#like yes yes yes yes! your ancestors are happy for you!
hindahoney · 1 year
i've been getting more into judaism after being raised jewish. i was never bat mitzva'ed, so im wondering if i should do that? also wondering what other steps to take.
Well, I have great news! You don't need to have a bat mitzvah, you are a bat mitzvah! If you would like the celebration, you certainly can have one, but it isn't necessary.
I didn't grow up with really any Jewish observance, so I was essentially a complete beginner when I decided to connect. So, my suggestions come from personal experience and the experiences of some others I know who are baal teshuva.
Some more steps you could take to foster a stronger relationship with your Judaism is first to reach out to your local rabbi, and see what events or classes their shul has going on. Showing up to these opportunities can open doors to figuring out what feels right for you, and I've found that making friends who are at a level of observance that you strive to be at can inspire you to keep learning. If you get in touch with a rabbi beforehand, they could probably arrange to have you meet with someone who can show you around and introduce you to people. While this can be really intimidating at first, believe me when I say that many Jews will be happy to help you and won't pass judgement. Many Jews have been in your shoes, you're not alone.
Or, you can pick a few different shuls and just go to each one until you find one that feels right for you. Don't feel pressured to commit to one over the other. Don't get bogged down by the labels of movements. If you have a personal goal in mind or a certain aspect of observance you want to do, just start doing it, even if it feels awkward at first. Over time, it'll be easier. Find some local study groups, or join one online! During quarantine I joined a Torah study group from a shul hundreds of miles away from me. They didn't care that I'd never step foot in their shul before, they were just happy to have a fresh face who wanted to learn. You could also try Partners In Torah, which is a website that can connect you with a chavruta.
Chabad is always a great option for those who are looking to deepen their relationship with Judaism because they always have resources specifically for people looking to reconnect.
If you live in a place with a significant Jewish population, you could find a Young Jewish Professional's group that can introduce you to more people.
I would recommend getting a siddur with Hebrew and English, if your Hebrew is shaky. I would also recommend starting to read the parsha every week, or starting the Tanach from scratch and reading it like any other book. I suggest The Living Torah and The Living Nach by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan because the translations are in modern terms and easier to read, and they have commentary by Rashi. I also can't recommend enough Joseph Telushkin's books Biblical Literacy and Jewish Literacy, they're incredibly comprehensive guides to living a Jewish life by forming a strong Jewish educational foundation. Seriously, I've mentioned these books a million times on my blog because I love them that much.
Also, you could just start small! Saying modei ani in the morning when you wake up, saying hamotzi or the birkat, or even just saying Shema before bed can be a great way to start the process of opening up.
This last recommendation might be a little out there, but I think that doing some traditional Jewish cooking or baking can help motivate you to keep learning. This is how I started. I bought a few kosher cookbooks and just started making anything I had the ingredients for. It's not necessarily a "standard" way to connect, but my soul felt like it was reaching through time and space and connecting with all the Jews before me who had prepared and eaten the same thing.
As always, if anyone else has suggestions for anon, the more the merrier! I want to express my sincere excitement for you. Enjoy the journey you're on, don't be so caught up on "but I wish I was more observant this way" or "I'm not Jewish enough in this way" because it's all nonsense. Reconnecting is an amazing and life-changing experience, so enjoy the path that you're on, not necessarily the destination. When I first started, I was so insecure about how much I didn't know and worried others would judge me, but I found most people genuinely just want to help. Learning was exciting, and in some ways I'm envious of all the new experiences you're going to have. I would have enjoyed it a lot more had I just relaxed and accepted that it's okay not to know things yet.
Good luck!!
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maldito-arbol · 2 years
Admittedly have only read the Three Gems part one but :O
while the themes/heavy topics aren't for me I cannot deny how good the writing is. Great at captivating and setting the scene. Genuinely amazing. I drew something to show appreciation and I hope it's alright
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(also used your art as a reference hope it's ok/gen)
#ask mal#yes my fanfic is absolutely Not for everyone but also I PROMISE the entire thing is not like that. WHEEZE holy shit.#a Heart POV chapter without ANY of the previous context is bound to be truly horrifying I applaud you for getting through it#most of the rest of my fic is sashannarcy fluff and angst and there actually IS comfort to the hurt but but but NOT THE HEART CHAP#and of course I LOVE this chap—it’s one of my favorite things I’ve ever written—but also. it makes me want to throw up#i am legally obligated to apologize to everyone who has ever read it#i am so sorry here are some cookies 🍪 and milk 🥛#but yeah clearly my fic’s ancestor trio is a lot;; Different from canon#WJH Barrel my beloved… he’s evil but he’s also my skrunkly#in about a thousand years he’s gonna possess a child and take over the world#Andrias is Currently rotting in a cell good for him#and the fun fact is that Leif went to the human world with the box and never came back. she is also dead however#i enjoy canon’s portrayal of The Core as all the Leviathan ancestors sure but think about the DRAMA if it was your best friend/first love#and you’re both evil but you both want to destroy each other#Leif didn’t need this toxicity in her life that’s why she left#but ANYWAY thank you for trying my fic it makes me happy :)#i can’t believe you didn’t run away screaming when you saw all the TWs#i need to not ramble in the tags every post#CMTO#art for me#(also using my art as reference is totally fine I know my designs are diff from canon)#(plus the blue lighting is great for portraying how much influence Andrias still has over Barrel)
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thebadtimewolf · 1 year
"10too however is very much not that. He has the same mind up to christmas invasion AND THEN NONE OF THE CHARACTER GROWTH WHATSOEVER FROM TEN. HE NEVER EXPERIENCED LOSING ROSE IN DOOMSDAY AND SKIPPED MARTHA ENTIRELY AND SKIPPED WILF AND MISS MINOGUE AND ALL OF DONNA UP TIL the end of turn left and then stolen earth/journey’s end"
youre kidding right? he has all the memories that ten has up until that dalek shoots him in the street. how else would he even know wtf was going on?? once again. ONLY HIS PHYSICAL FORM grew from the hand. the regeneration energy--which is the ESSENCE of the doctor, was after he was shot in the stolen earth. it's the SAME guy. in a different body.
and he quite clearly doesnt have donna's mind because on 2 separate occasions in the show, she says something and BOTH doctors say "we didn't think of that". he is a BIOLOGICAL metacrisis. not a psychological one. that's why he is sustainable and donna isnt
do you really think ten would leave rose with anyone unless he was 100% sure it was a version of him that could give her everything he wanted to but never could?
someone's big mad of my theoretical observation (one of many many many) that dared to conflict against your own about a ship so stale over time that when we finally get merch for it - its only for the power of the doctor event just to rob us of more jo martin!doctor/fugitive doctor merch and extremely bland roseten audio adventures. and the one mention of rose with nine with ten present in a marketed event by bbc and big finish ad titan comics and - ten literally doesnt give a shit about her but severely effected by losing donna as if she was the love of his life instead of rose. right there. you know. crumbs and dust.
however, i am glad you chose to read all that under the cut to match the length. as well as then choosing to ignore a very real terror they seem to be inflicting on tentoo thru the eyes of rose. you a real trooper🫡
how'd you beat the text limit in an ask?
#{yes to answer your question. yes. its weird he does this. like he didnt even notice her missing more than once}#{its weird. not even limited to moffat or chibnall or the others. its just a constant thing with tenrose. like wtf}#{ten really be disregarding her alot unless she literally yells at him and thats not love. thats not healthy or romantic at all.}#{like its really weird. also yeah 10too doesnt have any of the character dev dr has if he did he wouldve waited b4 pressing the button}#{its not a good ship if it emotionally exhausts you on the same non communication trope over and over 🙄}#{and i love tenrose but i love ninerose more because he didnt have to change himself for anyone and she loved him}#{10 and 10too with rose is the embodiment of code switching so they can be happy instead of both of you}#{its a very give and take take take relationship and you really not seeing that bc it doesnt support ur ALL DRS LOVE ROSE theory is eugh}#{and donna is sustainable: remember this is the same mind that had to create its own parallel univ that could be physically traveled to}#{the only of likes we've seen in various media by time lords and the dr alike.}#{more sustainable than rose and the time vortex THE SAME VORTEX THE DR HAD IN HIS BODY A FULL FACE AGO}#{8 stay bein buckwild but the time vortex is the time vortex. and a time lords mind is a time lords mind. and regen energy is regen energy}#{it is funny that 10 must have given rose a brief rundown of what really happened and she just was... fine with it like girl cmon}#{have some self respect that isnt given by old to be her ancestor boytoy of the month: march edition}#bw: out of ethos#{like really? u willing to kill your own mama and your old world just to get a man to be with you for half a second so u both die? gtfo}#{i can love a canon ship to death and drag it to filth in hot coals at the same time. if u cant do the same for ur ships? hey whatevr}#answered#anonymous
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luna-lovegreat · 4 months
Currently obsessed with the idea that the boys go to Time for love advice, since "he's married so he knows this stuff right?"
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I mean they couldn't recognize a wedding ring??? And neither did he???
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And time was saying this in his youth I mean cmon
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Twilight: So ancestor. What would you do if like. Malon left to another world and never came back
Time: ... bro Malon called me fairy boy and then we were married like what
Hyrule: So uhh old man. How does one. Meet a girl.
Time: By speaking to her I guess? Or not, Malon did the talking for me
Hyrule: riiiiight...
Wild *no tact*: Hey so like... what if your redheaded wife who's name started with M died.
Time: what?!?!
Wild, undeterred: but like before she proposed.
Time: ...
Wild: and you don't remember if you would have said yes. What's your advice for dealing with that?
Time: ... vent to a fairy?
Warriors: hey old man
Time: no no no not this one asking me please
Warriors: how do I get women to stop coming after me. So I can ya know. Choose without war trying to force me into relationships
Time: I can safely say I've never had that problem captain
Wars: of course not *smirks*
Wars: ok but seriously how do I make them go away
Time: ... wear a wedding ring so they think you're taken, I've got a shiny extra
Time: no no why- they won't stop, I don't know how to do love!
Time: ok well at least I have legend. That kid would never ask for advice, I'll sit by him.
Legend: so old man.
Time, looking forward to a normal conversation: yeah?
Legend: hypothetically, what would you do if you found out Malon didn't exist.
Legend: And her whole world didn't, but it did, and now it doesn't
Time: ...Excuse me for a minute.
Time, writing a letter as fast as he can: MALON HOW DO I GIVE LOVE ADVICE THEY THINK IM WISE
Malon: lol
Happy Valentine's Day guys, have a headcanon :P
The boys go to Time for love advice and Time spouts whatever wise-sounding bs he can, before shoving them all on Malon for therapy when they visit the ranch
Art and comic by Jojo @linkeduniverse! :D
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li0nn3stuff · 20 days
Chapter five
Kiddo masterlist
English is not my first language, be kind.
Modern!Older!Aemond x Modern!Younger!Reader
•Chapter warnings: obsession, stalking, talking of sexual themes•
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A month and a half after the encounter.
He groaned, squeezing his cock more tightly as he kept moving his hand up and down frenetically.
Her eyes. 
Her eyes on him.
He could still feel the weight of them on him, the pleasure.
She noticed him, he knew.
But she looked at him before he did it.
And then she smiled.
She smiled at him, with that pretty mouth of her, her beautiful lips. He still remembers how they sparkled under the light, due to the gloss she put on. It maked them seem even more juicy. He could imagine those lips wrapped around his cock. Her fucking innocent eyes looking up at him, insecure. She wouldn’t have to, because he would have been so proud of her.
He moans out loud as he squeezed the tip of his cock, then going back to his quick motions.
When her eyes are on him, she is even more beautiful.
Beside him, she would look even more beautiful.
Full of him, she would look even more beautiful.
With his surname, she would look even more beautiful.
Aemond lets his head fall back as he feels his orgasm so close.
She would look idyllic, completely fucked out after he took care of her.
 He opens his eye and leans his head straight, looking at the picture he took of her a month ago, and he lets himself go, his seed covering her image in the photo.
One day he’ll do it for real.
For now, he needed more photos of her.
He stepped out of the elevator, walking to his office, but before he could enter his secretary stopped him.
“Mr. Targaryen, I have you coffee.” She says as she gets up to hand it to him. Aemond sighed as he nodded, thankful. It was a warning, the coffee, it meant that his mother was in his office, about to ask him to do something he didn’t want to do, surely.
He took a long sip of the coffee and got inside, her mother, who was sitting on the couch immediately got up, smiling and walked to him to kiss his cheek.
Aemond kissed her cheek back, and went to his desk to put down his coffee and the bag on the floor.
“Good morning, mum.” He says as he goes in front of his desk, leaning on it as he looks at his mother. “Would you like some coffee? I can have it ordered for you.” 
Alicent smiles and shakes her head.
“No, Aem, I’m fine, I just had breakfast with Haelena.”
Aemond nods.
“How is she?” He asks, his last encounter with Helena must have been… When Cregan Stark proposed to her. She cried and said yes.
“She’s fine, arranging the last few things for the wedding. She’s happy.” Her mother smiles proudly, happy. “Then I’m happy for her.”
“You should see the decorations she had chosen, despite my wedding, she got out of those dark colors of our ancestors, she decided to use pastel colors, your father would have fainted just at the idea.” She chuckles. Aemond smiles briefly, nodding. It was usual of her mother to start blathering about anything, she was never straightforward when she had to ask a favor. 
“What is it mum?” Aemond cuts her off just when she was about to say something else about his sister’s wedding. Alicent sighs, but her soft smile doesn’t falter, even if it saddens a bit.
“Your brother needs something to do to-” Aemond sighs, and turns around to sit on his desk chair, but Alicent won’t give up. “If you could find him a small art here, a little job he can do, so he doesn’t have the time to drink or…”
“Why should I? He would probably mess up something, I can’t have that.” Aemond says seriously.
A drunken man in a bank business? Pure hell.
More headache for him.
His girl was giving him enough already.
“Please, my son, Aegon needs this.” Her mother pleads. Aemond shakes his head.
“I don’t, I can’t risk anything with him.”
Alicent sighs and looks to the side.
“He’s your brother. Think about it.” Said that, Alicent leaves. Aemond grunts, and rubs his forehead with his hand. He decides to not think much about his mother's request, despite how much it irritated him.
Aegon was a fucking grown up, yet his mother kept babying him like he was a hyperactive child. He sighs again, and he takes out from the pocket inside his jacket a picture of his girl. 
A month after the encounter.
He turned and walked to the bar counter, asking for a bottle of water.
He had to get out. Go away. Quickly.
He quickly paid for the wanted and turned to go away looking at her one last time.
He stopped all his movements.
She was looking at him.
She smiled.
He wanted to smile back. 
