#my boys my favortie boys i love them
megamixsmania · 4 months
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Offering you zhaohan for valentine's day 🤲🏻
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rosietaeyongswife · 18 days
mission: prom | jung jaehyun
genre: fluff, angst, teenage romance paring: jaehyun x reader synopsis: what happenes when prom is in a month, and you haven't been asked out yet? wc: 7k tw: curses
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Your father was looking at TV, when he realized you didn't come down for dinner. It's been already 30 minutes, since he have asked you downstairs. A little bit concerned, he went upstairs to check on you and boy, he didn't expect to find you sitting on the bed crying with your earphones in.
"Y/N?" He asked, but you couldn't hear him. He came closer and tap you on your shoulder. "Are you alright?"
"Oh, yes. Sorry, dad. I got caught up."
"Why you're crying?" Your eyes drifted away from his, to hide embarrassment. "C'mon, you know you can tell me."
For a moment, you held back, because your father might not care, but it's better to let go of negative energy.
"I haven't been asked out to prom, yet." Trying to hold tears in wasn't easy. "It might be silly, but I wish I could go with someone. All my friends are going with their partners, and here I am. Don't worry, I just needed to cry and I'll be fine."
"Y/N, don't be silly. It's still a lot of time, and I assure you, there is a gentleman who is going to ask you out. I promise." He hugged you. "You're pretty, smart and funny girl. Who wouldn't want to go with you? Crazy. Don't stress about it, love." He got up and smiled at you. "Mum made pasta, your favortie one."
There was an ache in your father's heart. Did he feel heartbroken? Yes, probably yes. His little daughter was crying alone in her bedroom, because no boy asked her to prom. He wants only the best for you and wishes you happiness, and there's no way, you're going alone.
He never said anything, but he was thinking about it all night. What to do? And after a while, realization hit him. Your dad is a football couch at Seoul's University, so he's facing a bunch of boys only year older than you, daily. One of them could be good for you. Here come a list in his mind.
Yuta Nakamoto? He's Japanese, and he's just a year older, studying business at University. He's really respectful, smart and funny but he found him annoying. A lot of rumours say, he's a playboy and he doesn't look for anything special yet. Out.
Kim Jungwoo? He's tall, handsome, funny guy of the team. Jungwoo never fails to make anyone smile, and he's engineerer student so it makes him perfect canditate. But. He's shy, and boys were talking about him and some girl. Out.
Kim Mingyu? He's also very tall, handsome and mysterious. A lot of girls have a crush on him, but he's not the smartest among the team, and he has a temper. Sometimes he's too stubborn and it's not cool. Out.
As your dad was thinking about it, his hopes went down. Is there anyone, who isn't douchebag or dumb? He isn't going to set up his precious girl with some jerk. And then an idea popped.
Jung Jaehyun. Tall, handsome, funny and respectful student. He's studying business with Yuta, and a lot of girls have a crush on him and teachers love him. He's most polite person, your dad has ever met. Professors always praise him, because he always gets high marks and he's the best football player in the team. On top of that, his father was an old friend of your father. He helped Jungs in the past, making Jaehyun's dad, a professor in United States some time ago. Bingo.
On your way to classes, all you could hear was your friends bragging about their prom dates. It was annoying you, because you still don't have any date. Jealousy was getting over you, but you hide it as much as you could.
"Doyoung came with a big sign and flowers in his hand." Sohyeon said with a proud smile, showing you picture of her boyfriend. "I was stunned. Imagine, Kim Doyoung showing up with these things to ask me out, crazy."
"Jungwoo wasn't original." Jimin said with a pout. "We were hanging out at his dorm, and he turned the TV off. I looked at him, and he asked if I wanted to go with him."
"I mean, it's Jungwoo, we're talking about." You pointed out. "At least, he did ask."
"What about you, Y/N?" Sohyeon smiled at you widely. "I bet there must be some hottie. Tell us."
"Actually, nope."
Girls tried to comfort you, but you were aware of reality. Majority of people had already dates, and this wouldn't change much.
"I bet someone will ask you out." Jimin hugged you. "Look, I had no idea few months ago, I'd be dating Doyoung. I used to stay at home 24/7. And look, I'm dating him."
"For real, you can't stress about it. I mean, going alone isn't the worst. Many people go alone. It's fine."
"Yes, I bet it is. It'd just be nice to have a date."
"Imagine if someone like, oh." Jimin pouted. "Jung Jaehyun asked you out. Do you remember him? A year ago, everyone and their moms had a crush on him. He's literally the most handsome man I've ever seen. Besides, Jungwoo right."
"Oh fuck." Sohyeon nodded with a laughter. "He once asked me about a teacher, and I could fall because of his beauty."
"I've heard, he asked Chaeyoung out by getting on his knees with her favorite flowers in hand and sang her a song. Isn't it romantic?" Jimin and Sohyeon both were daydreaming about Jaehyun. "He never sings for anyone, so she must've been special."
"Wow, that's awesome." You nodded. "Do you think they're still dating?"
"Maybe? I have no idea, but Park Chaeyoung is studying law, and he's doing business at different universities. I hope they broke up."
"Why? You can't say that."
"C'mon, Y/N. He deserves better."
Park Chaeyoung was known pretty and popular girl among your year, just a year ago. At first, everyone thought she's nice and polite, but then it turned out she's the most fake person, that school has ever seen. If she didn't like someone, she'd turn their life into hell. People got to know, few weeks after prom and since then she left school to write SATS in another school.
The weather outside was sunny and warm, which resulted on bunch of men being sweaty and greasy. They've been running nonstop for past half an hour, and it was just a beginning of practice.
Your father was thinking what is he supposed to say to Jaehyun to make him agree.
"Jaehyun." Younger man turned around to check what's going on. "Can I talk to you?"
"Of course, couch. What's up?"
"Listen, I have an odd question." He nodded. "You know my daughter, Y/N, right? She used to come here with me some time ago."
"Oh, Y/N. Yes, I know her. Not really know, but I know who she is. Why?"
"What I'm about to say may be crazy for you, and I understand if you wouldn't like to agree, but I'm desperate." Jaehyun was confused. What do you have to do with him? "She hasn't been asked out to Prom, and she probably won't be. I love her, and I can't bear the pain to see her heartbroken. Would you ask my daughter out to Prom?"
Jaehyun was stunned and he had no words. What was he supposed to say? He doesn't even know you. At all.
"I like you couch, and I respect you, but I don't really know her. I don't think it's a great idea, maybe you should've asked Yuta-"
"No. You're most normal guy here. Jaehyun, please. Think about it. I'll let you play in the main squad in semi finals. I promise."
"I'll think about it, couch."
Jaehyun wasn't sure what to do. At first, he was certain to say no, but your dad promised him place in the main squad on semi finals. It's his big chance right there.
After the practice, he went straight home and wanted nothing else but sleep. As he was about to shower, his father called him.
"Jaehyun, did Mr. Y/L/N asked you?"
"Oh, God. You too?" He hissed. "It's crazy dad. I literally don't know her at all. Am I supposed to show up at her door tommorow with a flower in a hand and as if she wants to be my prom date? Please. It's ridiculous."
"I know how it sounds, but you need to agree." He sighed and Jaehyun once again, was confused. "Her father used to help me to get a place in professor staff. Thanks to him, I could work at Harvard. He helped me, and it's time to return a favor. I'm not asking you to date her, son. Just one night."
Only two weeks until prom, and here you are with your mother and Jimin in a shop with all the beautiful dresses. The longer you were in there, the more mad you were. All the dresses you tried on, were either ugly or not flattering.
"Baby, I think you need to make your mind. There's plenty of choice. Pick something."
"I'll just get something black." You said with a grin. "Nothing else looks good on me, black is classic. And heels. Whatever."
Jimin felt bad, because you were excited just a ten minutes ago, but now you're tired. After picking a dress, three of you came to your home. Your mother was busy with conversation with your father, while you and Jimin were looking for makeup inspirations on Pinterest.
"I think I'm doing glam." Jimin showed you a picture of glam makeup on some girl. "I need to go extra hard, you know."
"Well, you should. I bet you're going to look amazing, Jimin."
"You too. Find yourself a good inspo, and we'll be slaying the shit out of that place."
After few minutes, Jungwoo came to pick Jimin up. Both of them are supposed to have a dinner date tonight. You waved them goodbye, but you noticed how Jungwoo was looking at you and whispered something to Jimin. She seems to be excited, but she played it off and left. Weird.
As you were packing your stuff for school, a door bell rang in the whole house.
"Y/N, open the door." Your father ordered you to do it.
It annoyed you. Both of your parents were sitting downstairs in the living room, yet they called you to open the door.
"Hi, who-" You stopped mid sentence. "Jung Jaehyun? What are you doing here?"
You got outside and closed the door after you. Jaehyun was wearing a black suit and he was looking really fine in it. In his hands were small boquete of rosses, and you were real confused at the moment.
"I came, because I want to take you to Prom together." He smiled and showed you his dimples. He also gave you the rosses. "Y/N, will you be my prom date?"
He was smiling at you, looking adorable and all you could do was sigh.
Jaehyun was baffled. He didn't expect such an outcome. You were supposed to be extra excited, say yes and hug him, thanking for saving you, and he was supposed to play in semi finals. And you have audacity to say no?
"What do you mean no?"
"No, I won't let you be my date, Jaehyun." You were smilling, and it didn't help Jaehyun to realize what's going on. "I guess my father must've asked you to do it. Damn, he really pitties me."
"It's not like that, I mean, I mea-" He was at loss of words. "You were supposed to say yes. I thought you still don't have a date."
"That's true, I don't."
Jaehyun was laughing ironically.
"Then what's the issue? Agree and you will have a cute date, and best time of your life with me."
"You don't even know me, Jaehyun. We were friends when we were, like, 5?" You laughed at Jaehyun expression, handing him the flowers. "I appreciate your efforts, but I don't want to go with someone who pity me."
Before Jaehyun could speak, you left. He was baffled on the sport in front of your door. He was theoritically dumped. His pride got hurt a bit, since no one has ever told him "no" until today. Not only pride got hurt, but his hope also died. He can't let go. He needs sport in main squad, it's his chance to become someone big.
"Y/N you're going with me wheter you like it or not."
And with that he left. He promised to himself, he's going to make you change your mind and secure a spot in main team.
It's been five days since Jaehyun has showed up at your door with rosess in his hand. You didn't tell anything about it to your friends, becasue they would get worked out over nothing. Sohyeon and Jimin were busy with their love lives, while you kinda stuck with them to kill boredroom.
"Wait." Jimin stopped on her track. "Isn't it Jung Jaehyun's car?"
"What do you mean?"
Three of you turned your gaze towards black Mercedes, that was parked in front of your school. Plates said exact numbers, Jaehyun owns.
"That's weird." Sohyeon chuckled. "What does he need from here?"
Before anyone could answer, tall male got out the car and was making his way towards you and your friends. Your hearbeat got faster, and you were about to faint.
"Is he coming towards us?"
"I guess."
You had internal battle with yourself, wheter to run away or stay still and die of embarrassment.
"Y/N." The way his voice sounds, made you even more nervous than you already were. "I came by, and I'd like to give you ride home."
Witnesses of this scene were baffled. It was some fanfiction shit in real life, because how the hell, is Jaehyun picking you up from school?
"I don't think it's necessary."
"C'mon. Don't be so lame, let's go."
"I can handle myself." You hissed. "Thank you, but nope."
"I won't ask twice. You're either coming with me or I'm tell-"
"Fine." You didn't give him a chance to speak. "I'll go with you."
You waved your friends goodbye and left with a weird stranger, who doesn't seem to let go.
"Why you're so cold, huh?" He smiled at himself, while he was turning on engine. "I know we don't know each other, but what's stopping us from getting to know each other? Nothing."
"Listen, I don't want to get to know you, alright? You're so annoying, I told you no. What part of my decline you didn't understand?"
Jaehyun was smilling at himself, because of how adorable you were. Annoyed and angry because of him.
"Because I want to be your prom date, how simple is that?" He teased with his eyes focused on the road. "I see no cons of that situation."
Listening to him was getting on your nerves. The next thing you're about to do, was to have a talk with your father. It was all his fault. You being in that car was his fault. Jaehyun getting on your neveres, was, also, his fault.
"We don't know each other, I won't go with a stranger."
