#like you get it right? I’m neither awake or Normal After Reading That enough to make a better post right now but. Hm fucked up I think!
magpiesbones · 2 years
Okay I know Kiriona is the te reo Māori transliteration of Gideon and not Some Other Name (femme) but what does get me about this, and the implicit Weird Fucking Gender Vibes (bad) is:
Gaia is.
Gaia is, quite literally, the feminine option for Jod’s surname, and this is a Greek word. Where -a is a feminine ending. Jod could have named her with his own surname.
and there’s really something about renaming your butch daughter something unmistakably feminine that just. Doesn’t quite sit right with me.
23 notes · View notes
andreafmn · 1 year
Tricked by the Universe - Version 2
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Word Count: 10K
Requested: by @kloy344 “Could you do a rosalie hale x pack reader where reader gets overwhelmed by newborns and is nearly killed when the newborns use their strength to wound reader and all rosalie could do was watch as it happened”
Story Description: After a circumstantial encounter, (Y/N) imprints on the person they least expect, Rosalie Cullen – a vampire. They try as hard as they can to deny their feelings, but some things are just too hard to do. But the universe sure likes to play games on certain people. For better or worse.
Pairings: Rosalie Hale x GN!Reader
A/N: Finally got around to posting the happy version of this request because we all know Rosalie deserves her happy ending. If you read the first version just skip to a bit after halfway to read the new version 💖💖 I love Rosalie so muuuuuch!!!! My content will always be free, but if you’re feeling particularly generous, you can leave a tip on any of my posts to support me and my love of writing🥺👉👈. Hope you enjoy, and all constructive criticism is encouraged.
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It was true that you didn’t choose who you imprinted on.
Sometimes the universe liked to play tricks on people, and it just so happened that this time it had chosen two creatures of very different kinds. Neither had wanted it at first, fighting the pull they had felt since the first time they locked eyes. Vampire and shapeshifters being natural born enemies, they knew it was a match destined for chaos.
(Y/N) didn’t know whether they were grateful they had patrol that day or not, but it happened.
It had been quiet that sunrise, not even the woodland creatures that normally paraded the area weren’t awake yet. Given the calm environment, (Y/N) had concluded that nothing eventful would be reported. But nearing the creek that separated the treaty line, their eyes focused on a figure that had their back turned to them. From the smell alone they could deduce that it was a bloodsucker but didn’t know if they were a traveler or one of the Cullens.
The white furred wolf growled lightly, warning the creature of their proximity to their limit. One wrong step and (Y/N) would have a good story to bring back to the pack.
“Oh, there’s no need for such hostility,” a honey laced voice spoke out. The vampire swept her blond hair over her shoulder, not yet facing the wolf.  “I know well enough not to cross the creek, not that I’d ever want to.” 
(Y/N) couldn’t speak in her form, only growling at the creature to back away anyways.
“Right, wolfie can’t talk. Wouldn’t it be easier if…?” Finally, she turned. Locking eyes with the giant figure of the animal.
(Y/N) had only heard of how it would feel when they imprinted but did not think it would happen to them. Their (Y/E/C) eyes locked with the golden ones of the female before them. They felt the wind being knocked out of them, the pull toward the vampire too strong to handle. The gravity for them had shifted, the only thing that matters was to be next to the blonde beauty that stood at the other side of the creek. For the first time since they had learned what a vampire was, they didn’t feel a hatred toward their kind.
“There’s no way,” the blonde whispered before speeding away. The only thing the wolf could do was shift and head back to Sam’s house.
The boisterous talk from the men inside the house made (Y/N)’s bones tremble. The mind link they shared being a complete nuisance in the moment – they knew the other members would chastise them to no avail.
“It’s no use to wait outside,” Sam’s voice had the young beta jumping. “We already know. All of us – it’s not something you can help.” 
“I’m not going to see her.” 
“That won’t last for very long, (Y/N).” Sam sat next to (Y/N) on the steps of the porch. “Telling you from experience, avoiding your imprintee does not work. It’ll only be worse in the long run.” 
“Sam, she’s a vampire,”  (Y/N) sighed, dragging their hands across their face. “How can I be with the enemy?” 
“At least it’s a Cullen, you know. They’re not as bad as the other bloodsuckers,” he chuckled. “The guys will probably be on you about it – I can’t promise they’ll go easy on you. But whatever you decide, I’m on your side.” 
“I don’t think I can do it, Sam. For the longest time we’ve only been taught to hate the cold ones, how they are the reason we are the way that we are. How am I supposed to forget all that and stand with them now?” 
“I can’t help you there, (Y/N). I don’t have the knowledge in this topic, but we’ll take it one day at a time.” 
For the coming weeks, that’s what they did. With the help of Sam, they were able to avoid the jokes and comments from the others. The alpha had always taken a liking to (Y/N). Ever since they had phased, Sam had always treated them as a sibling, protecting them from the other members that had a tendency of being too overbearing. But the fellow betas knew that at some point Sam would have to be apart from (Y/N).
(Y/N) had become irritable and short tempered during that time, snapping at anything and everything. Their fuse had become shorter than Paul’s, which could only mean that one of these days they would break catastrophically. They could control their emotions better than most of the pack members, but the imprint link had been toying with their willpower.  
“Hey, (Y/N). Sam’s out on patrol today. What’re you gonna do now?” Paul taunted. “There’s no one to protect you now.”
“Really? I never noticed,” they sarcastically responded. “I can take care of myself. Unlike some people that need to be kept on a short leash.”
“At least some of us know to keep it behind enemy lines. Maybe we should start making rules for traitors.”
“I’m not a traitor, Lahote. You all know it’s not something we control,” (Y/N) spoke, teeth gritted. “Or are you just jealous I’ve found my imprintee and it seems like no one was made for you.”
“(Y/N),” Jared warned. He never joined in the teasing, and as second in command, did not allow it to get too out of hand. “There’s no need to take this to a personal level.”
“Oh, come on, Jared. It is personal!” (Y/N) croaked. “Ever since I imprinted on Rosalie everyone’s been treating me like I betrayed the pack for something I never chose. Destiny played a rude trick on me, and now I have to feel like my heart is being ripped to shreds every waking moment. Everything I do, as simple as breathing, is agony. I am battling heart and mind by being apart from my imprintee. All for you guys to mock me and open the wound further.”
“(Y/N), I…”
“Of course you didn’t know, Paul!” They yelled, the sound of their voice cracking with emotion. “None of you knows what it feels like to spend day after day away from the person that you were destined to be with. Feeling like half of your soul is tugging at you, beaconing you to get closer un order to mend itself. Instead, I endure your mocking, your jokes, your snarky remarks, and I stay with you guys. I chose to be by your side regardless of how much it hurt.”
“I know how you feel, (Y/N),” Jacob tried to relate. “If only Bella…”
“Gods, Jake. That girl doesn’t want to be with you! Every single time she’s chosen Edward,” (Y/N) retorted. “What you’re feeling is a sick puppy love that will go away any day. So, don’t for a second try to compare our situations.”
“You don’t have to be an ass, (Y/N),” Embry defended his best friend. “Hes’s trying to show support.”
“No, he’s not!” (Y/N) was growing impatient, filling the wolf try to burst through the seams. Their shoulders had already started to shake with anger, their breathing becoming heavy and staggered. “Funny enough, the only reason you guys side with Jake is cause if Bella ever decides to leave Edward for this one she’ll remain human. Meanwhile I get shit on for having imprinted on Rosalie. But if you guys want me out this bad, then fine. I’m going.”
(Y/N) needed to get out of that house. Their anger was boiling to the surfaced at this point, and phasing in the middle of the small kitchen. But the men inside never let go of a bone once they had it.
“That’s right, (Y/N). Run away like a little kid,” Paul taunted. “We all knew you weren’t cut out for this. You’ve always been one to dish it out but can never take it.”
“Shut up, Paul,” they warned.
“Sam’s not here, (Y/N). You got no one on your side,” he laughed, the others joining soon after. “What’re you gonna do about it?”
In an instance, before the group of boys a snow white wolf with bared teeth appeared. (Y/N) challenged Paul, getting closer to boy as they growled. At first, Paul felt intimidated, taking a few steps backward as the wolf stepped forward. But too many eyes were overlooking the scene and he could not allow them to believe he would ever back down from a challenge. Soon after, he transformed into the volatile dark silver wolf. Both animals squared off at each other, circling cautiously, neither striking first.
Hidden by the shadow of the trees both wolves snarled and nipped at each other, the other pack members trying to calm them down. Paul got tired of the stand off and pounded first. His teeth baring for (Y/N)’s neck. They knew the silver’s wolf every move and slid out of the way before the fangs came in contact with their neck. They lunged at his ribs quickly after, pushing Paul on his side with a loud crack. The blow did little to keep him down as he grabbed (Y/N)’s leg with his teeth and flung her on her back, the breath being knocked out of their lungs.
They were growing irate. The back and forth between them and Paul, a boring dance of give and take. (Y/N) would not continue to be mocked and laughed at by the rest of the pack – they needed to fortify their position against them. As Paul recovered from the last hit, (Y/N) went in once again a landed a blow against his ribs and before he could get up, they bit down hard on one of his legs. A loud whine came from the grey wolf as he tried to get up, and the white wolf took the chance to pounce on top of him. Their fangs in full display and a menacing growl coming from their blood-stained mouth. Paul whimpered from under (Y/N), afraid of the strength they were portraying for the same time. No one else dared to intervene in the fight – fairness wouldn’t ensue.
“That’s ENOUGH!” A voice roared from behind them. (Y/N)’s head snapped back, their scowl faltering as soon as they made eye contact with Sam. “Let’s talk, (Y/N).”
(Y/N) couldn’t handle what they had done. The fire that was clouding their vision dissipating as their alpha called their attention. They noticed the coppery taste of blood now, the burning in their throat from the snarling, the pain running through their body from the hits. For the first time since the fight, they became conscious of the wounds they were inflicting on their fellow pack member. The veil of wrath finally disappeared and all that was left was the aftermath of their emotions.
Looking at a wounded Paul, (Y/N) became overwhelmed feeling the silver wolf’s pain as well as their own. They were devastated at what they had done, the voices of the rest of the pack trying to calm them down, their own thoughts firing through her head. As tears welled in their eyes, the white wolf made a turn toward the woods in a desperate need of escape.
Their legs burned as they ran avoiding trees and obstacles in the way – one location burned into their head. (Y/N) didn’t know what to expect when they got there, but the pull was too strong to ignore it. Even though their limbs were screaming in agony, they pressed on until they arrived at the location.
It took only a second for (Y/N) to forget about all the pain and suffering they had just endured. All it took was seeing her once more.
Rosalie had felt the need to reach the treaty line that day, an inexplicable force pulled her toward it. Just like (Y/N), she had been avoiding the wolf, trying with every fiber of her being to not see the person she was destined to be with. Since being in Forks all she had done was vilify shapeshifters and all that seemed like their kind – their smell being repulsive was just a reason to stray far from them. But her hear had felt emptier than ever before, yearning to be closer to the wolf she had seen for mere seconds that day. The Cullens had tried their best to appease her mind about the imprint bond, a link neither had a choice in. Yet Rosalie remained as stubborn as ever, repressing whatever pain she was feeling and replacing it with an irritable attitude and sharp remarks. Not even Emmett could handle being in her presence for too long, and normally he was the one that was able to calm her down. Her patience was growing as short as (Y/N)’s.
She had thought about leaving the spot she had been waiting in for an hour, but a nagging voice in her head told her to remain still – waiting. It wasn’t until she heard the rustling of the leaves and the snapping of branches that she knew what she was waiting for… who she was waiting for. From the trees emerged the white wolf she had seen that day, this time with a light red hue around its mouth. The smell of wet dog didn’t fill Rosalie’s nose, instead a sweet aroma filled her sinus. She let a breath of relief out, even if she didn’t need it. Upon seeing the wolf, the knot around her heart loosened, a weight lifting from her shoulders.
The wolf felt the same relief the blonde did as soon as they saw her. Just being around Rosalie eased the heartache she had been feeling for days on end. (Y/N) could have never guessed that this is all it would take to make their heart stop hurting. They lowered their head, asking permission to cross the border. It wasn’t until Rosalie granted them passage that they jumped the division between the two lands.
In their wolf form (Y/N) towered slightly over the vampire, their eyes meeting at the perfect height. Rosalie took a step forward, closing the space between them, never breaking eye contact. She placed a hand on (Y/N)’s head, stroking their fur comfortingly. The wolf leaned into the touch, actually enjoying the cold hand on their warm skin. They had never seen as much love in someone’s eyes since Emily and Sam and being on the receiving end of that stare was a breath of fresh air.
“Shift back,” she spoke slowly. “You can use my coat to cover yourself.”
(Y/N) sat on the ground as Rosalie draped her coat over them. The blonde watched with curious eyes as bones shifted and fur turned to skin, revealing the person behind the animal. They pulled the clothing close to their body and closed the buttons to shield their naked body from view.
“You’re hurt,” the blonde mentioned, noticing the wounds scattered across their body. “Shouldn’t you be healed already?”
“They were inflicted by another wolf, so they won’t heal as fast.”
“You fought with another pack member?”
“Yes, but that is of no importance. We finally meet,” (Y/N) smiled. “Not that either of us wanted to change that.”
“I don’t think it’s much of a surprise that we weren’t too keen on the idea of being destined to our sworn enemies,” Rosalie chuckled – the sound a refreshing tune in their ears. “Although my family kept pushing me to reach out to you, my stubbornness wouldn’t allow me to. I have to admit I became a tad insufferable.”
“At least you had people that were supportive. All I got was taunted and harassed by the pack for imprinting on a vampire. Even if it is something I can’t control they branded me a traitor, and honestly for the first few days it was fine ‘cause I’m used to their rude jokes, but this time it was different. And it’s not like I sought for you that day, and it’s not like I somehow manifested a vampire to be my imprintee, and it’s not like…”
In that moment, Rosalie gave into her impulses and crashed her lips onto (Y/N), pausing the shape-shifter’s rambling. It felt like home, like there in that moment was where they belonged. Electricity burst between them as soon as the contact was made, and neither wanted to be the one to break away. But one of them needed their breath.
 “Sorry,” the vampire giggled. “You were rambling, and I didn’t know how to stop you.”
“Can’t say I’m mad about it,” they grinned at the blonde.
“What I am sorry for is what you’ve had to endure because of me – and I don’t even know your name.”
“It’s (Y/N), my name is (Y/N).”
“(Y/N),” she breathed. “I still can’t wrap my head around this turn of events – a wolf and a vampire, fated to be together. The universe truly knows how to play its tricks. I don’t even know where we go from here.”
“You and me both, Rosalie. I don’t even know if I will be welcomed back after the fight.”
“Come back with me,” she blurted.
“We have so much space in the house, and you need those wounds cleaned. So, until you feel like you need to go back, stay with me there.”
“I-I couldn’t… I wouldn’t want to impose. And I don’t think the rest of your family would want the smell of wet dog lingering there,” (Y/N) teased. “But in all seriousness, I don’t know how pleased with the idea they would be.”
“If I can come around the idea of having a mutt so close to me, I’m sure they will too,” Rosalie joked back. “But I know they’ll be okay with it – even if it takes them some time.”
The pair went back to the Cullen house where the family quickly acclimated to having the wolf around. The last one to get used to (Y/N)’s presence was Edward since he held such disdain for them thanks to Jacob, but soon enough grew to love them as much as the rest of the family. The Cullens welcomed the wolf as one of their own in the four weeks they stayed at the residence.
During that time, they invested their complete energy into learning everything they could about Rosalie – quickly falling for the pale girl, understanding why the universe had decided to pair them together. Forever wasn’t enough time to spend with her.
(Y/N) kept their distance from the pack, too ashamed to face them. It wasn’t until they were under threat of a newborn army that they saw the group again – with the added surprise that they had agreed to help the Cullens protect Bella and themselves.
The first day of training with the Cullens, (Y/N) walked into the clearing in their wolf form, instantly feeling the mind link shared between the pack. At first it sounded like static, their voices coming through a few syllables at a time. They shook in their paws, staying by Rosalie’s side the whole time for support. The blonde ran her hand through the soft fur giving their partner the reassurance they needed. (Y/N) had no idea how the others would act toward them – they knew how well the pack could hold a grudge.
The wolves walked out of the trees, some barring their teeth and growling, their eyes landing anywhere than on their possibly former member. (Y/N) couldn’t handle the pressure, lowering their head to avoid any accidental eye contact with the people she considered family once.
“They’re not angry,” Jasper whispered to the wolf. “They have been concerned about you, actually.”
“They say thank you,” Edward answered for the canine, the white wolf nodding their head in agreement. “The pack’s disdain is only toward us, (Y/N). Nothing to do with you. They don’t trust us enough to be in their human form.”
“They came,” Carlisle breathed. “That’s what matters.”
Sam took a step forward starting a meeting between both clans, Edward acting as a translator. Carlisle explained the procedures of the day, the strength and voracity of the newborns, and allowed Jasper to explain how to fight them. The long haired blond started his demonstration sparring with a cocky Emmett, throwing him on the ground in just three moves. Carlisle and Edward went next, and for a second it had seemed that the younger man had won, until the doctor sprung to his feet and had his son pinned to the ground.
Jasper then motioned to Rosalie to fight with him, earning a protective growl from (Y/N). The coach assured the mutt she would not be hurt, that this was simply for training purposes. The two vampires squared off, the female throwing the first punch. Jasper dodged every hit gracefully, anticipating every move. But when a soft punch landed on Rosalie and she backed away with a twirl, the white wolf sprung forward, only being stopped by the barrier their partner had created with their body.
“Don’t allow emotions cloud your judgement,” Jasper advised, earning another growl from the canine. “It’s the easiest way to make a mistake in the battlefield.”
“I’m alright, (Y/N),” Rosalie smiled. (Y/N) relaxed their stance with her words, the pack’s reaction not going without notice. As much interference through the mind link they heard, they were able to decipher that they still hadn’t come to terms with the fact that they had imprinted on a vampire. No matter how much time passed, the others still felt it unnatural for their kind.
“Sam wants to speak to you before they go,” Edward announced to (Y/N). “Do you need me to stay behind and translate? I know the link is being shoddy for you.”
“No,” she thought to him. “Tell him I’ll speak with him in our land so we can both shift back comfortably.”
Edward related (Y/N)’s thoughts and placed in their mouth a bag filled with clothes to change into. He then joined the rest of his family and explained that the white wolf would be back shortly. Rosalie sent her partner a comforting smile and left alongside her family to wait for them at the house.
With trembling steps, the wolf followed behind their alpha until they passed the treaty line, hiding behind trees to phase into their human form. Beads of sweat formed on their forehead as they got dressed, fearing the worst would come from this conversation. A wolf without a pack was simply an animal with a target on their back.
“Come out, (Y/N),” Sam commanded.
“Are you the only one here?” (Y/N) questioned, not wanting to be the co-author of another physical confrontation. “The last thing I want is to fight any of you.”
“No one wants to fight, (Y/N). Regardless, I’m the only on here.”
They peaked their head from behind the tree to see a smiling Sam waiting for them. (Y/N) couldn’t contain themselves any longer and crashed into Sam’s open arms, engulfing him in a tight hug.
“I’ve missed you, little one,” Sam spoke into their hair. “You know, you didn’t have to run away.”
“I hurt Paul, Sam. Had it not been for your interference, one of us would probably not be here to tell the tale.”
“The important thing is it did not happen, and I’m sure you would have come to your senses before any fatal hit could be made.” Sam’s protective instincts took control. Seeing (Y/N) beating themselves up over such a trivial situation hurt him. They were carrying such a big guilt from something they had been pushed to do. “Paul had no right to set you off the way he did. It took you leaving for them all to understand how insensitive they had been. Needless to say, they’ve all had their punishment. They might not resent you anymore for having a vampire imprintee, but they now do for having horrible training sessions and long patrol shifts.”
“They have always been great at blaming others for their own wrongdoings,” they chuckled. “But, come on, Paul must still be fuming – I bit down on his leg for fucks sake. I would understand if he never wanted to hear from me again.”
“Actually, I wanted to apologize for what I’d done,” Paul startled them appearing from behind a tree. “I crossed the line between playful banter and just full-on being a dickhead.”
“I don’t think you’ve ever known where that line’s been,” (Y/N) teased, a playful smile toying on their face.
“Unfortunately, can’t disagree,” he chuckled. “But it’s time to come back home, (Y/N). Your place is with your pack, not with the cold ones.”
“He’s right, (Y/N). Your place is in the rez, not in Forks.”
“My place now is with my imprintee,” (Y/N) corrected. “Rosalie is not allowed to come into our land – not that I think she’d want to – and I’ve spent enough time away from here to know that being apart is worse. LaPush will always be my home, but my heart remains wherever she is.”
“So, you’re leaving the pack for good?”
“I don’t have any other choice. Now do I, Sam?” They smiled sadly. “There was a time where I believed I could have a normal life after I chose to stop shifting, where I wouldn’t have to turn into a wolf anymore and could live out the rest of my years growing old and whatnot. But having her in my life this past month, I do not want to imagine what it would be like without her. It’s not that I’ll never see you guys again, but from now to forever I’m choosing her.”
“There’s no changing your mind, is there?”
“The day you imprint on someone, Paul, you’ll understand the lengths you’d go through for them. It’s one thing to know of it, it’s another to experience the imprinting bond. It’s too strong a force to set aside.” (Y/N) spoke with love laced words only, any anger she held for her friend dissipated. “I would love to go back with you guys and be around the pack like nothing’s changed. But I don’t want to have to sacrifice my relationship with Rosalie in order to do so — I don’t think I could handle that pain again.”
“Well, you always have a place back home,” Sam smiled. “And on the odd chance that you’d like to visit with her, I think we can work around the treaty to allow her passage sometimes. You’re too important to us.”
“Thank you, Sam.” They wrapped him in a hug once more, joyous over the resolution. “I promise for as long as we’re in Forks I’ll come visit as much as I can. I might not be part of the pack, but I’m still a wolf.”
“Just make sure you shower before coming here,” Paul laughed. “Don’t think we could have you around for long with that smell lingering on you.”
“I will,” (Y/N) joined in the guffawing. “Before I go, I want to thank you all for being a part of my family and understanding why I must leave the rez.”
“You’re the closest thing I have to a sibling, (Y/N). No offense to the rest of the pack,” Sam beamed. “No matter what you had decided, I would’ve been by your side every step of the way. Even if these knuckleheads can’t stand it.”
“I can’t speak for the others, but – even if it takes some time – I understand that as much as it hurts to leave the pack, it’s worse to be apart from blondie,” Paul smiled. “I’ll see you in the next training session.”
“Be safe, (Y/N).”
“Always am, Sam.”
(Y/N) turned back with a bright smile on their face. The pack having their back was more than they could’ve hoped for. A month and a half ago, they probably could have disappeared from the face of the Earth, and none would have cared. But that afternoon, they had crossed the toughest bridge in their life – their energies could now be focused on the close approaching newborn army.
Only during training sessions did (Y/N) remember that the threat of the newborn’s was real. The days coming up to the fated day Rosalie and (Y/N) spent as if they were their last. From the outside looking in, no one would guess that in a matter of a couple of sunrises they would be facing life and death. And as much as the pair wanted to remain in their honeymoon bubble, the army was here, and the battle had to begin.
“Promise me you won’t do anything stupid,” Rosalie pleaded that morning.
“Like what?” (Y/N) laughed. Against all counsel, they still believed the newborns couldn’t be as strong as Jasper said.
“Taking on more than you can handle, for one.”
“You worry too much, darling,” they tried to calm Rosalie down. The blonde could only stare into the eyes of the person she had grown to love, a look of concern coating the usual gleam. “Alright, I promise to take the necessary precautions to make sure nothing happens.”
“Seriously. You don’t know the strength of these creatures until you finally fight one.” 
“ I believe you, darling.” (Y/N) planted a smiling kiss on the vampire’s lips, promising once more that they would not “do anything stupid.”
Soon after, Alice announced through the house that the newborns were nearing, prompting us all to head to the destined clearing for the battle. The vampires all huddled together, fronting as the only plan of attack, as the wolves hid between the tree line. The pack welcomed the white wolf, their link finally restored. But the salutations were cut short when zooming was heard from afar as the presence of the vampires was made known.
In a couple of seconds, both vampire clans clashed together. For an instance it seemed that the newborns would have the upper hand, crowding the Cullens faster than they could defend themselves. Then, Sam gave the order to push through the branches and attack.
The pack did as they had been taught. Teeth and claws gashing away at the heads of the young vampires, ripping through the bundle of immortal beings. The white fur that covered (Y/N)’s body was soon enough covered in the crimson red from the cold ones, a proud look on their face a they attacked as many as they could. The confidence quickly rushed through their body and they felt the courage to take on a huddle of bloodsuckers that were fast approaching. A mistake they would soon regret.
As (Y/N) sank their teeth into a brunette’s neck and ripped the head off, two other newborns pounced on their back and another ran into their ribs, knocking them to the ground. The wolf rolled on the ground, trying to shake them off but the young ones only sank their nails deeper into the animal. (Y/N) let out a pain full howl, still thrashing to people the vampires from their body.
“(Y/N)!!” Rosalie cried. She wasn’t standing too far away, but was fighting off a couple of newborns herself and could only watch as the red liquid dripped down the wolf’s body instead of coating the top of their fur. As hard as she tried to get closer to (Y/N), the more people she had to fight off.
The wolves and Cullens around (Y/N) tried their hardest to rid the foes from around themselves in an attempt to aid the white wolf, but the newborns were truly strong and were making the task that much harder.
The lone wolf fell on their back, crushing one of the vampires that had latched onto them, but they were growing weaker. Too much blood had left their body, painting their body a deeper hue as more of the liquid rushed out. And as soon as they got rid of the other one, came up from behind and dug his hands into the wolf’s side and pressing into their ribs, snapping a couple. A louder howl escaped the animal as the vampire threw them into the ground with a loud thud, knocking the air out of the wounded animal and their head colliding against a rock, their vision turning black.
Rosalie ripped the head off two vampire and sped to the idiot that had dared harm (Y/N). She grabbed him by the throat and strangled the vampire until his head popped off. Emotionally defeated, the blond fell beside the human form of her beloved, using her jacket to cover their body.
Around them the sounds had died down. The last of the newborns ripped to shreds. The present Cullens surrounded the blonde and the wolf, worry evident in their face. Sam approached (Y/N)’s body in his wolf form, nudging their arm softly with his snout, whining when their body showed no sign of response. The pack followed closed behind, knowing they were alive but unsure of the true damage.
The blonde had pressed their body to hers, stroking the strands of their hair in an effort to calm herself. As she cried dry tears as she searched for her partner’s heartbeat, unable to do so over the ringing that crowded her sensitive ears. She clung to (Y/N)’s limp and bloodied body, not even allowing Carlisle to check their status. So for the moment, they left them be as they started a bonfire to ensure the eternal death of the ripped newborns.
“The Volturi,” Alice broke the somber silence abruptly. “They’re coming.”
“How long?” Edward spoke up, appearing from the woods with Bella in hand, coming back from his own battle.
“A few minutes. Maybe ten.” 
“Pack needs to leave,” Edward warned. “The Volturi won’t honor our truce with the werewolves.”
As Jacob joined the group, an escaped newborn appeared prompting Leah to attack. The brown wolf was able to get the newborn off the girl who was clearly losing the fight. Yet, even though he had rescued Leah, the vampire had gained the upper hand and crushed Jacob’s ribs swiftly. His victory didn’t last long when Sam and the others pounced on the survivor, ensuring his death.
Jacob writhed on the ground, his body trying to heal but failing due to the cracked bones. Carlisle was quick to the boy’s side as the pack speedily clothed themselves. Checking his stability was far easier than (Y/N), who had yet to wake. The pack surrounded the wounded boy, carrying him back to Billy’s house where Carlisle would then check him. But Sam ran to (Y/N)’s side, placing his finger on her neck to check for the faint pulse he heard.
“I have to get them back,” he spoke softly. “You can join Carlisle afterward.”
“NO!” She sobbed. “I want to go with them.”
“The Volturi will notice that you’re missing,” Alice stated. “You have to stay here.”
“Alice is right, Rosalie,” Carlisle supported. “We can’t risk them getting into their land. Sam will take care of them in the meantime.”
“Promise nothing will happen to them,” she spoke, her voice barely audible.
“I promise they will be taken care of until you arrive.”
Rosalie loosened her arms, allowing Sam to take (Y/N)’s body into his arms. He cradled them close, quickly disappearing from the clearing and leaving a heartbroken Rosalie behind.
