both laugh at that while you hold back the ones you can feel burning behind your eyes.
“I’m doing okay… getting used to the feeling, at least.” You rub at the spot- your claiming bite- and she averts her gaze; she seems to hate looking at it, from how she avoids it at all costs. At first, you thought it was pity- her attempt at normalcy, that if she ignored it, it might go away. But after years of her drunken ramblings, you know now that it’s envy. She had always dreamed of the perfect Alpha to sweep her off her feet, to claim her and give her a good life and perfect little babies. She almost had it, too, until her Alpha was a little too heroic and got himself killed. Now she’s old and worn, whittled down from the perfect Omega into your less than perfect mother, who people pass at work and whisper, ‘did you know she’s an Omega?’ in sad tones laced with both pity and malice.
You don’t know which of your fates is worse.
You sit and talk with her for a while, and for those few moments, things almost seem… normal. You’re hesitant to say so, but it’s almost true. At least, if you pretend the earlier part of the day never happened. 
“Maybe you should start going back to school,” She drops the ball, and you roll your eyes. “Oh, don’t give me that- you and I both know that you shouldn’t be missing this much; you can’t just drop out.” Uh, yes, if you very well wanted to, you could- you know plenty of people who dropped out earlier than you did and are doing fine. Well, not great, but fine.
You don’t really want that, though- you do want to go back, but the big bite mark in your neck makes it hard. 
“And how do I get rid of this?” You point to the bite in question.
“Just wear a sweatshirt or something,” you scoff at her. Of course, she’s probably going to tell you you’re overreacting, and that’s not something you want to hear today.
“Can you just fuck off, please? I’m suffering, Mom. Can’t you be sensitive for once in your life.” Now it’s her turn to roll her eyes, but you don’t give her the satisfaction- you just retreat upstairs to bury yourself back in your nest, and if anyone asked, you would tell them you absolutely did not smell that towel… 
A week later and you decide to go to school, mostly because of your newfound "scent blocker" patches. Big, tan things that simultaneously mute your smell and cover the evidence of your body's betrayal. They're close enough to your skin color that most people wouldn't notice them, and if anyone did, you had an alibi for it. You argued with yourself about gender norms or whatever in your own head, insisting that people should just be able to mind their business, but you know what kind of world you really live in, and that a reality where you could just… exist without scrutiny would likely never come to fruition.
Despite these revelations, which you thought you had come to terms with long ago, but still threaten to crush you under their weight, you find yourself setting an alarm for six and trying (albeit failing) to go to bed before one in the morning.
School has always been exhausting for you- the overwhelming smells, sounds, and people just seemed like too much for an Omega like you. But you still make yourself go; you’d always been a strong believer in second gender equality, and going even in your current state is a testimony to that. At least, that’s what you tell yourself to stop from chickening out.
One of your best friends, Denki, thankfully has volunteered to drive you, and has been doing so since you became friends your sophomore year. You lost a lot of people after you presented, and cycled through those who just wanted to get in your pants and others who couldn’t understand your struggles- Denki was a beta, and while he flirted with you, you knew he was never serious, and he always had your back against stupid Alphas or predjudice faculty; he was a true friend, and you were glad to have him.
“You can’t even begin to understand how worried we’ve been,” he said as you hooked your bluetooth up and selected your playlist for the drive. It was your usual routine, and getting back into the swing of things felt… nice. Familiar. “I mean, I get one text from you in like, two weeks! I thought you ended up in the ward or somethin.”
“I’m sorry,” you whined as some indie song glided through his blown out speakers, “I’ve just been dealing with some heavy shit.” 
“Care to share any of it?” He sends you a quick glance from the driver’s seat, and you sink into your spot, wishing it would swallow you whole.
“Eventually,” you huff, “just gimme some time.” He just nods at that. That’s one reason you liked Denki so much- no matter how outlandish he seemed, he always respected your boundaries, and that's the best thing a friend can do, right?
The rest of the drive is filled with whatever hot gossip Denki has decided you need to know- Ochako’s new boyfriend, Katsuki’s suspension, Kiri’s new workout routine. It was a familiar thing, but something felt different about it this time. Was it comforting to know that the world kept spinning, even after yours stopped?
School. School was… school. That’s the only word you’ve ever known to describe it. It was your last year there, and while you didn’t technically have to be there all day, having collected all your credits already, you filled your schedule with fun electives like pottery and journalism- whatever suited your fancy. It certainly made you hate going a little less than you used to, but it was still hard to drag yourself out of your nest- no, your bed- every morning. No teachers asked you where you had been, and none of your close friends bothered to ask, either- likely warned by Denki before your arrival. Another reason you loved him so much- he always stuck up for you.
“Did you start your heat early or something? I thought it had been smelling better in here, but now you’re stinking up the place again.” Monoma gives you a cheshire grin from across the table, and you don’t bother to hide your eye roll.
“God, I was really getting used to not having to look at your face.” Journalism class- once your favorite, but now has become the bane of your existence, thanks to your self proclaimed arch-nemesis. Really though, how out of touch can someone be? Arch nemesis? Please- this isn’t an anime.
“I bet you missed it, though,” you scoff,
“Not even a little bit,” You try to focus on your work, but Monoma seems to have made it his sole goal in life to pester you. At some point, you have to wonder how he’s passing; you swear he hasn’t touched a pencil once this semester.
The rest of your classes proceed as normal, and you, Denki, Kiri, and Mina all head off campus for lunch.
You’re all crammed into Denki’s dingy little car, chowing down on nuggets and fries and choking on laughs, but it still doesn’t feel like it did before. The air is thick with a question only you have the answer to, and you just don’t know if its an answer you’re ready to tell. The acts are all the same, but now everything is different.
Denki had to stay after for supplementary classes, so Kirishima walked you home. It wasn’t necessarily a new thing for the two of you; your houses are the same way, and he was nice company to have when you didn’t feel like being alone.
The two of you had become friends at the beginning of junior year, when Mina had started bringing him around. You were wary at first, as you are of all Alphas, but you knew he was good when he broke his perfect record for you; he punched Monoma in the face. It’s funny to think about now, and if anyone asked, you would’ve denied it, but you were so scared at the time. Monoma and two of his friends had cornered you by the bathrooms near the old wing of the building- an area that hardly got any traffic- and were giving you a hard time. You could tell what they were thinking just by their stench, sickeningly sweet and almost too thick to breathe. When one of Monoma’s hands came down on your shoulder, you could’ve vomited.
But that’s when Kiri showed up.
He rounded the corner, and without a word, his fist slammed into Monoma’s face with a resounding smack. 
Kirishima got hit pretty good that day, too, but even after you managed to scream and kick enough to get them off of him, he still gave you a smile, and promised you that it was worth it, that you were worth it.
You became a lot closer after that- he spent a lot of time walking you to classes, taking you home, and accompanying you whenever you were too nervous to go alone. You were close, very close, but there was always still a gap in your relationship, and you both sadly knew why; he was an Alpha. Maybe you were just as bad as they were, with their stereotypes and prejudices- practice what you preach, right? But it was either that, or the fate you’ve been destined for all along.
Your bite stings.
“I know Denki said not to talk about it, but I just want you to know that I’m always here,” his eyes linger on your neck, and you fight the urge to cover it with your hand.
He knows, you know he does, because how couldn’t he? He could smell the difference the second you got near him, see it in the way your eyes shifted, how you scratched at that patch you weren’t quite used to wearing and the bite mark underneath. He knew because he knew you.
You feel like a sinking ship. The more you try to cover up your cracks, the more water seeps through and threatens to drown you. And right now, Kirishima looks like a life vest.
“I just…” you sigh, and you can already feel the tears prickling at the sides of your eyes. God, you’re so tired of crying- you’re so tired of everything.
His eyes light up at that, hopeful that you might open yourself up to him; maybe you can finally break the barrier between the two of you.
“I’m just tired, Kiri.” You can’t even look at him. You’re a liar and a bad friend; he’s there for you and you push him away. But this is your problem and yours alone- you’ve always been good at saving yourself, so you’re sure you can do it again. You don’t need anyone’s help.
You board up another crack- your boat continues to flood.
And your wall still stands.
Kirishima drops you off at home, not even bothering to ask to come in. You both know what you’d say, even though you wish it could be different. Your dog is so excited to see him, too, but he gives her a pat and heads home.
You hole back up in your room, ready to repeat your cycle- cry, eat, sleep. The days are still a blur, but you survive, and you make it back to school the next day.
It all goes relatively the same; Denki’s gossip, Monoma’s endless arsenry of insults, lunch crammed into a dingy little car, and before you know it, the day is over.
You and Kirishima head out the doors, mindlessly chattering about classmates, and things almost feel normal. Almost, you say, because the side of your neck burns sickeningly hot, and because you can hear the subtle chatter of drama waiting to happen, right outside of the school doors.
A sleek, black camaro is parked out front in the pickup line, and you feel your nightmares being realized. Against it sits a beautiful man with mussed up blonde hair, a shiny silver watch, and blacked out sunglasses, but you can already tell his eyes are on you.
Kirishima’s hand instinctively grabs your forearm, and the man pushes himself off of the car with his foot, careless and aloof, something only someone like him could afford to be.
He’s grinning, but you can tell from the bite in his scent that it’s all but real.
“(Y/N), darling,” he pushes down his shades to reveal those golden eyes, so deep you could get lost in them, “I thought you could use a ride.”
Tags: @mirayasimpinghard @kunaigirlx44 @dabis0bitch @ladywolf44005 @imunderurbed @jamerlynn @underratedmage @maggiecc  
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witchyangela · 3 years
ooh mini fic idea: jake helps bella cut her hair at some point during the new moon events
Ooh I love it!!!! Thanks sm for the suggestion!!
“I need your help”
Bellas voice over the phone is panicked, and Jake’s heart skips a beat to hear it.
“What’s wrong Bells” he asks “if you need help hiding a body…”
The jokey tone sounds forced but Bella still chokes out a half laugh.
“No, no” she says “just come over.. please?”
And so Jake does.
When he gets to the Swan house its clear something is not quite right. The door has been left unlocked and he pushes it open gingerly.
“Bella?” He calls, voice echoing in the empty house.
“Upstairs” her voice comes faintly, and he follows it to the door of the houses one small bathroom.
“Umm.. are you decent?” Jake calls feeling suddenly very awkward.
“Am I ever?” Bella responds but she pushes the door open and Jake realises immediately why she didn’t come to the front door her self.
Her hair is a mess. She’s put it in two braids and seems to have got part way through sawing one off before stopping. Her eyes are red rimmed as if she has been crying and her cheeks, which are a splodgy red and tear stained, confirm it.
“What happened bells?” Jake can barely keep the horror out of his voice.
“I tried to cut my hair” Bella’s voice is impossibly small and she can’t quite meet Jake’s eyes.
“I can see that” Jake answers “but why?”
“I just needed a change” Bella stares resolutely at the floor “I’ve been stuck in the same clothes doing the same thing for months and I need a change, I needed to change myself”
Jake almost goes to disagree, to tell Bella that she doesn’t need to change. But she raises her eyes to meet his and he can’t bring himself to.
“Do you need a hand?” He asks instead
“Would you?” Bella asks
Jake has never cut anyone’s hair before. He’s only had his own cut twice and once he was so young he can barely remember it. The other time was after his mom’s death and he can’t think back to that without the old ache resurfacing in his stomach. But still he takes the scissors from Bella’s hand and she goes to perch on the edge of the bath.
Gently he finishes the job Bella started and one places the braid next to her. He carefully cuts through the other and studies the uneven bob Bella now sports. Carefully he trims it so it’s all at least hangs the same length. And turns Bella to face him.
