#more chapters on ao3
littler13 · 8 months
What if…
Fem!Reader (Isabel Magnolia’s sister) x Levi Ackerman in a secret affair.
Not a full day goes by before Levi makes his way into the clinic again, locking the door behind him as soon as he gets in. Like a man on a mission, set on what he wants — the only way he knows how to live, an intensity that consumes you entirely. You turn to look at him from where you’re standing in front of the desk, frowning while he approaches.
“I wasn’t expecting you today,” you’re cut short and breathless when he reaches you, picking you up and landing you on the table in a swift movement. You hear the sound of objects tumbling to the ground, impatient hands moving them away. There’s not even time to giggle before his lips are covering yours, soft and wet and demanding, but you smile against them nevertheless. “What about Furlan and Isabel?”
“I told them I’d meet them at the apartment later, and that I needed to clear my head or another dumb excuse,” he breathes close to your mouth, closed eyes, hiding the heat that lives within them for this short instant.
You nod and sigh, already crumbling under his hands so easily. There are many things you know by now, about his body as well as your own, all the different ways desire and pleasure can be dragged out and brought to completion. Still, there are some things about the nature of this that you can’t quite figure out, which maybe attests to your lack of experience beyond him: are you supposed to feel your pulse quicken from the sight of him only? Sense his presence like a shift in atmosphere, engulfed by the scent of him from afar? Be consumed by the familiar tugging in your lower abdomen and have heat spreading through your center even before his touch has reached you? Could any man make you feel this way, if not Levi?
It’s been months of this, quick escapades between patients and robberies, secret sessions of stolen kisses and undercover sighs. You’re used to his impatience, the urge he has to reach out and touch after days of carefully crafted indifference. He was never one for physical contact, and you suppose you weren’t, either. You wonder why it feels different, now: is this only the effect that life-long deprivation can cause in people? Is that why you feel addicted to it, while he looks restless and even greedy every time you do this? In spite of your own natures, closeness calls to you, as if you’ve only recently found out that you’ve been starving from the lack of it.
Whatever it may be that causes this, you like it. You like it too much , a scorning voice appears to whisper in your ear. Its insistence makes you pull away, also halting his crumpling hands over your shirt at the sides of your body. It’s only then that you’re able to take a good look at his face, the slight furrowing of his forehead that indicates he’s upset about something.
“Elric withdrew from the deal again, the bastard,” he explains before you even ask. “He said it’s become too risky to conduct business with us, because of those idiots from the Military Police that have been on our asses. As if they’ll ever even come close,” he scoffs. While he speaks, your fingers drift from his nape to the sides of his neck, unconsciously trying to soothe him. You think he likes that — one more idiosyncrasy in your arrangement —, but you never really asked.
That’s a big issue, because Elric is an important client with enough purchasing power to push you closer to the surface with each successful business. His withdrawal is a tough setback, and it also means less money to afford the high-end medicines that Yan requires. Levi has every reason to be disappointed.
He leans in again, making his intentions clear. No more talking . This is what he does: he’s upset, he comes here. He’s particularly satisfied about a deal, he comes here. He’s not feeling anything at all, just drifting through the day and trying to find something to take him out of his numbness, his footsteps lead him to this same awaiting place with open arms and legs. This will never not be a mystery to you: why does he do it? Is it boredom, routine, distraction? And why do you keep letting him in? You can pretend not to know the answer to this last question, even though the truth of it has become increasingly hard to ignore.
His kisses become more pressing, hands working to open the buttons of your shirt, lips falling to your neck — good . He mumbles against your skin, finger drifting to draw patterns on the patches of your body he skillfully exposes. There’s a drunkenness to him that only becomes evident in moments such as these, which makes you think he actually likes this as much as you do. There’s lust in his stance, but also care — right?
You sigh and try to keep up, but the rushing thoughts slow your movements. It’s not that you’re starting to question this; it has more to do with the fact that you haven’t questioned this at all, ever since it started. Things just happened and kept on happening, and you told yourself that it was enough to go with the flow, just following wherever it would lead you. You don’t know what changed, exactly, but something seems to have, as the strong pounding of your chest every time he walks in would indicate; or the way you’ve been struggling to keep your hands to yourself in front of Isabel and Furlan, now, having to be extra careful not to let your excitement show when Levi’s fingers graze your skin or when Levi’s eyes flicker across the room to find yours.
“Aren’t you afraid Furlan will figure it out at this rate? He did say he’s onto us,” you recall the vow Furlan swore to see through only yesterday, trying to sound playful, both arms around Levi’s shoulders. Still holding him close in spite of your unexpected, spiraling doubts, legs opening to accommodate his body. He sighs and rests his forehead over your shoulder, leaning both hands on each side of you over the table. Sensing your hesitancy; frustrated about it? He raises his head to look at a spot beyond you, and you want to kiss his cheek. But you refrain yourself from doing it, because that would be purely affectionate, not at all seductive. Would he like it?
“It took months for him to even start suspecting,” he huffs. He seems tired, as the marks under his eyes would suggest. And he came here. Your heart aches inexplicably just from the sight of him, a disgruntling sensation. “At this rate, we’ll find our ways to the surface long before his slow head figures it out”.
And would that be so bad? , you bite your tongue before you say it. Not telling seemed to make sense when this abruptly started. It was never a decision, but something you ended up rolling along with, since it was easier to just keep it between you than to try to explain — hey, we’re casually fucking, is that cool with you?
But time passed — months that seem to hold the same worth of decades. Isabel is not a training girl Levi and Furlan took in anymore, but a steady part of the gang. And you’re not simply Isabel’s sister, but a close addition to the group and a constant part of their plans and ideas. You can’t see yourself parting ways with them, the closest to family you think you’ll ever get. None of you ever dared say the word to each other, almost afraid to jinx it; but it’s true.
So you want to say something about it, but you don’t know what . It’s been a thrilling secret, and maybe you should feel satisfied with that. But you want more , and you’re afraid he’ll keep getting comfortable with less , until whatever this is will just fade into nothing.
“I’m sorry for the deal,” you whisper instead, trying to remind yourself of why he’s here , convince yourself of a satisfying reason. It’s not just sex, but the comfort that exists in it. Deep down, he must know you understand , and that you’re someone he can share his frustrations with — which has happened time and time again, in the form of disgruntled, scattered admissions. You know him, and he knows you; that’s enough, or it has to be.
He doesn’t respond, but his eyes soften, his hand raising to hold your cheek in a way that is almost tender. When he kisses you again, you can feel the vibration of a hum pouring into your tongue, low and sultry, reaching out to spread through your whole body. Languidness takes over the previous rush, your hands bringing his face even closer, wanting to exist in the way your mouths meld together. He bites your bottom lip hard and licks it within a heartbeat, blurring the line between pain and pleasure until you’re unable to tell them apart. Unable to recognize your own voice, needy and breathy, whimpering his name in half agony, half rapture.
His left hand continues to cradle your face affectionately — you can tell yourself that —, tongue meeting yours in a slow dance. Your fingers dig into his hair, then wander down to feel the expanse of his chest, the shape of his muscles, almost cut-open and bleeding from the sharpness they meet in every corner of him. From the ethereal contour of his face to the honed sturdiness of his body, all of him seems to rip you apart and exposed, an incredibly gentle experience in spite of the deadliness. His hands are soft where they touch you, intent and so warm, drifting to rest on your thighs. Kneading, coaxing, thumbs circling the sensitive region of your lap until you’re dizzy and panting with want.
Your shirt is already half open from his previous efforts, enough of your cleavage showing for his eyes to get caught in it, simultaneously glinting and darkening with lust. He kisses his way down your throat and collarbone, his rhythm building into what it was before, desperate and hungry while he ravages your skin and leaves hidden marks on his wake. You almost cry out when his fingers graze your center, at the same time his lips close around your pebbled nipple over your thin undershirt.
So good , you can hear him mutter from time to time, nodding your head in earnest. He’s not much of a talker when you do this, but his occasional words of encouragement and appreciation are enough to make your insides melt. This is good , your mind repeats in a loop, too damn good , your shirt finally falling all the way down from your shoulder while you work to undo the buttons of his, completely intoxicated in him. His scent, the sweep of his tongue against your lips, the flexing of his arms when they pull you impossibly closer. You have all of this memorized by now, even if it feels new in every repetition.
You’re unraveling with every one of his low groans, the spark in his eyes raising too big of a fire that licks you inside and out, an exquisite burning. This is good , and you know him, don’t you? You know the effect he has on your body, the lowness of his voice, the bite of his clever statements as well as the softness hidden behind the harsh way in which he sometimes delivers his words. But you also know why he holds teacups from the top instead of the handle, the story of how hot liquid stained his clothes and scorched his skin when the delicate china snapped, making him too wary to trust it again. You know how he and Furlan met, the kind of childish alliance that only neglected kids can find in each other, growing into an unbreakable fellowship with every passing week, for years, now. You know that he hates his birthday and the way that it coincides with Christmas, reminding him of the kind of homely celebration he will never experience. The smell of death and the ache in his stomach at the small room he was confined to when too little to escape it, as well as the second desertion he was met with in his life when mysterious eyes turned his back on him for the last time.
You bury your head in the crook of his neck and sigh, letting the feeling of his hands on your breasts take over you completely, the familiarity of it all. The dangerous, delicious familiarity.
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damagedintellect · 2 years
Trafalgar Law x reader
💌 Try not to panic: Chapter 3  💌    
Summary: You were used to the absolute chaos that came with being a Straw Hat but nothing could have prepared you for the battle at Sabaody Archipelago. Not when Bartholomew Kuma could yeet you anywhere at his will. Your blood ran cold as you watched your crew disappear one by one. Frantically searching for any trace left behind to indicate where they’ve gone you didn’t see the paw coming down on you. Waking up in the Heart pirates care was the last place you’d expect to be.  
Tropes: Canon compliant, mutual pinning,  Crew swap (reader is a straw hat & power user)
💌 Word count: 4,855  💌   <= Previous Chapter | Next Chapter =>
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A year went by faster than expected and you still hadn’t managed to grab Law’s hat. You had been getting better at fighting Bepo and Law started teaching you haki but you still haven’t managed to get his stupid hat. No matter what kind of surprise attack or ambush you planned it didn’t matter the moment he said “room” it was all over. You didn’t want to have to resort to this but it seemed like it would be the only way.
You just had to act natural. Law had gotten pretty good at knowing something was up with you. He was in his office like usual, the perfect moment to strike when his guard was down and you had your ace in the hole. At least you hoped. The moment you open the door you could tell he was watching you like a hawk. “What do you want?”
You pouted and mumbled avoiding eye contact. He stood up glaring at you for wasting his time “(Y/N)-ya if this is some lame attempt at-” Now’s your chance! You threw a piece of bread at him and watched him start to fall backwards, his chair right behind him successfully tripping him in the process. He was caught off guard and you lunged at him. In slow motion you could almost taste sweet victory, your fingers brushing the soft brim before you. Your heart was racing, this was it.
“Room, shambles!”
Law had swapped places with you at the last second. He had you pinned to the floor. You were both panting as you tried to break free from his grasp but it only made him grip your wrists tighter. You gasped more out of shock and your face started to heat up. The position you were in you tried not to think about it but he was so close you could feel his breath on your face and you were staring directly into his eyes like he was piercing right through your soul. You don’t know how long you stayed like that for and you weren’t sure how much more your heart could take. It was beating so loud in your ears. He leaned in slowly and your eyes closed on their own. Your breath hitched when you felt his on your ear.
“You left yourself wide open (Y/N)-ya”
your body was on fire you couldn’t think straight. You couldn’t come up with a clever qip of any kind. Your heart was too busy hammering in your chest and your stomach was fluttering. You needed to pull yourself together. All you could manage was a breathy “I-It was worth a shot.” This was bad. You could feel Law chuckle at you and he never laughs. Your eyes flew open just as you heard,
“Hey captain have you seen-” Bepo walked in and froze as you and Law both stared back at the polar bear. You wanted to die but energy pumped through your veins allowing you to compose yourself as Law loosened his grip around your arm and you finally managed to grab the hat.
Law disappeared after that, an apple replacing him on your chest. It took you a while to explain to Bepo what had happened. The mink was screaming that he didn’t want to hear such filthy things which only made your face more red even though nothing of the sort happened. As expected, Law avoided everyone after locking himself in his room. You decided to wear his hat around for the time being but of course Penguin and Shachi caught word about what happened and wearing his hat only made matters worse. He didn’t come to dinner that night and you were starting to get worried. You were both adults right? No matter how embarrassed he is, it was a misunderstanding, it didn't mean anything so there was no reason to make a big deal out of it. Well to Law at least. You placed your ear on his door. Nothing. You came to bring him dinner even though part of you knows that if he really wanted something he could easily get it himself but you still made him your special bento to hopefully ease his anxiety.
You whispered “Mimic.” as a pen replaced the bento in your hands. Hopefully this makes up for the fact that you are probably the last person he wants to see right now.
When you got back to the rest of the group they were all playing cards “So how is he?” Penguin asked as he dealt you into the game. Poker probably? “I don’t know, I just yeeted the food and ran. Now I have his pen.” you looked at your cards, it was a bad hand which only made you frown more. “I’m sure he’s just embarrassed and running away was easier than having to explain that nothing happened.” They all looked at each other like they know something you don’t “What? Am I wrong?”
Shachi put his hands together and took a deep breath “Do you? How do I put this. Do you have a crush on the captain?” You folded your hand and nonchalantly answered “Yeah, what of it.” everyone fell over at your response.
They both shouted from either side of you. You covered your ears “No, I haven’t told him and I don’t plan on it.” this was annoying now you see why he locked himself in his room. “I’m not even supposed to be here, it makes no difference if I told him or not. We’re both going in different directions as is and you know him better than I should. He’s dead set on whatever debt he needs to repay and I don’t see me telling him something as trivial as this will do anything to change that.” Penguin and Shachi exchanged warry glances. They've known Law for 13 years and he was always this stubborn.
“So you’re just going to endure it? Why don’t you just tell him?”
“You say that like it’s hard to do plus I don't think it'd make a difference if he knew or not.” rolling your eyes you sigh. You’ve known about the outcome for so long it doesn’t phase you anymore. Not to mention what Rayleigh said about him and his wife. It’s just not the right time yet and you are aware of that fact. You just hoped Law lived long enough for it to happen on its own. “If any of this leaves this table I will skin you all alive.”
Law clearly needed space since he was taking great lengths to avoid you but that was fine. You continued training with Bepo and ended up learning more about haki from Shachi and Penguin. Bepo went to find you when the next mission was at hand but you made up some excuse not to go. It was too risky for you to join the fight while personal affairs were still not dealt with. Eventually you both couldn’t avoid each other because by the end of the week you’d be docking for a supply run and all the ships cargo restock, like most things, ran by Law. Sure you could have pawned it off on someone else if you really wanted too but a week should have been enough time for him to get that stick out of his ass to handle being in the same room with you. It seemed like everyone was on edge about it and when he was handing out the lists you were the last one he handed it out too.
You looked him in the eyes and winked “Don’t worry I won’t get any bread this time.” Without warning you took his hat off your head and put it on his scampering off before he could pull it up from over his eyes. Hopefully that would defuse any unease he had about the situation. Even though you had no idea what the big deal was from his perspective. Bepo might have caught you in a compromising position but there were so many ways he could have played it off but whatever mans is scared of bread. You brushed it off.
