#like what was there life like in the woodland mansion
galac-tica142006 · 7 months
The story that I created in my mind about how the cub and scar met and how the convex were formed is tormenting me day and night what do I do
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itsphoenix0724 · 4 months
Meet Me On The Ice (Azriel x Reader)~ Chapter 3
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 1.9k
MMOTI masterlist
A/N: It's been a while and I'm sorry but I hope you guys enjoy it <3
Disclaimer: DISCLAIMER: I am not a figure skater or a hockey player, so while I'm trying to be as accurate as possible, it's likely some things may not be correct and/or are bent a little to fit the plot!
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“He’s just so infuriating!” You fall back onto the plush couch in the Vanserra pool house, stuffing a mouthful of popcorn. The underused pool house had been You and Lucien’s sanctuary since you were small, his rowdy brothers not really caring to venture here, much preferring the amenities the woodland mansion had to offer. 
Well except for one. 
Eris Vanserra’s favorite hobby seemed to be annoying you whenever you were over. It seemed like no matter what he found some way to weasel into your business, and now as he settles into the couch between you and Lucien–shoveling a handful of your popcorn into his mouth, it seems he’s wormed his way into your venting session. 
“Trouble in paradise?” He raises an auburn brow and you can practically feel Lucien rolling his eyes. You can’t believe you ever thought he was the most tolerable of Lucien’s brothers. “I’ve seen that broody one you’re trying to replace LuLu with, he doesn’t seem like your type.” It’s probably true, most of the Vanserra brood played for the Autumn University Smokehounds except for Lucien, the Velaris Comet’s biggest rivals on and off the ice. 
“Like you know anything about my type Eris,” You snarl and he does nothing but laugh, even as Lucien looks like he wants to sink back into the couch cushions. 
“Go away Er, find someone else to bother.” Lucien supplies, removing the bowl of popcorn from his brother's lap, passing it back to you, fixing his heated gaze on Eris, and then pointedly looking at the door. Eris gets the hint, seeming amused by the level of aggravation he’s caused for the day and stands to leave. 
“Alright, but I’m hurt you didn’t ask me, Little Minx,” Eris’s heated gaze fixed on you as he reaches down and grabs one last piece of popcorn from your lap, crowding your space with eyes locked together with brutal efficiency. “I think we would’ve danced very well together.” He leaves without another word. 
“It’s like I’m not safe from assholes anywhere,” You scoff, collapsing back into Lucien’s lap. He looks at you apologetically, running a soothing hand through your hair. You relish in the simple affection of the balm that is Lucien’s presence. 
“I’m sorry about him,” He supplies, twisting a lock of hair through your fingers. 
“I know how to handle Eris, it’s the other one I’m more nervous about.” Your eyes slip shut, taking calming breaths.
“What about Az gets you so worked up?” He asks readjusting his casted foot to be propped higher on the pillow. 
“I don’t even know, my whole life he’s just hated me. I get that I was an annoying little kid who always wanted to hang out with them, but we’re adults now and he should fucking get over it.” You can feel the annoyance start to creep back into your body, your temper already rising at the thought of the practice you have to attend later. 
“You’ll survive Dove, don’t let this ruin your last season. At least one of us needs a good one.” You glance up at Lucien who’s glaring at his leg like that could make it magically heal.
“I know I’m sorry. I just wish we could do it together.” You say, and he smiles down at you mournfully, rubbing out the crease between your eyebrows as you try to relax. “I’ll try to keep my head up.” 
Your head slams down hard against the practice floor as you’re dropped for the third time tonight. 
“Alright!” Alis yells, her forehead wrinkled with irritation as she stops the music. You glare hard at Azriel whose chest is heaving up and down, an equally intense glare fixed on you. “You two clearly haven’t taken my advice, and it’s showing in your work.”  She calls your name and you sit up, rubbing the sore spot from where your head hit the floor. “What did you and Lucien do when you first started skating together?” 
“We used to get pizza and go the arcade once a week.” You supply and you and Az share a mutual look of distaste. “But that was when we were eleven and Azriel and I are very much not eleven.” Alis shakes her head again. 
“Well, I don’t care. If you want any chance of even stepping on ice this season, you’ll bond. If you can’t get this on the practice floor, I’ll be damned before I let either of you on skates.” 
“I don’t have time for that.” Azriel’s voice rumbles through the room, and Alis shoots him an incredulous look.
“Well young man, let me make some time for you now. Practice is dismissed early, and the two of you are going to get pizza and go to the arcade. In fact, I’m giving you homework, you two have to hang out once a week.” Her tone is final despite the mutual protests of you and Azriel. So with the grumbling, you’re reluctantly climbing into the passenger seat of Az’s beat-up jeep as he’s plugging in the directions to the old Funland Arcade. He sets his arm on the back of your headrest as he looks over his shoulder to back out of the parking lot and set out on the road. 
It's most likely the most awkward car ride you’ve ever been on. 
The radio is playing on low with some old rock band Azriel must be fond of and the monotone voice of his phone’s GPS is the only noise in the car. Even the sound of your breath seems to blare throughout the vehicle's cab. Luckily for you, the drive to the old arcade is short. He parks the car and the two of you make your way inside, when you get in line behind him for game tokens he raises his eyebrows at you pinning you with a silent question in his hazel gaze. 
“What? I don’t expect you to pay for me, it’s not like we’re on a date.” You give him a noncommittal nod and he shrugs in response before feeding money into the machine that spits out the tokens. You repeat his actions filling your bucket as you set out upon the battlefield of neon lights and arcade consoles. 
It takes all of about 30 seconds for another argument to ensue. 
It's stupid really. You want to play the old Dance Dance Revolution machine in the back and Azriel wants to play some zombie shooter with grotesque graphics and obnoxiously loud gun noises. 
“Well, then we can just each play our own game and meet up when we’re done.” He huffs and starts to walk over to his choice, but you grab his arm. 
“The entire point of being here is so that we spend time together. Alis said we’re supposed to do things together as a team.” You drop his arm, glaring at him as he scoffs and shoves his hands in his hoodie pocket. 
“She’ll never even find out if we don’t” He tries to walk away again fully turning his back to you but you grab his hood and yank him back again. He lets out a choking sound before whipping around to you absolutely furious. “What the actual fuck was that for?” Azriel questions, yanking his collar back down. 
“Listen to me, Azriel. I get that this isn’t important to you but it’s important to me. This is my only chance to skate, so I don’t care what I have to stoop to.” You pinch the crease between your brows and try to offer an olive branch. “So can we at least compromise okay? I’ll play your shooting game first if you play my game after, and then how about we try to pick a game together.” Az finally relents, nodding his agreement. So the two of you walk over to his game, eloquently titled Undead Massacre III, and pick up the red plastic gun assigned to player two. 
You were officially complete dog shit. 
You had wasted a good chunk of your tokens because you kept dying and Azriel was too far ahead or too focused to revive you, and you could tell that he was annoyed at having to start over. You wanted to quit, not understanding the gun upgrades or reloading mechanism, insisting that you played enough and it was your turn. Az insisted that you had to win at least the easiest round before you could move on. After you died for the fifth time and the game over screen flashes bright and angry as Azriel comes behind you. 
“You can’t reload or switch guns fast enough because you’re holding it wrong.” He rumbles the warmth from his chest seeping into your back as he repositions your hands around the plastic. “And you can’t aim because you’re holding the gun too low and it’s not registering with the sensor,” He pulls your arm up so that the gun is now level with your collarbones. “There, see how that feels?” You shudder as his breath hits your neck, rolling your shoulders to fight off the rising goosebumps from his proximity and pray that he can’t see the heat creeping up your cheeks in the dim light. He inserts the tokens for both of you and starts the game again. You actually manage to beat the easiest level and let out a shout that makes a few mothers shoot you angry glares, turning to Azriel eyes blazing with victory. He smiles, actually smiles at you, and you start toward him before awkwardly pausing. If it was Lucien, Rhys, or hell even Cassian you would’ve thrown your arms around them to celebrate. But it was Azriel, so you settle for an awkward smile and offer your hand up for a high-five. He returns it and reluctantly follows you over to DDR, which he does surprisingly well at. 
You should’ve known apparently he’s good at everything. You shoot him a questioning gaze and he gives a nonchalant shrug, but there’s amusement in his eyes that makes a laugh bubble out of your chest.
The both of you settle on ski ball and a couple other arcade games that leave you both with a massive pile of tickets that you have to spend at the counter. You end up combing your tickets for the free pizza coupon so you settle into the booths and wait for it to be delivered to your table. This time the silence isn’t terribly awkward, you’re surrounded by kids laughing, terribly censored pop radio, and the smell of mediocre arcade pizza. You flick through social media on your phone and answer a couple texts before the waitress brings you a pitcher of lemonade and a large cheese pizza. You take two slices and Azriel piles 4 onto his plate, raising a brow at you as he shoves his face. 
“You don’t have to eat it like it’s about to run away from you.” You giggle out around a sip of your lemonade and Azriel thankfully takes the comment as the joke it is instead of an insult and laughs. 
“I’m a growing boy sweetheart, gotta eat.” He shoves almost half a piece of pizza in his mouth and pats his stomach for effect. The blush is back and Az watches it darken your cheeks with amusement dancing in his eyes. Thoroughly stuffed and satisfied you climb back into Azriel’s car as he drives you back to the rink, looking out the window as stars twinkle in the night sky. 
“I had fun tonight,” you mutter as he drops you off at your car. “I’ll see you tomorrow for practice.” Azriel nods at you from his rolled-down window and waits until you’re in your car and pulling out of the parking lot before he starts his drive home.
Taglist: @sidthedollface2, @bionic-donut @lyinginameadow @feyretopia @natashachelsea @going-through-shit @mika-no-sekai-blog @hijabi-desi-bookworm @brandywineeeee @littlelunatica @gorlillaglue25
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pixiemage · 1 year
These Small Hours
(So basically I saw the little "Sorry, Rancher!" moment between Jimmy and Tango, deemed it cute, and wrote 2k words of the fluffiest fluff that I imagine happens after the clocks are paused at the end of the session. :3)
(Title comes from "Little Wonders" by Rob Thomas)
[This work can also be read on Archive of our Own]
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Despite the exposure to the open air, sleeping on the roof of the half-burned woodland mansion was more pleasant than Jimmy had anticipated. The mass of torches ensured that no mobs would spawn nearby, and none could reach them up here from the ground with the way the lower portion of the building had been reduced to nothing but a shell. The sky above was strewn with stars, and even now - late into the night when he should’ve been sleeping - he traced patterns with his eyes, weaving invisible connections between the glimmering dots and trying to remember what few constellations he knew…and what few Tango had taught him on late nights on the roof of the ranch. The only downside, Jimmy supposed, was the chill, which was only slightly alleviated by a few lit furnaces nearby, and he supposed his wings helped a decent amount. But even so, a part of him longed for a warm bed and worn wood walls and a smoky scent on the pillow and familiar arms wound comfortably around him and a warm presence tucked close beside him.
Jimmy sighed softly, adjusting his wings to take some pressure off an aching point near his spine.
He missed Tango, was the truth of it. He knew his soulmate was on the same server as him, not even that far away with how small the map felt this season, but it still felt too far. Especially after the lone, brief exchange they’d had earlier in the rush of the game–
Teasing and bickering across a small stretch of water, Joel killing the cow, Etho spinning the boat around to face him, Tango leaping across the water to get a better view. Then Jimmy had rushed forward, had elbowed Tango aside, had only realized his mistake when he caught Tango’s stumbled, half-wincing landing out of the corner of his eye. He had cast a sheepish smile back over his shoulder, tossed back an apology - “Sorry, rancher!” - and their eyes, however briefly, had met. Tango had grinned, had laughed, had looked almost proud, and then threatened his life with a smile and wink. Then Jimmy and Joel had fled, and Etho had watched them go, and then…
Jimmy withheld another sigh and sat up, rolling his shoulders and his head to dispel the crick in his neck. There was no way he could sleep like this. He eased himself to his feet and crept away from Grian and Joel’s sleeping forms, careful to avoid weak patches of the roof so he wouldn’t make a creak and wake them up. Not that he was doing anything he wasn’t allowed to do. He just - didn’t want to try and explain. It felt private, personal.
