#me these days: ah what a beautiful day to ignore all my actual wips and projects for this spontaneous unplanned fuckboi sero universe
blushinggray · 2 years
playboy sero saga cont...
part 2/? (part 1 here)
sero hanta x fem!reader
the aftermath of that night you spent drinking from sero's mouth instead of a cup...
cw // more flirting, implied sexual content
Just to be clear, you did not think about him when you eventually went to bed and got yourself off that night after you left Kaminari's house. You were a little on edge even after your shower and still coming down from your tipsy high, so you were naturally a little friskier than usual. It's totally normal.
But for the sake of your own pride and dignity, you will not confess to your own prosecuting conscience that thoughts of Sero "fuckboy" Hanta's arms or hands or mouth or height or smile or anything of his led you to your orgasm that night. Because they didn't! You swear they didn't.
It was just some generic, practically faceless, hot bodied guy you imagined to get things going. Probably some actor from a movie you watched recently or something. If he also happens to have a similar build, or hair color, or charming personality, or smile as some other guy you happened to make out with earlier that night, then it's just a coincidence.
So no, you did not fucking fantasize about Sero and how strong his hands were on your face or how easily his body slotted against yours despite your clear height difference or how sweet his mouth tasted right before you went to sleep.
You did, however, wake up from a dream where those hands were holding onto your waist to keep you in place for him to fuck into you. And you did get yourself off the next morning while those thought clouds were clearing up...
But it's nothing you can't bounce back from! After you get up, you go about your day as usual, putting on as much background noise as possible to keep your thoughts away from him and what you almost did with him last night.
Ashido doesn’t let you get away with it for long, however, because she calls you later in the afternoon to get all the contextual details of what she walked in on the night before. You don’t know whether it’s because she’s been friends with Sero for a while, but she (and Hagakure, who’s with her on the other end of the line) seems pretty eager to get you to change your mind about him.
“Mina, stop!” You eventually have to say, “Look, I have nothing against him or anything. It’s just… I don’t see this turning out well for me, okay? I’ve dated guys like him before — and don’t get me wrong, they’re great, they treat me well and all that. But at the end of the day, it’s not gonna turn into anything serious, and I don’t wanna be caught up in my feelings for a guy who’s probably just trying to have some fun.”
There’s silence from their end for a bit, before Hagakure asks first, “Is that what you think is gonna happen with Sero?”
You’re silent this time for a moment before Ashido says with a small sigh, “Well, it’s not like it’s unwarranted. We’re his friends and even we can’t defend him on that front.”
Hagakure hums in what sounds like confusion but also acknowledgement, like this isn’t where they had planned the conversation to be going. But you’re internally relieved that you didn’t let it go too far last night.
“But!” She continues, “What we can say is that he’s a genuinely good guy. You can trust us on that!”
“Yes, totally! One of the most reliable guys we know!” Hagakure agrees.
“And we’re pretty sure he’s into you. Like, in a more than just a casual, party hookup kinda way.”
The way your heart flips when you hear that that cute, overly playful, yet admittedly cool playboy might be ‘into’ you is downright pathetic. You can already feel your grave getting deeper.
But you try to play it off for a while longer, “Okay… and how exactly is that better?”
“Well… that, we can’t really say. But he was clearly bummed when you left last night.”
“As anyone would be if they suddenly got blueballed…” you point out.
“I heard from Ojiro that Sero originally wasn’t even gonna come last night, but he changed his mind when he heard that your usual group was gonna be there!” Hagakure mentions.
Well, even if that was true, that doesn’t necessarily mean that he came specifically for you… But…
“Look, guys, I don’t know what you’re hoping will come out of this, but just let me figure this out on my own, okay?”
It takes a bit of back and forth, but eventually the topic is put aside, and you end the call a while later after agreeing to grab lunch tomorrow.
You’re expecting to have to fight off the topic of Sero once more when you arrive at the diner the next day, but it turns out it might be much, much harder than that once that tall, dark-haired, smiling charmer slides right into the booth seat across from you.
“Hey,” he greets you with his usual ease, “Fancy seeing you here.”
You’re frozen for a second as you just stare at the very guy you have been trying to avoid both physically and mentally for the past two days. After darting your eyes around the diner to see no one else you recognize, you find your voice again to say, “I’m… waiting for Mina.”
“What a coincidence. So am I.” He leans back against the booth seat, and somehow he’s tall enough to comfortably lay his arm out over the top of the booth behind him. Fuck.
Pulling out his phone, he taps on it to show you his texts with her that are indeed inviting him out to grab lunch at this very same diner without any other pretense.
Oh, Ashido… You little…
“And I have a feeling,” he says, still completely at ease as he takes his phone back, “that we’re gonna get a message soon that she suddenly can’t make it.”
“Don’t even jinx me like that…” you close your eyes with a groan, only to hear your phone vibrate on the table just a few seconds later.
Despite your prayers, Sero turns out to have the gift of prophecy, because there it is; Ashido’s sudden cancellation and apology text.
Sero’s phone dings just seconds later, and he chuckles with an amused, “Ah, there it is.”
You suck in a deep breath through your nose and exhale it as slowly as you can before you start typing back a response:
To: Ashido Mina You meddlesome little CUNT i am CANCELLING our friendship 🔪
After hitting ‘send,’ you grab your things and announce, “I’m leaving.”
“Aww, already?” Sero asks with the same easy smile that hasn’t left his face since he got here, “You don’t wanna join me on this blind date that we were suddenly forced into?”
“Call me crazy.” You shrug with a blameless look as you leave the booth. You mumble a quick apology to the waiter before stepping out of the diner and letting out a deep sigh. Maybe now you’ll be able to think without his confidence and wit and face to distract you.
“Hey, wait up.” His voice follows behind you as a hand catches your shoulder. A long, slender, yet strong hand that you’re suddenly getting flashback sensations of on your hips and jaw and hair.
“You know, there’s actually a Thai place right around the corner from here that’s really good.” He removes his hand to point a thumb down the street, “If you don’t have lunch plans anymore, you wanna join me instead?”
Oh, he’s good… Just rolling with the punches and inviting you out on his own terms instead of Ashido’s… Too good…
You want to refuse, but you really are kind of hungry since you slept through breakfast today, thinking that you’d eat your fill when you met Ashido. And you’re not so proud that you’d run away from a perfect lunch opportunity when you need to eat.
So with a defeated sigh, you gesture for him to start walking, “Lead the way.”
Somehow, in that moment, his smile grows wider. And it looks a little different than usual. It's not like that smile that looks like he’s trying to charm the pants (and/or panties) off of you. You can’t exactly pinpoint how it’s different, but it just… feels like it.
The Thai restaurant is a small mom-and-pop shop with a lot of oriental decor on the walls. Not all of it looks necessarily Thai, but somehow it all still feels kind of tied together.
You order what Sero recommends you, since he’s been here before and seems to have a familiar relationship with the shop owners. But once your orders are in and you’re left to awkwardly sip at your lemon water, it dawns on you that you have no idea what to talk to him about.
You’re rattling your brain for literally any topic on the planet, but he pins you with the exact one you had been both expecting and avoiding with your life.
“So, how’ve you been since the kickback on Friday? I’ve been meaning to get ahold of you.”
“Fine? I guess.” You try not to cough on your water as you set it down, “Nothing I couldn’t get over after a day.”
Except the images my brain conjured up of your hands all over me.
“Oh yeah?” He says, that playful smile returning, “Was I that forgettable? Guess I’m gonna have to do better.”
You have half a mind to either play dumb or play along, but in the end, you know you’ll be playing right into his hands either way. So maybe it’s better that you don’t play at all.
Bringing a hand up to rub at part of your face, you sigh, “Look, I’m sorry about that. Please just forget that that ever happened.”
“Why?” He asks without missing a beat, “I’ve been kinda hoping that would happen sooner or later. Though I gotta say I didn’t expect it to turn out the way it did.”
“Yeah, well that’s as far as it goes for us.” You shut it down as quickly as you can, “I definitely don’t have any plans to do that again with you.”
“Really? None at all?” he hums, still looking way too amused for your comfort.
“None at all.” You repeat, “Nothing personal.”
“That’s a shame.” He says, leaning back like he’s all too used to this initial response. Which you’re sure he is, and has managed to change plenty of people’s minds before… “I was really hoping to get to know you better.”
“You can’t get to know someone without making out with them?” The cheeky response is out of your mouth before you can stop it.
He laughs at that, which suddenly makes you feel a little warmer around the ears. Not good, not good.
“Well, it’s not usually as fun, I’ll tell you that.” He chuckles as he sits up in his chair, leaning forward a little more, “But if you’d prefer it that way, then I don’t mind.”
“I wasn’t planning on hanging out with you either way, to be honest.” You say.
“I’m sure. But you’re here with me right now, aren’t you?” He brings up, which you can’t argue against. “Plans can change. It’s not so bad, is it?”
Before you can answer, your food comes out and it smells incredible enough to distract you from making a snappy comeback. You thank the older woman who serves it to you, and Sero gives her a flirty compliment in thanks as well, which she laughs at and playfully tuts him for.
“Always the sweet talker, you are, Hanta. Eat up, you two.” She returns to the kitchen after patting Sero’s shoulder.
After digging into your first bite, your eyes fall closed as you let out a small groan, “Oh my god…”
“What do you think?”
“It’s so good…” you only say after shoveling several more bites into your mouth.
“Right?” Sero smiles wider.
After you’ve demolished about half of your food, you finally start to slow down to a healthier pace. Enough for you to notice a camera snapping sound coming from across the table. Sure enough, you look up and see that Sero is smiling down at his phone that’s suspiciously angled towards you.
“What the heck was that?” You demand, putting your fork down, “Did you just take a photo of me?”
“I couldn’t help it. You just look so cute stuffing your cheeks with something so delicious.” He chuckles as he turns his phone around to show you the picture he took.
Admittedly, it’s not… totally unflattering. You certainly look like a glutton with the way you're chomping down on more noodles than you can fit into your mouth... But in a way, it could be considered cute, you suppose.
But even so, you’d rather not have photos of yourself saved into Sero’s phone, so you reach for it — only for him to pull it away with another teasing smile on his face.
“Delete it.” You say.
“Why? It’s so cute. I’ll send it to you if you want.”
“I don’t need it. Just get rid of it.”
“Fine, fine.” He says, tapping on his phone before making a dramatic pause, “After I send it to someone.”
“Stop! Oh my god.” You jump from your seat to reach across the table for his phone, which he reels back to avoid just in time.
You keep grabbing at it for a few seconds, looking more and more idiotic the longer it goes on. But eventually he relents and shows you his camera roll that no longer has your face among his photos. So you sink back into your seat with a groan.
You’re not really in the mood to eat anymore, but you can’t just let your plate go unfinished. Though in the chaos of all of that ridiculous photo chasing, your fork must have fallen off of the table, since you find it on the ground after a few seconds of searching.
“I could always birdfeed you the rest if they don't have one.” He offers after you ask the owners for a new fork.
You can’t stop your eyes from rolling. Where does he get the gall to say shit like that at every opportunity he can find?
“Yeah, yeah. I know your game.” You say, picking up your water to both take a drink and hide your face in case you’re making some weird expression, “You and your aphrodisiac spit.”
A raspberry sound escapes his lips before he starts laughing more wholeheartedly, “My what now?”
The owner saves you from answering as she hands you a clean fork, which you thank her for before returning to your food. Though you’re a little self conscious when she lingers for a bit. At first you think it’s because she’s watching you eat and waiting for your reaction, but then you see her eyeing Sero — who’s still laughing — with an amused but intrigued kind of look. Like she hasn’t seen him act like this before.
She returns to the kitchen as Sero finally calms down enough to finish his own food too. “You always surprise me in some way. I like that about you.”
“You say that now.” You playfully warn him, “You haven’t known me for that long.”
“Well, maybe I’ll get to change that soon.”
The words themselves sound ominous, but the way he says it as he looks at you with such casual interest makes it feel like something to almost look forward to.
You do eventually part ways after leaving the restaurant, where Sero paid for both of your meals by pretending to go to the bathroom first. You had hoped to pay him back or at least get rid of your debt today by treating him to a drink or dessert, so you wouldn’t have to worry about making a promise for next time and agonizing over it in your head until then, but he sends you off without pressure for any such promises.
“But hey, if your ‘plans’ ever change, lemme know.” He says after walking you to the station.
A scoffing sounds escapes your mouth before you can stop yourself again, but you quickly turn tail and walk towards the station, “Ya. You’ll be first to know.” You wave without looking back.
“Bye, [Name].” He calls from behind you in a more… soft voice than you were expecting. There isn’t the usual playful charm that he uses on everyone, middle-aged restaurant owners or otherwise. It surprises you enough to pause on your way up the stairs.
So you turn back, leaving him with just one last grace, “Thanks for lunch, Sero.”
It’s only there for a second before you turn away, but there it is again. That strange, slightly different smile. The one whose intention you can’t exactly pinpoint.
Or if it even has any intention behind it at all.
You sigh as you wonder if it’s already too late for you if you’re already thinking this much about it. About him. When you think back and just replay the way he laughed and smiled at you, it makes your body react in a different way than when he grabbed and held you for a kiss. It still makes you warm but… differently.
Though you have yet to commit to the idea that it’s a bad thing.
From: Ashido Mina i'm sowwwwyyyy pls forgive me i'm just a lil cupid in training 🥺👉👈 i just thought u guys would be cute together and stuff don't be too mad plsssss 😩🙏🙏🙏
hello?!?!?!? tell me everything!!!!!!!!!!! 😆💕💓🖤💖🤍
part 3
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endlessthxxghts · 2 months
Going anon because I don’t want you to focus on who sent you this (although I’m sure something I’ll say might give me away <3), but rather, I want you to focus in on your amazing self.
Something I like to do in my daily practice is write down a few things of what made me most happy that day… but for purposes of this, I’d like you to tell me which fic (can be multiple) that you wrote makes you the most happy!
Ignore the notes, ignore the traction — which fic of yours makes you the most happy and warm and all the good feelings, and give an explanation (however long you want) as to why❤️
A lot of times, especially in a world like this where the internet and other’s creativity is so accessible, we forget to give our own selves the credit we deserve. This is my way of sprinkling around that little bit of gratitude.
I hope you have a beautiful day wherever you are.
Never short on love for you😘
Heheheheh okay I’m gonna cackle and reveal a secret real quick. If anyone has gotten this message, it was actually me LOLOLOL & now that I’m getting it back from someone makes me laugh BUT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH WHOEVER DECIDED TO SEND THIS TO ME?!🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
And for my answer (in no particular order!)🩶:
Routine. I don’t know how to explain why I’m so proud of this one. This one was in part of that secret santa event that @/pedrostories held, and so I think it was the fact that this was a story that I couldn’t just let die in my WIPs folder😭. And also because this was meant for someone and for a prompt that specific someone gave (@/alwaysbethewest much love!!!), I truly didn’t want to disappoint. I wanted to give my all. And in doing so, this pairing ended up latching themselves in my heart and in my soul in a way that I never want to get rid of. I love these two so much. The vulnerability they have with each other, the raw emotion and love. It just. It came out so beautifully. And sometimes I can’t believe my silly little brain had something to do with it.
Tell Me More. This fic in particular holds a really emotional place in my heart. It was written out of a headspace in which I was needing a bit of comfort in multiple aspects of life, but mainly I just wanted a little bit of comfort in having someone who truly accepts me for all that I am. So although this one was written purely out of self-indulgence, I also gain major comfort in the fact that those who have read this story can find some comfort in it as well — whether it’s because they relate personally or just find the beauty in unconditional love, it makes my heart full.
Solace. This one is my first Din fic, and honestly, I’m so so so proud of it because this is the first time I truly and wholeheartedly felt pride towards something I’ve written. And i know I’ve had a bunch of you always reassure me that what I do write is good, but this is the first story where I truly didn’t need anyone’s reassurance but my own. I’m so proud of this one. Also because Din has a really really special place in my heart, and being able to write this story so fluidly (I wrote this entire story in one sitting!) just fills me up with so much happiness.
To whoever sent this to me, I love you and I appreciate you <3
Also I’m still sending the message out to people because I love a cute gratitude moment <3 I’m sorry if I haven’t gotten to you yet ah😩. Whoever sent this to me, feel free to send it out to others as well!!! You are my official messenger 🫡 LMAOOO.
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soobprised · 1 year
My Star ★ WIP!!!
TXT’s Hueningkai x fem!reader x TXT’s Yeonjun
⚠Warnings: Swearing, bullying⚠
This is fiction, none of this is real nor do I see any of the members like this
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It was just the second day of school and already some poor soul was getting messed with. Some preppy jock with jet black hair pinning this poor blonde kid. The blonde guy didn't look necessarily scrawny, and he was fairly tall so the chances of him fighting back and winning probably wasn't that low.
“If I see your face again...” This large jock dude then started whispering in the guys ear. The rest of their one-sided argument then became more personal and quiet.
My locker....hmm..31...32....33...ah finally 34. you mumbled to yourself as you try and locate your locker.
the poor blondie must have the locker right under mine. I don't have time for this, I have to get to class, i'm not exactly a pro at calculus.
“Excuse me dude, could you move please?” You tap the larger guys shoulder impatiently. The jock backed off from the blonde and turned around. “Excuse me? And who the fuck are you?”, you sighed and poked his chest with your index finger and pushed him away leaving him stumbling back, The blonde quickly moved to the side, causing the athlete to knock back onto the locker with a harsh thud! “Hey! who do you think you are?” The jock moved to the side and tried to play it off like he didn't just bash his body against the harsh metal of the lockers. The blonde kid continued towards his locker, gathering his stuff. You ignored the jock and spoke to the damsel in distress.
“You almost done?” The blondie just stared at you puzzled. “Wha-? Huh?”
“Your locker is under mine, I need to get to class.” You point out dumbly. “Oh! right, yeah sorry.” He quickly gathered the last of his things, but as he did, the jerk shoved him forward making him fall face first into the metal locker with a bang that sniped down the hallway. Now everyone passing by or gathering their things from the lockers were staring.
Now you were beyond pissed, because what the fuck is his problem? Is he a fucking child??
You quickly get in behind the blonde and shield him from the jock. Your arms crossed; adrenaline was so intense you swore you could have killed this guy then and there. “Dude, take a hint? Fuck off, leave your fucking issues at home.” You yelled. The jock bent down with a sly smirk. “Yeah?” He bit his lower lip and continued. “And what are you gonna do about it doll?”
And that was how you ended up in the principal's office. Sitting in between the same two that ruined your morning. Get this reader, you'll never believe which one has the black eye.
“So, Yeonjun, you want to explain your side of the story first?” You look over to the jock, So this is Yeonjun? It makes perfect sense that the schools siren is this guy. He was beautiful but his personality was just foul. I cant see how every girl just slides into bed with him like it was a honor. Actually I can, not all people look for other traits besides attractiveness.
Yeonjun rolls his eyes and looked away from everyone. An awkward silence surrounded everyone as we stared at him.  “Welp...y/n? I don't suppose you'd be kind enough to share why he has a black eye wouldya?” You groaned and threw your head back. Could this day get more annoying? The ticking of the grandfather clock in the far right corner of the room did not ease your mind one bit either.
“He was messing with blondie over here”, you motioned to the blonde and the principal interrupted you. “His name is Hueningkai.” You sighed. “yes, Hueningkai, this jock-” the principal interrupted you again, “Yeonjun”. Now you were more than annoyed, you had to physically rub your eyes to try and ease your nerves. Then the blon- or Hueningkai spoke up. ‘Oh wow, he has braces?’, you thought to yourself as he spoke. “Im sorry sir, me and Yeonjun were just having a small argument and y/n just needed to get her stuff from her locker that was above mine. Its my fault I shouldn’t have made Yeonjun mad...” Hueningkai bowed his head in shame and fumbled with his fingers. The principal just nodded with a “hmm”.
“what the hell?” You threw your hands in the air. What is up with this guy? Why is he sticking up for an asshole like Yeonjun?
“Y/n! You will not use that language in here!” The principal yelled at you. The tense air made both Yeonjun and Hueningkai stare at you in bewilderment. You stood up in a rage. “No! Yeonjun was being rude to Kai!” You pointed at Kai and looked over to him. His eyes were wide in shock, he couldn't imagine standing up to the principal like this. He also was shocked you called him by his nickname rather than his full name. Your eyes looked back to the principal, who was also shocked but still kept up his professional persona. “All I did was stand up for him!” The principal slammed both his hands on his desk and his gaze pierced yours and you felt yourself flinch back. “He has a black eye!! His parents could sue!!! Now you better decide on apologizing or else your parents will tear you apart y/n!.” You crossed your arms like a child and looked away. You fell back onto the seat. “And knowing your reputation y/n...” The principal sat back down and wiped the sweat off his brow and sighed. “Apologizing probably isn't in your nature, hm?” He raised his brow to you and you only replied with a scoff. “That's what I thought...now...”, he leaned forward and waved his hand in the air to get the three of you to listen.
“I have decided on making you three attend counseling after school from 3:00-4:30, I just have to call your parents for consent but i'm sure they will be fine with it.” 
Oh great....
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jayswritings13 · 2 years
Disney: s/o caring for sidekicks for Hades, Facilier, & Beast
Request: "Hiii! :,)) Can i requests these villains (Hades, Facilier and beast) with a Gender Neutral S/O who is like a parent figure for their Minions/imps?" by Anon
Note: I loved writing this!! Especially for the enchanted objects from Beauty and the Beast! I will always have a soft spot in my heart for them!
💗Masterlist | WIP Page
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(+ Pain and Panic)
Pain and Panic were both used to be Hades' punching bags, especially since they both were assigned to work for him for eternity.
Or when they died.
Honestly, both had huge bets on that latter happening sooner.
That being said, they were shocked when you actually treated them with respect and like....a person.
Meg didn't even do that during her time with the Lord of the Underworld.
Pain and Panic milk the shit out of your attention.
Something that Hades catches onto too fast and immediately blows up on them about.
"Y'know, babe, when you treat them with respect, they start to expect that."
"You show respect your way and I'll show it mine." you crossed your arms, ignoring the slight snickers from Pain and Panic that erupted below you.
Maybe it was Hades never-ending wrath towards the two imps that spurred on your protectiveness of them.
Maybe it was that they weren't too many other creatures down here to talk to besides Hades and the Fates.
You often checked in with them, asking them how they were, and generally just being friendly towards them.
It drove Hades nuts.
That was also another reason you might've done this, because sometimes bugging Hades is the highlight of your day.
It was a vicious cycle, really.
Hades would blow up on Pain and Panic, which would cause you to be even nicer to them, which would then make Hades even more pissed.
"Listen, we appreciate this and all, but you don't gotta keep doing this." Pain said, as Panic nodded.
"But you two deserve some decency." You said, "I mean, you not all of those horrible things Hades calls you."
