#many by people who found it completely by accident
not-poignant · 8 months
I hope this doesn't come off as pressuring at all, I'm definitely not expecting anything, I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed a game we can try (I made like 3 separate comments and then deleted them bcos anxiety skjdhkjh) and will definitely look forward to updates /if/ they ever happen (either way I'm rereading it regularly ofc ^.^) ty for the work you do & im so sorry it didn't get the engagement it deserved!!
<333 Thanks anon, I hope I can return to it one day. I'm definitely not calling it on permahiatus yet or cancelled or anything, it's more just, 'it depresses me to think about right now so Ima wait.'
For what it's worth, just leaving a heart counts as a comment. And it lets me know that people are reading. There's nothing to stop someone from later coming back and leaving a second comment if they want to (like one with words), but if you've ever looked in my comment sections, you'll always see a few people just offering hearts, and I always reply to them, and like... it counts!
Unfortunately authors just don't know how appealing something is if there's not much engagement. I think if my motivations had been different - i.e. if like Smoke in Autumn I didn't care if people were reading it or not - I'd be writing it still, but this story, while I've always wanted to write it, came at this specific time as my love for kind of the Iron Lion fandom and its people, and well...
Well... anyway, hopefully I can return to it. It's definitely not ruled out. But I might make it way way shorter than I initially intended to.
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nyancrimew · 24 days
So people once were calling me a terf, persecuting me just because I held some different opinion. After taking a break from social media, I've did some thinking, and I've came to accept this label as a part of who I am. I identify, inside and out, within the fibers if my soul, as a terf, and anyone who objects to this is being criticalphobic. After a while though, being so enshrined with terfness started exposing to me the many issues and hypocrisies terfs have, which I started rejecting. I just remembered I left my pizza in the oven, its burning uh
Eventually I realized that by rejecting trans people from society, I was arbitrarily drawing a line between what a person participating in society could be, completely discounting all the possible ways our biology I've so long revered could betray the labels our ancestors placed on ourselves. I stopped excluding trans people and started exclusively rejecting normal feminists, making me a ferf, until I walked outside and accidently talked to a guy and found they were normal. With no one familiar to belong to, I gave in and joined feminists and became a rfet.
Anyways do you want to hear about the time I almost drowned in a public water fountain
and the oscar for "best supporting anonymous bait" goes to....... whatever the fuck this is
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imasoftieforbarb · 7 months
reactions and headcanons of brozone about: how would they fell about y/n having an egg?(once married ofc) sorry if too much
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John Dory
Definitely hubby material
Van life with you and him?
Chef kiss
He definitely gives malewife vibes
Because he’s so used to being the responsible one
But he also deserves a break so you split all the chores in half
You surprise him with your pregnancy announcement by giving him a cup that says “worlds greatest Dad”
He’s shocked
Like he goes still and you worry- what if he doesn’t want children? It wasn’t a planned thing
And then he just scoops you up in arms and twirls you around
So many happy tears
Instantly tells everyone possible he’s gonna be a dad
That might is now his favorite mug- but he refuses to use it until the baby is born
Those chores that you split? He is now taking on all of them so you can focus on the baby
Likes to speak to the egg, honestly he’s so sweet with it
Definitely plays brozone through headphones around the egg (“John what are you doing?” “I want them to have good taste”)
He gave up his admin house for you
Y’all still live in Putt Putt village (because I say so)
Viva moves to Pop village so he goes from co runner to leader
So y’all get her room/house
Being married to Clay is so chill
He’s so sweet and literally talks about you non stop even though more often that not you’re with him whilst he’s working
He found out about the pregnancy when you gave him a mini matching green sweater romper
He was like
“Thanks! Not sure if it’ll fit me but I love it anyway!”
It takes him a moment
He leaves the room then runs back in pointing at you like he’s in law and order
You are now on permanent bed rest
Likes to baby talk to the egg and sing it songs
Buys the new furniture immediately and then starts baby proofing the house
He’s determined to give this kid the best childhood
When he marries you, that’s when he decides to change his name to Bruce
Y’all still open the restaurant on Vaycay island
You become the cutest couple on the island so fast
He definitely tears up whilst reading his vows
“Oh I’m crying…” *you pass him a q-tip* “what’s a q-tip gonna do?!”
Treats you like a queen
Another malewife vibe haver
But it’s not as strong
Y’all were already planning on having a big family
So when you tell him you’re having twins by making dinner, but putting two lil high chairs by the door
He sees them
And goes WILD
“What- is that? Does that mean? TWINS?!?!”
He’s so happy, so many happy tears whilst y’all hug
“Uh- honey? Who’s watching the stove?” “Oh shit…”
Dedicated husband fr fR
Has photos of you everywhere
Gets drunk and gets so happy when you tell him you’re his wife not his girlfriend
“THis IS myY WiFE”
Everyone knows don’t worry
Always talked about having kids but didn’t plan for it
Well he did (but only in his lil dreams)
Then one day you made his dreams come true
He got home from hanging out with Branch
(Who you’d asked to keep him distracted)
And he comes home to a really big home cooked meal
And a decorated boiled egg
He goes to eat said egg- but you tell him to break it open
“Why?” “It’s a surprise hun- I’m not supposed to tell you”
Inside is a lil parenting book called ‘daddy and I’
Silence, smile on his face
Tears rolling down his face before he stands up and walked over to you putting the book down on the table
Wraps you up in a such a soft hug that you start crying too
Peppers kisses all over your face
“You really do make my dreams come true”
Doesn’t tell his brothers immediately- wants you to himself
Makes sure you’re careful with doing everything
Just likes to lie down on the bed with you and the egg and put his hand softly on the surface (he cries a lil bit everytime)
When he eventually tells people- it’s completely by accident
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starsofang · 24 days
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simon riley x blind!reader requested by @wareagleofthemountain <3 tw: none!
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Simon never expected to meet you, nor was he remotely looking for somebody to enter his life and completely flip it around. He didn’t attach himself to people, and interactions with strangers with the intent of becoming more than that was a far-fetched idea for somebody like him. Being on his own was something he greatly preferred, and his task force were the only people he ever needed.
That was what he thought, anyway, up until you.
Even when you had accidentally bumped into him in the middle of a rundown convenience store late at night, you didn’t cower away from him. The sight of his mask didn’t cause you to turn away and mumble out a half-assed apology in order to leave his vicinity as quickly as possible, and at first, he didn’t understand.
That was until he noticed the furball standing next to you, staring up at him as if scolding him for getting in the way. The harness was glaringly obvious now that he looked at it, and he felt a bit stupid for not noticing it in the first place. You had a guide dog, with words boldly lettered indicating that you were blind.
“I’m so sorry!” you said, and he caught himself staring at you as you began rambling out genuine, sweet apologies, explaining that you didn’t mean to bump into him, that you hoped you didn’t hurt him by accident.
Simon didn’t get attached to people, no. But that didn’t mean he didn’t notice cute people who had hearts of gold that made his look rotten in comparison.
“S’alright,” he assured you, fighting so hard to push back the smile that threatened to curl up under his mask. Smiling meant he felt amused, and amusement meant he saw something in you that intrigued him. “What’s his name?”
When he asked about your guide dog, you practically lit up like a damn Christmas tree and oh, he was fucked. That smile wasn’t fair.
“Peanut,” you introduced affectionately, and when he glanced down at your dog, Peanut, the little thing looked almost prideful at that.
“Hm,” he hummed in acknowledgement, and before he could detach himself from the conversation, before he could bid you farewell and leave you behind for good, he found himself speaking once more. “And yours?”
Simon never expected to meet you, nor was he remotely looking for somebody to enter his life and completely flip it around. But you did, and he found himself so engrossed in you, he couldn’t ever imagine life without you.
He thinks fondly of the day you two met, where he was in a mindset of pushing everybody around him away. He’d never given himself an opportunity to live a normal life, then you came around and had him seeking out the future.
The future was never a possibility until you, nor was it a possibility without you in it.
Simon never made you feel incapable just because you were blind. You had worked your way around the world just fine before him, and you’d continue to do it during him.
That didn’t mean he never tried his best, though. In fact, Simon took pride in helping you out with things as his way of showing his undying love for you. He may not have been the most affectionate person physically, but doing things for you was his favorite form of care.
Cooking was one of many. Simon was naturally a lover of cooking, so teaching you how to do it was something he took to almost immediately.
When it came to chopping vegetables, he’d gently guide your hands with his own, closed around the kitchen knife and showing you how to chop away without nicking yourself. If it was an excuse to hold your hand and watch your joyful smile light up your face, he’d never admit it.
He’d explain every step of a recipe to you, wanting to give you your independence of cooking on your own while also involving himself enough to be useful. He’d explain in soft ways how to properly cook meat, how to make sure it’s not undercooked or overcooked, guiding you through every part of the meal and watching with pride when you’d figure it out after a few trial errors.
Simon had never thought a meal could taste so good until it was cooked by the one you adore.
Reading was something you could do on your own. Your entire collection were books geared towards your blindness to help make it more accessible to you, but Simon quickly found out that he specifically liked reading for you.
It became routine in your apartment, the one that he was staying in so much that it might as well had been his as well, for the two of you to snuggle up close on the couch with a book you mentioned hearing about in those silly videos you listen to on your phone. His arm would tuck you into his side while the other held the book he’d gone out for, venturing to find (even if it took going to multiple stores), while Peanut laid content at your feet.
The books might not have been his personal favorite, but he’d spend every night reading them to you, his voice soft and quiet as they executed every page. You’d listen with a smile on your face, head resting in the pit of his shoulder, allowing the warmness of his voice send you into a peaceful serenity that almost always had you falling asleep twenty pages in.
Simon never minded that you’d fall asleep, and with a sweet kiss on your head, he’d string you along to bed, bookmarking the book for the next night when he’d read to you once again.
Being blind had never bothered you, and it was something you were never embarrassed or ashamed of.
Simon aided you in whatever you needed, but never made you feel an inkling of being broken or unable. He was passionate in the way he cared for you, while remaining stern in letting you be your own person.
The one thing that did bother you was that you’d never be able to see Simon’s face for all the true glory it was. The man you’d come to love over the time spent together was so close to you, yet felt so far when your brain would remind you that you didn’t know what he looked like.
The more time went on, the more you failed to grasp on to those strings, enough for Simon to take notice. When you finally had the gall to express this concern of yours, he understood completely why you’d upset yourself over it.
Thankfully for you, Simon had an easy fix for that.
“No need to worry yourself over that, sweetheart. Here.”
You may not have been able to see him, but you could feel him. Simon took your soft hands into his own, gently guiding them to cup his face. He bore himself naked to you, adorning no mask, all scars and rugged skin on display.
Your fingers traced along every feature of his, taking it in and mapping them out. You felt the thickness of his brows, trailing down to the flutter of his eyelashes, gently swiping your thumbs across them. You felt every bump of old, healed scars that indented his skin, every prickly stubble of his unshaven face.
You may not have been able to see him, but you knew he was beautiful.
Simon didn’t rush you. He remained patient and willing, face relaxed as you felt every crevice and divot. Your fingers were so careful in the way you handled him, like dealing with fragile glass, that he could’ve easily fallen in love with you a second time.
“You’re pretty,” you breathed out, hands halting their movements to lay flat on his cheeks. You were holding the world in your hands, and after getting a feel of what lay beyond it, you never wanted to let go.
Your words had dazed him, and he felt his mouth go dry as he stared at you, sinking in your own lovely features just as you did his own.
Simon had no words to speak back to you, but you knew what he was thinking without him having to say it – he loved you, more than any word could express.
Simon might not have been the type of person to get attached. You were the last thing he’d been looking for in life, but you came rushing into him like a flood, engulfing him in a forever calmness.
His body was permanently sinking in a sea of passion, and you were the life vest keeping him afloat.
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i promise i didn't forget about u lovie! work was a bit crazy and my brain was a bit fried but it's here and i sincerely hope u enjoy it! thank u for the request, i love soft simon sm
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nanaslutt · 6 months
Dear Nana, may I ask for exhibitionist!NB!Reader groping Choso under his clothes in a quiet hallway at Jujutsu High?? ?
contains: no pronouns or gendered features used for reader, established relationship, exhibitionism, voyeurism, teasing, dirty talk, hand jobs, Choso cums in his pants, nipple play, cum eating
The halls of Jujutsu high were silent, save for the birds singing to each other that could be heard through the cracked windows, tangling with the rustling of the wind through the trees, yelling and laughing of students and teachers enjoying the picnic outside; and of course, Choso's loud breaths.