He felt the urge to smile back, but for some reason, his body didn’t react. All he could do was take a deep breath when she got up and went to him.
Her cheeks were red. She was embarrassed.
“Hello, sir.” She smiles softly. Aemond looks down at her. Her perfume was all around him, he was finally smelling her again.
“Hello.” He says coldly, but despite his hard demeanor, she doesn’t back away. She raises her hand to play with her necklace.
“Uhm… I- I don't know if you remember me, sir, but… You returned my necklace when it fell from my neck. I’m Y/N.”
He remembered it well.
“It is really an important necklace for me, and I realized only later that I haven’t properly thanked you enough.”
Aemond didn’t want to look away, but he heard the voice of a man, saying he was a police officer, so he looked to the side to see him stopping people from leaving.
He had to go away.
“It’s no problem, really.” He looks back at her, and he steps aside. “I have to go.”
He turns, but then he feels her soft hand taking his, not pulling him back, she wasn’t trying to force him there, but like she wanted him to know that she needed him to stay. To hear her.
He looked down at her hand, and he savored her touch.
He knew he would never forget it. That he will replay the sensation he was feeling now, over and over, when he will masturbate again over her photo.
When she sees him looking at their hands, she immediately pulls back, probably thinking it bothered him.
“Sorry! I-I just… I really wish to thank you sir, I know that if I lost my necklace I would be desperate, so please… I would like to gift you something…” She studders embarrassed, her face only growing redder under his gaze.
“Gift me… something?” He repeated.
Will he have something from her?
His heart beated quickly.
He wanted it. Whatever it was, he wanted it.
“Uhm… yes… I don’t have it here, perhaps we can meet sometime?” Her face just kept getting redder. It was almost amusing how embarrassed she was getting, only by talking to him.
Or perhaps she was aroused?
He hoped she was. 
He hoped she was aroused just as he was by her sight, her voice.
“Yes.” He said, perhaps too quickly. “Yeah, we can do that… okay.” He nodded, and he swore he saw her eyes sparkle. He knew they did. It was silly her amount of excitement over something so little, but she looked like she just won everything.
And he was fucking proud of it.
He made her happy.
He did it.
He didn’t mean it as a vow, but in his head, he promised himself to always make her that happy, or even more.
A month and a half after the encounter.
He looked at the clock and sighed.
He could have looked at it all day, the time wouldn’t pass faster.
He sighed and leant back on his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose.
He hated how much he was being distracted by their forthcoming meeting.
Or date.
Could he call it a date? He wanted to.
He just had to be patient. Once he will meet her, he will surely go back to normal. 
Focused on his work.
He looked forward to it. 
“Floris!” He shouted, calling his secretary in his office. She rushed quickly inside, looking at him questioningly.
“Every single client or any other person that asks for me today, I want to hear it. Fill my schedule for today.”
As he drove his car, he kept rubbing his temple, the constant thought of meeting her, despite all the work he had drowned himself of, got him a headache. 
As he turned into the countryside road, he complimented himself for choosing this side of the city to meet her. No eyes, just him and her.
He looked at the time on the screen in the car. He was a bit early, but he preferred to wait for her where he should be meeting her rather than staying in his office. 
“There is a bench close to a big tree, it’s kind of here.” She pointed him the place on his phone, where he opened the map. “It might be a little complicated to get there with a car, but it’s not a difficult walk, I swear!” She quickly added her last two words. Aemond huffed a chuckle.
“It’s fine. I can walk there.”
“There are some hidden stairs on the back of the hill, they’re not really hard to see. If you come from this side…” She was standing so close to him, he couldn’t concentrate on anything other than her presence. He was hearing her, but he wasn’t listening, he wanted to remember the sweet tone of her voice forever.
She was just so fucking innocent.
He stopped the car at the base of the hill, then he got outside, breathing in the air.
Clean. Fresh, it tasted like grass.
He liked it, he liked that his girl grew up in a place so full of nature. He looked at the grass, and he swayed his feet, looking at the string of grass moving around his feet.
“Sir! You’re already here!” He turned around surprised at her voice. He saw her on her bicyclette, waving at him from a couple of meters from him.
She was wearing a white dress, elasticized on her chest, and long puffy sleeves. The skirt of the dress reached under her knees. She braided her hair on the side of her head, closing them behind with a white ribbon, letting the rest of her hair loose.
He felt his cock stiffen at that simple sight.
She was the pure representation of innocence, and he couldn’t decide if he’d rather destroy it with his hands or protect her at all costs.
She jumped off her bike when she was close to him, she smiled sweetly, happily at him.
“I’m happy you found the place.” She said, keeping her hands on the handlebar to bring her bike with her.
“You’re early.” He answered, his voice coming out cold.
He pressed his lips together. He wished he could be a bit more… warm towards her. 
Her smile didn’t falter, in fact, she chuckled, as they started walking around the hill. reaching the stairs she talked to him about. He kept his hands clasped on his back, as he stayed on her side, his eye scanning the earth beneath him.
“I hate to have people waiting for me, sir.” She explains. “Aemond.” He corrected her. He saw with the corner of his eye her head turning towards him. “Mh?”
“Aemond. Call me Aemond.” He looked at her, Her eyebrows were furrowed, and her cheeks flushed when he ordered her to call him by his name.
“Aemond. I’m Y/N.” She smiled shyly.
“I know, I remember.” He said calmly as he went back to looking down.
“Here.” She stopped, and she carefully took a wooden box from her bike basket, letting the bike fall on the grass. He looked at the hill and he noticed some sort of wooden narrow stairs steps, made out of tree roots and branches, set with dry mud and dirt.
He watched her as she skillfully went up the steep stairs, and he followed her, slowly, careful not to fall.
“You alright?” She asked, turning around, looking at him with big eyes, with a hint of worry.
“Just fine.” He groaned as he looked at his shoes, getting dirt all over the sides. He looked up at her, and at her amused smile, he immediately calmed down. He almost wanted to chuckle, despite the fact that she dared to laugh at him.
“I promise we are close.” She said, resuming her way up the hill.
Turns out, her ‘close’ and his had different meanings, but they arrived at the top of the hill. There was a single bench on it, covered by a large tree, where a homemade swing hung from one of the biggest branches. She smiled back at him, putting the box down on the bench, and sitting on it. He followed her, sitting as well.
“This necklace is very important to me.” She told him, grasping the pendant of the necklace. The chain was gold, he couldn’t tell if it was real or not, and the pendant was a blue gem, it didn’t have a defined shape, it was wrapped by a gold filament that held it to the chain.
“I know it might seem silly, but I know I– I would have been completely devastated if I had lost it.” She pulled the box towards him. “My father always said there was only one remedy for all the problems.” Aemond looks at her closely.
Than was a lie. She never lived with her father.
“Your father, mh?” He asked, acting like he didn’t know already about her childhood.
“Well, my foster father, actually… but he was my real father to me.”
“Was?” She looked down, caressing her pendant.
“Yes, was.” She didn’t even try to explain any further, she just quickly regained her smile and looked up at him.
“Please, open it.” She smiles as Aemond opens the box. 
Inside, the box was organized, in a corner there was a mug, and around it there were compartments for different types of herbs.
Aemond took out the mug, it was imperfect, surely handmade. The fantasy on the mug was dragon scales, all tinted black.
“I’ts tea. Oh, and… I made the mug.” His eye flared at her. She was looking down, playing with her fingers, her cheeks quickly getting redder.. “I know it’s not perfect.– I–I just thought…” She gasped when he suddenly lifted her head, squeezing softly her cheeks in his head.
He slowly moved her face around, scanning her face.
He wanted to pull her close to him, and devour her.
Kiss her until he would have been out of breath.
He wanted to take her on this very bench, or on the ground, getting both dirty from the mud.
He would have fucked her anywhere.
He wanted to fill her to the brim, everywhere.
His thoughts only made his situation in his pants harder. He let go of her face and closed the box carefully.
He didn’t drink tea, but he could start for her.
He will only ever drink her tea.
“I like it.” He said calmly. He looked at her, and he saw her smile, her eyes getting a little glossy, but she quickly composed herself. “Do you often do this kind of thing? You give them to your friends?”
According to what he knew about her, she didn’t have any friends at all. At least not real ones.
“Uhm… no, I–” She looks down, embarrassed, clenching her hands on her dress.I don’t have a lot of friends…” SHe turns her head to the side, looking away.
“I don’t either, you know.” Aemond’s lips curled into something close to a gentle smile.
Her eyes shot back at him, surprised.
“Why?” She asked, in her eyes there was no judgment, only curiosity.
“I believe no one I ever met was truly capable of understanding me, so they all eventually left.” He explained. She looked at him for a long time, speechless. 
“The same thing happens to me, I–” She unconsciously moved closer to him on the bench. “At school, other people make fun of me sometimes…” She looks away, and stares at the grass. “I don’t know why, but I feel so different from all of those students…”
He knew how she felt. He knew it because he studied her as much as he could. 
That’s why he knew exactly what to say to her.
What to say to make her feel understood, to make her trust him.
Create a bond, at all costs.
“I know, I always feel the same way, with my coworkers, I feel like they see someone strange and laughable, when I’m not.”
He didn’t care how much he had to lie.
He was doomed anyway. He could have met her a thousand of times more, nothing will change him again.
He was completely obsessed. She was his only treasure in his life, and he was determined to have it, take it, and keep it for himself only.
“Yes, yes! I know, it’s so unfair…” She kept looking at him, nodding her head slowly. They stayed in silence for a while. Then she took his hand softly, carefully.
“Can we be friends?”
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Tag: @zenka69 @blaustappen @julczimozart @diannnnsss @i66cilla @queenofthekeep @summerposie @tssf-imagines @vaylint @sweet-nothings-s @esposamultifandom @av989436751 @ladythornofrivia @xcinnamonmalfoyx @deliaseastar @kotadislikesthissite @nebulamorada @madelynwalt @shari-berri @seraphdayiwah @witchy-jadda @odeioemail @alphard-hydraes-blog @isntitdelicatevivi
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harmoonix · 5 months
♥️ Learn how to love every SINGLE placement in your birth/natal chart (tips and list) ♥️
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♥️ First, let's start with the definition of your birth chart, your birth chart or your astrological natal chart is supposed and meant to show your whole life stages, your destiny, challenges good and bad things, your cosmic journey!! Is like a map and you learn to discover yourself more and more with every placement you have!!♥️
Is heavily used by people who believe or have their own beliefs in astrology and spirituality, it was also used by most of our ancestors back in the times where it wasn't crazy to believe in astrology!!
Tips of how to learn to love every single placement/aspect in your natal/birth chart:
Try to start and read about placements in your natal chart, try to take it on stages, first start to read about your sun sign, the sun placement,the house of your sun sign then move into next planet as you wish or you like, just try to like not get dizzy and to do in order
Always think that even though birth charts can show or indicate some "challenges" or difficulties those hardships are for your own great good, so is not like some bad things happen to you and those bad things will stay in your life forever...NO don't think it that way, think as they will learn you something and you will learn something from them and then those things will go away!
Every sign is beautiful in their own way, yes there is some astro-beauty thing going on tumblr where some placements in your natal chart can indicate some specific things about your beauty and appearance, but is very important to not feel like you are not included!! No Venus sign is better or more beautiful than the OTHER!! All Venus signs are pretty in their own ways!! Just because someone has their Venus in Scorpio or Libra and you don't, that doesn't MAKE YOU less beautiful or less appreciated
Try to not always read negative things about your placements, yes is good sometimes to read about the dark side of some of your placements but if you constantly read negative things about your placements you can start to hate them because of the generalization in some aspects/placements in your natal chart based on some astrologers observations
Not every astrologer on this app is gonna describe placements or aspects in positive ways, for real some of them really just like to get into the dark or bad side from the start and you'll feel like your placements are bad and that is not good!! You can get depressed too just from the vibe of the post 😵
DON'T listen to generalizations!!! Some people may get hurt or jealous/envy whatever on some placements/aspects etc..and I don't see where this may come from because even if jealousy is a natural human feeling it still doesn't make sense because every chart is beautiful and amazing in their own ways! As I said some people may get hurt and start to generalize a single placement in that chart and from that thing, stereotypes rise up and bring confusion and negativity
Try to find people who you can share the same placements/aspects with, for example I'm lucky enough to have people in my life who happens to study/read about those natal charts and it happens for us to share the same placements in our birth charts and we start to talk about like the pro and contra on that specific placement and at the end of the day is just us trying to discover more about ourselves and liking that placement more and more
Be always open to hearing/reading new things about your placements, is that type of excitement who makes you happy to have that specific placement or aspect in your birth chart and you can feel happy at the end of the day, try and do it like me... I have Saturn in the 7th house in almost all my charts (not my natal chart one though) at first I thought is a bad placement but after I read more and more about it, it makes you to realize is not a bad placement at all and is just the generalization who made it to be in the way it is now in the media/online
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♥️ If you think or feel bad about your placements from reading some astro observations on this app, you can always search them on google/safari or whatever searching site you use, there are so many sites out there who talk about placements and aspects in the online!! Sometimes you need to be careful to not fell in a trap while reading about it ♥️
If you have read about the Sidereal or Vedic and even Draconic chart those can apply as well to this post !!
- If you have any thoughts or suggestions to add, feel free to write it in the comments and I will add them in this post ♥️♥️♥️ with all the love, bless you all ♥️
H a r m o o n i x ♥️♥️♥️♥️
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venmondiese · 5 months
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New Year's Traditions.
In New Year, you have your traditions in order to assure a good year. You eat 12 grapes, and then watch the fireworks with your loved ones. Aemond might start his own traditions, in his own way.
✧Pairing: Modern!Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader ✧Warnings: MDNI 18+, AFAB reader, P in V, exhibisionsm, praising kink, slight breeding kink, soft sex. ✧Word Count: 4008 ✧Author's note: hehe my first tumblr fanfic post lol, I KNOW that new year passed, but this idea came to me at 2 am after seeing the fireworks. enjoy!! ✧AO3 link: here
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Aemond and you have shared many moments together. Birthdays, anniversaries, and one of your favourites was new year
It was a silly reason, to celebrate another day marked as the beginning of a new year, yet you liked how it meant a simple thing; starting a new year of your life with Aemond. And you liked that.
As Aemond hated going to his family’s mansion for these holidays, you remained in your apartment, cosy as ever and only you two. You, Aemond and Vhagar, is an old grumpy lady cat, that he adored more than everything, more than even you, you suspect sometimes. 
And you didn’t even do such a produced food this year, you ate some pretty good lasagna, with a second dish with shrimps and salad. It was nice, and it certainly was more like a fancy dinner between you two. Aemond loved to spoil you in any way he could, so every whim or idea you could have, he would make it reality. 
