uM sorry I’m awkward at these idk what happened but can you move me to everything taglist? Thank youuu
heyyy absolutely you’re on it now, love💖 
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grandmascottlang · 6 years
(for the positivity project; sry if this sucks..) Ambahr, it’s okay to have a bad day. it’s okay to feel bad about yourself. chubby? it’s okay! beauty is not defined by skinny-ness nor acne. even Aphrodite, goddess of beauty, has stomach rolls. it’s okay to not be able to work out much, everyone’s bodies are different! and, your work is amazing. on top of the line. love to see more of it. hope you come back ❤️❤️❤️
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clownkiwi · 6 years
SO your bday was May 23rd??? If so HAPPY LATE BDAYYYY If not this is embarrassing :))
!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDnd dont worry its fine 👌👌👌👌
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prettyyoungtragedy · 6 years
It’s Complicated titles like Curiosity Killed the Bucky scares me but please tag me in that? Thank you!
Hahaha maybe it is bad? Idk! done!
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zophora · 6 years
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casgirlwrites · 6 years
I love Superheroes Wear Flannel Too If its not too much of a bother, can you please make a sequel/part 2?
Hey thank you so much!! You’re too sweet ❤️I’ll DEFINITELY write it but it might take a while as my exams are going on and I have a couple of requests to catch up on :(
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wiener-soldiers · 5 years
atypical family dinners - peter parker
summary: peter thought that the scariest thing about dating tony stark’s eldest daughter would be facing brooding starks. turns out, it’s facing the rest of the avengers.
words: 1.6k
warnings: au? (welcome to the latest episode of ‘eliza ignores infinity war and endgame’) everything is all fine and dandy between steve and tony, morgan is in this. also not really edited.
a/n: i made a post about peter babysitting morgan. don’t tell me that’s not the most perfect thing you’ve ever heard. this is the product of that.
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“Yeah, Dad?”
“Did you clean your room?”
“Did you clean your room?”
“(Y/N),” your Dad whines.
“Someone taught me this thing to deal with your pestering: if you ask me to do something, I ask you if you’ve done the same thing.”
“Did your Uncle Rhodey tell you that?”
“Uncle Steve, actually. Give him more credit.”
Tony rolls his eyes at you as you sit across from him on the kitchen island. He stands at the sink washing blueberries (for you and him, you guess it runs in the family) while you absentmindedly twirl a pencil in your fingers while staring at the functions problem in front of you.
“Question,” you say to your Dad. Tony looks up while mid-eating another blueberry. He nods in your direction for you to continue, “Why do I need to learn periodic functions? Like yeah, I get how there are real-life applications, but no cycle is perfect. I need to learn this again because, why?”
Tony chuckles softly throwing a blueberry up in the air at you. Ungracefully, you stumble out of your chair to catch it in your mouth.
He cheers at you before saying, “Well, I’m pretty sure you gotta learn it to learn more math.”
“Okay, that’s bullshit.”
“Very fair, but watch your mouth.”
“Says you.”
“You’re using that strategy again, aren’t you?”
The elevator door on the far side of the common floor at the Avengers’ Tower. You take a glance at the metal doors as they slide open, revealing Peter Parker. The puppy-eyed boy catches your gaze and you offer him a soft smile, which he returns.
Peter frequents the tower for several reasons: for the ‘Stark Internship,’ because your Dad likes the kid more then you let on, and because you and Peter have been dating for the past few months.
“Hey, look who’s here!” Tony says as he notices your gaze elsewhere. He throws a blueberry at Peter as he approaches, but instead of catching it, he whacks it away in surprise.
“Pete, don’t waste the blueberries!”
“You expect me to catch that? It was heading straight for my face!” he says before stepping forward and pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. You smile at him before he waves at your Dad, “Hi, Mr. Stark.”
He shudders at your PDA before saying, “I forgot you two were still teenagers and still did that whole…lovey-dovey affection thing.”
Peter blushes immensely while you roll your eyes, “It’s not like you don’t do that with Pepper.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tony finishes before putting the washed blueberries in a bowl and sliding them across the counter to you and Peter. “You staying over for dinner, Parker?”
“Uh…I don’t know Mr. Stark. I don’t want to be intruding,” he stammers. You and Peter had been dating for about six months. Your Dad had almost no problem with the two of you together (“He’s a good kid. I’d rather you date him than some Upper East Side prick.”), Pepper thought he was a great influence and absolutely adorable, and your step-sister Morgan absolutely loved the kid. However, your extended Avengers family didn’t really know a lot about him. Your Uncle Steve likes him and knows he has a good heart, but everyone else was hesitant to let their little baby (granted, you were in high school) hang around with a guy, more so a guy with powers.
You poke him with the end of your pencil, “You’re just saying that because you don’t want to deal with domestic Avengers.”
Both Starks laugh at him as he stuffs blueberries in his mouth.
“C’mon, Parker. They’re harmless. Uncle Bucky looks brooding but he’s literally just a big teddy bear. Uncle Sam is a little—”
“Much,” your Dad finishes for you.
You throw a blueberry at him to shut him up, “Whatever. But he’s fucking hilarious.”
“(Y/N)! The mouth on you, I swear to God.”
“I wonder where I get it from?” You tell him sarcastically, to which he smirks at you.
“Seriously though,” Tony says to Peter, giving him a soft and reassuring smile, “consider staying for dinner. Pepper’s making pasta, Steve and I’ll try our hand at the barbeque.”
You clasp your hand around his, rubbing it softly, “You’re an Avenger now, and your family. Stay for dinner, Pete.”
He glances at the two of you before sighing, “Okay, I’ll stay. But—can we hang out with Morgan first, I love that kid.”
You and Peter walk hand-in-hand down the streets of Manhattan with a blabbering Morgan on his back. Morgan chats about her new-found knowledge on cheetahs on a documentary she watched at school while eating a cone of ice cream as Peter carries her piggy-back style.
You let Morgan go on for longer as you and Peter let your hands swing. The warm sun reflects off the buildings and you smile at Peter.
“Hey, Peter?” Morgan asks, offering you the ice-cream cone she’s holding so she can wrap her arms around Peter’s neck. You take the cone from her, not before smearing a little bit of the ice-cream on her nose. She laughs at you before rubbing it off.
“Yeah, kid?”
“Dad says you’re staying for dinner and you’re scared of all of my Aunts and Uncles,” your little sister states bluntly.
“I am not—”
“Peter,” you say with a soft smile, “you know she’s right.”
The three of you arrive at the entrance of Avengers’ Tower and make your way inside. Peter lets Morgan off his back and she waves at every employee milling around. The three of you make your way to the elevator and step inside.
“Hey, Miss F.R.I.D.A.Y.?” Morgan asks politely while looking up to the ceiling. You and Peter chuckle softly as she sways back and forth.
“Yes, Miss Morgan?” the automated A.I. says.
Morgan smiles, “Can you take us to my Dad? It’s dinner and I’m hungry.”
The elevator starts shifting upwards, “Of course, Morgan. Your parents are with the rest of the Avengers on the common floor for dinner.”
“Thank you!” she states delightfully. Morgan then fixes her gaze on Peter, “So. Dinner.”
“What about it?” Peter says while fidgeting.
“Just be yourself. Dad likes you. Mom likes you. (Y/N) likes you. Uncle Stevie likes you. I like you, you buy me ice-cream!”
Peter smiles at your sister before picking her up and giving her a hug. “How old are you again,” he asks jokingly.
“I’m five!”
“So wise. I bet you learn it from your Dad.”
“I learn it from (Y/N) actually.”