The two of you stood in a corner of the hallway in some building of Jujutsu High, completely out in the open as the both of you stood facing the large windows that cutoff at the average persons waist. Giving you the perfect opportunity to stand behind Choso's large frame and slide your hands in his pockets, digging deep into the cloth as you found his stiff cock hiding behind his boxers and groped him through the material.
To any passersby who walked behind you, it would simply appear as if one partner was embracing the other lovingly; and that was the case of course, but they would also be missing crucial information about the scene in front of them— that being the not safe for work activities your hands were performing in his pants.
Thankfully the school should be completely vacant. The teachers thought it would be a good moral booster to bring the staff and students of Jujutsu High together for a get-together. Clearly, the idea was a good idea as you and Choso watched everyone mingle and laugh together. You thought the idea was brilliant also, after all, it gave you and Choso the perfect excuse to slip away, who would notice two people missing in a crowd of dozens of people?
You had told Choso you needed help getting more ice for everyone, so of course he had no reason to decline, especially not with the way you tangled your fingers with his; in front of everyone; and dragged him away into the privacy of one of Jujutsu highs many buildings. When you stopped him in the corner of the hallway and pressed him agaisnt the window using your body behind him, he relished in the feeling of you slipping your hands into his pockets affectionately, his chest blossoming with warmth as he felt you rest your cheek against the side of his back and people-watch your peers.
What he hadn't expected, was you pressing your fingers against the insides of his sensitive thighs in his pockets, raking your fingers against the skin there as you occasionally bumped the digits into his soft cock. He didn't think you were doing it on purpose at first, so he kept quiet, just nodding at your words when you said something about how nice it was to see everyone happy for a change. Quickly he realized your fingers teasing his most sensitive spots was no accident.
He came to this conclusion when you slotted one of your thighs between his legs from behind them, pressing your thigh into his balls and pushing the length between his legs closer to your wandering hands, as you used one to wrap around it through his boxers and begin to squeeze lightly, using the other to simply pet and scratch at his thigh.
His abs clenched under the ministrations of your hand, his body jerking as his hands came to steady himself on the windowsill. "Oh, I know~" You cooed, "It's just so overwhelming seeing all these positive emotions from everyone huh?" You cooed, playing dumb as you watched from the corner of your eye as he clenched his jaw and squeezed his eyes shut, making no moves to stop what you were doing to him. "It just makes you feel so..good." You emphasized the last word by squeezing his cock tighter in your hand, making him breathe heavily out through his nose.
Choso whispered out your name, tilting his head ever so slightly to the side to crack his eyes open to look at you. "No, no, don't look at me baby, you need to take all this in~ it's such a rare sight after all." You said, nodding your chin up at him, signaling him to look back out at the people sitting on the lawn blankets. Choso felt a heat start to blossom in his pelvis the longer you groped him over his pants, he tried to keep his eyes open on the people outside, but the realization that he was doing something so filthy right in the open in front of all these innocent people was making him embarassed, averting his eyes.
"I'm going through all this trouble.." You started, sliding your hands out of his pockets as you slowly slid one under the band of his pants and boxers alike, the other sliding up his loose shirt to scratch over his abs and end up pinching his sensitive nipples. "..to give you this lovely view, it hurts my feelings that you aren't even looking." You said, faux hurt lacing your tone as you wined out the words. "I'm sorry," Choso replied under his breath, giving his crotch one last glance before he looked up and out the window.
"Yeah, good boy." Your words send blood rushing to his cock. His already hard member could do nothing but twitch as you finally wrapped your soft hand around his cock. The skin-on-skin contact felt words better than the groping over his clothes, but he still wasn't able to get over the embarrassment he was feeling. "This feels.." He started, opening and closing his mouth in a gasp.
"Good?" You finished for him, smiling as you rubbed your cheek into his back affectionately. He whined when you rubbed his tip around in your palm, focusing on just the head of his cock as you swirled and swirled your palm over it, his pre being rubbed over the head of his dick creating quiet squelching sounds under his clothes. If someone got too close they might be able to make the sounds out, ultimately giving you away.
"Embarrassing.." Choso corrected you, looking briefly at how Yuuji was interacting with his loving friends before averting his gaze to the trees. He didn't want Yuuji to see him like this, what would he think of him if he saw his older brother in this state? If anyone saw him in this state for that matter. "Hmm? It's embarrassing? Why?" You asked, pouting your lip at him. You stroked his warm cock faster, no longer focusing on just the tip as you stroked the entirety of his length up and down in his boxers. "W-what if someone sees?" His deep voice questions, making you hum in response.
You decide you're not done teasing him. "See's what?" You ask, playing coy. Choso's body jerked when your hand under his shirt started flicking his nipple rapidly, treating it like a clit. One of his hands came up to press over his mouth as he moaned shamelessly into it, the sound coming out muffled. His eyes rolled back in his head when you sped up your stroking on his dick; the combined stimulation was making his legs shake.
You pressed your knee harder against his balls, feeling his thighs squeeze around the appendage. The veins on his hands protruded out from under his pale skin, showing themselves off as he griped the windowsill for dear life. "What are they going to see, Choso?" You repeated, "Hmm?" The squelching from under his pants would now be noticeable to anyone within a 10-foot radius. He was dripping so much pre onto your hand it felt like he had cum already.
"U-us" He responded, the sound coming out muffled due to his hand covering his mouth. Choso's eyes flitted over to watch the group of people enjoying themselves on the lawn to make sure they still weren't looking before he quickly averted his eyes back to the vacant woods that surrounded the school. "What are we doing Choso?" You pushed him, feeling your own neediness start to become more apparent the more you teased him. He whimpered at your words, his nails digging into the wood of the delicate window's edge.
You abandoned the flicking on his nipples to slide your hand out of his shirt and grab his wrist, pulling it away from your mouth as you twisted it behind his back and held it in your own. "Y-ou jerking me o-off." He responded, a little too loudly. You don't actually know what you would do if someone caught the two of you. You doubted you would be fired, especially with how well-loved you were here, but the unknowing thrill sent a tingle down your spine, making your face heat up.
Although you couldnt find yourself to care all that much about the 'what ifs' when Choso was so obviously about to fall off the enge and into his orgasm. "Is that what I'm doing?" You whispered, your own breath picking up with his as his head tipped backa and his jaw fell open as gasps and moans fell freely into the empty hall. "I'm jerking you off right now? In front of everyone?" You continued. "If even one person looks in this direction, they'll see your fucked out expression through the window."
Your words were doing wonders on his body, his hand that was gripping the windowsill came to wrap around your wrist as you jerked him off vigorously under his pants. He wobbled on shaky legs, trying to keep himself upright as he felt his orgasm creep up on him. "Do you want that Choso? You want someone to watch me make you cum in your pants right now? Huh?" You moaned, kissing his back as you squeezed your hand holding his tighter in comfort.
"No-no Agh-" He groaned, shaking his head back and forth. "No?" You replied, putting more attention on his sensitive tip, you ran your thumb across the head on every swipe, making him gasp. "O-only you, I only want you to see me like th-is." He moaned. His shameless words made you feel hot all over, you swear your face was as red and flushed as the tip of his cock right now. "Yeah? Just for me baby?" You moaned, talking him up to his orgasm.
"Shit- g-gonna-" He wined, gripping your wrist that was jerking him off harder. This made it significantly harder to move your hand over him but you knew he couldn't help it. Fighting through the cramp you felt coming on, you jerked him steadily as his orgasm crashed over him. "Yeahhh~ Cum for me Cho~ Cum for me-" You encouraged. His body was wracked with tremors it was a miracle he stayed standing upright. You swore you could feel his balls twitch against your knee as rope after rope of his seed was released into his boxers.
He grunted into the open space, squeezing his eyes shut as he came into your hand. You continued stroking and praising him through his high, prolonging the already intense orgasm. When Choso felt his soul find his body once more, he took a deep breath into his lungs and sighed. Your stroking had slowed and eventually ceased when his hand released its hold on your wrist. You pulled soaked hand out from his boxers and held it out in front of him, relishing in the way your hand glistened under the lights.
Using your hand that was intertwined with his behind his back, you pulled on it and spun him around. You pressed your knee between his, softer this time, as you forced his ass back against the windowsill. Both of his large hands came to grip your wrists as he looked into your eyes with a flushed face, still breathing heavily. You placed one of your hands on his chest, and reached the other hand drenched in his cum up to his face, holding it out in front of his mouth.
"Clean up your mess for me, would you?" You asked sweetly, batting your eyelashes up at him as you tilted your head to the side. Begrudgingly, he opened up his mouth and stuck his tongue out, pressing the appendage against your warm skin, he licked the salty liquid up from your fingers and swallowed, cringing at the taste. He didn't understand how you always swallowed up his cum after giving him head like it was the most delicious thing in the world. "How do you taste baby?" You giggled, noticing his dismay as you pulled your hand away and licked the rest of his cum off, swallowing it yourself as you placed your hand against his solid chest, joining the other one.
"Bitter." He said, his face scrunching up in displeasure. You released a hearty laugh, leaning in to leave a short kiss against his lips. "You get used to it." You smiled at him. "You did so well for me Cho~" You cooed after a beat of admiring his post orgasm face. "Let's go get you cleaned up so we can get back to that picnic, I need at least 5 more of those cookies Shoko made." Choso smiled, nodding in agreement; Shoko made a mean cookie. Shifting uncomfortably between his feet feeling the wetness in his pants start to cool off, he let you hold his hand in your own, and drag him off to your room to get him some spare pants.
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fantasykiri5 · 6 months
I’m a little sick of how Lizzie’s death is just being made about Jimmy and the canary curse now so.
How about writing about how it was a freak accident. How much more tragic it was that it was in fact an accident.
She wasn’t expecting it. Nobody else was expecting it. Half the server laughed. Some of them died not 10 minutes later. I’d like to think she got to laugh at them in whatever afterlife they’re stuck in till the end. Or cuss them out a bit. Or both.
She didn’t have any allies. A couple shaky truces, but no real allies. She didn’t get to take revenge on Scar (for the many, many, times he wronged her.) or anyone else really.
She died without turning in her second red task. She’d completed it. She wanted to take out Scott before she turned it in. She died.
Scott was this close to falling off the ledge after her first couple hits. His feet were practically off the edge. If you think hard enough about it you can see the pebbles and dust crumble away as he dances the edge of the cliff, just pixels away from her completing what she set out to do. Something she set out to do largely for fun. It wasn’t in her task to hurt Scott. Scott brought gifts to her party after showing up late, he wronged her but there were many who wronged her tenfold. She was going to kill Scott because her husband asked, and she’d just hit him over the head with rocks so she might as well. She kept doing it for fun. She was red. She might as well. Maybe everyone who didn’t come to her party would fear her a little then.
Maybe you should write about how Lizzie lived in a pumpkin house, had a whole pumpkin patch, was one of the two people who found the pumpkins first with gem, and all it would have taken for her to not die there would have been to wear one?
Maybe you should write about how if she’d looked just a fraction to the left or right she wouldn’t have looked at the enderman? How if she had reacted with the enderpearl a few seconds earlier she could have made it back up? How she only thought to throw it because she started taking damage as she sunk into the bottom of the void? How the only reason she didn’t was because she wasn’t expecting it?
Maybe you should write about how she wasn’t expecting it.
Lizzie wasn’t expecting it.
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sanakiras · 18 days
PAIRING — kim mingyu x reader
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RELEASE DATE — TBA, will probably take a while!
SYNOPSIS — in a dramatic turn of events, a rich businessman is found dead in his lavish estate, and the authorities believe it was no accident. as the detectives dig deeper, they ultimately end up with two key suspects: you, the businessman’s very own daughter, and your sworn enemy, kim mingyu. as the time progresses, tensions rise and secrets spill — and the truth has the power to either bring you closer together or tear you apart.
TAGS — murder mystery, rich rivals to partners in crime to lovers, whole lotta plot, dark comedy if u ask me, explicit sexual content, somewhat graphic depictions of death, everyone and everything is dysfunctional™, mentions of suicide, moral compass is nowhere to be found, angst
♪ aquartos - crystal city,, verydeadly - wolves (kanye west cover),, blue foundation - eyes on fire (4 ave version),, low - dancing and blood,, vessel - red sex
NOTE — one of my favorite episodes of going seventeen remains bad clue 2020, i loved mingyu’s role in it and i could totally see him portraying darker/morally grey characters and rock tf out of it so. i wrote this solely based on that idea. enjoy :D
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the interrogation room is unnecessarily bright, the noise of the water dispenser in the corner and the flickering led light above you running through your ears. the chair you’re seated on is uncomfortable, though it’s nothing compared to the tension you feel as the man in front of you treats you like you’re guilty of something.
