#lucky you... having these 2 precious angels to tell you such soft words over and over again...
ngmn2002 · 6 months
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His reactions are priceless. ✨
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rainbow-shine · 3 years
we found love in a hopeless place
@spnprideweek's day 2: mlm/pride
Castiel wasn’t made to love.
Angels were perfect creatures. Beautiful and deadly, with extraordinary abilities and without feelings that could cloud their judgment. The angels had been created to obey, to praise their father and to fulfill all the missions that were entrusted to them. They were the firstborns of the universe and who wishfully believed that someday they would inherit the paradise that his father had designed.
Angels weren't made to love.
Love, after all, was what made humans imperfect. The love towards themselves, towards others and even towards insignificant things made them vulnerable and often unpredictable. Every decision made by humanity had been, in one way or another, influenced by love.
Castiel isn’t supposed to love.
For millennia, Castiel saw civilizations rise and be destroyed, people born and die, humanity love and hate. His superiors used to tell him that there was something different about him, a compassion and mercy that angels shouldn't have. Castiel lost count of how many times he tried to do something that went against his mission, how many times he tried to break the rules, and how many times he was reprimanded for being too emotional.
Over and over again they told him that angels weren't made to love.
It’s for this reason that it was almost poetic that an angel who wasn’t made to love, found love in hell.
And then, well, everyone knows how the rest of the story goes.
"You should be sleeping" Dean's sleepy voice snapped Castiel out of his thoughts. “Are you okay?”
"I'm fine," Castiel replied, smiling softly and feeling something inside his chest ache at the beautiful image that Dean Winchester represented: sleepily leaning on his chest, with his messy hair and his lovely eyes blinking slowly to try to be more awake. Every night and every morning, Castiel felt that he could die happy at finally being able to held Dean as he had always wanted to.
"You don't sound fine," Dean said, resting his chin against Castiel's chest so they could maintain eye contact. “You know you can tell me whatever is going through your pretty little head, right?”
Dean, his precious Dean, always willing to listen and sometimes bear the problems of others. At first, Castiel hadn't understood how a man had been able to sell his soul for the life of his younger brother. But now, years later and having committed that same kind of sacrifice on more than one occasion, Castiel understood that one was capable of doing all kinds of crazy things for love.
Castiel's experience with love was absolutely and completely terrifying. Feelings he didn’t understand arose at the worst of times and never seemed to stop growing. It was then that Castiel stopped being the perfect creature that his superiors were waiting for him to be, it was then that he began to make mistakes and make decisions that ended in disasters just trying to keep the people he loved safe.
Every decision he made, from the moment his grace made contact with the brightest soul he had ever seen, was influenced by love, even if he hadn't realized it at first.
Of course, by the time he was able to name what he was feeling, it was impossible for him to talk about it again. For years, Castiel kept the love he felt in the deepest part of his grace and tried to ignore his existence. However, as time went on it became more and more difficult to keep his emotions at bay, especially when Dean gave him a smile as bright as the sun, or when they both had a movie night and Dean fell asleep leaning against his shoulder, or when they both shared moments when they could talk about everything that they had never dared to confess to anyone else.
At one point Castiel could no longer stand it and he couldn’t think of a better way to confess all those feelings that using them to save the man he loved.
So he did it and then the most extraordinary thing happened:
Dean loved him back. Dean saved him.
Dean who was still watching him with concern, his green eyes shining with the dim moonlight that filtered through the curtain, one of his hands beginning to trace the enochian symbols of the tattoo that Castiel had on his lower abdomen.
"I love you," Castiel eventually exclaimed, smiling with pride at the exhilarating happiness he felt not only being able to say those words, but also knowing that they were reciprocated. “I was just thinking how much I love you”.
A beautiful blush came over Dean's face, highlighting his freckles and Castiel was once again overwhelmed with how much he loved that man. Michael's sword, the righteous man and god's favorite, titles Castiel was sure paled in comparison to what Dean truly was: the man who had accomplished the impossible, defying fate and the expectations that everyone had from him again and again, the man that had done everything for love.
Seen from this angle, it wasn’t a surprise that Dean was the one who managed to teach an angel how to love.
"Sap," Dean muttered, turning his face so that now it was his cheek that was resting against Castiel's chest. “It shouldn't be legal for you to be this sappy in the middle of the night”.
Castiel chuckled softly before leaning down to gently kiss Dean's forehead, settling him in his arms and laying back down to go back to sleep. After a few seconds, Castiel felt Dean's arms wrap around him, at the same time that one of his legs was positioned above his. It was almost as if Dean was making sure he wasn't going to escape in the middle of the night.
As if he would, as if he could.
Just when sleep was about to capture them both, Castiel heard a soft whisper:
"I love you too, Cas."
Angels weren't made to love, so it was lucky that Castiel never liked to follow the rules.
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
NCT Dream reaction : you give them a handmade gift
Genre : fluff fluff fluff
Word count : 2.5K words
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Mark Lee
*sigh* my overworked baby, SM pls let him rest
he probably forgets to eat from time to time or just doesn’t time to
which breaks your poor little heart :<
so when Mark stays in the recording room until late in the night once again, you don’t go to him empty handed
you go to him with a handful of homemade cookies!!! ヽ(^◇^*)/
when you enter the studio, Mark’s slumped figure immediately straightens up, tired eyes lighting up at the sight of you
he turns in his chair and stretched out his arms to you with a puppy face and your heart :((( just :((((( melts :(((((((((( wow mark no need to kill us all with your babie culture
but who are you to say no to this angel with somewhat less appropriate thoughts but you didn’t hear this from me so you don’t hesitate to walk into his open arms
he lays his head on your stomach, nuzzling into you and cuddling up to you like a clingy koala bear as you run your fingers comfortingly through his hair, lightly massaging his head 
with the serene atmosphere you almost forgot why you came so you pulled away from Mark, your heart clenching at his whine and bring the bag with the cookies out of your backpack and thrust it in his hands
he looks from you to the bag and back with eyes so wide and innocent your brain almost short circuited at the utter cuteness
he digs into it once you prompt him to, a soft ‘woah’ coming out from him once he was hit with the sight of freshly baked cookies
“daaamn these are so good, babe” your eyes shine with pride
as he sticks one in his mouth, munching delighted at it (◠‿◠✿) , he grabs you with an arm, sitting you on his lap like a baby that you are and prodding your lips with another cookie he grabbed out of the bag
“oh no, I made these for you, I don’t-”
he doesn’t let you finish your sentence as he pushes the cookie in your mouth, watching you fondly as you start munching on it and patting your head with a gentle hand
“you’re so much cuter when you’re not nagging”
the Disrespect
Huang Renjun
this baby probably also showers you in his own gifts such as paintings or drawing of you sooo
it’s only proper that you also gist him something made by you (°∀°)
you work your cute ass off to perfect the most adorable Moomin key-chain you can come up with *huff* 
the day you finally deem it good enough to be shown to the top artist Huang Renjun you sweat buckets as you approach him
Renjun is busy on his iPad as you paddle over to him and stick the key-chain in his face with a dumb but proud smile “here”
Renjun turns to you with a blank face “what is this?”
when I tell you the blood drained from your face and you died 50 times internally, your soul just left your body and you saw your life flash before your eyes ‘well life was good, time to say goodbye eyy’
you manage a loud and definitely not artificial laugh
“HAHAHA JUST AN UGLY THING I made I MEAN FOUND HAha ʰᵃ!!! Hey doesn’t it look like you in the morning?!” 
that’s when you knew you gotta bolt the scene
but Renjun of course couldn’t let your embarrassment end there the grumpy little gremlin
he snatched the keychain from you and curled his other hand around you, gluing you to his side and you froze as you looked into his sparkly wide eyes ( Renjun’s eyes are galaxies fite me )
“you made this for me?”
“uh yeah” 
warning : you were strangled to death by Renjun who deemed that a simple ‘thank you’ just couldn’t suffice, you had to die asphyxiated by his bear hug
“thank u thank u thank it’s so cute, I love it so much! I love you so much!!!”
“do you love me more than Moomin?”
warning 2 : he threw you away faster than he captured you in his deathly cute hug
“know your place, no. 2″
Lee Jeno
so Jeno is just a biiiiit upset at you maybe
okay maybe a bit more than just a bit
because you might or might have not broken his favorite cup which, mind you, was also a gift from you, when you were at the dorms
so now this overgrown baby gives you THE stinky eye and makes sarcastic and grumpy remarks with any chance he gets
and honesty as much as you love him, you’re ABSOLUTELY DONE with his pettiness :’)
that’s how you find yourself seated at your desk with a blank cup, acrylic watercolors and brushes spread everywhere as you squeeze every ounce of willpower to finish what you started
so after 2 mental breakdown, painted fingers and a veryyy dirty desk, you finished painting a cute design on Jeno’s new cup
you let it dry and didn’t waste another second to bring it to Jeno who still sulked at the dorms
once you were let inside, you trudged over to Jeno who was sat at the couch, refusing to get up and greet you with kisses as he usually did and slammed the cup on the coffee table in front of him
his frown turned into a confused puppy face so fast his duality amazed you once again, he lifted the cup gently, running the tips of his fingers gently over the paintings you worked so hard to complete for him
“are you still mad, nono?”
his silence was quite unnerving as you started to tire yourself out, your voice weakened by worry, but he lifted his head, looking at you with eyes so soft your heart fluttered wildly in your chest
“mad? you-you did this for me and you think I’m mad?”
he put the cup down much gentler than you and stood up from his seat, engulfing you in his arms, one of his hands squeezing you impossibly close to him and the other one cradling your head to his chest
“I think I just fell in love with you once again”
“if you fall in love just from a painted cup I should be more careful when I leave you alone”
he chuckled at your witty remark, kissing the side of his neck
once you broke apart, he placed his new favorite cup on the highest shelf and turned to you with a shit-eating grin
“i’ll put this here so maybe you won’t break this one too”
“sleep with an eye open tonight, lee” (☉‿☉✿)
Lee Donghyuck
so another overworked baby of mine bless his soul
his schedule is so packed so even though he’d cuddle with you until the end of times you actually didn’t get to do that as often as you’d like
and we all know how whiny lil cutie baby Haechanie can get when he doesn’t get what he wants :’))))
and since unfortunately you can’t be beside him all of the time like he wants you to, you decide the next best thing : you knit him a scarf !! you even stuck a tag made out of a soft material with a drawing of a smiley sun to one end of the scarf
he looks so shocked when you skip into his room and lovingly strangle him with the scarf
and you swear you could see his eyes glisten when you tell him you made it yourself and he remembers the bandaids that seemed to grow in number every day which you always shrugged of when he asked
although the tears may be from the lack of air  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
n e way, he looks so thankful as he wordlessly cradles your hands in his, bringing them up to his lips and taking the time to litter kisses over every single one of your small injuries, whispering a soft ‘i love you’ at the end
you swear your heart runs leaps through your rib cage
he just loves you so so much and would appreciate anything you give him 
you bring his face back up and press a huge *smooch* on his lips and you both giggle in between your kisses
why so cute you lovebirds?!?
he brings the scarf everywhere he goes, to the dorms, to every show, concert, whenever he travels somewhere, no matter the season
it becomes his lucky charm
once, Renjun sends you a picture of your Hyuckie sleeping cuddled up to the scarf, his nose nuzzled into it
“you know I won’t let him forget about this. EVER” you smirk at Renjun’s text, typing back a reply
“pls do” ( ಠ◡ಠ )
Na Jaemin
this sweet boi hold close to his heart anything you give him
so there’s literally no reason to stress over the bracelet you decided to craft for him
but you being you of course you want to rip your hair out every time something doesn’t go your way ah the levels of patience are definitely soaring through the roof
you even swallowed your pride and asked Jeno for help (read as used him as a puppet) so you were sure you’d get the right size
so after doubting the colors, patterns, material, your entire life choices, you asked Jaemin to close his eyes the next time you met up
with extra shaky fingers, you wrapped the bracelet around his wrist and fumbled to tie it properly
“I’m not getting any younger over here, y/n”
“shut up, mommy jaemie”
he managed to slap the back of your head even with his eyes closed (>‘o’)>
so when you finally tied a sturdy knot with your chicken fingers, you let him open his eyes and beach let me tell you the way his entire face broke into a smile at the sight of the pretty bracelet around your wrist
the sun seemed to pale in comparison with his precious smile, jaemin lights up the world no question, there’s no way you can convince me otherwise
“oh my God, my baby spent time making me such a pretty gift, I must have saved a country in my previous life, come here, let me smooch you into next week (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ “
so that’s how you ended up trapped in Jaemin’s embrace FOREVER
he kept on complimenting you the entire day and made it his mission to boast to every member he could get is hands on about his pretty gift made by his even prettier baby, he’s such a sucker for you no joke whipped culture right here m’am
“Jaemin, the the threads are getting dirty, don’t you think it’s time to take it off-?”
“I’ll die wearing this ʘ‿ʘ“
Zhong Chenle
among all of his ultra expensive things he has, he is dead sure that you’re the most precious in his life
he often told you he’d give up every penny in his bank and all his fame as long as he got to keep you by his side
he regarded you as a ray of warm light when the world left him cold and he swore he’d fight off anything and anyone who dared to hurt you
so this is how he found himself a bit confused and extremely guilty over how he is supposed to fight himself, watch and learn baby
he never meant to upset you, especially over something you poured your blood, sweat and tears into perfecting it just for him
sure, you were aware the Chinese patters you sewed carefully into a pristine white material weren’t perfect, but the way he laughed in you face once you offered it to him toppled your negative emotions over
he wasn’t aware that you sewed it yourself when he made fun of it
“jeez, where did you get this from, Y/N, the clownery fair? even though you should report them for to costumer protection for its ugliness”
“maybe I should report you for being a bitchy prick” ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ
you glare at him and storm away, slamming the door
chenle, the most oblivious and babiest boyfriend : (Θ︹Θ)ს well shit
but of course you couldn’t stay mad at him for long when he sweet talked his way back into your good side basically every minute of the day after finding out from Renjun (this angry angel helped you bless his soul) how hard you worked to sew that
so even though you’re still sulking a lil bit
you accept to come over at his house and as soon as you enter his room you’re shook
where one of his posters once hung above his bed now stood your sewing project proudly
you stared in awe like (’◎’)
“but I though you said it’s ugly”
“that’s before I knew it’s made by you. Anything you did is directly promoted to gorgeous, admirable, incomparable-”
3 weeks later while cuddling 
you : *GASP* “I’m so sorry for calling you a bitchy prick, baby”
Park Jisung
he is a giant as much as he is a baby and you agree with me even if you don’t 
babies are fascinated by almost anything, especially colorful things
which means Jisung is also fascinated by colorful things ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
so when you met and you pulled out a few origami figures of different, lively colors, Jisung : (✪㉨✪)
“woah, how did you do these?”
“they’re like basic origami figurines”
if he wasn’t amazed enough already
when you picked up a purple frog and pressed on its bottom and it jumped, Jisung jumped up with it
“WOAH, how did you do THAT?”
you didn’t have the heart to break his innocent awe and tell him it didn’t take longer than 5 minutes to make that frog
so you just settled for a shrug and a simple
“magic, Jisung, magic”
at that, he straightens up in his seat, his awestruck expression fading into a serious one as he grips your shoulders tightly (´_`)
“you’ve been lying to me, haven’t you?” ~(。☉︵ ಠ@)>
“what do you mean, sungie?”
“you’re a wizard!!!!!!!!!”
*facepalm* *internal sigh* *whale noises because cuteness levels are just too high* 
“uh, yeah sure, baby, whatever floats your boat”
you try to turn away to hide your growing smile, but jisung isn’t having it
“no, you can’t leave me like this!! teach me!!!1!”
he grips your sleeve and looks at you with such wide innocent eyes as if you’re another wonder of the world and you swear you melt on the spot
“well, you know, my services aren’t free” (¬‿¬)
“what do you want?”
“kisses?” ( jisung shutting down )
“k-kisses? kisses??!? i mean *clears throat and buffs up* yeah sure, that’s all? i can do kisses” ( this baby blushed after only mentioning it but okay boss baby go off I guess ) (*~▽~)
he could’t even be disappointed when he found out origami was nowhere near to magic when you spoiled him with kithes all evening *cue a red Jisungie*
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bitchybutcher · 3 years
Texts I sent a friend the first time I watched The Boys, Season 1:
-        Butcher has said approximately 5 words
-        I’m already dead
-        I should not be this turned on by such a fuckin maniac
-        Oh ok so Homelander digs a mommy domme
-        Ok no but Annie needs a hug. She needs to be protected at all costs
-        Why is Hughie only hot covered in blood?
-        Deep needs to choke on a bag of dicks but also he’s an insecure baby who wants to feel important
-        I love Frenchie. I have nothing else to say about him I just love him
-        Butcher needs to stop saying things. Every time he opens his gob the fanny flutters get worse
-        I like this Mister Milk guy
-        Oh ffs Homelander is legit jealous of a baby
-        This subby bastard needs to go on fetlife or the femdom subreddit and get himself an actual mommy domme
-        Poor Hughie in the middle of this domestic between Frenchie and the Milk guy
-        FUCK Butchers chest looks good in this episodes shirt
-        Frenchie you perv no of course no cameras in toilets
-        OH his name is Mothers Milk not Mister Milk
-        The Maeve actress looks really familiar imma have to google to find out what else I’ve seen her in
-        Ohhhh Homelander is insane insane
-        I mean he’s pretty, and he’s hilarious, but WOW
-        He’s a lil off on the crazy/hot scale
-        Ohhhh no Atrain is a using BASTARD GIRL BEAT HIS ASS
-        Welp imma be listening to Butcher say “we’ve gotta get some” on a loop for days
-        Maeve is so sick of Homelanders shit
-        Yup I’m shipping Hughie and Annie hard. They’re so adorable and they both really just need a hug
-        Well episode 4 is officially my favourite:
He said my name
He sleeps nude
-        Oh ok so Deep is actually just a soft baby
-        He’s in therapy omg
-        He needs a hug
-        And he loves dolphins and he’s lonely oh man why am I feeling bad for this douche he assaulted Annie
-        Hughies phone beeps and immediately the guys are like “he got texted by a girl, look at his face, has to be”
-        Oh Frenchie is a subby boi too apparently
-        Kevin and his soft spot for dolphins is melting my heart this kid just wants to do good things and he really needs a cuddle
-        They’re on a bowling date oh my god they’re too precious
-        Oh dude I’m such a slut for Butcher this isn’t even funny
-        Homelander is insane and I adore that but also I’m LIVING for Maeve’s facial expressions when he’s on his bullshit
-        Frenchie is such a sweetheart with his lil home cooked meal and setting her cutlery properly
-        I feel bad for the female
-        Why does Hughie only have one jacket
-        Oh boy the Jesus nutters festival
-        Ngl the stretch Armstrong fella is kinda attractive
-        “You’ve done a murder, comparatively speaking, blackmail is a piece of cake”
-        Girl help I’m in love with a fictional unhinged angel muffin
-        Shapeshifter? Some kind of Antman type person??
-        More importantly how do I find a genie to make Butcher real cause no joke I love him
-        Oop Toni’s kiwi accent slipped out when he said mayonnaise
-        Homelander is the neediest little subby bitch boi I swear to fuckin god
-        Ooooo something shady with Becca…tenner bets it’s something to do with Homelander somehow
-        Ok so I adore Kevin the Deep. He’s comfort eating junk food and looks like he’s been crying cause of the dolphin
-        Aww Annie standing up for herself
-        Oh wait no ok she didn’t actually say who it was
-        I don’t know why I feel protective over Sad Kevin but he’s so sad and he’s so bad at doing good but he’s trying and dear lord he needs a cuddle
-        Hughie clapping Annie after she basically told them all to fuck off  😂
-        Butcher just weaponised a baby. What. Like it was a little gun
-        Homelander is NOT getting horny cause Stillwell called him a bad boy and started mommying him OMFG
-        And now she’s calling him her good boy with her shirt open
-        Subby boi and his mommy domme I FUCKING CALLED IT FROM THEIR FIRST SCENE
-        Bitch got gutted then just like eh no big lemme just knit my internal organs back together
-        Awww Kevin tryna do good again he’s so cute
-        Kevin is so bad on camera oh dear
-        He’s trying to apologise and he’s so bad at this
-        Who and what the fuck is Black Noir
-        Awwwwwww lil baby Homelander
-        They need to stop making me feel fuzzy over dickheads
-        Kimiko trusts Frenchie this is precious
-        Jamming out to the end credits song is one of the best parts tbh, the soundtrack is boss
-        I feel so bad for Kevin
-        He’s been exiled to Ohio and he’s sad
-        They didn’t even give him a plushie dolphin to cuddle
-        I’m rooting so hard for Hughie and Annie, this had better work out for them
-        Oh what I’d give to have Butcher stalking menacingly after me in a train station
-        Sixth sense guy doesn’t know how lucky he is getting cornered in a bathroom stall by the hottest psychopath on tv
-        Yeah I’d let him smash me on a sink any day
-        Oh no not more Sad Kevin
-        Traumatised baby needs someone to mind him
-        BUTCHER SHOT ANNIE?!?!?!?
-        Oh god Homelander in Syria this can’t be good
-        Aaaaaand more Sad Kevin
-        Yeah I shouldn’t be surprised that he’s doing the full breakdown shave
-        Oh no sad Annie
-        Atrain is gonna do himself an injury
-        Black Noir is hilarious even though they don’t say anything and have no face
-        Soooo he admits to creating supervillains behind her back, and she tops him? As reward??
-        This bish does remember what happened to Becca, right? Demon spawn clawing out of her
-        Frenchie and MM bonding in captivity 🥰
-        Ooooh conflicting stories re Homelanders baby
-        Not Hughie going in all badass and immediately getting creamed 😂
-        The retainer! Hughie is a genius
-        I mean he’s a dumbass
-        But so smart
-        Hughie: *firing machine gun* I’M SORRY I’M SO SORRY
-        YES ANNIE!!
-        Uh oh
-        Roided up Atrain
-        Oop heart attack
-        Oh fuck he melted her face
-        Butchers hurt little face nooo
-        Oh ok season 1 is over
-        …it’s 5am
-        Aaaaand I can see daylight
-        I’m very tempted to just pull an all-nighter and watch season 2
-        But bed also sounds nice
-        I think bed
-        Dream of Butcher
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k-popmakesmyday · 4 years
Only One of You - lmk
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➵ pairing: Mark Lee x gender neutral reader
➵ genre: a lot of fluff, angst if you squint, idol boyfriend au
➵ warnings: none
➵ word count: 1.6k
➵ summary: while Mark is away on a schedule you find yourself stepping into his shoes and playing around with one of his prized possessions, but what will happen if something were to go horribly, horribly wrong?
➵ A/n: credit to @your-world-with-nct for the beautiful header, go give her some love 🥰💞
➵ A/n 2: not proofread
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‘Oh god. Oh god. Oh god. Ohgodohgodohgod what have you done?’ You thought as you looked down at the horror before you. Head clouded with horror-stricken thoughts as you replayed the last ten seconds over and over again in your mind. Desperately searching for an answer on what you were going to do. Or, better yet, how in gods name you were going to tell mark why his precious guitar was currently on the floor in front of you in two pieces.
But how did you end up in this particular predicament you ask? Well let’s see..
[3:17 pm] “Hi Y/n! Mark is out with the others right now but you can go wait in his room, they went out shopping but I wasn’t feeling it today” Jungwoo greeted as you walked into the dorm you had become so familiar with. 
“Thanks, Woo! How lucky you are today, you have the dorm all to yourself!” you exclaimed with a smile
“Yeah, had the dorm all to myself” he retorted back, narrowing his eyes though his tone held no real malice” 
You clasped a hand over your heart in fake offence before you stomped off to Mark’s room with a ‘hmmph!’, hearing the red-haired boy chuckle at your antics as you opened the door. 
Sighing lightly upon entering the comforting room, you lightly flopped yourself onto your boyfriend’s bed, your hair splaying out against the beige duvet cover as your eyes looked up at the ceiling. Your gaze soon began to wander around the room, a smile settling upon your lips as the whole room just screamed ‘Mark’; from the slightly messy desk decorated with various lyric sheets to the polaroid picture he kept of the two of you on his bedside table. 
You two were so happy that day, running around the city as if you didn’t have a care in the world, and you didn’t. The only thing that mattered to the pair of you that day, was simply each other. Almost feeling your heart fill with warmth, your emotions overwhelmed you at what you laid your eyes on. 
That guitar. His guitar. Mark’s guitar. The comforting instrument that accompanied you both through countless sleepless nights, lying in his lap with your eyes fluttering closed as the soft strumming along with Mark’s hushed, tired voice making you inwardly smile, you were exactly where you wanted to be.