When he reached the edge of the roof, he looked down. He could’ve tried to find a hole in the ceiling and land on the staircase he supposed, but he had attempted that earlier and gotten a sore ankle for his troubles. No, landing in grass seemed like a softer alternative if he somehow managed to bungle this. But he wouldn’t. He could do this. He was a bad boy, wasn’t he? He’d done a few water bucket clutches today already. He could do another. He was getting better at it, in truth, so surely he could do it again?
Jimmy dug a bucket of water from his inventory and took a break, stepping back before leaping from the edge. Gravity took hold quickly and he spread his wings. He couldn’t fly, but he could catch air, and it slowed him enough that timing the water would be easier - and - splash.
He stumbled, staggered, but it was a clean landing. (Despite it being such a small victory, Jimmy grinned. Nailed it.) With a quick cursory glance around to avoid any nearby hostile mobs, Jimmy stowed his water, summoned his sword, and ducked through the trees in search of the coastline that had been stolen from him and Joel earlier that day.
It was empty and quiet when Jimmy arrived. The water was still, Scott’s little cluster of manmade islands aglow in the distance, and the place was easily recognizable from the multiple times Jimmy had come by in the past day. But…it was empty and quiet. The little sandy strip of land that Tango and Etho and the rest of their team had been inhabiting early that afternoon was completely abandoned, the top few layers scraped away with no signs of life as far as Jimmy could see. He leapt across the little river separating it from the land, missing his step and sucking in a sharp gasp when his foot splashed into the water on the other side. He grimaced, shaking out his shoe.
Ugh. That was gonna be a pain to deal with later…
Slowly, quietly, Jimmy circled the little area a few times, his ear feathers flared to catch any stray sounds…but he heard nothing. Nothing but the sea and the wind and the occasional distant zombie or spider lingering off in the trees. Had they left? Had they moved on? Had they deemed the area not worthy and abandoned it even after their showdown against Jimmy and Joel? Jimmy sighed, a quiet and warbled chirp meeting the air and his wings drooping against his back. Oh. Maybe he should have messaged ahead. Of course, he had avoided doing that in the first place in case Tango was asleep and Jimmy’s message woke him up (and his teammates along with him), but it may have been a smarter move than simply sneaking over with no notice in the middle of the night. He cast a glance back the way he had come, the feathers around his ears pinning back against his head. Maybe he ought to go back. Maybe he should just give up and–
A hand brushed his shoulder, a whispered voice breaking the silence of the night, and Jimmy about leapt out of his skin. The sound that left him was one he was most certainly not proud of, but any embarrassment he may have felt vanished as soon as he whipped around on shocked, unsteady feet.
And there Tango was, his clothes and hair just a little bit wet but his grin absolutely blinding. He had a hand half-raised and he was chuckling sheepishly, the corners of his eyes crinkled in amusement.
“Sorry, sorry!” He held back his laughter, his words low. “I didn’t mean to spook ya!”
Jimmy gaped at him and blinked away his surprise.
“Where did you even come from?!”
“Uh–” Tango jerked a thumb back over his shoulder toward the water then made a vague gesture toward his feet. “Our base? It’s underground. We dug out a bit of a sneaky-sneaky entrance underwater, but it’s a bit of a pain if I’m being honest. Except, after Martyn came through and dumped a pile of explosives on our heads it seemed like a good idea to get rid of topside entry, so–”
Oh. Oh. Oh, they were just–
“I thought you’d left or something,” Jimmy blurted, his feathers puffing up at the admission. “I didn’t see a base, and I haven’t heard from you since earlier, so I assumed…” He shrugged.
It sounded silly, really, when he said it like that. He sounded clingy almost, but he knew that Tango knew that wasn’t what he meant. In fact, Tango let out another stifled laugh and shook his head fondly, finally closing the gap to wrap a warm hand around Jimmy’s wrist and tug him closer.
“What, you missed me that much?” he murmured, teasing, cheeky, and Jimmy went a bit pink.
“Of course not,” he grumbled, trying to sound nonchalant, but from the way Tango’s grin widened he was doing an awful job.
It wasn’t as if Jimmy tried to hide that fact either. The moment Tango was close enough he all but melted into his soulmate’s space, cuddling close and tucking his face into the crook of Tango’s neck as though he belonged there. He slipped an arm around the blazeborn’s flame-warmed waist and let out a small sigh, the tension in his posture going slack almost instantly.
“Of course,” he amended, whispered, like a secret in the dark, and he reveled in the warm and affectionate little laugh he could feel vibrate through Tango’s chest from how closely they were standing.
“Wanna know the truth?” Tango asked. The fingers still wound around Jimmy’s wrist traced little circles against the skin where he held him. “I miiiight’ve been sneakin’ out to try and find you too.”
Jimmy pulled back just far enough to meet his eyes, his expression alight with curiosity and a flutter of affection warming his chest.
“Were you really?”
Tango grinned at him.
“What, you think I just happened to be outside when you came by?” he drawled. He cocked his head to the side with a sharp little smirk. “Nah, I ditched the guys to try and track down that mansion spot you and your team have claimed. It’s near spawn somewhere, and it’s kinda hard to miss. I figured I’d spot it soon enough. But it seems like you did some sneakificating of your own instead.” He lowered his voice playfully. “I guess you really are a bad boy, huh?” he teased, waggling his eyebrows, and Jimmy went a brilliant shade of red.
“Oh, stop, c’mon,” he whined, shrinking beneath the laughter in Tango’s eyes. “It’s just a team name, innit?”
“No no, I think I like it!” It was obvious Tango was withholding laughter as he carried on. “My soulmate’s a rebel. I think I can dig it. I’m sure I’ve got a leather jacket somewhere you can borrow if you wanna look the part–”
Jimmy’s wings curled forward and he pressed his face back into Tango’s shoulder, if only to avoid the laughter he could see in every inch of his partner’s expression. And Tango did laugh then, bright and barking and echoing just slightly across the water. Jimmy grumbled and buried his face into the fabric of Tango’s hoodie, clearly something he had thrown on for the sake of his late-night escapade. His soulmate was the worst. W-O-R-S-T worst.
When Tango’s laughter finally faded, a calm sort of quiet settled over the pair. The water was calming and the breeze was light and the comfort of being back in Tango’s arms was enough for Jimmy to be so very tempted to drift off right where he stood…but that would be foolish, he knew. Except Tango’s touch along his wrist was soothing and at some point his other hand had come up to rest against the back of Jimmy’s neck, his fingers scratching lightly through Jimmy’s hair, and he was so warm.
“...don’t go fallin’ asleep on me, Feathers,” Tango teased softly. “C’mon, Grian won’t start the timers again until everyone is awake tomorrow. You can bunk up with me for the night, I’m sure none of the guys would mind.”
“Hm…?” Jimmy straightened slowly and it took him a long moment to register what Tango was offering. He frowned and glanced in the general direction of the mansion. “...they’ll wonder where I’ve gone,” he murmured. “Grain and Joel. I can’t - with the game–”
“Jim, c’mon.” Jimmy was pulled gently along toward the edge of the island and he didn’t really have much willpower to turn Tango down. “It’ll be fine. Etho is a super early riser. I’m sure he’ll wake one of us up before the rest of the server is up.”
Jimmy cast one last look back over his shoulder, but when he turned back to Tango, the blazeborn had a sweet, pleading look on his face, his eyes half-aglow and standing out in the darkness of the night.
“Please? I’ve missed you. I know we said it wouldn’t be fair to team together again but it’s driving me nuts being on the same server as you and not being near you.” He leaned in to better catch Jimmy’s eye. “You can’t sleep either, I can tell. One night. Clock’s not tickin’ right now. We’ve got time.”
They had time.
Jimmy sighed and let out warbled chirp, letting himself be tugged close to his soulmate again. Their foreheads bumped gently together, their noses brushing, and when they met in the middle in a soft and long-awaited kiss, Jimmy was the one to initiate it.
“...one night,” he returned once they had separated. “Just the one. Alright?”
Tango beamed.
“That’s all the time I need.”
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Our lives are made In these small hours These little wonders These twists and turns of fate Time falls away But these small hours These small hours Still remain
(A/N: ...approximately 30 seconds after they get into the base, they both receive a message from Scott saying he's glad they've "finally stopped flirting on the shoreline, water carries sound like you wouldn't believe".)
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terrence-silver · 1 month
What kind of bedroom would Terry have
I present to you: Ennis House's brutalist, concrete block bedroom!
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With the sole exception that I'd make Terry's actual bed in the 1980's into something more eccentric and luxurious. Less typically utilitarian. Something with actual arches and canopies. Something grand and slightly intimidating? Something with a gothic, period type flare? Maybe something like this?
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Present day, though, in his Malibu seaside mansion where we're first re-introduced to him, I'd opt for more open concept spaces. Modern minimalism. Clean. Pristine. Lots of whites. Pale colors. An abundance of natural light and glass as opposed to his dark, gritty, gothic (Slightly maximalist?) bedroom of the 80's. Never more furniture than is needed --- in fact, only the bare essentials. A hub meant to rest the eyes and the soul and arranged by precise Feng Shui, without distractions, wholly decluttered, with colossal windows where everything seems pleasantly transparent. Perhaps symbolizing him supposedly turning a new page and his dwelling and sleeping spaces intending to reflect that, being as orderly, clean cut and put together as his life was intended to be. And I do envision something as stark and almost as intentionally and meticulously bare as this, with a vast vista overlooking the ocean. It's only perhaps a little too empty for comfort. De-personalized.
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How about when he goes back to his old ways and changes manors once more and he ends up in that forested looking estate where his weapon collection is stashed? The place where he invites Chozen for dinner? The color palette of that home is infinitely different; lots of dark wood, tall shelves, labyrinthian hallways that seem a bit tight, black marble panels, blackout curtains and heavy draperies, a sense of everything being more closed off from all sides, brooding fireplaces and his bedroom is likely to take on a more moody tone by extension too. What I imagine is a lot of modern elegance, a foreboding palette, dim and seductive lights and the overall sense of excess privacy dominating the premises as opposed to before, especially the bedroom, giving off the impression that the place is secluded, overlooking a private, walled off patch of woodland he owns. If anything, Terry's the opposite of someone posturing to be open and rehabilitated in this stage.
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anonymous-dentist · 7 months
It’s so funny to me that a bunch of the islanders are upset about q!cellbit killing the workers while q!etoiles kills like twenty in the background and no one bats an eye because “he’s probably fighting the code! Classic etoiles”
Tbh man Etoiles is living in an entirely different genre than everybody else. They’d see him killing all these dudes and they’d go “Oh, Etoiles!! You goofy little dungeon man!!” as he’s dripping with the blood of millions
And it’s funny because Cellbit at least seems to recognize the fact that these workers are people, he just doesn’t care because, to him, and to child him- who literally left a note saying not to trust the workers- they’re all complicit in the Federation’s wrongdoings. They’re passively standing by as horrible things happen, and they get health insurance for it.
But Etoiles? They’re just another mob for him to kill. By Minecraft’s lore, Pillagers and all those dudes in Woodland Mansions and Piglins all have these civilizations and societies and they’re sentient life forms for the players to kill. What’s the difference between those and Feds?