"Then we'll get to know each other, simple."
As you were about to protest, you saw how he turned in the wrong way. It wasn't the road towards your home.
"I think you turned in the wrong direction."
"C'mon, did you really think we're going home so soon?"
"I want to go home, Jaehyun." You rolled your eyes. "I appreciate your effort, but it's nonsense."
Jaehyun didn't answer, but kept his smile on his lips. This whole time feels like an illusion. You're in Jaehyun's car, going God knows where. What if he's a psycho, who's about to kill you?
"Easy, I'm not going to kidnap or kill you."
"What the fuck?" Now you were scared. "How did you-"
"I can see it in your facial expressions. Believe me or not, I'm not into killing pretty girls."
"So cliche."
"And funny."
After ten minutes, both of you get out the car. The sight in front of you was quite mesmerizing. It was a lake with woods around. The views was impressing, but you had no intentions to say it out loud.
"How do you like it?"
"It's cool." You shrugged. "It's the place where you take all your girls, right? I guess it's a nice location."
"Don't be so mean. I don't take anyone here." He replied, going towars small bridge. "I am here once every few weeks. I like it here. Peace and sound."
"So.. Why are we here?"
"To spend some time together?" He was sarcastic, which made you even more annoyed than you already were. "You said, you're not going to prom with a stranger, then I'll stop being a stranger."
"Jaehyun, I wasn't joking-"
"What's your favorite color then?"
"Really?" You couldn't believe your ears. "You're asking me about my favorite color, God."
"Just answer me."
"I don't know. Red probably?"
"Red. Sounds good. Mine's black, since you haven't bothered to ask."
"It's because I don't care?" You tried to keep your cool, but Jaehyun made you nervous. "Geez."
"Another question."
"I feel like I'm taking a pop quiz."
"Good, that's the point." He leaned by the bench. "Why you're always wearing your earphones in? Ever since I can remember, you were wearing them since the beginning of the high school."
"I like music, isn't it obvious? I just prefer to listen to music to talking with people."
"So you're an introvert."
"And you're an extrovert, I suppose."
"Opposites attract, you know."
"Stop with this cheesy lines, Jaehyun. God."
"I like how you say my name. Cute." He smiled at you, and you tried to hide your smile. He wasn't that bad. "Do you have any questions?"
"Why business? I thought you're into different things."
"Oh. Well, my father made me do it. My plan A is to become a football star." He chuckled with you at your reaction. "My plan B, made by my father, was to become CEO and open own company."
"Sounds secure. Cool."
"I don't know. Economics and business is so fucked ubp. I baerly can do basic math and it's driving me crazy. College is a real deal, Y/N." You smiled at his words. He must've meant it. "And you? Your plans for future?"
"I'm not sure yet." You sat down on a small bench. "I'm thinking about either psychology or criminology. Both are interesting, but it's dificult. I don't think I'm ready for an adult life."
Jaehyun could only nod at your words. It was true, it is scary, but it can be overcomed.
"You're going to figure it out. I bet you're going to be good at whatever you're going to pick."
"Oh, thank you. How cute." You said with a sarcasm. "I appreciate your piece of advice, but it was shitty one."
"C'mon, don't be so negative Miss."
"Don't call me miss, that sounds weird." You made disgusted face. "I think you should drive me back home, my father is probably wondering where am I."
"Oh shit, for sure."
Ride back home was rather fun. Jaehyun was talking about all the times he had embarrased himself or fun stories he and his friends had. It seems like Jaehyun is really cool guy.
"Thank you, uhm, for the ride."
"You're welcome, see you around Y/N."
A little smile crept on your lips, he isn't that bad. Your father was doing dinner for both of you, when he noticed you.
"Was it Jung Jaehyun's car or am I wrong?"
"Indeed. He insisted, dad."
"Do you like him?"
"I bearly know him, please. He's not that bad, but he's still a stranger."
"Cool." He hummed. "Dinner will be ready in a few."
After small talk with your dad, you came into your room and finally checked all the messages from your friends. As you were about to reply, an outcoming call came.
"Why the fuck did Jung Jaehyun came for you?"
"Exactly, mind explaining?"
"I don't know, he just came by, I guess."
"Came by? Y/N Y/L/N, be for real. Why didn't you tell us both of you are talking?"
"Because we aren't. He's just an old friend."
"Doesn't make sense at all. Girl, we should've known before. Now, tell us everything."
You cooked your brows, because you didn't feel like telling your friends about Jaehyun.
"There's nothing to talk about. We met few times, and that's all. I swear." You tried to keep it cool. "I'm sorry but I have to go, my father calls me."
Sometimes Jimin and Sohyeon get out of hand. They're really annoying with your business, and you don't really like it. Relationship with Jaehyun could only mess up your and your friends.
Past week was really exciting for you. All the time, you had spent with Jaehyun. He literally made you laugh so much, and you had really time of your life. Your friends didn't ask much, they just let you do your thing. For the first time in a long time, you felt happy. Jaehyun brought so much joy into your life, which was cool.
"So." Jaehyun looked up from his cup of tea. "I was wondering, if I can be your prom date?"
You almost choked on your tea. The first time Jaehyun has asked you out, it was weird and funny to you, but right now it made you nervous to speak.
"I guess you can."
Jaehyun chuckled a bit and hugged you. You felt redness spread across your cheeks because of that small gesture. There's no way you're falling for him, right?
"See you on friday then. Make yourself look pretty, Y/N."
"I'm always pretty, dork."
"I never said you weren't."
Humming in response, you laughed at Jaehyun. Both of you were about to head home, he's living just five minutes away from you. When you opened the door to your house, you could hear your mother voice.
"But you can't just ask somebody to do it, Jezus."
"Please, calm down it's not like-" He noticed you. "Y/N, hi. You're finally home."
"What were you arguing about?" You chuckled a bit, but you still were concerned. "Both of you look weird, is everything fine?"
Your father took a quick glance at your mother, and then sit down on the counter.
"Not really, we were arguing about my managment of my football team, nothing serious."
"Okay then."
"Honey, are you ready for prom?" Your mother stopped you from going away. "I mean, it's this friday and I want you to feel special."
"Not really."
The next day, your mother took you out on a shopping spree. This day was all about you. Your mother was really happy that both of you could spend a day together after a long time of not doing so. Walking through shops was making you a bit dizzy. Dresses were elegant and beuatiful, so the choice was hard.
"What about this one, Y/N?"
You turned around to see a green mini dress, and you were certain it's not it.
"I don't think green is my colour, mom."
This went on and on, and what supposed to be a nice afternoon turned into a nightmare real quick. Your mother was annoyed with your choices, and the fact you haven't found any of the dresses cute.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I think I can help." A woman with a precious smile on came by. "My name is Jennie, and I've been working here for three years, so I have some experience."
"Thank God, I can't do it anymore." Your mother rolled her eyes. "Y/N be quick."
She then left to sit on the couch and check her phone, while you were on your way with Jennie. She seems to be a nice girl and she was really cool with you.
"I'm sorry for my mother, she's like this sometimes."
"Don't worry, things like this happens here daily, believe me. I know how to deal with it."
"Must be harsh."
"I got used to it by now." She smiled at you. "Here, elegant dress. Black and maxi, what do you think?"
"They're amazing. Wow, I've never seen anything prettier."
"I know right? Well, here's all the dresses available in black. I think black is everyone's go to. So let's take a look."
After ten minutes of going through, what seems like a hundred, dresses, Jennie picked one.
"Is beautiful, I know." She ended your sentance. "Try it on."
It was black, elegant and slevless dress with a square neck. The dress made you pop and look like a princess. Looking at your reflection, you felt beautiful for the first time since forever. You felt like you, but more confident and cooler.
"Excuse me, Mam." Jennie approached your mother. "Your daughter was wondering if you might want to take a look at the dress we choose."
"Finally, okay."
Facial expression your mother had, was spechless. It was a moment where both of you went silent and just looked at each other.
"So, what do you think?"
"You look perfect, Y/N. This is the one, honey." She turned her back and looked at Jennie. "Can we get shoes too?"
D-day, here's your prom night. Jaehyun felt comfortable around you, so were you. Both of you have been texting each other about most casual stuff, as if you had known each other for years. Also, he was annoying you, because he wanted to see the dress, but you told him no. It's supposed to be a surprise.
A bell rang. It must've been him.
"Y/N, someoen's for you." Your dad called you, and suddenly you felt anxious. What if he doesn't like what you wear? "Y/N, c'mon."
Making your way down the stairs, you prayed in your mind for him to like it a lot. On the other hand, Jaehyun was mesmerized by your beauty. He couldn't take his eyes off of you.
"Y/N, you look gorgeous." Jaehyun couldn't take his eyess off of you, which made you blush. "You're killing it."
"Thank you." You tried to hide your face. "Stop looking at me like that!"
"Sorry, my bad."
Ride towars the place of the prom wasn't silent at all. Jaehyun was talking with you about everything like usually. He also couldn't stop looking at you. For the first time in a long time, you felt appreciated by someone else than your parents.
Dance. Everyone who had a pair had to dance. Jaehyun learnt the steps in a day thanks to you. You couldn't tell who was more excited: you or Jaehyun. Whole school had eyes on you and your partner for tonight, but you couldn't care less. Tonight feels like a dream. It was all thanks to God. If it wasn't for him, you would spend the worst night of your life alone, but here you are with Jung Jaehyun.
"Are you ready?"
"Yes, I am."
"Video Games" instrumentall started playing. Your steps were graceful, smooth and pretty. Jaehyun was watching your every move almost hipnotised. At this very moment, he realized how much he does actually like you. Jaehyun got attached to you by last weeks. To be fair, he was mad at himself that he hadn't had a chance to get to know you before.
"I'm one lucky man to be here with you."
"Didn't you tell the same thing to Chaeyoung?" You laughed, while Jaehyun silenced for a minute and let out a small giggle. "I'm lucky one. I don't know how did it happen, but I'm happy nevertheless."
Jaehyun eyes widened. For a qucik second, he remembered conversation with your father. He felt awful for a second, but then he let go. It doesn't matter. What matters is the fact he likes you.
"No, I told her something different. I guees." Both of you giggled, as you were making your way towards the tables. "I'm glad that Doyoung and Jungwoo will be here. I feel like I'm grandma among teenagers."
"You're just a year older, idiot."
"Still. Year may be a lot."
Sohyeon and Jimin were really excited for you. They had never seen you happier than tonight. Ever since you've been hanging out with Jaehyun something changed in you. Like a small sparkle in you woke up. None of them knew the real reason why did Jaehyun asked you out. Their boyfriends told them, he was intrested in her for a while since Chaeyoung left the school. It was really believable, because you were one of the prettiest girl in the High School.
"So, Jaehyun and Y/N, are you dating?"
Jungwoo asked all of sudden, and for a moment you forgot how to breathe.
"Dude, I swear to God." Jaehyun rolled his eyes at his best friend. "Leave us alone. Are you alright, Y/N?"
"Yes, I am."
"So? What's the answer?"
Before Jaehyun could answer, you were faster to reply.
"No. We're friends."
Jaehyun couldn't explain why, but he felt an ache in his heart at your words. It was an honest true, why would he feel hurt? He brushed it off, and just nodded at your words.
Jimin punched Jungwoo playfully, and changed the topic.
"What about we dance? I hear Rihanna, and everyone is sitting down. C'mon! Let's dance!"
Circle of your friends got up on the dance floor staying there for almost hour. All the 2000s hits were blasting through the speakers, and you really were happy. Nothing could ruin your night. It's the best day of your life.
"I need to rest." You said, and sat down with Doyoung while the rest went for the drinks.
"Wow, I haven't seen Jaehyun so happy and chill for a while now. Did you do something to him, Y/N?" He chuckled.
"Nope, haha. What are you talking about?" You laughed at him, and took a sip of juice you had. "I thought he was always this happy."
"He had a rough time lately, and now he's dancing on the dance floor with us. Believe me, he would never do it unless he was drunk."
Doyoung's words warmed up your heart. The thought of Jaehyun being happier just because both of you hangs out made you smile. He isn't such an asshole as you thought for some time.
An hour passed, and everyone had a great time. Girls were dancing with you, boys would come to dance too. It's an unforgetable night for you.
"I need to smoke. Anyone?"
Jaehyun, Doyoung, Jungwoo, Jimin all got up and left. Jimin had to call her mother, while you stayed with Sohyeon. Your friend was really drunk, close to passing out.
