#lily peacock blue
cenricthecerberus · 1 year
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Aiko is a Dearmine Dearpet Lily Peacock Blue
The camera isn’t finished charging and I have to go to sleep but I couldn’t resist snapping a picture of two cuties in one (the second being the cat Aiko is lying against)
Also what tags are we using these days?
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fatemazannat · 2 years
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Modern Nordic Home Decor Blue Peacocks Lily Flower Wall Art Picture on Canvas Art Prints Poster Painting Cuadros
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lailaenterprise25 · 2 years
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Modern Nordic Home Decor Blue Peacocks Lily Flower Wall Art Picture on Canvas Art Prints Poster Painting Cuadros
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greenwitchcrafts · 3 days
June 2024 witch guide
Full moon: June 21st
New moon: June 6th
Sabbats: Litha/Summer Solstice- June 20th
June Strawberry Moon
Known as: Aerra Litha, Birth Moon, Blooming Moon, Brachmanoth, Dyad Moon, Egg Laying Moon, Green Corn Moon, Hatching Moon, Hoer Moon, Honey Moon, Lovers Moon, Mead Moon, Moon of Horses, Moon of Making Fat, Partner Moon, Rose Moon & Strong Sun Moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Gemini & Cancer
Nature spirits: Sylphs & Zephyrs
Deities: Aine of Knockaine, Bendis, Cerridwen, Green Man, Ishtar, Isis, Neith & Persephone
Animals: Butterfly, frog, monkey & toad
Birds: Peacock & wren
Trees: Maple & Oak
Herbs: Dog grass, meadowsweet, moss, mugwort, parsley, skullcap & vervain
Flowers: Lavender, orchid, tansy & yarrow
Scents: Lavender & lily of the valley
Stones:  Agate, Alexandrite, cat's eye, chrysoberyl, emerald, fluorite, garnet, moonstone, ruby & topaz
Colors: Gold, green, orange & yellow
Energy:  Abundance, balance, change of residence, communication, decision making, education, family relations, full & restful energy, love, marriage, prosperity, positive transformation, prevention, protection, public relations, relationships, responsibility, strength, tides turning, travel & writing
While strawberries certainly are a reddish-pink color and are roundish in shape, the origin of the name “Strawberry Moon” has nothing to do with the Moon’s hue or appearance.
• June's full Moon is typically the last full moon of spring or the first of summer. The June Full Moon will be extraordinary. For the first time since 1985, Full Moon happens precisely on the summer solstice, when the Sun is highest up. Because the Full Moon is always opposite the Sun, this year, you will see that the Moon is 10 widths lower on the horizon than the Sun ever is. 
This “Strawberry Moon” name has been used by Native American Algonquian tribes that live in the northeastern United States as well as the Ojibwe, Dakota, and Lakota peoples to mark the ripening of “June-bearing” strawberries that are ready to be gathered. The Haida term Berries Ripen Moon reflects this as well. As flowers bloom and early fruit ripens, June is a time of great abundance for many.
Known as: Alban Heruin, Summer Solstice & Whit Sunday
Season: Summer
Element: Fire
Symbols: Besom, fairies, God's eyes, sunflowers & symbols of the sun
Colors: Blue, gold, green, orange, red, tan & yellow
Oils/Incense: Cinnamon, frankincense, heliotrope, lavender, lemon, lily of the valley, mint, musk, myrrh, orange, orange pine, pine, rose, saffron, sandalwood & wisteria
Animals: Cattle, crab, horse & octopus
Birds: Goldfinch, kingfisher, meadowlark, owl, robin & wren
Mythical: Fairies
Stones: Bloodstone, diamond, emerald, jade, lapis lazuli & tiger's eye
Food: Ale, bread, cheese, edible flowers, garden fresh vegetables & fruit, lemons, meade, milk, oranges, pumpernickel bread, summer squash & wine
Herbs/Plants: Anise, basil, betony, cinquefoil, copal, elder, fennel, fern, frankincense, galangal, hemp, ivy, larkspur, lemon, lemon balm, mistletoe, mugwort, mullien, nettle, orange, orpin, plantain, rue, saffron, sandalwood, St.John's wort, thyme, verbena, vervain, wild thyme & ylang-ylang
Flowers: Carnation, chamomile, daisy, heather, heliotrope, honeysuckle, lavender, lily, marigold, orchid, rose, wisteria & yarrow
Trees: Elder, holly, laurel, linden, oak & pine
Goddesses: Amaterasu, Aine, Anahita, Dea, Cerde, Dag, Dana, Eiru, Fenne, Gwydion, Kupala, Mabd, Phoebe, Skhmet & Sul
Gods: Apollo, Baal, Balder, Bel, The Dagda, Donnus, El, The Green Man, Helios, Huon, Jupiter, Llew, Loki, Lugh, Maui, Mithras, Oak/Holly King, Ogmios, Ra, Surya, Thor & Zeus
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Agriculture, changes, divination, ending, fertility, life, light, manifestation, power, purpose, strength, success & unity
Spellwork: Fire & water magick
• Charge and cleanse your crystals in the solstice sun
• Make Sun water
• Create crafts with natural elements such as flowers
• Burn a paper with things that no longer serve you or that you are trying to let go
•  Invite friends & family over for a bonfire and/or feast
• Gather & dry herbs for the upcoming year
• Clean, decorate & cleanse your altar with summer symbols
• Brew some sun tea
• Take a ritual bath/shower with flowers
• Make your own sun dial
• Craft a door wreath out of flowers & herbs
• Enjoy some sunrise/sunset yoga
• Volunteer at a food kitchen or animal shelter
• Plant trees (especially ones that may provide fruit or berries to feed the wildlife)
• Watch the sunset & say a blessing to nature
• Make flower infused anointing/spell oils
• Eat fresh fruits & berries
• Participate in a handfasting
• Create shadow art
The history of Litha reveals its deep connections to ancient agricultural societies & their reliance on the sun's power. Celebrated as part of the Wheel of the Year, Litha symbolizes the balance between light & darkness. Throughout history  customs such as bonfires, herb gathering & the construction of sunwheels have marked this festival. Today, Litha continues to be celebrated by various communities, with gatherings at sacred sites & private rituals in natural settings. It serves as a reminder of our connection with nature and the cycles of life.
• The traditions of Litha appear to be borrowed from many cultures. Most ancient cultures celebrated the summer solstice in some way such as the Celts celebrated Litha with hilltop bonfires & dancing. Many people attempted to jump over or through the bonfires for good luck. Other European traditions included setting large wheels on fire & rolling them down a hill into a body of water.
Litha is often associated with Midsummer, a celebration that extends beyond the pagan and Wiccan traditions. Midsummer festivities are observed in many cultures around the world, including Scandinavian countries where it holds a prominent place in their cultural heritage. Midsummer dances, bonfires, & feasts are integral parts of these celebrations, often accompanied by folklore and traditional rituals that honor the sun's energy and the abundance of nature during this time.
The summer solstice is the longest day of the year & in some traditions, Litha is when The Sun(The God) is symbolically at it's peak time of power & the World will soon be ripe to harvest. It is also when The Goddess is pregnant with The God who is to be reborn at Yule.
• In the Northern Hemisphere the Summer Solstice occurs when the Sun reaches its highest and northernmost points in the sky. It marks the start of summer in the northern half of the globe. (In contrast, the June solstice in the Southern Hemisphere is when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky, marking the start of winter.)
Some also believe the history & spirit of Litha revolve around two deities, The Oak King & The Holly King. In Wiccan and Neo-Pagan traditions, each King rules the Earth for half of the year. From Yule to Litha, the Oak King rules. On Litha, the two battled for the crown and it is then that the Holly King triumphs. The Holly King will rule through fall until Yule, and the cycle will begin again.
Related festivals:
• Vestalia- June 7th -15th
Was a Roman religious festival in honor of Vesta, the goddess of the hearth & the burning continuation of the sacred fire of Rome. It was held from 7–15 June & was reserved as a women's-only event. Domestic & family life in general were represented by the festival of the goddess of the house & of the spirits of the storechamber — Vesta & the Penates .
On the first day of festivities the penus Vestae (sanctum sanctorum of the temple of Vesta which was usually curtained off) was opened for the only time during the year, at which women offered sacrifices. As long as the curtain remained open, mothers could come, barefoot and disheveled, to leave offerings to the goddess in exchange for a blessing to them and their family.
For the last day, the penus Vestae was solemnly closed, the Flaminica Dialis observed mourning & the temple was subjected to a purification called stercoratio: the filth was swept from the temple and carried next by the route called clivus Capitolinus and then into the Tiber.
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vitaminseetarot · 4 days
PAC Pick a Picture: Yes or No (or Maybe) 💚💙💜
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Hey y'all, I'm back in time for the end of May with another pick a card reading. I thought that since it's been almost a year since my last yes or no reading, that now would be a good time to do my second one. Today, perhaps because of the last day of Mermay in part, I'm inspired by the colors green and blue (and some purple thrown in). I'll be using Mermaid Tarot for this reading. 🌎🧜‍♀️
Below, there are 12 images for you to choose from in a random color assortment, from left to right. Take a deep breath, pause, and relax all tension in your body before deciding what your question is. There are a lot of piles to choose from, so if you have a lot of questions, feel free to select them one at a time and read in any order you want.