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skullytotheark · 6 days
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Random Creepyhornets Heacanons
[i made that thumbnail btw]
Additional: in this canon, marble hornets takes place when youtube was extremely fresh & ends in 2006/2007. But in saying that the current time within this canon is 2008
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The Mansion.
The Mansion is built on top of a massive cave
Context: Deeeep within the cave is a large pit of sorts which houses one of the Slenderman's 'towers' [which is a hivemind source. Think of it as a 'spawn point' for slender incase he 'dies']. Most of the food the proxies collect for slender is tossed into a basement corner which has a massive hole, The hivemind uses smaller roots to grab ahold of the food before dragging it into the depths
The Mansion is actually an asylum that was made into a "mansion"
You can still find some left over files fron when the asylum was up and running. A bunch of patient records, Weird experiements [which is probably why slender picked this place in the first place] and a bunch of cells
This also confirms that the 'basement' is a boiler room
The mansion moves around???
Well actually, The Forest moves around the mansion. But for this reasoning proxies need to be marked so they can find the mansion with ease, It has a strange 'six sense' thing going on where the proxies kinda know where the mansion is even when the forest shifts
Only proxies are allowed in the mansion
This just means that 'followers' or unofficial proxies aren't allowed in the mansion
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Timothy Wright "Masky"
[drawn by my bestie @peachy-cloudds]
Background within this canon:
A year after marble hornets, Was shortly forced into becoming a proxy. The Operator's 'hauntings' becoming so bad to the point it was physically attacking Tim until he finally submitted. A choice he regrets to this day
Tim is a 'commander' or a 'leader' of sorts
Tim is a 'high ranking proxy' [which was a rank he was instantly given, alot of proxies hate him for how fast he ranked up], Meaning he can give orders and tasks to his follow proxies.
Tim's 'normal life'
Tim worked extremely hard to regain what was left of his life after marble hornets, Which meant him trying to be stable enough to hold a job as a Computer wiz, Of course having some experience with computers from marble hornets. He kinda dreads work but it's alot better then being a proxy and killing people
Tim constantly feels guilty for the things he's done as a proxy
As a proxy, It's your job to follow every order, Even if it means killing innocents.. But when being a proxy it's pretty much you or them.
Tim doesn't remember Entry 83
..... "I don't know what it is but.. something is off about brian.."
Tim's hobbies
One of tim's hobbies include photography, A thing he remembers enjoying in his childhood.. before he was sent away of course. He remembers having a shit camera he wondered around with and taking photos of whatever he saw as a kid
"I'm not like these freaks.."
Besides the events of marble hornets and his childhood, Tim is literally just a everyday guy. He's not a ruthless serial killer like everyone else in the manor nor is he some asshole some ppl make him out to be. He's just wrangled into this because of the Operator..
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Tobias Erin Rodgers. "The Woodland Maniac"
[His surname is Rodgers in this canon, Just cuz no real big reason]
"You're wreckless Tobias.. That'll be your downfall" - The Operator
A Lot of the time Toby is pretty short tempered and doesn't like to be mocked, He prefers to be taken seriously like the other proxies around him. So he kinda does whatever to prove that he deserves respect like the others
"Everytime I look in the mirror.. He's there."
Toby fucking HATES looking in the mirror or at any of his reflections. Toby pretty much looks like a younger version of his father which pisses him off alot, Even beyond his dreams he seems to not be able to escape him
Toby dropped out of school at 17
Toby isn’t very good at Math or writing since he was pulled out of school when he was 15. Of course Connie tried to homeschool him but the rogers household wasn’t the best place for learning. But just because Toby isn’t extremely educated doesn’t mean he’s stupid, Toby can be pretty smart with certain scenarios thanks to his years as a proxy
spare time in Childhood
When Toby was younger Toby never really got to grow up with any computer/console games since and isn’t really familiar with the big brands. When he was little he heard of games like “mario” or “sonic” and was alil jealous of the other kids and their stable lives, However Toby always found himself being an outside kid which Connie considered to be a lot better than sitting in the house all day playing video games since, Toby spent most of his days doing that already
Fucking lies. All of them
Upon awakening Toby found himself in the edge of the woods, Feeling strangely sick from blacking out. His body aching while he coughed violently, Often coughing out bits of blood. Toby would begin to make his way to the edge of the forest before he finally broke through the treeline to find a group of police. While Toby was informed he was missing for about a month, Word had gotten out about Lyra’s sudden death along with Toby’s sudden disappearance and he was a prime suspect for her death thanks to his aunt Evelyn [Frank’s sister] spreading rumors about Toby possibly killing Lyra.
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Skully "The Vessel"
"Whispering voices"
Skully tends to pause in between sentences due to some of the soul’s memories flashing before their eyes, It often distracts them and leaves them stunned for a second or two.
"Brian Isn't Here Right Now."
Skully often disguises themself as Brian / Hoody to scout around the mansion, Due to being a similar entity to the Operator it is unable to detect them. However there was only one tiny problem, Tim is a proxy too.. So one night Skully erased the memory of Brian dying before proceeding to weasel their way into the Manor. Using Brian as a meat suit
Skully is a lesser being of the Operator, Which means that they have similar abilities. Skully mostly uses teleportation though since they don’t wish to bring any form of harm to others.
Skully doesn’t really express any emotion, They often rarely talk or show any form of emotion. Their voice often montoned while Their body language often still similar to the Operator
"You can be fixed."
Skully is often a guardian angel for those who have been infected via drowning or the Operator, Often observing them in the distance and protecting them when they need too.
"How Much Do You Hate?"
Skully is often rarely aggressive however if provoked they tend to enter a more intimidating form that is similar to the Operator, Skully’s arms being outstretched while their mask expresses anger of sorts. 
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The Operator.
[drew this the first time i used procreate on my sister's ipad]
Living nest
Spiders tend to make small nests in the small holes that are on slender’s body, These spiders due to long exposure can give you the drowning if they bite you
"that horrible face.."
The Spiral in the center of Slender’s face can hypnotize it’s victims. In my canon it’s how Slender gains most of it’s proxies
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[example image]
• "The Hivemind."
The Operator has more than one variant that all act as a single hive mind sharing the same exact thoughts. The following examples are The Tower, The Drones and Hallucination
The Tower: The Tower is the main source of the hivemind, These variants are basically the "Queen Bees" that pop out smaller versions of themselves to scout for food and return it to the Nest. Towers often borrow themselves deep underground where they cannot be touched, often growing extremely giant, For example they can grow to the size of the statue of liberty before stopping. Their tentacles can connect to the roots of trees which allows them to shift the forest at their command, It's also worth noting that the hivemind all share the same thoughts
Drones: The drones are basically mini clones of the hivemind that are produced so the tower doesn't have to expose itself to the outside world and get injured or killed, Their goal is to collect food until the Tower is ready to bloom. But a lot of the time these drones will hypnotize people into doing their biddings for them which is considered to be the norm nowadays. It's also less stressful for the drones in case they do not wish to be discovered by the outside world. Drones can also become towers if they live long enough
Hallucinations: These are as you expect, They're the dones way of messing with your head by haunting you and breaking you mentality. They often appear in hallucinations and aren't the actual drones themselves, The main way to tell the difference between a drone and a hallucination is by the color of their tie. Red means that they are physically there attacking you while black means it's not real
The Great Blooming / The Arrival
This event is pretty straight forward. So the main reason these towers need to collect so much food and souls is so that they can bloom, Their heads unraveling to reveal a black rose that shoots out a giant cloud of spores that will infect those whoever breathes the spores in. These spores have the regular side effects such as the drowning, However those who are infected with the Tower's Spores are a ticking time bomb waiting to go off. If one is infected long enough their heads will implode into a flower and spread more spores around them
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Connie Melody Rodgers.
Young mother.
Connie had Lyra when she was pretty young, Connie was 21 when she had Lyra who was born in 1984 while she was 25 when Toby who was born in 1988.
public shame
Connie often avoids crowded areas and neighborhood events due to the amount of people pinning blame on her son for the casualties when Toby burnt down the neighborhood. At times they would pin the blame on her even though the outside world never really got an insight in the Rodgers Family Household
Small distractions..
Connie tries to distract herself as much as she can, Constantly bottling up all of these emotions she has inside of her the best she can trying not to break. These distractions are often work, Household chores, Cooking and Painting
Family drama
Connie often avoids Frank’s side of the family who were just as horrible as frank was. But they often come knocking at her door trying to rile her up and often threatening to take her to court. But alot of the time when Connie hears them knocking she just pretends she’s not there.
"Burnt It All To Cinders Burnt To Ash.."
Connie recently went back to the burnt remains of her house, When she found the old metal box that surprisingly protected the things she had put in it she nearly bursted into tears when she found all of the old familt photos she has.. Although She could’ve swore she put Lyra’s jacket in it
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whirlwindsworld · 6 months
The lastest ep of Secret Life really got me thinking about a more zombie apocalypse smp. The single player ones have been done, but I think a smp one maybe hasn’t?
Crucially, I’d like the details of the zombies abilities to be kept under wraps until a person is infected.
You start with a grace period, let people do the normal survival. But the very first person to become a zombie should ideally be random and maybe even randomly timed.
Give it some boogeyman vibes and have them know they’re infected but no one else. The other players will crucially not know when the first person becomes infected.
I can’t decide whether I want infection deaths to be announced in chat.
Things I’d want on the map include villagers and the deep dark, but no stuff like a woodland mansion. I like helmets off rules, as well as no netherite and potions. Minimal armor enchants maybe as well.
As the series progresses, bits of the map will be unlocked and buildings with loot like potions and such will made available to everyone.
The initial aim will be to survive until the final bit of the map unlocks. A bunker. It will be the furthest bit away from the start area, so people will still likely have their bases with all the built up defenses pretty far away from it.
Hype up what could be in the bunker. A beacon, a vaccine against the infection, a portal to another world, a super weapon, anything.
I think a cure of some sort would be a dramatic enough solution, but I’m not set on it.
I haven’t thought through what abilities I want the zombies to have but here are some of my ideas.
I like the idea of the players being essentially on hardcore rules, and the zombies having lots of hearts but no regeneration. Until they kill of course. Giving zombies this vibe of being able to survive tons and tons of damage until they’re falling apart.
Players can survive close calls, but zombies just accumulate damage.
On the flipside, zombies won’t need to eat, can’t drown, and mobs will not aggro on them. So you can’t just set a warden or a wither on them.
The zombies will have the initial aim of spreading the infection and stopping the players from reaching the bunker.
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cactusringed · 2 months
Something about abandoned Minecraft worlds, worlds marred by combat that just.... I don't know. The most beautiful Minecraft builds will still never evoke as strong of an emotion to me as seeing a half destroyed cobblestone wall, or a high one block tower which changes materials several times through, with a pool of water at the bottom. It tells a story. It's ugly but they're also ghosts of what happened there.
Idk sometimes I think of limlife and how objectively fucking ugly it is but then how at the same time it is the life map that most closely resembles a battlefield. And how fitting that the vast majority of structures on that map were made specifically for offense, for it to be littered with sky passages made of cobblestone for the sole purpose of dropping tnt, and little bunkers high up, as high as they can to protect themselves from aforementioned dropping tnt. The map littered with holes from explosions. The burned then drowned, utterly destroyed woodland mansion. The sprawling bread bridge. Idk I'm being silly and insane and all but man idk how fitting that the season with the most deaths, with the most violence, is the season with the ugliest world. I hope one day someone recreates it. Third life and last life worlds' feel like abandoned, once beautiful kingdoms, marred by war. But limlife's is another category of its own.