"Wait.....Really?" Panic asked
"Well, I mean you guys have your moments, but you're not that terrible." You said, "I mean, you guys are pretty fun to talk to down here."
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Dr. Facilier
(+ Voodoo dolls, Lawrence, and Shadow)
Facilier and the Shadow were a two-for-one deal that you never even knew that you really signed up for.
Facilier never would admit it, but he did care for his shadow very much.
After all, it was basically an extension of him.
The same could be said for the voodoo dolls, as those were the first dolls that he's had since he started practicing Voodoo.
So he definitely wanted you to respect and get along with them, often pushing your thoughts and feelings out of you pretty early on.
"They're nice and all, Faci." You said, glancing over at the shadow as it crept closer and closer towards Facilier and yourself. "Why do you keep asking me that?"
"Just curious....."
Luckily for you, Shadow loved to gossip, and often played charades to convey what he was trying to say.
The Voodoo dolls weren't into that as much, as they were happy to have another person around to admire them.
Though, when you came in one afternoon from town, you weren't expecting an elderly man chatting to Facilier.
"This is no time for small talk, Larry," Facilier scolded before he flashed you a smile.
Over the next day or two, you took note of how often Lawrence came around. Not that you minded of course.
As based on the very limited conversations between the two of you, you noted how polite and respectful he was, despite that deep-seated rage underneath
"Do you think that this plan will work......?"
"Listen, I learned that it's better to trust the process." You said, glancing over at Lawrence.
"......eh, okay...." Lawrence said, "Excuse me, I just have a lot riding on this."
"Yeah, uh, I could tell," You said, eyeing the empty jar in his hands. "But it should work out as long as you stick to the plan."
"Ah, it's really nice to have someone else to talk to about this......stuff," Lawrence said. "So, thank you."
"Ah, it's no issue. You're not the only one who wants to talk to someone else about non-Voodoo-related things, Lawrence." You smiled.
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(+ Lumière, Cogsworth, Mrs. Potts, Chip, etc...)
Of course, you adored the enchanted household objects.
They welcomed you in right away, often checking in on you to see how you were adjusting to the castle and other aspects of this new life.
Due to their very friendly and nice nature, you quickly befriended the various enchanted objects you came across, especially those that have become regulars in your new life.
Breakfast with Chip, afternoon tea with Mrs. Potts and Chip, and dinner with Cogsworth and Lumière.
"So what's today's special breakfast?" You smiled down at the small teacup, who excitedly hopped over to the part of the table where you were.
"If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise!"
"Okay, okay." You laughed.
It didn't take long for Beast to notice this and grow angry over the fact that you had a better relationship with his servants than him, often calling Cogsworth in for 'meetings'.
Though most of the time it was Beast ranting, Cogsworth apologizing, and when Mrs. Potts joined, her scolding Beast for taking it out on them instead of trying to make an effort.
Luckily for you, Lumière spilled everything to you later on, much to Cogsworth's dismay.
".....so, I told the master to be pa-"
"DON'T TELL THEM THAT!" Cogsworth shrieked.
"Well, it's true!!" Lumière huffed, "You were there mon ami!"
As much as the enchanted objects tried to make you feel at home, welcome, and taken care of, you often went out of your way to make their days better, even if small.
Though, you could always count on Mrs. Potts to set them straight and calm any fight down.
You saw how hard they worked and wanted to make sure that their hard work didn't go unnoticed.
"You all deserve a break." You said, once you were able to round up the four of them, "You all work so hard and all, so take a break."
"Mademoiselle, I assure you that we can-"
"But, you're our guest. You shouldn't have to do that for us. We can d-"
"We appreciate that, but-" Mrs. Potts said.
"No, 'buts'." You said, taking a moment to look at the objectors---Lumière, Cogsworth, and Mrs. Potts---before turning to Chip, with a grin. "Make sure that they actually relax on this break. I'm counting on you, Chip." You said, causing a huge smile to break out across the tiny teacup's face.
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
Bucky’s little is obsessed with him tickling her ❤️
Pairing: Daddy!Bucky Barnes x little!f!reader
Warnings: ddlg dynamics, fluff turned smut, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), nsfw content, 18+ content.
Word count: 1,720
A/N: this has been in my WIPs for like at least 3 months because i suck like that. Nonnie, if you're still here, i love you and never meant to make you feel ignored i apologize:"💜. Please enjoy xx
tickle time
She loved so much about being Bucky’s little, one thing being the privilege to be tickled by his long, fast fingers at any given moment. She was obsessed with the way his nimble digits stroked over her sides, spreading goosebumps throughout her body as her delighted screams reached the ceiling.
And Bucky would never miss a chance to be the cause of her uncontrollable giggling.
“Tickle time!” She announced out loud before plopping herself on Bucky's lap.
He let out a dramatic “ouff”, making her chuckle cutely, before his fingers put down the book they were holding, and with a sly smile on his face, found her sides to tickle her.
Barely a minute in and she was laughing, screaming and thrashing; begging to get away even though she'd asked for it.
Bucky wouldn't let her though. He carefully slid her off his lap and on the couch, got on top and started tickling her harder, burying his smiley face in her neck, his slightly chapped lips tickling the soft skin there, “where do you think you're going?”
His metal fingers glided with ease as they stroked her over the thin material of his shirt. Her head was thrown back and her legs involuntarily kicked as she squealed, “dada!”
Whatever the time or place, she was ready to get tickled till she’d lost her breath and Bucky was always more than happy to give her just that.
“Tickle time!” Bucky heard her giggle before he felt her wrap her arms around his waist from behind.
He grinned silently, setting the spoons he was tossing the salad with down. He wiped his hands on the towel slowly, knowing she was waiting.
“Dada, it's tickle ti-” Her own startled shriek cut her off when Bucky turned and in the blink of an eye she was in the air and tossed over his shoulder.
She squealed and swung her legs lightly as he carried her to the bedroom, laid her down to tickle her and pulled the loudest laughs from her chest.
“Oh, no, where do you think you're going?” Bucky laughed and pulled her back to him by the ankle when she tried crawling away to avoid his torturous, determined ministrations.
“Dada!” She screamed out yet another laugh, her smaller hands trying to push his big ones away from her sides. Her cheeks hurt from laughing so much.
Her shirt has ridden up from all the squirming and Bucky immediately put his mouth on the showing skin, gently biting at her tummy, his fingers never stopping as she giggled louder and writhed harder.
Bucky’s lips then sucked on her flesh before letting go, making her blush and giggle at the sound. He liked the reaction too much not to repeat it.
“How’s that feel, doll?” Bucky wondered, pecking her belly button.
“Feels tickly. Tingles everywhere,” she panted, giggling again when Bucky nuzzled her tummy and nibbled on her flesh.
“I’ll take that,” he mumbled and the vibrations from his lips tickled her more.
It was like that almost every day, sometimes more than once in the same day and Bucky cherished those happy, sweet moments with her more than anything.
“Dada, what time is it?” She asked as she stood by the door to Bucky's office.
“It's almost two, dol—”
“'Ts tickle time!” She ran inside, putting her arms in the air.
“That’s like the third time today.” Bucky smirked as he lifted her up to seat her on his desk.
“It's tickle time, daddy. I don't make the clock.” She shrugged seriously, making Bucky laugh aloud before laying herself down on his desk and letting out a quiet giggle in anticipation.
Bucky calmly put his papers back inside the clear file, before he stood up and planted his hands on either side of her, caging her between him and his desk.
“What am I gonna do with you?” He shook his head, his stare was slightly different and it had her cheeks warming up.
“Dada,” she whispered bashfully as Bucky leaned forward.
“Shh, doll, it's tickle time,” Bucky confirmed in her ear before pecking it.
He slid his hands under her shirt, holding her sides and she shuddered in expectation.
She was so soft and so beautiful and all his.
She felt Bucky slowly blow hot air on the side of her neck. She let out a small giggle, her head leaning towards her shoulder to hide from Bucky's tickling breath. He softly blew down the column of her neck again and she giggled louder, jerking away.
Bucky chuckled, pressing a kiss to her warm skin and started lightly sucking on the spot behind her ear.
A different type of goosebumps pricked her skin, but Bucky’s fingers gave her no time to react as they began their sweet, languid torture on her sides.
Feeling both the metal and flesh directly on her skin along with Bucky’s lips on the sensitive spot behind her ear, she couldn’t stop the moans bubbling out of her chest with her giggles.
“Dada,” she sighed when Bucky’s fingers slowed down their movements, her small hands clutching the end of Bucky’s desk.
“What is it, doll?” Bucky questioned teasingly against her neck before bringing his face to hers and pecking her lips.
“I feel tingly.” Her breathless, low, timid admission made Bucky smirk as he bit down, her body already putty in his hands.
“Here?” he asked, squeezing her sides where he’s been tickling.
She shook her head shyly.
“Here?” Bucky’s lips brushed against her ear.
She shook her head again, her eyes shutting as Bucky’s hands inched further up under her shirt.
“Here?” He peppered kisses up and down her neck.
“No.” shook her head, her breath picking up as Bucky’s right hand squeezed a boob.
“Where then?” Bucky hummed, his thumb rubbing over her hardening nipple.
“Dada,” she whined, her clutch moving from the desk to Bucky’s muscly arms.
“You’ve gotta tell me where, doll. Or otherwise I won’t be able to make the tingles stop.” Bucky pecked the side of her mouth teasingly.
She took his metal hand out from under her shirt, the other still playing with her nub, and pressed his open palm between her legs, right on her mound, “here.”
She could hardly hear her own voice, but Bucky did. He’d heard her clearly and his satisfied grin was proof.
“You want daddy’s help, doll?” he dragged it out while he had her exactly where he wanted her, the tips of his fingers mischievously caressing her covered core.
She was already wet and he could feel her, hot and slick behind the thin panty.
“Yes, please, dada.” She swallowed, awaiting Bucky’s relieving touches.
“You got it, baby.” Bucky pecked her lips one more time before taking off her underwear.
“Let's see.” He gently pulled her lips apart using his thumbs to 'take a close look'. Her tight hole closed around nothing and Bucky felt his cock strain in his pants.
He let out an actual moan at the sight of her bare, open core, all wet and glistening and needy for him.
“You feelin’ tingly here, doll?” Bucky pressed his thumb to her button, rubbing lazy circles over the tiny bud.
“Y-Yes, dada. Please.” She breathed, her eyes watching her Daddy’s every move as he brought his face closer to her pussy.
“I can fix that,” Bucky whispered, his warm breath sending tickles up her spine and she opened her legs more, biting her lower lip.
Bucky pressed his tongue to her entrance, slowly licking up her silky lips, groaning at her taste. Her head fell back on the desk as a mewl escaped her.
Her whines were uncontrollable the second Bucky got his lips around her throbbing clit. Her fingers were tangled in Bucky’s hair as she writhed a different kind of writhing because Daddy was giving her a different kind of tickle time filled with different tingles.
Bucky kept his mouth on her clit, his lips sucking on it while the tip of his tongue massaged it, making her moan and wiggle on his desk. She tasted so good and he couldn’t get enough, his tongue sliding down to her core to lick her sweet arousal.
“Dada, plea-ah you’re making it more tingly,” she moaned, tugging on Bucky’s hair, making him hiss.
“But I thought you liked being tickled, baby?” Bucky asked against her core, the vibrations from his lips making her eyes roll as her clit pulsed even harder.
“Please,” she whispered, her jaw going slack as she felt Bucky’s finger poke inside her pussy.
He slid it in up to the knuckle before curling it upwards and her back slightly bowed off the desk, “what about now?” Bucky teased, pushing another finger inside her, his teeth softly nibbling on her clit.
All she could do was beg, a string of pleads leaving her mouth. Her fingers tugged harder on Bucky’s strands as she succumbed to the pleasure. The spot Daddy kept poking at inside of her made her feel the evil, yet delicious tingles everywhere from the back of her neck to her cunt. Even her toes were tensing with her abdomen.
The tip of Bucky’s tongue found the head of her clit, swelling and peaking from underneath the hood and kept flicking it again and again until her thighs were closing around his head and her fingers were pulling hard at his hair.
“Daddy.” One broken moan and she was gone, stars exploding behind her eyelids as their fire burned inside her.
Her pussy wildly contracted around Bucky’s relentless fingers as her back fully arched off the desk.
The pleasure was too good, the tingles too much and she screamed, her legs wrapping around Bucky’s head and trembling.
Bucky let her clit go, pressing soft kisses to the sensitive nub as his fingers slowly slipped out of her pulsing center.
Her back was on the desk again and she was panting. She closed her legs shyly, pressing her thighs together, her clit still throbbing.
She was already looking fucked out but Bucky wasn’t having it.
“Where do you think you're going? Now it’s time to fix daddy’s tingles,” Bucky said, one hand palming the bulge in his pants as the other stroked up her shin, “open those legs wide for me, doll.”
~~ Tags: @harrysthiccthighss @tinystudentfirepurse @lavendercitizen @tumblin-theworldaway @pretty-pop-princess-hs
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alolowrites · 3 years
No Capes!
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Summary: Mirio visits you at work for a lunch date, but plans change when he meets the one and only Edna Mode.
Author’s Note: Hi everyone!!! First story of 2021, yay!! So this story sat in my WIPs folder since June 2020 (i think, idk I just remember brainstorming and writing a first draft around that time). Left it alone and worked on it these last few days. I couldn’t resist pulling this story thread because hello: it’s Edna Mode we’re talking about lmao. (also this is fanfic so logic is out the window)
Story is a Pro Hero AU (crossover technically??) and it is a fem!Reader. Please enjoy!
Word Count: 1.1K+
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The phone rings off the hook and echoes around the sleek lobby. A female receptionist, cool as a cucumber, answers each call without looking away from the computer screen. She ignores the chaos buzzing around her, filled with rattling clothes racks and frantic chit chatter.  
Mirio steps inside, breathing in the madness as though he’s at a flower field. He strolls toward the receptionist’s desk with a bright smile and casually leans against the marble counter. The young lady does a double-take when she sees the pro hero in all his glory.
“Ah, Lemillion!” She hangs up the phone, which miraculously stays silent. “How may I help you?”  
“Well, I’m here to meet my lovely sunshine,” Mirio nods toward the general direction of your office. “Think I can visit her? We have a lunch date today.”
“Let me make a quick call.” The receptionist presses your extension number and taps her fingers on the desk. Mirio glances at the water fountain flowing behind, admiring the artistic beauty that somehow ties the whole place together. His ears perk up when he hears your name, followed by: “I’m so sorry to bother, ma’am, but Mr. Lemillion is here to see you.”
Mirio beams to himself; he never gets tired of hearing his hero name.
“Uh-huh, yes, ma’am. I will let him know.” The phone clicks and the receptionist sits up straight to deliver the news. “She will be out in a minute.”
You barrel into the lobby in less than five seconds.
Your frantic eyes land on Mirio, who bounces like an adorable golden retriever. You narrowly avoid a fatal crash with a clothes rack as you approach your boyfriend, gasping, “Mirio! What are you doing here?”
He pecks your lips and laughs, “We have a lunch date, sunshine!”
“Oh, that’s right!” You slap your forehead for not remembering this sooner. Your lips twitch into an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry, honey. I meant to call you about rescheduling our little date for today. Something came up.”
“Don’t sweat it, sunshine,” Mirio shrugs, caressing your cheek. “We’ll eat another time, and I’ll make sure it’s extra special for you.”
“Ugh, you’re too good for me, you know that?” You mumble against his lips, giving him another quick kiss. A deep sigh reaches Mirio’s ears as your hands slide down against his chest. You glance behind your shoulders with a frown. “Sorry, I just have to deal with a certain someone right now.”
“Do I know them?”
“No!” Both your arms immediately shoot out, blocking the hero from moving forward. Mirio blinks at your bizarre reaction. He raises a concerned eyebrow as you peek over your shoulders again, this time with more urgency.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, yes! Really, I am!” You bring your arms close to your chest and avoid Mirio’s unconvincing gaze. However, it doesn’t last long since he raises your chin with one finger. Another long sigh escapes your lips. “Listen, I’ll explain everything later, but you must go. Now.”
“But why—”
“Mirio, I love you and all, but you really gotta go,” you beg, pushing the hero toward the glass doors with impressive strength. The blonde man stumbles backward and stammers out your name, but your fearful eyes shut him up. “You can’t be here, okay? You’re wearing your cape socanyoupleasegobefore—”
Chaos and time freeze in the lobby. Panic ripples throughout your body at the sound of that particular voice; you’re too late, and you’re afraid of what might happen next. Mirio hisses as your nails dig into his costume, almost hard enough to draw out blood. He gently pulls your hands away and looks straight ahead.
Mirio is dumbfounded when he sees an old lady as short as an elf yet exudes an air of confidence fit for the gods. Her unique bob hair shines underneath the ambient lights, the sharp tip ends curling along her face. She dusts off a sleeve and fixes her large round glasses before holding her head high—everything about her screams power without uttering a single word.
“What is taking you so long?!” The lady huffs with one arm crossed. Her blasé attitude cracks a little when she spots Mirio. Twirling her thin black stick at him, she demands, “Who is he? And why is he wearing that awful hobo suit out in public? Who dressed you, plain man?”
“Edna, we talked about this,” you scold, although the woman shrugs at your tone. Rolling your eyes, you face the oddly quiet hero and grab his attention. “Mirio—”
“Huh?” He notices your hesitant smile.
“Please let me introduce you to Edna Mode; she’s a close family friend of mine,” you gesture a hand her way. “Edna, this is Lemillion, aka Mirio Togata; he’s a pro hero here in Japan and is my...boyfriend. For my sake, please don’t scare him.”
“Boyfriend, you say?” Edna does a once-over, assessing him like a garment inspector judging a fabric’s quality. You silently pray she doesn’t see the cape and almost breathe a sigh of relief when she holds her tongue. But the panic returns as her sharp eyes narrow at Mirio. A sweatdrop rolls down your forehead when Edna slithers closer. “Wait a minute...what is he wearing?”
Oh no.
“Like you said: a hobo suit!” You squeak, protectively shielding the confused hero. Your remark delivers a harsh blow to his stomach. Suddenly, you shove him closer to the exit, not caring if they don’t open; he could just phase through them. You awkwardly laugh, “It’s a real eyesore, I know.”
Mirio balks, “What?”
“We can talk about this later!”
“What is this?!” Edna clenches the red drapes flowing down Mirio’s back. You’re surprised it doesn’t burn into ashes in her unforgiving grasp. You cower under Edna’s menacing glare, sinking deeper into Mirio’s chest for support. The hero, meanwhile, holds you up with a hand around your waist. He puts on a brave face despite feeling scared shitless.
Eventually, you meekly answer, “It’s uh...it’s a cape?”
“Exactly! No capes!”
The cape sags when Edna lets go, dangling her hand out as if she touched a dirty toilet. She demands a box of Clorox wipes and a flamethrower. You pinch the bridge of your nose at her absurd antics. A fierce stick points at you and Mirio when Edna shouts, “We must discuss this travesty in my office, immediately!”
You scrunch your face as she trots away. “But it’s my office!”
“Bring the mess with you too!”
A headache pounds against your skull; it’s too early to deal with this madness. Still, you have no choice but to follow Edna and face the fire. Of course, most of it will be directed toward Mirio, who committed the actual fashion crime. With a final sigh, you mumble, “C’mon on.”
“Wait, what did I do?!”
“You wore a cape.” Mirio scratches his head, not understanding why his cape got him in trouble. Tugging his hand, you drag him to your office and shoot him a pointed look. “Edna’s hatred for capes goes way back, and now we’re both gonna get an earful about it.”
“It can’t be that bad, right?”
“Oh, honey, you have no idea.”
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As always, thanks for reading!!
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thenextchapter22 · 4 years
Little Angel in the Devildom
Description: A spell to make her look younger changes her to the mental age of a toddler. The demon brothers and the undatables all try to make her life as happy as possible while trying to find a cure on the side.
Warnings: De-aging mentally, Age Play, Adorableness, WIP
Pairing(s): NONE! Unless you count non-romanticly...
Word Count: 5,414
Link to my AO3: Click Here
Author’s Notes: So this is going to be written in she/her pronouns and has an unnamed female main character. Fluffy goodness abound! :3 This is also an ongoing work I will randomly update. Please Enjoy~
Bedtime (Lucifer)
“Let’s brush your teeth now, my dear.”
She groaned while Lucifer just chuckled. “Come now, it’s the same as each night. Why is tonight so upsetting to you?”
The pair headed up the steps to the bedrooms in the House of Lamentation, Lucifer helping her with a hand on her lower back as they climbed. They had finished dinner a few hours ago and has some leisure time but now it was bedtime (for her).
She sighed loudly, shoulders slumping. “I’m not tired. Brushing my teeth means bed. Can’t I stay up and watch TV? Or-or, um, Levi and me can play some games!” She grinned at him, hoping to charm him into what she wanted.
He hushed her softly, her smile changing into a pout. This made him look on at her fondly while she sort of half-stomped into the bedroom. He had such a soft spot for her, it was ridiculous. She made his demonic heart just a little bit as it was in the Celestial Realm, when he was looking after his younger brothers. Caring. Loving.
“We’re inside so please lower your voice. And no, you cannot watch TV or play games tonight. It’s far too late for that.”
“Aw! No fair.” Why did Luci have to be such a dad all the time, it was no fun at all for her.
He waited while she brushed her teeth and changed into her PJ’s in the bathroom. When she re-entered he was switching the tiny nightlight on the wall on. It was a crescent moon, comforting to her because it illuminated the dark room. She loved the moon.
“All right, bed for the little humans,” he said, reaching for her to lay her down in bed under her covers. Despite her still being a regular sized human woman, she still was mentally the age of a human toddler so he tried his best to treat her like he would a child in any way possible.
It was an almost nightly routine for him to do this. If not Mammon (he helped her sleep with cuddles when she had bad days or just wanted company at night) or Satan (who read to her at night before bed most times) usually it was Lucifer that tucked her in and made her feel safe before she went to sleep. Beel sometimes woke her up when he was getting snacks and they shared, but that was their secret.
She yawned as she sank into bed. It was warm and cozy and snuggled in with a happy shake of her body.
He smiled. “Ah, so you are tired.”
She stuck out her tongue, blew a raspberry at him. “No way.”
He gave her a stern look. “If it were not so late, I’d have you in the corner for that.”
She froze. “Sorry…”
He hummed and sat beside her. “Did you have a good day?” he asked softer, gently brushing hair from her cheeks.
“Yeah.” She thought some more on the day, and wondered about something that had been bothering her. She had to be brave to ask it, though. “Luci?”
“Yes?” He replied, tucking the blankets around her frame.
“Why am I here?”