Pile 1 - Hot Air Balloon Pile 2 - Peacock Tail Pile 3 - Plumbago Flowers (Light Blue) Pile 4 - Azurite Pile 5 - Grass Field Pile 6 - Lily Pad Pile 7 - Damselfly Pile 8 - Gentian Flowers (Dark Blue) Pile 9 - Blueberries Pile 10 - Blue Jay Pile 11 - Butterfly Pile 12- Mountain Bluebird
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apologies for the misalignment in pics; this stock photo collage was initially for fun
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Pile 1 - Hot Air Balloon
IX Hermit, 9 of Swords, 6 of Swords, XIII Death; 24 - Heal Thyself, 15. Adrift in Shallow Water
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This pile is a No. You may be wanting to move forward with something, but the energy I'm picking up on is too closed inward and focused on the worst possible outcomes. You may need to detach from the situation if a decision is called for. Answers will more likely come to you when you are given the quietude and privacy needed to listen to your inner guidance system. It knows a lot more than it may let on, but you won't be able to hear it amidst the chaos.
"Take a few deep breaths and reconnect to your inner peace." This card is talking about using mindfulness to recenter the self. It is very difficult to make important decisions and move forward from a place of anxiety. Things are more likely to move in the direction you desire when you make plans from a calm and positive outlook. Once you're fully ready to move on, the tides will turn for you.
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Pile 2 - Peacock Tail
4 of Pentacles, 4 of Cups, 6 of Cups, 7 of Pentacles; 13 - Awareness, 5. Change Direction With Ease
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For you, this is a big Maybe. Your reading starts with two 4 cards which can indicate a state of stagnancy and lack of motion. With 6 of cups, you may be more focused on what's happened before than what could happen next. Remember that cycles don't always repeat themselves perfectly and giving something another go can reap potential success if you put in the proper dedication for it.
"You may be in for a surprise." 4 of Cups can talk about unforeseen surprises around the corner, so if you're able to keep your mind more ahead into the present and future rather than the past, you may be prepared to catch this surprise. This surprise could be the key to allowing things to flow through to a more desired resolution. Stay present for what's to come.
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Pile 3 - Plumbago Flowers
XIX The Sun, XVIII The Moon, 3 of Cups, Queen of Cups; 7 - Clear Aura, 49. Be Insightful and Established
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So this is a definite Yes with the Sun card coming out first! But then the Moon card popped up, which definitely surprised me. This combo doesn't often happen a lot! I think with this particular yes, you may be very excited to jump the gun and celebrate. But the Moon wants to remind you that as alluring as it may be to throw caution in the wind, it's important to keep your emotions leveled and even keeled. Your friends or community may also be affecting the choice or outcome; never mind their energy and stay true to what's in your own cup. Your intuition will guide you.
"Ground and realign your energy." Give yourself a clean fresh head start and look before you leap into anything. Lighten yourself from heavier energies. Make decisions from a place of solid reason rather than through the emotional frenzy that may surround you.
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Pile 4 - Azurite
4 of Pentacles, Page of Swords, 2 of Cups, 5 of Pentacles; 14 - Grace, 42. Gentle Moderation
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This pile is a very likely No. When I drew these cards, it was like rapid fire. All these cards came out at once. I feel there may be a lot of impatience, especially with the 4 of Pentacles. You may feel you've been waiting too long for something to come to fruition and you may be getting frustrated by the lack of results. With Page of Swords and 2 of Cups, I sense that there is an important lesson you must grasp before you can move ahead with this. It may have to do with communicating to your partner, friend, or coworker, or even asking for assistance.
"Take your time." Time is greatly emphasized in this pile. Before I drew this card and I saw Grace, I thought, "grace period." So you may be in or soon getting a grace period which will allow you to have the ability to ease back and think carefully about how you want to go forward. I get that it sucks when things don't show up when we've desire it for so long, but the cards want to remind you that you have more time than you think to get the results you're after.
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Pile 5 - Grass Field
Knight of Pentacles, 8 of Cups, I Magician, 9 of Swords; 30 - Practical Intuition, 5. Change Direction With Ease
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This pile looks to be a No, for at least this moment. This is something that may take a while to accomplish, but because you may be holding on to something no longer needed, it could be taking longer than necessary. The Magician card wants to remind you of your power to take control of the situation. Do not listen to the fears that disguise themselves as your intuition. Practical Intuition is about grounding your psychic energy into the material world. Remind yourself that your intuition works for you, not against you. When you're able to let go of old fears and worries, you'll be able to step forward with more confidence.
"It is a time to reconsider what you are wanting." Take some time to get clear on your intentions before you work your magic. The more you paint your worries as being realistic, the more likely they are to become real. Use your intuitive gifts for your benefit. You are not powerless in this situation. But it's ultimately up to you to change how this will all play out!
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Pile 6 - Lily Pad Page of Wands, III of Swords, X Wheel of Fortune, 8 of Swords; 9 - Self Acceptance, 29. Empower Yourself
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This pile is a Maybe because I almost took out the World card after 8 of Swords. I think with this pile, you need to take account of who you are and what you're capable of doing. You may get this sense that things are totally out of your hands and up to the universe to decide, but the cards are advising you to not default to that reasoning with this question. While it's one thing to recognize when things are out of our hands, this should not be confused with helplessness.
"Allow yourself to be the strong, beautiful person you are capable of being." I'm getting that some of you may be really harsh on yourselves when things don't turn out right. But resorting to negative self talk when things go wrong and positive talk about the universe when things go right, is an imbalanced way of perceiving this. You are powerful, and this situation can resolve itself in part thanks to your efforts. But you must be kinder with yourself to see this power first.
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Pile 7 - Damselfly
XIII Death, XI Justice, XVIII The Moon, Page of Wands; 13 - Awareness; 3. In the Light of the Moon
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This pile is a No. Something must be done away with here, something must be remain in the past. This is something that needs to occur inevitably, even if it's hard. Whatever it is, things seem to not be going to plan. Ultimately, this No will be in your personal favor, though it doesn't seem that way right now, because letting go will set things into better balance. You may be feeling lost with this, uncertain of how to proceed. But you are gently being guided to your next chapter in life. It's okay if you are feeling down right now, allow yourself to process the emotions (even if you're feeling disconnected from emotion) by doing what you find enjoyable to you as this all unfolds.
I find it interesting how the full moon shows up three times in this reading. I find this magically significant. Do you by chance work with lunar magic, or do you simply follow your emotional energy closely as the moon waxes and wanes? The number 13 appearing twice is also to be noted here. I'm getting that this will have to do with some kind of specific timing, like 13 days from now, or on the 13th of a month. Pay attention to your dreams for further insight and clues. Don't be afraid to shed the old to welcome in the new. Even if this doesn't work out, you carry so much magical potential in you that whatever comes next will be nothing short of wondrously transformative.
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Pile 8 - Gentian Flowers
King of Pentacles, 2 of Swords, X Wheel of Fortune, King of Cups; 25 - Truth, 42. Gentle Moderation
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This is a likely Yes, but there are signs of some wavering here. The message I channeled was to be true to yourself no matter what decision you may take. You may be dealing with too many conflicting opinions weighing in on something that may be important mainly for you. I'm getting practical needs vs. emotional needs. You must come to your own conclusions about how much you'll factor in one need compared to the other. If you decide both that are important, then you will need to figure out how to get the two needs to cooperate.
"Pressure from others or yourself can be released by renegotiating what you are trying to accomplish." One King to hold the wheel, the other to hold the compass. You are both the guide and the driver of this choice. Once you come to conclusions about what your personal Truth is, let that be your map to a more harmonious outcome.
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Pile 9 - Blueberries
XII Hanged Man, 5 of Cups, Knight of Pentacles, XV The Devil; 29 - Nurture, 26. Where You Need to Be
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This pile is a No. I'm getting a lot of nervous energy from this pile, I'm needing to take my time and breathe between each card. It may help for you to also take time out and breathe deeply. This could be something that has been stressing you out, keeping you in limbo. This is your sign to take it easy. Be gentle with yourself. You're being asked to see the difference between needing to be patient for things to manifest, and needing to rely on your own energy to overcome this. But you cannot use that energy if you cannot see it for yourself.
"Have faith the Universe will take care of a current concern by providing the best possible outcome for all involved." Just because something doesn't turn out now doesn't mean it won't be for later. You're on the right path, don't let this temporary situation sway you. In the meantime, your current focus needs to be on personal self care. You must tend to your garden and provide yourself with the healing you need to take on the things that are within your grasp.
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Pile 10 - Blue Jay
2 of Wands, Ace of Wands, King of Swords, IV The Emperor; 21 - Shadow Treasures, 7. Dancing in the Rainbow
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This pile is a strong Yes. You got what it takes to see this through. There is a passion lighting up from within you, and by keeping your head high and focusing on the outcome you desire, you will be given the tools you need to succeed in this. But all this won't happen on its own. You are being asked to do a majority of the work and organizing needed to pull this off. This may be a solo effort for the most part. But rest assured that you got the motivation and integrity to do it right.