The elevator doors slide open and the smell of food wafts into the air. The Avengers are seated around the table while your Dad and Uncle Steve bring barbequed food from the porch. Pepper catches sight of you first.
“(Y/N)! Morgan!” she says with a smile.
Peter lets her down and she runs into Pepper’s arms, “Hi Mommy! Peter bought me ice-cream!”
“Did he now? Before dinner?” she says amusedly as you and Peter approach her. You press a kiss to your stepmother’s cheek as she gives you a tight hug.
“Hi, Peter! How are you, love?”
“I’m good, thanks for letting me stay for dinner,” he says while giving her a hug. After they separate, Morgan immediately grasps his hand.
“Of course, you’re always welcome here.”
Pepper leads the two of you two your seats and you greet people as you walk. You wrap your arms around your Uncle Bucky and Uncle Sam to give them a hug as you walk by, giving them both a kiss on the cheeks.
“Well, is this that Parker kid you keep talking about?” Sam asks, turning around in his seat to face you and Peter. Bucky does as well, his metal arm glistening in the light.
“Yes, sir,” Peter answers, sticking out his hand to shake, “I’m Peter.”
Instead, Sam stands and bring Peter in for a bro-hug, Bucky following. “Don’t need to call us ‘sir,’ kid,” Sam says.
“(Y/N) talks about you enough, you’re a good kid. You have a bunch of spider-powers and you still think my metal arm is cool. I respect that,” Bucky says.
“You’re always welcome here,” your Aunt Natasha says from across the table.
He smiles at awe at all of them and you wrap your hand in his, “Thank you, all of you.”
“Alright hooligans, time to eat!” your Dad shouts, walking back in the room holding a bowl of mashed potatoes. Uncle Steve enters the room behind hip holding two bottles of wine.
“Hey, Queens. Nice of you to finally join us,” Steve says jokingly, and Peter smiles enthusiastically in return.
“Hey (Y/N),” your Dad calls out, “help me with these damn potatoes.”
“Language!” Morgan calls from her seat beside Pepper.
The entire room bursts into glee and you turn to Peter as you watch him laugh as well. Without warning, you lean forward and press a soft kiss on his lips. Not caring if your family watches, Peter smiles against the kiss. You hear your Dad groan from behind you.
The two of you pull away and Peter smiles at you breathlessly. “What?” he asks.
You smile at him, “Nothing, it just…you look so happy.”
He smiles at you again and wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a hug.
“All right, that’s enough you two. We’re hungry,” Tony calls from across the table.
“Hurry up please, I’m hungry!” Morgan whines.
The room laughs again as the two of you take a seat and start dinner. In hindsight, Peter isn’t sure why he was nervous meeting the rest of your family. If they are anything like you, Peter knows he would love them as much as he loves you.
taglist: @sebastianstanfoundmymixtape​ @accio-rogers​ @lionheo04 @stupendoussciencenaturepanda​
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Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Summary:  Please could you do one where Wanda is being cute and I ask her to marry me? - Anonymous
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Wanda was many things: intelligent, sweet, fierce on the battlefield. It was a marvelous and frightening sight. No matter what Stark said, to you, she was the strongest Avenger.
She’d lost everything, yet still found the will to carry on; to smile and make those around her do the same.
One thing she wasn’t, was graceful. She was rhythmically challenged. Though, with the life she’d had, it made sense that dancing wasn’t high on her list of priorities. She’d been self conscious about it the first time you asked her to dance at one of Tony’s parties. She still is, actually. The only time she’s not shy about it is when you’re alone.
“HA! I WIN!” Wanda shouted, throwing the controller on the couch as she stood to perform her victory dance. “I wiiiin, I wiiiin,” she sang, shaking her butt in the most erratic manner.
Though she loved kart racing games, she was never very good at them. So on the occasion she actually won a race, she’d get excited. You usually laughed at her performance, tugging her back onto the couch and kissing her to both congratulate her and express the happiness you felt at seeing her happy. 
You didn’t laugh this time, though. There was nothing different about this victory, or her dancing. The difference was within you. Your heart swelled as it usually did, but for the first time it felt like you needed more.
“Marry me,” you blurted, your eyes widening as you realized what you’d just said. She stopped and spun around, gaping at you. “I don’t know why I just… I mean I want to, but I don’t even have a ring and I should’ve… oh my god.”
Wanda then made a sound you’d never heard before, and all you saw were her arms flailing as she knocked herself into you.
“Yes yes yes!” she squealed, peppering your face with kisses. 
“Really?” you asked incredulously. “Even though it wasn’t romantic or anything?”
“Oh, Y/N,” she sighed, beaming at you. “It was perfect.”
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Permanent -  @melconnor2007 @ria132love @psychicwitchphilosopher @sireennotsiren @silence–in–the–library@thefridgeismybestie@hymnofthevalkyrie@abbybills22@mvasquez492@ek823@nicky10876@sophiealiice @madeof-ink@dugan365 @magnitude101999 @way-ward-whale @i-am-the-fandom-warrior @seabasstiantrash @eden-the-human-garden
Marvel/Avengers -@majd943@coolblueintrovert@danijimenezv@prancingdestiel@galacticalstarcat@beautifulbows924@lionheo04@dyanlzbb@pennywisethedancingclown13  @ludwigvonbaethoven @alilianamendez@cravingmustard  @thisismysecrethappyplace  @just4muggles
If I missed you in the tags, let me know!
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notimetoblog · 5 years
Summary: She can’t  help but get frustrated at her inability to leave behind little love marks, but Bucky doesn't mind. After all, it is his birthday and spending time with her trying to solve this dilemma is all he could've wished for. 
A/N: Hi guys!!!! It’s been exactly one month since I last posted a fic and im so excited to be able to share this one with you guys!! It is my (super late) entry to the beautiful @sgtjbuccky ‘s challenge! I am so sorry Sal, for taking this long to post! Thank you, though, for being so kind and understanding! It’s also Bucky’s birthday today, so I knew I had to write something fluffy just for him! Thank you all so much reading and I hope you guys like this one. 
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It happened every time, and yet the little sounds of disapproval that came from her as she ran her lips across his neck, randomly stopping for a playful frustrated bite, always made him chuckle. 
She laid on top of him, both cozily surrounded by the mess of blankets they had not bothered to fix after last night’s pre-birthday festivities. Her warm body pressed so nicely against his as he wrapped his arm around her waist to bring her even closer. 
“It's not fair,” he heard her whisper, her breath tickling his neck as she found yet another spot on his neck. 
With furrowed brows she raised her head, staring back at him with those lovely eyes of hers. The morning light seeping through his parted curtains cast the prettiest of glows on her adorable pout. She was frustrated, and it made her even more loveable. If she didn't already have his heart, that little pout of hers would’ve won him over in a second. He couldn't quite remember what had officially made his heart hers, but that pout surely was at the top of the list — probably tied with the beauty of her eyes, the warmth of her soul, and the sound of her laugh. 
The happiness he was feeling at having her so close, feeling so wrapped up in her warmth, was evident in the way his lips so easily turned up into a genuine smile.
 “You already tried last time, doll, and it didn’t work.”
“I know,” she said slightly defeated, that pout of hers beautifully intact as she let her eyes roam his neck once more hoping to find the perfect spot. “Still doesn’t make it fair.”
He let his head turn to one side, giving her ample room to continue her exploration of his neck. The gentle pattern she was tracing on his neck with her soft, warm lips was enough for him to feel his eyes close on their own volition. The way her breath fanned across his neck raising goosebumps on their path had his breath quicken. She always had this effect on him. Always could make his already fast-paced heart beat just a little bit faster. Running a mile in less than 5 minutes barely had any effect on his breathing, and yet one simple kiss from her made him breathless.