He’s suddenly aware of how close they are, how he can see himself reflected in Bella’s big dark eyes. She looks very different with her hair like this, younger somehow, less weighed down. It suits her.
Bella runs a hand through the new short like locks and then shakes her head like a dog ridding itself of water. She stand to look in the mirror and then she actually smiles.
“ I love it” she says genuinely, and then she’s hugging him. Jake can’t help but laugh slightly as he hugs her back.
“Im sorry” Bella says when she finally pulls away “this was a lot to ask of you, with no warning”
“It’s fine” Jake says automatically, and then because Bella looks unconvinced he adds “Bella, you’re my friend and I’m going to help you if you ask”
“I know” she replies “but sometimes I think I’m asking too much, not just with this, with everything. I can’t ask you to fix me. I want to be better and help myself I just… don’t know where to start” Bellas voice wobbles as if she might burst into tears all over again.
“You’ve been starting for a while Bells” Jake answers taking her hand “but you know, cutting your hair can be like a… fresh start, a way to separate yourself from the past right? So like maybe you can say that from now on, it’s going to be better?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a plan” Bella says nodding
“Good” Jake smiles suddenly “then let’s say we’ve had enough tears and serious stuff for today! I wanna catch the next rerun of supernatural”
“Ugh I hate that show” Bella rolls her eyes
“Oh come on it’s good! And I heard there gonna make another season so I need to catch up”
“It has vampires in it” Bella argues
“They kill them sometimes” points out Jake and Bella actually smiles again
“Then lead on Macduff” she says gesturing to the door and they both step out, into the rest of their lives…
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five-rivers · 3 years
For @skellagirl
“Hey, Jazz,” said Danny, leaning into Jazz’s room, one hand on the doorknob, the other braced against the jamb. “Wanna help me mess with Vlad?”
“Do I?” responded Jazz, pushing her chair back. “What’s the plan?”
“Well,” said Danny, “Vlad left one of his creepy spy bugs in the kitchen again, and I was thinking we could have a loud conversation in front of it about how Mom’s going to that charity bachelor auction.”
Jazz frowned. “But she isn’t. She’s married.”
“Yeah, that’s the point. Vlad’s delusional.”
“Ah, I see,” said Jazz. “Yeah, let’s do it. Should we write a script?”
“Maybe just a backstory. I work better with improv.”
“I’ve seen your fights, Danny. You definitely do not.”
“That’s cold.”
Maddie was not here, and Vlad was going to commit murder. Just a little bit. The victim was already half dead, after all.
His teeth squeaked as he forced himself to smile at the vapid, crowds of rich single women below him. He could not, unfortunately, back out now without losing quite a bit of face. The only consolation he had was that he had already communicated the need to eliminate the wealthier bidders, so that Maddie’s bet would win, to his ghostly servants. If only he could get away from the crowds and duplicate himself to take care of the others…
But that would be suspicious too, wouldn’t it? He had to let at least a few bids go through. And some of them had to be high, otherwise he’d never hear the end of it from his ever-aggravating business associates.
Curse them and their golf-playing buffoonery. He didn’t even like golf. It took so long.
When his name was called, he went out onto the stage like a man expecting to be hung. Why did anyone think this kind of thing was a good idea? This was humiliating. Ninety percent of the people bidding were after his money one way or another, he was sure.
Not like Maddie.
He sighed and refused to make eye contact with anyone in the crowd as the auctioneer called higher and higher values. Finally, the number stopped climbing, and Vlad lowered his gaze to see who, exactly, he would have to waste a day with.
Well. At least it wasn’t someone who was after his money.
“So,” said Harriet Chin, not even bothering to hide the recorder she held in her hands, “Vladimir Masters. Do you have a statement regarding the Whole World Mission scandal?”
“Harriet,” said Vlad, “please, we’re supposed to be on a date.”
“Yes, and I get to decide our activities. And I want an exclusive interview with the elusive Vlad Masters. That’s what I paid for, after all.”
“And here I was, thinking that it was my ravishing, good looks.”
Harriet snorted. “Maybe for someone who didn’t see you and Jack in that ridiculous hot dog eating contest. Although,” she leaned back appraisingly, “you did fill out since then. Actually… I’m sort of surprised at how early the bidding topped out. Was the room filled with bitter exes, or is there some scandal I don’t know about?”
Vlad rolled his eyes. “I confess, I’m as surprised as you.”
“Now, that’s a lie,” said Harriet.
“Excuse me?”
“You still have that tell from college,” said Harriet, smugly.
“Excuse me? I do not have a tell.” If he did, he had to identify and get rid of it as soon as possible.
“You do,” said Harriet, still grinning.
Vlad weighed the pros and cons of simply overshadowing her and making her lose the day. She’d probably claim that he drugged her or something. Curses.
He sighed, heavily. “At least let me take you out to a restaurant instead of,” he flicked his fingers at his surroundings, “just standing here.”
“Oh, I don’t know. A person’s house can tell you a lot about someone. Didn’t your Wisconsin home blow up? What was up with that, anyway?”
“I released a statement regarding that some time ago,” said Vlad.
“Wasn’t it also raided by the government?”
“That was a misunderstanding. And I also released a press statement about that incident. It shouldn’t take you more than, oh, an hour to look it up online.” This wasn’t entirely true. Once it was out of the immediate spotlight, Vlad had spent quite a bit of money to have the whole story scrubbed. “Dinner? I am paying.”
Harriet looked thoughtful. “Alright, but I’m picking where we go.”
“Of course,” said Vlad, graciously.
He regretted everything.
“Harriet, I know Amity Park is small relative to, say, Chicago, but, really… There are good restaurants here.”
“Yes,” said Harriet, “but I wanted to eat here.”
Vlad grimaced and tried not to look at the booth where Daniel and his juvenile delinquent friends were sitting and filming him with a handheld camera.
“Of course,” said Harriet, apparently unbothered by the stickiness of the booth bench and the screaming of children in the other part of building, “if you wanted to go back to a more private setting so that we could continue our interview—”
“No, no, this is quite alright. I said I would get you dinner, and here we are, eating…” He glanced at the menu with derision. “Food.”
He could, just barely, call it that. Even if he’d discovered during his short-term ownership of the chain that certain of its condiments could be used as mid-grade explosives. He didn’t know how Daniel could stand it.
(On the other hand, he had to admit he was enjoying this. Just a little. He so rarely got to match wits against a competent adult.)
(Maddie didn’t count—He was trying to woo Maddie, after all. They were practically on the same side.)
Valerie Grey, looking intensely weirded out, brought their order to their table. Harriet, unperturbed by the grease leaking through the paper wrappings, began to sort though the offerings for the cheap chicken burger she had ordered. Vlad, meanwhile, stared down at his sandwich.
Someone had put an ectoplasm antagonist in the dressing. He glared at Daniel. He didn’t know how the boy had done it, but he was going to pay for it. Along with setting him up for this ridiculous ‘date.’
“Aren’t you going to eat?” asked Harriet.
“I’m not hungry.”
“Oh, stop being such a snob. I remember you and Jack living off of instant ramen.”
“That was then, this is now,” said Vlad.
“Seems to be going well,” said Tucker, adjusting the lens on his camera, “all things considered.”
“Kind of surprised they’re here of all places, though,” said Sam.
“I think Ms. Chin’s just trying to get a rise out of Vlad, to be honest.” He’d stopped looking at them, though, instead frowning at the kitchens. “I think Valerie put something in his food. Do you think we should do something?”
“Not really,” said Tucker.
“Yeah, I’m going to choose Valerie every day over the old rich white guy who wants to kill your dad,” said Sam. “Even if she has some slightly homicidal tendencies regarding you.”
“Fair enough,” said Danny. “Want to stalk Vlad and his date until they drive home?”
“I don’t have any other plans,” said Sam, easily.
“Same,” said Tucker.
“Cool,” said Danny.
“Are you frequently stalked by teenagers?” asked Harriet.
“No,” said Vlad.
“And isn’t that Jack and Maddie’s son?”
“Oh ho, there’s a story there, isn’t there?”
“A private matter, I assure you.”
“When you’re as wealthy as you are, Vlad, nothing’s a private matter anymore.”
“I fear I must disagree with you on that count. Where are we going, anyway?”
“It’s a surprise,” said Harriet. “Unless you want to give me that interview.”
“Ugh. No.”
It was a miniature golf course. Of course it was. He could never escape from the accursed ‘sport.’ At least the miniature version was marginally more tolerable. Or it would be, if Daniel and his pack of friends weren’t able to follow them in.
… Or maybe they wouldn’t follow them in. The trio veered off suddenly right before the exit. Vlad smirked. Not enough cash for the little badger to get in, hm?
This assumption was disastrously disproven when a ghost fight tore through the Astroturf that covered the third hole.
Harriet was very nearly thrown into the pond, but Vlad managed to catch her at the last moment.
She was blushing.
Butter biscuits.
“Well,” said Harriet, “that wasn’t the interview I wanted, but it wasn’t a total waste of time. Same time next week?”
“Fine, fine, whatever you want,” said Vlad. Then what he said caught up to him. “No. One date. One date was all you paid for.”
Harriet pretended not to hear him.
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danniburgh · 3 years
Rushingly Bittersweet (Javier Peña x f!reader) part 23
Pairing: Javier Peña x ofc//f!reader with name.
Summary: After the fall of Escobar everything starts happening way too fast for Javier; his raise, his new office, his new team, the Cali cartel’s operation, the sudden arrival of a new agent that was transferred to his team for no apparent reason, the way he was falling in love with her almost unintentionally.
And he couldn’t seem to stop any of that.
Word count: +6.4k
Chapter warnings: lmao angst and then fluff, a brief mention of food, and drugs and a dog.
A/N: This chapter is set after season three. // aAAAAAA this is so long i dont even why but it took me like ALL day FUCK FUCK FUCK anyway thanks to all my babies that got me through the desperation of wanting this to write itself lmao, also two chapters and we are DONE with the main story holy shit
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gifs: @pascalsky
Javier groaned when he sat up and moved his legs to get them out of the bed and looked at the alarm clock on his nightstand; three forty-eight in the morning. He turned on the lamp, reached at his nape and scratched with blunt nails and reached for the pack of smokes that he left on the nightstand before laying down to try to sleep with the other hand.
He pulled the last one out of the pack and stood up to throw the empty carton in the trashcan near the door; he eyed the empty pack from the day before in the bottom of the can with the cigarette clinging to his lips thanks to near dry spit making them sticky and let out a deep sigh.
It wasn’t working.
His tongue moved to shift the cigarette from his lips and he let it fall inside the trashcan, knowing it wouldn’t be the last one he put between his lips, but at least he didn’t light it.
Javier thought of getting out of the room and raiding his dad’s bar again, but he knew it wouldn’t do him any good.
It wasn’t working.
He knew it, and it couldn't be denied any longer. He wasn’t getting any younger and his old ways weren’t helping him forget as they used to ten or fifteen years before.
Javier walked back to the bed and sat on the edge, letting his half naked body fall backwards on the mattress and looking at the ceiling, he felt his hand twitch and he felt it empty without a nicotine stick firmly pressed between his index and his thumb but did nothing to calm it down.
Ten or fifteen years before: had it really been that long? Javier huffed at nothing and scratched his chest, leaving his hand there, uselessly wondering what would it be of him if he did something different; incidentally working through years and years of missteps, mishappens, mistakes, and shaping them in some other way that would have saved him from five months of poor sleep and constant drunkenness, five months of chain-smoking and lack of sharpness, five months of only remembering the bad things he had done and the bad things he deserved.