"Are you alright, Sohyeonah?"
"Yes, yes hell I am." She was chuckling. "I feel great." She was stuttering, and you felt bad for her. "I want more."
As when she was going for another drink, you took it from her.
"Girl, do you want to throw up? Leave it alone." You were laughing at her failed attempts to get the drink from you. "Stop it."
It's been five minutes, and you wasn't laughing at all. Sohyeon wasn't chuckling or saying anything, she was almost passed out.
"I need to go to toilet."
Her voice was shaky, so you were fast to react and go with her. She was on her knees throwing up, as you were holding her hair.
"Who-" Jimin voice stopped. "Oh my God, is she so drunk?" She got on her knees, and took a look at her friend.
"Yes, she looks like a ghost. I don't think staying here more, would make it better."
"God." Jimin rolled her eyes. "Can you go for Doyoung? He should take her home or something. I'll stay with her. I know what to do, but she should rest."
"Of course."
You felt bad for Sohyeon, she has always been a lighthead. Jimin knew what to do with her, but you had no clue. You went by your table, but there was no one there so boys were still outside. Many people were going in and out, so it was hard for you to notice them in the crowd. Finally, you saw familiar sillhouete. As you got closer you've heard Jungwoo's voice.
"Are you still going to keep in touch with her? I mean, you already did what you've been asked to." Jungwoo was chuckling. "She's great girl, but do you want to?"
Been asked to? You felt as if your heart was breaking in two. What does it mean?
"I don't know. Depends."
"Ya, really?" Doyoung was laughing. "You got your spot in a team, and you says depends. Coach isn't going to be the happiest with such an answer."
"I mean, that's true. I like her but.." Jaehyun wasn't able to end. "I don't know how to explain this. I would -"
He couldn't end, because Jungwoo shook his head in your direction. Here you were standing with makeup running down your face. Crying so hard, you almost forgot how to breathe.
"D-Doyoung, Sohyeon is throwing up in the toilets. Take her home." IT was all you could say.
Three of them were shocked to see you. You've heard the conversation out of context. It seems like Jaeyun used you for his spot, but he didn't get to finish his true feelings about you.
"Fuck! Y/N stop!"
Jungwoo went together with Doyoung, leaving two of you alone.
"Leave me the fuck alone, Jaehyun!" You screamed on top of your lungs. "I knew my father must have asked you for it. I knew it. How could I be so stupid to think you did it by yourself! I'm such an idiot."
"It's not like that! I really like you, please. Hear me out!"
"No, I don't want to talk." You wiped away your tears. "I'm coming home. I don't want to see you anymore."
"Wait, Y/N."
Jaehyun was about to chase you, when he realized it's done. You overheard him and his friends in a wrong timing. He was about to say how much he does adore you, and how it depends on you and how you see him. Now it's fuckin done, because you know it was your dad favor.
Prom was supposed to be your dream come true, and it turned into a nightmare quickly. It's been almost a month, and you're still with your thoughts in that night. Your father apologized to you about thousand times.
"I told you to leave her alone! She could've gone by herself. Happens. It would be better than going with your boy. Gosh, what have you done?" Your mother was annoyed. "Now she doesn't talk to you and I support her."
"I only wants the best for her! That's it! I couldn't look at her being hurt. I wanted my little girl to have her moment, is it so bad?"
Jaehyun called you and texted you, but you didn't read nor respond to these messages.
On the other hand, Jaehyun was upset. Heartbroken. Depressed. He wasn't sure why did he take it so personal. He was sure he couldn't get you out of his head. Jung Jaehyun understood you and wasn't surprised by your behaviour, but he was selfish. He wanted you to text him back, to say you missed him. His friends were surprised by his acts, because he never was such a wreck because of a girl.
"Y/N." Your dad got into your room. "I may sound selfish, but I want you to talk with Jaehyun. Semi finals are this weekend, yet he's really not himself. We need to win and I know to you I'm an asshole but please."
"Do you really expect me to talk with him?"
"At least show up on our match. He would be better if he could see you. Please. It's important for boys and for me."
"I'll think about it."
Your dad nodded and left. Of course, it was obvious that semi finals are important for your father as a couch. But you were still hurt. It wasn't even because of your father and Jaehyun, but by you. How could you believe Jaehyun would liked you? It was eating you alive. Everyone knew you went to prom together, yet he wasn't feeling you. That's what you supposed.
The door bell rung. You were alone, so you had to open the door and you saw two men. Jungwoo and Doyoung.
"I don't want to talk to you." As when you almost closed the door, Jungwoo stopped you.
"Y/N, why can't you talk with him?" Doyoung asked desperatly. "He's a wreck. I've never seen him like this before. I swear to God, it was out of context. It was bad timing."
"Look, it must be hard, but the coach wanted the best for you, and Jaehyun? He caught feelings! Can't you see?" Jungwoo hissed. "All he could talk about is you and how much he regrets not going after you."
"We understand if you don't want to know him anymore. Okay. But please, Y/N, come on the weekend for semi finals. He has to give his best, but he's not able to do so."
Doyoung really was desperate for you. The look in their eyes could tell it was truth.
"I can come, but." Their eyes lighten up. "I don't want to talk to him. I'm doing that, so you can leave me alone."
Two guys hugged you and left. They were thankful for you.
Semi finals were about to start. Seouls University, coached by your father vs. Yonsei University. It's a big event among students. There were about thousand people at least. Whole area was occupied. Jimin and Sohyeon reserveted places for you three.
"Hello, finally."
"Here I am. Where's the guys?"
"They're going up."
You looked over at the field and there they were. Your eyes couldn't help but lend on Jaehyun. He wasn't able to see you. Deep down, you prayed for his best performance.
After first half it was 2:0 for Yonsei. Boys were throwing curses and were mad. Jaehyun couldn't score a goal at all. He was furious, and got yellow card for bad behaviour.
It was a break in between.
"You should go there, Y/N." Jimin said. "Jaehyun isn't going to score these goals, because he is still focused on you and he had no idea you came for him."
"I came because they all asked me-"
"Don't lie. We know deep down, you couldn't not come."
"Go, you have less than five minutes."
In your mind there was no other choice. You were running for your life to get down there for them. Jaehyun had to see you. You had to tell him to get it together. Tell him you forgive him, even though you don't want to.
"Guys, please! Focus! Jaehyun you are so close to score a goal, yet you miss every single time!"
"I'm sorry coach, I really try to."
At this moment you walked in. Boys turned their heads at you and decided to leave you alone with Jaehyun for a minute.
"Minute and I see you back."
"You really came." Jaehyun came and hugged you. "I'm sorry for everything, I miss you so fuckin much!"
"Jaehyun, get it together. You are supposed to be MVP. Please, it's important."
"I try to do my best but I can't focus."
"I forgive you. I forgave you long ago. I'm not mad about it anymore, so please. We're fine. Do your best."
"Thank you." Jaehyun wanted to kiss you. He needed that but your time was out. He had to go play.
The other half was different. Seoul University had ball longer than Yonsei. There was 15 minutes left and the score was 2:1. Yuta managed to score a goal few minutes ago. The longer you were watching, the more stressed you were.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Jung Jaehyun and Kim Jungwoo are running towards Yonsei. Wait, Jungwoo passed the ball to Jaehyun. He's close to scoring. Wait! Jung Jaehyun scored another goal! It's 2:2. One of the team needs to score another goal to win and to go to half finals."
Jaehyun did it. Just one more goal. Boys were faster, while Yonsei boys were already tired. They thought that your father's team would let go.
"I'm stressed. I hope they win."
Last 5 minutes. Jaehyun needs to score another goal. You were watching him closely. Mingyu was trying to pass ball to him, but he was blocked by the opponents. Yuta was trying his best to block other team, but it was hard.
Finally, Jaehyun was running as if he wasn't human. His speed was so fast, people didn't get what was going on. All of a sudden, Mingyu managed to pass to Jungwoo and he passed to Jaehyun.
Goal. Jaehyun did it. Time is over and Seoul University won 3:2. They're going towards finals!
Everyone was screaming and jumping. Boys were hugging each other and were about to give speeches through the microphones.
"I'm proud of my boys." Your dad appeared on the big screen. "I taught them well and now they won again. I love them as if they're mine kids. Congratulations boys, we got it!"
"Yuta Nakamoto, how do you feel after this win? You scored first goal for your team, you must be proud!"
"Fuck yeah! We did it! Again!" He was screaming. "We're not stopping anytime soon! We're not afraid of anyone, I'm sure we're going to win South Korea Football Competition. I know it!"
Few boys gave intervies until it was turn for Jaehyun. Your hearbeat was as fast as Jaehyun during the match.
"Jaehyun you won MVP today! You scored two goals giving your team to chance to move forward. What's your thoughts?"
"It's not thanks to me but thanks to the whole team. Our teamwork is amazing and we did it. We really are the best! I love my boys! I'm grateful I can do it with them and celebrate!" He took a microphone from a journalist hands. "Excuse me, but I have to say something to someone I hurt really badly. Y/N." Your heart stopped for a second. "I meant to say it long time ago. I think I'm in love with you. I know I was an asshole and now you're propably embarrassed as fuck, but please. I love you. I miss you everyday. I miss those little dates. When Jungwoo had asked us if we were dating, I'd like to answer yes. I wished to. I wasn't sure of your feelings. I know I fucked up big time, but please. Can you forgive me for real and talk to me?"
"Yes, Y/N, wherever you are, please come down to us and get your man!" Journalist shouts to the mic.
Your friends pushed you to make you move. You ran towards Jaehyun. It was crazy. Jaehyun loved you. He really did. You ran towards his arms and hugged him.
"I forgave you. I think I love you too."
"Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?"
Instead of answering you kissed him. Everyone was cheering for you, but both of you were too busy with each other.
"Yes. Of course, yes!"
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jamisonwritestf2trash · 9 months
what would the mercs' favourite shows/anime be? You might have done the 'shows' part before so im giving you the 'anime' option as a fresh twist ^w^ (No im not battling a double-hyperfixation of tf2 and jjba and seeking validation through mutuals why would you even think that-)
What Are The TF2 Mercs Favortie Animes?
Oh boy it's been a hot minute since I've watched an Anime, I used to be so feral for any anime 😭
Mutual appreciation comment!!! Thank you for your asks! I love seeing them pop up, you always have really good prompts 🫶🏻
Demo- Kakegurui
Did I ever mention that this man loves to gamble? Also, you cannot convince me that this man isn't super expressive when he does so. Literally is the anime. Loves how batshit insane it is. Loves getting whiplash from one episode to the next. Wasn't a fan of season two, but adores season one. Bindges, and re-bindges the show at least once a month. Just loves feeling insane when he watches an anime.
Engie- One Punch Man.
Saw Genos and immediately went "I could build that." And doesn't elaborate. He's not gonna lie, he may or may not have tried to follow Saitama's training routine once, but threw up when he got to the running part. Don't get me wrong this man isn't weak or anything but I genuinely don't think anyone on this team can run besides Scout. Loves watching OPM because he loves how unbothered Saitama is and wishes he could be like that, and also wishes he could be as strong.
Heavy- Your Lie In April
Loves the mix of a slice of life and melodrama. Doesn't care too much about how slow the show is. Just enjoys watching everything play out and being along for the ride. This man sobbed at the end. Couldn't believe it, well he could but he also couldn't? Even though it breaks him everytime he sees the ending, he still loves rewatching it.
Medic- Japanese Tales of The Macabre/Parasyte
HE. LOVES. JUNJI. ITO. It'd be so wrong not to think so. He has genuinely wondered about the logistics of Layers Of Terror... be afraid of this man if he gets a curious look in his eye over any episode of this anime. He likes the books more but also loves the anime. I added Parasyte too because this man is a sucker for all types of body horror and I think Parasyte should always be mentioned. Just lord help us after this man's mind starts working when watching his favorite body horror animes. You'll here a mix of screams from the poor characters and Yippees! From Medic as he watches the horror.
Scout- Death Note
I think this is everyone's starter anime, but it just happens to also be Scout's favorite. I can't tell if he'd think Light is a genius or insanely stupid. But that's not super important. Loves Ryuk! He'd want a death note just to have Ryuk hanging around the base. This man would be a menace if he had the death note honestly. He'd probably write his name down first just to label it, forgetting he'd die.
