#making your own vanilla is really easy btw
just found 3 approx 12oz bottles of organic vanilla extract in the back of a cabinet from years ago when I made my own vanilla and I feel like I struck gold. that's worth about $100 today.
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house-of-daena · 1 year
my dear puppet [kabukimono x amab!reader]
content: no specified pronouns, afab!kabukimono, dom reader/sub kabukimono, nsfw, virginity taking, vanilla, corruption, size kink, tell me if i miss anything.
꒰ (pre fatui scara btw) this was supposed to be for a different post, but it didn't fit the concept so i just made this into a separate post. hi am back ꒱
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he makes it so easy for you to lose control.
to just grab him by his ridiculously slim waist each time he presses his body against yours, to push him against a wall and finally capture his lips each time he pouts so cutely at you, or to make him cry prettily as he takes in your cock whenever he looks up at you with his big, innocent doe eyes that sparkle at the mere sight of you. he was so small compared to you, your own hands could easily grab both of his wrists if you wanted to.
though, he doesn't realize your struggles when it comes to restraining yourself against him.
he clings to you, almost too much, ever since you discovered the abandoned puppet inside shakkei pavilion. he cries your name whenever he's uncertain, he tugs on your sleeves when you've begun to stray farther from him- he was similar to a baby duckling. he was far too pure and innocent for the world you live in, and you intend to help him; teach him everything you knew; happiness, sadness, anger, love- about being human.
unfortunately, his innocence proves to be more of an inconvenience, especially to you. there are just some things that the puppet couldn't understand, no matter how many times you've clarified it to him.
he doesn't understand the immense desire you have to have him laying underneath you, squirming and crying whilst he rakes his delicate fingernails down your back. truly, it was his fault for filling your mind with such uncouth fantasies. he may be innocent, but he just wouldn't listen. the more he learns more about the world, the more stubborn and curious he becomes. so he unknowingly pushes your buttons to the limit.
his soft, unblemished hands touching you in places you'd warned him not to; fingertips lightly caressing your inner thigh as you sip on the tea he had prepared for you, slowly testing your patience by brushing his slim fingers over the growing bulge on your crotch, his face suddenly oh so close to you, lips inches apart. despite all of this, his eyes were filled with pure, genuine curiosity... and a tiny bit of mischief from disobeying you.
where did he learn all of this? you'll have to talk to the married ladies in your village later on...
the raiden shogun herself can strike you down if you were lying, you exasperatedly swore to the people who'd notice the puppet's rather explicit advances towards you that you've explained to him what these actions meant. still, he continues to be curious, wondering why your face gets all red, your breath getting caught in your throat, your hands itching to touch him, instead of looking down at him in disgust and pushing him away.
the kabukimono doesn't really understand the whole concept of what he was insinuating, making love, as they call it, but he does know that it's meant to deepen the bond between two people. people that are in love. and even he could tell that when you look at him, it holds a different kind of fondness. him, and only him. he kisses you on the corners of your lips, hands pressed against your wide chest- slowly, he became more bold. you've told him to stop, but you hesitate. you never once told him you were discomforted at his actions, he could sense that you were quite enjoying it, craving desperately for more, but would rather gently scold him for the nth time.
you're just, but a man after all. a man with wild carnal desires for the puppet that straddles your lap. he was too innocent, too pure for you. once you delve deep into your urges, he will become corrupted, perhaps starved for more; addicted. merely touching him sent shivers down your spine. you had warned him, hands shakily settling on his hips as he lowers himself down on your lap finally, and yet he chose to accept it. if it was you, the person he loves with his whole heart, the person that never treated him differently than others, the one who taught him everything when it comes to love, he would let you corrupt him again and again, just to hold you close to him, to feel you, your love and your entire being.
he doesn't understand the weight of his words or the consequences of his curiosity. so you'll make him understand.
you shouldn't have doubted that your dearest puppet could never get more precious than he is now. lashes glittering from the tears that rolled down his pink cheeks, and lips that opened and closed simultaneously as the pretty noises that you never thought you'd hear escaped him. his chest heaved at each moan, his legs tightly wrapped around your waist as if he refuses for you to ever pull away from him, and his hands, so gentle and small, cupping your face. how he managed to maintain eye contact with you whilst you slowly plunged yourself deep inside his walls makes you wonder, but it only added more fuel to your burning fire of passion and lust for him.
he was so sweet, whispering loving praises only meant for you as you fuck into him. as much as you want to just grab his ankles and fold him, to just relentlessly pound your thick cock deeper into his quivering pussy, you held yourself back for the sake of the love of your life. he cried at the feeling of your dick drag agonizingly slow in and out of his pussy, clamping so tight onto you despite the foreign feeling of being so full. he desperately desired more as he pulled your face closer to him, kissing you like there's no tomorrow.
but you wanted to be gentle with him first. you wanted to make him feel how much you love him, that you accept him for who he is, despite all his flaws. with every inch, you bury deeper amounts much more of your affection for him. leaning against his caring touch, you bring your hand up to your cheek and placed it atop his hand.
you could always do the things you've fantasized about him now that you have him wrapped around your fingers, you know he'd let you do anything to him. as long it was you, only you. you'll return his love for you by sending him into a deep spiral of pure bliss by simply loving him.
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ronearoundblindly · 2 months
Dominance & Sleepy Sex for Fools Rush In Steve! <3
Loved your most recent one with Curtis btw 😘🖤
Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed Curtis's dirty headcanon (for the legit-dirty man).
Now to FRI Steve, the tricky and ever-growing love of my life! Prompts from this dirty ask game.
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While there are several stories in the Fools Rush In series that are suitable for all ages, this headcanon is not. MINORS DNI, please.
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D - Dominance
This is a story of a very slow evolution. Steve develops excruciatingly over months and years in the FRI series--which I do love, for the record, I love to detail every little thing that makes him understand his body, his love, and how to show it--but that's for a reason.
He has the specific problem of his senses. It makes him a better soldier to feel less, be more immune to pain, and be affected very little by those hormone fluctuations in response.
Throughout Do You Two Fondue? and This All Day, we see him come into his own as a sexual partner. That blossoms further when he's finally married to Keeps (unlocking his first kink, sorta, when he gets to call you 'Mrs. Rogers' and 'my wife'), and throughout his isolation in Dignity of His Choice, Steve realizes he's not terrible for having fantasies and wanting sex.
He's...slow to initiate anything.
What I haven't gotten to write yet is Steve being exposed to a Hydra gas (sex pollen) that reduces him to his basest, most animalistic desires, and it takes a lot of therapy and talking to shake his learned-shame. He's been conditioned to believe things like dominance and anal can only ever be wrong/disrespectful to the one he loves. (It's important to specify that Steve holds himself to this standard and no one else.)
So, please enjoy a snippet where our soft!boi admits that he might be interested in more than his so-far-pretty-vanilla intimacies.
excerpt from Not A Perfect Soldier But A Good Man
“It’s still you and me, Steve. Doesn’t matter where and it doesn’t matter how. I feel just as safe and loved now as I did before. I know you think you hurt me, but I can’t watch you hurt yourself anymore.” “But I remember it.” His voice is so quiet you think he can barely hear it, but you’re so focused. Your hands cup his face and raise his jaw, but Steve won’t look at you. “We remember a lot of things th—“ “You don’t understand,” he interrupts, the words wet from his closing throat, his long lashes shimmering with tears he’s straining to keep squeezed in. “I…”  There’s a beat before Steve sobs one huge release and reins it back in just as fast. The whiplash of keeping himself together forces him to his knees, planting him right at your feet.  He grabs your legs, pressing his forehead to your closed thighs. “I liked it,” he whispers, likely hoping he’s too far away and too quiet for you to hear. “God help me. I liked it.”
FRI Steve never becomes what I would classify as a Dom, however. He gets better at initiating and steering sex in a way he's excited about, but I can't see him regularly and entirely taking the lead in bed.
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S - Sleepy Sex
The short answer: yes.
He gets much more comfortable with the slow and easy enjoyment of morning sex.
Please enjoy another snippet from the upcoming tale about soulmarks:
excerpt from Something Wrong Is Something Right
He drags a light few fingertips across your arm, making you shiver and snuggle into him more. There’s another faint whine before you bury your head in his pec and breathe deeply. Your heart rate increases. So does his. It’s a testament to how in-sync you two are now that before you even say a word or look up at him, your arm slides down his abs and you rock your hips closer to him. Ok, now Steve’s just plain excited. He loves morning sex. Tired-You turns into a rag doll in his arms and gets loud. He feels powerful and a touch controlling, but really it doesn’t take much to get both of you off even lazily when it’s this early. You let out that little sigh, the one that pairs with the perfect hug, but as Steve has learned over the years, it really pairs with any genuine embrace between you two. It’s contentment and freedom and the invitation he’s all too willing to receive.
(I couldn't fit it in because the snippet would be too long, but one thing I just melt over is that he's categorized your scent between three levels of arousal...which, I mean, oh my, fucking swoon, am I right??? No? Ro's a perv? Ok, yeah, that checks out.)
Steve does not usually wake you up already between your legs or anything; that's a bit aggressive for him. Like, he'll rub on you but won't put his tongue or cock in you until you're aware enough to look at him.
He's been given consent to, several times, but he enjoys the participation--sharing the experience--more than just the act of getting off.
Since in FRI, Steve is a super soldier, it's unlikely he's ever completely asleep if you are significantly moving around, so you can't surprise him with a blowjob. He is finicky about those. Again, that feels impersonal and distant compared to having his arms around you.
He goes for runs so early that Steve's amazed you two have as much morning sex as you do. It turns out that's a great way to make you tired enough to fall back asleep, and you can spread out happily on his still-warm spot while he heads to the gym. You can even shower with him when he returns! Yay!
Thank you for asking!
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[Main Masterlist; Dirty Asks Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
This completes the TWENTY-SIX dirty asks from the past week. WOOHOOOOOO, we did it, gang!!! Now right back to the drawing board/notebook/multiple scrivener projects...anyway, you get it. Thanks for reading 💕
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marsbar17 · 9 months
Hello! Do you have any Bloodhound × Reader headcanons? 👀
I'm going to assume that the reader is another legend in the apex games btw
• Bloodhound didn't reach out to you when you first joined, but that was normal
• The other legends assured you that they were cold with everyone, preferring to keep to themselves
• Your first match together, a duos on King's Canyon, you got to really see how their abilities worked and there was something wildly alluring about it
• There wasn't a lot of speaking between you two, more just observing each other's skills up close for the first time
• After winning that game, the games put you together more often, and through shared curiosity of each other, you got closer
• "You are very interesting, félagi fighter." "I could say the same about you, Hound."
• You started spending more time around them, they wouldn't reach out to hangout with you but they didn't push you away when you showed up at their door
• The line between platonic and romantic was sort of blurry, and neither of you could remember when supportive pats on the back and fistbumps turned into soft holding of your waist or them calling you 'elskan'
• It wasn't until one of the other legends pointed it out jokingly that you both realized you loved each other
• Dating them comes easy, since it felt like you already were
• Their love language is words of affirmation and quality time
• They always make sure you know that you are the most divine thing in the world to them, their gift from the allfather
• I can see them taking you into the woods to go hunting
• Just the two of you in silence, enjoying the sounds of the forest and feeling like the rest of the world doesn't exist
• Life feels easier with them, the pressure from the apex games and the syndicate seems to disappear when you're in their arms
• When you aren't on a team on the games, you seek each other out, competing to see who can kill the other first in a gory game of tag
• Sometimes they just follow you, and you've gotten better at seeing the signs of them, slight rustling of leaves or a crow nearby
• Everytime you're downed at their hands, they make sure to finish you off properly, never letting you bleed out in pain
• "Have I told you how pretty you look like this, elskan?" "Many times, but say it again, please."
• They'd lift your chin up with two fingers, unclasping their mask to give you a lingering kiss before the bullet rips through your body
《NSFW》 (with no specified genitals)
• If they're topping, it's full of praise and worship
• It's either vanilla, or really kinky
• Slight blood kink, bondage, maybe a bit of pet play, very much praise and worship or your body
• No matter what you look like, they think you're beautiful
• "Watching you take me like this, it's hard to control myself, elskan."
• Their favorite positions when topping are doggy and riding, although mating press is a good one
• They groan and let out small moans, but they're aren't very loud
• They're more focused on your pleasure than their own, making sure you like everything they do and that you always cum before they do
• They love eating you out/sucking you off, tasting you turns them on so much, same with the other way around
• Tug at their hair when they're in between your thighs and they will literally growl against you
• Overstimulation, either top or bottom, love seeing you cry and twitch from overwhelming pleasure, and they also love being reduced to a whimpering mess as you make them cum over and over again
• In terms of them being the bottom, they whine and whimper a lot
• Even as a bottom, they love riding
• Will literally grab your hands and drag them to their hips so you can hold them
• Pull their haaaaiiirrrrr
• Just a bit on pain, like pulling their hair or gripping their hips hard enough to leave bruises, gets them to cum so much faster
• Mutters your name over and over, worshipping you and making sure your name is etched in their brain while they cum
• Loves it when you leave your mark on them, it's completely covered by their heavy uniform but just the thought of it being there is enough for them
• Aftercare consists of a lot of cuddling and praise, both ways
Thank you for your patience! I've been doing stuff for my mental health recently and it's taking a lot of time out of my days (therapy 3 days a week is insane dawg) but I love doing this!
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skeletondoggy · 4 months
okay writing down my SMTV:V (world's funniest abbreviation btw) thoughts here before I forget. Full spoilers for the original SMT V you've been warned.
OKAY. SO. FIRST OFF WOW I am so so glad they are taking another stab at an alternative scenario instead of just doing either a base Maniax version or the route stuff Redux did. I really appreciate the first game's scenario (as controversial it is) and I wanna talk about what the director said about The Bull and The Snake.
SMT V vanilla is, to me (and friend's I've discussed it with) a game about bonds, the destruction of set standards, and most importantly Being Forced To Go Against Your Own Ideals. The way SMT V twists and distorts alignments and breaks them down is EXTREMELY interesting, but more importantly I think it's important that they don't necessarily Reflect What's Given.
Time and time again the game lets you know this is not the Nahobino's choice. This is a choice of an auxiliary force, and even at the end things don't really land on where they might have. The protagonist is an unwilling figured dragged along in the plans of others to the very, very end. A character that nothing works out for, because they have a fate they must choose.
This is also reflected in Tao's character as well and her lack of agency near the end. While joining Naho is her choice she's...kinda a victim of it all. A saint chosen by Bethel who is used as a martyr figure who then only comes back later, to reveal that she is going to disappear. Everything that makes Tao herself is taken from her, as she becomes a function in the wheel of life and not her own.