“Eating grapes is so stupid” Aemond says, as you pick out the grapes to leave it on a grape carefully.
“Stupid or not, I like grapes”  You state leaving the plate on the table in front of the TV. “And you are gonna eat them as well” 
“I am not” Aemond states, crossing his arms as he smirks. He was so amused by seeing you like this, worried about stupid little traditions that made no sense.
“Yes, you are. You have to eat one each time that stupid clock that you bought chimes” you say pointing at the stupid clock that he brought one day, out of nowhere, saying it was a relic from old Valyria, with little dragons details on the wood, a stupid grandfather’s clock that stood at the side of the couch, that chimes in each hour. 
At first, at night it kept you awake, and the sound was so deep, you jumped each time. So did Vhagar, annoyed by being awakened. Even at sex, when Aemond was so deep, readjusting your guts in the best of ways, his cock hitting so wonderfully inside you, and his sweet praises whispered in your ear… and the stupid clock chimes. You hated it.
“If you miss it, and do not get to eat all twelve on time, you’d have a year of bad luck” You state, wrinkling your nose teasingly. “And you can make a wish for each month”
“If it makes you happy…” He sighs, sitting on the couch, where Vhagar jumps quickly on his lap to lay there, always before you could cuddle up to him. She did it on purpose, and Aemond allowed his two girls, as he called you both, to fight over him and his attention and affections. 
“Come on, I always have done it. It is a tradition.” You say with a thoughtful nod, as you sit beside him. “And see where it ended… I am your girlfriend, and we have been together for two years now… You don’t want this one to be the last?” You ask dramatically, and he rolls his eyes as he leans his head back, but he chuckles amused.
“I have until midnight to think” He mumbles amused, moving his hand to caress your thigh sweetly. 
He has chosen the dress. He didn’t believe in the new year being something special, but if it was an opportunity to make you dress nicely, he’d take it in a heartbeat. He had his own taste when it came to your clothes, Aemond liked seeing you in special, tight dresses that made you stand out wherever you went. To brag that you were his, and he always took the time to braid your hair in the style of his ancestors, and he was meticulous about it. 
“Then you have until midnight to leave the apartment” You say in your best teasing tone, smiling smugly to him and his lips almost make a little pout.
“Don’t be like that” He says rubbing your thigh as he moves his head closer to you, still leaning on the back of the couch “At least you could grant me a goodbye sex?” He tries to plead using his best puppy eyes for teasing.
“Absolutely no” You state laughing at your little back and forth. 
Aemond was often perceived as quiet and a bit cold, at least you did the first time you met him. Little words came naturally from him, his answers were brief words and that was it. But he grew warmer as you two grew together, and he enjoyed teasing a bit too much, it amused him to no end. He just loved your reactions, and how you fought back, it was all worth it. 
He loved how you had a enmity with Vhagar, seeing who could get more affection from him, and who would he choose, sometimes he chose the cat on purpose just to get a raise out of you. He’d laugh every time, and make it up to you by eating you out like he was a starved man.
“I’ll eat the damn grapes” He mumbles smirking. “I feel like Persephone being forced to eat the pomegranate..”
“I am no Hades” You say mumbling.
“Mhm. I suppose if I eat only six of them I could live freely in the spring and summer without you?” He teases, totally amused.
“Careful. Too many jokes of leaving can break a girl’s heart” 
“I’d never break your heart” He mumbles going to hiss your chin and then your lips, almost too lazily for him. He does it gently, showing him the little pecks of his affection in your chin and lips. Aemond looks at you tenderly, as he speaks softly. You can hear the sound of the programmated count back for new year on the tv, but you look at him kissing you. “I’ll eat the grapes for you”
“Like Adam ate the apple for Eve?” You inquire, amused.
“Yes. I’ll follow you out of Eden once they expel us” He murmurs smiling, still his face close to yours, you could feel his soft breath, calm and it smells like the wine you two tasted earlier. His hand returns to rub your thigh softly, as he looks at your face as if wanting to remember each part of it, his eye moving to your tender eyes to your lips, and he has a little smile curling on his lips, involuntary, you can notice. 
“I’ll fetch the champagne” You murmur, breaking his gaze, standing up and walking to the kitchen. He hums, and sits back correctly. 
Once you are back, with two glasses and the bottle, he is caressing Vhagar’s back and moving his hand to pat slightly her bottom, which she appreciates a lot. 
“Stop spanking that ugly cat” You grumble leaving the two cups on the table in front of him.
“No” You say looking at the hour. 23:57. Close enough. “Are you sure that we could see the fireworks through the balcony?”
“Yes. Mother said the apartment had a nice view to the Blackwater bay just nicely. We’ll watch all the fireworks from the safety and comfort of our balcony.” 
You hum, nodding a bit. “I love fireworks” You say excitedly, and Vhagar meow. “Vhagar likes them too”
“Vhagar can barely see” Aemond says in a laugh, “I’d be surprised if actually makes it to the balcony”
“You are being mean” You giggle caressing Vhagar’s furr, which she appreciates but gives you a stern look. 
“Give me a kiss before the year ends” Aemond urges looking at the clock, 23:58.
“I thought you didn’t believed in-” 
“Shut up and kiss me” He repeats, and before you respond, he leans to kiss you, moving you closer to him. Vhagar grumbles and gets off his lap, but Aemond doesn’t even notice. 
He kisses you deeply, moving his lips against your just for a bit, just enjoying the simpleness of a kiss. He doesn’t press it further, and his lips are tender against yours, soft and gentle, when he wants. His hand presses on your chin, and he swallows the slow hum that you give him. He smiles in the kiss, knowing that it couldn’t take all minutes, even if he wanted. Because you had your silly traditions, and if they made you happy…
“See? With one minute left” He says smugly. 
“How considerate is my boyfriend” You say standing up to extend him his bowl of grapes. “One each-”
“Yes” He says, groaning as he stands up. He smiles as he sees you so excited for this silly thing, eating grapes for a new year. He looks at his bowl and he has an amused smile, the things he does for love… 
As the new year strikes, the awful clock sounds for a bit, and he leans to steal a kiss from you. “Happy new year” He mumbles. 
“Happy new year” You murmur as you kiss.
After the chimes. He does as requested, just for you. He eats the grapes as the clock strikes twelve times at midnight. He has to laugh at your commitment, as the sound of people in other apartments can be heard, and you look at him smiling as you eat the twelve grapes. He does it for you, no doubt in it, just to see you smile as he eats the grapes. What he wouldn’t do for you, after all?
“See?” You say now, grapes finished just in time, and he rolls his eyes amused as he grabs Vhagar from the ground to caress her chin. You go to hug him, and mumble “Happy new year”
Vhagar meows, and Aemond laughs “See? She says happy new year too” 
“That is so silly” You say with a giggle, and you lean to kiss him sweetly, more properly this time, as you hug him. He has one hand on the small of your back, while the other still holds Vhagar. 
A little family of three, you always say, proud of being with him. He was always equally proud of you, always pampering you with love and gifts, no matter how tired he could be each day, he always came to be with you and be the doting boyfriend he always is.
“Now, shall we see the fireworks you were so eager for, hm?” He asks, smirking as your faces are close. “My sweet girl” He says softly, his adoring gaze looking at her.
You smile, and your cheeks blush a bit. He never manages to miss the chance to make you all flustered for him.
“Yeah, let’s go” You say, giving him a sweet peck on the lips, as he leaves Vhagar on the couch. 
You slide the door open for the balcony, and you can hear the loud cheers from people around, you have a nice view to Blackwater Bay, a bit far enough to see the fireworks from a nice view, and everything is already dark so the main focus was the fireworks.
Aemond lays on the balcony by your side, looking at the ground for a bit, and smirking. “I think they are about to start, do you have one of your silly traditions for fireworks too?”
“Oh, fuck off” You say pushing him a bit, and he laughs.
“It’s chilly” He comments a bit, and looks over at you in your dress “I’ll bring our jackets” He says going back to the apartment, and you remain there, looking at how the people in the streets were also expecting the pyrotechnic show. 
Aemond was right, it was a bit cold. But again, he likes to dress you up in pretty dresses. He often jokes how you are his ‘perfect doll’ and how he loves to show you off in the best makeup, dresses and hairstyles. He was just proud of it, that you allowed him to. 
“Aemond, it is starting!” You say loudly so he can hurry up, since he always takes too long for everything. 
The first fireworks start, the red explosion illuminates the darkness of the city, and you look in amazement, as a more yellow one follows. People cheer, also excited for the colours, and you hear Aemond closing the sliding door of the balcony.
“Here” He says, extending the jacket to you as he pushes Vhagar inside of the apartment. 
You thank him as you quickly put on the jacket, now looking at the purple ones exploding in a soft motion. 
“Don’t you think it is pretty?” You say to Aemond “The purple ones are better, but they don’t illuminate as good as the– Oh” 
Aemond passes his arms over your waist, hugging you from behind, and his chin is quickly pressed against your left shoulder as he snuggles into you.
“Very pretty” He murmurs.
“I mean the view” You say embarrassed. 
“Not as pretty as you” He adds smiling. 
He leans to kiss your lips, and you chuckle in his lips, as you hear more explosions from the fireworks go off, and you just know what comes next. Aemond wasn’t really subtle when he wanted you; when he wanted to devour you wholly, and now it wasn’t the exception. He did it on purpose, so you always know how much you entice him.
“Aemond, the fireworks..” You whine as he keeps insisting on kissing you. “It is only one time a year-”
“I know” He says, resigning and leaving you alone, as you leave a small kiss on his cheek as a thank you. 
The light blue explosions were quite nice, and combined with the purple ones did a pretty sight. Some minutes pass as you feel Aemond starting to kiss you neck again, slowly, but with more intention now, he wanted you and he was letting you know.
“Love-” You get interrupted by him.
“Watch your fireworks” He instructs you, moving his hands to your thighs, and he is quick to move them up as he speaks slowly to you. He moves his body a bit back, to watch yours as he does whatever he wants with you. “I’ll do my thing here…”
“We can surely do it once the show is over”
“I am afraid I cannot bear any longer. You eat grapes to celebrate a new turn in the sun, and I might start a new tradition for the new year.” He tells you, and moves your head to watch the fireworks. 
He moves his hands up, so your dress is all the way up, and accumulating in your waist, as he hums in delight. He moves your jacket to rest in your waist, anytime it could fall again. It was quick, but Aemond wanted you like he never did before.
“Anyone could see us” You say, the red firework exploding and you see the people in the street, below and so unaware of this. 
“Then let them see my pretty girl celebrating a new year” He murmurs, not caring about that. “Mmm… Red underwear. Is that another sweet tradition of yours? I think that one I might like” He teases kissing your shoulder as he pulls your underwear off. 
You feel aroused, from his sweet words and slightly more because of the embarrassment of this. Being fucked in your balcony, as the fireworks exploded in front of you, and the people around celebrated another year. As always, Aemond had to do everything in his own way, celebrating in his own way.
Hearing him undo his belt does it for you, the arousal makes your belly flutter, and you try to look back at him, but each time he pushes your head forward; watch the fireworks, it is his order.
Your hands grip a bit on the balcony railing, as you lean a bit forward, as if presenting you to him. His hands quickly go to your hips, and he leans closer to press a kiss on your neck, soft, wet kisses making their way to your jaw. 
“You are so divine like this, my sweet loving girl” He praises you slightly, his hands rubbing in circles on your hips for a few moments, you can feel his cock pressed on the curvature of your ass, and you whimper a bit impatient now. “So pretty, fuck, and all mine”
The mere thought of that drives him insane. His hand moves upfront, and he quickly finds his way to your pussy, aching and longing for him. You moan impatiently as you push your own throbbing core to his hand and fingers, and he chuckles a bit, without breath as the mere action aroused him to no end. 
“I’ll make you really wet and nice for me” He tells you, always so eloquent at the time of having sex. “You know my goals for this year? Make you my sweet wife…” He admits, moving his hand to your lower abdomen, pushing the dress to be a bit higher on your waist. He presses his hand there, his palm giving your cold body some heat. His fingers find your clit, and press against it so softly, giving you just the right stimulation to make you moan “And I’ll give you my baby, so your belly swells so full and nicely. Yeah, I’ll make you a mother… And then again, and again…” He starts rambling off a bit, his own lust talks for him, and you have to moan at these words. 
The mere thought of it makes your pussy clench in need, and you have to bite your lower lip because of it. Your head cannot properly focus on the pyrotechnic show ahead, but only in his words. You shoulder tense, and your head falls a bit as the lust is too much. You want, you need him inside. 
“Yeah, please, please…” You whine for him, wanting to get the clue and just fuck you, right there. 
“Let’s see, are you properly wet?” He says in his best smugly tone, and you know that tone. He wants to tease you.
Even if you cannot see him, the wet sounds give him away. He is fisting himself, at the sight of you, leaned in the balcony railing all at his mercy as the lights of the fireworks illuminate your figure, and while he inspects you, his fingers around your entrance to check how really wet you are. He takes the note, that if he wants to fuck you along with the pyrotechnic show, the moment was now.
He moves your legs to be apart, cursing in a low tone, as he takes your hips to accommodate you at his taste, and you have to shush your own moan once you feel the tip of his cock moving between your legs, all the way to your entrance. 
He pushes in, firmly and decided, yet still slow at first, as he always did. You assume that he takes his time, wanting to feel you opening at his length and he always groans lowly as if it was the best thing ever. 
You whimper, his cock as always moving inch by inch, slowly as if he wanted your walls to remember his shape, his hardness, every vein and how he throbs for you. 
“First time of the year, huh?” He cannot help but tease a bit, as his forehead was resting against your shoulder, and he looked how the sight of his cock disappeared as he pushed all the way in, and your ass against his crotch never fails to make him moan.  “Fuck..” 
With one arm wrapped around your waist, he moves the other one to caress your hip, as you moan impatiently for him to move.
“Focus on the fireworks” He insists, his tone shaky, and you both know that no one here cares for the damn fireworks right now.
He starts thrusting, slow at first, making you close your eyes in delight, and your breath is catching midway in your throat from how good it feels. He as well feels in pure delight, you always took him so well, you always were so tight that it made him fantasise about you always. 
“Just like that, baby” He says, increasing his thrusts, moving your hips to meet his pounding, and you start mewling, and it only seems to encourage him to move faster. His other hand finds the way to your hair, grabbing it to make your head look forward. “You wanted so badly to watch it, and now you don’t even care? Tsk, tsk…” 
You can hear the amusement of his tone, how he loves being the responsible of this, of making you melt under his touch, and thanks to his cock.