It was nice to feel the sun again and shopping was always a fun chore but it did make you miss your crew even more. The way Nami used to barter, the way Luffy would always take too many free samples or how Zoro always got lost. You had finished up your tasks rather fast to keep your mind from wandering. You were about to go back topside when you ran into someone.
“(Y/N)-ya I need to talk to you.” Of course it had to be Law you ran into. If only you were paying attention. “Look if it’s about the bread thing I’m sorry, it won't happen again.” Law looked a little flustered, his cheeks having a noticeable tint as he cleared his throat. “It wasn’t about that, but good to know. I was going to ask if you wanted to take part in the next mission. Our target has a thing for (h/c)’s. If we can separate him from his crew that would be ideal.”
“So you want me to seduce him? We’re going to need to go shopping again unless Ikkaku has something I can use.”
Law looked away “Sexy isn��t really Ikkaku’s thing and before you get any ideas this is Shachi’s plan.” you gave Law a smug smirk as you skipped ahead of him making sure to sway your hips “Aw~ Law we’re both adults. You can think I’m sexy.” he placed a firm hand on your shoulder “I’m being serious. We can figure out another way if you don’t want to do this. They have a lot of firearms which is the only reason I want to be as discreet as possible.” you gave him a soft smile, it was reassuring that he was worried about you.
“I get it no goofing off. Let’s go buy me something nice while we still have the time then.”
Law had his arms folded across his chest leaning on the side of the changing room while you figured out which dress you liked better. You already had your makeup and hair done courtesy of Shachi, who apparently worked at a salon when they were kids. He wanted to be a hair dresser before meeting Law. Convenient.
Law knocked on the side of the booth “Are you done yet (Y/N)-ya we don’t have all day-” You opened the curtain for him to see your dilemma “I can’t decide which is sexier the red or the purple.” Law eyes widened and he choked on his own spit trying to keep his composure as you looked at yourself in the mirror. You were wearing a deep wine red satin off the shoulder bodice with a shealth silhouette that had a thigh high slit. “Law, which one do you…” you trailed off after seeing his expression. He averted his gaze a little too late. “The red one it is.”
That’s how you ended up at this high end bar waiting for your target to arrive. The plan was simple. You entice him to share a few drinks and when he starts getting interested ask him if he’d like to have some fun alone. The moment he was out of sight from his crew, Law would shamble you guys nearby, take his heart and get outta dodge before anyone of his crew notices they've been hit. You were sipping on a cocktail when the target approached you.
“What does a guy like me have to do to get with a girl like you?” He was very forward and cocky like he had a chip on his shoulder. You smiled, you could work with that. “Play your cards right and you might find out.” You gave him a playful wink as he offered his hand, placing a kiss on the knuckle of your gloves. “As a betting man I’ll take that gamble. May I have the honor of buying you a drink?”
“Such a charmer,” You used the hand he kissed to brush a loose strand of hair behind your ear “How am I to say no.”
“The pleasure is all mine.”
The flirty banter continued until you were finished with your drinks. That’s when you felt him getting handsy enough to take him somewhere “private” to have more fun and sure enough the plan went off without a hitch. It wasn’t until you were halfway to the Polar Tang that you noticed something wasn’t right. Law saw your shift in pace and shambled everyone the rest of the way immediately. As the Tang submerged down you started feeling really dazed and hot. You started leaning on Law and he caught you before you fell over.
“(Y/N)-ya what’s wrong!” You looked at him with half lidded eyes and nuzzled into him panting “Feel, funny… Can’t think… Hot” The bastard slipped an aphrodisiac into your drink. Law's eyes widened at the thought he knew this was a bad idea. He took you to his room and tried to lay you down on the bed but you threw your arms around his neck “Need you,...to stay.” it was hard to breathe or focus. You were so hot and your body ached. You were resisting the urge to throw yourself at Law as much as you could. It didn't help that where Law touched you burned. You could feel your desire building. You wanted him all over you, you needed more “Want you,...to touch me…feels better.” you tried to pull him in the bed with you but he was frozen in place. Law didn’t know what to do with you. He could only wait for the drug to leave your system until then he could only make sure you didn’t do anything you’d regret. “Oi, (Y/N)-ya I’m not going to touch you. You’re not in your right mind.” You were palming at your breasts through the dress before twisting your arm around your back fumbling with the zipper. You wanted it off, now. You felt needy.
You panted out desperately while Law rubbed his face. This was his worst nightmare. It was situations like this that he had been trying to avoid. That's the real reason he locked himself in his room. You drove him crazy and he never knows what to do. He likes having control over every detail; it's unsettling to him that he doesn't when it concerns you. Conveniently he saw his hoodie on the other side of the room and a quick shambles fixed one problem. Law would never say it to your face but you looked cute in his hoodie. It made him feel like you were his and he felt pathetic thinking about it like that.
You were making eyes at Law squirming as you kept your hands from fondling yourself further. You wanted him to touch you, to kiss him a small voice in the back of your head was saying he wouldn’t do that but you can’t hear that voice because an even louder voice was telling you all the dirty things you wanted him to do with you. The worst part was you wanted to touch yourself but it was taking your last bit of self control to avoid that again.
“Just lay,...in bed”
Law took off his hat ruffling his hair. Listening to you practically moaning and seeing you like this was torcher. He did not want to acknowledge what you were doing to him and gritted his teeth “If I get in bed with you, will you go to sleep?” You reached out for him with open arms “Will try,...want you, closer.” Law couldn’t believe he was doing this. He laid down next to you and you immediately cuddled into his side moaning into his chest at the contact. “Arm…around me,...enough…will sleep, p-please~” Hesitantly he draped his arm around the small of your back and you made a satisfied sigh. His touch was enough to satiate the other urges you felt and with the amount he was panicking it was helping you stay in control even if it was just a little bit. Soon enough your breathing evened out and Law was able to calm himself down.
He was never listening to Shachi again.
The next morning you were really warm. Did you fall asleep with Bepo? You tried to push away but whoever it was had a tight grip on you. On one hand you felt safe in their arms but you also liked breathing. Slowly opening your eyes you were met face to face with Law who looked like they were having a bad dream from the way his face was contorted and how they were death gripping you. Somehow he managed to pull you closer dropping his face in your neck. You bit back a gasp, your neck was really sensitive for some reason. He was mumbling something incoherent. The only words you could make out were “please don’t go” and someone named “Corazon”
You did your best to shift your arms to rub his back softly, shushing him faintly whispering “I’m not going anywhere.” which seemed to calm him down enough for you to detach yourself from him without waking him up. You couldn’t help yourself. He looked cute like this. You leaned down about to kiss his forehead but sat up straight when you realized you had no memory of what happened last night. You looked back at Law to make sure you didn’t wake him. You smiled just in case he was awake and was watching, you know like the psychopath you know he was. The last thing you needed was another misunderstanding. You just got back on speaking terms, you don't want to ruin this again. It's only a matter of months before you have to head back.
Slowly getting up you noticed the dress you were wearing was draped on a chair on the other side of the room. It took you a minute to realize you were in Law’s hoodie. You carefully left the room opting to go to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee. You don't actually know what time it was but you know Law usually drank coffee whenever he woke up.
You tried remembering what happened last night but everything was blurry past when you were at the bar. You guess you'll just have to ask Law when he wakes up. Walking into the kitchen Shachi and Penguin were shooting the shit with a fresh pot of coffee. Both parties tense when you greet them.
"Ah, yeah um morning." they both exchanged an awkward glance “A-Are you feeling better?”
“Was I unwell last night? I really don’t remember much at all.” You might as well make some Onigiri while you're here. You want to stay on Law’s good side. The rush of energy tipped you off so you decided not to say anything more as you finished up. You brought everything back with you and it appeared Law was still asleep. You left everything on his nightstand. If you couldn't remember, you guess it wasn't that important. You stretched and went about your usual routine of training with Bepo. He was also acting weird but you brushed it off.
Law wasn’t actually asleep when you dropped off the food but he’s thankful that you didn’t notice. What was he supposed to say to you? Maybe if he acted like nothing happened you’d believe him. He just hoped that the rest of his crew could keep their mouths shut. It would only be a few more months before things kicked off and the last thing he needed was a distraction.
After that things fell back into routine hunting down pirates and training your ass off. Law had submitted his “Letter of recommendation” and despite his overall demeanor about the whole ordeal he allowed the rest of the crew to throw a banquet. He was now a warlord, a real mistake in your eyes but that’s mostly because Luffy had turned down the opportunity once before. He said the only way to get info was to become one. You wondered what he meant by that. As always you were helping out in the kitchen doing most of the cooking. Everyone was having a good time, food, drink, and entertainment. You don’t know who but someone managed to get a karaoke machine for the night.
As you brought out another tray Penguin stopped you handing you a bottle of sake. “(Y/N) you should join us too!” He gestured around to where Ikkaku and Bepo sat “Let the others handle the rest. You’ve been working hard since you’ve recovered. You should celebrate too!” One drink wouldn’t hurt right? Little did you know one drink turned to two and the next thing you knew you started an arm wrestling tournament. You and Bepo had been going at it for a while you were so close to losing but you refused to give up. You would never tell Bepo that you were using your fruit against him and was the only reason you didn’t drop out a minute ago. All in all you were having fun. You were on your fourth or fifth drink when your thoughts drifted to Law. You hadn’t seen him all night so you grabbed another bottle of sake and made your way to his room.
You knocked on his door before entering. He was laying on his bed reading he probably figured that no one in his crew would bother him which only left you. He sighed before turning the page
“What do you want?” you couldn’t help giggling as you sat on the corner of his bed. Which only made him frown more. “I brink you a drink. I mean brought, I brought drink. I might be a little tipsy.” You tried to hand it to him but he only stared at the bottle and then at you. “We could share it if you’d prefer.” Law closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Is that all?” you hummed as you opened the bottle to take a swig from it. “I was going to say congratulations but I feel like that’s not what you want to hear.” He nodded, taking the bottle from you seemingly trying to down the rest of it. You don’t think you’ve ever seen Law drink before. With the liquid courage pumping through your veins you didn’t have the filter to stop you from asking.
“Is Corazon the one who died from bread?”
Law looked like he was at a loss for words. His expression was a mix between shock and anger but overall he just looked sad. He went tense before pounding back the rest of his bottle and shamblesing an unopened one in its place. “I’m too sober for this.”
“I know I shouldn’t have asked but the morning after the bar shenanigans you were talking in your sleep.” He threw back another drink you kind of wanted to tell him to slow down but you bit your tongue to keep your mouth shut. “He’s the one I’m in debt to. The only person I’ve ever been really close to.”
He looked so broken you regret asking “You don’t have to tell me.”
He shook his head “Think of it as atonement for that night.” You’ve already told him how you feel about not remembering that night that if it was important you would have remembered it. Though he seemed on edge and kept apologizing to you. “For the last time it wasn’t your fault.”
“I never said it was, I’m saying to trade your memory for mine.” you moved to sit next to him taking the bottle back and having your share of the drink. “What are the odds I’ll remember this?” He laughed and you think this was the first time you’ve seen him genuinely smile. The night continued as he talked about his past. His hometown, what happened to his family, how he was still alive and he even explained the bread thing. Although you couldn’t help laughing at him for it. Eventually you both couldn’t keep your eyes open but neither of you made an effort to move.
You leaned on his shoulder. “If it’s worth anything, I’m glad you didn’t die.”
When you woke up the next morning Law wasn’t next to you but you noticed that on the night stand there was a glass of water and presumably painkillers for your headache which was trying to kill you. You were going to stay in bed for a little bit until they kicked in but to your surprise they kicked in immediately almost like they filled you with energy. Then it hit you that it wasn’t the painkillers you were feeling. You ran out of the room and froze. Everyone was gloomily cleaning up the mess from last night while Law stood over their shoulders. They probably got scolded for how big of a mess they made. You decided to quietly and slowly leave the area but Law turned around and glared at you too.
“How nice of you to join us (Y/N)-ya.” He said your name so darkly that it sent shivers down your spine. Shachi passed you a bucket and a mop and it sealed your fate. On the bright side you thought the Polar Tang could do with a good cleaning.
It was two months before you were supposed to meet back with your crew. Law had been making great headway with gathering intel about project smile and traced Caesar Clown to Punk Hazard. The only dilemma was he needed to go alone and you didn’t like that. There was nothing you could do to change his mind, nothing you could do to stop him and nothing you could tell the rest of the crew because he had you swear you wouldn’t say anything to them. The only good news was now that he was a warlord getting to Sabaody safely was no longer an issue but you could tell that he couldn’t wait any longer because he finally had a strong lead and you were holding him back. Or maybe he was just using you as an excuse who knows.
You asked him to take you back early saying you wanted to try and catch up with Shakky and maybe hit the amusement park since that was something you didn’t get to do the first time around. Whether he bought your excuse was another story but the spark in his eyes was the only thing that mattered to you. Before you knew it, it was your last day with the heart pirates. You were going to miss everyone.
Everyone piled in a group hug and you couldn’t help but notice that Law was nowhere to be seen. In fact he had been avoiding you all day. Bepo brought the Polar Tang around Grove 13 since that was where Shakky's bar was. You were wearing Law’s hoodie with a small backpack of all the things you gathered over the years as you stepped out of the Tang. You looked back at the door and sighed. You knew it was bad to say goodbye but you at least thought he would see you off. When you turned back around you heard the door open.
"I was about to say you're cutting it really close." He walked up to you and scratched the back of his neck looking away from you "(Y/N)-ya-" you cut him off by throwing your arms around him "Thank you for everything." You placed a kiss on his cheek before he had a chance to react. You stepped back and turned around to hide your expression and to avoid seeing his.
"Don’t die, okay!" With that you walked off without turning back. Which was the hardest thing you've ever done.
When you entered Shakky's bar you were surprised to see Rayleigh there as well. You only blushed as he asked how things went but you think he got his answer. He was pleased to hear you managed to pick up haki and a few new abilities with your fruit.
You now could use "camo" an ability that lets you blend in with your surroundings similar to a chameleon and "burrow" an ability that lets you phase through objects in order to hide. On top of you strengthening your "Mimic" and "Hysteria" abilities you were much more confident with your devil fruit. You still had a long way to go but since training with Bepo you could see Rayleigh’s movements. You couldn’t lay a finger on him but you could prevent yourself from getting knocked on your ass. Now all that was left to do was wait for your crew and avoid thinking about a certain surgeon of death.
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wolfstardaughter-jj · 6 months
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kibagib · 3 months
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Second scene uncropped HERE
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teethchomp · 20 days
Dibujo TomTord/draw TomTord
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ayyy-imma-ninja · 1 month
“Is this the part where you interrogate me again?” he asks you. There’s amusement in his tone, yet his posture tells you he’s willing to comply. You nod, and he clicks his nonexistent tongue. “Boo~ And here I thought you missed me~”
You fight the corners of your mouth from rising as you give a roll of your eyes. “Standard procedure,” you tell him, plucking your handy notepad and pen from your coat pocket. “Just like last time.”
“Is it not procedure to do this at the station?” 
“That is the usual place, yes,” you say, giving your pen life as you swirl circles in the corner of the page to get ink flowing, “for officers to maintain control and ensure the safety of others.” You lift your eyes to him. “As someone who is qualified to do both, I trust you’ll keep yourself composed?”
illustrations for chapter 4 below cut (tw for the first one, "blood")
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carpetbug · 6 months
welcome to the beginning of my ML Feline Blue AU!
in which Marinette is forced to become guardian before ever wielding a miraculous. Chaos ensues when she uses the black cat ring to become feline blue and through a silly little turn of events, Adrien gets his hands on the ladybug earrings and becomes beetle rouge
BIIIIIG thank you to my lovelies @isabugs and @thimbleb3rries for being so kind and encouraging, for their WONDERFUL ART OH MY GOD, and for beta-ing this!
