#like the disbelive
chiptrillino · 1 year
Hi! I love your art and would like to make a zuko account using your drawing of zuko as the pfp. What is the process of commissioning an art from you?Or if you’re not keen to draw him, what’s the process of using it for Twitter, non-commercial RP purpose besides crediting you?
hi! and thank you. i am not taking commissions, but i allow my art to be used as pfp or even header on platforms outside tumblr as long i am credited in the profiles info (ex: pfp by chiptrillino)
btw. if someone needs help with the cropping i don't mind helping out.
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every so often the jackles loose asshole fart joke blooper crashes through the walls of my subconscious like the fucking koolaid dude and causes a reaction I can only describe as a sudden wave of disbelief and elation all at once… disbelation lets call it…
cockles disbelation®️
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userlando · 1 year
i just saw someone talking about sucking lando off while hes driving and then a second later i see a video on tt of him driving his new mclaren & now im considering that 👍🏼
you caught me on a good night, honey. it’s warm as fuck and I can’t sleep so here’s this little blurb no one asked for 🤍
different kind of ride (1k words) lando norris/fem!reader car bj ~nsfw
Lando couldn’t believe what was happening. He’d asked you to come with him to the headquarters in Woking, buzzing all over because he’d finally get his hands on his new car. It had been hard to cruise around in his Jolly, mostly because he knew how private you wished your relationship to be kept. And, well, the Jolly was nothing but an attention grabber whenever the two of you drove down the streets of Monaco.
You’d stood quietly to the side, observing Lando and his colleagues as they marvelled over his new McLaren and although you didn’t say much verbally, Lando could see the excitement in your eyes. The permanent stretch of your lips warmed his heart to the core, seeing you so happy because he was happy.
The both of you had taken it for a spin, driving down the roads of the English country side with nothing but asphalt and the greens to accompany you.
Lando hadn’t expected you to reach over the console and undo his jeans, almost crashing his new car into the cliffs by how he swerved and he thanked the heavens that no one was around because he wasn’t driving like the skilled driver he was.
There were no words forming in his mouth, gaping at you as you zipped his fly down and fished his cock out of his underwear so casually. He had a hard time believing his eyes.
You, the shy and quiet girl whom he’d known for almost a year now, who did everything to keep the attention off of herself. You’d only just gotten comfortable with him in bed, needing a little time to break out of your shell and here you were, bending at the waist and getting your mouth on him like it was an everyday occurrence. It wasn’t.
His thoughts halted to a complete stop when he felt the warmth and wetness of your mouth enveloping him, eyes rolling as his hands white knuckled the steering wheel. You still hadn’t said anything, aside from the little moans and whimpers you let out as you took more of him in your mouth, sucking him off so good that Lando couldn’t help but take one hand off the steering to place on the back of your head.
He didn’t push, nor did he guide because you were doing a bloody good job on your own and he just really needed to get a hand on you, to feel you there with him; Like he wanted to make sure that he wasn’t just having a good fucking dream.
Lando had slowed down considerably, barely doing twenty on a sixty road and you must’ve sensed it because you moaned, tongue sliding out your mouth to lick the underside of his cock, like you were trying to remind him that he was still driving.
There wasn’t a day that went by since he started dating you, that you weren’t blowing his mind; surprising him with everything you did and said. One of his favourite things to find out about you was how fucking filthy you could be. A true contrast to the sweet and soft spoken girl his mother had met a few months ago.
Lando rolled to a stop on the side of the road, not even bothering to turn the engine off as he diverted all of his attention on you, watching your head bob in his lap as you took him in further and further in your mouth. A sound of sweet triumph left your throat when you managed to fit all of him in your mouth, and the vibrations of it travelled down his cock so deliciously that his hips jumped up.
You gagged and pulled off to take a breath, chest heaving as you tilted your head and locked eyes with him. Lando felt like the breath had been punched out of him when he saw the tears in your eyes and the saliva slick on your lips, digging his teeth into his lower lip as he stared at you; in awe.
“You’re something else.” He gave a laugh that sounded a lot like wonder and disbelief, and you shot him a dazzling smile that knocked the breath from his chest. “Fucking hell, baby.”
You didn’t say anything as you went back to getting him off, lips pursing against the head of his weeping cock and giving it small kisses until Lando was groaning low in his throat. You opened your mouth and swallowed him down, working on making it as pleasurable for him as possible.
It was only when your jaw was starting to ache and Lando was gripping your hair with his hands that you pulled off, ignoring your boyfriend’s whiny protest in favour of jerking him off.
The sounds in the car were filthy, almost drowned out by the rumbling of the engine but Lando couldn’t focus on anything else but your hand on him and the occasional lick to his head.
“Fuck, baby, I’m gonna—“ He warned lamely, voice tight as he felt his stomach coil, just waiting to snap.
He expected you to keep going, but you surprised him by getting your mouth around his head and sucking hard. Lando was done for, letting out a strangled moan as he came in your mouth, spilling everything he had and hearing your distinct moans over the rush of blood in his ears, playing like music.
When he slowly came down from his high, you licked at his cock to clean him up as best as you could, hearing him letting out little whimpers at the sensitivity and only taking a deep inhale when you managed to tuck him back in and zip him up.
You sat back in your seat, grimacing a little at the pain of being in an uncomfortable position for so long and glanced at Lando. His head was resting against the seat, turned toward you with cheeks pink and lips bitten raw. He was staring like he was seeing you in a different light, and it made you flush a little.
“We’re not even close to done.” He said, like you’d asked him a question and it made you laugh.
Lando shook his head, lazy smile spreading on his lips as he reached for your hand.
“Nope, not done.” He said, giving you a look from beneath his eyelashes that spelled trouble. “Just need to regain feeling in my body first.”
umm idk what this was, consider it a gift from me to y’all who were unsatisfied with the ending of cherry wine. I’m gonna go hide in shame now bye
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bibiwrld · 8 months
Nerdy loser Anakin Skywalker!— Turned Bad Boy!
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Pairing: Nerdy loser Anakin! x Black fem oc!
Author’s note: I honestly thought this was a cute and funny idea. Kinda short, but I’m thinking of a part 2, idk.
Bad boy! Bad boy!
Whatcha gonna do?
Can’t run away from ‘em
They weren’t girlfriend and boyfriend, that’s what they agreed on until Sydnee was ready and he was fine with that. Anakin thought what they had was special and he wouldn’t want to ruin it, but he couldn’t help but feel a little jealous when he’d see Sydnee talking to other guys around campus. They didn’t look like Anakin, they looked cooler— wearing fashionable and darker clothes, messy dark hair, piercings, always had a cigarette between their lips and they spoke with such vulgars words.
Was that allowed? Talking to other people?
Even if he wanted to, Anakin couldn’t, no other girl caught his eyes quite like Sydnee did. She was the only one for him.
He paced his living room with his phone to his ear, listening to it ring. “Pick up, pick up—”
“Anakin, it’s late, this better be some type of emergency.” Obi-Wan, his older brother, groaned.
“I-it is!” Anakin interjected, standing in place. “I met a girl.” His voice now a little more hushed.
Obi-Wan almost choked. “A girl?!”
“Don’t sound so shocked.” He said with rolled eyes. “I just need..a–a little advice.”
“I’m your older brother, that’s what I’m here for.”
“Do you think girls like edgy bad boys?” He plopped down on his couch.
“Some girls do, yeah. Girls think they’re cooler, more attractive, assertive. They like laid back guys, very nonchalant, guys who just don’t give a shit, y’know?”
Anakin was none of those things.
“I should just fake it, huh?” He adjusted his glasses.
“What’s the worst that could happen?” Little did Obi-Wan know what he told his younger brother, was the worst advice ever.
Right after that phone call, Anakin went on a shopping spree. Buying a new wardrobe that consisted of dark tees with cool graphics, dark long sleeved shirts and baggy jeans. He also stopped at Target and bought black and blue hair dye, fake piercings and contact lenses.
He stood in front of his mirror, listening to the audiobook of The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath, with a patch of blue in his hair.
He couldn’t believe he was going through with this. He looked at himself in the mirror, trying to shake off the uneasy feeling.
His arms grew tired as he dabbed a section of his hair with a hair dye brush coated in black hair dye. He prayed this came out good, finally putting a clear plastic cap on his head.
“I was thinking of hitting up this club tomorrow night, I heard they got male strippers.” Lilian slowly scrolled on her phone giggling.
“Wait for real?” Chloe leaned all the way into Lilian trying to look at her phone. “Oh my God, they’re hot.”
Sydnee didn’t really care to look, she had other things to worry about, like where Anakin was. He didn’t send a good morning text like he usually does every morning, as he’s always up before her, she hasn’t seen him around campus and it usually doesn’t take long for her to see him walking around.
