#my brain just making all these random connections over dinner
xxfabulashxx · 8 months
Lazytown and Deltarune are in the same universe
Sans is a character in Deltarune
Sans was in Super Smash Bros
Sonic was in Super Smash Bros
Sonic was in Wreck it Ralph 2
Dumbo was in Wreck it Ralph 2
Dumbo was in Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Bugs Bunny was in Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Bugs Bunny was in Space Jam
The Scooby Doo gang were in Space Jam 2
Simon Cowell appears in Scoob
Simon Cowell was in Shrek 2
Shrek was in Dreamworks All Star Racing
Alex the lion was in Dreamworks All Star Racing
Alex was in Madagascar
Skipper was in Madagascar
Skipper met Michelle Obama
Michelle Obama met Sportacus
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
#death //#really tho just. losing two family members within a week from one another is. really rough#even if it is from natural causes and old age it still feels very sudden#and even if we werent that close it still hurts#little things remind me of the grandparents i dont have anymore. like making dinner and realizing im not eating their cooking again#or my grandmas favorite songs. its just. rough#im just thinking a lot. and not looking forward to two funerals within the next few weeks#just.. yeah. i feel kinda fucked up on the inside. more so than usually but for once not cause of myself#its. odd to me. grief hasnt really been constant in my life in years. apart from losing my brothers cat few years ago#before that i lost my other grandma like eleven years ago. since then immediate family has been okay#its just weird. i dont really know how to grief. it comes in waves and odd memories and it feels really.. idk. off to me#ive had few crying fits over some random things but i just feel. numb. maybe its cause of the sudden frequency of these#or cause i dont know how to deal. its strange to me. feels out of place to mourn something other than what i made myself lost#maybe its cause while there was a connection there was a larger disconnection. i havent seen either of them since covid started#idk. regrets and shit and whatnot. i just feel all but nothing at the same time#just. just saying. idk. just wanna clean my brain a little. its been a difficult day. sorry#night is an absolute mess on main
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beelmons · 1 year
Spencer x ADHD!girlfriend.
"...and that's exactly why The Zodiac, in theory, was more prolific as a mathematician than a serial killer." he finished his sentence as he drew a couple more words and connected lines on his whiteboard. His body turned in your direction, and it made you jump slightly on your spot on the couch.
"You're so right, babe, that makes a lot of sense." you said. Truth was, you had no idea what he was talking about. You were having dinner together, and you mentioned Zac Efron on the Bundy movie, things escalated, and he took out his whiteboard, and that's what you remembered happening last.
You loved your boyfriend, and you absolutely adored hearing him ramble about whatever topic he was feeling passionate about. It was one of his most endearing features, and you vowed to yourself you would always be there to listen.
Tinsy problem, sometimes your brain was physically uncapable to keep up with his talking speed, and the second you didn't understand something and you couldn't just interrupt him to clarify it to you, your brain would fly somewhere else. It wasn't because of boredom, his speeches were never dull to you, you were just wired that way, and there was little you could do about it but conceal it from him and try to pretend that you got everything he was sharing with you. At the end, that was your true intention every time.
His arms dropped defeatedly to leave the marker by his coffee table, immediately they traveled back to his chest, crossing them over it. "Okay. What was it this time?" he asked.
"What do you mean?" you frowned in confusion. He noticed your obliviousness and decided to walk in your direction, crouching down in front of the couch.
"You zoned out. I'm curious about what you were thinking about instead of The Zodiac." he smiled.
"You noticed?!" you almost yelled out your question.
The chuckle that he let out, amused and surprised, easied the slight anxiety that you had began to feel. "You do that all the time, I'm pretty familiar with your present-body-absent-mind expression." he clarified.
Your hands flew to your face, covering it with your palms in embarrassment. "I can't believe you have known all along." you mumbled against your own skin "I'm so sorry." you said with a slightly saddened voice.
"Hey," he reached out to grab your hands and guide them away from your face, taking them in his instead "why are you sorry?"
"I really love hearing you talk about things so passionately, I promise." you tried to reassure him. He let out a smaller laugh this time.
"From all the people I've met in my life, you're the only one that's never asked me to stop." his eyes moved to yours. His sight was longing and gentle, his thumbs rubbing at your hands with adoration. Your heart beat erraticly for a second, regardless of the amount of time you had been together, he still made you nervous, he wooed you with his beauty and kindness. "Regardless of how long my ramble is, or the topic. Not even that one time I was telling you about flatulence characteristics and types." he admitted shyly.
You took back your hands and bent forward instead. Your fingers landed on his cheeks and you pulled him closer so you could place a gentle, loving kiss on his lips.
"And we weren't even dating then." you joked "Still, you should have said something."
"It doesn't bother me" he stated "If anything, I'm always amazed with the random, completely unrelated thoughts that pop into your mind during your zoning out. So, tell me, what was it this time?"
Your lips pursed slightly, eyes looking away shyly "I was wondering how faucets work." you admitted and he yet again let out a gentle chuckle.
"I actually know the answer to that one." his eyes narrowed and he turned back to stare at his messy whiteboard, his entire body still crouched before you. "Perhaps if I break it down on modules, and we have a dynamic activity in between, I can keep your attention engaged." he said once he had turned back at you.
"Or we could make out. That keeps me engaged." you mentioned, your hands tangling on his hair.
"Yeah, nevermind, let's do that."
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ghost-proofbaby · 4 months
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She knows him. She doesn’t know how or why. But she swears it on her life, she knows this pale elf.  She can’t explain the echoing hollow ache that rings out at the up-close sight of him any other way. She knows him, knew him, and had somehow lost him.
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summary: aruna meets gale. aruna meets shadowheart. but, somehow, none it matters - they're not astarion, and she's beginning to think this astarion doesn't exist.
wc: 5.3k+
warnings: continued memory loss, more canon violence/gore. a lot of gameplay recount. spoilers for the game below (act 1, ravaged beach).
a/n: anyone else fail that perception check when meeting astarion? just me? that's cool. i can't even be mad when a pretty boy holds a knife to my throat. also, if some of this isn't 100% game accurate/lore accurate, do not come for me. we're here for a good time! not an accurate time!
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Aruna and Astarion. Astarion and Aruna. Aruna – Astarion. 
She echoes the two names in her mind an impossible amount of times. The one name, her name, clicks right into place for her. It makes sense. Her name is Aruna, there’s not a single doubt within her regarding that. And even if there had been, she’s already laid claim to it – she’s already introduced herself to the two strangers she’d managed to stumble upon on the beach as such. 
Shadowheart and Gale. Kind souls, a bit guarded but fair given the circumstances. They share a common affliction, one that Aruna hadn’t even noticed in the daze of her awakening on the beach – a worm in their heads. Literally. 
And she should be pondering more about how odd that is, all the squirming in her brain that she can feel, the way that she managed to connect telepathically with both of these strangers upon running into them, but she isn’t. 
Because, apparently, according to this mysterious letter addressed to her, she’s supposed to save Astarion. And neither of them are Astarion. 
Who the hell is Astarion? 
Maybe it could be one of her new companions; either of them could have lied regarding their name easily. But she had seen into their minds, and they had proven trustworthy so far. Hell, Gale was even offering to cook some sort of dinner for all of them in their current makeshift campsite they had chosen. A clearing in the edge of the woods, not too far from the beach, but certainly not wandering any further than necessary into the unfamiliar grounds they’ve found themselves crashed onto. They’d snagged some bedrolls out of random chests discarded by the crash (they had all doubted the previous owners were even still alive), made a makeshift fire pit in the center of the clearing, and declared it home – for now. 
It didn’t feel like home. Felt the furthest from home Aruna could have possibly been, and she didn’t even remember where her home was. Or if she had one before all of this. 
“What have you got there?” Gale asks casually from where he stands over the dinner he was scrounging together, pulling Aruna away from all her stubborn thoughts.
They had turned one of the fallen trees into a bench of sorts. Waist level and the perfect place for him to carefully cut up mushrooms they had found along their way with a stolen knife they’d secured. It was the beginnings of a home, gut feelings aside. 
“Hm?” Aruna hums, looking up from her palm, closing it on instinct, “What?” 
Gale stops all movement, eyes narrowing in her further at her closed fist, “The stone you’re holding. Did you find it during our travels?” 
Ah. The stone. One of two items she had found in the mysterious pouch on her body. She’d been mindlessly flipping it between her hands, fingers sliding over the smooth surface as she had studied it. Her investigation had proven half useful when she’d realized there was a carving on the flattest surface of the stone – a  crescent moon, just like one of her daggers. 
She could be honest. But for some reason, she feels protective over the stone. Especially after noticing that carving, “Oh, yeah. Saw it on the side of the road and it looked pretty unique. I’ll probably toss it away when we start back up on the road tomorrow.” 
Like Hells will I be letting it out of my sight. 
She doesn’t know much, frustratingly so, but she knows that this unusual stone is not the kind you would stumble upon on the road. Gale clearly knows as much as well, looking entirely unconvinced as they suddenly stare each other down in silence. 
He’s giving her an opportunity to be honest. As if she owes him the truth. 
“It’d be a shame to get rid of such an… unique stone.”
It would be. And he clearly believes it’s far more than a stone. But it only makes her fingers curl far more tightly around the opal, feeling the rough edge of the moon pressing into her skin. 
“Maybe I’ll sell it,” she shrugs, trying to put up an act of indifference, “It looks pretty enough to earn a decent amount of gold, right?” 
As if to prove her point, to further sell this careless act, she lets her hand fall back open. The moon carving is safe against her palm and out of sight, and the stone glimmers in the moonlight. 
“Looks like it would be worth more than just a bit of gold,” Gale says, taking a few steps closer to get a better look. On instinct, Aruna nearly bristles. “That- Are you aware of what that is-”
“Is dinner done?” Shadowheart interrupts with perfect timing. Her distraction lets Aruna quickly move to shove the stone away back into her pouch, having no interest in some sort of lecture from Gale. 
She doesn’t know what it is. But it’s hers, and his hungry eyes on the small artifact are enough to tell her to keep it far away from him. 
“Pardon me?” Gale blinks a few times, taking longer than a normal person might to register Shadowheart’s questions. He’s still focused on Aruna’s hand that now rests emptily against her lap. “Oh! Oh, no. Not quite. Sorry, my hungry friends. Just a few more minutes. It won’t be much but, it’ll be something. Excellent fuel to continue our search for a healer tomorrow, I assure you.”
Shadowheart says something more as she takes a seat on another makeshift bench they’d set up, and Gale responds with ease this time, but Aruna has tuned them both out. 
He’s probably right. Tomorrow, they need to find a healer. She needs to worry more about the worm in her head. She needs to reassess her priorities.
But it’s awfully hard when not only that stone, but that letter burns a hole in her pack, and she’s dreadfully aware that as kind and oddly trusting these people have been given their current situation, neither of them are Astarion.
And the letter said to save Astarion. Not Shadowheart, not Gale, not even herself. But Astarion. 
“So, what were your lives like before this entire mess and impending doom of ceremorphosis?”
Gale is a chatty traveling companion. Aruna learns this quickly when they wake the next morning and gather their packs, and she’d even had half the mind to begin a map of sorts so she can mark their camp and the surrounding areas they’ve already explored on it. All her sketches, trees and scribbles to depict the Nautiloid crash, are abysmal at best. But it’s something. If they can just be smart, if they can just be aware of their surroundings, they might be able to continue to call their perfect clearing home. 
Besides, none of them really wanted to continue to carry every single thing they had gathered thus far in their packs. 
Whatever they left surely is at risk of being found by others wandering, and they could be robbed blind of any supplies left behind, but Aruna is just glad for the lack of an ache in her back as she adjusts her pack. 
Shadowheart nearly trips over her steps, as if not expecting the question and clearly panicking over what to say, but Aruna decides to speak up first.
“I can’t remember,” she says plainly, monotonous as she continues to confidently stride forward. They’re nearly back to the main path they had discovered, and something is tugging her back in the direction of that damned beach. 
Shadowheart trips again, and this time, Aruna truly can’t tell if it’s due to shock or simply not watching where she was going in her effort to keep up. 
“What?” Gale chuckles under his breath, as though Aruna’s told a joke. He’s keeping pace with her fairly impressively, “I know this entire journey thus far has been fairly startling, but a symptom of ceremorphosis is not memory loss. Surely, you remember at least where you’re from.” 
“I don’t,” Aruna finally slows, letting Shadowheart fall into place on her right as she faces Gale, “I… I have no memories from before the ship. I must have just hit my head exceptionally hard, or maybe that worm is digging around in places in my brain that it isn’t in yours.” 
It’s a bold show of trust. She should feel more resistance towards laying out her troublesome internal quarrel so plainly to Gale, but she doesn’t. It’s almost as easy as fiddling with her daggers by the campfire, or mindlessly flipping around that stone in her pack. 
She should trust him, shouldn’t she?
Yes, something screams inside of her. The thing she felt locked up inside of her finally finds its voice, it seems, as it calls to her, you should trust him. Trust him with all that you have. 
The issue, of course, is that Aruna doesn’t have much. Material-wise nor of internal self. 
She has daggers. She has a pretty stone. She has a tarnished ring. She has a name. She has instructions to save Astarion, whoever that elusive bastard may be.
She doesn’t have much to offer. To trust with. 
“How very interesting,” Gale murmurs as he looks at her with nothing but unbridled curiosity, “Well, as I said, it’s not a symptom of ceremorphosis. As far as I’ve read, at least.”
Aruna eyes him wearily, instinct to trust be damned, “Yes, you seem to do a lot of that.” 
He throws his head back in a laugh and- why does it pull on her heartstrings like something of recognition? Why does something about this very moment all feel so familiar? 
The deja vu nearly makes Aruna sick, Gale completely unaware as he says, “Reading? Why, yes, I do. A hungry mind is crucial to surviving this world, I’ve found.” 
Why is his laughter so familiar? Why does it spark a flicker of warmth in her chest, as though he’s some old friend she’s shared endless laughs with while gathered around a fire? 
It terrifies her. 
It was different, inanimate objects holding that flame of warmth and unlocking pieces of her. Daggers carved with nighttime symbols and a stone to match don’t scare Aruna; real people that she might have real history with do. 
“I’m sure your hungry mind is very happy, then, having been fed a worm worthy of a feast,” she tries to say it snappily, but it still all comes out a bit flat. 
And Gale only laughs more – Gods, she wishes he would stop, so that the waves of a memory she can’t catch will finally recede – and it’s clear he’s not affected by her defenses. 
He finally tilts his eyes back forward, trained on her, a ghost of a smile still lingering, “Ah, well, not quite. I prefer feasts of words, of knowled-”
“You know what else is crucial to surviving this world?” Shadowheart interrupts, shifting her weight from one foot to the other in a clear sign of her losing patience, “Finding a healer, and getting rid of the worm. Shall we carry on?” 
Aruna shares a final glance with Gale, and can’t help but also find the corners of her mouth twitching up, a mirror to his own. For the first time in several days, it almost feels as though she might have a friend. The exact opposite result of what she had intended by trying to be particularly sharp and even a bit sarcastic, but she doesn’t fight it. 
Instead, she nods to Shadowheart, and Gale motions for her to take the front as he bows, “Lead on, as you were.” 
Gale is not Astarion. She has no instructions to save him. And yet, she can’t help but feel her defenses are too weak, given the way he’s beginning to crack them with so few prods. Maybe his inquiry regarding her stone had been in genuine curiosity, a hungry mind as he had put it. Maybe he’s just trying to be friendly. Maybe he has good intentions after all. 
Maybe she does know him, and maybe her letter had just forgotten to add another crucial reminder.
Maybe she’ll add it when she gets back to camp. 
She can see it now, as if the words have already been solidified by pen to paper: P.S.S DO NOT FORGET TO FIND A FRIEND IN GALE. 
Shadowheart is far from amused when Aruna leads them back to the beach. Yet, to be fair, it’s hers and Gale’s fault for following her so blindly.
She knows there’s no healer on the beach. But something is calling her back to it. 
“The-” Shadowheart starts the moment the sand comes back into view. Trailings of sand mingle with the dirt below their feet, “We’re back on the beach? Haven’t we already established that there’s no healer on this ravished thing?” 
“Good name for it,” Aruna whispers more for herself than her companions, considering adding that to her map when they retire for the night. She turns to face Shadowheart and forces a smile. A kind, disarming type of look in hopes that the girl will just trust her, “Call it a gut feeling. I just feel like we missed something here.” 
“A gut feeling? We’ve already looted all the corpses. What more could there possibly be?”
“We only checked one side of the beach.”
“Yes, because to get to the other side, we’ll have to go through the damn crash rubble. Filled with those- those brain things.” 
“There’s three of us. I have faith.”
Gale’s head turns back and forth, bouncing between the arguing girls. He seems perfectly content to add any commentary, almost at ease with the current argument, until Aruna’s hand moves to her hip.
Aruna is quick to pull a dagger from one of her sheaths. Immediately, all relaxed state of being drains from Gale, him paling and stepping forward to finally insert himself between them, “Woah, now! I don’t think there’s any need to-”
“I’m not going to stab her, Gale,” Aruna huffs. Shadowheart doesn’t look very convinced as Aruna focuses on her once more, dagger still hovering up in their line of sight, “I was trying to make a point – we have weapons. Gale has magic. And you’ve said you’re a cleric, which means you can heal. I doubt those ‘brain things’ – devourers, by the way, is the correct term – will even lay a claw on us between all our varying skill sets. If you don’t want to go to the other side of the beach, then don’t. I can’t force you. But you’ve both put your faith in me this far, what harm can a little more do?” 
The speech works. She doesn’t expect it to. She expects them to laugh at her, or walk away from her, or for Shadowheart to even start a proper fight. 
They don’t. 