He stopped his motions. Lucifer sat back and looked at her. His dark features always seemed like they should frighten her, but they made her feel better. Somehow, she trusted him not to do her harm despite how scary he could be to others (like how mean he was to Mammon).
“I don’t ‘member lots of stuff but I had a dream where I was someplace else… they sky was blue and I was in a different house but none of you were there. It was sad.”
Lucifer knew this day was coming. One couldn’t be a human, be told they were in fact human, and not wonder about being surrounded by demons and angels. Plus, they still did not know what exactly she remembered after the accident and they also did not want to scare a child with the information of actually being an adult. Yes, she looked like an adult, but there weren’t any children in the Devildom so it wasn’t like she didn’t know the difference. It might hurt her more mentally and Lucifer couldn’t stand to see her hurt in anyway. As the humans said, better safe than sorry.
“That’s a hard thing to answer.” He paused. “I’ll tell you some other day.” Hopefully that would satisfy her for now.
She frowned. “Is it… is it bad?”
“No, it’s not.” He smiled, and, after finishing gathering the blankets around her tight enough to feel warm but not constricted, he leaned down inches from her face. He kissed her forehead, and whispered, “Sweet dreams.”
When he left, the room was bright from the crescent moon plugged into the wall. But she could feel Lucifer’s own presence, not a light, but a dark warmth, surrounding her as she fell asleep. She never wanted to leave home.
Prince (Diavolo)
The House of Lamentation family was gathered in the common room waiting for a special guest. An actual Prince was coming to visit. Lucifer called him ‘Lord’ but that was the same as Prince honestly.
She could not wait to meet an actual real-life Prince, just like the ones in the story books that Satan read to her at night. She jumped around for joy, screaming giddily, “I can’t wait to meet the Prince!”
Lucifer hushed her and told her to calm down. “Inside voices, please.”
Asmo was pouting, and he asked her, “We’re Princes of the Devildom, darling, so why are you so excited?”
She shook her head frantically, the ribbon curls that Asmo put in her hair smacking her in the face. But nothing deterred her. “No, ‘s not the same!”
“And why not?”
She twirled the dress, a pink and fluffy one with white stockings and white heels with bows on her feet, the perfect outfit to meet a Prince because she looked just like a Princess. She pretended to think on his question, then smiled and said, “Cause I said so!”
Asmo whined. “So mean…”
Satan laughed, crossing his legs on the sofa. “You heard her.”
Huffing, Asmo crossed his arms. “I wonder if she was like this before she came here.”
She did not know what that meant. As far as she knew, she was always in Devildom. But, she had no time to think on it because, again, a literal Prince was coming!
She was spinning in circles, passing the time, waiting impatiently for the Prince to come by. Twirling until she got dizzy, balancing with her arms and giggling when she got a head rush.
Lucifer sighed for the millionth time from where he sat on the armchair. “Please, be careful.”
Resisting the urge to stick out her tongue was hard, but she did because he would be mean and not let her meet the Prince and that would be awful.
A door opened and closed. She stood still, stomach clenched tightly. She was so nervous. Did she look pretty enough for him, a Prince?
But it wasn’t a Prince that entered the room first, and she only knew that when he, a demon with short hair dyed at the ends, pretty with bat-like horns on his head and bright eyes, said, “Presenting Lord Diavolo,” while gesturing to his left where the doorway was.
“You don’t have to do that here, Barbatos.”
“Yes, my lord. I find it fun, however.”
A deep guttural laugh that made her toes tingle, and then he entered and he was… incredible. Dressed in a red suit and bright gold eyes, soft looking red hair, and so big and tall. He could lift her up and take her all over! Piggy back rides for the rest of her life sounded so great.
“I’m sure you do,” the Prince said in response to Barbatos. Then he smiled wider, and held open his arms in greeting. “Hello everyone. How is—gah!”
She jumped into his arms (they opened for her, right?). Distantly she heard the brothers collectively groan, coo, and gasp. But she did not care. The Prince was here and he was so warm and smelled so nice, and he caught her quick and perfectly held her. Was this love?
He chuckled, a deep sound reverberating the room and in her chest. His arms encircled you, warm and incredible. He smelled almost like Lucifer but a different darker type of smell. She snuggled into his chest. “Hello. Do you know who I am?”
“Prince. ‘m a Princess.”
He laughed again. “I see that. What a beautiful one you are, too.” He pet her hair down, and she blushed, mumbling in embarrassment.
“My Lord, I am so sorry, she forgets—”
“Lucifer, it’s completely fine. Actually, it’s quite endearing.”
She glanced over at the green haired demon to see his eyes squinted at her, and he wore a smile. She then looked up at Dia—Divol—Dola…. This was hard for her.
The room was silent.
“Excuse me?” Lucifer asked in shock.
“DI-DI?! HAHA!” Satan laughed.
Diavolo just laughed again. Then, he lifted her up by her waist, and spun. She clung to him and giggled. She was lightheaded as both stopped spinning, and he set her down, hands on her arms to steady. He grinned. “You are so precious. I almost wish we could keep you this way, but alas we cannot.”
Everyone kept saying that and she hated it. She just ignored it again, too happy because her Prince was telling her how precious and cute she was. All the work Asmo did was working, she was gonna get married!
He led her to the couch, and she was sat down. He then knelt, making the others gasp again. He took her hand, and smiled. “My Princess, I must take my leave to speak with the others, but we will see each other soon.” He kissed her knuckles, and she blushed brightly.
“O-okay, y-yes! Please, I wanna see you too,” she said, kicking her feet against the couch.
He nodded firmly and stood up. Glancing down at her with a bright smile, he said, “We will, I promise.”
She watched him leave, and Asmo came to sit by her. “Well? What did you think of the ‘Prince’?” he asked, adjusting the curls in her hair as he did.
She sniffled. “He was so pretty.”
“Prettier than me?”
She looked at Asmo, saw his broken expression. Then she climbed onto him and hugged him, smashing his face between her hands. “No one is prettier than you, Asmo.”
He grinned. “Of course not.” Then, a wicked look flashed over his eyes, and he was tickling her. “You never should have doubted my beauty! Now you will pay, little princess!”
She laughed and cried with happiness. It couldn’t have been a better day.
School (Mammon)
Mammon walked up the steps to RAD. He was late, as most mornings, but he had no clue he was being followed.
She was close behind him the entire time he walked to school. She was lucky he didn’t fly like he sometimes did when he was late but he must not have felt like it. She giggled when he almost caught her but she hid behind a bush and waited until she heard the doors shut to follow.
The only reason she was sneaking to school was because she was lonely. She hated how often she was left alone at the House of Lamentation. Well, she wasn’t totally alone, Belphie and Levi were usually there to watch her, Levi had online classes and Belphie only sometimes went to school and still got great grades. And Lucifer was usually home doing paperwork if he wasn’t out at Diavolo’s castle.
Lucifer would be so mad at her. He told her forever ago “Do not speak or even glance at any other demons aside from me, my brothers, and Lord Diavolo or Barbatos, do you understand?”
“I do,” she whispered to herself. She would be very careful.
When she opened the doors, Mammon was not there. Instead, two large scary demon boys stood in the way. Both super tall, dark black eyes, with toothy grins as soon as they saw her. Spikey horns and identical facial features, brothers it looked like. The only different was one had purple horns and the other red.
Her heart pounded in her chest, and she realized this was a bad, very bad idea.
The red horn demon stalked towards her, backing her into the nearest wall. “Look what we found.”
“A good breakfast, we found, didn’t we?” said the other with purple horns.
Tears started running down her cheeks, and her hands were shaking. She held them in front of her and begged, “Please…”
There wasn’t anyone around, all the doors she saw were closed and farther down the hallway. She was doomed.
“Please? Get a load of this, it can beg. Should we make it beg for its life?”
Body shaking, she pressed back as far as she could, arms and legs adjacent to the wall. Nails scratched the chipping paint. There was a lump stuck in her throat and it burned. Fear, this was pure fear. Had she ever been so afraid before? She always had the protection of the house, and the brothers, and now she had made the mistake of leaving and screwing it all up.
“Mammy,” she mumbled. She kept her eyes facing straight, looking right at the chests of the two demons closing in. She couldn’t look at their eyes, they were like looking into the blackness of space and that was terrifying.
“What was that?”
One hot hand touched her shoulder, making her jump and causing them to laugh loudly. Fingers tugged her hair. They were playing with her. Playing with their food.
“Mammy.” She spoke more clearly, but still somewhat mumbled to them.
They laughed at her again. “Is she calling for her mommy? Ha! How pathetic the human race is. She knows she’s going to die, right?”
Her face was hot with tears, and she felt something tugging at the core of her stomach. Death. It was close. They were going to kill her. Eat her alive.
She shut her eyes tight, wishing for anything to come to mind to save her. “Mammy, please…”
The hand on her shoulder was big and heavy and heated, and it gripped her face tightly. That was all it took because then, with a burst of strange power in her voice, she screamed with clarity, “Mammon!”
A sound, crackling like a fire, and a feeling of warm energy in her body, and she heard him. Her savior.
“What is going on here?!”
The hand on her was gone. She felt the air come back to her, cleaner than before. Her eyes shot open, bleary and focusing. She was going to be okay now that Mammon was here.
“Move aside. NOW.”
The two demons stepped aside, stiff and robotic as they did, and she knew somehow they were now afraid. Because Mammon was powerful. Lucifer had told her so, that was why he was her main protector.
Mammon was in front of her, and he crushed her to his chest. She clung back just as desperately to him. A few more tears fell in elation. “You’re okay?! Please tell me you didn’t get hurt, because if you did I will kill—I-I mean…” He pushed back, holding her face in his hands. His eyes frantic as they looked her up and down, pushing her hair back gently, checking every inch of her for harm. He sighed in relief when done. “You’re not hurt?”
She sniffed, fingers tight in his uniform shirt. “No. Was scared though. How-how did you know?”
He raised a brow. “To come here and save you? I am the Great Mammon, you know.” He grinned that sideways grin that usually made her laugh. But right then, she just blinked, not convinced. He shook his head and his smile was gone, in place a tense serious expression. “I’ll explain later. For now, I want you to go over there and face away, and cover your ears. Can you do that?” he asked gently.
It was easy enough to do. But, “You won’t leave?”
He smiled. “I promise I never will. Just one minute, okay? Then we’ll go back home.”
He led her between the two demons, who seemed to be stuck where they were from fear and dread until she was at the opposite end of the hall, which was still empty.
“Close your eyes and don’t look no matter what. Cover your ears, too. Good.” He pat her head, and she blushed. He moved away, his presence she could feel gone but not too far.
It was only seconds, and she heard a dim shout. She flinched in reflex. Her mind could not comprehend what was happening and she knew it wasn’t good. But she also knew Mammon was doing what he had to do.
A light tap on her shoulder and she turned around. Mammon was there. He everything she could have wanted in a hero. She didn’t know what happened, but she knew he was right there, and he would be there to keep her safe always.
He held out his hand and she took it. “Let’s go home.”
Mammon carried her on his back, speed walking as fast as he could to make her giggle at the feeling of the wind passing by the both of them. When she got home he took her to wash her face and change into house clothes, which consisted of leggings and a big warm sweater. He said he was staying home with her to keep her out of trouble.
She covered her mouth with her hand, laughing. “Mammy, you are trouble.”
He sputtered. “Hey! I wasn’t the one that snuck out to follow me to school, was I? Lucifer is going to be so pis—mad! He’s going to be mad at you and me.”
She shrugged. “I’ll just get time out.”
He sighed, glancing up at the ceiling. “And I’ll just get strung up, no biggie.”
The day went by, the both of them hanging out. Later, both had ramen for lunch, his super spicy and hers mild, and both watched some movies on TV. Belphie joined in, too, eventually, cuddled on her other side. She felt so happy to have them with her. This was exactly what she needed and wanted.
Belphie yawned. “Why are you home, Mammon? Failed some quiz or something?”
Mammon sputtered. “NO! She followed me to school, activated our pact when some demons attacked her.”
Belphie was shocked, so shocked he stopped mid yawn to glance between her and Mammon. “Wait, she activated the pact?”
“Yeah, it was strong, too.”
“She’s pure trouble,” Belphie sighed.
“Did you take care of it?” he asked in a darker tone.
Mammon grinned. “Yeah, it’s all taken care of…”
And when Lucifer was told of what happened, Mammon got hung up in the entry hall, while she got time out for one hour and had to write on a chalkboard 50 lines “I will not sneak out”.
She knew it was a lie each time she wrote it. Because, as two of the brother’s said, she was trouble.
Tea Party (Barbatos)
The rounded table was set with a pretty white lace table cloth, and a tower of treats sat in the center. Tea was steaming hot and cups were set around each plate. The guests consisted of 2 living and breathing occupants, and 4 stuffed creatures dressed to the nines.
“Yay! Tea party!” She was so excited, she loved tea time with Barb. He made yummy treats and always made her laugh with his funny stories about everyone.
Barbatos sat beside her after pouring tea into each cup. “I’m excited as well. I always enjoy our tea time.”
She smiled at him and his heart melted. He truly did enjoy this time they spent together. Always he was with Lord Diavolo, or other demons and her, but never just the two of them outside of this special time. He was glad his master let him have this little bit of time with her. Sometimes others joined them but mostly it was just the two of them and that’s how they liked it.
“All right, little miss, today we have apple and cheddar scones, strawberry meringue roses, chai tea sandwich cookies, and, your favorite, mini chocolate cupcakes. The tea is chamomile with honey for your sweet tooth.”
She gasped as she looked at all the treats. “It’s so pretty! Thank you, thank you, thank you!” She was clapping and shaking in her seat and reached over to half hug him. “You’re the best,” she sighed.
He pat her back, inhaling her sweet scent. “It’s my pleasure, little miss.”
She giggled. “Okay, big mister.”
He playfully pinched her and she pouted at him. “Try the tea. If it’s not to your liking, I have others as well.”
She took a sip of her tea and sighed. “So good!” she whispered in excitement. She turned to the bear at her left, and asked, “What do you think, Teddy?” She pretended to listen, and nodded. “Yeah, I think so too.”
He held back a laugh, which was quite difficult for him. “I’m glad you enjoy it.���
This was something small he could do to make her smile. In her current state of mind, he would make sure she was taken care of, and if it was something as simple as a weekly tea time then he would make sure to prepare her favorites and keep that adorable grin where it should be.
Storms (Beel & Belphie)
Storms in the Devildom were scary. She did not like them. The skies were dark already and now it was like there was no light at all, and the rain was almost as loud as the thunder. There was no lightning to go with it, just continuous rumbling clouds.
She wanted to sleep but it was too hard. So she snuck out of her bedroom and down to the kitchen, hoping that something warm in her tummy would make her feel better.
But it was worse and louder somehow, and she found herself shaking under the table, cold and scared and just wanting it to stop.
“Hmm? What are you doing under there?”
She gasped when she was grabbed by her arm and pulled out, sliding along the flooring. She looked up and saw Beel with an arm full of food. She must not have heard him over the rumbling thunder.
He frowned at her, and helped her stand up. “You’re crying.”
She nodded, and jumped when a loud boom hit. She was in his arms in seconds flat, sobbing. “S-s-sc-cary! Loud!”
He hoisted her up in his arms. He didn’t like seeing her so scared, so he decided he would keep an eye on her. She should not be alone. “Yeah, the storms are loud. I’ve got snacks in my room so let’s go there.”
She just let him take her, feeling safer and warmer in his embrace. His big hands held her, and she shoved her face into his chest to try and block out the noise.
“Beel, you’re back already?” Belphie’s sleepy voice called. “Oh, you brought company.”
“She’s scared of the storm.”
She was put on Beel’s bed but she clung to his shirt tightly that he had to sit down first with her being held on his lap. A loud bang came, and she cried out, pushing her body close to Beel’s. “Make it stop.” She was begging, sobbing.
Belphie sat up from his bed and blinked to get sleep out of his eyes. He found his way to Beel’s bed and pet her hair back, shushing her softly. “You want to sleep, little one?” he cooed. He felt terrible seeing her so frightened, he would do what he could to make her feel better again.
She nodded against Beel. “Please…”
“Okay, keep your eyes shut. Get comfy, there you go. Now think happy thoughts for me.”
With Beel was her pillow, and Belphie was caressing her hair and cheeks, she slowly stopped hearing the booming thunder and loud rain hitting the house. She heard laughter instead, and when she opened her eyes she was in a field of daisies and had all her friends with her.
Pranks (Simeon)
Mammon started it all. First it was a tiny prank to Lucifer, and she couldn’t stop giggling when she saw his bright pink hair. He fixed it easily, but poor Mammon was strung up for days. She asked him for prank ideas.
“Mammy, can you tell me some pranks?”
He grinned and ruffled her hair. “Oh yeah! I’ve got tons. Some are too hardcore for you, but I have a few good ideas… Who do you wana prank?”
She thought for a second, who would be the one least likely to get mad at her. She did not want to end up like Mammon. Oh! “Simy!”
He burst out laughing. “This is gonna be good! Simeon’s a great choice, babe. Let’s get to ready to prank an angel!” He tugged her away, the both of them laughing down the halls.
Simeon loved her. She was adorable and cute, and they walked through the gardens together and picked flowers. They even made flower crowns before, Asmo got a kick out of that.
But he had no idea what was coming to him.
It was easy, all she had to do was set a bucket on top of the doorway and wait after they invited him over to play. It was filled with colored paint, she had picked blue to match Simeon’s eyes, and super heavy so Mammon helped her set up the bucket.
“Next time, we’ll do a prank you can actually pull, yeah?”
She nodded eagerly. “Please!”
He sighed, clapping his hands. “Well, I’ve got to head out to a gig. But tell me how it goes! And remember, do not tell Lucifer I gave you this idea or helped you. Swear?” The both of them pinky swore, and Mammon was off.
She waited and waited. It was awful, Simy took forever. Until there came the sound of footsteps, then Simeon’s voice. “Are you in there, little angel?”
It was a nickname he had for her almost instantly after she was mentally de-aged. She loved being called all sorts of nicknames, but this one was a favorite because he was so pretty and kind to her and gentle when he spoke. So she knew he wouldn’t get mad. She felt a little bad, but she really wanted to pull a prank and he was perfect.
“Oh, there you—”
The door opened fully, and the bucket dropped onto the Angel’s head. He stood there, bright blue paint running down his body, bucket on his head, paint all over the floors. He took it off after a second, and she squealed in laughter. His hair was coated in thick blue paint, the only part of him not covered was some of his legs, and his whole face was, too, she could barely see it. His shoes were totally covered, too, in a puddle of thick paint.
Her chest hurt with how much she was laughing, she could barely talk. “B-b-bluuee f-fa-ace, ha ha ha!”
“Oh my.”
He looked at her, and disappointment ran across his face. He swiped his hands over his eyes and cheeks, and then sighed, smiling softly at her. “Well, I suppose a small prank isn’t that terrible. You really are not so innocent, little angel. Perhaps I should call you little devil.”
She stopped laughing hysterically, breathing heavy, and pouted when he pat her head. “S-sorry. It was supposed to be funny. Was it?” She hoped he wasn’t mad. She never saw him mad before.
He chuckled. “For you, I guess it was funny. For me, I think it’s just a mess,” he said, lifting his arms, dripping wet blue paint.
She blushed. “I’ll clean up, I swear!”
He nodded, and paint dribbled down. “Good girl. Let’s get to cleaning, then.”
After he wiped his face clear, the room was cleaned, and Simeon had changed clothes (still the same, somehow, probably more magic), they settled down and ate some cookies left in the cabinets. She was tired from laughing so hard and Simeon felt a more relaxed evening would be best.
“Simy?” she asked, cuddled close to him.
He kissed the top of her head. “Yes, my dear?”
She looked up at him, blushing. “You looked pretty with blue hair.” She grinned.
She got a pinch to her cheek, and laughed when he pulled her onto his lap to tickle her until she took back her words. Maybe next time her prank would be something less messy.
Sick (Satan)
Her head, throat, and tummy ached. She was sick. And no one would leave her alone to sleep. Her room held 4 of the 7 demon brothers, Lucifer, Mammon, Asmo, and Satan, but he wasn’t there just then.
“Lucy, ‘m tired. Sleep?”
He shook his head. His elegant fingers brushed delicately across her cheeks where she lay in bed, feeling the heat from a fever on his fingertips. “Not yet, sweetheart. We’re waiting for Satan to bring back medicine for you. Stay awake a little longer.”
She sniffled. “Sweepy,” she whispered.
He made a sympathetic sound. “Poor darling. Soon, I promise.”
“Hey, when’s he comin’ back? My human shouldn’t be feelin’ like this for so long!”
“She looks so terrible. The poor dear.”
She squeezed her eyes shut. She just wanted to sleep. Her head hurt. She loved them so much but they kept talking and it was too loud, but she was too sick to say anything and Lucifer said she had to wait for medicine before she could sleep anyways. She hated medicine, and again, she just wanted to sleep. Her eyes were drooping and in sleep she couldn’t hurt as bad, right?
The door opened. “Satan, finally. Bring it here.” Lucifer ordered.
A rustle of a plastic bag, and then a bottle cap opening was what she heard. “Why is the entire house in here? She need rest, not a party.”
“He’s correct. All of you, leave now.”
Whining from the two others, and then the door shut and it wasn’t as loud. She opened her eyes to see Satan and Lucifer there, the oldest holding a plastic weird spoon in his hand with purple liquid, the other frowning at her directly behind.
Lucifer pushed the spoon to her face. “You need to take this.”
She turned her head. “No way, nuh-uh!”
He sighed. “If you want to feel better, open your mouth and drink this. Please.”
She started to cry. “Hate it. No.”
Satan sighed, “Let me try.”
“Good luck.” Lucifer handed it to him, and took a step back for Satan to take his spot.
“If you drink this nasty stuff now, you’ll feel well much sooner. The chances of you taking it again aren’t as high. So either take a few spoonful’s of this now, or more later on. What do you prefer, kitten?”
She reluctantly opened her mouth because more medicine sounded terrible. He poured it inside, and she coughed at the yucky taste. He helped her drink some water, and then she settled back, happy to finally be able to sleep.
Lucifer looked on and smiled. It was sweet that Satan cared for her like this, so he figured it wouldn’t hurt to let them be for a while. “I’ll leave you alone to rest. Satan, make sure she’s looked after.”
“I will.” Once Lucifer left, Satan sat beside her and asked, “Were my brothers troubling you, kitten?”
The medicine was kicking in quick because she was even more tired, and speaking was hard. “Loud,” she said, with a pained expression.
He tutted. “They worry in their own way, I suppose. But you need to rest. Close your eyes and I’ll read to you. Cinderella, or perhaps Sleeping Beauty?”
She mumbled, “S’eeping ‘eauty.”
