#my metaphorical hands since it's digital
buntglas · 2 years
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Some artworks have a connection to a very specific moment in your life, so somehow this one feels like it’s from a different time much more so than some other, even older art
This was specifically inspired by Mucha’s 1896 Spring, my favorite of his multiple springs :^) Maybe I gotta do my own Seasons, but when though. When. There’s so much I want to draw
This is my OC Emily (first seen here). She used to have such a gentle vibe. She is no longer gentle nowadays (though she still keeps up the appearance)
This was by no means a redraw, but there’s something similar about them, so I thought it was a funny comparison :D
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helloiamadrawer · 1 month
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Caine Catching the Reader trying on his Suit + gender neutral reader confesses to having a crush on him❤️
A/n: I thought this would be a cute thing to write during the wait for what's to come so here's some Caine being a clueless bean, so fluff galore!
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So you were scanning through your digital wardrobe and tbh you were getting really tired of wearing your same nauseating colors of your circus aesthetic why couldn't you ask him to switch it to something..different? That was when you reached the near end of your closet and saw a familiar metallic red garment of clothing
is that..?
no, no you're just having those so-called "digital hallucinations" but to your surprise you took the hanger out of the closet and lo' and behold, it WAS Caine's suit, your face was stuck in a awestruck expression of how you found it, how could that clueless set of dentures lose his fashionable suit? He would probably just make another one with just a snap of his fingers.
You were about to exit your room to return it until you took a good look at it only to notice it almost looked like it could fit you? Well, you were about to find out by trying it on yourself!
Moments later you slid to your mirror and..it was perfect fit..now this is getting weird how did he know your exact measurements?
But it felt so good to look as fly as he does, after all you can admit you got kind of a thing for him..okay a crush! You just never had the guts to tell him but he's probably already heard. Since he hears all, sees all. You just have been holding it in cause you can never get a moment with him alone cause..adventures and stuff.
Turning to see the back of you, a flash of light blinded your vision, only for your sight to return and see the image of Caine with a digital camera. (pun intended but let's say he has an actual digital camera)
"Ah! Caine! I told you nicely to knock before you come in!" you yelped as you jumped nearly out of your skin.
"Terribly sorry my dear! But I actually came in to check on you, but wow do you look stunning in that suit, it could stop traffic and heck, even me in my tracks!" he says clutching his chest dramatically as he pretends to faint.
your face=red from Caine's compliment "th-thanks i guess, I just found it and--''.
"found it? I added it your wardrobe cause..y'know..I couldn't help but overhear you talking to Ragatha about how you could rock a suit like mine! and boy, you were right!" he chirps as he happily floats over to the back of you, placing his hands on your shoulders, admiring how the tux fitted you, that's when it hit you..
Wait..he what?! Oh god, what else has he heard?? hopefully not your endless pining for him, you would metaphorically die!
As Caine faced the mirror, the both of you almost twinning in your matching suits, then he glances at you, a little puzzled of why your face was ablaze from embarrassment, unless..
"So I guess you heard, right?", you question, rubbing the back of your neck.
"Heard what my dear?" Caine asks confused. Well, there was no backing out now, you had to confess or you could go insane before anything else could in this digital hell. You turned to face the ringmaster and explained, "The reason I said I could wear your clothes, is that I have..a..gah! I like you Caine!"
His upper jaw jumps in surprise at your sudden response. A couple seconds of dead silence,his tone stayed ponderous as usual,"....oh. But I don't seem to understand my--"
''Caine, hear me out, I have an interest in you, you're funny, you have alot of personality, and not to mention stylish even if you do wear the same suit everyday, your voice is like music to me and i would listen to it every day. what I'm trying to say is..I want to go out and get to know you more." you confess, finally getting it off your chest as you desperately stare into his dual colored eyes that are now..sparkling?
The A.I took your hands and interlaced them with his as his voice took a softer tone as he asked,"Do you know how long I was waiting for you to say those very words?"
You started to smile brightly, that's one of his favorite features of you ever since he made that one adventure just for you (it was a ballroom that you two slow danced in *sighs lovingly*). "Too long?"
"I didn't know what was going on, at first I thought it was a missing binary code in my system but I realize what this feeling is now, every time I hear your voice, a single glance, your mere presence is but a blessing to me and I would sacrifice all the time in this digital world for you.." he swept one of his hands to push a section of your hair behind in your ear.
His sweet praises make your heart swell with warmth and only causing it to hammer against your chest halting your breathing pattern as you could feel yourself leaning closer and closer until he had to go back to his bombastic ringleader voice,"Now then! My darling, when would you like that date?"
reader.exe stopped working cause Caine called you darling.
"Wh-what about now?..", you stammer, shuffling your feet, "Since we are dressed..fancy."
"Excellent idea, my darling! although the NPC'S may mistake you for me, this should help!" he snaps his fingers as your tux now became a shiny blue with white leggings. It was always amazing of how powerful the A.I was.
Caine being the gentleman he is, links your arm with his as you two head off to the grounds at night laughing and chatting away..who knew a suit could benefit you in so many ways?
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allmyloveandyours · 1 year
Astrology Observations #1!!!!
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These are all opinions! Take what resonates! Also I'm not a professional, correct me if I got something wrong if necessary idk this my first try
It's been said before, but the Leo + Libra combination is incredible. The planets/placements can tell what they succeed at the best. (Example: Leo Sun - personality, general shine and personality, with Libra Rising - stylish, pretty, youthful, graceful, makes someone who garners a lot of attention naturally)
I've seen 8th House Saturn manifest as actively (I guess rather than lack of trying maybe idk) waiting to get close to people in an intimate relationship. They may not even like the implication they've done anything intimate with their partner. Once they're lock in with their person, they get pretty private. Depending on the sign, they also get very sappy.
Another Saturn note: While it rules over restrictions, delays, and the father, it also rules over tradition. Whenever it is in your chart you may also more of a "transitional" (or whatever traditional means to them) opinion of/take a traditional role in. Saturn's in 5th house Gemini for me, and when it comes to art/hobbies/acting and I was VERY against digital or CGI/not doing everything by hand/not cutting corners. And the want to have twins is STRONG + the 50s aesthetic dresses and style is very appealing.
Taurus in your chart can tell you where you're the most stubborn (I know this is obvious), and it also maybe tell where you're the most simple or easy to understand. I've noticed a lot of people saying earth Mercuries are boring to talk to or dry, but I've noticed that's just Taurus Mercuries. Which isn't bad at all, but they're very to the point, but not in a bad way. A good example is Taurus Sun in 4th house. Probably the most down to earth placement possible. Chill personality, comfortable home/likes to create a good home environment.
Sun conjunct Mercury are so easy to spot. Something how the way they talk just sticks, or they have an extremely distinct way of talking. My close friend who has it in Pisces 7th house strictly talks in metaphors, and is gets the worse the closer you get to him. Whatever the sun sign is is kinda the flavor of how you talk. (Maybe Virgo would be more descriptive/thought out, Aries would be more loud/impulsive etc)
Scorpio stelliums are the easiest to notice imo. When talking 1 on 1, they kinda trigger wherever Scorpio is on your house. My aunt has a stellium with Mercury, Venus, and Mars, and every time time we talk I get the motivation to take care of my public persona/career since Scorpio is my Midheaven.