“on september 2nd, sometime around six o’clock, your father reportedly got unwell, so he left his office early, choosing to do the rest of his paperwork at home. according to the information we got from the gps tracker in his car, he went straight home, took no detours. he arrived at your family estate thirty minutes later. then at eight o’clock, the police received a call from you, saying your father’s hung himself.”
you stare at the the inspector whose name you did not bother remembering before waving with your hand. “i’m aware. i’ve heard the recap of events many times at this point. this isn’t the first time i’m being interrogated, surprisingly enough.”
with a puzzled look, he raises his brow at you. “you don’t think you should be a suspect?”
“no, i don’t.”
“at the time of the incident, you were home, as well as two members of the staff. since the staff were on their dinner break and you were apparently in your room, it’s hard to say what happened, since there were no witnesses.”
“do you mind me asking why you think it’s murder and not just a suicide?”
he’s intrigued by the way you discuss the topic so casually. “your father was an important man. wouldn’t you want to know who killed him if that is the case?”
“sure. i’d thank them.” you smile at him, the hatred for your father shining through. “believe me, inspector — my father was a miserable man who surrounded himself with other miserable people. i wasn’t there by choice.”
“did he treat you badly, then?” he continues, trying to pry any information out of you.
you can only sigh. “i was his daughter by blood only. that’s all.”
with your demeanor softening into something sadder, the inspector’s tone changes into something different. “aside from you, and the staff, of course, we do have another suspect who we think could have something to do with your father’s death.”
that sparks your interest. “who?”
the inspector grabs his small pile of documents to pull a printed photo out of it, putting it before you. you visibly frown, because the person on the photo is someone you’re unfortunately awfully familiar with.
“kim mingyu is a suspect? seriously?” you ask, completely in shock. ironically, he’s the last person you’d suspect in a scenario like the one you currently find yourself in.
“what can you tell me about him?”
“he’s a year younger than me. we went to the same high school, same university, have some of the same friends. though all of that is relatively common in our social circle.”
“anything else?”
keeping the insults to yourself for now, you press your lips together. “our parents are good friends. well, were, now that my father’s gone. mingyu and i hate eachother to the bone, though.”
“any particular reason why?”
“i’m not sure where it started… there’s just something off about him. it’s always been there. he’s—beyond arrogant. always showing off his looks, his wealth, his charm, his intelligence. everything. he insults me, i insult him. we simply don’t get along, never have. nothing you haven’t seen before, i’m sure.”
the inspector raises his brow. “i think you may have left something out.”
“such as?”
his hand moves into the blue folder sitting on the table, taking another photo out of it, holding it up before you. “your father was often spotted with him. at events, business meetings — you name it. matter of fact, your father seemed to be accompanied by kim mingyu more than anyone else. which is interesting, considering you are his only child.”
your gaze turns sour, voice softer yet more hateful than before. “don’t tell me this is the reason i’m a suspect.”
“let’s just say it doesn’t make you look good.”
“you really believe i murdered my own father in cold blood because he cared more about kim mingyu than he ever did about me? that’s pathetic and ridiculous.”
“you wouldn’t be the first. it’s a plausible story.”
scoffing at the accusation, you shake your head. “we’re done here. the moment you have an actual lead, i’ll talk, but not like this. i’m still here grieving and you’re accusing me of being the culprit.” you get up in anger, taking your bag with you before slamming the door shut, not bothering to listen to what the man is trying to tell you to make you stay.
this whole shit-train started two weeks ago. your father was found dead in your childhood home, hung by a rope around his neck. instead of calling it a death by suicide, the police apparently have enough reason to suspect it was a homicide.
you’ve been questioned several times in the past few weeks, but there’s been a gradual shift in the behavior of the inspector and his handimen — they’re treating you like a suspect now.
which you are, for whatever reason. they have yet to come up with any actual evidence.
your contact in the police force mentioned to you that you’re not just any suspect — you’re one of the two main suspects.
and that is unsettling, especially when you discovered who else is.
as you go down the hall, you suddenly lock eyes with kim mingyu himself, who’s leaning against the wall with his hands in the pockets of his trousers. a few strands of hair hover by his cheeks, framing his strong features.
“what the fuck are you doing here?” you ask in a rather hostile manner, the scowl on your face deepening.
his lips part before he starts explaining. “they wanted to talk to me. again.”
“haven’t you heard the rumors, gyu?” you mockingly use the nickname, taking a step closer to him, “they’re saying there’s a possibility you killed him.”
your arch-nemesis looks back at you with a furrowed brow. “that’s ridiculous.”
“is it? you were always with him… it’s perhaps the only thing that makes sense in all of this.”
he seems offended you’d even insinuate something like that. “it’s really the other way around, though. you’re the one who hated him. i had nothing against the man.”
it’s true that you and your father didn’t exactly get along, especially the past few years, to put it lightly. you always considered him to be greedy, cold and unforgiving, and you certainly didn’t cry the moment they told you he had passed away.
“no, we all know how much you liked him,” you hardly make an effort to hide your disdain, “but they must not believe that, considering you’re just as much of a suspect as i am.”
he clenches his jaw. “i’m not guilty.”
“neither am i.”
it’s quiet for a moment as you’re both unsure of what to say next, a rarity between you.
a few years ago, your father mentioned you and mingyu could make a good pair. you proceeded to laugh in his face.
mingyu is a constant reminder of what you could be, and that’s the last thing you need in your life.
“if i find out you’re somehow involved in this—”
instead of immediately refuting the statement, he narrows his eyes at you. “then what?”
you realize you need to be careful with your words here — you can’t throw around threats to kill people as the top suspect in a murder investigation. “i’ll make sure you pay for it. they might buy your little golden-boy act, but i sure as shit don’t. i never have.”
a smirk subtly tugs at his lips as he leans more down, eyes flicking lower before they meet yours again. “i’d be careful with my words if i were you,” he firmly tells you, his lashes fluttering, “there’s always someone watching.”
only now do you take notice of how close you’re standing to him, and you look behind you, seeing the inspector that just interrogated you observing you and mingyu from a distance.
so you push yourself away from him, giving him a last glare before walking away.
mingyu’s eyes remain on you until you move past the corner. he only moves from his spot once you’re gone from his field of view, greeting the inspector with a kind smile.
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if you’d like to be tagged in this once it’s released, leave a comment! <3
® SANAKIRAS — do not repost, remake or copy my work in any way whatsoever. translations are not allowed.
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vikkirosko · 6 months
hi, how about andrealphus, stolas, fizz and striker with a female s/o who has scars on her neck and who always wears a choker and scarves around her neck because she doesn't want them to see.
Headcanons Scars on the neck
🦉 Stolas x fem!Reader 🎩
You and Stolas have known each other for many years. Every time you saw him, he saw a scarf or a necklace around your neck. There was always some kind of accessory around your neck that covered your neck from other people's eyes. Stolas did not know what made you wear something around your neck, because you had never worn such accessories before. You didn't talk about it until one day he saw your neck
You hid scars under your scarf. Your whole neck was covered with scars that you never talked about. Stolas was very concerned about your scars, he tried to ask you about it, but you refused to tell him about it. He quickly realized that these scars were related to some event in your life that you didn't want to remember. He didn't ask you unnecessary questions, realizing that there were things that you might not want to tell
Stolas has become especially attentive towards you. When he noticed that your scarf didn't cover your scars, he carefully adjusted your scarf until others noticed what you were trying to hide. You were grateful to him for this care, realizing that you couldn't notice absolutely everything and you didn't want to show others your scars
He understood that for you, scars were something that you would like to hide and completely remove from your life. He didn't know where you got them from, but he didn't think to try to find out. Stolas was sure that when you were ready, you would tell him about it yourself. He was ready to wait for you to be ready and tell him about everything yourself
🐍 Striker x fem!Reader 👢
Striker came to you every time he didn't have a job. You were close, but even he didn't know what the reason was that you always wore a scarf. You were wearing it at the time of your first meeting, but at that moment he did not pay attention to it, because you had just met. After a long time, he asked you about your scarf several times, but you always turned the conversation to other topics
He found out about what you were hiding under the scarf by accident. He came to your house without warning you and saw you without a scarf and the scars that you've been hiding all this time. Your neck was covered with a large number of scars, the origin of which you did not tell. He understood that it was something very personal and disturbing for you, so he didn't ask you any questions, just asked if the person who did this to you was punished, and he got angry when he found out that he wasn't
Striker had no trouble finding out who left the scars on your neck and getting rid of this person. He didn't tell you about it, not wanting to disturb you and make you remember the terrible events of your past. He understood that if there were things that you didn't want to tell, then there was a reason for it
Sometimes when you were sleeping Striker would run his fingers over your scars. He did it carefully so as not to wake you up, but every time it caused him a lot of thoughts. Striker wasn't going to let anyone hurt you, much less leave new scars on your skin
🎪 Fizzarolli x fem!Reader 💟
From the first day you met, you always wore a scarf around your neck. At first, Fizzarolli was sure that it was just an accessory that you were attached to, until one day he accidentally saw a part of your neck. There were scars under the scarf. Your entire neck was riddled with scars, the origin of which was unknown to him, and when you realized that he had seen your neck, you looked worried
You understood that he was worried about you and you trusted him, so you told him that you got these scars a few years ago and since then you have tried your best to hide it. Your scars embarrassed you and you didn't want anyone to see them. That's why you always wore a scarf, no matter where you were or what the weather was like. Fizzarolli listened to your story, and then decided to tell you what he was hiding from almost everyone
He showed you his old scars and the wounds he got from the accident. Fizzarolli told you about what happened to him and how he hid it from everyone. Only a few people knew about it. He didn't want to be considered weak and inferior, because he suffered much more than you, but he understood what you were experiencing
You were similar in your secrets and it seemed to bring you closer. You were glad that there was someone you could trust, even though you felt sorry for Fizzarolli, who went through something so terrible. Now you both knew that you could entrust something as important as your scars to each other
🦚 Andrealphus x fem!Reader ❄️
Andrealphus noticed every time you saw each other, regardless of whether it was at a public event or at a personal meeting, that there was always a scarf or a necklace around your neck hiding your neck. Your neck was constantly decorated with something, always matching your outfit and you were often complimented on this. However, he only found out the real reason why you were hiding your neck when you became a couple
You hid your neck even from him for a long time, but you couldn't hide it forever. There were scars on your neck. Terrible scars that have been with you for many years. You were shy of them and didn't want others to see them, especially considering the society you were in. Your scars were the result of an attempt to kill you, and for you it was a terrible memory of what happened that you tried to hide from others as well as from yourself
Andrealphus had never heard of anyone trying to kill you, but looking at your scars, he knew you wouldn't lie about it. He hoped that whoever did this to you was punished, but the scars didn't make you any worse. He understood that you might not believe his words, but he really thought so. He really liked you and your scars didn't make you any worse for him
Andrealphus knew that despite all his strength and power, he couldn't rid you of your scars, but he could show you that they weren't a problem. He was sure that scars were a much smaller problem than many others that other inhabitants of Hell had, and he was sure that he would be able to show it to you
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inkskinned · 1 year
im gonna start a fight; and, at the same time, i need you to take this in the most good-faith way possible, but:
videos that involve body-checking and intentionally (and uncritically) show a mealplan of an unhealthy number of calories are just a revamped version of pro-ana food diaries.
and yeah, i know there's arguments. i address some of them under the cut. but at the end of the day, we're just coming back to romanticizing mental illness; we've just found a better platform for it.
this is already something we've done. we knew it was wrong and tried to stop it. and tbh. it just wasn't enough.
there are people who argue "well, what if you have an eating disorder, you can't help it if you don't eat!" except that as someone with an ED; we are not infants. we know what we're doing. part of having an ED is that you are like, maybe too self-aware. even if we can't help our own food choices, we don't need to fucking romanticize the disorder - something we've been warning you about since 2013. there are hours of setup, filming, and editing that go into these videos. they do not happen to fall into place randomly. there is a reason they are pieced together to be beautiful, bright, inspiring.
there's this woman who pretty much only posts daily plans under a normal amount of calories, and everyone defends her saying but it's better than nothing! and i'm like. except she opens those with images of her showing off her body and provides no context in the video or caption that suggests that she believes what she's doing is unhealthy. she has hundreds of thousands of followers on a platform designed for young kids and teens. i refuse to believe that by accident her content just happens to be cheery advice on "healthy" versions of starving.
for any other symptom of mental illness, we would be incredibly enraged by this kind of placid acceptance of a "tips and tricks" fast-start guide. imagine if people posted pink & pretty videos saying "best places to cut yourself" as if it was a fucking storytime. we, as a society, are so fucking fatphobic that we would rather accept blatantly harmful displays of self harm than admit that we are obsessed with a hyper-thin body type.
i am not suggesting someone never talks about their disorder. i talk about mine. actually, it's a plot point in my book.
here's the difference: i recognize it's a fucking mental illness. i am very careful to never mention a specific weight, eating pattern, or calorie plan. i always make sure to position it as something that ruined my fucking life. i do not put cheery music in the background and hearts and sparkles over my worst moments. i do not film it in bright light. i do not start each passage with an image of a thin body followed by "here's how to look like her."
eating disorders should not be framed as aspirational. and the problem is that society worships the "after" image, so long as you don't get too sick. there is a reason so many people who quit being "influencers" will later admit - i wasn't eating well that whole time; an obsession with food was completely destroying my life.
we let any uncredited, uncertified person write the most backwards, fucked up shit about how to get the body you desire! because the underlying, secret belief is: well, at least they're thin! and the real thing that fucking gets me each time - they make fucking money off of it. their irresponsibility and societal harm literally pays off for them.