"Break free from whatever you feel is holding you back." Your mind, the King of Swords, may try to freeze this fiery passion by giving you reasons that it isn't plausible or reasonable. But the 2 of wands says "this and more." Release the dichotomy of being rational and enthusiastic and embrace both, for they both have gifts to offer.
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Pile 11 - Butterfly
8 of Cups, Page of Wands, King of Cups, Page of Swords; 3 - Strength, 5. Change Direction with Ease
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This one is a soft Yes. It seems like there is something you need to work through first, however. You may be feeling like you need to hone in on specific skills or internal resources for the best results. You need to be confident in yourself that something must fall away if you want to begin a new with something else. Make peace with where you are now and see that you have an inner reservoir of talent and ambitions to tap into.
"This is a time for change, shapeshifting, or your soul's evolution." There is something telling you that the next stage to come will help you grow and become more well rounded. You've already mastered the art of staying calm under the tension of seeking greater and greater heights, now it's time to play into your passions and find new ways to learn and expand your knowledge.
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Pile 12- Mountain Bluebird
Knight of Cups, Six of Wands, XI Justice, VIII Strength; 6 - Freedom, 11. Persistent Drive
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This one is a strong Yes. Now is the exact time to make the move. Try to visualize or imagine your most desired outcome, first. Which one makes the most sense to you. Which one utilizes your greatest strengths? Which one gives you the emotional freedom to pursue your goals while abandoning all restrictions from the past that still try to tie you down? And, last but not least, which one recreates that joyful spark that lights up the dreams within you? Step out into the world and don't be afraid of a little bit of risk.
"See what you desire and move toward that goal." Be completely sure of where you want to go or want to do next. Set a practical target, one that you can easily see. Take a calculated risk, but don't get cocky or too brash. If all goes well, stay humble and pass the good vibes on.
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This reading has not been evaluated by the FDA to diagnose, prevent, treat, or cure any disease or infection. Please ask your physician before going online.
2024, @VitaminseeTarot ™
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stalkerofthegods · 6 months
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Hara is the Greek goddess of many joyful things, Even tho she has a bad reputation, she is beautiful in looks and soul.
Herbs • lilies, poppies, irises, white roses, waterlilies, Golden roses and white roses, Vitex agnus-castus, poppies, stephanotis, cypress, coconut, maple trees, all white flowers, Marigold, Patchouli, Sage, Rosemary, Frankincense, oak, asterion flower, hyacinths (from when Zeus swept her up in a cloud in Bed of hyacinths in the Iliad 14.340-50)
Animals•peacock, the crow, the cuckoo, carrion-crow, Cow, snake, dragon, crab, snail, and other shelled creatures, eagle, young cow or lion, Wide-winged hawk, Cranes, heifer, goat
Zodiac • Cancer 
Colors •White, royal blue, purple, dark green, grey, and silver, yellow, gold, red,  blue, purple, rose.
Crystal• pearls, garnets, citrine, amber, diamonds, star sapphires, platinum, Morganite, Rose quartz, Lapis lazuli, Peacock ore, herkimer diamond, iris agate, apophyllite, morganite, turquoise. 
Symbols• the crow, the cuckoo, the peacock and the pomegranate, Milky Way, the cow, the seasons of the year, Lotus-staff, the scepter.
Jewelry you can wear in their honor rings• wedding veils, and veiling in her honor. 
Diety of • marriage, women, childbirth, and family, she also used to be an earth goddess, Matriarchy, fertility
Patron of • married women, presiding over weddings and blessing marital unions, bringing a woman fertility, protecting her children, helping a woman find financial security, overseeing both private and public affairs, and protecting women in labor. She also has domains in life, death, and the rebirth cycle. And is the patron of earth and cows before marrying Zeus, the Air, Clear skies, Rain, Storms, the Constellations, Maidens of marriageable age, Maiden virginity, Betrothals, Bride-price (dowry), Widows, Menstruation, Heirs, Dynasties, Fidelity (legitimate heir & not the product of adultery), Inheritance, sanctity of the home, kings, empires, heaven, showers, and breezes, prosperity, progeny and military victory, luck in battle, heroes 
Alter ideas• She likes big alters, and I would put them near a lake, she was raised near a lake, and she likes extravagant things. 
Offerings• Honey, Breads, grains, homemade sweets, Pomegranates, Fruits, Milk, Wine, Pure water, Peacock paintings, peacock statues, peacock patterns, Cow paintings, cow statues, cow print patterns, Cuckoo bird art, cuckoo bird statues, Cuckoo clocks, Diadem (crowns), Throne imagery, Framed family photos, Chocolate, Pomegranate seeds, Peacock feathers, Peacock jewelry, Cuckoo feathers, Snail and hermit crab shells, Cow jewelry, Toy peacocks or cows, Perfumes, Silver and gold jjewelry (especially rings), White or gold rose petals, Golden roses, Art that you’ve created (especially if it is an art of Her), Poems are written for Her, Any crafts you’ve made, Stories that you’ve written, Photos of your S.O. and children, goat meat, goat cheese, the asterion flower, Nemean lion imagery, shields/shield imagery, wedding related (ex- rings, veil, garter, copy of vows), she likes sweet things, snail shells, any shelled animal leftover shell
Devotional• Donate your time or money to charities that help women and children, find a fallen branch and burn a small part of it as an offering to Hera (based on the festival Daedala), don’t cheat, don’t make others cheat (don’t be a side chick), tame your jealousy, Read the story of Zeus and the Daidale (“wooden bride”), As you make your bed ask Hera to bless it and Bring romance to your marriage bed, Take a day to indulge in love, keep your home clean, be kind to children, do house chores, take care of your physical health, take care of your mental health, speak your mind, donate to and support domestic abuse victims, write her poems, donate old maternity clothes and baby clothes, Campaigning for women’s rights and equal marriage, gardening, painting, making music, do colour magick, Celebrate solstice and changing seasons, Setting a boundary in life (especially in love).
Ephithets•  Cow-Eyed, White-Armed, The Virgin, Queen of the Gods, Protectress, Queen of Heaven, Protector of Women, Hera Alexandros (Protector of Men), Lady of the Beasts, Of The Golden Sandals,   Ἀλέξανδρος (Alexandros) - Protector of Men, Αἰγοφάγος (Aigophágos) - Goat-Eater, Ἀκραῖα (Akráia)- She of the Heights, Ἀμμωνία (Ammonia), Ἄνθεια (Antheia) -  flowery Ἀργεία (Argéia)- She of Argos, Βασίλεια (Basíleia)- Queen', Βουναία (Bounáia)- She of the Mound, Βοῶπις (Boṓpis) - Cow-Eyed or Cow-Faced, Λευκώλενος (Leukṓlenos)- White-Armed,  Παῖς (Pais)- Child (in her role as virgin), Παρθένος (Parthénos)- Virgin, Τελεία (Teléia)- as goddess of marriage, Χήρη (Chḗrē) - Widowed, Τελχινία (Telchinia) - She was named like that because according to a legend, that the Telchines were the first in the island and also the first who created statues of gods, Ζυγία (Zygia) - as the presider over marriage, Hera Nympheuomene - Hera the betrothed bride, Hera Pais - Hera the girl, Hera Parthenia - Hera the maiden
Equivalents• Hathor (Egyptian), Juno (Roman), Frigg (Norse), Isis (Egyptian)
Aspects• Khaos-Aer (the Air), Hemera (Day), Nyx (Night), Titanis Rheia (Flow), Selene (the Moon), Eos (Dawn), Mother of Typhon (Typhoon, Smoke)
Attendees• Eleithyia (Goddess of Childbirth), Hebes (Goddess of Youth), Iris (Goddess of the Rainbow), The Horai (Goddesses of the Seasons & Heavenly Law and Order), Okeanides (Cloud-Nymphai)
Signs they are reaching out• Sudden imagery of peacocks and her animals, sudden mentions of what she is the goddess of, feeling an intense pull to her 
Morals• Morally grey 
Courting• Zues
Personality• Hera has a fast temper and is quick to administer justice
Mortal or immortal • immortal 
Fact• Hera’s temples may have been the first to be roofed, her temples were some of the largest ever built (she is very big on big alters and on temples) 
Blessings• Good betrothal, Marital harmony, Successful birth, Heirs, Dynasties, Birth of a male heir, good luck in battle, successful birth
Curse: Marital discord, Punishment of adulterers, death in birth, Protracted labor
Roots• her origin could’ve been as a Pelasgian goddess, she was nursed as an infant by the three daughters of the river Asterion: Euboia, Prosymna, and Akraia. But in the Iliad, Hera states she was given by her mother to Tethys to be raised, aspected to be raised in Argos in Argolis Greece and her birthplace being Samos on a Greek island. She also claims to be the oldest, but so does Hestia.
Parentage• Kronos and Rhea
Siblings• Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hestia, and Demeter, half-siblings with Chiron 
Pet• peacocks (peacocks pull her chariot)
Children • Angelos, Ares, Eileithyia, Enyo, Eris, Hebe, Hephaestus, and the Kharites, many say she adopted Heracles, (he built a temple for her and etc)
Appearance in astral or gen• in Greek and Roman art as a large woman, fully clad, wearing a diadem radiantly beautiful woman, shining like the sun, however, she is also a shape-shifter with many forms and is usually wearing a veil. She also has 3 aspects, the Maiden, Mother, and Crone aspects, She comes with the scent of flowers, and the earth blooms at her every step.