Entering you over and over, was probably the best way to start the year, and he marks this tradition as his own now, seeing the fireworks as he fuck you against the balcony railing. The idea pushes him into arousal even further, his forehead leaning on your shoulder again, and it makes so easy to hear his lascive sounds, his soft grunts as he keeps pushing your body to meet his, and wanting to make a mess out of you.
“Fuck!” There, he thinks smirking to himself, so buried into you, and he pushes away without any mercy. You let another mewl, lascive and filthy, driving him insane. “Aemond, fuck…” You moan, his cock deep inside you, hitting your sweet spot, and fitting so good inside you would never keep you quiet. 
You can see from the edge of you eyes the neighbors below, also in the balcony, but they were drinking champagne and unaware of how their upstairs neighbors were fucking like animals in the middle of the firework show.
“Are you close, sweet thing?” He asks kissing and nibbling below your ear, right where your jaw started. “Are you gonna cum– Gonna soak my cock, like the good girl you are?”
“Yes” You say breathing forcefully, letting out an exhale that feels more like a sob, and you nod frantically. His hand loose from your hand, and moves down to play, once again, with your pearl. 
At that, you have to move one of your own hands to your mouth not to shout in ectasis, as he does just the right thing. His cock deep inside you, thrusting and pounding into you, precum all over your walls, you are sure, and his fingers doing circles and rubbing your clitoris in the best way possible. 
It is no one’s surprise when you cum with a choked moan, your eyes closed as Aemond feels your walls clenching around you as your orgasm hits you. You don’t even seem to notice how the show keeps going, the palmer lake fireworks right in front of you, and you are too busy soaking his cock to notice.
He doesn’t last longer either, the sight and the feeling of you cumming around him, is enough to make him bury himself deep into you, and let out a moan as he fills you, his arm wrapped around you keeping you still so you don’t move as he cums inside you.
You both are out of breath, and you are too exhausted from the orgasm that hit you.
“Look” He murmurs, and you let out a little sound, not in the mood for his teasing. “Not, really, look; your favourites, the palmer ones..” He says pointing at them.
You look at the fireworks, explode so gracefully and then fall faintly. You chuckle a bit, as he hugs you from behind, kissing your cheek adoringly and tenderly.
“I love you” You say softly.
“I love you too” He says, as he pulls out, letting you enjoy the rest of the show. 
He pulls your dress down, and makes sure your jacket can warm you after all, and you thank him. He also fixes himself, and he takes you in his arms, kissing your forehead at the last, and more prettier fireworks are in the sky.
“I think that next year, you could ride me” He teases and you have to laugh at that. 
“I’ll do” you promise, curling in his hug and watching the sky full of colours.
It seems like a great year, already. 
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mamayan · 7 months
★Good Boy☆
Sub! Genya Shinazugawa x Soft Dom! Reader
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cw: Soft Dom! Reader • Fem! Reader Coded • Sub! Genya • Fluff • Mild Angst • Hand Job (M) • Mild Teasing • Mild Overstimulation • Praise • Fingering (M) • Oral (M)
wc: 3k+
A/N: He is an angel, no one can convince me otherwise—
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“Can I…?” You turned to see your sweet lover standing in the entrance of the shoji, handsome as always but wearing an unusual nervous expression.
You cock a brow expectantly, smile curving your lips. “Can you what, Genya?” There’s a teasing lilt to your tone which makes him purse his lips, pale skin beginning to flush red.
“T-Tanjiro was the one to bring it up, okay? I-I wasn’t listening to anything weird, alright?” His immediately defensive words before he’d even asked permission was a telling sign for you as interest sparked in your eyes. That made him even more nervous, but the sight of you sitting and being so patient made it even more difficult for him not to ask.
“Alright Genya, I understand. Now go ahead and tell me.” You weren’t asking, but your tone hadn’t changed. It didn’t matter though, as Genya immediately spit it out at your command.
“C-Can I lay my head on your l-lap?!” He’d all but screamed it. Panting as if it’d taken an incredible amount of effort to speak the sentence, the demon slayer with physical abilities that few could contend with appeared all but starved for oxygen. Those wide dark amethyst eyes are bloodshot and a little teary at the edges as he stared fervently at you.
“Yes?” You’d expected something different. Less innocent at least.
His face lights up though, and it makes any disappointment dissolve in the face of such a gorgeous display of happiness. His sweet smile and flushed cheeks make you coo, shifting yourself to sit in a more formal position as he scurries and secures a spot on your thighs with his head.
He lays himself almost stiffly on your lap, his large body frozen as if you’d change your mind if he were to move too much. You chuckle in amusement, his eyes flicking up to where you leaned over him. “Relax sweet boy, close your eyes.” He was too cute to deny right now, especially as he obeys with almost too much enthusiasm and tightly shuts his eyes with more concentration than necessary. You help him out, smoothing your hand lightly over his face, trailing down his cheeks and jaw with a feather light touch. He’s stuck between feeling like wanting to claw out of his own skin and melting in it. Your soft touch leaves him vulnerable, but as does the position which situates you over him, almost like he’s being protected. Genya ponders the last time he’s felt safe like this, but thoughts of his family and Sanemi hurt his chest too much to dwell long on, so he enjoys the fluffy feeling beginning to consume him and his mind.
“How was your day, my love?” He hates how much he adores your sweet names for him. As if each one is a balm to soothe his frayed nerves for each time he’s been hurt or insulted. He’s unable to deny a single request or command from you, nor does he particularly want to either. “I trained with Tanjiro, the dumb guy. He keeps getting stronger, while I’m just…” he grits his teeth, words not coming as easily as he tries to formulate the correct words which would describe his own inferiority to Tanjiro—
“Just what?” You goad.
“While I’m just me,” he doesn’t look at you anymore, eyes focused on the other end of the room as if his greatest enemy stands like a ghost in the corner. “I’m just me, I don’t have any cool ancestors or fancy breathing styles, I ain’t like ‘Nemi—,” you gently tilt his face back up towards you, eyes so warm he stutters on his words and stops entirely. How could you look at him like that? When he’s like this?
“You don’t need to be like him though, do you? You’re perfect just the way you are, sweet boy. Have I not shown you already? Your effort, your strength, your perseverance… they’re all yours, right?” His breathing nearly halts, so focused on your words he feels himself going light headed, “Focus on what you can do and focus on coming back to me. Isn’t that enough?” A single tear slides down his cheek, gaze blurry with the ones unshed as his chest fills with adoration and admiration for you.
“Don’t cry ‘Nya, I haven’t even done anything yet,” your teasing words make him flush deeper, the innuendo not lost on him despite his embarrassment.
“I-I ain’t cryin’!” He flinches as you inflict a small pinch to his cheek, “Sorry…” he apologizes quickly for yelling.
“Why are you embarrassed? Don’t you like when I play with you?” He wants to melt into the floor, but he’s trapped by the soft pillow of your thighs beneath his head and neck. Of course he liked it, he loved it even, but admitting it aloud was the most difficult for him. His silent trembling and watery gaze weren’t convincing enough apparently. Your hand leaves his soft tresses, smoothing down his neck and onto his chest where he tenses under the delicate pressure.
“That’s too bad ‘Nya, I really want to play with you now but… since you don’t like it, I won’t force you.” He nearly jolts up, but halts in fear of damaging your hand in his carelessness, instead panicking.
“N-no! I like it! I really, really like it,” his honest declarations are the easiest to achieve when he’s not given time to think of some crass response or lie, “Y-you always make me feel, well, good, really good,” he looks ready to burst, his cute expression almost too much for you as you withhold your laughter.
“Oh…? What do you like best then, sweet boy?” You knew he was close to his verbal limit, but to not push him until he couldn’t take anymore would be a waste since he so sweetly offered himself up like this.
Genya choked as your hand drifted lower, unable to control his body even with deep breathing as his pants began to feel tighter.
“I like… when you touch me, like this,” it feels like his throat is closing up. Your sweet hum of affirmation and your hand drifting lower was incentive enough to keep going. “When you—fuck,” his eyes nearly roll back just from you teasing the edges of his belt line.
“Finish your sentence, or we can stop here.”
“Wh-when you touch my cock—,” he looks like a boiled octopus, so red and flustered as he twitches helplessly beneath your hand. His eyes meet your own, as if asking if that was the right answer to get what he wants, no, needs from you.
He feels almost betrayed when you only lightly skim his stiff cock with the tips of your fingers, smile still in place as he gasps and jerks despite the minimal stimulation.
“I’m touching it, baby. Just how you like,” he wished you’d end the teasing, weak to your voice and touch as he grows closer to his breaking point.
“M-more please, like you usually do—,” his tone is getting whinier and more desperate.
“How do I usually do it…?” You drag one finger just up to the tip, chuckling as his hips hump uselessly up for even a tiny bit more friction. You deny him of course, playing dumb while dragging your finger around the opening where pre-cum was already pearling up.
He huffs, a light moan being drawn when you press down on his opening. “Y-you grip it, fuck, my cock—please, I-I need you,” there it was, your smile widens as tears spill freely, his eyes finally losing their defiance and cocky attitude in favor of showing you the sweet softness he holds beneath the surface just for you.
“There’s my sweet boy, I was wondering where’d you been~” you coo and give in finally, curling your fingers around his poor leaking cock and tightening until his breath became lodged in his throat and his body stiffened. “My sweet boy always tells me what he wants, doesn’t he?” You give no warning, only jerking him harshly and quickly, loving the way his eyes flash with pleasure and trepidation. Genya can’t speak anymore, only choked gasps and moans escaping as you drive him towards a quick and viscious end, back arching up, head pressing deeper into your thighs. “Wa—ngh—c-cum—please, I—!” Drool slides down the corner of his mouth as he brokenly begs for permission.
“Of course you can cum, sweet boy. Make a mess for me, ‘Nya” and he does, the vigorous stimulation right after being teased has him tumbling down the cliff’s edge as he shoots ropes of thick hot cum all over your hand inside his pants.
“Ah—!” He always cums with such emotion you can help but lean deeper and swallow his cries, tongue easily invading his mouth and tasting the sweets he likely shared with Tanjiro earlier.
He jerks as you continue your fast and unending pace, hand able to work him easier now that his cum has lubed himself up.
“S’too much—!” He can only cry against your lips, clearly becoming overwhelmed and overstimulated but you merely hush him with another kiss as he’s forced to cum again, though much less coming out but not at the cost of pleasure as his mind goes completely blank as pain bleeds into the orgasm.
When you pull away, he’s left as a true mess on your lap, dazed expression languid and body completely pliant now.
As a slayer, he’s quick to recover, eyes lazily tracking your hand coming out of his pants, sticky with his release as you bring it to your lips and make a show of licking it up.
When his cock jumps to life again under the lewd display, you happily share in the experience and press two fingers against his lips.
He doesn’t even think as he parts them, your fingers pressing in and forcing his own release inside his mouth. He cleans your fingers eagerly, less shy now and with vigor.
“Good boy, ‘Nya, clean them good, okay? Get them nice and wet, I plan to fuck your ass with them.” He nearly passes out at your vulgar language, face becoming completely molten as you work your fingers around in his mouth, rubbing against his tongue while his eyelids grow heavy. “Does that sound nice? Do you want that, Genya?” The use of his full name lets him know he needs to answer or you’ll stop. You pull your fingers away so he can speak.
“Yes, yes please, I-I want that.” He doesn’t hesitate, knowing full well you can and will deny him if he’s slow to reply. You smile and plunge your fingers back into his mouth, swirling them a bit and even intentionally poking a little too deep to see his eyes water. “Such a good boy, my good boy,” you murmur, and his heart swells at your claiming of him.
Once you’re satisfied, you pull them free with an audible pop, saliva nicely coating them while Genya sits up, expression akin to a puppy eager to please its master for a treat.
“Strip and lay down for me,” you order softly, voice never rising but command firm all the same. It sends shivers down his spine, the ability to completely let his guard down and let you make the decisions for him, let you lead him because without a doubt he trusts you.
“Slow down,” you chuckle and tell him, slowing his violently fast movements to strip into a more normal pace so you can watch his skin be revealed like a present being unwrapped. He’s scarred, a physical reminder he’s survived, but not without cost and pain. His sinewy muscles are revealed as he folds and sets aside his top like you enjoy, his upper body bare, pale skin tinged pink like his face, veins bulging out as he trembles under your stare. He’s embarrassed and aroused, painfully aroused, but it wasn’t anything new in your presence. You set him on fire, made him melt into a puddle. He’s trembling even as he stands and pulls his pants down, adorable white underwear stained and soaked from his earlier release, his cute cock smacking against his skin with a wet noise as he pulls them down and releases it.
Down his lithe muscular legs, Genya fully undresses for you, obeying and sitting back down on the tatami mat below and letting his body lay out.
“So good for me, knees up and legs spread baby,” you coo, kneeling down as well after removing a few layers yourself. He’s star struck, eyes unable to look away from your perfect figure he very much wishes to worship, licking his drying lips in anticipation.
He stays as still as possible, only twitching a little as you blow cool air on the dark reddened tip of his plush cock, the leaking tip mostly hidden by his foreskin. “Keep your eyes on me, okay? If you look away, I’ll stop.” His pupils dilate, watching as you pull his foreskin down and reveal the sensitive tip, tongue slipping out to lick him. He’s panting and you’ve hardly even begun, hands clenched in shaky fists, nails digging into his skin as he struggles to keep his eyes locked with yours as you slowly open your mouth and let a glob of spit roll down his shaft. He wants to burst, ready to cum again by sight alone but he doubts you’ll give him permission to cum before you’ve had your fill yet.
Then he feels the cool wet sensation on the tight ring of muscle below, his balls drawing up as you gently prod with a single digit until he breathes out and relaxes, earning a smile from you as your finger slips inside of him. It doesn’t even burn, only a slightly alien sensation at first as you gradually wiggle and stretch his hole, pad of your finger lightly grazing his prostate.His eyes roll back as a loud moan escapes him, hips jerking up and smearing a line of pre-cum across your lips and cheek as he stutters.
It’s too late when you completely pull away, finger leaving him as well as you sit back patiently. His eyes went wide with panic, “N-no wait—! I-I’m sorry, please, Y/N, I’ll be good, please,” his desperate little pleas tumbling out freely. “I’m not upset ‘Nya, my good boy, I just need you to look at me baby, you can be good and do that right?” He’s nodding before you even finish, a pretty flutter of dark hair moving where his mohawk rests. “Be good, I’ll be good,” he affirms, eyes so serious and strained you giggle, moving back again to his cock twitching desperately for any attention you’re willing to give it.