Without another thought occupying your head, your feet stood up and brought you closer to the object until they took you directly before it. You contemplated for just a moment before chuckling and shaking your head of your worry-some thoughts. 
Now, Mark had taught you a few chords here and there over the year that you had been together, but you didn’t know nearly enough to play a full song. Not dwelling on that fact, you picked up the acoustic guitar and held it in your arms. 
“Okay, baby, place your fingers here, here and here.’ you could hear Mark’s voice in your head as you recalled the chord pattern. You brought your fingers over the strings as the chord’s beautiful sound raced around the room, the strings in mention vibrating under your fingertips.   
The nostalgia seemed to run through you like the vibration of the guitar’s strum. After strumming a few more times you gained a rush of confidence before you added mindless adlibs and hums to your performance, the mere thought of Jungwoo catching you doing something so terribly embarrassing made you wince, but you currently weren’t concerned with that prospect, not in the slightest. 
Until it all went so, so awfully wrong. A sharp turn while you were strumming non-melodically caused Mark’s precious, timeless guitar to collide with the wall, and oh, did it collide. The horror you felt envelope your body as a bang proceeded by the entirety of the neck belonging to Mark’s guitar snapped and fell to the floor, the sheer force it hit the wall with also caused the strings to snap in two. 
So here you were, staring down at the two, demolished pieces of Mark’s heart at your feet as your mind put you in a whirlwind- what do you now? What will Mark say? Could you.. fix it? Is it possible to.. tie guitar strings together?
The sound of the front door opening followed by the boisterous voices of the other members rang throughout the dorm, sending waves of panic through your veins as you quickly picked up the evidence of your crime and stashed it at the back of Mark’s closet. 
When said-boy entered the room you had your back facing him as you were swiftly closed the closet, twirling around at the sound of a tired, ‘hey, baby’ 
“Heyyy!” You said a little too loudly for it to be believable, “how was your day?”
Luckily for you, Mark was too exhausted that he didn’t catch on to your tone.
“Tiring, but we got a lot done today” the boy mumbled as he flopped onto his bed. “But I don’t wanna talk about work.”
“No?” You mused
“No,” Mark pouted and held his arms out, “I wanna cuddle my baby and take a nap”
You couldn’t say no to that, you smiled and settled in the warm arms of your boyfriend. You tried to relax yourself with the sound of Mark’s steady heartbeat, but the thought of Mark’s reaction to what you had done caused your breathing to quicken and your eyebrows to furrow.
“Can’t you sleep, babe?” Mark mumbled. Oh god, you thought, Mark could always tell when you felt uneasy.
“Mm-mm” you replied softly as you shook your head
“Awe, my baby,” the dusty-blonde cooed as he sat up. “Want me to play you a lil’ smn’ to send you off to sleep?”
If your heart wasn’t currently beating out of your chest, you would’ve found Mark’s words endearing and agreed- instead you said:
“NO!” You erupted and sat up immediately, “I mean- no, thanks. If you start playing then we’ll just have another karaoke session” you smiled, in turn making the boy across from you giggle.
Mark nodded and open his blankets for you to snuggle under with him, you buried your head in his chest as you forced your eyes shut. Go to sleep, y/n. Just fall asleep, everything will be fine if you just-
“Baby, is something wrong?”
“Uh- no, w-what makes you say that?” You spluttered back
“Y/n, I can feel you shaking and you sound like you’re about to cry. I know somethings bothering you.. you don’t have to tell me but I want to know if somethings upsetting you- or if I’m upsetting you”
You took a shaky breath as Mark moved away from you and gazed at you in bewilderment, eyes laced with concern as he gently wiped a stray tear from your cheek.
It was that, that broke you. You broke down into tears and uncontrollable sobs as your hands flew over your face, Mark’s eyebrows furrowing as he sat up and pulled you into his lap.
“Shh, babygirl/boy, it’s okay. You’re okay. I’ve got you”
It took several minutes of Mark gently rubbing his hand up and down your back for you to calm your heaving breaths, his soft whispers of affirmations bringing you back to earth as he consoled you.
“Now.. why are we crying, baby?”
“I..I’m so sorry, Mark. I promise I didn’t mean it, if you don’t wanna see me anymore I completely understand but just know that I’ll always love you and-”
“Y/n, slow down.” Mark’s voice brought you out of your panicked speech as you gazed into his warm, brown eyes in a desperate attempt to ground yourself. “What are you sorry for?”
You took a deep breath before admitting, “..I broke your guitar” you uttered out meekly, feeling tears well up again as a result of you admitting your antics out loud.
“Oh baby,” Mark let out a huge sigh of relief as he took both of your hands in his, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles, “you had me really worried there”
“You’re.. you’re not mad?”
“Angel its just a guitar, you’re so much more important to me” he reassured you as he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. “I’m more upset that you got so worried because you were scared that I’d be mad”
You sighed and shook your head, “Mark, I know that guitar is important to you. I know that you’ve had it since you were little.. I know that I’d be devastated if I were you, I’d probably never speak to me again.”
The boy before you took you in his arms once again and settled beneath the blankets. He cupped your face as if you could shatter at any second.
“Babygirl/boy I can take the guitar to the shop to get fixed.. or just get another one. There are a million guitars in the world, but there’s only one of you”
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~ epilogue ~
“So, babe, how exactly did you break my guitar?”
It was at that very moment your eyes widened and you spat your orange juice out during breakfast the day after your musical shenanigans.
“I uh-”
“You broke Mark’s guitar?” Asked a shocked Jaehyun, “Mark has had that guitar for 4 years and even he hasn’t broke it.. I’m weirdly impressed but.. how did you break it?”
All nine pairs of eyes turned to you before you winced and admitted:
“So I may or may not have been dancing around in your room pretending I was a performer when I may have possibly... accidentally.. smashedhisguitarintoawallwhenispunaround”
It’s safe to say you never heard the end of that story from the other boys- especially your boyfriend.
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glassartpeasants · 4 years
Crying In The Club .7
Yandere!Overhaul x F!Reader
*Part 1* *Part 2* *Part 3* *Part 4* *Part 5* *Part 6* *Part 7*
Warnings: Death, gore, yandere overhaul, kidnapping
A/N: Ah skeet skeet motherfuckers were back again. Here’s some more food for ya’ll. Enjoy. Sorry that its short again. I PROMISE PROMISE THAT TOMORROWS WILL BE LONGER
@hello-lucky-luka @winchester-wifey
“Is the room ready Chrono?” Kai asked as he walked down the corridor. The sound of his shoes hitting the tile floor, making his footsteps wing through the entire compound.
“Yes Overhaul, the room’s all ready.” Chrono answered as he walked behind Kai. He was a little skeptical about the whole ordeal but would much rather have you then the one that Kai has now.
“Good.” Kai smiled under his mask. Your room was ready for you to come back and stay there. You were coming back to him and away from that scum. You would be much safer here where your pure body would not be tainted by the outside world anymore.
Kai had stopped right in front of the door of your soon to be new room. It had everything except things to contact anyone of course. You had the most expensive clothes and jewelry. Your bed was highly recommended, a desk and everything you could ever ask for. You would never need to leave your room.
“Kai my boy whats this?” Kai jumped at the sound of Pops coming near him. He quickly tired to figure out a lie that pops would believe. He didn’t want to seem suspicious and accidentally spill his plan.
“Him and (Y/N) are getting back together.” Chrono said quickly, covering for Kai.
‘Thank you Chrono.’ Kai sighed internally. 
“Thats great news! To be honest I liked her more then (R/N).” Pops laughed as he patted Kai on the shoulder. 
‘Good to know he likes her, since she’ll be staying with us for quite some time.’
“Well come get me when you bring her here again!”
“Will do.’
‘Okay so It’s his birthday today, what should I get him?’ You look through out the entire mall. Going in and out of stores. Nothing looking up to your standards. You want to get him something that he’ll cherish forever. Not something he’ll have for a few months then throw away like a video game.
Looking around trying to pinpoint the right store for your ever so loving boyfriend you get this sick feeling as if someones watching you. Goosebumps litter you skin as the feeling got stronger the longer you looked in front of you. You move your feet faster as you drag yourself to the food court.
As you take a seat on the cold leather booth near the back exit, you get the feeling again, just stronger. Sitting by the back exit will do you some good since you can run if you need to. Before you thought of what could give you this uneasy feeling a cold hand placed itself on your shoulder. You slowly snake your eyes towards the hand that adorned your shoulder before you felt your whole world shatter around you.
“K-Kai? What are you doing here” You say as you feel his gloved hand caress your skin gently. The feeling was anything less then welcoming.
“I’ve decided to take back whats rightfully mine. I can’t believe you would find some rat so soon.” If it weren’t for his mask you would have definitely felt his breath on your neck. Even if you couldn’t feel his breath, the warmth of his body surrounded around you. But instead of comforting you, it made your boy fill ice cold.
“I’m not yours...you let me go remember?” Your whole body shook as he motioned for you to stand up.. You obliged in fear of what he would do to you. No matter what kind of voice he talked to you in, you always got a horrific memory of what event happened when he used said voice.
“See still a good girl as always. Now come on, we’ve got to go back to the base. Everyone is waiting for your return.”
“But...what about-”
“Dead. I never want to hear you talk about him ever again understand? Don’t even mutter his name.” He gave your shoulder a squeeze. Making you let out a yelp of pain. Considering that it was the shoulder where he carved his initials into you, the pain was more severe that it would have been originally if it weren’t there at all. But since it was, it made a pain shoot up all the way into your shoulder and down your arm.
“Yes Kai, I understand.” Your voice more of a whisper as he lead you out of the mall and into the familiar black car. The car that once excited you now gave you a feeling of dread and fear.
You sit on the leather seats as you look away from the monster besides you. You curled your toes in your shoes as your fingernails dug into the leather seats. Your body shaking in fear. The warm air brushing against your the skin of your cheeks.
“Don’t look so scared my angel. Your going to be more safe with me then you ever where with that rat. I don’t need your replacement anymore now. THank god, she was annoying anyway.” You were going to scoot away from hiim only to have his arm wrap around your waist and pull you closer to him. He lifted you up and sat you on his lap. His strong arms showing no signs of releasing you.
“Your gonna love your new room angel.”
You step out of the car and your shoes hitting the ground. You felt yous legs turn into jelly. Fear making you so weak. YOu tried showing that you weren’t afraid that you were here on your own choice. But you were utterly terrified. Everything you’ve been through flashed before your eyes.
Your hands felt like they were holding satans. The latex of his gloves in between your fingers gave you a sickening feeling. The latex of his gloves made your skin prickle.
“Look happy angel. Pops will be home soon. Can’t have him seeing you scared face. Plus being scared isn’t a good look on you. I love your smile so much more.” You nodded as you try to put on a more convincing happy face as you walked towards the door.
It opens with a soft squeak and everyone looks at you, causing you to squirm and tense up. Kai growled as he gave everyone a glare that could kill and everyone immediately went back to work. 
You felt his strong hand pull you down the corridor. His thumb rubbing your knuckles. You wanted to vomit. Why did he think that you would so willing come back to him? You were just terrified of what he could do to you if you didn’t. You didn’t know what kind of drug he was on. Before you got even more lost in your thoughts a familiar voice rang through your ears and it hits you all at once.
“Kai lets go to the mall! I want new diamond earrings-why the hell is that wench doing here?” It was her. There was no fucking way. Out of everyone in Japan it had to be that bitch. That same bitch who posted pictures of your crying face all throughout the bar you use to work at. He really got her as your replacement. It kinda pissed you off in an unexplained way.
“Be careful of what you say (ex co-workers name), this is my angel and I will no longer be needing your services. Get out.” The last bit of Kai’s words sent a shiver down your spine. You hated when he used that threatening voice. You felt extremely uncomfortable when the girl looked your way. Her piercing eyes staring right through your soul. Making you feel so small.
“No longer be needing my services?! Well it would be a shame if someone were to tell Pops all about your little secret-” Her voice forever was silenced as her body turned into only a blood splat on the wall.
Her once alive body was now covering the walls, nothing but a big splatter of blood as it dripped down the walls. Her blood covered your face and some of your clothes. You felt her blood seep through your clothes and cover your face. You were speechless. You just witnessed Kai kill her. It’s not like you didn’t knwo he was a dangerous man but that didn’t mean him killing her in front of you wasn’t traumatizing. You would never get the image of her body turning into a puddle of blood.
“Disgusting. Finally she’s gone.” Kai grunted as he let go of your hand as he violently scratched at his skin. Trying to get her blood off his skin and clothes. Hives decorating his skin. He groaned before looking at you seeing you shake as you looked at your hands. Which were covered in her blood. Her blood covering a majority of your body.
“Don’t be scared my precious angel. I promise I will never do it to you again. I can’t even imagine seeing you in such a state in my own eyes again.” He grabbed your shoulder and brought you to his chest which was also covered in her blood. Smearing all over your face.
‘Please just let me go damnit. I was so close.’ Tears pour out of your eyes as they stream down your face when you felt his gloved hand pet his hair.
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huearmy · 4 years
Life is Beautiful - I
Summary: You are a glass half full person, your life motto is "Life is too short to... Insert something and anything here". During your whole life you wanted something more, and even not knowing what it is, you put yourself to find out and get it, experiencing everything  brilliant that the world offers - within the measure of what is safe, of course. The curious thing is that your way of living ended up rousing  the interest of two vampires. One who sees beauty in everything and  loves to exist, currently working with suicide prevention; and another one who no longer sees grace in things, in that boring immortality that never ends, and only complains about the Netflix catalog all the time.
Pairing: Jimin x reader / Taehyung x reader.
Genre: fluff, angst, future smut (very soft, ok?)...
Words:  7509.
Rating: +18
Warnings: As much as my writing is soft and light, and as these are not the main topic of the story, treated in a non-descriptive way, there are sensitive themes from the beginning of the first chapter to the end of the fic that can trigger sensitive people, like depression, suicide, addictions in general - Jimin literally works at a suicide prevention center here. SO PLEASE! Read responsibly, my intention when dealing with topics like this is always 1) dealing with them in myself, as a way of putting out part of my own healing process 2) generating identification in other people, so they can go through the difficult time a little less alone. THIS IS A STORY THAT SEES THE WORLD WITH POSITIVITY.
Chapter II Chapter III .
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After some centuries of not living, all vampires go through a kind of midlife crisis in which everything loses its grace and eternity becomes endless boredom. Nothing new happens, humans are born, sometimes they are relevant to world history, they become vampire food or they die dull. Vampires do not need to sleep or use the bathroom, nor to feed more than once a month, so the days are long, and often lonely, which leads many of them to stand still without moving, looking at nothing until their thirst quits, forcing them to go after a pulsating neck. Many go through this phase as serial killers, with killing as their only source of pleasure, others prefer to hibernate in some dark place or tomb, because false death is more interesting than false life. Some never get past the phase.
Jimin is not like that. With almost a thousand years of existence he is totally in love with life. Every day when the sun rises and the sunlight forces him to stay indoors so as not to burst into flames, he spends his hours with a smile on his face, engaging in small banal hobbies, such as gardening or online courses at distance - after almost a decade of doing this, Jimin already has fifty-two certificates in different areas, and he is pretty pride of it. When night comes and he can go out and see the world it’s even more interesting, because humans ’nightlife isn’t as hectic as daytime, so those who live in those dark hours are different. There are those who do wrong things and commit crimes, those who have double lives or who keep secrets, there are people working to protect and save, like doctors and police, there are night guards and twenty-four hours convenience store attendants, groups of friends who spend the night partying until dawn, and those who feel lonely in their empty apartments unable to sleep... And this is the part that he likes the most: people.
He likes to meet random people in the empty metro, buy a drink for a girl who doesn't take her eyes off him and then dance with her, strike up a conversation with a homeless man under a marquee because he knows the guy must be lonely. Watching and learning about other lives keeps him alive, more than the blood he needs to drink.
He likes to get temporary jobs to have some human experience. He has worked in pizzerias, both in the kitchen - he was not very good, so he was put in the dishwasher - both in deliveries, and at a gas station, as a hotel receptionist... But now it looks like he found a job he wants to stay in, so much that it has been a year and he has not yet resigned. Perhaps Jimin has found his calling.
"It's okay... You are not alone, I'm here and I'll stay until you feel good again." He said with his sweet, angelical voice. "Can you get away from the sharp objects? Please?"
The voice on the other end of the line sounded like just a choked whisper, before the answer came, fast, heavy breathing filled the air.
"No... I can't..." The female sobbed.
"Can you tell me why?" Jimin's voice was calm. "I... my legs are numb... I can't... stand up." Her breathing was erratic and desperate.
"Are you hurt? Do you need an ambulance to be sent to you?" He used his most reassuring voice possible.
"No!" She started to cry even harder. "I don't want no one... to see me... like this." Jimin bite the inside of his cheek, thinking, maybe she just wasn't able to get up  because of the anxiety attack, but she also didn't say she wasn't hurt.
Regardless of the case, he needed to make the girl trust him in order to help her.
"What is your name?" He smiled, hopping she would listen to it in his voice. "... Ana" She whispered. "Nice to meet you, Ana. Do you remember my name? I told you at the beginning of the call."
One moment of silence.
"Jimin." She said with little certainty.
"Exactly, good job. Hi, Ana." "Hi, Jimin." Despite the crying voice, she was no longer sobbing.
"Ana, can you recall the last thing you did that made you feel safe? Secure?" A sigh reached Jimin's ears. As he waited for an answer his hands moved over a sheet of paper, he was drawing a beautiful face of a girl with crayons, without paying much attention, but getting a beautiful result.
"No." She said at last.
"I know you can, Ana. No need to rush. Breath." She thought some more, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. Almost a full minute passed, the two of them silent on the call. Jimin did not press for an answer.
"I was watching Friends... with my cat." "Your cat?" Jimin smiled more spontaneously now, noticing in her voice an oscillation of affection when saying the word cat. "Talk more about your cat."
"His name is Sushi, he's fat, full of himself, and loving. He likes children, food and sleeping. I recently bought him a cute collar, it looks like a pink bow tie." She almost laughed.
"Wow...He is a lucky cat." Suddenly she started to cry again, sobbing so hard that Jimin hardly understood what she was saying.
"He ran away and hasn't come back yet... He's never been away from home  so long... He's all I have, there's no one else... I don't want to live... alone." "Is it just you and Sushi?" Jimin spoke more forcefully for her to hear over the sobs.
"Yes." She choked. "I can't get up... It hurts so much. I'm so-sorry..."
"Ana, do you need an ambulance to be sent to you?" He tried again. Silence.
"Yes." "So I will stay with you until they come to help you. You are not alone."
Jimin was a vampire in love with live, eager to live each day as if it were the most precious gift, so working in the Center of Valuing Life and Preventing Suicide was perfect. He considers himself an expert in convincing anyone that life is beautiful when he has the opportunity to say everything he thinks about. And not letting people feel alone is one of his favorite hobbies.
After all, eternity can be quite lonely, he knows how it is.
That call is over. Jimin was searching for missing cat posts on social media. In the silent office room it was just him and three other people working, each at their separated personal table. Perhaps due to the nature of the work, or due to the late hours of the night, nobody spoke loudly or made a lot of noise when doing things, even when talking to each other, everything is always very restrained, calm.
Jimin's eyes followed the clock hands on the wall above the door. It was almost one in the morning, actually, to be exact, twelve minutes to go, so in two minutes, you would punctually enter that door with your heavy backpack full of books, of someone who just left college on the other side of the city, and after stopping at a twenty-four hours fast food to get a well-deserved burger spent an hour on a subway trip. He could already hear your footsteps down the hall, the characteristic sound of the rubber on the soles of your boots and your bunch of keys stuck in the handle of your backpack tinkling. He heard you putting your stuff in your closet and hanging your coat on the rack in the next room, and a smile formed on Jimin's face. When the hand on the clock struck ten to one and you opened the door trying not to make any noise so as not to disturb anyone's call, Jimin pretended not to notice you entering, not taking his eyes off the computer screen full of images of cute cats. You straightened up and held firmly the pair of coffee cups in your hands till the knots turned white, looking straight at him - in fact, from the moment you walked through the door you were already expecting to see Jimin sitting at his table, as always, and since then you haven't looked away. Walking in light steps - that he could hear by the way - to him who had his back to you, you tried to control the butterflies in your stomach, happy he wasn't in a call right now.
"Jimin?" You called softly, close to his ear, but not that close. Yet. Jimin contained a smile and turned around as if you had taken him by surprise. "Hey, Y/N, didn't see you there". As usual, his direct look made your heart race and you gave a nervous laugh before getting along with his flirty tone. "I bought you coffee." You handed him one of the cups. "To take the night shift a little better."
"Thanks, sweetheart."
You are the other reason Jimin didn't quit this job yet. A few weeks ago, when he was working long enough to decide to leave and go for the next adventure, you started working at the night shift, and right away you caught Jimin's attention, even though at first you didn't talk with him that much - in fact you only talked to the women on the team, and avoided the men. More than once he found himself paying attention to your emergency calls, how you talk, being positive without being suffocating for those in pain ... how you love life. After a while you started doing the same thing, a little less easily, since you don't have a vampire audition, but it was enough for you to acquire a platonic crush on Jimin, which resulted in you opening up, and you two start talking here and there. Now almost whenever you have time or money left over - college life is poor life - you bring him coffee. Jimin doesn't actually drink coffee at all, and he doesn't feel sleepy either, but he thinks it's cute that you worry for him. You see each other three to four times a week, depending on the schedule of work, and he is always eager to see you. Flirting is exciting, and he hasn't done that in a while... Like two centuries, and how it was done back there was quite different. Other times indeed.
"Did you lose your cat?" You asked, confused.
"Oh, no, I didn't." He closed the page with the photo of a white and gray cat wearing a pink bow tie.. "One friend of mine lost her cat, Sushi." "Poor thing. I hope she finds Sushi soon..." You slightly pouted.
"Me too. I'll help her." Jimin said, and the butterflies in your stomach thought it was beautiful.
Something on his desk caught your attention, a colorful draw of said cat made with crayon. Before Jimin could stop you - he was distracted by hearing your heart beat faster because of him - you picked up the stack of papers to get a closer look.
"And you drew him! How beautiful... I didn't know you were so talented." "Thank you. My friend who taught me, he is much better than me..." Jimin simply answered.
You moved on to the next sheet, where another sketch of the cat in different colors made your eyes shine. "So he must be awesome. Look at this!" Jimin was happy to be praised by you, the pink of your cheeks when speaking was a beautiful sign for him, but then he remembered what was the next drawing in your hands, and before you could see it, he cleared his throat and took them back, keeping them in the drawer. It was a drawing of a girl's pretty face. Your face. "They are not quite ready yet..." He pretended modesty.
"Oh, sorry. If you need help, just tell me. I can hang up posters or something. About finding the lost cat, I mean." You volunteered, and then looked around. "I better get to work before someone scolds me."
You went to your desk, across his, and your eyes met a few more times before as you sat down and turned on your computer. Jimin's phone rang and he forced himself to look away from your face, someone else needed him now. "Good night, my name is Jimin and you called the Life Valuation Center. Can I help?" He spoke, his voice welcome and full of affection. ________________________________________________________________
Jimin's shift ends before yours, just before three in the morning he puts things away and leaves the table ready for the person who will use the next shift, but he won't leave, even if everyone thinks so. Instead he goes to the roof to look at the stars and wait for you to leave - not that you know he is waiting for you. He was listening to a random playlist on spotify, stretching his body to the beat just because it feels good, thinking about nothing specific, just existing and feeling good about it.
The night breeze brought his scent to him, looking down from the parapet, he could see you leaving the building, with your scarf well wrapped around your neck, covering half of your face to protect you from the cold air. He doesn't understand you... It's beautiful that you want to help people who are going through a difficult time, and you've commented before that the night shift matches your other schedules, and that you like to stay up at night. However, he thinks you should consider it's not worth it. It's so late and empty when you go home, it's dangerous for a human woman, and as much as he knows that you have a pocketknife in your pocket, Jimin thinks it's silly of you. Usually he wouldn't think much about it, but it's you, and he is fond of you, he can't just do nothing about it. So even if you don't know it, he accompanies you home every night to make sure you are safe. He is only satisfied and goes home when he hears you enter your room. Sometimes he stays a little longer, sitting on the emergency stairs outside your building, listening to you walking up and down in your room, doing whatever, instead of going to sleep soon.
That's kind of creepy. He knows. But he is a vampire, he is already creepy in essence. But of course he would never watch you sleep, for exemple, this is a stalker limit that he does not intend to cross.