He huffed again because of course his retirement wouldn’t be him sitting on a porch to enjoy the evening Texas breeze and a glass of scotch; even if he had tried it.
It was having nightmares every third night he wanted nothing but to shove deep inside his head, but that then, reluctantly, he had to tell his new therapist his dad had forced him to go to.
It was having to remember all the men he saw dying every time he heard the words war or coke or shooting. Having to remember them changing and fighting and dying for a cause he wasn’t sure if he still believed in. Having to remember Carrillo every time he and Steve talked on the phone.
It was remembering you each time someone sent him a letter congratulating his work or asking for consultation or asking for an interview; because he had an idea of what you had been through and he was sure he didn’t deserve all that claptrap. He did nothing but cause chaos and destruction and death and even though his therapist said it wasn’t his fault he knew it was because he aided for it to happen.
But you? You did everything you could to find yourself a way to recover what was yours, and you still lost it.
Javier sat up again and after six exact seconds of consideration, he leaned forward and opened his nightstand drawer. He took the black tape he had been clinging to for five months and held it in front of him for a couple of minutes.
He chuckled at himself and gripped the small cassette, took from the drawer his tape player, pressed the red button for it to open, let the tape fall in the slit and closed it, turned it on and rewinded the tape, trying to make the calculations in his head of how many times he had repeated that process as the tape ran to the beginning.
He put the headphones on, laid down back on the bed and pressed play.
“Hi, Javi, uhm…”
God, how he missed you.
The phone rang again, fuck the phone, you thought, and hid your face under a pillow, trying to fall asleep again despite the clear signal that you were no longer sleepy.
And the phone rang again, you lifted your head from the cocoon of pillows and eyed the clock on your nightstand, who was calling you at five seventeen in the morning?
Grunting, you got out of the bed and walked out of the bedroom to the small space that made your living room, dining room and kitchen and got to the phone.
“Hello?” your voice was a deep groan, and you cleared your throat.
“Another letter came for you, when are you gonna change your address?” your dad’s voice broke through the receiver and you closed your eyes, breathing in and out the stress it was already provoking in you.
“I’ll get to it, dad,” you replied “are you gonna send it to me or can I go to the house?” you questioned, feeling already your lower lip tremble.
“I’ll send it, your mom doesn’t wanna see you yet,” he let out in a stern voice “sorry, pumpkin.” he whispered and hung up the phone.
You sat on the armrest of the loveseat next to the phone and let your tears fall from your eyes, not even bothering about cleaning them anymore.
You sighed and nodded to yourself, letting your tired gaze roam around your tiny living space and you missed the openness of your family house, the one you had come back to and were expelled from by an angry mother that felt ashamed of the truth you told them.
But you had to give it to her, she didn’t even know you went down to Colombia, or that you’d been having drug issues, or that they fired you.
She had told you she didn’t know who you were anymore.
Neither did you.
So you left, they couldn’t be more disappointed in you than you were in yourself, so you walked out as your mom wanted and tried to find a home for yourself as you still wondered what the hell were you supposed to do. There wasn’t a handbook or a protocol that taught people how to stop being a DEA agent, the government didn’t train people to go back to civility or even offered a program to forget all the shit you had lived in the places they had sent you.
You stayed in your hometown, unknowingly to your old friends and twenty minutes away from your parent’s home and didn’t leave your house unless absolutely necessary; Albuquerque wasn’t a small town, but it wasn’t big, and you were dreading walking past someone who knew you before you had lost yourself and tried to explain all your baggage, you didn’t have the time, or the energy. And you didn’t want people feeling sorry for yourself, with the woman in the mirror you had enough.
Everything seemed pointless, and you felt heavy all the time, as if you were carrying a chain ball in each foot and shackles in your hands while being dragged down by quicksand.
In the kitchen's corner you saw the last two boxes you still didn’t have energy to unpack after moving them across the continent and let out a teary sight as you stood from the armrest and walked to them.
You opened the first box and saw it filled with office clutter; pencils, markers, some notebooks and notepads, the brown journal you had been looking for to burn on your stove; a set of keys you weren’t sure what they opened and in the bottom, folded pieces of paper.
“Oh, no.” you muttered to the air of the warm kitchen and you doubted reaching in for it… The hesitation lasted two minutes but for you it was like two hours, you knew what it was, you knew why it was in that box and when you took it it felt hot and heavy. You were holding feelings in that letter, you were holding hours of shed tears and memories you didn’t want to have anymore. Memories that still haunted you whenever you smelled roasted colombian coffee and saw an ad of Malduros on tv.
You didn’t open it. You knew what was written there. And for a few seconds you thought of burning it on the stove instead.
“Well, I don’t want this, might as well send it.” you muttered under your breath, recognizing it would do you some good to stop holding to it, acknowledging it would do you some good to know he had it. If he wanted to rip it into millions of pieces or burn it or toss it in the trash or eat it, it was his problem.
You bit your lip as you walked to the phone; you hadn’t thought of him in a while. But as you sat on the loveseat all the shit you wanted to bury if not get rid of came back to your mind like a high wave of a rough sea; sharp, cold, gritty.
“Shit.” you gasped, trying to breathe in and out several times because you didn’t want to cry. It was too early for crying.
You grabbed the phone and thought who could have Javier’s address. God, even thinking of his name made your chest flutter and your stomach churn. You had fooled yourself into thinking he didn’t have an effect on you anymore, into even assuring five months was enough to forget him. What a fool.
You dialed the number of the only person you knew for sure knew the address by heart; the phone rang three times before it was answered.
“Hello?” a sleepy nasal voice greeted, and you smiled through the few tears that had accumulated in your eyes, grateful that he still had his embassy issued cell phone.
“Stod!” your smile was making your cheeks hurt, and you wondered in the back of your head when was the last time you had smiled.
“Who’s this? Flor?” he asked and you let out a stiff chuckle. You decided not to be a huge asshole and dump something heavy as your actual name that early in the morning, so you went with it.
“Yeah, sorry to call at this hour, did I wake you?” you played with the edge of the loveseat’s armrest.
“Kinda,” a noise of shuffle was heard “but it’s almost seven here, so I’m not that mad,” he teased, making you chuckle again “how are you? to what do I owe the honor?”
“Uhm, I–‌I’m calling to take advantage of you,” you said, hearing his chuckle through the line and a whisper of of course you did, “by any chance do you know Peña’s address in Texas?” you asked, closing your eyes and crossing your fingers, wishing for him to not ask:
“I–‌I have something of his...” you mumbled under your breath “I just found it and I wanna send it.” you said, which wasn’t technically a lie.
“Uh…” Stoddard hesitated, and you heard a faint of a pouring noise in the back that made you sigh, a cup of coffee would do you wonders, “well I do–I don't know if I’m allowed to just say it, y’know?” you frowned.
“Oh, come on, please?” you pleaded, your leg started bouncing because of the anxiety that was growing in your chest.
“What is it? is something important?” he asked.
“Super important,” you nodded even though he couldn’t see, “he needs it.”
“How do you know?” he questioned again, and you whined under your breath.
“Uhm, I ju–‌I just know, uhm…” since when were you a twitchy, nervous mess? “can’t you just tell me?”
“Not really, no.” he muttered in that voice that made you want to punch him and hug him at the same time.
You let out the air of your lungs and controlled your body.
You had promised yourself to tell the truth when it was necessary. So you were going to.
“Look, Stod, this is long to explain, okay?” you began, and he hummed affirmatively in response, “the only thing you need to know is that the thing I have here is very important that he gets because he needs to know that I kept it for him.” you said, closing your eyes again.
“Flor you just told me nothing.” he let out, his voice was being muffled and it sounded like he had something in his mouth.
“Fuck, Stoddard, I love him, okay?” you let out “and this thing I have is a letter that I need him to have so he knows I love him!” you panted and bit your lip when he didn’t answer.
You just had said out loud you loved someone, you just had said to someone you loved Javier Peña for the first time. Shit.
“Oh,” Stoddard said after a moment and you held your breath, “you have where to write?”
“You’re a fucking king!”
Six hours later, you wanted nothing else but to turn the fucking car around.
“This is a mistake, this is a fucking mistake!” you yelled inside your car, opening the glove box to toss there your sunglasses. The highway 285 was eternal, and you hated driving through it; it was empty, there was nothing but desert landscapes and the occasional tree, but you were halfway, just crossing the state border and there was nothing in the everlasting earth that would make you drive back home, not even your fucking hesitation, not even your self-doubt.
“What the fuck am I gonna say?” you asked yourself again, chewing on your lower lip and gripping the steering wheel, “am I just pulling on his driveway and knocking on his door and saying hi I’m sorry I broke your heart I have a letter for you? Fuck!” you saw the beginning of yet another town and you drove slowly looking for a gas station, “or better yet, I read this shit to him to complete the humiliation!” you turned your head for a second at the letter resting easily in the co-pilot’s seat and you groaned, finding a gas station. You were also hungry.
With the car’s tank full and a plastic bag filled with snacks for the remaining six hours, you sighed to yourself and started driving again.
“You’re doing this because you need closure,” you told yourself, shoving your hand into a bag of salted chips and bringing three to your mouth “if he doesn’t wanna see you, too bad, he’s gonna miss your haircut,” you mumbled, chewing at the same time “you leave the letter and let him decide what to do with it.”
With the highway 285 long behind you and the sky just beginning to turn orange, you had convinced yourself of your own reasons and you even had a plan to go back home as soon as you were done in Laredo. You also had promised yourself and all your Muertos, you wouldn’t react to Javier Peña if he didn’t react to you and as you had learned in your three-year station in México, you can’t break a promise you made to dead people.
“Shit, shit, shit,” you said when the marked map told you you were a block away from the Peña’s ranch house, you were chewing the last bit of a nearly melted chocolate bar you had bought hours ago as your nervousness betrayed you and you started chuckling at your impulses, “holy fuck, I wanna go home!”
But you were already there. The gate was open and there were two trucks parked on the driveway. So you sucked everything you were feeling, and you turned off the ignition. Fuck. It.
You breathed in and out several times before you unbuckled your seatbelt, grabbed the letter and opened the door. You did it again as you walked the gravel path to the house and were grateful it was already dark, so at least the night could help you hide until the last second.
You stopped walking, rationality coming back to you.
“What the fuck am I doing?” you whispered to yourself and turned around, shaking your head as you walked back to the car.
“Mija!” you heard behind you, you froze in place and stiffened at the sound of a thick accent in a rough and warm voice.
“Oh, no.” you said under your breath.
“It’s you!” you turned around, and you saw the face of the man you had only met through an old picture Javier carried with him at all times. “viniste.” (you came) behind him walked a black, large dog that ignored the man and huffed at you.
“I’m sorry?” your voice went out thin and high, and you wanted to chastise yourself for it. You had given yourself a seven-hour pep talk on the way, and you were already breaking.
“I told him,” the man rolled his eyes behind the glasses he was wearing and gestured for you to walk closer “Jesús Peña, nice to finally meet you,” he extended his hand to you and you took it and shook it, the dog got closer to you and smelled your legs, you tried to smile at him and at the dog but tears were already gathering inside your eyes “le dije que ibas a venir a buscarlo.” (I told him you’ll come looking for him)
“I’m sorry, Mr. Peña, I–‌I do–‌”
“Mr. Peña nada,” he interrupted, “call me Chucho,” you nodded and sniffed slightly “ven,” (come) he gestured again and started walking towards the house, “Pepe, métete.” (get inside) he called, and the dog trotted to his side.
“Wait, Chucho, wait!” you called him under your breath as you followed him, he didn’t stop.