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owtenen · 1 year
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Where I put all the info we know about the mechanics, team-ups, base locations, etc into one location
(below cut is spoilers to LIMITED LIFE, which is series 4 of the life series. Pls don’t get mad if you read it and don’t want spoilers)
I. Participants
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No ren :( I'm sad :(
Skizz is back :D
Nothing really big about this part, just that all of the soul pairs except Box Boys are here for potential refs and angst (there has already been a lot)
NOTE: I have only fully watched 6 out of the 14 possible POVs, so info regarding people I haven't watched might be limited to what the comments tell me when I make a mistake This info comes from watching these POVs and snippets of the other ones.
POVs I watched (in this order): Joel, Tango, Jimmy, Etho, Skizz, Cleo
POVs I skimmed (in this order): Martyn, Impulse, Scar
^ I will be consistently watching these POVs + Bdubs every week, however I'll probably watch others when I'm bored or if something big happens lol.
II. Teams/Alliances (from what I can gather from Episode 1)
EDIT: I originally said that Martyn and Scott were individual teams when that was wrong, it looks like they are teamed together and are called the Coral Kids. This change has been made below
Team T.I.E.S: Tango, Impulse, Etho, Skizz
Bad Boys: Grian, Jimmy, Joel
Coral Kids LBGSeas BadBouies : Martyn and Scott
Nosy Neighbors: Pearl and BigB ( + Froggy the Jellie cat)
Cwackers Cockers Clockers: Cleo, Scar, Bdubs
NOTE: Not all of these are NOW official names WAHOO
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It seems like everyone is teaming with pretty much their usual crowd (ie, Jimmy/Joel/Grian , Cleo/Bdubs , Skizz/Imp/Tango/Etho) except for the notable exception of BigB and Pearl, which I don't think have teamed up together in a series before?
I could totally see Etho and Martyn teaming up after this episode, especially later in the season when TIES eventually break up.
III. Base Locations (based off of limited info from episode 1)
Team T.I.E.S seems to be basing on the edge of the main land mass underground. I can't tell if they have cows after Martyn's TNT but they have wheat and chickens, as well as sugarcane. NOTE: Etho seems to be basing close to but not WITH Tango, Impulse, and Skizz. Idk what this means but it's interesting to see what happens
Scott and Martyn are basing right next to TIES on a floating island in the ocean. I didn't watch their episodes but from Etho's it looks like they have both sugarcane and a zombie villager in a boat.
Bad Boys are basing .... *checks notes*.... on top of the woodland mansion .... made of wood .... wait? so Jimmy "our Ranch is burning down!" Solidarity and Joel "If the ship burns everything burns!" Smallishbeans are going to base on the top of the most flammable structure known to Minecraft? Okay cool.... this won't go horribly wro- oh and Cleo’s already burned the whole thing down great that lasted about 2 seconds
Cockers Clockers are based literally just at spawn. There entire thing is going to be building a stadium so they can laugh at people when they die.... I hate them (/lie)
Pearl and BigB are based between spawn and the woodland mansion on the edge of the stone cliff. I hope they slay and thrive there
IV. Mechanics
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Okay so, there seems to be a lot more rules to this one than the other ones, so here's what I've gathered.
Everyone has a timer that counts down from 24 hours, this timer started when the series started
When the clock reaches 0 for the player, they are eliminated
There seems to be 2 ways to lose time: Being killed or dying. If you are killed by the boogeyman, it subtracts two hours from your time. If you are killed by natural gameplay (ie creeper, fall damage, etc.) you only lose 1 hour of time. (NOTE: it's not said how many hours are taken away if you're killed from non-boogeyman PVP, but I'm assuming it will still be 2 hours)
There is only 1 way to ADD time to your clock: kill players. When you are the boogeyman, you can kill whoever you want, and when you do you are given 30 minutes to your timer. EDIT: thanks to a comment I now have this info: If you are the boogeyman and you fail to kill a player within the 3 hours (that's how long they record for), you are dropped down to the next color life. For example, if you are a green name boogeyman and fail to kill, your time will go down to 16 hours and you will become yellow. This is the same for the yellow to red drop. (NOTE: Some ccs have said in their videos that it's + 1 hour, however Grian's intro says + 30 minutes which is what i'm going off of. Not sure if the + 30 minutes applies to non-boogeyman PVP kills, however I suspect it does)
Everyone starts as a green name, and the players turns yellow when they have less than 16 hours left on their timer. A player turns red when they have less than 8 hour on the clock
Most of the same rules apply to PVP as before: greens cannot kill anyone, yellow names can now kill green names even if they aren't provoked , and red names can kill everyone. Boogeyman kills can happen to anyone regardless of color. I suspect these rules will not be strictly followed like they have been for every season but yaknow we'll see.
V. Episode 1 Specifically
This series seems actually super cool! Here's some of the thoughts as a writer of traffic series fics and just a general enjoyer of episode 1. I like writing my opinions and these were written in real time while I was watching each POV.
🚧 NOTE: Some (like 4) of these points talk about shipping in fics.. I'll label the bullets with the caution tape emoji but I'd just recommend skipping this entire section if you get really pissed or triggered about it. Reminder that I do not ship real people, just the characters.
the Bad Boys are literally just that one (1) 100 hours hardcore episode.
Joel and Jimmy being idiots and dying is so funny, what a couple of idiots (I love them)
🚧 Boat Boys and Ranchers broke up to be with each others soulmates
it didn’t take even 20 minutes for Team Rancher and Boat Boys to break up. A real love loses moment.
I'm convinced Tango decides his friend groups based only on if there names make good acronyms. Like for sure he didn't invite Martyn to join TIES because it would have ruined the name.
Passive boogeyman Scott has left the chat. Man’s a beast.
^ Bdubs boogey first episode once again, this man can't escape the betrayer narrative
The mechanic has so much angst potential. I’m thinking a curse that slowly eats away at your body until you die. As the timer counts down, people will become more desperate to survive and that’s where alliances will fall. This season has probably the best potential for angst out of all of them, especially when people started running out of time.
just imagine with me: Tango and Etho are in a cave, Tango realizes he only has a minute left on his clock while Etho has maybe an hour and a half. Tango can't kill Etho cause it will just kill his friend immediately, so they both have to just... sit there while Tango's timer ticks by and he eventually gets eliminated by the mechanics of the game. HOW HORRIFYING IS THAT PEOPLE !!!!! I love it >:)
BEST? nah it’s team TIES now (rip Bdubs I guess)
Jimmy might escape the narrative just because of Skizz dying so much lol
I actually hate Grian for this. The fic that could be written about it is…. so much
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okay but if Clockers dynamic this season is gonna be single mom with two annoying ass twins i’m all for it. I love them for this
🚧 ETHO TURNING DOWN THE ROLL OF DAD FOR BDUBS AND SCAR THANK GOD !!!! While I would love a Clethubs teamup, a nice straight happy family is not the way I wanted it to be done
Poor Skizz man. Dude was so excited to be back just to be killed twice by boogey and then die again by creeper death. Maybe HE can't escape the narrative
Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of this series, and my opinion with probably change as more episodes come out, but I feel like it will be much easier to predict who will win this season than others because of the timer. like there is already a very strong likelihood that skizz will die first, just because if every kill only gives you 30 minutes, he would have to kill 10 people to even get back to normal, where as Bdubs and Scott have already killed 1 person and hasn’t died once, which means they are ahead. Basically, I think we’ll be able to see who will die first/not win very easily, which maybe will take away some of the suspense? I hope not, but that’s my thought rn.
🚧 we were SO CLOSE to a Martyn and Etho team up…. imagine the sus activity that could have happened here. I was so prepared to start writing Martho fics
SKIZZ'S COMPLIMENT TO ETHO WAS LITERALLY SO SWEET? Like it was 100% true and props to Etho for taking it like a champ. Etho really is the most likable guy in the Minecraft space, and he shines like a diamond in these kinds of thing with his friends. I'm glad Skizz took the time to recognize it and say it to his face. He deserves all the love.
🚧 if Bdubs is (maybe canonically) related to both his team members, there is little opportunities for sus mlm activity from him, and he will have to find bitches elsewhere, which might be difficult
TIES are four grown ass men and have three of the BEST redstoners minecraft has to offer and they still can't keep cows alive for more than like 5 minutes. What a bunch of losers
Okay now that I’m thinking about it, Etho might not be completely committed to TIES as it seems. I mean why would he make a base close BUT completely seperate from them? I sense some uh….. drama in the future mayhaps
I love Martyn's editing style it's great
VI. My Bingo Card (🚧)
Uh... so I did a bingo card before the series started and it's already got some good ticks off so here it is after episode 1
🚧 this bingo card contains some shipping/romance spaces, please plan your viewing accordingly
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NOTE: I could have probably argued for a lot more of these, but it's no fun to check them all of in ep 1. Also, I didn't watch all the POVS (I think I watched 6/14) so there could have been some of these that happened in the other videos but I'm not watching all the POVS today so there's no point.
Wow sure glad I didn't put any Ren stuff in here (Fr I was originally gonna put a "Ren Win" space on here but thank god I didn't)
that skizz one better happen especially after today
play along if you wish! an unmarked one of these can be found if you stalk my Tumblr page far enough
VII. Conclusion
Um.... this was a really long post.... I'm sorry? I just wanted to make it because I had all this info in my head and it was spinning around in there and it needed to get it out. And maybe someone will find the first part useful! Who knows.
In real conclusion, Etho deserves the win. I don't care what you think should happen, this is what the universe wants. Yes, this is coming from an Ethogirl, and yes, I know I'm also the self proclaimed #1 smallishbeans enjoyer, but i just feel like Etho should be this seasons champ.
Even if I'm looking at it from a completely objective POV, Etho IS one of the top candidates for this specific mechanic/season. He barely dies in these games and he's generally good at boogeykills/PVP so I could see him losing very little time in terms of deaths but gaining a lot with kills. Also, no one really dares to kill him with the boogey (if we can take anything away from last life) so that too is a bonus.
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dr-george-ordell · 8 months
"Don't linger in front of your own reflection, child, or it will steal your soul."
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As a child, Aaron always had the silly little wish that someone would take him away. To be whisked away to a distant land of utopian desires fullfilled.
His father had always told him those desires were dangerous. Never directly, but Aaron had always heard the nagging warnings the paranoid man always gave him about superstitious, of old wives tales muttered only in the last dregs of sunset and fairytale-like stories that had seen war, life, death.
The decrepit old man had been especially obsessed with the Fair Folk. He had forbidden him to call it by their true name, the Sidhe. A few verbal lashings and slaps certainly delivered the message across permanently.
Another way his senior had drilled the lesson of how dangerous the Fair Folk were, was through precautionary children's tales. Constant lines from books hammered into him, alongside cryptic rants and long lectures lasting hours.
"Don't linger in front of your own reflection, child, or it will steal your soul,"
The older Siegel would warn, scowl, scold, all while pointing his finger accusingly. It was as if he could see through Aaron's carefully crafted mask around him, easily find the most minute cracks and flaws and glare deeply at them until he reached the innermost mechanical workings of Aaron's heart. In that heart made out of steel and copper, was the secret wish to belong. A painful childish longing for someone to take him away to a place that felt warmer, that embraced him softly like quilts on a winter day. He would've much preferred it to the icy frigidness of his father.
"Snowqueen," Aaron would silently mutter under his breath. He often thought of the story, reminicing over each line and repeating it until it burned into his mind. It was soothing repetition, one that comforted him during the freezing nights in which his father kept him out in the glistening snow.
One particular time Aaron was locked out, he remembered how numb and red his fingers were, his breath fogging as he struggled to breath in the dry, arid air.
His immune system had always been terrible, worsened by the fact his father seemed to enjoy locking him out the house. What he didn't know was asthma at the time severely plauged him, leaving his younger self wheezing with rattling lungs.
It was as if someone was dragging semi-molten glass shards through his chest even if he took the most shallow of breaths.
Aaron had to find somewhere to shelter. And fast before he became part of the crystalline frost.