The Naho and Tao as figures have the power and fate to change the world, but never for themselves or their own ideals. Never for a better tomorrow, and even when that's chosen they must reckon with a broken throne. Even when Naho desires a normal, peaceful life without divinity in the true route he cannot get it. He is trapped. With Tao as the throne, and him as the lone overseer of all.
This is the bull! It's easy to see, how the horned king sits atop with nothing to share, nothing to love. And this where I'm really interested with Vengeance. Especially considering (guess who) LILITH! Because, in an interesting twist, LUCIFER actually represents the snake who offered knowledge to people in the context of SMT V!
Assuming the other figures within the group will follow suit, I think this is going to be a story about lashing out at the set systems and the snake represents a place of dis-empowerment. A place of rejection, and one where I think many characters are gonna see themselves way, way more active.
In the trailer, Tao says this very interesting line. "You're not along, if you want revenge I'll help you get it." We're then shown a shot of her with Sahori, which means this line is being said there or is probably from another part of the game. But IMMEDIATELY I think it's a very very very big deal to talk about!
Tao as a character is someone who's set into a complacent position through Bethel (and tbh the game too a little), so a self declaration like this could mean a lot of things! On top of this, we see her WELL and alive during the Lahmu section (with Atsuda replacing Lahmus place? Hello?)
Miyazu as well seems to be more directly bitter in the trailer (pleaseee let Khonsu stuff be in the main story lol) which indicates a more direct active role as well! Both her and Tao are very much characters who've been hurt or exposed as weak in the systems that they're trapped in. And fucking hell I'm curious what they're gonna do.
The Bull is a representation of given power, but a lack of control. Thus thematically, I like to think this may mean the snake represents gained power through one's own control. SMT V is a game about the people and their struggles, the way the universe has dealt them unfortunate hands, and how they must brunt this fate even if it is to make them miserable and they never "win". So perhaps this is a story of victory, or clawing for victory as hard as one may.
oh also i think yoko and lilith are def a naho pair lol THANKS FOR READING
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laplacemail · 2 years
🌼🌸 anon here to make your day a bit sweeter !! you're an amazing person and i hope you've had an amazing start of the week. now, onto some nosy questions: where do you get your inspiration for your character(s) from? are there specific types of medias that have influenced the way you write or maybe even specific writers (maybe even from the rpc)? anyways, i hope your week continues to be sweet and amazing because the best of the best is what you deserve, dear friend !!
Hi nonnieee! Thank you for such a sweet message. I'm starting to get better, so hopefully I can go back to writing more often...! Hopefully next week 😭 ... want to chill with my husband for my birthday in a few days and then I can pay attention here and do some much needed cleaning (threads/asks/followers/what have u) and hopefully that will keep me on track! I hope you are having a super duper awesome day too! And that you're eating something yummy!!
And, hmmm. Good question! I kind of take inspiration from characters I'm currently vibing with, or shows/things I like. When I make OCs I just think of a like. Vague concept or personality trait I'd like to explore and then I just go off from there and add things to complement it.
Examples I can think about: Adonia was made was I was very into CRK and Pure Vanilla was a guy I was obsessing over! So I made somebody who would fit my current likes and what I was into at the time. And he just turned into his own person, completely different but still having some hints of my original inspiration. Aeron takes inspiration from Karna (FGO) and Siegfried (GBF), but he isn't quite exactly like that? But the fierce knight who is a bit awkward at talking to people normally / charitable hero traits are things you can see in him. Luc takes inspiration from Phantom (Arknights) and. well. POTO. And the funny thing is that Arknights just stole back from my guy so I find that horribly funny. But my method is just 'what are interesting themes I want to explore' and it just goes off from that. Or even a song sometimes, one of my oldest OCs I just kind of took a lot of inspiration from a song from my favorite band. This is more of my character creation process than my inspiration, but I feel like they go hand in hand.
For actual book authors I get inspiration from, I feel like once you read something you start to assimilate some parts of their writing/how they do stuff. That goes for your RP partners, too. So for book authors I cannot really give you a list of things that inspire me, since your brain likes to absorb these mannerisms like a sponge! And in the end you're left with an amalgamation of things you like that... makes you a better person and writing more comfortably at the end of the day.
But I'd like to reserve this space to give a shoutout to some writers in the RP community that amaze me and inspire me to do better, and 500% of my will to write is really like. 'This starter/reply/ask was amazing and I want to give it the attention and love it deserves'.
Which means I probably read their replies over and over, even if it is not directly addressed at me. Thank you for inspiring me to be better, and for sharing your writing (which can be such an incredibly personal thing, sometimes) with the world! It ain't easy and it ain't much!! But it's honest work!!
Here's some amazing people that inspire me (and just some otherwise this list would be WAY TOO LONG LMAO) :
@thronelessking / @aaternum / @derjaegermond / @xamassed / @kesil / @voiceofduality / @stagsworn / @saintsdawn / @lunaetis / @tenkoseiensei / @ofhope
Tumblr is gonna break some of these but I'm going to eat both of its hands right as I publish this ask. (noms)
Thank you for this btw!! I hope you have a great great great great week and weekend!
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sunkoi · 2 years
HELLO HELLO! id like to make a request about AKAZA my BELOVED i can NOT shut up about him,,,, IM REALLY SORRY IF ITS A LENGTHY DESCRIPTION,, ok so ive been thinking about a male hashira who takes akazas offer to become a demon. (call me vanilla but enemies to lovers is the GOOD shit) a small description just for you to envision: same height as akaza. long wavy black hair. light grey skin. blue sclera and pink pupils. Both of them are on good terms at first (fights to the death here and there. just hanging out) but then it starts to get rocky because he feels that akaza is coming on TOO harsh upon him with the obsessive training and fighting to get stronger 24/7,,, like, he wants to do his own thing and not be bound to upper 3 forever yknow? terrorize people and have fun and fuck around. Enter douma. a bastard to be around, but SO VERY ENTERTAINING. Obv hes nowhere near on the moral compass as douma, but hes very fun to hang out with. you can guess how akaza feels about this. Honestly the scene is up to you now! I mainly wanted to see something of akaza finally gaining someone who feels like a 'friend' (unrecognized gay) and discovering jealousy. i love myself some angst btw
Ofc! I hope this has the right amount of angst for you my friend. ( I couldn’t think of a title i’m sorry-)
Akaza x M!Reader
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2nd POV
You’ve known Akaza for a few months now. You first met him while you were on a mission to find a lower rank demon lurking around a village, but you found Akaza instead.
Before any fighting took place, Akaza offered you to become a demon and train to become stronger with him. You didn’t really have much in your life and the only thing you really accomplished was becoming a Hashira, So you accepted his offer.
The two of you figured out that you both have common interests and over the years you’ve gotten closer with him. Akaza kept his end of the offer and trained with you to get stronger. He taught you multiple things like how to catch humans and dispose of remains, how to use your Blood Demon Art, fighting skills and ways to impress Muzan.
Akaza has also been training you to fight since day 1 of becoming a demon. Everyday, he makes you train for a certain amount of time or until he see’s you’ve made progress. At first, the training was simple and easy, it was just basic kicking, punching, breaking objects, but as time went on, the training’s became more brutal. You noticed that Akaza was pushing you more than your limits and he would even make you fist fight him even if he was way stronger than you.
And that was the case today. You two were currently “Training” and Akaza wanted you to fight him and push your limits to the max (again). You’ve already been thrown around by him so many times tonight and you couldn’t handle anymore of it.
“Please Akaza, No more for tonight! I can’t take it right now!” you begged him.
Akaza walked up towards where you were laying. You swore you saw him roll his eyes but you were more focused on the pain you were feeling.
“Don’t beg Y/n. Begging is for weak people, and your not weak! Or are you?” Akaza questioned as he stood over you.
You lifted your head to meet his eyes. The words Upper Three carved into his eyes remind you that no matter how hard you tried you couldn’t match his strength. Maybe in a few years when you’ve been a demon longer or have better fighting skills, but not at this moment.
“Well? I’m waiting for an answer.” Akaza scoffed, looking down at you like you were a puny ant, which was how you felt.
You knew weak people made him feel disgusting and you didn’t want him to feel that about you. You wanted him to be proud of you and praise you of how much stronger and better you’ve become.
“I-I can’t. Please.” You tried once again.
Akaza just scoffed and turned away from you.
“I thought you were supposed to be stronger than this! How will you ever be able to defend yourself?” Akaza started to yell.
“Well I don’t need your abusive training to help me get stronger!” you snapped at him.
Akaza whipped his head around.
“Abusive?! My training is the only thing that has gotten you this far Y/n! Without me, you’d be dead!” he yelled back at you.
“Well if I were dead, then I wouldn’t have to feel this pain anymore, would I!?” You yelled back, on the verge of tears.
Akaza looked a little taken back by your reply, but his face expression quickly changed to a mixture of unimpressed and anger. He turned away from you once again and started to walk away.
“Where are you going?” You yelled at him.
Akaza didn’t reply. He just kept walking further and further away. You yelled at him to try and get him to stop, but he either didn’t hear you or didn’t listen. He kept walking until he was out of sight.
You slowly got up from your spot, holding your side, you made your way to a tall oak tree and leaned against it. You didn't even notice the first few tears that slipped out from your eyes, or feel them trailing down your cheeks.
Before you know it, you plopped down onto the ground and started sobbing.
"Why am I so weak? Is it my fault?" You mumbled to yourself.
As you continued to sob and mumbled to yourself, you didn't even notice the pretense that was right in front of you.
Your froze a little, thinking it was Akaza coming back to disown you more, but in reality it was Douma.
"Hey, Hey! Why are your crying? Did something happen?" He asked you, bending down to be level with you.
"Go away Douma, I'm not in the mood." You replied to him, burying your face into your knees.
"Now, now. Why don't you tell your friend Douma what's eating at you? I hate to see a handsome face like yours tainted with tears." Douma replied, sitting down next to you.
You lift your head up and sniffle. You didn't really want to tell Douma but you knew he wouldn't leave until you did. With nothing to loose, you let out a big sigh and explained everything to him.
You told him how Akaza pushed your limits everyday and how tonight it got out of hand. You told him how you guys snapped at each other and how he left disappointed in you. Douma listened to every word you told him, nodding in a way to let you know he was actually listening.
“Now, now dear. I’m sure Akaza is just having a moment. Lord Muzan has been pushing him a bit harder these couple of months.” Douma tried to comfort.
“Yeah, but that doesn’t mean he throws his stress onto me!” You replied, getting a little angry.
Douma put a finger on his chin and thought for a moment. He looked towards you and suggested something.
“What don’t you and Akaza take some time apart from each other? Just enough until you cool down.” Douma suggested.
“Where would I go? Akaza was the only one who really cared for me and I never found a place to stay during these years.” You replied, looking Douma in the eyes.
“Come live with me! We’ll have so much fun back at my cult!” Douma suggested enthusiastically. 
You gave a little chuckle.
“Akaza would kill you if he found out I went to live with you.” You smiled to yourself
Douma laughed aswell.
“He can try~” He teased.
You and Douma talked for a few more hours, either trash about other demons, or making fun of random things. It made you feel better and almost fofrget about the incident that had happened earlier. A couple hours passed and the Sun started to peak over the horizon.
Douma noticed this and stood up from his spot.
“I should probably take my leave. Are you sure you’ll be alright?” He asked once more.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” You assured. 
He gave you a smile and disappeared right before your eyes like some magic act.
You remembered there was a little old cabin a few miles in the woods from here. It was in a thicker part which would allow you to have enough time to walk to it. As you were walking, you could feel yourself being watched by something, but just shrugged it off of as nothing.
You walked for about 30 mins before you reached the old cabin. It had a few holes in the wall but nothing big enough that the sun would peak in.
You walked in and plopped down on an old, dust couch. A dust cloud emerged from under you but you could really care less. You were tired from both training and crying the previous night. Before you could properly fall asleep, you heard someone enter the cabin and call your name.
“Y/n?” Akaza asked.
Your eyes opened and you sat up from your spot to see if it really was Akaza, and it was.
“What do you want” You asked, with a hint of “go away” in your voice.
“I just wanted to apologise.” He said, as he walked over to you.
You  made no movement when he came over and sat down on the small spot beside you.
“It’s just been rough lately and were all being pushed more to find the Blue Spider Lily. He tired to explain.
“That doesn’t mean you put it on me!” You snapped and him.
“I know and i’m sorry! I didn’t know why I did it. I know it sounds like a lame excuse but I don’t want anything to happen to you. I can remember something bad happened to someone I really cared for in my human life, and I don’t want that for you.” He tried.
You look up at him and sighed.
“Okay, I accept your apologies, but if you ever do that again I will do what you hate the most.” You teased him.
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” he teased back.
“I’ll live with Douma.” You replied with a smug ass look on your face.
Akaza glared at you before answering.
“I promise you that’ll never happen.” He replied.
You both laughed and you opened your arms to invite him to lay on the couch with you, and he gladly accepted.
“Oh by the way, I did talk to Douma while you were having a hissy fit.” You confessed.
You could hear him groan.
“What did he do? Did he touch you? Hurt you? If he ever take you away from me i’m going to murder him more times than he ate women.” Akaza grumbled.
“Woah, slow down jealous, we just talked for a bit and then he left. He didn’t try anything, I promise.” You assured him.
“I’ll believe you.” he replied.
You smiled.
“Good. Now I am tired as hell and would like to sleep for the rest of this day if you don’t mind.” You said, as you rolled over to face the couch and closed your eyes.
“Alright. I’ll take a little nap with you .” Akaza teased, and he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you closer.
You giggled at him
“G’night Akaza.” You told him.
“Good night Y/n.” He replied.
You yawned one more time and let the peaceful wave of sleep overcome you.
I hope you enjoyed it!
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errorpeachy · 4 years
Helloo!! I just discover your page and even tho you only have one fic I already love itt!!! I finished hxh last night and my heart need more💔💔 could you do a Killua x reader, they know each other since they were babies and their families wanted them to get married, but when Killua find out that’s when he escaped and maybe after that the reader escaped too but they don’t see each other until they are like 20 or something like that. Btw sorry for my English I suck hehehe.💕💕
I can absoLUTELY do this! And don’t worry bb, your English is great💞 I’m doing a scenario for this one~
𑁍 No Take Backs! 𑁍 《Killua x Reader》
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“Hey, Hey, Killua!” You shouted, running up to him with enthusiasm. He glanced at you, raising a brow. “What is it, Y/N?” He asked, turning to you. Smiling, you took his hand in yours. “I have something to show you! Follow me!” You said, pulling him along as you walked through the forest that surrounded his house.