“Excellent choice.” He settled down beside her, and pulled the book out. One hand held it open with the ease of reading for centuries, while his other pet her head, soothing with his caring hand, coaxing her into slumber as he read about Sleeping Beauty. She fell asleep, a nasty taste in her mouth, but a lovely voice in her ear.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Double-Edged Sword: Capt. Syverson x Reader (Chapter 1)
[I decided to ignore my WIPs and my URL and write something for Syverson because he is just…. a beautiful, meaty man and he deserves some more love.
To those of you who follow me for Witcher stuff only, I promise we will return shortly to the regularly scheduled programming.  As for the rest of us who are thirsty for Cavill in any context… enjoy!]
Summary: As a Major in the Marine Corps, you work with other units and branches relatively often.  That said, you had never really had to ask another unit for help before, so you felt pretty awkward when a mission required you to travel to a nearby Army camp and take shelter with them for the next two months.  Of course, their smack-talking, free-wheeling Captain isn’t going to make it any easier on you, either.
Word Count: 5k (oh jesus christ)
Rating: E
(warning for dub con and people being sexist assholes, cause yknow, it’s the military.  contains lots of angst and bickering and arguing, and of course, smut.)
“Listen, I’m not going to stand here and pretend I’m Ms. Popular,” you sighed, “but hopefully you all can appreciate that I look out for all of you.”
No one said anything, because they were standing at attention at their cots.
“At ease,” you added, and they all relaxed a bit, “but keep quiet so I can finish.”
A few sat on their beds but most still seemed to be paying attention.
“When it’s just us Marines, I don’t mind much whatever you call me when I’m not around.  Or when I’m around.  But once we get where we’re going tomorrow, we’re shacking up with the Army.  And as much as I want everyone to get along, I’m not sure how likely that is.  Anyways, what I’m trying to say is… right now it may be me versus you, but soon it’s going to be us versus them, Marines versus Army.  And us Marines need to stick together.  Does that make sense?”
There were a few nods, but you weren’t sure they were getting it.
“Alright, allow me to be a bit more literal.  Don’t tell the other soldiers that I’m a bitch,” you requested.  There were some scattered chuckles.  “I know it probably seems fine since you say it to each other but I need you guys to help me get their respect.  I’m not saying to go in there and tell every Army nimrod that I’m everybody’s favorite officer.  Just… don’t let them see any cracks they could exploit.  Because I have to start ordering these guys around and I’m already batting a thousand.”
“Seems reasonable,” Private Cole replied, and most of the others agreed.  You smiled and left them alone to have a somewhat relaxing night before they had to ship out.
“I don’t want this to be Marines versus Army,” you told Captain Syverson the next day when you met with him for the first time.  Of course, that was what you had told your own unit would happen, but he didn’t know that.  “I’m sure you know that this is an officer versus enlisted issue.  And us officers should stick together.”
He was smiling back at you from across the table, but it didn’t seem that friendly.  
“I don’t see why there’s any ‘versus’ at all.  You and your unit are guests here.  We get this project over with and you’re out,” he shrugged.  
“Maybe you haven’t had much issue getting control of your soldiers.  But it took me a while to get mine to trust me, and now I have to go in blind and command your unit.  So I hope you’re on my side,” you explained.
He went from smiling in an unhappy way, to laughing in an unfunny way.  You regretted the way you had approached this conversation.
“Sounds like you’re not a good leader, if it was so much trouble for you,” he scoffed. “Maybe you should work on that.”
You didn’t get angry very often, but this was the closest you’d been in a while.  You understood his distrust, even a little duplicity was merited.  To just outright insult you to your face was, of course, hurtful, but mainly just stupid.  You’d always known Army guys were total morons, but this was just ridiculous.  What could he gain from going against you?
“How many years until you get promoted?” you asked him suddenly, standing up from your chair.
“About two and a half,” he responded.
“Well, if in two and a half years we’re both still alive, and I’m not already a lieutenant colonel, call me and we’ll talk about who’s in charge.  Until then, back off,” you huffed, and turned to walk away.  You yelped when he grabbed you by the arm and pulled you back.
“You’re on my base,” he reminded you sternly.
“And we’ll try to be respectful while we’re here, regardless of how we’re being treated,” you grimaced, wrenching your arm out of his grasp.
“You’ll try to be respectful?  On my base?!  How generous,“ he scoffed.  "You can’t just show up and start running things.”
“I have no desire to micromanage your little sandhut, Captain.  I don’t give half a fuck what goes on in here.  What I do have is the final call on any decision made in this mission,” you explained.
“On whose authority?” he pressed.  You laughed.
“Cap, somewhere in your desk there’s a little piece of paper– it’s got a lot of pretty gold and silver stars on it– and it explains how commanding authority is ranked in every branch of the United States military.  Feel free to go and check me on this, but I’m pretty sure that ‘Captain’ is here,” you motioned in the air, “and ‘Major’ is here,” you moved your hand up an inch.
“Well, sweetheart, there’s a sign outside the front of this base that says ‘Army’ on it, and a little sticker on your chest,” he poked it, and you couldn’t decide if you hated the physical contact or the deriding pet name more, “that says USMC.”
“Rank is rank,” you argued.
“So if you’ve got a doctorate in physics and I’ve got a master’s in English, you have the right to lecture me about fuckin’ Grapes of Wrath or whatever?”
“My doctorate is in American History,” you frowned. He laughed in frustration.
“Only a Jarhead could miss the point that hard,” he groaned, “and find a way to brag in the process.”
“Call your superior,” you growled, “who is notably a Major, and ask him who has authority on this base while we’re here.”
You stormed out before you could hear his reply.
When the time came, the two of you discussed how you would approach the mission behind closed doors.  Not like it was fun or anything, but you managed to stay off each other’s throats for a while and agree on a few things.  It was nice enough that you actually let your guard down, so much so that you were totally blindsided when he waited until you were in front of the entire company to disagree with you.
“That’ll never work,” he suddenly interrupted as you explained the plan, “we’ll divide and conquer.”
You looked at him with confusion.
“That’s not what we discussed before,” you reminded him.
“I changed my mind,” he shrugged.
“Well, I didn’t.  So we’ll do it my way.”
“My men, my rules,” he growled, stepping closer to you.
“Half these people,” you corrected, since a few of your unit were women, “are mine, and you’re below me.”
“Fuck you,” he said casually, smiling while he did it.
“You couldn’t handle it,” you spat back.
A few of the enlisted ‘ooooh’ed but for the most part it was very, very quiet.
Finally, Captain Syverson silently turned on his heel and walked away, looking exasperated.
“Looks like the Captain is going to take a little break,” you smiled with fake enthusiasm, turning back to the company, “and I’ll keep explaining this mission to you all.”
“If Captain Syverson doesn’t approve it, we’re not doing it,” one of the Army kids announced.  Your Marines were notably silent, but the rest of the Captain’s unit nodded in agreement.
“I’ve got a word for you, boys.  It starts with ‘N’ and ends with ‘subordination,’” you frowned.  They all groaned.
“It’s not insubordination because you’re not in charge of us!”
“Manage your own people, Jarhead!”
You uncrossed your arms and let your voice get a little louder.  “Hey, hey, settle down!” 
It mostly worked, but everyone seemed pretty displeased.
“Captain Syverson and I had a discussion with our superiors and it was concluded that I am highest ranking and I get the final call on every tactical decision,” you explained.
“That’s not what he told us,” one of the Army boys chuckled.
You tried not to seethe in front of them, you tried to keep it professional, but how were you supposed to work in these conditions?
“As you were,” you resigned through your teeth, storming off to where the Captain had gone.  You found him in his quarters, relaxing on a sofa; you nearly kicked the door in to talk to him.
“What the fuck was that?!” you exclaimed.
“I changed my mind,” he repeated calmly.
“You’re such a fucking asshole,” you growled, shoving him where he sat.  He stood up, clearly agitated.
“Get your hands off me, lady.”
“Major,” you corrected through your teeth.
“Only Major you are to me is a major waste of my fucking time,” he replied.
“Take it up with the Department of Defense, they’re the ones who gave me the title,” you defended.
“You know, lately I’ve been having issues with a lot of their decisions.  I’m still trying to figure out why the fuck we’re doing this anyways.”
“The mission?” you asked.
“The war,” he corrected.
“Ah,” you nodded, looking around nervously.  You were more comfortable with the arguing than the awkward silence. 
“Whatever,” he scoffed, crossing his arms and slumping his shoulders.
“Go tell your unit the plan- our plan.  Better yet, tell them they answer to me,” you demanded.
“I couldn’t have made it any more obvious that I’m not gonna do what you tell me,” he frowned, crossing his arms.
“Will you at least cooperate with me enough to get this mission over with?” 
He thought about that for a minute, and you tried not to lose your patience.
“Hmm… no,” he decided finally.
“Then will you shut the fuck up and stay out of my way?” you suggested instead.
He stepped up to you until he was uncomfortably close, and you had to crane your neck to meet his gaze.  He had these really bright blue eyes and they didn’t fit with the rest of his face, which was significantly angrier and grittier.
“Not a chance,” he answered.  But his voice had lost the intimidating tone, and his expression had changed at some point without you noticing… he looked sort of calm, considering the situation, and you realized that he was examining your face.
“You know,” he said suddenly, “you’d be pretty if you weren’t so…” he trailed off.
“Mean?” you finished, having heard this sort of comment more than a few times.
“No, it’s not that.  The mean thing is sorta hot,” he corrected casually as if it were nothing to say.  You bit your lip and broke the eye contact, trying not to blush.  It was a good thing you didn’t find him attractive- because of course you didn’t, him being this dirty brute and all- but still, it was uncomfortable.
“You’d be pretty,” he decided, “if you weren��t a Marine.”
You laughed and shook your head incredulously.
“Yeah, well, maybe you’d be pretty if you shaved that raccoon off your face,” you suggested, “and took a shower.”
You smiled as you left the room.
You delayed the mission briefing a day, to give you and the Captain more time to hopefully come to some decision, and you hoped it wouldn’t mean you and your unit had to stay at this camp even just one day longer.  You met with your Marines privately, and they were sympathetic but seemed to be getting along with the other soldiers enough to sympathize with their unwillingness to cooperate.  One soldier said he would only listen to you and not ‘Sy’ as they called him, but you told them to always listen to their commanding officer even if he’s a complete tool.
You were walking back to your quarters for the night when you passed by an open tent, a half-dozen Army boys inside playing cards.
“Hey Major, what size bra do you wear?” a soldier hollered at you, and the others snickered.
“I think they’re bigger than they look in that uniform,” another added.  “Double ‘D’s, at least.”
You stopped and decided to address them, unable to let a comment like that go.
“Oh I’ve got double ‘D’s alright,” you smirked.  “Dishonorable Discharge.”
“Aw, we’re just messing around,” the first dismissed with a frown. “Can’t you take a joke?”
“I can take a joke, but I can take your job, too.  Maybe stay on my good side.”  You winked, just to keep it playful, but you were really screwed either way.  You’d tried playing along with jokes before and all it did was make you seem like some creep and/or slut who liked getting hit on (was this even what that was?) by subordinates.  But getting stern didn’t seem to make you any friends, either.  That’s why you were so comfortable with not having any friends.
“Your good side?  You mean from the back?” one of them murmured, and you wondered if he was trying to be just loud enough for you to hear, or just quiet enough for you not to. 
“Dude, she’s probably a dyke anyway,” Private Lipowitz responded.
“Am I supposed to find that insulting?” you asked him.  He smirked, as did the others, as if it was obvious that you should, but nobody said anything.  “Maybe I am a dyke.  And maybe I could give your girl back home more pleasure in five minutes than you’ve given any woman in your whole life combined, eh Lipowitz?”
“You better not talk about my girl, Major,” he challenged, standing up and puffing up his chest.  “I know you’re not supposed to hit chicks or anything, but seriously, I’ll take out anybody who talks about my girl.”  You decided not to point out that you’re not supposed to hit your commanding officer, ‘chick’ or otherwise.
“Then you better start with your boys first,” you responded, motioning to a few of the other soldiers, “because word on the street is they found those saucy little pictures she sent you.”
Lipowitz turned to the other men with wide eyes, and suddenly you were the only one smiling.  Enlisted seem to talk so much more and so much louder than they realize.
“What the fuck?” he exclaimed, dashing to his pack, presumably searching for those photos.  When he didn’t find them, he stood up and pushed Private Mason back by the shoulders.
“Where are those fucking pictures, dude?”
“I don’t have ‘em, I swear,” Mason defended, but all the other guys were laughing.
“Seriously, guys, whoever has them, just give them back!”
“You’re not going to want them back in the state they’re in,” another finally admitted, “trust me.”
They all burst into laughter as Lipowitz went on a rampage, yelling and kicking and threatening to beat up the other guys.  You took the commotion as a good opportunity to sneak away mostly unnoticed and get back to your quarters for the night.
You weren’t there very long before you decided to spend some time in your temporary office instead.  You had taken your hair out of the tight regulation bun, intending to change into pajamas and go to sleep, but you remembered some paperwork that needed to be done by tomorrow night and decided to make some progress on it, since the Captain got in the way of your productivity during the day.
Of course, you weren’t an hour into it when he knocked on your door, though you didn’t know it was him until you told him to come in without looking up from your files.
He entered but stopped and didn’t say anything.
“Can I help you?” you asked eventually.
“You look different with your hair down,” he observed, and you looked back at him with a confused expression.
“Yes, I’d figure so,” you replied.
“You sleep in your uniform?” he asked, noticing that you were still in your fatigues, though you’d shed the camo long sleeve and just had on the green undershirt.
“Do I look like I’m sleeping?” you asked incredulously, looking back to your papers.  He snorted but didn’t say anything.  "Besides, I don’t think you’re ever in uniform.“
"Not when I don’t have to be,” he shrugged.  “I’m not sure why you wear it when you don’t have to.”
“I barely get taken seriously with it on, so it’s the least I can do,” you explained.
“About that…” he began, and you looked up in surprise. “I’m sorry they give you such a hard time.”
“Oh, I see,” you nodded, getting up from your chair to put some papers in your filing cabinet, “you talked to them and heard some of the awful shit they call me.”
He didn’t say anything.
“Well, you only have yourself to blame for that.  You had plenty of chances to instill respect for authority but you decided it would be more fun, I suppose, to go rogue and turn everyone against me,” you bit back with sarcastic cheeriness.
“Shit, I’m actually trying to be nice to you, and you’re still impossible.  You’re such a fuckin’ brat,” he nearly yelled.  You felt like the word ‘brat’ specifically targeted the fact that you were younger than him, which you didn’t appreciate at all- you would rather be judged on your merits, even if the judgment was poor, than be treated differently just because you were young.
“I’m in charge of you,” you corrected, “and you’re refusing to listen to me.  So, if anything, you’re the brat.”
“What I would give to put you in your place right now,” he growled to himself.
“Oh, my place? And what place is that?”
“Bent over my desk and getting your brains fucked out,” he answered with a deep voice.  
A lot of guys probably fantasized about rough sex (or worse) as a means of revenge against you for all those extra push-ups and boot camp humiliations– a few had even made comments about it, though most hadn’t realized you could hear them at the time.  You’d learned quickly how to not let that stuff get to you.  But this got to you… and not in the way you prepared for.  Your face burned and your gut sank and your insides throbbed, as if out of nowhere.
“I figured you liked your women without brains,” you quipped in reply, trying not to show any signs of weakness.  
He dashed to close the space between you, pressing you back against the wall.  He was so big, and he smelled like sweat and beer and pine.  You were surprised, and confused, but you didn’t worry that he would hurt you, for some reason.
“Seems I like my women with a mouth on ‘em, because every time you make some little comment like that, I swear I get harder than steel.”
He pushed his hips into you and yep, there it was.  Your breaths began to stutter but you didn’t want him to see how much this affected you.
“Just wish you put that mouth to better use,” he added with a devilish grin.
“You’d better get back,” you threatened, without actually mentioning any potential consequences.
“Don’t pretend you don’t want me,” he purred, and leaned down to speak against your ear.  “You’ve thought about it, haven’t you?  I can tell you’re getting turned on when we argue, too.”
“You’re confusing arousal with irritation, Captain.”
“Mmm, I like when you call me that.  I assume the intention is condescending, cause you just have to remind me that you outrank me, but I like it anyway,” he presumed.
“It’s the proper way to address another soldier, nothing condescending about it.  You know, I actually don’t have any problem with your rank.  Or your branch.  My problem is with your personality,” you corrected.
“That’s fair.  I have a big personality,” he smirked, and pressed his erection harder against you… it felt pretty big but you couldn’t get a good impression through your fatigues.
“Well, that might explain your ego,” you murmured.
“Just tell me you don’t want it and I’ll leave you be, we’ll go back to bickering an’ shit,” he offered.  “Just look at me,” he prompted, putting a finger under your chin and guiding you to look up at him, “and tell me you don’t want it.”
As you met his gaze, you let yourself really get a closer look than you had before.  It had always been obvious that he was good-looking, but right now he looked oddly gentle considering the circumstances.  The look in his eyes lacked the confidence you were expecting… as if he really didn’t know if you wanted him or not.  As if he really wanted you to want him.  As if he really wanted you.  And it had been a long time since someone had looked at you like that.
“Fuck it,” you growled and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down into a kiss.  His beard rubbed against your face but it wasn’t as scratchy as you’d imagined- not that you had imagined this or anything.  
He inhaled through his nose and stepped back, pulling you with him and putting a hand on your hair and the other on your hip. 
“Looks like you’ll have to settle for bending me over my desk,” you mumbled against his lips.
“Not gonna bend you over anything yet,” he replied, putting his hands on your butt and lifting you up until you were straddling him in the air.
He walked with you wrapped around him until he could set you down on the desk, and his hands felt so damn big on the small of your waist.
He pulled back so he could pull your shirt over your head, and he took off his own while you slipped off your sports bra.  You both took a moment to stare at each other’s toplessness, a silent acknowledgement that you’d both been wondering about the other’s body.  You ran your hands up and down his chest, and he just looked at you while you did it with a difficult-to-read expression.  Of course you were familiar with muscle, you saw shirtless soldiers all the time and they were all in great shape, but this guy was just enormous.  His shoulders dwarfed you and with him so close you felt uncharacteristically small.
He didn’t say anything as he pulled you into another kiss, and this one was a bit gentler than the last.  You felt giddy and nervous and so desperate for him; you couldn’t remember the last time you felt like this, honestly.
His hands trailed down your back and you slid off the desk until you were standing.  He spun you around and pushed you down between your shoulder blades until you were face down on the desk, the cold wood making your skin break out in goosebumps.
He reached around your hips to open your button and fly, pushing your pants and underwear down to your knees.  You gasped a bit when you felt the air hit your skin.
“Oh shit, you’re wet already,” he noticed.  “Really wet.”
His fingers slipped through your folds and you tried to spread your legs but the pants got in the way.
“Just fuck me,” you demanded.
“All you know how to do is give orders, huh?” he laughed.
“This might be my first order you actually follow,” you considered, hearing him unzip the fly of his jeans.
“I don’t have any condoms,” he explained, “it’s an all-male unit, after all.”
Internally, you wanted to point out that being in an all-male unit doesn’t stop plenty of soldiers from getting it on, and that he shouldn’t be hooking up with anyone in his unit regardless of gender, but you realized this was not the time for explaining rules.
“Don’t need them,” you replied, “as long as you promise you don’t have anything I can catch.”
“You’re being so reckless,” he teased as his hands ran along your back and grabbed your ass, “it’s so unlike you.  What happened to that stubborn little rule-follower, hm?”
“She got really fucking horny,” you growled, “now get inside me, damn it.”
And without much warning, without any preparation, he slammed himself into you all at once.
“Oh fuck!” you cried out, much louder than you meant to.  He was big, really fucking big, and your walls struggled to fit him.  He didn’t slow down though, instantly setting a fast and brutal pace.
“Not so loud, sweetheart.  Not that I don’t love you screamin’ for me.  But if the other guys found out we were doing this…” he trailed off.  “Actually, I bet I’d be the most popular officer at camp if they knew we were doin’ this.”
“You already are,” you pointed out, struggling to focus on forming sentences. “And we’d both get in a lot of trouble– ah, god– if anybody reported it.”
“You’re right.  Better keep you quiet, then,” he sighed, leaning forward and stuffing two fingers into your mouth.  Your moans became sputters and chokes yet you eagerly sucked on his fingers and took them all the way down your throat.
“Fuck, that’s hot,” he growled.  “If you’d deepthroated my fingers like that when we first met, I bet we’d have gotten along a lot better.”
That’s not really the way I do business, you wanted to respond, but you couldn’t say much when you were busy with the task at hand.
His fingers pulled out and you felt his hands wrap around your elbows.   He grabbed your arms and held them back as he slammed into you so hard that the desk scraped across the floor with every movement.
“So tight,” he observed.  “Bet no one’s done this to you in a long time. Bet what you always needed was a good fuck to loosen you up– literally.”
He landed a hard slap against your ass and you moaned.
“Oh, you like that?  You like it when I hit you?”
“Yes,” you answered through bared teeth.
“Dirty little slut,” he said, but the way he said it sounded more like a compliment than an insult.
He spanked you again, just a bit harder, and you yelped but found yourself pushing your hips into him and arching your back as an invitation for more.  He grabbed your hips and pulled you closer, pressing as deep inside you as was physically possible and grinding against you.  You sobbed and he grabbed you by the hair, pulling you up until his chest was against your back.
“Anybody ever been this deep inside you before?” he asked, his lips right against your ear.
“No,” you whimpered.
“Fuck, baby,” he moaned, leaving open-mouthed kisses along your neck down to your shoulder.  You weren’t sure how to feel about him calling you ‘baby.’
He let go of your hair but kept you close to him by wrapping his arms around you as he started to thrust again.  It was oddly intimate, and your head fell back onto his shoulder as you moaned and sighed and whimpered.
Calloused hands began to grab at your breasts, teasing and pinching your nipples; you hadn’t realized how sensitive you were there, because it sent sensation shooting straight down to your inner walls.
“I’m close,” you gritted out.
“That was quick.  You’re easy to please,” he replied, and you could hear the grin in his voice.
“Just don’t stop,” you pleaded.  He pushed you back down onto the desk and began to pick up the pace.
“Oh, I won’t stop, I promise you that.” His voice sounded different than normal- deeper and scratchier and oddly weak in a way.  You liked the idea that this had such an effect on him.
His thrusts slammed into you so hard and fast that you were sure you’d have bruises from it, and probably on your thighs where they were hitting the edge of the desk.  For some reason, that thought was what sent you over the edge.
“Ca-captain!” you cried out as you came, and he growled a bit against your ear.  You figured he thought you were calling him that as some sort of sexy nickname, a flash of authority, but it’s just the only thing you could think to call him, the only thing you’d ever really called him.  
He, on the other hand, responded with your first name, even though you’d never gone by it and never even told it to him, mixed in with his grunts and moans as he pulled out and came all over your back.  