Treking away from the woodland mansion, Aaron only looked back once he was at the edge of the forest.
The house was dark, as it usually were in winter, one dimmed, smothered light present in a window on the third floor. Frost-glazed windows shimmered in the dim glow of the moon, icicles having formed upon the many windows, giving the home a resemblance of a prison rather than a place that people raised family in.
During that moment where he stood, he hated, despised, felt like a savage beast being held back from snapping back at his father. He had always made excuses for the cruel man, desperately hoping one day that the older man could be one day be proud of what he did, declare that his previous actions were rough yet justified as he began to love Aaron like a parent would.
But at thirteen, he realised mirror shards of misery passed down from father to son for generations had embedded permanently within the elder Siegel's heart. He had only had been snapped out of one-sided delusion by walking past a frozen puddle, and staring wistfully into it, ignoring his father's lesson. On its reflective surface, Aaron saw the man he hated the most, his chiselled face and marred, red rimmed eyes glaring back at him with raw beastial hate.
It had hurt, and it still did, it caused a nauseous ache, it almost caused those mirror shards to root into his own heart. Even if he could finally let go of the guilt and shame of being a horrible, needy child. Aaron wept bitterly that cold, uncaring night. His innocent self grieving the fact his father didn't want to be saved, didn't want to change his ways.
His sobs reverberated broken and unrestrained, sounding more like a wounded, fearful animal than a human child. His face and eyelashes already being decorated by falling specks of white, lips burning in pain from the arid winter air. He was shaking, shivering as he hugged his knees, his toes stiff and numb in his boots. Aaron had curled himself into a fetal ball hiding within the oak hollow, attempting to shake the droplets of frozen water from his damp hair.
He was rocking back and forth almost violently, a desperate attempt for any peice of comfort he could have. Out here in the dead of night within the chittering forest, no one could hurt him if he was hiding away. But nature didn't coddle its subjects, nor was she soft or gentle.
Nature was just like the Fair Folk. Chaotic, yet symbiotic, predictable yet erratic.
Aaron wanted to laugh, but he found himself too weak to even move his lips. His father oh so desperately wanted to protect his child from the Fair Folk, from the monsters who lurked and lived on the edges of the wild. But the only thing Aaron was in danger of was succumbing to an awfully mundane death from the cold.
He hadn't remembered much from then on. It was a jumbled, blurred, a mess of glacial hands, warm hands, mumblings of children from a boyish voice, and a lyrical language spoken in a baritone voice foreign to Aaron's ears.
Someone had picked him up, a person with hair whiter than the snow, and porcelain-like skin. They appeared to be one with the snow, the resulting child of the unforgiving winter hail and blizzard. Icicles dangled like jewels off the edges of their thick winter cloak, adorning them beautifully like an ornament. What stood out the most was those amethyst eyes, boring into him as if they could penetrate through secrets most dearest through his heart.
That was all he recollected, until everything had became static.
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kingiune · 1 year
for funsies - heres all of my hybrid headcanons for the limited life fellows !!!
bad boys:
grian: a hepatic tanager bird !! the colors match well with the bad boy theme,, hes also a watcher, but nothing on him really symbolizes that making it basically completly hidden until he chooses to transform
jimmy: canary!! very classic but i love the symbolizm of it, he has more bird like attributes than the other bird hybrids as well
joel: shrek,, i mean ogre , he basically just has little antenna like things and the shrek outfit LMAO , id imagine he has fake wings to fit in with his fellow bad boys though
team ties:
tango: ferret !!! he acts like a ferret to me and ill run w/ that forevor, although i also have a human-ish (because he can never be fully human) design for him as well
impulse: an imp!! demon !! i mean he was litearlly summoned into hermitcraft and his name has imp in it what do you expect from me,,
etho: cryptic creature thats able to shapeshift his apperance slightly, mainly seen as a "normal human" but also sometimes shifts into an arctic fox
skizz: angel!!!! i am so insane about this he is an angel, one of my favorite headcanons for sure, i think being a red life/ boogeyman affects him more than others because of that aswell
the clockers!:
cleo: zombie,,i mean its canon,, she is a zombie,, i imagine she was human before though, she got bitten
scar: hes a vex,, but he can hide it, he mainly looks like a human but in places like woodland mansions the features become a lot more clear and kind of come out on their own
bdubs: glare . i am so insane . i am in love with glare bdubs, another one of my fave headcanons for sure, i think his eyes glow in the dark and hes more vulnerable to mob attacks
the nosy neighbors:
pearl: moth!!! a luna moth specfically, shes attracted to light and shiny things ^_^
bigb: human,, this is not me not knowing this is just me gen thinking hes a human, hes not incapable though, he can definitely out-weird some of the hybrids and he has a really good death stare so he can intimidate people really well
mean gills:
scott: angler fish!!!!! slowly turning into one at least, he was just a human on green but yellow he has more hybrid traits, red hes like full hybrid
martyn: elf,, hes got the enchanting whimsy fr but in a chaotic way, hes also a listener but like grian there are no defining traits that show that, so you can only see it once he fully transforms
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A Token of Peace
The Pufferish of Peace had been a spontaneous thought. Perhaps not even that. A distant memory, lingering in the back of his mind that sang of different times and different lives. It called to him like how the sirens would sing from their islands, luring sailors to their untimely and gruesome demise without the slightest of remorse. The world worked like that. Ruthless and cruel. It would give and give and give, but the second you failed to return that favour, it would take everything from you.
Yet as Scott named the small pufferfish in the bucket, he couldn't help but reflect on his time so far. Only 24 hours to live. He'd gained some as the Boogeyman, but he knew that time would run out. After all, 24 hours only amounted to a day. Even if he managed to not die at all, which was unlikely, there was still not enough time to do much with his life. What did he want out of such a short existence? He'd seen so many battles, cried over the loss of his husband in one life, refused to kill his friends until he had no choice in another, and died in favour of his so-called "soulmate" in the last. This one was just another life where he'd lose someone in the end. Maybe Martyn. Maybe Scar. Maybe Pearl.
But god forbid it be Jimmy.
Scott travelled the distance to where the self-named "Bad Boys" lived on top of the Woodland Mansion. He climbed up the walls, careful not to let the bucket tip too far lest the pufferfish escape. It was precarious, but it felt right. Giving it to Jimmy felt right.
"Iya!" Scott called out as he jumped onto the roof. It was evident how startled Jimmy had been in that split second. Fair. Anyone could be trying to kill him at this point. It was only about an hour or two ago when Scott had to kill Skizz.
"Oh!" Jimmy smiled at Scott. Then paused. His brows furrowed in confusion. "Wh-what did you say?"
"I said 'iya'."
"What does that mean?"
"Like 'hi'. Hiya."
"What is- why is that- i-iya?" Jimmy fumbled to speak as he tried to mimic Scott's greeting. Scott honestly found it amusing to watch. He'd almost forgotten his very first life with Jimmy in the flower forest. Now, he could picture exactly why the two had been husbands back then.
"Like iya! Like 'hiya', but the 'h' is more quiet." Scott repressed a giggle.
"Uh- nice. How you doing?" It was a bit awkward to talk with Scott in Jimmy's opinion. The two had a lot of history, and the whole "soulmate" thing had made it somewhat worse. It was bad enough that they had been husbands once, but how do you talk to your husband from a life ago when in the most recent life he'd been soulmates with Tango?
"Good! I heard you were living on top of the mansion." Scott took a deep breath. "I have something for you."
"What's that?" Jimmy moved closer. To say he was intrigued would be an understatement.
Scott grabbed the bucket with the pufferfish in it. He tensed ever so slightly and handed it over to Jimmy.
A second passed. It felt like hours.
Jimmy stared at the pufferfish in the bucket. The Pufferish of Peace. He chuckled to himself.
"Ooh. Pufferish of Peace!"
"You ev- you even spelt it the same!" Jimmy felt euphoria flood his veins. This was a peace treaty of sorts. A way of knowing that Scott remembered it all, too.
"I did!" Scott tried to hold back the tears of joy brimming in his eyes. "I live in the coral reef now. And as Etho said 'you're gonna get a lot of pufferfish' one appeared. And it felt kind of like a sign, so I had to bucket it, name it, then come and drop it off."
"Alright, let me put it in my chest." Jimmy was quick to run over to the chest and tenderly place the Pufferish of Peace inside. "My Bad Boys' chest!"
"Your Bad Boys' chest." Scott laughed soundlessly under his breath. It was nice seeing Jimmy like this. The Life Games had changed them both so drastically that it was the small things like this that made him happy.
"There it is. Pufferish of Peace. I'll keep him in there and if I get an item frame I'll put it in there." Jimmy whole-heartedly hoped he'd be able to uphold that promise.
For a few moments, as the two filled the silence with idle chatter, their minds lit up with the phantom sense of remembrance.
Between them, though they couldn't see it, poppies had taken root in their hearts and refused to be moved.
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thegreatdezzy · 1 year
Like a Dream or Distant Memory
Me? Posting my fics on tumblr? It’s more likely then you think.
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/45627145
Jimmy had been here before. He just knew it.
The same circle. The same rules. The same people. The same premise. 
As he ran off into the distance as the horn sounded, a small timer appeared on his wrist. A countdown. 23:59:47 seconds left. Left to what, he wondered. And there seemed to be only one logical answer: death.
The thought was chilling. He didn’t question it. He just kept going. Like stated before, he had been here. He knew the rules. The only difference was the clock that was slowly ticking to his demise.
While exploring the world, he felt a sudden relief. Unlike the clock, that felt familiar. He had felt that relief before. At the same time, he had also expressed an urge in place of that relief. Once. He wasn’t sure what it was. But it felt deadly
He encountered different faces along his journey. Each looked familiar. They had been here before too. With him. They were there together. Just different groups and people.
He felt two other sudden reliefs. He wasn’t sure as to why though. 
Along his path, he crossed a border. He pressed his hand to it and sighed. He couldn’t cross. Another similarity. 
Along his walk, he saw the world. He explored the caves. A voice in the back of his mind told them they were different then before. He took the voice's word for it.
Along his travels, he came across an ocean. On the other side was a person. A familiar looking person. A person.
So, Jimmy swam across the waters to meet this person. He was a man with brown hair and eyes, a streak of green in his hair.
“Hi,” Jimmy said as he came upon land, hoisting himself out of the water. 
“Hi,” said the stranger, who gave him a hand. “How’s it going?”
It was like they knew each other. Maybe more than how Jimmy knew some of the others. They were close once. In a different time. A different life.
“Just exploring the place,” Jimmy said. “How about you?”
“Same,” said the stranger. He looked up at Jimmy and crossed his arms. “So what’s your name?”
“Jimmy. Yours?”
They became quick friends. It felt easy. It felt natural. Like they were friends so many times before. Like they were always friends. Even when there was a hint of anger and hatred, it was like they knew each other in life times and life times before.
“You know, they call me the resident bad boy,” Joel had said as they ventured through the forest.
“Really?” Jimmy had questioned. “I highly doubt that.”
“It’s true,” Joel said as they came across a small farm that someone must have set up. He looked down at the crops and grinned wickedly. “Watch this.”
Without hesitation, Joel stomped on the crops, rubbing his shoes into the dirt. Jimmy laughed, finding it so easy to. “Wow. I guess it’s true then. You are the resident bad boy.” He looked down at the crops as well and offhandedly decided to step on them too.
“Looks like you’re one with me,” Joel said with a grin.
“Looks like I am.”
They eventually decided to raid the woodland mansion. Unfortunately, someone had been there before them. And someone was in there when they arrived. A young woman named Pearl.
“Did you raid this place already?” Joel asked as she appeared from around the corner of a hallway.
“No. I just got here,” Pearl explained, stuffing her hands in her pockets. “I’m just as surprised as you are.”