“Come on in,” he opened the house door and waited for you to get inside. He nodded his head for you to walk in and you frowned.
“You don’t even know who I am, what ar–‌”
“I know enough,” he said solemnly, walked inside and you and the dog did too and he pointed to an armchair “siéntate, mija, he’s on the back.” he turned around and walked through an archway to what it looked like the kitchen and disappeared through a door, Pepe behind him.
“What the fuck.” you sobbed out, knowing you had little time to leave the letter you were clutching in your hands on the coffee table in front of you and walk out and leave for good. But you couldn’t move, you were in Javier’s house and you wanted to stop being there, but your body was frozen in place and you felt like you couldn’t breathe. You wanted to scream at yourself, at your fucking impulses; you had all the opportunities to turn around and go back home, why didn’t you listen to your logical, rational, always right brain?
“Hi.” you heard behind your back and you covered your mouth with the hand that wasn’t holding the fucking letter.
You turned around and blinked the first two tears of what you already knew was going to be a sea of them.
He was wearing the red shirt. And God, it was his color.
Javier wanted to run away and hide.
He had just made peace with never seeing you again; he had just accepted that the only part he would have of you was that voice mail you had left him months before. But there you were, teary and gorgeous in front of him. Shaking and with your hands holding a piece of paper as if it were your lifeline.
His head was a contradiction, because he wanted to grab you and hug you all the same he wanted to grab you and shove you out of his house and his life.
“What are you doing here?” Javier asked, knowing deep inside him he wanted to tell you how good you looked and how much he liked your new hair. You let out a shaky breath at his deep voice. You had missed it.
It was the first time you saw him in five months, and the weight of your feelings for him fell again on your shoulders like a recently broken off boulder, heavy, rough edged and shapeless.
“I don’t know.” you answered truthfully, he sighed and deviated his eyes from you, you breathed in heavily and the only thing that got into your lungs was his essence. You cursed under your breath and he huffed, putting his hands on his hips and leaning to the side.
“How d'you found me?” he questioned, and you huffed through the tears.
“I have my resources.” you let out on a whisper. Trying to find his eyes, you needed to see his eyes.
“What do you want?” Javier asked again, and you deflated at the tone of his voice. The rational part of your brain yelled I told you so at your feelings and you knew it was right, you were expecting too much of yourself and of him.
“See you,” you bit your lower lip and Javier saw from the corner of his eyes how you scrunched up your nose, and he felt something inside his chest flutter, hating and loving all the same how much of you he still had stored inside his memory, “I have something for you.”
“Keep it.” he let out. You shook your head and raised your hand with the letter on it.
“Read it.” you half ordered, half pleaded, Javier chuckled and then shook his head, mimicking you.
“I don’t want it.” he knew he was lying to himself, he wanted to know what it was, he wanted to grip it and smell the paper and read it over and over but his body wasn’t responding to what his feelings were telling him and only responded, almost in automatic, to his prideful side, to that side of him that still resented you and himself.
“Alright then,” you said, standing straight after realizing you had regained the ability to read him even through your tears, and understanding there was something he was struggling with, “I’ll read it.”
“Stop.” Javier frowned and looked at you, his eyes pleading for you to do something you couldn’t decipher.
“I know, okay?” you said, trying to reassure him and yourself “I know I’m in no position to ask for shit,” Javier dropped his hands to the sides “but I just want ten minutes, just ten of your life, and you’ll never have to see me again if that’s what you want.”
You knew it was a risky thing to say, but you needed him to know, you needed him to understand you because you knew and he knew you did understand him. And he needed to know you. You and your version.
He said nothing, you took it as his queue to start so you breathed in deeply and unfolded the letter.
“Stop.” Javier said under his breath.
“No,” you wiped a tear off your cheek “I wrote this when I went back to Colombia after I got fired,” Javier looked at you and you saw his face quirk in something close to pain “uhm, before I wrote this I drove around Bogotá,” you recalled that last day in the city and how much it pained you to be there, “I went–‌I went to some of the places you told me you liked” you tried to smile and dropped your eyes to your shoes, trying to find something to cling to and compose yourself “even that little cafe you told me about, near the palace of justice, remember?” you sobbed out. And he called your name. Making you gasp.
“Stop,” you looked up at him and saw him frowning, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, “we don’t need this.”
“I do!” you let out, Javier brushed his lips with his thumb and felt his hand twitch in need of nicotine again “I need to tell you all this!” you wiped your tears away again “I need closure!” you cried out.
Javier felt his stomach turn around and all the blood of his body went to his feet. Fuck. 
How could he had been so stupid? he got into his own feelings too much and he forgot that you had cried your eyes out to him all those months ago when you handed him everything you were in a couple of manila folders. He had gotten wrapped by his own feelings and the hurricane your declaration had created in his life that he had forgotten just how much you were suffering as well. Because he might have thought about you; all the time, every day; he thought about your past and your reasons and motivations. He even thought of you naked on his bed in Colombia, under his body, moaning and gasping when he needed some release, but he forgot to think about your feelings.
“I didn’t come here to ask for forgiveness because I know I don’t deserve it,” you said and Javier felt the wetness of a tear escaping his eye and making its way through his cheek, “I’m trying to get closure, Javier, please let me try.”
Javier nodded.
You cried more when you saw him brush a tear off with his thumb and chew the inside of his mouth. You wanted to run away; you were sure he was better before you came to his house and disrupted his peace; you were hurting him again, and you wanted to kneel in front of him and ask him for what you said you weren’t seeking. He made you want so much.
You sniffed and dropped your eyes to the open letter in your hand, Javier didn’t move from where he was standing.
“No amount of guilt will or can change the past,” you began, Javier crossed his arms on his chest and saw movement to his side, “that much I know. I kno–‌know that it doesn’t matter,” you sniffed again and Javier turned his head to watch the dog casually walking towards him and sitting next to his boots. You saw it too, and you let out a sad chuckle.
“Ignore him.” he just said. You nodded.
“Uhm, it doesn’t matter how much I apologize, or how many I’m sorry’s I mouth, forgiveness doesn’t come for free.” you didn’t want to lift your eyes to see him, so you continued.
Javier only saw you reading him something he was sure you had poured your heart into, and he wanted nothing but to hear what you wanted to say to him, but he couldn’t focus into listening, because there you were, again in front of him doing what he never dared to do.
Opening your fucking chest, taking your heart out and giving it raw to him.
“...knowing and realizing and acknowledging just how much I love you.”
Javier drowned a gasp, as he fell in love with you all over again, you were doing what he didn’t have the balls to do, because in his sleepless sleep he wanted to look for you, in the middle of his idle nights, just after waking up after a nightmare, he wanted to find you and go to you and tell you whatever the fuck he could to be back with you. But he never did, he never did because he was a coward, because he feared his own feelings so fucking much.
He couldn't hear anything of it after your declaration of love. God, how much he loved you. You were standing there, with your eternally hopeful eyes filled with crystalline tears and several pages of written feelings. And he realized, there, with you in the middle of his living room, shifting to the next page, that even though you were extremely similar, you were also very different.
“...with you I found a reason to give up after all the shit I've lived in…” you muttered and he found the differences inside him; you were braver than him, you were smarter and more connected with what you felt; you weren’t scared of your feelings as he was. You went for what you wanted and even though it had been five months of that dreadful day when he saw his heart squeezed out of his body by your hesitant hand, that day he still replayed inside his head when the day was just over and his brain was floating between sleep and awakeness, he still wondered why you were bothering.
“There were so many things I thought…” you kept reading as he wondered if it was possible for the two of you to connect with each other outside of shared trauma and sympathy for each other’s experiences. But he answered to himself that even if you two weren’t as emotionally available as you needed to be to build a relationship or if you both were having a hard time adapting to be and live out of the system, maybe the love was real.
You stopped reading after noticing he was just standing there with his arms crossed and his eyes on you but not seeing you; you wiped the last of your tears and chuckled bitterly to yourself. Making him blink a few times.
“Fuck this,” you crumpled the pages in your hands and dropped them on the coffee table, shaking your head. Javier frowned, “it doesn’t matter what I read, I shouldn’t have come.” you said, drowning your sobs and gasping for air. He wasn’t paying attention, and nothing about it was making you feel any better about anything.
“What?” Javier whispered, dropping his hands to his sides.
“A’right, then…” you didn’t look at him and tried to control your breathing again “I guess that’s what I wanted to do,” you walked to the door and opened it, Javier wanted to ask what the fuck was happening, he wanted to grab your arm and stop you as he didn’t do it when you were leaving his office back in Colombia “I’m sorry to have bothered you, Javier,” he winced slightly involuntarily at the way you sobbed out his name “I’ll go.”
You walked out of the house covering your mouth with your hand to muffle your sobs, your rational brain was right, it was a mistake; it was a complete and utter mistake, and you were so ashamed of yourself for even thinking it would change anything. You walked to your car feeling the sharp, stinging sensation of a migraine settling in your head. You heard steps behind you and you turned around slowly, not wanting to put hope on the source being Javier.
“Mija,” you look at Chucho trying to catch up with you, “¿a dónde vas?” (where are you going?)
“I’m going home.” you said, shrugging at the man when he stopped in front of you.
“Why?” he asked, frowning.
“Because he said nothing, Chucho,” you bit your lip and looked at the Texan night sky and huffed at yourself, “he said nothing.”
“But he wants you, mija!” he assured you, and you shook your head several times.
“If he wants me as you say,” you pointed towards the house behind him, “then how come I’m not with him?” you reasoned, “he doesn’t want me.”
You dropped your eyes to the gravel path as Chucho sighed and raised his hand to squeeze your shoulder just enough for you to feel less sad. Just how a father would do.
Chucho glared at the house, the door open and Pepe standing in the threshold; his son had been back for months, he had been living next to him, eating next to him, working next to him and breathing next to him just as he did before he went away but he knew, just like a father could, he was not the same man that left.
He reminisced over the muchacho his son was before he left Laredo, so eager to get out of the small town he grew up in and that harbored his family home, so anxious to meet new horizons, so keen to find and explore new places and learn new things; he sometimes found himself missing that boy, he sometimes missed his Javi; the one that helped him build a paddock for his own horse, the one that washed his truck without asking and without failing each friday evening, the one that took care of his Mamá’s funeral at sixteen when himself was too sad to think about coffins or tombstones; because the man that came back to him after almost two decades too far away from home wasn’t the same.
He had seen and done things that Chucho never wanted to to ask about but he imagined, his Javier wasn’t the same. And Chucho knew why, but he also knew about you. Javi had talked about you way too much for his own good, as he did everything. And Chucho also knew why, he wasn’t letting the woman that made his son come back home run away.
“He does want you,” he said, slowly, with a low voice, as if it were a secret, “mijo… es un idiota a veces, but he loves you.” (he’s an idiot sometimes)
“You don’t know that.” you refuted.
“I do,” he gave you a smile that was barely visible under the white mustache “el te ama, y yo…” (he loves you, and I…) “I’m so grateful.” you shook your head as two thick tears left your eyes.
“I broke his heart.” you sobbed out.
“Y me lo trajiste a casa, Florecita” (and you brought him home to me, little flower) you sobbed harder, not able to control it anymore, and he brought you to him, and held you.
“He told you my fake name?” you asked between sobs.
“He told me what you look like.” he muttered.
“I’m so sorry.” you let yourself be wrapped by him and you hid your face on his shoulder.
“Don’t be, without you I would’ve lost my only child.” you held him tighter.
“Please.” you pleaded for nothing and everything at the same time.
“You gotta fight for him, mija.” he muttered to your ear, and you shook your head, still leaning into him.