And ever since she had discovered this little thing about him, their mornings would often be filled with this; her laying directly on top of him trying to find just one tiny spot where she could leave a slight mark.
Her discovery had come in the middle of an incredible night, one the Bucky often thought back to. He had let his lips and hands roam every inch of her body, had taken in those beautiful sounds he was bringing out of her, and he had playfully left a few marks where only he could see. Gently he had sucked a tiny bruise right below her collar bone, letting his tongue soothe and kiss over it, making her squirm much to his delight. With a challenging smile she had turned them over, finding the same spot on him but as she came up her brows had instantly furrowed.
“What?” he had heard her ask quietly only to have her bring her lips over the same spot again saying there for just a little bit longer.
“What’s the matter, darling?” he had asked after she had done the same thing three times, letting his hands continue to roam up and down her sides.
“It won't stay,” she had almost whined, bringing her lips back to the same spot for the fourth time. “It just disappears.”
“What disappears?”
“Wait, give me a sec,” he had heard her say as she found a new spot right below his jaw.
“You’re playing dirty, sweetheart,” he had chuckled as he felt her gently suck a new mark where most people would be able to see.
But there wasn’t a teasing look on her features. Instead one of confusion remained.
“Why doesn’t it stay?” she said a little louder this time, finding yet another spot.
“You haven’t told me what’s so confusing, doll,” he reminded her, turning his head to the side as she pressed her lips to various spots on his neck.
“The mark, Bucky,” she had said, frustration slowly seeping in her voice. “It’s there for like a second, and then it goes away. Look.”
With that, she had gotten up grabbing his hand and pulling him into their bathroom, the bright lights blinding them for a second.
“Look,” she repeated as she brought her lips to his neck once more, but his eyes had remained on her reflection. With the lights on, every inch that he had kissed was now on display for him; something she immediately noticed. “Focus Bucky,” she had giggled. Gently he felt her suck another mark, but as soon as her lips came up, he saw the slight bruise immediately disappear. “Why does it go away? I want it to stay, Buck.”
A chuckle had washed over him after he almost immediately understood what was happening.
“Darling,” he had begun, his arms wrapping around her waist to bring her close again. It hadn’t been more than a few minutes, but still, his body craved hers. “It’s the serum. You know how I can heal broken ribs in a few days? I guess I can heal your cute little marks in seconds.”
“What?” her voice had become scandalized. “How is that fair?!”
“I thought you liked the fact that I healed fast,” he had teased.
“Yes, when there are bullets flying in your direction, but not when I want to leave a little mark.”
“Guess you’re just going to have to try a little harder, doll. I won’t complain if you want to continue your study for a few more hours.”
And she had. Unwilling to give up she had tried her hardest but the serum, of course, wouldn’t let her succeed.
And now she once again laid on top of him, months later, her lips desperately trying to find just one spot that would succumb to her.
“You’re the worst,” he heard her whisper, her voice and the laugh that followed muffled by her proximity to his neck.
“I mean, you’ve only tried my neck, sweetheart. Who’s to say other parts of my body aren’t weaker?”
Her head instantly came up, eyes full of that playful glint he adored. He mimicked her expression, eyes playful, eyebrows wiggling, hoping it would be enough to lead them both to continue the fun they had started last night.
“I know what you’re thinking Bucky Barnes,” she laughed. “Keep looking at me like that and see what happens.”
“Is that supposed to encourage me to continue or threaten me to stop. Because I’m really excited to see what’s gonna happen if I continue.”
“Only one way to find out I guess.”
“It is my birthday today, isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is,” she smiled, biting her lip in the way she knew made him go crazy. “Happy Birthday.”
“Guess, I’ll take my chances and continue,” he said, letting his eyes continue to gaze into hers with that playful glint.
“Oh, it’s on, Sarge,” she said as she let her lips crash into his with a laugh. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
His birthday was just beginning, but having her here, both taking their time to explore each other already made it the best birthday he’d ever had. 
Bucky Tag Club :) 
@camillechan @just-add-butter @buckyisthepuresthuman @carry-on-my-fandom @creideamhgradochas @sixweekcure4dreams @verycoolveryunique @dugan365 @jitterbuck @buckysmusculararm @headinthe-fridge @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety @hedwigthelegend @sappybarnes @coal000 @the-whitewolfie @natcad @winters-beauty @dixonsbugaboo @sawdustandsugar @silverbvcky  @whyugottabsorude @theoutlinez @killjoynotes @agentpegcxrter @demonspawn2468 @books-movies-eternal @buckysbeech @thefridgeismybestie @lionheo04 @pinkfairyfluff @imaginecrushes @cauraphernelia @angieptt @fridolf-arach @nerdgirljen @bucky-is-a-hero-fightme @consttantina @titty-teetee @bfuckjames @crowleysqueenofhell @sebtrashcan-stan @jaamesbbarnes @heartssick @losemymemory @redstarstan @dracris33 @fuckthatfeeling @tamed-chaos @bringmetoawonderland @mlehbleh @mawimey @delicatelyherdreams @buckyswinterchildren @jaysaku @stanclub  @your-pixels-are-showing  @thisismysecrethappyplace @who-the-heck-knows @polaroid-idiocity @plumsforbuckxx  @friendly-neighborhood-lich-queen @bambamwolf87 @ohhhotstan @whileinparis @sebbysstangirl @trashpandabarnes @buckybarneshairpullingkink @ohhhotstan @lokilvrr @freyjawalker @sebbybarrnes  @palaiasaurus64 @httpmcrvel  @piensa-bonito @until-theend-oftheline @awkwardfangirl2014   @mywinterwolf @all1e23 @teamcap4bucky @lokissoul @prettyyoungtragedy @suz-123 @buckyofthemyscira @kentuckybarnes @tropicalcap @moonbeambucky @hello-lucifer-here @sold-my-soul-in-2016 @ifyousayyouloveme 
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jewels2876 · 5 years
Cinder Fella
Pairing: Cinderella!Steve Rogers x Princess!Reader
Square Filled: Fairytale AU
Word Count: 666 - yikes
Warnings: bad fashion, mild swearing - pic is not mine
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Steve was tired of cleaning up after his annoying step-brothers Tony & Stephen. “If only there was a way out of this life,” he said to no one out loud. He sighed and continued to sweep the floors, finishing with the cinders by the kitchen fireplace. Exhausted, Steve slumped down into a nearby chair. I could use a break, he thought to himself. The sound of footfalls forced Steve to keep his eyes open as Tony & Stephen barged in.
“Steve, get off your ass and help us! She’s coming here any minute!” Tony shouted, throwing a good pair of shoes at Steve. “These should go with this suit, yeah?” Tony held up an ugly powder blue suit with a white ruffled shirt underneath.
Steve held back a snort. “Sure Tony, that looks really… coordinated.”
Stephen rolled his eyes and held up a three piece grey suit for Steve’s inspection. “This is better though, right?” In Stephen’s other hand was a pair of bright white loafers. Steve was pretty sure his eyes were going to burn from the brilliance.  “Yup, better…” Steve muttered.
A loud knock came from the front door; Tony and Stephen shrieked simultaneously. “Steve, answer the door!”
Steve looked down at his red plaid shirt, dusty worn jeans and brown work boots. He ran a hand through his hair first, then through his neatly trimmed beard, to loosen the dust that had settled in both. “Coming!” He lumbered towards the front door while his brothers changed there in the kitchen.
Steve opened the door without any preamble. “Hey,” the words died on his lips as he stared at the beautiful princess he had met three nights ago at the ball. Back then he had been clean-shaven and dressed to the nines in an inky black tux that clung to all the right parts. Now here she stood, the woman of his dreams. And he looked like a lumberjack.