It was strange to go from so much noise– skin hitting skin, moans and yelps, the desk screeching on the concrete floor– to just heavy breathing and the sound of the ceiling fan spinning above you.  Or maybe it was you that was spinning; you felt sort of dizzy and numb.
He leaned away from you until you couldn’t feel his touch anywhere, and you heard him zip up his jeans.  You awkwardly lifted yourself off the desk, pulling up your own underwear and pants as well, and looking around for something to wipe yourself off with.
“Did you come?” he asked, and you felt shame and fear and anger bubble up inside you.  This had been a really, really bad idea, and both of you could lose your jobs over it, or worse. And he was such an asshole and you were supposed to be setting a good example for the women in your unit and here you were with some Army dumbass’ cum all over you and he didn’t even have the courtesy to make sure you’d finished before he did… what a joke.
“Oh, I came alright– came to my fucking senses.  Get out of my office,” you barked.
He laughed like he saw all this coming.
“Your office?  It’s my base.  Everything here is mine.  Even that jizz you’ve got on ya,” he grimaced.  “Kickin’ me out before it’s even gone cold.  You’re a real ray of sunshine as always, Major.”
“That’s the first time you’ve called me Major,” you realized. “Let’s make that the only thing done tonight that we turn into a habit, alright?”
He shrugged and turned to leave, but of course, he had to have the last word.  “You can fuck the ice queen but you can’t melt her, I guess.”
“Is that what this was?  Some sort of sexual scavenger hunt, to prove you were macho enough to get the prude to spread her legs?”
“Well, it worked didn’t it?” he grinned.
“I said get out,” you reminded him, hoping he’d leave before you started crying.  He did.
You didn’t cry very often, not something you had the luxury of doing after a decade at war.  And you still didn’t let yourself do it for very long, because you were morally opposed to crying over boys.
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liquorisce · 4 years
... tell me i’m beautiful?
pairing: royai, roy mustang x riza hawkeye
fandom: Full Metal Alchemist (Brotherhood/Manga)
summary: on some nights Riza is delicate. and Roy is possessive. (warning: unhealthy amounts of pining.) (also havoc is a good friend) 3677 words.
a/n: i saw on my tumblr feed that it’s fma day (3.10) (the day when the greatest angst of our generation was born), and i was hit with major feels for full metal alchemist. it truly is one of the greatest stories of our generation. anyway, here is some old royai from my wip notes that i had to dust the cobwebs off of (that my anxious ass never had the balls to post). my writing style has changed over the years, but my heart is still so full for these two, so it was fun to rewrite.
The buzz around the Eastern Headquarters is that one of the Top ranks is getting hitched and that it’s going to be a fancy affair, traditional with a masquerade ball.
When Roy sees an invite in his post, he’s rather surprised. But the wedding is in Central and it’s an excuse to see his best friend, so it doesn’t seem so bad after all.
“Lieutenant,” he asks, just as she is about to leave for the day, “what’s all this I hear about a ball at the General’s wedding?”
“It seems we must be accompanied with a date, Sir. You received the invitation four weeks ago.” He detects some annoyance in her words, but he lets it pass, because his brain has begun to imagine Hawkeye in a dress, especially one of those grand, frilly ones.
“Then you will accompany me.”
It was acceptable, the way he states it like it’s the obvious course of action, because he is her superior after all. But it also ticks her off, that he expects it, without even bothering to ask. She may be his subordinate but there are times when she wishes he would just see her as a woman.
“That won’t be possible, Sir.”
She is just as shocked with her own coldness as he is, his eyebrows twitching in question.
“I’m afraid I’ve already promised Havoc I would go as his date.”
His eyes narrow and she sees a flicker of emotion awash in the dark of his eyes and she almost feels as if she’s done something wrong.
But she hasn’t, and she will not apologise. She clenches her fist. 
“Ah,” he drawls, not missing a beat, “have you decided what to wear yet?”
That wasn’t the question she was expecting and it throws her off balance.
“I,” she pauses for a moment, to regain her composure, “I haven’t thought about it yet.”
She doesn’t want to engage in his banter anymore, because there are feelings involved - mostly hers, and they are irrational, she thinks - and expectations, expectations that have no basis but are yet difficult to do away with. So she hastens to the door.
He’s quiet for a minute, but because he can’t help himself, he murmurs, “… You should wear green. It suits you." 
She ends up wearing a dress, it’s slinky, tighter than the clothes she’s used to, slipping past her knees. Somehow she finds herself in heels, black strapped ones she’s borrowed from a friend that she clearly cannot walk in. It lacks the comfort of her boots but she deals with it, because apparently this is the price that comes along with looking pretty. 
The dress is borrowed too, but she doesn’t miss the fact that out of all the dresses Rebecca paraded as options, she reached for the dark green one. … Apparently it suited her. 
At least that is what she is assured of when Havoc comes to pick her up, his eyes popping in surprise when he sees her. 
"Wow,” he let’s out a loose whistle, “you clean up real good, don’t you?" 
She blushes and it’s another rare sight. "The Hawkeye blushing?” He teases, “I’ve got to be dreaming." 
They make their way to the wedding and Havoc dives headfirst to the bar. She isn’t surprised. She looks around, her eyes seeking whom she had stubbornly decided not to care about and she sees him with a woman - obviously - hanging onto his every word. 
An officer of sorts, she guesses, but not from their division, because Roy has unleashed his charm, his eyes twinkling flirtatiously. 
She averts her eyes to the bar and to her date, who despite his melancholy has ordered an extra drink for her, a cocktail which he swears is the best he’s ever had. The thought of alcohol seems far more appealing than watching her superior with yet another woman.
"Did you want to dance, Lieutenant?" 
She’s a few drinks down, he’s had even more and his words are beginning to slur. 
"I’m sorry,” he says and he sounds genuinely remorseful. “I just… I can’t get her out of my head." 
She pats his head comfortingly and he slumps a little on the counter. "You loved her that much?" 
He nods gloomily and Riza pretends to ignore the glisten of his eyes. Havoc’s eyes rest on the newly married couple, a little envious of the ingenuity of their smiles. 
"You know, I actually thought we would make it there." 
He doesn’t have to say it but Riza knows he’s talking about the altar, of dreams of marriage that he harboured for his ex-girlfriend. He was painful to watch these past few weeks, ever since Rebecca ended things with him, and when he asked her to the wedding, she couldn’t help but agree. 
Besides, she had made sure Roy had seen the invitation days ago and if he hadn’t asked her by then, it was quite likely he never would. 
"I’m sure you’ll find someone else,” she says comfortingly. “Even we soldiers are allowed to be happy eventually.” She isn’t sure she believes it, but for someone as pure as Havoc, surely fate can be kinder.
He tries his best to put on a smile, nodding with the optimism in her words. “Well hopefully I find happiness before my hair turns grey,” he jokes, making her giggle. 
It feels nice, letting her hair down with a friend, even though she would rather let her hair and a lot of other things down with a certain someone else, but she tries not to think of it. 
When she turns, the smile is wiped clean off her face, because her gaze catches the eyes of that same someone else, eyes dark as night, hair even darker, swept back to show off the handsome angles of his face. He is with someone else, a pretty brunette with her back bare and his hand splayed on it, and they are moving to the music but his eyes are on her, intense, questioning… reprimanding her almost. 
For what? She thinks heatedly, he has no right to look at her like that, like he’s displeased with her, when she cannot even express just how unhappy she is with him. 
“But seriously, Lieutenant,” Havoc says, hesitating for a moment, but choosing honesty, “you look amazing tonight. I must be the envy of every man in here." 
She lets herself bask in his appreciative gaze and her cheeks heat up. "You really think so?" 
He nods, smiling at her. "You sound surprised. A woman like you must be used to such compliments, isn’t it?”
She laughs ruefully. Compliments? She couldn’t remember the last time a man had ever called her pretty. At least not since she entered the military. “You’re the first, Havoc." 
His mouth almost gaped open in surprise. 
She went on, her frustration further driven by the alcohol in her blood. "No one’s ever even asked me out,” she says, helplessly. “Sure, there had been a few men who seemed interested, but even they never tried to take things further." 
The Lieutenant didn’t date, everyone knew that. But listening to her open up about it, doubting herself, he felt for her. 
Because he was one of those men too, a long, long time ago. 
He remembers when he first joined the unit, newly assigned to Eastern, full of smiles. 
The place really was swarming with beautiful women, just as he had heard. He figured he would get on here just fine. 
And when he first entered the office of the Major Roy Mustang whom he was assigned to, he thought his heart was going to stop. 
He had never seen anyone like her, young, strong, leaning over the table and giving the Major a piece of her mind. She scolded him like she had the authority to, and he listened, even though there was a formal apology attached to her rant in the end. 
He was stunned, unable to do anything but watch when she turned around and stalked out of the room, because the view from the front was even better than behind, a round heart-shaped face framed in short blonde hair, deep brown eyes and a body that would make anyone’s thoughts stain the darkest shade of impurity. 
Life, of course, had very different plans for them, even though they got closer, just like he wished. One afternoon, Rebecca walked into the office and threw her arms around Riza, and Havoc soon learnt that love was far more nuanced than admiration at first sight.
"At first I thought it was the uniform,” she confesses, “I thought maybe I was just scaring the men away." 
You have no idea, he thinks, sighing. Riza Hawkeye was made of fire, and it turned men on even if they were afraid of being burnt by it.
"But my friend Jessica had absolutely no problem when it came to this sort of thing." 
She casts her eyes lower, twirling the remnants of her whiskey. "Maybe there’s just something wrong with me." 
Her lips lift up in a sardonic grin. "I’m a pretty pathetic Lieutenant, huh?” She rests her forehead against the counter. “I can’t believe I’m here at a wedding, crying over men.” Sighing, she murmurs, “I suppose these feelings are par for course when you have couples dancing all around you." 
He rests his hand over the back of her head, ruffling the softness of her locks. "It isn’t pathetic,” he murmurs comfortingly, “You’re only human, after all. We’re all just idiots who want nothing more than to be loved." 
He leaves out the part where he willingly offers himself up for the job, spurred a little by his already broken heart and embers of a decade-old attraction that never went away. He could make her feel special, take her out on all the dates she feels she missed out on, tell her she’s beautiful till she never doubts it ever again. It would be a selfish distraction, but Havoc is a romantic, and maybe, just maybe, it would lead them down a different path to happiness.
But he remembers what made him give up that mission in the first place, all those years ago, cold, blazing eyes that delivered a threat far worse than his words. 
"There will be no fraternisation within this unit,” he had stated calmly before even Havoc had gotten a chance to admit to it himself. “If I find out you’ve laid a hand on her, I will have you transferred out of Eastern before you know it." 
Back then he didn’t know if Major Roy Mustang even had that sort of power. But something else told him that if he didn’t listen it would be his burnt corpse they would be carrying out of Eastern. 
Even now Havoc knows it’s useless, that he cannot even comfort her the way he really wants to, because he knows his eyes are here, they don’t leave her, always watching from the corner, staking claim. 
"Thanks Havoc,” she says, trying for warm but still sounding miserable, lacing her fingers with his for a brief second in appreciation of his effort to make her feel better.
He sighs. “Would you mind if I went outside for a smoke?” They didn’t allow smoking in the ballroom, and his cravings had kicked in three drinks ago. 
“Sure,” she says, “I’ll come with you." 
He looks surprised because the Lieutenant has never approved of his smoking, but he thinks maybe she would prefer it to her own company tonight. 
But when she tries to stand it’s like the blood has drained from her head, and she falters. Gingerly, she rubs a hand to her forehead.
"On second thought, I think I’ll stay here.” She gets back onto her seat, “I’ve had too much to drink." 
"Will you be alright?” He asks, and it is more out of courtesy than anything else because he knows that if she isn’t, he will be by her side in seconds to take care of her. 
She assures him she’s fine, that a drink of water will make everything better, even though fine is far from what she feels. Having let out her feelings, she doesn’t feel the light headedness that most claim, just empty and dejected because it is more than just never being told she’s pretty or going out on dates. If only her sorrows were as commonplace as wishing for love. If only she didn’t desire a very specific love. A love she will never have. 
“Excuse me,” she mumbles to the waiter,“ could I have a glass of water please?" 
He hurries away to get it and she rests her head against the counter. As she closes her eyes, she wonders how they do it, all those women he talks to, all the willing females he engages with. Is it all the giggling? 
Does Roy like it if his women show a lot of skin? She remembers the woman from earlier, pale pink fabric shimmering off her dainty frame. Or maybe he likes the petite ones. 
She sighs dejectedly. At 5'5”, she had curves that filled out every inch of her uniform and a full chest that had been a major cause of discomfort during military school. She was anything but petite. 
In the end what bothers her most is that it probably doesn’t matter if she isn’t skinny or she doesn’t wear clothes that dip to the small of her back. Military rules state they couldn’t be together and it seems Roy wasn’t the least bit tempted to break them. 
“I’m afraid all the dancing has made my head spin,” he tells her. “It was really lovely to have the pleasure of your company…” He pauses at the end, awkward because he just spent the last 40 minutes dancing her in circles but he can’t, for the love of God, remember her name. 
“It’s Elizabeth,” she purrs, laughing, “You’re just like the rumours say, Colonel! So terrible with names." 
She comes closer, her breath damp on the shell of his ear, "And so incredibly handsome." 
"I’m flattered,” he says, untangling himself from her, smiling the way he knows is probably misleading, but in this situation it’s polite. 
He can’t quite explain it but he is struck by this inexplicable urge to see his own Elizabeth, a sharp contrast to this one’s dark hair and light eyes, her beauty stemming from self-respect that is sorely lacking in most of the women that threw themselves at him.
He can’t pretend that he’s a saint and that there haven’t been a few that have followed him into bed, but there is nothing more than frustration at play here, a compromise of sorts where he can make believe that the girl in front of him is one with pale hair that shimmers and eyes that would always show him the light. 
Where he can dream that the lips he kisses are the same bow shaped ones that admonish him at work.  
Looking over at the bar counter, he sees that she’s still there, this time with Havoc nowhere to be seen. There’s a small, selfish part of him that rejoices in this fact, because their intimacy and hand-holding had him seeing red a little while ago. 
It isn’t fair that he wants her like this, so irrationally and so selfishly, he knows it, but he can’t stop himself from this desire and he knows it often scares men away from her.
He knows there have been times when he has deliberately scared men off of her. He wonders how she would react if she learns of it. Would she have preferred their affections?
When he comes closer he sees that her head is resting on the counter, eyes closed. “Lieutenant,” he calls, but she doesn’t stir. Roy is known to be a little paranoid when it comes to his aide and the tension creeps onto his face, furrowing it’s way between his eyebrows. 
He tries calling her again, this time placing his hand on her shoulder and shaking her gently. Her head turns to the side and he can see that her mouth is parted slightly and her breaths are even. 
Has she… Passed out?! Laughing to himself, he occupies the seat beside her, brushing a lock of hair out of her eyes and tucks it behind her ear. He could happily stay like this forever, wrapped up in the softness of her hair and skin, watching her without interruption as she sleeps. There’s a mole just under her ear, a tiny black little thing and he wonders if he could reach down and kiss it. It would be quick, no one would ever know it. 
He could press his lips to her skin, touch his tongue to her earlobe, take it between his teeth maybe, the way he’s always wanted to when they are alone in his office and he is tempted to misuse his rank. 
He gives in to this sweet compulsion and bends down, lips pressing ever so lightly against the mark. 
She smells sweet, of the lavender she’s been partial to ever since she was a teenager, wrapped in this very same fragrance when she would finish her shower. 
Roy knows this because every time she would be anywhere nearby his attention as an apprentice would falter, often earning him rebukes from her father. 
He had promised himself just one, but it’s a promise ill-kept because his lips inch further along her jawline, featherlight brushes of temptation going against everything he has worked for. 
But what good is his ambition when all it brings him is turmoil, and this cruel deprivation of her? When all he feels every day when he looks at her is longing, immense and painful, to the point of desperation. 
Reason loses it’s shine further when he can feel her pulse flutter, and the softest murmur of his name brushes his ear. 
“Roy,” she mumbles and it’s so maddening, the effect his name on her lips has, he considers giving her orders to never address him Colonel ever again, “I wore green. Just like you told me to.”
His eyes widen, remembering the day he’d asked her to accompany him. She had this look in her eyes, disappointment, frustration - or was it disgust - and he dared to hope she’d go with it anyway, but she didn’t. And the feeling of rejection, of being rejected by Riza, isn’t one he can shake so easily. 
“What?” She had asked confused, when the statement he hadn’t intended to say out loud - he liked her in green, and that was something he kept secret, it brought out her eyes - had clearly been heard. “It suits you,” he’d said simply, and her temper had flared. Narrowing her eyes, she had said, “What I choose to wear is none of your business, Sir." 
She’d emphasized the last word with as much sarcasm as one could possibly fit into one syllable. 
He had laughed that day… a frustrated laugh, but now seeing that she actually listened to him, he thinks maybe what he thought mattered much more than what she let on. 
"I even wore heels,” she whispers, still drunk, slurring the s’s. 
“You did,” he says slowly, because he noticed, just like he notices everything, the way it made her legs look endless, the way it made her hips sway when she walked in with Havoc. He runs an idle finger across her cheek. 
“Do I look pretty, Colonel?" 
When she speaks these words, he hears the uncertainty behind the pink lips that she licks, barely inches from his. 
He could tell her that yes, she’s pretty, but he’d rather show her. With kisses sweeping all over her body, and caresses earning soft sighs from her full mouth. 
He could. 
And he almost does. 
He almost kisses her, full on the mouth, tongue flicking across hers, telling her that pretty is an understatement and that the first time he saw her, he was already mesmerised. 
But he is mindful of their surroundings, not wanting to cause her any further disrespect by acting out the increasingly lewd fantasies churning in his mind. Because he doubts a kiss would stay just that, a kiss and nothing more, not when it is Riza underneath him, lips pliant and sweet, testing his restraint. 
"Havoc,” he says harshly when he comes to realise the looming figure behind him, keeping his distance but well within hearing radius. “Take her home." 
He’s surprised at first, because he was sure he had witnessed something deeper, more intimate between those two tonight. Havoc had seen the Colonel flush, and stroke her skin tenderly, the Lieutenant’s eyes dazed and gazing at him with blatant desire. 
"Sir, sh-shouldn’t you?” He stutters, clearly asking something inappropriate and out of turn but he can’t help it. There is no one in the entire hall who could have missed the palpable chemistry between the two of them. 
But he doesn’t say anything, just shakes his head, his eyes dark and stormy, and tells him to make sure she has a glass of water before she’s put to bed. 
When Havoc walks her out, one hand around her waist and the other firmly holding her arm around his shoulder he realises that he’s a bit irritated with this years-old game of hide-and-seek. His broken heart was urging him to slap some sense into the Colonel and yell, because people who’ve found love - the real kind - have no business denying it. 
“I think it should be fairly clear by now why you so rarely get propositioned by men,” he says dryly. 
She makes a noise, questioning, barely able to take in his sarcasm or even his words for that matter, as her eyes droop shut. 
He takes in the rare sight of a defenseless Hawkeye clinging to his arm and his mouth turns up with the hint of a smile. 
“… It isn’t that no one’s interested,” he whispers, “just that everybody knows they wouldn’t stand a chance. Not against him.” 
- fin - 
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deermi · 4 years
Wonderwall | Part 4
Summary: He was a genius. He had absolutely everything. Money, fame, attention of all the celebrities, sports cars that everybody wanted, countless villas, and much more. The life every single person wanted to live. But all he needed was you.
Genre: Angst (I guess)
Warnings: Alcohol use
AU: Fashion CEO
Pairing: Kwon Jiyong x Reader
Word count: 3k~
Author’s note: Ah, I have so wany wips that I don’t know which ones to post. Anyways, “Wonderwall” will most probaby have 6/7 parts and an epilogue. I hope you liked this chapter and thank you for reading it!
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We had spent the dinner rather quietly - eating, drinking, exchanging a few sentences from time to time. The waiters had been ogling our pair almost without any shame as we had sat at the table. I don’t know whether it had been because they had known who the man with neon green hair is, or because we had been acting so strangely around each other. Perhaps both reasons were correct. The atmosphere between us hadn’t been awkward nor stiff in the restaurant. It had been filled with some kind of tension, but I couldn’t have quite put my finger on it.
Now we were back in his car, heading to a destination that remained unknown for me. But I didn’t want to ask feeling like it would’ve been just another question of mine he’d ignore. It was so quiet inside the vehicle, the only sounds coming from the streets as we strolled around the city, that I had a feeling like the beating of my heart was as loud as a drum put next to Mr Kwon’s ear.
“You’re not going to ask where we’re going?” 
I turned my head around with my brows furrowed at his sudden question. My boss had one of his hands on the steering wheel, the other resting lazily on the door of the car while his eyes were concentrated on the road ahead of us. 
“I didn’t feel like it.” I answered bluntly, trying not show any interest in our destination
He glanced at me with the corner of his eye before focusing back on the traffic. There must’ve been a visible spark of unquenchable curiosity he had noticed because in a few seconds I heard his voice once more.
“We’re going to my place.” Mr Kwon nonchalantly moved his hair out of his eyes with his free hand
I bit on my tongue before blurting out the ‘what for’ that had almost slipped out of my lips. Instead I just nodded at his words and started to stare at the city lights out of the window back again. We strolled down, the dim brightness coming from the street lamps shining through the windows, making everything inside the vehicle appear yellowish. There were almost no people outside, making the night even quieter than I had previously thought it is. No usual honking of the cars, no roaring of engines, no sound coming from the radio.
That scene surrounding me was calming. Or at least should’ve been like that. However, with the knot of anxiety tightening inside my stomach, I wasn’t able to focus on the soothing silence.
It was madness. Pure madness. All the things that had happened since that damned photoshoot. Modeling, asking for my opinion, giving me a lift, and that dinner we just had. And telling me to call him Jiyong was on top of the peak. I had never heard of a boss asking one of his employees to call them by their first name. It was just another level of intimacy I would’ve never even thought of reaching. Moreover, it was completely unprofessional, especially that he insisted I did it at our workplace as well. It was just the first step to cause the rumors both among the workers and the world of celebrities. Although, it seemed to me that Mr Kwon either didn’t care about that, or simply wanted to cause them. What for? More fame? Recognition? I already had that. So maybe for himself? To make himself feel better by having someone close?
And then it hit me. The sudden realisation made me snap out of the transe I had been in for those few minutes of our ride.
I had never seen Mr Kwon with a friend, a colleague, or even talking to anybody who could’ve been one of them on the phone. Not mentioning a partner. All I could think of when I thought of him was hard work and absolute focus on it. He had his goals and always gave his all to reach them. And he actually did everytime - with his genius mind and determination he was almost destined to be successful. But what if behind this cold facade of strong will, was just a lonely soul which desperately needed comfort in the shape of another person’s warmth? What if he finally had enough of always being alone? Of being expected to be the genius who created ‘Peaceminusone’?