“What’s your problem, Sydnee?” June asked with obvious attitude, chewing her gum obnoxiously as her nails clicked against her phone.
Sydnee doesn’t know why she still hung around this girl, she was so rude and annoying. “I’m just wondering where Anakin is, that’s all.”
“Now that you mention it, I didn’t see him in Physics today.” Chloe rested her chin into her palm, suddenly thinking about Anakin.
“Seriously girl?” June scoffed. “You’re still hung up on that guy? It was one thing to fuck him, but to actually give a shit about him is crazy.”
Sydnee’s fist balled up, slowly turning her head towards the obnoxious snob. Before Sydnee or Chloe could say something in defense of Anakin, Lilian cut them off.
“Is that..is that Anakin?” Her tone was a mix of surprised and a bit of disbelief.
Sydnee quickly turned around, searching the busy cafeteria for the boy with glasses, but she didn’t see him at all. She squinted, then noticed a tall guy in an army green tee, baggy ash jeans, grey converse and black, messy hair, sluggishly walking over to them.
She could only stare in awe, her eyes just following him as he got closer. She noticed he had on black eye shadow, messily smeared on his lids.
He dropped his bag on the floor, sitting beside Sydnee. “Hey doll face.” He removed the cigarette from his lips, giving her a quick peck on the cheek.
“Doll face?” Sydnee silently muttered to herself. He’s never talked like that, ever.
“Sup girls?” He nodded to the 3 girls.
“Uh..hey?” Lilian rose a brow.
“What’s with the look?” Chloe asked.
He focused hard on every word, trying not to stutter.
“Can’t a guy express himself?” He snapped, slouching and spreading his legs.
“I think he looks better this way.” June gave small nods.
Of course she did.
Sydnee rolled her eyes at June, then brought her attention back to Anakin. She reached her hand out to fix his hair . “You have bed head, Ani—”
He corrected her, moving his head so she couldn’t touch it. “Anakin and that’s just how my hair is.”
“Well Anakin, you missed Physics class.” She narrowed her eyes at him, taken back by his actions. “And you didn’t text me, I was worried.” Her voice softened, a pout on her lips.
He took a small drag from his cigarette. “Woke up late.” It took everything in him not to choke.
“You never wake up late.” Her brows furrowed.
“Are you wearing eye makeup?” Chloe leaned over, examining him.
His voice was a bit shaky, trying to maintain that dominant tone. “No…?”
“Okay, liar.” Lilian chuckled.
Sydnee looked him over and over again, noticing every detail about him. She didn’t hate the look, but she was a bit confused.
“What’s with the cigarette? You don’t even smoke cigarettes.” Sydnee felt like she was losing her mind. “And your hair…did you dye this yourself? And when did you get all these piercings?”
Anakin shrugged. “I’ve found myself, y’know?”
Sydnee knew something was up, but she didn’t know what. “Where are your glasses?”
“Don’t need em.” Smoke escaped his pink lips.
“Can you stop with the smoking? We’re indoors.” She screwed up her face.
“Whatever.” He took the cigarette from his lips, smushing it at the heel of shoe, then flicked it off somewhere.
June then jumped in. “Why don’t you stop complaining and appreciate that your boy toy looks hot?”
That was it.
Sydnee grabbed her bag and abruptly stood up. “Go fuck each other.” Looking June and Anakin in the eyes before storming off.
Anakin internally panicked, this wasn’t going how he planned it was.
“What’s her deal?” June screwed up her face.
“You obviously don’t know what the deal is because there is no fucking deal.” He spat before grabbing his bag to chase after Sydnee.
Sydnee hustled down the hall, stepping harshly with arched brows.
“Sydnee!” His voice called out. “Sydnee!”
She rolled her eyes and stopped walking, leaning against the wall with crossed arms. “What is it, Anakin?”
“Y-you’re mad.” He frowned, standing in front of her.
“Well duh.”
“I-I’m sorry.” He breathed out. “I thought you’d like m-me..like this.”
“I don’t hate how you look, but the way you’re acting, why would I like that?” She looked away.
“B-Because I saw you talking t-to guys…that l-looked like this.” He breathed out. “I-I thought i-if I–uh— if I looked and acted like them, maybe you’d l-like me more.” He hung his head low.
Her arms gradually unfolded at his confession. “Anakin, what?”
“I-I know, it’s sooo em-embarrassing.” He groaned. “I-I hate cigarettes!” He then tugged off one of the fake earrings. “Th-these aren’t even real!”
Sydnee couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re too cute, Anakin.” She cupped his face, bringing it down to hers.
“Call me Ani, plea-please, I like it when you call m-me that.” He nuzzled his face into her hands.
She couldn’t help but smile. “Don’t ever change yourself, I like you just as you are.” She brought her lips to his, tasting the cigarette he smoked, but she didn’t care.
His hands found her waist, bringing her in closer.
The smacking of their lips were the only things heard in the empty halls. She softly tugged on his bottom lip, making him moan out.
“So cute.” She muttered before pulling away. “You do look really hot though.”
“Really?” He beamed.
“Yeah.” She bit her lip. “How about we go back to your place and fuck with your little bad boy cosplay on, hm?”
He covered his mouth in excitement. “Oh my God, y-you’re so insanely a-attractive.”
She giggled, holding his hand. “Come on, bad boy Anakin.”
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keesdarlin · 5 months
☆// striking midnight (MDNI, 18+)
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info! cayde-6 / fluff + gender neutral reader
cw! n/a
notes! just a silly little idea i had. also new year's eve has been a little bit rough, so i'm writing this to cope a little bit lol. enjoy :]
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in all honesty, what you were doing probably seemed pretty sketchy to someone who was uninformed. or maybe even someone who knew what you were doing. to the unsuspecting eye, it probably looked like-
“are you rigging a bomb? what are you doing, guardian?” your ghost asked, hovering anxiously over your shoulder. 
“no, i’m not rigging a bomb,” you retorted, moving around some wires attached to your little contraption. it was colorful and roughly the size of a backpack, mostly metal cylinders and colorful tubing with wires attached. you sighed to yourself, still fiddling with it. “...they’re fireworks.”
“ah. a colorful bomb,” your ghost replied, an air of disappointment in their tone. 
“no, no. it’s a light show. we’re gonna send these off to celebrate the new year,” you explained, not looking up as you screwed in a loose part. 
“but why do we need to celebrate again? it’s just another completed revolution of the earth around the sun. there’s been a ton of these; it’s nothing new.”
you sighed. you had set up a display leaning against a trash can to the left side of the little alley you’d set up shop in, your headphones connected wirelessly. on the screen played a sort of podcast – two humans sitting together at a table, reflecting on the year with music playing in the background. the viewer count in one corner of the screen read a measly 24, not that you really minded. a countdown to midnight sat in the other corner. the hosts wore no armor, just civilian clothes. you yourself wore minimal armor. probably not the smartest decision considering that you were currently working with explosives, but you wanted to honor the holiday. not quite in your civvies, but not in any kind of battle suit either.
your screen glitched where it leaned against the trash can, the hosts’ voices becoming momentarily distorted. you leaned over, hitting the side a few times. the screen corrected itself. old tech. “because of what it means,” you began, focusing back on the work at hand. “a new year is a fresh start, a clean slate. holds new opportunities. think the light of a new day and all that shit. symbolism.” a beat passed as you rearranged some wires, and then, “i learned that we used to celebrate it before the going got tough. guess i got a little bit sentimental.”
your ghost hummed somewhere behind you, their shell rotating curiously. “well, i think that’s quite nice, guardian.”
“thank you,” you mumbled appreciatively, distracted with your work.
a thud sounded behind you, but you didn’t think much of it. if it turned out to be a threat, you had confidence in yourself to handle it. do you stayed the course, twisting and rearranging and soldering quietly as you hummed along to the music on your livestream. at least it’s nice out. all chilly and calm, just like winter should be. not a peep. judging from your ghost’s silence, they didn’t detect a threat either.
“whatcha got there?” a robotic voice asked from behind you.
you looked over your shoulder to find none other than cayde-6 leaning against the wall of the alley, watching you work. one of his hands lingered near his hand cannon, the other draped across his torso, blue eyes glowing in the dim light.
“a bomb,” your ghost answered easily, shell spinning.
“not a bomb,” you rushed to assure the hunter vanguard. “and not funny,” you directed at your ghost before turning back to the exo. “they’re fireworks.”
“ah,” cayde nodded. “pretty bombs.”
“they’re not bombs,” you corrected, standing to face him. “they shoot up in the air, they’re not gonna hurt anyone.”