Sniper- The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
Man has never related to a fictional character so hard until now. Also wishes he could be perfectly average in the public eye and also has inhuman natural talents. It's not even funny how much I can imagine Sniper in this anime. He watched every season and loved them all (likes season one best though) and regularly rewatches the show when things get to stressful around him. It's his comfort show.
(Not that anyone asked but, I fucking love this anime, it's not even funny how much I love this anime I'm going feral.)
Spy- Black Butler
Can a fictional character have a kin? Well in my mind yes. Spy kins Sebastian so fucking hard. Picked up the trait of taking his gloves off like that. Definitely share the same annoyances, living with incompetent coworkers, an annoying child, a criminally insane friend or two, you know the normal stuff! Was severely disappointed by season two. Loved everything else though.
Soldier- Attack On Titan
I think he likes AOT because of all the Gore, blood, and fighting. I can imagine him kicking his legs and smiling all goofy while watching this. This man bindged the entire show, no doubt. Like the other mercs were genuinely worried about him. He's a mix of devastated and happy that the show hasn't ended permanently.
Pyro- JoJo's Bizarre Adventure.
The insane person loves insane anime, who would have guessed? No, but genuinely, you'd think they'd have a short attention span, wouldn't be able to understand what's going on, and lose interest. Nope! Absolutely love this anime. Has probably rewatched it a million times already. Has made Engie watch this with him and utterly confused the poor Texan. Feverishly waiting for part nine.
I hope you like this! I had to pull out my list of animes I've watched, and oh boy it made me realize how weird. Maybe? That my taste in anime is.
Also sorry its not super long or super indepth I was going off some very vague memories for a few of these!
I love you guys!
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urauntiefaye · 7 months
~About Me/Rules~
Requests/Asks Are: Open!
Hard/Soft thoughts are always opened however!
Link to Master list
Hi! Thank you for clicking on my page, I hope you enjoy my content. Here’s just a few things about me including a few rules about my page. 
Name: My name is Faye but my friends call me Auntie/Aunt Faye since apparently I give the “Wine Aunt” vibes. 
Age/Birthday: I’m an 03 liner’ (21 y/o), I’m also a Taurus!
About Me: I originally had another account where I use to write Kpop fanfic. I stopped writing due to personal issues but now I'm better and wanting to get back into writing!. I'm currently a college student so updates may be slow. I'm aiming to post at least once or twice a week. My MBTI is ENFJ, and I'm also obsessed with astrology and anime. I've been into kpop since I was 12 years old so about 8 years now. My favorite Kpop song right now is War Cry by &Team and my favortie western song is Dying on The Inside by Nessa Barrett.
Groups I stan/My Bias: I’m a multi-fan and listen to a lot of groups, but I only have a select few I will actively talk about! And Those are-
Enhypen: Sunoo and Jake
&Team: Nicholas
NCT: Haechan, Jaemin, Johnny, and Kun
P1Harmony: Intak
Boy Next Door: Don’t have one yet, but am leaning a little towards Jaehyun and Leehan
Stray Kids: Han/Jisung and Chris
Ateez: Yunho
(G)Idle: I actually don’t have one, I love all of them 😭
TXT: Beomgyu
The Boyz: I can't choose...
Groups I Write For: 
Enhypen: Heesung-Jungwon
&Team: K-Taki
P1Harmony: Keeho-Jongseob
Boy Next Door: Jaehyun-Leehan
NCT: All Units minus the newest one (I'm not caught up on them)
The Boyz: Sangyeon-Eric
Rules/Content I write:
I do NOT write for minors!, so please do not even ask. 
If you yourself are a minor please do not interact with my content that says 18+
I do NOT write about minors x adults, I will only do age gaps if both parties are above age.
I do NOT write anything to do with feces or piss kinks. I'm sorry I just really don't like it.
I do NOT write anything about minors, only time I’ll write a high school au is if it’s fluff.
I DO write yandere, Mafia, NSFW, Hybrid, Royalty au, Werewolves, Vampires, Hogwarts Au, Little Space is also welcomed!
Honestly that’s about it, I will update it once I think of anything 
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avesgraveyard · 11 months
hey hi sorry i just came on here to rant for a moment about your road trip au.
so i was rereading my favorite chapters cause ive been haing a bit of a DAY (chapter 3,4, and 6, by the way, i have quotes written in my ACTUAL JOURNAL from them). and ive come on here to make two things known.
first of all, the mix between humour and plot and pining and FUCKING HEARTBREAK is done soooo soooo well. i mean, how are 'James glances down quickly, not even having the decency to look embarrassed. “These? They’re my Jar Jar underwear. Evan got them for me. Are we really not going to have sex?”' and 'Evan scoffs dismissively, eyes rimmed with red, and Regulus feels like everything between his ribs is being ripped out.' be in the SAME FUCKING CHAPTER. HOW. and youve encapsulate each character so well, you've given them layers and plot and FEELINGS AND SHIT AND ITS SO COOL.
but also on a more serious not i feel like we need to talk about evan and chapter 6. what the fuck. what the fuck. the way his ed started because he wanted to look like reg so he was 'enough' for the man who he loved but wasnt in love with him. that is so fucking devastating but so real? everything about the chapter was so real and so twisted but at the same time like just waht the fic needed. and the fact that reg knew about the ed but doesnt know the reason is so upsetting too shit.
anyway i have a few questions for future chapters if you dont mind.
will regulus ever find out the reason behind evans ed?
mattheo from chapter 3 (dorcas' hot model canadian friend) will he show up and cause some drama?
whose pov is the next chapter?
how many chapters b4 the dorcas chapter?
sorry i dont mean to be a bitch but WHEN IS EVAN/ BARTY GONNA KISS HIM?? WHEN?? (im eating this shit up dw but ya girls gotta know)
weve had evan/barty/reg povs and we know we're getting a dorcas pov but are we gonna get james/marlene/pandora?
i adore your fic, its my favortie rosekiller story ever ever ever and i cant wait for the next chapter. thank you for writing this masterpiece have a good day:)))))))
hey sweetheart, first of all wow, thank you, I'm so glad that you enjoy the fic!!!
IM SO HAPPY WITH THE HUMOUR/PINING/HEARTBREAK thing, cause I'm always so worried about making it too happy/sad so i try to mix it up a bit, so thank you!!
evans character is SO personal to me, he is just. writing him i couldn't stop, the words just kept going and i was like shit dude. well. that's truly upsetting, but the amount of people who told me afterwards how much the character and the situation meant to them made me fuckin SOB.
and the questions!
im so on the fence about this i will have to get back to you
yes he WILL, tysm for asking, he most definitely is making an entrance.
the chapter I'm CURRENTLY writing (8) is what i assume you mean, and it is split barty first and then evan.
babe idek i thought it was 1 last chapter and now there's another so maybe next next chapter (9) and if not then definitely the one after that.
HAHAHAH I HAVE NO IDEA!!! its gonna happen (they get close this chapter!!)
ummm we will defo be getting a pandora chapter at one point but that'll probably be a little ways away, and james. boy do i have a chapter for james. marlene may not get one but she will be featuring heavily in the james/dorcas/next (8) chapter.
thank you thank you for this ask is means the world
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insecuregodcomplex · 10 months
heartstopper s2e3 thoughts
sweet babey Tao
Isaac that’s your dream date ahahah (also James u listening hm)
Rugby szn over slay 
I gasped. I GASPED. the good mates animatic 
Squealing. Yelling. AHHH
oh he’s already captain! 
MISS SINGH!!!!! <3 yayayay
Holy. Shit. Even her picture looks just like the comic holy shit!!!!!
ok it is not needed to compare every moment to real life but this made me 🥹
Charlie it’s not done you’re a liar
going crazy w this show 
Charlie thank fuck
Tara <3
Imogen sweetheart naur
I’m kicking my feet and screaming so fucking hard right now 
If she doesn’t say yes I’m going to
Oh thank god
I’m crying!!!!!
I’m crying they’re so good I love them so much goodbye
okay not sure if Alice would use loveless in heartstopper in case of loveless having its own but I’ve been anticipating lowkey Isaac having a loveless process and with this bonfire!! That could be feasible!!!
“Look after him or you die” is that just a very Tori thing to say or am I right in thinking that’s in solitaire 
Omg. Omg omg taoelle noooooooo
Oh my god Tori being solitaire Tori (esp to Nick)
Oh my god. The biphobia fuck fuck fuck!!!!
JOE AND OLIVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my god is this like that one narlie art alice made
I love these boys sm nothing bad should ever happen to them (I type this as things are about to get worse for them)
the softest ever
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ghostinthewalls · 3 years
Hi bestie! I'm bored so can I have a creepypasta match-up please? Also sorry if this is really long.
So I'm a straight girl and I use she/her pronouns. Im a Leo and a ENTP. I'm 5'4 almost 5'5 I'm very pale and skinny, and I have freckles everywhere, especially on my face. I have thick brown hair that goes down to my mid back its kinda fluffy and it gets tangled pretty easily, I also have brown eyes.
My personality can be very strange when you first see me people say I have a resting bitch face and I look intimidating but when you actaully start to talk to me I can be very friendly and goofy! Almost everything that comes out of my mouth is sarcastic. I can be very stubborn, feisty and competitive when I want to be but I like to help people and I'll always listen to someone if they need it. Myself on the other hand hates to talk about my feelings and I'm very closed off, I don't tell anybody my problems and I try to ignore them until I explode basically.
The only way you can really describe me is as the idiot/sarcastic asshole in a friend group.
My style consists of flannels LOTS of flannels, oversized sweatshirts, ripped skinny jeans, tank tops, and band t-shirts. I also love wearing combat boots and converses.
You already know I love 90s and 80s (I personally think 90's is the best) but basically anything under the rock n roll genre I love. My favortie bands are Red Hot Chili Peppers, Alice in Chains, Soundgarden etc. I also like swimming and I was on a swim team for about 9 years and I've received many trophies, medals, ribbons etc. And I have a ton of weird stories from all those years of swimming.
Hey babes sorry for the wait,,,, HERE YOU GO!
I match you with🥁🥁..........
I headcanon Tim as an INFP. I did a lot of research and I read that ENTPs and INFPs go great together! (I'm also an ENTP btw)
Tim is 5'7, so he isn't that much taller than you. But he's tall enough to were he can kiss your forehead, and it's like his favorite thing to do
Hes a mega simp for them, like no joke
I think I've said this before, but Tim himself has some on his arms, inner thighs, neck, and chest
He loves your hair he thinks it's so pretty🥺🥺
He will absolutely buy you so many hair accessories. Barrette's, bobby pins, hair ties- literally anything you want
He'll even ask to braid your hair! Granted he doesn't know how to but,,,,HE WILL LEARN so please let himm
Brown eyes are so pretty like-
He sings you this song all the time
Says it's "our song"
Tim has the same personality
When people first meet him/talk to him. He is very sarcastic and has a very stoic expression. But after they get to know him he cracks dad jokes left and right
Tim is the definition of stubborn. Try to get him to go to bed at a reasonable time. Go on, try it
He thinks it's so cute that you're feisty, he says you remind him of a chihuahua
He DEFINETLY needs someone to talk to about all his problems
bb boy has so many pent up emotions, that as soon as he starts to open up to you, the dam just breaks
Just hold him and tell him you love him. It's all he wants to hear
He totally understands not wanting to talk about your problems, but he doesn't mind listening to yours
He won't force you to open up, but he lets you know that he's always there for you
He's the dad of the friend group-
You guys wear the exact same thing
He will so give you his clothes, just ask
He loves seeing you in his shirts, he doesn't know why; he just does
Tim has a dad bod so all his shirts will be kinda baggy on you
It's so cool that you have the same music taste as him. It just makes him love you even more<3
Will give you all his old CD's from when he was a teenager
I can just imagine him doin the little thumb taps on the steering wheel
This man can't swim to save his life, He just never learned how
He totally asks for you to teach him; and to tell him the stories-
This one's really long wow,,, I hope you like it, it was really fun to write!!
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yvainegelinemarie · 3 years
🖤🌸𝔐𝔯. 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔎𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔞 2021 𝔙𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔢𝔰 ℭ𝔞𝔯𝔡 ℜ𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔢𝔴 🌸🖤
I’m late I’m late for a very important dick appointment, date!