Although the others had gone to Billy Black’s house, Sam had opted for taking (Y/N) to his. There, Emily quickly made up a bed, clothed them, and helped her fiancé clean and cover any wounds they could see. The tears had not stopped streaming from Sam’s eyes since he had arrived at his home. (Y/N) was hurt, and he couldn’t help but feel responsible for not protecting them.
“They’re at Billy’s house right now,” Emily announced. She peaked her head into the room that Sam had yet to leave. “Carlisle should be here soon enough.”
“He’s taking forever!” Sam protested. “Jake was awake and (Y/N) is still unconscious. They should be prioritized.”
“I completely agree,” Rosalie peeked through. Emily had invited her in once she saw the girl debating on knocking on the door. “I couldn’t convince him to get here first because they have to always take Bella’s side. So they’re at Jake’s house whilst we know nothing of (Y/N)’s status.”
“All you can both do right now is stay by their side and wait for Carlisle to arrive,” Emily reasoned. “The doctor will come here next. So, for now just stay by their side and make sure they’re comfortable. I’ll let him in once he arrives.”
Emily brought in a dining room chair for Rosalie and set it on the right side of the bed, inviting the blonde to sit close to (Y/N) whilst they played the waiting game. She then gave Sam a cup of warm coffee and set a muffin on the side, knowing that he needed to eat to gain strength. But he wouldn’t bring himself to part his gaze from (Y/N) for a second, thinking that in a split second everything could change.
“You really do love them?” Sam finally broke the silence.
“More than I ever thought I could love anyone,” Rosalie sobbed. “I never understood what was missing from my life until I finally met (Y/N). I didn’t know I could love and be loved like this — I never thought it was in the cards for me.”
“You’re good for them,” he croaked out. “Not just because of the imprint bond too. I think, even if the link didn’t exist, you would be fated to be together — you ground them. And I don’t think I’ve seen (Y/N) as happy as when they are with you.”
“Thank you, Sam. That means a lot coming from you,” she smiled — her eyes always on (Y/N). “I know she values your opinion over anyone else’s. They’re lucky to have you.”
“They’re lucky to have you too,” he smiled back. At that moment, they weren’t divided by being a vampire and a werewolf. Instead, they were united in their shared love and affection for (Y/N).
The moment was interrupted as a knock resounded through the room. From behind the door, Carlisle finally appeared, medical bag on hand. He gave them both an apologetic smile and began to examine (Y/N) right away.
There was only so much Carlisle could do without his full extent of equipment available. Thankfully, he did not suspect any major head trauma and attributed the unconscious state to shock. He was certain they would wake up soon enough and started a morphine drip as he worked to close the wounds that required sutures.
“All we can do now is wait,” the doctor sighed, ridding his hands from the gloves he wore.
“But why aren’t they awake yet? Something else must be wrong.”
“When they wake up is up to them now, Sam. Their vitals are stable at the moment, and I’m sure they won’t change until they wake up and are able to feel the pain,” he explained. “Now, all we can do is wait.”
“Then we’re taking (Y/N) home,” Rosalie stated. “They should be there so you can monitor their vitals closely.”
“We shouldn’t move them right now, Rose. Until they’re awake, I can’t allow them to be moved unless absolutely necessary.”
“Stay,” Sam proposed. “I know how hard it would be to be away. So just stay here until they wake up.” 
“Are you sure?”
“You’re important to (Y/N), and they’re important to me. And I know that having you next to them could only help in their recovery.” 
Before leaving, Carlisle taught Rosalie how to supply morphine to (Y/N)’s drip, leaving the necessary tools to ensure that they didn’t wake up in too much pain. All they could do now was wait, and hope that they would gain consciousness soon enough.
For the next couple of days, Rosalie remained at (Y/N)’s side. Her eyes had grown dark in hunger, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave even for a second. She spent day and night monitoring them and making sure to provide all the medications Carlisle had brought over the first morning. The only people she trusted enough to be near them were Sam and Emily, the rest of the pack had only been able to visit once or twice — though they preferred it that way since the presence of the vampire was far too uncomfortable to be near for too long.
(Y/N) laid quiet and unmoving, giving signs of life through their breathing and nerve responses. The wounds had started to heal, slower than usual but enough to warrant the bandages to be discarded. Even Jake had recuperated at that point and was amongst those waiting for their friend to wake up.
It took four mornings and three nights for (Y/N) to start stirring. The first sign of consciousness was their hand squeezing Rosalie which resulted in a gleeful squeal from the blonde that alerted all those inside the house. Sam, Emily, Jake, Paul, and Seth rushed into the room to witness the sleeping wolf finally open their eyes. The others were out on patrol but were keeping an ear out for when their friend finally woke. (Y/N)’s eyes then started fluttering, a groan escaping from their mouth as the discomfort of their wounds was finally felt.
They were thankful that wherever they had woken had soft lights, the normal blinding from fluorescent white lights an uncomfortable sight to wake to. (Y/N) blinked away the fuzziness from their eyes, trying to focus on where they were and who was there. They could identify almost everyone that stood in the room except one.
To their right sat a beautiful blonde girl, with such perfect and pale skin that they could only attribute it to a vampire. She seemed happy, delighted that they had awoken. But how could a vampire be in their land and still have their life? 
“Sam,”(Y/N) croaked out. The alpha was quick to their side, attentive to whatever they would question. “What happened?”
“You don’t remember?” Sam’s voice didn’t portray the amount of worry he felt. Even worse when (Y/N) shook their head no. He could see in their eyes that they couldn’t recognize Rosalie. “During the battle, you were attacked by some newborns. One of them slammed you on the ground and you hit your head. You’ve been passed out for four days. Do you remember any of that?”
“I can’t say I do. Last thing I remember was going out for patrol at sunrise.” 
“(Y/N), you haven’t gone on morning patrol for almost two months,” Paul mentioned. “Do you know who is standing beside you?”
“I assume it’s one of the Cullens. Probably here to check my vitals and keep some morphine flowing,” (Y/N) answered nonchalantly. “I’m just surprised you wouldn’t call Sue.” 
“You really don’t remember me, (Y/N)?” Rosalie cried.           
“I’m sorry,” they remorsefully answered. They had finally looked into the girl’s eyes and instantly felt a wrench in their heart, but nothing to clue them in on their importance on their life. “I’m sorry, but I really don’t.”
“So, you don’t recall anything that happened these past two months?”
“I wish I had the answer you’re looking for but, I just don’t.”
Rosalie could not believe her luck. She was able to have the love she had yearned for her whole life, and in a split second, everything slipped from her fingers. She left the room, holding onto her chest and, for some reason, needing a breath of fresh air. There (Y/N) was, conscious and talking, but their brain had no recollection of the one they had imprinted on. The vampire wanted nothing more than to be able to cry and release the emotions that surged in a way that made her feel human. All she could do was scream and split a large rock to feel something — anything.
“Not doing a good job of keeping a low profile,” (Y/N) smiled as they wobbled to where Rosalie stood heaving. “I truly am sorry that I have no memory of you. Sam told me I imprinted on you, but somehow my brain doesn’t remember that. All I feel is a tightness in my chest — something like heartbreak — whenever I look at you, but nothing more than that.”
“I should have known the universe would play another trick on me,” she chuckled. “In two months, I fell in love with you only for you to forget in one unfortunate event.”
“From what Sam was able to tell me I think I also fell in love with you, and it was great up to this moment,” they sighed. (Y/N) grabbed Rosalie’s hand and led her to a log to sit, not being able to hold their weight for much longer. “I do want to remember, and I’ll try my hardest to regain those memories, as long as you’re by my side.”
“For as long as you try, so will I,” she beamed. “I promise I’ll use everything in my arsenal to help you remember.”
Weeks came and went, photos and home videos presented, and visits to special places. Even Bella’s transformation, the birth of Renesmee, and the visit of the Volturi came and went, yet (Y/N) had yet to remember the imprint bond and the moments shared with Rosalie. They had started to grow impatient and irritable, straining their brain to extreme lengths. Every attempt was futile.
They weren’t the only one growing restless. Rosalie had started to doubt that her partner would ever come to regain those priceless memories she held so close to her heart. She tried her hardest to provide (Y/N) with even the most minimal detail of their time together, but it was like their brain had been wiped clean of who she was — including the supernatural bond that had once linked them together. Their first glance, their first touch, their first kiss. All were wiped away by a simple blow.
Even now, as they sat in Rosalie’s room, perusing over the same stack of pictures they had seen for days on end, emotions were high as nothing was remembered. (Y/N) held in their hands a candid image of the vampire and the wolf sharing a laugh at the Cullen’s house back deck. The picture showed a vibrant Rosalie, her head thrown back mid-laughter, a hand on her chest, and the other on her partner’s arm. But what stood out was the love full gaze (Y/N) had as they witnessed the joy in the blonde girl. There was a particular gleam in their eyes, a spark they wanted nothing more than to regain.
“It’s not working!” (Y/N) stood abruptly, pushing the armchair they were sitting on backward.  “Doesn’t matter what we do, nothing is coming back!” 
“(Y/N), I understand your frustration, but it’s not a quick process,” Rosalie attempted to calm them.  “As much as I would want you to remember the love and time we shared, I can’t be mad should you choose to move on.” 
“NO! I just want to remember how I loved you then!” (Y/N) blurted. “How will I know if what I’m feeling now is real?”
“What do you mean by that, (Y/N)?” Rosalie blinked away at the realization behind what they had said, unsure if her mind was playing tricks on her. “Are you saying you might have feelings for me now?”
“That might be what I’m saying,” they responded, growing bashful. “There’s nothing that I want more than to be able to remember how I loved you then. But if you can accept my feelings now, regardless of the past, then I would love nothing more than to be able to form a future beside you.”
“The past doesn’t matter right now,” the blonde beamed brightly. “I would be more than honored to walk alongside you through life from this day forward, regardless of the past.” 
“Well then, I guess the daily memory exercises won’t be making an appearance in our daily routine anymore,” (Y/N) laughed. As they inched closer to Rosalie, their hands rested on her cheek, giving the cold skin a gentle caress. The vampire smiled at the person in front of her, closing her eyes as she leaned into the loveful touch of her partner. “The only thing I believe is important is that I know that I love you now, and I know I will for the rest of my life.”
Their faces inched closer, lips ghosting over each other, one teasing the other. They both smiled at the playful tease, forgetting the frustrations of memory loss. But Rosalie grew impatient and finally closed the gap between them. She had composed herself this whole time, keeping her urges at bay and respecting (Y/N)’s boundaries. This whole time Rosalie had been a stranger in their mind, and any physical displays of affection could easily discourage them.
Although (Y/N)’s hard work had not paid off, they were thankful for the process. During those long weeks, they were able to get to know Rosalie and understand why they fell for her in the first place, regardless of the supernatural links they shared before. As days went by the small things were what had (Y/N) falling deeper in love with the vampire — the way her eyes beamed when she recounted certain memories, how beautiful her smile was when she showed (Y/N) certain photographs, the love and care that was laced in every word she spoke. They wouldn’t be able to pinpoint a specific point at which they were sure of their feelings, but at that moment they were completely certain that they were completely and utterly in love with Rosalie Cullen.
 A year after that pivoting moment, (Y/N) had proposed to Rosalie, no doubt in their mind that she was the woman they wanted to spend their life with.
In less than a month the Cullens had transformed their backyard into a dream wedding venue. It was a small endeavor – only close friends and family.
“There was a time where I didn’t understand love,” (Y/N) started their vows. The expectant eyes of their soon-to-be wife stared into them, seeing through them and into their soul. It was a moment neither of them thought they would ever live to see. “For most of my life, I believed it to be a selfish and daunting task I would never fall trapped in. Granted, I knew that at some point imprinting would force me to think otherwise. And I guess it did happen at some point, but I have no recollection of that moment. Nevertheless, all it took was you.
This is no destiny or fate; this is not chance. Love has grown between us because we chose each other. We worked hard for our relationship. We went through obstacles not many can say they have, and we fell in love. For a long time, your love was enough for both of us. You carried the burden of our memories as I tried to remember what they were. I know I love you because despite losing my memory I am standing here with nothing but love in my heart. And I will continue to stand beside you for as long as we both shall live.
I promise to honor you and cherish you. To, from this day forward, carry with you our love and all the memories we shall create. You will never walk this life on your own, for I will be right beside you. Despite imprint links and loss of memories, it has and always will be you. ”
It took everything inside them not to kiss their almost wife. As Rosalie extended her hand to wipe away the tears that had stained their cheeks, (Y/N) melted into their touch, finding comfort in the coldness of her hand.
“My dearest (Y/N),” Rosalie said, a bright smile spread on her pale face. “I will admit that at some point in time, I thought I would never get a day like this. As the days passed and your memories did not return, I truly believed that was it for us. That one day you would walk away. And maybe in another life you did, but not this one.
In this life, I am lucky enough to be standing before you and our loved ones as a testament to the love that resurged between us. Our memories will never be a burden to me. It is a gift that I carry in my heart, and I guard for us both. And I will continue to carry it for the rest of eternity.
If I have said this once, I will say it a thousand times, I love you with everything that I am. And I promise to stand with you from this day forward, until the end of time. Through the good times and the bad, through the calm and the discord, my place will forever be with you.”
Carlisle smiled at the couple in front of him, warmth filling his unbeating heart at the raw evidence of love. He was proud of how far they had both come, overcoming the hurdles the universe had decided to throw at them time and time again.
He motioned to Renesmee, telling his granddaughter to bring the rings over to the couple. The final symbol of their everlasting love.
“(Y/N), as you place the ring on Rosalie’s finger, repeat after me,” Carlisle said. “I give you this ring as a symbol of my abiding love, eternal faith, and undying devotion.”
“Rose, I give you this ring as a symbol of my abiding love, eternal faith, and undying devotion.”
“With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours,” the patriarch continued. “It is a promise of all my tomorrows. I offer my vow to you so that my word and my love will always be with you, close to your heart. That I choose to share my whole life with you, knowing that in marrying you I shall become much more than I am.”
“(Y/N),” Rosalie beamed during her turn. “With this ring, I marry you and bind my life to yours,” the patriarch continued. “It is a promise of all my tomorrows. I offer my vow to you so that my word and my love will always be with you, close to your heart. That I choose to share my whole life with you, knowing that in marrying you I shall become much more than I am.”
“With the power vested in me by god and many states in the United States,” Carlisle chuckled. “I declare you married – you may kiss.”
Cheers erupted around the space as (Y/N) and Rosalie met in a passionate kiss. Their love filled everyone around them, witnessing true love staring at them.
“Ready for forever Mrs. (Y/L/N)?”
“Always have been, Mx. Cullen.”
Everyone that loved and cared for both Rosalie and (Y/N) were excited for the pair. As the reception took place, they gave their best wishes to the couple. Even unforeseen allies such as Paul and Jacob had been overjoyed at their union. If there was anyone that deserved a happy-ever-after, it was them.
“Could I steal away your wife for a second, (Y/N)?” Sam surprised Rosalie as she danced with her wedded partner.
“Of course,” they smiled. “I’m actually very thirsty at the moment.”
Rosalie took Sam’s warm hand and followed his lead in the dance. He had grown to be the couple’s biggest supporter from the start, and he had not unwavered for a second.
“I should have made a bet with you months ago,” Sam chuckled. “I guess I was right, huh. You two are made for each other, imprint bond or not.”
“Glad you didn’t,” she smiled. “I do have a question for you, Sam.”
“Ask away.”
“You always knew. Even before either of us could admit it, you always knew we would end up together. And regardless of our past and who we are, you encouraged (Y/N) to pursue me. Why?”
“I know (Y/N). I’ve known them their whole life. I saw it in their eyes,” he explained. His eyes were soft, filled with care and compassion. A gaze Rosalie never thought she’d receive from another shapeshifter. “After they imprinted on you, something changed in them. Call it destiny, call it the imprint link, call it whatever you want, but I knew that what I saw in their eyes was love. They didn’t even know your name and their heart had completely transformed.”
“But it had to be hard,” she whispered. “(Y/N) renounced to you all, to their family. Yesterday, today, and for all eternity. All for me. Without the certainty of the imprint bond, how will I know that this is what is best for them? That the life they could’ve had if they hadn’t chosen me wouldn’t have been better?”
“How do you know this isn’t the best version already?” Sam comforted. “They made this decision all by themselves because they know you are their forever. Questioning why or why not will not serve you now, Rosalie. They love you and they chose you. From now until forever, you’re stuck with them.”
“And I love them, with all my heart,” Rosalie beamed, her smile spreading from ear to ear. “I guess it’s just hard to know everything they had to let go of in order to be here.”
“Rose, (Y/N) will always be family. My family. Their marriage to you makes you a part of it as well,” he explained. He placed a comforting hand on her forearm and gifted her a smile. “If you fear that they will not be allowed into LaPush, you needn’t worry. Both you and (Y/N) will always be welcome there. Just give me a head-up.”
“Oh, thank you, Sam.” In an uncharacteristic move, she wrapped her arms around Sam, but it was the only thing she could think of doing. “You have no idea how much this means.”
“Good, because that is your wedding gift,” he chuckled.
“Well, look at this beautiful sight,” (Y/N) interrupted. “Never thought I’d see the day and alpha and a vampire would be hugging.”
“What can I say?” Sam laughed. “You’ve really mended the vampire and shapeshifter affairs.”
“That’s me, the Vampire/Shapeshifter Alliance ambassador,” (Y/N) smiled at the man they considered a brother. “Now, I will steal back my wife. You have your own to get back to.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll see you both later.”
(Y/N) took hold of their wife’s hand, twirling Rosalie into their arms. She giggled as she twirled, her dress swishing around her body. The blonde had not known happiness like this, never thought she would live to have it or deserve it. Yet, there she was, the love of her life wrapped around her and the thought of forever heavy in her mind.
“What are you thinking about, Rose?” (Y/N) whispered into her ear, their warm chest pressed flush to her back.
“How excited I am to live again,” she smiled. “And it’s all thanks to you, (Y/N).”
“We have forever to look forward to, my love.” They turned her around, placing a kiss on her lips and wrapping her in a tight hug. “Today is only the beginning.”
Months before the pair could have never imagined this was how their life would end up. The possibility of this future had seemed bleak at some point, another timeline breathing down their necks. Yet, their love persevered. Through wounds and hardships, the devotion that lived between them was enough to carry them to eternity. No trick from the universe could ever push them apart.
Taglist: @agent-anna @banterbanner @alitav99 @daniallh @catchmeupimgettingoutofhere @imaginetwilight2704 @mauvette268 @beefwhobarksandisalilmadalot @abelbai000 @ridiculous-creature​ @mikariell95 @gryffi-ndor @jules-bea2308 @comic-book-overload @winter-soldier-101 @jessicasunderground @mxyee @hey-you-therexo @witchy-obeyme-freak @xcastawayherosx @kortniec696 @slutforsainz @Blackbluerose666 @DyslexicCatterpillar @sunflowerleii @gypsymusiclover @byelannie @a-sifu-hotman @zheezs14 @minhaimaginacao @bluebirbnamedJay @sirenheadenby @mushroomelephant @swidkid @skyesthebomb @user0ur0mom @nogitsune-the @cometstail @volturiwolf @locokoca @esposadomd @this-is-a-bad-idea @nocturnalherb16 @rosalie-whitlock @nyctophilia710 @blueshoelaces @ems-alexandra @then-worship-at-my-altar @six-call @witchofhawkins @lovel-blog @sugajar @goodpeoplegotohellanyway @yuki254 @avis15 @honeylovemoon @wonieeee @baebeepeach @catgirlpwr @krazyk99 @klf1999 @sl-ut @adaydreamaway08 @cinffy23 @toomanythoughts33 @sugasthreedollarkookie @laylaskywalker @fandomonetwo @fruitylilfuck @a-slut-for-Loki-Bucky @honeywxter @haroldpotterson @revnamjinn @justamessandahalf @come-on-darling-honey @dove-chan32931 
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t-nd-rfoot · 1 year
one more bc i’m actually having so much fun thinking of these lol!
🍾 with hangman
HUNG(OVER)MAN aka After New Year's with Jake Headcanons
Even when Jake isn’t so good…he’s good.
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Pairing Jake Seresin x reader
Theme Fluff
Warnings One mention of actual hangovers, I also just couldn’t think of another title
Word Count 570
Note This was headed in a completely different direction but seeing as it’s just after New Year’s, I thought this direction seemed a bit fitting! This was supposed to go up earlier (like right after NYE) but I had a not so great start to the new year so this took awhile to write and edit. Also, may or may not be loosely based on how I spend NYD 😬 I hope you enjoy it, love!!!
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If you enjoyed this, please reblog! Reblogs are the best way to support creators (writers, artists, gif makers, everyone!) on this platform. Share the content, share the love!
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On the rare occasion that Jake didn’t have work the day after a big event, the two of you would spend the day as quiet as possible
Every morning, the two of you would wake up absolutely exhausted despite oversleeping
But the drilled-in discipline from his military training will nag at him until he gets up so he’ll at least get up to brush his teeth
But the drilled-in discipline from his military training will nag at him until he gets up so he’ll at least get up to brush his teeth
Then it’s straight back to bed for morning snuggles
(He’s also barely awake while brushing his teeth so he also just wants to lay down)
The next time he gets out of bed is when his stomach starts grumbling
And he’s making sure you’re getting out of bed with him, whether that means throwing you over his shoulder or carrying you bridal style
Neither of you bother to change out of your pajamas, by the way
(And that’s assuming you guys even had the energy to change before getting into bed)
If you didn’t, this would be the time you guys exchange your wrinkled formalwear for comfy sweats and tees
For breakfast (or brunch, rather) Jake is always quick to stop you before you can reach for the sugary cereal atop the fridge
“If I’m ever too lazy to cook breakfast for you, then feel free to throw me out along with the garbage”
It’s a simple plate of eggs and bacon to share, exactly the way you like it, with a mug of hot coffee
Then it’s off to the living room couch for some more cuddling while sharing your meal
The TV volume is set to low as you idly flip through the channels or check out what’s streaming
But neither of you are listening to it
Instead, the two of you talk about your plans for the new year: things you want to do, places you want to see, etc.
You guys could literally spend hours on that couch just doing nothing
Also thanks to the many throw pillows you bought because Jake secretly loves them
At some point, he’ll starts to get antsy so the two of you drive around town
Driving through for coffee
Checking out the new restaurant you plan to eat at soon
Passing the scenic route on the way home
Picking up some pizza for dinner on the way
“Easiest dinner cleanup ever,” you said as you suggested it
“You read my mind”
And it’s back to the couch and TV for dinner, though this time the two of you actually pay attention to the screen
Even though you guys spent the whole day barely doing anything, Jake is alert the moment you yawn
He’s turning off the TV and putting away the leftover pizza while you get ready for bed
“Don’t worry about the mess here, babe, I got this. You go ahead so you can rest”
You stay up long enough to wait for him to get in bed with you
Once he kisses you good night, the two of you fall right asleep, recharged for life to go back to normal
In his dreams, he’s replaying the day he just had, doing everything and nothing with you
Because as much as he loves to celebrate big, it’s the small moments with you that mean everything to him
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Disclaimer  I do not own Top Gun: Maverick or any of its characters. Please do not copy my work or translate without my permission.
217 notes · View notes
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Irony Poisoning Chapter 4 (Chapter 1)
"Who's there?" Enid squinted against the sudden influx of light from the hallway. She was still only half-awake, but that silhouette was unmistakable. "Wednesday?"
"What are you doing here?"
"You were having a nightmare."
"Oh, my god, I'm sorry. You heard me?"
"I think Uncle Fester heard you down in the dungeons," said Wednesday, sounding almost impressed, "but you don't want to share a bed with him. He still convulses in his sleep."
"Share a- you-"
Wednesday retreated back into the hallway and presumably her room.
She left the door open.
Enid still knocked as she entered Wednesday's room. "Are- Are you sure?"
Wednesday was already lying on her back, arms crossed. Her bed was a single, but she had still managed to turn down exactly half of the covers.
"I would not say something if I did not mean it. Unless I was trying to extract information from a potential killer, and we both know you don't have it in you." After a moment, Wednesday added, "I meant that as an insult."
"I know," said Enid, happily. The bed was so small they couldn't help knocking elbows and hissing at each other's cold feet.
Enid lay on her stomach, arms folded under the pillow. She was normally a stomach-sleeper anyway. It had nothing to do with preserving her new braids.
She turned her head to face Wednesday. "Is the reason you never hug people just because you're afraid of getting visions?"
"No," said Wednesday. "It's because I disapprove of superfluous physical contact."
"But some physical contact is un-superfluous?"
"Not a word."
"Living language."
"Do you ever get visions about me?" asked Enid.
"If I did, would you want to know?"
"No. Yes. No," said Enid. She kicked at Wednesday's feet, which were somehow still cold. Of course they were. "Why is there an octopus painted on your bed?"
"It's a hand-me-up from Pugsley who had a pet octopus named Aristotle," said Wednesday. "As long as we're speaking in non-sequiturs: I couldn't help overhearing your mother mention summer camp during Parents Day at Nevermore. I mean it. I tried. Her voice… carries. Did she take issue with your change of plans?"
"We may have exchanged a few growls."
"I thought she would be pleased that you transformed."
"That's… not the only kind of conversion camp she was threatening to send me to," said Enid, in a voice so small she wished it weren't her own.
Wednesday didn't say anything for a few moments, but Enid was getting better at reading her silences, and this definitely seemed like one of the more homicidal ones.
Enid wasn't worried. Wednesday was a lot of things, but she wasn't a bigot. She hated everyone equally.
"I assume you don't want her dead?" asked Wednesday.
"Not particularly," she answered lightly.
"How do you feel about emancipation? Father has a very good lawyer. Mother made sure of it after what happened with Tully Alford."
"Do I want to know what happened with Tully Alford?" asked Enid.
"Yes, but Uncle Fester tells it best, as long as you keep him on topic. Remember to ask him about Abigail Craven."
"Okay," said Enid, not really understanding but trusting Wednesday enough to file the advice away for future reference.
"You can also talk to me," said Wednesday. "If necessary. I can't promise to respond appropriately, but I can promise to listen. As long as it's not about boy bands."
"My Chemical Romance is not a boy band," said Enid, fully ready to fight Wednesday Addams over something for the first time ever. "Just because they abandoned their spot-color palate for Danger Days does not make their music any less prolific. Also, Gerard Way uses he/they pronouns."
"I stand corrected and humbled," said Wednesday, sounding neither.
“You would love Sweet Revenge.”
“It’s been known to happen.”
“I mean the album,” said Enid. “Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. Your dad has a record player, or a... phonograph, or something, right? Of course he does. I’ll have my cousin overnight me the album. Luke owes me one. You have simply got to listen to it on vinyl.”
"I will take that under advisement."
"I know you will," said Enid, who couldn't help if it came out a little haughty.
Wednesday's face somehow blanched and darkened at the same time. "What else has my mother told you?"
"Oh, nothing…. Just that you might still have… the snood."
"It returned on its own," Wednesday said stiffly. "Like a monkey's paw."
"You wore it at home."
"There was a funeral."
"Sure there was."
"It's not too late, Enid."
Enid laughed, giddy in the knowledge that she was being threatened by someone truly dangerous who would never lay a hand on her.
"So you and Ajax are no longer romantically involved?" asked Wednesday, and Enid thought she was fluent in non-sequiturs as a second language, but...
"Wha- Oh, uh, no. We broke up."
"Do I need to get my staple gun?"
"No, no, no! No. I broke up with him. Because- you know- I'm…"
"You can say it," said Wednesday. "You won't get struck by lightning. Well, in this house, you might, but not because you're gay."
"I prefer queer," said Enid, in that stupid small voice again, but Wednesday was right. No lightning.
"Good girl," said Wednesday, and she had to know that would do something to Enid. "Are you ready to go to bed, or do you want to talk about your dream as well? I know it wasn't about your family."
"You were calling out my name in your sleep. I'm flattered that you would have a nightmare about me."
"Not that kind of nightmare."
"Buzzkill," said Wednesday.
"It's okay," said Enid, hiding a yawn in her pillow. "I don't think I'll have any more nightmares now that you're here."
"Now you're just being cruel."
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frozenjokes · 9 months
Signing Back In, Apparently - 5
All things considered, Scar was having a lovely couple of days! Sure, his bad eye was in complete ruin, his back hurt, every time he ate he felt like he was going to choke and die, he was pretty sure the lower half of his body was going to be ripped from the top half, and now he had some stubborn tinnitus, but that wasn’t too much worse than normal! And there was good stuff too! He hadn’t seen Grian once since the incident, the Kestrels were being quite lovely given his injuries and everything, and best of all, not one pirate had brought up the subject of ghosts!