The heavy thoughts inside my head were suddenly interrupted by Mr Kwon stopping the car in front of a tall building. He turned off the engine and got out of the vehicle without sparing me a glance. I unbuckled my seatbelt hurriedly, fidgeting with the strap, ready to follow him. When it snapped roughly against the seat I reached out to grab the door handle, but it quickly flew out of my reach once Mr Kwon opened the door. I looked up and noticed that he was staring at me with his eyebrows raised.
Without a word he outstretched his hand for me to take, just like he had done it before in front of the restaurant. Once more I placed my palm on his and let him pull me out of the car.
While he was closing the door behind me, my eyes flew up to the sky. Mr Kwon had parked the car in front of a tall skyscraper. The windows of the building glistened as city lights reflected in them making it look like it was made out of black shiny crystal. My breath hitched in my throat at the sight. I felt so small facing the enormous structure, but the view was so beautiful and so overwhelming at the same time, I couldn’t help it.
It was weird how a simple skyscraper made me feel like that. Actually the stifling part of it was the thought that it was the place, or more probably one of the places, my boss lived in. And he was taking me inside with him - completely crossing the line drawn between the company’s boss and their employee once more.
We entered the building with his hand on the small of my back. The heels I was wearing were loudly tapping on the marble floor, completely breaking the silence inside the lobby. The man standing behind the reception desk bowed without a word at the sight of me and Mr Kwon entering. My boss led me to the elevator, without sparing a glance to the guy, and pressed the button. I felt the eyes of the receptionist burning holes in my back as we patiently waited. With the ring the door in front of us opened revealing the lightened inside of the elevator. Once we were alone within the four walls and the curious stare of the man was cut off, I let out a quiet sigh of relief while Mr Kwon was busy pressing the button at the very top of a long row of them.
Again any of us didn’t say a word letting the silence fill the space between us. I didn’t move, didn’t even dare to look at the mirror next to me, afraid that my reflection would reveal how stressed I actually was. And after what felt like eternity the door opened revealing the place my boss wanted me to see.
The enormous penthouse in front of my eyes almost literally shone with luxury. The glass chandelier above hanged above our heads making the light reflect in the stone floor as we stepped inside the living room, which was probably the size of my whole apartment, or even bigger. Everything inside just screamed ‘expensive’ - the leather sofa, the black television set, the huge window wall through which you could see the city lights shine below your feet. And above all, every single piece of furniture, every square meter of that space, reminded me of Mr Kwon. It was just his place. His place that I was invading despite the fact that he had invited me here. I felt like I just didn’t belong there.
“What wine do you prefer?” 
I turned my head around to see my boss taking off his tuxedo jacket in one swift move before walking up to a glass cabinet full of different types of alcohol and opening it. 
“Um…” I took a glance at the numerous bottles, not sure what to say, since there was surely a huge variety available “White. Semi sweet.”
Without any answer Mr Kwon just grabbed one of the wines along with two glasses. He walked up to a coffee table in front of the leather sofa and placed everything on the surface. Swiftly he opened the bottle and began to pour the clear liquid into the tumblers. 
In the meantime I came closer to the window. The view in front of me was absolutely breathtaking. Seeing the whole city shine beautifully during the night and having it almost literally at my feet was one of the most picturesque sights I had ever seen in my life.
When Mr Kwon finished pouring the wine, he approached me with a glass in each hand and handed out one of them. The smell of sweet alcohol reached me before my fingers wrapped around the fragile crystal. He gently bumped his tumbler into mine, making the sound of clattering echo inside the room.
I took a sip of the drink feeling the slightly bitter flavour on my tongue. The taste was much different from the taste of the wine you could get in any supermarket, making me wonder how much was this alcohol actually worth.
With the glass still against my lips I turned around to look at the night sky again.
“Do you like it?” Mr Kwon asked me
“The view?” I glanced at him with the corner of my eye and saw him giving me a single nod before sipping on the wine “Yes. I actually like it a lot.”
“Do you want it every day?” his another question hanged in the air for a few seconds as I started to process his words “Do you want to be able to see it every day?”
“What do you mean?” I asked with a small voice, afraid of what might come next
“I can buy you an apartment like this one.” he answered nonchalantly like it was something completely normal
I immediately shook my head abruptly trying to get that idea out of his head “Thank you, Jiyong. But I really can’t ac-“
“Or you can stay here with me.”
I almost choked on the wine.
In response he shrugged with his eyes focused on the view in front of us and said “You’ll do whatever you want. It’s your decision.”
For a few seconds none of us said anything, as his words echoed in my head.
“Just say a word and you’ll get anything you want.” he added
I took a shaky breath trying to ignore my heart beating loudly against my ribcage. I took another sip of the wine hoping the alcohol would give me either more courage, or help me relax.
“Okay.” I whispered quickly with the glass pressed against my lips
We were just looking out of the window, absorbing the night view in front of us with the bitter taste on both of our tongues. I desperately drank up the liquid looking for some kind of relief in it. Mr Kwon, without any warning, took the glass from my hands and walked up to where the bottle was standing to refill it along with his. While he was busy pouring the drink I took a few hesitant steps toward the sofa standing in the middle of the room. My boss’ eyes followed me as I plopped down on the leather seat, feeling the material of the black dress I was wearing fold against the skin of my legs. 
If Mr Kwon had had something against my actions, he hadn’t spoken a it out loud, but I was slowly starting to get used to the thought that I was allowed to do almost everything here.
 I didn’t know wether it was the alcohol that made me feel slightly dizzy, or the atmosphere between me and Mr Kwon. Yet I felt somehow weightless - the boundaries that had previously stopped me from doing what I wanted around my boss began to disappear.
He sat down next to me, resting his arm on the back of the couch and handed me the wine. His eyes carefully scanned my frame as I took the glass from his hands and drained out the whole liquid from inside.
Did I want to get drunk? Maybe. But I for sure wanted to feel even lighter, even more immune to anything that was happening around me for the past few days. It was all so bizzare and almost completely inimaginable. Still, it was the reality that I had to live in. I wanted to make it easier, less stressful, or I wanted to give myself more courage to bear with it. And I wanted to do it as fast as possible. 
“Can I have more?” I asked quietly, looking Mr Kwon in the eyes for the first time in forever
He stared at me with his obsidian dark orbs for a moment before grabbing the bottle and pouring the liquid into my glass until the very last drop. Once more I pressed the tumbler against my lips and let more alcohol run through my veins.
My visit to this place was just the beginning and I was fully aware of that. How could I handle more? What could come next?
I wasn’t afraid of Mr Kwon - yes, he was cold for most of the time, but the realisation that had hit me during our ride was helping me understand his actions at least to some extent. Were I his remedy? Were I the warmth he lacked? Or maybe something different? A person others would describe as a muse, an inspiration?
“What are you thinking about?” Jiyong’s quiet voice pierced through my thoughts, making me look at him as I let my head fall down on the back of the seat behind me
“Nothing important.” I whispered not trusting my voice enough to speak louder
My eyelids felt heavier than before, the alcohol finally rushing to my head. I closed my eyes and started to take slow, deep breaths, the silence in the room calming me down. Mr Kwon slowly took out the empty glass from my hands and I heard him placing it on the table along with his. I felt his burning gaze on my face as everything went quiet once more.
“You’re beautiful.” the subtle touch of his fingers slowly caressing my cheek made me look at him, immediately locking my eyes with his dark ones “So beautiful.”
And before I could even realise, Jiyong’s lips gently touched mine. I had to proceed what was happening because it felt so unreal. The breath caught in my throat at his actions as I looked straight ahead dumbfoundedly, feeling stonecold sober for a few seconds. I couldn’t push him away - I didn’t know wether I even wanted to do that. So I let my eyelids fall down as I kissed him back slowly without any emotions. There was nothing in the kiss - it was empty. No love, no passion, not even lust. No anything. Just lips moving against lips, skin against skin.
His mouth pressed more firmly on mine when he felt me kissing him back. He moved his hand that had previously been caressing the skin of my cheek to my waist. Jiyong tilted his head to deepen the kiss and swiftly swiped his tongue against mine. 
My body felt numb, head empty, no thoughts. I let the alcohol in my veins work for me.
His grip on my waist got stronger and he moved me to sit on his lap without disconnecting our lips. The dress rode up my thighs, revealing more skin of my legs, as I straddled him with my palms pressed on his shoulders to steady myself. I let his tongue explore my mouth making the bitterness of wine strengthen on my lips. Jiyong’s kisses were desperate, firm. His skilled mouth worked against mine making me feel dizzy not from the emotions coming from it, but the alcohol taking control over my body.
He pulled mt flush against his chest making me grip the soft material of his white shirt. He pressed another open mouthed kiss to my lips before pulling away, lacking air as much as I did. His forehead was pressed against mine, while his hand rose up from my waist and moved the loose hair away from my face.
“Stay for the night.” Jiyong’s voice was soft yet firm
I could’ve said no. But for some reason I didn’t. Perhaps because of the boost of confidence the wine had given me. Or maybe because some part of me wanted to be what would fix him, make him feel better.
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from-ib-to-asshai · 4 years
WIP WEDNESDAY- I see you down on your knees
Arya should like to imagine that Frey blood is different then other blood. Maybe that the smell is more putrid, or that the liquid more viscous. Perhaps even a different color; more brown. Dirty blood would be fitting for such a dirty, rotten family.
But this isn’t the case. Despite all odds, the blood of the Frey men is almost lovely; she doesn’t clean the blood out from under her fingernails for weeks in a futile hope to keep it there forever. It’s color seemed so bright in the candlelight of the Twins’ kitchen, runny and red like the wine she’d serve to the other family members later on. It was almost indescribable how it felt to watch it.
It was meant for her, she realized. Arya was meant to bleed men like them just like the sun was meant to rise in the east. It was destiny.
At night sometimes, Arya would shake with anticipation at the thought of Cersei Lannister’s blood. Would it be just as wonderful? Even more so? The expression on Cersei’s face would be of no matter to her because all that matters was her blood, because blood was her life force and Arya would weep with joy to have the chance to rip her life out of her, Needle forgotten at her side as she would instead dig it all out with her bare hands, the squelching sounds of flesh and muscle and blood combined with the cracking of bones would-
Oh. She’s getting ahead of herself again, isn’t she. 
Sansa stares at her from across the table, obviously still waiting for an answer.
“I’ve been around,” she said, “Surviving. Training. Hiding.” She shrugged. “Nothing worth mentioning.” If Arya hadn’t been trained so well, she would've missed the almost imperceptible narrowing of her sisters eyes.
“I see.”
A pause.
“What about you?”
There was another pause, and Arya saw something in Sansa’s demeanor change - not for the better. On guard. Jaqen would have hit her for her mistake; Now Sansa either thought she was mocking her, since wherever she had been was obviously public knowledge, or her sister now knows that she’d spent the last years out of Westeros.
Jaqen would have hit her for it, the Waif would have beat her for it, Sansa now distrusts her for it. Arya just cursed herself for it instead.
“Lord Baelish got me out of King’s Landing,” the redhead began smoothly, ringing her hands together on her lap, “I was hidden in the Vale for a while(...)”
The silence between them was neither pleasant nor unpleasant, but simply a reminder that they were essentially strangers, weren’t they, after so many years apart. Sansa was beautiful, sitting on the simple wooden chair as if it were a throne, back straight, hands folded and head held evenly as not to disturb the non-existent crown that rested upon it. Her red hair neatly braided and her face illuminated by the low fire, her displeased expression was identical to the one she’d given Arya almost every day growing up. This realization stopped her in her tracks. 
She tilted her head. No, it couldn´t be. Couldn´t it? They wouldn't have sent someone to Winterfell this fast, they couldn't have. Oh, but they could have. They could have gotten to Winterfell in the time she was in The Twins, they could have taken it over, they could have taken her sister's face. 
They had reasons too.
The House had reasons to be angry with Arya Stark, and they had the resources to tear her down, to kill her. All the shattered promises, all the ignored oaths, all the broken rules. But why? Revenge? That wasn’t their style, really; hadn’t that been the whole point? The lesson that Jaqen H’Ghar had tried to teach her, that The Waif had tried to beat into her?
We never give the gift to please ourselves. Nor do we choose the ones we kill. We are but servants of the God of Many Faces…
A lesson. That would be a motive. That would be a reason to kill and impersonate Sansa Stark. Maybe they needed more servants for the god then she’d thought. Maybe they wanted her back. Maybe-
The door creaks open. 
She flinches, instinctively tracing the outline of the hidden knife beneath the sleeve of her tunic with her hand. The door opens too slow for it to be an attacker, the footsteps too loud for an assassin, she knows -- but flinches anyway.
Petyr Baelish looks different then from when she last saw him. Perhaps older, perhaps more weary.The last time she had seen him had been years ago after all,  No, thats not it; he looks smaller, almost like a small child dwarfed by the thick winter furs he has to wear to stay warm.
Littlefinger isn’t made for winter, she realizes. A small grin briefly twists itself over her face. His beady little eyes fixed onto her and he smiled tightly, bowing deeply in their direction. 
“My Lady Arya. It truly is wonderful to see you,” he said, taking a seat by Sansa, “When was the last time I saw you -- four, five years ago?” He says it like he doesn’t exactly know how long, which of course is a lie, seeing what kind of person Petyr Baelish is. “You were naught but a child then. I am delighted to see you have grown into a beautiful young lady, and are safely back in Winterfell.”
Are you? She thinks to herself. Outloud she says, “Yes.” 
The simple reply throws Baelish off, and he awkwardly readjusts himself in his seat. 
“You simply must tell me about what you’ve been doing all these years. No one has heard from you in years.” He trying to play with her, she knows, but she is not interested in playing his game. He is far more interested in him playing hers. The smile she wears in small and light, weightless and nonchalant. She needs to make Baelish believe she thinks she’s smarter than she is. Not to trick him later; no, like she says, she has little interest in the game of thrones. No, she needs both him and Sansa to believe she had no capabilities to kill him, that she was too dumb to try. 
She shrugs. “Same could be said for you My Lord. I hear one moment you’re working for the Lannisters, next you’re marrying into House Arryn, only to move on to the Boltons. All quite conflicting reports, really.” Her voice is soft and dispassionate. “I was hoping, that as I tell you of my travels, I’d be able to hear about yours more. Oh, you know how the smallfolk speak -- all rumors and claims -- one can never really know the truth.”
“No,” Littlefinger replied, “One truly can’t. I-”
“So I must wonder, Lord Baelish, where your loyalties really lay.”
“My loyalties are solely with your sister and House Stark, my Lady,” he said smoothly, “Any mishaps or conflicts in my actions were purely to survive and to get your family back home.” Sansa stiffened slightly beside him but said nothing.
“As Lady Sansa can surely attest to, the Vale’s armies played an important part in defeating the Boltons and securing Winterfell. The Vale has sacrificed many a moon and many a man to get us where we are today. So if my word itself isn’t enough to make you not distrust me My Lady, then at least trust my actions.” He bowed his head to her with a smile, his hand on his chest.
It took her a moment to riffle through his words to actually gain some meaning from them; Littlefinger spoke fast and spoke many words whilst saying little. But aside from the acknowledgement that his loyalties to Sansa meant more to him then any other, and the mention of how indebted the North was to the Arryns, there wasn’t much behind his words.
She’d expected more from Lord Baelish after all she’d heard. Or maybe it was on purpose - perhaps he didn’t think she-
“Of course, you should know best that I can be trusted -- After all, I never revealed your secret to anyone, all those years ago.”
Ah. There it is.
Sansa’s sharp, icy gaze pierced through her. She didn’t even have to look over to see the question burning in those pale eyes. Baelish grinned wider.
“Harrenhal was such a terrible place, wasn’t it. I can’t imagine what it must have been there -- especially under Tywin Lannister.” Arya felt herself grinding her teeth together. “I just hope you managed to get out of there before before the Mountain took over,” he continued, “But it surely would have been hard to escape unnoticed -- especially being Tywin’s personal cupbearer.”
And there it was. The kick she’d been expecting. 
Thick tension filled the room as silence took over. Baelish’s smile waned slightly, unnerved by the quiet. He’d surely been expecting some sort of revoke from her, a hurried defense, a glim of anger; even just a startled look. 
But Arya Stark did not bend to the whims of men.
Sansa's dry voice broke the moment.
“Lord Baelish, you must excuse us. It seems my sister and I have much to discuss.”
The man stood and bowed, obviously pleased with his work, and left, footsteps loud and they echoey as he descended down the hall.
“You haven’t even been here half a day and he’s already trying to cause distrust between us.” Arya looked over, surprised. Now this she hadn’t been expecting. Sansa leaned back in her chair, rubbing her temples and sighing. She caught her younger sisters inquisitive gaze and smiled faintly.
“He loves doing things like this,” the redhead murmured, tracing her finger along the wood of the table, “Trying to tear families apart, causing chaos wherever he steps foot,” she huffs. “I do understand why, I am easier to manipulate when alone. That doesn’t mean he’s any less despicable.”
Arya blinked. Sansa leaned over to her, laying her hand close to hers, close enough to feel the warmth without direct touch. She appreciated that, in a strange way.
“Why don’t you just...send him away?” Sansa smiles again, and Arya thinks it’s somewhere between patronizing and affectionate. Her younger self would have gotten at the gesture, but the last time anyone had looked at her with any kind of real affection had been years ago, so she didn’t even mind getting talked down too -- For all she’d been taught in Bravos, the House had not cared to teach her about Westerosi politics. 
“Because we need the Vale’s army. We can’t afford to lose their alliance because, while Lord Royce cares little for him, if our dearest cousin hears that his lord regent and surrogate father is killed on flimsy claims of conspiracy and treason ...” Sansa paused, looking out the window. The bright grey light reflected on her blue eyes. Arya realizes, then, that she hadn’t suggested to murder him, only to remove him from Winterfell. 
No, she realizes then. This was not a faceless man trying to trick by using the face of her sister.  The amount of fury in her face, etched into the curve of her gentle smile, sparkling in her kind eyes, evident in every small nod and calm word - this is not the way of a faceless man. The subtlety of the anger, no - they would try to  be much more obvious.They would not try to conceal their resentment as effectively as Sansa did.
Arya felt a twinge of pride at that, unable to imagine how the elder Stark had become this good of a liar -- what had caused it.
Satisfied with her discoveries, she excused herself, venturing out into the old, dusty, grey halls that she had once called her home. The dark stains, the crumbling corners, the burn marks on the tapestries and the nervous maids that have quick, hurried direwolves stitched into their overcoats to distract from the pinks and reds of their skirts that they are too poor to replace.
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janiedean · 4 years
fic writer tag game
tagged by @randomingoftherandomness ty!!!
AO3 name: janie_tangerine
Fandoms: asoiaf/got (currently active regularly), the witcher (sticking to reading/writing fic for now but I’m planning on being somewhat active in that sense), dark tower/iron fist/bastille day/deadwood (not active because there’s no audience at any given time for three of them and with IF I need to be in the mood but like... I can become active in a moment if there’s the need xD), spn/lost/mcu that’s not IF/tvd (probably not going there anymore but it’s been a nice ride and might revisit I MEAN I REVISITED WITH TVD SO), various others I can write for occasionally which are all on the fandoms and ships page
Number of fics: 477 on ao3 but if I crossposted the lost/spn fic I have on lj that I still haven’t managed to import we’d be at 600 at least not counting the stuff I wrote on tumblr that I should crosspost but eh a lot
Fic I spent the most time on: lmao some flowers bloom dead, that’s because I still haven’t finished it
Fic I spent the least time on: anything under 2k was probably written in twenty minutes tops
Longest fic: sticking to ao3, in the darkness on the edge of town (asoiaf, jb, 102k hahahahahahaha)
Shortest fic: in which Robert Baratheon really, really hates pigeons (asoiaf, robert & ned + ned/cat, 568 words)
Most hits: I'll be the frosting to your cupcake, wench (asoiaf, jaimebrienne) which is at 54431 and I’m still in complete awe of it
Most kudos: five people who didn’t believe Ned Stark for one second about Jon’s paternity and one who did (asoiaf, ned + jon + various others) which is at 3437 and I’m honestly flattered that many people found it that funny xD
Most comment threads: and give all the love that you have in your soul (asoiaf, jaimebrienne + jonc/rhaegar & omc) at 216, understandable as it was like eight chapters spread over six months of me agonizing over how much I hate writing timetravel XD
Most bookmarks: more like the man you were meant to be (asoiaf, jb + jaime & cat, jaime & jon, jaime & ned & various others) at 1367 which I’m v. glad about that fic fluff I’m 100% proud of xD.
Total word count:  3806645 (with good peace of everyone who ever told me I was snobbish towards fanfic back in the day xD)
Favourite fic I wrote: I don’t wanna pick favorites because honestly they’re all my children but if I had to pick one it’s in the darkness on the edge of town for various reasons which we can sum up in I wouldn’t change a word of it and that usually doesn’t happen X°D
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: there’s a few I’ve wanted to sequel and I def. need to finish sfbd (one day) but like atm your best bet is that I’m going to add part three to that series I somehow started where geralt likes wearing dresses and more opera singers au xD rewrite... not really because I don’t have the patience for it, if I don’t like something enough to share/I know I can rewrite it I don’t post it xD
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on:
I haven’t technically written shit these last two days and I should rectify but for sharing ideas... I need to do part four and five of her beauty and the moonlight overthrew you ie the jaimebrienne witcher fusion as in I need to find a way to rework the last wish so I can have yennefer!catelyn in it with some sense and I also want to have pod being the resident child surprise but I can’t have it like in canon for obvious reasons so I’m still plotting, also AGAIN I SHOULD FINISH SFBD AND THE TARG TELENOVELA NOW IF ONLY MY CRACK MUSE CAME BACK FOR GOOD (but for the targ telenovela it’s all on here under its tag lol) and I could do a bit more of the soulmates hearts thing but I should see, anyway since I want to give you a WIP too let me see ah well have part of the next sfbd chapter that has been in the works since nanowrimo 2018 which one day I’ll hopefully finish kdslg have at it
“Lannister,” Robb interrupts, “I think everyone knows. If you want to say he’s your son —”
“Fair, fair. Well, before I left, he wasn’t… relishing his position, so to speak,” he sighs. “Actually, he was downright hating it. Cersei pretty much always ignored his existence but now she can’t, of course, since she thinks she can rule through him, and as much as she never really let me near him if not for the bare necessary…”
“She didn’t?”
“She figured someone might have asked starting questions if I had any relationship with any of them,” he says, and now he sounds bitter, as if he rues having let her. “I — he really has no stakes in this war and he didn’t even want that position.” He takes in a breath. “The lady and I, we might have discussed what to do after this is over.”