✨ 𝕳𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 𝐒𝖕𝖔𝖔𝐤𝖎𝖊𝖘!!~ ✨
Idk about ya’ll BUT these new karma cards got me all 🤰🏻🤰🏻🤰🏻
TW: Proceed with cation!! Do NOT open if you do not wish to soak your panties and/or cry your eyes out at my appalling sense of ‘humor’ 
*Today I will be rating the new Valentines Day art for the Karma cards. The rating process was done by comparing them to their previous valentines day cards and how they went against one another on their level of sexyness within each card. 
🌸 𝕷𝖚𝖈𝖎𝖊𝖓 | 7/10 | 2nd Place
⚰️ My daddy he be lookin fine a FOULK this evening with his tiddie out. My baby knows how to keep me fed if ya know what I’m sayin.😏💦
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⚰️ This beautiful, breathtaking, princely, lavishing work of art!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHGHJTE5LILO; (srry, orgasim seizure). 
⚰️ It’s just *pats eyes with handkerchief* I have never in all my life, witnessed a man of this design. Please, don’t mind me. I just need a moment to bask in the glory of this angel. 
⚰️ The 💦water droplets💦, his bedroom eyes, that CHEST- I-I...I just need a moment...
⚰️ Lucien has once and always stolen my heart BUT I do have to say that based off of some past cards, last years valentines card, and compared to Victor’s card this year that my Lulu has to come in second. 🤧
⚰️ His sultry, princely and sexyness is all there but we all know that Lucien can pull off a very dominating demeanor. Yet here he’s just giving me very submissive vibes this valentines. (Not that there is anything wrong with that.)
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⚰️ And then this card has the AUDACITY to turn into this?!?! 👀👀
⚰️ Sighhhh...It is just so hard to watch MC living your dream... 
⚰️ This card just looks so sweet. The carressing embrace, Lucien’s calmly surprised expression, it’s just all so gentle. awwwwwe!!
⚰️ Although this card is very romantic Lucien still looks very submissive and sweet. (Like homie looks like he’s never done this before which. LIES. BITCH I KNOW YOU) 👏🏼👏🏼
⚰️ One of the things I love the most about Lucien’s character is his very teasing and dominating aura and last years valentines card sucked that up and did a beautiful job of expressing his teasing personality in the artwork. I am hoping that maybe where this art is lacking the date itself will make up for it.
⚰️ I do find this card to be the second most sexy out of all the boys but I feel like it just doesn’t feel as Lucien as I would have liked it to. 
⚰️ I do however find the artwork to be very beautiful and embracing. Especially when the card is evolved. The way Lucien holds MC in the second card creates this very innocent and warm embrace that reminds me of two people just on the verge of falling in love.
⚰️ It is a very sweet and romantic card and it is quiet cute to see Lucien all blushing and off guard instead of his usual impassive self.
🌸 𝐊𝖎𝖗𝖔 | 6/10 | 4th place
⚰️ The bestest boi of them all!!! 🥰
⚰️ Litterally nothing gets sweeter than Kiro!!
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⚰️ So sweet, so fun loving! This sunshine of a boi makes life worth living! ☀️☀️
⚰️ Kiro is definitely the one who shows up at just the right time to make life a little better and brings out the inner child that my sun in capricorn tries to repress so intensely. 
⚰️ And this card does that sweet and playful image justice. Always stay warm Kiro!!! AWWEEE!!!
⚰️ All I can say is I wish I was that dog so I can paw Kiro’s chest too. 🤭
⚰️ Now, It pains me to put Kiro last but it is just that I feel that his card lacks a lot compared to the valentines card from last year. 
⚰️  We were hit with a very sexy Kiro and there has been plenty of other very VERY sexy Kiro cards up to this one that it just causes this one to hit different, you know? 
⚰️ This one really captures Kiro’s loving and boyish personality so I definitely love it over all as a Kiro card. I think that it does wonderful in that aspect. But for valentines day? I expect something a bit more saucy...like an underwear model shoot maybe... 😜
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⚰️ BUT THEN we get THISS!!
⚰️ S-Shirtless Kiro *Internal screaming* kahhhh!!! I can’t take it I. 😝
⚰️ Sometimes I forget just how HORNY Kiro issss.... 
⚰️ I think it’s safe to say that MC is only making that face NOT bc Kiro took that magazine but bc she be getting poked sitting in that lap like that.- 👀🍆
⚰️ Shirtless Kiro is an upgrade from what we had before BUT I still feel like this compared to the other guys and other very sexy kiro cards before that this still only gives a very innocnet and homey vibe.
⚰️ I do think that this card is very cute but when rating it on it’s quality of sexyness comapred to the other boys, I sadly have to put Kiro as last place. 
⚰️ I am just hoping that next year all the Kiro stans get rewarded with a nice Calvin Klein underwear shoot. (I know I’d be happy)😌😌
🌸 𝐕𝖎𝖈𝖙𝖔𝖗 | 8/10 | 1st Place
⚰️ Tall, dark, and handsome AS FOULK!!!
⚰️ Victor never comes in to play no games yall!!!  👏🏼💦
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⚰️ Did I say Kiro was horny? because I take that back. Sometimes I forget how BADLYYY Victor is trynnnaaa FUCK in EVERYYY date. 💀
⚰️ But like I ain’t mad. First off, Victor, daddy, can I have that designer bag? I’ll suck your di- 
⚰️ Just the abs, that boujee ass robe even the cute ass fucking ties on his arm I-
⚰️ Victor be putting the standards for guys really fucking high in my book. AND I AIN’T MAD.
⚰️ I just love this card. It is honestly my favorite out of all of them (sorry Lulu) It’s mature, it’s sexy, it’s elegant, suttle, and EVERYTIME I look at it my heart flutters. This card is VERY Victor and a beautiful design of his character and it makes me VERY horny happy. 💦💦
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⚰️ T-That angle... *blushes* He is ready to go to town if ya know what I mean.
⚰️ But given that facial expression he’s already busted it- 👀🤧
⚰️ On a real note tho. Victor looks so sweet and vulnerable here (*what a pussy) it’s so cuteee!!! Like I ain’t ever seen him look so sweet. (*fucking bitch.) 
*I have a love hate relationship with Victor since he always likes to piss me off!!! But he cute so.
⚰️ Again I think that this card is my favorite out of all four of the valentines cards this year. I feel like the intimacy in this one is there. The imagery is very sexy but soft. I love their pose and I think that this card sells where we all like our minds to wonder off too. 
⚰️ My absolutae favortie part is the simple pull on Victors unbuttoned shirt. It is just so sweet and so soft of an embrance.
⚰️But also Victor’s hand on the counter. I want that hand to smack my ass so hard fuck. 😋
⚰️ If I had to (and I do) make one complaint about this card it is that I honestly HATE Victor’s expression in the evoled. It’s just too soft and sweet for my liking. And as a Capricorn myself I can assure you that any slip up of us expressing even just the slightest bit of our vulnerability to anyone we will rip ourselves apart head to toe for years on that one single event and I assume that even during Victor’s most intimate times that stone cold look would not fade as easily as it does in this card. 
⚰️I think that it is beautiful and no hate to the Victor stans who think he looks hot AF in this card. I am all for it. I just personally like my capricorns whipped into shape. 😌
🌸 𝐆𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓 | 7/10 | 3rd Place
⚰️ This one gave me the most and best shock.
⚰️ My favorite Gavin cards are by far this and his valentines card from last year. 
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⚰️ There is just something about Valentines day that gets Gavin in a sexy mood. (you’re secretly a hopeless romantic, aren't you Gavin huh...huh???)😏
⚰️ First off, GAVIN!!! I ain’t ever seen you look so SEXY. Sending me Eboy vibes to the MAX ughhhhh!!!! 
⚰️ I love the straps on his shirt and the fact that it’s wet and the glove PULLLLL!!! FUCKK GAVINNNNN!!! 💦🔥💦
⚰️ Gavin for me is everything that’s hot that I just can’t get behind but I WANT to get behind. You know? haha.
⚰️ He’s just such a good boy and a sad boi all at the same time and he holds a soft place in ma heart (but he’s definitely a one night stand and then I never call him again haahaaaa ahhhh) 🤧
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⚰️ And then this card!! It is so cute! SO sweet!!! and just very beautifully intimate. They look so in love!!!
⚰️ I just know for a fact that this night is very gentle and very passionate. 
⚰️ S3x with Gavin may not be intense, but it is love that we all at one point need okayyy!!. *cries* 🥲
⚰️ Gavin’s card is probably my 3rd favorite out of all of the boys this year. I do really love his pose and they are very sexy and very sweet and also very Gavin for his event cards. I also enjoy that his expression is still very true to his character in the last card (I’m looking at you lulu and vic) 
⚰️ I just feel like the art lacks a lot of story in Gavin’s cards (even his ones last year too) They just look like they took valentines day photos together lol. 
⚰️ I don’t hate them and they are very beautiful I just wish there was more going on then what looks to be like Gavin modeling for a brand of Makers Mark Whiskey lol. 
⚰️ I actually haven’t played a single Gavin date🤭...so I don’t have much to say on how he reacts to MC outside of the regular story line and I am sure that his valentines date for our English Sever with him was very wonderful. Based off of Gavin’s main story character I wouldn’t consider him very romantic or at least not the one in control of planning their dates. I think that of all the boys Gavin’s Valentines would be the most laid back and I would like to see more of Gavin’s character coming through with the artwork of these dates if that’s the case.
⚰️  On a serious note these cards are very beautiful although...I think I honestly enjoyed last years Valentines cards more than this one (the ones we got this year in the english server)... (omg...no way...she said it)
⚰️ Don’t get me wrong! All these cards are VERY sexy and I do like it but I feel like they almost lack intensity that last year SOLD us. 
⚰️ I guess what I am trying to say is they all feel too vanilla if you know what I mean... Gavin’s card is the only one that gives me a sense of spice despite him being the sweetest out of all the boys. I just feel that these in comparison to how lavish last years cards were that I want to see more intensity. 
⚰️ I am curious to know if the cards will ever get to that point (I know that the game wont give us full blown porn scenes...*sigh* lol) but I am looking forward to seeing some imagery to withhold the imagination of such. 
⚰️ Basically I’m sad that Lucien had no scratch marks. That-That’s it! You caught me!! I just want to see my daddy’s skin all scratched up!! Is that too much to ask for?! 
⚰️ This is all written for shits n giggles. Please take this lightly and kindly let me know what karma card you liked the most. 
Thank you for stopping by, 🖤 Yvaine. 
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byrachel · 4 years
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characters: seth clearwater, leah clearwater, sam uley, jared cameron
warnings: none
note: some of these are actually based of my last relationship :)
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Loving a person is so much more than just telling them “I love you”, so how do the boys show their significant other that they love them?
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S E T H  C L E A R W A T E R 
Being as young and unexperienced with girls as Seth was, he actually didn’t have any problems with showing how much he loved you. It all came very natural to him. Every morning when you opened your locker you would find a sticky note on the door with something sweet on it to make you smile. It was even better when you felt down. 
‘If seeing you every day at school makes me feel this joyful, I can’t wait to wake up next to you every morning’
For the first time that morning you felt a genuine smile tug on the corners of lips, feeling the heavy weight slightly lift off your heart. You didn´t have the best morning. You slept through your alarm, your mom yelled at you for being late and you didn´t have time to eat breakfast or properly do your hair. 
Just like every other morning you attached the sticky note to your favorite notebook. You couldn’t wait to see him.
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L E A H  C L E A R W A T E R
Leah is the biggest baby ever although she would never admit it. She would always be attached to your hip, touching you one way or another. A hand on your thigh when you were sitting next to each other, playing with your fingers while watching a movie, completely melting into you when she lies on top of you, holding hands when you go out and of course loving being the little spoon. Physical affection was her way of showing you how much she loved you. You loved having such an affectionate girlfriend, except for in the summer when her body temperature made it unbearable to cuddle with her. (You’d still cuddle with her, because you’d do anything for her of course)
After a long day of patrolling Leah couldn’t wait to come home to you and fall asleep in your arms while you played with her hair. So after a cool shower she crawled into bed next to you and knowing what came next, you smiled and lifted your arms while holding a book so she could lie under your arms with her head to your chest. 
“They tired you out, didn’t they?” You chuckled as your girlfriend didn’t even speak a word to you, immediately closing her eyes as soon as her head came in contact with your skin. 