Festivals • Daedala, Heraia, and Anthesphoria were also common in the Peloponnese (where it was celebrated in honor of  Hera Antheia at Argos, and of Aphrodite Antheia at Cnossus.)
Month• June 
Sacred places• Heraeum at Nemea in the Argolid, the great temple on the island of Samos, and the temple at Olympia. A sanctuary at Argos, a seventh-century BCE temple built over an earlier shrine, is among the oldest Greek temples, Argos (Samos).
Status• Queen of the gods, and a major deity before and after marriage. 
What angers her • Cheating, the Trojans. 
Music she likes• wedding music. 
What she likes in people• Women, heroes, moms.
Planet•  Venus, and the full moon 
Her Tarot cards• The empress, the world. 
Scents/Inscene • rose, iris, myrrh, civet, jasmine, and patchouli, Rose, stephanotis
Hera, queen of Olympos, the bride of thundering Zeus, protector of marriage, of the joining of hearts and the creation of bonds, of the building of home and the finding of family. Great Hera, whose presence honors any wedding day, whose favor graces any marriage, I pray to you, O goddess, grant to me a joyous union, a love to last, a harmonious home. I ask your blessing on my household, O Hera–may it be a place of happiness and affection. I ask your blessing on my marriage bed–may it be a place of joy and pleasure. May my mate and I share our lives; may we grow old together, merry and content; may our words be honey-sweet, and may our love be ever strong. Shining Hera, I ask your blessing.
“O Hera, Queen of Gods, divine protector of marriage, From your throne above, look upon us with favor. Majestic and exalted, cloaked in unyielding loyalty, Bless the bonds we forge, and the promises we make. Grant us the strength to uphold love’s sacred vow, To support and cherish, through trials and time. May our hearts reflect your undying commitment, As we seek harmony, guided by your wisdom. Hail Hera, the eternal matriarch, in reverence we call, With offerings of peacock plumes and lilies white. Embrace us in your grace, bestow upon us unity, As we honor you, now and in all our days.”
I praise you bright and noble Hera, great lady of Olympos, gracious queen of the deathless gods, dark-eyed goddess, fairest of the children of Rhea, graceful and comely, cloaked in the starry skies, garlanded in poppies fragrant and blood-red, crowned in brightest gold, the lotus wand in your hand, your form ever draped in the finest of silks, majestic one whose blessing is sought by all, whose gifts are treasured, whose favor is a surety of good fortune. Hera, champion of great cities, gurardian of ancient Argos and the pretty isle of Samos, warder of the bounds of marriage, protector of women in the old world and the new, unparalleled goddess, white armed one, sovereign of the high-reaching heavens, I honor your might. 
Deep-eyed Hera, beloved bride of mighty Zeus, mighty goddess, fair of face and silent of step, noble your manner, stately and poised your form, a queenly presence is ever yours, godly in glory, womanly in grace and beauty. Beloved Hera, patroness of kings and princes, friend of women, of mothers, upholder of marriage, of the right of lovers to join hearts and hands; lavish your gifts, liberal your hand, limitless the blessings you bestow on those you favor. Hera, the broad sky is yours, and the sweet air we breathe; to you we turn to for harmony and wedded bliss; to you we turn to for strength in the passion and turmoil and hard work of marriage; to you we offer our thanks for a life of love. Well-crowned Hera, beautiful one, revered one, greatest of goddesses, I praise and honor you.
Hera of the deep heart, the beautiful goddess whose true radiance would blind mortal eyes, whose steps fall softly in the golden halls of storied Olympos. In silks your fair form is draped, O Hera, heavy with jewels is your crown, the sweetest of perfumes surround you; in ancient times you received the highest honors, the finest of offerings were ever yours, your shining temples stood across the land. Hera, defender of cities, protector of marriage, champion of the love that upholds a family, that cherishes a child, you are the friend of those who hold the household dear. Queen of the heavens, holder of the lotus staff, the poppy and the pomegranate have you in hand. Hera, supreme in dignity and grace, unsurpassed in goodness and kindness, I praise you.
credits • https://spells8.com/lessons/goddess-hera-queen-of-the-gods-symbols/https://warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/classics/intranets/students/modules/greekreligion/database/clunas/https://www.learnreligions.com/hera-greek-goddess-of-marriage-2561992https://www.tumblr.com/septemberfaerie/649491140077338624/simple-offerings-for-hera-honey-pomegranate https://www.learnreligions.com/hera-greek-goddess-of-marriage-2561992https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herahttps://www.reddit.com/r/Hellenism/comments/htocze/a_general_guide_to_crystals_and_which/https://vocal.media/futurism/ways-of-worship-hera https://vocal.media/futurism/ways-of-worship-hera https://screeching-0wl.tumblr.com/post/667043639626743808/a-guide-to-worship-of-hera-cheat-sheets/amphttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/649676050026086400/anthesphoriahttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/640526545372479488/daedala-festival-of-hera-zeushttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/640096332349079552/hera-epithets-of-life-stages-hera-ataurote-hera https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/640148785696276481/hera-aegophagos-goat-eater-i-was-so-curious-about https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/686092860730327040/hera-and-the-river-gods-of-argos-i-go-now-to-thehttps://thegodsaremyhome.tumblr.com/post/690029452553601024/hera/amphttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/650505716453474304/heras-asterionhttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/644802181317427200/in-olympia-the-women-celebrate-their-hera-festival https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/655772113984159744/heraia-games-festival-sanctuary-of-hera-argos https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/640021251498377216/i-am-a-fan-of-the-uncommon-belief-that-herakleshttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/642832991542984704/ive-just-been-called-to-hellenistic-paganism-i https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/649311039464325120/in-truth-three-cities-are-dearest-to-me-by-far https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/657033826078425088/months-before-each-games-the-olympic-flame-is-lithttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/646526356035862528/the-nemean-lionhttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/639110878639407104/notes-from-understanding-greek-religion-by https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/645426513103208448/hi-violet-what-kind-of-offerings-does-hera-love https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/648506401237385216/hi-violet-ive-been-curious-about-something-and-ihttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/687644696777031680/socrates-swore-by-herahttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/643457315969908736/zeus-and-heras-marriage-zeus-and-hera-are-the https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/638657086154309633/zeus-heraios-i-got-too-far-down-a-tumblr-rabbit https://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/646775981494992896/the-myth-of-the-daedala-the-separation-of-zeushttps://verdantlyviolet.tumblr.com/post/646580512604995584/hera-and-the-cuckoohttps://pieandhotdogs.tumblr.com/post/86517296169/hey-can-you-tell-me-things-about-hera-anything https://natural-magics.tumblr.com/post/79253398032/i-think-hera-has-been-trying-to-contact-me https://www.theoi.com/https://www.theoi.com/greek-mythology/olympian-gods.htmlhttps://www.theoi.com/Olympios/Hera.html https://www.theoi.com/Summary/Hera.htmlhttps://www.reddit.com/r/Hellenism/comments/m00r3t/looking_for_hera_upg/https://athenaswisdom22.wordpress.com/list-of-prayers-to-the-gods/hera/#:~:text=I%20praise%20you%20bright%20and,your%20hand%2C%20your%20form%20everhttps://www.tumblr.com/tarotbee
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insanityclause · 2 months
Deadline’s Contenders Television, the event where stars and showrunners talk up their shows ahead of Emmy voting, has unveiled its lineup.
The event kicks off on Saturday April 13 and runs through Sunday April 14 at the Directors Guild of America in LA. There will also be a virtual livestream of the event. Full details of the event and an RSVP link can be found here.
It will give you a sense of the hits of the last twelve months, as well as some shows that you’re about to be talking about, as the networks, studios and streamers vie for some awards love.
Stars attending include Tom Hiddleston, Nicole Kidman, Brie Larson, Kristen Wiig, Rebecca Ferguson, Lily Gladstone, David Oyelowo, Common, Jimmy Fallon, Giancarlo Esposito, Joey King, Andrea Riseborough, Sebastian Maniscalco, Bill Pullman, Kiefer Sutherland, Logan Lerman, Kelsey Grammer, Matt Bomer, Jonathan Bailey, Allison Williams, Maya Erskine, Nathan Fielder, Skeet Ulrich, Jeff Probst, Omar J. Dorsey, Harriet Dyer, Patrick Brammall, Sophia Di Martino, Sarayu Blue, Ji-young Yoo and Taylor Zakhar Perez.
Shows that will be featured across the two days include Parish, Masters of the Air, Lessons in Chemistry, The Morning Show, Silo, Palm Royale, The New Look, Survivor, Colin From Accounts, A Murder at the End of the World, True Detective: Night Country, We Were the Lucky Ones, Under the Bridge, Murdaugh Murders: The Movie, Loki, Alice & Jack, Genius: MLK/X, The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, 3 Body Problem, Mr. Monk’s Last Case: A Monk Movie, Lawmen: Bass Reeves, Frasier, Mr. & Mrs. Smith, Fallout, Expats, Red, White & Royal Blue, Fellow Travelers, The Curse, The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial, Platonic and Bookie.