Scar stirred when he heard a knock at his bedroom door. He stretched, experienced a spasm in his stomach so intense he thought he might die (thanks, Pearl), and sat up, ready to face the day!
“You awake, Scar? I mean- probably better question- are you okay? I heard-” Martyn started, but Scar wasn’t interested in sympathy.
“Oh, I’m fine! And awake! What did you need?”
“Ah, well it’s one of those rare occasions where all the Kestrels are around for breakfast, and since you are a Kestrel and awake, I thought I might invite you to complete the squad.”
“Well that sounds just lovely! How about you give me a moment to get my things in order and I’ll meet you there?”
“I was actually hoping we could walk together, if that’s okay.”
“I mean, sure, but I’ll just slow you down!”
“That’s alright, Scar.” Something about Martyn’s tone. The sincerity. Something was definitely up.
Scar grimaced as he got out of bed, throwing on his typical outfit, unsure if he should be preparing for a surprise get better soon party or an assassination. He was leaning towards the latter at the moment. No one was ever nice for no reason, unless they’re Mumbo or Impulse, but even then, they had their moments. Could he really take on all the Kestrels at once? Most of them weren’t the fighting type.. If he needed to, he could probably take Oli as a temporary hostage? Ugh, but they probably just hired someone else to fight him. That’s what he got for aligning himself with the money people. Well, with a few extra knives..
“Scar, I’m hearing a lot of.. clinking.. in there. Are you okay?”
“Let me tell you, Martyn, I have never been better!” Scar slammed his door open with a bright smile, trotting ahead to take the lead.
“If you say so I guess,” Martyn mumbled, caution evident in his face. Scar turned his own head away, deciding not to give the other pirate enough time to read his expression. It was an awkward, silent walk. When they reached the door to the dining hall, neither of them moved.
“After you,” Scar said, stiff.
“Uh, yeah, that's fine,” Martyn moved forward through the doors quickly, retreating to the table where the rest of the Kestrels were sitting. Scar watched before he entered, surveying the room. He didn’t see anyone else. He also didn’t see any food.
“Guys, I'm pretty sure he thinks we’re going to kill him,” Martyn whispered, but not nearly quiet enough. Scar crossed his arms, unwilling to leave the entrance.
“Oh, Scar! If we wanted to kill you, we would have paid a Kite to do it while you were recovering!” Sausage sprang up, bouncing over to meet Scar in the doorway, “No, no, this is much worse!” Before Scar could react, Sausage managed to get behind him, kicking the door closed and shoving Scar forward.
“Wh- What?” An unfortunately timed twinge of pain in his stomach drew his hand there, instead of his sword.
“Alright boys, it’s time for a good ol’ fashioned pirate shakedown!” Sausage bellowed, and the rest of the Kestrels cheered, swarming Scar before he could recover. Then, Sausage had his sword, and Kyle had his dagger, and Martyn was at his legs-
“Sorry, Scar! You’re a little too defensive to be trusted with sharp things right now!” Martyn grinned, knocking him completely off his feet and holding him upside down by his legs, like some sort of cartoon. Perhaps reasonable, considering the amount of knives that clattered to the floor, but that didn’t stop Scar from yelling about it. Was that the click of the front door’s lock?
“Let me go! Let-” Scar clawed at Martyn’s arms, but the effort to reach them with that level of pain in his abdomen was enough to just let himself be dragged across the floor. Well, until he saw the ghosts at least. All four were there, watching with great interest and drifting forward to follow as he was dragged. Scar gave fighting one last effort before he was unceremoniously dropped.
“Please sit,” Sausage said, far too pleasant.
“You know, I think I’m just going to lay here for a minute.”
“That’s alright! As long as you’re comfortable. Scar, the Kestrels would like to formally invite you to our little.. uh.. Let’s call it an intervention party, shall we?”
Scar sat straight up. “What.”
“Ah, look, Scott’s here! He brought treats! What an incredible surprise!” The back entrance opened to reveal Scott carrying a couple of bags, presumably filled with food. Scott locked the door behind him, the smile never leaving his face.
“Wow! What an incredible coincidence I showed up here, today, right now! Happy intervention day, Scar!”
“Ugh, why is Scott here?” Martyn scowled, crossing his arms.
“Don’t ask questions,” Sausage’s tone remained the same, but his smile looked more than a little threatening. Scar and Martyn exchanged a glance.
“You know, this is perfectly wonderful and everything, but I don’t think I want to learn what this is about. Thank you and goodbye.” As Scar got to his feet, Martyn pushed him back down into a chair. “You don’t have to do that, Martyn,” Scar stressed, nerves stretching the end of his smile.
“Don’t make this harder than it has to be. You owe me, remember?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Well you do, so at least just sit and listen to what we have to say before you bail.”
“I guess I don’t have a choice then,” Scar frowned, risking a glance back. He was expecting the ghosts to be there, but not directly behind him, hanging over his head. Scar couldn’t stifle his own startled gasp, turning stiffly back around. Hopefully no one saw that. Based on the way everyone was staring, they absolutely did. Oh boy.
“Alright!” Sausage clapped, drawing the room’s attention back to him, “If you haven’t already guessed Scar, this is about your.. hm.. Let’s say your attitude when the topic of the paranormal surfaces. I think I can speak for all of us when I say we- especially after recent events- are concerned. Don’t you think that’s fair?”
Yeesh. This was going to be a shit show. “Okay, yeah, I understand where you guys are coming from. I know weird stuff happens around me a lot, and I know everyone likes to joke around, but you’re looking too deep into things. That’s all.”
“Well, we don’t feel that way.”
“You need to hear it, Scar, so take this seriously. And we want to help you if we can, so just give this a chance. I’m going to start, and we can all go in a circle and share times where we feel that your, or our lives have been endangered. I’ll go first! I will not lie, I did not appreciate you pulling your sword on me when I tried to take the ouija board away. Clearly, at least to me, whatever happened with the screaming event was connected, and I’m honestly quite concerned you want to keep something that dangerous around.”
“Alright, that wasn’t my best moment, and I am sorry, but I don’t think you have any right to touch my stuff.” Scar was ready to start tearing out his hair. Grian seemed awfully bold today, floating forward to laugh in his face. Pearl joined him, flicking her fingers in Scar’s face to try and get him to flinch. His frown only deepened.
“Me next?” Kyle pointed to himself, and began on Sausage’s nod, “Well, the big thing is the first ouija board incident. That was crazy. Those scratches weren’t deep, but I think they’re going to scar. But it isn’t even just that- it’s also how freaked out you were about it, before and after. You knew! And I don’t blame you for the fact that it happened, you warned me and I didn’t listen, but if you really don’t believe in anything paranormal, what’s with the edginess?”
Scar opened his mouth to respond, but was distracted by Impulse floating across the circle, using some unknown momentum to do little flips in the air. Scar closed his eyes. “No comment.”
“Okay, well my turn!” Oli started, puffing out his chest, “Now I know you tell me whenever you see me to mind the noise, or don’t think too hard about, or whatever, but gosh Scar, you are so loud in that room of yours! And I get it, everyone talks to themself from time to time, so I wouldn’t have said anything if I hadn’t heard who you were talking to! I mean, you even call them by names! The night you had your, for lack of a better word, seizure, you were talking to a Grian! And then there was another night where you were talking to someone else!
“Oli,” Scar dug his nails into the arms of his chair “Oli, shut up.”
“I thought you just had another pirate over for the night, you know, but I didn’t recognize his-”
Scar leapt from his chair, grabbing Oli by the wrist and yanking him forward, “I told you to-” Martyn wrapped his arms around Scar’s stomach, yanking him backward. Scar gasped, the pain in his abdomen flaring, and fell, holding his stomach. He put his head on his knees.
“What is your problem?” Martyn yelled. Scar felt his breath on his forehead. He hadn’t considered this. The walls being so thin- every word he thought he’d said in private- he’d only be joking to Oli! Scar didn’t actually think he could hear that well . The others were speaking now, the pirates, and the ghosts- he knew they were talking- they were talking about him. They were telling each other everything, every little misstep was now on the table. And Oli- now he knew he could talk to them! The ghosts- they couldn’t- he couldn’t let them- They all would know everything, and he’d have no control-
His back suddenly felt like it had splintered into one hundred pieces, and Scar couldn't stop the wail from escaping his throat.
“There’s four! Four ghosts, and I can see them,” Scar could barely hear his own voice as he spoke-yelled-he didn't know. They heard him. He had everyone’s eyes now.
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just-horrible-things · 9 months
'Verse: Resistance Story: Unlikely Salvation, co-author @whump-sprite Timeline: Arc 2
Riot, pt1 [ First | Prev | Next ]
Sirens in the night are nothing unusual. Ariadne isn’t sure at first – when they filter into her nightmares and drag her back to reality – why she’s even woken up. The sirens aren’t close enough to have to worry about.
It’s a relief to be awake, at least.
She pushes the covers off a little so that the sweat on her skin can dry, and stares up at the ceiling to wait out the afterimages of blood. If she doesn’t think about it, she’ll forget what the dream even was.
The sirens rise and fall, two or maybe even three layered over each other. Normal for a city night. Like traffic and car horns and occasional raised voices, it’s a sound she’s been sleeping through since infancy.
Not so normal, perhaps, for it to continue unbroken for so long. How long was she hearing it before she even woke up?
She checks the clock – 2AM – rolls over, and tries to get back to sleep.
It doesn’t happen. Time crawls past. A couple of times the sirens stop. The quiet is almost as oppressive as the noise. Soon enough it starts up again. Something’s going on out there, and she’s just glad it isn’t her problem.
No more all-hands-on-deck calls to work in the middle of the night, not for her. No more knocking back instant coffee and driving in with music blasting and the air con set to freezing to try and wake herself up. 
… Instead she’s awake anyway and treading the same old circles over again.
At roughly 4AM she gives up on sleep.
She gets up, craving coffee but recognising that it’s a bad idea, and goes to the kitchen to rifle through the cupboards for an alternative.
The light is on, and Alex is sitting at the table, pale fingers wrapped around a mostly empty water glass.
“Couldn’t sleep,” he says, as if it wasn’t obvious. “Me neither.” Ari gets herself a glass and joins him at the table. “Bad dreams?” “No.” Bad dreams are when she wakes sobbing uncontrollably, or even screaming. Bad dreams are the kind that take hours to shake off. She’s already forgotten what the nightmare was. “Just the noise.” Alex nods.
Ari drinks her water, and turns her glass between her hands. When she realises she’s copying Alex’s fidget, she stops. She gets up.
“I’m going to check the news,” she says. If Alex doesn’t want to see that right now, it’s a warning to close the door or retreat to another room. Instead he follows.
The television came with the apartment. It’s ancient, but it works. Most of the time.
Usually at this hour the only thing on the news would be repackaged content. Summaries of the day's news, reused clips, and infomercials and stale PSAs to fill out the gaps. Something for the graveyard shift to look at, but nothing that takes effort to produce.
True to form, the CRT pings to life midway through an uninspiringly cheery reminder to support the home country by buying US-manufactured goods. Ari’s seen the clip before, maybe years ago. It wasn’t any less insipid then.
But after they suffer through the tail end of the PSA, the TV cuts to a live update. 
The anchor is a placid, aging woman in enough makeup to hide any evidence of exhaustion, despite the time. She wears a faint, neutral smile as she reads from the prompt behind the camera, assuring the audience that the police have the situation in hand. Anyone in the area is advised to stay indoors. It is likely to be resolved by morning.
Gang-related violence, the script claims. Mostly property damage. There’s no footage from the scene, but there are a handful of still images. Store fronts smashed in. Police vehicles in the streets. 
“Let’s stay in today,” Ari suggests. Alex hums. “Do you think it will be over by morning?” “They’d say that regardless.” 
The live broadcast finishes, a brief jingle plays, and a guy in a brightly lit studio starts threatening to recap the sports news. Ari turns the TV off. 
“Did you see the shot with the Staples? That doesn’t say gang violence to me. No one does a smash-and-grab on a Staples.” Alex nods his head. His lips are pressed together in a troubled line. “You think it’s a riot?” “A few people who’d like to start one maybe. I didn’t see anyone in the streets. It looked like the police had already arrested or chased them off, at least.” Alex’s frown deepens, tinged with judgment. “I’m not saying that’s a good or a bad thing,” Ari backpedals, “just, maybe it means it will be over by morning.”
It isn’t.
The oppressive siren wail continues to filter in through the walls of the building. Sometimes it stops for half an hour, an hour, then it starts up again.
Breakfast, when Alex declares it a little before seven, is a welcome distraction.
They have pancakes. Alex divides the pack between two plates and puts them in the microwave, while Ari mixes him a cocoa. She puts a spoonful of cocoa in her coffee as well. Alex pours a generous serve of syrup over his pancakes, and tops them with a squirt of cream. Ari is a little more restrained with the syrup.
They eat in silence, more or less. A couple of halting attempts at normal conversation, the price of gas and Ari’s need for a new winter coat. The sirens are closer now, louder.
Ariadne washes up.
Instead of going out for her morning run, she clears a space in the main room to work out on the floor. A few minutes in, Alex appears in the doorway and kind of just loiters there looking uncertain. Ari pulls out an earphone to ask him what’s up.
“Put the music on speaker?” So she does, and when he reaches for the weights she puts them into his hands. She smiles, and tentatively he smiles back.
It’s a kind of camaraderie she didn’t think she’d get again. Between that and the simple physical rush of working her body – and knowing that it does work, still, against the odds – some of the anxiety lifts from her shoulders.
While Alex showers, she lies flat on her back on the floor and just enjoys the warmth in her limbs, the prickle across her skin.
It’s then that she hears the first shots. Not close, but unmistakable. She sits up instantly, alert despite the distance. 
It takes her a minute to find the TV remote, dropped while she was moving furniture. When she finds it, the overnight newscaster has been replaced by a slightly tousled young man in a suit that’s just a little too short at the wrists on him.
There are more pictures now, and some video clips – mostly shaky and low quality. More property damage, smoke in the streets. Figures scurrying away from the camera, or pulling jackets and t-shirts over their heads to hide their faces.
Not a dense crowd yet.
The pipes clunk as Alex turns the water off. A minute later, fully dressed but hair still dripping onto his clothes, he joins Ariadne. They listen as the anchor describes and discusses while scrupulously avoiding the word riot.
Some of the shots are way too close for comfort. Streets they know, stores they’ve been inside.
The instruction to stay indoors is repeated more firmly. Threats follow – vague and couched in the formal language of civil disorder and punitive measures and detained as necessary.
“Turn it off,” Alex says. She does.
“No work today,” she observes. “I’ll text. Let them know.” “Yeah.”
There’s not a lot to be said. Alex has that prickly air about him, like he does when he’s seeing Ariadne for the things she’s done, not… whatever she is to him now. It’s not unfair. She still needs to shower anyway, which is a good excuse to get out of his hair. 
As she’s undressing, she hears him put music on again, and turn the volume up until it’s straining the speakers on his phone.
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racerchix21 · 2 months
When the Waters Rise, Take My Hand
Summary: It seems poetic that water would take his life just like it took his boys away. It’s not that Eddie Diaz wants to die it’s just that since the tsunami he’s been a shell of a person.
AKA the one where Eddie has nightmares about the what ifs of the tsunami hitting the pier.
Work Text:
It seems poetic that water would take his life just like it took his boys away. It’s not that Eddie Diaz wants to die it’s just that since the tsunami he’s been a shell of a person. Five years ago today he took his son over to his best friend’s place and went to work thinking it was just a normal Thursday. Five years ago today he lost everything that ever meant anything to him so he today he’s gonna join his boys one way or another.
He creeps closer and closer to the shoreline. He feels the sand give beneath his feet. Feels the water begin to lap at his ankles as he takes the first hesitant step into the water proper. He takes another and another until the water reaches his waist. He holds his hands out in front of him and feels the coolness, lets himself be lulled into a false sense of security by the water.
““To Mom and Dad, I’m sorry I was so weak. Not the son you ever wanted.
To Abuela, Pepa, Adri, Soph, sorry I couldn’t be stronger for you. I love you with everything I have.
To Shannon, I’m sorry I wasn’t the man, the husband, the partner you needed. I’m sorry I fucked us up so badly.
To Christopher, the best thing that ever happened to me. I’m sorry I couldn’t be the father you deserved. I’m gonna join you and Buck real soon buddy.
To Chim & Hen, thank you for being my friends. My family. I loved and appreciated all of it but it’s finally time for me to go join my boys somewhere else.
To Evan, my best friend. The light of my life, I’m sorry I failed you so badly. For forcing you to leave the house with Chris when you didn’t wanna get out of bed.
To Maddie, May & Harry, I’m sorry I took your brother away from you.
To Bobby and Athena, I’m sorry I took your son away from you. If I hadn’t been so stupid and selfish Buck would still be alive.
I’m writing this because you deserve to know how much I blame myself for you guys losing Buck and Chris 5 years ago. If you’re reading this then I’m already gone to see both of them again.
Eddie “the fuck-up” Diaz””
That’s the letter his family will find when they go through his things after he’s gone. As he lets himself sink into the dark he hopes they can forgive him. Forgive him for not being strong enough to live without Buck or Chris for long. As the ocean pulls him further under with its siren song he thinks he can already hear Buck’s voice calling out to him.
“Eddie! Eddie, wake up babe. Come on baby you gotta wake up,” Buck says shaking Eddie’s shoulder. He’d startled awake to Eddie whimpering in his sleep a few minutes before but it wasn’t until he heard his name said that’d he’d truly paid attention. He feels more than sees Eddie come to and immediately throw himself more fully into his chest. He can feel the dampness of Eddie’s chest soaking into his own tshirt and feels the warmth of tears rolling down his neck where Eddie’s face is buried.
Buck wraps an arm around his boyfriend’s waist and rests his free hand across the back of Eddie’s neck to scratch along his hairline. It seems to calm Eddie down enough that he can begin the process of figuring out what kind of fresh hell his psyche was throwing at this time. The more he tries to pull Eddie’s face out of his neck so he can see into his eyes, the more fight he’s given. “Alright baby you can lay here but I’m gonna need you to agree to talk to me at soon, okay?”
“Okay, but not right now,” Eddie mumbles against his neck. If Eddie had it his way they’d never talk about it but he knows how damn stubborn Buck is.
“Yeah baby not right now. Let’s just lay here awhile and when you’re ready I’ll listen,” Buck promises.
“Is Christopher ok,” Eddie asks after a few minutes of neither of them talking. He’s rolled back to his side of the bed but leaves an arm and a leg against Buck.
“Yeah honey he’s tucked away in his bed just down the hall. We made sure he was asleep before we came to bed, remember? He wanted you to read to him just like he did when he was younger. He’s safe and sound and if he needs something he knows where we are,” Buck reassures him. “We can go check on him if it’ll put your mind more at ease.”
“No I trust you Evan. I think I’m ready to talk about it now.”
“Ok so what happened sweetheart? You were whimpering earlier and now you’re asking about where Chris is.”
“It was a nightmare. I was walking into the ocean hoping to die. I could hear all these cruel voices talking about how it was my fault that you and Chris were on the pier when the tsunami hit. I could see the bodies in the water, hear the anguished cries as people helplessly watched loved ones be pulled under and out to sea. I was frozen watching Christopher’s crutches float by stuck on a broken board. I could hear him screaming a mixture of Dad and Buck and I couldn’t do anything to fix it,” Eddie tearfully says. Some part of him wants to burrow back into Buck to reassure himself that Buck is really there and that he’s not some hallucination Eddie’s psyche has made up.
“Baby I promise that if the water starts rising again, you’ll always have my hand to grab onto,” Buck whispers moving to stand up. When he turns to look at Eddie he can’t help but laugh at the confused puppy expression he sees as he holds his hand out for his boyfriend to take, “Come on, Eds. Let’s go look in on Chris and then I promise we’ll come back to bed and I’ll hold you while you fall back asleep or play on your phone.”
“I said I trusted you though when you said he was asleep in his room,” he tries to weakly protest even as he takes Buck’s hand and lets himself be pulled to his feet. “Ev, he’s probably sleeping and we’re gonna wake him up. If we do you’re the one who has to help him fall asleep again.”
“It’s good thing I know how to put my Diaz boys to sleep then isn’t it? I run a hand up and down his back a couple times and hum a little bit and he’ll be out like a light. Besides you and I both know that our kid is too much like you in the regard of being able to sleep through anything. Now come on!”
When Buck goes to open their door, he’s met with his favorite Diaz sleepily staring at him and the other one wrapping himself around his torso. “Hey, Chris what would you say about sleeping in our room tonight? I know you keep saying you’-“
“Yes please!,” Chris exclaims before Buck can even finish his sentence making both men chuckle.
“Alright then my boys off to bed we go,” Eddie says letting go of Buck in favor of leading the way back to bed. He gets Christopher comfortable before leaning over him to give Buck a kiss and a whispered, “Thank you, Evan.”
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mlmdarkfiction · 2 years
Fandom: Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
Ship: Guido Mista x Fem OC
Warnings: Yandere Mista, Stalking, Strip Clubs, Referenced Drug Addiction (not Mista or the main OC)
Notes: Connected to my other fic Garden of Love, OC's do not belong to me but were used with permission of their owner.
Read Below:
Bianca tries covering her face with her pillow in an attempt to block out the sun, but at that point it’s too late. She’s awake. She knows she is, and there’s no going back to sleep. 
And she has to get up eventually anyway. 
The pillow is thrown into the corner of the room, and with another groan she sits up, dirty blonde locks pointed in all directions from her bed head. 
Like every morning she grabs her phone off the charging, flipping it open to check for messages. 
That’s right…
The only person who’d be texting her is Sienna, and…
Anger wells up in Bianca. 
She still can’t believe her best friend would be dealing drugs, but it explained how odd Sienna had been acting lately. 
Running her hands down her face in exasperation she just makes her way to the bathroom to start her morning routine, after all she has children to feed. 
After brushing her hair, showering, and doing her makeup, she makes her way to the kitchen.
To her surprise the kids are already up. 
Both Lucio and Lucia are seated on the small couch, watching cartoons. 
“Morning kiddo.”  
She leans down ruffling Lucio’s hair, trying not to laugh at the way the 8 year old scrunches his face up, and tries to duck out of it. 
“You’re blocking the TV!” 
This time she does laugh, but she moves out of the way, briefly ruffling Lucia’s hair now before finally reaching her destination. 
“What do you two want for breakfast?” 
“Crois-Croisa-Cro-” Lucia struggles to try and say croissant, the four year olds brow furrowing, “Croissant!” 
Bianca holds back another laugh, after all Lucia looks so proud of herself for managing to say the word. 
“Right. Alright.”
That’s easy enough, at least. 
    Bianca’s flipping the omelet when she starts to hear the heavy footsteps of her sister getting ready. She shouldn’t be surprised Rosa’s going out this early, she’d woken the kids up after all, but Bianca isn’t sure yet if she’s going out to party, or hook. 
“Morning Rosa.” She hands her older sister a croissant  knowing Rosa probably didn’t have the foresight to make herself anything for breakfast. 
“I’ll be back tonight,” Rosa say’s taking the pastry, “You’ll watch the kids, right?” 
“I have work.” Bianca says, immediately hardening her tone. She’s not about to back down on this. 
They have two kids to feed, and Bianca can’t just miss work because her sister wants to do god knows what. 
Money’s tight as it is. 
“I can stay with the kids until 7, but you’ll have to be back after that.”
A tension fills the kitchen, both women staring at one another.
Bianca, green eyes narrowed, one hand on her hip, and Rosa, looking back annoyed, croissant still hanging in her mouth, neither wants to back down. 
It’s Rosa who eventually gives up, taking a bite from the croissant as she tears her eyes away from Bianca’s. 
“Fine. Alright.”
“You’ll be back by 7?” 
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?” 
Bianca doesn’t snap back. She’s just going to let Rosa have her attitude today, she doesn’t want to deal with any actual fighting today. 
She goes back to cooking the omelets, as Rosa finishes her croissant. 
“I’m leaving.” 
“Be safe.”
As soon as Rosa leaves the house, Bianca sighs. 
“Who’s hungry?” She brings both children their breakfast, putting the plates on the coffee table in front of the TV.  
Both children cheer, moving to eat. 
“It’s just going to be me and you guys today, okay?”  
“Mhm!” Both children nod as they stuff their face, not bothered at all by the turn of events, it’s pretty normal after all. 
As Bianca goes to ask them what they’d like to do today, she’s cut off by the ringing of her cellphone. 
Bianca chews her lip as she considers answering it. Ultimately she decides not to. She knows first hand how drugs can ruin lives, and she’s got two little lives right here that she can’t put in any more risk. 
She declines the call. 
    The rest of her day with the kids is thankfully much less stressful than the morning had been. 
It was spent drawing with Lucia, playing football in the yard with Lucio, lunch, and then dinner. 
By the time Rosa returned home, Bianca was exhausted, but she wasn’t going to get to rest anytime soon, after all, Rosa only came home so Bianca could go to work. 
“I’ve already made dinner,” She tells Rosa, double checking that she has her wallet, and house keys, “The kids have already eaten, your plate’s in the microwave. I’ll see you when I get home.”
She doesn’t wait to hear what her sister has to say, she doesn’t have time, with that she leaves the apartment, stepping out into the street to start her walk to the club. 
Bianca finds herself thinking about Sienna again on the walk. She misses her friend, misses having support, and definitely misses having someone who can look after her niece and nephew so she can nap instead of having to go straight into work. 
She’d been joking about it before, when she and Sienna had gone out to a bar, but Bianca really just wishes she could find someone to just solve all their problems. 
Like a sugar daddy. 
It’s not realistic, and she knows that, but a girl can dream. 
    Mista sighs. He hates doing stake outs, but at least his target is a pretty girl. That makes it better. 
He’d seen her before, he remembers it, when he and Giorno had been out, before Giorno and his girlfriend had gotten together. 
This must be her friend from the bar. 
She’d been pretty drunk at the time, from what he remembers, so MIsta really doubts she’d recognize him.
He can be a bit more lax than he normally would. 
Besides, all Giorno wanted him to do was make sure they’d done a good job separating her and his girlfriend. 
A little weird, but not his business.  
He watches his target, Bianca, as she enters the strip club. 
Things just got a lot more interesting, for MIsta at least. 
The inside of the club is exactly what Mista had expected, really. Pretty standard issue. It’s definitely not the best Mista’s ever seen, nor is it the worst.
He doesn’t see Bianca yet, but that’s fine. He figured she’s in the back, getting ready to go on stage. 
He can wait. 
Mista makes himself comfortable, goes to the bar, orders a drink, and then takes a seat near one of the poles. 
A woman is already dancing there. 
She is…Fine.
Not Mista’s type, but not unattractive by any means. So he relaxes, and watches, and doesn't tip her. 
He isn’t left waiting long. 
Bianca didn’t need much time to get ready, and she comes out, taking the woman's place he’s instantly engaged.
Not just because she’s his target. 
It was hard for him to realize when he’d been trailing her from a distance, but Bianca was incredibly pretty. 
Much more Mista’s type then the woman who’d been dancing before. 
Aside from her body, it was her eyes that drew his attention. 
Blonde hair, and green eyes. 
A lot of the blondes he’s seen around here have blue eyes. 
Bianca is unique.  
    A new customer? 
It’s not that odd. While the club usually just has regulars, occasionally someone will find out about it for the first time, or someone passing through town will pass through. 
Money is money.
And if this new guy is just passing through, Bianca’s going to do her best to get his money before he goes. 
She smiles at him, as she twirls around the poll, wrapping her legs around it, and bending backwards, eyes on the stranger the whole time. 
It’s all she has to hold in a smirk as she sees the man reach for his wallet, pulling out a euro note. 
Bianca can’t see the note, but she doesn’t have to. 
He’s tipping her, that’s all that matters. 
That’s why she doesn’t object when he leans in way too close, and slips the bill in the fabric of her panties. 
The club has a strict rule against customers touching the dancers, and Bianca can see the bouncer shoot her a look, ready to throw this guy out on his ass if she gives the word. 
But she shakes her head, and instead smiles at the stranger. 
She’s turning her seduction up to an eleven, her words coming out in seductive pur. 
Bianca doesn’t wanna give this guy the wrong idea though, and so she backs away from him, dancing at a safe distance. 
    For Mista however, the whole interaction went differently. 