She hummed softly, dozing off. You smiled, focusing your attention back on the book you were reading. You held it in one hand, using the free one to brush your hand through her hair, a pleased smile automatically making its way onto Leah’s face. She really needed that.
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S A M  U L E Y
Taking care of 10 boys almost every day wasn’t easy for a hardworking student, but you still did it. You loved cooking for the boys you saw as your younger brothers, especially because they were working hard to make sure the area was safe. Being the Alpha, Sam didn’t have a lot of time to help with the cooking but after he came home he made sure you were being taken care of. He would run you a bath so you could relax, while he sat there reading your favorite book to you or helping you study for an upcoming test. He would be tired as well, but that wouldn’t stop him from giving you a massage after you come out of the bath. 
“You really don’t have to do-- oh, my god right there.” You softly moaned as Sam was finally reached a spot on the side of your back which had been killing you for a while. 
“It doesn’t sound like you want me to stop.” Your boyfriend laughed at the sounds you were making, his thumbs rubbing circles into your tensed up muscles. “Besides, I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t want to.” 
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J A R E D  C A M E R O N
If you didn’t tell him to stop, Jared would probably go broke by buying you so many presents. Every little thing that reminded him of you ended up with you. from jewelry, books, phone cases to clothing. He wanted you to have it all and although you didn’t mind it, because it was quite sweet you felt very guilty for accepting everything he was giving you.
You opened the front door to let your boyfriend in, but his cheeky grin made you suspicious. You puckered your lips and turned to him again before sighing, immediately catching on what was going on. “What did you buy this time?” 
“Okay, don’t get mad at me.” He started off and just then you noticed his hands behind his back. He held the bag out to you and you couldn’t help to smile when you saw your favortie brand name on it. You tried to hide your smile with your hand, because you knew that would only encourage him even more and that was the last thing you wanted. “You said you needed a new dress and I knew you would love this.”
“This is the last thing I’m accepting from you.” You sternly told him, grabbing the bag from his hand. He smiled proudly, before you pulled him down for a kiss. “I appreciate it though.”
“No more presents. Got it.” He lied.
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masterlist | part one | not edited
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thankskenpenders · 5 years
Let’s talk a little more about what I meant by “straight writers being straight writers”
Now obviously, I don’t think that ALL straight writers are bad at writing romance. Anyone who genuinely believes this is what I meant is just looking for reasons to get mad and confirm their biases against ~mean Tumblr SJWs~
But in general, many straight people fail to critically examine their views on gender, relationships, sex, etc. They might be a little more progressive than their parents, but they’ll often still believe much of what they were raised to believe. This means that many straight people who write fiction (straight men who write genre fiction in particular) bring a lot of this cultural baggage into their writing, and end up parroting harmful or just plain boring romance tropes that have been around forever and ever. It’s usually not even intentional--it’s just what they know
Some of the common ones include, but are certainly not limited to:
Stories where the central couple’s relationship and why they like each other is barely fleshed out because “he was a boy, she was a girl, can I make it any more obvious”
“These two bicker constantly, it must be sexual tension!” (see: literally every romantic subplot in Stranger Things)
Manic pixie dream girls
Girls being treated as little more than romantic prizes to be won by the male heroes
Married couples with an obnoxious slob husband we’re supposed to sympathize with and a nagging wife (see: like 90% of all sitcoms)
In general, couples where the woman is way too good for the man
Harry Potter-style endings where the surviving characters are all arbitrarily paired off into straight marriages with kids, regardless of how much or how little the paired off characters even interacted in the series
Similarly: important female characters getting paired off with a guy and being reduced to little more than his housewife
Also, married couples where the husband has tons of friends but the wife has no life outside of being a mom (see: “Does Marge have friends?”)
Stories about how men and women “can’t really be friends” and can only be lovers
Cheating! SO MUCH cheating
“Born Sexy Yesterday” stories, especially in sci-fi, where the male lead falls for a naive and childlike yet also hypercompetent and sexualized woman
In general, men being expected to go after younger women, but usually not the other way around
Men struggling to show their girlfriends genuine emotion and say “I love you” even if they’ve been dating for a long, long time
Keep in mind all of these things pop up in fiction I LIKE. Some of my all time favorties, even! But these things are all so common because many straight people don’t think critically about their views on relationships, and take these for granted as “how couples work.” These stories then reinforce those ideas instead of challenging them and help perpetuate the cycle
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Kpop Update
I need to stop... or maybe not
Favorite Song: Down. It has such a beachy feel and I love songs with beachy feels. Might lowkey make a choreography for it at some point.
Notes: Ok, so, I can’t even really remember how this happened. It’s like Jessi just popped into my life and I was like... Idk who this is but she is a Q.U.E.E.N. She’s just great.
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A literal goddess
Bias: Somin
Bias Wrecker: Jiwoo
Favorite Song: hahahah lol... I really like Bomb Bomb tho. Made a choreo to it. Might post a link later if I feel confident enough.
Notes: Idek how my bias and bias wreckers are girls... they’re just so awesome. And hilarious! Somin just repeating everything BM says even though she doesn’t understand it is the funniest thing ever. Actually, this whole group is handsdown one of the funniest groups I stan. And even though BM isn’t my bias or bias wrecker, there is a large part of my heart dedicated just for him. Like, he’s so open minded and funny and I think everyone in the Kpop community loves him, even if you don’t stan KARD (don’t @ me. Just spittin facts)
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How is one so beautiful? I aspire to be as beautiful as Somin.
The Boyz
Bias: Sunwoo
Bias Wrecker: Kevin
Favortie Song: Tattoo. Usually it’s impossible for me to pick a favorite song in a groups with so many great songs, but I literally love this song with all of my heart and soul.
Notes: So, me getting into The Boyz is probably the funniest scenario. I was just casually scrolling through Pintrest and Sunwoo appeared and I was like, “...I don’t know who that is, but I’m gonna stan his group now because he is so breathtakingly beautiful.” lol. Also, you ever see those idols that you’re like “I don’t even want to date them, I just want to be their friend”? Yeah, that’s how I see Kevin and Jacob.
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The exact picture that led me to stan The Boyz
Golden Child
Bias: Jangjun
Bias Wrecker(s): Joochan and Bomin
Favorite Song: Ok so at first I thought it was One, but then it was Wannabe, but then I listened to Without You like a bunch of times in a row, and then I actually kind of fell in love with DamDaDi and you see where this is going so I’m gonna stop now
Notes: At first, I was kinda upset when Pump It Up came out, because I really like GolCha’s darker concepts. However, after seeing them perform it, I think that they really like brighter concepts, and watching them perform it made me like it even more. Long story short, I support all GolCha Concepts and you should too.
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So handsome!
Bias: Hwasa
Bias Wrecker: Literally all of them, thanks.
Favorite Song: Ok, so like, um... I can’t.... Aya is a whole bop tho, jus saying
Notes: So, I’ve kinda wanted to get into Mamamoo for a while now, I just always hesitate to get into girl groups because I just don’t watch as much of their content and it makes me feel lowkey disloyal... anyways, I’m glad I did and I just want to say that these girls are A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. ok?! Like, they break stereotypes and stand up for themselves and I love them for it. Hwasa is like millimeters from overcoming Hyuna to become my favorite female idol because even though I love Hyuna with my entire soul, Hwasa is closer to my body type and she just flat up told everyone that she loves herself the way she is and that if they don’t like it they can just... f off (like Corona lol). It’s so inspiring and I’m going to stop now before this turns into a five page essay.
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I aspire to be like Hwasa.
Bias: Theo
Bias Wrecker: Intak
Favorite Song: Once again, hahaha lol. They’re all just sooooooo good. Total bops and I scream all the lyrics while I drive down the interstate.
Notes: So, occasionally YouTube will just suggest videos for a random group for me to watch. The teasers for Siren came up and I was like, “I’ll check it out.” One of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I love them so much. Like, I can even find the words to describe how much I love them. Already one of my ult groups. P1Harmony ROTY
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I have the fattest crush on him
Bias: Daehwi
Bias Wrecker: Woong
Favorite Song: All of them. Literally. All. Of. Them.
Notes: First of all, I didn’t realize it until I started checking them out more, but AB6IX was a group that I’d wanted to check out since they debuted, and somehow I literally forgot to stan them (lol adhd culture, am I right?). Big mistake. But I’m glad I found them again. Second, Daehwi really doesn’t know how to write a bad song, does he? Third, I got into AB6IX like a couple of weeks after Youngmin left (don’t really have an opinion on it. Not gonna talk about it), and I just knew that with one rapper leaving, one of the other ones was gonna turn out to be a great rapper. I thought it was going to be Woong. I was wrong, but not dissapointed at all. Stan Rapper Daehwi (the boy can literally do anything).
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I just think he’s great
Bias: Doyoung
Bias Wrecker(s): Mashiho, Haruto, Yoshi, Junkyu, Hyun... ok yeah no actually just the whole group.
Favorite Song: Boy. I’m especially in love with Yedam’s line in the pre-chorus. Like it’s just so good. But the whole song is amazing. On that note, I have to add that Hyunsuk’s rap in MMM is what I’ve lived for for the last few days.
Notes: I cannot even begin to explain how happy it makes me that a whole third of their members are Japanese, and that two thirds of the rap line are foreigners. And like, they’re not even like ~average~ rappers. They’re really, really good. (Also, can we address the fact that Asahi, Haruto, and Yoshi all helped write Orange?! Like, bilingual legends). And like, the cover they did of Whistle was like out of this world?! Like I literally listen to it multiple times a day... might highkey make it my ringtone. Ok can you tell I love these boys? Yeah? Good.
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Our cute Dobby!
Also, I had to include this:
Me (a fool): I’m not going to stan Treasure because I don’t want to jump on the Treasure bandwagon
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erin-epica · 4 years
Woop-de-doo, it's Lord Scarlet stuff part 2
This was a post I planned on making WAY sooner, but I accidentally lost the original draft so I didn't even bother to try doing it gain until recently. And just now something happened that changed everything; and I mean what both DID and DIDN'T automatically give me the right to post this. I almost deleted my first post at that, and here's why:
In the first post, I mentioned that when I initially found out Vic was lying to me, I was quiet about it and just stopped talking to her out of fear, and then when I asked for help on what to do I was told to leave without a word. I don't think that was entirely the right thing to do in the long run, because it may have been the easiest way out but I'm better off with proper closure.
And the thoughts she left me scarred with never left my head. Time and time again, I'd find myself crying myself to sleep again at the thought of Brock forced to hide romantic feelings for Master Frown and not know who he was anymore while Frown was left unaware and in love with someone else, even if it wasn't Lord Scarlet.
And the pain sometimes came with a want to confront Vic one last time and open up to her about how I wasn't blind anymore, and how much she really hurt me. But I, again, wass scared she wouldn't care and would cut me off.
So when the pain got worse, I did what any coward would do: tell everyone else about my pain.
Now I DID tell friends of mine other than the Unikitty Amino staff about what happened, and they were all sympathetic and understanding about it. But then I told almost everyone, and then made my vent post on here (as well as Wattpad). As much as I wouldn't want to call them call out posts, they might as well have been. I didn't want people to harass Vic and make her mad...but at the same time I kinda did. I was too scared to face her that I was hoping that someone would do it for me. I even tagged accounts of Vic's. Not cool of me at all.
Now the Tumblr and Wattpad posts got me pretty much more of the same: sympathy, and acceptance that I had moved on. No one came after Vic but we could still agree that none of her actions were justified (I even got @careeningle's attention...sorry about the aneurysm)
Now comes the next important thing that happened, because I mentioned @friffinx kinda being responsible for me getting back to the Lord Scarlet Amino to write the message that I did. In it, I said that after I sent the message I did I would leave the Amino again & for good.
Well...I lied. I still checked in every day for the same reason I started venting: I kinda wanted Vic to see my message. Even if she'd ban me, I wanted to see if she'd ever notice my message. And that would've been the end of it if it wasn't for Brook.
