a-m-pyra · 26 days
Sink With Me
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Through the sound of raging waves
Her voice is leading me astray
I feel I need to be with her right away
For she sounds so sweet
I cannot leave her all alone
Here in this deep and dark blue unknown
Come swim to me in a forward motion
Lie with me in the arms of the ocean
Oh, sing to me, my lady of the sea
Show me the way with your melody
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octobers-snow · 2 years
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A Namor x Mermaid!oc (Serena)
For those who saw my first mermaid post, the inspiration was just not going away, and I wanted to make an aesthetic. I might turn this into a story. For now, it's just storytelling visually. All photos were pulled from Pinterest and used Canva to create the aesthetic.
This is the first aesthetic I ever made for tumblr.
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wolveria · 1 year
At World’s Beginning - Ch 2
Pairing: James Norrington x Mermaid!OC
Series Summary: James Norrington's death is only the beginning of his problems.
Chapter Summary: In the Year of Our Lord 1694, Franklin Sharp makes a startling discovery.
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35 Years Previous
The last thing Second Mate Franklin Sharp had expected from the day’s events was for the Intrepid to find itself a prisoner—and a woman at that.
It was the morrow after their harrowing survival of a terrible storm, one which Franklin had been sure would be their end. But they had survived, managed to keep all their masts, and had had a few hours rest before the lookout had shouted, “Man overboard!”
The sky was a pretty pale blue and the winds good and true, so there should be no reason for any man to be overboard. Waves lapped gently at the hull of the Intrepid, tamed after its turbulent wrath the night previous.
Captain Ulysses stood in front of the gunwale next to Franklin, extending his spyglass to verify what the lookout had spotted.
So, not a man overboard, then—a man adrift at sea. How anyone could have survived the storm puzzled Franklin, but even he could see with his naked eye a pale form huddled on an outcrop near the straits they had come upon.
“Take two men and check for survivors,” the captain spoke in a weathered voice, never moving his gaze from the rocks ahead. Franklin acknowledged his orders and grabbed Mako and Rochester, two Jack-tars who he could depend on in times of trouble. Not that Franklin expected there to be any trouble, and least… not until their longboat drew closer to the cluster of rocks. And It wasn’t the rocky waves as they drew closer to the outcropping that rattled him.
“’s a woman!” Rochester exclaimed in a voice somehow filled with both unease and awe.
“Aye, Roch, I know a woman when I spot one,” Franklin said with impatience. For clearly it was woman, fainted away and marooned on the rocks.
“Sure ‘bout that?” Rochester responded, a smirk painted across his face. “The peach fuzz on yer face says otherwise.”
“Move us closer so I can see if she’s still amongst the living,” Franklin ordered, ignoring the jab. People always underestimated him for his youth and he’d grown a thick skin because of it. Besides, it was better to be underestimated. Folks who didn’t take him seriously were the easiest to surpass and push aside in his quest of ambition.
However, in this situation, Franklin’s youth might very well work against him. Seamen tended to become particularly stupid where women were concerned, and any question to his authority might turn a tenuous situation into a terrible one. He wasn’t sure which was preferable—for the woman to be alive or dead, considering what might await her back on the ship.
And there was the matter of the ferocity of the storm. It was unlike anything Franklin had seen before—all different colored lightning, rain that flew sideways in angry streaks, and even a squall that descended from the clouds and gave them all a scare when it ventured close to their ship.
Franklin grew more and more disquieted. The woman was as naked as the day she was born, with yellow hair and skin pale and free of blemishes. In fact, it was only now beginning to turn pink from exposure to the merciless sun. This was not the complexion of a woman who was at sea, or one that even ventured out into the sunlight.
What was more alarming than that was, from what he could see from her curled position, she was completely unharmed.
Franklin reached a hand out to steady himself against the outcropping as he tested the integrity of the rock. It bore his weight and so he began to climb, and saw from only a few feet away that her cheeks were rosy with life. He waved the nearby seagulls away, shouting, “Away, buzzards! No free meals for you here today!”
“What have ye found?” Mako said from behind him, and he turned to see Rochester had remained in the longboat to make sure it didn’t drift away. Or, by the blood that had drained from his face, to stay away from their strange discovery.