"Okay." He sighed as he heard you getting into bed. "I have one hour and a half before the sun rises... Let's find that cat." __________________________________________
You were awake for a couple of hours already, currently packing your books at the end of a lecture, really needing sugar to feel prepared before the last class of the day, and excited that instead of going to the study group you are a part of, you will take an experimental dance class and it's your day off, which means that instead of staying up until dawn working, you can stay up until dawn studying, and maybe sleep a little earlier. Life is too short to not take all the free trial classes available just because your schedule is already full and totally demanding. Anyways you are dead tired, wishing your body doesn't need to sleep... Since you started to work on the Life Valuation Center all your sleeping schedule went down the drain. At first your plan was to work the night shift only at the beginning, and then change your hours, but for some reason you always liked to stay up all night, also the movement of calls in this period is bigger and more specific, which helps in your internship report, and of course, in the day shift there is no Jimin... You've settled in, and now after months of this crazy, fickle routine, your body is feeling the side effects.
"Three of this rainbow donuts please." You asked at the college cafe. One because you want, two because one is not enough, three because you are greedy. Life is too short not to overeat your current favorite sugar source. You sigh to yourself, taking a seat along your friends. Your mantra for life is life is too short to...insert anything here, experimenting and doing things that you never imagined before and that your mother probably wouldn't approve a hundred percent is what moves you. Basically nothing scares you, since childhood you were courageous and fearless. You subject yourself to almost anything, within the measures of what is safe, to have good stories to tell. The world is too big to be content with just having good grades to graduate and have a good job. What you want is much more... so much more that you don't even know what... But it’s not just because you don’t know yet that you’ll stand still without going after it to find out.
"Hey, Y/N, what are you gonna do on the weekend?" Your friend, Becca, asked comfortably within her girlfriend's embrace. As usual, whenever you see the two of them together being all lovey dovey, you feel a twinge of pride in your heart, because you were responsible for them to start dating in the first place. Although your romantic life is not very interesting, without serious or successful relationships, you are a great cupid.
"For the very first time in months... I don't know. I didn't plan anything, maybe something will show up, if not I'm just going to sleep. Why?" You smiled your happy smile of eating what you like.
"Pool party. You need to get a tan, you look like a vampire with that pale, tired face of yours."
You laughed because it's true, since you started changing the day for the night, your skin has acquired a not healthy tone that you are not used to. You've been missing the sun a little.
"First of all, I'm too cute to be a vampire. Second, yeah I'll think about it, I have a new bikini I haven't worn yet that makes my breasts look stunning." One of your friends that was sitting by your side put his arm over your shoulder. "I changed my mind, I'm going to this party." He loudly said. The girls in the group didn't laugh at all. "Shut up, Mike." You playfully pushed him. ________________________________________________________________
This was the second night that Jimin was looking for the cat, Sushi. It was not difficult to find out the address of it’s owner, since he had to activate an ambulance for her, and with that he started looking for the animal in her neighborhood. Passing through the empty streets at night after his work shift, he could see the girl's tracks leaving "missing" posters with a picture of a kitten wearing a pink bow tie, on lampposts and bus stops. At first Jimin thought it was going to be easy, with his keen vampire senses, but all he found were stray cats that weren't Sushi. The second night of searching was already ending, the sun was rising, threatening to make him explode into ashes if he didn't come home soon, and no clue as to where to look the next night he had.
Before getting into the car and driving home, Jimin took one last look at the slightly open curtains in the girl's room, Ana, just to make sure she was okay. She had been discharged from the hospital that afternoon and was now sleeping on the couch, probably medicated. Jimin didn't want to leave her alone, but he couldn't just walk into her apartment and offer help, for now all he could do was find a way to find the cat. ________________________________________________________________ Jimin lives in an old pretty house in the wealthiest part of the city, it isn't a mansion, but it is big and expensive enough to impress anyone who sees it, privileges of centuries of saved money. It's a cliché, but vampires dress in designer clothes, ride luxury cars and live in expensive mansions, houses, apartments, and Jimin is no exception.
From one of the main rooms, behind a heavy curtain, hidden in the gloom, was another vampire, watching the street with intent, expressionless eyes. When Jimin's car turned the corner and up the wide street lined with huge trees, the vampire got uneasy, his beautiful restless hands worrying the hem of his sleeves. He was anxious and angry, if his heart was still beating it would be racing. The garage door opened and the car entered, disappearing from view, in the next second the vampire was no longer in the room but in front of the door leading to the garage, waiting in the empty, dark hall. The knob turned the door slightly opened, Jimin with his head down did not seem to notice the presence of the other before being attacked.
"AH!" Jimin screamed as long arms embraced his neck. If it wasn't for the wall behind him he would have fallen, yet he had no escape, with a body much larger than his overpowering him. "Taehyungie!"
"You are late! Is the second day in a row you get home after sunrise! Are you trying to die?" Taehyung said, and didn't let Jimin go just yet. "It's okay. I was careful, I just had to do a few things before I came home. Look, there's not even smoke coming out of me." Jimin ran his hands over Tae's back, making him relax. The other stepped back a little, taking his face in his big hands.
"You could have sent a message. I asked you to let me know if you were going to be late again, Jiminie..." Tae pouted, still distressed. "And why do your clothes smell like garbage? Take it off."
Even feeling deprived of affection, Taehyung walked away looking disgusted, covering his nose with two fingers. Jimin obeyed, taking off his sneakers, jacket and jeans, following Taehyung through the corridor to the laundry room, where he put everything in a basket to wash later, and also exchanged the shirt for a clean one too. "I went into some alleys today, looking for a cat. That's why." Jimin explained, feeling much more comfortable in not smelling bad.
"And where's it? I don't think Tannie will like to share the house with a cat..." "Where is what?" Jimin was confused. Tae crossed his arms.
"The cat?"
"Oh no!" Jimin laughed, reaching for Tae to take him by the shoulders. "I wasn't looking for a cat to bring home, as much as I would love one as a pet... It's the cat of a girl I met, and is very sad to have lost it..."
"I got it..." Taehyung mumbled.
Jimin was just helping someone. Again. And Taehyung couldn't say exactly why it bothers him so much every time, but it does, he feels distressed, almost as if the world around him collapsed, and it makes him think he's being overdramatic. Live an eternity when you can't even put your feelings out in moments of frustration. Damn, it is conflicting... If vampires could cry, he would. But never that he would let Jimin discover that he feels that way.
It was Jimin's turn to take Tae's face in his little hands.
"You are so skinny. When was the last time you fed?" Taehyung didn't answer.
"You don't even remember, right?" Jimin's eyes went worried. "Did you see that I brought some O- packs for you? I left it in the fridge."
"No, I didn't." A shy smile spread across Tae's face. O- is his favorite blood type, but because it is a not so common type, and humans need transplantation, it's not always that Jimin brings it to him, usually opting for his second favorite flavor or other one available.
Jimin has been trying to cheer his friend up with little treats. It has been a difficult phase, in which he thinks Tae is going through the vampiric midlife crisis. He hasn't been out of the house for almost two decades and does nothing without a little external motivation, even the simplest things like eating. So Jimin tries to bring the best blood types to fill the fridge, signed all available streaming platforms, updates Taehyung's video game consoles as soon as a new model comes out, tries to get him interested in new hobbies - which never works but he doesn't give up - and he even adopted a puppy so that Tae would never be alone.
"Come." Jimin pulled him by the hand to their modern practically untouched kitchen, opened the fridge and picked two packs of blood, the dark liquid shining at the cold light. “In my room or yours?"
The two of them got to Jimin's room, followed by the sound of four paws scraping the polished wooden floor, Yeontan chasing them closely. Jimin pulled the covers off the clean bed, on which he rarely lies down, so they could get more comfortable. Tae laid on his back, against the pile of smooth pillows, carefully opening a packet of blood to not spill a single drop, and put a stainless steel straw in the opening. Jimin turned on the TV, put the dog in the bed, and cuddled Tae's side, with his head on his chest.
"What show have you been watching?" Jimin asked.
"None. I've been looking for something interesting in this shit for days and I can't find anything." Tae took a sip of his blood with a pout.
Jimin chuckled. "I'm choosing then."
A moment of silence followed, in which the only sound was of Tae drinking the rest of his first pack, and then opening another one.
"I think I need to shower..." Jimin commented.
Taehyung's arm that was around Jimin tightened. "Not now. Later." Jimin laughed, thinking it was cute. An idea crossed his mind, another small treat.
"Do you want to bath with me instead?" He looked up to Tae.
Tae hold tightened even more.
"Not now. Later. Now we cuddle."
As if agreeing, Yeontan climbed over the two vampires, finding a comfortable place to lie down and join the cuddle pile.
Tonight you didn't have time to talk to Jimin when you arrived at work, he was on a call, and it seemed really serious. You didn't have the money to buy extra coffee even for yourself, so you hadn't an excuse to pass quietly by his desk to leave a post-it written "Hi :)". In those circumstances, you went straight to your desk to work, to do your best to be a good listener.
To your surprise, making your heart melt and your breath hold at the bottom of the throat, you saw at the top of your computer screen a post-it with a "Hi, sweetheart." written on it, and another one with a "Look in the fridge.". After working with him for that time, regularly doing some paperwork like filling out documentation and such things, you could say for sure that this was Jimin's handwriting, besides, only he calls you sweetheart.
You checked the clock on the wall with an eager look and a silly smile. As you always arrive ten minutes early, there was time to go to the break room quickly, and look inside the fridge before starting to work. And so you did. The break room was nothing more than a small table with a few chairs, a small couch, a sink, an old coffee machine, a microwave and the refrigerator, all in a tight space lit by white lights that leave the place a little impersonal. None of your co-workers were there, as usual. You crossed the small room to the fridge and opened it trying not to make a noise, more out of habit than necessity.
The interior was very empty, with some forgotten lunchboxes, but that didn't interest you. Your goal was right in the middle. A big cup of iced coffee, from a franchise that you don't usually buy from because you find it a little too expensive for your student budget, with your name written on a post-it on top of it.
"Y/N, I wanted to be me treating you today. Hope you like it."
That coffee was as cold as Jimin's fingertips when touching yours, but it warmed your heart. Sometimes you question yourself if it's healthy how head over heels you are for this guy, for so little.
Back at your desk, now with your iced coffee, you wrote a post-it and pasted it on the back of your computer screen, where Jimin could see it. "Thanks :)" Then you started to work. Other people needed you now. ________________________________________________________________ On your fifteen minutes break time, you were leaving the restroom, passing a moisturizing hand cream - because you swear that the soap in this place dries out your skin, and god forbid you from harsh hands -, the sound of the break room's door opening made you lift your eyes from the floor. It was Jimin. He don't take breaks, it's not like he needs it, he doesn't get tired, but he didn't get the chance to talk to you today yet, so as soon he saw you stretching in your chair, indicating that you would soon get up to go to the bathroom - yes, he learned your routine and mannerisms - he discreetly left the room to meet you by coincidence in the hall afterwards.
"Hi, Y/N. Did you like the coffee?" He charmly smiled at you, he was eager to ask it to you, to find out if he made the right choice of flavor, or if he made a bad mistake and you hated it - he couldn't help thinking about that possibility. Anyway, he was looking forward to your approval.
The truth is that you were so stunned by his caring that it didn't matter what the flavor was.
"Actually, yes. I love vanilla flavored things. It's basic but it makes me happy." You fixed your hair, pulling it behind your ears. Jimin could tell by your smile and your heated face that you aren't lying.
"Nice. I wanted to make you happy." He approached you, more than is suitable for the work environment, and it made you nervous, and of course he noticed. But it was okay, if someone came close he would hear and walk away before they could see you, too bad he couldn't tell you that.
"Mission completed successfully." You said, without looking away from his eyes - no matter how much part of you shouted at you to do it, your heart felt like it was going to explode. Well, your heart has a limit, so you changed the subject. "Did your friend find her cat?" Sadness took over Jimin's eyes.
"Unfortunately not. I've been looking for him for two days and nothing, I swear I think I've looked in every street, alley and trash can. I don't want to think like that, but I think Sushi is no longer with us." He sighed, clearly frustrated. You had the impulse to rub his forearms to comfort him, it was the very first time you really touched him. "If he is a cat that wasn't accustomed to getting out, and didn't know how to walk on the street, it is possible that something bad happened... But! He's a cat, if he used to go out often, he might have some other house, other owners, and that's why he hasn't come back yet." You optimistically said.
A smile spread in Jimin's face.
"That makes sense! She told me something like 'He's never been away from home for so long', there's hope then. And you also gave me an idea. Thank you, Y/N." He pulled you into a hug, and you thought you could die.
"You welcome." You said against his chest, deciding not to waste the opportunity to return the hug. ________________________________________________________________ The day was perfect for a vampire walk in the daytime. Cloudy and rainy. No deadly sunbeams and an excuse to use an umbrella without calling attention to it. After the tip you gave, Jimin looked in the right place after accompanying you home that night, and in less than an hour he was outside the window of two children's rooms, in a ground floor apartment, looking inside, and sleeping between the feet of one of the children was the cat, he wasn't with his bow tie but there was no mistake, Jimin was sure. Even without being able to enter - vampiric rules, you only can get in somebody's house if invited, or else you explode as if you were under sunlight - Jimin could smell cat all over the house, and the windows all had anti-escape screens, which indicated that it was a family of cat people.
Jimin would need to come back to pick the cat during the day, knock on the front door and politely ask. That's why heavy weather is perfect. With a dark couture coat, covering all from his neck to the back of his hands, to his knees, a design hat and sunglasses, and last but nos least, a big umbrella, he approached the lower middle class apartment complex. Without hesitation he raised his hand and knocked. Some seconds passed by, sound of kids running inside and a voice of a famale scolding them muffled by the closed door, and then a little girl, maybe six-year-old, appeared in Jimin's field of vision, her eyes sparkling as she looked at him. He was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen after all.
"Hello." Jimin smiled. "Are your parents home?"
She smiled at him, but shook her head negatively.
"Jo, who is it?" An older girl opened the door wider and faced Jimin with a frown that fell apart when she saw his smile. Great, a teenager, he thought. "What do you want?"
"Sorry to bother, I really wanted to talk to an adult, but..." Jimin lifted his phone, the screen showing Sushi's missed post. "I saw my friend's cat on your window."
The older girl narrowed her eyes as she looked at the photo, but before she could answer, the little girl she called Jo before ran away.
"No!" She screamed, disappearing inside the apartment, and then slamming a door somewhere.
"Sorry for that, please wait a minute." The teenager closed the door on his face, and he could hear her shouting and scolding the girl little inside. He was starting to lose his patience. Jimin doesn't like to be ignored at all. Should he knock again and use his mind control powers to get the cat? He was pondering the idea when the door opened again, the two girls were still loudly arguing inside, and this time it was a small boy who must be the middle sibling in front of him.
"Hi, grandma said to tell you to come in." He mumbled.
"So you are letting me get in your house?" Jimin asked with a satisfied grin.
"Yeah... follow me." The boy was avoiding eye contact, being shy. Jimin thought he was adorable.
Jimin followed the boy to a tiny living room, where an old woman was sitting in front of the TV. The girls were now silent, but clearly wanting to argue some more, and the small one was with Sushi in her arms. Jimin sighed, he likes children, a lot, even though he doesn't live with many, but he likes them even more when they're not having a tantrum.
"Hello. Please, take a seat." The old lady pointed to the old couch. The vampire obliged, and almost immediately a fat orange cat jumped into his lap. In this small room alone he could see three more of them. "So, why do you want to steal one of my babies?" Steal? Jimin was slightly offended, he already explained himself, but the chaotic situation created a misunderstanding. "I'm not here to steal nothing, ma'am." He showed his cellphone again. "One of your cats is Sushi, my friend's cat."
"That's not his name!" The little girl shouted tapping a foot on the floor in anger. Jimin just raised his eyebrows at her, making her swallow hard. But he is in control of the situation, so Jimin smiled to remain pleasant.
"Of course it is. Just watch, little one." He reached out to call the cat. "Come here, Sushi." Even though the cat didn't know Jimin to trust him - and these people don't need to know that - cats are creatures of the night, strongly attached to magic and protection in the dark hours, and in the hierarchy of the night they obeyed vampires. The only things that cats respect more than vampires are witches and their own owners whom they protect. As Jimin expected, Sushi jumped off the girl's tight hold and went over to him.
"Good boy. Ana is missing you like hell." Jimin scratched behind his ears. Before someone else could say anything, he proceeded. "When he got lost he was using a pink bow tie." The old lady was still with Jimin cellphone in her hand, and he could see she was convinced he know the cat, but wasn't intending on letting him leave with him yet.
"I'm seeing it in the post, but there was no tie when we got him." She replied. "You just didn't see it, ma'am." Jimin was tired of this conversation, it was being a lot less nice than he imagined on his way there. When he looked to the little girl to talk to her, his eyes were intense and powerful, and his voice was full of authority. "Go get the tie where you hid it, little one."
Mesmerized by Jimin's power, the girl didn't even blink or say anything as she obeyed, turned around and ran to one of the rooms. Jimin doesn't use hypnosis very often but he has fun every time. She got back with it and handed it to him.
"Thanks." He removed the effect and the little girl blinked a few times before understanding what happened.
The old lady was clearly angry with the girl, but it wasn't Jimin's business. "Well I think that's all. We are going now." Jimin got up from the couch.
"Wait!" The teenager snapped. "Jo lied about the bow to keep the cat, and that's bad, but she already loves him! You can't just take him away!"
Jimin was almost on the door.
"Of course I can. Besides, it's not because what she did is bad, young lady. It's because my friend loves him, actually this cat is Ana's family. No one should live alone, right?"
"Right!" The old lady got up too. "I'll get you to the door, tell our friend we are sorry."
"I will. Thank you." ________________________________________________________________
"You found the cat!" Tae sniffed the back of Jimin's neck. "Where is it?"
Jimin was putting the clothes he was using to wash, to remove the smell of cat and the places he passed by. And to get comfortable, as is his habit when he gets home, he just stayed in his underwear and t-shirt.
"I already gave him back to his owner." In the next second Jimin was dropping himself on the leather couch.
"And how was it? Did she thank you with tears in her eyes?" Tae leaned over the back of the sofa with his chin in his hands.
Jimin chuckled, Taehyung's thirst for drama is funny, and he's always been like that. And at least that doesn't seem to have changed...
"Well... She cried a lot when she found him in the window. She looked really happy!" Jimin sang. He was really happy too. He helped someone to find their smile again, even if it is a little bit, it made him really proud of himself, a warm feeling in his chest telling him it was the right thing to do, and that he should do it again if he gets the opportunity. Taehyung's expression changed, suddenly he was disinterested.
"You didn't even talk to her? Just left the cat there for her to find?"
"Well, yeah." Jimin threw his hair back. "I couldn't risk she recognizing my voice and thinking I was stalking her. Scaring her was not the goal, Tae, quite the contrary..."
Taehyung stared at him in silence for what felt a whole minute - maybe it really was, vampires perceive time differently. "You are not a secret superhero, Jimin. You are a vampire." Said that he got back to his room.
Jimin doesn't understand. These outbursts and mood swings leave him confused. And it's not like he hasn't already tried to talk. This... This he doesn't recognize in Taehyung. It hurt his feelings and at same time he feels it is partially his faut. "I can be both if I want to!" He exclaimed.
No answer. To find somebody who would be happy for him and understand the euphoria he felt for saving a little bit that girl he went through his contact list. A lot of vampire names - a lot is maybe an exaggeration, since he doesn't have many friends at all - who wouldn't be rude, but wouldn't understand, and also some former human colleagues from past jobs with whom he hasn't spoken in a long time and maybe should erase the number... And you. Of course you are the obvious choice. You had sympathy for the case from the beginning, even offered to help. And if it weren't for you he wouldn't have succeeded...
Jimin: hey sweetheart Jimin: I found sushi! Jimin: thanks to you btw He sent the messages, hoping it wouldn't be strange. It wasn't the first time you two texted before, but it was just an exchange of memes and silly flirt... without compromise talk. And what he wanted this time was different. You took too long to answer, and he wondered if you were in class and if he was bothering you. He wanted everything but to mess it up with you right now. Maybe he should've checked your class schedule for the week to make sure he texted you when he was sure you were free. But he was so eager to talk to someone... with you. He gave up waiting and went after doing something productive. Crochet dolls. He was doing a mini Taehyung, with red eyes and little cute fangs - an apology for later, neither of them like fighting with each other, even if you can't call that earlier thing a fight- when his cell phone started to crazily vibrate and beep.
You: OMG! You: thts amazing! You: sorry i didn't aswr before You: I was taking a nap hehe You: anyways You: i'm so happy u found him You: [image.jpg] You: ur friend must be even happier :) You: what do u mean thanx to me? You: sorry i spammed u :( Jimin can't handle you. You are too cute. You literally sent him a photo of you with an enormous smile, cheering, to show him your reaction. And you were with your hair all messed and the puffy face of someone who just woke up. Precious. Jimin: no problem, sweetheart Jimin: you said to look in other owners' houses. basically. I found him with a old cat lady with three grandchildren   Jimin: you are looking cute btw You: OwO You: i'm looking like shit Jimin You: BUT thats awesome You: if it was me id be crying til my eyes fall You weren't even there with him, in person, and you were putting a smile on his face. How dare you say you look like shit when you have those perfect cute cheeks? So alive...
Jimin: EXACTLY. that's why I wanted to find him so much. Jimin: and because you helped me, I want to reward you Jimin: i know you don't work today. me neither. do you want to go out for coffee in a nice place? You took too long to answer again, and that's because your heart is exploding and knees trembling while you stare at your cell phone screen, standing midway in your kitchen. You: u dont need to. i did nothing. This time Jimin took too long to answer. He was making a decision. To be more straightforward. More honest. Until now he was dictating a slow pace for your flirting, because for him romance is like that. But what if he tries to speed things up a bit? Or if he lets you command? How would things be?
Jimin: Y/N, respect my excuse to ask you out.
He knew what your answer would be. Even so, he felt anxious, hearing a non-existent heartbeat in his ear, while the three dots indicated that you were typing.
You: ok. what time do you come to pick me?
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Tag List:  @angrygardenerr @depressed-dude20 @milktaetae95 @tangledsparkles  @wlalsrkfla @minikolima​  @wrecklesseuphoria
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dreamingyouth · 4 years
[Darth Maul x Bookworm!Reader] Part 4 - Little things
Hello ! Are you new here ? Be sure to check the other parts below :
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4 : You're here !
- Part 5
Words count : 2200
Warnings : none
Inspired by this lovely ask, thank you again anon ! ❤
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You were never great with goodbyes.
The sky was clear, two fluffy clouds taking bets on which would be the fastest to reach the horizon under the warm autumn sun. The blue infinity above your head appeared to you like a never-ending sea. Would you ever be able to sail and explore the unknown lands? You couldn't know. At least, it left you dreamy; you found magic in how it changed color, azure blending gradually with soft shades of pink and orange as the day came to an end. The sight was incredibly beautiful and yet was only an introduction, waiting for the night to take over with its countless shining stars illuminating a dark blue, almost black canvas.
The trees around you seemed to be inspired by it, the bright green of their leaves slowly changing to a set of warm colors- yellow, orange, red, brown, every one of them pleasing the eye as if it was looking at a master's painting. They were full of life, though: the wind was playing with the branches and inviting the leaves in a joyful dance, some of them slowly falling to the ground in a last curtsey.
This was a setting you could admire forever without getting bored. You were lucky enough to live on a planet blessed with seasons, each of them lovely in their own way; but what you were most grateful for was the male in front of you, his hands gently holding yours while you kept your forehead against his. It became a little habit of yours to do this before parting every night: you would close your eyes and enjoy the silence around you, faces close enough to touch softly and let you appreciate each other's presence one last time.
At times you would exchange the sweetest kiss, at times a longing gaze would be enough; not once was it easy to part and leave, even though you both knew you would see each other again the following day. Sometimes you wanted to tell him how you desired to keep him by your side, not having to be separated even for just one night. Would he think of you as a clingy person? Would it bother him? He probably needed his space just like you did, maybe even had secrets you never knew of.
- Yes, angel?"
You smiled. Hushed whispers murmured against your lover's lips was something you treasured preciously, just as much as the charming nicknames he came up with from time to time. The intimacy you both shared bloomed from the smallest things: it was all in quiet words and little touches, thoughtful gifts, the warmth of a loving embrace. You felt lucky, not only to have this but to have this with him: to many, he might look scary or threatening, his appearance more the one of a devil than one of an angel. And yet... You somehow managed to bring out the softest side of him, one you guessed no one has ever seen before you. Probably no one would even think of him having such gentleness and care in his heart. His vulnerability was a secret you kept dearly, and it made you feel special.
"There's... this book that will be out tomorrow, and I wondered if you would accompany me to the bookstore. Maybe we could meet in front of it? And spend the day together?"
Your innocent request and your soft voice made him smile fondly, though you noticed a hint of playfulness in his eyes as he spoke.
"So, you're asking me out on dates now, hm?