Venus conjunct Mercury is chefs kiss when it comes to your voice. Whatever house it's in can rule what kinda vibes you have within style of speaking (like 2nd house could sound expensive, may have a talent for singing, 11th is very motivational, would get most of the attention when talking in groups). You could also be good at being vocal about things you love along with having a nice voice. Any writing would also be very beautiful.
Chiron opposite anything can point to something that can hinder healing if you don't think it though. Since (in my opinion) opposite creates tension but the planets can work together, rushing results ends up with the planets/asteroids clashing. An example can be Chiron opposite Saturn: healing would require cutting no corners, hard work, and stability or a routine, but you could have the feeling of acting on impulse, or shaking off a routine that's actually good for you, or even ignoring an authority that could be good for you (Especially if that Chiron is in Capricorn).
Saturn in Cancer individuals may have issues with taking up emotional space. They're the type of people to talk about how bad their day was for 4.5 seconds then apologize. I've never heard someone apologize for even complaining more than them. A lesson they may need to learn is how to be angry. Also they may need a nicer partner.
I've seen degree theories on how the degrees of Pluto can tell when/where you had your tower moment (like the tarot card: a time of the tower falling/everything kinda crumbles), and I gotta say most have been pretty accurate. I have a friend who has their Pluto in 5th house in the 16th degree and that's when they had their first experience with distrust in romantic partners. Mines in 11th house in the 14° degree and that's when I realized all of my friends at the time were bad.
Mars in Leo do really well on social media, especially when they have complete control over their projects. They may also have trouble giving up control to others and can become workaholics if there's heavy earth placements paired with it. (Markiplier is a good example with his Taurus Moon, Leo Mars, and Capricorn stellium)
Ok that's it for now. Let me know if I should do more, and any opinions you may have (please be NICE I'm not GOOD AT THIS) and also have a good day/afternoon/night :D
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(This is my first ask, like ever. Sorry if it’s messy! I wanted to give rollo a present!)
Hi Hii! look Rollo! I know it’s not much but I thought you might like it *Holds up bouquet of (fake) crimson flowers, delicately crafted from varying types of paper.*
the paper cuts were worth it.
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The bouquet was beautiful.
Each crimson flower was expertly crafted. Petals in an array of solid red shades folded to sharp points cupped their centers. You had taken glimmering tissue paper--pale yellow, orange, and pink-- and swathed each flower with them, creating the illusion of a halo of light.
Just like that of the real fire lotuses.
A reminder of his failure, a fistful of salt rubbed in a raw wound.
Rollo scoffed at the irony. The students of Night Raven College truly do excel at the art of torment.
"Is this your idea of a joke?" he demanded.
You met him with a face like an open book, shining with innocence (or, as Rollo interpreted it, ignorance). "Neither of us is laughing, so I'd say I'm being pretty serious!"
You raised a hand and gave your fingers a playful wiggle. Band-aids with cartoonish depictions of the Great Seven wrapped around most of your digits.
"The paper cuts were worth it! The flowers came out great."
Rollo's eyes burned with suspicion. "And what, may I ask, was the rationale in gifting a paper bouquet?"
A taunting hiss curled by his ear. Liar, phony, deceiver, sinner. You avert your gaze from the truth.
“I wanted to give you actual flowers, but I figured those aren’t a good metaphor for a long-standing relationship,” you confessed with a light laugh. "You know, since they'd wither and die.”
You indicated the bouquet. "That's why I went with paper ones. They're flowers that will never fade--so our friendship will never fade either!"
He frowned. "Excuse me? I do not recall acknowledging you in that kind of capacity.”
“Oh, don’t worry! I know you’ll warm up to me eventually.”
Grinning, you let the bouquet fall into Rollo’s arms. The flowers were almost weightless and without sound, only a soft rustle to them as they found their new home.
With him, the harbinger of the fire lotuses.
“Now that was most certainly a joke,” Rollo grumbled.
He was no less amused than he had been at the very start. Again, the irony of it was not lost on him.
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l1tw1ck · 2 years
☆ Star Player ☆
FTM!Coach!Steve x Top!Masc Reader
Request | Kinktober | No AFAB language ver (AO3)
Contains: Semi-Public Sex, Teasing, Overstimulation, Brief Finger Sucking, Shower Sex
Words: 897
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It started a few months ago, when Coach Harrington called you into his office after practice.
He said he wanted a way to commemorate all your hard work. He didn't specify what he meant but you knew exactly what he was saying when he started unzipping his jacket.
Since then you've been fucking him after every game and most practices. Using him as a toy to blow off steam or to treat as a prize after a winning game.
And today you played a great game, you completely washed the opposing team. So of course you were going to celebrate with your slut of a basketball coach.
You go back to the gym after hanging out with the team, finding your coach putting away equipment.
You walk behind him and wrap your arms around his waist, one hand wandering inside his shorts and fondling his tiny cock. "Not going to congratulate me?"
Steve moans. "Go- good job~" He was already dripping wet since half time, seeing you on the court and knowing you'll fuck him hard afterwards made him so desperate.
You chuckle, your fingers swipe at his wet cunt. "Jeez, you're wet." You move your hand out of his pants and bring it up to his face, separating your shiny fingers with a string of slick in between them. "Taste yourself." You bring your digits to his mouth. He wraps his lips around them, sucking on your fingers diligently.
You pull away and move your hand back into his pants. Your fingers ghost his entrance before entering him at an agonizingly slow pace.
"Hh~" He whimpers, clenching around the tip of your fingers as if trying to suck you in further.
You pull away, denying him the pleasure of having your fingers inside him before pulling your shorts down. You free your cock from your underwear and rub it against Steve's pussy, eliciting needy moans from the older man.
"Ooh~ please- please stop teasing me!"
"I'll give you what you want, just this once." You lift him up and spear him onto your cock.
Steve covers his mouth to prevent the loud moan from echoing in the gym. He rests his head on your shoulder, walls spasming around you with metaphorical hearts in his eyes.
You give him some time to adjust before thrusting into him, gripping his waist and moving him to meet your thrusts.
Steve defiles the room with the wet and indecent sounds of squelching and his slutty moans.
You can tell he's close with the way he's clenching around you and his breathing growing more irregular.
You play with his bottom growth, encouraging him to come. "Come for me, Steve. I wanna feel you coming all over my cock."
"Ye- yes sir~" Steve pants. "Gonna co- come for you~" His pitch heightens as he gets closer and closer.
With one hard thrust, Steve's legs shake while he dirties the floor with his squirt.
He whines when you keep fucking into him, too overwhelmed and out of it to bother complaining.
You chase your climax, already feeling dangerously close from seeing and feeling Steve orgasm. "Gonna come inside you, baby, gonna fill your pretty tummy up with my cum."