The beginning: Becoming Guardian
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“You’re not going to beat me like that, old man” The looming figure taunted.
Hunched in a ball before him, a much smaller elderly man struggled for breath. Blood trailed from his mouth, combining with his saliva to messily drip from his lips as he fought for air. Just by the effort he had to put into continuing breathing, he could tell this was not a fight he could win. Still, his fists clenched in defiance as he pushed himself from the floor and steadied himself upright on his feet. His spine screamed in protest and searing pain at the task, but he managed to remain standing.
“I know I can not beat you, old man” He coughed, hands trembling slightly. “But I must continue to fight”
The taller man scoffed before taking a step forward “I’ll make sure it's the last thing you ever do, you pathetic excuse of a guardian” He spat, tightening his grip on his cane as his rage boiled beneath his skin.
“I’d expect nothing less from a villain like you, Hawkmoth”
“No need to act like you’re so much better than me. After all, we've all made mistakes, haven’t we Master fu” Hawkmoth sneered.
“Leave my past out of this. I’ve worked to fix what I have broken, you only aim to destroy” Master fu panted, feeling his shoulders to check if his bag was still on his back, and letting out a small sigh of relief when he felt the thick material. Next his hands slowly traveled to support and feel the bottom and sides of the bag, searching for an object. He took another relieved breath when he felt the item's weight, and then he prepared himself for the worst. Bunching his muscles, he sprang into action and bolted away from Hawkmoth.
He focused only on moving forward, getting as far from this wretched evil as he could before time ran out. When he finally collapsed, legs giving out from under him in pure exhaustion, he found himself at the Pont de Arts, above the seine. Hawkmoth was nowhere to be seen, but master fu knew that was only a false sense of security. The villain would find him soon enough. He needed to find someone. Anyone.
“-ir? Are you okay?”
A voice. Master fu looked up, vision shaking just slightly. In Front of him stood a teenage girl, dark hair pulled back into pigtails and eyebrows pushed together with worry.
“Sir? Can you hear me?” She asked with a panicked look in her eyes. “How can I help?” She stepped closer and offered him a hand.
Master fu gathered his strength to pull his bag from his back and carefully draw open the zipper before reaching in to pull out the contents. The girl watched intensely, eyes following his pained movements. He pulled a large dark wooden box from the bag and held it close to his chest, then brought his eyes upwards to meet her face. “I’m sorry, young hero” He said sadly, then joined his hand to hers before she could respond.
An intense feeling washed over him, and he closed his eyes to take a deep breath. This girl was strong. He hoped she will forgive him for the burden he will make her bear.
She flashed an anxious smile “That’s okay, and I promise I’m no hero. Just a normal g-” He cut her off with a sharp tug, then slammed the box into her chest. She gasped as he knocked the air from her lungs, clearly not expecting such a feat of strength from the battered man. As she fought to breathe, Master fu gathered the last few remnants of his strength and lifted the girl from the ground. “I, Wang Fu, hereby relinquish the Miracle Box-”
“Stop! What are you doing!?”
“-and name Marinette Dupain-Cheng the guardian” His body lit up, skin glowing as the box between them lifted upward and burned like a star in the air.
“How do you know my na-?!” Before she could finish what she said, the box dropped back into her hold and the elderly man -still glowing like some sort of deity- held her over the railing and dropped her into the rushing water below. She hit the surface with a loud splash, getting thrown under but quickly resurfacing a few feet away, miracle box still in her arms.
The last thing she saw before being pulled away by the fast moving current was the man falling backwards to the ground in exhaustion as the light emitting from his skin dimmed.
Master fu slowly blinked his eyes open, carefully taking in his surroundings with an expression of pure shock and confusion on his face. He seemed so frail, all of a sudden. Like he had lost all his fight.
“What did you do?!” a booming voice hissed behind him. He started to turn his head to look, but something beat him to it. All of a sudden, a hand tightened around his throat and picked him off the ground, nails digging into the thin skin of his neck.
“What- what’s happening?” Master fus strangled voice hardly escaped his lips. He tried to thrash his legs, do anything to get free, but a fatigue he couldn’t explain had overcome his muscles. Weakly prying at his attackers hands, panic began to set in. There wouldn’t be any escape. “Who are you?” he managed out in a pained mumble.
“I am the next guardian of the miraculous” the seething voice responded as nails began to break through his skin. “I am the consequences of your greatest mistake” the words rang through his head as his vision went black, and sickeningly warm blood poured from his throat.
Marinette struggled to hold her head above the surface and keep the container in her grasp as the river pulled her this way and that. Her mind raced and her lungs screamed, everything inside her begging to let go of that weird old man’s weird old box and save herself instead. Still, her grip remained glued to the sodden wood, as if she would rather drown than set the box free to face the waters’ wrath. Nothing was making any sense. And despite the deafening chorus of the racing water that surrounded her, the only thing ringing in her ears was the man’s words.
He had called her a hero. He had entrusted her with something clearly important to him. He had thrown her into the seine. He had been badly wounded. He had been a complete and utter stranger. What did everything mean? Suddenly, her feet felt solid ground beneath her, and she hurriedly moved to follow it. She pushed forward, focusing on reaching the bank that lay on the other side. Eventually Marinette was able to pull herself and the box from the water onto an empty platform beneath a bridge.
As soon as she was safely out of the water, Marinette threw herself backwards in exhaustion. She laid against the cool pavement underneath her and passed through all the events that had just occurred. What the fuck was this ‘miracle’ box? And why was she the ‘guardian’? Ignoring the new aches in her body, she sat upward and brought the box closer to her.
There she sat for a few moments, toying with the lid and gently tracing the intricate pattern displayed. Taking a deep breath, she slowly opened it.
“HELLO YOUNG MASTER” A loud chorus of voices rang out as a beam of light emitted from the open container and what looked like small differently colored masses of stars flew all around her. Marinette fell back onto her elbows, overwhelmed at the sudden sensory overload. Her vision was a blur of nauseating colors accompanied by what she could only imagine to be auditory hallucinations.
Before she had a chance to speak, to catch her breath or try and scream for help, the almost magical colorful masses slowed until they were still, then began to morph into a solid form. Marinette watched, intrigued and terrified, as these small creatures took shape in front of her. They each seemed to be a different animal, though they all shared an alien-like anatomy. Some had tails, others long whiskers and a few antennas. Two of them caught her eye, a sleek black cat and what she thought to be a ladybug (though it looked much more like some sort of bug-mouse combo).
As if the creatures could read her mind -which they could, for all she knew-, they began to speak in sync. “WE ARE THE KWAMI, MAGICAL BEINGS THAT CAN BESTOW POWERS UPON OUR WIELDERS.” They said, in an almost sing-songy voice.
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avelera · 5 months
Truly, the most ridiculous time to be a fanfic writer is between after you post a new fic/chapter and before the AO3 email alert even goes out, when you're sitting there wondering if anyone has read it yet
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angelxd-3303 · 2 months
*jump scares you with lore art for my poppy playtime au*
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I've been a fan of Poppy Playtime for awhile now, and it's kinda been my most recent hyperfixation.
In this au, the player is a former employee of playtime Co. named Patrick Desmond. He worked in the Game Station, caring for the children as they arrived. About a year into his employment, Patrick met a teacher from the Playcare named Lilith. The pair started working more closely after Patrick was promoted to a position in her school, started dating, and got married two years after meeting. (A healthy hetero couple???Nani??)
Some time later, a boy named Daniel Harvey came into the factory. He was orphaned at five years old, and was taken in by Playtime Co. He was meant to become a test subject; they intended to use him to create DogDay, but he was one of the lucky few to escape when Patrick and Lilith adopted him at 7.
Lilith sadly wound up losing her job at Playtime Co., when Miss Delight was created. She was heartbroken at leaving her students, but made the most of it by focusing on her adopted son, and her new life as a mother.
Patrick stayed at Playtime Co. for another four years. As time passed, he became more suspicious. Why did kids keep disappearing? Why was no one answering any questions? Everything came to a head when a child he was watching dropped her Mommy Longlegs toy, and Patrick was mortified to see blood spilling from between the plastic.
Following that incident, Patrick began scrutinizing Playtime Co. more closely. In a risky move, he snuck into his manager's office to investigate. He wound up finding papers describing the requirements for experiment test subjects. With that, he realized that all the rumors he'd heard over the years were true, that this childcare program was nothing more than a way for the company to gather subjects for their sick experiments.
Patrick made up his mind; he put in his two weeks notice. His boss wasn't happy, but Patrick was determined to muscle through the last weeks and leave this pit of a factory.
Now, as is canon, he called in sick on August 8th, 1995. The Hour of Joy. Daniel brought a cold home from school, and Patrick caught it. The next day, despite still being ill, Patrick tried to go to work. When he saw a flood of cop cars outside the factory, Patrick figured they'd been exposed for their crimes, turned tail and went straight home.
The police asked questions, of course, but since Lilith hadn't been there for years and Patrick had missed work that day, they had little reason to ask much of them. They still cooperated insofar as they could.
Ten years went by, and though Patrick had gotten a new job at a grocery store, Playtime Co. was always on his mind. The couple agreed that Danny was the only good that came from the situation, but Patrick could never shake the guilt. He had no idea what happened in the factory, or why he never saw any former employees around. Still, the guilt of leaving when there was clearly something going on lingered.
So when he received a vintage Poppy Playtime advertisement and a messily written plea to return, Patrick hardly thought twice.
Daniel, 17 now, had grown up with a loving but guilt ridden Patrick as his dad. He didn't know what exactly went down in the factory, but had memories of Playcare and the way he and the other kids were treated. He knew his dad felt guilty about leaving the factory, so when Patrick ran off without warning Danny knew exactly where he went.
Danny would be damned if he let his Dad go trudge through the painful memories of the past alone, so he went in after Patrick, facing what could have been his fate in his quest to find his father.
Lilith has her own demons regarding that factory, so she always held her husband back from returning. Her worst nightmare came to fruition when both her husband and son charged headlong right into the belly of the beast. Not willing to stand by while her family went down the drain, Lilith put aside her fear of Playtime Co. and went in after them.
So we have a man riddled with survivors guilt, a boy facing what his fate was meant to be, and a woman who knows more than she lets on...
Mayyybe a fic upcoming?? I'm still working on my Mario one, I promise. I've just hit a creative roadblock, so I'm gonna try to redirect to a different project and revisit it later to see if the flow returns. Sorry to keep you waiting!🙏
Let the games begin.
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petite-phthora · 5 months
Please don't shake the cat
[DP x DC fic]
[Love at first... murder? - part 13]
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Part 1
Private chat nicknames:
RedHood = Jason
Danny = Danny
Private chat
RedHood: *picture*
RedHood: this yours???
Seeing the picture of Ellie clamped onto Red Hood’s arm Danny lets out a sigh while rubbing his forehead. He takes a few seconds to look at the picture while deciding on how to reply.
Private chat
Danny: you don’t happen to be in Mexico right now by any chance, do you?
RedHood: No.
RedHood: I was out patrolling when I was suddenly bitten by her.
RedHood: Thought it might have been a criminal or stray cat or something like that at first.
RedHood: I was not expecting a feral teenager, but I can’t say this is the first time it’s happened.
Danny: damn, she was supposed to be in Mexico 😕😥
Danny: I guess this is what she was trying to tell me with that cryptic message she sent me huh
Danny: and the stray cat analogy isn’t too far off to be perfectly honest 🤔
RedHood: So you know her?
RedHood: Can you help me get her off? I’ve tried prying but she’s got some sick ass jaw strength.
RedHood: Which would have been pretty cool any other time, but it’s currently not really working in my favor.
Danny: I’m so sorry about her 😓 😓
Danny: we’ve been trying to teach her to ask for consent first
Danny: but it’s still a work in progress 😅
Danny: of course I'll help you get her off!! 😊🙃
RedHood: Great! You’re at your apartment, right?
RedHood: I’ll be there in two shakes.
Danny: please don’t shake the cat 😰
Danny: she’ll get grumpy and might latch on even tighter
Danny: I’ll come to you instead 🙃
Danny: you said you were patrolling, so crime alley, right? 🤔🤔
RedHood: Well, yes, but I doubt you’ll be able to get up where I am right now.
RedHood: Let me at least come down to the ground first and I’ll tell you how to get here.
RedHood: Danny?
Jason looks down at his unread messages with a slight frown. He puts his phone away and looks back at the teenager on his arm.
He gives his arm a small shake, causing her to growl at him which immediately makes him stop.
Right… No shaking the cat.
Jason lets out a weary sigh before looking down over the edge of the building to the ground below. He’s trying to think of the best way to get down with only one functional arm when a voice breaks him out of his reverie.
“Hey, Hood. I’m here!”
He turns around, slightly alarmed that there’s a second person who managed to sneak up on him tonight.
Damn, he’s getting rusty
Though from anyone whom he had been expecting to see, he had not been expecting to see the guy he messaged a minute ago standing behind him on the roof.
“How did you get here so quickly? And for that matter, how did you even get up here?” Jason asks confused.
“Oh, I flew” is Danny’s casual response, which gives Jason more questions than have been answered. But before he can decide whether he should bother asking for clarification Danny already moves on to the next topic.
“Anyway, let’s see what we can do about this,” he says, approaching Jason’s arm and the girl that’s hanging off of it.
“Good luck,” Jason says, holding out his arm a little better and watching bemused as Danny and the teen have a stare-down.
“Ellie, what did we say about biting others?”
The teen, Ellie, narrows her eyes and growls at him. Danny just crosses his arms and gives her an unimpressed stare.
“Nah-ah, you have to let him go. We ask before we bite someone. It’s called consent. Don’t make me get Jazz to give you another lecture”
It’s clear to Jason that Danny’s attempt at talking to her isn’t working when the teen proceeds to glance at Jason calculatingly before giving Danny a challenging look and biting down harder.
Apparently, it’s clear to Danny as well, as the next thing he does is let out a put-upon sigh before declaring “Well, I gave you a chance. Guess we’ll have to do this the hard way”
Danny then grabs a hold of her and tries pulling her off of him.
What is his life? Jason thinks as he’s standing there while Danny tries to physically pull the teenage girl, who decided his arm looked like a nice snack, off of him.
Though luckily for him, it seems to work as not a few seconds later Danny has pulled her off of his arm and is now holding the teenage girl with a bloody mouth up by her armpits.
Danny sets her down with a sigh but before he can speak up, the teen crosses her arms and levels Jason with a sharp look that makes him straighten up.
“Thou winneth this round, Red-Helmed Knight of the Night. Though thou should be prepareth, as the upcoming trials will be even more toilsome” Ellie declares while pointing at him, uncaring of the blood on her face.
“And I,” She points a finger back at herself for emphasis, ”Sir Ellie of the Infinite Realms, will—” she gets cut off when a fly enters her mouth.
Danny moves to help her but she holds up a hand to stop him, using her other hand to thump on her chest a few times.
She spits the dislodged fly out onto the floor and glares at it.
“Curse you! Foiling my monologuing once again!” she yells after the fly as it flies off.
Jason turns to Danny.
“So is she your sister?” he asks curiously. And totally not trying to fish for more information about Danny and his family.
Instead of Danny answering the question though, Ellie cuts him off.
“I’m his love child with the mayor of our town.”
Danny gives her a disgusted look.
She looks back at Danny with a shit-eating grin on her face.
Yeah, definitely siblings.