Genya gasps in shock as you give him two fingers this time, his ass stretching just enough for a tiny burn before it fades as you lock your lips around his cock, swirling your tongue under the skin around his tip. His eyes water, unblinking as they look at you, and you’re blessed with the sight of them finally falling as he grits his teeth and whines for you. Your fingers prod and brush his prostate, warm tongue so gentle and sweet compared to your calculated thrusts into his hole, his whines becoming delirious moans while he pants and drools, face fucked out and so cute you can’t help taking more of his cock into your mouth. He feels so good, a building thrum of pleasure swirling from both his cock and ass it’s turning his brain to mush.
“I-I need, please may I, Y/N—!” He howls your name, one eye nearly closing but he holds strong when you suck particularly hard on him. “May I cum, fuck, please, please I need—!” Tears flow freely now, his dark purple eyes reddened on the corners as they spill down his cheeks while his hips thrust up begging for release.
You pull off with a pop, free hand working his cock still just like before as he grunts almost as if in pain but you know he’s simply holding on by a thread.
“Cum for me ‘Nya, let go baby,” you encourage, and he does. Unable to deny you a single thing and truly unable to stop the white hot pleasure which rips through him as his cock twitches and spurts his hot load. You open your lips, catching his cum in your mouth as he gasps and writhes below, sweet moans and whines filling the space as you gently work him down. You pull your fingers free at last, his tight ring twitching too as you do.
He’s left a sweaty satiated mess when you pull up, easily crawling over him and slotting your lips against his. Genya opens, groaning as you push his cum into his mouth, his salty sweet taste now filling his senses along with the taste of you.
You kiss him with all the love you feel, only pulling away when you need the air finally, adoration and awe covering your slayer’s cute face.
“I love you,” he looks so vulnerable saying it, as if you rejecting him might destroy his fragile heart.
You’d never do such a thing though.
“I love you too, my sweet boy, my Genya,” and he’s gone as you affirm his love. As you claim him.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, and we can have dinner.” Your aftercare is nothing short of perfection, and while he’s shy in receiving such tender care and love he’s been deprived of so long, he’s unable to deny how lovely it is to be cherished like this. He might still not be on the best of terms with his brother, but he knows a safe space will always remain in your arms.
“Y/N…,” you look up, his eyes shining with tears again but this time his smile is filled with gratitude. “Thank you,” his voice is hoarse, but you laugh, wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into your chest as you kiss his head.
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Dividers by/@cafekitsune
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Kit to Jace
I don’t know why I’m writing, I don’t know why I’m writing to you, I’m just sitting here trying to stay calm but all these thoughts are in my head repeating over and over and I need to put them down and send them somewhere. You said you would always be there if I needed to talk so hi, yes, hello, I need to talk. I can’t go to Jem and Tessa, they’re just as traumatized as I am, maybe more. And Emma and Julian were there and they were having such a good time, enjoying their house that was finally safe and pleasant and comfortable and then suddenly a baby is kidnapped right out of that safe and pleasant house without anybody noticing anything.
The truth is—I haven’t wanted to admit it, but the truth is Mina’s always been in danger. Because of me. Because I have some long-past faerie ancestors, so everyone close to me is in danger. Nothing I can do about it, nothing I did to deserve it. And it means Jem and Tessa, because they adopted me, because they love me, got their daughter kidnapped for their troubles.  
By the way, since you are someone I care about, you’re a member of the group of people I’ve put in danger. Sorry about that. But you’re Jace Herondale! You eat danger for breakfast. You eat danger flakes topped with perilberries. You’ll be fine. But Mina…she’s so little. And she’s never been away from her family before.
I keep telling myself they won’t hurt her. It’s not her they want. It’s something else.
Every indication is that she was grabbed by faeries. Most of Round Tom’s workers have left and we don’t know if one of them maybe did it, or helped whoever did it. Round Tom himself says he doesn’t know anything and is as confused as everyone else—never concerns himself with politics. Everyone is suspicious of him anyway, but, well, he can’t lie, and the sentence, “I had no knowledge of anything to do with your daughter’s kidnapping,” is hard to interpret any other way.
But it may not matter. If Mina was kidnapped by faeries…especially faeries under direct orders by one of the Courts…that’s a violation of the Accords. And that means war with Faerie. Another war with Faerie.
How do you live like this, man? How do you get through the day knowing that you endanger everyone, just by existing?
I guess I can answer that myself. You are who you are because of everything you’ve been through. You handle stuff because you’ve had to handle stuff. Jem and Tessa adopted me thinking they could keep me safe, but maybe nothing can keep me safe. I’ve been drifting along, playing happy families, but the truth is I have to change. Be harder. Stronger. More powerful. Be someone the bad guys should be afraid of. Not a kid who has to be protected. That has to end.
I’m not a kid anymore.
Anyway. I just realized that you know the whole situation already, because I’m sure Alec has filled you in. But it helps to write it down myself, like I said. I don’t think there’s anything you can do, and I’m not asking for help. I just thought of all people, you’d get it. That you could be someone for me to talk to about this. Hope it’s okay for you to be that for me.
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winter-soldier-101 · 2 months
What have you done! Part 1
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Aegon Targaryen was born in 107 AC to King Viserys Targaryen and Alicent Hightower then Alicent gave birth to a daughter Helaena Targaryen in 109 AC then she gave birth to a second son Aemond Targaryen born in 110 AC then she gave birth to a third son Daeron Targaryen in 114 AC.
Princess Rhaenyra gave birth to her first daughter (Y/N) Velaryon in 113 AC then she had her first son Jacerys Velaryon in 114 AC then had her second son Lucerys Velaryon in 115 AC then she had her third son Joffrey Velaryon in 117 AC.
(Y/N) Velaryon is the first born daughter and heir to Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Y/N) was born with fair skin like her mother and white hair like her mother and violet eyes.
(Y/N) ran along with Jace and Luke as they made their way to their mother’s apartment to see their new baby brother.
“Mother, look at the egg we picked for the baby.” Jace says, showing Rhaenyra the dragon egg.
“Mother, what's his name?” (Y/N) asks happily.
“His name is Joffrey.” Laenor tells you all.
“Mother, may I please hold Joffrey ?” (Y/N) asks hopefully.
“Later my darling but Ser Harwin wants to meet Joffrey.” Rhaenyra says as she looks at (Y/N) then at Laenor.
“Come boys, let us make way for your lessons in the dragon pit.” Laenor says as he takes Jace and Luke out of the room.
“(Y/N) stay with your mother and then you can go see Baelon.” Laenor tells (Y/N).
(Y/N) remembers the the day her dragon Baelon he hatched the same day but Baelon grew bigger every day and now was bigger then Vhagar when King Viserys saw (Y/N)’s dragon he told her it’s like seeing his dragon Balerion the black dread and (Y/N) rode her dragon for hours.
“Ser Harwin, are you happy?” (Y/N) asks him.
“Of course I’m happy Princess, why wouldn’t I be?” Harwin asks (Y/N).
“I may be young and look naïve to you and my mother but I know the truth about you and my mother and about my brothers, I know you love my mother and she loves you so thank you for making my mother happy Ser Harwin.” (Y/N) tells him and hugs him.
Rhaenyra looks at (Y/N) then at Harwin.
“(Y/N) how long have you known?” Rhaenyra asks (Y/N) calmly.
“Mother I’ve known for some time and I know you and father love each other but in different ways and that’s okay and I know I have to protect my family from everything Alicent says and everyone else” (Y/N) tells Rhaenyra and Harwin.
“(Y/N) yes Ser Harwin is your brother’s father and I hate that I have put them in danger because of it but I couldn’t help falling in love and I will do anything and everything in my power to help them and you and as my heir I have put all this pressure on you and I am sorry for that.” Rhaenyra tells (Y/N).
(Y/N) held Rhaenyra’s hand as they sailed to DragonStone and the dragons flew overhead.
“Mother, I had a dream last night about fire and someone calling out for help.” (Y/N) tells Rhaenyra.
“You have dragon dreams, my little dragon just like your ancestors before you and they help us see what’s to come and how to stop what will happen.” Rhaenyra tells (Y/N).
(Y/N) lay in her bed but was suddenly awakened by her dream and ran to Baelon and flew off.
(Y/N) flew to Harrenhal and lands near the castle and sees people run in and out of the fire trying to put it out and (Y/N) ran back to Baelon and had him burn holes in rooms to help get people out that were stuck (Y/N) ran in and helped See Harwin out at Lord Lyonel was helped out just before the flames could engulf him and Harwin ran to his father.
“Princess, what are you doing here?” Harwin asks (Y/N).
“I’ve had some dreams about you burning in a fire yelling for help and I couldn’t stand seeing it so I knew I had to help you.” (Y/N) tells Harwin as she hugged him tight.
“Thank Princess” Ser Harwin whispers to (Y/N).
(Y/N) flew back home and saw Rhaenyra and her brothers waiting for her.
“(Y/N) where have you been Ser Steffon has been looking all around for you.” Rhaenyra tells (Y/N).
“I’m sorry mother and Ser Steffon but I had another dream and I just had to see here it took me and it was Harrenhal mother it was a blaze and Ser Harwin and his father where stuck inside and I couldn’t just leave them in there to burn alive so I helped save them and others” (Y/N) tells Rhaenyra and her brothers.
“Please never run off like that again but we must go to DriftMark my little dragon. Your aunt Laena has passed away while trying to give birth.” Rhaenyra tells (Y/N).
(Y/N) sat in her room and took out a journal and wrote.
“Mother told me aunt Laena passed and now we are to head to DriftMark and pay our respects and father has taken it hard; he is like a shell of himself” - (Y/N) Velaryon.
“Sailing to DriftMark was difficult father cried and was just watching the sea pass by as the dragons flew over us all I’ve tried to talk to him but he just sits there and it hurts my heart to see him like this it’s like a piece of him has died as well” - (Y/N) Velaryon.
“I saw grandmother and grandfather and I’ve seen them both look broken as they get ready to say goodbye to their daughter Baela and Rhaena stand by grandmother and cry out for their mother it breaks my heart to see my cousins like this and in so much pain” - (Y/N) Velaryon.
Taglist: @rosey1981
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currently-evil · 1 year
You know what?
Hob would love the insanity and lack of care 2022 is full of.
Man who was drowned for suspicion of being a witch, suddenly finding himself in time when nobody cares? when he doesn't have to worry about slip of the tongue? when even if he acts as his most unhinged version possible people would just shrug?
Yes, please love it, sing him up.
Hob not caring anymore about hiding his lack of aging, because everybody jus think he spend all his paycheck on plastic operations. People asking him what his skin routine is and he just answers with a laugh “oh you know i am not telling you i sold my soul to satan, but…” and wiggles his eyebrows not finishing the sentence.
Hob taking his students to a museum where they hang his own portrait commissioned days before he hosted the King, happily posing right next to it, amused to end when his students joke around that their teacher is immortal.
People asking him how old he is and he just murmurs “Oh i don't know i lost the count somewhere between 17 and 18 century” without even raising his eyes from exams he is marking.
Ranting to everybody who would listen how Sheakspear once made his friend walk out on him and everybody just assuming his friend was somehow so irritated by some Sheakspear work that they just walked away
Students saying as joke “oh i just eat fast food today and did nothing i don't think my peasant ancestor would be proud of me” and Hob just appearing out of nowhere starting whole speech “You’re peasant ancestors died by 30, worked until they literally fall asleep from exhaustion and eat the most bland food there is! You’re getting an education they could only dream of! Eating food full of spices they didn't even know existed! Flavors they could only dream off! You're living like a king for them! You’re living the life in standards they dreamed of for their children! Your peasant ancestors are proud of you! They are happy that you live this way!”
Hob sometimes just slipping into Old English speech without even realizing and everybody just being like “Ah that history teachers! They are so quirky!”
Hob being free and happy in 2022.
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psychedelic-ink · 9 months
prompt: cult au + “do you like it when i bleed for you?”
pairing: cult leader!din djarin x f!reader
genre: explicit smut, minors dni
summary: din initiates you into the cult.
word count: 1.1k
warnings: dubcon (power imbalance), manipulation, innocence kink, corruption kink, blood/blood kink, blowjob, soft dom!din kinda
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Your eyes follow the man in armor in front of you. 
It’s just you and him, no one else. No one to hear you scream or beg while you are initiated. He removes the plates of his arms one by one, the majority of his armor staying along with his helmet. There’s a fire burning behind him. The flickering orange and yellow bathes his armor in light and you stare, mesmerized by how shadows deepen all around his armor. 
“You can’t leave after this,” he says, voice modulated. “You will be one of us.” 
“Can I see your face then?” you ask innocently, batting his eyes at him. He tilts his head, observing your soft smile and clutched thighs. You want to see him. Be with him. He had been protecting you for years, looking out for you, teaching you the way and how to live a happy life. He’d told you once, how he cared for you, but couldn’t give you a name or show you his face until you were properly initiated. That was the creed. 
He stills for a moment. You see the tension building in his muscles and doubt begins to swirl in your chest. You want to please him and the thought of saying something that might upset him makes your stomach churn.
“Yes,” he answers finally, every word pronounced carefully. “I don’t show my face to anyone though, I want you to remember that and know how special you are to me. Understood?” 
You nod and he shakes his head, “Use your words mesh’la. Use my name, it’s Din.” 
“Yes, Din,” you answer. Your cheeks warm up. His name hits your tongue just right, as if your mouth is made to repeat his name over and over again. 
Satisfied, he nods and pulls out a sharp dagger from his waist. The gleam catches your eye and your pulse quickens. You have no idea how the initiation works, your excitement courses through your veins, and pounds in your ears. His visor reflects your wide-eyed expression. 
“On your knees,” he says. 
You quickly obey, ignoring how the stone scrapes your skin. He displays his forearm, bringing the sharp edge of the dagger to his skin. Din cuts himself slowly, blood trickling instantly from the long wound. Your heart jumps, eyes going wide. You almost feel a cut of your own tingling over your forearm and it pains you to see him bleeding. 
But also, you know this is not something he does for everyone. 
Your pupils dilate, mouth flooding with saliva with the prospect of pressing your lips against the crimson blood. 
“Repeat after me,” he says, drawing you away from your disrespectful thoughts. You nod. The blood ebbs like spiderwebs across his skin, coiling around his bare wrist and dripping from his fingers to the cold stone ground. 
He begins, voice soft and words slow, “I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors. . .” 
 “I swear on my name and the names of the ancestors. . .” you repeat dutifully. 
“that I shall walk the way of the mand’alore. . .” 
“that I shall walk the way of the mand’alore. . .” 
 “and the words of the creed shall be forever forged in my heart.” 
 “and the words of the creed shall be forever forged in my heart. . .” 
“This is the way.” 
“This is the way.” 
He curls two bloody fingers under your chin and tilts your head further up. You feel the warmth of his essence on your skin, the scent of iron filling your nostrils. “Do you like it when I bleed for you?”