Fighting your way into a clearing, you watched him let out a small noise of shock. It was a beautiful, crystal clear lake, one he had never seen before. Flowers surrounded the area and light shone onto the water, making it look drastically different from his dreary house. “How did you find this, Y/N? I live here and even I haven’t seen it before.” He said, looking at you. You grinned, pointing to the scrapes on your knees. “I fell into this clearing when I went exploring. Cmon, let’s swim!” You said, jumping in fully clothed. He paused before shrugging. “Ah, what the heck.” He said before jumping in, making a big splash which caused you to giggle.
“Hey Killua?” You asked, swimming over to him. He looked up at you, shaking his head to get some of the water off of him. He looked kind of like a dog, you thought. “Yeah Y/N?” He answered, powder blue eyes staring back at you. “Let’s stay best friends forever, ‘Kay?” You said, smiling up at him. He turned pink, looking away. “Sure, I guess. You’re not THAT bad.” He muttered, causing you to smile. You were used to his antics, he acted like this ever since he could talk. Even though you two were 12, he hadn’t changed a bit.
“Okay, but no take backs!”
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You woke up to the sound of arguing. You were sleeping over at the Zoldyck household, since Killua’s mom practically begged you to stay over. She was almost as protective of you as she was her own son.
Your feet met the cold wood floor of the guest bedroom as you got out of bed. Rubbing your eyes, you fixed your sleepwear before quietly opening the door. You could use Zetsu, however they would all notice it more if your aura suddenly disappeared rather than just moving around. You snuck around to the stair railing, peering between the wooden rails as you watched Killua argue with Milluki and his mother.
“I’m not marrying them!” He shouted, crossing his arms. Milluki rolled his eyes. “You should be glad mother is allowing you to marry someone in the first place, Killua!” He shouted back. Killua glared at him, before looking at his mother. “I want a choice in who I marry! Just cause we’ve been friends since we were little doesn’t mean we’d be a good match!” He said to her. “You two don’t have to be a good match to have good grandchildren. You’re the heir to the family business, and they easily match you in strength. I’m sure you two will have powerful children.” She said, causing him to give her a disgusted look. You were equally as grossed out. Sure, you did have a small crush on Killua, but children was something you definitely didn’t want to think about as a child yourself.
“Why are you even thinking about that?! I’m twelve!” He shouted. You nodded quietly in agreement, thinking it was really weird. His mother had always been a little... odd.
“Because it’s what you should be focused on! You need to take on the family business and marry the right person, and Y/N is that person!” She said, with Milluki nodding next to her. Killua huffed. “Then I’m leaving!” He shouted, storming over to the stairs. Milluki grabbed his arm. “Killua, where do yo-“ he started, but was cut off as Killua grabbed his wrist tightly with his free hand, giving him an ice cold stare. “Milluki. Let go of me.” He threatened lowly. His brother scoffed, grip tightening. In a flash, Killua dug a spare knife out of his pocket and stabbed him in the arm, causing him to reel back in shock. It was honestly a little funny, in a twisted way. His mother rushed over to Killua, pleading in her high pitched voice. He whipped around, and in an instant, she was holding her bleeding face. Her visor was knocked on the ground as she covered her face and called for her husband.
Walking up the stairs, he went over to where you were crouched down. “You’re so nosy, Y/N.” He teased, poking your cheek. You pouted. “You said you were leaving.” You muttered, looking at him. He sighed. “I am. I’m sorry, but I can’t marry you. It doesn’t feel right. I need to get out of this family business and be something that’s not related to assassin life.” He said, patting your head. You felt tears well up in your eyes, but you gulped them down. You got up onto your knees and hugged him, burying your face into the crook of his neck. He smelled like vanilla.
“I’m gonna miss you, Killua.”
“I will too.”
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Ten years had gone by since that night. After Killua left, you had gone over his last words to you in your head. You decided to quit your family business and become a hunter at the age of 14. Since then, you had been doing freelance jobs and earning money. Life was good. You still had memories of Killua, where you two stayed up and told ghost stories with a flashlight under his soft sheets or splashes around in the clear waters of you two’s secret lake. You hadn’t seen him since he left, but you thought of him often.
Shaking your head, you laced up your shoes. You had a match against some random person in Heaven’s Arena, and you were supposed to go fight in less than a minute. Standing up, you rushed to the tunnel, waiting for them to announce your name.
“And here we have the returning powerhouse, Y/N L/N!”
You stepped out onto the stage, smiling as you waved at the crowd. Scanning the audience, your eyes met a pair of blue ones.
Powder blue.
White hair.
It couldn’t be... could it?
You felt the air leave your lungs. It was him. It had to be. He looked grown up by now- of course he would, he would be 22. You blinked, trying to focus as the fight started.
‘I might as well show off a bit.’ you thought.
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The fight was almost criminally easy. You defeated the guy rather quickly before rushing off the stage, not even staying for your victory announcement. Running through the halls, you slammed straight into another person, causing you to fall back.
“Ouch! Sorry!” You said, looking up. The boy had green hair and light brown eyes, as well as a kind smile. He offered a hand to help you up, which you accepted. “It’s alright. You did great in your fight!” He complimented, causing you to smile back. “Oh, thanks! I-“
“Gon! I was looking for you, whe-“ A familiar voice said, pausing. You looked over to see who it was. Your eyes lit up as you rushed over to him.
“Killua! Oh my god, it’s been so long! I’ve missed you so much!” You shouted, hugging him. He turned red, patting your head. “Baka! Don’t say that stuff, it’s embarrassing...” he muttered. You smiled, knowing he was still the same boy you knew long ago. The boy, who’s name you now knew as Gon, looked at the two of you confused. “You know them, Killua?” He asked. “Yeah. We grew up together, but I left to take the hunter exam when we were little and I hadn’t seen them since.” He said. You nodded, smiling at him. “It’s nice to meet you, Gon!” You said, and he nodded back. “Same here!” He said.
You turned to Killua. “Come sleep over at my place! We have to catch up!” You said. He gave a smirk, looking away playfully. “I don’t know, what if people get the wrong idea?” He asked, smirking. You smacked the back of his head. “Ow!” He said.
“Don’t be a pervert!” “Fine, fine, I’ll come over. Only cause you asked.”
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Fixing the white sheets on your guest bed, you walked out to see what Killua was up to. He was sat on the couch, watching some sort of TV show about... superpowers? You sat down next to him, leaning on his shoulder. He froze, blue eyes gazing over at you. “What?” He asked, seeing you give him a gentle stare. You smiled softly. “I really missed you, Killua.” You said, hugging him. He turned red, pushing you gently by the head. “Don’t say stuff like that! It’s embarrassing...” He muttered, cheeks pink as you continued to have your arms locked tightly around his waist.
“Why did you leave without me?” You asked quietly, causing him to pause. “I needed to find myself, I needed to become something that was detached from the Zoldyck name. I figured becoming a hunter would do that, and it did. I met some really nice people, Gon being one of them.” He said, gently stroking your hair. You nodded, agreeing silently. You completely understood why he wanted to do that, but something that had been eating you alive for the last ten years had you asking one more question.
“When you said you didn’t want to marry me... was that true?”
His hand stilled, gently resting against your head as he thought quietly. “It wasn’t necessarily true, but I did feel like it wasn’t something that needed to be talked about.” He said, carefully choosing his words. You reached up and gently moved his hand off of your head, holding it in your own instead. “Ever since you left I worried about you. I know you’re strong, but I always thought about whether you were alright or not. I missed you so much- not a day went by with your name not popping up in my head.” You confessed, feeling your face heat up as you buried your face into his chest.
He still smelled like vanilla.
He tended up, his face turning red as he flicked your head. “You’re so embarrassing...” he muttered. “I’m telling the truth, though.” You said softly, looking up at him. He stated back at you, his eyes shining with... love? Was that what it was? It didn’t really matter.
“I’m in love with you, you know. You’re so stupid, making me like you.” He said, looking away as he turned bright red. He looked adorable, his cheeks puffed out due to embarrassment. You smiled, leaning up and giving him a gentle peck on the lips.
“No take backs.” You said, giggling. He rolled his eyes playfully before giving you a gentle smile.
“I’d never want to anyways.”
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buckyjamess-archive · 3 years
𝓼𝓮𝓿𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓮𝓷 | 𝓫𝓾𝓬𝓴𝔂 𝓫𝓪𝓻𝓷𝓮𝓼
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chapter three • want to be tagged? or shoot a message • reblogs, likes and comments are welcome!• a/n: this all is set in 2023 btw & this is all mainly to introduce reader, everything will fall together eventually! • wordcount: 2k + • warnings: brief mentions of violence; blink and you'll miss it. Nothing else?
once a test subject and once a weapon, you, better known as seventeen live a peaceful life in the shadows of society until an old friend drags you into the world you so desperately want to leave behind but at least you're not the only weapon.
masterlist - previous - next
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Veliky Novgorod, Russia, 2016
"Good Morning sexy!" 
With a cup of freshly brewed tea in her hands and a bag with books hanging from her shoulder, Jill walks into your frame of vision.
"How are we doing?" 
Jill sets her cup on the desk a few inches away from where you're strapped into your chair and drags her own towards her, wheels screeching against the metal flooring. Sitting down, Jill grabs a book out of her bag along with some papers.
You're there, at least, your body is. Your mind is her the real seventeen. Just back from another murder spree, missions accomplished, another star added to your wanted level, a bounty up your ass. Conscious somewhere floating in the dark corners of your mind, begging to let her out of the body that isn't yours anymore. You're being prepped for another few weeks in your pod. Ice cold isolation.
"Have I ever told you I hate math?" Jill chuckles and scans your face for a second "I probably have." 
She's gotten used to it, you don't talk and you'll never will. You don't look at her the way she looks at you, won't crack a smile or raise a questionable brow- Jill likes it though, likes you, being around you. A sense of safety, protection from everything and everybody- mom and dad. You'd never understand or care for that matter but deep down, Jill knows you'll be the first one to hurt either one if they ever touched or even looked at her wrong. 
That's the only reason you've been deviating, kids. Those kids you brought to safety after shooting their caregivers seconds ago. Sparing those targets with those kids, a simple and painful warning instead. All those innocent witnesses you left behind, making you an easy target for authorities- you're failing the system, their system. 
Jill swirls on her chair and fiddles with the pen in her hand "so, Kylie and I went on a date last week." A smile reaches her eyes at the thought and a red hue colors her cheeks "we kissed." 
Jill likes to think the corners of your lips tug up or you give her a side eye but you don't but in her mind, she's making up and wondering what your answers would be. 
"She's really cute. You'll love her." 
Jill snorts softly "I brought some strawberry tea, maybe you'll like that better than the vanilla one." 
Stiring said tea, Jill turns back around in her chair. Nose deep into the books and papers underneath her, pen clicking and spoon stirring- god, she really sucked at math. A sense of serenity surrounding her as she looked at you in your brainwashed state again. 
"God, i hope you can hear me somewhere in that brain of yours." She mumbles "I'd love to meet the real you someday." 
Wrapping her free hand around the warm cup of tea, Jill brings it to her lips and takes a sip. Eyes darting from her homework, phone to you and back to her homework, minutes turning into hours in perfect harmony. 
"I've a picture!" Jill claims as she scrolls through her album, homework long forgotten "man, she's so pretty." 
Jill holds her phone up high in front of your face, showing off the picture of her and her new, first girlfriend- both big smiles and in love but the smile on Jill's face fades
"Mom and dad are convinced I'm the devil though because, you know- girls can't date girls and all that." Jill sighs "dad just keeps yelling and we always fight." 
It surprises Jill, she even jumps up from her chair and her breathing stops for a second when you abruptly turn your head around, your dark eyes even darker than before. 
"повредить?" your voice is low and hoarse from the lack of using it. 
Jill blinks fast, trying to comprehend "what- no! God no, he doesn't hurt me!" She says, tripping over her words, heart beating faster by the anger in your eyes more visible than before "I swear seventeen, he doesn't, I'd never lie to you, you know that!"
The silence is tense, Jill's stare locked on yours, a small smile on her lips "i swear." 
Without another blink of the eye you turn your head back, focused on the blank wall on the other side of the room.
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The boy isn't heavy, he's far from that, you've carried things way heavier but the little grunt that slips between your lips when he jumps into your arms at full speed comes natural. Tiny arms wrapped around your neck and legs wrapped around your waist. Brown curls bouncing from underneath his worn out baseball hat, stained jersey and jeans with holes and the rundown sneakers. Levi, with his playfully brown eyes, freckled cheeks, button nose and cheeky smile. The first person to welcome you into the community. The five year old that stole your heart.
"You're back." he breathes out
"I sure am!" You copy his smile and follow his gaze to the man right behind you "that's a friend." 
"Hi." Levi shows off his pearly whites and waves his hand "I'm Levi!" 
Bucky smiles a small smile, nods his head and waves back "hi." 
The boy's attention doesn't stay on bucky for long, it's casted back to you in seconds. Telling stories on end as you walk further into your favorite part of the town.
A little surprise in the back of apartment buildings and little shops. Neon lights illuminating every corner, hues of red, blue and all else colors. The smell of endless amounts of food stalls. The laughter and music playing– it's a mixture; young and old. A mixture of cultures, Chinese, Mexican, some lost Europeans but mainly poor and that's exactly why it all worked out. One big family living their best lives in the shadows of a society they could never fit in. Closed off. Home. 
Friday nights at papa don, making pizzas with the little kids and rebellious teens. Saturdays with Letitia, getting stuffed with her famous Mexican dishes and endless stories about her son and you, a potential daughter in law. Every Sunday morning some activities with the littlest who couldn't attend the church services for more than two minutes. They all knew you. Though, you only ever told Leticia about yourself and your story with the promise 'I won't tell!' 
It's home. Your home. Something you've never had in your life.
and it feels good, boy it feels good to be back home after two weeks of traveling with the chaotic trio. Two weeks of not trying to kill or at least knock out zemo. Two weeks of Sam still being scared of you but trying his damn best to gain your trust and two weeks of growing closer with the guy you shared a room with, the guy who's like you but far from being like you. Been through the same yet so far apart. 
Long nights talking after horrific nightmares. Boring tv shows or an endless amount of movies to pick from, ending with that same boring TV show. Bucky knows you as good as Letitia does, all ins and outs, all the good and all the bad, the hurt and people and he'd become surprisingly protective about you. Ready to end zemo whenever he's being that guy again. Watching his surroundings like a hawk when out on a mission- he doesn't want to see you hurt. 