The three walked down the empty halls. It was a mistake, a part of Jimmy said. There should have been mobs in there. But there wasn’t. There were only empty corridors and rooms.
“Looks like someone got here before us,” Jimmy mumbled, crossing his arms.
“Is this place already looted?” asked a voice that made them jump.
They turned to see a man jump through one of the windows. Jimmy felt his eyes land on him and his breathing stop. He knew him as well. Oh he currently knew him. Just the way his hair fell over his forehead. The concentrated glare to his eyes. The way his lips curved.
Jimmy felt like he was suffocating. The most beautiful man he was sure he had ever seen had come in through the window and he was sure he knew him. He could remember those cold eyes and that cyan hair anywhere.
He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was air and his dumbfounded look. Joel and Pearl were probably looking at him weird. This was embarrassing.
The stranger turned to look at him, his eyes widening a bit like he also knew who he was. A knot tied itself in his stomach at the thought.
“...Were you the one to loot this place?” Was the only thing he could say. Each word was hesitant. Each word felt so small.
The man crossed his arms with a huff. “No. I just got here. Did you guys loot this place?”
“Nope,” Joel interjected. “Someone got here before us.”
The stranger hummed before the four of them walked around the mansion. Every few seconds, Jimmy would feel his eyes glance toward him. He could only feel his face warm as he trailed over each feature of him. His mind felt foggy and lost. He could only stare.
“Yeah, me and Jimmy are the bad boys around here,” Joel said, pulling Jimmy from his thoughts. He looped an arm around his shoulder as he turned to Pearl and the stranger.
An eyebrow was raised from Pearl as the man placed a hand on his hips and huffed a laugh. “Are you now?”
“Yep! Watch this!”
As Joel began removing the carpet of the mansion, Jimmy turned to the two and said, “You won’t believe the things he’s done.” He eventually decided to get in on the fun and remove the railing, smiling at the amused laughter from the other two. At least he hoped it was amused laughter. He hoped they weren’t making fun of him.
Another familiarity. Along with seeing Pearl and the cyan-haired man standing next to each other.
Jimmy had died in lava with Joel soon after. They made the mistake of digging straight down trying to prove they were bad boys. The group that laughed as they spawned in was too many people to count. The main one he noticed was the stranger, who looked more than amused.
Eventually, the two had decided to look for a home together. They came across the ocean in which they first met. Once again, there were a lot of people. Familiar faces. No names he could remember. The stranger was there too. Joel killed the group’s cow and ran. Jimmy locked eyes with another person he could remember. This time a man with red eyes and fiery hair. Was the feeling similar to the cyan-haired stranger? He couldn’t recall. He just ran.
Joel led him back to the mansion. There they met a short dirty-blonde named Grian. He was also very familiar. Something told Jimmy that they were very good friends in this before. Maybe in other lifetimes as well.
Grian told them he was going to live on top of the mansion.
“Dang it!” Joel had said. “That was our plan! First the ocean, and now–”
“Wait!” Jimmy exclaimed. “We could get another member in the bad boys!”
Joel raised his eyebrows like he liked the idea. So Jimmy turned to Grian and asked, “Are you a bad boy?”
Grian crossed his arms and thought. “Sometimes.”
“How would you like to be a bad boy?” Joel asked, grinning.
“Hm. You see, I would, I just don’t like the name.”
“He just insulted the name–”
“Oh my goodness–”
“Yeah. I insulted the name. You wanna know why? Cause I’m a bad boy.”
Needless to say, he was in. And their duo became a trio. And they were all bad boys together. They made farms. They dug straight down and survived. They mined. They laughed. And it all felt so so familiar. So familiar that Jimmy was starting to become nauseous because of the feeling. So he left the mines early.
His chest pained. His lungs burned. Was he the only one who could faintly recall these feelings of having been here before? Was he alone in this feeling? Was he sitting on top of the woodland mansion struggling to breathe for nothing?
What if no one looked at everyone else and felt that sense of closeness? What if Joel and Grian thought he was a complete stranger? What if they all never pondered the people they were in this death game with? What if they didn’t know this would lead to death? What if they didn’t have that feeling? Did anyone ever question who they were or what they were doing here?
The thought was terrifying. Jimmy could only gulp and lean against the walls of their farms.
That was when he heard footsteps.
He turned to see the beautiful stranger from before. He looked different though. He looked like he had just been swimming a while ago, with kelp and coral stuck to his clothes and in his hair.
“‘Iya!” he said, climbing on top of the roof with a grin.
Jimmy slowly stood up and frowned. “What did you say?”
The man pressed his lips together, swinging back and forth with his hands behind his back. “‘Iya.”
“Yeah. Like hiya but without the h.”
“Anyway, I wanted to come and see you,” he continued. “Um…Jimmy, right?”
“Yeah, a- and you’re…?”
“Right. Scott. Nice name.”
Scott cleared his throat. “Uh, thanks. A- anyway. I wanted to come and give you something.” He removed his hands from behind himself, revealing a bucket. In the bucket was a pufferfish.
Jimmy’s eyes widened as he gently took the bucket and turned it around. On the side was the words “Pufferish of Peace.” The Pufferish of Peace.
That felt so familiar.
Jimmy locked eyes with Scott, who could only give him a hesitant smile. “I found a pufferfish and thought of you. That was the name that came to mind. It felt familiar. You feel familiar. S- sorry if it makes no sense. It’s just I feel like I’ve been in this situation before with these people and you’re one of the main ones I- I feel that familiarity with. I’m not sure why. I just–”
“You feel it too,” Jimmy interjected. His eyes shone in wonder and relief and so many emotions he couldn’t name. Someone else had that feeling. And that person was Scott: the man that felt more familiar than any. Like they had been together a thousand lifetimes before.
He wasn’t alone.
Scott’s eyes widened. “You also feel it?”
Jimmy nodded, a grin slowly appearing on his face. “Yeah! I feel it with you, I feel it with everyone!” He hugged the bucket tightly. “I thought I was the only one!”
Scott laughed as he brushed his fingers through his hair. “I thought I was the only one! I kept looking at everyone like I knew them and they never returned the look!”
They both laughed together, relieved that they weren’t alone in the world.
Jimmy placed the bucket down as he said, “My goodness. Thank you for this. I was seriously spiraling over here. I- I thought I was going mental.”
Scott grinned. “Don’t mention it. I just had to try. You were the only one to share that look with me. Plus, my mind was screaming at me to give you the pufferfish. I just had to listen.”
As he spoke, a piece of kelp fell over his eyes. Before he could do anything about it, Jimmy reached over and plucked it away, brushing his fingers along Scott’s skin. Both stare. Both blushed red.
“Sorry,” Jimmy mumbled. “Instinct.”
“Don’t mention it…”
Jimmy pressed his lips together before he sighed. “Hey Scott–”
“Do you smell that?”
As Jimmy sniffed the air, he did realize that he smelt something. Smoke. Smoke meant fire. He whipped his head around to look all around the area, only to see flames peeking from around the corner. Someone had set the mansion on fire. Their conversation had to be put on hold.
Thankfully, the fire hadn’t done much to the exterior. Unfortunately, the fire had demolished the inside. The mansion was merely a shell at the end.
Scott waved him goodbye as Joel and Grian showed up. “I’m going to go talk to the people on the hill over there,” he had said. “Take care.”
So the bad boys were left alone on the mansion, the flames still blazing around them. There was nothing they could do about it. So, they all sat around a small man-made pond and fished. Jimmy kept the Pufferish of Peace close. He had to keep it safe until he could make an item frame.
Joel raised his eyebrows at it. “What’s that?”
“Oh. Scott gave it to me. I think it’s a peace offering.”
Joel hummed. Grian eyed it suspiciously. Like he knew what it was. Did Grian know? Did Grian also have the feeling? So Jimmy asked.
“Do you guys ever get the feeling that we’ve been here before? You know, the same people. The same rules.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“You know, I just feel like I’ve been in a situation like this before.”
Joel shrugged. “Maybe? I don’t know. I don’t think about it.”
Grian looked into the pond. He didn’t respond. But he looked to be contemplating something.
Jimmy dropped the conversation. When things became quiet, he sneaked out to wander around. As he wandered, so did his mind.
Were him and Scott the only ones to feel like they had been here before? What about Grian? He looked like he knew something else. Maybe Joel was the only one who didn’t get that feeling. Maybe he did have it and he just didn’t pay attention to it. What about everyone else?
As he walked, he came across the ocean. It was small, with the border blocking most of the waters from the world. But still, it was something. Jimmy could only shove his hands in his pockets and breathe in the salt.
The voice made him jump with a squeak. It was just Scott.
Jimmy let out an exhale as he laughed. “Scott. Hey. Where did you come from?”
Scott placed his hands behind his back as he gestured to the forest. “I was getting some wood when I saw you. Thought I’d come and see you. What are you doing here by the way? Missed me?”
Jimmy laughed and gave him a slight shove. “Just taking a walk. You?”
“I live here.”
“Ah. Now I remember.”
They both giggled. Somewhere along the way, they both ended up sitting on the bank of the beach, the waves brushing against their feet. It was nice.
“Do you think anyone else remembers? Or…at least has the feeling?”
“I don’t know. I asked Joel and Grian about it. Joel didn’t know what I was talking about, and Grian didn’t answer.”
Scott hummed.
They both stayed silent.
“...Do you ever feel like…” Jimmy trailed off. He wasn’t sure what he was wanting to say. He just knew he wanted to say something.
Scott looked at him with an unknown stare. His usual glare melted as he leaned on Jimmy’s shoulder, sighing as he hugged his knees. And Jimmy felt like melting himself. He could only hold his breath as he tensed, feeling Scott’s hair tickle his neck. He was suffocating.
“You feel comfortable,” Scott mumbled. “More comfortable than anyone here. It’s funny. There are people here that I feel like we were close friends in the past. Different worlds like and unlike this one. But…there’s something about you. There’s something different about you.”
Jimmy swallowed down his emotions. But they kept rising. He could only grip the sand as his heart rang in his ears. As its beats thumped against his chest.
“I- I feel the same about you,” he managed out. Every word took so much force. His face was on fire and he could barely breathe.
“Do you now?” Scott whispered, turning his face toward Jimmy, his breath shivering down his spine.
Jimmy turned his head to look at Scott. “Y- yeah,” he mumbled. “It feels like we were more than close.” Their faces were so close together. He could feel his breath on his face.
Scott smiled. “Yeah. Like we were more than friends.”
Jimmy leaned in, hoping that he could get closer. His mind felt muddy and he wanted to listen to his heart so bad. “Yeah,” he said. “Like we were together in many lives.”
A beautiful, soft red flushed Scott’s cheeks, reaching all the way to the tips of his ears. “Yeah. That.”
And before Jimmy could breathe, their lips touched and he was melting. He cupped Scott’s face and brushed his fingers through his hair. They pulled apart and came back together, Scott wrapping his arms around Jimmy’s neck as they stayed in an embrace.
Maybe it was stupid for Jimmy to be kissing a man he barely knew based on a feeling. But he didn’t care. He simply lived in the moment. He had about twenty hours left to live; he was going to make them count.
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Dionysus and Apollo Thoughts (MC ocs)
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This is a continuation of my V/Illager talk. This pertains to my ocs :0)
Now, onto my ocs n such bc i am thinking abt them. I have two that are an Evoker and a Witch. Evoker is named Apollo (early 30s|he/him) and the Witch is named Dionysus (mid 30s|she/her). Dio runs a small tavern/inn on land she owns, she's made it a very clear safe space for all non-human mobs. Any mob, peaceful, neutral and hostile may come and stay, no fighting though.