- What? I- No, I just- I just thought it could be nice to spend time together-"
He chuckled. His question made you embarrassed, your face heating up a little as you tried to justify yourself, looking to the side. This caused you to involuntarily expose your neck to him, which he obviously noticed; and to cut your rambling, he placed a long, tender kiss on your skin, his strong arms wrapping around your waist to hold you close. It caught you by surprise and you stopped rambling, your fingers getting a hold of his dark clothes while he murmured in your ear.
"I never said it bothered me."
He was playing with you, and you both knew it. You didn't mind, though: it was a part of him you loved, after all, and you wouldn't exchange it for anything else in the galaxy.
Your lips stretched with a smile, embarrassment leaving your face with every second passing by as it was replaced with nothing but affection for the Dathomirian. He lifted his head up to lock his intense gaze with yours, which you probably enjoyed for a little too long before moving again. Your digits slowly traveled up, leaving the soft fabric of his tunic to brush against the tattooed skin on his neck, tracing the intricate designs on their way up to his sharp jaw. You could feel him slightly shivering under your touch and imagined such a gentle contact was something he wasn't used to. Maybe he never experienced it at all- yet he allowed you, blindly trusting you as you explored higher, palms finally cupping his cheeks before pulling him into a sweet kiss.
"Meet me there, then... and don't be late!
- You're one to talk."
His words made you laugh. He never forgot.
After exchanging a few words over the last details, you reluctantly let go of him, hands sliding down his arms to his hands and holding them as long as you could before you had to part and go home. This would be the first time meeting him anywhere else than under your tree or at home. Not to mention, this was your first real date, too. This was new, and it would feel a bit scary if you went with anyone but him; but you trusted him as he trusted you, and quite honestly, it felt like you could face anything coming your way if Maul was by your side.
You had been expecting this moment since the second you woke up. You made sure you looked your absolute best: your favorite clothes on, your face washed and fresh, you checked once more your bag and found that, for the third time, everything you've been planning to take with you was there.
You were going on a date.
You were going on a date with Maul.
Your excitement and slight nervousness met as you glanced at the clock on your wall, begging the hands to move faster until they indicated the time you were waiting for to leave your home. You didn't waste more time, your bag thrown over your shoulder as you rushed to your front door; you locked in a heartbeat before running on the path leading to the nearest city, each of your steps leading you closer to the one you loved.
As you approached the street where you were supposed to meet, you stopped. Your chest rose and fell in a quick pace, betraying your excited rush; he couldn't see you like this. He would mock you again, wouldn't he?
After catching your breath, you finally turned the corner of the street and walked to the bookstore. You could see him waiting in front of it. As usual, he was there before you, which you noticed was something he liked; after all, not once did you have to wait for him to appear, except this one time when he returned with the sun setting.
"Looks like my date arrived."
He welcomed you with a little smirk, his playful remark bringing a smile to your face. His hood was up, covering his horns and toning down the red tattoos on his face; it didn't hide them though, and you were grateful you could still admire the symmetrical designs they traced on his skin. They fascinated you from day one.
"Sorry I kept you waiting!
- I arrived merely minutes ago. You don't have to apologize for anything."
His arms, previously crossed, moved as he took off one of his black gloves to reach for your face. Slowly caressing your cheek, he took a good look at you; and as much as you were embarrassed about him touching you so tenderly in public, you loved feeling his fingers on your skin and allowed yourself to get lost in his flaming eyes for a moment.
"You look lovely today."
The truth was, he wasn't used to giving compliments. He barely got any from his master, and never got the opportunity to do so himself; learning about the enemy -the Jedi- and training hard day after day left little time to socialize. Not that there was anyone to socialize with in the first place. It came almost naturally with you, however, and your happiness was enough of an excuse for him to try.
His hand slid down your arm to hold your hand, his grasp a little more possessive than usual now that there were people around. You both made your way into the bookstore; you knew it by heart now, and it wasn't long before you were standing in front of the right section. Your gaze moved along the spines of the numerous books available, looking for the one you wanted before spotting it on the highest shelf. Letting go of the Dathomirian's hand for a second, you stood on tip-toe, eager digits reaching out to try and catch the copy above your head; yet it was too high, and you were struggling.
"It seems like someone needs help, hm?
- Maul !"
You turned around, only to find your lover looking at you with an amused expression, his strong arms crossed over his chest. You couldn't come up with anything more to say. How could you? He was right.
He took some steps forward as his soft chuckle reached your ears, his warm hand settling on your waist before he pressed a kiss to your temple.
"It's alright to be short, love. It's cute on you."
You could tell these weren't words he used often, and it only made them more precious. Focused on the sweet encouragements he offered you, you didn't notice him reaching up to grab the book you were longing for until he gave it to you, another kiss landing on your forehead; only then you went to pay, Maul's arm still around your waist and holding you close. You sure were a strange pair: he was dark and intimidating, but you were happy and full of life. It seemed like the two of you weren't meant to get along at all, yet you did, and more closely than you would've ever expected.
"You were waiting for this for a long time."
It was an affirmation, not a question; given how he knew you by now, you weren't surprised in the slightest by him being so confident.
"Yes... I feel lucky we're able to get it here. I was afraid it would only be available on other planets, if I'm honest.
- You know I would've gotten it for you if you asked.
- I know... but I didn't want to bother you."
You looked up with a small smile, your gaze lingering on his red and black skin before meeting with his eyes. You were grateful to have him. You were aware of how some people changed their path not to cross his, aware of the wary looks he would get from others. But you... you knew. You knew there was more to him than scary appearances and threatening glares, you knew there was a well-hidden vulnerability waiting for the right person to come and reveal it.
And you were so glad to be this person.
"Let's go home."
His words brought you back to reality. Without saying anything, he paid for your book, adding a beautiful bookmark to it before leading you out. Not once did he let go of your hand, his steps fast but adjusted to your own speed.
"You didn't have to. I feel like you're spoiling me more than I deserve."
He stopped. You were out of the city by now and on your way back to your house, the comfort of being alone with your loved one enough to bring you warmth on this autumn afternoon. He turned to you, his fingers lacing with yours gently as he brought his free hand to your face.
"I don't. I'd give you the galaxy if you asked me to."
Your gaze softened, and a fond smile spread on your lips. There was no way you could deny how sincere he was, given how it was perfectly conveyed by his tender words; you moved closer, your own free hand mirroring his as it rested on his cheek- not before pushing his hood down, revealing his majestic crown of horns to you.
"I know."
Your voice down to a murmur, you tilted your head up to press your lips against his, the taste intoxicating and getting you more addicted as days went by. But how could this be wrong? He was yours.
"I love you, Maul."
And you were his.
I don’t know what to feel about this one. Some parts I like, others not so much... I was very busy this week and I’m visiting family this weekend, but I still wanted you to have this new part ❤ I hope you’ll still like it ! As always, if you like this series and want to be tagged for part 5, please let me know !
Tags : @maulieber​, @gooseyhouse​, @gczanetti1​, @noiralei​, @catsnkooks​, @brilliantbutbatty​, @mother-0f-monsters​, @farmelcarmel​
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dadbodsarehot · 4 years
rating: lets say like teen idk. references to sex and drugs ( like actual ones that exist. i dont count bliss thats fake. but if people on bliss bothers you dont read this either ) but nothing super explicit 
pairing: summerseed ( john x tobias ) 
words: 1442 
summary: this was supposed 2 be the baptism fic and then it literally just was not i have no idea what happened. its still gay though. tons of yearning in this one if youre into that. if youre not what are you doing on my blog. this fic was supposed to be funny and that also didnt happen so much?? idk man but im vibing w it 
John finds Tobias right where he left him.
His eyes are dark, tiny rings of brilliant gold around pupils dilated to the size of dinner plates, his wet hair sticking to his face in platinum yellow disarray. The Bliss had sunk it's hooks into him- unsurprisingly, with how long John had left him in the water. Shame seeps into him, but it's not long before embarrassment takes it's place. Tobias is staring at him, now, enraptured- like a blind man seeing for the first time.  
It makes an uneven heat rise to his cheeks. Surely it's all in his head. A symptom of his desire, the same grasping desire that had led him to kiss him when this had all started, before he had run away like a coward. All at once he remembered the soft feeling of him, wet and warm and pressed against his body, the give of his mouth and the taste of water and purity on his tongue, the gentle touch of his fingertips running barely-there through his hair. It had felt like coming home. Like waking up. What had it felt like for Tobias? He didn't dare hope that-
"You look like an angel."
The words break John's concentration on his inner monologue and bring a fresh round of heat to his face, quiet on the night air in the painful way that only Tobias could be quiet. Like his voice itself was an apology for it's existence. And yet, there is no apology for these words. No second guessing, no shyness, no anxiety- only a drug-fueled certainty so potent that it almost tempts him to believe he means it.
There's nothing he wouldn't give for him to mean it. To be the angel that he deserves, instead of the flawed and broken man that he is.
He clears his throat, looking away with the vague hope that if he doesn't see Tobias staring at him, the tension- real or imagined- between them would dissipate. It's no use, though; he can still feel those slivers of captured sunlight burning into him like holy fire.
"Have you seen many angels, Tobias?" The question isn't as confident as he wants it to be. What is he afraid of? That the answer will be yes?
Tobias shakes his head, slowly from side to side, his eyes still riveted on John.
"I didn't think they existed. Not really. But now I do. Now I'm sure that they do. Because I'm-" He blinks in a long, slow motion, swaying on his feet with a shiver as the wind blows through the valley. The desire inside John- to covet, to cherish, to hold, flares up hotter than the gaze leaving vulnerable, aching holes in him. Tobias opens his mouth to resume his sentence, but stops, brows furrowing. "Because I'm..."
"Because you're what?" He's riveted on the candy coated, drug-induced words, on him, on the possibilities. Too riveted. Too involved. Too hopeful. He hates what he hopes for, because he can never have it. And he wants it more than he's ever wanted anything- more than he used to want his next hit, more than he wanted salvation, more than he wants to keep breathing.  
"I.....forgot what I was gonna say." The laugh that follows should be nervous, would usually be nervous, but is instead delighted. "Oops."
John laughs with him, if only for a moment. What else can he do but laugh? It sure beats giving into despair, into the feeling wrenching itself through his gut like a knife. What did he want him to say? No matter what he had said, it wouldn't change anything. The towel that he brought him hangs forgotten in his hand until he wraps it around the small mans shoulders, who pulls it around himself appreciatively and rubs the corner slowly against his cheek. "You must be cold. I'm......sorry."
Another shake of his head- blessedly, his eyes slip closed while he takes a deep inhale of the worn fabric.
"No. I feel... I'm so warm. It just smells like you. I like it. I like it a lot. You're all over me, like this."
John curses the way his heart skips a beat, and curses even more the next words that slip out of his mouth. "Come home with me."
And now those eyes are looking at him again, sparkling in the moonlight like he had plucked the stars from the sky itself- if it was possible, he would think his pupils had dilated further. Tobias tilts his head to the side, and strands of slowly drying, tangled blonde tilt with it. "Home? With you?"
He realizes what that invitation sounds like, at least to himself, and backtracks. "It's late, and you need to sleep this off. Change into some dry clothes."
Tobias looks down at his shirt, like he hadn't realized it was soaked and clinging to him indecently before John had pointed it out. He's lucky; John wishes he could stop noticing it, could stop thinking about leaning over and kissing him again or about stripping it off of him to see his expanse of pale skin glow damp and unhindered in the moonlight. "Okay....but only if I can keep the towel, too."
Again, John laughs.
The ride home was quiet, filled with staring and starlit skies and nothing but the chirp of crickets and the hymns on the radio to keep them company. Luckily, it was easy enough to convince him to give up his wet towel when John bribed him with one of his shirts. Tobias lays in his own bed, now, a button up trailing halfway down his thighs, pupils still wide even under the fluorescent lights. In another lifetime, they would both be under the influence. In another lifetime, he would pin him there, would leave marks on him, would corrupt this innocent thing with his own desire to fill his holes. In another lifetime, Tobias would be his.
But this is the only life he has, now- and it's one he should be grateful for. One he is grateful for.  
John covers him up delicately and turns to leave. And he would have left, too, were there not suddenly a hand tugging at his shirt, keeping him in place.
"Stay with me this time?"
John knows he should say no. He wants to say yes. It'd be selfish to say no; it'd be selfish to say yes. Was staying a gift for Tobias, or himself? No doubt he would regret falling asleep next to him when the morning came and the haze of Bliss fell like scales from his sunlit eyes. Would it be wrong, to enjoy being close to him in the time before that? He tried to think of what Joseph would do, if put in a similar situation, and all at once was sure he would say no. That he would pull out of the weak grasp on him, twist free from the bindings this man had slyly attached to his traitor heart, and spend the night on the couch regretting it.
It was the right thing to do.
But he is not Joseph, and he realizes in the next instant when he is already flipping off the light and sliding under the covers next to Tobias that he is not someone who does the right thing, either.
The younger man's body once more presses in against his own- if he's aware of the too-fast rhythm of his heart when he lays his head against his chest, he doesn't say anything. John can almost feel him smile when he wraps his arms around him like second nature- another product of his overactive imagination, he's sure.
"I remembered what I was going to say. Earlier. About the angels." It's muffled by his own chest, and growing smaller by the minute as sleep and relaxation easily take him.
"Maybe you should tell me in the morning." His heart squeezes painfully. Tobias' arm wraps around his waist, his fingers caressing his back in what felt to him like agonizing decadence. In the morning, he would pull away from him, as he should; Tobias, he can tell, is someone who does do the right thing. He would not think about the morning right now.
"I believe in angels...." He yawns, precious and small, and nuzzles his still damp hair against John's chest, mumbling the end of his sentence. It's almost incomprehensible, taken by sleep and drugs. But John chooses, for better or for worse, to believe what he only thought he had heard.
Just for tonight, he will say yes to this, too.  
"Because I'm in love with one."
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2-cute-4-school · 4 years
Hiraeth II
Group: NCT
Pairing: Lee Donghyuck/Haechan x f!Reader
Genre: angst, idk if you take some parts out of context you might find some fluff
TW: blood, weapons, torture (not an explicit description), suicide attempt(?)
Word count : 9.2K words
Mafia AU  |   M.list
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3- Final 
Chapter summary : “ I still love him and I’ll love Donghyuck until my heart bleeds out of love. But I don’t love and I have never loved the monster who stands before me.”
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Y/N’s head throbbed in pain as she tried to pry her eyes open, fighting against the harsh ache overtaking her entire body. She could feel a thin thread of liquid trailing down the side of her face and she had the sickening revelation that it must have been blood. Her blood. She felt as if her entire body was submerged underwater, in some rushing river with ice-cold water that chilled her down to the bones and numbed her limbs. As she cracked an eye open, her vision swarm, spinning in a whirlwind caused by the excruciating pain coming from her temples. A loud ringing resounded in her ears and served to make her even dizzier as she fought to regain her senses.
“I really can’t believe it was so easy. Just a wimpy kid under our sleeve and we took them down.”
The voice was muffled by the high pitched sound she could still hear, but it was enough to remind Y/N of what had brought there. Haechan, how could he? How could he betray the people he claimed more dear to him than his own blood, the ones who never hesitated to put their lives on the line to make sure he would be safe. And her members? She could only pray they escaped their attack and were on their way to her for she needed her guardian angels now more than ever. She needed them to tell her that life could go on, with or without Haechan, that she could go on missing her greater half.
As her senses seemed to come back to her she could faintly tell her surroundings. One thing was sure, she was snugly tied to a chair, bounded by thick ropes that seemed to burn through her skin. But nothing burned harsher than her agonized heart. She was left in nothing but a pair of shorts and a slightly oversized T-shirt, the bruises on her skin a scary purple, littered all over resembling blooming flowers.
Y/N shifted a bit in her chair, trying to get blood to rush through her numb limbs and lifted her head as much as her aching neck allowed. 
“Well look who’s awake, what a wonderful surprise!”
The same voice as earlier exclaimed and her eyes met those of Park Ji-won, cold and mocking as they narrowed over her frame. Y/N could feel her stomach sinking, a cruel realization settling in her mind as she lowered her gaze again and avoided giving him any satisfaction by seeing her so lost and hopeless. She heard the door to her cell being unlocked as Ji-won stepped inside, two bulky men following him closely behind, sporting smirks and a crazed glint in their eyes.
Ji-won approached her and suddenly his mere presence suffocated her, closing her in a bubble where air ran out quickly and her chest felt heavy. Y/N knew she had to stay rational, calm, control her fear and keep a strong facade despite the dread that froze the blood in her veins.
“I apologize for the harsh treatment” he motioned towards the ropes that dug into her skin painfully “but we assumed that in the early stages of your visit here you might want to give us a run for our money.”
“You assumed?” Y/N grinned despite the shakiness of her fingers behind the back of the chair.
“Ah, such a pretty smile. Too bad it will be one of the last times you’ll grace us with it.”
“That’s right, you probably won’t be alive to see the next one.”
Ji-won let out a short chuckle, his eyes shining with an unspoken hatred.
“And who’ll be the lucky one to kill me, if I may ask?”
Y/N pursed her lips, looking away as if deep in thought, racking her head for all the ways her boys could end his poor excuse of a life. She hummed slightly as she turned her eyes back to the older man’s who stared at her with nerve-wracking amusement.
“Hmm, we’ll have to wait and see, they’ll probably have fun making you regret ever messing with us, they’ll make you wish they killed you faster.”
This time he threw his head back with laughter and Y/N had to force her facial muscles to keep her lips in a smile, becoming unnerved with the man’s careless reaction to her entire demeanor. Suddenly, he lifted his hand towards her face, cupping her jaw as if admiring a new doll. Y/N jerked her head away, recoiling from his cold and disgusting touch, but he only tightened his grip, squishing her cheeks between his rough fingers and lifting her face back towards him.
“And who exactly will do that? You who’s tied to a chair with no escape and about to beg for her life? Dear Haechan, who has been lying to you this entire time and brought the end of your little gang? Oh, are you talking about the rest of the members of NCT?”
The thought seemed to amuse him further as he leaned his head, settling beside Y/N’s face and she could feel his breath fanning her earlobe he airily whispered.
“Let me give you a heads-up dear, they’re all dead. Burned down to mere ashes in the wind. There’s absolutely no trace left of them as if they never existed in the first place, an illusion in the darkness of the night.” 
He moved away from her and basked at the thrill of having the precious member of NCT right under his fingertips, playing with her as if she was a puppet. He had waited for so long to break the news to her, to start breaking her inside out, shattering her mind and soul little by little, shredding her hope and stomping on it right before her eyes. 
“No. You’re bluffing. Your dirty tricks won’t get to my head, they won’t work on me so you can shove them up your ass and choke on them.”
Her voice started to rise in volume and her throat restricted her from showing a firm voice as her words wavered at the end, cracking under the pressure of the sky falling atop of her shoulders, draining her soul of any fight left deep inside her, shielding her hope.
“Am I really? Unfortunately, as I said no trace of them is left so I can’t show you the downfall of your world. You’ll have to trust me on this, darling. But I can tell you for sure I enjoyed watching Taeyong lose everything, God, you should have seen the look in his eyes as he finally realized he was doomed, absolutely delightful.”
Y/N wanted to rip Ji-won to shreds. Even just talking about her leader like that ignited her rage and she wanted nothing more but to let it burn, to swallow the man before her up and drag him to the deepest pits of hell. His words couldn’t be true, there was simply no way she would believe them. Taeyong couldn’t be gone. NCT couldn’t be gone. They were her guardian angels, they wouldn’t have left her alone in the Earth version of hell, she couldn’t bear the thought of going on without knowing they’re alive. 
“Already giving up? And here I was, thinking you’ll put up a fight, let us have some fun taming beasts like you.” Y/N gritted her teeth, but she could feel her desire to keep fighting slip away like grains of sand in the wind’s breeze. The only thought that gripped the last strands of her hope was the possibility of Ji-won lying in hopes of making her give up. And in this case, she couldn’t let him win. She wouldn’t allow herself to slip away as long as she had the slightest chance of being back in her boys’ arms, tucked warmly into safety.
“Come closer, let me also give you a heads-up,” Ji-won leaned down slightly, his face at the same level as hers, regarding her with a degrading look, as if sensing her resolve starting to dissipate “if I’m a beast, then you’re just mere pray.” Y/N muttered harshly and spat in his face before his head snapped away. It was her time to smirk as his content expression morphed into one of anger, his composed state shattering, letting rage surface.
Ji-won couldn’t contain the forceful punch he sent to Y/N’s face and neither did he try to. He gathered all of his strength and swung as hard as he could as his fist connected with the soft skin of her cheek with such power that is tipped the chair over, making it collapse. Y/N hissed at the contact with the hard floor of the basement she was held in and heard a sickening pop come from her shoulder before throbbing pain spread through the entire area, making her dizzy. She knew this was barely considered mild and just the beginning of what was about to come her way. She closed her eyes, letting the pain settle and trying to come to terms with the inevitable fate that awaited her.
Y/N could hear Ji-won’s steps as he came closer to her, the tip of his shoe slipping under her cheek and craning her neck to look up at him. She kept her eyes narrowed, regarding the man towering above her with utter disgust to disguise the discomfort she felt in her shoulder mainly. 
“I’m going to say this slowly since it seems like your brain is struggling to acknowledge your situation. You are doomed, little girl. The only one who will wish for death is you, you’ll beg for it in no time. But we won’t allow it, no, you’ll have to suffer, we’ll shred you of any sanity left in you, we’ll break you into millions of pieces both physically and mentally, just wait, The show starts tonight, we’ll have a lot of fun together, Y/N.”
Her name rolled off his tongue with repulsion and his tone assured her that he would religiously keep his promise towards her and somehow it reminded her of Haechan and how the situation seemed so twisted that it made Y/N want to throw up. Her worst enemy just promised her he would rip the little things she still had left away from her, strip her of her humanity and in a sick way Y/N was sure he won’t go back on his words. Haechan promised her Heaven, safety, and love, but all she received were deceiving words and agony. 
With a last forceful nudge of his boot against her cheek, Ji-won turned his back to her and left her cell, the guards locking the door behind themselves. While Ji-won waked away from her sight, most likely back into the house, the two guards stayed unmovingly outside her cell, keeping a careful eye on their prisoner while going back to chatting about their victory.
Finally left alone, to drown into her own thoughts, Y/N suffocated into the nightmare she was forced to fight through. The pain in her body seemed to fade away as her emotions were unraveling from the cage she kept them locked in and the real turmoil surfaced. Johnny promised her they were safe and in turn, she promised Mark she would come back to them. She could only bitterly guess both promises were meant to be broken. Y/N let poisonous tears escape from her tightly closed eyes, in an attempt to lessen the venom nestled inside her soul. Just the thought of never seeing her family again overwhelmed her exhausted heart and sunk it to the bottom of a drained ocean.
And Haechan. He literally broke her in half. A half that hoped everything was just a twisted joke and her soulmate would swoop right in and end her hell and a half that wanted to bring hell to him. Betrayal simply wasn’t a word in their dictionary because who would betray family, the only ones who pulled you up out the frightening darkness that enveloped you when everyone else turned their backs on you. Taeyong was the only one who saw a fighter in them instead of a person too broken to function again and the only one who defied anyone who dragged down his family. So Haechan’s betrayal was almost impossible to swallow and Y/N hoped she wouldn't have to.
Just like that, Y/N was forced to wallow in her own devastating hurt, turning her fate on every side possible as if rolling a dice that had already decided her outcome.
And what a show had been given to her, one that made Y/N want to detach herself from her body and float above the world, far away from the cruelties hidden down in the basement that had her name imprinted on it by now. Every visitor made sure to give her their worst, crack her physic and spirit little by little, piece by piece until she was left as a used doll on the dirty floor, an old toy that was starting to bore their owner. Y/N knew she was disposable, a mere punching bag for the heartless captors, but she didn’t have it in her to care anymore, taking everything with dull eyes and a blank mind.
Said girl snapped her head up, meeting Mark’s eyes filled with entire galaxies, crinkles at the corners showing such pure happiness it seemed only characteristic for an innocent child who hadn’t had the time to experience the world’s true merciless nature. Mark started walking towards her hurriedly and the bright smile on his face seemed to darken with every step closer to her until his light strides turned into a full-blown sprint. He seemed to struggle to reach her, but he only got further away the more he frantically called for her, dragged in the opposite direction by an imaginary force that insisted on keeping them apart.
The arm around her only tightened, pinning Y/N to her spot despite the panic-stricken feeling settling in her chest and putting pressure on her airways. Y/N could only look up and drown in Haechan’s warm honey pools which only hauled her further into her daze. His face was so so close to hers and his breath tickled her cheeks as she swirled into the warmth of his embrace, Mark’s shouts fading away in the distance, Y/N’s sole focus remaining on the boy before her, stealing her common sense and leaving her foolishly in love.