Bucky didn't hesitate when you invited him to your world, didn't need a second to think about it. Way too curious to meet the people and all that had formed you into the woman you've become in the last three years of being free.
"Where have you been?" A lady, in her seventies or so he thinks catches his attention "I made all this food but you never came!" 
Standing behind a green painted stall with little knickknacks covering the counter and hot steam coming from behind, the short woman stood. Grey hair pulled up and dark eyes behind a pair of thick colorful glasses, a string of beads attached to them. Crates of vegetables surrounding the stall, peppers and all else hanging from ropes on each side pole and seated at the plastic white table; two elderly men enjoying their meal. 
"I'm back and the first thing you do is complain?" 
Bucky follows you down the metal stairs, impressed by how easily you get down it while Levi uses you as a monkey bar- then again, you are a super soldier. 
"I thought maybe you were dead." The lady says
"Clearly I'm not." You say back. 
You set Levi back on the ground as soon as your feet hit solid ground and tell him to get back home before his parents find out he's sneaked out of his bed. Running as fast as he can, he zooms off into the neon colored night. 
"I need my onions." 
"Okay, calm down- I just came back." 
You easily slip behind the counter, greeting the old men on your way and receive a slap on your hand when you go for a dip in the sauce bubbling in the pot and the little ouch that leaves your lips make both bucky and the woman chuckle.
"Onions." The woman demands "I am old."
"So am I." You state back. 
Dipping your finger in the sauce quickly, you duck out of your way to avoid another beating from the elderly lady and her wooden spoon. Disappearing behind the green curtains, leaving bucky with her. 
"Can I help you?" She damn near yells and it makes bucky jump slightly.
He shakes his head "I'm with y/n." 
Surprised, the woman raises a brow. Looking him up and down, and again, and again all while stirring the sauce- uncomfortable. She snaps her head back to the curtains behind her, so fast bucky wouldn't be surprised if it gave her a whiplash. 
"You a friend?" She ask suspiciously, head snapping back again "you know her name?" 
"Yeah, I do." Bucky scratches the back of his head, wishing for you to walk through those curtains any second 
"You're a special friend?" 
"No, he's not." 
With a crate of vegetables, most importantly, those onions, you walk back. Dropping the crate on the counter with force which earns a scoff from the woman. 
"I'm not dating everyone I'm talking with." You state 
"Good because my son-"
"My god, Leticia-" you mumble "I'm not going out with your son." 
"Javier would be a very good boyfriend." Rolling your eyes, you watch letitia through hooded eye and mouth a 'no' "a very nice boy." 
"Exactly, a boy." 
Bucky watches in amusement, the bickering back and forth between you and this woman you clearly have a bond with. With his hands deep in his pocket, he step by step moves closer to the stand. 
The neon light from the store next door illuminates your features, casting behind you in a colorful halo- you're even prettier when you're in your element..when you are yourself. It looks good on you.
"Look, I haven't dated anyone since the sixties and I'm okay with that. Leave me alone." You confess. 
Letitia snorts "you need love." 
"And I'm getting just that from all these idiots around." 
"Amen to that sweetheart." The elderly men speaks up out if the blue, catching both yours and Bucky's attention. 
"You're the biggest idiot of all, larry."
"I sure am." 
It didn't take long or a lot for bucky to ease in; chuckling along with the elderly men or Letitia and your banter. Though his home is far away from this place, it weirdly feels like coming home. It's warm and even though he's a complete stranger, he's welcome. Everything felt..right.
Bucky doesn't know if he'll see you after this, your time with the boys was over- like you said, one time and though the case wasn't over yet, you couldn't help any longer, or so you said but even if this was going to be the last time seeing and being with you, Bucky's glad it happened.
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Taglist; @fanngirl19 @weirdowithnobeardo @tailsoflightning @writing-red @earthtonav @kenziekugler22 @21bruhs @weenersoldierr @queensnail333 @stickbvg @lightmelikeacigarette @whatawonderfulusername @snailqueenn333 @rexorangecounty @ohmygodsebastianstan
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txemrn · 3 years
In your hc, did Brynn have any strong cravings or aversions during her pregnancy from the mother's day fic?? How did Sam handle that??? I hope he wasn't a dickhead like with the other pregnancy when he cheated and gave her an STD. 😒
I was just thinking 👉👈🥺😇 that might be a cute little story. 😉
Btw I really enjoy reading about them!!! I'd L💗VE more. HINT proposal??? WEDDING?????
Hey, there! *big ol' hugs* thank you so much for the ask and the "hints". 🤣😂🤣 I hope you enjoy my interpretation of your suggestion! And yes, there is more to come from Sam and Brynn. Enjoy! 🍨🍓🍨
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Warning: NSFW 🍋 (tiny little squirts; don't get too excited); language; angst; pregnancy-related stuff
The sparkle of fresh winter snow gathers along the window sill. A hint of gingerbread and fresh spruce waltz in the air. Melting with the smokey notes of kindled embers, the fireplace crackles in the darkened master suite--the only lively room left in the penthouse for the evening.
It had been an exhausting Friday. With Christmas and Brynn’s birthday next week, the Dalton family spent their day tirelessly getting things prepared before a very special winter vacation. Brynn attended Mickey and Mason’s holiday party at school, bringing her famous cupcakes and oven-baked Chex Mix, not to mention presents for all the teachers and faculty.
Because of the school’s early release, Brynn and the boys met Sam for lunch, where they served the entire company a catered, bountiful holiday meal, complete with generous congratulatory swag for another successful third year.
Sam spent the afternoon on phone conferences, which gave him time to pack up to work remotely from home; he wouldn’t be returning until the 28th. By the late afternoon, they had completed the grocery shopping, tidied up their home, fixed and ate dinner.
But for Sam and Brynn, the jam-packed day was far from over. There was still one more very important task to complete: sex. And lots of it.
Seductive whispers, tender giggles and lustful moans penetrate the quiet suite. Their exposed bodies hungrily intertwine together as their movements are kept rhythmically in time with the subtle creaking of the bed.
Sam grips tightly to his wife’s supple breast, brushing his thumbs over her erect pink nipples. With her left hand, Brynn sinks her nails onto the top of his hand, squeezing together with him; her other hand holds tightly to the headboard, straddling her thighs on top of her husband’s hips.
“Oh, God! Sam!” she exhales with each thrust onto his swelling, hardened girth, her voice becoming louder, more raspy. “Almost--! Almost--!”
“Brynn--! I--!” With one final buck of his hips, Sam spills over into euphoria. His fingers quickly drop to her voluptuous assets. He clenches savagely to her curves, pushing her drenched, tightening center to his hilt. Sweat drips off his brow as indistinguishable groans wail from his throat.
Watching her husband come undone teases Brynn’s own release. Tossing her almond locks over her bare shoulders, she is taken captive by the sensations tickling her voracious desires. She rocks her hips against Sam’s buried length, stroking her throbbing clit through her incessant waves of reckless ecstasy. Thunderous moans of pleasure escape her mouth as she gasps for a drink of air.
Almost too terrified to disturb the perfect moment, the couple savors the quietness of them simply being together, their hearts beating in-time, connecting as one.
“I love you, baby,” Sam whispers, breaking the silence as he gently massages Brynn’s thighs. His hands intimately roam, carefully finding their way to stroke her fully-blossomed pregnant belly.
A bright smile effortlessly spreads across her face. “I love you, too, baby.” Her delicate fingers meet his. She lifts his hand to her lips, peppering his knuckles with kisses.
“Hopefully,” he chuckles, “that’ll do the trick.”
She cradles her abdomen. “I can only hope so,” she titters, her fingers caressing her abdomen as she talks to their unborn child. “That was another eviction notice, precious one--”
Brynn and Sam had a preterm labor scare at 33 weeks, which landed Brynn in the hospital for a week being pumped with various medications to stop her contractions. She was discharged home, with the instructions to “take it easy.” Though it isn’t ideal to have a baby this early, her team of doctors agreed they weren’t going to do anything to stop her labor if it were to happen again.
Tomorrow, Brynn will be 41 weeks. For the past two weeks, she has been trying every trick in the book to go into labor. Her lab technician Meaghan swore by spicy food; that only gave Brynn ungodly heartburn. Lydia, the Dalton’s downstairs neighbor, gifted Brynn a bottle of castor oil; she spent a solid two days with uncontrollable diarrhea and belly aches. Carter’s wife gave Brynn a special tea blend; she would contract, but nothing painful; she actually fell asleep because of the delicious steep.
Then, there was her mother's advice:
“You’ve gotta have sex, Brynny--”
“--and I’m not talking about the mediocre, ‘are you done yet?’ , making-your-shopping-list-in-your-head kind. You need to orgasm--”
“Jesus Christ, Mom--!”
“You need his semen--”
“I can’t believe this is happening right now--”
“And fondle your breasts. Better yet, let him do it! Now you might leak a little, so if you have him suckle--”
“Brynny? Brynny?”
“I, for one, am not minding this eviction process--”
“Samuel!” she playfully slaps against Sam’s broad chest. Blocking her hits and laughing, Sam finally grabs Brynn, pulling her body down next to his. He wraps his arms around her, brushing his lips against her temple. He rests his large hands on her gravid belly, nuzzling his nose into her neck.
“Are you okay, babe?”
“Mhmm--” Brynn snuggles into Sam’s embrace, closing her eyes. “Just perfect, babe. G’night.”
“Night, baby.”
The delightful pops of the fireplace lulls Sam to sleep; Brynn, however, started having trouble. She turned to her right side, but soon flipped to her left side. When that didn’t get her comfortable, she sat up on the side of the bed, massaging her back and her abdomen.
“Brynn baby,” yawns Sam, “you okay?”
“I didn’t mean to wake you, babe.”
“It’s-k.” Sam fluffs his pillow under his head, keeping his eyes closed. “Contractions?” he slurs.
“Braxton Hicks. I’ll be fine. You go back to--”
Sam lets out a satisfied snore before Brynn can finish her sentence. Tickled, she tucks her husband into bed before she slips on a silk robe. Pulling out her exercise ball from the closet, she sits on top of it in hopes that rocking her hips will bring her some comfort.
She suddenly stops, clutching her chest. An all-too-familiar jolt of burning shoots through her belly leaving an unbearable sour sensation clawing at the back of her throat. Carefully balancing herself to a stand, she retreats to the bathroom for medicine. And to vomit.
“Brynn? Brynn?”
“I’m in here,” her pitiful voice echoes through the bathroom.
Sam slips on a pair of sweats, hurrying to her side in the water closet. Seeing his wife crumpled over the toilet, he drops to her side, pushing her hair behind her ears before rubbing her back. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” she whispers gravelly.
“No, you’re not,” he tenderly touches her clammy cheek. “What do you need, babe?”
Brynn leans back, sitting her rear on the cold tile. Embracing her body as another contraction subsides, she quietly states, “I need ice cream.”
Sam’s eyes widen with surprise at the request. “You want… ice cream?”
“Mhmm,” she nods. “That would feel so good against my throat.”
“Okay, baby,” he chuckles, brushing his thumb across swollen lips. “Is there a certain flavor--?”
“Strawberry,” she barks, “it needs to be strawberry.”
Sam kisses her forehead, and jogs to the kitchen in search of his wife’s favorite ice cream. Scooping up three massive balls into a bowl, he returns to the bathroom with two spoons.
“Strawberry ice cream, m’lady!” He sits on the floor with her, presenting the cold dessert like a trophy.
Brynn observes the creamy pink heap. She slowly takes the spoon, poking at the frozen treat. She watches her husband take a bite of it first before she reluctantly tries it.
“No,” she spits out her small bite, “I’m sorry. I can’t.”
Perplexed, Sam spoons another bite for himself. “Is there something wrong with it? Is it freezer burned or--?”
“No, no,” Brynn’s eyes begin to well with tears. “It’s just not strawberry enough,” she sniffles.
“Okay, babe, there’s no crying in ice cream,” he chuckles, wiping at her eyes.
“I think it’s because I want strawberry ice cream.”
“Honey, this is strawberry ice cream.”
“This is strawberries and cream.” She uses her spoon as a pointer, “See how there’s vanilla and strawberry with pieces of strawberry? I just," she sighs, "I need strawberry ice cream.”
Staring at the wall, Sam pretends to understand his wife’s request. “Of course, baby. I’ll go get, um--” he clears his throat to keep from laughing, “the strawberry ice cream.”
“Hey, Sam?”
“I love you, baby.” She offers a toothy smile.
He chuckles. “Love you, too,” he shakes his head with a coy smile.
Sam returns with another heaping mound of strawberry ice cream. “Alright, baby, just what you asked for: strawberry ice cream.”
“Sam,” irritation saturates Brynn’s voice as it begins to tremble. “This has strawberry pieces in it.”
“It’s because it’s strawberry ice cream,” Sam bites his tongue, watching his words carefully as he gnashes his teeth. “It’s exactly what you asked for, sweetheart.”
Brynn hangs her head in her hands as she sobs. “I wanted strawberry ice cream, not strawberry with strawberries ice cream!”
“Babe, are you fucking kidding me right--?”
“Don’t yell at me!” Brynn begins to sob harder.
“Jesus Christ,” Sam sputters. He runs his hands down his face, letting out a sigh. He sits down next to his wife, taking her in his arms. “How can we fix this? Can you maybe eat around the strawberries?”
“It just,” her breath hangs tight in her throat as she tries to control her tears, “it doesn’t taste the same.”
“Of course, it doesn’t,” he mutters under his breath. He sighs heavily again. “What can I do, Brynn? Tell me what to do.”
“I just want strawberry ice cream--”
“No. What. Do. You. Want?” He grabs his cell phone. “Show me.”
She does a quick google search, pulling up a plain pink custard with strawberry flavoring--no pieces. “This. I need this. Please.”
“Brynn, we don’t have this here.”
“There’s a 7-11 two blocks away--”
“It’s eighteen degrees outside.” Sam shakes his head, as he walks back to bed. “No, this is getting fucking ridiculous.”
Brynn glares at the spot where her husband once stood, her eyebrows furrowing; warm streams of tears downpour on her cheeks. Red patches of skin grow across her neck and face as her breathing labors.
“Samuel!” When he doesn’t answer, she carefully balances herself from the ground and waddles into their room. “Samuel!”
“What?” his muffled words slur as he buries his head into a pillow. “I just need a little sleep.”