They follow her right into danger, no hesitation. The wizard she’d saved from a portal in some cliff-side rock and the cleric she’d awoken on the beach when she’d stumbled upon her, faithful to her to a damaging fault. Even when the intellect devourers do attack, just as Shadowheart had worried they would, neither utter a single word so much as sounding like the well-deserved ‘I told you so’. 
They just use their skill sets. The very ones Aruna had pointed out. Her daggers, Shadowheart’s cleric artillery, Gale’s infallible spells – they use them for all they’re worth, until each of those brains are unrecognizable on the ground. 
And best (or possibly worst) of all, Aruna discovers something new about herself.
Her magic. 
She hadn’t even been sure if she held any useful skills beyond being decently good with her daggers thus far, but as one of those brains had trampled towards her, she had felt it. A warm hum beneath her skin, erratic and wild as can be, begging for release. 
Release it, she did. The final brain falls from the power of the fire bolt that flies from her fingertips, not even leaving her so much as marked. 
Gale notices immediately, Shadowheart still scoping out the area for any more enemies. 
“A fellow magic wielder, it seems,” he grins, motioning vaguely to her hands, “Now, if only we knew what kind.” 
What kind? 
“If you have no memory of your life before the ship, I’m correct to assume you aren’t very knowledgeable in the boundaries of your magic, yes?” She hadn’t even realized she had said the thought out loud until Gale is in front of her, still rambling, a light of intrigue in his eyes, “There’s wizards such as yours truly,” he pauses, and motions over himself in flourish, “As well as warlocks. Those, however, usually answer to a patron. So unless you’ve had any strange callings to any great deities over the last few nights… well, it’s off the table, I suppose.” 
“I haven’t,” she croaks, still looking down at her fingertips in shock. Magic. She still feels it now. Probably could have felt it this entire time, had she not been so distracted by the tadpole, the headaches, the memory loss. It’s fluid and tangible, something bursting through her veins for her taking, “I- What would that even feel like?”
“You’d know,” Gale says most assuredly, “Trust me. Besides, your patron probably would have already found you by now.”
“So, I’m a wizard?” 
Gale is quick to shake his head as Shadowheart walks back over to them, “Not necessarily. It’s certainly an option, and would make you a magic wielder who learned their knowledge of the Weave through studies. But there’s also other possibilities – sorcerers, paladins, clerics. They all have the ability to wield some magic. Druids, too, although theirs are usually more of the healing nature. And, well… the nature variety in general.” 
All words that make little sense to Aruna. She gives it a moment, waits to see if her muddled brain might catch up and offer her a little help in understanding, but it’s all in vain. 
“I should know these things,” she whispers, so quietly that both Gale and Shadowheart have to lean in to hear her small tone. It’s the first time she’s openly shown such emotion with them – something like devastation, laced with frustration. The inability to remember, to know, as they do. “Even if my memories of my life before this evade me, I should know these things.” 
Shadowheart speaks up in a tone unlike any other she had used on their journey, “They might still return to you yet, or there might be a greater reason for it all. Don’t give up hope.”
“And if they don’t return to you,” Gale interjects, the air of casualty returning to him as he gives a lopsided grin, “Well, I can always teach you about it all. I have books back at camp.” 
“You have books?” Out of all the things just said, it was probably the most odd for Aruna to latch onto, but she still looks at him befuddled, “Where in the Hells did you just get… books on all this? Did you loot them off of-”
“Bag of holding,” he answers as though it was obvious. 
Great. Awesome. A bag of holding. Because Aruna totally knew what that was. 
“Let’s just keep moving,” she moves on, letting it go. Maybe she’ll take him up on his offer, maybe she won’t. If anything else, she’ll just inquire more about whatever the Hells a bag of holding is later on, back at camp, “I can see the other side of the beach over there.” 
It’s Shadowheart and Gale’s turn to exchange a look, and slowly but surely, it’s feeling as though more than just the tadpoles in their mind are connecting them. Threads are being spun, small connections that are painfully mundane yet easily connecting these three strangers. They could all be friends, if they really wanted to. It might even make their survival a little bit easier. It might make their travels a little lighter.
Aruna can worry about friendship once she’s found Astarion, though. The faceless stranger mentioned in passing on a letter, the one person she’s been tasked with saving.
She doesn’t even know who he, or she, or they are. This mysterious name – it really means nothing to her. All she has to reasonably cling to it is that ridiculous letter. If she were to confide in her two companions about it, she’d probably get an earful, and truly be abandoned. They wanted to seek out a cure to the imminent danger within their heads, and she was sending them on a wild goose chase for Astarion. 
Does this Astarion even have a tadpole as well? Is that how she’s meant to save them? And if they don’t, does that mean that they’ll help her with her issue first, and then she saves them? 
Does she have to save them in order to rid herself of the tadpole? 
It’s all giving her a headache by the time their group of three is slowly walking up the slope of the sliver of beach they’ve discovered, taking small yet sturdy steps along the side of the crashed ship. Gale, thankfully, has stopped his nervous rambling (because, Aruna realized, that’s what it was. His nerves, controlling his tongue endlessly, trying to fill the dreadful silence for even the smallest bit of comfort. It almost makes her feel bad for being grateful for the quiet).
She must have been thinking about her questions hard enough for some mysterious power out in the Universe to hear her, however. Because they’d hardly been walking for a few minutes, she’d hardly been left to all her confusion and cursing of the damn name for such little time, when she sees him. 
Him. Decent height, pure white hair, pale skin that is nearly blinding in the harsh sunlight. 
Him. With eyes so red, she can see them from this distance. They almost match the shades of crimson that haunt her nightmares. 
Him. Who is currently, pathetically, calling out for help. 
“What the-” Shadowheart begins. And Aruna doesn’t notice it, but she starts to reach out to grab the elf by her elbow before she’s beginning to dart up the hill, falling right into the trap. 
Both of her companions, Shadowheart in her guarded glory and Gale in his perpetual state of anxiety, can’t even stop her. Neither dare to breathe out a word as she approaches the pale elf, but she can feel their disapproval as she comes up beside him. 
“You,” he breathes out, half crouched, eyes darting towards the bushes, “Hurry. I’ve got one of those brain things cornered,” he turns and points towards the bushes, assuming where the said brain thing has been lured, “There, in the grass. You can kill it, can’t you? Like you killed the others.” 
She should have been smarter. She should have been more perceptive. She should have heard Gale’s deep breath as he prepared to warn her against getting any closer. 
But she wasn’t. 
She’s a damned fool, a lamb to the slaughter, as she nods and whispers out an immediate, “Of course.” 
There’s no brain thing that has been cornered. The only thing that has been lured is Aruna; one moment, she’s leaning in to get a closer look into the bushes, and the next, a wild boar is skittering out. 
That’s not what catches her off guard.
The blade to her throat is what does it. Quickly, with unsettling ease, before she feels the elf’s arms wrapping around her and bringing them both down to the ground. 
Oh, fuck me. 
He has her trapped. She knows it, he knows it, and both her companions know it. She was an idiot and got exactly what was coming for her. 
All her survival instincts kick in immediately, causing her to trash in his arms, a painful whine coming out as she can feel the cold metal digging deeper into the delicate skin of her neck. 
And all the pale elf does is shush her gently, “Sh, sh, sh, sh. Not a sound. Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours.” 
His words do little to deter her. He starts to argue with her companions who have finally come to their senses, keeping a safe distance all while spilling out carefully calculated threats to the stranger, but she can’t hear them over the blood rushing in her ears. One hand feebly grabs onto his that is wrapped around the hilt of the dagger, the other reaching for his elbow. She tries to tug the weapon away from her, but he’s strong. It’s a fruitless battle. 
Aruna swears she hears Shadowheart insist she needs her alive. Gale saying something regarding the way he’ll make the elf regret it if he brings Aruna any harm. She can’t be sure. 
The longer his steady grip on her shoulder lingers, the more familiar it begins to become. His leg, trapping both of hers so that she can’t kick out of his grasp, is also familiar. Familiar, familiar, familiar. 
His lips are moving as he stares up at her companions, but it’s only once his eyes narrow back on Aruna that her heart slows and she can hear him properly once more. 
“Now,” he nearly purrs, voice low, dangerous, “I saw you on the ship, didn’t I?” 
She presses her lips together tightly, still trying to maintain her struggle to get out of his grasp. Her teeth grit from the effort, arms shaking violently. 
“Nod,” he commands, nearly condescendingly, and synapses fire off in the darkest corners of her brain. 
I know that voice. 
She almost feels as though she has no control over her body as her head nods on instinct, blade dropping from her neck to her chest now. 
“Splendid. And now, you’re going to tell me what you and those tentacled freaks did to me.” 
I know that voice. 
The same thing deep within her chest that had unfurled at the sight of Gale’s laughter, that had called her to the beach, that had lit up with recognition at the sight of her daggers – it’s wide awake now. Staring through her eyes at his own rubies, tracing every outline of every wrinkle, every curve, every imperfection. She knows his voice. She knows him. 
It weeps at the sight of him, and she has no idea why. The same strings that clench when she reads over her letter, when she let her eyes trace over the words ‘My dearest Aruna’ and the heavily underlined name of Astarion, are now pulled taut. 
She knows him. She doesn’t know how or why. But she swears it on her life, she knows this pale elf. 
She can’t explain the echoing hollow ache that rings out at the up-close sight of him any other way. She knows him, knew him, and had somehow lost him.
Her lack of an answer clearly irritates him, but he’s cut off by whatever quip he had perched on his tongue by the sudden connection. She doesn’t understand it, whether it be due to the new rolling thunder of the most intense deja vu she’s experienced yet or if it were a simple side effect of the tadpole, but each connection via the tadpole has become more painful. More intense. 
She’d first noticed the difference between it happening with Shadowheart versus Gale. 
And now, she notices it an impossible amount with this stranger. 
It’s nauseating as their minds connect, sharp and quick as if their two brains had been laying in wait for this very moment. It feels as though it goes beyond the tadpoles, beyond their shared affliction and terrible predicament. 
She sees bustling taverns and lively night streets, yes, but there’s something more there. Something missing. She’d felt it with Gale as well, an emptiness neither of them could seemingly unlock. But with this one, it’s far more intense than it had been previously. Like gaping wounds being presented to her, interspersed with the exchange of both his memories and… well, the lack of hers beyond the Nautiloid ship, she sees gaps. Spaces to be filled. Questions to be answered. 
I know that voice, the thing in her whimpers, I know this man. 
She doesn’t even care to hold onto the memory. She lets it slip away, wishing the pain would, too. 
But it lingers. 
Not just for her, but for him as well. His grip entirely loosens on her as he winces, a soft gasp falling from his lips as he begins to question, “What was that-”
She doesn’t care to listen to his question. In an instant, she’s pulled away, rolling out of his reach before standing steady on both feet. The pain leftover from the connection fuels her as she holds a hand out, and her magic thrums steadily with her heart as electricity crackles in the palm. 
Neither Gale nor Shadowheart make a single move as she holds out that palm, watching the elf’s every moment as he also rises to meet her. But he’s no longer hostile, hand holding his dagger now limp as he lets it rest at his side. 
“You’re… not one of them,” he says slowly, shame briefly flickering over his features before being replaced with something more despairing, “They took you. Just the same as me.” 
Her fingers shake in front of her as blue bolts continue to flicker amongst them, forming spasming webs between her knuckles. She could obliterate him, if she wanted. Right here, right now, she finally has the upper-hand. 
But she doesn’t. And in her hesitation, she can see him still reeling just as she was from their connection. She swears she can hear the pounding in his head syncing to hers, perfectly in time with one another.
The thing inside her claims to know him, but she doesn’t even know his name. 
I know him. Don’t hurt him. 
She sort of hates that internal dialogue. That true monster inside of her that had been the reason she hadn’t hesitated in her running to his rescue. It was the reason that she’d ended up with a knife against her throat, and she’s praying it’s not the reason for her death as she listens and closes her hand into a soft fist, releasing the hold on her magic momentarily. 
He watches her do it. His face relaxes, a charming smile gracing it now instead. 
“And to think, I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards. My sincerest apologies.” 
She highly doubts just how sincere that apology is, but she’s unphased all the same. 
“Apology accepted,” she sighs, swiping her palm on the side of her now dirty pants. Somewhere beneath the dust she’s now covered in, there’s blood from the intellect devourers, but that’s a problem for tonight. Not now, “I would have done the same thing.”
No, I wouldn’t have. From the very first moment I saw you, all I wanted to do was help. Every instinct in me screamed to help you. 
She’s lying, but she really doesn’t care that she’s lying. He has a tadpole. He can join them. She doesn’t care.
Back in the forefront of her mind, even ahead of the damned tadpole and the need for a healer, the need to keep them all alive, her brain is back to whispering of this Astarion. The quicker she carries out this predictable conversation, the quicker they can get back on the road. And the quicker she can find whoever Astarion is-
“I’m out of wine and flowers, so I hope an introduction will suffice,” his blood-red eyes meet hers, and something in her gut twists. As if she already knows. As if she’s just realized that she’s missed the obvious. “My name is Astarion. I was in Balder’s Gate when-”
Astarion. Save Astarion. Astarion. 
All the breath leaves her lungs as she interrupts, “You’re Astarion?”
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bonefall · 1 year
re: the last Warriors Bites, is there any advantage to cooking meat? /gen
ik for humans we can’t process a lot of raw meat w/o infections, but cats are pure carnivores
Human evolutionary history is actually fascinating in that we HAVE to eat cooked meat, it marked a moment in our evolutionary history where our brains were able to get bigger because we needed less space on the skull for a massive chewing muscle
So for a Warrior Cat, which is clearly a species capable of advanced social dynamics, it could be likely that something is biologically going on in that skull of theirs for which cooking is an advantage.
But even for a normal cat living out in the woods? There's still benefits.
Drying food can store it for weeks or months. In the books we've seen prey going bad after only a day; there's definitely a lot of food waste that can be avoided if the excess prey is cooked and stored by the assigned "kitchen patrol" after dinner.
(On that note; @hey-its-quill requested an entry on "Who cooks and prepares food?" so this question, including what a 'kitchen patrol' is, is on the official Warrior Bites to-do list.)
Some forms of cooking would cause nutrition loss, but it's easily countered by collecting the juices and serving them as a gravy. For the most part, cooking is just an easy way to break down connective tissue, which would actually make it easier to digest.
ESPECIALLY for kits and elders, who aren't able to chew their food very well.
One thing I will be mentioning when I get to a bird entry, though, is that large birds are rarely roasted. This is because cats eat bones as part of their diet, but when bird bones are cooked, they can splinter and cause internal damage.
(Which is why you should never let your cat eat cooked chicken bones. Raw are fine though.)
And this is the primary reason. Avoiding food poisoning and infection is more important than you think; being an obligate carnivore does not make all food safe.
(CW: Past here, I talk about foodbourne illness, parasites, and animal death. If these topics upset you, I've summed up everything already!)
It's actually a misconception that cats can't get salmonella, e. coli, or listeria poisoning. They're just better at not getting it because food spends less time digesting in their shorter, carnivorous intestines. A lot of people actually switch to a raw food pet diet thinking it's healthier (and in some ways it is, afaik) but then improperly handle the pet food for this reason. Always freeze raw pet food and wash your hands please.
Salmonella poisoning in cats is sometimes called "Songbird Fever" because a house cat gets it by killing and eating a native songbird. In fact I'm going to use my little soapbox for a moment to please ask, if you don't keep your cat inside (which is the only way to completely prevent the death of songbirds), please, at the very least, only let them outside with a birds-be-safe collar cover.
(Salmonella poisoning is also why I've decided that ShadowClan would logically be the Clan that cooks the most. As Marsh and Pine hunters, well over 75% of their diet is birds and reptiles, which naturally contain salmonella)
So that's JUST farm animals and wild birds. Hantavirus, leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, even the goddamn bubonic plague can be caught from wild rodents.
That's not even to mention tapeworms, roundworm, and other digestive parasites specifically evolved to live in an animal's stomach!
I remember someone made a joke about how these wild cats are eating random mice and walking away fine while their housecat throws up from getting the wrong brand of cat food. And... well... truth is, the wild cats are not fine. They're getting sick constantly.
Warrior Cats is just, ultimately, a young adult fantasy series about romance and political drama that chooses not to accurately portray feral cats dying horribly of preventable foodbourne illness.
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rmtndew · 2 years
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Come Home to Me 
Summary: A weekend with Walter, Fiona and Faye as their little family grows closer. 
Pairing: Marshall and OFC Fiona
Word count: 6,802
Rating: PG
Warnings: Mentions of a panic attack
I wasn’t sure what had happened. The day had started out fine. Walter and I had gotten to see each other for a little bit before we both left for work, which wasn’t always the case. We had coffee and breakfast together. I snuck extra snacks in his lunchbox while he was out warming up my car. It was a good morning. So where it went wrong, I couldn’t quite say. All I knew was that at some point in the afternoon, my anxiety started getting the best of me. 
I ended up locking myself in the bathroom at work and having a panic attack, then feeling bad that I wasn’t actually working and the guilt just made the attack worse and last longer, which just continued to fuel the guilt. It was a cycle that kept feeding itself. I finally managed to get myself under control enough to go back to work but Darcy knew something was going on and she sent me home. 
When I got in my car, I was feeling like garbage and needed to hear Walt’s voice, so I called him. I knew he might be busy and not be able to answer, but he did after just a couple of rings. 
“Hey, love,” he said, his voice instantly making me feel better. “Is everything alright?” 
I leaned my head back against the headrest of my seat. “I’m having a rough day.” 
“What’s wrong?” 
My teeth sunk into my lip as I chewed on it for a moment. “I don’t know,” I finally admitted. “A panic attack hit me out of nowhere. Darcy’s sending me home but I feel terrible that she has to do without me just because my stupid brain decided to have a random meltdown on Friday afternoon with literally no trigger.” 