“I love my dads!” she says proudly, her eyes still on Danny.
Danny gives her a deadpan look in response before it changes to a more mischievous one.
“Oh, I’m sure Vlad would love to hear all about how you reclaimed him as a father figure—”
“Oh Ancients, no. Don’t even joke about that” She fake gags at him before turning back to Jason.
“Can I change my answer? I’m his bodyguard” She says, pointing her thumb at Danny.
That makes both Danny and Jason raise an eyebrow at her, though Jason’s can’t be seen through the helmet. They speak up at the same time.
“A bodyguard, huh?”
“No, you’re not, that’s Frighty”
Danny’s statement makes Jason pause and turn to look at him.
He’s got a bodyguard?
Ellie shakes her head happily.
“Nope! I took over the position. My knightly title isn’t just for show, y’know? I earned it fair and square!”
“When did this even happen? And why was I not told?” Danny asks, bewilderment covering his face.
Jason stays silent as he tries to make sense of the conversation.
“About…” Ellie takes a moment to think about it “3 months ago? I think it was when you were dealing with some time chores. And I thought it’d be a nice surprise, so… Surprise!” she exclaims, doing some jazz hands at the end of the sentence.
“What did you even do?”
“I snuck up on him and threw a Fenton Wii remote at his head which knocked him out cold. It counted as a win so I earned the position by right of conquest and gained my knighthood” She says with a shrug.
“Huh… think that would’ve worked for Pariah Dark as well? Would’ve made things so much easier…”
Ellie gives another careless shrug as Danny lets out a small reminiscent sigh. Meanwhile, Jason stands awkwardly to the side.
“Well, either way, I’m proud of you. Do you have a video?”
“Tucker filmed it for me, yeah”
They high-five with grins on their faces. At this point, Jason lets out a small cough which has the Fenton siblings turn around startled and proceed to then give him identical sheepish smiles.
They really look like they could be twins…
“Ah, sorry Red Hood. And again, I’m sorry for Ellie.” Danny says, rubbing the back of his neck with a small blush on his face.
“I’ll take her back home. And uhh… see you next time?”
Jason gives him a smile from under his helmet.
“Sure, if you’re still up for that next date?” Jason trails off with some hope.
His words make Danny’s blush darken.
“Ah uh, yeah! Yeah, of course! The next date! Uhmm, I’ll text you! Or you can text me. That’s fine too!”
Next to him, Ellie rolls her eyes and makes some fake gagging motions. She then grabs Danny by his arm and starts dragging him away.
“Come on, Loverboy. You can and your paramour can flirt later. When I’m not there… and after he’s passed my trials” she says, muttering the latter part low enough that Jason can’t hear. But, judging by the way Danny’s head snaps back to her and how his brows furrow, he did hear.
Just as Jason goes to reply, giving them a thank you and a goodbye of his own, perhaps even an offering to help them get down from the roof, he picks up on movement behind him.
Quickly turning around has him regretting not leaving the rooftop earlier, as he watches the Bats (and birds) land.
@i-always-say-yea   @uraniumwizard    @why-must-i-be-like-this   @griffinthing @i23432i @imsotiredfanficlovertm
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getfuckedblr · 4 months
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latest bind!! if we were lovers by @reggieblk
i read this over christmas and was OBSESSED like was sneaking off to read it during family time obsessed. she came in at like 700 pages and i had to physically wedge her into my guillotine for trimming, but i’m so proud of her!! the covers didn’t come out perfect (but then they never do LMAO) but i’m pretty satisfied!!
bound in peel and stick green flocking, gilded with bronze toner foil and gold htv for the cover!
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i did indeed mess up the title, cut it out, and then iron it on all without realizing. but let’s not talk about that LMAO. i swear to god i didn’t just decide to rename the fic i had one of the biggest brain farts ever known to man.
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snaileer · 1 year
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The process:
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damagedintellect · 1 year
Trafalgar Law x reader
💌 Fake it till you make it: Chapter 5  💌  
Summary:  To avoid an arranged marriage set up by Doflamingo, Law needs to bring home a girlfriend during the Christmas break and you just so happen to be a theatre major in the same dorm at One Piece University. What could possibly go wrong?  
Tropes: College AU, Fake Dating, Idiots in love, [This Chapter has 🍋]
💌 Word count: 6,125 💌 <= Previous Chapter | Next Chapter =>
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You were in shambles! Ever since the festival three days ago things have been different between you and Law but you're not entirely sure why. It wasn’t necessarily a bad thing but you couldn’t put your finger on it. Maybe the love trials triggered something in you that you weren’t aware of? Whatever the case, everything he does appears to fluster you now. No matter how hard you try to keep your cool he does something that catches you completely off guard. You can't tell if he's doing it on purpose or if it's all one big coincidence. You wonder if he even notices that he’s flustering you in the first place. He can be pretty dense on occasion. Although if he does notice, he hasn’t said anything. You understand that the reason why you're here in the first place is to be his girlfriend and his mannerisms are perfectly acceptable choices to make when his family's around. That’s not the problem. Law has started doing it regardless if anyone was watching or even in the same room.
The other day you were getting hot chocolate with Sugar and she walked away to grab a napkin. Allegedly you had some stray whipped cream on the corner of your mouth. Normal Law would have simply pointed it out to you but instead he leaned over and just licked it off without a word. No warning no nothing and when Sugar came back to the table he acted like nothing happened. Meanwhile poor Sugar thought you had burnt your tongue. You couldn’t even confirm you weren’t imagining things because no one was around to see it. On top of Law blatantly ignoring your personal space, he’s started letting Corazon take pictures. Not too long ago he purposely dodged and weaved out of the line of sight but now he will quietly let it happen, while also pulling you closer. These new habits he’s suddenly picked up don’t even take the proverbial cake. Last night for some reason he decided he didn’t want to wear a shirt. You don’t know, you were trying not to stare. You felt like a school girl all over again. It’s not like you were uncomfortable or anything at most it was merely odd. Had it been anyone else you wouldn’t have batted an eye at it. Law claimed it was a little warm last night. Maybe he could feel the heat rising off of your cheeks. You’d hate to admit it but it sparked a less than innocent dream and when you woke up in his arms afterwards you panicked. You’re not sure how much more your heart can take of his unintentional torture. You have to tell him or maybe you don’t. Your head is a mess. You only had to survive one more night anyhow. Tomorrow morning was when Law planned to leave but tonight was the New Year’s eve gala. In your state of panic you missed the smirk Law gave you as you left to take your shower.
Law went to check back in with Corazon to make sure he had the right time of departure when Doflamingo pulled him into his office. The surgeon only rolled his eyes as Doffy had them both sit down at the desk like a proper business arrangement. Law crossed his legs scowling at the blonde waiting for him to speak.
"Law, I’m willing to cut you a deal that will benefit us both but it requires your complete cooperation at the gala.”
Law sighed “And if I refuse?” Doffy grinned “Do you even have to ask? I know your weakness now. It's not as bad as you think it is. All I want is for you to perform that cute little song from a few years back. What was it, Dr. Heart Stealer?” Law grimaced, rubbing his face in his hands. That had been a mistake and his biggest regret for a while now but only a few people knew about it. It was Eustass’s idea so he really should have known it wasn’t going to work out in his favor but anything to spite Doflamingo. They were pretty wasted at the time but Eustass suggested to write and perform a song as a fuck you to Doflamingo. Almost like throwing it back in his face that Law was capable of being the Donquixote performer like the rest of the family was, he just chose not to. He wasn’t expecting Doflamingo to enjoy the performance and lord it over him. The worst part was that Corazon pretty much immortalized it by making copies of the video and burning CD’s of the song.
“It better be a damn good benefit or no deal.”
Doflamingo chuckled “Sing at the gala and I’ll give you the choice of whether or not we continue with your arranged marriage, how does that sound?”
“What’s the catch? I know you won’t give up that easily.”
“No catch, it’s your choice to either continue with your current relationship or I’ll choose a suitor. I’m being rather generous.” Doffy leaned forward resting his elbows on the table with his head in his hands as if to say “your move.” Law was wary of the offer. Doflamingo was giving him exactly what he wanted which was never a good sign and the only thing he wanted in return was for him to sing. Not to be his successor but to sing? Something wasn’t right here, he had a feeling that was very unsettling. What did he mean by weakness? It could be a bluff for all he knew but he wasn’t going to take that chance. Besides if Doflamingo does stick to his word then problem solved. He could also use this as another opportunity to fluster (Y/N) which would definitely be a bonus. As it stands it’s a win win but he couldn’t help the off feeling in his gut but what does he have to lose.
Begrudgingly he sighed “Fine, I’ll sing.”
It was a very lazy day everyone was pretty much just twiddling their thumbs until it was time to get ready for the gala. You had been reading the book you won Law the other night on the couch when he finally emerged from Doflamingo’s office. You didn’t look up when he joined you on the couch. He sat there in silence for a while before laying down on your lap. You tried to focus harder on the words you were reading but you could feel his gaze on you. “Can I help you?” you asked, finally looking down at him. He hummed for a while before answering “Not particularly.” was all he said as you stare at each other. You went back to reading after that. Trying not to let it get to you. He wouldn't win this round.
You may have underestimated how long Law would stay in your lap for. He really didn't have anything better to do you guess but you would have at least thought he would get up at some point to grab something to occupy his mind. You refused to look down just in case he's still staring at you but then it hit you. Why not fight fire with fire? As it stands he's beating you at your own game. By being flustered you are letting him win. You glanced back at Law but his eyes were closed and had been for a while. You were internally panicked over nothing. Although you wonder if he's just resting his eyes or if he managed to fall asleep like this. Back at the dorms the surgeon was notably an insomniac which made it interesting that he fell sound asleep in your lap on the first night. Not to mention he's kept a relatively consistent sleep schedule while here. Maybe being around his family requires more energy. While lost in your thoughts you idly run your hand through Law’s hair as you pick back up reading where you left off. Playing with his hair as if he was a cat that had jumped into your lap. He mumbled something incoherent as he shifted on his side slightly allowing you more access to his soft mane. He genuinely is like a big cat, it was cute. You giggled to yourself.
"What's so funny?" Law questioned turning his head to meet your gaze. Ah, so he was awake. You smirked, peering down at him.
"You're cute."
The moment the words left your mouth you could feel Law tense a light dusting of color rushing to his face. His neutral expression morphing into bewilderment. Clearly startled by your bluntness. He couldn't seem to look away either, his mind stopped in his tracks briefly before he swiftly positioned himself in the gap between you and the book meeting you eye to eye. The sudden movement causes you to lean as far as you can into the couch further trapping yourself.
"Hey before I have to bleach my eyes again, I'm stealing your girlfriend and Doffy wants you to practice your speech."
Law sighed glaring at Monet knowing she ruined the moment on purpose. You raised an eyebrow "You're giving a speech?"
"Something like that"
As Monet dragged you away from the scene she mentioned that Giolla was getting sick of waiting and was turning people into her little art projects. Baby 5 was already her first victim and Monet didn't want to be next in line. She claimed if she was with you there was a zero percentage chance that Giolla would ask. Instead Monet offered to do your hair if you would do her makeup. You thought about it for a moment but agreed when you passed Baby 5 in the hallway. She didn't see a problem with it since she was helping Giolla out and felt needed but you and Monet exchanged a look that meant you both had a mutual understanding on the matter. You were not going to become some abstract expressionism art piece. Not today and hopefully never.
After you were finished you made your way back to Law’s room to put on your dress. You're not sure why, maybe at the time you were thinking of teasing him with it but when you were packing for the trip you put your favorite sexy lingerie in your suitcase. This must have been something you did when you were drunk the night before because you don't remember putting it in there. You glanced around the room stopping at the door feeling your face heat up. No one's going to know. It's not like your dress is super thin or anything. You hastily put them on trying to get into your dress as soon as possible. Unfortunately you couldn't get the zipper by yourself. You should have tried the dress on earlier instead of assuming Doflamingo somehow magically guessed your size. It wasn’t that it was super tight, it fit well there just wasn't enough give in the fabric for you to have enough grip to pull it up by yourself. In the midst of your struggle you didn't notice Law come into the room. It wasn’t until a foreign hand guided the zipper did you realize he was back. You jumped at the contact.
"Calm down, it's just me,” Law said indifferently as he also started to get ready. You didn't trust yourself to make a retort instead you watched him dress. He was staring at himself in the mirror, smoothing out his vest and adjusting his tie. As he put his coat on he adjusted the cuffs so that the cufflinks peeked out slightly. Law begrudgingly discarded his hat and ran a hand through his hair loosely slicking his hair back. It didn't stay that way, some strands fell back in his face. It was weird to see him like this. You already knew he was handsome but this was such a turn on for you. A lot of people swear by a man in uniform but clearly they've never seen a man in formal wear. It felt like a dream, like you were being swept off your feet the same way the female lead in a play would. This time you didn't turn away when he caught you staring.
"Are you ready to go?" Law asked while offering his hand. If the guys back home could see you now they wouldn't believe you. Sure he has always been well mannered but this was almost gentlemanly. Law wasn't exactly known for his congeniality. You smile at the rarity and take his hand. Of course when you made it down the stairs Corazon wanted pictures of everyone. Similarly to the past few days Law obliged. This earned him some strange looks from his uncles but no one voiced the concern out loud. They all just motioned to him and shrugged.
Once you arrived at the venue Doflamingo was greeted by Caesar Clown as he gave everyone a short tour through the arrangements he prepared. An elegant open ballroom with the most divine chandelier at the center, a live orchestra and of course light refreshments. Next would be dinner in the next room over. This would be when most of the official business would be taking place speeches, toasts, maybe light entertainment. You had never been to a charity Gala before so you're not quite sure what goes on. The only thing you did know was there was an after dinner party to ring in the new year, again in the next room over from the dining hall. A red carpet laid across the two rooms connecting them through the entryway reaching the other side of the space. They had a main stage set up with a live band and at every nook of the room an open bar, that was on top of waitstaff holding trays of champagne nearly every two feet. You already know you can't say no to a free drink, especially to champagne. Champagne is expensive. By no means were you an alcoholic but with the week you've had, you think you've earned a drink or two.
"Ah Caesar you've outdone yourself, this time around." Doflamingo states although you're unsure if it was supposed to be a dig at him or a compliment. As more people arrive Law makes his rounds greeting everyone ushering you by the waist keeping the introductions brief. The sight was riveting to behold. Law talking to people unprompted. Mostly because he didn't give a damn one way or the other but he could also feel Doflamingo's unsettling gaze from across the room. He grips your waist tighter as he whispers that it seems Doffy was going to introduce someone to you both.
"Law, you remember Linlin of Big Mom Bakes. This is her daughter Charlotte Pudding." Doflamingo gestured to the girl next to him. She was a little bit taller than you were but not by more than three inches. Her light hazel hair was pulled into high pigtails, admittedly an interesting choice for a formal event. Her dress was almost identical to yours but instead of pastel pink it was a soft lavender. Weird coincidence or so it seemed. You don’t trust Doflamingo's wicked grin but maybe he got help picking out your dress. You raised an eyebrow as Doffy continued. "Please see to it that she has a pleasant evening. It's her first time at an event like this. We wouldn't want her to feel overwhelmed."
It was only for half of a second but you could see the annoyed look flash across Law’s features before slipping back to formality. He pulled you closer before denoting "It's (Y/N)'s first time as well if you'd like to accompany us later on. I was about to ask for a dance." He glanced at you for confirmation as you nod. It was the first time he called you by just your name and not with his polite vocal tic. While he led you away you could see Doflamingo introducing Pudding to Baby 5 and Monet. Law grabbed your hand as you got into position waiting for the next song to start.