"why do you care so much." "don't like it don't look." "so what if people experiment with new ways of thinking of food?"
thank you for asking. we're about to get extremely personal. it's because when i was 18 i discovered "thinspiration"/"thinspo." and it absolutely influenced, shaped, and codified my pre-existing eating disorder. i went from having some troubling habits and traits to being incredibly unwell within what felt like a matter of days. there were actual pages designed to train me on how to have an ED correctly. it was all so suddenly easy. i was sick; and the nature of the illness meant - i wanted to be sicker.
it takes an average of 7 years for a person to fully recover. i know this personally - even now, 10 years from the worst of it, i still fucking struggle. i am so much happier now and i eat what i want and i literally don't think about food at all (19 year old me would shudder) and yet - i still fucking know the calories of plain toast with butter.
an eating disorder is one of the deadliest types of mental illness. over 1 in 4 people with an ED will attempt suicide.
and i'm sorry. i just do not see the exchange rate of "high rate of engagement" versus "the value of a human life."
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Does the End Justify the Means?
CX-2 (Clone Assassin) x Reader
Summary- CX-2 never planned on forming a relationship, but once he did he had to protect it. Even if it meant killing hundreds to keep you away from Hemlock.
A/N- SPOILERS FOR THE BAD BATCH FINALE. I feel like people forget that deep down, CX-2 is still a clone being forced to serve the Empire. Maybe I'm delusional though!!! MENTIONS OF BURNS AND TORTURE!!
Word Count- 5,253
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"You know, CX-2. There was once a time where I considered scrapping you. The very cloning program that made you..." Hemlock started. "You were hard to control. My methods had little effect on you. Considering you had little to live for, well that didn't help."
CX-2 stood, arms crossed behind his back. He listened intently, staring at the grey border of the wall.
"You were too, hmm. Rebellious should I say?" He walked slow circles around CX-2, studying him. "That was until I found your little secret out." Hemlock laughed at his own wit. "Who knew a medic trainee would have an Assassin Clone falling so hard!" He seemed to think the situation was hilarious.
Silent, CX-2 contemplated killing Hemlock where he stood. It wasn't possible though, he was smarter than that. He probably had a weapon on his beloved as they spoke. Perhaps Scorch was with her now...
He didn't want to think about it, so he didn't. Opting to stare back at the wall again.
"Truly, I created you better than that. The problem with you clones is your loyalty. It would typically disgust me. Though, unlucky for you, this all plays out in my favor." CX-2 swallowed hard at his words.
There were not many things that scared CX-2, but the thought of Hemlock hurting you consumed him. Striking him with a never ending fear.
"You will bring me Omega. Unless, you want an accident to happen. That would be tragic, wouldn't it?" The man asked, taunting the clone. All while fiddling with his gloved hand.
For the first time in many minutes, CX-2 spoke. "I will retrieve the girl."
"Good, I do not doubt your abilities." Hemlock stepped closer, right in The Assassins face. "Dire consequences are at stake..."
CX-2 made sure his next stop was Pabu.
CX-2 had no intentions of forming any friendships, especially not a relationship. You, however, came natural to him. In one of Hemlock's attempts to have complete control over CX-2, a burn was implemented on his waist. He remembers the day vividly, as it was the first time he'd met you.
You were only on Tantiss because of your mother. She worked for the Empire as a medic, a famous doctor of some sort. While you never had the knack for the medical field, you enjoyed helping people. It was in your blood after all.
CX-2 was taken to a special room for clones of high status. You were there by sheer accident. A mishap guided you to his side.
"Uhm, hello sir." You introduced yourself. "I'll be your medic today. What's your name?" You asked, a little nervous to be assessing a clone by yourself. He wore black armor, head still covered. You'd never seen that style before, maybe he was new?
CX-2 just stared up at you, a hard gaze. Out of fear, you started to breathe a little heavier. He could have killed you there and no one would have batted an eye.
"Sir, is something the matter?" You pressed on, trying to mask yourself with professionalism.
He continued to stare, eventually pointing at the chart In your hands.
"Of course, uh. CT-4340?"
CX-2 didn't say a word, just tilted his head. You looked at him with doe eyes. "Are you CT-4340?" you hesitated.
"My code is CX-2." He commanded out, a modulated voice appearing.
You almost jumped at the sound. "I uh, seem to have the wrong chart. I am so sorry, I should get a higher official-"
Under his helmet, CX-2 resisted the urge to roll his eyes. His shoulder dropped, annoyed. This caused his side to jolt. The pain of the burn on him was strong, but he withheld any reaction.
You, on the other hand, seemed to notice the very small twitch his waist gave out. "Where are you hurt?" You asked, the words now flowing with a motive in mind.
CX-2 instinctively started unbuckling his chest piece. You flushed slightly, ashamed you couldn't be more serious in the situation. "Do you need help?" His head rose quickly, falling after looking at you for a second. He didn't respond, just continued to take his upper armor off.
Guess not...
The second you saw his skin, you suppressed a gasp. It looked gruesome, like something had repeatedly been burning him. With a deep breath, you shoved down any lasting fear.
Getting to work, you prepared bacta and bandages.
He was still, almost too still. You'd seen plenty of procedures and medics fixing up clones. There had been wincing, complaining, and fidgeting on lesser injuries. You would have expected tears and need of an anesthetic for any other man. But he was still...
You prayed you didn't hurt him more than he already was. You knew your hands were clumsy with inexperience. If you did, he made no effort to tell you nor pull away.
From then on you saw each other more and more. While your mother made sure you got plenty of experience working on clones, you were extremely busy. Never getting a second to actually talk to CX-2. A particular encounter with a clone in the hangar would change this.
You were helping a trooper with a broken arm- Simply wrapping it to prevent further injury. You crouched down, examining the break.
CX-2 was just passing by, heading to see what his next mission was. He barely took note that a soldier under his command broke an arm. Why would he? Clones die everyday, including ones under CX-2.
He did however take note of you. He recognized you immediately. He surprised himself, why would he care about some medic? He'd never remembered the ones that had worked on him in the past.
At this, he stared at you. He took in your silhouette, something deep down told him to bask in your every feature. So, he did.
Of course you felt the beaming eyes of CX-2. It made you nervous. Was there something on your face? Did you make him mad? It distracted you.
"Ow!" The clone exclaimed in pain, face screwing. He yanked his arm up. It was an accident, you were sure. A response to the pain you caused unintentionally. CX-2 didn't seem to think this when he saw the clone raise his arm to hit you.
It all happened so fast, you didn't have time to lean back or even register what was happening. The next thing you knew was that the unidentified clone was on his back. CX-2 stood over him, a vibroblade at his neck and foot on his chest.
Falling onto your butt, you gasped and regained some sense. "CX-2...."
He slowly turned around to face you. The two of you looked at each other. His hand still expertly rested centimeters from killing the clone.
Adrenaline pumping, you spoke. "it's okay. It was an accident."
He pushed the clone back with his foot, hand raising. With the vibroblade still wielded, he stormed to you. Your heart pumped viciously, though not in fear. If he was going to really hurt you, he would have let the clone hit you.
No, your heart thumped in your ears in anticipation.
He grabbed you by the forearm with his free hand, careful of the blade. He yanked you up, off of your position on the cold floor.
You briefly noticed eyes around the hangar now in your direction. You grew nervous, only at their judgmental looks.
The quickness of it all made your head spin. You stepped out, trying not to fall. His hand still gripped your arm, he stood unmoving. He let you catch your balance, just watching you.
"Excuse me, what is going on here?" A vice admiral questioned, appearing from your left.
CX-2's modulated voice said your name. It was harsh and cold, but you somehow knew it wasn't directed at you. "She is my medic."
"And? What gives you the right to attack a clone for no reason?" The admiral demanded.
CX-2 didn't like being questioned. Before you could get a single word in, CX-2 pulled you with him as he turned to leave the hangar.
"Wha-" You decided not to protest, the man was on some kind of mission. One he had made for himself the second he saw a threat to you.
He guided you two through the complex halls and levels of the lab. You were beyond lost, but he seemed to know where he was going. After a few minutes of paced walking, you stopped him.
"CX-2, where are we going? I don't want to risk getting reprimanded by the admiral." You were cautious, the smallest of complaints could get you reassigned. Tantiss was not for the faint of heart.
"You won't." He would make sure of that. He continued to walk, this time a little slower.
Finally, you found some familiarity in the halls. You noticed he was leading you to the very room you met in. The examining room for special operatives.
He pulled you into the room, making sure the door shut behind him.
"Examine me." He demanded.
You were dumbfounded, "Excuse me?"
CX-2 actually rolled his eyes this time, even when you couldn't see them. In response to your confusion, he removed his left arm's armor.
A gash that went from the top of his shoulder to before his elbow was present. "CX-2..." Your sadden voice spoke.
You didn't actually have clearance to be in that room, nor the supplies. But you worked nevertheless.
"Please, sit." You asked. He followed your instructions immediately, sitting up on the exam bed.
Just as the day you met, you retrieved bacta and med patches. You coated the wound in extra bacta, then prepared the gauze wrap.
"So," You held his arm up gently, starting to wrap it. "How did you get this? Was it your latest mission?" Your hands carefully worked, moving under his arm.
"No." Was all you heard.
"Oh, how did it happen?" You asked, trying to make conversation.
His skin twitched as a subconscious response when you smoothed over it.
"Better if you don't know." He kept his eyes on the wall ahead of him. "Sorry I asked..." You really were. He said nothing.
After a few more moments, you made sure the wrap was steady in place. "I think you're done!" You smiled at him. He dropped his arm at his side.
After, he promptly nodded, but gave little indication on what to do next.
You looked around, feeling a little awkward.
"So... What division are you from?" You tried to ease the tension.
"Project Assassin." He said, being short.
"I haven't heard of that, wha-" He inturpted you. "Tell me about you."
You blinked. You'd only seen this man a dozen times, many of those in passing. Even so, a shot of nerves flowed in you each time. There was something special about him. It was like your heart knew something your brain didn't. You weren't a child though, you knew 'love' was something of fairy tales. That there must be a perfectly rational reason you were feeling this way around him.
"What do you want to know?"
Though, if that were true, why did you sit up next to him and tell him everything?
From that day on, the only medic he allowed to work on him was you. The number of visits varied, depending on how evil Hemlock was feeling. CX-2 tried to hide the backstories from you as much as possible, sometimes even ignoring your questions.
Though, late at night, when he'd sneak into your room, he'd tell you the truth. At first he would listen. Anything you'd tell him, you had his full attention. Then, right before you fell asleep, he'd whisper his secrets.
He'd whisper them to the only person he ever trusted, you. Then, it was your turn to listen.
You cried for him, the pains he had went through. He was the perfect clone in your eyes. The only problem was how stubborn he was, no matter how hard Hemlock tried- you were still the only one who could persuade him.
Despite his grunts of protest, you'd just hold CX-2 some nights. Using your fingers to rake through his hair, cradling his head. You tried you best to give him the comfort he had never experienced before.
Everything was going so well. You would continue your training, he would continue his missions, and at night, you would talk and he would listen. You would spoil him with affections under the nights bask.
Of course, all good things must come to an end.
The day Hemlock found out about you was the worst day of CX-2's life.
CX-2 was called in for a meeting about his next mission, something he was used to. He only received orders from the highest of officials, so seeing Hemlock or Scorch was common.