“Yes,” you answer without thought, feeling the blood moving down your neck, following the path between your breasts. He slightly bends his knees, leaning over you as he tugs your bottom lip down with his thumb. You exhale when he smears the tender flesh with his blood, marking you, and you taste him. 
He sighs, “Maker, I can’t wait to ruin you.” 
Din pulls away and you lick the blood from your lips. Oddly enough he tastes sweet to you, even though you know it’s impossible. Your eyes drop to the front of his pants where he unzips himself, your mouth goes dry at the size of his hard cock. He’s not too long, but the thickness of it is enough for you to shudder with pleasure. 
“Have you ever sucked cock before?” he asks, coming closer and tracing your lips with his bloody fingers. Insticeticly, you part your lips and he slips them inside, he groans as you swirl your tongue, cleaning him off. 
“No,” you answer. “It never seemed that appealing to me.”
“How about now?” 
The drop of his voice, the rasp beneath the words, all of it makes your mind go completely blank. Silent. You swallow around his fingers. He withdraws his fingers, “It’s very tempting,” you breathe out, tongue swiping over your bottom lip. 
Din ignores your answer, “Open your mouth. Wide,” he groans and when you do, he pushes himself inch by inch into your mouth. Tears build in your eyes and he cradles the side of your face with one hand, keeping you still. He doesn’t stop until you’re choking around him, a moan echoing from underneath the helmet. 
Tears fall one by one as he begins to thrust his hips, burying his cock down your throat with every move. You brace yourself by placing your palm on his thighs. The muscles bulge underneath your hands. Arousal pools between your legs. He’s using you just like you wanted, owning you and making you yours. 
“That’s it. You’re doing so well,” his head tilts back, pushing you down until your nose is buried within the dark curls. You can barely breathe. The mixture of precome and blood heavy on your tongue. You feel him pulse as your throat convulses around him, then he pulls back, a growl reaching your ears. “My sweet girl, always so eager to please.” 
Din pulls out slowly and you can feel the slickness on your tongue. His hand slides from your chin up the side of your head. His rough thumb traces your lower lip. You can feel his gaze like a brand on your skin. he takes a deep breath and exhales before taking himself into his hand. The head of his cock is an angry shade of red, precome glistening beautifully at the slit. 
Before he can command it, you open your mouth and stick out your tongue. He fists himself before spilling his hot cum all over your lips and chin, dripping down your face. His moans and whimpers are beautiful, a sight only you’re allowed to see. 
There’s so much of it, his cock continuously twitches and throbs in his hand. He ruins you, just like he promised. Staining you with his seed. Your insides clench when you imagine Din coming inside instead of on your face. 
When he’s finished, he tucks himself back into his pants and reaches for his helmet. 
“As promised,” he says, voice hoarse, scratching your ears just right. 
You finally see the real face of the man in armor.
And he’s beautiful.
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inmyheadimobsessed · 1 year
Knew I'd Always Crawl Back
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pairing: shuri ✘ black!fem!reader
summary: a question looms in the air: will you and shuri make it to your dinner reservation on time, if at all?
word count: 4373
contains: smut (18+), thigh riding, strap!shuri, multiple orgasms, oral, fingering, overstimulation, slight praise!kink, fluff at the end because romance is real!
tags: @fetchyourlife @shurisbbymama @takeyaki @n7cje @shuri-my-love @straightestgay-voice @simp4iwaizumi @bubshri @verachii
divider by: @firefly-graphics
note: lmaoooo, all i can do is laugh, truly. i wrote this whilst high, so i hope it's coherent? idk. i'm so in love with shuri y'all like this is crazy pants! shouts out to my mutual for translation help! enjoy <33
translations: sthandwa - my love, mtuwam - my person, bambo'lwami - my other half
part two | part one
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“How much longer until you're ready, sthandwa? I can only sit still for so long.” Shuri groaned from her seat in front of your vanity.
You stuck your head out from your closet as you put in your second earring, “I only need a little while longer.”
“Might want to pick up the pace!” She was annoyed, understandably. You’d given her that exact same response seven times already. She was patient at first, but it was wearing thin now.
Shuri showed up an hour earlier than your agreed upon time, no doubt for this exact reason. She was aware of how long it took you to get ready. This being your first date since getting back together, officially, did not help.
Your nerves were bouncing around like children hopped up on too much sugar. It reminded you of your jitters when you first asked her out. She’d made you wait an entire week before making up her mind, only to admit her answer was never not going to be yes.
Your girlfriend and her games. Your girlfriend. It felt amazing being able to call her that again. Three weeks apart dragged on like three years. It made you realize Shuri was a part of you, her presence sewed into your body and mind. A presence you refused to live without.
The conversation the two of you had about your future unraveled many emotions and thoughts that went unsaid for weeks. You finally opened up to each other about the pain and the loss being felt on both sides in a healthy way. It was hard, and raw, and it was real. It was the most honest conversation either of you had ever had. Having someone who accepts you at your most vulnerable was a rarity, but the ancestors sent you Shuri. And for that, you were most grateful.
The dust had settled, and that chapter of your lives was now closed, tied up with a happy ending thankfully. Tonight was a night of celebration. Shuri decided a romantic dinner at one of the most elite restaurants in the city was a good way to do that.
“Nothing that takes too long, please.” She’d said, insisting on needing to have you home and undressed beneath her as soon as humanly possible. You could not lie, you were just as impatient as her, maybe a bit more. She had refrained from touching you since that night in the club, and instructed you to refrain from touching yourself. It was pure torment, but torment you knew would be worth it.
Something that subsided your neediness was knowing she longed for your touch just as you did hers. Her little whimpers every time you brushed up against her in any way was evidence enough. Shuri did not know you were privy to this information, and you were going to have your fun with that.
You stepped away from the mirror inside your closet and stood under the threshold. “How do I look?” Her lip bite at the sight of you was immediate, and you smiled. She took in the way your velvet dress embraced your hips and curves. Your earrings dangled aimlessly as you posed for her, right arm extended above your wild curls. The heels you chose were the most uncomfortable pair you owned, but they were also the most elegant, and they matched your dress.
“You look…” The twinkle of awe in her eye was answer enough. You strutted towards her and not once did Shuri rip her gaze away from you. Knowing that your girlfriend was completely and utterly enamored with your very existence was a powerful feeling. It was a feeling you reveled in.
“Thank you, mtuwam, but I still believe my outfit is missing something.”
She slanted her head as if to disagree, “What could it possibly be missing?”
“My necklace.” Your pout was mighty, and so was her smile, but she said nary a word.
You stood in front of her and her eyes fixed on your chest, eyeing your cleavage without a drop of shame. Part of the reason you chose the dress you were in, was to garner that reaction out of her. You bent over a tad, pushing your boobs in her face just enough to keep her in her trance.
“I need this seat.” Your whisper was sweet and seductive. You were unsure if she heard you because she had yet to move a muscle. Shuri’s mouth hung agape as she salivated before you.
She shook her head then, blinking at you, “Pardon?”
“The seat. I need it.” You gestured to the chair in front of your vanity she’d been perched on while you got dressed with a small smirk.
Shuri cleared her throat, “Why? Are you not ready to go? You look ready to me.”
“I am ready. I just need to put my hair up, and then we may leave.”
Her eyes flickered to your chest again before she spoke, “If that is all you need to do then have a seat right here and do it.” She patted her thigh and smiled up at you. You gave her an eyeroll, but followed her instruction nonetheless. Her satisfied little grin was worth it you supposed.
You placed yourself in her lap and began grabbing fist fulls of your fro, humming along to the music playing softly in the background. Pretending not to notice the way Shuri gawked at you in the mirror was amusing, it seems you were incorrect about being more impatient than she was.
As you did your hair, you found your body moving to the song that played, grinding into Shuri’s thigh. The small amount of friction it brought you was thrilling. She did not seem to notice what you were doing. Good. Every few minutes, you would adjust yourself on her lap, swallowing the moan threatening to escape you.
It was risky, but Shuri busying herself with her Kimoyo beads left the opportunity wide open. You moved up and down as carefully as possible, trying to concentrate on your hair. Soft shallow breaths were all that you allowed yourself, but oh did you need more. The sensation, your clit on her clothed thigh, left your chest heavy.
You let your eyes flutter shut, allowing yourself to get caught. “You're not as sneaky as you believe yourself to be, you know.”
Her voice startled you and all your attempts to feign innocence were rendered useless. Lips pressed against your ear sent shivers down your spine. You exhaled a long, lengthy breath and shut your eyes tight.
“Okay. I’m ready to go now.” Attempting to hide the shake in your voice was difficult, and Shuri was buying none of what you were selling. You tried standing up, but she held you in place.
Her huff of laughter was one you knew well; she was scheming. “You may be ready to go, but I'm not. You made a mess on my pants.” She gestured to her leg, and sure enough, there was a small wet spot staring right back at you. Curling into yourself was an option, and the thought gnawed at your brain the longer time went on. This could not bode well for you.
“Now you must finish what you started.” Your eyes met hers in the mirror, and there were remnants of a smirk there.
“I know you aren't wearing any panties under this little dress, sthandwa.”
Your eyes turned pleading as you watched her reflection. Shuri had warned you about the consequences if she found out you’d been pleasing yourself without her permission. And not only did you go against her, but you did it in her presence. “We're going to miss our reservation if we don't hurry.”
You stood, and she pulled you back down. “We aren't going anywhere until you finish what you started, my darling.” You knew that tone of voice well too, there was no arguing with her now.
You begged once more, but to no avail. Slowly, slowly, slowly, you opened your thighs. There was a small squish, and you began to rub your sensitive bud on the previous spot.
“I know you want to go faster, go ahead.” You picked up the pace and your breathing did the same. Small whines climbed up your throat as you rode Shuri’s thigh. It felt good; better than good, perfect. You were growing wetter with each hump, and her eyes did not move from the image of you in the mirror.
Your clit twitched at the contact, growing more and more sensitive. Shuri watched your breast jump with your movements, eyes glazed over, lust darkening their hue. Her lips were on your neck then, kissing right below your ear. Back pressed against her front, you threw your head back as you slid your pussy up and down her thigh.
Small, wet sounds were becoming audible as you approached your climax. Your pussy was dripping all over her pants. She did not seem to care, and neither did you. Your pace was a force to be reckoned with as you moaned, loud and booming. Shuri’s mouth and tongue were all over your throat, but not once did her hands move from your hips as she steadied you. With a small bounce of her thigh, she added to the sinister sensation.
You kept grinding into her, breathing heavily as you built yourself up. “That's it. I love that look on you.” Her words sent you almost immediately. And there it was, that feeling you were missing; that feeling Shuri denied you on the dancefloor. Your first orgasm in months. It filtered through you, filling your bones and muscles, and your entire nervous system. Your toes curled in your shoes and your riding rhythm faltered.
You cried out as it washed through you in the way waves do, groaned until you rode it out. A feeling you wish you could bottle. Orgasmic; the perfect name for the most perfect feeling.
Sleepiness overtook you, but you knew you weren't getting off that easy. “That was amazing, but I’m afraid my pants are ruined now.”
Shuri removed her hand from your hip, sliding ringed fingers through your damp, swollen folds. You hissed at the feeling, needing a minute to wind down. But you could not stop her, your body limp against hers.
“You're drenched.” She rubbed gentle circles on your used clit and you attempted to wiggle out of her touch. It only caused her to chuckle. Shuri dipped one of her fingers into your leaking hole, thrusting it in and out a few times before bringing it to her lips.
She hummed when your cum hit her tongue, “Oh I've missed this taste.”
“We're going to be late for dinner.” It was all you could manage, but you knew your words meant nothing.
Your eyelids hung low as you watched Shuri in the mirror. Her face let you know the only thing on the menu tonight was you, and Shuri was raised to believe you must always finish your food. “I want you out of this ridiculously short dress, and on the bed.”
Lazily, you practically crawled to your bed, the lastings of your orgasm still weighing you down. Your attempts to unzip your dress failed, so you turned to Shuri, “Help?”
Her smile pulled you in as she stood and came towards you. Your eyes traveled to her pant leg and the mess you made, and there was a warm fuzzy feeling within. She eased up behind you, running fingers up your arms and down your back before slowly sliding your zipper down. She kissed your shoulder, then your neck and you sighed into it.
Shuri guided your dress straps from your body, tugging gently at the fabric. She couldn't even wait for you to be completely out of it. As soon as your breasts were exposed, she cupped large handfuls of them and your eyes rolled back when she pinched your nipples.
“Does that feel good my dear?” She rolled your buds between her fingers, shooting pleasure right down to your achy sex. Wetness rolled down both of your legs, pulling you closer to yet another release. “I need to hear you say it, sthandwa. Tell me how it feels.”
She pinched harder and you yelped, “It feels so good.”
“Good. On the bed for me.” You stepped out of your dress completely and did as she instructed, climbing onto your comfy mattress and settling in. Shuri undressed herself at the foot of the bed, ripping off her suit piece by piece until she was left only in her unbuttoned dress shirt. The sight of her like that was overwhelming; prowling and hungry, and it just might be your favorite look on her.
Grabbing your ankles, Shuri pulled you closer to the edge and you giggled shyly. “Tell me, how long has it been since you last felt my lips on that pretty cunt of yours?”
“Too long.” You huffed and she nodded. Desperation lodged inside your bones at the thought of her going down on you.
She opened your legs and you shivered. “Do you miss it?”
“Terribly.” Your response was a whisper that she swallowed. She leaned forward to kiss you hastily, sucking on your tongue. Pulling away, her lips began to wander your lower body and you whined. Tattooed fingers hovered over your most delicate as she pulled your right nipple into her mouth. When her digits sunk into you, a cry sprung free and your head flew backwards in pure delight.
Feeling her spread her fingers inside of you as she lapped your nipple, swirling her tongue around it with every suck, drove you crazy. Her fingers worked you with skillful precision, causing you to squirm and tangle in your sheets. Teeth grazed your abdomen, descending down, down, down. She stopped where she fucked you before looking up, catching your eyes.
“Look at me while I devour you, let me see those eyes.” And you did. You drank in her dazed sunburnt irises as she wrapped her soft mouth around your swollen clit. Shuri’s slurps and sucks rang in your ears and your screams rang in hers, mingling in the air. She continued the thrusting of her fingers, sloshing around in your wetness and your cum from your first orgasm, just as you approached your second.
Brown eyes fixed on brown eyes all the while. Not once did she break her stare, and you did not dare break yours. Her tongue replaced her fingers and your hips lurched upward in pleasure. In and out, in and out. She lapped you up, making your head spin like a top.