The princess tilted her head, staring at Steve longer than was proper. But who would blame me, she considered. This tall strapping man was straight out of her fantasies, a fantasy she shared with only her diary. “May we come in?” the princess asked, indicating her entourage behind her.
“Of course, Princess y/n! Where are my manners? Please, come in!” Steve pulled the door wide to allow everyone in. “May I ask your reason for the visit?” Smooth Steve, he chided himself, she’s here to find her prince that ran off.
Princess y/n studied Steve again with a small smile. “It’s refreshing to find someone who doesn’t follow the gossip about town. I’m looking for the owner of this shoe,” Y/n’s footman held out a patent black dress shoe; Steve sucked in a breath. That’s MY shoe!
“We’re here!” Tony announced as he and Stephen stumbled into the room. Steve choked on a laugh seeing his brothers dressed like idiots. Y/n’s smile rivaled Stephen’s shoes in brilliance.
“Well! I didn’t know there were three of you! Please, I will need all three of you to try this on,” she pointed to the floor as the footman laid the shoe on the floor.
Tony and Stephen wrestled before Tony finally grabbed the shoe and took a seat on the closest seat. His tiny foot slid right in, but as he took a step the shoe went flying and hit one of y/n’s attendants in the forehead. Steve and y/n both snickered.
“Smooth Tony,” Stephen teased as he took the shoe from the concussed attendant. He tried to jamb the shoe onto his long foot, but it would not stay on. Before the shoe could be passed to Steve, Stephen smashed his foot further into the shoe. Stitches were visibly frayed and the heel of the shoe was stretched beyond repair.
Y/n wailed. “What did you DO? Now I’m never going to find that man from the ball!”
Steve ducked his head bashfully and held out the other shoe. “Will this do?”
Tag list: @lokiandbuckyaremine @jamesbarnesappreciationsociety@thenormreedus@courtmr @ticklikeabomb @octo-cow52@xxloki81xx @woodworthti666 @greenarrowhead @lovely-dreamer19 @moonbeambucky @yafriendlyfangirl @lilyrosebae @after-avenging-hours @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @marvelc00kie35 @thejemersoninferno @lionheo04 @dewy-biitch @bitsandbobsandstuff @readitandweepfics @lokilvrr @lostinthoughtsandfeelings-blog @theimpossibleg1rl @princess-evans-addict @stuckyfox @4theluvofall @loricameback @moondancewrites @halcyonrogers @writing-for-a-chance @ruckystarnes @angryschnauzerwrites @221bshrlocked @suz-123 @senoritastucky @devilbat @jpat82 @caramell0w @spookyscaryskeletonsus @theoneanna @lilybellsworld @inlovewith3 @mrs-captain-evans @crazybutconfidentaf @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @sillyboyscomicsareforgirls @shield-agent78 @mackevanstanfan80 @jebra1999 @the-wayward-robot @renanyx @notyourtypicalrose @boldlybeardedgiver @time-travel-bouqet @patzammit @sarahivi
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bucky-made-me-do-it · 5 years
Stay with me
A/n: this is nowhere near my best work but it was just something that popped into my head and I thought I’d write it. I wasn’t going to post it but as I’ve had a huge time of writing nothing I thought, why not.
Bucky x reader
“What the hell happened to you!?” Y/n calls to Steve as she ran over. “I saw Hulk panic and came over to see if I can help and this!” She points at the older version of her friend who stays sitting and just looks back at her.
“I took the infinity stones back and decided to try life. I can’t lie and apologise because I’m not sorry, Y/n. It was something I decided to do,” his eyes flick to Bucky momentarily.
“Did you know about this!?” Y/n spins around and shouts at the shocked man now staring at her with wide eyes. “Well!?”
“Well, yes but-,” Bucky started.
“You know what, I don’t want to know.” Y/n storms off to the cabin.
“Bucky, go. Tell her or you may as well have come with me.” Steve tells his best friend. “You’ll regret it if you don’t. Not everyone gets a second chance as I did. Trust me, love and life, it’s amazing.”
Bucky finds Y/n in her room packing her things and knocks on the door.
“Can I come in,” he quietly asks.
“Do whatever you want, everyone else does.” There’s a long pause and the tension in the air was high until Y/n finally breaks it. “You know what, I can’t believe he’s done this! Actually, yes I can. It’s so Steve! Always think of number one, who cares how everyone else will be affected!” She throws a picture of Steve and herself across the room.
“Give him a break,y/n. He left for a good reason. He left for Peggy. For love. It’s always been Peggy, there was never anyone else for Steve.”
“I know but he’s my friend.”
“He’s not dead, just older. He’s still the same man.”
“Yes, Buck but for how long? He is one of the only people I have in the world. He’s the only one who gave me a chance when I had none left. Now Tony and Nat are gone too, it’s all falling apart.”
“You have me, am I not enough?”
“It’s different with you,” she blushes slightly
“Because it is,” she turns slightly hoping he didn’t notice the flush in her cheeks.
“Y/n, I came here to tell you something,”
“Are you leaving me too?” She interrupted.
“No. Steve asked me to go with him but I couldn’t, he asked me more than once if I was sure and my answer was always the same, I can’t.”
“But you loved the forties, why would you stay in a time you hate? You keep saying you don’t fit in here why not leave when you had the chance?”
“I stayed for the reason Steve left.”
“You love Peggy?” Y/n screwed up her face in a mixture of confusion and amusement.
“No,” Bucky chuckled. “You, y/n. I love you, Doll. Always have and I stayed hoping that you maybe like me too and judging by the blush you had a few minutes ago, I'm going to be kinda bold and assume I'm right?”
“And what if you are? Maybe?”
“Then I’m hoping you will let me kiss you right now and we can have a go at that life Steve was talking about. Apparently it’s amazing!
“Then I say kiss away sergeant and show me life!”
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cumonbucky · 5 years
First Date
Summary: Your brother Steve follows you on your date with Bucky without you knowing. College AU.
Pairing: Bucky x Rogers!Reader
Warnings: Steve being an annoying brother
A/N: Heyyyyy! Jeez, I haven’t posted something in soooooooo long, it’s been a MINUTE. Anyways, I hope you like this :)
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You’ve known Bucky Barnes since sixth grade when you were defending your twin brother, Steve, from bullies and one of the boys pushed you to the ground, causing Steve to get upset and Bucky - who was rounding the corner - to heroically step in and scare the daylights out of the two boys.
You’ve had a crush on him since your senior year of high school when he took you to prom - as friends of course - and overheard a group of girls saying nasty things about you leading to him putting them back in their places.
To put it lightly, Bucky Barnes has always been there for both you and your brother, even when Steve bulked up sophomore year and could take care of himself.
Now here you were, your junior year of college alongside your brother and his best friend.
And let’s not forget, Bucky asked you out on a date.
“He did what now?” Steve questioned as he followed you around your dorm.
“He asked me out.” you reply simply, finding the earrings you were looking for and putting them on.
“And when were you planning on telling me?”
“Never but you ruined that by being nosey.” you give him a side glare.
“Y/N,” Steve steps towards you, cupping your hand in his. “My dear baby sister-”
“You’re only seven minutes older than me.”
“-it’s my job to be nosey.” you stare at him, making it clear you were done with his shit and he sighs. “He’s my best friend. If he hurts you, I’m gonna have to fight him.”
“You don’t have to fight him.”
Steve stares at you, blinking for a moment before saying, “I’m gonna have to fight him.”
“Oh my god,” you groan. “you’re crazy!”
“I’m going on my date with Bucky now, I suggest you go back to your dorm before Carol comes back and puts you in a chokehold like she did last time you were here.” you say, grabbing your things and heading to the door.