Sure, Bianca was dancing, and this was her job, but she was flirting with him. After all, Mista’s not an idiot. 
He’s been to enough strip clubs to know you’re not supposed to touch the dancers, and he’d seen the signs coming in that read the same thing, seen the bouncer, but Bianca had still let him do it. 
He’d seen the way she’d stopped the bouncer from kicking him out too. 
She liked him. 
Or at the very least was attracted to him. 
He really should thank Giorno for this. 
To his dismay he isn’t able to watch Bianca dance as long as he’d have liked, getting a text soon after from the boss himself, giving Mista other orders. 
So with a sigh he stands, and before he leaves, he’s sure to give Bianca another tip. 
    When it’s finally time for her to head home, Bianca’s feet feel like they’re on fire. She sits backstage, after having redressed into her street clothes, counting the tips she’s made. 
It was slow today. 
Slower than usual. 
From Bianca’s point of view only a few men came in, most regulars, and even fewer of them paid attention to her, since there were other dancers and-
“Holy shit.” 
She’s brought out of her thoughts as she finishes counting her tips. 
It wasn’t that she’d gotten a lot of tips, no instead the few tips she had gotten were in bigger bills. 
“Holy shit!” Bianca repeats herself, absolute elation in her voice.
This is enough to cover rent. 
Bianca is quick to put the pieces together, realizing the big spender had to be the stranger who’d come in at the beginning of her shift. 
She tries to think harder, if she’d seen the man before. 
Maybe, she figures after thinking about it for a while, maybe she’s seen him around town before, his face was a little familiar. 
But maybe she’s just being hopeful. 
Because if he’s going to tip her like that, she hopes he comes back.
It’s bad of her, she knows it is, but Bianca can’t help but think that this man could be her ticket to an easier life. 
With that thought in her head, and money in her purse, Bianca finds the walk back home easy, even with her feet hurting. 
She can’t wait to tell Rosa. 
It’ll be nice for both of them to not have to work so hard, stressing nonstop about how they’re going to make the rent this month. 
    The apartment is quiet when Bianca walks in the door. 
She’s relieved really, glad Rosa was able to get Lucio and Lucia to bed without any issue. They’re both good kids, but like other kids their age, sometimes they just refuse to go to sleep. 
Bianca almost jumps out of her skin as when she passes by the kitchen, on her way to the stairs, the kitchen light suddenly turns on. 
“Rosa!” She hisses out in a whisper, after all the walls are thin, and the kids are asleep. “You scared me.” 
“Sorry,” Rosa does seem apologetic. She gestures to the table where a bottle of vodka and two glasses sit. She’s been drinking. 
“Drink with me?” 
“It’s too late,” Bianca says, turning her down, but she still moves to join her sister, sitting with her at the table. She’s still excited to tell her sister the news. 
“I have good news,” She can’t help the way she cringes as Rosa downs the vodka like it’s nothing, just the thought of doing that makes Bianca want to gag. 
Rosa raises a brow at Bianca, whipping her mouth with the back of her hand. 
“Rents paid.” She can’t help herself, excitedly placing the bills she’d been tipped on the table, letting Rosa see for herself. 
“Holy shit. You didn’t- Did you?” The look of disbelief she gives Bianca is real, assuming naturally, that Bianca had to have done something illegal to get that kind of money that fast. 
A heat quickly floods Bianca's face. A mix of anger and embarrassment. She can’t believe, after everything, Rosa would assume she’d do something like that. Indignantly she wants to snap back to her sister and say of course not, she’s not like you. 
But she doesn’t. 
Bianca takes a deep breath, keeps herself calm, stops herself from lashing out.
She doesn’t want to fight with Rosa. 
“Of course not,” Her response still comes out a lot firmer than she’d intended, shutting down Rosa’s train of thinking immediately. “A new guy came into the club today, he must have been loaded.”
“Did you get his number?” 
“What? No, of course I didn’t,” But as she says it Bianca quickly feels stupid for not. 
It’s not like she’d known, at the time, how much he’d tipped her. She didn’t have time to check while dancing. 
Rosa is right though. 
She should have. 
And Bianca makes up her mind that if the man comes back into the club she’ll get his number. 
    That night Bianca has a nightmare. 
It’s vague, and by the time she wakes, she’s all but forgotten most of the details, only remembering enough to know what the dream was about. 
Her mother…and ultimately her father. 
She stays in bed for a while, dazed by the dream, until Rosa knocks on her door. 
“Bianca, are you up? I have to go, can you watch the kids?” 
She hesitates to respond, but she does. “Yeah. Yeah! Just give me a second.” 
And so today goes similarly to the one before it. 
Bianca gets up, does her routine, makes breakfast for herself and the kids, and the rest of the day, the time spent between Rosa coming back, and Bianca leaving for work, is spent watching the kids and doing chores. 
“I’ll see you tonight,” 
Instead of thinking about how she wants a sugar daddy on her way to work, instead Bianca is actually thinking about the man who’d come in yesterday, and about how she hopes he’s there again tonight. 
When she gets to work, she goes to the employee’s entrance in the back, but she can’t help herself. 
Bianca can’t resist the urge to poke her head into the main area of the club and see who, if anyone, is here tonight. 
She is…disappointed when she doesn’t see the stranger. 
A heavy sigh leaves her, without her even realizing it. 
“What’s wrong, hot stuff?” 
The sudden question has Bianca almost jumping out of her skin. She’s quick to stop looking out into the lounge, she has to get ready anyway. 
“You scared me.” 
It’s not the owner here to yell at her for not being changed yet, it’s just another stripper from the club. 
Bianca doesn’t know much about her, in fact she only really knows her stage name, but they’re on good enough terms. “Sorry.” The older woman grins playfully. “I didn’t mean to, I just came to tell you you’ve got a customer.” 
“What?” She feels her expression scrunch in confusion. Private dances are nothing new, but usually Bianca dances first, and then a man gets interested. 
This is the first time she’s ever come into work, and had a man waiting in the backroom for a dance. 
Suddenly she’s feeling really nervous. 
“He asked for you by name,” Her coworker continues, “He looked expensive, lucky girl.” She gives Bianca a playful little shove to the shoulder. 
“Try not to keep him waiting. I’m going to take a smoke.” 
The first person to come to mind is the stranger from yesterday. Bianca doesn’t know how he’d have gotten her name, from the bouncer, maybe. 
But hearing who’s waiting for her, has Bianca unsure how to feel.
Or even more stressed. 
Part of her even wonders if he’s realized how much he tipped her yesterday, and is here to ask for the money back.
And while she’d feel bad if he’d tipped her so much by accident, she’s not about to give it back. She can't afford to. 
But she can’t just leave him waiting there either, so she finishes changing into her lingerie, takes a few deep breaths to calm her nerves, and enters the backroom. 
Bianca’s expectations are met.
It’s the stranger from yesterday. 
He hasn’t noticed her yet, and Bianca’s able to really examine him now, in a way she didn’t care to yesterday. 
He was cute, actually. 
Beanie, dark hair, strong jawline. 
She’s surprised, a lot of the guys who come into the club just…aren’t her type, but this guy. She could work with this. 
And he seems nervous, she notes. Cute. 
She puts on a sultry smile, purring out her words, as she approaches, the slow clicking of her heels giving her away. 
“Hey…I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
The stranger jumped at the sound of her heels, but quickly seemed to relax. 
“No, not at all.” He clears his throat, sitting up straighter. 
“I was told…you weren’t here yet,” His words trail off when Bianca makes herself comfortable, straddling his lap. 
His hands rest respectfully at his side for now. 
“That’s right,” Bianca purs, her hips starting to sway in time with the song that’s playing, “I heard you asked for me specifically. You were here yesterday right?”
His eyes light up, and Bianca knows she has him hook, line, and sinker. 
“You remember?” 
“I never forget a face.” 
That’s not entirely true, but this guy didn’t have to know that. And it’s worth it for the way he looks at her like he’s absolutely smitten. 
“But I also know I’ve never seen you around here before.” 
And he nods to her, Bianca’s able to see the way his Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows hard, as they’re less than an inch apart from touching as Bianca gets more into the dance. 
She’s all but grinding on him, and clearly he can’t take it, because he reaches out, a warm hand resting against the bare skin of her hip. 
It’s not allowed. 
They both know he’s breaking the rules, but he’s got money, he’s hot, and there’s no bouncer back here to stop them. 
Instead of stopping him herself, she only rewards it, closing the distance between them.
Bianca’s no longer grinding the air between them, but she’s seated herself on his lap, and only smiles when his other hand reaches to her hip. 
She notices that his hands are rough, calloused, the hands of a man who uses them for work. They aren’t what she’d been expecting for someone with so much money, but she likes the feeling. 
“What’s your name?” Her lips are just an inch from his ear, she’s sure he can feel her hot breath on his skin, and she’s right. Bianca’s able to feel the way he shivers at the sensation, feel the twitch of something else pressed right up against her. 
“Guido.” He answers honestly, taking a deep breath when he feels her lips ghost over the shell of his ear. “But you can call me Mista, most people do.”
“Mista.” Bianca repeats it as she grins against the bulge in his pants, using her hands to move his own, letting him rub her soft stomach, tantalizingly moving further up her chest, but not actually letting him touch her breasts. 
Time’s almost up. 
If he wants her to keep dancing he’ll have to pay more. 
She shouldn’t ask this.
It’s dangerous. 
She knows it is, and if the roles were reversed, and Rosa did what she was about to, she thinks she’d kill her sister. 
But they really need the money. 
And she’s always wanted a sugar daddy. 
“Would you ever want to meet up outside of the club, Mista?” 
    Mista is on cloud nine as he leaves the strip club. He was right!
She had been flirting with him the first time he’d come into the club. She was interested in him!
And this proved it. 
She’d given him her number. 
His wallet was a little lighter now, the private dance had not been cheap, but as far as he was concerned, that was money well spent! 
Besides that private dance meant that, at least for a little bit, Bianca hadn’t been giving attention to any other men. 
He can’t ruin this though. 
He’s been told by women before that he can be a bit much. 
He’ll play it cool. 
He can play it cool. 
He’s not about to ruin another possible relationship. 
Maybe he should avoid going back to the club? At least for a little while. He doesn’t want to seem clingy. 
    At the end of the night  Bianca counts through her tips on the way out the door. Once again she’s filled with relief. She got other tips of course, but Mista…He was a majority of her tips tonight, and that alone made the dance he gave him worth it. 
It’s still early enough, Bianca notices, Rosa and the kids are probably still awake. Quickly she sends her sister a text asking if they’d eaten dinner yet, and when she gets a negative response she tells Rosa not to worry about it. 
They all deserve a treat, it’s been long enough. 
Bianca’s picking up pizza. 
Stopping on the way home to pick up two pizzas is easy enough, and Bianca’s able to balance them in her arms the rest of the way. 
When she comes in the door she’s practically tackled by her niece and nephew, excited for the rare takeout. 
She flashes a smile at Rosa, as she sets the pizza boxes down. 
Rosa is quick to open the box, getting plates for the kids, “Thanks Bianca…Are you sure this is alright?” 
It takes Bianca by surprise for a moment. She knows money is tight, and he knows Rosa knows, but it’s not very often that Rosa acknowledges just how much Bianca is doing for their family. 
“Yeah,” Bianca nods, ruffling Lucio’s hair as he’s handed his plate. “I can afford it, don’t worry.”
Both the kids run off with their pizza to eat in front of the TV, enjoying their pizza while watching a cartoon movie. 
The half sisters eat together at the dining room table. 
While they eat, Bianca tells Rosa about what happened at the club today, about how MIsta was the rich man from yesterday, and came back again today just to see her. 
“Did you get his number?” Rosa asks, reaching across the table to excitedly grab at Bianca’s hand. She knows how good of an opportunity this is. “Tell me you got his number?” “I got his number! I got his number.” She reassures her sister. 
“Have you texted him yet?”
Rosa’s excitement is a little overwhelming, Bianca hesitates as she looks at her phone. 
“Not yet,” Bianca admits, almost shamefully. 
She’s just hesitating. 
Sure she’d thought and joked about getting a sugar daddy, but it was a little scary when the opportunity actually showed itself. And she still knows almost nothing about Mista. 
What does he even do to make all that money?
“H-Hey!” While Bianca was lost in her own conflicting thoughts, Rosa had snatched the cell phone from her hand. 
By the time Bianca managed to pry her phone from her sister's hand, the damage had already been done, the text was already sent. 
“There, you can thank me later.”
“You…” Rosa had sent Mista a text, pretending to be Bianca, and asking him if he’d like to take her out on a date. 
Bianca isn’t sure how she feels about it all, nervous for sure, but at least Rosa didn’t make her sound desperate. 
    It’s still early the next day when Bianca wakes up, she takes a moment to just stare up at her ceiling as the first few rays of sunlight fill her room. 
Pretty quickly she finds out the cause of her waking so early. The kids are up. They aren’t doing anything wrong, she’s not mad, but she can hear them giggling to themselves as they plan in their room. 
“I wish I had that kind of energy…”
She sighs covering her face with her arm, trying to protect against the quickly invading light. For a while Bianca just lays in bed, covering her face, and debating whether or not she should just go back to sleep. 
Eventually though, she gives up on that idea, and with a yawn, sits up. 
Like every morning Bianca goes through her routine, and at the end of it she checks her phone to see if there’s a text from Sienna.
Of course there’s not. 
She’d blocked her number when she’d heard she was selling drugs, but she still checks everyday because she still cares about her friend
There may not be a text from Sienna, but there is a text from MIsta. 
Bianca stares at the notification for a moment, not actually pulling up the text. She’s never felt this nervous about a date before. 
Maybe it’s because she knows he has money.
Does that make her a bad person?
She had nothing to be worried about though, the text from Mista is simple, simply asking, “Gelato?”
Gelato sounds great, actually, especially for a first date. 
So she agrees, and they settle on a time and a place to meet up. 
    Mista arrives at their meet up spot an hour early.  It’s a bit extreme, but he wants to make sure everything goes according to plan. He doesn’t wanna mess up their first real date.
This is too important to let anything go wrong. 
The first thing he does is scout out the shop, making sure he wasn’t followed, and that there aren't any other stand users lying in wait. 
Once he’s made sure the area is safe, he switches focus to his appearance, going into the Gelato shop's bathroom to look himself over in the mirror. 
He pulls his beanie off, trying to decide if he looks better with it off. He knows he thinks he looks better with it on, but…
What if Bianca doesn’t like it?
What if she’d like to see his hair for once? He wore his hat every time he’d gone into the club to see her. 
He’s stressing over it, before Sex Pistols make themselves known. 
“What-What are you doing?” No.1 launches forward, grabbing the beanie from Mista’s hands, and starting to tug it back to his head. 
No.2 is quick to join No.1 until the beanie has been properly placed back on his head. 
“This is important.” Mista tells his stand seriously. 
Both 1 and 2 stare at Mista for a moment before loudly whispering to one another. 
“A date?”
“He’s really got a date?”
“I guess we should help…”
The Pistol’s get to work, straightening the beanie on Mista’s head, and also pulling a few curly locks of his hair free so that they frame his face better. 
“There! All done!”
“Much better!”
Once the Pistol’s are done pulling at his hair and scalp, he finally goes back to examining his reflection. 
Mista’s surprised. It’s not how he usually presents himself, he either wears his beanie with his hair tucked in, or he doesn’t wear it at all, but he actually likes how he looks right now with tufts of hair sticking out. 
He’s cute.
He grins at his reflection. 
“Thanks,” He says to the pistols, both of which are whizzing around the mirror taking in their own reflections. “I owe you. I’ll give you both extra lunch today, just don’t tell the other four.” 
The bullets cheer, until Mista cuts them off, 
“But…All of you have to stay hidden during my date,” He tells them. 
It’s not that he think Bianca can see Sex Pistols, but he can’t focus on them while trying to focus on Bianca. 
And the last thing he wants is to forget himself, and actually talk to them in front of Bianca. 
She’d think he’s crazy. 
“Aww…But I wanted to meet her.” The Pistols pout, and Mista does feel a little bad.
He sighs. 
“You’ll meet her,” He promises, “But not now. This is our first date after all. Everything has to go perfect.”
“He thinks we’ll mess it up.”
Mista cringes a little hearing that, although it’s true. 
    “How do I look?”
Bianca spins for Rosa to get a good look at her outfit, admiring herself in her full body mirror. She thinks she looks cute, and Rosa agrees. 
A flowy long sleeve yellow top, tight denim shorts that go mid thigh height, she’s really feeling herself in this outfit. 
“The shorts could be a little shorter,” Rosa says, but the tone of her voice makes it clear she’s joking. 
Bianca rolls her eyes, and jokingly says back. 
“Well, he’s already seen me with my clothes off. No harm in covering up now.” 
She gathers her things to leave, blowing a kiss to her sister. 
“Be safe!” Rosa yells as Bianca heads out the door. “If he’s a creep, call me! I’ll beat his ass.”
It doesn’t take Bianca very long to find their meetup spot, the gelato shop is surprisingly close to their home, but she doesn’t think anything of it. There’s plenty of shops around, and it’s a decent half way point between her home, and the club. Just a coincidence, nothing else. 
The bell chirps overhead as she enters, and she’s able to spot Mista instantly as he whips his head around from where he’s sitting to look at the door. 
It’s cute, Bianca thinks, he reminds her of an overeager puppy, especially the way his eyes light up when he sees her.
She giggles, imagining for a moment him doing the same thing every time anyone entered the store, 
“Were you waiting long?” 
“Oh no, not at all.” Mista tells her, beaming.
It’s a lie, but of course there’s no way for Bianca to know he’d been waiting long before she arrived, and so she returns his grin, sitting across from him at the table and…
“Mista!” Bianca has only just sat down when the Sex Pistol’s make themselves known, crying and flying around MIsta’s head practically begging for attention. 
And Mista freezes, he’s at a complete loss for what to do in this situation, it’s not like he can react, Bianca would think he’s crazy, but ignoring the Pistols is also incredibly hard. 
“Feed us!”
“It’s lunch time!”
Mista is once again surprised when a giggle breaks through the air, and it’s not one of the pistols. It’s coming from Bianca. 
Nervously he tears his gaze away from the Pistols and to Bianca, only to be met with instant relief, as behind her is a stand as well. 
“You’re a stand user too?” His anxiety has turned to giddy excitement. This is perfect, after all, and just another sign that the two of them were meant to be together. 
“Stand?” Bianca repeats back at him, just as giddy and smiling. She’s never met anyone with the same type of powers before, and she found the Pistols to be cute. “Is that what they’re called? Stands? I just called her Q-Tip.”
Q-Tip is small when it comes to stands, about the size of a child,  with icy blue skin and eyes, and dark blue, wavy hair.  The stand is constantly moving, dancing in the air even as it reaches a hand out for the Sex Pistol’s, who forget how hungry they are, to play with their new friend. 
“Why Q-Tip?”
“I don’t know.” Bianca admits. “It just felt fitting, I guess.” 
They do introductions. Bianca and Sex Pistols, Mista and Q-Tip, and finally introducing the stands to one another. 
“Now that everyone’s introduced…Gelato?” Bianca says, casually changing the subject, “After all I remember hearing these little guys say it was lunch time.” 
The Pistol’s cheer. Bianca’s already hit it off with them. 
They order their gelato, and the pair and their stands take to the city, walking and just talking about whatever comes to mind.  
And she’s surprised to find that she’s actually having fun with Mista. She hadn’t expected him to be so normal, maybe she was too judgmental, but she hadn’t expected someone who frequented a strip club to be so normal. 
She has to stifle a giggle as Number Five clings to her hair, half asleep. 
Mista had explained to her already The Pistols usually take a nap after their lunch, and they were missing it now. 
“You’re so pretty. I like when we watch you.” Five mumbles a bit, before slumping against her and succumbing to sleep. 
“Watching me?” 
Bianca’s too busy pondering it, unable to notice the way Mista’s whole body goes stiff. 
“Oh like watching me dance!” She grins at Mista. 
“You really like watching me dance, don’t you?” 
“Well…Of course I do. You’re so beautiful.” 
Heat rises to Bianca’s cheeks, but she only grins further at Mista. She does genuinely appreciate the compliments, something about the way Mista says it all sends chills down her spine, but this is a perfect opportunity to get in his pockets. 
“I feel safer, you know? When you’re there?” She bites her bottom lip, while looking up at Mista, doing her best pout. 
It works. She sees the way he blushes, his eyes widening. 
“Yeah. I know nothing bad will happen to me if you’re there.” 
And if he’s there, of course he can spend his money on her. 
“Don’t worry,” Mista reaches out, wrapping an arm around her, and pulling Bianca into his chest. She instinctively curls into the embrace, and Mista’s warmth. 
“I’ll protect you.”
    The date ends where it had started, back at the gelato shop. 
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you home?”
Mista had asked once on the walk back, and at the time Bianca had almost accepted it. But she reminded herself she had to be careful. 
They have kids at home, and Bianca’s not about to invite Mista, or any man for that matter to know where they live until things are serious. 
“No, it’s alright.” She gently squeezes Mista’s hand as they part. 
“I had a lot of fun though,” Bianca reassures him, “We should do it again sometime.” 
As they part ways Mista goes in for the kiss and Bianca almost lets him get away with it, only turning away at the very last second so that his lips graze her cheek instead.
The only reason she pulls away is to play hard to get. She can’t have him thinking she’s easy after all. 
Bianca wants him to work for it. 
Usually when she walks at home this close to night, Bianca feels a little lonely, but not tonight. She’s in high spirits, the date went better than she thought it would, she actually likes MIsta more than she thought she would, and he paid for her gelato. 
Her good mood lasts until she makes it in the door of her home. 
Instantly she can tell something’s wrong. 
To start with, the kids aren’t in the living room. Sure the sun was going down, but it was still far too early for the kids to be in bed already. 
A chill runs down Bianca’s spine. 
“Lucio? Lucia?” She calls out into the house. 
If the kids are asleep, and she wakes them up, then she’ll apologize, but there’s no sign of Rosa either, and her first thought is that something bad happened to them. 
She goes to call out a second time when a hand covers her mouth, her instincts kick in, and without even thinking she bites down hard, her assailant's blood quickly filling her mouth. 
“Ow! Son of a-”
All at once everything hits Bianca at once. She didn’t need to hear the voice to know, now that she’s calmed down the smell of the perfume gives it away. 
She turns to face her half-sister, currently nursing her bleeding hand, who scowls at her. Rosa looks…wrong. 
Rosa is pale, her skin covered in a sheen of cold sweat, and she’s shaking. 
Something is clearly wrong with her. 
“Did you get money? From your date, did he pay you?” 
It all clicks in when Rosa asks that, once more trying to reach out for Bianca. 
Luckily Bianca sees her coming, steps away and out of her grasp. 
“Are you fucking high?” 
The older woman doesn't even have to open her mouth, Bianca already knows the truth. 
“Where are the kids?” Bianca’s voice is cold, only just being able to hold back her actual fear and fury, as her eyes narrow in disbelief. 
“Bianca?” “I said where are the children!” 
“They’re in their room-” “GET OUT!” 
That’s all Bianca needed to hear. 
Her rage finally bubbling over. On some level she feels responsible. If only she were here. She doesn’t even know how long her niece and nephew had been hiding upstairs in their room from their high mother. 
“GET OUT OF HERE!” Bianca knows she’s screaming her lungs out, her chest hurts, and she’s sure the kids can hear it upstairs, but she can’t calm herself. 
Her purse connects with Rosa’s face, the other bringing her arms up in an attempt to protect herself. She’s trying to speak to Bianca, to try and get her to calm down, but it’s not possible. Not when she knows Rosa has relapsed like this, when she was supposed to be taking care of her own children. 
Bianca keeps yelling, keeps hitting Rosa with her purse, until she’s able to bully the woman out of their shared home. 
As soon as she’s out of the house Bianca locks the door, leaning against it to catch her breath, and slowly sliding down the door to sit on the living room floor. 
She can hear Rosa banging on the door outside, begging Bianca to let her back in, and promising she won’t do it again. 
Bianca says nothing, resting her head in her arms, and crying until everything goes silent on the other end of the door.
It’s only then that she stands on shaking legs, and makes her way upstairs to the kids room. 
Before entering she gently knocks on the door, so they know it’s her, and then she enters the room. 
She and the kids hug each other, and they cry. 
    The next morning Bianca calls in to work. She’s the strip club's top earner, and if they want to fight her on calling off, she’ll let them. It would be easy for her to get a job somewhere else. 
Right now the kids are more important than her work. 
Bianca’s up earlier than usual, she’s making homemade breakfast, and then after they all eat, she’ll walk them to the bus stop. 
It’s not a lot, but it’s all she thinks she can do, to let Lucio and Lucia know that they’re safe, that everything’s okay, and that no matter what happens Bianca will be there to take care of them.
All she can think of on her solitary walk back home after dropping off the kids is that it’s ironic. Rosa is using again,  and Bianca’s the one having a sobering realization. 
She was too harsh on Sienna, and with no proof. 
The real problem was under her nose all along, and instead of looking into it, and catching what her sister had been doing, she was so quick to believe that Sienna was selling drugs. 
“What am I supposed to do?” 
Truly she feels…hopeless. 
She doesn’t know where Rosa is. 
She doesn’t know how she’s going to take care of two kids on her own.
And she wants to apologize to Sienna. 
Bianca holds her head in her hands as she sits at the kitchen table, staring down at her cellphone. 
She should unblock her number, call her, and apologize. 
Would Sienna even answer? 
It’s not like Bianca would blame her if she didn’t. Part of her felt like she didn’t deserve forgiveness. 
But Bianca won’t be able to forgive herself if she doesn’t at least try. 
It rings. 
And rings. 
And rings some more. 
The phone rings until the phone naturally goes to voicemail. 
Bianca had spent the whole time waiting incredibly tense, waiting, and then all at once it escapes her like a balloon when no one actually answered. 
“Please leave a message after the…BEEP!”
“Uh…Hey…Sienna.” The guilt practically drips off every awkward word, “I just wanted to call and say that…I’m really sorry. I over reacted, and I should have trusted you. I know you better than that and I- I just want to apologize. Give me a call back, I mean…I-If you can.” 
She lets her head fall into her hands once more, letting out a frustrated screaming, now that there’s no one in the house to hear her. 
For a while she sits like that, in the silence of her kitchen, it’s almost eerie now, how quiet it is after her explosion of sound. 
But eventually even that eerie quietness is again broken by the vibrating of Bianca’s phone. 
She jumps to grab it, hoping that it’s Sienna, that she’s seen her apology, and is willing to accept it. 
Willing to be Bianca’s friend again. 
It’s not.
It’s not Sienna at all, in fact it’s actually a text from Mista. 
He’s just telling her good morning, saying that he hopes she slept well, and telling her that he’d dreamt of her last night. 
It might have been sweet, if not for the fact Bianca was already in a bad mood. 
So she does nothing. 
She reads his texts, and doesn’t respond. She doesn’t feel like responding. 
Doesn’t feel like doing anything, actually. 
Bianca has to basically drag her way to the living room couch, to splay her body out on it, before all the stress gets to her, and she falls into a nap. 
By the time she wakes up, it’s just in time to pick the kids up from the bus. The nap made her feel worse than she’d felt before going to sleep. She feels on edge, even, like something is wrong. 
But that all gets chalked up to a nightmare she can’t remember. 
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ptergwen · 3 years
If you do smut can you do like stark!reader x peter parker (spiderman) are dating 3-4 month and y/n and peter had their very fluff first time then next morning y/n has hickies all over her neck and her thights stomach... and tony/ her dad sees it and is confronting them with it😂 i love your stories 🤤
just saying hi
Tumblr media
w/c: 2.5k
warnings: veryyyy suggestive, swearing, some pretty embarrassing moments
a/n: thank you babe! i didn’t write the actual smut but y’all can guess what happened 😭 also this is super long i couldn’t help myself
it was everything. it was everything you ever wanted your first time to be and more.
you’d brought up to peter during a make out session one night that you were ready to go farther than you two already have. there was one base you didn’t hit yet. the fourth, the final. you were thinking about it for a while before that, and peter would be lying if he said he didn’t.
your love has always been physical, whether it’s you kissing peter’s cuts after a mission or him tracing hearts on you with his fingers. there’s also the more sexual side of things. that part, you both enjoy just as much, maybe even a little more because you know exactly how to make each other feel good after all the trial and error.
what better way to combine the two than, well, making love?
last night was your sign from the universe, your go ahead to do it. you had the compound to yourselves because your dad had taken all the “big kids” out for the night. you’re both well into college, but he refuses to see you as adults. that meant no peter and no you. you two were a little offended until you realized you could make use of your alone time.
you started off searching for a movie. that turned into you wrestling peter for the remote because you didn’t feel like watching back to the furure yet again. wrestling turned into you on top of him, which turned into you kissing him, which turned into peter throwing the remote somewhere and carrying you up to your room with his lips still on yours.
neither of you had to say it. you were on the same page, same wavelength, two brains in one as peter layed you down and trailed his kisses lower and lower.
peter was so gentle with you, except for when you told him not to be. those were the times he didn’t hold back. he was attentive and sweet and showed you quite a few times how much he loves you. you showed him just the same. yeah, it was really everything.