“You know how much I love you, right? You know I’d give up the world, trade the sun and all the stars for a second with you, that every breath taken away from you is a breath wasted for me, right?”
Haechan’s other hand, moved gently to reach her face and brushed against the apple of her cheek, letting his thumb run softly over the skin under her eyes as he took her in, absorbing her entire being and bottling her in his heart to stay as his reason to be.
This time Mark’s voice was impossibly close, echoing in her ears, shaking her up. Y/N let a shiver run through her entire being at the desperation laced in his voice. She instinctively moved her head to try to catch a glimpse of Mark, whose voice died again, muffled by her own heartbeat. But Haechan’s hand didn’t allow her to take her eyes away from himself as if losing her attention for a moment would shatter him. His smile stayed, warming up Y/N inside out and she was sure the sun was shying away from Haechan’s own bright aura that seemed to dominate over the world. What seemed to slip away was the calmness in his eyes which turned more and more distressed, screaming for more time, for another needed moment with Y/N, his beginning and his end.
“Please Y/N. You have to know.”
As Haechan’s face contorted in anguish, Y/N’s only emotion was confusion. Why didn’t the butterflies in her stomach go crazy anymore at his words? Why didn’t she fear the motive of his raw desperation? Why did she want to reach out and allow herself to be engulfed by Mark’s embrace more than she wanted to stay tucked under Haechan’s arm? Why did her heart hold so tightly onto her love for Haechan when all she wanted was to let go?
A harsh kick to her stomach snapped her eyes open.
“Already giving up, mutt?”
All Y/N wanted was to slip back into herself, allow her mind to run free with the desire to see her friends again, but she knew it wouldn’t be possible as a second kick, even more powerful, was directed at her once again.
“You’re becoming boring. It was fun breaking you, but now you’re as entertaining as any punching bag, maybe even worse. It would be a great pleasure to get rid of you, but the boss won’t allow it, says you don’t deserve to be freed so soon.”
The man whose name Y/N didn’t bother learning crouched beside her, carelessly gripping her arm and lifting her in a sitting position. She slightly lifted her gaze at the sight of a white coat and scanned the boy beside the gorilla who wouldn’t give her any moment of peace ever since she arrived in this hell. He seemed barely older than her, his scrawny structure visible even through his layers of clothing. He asked the other man to move back, and stepped closer to Y/N, uncapping the jar of soothing cream he brought every time.
“You know how it goes, it’s going to hurt a bit but you’ll feel better after.”
Y/N knew, of course, she knew. He had been coming with the same jar every few days, attending to her wounds, occasionally wrapping her up if things looked worse. He never talked more than necessary and Y/N truly appreciated that, becoming used to the captors’ running their mouths 24/7, wasting oxygen with their useless words. As he rubbed his fingers coated in cream over her black and blue abdomen, Y/N caught a glint from the corner of her eyes. A roll of gauze and scissors were hidden in the pocket of his coat, in case of need. Before anyone could catch her stare, she removed it, opting to bore holes into the ground as she let the medic finish his job and leave, but not before the ultimate asshole decided to kick her back down, letting her know that “that’s your place now, kid, get used to it”.
Y/N could only grit her teeth and close her eyes in an attempt to block out the hopelessness crawling under her shirt. She clung with everything in her to her vivid dreams where Mark or some of the other boys ran to her. They never reached her, not even close, but even hearing them brought her a serenity she didn’t know she would be able to find while locked up in a cell, beaten half to death. Haechan clouded her thoughts day and night, sometimes closing up her throat at the thought that she will never get to share such moments with him. She often reprimanded herself, how could she still hang onto Haechan when all he did was betray her and their family, how could she still care about him when the entire world told her everyone else was dead because of him.
“Y/N you stupid, stupid girl.”
She could only murmur under her breath, struggling to keep herself sane as she slipped into another light sleep filled by fruits of hope with the bitter taste of betrayal.
It was dark this time and no matter how hard she tried Y/N couldn’t distinguish anything before her. And the one calling for her was Haechan. He was near, very near, a breath away from her. His voice was hushed, only calling her name repeatedly before a shake of her shoulder forced her eyes open.
“Thank God, you scared the shit out of me.”
Y/N’s eyes snapped up bewildered before they connected with Haechan’s. It took her several moments before she could confirm she wasn’t dreaming and he was actually beside her, towering over her with a gentle hand laid over her shoulder as if he was afraid she’d shatter if he applied any more pressure. Instead of the honey pools that taunted her every time she closed her eyes, Haechan’s eyes were glazed over, hidden behind an invisible veil that kept his emotions at bay as much as it could. 
Y/N let her head drop back down, having no interest in talking to him, especially in her powerless position.
“Y/N, talk to me, I need to know you’re still there.”
“What do you want me to say, Haechan?”
Her voice was hoarse from days of not talking, the only sounds coming out of her mouth being whimpers and occasional screams when the men got rougher with their treatment during their bad days. Y/N spat the name she rarely used for him except during their missions with such venom laced in the word that Haechan was still taken aback despite his already low expectations.
“I just..I need to hear you. I want to explain everything when I’ll have enough time. I need to-”
“Is it true?”
“What they keep telling me, that they’re dead.” She didn’t need to elaborate for Haechan to understand what she was referring to.
“Y/N, you have to understand-”
“I’m done with your half-assed bullshit, tell me the truth for once.”
Her words only served to twist the dagger deeper into Haechan’s bleeding wound and he knew he deserved it and plenty more.
“Yes. It’s true, they’re all gone. But Y/N please listen to me, I didn’t do it just because I wanted to, I would never, I swear. You have to believe me, please Y/N.”
He glanced at her, but the sight of her scared him even worse. He saw her at both her best and her worst, attached to the hip every moment of their lives, but never had he seen her like that, so disconnected from everything around her, so lost in her own thoughts.
“Haechan, the five minutes are ending!”
“I’ll be right out!”
Haechan shakily lifted his hand from her shoulder to her head, brushing away strands of her hair from her face and lightly cupping the back of her head with such care that even the moon would stop in awe to admire the heartbreaking moment before two broken lovers cursed to suffer away from each other.
“Love, please don’t give up, as selfish as it sounds. I need you.”
With a quick brush of his plush lips to her temple, a promise that Y/N could only deem empty, he lifted himself up and rushed out of her cell while he could still control his burning desire of keeping her close now more than ever. His eyes followed her until he couldn’t see her anymore and sighed dejectedly when she stayed rotten to her spot, her eyes void of any trace of the old Y/N, the one he doomed to more pain than he believed anyone could carry. But if he was sure of one thing, he could swear that the pain in his chest would be enough to snap the mountains apart and drain any sea as he was forced to leave the core of his soul behind once more.
Time seemed to pass slower than ever and Y/N could only mull with a bittersweet aftertaste of nostalgia the rare free days she used to spend with her boys back at their headquarter, the way she used to complain about the members’ habits. Oh how bad she missed those times and how she wished she could go back to Taeyong’s arms cuddling her against his chest, playing with strands of her hair or Johnny’s manner in which he threw her over his shoulder and paraded around the house, mocking her shouts in a high pitched voice, but with an affectionate twinkle in his eyes. Her chest ached with the burning desire of spending countless nights in Mark’s room, exchanging lyrics ideas and listening to the soothing hum of his guitar towards the early hours of the morning.
And God, the way she missed Haechan’s childish pouts that never failed to melt her heart and the way he used to nuzzle his nose against the crook of her neck, the feathery brush of his lips along the length of her throat as the fluffy locks on top of his head tickled her cheek every time he moved in their embrace.
All these seemed like long lost memories, buried at the back of her mind, fogged over by her pain. Over time, Y/N learned the pattern of the changes the guards outside made, she learned that the presence of a flashlight in their hand meant it was nighttime, she learned that they deemed her weak enough to leave her with only one bored guard who more often than not didn’t even glance in her direction as he leaned his back against the bars and went on with his life.
Y/N was pulled out of her thoughts by the medic who unlocked her cell, once again coming to check up on her. This time he was alone, the guard outside only watching him enter before returning to his business. The young man approached her, crouching down at her level and studying her.
“How are you feeling?”
She wanted to scoff at his ridiculous question. It didn’t take a genius to take a right guess just by looking at her for a brief moment. But she bit her lip, murmuring her next words.
“My wrists hurt” she made a small pause, contemplating over the weight of her words “worse than usual.”
The medic watched carefully and helped her in a standing position. He hesitated a bit before slowly untying her hands, the sole rope binding her.
“Don’t make any dumb moves or you’ll regret it. I’ll put some ointment on the rope burns, it should alleviate the pain enough to be bearable.”
With the rope gone, he brought her hands in front of her, holding her wrists gently, before spreading the cream over the irritated skin with such care that his fingertips merely brushed against her. It was the first time in weeks since anyone has treated her so delicately and she let the thought bring tears to her eyes.
“What’s your name?”
The medic’s head snapped up and his eyes widened, taken aback by her questions. He had visited her so many times, but she never seemed interested in him, shrinking back in herself every time he came close.
“Why are you asking?”
“Am I not allowed?”
He turned his attention back to her wounds that he was sure were nothing in comparison to the real damage brought on her body, but he stayed quiet and continued treating her. Y/N thought he was going to ignore her question and deflated slightly. This didn’t seem to go her way.
“It’s Minho.”
Y/N’s eyes studied him. He didn’t seem to notice her stare or just didn’t bother to look up at her.
“Minho,” he hummed, finally meeting her teary eyes, desperation creeping in her glazed over orbs “please help me.”
He sighed, knowing what kind of help she meant. He pitied her, but not enough to put himself in danger in order to help a girl he barely knew and had no future anyway.
“Y/N, it would be better if you stopped fighting, they would be more lenient with you-” Y/N shut out his words, and clenched her fists before launching herself at him, gripping the collar of his white coat, knocking him over with a loud metallic clang coming fro his medical equipment falling over.
“Please! Please, help me! Please!”
She shook him, the distressed look in her eyes shocking him for a moment.
“Hey! Sit back, bitch!” The guards slammed the door of her cell open, his angered yell echoing around the cold walls as he stomped over to them with large, angry strides.
Y/N was quick to clamber off Minho, stumbling a bit and stabilizing herself with a hand against the ground. She let herself fall back on her butt, curling herself up in a small ball to protect herself from the guard’s harsh punches that started to rain down on her, leaving sore spots scattered over her body and Y/N was sure purple bruises would adorn her body soon. She let fat tears run down her face and her body trembled with heart-wrenching sobs that were almost inaudible over the guard’s curses directed towards her. She had to keep it up.
“Stop, stop, she’s not worth it.”
Minho stretched a hand and gripped he guard’s shoulder after rising to his feet and dusting himself off. The guard turned around, arguing with Minho, insisting that he should break all of her fingers, one by one, to show her that ‘scum like her shouldn’t even be allowed to look at them, much less to dare to touch them’. Y/N could barely fight the victorious smirk that wanted to stretch her lips and took the opportunity to sneak the scissors she had gripped when she ‘stabilized’ herself inside her bands and slip them inside the elastic band of her underwear, before returning her hand over her head to seemingly shield herself.
“Leave her alone, she’s not worth it.”
“We should still teach mutts like her a lesson.” the guard growled, shooting her a disgusted glare.
“You shouldn’t waste time with her, even dogs are smarter than her, she won’t learn anything.”
The guard chuckled darkly, spitting at Y/N, missing her by a centimeter.
“You’re wrong. You’re insulting dogs by comparing her to them. She’s less than the shit on the sole of your shoes, she’s really not worth anything.”
Y/N wanted to laugh at them, spit back and crush their heads under her foot, show them the real scum, but she was smarter than that. Patience was her only friend at that moment and hand-in-hand with it she would conquer her newfound purpose.
The guard roughly gripped her wrists, a sharp contrast to Minho’s gentle touch from earlier, and forcefully brought them to her back, tying them with the rope, tightening it even more than before and smiled at the sound of Y/N’s pitiful wince of discomfort, a sadistic amusement twisting his features at the sight of her pain.
“You shouldn’t come anymore, you’re wasting useful resources to treat her.”
The guard rose again to his full height, delivered a last powerful kick just to startle the girl to his entertainment and tuned around, directing his words to Minho who only watched with a passive expression, seemingly bored by the events as he gathered everything that had fallen over earlier.
“Right.” He hummed and he caught Y/N’s eyes in a quick glance before hurrying after the guard and leaving her sight as the guard stayed behind to lock her up and plopped himself down, turning his back to her and whistling unbothered. He took out a cigarette and a lighter, lighting up one end of the stick and putting the other one between his lips, taking a long drag and releasing a large cloud of foul smelling smoke.
But Y/N mulled over Minho’s look. His eyes were slightly narrowed, as if searching her, trying to penetrate through her act. Had she seemed too desperate for him to believe her? But she didn’t feel like she exaggerated, it was nothing a prisoner wouldn’t beg for once meeting a kind enough person. Had he noticed the small pair of scissors that disappeared? But he had so many and the one she stole was smaller than her palm and she had never seen him use it. Y/n could only pray the facade she put up and the show she conveyed to strengthen it was enough to buy her time to make her final move.
Despite her worries and the pain and numbness overcoming her tired body, Y/N let a twisted smile creep on her face as she leaned her head back against the wall. Her eyes stared unfocused in the darkness, finally feeling accomplished with herself in a long time. Maybe her acting skills weren’t so rusty after all. So many fake tears and meaningless words thrown around almost choked her up, but she did what had do be done in order to prove herself that their work along the years wasn’t in vain, that she wouldn’t let NCT go down without a fight, vanish without a trace before they burnt down the world around them. Sure, the fact that most of the people surrounding her during her stay in the cell had smaller brains than a pigeon’s and their common sense was worse than that of a headless chicken, but these only made things easier for her.
Y/N was done. She was done with her filthy cell, done with the assholes who kept on talking down to her as if they were meant for anything more than dumb guard dogs, done with the sickening mind games they thought would break her. But more than anything, Y/N was done with letting anyone, Haechan or not, betray her family and get away with it. 
If that disgusting man got anything right in his entire life, it was that Y/N had no future. Her life had ended at the same time NCT vanished. She had nowhere to go, no one on her side and for the second time in her life, she was alone. She was left alone, a lost soul trudging tiredly through the dark columns of her life, admitting that this time it was truly over for her. While when she was a little girl a guardian angel found her and took her under his wing, introducing himself as Taeyong and welcoming her in their self-made family, this time no one was coming. And frankly, she made peace with the idea, reuniting with her boys after a long, painful fight that finally exhausted her. Y/N was ready to give up, she had no means to escape or to go on living in a world where they were gone. It simply made no sense to her.
She only had to wait for the next night to make things right, to honor Taeyong’s golden rule. ‘Traitors are less than rats. They have no place on Earth.’ And Y/N swore to make sure to fulfill his words or die trying. She swore to ruin Haechan in any way possible, to watch the light fade from his eyes as desperation clouded his features, before crumbling herself in Taeyong’s protective embrace. She would bring the ones who dared to harm her family their very much deserved end, serve it to them on a plate and shove it down their throats with no mercy, let them slowly choke with it as she watched them fade away with eyes that regained their sparkle for one last time before joining her awaiting family.
That night, all Y/N could dream about were the bright smiles on her members’ faces that put the sun itself to shame and warmed up her soul every time she could catch a glimpse of them. All she could feel was the comforting warmth radiating off their bodies and enveloping her and their sparkling eyes with countless galaxies that reflected happiness so pure that angels swooned over the serenity that seeped through them.
All Y/N could believe in was their endless love that held no barriers.
Hours of waiting chopped at Y/N’s sanity little by little as she had to swallow down the adrenaline pumping through her body. The pain in her body felt like a mere memory, only stirring her lack of patience even more. The moment her eyes caught sight of the new guard lowering himself beside her cell, sticking a flashlight in his pants pocket, her blood started pumping with excitement. She felt as if she was about to burn up, explode in huge flames impossible to hold back from swallowing down the entire world.
Y/N spent the time in which the man kept shuffling around to edge out the pair of scissors from her pants and twirl it around her fingers, etching it into the rope and slowly but surely cutting the rough material. She kept her movements minimal and as silent as possible, making sure that her plan wouldn’t be stopped so early on. She couldn’t allow that. Y/N only had one chance and she made sure she didn’t need any more.
Despite the madness running through her veins, poisoning her blood, her mind was completely clear, no fog clouding it over. Her eyes were sharper than ever, focusing solely on her goal, pushing her feelings aside for the time being. The rope came off, slowly slipping off her sore wrists, but she made no movement to change from her position on the ground, waiting for any sign that the guard might have heard anything out of the ordinary, but he was as oblivious as ever, a mindless pig confined in a slaughterhouse.
As Y/N started crawling towards the bars that kept her locked for weeks that dragged on, her body resembled that of a cat. No sounds came from the impact of her hands and knees with the ground and her torso was fluid, balancing her movements. Years of training paid off more than ever as she inched closer and closer to her freedom with her savior clutched tight between her fingers, some mere scissors, smaller than her hand and so frail she was afraid that they would break under the pressure of her grip. But they were enough, sharp just like her mind, sharp enough to easily go through rope and skin, small enough to wedge between the thick bars and maneuver them with no difficulty. And that was more than enough for Y/N.
She was a breath away, close enough to feel the smell of sweat rolling off his body. Y/N stayed as still as a statue. Was she hesitating? No, she felt no desire to turn back, none at all, but she needed a moment to calm herself down, regulate her temper before hell could break loose and her hidden demons could surface and swallow up any mercy left in herself. Her hand slightly trembled as she leaned closer to the man with a slight smile. She blew a feathery breath on the man’s neck, teasing him as a starting point of insanity that followed and before he could turn around, she clamped a hand over his mouth, muffling the chocked gasp escaping his chapped lips and plunged the scissors in his neck, right in his artery. It didn’t take long before he slumped against the bars, taking a ragged last breath and going limp as crimson liquid painted his skin and clothes. trailing to the ground.
Y/N released him before rummaging through all of his pockets and found the key to her prison. She was still trembling slightly as she unlocked the door to her newfound freedom on unsteady feet. Once stepping outside, Y/N felt a sudden surge of power, she felt unstoppable now that she wasn’t confined like a caged bird, longing for her wings to be freed. She stared at the dead guard on the floor as she shook her feet, trying to regain feeling in her legs faster. He was the first, the beginning of the end.
Y/N crouched beside him, looting everything she deemed useful. The handgun she knew all guards kept in their belt was the first thing that settled almost comfortably in her palm, along with the beloved scissors that she wiped on the man’s shirt before she tucked them in the pocket of her pants. But she knew he had another necessary thing on him. She calculated every move and there was no way she had mistaken the man. And as thought, she didn’t. She quickly found a pack of cigarettes buried inside the pocket of his jacket along with a lighter. Bingo! She also slipped the lighter in her pocket and mockingly patted the man’s head with a pout. She wasn’t kidding when she said she would burn down their entire world.
“Aw, thank you, you should be proud of yourself for being useful for once.”
Her words were acid, whispered to ridicule the almost too easy way she escaped what he must have thought would be her future grave. Jokes on him.
Her eyes burned through the darkness that awaited her. She couldn’t risk using a flashlight, it would give away her location too easily, but she didn’t really need it either. She had been kept in the dark for so long, both literally and figuratively, that she had gotten used to it, her eyes adjusting naturally to the lack of light. She roughly knew that the sleeping rooms must have been upstairs from the two guards’ conversation she had heard once, so she had two flights of stairs to go through, from the basement to the main floor and then upstairs. And then the fun was about to begin.
She gripped the handle of the gun tighter, her bare feet soundlessly gliding on the floor as her inner turmoil only edged her more towards the free fall that she knew was inevitable. She was ready to embrace it, leave herself float weightlessly over the clouds and allow the gentle rays of sunshine caress her tired soul as a mother would soothe her child after reuniting after a long day, but not before meeting Haechan. Not before giving him a piece of her suffering and watching him struggle to his end with it as Y/N merely watched her once lover vanish to nothing just like he forced her to.
She wanted nothing more but to free herself from the agony Haechan impelled on her and then dared to ask her to hold on for him. He was a gone man in her eyes, a flat lifeline, the furthest thing from how she used to deem him, a lighthouse that guided her through the frightening darkness of herself, holding her hand through everything and enveloping her in sweet murmurs of honey-like voice that she couldn’t help but grasp onto with every ounce of her being. Haechan was her first and last, her end and her beginning, her rebirth and her doom.
“Wait for me, Haechan, wait for me, my love.”
The scenario she found herself in was oddly familiar, resembling the one hours before her universe was turned upside down unexpectedly and cruelly. The same tension that pressured her airways was present, but this time Y/N wasn’t bothered by it, her hands weren’t sweating and her vision wasn’t unfocused. She had nothing left to lose so she trudged forward almost blindly, guided by luck and helped by her sneaking skills and common sense.
The house was mostly dark, asleep in the late-night hours. The only agitation came from the large living room on the main floor. As Y/N passed by with hurried steps but vigilant eyes, she saw a fading light from underneath the closed door, accompanied by obnoxious, deep laughter coming from a few men playing poker and throwing around chips and dirty jokes.
Once she found the stairs and climbed up, she knew the hard part was coming. Haechan was behind one of the doors for sure, but she had no way to be certain about a particular one. She observed all of the doors as she passed by them. She could hear snoring from behind a couple of them, others were entirely silent. Y/N knew she only had one chance and even barely that. If she was in her right mind, she would have never taken such a risk, but now the only thing on her mind was finishing what Haechan began. And Y/N hated leaving things unfinished.
Y/N gritted her teeth as she glued her back to a wall and held her breath in hopes of hearing even the slightest hint to begin with. She knew this would be the hardest challenge of her plan, but if it meant that she would find him, she was about to go to extreme lengths. Y/N rules out the room with snoring occupants, Haechan never snored. But there were still three other rooms. She couldn’t stand in the hallway forever, in plain sight for anyone who decided to leave their room. A decision had to be made, right then and there, otherwise-
“For fuck’s sake..”
The curse was hushed, barely heard, but Y/N could recognize that voice anywhere, at any time of the day. She found him.
She walked closer to the last door on the hallway, lingering her fingertips over the doorknob as she gripped her gun tighter in her other hand. She has been waiting for that moment for such a long time that now it felt unreal, but maybe for different reasons. She noticed a faint hue of white light coming from under the door and then the muffled sound of fingers drumming lightly in a table. At that moment, Y/n remembered Haechan’s habit when listening to music, something that she found both annoying and endearing, the sound his knuckled made rhythmically against the first surface he found. And since no music could be heard, he had his earphones in. Just her luck.
She slowly twisted the doorknob, finding it unlocked as expected from the same boy that never locked any doors after him and this was the first time Y/N wanted to congratulate him for it. She admired him from the back for a second, clad in his sleepwear and lounging on a chair while furiously typing on his computer with music blasting in his ears. What a comfortable life he led while she was drained physically and mentally in a cell smaller than a storage room, oh how lovely.
Y/N smiled sweetly and raised the gun, aiming straight at his head as she locked the door behind her with a soft ‘click’. Her free fingers then found the switch and with excitement running high in her blood, she turned the light on. She smiled even brighter, her gun following Haechan’s frenetic movements as he ripped his earphones out and turned around in his chair in a flash, coming face to face with his former lover, the one he coincidentally betrayed.
“How the hell? How...”
His voice wandered off, reality kicking in.Y/N’s heart started beating faster, but not from fear or resentment for aiming her gun at who she once deemed her missing piece, no. It trembled with an anger she had never felt before, one she tried so hard to control she worried it would leak over and ruin the scenario she dreamed of every night behind those bars.
“Surprised to see me, dear? I had to go such a long way just to find you, Haechannie.” Y/N pouted mockingly at him, enjoying the way his eyes widened in horror, but also a shocking drop of relief. He immediately stood up from his chair, taking rushed strides towards Y/N, before she tutted and put an open palm in front of her, mentioning for him to stop in his tracks.
“Not so fast, now. No need to rush after weeks of waiting, am I right?” Her voice was charming as if talking to a child, but Haechan knew the sugary surface could barely contain the storm beneath.
“Y/N, let’s talk-” He tried to take a step forward, but before he could fully move, YN’s gun made a clear clicking noise, indicating that the safety was taken off. Haechan started to sweat lightly, noticing how the finger laid over the trigger didn’t shake in the slightest.
“I’m glad we agree on that, but we’re doing it on my terms. You don’t move from the spot you’re in and you’ll put your hands up where I can see them at all times. None of these are negotiable, love.”
Haechan felt utter desperation crawl deep in his soul, taking over his entire being as he did as asked. He wanted nothing more but to touch her, feel her warm skin, her chest rising with every breath. He wanted nothing but to win her back and complete the puzzle inside him that broke the moment the back of his gun touched her temple so forcefully back at the party.