Steve shivers. He hates when you come inside him only because of the mess and the risk. Despite him taking all the necessary precautions beforehand anyways, he was still hesitant about ditching condoms the first time you asked. However, during sex, he craves it and feeling your raw dick drag against his walls is enough to make him forget everything.
Steve can only whimper in excitement, muttering incomprehensible words and mewling at the feeling of your cock pulsing inside him.
Your thrusts become uneven and lose their rhythm as you reach your peak and unload your spend into his insides.
Steve breathes heavily, mumbling something about washing. You chuckle and bring him to the showers whilst still being inside him.
Rather than cleaning him up, you push him against the cold shower wall and start thrusting into him.
He moans like a whore, too overstimulated to even say anything. He just squeezes your cock while he struggles to stay upright. Your hands on his waist and his hand gripping the corner of the wall were the only things keeping him standing.
Steve manages to moan your name, a string of words indecipherable to anyone but you following after.
"Fuck-" You groan, a grin plastered on your face. "Gonna come again?"
He nods, his lips that are wet with saliva quiver as he mumbles words of confirmation.
"Me too," You bite your lip. "Your pussy feels so fucking good sucking me in like this, can't even hold back."
Steve feels a shiver of pleasure run up his spine as he orgasms, physically reacting to the compliment you gave him.
"You're really gonna get pregnant now, Coach-" You laugh, fucking your second load into him. He's too overstimulated to acknowledge the meaning of your words, just blabbering about how good it feels.
Steve never gets pregnant no matter how many times you come inside him due to the precautions he takes but always gets scared anyways. He doesn't share that fear with you though, knowing his body is just toy for you. That doesn't make him upset of course, only aroused.
"I'll clean ya up now." You pet the male's messy hair that's drenched in sweat.
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caeliajournal · 3 months
A journey through my moodboards
This is an analysis of all the moodboards I've created since I started journaling, from 2021 up to now
Searching for my golden hour
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January, 2021
aestetic: golden hour
This phase of my life is defined by the significance of sunsets as a metaphor for what I was looking for: the magical and ephemeral moment that, despite its daily recurrence, never fails to captivate us.
Each of the images represented a goal:
The girl on the path symbolized the need for self-discovery and forging one's identity.
Roses embodied the past and roots, viewed through a lens of positivity and nostalgia.
We can also appreciate a collection of indoor plants, which would have a different meaning if they were wild plants. In this particular case, it represents caring for those who are home.
The bookshelf served as a gentle nudge to keep enriching my life with stories that leave enduring imprints.
Intertwined hands spoke of romantic connection.
❝Seek magic everyday❞
❝I am learning to find joy right here in the mess of things❞ — Morgan Harper Nichols. ❝Grow through what you go through❞ ❝feel what you need to feel and then let it go. do not let it consume you.❞ - Dhiman [...]
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September, 2021
aestetic: cottage core
The primary distinction I notice in this moodboard compared to the previous one is that nearly all the scenes take place indoors and are linked to artistic expression. It's akin to the seclusion of an artist, one might say.
Numerous activities are depicted, such as reading, writing, cooking, or drawing. The golden mirror symbolizes a distorted self-perception and the urgent need to gaze into it once more for self-recognition. Additionally, there are recurring elements from the previous board, like intertwined hands and a cat.
Unlike the previous aesthetic, this one features colors reminiscent of nature: muted browns and greens.
❝Real generosity toward the future lies in giving all to the present.❞ — Albert Camus, The Rebel, 1951.
❝Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher it is.❞ — Robin Sharma
❝You have absolute control over just one thing, your thoughts.❞ — Napoleon Hill
Eternal dilemma: air or earth
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Somewhere in 2023
aestetic: cottage core
The colors in this moodboard are much brighter compared to the previous ones, with green and purple being the main tones. There's a portrayal of a sunrise sky, although it's not golden anymore; rather, it has pastel colors, much softer and calmer.
The symbol of the mirror makes a comeback, along with elements that have disappeared and others that have emerged, like daisies, representing innocence and childhood. Themes such as books and art resurface, though this time there's a greater sense of solitude than in the previous boards.
❝part of her mystery is how she is calm in the storm and anxious in the quiet.❞ — JmStorm
❝He was earthly; she was aerial. He was made of clay and iron; she was made of fire and dreaming❞ — Graham Joyce, Some Kind of Fairy Tale
❝Book collecting is an obsession, an occupation, a disease, an addiction, a fascination, a fate. It is not a hobby.❞
The manuscript
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March, 2024
aestetic: light academia
This moodboard boasts a distinct aesthetic, characterized by neutral tones, and it's centered around the writing process.
There's a contrast of ideas at play. On one side, there's handwriting alongside digital writing; on the other, tea versus coffee. It's safe to say I'm undecided.
There are fewer scenes depicted compared to the previous boards, making it simpler in design.
❝When it comes to art, it's important not to hide the madness.❞ — Atticus
❝The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.❞
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blurredcolour · 2 months
I just saw your reblog about listening to your heart and writing that fucked up story - I feel so called out right now! 🫣🫣. Ever since I found your Trust series, I’ve been eating up all the John Egan fiction that I can get my grubby little hands on and so my brain has been attacking me with ideas for fics about John and the lads.
So yeah, I’m going to write …won’t be as good as Trust (which is epic and beautiful) but we’ll see where my stupid brain leads me.
Is there anything new in the works for John (*prays that there are!*). Hope you have a good day.
Oh my good gracious bestie, I fully admit to watching you rip through Trust with unabashed glee. I saw you stayed up way past your bed time to finish it, I hope your next day wasn’t too awful?!
Let me apologize for not replying to your comments yet, life has been a bit rough with me lately (mercury is in the microwave again I think) but this ask cannot go unanswered!!!
Please write! Always write! Let the gremlin take hold and spill it all over the (digital) page. The world will be better for it 💙 Your writing will be uniquely and gorgeously yours and we will love it for that very reason.
I am indeed working on something new for our darling Bucky boy, but I am also desperately trying to ignore the heated, possessive glares of one Mr John Brady from the corner (sole blame and adoration for this problem lies with @precious-little-scoundrel )
More to come once I get my metaphorical sh*t together - current plot doc word count is 4k so lord knows how long this POW fic is gonna be 🤦‍♀️
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seventeenlovesthree · 3 months
so, apparently there's plenty of death symbolism/metaphors surrounding, are you interested in elaborating that? including "indirect" death like spiritual death, character assassination or death of identity, somethjng along those lines?
- death symbolism surrounding Taichi, sorry, somehow I pressed ask , sorry for my blunder
It's fine, no worries, I already assumed that it was referring to Taichi! If you think about it, several characters in Digimon Adventure have been dealing with the subject of "death" one way or another, most in direct association with someone (human or Digimon) close to them.
Now, if we look at our favourite main character, riddled with traumatic childhood experiences and questionable coping mechanisms, there is a bunch of instances where he had to deal with the potential of death happening in front of him or CAUSING death himself - either to others or himself -, so it should not be surprising that, at some point, he may have dissociated himself (mostly subconsciously, I'd say) from being a Chosen Child. Whiiiich may or may not have led to Kizuna's events, but yeah, it's count the instances first, shall we. TW: death, mental health.