I briefly mentioned Brook in the last post. She was another OC of Vic's, and was exactly to Brock what Lord Scarlet was to Master Frown; a carbon copy love interest. Except Lord Scarlet was far more developed and drawn & written about more. Brook didn't even really have a distinct personality, she was a girl Brock and that was it. But with reptilian overlord eyes. (To be fair, Vic drew Brock like that sometimes too)
(I didn't include Vic's art unless it was in chat bgs or whatever in the last post, but for the sake of referencing/proving a point, this is what Brook looks like)
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No one really paid attention to her for the longest time. She was there in the fanfics because according to Vic, "Scarlet needed a friend." And like I said in the first post, Brook wasn't said to be canon so I never found a reason to really care for her. Plus I can only recall someone giving Vic fanart with her, and it was with Scarlet (@plastic-papercuts made it, go follow her she's gr8).
But then one day, for some reason, something in me clicked. I actually thought of a story idea for her. Somehow this bland cutout of a character had potential in my eyes, and I weirdly started liking her because of it. She suddenly felt...more real. I got pretty invested in my idea and newfound interpretation of Brook, and describing it would make this post way longer than it is so if anyone asks about it, I'll probably make a whole other post about it.
Anyway, I came up with a little plan: draw out this idea in the form of a comic and post it to the Lord Scarlet Amino. And see if Vic gets suspicious and checks out my profile and then maybe bans me. It felt a bit better than total silence and she'd probably see that someone gave a crap about Brook after all.
So I started a new chat called "It's Brook" to share my progress with the other members of the Amino, which there weren't too many of but we had fun in it. It was basically me, @friffinx , @soapycocacola, @plastic-papercuts, and a few others who aren't on Tumblr (or at least don't think are) chatting about how awful Vic was and calling out her lazy art tactics like tracing and using assets/clips right from the show. And of course me sharing the comic progress I was making. Again, this doesn't make anything we did right but it felt good getting everything off our chests. We were like a secret rebellion against an absentee dictator. One time Vic came online as we were chatting and even viewed my profile, but nothing happened. And it stayed that way until I opened Amino up one morning. For those of you who don't have it, the menu shows all the communities you're in when you open the app, and all of mine were there except for the Lord Scarlet Amino. I assumed I must've been banned overnight. But I wasn't banned from Vic's other Amino so I commented on her wall on that one. For Vic's sake, I won't show how the conversation went (and I'll explain why at the end) but here's how it went:
Me: Did you ban me from the LS Amino?
Her: There was drama in one of the chat rooms and I'm not having it. I didn't want to do it and it's not a big deal It's just an amino and you're still on this one AM I RIGHT?
Me: Yes, but I assume you read my updated bio. As I hoped you would.
Her: Nope.
Me: Oh. But you know what? Ban me from here too for all I care, I feel like you deserve to know why I left and came back: *insert me finally telling her how I know she lied, that she hurt me, and what I did was wrong here*
Her: Lol ok be that person but keep in mind that I'm one of those people that doesn't gibe a fuck lol
And then she banned me from that Amino too before I could type and submit a fitting farewell reply.
At least I finally got all the built-up emotional pain out of me, but it did help me realize something important: we never really were friends. I wanted more of her content despite all her red flags as a person so I tried enduring them, thinking it'd be worth it, and she only kinda cared about me when I was being a yes man. She never kept any promises and didn't respect me the same way I did her. So I could at least feel confident knowing she most likely didn't care at all when I first left.
@friffinx and the others didn't get banned, though, and Friff even started another chat on the LS Amino called "It's Brook 2" where they talked more about Vic being a terrible person. And it didn't take long for her to shut that chat down too and ban everyone from it that time. Friff sent me screenshots of what happened next (which again, I'm not gonna show), where Vic basically had a meltdown. She changed her username to "Little Miss Guillotine", and made a post about her being "finished with the bushit". In it, she announced that she didn't even like Unikitty! anymore but was still gonna keep/use Lord Scarlet because she wanted to. The part that made my blood almost boil wasn't her views on the show, she's free to have her opinion and I couldn't care less about it. What DID was that she acknowledged that she lied the whole time because "she didn't care anymore" and said that it was "our faults for believing it in the first place" and that "we needed to grow up"/"stop brining it up"
Ooooh boy, victim blaming, my favortie...
Since then she changed the Lord Scarlet Amino's theme to make it about The Penguins of Madagacar (again, fine with me). Either way she was still a narcissist and I thought she'd, sadly, likely never change. And my friends and I all thought that was the end of it.
Until a few hours ago...
I was browsing the Unikitty Amino and saw a new member named BlueCat. Didn't think anything else of it until the user PMed me. And this is what happened:
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I didn't know what to think other than "I thought this day would never come", I was that shaken. This was so left field-ish that what else could I do but believe her? It didn't even seem suspicious or like she was trying to be a suck up, that wasn't Vic at all.
But the one thing I knew I had to do was ban her because even if she meant well and did it for the right(?) reasons, but I still asked if I should in the staff chat. @girly-glorious (also amazing so pls check her out :D) told me that yes, it was ban evasion so since I'm a leader too now I could to it on my own. But I knew I had to message Vic first and Girly told me to be careful, so this is what I sent:
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And then I banned her, the end (not really)
Now I don't understand how or why this sudden behavior change happened but I don't know if I should question it in case it's personal. But again, I at least want to believe that she's really being genuine and had a change of heart because never in a million years could I imagine her being this mature. Again, she didn't demand that I forgive me or probably even expect me to. But the message still does leave me feeling sorry for her.
Now I thought that was the real end of it until I see the Penguins of Madagascar/old Lord Scarlet Amino on my sideboard.
She unbanned me.
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Now I don't know where we'll go from here, if anywhere. I'm not too sure if I can really let my guard down around someone who hurt me so badly just in case she does it again. So I may not talk to her again, but if she really asks something from me, I might try and build up courage to ask her more about how she came to apologizing to me. Plus she followed me on Wattpad too.
But this is why I didn't show our conversation right before my ban or her "f.u." posts. Because I don't want people seeing more of Vic's past behavior and possibly embarrassing her about it if she ever sees this. But that's kinda why I felt like it was 100% necessary to finally make a sequel post in the end; I'm hoping people at least acknowledge Vic has changed and don't keep thinking about based on what I shared out of attempts to gain sympathy like a crybaby.
I hope this helps whoever's reading as much as it did me.
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So here is a vinn diagram no one needed
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Two of my favortie characters 
Maybe I’m just into dramatic bisexual rat boys
* means the statement is debatable/assumption/generalization
also ‘in love with someone who doesn’t love them back’ is debatable on Kokichi’s part
btw I meant the term ‘Maybe a few fries short of a happy meal’ in the the crazy way not the stupid way, I know Kokichi’s pretty smart.
And by hint of bottom energy i meant while he is a switch like Satanick he has way more bottom energy than Satanick
So in conclusion:
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Love my boys~
Also just clarifying I’m not insulting DSP and Spike Chunsoft for having a similar character(More cake) I’m just making a joke based on these series sharing a similar character. I need to clarify this cause one time I compared black butler to hellsing and jonkingly called black butler off brand hellsing and someone got super offended...yeah i’m not part of the bb fandom anymore
Tho I do have to say I could have done a 3 way comparison with Kino from Diabolik Lovers
good night.
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shootingcookielover · 4 years
Sanders Sides Super hero AU
Have this Sanders Sides Superhero AU!
Basically, all the sides have a so-called ‘power object’ (I swear I didn’t realize how similar this is to Miracuolous- It wasn’t intentional-) which gives them superpowers and costumes when in use. For example, Deceit has gloves and when he puts them on, they activate, while Remus has a morning star which he only has to pick up. In use not only means that they get powers and a costume, but, because I’m a very visual person and envisioned this as a comic, how the world looks to this character changes as well.
Also they are definitely all friends or related, but fail to recognize each other. When they’re in super- mode they have two groups: Supervillains and Superheroes. Deceit and Remus are supervillains, everyone else is a superhero. (Except Virgil, maybe? He’s definitely got questionable loyalties.) Supervillains got pointy long ears, superheros got ‘normal’ ears.
Remy is in this, too. He can only be seen in super-mode. He pops in and out and totally doesn’t work for another villain in the shadows, maybe Thomas or the mysterious orange side.
Now, have some art:
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Ethan didn’t know how to process what was happening. His grandfather - the absolute best person to have ever existed - had died. Right on his fifteenth birthday.
The small treasure chest in his arms shook as he put the small key into the lock and turned. Click.
He flipped the chest open and there lay... a pair of mustard yellow gloves. 
No. It couldn’t be.
Ethan’s grandpa had been a supervillain. Suddenly his father’s reluctance to give him the chest made sense. His old man had been jealous, jealous that grandpa trusted Ethan more than his own son.
But Ethan barely cared. He picked the gloves up.
He quickly wiped away his tears and pulled them on. His grandfather’s legacy wouldn’t be forgotten.
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Roman stared at his parents in disbelief. They couldn’t be serious. His eyes trailed upwards towards his parents’ eyes. They looked serious...
“You were superheros?”, he asked in awe.
“Well, your mother was.”, his father quickly answered. His mother chuckled, still holding out the small treasure chest.
“Yeah. But it’s your sxteenth birthday. You’re ready to take over the mantle.”
With wide eyes, Roman snatched the chest and cradled it close to himself. He excitedly began jumping in place. “I can’t wait to tell Remus!”
He was just about to leave, when his mother reached out and grabbed his wrist. “Wait, Roman.”
“Huh?”, he turned around, confused. “What is it?”
“You can’t tell Remus about this.”
“Why not?”
“It’s too dangerous.”
Roman gulped. He guessed that made sense. It was the same in all the superhero stories. Don’t tell your loved ones to keep them save.
They finally let Roman leave to change for the first time. Unsure of where to go, Roman stepped inside the upstairs bathroom. He locked the door, before opening the chest. A blood red sash rested inside.
He took it out. His hands shook from excitement as he put it on.
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Remus could feel something inside him die. He pressed his back against the hallway wall. 
He’d known people preferred his brother over him, they weren’t as subtle as they liked to think. Yet, of his parents he’d thought better. The idea that parents weren’t supposed to pick favorites had stuck deep in his soul.
Now he knew. His parents liked Roman more than they liked Remus. If they even liked him at all.
With a harsh gesture he rubbed the tears off his face. 
Steps walked towards the door, towards the hallway. Fear spiked through Remus and he sprinted towards the door to the attic. It was conveniently placed right across from his parents’ bedroom.
The door wasn’t locked.
He ran up the stairs and pushed open another door.
Behind it lay the attic, Remus’ favortie room in the entire house.
Clutter littered the room, barely leaving enough room to walk. 
Remus sunk to his knees, hands coming to wipe away more tears furiously. This was stupid. He was used to Roman being treated better than him, why did it even still bother him?!
A voice cut through the storm in his head, easily settling it. Confused, he looked up. Where had the voice come from?
Remus got to his feet, looking around. Again the voice was heard.
The boy followed it, expertly making his way through the room. He sank to his knees again, next to a small treasure chest in the far back of the room.
He’d never seen it before. The voice was definitely coming from inside.
It looked like a pirate’s treasure chest, with all the tentacles carved into the white framework. Remus idly wondered if the framework had been carved from the remains of a pirate crew; murdered and eaten by the captain so he could bury his treasure chest without anyone knowing where. So nobody would steal his treasure.
He carefully tried to lift the top, but the chest was locked. 
Even after looking around, Remus couldn’t find the key. With a defeated sigh, Remus sat down.
What the f-
Remus pulled on the chest’s top and it opened.
Inside rested the most beautiful morning star Remus had ever seen. A grin spread across his face as he reached out for the object.
Oh, his parents were going to pay.
His hands wrapped around the morning star’s handle.
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“Mom? Have you seen my tie?”
Logan leaned heavily against the hallway wall as he shouted down the stairs. He tried his best, but he felt horrible. His chest burned with even more, terrifying emotions. He was lightly trembling.
“No, sweetie, I’m sorry. I think there’s one in the storage room?”
“I’ll go look.”
Logan forced hismelf to turn around. Even though he wanted to close his eyes and not face what lay before him, he knew it wasstupid and kept them open.
This was dumb, he told himself. Feelings sucked. Emotions were useless and painful.
He quickly wiped away his tears and trudged past his sister’s bedroom.
The storage room was stuffed to the brim with things. Any kind of things.
He rummaged through it, making his way to the back of the room. 
In one of the boxes, he actually found a tie. A blue tie with lighter stripes. With it in hand, he made his way back to his room to put it on.
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Virgil pressed both his hands against his ears as hard as he could. He didn’t want to hear his mother’s angry shouts, but she was just so, so loud.