"I have... a special mission of some sort. One I cannot risk incompletion of." Hemlock began.
CX-2 stood upright, ready for instructions.
"Now, despite what we have tried to instill into you- I do not want you to listen to any other orders. I think this particular mission requires your mindset." His words didn't effect CX-2, he'd heard worse.
"One of your fellow operative has been captured. Alive. I will not accept him risking our organization."
"My orders?" CX-2 asked.
"Find and neutralize him." CX-2 nodded at his words.
"You have 48 hours to kill him." Hemlock walked up to CX-2, arms folded behind his back. "If you fail, that...medic... you are so fond of? She will reap the consequences of what you sow."
It was impossible to cover up the way CX-2 breath hitched. If he didn't have a helmet on, Hemlock would see his eyebrows scrunch in anger.
"Yes, that's right. I know about her." Hemlock said, his voice mocking. "Oh, don't fret my little assassin. She will remain unharmed, that is... unless you fail your duty..."
"I trust you will locate him and rid the republic of any information?" Hemlock taunted.
"Yes sir."
How? How did Hemlock find out about you? He was so careful... He immediately headed to your quarters. Damned everyone else, he pushed through crowds and odd stares.
He banged on the door, fist closed. If you hadn't opened in the next 10 seconds, he'd shoot the door down.
"I'm coming, I'm coming." You 'tsked.'
"Oh, CX-2." You breathed out once you opened the door. Unsure if he was there for pleasantries or business.
He shoved his way past you, pressing the button to close the door shut.
"Wha-" He stormed around your rooms, it was quick considering there were only two. A bedroom and bathroom.
He held his blaster up as he checked every crevice of the room. His eyes glanced back at you quickly to make sure you were still there and alive.
"CX-2." You raised your voice. His head shot your way. "What's happened? You're scaring me..."
He paced up to you, removing his helmet as he walked. "He knows about us." Was all he managed out, throwing his helmet to the floor in favor of grabbing your cheeks gently.
Your face dropped, heart pounding in your ears. "How? I don't understand!" You started to breathe heavily.
"I just had to make sure you were safe." His gloved hands felt cool on your hot skin.
Your mind wandered, what would they do?
"I have to leave now." He said, dropping his hands. "No, wait. You can't just drop that bomb and leave!" You had so many questions, and you didn't want to be left alone freighted.
"I do not have time, if I don't complete my mission he will kill you." Your blood ran cold. "I am so sorry I brought you into this. I should have never stepped between you and that clone." He readied himself to exit the room, turning and putting his helmet back on.
"CX-2!" His shoulders dropped, he stood silent. You walked around to face him.
He let you reach your hands up and lift his helmet off. "I'm not upset at you. I only want more time..."
"I can't."
"I know." At your last words, you pulled him down by the collar of his blacks. Now level, you kiss him. Scared it would be your last.
The few seconds your lips touched felt like an eternity. All the time you needed with him...
Eventually, he pulled away. "I-"
"I know... please be safe..." You asked only one thing of him.
He nodded, placing his helmet back on snug. He then walked out your door, your thoughts consumed with wishes of his safety.
CX-2 would fulfill his mission, killing the compromised Operative. Though, that was only the first time he'd have to leave your grasp to keep you alive...
CX-2 reminded himself why he was currently headed to Pabu. 'Dire consequences are at stake' echoed in his mind.
He would capture Omega. He had no care for the innocent people he might have to kill. In his eyes, all of his actions were justified in the name of your well-being.
He never told you of his endeavors, now being sent on more gruesome missions than ever. He knew you'd be disappointed in him, but he also knew he had to always protect you. No matter the cost.
While expertly leading a fleet of soldiers, the only thing that let CX-2 think straight was you. He filled his mind with memories of your laughter. Of the times you begged him to choose a real name, even when he protested. When you first touched, when you first kissed.
He worried for you until the second he had Omega tied up on his ship.
Even after, he was anticipating his reunion with you. He had the girl, he had what Hemlock wanted. He could see you again.
And he did... Hemlock was consumed with his experiments and testing on Omega. So much he that didn't bother CX-2 for a few days. Oh, it was bliss.
The time you shared reminded you of before anyone knew you were together. You both still had your duties as clone and medic, but spent any free time with each other.
You laid in your bed, a glance at the clock scolded you for being up so late. You paid little mind to it, just enjoying the feeling of CX-2's arms around you.
With your head now buried in his chest, you let your hands wander. Slipping under the top portion of his blacks. He used to shiver reluctantly when you felt his skin, now it seemed like second nature.
You loved tracing his scars, the texture consuming you. While they were painful memories, they were treated with love and tenderness. He looked at his scars and thought of you, how you took care of him so nicely and delicately. Not Hemlock.
A light flickered from his panel brace. The one that rested on your nightstand. It lit up the room, and CX-2 immediately reached for it. he pulled away from you, but was careful to keep a connection with his leg still feeling you.
"I have to go." He said, standing to put his arm and chest armor back on.
While he was always quick and determined when hearing from Hemlock or Scorch, he was frantic here.
"Did something happen?"
"Nothing, do not stress. I love you." He gave you a quick kiss on the lips, and an affectionate rub of your thigh before putting his helmet on and leaving.
You sighed and leaned back when the door closed again. This was slowly becoming the new normal for you. You still savored every spare second you had together...
Just as you rolled over to fall asleep, the door opened. "Did you forg-" You jumped up, almost hitting your head on the baseboard of the bed. It was Scorch.
"Come with me. Now." He grabbed your arm and pulled you rough out of bed.
"You are under arrest until further assessment." He forcefully put you in handcuffs.
You tried to resist, but put up no real fight in comparison to the trained clone. He grew tired of you and stunned you with his blaster.
You fell unconscious.
"You activated me?" CX-2 asked over Comms, like he would in any other situation.
"It seems we have another problem with our favorite girl." Hemlock said.
"You see, she has managed to escape with the other children. Did I mention she also freed the zillo beast?"
CX-2 listened intently, not moving a muscle.
"You have been the only operative capable of capturing Omega thus far. I will see that you will find her again. Before she finds some way to leave the planet." CX-2 could hear the frustration in Hemlocks voice. It made him flicker a smile.
"Oh, and as a little motivater, I think it would serve you well to know your medic is currently held up in a cell." Hemlock went radio silent, leaving CX-2 to head to the exposed section of the base. The hole the Zillo beast left, and the way Force 99 was headed.
Your head throbbed, vision a little blurry. Raising your head from the cold of the floor, you noticed you were in a cell.
The room spun around before you sat up. Your whole body ached. Not to mention the confusion you were feeling.
Looking around, you saw other prisoners lining the walls. You knew exactly where you were. The hall where all the traitors and experimental clones were kept.
Were they going to experiment on you too? Was CX-2 okay? Did something happen to him that made Hemlock finally get you?
The building shook with a loud boom, it did nothing to help your nerves. It sounded like some kind of cannon went off.
"You okay?" A clone asked in the cell across from you.
"I don't know..."
With the effort and passion of a man whose entire reason for living was at risk, CX-2 and the other Clone Assasins were able to capture the rouge clones.
With his blaster barred in his hands, CX-2 guarded the three prisoners. He was occupied with the thought of what The Empire was doing to you.
You must have been so scared in a cell... He knew you didn't like small spaces. With his new fury, he closed his fist, doing yet another round of the platform they were on.
Boredom was unable to strike you, anxieties kept you busy. Your mind ran wild with the possibilities of CX-2. For a moment you questioned if he had just abandoned you as a whole, but quickly shunned yourself for bringing it up.
CX-2 loved you, and wouldn't dare leave you to rot.
"Look!" A clone yelled out, just as you saw a small girl and a storm trooper running by.
What were they doing?
They crept around the corner, swiftly blasting and taking out 2 storm troopers in the process. The girl got to work on the main computer that operated the cells.
"Hey kid, whats going on?" Someone asked.
"We're breaking you out."
Seconds later, your cell door opened. You slowly walked out, unsure what to do. What would CX-2 do in a situation like this? He'd probably tell you to keep your head down and blend in. Stay out of trouble, 'for his sake.'
You did just that, creeping out of the cell and hiding within the groups of clones.
Apparently, the 'storm trooper' was a clone, so was the girl. They were on a mission to free their three brothers, recruiting clones as they did so.
Was this the big mission CX-2 was called to? To capture the people they were here to rescue?
"We've checked all the cells, they aren't here."
You knew where they probably were... The training room. The very room that tortured and left your beloved marked. You didn't dare say a word. As much as you hated Hemlock and his 'methods,' worse things would happen if CX-2 failed his mission...
"Well... they could be in the training room." Damn, another clone had though the same as you.
They decided to head there, a few turning for an easier escape.
What should you do? Warn CX-2? You weren't raised as a soldier, you had no training. No fighting experience. You knew how to save and help, not attack and kill.
A small hand was rested on your arm, the girl from earlier. "Hi, I'm Omega."
You looked down to her. "I know it's kind of scary, but we have to fight for what's right.." If only she knew your true intentions...
"You're right... i'll come with you..." All you wanted was to find CX-2.
So, you did. Following them to the training room, they planned an attack from the lower circle.. You, however, had a new idea. To come in through the main balcony. The one that led directly to Force 99.
You managed to sneak away and climb the steps that brought you to the main doors.
"Hey, you! Are you supposed to be here?" A trooper stopped you.
"Yes sir," You gave him your chain code, "I am a medic. Hemlock has requested my services in the Training room." You lied, faking a confidence you never had.
"I never heard about Hemlock ever needing a medic in the training room..."
"Well if you want to ask him, while the Zillo beast is one the loose, he has new prisoners, and while his top experiment is lost- Be my guest. I just don't think he'd be very happy with you questioning his methods." You crossed your arms behind your back, something you'd seen CX-2 do many times.
"Fine." He moved out of your way, letting you head to your destination.
You walked to the door, ready to put your mother's clearance codes in. With a steam they opened, leaving you to witness a terrible sight.
The 3 captured clones were out, fighting. You got there in time to see the big clone burst out of the glass, tackling a special operative.
With the sound of the door, the man with a bandana looked your way. Along with CX-2, who rose swiftly upon seeing you. You distracted him long enough for the clone without a hand to blast him in his side.
You gasped as you watched CX-2 fall in your direction.
With an electrospear in his hand, the bandana man stepped to him. He only managed to zap him once before you ran in.
"No!" Your scream pierced out, you threw yourself onto CX-2. Using your body to cover his.
You didn't care if you died then and there, at least you'd die in CX-2's arms. You'd at least die together...
"No, don't!" You squeezed your eyes shut, prepared for a shock that never came. You felt a weak hand raise from under you to grip your clothes.
Tears streamed down your face violently. Pattering on CX-2's armor.
"You do realize the crimes he has committed..." The man panted out, he was also wounded.
"Please, it was for me... It was all for me..." You sobbed out. "Hemlock threatened my life..." You buried your head in his neck, holding him tightly.
"Hunter, no. We should kill them both now." The handless man spoke.
The man you assumed to be Hunter didn't have time to respond.
"I swear we wont follow you... Hemlock is probably on his way to his private ship... I swear..." Your words were muffled but they understood well enough.
"We are wasting time, lets go." Hunter commanded, the two of them left.
You gave out a whimper, "CX-2... Please... Stay with me." You pried his helmet off. He was in a rough state.
His eyes struggled to focus on one thing, but he still tried to find your face. "It'll be okay, just let me grab a med pack." You went to pull away, but he gripped you tighter.
"Let me.. hold," He coughed, "You.."
"You are not going to die on me. You wouldn't do that to me, would you?" You tried to joke. He shook his head, 'no.'
"Then let me do my job, and help you." He still held you tightly. "Please... you deserve to live..." He let you go.
It was only half a minute, you grabbed a medics kit that was nearby and began patching him up.
Making quick work of taking his armor and blacks off. It reminded you of the first time you'd done this to him. A very similar wound on his waist.
You forced him a pill, and squeezed out as much bacta as you could from its packet.
"Can you roll over for me, baby?" You asked, helping him get on his side.
He complied as much as he could, and you were able to patch up his other side.
"Okay, this will hold you over. I know the closest procedure room, a droid can give you a proper examination." You helped him stand, an arm under his own to keep his balance.
"You'll be okay, we'll be okay..." You whispered praises and words of affirmation to him. The walk was extremely painful for him, you could tell he was hiding most of it from you.
Lucky for both of you, a droid was able to identify where the blast was and give him a proper cleaning of the wound.