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The whole Hikarigaoka incident: While Hikari was scared too, she was still much younger than him and couldn't grasp the implications of what was happening there, while Taichi did EVERYTHING in his power to protect her and himself from not getting crushed by the two Kaijus in front of them.
Him almost causing Hikari to die due to his (still existing) sense of childlike innocence: Yes, she was sick, but he thought she was already on the way to recovery and only took her to play football to cheer her up. That's where he first had to face that good intentions don't always lead to positive outcomes...
The SkullGreymon fiasco: Again, he intended to do good for the sake of the group, but overlooked the bigger picture and became reckless, thus causing his partner to evolve into a literal symbol of death and decay in the process. Something that may have happened to the ENTIRE group if the Digimon hadn't run out of energy...
The electrical fence and its aftermath: This one has several follow-up points, but I still think it's suitable to summarize them all here - first of all, there is him being confronted with the idea of actually dying by getting electrocuted after he was 100% convinced that nothing they did mattered, since they were "just data in a computer". Once again, he was being reckless and careless - not only did it lead to almost killing himself, but in extension, also dooming Sora, whom he failed to save. Overcoming his cowardice, finding his own sense of courage eventually led to victory - but also led to him disappearing and roughly 50% of the remaining group ended up thinking that he had actually died in the process. Meanwhile, he was back in the real world and had to choose between saving only himself, or everyone else as well... And we all know how the answer to this turned out to be.
Him almost causing Hikari to die AGAIN: Of course there have been several instances of death before and after they re-entered the Digital World again, leading to the eventual "fallout" between Taichi and Yamato in regards to how they should deal with the immediate danger at hand... But the most devastating instance here was Taichi reliving his early childhood trauma, fearing that, by taking Hikari with them, he made the same mistakes again, acting thoughtlessly, not considering the circumstances... He has been acting self-sacrificial for the sake of the group before, but it's this arc that shows that he is actually ready to die if he can at least manage to save everyone else in the process (hence why he ended up fighting with Koushirou as well, because Taichi forbade him from taking on any pain himself and Koushirou was having none of it).
Let's not forget that, during the events of Our War Game - and all the follow-up movies, especially Diablomon Strikes Back -, he was also under immense pressure: To save the entirety of Tokyo from getting blown up by a missile and every other side-effect that Diablomon may have caused in traffic or elsewhere... And once again, his own hotheadedness may almost have caused his partner to get killed, to the sense of guilt plays a huge role in here as well...
02 portrays Taichi as matured, it showed that, while he still occasionally needs to get reminded of it, he KNEW that he has to make uncomfortable decisions sometimes; of course he almost despaired when his partner was being captured and corrupted, but he also realized that he may have had to sacrifice him for the greater good; he needed to remind Hikari that the new kids never had to deal with the same kind of death exposure before, but warned her - with quite a grim, but serious expression - that they would have to face it eventually. He grew aware of their duty throughout all this time, through all these experiences, and it's not pretty, but at this point, he was still ready to act.
Tri picks that point of the story back up again by mirroring Meiko's fate with his own - at least to some degree. Once more, they had to face the possibility of having to kill a beloved partner Digimon and at this point, Taichi was questioning whether or not recklessly sacrificing infrastructure and lives for the sake of fighting was the "right way" to deal with everything. It may have felt a bit like recycled conflict at this point, but it's been several years by now, and Taichi is, overall, contemplating his life choices, contemplating his diplomatic future, the status quo AND his "duty" as Chosen Child.
It's through the course of Tri that he: Watched parts of the city get destroyed ONCE AGAIN, almost died through the course of several fights and an earthquake-like blow, had to witness his teacher - whom he greatly looked up to - sacrifice himself, covered in wounds and blood, to save him AND their missing friends... And all that after Daigo told him that they lied to protect them and that he should move on and create a better future... Thus, Taichi decided to go for the kill again. Again, he didn't like it, again, he got reminded by Hikari of all people how terrible it all is, but he knew that he had to.
Kizuna chose a similar premise to Meiko's once again - first of all, if we look at everything above, is it really a wonder that Taichi probably developed some fatigue? We all know, see, can tell how much he loves Agumon - hence why he did end up horrified by the prospect of losing him. And as I pointed out before, he did use the fighting for the sake of having a purpose, because... Who else was he if he couldn't "lead" anyone anymore?
And since the rest of his young adult life was pretty directionless... Can you really blame him for it? The amount of nightmares, the tiredness, the PTSD the previous experiences may have caused in him could never be treated by a "normal" therapist - who could ever relate to all of these things that sound incredibly supernatural and like nothing an adolescent should have shouldered all by himself? Heck, he isn't even able to talk to his friends about it at all (even if stageplay!Agumon told him to!), just swallowing it all by himself, dealing with the thought spiraling in his head on his own.
Hearing Menoa tell him that she lost her partner, making it all sound like a huge punishment for making the wrong choices... It may have rang several alarm bells in Taichi. How often must he have dreaded making the wrong choices? How much guilt must he have felt for the sake of Hikari, Meiko, Daigo, everyone he temporarily let down by hesitating or acting out in the wrong moment, let it be Yamato, Sora, Koushirou, Daisuke... Now there's this young woman who asked him to figure out a way to fix a problem she couldn't herself, a problem that may separate him from his soulmate forever and for what? Because he grew unsure of himself, because he faltered, because looking at all his friends, who found their paths, had become painful and tiring. Because, even after coming to temporary answers, he didn't know who he was and who he wanted to be anymore.
He had to choose to fight so many times, he sacrificed himself as much as he could. Then there was the prospect of fighting Menoa with two possible outcomes: losing would lead to his own death (or "loss of self" since he would have his consciousness be trapped forever in a neverending dream of his childhood), winning would lead to the death of his partner anyway... It must have been dreadful.
When it comes to the different kinds of "deaths" you mentioned, I will try to summarize this quite shortly, even though they're definitely interesting angles.
I believe that a "death of identity" is basically what I have outlined above - while it mainly focused on Taichi's (decline of) mental health, which may also have resulted in a tendency to isolate himself, Taichi's journey is basically some kind of Lion King analogy, where he starts as your typical head-through-wall protagonist, but has to deal with the aftermath of cowardice and the consequences of his choices - and does so by running away from the pain FIRST. From himself and his responsibilities. He also could have chosen to let Menoa win and let his consciousness be turned back into that of a carefree child... But he chose not to let that happen.
Because deep down inside, there IS his path. There are his values, his persistence, his belief system. He's been on the brink of a breakdown, but it's all there. Hence why I really, really, REALLY want to WATCH him getting to his "Simba strikes back" phase at some point, since we only ever saw it implied by the end of each, Tri, the stageplay and Kizuna. We KNOW he will push back, but we have yet to see in what way, if he ever got therapy and how he's actually doing - mentally, physically, spiritually.