“oh, relax. i’m not here to snitch on you or anything like that,” he said nonchalantly.
you looked at him again, gazing pointedly at the hand that lingered near the gun resting in his holster. “mhm,” you said, tone disbelieving.
cayde coughed awkwardly, bringing that arm up to cross the other over his chest. “say, do i know you from somewhere?”
you sized him up, somewhat offended. “i work at the tower. i’m a weapons expert.” i’ve actually worked on the ace of spades, you thought, but left it unsaid.
“of course i knew that,” he assured, nodding. sundance thrummed by his ear, observing.
you nodded too, half-heartedly affirming him.
“so what’s with the bombs?”
“am i the only one that celebrates new year’s eve around here?” you asked lightly, tone bordering on a laugh. 
cayde whistled. “from what i’ve heard, yes.”
you frowned to yourself, shoulders slumping. “that is so disappointing.”
“i suppose so,” he agreed. “how are you planning on celebrating?”
you pointed to the podcast playing on your monitor. “once that timer hits midnight, i’m gonna get off the fireworks. probably get a bite to eat after.”
“sounds… interesting.”
“care to join?” you offered, giving him a lopsided grin.
cayde seemed to think on it a moment and then shrugged. “i mean, why not? as long as no one gets hurt, of course.”
“great!” you smiled, turning back to your machine. you quickly went back to soldering and tweaking various parts of it.
cayde came up, crouched down next to you. “so how long do we have until it’s time to set this sucker off?”
you spared a glance to your screen, checking the countdown timer. “a couple minutes.”
“a couple minutes? and you’re still working on it?!” 
you waved him off. “calm down, i know what i’m doing,” you muttered.
“you’re sure?” cayde checked.
you turned to him, eyes narrowed. “if you don’t trust it, leave.” when he didn’t, you turned back to your work. a few more sparks flew before you finally stood up, setting your hands on your hips. “there.”
cayde hummed, standing up beside you. “okay, great! now what?”
you gestured to the screen. the timer in the corner stood at only 11 seconds. the both of you watched as midnight grew closer. “5… 4… 3… 2… 1…”
the timer hit zero and you pushed a button on the contraption with your foot, stepping back. thankfully cayde followed suit because, a moment later, a barrage of fireworks went up in the air. both of you watched as they exploded in a colorful, booming display of sparks. “wow,” he whispered breathily. 
grinning, you turned your gaze to him, nudged him with your elbow. “happy new year.”
although it seemed a little hesitant, cayde smiled back, eyes glowing a little brighter. “happy new year.”
“now…” you trailed off, grabbing your display screen and dropping it into your bag. another troop of fireworks went up and your grin seemed to gleam a little brighter around the edges. “we should probably run before we get in trouble.”
cayde blinked at you. “what?”
you laughed, staring at him a moment before taking off down the alley. “we should go! you think i got permission from this?”
and then he startled into the realization. you jerk. he broke into a sprint after you, watching the fireworks over his shoulder as he went. “i guess i assumed!”
“no way!” you called, mischief clear in your voice.
he shook his head, following you around a corner. “you owe me ramen for this, kid!”
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chiyoso · 7 months
g. impact — neuvillette fluff oneshot.
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▶SYPNOSIS. after the melusine threats came to a satisfactory conclusion, the iudex became overwhelmed with positive feelings, having you being a reason for one.
▶CONTENT. takes place after neuvillette's story quest, spoiler free, female reader, fluff, no usage of y/n, maybe suggestive, neuvillette crushing on you making him have an existential crisis, reader is a goddamn teasing bastard
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“melusines, are such beautiful creatures.”
“...miss kiara, was it?” you call out to the pink melusine, low with admiration.
“that- that's right! you know, you were absolutely close to quoting the iudex just now!” though shy and hesitant, she'd accept your invitation, giving you trust by placing her paw upon your palm.
the iudex huh? “is that right?” the pink melusine's spirits went and above, just inching closer to your welcoming nature, familiar, inviting and familial.
“then, he would already, no doubt be most fond of lovely beings such as you.”
“that would be correct,” deep. you thought upon hearing the voice that answered for the melusine.
you turn towards your shoulder, looking past to see what you had expected to have bland, dark and judge-like qualities, but he was more beautiful than what your mind had conjured.
so dignified, reserved, an elegance you don't see often in high-octane courts, or rather—for where you were hailed from. “ah, and you must be...”
“the subject of your discussion,” he'd answer as you were standing up, turning completely to his direction, letting go of the melusine's paw.
“the chief justice, the court judge of fontai...” his voice trails off, noticing himself about to ramble about while taking in your soft expression.
“forgive me, though given many titles by the people of this land, it would be most natural if you were to addressed me by the name i am known widely for,” so well spoken too.
you closed your eyes briefly, processing the sound that accompanied his words. it was nothing but pleasing to the ears, the same could go for his aesthetics, pleasant, too pleasant for the eyes to witness.
“it's my first,” you take his attention, stealing his glance from the melusine. “to see the iudex personally, and up close to be precise,” the iudex cannot make do with that vague statement, and it was a great pet peeve of his, not able to discern things if vague comments such as this were passed to him with a negative, or positive light.
“ah, so you already know of m—”
you bend a knee slightly, placing a hand towards the center of your chest, lowering your head, with a smile, and with only that, you would capture multiple attention, the hearts and minds of those around the fountaine of lucine.
and if he was able to, let him be apart of the said crowd. stirred with confusion, a steady beat that began to form a rhythm in his chest.
an outsider, both you and him. one was masked, hiding a primordial identity, and the other was presumably new to this land, foreign to dramatic concepts, views and hightened agriculture.
it was a long, long existence. a witness to countless of things, receive endless of things, but never, not once receive this form of respect, this, this very gesture of absolute high regard.
he was no archon, but you would deviate your self preservation to treat him as such?
“please, stand tall,” it was unlike him. you heard a dust of anxiousness, panic, and if this was disarm tactic, to let his guard down, it would be most very effective had it been a different situation.
“there is... absolutely no need of heavy formalities, be most assured, i'm not one to be receiving such a form of praise. the hydro archon, she, herself would be very pleased t—”
“the hydro archon...” you interrupt, now tilting your head up. your gaze, mirroring those that you see in fontaine's citizens, an unfiltered, open reverence only he can witness from afar.
seen only towards focalors.
“the begs a needed question then,” you sigh, eyes narrowed with a subtle disbelief.
“what makes you any lesser or any different than these archons, monsieur neuvillette?” you lower your head again, towards the pavement.
“you judge atrocities, bring out injustice in the form of words, a justice that only resorts to extreme measures if requirements are met—”
“—and unlike a few factions, nations, you continue to progress and maintain order, ordainding the pre-ordained,”
“your order brings out justice in the form of performances, inciting no wars, a form of execution, not by blade—but with immovable conviction,”
“relaying each syllable, sentence, coherent with a pre-determined decision through every, life changing verdict,” you stand up this time, now slowly returning your gaze back up to his, gleaming and determined.
two words of which he will use for the eyes that peer onto his, appraising him, his occupation, his actions that he has continuously, like a ritual, doubted throughout the ages of his longevity.
what is the iudex able to do at the current?
you shower him with words that are hidden as praise, compliments concealed in truths, speaking in familiar terms that reminded him of how a certain individual in the fortress of meropide came to berate—or rather eased his history with.
but to those who are well versed in discerning, to deconstruct letters that form sentences of positive and negative, your truths seemed as if you were declaring, profressing, relaying each act of truth with a voice, identified with nothing but affection.
to who were listening in silence, anyways.
but you would be most in luck, the iudex, being one of many intelligences, his knowledge in emotions, mental subjects, he wouldn't confess that his intellect on matters such as this one, would be on par to his refined, pre-historical wisdom.
and all the great iudex could do was process, process and process, think, think and think, thinking about your words accompanied with a certain tone he hasn't heard from, and processing the feelings of what lies within his mortal body.
“and so i ask again, what makes a difference wi—”
“—the difference... the difference would be,” he tries to interrupt the moment your mouth opens to speak again.
“the answer to your... question,” he hesitates, taking a brief glance towards the sky.
it was thundering.
just like something else underneath his chest.
neuvillette closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, then shortly returning his gaze towards yours, yours that were provoking, just daring him to try to refute your truthful statements.
honest, beautiful statements, the beautiful part he wanted to deny, deny and deny. “i am the chief justice of fontaine, i uphold law, i bring out what is necessary to the land of justice, to lay out the hydro archon's wishes, furina's ideals, it is only—”
“—your duty.” he would straighten himself, a slight disorientation to his pupils from you finishing his sentence. he will never, ever understand how humans are able to anticipate his words, and he will only hope that one day, he will be able to.
“oh, what things have you witness and heard from those that stir around you,” you say softly, with pity, moving towards the silent, little melusine once again, kneeling down as you lay your affections towards the creature, gently taking her paw, having her react positively, child-like.