“Your roommate is crazy, Y/N. I mean, who just puts people in chokeholds?” he says, completely baffled as he thought back to that day.
You lock your door and turn to your twin. “Who just sneaks into their sisters dorm at night to scare them?”
You start walking down the hallway as Steve jumps to catch up with you.
“I thought Carol was you!”
Walking into the restaurant, you spot Bucky immediately and by the looks of it, he spotted you too. You make your way to him as he stands up from the booth with a smile on his face.
“Hey,” you grin as the two of you hug.
“Hey,” you pull away and he gives you a once over. “you look beautiful.”
You playfully roll your eyes and blush, sliding into the booth. “You’ve seen me in this outfit before, Buck.”
“I know. You just always look beautiful.” he says as he sat across from you.
You shake your head with a smile before the waiter arrives to take your order.
The date was going great. You had hardly ate because you were so invested in a conversation with Bucky. That, and your nerves were getting the best of you. I mean, going on a date with your crush would obviously cause you to get nervous. Especially when Bucky looked so good sitting in front of you.
He was telling you about a project he had to do for a class when your phone buzzed in your pocket. You ignore it and focus on what Bucky was saying until it buzzed again… and again.
You let out a quiet sigh and take it out, unlocking it under the table as to not alert Bucky.
Steve: It’s been 15 minutes since ur food came
Steve: Why aren’t u eating
Steve: u need to eat
Your eyebrows furrow as you glance around you quickly before you focus back on your phone.
You: How do you know that?
Steve: Not the point
Steve: Eat ur food
You: what the fuck is going on Steve
Steve: Language
Steve: Also pay attention to Bucky
Steve: And eat ur food
Steve: Unless
Steve: OMG
Steve: Is this code for something?
You: Is what code for something?
Steve: u paying more attention to ur phone than Bucky
Steve: Omg do I go and save you
Steve: Are you not having a good time
Steve: Blink twice if u want out
You: Also
Steve: I just do
Steve: It’s our twin powers
You: We don’t have twin powers
You: You’re on crack
The three bubbles pop up and disappear several times before he sends another message.
Steve: stfu and eat ur food
“Y/N?” Bucky called and you lift your head up immediately.
“Is everything alright? I could tell you were a little out of it right now.” he says, genuinely concerned.
“Yeah, yeah, everything’s fine, sorry.” you say. “So your project, how’s that coming along?”
Bucky smiles and starts talking about the process of the project and you can’t help but draw your attention around yourself again. How did Steve know about the food? Did he have one of his friends follow you? Was he watching from outside?
Your phone buzzes again.
Steve: Stop looking around
Steve: ur being rude
Your head shoots up and you look around before locking your eyes on someone who was in a black hoodie, sunglasses, and short brown wig.
The person notices you staring at them and mouths an ‘oh shit’ before putting their head down. You immediately take out your phone and open your messages.
“Y/N?” Bucky’s voice pulls you from your phone yet again. “Hey, if the date was getting boring or something you could’ve told me instead of being on your phone the whole time.”
He was frowning. Not because he was mad, but because he was sad. He thought you were enjoying the date as much as he was. Then again he always enjoyed anything that had to do with you.
“No, no, no, I’m having a great time it’s just that… Steve’s here.” you confess.
“What?” he starts looking around, trying to spot his best friend and you point him out.
“Yeah, he’s been texting me.”
“This guy is crazy.” Bucky mutters.
“Tell me about it.”
“C’mon.” the brunet stands up and you follow him over to where your brother was sitting.
Bucky clears his throat and Steve reluctantly lifts his head up.
“Oh hello,” Steve says in a high pitched voice. “Can I help you with something?”
“We know it’s you, Steve.” you say.
“Who’s this Steve? My name is Sarah but maybe I can help you look for-”
“Steve.” Bucky gives him a glare.
Your brother sighs, taking off the sunglasses. “You caught me.”
“Why did you follow me here?” you ask as you crossed your arms over your chest.
“I just wanted to make sure everything went okay.”
“Leave.” Bucky says.
“Leave.” you repeat Bucky.
Steve sighs but stands up. “Fine.” he began walking to the door before stopping and turning back to the two of you. “But how will I know if everything goes well?”
“I’ll tell you all about it when I get back to the dorm, buddy, now go.” Bucky tells him.
“What if you don’t tell me everything and-”
“Then I’ll tell you about it too, now leave!” you groan.
“Fine, fine, fine,” he says. “Be safe, if he tries anything tell me and if she tries anything tell me and if you’re not in our dorm by midnight, you’re dead meat, Barnes.”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Bucky waves his hand dismissively.
The both of you watch Steve leave and give it a good 2 minutes before finally heading back to your booth.
“Your brother’s crazy.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Anyways,” Bucky looks at you with a smile, back to being completely smitten with you. “where were we?”
A/N: Sorry if there’s any mistakes, I’ll fix them later.
@almondbuttercup @janetgenea @bobabucky @bearded-bucky @fuckmewintertucker @theassetseyeliner @cuddlysteven @4theluvofall @hollycornish @ufffg @barnesandnoble13 @writingsleepless @feelmyroarrrr @moncun @hazie-rey @the-sun-will-shine-on-us @lionheo04 @sarahp879 @nazkaynakcioglu @pineapplebooboo @missrobyn81 @buckysforeverprincess @auskitty @m1rkw00dpr1ncess @mikaylathescrewup @wintersoldierbaby @supermerlinwho221b @katiekitty261 @moisttoas-t  @cant-decide-at-this-moment @jaamesbbarnes @feelthemusicfuckwhattheyresaying @piensa-bonito @always-kaleidoscope-eyes @dreamer1495 @girl-next-door-writes @ign-is @221bshrlocked @saharzek @its-daydreamer23 @shliic @a-sound-of-thunderig @xloue @marvel-biatch @stxcky-barnes @thisismysecrethappyplace
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grandmascottlang · 6 years
Go the Distance (Modern!Hercules!AU) Cast List
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I had to draft up a cast list for this mini-series I’m currently to make things less confusing for myself (and once I read through the list it, it’ll probably make more sense to you too!) Also, I made the moodboard, but none of the pictures in it belong to me! I’ll also be posting a masterlist soon, so be on the lookout for it!
Peter Parker as Hercules
The reader as Megara
Richard Parker as Zeus
Mary Parker as Hera
Uncle Ben as Amphitryon
Aunt May are Alcmene
Tony Stark as Phil
Vulture as Hades
Ned as Pegasus (obviously, Ned is the guy in the chair, but he has to fit in somehow, Pegasus isn’t a flying horse in this story)
The Tinkerer and the Shocker as Pain and Panic
Flash as that guy who’s always mean to Hercules at the beginning of the movie
Karen as the Muses
Sandman, Hydro-Man, and Electro as the Titans
Go the Distance: prologue coming soon :’)
Tagging for attention
Peter Parker Taglist (Strikethrough means that I wasn’t able to tag you!)
@graceisobsessed @manucristiny @fanboyswhereare-you @mysteriouslyluckymoon @spideymood @queenkida-is-bi @beautiful-and-damned @vendylewin @stop-that-go-away @lostnliterature @whythefuckisgamora @sugacraving @pastelsweaters-and-bubble-t @super-fire-breathing-girl @peterparkers-waffles @kicknamestakeassgirl @hollandahlia @hither-to-undreamt-of @magical-fandoms @skittles-anime-123 @koithings @hearteyeholland @stargirlish2 @its-obrosey-bitch @smexylemony @headsup-itsmostlypeter @wisestarfishpoliceyeet @tryn25 @rosehollnd @rude-much @maricalradical @ladylogolepsy @corvus-of-moonlight @thumper-darling @tomzhollands @j-marvel-memester @usergoneviral @spideres @sydthekid443 @bookgirlunicorn @plxvo @splashofbi @artclutteredhowell @strangerthingsluv @spideypancakes @butithasntkilledyouyet @megzdoats @mobtomsgirl @rumoured-whispers @emmyfignewton @popluckbih @humbletom @hollandandi @battleinthedark @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven @bookworm104 @starlightfound @griff1ndor @onlytomholland​
Permanent Taglist (Strikethrough means that I wasn’t able to tag you!)