"You're not overwhelmed right? I tend to run on autopilot at these events." The music picked up and you started to dance but he looked at you with uncertainty. Doflamingo's words must have struck a chord. You laughed at that "I'm not but it is fascinating having little knowledge of what's going on." You both glide across the room as if no one is around. Law twirls you and you take that moment to survey the party. Corazon seems to be recording your dance with Law. You smile at that when Law pulls you back in. The atmosphere was like that of a movie. It was pleasant but you could feel someone glaring at you. The next opportunity you had you tried to locate the presence. It seemed Pudding was rather cross about something and when the song ended she approached you again with a smile.
"May I have the next dance? You make it look like it's the most enjoyable experience."
Law looks to you asking for permission and you wave him off. "I won't be long." He reassured you as he led Pudding to the dance floor. When Law turned away you could have sworn Pudding shot you a glare as she felt up his arm. You didn't know what to make of it so you shrugged it off.
"I would offer to dance but I'm afraid my clumsiness would get the best of me. Are you enjoying yourself (Y/N)?" Corazon greeted you by handing you a champagne flute. You clink your glasses together taking a small sip "Of course! It's not everyday I get to see this side of Law." Which was true, you’ve never seen this side of him.
"You bring out the best in him you know. I've never seen him so happy before," he took a sip of his drink. His smile grew softer as he looked at the surgeon. "When I adopted Law his heart was closed off. He had a lot of trust issues with the world since it treated him so unfairly. I was always worried his cold demeanor and his uncaring attitude would isolate him from connecting with others." He paused polishing off the drink in his hand. You wondered if Corazon was a lightweight as he continued. "I'm very proud of the man that he's become. I can tell he truly cares about you whether he shows it or not." He put a hand lovely on your shoulder. "He can be difficult at times but please do continue to take care of him." One of the waitstaff came to take his empty glass, replacing it with a full one. It feels like Corazon just gave you his blessing. You drink, feeling the bubbles against your tongue as it goes down. "At least I know for sure that my life won't be boring. Although I might be gray earlier than most." You giggled, running a hand through the end of your hair for emphasis, Corazon laughing along with you. "I know I've said this before but thank you for that. If you’re ever in need of anything just say the word. As far as I'm concerned you're family now." You nod as Law joins you confused as to why you and Corazon were snickering to each other. Neither of you explain. Law chalks it up to the champagne as the doors open to the dining hall.
You sit between Monet and Law, Pudding on the other side of him and Baby 5 on the other side of Monet. Sugar and Buffalo were also at the table but they were having their own conversation. You weren’t really paying attention as speech after speech rolled on. You half wonder when Law would be giving his but it never came. You shrugged the night was still relatively young; the event ran past midnight so who knows. During the rest of your meal you stay relatively quiet but notice Pudding's odd behavior of hanging off of and laughing at everything Law said. You didn't think the story he was telling was meant to be all that funny but maybe she was a nervous laugh-er. You might be imagining it but you feel like Pudding keeps trying to put her hand on Law’s shoulder. You shake your head finishing your second or third drink. You’ve lost count since they keep refilling it.
For light entertainment they had a small trivia game. The winning table would receive some sort of mystery prize. Your table doesn't try that hard but Pudding makes a comment about how Law was "so smart" You rolled your eyes at the cringey comment. Who says that? You could feel Monet having a similar reaction. Law as always was indifferent.
As dinner finished up Doflamingo sought out Law. He requested his assistance with something as you and the rest of the girl's made your way to the after party room. You chimed in very little to the light chit chat but you made a few notes about Pudding. She was the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family. She was a prodigy studying to be a patisserie but ended up finding her true talent in being a chocolatier. She's good at both but prefers to work with chocolate more. At some point the band started playing their sets and you finally noticed Law wasn't back yet.
He had been gone for a while, you wondered what Doffy needed with him. You knew he would be saying a few words at some point but he's been gone for at least twenty minutes. Long enough to get Pudding's life story. You leave them to get another drink. As the song changed you turned your attention to the jazzy music being performed on stage. The lights dimmed red enough to see the silhouette of the band handing a microphone to a familiar looking shadow. The next thing you knew the lights on stage faded back up and Law’s voice filled the room. You nearly fell over, you were so weak at the knees. No one and you really mean no one, told you that Law would be singing. On top of that you had no idea that Law could sing let alone sing, like that.
"Dr. Heart Stealer~"
Your eyes met and your heart leaped out of your chest. Your hands flew to your overactive organ to try and calm it down as Law proceeded to wink at you. He had you swooning. What the actual fuck was happening here. You stare back in disbelief as he continues to make a show of the song. When did he even have time to do this? Where did this flirty bastard come from? This was not the Law that you came to Dressrosa with. When he finished his last line he blew a kiss and winked in your direction causing you to choke on your drink. You had been doing so well to not be flustered the entire evening.
You had to calm yourself down before Law saw how flustered that made you. You turned around almost tripping over the edge of the red carpet that was laid on the floor, luckily you caught yourself before you bumped into someone. Unfortunately the person behind you, an older woman, managed to trip on the same spot and wasn't so lucky. As they fell to the floor they dropped the drink they were holding. You rushed to their side to help them up, completely oblivious to the wine staining the lower half of your dress. The good news was they didn't get hurt that badly but the bad news was your dress was ruined. You frowned, you definitely needed another drink.
"How did you manage to do that?"
You whipped your head around to see Law motioning for you to turn around so he could see the damage. You sighed looking at the mess. People were starting to stare and you felt defeated. "Someone dropped their drink. I don’t think this stain is gonna come out." You lift up your dress to see how bad it soaked in the bottom. It was pretty awful. More people started looking at you and you could hear the group of people start to murmur. "I know we were going to stay till midnight but I think I should leave before I embarrass myself further." You walked past Law with your head down but he grabbed your arm and ushered you away from the crowd. "You don’t have to leave. Stay here okay, I'll be back."
You watched him leave talking to some of the waitstaff. Eventually he came back with a pair of scissors. "Turn for me while I cut." You did what you were told and suddenly your long evening gown transformed into a sexy cocktail dress. You looked at Law in awe as he instructed the waitstaff to take care of the mess. You must have been staring for a while because he looked at you and furrowed his eyebrows
"First the song, now this, are you trying to get me to fall in love with you?" You didn't mean to say that out loud. That was the champagne talking, but you were definitely thinking it.
Law chuckles in response "Depends, is it working?" He slipped his hand around your waist leaning down staring into your soul. The direct eye contact made your face flush. You wonder how many drinks Law had, whether or not his flirtiness was attributed to the alcohol or if this was an accumulation of what he had been doing to you the past few days. That's when Monet and Baby 5 walked up still accompanied by Pudding. Monet rolled her eyes as she approached "We get it, oh my god get a room already."
Baby 5 pointed to your dress "Has your dress always been that short?" You laughed and retold the story. The next few hours were a blur of mingling and small talk as other guests came up to your group to talk to Law and the others. For some reason the waitstaff was being extremely attentive to your glass being empty; you had to refuse the refill a couple of times. You wondered if they had nothing better to do or were tired of dealing with the more “drunken” patrons of the event. You were delightfully tipsy but were trying hard not to drink too much. You didn't want to be drunk in this setting. Lest you be too honest.
Your attention was on Law again. It felt like a dream since you've never seen the man so talkative but you guess under the circumstances he's forced to be. It didn't even occur to you how late it's gotten until Pudding mentioned there was only a minute left. She had tried to drape an arm around Law to show him the time but he moved out of the way and closer into your personal space. Come to think of it, she has been pretty handsy and near constantly hovering around you guys all night. You wondered why but didn't have time to question it.
The countdown started but all you could do was stare back at Law. You never pegged Law as a superstitious person but a midnight kiss was a part of German folklore and widely known around the world as well. It's said to strengthen a budding romance. This is what you were waiting for and it seemed like Law was on the same page as he pulled you closer. Once again staring at you like you were the most precious thing in the world. He shouldn't be able to make you feel this way but it's one night and what do you have to lose.
"Happy new year!"
Your lips touch, both melting in each other's embrace. He makes you feel like you're flying, like your stomach is filled with butterflies and everywhere he touches sends tiny sparks through your body. Your hands move on their own musing his hair as his hands pull you closer than you already were. For you the party was long forgotten about. Although you could feel Law flip off his sisters in response to something they said. You're not sure how you manage to make it back to the manor while stumbling around trying not to break your passionate make out. You were only vaguely aware of your surroundings when Law pressed you against his door taking a breath letting his forehead rest against yours.
"I won't be able to stop myself if this continues" his breathy tone jumpstarts your dirty mind.
"Then don't," you huffed out of breath smirking "I want this just as much as you." You sounded desperate as you leaned forward slowly but deliberately closing the gap again. It didn't hold the same effervescence as before. It was much more soft and tender, almost like you were going to lose him. You hoped it got your point across as you pulled back to stare at him. The mere sight of his slightly disheveled form stirred your arousal in the pit of your stomach reminding you of the dream you had that morning. You don't think you could hold back either. Wrapping your arms around his neck you whispered in his ear "Please for the love of God make love to your girlfriend already." You liked the ring of that. His girlfriend.
He pushed you away to examine your face searching for any sign that you had been joking. Once he was certain that it wasn’t just the drinks talking he pushed you against the door again letting his hands explore the curves of your body while he tried to taste the desperation on your lips. Your eyes roll to the back of your head as they wire shut in pleasure. You moan into his mouth and he takes that as his que to slip you the tongue. You grind your hips into his feeling how hard he was for you. How hard you made him. Rolling your hips upward against his desire you elicit a moan from Law. Your name tastes good from his mouth. He pulled away for a moment panting as he kissed down your jaw latching on to your neck. You gasp bringing your hand up to stifle the embarrassing noises you were making. He bit you a little harder than he had been as a warning, taking your wrist and pinning it above your head as he murmured into your neck “I want to hear you.” and went back to leaving marks on your neck. Fuck that was hot.
He chuckles, satisfied with himself at your whimpering. He releases your hand to start taking off your dress when you feel his hot breath on your ear “Good girl.” the praise with the way his voice dipped lower than usual sent shivers down your spine. You followed suit unbuttoning Law’s ensemble. You stepped out of what remained of your dress once it hit the floor as Law discarded his coat and vest. The shirt was only half unbuttoned; it could stay for now you were impatient. You throw your arms around his shoulders so can jump and wrap your legs around his midsection. You stare at each other for a brief moment with lust filled half lidded eyes as you reconnect your lips. Law’s hand cups your ass as he moves to lay you on the bed. He grinds against you, feeling the wetness of your panties smirking into the kiss before pulling away. "You're already so wet and I've barely done anything to you." You squirm underneath him as he starts fondling you. "These as well," mentioning the lacy lingerie you forgot you were wearing "I guess you weren’t kidding when you said you wanted it." slipping his hand under your bra he unlatches the back of the garment tossing it aside.
Your breath hitched at the sudden exposure. Law peppered more kiss marks all over your body causing you to whimper and moan at the slight ache each bruise left. He looked over his handy work before settling to tease your nipples, pinching one and lapping up the other swirling it around his tongue. You were a mess by the time you felt his fingers trace your entrance. "Hng, L-Law~" you lift your hips enough for Law to discard your soaked panties. Now that you're fully exposed he pulls away to remove his shirt.
"You told me to make love to my girlfriend, I can't just skip steps now can I?"
He watches you with an intense gaze as he lightly caresses your inner thigh dipping down to kiss it before harshly biting down leaving another mark. You screamed out as he kissed around the mark. He looked back at you as his fingers teased your folds before entering. You throw your head back at the sensation moaning his name. He enjoys watching you squirm practically fucking yourself on his fingers. He leans down to kiss your clit and you close your thighs around him as he swirls his tongue around the sensitive area. Your breathing was ragged as he started to overwhelm you. His finger exploring your insides finding exactly where to drive you crazy as he repeatedly brushed against the area. His tongue was doing wonders, making you see stars as you come undone at his mercy. You were on the edge, tensing around his fingers as he pushed them deeper. You tangle your hands in his hair "Haah, L-Law I-I'm gonna" you trail off as you meet your climax. You scream out once more but Law doesn't stop; he continues pumping his fingers in and out of you as you squirm curling your toes riding out your high. You were breathless as he finally pulled away, giving you a kiss. You can taste yourself on his tongue. In-between kisses you can hear him ask "Do we need protection?"
"In my wallet." He looks at you in amazement as he fetches the object. "Were you actually planning on this happening?" Law rids himself of the last few articles of clothes as he tore the condom with his mouth. "That was hot," you pant still coming down from cloud nine. "But no, we use condoms to prevent our mic packs from being soaked in sweat. I always carry one out of habit. It comes in handy sometimes." He crawls back between your legs lining himself up. You gasp as he pushes in completely Law groaning as well.
He started rolling his hips into you keeping a steady rhythm going nice and slow. It was mind numbingly slow. It felt good but you wanted more. Law smirked at you, he was doing this on purpose. You shifted underneath him trying to get a little more friction. You feel embarrassed you just came yet you still felt so needy so horny for Law to ruin you into the mattress. Screw making love you wanted him to fuck your brains out. You moan as he thrusted a little deeper.
"Law please." You whimper as he barely misses the spot you want him to desperately stimulate. "Please what? Use your words." He was toying with you. You know he knew what you meant. Your cheeks flushed a deep crimson. Why was this so embarrassing to admit. "Please Law just fuck me already!"
"As you wish." He picked up the pace thrusting harder and faster catching you off guard despite you asking for it. The sounds you were making was music to Law’s ears. Your legs were shaking, you were already so close again. Law dropped to his elbows to speak directly into your ear "You feel so good (Y/N)." The praise made you clench around him as he abused the place that drove you crazy. "Ah f-fuck~" you mind was short circuiting as you felt wave after wave of pleasure.
Law was getting close, it was increasingly more difficult to keep up the pace he set. His movements started becoming more sporadic and the faces you were making only fueled his desire more and more. With every thrust his breath became more shaky and labored. He shoved himself as deep as he could as he came, sending you over the edge again. You laid like that for a while listening to each other's pants and heartbeats. Law eventually got up to dispose of the condom but the moment he got back into bed you cuddled up next to him. Neither of you said anything more as you both drifted to sleep.
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111 notes · View notes
mokulule · 1 year
The Number You Have Called Cannot Be Reached 4
Part 1|Part 2|Part 3
Ship: Dead on Main (Danny/Jason) Warnings: angst/depression and canon typical violence
A sunbeam from the crack in the curtains hit his eyes and he turned over burying his face in his pillow. Belatedly Jason registered that it was at least afternoon because the windows faced west, but it didn’t really matter. He was much too warm, and comfortable to get up. He drifted - things were good. He dreamt of a low rumble in the distance, barely on the edge of his hearing, easing the tightness, turning him liquid.
It was another half hour before he awoke properly, registering his bedroom around him dimly lit by the single sunbeam. He yawned and stretched before getting up. He felt loose and relaxed and as he opened the dark curtains he was greeted by one of Gotham’s rare days of sunshine. A smile tugged on his lips and for a moment he stood there in the sun, letting the warmth soak into his skin. He wasn’t in any hurry.
Down in the street someone held the door open for another whose arms were full of groceries, smiles were exchanged and the person moved on. The sounds of kids playing on the nearby playground reached his ears when he opened the window to air out the room. Somewhere someone practiced the trombone and they weren’t half bad.