“morning, baby. you awake yet?” peter hums against the shell of your ear, arms wound comfortably around you. “kinda,” you mumble back with a goofy smile. he presses his lips to your ear and nuzzles his face in the side of your neck. “kinda... how’d you sleep?” you can hear the grin in his voice. his nose nudges your bare skin where a fresh hickey lies and makes you scrunch your own up.
“good, really good. always love sleeping with you.” you’re both aware of the alternate meaning that has now. “funny,” peter lets out a breathy laugh against you and brushes his thumb over your stomach where your shirt got ridden up. you sigh, enjoying his soft touch and reaching behind you to play with his curls. they’re a lot messier than usual from you tugging on them all last night.
peter removes his face from your neck and carefully turns you onto your other side. you’re facing him now, eyes trained on his concerned expression. “hey, just wanna check. how are you feeling? still sore?” a tiny smile stretches your face. he really does care about you and how you feel after everything. you know for a fact most other guys wouldn’t.
“i mean, yeah. you were... it was a lot, but i’ll be fine in a few days i think.” the mention of peter being a lot makes color rush to his face. you laugh quietly at that, cupping one of his cheeks that’s turning pink. “oh. i, um, i didn’t know that. sorry.” he smiles shyly as you smooth your thumb over his warm skin. “don’t be. it wasn’t as bad after i... adjusted a little,” you reassure him, making him lean into your palm.
“i really am sorry, y/n/n. can i make it up to you?” peter checks with you, eyes going up from yours to down your body. he hooks a finger in the waistband of your pajama shorts. “make you feel better?” the way he finishes his question with a bite of his lip is definitely tempting. so is your stomach yelling at you to put some food in it. you’ll have to wait.
“later. right now, you can make me breakfast,” you beam at him and take his hand. peter pushes his palm against yours, letting you lace your fingers together as he puffs some air out of his cheeks. “yeah, that’s gonna go well.” “i’m supervising. it will.” you capture his lips in a kiss, one he instantly reciprocates, free hand resting on your hip. just as it’s heating up, you break it.
“i’m hungry for actual food,” you giggle and roll out of his embrace. “ok, ok, ok. let’s go see what we have,” peter gives in with a chuckle, grabbing the same hand he was just holding and following you down to the kitchen.
he ends up popping some frozen waffles into the toaster, you sitting up on the counter with your phone out while he struggles through the different settings. “should i put it on bake? no, that doesn’t sound right,” he talks to himself with eyes squinted in concentration. “your dad made this thing so... detailed.” it’s an old stark industries toaster, one with options you probably don’t even need.
“yeah because he loves his toast, so maybe don’t break it. he’ll kill you or something,” you half playfully half seriously suggest. peter is one clumsy guy. he tsks at you and crouches down to read the words on the dial. there’s conveniently a setting for waffles, so he hits that one. he’s not sure how he hadn’t noticed it before.
since he’s down there, he takes one of your ankles in both hands and starts to kiss up your leg. it tickles when he gets to your knee, drawing a giggle out of you, but your phone still blocks his face. you’re doing it on purpose. “baby,” peter tries to get your attention in a soft voice. he presses a couple more kisses to your knee. you have to hold your breath so you don’t laugh again.
“baby girllll,” peter drags out, lips moving up your thigh. he nudges your phone with his nose much like a puppy would. “aye, i’m talkin’ to you here,” he says in a fake new york accent. you finally put it down next to you. “i’m listening.” you’re giving him a satisfied smile as he goes back to kissing you.
“just saying hi,” he looks up at you and moves your shorts aside while he kisses further and further to where you want. you scoot closer to him on the counter.
that’s when he stops. not only stops, gasps in horror. “what?” you ask quickly, his eyes fixed on your inner thighs. “i kind of, uh, marked you up. like, a lot.” he runs a finger gently over the bruised skin. you’re suddenly very aware of it now. it doesn’t exactly hurt, just feels bumpy and weird. you peer down at yourself to see the damage, eyes going wide.
“shit... they’re on my neck, too,” you remember, murmuring to him. you’ll have to cover these up before everyone gets home. worry flashes across peter’s face. “oh my god, i didn’t even realize. it- it was dark and you told me-“ “pete, it’s okay. it’s pretty hot,” you stop his rambling, reaching down and putting a hand on his shoulder. he frowns up at you.
“really? are you sure i didn’t go too far? because you can tell me.” you’ve always appreciated how much peter genuienly values your thoughts on things, in the bedroom and in other parts of your relationship. it does lead to a lot of second guessing, though. you squeeze his shoulder and let out a breath. “i’m sure, okay? it’s really not that serious. i’ll just change so no one can see.”
peter winds an arm around one of your legs, body relaxing ever so slightly under your touch. “okay.” he gives your thigh one final kiss, then rests his chin on it. “what about your neck?” “uh...” you hadn’t considered that yet. “makeup? a scarf?” you’ve seen enough tv to know neither of those work, but they’re your only options.
“yup. mr. stark is really gonna kill me now,” peter says under his breath, tensing up all over again. you furrow your eyebrows at him. “what? we’re literally grown adults, we can do whatever we want-“
tony claps loudly as he steps into the kitchen, announcing his return home. peter jumps up from between your legs faster than fast. he moves so he’s next to you, and you hop down from the counter.
“hello, daughter of mine. spider of man,” your dad greets you two, you pulling down your shorts with a plastered on smile. “or would it be man of spider?” he plucks an apple from the bowl on the table as he ponders his question. steve and wanda file into the room next. “second one,” peter replies, grinning a little too much to be normal. tony takes note of that.
wanda comes over to the fridge for a snack, which is close to where you and peter are. “how was last night?” you ask her to take the attention off you two. wanda settles on a yogurt and turns to you. “it was good. we shared a few hotel rooms, had our own party.” she glances over at peter, a knowing smirk playing on her lips. “seems like you two had a fun night of your own.”
peter’s mouth drops open. “how did you-“ he forgot she could read his mind and now knows everything that happened. you slap a hand over your forehead. “you couldn’t think about anything else? for, like, a minute?” you whisper yell at him. he uses his eyes to plead with you. “i’m sorry! i was looking at the hickeys-“ he realizes what he’s saying. “crap.”
shooting you a wink, wanda shuts the fridge and goes to join the rest of the team in the living room. lucky for you and peter, steve started lecturing tony about washing his fruit before he eats it. he didn’t hear any of that. there’s still the problem of your visible hickeys that you have zero seconds to hide.
“how the fuck am i supposed to cover these? they’re right in the center, peter!” you panic, your heart starting to race as peter fumbles for a dish towel. that’s the best he could come up with? “no!” you toss it back at him. he throws it on the counter with a pained look. tony and steve make their way over to you.
“oh, hush. a couple of deadly pesticides won’t shake me, stevey boy,” tony insists and takes another big bite of his apple. steve huffs in disapproval and crosses his arms. “you’re a big baby, tony. if you’re not gonna do the right thing, at least buy organic-“ with the world’s longest sigh, tony chucks his apple into the open garbage can.
“there. no more apple discourse.” steve shakes his head at your dad’s behavior. “that was a waste. you could’ve finished it.” “not with your nagging into my literal ear.” steve raises his hands in surrender before making his way out of the kitchen. tony side steps past him and over to you. “enough of that now. let’s have a welcome home hug from my girl.”
you share a look with peter, a look of pure fear that’s in both of your eyes. he’ll definitely notice the hickeys if he gets that close to you. he holds out his arms expectantly while peter scratches the back of his own neck. “sure, dad. welcome home.” an awkward smile on your lips, you bury your face in your dad’s chest and wrap your arms around him in one motion. this way, he didn’t have time to see you from too close up.
peter exhales in relief at the narrowly avoided disaster. that’s until tony makes a request. “missed me that much, kiddo, huh? come out of there.” “but, i’m so comfortable. i wanna stay like this,” you insist, a niceness to your voice tony immediately sees through. he drops his arms from around you, eyeing peter suspiciously, who averts his gaze to the floor.
“nuh uh, you did something. both of you,” your dad states, taking a step to stand between you and peter. peter gulps down a breath before speaking. “mr. stark, it was-“ tony holds up a hand. “don’t worry, kid. i’ll figure it out.”
he gives peter a proper stare, searching him for clues of some sort. it’s a good thing he isn’t wanda because the details of your night would have been exposed. he couldn’t find anything, so now it’s your turn. he’s a little disappointed you’re the one hiding something.
“oh, y/n. not you,” tony sighs as he gives you a looking over. he starts with your face, your eyes following down as his do. it’s when he gets just past your chin that he sees them. the little hickeys littering your skin, some already deep shades of purple. he rips off his glasses in disbelief.
“absolutely not.” he closes his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose with the same hand his glasses are in. “i’m not seeing this. i’m not seeing this if i don’t look.” you scoff at his reaction. “dad, you know we’re together. you can’t expect us to not...” “don’t say it,” tony begs, getting the urge to hurl his half eaten apple. he turns and faces peter.
“parker, you really did all of that?” peter only blinks, nervously meeting the eyes of his mentor. “to my daughter?” tony adds on to scare him even more. “i- i-“ a burst of frustration comes out of peter. “you left two teenagers alone the whole night. what’d you think was gonna happen?” he’s shocked at his own words, his face showing it. tony raises his eyebrows. both your hands cover your mouth.
not wanting to deal with peter, tony addresses you instead. “i don’t care how you do it, cover those up. don’t let me see them ever again. understood?” you nod a good amount of times and reach for peter’s hand. he’s about to give it, then tony glares down at what’s happening. peter pulls back immediatelty. “understood. we’ll, um, do better next time,” you agree, tony winching at the idea of a next time.
“you, parker... treat a lady with a little more respect, eh?” tony clicks his tongue at him. he’s referring to all the hickeys. peter’s lips form a line, a sarcastic one that says oh well. “i tried, mr. stark, but y/n wanted me to-“ “christ, that’s enough.” tony furiously shakes his head and starts to walk away from you two. “never again!”
you’re thanking god when he sets off for the living room, you hiding your face in peter’s chest, his face in your hair. “that was terrible. that was the worst thing ever,” you say into him. “i’m sorry, baby. we gotta be more careful.”
it’s not over yet because then, the toaster dings. you’d completely forgotten about the waffles. you and peter both separate with your millionth shared look of terror. tony comes rushing back into the room, very familiar with that noise.
“first you destroy my daughter, now my toaster? pete... you’re in for it, kid.”
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caitimetravels · 3 years
she's insignificant
chapter 6: how's it hanging?
the umbrella academy x (fem) reader
disclaimer: i do not own the plot/storyline of the netflix tv series and i do not own the umbrella academy characters.
warnings: none
"there he is" y/n pointed towards the plumbing van across the street from the building she had stood in front of just yesterday with klaus and five. luther nodded, heading over first, looking through the window. y/n noticed something was off. "is he.. dreaming?" she frowned, glancing at luther who shrugged. she quickly climbed through the back while luther called out to him.
"no!" five shouted in his sleep, brows furrowed in distress. he was having a nightmare. y/n gently reached over and held his shoulders, shaking him awake. 
"hey, five" she called softly, and his eyes snapped open, breathing heavily. "hey" she smiled sweetly, watching as he calmed down. luther opened the door, struggling to fit inside.
"you okay?" luther asked when he finally sat down, shutting the door.
"you shouldn't be.. how did you find me?" five got defensive right away. y/n sighed, moving back.
"well.." he nodded at y/n who smiled sheepishly before turning around at the sound of humming. 
"klaus?" he was dancing with dolores in the back.
"hey, a little privacy guys, we're really hitting it off back here-" he pretended to frown only for five to yell at him.
"get out!" he chucked a cup at him and klaus used dolores as a shield. "you can't be here! i'm in the middle of something"
"klaus" y/n held her arms out, taking dolores from him. "please, don't do that" her face scrunched in disgust at the thought. she didn't need more of her brothers becoming attached to dolores, one was enough.
"aw, why not, baby sis?" he moved closer, kneeling next to her and leaning on luther's seat. y/n sighed, holding dolores and leaning against five's. "any luck finding your one-eyed man?"
"what is he talking about?" luther looked between them all but five shrugged it of with a wave of his hand, gesturing to klaus.
"does it matter? it's klaus" five sighed, sitting up in his seat. "what do you want luther?"
"um.. so grace may have had something to do with dad's death. so, i need you to come back to the academy, it's important"
"it's important" five mumbled, scoffing. "you have no concept of what's important"
"hey" klaus diverted the attention to himself, "did i ever tell you guys about the time i waxed my ass with chocolate pudding?" he laughed, "it was so painful" he looked at five who turned away to laugh.
"what are you still doing here?" luther turned in his seat to look at klaus.
"what? i-what i need an excuse to hang out with my family?" 
"well, we're trying to have a serious conversation here" luther gestured between him and five. y/n sighed, why was everyone so doubtful of klaus? he was just trying to help. 
"and i'm incapable of being serious- is that what you're saying?" klaus held his hands to his chest, looking hurt.
"luther's got a point, you should get out" five sighed, 
"what?" klaus looked at him in betrayal before looking at y/n. "baby sis, you want me here, right?" 
"wanting you here and being able to hold a serious conversation are different things klaus" she shook her head in amusement. he frowned, "come on, let's go" she set dolores down before climbing to the side door of the van beside klaus.
"what? you're coming with me?" klaus smiled, cheering as he climbed out to.
"where are you going?" luther asked, looking at her in disbelief.
"you gestured to only you and five, luther. besides, klaus is more fun than you two. come get us when you're done fighting" she rolled her eyes. 
"y/n-" five tried before sighing as she shut the door.
"so, why'd you come with, anyways?" klaus linked his arm with y/n, heading towards the convenience store across the road. 
"i don't like the way they treat you" she sighed, patting his shoulder in sympathy. "let's get some food" he grinned as they reached the door to the store, splitting up to look through different aisles. it wasn't long before klaus held a handful of stuff he definitely couldn't afford. she snorted as he tried to run out, a police officer following him. 
"hey bitches!"
"dumbass" she rolled her eyes, picking up a coffee she had made in the corner before taking a lollipop and some chips. she closed her eyes, disappearing and reappearing in the van, behind five. she placed the coffee down in the middle, neither five nor luther noticing her yet. she pulled the wrapper off the lollipop, sucking on it.
they all watched klaus run across the road, almost getting hit with a cab. "out of the way, asshole!" he shouted.
"amateur" y/n scoffed as the officer caught up to him. five and luther turned to her in surprise. 
"i'm starting to wonder if that was the wisest decision" five watched him drop his things, looking at y/n who shrugged.
"i got you a coffee?" she smiled innocently, holding it up.
as luther went to collect klaus, y/n hung back, moving to sit beside five. "hey.." she faced him fully, watching as he continued to stare out at the building. "are you sure you're alright?"
"i'm fine" he denied, not looking over.
"then look me in the eyes and tell me that" she scoffed, before sighing and twirling her lollipop in her hand, staring intently at it. "five, i know you've been through a lot alone but.. you're not alone anymore. we're here- i'm here to help you now.. all you have to do is let me"
he finally turned to face her, expression softening. "i've done more than you think and.. i don't want you getting hurt in the process. like i said if i need help.. you're the first person i'd ask" 
"really?" she raised an eyebrow, pausing to stare at him now. "i don't believe you" he sighed, annoyed.
"you don't have to, but i would ask you first, you're most capable" 
"you're just saying that because i told you about dolores" she stuck her lollipop back in her mouth and crossed her arms, childishly.
there was a pause, "how.. how did you do it? i saw you there how were you-" he gestured a hand to the mannequin. 
"at first i trained with dad and i.. i couldn't reach you, no matter how hard i tried" she begun softly, looking back down at her hands. "then one day i just.. did. but you walked right through me and i- i didn't know what to do. i tried so hard to talk to you but you kept going right through me. i tried to touch you but my hand went right through and i touched dolores instead. i don't know how or why but.. it felt like a part of me was torn off" she shivered, hating the feeling that came with it. "i don't know why but i lied to dad, i told him i couldn't find you. he dismissed me, said training was over forever. so i studied instead, i failed and failed to reach you again and i studied physics and probability, anything to help you get back. one day i did find you again but i couldn't move, i couldn't do anything. you were reading vanya's book but it wasn't out yet, i saw your equations and your wagon.. i realised i was dolores later when you spoke to me, i was seeing through her eyes"
five stayed quiet, watching her intently. "i didn't get to see anymore, klaus and diego thought i was dying" she laughed bitterly, "i didn't find you again for a while and when i did you actually saw me.. as me and not dolores. well, you know obviously know what happened then.. but i kept seeing things in my dreams, i saw you, the things you did, i saw you grow up. it was.. weird but i think it was dolores" 
y/n sighed, reaching a hand out and opening the door. "i'll leave you to-"
"i meant it, you know?" five cut her off, frowning as he was now facing away from her again. "when i said you were the most trustworthy.. the strongest" 
a small smile graced her face. "i know" 
"do you really think mom would hurt dad?" they all sat around watching the tape on the tv screen except five who had refused to come.
"you haven't been home in a long time, vanya, maybe you don't know grace anymore" luther argued,
y/n sighed, "mom didn't have any intentions like that. she was definitely normal that day"
"if he was poisoned, it would have shown in the coroner's report" diego eyed luther, standing beside y/n.
"yeah, well, i don't need a report to show what i can see with my own eyes" luther gestured to the screen, hell bent on blaming someone for this.
"maybe all that low gravity in space messed with your vision" diego nodded, unconvinced and moved forwards, going back in the tape. "look closer, dad has his monocle, mom stands up, monocle gone" 
"oh yeah" klaus grinned, shaking his bag of chips.
"she wasn't poisoning him, she was taking it. to clean it" something was off. y/n eyed them all carefully. 
"then where is it?" luther turned the tape off, looking at him. "no, i've searched the house, including all of her things, she doesn't have it"
"that's because i took it from her.. after the funeral" diego admitted, holding one of his knives. y/n frowned, they were going to fight. 
"you've had the monocle this whole time? what the hell diego?!" allison uncrossed her arms, staring at him incredulously.
"give it to me!" luther demanded, moving forwards and holding a hand out.
"i threw it away" diego shrugged, still fiddling with his knife.
"you what?" allison laughed in disbelief, how could he? she raised her glass of alcohol to her lips.
"look, i knew that if you found it on mom, you'd lose your shit. just like you're doing right now" diego stood straight, pointing his knife towards luther.
"diego, you're such-" diego got into a fighting position, hands ready for round two.
"no, calm down" vanya interrupted, "look, i know dad wasn't exactly an open book but i do remember one thing he said. mom was, well, designed to be a caretaker but also as a protector"
"what does that mean?" allison asked, furrowing her eyebrows.
"she was programmed to intervene if someone's life was in jeopardy" y/n realised, catching on to where vanya was going with this.
"well, if her hardware is degrading then.. we need to turn her off" luther suggested and diego immediately disagreed.
"woah, woah, woah, woah wait, she's not just a vacuum cleaner you can throw in a closet, she feels things, i've seen it-" 
"she just stood there, diego, and watched out father die!" luther gestured to the screen again, trying to prove his point.
"i'm with luther" allison sighed, fiddling with her glass.
"surprise, surprise" diego sneered, everyone looking over at her.
"shut up" she snapped before they looked at vanya.
"i-i don't-"
"yeah, she shouldn't get a vote" diego threw his hands up, believing that she was going to go against him.
"i was going to say that i agree with you" she glared at him.
"okay, she should get a vote" he then turned on klaus. "what about you stoner boy? what've you got?" 
"oh, so what? you need my help now?" he rolled his eyes, "well, get out of the van klaus. oh, well, welcome back to the van!"
"what van?" allison looked between them all.
"we're not shutting mom down!" y/n shut down any more talking. they looked over at her. she looked disappointed and angry. "i thought we said no more fighting" she crossed her arms, looking pointedly at luther.
"exactly! i'm with y/n and diego because screw you" klaus glared at luther and diego pointed klaus nodding. "and if ben were here, he'd agree with me" there was pause before klaus hissed at the couch.
"so, that's four to two" diego held up his fingers.
"it's not final yet" allison argued, "klaus doesn't count, he's high and drunk"
"what?" diego glared at her, hands falling.
"and five's not here yet. the whole family has to vote, we owe each other that" 
"right" luther nodded and vanya agreed.
y/n scoffed, "we owe each other? we don't owe each other shit" diego agreed, "all i wanted was my family back, no more fights. if we really owe each other the least you could is that" they all watched silently as she left. 
a young diego ran down the hallway, suit only half on. he wore his button up shirt, tie and sweater vest over the top. he disappeared through a doorway as allison rushed down the stairs. 
"come on luther!" she called through a doorway at the bottom before rushing the way diego had come. reginald walked out and stood in the hallway.
"how will the umbrella academy ever become an effective crime deterrent if we can't even leave the house on time for missions?" he yelled out so that all of them would hear. 
"behind you" luther called, jumping past reginald to scurry down the hall. allison searched through her draws hastily, chucking clothes onto the floor around her. 
"i can't find my domino mask" she rushed back only to be stopped by grace who held it out.
"it needed a little bit of tlc after the last mission" she smiled as allison took it, thanking her. grace walked out and down the hall, stopping at luther's room first where he was currently doing push ups. 
"ready to go?" she received a thumbs up before she continued walking. 
"where's my knives?" diego shouted, rushing through the house at the other end of the hallway. grace stopped in front of vanya's room where she was practicing her violin.
"sounds beautiful, vanya" she complimented with a soft smile. 
"thanks mom" 
grace then walked to klaus' room where he was jumping on his bed, grinning and laughing at the chest of drawers on fire. "oh, klaus" she scolded, putting the fire out.
"thank you, mother" he smiled, hoping off his bed. she shook her head with a small grin.
"boys will be boys" 
ben rushed down the hallway next, hand fiddling with his zip. "oh, ben" she gently stopped him.
"it-its stuck" he tried to pull it up again. grace softly fixed it for him before letting him go. "guys! wait for me" he called as he ran off.
grace paused outside diego's room, hearing him practice his speech, trying to get over his stutter.
"don't m-m-m" he struggled to get the word out. grace walked in, smiling and placing her hands on his shoulders.
"remember, diego. just picture the word in your mind" he breathed out, nodding before trying again.
"d-don't m-m.. d-don't m.. don't m-move" grace gasped, happy.
"you did it!" she grinned, touching a hand to his cheek. "i'm so proud of you"
someone cleared their throat in the doorway, interrupting. there stood reginald and beside him y/n. diego watched as he smile faded at her father's cough. she had been happy for him too.
tag list: @rxses-and-reverie @lostgreekgod @on-yourmark-99 @bicyhot1 @navs-bhat @midnightmystic
583 notes · View notes
hinnyfied · 2 years
Passing of the Torch
My take on the Robards-Potter relationship. Read below or on AO3!
The labyrinth that made up the hallways of St. Mungo’s was as ingrained in Harry as the layout of his own house. Between himself, the other aurors, and his accident prone godson, he had spent more than his fair share of time here. It was not the place he would have chosen to finish this particularly dreadful, long day, but he had to see for himself that his boss would be alright.
Harry made a turn down the last hallway and paused at the threshold of the stale hospital room to which he had been directed. He was relieved to see Robards propped up in his bed, talking to his wife. He was a bit pale, but awake, and Mrs. Robards didn’t look too concerned, which Harry took as a good sign. Given the mangled state the Head Auror had been in less than 24 hours earlier, Harry was grateful enough just to see that he was alive.
Harry knocked quietly on the door frame, drawing attention from the couple. Mrs. Robards smiled kindly at him.
“Ah, Potter. Come in,” said Robards hoarsely, attempting and failing to sit up further, sinking back into his pillow with a defeated grimace.
Harry pulled one of the chairs a bit closer to the bed and sat down. Now that he was sitting up close, it struck Harry just how small and weak Robards really looked.
“Doing alright?” he asked.
“I feel like shite, but allegedly I’ll make a full recovery,” Robards waved his hand dismissively, as if it were a waste of his time to discuss his own well being. “Now, tell me everything. What happened after I went down?”
“Not wasting any time, are we Gawain?” asked Mrs. Robards, looking equal parts irritated and endeared. “If you two are going to talk shop, I’m going to go get a coffee. Would you like anything, Harry?”
“I’m fine, thank you,” Harry replied.
“Go on then,” Robards said to Harry after his wife had kissed him on the cheek and left the room. “Fill me in.”
“Right. After you were taken away, the rest of the raid went more or less according to plan – thankfully. Telford and his men were apprehended. Midgeon and Price were minorly injured, but neither were here for more than an hour, so they’ll both be just fine. I told them to take a couple days off anyway.”
“Good. Sometimes those younger ones are too stubborn to take care of themselves without direction,” Robards said pointedly.
“I don’t know what you mean, sir.” Harry smirked. “Anyway, I figured you would be…out of commission for a while, so I-”
“Dead, Potter. You can say you thought I’d be dead.”
Harry shook his head, sighed, then continued, “As I said, I figured you’d be busy recovering, so I filed the report – just needs your signature. I did make the call to do a press briefing this morning as well. I know I should have waited for your go ahead, but given that this case has been splattered across every paper for weeks, I wanted to get ahead of the inevitable leaks and rumours.”
“No need to self-flagellate Potter. I agree,” said Robard gruffly. “Do you have the report on you? I can sign it now.”
Harry pulled a small folder out from his bag and handed it to Robards, who signed the paperwork inside without reading.
“You’re not going to look it over first?” asked Harry, surprised.
“What good would that do? I wasn’t even there for half of it.” Robards handed back the folder. “Besides, I’ve read enough of your reports to know it’s fine.”
Robard was acting quite peculiar. He was normally a highly meticulous man, and in the five years that Harry had been his deputy head, Robards had never signed off on anything of his without thorough examination.
“Alright, what’s going on with you? That was almost a compliment,” Harry said slowly.
Robards did not speak, his eyes boring into Harry’s intensely. He could almost see the cogs turning in Robards’ head as he waited for him to speak.
“I’ve decided to step down as Head Auror, and I want you to take my place,” he finally said.
“Excuse me?” Harry stared back, certain that he must have misheard.
“You didn’t suffer a hearing injury out there, did you?” Robards asked impatiently.
“Forget my hearing- have they had a proper look at your head?”
Robards sighed.
“Look, we both know my reflexes aren’t what they used to be. If it weren’t for your quick thinking yesterday, we wouldn’t even be having this lovely little chat right now.”
Harry opened his mouth to object, but Robards cut him off before he could start.
“You’re ready for this, Potter.”
Harry’s mind was reeling. It wasn’t as though he had never thought about becoming Head Auror, but he certainly hadn’t expected it at age 27. He had imagined that his two children (and the third they were hoping to have soon) would be much older, perhaps even at Hogwarts already.
“There are plenty of aurors older and more experienced than me, who would hate seeing me as department head.”
“You had the same reservation when you became my deputy, but you rose to the occasion, and the few stubborn holdouts came around eventually, did they not?”
“Dawlish never did,” muttered Harry.
“Dawlish is an idiot.”
Harry smiled in spite of himself.
“That was different though, becoming Deputy Head. They still had you.”
Robards frowned. “If you don’t want the job because you don’t want the job, that’s fine, but if your reservations come down to your capabilities or what your fellow aurors may think, that’s bollocks. You know I wouldn’t put you up for this unless I was confident you were up to the task. I’m sure you remember quite as clearly as I do that I was not in favour of your joining the department right after the war, but I’ve seen what you’re capable of.”
Harry remembered all too well.
Kingsley led Harry, Ron, and Hermione into the Ministry lift, heading down to the level that housed the Auror Department. They had already been to the department several times since the battle, going over their horcrux hunting escapades with the Head Auror and newly-appointed Minister Shacklebolt with a fine-tooth comb. No matter their intentions, they had committed a slew of serious crimes, and although they had been pardoned for all of them, it had still been quite a stressful process.