“Oh, you need a little sleep? You?” Brynn rips the duvet off of Sam, her small body shaking in anger. “I have given up my body for ten fucking months to grow a baby, an actual human being that will more than likely rip me to pieces just to,” she chuckles sarcastically, “look like you!”
“Brynn, I--”
“I’m not fucking done!” She breathes through another contraction, stepping closer to her terrified husband. “I have not complained once, and yet I have given up every ounce of my dignity. I can’t control my farts. I can't control my pee. I’m growing rolls and stretch marks in places that I never even knew a person could grow them!” She steps even closer, her eyes darkening. “I fuck you multiple times weekly--sometimes daily--where I hide the embarrassment that my hot, chiseled husband is staring at either my double chin or my fat, stretch-marked ass--”
“Baby, I don’t--”
Brynn holds up a finger. “I reverse cowgirl you until my legs cramp because you like it. I suck your dick off because you like it--”
“I thought that--”
“I just want some strawberry ice cream, Sam!” she sobs, “And then maybe you can get some sleep!” Brynn cradles her abdomen as another wave of discomfort grips around her belly.
Sam sits on the side of the bed, rubbing his eyes. “Fine”
“And I need to come with you.”
“Yeah, okay,” Sam sarcastically scoffs. He slinks on a long-sleeve shirt before grabbing his coat. He turns back to his wife who is grabbing her coat. “Um, no,” he chuckles. “I need you stay here and just relax--”
“No, we’re going together.”
Frustrated with the conversation, Sam darts his eyes around the room, trying not to yell. “Why, Brynn?”
“‘Because’ why, Brynn?”
“Because my water just broke.”
@ao719 @charlotteg234 @chemist-ana @forallthatitsworth @kat-tia801 @khoicesbyk @lovelyladyk88 @lucy-268 @neotericthemis @pixie88 @sfb123 @shannonsaid @shannonwrote @shewillreadyou @secretaryunpaid @thefrenchiemama
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kakusu-shipping · 2 years
Hiya Emile!! How about strawberry, nectarine, key lime, teaberry for Fatgum and rose petal, cherry vanilla, coconut mango, cotton candy, teaberry and raspberry swirl for Neito?
Oh my god so much Thankyou very much bestie!!!!
Sorry for the long post. fggjdfgjfkgdkfd
Strawberry - Before getting together, how did your F/O realize they had a crush on you? How did they act around you once they realized they were head over heels?
Taishi had a crush on me when we were in Shiketsu High together, but I was so wrapped up in my crush on All Might, I didn't even notice. He was my best friend back then, if he acted any different after realizing he liked me, I didn't notice. Feel kind of bad for not noticing honestly
Nectarine - Do you and your F/O live together? If so, what does your living space look like?
Yes! Taishiro got an apartment specifically for people with Gigantification quirks when he started his own agency. Those places are EXPENSIVE btw, and everything is HUGE, so having two pros paying the rent is just smarter than living separate. We actually lived together before we were dating, just after I left Sir Nighteye's agency.
Key lime - How would you describe your self-ship’s aesthetic?
Eh... Never been good at aesthetic. But the vibe is very much young married couple with kids. Childhood friends to lovers. Insufferable best friends. Very very wholesome.
Teaberry - Where would you like to travel with your F/O someday?
Never thought about it. Anywhere would be nice with Taishi, honestly! Maybe a hot spring, the farmland of his home town? I'd like to take him back to America to meet my family some day too, I suppose.
Neito Monoma:
Rose petal - What traditions do you and your F/O share?
Traditions? Ah... We don't have any? We've only really known eachother a year now though so...
Cherry vanilla - How does your F/O show their affection for you?
Neito sings the praises of people he likes, especially to others. He always has something nice to say! And on top of that, he pays very close attention to people, going so far as to take notes on their likes and interests, and get them things related. He's really sweet.
Though he's like that with everyone... for me specifically he makes a very loud ruckus about PDA. If we're holding hands he has to make sure everyone in class 1-A notices. He's mostly showing off, I guess, but I think he's trying to show affection in his own special ways.
Coconut mango - What mementos do you and your F/O treasure?
I makes dolls, little keychain things, and made a cute little chibi version of Neito for him once. He brags about it all the time. It's a little embarrassing, but it is nice to know he likes it.
Cotton candy - Post the last picture of your F/O that you saved!
The new newest image of Neito I saved is fanart, so I can't post that, but here's the newest manga cap I've saved
Tumblr media
I have so many anime screen shots of his beautiful smile but of course the latest thing I have is his most recent manga appearance where he's really going through it...
Teaberry - Where would you like to travel with your F/O someday?
He likes France, so I'd like to go there together some day, maybe once he's a pro? I wouldn't mind going as friends with the rest of his friends though.
He keeps talking about taking all his friends on a nice trip over break, I wonder if I'm included in that...
Raspberry swirl - How does your F/O cheer you up when you are feeling down?
He gets quiet, and holds my hand, and asks me what he can do, what's wrong, what happened, things like that.
I'm pretty weak so it happens often, I get down on myself, fall down and get hurt, I cry pretty easy I guess, and he's always so worried about it.
He'll be a great hero with comforting skills like that...
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sunsbled-archive · 2 years
AIGHT im posting these on mobile so bear with me
ah yes. the motherfucker who has no shame and will make you regret trying to rile him up or challenge him anywhere public. will also play little games where he'll just pretend to obediently do as he's told until he's bored and switches the situation on you. he'll give some sort of warning beforehand (aka literally outright say ' he'll never let anyone command him, he just listens until he's bored ' which btw applies to ALL situations for him not just sex) but other than that he doesn't really give much warning in the moment. manages to be a sweetheart when it comes to making sure his partner is comfortable but also gently tries to push them a little further by encouraging them "c'mon baby, just one more you can do it". it's like making a deal with the devil, he's charming and he's sweet and he'll sweet talk you but by the end of it you'll literally not be able to talk because your voice is gonna be hoarse and the next day or two you'll have trouble walking. or moving at all. also his dick kind of is?? like it's a little harder/more stiff than that of a cis guy considering he has a rod (even if there's skin and flesh above and around it) and all that so i imagine it also?? kind of sometimes depending on the angle probably feels a lot more intense. will 100% find a mirror and make you watch everything going on, too lol.
soft boy who just likes to make people feel good. not really into anything freaky but will experiment and doesn't mind trying out "weird" stuff. tried pegging in the past and wasn't very big on it because it just kind of felt weird to him but if his partners really into it he'll handle it for them (that's how much of a people pleaser he is tbh-). definitely the kind of person to talk sweetly and give praise?? also no problem doing it in near public places because he only has a little more shame than vincent. likes holding hands during sex but also is kind of fidgety and moves them around s lot tbh
a gentleman but also fucks around a lot. enjoys sex with multiple people and doesn't really care about the gender ratio as long as he gets to make more than one person whimper his name. with just one partner though he's?? very intent on making sure that all they can say is one word replies or less. seems like he'd be into some intense stuff at first but is surprisingly vanilla kink wise. likes making his partner feel good and depending on his mood might spoil them. definitely won't take anything from a brat though so be careful.
a switch through and through. he can either be a good boy, the goodest you'll ever see. or he can be a mean tease. he's very gentle though and always listens and checks for verbal and non-verbal communication. doesn't have that many kinks i think but one thing he might do or want to try is try to make a stream (since his cam is off anyways) and see who cracks first before he has to apologize himself and mute. which, definitely risky given he's got an average of 300k viewers on twitch every stream lmao. also definitely owns a box of toys he likes to use on his partner :)
used to only have angry sex with a bunch of hook ups over the years in his early twenties but after the AGC incident he's considerably calmed and after meeting leighton he's become much more subdued. he doesn't lack energy per se but he's definitely more into the slowl, lazy and comfortable kind of sex that you'd have on a late sunday morning when the sun just starts to come out. does kind of enjoy to tie his partner up but doesn't really bring it up on his own so it's not that easy to figure out.
either the neediest good boy you've ever seen or the snarkiest asshole around. kind of gentle but at the same time likes to be challenging when he gets to be more dominant ("what? that too much for you?", "aw, you can just quit if you can't handle it", etc.) or the whiniest messiest submissive ever (doesn't even say a lot, just quiet begs and pleas tbh-) and it's kind of a jarring contrast but it also fits right into his personality tbh
gendyr doesn't really feel the need to have sex unless he's in a rut which thanks to his corruption happens a lot more rarely. he's the kind where he might be slow but he's also so forceful and rough that it still takes the breath outta your lungs. plus depending on how his corruption is that day and if he's feeling good or under the weather some of his forms have 2 cocks so. whoops. hes very quiet but he does like hearing his partner because it makes him feel like he's doing s good job.
he's a soft and sweet lover unless you tease him. usually he takes it slow and gentle because he's a big dude and even if he's with someone of around his size and build he still wants to be careful, cause, y'know, sex is a very intimate thing and he doesn't wanna accidentally hurt any sensitive parts. and then you challenge him or tease him and all of that just flies out of the window. he'll press your face into the pillow so you're muffled and he'll pound the tease right out of you just because he doesn't take to well to his carefulness being challenged. though he'll always apologize should he have been too rough.
before his time in prison he was into the hard kind of sex that just fucks all the anger out of you. now he's more into the calm kind where it's just muffled music in the background, dimmed lights and slow movements. definitely knows what he's doing though and can and will go harder if asked to (he DOES work on his hip strength at the gym after all) but other than that he's got more of those calmer vibes, y'know? also has a box of toys to use on his partner
doesn't even usually have sex until he has it. he doesn't really think about it nor does he necessarily feel any urges but if his partner wants to he'll sleep with them. he's not fast, mostly because his cybernetics can bruise or hurt almost anything that isn't made directly of diamond, but he's intense. his dick was badly burnt after he almost died so he was just kind of?? the base of it is intact and it's how he feels w it but other than that it's a cybernetic one with variable sizes and even vibrating mods just because apparently researchers have too much money now
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revengeisourlullaby · 3 years
Hi I just read “everything happens for a reason” (loved it btw) I was wondering if you could make a sequel to it? Y/N is still try to get over her break up with Thor and Loki reassures her that she is more than enough for him. It would be more vanilla though. (Sorry that this is so long🥺)
it’s not long at all, don’t worry! i was actually contemplating about making a sequel to it. so i already have smth in the works! i’ll have it done probably by the end of the week :))
edit: I’m so sorry for this being so late!! I know I said a week and then my life went up in chaos. Forgive me for my untimely posting. Regardless, here is the sequel to the Loki fic, Everything Happens For a Reason. Hope you enjoy! 
Warnings: None. Just fluffy Loki
Loki x female!reader
Word count: 2.3K
You awoke to the pitter-patter of the New York rain falling against the window yet again. You thought the worst of it happened yesterday while you were running away from your problems. Speaking of problems, the last thing you wanted was to go back home. Even though it wouldn’t be until later this evening, you felt that your apartment was forever tainted with the betrayal you witnessed. Going back in there would be like playing a broken record. Forever stuck in the limbo of what was.
Rubbing the sleep from your eyes you rolled over to feel for Loki, but instead, you were met with room temperature sheets, another body vacant from the bed. Your stomach sank. Had Loki lied? It wouldn’t be beside him but with you, he was so transparent. It felt like cigarettes were being put out all over your skin, your nerves were fired up in all the wrong ways. You sat up in the bed and pulled the sheets up to your chest along with your knees. You felt your body become lethargic.
Am I worth anything to anybody? Am I really that disposable?
Hot, stinging tears began to fall from your eyes. Self-doubt and deprecating thoughts filling your brain. Perpetual questions of wondering your worth not only in romantic fashion but just in life came to be the spearhead of your worries. Everything felt intrusive and counterfeit. Maybe he saw you as easy and knew you would give up easily to him in your state of vulnerability. You just wanted somebody to be appreciative of you.
Maybe he and his brother weren’t cut from that different of a cloth. Sliding out of the bed you went to put on your clothes from the night before in hopes of getting out of the hotel without too much trouble. But when you bent over to pick your jeans up from the floor they were damp and cold and it made you feel even worse. Your hoodie was in a similar condition and to top it off, you couldn’t find your underwear to save your life. You groaned out loud and felt trapped in this opulent room and everywhere you looked was a painful reminder of everything bitter and vile.
You climbed back in bed and decided to just wait for your clothes to finish drying up. Unsure of when that would be because the rain outside was creating a thin layer of humidity in the room. Sighing you curled into the fetal position and held onto an extra pillow hoping that it would provide you with some semblance of comfort. Your tears started up again and there was a pain beginning to build in your stomach. You wanted to scream. You wanted to release yourself of all the negative energy that was boiling within you. Clutching the extra pillow to your face you let out a wail that you had been holding in for far too long. All the pent-up energy from yesterday of trying to hold your own against the perfidy Thor presented you with and now you were struggling with the concept of Loki using you and your vulnerability for a cheap fuck. You were curled up in a hotel room, naked and crying about everything. You felt pathetic. You just wanted to sleep forever. 
With the last sniffle leaving your body you took a deep breath and shuddered into your body. Your breathing labored and shallow, you tried to calm yourself down in hopes of falling back asleep. But those hopes were dilapidated when you heard the hotel room door click open. You thought about faking sleep but the idea of faking anything took up too much space to even think about carrying out. So you opted to just lie still and wait for anything to be said to you. Maybe it was just one of the housekeeping people and they would leave upon seeing someone still in the room.
“Y/N, you up yet?”
Housekeeping would’ve been too easy wouldn’t it?
Sighing you meekly responded to Loki, tears and sorrow welling up in your eyes and throat once more.
“Yeah, been up for a little while.”
He caught on to it immediately. Your position in the bed, the lack of tone in your voice. He knew he should’ve waited but he thought a surprise of something would lift your spirits even more. Time was simply not on his side and you arose long before he anticipated. Making his best judgment at the situation he was debating which road of sentiment he should walk down. He didn’t want to make things worse for you.
Loki set down a bag, the crinkling catching your attention and you looked over your shoulder to see where he was. 
He went to get food? He hadn’t skipped at all?
Instantly you were filled with regret, upset with yourself for jumping to conclusions about the situation at hand. You couldn’t help it though, your ability to have trust within someone else was smeared, and regardless of Loki’s reassuring words the night prior, the pain had yet to subside. Upon seeing your face, Loki saw the residual puffiness in your face and how the tip of your nose was heated and slightly swollen from your crying before he walked in. 
“I’m sorry, Loki.”
Was all you could muster, wordwise. You sat yourself up in the bed and wiped the residue of tears from your face trying to make yourself appear as normal as possible. Wrapping the sheet tightly around you, you finally faced him. Loki stepping lightly to the edge of the bed. 