“Hand me that tarp,” Franklin ordered rather than answer Mako’s question. Mako didn’t look entirely happy about this, but he turned back and retrieved the bit of canvas from Rochester, and then handed it to the second mate. Franklin untied the ropes and pulled open the cloth. It would have to do, for he was not about to bring a naked woman aboard.
As Franklin began to cover her within the stiff cloth, Mako stood at his elbow and whispered, “Lord have mercy on my soul. How did she get all the way out here?”
“I imagine her ship went down in the storm,” Franklin responded as he finished wrapping her up like a babe in swaddling. It didn’t bother him any to handle the woman’s nakedness; he’d helped his mum raise his baby sisters and he wasn’t averse to seeing bare skin. It helped that there was something about the woman that was reminiscent of his baby sisters. Perhaps the way she had been curled like a child, or that her face was smooth like that of a brand new babe.
Apparently, Rochester was not of the same mind about the woman’s innocence.
“Ye-yer bringing her aboard?” he asked, an unmistakable waver in his voice. Franklin didn’t bother to give him a glare—his displeasure was in his voice. He may have been a youth of seventeen years, but Franklin was already gaining the authoritative qualities of a natural-born leader.
“Aye. And if you have a complaint, you ought not to speak it aloud. The captain is not in the business of leaving good people to die when they could easily be brought aboard.”
Franklin brushed the yellow hair out of the woman’s face, and that’s when he noticed something to mar the perfection of her smooth skin. He ran his thumb down the side of her neck, just behind her ear, and he felt hard ridges. He’d know that sensation anywhere, as he had gutted his fair share of fish.
“Yer assuming she’s good people,” Rochester muttered stubbornly. Franklin was so distracted he didn’t respond until the next words were spoken. “It bodes ill, findin’ a woman in the middle o’r the ocean after a storm such as we had. And a naked one at that.”
Franklin had neither the time nor the patience for yellow-bellied curs, so he lifted the woman into his arms, shifting her weight to a more tenable position so they wouldn’t spill off the side of the outcropping and into the churning waves. But as he began to step carefully back to the longboat, Mako stood in his way.
“You better think long and hard about yer next words, Mako,” Franklin said so quietly he could barely be heard over the sound of the waves against the rocks.
“She could be a witch,” the timid crewman said as he looked downward, unable to meet Franklin’s stern eye. “No man or woman of the mortal realm could survive that storm without so much as a mark.”
“That’s for the captain to decide,” Franklin responded, fingers reflexively gripping his bundle tighter as he looked first at Mako, and then to Rochester. “Not lily-livered cowards who dare call themselves sailors.”
“What’s that?” Rochester’s face grew flush from the barb, but Franklin paid no heed. He needed to put an end to this foolishness here and now, or the woman who survived the storm would end up dead by more sinister means.
“Shall I tell the captain you disobeyed orders, then?” Franklin asked lightly. This was the last time he would ask Rochester for anything, he decided. The man was an excellent sailor, but apparently reefing sails and hoisting clewlines was where his dependability ended.
Rochester broke eye contact first, looking away as he gripped the oar tightly in his hands.
“There be no need to go sayin’ things like that,” he finally responded, the proper amount of contriteness in his voice. Still, Franklin decided to keep an eye on him, not trusting the way the man shifted in fear as Franklin sat next to him.
But it wasn’t the second mate that Rochester was scared of—it was the unconscious, helpless lass they had rescued.
Superstitious, feckless cowards, Franklin thought unkindly as the two crewmen rowed the longboat back to the Intrepid. His patience for old wives’ tales and the cowardice they drew from men—who face real bodily danger daily without breaking a sweat and yet succumb to tales of ghosts—was at an all-time low. Especially how given the night before, half of the crew had wept for their mothers and the other have had prayed to their respective gods. It had been an enduring trial to force them to keep the ship in one piece, and Franklin thought he had done it admirably, especially when the captain had remained safely below in his cabin (and the first mate had spent most of his time hiding in the fo’c’sle).
However, if Franklin was hoping Captain Ulysses would present a more reasonable front when they returned, he was sorely mistaken.
“What… is that?”