Harry wasn’t sure what it was they were meeting about this time. As far as he had been aware, all of their issues with the Ministry and Gringotts had been resolved, and Kingsley was being unusually cagey about the purpose of this particular trip to Gawain Robards’ office.
They arrived in front of the door that had Head Auror G. Robards etched on it in gold writing. Kingsley knocked on the door and said, “I’ve got Potter, Weasley, and Granger for you.”
The door opened and the stern, grey-haired auror gestured for them to enter. He looked exhausted. “Thank you Minister.”
Kingsley nodded. “Let me know how it goes,” he said as he turned to leave.
Harry hadn’t the faintest idea what that meant, but went into the office and sat down next to Ron and Hermione in the three empty chairs in front of Robards’ desk.
“I’m a busy man, so I’ll get straight to it,” said Robards. “Earlier this morning, you and the rest of your seventh year classmates received an offer from the school to return to Hogwarts to repeat your lost year.”
The trio nodded. Hermione had been incredibly relieved upon finding out that she would get to sit for her N.E.W.T.s, but it made Harry’s stomach squirm every time he thought about setting foot on the grounds again.
“Before you accept, the Minister wanted me to extend an offer to you all to join the Aurors. Ordinarily, none of you would be qualified, but extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures, and the fact of the matter is that our department has been stripped by this war. We need recruits, fully qualified or not.”
Harry couldn’t help but notice the bitterness in Robards’ voice and the emphasis he had placed on the Minister.
“You’ll need lessons on procedure and legality at a minimum, given your track records,” Robards added brusquely.
“Procedure and legality would have involved turning me in to the Ministry and shipping Hermione off to Azkaban for being Muggleborn,” Harry snipped before he could stop himself.
Robards met Harry’s gaze intensely, his cold, grey eyes giving away none of what was going on inside his head. Ron and Hermione shifted uncomfortably in their seats.
“You’re not stupid, Potter, and you know damn well that is not what I mean. Vigilante justice in wartime is a far cry from the realities of a structured legal system, and like it or not, you will need time to adjust to that.”
They sat there in silence for a moment. Harry had the distinct impression that Robards didn’t care much for him. The feeling was mutual.
“You don’t have to decide on the spot, but I’ll need an answer soon. Should you choose to join, we will need to get you into training straight away. You have a lot to catch up on in a short amount of time, and this wouldn’t be the regular three-year training period. You would be thrown into the field nearly immediately and receive training as we go. It’s unorthodox, but as I said-”
“Extraordinary times,” Harry said quietly. Robards nodded curtly.
“I am flattered by the offer, sir,” said Hermione, looking to cut the tension, “but I don’t need time. I’ve already decided that I’m going to go back to Hogwarts this fall, and I’m not sure what it is that I want in terms of a career afterwards, but I know it’s not to become an auror.”
“Very well, Ms. Granger. If you’re sure.” Robards nodded, standing up and going to go open the door, signalling for them to leave. “As for you two, take some time to think, but try to get back to me with an answer within a fortnight.”
Harry, Ron, and Hermione were halfway back to the lift when Harry was struck by a thought.
“I’ll be right back, just wait here for me,” he said to Ron and Hermione before hurrying back to the Auror Department.
Robards’ door was still open, and Harry walked in with just a quick knock.
“I don’t recall inviting you back in, Potter,” he said without looking up.
“Sorry sir, it’s just that there’s one more person you should talk to about being an auror –Neville Longbottom. He rallied the students at Hogwarts all year, stood up to Voldemort himself, and destroyed one of the horcruxes. If you’re looking for recruits, he’d be-”
Robards slammed his quill on the desk and snapped his head up.
“Let’s get one thing straight here, Potter: this was not my idea. You and your friends are brave, there’s no denying that, but you’re also young and foolhardy. It takes a lot more than impulse and a lack of self-preservation to be a good Auror. I was hardly comfortable extending the offer to you, and you want to waltz in here with a list of your friends to come along for the ride? This is not the DA.”
“No, it’s not. It’s the department that had a 10,000 galleon price tag on my head while the DA stood up to Death Eaters,” Harry said cooly. He cared less for Robards with each passing moment.
“Out,” said Robards, his face red with anger.
Harry was pulled from his reverie by the sound of laughter as two mediwitches walked past Robards hospital room door, chatting happily. He met Robards’ gaze, who was looking at Harry with something quite nearly resembling affection.
“You don’t have to decide on the spot. Go home, get some rest, talk to that smart wife of yours, hell- have Granger assemble a meticulous pros and cons list for all I care.”
Harry snorted.
“Just don’t say no yet,” said Robards more sincerely. “I’m retiring whether you take my spot or not, and there’s no one else that I trust to do the job right. Think about it.”
“I will,” said Harry. “It’ll be strange - the department without you at the helm.”
“Save the sappy speech for my retirement party.”
“Oh I’m giving a speech, am I? Isn’t that honour usually reserved for someone who can stand the retiree?”
The two aurors fell back into a comfortable banter that had taken them a long time to develop, giving each other a hard time as they reminisced over some of their best cases. Neither of them would ever admit outright that they had become fond of one another – not today, nor over the many pints they would drink together over the years.
Even as a much older, greying Harry sprinkled dirt down onto a mahogany coffin many years later, he would simply say, “Goodbye Gawain, you grumpy old codger.”
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moon3thereal · 3 years
I have a request with Nat x reader. It’s a party at the compound and nobody has ever seen Nat drunk but this night she was completely gone like blackout drunk. So you end up having to carry her to her room and take care of her but she accidentally admits her love for you, you end up sleeping on the armchair in the room and in the morning you wake up to a Nat that’s throwing up on the floor, at first she don’t remember shit but later during the day she remembered what she said and gets really flustered and embarrassed but it ends I fluff reader admits her love for Nat to
Title: Drunken Confessions
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x fem!reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: alcohol
a/n: thank you for the request! happy reading <3
Everyone knew Tony Stark loved the glamour of his extravagant parties often threw in the Avengers tower. Everyone also knew that while everyone else got batshit drunk, the black widow never got even slightly tipsy after several rounds of drinking games when everyone else was drunk enough to strip to their undergarments and start pole dancing. She always only watched with a hint of amusement glinting in her emerald eyes
That led to the bet going on amongst the other Avengers, Tony threw in a solid 500 dollars to whoever got Natasha drunk while the others put in smaller amounts. Thor had been lurking around with a smug grin for a whole 5 minutes since the party had started, you had no doubt that he’d been up to no good and opted not to touch the alcohol at the bar for tonight.
Spotting a certain redhead, you sidled up to the bar in your new dress that you definitely haven’t bought to impress her and new heels that again, you definitely didn’t buy to awe her. “Someone put in effort for tonight’s party” Natasha said, dropping her gaze to your heels and all the way up until she met your eyes “trying to impress someone?” she winked teasingly. Damn it, were you that obvious “Steve maybe?” she pressed, seating yourself on one of the rotatable, red leather stools you laughed “I don’t swing that way”
Natasha hummed in acknowledgement “me neither” she said. You turned to look at her so quickly that you thought you may have given yourself whiplash “Then…You and Bruce?” you asked cautiously “there’s a reason that didn’t work out” she said, taking a sip of her martini and sending her glass a peculiar look “you’re new?” she asked the bartender “no ma’am I’ve been working here for three years” Natasha’s lips formed into a silent ‘oh’ and you stifled a laugh
After a few more glasses of alcohol, Natasha was clearly very drunk, the rest of the avengers who hadn’t seen Thor’s expression of obvious smugness had drunk the alcohol unknowingly too and Tony and Steve were challenging each other to a dance off. In their boxers. You watched with amusement and second-hand embarrassment. Meanwhile, the Russian that was the heart of all this chaos was standing across the room apparently having an argument with Clint about whether the walls are green or red. The walls are white. Then it suddenly clicked in your mind, the only alcohol that could get her so shockingly drunk, Asgardian liquor
Of course, why hadn’t you thought about it before. Thor was incredibly competitive even if he didn’t look it. You continued sitting aside from all the havoc erupting on the party floor taking tentative sips from the water you’d brought, keeping an eye on Natasha before she does something stupid. Normally that was her job, unbeknownst to you, Natasha always looked out for you during Tony’s parties, knowing your alcohol tolerance wasn’t exactly high.
Glancing at the clock, you could see that it was almost 3 in the morning and the noises had died down and all the Avengers were splayed out on the couch only half awake, Natasha was half laid half seated on two bar stools barely keeping herself upright. Deciding that you really didn’t want her to fall off and give herself a concussion, you tugged at her sleeve “come on Nat, we’re going back to your bedroom” she smirked at you with her painted lips which were normally perfect but tonight, they were slightly smudged, you liked the look on her though
“Bedroom? Getting frisky already y/l/n?” you raised your eyebrows while helping her off the chair and draping your jacket around her shoulders “getting concerned about how drunk you are” you corrected. Natasha hummed and after a few steps let her head slump onto your shoulder, you were half supporting and half carrying her but you were glad she wasn’t sober right now because your heart was probably going a million miles a minute, her hair smelt so nice, her tresses were gently tickling your neck
Caught up in your thoughts you had to abruptly steer Natasha towards her bedroom before she walked directly into a wall. Practically dumping her onto the bed with a huff from the exertion of dragging her all the way back to her room, you pulled off her heels and hung up the jacket “I love y/n, don’t you think she’s just so pretty, she’s so smart too and how she fights, it’s soooo hot” she slurred and your cheeks heated up.
You were ready to dismiss it as a hallucination, you had feelings for the redhead, you’d been harboring them for a good 2 months because you thought they’d never be reciprocated. But Natasha turned to you “do you think she likes me too?” she asked “yeah, yeah I’m sure she does” you whispered. Natasha seemed to hear it, she sighed contentedly and let her eyes close. Making your way out of the room, you heard her say “stay” it was barely a whisper but you heard it and you could never refuse her
So you slumped onto her chair with your chin supported by the heel of your hand just appreciating how gorgeous she looked even blackout drunk, ginger hair all over the place and smudged makeup. It sounded creepy but you were really just taking the advantage of being able to stare at her now before she’s sober again tomorrow and your act of indifference had to come up again.
You didn’t know at what point you fell asleep but you woke up to Natasha rushing to the bathroom and throwing up in the toilet. Hastily pulling her hair back into a ponytail, you rubbed her back in an attempt to soothe her. She glanced up at you when she was done and flushed the toilet “why are you here?” she asked while rinsing her mouth in the sink and holding a hand to her head while wincing. You tried to hide your disappointment, last night it was the alcohol speaking, not her, it didn’t even make sense that she would remember it, really. “you couldn’t stay on your feet on your own, let alone walk back to your room, I wanted to make sure you were okay so I slept in that armchair” you gestured to the armchair at the corner of her room
“You didn’t have to do that” she said “but I’m glad you did, thank you” sending you a tired smile. You squeezed her shoulder “I’m gonna go make some breakfast you want some?” you asked at her doorway “please” she said while removing the makeup from the night before. You nodded and made your way to the kitchen
Once you step foot in the kitchen, you saw Thor with a triumphant smile on his face and the rest of the Avengers grumbling, you slapped a 50 dollar note on the table, shaking your head amusedly as you passed by. Thor’s grin widened further as he stuffed the money into his pocket. There were pancakes in the pan, courtesy of Wanda most probably. You put two each on separate plates, slathering Nutella on yours and drizzling syrup on Natasha’s. you made some coffee and poured out two mugs
When you came back to the table, Natasha was already seated wearing a hoodie, one of yours you realized with a skip of your heartbeat, and sweatpants. Setting the plate and mug of coffee in front of her, you took a seat and dug in.
It was only in the afternoon when you and Natasha were working on reports that her cheeks suddenly went pink and she stared at you with an expression of mortification. You frowned at her sudden distress and walked over to her “what’s wrong?” you asked, genuinely concerned. “last night, what I said, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable, I didn’t, I mean, I do feel that way, but if you don’t it’s completely understandable and I-” you cut her off by pressing your lips to hers, the feeling of her lips against yours was heavenly, they were soft and tasted like her vanilla and cherry chapstick.
“I love you too” you whispered slightly dazed from the fact that you’d just kissed Natasha and that she hadn’t pulled away “show me how much” she said and kissed you again.
Taglist: @phoenixofash @michelle-dsn @midgardianweasley
472 notes · View notes
Someone Always Gets Hurt
Fandom: The Killing, Stephen Holder
Word Count: 4591
TW: Friends with Benefits (FWB), mention of domestic abuse, mentions of drugs and addiction
Thank you to @loverhymeswith for beta reading and @lacontroller1991 for the idea!
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You thought it was the perfect arrangement. You thought no one would get hurt. You should have known better. Because in these situations, someone always gets hurt.
When Holder had first suggested a friends with benefits arrangement, you thought he was joking. The two of you had been partners back when he was part of the Narcotics Department. You were the one who discovered he had gotten hooked on meth and helped him as he struggled to get clean. And even once he was promoted to the Homicide Division, you still remained close friends, best friends. But you had never imagined taking your relationship to a physical level. However, as Holder pointed out, neither one of you had time for a real relationship at the moment and sometimes you just needed someone to help you take the edge off.
So, one thing led to another and soon the once-in-a-blue-moon rendezvouses turned into a once, if not twice, a week occurrence. Sometimes you would meet at his place, sometimes at yours. A few times, you even snuck into his office when he was working late. Linden had walked in once, and you hadn’t been able to face her for weeks.
But once things started up, you couldn’t get enough. You were astonished by how amazing your ex-partner could make you feel in bed. Holder had never been what you would call conventionally handsome or good with the ladies. He tried, but when you had watched his attempts to win over women in the past, you always found his flirtations a bit cringy. Yet the second you were alone, a different side of Holder came out. He was still goofy and playful, but most of his bravado fell away and you saw the vulnerable, sweet man underneath. And his entire goal in the bedroom was to make you feel good. You had never been with a man who cared so much for your pleasure even over his. It was an intoxicating experience that the two of you continued to share over and over and over again.
And for almost six months, everything seemed perfect until one night Holder slipped up. You figured he had probably been hiding the truth for a while but for some reason, that night, he couldn’t hold it in anymore. As you were drifting off to sleep after an exhausting night of debauchery, you felt Holder snuggle up closer to you. This wasn’t out of the ordinary as Holder loved to spoon afterwards, however this embrace felt different than normal. Then, he leaned over until his lips brushed against your ear, and he softly whispered, “I love you.”
Your heart dropped out of your chest as your stomach churned. Everyone had warned you this would happen, that someone would get hurt, but you had thought, this was Holder! You never imagined he could feel that way, not about you. Slowly, you sat up and he backed away, eyes widening as he realized you were still awake.
Looking at him sadly, you started, “Holder-”
“No, no! I didn’t mean it! I was just tired. I didn’t know what I was sayin’!”
“Holder, we talked about this. This was just supposed to be a bit of fun. A way to relieve some stress. Don’t get me wrong, you’re a great guy-” Holder groaned and buried his head in his hands “-but this was never supposed to go past that. And if it has-”
“Please, please don’t say that. Shit, I’m sorry. It just…just slipped out. Come on, mama, you know it ain’t like that.”
“Holder,” you sighed as scooted off the bed and began throwing on your clothes. “I know you. And you wouldn’t have said it unless you really meant it. So, I need to just go right now, and we can talk about it later.” You headed for the bedroom door.
Holder jumped out of bed and hurriedly pulled on his boxers, almost toppling over as he hopped around, struggling to get one of his feet through the leg hole. “Wait, don’t do this. You know what we got is good. Come on! Gimme another chance!” He practically stumbled into you as you searched for your bag.
“I can’t do this-”
“Yes, you can, you just have ta try-”
You spied your bag buried in the couch. You snatched it up and headed to the front door. “You don’t understand, it’s not just-”
“Come back to bed and we’ll talk-”
“I’m seeing someone else!”
The words flew from your lips before you could stop them. Holder froze, his hand still clutched around your arm where he had been trying to coax you back to the bedroom and away from the front door that you had just opened. His face flashed a million different emotions at once as he tried to comprehend what you had just said. Finally, he mustered a single, “What?”
“I’m sorry, I should have told you sooner, but I started seeing this guy I met.”
“How long?”
“….A little over a month.” When you saw the shock in his eyes, you tried to explain further. “We’ve just been on a few dates. We’re not exclusive or anything and we haven’t even slept together yet!”
Holder’s face crumpled into a mass of pain and betrayal. “So, that’s what this is? You been comin’ here the last few weeks, sleepin’ with me and the whole time, you’re thinkin’ of him?”
“No, that’s not-”
“He gets you all hot an’ bothered and I’m just the fix?”
“No! Never, it’s not like that! It’s just…I don’t have the same feelings for you that you do for me. If I would have known, I would have ended this a lot sooner. It was just supposed to be some uncomplicated fun. I’m so sorry.”
“Get out.” The words were icy and detached. Holder had never once spoken to you like that in all the years you knew each other and it shook you to your core.
“Stephen…. please.”
“I said get the fuck out!” He roared, a fire now lit in his eyes as he shoved your bag into your arms, causing you to stumble backwards out his open front door. Before you could try to think of anything that could make the situation better, he slammed the door in your face. As you stood there uncertain of what to do, you could hear him hurling his things violently on the other side of the door, tearing apart his peaceful dojo, his sanctuary of light he had created for himself. Destroying the one place he had felt safe since getting clean. And it was all your fault.
You knew as soon as you started seeing Glenn you should have told Holder the truth. But for some reason, you had always found some excuse not to. This time will be the last I will sleep with him. Or maybe just one more time after this. But now, everything was broken, and you weren’t sure if it could ever be fixed.
A week later, you finally got up the courage to go see Holder. Nothing had changed, you were still seeing Glenn, but you wanted to clear the air. You had tried calling him every day, always leaving long, apologetic messages begging him to call you back. But he never did. You had even tried driving by the station multiple times, but his car was never there. So, this was your last resort. Even though you didn’t love Holder in a romantic way, he had been your partner for years and a close friend for even longer. You didn’t want to lose him from your life no matter how much begging and groveling it took.
You walked to the door you had approached hundreds of times before, but this time you hesitated. You still weren’t quite sure what you were going to say to him, or if he would even let you in, but you had to try. So after timidly knocking on the door, you waited for the unknown. As you heard the lock turning, you braced yourself for his anger or his pain, but you were met with neither. Instead, you were greeted by an elderly Hispanic woman about your height.
She looked at you politely yet slightly confused. “Yes? May I help you?”
“Uh…. I’m looking for Stephen Holder? He lives here?”
The woman shook her head with a smile. “Oh, I’m sorry, but he moved out a few days ago. This is my apartment now.”
It felt as if all the wind had been forcefully sucked from your lungs. Holder was gone? ….Because of me? But no, this couldn’t be happening. He had his job, his NA meetings, hell, there was no way he would leave Liz and Davie! But the proof was right in front of you. Peering slightly around the woman, you could see everything in the apartment was different. The ratty old leather couch had been replaced by a bright, floral-patterned sofa. The dusty blinds had been covered by thick curtains. And the shelves that had been filled with books and games were now covered in pictures of who you could only assume were this lady’s grandkids. Nothing of Holder remained.
Finally, you turned back to the woman and asked, “I’m really sorry to bother you. He just forgot to tell me he was moving, I guess. You wouldn’t happen to know where he went, would you?”
“I’m afraid not. He had me forward any mail to his sister. He didn’t leave an address for himself.”
You nodded, still in shock. “Okay, thank you very much and I’m sorry again for bothering you.”
You turned to leave, but the woman stopped you. “You wouldn’t happen to be his old partner?”
You whirled around, hopefully. “I am.”
“He left something for you, in case you stopped by.” The woman shuffled back into the apartment.
After what seemed like an eternity, she returned with a small box. Slowly opening the lid, you had to hold back a sob as you saw Holder’s gold chain nestled inside. You had bought it for him for your one-year anniversary of being partners. Since that day when you had secured it around his neck, he had never taken it off. Until now.
Lifting it from the box, you noticed that the clasp had been snapped off, as if he had ripped it from his neck. It had been a sturdy hook and it must have really hurt to tear it hard enough to break it. Does he really hate me that much? You nodded a thanks to the new occupant of Holder’s apartment and began walking down the hall, wiping tears from your eyes as you went.
As you exited the building, you pulled out your phone and dialed one of the only people Holder might have told where he was going. She answered on the third ring.
“You shouldn’t be calling me.”
“Where is he?”
“He’s gone. He quit homicide five days ago. Just packed up his desk and left. He said he couldn’t stay here anymore, and he was going to try to find a job somewhere else.”
“Where is he, Linden. I know you know.”
“Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you. He did nothing but worship the ground you walked on, and you ripped his heart out.”
“I didn’t know.”
“The hell you didn’t. If you ask me, he’s better off without you.” The line went dead. And with it went all of your hopes of finding Holder.
You knew you could go try to get it out of Liz, but as desperate as you were to find him, you knew better than to cross that line. Holder’s sister and his nephew were his whole life, but they had a very tenuous relationship after he started using drugs. They had just started getting back to a good place, and you weren’t going to do anything that might affect that reconciliation.
So, all you could do was head home and pray that, someday, you might find your best friend once again.
Time passed by, and there wasn’t a day you didn’t think about Holder. For the first month or so, you thought you saw him everywhere. You chased down a fair number of tall, hoodie wearing strangers before you finally came to the realization that he was well and truly gone.
But that didn’t stop the ache you felt. You were left haunted by that last glimpse of him as he slammed the door on you. All the pain, anger, and betrayal etched into his face was all you could see when you thought of him. Every happy memory, every good time together was now tainted by the secret you had kept and the hurt it had caused him.
But the ultimate karmic justice came about three months after Holder left. You and Glenn had broken up a few weeks before after a rather nasty fight which led to an even nastier confrontation. But you didn’t care. Something had felt off for a while, but you couldn’t place your finger on what. So, one afternoon, you were taking a walk through the park, trying to clear your head. As you approached the fountain, you noticed a single monarch butterfly land gracefully on a flower. Sitting down on one of the nearby benches, you watched as it flitted from one plant to another.
You smiled as you remembered lying on Holder’s bed, flipping through his butterfly book while he lay behind you, peppering soft kisses across your bare shoulder and up your neck. He would only pause long enough to drop another fact about the insects before returning to his caresses, his moustache tickling your skin. And when he reached your lips, you rolled over on top of him, the book falling to the floor forgotten.
As you snapped out of the memory, you realized you had been absentmindedly stroking Holder’s chain which has resided on your neck since you had the clasp fixed. Suddenly, all the joy from the memory was sucked into the black hole that had opened in your chest. It became just another casualty of Holder’s disappearance.
But why did it hurt so bad? Why, after all this time did you care this much? He was your best friend, but you had lost friends before. It sucked then you moved on. But this… this was so much more. You thought about him constantly, cried yourself to sleep over missing him, everything good you had left of him had slowly just turned to pain. But you guessed that’s what happened when you lost someone who you loved.
You froze as the realization hit you like a bucket of ice water to the face. I love Holder. That’s why this hurt so much. That’s why you never felt right in your relationship with Glenn. That’s why you couldn’t move past Holder’s departure. Because you loved him! You were in love with Stephen Holder!
You burst into tears as you came to terms with this discovery. Without even realizing it, your friendship and fooling around had developed into something monumentally deeper. And you had pushed him away for loving you when you had loved him at the same time. He was gone because you had been too stupid to realize your real feelings.
For the next hour, you sat on that park bench with no one but the butterfly to watch as you wept for the man you still loved and who you had lost.
The next two years seemed to simultaneously fly by and drag on forever. You tried to move on with your life and forget about Holder but that was much easier said than done. The guilt and regret about how things had ended between the two of you ate at you every day. You tried to go on a few dates, but your mind always circled back to him and after a while, you just gave up. Once things had calmed down some, you had tried to talk to Linden again, but she was still almost as furious at you for causing him to leave as you were at yourself. Finally, you just came to accept that you were just never going to see him again.
Call it fate, call it coincidence, call it dump luck, call it divine intervention, but sometimes things happen for a reason. Your sister’s birthday was coming up and you found out that a bookstore in Tacoma had the limited edition she had been wanting for years. So, after the relatively short 40-minute drive from Seattle, you decided to explore the city some. It was a beautiful day, one of the first warm days Washington had seen since the fall, and you found yourself headed into a park by the water.
The park was busy but not exactly what you would call crowded. As you walked along the bay, looking at all the fish and birds out in the water, you glanced at a couple sitting at one of the tables up ahead and stopped dead in your tracks. The man had his back to you, but his tall frame, dirty blond hair, and gray hoodie all screamed Holder. You took a hesitant step towards him before mentally slapping yourself. You are better than this! You haven’t imagined seeing him in over a year. Not every tall guy in a sweatshirt is Stephen Holder. Pull yourself together! And so, you kept walking.
But as you got closer, more and more things about the man stood out to you. His posture, his movements, the cigarette dangling from his fingers. It was all him. You stopped directly behind the man, uncertain about what to do. But then he laughed, and you knew. It was a sound that both blessed and haunted your dreams. A sound you never thought you would hear in the waking world again.
Breathlessly, you whispered, “Holder.”
The man stiffened slightly before turning around. Oh god! It was him! He looked just the same as you remembered him, if slightly more cleaned up and less scruffy. He blinked in surprise as he saw you there and for a moment, you weren’t sure how he would react. The pain and hurt that had been branded in your brain for the past two years flickered across his face as he recognized you, and for a moment, you thought this had been a mistake. But then, his face softened and he broke into a playful grin as he threw open his arms.
“Yo! Whacha doin’ here, girl? I can’t believe it. ‘Bout time you finally tracked me down. No wonder you never made detective.” He wrapped himself around your smaller frame as he pulled you in for a hug. You stood there in shock for a second before returning the embrace with all of your strength. It’s him….It’s actually him! And he’s not mad.
Holder chuckled as he squirmed in your grasp. “Hey, hey, I missed you too! But I got ta breathe!”
You released him immediately, taking a few steps back. “I’m sorry, I just didn’t expect…I mean I didn’t know….Are you living here now?”
“Yep. Moved here right after I left. Needed a place still close to Liz an’ Davie but still gave me some distance, you know what I’m sayin’?”
“Yeah, yeah, of course….. I’m just so surprised to see you! I was just in town picking something up and decided to go for a walk and here you are.” You still weren’t sure how to treat him, how he saw you. Were you an old friend or a bitter enemy?
But his smile gave you hope. He glanced over at the girl he was with, and said, “Hey, can I catch you later?” The girl glared at you but nodded, grabbed her stuff, and walked away.
Holder grabbed your hand and began pulling you away from the water. “Here, I know a place that’s normally pretty empty. Give us a lil’ more privacy.”
You allowed him to lead you past the tourists and families spending the afternoon together until it was just the two of you in the heart of the park. Holder let go of your hand and turned to face you. Both of you seemed to be examining the other, looking for the people you were years ago.
Finally, Holder nodded slightly to your neck. “You got what I left for you, so I guess you went by my place.”
Your hand flew to his chain that hung around your neck. “Oh, yeah. I stopped by about a week after…it happened. The new tenant gave it to me. I took it down and got the clasp fix and……It just felt wrong keeping it in that box, so I’ve been wearing it ever since.”
“I’m glad. It looks good on you.” You felt your cheeks grow warm and you turned to apologize, but Holder cut you off. “So, ya still with Jeff or Gordon or whoever?”
“Glenn. Uh, no….that didn’t last very long.”
You subconsciously rubbed your cheek, and Holder noticed. He reached out as he brushed your hand and hair to the side, revealing the scar that was usually hidden.
You saw his jaw tighten as he asked. “Did he hit you or somethin’?”
You shrugged softly. “Only once. He had a ring on. But you know I don’t tolerate shit like that. He was out on his ass before the sting of his hand was gone.”
Holder chuckled, some of the tension visibly vanishing from his body as he ran his thumb lightly over the mark. “Bet he didn’t leave in one piece either. Woulda loved to see that.”
Biting your lip, you suppressed a small smile. “Let’s just say, all those Jiu-Jitsu classes you talked me into taking came in good use that night.”
“That’s my girl!” His grin quickly faded as he realized what he had said. His hands instantly dropped to his side and he stepped back, putting quite a bit of distance between you.