“Did you think I left...for good?”
You rolled your heads towards him, cynicism clear on your face. A bit of sarcasm was thrown into the mix but it was all a guise to somewhat shield him from the pain and embarrassment you were feeling. Looking at the wall in front of you, a dry response left your lips.
“Yes. What else was I supposed to think? My mind was running through all the possible reasons as to why you left. And the one that kept nagging was the idea that my vulnerability yesterday was used to an advantage other than my own.”
Sadness no longer colored your emotions but rather numbness. You weren’t sure what to feel. You wanted to trust Loki and you believed that you could but time was definitely needed. With another sigh, you continued.
“And then you walk in here with bags of stuff and I look like a fool for being so dramatic in nature.”
“Well that’s nothing new for us now is it?”
Loki’s quip back at you had your eyes narrowing into thin slits but again was quickly washed away because something about him made the circumstances seem not so perilous. You bowed your head, feeling that you had said enough. In place, Loki’s voice filled the silence.
“My intention was for you to still be asleep by the time I returned. You seemed so peaceful. The last thing I wanted was to wake you from that state of rest. I figured I’d be back in time to properly surprise you with some gifts.”
You smiled a bit, feeling the angst start to fade away, but quickly to feel it fade into guilt. But you weren’t allowed to stew in it for too long, for Loki standing up from the bed caught your attention distracting you from your thoughts.
“Before it gets cold, I got us some breakfast. And..”
His sentence trailing off into a strain as he bent over to the side of the desk in the front of a room to pull out yet another bag.
“I picked you up some clothes to wear for today. Figured wearing the ones from this past evening was morally and aesthetically dull and trudging back to your apartment would be in poor judgment. It’s not much but enough for the day and for our date this evening.”
Your eyebrows shot up into your hairline completely forgetting about what you agreed to with Loki during your session of pillow talk while you were drifting in and out of sleep. 
He really meant that? Wow, okay.”
“Oh come now, you hadn’t forgotten already had you?”
Loki was mocking you now. Fully aware that by your initial reaction you had forgotten. 
“Look, in my defense, I was drifting off to sleep.”
“Mhmm, sure Y/N.”
Setting the bag in between the two of you on the bed, Loki looked at you, eyes urging you to dig in the bag.
“You happen to have another shirt I can throw on before I start eating? My hoodie is still damp and-”
Loki reached into the bag full of clothes and pulled out an oversized graphic tee cutting your sentence off and holding it out in front of your face.
“Thank you.”
You were genuinely surprised and grateful. It was such a simple act but the fact that Loki went out of his way to get you clothes and food following a night of such intensity made you feel warm and finally appreciated. Something you hadn’t felt with previous relationships, especially with your last. Taking the shirt from him, you looked for the tag and pulled it out with your teeth.
Loki side-eyed you, his comment made obviously in somewhat of jest. You chuckled and wormed your way into the shirt. Once pulling it over your head you finally dug into the paper bag that was still surprisingly warm despite the time that had gone by. The smell of a breakfast sandwich filling your nose and your stomach growled in response, eager to be fed. Loki made a sarcastic remark but you couldn’t be bothered with responding the second you placed the sandwich to your lips. 
The satisfaction of the food also gnawing away the ritual morning agitation you were always burdened with. Nothing but soft smacks and soft moans of enjoying your food filled the space. A sign that obviously, the food was worthwhile. Loki had looked at you eyebrow raised and chuckled to himself watching you be completely lost in the sandwich.
“If I would’ve known you’d be tearing the sandwich up like that I would’ve purchased three.”
Your eyes rolled and simultaneously you were thinking about how he got all this stuff in the first place. Mouth still full with food, your speech a little muffled.
“Speaking of purchase, how’d you buy all this anyway.”
“Mischief always finds its way, darling.”
“I think the word is pronounced thievery, Loki.”
“Same difference.”
It’s almost as if all the trauma that you suffered through yesterday had never happened. Being with Loki and the playful banter that was his character made everything feel at ease. You felt happy, actually and most importantly you didn’t feel guilty for it. Was the timing a little brisk? Perhaps, but in the end, what really mattered was your happiness and right now it felt that you had found it. 
Finishing up with your sandwich you balled up the wrapping and threw it back into the bag. Standing up from the bed you excused yourself to go to the bathroom. Turning on the light you saw a plethora of toiletry products that you hadn’t brought. A toothbrush, toothpaste, body wash, lotion, a few makeup products that you knew were picked up in pure confusion, and some leave in for your hair. Your eyes widened and you let out a belly laugh.
“Jesus Loki, did you raid the fuckin Walgreens on the corner.”
“Hey if you don’t want it, with the flick of my wrist it will vanish. Choose your next words wisely.”
You knew he was playing and you decided one last epigram would satisfy your bratty nature. Peeking your head out from the bathroom, you bowed in a dramatic courtesy.
“Thank you my king for so valiantly stealing all the toiletries from our nearest corner store. My gratitude is eternal. Like that?”
“You’re impossible.”
Walking back to Loki, you stood between his legs and raked your fingers through his slicked-back hair. A softness took over your features, appearing small and doe-like to Loki as he looked up at you.
“Thank you, Loki, really. I know we bust each other’s balls but I really appreciate you. I can already foresee how tightly I’m going to be wrapped around your finger. You already have me falling for you at a speed that is impractical to calculate.”
“My Y/N.”
Hearing the adoration layered in his tone made your heart warm and the possession of your name falling from his mouth made your body shiver. Realizing how quickly you could get used to this.
“Now you’ll finally see what it’s like to be on the receiving end. Ever since we stumbled upon each other I was enamored with you. I couldn’t bear to see you with another and that another being none other than my brother was like a fiery blade that I had no power of removing. When I fell for you I knew I was irrevocably destined to be yours. Regardless of the circumstance. And now, if you are willing to take my hand in this journey I would like to make you mine.”
You pressed your lips together in a firm smile before showing your teeth, feeling overwhelmed with reverence for the man in front of you.
“I’d be more than happy to accompany you. Even more so for this evening.”
Loki lightly smiled and then leaned up to press a gentle kiss to your lips. The air light and emanating the tender yet sardonic romance that was beginning to brew between your long-lost lover.
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neon-junkie · 4 years
could we please get some tips and tricks for writing NSFW work?? you write it like its nothing! im too shy to do it!!
oddly enough, smut is one of the easiest things for me to write lol. but ye, here’s a handful of basic and easy stuff you can follow for when you write! everythings under the cut as this is NSFW! :) There’s a lot of writing here btw so sorry if it’s too long!!
SO let’s start with the main thing you need to remember: it’s just sex! Writing smut is a lot easier to do than you may think, even if you’re inexperienced irl, or you’re a virgin. That’s fine! A lot of the all-time bestsellers have been erotic writing, so there's no shame in writing about what a lot of us naturally enjoy. Remember that just like all genres, your first fics are going to be messy. You’re new here, it’s gonna take time. I recommend asking for critiques in your note section and hope that someone is kind enough to point out any flaws/room for improvement. Of course, if you disagree with their critique, then just thank them anyway and move on. It’s YOUR writing after all, not theirs! The best way to break everything down is to focus on our five senses: see, hear, touch, smell, taste. They play a BIG role during sex, and focusing on them during your writing is going to make it a lot easier to write.  -------------------
The first thing you'll want to include is what your characters actually look like. Feel free to mention all their lumps and bumps, their curves and/or visible bones, how their skin colour might change in different areas of their body, etc. What does person A enjoy the most visually about person B?
Do they have a really nice scar that person A likes to trail over with their fingers or tongue?
Do they have a belly that they might be self-conscious about? What can person A do to help calm their insecurities?
Do they have really cute pink skin on their genitals? like the tip of their penis or the inner part of their vagina?
Do they have really long hair that they always take a second to put up before getting it on?
Do they have freckles all over their body?
Do they shape their pubes in a really funky pattern?
You can easily write a nice chunk of writing based on what is visible. For example: 'Person A adored Person B, and oddly enough, it was for all the things that Person B was self-conscious about: The curves of their stomach and the complimentary stretch marks, the freckles that were sprinkled over their shoulders and down their arms, and the scar they had on their hip from the accident that caused them to meet.’
You'll also want to include their reactions! Sex can turn you into a mushy, panting, moaning mess, so make sure to let the reader know how your characters are reacting.
The most sensitive areas of your body are the neck, earlobes, bum, vagina/clit, the penis as a whole, balls, g-spot, prostate, and nipples.    
Please remember that not everybody likes all these areas being touched, but most do! But what areas specifically does your character like the most?
Do they enjoy a classic blowjob? Do they prefer them to be sloppy?
Do they love having their clit played with? Especially using tongue?
Do they love their nipples being played with? Maybe including some toys?
Does kissing their neck always get them in the mood? Do they enjoy being kissed there the most?
Again, let's write another description based on those things. For example: '
Person A knows exactly what Person B likes. It's easy to turn them into a moaning mess, and all they needed to do was go between their legs. They'd have them calling out their name within seconds just from the way they ran their tongue up along the veins on their penis, followed by swirling their tongue around the tip before they finally bob their head down their shaft.'
There are 4 things to think about when writing about hearing:
What's being said (dirty talking, moaning names.)
What noises they're making (moans, grunts, panting, sighing.)
What sounds are echoing around the room (the sound of skin against skin, the creaking of the bed.)
What can be heard around the setting (the birds chirping outside, strangers outside talking, maybe another couple are at it in the other room.)
Let's write an example that covers all 4 of those things: '
Either the passers-by outside chose to ignore Person A and Person B going at it, or they weren't as loud as they thought they were. And my god, they were loud. Despite the music blaring out the speaker in attempts to cover up their noisy morning sex, the noises they were making were much louder. The sounds of skin slapping against skin, and the overloud moaning of each other's names echoed down the hall. How they hadn't had a noise complaint yet was a miracle.’
Now, writing dirty conversations can be cringe, I know, but I LOVE it when I find them in other people's work.
Is Person A instructing Person B what to do?
Is Person A using pet names/nicknames on Person B?
Does Person A dirty talk to Person B cause they know how flustered it makes them?
Does Person A speak more than one language? Do they know a few phrases in another language that turns Person B into mush?
Is this a romantic setting where Person A talking about how much they love and adore Person B?
Is this more of a kinky setting where Person A is bossing Person B about?
If you're unsure of how to write it, I'd recommend checking other people's work! For some writers, writing dirty dialog comes easy, and you can pick up a lot of good phrases from other people's work. PLEASE (obviously) don't copy but be inspired and follow their flow.
If you are after more kinky dialog then porn is a good place to pick this up. Porn is very fake, yes, but some of the dirty talk they use is a good example of what people say during a real setting. Obviously, only do this if you're comfortable with it.
Ah, touch. Sex is heavily based on touching each other, obviously, which is why it's a key factor during writing.
Your body does a LOT of cool stuff when reacting to being touched, such as:
Getting goosebumps/chills
Blood vessels may enlarge
Eyes go hazy
Nipples may become erect
Your muscles tense up
Some people may squirt
Skin may flare up when a person's beard rubs over it.
Some people, depending on what the sex is like, may go into what I call 'sex mode.' This is when they become so engulfed in the sex that they kinda lose themselves. This tends to happen during really good sex!
Their muscles will tense and shake without them being able to control it, they may be flustered all over their body, their cock may be throbbing for release, their vagina walls may contract without them being able to control it, their eyes may gloss over and have a hazy appearance, etc.
Lets write a bit of description based on touching: '
Person A loved the little goosebumps that appeared all over Person B's body whenever they touched them in the right areas. They loved the way their cock twitched inside of them when their orgasm was soon approaching, or the way their mouth remained parted and their eyes glossed over. But the thing Person A loved the most was when their orgasm hit; to see their partner tremble from their touches was delicious, and even more delicious knowing that Person A turned them into this mushy mess.’
To be blunt, sex is stanky! Sex has a specific smell to it, and so does each individual person's body parts. Hygiene plays a big role here, as if a person is clean then they're going to smell a lot nicer, especially down there.
Nobody wants to read/write about a smelly character, it's off-putting, so if your character is naturally smelly then maybe have them go at it in a clean setting? Such as a spa, pool, river, lake, bath, etc.
Trying to describe the smell of someone's genitals is really hard, so don't be worried about skipping it. I personally always do, but you can always describe the smell of the room instead.
Is this a candlelit setting? What scent are the candles?
Are they in the bath? What does the bubble bath smell like?
Is there a fireplace in the room? Does the room smell slightly of smoke and warmth?
Is there incense burning? What scent is it? Is it heavy or thin in the air?
Are they using lube? What does it smell/taste/feel like?
Example time: '
The smell of general sex had been drowned out by their romantic setting. Person A had surprised Person B with a warm, candlelit bath for when they got home. The candles smelt of warm vanilla, and the bubble bath was honey-scented; a romantic combo that Person B loved!’
Yummy! Or maybe not yummy? The taste of another person's genitals all comes down to two things: diet, and hygiene. Just like smell, a lot of people don't like to read/write about a smelly character, and if your character is smelly, then they're going to taste gross too.
Everybody is different, and all genitals taste different, so if you want to include how your character tastes then you may need to do your own research in this area!
However, lube is a commonly used item and can play a big factor in taste. A lot of lube is scented and designed for eating, and flavours include Chocolate, Strawberry, Cherry, Orange, Watermelon, Mint, etc.
Some lube is designed to tingle, and a person may enjoy that sensation on their genitals. You may want to include that in your writing. For example: '
Person A got out the lube, a strawberry scented tingle lube. After placing a few pumps on their fingers, they massaged it onto Person B's genitals, loving the way they reacted to the tingle sensation it had. And when Person A went down on them, they enjoyed their natural taste, along with the strawberry flavour.'
Remember that sex isn't porn. Porn is very staged and forced, despite it being enjoyable for some people to consume.
Sex includes a handful of things, like:
Accidentally getting your hair stuck under another person's body part.
Giggling, lots of laughter! Is their dick not sliding in because there's too much lube on it? And it's now just a slippery mess? That's funny!
Farting :O and queefing! :O
Lazy sex!
Falling asleep during sex, especially when you're having drunk sex.
Accidentally being caught.
Receiving a noise complaint or an angry neighbour banging on the door.
Accidents happen! Maybe you got cum in your hair or on your clothes? Oops.
Deciding not to continue having sex and your partner understanding and respecting that!
Try a new kink? Did it work out? Was it a little weird?
Roleplay? Dressing up? Oooh la la!