The captain stared at Franklin’s bundle as he came onboard, eyeing the damp, yellow hair that hang over the edges of the cloth.
“A woman, sir,” Franklin said with a little too much sincerity, but the captain caught nothing amiss in his tone. Ulysses reached forward and pulled back the corner flap, exposing the face of their rescued catch.
“So it would seem,” Ulysses responded dryly, looking over her features as one would examine a particularly rotten oyster. “And why is there a woman aboard my ship?”
“Because you ordered her brought onboard. Sir.”
Ulysses gave him a cool gaze that Franklin knew meant there was troubled waters ahead.
“I am well aware of what I ordered, Sharp. But I would have expected you to have enough foresight to inquire for new orders before bringing a strange woman aboard my ship.”
Franklin met that steely gaze with a more tempered one, even though his dislike for the captain was beginning to converge on the territory of loathing. Ulysses Kipper was a decorated retired officer of the Royal Navy turned privateer. The men said he loved serving the Crown too much to spend the last years of his life doing anything as frivolous as relaxing. And if the crew ever made the mistake of seeming to forget what a decorated ex-marine he was, Ulysses would remind them by scrubbing them down with insults, comparing them to the marines that had previously served under him and saying they were more akin to “mangy dogs and flea-bitten rats.”
Franklin didn’t care for pompous men who flouted their authority. But he was a fresh-faced youth of seventeen years, and no one cared about his thoughts on the matter.
“I believe she’s a survivor of the storm, sir. Her ship most likely went down and currently lay at the bottom of the ocean, along with the rest of her people.”
“Did you see evidence of wreckage?” Ulysses asked, his words clipped with impatience.
“No, sir. But the debris could have been carried out with the currents.”
Franklin shifted from one foot to another. His arms were beginning to ache from the weight of his burden, but he would rather his arms fall off than be relieved of the weight. Because most likely, that would mean the bundle was being thrown overboard, along with the woman.
“So you merely assume she was onboard a vessel,” the captain said as he began to slowly pace across the deck, hands held behind his hands.
“I… well, yes. Where else could she have come from?”
Perhaps this had been the wrong thing to ask, because Ulysses stopped pacing and turned his head to stare balefully, first at him, and then the unconscious woman.
“Where indeed? It is not a question I would ask lightly, especially considering the… dark nature of last night’s storm.”
Franklin stared at him. He would expect such suspicions from the crew, but the captain, who prided himself on being a clever, learned man?
“You can’t honestly believe there is anything untoward about her appearance, do you? Sir?” he added when he realized his tone was bordering on disrespectful.
“That’s not a risk I’m willing to accept,” Ulysses answered, his cold blue eyes sending a shiver down Franklin’s spine despite the warmth of the day. “Take her down to the brig.”
“But,” Franklin began, his voice suddenly too high as it betrayed his youth. “You can’t—“
“Are you refusing to obey a direct order, Sharp?”
Ulysses hovered over him, his bearded face inches from Franklin’s, and the young man realized how out of his depth he was. Scheming and wheedling his way to be the captain’s second mate, especially at his age, was one thing. This was another thing entirely, and he would have to play his cards right or he and the woman might end up as a tasty meals for the fishes.
“No, sir,” he responded softly, gaze lowered. Unfortunately, this meant he was looking at the woman in his arms, and he abruptly felt pity for her. Perhaps you were best left to rot in the sun. An unkind thought, but not unreasonable given the circumstances.
“Then what are you waiting for? Take her below!”
Franklin feigned a wince, mumbled, “yes, sir,” and walked around the captain to retreat into the shadows and the bowels of the ship where he would stow away their captive. Once below, Franklin gently set the woman on the ground as he retrieved the cell door keys, his wince now authentic as he looked about at the conditions of the brig. It wasn’t often used, and even if it had been, the captain wasn’t a man to waste resources on making prisoners more comfortable in their confinement.
He laid the woman down on the floor of the dank cell as gingerly as he could, not entirely sure there was a point in taking care. It was possible she would never awaken, and Franklin antagonizing the captain would end up being for naught. But there was always the chance she would live, and if she did, she would need an ally. Especially considering the secret he had discovered and omitted from telling his captain.