“Please, Y/N, let me explain, I would never do this on my own and no matter how hurt you are, you must know that.”
“Get to the point.”
A heavy sigh left his lips, his eyes searching hers in despair only to get blocked by a thick wall she built around herself, making her eyes so cold they could freeze over an entire ocean.
“Remember that time you were knocked out on the rooftop? On that mission we prepared for an entire month when you were caught last minute. I told you that I saved you. I lied. I was caught too, before you. They manipulated me, Y/N, they pushed a gun against your head and made me choose. To kill you or work undercover for them. What was I supposed to do? Tell them to just shoot you?”
“So you chose to betray your entire family and get us all killed?”
“I didn’t know it would get to this! Even when I was given my final mission by them, they swore not to kill you.”
“And they didn’t. They tortured me instead, stripped me of my humanity and my will to continue living. I should thank you, right?”
“All I did was to try to protect you!”
“And that worked out really well, didn’t it?”
It was so hard to keep their voices hushed enough when both of them were near their breaking point, emotions high and spilling over the edge, burning in their veins and darkening their eyes. Haechan’s presence and voice still stirred something in Y/N no one else could and she hated herself for allowing him to still hold her feelings in his palm and play with them however he desired.
“Y/N, I couldn’t sit there and tell them to shoot you. All I could think was that if they killed you, I would have been over. Everything would have been over, for me and for you. It would have been the end.”
“So you put us before everyone else.”
“Yes, Y/N, I fucking put you first, and I would do it all over again if it means you’ll get to live. You are my goddamn everything and I will be damned before I let you get taken away from me.”
“Then you are damned, Haechan.”She made a small pause as if recollecting her hazy thoughts “You lost me the moment you signed their deaths.” Both of them understood who she was referring to.
His eyes lost focus for a moment, his lips parted in astonishment. He had to make her understand. Now that she was standing a mere meter away from him he couldn’t let her slip from his fingers a second time. It wasn’t an option he could accept.
“Y/N, you don’t get it. It would have been hell, for me and for the guys too for sure. I couldn’t have lived knowing that I watched you die before my eyes helplessly, that my world shattered before my eyes and I watched the shards pierce my heart out while out story just began. Dying means nothing to me compared to losing you.”
And at that moment something clicked inside Y/N’s brain. She believed Haechan at that moment, she believed that the knowledge of her being alive meant more to him than his own steady breathing. She believed Haehcan when he said that he would walk through a burning hell and wilt slowly every day without his own oxygen. She believed Haechan.
And that’s why she switched the aim of her gun from Haechan’s forehead to her own, pressing the cold barrel to her temple, right where a former bruise from his own hit had faded a while ago.
Y/N had to admit, in all the years she’s known Haechan, she had never seen such agony twist his face. His eyes had never been darker and more fueled by such raw desperation that it almost made her tremble. The pain in his features could make mountains bow their peaks and poke through Haechan’s heart to feel it bleed tears. He could barely keep himself from reaching forward and aggressively snatch the weapon away from his love, scold her into next week from ever considering bringing it so close to her face.
“Y/N no, anything but that. Please, stop this, you’ve come so far, I’ll help you escape, I’ll run away with you, we’ll start over, just please. Please not this.”
He was almost sobbing, breathless from the waves crashing down on him, drowning him in regret and hopelessness. 
“I don’t want any of that, Haechan. You lost me when you betrayed us and I lost myself when I lost you.”
“You didn’t lose me, you’ll never lose me.”
“Not only you, Haechan. Maybe you were the biggest piece of my heart, but the rest were pieces too. And too many of them are missing to still be considered a heart.”
He couldn’t lose the fight, he couldn’t back off, but he could see just how much he had hurt her. He wanted only the best, but he could only watch as Y/N withered away and he was left scrambling around, trying to gather the fragments of a broken soul.
“You can’t do this to me. You promised me that night that you’ll always love me no matter what. You promised, Y/N! You promised!”
His voice cracked under the pressure of losing her. He couldn’t grasp the concept of this being the last time he sees her eyes, the two galaxies that brought him such euphoria whenever he caught a glimpse of them. He couldn’t accept letting her go after everything, watching his own sun pale before him and go out, leaving no trace behind her for Haechan to hold onto.
“I did promise and I still love Donghyuck. I still love the Hyckie who fake cried with me the first time I had to get stitches, who danced with me at midnight after I had to kill someone to survive just to calm me down, who held the world in his palm but still smiled like a kid. I still love him and I’ll love Donghyuck until my heart bleeds out of love. But I don’t love and I have never loved the monster who stands before me.”
He couldn’t hold it anymore. He felt himself burst with ripples of despair as rivers of tears carved their way into his skin, burning through the cracks and surfacing the real him, the one who was forcefully thrown aside and crumpled. His soul seared through the breaches and begged for anything, for another chance, for another life, for his lover.
Y/N felt a single tear slip down her face too, a lone drop that encased her suffering, the loss of her family, her soulmate and herself, a regretful goodbye that echoed through their bodies painfully.
“Y/N please, please, anything, I’ll do anything., just please...”
His words got lost in between his sobs as he could barely hold himself from falling apart. He couldn’t do it, not anymore.
Shuffling could be heard from the other side of the door, hurried steps and even voices. They were loud, but neither Y/N nor Haechan seemed to care about them too much, imprisoned in their last shared moment, a silent confession tying the two of them. But Y/N knew she had to hurry. She had never backed down and this wasn’t the moment to.
“Haechan,” He was already gazing at her, eyes swimming in tears made of piercing stardust and broken bonds, “tell Donghyuck I’ll always love him.”
He shattered. He snapped apart as she closed her eyes and he couldn’t contain his movements as he jerked forward in a desperate attempt to protect her one last time, now from herself.
But he was a moment too late as two loud bangs shook the entire room and deafening silence followed.
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My Dirty Little Secret Part 2
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Negan/OC/Carl Grimes 
Rated: M 
Chapter Summary: Negan goes home after what happened and soon realizes he might be in some big trouble. 
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/28677084/chapters/70687248
Part 2 - Negan’s POV I left the house after that. I wasn’t sticking around for Carl to find me in the same place I had found him. Although the thought of that made me laugh, there was no telling what would happen if Daryl found out his precious niece had been degraded in such away. I knew Carl would put me in a second just like I was about to do. I wasn’t sure if I was actually serious about telling Isabella about him or not. I kind of had wanted to. It would be something to start my summer off right. I could see the interesting fighting from my front porch. It was like a soap in my front yard. If I was lucky, I could have gotten into a catfight. I even have my lawn chair set up for fights, but the neighborhood has mostly been quiet. This could have been the thing to vamp it up some. That was until Alexi had begged me to not and that she would do anything. My little friend was already rubbing against the zipper and her words were going to make me burst. It had been a while since I had gotten a release. I had never thought of Alexi like that before today. I saw her as a student and my friend’s niece. Nothing more. I knew better. There was nothing but trouble that came from going after your students. I made sure to keep somewhat professional. Something damn sure sparked different when I saw her beautiful breasts on display. I could see why Carl would risk it all just for a chance to touch her. Carl didn’t seem like that type of boy. That’s what really threw me off. He seemed loyal to the core. He wasn’t like me which was a very good thing. I was five years out of a ten-year marriage to the devil and I was still catching hell from her. I didn’t think it would end. Not that I was an angel in this, not even a little. Maybe she wouldn’t be the devil if I didn’t make her into it. That was my problem. It was a road that I knew Carl didn’t need to go down. I opened my fridge and pulled out a beer as I swallowed it down. It barely touched my throat as I poured it in. I was going to need to get good and drunk tonight after what had happened. I walked outside to the front porch where my lawn chair was and sat down. It wasn’t long before the house down next to the Grimes, Daryl came out a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. He looked frustrated as most of the time he did. It hadn’t been easy for him to raise his brother’s daughter, but he did his best. If I was a different man, I might feel shame for what I had. If I was a different man, it never would have happened. I wasn’t though. I was one sick ass bastard who got off from it. “What’s got your panties in a knot, Dixon?” I asked across the way. He rolled his eyes as he walked over to my front porch. “Teenage girls. I don’t see how you deal with them so much.”   “I don’t,” I tell him. “I try my best to avoid drama. What’s going on?” “I don’t exactly know.” He said leaning against the railing of my porch. He took a long puff of his cigarette. “She and Carl got into a little fight and she’s upset about something.” A small ping went into my chest. Was it guilt or the beer coming back up? “She won’t tell me what is wrong. I hate it. I know they will get over it. They always have gotten over it in the past, but I hate seeing her upset like that.” I shook my head, “She will get over it. Alexi always does.” Alexi or Lexi, as she preferred to be called, I tended to stick with her full name at school like the other teachers had. She was like her mother had been, she was hot-tempered and tended to blow things out of proportion. Not that her dad was any less hot-tempered. It was no wonder their relationship had ended in a giant explosion like Daryl had said. His brother raised Alexi most of his life until his death then Daryl raised her. “How’s Lucille?” He asked. I made a face at the name. Anytime I heard that name it made me cringe so badly. “Still a bitch,” I said through my teeth. Lucille was my pain in the ass ex-wife who had fabulously moved on from me with her new husband. I can’t remember the name. I didn’t care to remember it. All I know was he had way more money than some high school teacher. She made sure to tell me that, not before squeezing every cent that she could out of me for the divorce. For a poor piece of shit, she sure felt fine taking all my money. What little I did have. Daryl let out a small chuckle. He hadn’t known me back then. I didn’t move into this house until after the divorce was finalized and I could finally stop living outside my car. Back then, I had to shower in the boy's locker room for almost a year before everything was done. It was a nightmare. I never wanted to relive that part of my life ever again. I swore to myself that I would never get married again and most importantly, I would never fall in love again. That was some kind of scam the world created that I fell for. I should have known the cookie-cutter lifestyle would never be for someone like me. Now, I get to do what I like when I like. I should have known that was what I wanted in life in the first place. Daryl and I talked for a little bit longer before he headed back in. He had to be up early to go to work. I always made fun of him since he worked most weekends unlike me. He never minded since he did love his job. I headed back into my house and got ready for bed with my normal total of six to ten beers to make sure I fell asleep. Some nights it took more, but tonight I didn’t have many since my paycheck went to pay for something for my wife. I had to save the rest for another night. As I fell asleep on my chair, an image appeared in my mind. I hadn’t thought about the incident that had happened earlier tonight since the talk with Daryl, but now my mind has pushed it back to the front. I could picture her perfectly right in front of me. I could almost feel her soft hands around me again. Her warm lips wrapped around me as she slowly began to bob. I snapped awake suddenly when I heard my phone go off. I woke up in a sweat, harder than a rock. She was supposed to be just a fun little blackmail. An easy way to get off. But since she still lingered in my mind, I couldn’t help, but wonder what trouble I had just gotten myself into.
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sonicringbond · 4 years
Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey - Scene 15
And after vacation and a subsequent schedule change based on everyone's feedback, I'm finally back with the next scene of Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey. Now asides from schedule changes, such as only posting updates on Wednesdays and Saturdays now, the story has undergone some changes in presentation as well. I'll be mostly focusing on short 2-part episodic scenes for now with maybe the occasionally longer or shorter story. Prompts (I'll get to that after the story), will be one of the big determining factors in "episode" lengths and I hope everyone will be motivated by the story to send me some. For now though, let's join Rosy as she begins her solo arc of story...
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     ~The Rings will always remember. It became kind of our mantra after we first heard it. Our truth and that of this world itself made of Rings which join Gaia and Chaos energy together. But the Rings can also be used to bind people and share their hearts and memories. Or at least it sounds nice that way. It’s how I gained the ability to run at the speed of sound, at least when I’m not tripping over my own feet and falling on my face. Tee-hee! Though I guess it’s funny then that I’m lying in the back of a pickup truck on my way to my destination.~
     The truck the narrator referred to was an old beat up steam truck. The bed was enclosed by wood planks not unlike a fence and was filled nigh to the brim with hay. The narrator lay within, a pink hedgehog girl clad in a white leotard and red slipper like shoes. As the truck bounced along the road of old stone slabs, she reached a white gloved hand up towards the sky and peaked between her spread fingers.
     ~Well, I suppose it’s because I got separated from everyone. My boyfriend, the world-famous Sonic the Hedgehog woke up the Rings that were sleeping like I knew he could, and everything got kind of crazy.
     ~Well, I guess he isn’t so world famous. I’ve been traveling for a while trying to find him and my friends but none of the people I’ve met have heard of him. It’s kind of lonely running around on my own, but it’s also hard to imagine what it was like running with everyone else too. I don’t know why, but the lands the Red Star Ring took us too just mess with time and memories. Ooh~! It’s so frustrating.
     ~But you know what, it’s okay. The Rings will always remember. And I know when I close my eyes and feel the bond I share with Sonic through them that we’ll never forget each other or our friends. And I’m sure Sonic will find me again too. If I don’t find him first. Tee-hee.~
     Though she laughed to herself in quiet, the narrator could not keep herself from sighing with a longing smile. Through her fingers and the tree branches the blue sky opened up adorned with clouds hung on a gentle breeze. Beyond them a small planet loomed in the sky ominously.
     ~I hope you didn’t end up there Sonic. It’d be really hard to get back together if you did.
     ~What is that little planet? I don’t know. It’s not Little Planet and everyone I’ve met is scared of it. And no matter where I go, by foot, Ring Gate, or even getting caught in a Ring Shift it is always there like the sky has an eyeball. But I only see it during the day. It’s so weird. I bet it would be fun if I could go explore it with everyone. But I can’t yet. I have to find everyone first, and before I can only remember them through the Rings. And that’s hard enough too.~
     Rolling over in the hay and propping herself up on her elbows, Rosy looked through the back window of the truck at the sapient dog who drove it. They eyed her through the rearview mirror, and she waved at them with a smile. As casually as they had checked their mirror, they returned their eyes to the forest road they drove down.
     ~I don’t know why, but everyone is just as scared of Rings as they are the planet in the sky. They consider running from those awful golems I’ve been bumping into since before I was separated from everyone more natural than collecting and using Rings. It makes me feel kind of exotic as I still vaguely remember we used Rings everyday wherever it was I came from. Ooh~! It’s so frustrating losing my memories. I know they’re still in my heart, but the words and images are all so faded now. What an awful land to steal people’s memories and time. And there are so many more types of golems now too. It makes it hard to convince people I’m just a traveling sightseer looking to catch up with her friends when I keep having to break them.
     ~The people I meet are so nervous whenever they see me fight or run. I try to cheer them up and remind them that they have guards they send out to beat the golems, but they still fuss about it. I hope they’re not dismissing me because I’m a kid. Ooh~! That would be so mean of them. But not as mean as those priests.
     ~Hee-hee. I guess I haven’t thought about them in a while. It’s almost like every town has them too. Mean priests who strike you when you arrive to take away any Rings you collected while traveling. I don’t get what they mean when they say that Rings shouldn’t be held by people. It’s so weird. But that’s part of why I’m hitching a ride right now.
     ~One of the last things I did with my friends was take a big group picture together. We didn’t have time to make the picture from the film, but someone said they saw a picture of me with a whole bunch of people so I’m hoping to find it. If I can get the current owner to let me see it, and maybe even have it, it may be enough to make finding my friends easier. I just have to be so careful though to not spook anyone. It’s so slow going though. I’m so glad the scenery is pretty. It’s kind of nice to slow down and enjoy it for a bit.
     ~I just hope none of those mean golems attack.~
     Sitting up fully, the narrator scanned the passing trees for signs of the stone constructs that had impeded her travels thus far. There were plenty of signs of ancient stone brick structures that poked out of the forest, but no sign of any stones that were animated. With a sigh of relief, she plopped back down into the hay and spread her limbs out as though to make a snow angel. In her eyes the clouds and tree branches above drifted by and the lure of sleep to stave off her boredom grew subtly powerful.
     ~I really can’t stop. It makes it harder for my friends to find me, but if they’re in trouble, I have to keep moving. Tee-hee. Rosy the Rascal can’t stop moving. I guess that’s wrong though. It’s too much trouble to be a rascal anymore. I guess I have to settle for being Rosy the Traveler. Adventurer sounds better, but the people I keep meeting are made uncomfortable by that too, so traveler it is.~
     “W~o~w~!” Rosy’s mouth formed a massive “O” Shape as she peered out from the truck bed at the town that erupted from the forest. More so the town that grew like fungus on the monolithic stone structure that jutted out of the woods. More than enough trees grew from it to make it look like the structure would soon be pulled back under the forest, but for now it was home to a plethora of overgrown stone buildings with tiled rooves.
     “This was your stop was it not miss?” The driver asked stepping around to lower the tailgate and provide Rosy an easier means to exit the truck bed. With a nod Rosy confirmed the driver’s suspicions.
     “It is. Jutting Rock Village. It’s so amazing, don’t you think?”
     “Maybe. I just hope you haven’t forgotten what you came here for. Nothing more awful than a traveler who lost their purpose.”
     “Don’t worry,” Rosy smiled at the driver. “I can’t possibly forget because the Rings will always remember!”
     The driver gave Rosy a suspicious frown and she laughed nervously while trying to give him a reassuring smile. “It’s okay, really. The lands I’m from considered using Rings normal. No one ever even heard of Ring Craft. We were more worried about a scary man and his machines than anything else.”
     “Say what you will miss, but remember you only endanger yourself by putting faith in those things. You’d be better off if you were one of the lucky ones who can’t even see them.”
     “That’s not true,” Rosy puffed up her cheeks and thrust her balled up hands down by her sides. “Without Rings there’s no way I could have traveled as much as I have and experienced all of the wonderful things that I have.”
     “Suit yourself as I said. But what good is traveling and sightseeing when it’ll all fade in time?”
     “It’s why you have to live in the moment. It’s what Sonic taught me to do, even though I still think about the future all the time too. But even more so because this land steals our precious memories is it more important to live in the moment!”
     Perhaps it was simply Rosy’s persistence, or maybe the driver had a soft spot for children, but he finally smiled slightly at her. Her eyes lit up at the sight of the minute smile and the driver chuckled. “So be it. Who am I to tell a child who has made it on her own how to live her life? You go do what you do, and I’ll do what I do. Perhaps our paths will cross again, and we might actually remember each other.”
     “Don’t worry! The Rings will always remember.”
     With a wave and a laugh, the driver soon departed leaving Rosy to face the town of Jutting Rock Village. Energetically pumping her fists next to her shoulders, Rosy left the road and walked up the dirt path to the village. 
Scene 15 · CLEARED Rosy the Traveler, to be continued
And there we are, the opening scene of the Rosy the Traveler arc of the The Journey. Now, my first concern out of the gate is that I took a dual narrative approach for the story and hope it was not too confusing for everyone. Especially so since the detached 3rd person narrative is primarily in present tense while Rosy's first person is kind of leaning more towards past tense. For how I want to tell the story for the most part though, and the AU on a whole it is Rosy's adventures. Preferably I would love to have her adventuring alongside Sonic, but that is still something she has to earn and that the story has to make its way to naturally. I also have to consider the rest of her friends who are along for the journey and how they tie into her experience. But it is at the end of the day Rosy's experience and I hope to be able to capture that with this dual narrative approach.I hope everyone has enjoyed the story to this point and is hyped to continue this journey Rosy. Thank you for your support, it means the world for me and I hope you'll continue to be there support me. And if you can, please feel free to contribute to the story by submitting prompts to help shape the story. You can find all of the rules on my Prompt Discord Server - -, but feel free just to DM me your prompts here if you'd like. Thank you again everyone, I hope you enjoyed.
Story Format by @cutegirlmayra​ Story by @JoshTarwater/SonicFanJ Inspiring Song - Granblue Fantasy — Lumacee Archipelago Mysterious Forest
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Sonic the Hedgehog and all affiliated characters and logos are the express property and Copyright© of SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS used without permission under Title 17 U.S.C Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976 in which allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. “Fair use” is use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be considered copyright infringement. The Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey alternate universe (AU) consumer written work of fiction is a non-profit transformative work primarily for personal use and can and will be taken down without warning or prior notice at the request of the copyright holder(s) should it not be recognized under “fair use”.
*Sonic Ring Bond logo created by DEE Art – twitter.com/daryliscute.
Sonic Ring Bond AU and Sonic Ring Bond: The Journey are the creation of Joshua David Tarwater/ynymbus/sonicfanj/@Joshtarwater and is to be, including all contents herein considered for all legal purposes the property of the Sonic the Hedgehog intellectual property (IP) and copyright owners, SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS. All story contributors via prompt, suggestion, written scene, art, and all and every other contribution acknowledge that all contributed material is forfeit for legal purposes to SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS upon official request from SEGA SAMMY HOLDINGS.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up 😉
I am the bubbly cuddly kind of girl in the group who has a really good sense of humor and try to show sass tho filled with adorableness (YEA IM ADORABLE WAT WILL U DO BOUT IT)-w- your partner in crime. riding horse? FULL SPEEDDD pulling pranks? Ayee lemme in fam. sing a song?? MAMAAAAA OHOHOHHoHoH~~~~ everyones perverted straightforward darling, got a problem u cant solve? no sweetened words babe I will throw the facts o yo face I AM KAWAII thats wat everyone says tho #youdontgettojudgeme my teachers says I will be successful in life due to my out of the box thinking, leadership skills and academic performance YOAAAIIIIIII MO DAO ZU SHI BUNNNIIIIIESSSSSSSSSSSS(give me nobu not kenshin plz) HUUUUUGGGGSSSSS CUDDLESSSSSSS ANIME BOYS?? *SHHHHRRRIIIEEEEEKKKKK SO PERVERT EVEN SATAN BE BLESSING ME(welp mah parents are concerned) so single even my lips are virgin turns to glance at boys ass grabs my besties boobs quotes vines(LoOK At ThiS GrAPh~~~~~~~) overconfident, narcissistic , intelligent[?] (at least I’m a top student) but also insecured the student who reads for a week before exam and mange to get 90% marks thehehe LETS DO THE FORK IN THE GARBAGE DISPOSAL DINGDINGDINGDINH emails my English teacher ‘u’ instead of you still remain her prized student
Hi there, love! Thank you so much for the request 😃<3 I hope you are safe and well! ^0^ I hope you enjoy it, dear ^_^.  Your match just came to me, as if it were written in this very title hehe. ❤❤🔥
So obviously match you with…………… Nobunaga lol
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OOOOh girl, when you first arrived in Azuchi, you entered with a bang. You walked straight into that audience hall with your head held high, ready to fight. You now stood in the center of the hall, staring Nobunaga down. The two of you were basically fighting for dominance with your glares. Nobunaga was the first to crack under the intense staring contest, giving you the smuggest grin. He proclaimed you to be their new lucky princess. You thought for a moment, shrug, and said: “Nah, I’m good, but thanx.” Everyone in the room had to do a double-take. Nobunaga’s ruby eyes gleamed in amusement. “then tell me what it is you want as a reward for saving me.” You thought for a few minutes and then responded: “Nah, no thanks needed, you seem like a chilled dude.” Nobunaga just smiles, you certainly were an outspoken, entertaining woman. He then named you as castle chatelaine. You were super happy with that, so you just beamed up at him. You went to take a seat next to Masamune, who was waving you over to him.
Once war council was over; it was only you, Nobunaga, and Masamune left in the room. You were by no means a shy gal, so you chatted freely with them like old friends. They were so surprised and amused at all your perverted jokes and couldn’t help but howl in laughter. You were truly a hilarious woman. The three of you made jokes until Mamayoshi came to remind Nobunaga and Masamune of their duties for the day; they left to do their duties, leaving you all alone now with Hideyoshi. This boi thought from the moment he saw you, that you were going to be trouble. 
However, you pleasantly surprised at him. You worked incredibly hard, and you performed your duties diligently, often exceeding all expectations of you.
Nobunaga wasted no time in spending every possible moment with you. You were such a strange woman, and he couldn’t help but feel incredibly attracted to you. It didn’t even bother him that you had now dubbed him as Nobie. Much to Hideyoshi’s disapproval. But Nobunaga loved how outspoken you were, and low key kinda liked the nickname. He loved that you were always up for any and all adventures, and often the two of you would sneak out the castle and go horse riding. You loved to ride fast and feel the wind in your hair. He really enjoyed these little horse-riding trips with you as it was always filled with laughter and jokes. He loved the fact that you laughed at all his jokes and would always have a comeback leaving the devil king howling in laughter. The two of you would always race back to the castle, to see who the better horse rider was, you always seemed to lose much to your frustration. 
You and Nobunaga truly became super good friends really fast. He would often refer to you as his partner in crime. This was due to the fact that most nights, the two of you would be huddled around a makeshift drawing of the castle planning your candy heist. The two of you would plan everything to perfection, and then after executing a perfect heist, go back to Nobunaga’s room to chomp down on your precious candy loot.