“Hey, do not talk about yourself like that, young lady. I won’t have it,” he said, his voice taking on a very fatherly tone that he’d never used with me before. “Your brain is not stupid. Do you hear me?” 
I smiled. “Yes, bear, I hear you.” 
“Good. Now I want you to come home.”
I raised my head up from the headrest. “Come home? Not go home?” I questioned. “As in, you’re already there?” 
I could faintly hear him laugh. “I’m meant to be the detective in this family, Miss Sparks. Not you,” he teased. “But yes; I’m already here.”
“What are you doing home so early?” 
“We were able to connect our murder to similar ones in different states so we had to hand it over to the FBI. We’ll work it alongside them but for today, there’s nothing else I can do. Not until they review it. So for now I’m at home. I was going to surprise you with dinner when you got off work but I’ll have to find something else to surprise you with, unless you want dinner at two in the afternoon?” 
I laughed. “No. I just had lunch not long ago. I’m good. But you don’t have to surprise me with anything. Getting to spend the day with you is a good enough surprise.” 
“Then come home to me, darling. Let me hold you.”
I felt myself grin. “I’m on my way now. Love you.” 
“Love you, too, Fi. Be careful.” 
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When I got home, Walter greeted me outside on the doorstep. He was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants with socks. His perpetually tired look seemed packed away for the moment and strangely enough, he looked actually, well…rested. It wasn’t something I saw very often. 
“Hiya, handsome,” I said, smiling at him as I walked up the steps. 
He returned my smile. “Hey,” he said as I reached him. He pulled me in for a short kiss. “How are you feeling?” 
“I’m alright.” He gave his little grunting-humming sound as if he didn’t believe me and I laughed. “I am alright,” I said. “I’m tired from my panic attack but just because it feels like I’m dying at the time, it doesn’t mean they can actually hurt me. So I’m okay.” 
“Would a cuddle make you feel better?” he asked, the corner of his mouth ticking up in a slight smile. 
My own smile couldn’t be bothered to play it cool. It spread across my whole mouth as I nodded. “Yeah, a cuddle would definitely make me feel better.” 
He kissed my forehead, then took my hand and led me into the house. Inside, I stopped short in the entrance as I was greeted with the sight of the biggest blanket fort I’d ever seen. It was in the living room and made from the couch and kitchen chairs. Sheets were held to one another with heavy duty plastic clamps and draped across the whole thing, and inside I could see that it was stuffed with blankets and pillows. 
“What’s this all about?” I asked. 
He shrugged a shoulder as he looked a bit bashful. “I couldn’t surprise you with dinner but I thought this might turn your rough day around,” he said. “If it’s too childish -” 
“Shh,” I said, cutting him off. “Sometimes childish is good. I could definitely use a break from being a grown up for a little bit.” I kissed his cheek. “Thank you.” 
As much as I wanted to crawl right into the fort, I wanted to get comfortable first. I changed into a pair of leggings and one of Walter’s shirts, happy to do away with my bra. Then I pulled on some thick, cozy socks and padded back out to the living room. Walter was already inside. I could see his feet sticking out and noticed that there was a hole in the bottom of his sock. I made a mental note to toss it and buy him a new pair. He must have heard me because he started moving around, then pulled back one of the sheets that was draped down over the front. 
“There’s not quite so much room as I thought there’d be so it will be a bit of a squash and a squeeze in here,” he warned. 
I smiled. “I was planning on squashing and squeezing you anyway, so that’s fine.” 
I bent to my knees at the ‘doorway’ and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back as he laid down. The sheet dropped, covering the entrance to the fort and dimming the light inside. I gave Walt a final kiss, then lay my head down on his chest and wrapped my arm around his thick waist. He rubbed my back and ran his fingers through my hair, playing with strands of it.
“This is exactly what I needed and I didn’t even know it,” I said, rubbing my cheek against the soft fabric of his shirt. I could feel the texture of his chest hair beneath it. “Thank you.” 
“You’re welcome, my love,” he said, then kissed my forehead. 
My hand strayed from his waist, making its way under the hem of his shirt. “Can I touch you?”
He hummed. “Of course. But if it goes past that, we’ll have to take it out of the tent.”
“Afraid you’ll pull a muscle in here without more leg room?” I joked. 
He laughed. “No. I ran out of blankets to put down under us so I borrowed Faye’s. I can’t do that to her stuff,” he said. “But also…pulling a muscle is a possibility.” 
“I’ll behave myself then. On both accounts.” I slid my hand under his shirt and ran it across his stomach. He hissed and sucked in for a moment. I looked up at his face. “Sorry.” 
“It’s alright. It just always surprises me how cold you are.” 
I smiled. “That’s because you’re always so warm. Everything and everyone feels like an ice block in comparison.” 
He laughed, his fingers dancing up my spine. “That’s true.” 
I buried my fingers in the patch of hair on his stomach and let my hand warm up before moving it up to his chest. There was something so comforting about touching Walter. About feeling his skin against mine. He was warm and his hair was soft and I felt safe with my hand laying against his heart, feeling it beat underneath my palm. I kissed his chest through his shirt. “Thank you for loving me, bear.”
“Hey,” he said softly and I looked up at his face. “You never have to thank me for that. I’m honored that I get to love you.” His hand stilled at the back of my head, cradling it. “I never thought I’d be in love again. I thought I screwed it up with my marriage and that was it. But you gave me a second chance. And I know that I’m by no means perfect, and I know that I’ll manage to screw things up down the line somewhere, but now I know how important it is to try everything I can to make it work.” He brought his hand around to my cheek and stroked it with his thumb. “I’m not an easy person to love. I know that. But you never let me see how difficult it is, Fi. You don’t know how much I appreciate that.” 
I smiled. “I find you exceptionally easy to love, Walt. I’ve been in relationships before and I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you,” I said. “It breaks my heart to know that you have felt this way and you had to watch it fall apart even while you were trying to fix it. It hurts me to know you thought you’d never feel this way again.” I lightly scratched his skin through his chest hair. “But I am so happy that I get to be your second chance.” 
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That weekend was Walt’s weekend to have Faye. Typically he’d pick her up in the afternoon and bring her home. But on Saturday, I picked her up instead. My cousin Mel had invited the two of us to go to the mall with her and her daughter Juniper. One of Faye and Juniper’s friends was moving soon and she wanted to buy her a going away present and asked Faye to help. I was tagging along just to spend time with them. And to also get a cookie from the cookie shop. 
“Didn’t this place used to be like, a big deal when you were our age?” Juniper asked Mel and me as we walked through the very empty shopping center.
“Oh, it was hopping back then. Saturdays were crazy and it would have already been packed by now,” Mel said. “But Fridays?” She looked at me. “Fiona and I were mall rats on Friday nights.” 
“Ew. What’s a mall rat?” Juniper asked. 
Mel and I both laughed. “It was someone who spent a lot of time at the mall,” Mel answered.
“What did you do here?” Faye asked, looking around at the closed stores.
“We’d just hang out,” I said. “We’d eat at the food court and walk around. Back then, there was a store in every part of the building and sometimes there were booths and kiosks set up in the center or walkways, too. It’s hard to picture but there was a lot more to look at than there is now.”
Mel nodded. “Which was good because Fiona and I had very different tastes at the time so there were stores for both of us.”
“Different how?” Juniper asked. 
“Well, I was more concerned with buying push up bras from Victoria’s Secret and tube tops from Wet Seal, and she was wanting to buy American Eagle jeans and tank tops from Aeropostale,” Mel said. “We always agreed on the music store, though. We’d hit up F.Y.E. and look at CDs for hours.” 
“What kind of music did you listen to?” Faye asked. 
“At your age? Boy bands,” I said. “There were a lot of arguments over who was better: Backstreet Boys or NSYNC.” 
“You listened to boy bands?” Juniper laughed. 
“Yes, squirt. We listened to boy bands on our Walkmans while skating around the neighborhood together. And it was the best,” I said. 
“It really was,” Mel agreed. “If we’d only known then.”
We walked through the mall, letting the girls take their time as they tried to decide what to buy their friend who was moving away. Nothing seemed to spark their interest until we came to the Build-A-Bear store. There was a cute stuffed penguin in the window that they seemed to spot at the same time. I guess their friend Lexi was a fan of penguins and collected them and making one for her seemed like the perfect gift to them. I thought it was sweet. And it reminded me that they were still young. Still innocent enough to want stuffed animals and to want to give them to each other. That time didn’t last long. With high school, boys, stress, anxiety, and everything that came with growing up, it would eventually wear that thread down and separate them from the things people deemed childish. But right then? Right then a stuffed penguin was the most genuine thing they could buy their friend to remember them by.
They wanted to do it on their own so Mel and I bought coffees and sat at a table just outside the shop where we could see them inside but they had the freedom to do it on their own like they wanted. As they moved to a different part of the store, Faye saw me and waved. I smiled and waved back, then she and Juniper disappeared behind the big machine with all of the stuffing inside it. 
“She’s a good kid,” Mel said. “And you both seem to get along really well.” 
“We do. I never thought this is where I’d end up. You know that. When did I ever picture myself with a guy who had a kid? Especially a teenager?” 
She shook her head. “Never. And honestly, it was a surprise when I found out you were dating him.”
“It could have gone so bad. She could have hated me. I mean, I remember being fourteen. I remember how angry I was at that age. And I had basically a perfect life. If Mom and Dad had gotten divorced and I had to watch some odd, gangly lady hit on Dad? I would have hated her.” 
Mel laughed. “You’re not an odd gangly lady,” she said. “And I know for a fact you weren’t ‘hitting on’ her dad in front of her. You don’t even know how to flirt so you definitely weren’t forcing that with his daughter around.” 
“You know what I’m saying, though. She really could have hated me and no one would have blamed her for it.”
“I’m sure she was worried you might hate her, too. Juniper has friends who’s step-moms want nothing to do with them. Faye probably knows the exact same girls.”
“That’s something I never understood and I understand it even less now that I’m with Walt,” I said. “Why would you ever get into a relationship with a guy who has kids if you don’t want anything to do with them? And why would you want to be with someone who could abandon their own kid that easily? I just…” I shook my head. “I don’t get it. Honestly, I don’t.”
“I don’t get it, either, Fi. Some people are just selfish, I guess.” 
It took the girls close to an hour to do their thing. Mel and I talked and people watched while they did, occasionally catching glimpses of them in the store. Finally we could see them get in line to pay. Once I saw they were nearly done, I drank the rest of my coffee and took my and Mel’s cups to the trash. I was walking back to the table when Walt called. 
“Um…listen,” he said with a sigh after we’d greeted each other. “I know we both loathe socializing but…my cousin called. He lives out of state and we rarely get to see one another, but he’s been away for holiday and he’s having a layover here and wants to visit. I told him he could.” 
“A cousin? I finally get to meet another branch of the Marshall tree? I’m very intrigued.”
He did his grunting-humming thing. “Before you get your hopes up, he’s not like me. He…talks. A lot.”
I laughed as I joined Mel back at our table. “Are you saying your brooding nature may not be genetic?” 
He chuckled. “No. That’s the English coming out in me. But you’ll see soon enough. I’m heading to the airport to go get him now,” he said. “I thought instead of cooking tonight we could go out for dinner. Do you and Faye want to meet us when you’re done?” 
“Yeah, that sounds good. Just let me know where you’re going after you pick him up and we’ll meet you.”
“Thank you, love. See you soon.”
I hung up as Faye and Juniper were coming out of the store. Juniper was holding the traditional Build-A-Bear gift box that looked like a house and Faye was holding a plastic gift bag. They came and sat at the table with us and Juniper showed us the stuffed penguin they made. It was pale blue and wearing a scarf and ice skates. It was adorable. I didn’t know their friend Lexi but I couldn’t see how she wouldn’t love it. When she was done, Faye showed us what was in her bag. I had assumed it was something that would go with the penguin, but I was wrong. She pulled out a teddy bear with dark brown fur that was dressed in jeans and a blue sweater. 
“Aw, how cute!” I said. “Did you make it for yourself?”
“Actually I…made it for you,” she said, her mouth twisting off to the side in a worried look that reminded me so much of Walter. She held the bear out towards me.
“For me?” I asked, taking it from her. She nodded. “Faye, that was so sweet! Thank you!” I didn’t know why she’d made it for me but I couldn’t stop smiling as I looked him over. After a moment, I saw that there was a police badge clipped to the side of his pants and suddenly it all clicked for me. “Wait…” I looked back to her, grinning. “Is this your dad?”
She nodded again but smiled properly that time. “The sweater looked like one of his and when I saw the police badge I thought it would be fun to make him for you. You know, since you call him ‘bear’.” 
“It’s perfect. I love it! My own little Walter Bear for when he’s not home.”
“I thought maybe he can be friends with the monkey and hedgehog that Dad won you at Naples.” 
My face hurt from smiling so wide. “Yes! He’ll make an excellent friend for them. Thank you.”
She leaned over and hugged me and I hugged her back tight. I couldn’t imagine trying to push Faye out of the picture. She was an extension of Walter and if I loved him, then I had to love her. She wasn’t a burden in our relationship; she was a bonus.  
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Once they had their penguin, the girls were done with the mall. Faye and I said bye to Mel and Juniper and then we went to my car. Walter texted as I was getting it warmed up and said that he and his cousin were going to a diner that was about midway between the airport and the mall and sent me the address. When we got there, I saw Walter’s truck. He and his cousin were standing at the tailgate, waiting for us. There wasn’t a parking spot beside it but there was one directly across from it. As I parked, Faye turned her head to look at Walter. 
“Wait, who’s that with Dad?” she asked and I realized that I’d forgotten to tell her about her cousin. She unbuckled so she could peer through the back window better. Then she gasped. “Is that…? It is!” She flung open her door and started clambering to get out. 
“Watch for cars!” I told her. 
I watched her go across the short distance to Walter and once she was safely there, I turned off the car and grabbed my purse, then joined them. Faye was being swallowed up in a hug by their cousin who I was surprised to see was bigger than Walt. They seemed to match each other height wise but he was broader. After he released Faye, he looked at me and I could see the family resemblance. If I hadn’t known better, I would have thought they were brothers. Walter’s cousin had shorter hair than him but they shared the same brown curls, they sported the same thick beard, and their eyes were practically identical. And when he smiled at me, he even had the same lines that crinkled around them just like Walter’s. 
“You must be Fiona,” he said, his voice surprising me with the thick southern accent. 
“I am.” I held out my hand and he shook it. “You must be one of the Texas cousins, right?” 
He laughed. “Yes, ma’am. I’m Sy. It’s nice to finally meet you,” he said. “Walter ain’t much of a talker but I knew you had to be something special because he won’t shut up about you anytime we do talk.” 
I smiled. “I hope he doesn’t bore you too much.”
He shook his head as he let go of my hand. “Not at all. I’m happy for him,” he said. “And I appreciate y’all letting me visit. I know it was last minute but I hadn’t been planning on coming this way until my flights got mixed up heading back from vacation and I ended up here. Then my layover got extended until later tonight and I figured if I didn’t come by now, it’d be a while before I got the chance to again.”  
“Of course. I’m excited to meet you. Walt has already met a lot of my family but Faye is the only one from his that I’ve gotten to meet in person so far. I’ve spoken to his parents and Charlie on the phone a few times but that’s it. So it’s nice to put a face to a name now.”
“Same,” he said. “Although, for me it’s putting your voice to your face because Walt sent me your picture not long after y’all started dating. Told me he was going to marry you.” 
“Stop,” Walter ordered as I laughed.
“What? You don’t want her to know how love sick you are?” Sy teased. Walter gave him a stern look but Sy just grinned at him before clapping his hand on his shoulder. “I bet you wished you’d ignored my call earlier, huh?” 
“I can still send you back to the airport,” Walter said. 
Sy laughed. “Yeah but you won’t.”
“You have far too much faith in that.”
“If you do, I’ll call your momma and tell her what you did.” 
Walter crossed his arms over his chest. “You’ll call Mum and tattle on me?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. “Like we’re twelve again?” 
Sy gave another laugh and nodded. “Yep. Just like that. I ain’t got no shame about it.” 
“You don’t have shame about anything.” 
I saw Sy’s face do the same frowning-smile that I’d seen Walter do before. “You’re not wrong.”
“I rarely am,” Walt said
“Can we go inside? I’m freezing and I want a milkshake,” Faye said. 
Sy laughed. “That makes sense. You’re cold, so let’s drink something frozen.” 
“It makes as much sense as drinking coffee when it’s hot outside. It’s like a hundred degrees in Iraq in the summertime and you were there for ten years, did you not drink coffee at all in the summer?” 
“Coffee is what keeps people alive. It’s different.”
“And milkshakes are what makes being alive worth it.”
He smiled and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. “I can’t really disagree with you on that one, kiddo,” he said. “So let’s go get us a milkshake.” 
“Banana and peanut butter?” she asked, looking up at him.
“You and your daddy can keep that one for yourselves. I’ll take chocolate.” 
Walter grabbed my hand and gave it a light squeeze before he began walking towards the diner, leading me with him. I turned and pressed a quick kiss to his shoulder and before I could move my head, he kissed the top of it. 
Once we were inside, we didn’t have to wait long for a table. Walter and I sat together and Sy sat next to Faye. She borrowed a pen from me and flipped her paper placemat over and started doodling on it. “You said you were coming back from vacation,” she said to Sy. “Where did you go?” 
“I went to Florida with some of my old army buddies.”
“Was it fun?” 
“It was alright. They seemed to enjoy it,” he said. “Me personally? I’ve seen enough sand in my lifetime, I don’t have any desire to ever set foot on it again.”
“Are you still in the army?” I asked. 
He shook his head. “No, ma’am. I retired a few years ago. I felt like I needed to be closer to home,” he said. “I’m a firefighter now.” 
I smiled. “Did you and Walter ever consider jobs that weren’t superheroes?” 