Franklin reached out and gently moved her head to the side, carefully folding the curl of her ear forward so he could get a better look. He needn’t have bothered, since his findings were in alignment with his original assessment. The captain was right about one thing—this was no woman, as indicated by the hardened slits hidden behind her ears. Slits that could be nothing other than what they appeared to be.
Franklin was touching the dried-out gills of a fish.
The gills were vestigial, perhaps, as they didn’t seem to go very deep and he couldn’t imagine how she would breathe through them. But they were unmistakable. He moved her head back into place, glanced around to be sure he was alone, and allowed himself to utter a single word, spoken in quiet wonderment as he studied the face of a being who shouldn’t exist.
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yandere-writer-momo · 25 days
Yandere Head Canons:
Hypnotic Affection
Yandere Merman x Mermaid Reader x Merman
TW: manipulation, hypnotism/ drugging, tentacles, kidnapping, yandere themes, delusional behavior, etc.
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Since you were young, you had been betrothed to a shark merman named Marin. Marin was a cantankerous individual and was quite rude to you since you weren’t a shark mermaid. The only reason the two of you were even betrothed was so your clans would stopped fighting… yet you knew you’d be miserable with Marin.
You often attempted to court him with various shells you’d find but he’d always rebuff you. “These shells are too small, you’ll need something better than some measly clams to have me look your way longer than a few minutes.”
His words were always as sharp as his teeth. His clawed hands would always chuck your clam shells away no matter how pretty they were, it broke your heart. You really wanted to make this marriage work… maybe he’d budge if you found a conch shell?
You bowed your head to your fiancè before you headed off back toward the sea. Marin had no idea this would be the last time he’d see you in awhile…
You swam farther and farther from home until you spotted a conch. You were on the edge of deep sea territory, so it was best to be careful or else you’d get swept up in the current… but it would be worth it if you’d gift the conch to Marin and he’d finally accept you, right?
Your eyes lit up as you slowly swam towards it but you were quickly snatched up in large tentacles, a screech left your lips when the tentacles tighter around you.
A different merman quirked their head at you as they shimmied out from their hiding spot in the coral. “A-a mermaid? I’m sorry.”
The coral colored tentacles quickly released you before ghostly pale hands began to examine your body in worry. “I just thought you were a fish… I hadn’t meant to lunge at you.”
You were surprised by how shy this merman was, his hands trembled as he shakily checked your arms to make sure there were no marks.
“I’m perfectly okay, I’m (your name). What’s your name?” The octopus merman’s cheeks went aflame when you asked him for his name.
“I-I’m Ren! I’m an octopus.” Ren’s tentacles folded into one another as if they were comforting his nerves. “I still apologize for scaring you… I’ve never seen another mermaid before.”
You smiled at Ren and offered him your hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Ren. I hadn’t meant to trespass your area… it seems I wandered a bit too far.”
“I-it’s no issue at all!” Ren beamed, his dark eyes filled with stars while his tentacles flailed in excitement. “If you want, you can stay in my burrow with me! It’s quite comfy in here.”
“That’s so sweet of you.” (Your name) beamed at Ren who ushered her inside. The merman began to become a bit jittery when she accepted so easily. He’s been wanting a mate for so long… and now she was finally here!
Ren sealed his den shut as soon as she swam in. His tentacles blocked the exit watch a large boulder. “It’s to keep predators out!” Ren reassured her as he lead her around his small home. She marveled at the various jars and vegetation he kept. “I’m a sea witch.”
“Wow! That’s really fascinating!” Ren blushed again when you didn’t mock him for being a sea witch. It made his heart flutter. You were so sweet and that made him even happier… the only issue was that you were a different species than him…
“How about I show you a few tricks?” Ren was so happy when you accepted. The octopus merman showed you a very simple spell that made his home brighter. He was thrilled when you clapped your hands and smiled. Ren was so happy to no longer be alone… and he would never let you go.
Ren offered you a meal and you happily ate with him. The vegetation made your brain a bit foggy, but the taste was delightful. Had Ren always been so attractive?
Ren smiled at your sleepy form as you yawned. “Here, how about you spend the night? It’ll be so much safer for you that way.”