Hehe and you truly fell in love with Nobunaga. You loved how even though he was the ruler and leader of a big clan, he just had this playful fun boyish energy about him. You two goofball are also known for pulling pranks on everyone in the castle in your free time. These pranks will range from putting whoopie cushions on Hideyoshi’s chair and then making a bunch of fart jokes, to messing with the silver kitsune. Although in saying that, you only pranked the silver kitsune once and never again cause that boi is the pranking master and will get you back x2 as bad. Like one time, the two of you just replaced his shampoo with honey, a harmless prank. But boy oh boy, did this kitsune get you back. This boy placed blue dye in all the bathrooms water supply, so when you and Nobunaga went to bath that night, both your bodies were turned blue from the waist down. You honestly thought that it was Nobu’s doing so you marched your way up to his room and slammed his door open only to run into him, storming his way to your room to blame you for the same crime. That is when Mitsuhide appeared and warned both of you against pranking him again.
Even though Nobunaga really loved you, he greatly underestimated your intelligence, which is a mistake he only made one. One day while the two of you were goofing off together, you spotted the latest war map and asked him about it. He explained the war strategies and plans for the upcoming battle in great detail. You looked over the board and map, something seemed off to you. The two of you continued on your day chatting and laughing, while something tugged at the back of your mind. That night you thought about the battle plans and strategies and realized they were slightly off and that they had too little men spread across the plain to successfully win the battle. You went up to Nobunaga to explain this when he basically just rejected your whole explanation. You legit told the facts to him straight, the two of you continued to bicker until you left the room in frustration slamming the door behind you.
You hadn’t spoken to Nobunaga in 2 days, and both of you were now off to war. You helped out around the camp, cooking and patching up injured soldiers. You and Nobunaga low key were avoiding each other, and EVERYONE noticed. It was the night before the final battle, and things weren’t looking too good for the Oda forces, you made your way to Nobunaga’s tent to give him the facts once again, and again he just ignored you. The next day shit was hitting the fan big time. Sweet angel Mitsunari arrived back in the camp being super injured, and that’s when you decided it was now or never. If Nobunaga continued the stupid ass battle strategy, he was gonna get himself killed, and it was no fun being mad at a dead man. You led Mitsunari into the medical tent and handed off your duties as the head doctor to one of the helpers. You then mounted Mitsunari’s horse and rounded up his troops. The lot was honestly running around like headless chickens without leadership. 
You rode out onto the field, remembering the battle plan you wanted to implement to strengthen the Oda’s defenses, they were weakest at the point that Nobunaga took control of. You rode like the speed of light, praying that you weren’t too late. You sent a silent thanks to Sasuke as you still had his smoke bombs, he had gifted you the first night. You rode to support Nobunaga and threw down the smoke bombs, giving you the perfect cover to command your troops to file a flurry of arrows at the enemies and thus giving everyone enough time to retreat and regroup. You saw Nobunaga fighting on foot, and you rode you him, tugging him to get onto your horse.
The two of you rode back to camp. You led him to your tent and patched him up as quick as you could, while patching you up he asked about your strategy, this time listening open-mindedly. After being patched up, he left your tent and was off to the battlefield was more. That night the Oda arrived back victorious, thanks to your and Mitsunari’s improvised battle plan. Nobunaga led you to his tent and apologized for underestimating you and thanked you for your bravery and leadership. After what he had seen, he was determined to make you his queen. He cradled your head in his hands and kissed you for the first time.
The two of you, goofballs make the cutest couple. You had discovered that the devil king is a secret cuddle lover. He loves to hug and cuddle you at all times, whether you are in public or private this boi wants you in his arms. He will devote his life to keeping you happy and will shower you with love and cuddles from sunset to sunrise. He loves laying his head in your lap while you sing to him at night. It’s one of those rare moments that he feels truly at peace and can let his guard down. Well, that is until you start tickling him, then you better be in for a long night cause this boi will get revenge for this playful declaration of war. (^_-)
All and all, this softi boi love you so much from your crazy good sense of humor to your sweet soft cuddles. You are truly the yin to his yang. And the only woman worthy enough in the whole world to rule the world by his side
 Other potential matches……………..Masamune 
I hope you liked it, dear!🔥❤ 
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everythingoesnk · 5 years
Once in Rockfield Farm (2/5)
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summary; just roger being a cute little shit. hang on there because things will get spicy after this one i promise
word count; 5 365
warnings; none i believe?
part 1
After a hideous long day dealing with a professor about why he should consider giving extra credit in the assignment you presented, you came home feeling resentful.
The only goal up your mind now was to take a hot bath and shut out the world.
Exhausted, you yawned and headed to the dining room to greet the boys with Sherlock on your heels, finding extremely satisfying to hear the flames of the fireplace rustling.
The scene you encountered filled you with tenderness: Freddie, John and Roger were sitting on the carpet, playing Scrabble already in their pyjamas devouring a huge pizza with the fire glowing in their precious sleepy faces.
"If you're gonna cheat you can leave the way you came" Freddie noted, clearly irritated.
Roger clicked his tongue, bored. He knew from experience Freddie was a sore loser.
His eyes fell on you as soon as you showed up.
You smiled timidly and looked away when you saw him roaming your figure, baffled that you liked the attention. His lack of precariousness, too absorbed in your curves to even care if you caught him, made your stomach flutteri n a sweet way.
“Oh, darling, hi. I didn’t hear you come in” Freddie was gathering the tiles up to start a new game.
“Hello, (Y/N)” John smiled and stretched his legs.
“How was your day?” Roger questioned in a throaty voice, still recovering from how your entrance got him weak in the knees.
You placed a slice of the pizza on top of a napkin, watching with desire the cheese melting.
“Awful. Where’s Brian?”
“He’s asleep” John explained.
“It’s only nine p.m.” you replied, surprised that he went to bed so soon.
“We’ve had a tough day”
Ah, you didn’t need to hear more. The last few days for them in the studio had been nothing but intense and frustrating.
Freddie offered you to join the game, but you preferred to observe. Seeing them mess with each other was much more entertaining.
You laughed till your belly and cheeks hurt when Freddie threw a pack of cigarettes at Roger’s face, accusing him of cheating again. The other became defensive pointing out how many suspicious words Freddie tried to make them believe they existed. Poor John tried to get in between the discussion to hurry things up, but knowing very damn well they wouldn’t listen, he came to sit next to you on the sofa.
The look he was giving you was nothing but perturbing.
"When are you going to perform for us?" he asked, straight down to business.
You too, John?
Sherlock jumped and plopped down on his lap.
“Roger told us you have a wonderful voice. He said more things actually, but I don’t want to embarrass him”
Aggressively, your face turned a weird shade of pink. You hid it burying your head in your hands and peeked out at him through your fingers.
“Shut up”
John cackled.
“It’s rude only Rog got to listen to you. You’re not that good at hiding your favouritism, let me tell you” Freddie taunted.
“She’s awful at hiding her favouritism, but you two need to cut it off” Roger instructed, and sent a cocky grin your way.
“Yeah, leave me— what?” his eyes sparkled with playfulness. “I never said you were my favourite, don’t flatter yourself. And for the record, you were acting the same the other day”
He licked his lower lip, a not so innocent smile plastered on them.
“It didn’t take me more than two minutes to convince you”
“Oh, shoo” you laughed, covering your mouth. “He said I sounded like an angel, did he tell you guys this?” you asked, playfully peering at Roger from the corner of your eye to confirm if he was still looking at you.
He was. He couldn’t not to when you were around.
John wanted to say that he did, repeatedly, and that when he mentioned how enchanting your voice was, Roger himself sounded so proud and utterly devoted to it.
Freddie exchanged a look with his disco friend that spoke volumes. The latter had a small smile ghosting his lips as he watched the scene develop.
“What are you trying to imply? C’mon, I see how you look at me when we’re rehearsing” Roger provokingly pointed out, emphasizing his words with the most coquettish smile, messing with his hair.
His eyes felt so heavy on you, stare loaded with… something.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. You must be confused, I look at Brian” you assured, resting your chin on your palm, one big grin on your lips.
“Do you? Well, you leave no other option but to get rid of him. Where could I hide the body? I’m lucky you have plenty of land”
You giggled genuinely, and Roger felt the need to get up and kiss you.
“(Y/N)” John called.
You didn’t even realize he left your side until you saw him at the door.
“Someone’s asking for you” he stated, gesturing to the rotary phone in the entrance.
You stood up, and as you walked past him, a pouting Roger grabbed you by the ankle, earning a chuckle from you in return. He was upset you had to leave to answer the call. That little teasing game with you was making his day.
Boisterous chaos of voices erupted from the living room when you were gone, the boys annoying Roger with comments about his soft behaviour towards you.
Disappointment rushed over you when you heard who was on the other end of the line.
“Hi, dad”
“What kind of circus have you put up at home?” he asked in a rather unpleased tone.
You didn’t tell your parents about your decision to have a rockband move in. It had nothing to do with them anyway; it didn’t affect their day to day.
John probably had to properly introduce himself since he picked up, giving a little away about who he was and why he answered his daughter’s call. You were embarrassed about what your father could’ve said to him, knowing he could turn out to be very austere and unfriendly.
“It’s a long story, dad, but don’t worry. Everything’s fine, they’re not staying forever, y’know”
“How would I know?”
He had a point.
“We don’t want you near that kind of people, you listen?” he protested into the receiver.
You found it funny and exasperating at the same time that your father, being as clever as he was –you’d grown to know that being clever didn’t necessarily mean someone was intelligent—, heard the word "rocker" and instantly related it to a person with poor hygiene and an IQ below average. A beast whom you just aren’t able to have a normal conversation with because the only thing they know about is sex.
He probably assumed they lived half their life in prison as well, because why not.
“We’re coming over on Saturday” he continued.
“And they better be gone”
You had to control the urge to scream at him for being so stubborn.
“They’re staying as long as they need, period. My grades are as excellent as ever, by the way” you enunciated, hanging up on him in the middle of a word.
That hot bath was very much needed now.
Saturday came sooner than you thought.
And you were terrified.
Since it was pretty noticeable how stressed you were about the reunion with your parents, who were coming all the way from America, the boys volunteered to set the table and save you the work.
The temperature had dropped a little, but it wasn’t unpleasant either, so everyone voted democratically to eat outside next to the pool.
Brian and John were busy placing the cutlery, Freddie and Mary stayed in the kitchen keeping an eye on the chicken.
"I knew I’d meet them someday, but not so soon. I didn’t even ask you out yet" joked Roger, approaching you from behind.
He waited for a reaction to his attempt to make you laugh and hopefully go red like you always did when he made that type of comments.
A line appeared between his brows when you exhaled, your languid gaze stuck in a random spot in the distance, huddling to the door frame. Roger loomed closer to you, thoughtfully, as you two watched Sherlock chasing a rabbit from the front door.
“Are they that bad?”
“No, ‘f course not. They’re also vain, self-centred, insensitive, hostile,” you sighed in despair, “and horrible parents”
Roger opened his mouth but you weren’t done.
“Just let me do the talking. The less you interact with them, the better”
You closed the door with your foot, turned around and paced back and forth, biting your nails.
Roger couldn’t help but stare.
Despite how anxious you were and the permanent meditative expression in your face, he cocked his head as he stared at you with a teeny tiny grin on his lips.
How did you manage to look so truly gorgeous all the damn time? That question kept coming back to haunt him.
Roger got used to it, yet he didn’t found an answer. Perhaps you were just the prettiest and most stunning living creature he’d ever seen.
“Chill out, love”
You checked the clock hanging on the wall and spared Roger a glance.
He chuckled at you crossing your arms across your chest, finger tapping them nervously.
“When you meet them you’ll know what I mean”
“Everything’s ready” Brian announced, walking in. “I’ll check how’s the meal going, I don’t trust those two with anything”
John followed him, hands shoved in his pockets, and sent you the sweetest reassuring smile.
You were so glad and grateful that you had these people with you. Whenever you were alone with your parents you felt overwhelmingly depressed.
As you jerked your head in Roger’s direction for he hadn’t said a thing for a good minute, you saw him massaging his temple and eyeing you. Your heart began galloping like crazy. He looked fucking handsome like that.
Like if he were debating where to start devouring you.
Roger walked up to you until he was just mere inches away.
“It’ll be alright, okay? We’re here”
A now familiar tingling feeling to your closeness invaded him when he slowly extended his hand to caress your cheek. You leaned into his touch, craving for him to don’t even considerate walking away now.
Tongue-tied, unable to produce a word, you were sure you were more than ready for him to do whatever he wanted to do with you at that very moment.
Roger rubbed his thumb against your skin, the only effective way he could think of to make you relax. What he didn’t know was that relaxing wasn’t in your dictionary at the moment, not when his docile fingertips were so incredibly soft, delicately and tenderly brushing your anxiety far away.
“How long’s it been since you last saw them?”
You sighed dramatically, disappointed when he dropped his hand to the side.
“One year, one and a half. I don’t remember”
Roger jabbed your side with his elbow.
“I don’t know if you know, but they have the most amazing daughter” he muttered, gaze fixed somewhere else, nodding to himself. “She’s about to graduate and has an enormous beautiful heart. And enough talent to end careers if she wanted to. Don’t tell her, but thank God she’s not releasing any records or we’d be screwed”
Every word he listed genuine, he expected more than anything to make you smile.
Hopeless to compliments as you were, you didn’t know what to respond. He was being so disgustingly sweet. It sent your heart rate beyond the damn Milky Way.
“‘Bottomless pit’, that’s what they said when she mentioned her intentions to become a musician”
Roger huffed.
“Fuck them, then” he spat without thinking,
Soon he regretted it, upsetting you being the last thing he wanted now, but he visibly relaxed when you snickered, making his stomach flip.
“Yeah, fuck ‘em”
Roger laughed and you laughed too.
He looked at you warmly.
“There you go. That’s what I was longing to hear, your cheeky and charming laugh”
It started to fade away moderately at his comment, and you furrowed an eyebrow.
He grinned cheekily looking down at you.
“My love, what are you doing?” Freddie asked Mary, who’d been peeking out the kitchen door for a while.
"Shh," she waved Freddie off, staring at you and Roger sharing a moment. She then returned to meet Brian, John and Freddie. "I didn't know Roger and (Y/N) were getting along this well”
A dark thought clouded her mind within milliseconds.
“You don’t look very pumped about it” Brian pointed out.
“We all know how he is”
“He won’t use her that way”
“How are you so sure?”
Brian raised an eyebrow when he found out he didn’t have a coherent answer for that. He just felt it in his guts that Roger wouldn’t treat you like one of his groupies.
“I just know”
“I second that” Freddie spoke, a little bit annoyed that Mary was so quick to jump to conclusions. “And honey, you were the first one to tell (Y/N) he’d bang her. I heard you two, you planted the seed”
“I never imagined she’d be into him, I thought she had a type. She prefers them a few years older… or used to” she added in a low voice.
“That’s just stupid, Mary” John interrupted.
The other two turned their heads and looked at him as if they were seeing John for the first time. Brian nodded; Freddie grinned.
“There’s no such thing as a ‘type’. When it comes to being attracted to another person you can never tell”
“I’m just surprised” she coughed, and grabbed a bowl to make a salad. “They do, then, like each other?”
“Roger’s into her, I think it’s obvious? I can’t read minds, so I’m-“
“Did he tell you?”
“-I’m not entirely sure about (Y/N). And no, he hasn’t. There’s really no need for him to verbalize it. One day I had to go get him because these two were arguing again,” he loitered around the door in case one of you would come, not wanting you to know they were talking about this, “and when I found him in the studio they were together”
“But that doesn’t mean anything“
“Mary, listen, if you’d seen what I saw, Roger’s face. I don’t know. I don’t know what they’d been talking about, but the way he was looking at her… I don’t know how to explain it”
“Try?” Mary glanced up at him.
He hesitated for a bit.
“Like if she were special”
Mary’s brows knitted.
The sound of the bell made your throat go dry.
You’d been listening patiently to Roger explaining that they were supposed to head to London for a meeting with Rheid the next day in the morning, hence why you didn’t hear them pull over.
“Please make sure everything’s good over there while I attend them”
Roger nodded and left, concerned on the inside when he noticed how the colour evacuated your face.
It felt like a kick in the stomach, the emptiness of where he stood seconds ago.
You needed him but you felt you couldn’t let him know, ‘cause it would be weird. Why would you need Roger for, exactly? To be by your side to welcome your parents? Stupid, right?
The relationship with them was… there wasn’t. One in which they fulfilled their function, better or worse? No. They never filled the mould.
With your father it was bad. With your mother, hard to explain.
But that didn’t mean you didn’t admire them as individuals for their accomplishments: your father was the owner of a law firm based in New York. Hadn’t lost a case in years, and that sure was the main reason behind the reputation of ‘untouchable’ he had. Your mother’d been a pilot for the USAF, but she was involved in an accident and in a wheelchair for life now, forcing her to retire earlier than suspected.
Awkwardly, you collected yourself, palms blooming with sweat as you twisted the handle.
Only your mother laid eyes on you when you starred their field of view.
“What were you up to? We’ve been waiting for a good five minutes”
Ignoring your father’s sharp comment, you tilted your body forwards for your mum to embrace you.
The thing about her was that deep down you were sure she was on your side about your inclinations concerning your future (she knew you inherited her father’s talent), but she wasn’t brave enough to let you know from her in case you’d use it in your favour against your father.
You wished the relationship with your future husband wasn’t based on the same pillars as their marriage.
“My sweet child”
Your father pushed her wheelchair inside and you hurried to close the door behind him.
"Father," you said politely, almost in a robotic manner, not really wanting to go through this.
And also because he didn't like hugs nor kisses on the cheek you kept the distance, conscious that that was what he expected from you.
“Make yourselves at home, I’ll get the others”
You turned around and quickly withdrew to the kitchen before they could say anything that challenged your nerves.
They looked at each other and you heard your mum whisper to him to “please behave”.
They seemed to loosen up a little when they recognized a familiar face, Mary’s, amongst the five people that followed you.
After introducing Queen, you offered everyone to take a seat at the table so you could start to serve lunch.
A sincere microscopic smile settled on your mother’s lips, but your father had his stern gaze upon Roger, who held his hand out to shake his.
“Hello, mister. It’s a pleasure”
With Roger’s hand still hanging in the air, your father looked at you stony eyed.
What was it about Roger that got him so creepy?
You took a fast glance at him to see what could possibly be your father’s source of irritation, and your eyes grew wider.
Father and Mother were wearing expensive, chic clothes, as per usual. Not a single wrinkle in his suit, her dress impeccable. Roger’s sense of style was everything, actually one of the many things that first attracted you to him. Regardless that, seeing him now made you close your eyes to internally pray for the ground to swallow you.
With a quick hand movement, you covertly gestured him to button up the blouse with floral motifs he was wearing, since he had his torso totally exposed.
A Mona Lisa expression was all he could pull off while working on getting it done.
At the head of the table sat your father, your mother next to him in the corner. Then Mary, Freddie and Brian, you in front of your mother, Roger on your left and John to conclude.
Uncorking the bottle of red wine, you listened as your mum and Mary established a pretty basic conversation to catch up. Luckily you had Mary to ease the mood.
You asked Freddie to help you with the starters and walked to the kitchen.
“They seem nice”
“Freddie I swear to God”
“We could always kick them out or have an orgy in front of them. Would that meet their standards of what rockstars do for a living?”
“There,” you handed him two plates, “do not drop ‘em, I plead you”
Freddie could finally settle down from going back and forth carrying things when you brought with you Roger’s and John’s food.
John muttered a ‘thank you’ and Roger scratched your back when you plopped onto the chair.
Maybe you were imagining things, but it sort of felt… different to a simply friendly rub.
You shook your head, shut up (Y/N).
“When’s the graduation ceremony?” wondered your dad before putting the first spoon of hummus in his mouth.
“The 19th”
“That’s around the corner, aren’t you excited?” your mum said.
“I’ve already chosen my outfit. I won’t give any details away, though. Do you have yours?” Mary cheerfully interfered.
“Eh… no”
“Well, you should really go shopping with Mary. She has an eye for fashion” your mum remarked.
“Thank you. I’ve learned a lot from Freddie, I must say” she turned her head and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.
“M, make sure you bring the Nikon to take good photos. I don’t want them to miss a detail of such important day in my life” you sneered without mincing.
They wouldn’t make it to the ceremony and it made your blood boil that they were looking so forward to it. What for? They wouldn’t even be present to witness it themselves.
Mary’s smile turned into a grimace, and she suddenly found the bread positioned next to her fork the most interesting item her eyes ever registered.
"Shade's unnecessary, don't even begin," your dad said severely. "We won't be drinking fucking cocktails in Barbados; we've got responsibilities in the States"
“And I’m sure you tried by all efforts to make it possible” you took a sip of the wine, still not making any eye contact with them.
Instead, you looked at Mary. She was begging for you to take it easy; you knew her too well to be able to communicate without words.
“(Y/N)” your dad warned.
“No, it just shocks me that being the powerful businessman that you are you cannot pull strings out to be there”
Shit, you needed to stop. Your eyes started to water out of bitterness and that wasn’t fucking cool. You’d cried too much over the years because of them and were able to stop the tears from falling at this point, but it was infuriating.
A promise is a promise, and you promised yourself to not shed more tears when it came to them. They didn’t deserve it.
Towards the end of the meal things cooled down a bit thanks to Mary again, that kept everyone distracted talking about… you didn’t even know what the hell she was talking about, lost in your own world.
Your breaking point reached the verge when your dad came at Brian.
At motherfucking Brian. The sweetest human to walk the Earth.
“Apart from playing the guitar, is there anything else you can do? In case the band flops”
That was it. That was fucking it.
You slammed the table, palms settled down against it.
Roger wrapped his hand around your thigh below the table.
“What the heck? Who do you think you are? Do you really think you’re superior to them? To anyone sitting at this table?” you were all noisy breathing.
Shaking your head in disapproval, you were about to put him in his place, and neither your mother or Mary would make you back down.
Alongside a high chin and flaring nostrils, you dad’s eyes burned as he scrutinized you. The thing he hated the most was when someone embarrassed him in public –which didn’t happen often—, but he knew if he dared to speak now it’d only make things worse.
“Brian owns a PhD title in Astronomy, Freddie a diploma in Graphic Arts and Design, Rog a bachelor’s degree in Biology, and John a 1st Class Honours Degree in Electronics. Shut your ugly clown ass mouth for once”
“(Y/N), please…” your mum begged.
Your dad stood up, and you pulled yourself to your feet to not give him the satisfaction to appear bigger, which’d psychologically help his ego.
Roger rose from the chair and pressed his lips together at the wounded look in your face. He grabbed you by the waist instinctively and pulled you closer to him.
“Why don’t we go inside…” Mary recommended the rest in almost a whisper.
You screwed your eyes shut, and when you felt like opening them, thankfully it was only you and Roger.
"See what I've got to put up with? Fuckin' surreal. You may think I exaggerated but he's a crackhead and I wasn't going to let him say anything nasty about any of you. I'm only sorry for my mum, she doesn't deserve— I keep thinking about the what-ifs. What if they divorced. What if grandpa was still alive. Oh, Rog. You'd love him, he was a gift from heaven"
The world stopped together with your talking when you felt Roger’s arms enveloping you in a hug, drawing you into his chest.
“Shut up for a bit and breathe”
Roger’s scent induced you in a daze that wouldn’t allow you to collect your thoughts.
In hopes of helping, he stroked your hair and yet pulled you even closer to him, kissing the crown of your head.
What you didn’t know was that Roger was as stunned as you were, completely blown away by how gratifying it was to be attached to one another. You nuzzled your nose into the crook of his neck, closing your eyes. The ringlets in his hair tickling your forehead.
Seconds, a minute, half an hour, a day, centuries, you didn’t know how much time you spent like this, with him leisurely clutching at your body.
Slowly, you physically distanced yourself a little from the warmth that his body irradiated. Not too far away, though, still safe in his arms.
Locking eyes was probably the worst choice for your well being you could’ve had made: he’d been searching your face for a sign that you were less anxious, but once you looked up at him through your lashes, he was entirely yours.
Foreheads quite close but still at a reasonable extent, none of you looked away.
“Hey” Roger mumbled.
"Hi," you uttered, voice barely audible.
“You okay?”
“I’ve had better days” you laughed mirthlessly.
“How can I help?”
“You’re doing enough coping with me now”
His fingers slipped around your upper arms. Roger watched you, unsure about your very questionable answer.
You flashed a tired grin but he wasn’t buying any of it.
“Rog, I’m okay. It’s not the first time I quarrel with my dad, and it won’t be the last”
“Then why don’t you talk to him and lay cards on the table?”