Peace settled in his bones, these were his people. Even Crime Alley shone from its good side.
Stretching again, he walked into the kitchen and started rooting around his fridge in search of ingredients for breakfast.
There was a thought nagging at the back of his mind as he cracked three eggs in a bowl, added a small dollop of sour creme and some salt. He paused, musing, something he’d forgotten… He hummed thoughtfully, trying to grasp at the thought, but it just didn’t seem that important and with a shrug he took out a pan turning it on medium heat. On the way to the fridge, he popped two pieces of toast in the toaster. Unlike whatever was nagging he knew he had forgotten the butter - a small piece went into the pan and he left the rest out so he could butter the toast. He rinsed a handful of small tomatoes he set them aside on a plate.
Something happened yesterday, he finally decided, as he walked back over to the open window and cut off a few stalks from the chives plant by the window sill. He paused there for a moment listening; a saxophone had joined the trombone and they were now playing sweet jazz with each other from across the road through open windows. A small crowd had gathered below to listen. Amused, Jason wondered if more musicians would be lured out.
Sizzling from the pan, drew him back to the kitchen.
He set aside the chives, quickly whisked the egg mixture together and poured it in the pan. Grabbing a spatula from the drawer he absently flipped it in his hand as he watched the eggs. Judging the pan had adjusted to the cold eggs he turned the heat on low and scraped across the pan in long smooth moves, freeing the already cooked eggs and allowing the still liquid mixture to sink to the pan.

The toast popped up from the toaster, and it was a matter of moments before he had them buttered and were stirring the eggs again. They had solidified now but were still glistening slightly when he transferred them on top of the bread. He quickly chopped the chives and sprinkled them on top.
Looking at his handiwork he nodded in satisfaction. Time to eat.

A glass of orange juice in one hand and plate and utensils in another he moved to the table. He cut off the first bite of egg on toast and close his eyes in pleasure: Crunchy toast, smooth eggs wiith a hint of salt and just a bit of sharpness from the chives.
It felt like ages since he’d just allowed himself to enjoy the moment like this. It wasn’t like he didn’t cook normally it was one of the things, along with reading, he still enjoyed despite everything. He was always just so busy, always so angry.
Like a click in a lock he suddenly realized what he was forgetting. The pits, the Ghost, the cave and Bruce asking him to stay. The thought was an ache in his chest and he set the fork down rubbing his forehead. He wanted… he wasn’t sure what he wanted. For the longest time he’d convinced himself he was agreeing to working with the bats because it was easier, they’d get less in his way like that. He’d told himself he barely tolerated them. Now, with the pits calmed or whatever they were, he found himself inexplicably fond:
DIck’s persistence even when Jason pushed him away, he always had so much hope, despite Jason giving him absolutely no reason to. Tim who he’d had so much misplaced anger towards, who was so smart, and yet so stupid. Damian, the absolute brat, who behind the arrogant facade cared so much about his family and friends, but was so afraid of rejection.
Bruce was… Bruce was complicated. The pits hadn’t invented his resentment, he had been so hurt to find out the Joker had gone free, that he’d been replaced, that he’d meant so little to Bruce - to his Dad. But without the pits to stoke the resentment, he was just left with this tired old ache. Lashing out had never helped him and he was just exhausted by the constant fighting. He wanted his dad. Not Batman, Bruce, the Dad who would drink his tea in the library while he was reading just to be in the same room with him. The embarrassing proud Dad who would brag about Jason’s grades in the same breath he would brag about Jason nearly stealing the tires of his car the first time they met.
He still had the hurt and the anger, but the longing far outweighed that. He rubbed at his moist eyes. The realization hurt, because he really didn’t know how long this effect lasted or if this realization would stick once the Pits were back - it was just too much to hope this was permanent.
Jason never had that kind of luck.
He needed to talk to the Ghost, but he never appeared so soon again after a theft. For a moment his thoughts dwelled on the device they’d recovered yesterday, some kind of calibrator, if he took it, maybe he could lure him out… but the thought was dismissed almost immediately, even if he took it, he’d have no way of informing the guy he had it.
They really knew next to nothing about the guy.
Jason sighed, and looked down at his now cold breakfast. He started eating again, starvation was something he would never forget and he was not about to waste food. Dwelling on his family, the pits and the ghost, wasn’t getting him anywhere.
It was distressingly easy to push the thoughts aside instead of obsessing with no angry whisper in his ear. Was this how normal people dealt with emotions? Without everything having to be a fight? As easy as deciding he’d dwell on it later when he could actually do something about it?
Helpless laughter bubbled up in his chest. This was so dangerous; it was way too easy to get used to.
next Masterpost for subscription
I feel I need to apologize for the lack of Danny again, but Jason kinda took over and had some more angst to deal with. I promise, next time we’ll get back to Danny’s misery!
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kyouka-supremacy · 7 months
We should talk more about Akutagawa seeing Dazai in Atsushi and being revolted by him, that's such a juicy concept to explore
179 notes · View notes
ruershrimo · 1 month
take me back (take me with you) | f. megumi x fem! reader | chapter 6: beginning
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chapter synopsis:
'“Why else do you think I am the way I am? I may be shy and scatterbrained, or a horrible woman with a muddled sense of morality or what I think should and should not happen, when in reality it’s just what I want to happen. But this is why I’m so resolute, and so stubborn. This is why I love you so fiercely. All mothers are like that to some degree, even if my own would never let me bear witness to it.”
You haven’t told her you love her too in years.'
'And Itadori seems… like a good person. I think it’s good, that… you were able to find a friend like that.”
“It was. He’s a really, really good guy.”
“You love him a lot,” Megumi says.
You and Megumi set out to prevent an emergency involving Yuuji and a cursed object. Unfortunately, that doesn't happen. But at least everyone is fine in the end, even if it means you'll have to walk away from almost everything (or maybe it's the other way around).
You're going to be all on your own. Still, now it seems like this will hurt less now.
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word count: ~8k; tws: none for now :)
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The two of you walk down the lane. It’s midnight. There’s a loitering silence in the air, no words exchanged between you and him, and it twists your heart in brief moments of hurt when you’re not trying to keep your mind occupied with other things. Your legs move subconsciously without you caring to think of them, the route to the hospital ingrained in your mind as if intrinsically there. 
At some point, you think your hand with its sweat and its grip is going to leave imprints like a marring on his skin, but it’s of your own selfishness that you choose to hold onto his wrist anyway. 
There’s a million things you could say to him right now, things you’ll forcefully push to the very back of your throat, things you’ll keep under lock and key in a mangled mix of quiet anticipation and sombre anxieties. Right now you’re holding his wrist and that’s enough for you, to have him walking behind you if not beside, to be two people near each other— not together— in silence since any conversation is not an option; any conversation could lead to the last spark needed to be fanned into the flame for it to erupt bigger and brighter than ever before. 
If you asked about Tsumiki right now, or why either of them never bothered to speak to you since 2016, it could break you apart, of that you’re sure. And even without words it threatens to do so to you like a chandelier of melting wax candles hanging above you being suspended precariously from the ceiling or light lightning soon to be thrown down mercilessly from the sky. 
“The turning to Sendai Hospital is on the right.” 
“I know the routes better,” you let out, and rather disappointingly it sounds brasher and more derogatory aloud instead of the unobtrusive tone you were aiming for— you hope it doesn’t hurt him but then wonder why you still even cared that much about how he felt about what you said or did anyway, “I got myself accustomed to taking the one on the left that leads you through. Quick shortcut and all.” 
You’re not looking back, but the light pull of his hand from the hold of your wrist seems to suggest his slight reeling back in a small sense of surprise and an equal amount of shock, as if suddenly remembering the fact you were your own person, that you had your own autonomy as one, because somehow everyone thought you weren’t. 
It’s strange to look back at how you were before: meek, timid. Too shy to speak up. Too innocent to be angered by anything. Always dreaming, mind bleary as if on a cloud in blurred skies, hiding behind the backs of others like a petrified forest critter. 
And now you’re this— this person who frowns and disagrees and retorts at every little thing, and as much as you have to, as much as it was nearly inevitable the way you turned out, all you can think you share with the person you were when you first met Megumi and Tsumiki was your need to be useful— and even that has been exacerbated by how you’ve grown, how you’ve become this person you grew into. And a part of you— no, just you as a whole— doesn’t like yourself at all. 
Your father was right. That little girl was hopeful, obedient, kind, caring— you don’t know why even then you were dissatisfied with the way you were, or why your dissatisfaction would matter because at that time you’d cared so little about everything besides caring for people and having fun with the pair of siblings that you were so rarely bothered by it, that it was still just a slight whisper from the back of your head that could be shushed or tuned out with library visits and nights in front of the TV and the glow of old cartoons. Your father was right and this is proved even more by the fact that the whole situation just infuriates you on the surface, and just makes you feel like an empty, hollow shell left behind when you reach deeper into yourself. 
That little girl had potential, potential to be useful but kind, obedient and close to the people who raised her even if it meant abandoning her own ideals. But you’d been so devoted to them, you think, that she was killed and destroyed in the world she grew up in, and now there’s a space for her that’s left vacant due to the way she wasted away. You miss her, the girl you once were, you miss being her, how easy and lighthearted everything was and how all of you felt so content in every sense of the word. But you don’t want her back. Now that’s just what makes you miserable sometimes. 
Self-reflection just made you feel revolted by yourself. You keep your eyes on the road. 
“It’s here,” you state, pointing at the building in front of you. 
Sendai General Hospital is an institution made out of bare concrete. Its walls are yellowed and close in on its wards like a prison, coloured using old paint that hasn’t been repainted over and is as pallid-looking as the skin of the people sitting on the beds it is inhabited by. Just being in it feels like a hit to the body and the brain and the senses, too. There are old-fashioned tiles on its floors, their pale beige hue muted yet the blinding shine on them harshly mopped clean. Inside it reeks of an imminent presence of sickness or death or illnesses and conditions never to be able to be defeated and sterile sanitisers. Looking at the latex-blue curtains in it feels like a blindfold unwantedly, forcefully pulled over both your vision and your ears. 
“You and that Itadori seem close.” 
“We are,” you say, then you add, not really knowing why, “He’s my best friend.” Maybe you’re trying to make him jealous, rile him up a bit. But even then you wouldn’t want him to be riled up, nor would you be satisfied if he were to keep silent. Maybe you just wanted to hurt him, to hurt him back or something, if only for something small, even if you’d already resolved not to do so. 
You’ll make sure not to do that again, though. 
Instead he does something else, takes another route instead. “Then it seems you visit his grandfather often.” 
“Uh-huh,” you nod as the two of you enter the hospital, and you have to blink a few times as always in order to adjust yourself to the light and how it reflects off the detachedly clean floor. “My mother’s here, too.” 
“Oh, I’m sorry— is she alright?” 
“She’s okay, I… think. She… she got sick a while back and stays here now,” you explain, “Let’s not talk about that…—I mean, I… don’t really want to.” 
“I’m sorry.” 
“You don’t have to keep saying that.” It just makes people feel worse. 
He doesn’t push further and you suppose that’s okay. Your chest hurts a bit, like phantom pain on a wound that’s still there. There’s not really a way to explain it but almost everything makes you feel that way these days. Everything makes you feel horrible to some degree. Maybe it’s being a girl, maybe it’s being a teenager, but it’s not quite either, you guess. 
“He won’t be here for a while,” you say, “He’s either still in the room where his grandfather is or he’s buying flowers for him.” 
“Then I’ll just contact them and let them know the whole situation first.” 
Who’s ‘them’? 
“Okay.” You turn your back on him, “—wait.” 
“Do you have any emergency contact or something? Like, a trusted adult who could help you with any of this? In case things go really bad?” 
“...why would you need one?” he questions. 
You roll your eyes, “Just give it to me, damn it… if there’s anything I have nowadays, it’s probably foresight for stuff like this. For emergencies.” 
He gives you the number, albeit a bit begrudgingly. Why’d he have to be so pissy about anything and everything? 
“Okay, thanks. I’m going to visit my mother now.” 
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The air and the colour from it seems distant as always, the ward she was basically imprisoned in smelling of the indistinguishable mix of sanitiser and sickness. There her body chains her to her bed, and there is little she can do besides rely on and weakly cling to the nurses who assist her, a frail shadow of what she once was. 
“Hi, Mummy.” 
She turns to you, and your chest constricts. Her hair, once much longer, the type that you dreamed to have as it billowed in the wind, the type that invited you caressively to bury yourself in and take in that heady scent of roses that emanated from it— that hair is now replaced with a cloth wrapped around her head. Radiation. Chemotherapy. 
The wrinkles on her face make the difference between her now and her years ago all the more stark. Every visit you come back here, you’ve forced yourself to be acclimated to this new reality, one where she isn’t waiting at home no matter how tedious the fights get or how exhausting it was eating with someone who remained silent, someone who chose to continue suffering if it meant she could hurt and turn her daughter to guilt (as if that would change anything). At least she was there. 
Cancer is a terminal illness, especially the type your mother is facing— regardless of how much chemotherapy she would struggle through and how much you didn’t want to acknowledge a truth so plain and conspicuously bare, she would be confined to this bed until her final days, her illness like gyves tying her limbs and forcing her earthbound; the bed a cage she could never be liberated from. 
Sometimes she made it a point to you that she didn’t want to liberate herself from it anyway, and you’d never been so depressed yet irked by anything else. (You’d regret everything— not spending time with her, not appreciating her nearly enough— except for your decision to be involved in the Jujutsu world, if not as a sorcerer then as a doctor. That was, and is— your ultimatum. Your end all be all of this whole situation.” 
“Hello. Where’s that Itadori boy?” 
“Not here today, he’s still with his grandfather— maybe later.” You swing your bag over your shoulder, rummaging through it a while before pulling it out. “I’ve something for you, by the way.” 
“Oh! These,” she exclaims, and she smiles faintly, bits of colour rushing back to her face like watercolour dots on moistened paper. “I used to make them for you, sometimes. They used to be your favourite when you were really little.” 
“I know,” you explain, “That’s why I made them. I don’t like them anymore, but… I can’t remember your favourite food or if I ever asked, and I know you don’t like the food they give you here as much as… I don’t know. Your own cooking, I guess.” 
“It’s not my favourite,” she states, matter-of-factly, bluntly, “But thank you for the effort. My favourite will always be my own mother’s cooking.” 
“Now that I look back at everything, there are so many things I regret. Things I should have done but never did out of fear; things I should not have done and never apologised for out of pride. I’d like it if you could be different. Your grandmother went out the same way. At least, even if you had the same illnesses as we did, which I hope the genes for which have been curbed by your father’s— at least you would not leave the world with regret,” she looks down at her hands, staring down at them solemnly like a shadow, an excluded figure. “But it was a good life.” 
“...then maybe you can tell me more. While you— while we still have time. What was your childhood like? What was your mother like?” It feels strange, imposturous, maybe— to be referring to someone basically a stranger as “grandmother”, to name someone so far away from you so intimate, even if the only generation between you, tying the two of you together, was your mother’s. If you had a daughter it would be the same for her, most likely. There’s a part of you that would find honour in becoming your mother once you’d grown, but there’s a part of you that would think being such would accost you horribly, for all time. 
She sighs, “I’ll tell you later. There would be so much to say, like compressing all my words into one tiny paper. The stories have weight in them the same way letters and words in handwriting can be firm and large. But if I were to start,” she begins, “I’ll say that I was born as the daughter of two very powerful sorcerers. Now, I know how much this would sound like some nonsense spouted by your mother, but I think you should listen anyway. 