You nodded and allowed him to lead you into his den. His tentacles pulled you into an embrace as he smiled. This was just too easy…
You didn’t know how much time had passed since you entered Ren’s burrow since Ren would often feed you every time you tried to leave. Ren made you such lovely meals that you slowly began to forget what even brought you to this end of the sea. You really liked Ren, so why did you have to leave again? You felt as if there was some strange phenomenon happening around you and yet you didn’t care anymore… you liked being with Ren!
Meanwhile, Marin was in shambles. You had been missing for a week now. You always showed up every other day with your stupid smile as you held up some shells you found to him… you were never away from him for long. Marin searched your home in the anemones and he searched all the reefs around yet you were nowhere to be found… were you okay? You didn’t try to go find a bigger shell for him, did you?
You didn’t know it, but Marin always gathered up all the shells he’d throw. He just wanted to look tough in front of you… but now he knew it was a mistake. You wouldn’t risk your life for a shell when you were already engaged to him, right? You were already enough… you were always enough.
A month had went by and you were still missing. Marin now took more desperate measures of swimming out farther and farther… until he spotted a conch. The shark merman rushed towards the shell and began to examine the ocean floor until he spotted a sealed off den. The merman quickly swam toward the rock and searched for a crack until he could peek in there. The sight before him horrified him.
Ren’s purple appendages slid up and down your delicate tail as his hands grasped at your hips. “Would you like to be my mate, (your name)?” Your head felt so dizzy and you could only nuzzle into him. Ren smiled down at your obedient form. What a perfect mate you’d be! It was just so easy to ensnare you and to hypnotize you with his potions… it was all so easy-
Ren was shocked when the boulder to the den was shoved open and a shark merman lunged at him. Ren screamed when one of his appendages were bitten off by the shark. Marin’s large gray form quickly scooped you up and made a swim for it. Ren tried to snatch you back, but Marin easily evaded the tentacles. Ren began to scream as he tried to give chase, but the blood gushing from his missing arm would attract more sharks… he’d have to come back for you another day…
Marin didn’t look back once until the two of you were an hour away. The shark set you down on a rock as he began to examine your body for any wounds. “You’re okay now… we’re going home.”
You tilt your head to the side in confusion at Marin’s words. Who was this merman and why did he seem so familiar? “But I was home? I live with Ren.”
Marin felt a sob rack through him before he bent down and pulled you into a hug. What had that octopus done to you? Marin would protect you this time, he’d help you get back to normal. “You’re safe now… you’re safe.”
You often sat in a trance in Marin’s den. It was as if you were in a whole other world despite being next to him, a world where Marin could no longer reach you.
“Look! I have all the shells you gave me on the walls.” Marin gestured to the various colorful clamshells with a smile. “I’m sorry I was mean before, but that didn’t mean I didn’t like you! I really do care for you, I swear.”
Marin was filled with hope each day when you’d glance at the shells but his hopes would always be dashed when you’d tilt your head off to the side. “Do I know you?”
“I’m Marin... I’m your fiance.” Marin was so frustrated that you couldn’t remember him. He had tried everything… from taking you to every spot you two grew up together to your old den, yet nothing clicked. You only ever wanted to ask about that damned octopus merman.
Marin often cuddled beside you when it was time to sleep. His muscular arms felt so strange around you compared to Ren’s slender ones. You really missed Ren…
“Psst, (your name).” You perked up when you heard Ren’s voice. You gave him a big smile before you slinked out of Marin’s arms. “Let’s go home.”
You quickly swam towards the octopus merman who scooped you into a tight hug. A big smile on his face when you accepted him. He almost felt bad for Marin if it wasn’t for the fact that the shark merman was the entire reason the two of you met! What a sucker…
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psalidodont · 22 days
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Her name is Marie :)
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thecoolsquirrel · 4 months
The Little Mermaid AU w/Azul
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<3 Tags for Little Mermaid Au:
@a-very-werid-mirror @twistiraki @azulashengrottospiano @pianostarinwonderland @fjshii @cowboy-rowlet @femmefaeryboi @savanaclaw1996 @taruruchi @thehollowwriter @thefiasco-onyourblock @the-trinket-witch @@adorable-person
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shandzii · 4 months
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gonna be extra busy bc the semester assignment is a 1-2 mins short film asdfghj throwing around these two goobers
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shpepyao · 28 days
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Working on mermay, not following prompt list, just drawing fish people and what not
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karmacores · 1 month
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ocs for mermay :]
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lescarnetsdehaku · 10 days
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What happens, after the Little Mermaid realizes he doesn't love the Prince anymore? Thankfully, the sea witch is always there to lend a helping hand....