He was still woozy, but forced himself to stand. "We have to go. Tarkin is on his way.." CX-2 strained out. He was stubborn and refused any medication that would cloud his mind.
"W-where? Your ship?" You were scared, not just for CX-2, but your futures as well.
He pressed a few buttons on his panel brace as you picked up his helmet.
"Turn left." He instructed you all the way to his ship, even with the pain starting to blur his vision.
The two of you somehow managed to make it to his ship, you opened the door with his panel brace and sat him in the co-pilot's seat.
You clicked away, starting the ship up. Though, you did need some guidance from him.
You had never flown a ship before, but knew you had to take the risk to save CX-2. It was wobbly, but you raised the ship and let Auto-Pilot blast you into hyperspace. It had a set of coordinates in, ones you didn't know the location of.
A groan made you turn to your lovers direction, you were at his side immediately. Crouching down you spoke, "Hey, its okay... We're far away. You can take the pain medication, its just us two."
He peaked open an eye to look at you, his face barred disappointment in himself. Almost like he was a lesser man if he took the meds.
"Take them. If not for yourself, for me." You pulled them from your pocket. He did take them, minutes later he felt the relief.
You took another look at his wound, it was stable for now. You figured that he would need a cleaning and new bandages in a few hours. Hopefully his medkit was fully equipped on his ship. If it was, you'd be able to last many days without needing to land.
You stood, pulling his head to your breast. "Shhh, rest now. We are both safe."
He truly did feel safe in your arms, like he didn't have to always be on guard. A huge change from his normal. One he'd hoped he could live out with you for the rest of his life...
A/N- Thank you so much for reading! I got a little carried away with this one... I just had to get this idea written down!!!
Tags-(lmk if you want to be tagged as well!) @thethreeeyed-raven @knight-of-flowerss @dangraccoon
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brucewaynehater101 · 20 days
So there's a fic that I think you will like. It's called The Definition of Valor by Nerdpoe. Really short, spoiler free summery. Instead of loosing his Spleen, Tim looses his eyes. He makes special gadgets to help him with this, such as a device in is cowl that scans the room he is in and tells him what is where via coded sounds, like say, two low A notes followed by a chirp means there is a wooden desk to the north east of him. He also makes a special computer program for his grapple so when he points it somewhere, it will adjust his aim so he never misses and always attaches to a good spot.
This fic is giving me *so many* thoughts about the potential fall out of this being found out not as soon as Tim gets back to Gothem because he never tells anyone. Specifically it's making me think about Tim who is Bruce's dad not telling Bruce because he doesn't want to worry his son. He doesn't want to worry his grandchildren/siblings either so he puts in colored contacts and wears glasses when his cowl isn't on. The glasses and an ear piece have the same tech as his cowl to tell him where everything is.
How long would it take them to find out? Tim would never tell them, so do they find out on accident because Tim forgot the contacts that are his normal eye color, or because Ras is mad at Tim and tells them what Ras did to Tim? Maybe he got to mad and while ranting at a Rouge (either Harley or Two Face would be especially funny if he's just been hanging upside down and ranting and raving fo 30 minuets already) over one of their traps, he accidentally lets slip that he's blind, or maybe he yells at Riddler, "Nygma, this isn't fair! I've been completely blind since last July and my usual tech that tells me what's around me is getting fucked by your signal jammer! So either read the riddle to me out loud or let me go!" and then later Riddler scolds one of the other Bats for letting the blind one do the visual puzzles much to their confusion.
Hi!!! I love that fic so much! Have you seen the sequel for it as well? It's short, but a great read. I would die for more of this concept.
In that fic, Bruce turns out to be a good dad. While I may hate Bruce, the way that guy handles the situation in that fic is fantastic.
However, I would like a fic where this concept gets a delayed reveal. In the AU, Tim figures out how to function without his eyes.
He engineers technology to read people's facial expression/body language to help him out. It reads words for him, etc.
I wonder what excuse he'd give for wearing the earpiece and glasses all the time. Maybe he says it's another aspect to separate Timothy Drake from Red Robin?
Just Tim gaslighting and girlbossing his way into pretending he can still see. I kind of want him to keep up the ruse for a long while.
When he does get found it, it'd be hilarious if the others forget he's blind. Tim has engineered technology to assist him, but he still can't see. So they'll try to take him to activities they did together when he could see (like star gazing) or they'll ask him what he thinks of the color of their outfit. He also ruthlessly uses his blindness as an excuse to mess with people. If Timothy Drake-Wayne is known to be blind, he'll use it to accuse Luthor of being ableist at every chance he'll get. He also bullies the shit out of governmental agents and companies that don't provide accommodations.
I'm also a fan of Riddler finding out about it, but him just changing his puzzles to be accommodating. I'm biased towards Riddler (I love him so much) so it'd be cool to see the silent show of support like that.
Another AU idea: When Tim blows up Ra's bases, the explosions cause him to become deaf or hard-of-hearing.
Dealer's choice on how much hearing he loses, but I feel like this could be great to explore deafness and misconceptions commonly held in our society.
Tim would probably already know how to sign and lip read (might even know multiple different sign languages), but he would face a few difficulties.
He chooses not to disclose his hearing loss
People often cover their mouths or face away from someone when speaking (which makes lip reading arduous)
Ableist people suck
The world is set up for hearing people, so a lot of issues stem from a lack of accommodations rather than Tim's ability to hear
Tim chose not to tell anyone about the change in hearing for a few reasons: he doesn't trust anyone (especially during his adjustment period) and he doesn't want to be underestimated (wants to prove himself in the field before they try to pull him from it).
As far as technology to help him, the comms were easier to program than other auditory inputs. Since they were designed to transmit clear voices, he merely has to train a program to automatically close caption whatever is spoken (the automatic ones used today are useful, but still make too many errors for Tim's preference. Some also only do words automatically and leave out helpful information like laughing, choking, screaming, computer dings, etc.). Each Bat member has their own designated color. For those he doesn't interact with often, it says their name before every time they speak up.
Tim incorporates the visual overlay into his goggles and glasses. He can read what people contribute to the conversation based on that. It also leaves his hands free so he doesn't need to look down. His wrist computer stores records of what has been said so Tim can go back over it if he misses it. He also has the ability to change where the words appear on his field of vision.
I also hc Alfred is the first to notice that Tim is staring intently at his lips when he talks and has difficulties with the conversation when Alfred changes the way he pronounces words or isn't facing Tim (this is before Tim's tech gets perfected). From then on, Alfred makes a point of facing Tim whenever the teen is in the room. They both don't talk about it until the rest of the family finds out (however long that takes).
Feel free to add more to either AU!
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Discovering Your Past - Eula & Keqing x Male!Reader
In which they find out you were abused by your ex.
CW: Mentions of past trauma - physical abuse and SA. Modern AU. A/N: My fics are getting longer recently. I wonder if you guys mind?
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Injuries are a natural part of life. 
A scraped knee, a concussion, a sprained or broken limb - all creatures will have to endure these hardships one way or another. And, as the saying goes, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Each wound leaves a scar, each fight or accident is a lesson for the future on what to do or avoid. 
What about those on the other end? Most feel regret about hurting others, are forced to do it or are convinced of their actions' justified nature. Yet among those are some starkly different cases. People who enjoy causing pain, be it physical or mental. And, undoubtedly, she was one of them. 
Fate had it that your heart longed for her. She was a beauty, benign and friendly, whose charms worked on you without fail. She pushed, she pulled, slowly dragging you into her web. Your mind was too clouded with feelings to notice just how badly she trapped you. Like a spider she wrapped you in silky touches and words of affection like in a cocoon, and you were completely oblivious to your situation. And that she was - an apex predator, an effortless liar and natural manipulator. She stoked the flames of family conflicts, estranging you from your loved ones. Friends? She gave you a simple choice - it's me or them. You were coaxed into signing off your house under her name, as she encouraged you to do with many of your belongings, until you had nothing. Time and time again she pulled your strings through your heart, backing you into a corner. Alone. Unable to escape. Without anyone to turn to, anywhere to get away. 
When your eyes opened at last, nobody was there to hear you scream. 
Years. It took you two whole years to escape her clutches, two years of cruelty hidden behind a veil of love. With only the clothes on your back and some Mora in your pocket, you set off to another nation. There, you found a new home, and a new love. Sweet, caring and warm. 
But wounds of the past cannot be hidden forever. 
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You push the door behind you, closing it with an accidently loud thud. Eula kicks off her high heels and enters the hall, placing down her bag and taking her jacket off. You put yours on the hanger and move to take hers, but she sends you a sharp look and walks past you, doing it herself. 
The silence is tense. You know what you did. 
“Honey, listen. I know I shouldn't have started that discussion-” You try to speak, but she turns around and cuts you off. 
“Yes, you shouldn't have.” 
Her eyes send daggers towards you. Your heart aches at the sight of your lover so full of anger, all because of you. Her family wasn't easy to interact with. Her choice of career made her the pariah of the line, but after she married you, the relations seemingly normalized enough to make them liveable. Seemingly. 
“I’m sorry. I shouldn't have. I mustn't do that ever again. I promise I won't.” You raise your open hands, as if showing you're unarmed. What was supposed to calm her down just irritates her. 
She scoffs and approaches you. “I say you are an intelligent man, but times like these are when I doubt it. What's so hard to understand in ‘my family isn't normal and the less you interact with them the better’?”
She's right. Eula has told you time and time again that the opinions her father, mother, grandparents, uncles and aunts hold are final. Nothing will change them, they won't ever back down. They are egomaniacal with a tendency to bring those around them down to elevate themselves. And yet, there's something drawing you to them, something natural that tells you that they can be a source of warmth. 
Because that's how things are supposed to be. A family should love each other, be united and supportive instead of polarized and hateful. Something in your soul doesn't seem to understand that you can't find any support in her side of the family. 
“I know, Eula. I try to-”
“Then your ‘trying’ is not enough!” Her voice elevates further. There is something building in your chest. The pressure crawls from your heart up through your throat, rotting itself inside your neck. A choking feeling. 
“Y/N, you shouldn't talk to them! Never, ever. You know how it ends, don't you? They bring you down, they hurt and belittle you. And you know that, don't you?” 
Her eyes are narrowed. She speaks louder now, her words coming from a place of compassion and love rather than hostility. Your mind, however, is focused on something else. 
Something familiar. 
Her tone picks up, and so does your heartbeat. She's almost screaming now. 
“Sorry, dear, but are you masochistic? Or just stupid?! I will have vengeance!”
Your hyper focused eyes spot movement. Her hand goes upwards, your chest sinking. Body stiffening, you turn your head down and sideways, exposing your cheek. 
Just as she taught you. 
Fighting back was pointless. 
You deserve it. 
You hold your breath. 
The blow doesn't connect. You hear the sounds of a barefoot step. You crack your eyes open. You see Eula has taken a step back, her eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. She blinks a few times and pulls her hand back towards her body. 
“Not t-that kind of vengeance.” Eula barely mumbles the words out in pure confusion. She shakes her head in disbelief, her gaze leaving you and dropping to the floor. “Never. I w-would never-”
You spring back to life, as if a grave threat or danger just vanished. 
“No no no, it's alright, honey. I just got a little scared of you, haha. It's fine, really!” You smile sheepishly, shame crawling under your skin. On reflex or out of habit, you rub your cheek. “Maybe I really am stupid, for being scared and all, you know?”
She takes a slow step closer. Her voice is far quieter than mere seconds ago, now down from a scream to a whisper.
 “No. Don't call yourself that. My… My emotions got the better of me, honey. I’m sorry.” Eula’s voice composes, worry furrowing her brow as she stretches out her arm towards you, this time taking care to do it slowly. “May I…?”
You smile and nod, letting the palm of her hand connect to your cheek. Her touch is gentle, fingers tracing your skin with utmost care. 
Your skin is so soft, so smooth, familiar. Her heart clenches, her mind holding no doubt about your reaction. You are not someone easily scared, nor are you particularly fearful of harm. Something, somebody…
“Who was it?” Her hand trails down smoothly, coming to rest on your shoulder. “Who hurt you?”
You shake your head. “What? What do you mean? Nobody, I’m fine-”
“I said…” She huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. “... who hurt you?” 
At an instant, the thoughts in your mind already form into a rebuttal, a measly attempt to cover the truth. But you know better than that. Eula isn't that stupid. 
You sigh, trying to figure out what to say. Seeing your hesitation, she places both of her arms on your shoulders, her eyes focusing on yours. Within her beautiful irises fading from deep purple to light yellow you find a steadiness worthy of a captain, but also a lover. 