“I’m fighting for him!” you almost yelled “I’m here, aren’t I?” you lifted your head to look at the man and you gasped for air, dropping your hands to your sides “I drove almost thirteen hours non-stop all the way from Albuquerque just to be here!” you told him and the man stiffened as you lost your shit in front of him, you gripped your head between your hands “thirteen hours to read him that stupid letter and he didn’t say shit!”
“You did what?” you heard and lifted your head to see Javier standing behind his dad.
Chucho looked at Javier and then at you with your cheeks dampened with tears. He squeezed your shoulder again and turned to walk to the house.
“You were in Albuquerque all this time?” he said, and you nodded, noticing he was holding the letter in his hand “when you said you’d go you meant back there?” he frowned in confusion.
“Well, yeah, I have nowhere to stay so I might as well drive home.” you muttered, Javier’s frown deepened, and he stepped towards you.
“Stay here,” he said, “if you wanna leave you leave in the morning.” his voice was thin and low. You looked at his eyes and saw them reddened and wet.
“Did you read it?” you whispered out. He stepped towards you again, nodding.
“Stay.” he whispered back.
“You don’t want me.” you said under your breath as shook your head and he stepped closer.
“Who says that?” he asked, and you looked at the gravel path again.
“I won’t stay.” you felt Javier’s warm fingers graze under your chin and lift your head to him slowly.
“Don’t be so stubborn,” he chastised you with half a smirk forming on his lips “stay with us.” you shook your head again.
“You don’t want me here but you want me to stay,” you said, frowning at him “Javier you can’t have it bo–‌”
“I want you to stay,” he interrupted you “I want you to stay with me,” he whispered as his fingers moved to your cheek and wiped away a tear. “please.”
Javier had read your letter after you walked out and realized, at the prospect of you leaving for what it seemed like forever, at the possibility of you leaving him for good and he never getting to see you or your gorgeous face or your hypnotizing eyes or hearing your voice that did so many things on him, that the balance of his other losses leaned upwards when he weighed the probability of losing you.
Did he care about what you did? of course he did, it still stung sometimes deep inside his chest, it still filled him with something close to grief.
Was he willing to work it out and let it aside because he didn’t want to feel the agony and deep sorrow of not having you by his side he had been feeling for the last five months again? yes.
And the answer to that question inside his head startled him and shook him deeply.
You were there. God, you were there, there was no way he was going to let you leave.
Javier decided you could work it out later, he loved you way too much not to try. He didn’t even plan to love you the way he did, the way he discovered by reading that letter or remembering the man he was without you. He didn’t even plan to love you at all, but he did. He was madly, insanely, deeply in love with you.
Javier moved his hand to your shoulder and let the one holding the letter find its way to your waist. Find its way home.
“Don’t go.” he whispered again. He moved the last step to wrap his hands around you. You let out a low yelp at the feeling of his body so close to you, for a second you froze in place, your eyes closed and his warmth invaded your entire body as he hid his head in the crook of your neck. He inhaled your essence as you hugged him back and gripped him tightly against you.
Javier felt as if all his parts were being glued back together.
“Stay with me.” he whispered against the skin of your neck.
So you stayed.
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pedrito's perma list: @queenofthefaceless​ @northernpunk​ @pascalesque​ @sleep-tight1​ @cheekygeek05​ @bii-aan-ckaa​ @letaliabane​ @starlightmornings​ @mouthymandalorianalso​ @supernaturalgirl​ @metalarmsandmanbuns​ @purplepascal042​ @asta-lily​ @greeneyedblondie44​ @missswriter​ @juletheghoul​ @pedro-pastel​ @agirllovespancakes​
Javi's babies: @pulplorrd​
RushBit tag list: @shestillwrites1​ @alliterative-albatross​ @absurdthirst​ @thoughtfulpandawasteland​ @wifeofdindjarin​ @lank-sextburg @the-ginger-hedge-witch​ @helloannbananalove​ @diogodxlot​ @pascalslittlebrat​ @sarahjkl82-blog​ @pedritobalmando​ @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan​ @mamacitapascal​ @dobbyjen​ @callsigncatfish​ @feminist-violinist​ @jasmincita​ @pascalove​ @eury-dice3​ @gingaahhhh @athalien​
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leossmoonn · 3 years
Unexpected Love [Kai Parker] || Part Two
masterlist | part one
pairing - kai parker x fem, human!reader
type - fluff, angst
note - read the first part, this cannot be read as a standalone! if you have read the first part then welcome back, thank you for reading the second part. so this part will be more focused on kai and the readers relationship and definitely all fiction lol (aka no actual scenes from the show) :) and part 3 is at the end!
summary - you and kai fall in love over a period of time after spending time with each other in the prison world
warnings / includes - language, alcohol, crying, fighting, mention/thinking of suicide, family trauma, lot of flirting in this one, suggestive, f/f = favorite flavour (of ice cream) lol
*gif isn't mine* (ugh hes so fine im dying)
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I sat up straight and gasped, my eyes flying right open. I looked around frantically, sharp pain shooting right through my chest. 
“Ow,” I whined, pressing my hand gently to my side. 
“Oh, yeah. The first time you die here, it’ll hurt. I bet it’s not any different from what that ring does for you, though,” Kai’s voice ringed next to me. 
My head snapped to him, memories of what he did to me flooding back. 
“Get away from me!” I shouted, getting up out of the bed I was in. 
“I did you a favour, Y/n. You should thank me!” He exclaimed. 
“What favour! You robbed me of my only chance of getting home. Now we have no magic and the ascendent is broken!” 
“Stop shouting. Ugh, you’re giving me a headache,” he whined. 
I gave him a death glare. “You’re the one with the headache. You’re the one- I just… I’m going for a walk.”
I stomped out of the room, running down the stairs. I heard Kai’s footsteps from behind me. I walked as fast as I could without feeling any pain. Kai seemed to be full on sprinting, though, because he grabbed my wrist. 
“Let me go!” I exclaimed. “Please, Y/n. I’m sorry,” Kai pleaded.
I jerked my body away from him. “Shove it, Malachai. If you want me to forgive you, then you better leave me alone right now.”
He looked at me with wide, fearful eyes. I didn’t wait for him to say anything. I turned on my heel and made my way out of the house and back to the woods. I stomped the whole way there, my hands balled in tight fists. My fingernails dug into my skin as tears stained my cheeks. I just could not believe Kai. I knew he was a sociopath and a dick, but I didn’t think he would try to rob me of my chance at happiness. It was stupid how I thought he would even think about someone else and not himself. Sometimes he made it seem like he did care, though. It also seemed as my attraction to him from the first time we met was still there. I needed to get rid of it. I needed to find a way to get out here. Without Kai. 
I stopped walking as I realised I was deep in the woods. The cool breeze flew around me, calming me down. I closed my eyes and breathed out the air that I had been holding in. I opened my eyes to stare at the sky. It was a cloudless afternoon with bright sunshine. It was always like this. For the past few months this was all I had seen. I was more than sick of it. I wanted rain. Snow. Hail. Anything else but the sunshine for once. 
I released my hands from their fists, reaching my right hand up to my side where Bonnie’s jacket still was. I let out a strangled, but happy sound. I unwrapped it from my body, seeing that it had a huge red blood spot that was mine. I ignored it and held it up to my face, hugging it closely to my chest. 
“I’m getting out of here. I’m going home,” I promised to myself. 
I stayed in the woods until the sun started to set. I spent my time walking around some more, making up a plan. I knew how the ascendent looked before it was broken, and I was sure that Bonnie’s grimoire, that was thankfully still here, had a diagram of some sort, too. I could just build it back up. I took a shop class in high school and used to build cars with my dad, so I was quite the mechanic. Getting it to work without magic was the hard part, though. I needed a Bennett witch to access the spell. I knew Kai still had some of Bonnie’s magic in him, but I couldn’t risk telling him the plan and having it work, only for him to leave me here again. Plus, it’s not like having him use Bonnie’s magic would actually work. He wasn't actually a Bennett. He just happened to have her magic in him. 
I opened the door and stepped into the Salvatore house, looking around for Kai. I smiled, relieved that I couldn’t spot him anywhere. I shut the door behind me, kicking off my shoes and going to the liquor cabinet, popping off the top of a bottle of whiskey. I didn’t bother with a cup, I just downed it straight. The liquor burned my throat as I strutted to the kitchen, going over to the CD player and putting on Toni Braxton’s ‘Another Sad Love Song’.  
I danced around and got out the ingredients for a strawberry cake. As Toni’s song came to an end, I heard the front door open. I groaned loudly, my mood dropping immediately. I left the kitchen to see what Kai was up to. I laughed incredulously as I saw him carrying multiple duffle bags and a backpack. 
“Are you seriously moving in?” I asked. 
“Yep,” he nodded. “What part of ‘leave me alone’ do you not understand? Do I need to spell it out for you so it can get through your thick skull?” I snapped, taking ahold of his arm and dragging him back to the front door. 
“I understand!” He exclaimed. “Good. Then you’ll get out,” I sneered, pushing him out the door. I went to shut it, but his arm held the door open.
“I will smash your hand in this door,” I threatened.
“Yeah, I know, but hear me out. I can help you get back,” Kai said. 
I scoffed, “I don’t want nor need your help. Get out.” I pushed the door further in his face. He dropped his bags and used both hands to keep it open. 
“I know you don’t trust me and you have no reason to, but please. I still have Bonnie’s magic in me and I can fix the ascendent with her magic,” he begged. He pouted and put on his puppy dog face.
“No,” I said without any hesitation. “You get out of my life, okay? If I ever see you, hear you, or even smell you, you’re dead, okay?”
His eyes then filled with anger and frustration. “Fine!” He exclaimed. “You know, I only even wanted to help you because I want to get out of here. We both know that I would have only left you here alone.”
“Glad we’re on the same page, then,” I smiled sourly. “See you never.” And with that, I slammed the door in his face. 
I sighed deeply, smiling in satisfaction. I went back to the kitchen and resumed my cake making. 
A few hours later and I was finishing the last pieces of cake, and watching Forrest Gump.
“Life is like a box of chocolates, huh,” I muttered. “First I’m a regular girl with human friends and a family. And now I’m a girl who who has no family, vampires, werewolves, and witches for friends, and who is stuck in a never-ending prison world!”
I rolled my head around the couch ledge, my eyes looking out the window. It was pitch black now. The stars were shining brightly, many of them twinkling. 
“Mom, Dad, Jenny, Andrew. Bonnie and Damon. If you’re out there, please help me. Send someone or something. I-I can’t do this alone, and I definitely don’t want Kai’s help. Please help me,” I cried out. I hugged a couch pillow and Bonnie’s jacket. 
I hope someone could hear me up there. Otherwise I was screwed.
3 months later and I was still stuck in this hell-hole. Well, at least I think it had been 3 months. Ever since Kai kept me here, I had been counting the days. It had been approximately 90 days, give or take. I was beginning to think this was actually my own personal instead of Kai’s. 
Speaking of Kai, he actually had been pretty good of avoiding me. In these 90 days, I have only ran into him twice. Once was while I was going for a morning jog and the other was when I was venturing into town, walking to the Mystic Grill and all the shops. During my stay, I have also been documenting my days with an old video camera I found. I knew that I would get out, but just in case, I would be able to have all those memories saved and if I died somehow and never came back and someone else got trapped here, they could see the glamorous life of Y/n L/n. Or what was left of it at least. 