Another of my excuses to have fun with 1830s fashion.
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bunnis-monsters · 14 days
I like the idea of becoming more like the female version of the species of your mate once you’re pregnant.
For example, a werewolf gets you pregnant and you become incredibly protective over your belly, building yourself a nest and growling at anyone that comes close, sometimes even at your mate.
Or maybe it’s a vampire. You start craving blood, and avoid the sun, hiding in your dark room at most times of the day.
With a werecat, you hiss and yowl, eating a lot and hiding behind your mate when you’re out and about, eyes wide and alert for potential threats.
You curl up, your young warm in your belly as you steal your Naga lover’s heating pad. You stop eating near the birth, scaring him half to death.
Don’t even get me started on mermen/bird hybrids… there’s so many different possibilities and ways to behave, some behaviors detrimental to your health.
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jijidraws · 4 months
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✶ NEW PRINTS! ✶ Available @ jijidraws.shop
(Patrons get discounts to my shop monthly! ♡ Sign up at any level for shop perks)
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speremint · 28 days
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Do people still do Mermay? Whatever, I'm doing it anyway 😂💖
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mimimar · 28 days
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(prints / paper doll)
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yandere-writer-momo · 18 days
Yandere Head Canons:
The Wishing Well
Yandere Kraken x Fem Reader
TW: Tentacles, teratophillia, monster fucking, etc
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When you were a child, you were often told about a wishing well deep within a sea cave. A well that would grant you any wish your heart desired so long as you made a deal of equal standing with the magical creature that resided in it. Yet most of your fellow villagers said the price was always worth more than what you desired… and the forest was extremely dangerous.
There was a tale about a king who had wished for more riches, yet he returned from the well with no hands so he could no longer hold the gold he had so foolishly sought out.
There was another tale of a woman who went to the well to wish for a child, yet she returned from the well with a round stomach. The villagers all said her baby was a monster.
You were told only one good story about the well. A story of a man who had went to the well to wish for his wife’s health to improve. A hopeless romantic, your peers called him. A man who successfully made a wish and had his wife healed from her incurable disease… yet he never returned from that well. The villagers all assumed the worse, that he sacrificed his own life for his lover…
These stories terrified you as child so you never really thought about the well. At least not until you reached adulthood, anyways. When your village was being threatened by orcs from foreign lands. Your village would perish if they didn’t surrender all of their women to the invaders.
Your villages population was mostly elderly people so there were only ten options of women to send off and you were one of them. You didn’t want to be the whore of an invader, you wanted to marry your lover, Valo… a handsome young man who lived by the seaside on his own. He was a bit eccentric, but you could see yourself with him.
There was only one way to save yourself and your village. And that would be to use the well.
And so you journeyed deep into the frozen sea cave on your quest to liberate your land. Your hopes high despite the small bit of dread that pooled into your stomach. The price shouldn’t be too bad… no. It didn’t matter what the price was. Because you’d rather die than lose your dignity.
Your journey took over three hours, but you finally stood in front of the old well. It was so much larger than the stories had described… and it seemed bottomless from how pitch black the water was.
“H-hello? I’m here to make a wish.” You yelped when a masked face popped up from the well. The man’s muscular upper torso leaned on the edge of the well to stare at you.
“A wish?” The man’s voice was raspy, almost as if he hadn’t spoken in eons. “I haven’t received a wish yet… okay. I’ll grant your wish if I like it.”
What did this man mean by that? Was he the creature of the well? You tried to see what was behind the man’s upper torso yet it was impossible to get around this man.
“No need to be shy. I want to hear what your wish is. You’re the first human I have seen.” Oh? But this well has been here for generations… perhaps the creature within it changed every so often?