He laughed. “There was a minute where I thought I might want to be a chef, but that was it. I was stuck on being in the army since I was a little kid. As a matter of a fact, when Walt and his family would come visit us, me and him would usually be out in the woods playing army men or SWAT team. It didn’t surprise anyone when we both ended up going that way with our careers.”
“Walt went on his first SWAT raid since we’d been together last week and I was a nervous wreck until he called me and told me he was safe after it was over. I don’t know how your families handled you both being in dangerous fields like that.” 
“We put them through a lot, that’s for sure,” Sy said. 
“You longer than me,” Walter pointed out. “I’ve stayed relatively safe in homicide. You jumped out of the frying pan into the fire with your job change. Quite literally.” 
“I did but you know I couldn’t have done anything else. I mean, can you imagine me in a suit every day going into an office and selling…insurance or something?” Sy shook his head. “There’s not a lot of civilian jobs that would’ve worked for me,” he said. “Same for you. If you left homicide right now, tell me that you could take a job where you didn’t have a gun on you twenty-four-seven.”
“You know I couldn’t.”
“Exactly,” he said. “Coming home didn’t have nothing to do with being safer or not putting my life on the line for other people. It just meant doing it closer to my family. I get to see them more. I don’t miss out on stuff like I used to. And if I die doing this, they don’t have to wait for a casket to be sent home so they can bury me.”
“That’s depressing,” Faye said, looking at him. 
“But it’s the truth.” He put his hand on her head and ruffled her hair. “We won’t talk about it anymore, though,” he said. “Tell me what’s been going on with you? How’s school?”
“I heard it was a little more than ‘meh’. I heard you broke a boy’s finger a few weeks ago.” 
Faye looked at Walter. “Dad, you told him?” 
“Did I tell him that my daughter stood up for herself when a boy put his hands on her? Yes.” 
“Why?” she asked. 
“Because he was proud,” Sy answered for him. “In our day, girls were taught that if boys were mean to her it meant he liked her. The moment your daddy found out you were going to be a girl, he was determined to make sure you knew that wasn’t true and you knew how to take up for yourself. Not just as a kid but when you get older, too.”
“Especially when you get older. It doesn’t get better, it’s just different,” Walter said. “Because no matter the age, men are -” 
“Pigs, yes,” Faye said, shaking her head. “I know.” 
“He’s right. And he should know all about it,” Sy said to her. “Because cops are pigs, too.” 
I didn’t mean to laugh but I couldn’t help the snort that came out. Walter looked at me. “Really?” he asked, with a raised eyebrow. 
“I’m sorry,” I apologized. 
“If they call cops pigs, what do they call firefighters?” Faye asked Sy. 
I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing that time. Walter watched my face and shook his head at me before looking back to Sy. “You’re paying for this meal,” he said. “And I’m getting pie afterwards.” 
“Yeah, that’s fair.”
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I liked having dinner with Sy. He and Walter playfully bickered throughout the whole meal and it was nice to see Walt joking around with someone. And Sy wasn’t intimidated. Even when I thought Walter may have said something that crossed the line, Sy would just laugh and dish it right back. They clearly loved each other, even though it didn’t necessarily always sound like it. 
After we ate, Walter and Faye went to the front of the diner to look at the dessert case and I stayed with Sy. “You’re good for him,” he said. “I haven’t seen him this happy since…well, I don’t know when. But it’s been a long time, that’s for sure.” 
I smiled. “He makes me happy, too.” 
“I wouldn’t say this in front of Faye but Walt never had with Angie what y’all seem to have,” he said. “I know he loved her at the time but that’s not always enough.”
“Despite what the Beatles say?” I joked. 
He laughed. “Yes, ma’am. You need love but love isn’t all you need,” he said. He was quiet for a moment but I could see it was because he was thinking so I waited. “He told me how you said you were proud of him. Proud of what he does, who he is.” 
I felt a little taken aback that he would mention that but I nodded. “I am. I’m incredibly proud of him.” 
“See…you’ve got to understand that Walt doesn’t hear that much. He never has. His father is the typical Englishman and keeps all his emotions buttoned up. He didn’t brag on him or Charlie ever. Not out of meanness but just ‘cause that’s how he was raised. And his mother, my aunt, she’s sweet and she made sure Walt and Charlie knew she loved them but it was still done with her husband’s English mentality of only a few words,” he said. 
“Then when he met Angie, she never liked him being a part of SWAT. She wanted him to change to something less dangerous. He held his ground until she had Faye and then he changed over to being a detective, but it still wasn’t what she wanted.” He let out a breath. “The point is…he’s always tried hard and it’s never really been acknowledged. At this point, he does it because that’s just who he is. He runs himself into the ground to do his job. And you are the first person who’s just flat out told him you’re proud of him like that.” 
I remembered the night I’d told Walter how proud I was of him and he’d cried. I’d just thought he was exhausted but hearing Sy talk about it brought a new light to it. Especially knowing it had meant enough for him to tell Sy about it. “I’ll make it a point to tell him more often then.”
“Whether you know it or not, that man takes everything you say to heart. The amount of times we talk and he says, ‘Fiona said this’, ‘Fi said that’, is more than I can count, honestly. And I don’t have a problem with it. Because everything he tells me is something good. I just…I know he’s not great at opening up so I know he probably hasn’t told you what it meant to him but…it meant a lot.”
“Thank you for telling me,” I said. “I’m glad he has you to talk to.” 
“I’m glad I’ve got him, too,” he said as Walt and Faye began walking back towards us. Sy shook his head at me. “Just don’t tell him I told you that. Far as he knows, I only like to call and agitate him.”
I smiled then mimed zipping my lips. “I won’t say a word about it.”
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We stayed at the diner probably longer than the staff would normally be happy about but despite Walter’s quiet, introverted nature, Sy was loud and outgoing and made friends with our waitress fast. He explained the situation about catching up with family while killing time - two birds with one stone, he said - and the woman, who looked old enough to be his grandmother, told him to take all the time he needed. For every ‘sweetheart’ and ‘honey’ she called him, he flashed her a grin and made sure to use all of his manners. I could hear Walter quietly groaning at his antics, but I found it fascinating. They looked so much alike and were clearly close but they were so different from one another. 
When we finally left the diner, it was dark out. The already cold air had grown almost frigid and even with my coat on, I was shivering. So we didn’t linger with goodbyes. Faye gave Sy a hug, then huddled next to Walter for warmth. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her to his side. Sy turned to me then. 
“You alright with a hug or is it too soon?” he asked. 
I smiled. “No, I’m alright with it. I feel like I’ve known you longer than four hours.”
“It feels like six at least, right?” he joked.
I laughed and nodded. “At least, yeah.” He opened his arms and pulled me into a big bear hug and I noticed that he ran warm just like Walter. I hadn’t realized that ‘human space heater’ was an inheritable trait until then. “It was really nice meeting you, Sy. If you were going to get stuck somewhere with a delayed flight, I’m glad you got stuck with us.”  
“It was good meeting you, too,” he said. He released me from our hug and took a step back. “And I definitely could’ve gotten stuck somewhere worse. Like the airport Quiznos.” 
“That would have been much worse,” I agreed with a laugh. “Next time you’ll have to come back on purpose and we can cook for you at the house instead of you paying for us to eat out.”
“That sounds like a deal.” He looked at Walter then tilted his head towards the truck. “We better mosey on down to the airport.”
Walter gave Faye a hug, then gave me a kiss goodbye, then he watched the two of us get into the car and leave the parking lot. Once we got home, Faye and I both changed into pajamas then made hot chocolate to drink while we watched a show about baking fails in the living room while we waited for Walter to come home. But she fell asleep about half an hour into it. I did my best to make her comfortable there, carefully placing a pillow under her head and covering her up with a blanket and tucking her in. Then I made sure the doors were locked and sent Walter a text telling him that I was getting ready for bed and to try to be quiet as he came in because Faye was asleep on the couch. 
After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I went to our bedroom. I saw Walter Bear in his bag and I took him out, spraying him with some of the real Walter’s cologne, then put him on his side of the bed before turning out the lights and laying down. I had a hard time sleeping on my own anymore so I was awake when Walt came home. He was trying to be quiet but he was so heavy that his boots made a clomping sound as he came down the hall towards our room. He carefully pushed the cracked door open, allowing himself inside before closing it completely. 
“Hey,” I whispered to him. 
He froze by the bed. “Hey,” he whispered back. “Did I wake you?” 
“No. I was too lazy to get my weighted blanket and without it or you, I can’t sleep,” I said. “Did Sy get on his flight okay?” 
“Yeah. Thank you for letting him join us, by the way. I know it wasn’t what we had planned for this evening.” 
“We were planning on having dinner with Faye to celebrate your weekend off, that’s what we did. We just had an extra guest,” I said. “One, who, is quite entertaining, by the way.” 
My eyes had adjusted to the dark and I watched him shake his head as he walked to his dresser. “Don’t ever tell him that. He will take it and run.”
I smiled. “I like him. He’s nice. And really funny. I loved the stories he told about you two as teenagers.” 
He groaned as he began emptying his pockets. “He embellishes things, by the way. Not all of those were true,” he said. “But he liked you, too. Though you are far more likable, so that makes sense.” 
“So I have his seal of approval?” 
He turned towards me as he pulled his sweater over his head, followed by his t-shirt, then tossed them in the clothes hamper. “You do.”
“Did you really tell him that you were going to marry me after we met?” 
He let out a sigh as he kicked off his boots. Then he unbuckled his jeans and tugged them off. “Not that soon but…yes, I told him that I wanted to marry you fairly early on,” he said. “Does that bother you?” 
“Bother me? No. I think it’s sweet.” 
He came to the bed and pulled the covers back but stopped short of climbing in beside me. I didn’t know why until he held up my teddy bear. “And who is this?” he asked with a raised eyebrow. 
I smiled as I took it from him. “This is Walter Bear,” I said. “Faye made him for me today.” 
He looked confused as he finally lay down beside me. “She made you a stuffed animal version of me?” 
“Yeah, because I call you ‘bear’,” I said. “It was really sweet of her. They’re not cheap. So I’m tasking you with somehow funneling money from me back to her without her knowing that I’m paying for it.”
He laughed and shook his head. “No you’re not.”
“She paid for it with her own money.”
“And I will give her an extra allowance or something but you’re not paying for a gift that she gave you.”
“I can bring her extra cookies home.” 
He did his frowny thought face as he squinted. “You could bring me extra cookies home and I’ll funnel the money.” 
I laughed. “You’re easily bought, mister.”
“Only by you, Miss Sparks.” 
I reached out and put my hand on his cheek. “When we get married, are you still going to call me Miss Sparks or will you call me Mrs. Marshall?”
“You still want to marry me?” he asked, his voice quiet. 
I smiled and nodded. “You’re the only man I’ve ever wanted to marry.” I brushed my thumb against his skin softly. “Most girls dream about their weddings - my cousin Mel even had this big binder full of things that she ripped out of magazines that she wanted for hers - but I never did that. I never pictured myself in that position,” I said. “Even now, I don’t think in terms of a big wedding. I don’t see colors or a cake or a reception. I see you and me. Exchanging rings, or having a first dance, but that’s it. Everything else is hazy and in the background. The only thing I see clearly is…you.” 
He was quiet for a moment then softly nodded his head against his pillow. “I see you clearly, too, Fi.”
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bibismovingcastle · 2 months
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No spoiler review:
The animation is always fantastic, the details of everything is so mesmerizing, the character design and the color makes everything perfect
The story is fantastic, I like how dark it is. The world building is so original and made me hooked to the anime more.
I can’t find myself hating on any character even the bad guy. I really enjoy everyone because everyone had their story and a certain mystery around them and I really liked it.
I found some scene unnecessary but not boring at all. The information given were not overwhelming at all so I understand almost everything.
Now the review with spoilers!
I recently finished season 1 of made in abyss and I am still traumatized! But I decided to finish the movie today after dinner and I am still devastated! Every scene broke me! Every single scene was made to hurt me! Watch made in abyss they say, it’s cute!
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Where! WHERE! Where is the cuteness? I just see pain here and there.
The movie starts ok still weird things like commenting on minors private parts! But I just ignore them for my own benefit. It’s so cringe but anyway! My babies are still cute and Nanachi looks so cute and adorable as always (sorry I adopted them unwillingly)!
The first scene with the corpses made me chill and horrified! I still can’t get over the fact that it looks like a “kid” anime but then it turns so dark.
We see our main protagonists going on a journey, reg having random memories like I KNEW HE WAS RELATED TO LYZA.
Rika being our cute leader, Reg being our bodyguard and Nanachi our mascot the movie couldn’t start better.
It was going so well until I hear this aggravating voice! bondrewd!
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I was so confused about the mask thing! Like he dies but then he revives and it’s all connected to his mask. STOP IT HURTS MY BRAIN!
I’m still confused so if I comment scenes but in a random orders it’s because I’m trying to remember the movie by memory! Bear with me ok?
This “papa” (sorry name too long to remember and to write) weirdo doesn’t he have something better to do? Like find some hobby! I can’t find the reason why he does all that! Like yeah I understand but I still don’t! The fact that he cares about his kids it’s emotionally draining Because you can say aww cute but then he turns them into that kind of briefcases with meat! Or into ugly experiments! But he still cares about them! You can see that at the end of the movie he turns into that thing, the “blessing” thanks to his love for his children.
Another thing that confused me is when Reg transformed in a black demon! I was like when! Why! Who! I was so confused. Can you return normal? GIVE BACK MY SON!
So maybe it’s time to talk about my other adopted kid… Prushka. Rest in piece 💀. I’m still grieving. Like she was still alive at a certain point but I think that couldn’t be called life.
It was all sad and devastating, she deserved better, she deserved to be with them in their journey. PRUSHKA YOU WILL BE REMEMBERED.
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Oh and the Whistle thing. Weird concept! The fact they they are maybe by human sacrifice I am still shocked! And it was an evil touch to make prushka into a whistle!
Gory scenes were so gory. I never saw an anime that gory. And about kids that it’s the worst part. When they tortured my son reg and like you can see the flesh of his arm omg it made me sick.
Every death was so detailed! I can’t think about it anymore! Who watched it knows!
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Final thing is the combat! I find it ok honestly wasn’t so much interested in it! Some scenes were confusing other I found them pretty smart. But it was cool it made the movie more interesting, and it was cool even the fact the he never dies and that he turned into a furry himself.
The final scene where Prushka before dying even after what he did to her wants to stay with him it broke my heart!
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I really loved it! It surely it wasn’t as perfect as the season 1 but I liked the fact it wasn’t too overwhelming with informations. Every piece of information was given on the right time at the right moment and they were easy to understand, at least for me! The characters were so cool even the bad guy I really enjoyed his character!
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jewishregulus · 2 months
hold on because your thing with alecto carrow & the carrow twins……… you really did something there
listen okay i could go so crazy about them . i have so much lore trapped away in my brain . but i am going to summarize so fast and quick bc they drive me crazy….
general info abt both of them : they r born in japan bc the carrow family moves there post grindlewald and their mom dies and when she dies they move back to the england but they r poor af after everything so pureblood society looks down on them for being traitors. cue them fighting the entire wizaridng war to be given respect and seen as a genuine member of the sacred 28 and using intimidation and violence to do so… a if i cannot be better than them i will be so much worse moment . their dad is normal and loves them very much they just choose to be evil like that. their mom was a sweet angel also and everyday i cry over her even tho i invented her to be dead . whatever
alecto has a weird misandrist complex in which she hates men but is also performing for them all the time , a man hating lesbian who also can’t escape using the patriarchy to validate her skills and ambition. she loves spiders bc they are matriarchal . she bases her worth off of how well she appeals to others and has so her whole life to the point she barely has a sense of self . she wants to kiss lily evans on the mouth and she worships her like an absolute angel it’s serious and vicious . the few scraps of herself she has left are all about knowledge. she is obsessed w language and translation and tries to learn literally any language she can ever . despite this she still can’t give herself a voice . she wants barty crouch jr dead for the crime of being a man and a degenerate which like fair of her . evan n reg r chill tho bc game respects game . i think if she got the chance to explore Life she’d actually choose to become a teacher like voldemort Made her become , but she would be actually pretty good tbh. her and barty regularly brawl in the teachers lounge. alecto kicks his ass. in the modern college au in my head they are regrettably roommates and each conversation they have sets gay lesbian solidarity back 15 years . alecto is studying classics and women’s studies as a minor …. ik feminism is a big part of her character but chat do not reduce her to this u don’t get it … she has a deep connection to lady macbeth and the movie the handmaids tale . here is her vibe :
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and amycus is his mothers son who does whatever alecto wants him to bc he just wants to be by her side. they are so aggressively co dependent . he is obsessed w magical plants and herbology and his favorite thing in the world is a magical venus flytrap he keeps in his dorm that evan keeps putting random drops of blood into the mouth of . his dream career would probably be using magical plants to make new medicines n poisons n such . hogwarts resident weed dealer . therefore he n barty r actually chill . he just misses his mom like so much 😭 he is consistently in morning over the life he could have had . he’s pretty good friends w everyone he’s not like a loner but he is lonely deep in his chest…… of course bc alecto is his sister #feministwomenloveamycuscarrow . every carrow is linked to an insect in my head and amycus is a praying mantis . …. he has the same capability for cruelty like he also is on the field w alecto during the war but like he’d rather be gardening :/. modern college au he’s probably studying biology and is the rlly menacing president of the gardening club. and u think this means he is secretly sweet but he’s literally evil. him n reg have a crazy friendship going in in which they do the craziest romantic shit but it is completely platonic. i’m talking like candle lit dinners . in my head he has a weird situationship w rabastan (who is another story….) but also i have a *whispers* oc….. who in the fic i have planned for them in my head (which i will never write) he ends up w and his name is maxx <3 but i will never talk abt ocs on here . i have some shame. amycus would follow alecto to hell if she asked (he just wishes she would stop going the- *car runs me over*)
here’s amycus vibes
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i have so much more i could say abt them . there is so much in my head they have such a deep and complex story … i will take any excuse to yap abt them . anyways they are both gay and one day i will write the alectolily sugar mommy au in which lily is the sugar mommy bc she’s a super famous author n alecto works at an antique book store doing translation n repair <3333 and it’s completely accidental lily keeps paying to borrow these super old books and eventually she just pays for alecto to come over and help her research and then one thing leads to another . and alecto is guffawed when she realizes. amycus. thinks it his hilarious. i think her and lily would have an academic rivals to loves thing going on in canon and in like Any school setting but also just in general. they could be 5 years into their relationship and still competing to be the smartest . i think there is rosekiller alectolily double date hilarity potential. also have a lot of thoughts abt them paralleling to the rosier twins but what do i know … i will leave that to the masters ….
anyways that was my yapping . hope someone felt enthralled .