@golden-guide @assbuttlikepie @im-fandom-trash @mazewitch @beesarebetterthanpigeons @nobledoritoman @my-babies-are-ash @delooe @theonlyellashelton @negative-love @kneelbitches-ftloki @life-equals-books @aw-hawkeye @hollandharrison @loserparker @tomsfireheart @parkersolo @starlightfound @starksparker @maddymarvel @likechadwick @chokemetomholland @curlyboyholland @verycrazyfangirl @generalokoiye @the-quackson-brothers @angelpparker @sunshiney-souls @crescentstarknight @tommylovestrains @lowkey-love-loki @dancewaterdance02 @upsidedownparker @oh-dear-tommy @chingonaconcha @simplyamidnight-owl @webfluidbih @yourwonderbelle @doowneey @southsidefandoms @alilblogger @ak6007 @simplechicwithacrazedheart @hisfreckleshaveconstellations @urstucky @fortheloveofmcu @dangerousluv1 @eternallovers65 @cutie1365 @trashqueenbitch @highladysab @alltoowhalee13 @heromarcus @gab-spidey @sholla4-314 @jellybean-gg @sergeantbxrnxs @utterbillandezratrash @lionsfandomsandbearsohmy @iaiabear @your-ordinary-girl @livialove1014 @flawless-tlc @chennyetomlinson @skinfxxthlegend @my-current-obsessions-hehe @girl-in-the-chair @elianas-book-blog @roseschnapp @randomfandom3599 @stephie-senpai @thebraveandthefree @slytherin-princess-25273 @slowly-gently @spn-worm @desir-ae @lionheo04 @shootingstarsaretearsofheaven @m4df4n @thomastanleyparker @sighspidey @chrisadoodle @fanboyswhereare-you @a-singleboat @petey-stark-parker @tompollander @dreams-of-feysand @nebulafading @notfergusmom @lemirabitur @lynaminroll @spideys-jj @lovelyh0lland @devillinchi @holyhollland @modern-day-citrus-cowboy @spectacular-spiderboy @fandomxobsessions @totallyreadyforthis @gayvodkatour @quicksoldier @spider-bitten @spider-gwenscanary @ironspiderguy @elentiya02 @spiderllings @mischiefmanaged49 @allofthebitters @just-random-stuff-18 @rosaromanoff22 @yeahbutmarvel 
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wiener-soldiers · 5 years
tipsy (i) - peter parker
summary: you lost five years of your life to the blip. five years without your family, your friends, and without really being alive. your dad’s solution? send you and your friends on a fully-paid vacation to spain. no superheroes stuff, no villains; just pure, teenage fun. how eventful could one week be?
words: 1.1k
pairing: peter parker x stark! reader
warnings: drinking (not really underage if they’re legal in that country), typical teenage stuff, young love and pining
parts: part one, part two, part three
a/n: ooey gooey teenage fluff
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Basic-(Y/N) did not come out often.
She was often reserved for the two months of the year where you aren’t worried about grades and school and being stuck in an Infinity stone or whatever happened; summer.
And when summer rolled around, the VSCO-loving, Instagram-whore, Basic-(Y/N) made herself known.
You weren’t really one to try to keep up with ever-changing Instagram trends (not that you are a “not-like-the-other-girls’ trope, you just had more important things to worry about), but during the summer, everyone, most especially your dad and your best friend, encouraged you to let loose a little bit more.
So, you stood in front of your bathroom mirror, fiddling with the friendship bracelet that Morgan, your stepsister, had made for you a few days prior, and readjusting your incognito airport outfit.
“You’re overthinking this,” your Dad says as he leans on the door frame to your bathroom, sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose as he watches you decide whether or not you will be joining your friends on a trip to Barcelona, Spain.
You sigh and run a hand through your hair, “Yeah well, I don’t know why you’re letting me go to Spain with my friends. You’re planning something, aren’t you.”
“I am not!” he defends himself.
“Dad, you wouldn’t be paying for this trip unless you had some kind of motive,” you scoff, “Flying a bunch of teenagers to a country where we are legal? You are definitely up to something.”
Your Dad sighs before pushing himself off the threshold and walking towards you, arms open in an embrace. You quickly step into chest and breath the scent of whatever new cologne he’s wearing as he straps his arms tightly around you. You both stay in that position for a while before your Dad pulls away, ducking his head to look at your face. You stare back up at him.
“Look, kid,” he starts, “I know the Blip was hard for this family. You disappeared and came back with a new baby sister and a family who still mourned but tried to still carry on.”
Your eyes water at the thought of Morgan, the sister you cared about so deeply despite not being there for a lot of her ‘firsts.’
Your Dad smiles softly at you as you bury your head into the t-shirt he wore underneath his blazer. He rubs your back and continues, “But sweetheart, you gotta be a kid again. That grape took so much of your teenage years away and as a Father, isn’t it my job to bring it back?”
“But the drinking—”
“All of you would technically be legal if you hadn’t Blipped, except for that Brad kid. Wasn’t he like, two feet tall before?”
You laugh at him and shake your head, “I don’t know, he was really nice to me after I came back. Super understanding—I guess the trip felt like it’d be more fun with him?”
Your Dad gives his signature Tony Stark eye-roll, “Whatever, better be a good kid if I’m paying for him to go to Europe.”
The two Starks laugh in the bathroom in each other’s embrace when a buzz from your back pocket prompts you to pull away.
“Lemme guess, it’s Parker?”
You roll your eyes at the mention of your best-friend, “It is not—”
You cut yourself off at the sight of the text:
pete :)  may says u should be at the airport like 4 hrs before the flight? u still coming to pick me up or what?
“It was him wasn’t it?”
You collect your stuff and playful shove past your Dad, “He was just complaining that you take too long.”
Peter Parker had a long couple of months.
In an attempt to regain some of his teenage years back, he had agreed to go to Europe with his class to try to live a normal life—or some semblance of normality.
Instead, he spent his time fighting Mysterio and whatever Inception-shit that guy pulled off.
You had not been on the Europe trip as you and the rest of the Starks spent several months off-the-grid in their Upstate cabin, learning to be a family again. Peter understood the situation just fine: you had been Blipped and came back with a kid-sister. He was glad that you go to spend time with your family and adjusting to life again.
He still missed you though.
However mere weeks after the original Europe trip, Peter couldn’t say that he was expecting the text message from a group chat that he got.
(y/n)     im not in hiding any more yall. lets go on a trip
ned      the last time i was on a trip i literally almost died
betty    a trip? to where? we could come visit you upstate!!
(y/n)     don’t bother im moving back to the city with the fam. and i was thinking something…farther?
ned      florida?
mj        who in their right mind you want to go to florida?
flash    me
mj        my point still stands
brad    canada?
(y/n)     beautiful country but i can only take trees for so long. dad’s thinking spain? barcelona has sick beaches
ned      not all of us can afford spain…
betty    and ned’s original point? last time we were in europe we almost died
(y/n)     first off! a few things are gonna be different! one, ill be there. two, the avengers have resettled, my dad’s moving back into the city so threats can be handled by them. and three, dad’s paying for the whole thing. says we need a PROPER vacation. not like your europe trip that sounded like hell
peter    cmon guys i think it’ll be a good idea. we could all use a hard reset before school starts up again.