“what things have you received, to the point where you deny you such deserving words,” the melusine perks up, her eyes glittering, excited towards you. “right!? monsieur neuvillette is so very highly regarded to us melusines!! it is truly absurb for him to not acknowledge our praise!!”
“shh, the iudex stands tall beside us, miss kiara.”
“oh,” you giggle to her sheepish demeanor, cooing her to reassurance, tending, motherly.
neuvillette, silent, glances down to the sight of mortal, and creature. you interacting with the little melusine, addressing her as equal, appreciating the creature's existence with little actions of affections, be it holding both of her hands, the way your eyes sparkle with fascination, sincerity.
“no no, i'm sure the chief justice won't put you in trial because of that,” you whisper, continuing to giggle, cupping the little melusine's furred cheeks.
“but- but i called him absurb!”
“hmm, should i also call him as such to accompany with you?” her eyes glisten with hope, the melusine lunging her little self forwards and tackling you in an embrace, muffling her soft wailing against your chest.
what was it. what is it.
what was the feeling inside his chest.
he didn't hate the feeling, but it wasn't exactly welcomed either. it was a feeling, similar to how you give a little infant the act of shock and joy by playing peek-a-boo with them, or having a sumeru citizen be invited and accepted into the akademiya with unbridled relief, and acceptance.
and all would be accompanied by confusion and fear, like stepping into a new continent, filled with unknown and uncertainty.
neuvillette, reserved, judgemental, and unapproachable. to the naked eye, he is obscure as he is enigmatic, and to the ones that have grown familiar with him outside being a court judge, it was his natural state of self, and it was his job to condemn, for he is judgement himself.
so the contradictions lie within him, feeling this way, letting a strange, external emotion he wasn't accustomed with, threaten his security, just gnawing at the depths towards his vulnerability.
after all, how could he?
how could he ignore pleasant feeling anyways?
the melusine takes a little peep past your shoulder, towards the iudex, and her eyes would widen slightly, witnessing the color of her own fur, mixed in with the fair radiance of his skin.
“t-the iudex,” a small, questioning 'hm?' you replied with, pulling back slightly, seeing the melusine have a constrasting reaction towards something.
your attention would follow where her own went, looking over your shoulder to an unexpected sight. your curious eyes settled quickly over his facial features, the expression he was giving the both of you.
a stoic expression, but with lips slightly parted, trembling, wanting to be pursed and closed, and peculiar, his eyes bore the same direction to yours but it was absent, lost in his own mind, disarrayed with current-like thoughts.
“he- he's coming up with a fever!!” the melusine squeals, assuming, latching onto your leg with you already stood up, and you were correct.
his gaze would remain lowered, unmoving, but what was most endearing was that color that suited his delicate features.
a fever? “monsieur... neuvillette?” curious, you bend your torso and knees down slightly, looking up to him, a hand swiftly moving the strands of hair to the back of your ear, just tugging it behind.
then the glint in his eyes return from the movement the met his sights, his irises, swiftly taking in a sudden display of your physiq—your eyes.
“i'm- ah,” he coughs into his fist, letting his hand prolong over a part of his face, keeping his blush at bay, attempting to regain composure.
“my sincerest, most wholehearted apologies, to the both of you for my behavior,” you straighten your back, hearing his reply, a hand moving down towards the back of the melusine's head, just easing her.
“don't be, i have that effect on people,” you said eerily, amused, and you don't think it was a fever causing that pretty blush over him right now.
“h-huh?” the melusine looks up to you, confused, mirroring neuvillette's expression as well.
“pay no mind,” you interrupt, glancing briefly between the two, before focusing the the iudex before you.
“are you alright, monsieur neuvillette?” you tilt your chin up only slightly, eyes squinted to his direction, giving him a smile, just giving it your all for it not to curl upwards and become wider, smug like how you were feeling right now.
you just couldn't just let him process anything.
the hydro dragon sovereign, attempting to adjust to your speech patterns, dealing with the certain tone of voice you carried along with that expression of yours, trying to process each word with that came from your mouth.
it was overwhelming, and it was good kind.
“...i will be,” he have to be. he answers after a few moments of silent observation, having trouble keeping his irises still for you.
...what do you mean, 'mhm'?
did you want him to say more? did you need a longer response? were you expecting more? what were you thinking? why did you suddenly become so much more prettier than you were previously?
what was it that made your gesture of respect more attractive? what was it that was making him eager to receive more from you praise from you?
it was no different to a bow. it was no different to something that was considered as respectful towards a reverent being, but considering your tone, your body language, your demeanor?
he won't allow himself to meet your gaze again.
he can't—because when his eyes reach yours, disorder thrives, increasing his jumbled thoughts, disturbing whatever he was about to say.
disorder being the very thing that he tries with absolutely hardship to avoid for the people of fontaine, for focalors, and soon he would find himself wanting to be in said order. an inevitable order that he will continue to maintain.
at the least right now—attempt to anyways.
“pretty little melusine,” you turn your head, down towards the pink creature, your hand finding solace in her hair of fluff. “ah, y-yes my lady?”
“i'm more than sure that the great chief justice would pardon your comment once you return to your duties,” you catch the brief contact of his eyes from your peripheral upon mention of him again.
“miss kiara, ever so diligent, dutiful, and so high in spirits, why would the monsieur neuvillette offer you an unjust sentence—” your hands move, raising the pink melusine towards the sky, causing her to yelp, a soft giggling following after suit.
“—when the iudex has nothing but love in his eyes for your kind,” his eyes softened at the sight, having you so bliss and carefree, towards something he has strived to honor and protect for several hundred years.
love, was it?
love. is that what he was feeling?
yes? no? was it love? can you call it love? is it related to it? is he capable of something that only strengthens his complexity? he, being an existence already with labored with mystery.
“i- well, you're right—but!” the pink melusine flails in your grasp, squirming to be put down from the growing embarassment she began to have.
“he is still the chief! the iudex!” that's right.
“it- it is only right if i receive the equal amount of justice, calling him a name unbefitting of someone of high status! it is disrespect! it is—”
unbecoming. incomprehensible. complicated.
“—not an issue, nor it is within the scriptures of law, and written code of conduct,” neuvillette takes a step or two forwards to the both of you, a faint, tempted smile almost visible, just teasing the corners of his lips.
“it... is not a crime to formulate an opinion,”
but so are humans, being unable to completely understand themselves.
just like his circumstances.
“miss kiara, let it be known, that no very corners of this land, will ever restrict you and others from expressing thought, the very thing that binds the mortality together, being an aboriginal foundation of... understanding towards one another,” you see a glimmer in his eyes, his stoicism accompanied with a subtle fondness.
“that would be the very definition of unjust itself, something i, the iudex of fontaine, the usurper of order—will not tolerate and stand watch with irreverence,” the melusine grows silent along with you, placing her down carefully, growing steady in her footing.
“you are wonderful,” you break the brief silence with an adoring sigh, soft and tender, causing a minor shudder to the complimented iudex, as if he was experiencing thought and behavioral patterns similarly like a revelation, a discovery.
wonderful? for doing his measly duties? for giving structure to the deconstructed? for pursuing a system of commandments that are naturally acquainted for, in a world where it is needed?
can someone, anyone really call duty, wonderful?
having what was natural for him, being percevied as something close to beauty, and borrowing the pink melusine's words, he would find it absurb.
it was only his duty, he is undeserving, he is only nothing but—“shining,” you add, catching his attention once more.
shining. “...with all due possible and greatest respect, it is only a duty that allows—”
“—let me, allow myself to make this as... monosyllabic as possible,” you interrupt, now striding to him, the sounds of your footing making each thock while you encircle the iudex slowly.
“i do not foster much care, in whatever trifling, innermost matter you have, brewing from within that... well-cared pretty face of yours,” you sigh, stopping just behind the iudex, allowing him to subtly look over his shoulder towards you.
you say that, but you would be lying to yourself if you didn't care completely, seeing that slight disoriented shift, notable in his brows.
“but most beloved chief justice, take into precise consideration, that denying another's thoughts is... close to averting your gaze, feigning ignorance to someone's testimony of you,”
he turns around. panic, panic and panic. “what—”
“i jest,” you clasp your hands together to the side of your face in an instant, humming in delight.
“hmhm, i exaggerate, monsieur neuvillette,” you take in his turbulent expressions with delight, ranging from panicked, to troubled, to confusion?
was it contempt? was it hassling to him? did he not know what to make do of this behavior you were introducing to him?
“pft- i'm sorry—archons pardon my lack of etiquette,” you stifle your soft chuckling with your knuckle over your lips.
“you are as firm as the pillars that holds over multiple architectures within fontaine, it's—”
“it's...” huh? your hearty laughter dies down, both lids parting wide as you witness the iudex's facial features.