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marcholasmoth · 1 year
OSRR: 3103
i've basically forgotten what i did today. except i made a mess of my table twice and had to clear a space by swiping my arm across it and taking everything with it. that was honestly really funny.
i managed to clear some junk out of my backpack, and i got to organize my box a little better, and i even had some protein today. it was just a mess most of the day.
i did get to put some new pins on my backpack - i now have the human realm squad, king, and eda pins on my bag. i've got connected teatime huntlow pins and a jumbo flapjack, and now the rest are on and the pocket is all owl house. i like it. it's uneven, but if i can find a camila pin and a clover pin, i'll be all set.
after work i headed to the bank to pick up some cash for nancy - we split the first checks i was able to get, which was plenty anyway, so since the deposits were finalized today, i was able to grab that and also reload my starbucks card.
i went and worked with the kids, going over spelling with one, multiples of six and penmanship with the other, and then nutrition with their mom. lots to do, lots got done. i also made sure the baby stopped crying. he's a hefty chonker who can move. and by god does he have a set of lungs on him. sheesh. it's a wonder nancy has any brain cells ever with all the noise and chaos.
after that i went and got dinner with kristen at margaritas. she's been dealing with a lot and i'm always happy to both lend an ear and eat mexican food, so it was nice to spend time with her. we also got ice cream and we talked about random things. it was nice.
then i came back to joel's and sat down and started cutting out stickers because joel had to do something for work starting at 9pm? i was so confused. but i spent a while cutting and trimming and i discovered im damn good at making round things consistent, in that i cut four and they're within less than half of a millimeter in diameter from one another.
eventually i decided it was time for bed and i packed my stuff up, stickers to be applied and others to be trimmed at a later time, so i went to bed, but i had to fix the sheets first. i didn't want the fitted sheet to roll me up in my sleep. it's done that before.
but the good news is joel came upstairs not long after that. now he's curled the other way in bed and he's probably halfway asleep.
also in my writing i have discovered that my writing block happens because i'm trying to force an idea that doesn't want to be written. now that i'm following the scenes in my head, it flows much easier and it's so much better than it was before. i never could figure out what writers mean when they say they're not the ones writing the story, that they're not making up stories about characters, but that the characters write the stories themselves and that it's not a voluntary thing, almost. but i get it. holly and fuchsia have their own plan. i'm just a witness. and honestly it's cool. now that i'm kinda just following them, i'm definitely more inclined to follow their path for a little longer before saying goodbye, but only surgery will tell me if that's feasible.
which surgery is in eight sleeps. i'm so excited.
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umichenginabroad · 12 days
Welcome to the Basque Country!
Week 1 (first half)
The trek from Michigan to Spain was definitely an interesting series of planes, buses, and cars. I left DTW for a late night flight to Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. I've never been on a super long flight before, so eating dinner and breakfast on the plane was a pretty cool experience. Would rate both meals a solid 8/10 (the chocolate-filled breakfast pastry was fire). AMS was a busy and BIG airport, but they're very efficient and have a lot of amenities for travelers. The bathroom situation is the only thing that I would say I didn't like, just because I spent so long trying to figure out how to flush the toilet and ended up clicking random buttons until it worked...a very classic new traveler moment. Besides that, I secured my stroopwaffles and was on my way to the Bilbao airport. On that flight, I ended up sitting next to a girl around my age who turned out to be from San Sebastian! She was returning to Spain after being in the United States for a study abroad type of program, which I thought was a funny coincidence since I'm just starting mine. From BIO I hopped on a bus to San Sebastian's city center, and along the way I was so amazed at how different the elevation is compared to what I see on a day-to-day basis in Michigan. At some points we would be so high up that my ears started to pop, and at other times I was looking out the window and barely even seeing the tops of the hills/mountains. Another thing I didn't really expect is the amount of forestry literally everywhere in the region. It makes for a really pretty landscape and is very interesting to see the houses and buildings interspersed through the mountainous areas in these thick groves of trees. By this point, I was already falling asleep but needed to make it through one more taxi ride until I could finally collapse!! I successfully called over a taxi, and immediately had to start using my Spanish with the driver. For a second I forgot that I was in a country where the primary language was something different than English, but once I knew he could understand what I was saying I became more comfortable talking with him. He was a super nice guy who pointed out different areas of the city that I should check out while driving me to the hotel (I never got his name but he's my hero for real!). After about 14 hours of travel, I bet you're wondering how it felt to hit the bed. Welllll, I dropped my things off in my room and then took off to take a walk around the city since I got a crazy energy rush and beat the jetlag (for now). On a normal Friday night at home, the streets and roads would be pretty dead and without much activity. That's the complete opposite of how it was in San Sebastian throughout the city. There were families with their kids, couples, groups of friends, performers, and just people everywhere out eating food and socializing. I loved it! In a way it makes you feel connected to everyone else because it's so lively and energetic. Overall, my first night in a new country was 100% a win.
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When in San Sebastian, you get used to seeing signs or buildings in either Spanish or Euskara. I learned from the peer mentors at the University how Euskara is commonly used by the locals, that it's taught at home by parents or at school along with Spanish, and even that to work in the Basque country, it's necessary to know how to speak the Basque language. I was wondering if I could learn it but, unfortunately, it's a very ancient language that's influenced others like Spanish or French, but hard to pick up because it's so complex. However! Learning words or phrases isn't out of the question, so a new challenge of mine is to see how much Euskara I can fill my brain with before leaving. When we were doing an activity with the PMs I was listening to them speak what I thought was Spanish, thinking to myself like how do I not understand them at all??? Did my brain just flip out and now all my years of Spanish were for nothing?? To my relief, they explained it was Euskara and I felt soooo much better that I wasn't tripping. Below are some pictures of the streets we've walked through that show a little bit of the Basque language, along with a very famous hotel (the Maria Cristina), and an ancient thermometer/barometer!
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It's very common here to relax and enjoy while eating, which hey, I'm not complaining and always down for some good foods. The first day of our program, we were taken out to this super amazing spot on a cable car called Monte Igueldo. The view overlooked the entirety of San Sebastian, which was nothing short of absolutely breathtaking. We had lunch at a restaurant near the top, and I had my first taste of highly anticipated...paella! Between the seafood and meat paella, I would have to say that the flavor was stronger in the meat one. It's definitely worth all that everyone says about it, along with the famous sidra (cider) of the basque region. Cider is so crazy popular here that sometimes locals will drink it in place of water for their meals. At first, I didn't get the hype, but after visiting the Cider House for another one of our events later in the week, I see it now. I'm gonna take a minute to talk about the Cider House because it was a really cool experience and I think there should be more places in the states like it. Basically, it's a big social event where different courses are served throughout the evening, such as cod, steaks, salads, chorizos, fish soups, etc. along with drinking cider that you get from these huge barrels and talking with other people who are there at the same time. It was a nice bonding moment with the peer mentors and also with the other students as well! Another type of social event is the pintxos, similar to tapas. There are a TON of combinations of these finger foods, ranging from something small like a ham croqueta to actual fried octopus. I know that there are so many food posts from a bunch of other bloggers, but I've gotta hop on that bandwagon and at least show a few pictures. SIDE NOTE! The coffee here is super strong and super fire. I don't want to hate too hard on Ann Arbor coffee, but the automatic coffee machines in the duderstadt do not compare to the ones they have here. First off, the prices are cheappp, and secondly the flavors and options are superior. I've featured several different foods here: the pintxos that I've tried so far, the paella, a chicken milanesa, and a café con leche XXL. Spain EATS with the food game.
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So far, I've had a great time exploring the city, talking with the locals, trying different things, and seeing how the culture in Spain compares to that of the United States. We've been doing so much everyday, but I can't fit all of it in just one post so I'll be doing a second half of week 1 coming soon! Thanks for sticking through this looong post (I like to ramble sometimes so you're a trooper for making it to the end). The pic below is of me and some of my friends at the top of Monte Igueldo!
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Agur! (Goodbye in Euskara)
Emily Dobao
Biomedical Engineering
IPE San Sebastian, Spain
May 26th, 2024
0 notes
lanaintheskydreams · 2 years
Dream Journal for Thu Aug 18 2022
Night before: All the dreams in the times before the last post have been the same -- just alot of fun adventures and nothing too crazy. I have been more interested in my waking life to strengthen my spirit/sleeping life and also I am in the middle of alot of transitions in my personal life and it is hard to keep a habit right now to be honest. I also am wary of human dreams because Aurora from Flying Rainbow Lasagne mentions how the astral demons have taken over the astral realm and make things random and can easily "hijack" your channel and there is a "real" path to "true" energy. So just letting these thoughts sink in and allowing myself to understand more deeply. It's been a very triggering and emotional last few days and last night I just passed out after barely eating anything all day then eating a large meal for late night dinner. Man. I'm not good at keeping on track with my health. I have been incorporating raw cannabis leaves into my meals. They have been curing my friend's skin cancers and helping with my mother's rheumatoid arthritis. My life has been kind of a mess lately, literally. That's why I got an entity attack last night. I dreamt that I can could my voice in my brain thinking. But it was just my voice, and not me. I was very confused. Then I went to lie in a 4 poster canopied bed in the middle of this forest grove. It had silk tied around the posts. The bed had my mother and her bf in it. My mom kept commenting on how bad my face smelled. I was self conscious about it. Then my mom's bf turned over from lying on his other side to turning to me and holding on to me (accidentally). But it shocked me in my dream and when I awoke I felt a strong vibration in my tailbone -- the common place where "they" usually attack and I feel deep fear. Today I just felt a vibration. The dream was so strange and I had a message that the "messiness" of my life was creating entities so I needed to become more aware of my surroundings. Like I had ASTRAL COCKROACHES. Lots of pests lately, worms in mushrooms, tiny scorpion, black widow on door. I needed to be in top shape in my mental, emotional, spiritual hygiene. I started praying for protection and felt spirit protecting me with calming chills/goosebumps all over my body. I think that is how spirit talks to me/hugs me/comforts me. It is undeniable and I need to connect with Spirit more this way.
0 notes
Bill and Ted dating a smart girl would include~
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(I chose to do poly hcs. Hope you enjoy!)
- The social hierarchy of the 1980s rarely ever favored academics. Your intimate connection to the "geeks and creeps" of your school did you more harm than good and by your junior year of high school, you were about as relevant as the spare textbooks in the back of your classroom.
- People didn't pay attention to you unless they needed to, and though you would have liked for the boys in your class to ask you out, you got over it and settled for artfully suppressing your disappointment whenever their purposeful greetings led to an answered question about Alexander the great instead of an invitation to a movie.
- But resignation rarely ever alludes to cheerful acceptance. You weren't proud that all people knew about you was the fact that you were intelligent and after years of being cast aside until you were useful, you were tired of playing teacher.
- Fortunately for them, Bill and Ted were just pathetic enough to strike a cord within you and get you to agree to help them.
- That was how your relationship started: you tutoring them in an effort to ensure that they didn't flunk the grade and them staring at you with heart eyes while you rambled on about things that their little pea brains could barely comprehend.
- They didn't immediately take notice of how pretty you are, but when you're sat right next to/across from someone for hours at a time, it's kind of difficult not to realize how attractive they are; and how attractive their personality is.
- Which would ultimately lead to the two of them asking about your dating status and being genuinely surprised that you weren’t dating anybody. 
- A bodacious and excellent babe like you was a hot commodity in San Dimas and they weren’t about to let you think you were anything less than that. So when you awkwardly explained how you “could possibly not have a boyfriend”, they very earnestly replied that they would date you in a heartbeat. 
- And it wasn’t long before they made that confession into a reality and asked you out for real. 
- You might not think that you’re anything to write home about but your boys think you’re excellent and are always quick to brag. They think it’s a miracle that they managed to score a brilliant babe like you and they want everyone to know that the three of you are together.
- It probably shouldn't come as a surprise but Teds father actually considers you to be a good influence and lets Ted off the hook on occasion because of it. All he has to do is lie that he was with you and his father will begrudgingly accept it; even though he was most certainly just having band practice with Bill.
- Your first family dinner at the Logan house was very awkward but at least he was able to impress his father by bringing up your grades/academic accomplishments! Nothing better than being able to cut the silence/uncomfortable conversation about his shortcomings with a comment about how you won the science fair!
- But, given your usual friend group and the fact that you’re a promising young woman, your parents probably aren’t too fond of them and consider them to be “bad influences”. They’re two naturally stoned boys in a rock band, how much worse could they be?!?
- Sooo many compliments and oddly specific nicknames surrounding your intelligence. They couldn’t be assed about school 90% of the time but they’ll somehow reference a random scientist from the 1950s whenever you’re in the middle of doing a biology project.
- Study dates. Though you honestly shouldn’t even consider them dates; given how much work they wind up being.
- Ted is terrible to tutor because he’s awful at sitting down and just focusing on one thing at a time, while Bill is better at paying attention; especially when you’re consistently pointing him in the right direction and explaining things clearly.
- Try to make your handwriting as legible as possible because they’re consistently copying off of your notes and homework; even in classes you don’t share with them.
- They don’t remember when their own tests are but you can rest assured that they remember yours. They always make an effort to see you before them and wish you good luck; and most of the time you’ll then have to remind them that they’ve got their own that day as well.
- You study in the library during lunch and they take naps around you like two little himbo kittens.
- Them getting you to take breaks from studying and doing your homework so you can let loose and relax for a change. Ya know babe, when you start to get a migraine, it usually means that it’s time to stop reading....
- Once all your teachers realize that the three of you are now “friends” they lowkey take you aside and subtly hint that you should help the boys out with their studies.
- Neither of them bother to read most of the time but they like having you explain the plots of books to them whenever there’s a need for sound. They gush about bands and albums to you in return.
- Them trying to impress you with stories from their travels in history. Although, depending on when the three of you got together, you probably accompanied them on at least one of their adventures. 
- They fully believe that you can answer every single problem and question that they may have. To them, your intelligence knows no bounds. They don’t know the answer to something? Time to pack up and go see y/n/n. You’re the 80s equivalent to Wikipedia. 
- I wholeheartedly believe that you’d become their manager, or that they’d at least try to make you become their manager because “you’re smart” and what other qualifications are there? 
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starryhyuck · 3 years
pretty girl. (m)
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pairing: alpha!jaemin x reader
words: 4.3k+
summary: you hate that jaemin follows you around every full moon. you’re determined to know the reason why, but you end up getting more than you asked for.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: large amounts of cum, manhandling, breeding, knotting, overstimulation, fingering, hair pulling, rough sex, oral sex
“It’s dangerous for you to be out here.”
You blink twice at Jaemin, who is hovering protectively over your form. As your best friend, Jaemin’s always been cautious of you because of his alpha instincts. This oddly includes finding him in your apartment on random days, cooking you dinner because you ‘can’t make it yourself,’ walking you around campus and glaring at anyone who glances your way, and finally, following you to places he should never be at anyways. Tonight falls under the last category, where you were itching to have a nice time with some of your group partners in your Economics class. You all collectively agreed that grabbing drinks at the nearby bar on campus was a good idea. Everything was going perfectly until Jaemin came storming into the bar, almost pushing one of your friends from his spot next to you.
You awkwardly clear your throat, laughing breathily as you stand, trying to move Jaemin away from the table. You can feel the heavy stares of your classmates on your back, and you try your best to ignore it. Once you’re out of earshot, you mumble lowly to him.
“Uh, Jaem, why are you here?”
He frowns at you. The expression on his face is clearly one of disappointment. “It’s a full moon. You shouldn’t be out here, especially if there are other alphas lurking around.”
You tend to frequently forget that Jaemin gets extremely clingy when the full moon rises, and he often perceives most of the population as a threat to your life. In fact, you’re both very good friends with Jeno, another fellow alpha on campus. Jeno’s shown time after time that he has absolutely no interest in you, but when the full moon appears, Jaemin’s convinced that Jeno wants to kidnap you and keep you locked in his dorm forever.
You sigh. “Jaemin, I’m fine. I’m just hanging out with my friends. There are no alphas around, I promise.”
His frown grows deeper. “I passed two of them on the way here. They could have easily hurt you.”
“How about you have a drink with us?” You offer, knowing his worries aren’t subsiding anytime soon. “You can relax and make sure I’m safe.”
The tension in his shoulders loosen at your suggestion, and he hesitantly agrees. You order a beer for him and he reluctantly follows you back to the table. Your friends are eyeing him warily.
“Everyone, this is Jaemin,” you introduce awkwardly. “Is it okay if he joins us?”
Jeongyeon is the first to speak, despite everyone’s reluctance. “Sure, the more the merrier!”
You toss her a grateful smile and Jaemin slides in next to you, unaware of the looks he’s receiving. Luckily, Seulgi launches into a discussion about her day before anyone else can comment. It isn’t long before Chanwoo leans over to whisper in your ear, causing Jaemin to stiffen beside you.
“Is your friend okay? He looks like he hates all of us.”
You brush off Chanwoo’s question. “He’s fine, just tense. Rough time in the semester, you know?”