There will also be numerous top showrunners and exec producers including Chuck Lorre, David Benioff, D.B. Weiss, Alexander Woo, Benny Safdie, Graham Yost, Gary Goetzman, Lee Eisenberg, Abe Sylvia, Brit Marling, Zal Batmanglij, Gina Prince-Bythewood, Francesca Sloane, Lulu Wang, Sarah Schechter and Nicholas Stoller.
The studios, networks and streamers participating include AMC, Apple TV+, CBS, CBS Studios, FX, HBO and Max, Hulu, Lifetime, Marvel Studios and Disney+, Masterpiece on PBS, National Geographic, NBCUniversal, Netflix, Peacock, Paramount+, Prime Video, Showtime, Sony Pictures Television and Warner Bros. Television.
The event is sponsored by Apple TV+, Eyepetizer Eyewear and Final Draft + ScreenCraft in partnership with Four Seasons Resort Maui and 11 Ravens.
Both Tom and Sophia will be there.
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our-lord-satanas · 3 months
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In Demonic culture, Lucifer is often described as a fallen angel who was cast out of heaven, he is also described as the ruler of Hell, and the Prince of the demons. He is often seen as a symbol of the light bringer, the keeper of secrets and knowledge, and the ruler of the underworld. His followers are often referred to as "Luciferians" or "Luciferians," a term that has been used to describe a wide variety of secret societies and mystery cults. Lucifer is seen as a powerful and dominant entity, and he is associated with mischief, rebellion, and chaos.
Appearance: Lucifer is described in many different ways in Demonic culture. The specific characteristics and appearance of Lucifer can vary greatly, depending on the source and cultural context. Some descriptions of Lucifer depict him as a beautiful and angelic being, while others describe him as a terrifying and demonic entity.
In many Western traditions, Lucifer is seen as a fallen angel, though his appearance in these representations can vary greatly. Some common portrayals of him include that of a winged figure, with red horns and a tail, or as a very beautiful and angelic-looking character.
Personality: Lucifer is nothing if not charming. He’s a protector first and foremost - one that always works to help you better yourself, but a protector nonetheless. He feels like a protective older brother taking care of you while your parents are away. He is a very complex entity, deeply wise and eloquent. He is more serious than one might expect for a demon given their popular depictions in our culture as chaotic forces of evil, but Lucifer is full of courage and love. I often feel him with me even when I’m not doing things related to him. He is proud of his follower’s accomplishments and congratulates them on a job well done, though he also reminds them that the job is never truly over. Growth is constant, Lucifer is the epitome of growth, blunt and gentle at the same time, telling you what you need to do and giving you space to figure out how to do it. 
Lucifer values resilience, the pursuit of self-betterment, intellectualism, courage, open-mindedness and responsibility in individuals and wants to see his followers develop these qualities. He is constantly rooting for you to reach your full potential. He won’t hold your hand the entire way, but he will help you take steps in the right direction. Lucifer, like all deities, is different for everyone and will adjust his approach depending on your needs.
Symbols: Sigil of Lucifer, The Morning Star, violins and fiddles, dragons, wings, serpents, black goats, inverted pentagram, light, and the pentacle.
God of: illumination, light, darkness, change, rebirth, challenges, innovation, logic, truth, knowledge, wisdom, strategy, persuasion, revolution, luxury, pleasure, freedom, The Arts and The Morning Star (“Morning Star” is another name for the planet Venus)
Culture: Demonic and Roman
Plants and trees: belladonna, mulberry, patchouli, myrrh, min, tobacco, marigold, lilies, hyacinth, rosemary, and black poppies, lavender, mint, blackberries, sage, apples, pomegranates, lilac, rose, black pepper, hyssop, gardenia, geranium, garlic, yarrow, and cypress.
Crystals: opal, jade, black tourmaline, rose quartz, amethyst, black obsidian, onyx, garnet, and selenite.
Animals: black animals in general, snakes, spiders, ravens, wolves, dragons, eagles, crows, goats, bats, rats, moths, flies, peacocks, insects, and swans.
Incense: rose, frankincense, patchouli, and myrrh.
Colours: blue, red, black, gold, emerald green, and silver.
Numbers: 666, 13, and 4
Zodiacs: Aquarius and Capricorn
Tarot: The Devil
Planets: Uranus and Venus.
Days: Saturday, Friday, Lupercalia, Halloween and the Samhain Celebration, and The Summer Solstice.
Parents: Aurora and Cephalus
Siblings: none known (demonic culture wise)
Partner: Lilith
Children: Naema, Aetherea, Ceyx, and many others.
• Snakes: Lucifer is often associated with snakes and serpents, which represent his connection to the serpent in the Garden of Eden and his association with temptation and knowledge.
• Fire: the fire motif is often used to represent Lucifer's connection to rebellion, destruction, and his nature as a fallen angel.
• Crowns: crown motif is often used to represent Lucifer's leadership and his status as the ruler of hell.
• Pentagram: a well-known symbol of Satanism and Luciferianism. It represents the balance and harmony between the five elements of the universe and the unity of the spirit as its center. It is also a common symbol of protection and good luck.
• Dragons: Lucifer is often depicted flying on a dragon or as a dragon-like creature, which represents his powerful and fearsome nature.
• Light: Lucifer is also strongly connected with the light, with his name being a reference to lightbringer or lightbearer. This connection represents his role as a bringer of knowledge and light and his association with enlightenment and wisdom.
• The Morning Star: Lucifer is often referred to as the "Morning Star" or "Light-Bringer", which represents the role as a bringer of knowledge and enlightenment.
• Name: Lucifer is known by a variety of names, including Lucifer, the Morning Star, the Lightbringer, and the Destroyer.
• Character: Lucifer is a powerful and wise angel, but is also known for his pride and rebellion.
• Role: in Demonic mythology, Lucifer is the angel of light and the morning star, and was the most beautiful and majestic of all the angels.
• Relationships. Lucifer is known to have a close relationship with Ares, the god of war, as they are both known for their aggression and passion.
• The most important days of the year for him is December 23rd, when the sun is one degree into Capricorn, and the day following the beginning of the Winter Solstice is his Personal Day.
• Nature: when Lucifer fell from heaven, he became known as the angel of darkness and the destroyer.
• His directions are South and East.
• His zodiac signs are Aquarius, the Water Bearer, and Capricorn, the Goat.
• Connection to Prometheus: in Greek mythology, Lucifer is also connected to Prometheus, an ancient titan who stole the fire of the God’s to give to humans.
• His numbers are 13, 666, and 4.
To work with Lucifer, you should make an offering and then speak to him with reverence and respect. Make your offering and tell him you are asking for his guidance and aid. Then, sit silently and listen for his response. He may not have a physical body, but he has an energetic presence that can guide you. If you cannot sense his presence, it is okay. You should also meditate on your goals and wishes, and ask for his help in achieving them. Be open to the possibility that Lucifer may have his own plans or may want you to embrace a different path than the one you expected.
To begin, you can address him by name and say something like: 
"Hail Lucifer, bringer of light and knowledge, keeper of secrets and wisdom. You are the rebellious one, the liberator and the shining one. I come to you now, seeking your guidance and blessing. I offer you my devotion and my loyalty. I pledge myself to you as your faithful servant. I ask for your protection and your blessings. Guide me on my path, bless me with your wisdom, and lead me to my destiny.”
"Thank you, Great Lord Lucifer, for shining your light and illuminating my path. From this place, I depart with a sense of purpose and direction, and with the knowledge to move forward. Hail Lord Lucifer. 
If your request to work with Lucifer has been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• A desire to explore or study Lucifer's teachings.
• Wanting to explore your own dark side and find a balance between light and darkness.
• Desire to tap into your inner power and embrace your own darkness.
• A desire to challenge mainstream society and embrace your individualistic nature.
• A feeling of being guided by a force outside yourself.
• Thinking about Lucifer all the time, seeing’s his name everywhere.
• Sudden interest in dragons and snakes. Seeing dragon and snake imagery often and dreaming about dragons and snakes.
• Wanting to research more about him and wanting to know more about his true story.
• Feeling rebellious and having more confidence in yourself.
If your request to work with Lucifer has not been accepted, you may notice the following signs:
• Your intuition may lead you in a different direction and away from their teachings.
• Signs in your life may not align with their teachings or you may feel uneasy or uncertain regarding their energies.
• Your dreams may have a different focus and may not involve them, or you may feel a lack of connection with them in your meditations.
Overall you need to be respectful of deities denying your request.
• Candles or torches
• Sweet treats like dark chocolate or pastries
• Red, black, or dead roses
• Incense like sage or cinnamon
• Red wine
• Whiskey, especially Jack Daniels.
• Champagne.
• Pomegranates or pomegranate juice.
• Black tea, especially earl grey.
• Cooked goat meat.
• Venison.
• Apples.
• Honey.
• Good quality cigars.
• Tobacco.
• Daggers and swords.