Speaking of which, "spiritual death" is a bit harder for me to grasp in his context, but considering how his sense of guilt and fear of cowardice have led him to (temporarily) turn away more and more from his true self, his natural sense of courage and more positive, outgoing attitude... It all leads me back to him having lost his sense of self. I will never forget the feeling of how my stomach dropped during the "depressed adult" scenes in Kizuna. Again, I want to give this movie props for depicting adulthood like that, but it really hurt and felt way too relatable.
And I guess in this sense, we can also talk about "character assassination", because... As you may have noticed, I have linked quite a few analysis posts in this answer, because I have been trying to analyze and understand Taichi for MONTHS now. And sometimes, I feel like I may be trying too hard - who knows me also knows that, while Taichi is one of my favourite characters, I also have my fair share of problems with the AMOUNT of Taichi suffer p*rn in the OG timeline (and I still maintain they only made Taichi as generic as he was in the reboot to avoid these allegations). Some may argue that it's all over the top and that they keep recycling the same conflict (for him and in general) over and over again for the sake of even HAVING a plot to revolve around (which also wouldn't contradict the epilogue too much and actually leading towards it eventually).
For me, it has been interesting to look at all of this in context, as heartbreaking as it is sometimes. Mental health is a serious issue and watching a character like Taichi experiencing at least some form of implied depression after everything he went through tells you that everyone can get affected by this. Even if your experiences won't involve several instances of near-death-situations, even if you are resilient and have a lot of social, mental and physical resources to deal with set-backs or intense, difficult situations... It may still happen. And it's important to show that there are ways to deal with it as well as you can. That there is hope, even if things are not 100% alright.
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opttagoyeo · 1 month
Can you see the vision? CAN YOU SEE IT?!
I actually giggled when I drew this and for the life of me I can't draw it digitally and clean it (I like this better, and... I suck drawing everything especially hands and err... anatomy) I don't wanna ruin that juicy biceps of Hinata 🥴.
But, this year genderbend naruhina has been plaguing my mind whenever it can.
So I'm just drawing for fun (like doodling some Naruhina au whether it be Canon or genderbend) and then boogsh. Another genderbend Naruhina Hybrid AU (Highschool scenario) strikes me again! Obviously, Naruko is a one tailed hybrid fox but she is secretly the actual legendary nine-tailed fox hybrid (it was passed down to her or sumn). She's a troublemaker in her school and she belongs to the predator class, where all of the other hybrid animals known to prey on other poor animals are grouped together in a class. Her nine tails only appear if she's having emotional turmoil or something serious, for example uncontrollable anger, jealousy, possessiveness, or when she's experiencing her heat. Then Hinata (I kept his female name because it's cute for me when Naruko calls him Hinata ^^), he's the usual bunny hybrid. In this, he has glasses to have this sort of nerdy feeling (he doesn't wear them outside the school tho lol). Opposite to Naruko, he belongs to the Prey Class where most of the students avoid getting in the Predator's way whenever they can. It's a mystery as to why a fox and a bunny got together. Oh, and I think Hinata being a class president would suit him much despite his meekness. Since he's gentle and kind, his class would like his calm demeanor, soothing them away from those ferocious predators down the hallways.
So as I drew them separately, I thought most would think that Naruko would dominate Hinata since she's the predator and she's a sly fox. However, I don't think so! Hehe, here comes my favorite part!
In the drawing, we can see Hinata being all possessive of Naruko since he's on his rut at that time. He was so drunk off her that the need to protect her and his hidden possessiveness came through, shocking Naruko (she likes it so much and thinks it's so freaking hot, like girl same) Usually in their lovemaking, Hinata would be a loott gentler, like he's gonna ask her if it hurts, would totally rub her back in circles and voice out gentle encouragement as Naruko take his length inside her. He's not gonna thrust so hard, he's so fluffy and their sex is so freaking vanilla. I even see Hinata making a breakfast in bed kinda thingy after that night because he knew Naruko was freaking tired after that plenty of rounds last night (he might start off gentle but who knows he might turn rough as the night goes on 👀) That's so freaking cute to me. But when Hinata's on his ruts, he's unstoppable, he has this gaze that makes Naruko's legs wobble. Like he's gonna eat her whole, metaphorically. He's gonna say things such as, "You're only mine, Naruko." without the nickname because I think that's hot and sexier. Like Naruko's the only thing on his mind at that time. For sure he's gonna bite every skin he can reach, marking her and making Naruko his only. He'll be more chatty, teasing Naruko and babbling that he's the only one who can see her come undone like this. That this side of her is only for him, and he loves her so much. Things like that, and when he's back to himself again he's so embarrassed to remember how he acted like that but Naruko wasn't having it. She wants Hinata to be as honest to her as his rut self. He can be rough with her and she's not gonna mind it, besides she's not that fragile. He's not gonna hurt her or whatsoever. She admits it, despite blushing that she likes this rough side of him.
Ugh then they both blush because genderbend or not, they're still such dorks that love each other and that's the most important of all!
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
5 Songs Ship Playlist | Tagged by @clicheantagonist ty <3 | Tagging @cassietrn @neverthesameneveranother @vampireninjabunnies-blog @socially-awkward-skeleton @direwombat @jacobsneed @nightbloodbix @shegetsburned @poisonedtruth @josephslittledeputy @josephseedismyfather @g0dspeeed @madparadoxum @thesingularityseries @aceghosts @euryalex @redreart @purplehairsecretlair @jinfromyarikawa @adelaidedrubman @strafethesesinners and anyone that would like to do the tag too <3
I'm pretty sure I did this tag for John and Sabrina a while back, but since then I definitely have added new songs in the WIP playlist, so I thought I would do a part 2 for them together with Calahan and Mary May (bcs I so felt inspired today to finally make them a ship banner, then I had to do one for Sabrina and John too, because "we're feeling ignored here" ... always happens anytime I do something as edit for Calahan) &lt;3 I'm as always including lyrics too.
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Each step I left behind Each road you know is mine Walking on a line ten stories high Say you'll still be by my side If I could take your hand, oh if you could understand That I can barely breathe, the air is thin I fear the fall and where we'll land We fight every night for something When the sun sets, we're both the same Half in the shadows Half burned in flames
We can't look back for nothin' Take what you need, say your goodbyes I gave you everything This darkness is the light
Your hand is watching mine like an LA hawk My hand is well aware that it’s being stalked Won’t see it smile while I’m chewing on the flame ‘Cause I’ve never been one to ruin the game He’s a keeper, he’s a believer He’s on the ground on his knees in a theater And he put us in a car, I don’t know where we are But he fell in love with the fever “I could never leave her, I could never keep her” That’s what he says to the neighborhood preacher
I watch us burn and fall The heat is ten feet tall The potential is bench-pressing us into the wall And the flicker flames weave in through my teeth If the hot gum were to slip out, where would we be?
If I tell you what I’m thinking Promise you won’t tell yourself If you tell me what you’re thinking I swear I won’t tell myself
She lies within Buried deep Taking over
But I can’t give in So I find a way to control her
Ruby as a metaphor, said by Renee: “[Ruby is] the fears, dark shadow side that [we] don’t like to face.”