Chanwoo nods but doesn’t seem convinced by your answer. No one else approaches you about Jaemin for the rest of the time, and the boy next to you chooses to remain silent. You bid goodbye to the group at the end of the night with Jaemin giving subtle nods to each of them. He still hovers protectively over you on the walk back to the campus dorms.
“You really didn’t have to come out tonight,” you mumble to your best friend as he walks alongside you. “I was fine on my own.”
“You’re not fine on nights like these,” he responds, and you can hear the frustration in his tone. “You don’t know what’s out there.”
You huff and stop in your tracks, turning around to face him. You cross your arms over your chest.
“No one is going to hurt me! No one has ever tried to hurt me on a full moon, it’s just your imagination! It’s annoying how much you follow me around, Jaemin, seriously.”
He’s visibly hurt by your outburst and you instantly feel regret. You can almost feel him shutting you away, and it pulls at your chest. He motions to your dorm, which is only a few feet away from where you’re standing.
“Good night. I hope you sleep well.”
You watch as your best friend scurries down the sidewalk, not sparing a single glance back at you.
You startle Jeno the next day, pounding on his door and ignoring the glares you’re receiving in his hallway. The boy sleepily opens the door up for you, hair sticking out in multiple directions. He mumbles something under his breath and you ignore him, pushing through and entering his room.
“Well, come on in,” he hisses sarcastically.
You have no time to humor him. “Are alphas usually super clingy and annoying?”
He pauses at the question, closing the door slowly. You raise an eyebrow at his hesitation.
“Um, is this about Jaemin?”
“Maybe,” you drawl, watching Jeno carefully. He definitely knows something he’s not telling you about. “And what if it was?”
“Then I would say you need to talk to Jaemin.”
You roll your eyes. “Jeno!”
“What?” He retorts, avoiding your eyes as much as possible. “It’s not my place to say.”
“I don’t care if it’s your place or not,” you say, frustrated by your lack of alpha knowledge. You’ve tried to learn more since Jaemin presented himself, but it was difficult since many alpha secrets were kept between alphas only. “I need to know what’s going on with him. He’s been following me around every full moon like he’s expecting me to get mugged or something!”
Jeno exhales loudly. “He hasn’t talked to you? About anything?”
You huff. “Jeno, if I needed answers, I wouldn’t be standing here with you.”
The more you talk, the more Jeno grows uncomfortable. It almost seems like it pains him to say anything about Jaemin without him present, and it’s getting on your nerves. Jaemin usually never keeps secrets from you and it must be pretty big if Jeno is barely holding himself together.
Jeno finally speaks after you watch him run circles in his head. “What do you know about mates? Alpha mates?”
You frown, tilting your head to the side. “Mates? I didn’t even know alphas had mates.”
“They’re chosen specifically by an alpha. Someone the alpha has a connection to, someone they would like to spend the rest of their life with.”
He’s still not making any sense to you. Does Jaemin have a mate? Is it someone you know?
Jeno can see the gears spinning and he scoffs. He whispers something under his breath that you can’t hear.
“You need to talk to Jaemin about this. I really can’t say any more.”
You spare Jeno the interrogation and leave his room, thoughts swirling in your head. He’s given you everything and nothing at once, and you don’t even know if Jaemin will offer anything better. You trek over to his dorm anyways, on a mission.
His eyes soften when he sees you behind the door. It tugs at your heartstrings and he motions for you to come inside. The awkward tension drowns the room and you sway on your feet.
“I’m sorry,” he says first. “I know I made you uncomfortable by being with your friends last night, and I should’ve stayed away. I just get very worried around the full moon because-“
“What are alpha mates?”
Jaemin chokes, not expecting your question. You watch as he gathers himself again, and this time, he can’t bear to look at you.
“Where did you hear that from?”
Jaemin curses lowly. You frown, your gaze never faltering. You can practically see him trying to come up with some type of excuse.
“Jaemin, I want the truth.”
He sighs. “Can you sit down? Please?”
You reluctantly follow his request, taking a seat on his bed. He paces around the room, looking more nervous than you’ve ever seen him before. You begin to grow antsy while watching him.
“If you don’t want to tell me, that’s fine.”
His head snaps up to look at you, heart breaking at the dejected look on your face. He shakes his head and takes a seat next to you.
“I do, I want to tell you everything. I just want you to have a choice first,” he states, staring at you as if you hold all the answers.
You frown and shake your head. “What choice? You’re not making any sense.”
“I, uh, I unknowingly bonded myself to you. You became my mate, and I realized it too late. We spent too much time together and I should have taken a step back before it got too serious. I was just- I’m never in the correct headspace when I’m around you, and it causes me to impulsively make decisions. I can’t break the bond unless I wish to die a slow death, but if you want me to, I can try.”
You’re spiraling. Your brain is short circuiting, and you’re unsure of what to say in response. Your best friend has just confessed that he bonded himself to you for life, which probably runs deeper than marriage. If you reject him, he’ll die a painful death.
Jaemin starts freaking out, standing back up and resuming his pacing. “Fuck, I shouldn’t have said anything. I should have left weeks ago, I shouldn’t even be bothering you with this. Listen, we can forget this ever happened. I’ll just- I’ll figure something out. Surely, I can break the bond-“
“Jaemin,” you say timidly. He stops in his tracks at the sound of your voice. “I think I’m okay with being your mate. I mean, I’d rather have it be you than anyone else. Not like you’re my second choice or anything! I just-“
He kneels down, his hands resting on the expanse of your thighs, causing you to jolt at the contact. His hands feel oddly warm, and it’s sending a plethora of dirty thoughts to your head.
“I don’t want you to do this because you feel bad,” he speaks softly. “If you don’t want this, we don’t have to do it. It’s my fault, and I’ll pay the price.”
You protest. “No, I’m doing this because I want to-“
“It’s a big decision-“
“I know that, and I-“
“I hardly think you’ve thought through this carefully-“
“Don’t tell me what I haven’t done-“
“I’ll just move away. It’ll be easier for the both of us that way.”
“Jaemin,” you hiss, placing your hands on his shoulders to stop him. “Can you quit being so difficult? I’m telling you I want to be with you and your rejection is making me feel upset.”
His expression falls. “I didn’t mean to make you upset. I don’t want to cage you in, that’s all.”
“You aren’t caging me in,” you promise him. “Can you tell me what being a mate entails?”
He flushes deep red, and you grow anxious once again. He removes his hands from your thighs and you silently wish he kept them there. He stands again, avoiding your questioning gaze.
“Um, well, technically- I mean, it’s just-“
“Jaemin,” you say sternly. “Stop dancing around the subject.”
He clears his throat. “Technically, we’re not fully mated yet. In order to complete the bonding process, we need to- um, well, we need to-“
“We need to fuck!”
That definitely floors you. You blink at him, not believing what he said. You haven’t slept with anyone in months. You’re not going to lie — you’ve thought about Jaemin in that way a handful of times, mostly when it’s late at night and you’re left with an imaginative mind. You didn’t realize it could ever become a reality.
He starts rambling again. “Of course, I don’t want to make you do anything you’re uncomfortable with. I can’t imagine me putting my dick anywhere near you is appealing at the moment, so we can probably just forget it and-“
You say his name again to bring him out of his thoughts. “Can we try?”
He sputters, more than the last time. “W-What?”
“I mean, it can’t hurt, right? I trust you.”
“U-Uh, um, uh, I-“ He short circuits in front of you, struggling to find coherent words.
You don’t give him time to second guess again, immediately falling to your knees and reaching for the band of his sweatpants.
“Woah, woah, wait, let me just-“
Your mouth waters when you pull his cock out from his briefs, the tip already red and leaking. You don’t know if it’s because he’s an alpha, but his cock is absurdly large and thick. You can barely wrap your hand around the base and the thought of taking him into your mouth is daunting, but you would regret it if you didn’t try. You take an experimental lick, watching the way Jaemin struggles above you.
“Slow down, we don’t have to do this now-“
You ignore him again, enveloping the tip in your mouth as he releases a long groan. Your eyes flutter shut, pushing him deeper and deeper into your throat. You run your tongue along the base of his cock, licking and swallowing him. He’s barely holding on to the last string of his control, and you can tell by the way his hands are clenched at his sides.
You decide to push him further, casually deepthroating him and locking your gaze with his. The sound of you choking on him snaps him awake, and it isn’t long before he’s gripping your hair and throwing you on his bed. You squeal at the force of his movements. He pushes you on your stomach, fingers gripping the flesh of your ass.
He hisses in your ear. “You’re going to be a good girl for your alpha, aren’t you?”
“I’ll be good, alpha,” you keen. “I’m good for you.”
“Yeah?” He grunts, watching as you arch your back. “You’ve been waiting a long time for me, haven’t you?”
“So long,” you practically sob. “Just want my alpha to make me feel good.”
You hear the rip of your skirt and he tears the fabric of your top, tossing both items across the room. He’s feral at this point and you have no intention of stopping him. It feels electrifying to have him this close to you, touching you in all the places you never thought before.
Even though he’s your best friend, it feels as if he’s been doing this with you for years. He doesn’t feel like a stranger as he grabs your waist, finger running up and down your clothed slit.
“Aw, pretty girl, look at how wet you are for me,” he muses, pulling your underwear down to fully see you. “So beautiful. Is this all for me?”
“Yes,” you whimper. “All for you, just for you.”
You see stars when he sinks his finger into you, moaning at his touch. You hear him murmur behind you.
“So so perfect, so pretty and wet. You’re so good for your alpha.”
You flourish under Jaemin’s praises, his eyes observing as you submit further to him. You wish you read more on the subject of alphas and their mates. The way Jaemin’s touching you is sending your mind into overdrive, and you’re not even sure what to do when you hear the slick of your cunt as he slides another finger into you. He’s cooing at you, chanting how you’re such a ‘good girl’ for him.
You shut your eyes as he builds a steady pace with his fingers, brushing against your sweet spot. You moan loudly, not registering the volume of your voice. He doesn’t seem to mind you being loud either.
“Such pretty noises,” he hums, digging his other hand into your side and picking up the pace inside of you. You cry and squirm away from him, but he holds you in place. “I imagined for so long what you would sound like. Full moons were the worst. I couldn’t bear the thought of someone else being able to see you like this, touch you like this. You drove me insane.”
“J-Jaemin,” you whimper, getting closer and closer to snapping.
He hums again in response. “Almost there, sweet girl? You’re so pliant for me, so easy to fuck. But it’s all for me and only me, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, yes, only for you, alpha,” you whisper, fingers gripping the sheets as you near the edge.
“Pretty little pussy you have, I can’t wait to knot you. You’re going to take my knot so well, aren’t you? I chose you to take it, and to stuff your cunt full of my cum. I wonder how I could fit my cock into you, you seem too small to take it, pretty girl.”
“I-I can t-take it,” you struggle to get the words out, your brain turning a bit fuzzy. Once he brushes your sweet spot again, your body explodes and you sob loudly at the intensity of your orgasm. Jaemin praises you throughout it, eyes locked on your cunt gushing into his palm.
“So pretty, such a pretty girl. You came so much for me.”
As you float down from your high, you can hear the sound of Jaemin greedily licking his fingers. You nearly scream when you feel his tongue prod at your pussy.
“No, n-no, Jaem, please-“ you begin to beg, squeamish from the overstimulation, but it’s useless. He loves the taste of your cunt already, digging in like it’s his last meal.
Your body begins to ache and you slowly sink down on the bed, tired of arching your back. Jaemin doesn’t seem to mind, following you down as he slurps up your cunt. You’re mumbling incoherent noises as he sucks on your folds, and you can feel his smile when he plays with your clit.
“Alpha,” you whisper breathlessly. “Alpha, I can’t.”
He clicks his tongue. “I know you can. I chose you because you can. Take what I give you, pretty girl. I know you can be good for me.”
You lay there, boneless, as he dips his tongue into your entrance. You barely scream when your second orgasm rolls over you, the sound catching in your throat. He licks up the evidence and you try to wave your hand back to stop him. He gets the message, pulling back and wiping his chin with the back of his hand.
“You taste so sweet, pretty girl. I’ve never tasted a cunt that good before. All for me, right?”
“Yes,” you answer. “All for you, alpha.”
You hear him shifting behind you, and you see him toss his clothes over his shoulder. He picks you up and adjusts you until you’re seated on his lap, hovering just above his cock. He takes note of your sleepy gaze and smiles, kissing down your neck.
“Tired, sweet girl? Don’t want to take my cock anymore?”
You blearily blink. “No, no, I want to take your cock, alpha. Please give it to me.”
He chuckles at your compliance, eyes zeroing in on your glistening pussy. “You’ve been so good for me. Want your reward now?”
“Yes, yes, alpha.”
He suddenly turns serious, brushing your hair away and cupping your cheeks.
“This means forever. I want you to understand that.”
It’s a little frightening — the thought of being bound to someone forever. However, you’re willing to do anything for Jaemin, and you know he loves you. You’re blissfully happy at the thought of forever.
You nod, smiling. “Want to be with you, Jaem.”
He grins and presses a kiss to your lips. “Good girl.”
Your smile quickly turns into a gasp as he pushes you down on his cock. You scramble in his hold, fingers digging into his shoulders.
He shushes you softly. “It’s okay, pretty girl. I got you, trust me.”
Head thrown back and lips parted, you feel utterly fucked as Jaemin impales you. You weren’t even aware your cunt could stretch this far for him, taking him in. The stretch doesn’t hurt like you think it will, it feels surprisingly satisfying. You feel whole like this, finally connecting him to you.
Once he bottoms out, he gives you time to adjust. You don’t even realize you’re crying until he wipes stray tears from your cheek.
“You’re doing so well for me, sweet girl. Took my cock so well. I know you’ll take my knot like a champ too.”
You feel drunk on him despite the fact that his cock could split you in half. You take a few more seconds to yourself before you nod, giving him the okay to move.
He starts out gently, even though you can see him clenching his teeth trying to control himself. You decide to push him.
You lean in and whisper in his ear. “Fuck me good, alpha. Show me I’m yours, and yours only.”
He throws you back down onto the bed, growling at your submission. You cry when he drills into you, showing no mercy any longer. His cock is tearing you apart and you welcome it with open arms. His fingers dig roughly into your scalp, his other hand groping your breast.
“You like it when your alpha fucks you like this? You like it when I have control of you?” He practically growls at you, hips snapping into your thighs roughly. Your mouth hangs open, and if you were lucid, you would be embarrassed by the drool pooling at the side of your lips. He continues muttering obscenities at you, fueled by the feeling of your warm pussy wrapped around his cock. “Gonna fuck you until you can’t think of anyone else. Every time you touch yourself, you’re going to think about me. Only me. I’m going to make sure everyone knows you’re mine, make sure you’re pretty and pregnant for me.”
His fingers move from your breast into your mouth, and you subconsciously suck on the digits.
He snickers. “Look at you. Such a pretty fuck toy for me, taking my cock so well. You were made to be fucked, sweet girl. Made to take my cock and my cock only.”
You’re definitely out of coherent thoughts at this point. Jaemin flips you again, arching your back and you whimper at the ache. He drives into you harder and faster from behind, his balls slapping against your cunt in the most unholy way.
“Alpha, alpha, alpha,” you groan. “My alpha. So good, my alpha, so good. So big.”
“Need you to cum, sweet girl. Want to feel it. Give it to me, pretty girl.”
“Alpha, alpha,” you whimper, the coil in your stomach building and building. You soar when it snaps, and you swear you see white clouding your vision. You cry and cry, tears freely falling down your face as you clench around Jaemin.
You think you pass out for a few seconds. When you regain your strength, he’s flipped you on your side, gripping your ankle as he throws your foot over his shoulder. You let him do whatever he wants at this point, enjoying the way he presses against your clit every time he pushes in.
You can only hear parts of what he’s saying, a ringing sound still echoing in your ears.
“So good- such a pretty cunt- want to fuck you forever- going to show you off- beautiful- fucking pretty pussy- such a good girl for me.”
“J-Jaem,” you say, but you know he can’t hear you anymore. You think you have another orgasm, but the pleasure is mixing together too fast. You blackout again, waking up moments later to find Jaemin still fucking you senseless.
You’re on your back again with Jaemin hovering over you, pressing kisses down your neck. He’s muttering praises still, hands digging into your sides.
“Want to feel you forever. So good for me, pretty girl. You ready to take my knot?”
You lazily comb your fingers through his hair, feeling exhausted. “Please, alpha, give it to me.”
“Yeah?” He groans, pressing harder into you. “Want me?”
“I want you, I want you,” you echo, the familiar sensation pulsing through your veins.
He’s drilling faster now, pumping furiously into you as he chases his high. You think you’re screaming, but you can’t be entirely sure. You feel bad for whoever lives on Jaemin’s floor.
When he cums, you swear he’s been holding it in for years. His cum splashes against your walls as he empties himself inside of you. You squeeze around him again, finishing another orgasm.
It’s a few minutes later when you think it’s finally over. You start to relax, but the feeling is short lived. You sob when the base of Jaemin’s cock begins to swell, growing bigger and bigger.
“N-No, no, no, no-“
He shushes you. “It’s okay, pretty girl. You take my knot so well, I have so much cum for you.”
You swear you’ve lost your mind when Jaemin does, in fact, give you even more of his cum. It starts to leak out of your cunt because of the sheer amount, and he urges you through it with soft kisses. When he’s finally done, you feel like you’ve been fucked into the next century.
The only thing you can manage to say is, “You can’t fuck me again for three months, at least.”
He laughs at you and you try to throw him a serious look. He kisses your cheek.
“Oh, silly girl. What did I tell you before? I chose you because you’re made for me. You honestly don’t think I’m going to stop fucking you now, do you?”
Your eyes widen at his confession, and you shriek when he thrusts into you, his cock still hard.
“Such a pretty girl.”
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likeastarstar · 3 years
Boredom, Disinterest, & Intimidation.