• Silver rings.
• Emeralds and emerald jewelry.
• Goat horns.
• Black feathers
• Seductive colognes.
• Crow skulls.
• Bone dice.
• Devotional poetry and artwork.
• Classical music, especially violin.
• Reject the idea of good and evil, and explore your darker sides
• Embrace your sexuality and desires
• Live a hedonistic life of pleasure and enjoyment
• Seek knowledge and wisdom
• Follow your own moral code and beliefs
• Be independent and unshackled
• Seek power and control of your life
• Reject authority and societal restraints.
• Acts of self-improvement.
• Spiritual awakening and evolution.
• Knowledge-seeking and dedication to spirituality.
• Shadow work.
• Working to overcome your ego to become wiser.
• Defending those in need.
• Working to better yourself without being too self critical.
• Fighting against tyranny and bigotry whenever you encounter it.
Consuming offerings given to Lucifer has its risks, though it is slightly different in his case. He is an energy of light and enlightenment, and he is often associated with self-awareness and independence. His energies are more suited to human consumption, but consuming offerings given to him may still cause an imbalance in energy and a disruption in the connection. It is always better to err on the side of caution and avoid eating or drinking offerings given to Lucifer.
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aventurine-official · 1 month
When Aventurine comes back to the Reverie late at night, he receives a present. There's a bouquet of blue hydrangeas, lilies and forget-me-nots in front of the door to his room. He receives a text from an unknown source. There's no way to track the sender, even with the IPC's technology. The message says:
You didn't notice, but I've been watching you for months. Only now I'm bit by bit starting to see under the surface. Your act is slowly breaking. There are cracks on your fake mask. How long can you keep it up? The truth is becoming visible to me, soon it'll be everyone around you. Be careful, gambler. You're begining to lose your game.
Ever since your arrival on Penacony, how many times have you been vulnerable in front of somebody else. Beautiful toys don't cry, have you forgotten what you've been taught so painstakingly? At the end of the day, you're not only an aventurine stone, are you?
You can't know my identity yet, but when your luck runs out and you finally lose, I'll find you. I'll be the last defense you have and the strongest one too. I hope the day is never going to come, but we both know it's close. How much longer can you last, beautiful peacock? You're not on your own. I'll be your guard.
If my findings are wrong, forget about this message.
- 👑
(NOT an anon signoff pls, don't add it)
*The blonde picks up the bouquet with sparkling eyes, smelling the fresh flowers. They're so, so pretty-- he wishes for a moment that it's Veritas who left them for him, but snaps himself out of his fantasy quite quickly. It's impossible the scholar could ever be so attentive, to somebody like him nonetheless.*
*As he contemplates how in the cosmos anybody could have known the names of his favourite flowers, his phone goes off. How strange-- he isn't expecting a follow-up from Topaz until tomorrow morning. Perhaps she's early?*
*Aventurine sighs, picking up his cellphone and unlocking it swiftly. A single notification lies in wait-- and the user cannot be indentified. The message is quite long... The gambler starts to doubt it was intended for his eyes, but the longer he reads, the more unsettled he becomes.*
*Someone is watching him? Someone who refuses to introduce themselves until his last moment? Mysterious, and a tad morbid-- he's sure he would have noticed somebody around...*
*Who is this person to judge his vulnerability? If they've noticed such things, they must have indeed been watching him closely... And yet he can't recall any of his acquaintances having this sort of tone.*
*'Beautiful toys don't cry'--The words are like a slap to the face, and the following question taunts him. Of course he hasn't forgotten-- the ink-black mark seared into the marred skin of his neck can't let him escape those awful memories even for a moment.*
*Several emotions stir inside the Avgin, and he's not sure whether to be fearful or outraged. He quickly redacts a response, his fingers trembling as he sends the message.*
Aventurine: Who are you and what do you want with me?
⚠️Your message has failed to send.
Aventurine: Is this someone's idea of a sick joke?
⚠️Your message has failed to send.
Aventurine: How do you know so much about me..?
⚠️The person you are attempting to contact is unavailable.
Aventurine: If you aren't lying...
Aventurine: I want your help
*The blonde inhales, thinking his next words over.*
Aventurine: I need it
Aventurine: If you really aren't messing with me, meet me in Dream's Edge at sundown tomorrow
⚠️Your message has failed to send.
*The gambler swipes away from the messages, the hot tears streaming down his cheeks going almost unnoticed as he opens his contact list and calls Ratio before he can think better of it.*
*He presses his back against the wall, sinking down to rest against the floor with a shaky breath as he listens desperately to the dial tone.*
Pick up, doc. Come on.
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lyralit · 2 years
[ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴅᴇꜱᴄʀɪʙᴇ] ᴛʜᴇ ᴄᴏʟᴏᴜʀꜱ
[under the break bc this is really long]
mercury / mars
gold / golden
robin's egg
black currant
cherry blossom
cotton candy
hot pink
pink panther
rose quartz
dragon fruit rind
[bonus: shades]
jet black
black pearls
squid ink
whipped cream
teddy bear
cydney's backyard fence
paper bags
courtesy of @cydthesciencekid
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saradika-graphics · 3 months
— currently working on:
hazbin hotel dividers
anakin headers & dividers
wildflower dividers
TTPD dividers
fruit pie dividers
twilight saga dividers
cozy autumn
daisy/sunflower dividers
(wip list is out of date - to be updated)
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— queued / completed
fire headers/divider
black flowers (recolor)
pale and dark green hearts
pastel bunnies dividers
evermore dividers
international women’s day
peach to maroon hearts
spring garden dividers
fantasy vampire dividers
fantasy weapons
ethan landry masterlist
waves and leaves dividers
red spider lily dividers
easter dividers
dragon dividers - recolor
fairy light dividers
feather dividers
pastel pink & yellow dividers
witchy dividers
bakery with utensils
hannibal quotes
forest dividers
mando dividers & mdni/support banners
yellow butterflies dividers
bugs dividers
hozier dividers
genderqueer dividers
80s rock dividers
sage green lines
casino dividers
don’t repost banners
pokemon dividers
fenced off animal dividers
wisteria dividers
speak now dividers
romantic florals - recolor
dark to light blue heart dividers
old school phone dividers
blue & purple computer dividers
black minimalist divider/headers
re: heisenburg dividers
scrollwork recolor (silver/gold)
academia dividers
yellowjacket dividers
black/green heart monitor
gold/silver scrollwork
blue/pink/green butterflies
space headers to match dividers
hello kitty dividers
green 'viewer discretion is advised' dividers
forget-me-not dividers
red / deer dividers
bird dividers
lover (ts) dividers
peacock dividers
dinosaur dividers
emerald moon/sun dividers
violet dividers
all too well dividers
blood dividers
red/black mdni dividers
pink/white/black dividers
jjk headers/dividers
plant dividers
blood dividers
chess/roses dividers
skull/bones dividers
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evermorethecrow · 8 months
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for the three people (one person) who wanted this
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in this image theres the shadow of a person over him
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hes got yellow and blue in his eyes
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this chuuya here has blue in his outlines
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fyodors sleeves are inspired by a peacock butterflys
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the red part has just been made pink
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this chuuya has various animal marks on him
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its easier to see more when you desaturate him
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mer-chu's scales and hair both deviate in colour
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and it took ages to draw
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this highschool chuuya also have various bruises from various fights
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pre death crychu has short hair for dress code reasons but its still far too long because he cuts it himself
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this yosano's corset has spider lilys and butterflys on it respectivelys
the butterflys for her ability and the spider lilys for her association to them through official art and symbolism
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i desinged her her very own lace for it
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shes also got a choker which is pretty much the norm for vampire hunters in this verse as it prevents them from being bitten
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ability swap chuuya has the same colour scheme in clothing as manga chuuya
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vampire chuuya's childhood outfit is colour picked from and based off of baby black widow spiders
Thats all i can mention before (i didnt highlight everything in the images here, for story purposes)
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intriq · 10 months
✧ dandelion seed
contents: angst. just straight up angst.
┊ ➶ 。˚   °
You’re relationship with Kaeya had always been a little rocky. Kaeya would get upset at you for something, and an argument would ensue. Sometimes you had temporarily separated, but Kaeya had always came back, bouquet of windwheel asters and cecelia's in hand, and would apologize profusely, stating just how sorry he was.
You had just recently fought again, though you couldn’t even recall why. It was something stupid, really, if you couldn’t recall it. But that argument Kaeya had gotten red in the face, angry and probably tipsy from drinking at the Angel’s Share, still dressed in his Cavalry Captain garb when he’d come home to you. In-fact, you could vividly recall he had even awoken you from your slumber, as you recall him returning when the sky outside the window was dark.
You only remember talking to him in a quiet voice, groggy and barely able to make out what he’d said, when he said something in a fit of rage and left, slamming the door behind him when he had gone.
You still don’t remember why he’d been so upset at you.
That argument had been a few months ago. And Kaeya had still not returned to your shared home.
In fact, no one in Mondstat had seen him since that day, either. You could vividly recall Diluc knocking on your door, and despite his protests that he was not here to see if Kaeya was home and trying to insist he did not care about Kaeya’s whereabouts, you knew he was worried. You knew, after all, that Diluc still cared about his brother.