“I’m here to save my village from invaders.” You gasped when he grabbed your jaw to tilt your head towards him.
“How noble… I don’t believe that’s all you want though. You’re hesitant.” The man chuckled at your flushed cheeks. “Are you afraid of me?”
You cast your gaze to the floor which made the man burst into laughter. “Goodness! How fun! Please be honest or else you had made this journey for naught.”
“The other girls and I will be sacrificed to the invaders to be… to be their wives or slaves.” Your voice is so soft yet it echoed throughout the icy cave. “Please help my village! I don’t want to be with someone I don’t love-“
You felt your heart stop when the man’s masked face was now only a few inches from yours. His violet eyes studied your form in interest before he sat up. “You’re not lying and I find you quite pretty.”
The man snapped his fingers and a contract appeared from thin air, the words written on it were in an olden tongue you couldn’t grasp. “I will grant your wish but you must sign this contract. I don’t want you to butt out of our end of the deal.”
“Deal?” You’re puzzled by the man who laughed at your gobsmacked expression.
“Duh. Wishes aren’t for free otherwise more people would come to me.” The man nodded his head at her.
“But what is it that you want from me?” You asked the man who merely gave you a smirk.
“I’ll tell you once your little invader issue is resolved. Until then, you’re free to go about your life.” You bit your lip but ultimately signed, the man quickly snatched up the contract as his body spun in circles in the pitch black water of the well. “I’m thrilled! It’s been so long since I’ve had company…”
The man turned to her with a grin. “You said you’ll only be with someone you love, right?”
“Yes?” The man nodded his head and snapped his fingers, the contract disappeared into thin air.
“Then it’s settled. I will collect you when the time is right.” The man then waved you away as you made your long journey home. The man was now absolutely giddy. Was this how his mother felt when she met his father all those centuries ago? He was so happy that you were indeed the one.
You did go about your life and was surprised to hear how a kraken destroyed the invaders’ ships. It was a terrifying site to see the dismembered bodies and ship wreckage on the frozen shores of your home… yet it was satisfying. Everyone was safe, just as promised.
There was no longer the threat of foreign invaders… which meant you were able to spend more time with your lover. The violet haired man beamed at you when he invited you to walk on the icy beach with him.
“Once winter is over, why don’t we get married?” Valo blushed when you took his hand in yours. “The sea is always bursting with life in the summer…”
“I’d love to.” The two of you giggled in bliss. Yet you couldn’t help the nagging feeling in the back of your mind that the man from the well would call upon you soon to pay off your end of the deal…
After that day with Valo, you were plagued with nightmares of a creature from the deep. A violet kraken that wrapped its tentacles around your small body and plunged you into the depths of the dark ocean. The tendrils would squeeze you in ways that were salacious. The violet appendages would shove their way down your throat and into your poor hole. It was such a terrifying nightmare, one that always felt so real.
You’d often wake up with sore arms, legs, and sometimes sore nether regions from these dreams. Perhaps you should spend more time with Valo? Your lover always made you feel more comfortable…
And it was now summer! The two of you were going to get married soon, anyways. It wouldn’t hurt to see Valo…
And so you went to your lover’s home on the shore. Your fellow villagers quirked a brow at you. They never knew why you went to the beach so often with a smile on your face since you always came back empty handed.
No one had lived on that shore for centuries after the fisherman disappeared to save his wife at the well in the sea cave.
“Valo?” You approach the violet haired man who gives you a bright smile. His violet eyes eerily shine under the moonlight as his body remained half submerged in the sea.
“My dear, it’s time to pay off your debt.” You freeze when you hear the familiar voice of the man from the well leave Valo’s throat. “You said you’d only be with someone you love, so it’s time for you to pay your dues.”
You scream when violet tentacles shoot out from the murky water and wrap around you. What? But… how? These were the tentacles from your nightmares. The violet tendrils that wrapped themselves skeins your pliable body when you were in dream world… the tendrils that fucked you.
“I’m sure you’ll love our new home… it isn’t often a kraken finds their mate.”
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kororobus · 1 month
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I don’t know how many drawings I’ll be able to make, but at least I’ll take part (●'◡'●)
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