I’ve been lost since long ago Is there redemption for a soul That can’t be saved I know you’re the way back home But every time I think I’m close I’m worlds away Pull me to your heaven
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(Totally fitting for whenever they team up to make John's day worse :D)
Rite of passage, classic havoc Match in the gas tank, ooh, that's wretched Unstoppable, legendary animal Digital justice, now you're gonna know usHail to the king and queen of the ruckus I've always liked to play with fire
There's something about you It's not that I doubt you Angels circle around you 'Cause you shouldn't be on your own I know that you need it, I think you should leave with me 'Cause you got me believing that you shouldn't be all alone You can use all of me Take a hit, baby, breathe I can do all you need Take a hit, baby, breathe And use me
I pop off, cause mayhem Like a Molotov, I burn it down Just to top it off, ha I'm causing damage, knocking them down
We're not the only ones who fall apart You're the only one I'm thinking of And it's time we pick the pieces up I don't wanna be alone again Do you wanna be alone again?
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callmearcturus · 10 months
(Ok, sorry for the second ask, but it wasn't really the same topic so I didn't want to put it in the reblog. Anyway, I hope it doesn't come off too much as paranoid rambling)
People not looking for themes in DR part of a wider trend of people dismissing anything Tom makes out of hand. Of course, McQ is the director and the writer, but the public perception is based on Tom, whether that is right or not.
McQ said that they had always been underdogs, despite how ridiculous it seems that Tom is one given how big he is, but he's right: the public perception of Tom, and the films he makes, works again them being given anything more than a surface reading.
No one got the themes in this movie because no one was looking for them, because it's just a dumb TC flick. It used to be that people confused Tom with his characters, saying that he was just like that, because of course he couldn't act, basically since the og top gun. A very common analysis of MI in the media was that there was no story or character, that it was just all an elaborate metaphor for how great Tom thought he was, despite how little sense that makes.
Since Maverick, I feel like people have been less overtly dicks, but there's still this this undercurrent that there can be no themes because he's not enough of an artist to even think about that. Even now, I feel like part of the accusations of misogyny are in part because people think it's likelier that Tom, and by extension McQ, are misogynistic, than that they told a thematically rich story. And it's not just Ilsa stans, of course: there's very few reviewers or mainstream fans going beyond how fun the stunts are, despite Tom and McQ clamoring for ages that what matters are the characters.
It's not entirely surprising that people who are primarily fan of Ilsa fall into this pattern, but again, what a fucking pity
this is interesting to me bc it totally makes sense but i lack almost all context for it. see, my analytical horsefuckery background is mostly from thinking way too hard about video games and music, not tv or film because I went through a VERY VERY extended period where I would only watch, like, two movies a year. one tv show a year. that's not any kind of exaggeration.
(i'm now watching a lot more stuff like MI has broken a dam in my head, i feel like TC would be proud of that given his whole thing about "pls pls pls watch movies, movie good actually")
so my toolset isn't even coming from film, it's coming from gaymes. it is very sad that people who, presumably, think a lot about films just.... missed? everything MI is doing? it's doing a lot. i'm always a fan of (to be slightly reductive) 'low' art that is saying stuff.
it seems to be part of McQ and TC's methodology to lure ppl in with the promise of spectacle and then go "now while we have you here, we want to talk about the preservation of history in the face of an increasingly digitized culture". which, mad lads. huge fan of that tactic tbh.
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sawyerquinnbrown · 10 months
Spotlight on Captain Cobalt vs. the Sinister Scientist
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Here's the cover for one of my published plays, Captain Cobalt vs the Sinister Scientist, which is available for purchase at Next Stage Press!
A vaudeville-style comedy straight out of Saturday morning cartoons. This play has 18 characters and is intended to be performed by only 2 women. Captain Cobalt is an up-and-coming superhero trying to balance her heroic deeds with her secret identity, Cyanna Conda, the lowly pet store clerk. She battles everything from giant squid monsters to cheese-themed supervillains, encountering any number of bystanders (and a love interest) along the way. The final showdown, however, is with Captain Cobalt’s nemesis, the nefarious Dr. Killington, the mad scientist who insists that SHE is the hero of the story. Captain Cobalt et. al. encourage lots of audience interaction (cheering and booing especially) along the way. The set can be as stripped-down or elaborate as the production pleases, but the most important part…all the props are bananas. (Yes, actual literal bananas. The kind that pop when you throw them.)
I'd greatly appreciate a reblog to spread the word about my play, and it's available for purchase here, $5 for a digital copy and $10 for a physical copy that you can hold in your hands and put on your bookshelf and feel so cool that you know the playwright.
Click through the Read More for a sample of the script!
(Josh, an Obnoxious Little Kid, comes onstage, playing a handheld video game/banana.)
JOSH. What are you, some kind of a stupid superhero?
CAPTAIN. No, I am an intelligent superhero. Captain Cobalt! What is your name, young...child?
JOSH. Josh.
CAPTAIN. So...how old are you?
JOSH. Old enough to know you’re a stupidhead. My mom says--
CAPTAIN. Doesn’t your mother tell you not to be rude? Or not to talk to strangers?
JOSH. MY MOM SAYS that superheroes destroy too much stuff in the city.
CAPTAIN. Any damage that I might incur is caused in the name of justice and righting wrongs!
JOSH. There’s a kid at my school named Justice. 
CAPTAIN (thrown). Really?
JOSH. Yeah. (They stare at each other.) Are you...are you fightin’ an’ stuff for him?
CAPTAIN. I...yes. In a general sense. I’m fighting for everyone, so I suppose, while I fight for justice for all, I am also, yes, somewhat fighting for a small child named ‘Justice.’ Since he is part of ‘all,’ and thus, under my purview. (Josh is clearly confused.) Umbrella. Under my...yes, under my umbrella. The umbrella that encompasses all of this city, and eventually, all of the world. With my magnificent powers, I can defend all those who need defending!  The older gentleman selling newspapers on the street-corner! The women waiting in line at a bank! Janitorial staff! Socialites! Troglodytes! Optometrists! Soccer moms drinking smoothies in minivans! From the nonagenarians in retirement homes...all the way to the tiny children asking rude questions of superheroes in the street. (She gestures to Josh.) All are under my metaphorical umbrella...of justice! (She poses.)
JOSH. You took Justice’s umbrella?
JOSH. I don’t think it’s very nice of you to take Justice’s umbrella.
CAPTAIN. It’s not a real umbrella.
JOSH. Did you break it?
CAPTAIN. What? How dare you --
JOSH. Did you break the umbrella. My mom says that it’s not nice to take other people’s things--
CAPTAIN. I don’t even know this ‘Justice’ person!
JOSH. You took his umbrella.
CAPTAIN. I didn’t.
JOSH. Yes, you did.
CAPTAIN. No! I didn’t!