PLEASE also remember to tag your work properly! Tag all kinks included, even the stuff that you may not think are kinks/need tagging. You'll want your tags to basically be a little spoiler section for your fic, as you want to ensure your readers can check through them to see if there's anything in there that they don't enjoy, or may set off a trigger.
Also, remember to use paragraph spacing! Paragraphs are usually 2-6 lines. You need regular paragraph spacing to ensure your work is easy to read. A lot of people may have something (such as dyslexia) in place that prevents them from reading big chunks of text, so try and ensure you're catering to a wide audience.
Here's a list of descriptive words you can use:
Body spasm
Screamed in pleasure
Gasped for air
Knocked the air out of their lungs
Rapid breathing
Tensed up
Eyes watered up
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zuffer-weird-girl · 5 years
A Scenario were kai and his s/o are having a bubble bath and just talk. And with wine cause he's just classy like that.💜btw love your writing💜
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Today was just terrible for the young yakusa boss.
Everthing seemed to go wrong and with the objective of anger him.
Experiments went wrong, he had to talk with some heroes that were at his back, failed texts, precepts just wouldn't do what he demanded and always messed up and with an cherry on top Rappa insisted on going on a fight with him, Chisaki was already irritaded and with no seconds thoughts overhauled the man before putting him back together.
Moments like these he thanked the heavens for bringing you in his live, because he was clearly certain that without your calm and understanding presence, he would just combust and become an killing machine out of his anger.
He entered the room and was dissapointmented when he didn't saw your figurine waiting from him inside your shared bedroom... His annoyance grew along with his worry when he checked his phone and no warnings about you going out were there.
And it didn't help when it was eleven at clock...
A wave of calm surrounded him when he heard the sounds of water and your humming coming from his closed bathroom.
He knocked on the door; providing any uncomfortable scenes; and shortly after heard your melodic voice saying that he could come in.
"You're an idiot, what if it wasn't me?" He sayed irritaded as he closed the door behing him and saw one scene that he swears it took his breath away.
You, with eyes pleasantly closed, layed on the bathtub surrounded by bubbles hidding most of your figurine as the scent of vannila and lavender surrounded the bathroom.
"We all know that no one would have courage to enter your room at this time of night my love..." you sighed with an smile, your eyes still closed.
He scoffed as he sitted on the edge of the tub, taking a moment to look at your angelic figurine completely relaxed...
"You seem tense." You creaked an eye open worriedly "Rough day?"
"Nothing that I can't handle it." He stated averting his eyes to the door. You hummed while you dried your hands with an near towel and touched his shoulder.
He flinched at the sudden contact but calmed down shortly after.
"Well, you're definitely are tense." You carresed his shoulder gently with one hand while the other scratched near his pierced ear, making him shiver as he threw an glare at you.
"These nails are better be clean." He groaned
"Relax love, my boyfriend demands everday any type of cleaning." You mocked him as he scoffed once again.
"Want to switch places? Hot water helps with sore and tense muscles..." he sighed in annoyance.
"No. Knowing you, you just entered." He said while taking off his mask to breath in the the warm steam that enveloped the entire room along with the smells of lavender and vanilla.
No germs or diseases... Perfect.
"So how about you join me?" He threw another glare at you, arching one of his eyebrowns.
"Wow, someone is grumpy today." You giggled while he groaned "Kai is just an invitation, I'm not forcing you... its not like you would follow orders anyway." You laughed quietly as you layed back on the tub.
How could you possibly offer this? The idea was just so... uncomfortable, embarrassing... but you seemed really relaxed at there.
Ah shit, now he was missing the feeling of your slight scratch in his ear and your touch in his shoulder.
"Honestly? I hate you." He said picking up his mask and marching his way out of the bathroom.
You stared questionably at your door, but you just shrugged off, you're dating Kai Chisaki so his reaction after that ofter Isn't exactly a surprise... You closed your eyes already thinking on an apology to say it to him later.
Chisaki came back shortly after, holding in one hand two glasses while the other holded an very expensive bottle of wine; the ones which costs more than one kidney to pay because he is a spoiled brat.
He placed the itens on the ground before staring you down in annoyance.
"Damn you for making me do this." He sighed as he slowly unbuttoned his black dress T-shirt.
"But I just said that I'm not obli-" hee interrupted you murmuring a 'shut it' as he finally undressed himself and steped on the tub cautiously.
He looked up at the xeiling as he slowly layed down in front of you.
"The water is burning." He complained, never making any efforts to look at you "What's with the bubbles anyway? So unnecessary..."
Oh god... that pink on his cheeks was a clear evidence on what you were suspecting. He was shy! How you wished you had a camera to record this moment.
You giggled as you picked up the glasses and the bottle, serving you both, but in more quantity for him since he looked completely drained out.
"Well, you bought for me remember? I just looked at it because I found it cute, and you just grabbed and payed it for it." You laughed at the memory offering him his glass and with an groan he accepted it.
With one or two shouts, his whole glass of wine was gone, he shugged down like he was an starving man on the dessert looking for water.
"Geez Kai, take it easy." You worriedly comented while he put the glass back to the ground.
"Have a day like I had than you can say something about it angel." He comented with a groggy voice. The wine was really strong oh boy.
"What happened today love? It was that bad?"
"My god, don't even get me started it..." he started to rant about his displeasures and now you knew you could only nod in understanding and agree with whatever he said, taking small sips from your own glass. He just needed to vent for now and you were definitely okay with that.
Suddenly an idea popped into your head as you plaved down your empty glass.
"Kai can I wash your hair?"
His eyes widened for a bit as he finally looked at you, soon after he glared daggers at you.
"Do I look like I can't do it myself?" He groaned as you smiled in hopeless.
"Just offered it, hon." You layed back in your head closing your eyes.
Chisaki stared at you for a while before sighing in irritation, turning on his back as he layed in your form, making you yelp at his sudden movement.
"Tell this to anyone and I-"
"Have a bit of faith in me c'mon!" You giggled excitedly as you picked his bottle and put an generous amount on your palm.
He trusted you with his whole life but he couldn't help it, this situation was extremely new for him and combining with the horrible and exausted day he had, his actions and words were harsh... And he knew he was an completely asshole to you...
And yet here you were, massaging with your gentle fingers his scalp without a worry and even humming an melody.
He stared at his front, completly confused and angry at himself for enjoying this and for threating you like he did...
The slow movement of your delicate fingers made his shoulders sag and his eyes close in pure bliss as he secretly enjoyed accepted the new form of attention.
He closed his eyes tightly when the water dropped in his head, preventing any soap spills from entering his eyes.
"There." You gently carresed his shoulders, noticing that they were no longer tense "Your punishment is over." You giggled when he groaned, but he made no moves to get away from you.
You stared in confusion Chisaki; who had his eyes closed and both of his forearms resting on the both sides of the edges of the bath tub; still not making a move to get out.
"Kai?" You gently traced your fingers underwater on his sides to get his attention, noticing his shiver. He crooked one eye open and looked at you questionably.
"Already done." After a few seconds he finally sighed while nodding, lifting himself and turning to be in front of you again.
Had to take away his little peace of heaven?
"Turn around." He comanded, making you tilt your head in confusion. "Turn around." He said more firmly and you quickly obey.
After a few seconds you feel both of his arms cautiously circle your waist and push you against him. You yelped quietly at the action and questionably looked at Chisaki
He didn't say absolutely nothing, opting to just sigh in relief as he layed down bringing you with him.
You finally relaxed and rested your head on the crook of your boyfriends neck, enjoying this rare moment feeling his steady heartbeat.
"We should leave soon, the skin gets wrinkled if it stays in the water for a long time." You commented.
Chisaki hummed in understatement as he placed an amount of bubbles in the top of your head gently.
"Five minutes, then we're out." He stated returning his tigh embrace.
You agreed and let him seek the comfort he was needing...
(I guess this time I made him too OOC shit Im sorry)
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the-omni-princess · 5 years
Blood Bound [Chapter Seven]
Author: @the-omni-princess​
Pairing: Vampire!Bucky x Witch!Reader
Summary: Vampires and witches have been known enemies since the dark ages. Backstabbing, secrets, and magic turned supernatural brethren again each other. As a natural-born witch, you grew up on these stories, your own monsters under your bed. What happens when one of those sworn enemies claims that you are his blood mate, the vampire equivalent of a true mate? Will you give in to this man out of time? Or destroy him for the sake of your Coven?
Word Count: 4K
Warnings: smut! (18+ only), blood kink (?kinda? lol he’s a vampire so), fluff, nightmares, cursing, flashbacks, Bucky being adorable, a hint of dom!Bucky and Praise kink, let me know if I missed anything
For a <18 version/summary, please message me and I got you.
Finals are killing me so rip, I’ll be working on writing challenges/Secret Santas (lol I’m in multiple) first then the next chapter of this series (on the bright side, guess who’s writing a Stucky one shot :D )
[Series Masterlist]  [My Masterlist] [Playlist Inspired by the Series]
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“Hey, Bucky?” You whispered softly.
“Kiss me again.” He obliged, closing the distance to kiss you again. He was the one to deepen the kiss first, gentle yet dominating, demanding your full attention. You got lost in his touch, pressed against him as his hand around your waist pulled you tighter against him. “James,” you practically purred against his lips.
He groaned softly, smirking. “I love it when you say my name.” His lips brushed against yours, easily pulling your mouth back on his.
“Then I’ll keep saying it, Angel Eyes,” you murmured, pulling far enough off of him to run a hand through his fluffed up and mused hair. He groaned softly, making you grin as you lightly traced your fingertips against his scalp. “I want to remember, Bucky. Help me remember and I help you remember? All of it? From the beginning? I know a witch from another Coven who can help us.”
He leaned his forehead against yours, lips brushing past yours as he nodded. “All of it, Sweetling. From the beginning. And Theo?”
“I love you too.”
“Hey, Bucky?”
“Yeah, Little Witch?”
“Why’d you jump in front of that silver dagger? It would have like, ya know, hurt Nat, but it would like kill you. Dumb bitch juice much?” You turned to face Bucky, still wrapped in his arms, completely content with just teasing him.
“Don’t come after me with facts, y/n/n, it's not fair.” He groaned, “I just acted, didn’t really stop and think.”
“Also, did my entire coven fuck off because they thought we were gonna bone?”
“Honestly, I was kinda crying because I took too much blood from you, Nat called me a pussy and said your anemic ass passes out easily, paraphrasing here-“
“And Nat and Steve, totally have a thing going on btw,” he continued, ignoring your interruption, “Kinda like shared a look and Nat went, ‘Alright, well, coven’s gonna just move this party outta here, give these kiddos some space,’ and that’s when I noticed you killed that Council Member, which is incredibly hot honestly, and like woah you’re hot, sorry sidetracked.”
“Keep boosting my ego and you might get more kisses out of it,” you bopped his nose, grinning playfully as he snapped his fangs towards it, making you yelp and burst into a fit of giggles.
He happily buried his face in your neck, holding you close, “My powerful and adorable witch,” he murmured.
“My brooding and dark and mysterious but actually a big goofball vampire,” you retorted, grinning when he pulled back to give you a look. “What? It’s completely true.”
You shrugged, grabbing your phone off the nightstand to shoot Nat a text. The Coven group chat was already lit up with messages, mostly them talking behind Sam and Steve’s back about the vampires, and planning their next move, and of course, the obligatory ‘making fun of the couple for their sex-scapades’ messages.
Bucky read most of the messages over your shoulder, not wanting to let you go so easily. “How many eggplant emojis can Wanda text before her fingers hurt?”
“Don’t let her hear that, or you’ll find eggplants everywhere. I made that mistake with the donut emoji,” you leaned your head against his shoulder, shooting a gif of a girl rolling her eyes.
“Did that picture just move?” Bucky whispered behind you.
“Do you not know what gifs are?”
“Phones are too easy to track; we usually use burner phones. Call and simple texts only.” He explained, much to your amusement.
“Allow me to teach you, oldie,” you teased, spending the next hour showing him the world of social media. His little grin and wide eyes sent your heart fluttering, and you silently prayed he didn’t hear it.
Soon, you yawned, your eyes threatening to close as sleep started to pull you in. Bucky simply tightened his arms around you, tucking you both underneath the covers of the bed. “Sleep, Sweetling. I’ll be here when you wake up,” he kissed your head tenderly, causing you to smile tiredly.
“Promise?” You spoke mid-yawn, letting Bucky place your phone back on the nightstand.
“Promise. And then we’ll talk about everything that happened. You deserve to rest.” You didn’t reply, only burying your face into his chest, elated to drink in his scent, the warm vanilla, and mint overtaking your senses. Spending so much time around him lately, you no longer minded the faint scent of copper blood mixed into his scent, but now you noticed something else. Tones of earthy traces, sparks of flame, and salt from the sea. He was starting to smell like a witch too. That last thought had you smiling goofily as sleep overtook you and your mind plunged into darkness.
Warm hands. Big, dragging, gentle, soft. Light kisses below your ear. Whispers of love. A murmur of “Sweetling.” Contentment. Sated. But this time the memory didn’t flee, it continued. Light kisses became heated, hands pressed against each other, fingers brushing alongside a soft fur blanket. Gasping breaths, nerves lit up on fire. Bits and pieces like a puzzle pulling together to make the final picture.
“Come on, James! It’s the summer solstice and a full moon, and you are taking positively forever!” Your voice cried out, tugging a warm hand with you, your other arm carrying a woven basket filled with candles and blankets.
Pale moonlight illuminating the grassy meadow as you let go of his hand, placing the fur blankets down before lining the stones, crystals, and candles in a circle. “I do not think the moon will climb any faster than it does every year, Theodosia,” Bucky stood there, his hair an inch longer than you remembered, grinning as he helped make the circle comfortable.
“Still! I want this to be perfect,” you whispered, sighing softly as you stood in the middle of the circle. Alone with only your lover in the wilderness, unafraid to be who you really were. At peace. Excited.
You pulled on the string of your cloak, tugging it off until you tossed it out of the circle entirely, bare as you sat on the furs. Looking up at Bucky, you smiled, “Will you be joining me, or staring the entire time?”
He simply smirked, “I would not mind watching, I must admit.”
“Oh nonsense, hurry yourself or I will send you back home,” you teased, ignoring the blush threatening to creep onto your face.
“I am moving, do not worry, Little Witch,” he chuckled, pulling off his own cloak and tossing it out of the circle before lying beside you.
Without a word you threw your leg on the other side of his hips, easily finding your way above him, straddling his hips. “Why hello there, My Love,” you smiled warmly, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Hello there, Sweetling,” his hands gripped your hips, the electricity pulsing from your body didn’t affect him, simply surrounding you both as the winds started to pick up. Light kisses became needier, heated. “I’m yours,” he pledged in a soft voice.