Today was going to be different, though. For the past few months, I had been sitting in my bedroom for most of the week, crying, talking to myself, screaming at the world. I had even considered killing myself once or twice, but I knew that I would only wake up in more pain and sadness. Every day I prayed and hoped for someone to come and find me. For my friends to find out a way to get to me, even though they didn’t have the ascendent or anything. It seems as more days past, the less and less hopeful I got, though. So, I decided that the only way I was getting out of here was to do it myself, regardless if I wasn’t a magical being. 
And so right now, I was trying to build the ascendent. I was almost there, actually. It was just these little parts that were so frustrating to put back together. 
“Go together, dammit!” I exclaimed out of frustration. 
I put the device down, running my hands over my face, thinking of a solution.  Maybe I should ask Kai for help. 
No. That would only end up with me screaming at him the whole time and potentially killing him. 
But he probably still had some go Bonnie’s magic left. He could help me get out. And plus, I could just push him away last minute when we go through the portal. 
I groaned out of annoyance. I didn’t know what the right answer was. I thought I did. I thought I could do this by myself. But it turns out I can’t. It’s a lot harder than I thought and the fact that I’m a human doesn’t help either. I bit my lip in thought, racking my brain for an answer. 
“You have to ask him to help, Y/n. It’s the only way,” I sighed to myself. 
I got up from my seat and put on my shoes and jacket. I went out of the house and got into Damon’s Chevy, driving it to Kai’s house. I clenched the steering wheel until my knuckles turned white as I parked in his driveway. Just the thought of seeing him made my stomach churn. Thing was, I didn’t quite know if it churned in a good way or bad. 
I stepped out of the car, putting the keys in my jacket pocket. I walked up to the door and gave it a good 3 knocks. A waited a few minutes, but no answer. I knocked a few more times and waited another few minutes. Still no answer. 
“Seriously?!” I whined, raising my hand to pound on the door, but Kai’s voice stopped me. 
“What are you doing here?” 
I turned around and saw him carrying grocery bags. 
“Oh. Good, you’re here,” I said, stepping down from his porch. 
“You never answered my question. What are you doing here?” He asked. 
“I need your help,” I confessed. 
His lips upturned into a smile. He let out a laugh. “Wow. Princess Y/n has gotten over her pride, huh?”
“And sociopathic Parker still harasses me with nicknames, huh?”
Kai frowned and walked up to the porch, passing by me and unlocking his house. 
“Sorry,” I sighed, following him into his house. “Will you please help me?”
“Hm, let me think about it,” he said, setting the grocery bags down. “No.”
I rolled my eyes. “C’mon! You barely thought about it. Why not?”
“Because I hate you,” he shrugged. “Why? What have I done to you?” I scoffed.
“Well, first of all you slammed a door in my face. Second, whenever we run into each other, you act like I murdered your whole family. And third, you denied my help before, but now you want it?  I think not,” he explained. 
“Look, I’m sorry. I really, really am, but I know for a fact that you want to get out. I want to, too! But I’ve learned that we can’t get out without each other. I’m sorry I let my pride take over me. So please help me,” I begged and apologised. 
Kai grinned at me. “I love this.” “Love what?” I asked. 
“I love seeing you beg,” he said, his voice dropping low. He started to walk towards me slowly. Stalking me like I was his prey. 
I backed away from him, my eyes trained on him. I let out a huff as my back hit a wall. My eyes widened and stared into his menacing eyes. 
“I love seeing you beg for me. Begging for my help like the helpless little human you are,” he muttered. 
He arms went around your sides, trapping in-between him and the wall. I breathed out heavily and shakily, averting my eyes. 
“I’m not helpless,” I protested. He smirked down at him, his eyes lighting up. “You sure about that, princess?”
The way he stressed my pet name set my fire to my heart, and set my stomach flipping. He head hung low. So low that I could fell his breath on my lips. I felt his knee nudge my thigh and that’s when I stopped breathing. I could fell myself slowly melting into a puddle right in front of him.  
“You gonna answer me, sweetheart, or are you just gonna stand there gawking at me?” He chuckled. 
I swallowed hard. “N-No.”
“Then answer me,” he teased me. “Y-Yeah… I’m sure about that,” I whispered. 
He hummed in reply. I let my eyes roam his face and set on his lips. 
“Offer is still there,” he said. “What offer?” I asked. 
“The offer to kiss me. Remember when I offered when we first met?” 
“O-Oh, yeah,” I stuttered, beginning to catch my breath
“The offer’s still there if you wanna take it.” My eyes flickered back up to his. I shook my head furiously. “I-I don’t want to take it.”
“Oh, I think you do,” he grinned. 
I then snapped out of my daze, putting my hand on shoulders and pushing back. “I said no.”
“Alright, alright,” he held his hand up in defense, backing further away from me. 
“Now you’ve had your fun, will you help me?” I asked, running my fingers through my hair. 
“I guess so,” he shrugged. My eyes lit up, “Really? Oh, my God! Yes!” 
I jumped up and went to hug him, wrapping my arms around him. I engulfed him tightly, entangling my fingers in his hair. It was surprisingly soft. 
“This feels nice,” Kai sighed. 
I groaned, “Okay. Moment ruined.” I pulled away, stepping back a good few feet. 
“You hugged me first,” he shrugged. “Yeah, yeah, whatever. Alright, so when do you want to get started?” I asked. 
“After dinner,” he answered. “But it’s 2 pm,” I said. 
“I know. But how about you and me have dinner together,” Kai explained. 
“I thought you hated me?” I asked. “Oh, I do. I definitely do. That’s why I want to have dinner with you. I know just how to push your buttons. You’re so cute when mad,” he grinned. 
I growled at him. “And you are so annoying.” “See! So cute,” Kai scrunched his nose. 
“I bet it’ll be cute when I give you a black eye,” I muttered.
“It'd like to see you try. Anyways, if you want my help, then you’ll come to dinner with me,” Kai shrugged. 
I sighed, “Fine. What time? What do I need to cook?” 
“7 PM. And nope, I’ll cook.”
“O-Oh, really? You cook?” 
“Yep,” he grinned proudly. 
“Hm… Well, good to know. Anyways, I’ll be here at 7,” I said, making my way towards the door. 
“Make sure to dress up! This is gonna be fancy!” Kai called out. 
“Noted!” I exclaimed, stepping out of the house. I shut the door behind me, exhaling heavily. “Now you got a date with the town’s psycho, Y/n. Good going.” 
I strutted over to the car, getting in and driving back to my place. I read a few books to pass the time until I had to get ready. I got done with Twilight: Eclipse, as I actually had already started that the other day, and I went ahead and started to read more into Bonnie’s grams’s grimoire.
It was all so fascinating, really. I was so amazed by just the spells themselves, I didn’t even consider the history of all of them. While reading the grimoire, I started to feel a little jealous of the fact that Bonnie’s a witch, and the fact that I’m a human with a ring that keeps me alive whenever I got killed. I almost started to feel jealous of Damon and Tyler, but I knew that I never would want to be a monster. Being a witch would seem nice, though. Not like Kai, though. 
After a little heavy reading, I checked the clock. It was 5:49, which meant that I had to start getting ready. I put a bookmark in place in the grimoire and got up off the couch, heading up the stairs. I turned on the shower and got undressed. 
I took off my sweatpants and socks, followed by my shirt. As I reached for my shirt overhead, the front of it brushed my nose. An unfamiliar, but calming scent  filled my nose. I slipped the rest of the shirt off, turning it back right side out and held it up to my nose. I closed my eyes and breathed the scent in. It smelled like mint, paper of old books, and a little like grape jam. As soon as the grape jam smell came to me, I immediately knew who this scent belonged to. 
“Ew!” I shrieked and threw the shirt across the room. It landed in the laundry basket, luckily enough. I let out a gagging noise, taking off my underwear and getting in the shower quickly. 
I took my time washing up. Taking a shower seemed to be the only place I could really let go and bask in the quiet and loneliness that was in this house. It was strange because it was always quiet and lonely in this house. This was my only time to truly relax since I was doing everything to keep my busy during the day, so I wouldn’t start crying and throwing a fit about still being here. 
I lathered my body with shampoo, giving myself a little massage on my shoulders. I closed my eyes and started to imagine what life would be like if I wasn’t stuck in 1994. 
I would be with my friends, obviously. We would be at Whitmore, trying to live a normal life. Caroline, Elena, Bonnie and I would be having a picnic on campus. Sipping iced teas and eating sometime of desert. Damon would probably be with us, considering that Elena can’t be without Damon for more than 10 minutes without dying - literally. Stefan would most definitely be there. He’s my best friend, so of course he would be there. He would be talking to Caroline, though, her hogging all of his attention because she likes him (though she always denied it). And maybe Jeremy would be there, too, for Bonnie. Holding her hand and cuddling up next to her like the cute couple they are. And me? Well, I didn’t really have anybody special in my life. I actually had a thing with Kol Mikaelson before he died. I liked Tyler briefly in high school, but I’m 100% sure he’s into the girl that works at the coffee shop at Whitmore. Matt wasn’t my type at all. Neither was Enzo. Maybe I had a cute boy a Whitmore on my arm. A classmate that I had invited to the picnic. Someone cute, smart, funny… a little crazy. Maybe… Maybe Kai.  
My eyes snapped open as I became aware that Kai was now in my fantasy. I couldn’t help but shudder, even with the hot water running on my skin. I washed the rest of my body, focusing on anything else but Kai. I turned off the water, wrapping a towel around me. I dried my skin off as I walked to the sink, putting on lotion and re-brushing my teeth. I stepped back into my bedroom and put on a nude-coloured underwear set. It was simple and very, very comfortable. I then went over to my closet, looking for an outfit to wear. I shuffled through all my shirts, not being able to find one that I liked. I sighed in slight frustration, stepping back to try and see if anything stuck out to me. 
A little, annoying voice - that sounded much like my mother’s - sounded in the back of my head. 
Maybe you can’t decide on an outfit because you like him and want to look nice for him.
I scoffed loudly, shaking my head. “No. I definitely do not care. That’s why I’m just gong to wear this.” I reached into my closet and pulled out a simple dark-turquoise dress. It was spaghetti-strapped and plunged a little bit at the neckline. It reached down just above my knees. Perfect for dinner with an… associate. 
I slipped it on and back to the bathroom and did my hair, putting it in one of my favourite hairstyles. I then got out some makeup products. I put on a light coat of foundation and concealer, curling my eyelashes and brushing them up with mascara. I then shaped my eyebrows and filled in the sparce parts, dusting on some blush and putting on chapstick. I looked in the mirror, stepping back to look at my appearance. I cringed as it looked like I was going on a date. I shook those thoughts out of my head. I wasn’t dressing up for him, I was dressing up for myself. There’s no shame in wanting to look nice for yourself. 
I went back into the bedroom and found a pair of black heels. I slipped them on, going over to the dresser and putting on a few gold bracelets and a pair of earrings. I re-adjusted my necklace that I was already wearing. I looked at my reflection and smiled. For once, I felt and looked good. I grabbed a black jacket and walked out of my room, checking the time once again. I had 10 minutes to get his house, which was perfect. 
I went out of the house and to the Chevy, driving to Kai’s house. I parked in the driveway, my heart beginning to race. I let out a few deep breaths and go out of the car. As soon as I was about to knock, the door swung wide open.
The door revealed Kai who was wearing a white button-up shirt and dark-blue slacks. He actually looked… nice, for once. My eyes traveled around his chest. I couldn’t help but notice the way his biceps strained against his shirt. I could literally see his abs through the shirt, too. It did not help butterflies that were starting to flutter in my stomach. 
“Like what you see?” He smirked. 
My eyes flew up to his face, taking a deep breath to calm myself down from all the excitement I was feeling.
“No,” I said flatly, going into the house and brushing past Kai. 