JOSH. Yes, you did! (He blows a raspberry, turns to go, then turns back.) Oh, and also? You smell like dead fish. (Turns to go, turns back.) Oh, and also? You look like a dead fish. (Turns to go, turns back.) Oh, and also? (He pauses. Captain Cobalt waits expectantly. Finally) I forgot what I was going to say. (He finally leaves.)
Read the rest of the first act for free on Next Stage Press!
Once again, I'd super appreciate a reblog, and even a follow of my writing blog if you're feeling generous and would like to see more comedic writing!
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another-corpo-rat · 5 months
For the WIP Game - pockets of stones
omg you have no idea how excited i am to ramble about this one
pockets of stones has been a wip of mine since the '23 cyberhanami, mostly left on the shelf for two reasons; 1, at the time i couldn't fit it into any of the themes, and 2, i was (still am) feeling a little bit out of my scope with it cos it's imagery heavy at points and i worry about getting too purple-prosy with it like i have the visual in mind which i dont normally have when writing, which is making me a bit hesitant with it - still excited tho! its a weird feeling towards a wip lmao
i think what adds to my hesitance and back and forthness with it is cos i wanna present some headcanons for Smasher's backstory within it too. the basics of it is that Smasher lets Victoria connect into his biomon - a damn heavy gesture of trust, and lets her slip beyond that a summary taken from my disjointed notes:
she sees through his eyes, Glimpses of a childhood too fractured to be healthy, the scared, frightened pitch of a child calling for his momma through smoke and debris. He pulls her from that one, pushes her into another. She staggers – he staggers, feet unsteady, throbbing pain in his jaw. A thumb wipes at the blood and spittle had been knocked, throws himself at the other man, pins him – thumbs digging into his eyes.
the title is taken from the lyrics of a Florence + The Machine song, What the Water Gave Me - which ties into a kinda ocean/abyss metaphor about Smasher's memories and how they present themselves to Victoria
and how terrible is it that this is probably my longest sitting wip yet i have nothing snippet wise to even present lmao, so i hope the quick notes i have helps sum up the gist better than me rambling-
Vic dips into Smasher’s memories – buildings and rooms, lockers and files. Most important things people usually have in safes or behind some imagined security Smasher’s is like a stream – a digital torrent that brushes past her ankles in a steady pulse, memories brushing against her, flashes of his life, instances he is forced to keep by the black box. Follows its course, looking out to where it feeds into a pitch black sea until she’s no longer following but being dragged in Deeper – black surrounds her; great beast comes with an open maw – her hands come to rest on its snout, pressing in and feeling thr thrum of memories beneath; flashes of emotions. 'Shark' = his memories of Kei Arasaka. Looks up to the light, finds many of the beasts circling her One brushes against her, gently – Michiko Arasaka Another nudges, brushing past roughly but ultimately uncaring – x character – slight glimpse of backstory; an old friend. Easy to chase but she lets go, reaching instead for the gentler creature of Michiko, brushing into that warmth that gently eases her upwards, out of the abyss; flashes of those memories; a young Michiko whispering Adam’s name in the darkness, cradling one large calloused hand of his gemini between her delicate own.
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skinscribblesnomore · 10 months
(looks inside your skull)
Ah I see the blorbo is in here.
Who are they? What is causing them to be here recently? In what settings do they appear in?
So. The blorbos are Sunny Days and Ra Hino - Sunny is the original oc, and Ra is the oc that's derived from him
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They're both on the brain since they share relatively the same themes, happenings, and history. These include:
- Isolation/Disconnection from others
- Parasitism, metaphorical and/or literal
- Physical and mental trauma (the major physical losses in chronological order are his left forearm, his right leg just below the knee, and his right eye. if I'm feeling a bit evil I'll have some iteration of Ra lose some parts during a story's events)
- Coding/AI/Digital things related to him (if in a non-tech au, then just something related to death/not being created or born naturally)
- Overall monochromatic scheme with blue accents, pigtails/long hair, and something red near the head, if possible
So what's making them rotate in my brain?
Simply the fact that both have so much versatility to themselves, but in different ways. Ra is derived from Sunny, but I use Ra more often when it comes to AUs and other situations where I usually place a character. Why is that?
Sunny is aware of himself being a character. He has no story, no world, no end goal. He can be in any media he wants, but he can't stay for long, lest he corrupts it beyond healing. All versions of him are the same person, as there is no way for him to be "separated" for different stories. He is painfully aware of the fourth wall - but is it really a fourth wall if he was never put into a room to begin with?
Ra, on the other hand, is a character unaware of any fourth wall. Due to the themes he shares with Sunny, he can easily be changed and bent to fit the world he's placed in. However, this means that all the different versions of him are unaware of other Ras out there. Ra does not know Watcher, Watcher does not know Breaker, Breaker does not know Pharaoh, Pharaoh does not know Poragon, and so forth. They all share the same base person, but are changed enough to fit into their story. He sacrifices awareness for canon compliance.
What settings do they appear in?
Well, Sunny can be everywhere...... but he's also nowhere. He's essentially the ultimate oc insert with a side of fun original issues. If he's not lurking around other media and yanking people into alleys to eat their code, he's in the void of cyberspace - in between the lines of code that make up the entirety of the world wide web. There's no one else in there. It's just him, alone.
Ra is usually put into me and my friends' stories and AUs (Stars Below Alt Tale, Wheel of Stars, Chasing Smoke, etc), so while he's more limited with where he can go, he develops a LOT more when it comes to backstories - because he actually is able to have a damn backstory in the first place. There's at least three large and developed backstories for him that are all completely different from each other.
Along with all that, Sunny knows of Ra. Ra will never be able to truly know Sunny.
He can't help but feel a bit jealous.
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anulithots · 9 months
Anuli gets a character sheet (very dangerous, do not recommend)
@digital-chance (my apologies if you aren't supposed to tag someone every time you mention them!) made an EXTREMELY HELPFUL 'what to put on writeblr intros and character sheets' post.
And for Anuli? A character sheet? For the morbid-storyteller that's supposed to be a manifestation of my absent-mindedness and desire to fix myself along with being a commentary on the self-help genre?
This will be nonsense.
Also also, you can talk to Anuli and change the plot of the Land of the Fallen Fairies on @imjusthereforeternity
Trigger warning for self-deprecation.
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Name - Anuli
Nicknames - Anuli, tree-less dryad, fallen fairy, harbinger of unhappy endings and this story's antagonist. (All in one breath, with a dash of dramatic-ness
Pronouns - Fae/faer/faerself, as all fairies have, I made a post explaining how they work.
Role in the story - Anuli's role in the story? .... Let's see.
"You may stay and... ask whatever you want? The best I can offer you is a morbid story with no coherent ending. You have been warned. Oh! And know that those broken stories are it. I will not be able to come to your aid in your hour of need nor will I say the right words of comfort due to... villain." "So, I'm the antagonist, yes. But I should've been more specific. I'm not one of those 'tragic villains' Not one of those villains I could write a redemption arc for. Not one of those villains that could pitied or empathized with. Not one of those villains that had some underlying character traits that gave it the complex nature for a character arc. Those 'tragic vilians' had some backstory to explain themselves, some reason for their awful deeds. Me? I had none of that. I had leeched all of Kamari's effort. Fae tried so hard and it brought faer here. And every time I tried to make it better, I was only attempting to squish a basic antagonist into a 'complex and morally gray' archetype. Pitying myself. Isn't that antagonistic behavior? I ruined every attempt for Kamari's happy ending. A parasite, since the beginning."