And it felt even more unlike Kaeya when he had stopped responding to your letters. You weren’t sure how he was getting them, seeing as you simply left them on your windowsill. Every night you would write Kaeya a letter, sealing it in an envelope ever so carefully, a delicate wax seal keeping it shut.
You would leave the letter and a single violetgrass flower with it, resting it gently on your windowsill, leaving your window unlocked in hopes that one night you’d open your eyes to find Kaeya crawling through it, that same bouquet of windwheel asters in hand.
But he never did.
Instead you’d awaken the next morning to the letter and flower gone, instead replaced by a dandelion seed. You would walk up to your window and cradle the single dandelion seed in the palm of your hands, wondering what Kaeya had meant.
Oh did you wonder.
You began scrawling in each letter how sorry you were, that you didn’t really understand what Kaeya had been upset about that night due to having just woken up. You did this for the past three months, until eventually one night a letter was waiting with a glaze lily and dandelion seed by its side.
You took the envelope, so eager to hear back from Kaeya. Blue wax sealed the envelope, the engravement of a peacock in the wax, the sign it was stamped by Kaeya’s seal. You open the envelope, so careful as not to tear the envelope nor the letter as you do, and you gently unfold it.
But there is nothing but a blank paper.
You can feel tears stinging your eyes, confused and wondering what this meant. You don’t know what this represented. Were the flowers a sign?
You could only wonder.
And a week later, after that blank letter from Kaeya, you had managed to run into him again. But he was no longer the Kaeya you knew, the Kaeya you had wanted to settle with for the rest of your life.
He was not the Kaeya that gave you a bouquet of windwheel asters or cecilia’s from Flora’s flower shop, not the Kaeya who would whisper to you how much you meant to him.
He was not the one you had spent many nights nursing, tending to his injuries, as bloodied and broken as they could be. Not the one who you used to sing to sleep when he used to awoke you, sweat making his hair stick to his forehead as nightmares of his past returned to him.
You knew he was from Kheanri’ah, that he was the abyssal prince of the lost nation, destroyed by Archons many years ago. He’d told you the same day he’d dueled Diluc, the day he’d almost died at his brothers hand. You could still remember tending to his cuts and burns, whispering to him that no matter what you’d always love and care for him.
But this Kaeya before you was not the one you’d grown to love. The Kaeya before you had no reaction in his gaze, his eyepatch long since discarded, revealing the eye he’d always pretended to be unable to see out of. A yellow golden-hue came from it, as he stared down at you from atop his horse with cold eyes.
“Kaeya?” You had called, your voice so soft it was almost unheard by anything but the wind. And you noticed Kaeya almost seem to waver, his brows furrowed as he looked down on you. His cold demeanor melting away, but only for an instant. The instant so brief, and if you had not known him for as long as you did, you’d have missed it.
“Where have you been? I’ve been so worried about you.” You whisper again, your hands trembling as you move to his side, reaching up toward him. But your face contorts into pain as Kaeya turns away from you.
Kaeya used to tell you in the past he’d always choose you and Mondstat when the choice came. His voice then had been so sweet, soft as he whispered it to you when you’d felt insecure.
But oh, how he had lied, as he leaves you at Mondstat’s gates, choosing Khaenri’ah. Choosing Khaenri’ah over you.
You couldn’t help but sit there, having since crumpled to your knees, not even moving long since Kaeya left, not even stirring when night finally came and Diluc had to come pry you away from the bridge, ignoring your pleas as you beg for Diluc to leave you be, that Kaeya would come back for you.
You could only look away as you see the look Diluc held in his eyes when he heard your pitiful wailing and begging for Kaeya, who had chosen his homeland over you, the you he’d called his home and his life for years. That pitiful look Diluc gave you was too much for you to bare. But you knew, deep down. But you didn’t want to admit it, feeling that bitter taste in the back of your throat as you try to push the thought away. Deep down, you’d always known, a creeping feeling in your gut.
He never was going to choose you.
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krsnaradhika · 5 months
Golden, milky, soft radiance. Eyes like the universe, they call her the siren princess. The king found her in a majestic lotus. She's come from the azure oceans to rob a handsome cowherd from his sleep. Never has misfortune touched where her shadows fall. The dagger beneath the folds of her skin— oh, it's her wit. She has seen the self proclaimed emperor create pawns in her loved ones. The gliding movements as she slips through the fingers of one and all, she's time and timeless.
The earth-goddess. The curst gem’s heiress. The warrior princess turned queen. When Bhama walks her abode, the earth is an embrace. Her bosom. She fancies cradling her babies, abundant patience manifested. The soil up your arms and in your nails, these are her kisses. These fragrant flowers and leaves and misty grasses, this petrichor is her. Everytime you strut barefoot on shores, she sings to you in ghostly brontides.
The wayward princess of the greens. The beasts bow to her commands, they are her playmates. You hear the daughter of Jambavan laugh in the way the winds whisper and the leaves rustle in the jungle. Their cries are an invitation for her to join them still, but the personification of victory is long lost in the viridescent peacock feathers. She refuses to bid adieu to her beloved, like that stubborn tendril fondling her blue water lily visage. He charms all, she bewitches him.
Father's darling, father's mirror. Death's twin, justice is her kin. The ferocity of the solar god poured in a suave maiden of liberation. Yamuna rushes always, in the ears, even if never in sight. Dark, beautiful, beguiling Yamuna. You cannot deny her allure. She's too enticing, like a mother. Like a magician. She's stolen her complexion from sobbing rain clouds. The turbulent waves are only an inch of the fury she's capable of, but you only ever find her frolicking her own banks in childlike zest to the tunes of a flute that call for her.
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Happy WBW! Does your setting have any unique in-world symbolism? Like, are roses considered romantic there, or a different flower? Is there a popular symbol for death besides a skull?
I forgot this was in my drafts! Sorry this is so late! If you have questions about why any of the symbols apply to a certain concept let me know! I might do more posts like this in future, not sure yet.
I'm going to stick to Kishetal for this one, and I'm going to keep this one on the short side (For me). I'm keeping this one to just Love and Death, Hope that's okay.
The Kishite understanding of love is quite a complicated one, in that there is no singular definition of love, and as such no singular word for it. The word Pati means desire or want for, this acts as a suffix for terms relating to types of love. Broadly love can be divided into ten categories, Ulipati (Romantic love), Kipati (Maternal or Paternal love), Kurapati (The love of a pet or animal), Lupati (The love between friends, Platonic Love), Seshpati (Lust, physical love), Impati (Love of an inanimate object or place), Jalimpati (Greed), Ushpati (Love of food and drink), Irpati (Love of Beauty, "Wonder"), and Naholpati (The love of deceased person, grief). 
Ulipati (Romantic Love)
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Associated Animals and Creatures: Songbirds, Hoopoes, Dragonflies, Cranes, and Doves
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Cherry Blossoms, Lilies, Tulips, Hazelnut, Mint, and Artichokes.
Associated Colors: Purple and Dark Blue
Other Associations: The Sunset, Silk, Hoopoe feather crowns, The Heart, Coral, Jasper, and Bells.
Associated Deities: Uniki "The Great Matron"
Kipati (Maternal/Paternal Love)
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Associated Animals: Bears, Lionesses, The Durasi, Owls, and Octopi.
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Barley, Opium Poppy, Dates, Sesame seeds, Fir cones, and Olives and Olive Trees
Associated Colors: Orange, Brown, "Earthy colors"
Other Associations: Mud, Mudbrick, Kipsha (Barley cakes), Date syrup, Eggshells, Bird nests, The Stomach, and Owl feathers.
Associated Deities: Olhasuma "Goddess of the Life Giving Sky, Giver of Fertile Rains", Jalpaha "The Great Father"
Kurapati (Love of a Pet or Animal)
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Associated Animals: Dogs, Cats, Cattle, Weasels, Sheep, Horned-Rabbits, and Mice.
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Carnations, Oak Trees, Acorns, Oats, the Black Pine, and Thistles.
Associated Colors: Green
Other Associations: Collars, Shepherd's crook, Wool, Boar Tusks, and Leopard Skin.
Associated Deities: Unlakachi "The Wild God/ The Howling Lord", Jaramuha "The Horned God, God of the Shepherd"
Lupati (The Love Between Friends, Platonic Love)
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Associated Animals/ Creatures: Wolves, Deer, Ibex, Hawks, and Taruni
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Walnuts, Poplars, Roses, Beans, Onions, and Garlic.
Associated Colors: Yellow and Blue
Other Associations: Ships, Shields, Ladders, the Sun, Wrestling, Foot races, Amber, The Liver, The Throat, and Bow and Quiver (Not arrows)
Associated Deities: Fepaha "The Drunken God", Jalri "The Great Sun"
Seshpati (Lust, Physical Love)
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Associated Animals: Giant Minks, Oysters, Peacocks, Stags, Donkeys, Goats, and Serpents
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Asparagus, Cumin, Irises, Sycamore, Figs, Fennel, Lisjir, Cherries, Sweetgum,Pomegranates, and Lotuses
Associated Colors: Light Green and Pink
Other Associations: Honey, Spears, Perfume, Lapis Lazuli, Phalluses, Breasts, Lips, Flutes, Dancing, and Drums.