“My parents loved each other a lot, but my mother had come from an obscure clan whose name I can’t remember, but who had high hopes in them having a child with a powerful cursed technique as their last resort, since, if I recall correctly, there had been a crisis within the clan for it to keep surviving. 
“I still remember when they found out I had no cursed technique and how terrified they were. In me I had a bit more than the relatively normal amount of cursed energy most people have, and so I was expected to have techniques as powerful as they did. They loved me and treated me preciously, like a fragile object, so long as I was quiet and demure— and I guess to some extent I still was and still am today. They wondered what they could do to run from the clan, as if they didn’t have enough power when they were supposed to protect me despite my father’s bullheaded industry and my mother’s patience-formed strength. They lacked grit to grapple against them, and only in this did they lack it, I think; only against my mother’s family did they not have the ability to resolve things whether peacefully or violently. And eventually they just gave up and thought they would just… surrender me over when I entered my adolescent years. I was their daughter. I… suppose they didn’t love me enough. I know it sounds awful— thinking that they should have always protected me, through and through—” 
“No, it wasn’t.” 
“—when it could have been the clan itself that would have been mostly to blame.” 
“But they were still supposed to protect you! They were your parents—” 
“Why else do you think I am the way I am? I may be a shy and scatterbrained or a horrible woman with a muddled sense of morality or what I think should and should not happen when in reality it’s just what I want to happen, but this is why I’m so resolute, and so stubborn. This is why I love you so fiercely. All mothers are like that to some degree, even if my own would never let me bear witness to it.” You haven’t told her you love her too in years. 
“But then when I was an adult I met your father, who was a bit like a country bumpkin, but a formidable sorcerer and a kind, honest person, and I couldn’t help but fall in love with the person he was both inside and out. And for the next few years we struggled to have a child until I found out I was pregnant with you,” she continues, “Even though by that time I was well into my late thirties, we were overjoyed and decided to keep you.” 
Suddenly you wish there had been more time before things were ruined. Time for you to know her better, the beginning of your existence. You would have begged her for old photos, stories, mementos of her and your father. 
“And now the clan’s faded into obscurity, finally. The younger members left and the older ones passed away peacefully. Happy story, right?” 
“...yeah.” It all ended well, but you don’t know if you can say the same for your mother’s. At least, you hope, when she goes away, it can be swift and peaceful like the way her relatives did. 
Then suddenly there’s a buzz in your pocket. An inconvenient one, out of the blue. 
“You should go get that first,” she says. 
You lift it up to your face and feel like crushing the damn thing. Old number. Stupid number. Number you haven’t called in months because you’d given up on that bastard— oh. The two of you were working together now. 
You turn away from your mother, creeping to the edge of the room. “What’s wrong?” 
“I just talked to him, but I think it would be easier if you came back and was there with him too since you know him better than I do. And he… doesn’t seem like the brightest. He may think that it’s not important enough to hand over unless you ask him to or something.” 
You muffle your voice with your hand and whisper, “Hey, you shut up, you know nothing about him. He’s way smarter than people give him credit for. But I’m— I’m with my mother right now. Wait for a second. Just ask him to wait for me first; he wouldn’t need any of my help for all of this yet. Make a friend or get a life or something.” 
“...fine. But you’ll have to join us later. He’s bound to ask about you.” 
“Then just tell him I’m with my mother!” you snap, still whispering. 
“I’ll see what I can do.” 
“Wh— you little— oh, don’t you hang up now—” 
Weird thing is, he probably wasn’t even being so infuriating on purpose. And you wouldn’t have burst out at someone for being that way anyway. It was only because it was him, specifically. 
You’d sworn to put that past you. 
Your immaturity strikes once again. 
“If you have to go now,” your mother says, “You should. Just come back again next time. I can tell you the rest. Thank you again for the food, [Name].” She doesn’t call you ‘darling’ anymore, doesn’t she? Just your name. 
“Okay. Sorry.” 
You swing the bag back over your shoulder, wearing it this time instead of taking it off, easing your way out of the room. 
“It’s okay,” she assures you, “Goodbye. I love you.” 
“...I love you, too,” you say, but it’ll mingle with all the other sounds in the hospital, and it’ll be drowned out like a ship in the middle of nowhere, your voice soft and thoroughly soused by the cacophony of bleak noises like telephone rings and beeps from electrocardiographs outside of her deafeningly quiet hospital room. 
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“Hi, Yuuji,” you greet them in the dimly lit waiting area, “...and Megumi. Sorry to keep the two of you guys waiting for so long.” 
“Oh, hey; it’s okay!” he goes, although in his voice it seems that there’s been some of his usual energy seeping away from him. “Didn’t know the two of you knew each other until just now or that you were a part of some magic curse society. Are you guys childhood friends who met because of all that cursed stuff or something?” 
“Something like that,” Megumi explains. 
“It’s a long story,” you say, not exactly denying him nor conceding his words anyway. Once again, there’s a trace of anger despite your promise to be untethered to your puerility like this. “Anyway, are you okay, Yuuji? How’s your grandfather?” 
He pauses. “Oh, about that… he just passed away.” 
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Yuuji…” you hold the fabric of his jacket (sometimes it still feels wrong to try and hold his hand— it just makes your heart ache again like a scab being clawed at) and pull him into a brief caress, patting his back as gently as you can manage. 
“It’s okay, I’ll be fine,” he smiles as you pull yourself away, “Grandpa wouldn’t want me to be crying right now anyway. So don’t worry.” 
“Okay, I won’t. But if you’re sad, just know you can always talk to me.” 
He laughs, softer than the boisterous manner he usually does so in, “Yeah, I know.” 
Megumi clears his throat, pointedly trying to make a sound, “Anyway. Itadori Yuuji—” 
“Just call him Itadori. You don’t have to be so uptight.” 
“Nah, [Name], I’m fine—” 
Megumi sighs. “Anyway, we need you to give the cursed object now.” 
“Oh, yeah, that,” you start, “So, Yuuji, do you have the thing that Megumi would have explained to you? The cursed object? We need it for everyone to be safe, and all.” 
“Yeah! Hold on, let me get it. I told you I didn’t have it already, but here’s the box,” he says, tossing it over to Megumi. 
He retrieves the box. It’s ancient and wooden, the craftsmanship behind it elite and adroit, and the paper on it has the words for a buddhist sutra written on it like an inscription. You’ve heard of it before, the kind of curse it was meant to seal, but it definitely couldn’t be— 
He opens the box. 
Holy shit. 
“Where is it?” 
“It’s empty…” Megumi panics, “Wait— hold on!” 
Things are bad— as in, they couldn’t get any worse— not only was the school doomed by the loss of its cursed object, the cursed object was Sukuna Ryomen’s finger itself. 
You blame your inadequacy, your inability to have stopped everything sooner— if not for that nobody would have gotten hurt. If not for that there wouldn’t even be a risk of anything happening anyway. You should’ve tried harder to sense it, and you should’ve focused more on it to keep the student body safe and sound. 
It was your fault. No one else was to blame but your useless self, and even if that were wrong, you’d still have the most to be blamed for. 
Megumi has a hand on Yuuji’s shoulder, keeping the other boy from moving, his breathing erratic and his eyes wide in frantic shock. 
“...well, they were saying, ‘let’s open it up to see what’s inside it tonight’,” Yuuji clarifies, standing a few centimetres away from the door, “Why? Is that bad?” 
Sasaki and Iguchi? 
The air in the hospital feels particularly chilly tonight, gooseflesh terrorising your skin all over, and for all the kinds of reasons that would cause anything like such. 
“It’s way worse than bad,” Megumi declared, fear and grim so thick in his voice they were tangible enough to be cut through with a knife. “Your friends are going to die.” 
“We’ve got to go,” you rush, “Now! Quick!” 
It passes by like a blur, as if you’re in that moment and out of it simultaneously. Your mind has been bombarded with and pressed so thoroughly onto the moment, like tissue on a wet surface, that it seems it’s being blanked out, while your legs continue to run despite your mind nearly forgetting, at this point, why you’re running— as if your legs moving so frantically to help them was something intrinsic, something you didn’t need your mind for. 
Sasaki and Iguchi are in danger. Sasaki and Iguchi are in danger. 
You didn’t know them all too well, really— just through Yuuji, and Yuuji himself wasn’t as close to the two of them, being their junior and all. And although a part of you was doing this just because you could, like the way you did when you first discovered your cursed technique, you knew that another was doing this for Yuuji. If in any way they were hurt or could not survive, he would blame himself to no end. He possessed such a kindness within him, so much that it hit the depths of your soul sometimes; shattered your heart so gently a million times over or heated it in the kindly way mothers heated pans on stoves despite the heat of it being greater than that of blue flame. If anything happened to them, no matter how much or how little he knew of them, he wouldn’t be able to live after that. 
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The two of them are near the barrier separating the school from the street before you (you struggle with catching up to them— one’s a star athlete and another has been training for much longer than you, you’re sure), the gates tall and enveloped in darkness. You didn’t think much of school except for when it came to your grades and being with Yuuji, thinking of these gates— the ones that you and Yuuji use when you’re running super late— in particular as just a shortcut entrance you paid little attention to, just something treated with indifference as you passed through them whenever you were late. Yet now they echoed denial, refusal, and slim chances— it was unlikely that they’d be alright, especially since this cursed object in particular was the finger of Sukuna Ryomen. 
“Is that the building?” Megumi questions, “Where are they?” 
“Fourth floor— guh!” Yuuji seems to come to an abrupt halt, nearly slamming into what seems to be an invisible wall. A veil. 
“I’ll handle this,” Megumi declares, hopping onto the metal wires, more directed to Yuuji than you. So even he can tell how selfless Yuuji is, even after only having just met him. 
“I may not know those two that well, but—” Yuuji starts, “But they’re friends! I have to help!” 
“You’re staying here,” Megumi commands, “[Name], if you could— get your father or any sorcerers you know to come here and help.” 
He climbs over the gate. 
He’s going away from you again. Slipping away from your grasp. And now, all you can do is watch. There’s nothing else— nothing else you can do, at all. If you went inside now, you wouldn’t be able to help except— what?— tend to their injuries? Manipulate your own cells into weapons? The former wasn’t possible with how much you’d strained yourself from running so quickly earlier, and the latter was too dangerous: you hadn’t even started with the basics of that yet, on your father’s obstinate insistence that even if he’d let you play doctor he wouldn’t let you manipulate any of the cells in your body into any kind of usable weapon. Any simple wrong move could make things turn south in the most drastically terrifying of ways. If you went in there, you’d just die, and there’d be more casualties, more trouble, more problems caused by you and you alone. 
You can’t even call your father, either. That would always be your last resort— because even if you fought, you still needed him to rest. You didn’t want him overexerting himself by using his cursed technique at all. 
(You were selfish. You didn’t want to lose your father. You didn’t want to have to visit not one but two parents lying sick and tired and grey in matching hospital beds.) 
“Yuuji?” you start, turning to him. “You’re…deathly quiet. Are you okay?” 
His lips quiver slightly, a faint whimpering noise coming out of him. Is he crying? 
“Yuuji, look at me. Are you okay?” you ask, as gently and softly as you can right now, despite your ragged, unsteady, unathletic-addled breaths. You place a hand on his shoulder, slowly rubbing up and down from his shoulder and crook of his neck to his back. “It’s okay. …Megumi’s a good and… capable, strong person and jujutsu sorcerer. He’ll be okay, and they’ll be okay too. Just… just put your trust in him, okay?” 
“I’m sorry, [Name], but I’ve got to go,” he tells you, “You stay here, and call for help or something. I’m sorry, but I’ve just really got to do it!” 
He hugs you, quickly, deftly. And then he crosses the gate, leaving you all alone like Megumi did. You wish he’d hug you longer, that you could take care of him for a little longer— it was your last way to be useful now. 
Still, there’s someone you could call, now that you remember him.
The emergency contact. 
You snatch your phone out, resolute. 
“Hello! Gojo Satoru speaking,” the voice on the other line says. 
You’ve heard it plenty before by accident. 
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When Gojo and Megumi are back, Yuuji’s in the form of a figure slung over Gojo’s shoulders like he’s been reply entrenched into slumber, his body seemingly limp and his torso completely bare. There’s barely an ounce of movement in him, except for slow exhales and inhales you can see on his chest. Sasaki and Iguchi are both nearly the same, the former covered in bruises and in a deep, panicked haze, and the latter as asleep as Yuuji seemed to be while harbouring injuries he may never recover from. 
The only non-roughed up one here is Gojo, it seems; Megumi has a stream of blood running from the top of his head in rivulets, staining his sweaty, scraped forehead. 
“Wh— you two, what happened? Why are they all asleep? What happened to Yuuji? Are they okay? What—” 
“Calm down, kid,” Gojo says, “They’ll be fine. I mean, there’s a 100% chance that your friend can be executed, but…” 
“Executed?” you almost scream, “What the hell happened? You said things would be okay!” 
“Uh-uh, again, calm down. I mean, we don’t even know when they’re gonna make him kick the bucket! He ate Sukuna’s finger, by the way.” He holds his arms up in faux surrender. 
“Gojo you ignorant slut! Don’t you fucking dare tell me to ‘calm down!’ He ate Sukuna’s finger? Why weren’t you able to stop anything? What’s going to happen to him now? You know what— give him to me!” 
“You know, it’s not like I’m scared of being hunted down by your father if you use your cursed technique— I mean, I’m leagues stronger than him— but the stuff was too strong. It’s not like you’ll be able to get rid of the finger in your little boyfriend.” 
“He’s not her boyfriend!” Megumi interjects.
“Thank you, Megumi!” Your face is going hot like a campfire fanned by the wind. 
“Oh?” Gojo adds, a teasing lilt in his voice. “Anyway, we’re going to get him to a place where we can cover everything with talismans to surround him.” 
They’re going to execute him at Jujutsu High after.  
“I’m coming with you.” 
“You sure?” Gojo asks, “Your father isn’t going to like you travelling so far away without telling him.” 
Megumi shifts, a little sombre. “[Name], you don’t have to.” 
“...I’m doing this for Yuuji, not for you.” 
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“You okay?” Gojo asks while the three of you are back in the hospital. (You hate this building so much.) Iguchi’s been transferred to a ward, Sasaki having woken up and insisting on staying with him. “I’ve got kikufuku if you want some. You must be really tired since it’s so late, huh?” 
The whole situation is so incredulous you’re unsure of whether you want to burst out laughing or dismember someone. 
“...nothing. Wait, let me see Yuuji again.” 
Everyone is asleep, it seems— all except for you and Gojo. Yuuji’s been knocked out, and Megumi’s stuck in the world of his dreams. 
You can’t sleep. There’s just nothing to put your mind at rest. 
At least if there’s one thing you can do it’s this. 
Gojo picks him up by the sides of his torso (now temporarily clothed with a spare white shirt) like a child with a heavy book. “Woah— he’s pretty heavy for a fifteen year old kid.” 
You lay Yuuji face-up on the line of hospital chairs. There are thin scarlet marks right under his eyes— Sukuna’s eyelids, you’ve been told. 
You should’ve done more to protect him. 
Slowly, reticently, you kneel by the side of the chairs. You press your fingertips onto that pair of thin tiny lines. 
Nothing happens. You can’t picture his cells being able to grow back. It’s as if there’s been a slit on his face and its outline has been replaced with brand-new skin. His cells don’t budge. 
“Why don’t you help Megumi? I bet he’s got plenty of healable injuries.” 
“…I don’t think I’ll be able to help much. I could faint if I try helping him now. It’s better to leave it to Dr Ieiri or something.” 