“What’s your plan?”
“Going back to her island for a while, take a well-deserved rest, and other things that you really don’t need to get concerned about. But I was wondering, after we’re done in King’s Landing, would you be amenable to send Tommen there if we come with you to the Wall, until we come back?” He’s staring at Robb with tired green eyes that for once don’t seem to be making fun at him or anyone. “I know it would mean —”
“I don’t think it’s undoable,” Robb tells him, if anything because he can hear that he sounds as if his sister didn’t let him have a relationship with Tommen, maybe he wants to, and if he wants to bring him to Tarth where he’s supposed to go following the woman he loves or so it seems, it’s not hard to imagine why he’s asking this. “He’s young and he hasn’t been anything like Joffrey as far as we know, we can just say that if he gives up any claim on the throne he can go with you, as you would be his closest relative willing to house him, and I highly doubt a Targaryen king would want you in his guard. But you were planning to leave it anyway, weren’t you?”
“His Grace is very perceptive,” Lannister says, sounding relieved. “Very well then. I — thank you,” he says, and then he turns on his back and leaves the room as well.
Robb sure as the seven hells had not foreseen this turn of events, but he’s not going to be the person complaining about it.
“If he is thanking you I guess anything might happen at this point,” Theon says after neither of them speaks for a long moment, and Robb has to laugh at that, some. It was funny, after all.
aaand tagging let’s see @lodessa @lordhellebore @vanessawolfie @uniwolfwerecorn @myrxellabaratheon and if you’re a fic writer and wanna do it consider yourself tagged u__u
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thefirstcourtesan · 5 years
One Sentence WIPs
I need to motivate myself to finish my WIPs, so I am posting a sentence from each. I am not identifying any, but feel free to make guesses as to book and pairing 😂
“Then give me something to miss,” I challenged, tilting my head up towards him, ready for his kiss.
There was truth in the lie, Sabina and I had had that conversation, but not at lunch. It had happened after we ran into each other at the Basilica.
“Ah, we’re talking long game,” Lily said with a nod, “but an actual werewolf, that is sooo cool.” She shook her head. “How is it that I am the vampire and you have the cooler life?”
“Have your majesties given any thought to the matter raised at the last session?”
“I remember everything about that time,” he told her in a low voice.
“That was what we agreed, but that was before I met Lilith,” Adam said with a casual shrug. “I want her.”
Adrian chuckles. “It has been a very eventful week.”
I was speechless, still stunned by his confession and the gravity of the question… eight months before I had hated him and everything he had stood for and yet… there was only one answer I could even imagine.
The earrings felt like a pay-off, like a reminder of the luxury I lived in and that I should be grateful and not complain.
It’s been a weird few months and I think it’s hitting us both that we are now outside of the confines of the show and we’re about to step into each other’s “real” lives, which is both exhilarating and terrifying.
“You have a son,” I told him proudly, unsure if the servants had told him that or just that the child had been safely delivered.
“She’s not going to stay.”
There was a note of longing when he said her name, so at odds with my image of Caesar.
And then later, when all I had was grief and anger, he had become mine. I had hated him with the confused rage of a twelve year old child who’s world had just been shattered and I had nursed that rage as I grew older.
It was desperate, an attempt to remind him of who I was, so I didn’t have to give him the answer he might not be able to forgive.
From the night we met and he’d identified me as Siochain, he had known where my brother was and he had never once said a word.
And suddenly I realized the other reason Caesar had chosen me for this task: because I occupied the same position as Cleopatra, the younger, foreign mistress of one of Rome’s most powerful men.
It was wild and crazy and could backfire terribly but it was the only thing I could think of. “I’m going to crash their date.”
“It is,” he agreed as we walked towards the house. “Beautiful setting, peace and quiet, and my favorite girl, I could get used to this.”
The crowd roared, chanting for blood. Antony ignored them, his gaze still locked on me as he mouthed “for you”.
Instead of answering, I lifted my face to his, eagerly accepting his kiss, but when he reached for my dress, I suddenly froze, some silent voice telling me I had to tell him now.
“After all, it’s not like your pregnant and have a reason for looking so terrible,” Olivia said off-handily and then all three of us froze at once, considering the implication of her words.
“This is actually the oldest weapon in the Nevrakis armoury, it has been passed down in the family for millennia...”
Adrian sighed. “I can’t tell you who to… spend time with, but right now the situation is very tense and I don’t know who can be trusted and my priority is to keep you safe and to prevent a war.”
“Antony is dangerous,” Lena reminded me, not for the first time, “too dangerous too refuse.”
Jax laughed, wrapping his arm around me as we headed for the door. “No promises.”
It was a slightly uncomfortable thought, the power she had over him, but one made more palatable by the memory of their last night together and the words she had whispered, “I love you”.
I went to Cassius and fed honeyed lies, ensuring that his resolve would hold until the next day, but promising nothing and then I went to the temple of Nemesis where Sabna joined me, making the offering to protect my father.
“You once said you wanted everything between us to be freely given.”
“You took me to Disney World,” she said with a smile once they checked into the their hotel.
“Bring it Baby Vamp,” Priya challenged cockily.
I swallowed hard, staring at the floor so I didn’t have to meet anyone’s gaze. The woman I loved or the men whose hearts I’d broken.
It didn’t matter what they wanted for me, it mattered what I wanted and what I chose for myself and that was this, medicine, Edenbrook, a new life where my decisions mattered not those of long dead men.
This time I wasn’t sure if the thrill that went through me was fear or excitement. Perhaps both.
“Ooh! An execution, even better.”
“I think it is more likely that I would just keep searching you, finding you in one life after another, unable to quench my need for you.”
“If you want, I’ll kick your bony ass to start the evening off with some entertainment.”
“Uh huh,” Shreya commented, clearly not convinced, she frowned, “though I have to admit, I’m a little surprised, the way he blushes whenever you speak to him, I would have thought it would have taken a lot longer to get to the stage where you’re glowing like that.”
“She was afraid for you, what being his child would mean, so she resolved to send you away, so no one would ever know.”
After all how can one be jealous of themself?
“Because I want you,” Avery told me, “all of you.”
There was a moment of silence and then she threw herself into his arms. He caught her easily, holding her close as he had when she was a little girl.
“Do you always travel with wine?” I asked, remembering our last wine drinking session and how she’d pulled wine out of her purse then too.
There are fics for BSC, TE, TRR, ACOR, RCD, TC&TF, Bloodbound, Platinum, OH, and AME there.
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lemonayyyyyde · 5 years
Party Like the Dead
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Chapter One
I apologize for it all being one big chunk without any "read more" areas- sadly I am confined to mobile at the moment. Either way, here it is! The first chapter of my exclusive writeblr WIP Party Like the Dead! I hope you enjoy it. :)
“Are you sure this is a good idea?”
Chilled October air filled Alexandra’s lungs as she asked the same question she had been repeating all week. The one she always seemed to ask when Nick was involved.
She shrugged her jacket up closer to hide her skin from the wind that picked up and whipped past them, turning her gaze over to Nick as he laughed.
“I’m sure, Alex. You’re starting to sound like my mom’s old Beatles record- you really gotta stop repeatin’ yourself.” Despite his teasing words, there’s a smile pulling at Nick’s lips as he spoke. “It’s just a party- a Halloween party in the most boring town on earth for Christ’s sake!” 
Alexandra forced a laugh at that, high-strung with the remnant of nerves. Nick's voice dropped to a more sincere tone as he reached over to give her hand a light squeeze of reassurance.
“We’ll be fine. It means a lot that you would do this for me.”
Alexandra couldn’t help but give a true smile at that, pulling him into a side-hug only to have to pick off some toilet paper that stuck to her skin from his costume when she pulled away. She made a face as Nick dissolved into a fit of giggles, scrunching up her nose as she glared.
“What are you laughing at, mummy boy? You’re the one who looks like a mom’s DIY project gone wrong.”
Nick gave a scoff of faux offense, holding a hand to his chest. “How dare you make fun of my costume! For your information, this is brand name toilet paper! No DIY mom would spend the money on that!”
Alexandra laughed again, for real this time,  trying her best to ignore the stares of the kids that were beginning to trick-or-treat. The sun was setting fast, peeking from behind the two-story houses of the neighborhood. It painted everything in a soft orange light, beautiful and eerie at the same time- which was exactly the same feeling that stopped Alexandra dead in her tracks, joy melting out of her and replaced by nothing but a cold pit of fear in her stomach.
It wasn’t as if Alexandra was a stranger to this area. Quite the opposite, in fact. She had driven this road many times, spent many sunsets and nights playing on these streets. Yet that never seemed to change the feeling of unease that would wash over her when her eyes landed on the Walker country house.
Menacing and decrepit, the Walker house had been there for as long as Alexandra could remember. Perhaps even longer than it was possible for her to. Back in it’s day, the house could have been beautiful. Its bricks may have once been spotless, column’s standing tall in brilliant gleaming white. The windows would have had curtains, not moth-torn fabric hiding the broken panes of glass from kids looking to have a little fun.
Now, however, the house was something out of a horror film: overgrown with vines and weeds that twisted up the walk to the house as if they were claiming back what was rightfully theirs. Everything about it screamed ‘Danger’, including the signs that were posted out front reading ‘DANGER: KEEP OUT!’.
The press of Nick’s hand jolted Alex out of her thoughts, forcing her eyes away from the house. His eyes were full of concern, brows knitting together as he spoke. 
“You alright, Alex?”
“I’m fine, I’m fine, it’s just…” Alexandra trailed off, glancing back at the mansion-esque house lurking in the distance. “You know the rumors about this place.” Nick raised a brow, causing Alexandra to elbow him lightly before continuing. “I’m serious! That shit’s terrifying.”
“I do know the rumors, Alex. But that’s just the thing!” He let go of her shoulder, his face returning to the smile that so often graced his face. “They're just rumors! Come on, do you really think they’d leave an old cult’s stomping ground just sitting in the middle of town?”
Alexandra bit her lip, thinking over what he said. It truly would have been weird if the town would keep something as sinister as that as a centerpiece. “I suppose not. Though you have to admit, that place is fuckin’ creepy. Just look at it!”
Nick laughed, beginning to walk again as he shook his head.
“Everything will be fine. I promise. I wouldn’t take you here if it was dangerous.” He paused for a moment before continuing, a nearly sinister smirk spreading across his face as he turned to face her once more. “Unless of course, this was all a ruse and I…” He jumped towards her, arms raised in a childish recreation of claws,  “was a ruthless cult leader leading you to your doom all along! Five years of friendship, all leading up to this whole moment! The whole town's in on it!”
Alexandra couldn’t help but startle a bit at his sudden movement, glaring at him as he began to laugh and she settled back down. Her anger didn’t last long though- how could it when he was working so hard to calm her nerves with a bit of fun- and she pushed past him with a laugh of her own.
“Don’t even joke about that! I don’t even want to imagine the hell my life would be if I went into Forensics in a cult town.”
Nick had to jog to catch back up to her, a small smile on his face as he slowed down to a normal walk when she waited for him. “I mean, it would be good for business!”
Alexandra simply rolled her eyes. “Shut up, Nick.”
Nick laughed and pointedly did not shut up. “You love me. Don't even try to hide it.”
The two joked in a similar manner the entire time they made the trek down the road to the Walker House;, Nick doing his best to keep their spirits light in order to distract Alexandra from her initial fear. All of that hard work was quickly unraveled, however, when they were standing at the edge of the walkway to the house.
Being closer certainly didn't do the house any favors, especially since the sun had disappeared beyond the horizon, as if on cue.
Alexandra hesitated as Nick began to start up the steps, only beginning to move again when he turned to give her a reassuring smile and extended his hand. He squeezed lightly when she took it, voice gentle as he spoke. “You'll be fine, Alexandra. I promise.”
Taking a deep breath and forcing it out slowly, Alexandra nodded and tried to imagine all of her previous anxiety melting away. Normally these things wouldn't have been so scary for her; in her high school days, she'd loved anything abandoned and creepy with the chance of paranormal encounters. Now, however, she was not quite as fond, and it certainly didn't help she had not been in this area since…
Alexandra was disrupted from her thoughts once more as Nick gently elbowed her side, obviously trying to shift her mind in a different direction, as though he could tell the dark path her train of thought was taking.
“Are you excited for your first college Halloween party? I'm sure there's going to be plenty of beautiful ladies looking for someone strong to protect them…” He winked at the last part, causing Alexandra to snort and hit his arm lightly.
“Gross, Nick. Just because I like girls too doesn't mean I'm as weird about it as you are! Besides, I thought you told me this get-together was with just a few friends and friends of friends.”
Nick opened his mouth to answer but before he could, the double doors they had wandered up to swung wide open, revealing a messy-haired and grinning Gavin - Nick's best friend.  He was wearing a cheesy cape and pointed fangs he had haphazardly glued on. Fake blood dribbling down the side of his mouth, the stark red of obvious face paint.
“‘Velcome to ve house of horrors, my friends!”
He greeted, pleased when Alexandra covered her mouth to stifle a laugh. Nick merely shook his head, stepping inside and making a big show of doing a flourishing bow.
“I am honored to be welcomed into your home, Count Gavin.” He said, purposely dropping his voice a few octaves to sound more manly. “Thank you for inviting us on this wonderful All Hallows' Eve night.”
Gavin couldn't help but cheer, clapping Nick on the back when he returned to full height before pulling him into a hug.
“Nick, my man! I can always trust on you to liven up the party- you're the first one to actually bite the bait!” 
Nick shrugged, though he was obviously gleaming at the compliment. It took him a moment before he noticed he had yet to introduce Alexandra, who was awkwardly standing off to the side as she watched the two friends.
“Ah! Gavin, this is my friend Alexandra. Alexandra, this is Gavin.” 
Alexandra waved before indicating Gavin's costume with one of her hands. “Love the fangs!”
Gavin grinned, doing an over-exaggerated bow of his own before bouncing back up. “Thank you! I love the…” He trailed off, and Alexandra  grinned as she realized that he was trying to find a way to compliment her on her own ‘costume’.
Digging her hand into the pocket of her khakis, Alexandra pulled out an (admittedly hastily done) fake badge. “FBI agent Alexandra Strike on the case. Undercover agents aren't as flashy as you may think.” 
Gavin nodded, though he was obviously a bit thrown off by the casual attire. Which, to be fair, was what Alexandra has figured would happen. She didn't have the time to hit a Halloween store between studying and working.
He recovered swiftly to her under-dress though, turning his attention back to Nick as he began to walk into the home. The entire foyer was vacant of furniture and the lightbulbs hanging above on the fragile chandelier only offered a soft, dim glow of light.
Black and orange streamers were thrown wherever people could reach, weaving around the staircase railings like the vines that claimed the home outside. Overall it was dark, grimy, and pathetically covered in harmless decor to mask it's true identity- the perfect place for a Halloween party.
“Come on in! The party's just getting started.” Gavin said before waving down a girl who was resting against the wall, scrolling through something on her phone. When she caught sight of Gavin she smiled, pocketing it and coming over.
"Hey Gav- and new party peeps!" The girl gave a quick smile to both Alexandra and Nick respectively. 
"Hey Celine! This is Nick and his friend Alexandra." Gavin said, motioning to the two of them but continuing talking before they could get a word out themselves. "Where is everyone? I thought we were getting the Ouija board ready."  
“Ouija board?” Alexandra looked from Gavin to Nick, glaring at him when he shot her a grin. He knew she didn't like the whole 'talking with spirits' thing; she may not truly believe in them, but something about her mother's stern words again poking fun at something you don't understand had stuck with her. You don't fuck with Ouija Boards. 
"What, are you scared?" Nick asked teasingly, jumping away from her attempt to hit him on the arm in response. He raised both hands in defense. "Ah, okay, okay! I'm sorry I didn't warn you sooner! I didn't think you'd care!"
"Like hell you thought I wouldn't care! You know my mom doesn't like me messing with spirit stuff!" Alexandra huffed, turning to look at Gavin as he laughed.
“It's nothing to be worried about, Alex. Just an old hunk of wood we picked up from Andy's- a toy meant to make kids scared of the dark." 
Alexandra bit her lip at the mention of Andy's name, the owner of a small antique shop in the center of downtown. How old was this thing?
Celine interjected before Alex could put much thought into the question, rolling her eyes before her gaze focused on Gavin. "Be a bit more respectful of the dead, Gavin. You never know who might be listening, and I, for one, don't feel like pissing them off." She gave Alex a small wink, who despite the small flutter of butterflies in her stomach gave a nervous laugh. She then turned her attention back to the original question afterwards. "Everyone's off exploring the house- Sure you could find them if you look."
She twisted a strand of the green half of her hair around her finger before pointing up towards the stairs. "See! I think that's Lucas and Brittany right there. I'll go ask if they've seen the others."
"Alright, thank you, Celine." Gavin said, sighing once she was gone. There was the faintest hint of a comfortable grin on his face.
Even with the friendly aura, Alexandra couldn't help the low sinking feeling that settled in her gut. What was she thinking, agreeing to go to something like this with Nick?
She didn't know anyone here, she was in a house she had hated since she was young, and celebrating a holiday she hadn't enjoyed since 9th grade with Lillian.
Her heart dropped as the thought crossed her mind.
That was a name she hadn't thought about in a while, but she should have known the bittersweet memories would reappear.  Being in this part of town always brought them back.
She really, really didn't want to be here.
Clearing her throat to get Nick and Gavin's attention since they had been having a conversation during her silent musing, Alexandra forced a smile. "Hey, uh, does there happen to be any drinks? We walked here, and I'm a dumbass who forgot to bring a water."
Gavin laughed, shaking his head as he indicated up the stairs, the opposite direction Celine had gone. "Refreshments and snacks are in the room up there; want me to walk you up?"
"I should be good finding it myself, thanks." Alex said, her fake smile shifting to real. "Not as helpless as I look."
Gavin raised both of his hands, backing up a bit. "Wasn't saying you were." He said, though his voice still had a teasing tone to it.
Alexandra merely laughed and walked towards the stairs after muttering a quick 'I'll be back' to Nick. The moment she got up the stairs and veered to the room to the left, her body sagged in relief. No one else seemed to be in here, and a moment alone was exactly what she needed. 
Grabbing a solo cup from the table, Alex dipped it into the punch, watching as red liquid filled it.
It only took one sip for Alex to know what it was, grimacing at the taste of the alcohol that wasn't drowned out by sugary sweet syrup.
"Wow. Hawaiian punch and vodka. Classy." She chuckled to herself before taking another sip. Their dedication to the Halloween aesthetic was... admirable, to say the least.
She let herself relax as she took the seat that was in front of a desk, setting the cup down and taking in the area around her. There was a musty smell to the place, and just like everything else about the house this room seemed to give off a strange feeling of...foreboding. As though she were trespassing in a home that very much was not her own, one where she was an unwelcome guest. Even the paintings that hung upon the wall seemed to be glaring at her, gazes prickling her skin as her eyes skimmed over one after the other until it landed upon one she simply couldn't look away from.
It was a family portrait painted by a fine hand, artistry so transfixing that Alex couldn't help but admire it. A woman was standing in the middle of the frame, hands resting on the shoulders of what seemed to be two twin boys. Her face was stern, anger lines set as deep wrinkles and a small frown upon her face as she fixed her gaze on what would have been a camera in the perspective it was painted. 
Alex hadn't really noticed that she had been inching up out of her chair until she was fully standing, making her way towards the painting to get an even closer look. Unlike who she assumed was the mother, the two boys' faces weren't nearly as clear. It looked almost as if the paint that once depicted their faces was worn. Like someone had taken their nails to it and scratched out all of their features. The thought of that sent a chill down Alexandra's spine, and just as she went to look back into the woman's eyes a loud thud caught her attention, a small scream breaking from her as she spun around to see what had caused it.
A small book that had been resting on one of the shelves on the wall laid upon the floor, the pages it had opened to full of faded ink. She looked back up at the shelf to see a large rat staring at her, which quickly scampered away once they made eye contact.
Alex exhaled in relief, the fear that had been clutching at her moments before quickly melting away into embarrassment. It was a rat. Of course it was a rat. What kind of abandoned building would it be if it didn't have some sort of animal calling the place its home? 
She laughed to herself as she went back to the desk, shaking her head and downing the rest of the punch in one chug. 
"Easy now, Alex. Don't go getting too into that brain of yours. You'll just freak yourself out." She chided softly to herself as she wiped her mouth, tossing the now-empty solo cup into the waste bin beside the desk. 
Walking over to the book still laying discarded upon the ground, Alex leaned down to pick it up, surprised to find that its case had the coarseness of genuine leather. She thumbed loosely through the pages that seemed to be stained with time. Most were covered in faint penmanship, messily scrawled cursive that Alex perhaps could've deciphered if it weren't so old. 
It wasn't until she got to the last pages of writing that it became more legible, dark and confident pen strokes a stark contrast to the ones before it. It was almost familiar, the handwriting, and Alex found herself tracing it absentmindedly with her finger. Who had she known that wrote like…?
Alex jumped as she heard a faint whisper of her name, nearly dropping the book in her panic as she looked around. "Hello?" She asked, voice wavering nervously as she found that no one was in the room, the entrance still mostly shut. "Who said that?"
A terrifying beat of silence, and inexplicably Alex's eyes were drawn to the painting once again. If she didn't know it was crazy, she could have swore the woman was staring right at her. Creeping closer, Alex kept eye contact with her as she took one hesitant step after another. 
She was almost close enough to reach out and touch the painting when the door behind her swung open. "Alex!"
Another scream ripped free from her throat as she turned around, wielding the book as though she were about ready to chuck it at whatever assailant had barged into the room. She let it fall back down harmlessly to her side when she saw it was just Nick, brow raised and lips upturned slightly in amusement. 
"Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, you were just taking a while- We've almost got the board all set up. Figured you'd want to be with us while we played." He leaned against the doorframe as he spoke, so completely at ease despite the stuffy feeling that Alex felt was suddenly flooding the room. 
"Oh, yeah. Yeah, sorry. There was a rat, and I was looking around the room…" Alex trailed off, biting her tongue at the urge to spill about the odd painting and whisper of her name. No need to make more of a fool of herself in front of him than she already did.
"No worries, I totally get it. This place has so many cool little nooks and crannies that I could get lost for hours just checkin' it out." Pushing off of the doorframe and instead moving to grab the doorknob and open the door wider for her, Nick flourished his arm towards the exit with a grin. "Ladies first."
Alex forced a small smile for him, sending back one last nervous glance at the painting before walking out of the room.
She could've almost sworn she saw that the women's frown had turned into a smirk before the door clicked shut behind them.
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Ben Cardy: The Cardboard Man; The Cardboard Myth; The Cardboard Legend; The Cardboard Wing Man?