Shuri pushed your hips back into the mattress and you squirmed, “Stay still.” It was a command you needed not to challenge. The pressure she put on your hips was sure to leave bruises in the morning, and the thought only turned you on more. You loved when she marked you as hers alone.
Your hands traveled to her head, tangling in her curls as you cupped it. Hearing her moan from the act of eating your pussy like a starved animal was single handedly going to do you in.
“Stick out your tongue.” You managed in between heavy breathing.
When she obliged, you created your own rhythm, rubbing your nub back and forth against her. Her hums of enjoyment pushed you to continue, only amplifying your sensation. Hips stuttered and vision blurred, your second orgasm swimming through you within seconds. “That's it dear, make a mess all over my face.”
“Yes, my Queen.” You breathed out strings of curses, humping Shuri’s face to drag your pleasure out. Sensational. And you only wanted more. You pulled her up to kiss you, and to cheekily get a taste of you on her. Grinning into the kiss, she sent her hand down to your hole again, pumping you softly. The kiss was heated and swoon worthy, your juices covering both of your lips.
When you flipped her, positioning her under you, it surprised her. A lone smirk formed on your lips and she matched it. “Your turn, my Queen.”
Warm tender kisses peppered her jaw, lips sucking anxiously. Your tongue trailed from her neck tattoo, down her throat, to peck the space between her breasts. It was slow and drawn out, and Shuri’s restlessness roared awake. It was what you planned for. You kissed her abs sweetly, then traveled back up her chest. Her groans of annoyance only egged you on. Reaching for her hand, you wrapped your fingers around her wrist, guiding it to her own soaking sex.
“Show me how you want it, mtuwam.” Shuri’s fingers, still coated in your slick, pushed through her wet folds. Slithering down the length of her body, you settled in between her damp thighs and watched her play with herself. Her movements were swift and jittery; a little too eager for your liking. “Slow down love.”
Extending your hand to her nipple seemed like the best way to intensify her pleasure, so it was what you did. Her groans were so pitiful; music to your ears. You clamped down with great strength and she screeched.
She tried slipping a finger inside herself, and you intervened then, replacing her digits with your own.
Revving Shuri up for a release was your only goal as your thumb massaged her throbbing clit. Sweet, sweet release, it was what she deserved for being so damn perfect. You lowered your mouth to her pussy, diving head first into her ocean. Instinctively, your tongue drove into her tight warmth, and she sobbed above you. Your own moans surged through her as you fucked and sucked.
Shuri’s body thrashed on the bed and her toes curled. She was close, and you had the power to take her all the way there. Having the Queen of Wakanda fiending for your tongue and fingers deep inside her was the ultimate power move. Royalty bowed to no one, usually, but her Royal Highness bowed to you.
“Is her Majesty going to come for me?” You looked up at her and the view was heavenly. She nodded, tweaking her nipples. Shuri’s back shot off the bed at the feeling of three fingers entering her. “There you go baby.”
When she came there was a few seconds of silence, followed by a slew of blasphemous lines. Eyes stamped shut and legs twitching uncontrollably. Grunts flew this way and that. You pumped her still, needing to feel her clench around you for a little while longer. You pulled your digits out of her soon after, and pushed them through her lips. “Open.”
“You taste fantastic. Won’t you agree?” She nodded with a cum glazed smile, catching her breath.
You climbed up to lay beside her, propping yourself up on your elbow. Admiring her beauty was your favorite thing to do. Flawlessness existed in the form of your girlfriend.
Her voice was groggy when she spoke, “I hope you know we are not finished.”
“I do know.” Your squeal was high pitched and it made Shuri giggle. Her shirt hung off her shoulder as she bent over for her bag. She returned with a box you knew well; too well.
A beckoning finger pulled you to the edge of the bed. It took only seconds for her to pop it open and you flinched, eyes widening.
She nodded, “Brand new, for you.” She removed the toy from its resting place and you examined it. Bigger than the last one; sleeker, thicker. It both enthralled and alarmed you, a combination you enjoyed. Shuri placed the strap just above her crotch, and the harness materialized as her panther suit does. You bit your lip in excitement.
“Hands and knees.” You did as she said, arching your back in the process. She ran her fingers down the crook of your spine and you relaxed. Towering behind you like a shadow — Shuri positioned herself for intrusion.
Leisurely, she grabbed your hips, slipping into you. Her first thrust was measured and calculated, making sure you could take it. The stretch burned wonderfully, as you pushed back on her, signaling her to move. “You don't have to be gentle with me.”
“It was never my plan to be gentle.” Her last words before pulling out and plunging back into your cunt. You plummeted into your pillows with your screams as Shuri plowed you. Long deep strokes, bringing forth grunts from her. You knew she felt the pleasure rush too, through her design.
Squelching, and sounds of skin slapping skin bounced off the walls with the way Shuri ravaged you. Biting down on your pillow was the only way to keep yourself from crying your throat raw. She pulled out, slapping it against your puffy pussy, then dove back in. “Take it, all of it. I love the sounds you make for me.”
Fucking you was Shuri’s favorite thing to do. Nothing else apart from her work entranced her this much. And you loved performing for her, loved putting yourself on display with your moans and wails. You looked back at her working you, catching her watching herself move in and out of your tight pussy. Bottom lip between her teeth as she smirked.
The toy disappeared and reemerged meticulously, coaxing your orgasm out. Superpowered thrusts shook your bed, and the very walls of your room.
Your knees began their inevitable buckling; legs shook, and shuri knew you were close again, “Not yet. Want you to ride me.”
She slithered out your weary hole and you collapsed, crossing your thighs tight.
“Spread those legs, need you on top.” She laid on her back, holding the base of the sopping strap and waited for you to mount her.
Sinking down onto it opened you wider than you thought possible, and you basked in it, as tired as you were. “You’ve got this baby, I know you do.”
Her words of encouragement helped you persist until the shaft was all the way inside you.
Shuri grinned with pride, “Perfect.”
You lifted yourself up and sunk back down, creating a steady pace as you placed your hands on her chest. She guided your hips, fucking up into you all the while. Slamming yourself down on her over, and over, and over made your bed creak. You rode her with greed — starvation unabashed as you moaned like a mad man.
She soaked up the vibrations your bouncing created, and her own desperate whimpers rose in volume. The tip brushed over that special spot inside you again and again, yanking your orgasm front and center. Senses heightened as your tower of pleasure grew tall. Up, up, up. The sky was the limit.
Shuri nodded up at your fucked out features, knowing you were at your peak. She wove your fingers together, bringing your knuckles to her lips for the ghost of a kiss. Sweat trickled down the both of you as your grunts unified. She was close too. Amazing.
“Come on, make me proud sthandwa.” Her words were lightning, striking right where you needed to knock your tower all the way over. All consuming ecstasy; encompassing euphoria.
One last hump, one last thrust, and you were both coming. “Shuri!”
Her name velveteen as it escaped you.
Moans were all that could be heard as she writhed beneath you. Magnificent, melodious moans. She pulled out and you immediately missed the feeling of being filled. Slumped on top of her, your breathing fell in sync, chests rising and falling as one. She laughed when you rolled beside her in the sheets, nuzzling into her and letting your orgasm whisk you into slumber.
The sweet smell of dewy night air tugged you from your sleep. Curtains danced without a care in the wind as you adjusted your eyes to the darkness. Reaching out for Shuri’s warmth, you were met with only emptiness. That was when you panicked. Shuri had never once left you in bed alone after sex.
You sat up frantically, slipping into her shirt laid beside you. Calling for her, you attempted to climb out of bed. The soreness at your core had another idea, unfortunately.
“Don't worry my darling, I'm here.” Shuri sauntered in then, a tray of food clutched in both hands. You smiled when you saw her, ear to ear. She’d pulled on one of your t-shirts and a pair of boxers.
She climbed on the bed and you clapped your hands excitedly when the smell of hot food hit your nostrils. “Since we missed dinner.”
You giggled, “And whose fault was that, my Queen?”
“Certainly not mine.” She scooped spoonfuls of rice into your mouth and the flavor made you hum.
Something caught your eye in the corner of the tray as you chewed. A beige rectangular box called your name.
“Go on, open it.” You squeaked and reached for it. There sat your necklace, shiny and gold, and perfect as ever. Below it sat a matching engraved bracelet.
You picked it up as Shuri pushed your hair out the way, clasping the chain around your neck.
Abaphansi bavumile ukuba sifanaelene Thina sobabini.
The ancestors have agreed that you and I are meant to be.
“Shuri I–” You were in hysterics instantly and she smiled. She placed it around your wrist, kissing the back of your hand sweetly.
“I need you to know that… that you are it for me. You've ruined me and I refuse to have it any other way, bambo'lwami. You are everything. And please, never take this off again.” She sniffed and you nodded with teary eyes.
Shuri placed the tray on your bedside table before kissing your lips. She kissed your face, your nose, your neck, your chest. She poked your sides, tickling you and sending you into a babbling fit of laughter.
You cupped her cheeks, pecking her lips again, “To know you is to love you, and I've loved you for as long as I have known you. All my paths lead right back to you.”
Her mouth pressed to your forehead and you leaned into it, wanting to soak her all up.
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delicrieux · 5 months
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𝐣𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐬𝐮𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 | endless oneshots (winter edition)
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pairing—regulus black x reader genre—angst, doomed to fail trope <3 summary—what could the cards have in store for him? word count—1.6k
masterlist. ☕. reqs are open!
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“you will be great.”
those words, spoken in a pliant tone, do little to move regulus. perhaps history, tradition, and the cumulative expectations of both had shaped him in such a way that prophesy meant greatness, whether desired or not. he will be great, because he is the only son of the great and noble house of black, and he will be happy, because he knows no other alternative, nor does anyone care to provide him with one. the reality of such an existence has weighed him slightly, made his expression pensive and head stuck slightly downward. happy. in a depthless, easy sense with no meaning.
regulus longs for meaning. you search for it in the cards.
you sit, and he sits in front of you, and together you are illuminated by the fire. the hearth burns and the carpet feels scratchy on his palms, and regulus likes the way you shuffle the cards — the rhythmic slide and click of expensive laminated paper, the soft way you breathe with the lower lip slightly gaping — and the way you draw — the flick of your wrist, the schooled expression, the lazy flick of your lashes, and the light twitch of your cheek.
in your eyes he can find a pensieve — not for their colour, but for a quality entirely different that in all of his reading and thinking he has still failed to name.
“naturally,” he responds slowly; he hopes that as you see past the pretty image held between your fingers, you will see past the layers of a lie, too, “that is all i need to know, yes? i will be great, and so this is pointless."
"if that is all, then i will not tell you more."
your response is too simple. "and if i ask for more?"
"you are free to. the cards not only speak of destiny, regulus. they can guide, but they are not a prophecy."
"so the cards do not tell the future?"
"the future is never set," you tell him, and this time you look up. in his eyes he thinks you might find a reflection, but it is only a mirage. "it is an amalgamation of events. each and every choice we make changes it and changes it again."
 "so what good are the cards then?"
"they are a guide," you chide, your expression morphing into something vexed, "merlin, you grow more stubborn by the hour. the cards can only show the possibilities."
"useless. i already know my path."
"you will be great."
"i will be great."
"do you not wonder what that means, regulus?"
you speak as if you already know the answer. you speak as if you know everything. you are a seer, or, at the very least, penchant for the gift of one. like your mother and grandmother and the women before you, you suffer from fever and delirium late at night. they had gone mad prophesising a future undeciphered, and you shall, too, only regulus refuses to believe it only for the fact that he cannot bear the idea of your fate.
"what more is there to know? it is simply a title and an empty one at that. my father will be the minister, and he is great. i'm his son, and, so," and then he pauses, his lips twitching. "i will be great."
regulus is not naive. he knows the reality of the world he lives in. the weight of responsibility and expectation upon his shoulders is not one he is blind to. he has always known that his future is to be a facsimile of the past, a carbon copy of his father and a shadow of his ancestors. his fate is written and the pages are sealed. he can accept his but he can never accept yours. it appears absurd to him. the very thought scorns.
"is that really the life you want?"
"yes," he answers, perhaps a little too quickly. "of course it is. who would not?"
you could be great, too. you predicted exam questions, menial relationship drama between classmates, a meteor shower mid-june. the death of the heir. when you spoke of it, your voice wavered; in the candlelight, regulus looked hard for a sign of sorrow, but he found nothing.
the stars had aligned in a month with his mother's raised wand. sirius was burned out the family tree, leaving a stain of soot and a strange emptiness. you saw the change, and remained gravely silent, and your eyes, such pretty twin planets constantly calling him into your orbit, had poured into his portrait instead.
the cards seem meaningless now. a paltry mood has enveloped him and an ancient sorrow swells. the darkness of the dining hall seems closer, nearer, and the fire crackles and your clothing glows and your skin shifts with each flicker.
he wishes that he could sit in the gentle silence of your presence — however awkward it may be — until the sky erupts into another storm. a part of him imagines that it would be nice to watch with you. better than his empty room, the oppressive solitude he always seems to return to when he looks at you or thinks of you or remembers you suddenly and for no reason. just because he can think of nothing he would not tell you should you ask, but he realises this is less indicative of a desire to speak and more of a desire to keep you close to him.
the light hits and regulus is struck by a sudden awareness. a desperate longing arises inside him. whatever this feeling is, whatever this urge is, is overshadowing rationality and decorum. his palms feel sweaty on the taupe fabric covering his legs. he feels shaky and anxious and his stomach stirs with a familiar unease that he has learned to repress in your presence, yet some fluke, some unaccounted for variable in this constant, ever-growing, uncontrollable infatuation has taken root and is growing far quicker than any other sprouts had before.
an undeniable change is bubbling up inside him and he feels he might collapse into himself surrounded by your fragrance.
how pretty, how lovely, how much he wants to touch you. to stroke a fingertip across your bottom lip. how strange that regulus cannot tell you such. he wants. in a soft, quiet way; a greedy sense of need overwhelms him, so he clenches his teeth, shuts his eyes, and wills it away. in the darkness he thinks and then realises that the ache in his stomach is only a hunger.
"can you," he begins slowly, clawing through his muddled thoughts for a shred of clarity. he needn't see you to know you are at attention. he feels it, perhaps, or wishes it to be so. to see the truth would be to deny himself a selfish sweetness. a dog can live on scraps, but he is supposed to be more than that. he keeps his eyes closed, "can you see others?"
"in my future," he clarifies, though he believes he is saying too much.
"in a moment," he hears you murmur. paper sounds as if brushed aside, and there is a brief moment of what feels like privacy before the clicking begins again. the slow, rhythmic thudding of regulus' pulse. his breath. your breathing is more stilted.
regulus is patient; when he opens his eyes you have spread out five cards on the rug between you. your fingers graze each one and he is envious. each movement is so purposeful.