“ah,” the word escapes from you from observation of the iudex, his cheeks once again, imitating the color of the melusine, a color more passionate than before, a half-opened gaze struggling to maintain the mutuality of eye contact, having a gloved hand move, knuckles pressed against most of his lips.
with irony, what surprised you was not the unmistakable presence of the red in his face, nor the rattle in his composure—no, it was the the fact that you began to mirror him immediately.
he looked so, so beautiful. and it was enough to shake your core, bringing two hands to your chest, cradling the quickening thump in the center. “i-...” you tease too much, and it was no surprise it would backfire, eventually.
the pink melusine glances between the two of you with great confusion, a worry quickly plaguing her. “this... this fever is contagious!” she blurts out, just loud enough for the people in the sidelines, stirring as slight commotion.
also just enough to snap the both of you back to reality. “no- no, no no,” you say with urgency, kneeling to the pink melusine.
“miss- miss kiara, i think it'd be best if i give the iudex my regards and take my leave,”
the iudex clears his throat, looking away, avoiding your direction—which only results to letting his flushed cheeks, ears, become more visible to you.
it was so red. such a pretty color.
“i hope,” he returns his gaze to yours again, letting you see that polite, yet lively smile, it being the cherry on top to his expression.
“you enjoy your stay within fontaine, my lady,” his simplicity attracts you again, letting you slowly connect your views together again.
“and i am...—thank you, for such kind, and generous words, i would be untruthful, deceiving if i said i didn't quite enjoy your sincerity for me, letting me sit on your throne of recognition, being held in such high, high esteem to you,”
“...is that your way of saying that you wish to hear more from me, monsieur neuvillette?”
“mh,” the lump in his throat doesn't allow him to utter anything in reply, eyes widening in reaction to that tone of teasing again.
you stand up, facing towards him completely once more, your eyes gleaming in delight.
“i would love nothing more.”
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after seeing the word building of his story quest, i just hope i delivered the same vibes/speech patterns neuvillette has in this fic...—also yes i was throwing shade abt inazuma war ehe.
reblogs help my audience reach, thank you. dont look at tags.
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demonparmour · 4 months
Aftermath pt 1 (for Sunny)
The house is quieter. Sunny notices it as soon as she steps over the threshold and into her home. A part of her had still expected to find him here, tinkering away with the farm downstatirs or looking through the chests. But no, he’s gone.
She could have gone with Fit, or Philza, or any one of the others who offered, but she couldn’t bare the though of being away from Fobo. What if her Pa did respawn, and she wasn’t there to great him. She thinks if she asked, someone would have stayed with her at Fobo, but that also felt wrong; to make someone leave their own home just because she was upset. 
As Sunny makes her way down the latter, a sound captures her attention. She immediately clocks that it’s coming from the direction of her father’s room, and hope starts blooming in her chest. 
When she spots Leo, coming out her own fathers room, Sunny’s stomach sinks once again. In her numbness, Sunny had forgotten about the fact that Fobo was not just where she lived. Leo must notice something is off because her eyebrows knit in confusion at the sight of Sunny
“Qué pasó,” She asks as she comes closer.
“I-” Sunny hesitates, unsure how to answer. “My Pa went away.”
She’s not sure what she expects Leo to do, maybe apolagize like the others have done. Instead Leo just nods. “el volverá”
“You don’t know that,”and Sunny can hear her own voice, she knows she sounds accusatory. She expects Leo to fall back into the way things have been, for them to start fighting. A small part of her welcomes the idea, something to distracts her.
Leo doesn’t take the bait though, so Sunny tries again. “It’s not like you other dad has come back.”
And for a moment, Sunny succeeds. Anger takes over Leo’s features, her eyes narrowing and jaw tensing. Then Leo looks Sunny up and down, and takes a deep breath. On the exhale her features relax back to normal
Sunny lets out a shriek and stomps her foot and she can feel the tears welling up in her eyes. Why isn’t anything going right today.
“Quieres salir de aquí?” The question throws Sunny off. 
“And go where?” She asks.
Leo shrugs, “montar a caballo?”
“You want to go ride horse?” Sunny says, disbelive coating her words. “Right now?”
Leo puts her hands in front of her as a way to signal defeat and then begins to turn around.
“Wait-” Sunny calls out. She may not know why Leo wants to ride horses of all things, but she doesn’t want to be alone. “Let’s go
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vmlnrz · 1 year
hi!! itoshi rin with prompt no1! seems so interesting omg
you didn't even ask for much. rin still got annoyed. so so annoyed when you walked several steps behind him, asking him to play with you too. he was only 9 after all. and you were only 8, following him, convincing him to play soccer with you too. you'd do great. you've watched people play. you can kick. you promise. you sounded like a broken record. your persistent requests met with a frustrated sigh. as he halted. and he turned around, placing the football down and kicking it towards you till it reached your feet.
"kick it."
with little contemplation, you gave the football a kick back to him. regrettably, your effort fell short—the ball only reaching the midway point between you and him. his eyebrows furrowed in disappointment, a visibly growing frustration. as he strode towards the ball. he took a powerful swing, launching it with great force towards your legs, causing a sharp pang of pain. wincing, you stood still regardless.
as he taunted you, his words dripped with arrogance as he boasted about his own foot strength(along with how him and his brother are going to be the best strikers in the world)(you have no idea what he's talking about) and urged you to make another attempt. your kick was very close to connecting to his feet, but alas, it fell just short. rin let out a huff before snatching up the ball and proceeding to say very spiteful things to you. how you suck. your soccer skills suck. and the pink hair clip you wore was ugly.
after saying all that, he simply turns around and strolls away. but you've had enough. you've only been nice to him, and you won't take this. and as a payback, you ran and jumped on his back and bit him.
as both get older, he got into his girls are weak and you got into your yuck, boys phase. he was not as expressive and so weren't you. rude remarks were the only thing you two had to offer each other. that one time, he accidentally found your diary. and before he got to read any further, you snatched it back and hit his head with the book.
few more years later. you've been avoiding him, he didn't had it in him to talk to you. but you did notice his change in behavior. he appeared colder, meaner, distant.
maybe finally at age when both could sit in a room together with just silence and no insults. maybe even little talks at the rooftop. he's gonna graduate highschool, hopefully changed for better. he wonders if you know that he was the one who placed the pink hairclips on your desk on valentines day. he lets you carry the conversation. and you could note him trying his best to come up with a playful remark that matched your energy.
shut up, rin-chan
hm? you still bite people who dont agree with you?
only annoying people
how annoying do i have to be for you to bite me again?
as a change of topic, he apologizes. it confuses you and he apologizes again. and you laugh at that, reminding that it was years ago. when you both were 9 and 8. a little hum from him and the quiet companies the cold on the rooftop.
you both are uni students now. but then again, rin is still uncertain about what to do when he notices you sitting all by yourself at a few tables' distance at the cafe. he wished for an excuse to talk to you and that was granted when you dropped your book as you walked out.
as he was about to utter your name, he abruptly halted at the sight of it—the familiar book with crumpled, off-white pages. he found it amusing that you still held onto it, despite your carelessness for dropping it.
he pretends he doesn't know what the book is. he pretends not to read the cover which has a big red cross with some fierce "keep off" labels and stickers.
he wished to see his name on it, instead he found so many of "hey diary, i almost forgot you existed" "got a hold of this diary 2 years later" "i forgot to write again" "i was lazy but anyway 3 years of not writing in this diary-" "im so inconsistent"
his face shows nothing but disbelief. but then he remembers when he had read that one page full detail of "i hate rin-chan" he remembers how right after reading that he got hit on the head with the same book.
he finds the valentines day page. he could almost feel the arrogance in your handwriting where it said "i know who got me the clips."
when he sights a "rin-chan" written a few pages after, he reads the starting line...rin-chan is so mean- he skips the start. by the end you had confessed to your diary that you only wanted to get closer to him. and that you had no interest in soccer whatsoever.
he scoffs.
one thing rin didn't realise that he was in the middle of the cafe reading that. and what shook him to realization was the bells ringing when you hurried back into the cafe looking for your diary.