A/N: Okay so like again I haven’t wrote in a while and I really should be writing the Young Justice wip but like I saw that video and I’d already had this idea for weeks and it felt like it  was a sign that it needed to be posted cause it fit so perfectly. 
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader and Joe Mazzello x sister!Reader
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You walked into the kitchen still clearing the sleep from your weary eyes trying to wake up for the eight hour shift that you had ahead of you. What you expected to be staring back at you in your kitchen was a bowl of fruit, maybe a left over bowl, not a pair of green eyes attached to a very handsome face.
“Ahhhhhh!!!” You screamed at the top of your lungs.
A thud and then sudden footsteps alerted you to the fact that your goofus brother had heard your terror and was rushing in to save you.
He slid around the corner with what appeared to be an Adidas tennis shoe clutched in his hands ready to be swung at your assailant.
“Huh, whats it. What’s wrong?” Joe groggily mumbled as he too tried to wipe sleep out of his eyes.
You scoffed, “Well, I’m glad to know that if I was in any actual danger I could count on you to... shoe the attackers?”
Joe looked at the ‘weapon’ in his hand and sheepishly lowered it. “Hey, at least I came. You still didn’t answer me; what’s wrong?”
“What the heck is that?” You pointed at the cardboard man currently sitting at your kitchen counter. Joe looked in the direction and started to laugh.
“Y/N, that’s Ben Cardy.” He stated like it was obvious.
“Yeah, gonna need way more context. Who even is that?”
“Fine. That’s a cardboard cut out of Ben Hardy; who you’ve seen before. I’ve face-timed you tons of times with him. Though he did usually have his Roger gear on. We got it for when he couldn’t do the press tour with us.” You blushed at the mention of Ben Hardy. You had seen him before; you hadn’t realized what he looked like when not having the 70′s getup.
“I’m not used to him looking so....” You trailed off finally taking in a good look at the suited up smoldering man seated at your kitchen counter.
A snap brought you out of your trance. You looked up at Joe who had a smug look on his face.
“So? Y/N do find this cardboard attractive? Should I be worried? Carboardphillia?” He joked and barely dodged the punch to the chest you had aimed in his direction.
“You know what I mean. And why did you feel the need to bring him into our house and most importantly seat him at the counter? The tour is over you can throw this out now.”
Joe gasped in mock horror clutching his chest. He walked over and put his hand over ‘Ben Cardy’s’ ears. “Don’t listen to her I’d never do that to you,” He whispered to the cutout before looking back up at you, “And besides I’ve got so many bit ideas for him I can’t just waste this opportunity.”
You rolled your eyes and walked away to get dressed deciding a stale muffin at work was better than whatever nonsense was happening here.
The next morning, having forgotten about the prior events, caused another shock at the sight in your kitchen. Your heart racing but this time no actual screaming. Sighing you grabbed your favorite cereal and sat down across from ‘Ben Cardy’.
You slurping disturbed the silence as you stared at the printed image on cardboard. It was clearly from some sort of red-carpet something. It was also a high quality image. You could see the seams in his suit, the strands of his silky blonde hair, even the flecks inside his very green eyes.
“No matter how much you eye fuck him his clothes are printed on they’re not going to come off.” Joe smirked as he walked into the kitchen to pour himself a cup of coffee.
You jerked your eyes away jostling your spoon causing milk to spill on the counter. You glared at your brother.
“I am not ‘eye fucking’ him. Just examining him.” You explained though the strain in your voice was not convincing Joe.
“Sure, and if your examination causes drooling it’s all in the name of science?” He questioned leaning backing stirring the creamer in his coffee.
Your mistake was actually checking to see if you had been drooling.
“Ha! I knew it! You do like him. You know we are friends I can introduce you to him. I think you two would actually really get along.”
“No please don’t do that. That’s so embarrassing. Like ‘Hey date my pathetic sister who needs her older brother to set her up.’” 
“That is not at all how it would go; besides Ben alr-” Her started.
“Plus he’s like your best friend so that would be weird and I’m what, nine years younger than him? He would for sure see me as your baby sister. No way would he like me, so please just don’t.” You pleaded as you walked out to get ready.
Joe smirked noting that your arguments included everything but you not actually  liking Ben. Oh, this was going to be fun. He was already on his phone making a call. 
“Hey mate....”
The next day you drug yourself out of bed to start your morning routine. This time though you had been expecting a pair of eyes to greet you back. You were trying not to look at him in case Joe walked in but out of the corner of your eye you saw a new pop of color.
It was a pink post-it note in the shape of a speech bubble stuck to ‘Ben Cardy’s’ face. Your eyebrows furrowed as you made your way over trying to read the writing.
Ben told me he thinks you’re really pretty.
You laughed and blushed at the note. Clearly Joe was trying to mess with you but it flattered you anyways. Looking around to see if Joe was watching you grabbed the post-it and shoved into your pocket. The small smile still present.
Joe walked in after you left with a triumphant grin on his face. He grabbed his phone out of his pocket and answered the very urgent text from a very curious Brit.
For the next week every morning ‘Ben Cardy’ had a new message attached to him. Supposedly from the real Ben but you knew better. Joe was just trying to make you laugh and nothing more. But still...
Day 2
Your laugh makes his heart soar
Day 3
He hung out in Joe’s trailer just hoping you’d face-time
Day 4
He thinks you’re so smart and admires how hard you work in college
Day 5
Says you’re way funnier than Joe but don’t tell him that
Day 6
He can’t stop thinking about you or how you’d feel pressed against him
Day 7
He give anything for a chance with you
By the end of the week you had no idea how you felt. On one hand you had kept all of the notes in hopes that they were true but on the other there was no way that he wrote those or even said them. What did Joe write down these notes at the behest of Ben? There is no way Joe would write the sixth one without throwing up. I mean you were his baby sister. (He had gagged a few times but apparently the whole thing needed to be written or it ‘wouldn’t work’. Plus he promised himself he’d get payback.)
You and Joe had not talked about it. He didn’t bring it up and you were too scared to ask; what if Joe was just messing with you. Ignorance was bliss in this moment.
You were sitting pondering the thoughts swirling in your head when Joe stormed in a giant grin on his face.
“Guess who’s coming to visit for a bit involving the ever beautiful and talkative,” Joe winks at you before continuing, ““Ben Cardy.’“
“Who?” You mumbled still trying to decipher the ‘talkative’ part of his intro.
“Ben Hardy.”
You choked on your popcorn.
“He’s what?!” You exclaimed trying to wipe the remnant of half chewed soggy popcorn off your chin.
“Yeah, he was in town and wanted to meet up and I wanted a sequel to the “Night of Regrets’ video with Cardy but ampped up. So he’ll be here in like an hour.”
“An hour,” You squeaked.
“Yeah and since it’s the weekend and you’re not at work I thought you two could finally officially meet. Plus you could help us shoot.” His eyes twinkled with a mischief that did not sit well with you.
You jumped up leaving your snack for a much more important task.
“Where are you going?”
“To definitely not put on make up and a cute outfit,” You yelled.
The hour crawled by and you were sitting in the living room trying to act casual. You were doing well, except for the near vibration of your legs due to nerves.
“Hey Kid Flash, calm down or you might get stuck in the speed force.” Joe laughed as he sat down next to you. His hand clamped down on your leg making you follow his order.
“First of all, too soon for that reference-”
“It’s been six years!”
You glared. “Second of all I’m not nervous I’m just trying out this new fad exercise.”
He nodded his head in an uh-huh-totally-believe-you way.
A knock on the door stopped you from responding and you swear you stopped breathing. You may have froze as well.
Joe looked and shook his head. “Try to be a normal human, maybe.”
He walked over and opened the door and there he was: Ben Hardy, in the flesh. Which you can say was new for you. His eyes were the same color as the cutout and his hair looked just as silky. Though he now had on a bright smile that made your heart flutter into your throat. While he wasn’t in a suit the soft grey t-shit and blue jeans was just as attractive.
“Hey buddy how have you been? Is America treating you well?” The boys did a bro hug that kinda morphed into a full blown hug.
“Yeah, I’ve been having a great time but I expect this will be the best part of my trip.” Ben laughed before looking over Joe’s shoulder and directly into your eyes.
“Ah, yes Ben this is my little sister Y/N. Y/N this is Ben.”
“Oh, I know who she is.” He took a strong three strides in your direction. You quickly scrambled up to meet him half-way and shake his hand.
You gave a nervous laugh before answering.” Yeah, I guess six plus months of quasi-face-timing counts as meeting.”
He grabbed your hand, eyes never parting from yours and you felt goosebumps crawl up your arm and down your spine causing you to shiver. He held you hand long after the appropriate ‘handshake’ time allotted.
Joe cleared his throat.
“Alright lets get this going and then maybe go out for some food or something?” Joe offered before motioning towards the bedrooms. Grabbing ‘Ben Cardy’ as he walked past.
“Oh Y/N we’re going to use your room if that’s cool. You have white bed sheets and that adds a bit of continuity to this.” Joe dismissively said as he took joy in your panicked expression.
“Um...” You started but it was already too late he had barged into your room.
You gasped as you remembered the pile of post-its you had on your dresser. Yeah, that was a problem.
You rushed in pushing past both men and quickly stuffed the post-its into a drawer. Slamming it shut you turned around noticing the quizzical looks from the blonde and your brother.
“Um, it was- was my bra--” You stammered out before a heated patchy blush crawled up your neck and slapped itself onto your face. Joe’s eyebrows had breached his hairline and Ben let out a tinkle of a laugh and you suddenly felt like the floor needed to open up and swallow you.
“Okay, well anything else or can we start this?” Joe said but didn’t wait for the answer as he ventured further into your room and climbed on your bed.
He flipped back the covers and slid in the cardboard man positioning it so his head was on the pillow. He then shimmied himself under the covers and then waved Ben over. His attention was brought back to the cardboard as the shifting covers moved it out of place.
Ben walked past but not before whispering “Not how I’d expected getting into your bed.”
You choked on a gasp watching as the man who gave it to you smirked and climbed under your covers. His arms were crossed behind his head his biceps flexing (for no obvious reason besides being tantalizing). His shirt sleeve slipped down his arm showing his tattoo. He licked his lips and ran a hand through his hair trying to make it look messier. You made an almost cartoonish gulp at the sight.
The boys ran through the first run with Joe ‘waking up’ before noticing ‘Ben Cardy’. He ad libbed for a bit before turning over to Ben. They ran through a few lines and then the part you helped came in. You were supposed to hold the camera when they flourished the covers over their heads. It was successful but Ben insisted on another take saying he wanted to try again on his part. You were trying to hold in your cackles, so you had no idea what Ben was talking about.
“Oh you’ve got to be kidding me.” Joe mutters in annoyance.
“Hey buddy.” Ben softly answered.
“Hi. Uhh,you good?” 
“Yeah, great.” 
“Good. Have you met, um--”
“Yeah, we uh, we met, I was trying really hard to tell this girl I liked her and he delivered some messages for me. So we’re pretty tight.” He was looking at you now and your eyes had widened in shock.
“You wrote those notes for me? Joe wasn’t fucking with me?” You asked in shock.
“Gosh no. Half of them made me want to carve my eyes out.” Joe responded in a mock annoyed tone.
Ben had climbed out of your bed and slowly made his way over to you. 
“No, I meant every one of those.”
“All of them?”
“Especially the sixth one.” 
Joe groaned and threw a pillow at Ben. “Still my baby sister.”
“Oi! Professing my feelings here. If you wouldn’t mind,” Ben yelled before turning back, “If you’d give me a chance I’d love to take you out while I’m still here.”
His nervous expectant eyes stared into yours and a smile broke out onto your face.
“Of course.”
He grinned a breath taking grin and leaned down pulling your face in for a sweet passionate kiss. You looped your hand around your neck twisting your fingers in his hair as he dipped you lower to deepen the kiss.
Suddenly water splashed over you and Ben making you shoot apart sputtering.
Joe stood there with a now empty pail and a triumphant grin.
“That’s payback for making me write six, saying I’m not funny and ‘snogging’,” Joe put up quotes and said the last word in his imitation Ben voice,” my sweet innocent baby sister in front of me. Oh and I heard that earlier comment about the bed.”
“JOE!” You yelled.
“What? I’m protecting your honor; now, you two crazy kids dry off and go have dinner. Be back by ten or the only Ben the world will hear from is the cardboard kind.” His thinly veiled threat sat in the air as he walked out.
“Well we better hurry its already eight.” Ben said looking down at his watch. 
Strands of his hair were plastered to his forehead and hanging over his eyes. You nodded and stepped closer to leaned against him as you pushed the off his face. 
“Yeah, we better hurry.” You whispered as you looked up at him and looped your hands behind his head once again. 
He lowered his head and his lips ghosted against your own. One hand cupped your cheek and the other your waste as he pulled you impossibly closer. Finally you closed the distance and moved your lips together. It was slow and sensual and you melted into it. Your finger pulled at his hair causing a groan to be elicited from the back of his throat. 
“We have more water in this house!”
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dragonindigo245 · 5 years
Project [Redacted]
Heyo!!! This is a WIP story I'm doing with the amazing @pawton-meowity! Hope you enjoy! The odd numbered chapters will be posted on their Tumblr while the even ones will be on mine. Feel free to request to be added to the tag list for updates! Thanks! 💚🖤💚
Tw: Tramatic flashbacks
Chapter 4: P.O.V of Virgil
“I have just the thing for you.” I felt the inside of my hoodie pocket with a smile creeping across my face. Logan raised an eyebrow as I pulled out what they would probably assume to be a bracelet.
“I have a few extra of these. They hide your powers from detectors at the cost of nullifying them. As long as they don’t know your face then they won’t know it’s you they’re after. Course you’ll probably have to wear long sleeves to hide them because the uh.. ‘burn brothers’ know what they are. You’re alright Princey but Logan and Patton need to wear a hoodie or something.” When I explained this, Patton sucked in a large breath of air and fiddled with his hands.
“Ah well… that’s a problem… you see I’m in nursing school so we kinda… ya know… need our sleeves up sometimes.”
Well shit. This is going to be harder than I thought. I pondered for a few moments debating over to risk it and have him wear the nullifier unless he was doing hands on stuff or to have him go without until I can build him one to go somewhere else than his wrist. Course life isn’t just simple enough to let us get away with this. Of fucking course it isn’t.
“Language Virge!! My my, your mind is like the plague!” Remus said amused.
Gee thanks Remus. Totally needed that.
“You’re welcome! Seriously though! Nasty boy... I love it!” I rolled my eyes at this and decided to go with the first option.
“Alright Pat, just take off the nullifier when you need to do something like that. Otherwise it needs to stay on. That goes for you too, Logan. Do NOT take it off unless you need to hide it. If you take it off then you can and will be spotted. You’ll be surprised how they can find you.”
Patton and Logan both nodded in agreement. Thankfully they were easier to work with than Princey. I stood up and walked across the room to the dresser I had full of gadgets. Agh I can never remember which drawer they’re in. Nope that one's teleporters… weaponry… there we go. I pulled an extra nullifier out and closed the drawer. Patton received the one I had in my hoodie pocket while Logan got the one from the dresser.
“Keep alert. The nullifier can only do so much. There are other ways of finding you they can exploit. Do not use technology to talk about your powers unless you’re in need of help. Do not talk to anyone you do not trust about your powers. And above all do not use your powers outside of the forest or your rooms. They have eyes everywhere.” Patton nodded slowly and slightly spooked.
“What… what do we do if we get found out? I don’t want another… Logan incident. I’m sure none of us want to get… s-shot at.” This poor kid really shouldn’t be in this mess of all people. He looked ready to crumble.
“If you’re found out we’ll drop whatever we are doing and come to your location but… if you are found out then you’re either going to get captured or you’re going to have to hide for the rest of your life.” Patton winced and pulled his legs to his chest. Logan, on the other hand, seemed deep in thought but otherwise unphased. He was evidently hard to scare.
The room sat in an uncomfortable silence (minus Remus humming) for a little while. I was frankly shocked more over Roman keeping his mouth shut for so long. Well that can be used to lighten the mood at least.
“No witty comment from Disney Wince? Finally coming to grips with the reality of our situation?” I moved over to my original spot on the couch and watched Roman try to form a sentence.
“I… Can I ask… no scratch that. I-” Remus cut in, highly energetic but clearly a bit frazzled.
“Oooo! You wanna know what would happen if any of you three got captured? Well first they-” Thankfully Dee shut Remus down real quick by holding a finger up to Remus’s mouth. Thank god, I don’t want to think about that.
“Virgil Nimbus… age 21… how the hell did this kid get in here?”
“He snuck in to free some of our subjects. He almost got subjects D3D31T and R3M7 out. Luckily we got one of our men to shoot him before he did any real damage. He should be waking up soon.”
“Good. We needed more participants.”
“Ah there he is! Hello Virgil. We have a lot to discuss. For starters… how did you get in here? Don’t bother trying to fight, our truth serum is very good at its job.”
“I… I disguised myself as one of the soldiers.”
“Mhm… well we can’t have that happening anymore. Prepare the machines!!! Don’t worry Virgil. After some time you’ll learn to accept this. Some results even showed patients growing numb to it if they’re lucky.”
Can’t think. Stupid drug thing. What’s happening?
“Attach ‘em to him and be sure it’s not so high he blacks out immediately. There’s a point to this and we mustn’t let it go to waste.”
Strapped. Can’t move.
“Don’t bother to fight it Virgil. You’ll be mostly immobile for the whole session.”
Weird things. Attaching to me.
“We’re ready to begin.”
“Good, on my mark. Three… two… one… begin.”
“Agh sorry. I know I shouldn’t ask that out of nowhere… I mean… was it bad? I don’t want my friends to get hurt or have an unfortunate demise.” Roman attempted to correct himself, the words bringing me back to the present as I stifled a gasp. Remus shoved Deceit’s hand away and waved him off.
“Ehhhh they won’t kill ya unless you threaten their lives! Don’t exclude yourself though! They would gladly take you in if they knew you were working with supes! Look at Virgey here!” Remus placed a hand on my arm which made me flinch probably more than he was expecting. He immediately removed his arm and shot me an apologetic look before perking back up like normal. His apologies weren’t exactly the best but at least he cared… as best as he could anyways.
My mind tuned the conversation out to jumbled noises. I just couldn’t deal with anything so… extra right now. I inserted random song lyrics into my head to get my mind off of this. Thankfully I had a few songs memorized and shuffled through those to drown out my other intrusive thoughts.
Hey edgelord, sorry to intrude on your thoughts (not really) but they’re talking about how they’ve missed a class and are working their way towards the whole “we gotta go” sentence.
“I’m probably in a decent amount of trouble myself. We should consider leaving… wherever we are to head back. Thank you for your hospitality, you three. I would like to inquire how we make our way back.” Logan pushed. I stretched and turned to the nerd. “We’re on campus. We actually go to your college ourselves. It isn’t hard to figure out where exactly we are.”
Princey stood up dramatically and bowed. “Well then we bid you good tidings weirdos. We shall grant you our phone numbers and depart!” I rolled my eyes and smirked.
“Wow. I thought you couldn’t get more extra but boy was I wrong. You surprise me by being an annoying, spoiled kid.”
Roman made a noise that could only be described as an offended drama queen half gasp, half screech. Honestly I don’t even know how his vocal cords allow him to do that. “EXCUSE me? Annoying?!? Kid?!? How dare you! I am neither of those! Just because you have your fancy gadgets and knowledge on the comic book villains doesn’t mean you can undermine my glory, Cruella De Vile!”
“Notice how he didn’t say he wasn’t spoiled…” Logan mumbled under his breath.
“Did you insult me, Specs or are you siding with the honorable Roman?”
“Guys! Stop fighting! Come on!” Patton intervened. “Let’s just be friends and get prepared to leave! We already missed choir practice and I need to get ready for my final class! You all do too!”
Roman sighed and said something inaudible, most likely an apology. “Let’s just hand over our numbers and get outta here. I don’t think I can be in the same room as Captain Shook and still have enough edgy nicknames left.” I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone out of my pocket.
“Yeah yeah, you just wanna leave because I can knock you and your ego down a few notches.” I pulled up my phone number, ignoring Princey and his new offended noises. I handed him my phone and he whipped his out while glaring at me. Yeah that’s about what I expected. He finally handed my phone back and shoved his in a pocket.
“I added Patton and Logan in already. You can text me their numbers later.” Roman hiked a thumb in Dee and Remus’s direction on his usage of the word ‘their,’ before turning back to his friends, “Come on you two. Thanks for backing me up LOGAN.” Logan didn’t indulge Roman by saying anything and instead helped Patton off the couch.
“Thank you so much everyone! It was nice to meet you all! I just wish we could have met under better conditions!” Patton said cheerfully. Everyone said their goodbyes and left the three of us like I preferred. Nobody but the ones I could trust.
“Greetings Virgil! How are we today?”
“Ah. That is a beautiful silence. Maybe today will be the day you can get your special abilities! Wouldn’t that be exciting?”
“Well not exciting for you I suppose but you’ve learned that by now. Do you have anything to say before we begin?”
“I didn’t think so. Proceed as normal.”
Hey. Virgil. Snap out of it buddo.
“Wait… please… I’ll do whatever you want.”
“Excellent. Cancel that last order. A willing subject is a loyal subject. Isn’t that right Virgil?”
Virge! Hey! Damn it, get out of your head.
“Now then. The real fun begins. Get him strapped down and prepare for trial number one.”
I jolted out of my thoughts to find myself on the floor with Dee crouching down to me. Didn’t know how I ended up here but I didn’t particularly want to know.
“Thank you Remus.” Dee said to where I assume Remus was. Dee moved to sit next to me and wrap an arm around my shoulder. I wasn’t not grateful for that but something made me flinch away. Dee recoiled his arm immediately with an apology.
We sat quietly before Dee turned to me with a serious expression. “Virgil. You should talk to us about this. You haven’t told us anything that we can use to help you. We know they’re-”
“It’s fine.”
“You’re on the floor.”
I shrugged and pulled my knees up to my chest. “It’s still fine. I can handle it.”
Dee glared but didn’t push farther. Instead he pushed the subject to a different one. “You know… with an extra three that does mean…”
“No. No way. We are not doing that.”
“I’m just saying it’s an option.”
“We’re not going to put them in danger like that. You saw what they would do to them. They’re scared enough as is.”
“And if we don’t take the chance you know they’ll get caught. They all do.”
“They won’t stand a chance fighting them either. They aren’t experienced in fighting obviously.”
“Virgil… Is this really even about them or are you just afraid?”
“I’m NOT afraid. I’m over that.”
“Just think about it.”
Dee stood up and took a worried glance at me again before leaving the room. I was alone again with nobody but my thoughts.
“Hey… You’re the one who tried to free us that one night.”
“I have a plan to release everyone in here. It won’t be simple but we can do it. Are you in?”
“Look… I know they are… intimidating but we can get out of here. My names-”
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