Summary: Jungkook's in that suit and he's bored and you're not impressed by much...except for him. and then you fuck him in a public restroom.
(A/N: WARNING! SMUT AHEAD! for the anon requesting striped suit jk...I got severely carried away this is so much longer than I intended...feedback is appreciated.)
You weren't impressed by much.
Men were too boring to be impressive most of the time. They watered their personalities down, made themselves too accessible to be deemed worth it for your effort. Basically, you thought you were better than most of them. Your friends said you should lower your standards or risk being forever alone, but you didn't really understand why that was such a bad thing. At least you liked your own company, preferring to fly solo most of the time.
That's what you were doing at the event you were at, a networking thing that your company sent you to in order to make connections in different industries your CEO was interested in. You were the go-to for this sort of thing, where you had to be coy and work a room with no commitment.
You stared at the glass in your hand, wondering how many flutes of champagne the woman standing next you had consumed. She swayed off beat to the instrumental music playing and you couldn't help but guess that it wasn't a lack of rhythm that was causing it. Someone called your name and you lifted your gaze, falling on a bulky looking man with a kind smile. You recognized him as the PR connection your company had, one who was in charge of not only your own company but several larger clients in the entertainment industry. You smiled at him easily, floating over to where he was.
"Let me introduce you to my friends, they're in the music industry." He said pleasantly, gesturing to the group of men standing beside him.
You scanned the group neutrally, recognizing them instantly. Of course you knew who they were. You wondered why you were being introduced to them but soon connected the dots when you heard they were looking to explore the possibility of expanding their tour set-ups, primarily in the technology area, an aspect your company could help with. The tallest man did most of the speaking, his warm smile and easy going humor making it easy to see why countless people were in love with him. Your eyes stuck on another member of the group however, one standing towards the back with an uninterested look on his face.
While the rest of the men looked towards you eagerly when you spoke about previous experiences with audio and performance oriented tech expansions, he stared off to the side with his hands in his pockets. You studied his figure- black and grey striped suit tailored to a tee, skimming the length of his lean body. Straight shoulders, thin waist, legs for days- his proportions were scientifically perfect. His hair was gelled and neatly parted, jet black matching the inky color of his eyes. Everything about him was unapproachable, from the bored purse of his lips to the eyebrow piercing that reflected the light in a sort of warning. Another one of the group began saying something, sparking his attention.
His eyes flickered to you, flying over you at first and then doubling back to study you more closely. He frowned slightly, blinking a couple times before realizing you were staring back at him, refusing to look away.
"Seems like they're about to start the dinner, where are you seated?" Someone asked you, causing you to tear your eyes from his.
You just happened to be seated across from the man in the striped suit, who's name you had heard a couple times but had forgotten since you didn't personally pay attention to things like that. You ignored him and the way he slouched over in his chair, pushing his hips forwards with his neck stretched to the side so his head could rest back on the chair, watching the rest of the room out of the corner of his eye as if he couldn't be bothered to interact with it himself. He was distractingly handsome, chiseled jaw cutting a sharp line through space.
You started a conversation with a woman to your left who ran a charity organization or something, the details weren't really sticking in your mind since a certain someone had decided instead of zoning out, he'd zero in on you with total focus. You turned your head slowly towards him when you couldn't take the tension you felt from seeing his gaze locked on you out of the corner of your eye anymore, the knot of anticipation only tightening when you noted his smirk.
"Do you normally stare at people?" You asked in a flat tone.
"No," He said simply. "I actually make it a point not to make eye contact with people at these sorts of things. I'm making an exception."
He leaned forward in his chair, face tilted slightly so he was looking up at you through his eyelashes. You resisted the urge to squirm in your chair- this wasn't you. You didn't get intimidated easily, you were the one doing the intimidation usually. He rolled his broad shoulders back, sitting up straight as if to let you get a better look at him.
"Don't bother," You quipped.
"Aren't you bored?" He asked, a slightly surprised expression breaking the air of neutrality around him. "Don't you want to do something fun?"
"I'm working, I don't worry about having fun while I'm on the clock." You said, rolling your eyes before refocusing on the conversation you were having before as the appetizers were served. He was right though, things like this were incredibly boring. Rarely did you ever have fun at company events. You thanked the waiter, words hitching slightly when you felt a stiff shoe glide by your heeled foot, an ankle hooking around yours brashly. You blinked and looked back towards the man in the striped suit, a neutral expression on his face other than slight lift of his eyebrow, the silver hardware of his piercing sparkling. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth to resist saying anything, trying to stop the heat pooling towards your lap.
You looked away quickly and he laughed, it's charming silvery tone ringing in your ears in a way that only distracted you further. You pushed your foot against his unconsciously, rolling your ankle around his as you carried on listening to the conversation around. It wasn't until he pulled away from you, touch ripped away that you realized you had been so forward with your actions. You watched him rise out of his chair, body limber and lean, looking down at you with a menacing intensity. He quirked his eyebrow again and you watched him stalk off towards were you knew the bathroom of the restaurant to be.
Even his walk was distracting, the way his shoulders rolled, hands swinging slightly, practically gliding across the room.
"What were you saying?" The woman next to you asked, tapping on your shoulder.
"I," You started, still staring off in the direction he disappeared to. "I was saying that...You know, I actually will be right back, I have to make a phone call."
You got up quickly before you really knew what you were doing, pushing through the waiters still trying to serve the large room full of VIPs. You passed the hallway to the bathroom when a hand snaked out and yanked you to the side, a now familiar pair of eyes staring down at you.
"I thought you didn't want to have fun?" He asked, a small smile on his face.
"I'm making an exception," You mocked, repeating his words from earlier before kissing him brashly.
His lips were soft on yours, tongue fighting against yours for control of the kiss almost instantly. His hands smoothed down your body and pushed you into the bathroom, ass pressing against the countertop. You matched his ferocity, biting down on his lip and wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him down closer to you. He lifted you onto the countertop, hands still kneading any part of you he could get his hands on. His hand settled on the jut of your hip, breath panting out as he moved down to your neck, kissing and sucking the skin there.
"Don't fucking leave a mark," You snapped, words venomous despite your hands pulling him between your knees. You hooked your legs around his figure, sighing as he pushed a sleeve of your dress off your shoulder and bit down on the space of your skin that was previously covered, laving over the spot with tongue.
"I'll be careful," he promised, "No one will see. My name's Jungkook, by the way."
You felt a lick of heat in the pit of your stomach, something animalistic that told you to keep going, ask for more, demand it from him. You didn't bother telling him your name and he didn't ask for it, pushing a hand up your dress instead. His hand rubbed circles on your skin and you realized he had rings on, cool metal pressing into the flesh of your thigh. Your brain felt like it was fizzing out, dial tones going off instead of coherent thoughts. God, why did his hands feel so good on your body? Why was he such a good kisser? What cologne was he wearing?
"Tell me to stop," He dared, pulling his lips off of you. He rested his forehead on the top of your shoulder, hand freezing in place. You said nothing, watching instead as he tilted his head back up to you with a surprised expression.
"Don't," You mumbled, voice so quiet you'd think he didn't hear you if he didn't smile at you. It wasn't a smirk this time, not a sly little expression, no cockiness in sight. He looked...sweet. Pretty. His eyes were sparkly and his cheeks fluffed up when he smiled like this, nose crinkling slightly. You felt your heart pang and wondered what the fuck was happening to you- who the hell was this guy?
"You wanna get fucked by a stranger in a random bathroom?" He grinned, going back to the cocky motherfucker you had known all night. He stood to his full height, hand still kneading into your skin as he gazed down at you, eyes catching on your parted lips. He tilted his head and leaned in, stopping just shy of contact. You skated a hand down his body, pressing fingertips against the firm abs you could outline under the silky material of his shirt, smiling slightly when you heard his breathing stop as you dragged your palm over the crotch of his pants, outlining his hard cock with your fingernail and wrapping your hand over it. You squeezed lightly, feeling Jungkook's fingers push up your leg and pull your panties to the side, "You're interesting." He mumbled, frowning slightly.
"No, I'm not," You said flatly, just before he dragged a finger through your folds. You breathed in sharply, feeling him brush past your clit and press down lightly, hips bucking up slightly. He thrust two fingers in you suddenly and you moaned. Jungkook kissed you, muffling your noises of need with his mouth on yours. Your back arched up to him, mind completely blank as he started pumping his fingers in and out of you. "Slow-"
"No, fast." He grunted, "Gotta open your tight little pussy up if you want my cock. You do want my cock, right baby?"
You kissed him desperately, feeling his fingers split and scissor inside of your pussy, his thumb rubbing into your clit in rough motions. Nothing about what he was doing to you was gentle or soft, pushing you, stretching your limits, teasing you where he could.
"Yeah," You nodded, "Yeah, I want you to fuck me."
Your breathing became labored and you felt your chest heave as he curled his fingers, looking for a certain spot until a jab of his fingers had you spasming. He kissed you still, smirking against your lips as he angled his fingers to hit the same spot over and over until he had you cumming around his hands, wrapped around his finger like a cute little bow, willing and able to do anything he wanted you to. He was staring at you again, inky eyes locked on your face, scanning your expression as you came like he was trying to memorize it. He pulled his hand away too quickly, taking your panties with him.
Jungkook tucked your now ruined lace panties in his suit pocket and gazed at you, grinning as he unzipped his pants, "Okay, I'm gonna fuck you now."
"Okay," You said weakly, feeling your pussy spasm around nothing.
He shuffled closer to you, standing in between your legs as he pumped his cock. You peered down, wanting to see what his cock looked like before it entered you. Shit- he was huge. Maybe he should've used another finger. You watched him reach in his wallet and pull out a condom, tearing it open quickly before rolling it over his cock. You bit down on your lip nervously, realizing how much this was about to sting.
"What? Nervous? Wanna stop?" Jungkook asked, tilting your head back up to look at him with a finger underneath your chin.
You locked eyes with him, eyes warm and inviting. His lips were flushed pink and had some of your lipgloss smudged on them, cheeks flushed and a glow on his skin. He was really pretty like this. He was just pretty in general. No, you definitely didn't want to stop.
"No," You said simply, "I want you."
He smiled and nodded shortly, lining himself up with your entrance and pushing in with one smooth motion, "What pretty girl wants, pretty girl gets."
You laughed shakily, leaning into the slight burn of his cock splitting you open, "Whatever I want?"
"Whatever you want," He nodded, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before starting to move his hips, cock pulling and pushing against your pussy walls. "Shit- you feel really fucking good around me."
You moaned at his words, feeling his hips snap back, pulling his cock almost completely out of you before slamming back in. You were glad you were sitting on the countertop, you weren't sure your legs were working at the moment, curled tightly around Jungkook's body. His hands gripped your thighs, pulling your dress up and out of the way so he could watch your pussy take him, liking the wet noises that came along with how turned on you were.
"So wet, you have a crush on me or something?" He joked, laughing in a dry sort of way. You rolled your eyes and gripped a hand over his bicep, digging your nails into the muscle there underneath his suit jacket.
His thrusts quickened and he released one of your hips to slip his fingers around where your pussy was stretched around his cock, rubbing the folds there, adding stimulation that ripped the air from your body, making your head spin, body beginning to float away to nothingness.
"You're so fucking sexy," You moaned, gazing at him and the look of total concentration on his face as he fucked you into the bathroom countertop. His brow furrowed, sweat dripping down his face, pink tongue sticking out between his lips slightly. There was no way there was another guy on the planet like him- no one was this attractive.
You saw him blush and look up towards you nervously, suddenly shy to make eye contact, "Yeah? Y-you are too."
It was your time to smirk, rolling your body onto his. You felt his fingers latch onto your clit, rubbing incessantly. You clenched your pussy around him and he groaned, keening over and smashing his face into the crook of your neck, breath stuttering. He changed his pace suddenly, rolling his hips onto yours with an even faster speed you didn't know was possible. He was precise, pushing on the sensitive spot in your pussy with his fingers on your clit matching, pulsing, squeezing, tugging sharply.
"Your pussy felt so good cumming around my fingers," He mumbled against your skin, "Wanna feel it around my cock too, can you do that for me?"
"Okay, only because you asked so nicely." You smiled, feeling his hand squeeze your side in response. He bit down on the same spot of your shoulder he did earlier and that was it- you were unraveling around him in an uncontrollable way. You whined out his name over and over, triggering his own release as his hips finally faltered, shoving against yours for the last time. He stilled in you, moaning against your skin in that silvery tone that rang out like a bell in your ears. You felt him empty into the condom that separated yourself from him, feeling oddly angry that he had worn one to begin with.
You had just gotten fucked hard and were already wondering what it would feel like to have him do it again without a condom, what it would feel like to be stuffed with his cum. You squeezed around him unintentionally, getting turned on again at the thought. He winced, feeling oversensitive and pulled out of you slowly. His hands were shaking slightly, pulling off the condom and tying it closed before throwing it away in the trashcan.
You pulled your dress down as you caught your breath, floating back down to earth. Your eyes fell on the clock- you had been gone for 20 minutes.
"I should've been back at the table already," You noted, staring at the clock.
Jungkook tucked himself back into his pants and fixed his appearance, frowning at the mirror, "I should've kept fucking you for longer."
You laughed and ran a hand through your hair, "Maybe I should just go home- it'll be suspicious if we both go back at this point and I've made enough conversation for the night."
Jungkook stood in front of you, looking too happy but otherwise rid of all evidence of being freshly fucked, "Give me your number at least, I want to see you again."
You pursed your lips and debated it for a moment, staring at the hopeful look on his face. Normally, you'd say no. But something about him...
"Fine," You said nonchalantly. "But don't expect anymore exceptions from me. I'm hard work."
"I'm okay with that," He grinned, pulling his phone out quickly.
You really hoped that he was because he officially impressed you.
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enchantestuff · 3 years
rekindle - rbr sebastian vettel
in which after a long time apart, you and Sebastian rekindle your love for one another in the least romantic place you could think of - a sweaty, packed nightclub
Tumblr media
warnings: public sex (ofc), fingering, teasing, lowkey angst at the start, nicknames, uncomfy ex, sebastain Vettel deserves a warning himself, happy sinning
taglist: @theringers​ @forestviper201 @icemanhoneybadger​ @formulamei @findthelightinyourlife
3.1k words
You smirked as your eyes met from across the club for what felt like the hundredth time that night. You hadn't seen him in over a year, the last time you were even in the same country as him had ended up with you climbing into a taxi, speeding away to the airport and him standing half naked in his driveway, wishing for the car to turn around and end his worst nightmare.
The relationship between you and Sebastsian was a complicated one to say the least. You had grown up with each other, your families vacationed together every second summer and you spent many christmases together. It was only when you got older that you started to really appreciate Sebastian.
Daydreams of what it would be like to spend a night in bed with him began to fill your free moments. Images of the two of you tangled in bed was once something that you could only dream about, but that dream certainly became a reality one unforgettable night in Italy.
It was during a celebratory dinner after yet another win that he had leaned over to talk to you. His lips brushed against the side of your neck and goosebumps had risen all over your skin, you cursed yourself for your reaction but soon began praising your childish antics once Sebastian finally caught onto how you felt about him.
The few words of “do i make you nervous, liebe?” led to the two of you making out in the corridor. That celebratory dinner escalated to a friends with benefits situation which set off a more than complicated relationship between the two of you where feelings were of course present, but stubbornness from both sides refused to let them be out in the open.
Your feelings for one another eventually escaped when he got into a nasty crash in the middle of a race. You ran up to him the minute he stormed into the garage, tears welling in your eyes as you crushed into a hug. He held you with just as much force and whispered into your ear what you had been waiting for months to hear.
He told you that you had been the only thing on his mind when he crashed into the wall and he didn't want to go a minute longer without telling you how he really felt about you
As much as you wanted things to be great with Sebastain, your relationship was unfortunately not plain sailing from there and the media had a bring role to play in your downfall. They wouldn't leave him or you alone, constantly following the two of you wherever you went and even going as far as sending mail to your shared home. It was the media that drove you to leave the man you adored and move to another country in search for a new career and a new life away from the public eye.
You stared at him now, unable to tear your eyes away from his beautiful frame. He looked as good as ever and you knew deep down that you would probably never see him again. So against your brain telling you not to, you engraved every detail of his face into your memory, not wanting to let him go just yet.
You felt horrible for leaving him and strongly believed that he hated you for abandoning him. You wouldn't have blamed him if he did, you sometimes hated yourself for that decision. So you kept your distance from him all night, repeatedly telling yourself that if he did not harbor any bad emotions towards you, then he would approach you himself.
To tell the truth, you were too embarrassed to go up to him yourself, too full of guilt to face him after what you had done. But when he made eye contact with you as he pulled a girl into his body, something inside you snapped and you found yourself being dragged into an all too familiar game of cat and mouse with him.
Your night of teasing had officially begun the minute he kissed the brunette's neck, refusing to break your stare as his hands ran up and down her hips. You decided it was your turn to reciprocate the teasing and pulled a random, but still handsome, man towards you to dance. Holding your gaze with him, you allowed the man to grip onto your hips and sway from side to side. Your ass pressing against him with every beat of the music.
You maintained eye contact with him as he chatted with multiple women, his hands resting dangerously low on their backs as he smirked in your direction, you hated how much you loved his little games.
You decided to take a dance break and stepped away from the claustrophobic dance floor. Moving towards the less packed bar, you leaned against the contour top as you ordered yet another drink. The feeling of hands wrapping around your hips didn’t surprise you, nor did the hot breath fanning across the back of your neck. You were used to the warmth of Seb’s body by now and after so much time apart, you still recognized his touch.
“Quite a show you put on back there,” he muttered, gesturing to the bartender for another drink before turning his attention back towards you. You kept your face forward, staring at the variety of liquor stacked on the shelves as Sebastian flirted with you in your ear. He was still positioned behind you, which you saw as the perfect opportunity to press your ass against his crotch.