“Do you really think I haven’t done that already? It’s like talking to a wall. And whenever I bring up the subject, he encourages me to stop with the bullshit because ‘it’s not funny anymore’”
Roger shook his head in disgust.
“Enrolling for university was my choice, anyway” you muttered.
“They brainwashed you! Goddammit, if it wasn’t for them you’d be filling stadiums with a sea of people singing your lyrics back at you” he said, raising his voice.
Nibbling on your lower lip, you dragged your gaze back to him. Did he really mean that?
“Do you… you believe so?”
“If everything you’ve written is nearly as good as what you sang to me the other day… yes, I do. You’d be ruling the world”
“Overdoing it much, ay?” you gave him an affectionate nudge, unable to stop a large smile from appearing.
“Am I?”
“A bit”
He smirked and bit his inside cheek. You giggled watching him looking up to the clouds, pretending to think of an answer.
“I’m your number one fan, what can I say”
Looping your arm around his neck, you pulled him close to your side.
He stared meaningfully at you, watching you ran your thumb over his cheek in admiration.
At that very moment, if it weren’t for the fact that you were an insecure and doubtful human being, you’d have kissed him without a second thought. And if it weren’t for the fact that he knew you deserved better than him, he’d have crushed his mouth into yours and told you he was madly crazy about you from day one.
“I don’t know how to thank you, Rog. You’ve been nothing but supportive. It doesn’t go unnoticed” you revealed, tipping your eyes up to him.
His heart skipped a beat.
During the first weeks, he wasn’t certain about why his heart kept skipping any beats because of you. That answer he’d been searching was most likely unleashed by now.
Building the courage to suggest you to go to dinner someday, he got interrupted by Mary, who reemerged from the sliding glass door that connected the backyard to the living room.
She couldn’t manage to speak for a moment, somewhat surprised and unpleased at the sight of you and Roger so relatively close.
“Your parents are leaving”
You frowned, freeing Roger from your grasp, and then put on an “I-Don’t-Really-Care” mask on.
They were already at the door. You sighed.
Mother had an expression of concern, and Father didn’t even bother to cover his discomfort and willing to get the hell out of there.
The farewell with your dad was short and full of negative energy, so you were relieved when he hurried out to the car after saying that he wished you well, with the “until next time” plain line afterwards. Your mum took your hand in hers, blinking her tears back.
You whispered a low apology, but she shook her head.
Why everything had to be so difficult with them?
Tears threatening to escape your eyes at the sudden jolt of sorrowness, you wiped your nose with the back of your free hand, since the other one was still being held steady by your mother’s.
“Your boyfriend…”
“Roger?” you lifted your eyebrow, dazed. “You mean Roger? He’s not my boyfriend”
Her eyes crinkled. If he weren’t at least someone important to you beyond the friendzone, you wouldn’t have been so quick to know she was referring to him.
“How he rushed to protect you from your dad back there… I thought he was. My bad”
By the mischievous half smile she had, you could tell she was implying that whatever the situation was, it wasn’t as innocent as you thought.
“Okay…” you trailed off.
“I love you, baby. Take care of yourself, please”
A series of busy sounds awakened you.
Sullenly checking the clock on the nightstand, you swore to the angels you'd kill whoever was making so much noise so freaking early.
You snarled and covered yourself aggressively again.
Someone opened the door, and just enough to see, you stuck your head over the top of the sheet.
That person didn’t turn on the light so they wouldn’t blind you, but you immediately sat down and turned it on yourself with the switch next to the headboard, in which you subsequently supported yourself against.
When you realized it was Roger, still with a face of drowsiness and hair without combing, the upset he’d caused you decreased precipitously.
It was unfair. He was so cute it hurt.
An annoying heat rose to your cheeks. You were sure your look wasn’t the most flattering.
"Sorry, sorry"
"What’s it?” you asked, worried.
"Nothing bad, sorry I woke you up like that. But I have an idea"
"An idea? At six in the morning? It better be bloody good"
He smiled, visibly thrilled, and sat at the foot of your bed.
"Remember what I told you yesterday?"
"No, I don’t. Don’t make me think now" you groaned, wishing you could go back to sleeping.
"We have a meeting in London, we’ll spend the whole day there. I want you to come with me. Us… us”
"Me?” you rubbed your eyes, tired and surreptitiously having to fight back yawn after yawn. “What for? I’d be completely out of place in a Queen meeting"
"You cannot attend it. Though I wouldn’t mind"
"So? I have finals, and—"
"Jesus, (Y/N). I won’t take ‘no’ for an answer"
"Why do you insist so much? I simply don’t understand what the purpose of me going is"
"Please, come"
The glint in his eyes was irresistible.
It’d been a while since you’d mentally agreed, but you were dying to know what he was up to. Apparently it was a surprise, and knowing Roger, he wouldn’t give anything away.
If you wanted to know, you’d just have to trust and follow him.
hope y’all liked it. a reblog would help me a lot <3
tagging: @sweetdaisys @multifics @incorrcctqueen @namelesslosers
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lindsaylouus · 5 years
Starlit Secret - Part 2/2
A/N: Part 2 gets a lil smutty, not gonna lie. The first part was a bit of an intro, so here’s the bulk of the story. Hope you enjoy! :) <3  There’s a nice bit of fluff in here too, for anyone that wants to stick around ;)
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I made my decision. God I love Laila, and judging by his face, so did Seokjin.
He led you through a long corridor of plush carpet and oak doors. The mood had shifted from sultry and romantic, to rushed and frantic. You both finally stopped outside his room. Without a second thought, or glance to him, you entered. 
The view was breath-taking, almost as stunning as him, almost. The open window allowed a soft, cool breeze into the heated space. You continued to stare into the deep purple night, as you heard him close the door behind him.
After removing his suit jacket and throwing it onto the bed, he turned his attention to you. Repeating the scene from the balcony, sauntering forwards, cautiously. Whilst there was still space between you, before he could close the gap, you stopped him in his tracks. 
This is it, you thought to yourself. Taking a breath, you place both hands in front of you, halting him immediately. He knew exactly what you wanted him to do, and that was wait. 
You slipped each strap of your dress delicately off your shoulders. Pulling it down slightly, the fabric fell to the floor. Your bra joins it almost instantly. You turn your back to him, once again facing the night sky, the stars your only witnesses. Placing your hands either side of your hips, you push your underwear down to your ankles, keeping your legs straight. You bring your back up, remaining perfectly poised. You could feel the burn of his eyes on you.
There you stood, in all your glory, wearing nothing but your heels and necklace. 
Before you even think of turning back to face him, his large hands lace around you. You could sense his desperation to touch you, but his movements were calm and subtle. He stroked your exposed skin, giving you goosebumps. His nose traced a long line up your neck, his tongue followed suit. You move your head to the side allowing him more access, your eyes can’t help but capture the moment from your reflections in the window. 
His hand slid down your stomach and found your, now very wet, clit. His finger was moving in sinful circles, whilst his other hand massaged your breast, his mouth now latched onto your neck and teeth dug into your neck. 
You stand there unable to move, and not wanting to either, just gripped by intense pleasure. All you could muster was moving your hand to grip the back of his head, fingers tangled in his hair.
‘Seokjin,’ your breath heavy, ‘fuck me, please.’
The man did not need to be asked twice. He turned you around, lifted your chin and bore his eyes into yours.
‘Undress me.’ You’re impressed, he stumped you for a second.
Laila doesn’t falter though. Your naked and aroused body drops to its knees to untie and remove his shoes. You unbuckle and rip away his belt, pull down his zipper with your teeth and take off his trousers. 
Without breaking eye contact, you rise and tear open his shirt. You pushed it over his insanely broad shoulders, before returning to your knees to remove his underwear. Once he was completely exposed; you immediately take him into your mouth, holding his shaft firmly with your hand and manoeuvring your tongue expertly around his head. You suddenly take him in fully, then focus on the tip once again, repeating the motion whilst grabbing his ass. He tastes so good and his moans are music to your ears.
His hands were tangled in your hair, gripping on for dear life. Seeing the image repeated in the open window turned him on even more, but he was no where near done yet.
‘Get on the bed,’ he huffs heavily, gently pulling your mouth away from him.
Heavy breaths, sordid moans, pants and curses quickly filled the room as Seokjin slammed into you. He’d plunged in immediately, you wrap your legs tightly around his waist and latch onto those shoulders with your red nails. Bright pink scratches appeared on the surface of his skin. All the while, he left a constellation of licks, bites and kisses anywhere he could. 
Senses on overload, you could smell lust, feel him inside you, taste this tongue in your mouth and see more stars than you ever could in the night sky. That familiar, unstoppable tension was building at the core of your body. As your climax approached, Seokjin placed a hand around your neck and squeezed. That was it, you could now hear your own orgasm ricocheting off the walls.
Overcome by your noise, he pours into you uncontrollably, saying your name over and over again. It was the most beautiful symphony you could hope to hear. He never stops kissing you; eyes, lips, nose, cheeks, everywhere.
Quiet envelopes the once ignited room. The breeze bit at your sweating body. You lay beside him, under his arm, processing what had just happened. As he holds you, his breathing comes back to a more normal speed.
‘This is pretty,’ he says, moving your necklace between his thumb and forefinger.
His voice was no longer egotistical and confident, but light and playful.
‘It is, my boyfriend got it for me. It’s the constellation of Berenice’s Hair. Berenice cut off her hair to ensure her husband’s safety from a dangerous mission...’
He listened intensely, stroking your face softly as you spoke.
‘...He returned, so she fulfilled her promise to the goddess and placed her hair in Aphrodite’s temple. The hair disappeared, making the husband angry. But it was said that the goddess was so pleased with Berenice’s hair that she placed it into the sky.’ You stared down at the necklace, thinking of the person who gave it you.
‘Well, he clearly has good taste. You know, I bet he’s a really nice guy,’ Seokjin chuckled.
‘He is, but he can also be a complete dick. Someone who doesn’t realise that if we’re gonna pretend to be different people, that he should at least change his name!’ You’d been waiting all night to lay into him about this.
But, as you tried your best to be annoyed, you couldn’t stop laughing because he was laughing.
‘Oh y/n, your face when I said Seokjin,’ he was literally crying at this point.
‘Well I’m glad you’re finding this so funny, Kim Seokjin! After I followed all your rules.’ You tried to shove him away, pretending to be sulky. Jin apologised after wiping away his tears. You giggled as he pulled you back, tickling you.
The whole charade was his idea, but you were too intrigued to turn him down. You knew the two of you being drama students would come in handy one day.
‘Y/n, I’m sorry, but how could I improve on Kim Seokjin? It literally means large treasure. I mean, can you think of two words that better describe me?’ He looked at you with those innocent eyes, and gave you a wink. Ugh, he was right. Didn’t stop you from wanting to slap him though.
‘So tell me, precious Seokjin, why Laila?’ You asked after snuggling back into his side.
‘Ah well, Laila is a beautiful angel..’
You looked up at him with caution as he finished his sentence.
‘..of Conception.’ 
Now you really wanted to slap him. He could tell.
‘Relax babe, I’m just kidding!’ Here it comes, ‘Get it y/n? KIDding??!!’ And he erupted in laughter once again.
That damn infectious laugh of his, always gets him out of trouble.
‘Well you’re lucky I’m feeling too fucked to be angry at you..’ Just before you finished your sentence, a vibration came from your dress somewhere on the floor. Jin turned dramatically to you, eyes wide. All you did was freeze.
Your lips were on his before he could force any more words out of his mouth. When he snapped like this, you remembered that it was another reason why you fell in love with the beautiful dork.
After you broke away from the kiss, he cleared his throat, ‘OK, well, I guess I forgive you y/n, but I don’t think I like Laila,’ he pouted.
‘And why is that?’ Your head was leaning on you hand, elbow bent. You couldn’t wait for whatever reason he’d cooked up.
‘She ruined my new shirt.’ 
‘What a bitch, I’ll have a word.’ You couldn’t help but feel bad, ‘I’ll buy you a new shirt babe.’ And with that, gave him a peck on his cheek.
‘Speaking of which,’ he shifted on the bed, ‘I think I have a button where a button shouldn’t be.’ He looked directly at you.
‘Well, while you’re dealing with that, I’m gonna order room service, take off these evil heels and close this blind!’ 
‘Oh yeah, we may regret that!’ He laughed, whilst still trying to get comfortable.
‘Not for a second, my large treasure,’ he gets a wink in his direction, for a change.
‘Not for a second.’ 
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rudemaidenswrite · 5 years
Silent Caress
Part 3                      By: @pusantheamazonian
Leatherface/Thomas Hewitt x Blind Reader
Part 1 Part 2
You’ve created a kissing monster. Sorry not sorry.
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As soon as breakfast is done, Thomas is dragging you outside.
“How?”  He hastily writes.
“How what?”
“How did you know about the cannibalism?”
“Ah well at first I thought it was odd that Luda had to clarify that I was a guest in the house. Then Hoyt's payer at dinner was a red flag. Then your reluctance and hesitation to say that you're a butcher. And the blood, I couldn't place the smell but it was so familiar. Then obviously last night. When I thought about all the different reasons why. It just kept coming up cannibal.” You shrug it off.
“You are okay with this?”
“It is what it is. That reminds me, I should read you the Red Dragon.”
“It's about a doctor and he's a cannibal.”
“Really?” He pulls you into the shade.
“I only want to devour you.” He turns, intertwining his hand with yours while the other pulls you close. Kissing his way down your neck.
“Well there's a never ending supply of that.” Giggling you grab his tie to hold him close. It tickles but it’s cute and you love this sweet side of him.
“If you two are going to be neckin’ you might want to do it out of sight.” Uncle Monty chuckles.
“Uncle Monty!” Flustered you can feel the blush spreading. Thomas is still holding onto you but you can tell he's glaring at Uncle Monty. A low growl warns him to leave.
“It's just a suggestion.” You can hear the new found pep in his step. Uncle Monty heads to the kitchen for a beer.
“What’s so funny?” Hoyt asks seeing Uncle Monty chuckling.
“Just caught Thomas and Y/N neckin’.” He nods outside.
“Out behind the barn near the trees.”
“I’ll be damned our boy’s becoming a man.” Hoyt gives a shit eating grin.
In the basement Thomas is sure that there will be no further interrupts for now. He has set you on the usual table. Standing in front of you, your knees pressed against his thighs.
“The bruise is going away.” He rubs the area gently.
“That’s good, I forgot all about it.”
“It doesn't hurt so without being able to see it regularly. I forgot about it.”
Thomas frowns, why are you so pretty and cursed with your own troubles. If it was any other way he would have thought you were a model. Like the ones in his Mama's magazines. But you shy away from discussing how you look. When you had so desperately needed to know what he looked like. Praising his body before and after you had known his face. Maybe you just need to understand how he sees you.
“Soft Y/H/C hair, prettiest big Y/E/C eyes I've ever seen.” He holds your hand tightly.
“What are you talking about?”
“A smile brighter than the sun, and body with curves in all the right places. Like you were made for me.” With each word the more flustered you become, pulling at his grip.
“Where… where did that come from?”
“You said you didn't remember what you looked like. That's what I see.”
Burying your face in his chest, the tears start flowing. You can't believe he remembered that. Concerned he pushes on your shoulder.
“I'm fine… I just never expected someone to describe me like that.” Emotions boiling over you don't deserve him.
“It's true.”
“You shouldn't say things like that... when I've lied to you.” Thomas turns to stone, literally stops breathing. The fear takes him, wondering if you've been lying about loving him. “I'm alright now but… something happened when I was out with Uncle Monty.”
Thomas relaxes slightly to wrap his arms around you. The fear has turned into anger that someone hurt you.
“My cousins found out I was leaving, that's where the bruise came from not that escapie. Uncle Monty had to intervene.” A hand gently strokes your hair and you relax into his touch. “And those friends I told you that left me. They were actually my cousins, the same ones that tried to stop me.” His hold tightens. “I was scared that I would never see you again. I love you and I hate it when we don't talk.”
“You love me?”
Gasping, you didn't realize you said it. You had been thinking hard about the L word. Now you're embarrassed to say anything. Until he raises your head to figuratively look at him.
“You love me?” He cautiously write it out. Hoping he didn't hear you wrong.
“Yes.” Your face heats up and it's not because of the heat.
In a moment of pure joy Thomas kisses you. Ecstatic that you do love him. Fisting his shirt with both hands, the worn fabric threatens to tear as you lean into the kiss.
The creaking of the floorboards above pulls him away. He doesn't like having all these interruptions. Releasing his shirt you fidget with the hole forming on your pants leg. Both waiting for the all clear.
“You're staring.” Straightening up you poke his belly.
“How do you know?”
“It’s just a feeling, as if the air has changed and it’s only in your direction.”
“You have a problem with that?”
“No, I want to know why you’re staring.”
“You're beautiful. Why shouldn't I?”
“Such a complimenter but that doesn't explain why.”
“I… was thinking how lucky I am that you love me.”
A blush sets in. “That's a silly reason, everyone should be loved.” In the silence he caresses your cheek, running his hand through your hair.
“Well look at the love birds.” Hoyt jokes. Your face immediately becomes hot and you turn away. “I hate to break up this beautiful moment but Thomas has some work to do and Y/N you better be getting on upstairs.” The stairs creak as he goes back up. With a small groan Thomas lifts you off the table, setting you down at the stairs.
“I’ll see you later then. I’ll be my room if you want to come up when you’re done.” Biting your lip, you reveal in hesitancy he has to let you go. Delighting in the way he stalled when you mentioned coming to your room.
“I will.”
Upstairs you grab a book from your backpack. Which is still on the ground by the door where Thomas left it. Climbing onto the bed, you move the pillows so you're able to prop yourself up against the headboard. It's a long time before you hear anyone come upstairs.
The footsteps lead right to your door. There's a knock followed by a soft grunt as they move closer.
“Hi Thomas. Are you finished?” Another low grunt as he sits on the bed. “That sounds sooo exciting.” Teasing, you pretend that he told you all about it. But you already know that he's not going to tell you any details since he doesn't like it in the first place.
“What are you reading?”
“Don Quixote.”
“Don Quixote it's a story about a middle-aged man from La Mancha, Spain. Obsessed with the chivalrous romantic ideals he has read about, he loses his sanity. Deciding to become a knight to defend the helpless and destroy the wicked while reviving chivalry.” The confused silence  from Thomas let's you know that you went way over his head in the literature department. “Basically this elderly guy decides to become a hero. He's old, forgetful and clumsy but does things to help people. And nothing goes as planned for him.”
“Uncle Monty when he's drunk.”
“Possibly.” You try hiding your laugh. It's a funny picture to imagine.
“Will you read it to me?”
“Sure, I'll start at the beginning.” Closing the book, you restart the story. Your fingers softly grazing the braille. “In a village of La Mancha, the name of which I have no desire to call to mind, there lived not long since one of those gentlemen that keep a lance in the lance-rack, an old buckler, a lean hack, and a greyhound for coursing. An olla of rather more beef than mutton, a salad on most nights, scraps on Saturdays, lentils on Fridays, and a pigeon or so extra on Sundays, made away with three-quarters of his income. The rest of it went in a doublet of fine cloth and velvet breeches and shoes to match for holidays, while on week-days he made a brave figure in his best homespun. He had in his house a housekeeper past forty, a niece under twenty, and a lad for the field and market-place, who used to saddle the hack as well as handle the bill-hook. The age of this gentleman of ours was bordering on fifty; he was of a hardy habit, spare, gaunt-featured, a very early riser and a great sportsman. They will have it his surname was Quixada or Quesada, although from reasonable conjectures it seems plain that he was called Quexana. This, however, is of but little importance to our tale; it will be enough not to stray a hair’s breadth from the truth in the telling of it.”
Pausing you put the book down, the snores coming from Thomas are soothing. With his head in your lap, he fell asleep almost instantly. Playing with his hair you wonder why anyone would be mean to him. He’s a big softie with super strength.
There’s another knock and your head snaps up.
“Oh how precious. Do you want me to wake him?” Luda whispers not really wanting to interrupt this picture perfect moment.
“No its fine. I’m still reading.”
“Well if you need anything let me know.”
“I will. ”
You feel a little uneasy about this. His family seems to pushing you two together but cautious while still teasing the two of you. It’s not like the two aren’t already attached at the hip. It’s probably just their way of protecting him, since they don’t want him to end up alone and hurt.
You wake up with Thomas’s arm around you. His breath tickling your hair while you feel the rise and fall of his chest with your hand. This moment feels perfect, sighing you snuggle closer. It maybe the hopeless romantic in you but you’ve fallen hard for him. You just hope he feels the same way you do. His arm tightens around you and buries his face in your hair.
“Hello.” Chuckling at his action. There's a low rumble from his chest. “What time is it?”
“Good. That means we can stay right here.” Pressing yourself closer. “I told you, you would be great at cuddling.” Smiling you breath in his scent slowly drifting back to sleep.
Thomas woke up before you this time. Softly trailing a finger down your face. He can't help but to wonder if you're really an angel. You may not be able to see but you know his true face and still called him handsome. Only his mama calls him that.
There's so many questions he has but there's not enough time for the answers. Why do you love him? Why do you trust him so much? Do you really promise to stay forever? He can't shake the feeling that you have bewitched him somehow, no one as perfect as you would willing be with him. But he knew he had to have you the moment you first smiled at him during dinner. The surprising amount of optimism you had to communicate with him is what did him in. That was the moment he knew he was in love.
Fidgeting you bury your face further into his chest. But the light touches on your face don’t stop. Mindlessly swatting at whatever it is you wearily open your eyes to feel Thomas staring. Just staring at you with no real purpose.
“How long have you been awake?”
“And you’ve just been waiting?”
“Such a softie.”
“You should get ready before they wonder why you’re not up.”
“Why? I’m pretty sure they already know that there’s something going on between us.”
“All the more reason.”  He places a kiss on your forehead.
“Uh huh.” You reluctantly detach yourself and go to the dresser.  “Well then you can pick out what color dress I'm gonna wear today. Since you're still here.” You pull out a couple dresses and lay them on the bed.
The bed springs creak from movement and soon the floorboards do as he hands you one.
“Thank you. Now shoo so I can get dressed.” Smiling you give him a quick peck on the lips and nod at the door.
“Thomas Hewitt you are ornery this morning. You will not see me naked unless there's a ring on my finger.” Surprised at his stubbornness and boldness you push him to the door. More like you lean against the unbudging wall of muscle. Thomas chuckles at your attempt to push him out.
“I'll see you later.”
“Ok-” He steals a kiss while you're mid sentence. The door closes and you can hear his footsteps go down the stairs. “That sneaky... he's sure become confident in stealing kisses.” Sighing you might have created a kissing monster. Putting up the other clothes up, you slip on the dress he picked. A blue short sleeved sundress with pockets. It's always a good idea to have pockets.
Finishing up your heart beats faster as you get excited. You started wondering if later the kissy monster will take off his mask so you can get some proper kissing going on. Walking down stairs you come up with some back up plans if he says no.
For the past couple nights Thomas has begun sneaking into your room at night to cuddle. Holding you tightly against him like you were going to disappear. It's nice waking up to someone else in the morning. It strangely makes you feel complete.
Coincidently Luda has started bringing you to the station with her. Saying you could do with some routines so you wouldn't have to be stuck at the house all the time. Thomas comes and fetches you after lunch time. He takes what he calls a shortcut back to the house. It's not much of a short cut since it goes through some woods and a pasture. Reaching the woods he picks you up and carries you the whole way, only setting you down when he's reached the edge of the yard. You tell him every time that he doesn't have to carry you, you're fine with walking the long way around. You don't want him to injure himself. But he won't listen to it, he just holds you tightly. Positioning you so you can sit upright and see him. In these moments you lean against his shoulder playing with his hair. Asking simple yes or no questions, or just talking about random things on your mind.
But today you had remembered a joke you wanted to tell him. With Luda back from her break you know he would be here any moment know. It may not seem like it but he likes to stick with routines. It makes him feel safe and calm when there's a routine.
The husky breathing and creaking floorboards coming from the back alert you to Thomas's presence. He prefers to enter from the back to avoid people. The slow sliding of fingers down your arm confirm it.
“Hi Thomas. Oh! I have a joke to tell you. I've been thinking of it all morning.” He squeezes your hand wanting you to continue. “What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman?” He draws a question mark. “Frost bite.” There's a long pause before he answers.
“Frostbite. You know a vampire bites people and a snowman is frozen, made of snow. Frostbite is when your skin is exposed to freezing temperatures too long…. Any of this making sense?”
“You're not good at jokes.”
“Oh how rude. I should punish you by telling you all the corny jokes I know!” Poking him you act offended. You know they're corny that's the whole point.
The bell over the door rings and you ignore it. Luda's here so you don't have to worry about trying to help the person. But that changed when the confused voice of your cousin Derick pulls your full attention from Thomas to the front door.
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