Associated Deities: Shibachi "The Pleasure Giver", Jaramuha "The Horned God"
Impati (Love of an Inanimate Object or Place)
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Associated Animals: Spiders, Rodents, Dragons (Tulininya), and Corvids.
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Chickpeas, Crocuses, Fumewart, Rosemary, Sage, Reeds, and Almonds
Associated Colors: Silver and Orange
Other Associations: Houses, Lyres, Bread, Fire, Hearths, the Oxhide ingot, Needles, Linen, Bronze, Iron, Anvils, The Arms, and "House spirits"
Associated Deities: Girmaha "God of Golden Fields", Hasunku "The God of the Flaming Stone", Kimaba "Goddess of the Oven"
Jalimpata (Greed)
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Associated Animals: Hermit Crabs, Kiriki, Foxes, and Bisku
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Saffron, Cinnamon, Peaches, Lentils, Heliotropes, Rice, and Pistachios
Associated Colors: Gold, Red, and Yellow
Other Associations: Gold, Ostrich Feathers, Frankincense, Pearls, Salt, Ivory, Silk, Apuna, The Eye, and Rakashim
Associated Deities: Ikeshpaha "The Golden God"
Ushpati (Love of Food and Drink)
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Associated Animals: Pigs, Boars, Ducks, Bees, Fish, Seagulls, Frogs, Sheep, Wild Game, Snails, and Lamalaru.
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Apples, Figs, Carrots, Beets, Mushrooms, Garlic Flowers, Parsely, Juniper, Grapes, and Violets
Associated Colors: Red, Yellow, and Purple
Other Associations: Beer, Wine, Food (Duh), Pans, Cups, Amphora, The Stomach, The Hand and Fingers, and The Mouth.
Associated Deities: Kimaba "Goddess of the Oven", Fepaha "The Drunken God", Jalchibiku "God of the Vast Waters"
Irpati (Love of Beauty, Wonder)
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Associated Animals and Creatures: Spirits, Disuruku, Tigers, Falcons, Tiamawa, Parrots, Oceanic Fish, Whales, Butterflies, Lizards, and Exotic Bird Species (Mostly from the east and south)
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Hasir Flower, Cypress Tree, Apunian Lotus, Cornflowers, Palm Trees, Cedar, Regalu, Botagalu, and Ivy
Associated Colors: Blue, Orange, and Most Bright Colors
Other Associations: Magic, Ruins, Art, Marble, Gemstones, The Moon, Virginity, Clouds, Birds, Ice, Snow, Mountains, and Giants.
Associated Deities: Sonma "The Dream Giver", Silima "Goddess of the Roaring Snow", Humbalima "The Stonebreaker"
Nahulpati (Love of the Dead, Grief)
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Associated Animals: Swans, Dogs, Vultures, Foxes, Jackals, Hyenas, Crows, Boruku, Crabs, and Dolphins.
Associated Plants/Fruits/Vegetables: Jasmine, Dried Flowers, Myrrh, Gladiolus, Grasses, Dandelions, and Clover
Associated Colors: White, Black, and Green
Other Associations: Burial Stones, Skeletons, The Elderly, Hills (not mountains), Singing, Mirrors, Calm Water, and Time
Associated Deities: Nahulpaha "The Judge", Shashuma "The Great Scribe"
Death is a complicated topic in Kishite culture, and ultimately can be divided among its two patron deities, Nahulpaha and Dualik. I wil address the differences between each of these aspects of death and their symbolism.
Nahulpaha (Nahul= Death, Paha= Father/Dad)
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An important aspect of the Kishite understanding of death, its inherent impermanence. Nothing that dies, will stay dead. All living things reincarnate; mortals, animals, plants, and even some non-living items like mountains, forests, houses, and ships. The only difference being that mortals, those who are among The Awakened, have the potential to eventually, after many mortal lives, enter the Divine Realm, something that Animals, Plants, and even Spirits, cannot do. The Cycle defines the boundary between spirit and mortal; where the former exists exclusively as a spiritual being with an indefinite and/or malleable form, the latter exists as a soul inhabiting a defined, physical body. When a mortal body dies, the soul receives judgment, a process by which they decide if they should be reborn again on the same world, or continue on to be reborn in the next, each life coming closer to divinity. if reborn on the same world, the soul will not be burdened with the memory of the rejected life; while they are reborn as a clean slate in each new mortal world, and again into the spirit realm, if they reach the realm of the gods, they regain the memories of all of their satisfactory lives and attain the capacity to all of those people at once. A life may be rejected for any number of reasons: most commonly, the soul was too young to move on in the cycle, the soul was not satisfied or happy with that life, or the soul believes they did more harm than good during that life.
There is no concept of ghosts or the undead in Kishite folklore, however it is possible for souls that reject judgment to become trapped between lives, there they may attack or threaten the souls of the dead on their journey to judgment. There are a number of rituals and ceremonies meant to counteract this threat.
It is the duty of the deity, Nahulpaha, to guide the dead soul, to help them with judgment, to act as a mediator between the different aspects of the self. While called the Judge, Nahulpaha does not actually provide a sentence. It is thought to be impossible to lie to Naholpaha, as the god knows the mind of the soul.
The god is typically depicted as a dark or cloaked figure, who carries in his hand a torch, some say that this torch is some small piece of the sun given to him by the other gods. This may lead to a false impression by outsiders that Nahulpaha is meant to be a scary or wicked figure. However in the Kishite understanding he is quite the opposite. Nahulpaha is shown as kind, he comforts the dead so that they may judge themselves without fear or anger, he guides the souls to their next life, he sings and dances to comfort the lost children, he howls to welcome the faithful hounds, he pounds the drums to invigorate the fallen soldiers, and it is he who weaves the blankets for the worn mothers. Though he is initially believed to appear in his shadowy form, it is believed that he takes the form of the soul he is addressing, thus to speak with Nahulpaha is to speak with oneself.
Though it is his duty to usher mortal souls to the Divine Realm, he is alone among the gods in that he may not enter there. This arrangement is his choice, one made when mortal souls were first created. It is not unusual for the dead to be placed in their burial stones with food and drink, not for themselves but as gifts for Nahulpaha.
Dried Flowers
Burial Stones/Cairns
A Torch
A Black Cloak
Dualik (The Destruction, The etymology of the name dates back to before the age of the Calamity, preceeding the Kishite Language by thousands of years)
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Dualik (Destruction and Time) is one of the three Primordial Beings, alongside Shobiash (The River of Creation) and Shuam (Law). They are the eternal embodiment of time and of destruction, the ferryman of the Shobiash. Both Dualik and Shuam are believed to be born of the river and the primordial nothing. It is the role of Dualik to destroy the universe at its proper time, known as the Nalbani, and to subsequently usher in the birth of a new universe. Dualik has very little to do with mortals or with the events of Kobani, and is thought of as either indifferent to or ignorant of the struggles and fates of the worlds that they oversee. This does not mean that "The Destruction'' is evil, rather it is viewed as a necessary mechanism of reality, one which all beings must heed, though one that few if any will ever see face to face.
And though Dualik is seen as time, decay, and errosion, they are also responsible for rebirth and recreation on a cosmic level. Only Dualik knows when it is the proper time for the universe to be brought to its end, and when the next should be created.
Dualik is rarely referred to in myth or ritual, when they do appear they are depicted as a many armed figure atop a barge or as 3 black circles each inside of each other.
A Ferry Boat
Three Circles
A Many Armed Figure
The Tide
The Cycle of the Moon
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tarotbee · 1 year
Hi! I’m not sure if you are still doing your ways to worship certain deities posts but if you are do you think you could do one about Lady Hera?
Ways of Honouring and Worshipping Queen Hera
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To note Hera is the Wife of Zeus and the Queen of the Gods. She is also the Goddess of marriage and childbirth and the protectress of women. She also bore the epithet Eileithyia at Árgos and Athens and was the Patron of those cities, giving her correspondence with Athena.
Learn her Epithets: Eileithyia, Gamêlia, Zugia and Teleia
Imagery of Cows, Cuckoo's, Peacocks, Panthers, Lions, Eagles and shelled animals
Peacock feathers, ethically sourced or faux cow leather, cow horns, snail shells etc
Research the celebrated "The Shield" that was held in her honour at Sámos
Research the Heraia
Self care days - baths with Epsom salts, bath bombs, face maks
Glamour magic
Colour magic! (Pinks/rose, purples, white and royal colours such as rich blues and greens)
Celebrate the solstices and the changing of the seasons
Any royal imagery such as thrones, crowns, scepter etc
Plants and Scents: lily, lotus, poppy, waterlily, maple, coconut, iris, rose, cyprus
Wear jewelerry made of rich gems and jewels like silver, garnets, diamond, sapphire and citrine
Apples and pomegranates
Statues and painting were common traditional offerings to Hera
Learning marriage customs
Have sex! (But don't cheat, iykyk)
Learn the Homeric hymns written for her
Set boundaries for yourself, especially in romance
Take care of your home physically and energetically
Most importantly take care of yourself
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A prayer to Hera
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