... probably the antagonist.
Bio - A dryad??? Maybe??? Faer tree is in the wanderer's nest, and fun fact: it's a fiddle leaf fig. (And there is some dark stuff you can find about those houseplants). Fae is absent-minded and overthinks a lot. The others are concerned about faer habit of staring. Fae also tells morbid stories! Kamari is concerned about how dark they are! But telling morbid stories to Kamari beneath faer tree are the happiest memories fae has, before, you know, fae ruined all of it. In fact, storytelling is how fae processes the world, so fae uses a story metaphor for everything, since 'reality' is hard to decipher.
Basically: Reality sounded better in faer head.
(Is that how you do a bio???)
Date of Birth: Unknown... Kamari had to guess faer age and different species age differently sooo..... the best guess is that Anuli is still a youngling. (Anuli has no survival skills no matter how old fae will get tho.)
Sexuality: Fairies don't have the concept of romance, or mating, or any of that. Therefore, I can do all the cute platonic fluff I want!
Ethnicity: Fiddle leaf figs come from Africa, although in Trinity Hollow, non-natives are just known as "planted fairies". They don't tend to do as well. And Anuli doesn't have a tree to begin with... so that will lead to issues.
Mbti: Anuli is Sagittarius because I learned zodiac signs yesterday.
Occupation: .... let's see, how would Anuli answer this?
"Well, I ruin storylines... and I might have messed up the fungal networks... and I overall play the antagonist of this story... in fact, do not have me in your presence, do yourself a service."
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About the size of a newborn, curly chaotic roots (fiddle leaf figs like being root-bound), greenish eyes (the common dryad color, along with brown), build is... slightly chubby? Large hands and feet? Fae has little holes in faer wings and scars on faer neck that I definitely have included. You saw nothing. /s.
Clothing style is the scarf-ish thing (it's familiar and comforting, despite the original version.)
Tag: #anuli the dryad
Vibe: theater kid with lots of self-deprecation but gets scared when others start trying to help faer. Neurodivergent-coded. Is either in a story hyper fixation or is spiraling with no in-between. Is attempting to fix faerself, but that isn't quite working because feelings are weird and unknowable... words to describe them are metaphors that don't. translate. to. reality. and. sensations.
Quirks: Twirls faer antennae a lot. Is quiet unless fae is telling a story. Uses phrases that faer guardian (Kamari) used to say. Metaphors are perfect in every way. Backstory is better. Starts shouting questions when fae gets excited or when faer thoughts fizzle out.
Quote: "Were my disclaimers not enough to disclose to you all? Why would you read 'do not involve me in your story' and proceed to think 'Ah yes, we shall be the best of friends' ?
Foolish. You will not find a friend in me.
.... Foolish is a strong word... misguided? Little silly?
Well, since all of you sillys are present, I shall inform you of your current roles in my story."
Fun facts: The roots in the pixie archives (the ones that symbolize everyone that has interacted with faer on @imjusthereforeternity) are yellow because yellow means home to faer. Fae also will put things in faer roots (like dead leaves) or run faer fingers through faer roots to relax faer thoughts. Anuli also needs physical reminders that events have happened are weren't a story fae made up. The scars a good reminder, so fae will rub faer fingers over them. Fae overshares more to strangers than to fairies fae knows.
Skills: Storytelling, accidently staring at fairies, learning how to make things very fast, then never touching them again, making metaphors for reality. (Fae isn't that well-rounded, what can I say?)
Likes: Home, stars, storytelling, pixies, spiders, Kamari, birds, sunflowers, things to rub faer hands against, rain, night-time, windchimes, daydreaming.
Dislikes: when others try to be nice to faer and fae can't live up to their expectations, specifically when Kamari does that, the mother fairy, the tether, static, socializing, being asked a question, not knowing what to say, not understanding a situation, spiraling, reality in general.
(this is the best I got. Imagine 'fandom bookworm' aesthetic)
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Soundtrack from artlist
Playlist with 'actual songs' (Anuli would listen to more orchestral songs, and songs from musicals, and movie soundtracks, but the lyrics fit, so why not?)
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phantomarts · 1 year
The beginning of Art and Friendship
With the return of @askthecookies​ in full swing (and seeing as these pieces arnt currently available anywhere since my old account got deleted) I figured this could be a fun time to go over my journey of not only my relation with the mod for cookie blog but the beginning of my journey into art in general, at least on the digital side.(Prepare for a LONG post)
So having gotten invested into the series a good few years into the series, what might have been the first item to act as the metaphorical spark towards this eventual friendship and starting of digital art? MEMEs!
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Very simple stuff at first, cutting out the heads of cookie characters and posting them onto memes, some of you who have been around a while might remember the remake of one I made a few years back.
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By here my OC had showed up a handful of times in the cookie verse from all the ask interactions, so some talking had started happening. As time went on, ideas for various extra gags came to mind that would require a bit more then just cut out heads, so I began to make very simple stick figures completely ripping off similar in style to cookie chibis seem at times.
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Some of which not even being original backgrounds. As they began to get a bit more complex the model for the chibis evolved to be a bit more flexible and gags became more elaborate, even stemming into full blown comics at times, and by this point the mod and I were tossing ideas back and forth both for my gags, and their blog, some idea which even made it in as side gags, or even some story details. On some occasions even making some elaborate comics which worked as filler for when cookie mod needed some extra time for updates or long animations.
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Art stuck to these figures for quite some time, I always thought they worked well for gags, but if I ever wanted to do a bit more serious or complex work they might not do the job. So at some point further in the future, I decided to make them a bit more complex, and this was just in time to make some larger scale side stories which ended up turning into a long running mini series to fill time as cookie mod took a break.
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This simple gag somehow ended up turning into a long running strange side adventure involving Tangerine breaking out of the forth wall into Anon space for wacky misadventures, including meeting the @the-green-anon​ , @askbananapie​ an alternate tangerine from another universe! It was half way through this series where I would evolve the style a final time to polish it up a bit.
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This series continued for a time until Tangy Mod had the series of incidents leading to their time away. This series continued for a time before falling off with its original purpose now gone. But with it fading out, the empty slot eventually made way for the series that was teased a few times throughout the fourth wall break series.
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And thus began the run of the @askdarkriders​ . Even with Cookie Mod away, I would frequently update them with the adventures and gags made in this series, which seemed to have helped in eventually resparking their interest in finishing the cookies story again.
And there you have a short look at my fun little journey. Thanks for reading, and a big thanks to Cookie Mod for sparking the art journey and being a close friend, as well as all askers and interactors for helping all these stories and gags move along over the many years.
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