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jeex02 · 1 year
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Crying cause hes so cute 🗿🥹🤲💞
Anyways have some cute drunk vic fluff too
(Not profread and a year old 🧍‍♂️🏃)
Victor ended up being roped into drinking with some buisness patners. He ends up drunk somehow? *cough* whereisyourhightolerance. Anyways Goldman drops him of at home. Victor is leaning all his weight on goldman, poor guy. You open the door for him and try to help him inside and hes just like "excuse me dont touch me i have a wife" and you just let go and he somehow ends up walking into a wall and you just tease him about being drunk and hes just like??? After he figures out that he needs help he lets you guide him to the couch at least. Then he starts being like "what are you doing in my house? Where is my wife?" You walk out of the room and bring back some water to sober him up and then just tell him that you are his wife and he just stares in disbelive. Wispers to himself "im one lucky man" *insert drunk victor smile* you chuckle at his attidude and he just scoffs. He also argues with you about not wanting to sleep yet and wanting to stay looking at you. In the end you somehow manage to get him to lay down... He falls asleep on the couch while listening to you talk. The next day he just has an headache and is forced to stay at home by you. Me grumpy all day long. (Pfff Also you calling him a dummy under your breath while he drunk Cause damn he is )
Anyways he probably also still remembers everything cause yes he was drunk but dude has high tolerance??? Pls immagine him remembering that he said that you shouldnt touch him cause he has a wife to you (his wife) and he just *boom red* every time he remembers (would die from being flustered af if you continued to tease him about what he said the next day)
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problemswithbooks · 1 year
Nah kill Endeavor midway and introduce new hero to take his role as the hero with new relevant story as No 1 like happened with Hawks and last minute additions like Star Stripe. Because Endeavor remains the only morally bad hero who is an example of what hero should not do in personal life using his job as a cover as Stain warned. His treatment of Inasa, taking on petty cases to increase numbers and being dumber than Iida who cracked the pattern faster magnified his behaviour as a shoddy hero driven by envy and prejudice and personal desires and not enough to call it justice as the subjective praisevsays about his heroics by people who have a personal reason to believe he was good as a hero and not disbelive it even in face of proof. His atonement didn't actually have narrative significance in the end either. If he was pulled out of their story, already Deku then Shoto then self-effort from hidden strength from hope due to Shoto alone was enough. He couldn't give them any actual closure or help. Endeavor in short had little to no big role other than being the cause of this apocalypse from a single video because he took the No 1 spot by default despite being wrong for it. The effect of the video was more positive in the long run by freeing them and making their stories valid by Endeavor's televised confession than how bad Toga or Gentle's families had it from being associated while Shoto seem happier having shared with all. They are also valid for unconditionally loving their son instead of being conflicted by his crimes which is Endeavor's fault to them as Shoto's thoughts went. Overall Endeavor's role is simply as the abuser who prevents his victims from taking heat and criticism from his fans by confessing because they all push him including Hawks and it is possible because the hero association are dead and won't issue a cover up to protect their overall image. But this confession could still be exposed in other ways using new characters or existing information technology known with Garaki Kyuudai had Hori wanted while keeping Endeavor bad which would have resulted in a better catharsis than leaving him sticking on to his victims.
Ok so another long break down.
Nah kill Endeavor midway and introduce new hero to take his role as the hero with new relevant story as No 1 like happened with Hawks and last minute additions like Star Stripe. Because Endeavor remains the only morally bad hero who is an example of what hero should not do in personal life using his job as a cover as Stain warned.
Killing Enji this way only works if the story becomes fully about Hero corruption, which it just isn't. All of the Heroes which had questionable attitudes toward Heroics changed their ways, or besides Enji just weren't that bad to begin with. Even if we leave Enji as a truly bad guy, he's one out dozens we see who are all good, so it doesn't even help prove the corruption angle much. Could this work--sure, but it'd change the story and it's themes drastically from what Hori's intentions seem to be--at that point it's not even his story.
On top of that we get no evidence Enji is using his job as a Hero as cover. Nor did Stain ever say anything about Heroes using their job to hide actual crimes. I love the guy, but all he cared about was people being Heroes that weren't 100% selfless. On top of that he just didn't even seem to check the Heroes he hunted out first, since we have no evidence Tensei was anything other then a great Hero who cared a lot about saving people. Stain didn't know about Enji's abuse and just hated him because he wasn't All Might.
His treatment of Inasa, taking on petty cases to increase numbers and being dumber than Iida who cracked the pattern faster magnified his behaviour as a shoddy hero driven by envy and prejudice and personal desires and not enough to call it justice as the subjective praisevsays about his heroics by people who have a personal reason to believe he was good as a hero and not disbelive it even in face of proof.
But Enji did crack Stain's pattern--that's why he and Shoto we in the city at all that night. He tells Shoto about it when they leave for Hosu. Shoto even says he only picks Enji's agency because he's a great at his job and despite his hate for him at that point, it'd be stupid to turn down learning from one of the best in the industry.
Enji never shows prejudice in the manga. The spin off made him OOC so he could function as a side antagonist for the later arc in the story, but in the main story he never acts that way. No, he was never great to fans because having fans was never his reason for being a Hero and he didn't understand how important it was to inspire people until he became #1.
I assume what you mean by disbelieving proof, you're talking about Touya's video during the first War. Honestly, people not believing Touya makes perfect sense in context. Enji was never super popular, but when a villain who has killed multiple people and is currently responsible for a major terrorist attack effecting dozens cities suddenly releases a video saying "Hey, this guy trying to stop me from killing everyone is actually bad, trust me, and therefore you should hate everyone who has the same job." it is hard to believe. Plus, people did did believe it, they just were more concerned about Enji failing to stop a massive terrorist attack that probably resulted in hundreds of casualties and displaced thousands of people, then the fact he abused his family--something that in the moment is nothing compared to all the lives lost.
Endeavor in short had little to no big role other than being the cause of this apocalypse from a single video because he took the No 1 spot by default despite being wrong for it.
Enji didn't cause the apocalypse, Shigaraki and the LoV did. Sure, Touya's video didn't help, but because it came out after most of the major damage was done it didn't have as much effect as it could have had if it had been released right after Enji got the #1 spot. People would have been angry at the Heroes and Enji anyway because so many people died and the LoV wasn't captured.
The effect of the video was more positive in the long run by freeing them and making their stories valid by Endeavor's televised confession than how bad Toga or Gentle's families had it from being associated while Shoto seem happier having shared with all.
We don't actually see the family show any positive emotions toward the video. In fact we see them having to hide from the public because they're now blamed for Touya's murders. Shoto can't even go and be with his friends when Izuku walks into U.A, and instead has to hang back with Enji who, I assume had to go in a back way due to all of the hate they were getting because of Touya's video. Shoto might not be upset with his friends knowing, but he was never super quite about his abuse either, given he spilled the beans to Izuku as quick as possible during the sports festival. We don't see if the rest of the family feels similarly at all.
They are also valid for unconditionally loving their son instead of being conflicted by his crimes which is Endeavor's fault to them as Shoto's thoughts went.
But they don't see Touya's crimes as Dabi as 100% Enji's fault. Shoto tells him it was wrong of him to involve other people. Natsuo tells him to stop and that he's being an idiot big brother. Fuyumi just doesn't want him to kill their mom and dad. Even when Shoto thinks "he is me" that implies he does consider Touya's actions his own, since Shoto always held himself responsible for his own poor choices, like being rude to Inasa. Just because they still love Touya doesn't mean they don't hold him responsible for his actions. Enji is at fault, yes, but at the end of the day Touya still decided to murder random people to fulfill his own plans of revenge.
Overall Endeavor's role is simply as the abuser who prevents his victims from taking heat and criticism from his fans by confessing because they all push him including Hawks and it is possible because the hero association are dead and won't issue a cover up to protect their overall image.
The family isn't getting shit on by Enji's fans though, nor does Enji admitting the video is true suddenly make people 100% fine with the other Todoroki's. People didn't hate on the family because they saw them as lying about the abuse because they love Enji to much--they were mad because they view them as extensions of Touya, who killed their loved ones and destroyed their homes. They also don't have to push Enji to do the press conference or admit his abuse. They push him to stay a Hero and help them stop/save Touya. That's why even after he admits to the abuse, Shoto is still shunned.
We also have zero evidence to suggest the Hero Commission ever covered up the abuse. Especially since Shoto has no problem telling Izuku about it.
But this confession could still be exposed in other ways using new characters or existing information technology known with Garaki Kyuudai had Hori wanted while keeping Endeavor bad which would have resulted in a better catharsis than leaving him sticking on to his victims.
Again, this only works if you fundamentally change the story Hori is trying to tell. He wants Enji to change and be a better person. You can not agree with that choice, but if we're taking about stuff an author could have done better you have to try and stick to what they want the story to be. We still don't know 100% what Hori is trying to say because the ending hasn't come out yet, but so far Enji atoning seems to be a big part of the overall message of the story. If that is the case you have to try and find fixes that stick with that vision, otherwise you're just writing your own story, not just making editing suggestions to make the current work better.
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worriedvision · 2 years
Modern au Zhongli angst?
Ik I said fluffy fics are coming up and that will be happening soon, but tonight got hit with an idea for this lol! Gender neutral reader. Yet another possible part 2, but I know if I keep writing it out it's gonna get way too big lol
You started your university life relatively bored. Only having just met your roommates, you realise quickly that out of the two, there was one you just wouldn't get on with. Respecting each other, you keep distant from each other, only talking when needed. The other one was always out, and at first you had a feeling they were going to be a party animal.