"...i'm sorry, regulus," you begin, your voice lacking the confidence it possessed only minutes ago. there is a nervous drawl in your tone that disturbs him. "i can't see past the waves."
a metaphor, surely, but regulus knows he is sinking under the expectations placed upon him. in his mind, the words play in a loop: i will be great.
"it's alright," regulus says, his voice hollow. something of a void has overcome him and he feels cold — so cold. "you must be tired."
with another smooth noise — a soft, pleasant sound — the cards are carefully returned to their container. regulus bites his tongue. the dull sensation of a headache settles in his temples. a thought. an action. decisions not yet made. he wonders if the cards could show him each and every action he could have made to show you what he feels for you, and what you could have done in return. would they emphasize his failure or gloss it over in the vague fog marked 'past.'
"a tad," you admit, a bit lighter, the life pouring back to your face in a gentle stream. you look at him as if you are waiting for an invitation he can't find in himself to make.
is it better this way?
regulus feels a sickly disappointment stir. it sits heavily in his chest, an unpleasant reminder that he still yearns for something else and has given up on finding it. if he stares into the fire long enough, perhaps it will consume him. but it's not his element.
"no," he starts before you can ask the question and beg the answer he will not give. "i'm fine."
"a fortuitous reading," he remarks with a small, wry smile. "i am truly favoured."
you offer a lopsided smile back, though he is taken aback by your weariness. it is a glimpse beyond the false pretence of your pleasantries, and he knows you must pity him, even if you will not say. you are always saying things he wants to hear and not saying things he needs to. you offer distraction and praise where you should offer reality. what is the point in fortunes and dreams and spells to foresee one's future? such things merely lead one to misfortune, or, in regulus' case, a predetermined, inevitable misery.
he will be great, won't he? it matters so little. you don't reveal what hurts him. he knows that you can't see past the waves because you aren't there to cut through them. whatever future exist, it exists without you.
to him, that is no future at all.
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hope u enjoyed! mwah! <3
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harunayuuka2060 · 1 year
Diasomnia student A: Is there something we could do to appease you?
Diasomnia student B: Please tell us, great ancestor. Lord Malleus has entrusted you to us.
MC: Ha! What? Do you think I'm some kind of child you can babysit?
Diasomnia student A: N-No... We're not saying that—
MC: Don't quaver. That's disgusting.
Diasomnia student A: ...
Diasomnia student A and B: Yes, great ancestor!
MC: Now, if you really want to appease me, drag that blue bird here.
Diasomnia student B: The headmage?
MC: Don't call that piece of shit a headmage.
Diasomnia student B: ...
Diasomnia student A and B: Then we'll bring the blue bird to you, great ancestor.
MC: *correcting them* DRAG.
Diasomnia student A and B: Yes, great ancestor!
Crowley: What may be the problem this time—
MC: *threatens him with a fire in their hand*
Crowley: I'll be happy to assist you!
MC: Good. And that's the last thing I'll compliment you for.
Crowley: Um...
MC: I'm sending you to hell.
Crowley: What—
*and he disappears*
Diasomnia students: ...
MC: Ah... Much better.
Lilia: Great ancestor, where did you send him?
MC: Hell?
Lilia: You killed him?!
MC: *rolls eyes* Do I look like a murderer to you?
Lilia: ...
Silver: Great ancestor, whatever your reason is, who will take in charge with the whole NRC now?
Malleus: Isn't it obvious, Silver? My great ancestor will.
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goldenchunkycat · 1 year
Put this mouth to good use...
➤ Pairing: Aged-up!Neteyam x Metkayina!Reader
➤ Summary: You are the eldest child of Tonowari and Ronal and you secretly mated the oldest child of Jake and Neytiri, what could possibly go wrong ? Everything because Neteyam decided that you were too friendly with a guy who wasn't him.
➤ Warnings: Jealous and possessive Neteyam, it seems like Neteyam is gaslighting Reader but I swear he's not, rough mouth fucking, hair pulling, dacryphilia because why not, dirtier than expected..., bad English
➤ A/N: Requested by @devilish-mirage , I hope it's what you were asking for ? I'd love to see your feedback on this ♡
➤ Tag: @sloppierjewel (I can't tag you for a reason ?)
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Being Towanari and Ronal's daughter was hard. Because it meant that you were Ao'nung and Tsireya's big sister, and you were nothing like them. You did not considered yourself kind and outgoing like your sister - you were shy and introverted, and you were not confident, strong and skilled like your brother - you were just you.
And yet, once, someone said that you were kind, attentive to everyone's needs, pretty and smart. Years after he became your mate. Your sweet Neteyam. What a shame you couldn't tell the whole world about it though...
"Darling, you need to find a mate. You are the eldest child of the chief, everyone is expecting a lot from you, you can't deceive them." your mother said while carefully brushing your hair, adding a few shells here and there. "You are pretty, my sweet daughter, I do not doubt that you will find someone."
You closed your eyes, bathing in the feeling of those hands massaging your head and hummed, "Yes Mother."
"I heard that Ok'iri was interested in you, go and try to talk to him."
"Yes Mother..." you answered more reluctantly, lowering your head, mixed feelings in your heart and thoughts rushing through your mind. How could you tell her ? You weren't interested in anyonee else than Neteyam. He was your lover, your mate, but because you did not wanted to deceive your family you did not tell a single soul that you two were mated. You had nothing to offer to your family other than your hand in marriage, how would you tell them that you could not marry someone ? You were so disappointing.
"Take your paintings with you. Give it to his parents."
Paintings. This was the only thing yo were good at. You could paint the beautiful sceneries for hours. That's how you pique Neteyam's curiosity. By sitting on a rock for hours, just being yourself. He fell in love immediately.
So what were you going to say to your lover ? You knew him, you knew how he was possessive, jealous. As it happens, the boy asked you many times to meet your parents. He wanted to tell the whole world that you were his because he wanted to avoid this kind of situation. But well, maybe it was too late...
"- and I caught this big fish outside the reefs. Pretty cool huh ?"
It has been going for hours. He was talking about himself, rarely asking about your hobbies or your opinion. Too bad he was so full of himself because Ok'iri was. nice guy. He was respectful and did not crossed your boundaries. Even if he did not not really let you talk, he often make sire that you were comfortable by looking at you while he was showing you the outside of their family's Marui. If you met in a different context you could have been friends. But well, people's expectations did not allowed it.
"By the way, those paintings that you gave us are really pretty ! I think I recognized one scenery." he said, finding a place in front of the beach in order to sit.
"Really ?!" you said excited, looking at him with twinkling eyes. You don't know if he did it on purpose but he said the magic word to get you out of your shell. "Which one ?"
"The 'undersea' one. I think it's somewhere near the Cove of the Ancestors, isn't it ?" he asked, happy that he finally found a subject that was interesting - to you at least.
"Yes !" you leaned a bit closer to him, too excited to notice that your legs were practically touching his. "It's on the left side ! I had to dive again and again because, ell, you can't paint underwater, but the result worth it !"
And you talked. For hours. Without noticing Neteyam's presence on the beach. Without noticing how he balled his fist or how he frowned and showed his teeth when his brother accidentally bumped into him. He was angry.
It became a weekly thing. Every Monday, you and Ok'iri would meet at the same place, just outside his Marui, and would talk for a few hours about your respective interests. You knew that he could be a good friend, and he proved it. He was very attentive to everything you said and never tried to push you to do something you did not wanted to do. But every time you failed to notice your mate on the beach, watching you. You failed to notice how, progressively, he became more clingy, his he touched more often than not whenever someone was around, how he tried to meet your father more often and how he tried to win his spurs with him. You failed to notice all of those signs. So you were very surprised when he finally snapped. And honestly ? It was...hot - and a tiny bit painful.
"It was hard but I found a good location with beautiful sceneries that you can paint. Want to go there ?"
"Really ? Thank you, I would love to go there !"
"Can I come too ?"
You turned your head to look at the owner of the voice, only to see your secret boyfriend smiling at the two of you.
Ok'iri hesitated before answering "Hum, yeah, I guess ?" Even you could tell that he was a tiny bit mad and very uncomfortable, he only said yes because he was being polite.
You shyly smiled towards your boyfriend, freckles glowing and making him discreetly smile. He eventually faced the young adult and asked with a mischievous smile "I hope that im not disturbing you ?" He slowly approached you and brushed his hand on yours, a dangerous glint in eyes when he smiled innocently and said "I see you sitting here you every every Monday and thought that it was a good idea to befriend each other."
You should have known better. It was a warning. But did the lamb beware of the wolf ? He did not, and he ended up eaten.
"You weren't lying, it's really beautiful here ! I can't wait to come back and paint !" you said, excited, moving your head from side to side under the loving eyes of the two boys. But Neteyam notice the way his 'rival' was looking at you. And he needed to act on it, right now.
"Let's hunt. The winner will be the one who hunt the biggest fish."
"Oh, I don't know, I just wanted to show her this place..."
"Okay." he smiled with a slight mocking tone, "I guess that I will be the one who will win the favor of the Olo'eyktan."
Ok'iri understood what he meant by that. He understood that Neteyam, the foreigner, was trying to court you. And he was not going to lose against him.
"Okay. Let's do it forest boy." he said and left, diving underwater with his Ilu.
You looked at the retreating shadow underwater and finally paid attention to the man at your side. The smiled had disappeared from his face and he was looking at you, a frown on his beautiful face.
"What..?" you asked tentatively, avoiding his gaze. "Aren't you going to hunt too..?" you added, trying to fill the void between the two of you.
"Oh but love..." he ordered his Ilu to slowly approach you and once he face in you personal space, smiled and leaned towards you, towering over your small frame. "I don't need to court you, you're already mine." He kissed the tip of your nose and you felt your heart swell with pride and affection for the man that you had the chance to call 'mate'. But suddenly, his sweet smile disappeared from his face and was quickly replaced by a mean one. One that you recognized very well. "However, I don't like it when people flirt with you. Come with me."
You did not know if you were supposed to be afraid and aroused. Maybe you were a bit of the two. You followed him until you two climbed on a rock who was a bit far from the 'hunting area'. It was surrounded by pretty aquatic flowers so you were a bit hidden from anyone who could potentially come here. However, if they walked around the rock, they would have a perfect sight of you two.
You did not asked him his intention though, thinking he was just going to steal you a kiss before going to hunt. Hey, it wasn't because you were smart that you weren't innocent. And Neteyam loved that about you. You trusted him with all your heart. And he loves seing your face when you realize what he is going to do. He looked at you and smirked.
"Every Monday I had to watch you chat excitedly with that guy, talking about all the things you like, telling him how good he was at hunting."
"But he was praising my skills in art, what was I supposed to do..?"
"Leave, love. Leave. Don't you understand ? I'm the only one ho can see you like this, all excited over your favorite topics. The only one who can see you smile and who can hear you laugh like this."
"Net'..." you backed up, joy and shame mixing in your head. He loved you so much, but he cul not accept the fact that you were asking with another guy (honestly it's a big red flag so let's correct it).
Seeing that you were shrinking under his gaze he softened his voice and gently held you face into the palm of his hands.
"I trust you. I really do. But I don't trust him. I know why your mother wanted you to meet him, and it makes my blood boil just by thinking about it. I just want them all to know that you are taken, do you understand ?"
"I'll respect your decision. If you don't wanna talk about me to your mother it's fine, but don't let those men openly flirt with you, please Love ? Have you not noticed the way he was touching your arms and your back ? The way he was being so friendly with you ?"
"I will be careful from now one, I don't wanna hurt anyone's feelings... Thank you my Neteyam, I love you, never forget that." you answered, your voice conveying all the feelings you had for him. Love, admiration. You were so pretty. And those lips...
"Show me how much you love me."
"W-What ? But... Ok'iri is not far from us..." you glowed, eyes wide open and mouth slightly agape.
"I don't care who sees, get on your knees."
You giggled and eventually gave in, getting on your knees and knowing exactly what was going to happen. Opening your mouth, you waited for him to stick his dick in it and once he did so, you hummed around it as a form of thanks. Neteyam felt like the luckiest man ever. How did he found a mate like you ? So obedient and eager to please him, his perfect pillow princess.
You started by sucking the tip of his length, massaging the rest of it with your pretty hand. Closing your eyes and whimpering softly you ignored the way his hands went trough your hair. Slowly but surely you bobbed your head around his girth taking a few inches more every time. Neteyam watched you in awe before finally giving in to the voice inside his head telling him to ruin you and cover your face with his cum.
He tightened his hold on your hair and stuck your head on his dick, forcing you to take all of him. You gasped and gripped his thighs as he sighed in pleasure, his legs shifting on the spot.
"Y-Yeah, just like this."
He started to thrust into your mouth repeatedly, starting at a slow pace.
"This pretty mouth of yours liked talking to that man ? Then..." he groaned, a faint sound coming from his chest as he pulled roughly on your strands. "Put this mouth to good use..."
You messily tried to massage his cock with your tongue, only to accidentally let you spit spread all over your mouth with how roughly he was manipulating your head. You let out a high pitched whine when he pulled a little to rough on your hair, making him laugh as he faked sympathy while slowing down a bit. He took his dick out of your mouth and leaned over you, smiling.
"Am I being too rough Love ? Poor baby, can't even take it properly. What a pity, I guess that we will have to do it slowly..." he raised an eyebrow, pouting.
"No ! No... Net' I can take it, I swear !" you said, your eyes tearing up as you widened your mouth and sticked out your tongue, eager to please him.
"Good girl. My sweet mate." he chuckled and went back to guide your mouth on his dick.
Your throat was getting numb and the muscles on your cheeks were hurting. Tears dripped down your cheeks and mixed with your saliva. You were a sight. Neteyam loved when you looked like that, so desperate. Seeing you cry turned on a switch in him and his pad accelerated. He felt his orgasm in the depth part of his lower abdomen and knew that he was close so he just gripped your hair tightly, preventing you from moving your head, and started to thrust roughly into your welcoming hole.
But suddenly you heard your name being called. It was Ok'iri, and he was close. "Forest boy ?"
"You're so good to me. Pretty lips and ah- hot mouth wrapped around my dick..." he whispered, his face morphing into one of full pleasure at the idea of being caught in this compromising position. "Don't want him to see us like that ?" he laughed as you shook your head with fervor, fear - and arousal in your watery eyes. "Don't worry I'm- Ah ! I'm almost d-done..."
You could sens that h was almost done. He was practically ripping your hair and destroying your throat. With a loud moan he finally came into your mouth, breathing heavily as he bend to meet your eyes. Knowing what he was waiting for you opened your mouth and showed him your tongue decorated with his seed.
"That's my girl."
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