Tears leaked from his eyes and he pulled his legs closer to his chest. His lungs felt as though they were constricting, choking him. He could barely breathe anymore.
It wasn’t his mother’s fault, he told himself, because his father had said so, his father would never lie to him- he’d said that his mother felt bad about the yelling, that she didn’t mean to-
A voice cut through his thoughts and settled the storm in his mind.
Confused, he looked up.
The voice spoke up again. Virgil stood up, his legs lightly shaking.
A loud thump from the door made him jump in fear. He pressed a hand on his heart, trying to calm himself.
His mother couldn’t break down the door, she hadn’t managed to do it before, she wouldn’t be able to now.
As soon as he was at the closet, he pulled it open. The voice came fro mthe back of it.
Virgil pushed through his clothes and found a few boxes. He knew these boxes.
They belonged to his biological father, who had died far before Virgil was old enough to remember. A voice talked from one of the boxes.
He sunk to his knees and started looking through the box. There was a small treasure chest at the bottom. The source of the voice.
Virgil pulled it out. He tried opening it, but it was locked. He set it down before him, unsure of what to do.
His hands shook when he opened the chest. A hoodie rested inside. 
It was absolutely his style and Virgil pulled it out. He quickly put it on, feeling much better with the heavy fabric covering his bare arms.
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Patton entered the house and instantly felt some dread pool in his stomach. His mother was using the treadmill, he could hear it, all the way from upstairs. 
That meant she’d been upset again.
He quickly left his school bag in his room and made his way to Virgil’s. School had ended for his step-brother earlier, so he must have taken the brunt of it. 
“Virgil...?”, Patton pushed open the door to his room.
It’s empty.
Virgil isn’t there. Which meant he had gone for a walk to calm himself down.
That was... good, Patton thought as he pulled out his phone.
Hey Virge, u okay?
He pocketed the phone again and was about to turn away, when he sees the wide open closet.
Patton knew Virgil hated leaving the closet doors open. He didn’t like when other people could see his clothing.
Hesitantly, Patton crossed the room to close the closet.
His eyes gravitated towards a small treasure chest in a box in the back. He fell to his knees and pulled it towards himself. He didn’t quite know why, but something about this chest felt like it belonged to him.
The chest didn’t open. Of course it didn’t, it belonged to Virgil. 
Patton wanted to push the chest away from himself. But he found a key.
His hands shook as he put it into the lock and turned.
Inside the chest lay a cat hoodie. This wasn’t Virgil’s style at all.
So it was okay to take it, right?
Patton pulled the hoodie out. He didn’t want to put it on. It wasn’t his!
He wanted to put it back where he found it, but the hoodie felt so right in his hands-
His mother had calmed down. Patton quickly tied the hoodie around his shoulders.
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“’Sup, babes.”
Deceit whirled around when he heard the voice. It was unfamiliar. Definitely didn’t belong to the Duke.
What he found was a person holding a starbucks cup. Sunglasses covered their eyes and they were wearing a leather jacket.
“What’cha doing?”
The person strolled past Deceit. 
“Who are you?!”, Deceit asked. The other person turned towards him, slight confusion etched in their face. 
“What are you talking about, babes? It’s me, Remy.”
“I don’t know you.”, Deceit snapped. “How did you get in here?”
‘Remy’ leaned forward, nose almost touching Deceit’s. “Hmmm. You know, I don’t know you either, babes. What’s your name anyway? Pronouns? Call me Sleep, he/him.”
Sleep held out one hand towards Deceit. The snake considered it. Then he took the offered hand. “Deceit. He/him.”
“Babes, I brought Starbucks!”
The Prince whirled around, sword appearing in his hand. Dad jumped, quickly stepping behind Logic. Logic adjusted his glasses, irritation flitting across his face. The Spiderling almost fell off the shelf he was perched on. 
“Who are you?!”, the Prince asked, loudly. 
The stranger sighed in annoyance as he sauntered inside. “Ah, great, so you babes decided to hand over your mantle too. I’m Sleep, he/him.”
Sleep put all the Starbuck’s cups down, except one, from which he took a long sip.
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opinionated810 · 5 years
SuperM in Fort Worth
I’m dead. They all killed me.  My bias list is completely destroyed. 
But it was soooo worth it!
The show was about 90 minutes long. Going in, we had no idea what to expect since it was their very first show. The venue (Dickies Arena) is really nice and fairly user friendly - they just don’t label the sections very well. The doors were late opening, and there were only 2 doors open at each entrance since we had to walk through a metal detector. It was so cold out that night - there was a HUGE cheer when the doors finally opened. I’ve never heard so many people scream for joy at a door being opened. Once inside, the merch queues moved really quickly.  I thought merch was a bit expensive ($60 for the lightstick, $30 for the beanie hat), but I usually don’t buy things anyway. 
I swear we had the best seats in the entire arena that night.  We were in the first row of the elevated seating - directly across from where the long runway stage jutted out to the side. We were literally 15 feet from all of them. They used the whole stage setup really well - I think only 2 songs didn’t use the runway stages. The ramp setup for “No Manners” is really good (don’t get me started on Taeyong during that song yet). Mark threw a ball directly at me, but it was knocked out of my hand by the girl next to me.  😢 My friend caught one that Lucas threw to her, though. Because of our seats, there was a lot of eye contact between us and the guys - Mark during “Super Car” and “Talk About”, Lucas and Ten during the first ment, Kai during “With You”, Taeyong during “Dangerous Woman” and “No Manners”, plus some others.
The production of the concert was really, really good. The sound quality was very nice and I didn’t pick up on any first night goofs. The vcr’s, backdrops, and lighting really suited each performance. By now you’re probably aware of the ignorant reporter who stated that they were lip-syncing the whole night. Of course there was a lot of vocal layering recorded in each track to get a fuller sound, but all the main vocals and raps (and all the ad libs, as well as some backing vocals) were done live.
I’ve seen some people complaining that no one did the fanchants and that NCTzens only cheered for the NCT members. Firstly, fanchants aren’t such a huge deal here in the States - we like to sing along and scream and dance. Some people probably don’t even realize there are fanchants (and if they do, they probably don’t know them enough). Secondly, every single member of SuperM was cheered for really, REALLY loudly. During the ments, Taemin got the loudest, longest cheers but everyone else got loud cheers as well - there was no noticeable difference. Same thing during the songs. I didn’t see or hear about any fights between fandoms at the concert. Just the opposite, in fact. Everyone was so supportive of ALL the guys, even if they didn’t know much about all of them. Everyone was really friendly and just happy to be there and get to experience something so amazing.
With the star power this group has, there wasn’t one member that didn’t stand out. Here are my thoughts about each member.
Baekhyun: I didn’t know a lot about him or EXO going into the concert. His voice live is incredible. Plus, he’s super gorgeous in person. I’m used to seeing him all funny and goofy in the EXO stuff I’ve seen, so it shocked me a bit to see him so sexy. He was glowing on that stage. “Betcha” and “UN Village” live were so so so good!
Taemin: He didn’t disappoint at all! He had the first solo stage and performed “Danger” and “Goodbye” - both songs that I really love. I know there were some who were bummed we didn’t get “Move” or “Want”, but I couldn’t care less - I still got to see him live and in person! He seemed to be a bit on the shy side when not performing, which I found adorable. I also want his blue leather jacket.
Kai: Like Baekhyun, I didn’t know a whole lot about Kai before the concert. I knew he was a dancer, but I had no idea how powerful he was. All his moves are so sharp and precise when they need to be and so smooth when it’s called for. He has a really magnetic stage presence. He hurt his finger during “No Manners” but no one had any idea until he left the stage during the next ment. He was so professional about it. He said that he felt bad that he made some mistakes, but no one saw any mistakes - we were too busy enjoying and having fun! He’s such a cutie!
Taeyong: So ... I had seen Taeyong live before, but for some reason, this time felt way different. I really do think he’s growing as a person and gaining a lot of confidence, both professionally and personally so maybe that’s why his performance felt so different this time. He was my SuperM bias and tied with Johnny for my NCT bias going into the show. He’s now my ultimate bias - something I swore I would never have because how can you ever choose just one? His energy level was off the charts that night. He was bouncing and running around and interacting with all the members. “GTA” is so fucking good - both the song and his performance of it. It’s creative and fun but it hits so hard! I was so excited to hear it in full - not just bits from his Vlive sessions.  During “Dangerous Woman” he was right in front of me numerous times and his body rolls to that song made my mind go blank. And then there’s “No Manners”. Again, he was right in front of me a few times when he did the “hush” gesture (so fucking sexy). I can’t even with his grinding on the ramp. To be honest, he kind of overwhelmed me and I had a hard time focusing on anything else.   😍
Ten: I was really excited to see Ten live. I think his dancing and the way he expresses himself through dance is impeccable. And he didn’t disappoint either. His performance of “Dream in a Dream” (one of my all-time favortie solo songs) and “New Heroes” was amazing - and right in front of me! Ten seemed like he was the most nervous out of all the members, but he still put on a really good show.
Lucas: Lucas was never one of the NCT members that I really loved. I liked him, but he wasn’t someone I really thought about or paid a lot of attention to. Shame on me. He’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. But he’s also super sexy. His solo stage “When That Bass Go Boom” fits him perfectly! It’s cute, sexy, and a bit funny. The vcr for it was hilarious in its randomness (fire hydrants and cactus). He has such a great stage presence - you can tell he loves performing and being on the stage. He was having the time of his life, which made me enjoy myself even more.
Mark: Mark “I’m coming to destroy your bias list” Lee. Like Taeyong, I’d seen him live before, but he was different again. I don’t know if it’s just a different energy with SuperM or if he’s growing as well, but boy - he attacked me at the show. I always forget that he’s an amazing dancer. I won’t forget ever again. He really puts everything into his dance moves and it really showed. In “Talk About”, there were no back-up dancers, no fancy costumes or elaborate stage set-ups - it was just him rapping his ass off. And doing a phenomenal job. He blew me away with his confidence and stage presence.
So at the end of the night, my bias list was totally changed. Here’s what it’s like now.
Ultimate Bias: Taeyong
SuperM: Taeyong, Mark, Kai
NCT: Taeyong, Johnny, Mark, Yuta, Doyoung
If you have the chance to see SuperM live I really, really, really recommend it. You won’t regret it! Seriously, my friend and I thought about flying to Chicago just to see them again!  😂
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xxsupervampwolfxx · 4 years
Share your self care!            
Thanks for the tag, @katersann! I never do these cause I only ever have like just one person to tag, but I’m gonna do it this time! lol
🌿 Favourite comfort food hmm I think most of my comfort foods are desserts like brownies. I just love brownies. Though maybe mashed potatoes,also pasta, are comfort foods for me and biscuits! I love biscuits! lol I just really love bread. 
🌼 Favourite alcohol (or hot drink!) Rum, especially coconut rum, also tequila so any drink with those I like. I also love wine. Mostly moscato though.
🌷 Favourite relaxing activity Baking is something I sometimes do to relax, unless it’s for an order lol, I also sometimes go walking while listening to music (I need to get back on that but maybe after all this craziness is over), I also like to read and I love to watch my fav movies and tv shows.
🌸 Favourite fluffy/feel-good fic Oh man I don’t know I actually haven’t read fics in a long time. I am ashamed. I actually haven’t read much of anything in a long while. 
🌻 Favourite calming scent I think I like the scent of lavender also bath and body works has this aromatherapy scent of rose and vanilla and I just love that smell.
🌺 Favourite relaxing (or uplifting) song Oh this is hard! I’m gonna say Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish. There are others but I can’t think of them right now. lol 
🌵 Favourite white noise Rain, also waves rolling in at the beach.
🍄 Favourite book to get lost in So I for some reason can’t reread books, werid I know, but some of my favorties are the Lux series, The Vampire Diaries, the Alice in Zombieland series and the To All the Boys books. 
💐 Favourite chill-out TV show Supernatural, The Vampire Diaries, Teen Wolf (not sure if those are considered chill-out but I love them lol) Friends, Guys Grocery Games, Sabrina the Teenage Witch
🌹 The best advice you’ve ever had I have bad memory so I can’t think of any at the moment. lol I know I have been given some good advice in my life I just wish I could remember them.
I tag: (some folks in my notifs, play along if you would like! 😊) @teamfrankzhang @lllsaslll  & anyone else who wants to reblog!
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