“Pft,” he scoffs, “Shoko? She’s definitely not going to heal all of him. It’ll just be a waste of her time. You can just help him with the tiny scrapes and bruises first. And I’ll even tell her that you did it. She’s really fond of you, you know.” 
You give him a shy, modest smile. “Thanks, then.”
It’s time to get to work. 
Megumi’s skin is smooth like a baby’s just like the last time you felt it, though the frown on his face, ever-present, is bound to cause wrinkles there in less than a few decades’ time. You place your hands on him, bruised and bloody, watching in your mind and directing his cells as they work. 
Once the smaller injuries have been dealt with, you stop. “I can’t really work on the one on his head, since then you’d get another fainted person to carry around, but he should be fine with some bandages and patching-up there, because I’ve already kind of catalysed the start of that area’s healing process a little. Other than that, he should be completely fine. I’ll give it, say… two weeks or so for it to get better completely.” 
“Good work!” he smiles, the outline of his cheeks visible on his blindfold. 
“By the way, Mr Gojo…” 
“You know, I appreciate the respect you’re giving me now, but just Gojo is fine.” 
“Okay, Gojo. Do you think Yuuji will be okay?” 
“I mean, I’m pretty sure. And I’m going to ask them to suspend his sentence. I’ll just see whether he wants that or not once he wakes up.” 
“That’s the thing. I’m not sure if he even will.” 
Gojo laughs. “Don’t worry. He was really strong, and able to switch between being possessed by Sukuna and being himself at will. We haven't seen that kind of talent in a millennia! I’m sure they’ll listen to me, anyway.” 
“Thank you,” you sigh. Thank goodness. “If you need any type of payment, um… teleport to my house whenever you get inconvenient little cuts like bruises and stuff. I can help.” 
“Nah, reverse cursed technique’s got me covered.” 
“Oh, wait— I forgot about that— um… I can…”
“Just leave it to me! No payment required,” he exclaims, holding both thumbs up. “And for the record, the one who wanted to save Yuuji was actually Megumi.” 
You wouldn’t have imagined that would happen. Megumi— pragmatic, serious, unkind when he needs to be (no matter how kind of a person he actually is— no, was— at heart), different from Tsumiki in so many ways. There was no way he would have been the one vouching for Yuuji, someone he’d only just met, to be spared. 
“Really?” you ask, “I… wouldn’t have thought he was the one who would do it. I thought, maybe, you were just… really kind tonight or something…”
“Well, maybe it was because he saw how much you cared about Itadori and did it for you, or maybe he had met Itadori, liked him, and just wanted to save a good person,” Gojo suspects, “But if there’s one thing for sure it’s that your old friend saved your new one.” 
You’ll have to bring it up with him next time— maybe, if he’s still there tomorrow…
“I know you’re mad at him, but a lot has happened,” Gojo states, voice lower, softer like a schoolteacher’s, “Still, I won’t tell you that you have to give him a chance or any of that. If you don’t want to, you don’t have to thank him or anything. I’m sure he did it out of his own volition without expecting anything from you. He knew he probably didn’t deserve to if it were you.” 
You pause. “No, it’s just… I’ll talk to him again the next time I see him. Alone, most likely. And I can figure something out. I think that would be the best way to go around things. Thank you, Gojo.” 
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The aftershocks are still there, although you’ve come out unscathed. 
Last night was a mingled mess, a blur. You’d tried your best to help Iguchi by the time Yuuji was placed in the room of talismans and you could come back to the hospital and visit, but in the end he still needed better help than that. His injuries were too large of scale for how you were at that moment, already tired after healing some of the numbers done on Megumi. 
(You were useless. You couldn’t help anyone. You couldn’t prevent Yuuji from being hit with such soul-striking guilt., couldn’t help Sasaki from being traumatised, couldn’t help Iguchi enough for him to be back at school soon—) 
Sasaki’s injuries were limited to bruises and scrapes, but though you could help her physically, there was nothing you could do to assist her emotionally. 
You stayed with them for a few hours in the ICU and then one of the hospital wards (a floor under your mother’s), your father calling you once the sun had risen. 
“Gojo Satoru told me about everything that happened.” 
“Yeah. I know you’ll scold me, but… not now. I’m sorry, I’m just really tired.” You hang up. 
For all you spoke of wanting to be useful, the night when your powers were needed the most was when you were at your most useless— you couldn’t help them, you couldn’t help attack the cursed spirits, and the only thing you could do was call for an adult’s help like a little, scared and helpless girl. 
You needed to train, and train harder than you had been doing for the past few years. 
There’s a knock on the door, a dot-dot-dot-dot-dot. dot dot. It’s Yuuji, you know it is. How ever could you not? 
Timidly, movements quiet like the room itself, you pull the door knob, seeing him there, relatively unscathed. You sigh in relief, a moment’s respite before you return to the panic you had been living in before since you deserve the respite less than other people do— no, you don’t deserve such a break at all, you’re absolutely sure of that, not after what you pulled, how horribly and utterly useless you were, you’ll remind yourself of that again and again and again— the heart-piercing guilt and the worry and the constant need to care for the people around you, almost like a mother, maybe, but you don’t like that thought as much as you think you should. Maybe if your own mother knew, she’d disagree— maybe she’d tell you that you should be a mother, maybe she’d ignore that you were also a child at certain times— the most convenient ones, probably. When she thinks it good that you, a child, were someone’s caretaker because women should take pride in and appreciate that, she would encourage you to be one; when she thinks it bad that as a caretaker and a so-called ‘adult’ you can have your own autonomy, agency and opinions, then maybe she’d remind you that in her eyes you knew nothing of the world. But maybe, just maybe, there was also a chance that she wouldn’t be like that in any way. 
But you wouldn’t put it past her. 
“Yuuji, are you okay?” There are questions about to spill out of you, tears about to fall like gushing rivers, but you’re just happy he’s alive at this point. 
“Yeah.” His voice is soft. Your chest twinges; it hurts like an awful, intransigent little bruise. “Hi, [Name].” It feels so unignorable, the way it’s filled with such sorrow and worry that it weighs his usually loud and boisterous voice down. 
“I thought that—” you start, lips trembling, “I thought there was a chance I couldn’t lose you. The only thing I could do was—” you sniffle, “Hope that they could delay it or something.” 
“Yeah. I’ll explain it later,” he says, his voice sincere. 
You squeeze the wrist of his sleeve. “Don’t do things like that ever again,” you plead, “Promise me that at least.” 
“I promise.” 
“And keep your promises.”
“I will.” 
“...want to come inside?” 
He walks inside, and you step back to make way for him. 
“Sorry I came so late,” he says to you and Sasaki, who shakes her head in reassurance. “Hello, Sasaki,” he greets, “Is Iguchi okay?” 
They speak for a while— you don’t feel like it’s much of your right to join their conversation, since you did nearly nothing at all when they were most in danger, so you leave them be for a while. It would be better not to bother them right now, anyway. They’ve both been traumatised until it reached beneath their bones within the past twenty-four hours. 
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When you leave the hospital, Sasaki tells you that she’s going to stay. You tell her to take care, squeezing her hand one final time. 
You let her, patting her on the back. You’ll call them later— she’d given you her contact— just to check on the two of them. 
“Where’s Megumi?” you ask Yuuji. 
“Oh, Fushiguro? I’m not too sure, but that Gojo guy said he’ll be there soon.” 
“Where, though?”
Sheepishly, in peak Yuuji fashion, he scratches the back of his neck. “Actually, another reason why I came here was also because… I mean, I know you and him weren’t close, but I’m going to the place where they’ll keep Grandpa’s ashes, and I think… you know, you could come with me. I… I don’t think I’d be able to do it really well alone, even though he had definitely made it clear he seriously didn’t want me moping around after his death and all. Gojo and Megumi will probably be there, but I thought it would be better if you were there because I know you better than those two, and you’re my friend. So… could you come with me? I know that he never really showed it, but I think he had always liked you a lot. Like, he was happy we were friends and stuff.” 
“...mhm. I’ll always be happy about that,” you tell him, before pulling him into a hug. The guy must need one right now. You’ve never hugged him before. Your heart hurts. 
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The air is hot and humid with the breath of summer, bundles of mosquitoes bound to be breeding new ones these next few weeks. Up in the sky is the sun, bold and bright, glaring down harshly at the two of you. 
“Before he passed away, Grandpa actually said something. He… kind of cursed me, if I’m being honest,” Yuuji starts. “He said I was a strong kid, so I should help people. And I’m going to do that. So that was why when Gojo asked if I wanted to be executed immediately or just eat all the fingers before dying, I chose the second option. I… I think I want to help people that way.” 
‘You’ve already helped people enough. You helped me,’ you almost tell him. 
You frown, because that’s the only thing you can do right now. You search for words to say the same way you do looking for dog books in libraries chock-full with those of other genres. “I’m… disappointed, I— I know I should be grateful, grateful that you’re still going to be alive and all, but… you’re still going to be in danger, and you’re still going to be executed one day. I mean, again, I know I should be happy you’re going to have more time alive and that I can still see you, but what if things don’t go as planned? What if you lose control of yourself once you reach, like, the fifth finger or something?” 
You’re selfish like that. In a way, you’re just the way your mother is. You should’ve always known— you were her beloved daughter after all, and the people you know would be loved the same way she did you since the day she knew of your existence, and maybe even before that. 
“Don’t worry,” he grins, wide as always. Even in an over-enveloping darkness he still manages to be the light. “I’ll be just fine. I’m a strong kid, after all. And we’ll always be friends!” 
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Gojo asks if he and Yuuji can talk in private for a while. You wonder if this was how your mother felt as she had to give the person she loved most away (but you will have to go away, one day), because you can briefly tell what Gojo is going to ask. You wonder if she felt this twice. 
Yuuji can’t stay with you forever. In the same way you can’t remain by your mother and father’s sides for all eternity. 
This won’t be the last time you’re here, you think. For a place of death, it’s quite a bit beautiful how there’s such large masses of grass and plants surrounding it. 
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Megumi nearly walks past you, his eyes on the old photographs of the deceased all around him. 
He turns around. 
“I just wanted to thank you for wanting to save my friend, even if you may not have wanted to do it for me, specifically… um… I didn’t expect that you’d still be here. Are your injuries okay?” 
“I’m okay,” he answers you. “And also, I…” he hesitates, the first time he’s talked to you for something actually related to the two of you in a long time— nearly two years if you’re counting correctly, but the thoughts in your head are a bit too jumbled to count at the moment. “I didn’t really do it for you, though. It… it was for Tsumiki.” 
“Wait! I’m sorry, that didn’t… come out right. But I should also apologise for something else. You wouldn’t have been thrown into this world anyway if not for my own demon dogs years ago.” 
“No, no, it wasn’t your fault. And I would have wanted to be in it anyway. There’s not many who can heal other people and all, so I just thought… even if I can’t do as much yet, since I don’t have reversed cursed technique and the drawbacks that come from mine are really bad, I can still help people sometimes if they’re dealing with relatively minor injuries. I can, um… make things easier for people. I can be useful like that. I’d keep to it anyway, because I’m stubborn, but… yeah. It wasn’t your fault, really.” 
“Okay. That’s good to hear.” 
“Yeah. Anyway, I’m happy to know that Tsumiki is okay.” 
Silence again for a while. The air turns a little more sombre, and a lot more awkward. 
“She is. And Itadori seems… like a good person. I think it’s good, that… you were able to find a friend like that.” 
“It was. He’s a really, really good guy.” 
“You love him a lot,” Megumi says. 
“I do. He’s a really good friend. If there’s something I’ll always know I know that, at least.” 
“I can see that. It doesn’t seem like he loves you back in the same way, though.” 
“...wow. Way to be blunt, Megumi. And yes, I do know that, too.” 
“Let’s just… change the subject.” 
“You’re the one who introduced it in the first place.” 
“Okay. How… how are you?” 
“I’m good. Wait, I think you should… go back to them. Maybe they’ll need you there right about now. He’s probably going to have to go to Jujutsu High, right?” 
He pauses. “Yeah. I’m sorry, [Name].” 
“No, no. That’s okay. I expected it. It’s just that I’ll miss him a lot,” you tell him, “He took care of me, kind of. You know I’ve always been a bit of an awkward or shy person, but he still approached me since I was new and we ended up hitting off as friends, kind of. We did a lot of stuff together.” 
Sounds pretty familiar, huh. 
“If you want I can make sure he’s safe for you.” 
“...you should be able to do that regardless of whether it’s my wish for you to do so or not…” you state, “But that would help, I guess. And I’m sorry for my attitude towards you for the past few hours or so. Thank you again.” 
“...I’m sorry I never spoke to you for so long, by the way,” he says abruptly. ‘By the way’? Classic Megumi… 
“I could tell you were. It’s… it’s okay. The two of you kind of have a habit of doing that.” 
All your rage, your loneliness, your feelings of abandonment— and this is all you can do. This is all you can say. You can only just let it go, in the end. 
“I’ll explain it all one day.” 
“You don’t have to if it’s hard.” 
He stays. “No, I will. I promise. And I promise I’ll start to talk to you again, as well. I was just… scared of a few things, maybe.” 
“That’s okay.” 
The two of you aren’t quite friends again yet, but it’ll happen soon. Maybe. And even if it doesn’t, you’re finally able to say, with an open, honest heart, that that doesn’t matter as much anymore. 
“I guess this is goodbye again, then.” 
“Not really.” 
“Oh, right— promise to keep in touch, okay? My patience is running thin with you,” you chuckle at that last part, attempting to joke and make things lighter again. 
“I’m going to go home now, by the way. Please tell Yuuji that I wish him the best and I’ll visit when I have my own money to visit Tokyo and all.” 
“I will.” 
“And help me say goodbye to him for me,” you add, “Hope that’s not too much for you to do. Sorry for the trouble. It’s just that I’d actually just about cry if I had to do it in real time right in front of him. Be good to him and be good friends, okay? Keep that promise, at the very least. That’s the one thing that I wish for the most.” 
“Bye, Megumi.” You turn back in the direction opposite of his. 
His hand is on your wrist. Now you’re in front of him, like yesterday, and he’s holding your wrist, albeit a bit gentler than the way he used to pull it a whole eight years ago. 
His eyes are cast away from you, slightly avoidantly and in a way that’s a bit abashed. “I’ll miss you, [Name].” 
“It won’t even feel like I’m not there,” you say. Though his grip is slightly tight, he loosens it as soon as you try to slide it up, as if he’d let you be free of it if you want him to. 
You squeeze his hand instead, turning to face him. It feels warm. It feels like there’s blood coursing through you, the sensation more tender and tangible than it’s ever been. 
“Goodbye, [Name]. I’ll… I’ll call.” 
“Thank you.” 
Now you’re the one slipping away from his grasp. You move your hand away and walk back. The door slides open. 
2010. Springs, summers, autumns, winters. Hands on wrists, a back faced to your eyes, wide with innocence. Warmth and laughter and happiness and love. Days coloured with vibrant hues and time spent with dog books and in libraries. Frowns were greeted with smiles. Hesitance was non-existent. You didn’t feel a need to compensate for your uselessness. You were a child. You didn’t feel useless at all. You just felt this: a constant leaping in your heart, the corners of your mouth twisting up into a juvenile grin, braiding someone’s beautiful brown hair and tying it with a pretty cherry hair tie. 
You want to cry as you walk back home. 
You’re pretty sure you do. 
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@bakananya, @sindulgent666, @shartnart1, @lolmais, @mechalily, @pweewee, @notsaelty, @nattisbored
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