So you were pleasantly surprised when you found out that, turns out, they were a bookworm. One night, they had decided to come home earlier, and you found it relaxing to just be able to talk to them normally. The next day, they take you along with them for the day since it was a Saturday and they discovered you had nothing to do.
That's when you met him. Zhongli.
He looks up, smiling earnestly when he realises his friend has arrived. You expect him to give you some sort of glance, but he treats you the same way he treats his friend. All that was different was him asking who you were.
Zhongli was your type, you'll admit it. Tall, handsome, smart. Best of all, the both of you had similar classes. Your roommate, you discover, also has the same classes as him, and you tag along whenever they have a study session. Of course, some of their conversations make little sense to you, so you opt to take your own textbooks to work on your classwork.
There were times you had a feeling your roommate was dating him based on how they gazed at him as he spoke, but Zhongli's advances on you convinced you that perhaps it was simply them listening intently. You, selfishly or not, decide to indulge in the idea of Zhongli liking you back, flirting back.
A month after, you're on a coffee date with your two friends. Your roommate seemed off after you started flirting, but you brushed it off as university work getting the better of them. you insist on paying for the three of your drinks - it didn't cost much, but you knew Zhongli was broke and you felt bad for allowing your roommate to pay for their own coffee every time.
Zhongli excuses himself after he gets a phone call, going to the bathroom to take the call, and your roommate turns to you.
"I don't appreciate you making a move on my boyfriend." They whisper to you, taking a sip of their drink.
"W-wait, I thought you were just friends!" You begin, looking over to see Zhongli had begun to open the door, leaving your line of sight.
"Our relationship is complicated, I will admit that." They continue. "But we're working through it."
Your heart sinks, and you look back at your friend.
"I didn't know, I'm so sorry." You apologise, unable to think of a good response to back up your words. You knew that if you spoke about Zhongli's actions towards you, chances are it would make things even more awkward back at your flat.
"It's okay, really." Your roommate responds. "Zhongli has a habit of leading people on without realising it. As smart as he is, he seems to sometimes lack the understanding of how his actions come across."
A few moments of silence pass, and you decide to pick up your takeaway drink, suddenly glad that you could at least have your drink from this outing.
"I'm sure you have other things you need to do, so I shall see you later." Your roommate states, smiling warmly.
Returning back to your flat, you don't know what hits you emotionally, but you begin to cry out loud. Your other roommate runs out, thinking something horrendous has happened. When they see you in distress, they walk over to you, guiding you into their room so you could talk about it.
"I was someone's side piece, and I didn't even realise it." You utter, placing the drink onto the table before you could drop it. "I'm so silly for getting so attracted to someone that quickly." You shake your head out of disbelief.
Your roommate nods slowly, humming to themselves.
"I know we aren't exactly close, but I think you need to meet more people." They start, grabbing your attention. "How about you come out with me for a night out? I promise you're in safe hands with me."
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ashbrat488 · 9 months
Foul Play - Chapter 17
It had been two days and Henry just received another sobbing call from Millicent. He couldn't understand what she was trying to say except that she needed him. He tried to stay with her, Darren even offered him a spare room, but she insisted on wanting to be alone. But now she begged for him and once more, he rushed to her house.
Henry knocked on her front door, his heart pounding as he waited for an answer. The door opened, revealing Darren, and the atmosphere inside was laden with tension as he entered. "What's going on?" His eyes scanned the room until they settled on Millicent, curled on the couch beside Abby. Her eyes were reddened, unfocused as they stared into emptiness. Clinging to her knees, drawn up to her chest, she seemed to be building a shield against the world. "Shortcake?" Taking a place beside her, he extended his arm around her shoulders, and she instinctively nuzzled closer to him.
"Apparently..." Darren's sigh punctuated his words as he settled into a chair beside the couch, "The boys used condoms, so they couldn't find any DNA traces. Their friends also vouched that they all drove together to the ski lodge. So they're claiming that Ben and Kyle were with them at the time everything happened."
"So, what does that mean?" Henry's gaze shifted from Darren to Millicent, her head nestled against his chest. "We can't do anything?"
"I'm afraid not."
"Come on! There must be something we can do!" Frustration colored Henry's tone, and Millicent flinched against him. "Sorry." He draped a blanket over her, stroking her arm gently. "We won't let them get away with this," he assured her in a soft tone, sharing a meaningful look with Darren that conveyed his determination.
"Will you stay?" Millicent's quiet voice pierced the tense room. 
Glancing briefly at Darren and Abby, Henry shifted his focus back to Millicent. "I'm already late for Christmas dinner with my family."
"It's Christmas?" Millicent looked around the room, a hint of confusion on her face, which garnered nods from everyone present. "Oh, I didn't even realize. I'm sorry for calling you."
"Don't be." Henry shook his head, his voice firm as he brought his hand up to gently stroke her cheek. "I'll come whenever you ask." He noticed a subtle exchange of glances between Abby and Millicent before the latter nodded.
"I have something for you. I got it for you before we stopped talking..." She cast a quick glance at her father, who nodded in understanding. He walked over to the Christmas tree in the corner, retrieved a box, and placed it on her lap as she sat up straight, letting her feet touch the floor. "Can we have a minute?"
Abby hesitated but eventually left the room with Darren, giving them their privacy. "You didn't have to buy me anything, Shortcake," Henry said gently, accepting the box from her. "I do have something for you. I'll bring it back later?"
She nodded, giving a slight nudge to the box, encouraging him to open it. Her gaze was fixed on him as he pulled out a white jersey, a wide smile spreading across her face. "Official English Rugby jersey with your name on it. I have no doubts you'll get your official one soon enough."
Henry turned the jersey around to see his name emblazoned on the back. "Milly... I love it." He stroked her cheek gently with his thumb. "Do you want me to come back later after dinner?"
She nodded again, leaning into his hand, finding comfort in his presence. "Please."
"Thank you, again for the jersey." He leaned toward her to press a kiss to her forehead before getting up from the couch. "I'll be back."
She watched him leave with his promise lingering in the air as Abby came to sit back beside her once more. "Are you sure we can trust him?"
"What do you mean?"
Abby shrugged, taking a deep breath. "I know I've been defending him, but what if all of this is just another game between the guys? What if Henry is just playing you? Getting you to trust him like Ben did."
Millicent stared at her friend in disbelief, suddenly apprehensive about Henry too. Darren cleared his throat, sitting on the edge of the coffee table. "Abby. I don't really think that's fair. I think Henry has been nothing but genuine."
"Yeah, well you don't know what he did before." Abby countered, irritated as Millicent groaned, withdrawing back into herself again.
"What do you mean? What did he do?" Millicent buried her face as she listened to Abby rehash what Henry did when she first arrived in the UK. "He did what?!" Darren leaped to his feet angrily, shaking his head. "That's why you guys never got along before? Why you refused to help him at the start of last term?"
Millicent only nodded as tears stung her eyes once more. "But he's changed... hasn't he?" She glanced between her father and friend, and neither of them seemed convinced as doubt seeped in.
Henry's smile faltered when Darren opened the door for him later that night. He attempted to step into the house, but Millicent's father blocked his way. "Milly asked me to come over."
"Well, she changed her mind. She told me what you did before."
Henry groaned, hanging his head in silent defeat. When he lifted his eyes back to meet Darren's, they were glazed with unshed tears. "Please. It was a mistake. I was stupid, and I've apologized so many times..."
"We don't feel like we can trust you."
Henry let out a deep sigh, his expression pained as he handed over a box. "Can you just give this to Milly then? Please?"
Darren accepted the box with a nod. "Alright." He closed the door without another word, leaving Henry standing on the porch, a heavy feeling of regret settling in his chest.