Both of you stood in an awkward silence for a moment before you finally burst out, “I’m so sorry, Holder! I was wrong about everything! Even before Glenn hit me, I was already planning on leaving him. I realized something was off in our relationship, but I didn’t know what. And then a few weeks later, I saw a butterfly on my way to work, and it made me think of that book you used to have, and our time together and it just hit me. I love you, Holder. I love you now and I loved you back then, I was just too stupid to see it. And I’m not expecting you to forgive me or even want to be friends. But I just needed you to kno-”
His mouth was suddenly smashed against yours, cutting off the rest of your words. For a moment, you were so shocked that you didn't know how to respond. But as he deepened the kiss, you let yourself fall into him just like old times. As his hands came up and cupped your cheeks, you ran yours through his hair, pulling him in closer. The kiss felt almost the same as you remembered it, but there was a fire behind it that hadn’t been there before. A neediness that only came from years of separation.
When the two of you finally broke apart, panting slightly, you gazed up at him in wonder. But he just smiled his same old dopey grin. “I love you too, mama. Never stopped.”
“Really?” you breathed. “But the woman you were with? You’re not…”
“Nah, Jasmine? I’m her NA sponsor. I’m goin’ on five years clean,” he said proudly.
You grabbed his hands tightly. “Oh my god, Holder! That’s amazing! I was afraid after… you might have...”
His face dropped slightly. “I thought about it. A lot. Came really close, had the stuff in my hand an’ everythin’. But I knew it ain’t what you would’ve wanted. You were always so proud of me an’ supportive an’ shit. Even after what happened, I couldn’t let you down like that. So, I stopped myself and I still haven’t used since that night you first found me.”
You threw your arms around his neck, forcing him to crouch slightly to compensate for your height difference. “You’re right, I am so incredibly proud of you. And I’m so sorry I put you in that position in the first place. If I had just taken my head out of my ass long enough to see what I had, none of this would have happened. These last two years…. We could have shared them together.”
Holder straightened up suddenly, causing you to have to let go of him. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, as he stared down at you. “Listen, I… I never stopped lovin’ you. But, that don’t mean I lived like a saint these last two years neither.”
You stared at him nervously. “What do you mean? You said you were still off the drugs.”
“Yeah, it ain’t that…….I got a kid. A daughter.”
“Oh.” You weren’t quite sure how to take this news. After all, you were the one who broke his heart. He had every right to go out and sleep with every girl in the state if he wanted. In fact, the two of you had never really even been a couple. He never had to have any loyalty to you, you sure hadn’t had any to him. Yet, for some reason, this revelation still stung.
“Me and her moms dated for a few months, but my heart just wasn’t in it. Then a few weeks later, she tells me she’s pregnant. So… yeah.”
“Wow… congratulations! That’s wonderful Holder.” You pulled him back in for another hug of celebration, but you also used the opportunity to hide your face as you tried to fight the flood of emotions swimming across it. “What’s her name?”
“Kalia. She just turned one a few weeks ago.” You could hear he was still nervous, but there was also a pride and excitement underneath that you had rarely ever heard from him. “She’s fuckin’ amazin’! Everythin’ she does just blows me away, you know what I’m sayin’? An’ she’s already gettin’ so big! She used to fit in one of my hands, an’ now she’s huge! We have joint custody, so I don’t see her every day, but each time I do, she seems bigger! It’s incredible!”
You looked up at Holder’s face and marveled at the joy lighting up his face. You had never seen him happier. And that was enough for you. Anything that could make Holder smile like that, you couldn’t be upset about. “I would love the chance to meet her one day…. If that would be okay?”
Just when you thought Holder’s smile couldn’t get any bigger, it did. “Fo’ real? Like fo’ real, fo’ real? You’d want to meet her?”
“Of course, but only if and when you’re comfortable with that, I don’t want to pressure you. But, I mean, she’s a part of you, Holder. And after so long without you, I want every part of you that I can get. Now and forever.”
He pulled your body tight against his as he leaned down until his forehead was pressed firmly against yours. His smile was shining just as brightly as before. “Mama, you got me, all of me. Then, now, and forever.”
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oro-e-diamanti · 3 years
Quiet Music: Capriccio (Chapter 4)
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In collaboration with @bethanysnow whose ask box is always open for questions, comments, and anything else about this story as well!
Catching the small flames of romance, starting to get turned on higher. They have a tour to do, right? Not spend all their time making goo-goo eyes at each other.....unless?
Content | Fluff
Pairing | fem!Reader x Damiano
Word Count | 8274
Taglist | @damianodavide @lizstans @unitermoonshine @its-afucking-mess @ethaneskin @dont-let-me-drown-in-you@vampirtet @lividisuigomiti @juststalking @tabi-toast @ethan-torchio-angelo @cheese-toastie-11 @thewitchinthemountain @ethanesimp @sofckinelectric @man3skin @daddydamiano @finelinejpm @superchrystaldrug @ginny-lily @nientedaridere @rainbowmarta @tiaamberxx @shaunthesheesh @enjcltaire @rocketqueen @aleksanderwh0r3 @dacey0eg @damianodavidhands @megann-duff @teatrodellavita @solasullabarca @fanfictionandfluff @makapaka11 @slave4yourlove @geklutst-ei @bookish0918 @mehrmonga @kanevill @butterfly-skinnylegend @lidiyabest @ccweasley @bluscryn @deluxeplanteater @ohtorchio @bidet-and-legolas @maybanksslut @katyldamusic @fedorable-killjoys
"Thomas," Y/n stared down as he entered the bus. "When I gave you my personal number it was meant for emergencies, not you texting me because you forgot what "sempiternal" means in the middle of the night. What were you reading anyway?!"
"Nothing." Thomas looked up at her from where he was sitting, wide eyes, feigning innocence.
Y/n shook her head, not believing the guitarist and his horrible poker face, but not being bothered enough to question him any further either. “Well, next time you have a question like that in the middle of the night, ask google instead.” She gave him a warm smile and a little pat on the head as she passed him by, moving down the hallway of the tour bus.
It had become a routine for her to stop at the stove first, starting the coffee for everyone, then having a look around as she was waiting for it to boil. Damiano was slumped over on a couch, his head in his hand and still half asleep. She wondered how little rest he had gotten last night, after meeting him out on the balcony at 2 am.
Had he stayed awake for hours, like she had? Had he been thinking about her, the way she had been thinking about him? He had flirted quite heavily last night and she wasn’t sure whether to attribute it to his sleepiness, or if he had meant it at all. She wasn’t quite sure what she was hoping for either. He was insanely attractive, and the attention he gave her made her heart beat in ways no other man had managed to do before. But this wasn’t the time or situation to turn into a bundle of nerves because of a boy.
Even if her brain had decided to play fantasies of him storming into her hotel room last night. Demanding to kiss her. Holding her face in his hands. Looking at her with those dark, hazel eyes, like she was the only person in the world. Probably smelling of sleep and cigarettes and all that made him inherently Damiano. She knew the smell well, it had been haunting her all throughout this whole fucking tour. But the fantasies kept coming, imagining him in love with her, even if she never truly believed in it. It was a nice idea, nothing more.
The sharp hiss of the coffee pot pulled her out of his thoughts and woke up Damiano from his half-slumber. Tired eyes trying to make out the source of the noise, smiling slightly when realising that caffeine was coming his way. Y/n quickly moved to get his cup ready, preparing it the way she had already learned he preferred. He readily held out his hand for the beverage, fingers briefly touching. She almost dropped it as sparks ran through her. She wasn’t sure if he had felt the same or simply hid it better. But as soon as the cup was safely in his hands, she turned back around. Back to the stove to take a deep breath and continue her morning routine.
I need to get over myself. This is a job. Getting fluttery over your boss is not gonna help get the job done. Ignore him. He didn’t feel anything. You need to work. Not imagine something that is never gonna happen. It's not gonna happen, Y/n.
She made quick work depositing the other mugs to Victoria and Thomas, before finding Ethan in the very back of the bus. Drum sticks in hands and absentmindedly tapping a beat on the table in front of him.
“Yeah, thank you,” he answered, absentmindedly. “Hey, Y/n, does this sound good to you?”
Ethan started to play out a beat, effectively ignoring the cup that had been placed on the table, as she sat down beside him to listen.
“I’m no musician, but it certainly sounds good to my ears!”
Ethan gave her a proud smile, putting his drumsticks to the side for a second to take a sip from his drink. Y/n, grabbed them immediately, beating randomly on the table.
“You know what? I may have to take you up on your offer of teaching me to play. Love how you guys always have stuff around, you’re just constantly thinking about music. I wish I knew how to play," she sighed.
“I can show you a bit of drumming right now, if you’d like?” He offered. “Just a bit of a rhythm on the table right here.”
He moved closer to her, taking her hands in his as she kept holding onto the sticks and tried to get her to play a little, easy beat, but the angle was awkward and her wrist was bent too much to properly tap along.
“Okay, this isn’t working,” he laughed. “Would you mind, um, moving between my legs?”
Y/n could feel another blush coming on. It may be just Ethan, but it IS Ethan and Ethan sure is pretty. She studied his face, unassuming, nothing but a welcoming smile. But she felt odd. She had only been working for this band for a few days, yet she’d already grown closer to them than any other client she had worked with before. Normally she’d do her job, get a quick thank you on the way out, and then just retire somewhere. Do uni work, wait for further instructions. This whole thing was new and as much as she was enjoying it, she wasn’t sure if she was crossing lines she shouldn’t as a personal assistant. Then again, what was the harm in a little lesson? It wasn’t like there was anything else to it. This wasn’t him trying to flirt with her, this was him trying to be a friend. She could do with a friend.
With a quick nod, she moved and sat down on the floor in front of Ethan. Nestling between his legs as he held her hand. Helping her get into position before backing up a little to give her more space. Grabbing her hands again with the sticks to demonstrate how she was supposed to hold and then hit the table. He leaned over her to watch what she was doing. She understood quickly, getting the hang of it and before she knew it Ethan had let go of her hands as she was successfully keeping the rhythm going.
“See? Natural talent,” he laughed behind her.
Neither of them had noticed Damiano walk down the corridor towards them until he stopped in the doorway.
“Ah, Dami! Look what Ethan taught me!” Y/n starts repeating the little rhythm with the biggest smile on her face, proud of herself and what she’d learned in such a short time. Ethan leant back, watching her with a smile.
“Good job, Y/n. Keep going and you might replace Edgar soon,” Damiano said, ducking into the bathroom with a laugh.
Y/n watched him disappear. Her heart fluttered as he left her sight. If he could just not be my boss, that’d be fucking great…
She stood back up to sit next to Ethan on the couch, shaking the thought off. “I see why you like drumming, it’s fun.”
“Thank you, I think so too. You enjoy being our assistant, by the way?” Ethan asked, looking at her inquisitively while finally continuing to drink his coffee.
“Actually, yes. Best job I have ever taken. I know your manager is an absolutely wonderful woman. Didn’t know she planned this position for me originally though, kinda scared me to be honest.”
“Are we scary?”
“No, no. You’re all lovely. You are the biggest group I’ve worked for so far, so there’s that. But…” Y/n moved to sit on her leg now, leaning closer to Ethan, starting to feel more comfortable around him. “You four are indescribably amazing people. My mum would probably call you ‘people after God’s heart’,” she imitated her mother’s Northern accent, making Ethan laugh.
“Shocking, I know, that we’re normal!”
Y/n smacked his chest.
“No! You are far better than anyone- no one on this bus is ‘normal’.”
“Even the driver?”
“Especially the driver.”
Damiano hadn’t meant to listen in, but standing behind the slightly closed door of the restroom, he couldn’t help himself, even if it was killing him. Ethan and Y/n would probably be really good for each other… The thought flashed through him. No. It wouldn’t happen. Not under his watch.
Last night had been a blessing and a curse. After finishing his smoke, he had stood out on the balcony for a little longer, imagining the conversations they would have been having if she had stayed out with him. Under the moonlight. Måneskin. Her hair down, she would probably go get another glass of wine. Coming back out to see him.
“What about you, amore mio? Working on more Shakespeare?”
“Yes. Always. I work hard for things I want, you know me. All work no play makes Y/n a happy girl,” she would snicker into her wine glass.
“What if I wanted you. What would I have to do? Never been shy about ... hard… work, either…”
“Why don’t you come and find out, the door is unlocked…”
With a heavy sigh, he moved to the sink to splash some water on his face, raking it through his hair. It was only early in the morning, he didn’t need to unscrew his head just yet. She was just a girl. Just some girl that worked for them. There were so many people on the team, she was simply one of them. But she was also a woman, with wants and needs and desires, and oh, how he would love to attend to every single one of them… Maybe I could be a need for her, for the beautiful woman just one room over. He screamed internally. He was done for.
By the time Y/n left Ethan to his coffee, Damiano was back on the couch with a pen and paper, gears visibly turning in his head. He didn’t even look up when she entered. See, just a guy, Y/n thought. Victoria was busy bickering with the driver about wanting to stop at a service station within the next hour. Thomas was scrolling through his phone absent-mindedly.
As soon as Vic had finished her conversation, she walked over to where Y/n was sitting, letting herself drop onto the seat next to her heavily, laying her head on her shoulder. “Y/n I want snacks.”
“I bought snacks, they’re in the cupboard.”
“But, fun snacks! Like you,” the bassist winked.
“As much as I love the compliment, Victoria, I am sure the driver will take us to the next petrol station after hearing your plea.” She kissed the top of the blonde’s head. “You can survive a little longer without sugary snacks.”
Victoria looked up at her with big blue eyes, wrapping her arms around the assistant. “But what if I can’t, Y/n,” she whined, pulling a dramatic pose. “What if I waste away without fun snacks.”
“Vic, love, nothing here will make you die because you haven’t had food. I provided all of you with breakfast - it was your decision to let Thomas eat yours.”
“And I don’t regret a thing!” Thomas shouted from his seat, all three of them breaking out into laughter. Y/n grinned, eyes falling back onto some of the papers in front of her, ready to get back into work. Victoria’s arm looped around Y/n’s as she snuggled into her shoulder with a pitiful sigh.
Goddamnit, not her, too.
Damiano had meant to start writing some more, lyrics and words and images flowing through his head in a chaos that needed to be tamed by pen and paper. But as soon as he had sat down Victoria had started moaning about snacks and her little interaction with Y/n had taken up all of the brain space the lyrics should have. His eyes kept focusing on the closeness between the two of them. The way Vic leant her head on Y/n’s shoulder, the way she in turn kissed the bassist’s head. So far he had only considered Ethan to be a concern. But now the thought of Victoria herself meddling was increasingly growing. So she might have had a boyfriend but that had been, what? Years ago? She had said? And the guy had been a dick. What if she’d just given up on men completely, deciding to exclusively date girls from now on? Fuck.
Staring at the way Victoria was now cuddling her, his thoughts ran wild. Was this still friendly? Was the smile she was giving Vic flirty? Maybe she hadn’t been returning his flirtations the way he’d been hoping because it was Vic she was interested in, not him?
Dwelling on these thoughts wasn’t going to help. Jealousy, envy, insecurity… as interesting as they would be as drag names, they weren’t going to solve the issue. Damiano felt stuck. Making heart eyes at a girl who was three feet away while she was none the wiser. Yet it was Victoria latching onto her arm. He wasn’t surprised. She was gorgeous, and funny, and cared about people. And Vic had a lot of good qualities he himself didn’t possess. Maybe it’s the boobs? His brain mused, but he shook it off. That wasn’t it, he was sure of it.
Victoria studies Damiano. His face would have been unreadable to anyone else, obviously lost in his thought. But she knew him well enough to understand that the look on his face was one of insecurity and upset. Not necessarily at anything in particular, just upset. Her eyes softened. Raising a brow at the singer. He simply shrugged, shaking his head, then taking the notebook he was carrying everywhere. Opening it up, staring at the words written there, but not adding anything. Yet his eyes never stopped flicking away to everyone else around him, obviously restless. What was up with him? If there was one thing Victoria hated it was one of her friends feeling off and her not being able to do anything about it. But she knew Damiano, and she knew it could be hard to get him to budge if he didn’t want to talk.
As their eyes met once more, she took the chance to mouth at him, “You alright?”
His eyes flashed at Y/n for a split second, he probably hadn’t even noticed it himself, before nodding with a tight-lipped smile, then looking back down at his pages. That was when it finally clicked in Victoria’s mind. It was about her. And from the looks he kept secretly giving her, the problem wasn’t dislike.
“SNACKS!” Victoria and Thomas all but yelled as the bus pulled into the parking lot of a little petrol station. The band ran out of the bus, stumbling over each other like a hoard of kindergartners, and Y/n couldn’t help but smirk at their behaviour. Following them in a much more composed manner.
By the time she entered the shop, all four members of the band had dispersed into different corners. Trying to figure out what to buy. Damiano was holding up two chocolate bars, obviously trying to decipher what the difference was with no knowledge of Swedish whatsoever, before shrugging his shoulders and taking both.
Y/n was still in the doorway, grabbing a basket and consulting a little list on her phone. As much as she loved to let them run wild, she would not completely have them overdose on sugar. No matter how much they wanted to. She still felt responsible for their wellbeing, even on their days off. Juice felt like a sensible choice.
Suddenly, she saw a hand appear from behind her, casually taking out some orange juice from her basket. She turned around in surprise, only to be faced with Thomas looking at her with wide eyes, obviously feeling caught.
“No healthy stuff from the petrol station!” He suddenly shouted, grabbing her whole basket now and running away with it.
“Thomas!” She flew after him before she knew what she was doing, almost running over Ethan as she chased the guitarist through the little store. With not much space available, they ended up going round and round one of the shelves, until Thomas unceremoniously crashed into a cooler when he didn’t manage to take a turn in time. Trying to bite back a smile, Y/n walked over, breathlessly asking him if he was alright, as laughter still bubbled out of her. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Victoria, giggling away, phone pointed towards them.
“Oh no, you’re not putting that on the internet!” Y/n pointed a finger at her in what she hoped was an authoritative gesture, but Victoria wasn’t impressed.
“Too late!” She squealed as she skipped away, out of reach, to pay for whatever she had picked out.
Thomas had gotten back up on his feet in the meantime, contents of the basket still spilled all around him, sporting a pout.
“Stop it with that face,” Y/n scolded, but she couldn’t keep the smile at bay. “Go pick out your favourite snack, you can add it to my basket.”
Thomas happily skipped away as Y/n quickly picked up the mess, then moved to another aisle finding Damiano there. He seemed to be debating over the crisps now, having moved on from the chocolate bars.
She stood to the side, her eyes flashing over him a couple more times than necessary. He was just too pretty. It was simply impossible to look away. Even now, no fancy clothes, no stage makeup, no grand performance, he was mesmerising.
Her brain couldn’t help itself, images and ideas flashing in front of her eyes. Going to a petrol station on road trips with their future kids. Them bouncing around, chasing each other over a candy bar. Her and Damiano trying to get them not to cause a mess, slightly annoyed, but always laughing along with them.
She looked at him again. In a blink, the daydream changed.
It’s past midnight. He’s in the same sweatshirt he’s wearing right now. Her arms wrapped around his torso. Looking up at that beautiful face of his. Him picking up condoms from the health section. Winking at her with that certain glint in his eyes. Smacking her arse on the way to the cashier. Filled with giggles and flirtatious glances and knowing what the night ahead would entail. The anticipation crackling around them.
Oh, to be that girl. The girl he looks at with lustful eyes. The one he wasn't to make a baby with. Not the one to be ashamed of.
Damiano had chosen what kind of crisps to buy long ago. He simply was too busy staring back at Y/n, who seemed to be lost in thought. Eyes focused on him, yet apparently not noticing him looking back. He could basically see the gears in her head turning, mouth slightly open, far away in her mind.
Whatever enraptured that beautiful mind of hers… He wanted to know - could he be that very thing someday? Be so involved in her thoughts that it caused her to finally slow down? Get her to relax. He kept daydreaming about the massage he had given her the other day. How she had melted into his touch. He wanted that again. But more. He wanted her sighs and her moans as he worked her body in any way she would let him. Hell, he’d be her personal roadie if she wanted.
Fuck, he was smitten. She was always so strong-willed, so passionate. That night on the balcony had done nothing to help his fantasies. Her teaching him how to dance? Bodies close to each other, breathing the same air… Whatever perfume she used, he wanted to drown in it.
Victoria had been on the way back out, snacks acquired, Instagram story uploaded, and ready to head back to the bus for the last two hours of the ride. However, she stopped dead in her tracks when Y/n and Damiano caught her eye. Both of them were staring at the other, yet neither seemed to realise it. Just lost in their own worlds. Vic frowned, not oblivious to the dreamy look on Y/n’s face or the way Damiano’s eyes kept flicking up and down their assistant’s body. Something was definitely going on here and she was determined to find out what exactly it was.
After Y/n had finally moved again, paying for the snacks, Victoria caught up with her outside the shop. Their driver was having a smoke, surely had more than enough time left for a little talk.
“Y/n, wait up,” Vic quickly jogged up to her, taking the shopping bag out of her hand and carrying it into the bus ahead of her.. “Let me help you.”
She was counting on the guys to be staying outside for a little longer, probably lighting up a cigarette each as soon as they were done snack-shopping.
“So…” She started, putting away the snacks alongside Y/n. “Saw you staring at Damiano in there.”
Great, this wasn’t subtle at all, she scowled at herself. Tact had never been her strong suit in these situations. She was far more likely to rush into a conversation, head first, too open, too honest, too soon.
“I- uh- I don’t know what you mean. I was probably just staring off into space.”
Okay, she was getting flustered. Victoria knew she was onto something here, but it wouldn’t be easy to get anything out of Y/n. She was way too professional and… uptight for that. And they didn’t exactly have any red wine on tap to get her to open up.
“You know, there’s no harm in it. He’s a very attractive man,” she said, playfully nudging Y/n’s side. “Pretty sure everyone’s had the hots for him at some point.”
“Well I haven’t, it's very unprofessional.” Y/n stubbornly replied and Victoria almost laughed out loud.
Sure, she hadn’t. That’s why she was staring at him like he was a drink of water in the middle of a desert. Or why she was getting all flustered every time he touched her. Or why she always seemed to gravitate towards him, whatever she was doing. But that wasn’t what Vic was going to say. It wouldn’t get them anywhere. She had learned that much about Y/n.
“All my friends used to have a crush on him in school,” Vic laughed, remembering their beginnings. “They’d just hang out whenever we were rehearsing, making heart eyes at him and complimenting his every move, but he never cared. He never even looked at them, just giving them a polite hello. Never paid them any attention because he was way too focused on the music we were making. He’s always been like that. Music has always come first. It’s why I think it’s so peculiar how interested he is in you.”
If Y/n had been flustered before, she was full-on blushing now, rapidly opening a random cabinet to hide her face, but Victoria had seen. Her eyes got wide, as if she had been struck by lightning.
“He’s not interested in me, don’t be silly. I work for him just as I work for you and we all get along. Nothing is going to happen if that is what you are worried about. I would never jeopardize the tour or our friendship. He doesn’t even see me like that, anyway, so it’s fine. It’s not like I’m his type, and like, I mean-”
“Hey,” Victoria turned more serious now. As much as she enjoyed teasing her new friend, she felt like she needed to let her know that she wasn’t kidding in this case. She put a tentative hand on her shoulder. Having the other turn around to have Y/n face her. “I’m serious though. I know it’s early days, but if you feel something for him? I’m not going to stop you. Neither is anyone else on this tour. He’s a great guy. And I’ll personally punch him if he isn’t. And I think you’re great Y/n. You deserve good things.”
For a second, Victoria could see a flicker of Y/n’s softer side, of her vulnerability. She felt compelled to pull her into a hug, but she feared making her uncomfortable, so instead, she simply pretended she hadn’t seen. Just like she pretended not to hear Y/n’s voice breaking just the tiniest bit when she said, “Thank you.”
The old town of Malmö was full of cobblestone, canals, and adorable old houses. When Y/n led them into the restaurant she had reserved for the evening, Damiano made sure to ask for a table by the window, enamoured by what looked to be the main square of the town and the people hurrying along. As he turned back towards the table, he noticed Y/n with a similar look on her face. Chin held up by her hand as she leaned on the table, watching the world pass by outside. A serene smile played on her face and he feared he was mirroring her expression when Victoria kicked his foot from under the table. Giving him a knowing smile and a raised brow. He shook his head, quickly grasping the menu to distract himself.
“Oooh happy hour!” Victoria squealed. “First round of cocktails is on me!”
Damiano almost let out a sigh - knowing fully well that when it came to an evening like this, they would not stop at a round or two. He was to be proven right.
About two hours later, the sun was on the verge of setting. There was a nice buzz going on, dinner eaten, while the drinks kept coming. Thomas was retelling a story Damiano had heard about a hundred times. Excitedly waving his hands around he only just managed to grasp one of the glasses before the guitarist knocked it over. Y/n was listening attentively - the only one out of the bunch to not have heard Thomas’ retelling before. Damiano couldn’t help but notice how her cheeks were slightly flushed, a sure sign that she’d had a drink. He thought she looked adorable. She’d look just as adorable under me. He quickly put the thought away, blaming it on the alcohol he had consumed. Apart from Y/n - who had been responsible enough to switch back and forth between cocktails and water - they were all on the edge of being drunk, laughing too loudly, talking too excitedly, being a little too affectionate.
It’s what he blamed his behaviour on, when he found his foot searching for hers under the table. Giving her just the slightest, playful kick to get her attention. She looked at him immediately, raised eyebrows, obviously wondering if he had touched her by mistake. So this time, he fully smirked, holding eye contact, as he nudged her again. A timid smile appeared on her face and he was convinced that she would be awkward. Pulling back, possibly scolding him any other time. But her slightly intoxicated state seemed to leave her more open to his teasing. He barely believed it when she nudged him back. Maybe we’re actually getting somewhere here.
“Um, excuse me?”
The whole table looked up at once at the timid voice. Only to find two young girls awkwardly and uncomfortable standing next to them, faces as red as tomatoes and eyes wide.
“Are you Måneskin?”
“We are, actually!” Victoria beamed, immediately getting up. “Do you guys want some pictures?”
The girls didn’t seem to manage anything but hectic nods, too excited and overwhelmed. Damiano smiled. It didn’t matter how big they were getting - having people coming up to them to ask for photos, so obviously in love with them. Still made his heart beat like crazy. He’d do anything for the fans.
Quickly, getting up from his chair as well, he pulled the other two along with him, taking a few photos with the two, exchanging some words and thanking them for their support. Looking back at Y/n, he noticed she was getting a bit nervous.
“Guys, we should probably move back to the hotel now,” she said and it was only then that he took a look around and saw the amount of people staring. Talking and pointing phones at them. It was obvious none of them were actual fans - just hoping to get a glimpse of something to put on their social media. Damiano nodded, rounding up the rest of his band and leading them out of the restaurant, ready to call for a taxi as Y/n went to settle the tab and then followed them outside mere seconds later.
“Right let’s get you back to the hotel,” Y/n decided as they finally managed to flag down a taxi. “But don’t worry, the night’s not over yet - bring your swimsuits, I’ve got a little surprise for you.”
Y/n was perched on a little tiled bench, laptop with work opened at her side. A bluetooth speaker ready nearby. She’d slipped the girl at the reception a little money and a signed picture of the band, which she had gratefully taken, to make sure they’d have the hotel pool to themselves that night. Y/n was aware that the band tended to really enjoy a nice dip in the water and she was determined she’d get them to let loose and relax a bit before more gigs were coming their way.
She didn’t notice that everyone had arrived until a flash of blond ran past her and jumped into a pool with a massive splash. It shouldn’t have been a surprise that Thomas would announce his presence like this. She still flinched for a second. Ethan followed not much later, with Victoria opting for the stairs ‘for hair-related reasons’ and Damiano pushing her in anyways. Following swiftly himself, as she grabbed his hand as she was falling. Y/n shook her head, amused at the four, and turned on some music as she watched them.
She couldn’t help but smile at the way they all acted like little kids on a pool day. But behaviour was one thing - the way they looked was quite another. Water was running down their bodies… okay, one body in particular. She would be lying if she said that Damiano swimming around in nothing but his little shorts wasn’t… well, breathtaking. Tattoos on full display, hair wet, glistening skin. He was smiling, laughing, trying to outswim Thomas. The way his physique moved through the water… He was in formidable shape. What she would give to be manhandled by this man.
Him pinning her to a wall, smirking, looking down at her like he was going to eat her. He rightfully just might. Telling her all the dirty thoughts he had when on stage. Making her look away in a blush, but grabbing her face. Tsk-ing, ‘no, no, no, good girls look at who is speaking to them’.
But no. Work called her name, just loudly enough to pull her out of her fantasy.
Opening the laptop, she immediately seemed to get immersed in her work. Damiano watched her with a frown on his face. This was so like her - making sure everyone else got taken care of and was having a good time, only to withdraw and bury her in her work again. He wished she’d take more breaks to just enjoy.