“You don't have to talk about it if it makes you uncomfortable, honey.” She speaks softly, stroking your skin in calming circles. “I just need to know if justice has been served, or some additional, very particular and very severe vengeance needs to be added to my to-do list.”
“My ex-girlfriend is… She’s no longer a threat, alright?” You close the distance between you and Eula and embrace her. Your lover secures her arms around you right away, providing you with just the comfort you seek. “I just don’t want to go back to those days. They’re over and I just want to focus on you… On somebody that actually loves me. Somebody that doesn’t scream at me for no reason, belittles and insults me, and…”
Your voice trails off. Images and sensations rush through your memory. Every insult, every impact weighs on your voice, trapping it beneath the torrent of nightmarish memories. Eua squeezes you tighter. 
“Shh. Don’t think about it now, sweetie. You're here, safe in my arms. I promise to be your shield. However…”
Eula's characteristic pout forms on her face. 
“For not telling me about this, I will have vengeance.”
“That was a little shameful for me-” She cuts you off. 
“Silence. My retribution is nigh. For your transgression, I shall cuddle you and feed you ice cream while subjecting you to the terror of your favorite movie.” She narrows her eyes theatrically before gently, but firmly grabbing a hold of your wrist. “You cannot escape now.”
You smile in horror. 
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The screen flashes with a jump scare as a curtain is moved aside. A disfigured monstrosity covered in black goo and rags opens its jaw to reveal a set of sharp, but surprisingly pristine teeth.
“Brains!” Its voice is clearly augmented in some way, deep and a little echoing. 
The punk screams at this sight but before he can do anything, the zombie grabs his head with its skeletal hands and bites down. The rest of the group squeals. The man's head is cracked open like an egg, filling the undead's mouth with fake blood and flesh-like props. 
“Oh my…” Keqing can't help but gasp a little, her arms tightening around your chest slightly. “That's a lot of jaw force…”
As the zombie digs into the man's brain, a joke comes to your mind. 
“He's not going to extract a lot of brain from him, is he?” 
In response, Keqing chuckles a little. “Yeah. But at least he is also quite brave. If not for him, that girl would have been the meal instead.”
“True, true.”
The movie continues. The female lead escapes the locker she was trapped in moments ago as her friend is being devoured. Another character throws an empty bucket of paint at the creature, making it fall back, before raising up and exclaiming joyously: 
“More brains!”
The kids scream and run away. Keqing, as much as she finds the movie interesting, can't help but recall one scene in particular. 
A smirk settles on her delicate features. “So… How's the movie? Do you like it?”
You nod vigorously. “Of course! It's a classic that I wanted to watch for a long time now, but never got around to that. And I can confidently say that I regret not watching it earlier. It's a lot of fun.”
Keqing hums in understanding. Her fingers, one of them brandishing a beautiful and intricate golden ring, slowly move up onto your leg. 
“Did you enjoy any scene in particular, honey?” Your eyes follow her hand as it moves up, each finger making a slow, deliberate step. 
Just a glance at her slight blush and sly smirk is enough to make you catch on, making your cheeks heat up as well. You gulp. 
“Well…” You start, but Keqing places a finger on your lips, silencing you. 
“Aw, sweetie~ I know full well how you were eyeing that girl. Your thoughts were betrayed by much more than just your stare.”
Her hands move up, sliding underneath your shirt and caressing your exposed chest. You feel her desire through her movements, careful, seductive, yet impatient at the same time. A little shiver of excitement crawls through your body. 
“Honestly, Y/N, I can't blame you. That redhead was quite a beauty, after all. ”
Her hands clench over your body as she rolls to sit on your lap, her eyes, twinkling with desire, pointed right at you. Keqing sends you a wink. Your hands settle on her buttocks. 
“But you see, my dear, you got me just a little too jealous to resist showing this handsome guy which girl his attention should be on~” Her hands shift to meet yours, fingers wrapping around your wrists. “So relax and let me have the spotlight~”
Your eyes widen as she hoists your arms off her and pins them to the wall above your head. You try to struggle away, but her grip is iron thanks to the additional strength provided by her Vision. An attempt to release your body from underneath hers fails as well. You're nervous - this never happened before. 
“Keqing, you're-” You start to say, but are interrupted by her right hand locking onto your throat. 
Your hands clench, eyes growing wide. You choke, any words of protest dying in your restricted windpipe. You look at Keqing, who smiles mischievously, completely oblivious to your discomfort. 
“What did I say? Bad boy!” She uses her other hand to pry yours off her choking arm. You relent, shocked and increasingly scared at her sudden roughness. “Now stay still, or you'll regret it~”
Tears form in your eyes as she leans and begins kissing and licking your cheek, adding small bites here and there. You close your eyes, not wanting to see what happens next. The feeling of her genuine affection recalls different images in your mind. The past and the present melt into one in your mind. 
As you lay helpless, Keqing continues loving you until her tongue hits an unusual note of salt on your skin. She pulls back and, upon seeing you crying, lets go of you right away. Her hands go to cover her mouth in an expression of pure horror. 
“I’m sorry! I’m… Oh Gods, I didn't mean to-!” 
You squirm away and, in response, Keqing jumps off of you. She reaches towards you, but ultimately stops herself. Shame, guilt and sadness light up her face, hidden behind her small hands. 
You wipe your eyes with your sleeve. By now your senses have returned. Her reaction brought you back at an instant. You get up and approach her. 
“Keqing, I'm sorry, nothing-” 
You're interrupted as she dashes past you. You can only call out to her as she runs to the bathroom and slams the door behind her. The sound of a lock turning halts your movements. 
You sigh and drop back down on the couch. The movie is still playing. Your ears pick up the sounds of soft sobbing from behind the bathroom doors. The heart tells you to get up, to talk to her, to knock down the door if need be, but the brain speaks with reason. She needs time, and you know it. It's better to let her calm down on her own. If you were to approach her now, she likely wouldn't speak to you, let alone open the door. 
Tears return to the corners of your eyes. Your heart aches at the sound of her pain. You can tell what she's thinking. That she's awful, dangerous, creepy, abusive. That it's all her fault. 
But the truth? She's not the problem. You are. 
The TV's noise irritates you. You turn it off and throw the remote across the room. Your head falls into your hands. 
How could you have done this to her? 
Why can't you just let go? 
Why are you so weak? 
A shaky sentence manages to make its way out of your lips. 
“It's all my fault.”
Deafening silence was all that filled the following hour when her crying died down. You went through every possibility of what would happen when the bathroom door would open. You planned what to tell her and how, you anticipated all of her possible reactions. You knew you couldn't fail again. You couldn't leave her in the dark and risk another incident like this. 
She shouldn't suffer because of me, you thought. It was your obligation to be transparent with your wife. Not like you weren't dying to apologize, to comfort her, to let her know it isn't her fault. But you were patient. 
When the door finally opened, Keqing looked abysmal. Her make-up was completely gone, first made running with tears, then washed away along with them. Her hair was a mess, not a trace of her usual prim and proper style left. Her eyes were red and barely open. 
You spoke gently. You hugged her, asking for a chance to explain yourself. She nodded wordlessly and you sat with her by the table. There, you told her everything. You told Keqing about your previous partner and about exactly what you suffered at her hands. Your wife was very quiet, but still nodded every now and then. From the shakiness of her voice when she spoke the few words in your conversation, you could tell she was stopping herself from bursting into tears again. Nonetheless, you continued until the story was told. 
“As such, Keqing, my wife, my love, the sun to my moon, none of what happened is your fault.” You continue, following the script you prepared in your mind. “It was my weakness and my inability to move on that caused all of this in the first place. For that, I’m… sorry. I truly am.”
She nods. Her eyes are focused on her hands, fingers fiddling with each other. Keqing slowly lifts her eyes to meet yours. You spot tears gathering on her features. 
“Why… I don't understand…” She starts, but upon realizing her instability, she sniffles and swallows the sadness weighing on her chest. “Why would you ever say that you're weak?” 
You sigh. “I should have moved on by now, but instead, I kept it with myself and now it hurt you as well. It is my pain and thus my responsibility to handle it.”
“No, n-no that's… How… How could someone such as you be weak?” She shakes her head. “You survived so much. So much pain, so much fear, so much hurt… And yet here you are, Y/N. Not only trusting another woman, a woman whom you not only married, but also allowed into your bed. I can't imagine myself doing something like that so quickly. You've moved on, honey. You regained the strength to trust and to love again. How can this be called anything but strong?”
You open your mouth to challenge her on this, but she acts first. 
Keqing breaches the gap between you and falls into your arms. Her body wraps around yours, holding onto you tightly. One of her hands travels to your cheek. 
“Y/N, you're strong. For having endured it, for having moved on, trusted again.” 
You drop your gaze. Perhaps she is right. Keqing gently lifts your cheek to direct your attention back at her. She smiles, her tearful eyes shining with boundless affection. 
“You're the strongest man I've ever known.”
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Thanks for reading!
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gatitties · 6 months
Ok, I have this idea, the reader(preferably female) is apart of the white beard crew, but White-beard, thatch, Marco, and Ace are the only ones that know about her. She’s a shadow to the rest of the world. The marines and Government don’t even know about her. When Ace is sentenced to death, she makes an appearance because she doesn’t want her brother to end up dead. Not to mention, she’s Yonko level strong.
─Ace, Thatch & Marco x fem!reader (platonic)
─Summary: you refuse to let the only person who could see you die when no one else did
─Warnings: none
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─ When you joined the crew everyone celebrated having a new companion to live adventures with, however in just a few days the majority seemed to ignore your existence.
─ Perhaps it hurt you a little that some of the pirates who were supposedly your family forgot your name, but over time you understood that here everyone had their groups and the group in general was so large that it was normal that not everyone knew each other.
─ Although it took you a little longer to adapt, it was thanks to Ace's bright and fiery personality that you didn't feel like a forgotten dog.
─ Ace being the only person you felt comfortable with, you found yourself behind him like a baby duck, which he found adorable, you reminded him of Luffy when he was a kid and followed him through the forest.
─ Of course, being with Ace meant being friends with Marco and Thatch, they didn't know you at first, but they ended up warming to you after a few weeks.
─ You didn't need anything more than those three idiots, the only three people who knew you, who wanted to know about you, who remembered your name, but above all the only ones who could contemplate your strength, they dared to compare you with their father, Whitebeard.
─ Regardless of whether you were a devil fruit user or not, you were someone extremely strong, but since your existence was barely noticeable, you preferred to keep a low profile regarding your abilities.
─ When Ace began to travel and not return so often your heart tightened full of anxiety, without Thatch after the accident with Blackbeard you began to get overwhelmed with Ace's well-being.
─ Which led you to spend many hours inside Marco's office, looking for some comfort, he would calm you down with some sweet words at the time, although it was inevitable not to show concern when the news that your friend had been captured and was going to be executed.
─ You weren't going to go through that, so even without being noticed you were piled up with all those who joined together to save a comrade, a brother.
─ In the middle of the fight you had no problem making way with violence and power, and it's not like anyone was paying too much attention to you since all the attention was on the one you deduced was Luffy, Ace's brother.
─ You smiled when you saw that both brothers fell outside the place of execution, although your face became gloomy when you saw how they continued to attack them, taking into account that they were generals of the marines, you should hurry up and advance to the front.
─ The feeling in the pit of your stomach made a lump in your throat as you saw how, being one step away from both boys, you saw in slow motion how admiral Akainu's lava-coated fist headed towards Ace's exposed chest.
─ You never thought you were holding back in some battles, but even you were surprised when you sent the admiral flying out of your brother's reach, both of them looking at you with their mouth slightly open, although Ace greeted you with a smile instantly.
─ The silence fell for a few seconds and for the first time you received looks from thousands of people, feeling completely self-conscious, you hurried to get rid of the chains that linked Ace's hands to your bare hands, the priority now was to get out of there in one piece.
─ Perhaps, after your feat, people would begin to look at you with different eyes, or simply, to notice more, after all, you were the savior of the son of the pirate king.
─ Oh if Thatch were here he would brag about his sister's strength like Ace and Marco did once they returned to the ship, where this time they celebrated as if everyone were going to become extinct the next morning.
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cheapshrimpysheep · 10 months
If you are willing, I crave more Idia content. I really like the first date thing you wrote for him, and I’d love to see how you’d approach the idea of him being a bit bolder with his crush upon finding out somehow that they have a crush on him too! Tysm and congrats! 🩵💙
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COMMENTS: Thank you for the request. Idia is one of my favorites. 💙 And maybe that's why I wrote a little more than I usually do. And in a slightly different way too.