“Well, you look nice,” he said as I walked into his kitchen. 
“Thanks. You do, too,” I complimented genuinely. 
“I’ve never seen you in a dress before. You should wear them more often.”
“I don’t like dresses.”
“But you like me. That’s why you wore one to our date?” 
I balled my hands in fists, turning around to face him. “One, this is not a date. And two, girls can wear dresses for themselves, not for men like you.”
Kai grinned widely at me. I realised I had fallen into his trap. He was trying to push my buttons and so far, he's been successful. I couldn't let him win, though. I had to calm down and get through this night. Otherwise I would probably never be getting out. 
“Your temper is almost as bad as Damon’s,” Kai remarked. 
I sighed, “Well you’re not making it easy to stay calm.”
“I know,” he chuckled, walking past me and to the dinner table. “I hope you like ravioli and mushrooms.”
“Did you make these or buy them?” I asked, walking towards the kitchen table. 
“Made them. The Salvatores have lots of cook books. I might have stole them before you came,” he explained. 
"Well, it smells great,” I admitted, beginning to take off my jacket.
“Glad you think so. Here, let me get this for you,” he slid over to me and took the jacket off my shoulders. He folded it and put it on the ledge of his couch. 
“Thanks,” I said. He then pulled my chair out for me. I sat down, thanking him this time with a smile. 
“Wine?” He asked, bringing a bottle over. “Yeah, sure,” I nodded. 
He poured two glasses and placed one in front of me. He sat down and took a knife and fork. 
“Dig in,” he offered. “This isn’t filled with like, cyanide, right?” I asked half-jokingly. 
“Ha-ha. No. I worked really hard on these,” he said. 
“Hm,” I hummed. I cut one of the raviolis in half and popped on in my mouth. My eyes widened as it tasted a lot better than I expected. 
“Good, right?” Kai smiled. 
“Very,” I nodded once I swallowed. 
We ate in silence for a few moments. I was itching to talk to him about getting home. I took a long sip of wine before beginning to take. 
“So um…. I’ve started to re-build the ascendent. It’s a lot harder than it looks, but I’m really close. I just have-”
“No,” Kai said suddenly. I furrowed my brows, “What?” “No, we aren’t going to talk about that just yet. I want to get to know you,” he explained. 
I rolled my eyes. “Why? All you need to know is my name and that I hate living here.”
He chuckled, “Not true. I have trust issues. So before I get involved with you, I need to know I can trust you. See, I didn’t trust Damon or Bonnie. I knew that they hated me from the second they met me. I knew that no matter what I would do, they would never give in to trusting me. You, however, you are so trusting. Didn’t you find it creepy that I, a strange man whom you met in a parking lot, offered you a ride?”
“Oh. I-I mean, I guess? But I needed a ride, anyways,” I said. 
He shook his head with a smile. “No. Not a good enough reason. Any reasonable woman would have run away from me. You, though… You saw something good in me, didn’t you? You thought I was nice and cute. Maybe a little too forthcoming, but still you put some trust in me. And if you can trust me, maybe I can learn to trust you.”
“Is that why you didn’t let me go with them?” I asked, suddenly connecting the dots. 
“Part of the reason. I knew that I had no chance of getting home with Damon and Bonnie. But with you, I knew that I had a chance. Even though you are just a human.” “I am more than that,” I argued. 
“And I’m sure you are! But you see, I don’t know that for sure because I don’t know anything about you. See what I’m getting at here?” “Yeah, I see,” I grumbled. “Great! So let’s start with the first question. Why do you always wear that necklace?” He pointed to my neck. 
“It was a gift,” I explained shortly, hoping he would notice the edge in my voice. 
“From who?” He asked, the corners of his lips upturning in a smirk. 
Of course he noticed. He just wasn’t going to stop. 
“Family member.” “C’mon, you gotta give me more. I can’t help you if I don't trust you.” I slammed my fork down on the table. “So? There’s a lot of people in the world that you don’t trust fully, but sometimes you just have to help them! Like in school, you may not trust one of your classmates personally, but if they ask you for help on a math problem, you would help them, right? And plus, I don’t trust you. I never did, for the record. I just really want to get out of this place, which now I am believing is my personal hell, not your’s, but I can’t do that without you!” 
Kai took a bite of his ravioli, taking his sweet time to chew and swallow. I clenched my knife, tempted to throw it into his carotid. 
“Watch your temper, princess. If you keep yelling at me, then I definitely won’t help you.” I closed my eyes and breathed in slowly, trying to calm myself down. “Fine. Sorry. I just don’t want to answer the questions about my necklace.”
“Oh, I know. That’s why I’m asking,” he grinned. 
I rolled my eyes, settling back in my seat. “Please, don’t. It’s really personal.”
“You know, I killed my family. It can’t get any worse than that,” he shrugged. 
“Yeah, well, this is worse to me,” I muttered. “What? Did you kill your whole family, too? Man, I didn’t know we were so similar,” he chuckled. 
“No. They got murdered right in front of me,” I whispered out. Tears prickled the corners of my eyes. I lowered my gaze to my almost-empty plate. Thick, uncomfortable silence filled the room. I tried to fight the tears that threatened to fall, but as memories came back, I could no longer hold them off. 
“I-I’m gonna go. Thanks for dinner, Kai.” My voice was hoarse as I spoke. I swallowed hardly, trying to clear my throat, but it felt like shards of glass were rubbing the sides of it. 
I went to grab my jacket and wrapped it around me, reaching out for the doorknob, but Kai pulled me back. He wrapped his fingers around my wrist gently, but firmly. He tugged me back slightly, enough for me to turn around and look him in the eyes. The expression on his face was something that I had never seen on him before. He looked regretful, guilty; full of remorse. For once I didn’t feel annoyed or scared of him. 
“I’m sorry that happened to you,” he spoke softly, his blue eyes boring into my e/c eyes. 
“I-It’s alright. It’s not your fault,” I sniffled. “No… I-I should have known this was too personal for you to want to share,” he admitted. 
“Yeah, well, I know how much you like to push my buttons,” I chuckled. 
“I do. I admit that. But I really do want to get to know you.” I narrowed eyes at him, crossing my arms around my chest and leaning back in my chair. “Why?” 
“Because I… I think you’re interesting. When I was watching you and your friends, I was able to discover things. Things about Bonnie and Damon. But you… I couldn’t figure out a thing about you. You talk a lot to Damon, and I know you’re really close with Bonnie, but you’re still so private. I’m such an open person, so it was weird for me to see you be so closed-off, but outgoing at the same time,” he explained, his cheeks glowing pink as soon as he finished. 
I couldn’t believe what I had heard him say. He was finally saying nice things about me in a sincere tone. I couldn’t help but smile and softened up. “Really?”
“Yeah,” He shrugged sheepishly. “Hm,” I buzzed. 
“So, will you stay and we can get to know each other? I promise I won’t ask you about your family anymore,” he said. 
I stared at him intensely. As much as I wanted to say no, every fiber in my body was screaming yes. 
“Alright, sure. I’ll stay,” I nodded. I knew that if I said no, he probably wouldn't help me get back home, but I was actually looking forward to staying. It seemed as though my feelings for him were developing a lot quicker and stronger than I thought they ever would. 
A bright smile lit up his face immediately. “Great! Do you want to continue eating? I have some ice cream, too, if you want.”
“Ice cream sounds good,” I answered. He nodded and let go of my wrist, walking to his freezer. 
I felt alone and cold all of the sudden. I felt myself start to miss his hand on me, holding my arm. His skin was so warm and surprisingly soft. I wanted him to touch me all over. 
“Take a seat on the couch.” His voice broke me out of my dirty thoughts. 
I shrugged away the thoughts and made my way to the sofa, taking a seat and making myself comfortable. 
“Do you want a blanket of anything?” He asked, setting down two bowls. 
“I’m good for now, thanks,” I said, reaching her to grab a bowl. “F/f?” I asked. 
“Yeah. This one of the few things I found out about you,” he smiled sheepishly, taking his bowl and sitting down next to you. 
“Indeed I do. I assume you do, too?” I guessed. “Yep,” he nodded.  “Hm. So, what do you want to know about me?” I asked. 
“What’s your favourite colour?”
“F/c.” “Do you have any pets back at home?” He asked.
“I had a cat a few years ago. She died, though.” “Oh, I’m sorry,” he frowned. “It's alright. She was 20, so she was bound to die soon,” I shrugged. 
He nodded. “What’s life like back at home?”
I took a bite of ice cream, thinking for a few moments. “Fun. Busy, but really happy and colourful.”
“Are you in college?” He asked. “Yeah. Second year,” I answered.  “What’re you studying?” 
“I’m majoring in human studies and minoring in art and design.” “Sounds fun.” 
“It is. And a little stressful,” I chuckled. He laughed with me, looking away from me for a moment and then looking back. 
“Do you have a boyfriend, or girlfriend, back at home?” He asked. 
“Nope. I’ve been single for a good couple years,” I said. 
“You? Single? I find that hard to believe,” he snorted. “Why?” I asked, my heart fluttering just thinking about his answer. 
Kai smiled softly at me. “Well, for starters, you’re beautiful. You’re strong and confident. You know what you want and have no issue in fighting for it. You’re a little hot-headed, but I find it attractive. You’re very smart; I see you reading almost everyday. You’re determined and dream big. I can tell you really care about your friends and family, despite how much you and Damon bickered. You’re like a girl in a novel or movie that other girls want to be.”
My whole face went warm at his explanation. My lips were upturned into the most cheek-aching smile, too. 
“And you said it was hard to find things out about me,” I giggled, nudging his foot with mine. 
“Well, I couldn’t find out personal things about you. That's all just from observation,” he shrugged, not seeming to be embarrassed. 
I nodded, “Well, now you know a few personal things about me.”
“That I do.” “I…. I thought you liked Bonnie, too,” I spoke my thoughts out loud. 
 “She’s beautiful, too. She’s also incredibly smart and intuitive. She’s very strong and nice. But you’re the one that really caught my eye.”
“Oh,” I smiled impossibly wider. “Well, good to know.” “Yep,” he popped the ‘p’. I couldn't help but notice how his gaze dropped down to my upper chest, where my necklace sat. 
“They died one and a half years ago,” I started. 
His eyes flew up to mine. “You don’t have to-”
“No, no. It’s alright. Um… so it was at night. Everyone else was at the house, but I had snuck out to go to a party hosted by Caroline. At this time, I was involved with a vampire named Kol. He convinced me to go out. I knew it was wrong and I was going to get in trouble. I was what some would call a goody-two shoes. Anyways, I stayed out until like, 2 in the morning. I was getting tipsy and tired. So, Stefan, Damon’s brother, drove me home. When I first arrived at my house, it looked completely normal. It was quiet and peaceful. It wasn’t until I walked into my house when I knew something was wrong. There were lights on upstairs. It felt so tense, too. I could literally feel how tense and thick the air was.” I stared down at my ice cream for multiple minutes, blinking rapidly as tears fell. 
“I went upstairs and that’s when I saw him. He was tall and wearing a ski-mask, like he was trying to rob us. I guess he had other things he wanted to do, too. He didn’t see me at first, though. It wasn’t until he shot my dad when I started to cry and that’s when he noticed me. I ran away though and into my sibling’s room. I saw that they were still were asleep and safe. So I did the first thing I thought was sensible. I called Stefan. I explained to him that someone had murdered my dad. And as I called him, I heard my mom scream,” I shuddered as her scream ringed in my ears. 