Every now and then she looked away from the screen, watching what everyone else was doing and contently smiling to herself. He couldn’t help imagining her watching over him the same way with their kids. His head was running away with the idea.
Him splashing around with the children. Her watching over them, staying on the sidelines, smiling the way she was now. Making sure everyone was safe and happy. Snacks in hand. Their daughter climbing out of the water, running over to her. The way her eyes would light up, arms open wide, not caring about getting wet as she hugged her. He knew she’d be the most perfect mum, just from looking at her. Nothing had ever been as obvious to him.
A splash of water over his head pulled him out of his thoughts. Apparently, Ethan had caught him staring. He shrugged it off.
“Y/n! Come swim with us!” Victoria called, moving to the edge of the pool. The assistant did nothing but raise a brow at the request, shaking her head.
“You kids go have fun,” she laughed. “I’m fine here, doing a bit of work. Just because you got a day off, doesn’t mean I do too!”
“Ah, you’re no fun, Y/n. One night won’t kill you,” Thomas groaned, diving back under the water.
“Well, I didn’t even bring my swimsuit, so it’s out of the question anyway. Now let me do some work.” She tried to sound strict but the giggle bubbled in her voice anyway, still tiny traces of intoxication in her speech. Damiano grinned at the thought of her still being tipsy, slightly wondering if it’d give him the chance to get her to let her guard down the way she had done the night before.
“Oh, rubbish, you party pooper!” Vic shouted back. “Your underwear will do just fine, it’s not like anyone is here to tell you off.”
Y/n shot a look at Victoria. A blush that definitely wasn’t caused by alcohol crept onto her face.
“I’m alright, you have fun.”
Damiano’s head spun, looking at Y/n sitting on the bench. The sheer idea of her joining them like that? Potentially seeing her undress? He was more than glad the water was hiding the lower half of his body.
“Get over here now or we’re dragging you in!” Thomas threatened, already halfway through heaving himself out of the water.
Oh, no way I’m getting out of the water right now, not like this.
“Oh fine! Fine, fine. If it will make you all stop worrying about me ‘not having fun’,” she laughed.” She rolled her trousers up as she moved to the edge of the pool, kicked off her shoes, and let her legs dangle in the water as she sat down. “Happy?”
“For now,” Vic laughed. “But don’t think you’ll always get out of things this easily!”
“Oh come on guys, leave her be.” Ethan decided to be the voice of reason once again. He swam up to her, hair all piled on top of his head in a bun. “Sorry about them - they don’t know when to quit.”
Y/n giggled at his comment.
“It’s cool, nice seeing everyone have a good time though.” Y/n tilted her head for a moment, looking at Ethan. Slowly she raised a hand to hold his face still, the other hand pulling something out of his hair. “There you go. Can’t have fuzz in those luscious locks of yours!”
A scowl appeared on Damiano’s face. He knew he shouldn’t be feeling like this, but the way she was looking at Ethan right now, that soft touch, made all the fantasies in his head shatter for a moment. Why wasn’t she fixing his hair instead. Fuck, he was being stupid. His attention was drawn away from the pair as a loud squeal escaped Victoria, who was currently being wrestled in the water by Thomas.
“Don’t you dare dunk me!”
Damiano didn’t even have to watch to know what happened next. A second later, a spluttering Vic emerged, a murderous look in her eye as she dunked Thomas in return. Their little fight turned chaotic, ending with the top of her bikini slowly floating away from her.
“Aw Vic, do you always have to be topless?!” Thomas laughed loudly.
“You dick! You untied it!”
Y/n instantly covered her eyes, avoiding Victoria’s half-naked body at all costs, looking down at her lap.
“Um - maybe someone should, uh, give her her top back?” She stammered.
Vic looked at the blushing girl, a smirk growing on her face as she whispered something at Thomas, pointing at Y/n, obviously hatching a plan. She swam up to their friend, gently grabbing her legs under the water.
“You are the only one that seems to mind, amore… Do you not like my tits?” Victoria teased, cocking her head to the side as she tried to catch Y/n’s eyes.
“No! No, I mean- That’s not what I mean. Um… I don’t know - is it just me or is it hot in here?” Y/n was a mess, tripping over her words.
“The only one that’s hot here is you, Y/n,” Thomas grinned, swimming off to retrieve Vic’s top, which he handed to her as he came back. The blonde held it up to her boobs in a fake-clumsy way, big eyes looking up at Y/n.
“Oh, I think I’m going to need your help with this, Y/n. Mind tying me up?”
Y/n looked like she was about to explode, her face once again covered in a deep red. With slightly shaking fingers, she moved forwards as Vic turned her back towards her, fumbling with the strings around her neck and her back to tie them up.
“Thanks, babe, you’re a doll!” Victoria grinned, taking the assistant’s hand and leaving a little kiss on her knuckles. It was the point at which Damiano decided he’d definitely need to protect her from his bandmates. If anything, it was his time to bother Y/n now.
As Damiano swam over, Y/n was still bright red. Her head was still lowered, picking at her nail polish, as she squeaked out a “hi”. You’ve got to put on the charm now, you can do it, he said in his head, hyping himself up as he looked back at her. He didn’t want to bring her into even more of an awkward situation, but his hands were on her legs before he even noticed, slightly stroking along the curve of her calves under the water.
“Don’t mind those fools,” he told her in a voice low enough that they wouldn’t hear. “They’re just trying to rile you up because they like seeing you blush. It is a nice sight, to be fair. Seeing you blush.”
“Well, it’s not like I have control over that. Um. Y-you look cool… I mean - good. You know? … fucking hell.” She buried her face in her hands, stifling a flustered chuckle. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me today. I apologise, I will just hide now, forever.”
Yet, the smile on her face hadn’t left since Damiano had arrived. She bit her lip nervously, looking at the singer. Staring at him, maybe trying to figure out what his intentions were. He wished he knew. “Your, uh… eyes… they’re pretty.”
“Don’t even think about ever hiding that face from me, yeah?” He pulled her hands back down as she once again attempted to cover herself. He briefly forgot his hands were wet, until she giggled and patted her own dry on her shirt as he let go. “Your eyes are really pretty too, Y/n, so don’t deprive me of them.”
She blinked a couple of times, taken aback by what he had said. “Alright, I can do that.” She barely noticed they were holding hands. Rubbing her thumb over his skin softly, keeping herself grounded in place by the heat his body gave off under the water. “You just gotta step in when they start taking the piss again, yeah?”
He moved in closer now, only letting go of her hands to grasp onto her thighs, trying to keep himself above water. He was desperate to move between her legs, but he wasn’t going to ruin the moment by taking it too far. Not yet. “Of course. But amore mio, what if I wanted to, uh, ‘take the piss’?”
She smirked. “Oh! Then that’s fine.”
Damiano was sure his heart wasn’t even beating anymore, it was fluttering. There was something about her… every time he watched her, talked to her, he felt like he was looking at her for the first time. Finding a new side to her. He wanted more, constantly craving to get closer, and in moments like these. When she let him in just a little bit, made him feel like he was just one small step above the others, he felt like it was all going to be worth it. The slow way he was working himself into her heart.
“Y/N HAS A TATTOO ON HER ANKLE!” Thomas suddenly shouted, popping out of the water and pointing at the assistant. Damiano was pushed out of the way by Victoria, who grabbed Y/n’s leg. Hoisting it up in the air, turning it to show her ankle. A black outlined hand giving the middle finger with long black nails stared back at the band.
“That is really pretty,” Ethan said softly, but Victoria scoffed
“Pretty? It’s fucking cool! See,” she turned back to Y/n, “you are rock ‘n’ roll!”
Damiano stared at the little drawing on her leg, fascinated to have found yet another side to her he hadn’t seen coming. He wondered if she would let him tattoo her one day, letting him grab her leg, smoothing over the skin, putting that kind of trust in him. He was determined to find out, sooner or later.
“I mean... you think you’re the only ones with tattoos?” Y/n smirked, almost in a cocky way. It was a good look on her. “That one hurt like a bitch-”
“That one?” Damiano threw in. “Does that mean there’s more?”
Looking over at him, she simply smiled, shaking her head. “Anyway, it’s late, we should be going to bed soon. I know - I’m not trying to parent you, but somebody’s gotta be responsible here!” She stood up, fixing her trousers, putting her shoes back on, and grabbing towels to pass around. “Come on, out of the pool. Comply and I will get you something special with your coffee tomorrow!”
After everyone had retired to their rooms, Victoria decided she needed another talk. Moving along the hotel corridor, she stopped in front of Damiano’s door, softly knocking. He opened hastily, his face dropping ever so slightly as he saw her.
“Not who you were expecting?” She asked with a smirk as she pushed past him into the room. She was glad they’d all gotten their own rooms for the night and didn’t have to share - no need to involve Ethan or Thomas in the little conversation she was aiming to have with Damiano. Victoria dropped down onto the bed, kicking her shoes off and getting comfortable, as the singer followed.
“What can I do for you?” Damiano asked, shutting the door behind her.
“How about explaining why you were all over Y/n in the pool?” A grin spread on her face. She knew she’d have to be much less careful with Damiano than she had been in the conversation with Y/n, but still needed him to know this was good-natured teasing. “Pretty touchy, if you ask me.”
“Well, we were talking. Don’t need to tell you everything I do.” He flopped onto the bed, grabbing a pillow to smother his face into. “Why?”
“Yes you do, I’m one of your best friends!” She didn’t hesitate in grabbing the second pillow to whack him over the head, before putting it back behind herself to lean against. “Just interested to know what you think of her. You know, because I’m your friend and I care. And I’m nosey, so spill.”
He started groaning into the pillow.
“If I told you I think I like her, would you shut up about it?” He turned his head to the side to look at the blonde. “I don’t know, Vic, she walked into our lives and…” His eyes grew distant as he thought about her.
“Wait, you actually like like her? I was thinking you were just attracted, you know the thrill of the chase and all that. Fuck, Damiano!” Her smile came back tenfold. “I love this!”
He shot up from his lying position. “No! No, you don’t love this! I don’t love this! I have no fucking clue what I’m doing! She is so sweet and kind and sensitive and I can’t stop thinking about her, it’s turning me into a brain-dead zombie. I could never actually win her over, I fuck up so much and- … I talk too much don’t I?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so flustered!” Victoria remarked in amazement. “You’re actually, properly, crushing on her! You should tell her.” She almost added if only for my amusement but decided against it. This was obviously tormenting him already, no need for her to rub it in.
“I’m not gonna tell her shit! She’s our assistant, for god’s sake. I already could be in so much trouble if she took something I said wrong. I could fall flat on my face and- … Vic, I know that you care and you want me to be happy. Which I love and appreciate. We are best friends, we really are. I would do the same thing if you had a crush on someone, but I just don’t know what to do,” he moans, falling back onto the bed. “I haven’t been like this since school.”
Victoria patted his head in sympathy as he buried his face back into the pillow. She wasn’t quite sure what to advise him in this situation. Sure, she would love to see her friend happy. And there was definitely something cooking under the surface of Y/n’s feelings. And, honestly, the thought of the two of them together? She was basically swooning at the thought. But she also knew it wasn’t her place to meddle. Right?
“I don’t want to make her uncomfortable. I don’t wanna scare her away.” He looked at Victoria with pleading eyes. “Has she talked to you at all? Have you picked up anything from her? Any hints?”
A sigh escaped her lips, but she knew she couldn’t help but give him at least a little push in what she hoped was the right direction. “Look, Damiano. I’m not gonna pretend like I didn’t notice she fancies you. Honestly, no surprise there. But I think we both know she’s not exactly the type to jump right into bed with someone. So take it slow. Show her you care. Woo her.”
“Woo her?! Like an old Italiano romance? I can do that… I think. Okay, what does she like… Y/n, what does she- She doesn’t really talk about herself that much, does she..” Victoria could see the gears turning in his head. “This was so much easier when I wasn’t invested… Why do I have to be invested, Vic?”
He looked at her with dopey eyes, before jumping up and pacing around the room. “Argh! She is making me go insane! I tried writing lyrics, but nothing is working. I just can’t focus when she’s around. She gets this look, especially when talking about her work and language.. At the pool, did you see how she looked at me?”
“You’ve written lyrics?! Now, you really got it bad, my friend,” Victoria shook her head in amusement. “But yes, I did. I told you, she’s interested. Can’t tell you how deep that runs, I’ve only known her for a few days myself and she is working for us, no way to ignore that. So maybe take a step back until you figure this out?”
“Yeah, you’re right. She works for us. That’s… that’s a giant, neon ‘no’.” He stopped walking, looking out of the window. “I need to cool it, don’t I? We’re on tour. What am I doing! We have fans and people who are looking forward to seeing us. We have gigs to play! Fuck.” He sighed, staring off into the distance. “We should probably sleep. No long drive tomorrow, but lots of interviews, right?”
“Don’t get in over your head about this,” she put a reassuring hand on his shoulder. She hadn’t expected this kind of outburst when she had knocked on his door earlier. “It’s the first week of tour. You got three more of seeing her literally every day. Concentrate on the job, then on her, yeah? Now let’s get some sleep. And I mean it - no pondering and smoking all through the night, you gotta rest!”
“You’re right, I don’t know what I was thinking. Thank you.” He pulled Victoria into a hug. “Thank god you’re here. Wouldn’t know what to do. Goodnight.”
She gave him a little wave as she left his room, only just hearing him mumble, “I have music to perform…”
As the night grew to a close, Y/n found herself in her own room, snuggling into a pillow. Glad that the next day would leave less free time. Drive to Copenhagen. Get everyone settled it. Maneuver them from interview to interview, although this time around Victoria would be a great help since she knew Danish. Then off to soundcheck, light dinner, the gig, sleep. No time to get lost in silly daydreams for once.
Yet, as sleep slowly crept up on her, she couldn’t help one last thought entering her mind.
I wonder if he is thinking of me.
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differentpcrson · 3 years
written in 3rd person. summary ; teenage sweethearts arguing about finally acknowledging their relationship & baby news to the fans. word count ; 1445.  jack grealish x reader.  disclaimer ; i am in no way connected or know jack grealish personally. 
Jack’s intentions were never to keep her hidden from the fame, fans or paparazzi’s but at the same time he would never be the guy to flaunt her on his social media’s or whilst they were out in public. They had been pictured from time to time, maybe in the car or at events but they had never been pictured getting too close to one another. People had speculated Jack was no longer a single man but what they didn’t know was that he had practically been a taken guy from the minute his career kicked off for Aston Villa. Jack and (y/n) met and grew up at school, and had been in a relationship from the tender age of sixteen, maybe fifteen. People always thought it was just a young teenage love but in fact this was the real deal and they were head over heels in love with each other still almost four years down the line. (y/n) was Jack’s good girl, kept him grounded and put him into place every single time he needed it. He may have been seen to act single, but he was the most loyal person in the world when it came to this female. He hated when they argued, because he knew not only was it hurting him to fight with her, but it was hurting her too, and hurting the love of his life was one of the worst things in the world for him. They didn’t often have screaming matches, but this time it seemed as if neither of them were understanding the other one’s fight.  “Jack, it’s not that I want to make a public deal about us, but in around 5 months you're most likely gunna be pictured with a baby, and then what? You’ll continue to ignore the reality still?” Jack huffed after her words, grabbing out a bottle of water from the fridge and then slamming the door closed, “I’m not ignoring no reality..” There was pure annoyance running through each word, almost a cry of frustration too. “I just don’t understand why you're pressuring this so much now.” (y/n’s) eyes only rolled in frustration, also. “Are you even listening to what I’m saying?” “Yes, I’m listening,” Jack began throwing the bottle of water down against the work tops and finally turning to his girlfriend who was stood in the middle of the doorway. “Who cares what people will see or presume. I’m sorry (y/n) but they’ll potentially see me with a newborn, put 1 and 1 together and make 2. It ain’t rocket science, is it babe?” She didn’t appreciate him talking down at her like that but more so she didn’t appreciate the fact he didn’t see her point in all of this. Picking up his water, Jack began to depart the kitchen, walking past his girlfriend and simply tucking a loose strand of her highlighted bleached hair behind her ear as if that would be enough to forget this conversation had ever taken place. She wouldn’t just leave it though, like she probably should have so when he walked past her, she turned on her heels and watched his walking figure. “It’s like you're embarrassed to even show me off to people, you know.” Jack immediately groaned, this isn’t how he wanted to spend his Saturday night, knowing he had a noon kick off the next day, all he wanted to do was settle in bed and possibly game, watch a movie maybe, anything but argue with her. “Are you for fucking real? You know it’s not like that.” Frustration was quick to turn into what sounded like anger. He thought she was being utterly pathetic right now and he didn’t even want to entertain her train of thoughts. “Honestly (y/n) just stop. I don’t need this stress tonight, babe.” And with that, the footballer continued in his tracks towards their bedroom.
When (y/n) made her way up to bed about an hour and half later, Jack’s orbs were still glued towards the television, the playstation controller occupying his hands. They exchanged a good night and she fell asleep whilst he was still playing, it wasn’t such an unusual occurrence as Jack had always been the late owl. He woke before her in the morning, knowing he had to get up fresh and early to head to Villa Park. The kick off was an earlier one and so after showering and grabbing his things together, he headed towards Katy’s side of the bed, unaware that she had been in and out of sleep whilst he was getting ready for his day. He began to lean towards her and that’s when her eyes flickered open and the male hesitated. A very light smile tugged at the edges of his lips as their hazel coloured eyes met, “You coming down today?” Jack’s voice was also low, didn’t want to completely wake her up, if she wasn’t already fully awake already that was. She returned the same light smile before nodding slightly to answer his question. He nodded once as if acknowledged her answer and then continued to lean towards her, allowing his lips to brush gently against her forehead. “In a bit.” He hummed against her skin before returning to his normal posture and exiting the room, (y/n) just watched him as he departed. 
Aston Villa vs Birmingham. You knew these types of games were Jack’s favourites because the two teams were rivalries and it made the atmosphere at the stadium that little bit extra crazy. Villa won that match, Jack started the game and was subbed off in the 59th minute and then Villa was 1 up by the 68th minute. (y/n)  knew he would most likely be annoyed that he wasn’t on the pitch when they scored but she also knew he would be proud and over the moon because of the result. Like any end of the match, (y/n) stayed hovering in the family box, with her brother though she caught sight of Jack as he mumbled a few words to his manager and then made his way over towards her. She didn’t expect it as he held his hand out for her once he reached her. “Jack-” He didn’t speak but cut her off nevertheless as he pushed his hand closer towards her. She didn’t decline, placing her hand against his. “Come on.” He smiled as he guided her out from the box and down the stadium stairs and towards the pitch. “Jack, ya don’t have to do this right now.” Jack didn’t reply though, just interlocked their fingers together and walked them both more or less to the middle of the home side of the pitch. He soon came to a stop and turned to face her, eyes finding hers. “I want to..” He began with a genuine smile. “I’m not embarrassed to show ya off, but ya right in saying I never show ya off. And I’ve always wanted to keep us hidden from the world because it’s something they can’t destroy if they weren’t completely aware of it, but it’s time. You were right last night.” He continued to speak, more rambling now but he wanted his girlfriend to know he wasn’t embarrassed by her, or even the baby he still couldn’t quite believe they were having. “You're always right.” (y/n’s) eyes flickered at his words before releasing a light laugh, Jack chuckled also. Jack’s hand released from hers and it rose to gently squeeze her cheek before he crouched down, his hands placing against his girlfriend's thighs. He looked up towards her again, giving her one simple nod before he moved his head forwards and allowed his lips to kiss against fabric that covered her stomach. He hovered for a few seconds, making sure it was obvious just exactly what he was announcing and then he lifted his figure again. By this point not only fans, but his team players were cheering him, clapping, making a lot of noise and generally just giving him the best reception. Sliding his arm around (y/n’s) shoulders, he began to walk them towards the tunnel, waving towards the fans as he did so. “Jack..” (y/n) began, already looking up towards Jack, “Huh?” Their eyes yet again met as he searched down to read her face. She was smiling from ear to ear which only made him do the same. “I love you.” Her words made him blush, they said it to each other day in and day out, but hearing those words after having just shown her off to the world felt fucking amazing, it was an out of this world feeling. “I love you more.”
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princehrry-writings · 3 years
Angel with a Shotgun
here we go. this popped into my head after i watched a tiktok about angel shots. if you go on a date and don't feel safe for any reason, please please please find a safe way to remove yourself!! asking for an angel shot is a great way to do that!!
WARNING: tw mentions of implied SA, stalking, harassment, police, EMT's, hospitals, alcohol, being drugged, swearing,
please don't read this if any of this stuff makes you uncomfortable. i don't get graphic with anything but still, put yourself first and be safe!! i love you <3
wordcount: 1907
Harry Styles x Reader
It started off as a normal night. Y/n had met this guy in class and he’d asked her out for drinks. She didn’t get any bad vibes from him, none of her friends had heard anything bad about him, so she deemed him a suitable guy to go have a fun night with.
She’d met him at a bar just off campus and was having a really great night! The pair were dancing and talking and laughing, genuinely enjoying herself for the first time in a long time on a first date.
In Y/n’s experience, usually guys were creeps and girls never decided she was what they were looking for, so she had a hard time in the dating world. This guy, Jack his name is, seemed ok. Keyword being seemed.
She should have known. When he asked to meet her at a bar all the way across town, she should have put it together that he wasn’t what she was looking for. He didn’t put up too big of a fight when she insisted they meet at the bar closer to campus, that way she would know people there and be in a familiar place if she needed to get away from him quickly.
When he started making comments that were off putting to her, things she doesn’t really want to repeat in fear of actually vomiting all over the table, she starts looking for a way out. He keeps trying to play footsie with her under the table and is getting visibly frustrated at her lack of participation, so she tells him she’s going to get them another round of drinks after finishing the one that was already on the table and quickly exits the booth before he can protest.
Harry had been watching from across the room at the bar, seeing this couple who looked like they were on a first date. He watched as they laughed and talked, getting to know each other. But as the night went on, it seemed the woman was getting more and more uncomfortable.
He had told his coworkers to keep an eye out for the two in case anything was to go down, and when he sees her get up and make her way over to his bar, he has a feeling he knows where this is going.
“What can I get for you, love?” He asks her, leaning over the counter to hear her better. She sniffles a little, and takes a deep breath. Leans in before timidly asking.
“Can I get an angel shot?”
Harry’s senses are quickly kicked into gear and he nods, gesturing to his coworker that he’s gonna get this taken care of before meeting her on the other side of the bar. What neither of them had realized was that 1. Jack was walking up to them and 2. he had slipped something into her drink apparently because suddenly she could barely hold her own body weight. Harry caught her before she hit the ground and Jack rushed over, playing the part of concerned boyfriend but the bartender saw right through it.
“Sir, I’m gonna have to ask you to back up.” He tells the man, authority very present in his voice. Jack doesn’t take well to this, eyebrows furrowing and voice lowering in defense.
“S’cuse me mate, but I’m gonna take my girl home. She’s had a few too many, f’you know what I mean.” He chuckles and goes to scoop her up. Harry stops him, putting a hand on the guy's chest, stepping between the girl and this guy.
“You'll do no such thing. This girl has obviously been roofied and it’s you she was running away from. The only thing you’ll be doing tonight is talking to the police, who are making their way in right now to do with you what they will.” Harry says, watching the color drain from this bloke's face. He turned around, ready to make a full run for it but was stopped by not only the police but also a crowd of other guys who heard what was going down and were ready to step in if assistance was needed.
“I didn’t do anything wrong here! She was trying to take advantage of me!” He cries as he’s put in handcuffs and taken away.
“Yeah, it’s obvious the one who’s passed out cold because she was drugged was trying to take advantage of you.” Harry yells after him before turning around and scooping the girl into his arms. Due to the commotion and the presence of not only police but also paramedics, the premises was cleared and the bar was shut down for the night. Harry held the passed out girl close to his body, having had his coworker fetch his jacket from the break room to keep her warm now that the club wasn’t filled with body heat, and waited for the paramedics to come in for her.
When they come in and place her on the gurney, she starts to stir. Little whines and groans escape from her and the EMT’s check her vitals, deeming her stable and letting Harry know she’s going to be ok. He decided to follow to the hospital just so she has a familiar face when she wakes up and has someone to explain her situation that isn’t a scary doctor.
. *
It’s a few hours of unrestful sleep at her bedside and his co-worker showing up with a change of clothes for him when she finally starts to come to.
Groaning and reaching up to hold her head but realizing her arms are too heavy to move, she rasps out, “Where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital,” Harry explains, wanting to reach out and hold her hand but not wanting to startle her, “You’re ok but the doctors wanted to keep you overnight for observation.”
“You’re the bartender I asked for the angel shot aren’t you?” She questions after a pregnant pause. He hums a confirmation and she looks over his face a few times, before tears well in her eyes.
“What happened?” A few tears fall from her eyes. She can’t remember much after leaving the table, just the sight of green eyes and curly brown hair nodding at her when she asked for the shot. The rest is pretty much a blur, just random flashes of scenes she can’t quite make out in her head.
“You came over and asked me for the shot and then a few minutes later you passed out. The bloke you were with slipped something in your drink. And unless something happened at the table that I didn’t see, then nothing else happened. Do you remember anything happening at the table?” He explains, hoping her answer is no.
He’d learned her name from the EMT’s who checked your ID once you were loaded into the ambulance but he didn’t know the name of the man she was with. He realizes she doesn’t know his name either.
“No, was just being a sleazy dick. I don’t know how he could have slipped me something, I didn’t get up before I went to you. Must’ve turned my head for a bit too long. God, I should’ve known this was gonna happen!” She groans but he shakes his head.
“You can’t blame yourself for this, darling! He’s a sleazeball, a no good lowlife. S’not your fault.”
“What’s your name?” She voices, peering into his pretty green eyes.
“M’Harry,” he smiles, timidly reaching for her hand, rubbing his thumb soothingly across the soft skin.
“Thank you for staying with me Harry! For helping me…” Y/n says quietly. He shakes his head with a small smile.
“No need to thank me, pet. Would do it over and over again.”
Her smile, while tired and defeated, was enough to show him her gratitude. She feels a weight lift off her chest, hearing that nothing bad happened after she got to him.
She knows it’s probably just nightingale syndrome, but Y/n thinks Harry is terribly adorable. With his messy brown curls and tired green eyes that make it look like he hasn’t slept in ages. She thinks she could see herself going out with him, which is an odd thought considering what happened last night. You’d think that would be enough to turn her off to men for good, but there's just something about him. But now isn’t the time to bring any of that up.
“I’ll call a nurse, tell em’ you’re awake.” He voiced, making his way to the door after gently placing her hand back on the bed.
. * .
“Ms. I’m just calling to let you know the restraining order has gone through. You won’t have to worry about him anymore.”
Y/n felt a weight lift off her chest. After months of being harassed and stalked, she would finally be left alone. Harry leaned in, pressing a kiss to her cheek, stroking the loose hair out of her face.
“S’ finally over, lovie. It’s all over!.” He whispered in her ear, pulling her closer to him, rubbing up and down her thighs. She felt tears spring to her eyes, tears of relief, tears of joy, but also tears of sadness because the last few months had been some of the hardest of her life. She was ready to move on and be done with this nightmare.
When Jack had found out Y/n and Harry got together after that night, it’s like it activated something inside him. Like he thought she was just playing hard to get and he had to literally stalk her to get her attention. He seemed to think she was playing a game. Somewhere in his twisted little mind he had the audacity to think she actually wanted him.
He’d sit right next to her every single class period and would get up and move next to her when she tried to get away with him. He’d show up at her house, sitting across the street just watching her front door, he’d call her phone and text her, he’d wait outside her other classes and follow her around campus. She complained to her university, told them what was going on and they didn’t really do anything. She went to campus security and they brushed it off because “She wasn’t in any danger. He just wants to get to know you.”
So she finally was forced to file a restraining order. Her case was still open, from when he got arrested that night at the bar. They're charging him with second degree assault and criminal harassment because apparently she’s not the only girl he’s done this to. Many other women had spoken up since news of that night had spread around campus. Yet still, the university did nothing.
Harry stood by you every step of the way, picking up the shattered pieces on hard days. He wanted to beat the shit out of this guy and he would if it wouldn’t interfere with the case. He knew you needed him and he didn’t want to chance anything.
There was a pregnant silence between the two lovers. Just letting the silence wash over them, letting themselves breath freely without this weight suffocating them, they basked in it.
It wasn’t completely over, because there was still a trial, but he wouldn’t be coming around without getting arrested again.
That was enough for Y/n to breathe easy.
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