That’s where Peter found himself; sitting on the couch playing iMessage games with you as an episode of Law and Order played aimlessly in the background. His suitcase lied on his lap to make sure that May couldn’t sneak the suit in there when he wasn’t looking. Everyone needed a real vacation; he was just happy Mr. Stark felt the same way.
“No suit this time?” May asks from in front of him. He looks up and finds her holding the suit with eyebrows raised.
He shakes his head, “Mr. Stark said he’s got all threats under control and that we should just be kids and enjoy our trip.”
She nods understandingly and presses a kiss to Peter’s head, “That I can agree with. But if anything goes wrong, you call Happy okay? He’ll come get you.”
Peter shudders, “I can’t believe you’re dating him.”
“I wouldn’t call it dating per se…”
A loud honk from the open window separates the two of them. Peter winces slightly before looking at his phone, only to see a text from you from a couple of minutes ago.
(y/n) <3    expect a honk! warned you lol
“That’s my ride,” Peter says before embracing May.
“Be good,” she says affectionately.
Peter nods against her, “Aren’t I always?”
taglist:  @sebastianstanfoundmymixtape @httpmcrvel @lionheo04
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sgtbxckybxrnes · 4 years
Bucky x reader with "I swear, if anything happens to her, I'll kill you." And "Dont do this, please."
A/N: is this a drabble at 950 words????
The shrill sound of a cell phone ringing made Bucky jump from his seat. Standing next to the table, he grabbed the phone and hit the answer button once the agent in front of him nodded.
“Hello?” he answered, frowning when all he was hearing was heavy breathing on the other end of the phone. “Who is this?” Bucky asked when nobody answered him.
“Mr. Barnes. You sound stressed. Maybe you should sit down.” The voice spoken in a mocking tone, causing Bucky to clutch the phone, using everything in his being to stay calm.
“I am sitting. Now tell me what you want. Who are you and why did you take Y/N?” he asked, watching as the agent motioned for him to stay on the line.
“It does you no good to lie to me, Mr. Barnes. We have eyes in enough places that I know you aren’t sitting. It would be in your coworkers’ best interest if you listen to me.” He said. Bucky felt like cold water was dumped on his as the man spoke.
He knew the odds that Y/N’s captor actually knew he wasn’t sitting down were slim, especially with the level of security that was implemented since Y/N was taken, but he sat down anyways.
“Now. I want you to meet me at the abandoned building that you and your friend liked to go to in two hours.” Bucky nodded as the man spoke, “And just you. All though, if you don’t listen I’d be more than happy to see your pretty friend bleed for me.”
"I swear, if anything happens to her, I'll kill you." Bucky said as he heard the next part. There was only a brief chuckle before the line went dead.
Bucky looked at the people sitting at the table, tossing the phone on the table when one of them said something about not being able to fully track the location. Bucky stood back up; He knew he had to go.
After a brief meeting with the rest of the team, he managed to convince Steve and Tony to let him go alone. The didn’t know who had taken Y/N, and since they managed to get the drop on her- one of the most skilled spies in the world, they all knew this guy was good at whatever he did.
Bucky parked the car in front of the building. He sighed as he got out of the car, looking for any signs of life. He unholstered his gun and held it close to him, searching the area as he made his way forward.
He entered the building and made his way through the halls. He paused as he saw a figure slumped in a chair.
“Y/N?” He called out, a noise escaping him as he saw her raise her head. Her face was bruised, a busted lip, and she had cuts all over her arms. And that was just what he could see. He took a few steps towards her when a voice spoke out around him.
“I’m so glad you listened, Mr. Barnes.” He spoke and Bucky looked around, noticing a figure standing on a balcony at the far end of the building.
“What do you want? Who are you?” Bucky asked, keeping his eye on the figure as he slowly made his way forward towards Y/N.
He watched as she started shaking her head, looking between him and her lap. Bucky stopped moving as he looked closer to her.  He noticed that the bottom off her chair looked larger than it should of. Slowly everything clicked into place.
“I’m sure you’re wondering why this is happening. And frankly, our girl here has nothing to do with this. This is about you. This is about payback for things the government claims weren’t you. This is for my family I lost because of you. I have good intel that Y/N is one of the most important people to you. I think it’s time you see how all the people like me.”
Bucky felt his heart drop into his stomach as he listened to the guy talking, guilt taking over every part of him, watching as the figure steps back and soon disappears.
"Don’t do this, please.” He shouted, making his way towards Y/N, running as fast as he can, he watched the tears roll down his face, watching as she mouth ‘I love you’ the best she could with the gag in her mouth. He shook his head as he pushed himself.
“Y/N, babe. I’m coming. I love you, don’t worry. It’s okay.” He yelled, as he was still a good 15 yards away.
He heard a click followed by a noise that resembled a ticking clock. He felt the tears streaming down his face as he tried to go faster to reach her. He watched as she kept mouthing ‘I love you’.
He felt it before he heard it, the heat coming from an explosion. He watched as the fire surrounds the woman he loved, the force of the bomb throwing him back. He felt the flames lick his skin, overwhelming his senses as he looked where Y/N was sitting. All he saw was fire.
He didn’t know how long he laid there, the blast hitting him hard enough he couldn’t move. His metal arm was searing with pain at the point the metal met skin, burning the contacted area. He knew he was going to live. The team was surely almost there.
But at this point, he knew he didn’t care. Because a life without his girl, wasn’t one he wanted.
How’d you like it??
If you dont want to be on the taglist anymore, let me know :)
Taglist: (Ask to be tagged here)
@iwillbeinmynest @learisa @heismyhunter @buttercup-barnes  @buckysmetallicstump @lilasiannerd-blog @mehrmonga @kaaatniss @evependragon  @thosefuckingxmen @meunicorn @blackwidwoah @aquabrie @hardcorehippos @courtneychicken @apeshit7x @gallifreyansass @snakesgoethe  @buckyappreciationsociety-blog @theassetseyeliner  @sammnipple @kindnesswins  @alohabucky @palaiasaurus64 @stephie-senpai @supernatural-girl97 @dark-night-sky-99 @megs4real @supernaturaldean67 @marvelrevival @ria132love @karlilarki @thefridgeismybestie @geeksareunique  @nyxveracity @lil-dino-trash @arceejones1600 @lionheo04 @omgrebecaa @dolphinpink310 @that-sokovian-bastard @cal-ifornication @majesticavenger
Bucky Barnes Taglist: (Ask to be tagged here)
@cassandras-musings @beautifulfandomss @yessy2012 @take-u-2-an0ther-w0r1d @jediavenger9 @xlatinaaxx @cheekygeek05 @yknott81 @fangirlinacoffeeshopweshare
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Birthday Wishes
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Summary: Bucky plans a surprise party for Reader, with cuteness and kissing - @z-a-d-a
A/N: I hope you had a great birthday, and sorry this took so long!
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Bucky knew Steve would hesitate to grant his request to send you on a mission, just as he knew you had already requested to not be sent on any missions until after your birthday. But, he also knew that you understood crime doesn’t take holidays, and that you could be sent on an emergency mission at any time.
“Come on, punk, I wanna throw a surprise party. I don’t wanna risk getting caught.”
Steve siged, pulling some files out of a drawer. “Fine. How long do you need?”
“Just a couple days,” Bucky grinned. “And send Sam, too. If he finds out about it, he’ll find a way to spoil it.”