“That’s when I heard the door being kicked open downstairs and I knew that Stefan was there. He had brought Caroline and Damon, too, with Bonnie. They were all here to help and I was so appreciative of them. I thought they were going to kill the guy, which was honestly what I wanted. But apparently, the murderer was a vampire. An old one, too, which meant he was stronger than everyone. My friends put up a good fight and I tried to get Andrew and Jenny out of the house, but as soon as we were going down the stairs, the murderer sped up to us and snapped both of their necks. I-It all happened so fast. I….I just couldn't register what was happening. They both just fell limp in my arms. I didn’t know what to do but cry. I was practically screaming while crying, cursing at the murderer. I tried to fight him, but I was so tired and weak, he almost ended up killing me, but luckily Stefan got to him the fastest and ripped his heart out. He fell right on top of me, too. I will never forgetting the weight I was feeling just then. Metaphorical and physical. I pushed him off of me and collapsed into Stefan’s arms. He held me for what seemed like forever until I stopped crying.”
I felt Kai move closer to me, putting a comforting hand on my hand. I smiled softly at him, letting out a deep breath as I was about to finish the story. 
“I didn’t come to school for four months after that. I didn’t even come out of my room during that time. My friends took turns everyday taking care of me. Stefan was on cooking duty, Caroline, Elena, and Bonnie switched roles of helping me bathe, getting me to eat, trying to get me to take a step out of bed. Damon and Jeremy provided the jokes and funny stories to try and get me to feel better. Alaric, who was acting like Elena and Jeremy’s parent, adopted me into their family. He said it was Elena and Jeremy’s idea and he agreed fully. After my grieving period, I moved in with the Gilberts. Elena and Jeremy called me their sister and I fell into that role. It was nice to have a family again. It was nice to have siblings again. To have a parent again. I knew it wasn’t real, though. Jeremy and Elena acted like it was real, though. They were so welcoming of having me as a sister, it was just so good. Once I went to college, though, I tried to get a little more independent. Bonnie was gone, actually, so all I had was Caroline and Elena. But we made it work. I’m so thankful for all of them. They really helped me and never gave up on me. Even when I threw fits about getting out of bed,” I smiled at the memories of them helping me. 
“Anyways,” I shifted on the couch. “The summer before college, I ended up cremating my family and spreading them across the Pacific Ocean, thanks to Damon who gladly took me on a trip.”
“Wow,” Kai breathed out. “I know,” I chuckled.
“You have really great friends. I’m sorry that all happened to you,” he said. “I-I can’t imagine what you went through. And what you’re still going through.” “Yeah, well, I’m the survivor here. You’re an actual murderer,” I smirked. 
He laughed, “True. You know, if you know that I’m a murderer, then why do you agree to spend time with me?”
I sighed and set the empty bowl of ice cream on the table. “Well, you’re right. I am trusting. I see the good in people and I see the good in you. When I was about to walk out the door, I saw the good in you. I see the good in you now. You can be good, Kai. I know it’s hard considering what you have been through, but you are just as much as a survivor as I am.” I intertwined our fingers and put my other hand on his forearm. 
“You were abused as a child. You were punished for being different. And although that doesn’t excuse you killing your siblings, you still deserve love. I don’t know how being in a coven works, but I do know how being in a family works. You’re supposed to love each other and your father didn’t give you that love. Sure, you’re a little… eccentric at times, but you still have feelings like everyone else. I know Damon and Bonnie called you a sociopath, and I know I did, too, but now that I’ve seen this side of you, I know you’re different. You should be able to resent your father for being blamed for being a siphoner. Which, by the way, I think it really cool, honestly. I-I’m sorry for yelling at you and getting really mad all those times,” I apologised, looking at him in the eyes to know I was sincere. 
He shrugged with a smile, “Well I didn’t make it easy on you.”
I laughed, “No, you did not. Anyways… You are a survivor Kai. A survivor of your family and this world. You deserve a lot more than you think.”
“Thank you. I guess that’s true,” he said. 
I smiled and leaned into him, “I know it’s true.”
He smiled at me, his hand tightening around mine. My eyes trailed down to his lips, ogling them for a good few moments. 
“Does the necklace has pictures of them?” Kai asked. 
I leaned away immediately, my hand slipping out of his. “Yeah, do you want to see them?” 
He nodded, moving closer to me so our thighs were touching. I took off the necklace, opening it up and showing him the left side where my parent’s picture sat. 
“That’s my dad, Owen, and that’s my mom, Louisa,” I pointed. 
“You look just like your mom,” Kai muttered. 
I looked to my right, seeing that he was staring right at me. I blushed a little, looking down shyly. “Yeah. We got our genes from our mom.”
“Are they Andrew and Jenny?” He pointed to the right side of the locket. 
“Yep. Andrew is 10 and Jenny is 13,” I said. 
“They look like good kids,” he commented. “They were. I often wish that it was me who died instead of them,” I murmured. 
“Because I was the one who snuck out that night. Plus, my mom and I were having some relationship issues. She was always so irritated with me and criticizing everything I did. The last thing I said to her that night was “I hate you. I wish I had a different mom.”,” My lips were pulled down in a deep frown. 
“Well, you didn’t mean that, right?” Kai guessed. 
“I didn’t,” I shook my head. “Well, that’s all that matters,” he said. 
I nodded and looked up at him. 
“You have a little… Here,” he said and lifted up his hand. He cupped my cheek, his thumb running across my cheekbone, wiping a few tears away. 
My breath hitched as I felt myself leaning towards him. There was like this magnetic pull that I was feeling. I knew I couldn’t fight it if I tried. His eyes met mine, staring intensely at me. My eyes flickered down to his lips. They looked so soft. So pink. So unbelievably kissable. I was about to close the space in-between us when Kai stopped me.
He put his hand on my shoulder, pushing me back. 
“What? Did I read the situation wrong? I’m so sorry,” I rushed out, getting up from the couch. 
Kai’s hand grabbed my forearm roughly, pulling me back down on the couch. 
“No, it’s not that. You read the situation totally right it's just that… I’ve never kissed anyone before,” he admitted, looking down shyly. 
I smiled softly, reaching my hand out for his. “It’s alright. We don’t have to do anything. It’s late, anyways. I should get going.” I looked at the clock, noticing that it was 9:30. 
“Or you can stay and we can watch a movie?” He suggested. “Sure,” I nodded with a smile. “Can I take my shoes off?” “Yeah, of course. Actually um, do you want a change of clothes?” He asked. 
“Yeah, if you don’t mind,” I nodded. 
“Sweatpants and t-shirt work for you?” He asked. 
“It definitely does,” I said. “Great. I’ll be right back, go ahead and make yourself comfortable,” he said, getting up from the couch. 
I smiled and nodded, taking my shoes and jacket off. I leaned back on the couch, sighing. I could not believe I was making nice with someone who tried to kill me. Damon was right. My type is crazy.
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lady-lycany · 2 years
I already posted this one a while ago, but I think I explained my journey of being a Werewolf pretty well, and since we all should write something about us, I'll use this again, but will supplement it a little (everything I wrote is 100% true btw) ^^
As you all know I'm a wolf- a werewolf to be specific. A werewolf who loves her freedom and to be on her own... But it hasn't been always like that. I grew up more like a very domesticated dog... My mom and my dad had a fight, when I was only one year old and he threatened my mom, that he would kidnap me, when no one's looking. So of course, my mom was terrified to leave me alone, so I couldn't go anywhere without someone, who was keeping an eye on me. Especially problematic was, that I loved to run off, so I really had to wear a leash outside as a toddler. I always was brought to kindergarten, elementary school, to friends houses (we could only stay in the garden or inside, so that the parents could see me) and most of the time, we were with my grandparents :3 (and my aunt and my cousins were also often to visit, so I've spent a lot of time with them as well) and I loved it there. They had a relatively small garden, but for a child, it was still big enough, to have room to play :3 I had a sandbox to dig in, a small swimming pool in the summer time, and the big bonus, we lived in an area, where we only had a few neighbors, and when we looked out of the window, we looked over a huuuge field were we often took a walk, cuz at the end of the fieldway was a forest, a small river and a little playground :3 and I loved it there. So even if I grew up domesticated, I really enjoyed it, cuz I always had people around me, who I love and who love me (my pack) <3 But my love for freedom was also always with me....
When I was 12 we moved, cuz my mom met someone on the internet... And I can tell ya, that was the worst time in my life... I can't really remember much about it, but my mom told me that the first weeks, I basically sat only in my darkened room, blankly stared at the wall and that's it... I couldn't say goodbye to the house of my grandparents, where I grew up in... (they moved out, into a new apartment after we moved to Bavaria) I still dream very often from it, or imagine to walk through the rooms and that often ends in tears :') I miss that place so much... It was my territory where my pack was so often together... but I think it's better, that I haven't been there anymore, cuz now, the field is gone anyway and now there are only more houses and supermarkets... Anyway, The next problem; I had at least my mom on my side... BUT my stepdad treated me like shit, cuz he wanted my mom for only himself (He's regretting now, how he treaded me back then, but the wounds are deep and I still don't like or trust this guy, and never will), my stepsis telled lies about me in school, so that I wouldn't find friends... Yea, that time in life sucked really bad, the one and only good thing was, that after we moved, I finally had the freedom to go wherever I want... And since home and school were places, where I couldn't find piece, was nature the only option. Especially, cuz I could be myself again... You see, for my family, it was totally normal, that I behaved more like an animal than anything else (was always on all fours, cuddled myself on them, played like a pup, ya know) but after we moved, I only got judged for it... Until I met my first friend here: she howled with me at the moon, played with me in the mud, hiked with me in a fullmoon night and yea, let's say I'm greatful for lots of "therian memories" but when I heard, that she called it childish behind my back, I stopped again to open up about it... It has always been a part of me and I never could get rid of these behaviors cuz, that's simply a part of me, but I tried to hide it all the time... and now thank to you guys, I finally can be myself again <3 Thank You!
It happened a lot in the last years, I mean it's been 10 years since we moved and so there was a lot of time, for good things to happen as well <3 I try to stay as positive as I can and see the good things in bad situations. (from 2016 till 2019 I was very anger driven and almost lost my path but hey, I'm really trying to find to my good self again :3 even tho my anger issues are still present lol) And that mostly includes my freedom here and the nature :3
Now something a bit more Werewolf specific-
I already made some posts that my very first werewolf form was white furred with blue eyes and brown nose and paw pads. The reason why I always talk about being a brown wolf is a weird experience that I had back in 2013/2014. I walked alone through the town and as I passed a store window, I didn't see my reflection, but the one of a black/golden/brown canine (I only saw the backlegs and the tail). Similar colored like a german shepherd, but the bodyform was a bit different, also, usually german shepherds have completely golden backlegs and just the back is black. But still, my first thought was, that it must've been a dog, that walked next to me right? But after I looked around, not a single person or dog was nearly close to me. So I literally walked backwards and checked once more the window reflection, but it was me again... after that, I proceeded to walk and search for a dog and it's owner, to find out, if I was losing it or of it really happened. But as I said, not a single person was around me. (In these years, I tried to meditate a lot and often begged for signs of my spirit animal, so I guess, that I had the experience because of that) But I can't help it and still see myself with white fur...
I had a very interesting converation a few days ago, about that I met a lot of Therians/Otherkins here, that have more than just a single animal form (werewolf, hyena and fox for example)... So what if I have the same case, just with the same species... Maybe I'm a werewolf and a wolf... That could explain, why both my forms look differently. I always knew, that my Werewolf me had a three-stage-transformation (human/werewolf/full wolf) So maybe it's because I literally have three different forms... U know what I mean? ^^
So I guess that's enough blabbering about myself 😂✨ Wish y'all a beautiful fullmoon-night <3 Can't wait to learn more about my pack members c:
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