A simple witch brought up in a somewhat well off family. They lived humbly and dedicated their lives to an Illager cult that granted them protection if any monsters were to approach them. However, as time grew on and Witches began to get hated more and more in some circles, a massacre took place, Ancient Builders destroyed the landscape of Dio's home and she was left orphaned from a very early age. Illagers quickly came by and brought her to a woodland mansion where she struggled greatly to interact with the other children, making her an outcast. Although she felt alone, she used her emotions as a starting point to learn magic and witchcraft. By the time she was older, she had become the most powerful witch on Raid Divisions. Dio had even made an Evoker friend, Apollo. He struggled much like her, so as thanks for the friendship and to help someone who was suffering the same fate as her, she helped teach him magic. Eventually they had enough of the cult-like living spaces in the Woodland mansion and escaped, being exiled by the Illagers. They were hunted down for a while afterwards, but knowing that Dio had her own private land that was cursed to tread upon (witch superstitions exist in this world too. Witches are said to be blessed by all 3 divine spirits [knowledge/action/foresight], making their land [passed down by family] incredibly valuable, but dangerous to those that are unwelcome) they decided to give it up and let them go free, but they were both banned from ever joining or making deals with Illager kind, and that Apollo (an evoker) was essentially dead to them.
Dio is an incredibly powerful witch too, but chooses to keep things low key unless trouble is rising. She's happy and bubbly and tends to talk everyone's ear off, loves performing magic acts and singing and dancing at the tavern too!!! She struggles a bit with dealing with angry customers or those that come to cause trouble, though she can usually see right through them and cast a spell so they can just chill. She is in LOVE with the Nether and loves the wildlife in that dimension, but struggles with the heat a fair amount so she can never stay too long.
Apollo is Dio's bestest friend in the whole world. They were both assigned to Raids when they met, and Apollo was already disliked amongst Illager kind. His mother was a Pillager, but his father was a Villager, and that set many of his group against him. Even so, he was blessed with very good skills as an Evoker. He struggled to gain the same respect as one though, and Dio offered to teach him different ways of using his magic, but Witches weren't permitted to talk to Evokers unless given an order to. So they met every night and trained in the Dark Oak Forests that surrounded the Mansion Apollo lived in. After a long while Dio brought up the idea to escape from that way of life, however, Apollo only would agree if he was allowed to make the plan. They talked for weeks but it was all for nothing as their captain, a Vindicator, had seen them meet before. Seeing no other means of escape other than their plan, they decided to just go for it and see what would happen!! They would up being free from the cult-like Mansion they once lived in, free from all the turmoil and harassment.
Even so, they were hunted down for a good while, they were traveling constantly to get back to the safe land Dio's family once owned. A beautiful swamp/mangrove biome. With them both settled and excited to build a new life for themselves, they were officially exiled from their former lives. Content with their new ventures ahead of them.
That's all for these guys right now!!! if you have any questions please ask :0) meant to post this last week but i didn't finish their refs until this week so yeah :0
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alias-sam · 3 months
Pierced by a Golden Soul
Chapter 40. (Don't Fear) the Reaper Part 2
Platonic Jojo's x Reader
Summary: Fate is a bizarre concept with countless more bizarre implications. In life sometimes such extraordinary events happen that the only reasoning left must be fate. The tragedies that constantly befall the Joestar bloodline for example may be the unluckiest series of cards drawn in human history, or perhaps the work of a greater power. There is no way to tell for sure. Had Dio Brando or Jonathan Joestar moved slightly on a divergent path the world itself would be left very different. The fate or luck of the noble Joestar bloodline has led to destruction of evil likes of the Pillar Men and DIO. This story is of a similar caliber to that of the other Joestars (as I am sure you are familiar with them). This is a story of lost souls, compassion, hope, and above all fate.
Word Count: 2,967
(Crosspost from Wattpad, full fic is already posted there.)
Even in the light misty sprinkle of rain nothing moved, nothing breathed, nothing lived. You made your solitary way past condos and large mansion-like houses minding the barren neighborhood. When a car came rumbling into the driveway in front of you it was the only thing of interest for you to focus on. It was a cop car, the man that stepped out of the driver's seat was still in uniform. You were content to just walking by, but the officer looked at you oddly as you passed by.
"Do you live around here?" He called after you. This was a nicer neighborhood, if this officer lived here, he was probably just checking in on an unfamiliar face. Unfortunately you were a teenager, adults often just assumed you were up to no good. You weren't the most conspicuous looking of high schoolers, but a high schooler none the less.
"No." You answered, turning around. "But I'm headed home from visiting a friend."
"Better hurry." The officer paced towards you. "Strange things have been happening in this area around sunset. Missing pets, strange noises, things like that." As the man spoke you couldn't help but feel you had seen him before. "The neighborhood watch thinks it a bear or something, but I'm not so convinced." Part of you really wanted to tell this man that there were super-powered killer maggots prowling the nearby woods, but the sane sector of your brain decided against it. "Be careful." The man said sternly.
"Will do Mister..." You trailed off to glance at the shiny metal name-tag next to his badge. The name-tag read 'Joe Greenmin'. "Will do." You repeated with a stiff nod. What a small world.
Just like that, you were back on your lonesome way. Typically, you wouldn't mind walking in the rain, but after the altercation with Vita's father, you just wanted to be home and warm up. Not to mention, the complete lack of life or movement was unnerving. The waves at the beach weren't even loud enough for you to hear.
The street was quiet. Too quiet.
Usually when things got quiet a stand would appear. The thought alone made you walk just the slightest bit faster. With luck, you could walk home without consequence.
Before long a familiar woodland cut off came into view. You hadn't recognized it when Vita led you into the neighborhood. Curious, you stopped in your tracks to look into the dark forest, contemplating the dangers unknown within. Just as you were about to continue on your way the sound of tousled tree branches brought your attention upwards. The soft cooing of a dove reached your ears. Your eyes were met with a bird perched on the trees, looking down at you. Stark white feathers standing out amongst the greens and browns of the forest. As you were admiring the creature a flash of gold passed your vision.
In an instant the dove was replaced by a red mist.
Blood and gore splattered across the pavement in front of you with a audible squelch. This was followed slowly by pristine white feathers that landed calmly on top of the disgusting mess. It took a moment for your body and mind to catch up with what had just happened.
"Holy shit-!" You yelled, stepping away from the pile of sticky red mush. It was that bug stand again, it had to be. As the thought crossed your mind little white specs started emerging from the tree line. Sometimes you hated being right.
Instead of standing out in the open, dumbfounded, you bolted past the maggots and into the woods. You had to quickly take this fight somewhere normal people wouldn't get hurt. That was your first priority. The second was to avoid dying. Thanks to your adventure through the woods the other day, you had an idea. Using the dense trees and foliage as cover, you ran following a couple natural landmarks you remembered from the other day. You ran until you came upon a freshwater pond.
Before you could put your plan into action, you felt the dirt underfoot shift unnaturally. You panicked, thinking you stepped on a snake or something until you looked down. Worms. Crawling up your left leg, were what seemed to be hundreds of slimy, wriggling, living worms. They moved much like the maggots, supernaturally fast, and coordinated.
Just as they were about to try running, you tripped. You awkwardly tumbled towards the water's edge. At this point you were more willing to take a chance at facing an alligator than the so-called super bugs, so you embraced the stumble, half crawling, half clambering into the pond.
The water was murky and dark, but you still managed to keep yourself below the surface. With Golden Soul you could still sense the bugs, and not just the ones from before. More were coming, and your lungs were burning already. For a moment you panicked. You were stuck between a rock and a hard place with the choices of facing the creepy crawlies, or running out of air. The pond was freshwater, so it wouldn't kill off the maggots as easily as the ocean. Black dots were appearing in your vision, managing to make you panic more. As your lungs were starting to burn, you sensed something odd with your stand. The stand auras from the bugs were passing right by you. When you finally couldn't hold your breath any more, you surfaced, coughing and gasping. When you managed to stop hacking, you watched in mild amazement and pure disgust at the spectacle happening around you.
There were water striders skating around you. All with bright orange stand auras surrounding them. It would have been an otherworldly sight if it weren't for the numerous fish floating lifelessly up to the surface of the pond. They didn't even look like they had been cut or killed in any specific way, they were all just dead. The water striders were skating from fish carcass to fish carcass, occasionally stopping or pivoting to direct themselves towards their next target. What was odd was they were completely avoiding you, however you weren't complaining. You felt like hell, you had been on the verge of inadvertently drowning yourself. The sudden plunge in the pond left you even chillier than before, it was to the point you were shivering. Due to the dirty water, your clothes and skin were covered in a muddy sheen that only managed to make you feel even colder.
When you gained the energy you brandished your umbrella, using it to clear the dead fish out of your way. The worms and maggots were nowhere to be seen, but just to be safe you re-summoned your stand to survey the area.
Your vision lit up with a sea of orange light. Under you, around you, it was everywhere. The bugs were lying in wait amongst the forest. Like predators. The ground was alive with the synchronous movement of what could be a million worms.
You felt pure fear, true cold fear. Like a piece of ice was being wedged violently through your chest, stopping your heart.
You were prey, you were alone, and you were surrounded.
Its moments like this that humans are pre-programmed for. What many know as the fight or flight instinct. You knew you couldn't fight; you survived your last encounter with these creatures because you had help. So, without further planning, you took off with only two important things on repeat throughout your mind:
Fear. Run.
As you dashed and dodged exposed roots you could hear the bugs following. You could hear the worms slithering together across the forest floor, hot on your heels. It was difficult, but you had to think. You went back to your original plan. The beach.  The sand to dry out the worms, salt water to kill the maggots. The stand had immense speed and precision, but it's strength relief in numbers. The individual strength of each insect was normal.
You eventually broke past the tree line and found yourself straight on the beach. As your sneakers made contact with the sand you looked back. The worms were slowed down by the sand, but not stopped. On the other hand the maggots were still trucking on behind you.
This stand was tracking you somehow, but not just by sight. At first you were tempted to say it was through heat after they stopped chasing you at the pond. But that couldn't be. If the stand was killing fish, tracking by body heat didn't make sense. Fish were cold blooded, meaning their temperature depended on the temperature of the water. If they were just going after the hottest thing in the vicinity, that would mean they'd go after things like asphalt due to it absorbing heat throughout the day. But that still left the fact the stand stopped chasing you after you went in the water.
Before you knew it, you were waist deep in the ocean. The maggots shot into the water, quickly dying off. The worms made it a yard before stopping and shriveling up. You closed your eyes releasing a breath you didn't notice you had been holding, relief washing over you. The light mist of rain from before was turning into more of a downpour. There wasn't much use for even attempting to use your umbrella, you were already sopping wet and covered in mud. You tiredly trudged through the waves and collapsed on the sand.
It took a moment for you to register the buzzing sound reverberating through the rain. You shot upright, going straight back on high alert. The sound was coming from all sides. Almost like it was orbiting around you. It became even more difficult to see as the rain grew heavier. Untrusting of your own senses, you summoned your stand again. Through the mist and rain, you could see one stand aura flying in a perfect circle around you, there was another crawling steadily towards you.
It felt useless to run again. As long as you were alive this stand would continue hunting you.
"Wait..." You whispered to yourself, looking down at your hand. Without much time to reconsider, you balled your hand into a first, having Golden Soul mirror the action. "I'm going to regret this." You didn't have the time to think it through, you were punched in the face by your own stand.
You were overwhelmed by the lack of feeling. You no longer felt the dampness of your clothes, or the rain on your face, or the soreness of your muscles. Just a pure feeling of nothingness, weightlessness, and oblivion. A golden light surrounded your vision, and when you looked at your hands, they were transparent.
On the sand below laid your body. Motionless. It was eerie to be looking down at your own body, sobering even. Golden Soul remained at your side, awaiting your next command.