I hope you and all enjoy it. 😉
CHARACTERS: Idia Shroud (Ortho as his accomplice)
TAGS: Fluff; GN Reader; Flirting
WORD COUNT: 850 words
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How did he find out?
Idia found out because of Ortho. Knowing that his older brother had a crush on you, he decided to find out if you could have a crush on him too. Since Idia wouldn't try anything at all unless he was absolutely sure your feelings would be reciprocated.
First Ortho studied your vital signs and other physical changes to see if they changed when his brother was around or mentioned. And, according to his studies and test results, the changes that happened to you squared with the changes that occur when one person has a crush on another.
Why do all that if some of your closest friends could confirm your crush on him? Because that information would not be enough for Idia, he needed scientific proof too.
How would he react?
Denial! “Come on! Those results can't be right. I mean, with all this handsome SSR OP characters around? They could have a prince, why would they want me? You must have some bug. Let me check.”
“NO! I’m fine!” Ortho replays “I can guarantee you that all my software is up to date and there is no warning from my antivirus.” They got into an argument long enough for Ortho to convince Idia that it's true that you have a crush on him. Would that take hours? Days? It doesn't matter. The Shroud may very well be the most stubborn students in the entire school.
How would he start acting around you?
Well, it depends. Of how many people and who is around you.
If you are in a place where he feels socially uncomfortable, such as surrounded by extroverted friends of yours, you will be his shield. He won't let go of you. And he will only talk to you, or at least try to only talk to you. If those people are the shadows in the room and he is a child afraid of the dark trying to sleep, then you are his teddy bear that puts him to sleep when he hugs you.
Well, he wouldn't literally hug you in public, but the feeling is extremely similar.
If he is very anxious, he may discreetly hold your arm. And he will try to convince you to accompany him to a place where he feels more at ease.
If you were out in public but in a situation that was within his comfort zone, for example at the board games club, or surrounded by someone he already has a little more confidence in, he will still be reserved, at least in the eyes of others.
He would always be close to you, sit next to you. Not in the sense that he is glued to you, but in the sense that you are the person he feels most comfortable with. Like I said before, his teddy bear.
Since he is in a place where he feels comfortable, he can forget about the others while talking to you, by accident, and flirt with you a little. Tucking his arm around your shoulders as he talks. Talking to you in that deep voice and with his confident smile on his face.
If anyone in the room shows they can hear you two or can tell you're flirting, he'll back away from you a little bit completely embarrassed by the situation. And yes, the ends of his hair will turn pink.
And if you are in private, most likely in his room, there will be nothing to assuage his pride.
He will treat you most of the time like his best friend. At least until such time as something happens or is said that gives him an opening to flirt with you. A bet on a video game for example?
“You want to take a walk with me one day? To leave my room of my own free will?” Idia smiles smugly at you “Fine, sure, of course... if you beat me at Star Rogue.”
You two were sitting, playing some video games.
“That's not fair!” you protest “You know nobody can beat you!”
“I'm glad you're smart enough to see the trick. If you had accepted I would have started to worry about your ability to fall into a deadly trap in the future. Wisdom is not an attribute to be neglected.”
“If you don't want to take a walk with me, all you have to do is say no. Or no, thanks.”
“I know, that's why I never said no. Are you not paying attention?”
You don't want to play that, so you get up sulking and walk to the door to leave. You expect him to stop you but he doesn't. You try to leave, but the door won't open.
Idia gets up and walks over to you. Still with your back to him, you see his hand land on the closed door. You turn around and he's basically "kabe-don" you.
“Hey, come on, these kinds of achievements shouldn't be so simple to get, don't you think? And do we really need to go outside? There are so many things we can only do inside.”
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If you dropped in here out of the blue and want to read more from me, you can find it in my pinned post: INDEX
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Werewolf!Logan Howlett x Reader Headcanons
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I'm such a slut for Hugh Jackman let alone daddy wolverine >:)
🌙 He was bitten in a freak accident decades ago. He was sure his own mutation would save his hide like it had done many times before, and it seemingly did at first until the full moon reared its ugly head. He lost complete and total control.
🌙 Ever since then, he's been confinded to be locked up wherever and wherever possible, most of the time being beneath the school's grounds heavily monitored by his fellow professors during the full moons. His temper can easily get out of control, often spending the entire day down there preparing for the night.
🌙 His temper before was already bad, but now? It's gotten worse from the change and it only gets worse as the full moon draws near. He doesn't mean to get angry, he really doesn't. The whole bad guy schtick sometimes bothers him when he's deep in it. He's not really a monster, is he? People sure as hell look at him to be one.
🌙 Barely anyone else knows besides his fellow professors. None of the students know for sure, only knowing about his mutation and not his curse that Charles slaves over to find the cure to. He doesn't know how to feel about it still after decades of being like this, and he's not ready to find out. The world persecutes them all already for being mutants, they all won't be as friendly towards monsters now too.
🌙 And then you came along, and Logan's never been the same. Things started out prickly between you both, or at least that's how he wanted things to be. He was his usual "charming" self towards you, but you saw right through his sarcastic and gruff antics despite your professor being more prickly than a porcupine.
🌙 Your scent was the one thing that clung to his mind the most, cutting in deep and latching on to his brain. He could smell you all over him despite barely being in the same room as you, able to sniff you out from across the school. In his cell, as he's fighting the change, your scent still drives him nuts to the point he snaps and loses it completely.
🌙 Speaking of scents, he often finds himself smoking like a chimney some days just to keep his senses dulled. Whether it's cigarettes or cigars, whatever he gets his hands on will do as long as tobacco smoke depravates his sense of smell. Not only to keep your odd yet tantalizing scent out of his nose and head, but also all of the disgusting smells that come from life (especially in a school mostly housed by teenagers who don't know how to do laundry). And if you walk by? The poor man almost swallowed his cigar, hacking up smoke and ash for hours.
🌙 You've caught him looking at you so many times. At first he would look away with a gruff look on his face as he tried to play it cool. But as you started warming up to the mutant and flirting with him, he looks away bashfully with a faint blush blooming on his cheeks. And if anyone Gambit asks and teases him about, they're threatened with the claws.
🌙 It all came ahead when you shockingly found him flirting back one day, both of you suddenly finding yourselves alone when he accidentally cornered you. He rolled with it when he saw that sadistically smooth grin plaster on your face, caging you in between his arms as he just couldn't take it anymore. He did his best, but you cut him off by pressing your lips against his, shutting him up and stirring something primal inside of him.
🌙 He knew he shouldn't be doing this. You're a student here and he's one of your professors, let alone the big ugly side he hid away just beneath your feet. It sounds pathetic to him but he doesn't want you to see him like how the others do. He wants you to feel warm and safe. And his.
🌙 You found out pretty quickly, too quickly for him to admit. You're smart, he should've figured you would sooner or later. You didn't even need to find him in the cells during the full moon to figure it out, having even seen his eyes change to a pale yellow on the off chance amongst other things. You meant to ask it more as a joke, not expecting Logan to be fully honest with you, looking ashamed the entire time.
🌙 Logan's had decades to control and curb that darker side of him, and it's paid off for the most part. He rarely has outbursts, but there are times where his temper flares and that side of him starts to creep out. You often notice the shift in his demeanor, placing a calming hand somewhere on him as you whisper for him to calm down. It does wonders to him, knowing you're right there, your scent in his nose and your words cutting through the primal wilderness.
🌙 Logan loves it if you wear his clothes, especially one of his jackets. It does something to him that he can't describe when he sees you enveloped in his large, baggy leather jacket, wrapped entirely in his scent and looking so perfect to him. It's a shame the jacket hits the floor sometimes when he gets in the mood.
🌙 You finally get to see that other side of him after nearly a year of dating, Logan softly asking you to come with him in the early cusps of dawn as you both laid in bed together. That warm clashed with the chilly cold of the cells as you stood on the other end of the door, watching it unfold before your eyes. He's so much bigger than you would've imagines with dark fur and haunting eyes. It's funny. Just one glance at him and you would've guessed immediately it was Logan, the wolfman just held that look to him.
🌙 He would never admit it out loud but he loves it when you scratch idly at his hair, facial or those thick locks of his. It's hard for him to deny it when though when he becomes putty in your hands, practically growling with pleasure as your nails lightly scratch at his skin. He gets all gruff and grumbly when you point it out, stating that he isn't sweet and shit only for his heart to melt like a gooey pot of honey. He often breaks that look on his face when you laugh and press a kiss to his prickly cheek.
🌙 He doesn't mean it, but he does get a little jealous when it comes to some of the other mutants in the school. He doesn't know if it's just him being protective over you or the beast inside of him, but both can agree that he wants to keep you safe over all else. If you're talking with someone like Kurt or Hank he sort of feels threatened and it kind of stresses him out.
🌙 He hates the dog puns that people often throw out, especially when it's people that don't actually know about that side of him. Whether its lap dog or guard dog or something amongst those lines, it really puts a sour taste in his mouth. You're the only one safe from this, however - to a limit. The only one he fully lets you get away with is when you're calling him a good boy (because he is one >:) ).
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sanctus-ingenium · 11 months
I love the moth guy a lot. Such a cool design! He's a photographer, too? What a funky little guy. Do you have more to tell about him?
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Patches is a large (about 1.6m long) sphinx moth descended from the family Sphingidae. He is based off of a combination of striped hawk moth and tersa sphinx moth and he is distantly related to both :)
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(source) (source)
I have to explain some of the setting - so every few million years, a mountain appears. It appears in the same spot on multiple different parallel dimensions, and it is there for maybe 45 years at a time. During this time is the only time these parallel worlds can touch, intersect, or meet one another. The last time this happened, members of the class Insecta came over, and found a different world with a ludicrously oxygen-rich atmosphere and some extremely energy-dense plants. They were able to develop, in the intervening years between then and the time of the story (think 1910s on earth) into the dominant life forms in this new world, many becoming quite large and developing complex societies and technology of their own.
The mountain reappears. This time, some of our insect characters (Nettle Rove [Staphylinidae] among them, though he is much younger than Patches and arrived at the tail-end of the time window) cross the mountain again, either by accident or on purpose, and find earth there, and human society. There's not enough oxygen there to fly or do much physical activity but they can still survive there and participate in a type of cultural exchange. So we have a First Contact type situation, but that's not what everyone really cares about. See, the humans have climbed the mountain and found at its peak, hidden in the clouds, a city. Completely devoid of life (even microbial), but obviously made by somebody. So the actual premise of the story is the exploration and mystery of this place.
Patches is 18 when the mountain shows up. He has just had a fulfilling caterpillar-hood of territorially murdering everyone he meets (kind of a solitary species! some members of Sphingidae will literally fight to the death if they meet as caterpillars) and, he is naturally extremely curious about the world outside His Tree. he meets his mate/bestie, Rosy Wing and while they do spend a lot of time terrorising everyone they meet, eventually they get interested in what's on the other side of that giant mountain. after meeting up with some humans trying to map the place, a camera-maker has a bright idea to send up Patches, who can hover very still in place, to photograph the strange lifeless city from the air (the humans are in full steampunk swing so obviously they have airships but atmospheric mixing between the different worlds makes it too dangerous to fly them, given that a stray breeze from the insect world might make a combustion engine blow the fuck up). the mixing is also sufficient to allow the insects to fly on the mountain but not for very long, meaning that most exploration of the city is on foot. The development of this aerial photography technique reveals that, from the air, the city appears disproportionately huge, and seems to stretch on for infinity. Because of this, and Patches' part in it all, an entire industry strings up for city exploration, and by Nettle Rove's time twenty years later, it has descended into bitter and violent rivalries between wealthy patrons funding expeditioneer teams. Murder is legal there (it's legal in insect world too. have u met insects? they love murder)
As for Patches himself, he is a barely-socialised semi feral freak with an incredibly upbeat and curious personality who is so so so devoted to Rosy Wing (who is.. similar, but more into people instead of cameras). Until their habit of harassing and thieving from randos goes poorly on a city expedition, and their entire team gets caught in a shootout. There were no recorded survivors. Our guy survived by playing dead but Rosy Wing was not so lucky. With Patches' hindwing in tatters, his only hope of being able to fly again and get of there was to use Rosy Wing's own hindwing as donor material. And that's how he got his name (he didn't have one before) :3
Rosy Wing was similar to an eyed hawk moth in appearance
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In Nettle Rove's time, there is a persistent rumour of some weird old hermit in the city. These claims are dismissed, but something's out there drinking the blood of random expeditioneers, and that thing might know more about what lies at the heart of the city than anyone else...
okay thank you for reading love u
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