With a final shake of his head, not believing he was going along with it, he chose a safe, simple data retrieval mission and set it aside.
Taking every precaution, Bucky made sure no one suspected anything. He’d carried on, as usual, only using the time for his evening runs to place orders and make preparations instead. 
Even as you argued with Steve when he broke the news of needing you and Sam to retrieve an important drive from a defunct HYDRA base, he continued with his routine. When you asked Steve why it had to be you, Bucky pretended not to hear him say he and Bucky had their own mission the following day. Even as you complained, Bucky lent a sympathetic ear and pretended to be as upset over it as you were.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
Everything was perfect. There were no incidents with the cake, despite Clint’s continued efforts to swipe a fingerful of frosting. The gift tower was expertly constructed, decorations impeccably placed, and food hot and ready. There was only one thing missing; you.
And Sam, but Bucky wasn’t as concerned about him at the moment.
“They shoulda been back by now,” he murmured, pacing the room.
“Relax,” Nat said from her perch on the couch. “These things happen all the time. They probably just hit a snag in their plan and are on their way now.”
“Yeah, what Nat said. In the meantime, I know Y/N won’t mind if we start. No sense in letting the food get cold.”
“Touch anything, and I won’t be the only one on the team with prosthetic limbs, got it?”
Clint pouted, but returned to the couch, huffing when he caught Nat smirking at him. The elevator dinged, and Tony rushed out with a drink in hand when the doors opened.
“They’ve just arrived. Y/N’s asked for you, Steve; sounds pretty ticked. I told FRIDAY to send them here.”
Steve shot Bucky a look, which he ignored and began to direct everyone to their places. Bucky lit the candles, picked the cake up, and stood near the elevator doors. He wanted to be the first person you saw, the focal point of the surprise. Why shouldn’t he be? It was his idea, after all.
The doors parted, and your hushed quarrel with Sam was cut short by the rest of the team shouting ‘Surprise’.
Sam began to laugh, as did Tony, when you hung your head. You were covered in dried mud, and the last thing you wanted was to spend more time in your dirty combat suit. 
“Happy birthday.” Bucky’s timid voice drew your gaze, and despite your earlier annoyance, you flashed him a smile. “Make a wish?”
You closed your eyes, concentrated on what you wanted. Bucky watched your body relax as your face softened. You opened your eyes, meeting his again and grinning before blowing out your candles. Everyone clapped and cheered, and Clint announced it was finally time to eat. Due to your appearance, though, the party was quickly moved to the patio.
“I was worried about you, you know,” Bucky said, handing over a plate he’d made for you. “What happened?”
“Sam,” you groused. “We got the data, and on the way out, they released the guard dogs.”
“Yeah. Sam took off, leaving me to fend for myself.”
“I told you,” Sam shouted in between mouthfuls, “I was drawing the homing missiles away!”
“And I ended up tripping in a puddle of mud.” Sam groaned, rolling his eyes before continuing his original conversation with Steve. “So, is this what this mission was about? To set all this up?”
Bucky cast a mischievous glance back at Sam and Steve before leading you to another bench out of sight, and leaned closer so no one could overhear him. “Yeah, but don’t blame Steve, it wasn’t really his fault. He’ll deny it, but it was actually Sam’s job to get you out of here for a while.”
“Really?” You rubbed your temples as Bucky nodded in affirmation. “He could’ve just taken me somewhere nice for a couple of days.”
“Yeah well,” he shrugged, “you learn not to expect much from certain people sometimes.”
“Right. Well, Bucky, as much as I appreciate all this, I really need to get out of these dirty clothes.”
“So soon? You barely touched your food, and you still have to cut the cake, and open presents.”
You had stood to leave, but seeing the disappointment in Bucky’s eyes gave you pause. 
“You should be careful, Buck. People might start to talk.”
“Us. They’ll say you’ve got a soft spot for me.” Bucky shrugged again, but the blush creeping up his neck was all the indication you needed to keep going. “That you love me or something.”
“And? What if I do?” Bucky looked up, face bright red, hoping to gauge your reaction. “What would you say?”
You took your seat again and placed the plate down on the bench. “I’d say, ‘Really? Even now with all the grit and grime from my last mission crumbling off me as we speak?’” 
On cue, some mud flaked off your hair and onto the ground, causing both you and Bucky to chuckle.
“Especially now.”
It was the bravest Bucky’d been outside of a mission. He’d gone out on a limb, and it gave you the push you needed to share your own feelings. 
 “Well, then I’d ask how you felt about making another part of my birthday wish come true and giving me a kiss?”
The words had barely left your lips when Bucky made his move. He closed the gap between you on the bench, gently taking your chin. After only a brief moment’s hesitation, he guided your lips toward his, giving you ample time to pull back. 
The kiss was soft, still unsure. Your hand found its way to his stomach, and snaked its way up his chest and to the back of his neck, where you held him steady as you deepened the kiss. Following your lead, he gripped your hips, tugging your body flush against his. You separated for air, taking a sharp intake of breath as Bucky trailed soft nibbles along your jaw.
“Funny, huh?”
“What is?”
“Your birthday wish. It’s almost the same as the one I made my last birthday.”
You tilted your head, navigating him toward your neck. “Is that so? What do you say we pick this up later and compare notes, then?”
Bucky paused, pulling away slowly. “Sorry, I guess I got a little carried away.”
“I shoulda… You want to have dinner with me this weekend?”
“That’s not what I meant,” you said, taking hold of his hand. “I meant later tonight, after I wash this mud off.”
“Oh!” Bucky smacked his lips, only then noticing the ‘earthy’ taste in his mouth. “Right, uh, good idea.”
“Good,” you grinned, pulling him in for short peck. “Ok, I’ll cut the cake, you bring the gifts, and I’ll open them while we eat, then I’ll take off and you meet me on the roof after say, fifteen minutes?”
Bucky nodded, relieved he hadn’t pushed your boundaries, and allowed himself to be led where the rest of the partygoers were. 
Steve was quick to spot your linked hands, and subtly raised his drink in a silent toast, causing Bucky to blush again. You separated, and announced it was cake time. Clint shoved past everyone, calling dibs on the first piece. By the time Bucky piled all the gifts beside you, everyone had their cake. You saved a middle piece for him, knowing he wasn’t fond of too much frosting, and it released a swarm of butterflies in his stomach.
Everyone cheered whenever another gift was opened, but Steve only saw the longing looks you and Bucky shared in between bites of cake.
“Well I’m beat,” you pretended to yawn. “Thank you all for everything, but I need to clean myself up and sleep.”
Everyone bid you goodnight and wished you a final ‘happy birthday’, while Bucky checked his watch and started cleaning up your plates. The others sat around, still talking, and Steve silently wondered if Bucky was going to go after you. After catching him check his watch again for the third time in five minutes, Steve got the hint.
“Hey, Buck, why don’t you get some rest? You did all this, the rest of us can clean up.”
After a half-hearted protest, to which the others responded as Steve had, he excused himself for the night, and tried not to rush too quickly inside.
It wasn’t until he was alone in the elevator that he allowed himself to relax, grinning widely with excitement at the turn of events. He was still a few minutes early, but couldn’t bring himself to walk anywhere else but toward the roof. To his surprise, you were already sitting out there, wrapped in a blanket.
You turned to him and smiled when you heard the door. When he reached you, you offered him a spot in your cocoon, which he gladly accepted. He hesitated again before leaning in for a soft kiss, blushing when he saw your grin when he pulled away.
“I could get used to that,” you sighed, and he hummed happily. “So, wanna share what’s left of our wishes?”
Bucky considered it for a moment, before shaking his head. He wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his chest before placing a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
“Not now. The moment’s perfect as is.”
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