After shaking off the shock that came with using your stand on yourself, you returned your attention to the enemy stand.
They were beetles, now exploring around your unconscious body, looking hopelessly lost. The orange glow around them was still there, but significantly dimmer than before after losing track of their target. "Wait-" Your eyes widened. It took you a moment to recognize them.
A golden colored Rosenbergi stag beetle, and a large black Dorcus Titanus Palawanicus.
"Harvey." You mumbled looking over at the gold beetle. "...and Rodger." You sighed when you looked at the other beetle. Slowly you turned to the large mansion like house, just a few yards down the beach from where you were standing. "Sommar Vita."
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swordoaths · 1 year
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Thranduil Headcanons
I would like to spend some time talking about Thranduil’s timeline and experiences that inform his rule as King, others’ perception of him and his rule, and his relationship with Middle-earth and others beyond that of Elves. My interpretation of Thranduil for this blog is quite a mixture from the books, my own hcs, and the films, so it just might be nice to lay out the how and why to my interpretation of Thranduil. This shall be long.
We don’t have a hard and fast date for Thranduil’s birth, so I’ve just made it that he was born in FA 317, having thus come to age in Doriath. He would have been witness to the Second Kinslaying in mid-winter FA 506. I personally headcanon that his mother was not amongst the survivors, and Thranduil and Oropher were the only ones of their family to survive. With his home destroyed, Thranduil remains with his father, being amongst the Elves who chose to stay in Middle-earth. (Key point here to my rambling, as we shall soon see.) Oropher does also take a few surviving Sindar (of these few survivors, I headcanon that Thranduil’s future wife is amongst them) with him until they find settlement in Eryn Galen.
And during this time, one of the big things for Thranduil, I think, is that he sees his father’s grief--- sees the way his father assimilates with the Silvan Elves and culture as if the grief of being a Sinda and the memories of the ruin of Doriath are too great--- that it is perhaps less painful to reject Sindarin ways in favor of Silvan ways. This next quotation will show this desire of assimlation to Silvan ways, but I must stress that I take the usage of “they” to include Thranduil because he, too, is a Sinda who merged with the Silvan Elves:
“Oropher had come among [The Silvan Elves] with only a handful of Sindar, and they were soon merged with the Silvan Elves, adopting their language and taking the names of Silvan form and style. This they did deliberately; for they came from Doriath after its ruin and had no desire to leave Middle-earth, nor to be merged with the other Sindar of Beleriand, dominated by the Noldorin Exiles for whom the folk of Doriath had no great love. They wished indeed to become Silvan folk and to return, as they said, to the simple life natural to the Elves before the invitation of the Valar had disturbed it.” (The Unfinished Tales, Appendix B, The Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves).
And as Oropher and Thranduil continue to find their place in the Woodland Realm, hoping that after the horrors of losing home, there is this sense of impermanence. So, when Celeborn and Galadriel and the dwarves start getting too close to Oropher and his people and the life they wanted, Oropher is like, “Nope! Too Close for Comfort!” and takes his people further into the woods. But, and I must stress this, the decision to move further into the woods to put distance between other settlements was not entire isolation, for communication and relationships still continued. Oropher simply wanted a safe-place--- a place of protection-- for his people, especially after what happened to the Ruin of Doriath. Sound familiar? Perhaps like Thranduil? Keep in mind that Thranduil is learning from this leadership style and will emanate it.
“In the Second Age, their king Oropher had withdrawn northward beyond the Gladden Fields. This he did to be free from the power and encroachments of the Dwarves of Moria, which had grown to be the greatest of the mansions of the Dwarves recorded in history; and also he resented the intrusions of Celeborn and Galadriel into Lorien. But as yet there was still little to fear between the Greenwood and the Mountains and there was constant intercourse between his people and their kin across the river”  (The Unfinished Tales, Appendix B, The Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves).
Now, let’s fast forward a bit into the SA and the War of the Last Alliance. Oropher knows that there’s no way peace would come to Middle-earth whilst Sauron lived. And though it was in Silvan nature not to be involved in the affairs of others, Oropher knew that his folk would have to be part of the world, lest they lose it all to Sauron:
“Despite the desire of the Silvan Elves to meddle as little as might be in the affairs of the Noldor and Sindar, or of any other peoples, Dwarves, Men, or Orcs, Oropher had the wisdom to foresee that peace would not return unless Sauron was overcome” (The Unfinished Tales, Appendix B, The Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves). 
Knowing this, Oropher leads his army (Thranduil is also there fighting!) into battle, but Oropher led an early charge in the Battle of Dagorlad whereupon he and many of the army would be slain. After the war was over, Thranduil, who became King of his people in the midst of battle “led back home barely a third of the army that had marched to war”  (The Unfinished Tales, Appendix B, The Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves). So, not only does Thranduil lose his father in this fight; he also loses the majority of his army--- his kinfolk. 
And though the war had “ended” and it seemed that Sauron was slain, Thranduil wasn’t convinced. He was one of the few who believed that the Darkness would not end:
“But there was in Thranduil’s heart still a deeper shadow. He had seen the horror of Mordor and could not forget it. If ever he looked south its memory dimmed the light of the Sun, and though he knew that it was now broken and deserted under the vigilance of the Kings of Men. fear spoke in his heart that it was not conquered for ever: it would rise again.” (The Unfinished Tales, Appendix B, The Sindarin Princes of the Silvan Elves).
There are moments of happiness-- we know that Thranduil and his wife are together for some (undisclosed) time and that they have a son. And whilst we don’t know what really happens to Thranduil’s wife, we learn in The Hobbit films that was captured and slain by Gundabad Orcs. I do headcanon that it is the death of his wife that is the last straw-- that all the grief and loss he has suffered over thousands of years (as seen above) has now come to a tipping point. It is at this point that his grief is so great that it is passed to nature and the forest in Eryn Galen. Soon, the growth of the forest turned to decay.  And this is where I get the concept of Thranduil’s connection to nature, and this little quote I’m taking from his biography on here:  
“And it was said that all that Thranduil had lost manifested with every leaf that turned from green to brown. And though precious few would ever see it, there were rumors that his grief had been so great that it had manifested in a scarring upon his skin*, which he kept concealed. But more still, he would not speak of his loss.”
*I took this scarring bit from what we see in the films, but I’m just explaining its cause differently than what the films suggest.
Eventually, the grief and decay of the forest will become appealing to Darker forces, as we know from canon. Still, despite Thranduil’s grief and the darkness of the wood, the place is not entirely uninhabitable and that Thranduil is still very much seen as a great king by his people (and by others as we shall soon see).
In The Hobbit (book), Thranduil is described as “their greatest king” who created a “fortress of his people against their enemies”.  In The Unfinished Tales, it notes that “Thranduil established his realm in the north-east of the forest and delved there a fortress and great halls underground.” According to The Hobbit (book), his people “lived and hunted in the open woods, and had houses or huts on the ground and in the branches. The beeches were their favourite trees.” The fortress of the Woodland Realm is described as a “great cave, from which countless smaller ones opened out on every side, would far underground and had many passages and wide halls; but it was lighter and more wholesome than any goblin dwelling, and neither so deep nor so dangerous.” In other words, Thranduil kept and maintained a safe place for his people. The Elves were not trapped in the fortress; in fact, many lived outside. Nor were they surrounded by what the Elves in the film deem as an “ill-tempered” King. 
And here comes the main point of Thranduil’s rule. As King of the Woodland Realm, his first and primary duty will always be to his people, as any leader of any kingdom should maintain. But my diversion from the films comes here: Thranduil isn’t an Elf who doesn’t care about Middle-earth or any other race or civilization. Is he hesitant to jump headfirst and risk the lives of his people? Yes. Does his grief and losses in life make him strive to create a safe and protected place for his people, which can come across as isolationist? Yes. Can he come across as cold at times? Sure, and read this headcanon for more details. Will he entirely forsake Middle-earth and all other peoples and does he also not care about other peoples? Absolutely not. From the First Age, he chose to remain in Middle-earth, thereby showing his love for the world. He’s one of the very few who believes that Sauron will return and, as the book reveals, still goes to battle for Middle-earth and all who inhabit it numerous times (War of the Last Alliance, Battle of the Five Armies, War of the Ring).
With specific emphasis on the events of The Hobbit, Thranduil first hears about Smaug’s death via the birds (which I love so much btw).“The Elvenking had received news from his own messengers and from the birds that loved his folk, and already knew much of what happened” (The Hobbit). Upon this news, Thranduil originally was going to march to the Mountain. BUT! The moment he hears from Bard that his people are in need of help, Thranduil turns his entire focus to help the people of Lake-town. Why? Because Thranduil liked Bard and the people of Lake-town:
“But the king, when he received the prayers of Bard, had pity, for he was the lord of a good and kindly people; so turning his march, which had at first been direct towards the Mountain, he hastened now down the river to the Long Lake. He had not boats or rafts enough for his host, and they were forced to go slower by foot; but great store of goods he sent ahead by water.”  (The Hobbit)
And this feeling is mutual, for Bard also thinks well of Thranduil. When Thorin questions Bard on Thranduil, Bard explains that Thranduil is his friend who helped the people of Lake-town out of friendship, not out of any greed for the gems as the films suggest:
"‘The Elvenking is my friend, and he has succoured the people of the Lake in their need, though they had no claim but friendship on them,’" answered Bard.  (The Hobbit)
And when it comes to a fight between Dwarves, Elves, and Men, Thranduil is not inclined to war and fighting. He would rather come to an agreement in reconciliation, not violence. In fact, Bard is prepared for war, and Thranduil is not:
“’Fools!’ laughed Bard, ‘to come thus beneath the Mountain's arm! They do not understand war above ground, whatever they may know of battle in the mines. There are many of our archers and spearmen now hidden in the rocks upon their right flank. Dwarf-mail may be good, but they will soon be hard put to it. Let us set on them now from both sides, before they are fully rested!’
But the Elvenking said: ‘Long will I tarry, ere I begin this war for gold. The dwarves cannot press us, unless we will, or do anything that we cannot mark. Let us hope still for something that will bring reconciliation.’”  (The Hobbit)
And of course, when it finally comes down to it and the enemy is attacking the Mountain, it is Thranduil and the Elves who charge into battle first:
“The elves were the first to charge. Their hatred for the goblins is cold and bitter. Their spears and swords shone in the gloom with a gleam of chill flame, so deadly was the wrath of the hands that held them.” (The Hobbit)
To highlight others’ views on Thranduil, Bilbo preferred the company of Thranduil over the others and chose to stand by Thranduil, if this was to be the final stand of his own life:
“On all this Bilbo looked with misery. He had taken his stand on Ravenhill among the Elves-- partly because there was more chance of escape from that point, and partly (with the more Tookish part of his mind) because if he was going to be in a last desperate stand, he preferred on the whole to defend the Elvenking.”  (The Hobbit)
Now, in the aftermath of the battle, Thranduil continues to show his alliances as King of the Woodland Realm. We see this in the way Thranduil takes Orcrist and lies it upon Thorin’s tomb, symbolizing the peace and unification between dwarves and Elves. On the return journey, Thranduil names Bilbo “Elf-friend and Blessed”, which is very much a sign of Bilbo’s lifelong relationship with the Elves in general.
And so, all of this informs how I interpret Thranduil as Elvenking. His grief and loss does affect his ruling and makes him more predisposed to protect his people from other harms, which can come across as isolating at times. But his ruling is viewed as a good one, and his lands, despite sickness, still give protection to his people. His relationship with Middle-earth and other races is still there. He does not hate or forsake other people, if he can be of help, and his preference to be with his own people and live more simply in the Wood does not change the fact that he will still help others when he can. He will not launch headfirst into war, but he will fight if he needs to. 
(personals, please don’t reblog!)
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