The tightening of his grip only fueled you to press yourself further into him in hopes that you would emit an even stronger reaction from him, and boy did you get what you wanted. One of his hands rested underneath your breast and as he emitting a small amount of pressure against you, he forced you into him.
No longer leaning against the counter, you could now feel the entirety of his body pressed against you. Every vein and muscle. Every curve and dent of his body, Still, that didn't stop you from wiggling your bum against him.
“Are you trying to turn me on right now, love, or are you really that fucking oblivous?”
You twisted your head to finally look at him, momentarily taken aback by his pure beauty before regaining your confidence again. “That depends,” you hummed, purposely brushing your lips against his neck as you spoke, “Is it working?”
His hold on you tightened and somehow he pulled you even closer to him, allowing you to feel every inch and vein of his hardened cock. “Someones excited,” you smiled, immediately freezing up when you caught sight of your ex boyfriend standing next to you.
He was the man you had been with before Seb and it was safe to say he had completely broken your heart.
Confusion immediately filled Sebs body at your reaction, fearful he had done something wrong he moved to stand beside you, holding onto your bicep as he looked you in your eyes. “Are you alright, darling?” he questioned, his eyes bouncing back and forth as he searched your face for any indication of pain.
“Yeah its - “
“Y/N! Great to see you.” Dread immediately filled your body at the infamous voice, you felt yourself go rigid in Sebastian's grip and desperately wished for your ex to leave the two of you alone.
“Who's this douche?” Seb whispered in your ear, trying to relive some of your tension and comfort you in what seemed to be a terribly uncomfortable situation.
“Brad, hey,” you muttered, you grabbed hold of Sebastian's hand that was previously sprawled on the bar countertop, using the warmth of his touch as a confidence booster to finally turn around and face the brutal ex.
“How have you been?” he asked, refusing to even glance at the Redbull driver next to you, focusing his hungry gaze on you and you only.
You sighed deeply at his attempt of small talk. Could he not just say hello and move on? Did he really need to interrupt your night.
Sebastian kept a close eye on you throughout your short conversation. A sense of protectiveness filled him at your rigid stance, he knew you could handle the situation yourself but he couldn't help but want to aid you. He felt the need to get involved. So he did.
He didn’t let you answer the man's next question of what you had recently been up to, instead he grabbed hold of the side of your face, his fingers dipping into the nape of your neck as he pulled you into him. He grinned smugly at the worried glance you threw his way before connecting your lips together.
The kiss was hesitant at first.
Taking into account this was your first shared kiss together since the breakup, it felt both natural and unusual to be kissing him again, but as the seconds passed you found yourself relaxing in his hold and began kissing him back with much more force.
You lost yourself in the moment, the idea of your ex boyfriend watching you make out with your other ex boyfriend didn't even cross your mind. You solely focused on the way Sebastian’s lips felt against yours after such a long time apart. He was addicting.
Your eyes fluttered open when he pulled away, blushing slightly at the sheepish look he threw your exes way. “What were you saying, mate?” he confidently asked.
The feeling of his palm burned against your cheek and you couldn't even bring yourself to look at Brad, but you didn't need to as he just stumbled away, clearly intimidated by Sebastian.
There was no need for you to say anything to Seb - if the way you were teasing him earlier on in the evening was of no indication to how you felt about him - then the lustful look you were giving him now certainly was.
He immediately pulled you back into him, your lips reconnecting in a lustful kiss. With no more awkwardness surrounding the two of you, you found yourself enjoying it even more.
Moving one of his hands down your body, Sebastian forcefully squeezed your bum which emitted a gasp from you, allowing him to slip his tongue into your mouth, further deepening the kiss. He pressed his body against yours and your hands raked across it, feeling his muscles flex against your hands.
You moaned into his mouth the minute he dug his hips into you, the feeling of his body so close to you bringing you back to when the two of you dated. Confusion filled you when he pulled away, ending your lovely make out session and disappointing you tremendously. “Don't start what you can't finish, love” he warned, leaning down to scatter kisses across your chest, nipping and licking at every exposed area.
“Who says I can't finish this?” you remarked, grinning at the way his eyebrows rose at your statement.
“Look around us, darling” he stood up straighter, craning his neck to glance from side to side, taking into account the multiple people surrounding the two of you. Hundreds of people filled the room, hundreds of eyes that could possibly witness something. Hundreds of reasons why the two of you shouldn't get ahead of yourselves. But then again, when he looked back at you and the playful pout that crossed your features - he found himself making up a hundred different reasons as to why it was such a brilliant idea.
“But then again,” he continued, leaning closer to you in order to whisper in your ear, “that's never stopped us before.”
A shiver ran up your spine at his words, images flashing through your mind of previous encounters the two of you had in the most inappropriate areas. Cutting your daydream short, Sebastian grabbed hold of your hand and guided you up the stairs to the more secluded vip area.
The bouncer merily glanced at Sebastian before lifting the red velvet rope and letting the two of you in. Nodding a small thanks to the man, he continued his journey into the dimly lit area, a content hum leaving his lips at the sight of a small booth in the corner.
He sat down on the plush seats and you fell down to sit on top of him, the lower half of your body covered by the wooden table in front of you. Sebastian wasted no time in kissing your neck, unable to detach himself from your skin for more than a few moments.
Your head fell back onto his shoulder, watching the small group of people ahead of you dancing and laughing at each other caused a blush to quickly creep up your cheeks. The thought if anyone witnessing your antics both embarrassing and exciting you.
“Are you sure you want to do this, liebe?” Seb questioned, he placed his finger on your cheek and forced you to look at him as he spoke. “Because once we start, I won't be able to stop.”
“And why would I ever want you to stop?” you shot back, pressing your bum further into him to prove your point. Sebs eyes scanned the area, having seemingly decided the risk of getting caught was worth it, he ran his fingers up your thigh, under your skirt and into your underwear.
His other hand trailed the opposite direction, moving up your body to gently squeeze your breast. You arched your back at the sensation, your ass moving further into him and a harsh squeeze being delivered as a result.
Slipping a finger into you, his hand flew away from your breast to clamp over your mouth, muffling the sudden moan that escaped you. “You have to be quiet, sweetheart. There's people around us,” he reminded.
He littered gentle kisses up your neck and you could feel his smirk against your skin at the shaky breath you let out the minute he slipped a second finger into you. “I don't think anyone else deserves to hear your moans, darling.”
You hummed against his hand, wetness pooling at his words and your eyes fluttering closed as his thumb began to circle your clit. “Move up for a second, liebe,” he demanded once he removed his fingers from you. Having no other option but to comply, you braced your hands against the table and stood up on shaky legs. You patiently waited as Sebastain undid his belt, the sound of the metal coming undone bringing a newfound wetness to your core.
“Ready?” he questioned, moving his hand up and down your thigh to comfort you. You nodded your head, biting harshly on your lip, you quickly glanced behind you and yet another shaky breath tumbled from your lips at the sight you beheld.
Sebastain was sprawled across the couch with his dick barely covered by your body. The sight of him shamelessly sitting there did something to you and before you lost your confidence, you slowly lowered yourself down onto him.
“Keep quiet now,” he reminded once you took all of him in. Your hands gripped onto the table in front of you, your knuckles quickie turning white as you used it as leverage to start moving.
The sound of your skin hitting against sebastians was muffled by the laughter of the crowd and the loudness of the msic booming across the grand club. “I'm trying,” you grunted.
You slowly bounced on him, trying to keep your movements small and inconspicuous to the people around you. But Sebastian could only last so long without needing to take over. A moan accidentally escaped you once he began thrusting his own hips upwards to meet yours. In response to your foolishness, he grabbed a fistful of your hair, yanking not so gently on it as a warning and forcing you to look at the dim lights hanging above you instead of the people ahead of you.
Holding onto your body he quickly steadied you, forcing you to halt your movements as a random man walked up to the two of you. You shifted in his hold and attempted to reposition yourself to look more natural towards the stranger. You just wanted it to seem like you were cuddling the driver, not bouncing on his dick.
One of your arms wrapped around his neck while the other laid on his chest. You spared a quick glance downwards, making sure your skirt covered everything before looking back up at the man. Sebastian greeted him, admittedly not poilelty, but he greeted him nevertheless. It only took a few seconds for the two of you to realise he was a fan and by the looks of it, would do anything to hold a conversation with the Sebastian Vettel.
You couldn't help but move on his lap, the need for friction overwhelming you after staying put for several minutes. You slowly began rolling your hips, your heart racing at the sudden release of pressure and also at the fact you were grinding on him with a fan of his only a few feet away.
Sebastian cleared his throat, trying desperately to pay attention to the man in front of him and not on how good you felt clenching around him. His hips unintentionally runted up into you, muttering a quick curse under his breath he grimaced at the man, cutting his sentence short as he gestured towards you. “If you wouldn't mind,” he sympathetically commented.
“Right, right sorry,” he mumbled, “Enjoy your night.”
He soon scrambled away from view and Sebastian began carelessly thrusting into you again. You returned to your original position, now resting your head against the table, thankful for the pleasure filling your whole body. You could feel a bead of sweat forming on the nape of your neck and were almost certain you looked a mess but you couldn't have cared as you got nearer and nearer to your peak.
This new angle allowed Sebastian to take control of your activities. He guided your hips back and forth, not paying attention to the movement of the table nor the attention that the two of you could possibly bring your way. All he wanted was to bring you to your release. “Are you going to cum for me, darling?” he whispered. You nodded against the table, the coolness of the wood reliving your flushed cheeks as you felt the knot begin to release in your stomach.
You moved your hand to grip onto his thigh, “I'm gonna-” you mumbled, unable to finish your sentence as he gripped onto the back of your neck and forced you to sit up straight. His fingers immediately fell down your throat in a poor attempt to muffle your moans. You whimpered loudly at his show of dominance, your attempts to keep quiet failing profusely as he hurried his movements.
His fingers moved further down your throat as your walls clenched around him. Before you knew it you were spilling yourself against Sebastain. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head and heat filling your body as he followed in your actions.
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aruuq · 3 years
Gifts Headcanons – Haikyuu Characters; Advent Calendar Day 2
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characters: akaashi, atsumu, bokuto, fukunaga, futakuchi, hanamaki, hinata, kageyama, kenma, kita, kuroo, oikawa, osamu, sakusa, suna, tendou, terushima, ushijima x gn!reader
genre & style: fluff
word count: 1.7k
notes: i really tried to turn my creativity on with this one
warnings: mention of food
event’s masterlist │ other gifts headcanons: gnshn ┃ jjk ┃ tkrv
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❄ Kageyama seems like a really awkward person. He wants to show you how much you mean to him, but at the same time he doesn’t want to scare you. Tobio’s terrified that if he buys you something much cheaper than a gift that you bought for him, you’ll be upset; but at the same time if he buys you something wayyyy too expensive, he’s scared of you feeling uncomfortable with a cheap gift. There is only one solution to this situation. Kageyama buys you a few gifts (the range of them is from a carton of favorite yoghurt to a gold necklace with little gems in a charm), and he only gives you your present after he receives his, so that he knows which one should he pick.
❄ This precious ball of sunshine sees the whole world in you. Hinata loves you and wants to share his passion for volleyball with you, so he buys you a ball from his favourite brand (be it Mikasa or Molten). Then he tries his best in wrapping it in a red ribbon, and ta-dah! He gives you your present with a bunch of hand-made coupons for private lessons of volleyball with him!
❄ Kuroo looks like a man who would buy you a giant bouquet of your favourite flowers (they can be artificial if you are allergic), and invite you for dinner in an expensive restaurant. He prefers experiences over material goods, so he makes sure to take you somewhere interesting after eating! It may be a simple walk over a nearby lake, or a night in an arcades, Tetsurou choses it based on your likings!
❄ Kenma is a simple boy. Don’t expect him to give you anything other than a game. But don’t get me wrong. He does it only so you can both spend more time together playing this one specific game you’ve been wanting to play with him for so long. But if you really really don’t like playing games, then he buys you something different that has to be connected with your hobby, and preferably, is useful.
❄ Fukunaga wants to give you something you’ll remember forever. That is exactly why he prepares you something to be an experience you will never forget. Your date starts with a dinner he cooked himself, then it moves to his room where he’s prepared a comfy seat for you to rest while he tells you all sorts of jokes he specially prepared for this occasion.
❄ I think that our Grand King starts looking for a gift for you wayyyy too early. It’s only September, when he creates a note in his planner with ideas of what he could possibly get for you. The funniest thing is that, when time finally comes when he’s facing the decision of buying you something, Oikawa goes blank. There’s way too many options scribbled on the dedicated page in his notebook, and across random places (like his note app on the phone, receipts, tissues, pages of magazines). Finally, he proceeds to buy you something he’s remembered you talking about a long time ago, ignoring all of his helpful notes.
❄ You expect him to give you something stupid. A shirt with a low quality meme printed on it, a whole box of these lighters that shock you with electricity when you use it, or just a silly trinket that reminds him of you. But Hanamaki has different plans for a gift for you. After he saw an ad with some beauty products on your phone that seemed to attract your attention, he decided to buy it for you. It may be a mascara, eyeshadow palette, a moisturizing cream or literally anything that makes him think “Wow. A beauty product. So cool.” It doesn’t necessarily need to be a beauty-beauty product, it just has to scream to his little brain that it is a beauty product. He also wants it to be tested on him right after you open it, because he’s curious how good a job he did by buying it for you.
❄ Bokuto is very excited about the idea of exchanging gifts with you. The big boy that he is with the character that he has, I’m sure he buys you a giant teddy bear that’s his height. He wants you to be able to hug him even if it’s not actually him but a plushy. He also gives you a self-made Christmas card that may be a bit crooked and uneven, and stained with way too much glitter, and maybe some of the kanjis are misspelled, but it’s from Bokuto. And that’s what matters the most.
❄ I think that Akaashi buys you something he knows you want but you will never buy it yourself, cause you think it’s not worth the money (even tho you really want it). For some people this thing might be some clothes, for others a book, and for different ones a game or a phone case or literally anything, so I will not give you any specifics. But you get what I mean.
❄ Ushijima straightforwardly asks you if there’s anything you need so that he can provide this to you. He knows he’s not good at reading people, so he doesn’t want to upset you by giving you an unwanted gift. Your ideal answer would be showing him the exact product that you want (for example showing him the exact pair of shoes you want) – he can also work with a specific item (something like I just want a long blue dress or I want a new coffeemaker) – but what feels like a nightmare to him is you saying that you doesn’t care what he gets you. It probably ends with him buying you a horrifying porcelain statue he’s found in the local bazaar or other weird shit.
❄ Tendou, honestly, is a cutie. His idea for a gift is easy. It’s plain. And maybe basic. But it’s something you associate with him the most. He gives you a giant hand-made chocolate bar with nuts or dried fruits in it shaped like your favourite anime or cartoon character. Tendou even goes one step further and adds tiny gold particles in it to make it more bourgeois. And if you are allergic to cocoa – he does it with white chocolate. And if you don’t like white chocolate – he adds crushed freeze-dried fruit to change its taste.
❄ He’s a rational but romantic man. For sure Kita buys you something he knows will be useful in your everyday life that also reminds you of him. It may be a handkerchief that he himself has embroidered floral patterns on it, because he knows you always complain after eating a meal in public that your hands are dirty, and you don’t want to wipe them in your palms; it may be a wallet he has put his picture in before giving it to you, due to the fact that yours has a broken zipper; or a metal key ring with a fox pendant, ‘cause he knows you always lose your keys.
❄ He’s a funny little man, I love him. Atsumu for sure buys you something very original, you’ll remember for ages. My personal headcanon of him is that he highly craves adrenaline, so I think he’ll buy you a voucher for a bungee jump or a parachute jump, or diving with sharks. He also buys one for himself, so you are not alone while doing this crazy thing.
❄ Suna is a lil shit. When you meet for the exchanging of gifts, he acts surprised as if he’s forgotten about it. No matter if you are disappointed or you tell him that nothing has happened, he continues his little game until you two arrive at his place. In the middle of a movie marathon, he hands you an envelope with tickets. These can be tickets to the cinema, to an amusement park, or for a train to a place you've been wanting to go for a long time.
❄ Osamu invites you over for dinner. But it's not just any dinner. It’s a dinner you could buy for a lot of money at a bourgie restaurant, the one with twelve courses, decades-old wine, and someone playing violin in the background (it’s probably someone from his team that has taken a few lessons in their childhood, but hey! it’s the efforts that matters). Oh, he also sends Atsumu to one of their friends, so that you can spend this precious time alone, without the interruption of his annoying (ily Atsumu, dw) twin brother.
❄ Sakusa buys you something small and classy you can wear on special events. It can be a pretty gold brooch, silver cufflinks or a tie clip matching your favourite tie. He wants you to think about him while in situations where you may be stressed, surrounded by lots of people talking to you and not giving you a moment to breathe. When your fingers clasp onto the present he’s given you, you already feel better, even if he’s not by your side.
❄ I think that Futakuchi may try to include a bit of everything when preparing a gift for you. A bit of something hand-made, a bit of something he has to buy, a bit of going out, a bit of food, a bit of something he’s seen you wanting for a long time and a bit of surprise. When you mix it all together, the only thing I can imagine is preparing a round of scavenger hunt. You need to go after the hints he has scattered around the city, only to find out that the final place is his backyard. He then gives you the real present, being something you’ve really wanted, and orders a takeout you can eat in his room while enjoying each other’s presence.
❄ Terushima’s idea for a present for you is at the same time really predictable, but not really. It suits him tho. He makes sure you will not know what he has prepared for you until the moment of exchanging gifts. Terushima buys you pretty (and probably expensive) jewelry for your favourite piercing – and if you don’t have any, he takes you to his piercer and tells you that you can do whatever you want; no matter how many you want, he'll pay for them all.
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