“And I’m yours. Forever, mo chridhe,” You smiled warmly, his eyebrows furrowing as he pulled you close to kiss again. Your hands ran through his hair, moaning softly as he nipped at your bottom lip. Electric pulsing came from a source that was not your powers, euphoria as flashes of other memories swept along like a coursing river.
Picking flowers in a meadow, laying amongst the lavender.
Lying beside a fire, warm hands around your body, pulling you closer by your hips.
Handmaking candles in preparation for the winters, lining your coats with furs, placing new fur blankets on the bed.
Your back arching, fingers gripping those same furs as you cried out.
Murmurs of spells and enchantments, healings.
Whispers with sour tones behind your back. Witch. Devil’s Spawn.
As quickly as the wave of memories turned changed, they quickly turned back to icy blue eyes. Eyes and arms that pulled you in, kissed your head and lips that said they loved you. James. Bucky.
“This isn’t real, Little Witch,” He gently cupped your face in his hands. “This isn’t real, it’s time to go,” He whispered.
“I don’t want to go again, James. I don’t want to lose you again,” you murmured, closing your eyes as you leaned against his hands.
“Don’t you remember, Theo? You found me again, I won’t let you get away that easy.” Your eyes fluttered open, deep blue ice pulling you back into the bright room. You noticed it was an older room, seemingly of a log cabin. You’ve been here before, but you couldn’t quite remember when. “I’m never letting you go again.”
“I thought you said it was time to go?” You looked back at him, nuzzling deeper into his warm arms. Something about that seemed wrong.
He smiled warmly, tilting your chin up to look at him, affection burning in his eyes, “It is, but I’ll be right there when you open your eyes. I’ll be your anchor in the light, you’ve always been the Good Witch, now it’s my turn to guide you to light magic. We’ll go together.”
“Promise?” Your voice showed exactly how terrified you were.
“Promise, Sweetling.” He smiled, kissing your temple affectionately, “You won’t be alone. Now, wake up.”
You gasped awake, eyes wide, shaking. Bucky was sitting up above you, wide eyes and trying to calm you. His mouth was moving, and you absentmindedly felt his hands gently holding your face. Your senses seemed to flood you at once, the bile rising in your throat, terror filling your body as Bucky’s words finally registered in your brain.
“There you go, baby girl, breathe with me. In, out, just like that,” following his words your trembling soon stopped, and you let your eyes close, trusting in the man in front of you. Sighing softly, he pressed his thumbs against your cheeks, and you were surprised to find that it came back wet. You were crying. God, you felt kinda pathetic but being in his arms made you feel safe. “You alright now?” He asked softly, your only response being a small nod. You couldn’t even remember why you were crying.
You moved closer, leaning against him on the bed again. “The memories… They’re coming faster than I can stop them.”
“What did you see?” His voice was soft, still cradling you close, not willing to let you go so easily.
“Doesn’t matter too much,” you mumbled, hoping he didn’t notice you blushing as you recalled the moonlit ritual with him.
“Does it? Or are you too embarrassed to say it?” He teased, tilting your head up to look at him, you were curled up in his arms, both of your arms secure against your chest.
“Rituals in the light of the full moon,” you swallowed thickly, steeling your courage. “Using sex magic for bigger spells,” you murmured.
His cheeks flushed pink but kept on grinning, clearly enjoying your shyness. “Is that it, Little Witch?”
“Mostly flashes of random moments,” You paused, becoming more serious, “I hate how none of them connect, it’s all a bunch of random pieces of string in a cobweb…”
“Or a really fucked up jigsaw.” He gently laid you back down across the soft blankets, laying beside you. “I understand that more than you think.”
You moved closer, gently rubbing your nose against his, allowing your eyes to close as you pressed a kiss to his head, letting his head rest at the top of your sternum. “I want to remember you, all of you. You’ve always been there, in the back of my head for years and I haven’t even noticed. You’ve always been a part of me,” you gulped faintly as his nose pressed lightly against your collarbone, grazing past the skin there, lips dotting small kisses along the exposed flesh above your mint charm necklace.
“I used to wonder why I was obsessed with honey. Sam used to tease me that there was no pleasing me,” he continued pressing kisses up your skin, “No matter what honey I tried, I never liked it, it was never right. Now I know it’s because,” he paused at your pulse point, teasingly licking up the thin cords of your neck that shielded your arteries from exposure. The attention made you keen, a faint whimper escaping your lips; one you instantly regretted as you felt his responding smirk against your skin. “Your scent is the honey I was missing. My mate’s scent,” he murmured, placing a possessive kiss just below your ear.
“Mate?” you whispered, the question at the forefront of your mind promptly evaporating the second he started to suck gently on your pulse point, fangs brushing against the skin without breaking it.
“Mine,” his voice was at a near growl, which sent a warm spark directly to your core.
“Make me remember, mo chridhe,” you weren’t quite sure where that phrase kept coming from, an underlining need to say it, but you decided not to question it. “Please-“ your pleas died off with a small breathy moan as his kisses moved up just far enough to suck a line of hickeys right under your jaw.
“Gladly, Sweetlin’ I’d do anything for ya,” as his voice got huskier, his accent started to slip in. He rolled a bit of his weight onto you, moving his lips higher again to claim yours. He was dominating, just a level below overwhelming; too much without being too much.
As your lips are being kissed, very thoroughly mind you, his hands start to push up your shirt, a random button down you happened to have on a chair earlier and Nat must have put on you while you were passed out. Must have had blood on the other shirt.
Your skin was heating up, your hands finding their way onto his body. One hand pressed against his abdomen, nails scratching faintly, enjoying the little groan he would give you in response. The other hand in his thick curls, finding purchase in them as you arched faintly against his touch.
“Bucky?” you murmured, biting your lip as you pressed your forehead against his. “Bite me,” you paused before adding in a soft voice, “Claim me.”
He pulled away, icy blue eyes wide, voice hoarse, “How do you know about vampire claims?” It was a little archaic, but a vampire could claim another nocturnal, and sometimes even humans. It wasn’t painful per se, but it would be for life.
“When I was doing research into vampires, I read it in one of the older texts.” You whispered, suddenly nervous. “Y-you don’t have-“
“No, no, Sweetling,” his hands pulled away from your hips, tenderly holding your face in his palms. “I just want you to be sure. Being Bound to each other is one thing, we cannot control that, but Claiming? It’d be forever, no one would come near you,” his thumbs gently rubbed circles into your cheeks, eyes watching your response carefully.
“I know… I’m yours, remember? Forever,” you placed your hands on top of his, pressing a soft kiss against his fingertips.
His face softened, his thumb running along the seam of your lips, his eyes glancing down before focusing on your eyes again. “And I am yours,” he agreed, smiling faintly. “I remember…. Are you sure you want this, Little Witch? You don’t have to let the past define you - define us.”
“I’m sure. The past isn’t making this decision for me, Bucky. Our past brought me to you, but I fell in love with this version of you. I love every form and every part of James Buchanan Barnes.”
“God, I love you,” he confessed before pushing forward and kissing you. Desperate as he kissed you deeper, demanding in his ministrations. You pushed his hands back onto your hips, your own hands quickly finding their way back to his hair, tugging him closer as you moaned softly against his lips. He groaned softly, his hand gripping your thigh and pulling it over his waist.
Lips breaking apart for breath, voice hoarse and gasping pleas. He simply smirked in response, your hands moving past his shoulders to tug his shirt up. He pulled away, sitting up, chuckling as you whimpered softly from the loss. “Patience, baby,” he teased, pulling his shirt off and tossing it aside. You blinked a few times, your brain connecting to your body again before pulling your own shirt off, looking up at him shyly. He ran his hands down your sides, before tugging your hips closer to where he was kneeling on the bed. “If you want to stop, just say the word,” he leaned over you, foreheads pressed together as he kissed you again, this time softer, with more reverence.
“I want this, I want you. Don’t stop, Angel Eyes,” you murmured against his lips, eyes fluttering closed with a small moan as his hands ran up against your inner thighs, pushing them apart.
“Gladly, Sweetlin’” his touch was teasing, but his hand soon moved right over your throbbing core, making you gasp softly. He dragged your shorts and panties off with one tug, throwing them aside hastily before his fingers returned to your folds, teasing as he spread your slick around. “Fuck, you’re so wet. Is this all for me?”
He pressed harder against your clit, rubbing small circles there making you cry out. “Ye-yes! All… all for you,” your hips jerked against his hand, choking out a moan as the pleasure started to electrify every nerve in your body.
“Is that right? How bad do you want me, Little Witch?” You whimpered softly, your mind swirling, unable to fully formulate a response. Your hand gripped his wrist, writhing under his touch as his hands started to tease your entrance. “Answer me, baby,” he warned against your ear, thoroughly enjoying your squirming. He kissed down your neck, taking his time teasing your skin with his teeth. Your hands quickly gripped onto your comforter, toes curling as he kitten licked your nipple, lips attaching to it before sucking harshly.
“So- ah! So bad!” You cried out, breathy moans escaping your lips as he slid two fingers into you.
He pumped them in and out slowly before curling them against your walls, smirking against the skin of your collarbone as you practically wept. “There it is,” he marveled, soon pumping his fingers faster against that spot, his thumb rubbing circles into your bundle of nerves as he sped up.
The knot in your stomach tightened, your heart fluttering as you neared your edge. “Please, James. Please,” you practically begged, not noticing his smirk as he watched you squirm for him, his free hand pressed against your stomach to keep your hips from moving.
“That’s it, Sweetlin’, let go, I’ve got you,” his hand pushed your hips down as you arched against him, the show of strength adding to the building ecstasy. The knot snapped, sending you into euphoria as you moaned his name. Electricity ran up your spine and down your arms, gripping onto him as little sparks surrounded you.
He watched you in awe, slowing his hand once you squirmed away from his hand from the overstimulation. He chuckled, pulling away from you as your eyes opened. You groaned, the first sight you saw being him sucking his fingers clean. You tried catching your breath, pushing off of your elbows to sit up, grabbing onto his jeans and pulling him close with it, attacking him in a heated kiss.
Your hands immediately went to the button of the jeans, practically ripping it off as you unzipped them. “Off. Now,” you gasped against his lips. He nodded, obliging as he pushed his knees up off the bed to stand, scrambling out his jeans and boxers. You bit your lip, smirking as you watched him trip over himself. He froze, unsure if he should continue, giving you the ‘deer in headlights’ look. You sat up on your knees, pulling him closer and using his surprise to push him down onto the bed, putting yourself on top of him. “Need you now, babe,” you murmured. Straddling his hips, you kissed him deeply as he lined himself up.
Slowly lowing yourself down onto him, you moaned, feeling the stretch of his length. He wasn’t small by any means, so you slowed down, whimpering softly as your hips met his, his length fully seated in you. “F-fuck, you feel so good,” he mumbled, his hands gripping onto your hips. You preened at the praise, taking a moment with him bottomed out, adjusting to his thick length.
“So do you,” you lean your forehead against his, pressing kisses across his face as you softly rock your hips. You moved slowly, lacing your hand in the hair at the nape of his neck, your other hand gripping onto his shoulder as you raised your hips a little faster. You dug your nails into the thick cords of his muscles, moaning as you moved. His hips bucked up against yours, making you basically mewl out, “Fuck.” You whimpered, your eyes closing as he fixed his stance, continuing to meet your hips thrust for thrust as you rode him. “Couldn’t just let me be in control, huh?” you teased, circling your hips against his.
He chuckled, gripping your hips to still you. “Bold of you to assume you’re in charge here,” your eyes opened in slight surprise, a chill going up your spine as you realized his eyes were a mix of his witch and vampire sides, red with a golden ring around them. He took charge, slamming his hips up, making you yelp as the pleasure spread at the rough display, both arms around his neck holding on for dear life. You most definitely didn’t mind this side of him. “You take me so well, such a good girl,” the praise sends your head spinning, a fact he locked away in his head for later. “Fuck, Sweetling,” He groans loudly as he grips you tighter, using the angle to pound up into you.
“Fuck, ple-please,” your voice died off as he continued, in total control of your pleasure. One hand was wrapped around your waist, keeping you steady as he moved harder, his length pressing against sensitive nerve endings you didn’t even know existed. His other hand slid between your bodies, roughly circling your clit, making your body seize up, clenching around him.
“Cum for me, Sweetling,” his voice was husky, lips pressed below your ear, “Then I’ll Claim you,” he promised, his own moan cutting his voice off.
You could only reply in breathless whimpers and mewls, brutal yet beautiful bliss overwhelming your body as the familiar knot in your stomach snapped again. He licked right over your pulse point, his hips stuttering a bit as he praised you, “That’s it,” he practically snarled against your skin.
Just as the pleasure started to die down, you felt his fangs brush against your skin. You relaxed in his arms, perfectly boneless. “Come on, Bucky. Cum for me,” you nuzzled your nose under his ear, “Please,” you groaned quietly, one hand tugging lightly on his hair.
His growled softly, fangs bared before they sunk into your lifeline just as he came hard. You cried out, the bite sent euphoric sparks down your neck and spine, pooling at your core and lighting up your brain which sent you gasping and crying out into another orgasm. It was completely different from the last time Bucky fed on you.
Just like that, you felt something snap inside of you, the hole you felt in your chest all your life shifted, filling. The yearning gone, filled instead with contentment and consuming bliss. You could feel and hear Bucky whimper against your neck as he pulled away, hips slowing until they stilled. He still held you close, gently licking the mark on your neck, cleaning off your blood as the wound closed while you mewled softly.
You both just held onto each other, catching your breath, gladly pressed into each other. “Did you feel that too?” You whispered once your breathing became normal again.
He pulled away slowly, a small sheen of sweat on his skin but he was grinning at you. “I did… I think my vampire side is a little happy I claimed you,” he teased.
You blushed but couldn’t help your little smile. “I concur,” you joked, kissing him softly. The heat and passion from earlier dwindling down, both of you sated. He held onto your hips, turning and laying you both down on the bed again, holding you close, unwilling to let you go just yet. “Ya know, we didn’t get much talking done.”
His eyes lit up as he laughed, grinning as he kissed your temple. “I don’t think your Coven will mind much. Now rest, Sweetling,” he pushed a curl of hair behind your ear, tenderly holding you. Your legs curled between his, your body tucked into his broad chest, letting his scent mixed with the smell of sex surround you.
“You too, mo chridhe,” you smiled warmly, holding yourself close together as you let sleep take both of you into the depths of darkness.
mo chridhe means My Heart in Scots Gaelic
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