Chapter 18
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kfairies · 1 year
temptation ; part 2 ; miguel o'hara smut
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Enjoy! ======================
He grabbed my face and started pulling me closer. I tried to resist but I couldn't bring myself to do it, he was a great kisser. He pushed me into the kitchen and closed the door behind him. He started kissing me, my lips, down my spine, down my legs, and up again. He gave me hickeys on my neck, and I felt a sharp pain, like teeth; but I said nothing about it. He slowly touched my waist and pulled me closer. He pulled my pants down, then my underwear. Then he would put one finger down there. I couldnt help but moan quietly. He put 2 more. I moaned even louder, afraid that some of the people eating outside could hear me. He pulled down his boxers and pushed me onto the floor. He didn't waste any time and stuck his penis into my pussy. He thrusted me really fast, and I screamed when I moaned. I fingered the top of my pussy and started cumming. "AH,ah.." I screamed, "fuck..." and tried pushing him off of me, but that made him thrust even harder. He pulled my hair to make my arch perfect. He would pull out his penis to cum and I got up, my legs wobbling. He picked me up and put my legs around his torso, he inserted his penis in me and started doing the cowgirl position. He started thrusting harder and faster, and I felt my orgasm coming. I screamed out in pleasure as I came, and he soon followed suit. He collapsed on top of me, both of us panting and sweating in the aftermath. We both lay there in silence for a few moments, before finally getting up and cleaning up the mess we had made. We dressed in silence and he walked me to the door, giving me one last kiss before I left. I felt so guilty, so I walked to my boyfriend's house and let myself in. 'Xaiver..." I said. He walked out and hugged me. "Whats up" "Nothing much" We cotninued small talk until we started eating some leftover piza he had. "So.. y/n?How was your day?" I was zoning off and didnt bother to answer. "Y/n?????" I snapped with a "Huh?" quickly stopping my drift off. "You're acting off." Xavier said, cutting a tomato and sighing. 'What? Off? Pfft." never me. 'Y/n, do you have something to tell me. A secret perhaps?" He replies. 'Nooo! Calm down Xavier." I replied.." I replied. "That's not it, is it?" Xavier said looking at me, with a raised eyebrow. I sighed and told him the truth. "Yes, I do have something to tell you. I just don't know how to say it..." I said. 'What is it.." making up a quick lie, I said; "When we were dating, and you were 22, I hated that necklace you gave me, and only wore it whenever you were around." I said. "Oh. Mhm. Yeah, ok." he said muttering in disbeleive Xavier laughed and shook his head. "That's hilarious," he said. "And here I thought you really had a secret!" I scratched my head, feeling nervous i just lied to my boyfriend. My leg started twitching. I nervously laughed along with him, trying to keep up the facade. I knew I had to tell him the truth soon, but I was scared of what his reaction would be. I just hoped he would forgive me. After a couple of hours hanging out, I left; I was walking alone and I got a call from contact: Miguel. "Hello" he said over the phone, the soothing voice that I was missing. "Hello, Miguel; I've been meaning to tell you that I really can't do this, I have a boyfriend I just cheated on and I can't keep lying to him, I'm sorry and I hope you understand." I hung up, and deleted his number off of my phone.
2 days went by until a polcie officer called me; "Hello, Ms. Y/n Taylor, sorry to deliver bad news; But your boyfriend Xavier Riley was killed, tragically. He was found with 2 fang marks in his neck, and was hit in the face, the punch was so strong that it killed him. No human could' ve possibly indented a punch into his face, nor fangs. We only told his family and close friends. I'm so sorry, Ms. Taylor."
I tried to break down into tears, but I couldn't cry. For some reason my body wouldn't let me. I fixed myself up, and told the officer; "I'm devastated, thank you for letting me know.
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thethem · 2 years
I was in the mood for a Garashir sickfic. Didn't have a lot of time to proofread and scribbled it down way too fast but I was craving and out of fics.
Garak was waiting at their usual table for twenty minutes now. It was quite rare that Doctor Bashir was late to their weekly lunch. Of course, Garak knew that the he was a busy man - especially so the last week. There was some sort of psychic illness that only affected the bajoran habitants of the Station and it turned out to be letal in some cases, so Julian worked 24/7 when Kira was infected. Gladly, he found a cure and Garak hoped his companion had found the time to read that cardassian novel he gave him.
After thirty minutes had passed, he decided to go to the infirmary to see what kept the physician from joining him.
The only personnel to be found was a bajoran nurse and when Garak asked for Bashir, she told him that the Doctor went to his quaters two hours ago and only wanted to be disturbed in case of an emergency.
This was interesting. Garak shortly considered returning back to his store but he had a feeling that something was off.
It took a few minutes until Julian answered the doorball. "Garak? What are you... oh no, I forgot our lunch! I'm really, really sorry. I..."
"No need to apologize, I just wanted to see if there was another medical catastrophy keeping you from eating proper meals."
"No, not at all. On the contrary, there wasn't a single..." Julian squeezed his eyes shut as if he was in pain and Garak noticed a sheen of swaet on the humans forehead. "Are you alright, my dear?"
The CMO shook his head and leaned heavily against the wall "Yes, yes, sorry. Just... tired."
"Tired?" Garak asked in disbelive. "I may not be an expert in human physiology but I think you do look a bit unwell. May I suggest you sit down for a moment?"
Julian nodded and swayed at the attempt to move from the wall. Was he supposed to look that pale?
Garak intervened and grabbed Bashirs arm to support him. "Let me help you. Careful, you positively look like you are about to faint."
With Elims help, Julian sat down on the couch and was shaking now. "I'm sorry. I feel a bit lightheaded. It'll pass."
"I'm sure it will, but what caused it?"
"Just tired." Julian repeated.
"Oh no, my dear Doctor, I do not think so. And you don't think so, either, do you?"
Before he could answer, Julian buried his nose in the crook of his arm and stifled three rapid sneezes "Hng'ishh...h'ishhu...sh'huu... ugh, sorry. I think I caught some sort of virus".
"You certainly did. Isn't there a cure?"
"Well, there is. But you have to take it within the first 48 hours and are supposed to rest for at least a day for it to work properly."
"And you had no time to rest, I guess?"
"The medication to cure this virus takes at least five hours to allivate the symptoms and I didn't have that much time so I took... I took something to supress the symptoms instead and seemingly it made everything worse." The last words nearly got lost in a coughing fit.
Garak went to the Replicator and came back with a glass of water.
"You do sound awful. Any chance a cardassian could catch it?"
"No... it's... a hu... human virus." Julian wheezed inbetween coughs.
The tailor sat down next to him and helped him to slowly drink a few sips.
"Then I do think I could close up my shop in time today and we reshedule our meal to dinner in your quaters."
"I'm not sure I'm making good company today."
"You do not have to, my dear Doctor. You rest now and later I'll make sure you're eating some soup. Do you need anything before I go?"
"Nah, I'll get some sleep, thank you." He closed his eyes and lay down right on the couch. Garak went for a blanket and put it gently over the already asleep physician before he left.
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mtt-brand-trans · 2 years
Ok I’m seeing a lot of discussion on whether the player is a literal character in Undertale and personally I haven’t seen anyone say anything along the lines of my take on things. So.
No, I don’t think the player is an in-universe character. All of the choices are Frisk’s choices, the characters(even the “fourth wall breaking” ones, yes even Chara) are only ever talking to Frisk, not You the player. (Personally I don’t think the characters ever break the fourth wall, it’s just that the laws of the Undertale universe operate like video game rules.)(the only exception to this is when Flowey asks you not to reset, but I see this more as the game breaking character to be direct with you, like in 17776 when Eddie breaks the fourth wall to tell the readers not to climb into a carbon monoxide filled cave in real life, than Flowey actually having meta awareness. You’ll see what I mean in a minute) This means that no, non-pacifist routes are not Literally your fault and you shouldn’t feel guilty about them. They are a part of the game(that you are not a part of), not something that never would’ve happened if you hadn’t uniquely acted so heartless.
You would be missing the point entirely if you thought it wasn’t supposed to feel like you really are a part of the game. Like you’re talking to the characters and making the choices. Because while the characters don’t break the fourth wall, the game does. Not by outright shattering it by directly talking to you, but by nudging you in different directions to experience the world and story through the lease of someone who knows it’s a game. For example, how lots of people who go into Undertale blind kill Toriel their first time, load their last save and spare her, then get the special dialogue from Flowey. That is some heavy fourth wall breaking, but it’s not done by any of the characters and it’s not the game itself coming out and literally telling you “I know I am a game.” And I’m not saying the game is an entity either, just that the story was written by Toby in such a way that these things happen to you.
And since the laws of the Undertale world are designed to be like video game rules, characters talking about their world is supposed to feel like they’re talking about the game. When Chara tells you to start the world over your first thought is supposed to be resetting the game. When sans asks if in another life you could’ve been friends you’re supposed to think about another route of the game, and when he tells you not to come back you’re supposed to think of not loading your save file. When Asriel says everything is a game your first thought is supposed to be “yeah, it is.” When people are afraid or upset on bad routes or happy on good routes, we’re supposed to feel like it’s because of us.
For those of you who don’t know, there is a concept in literary analysis called “Doylist vs Watsonian,” which is basically two different perspectives you can take when analyzing a story. The names come from the original Sherlock Holmes books, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote the books and John Watson is Sherlock’s friend and partner. If you are looking at the books from a Doylist perspective, you’re looking at it through Doyle’s eyes, thinking about what he was thinking when he wrote the books. If you’re looking from a Watsonian perspective, you’re looking through Watson’s eyes, the eyes of the characters in the universe as they see everything.
You need both to analyze Undertale. With a Watsonian perspective we know that the characters of Undertale aren’t knowingly breaking the fourth wall, they don’t know they’re in a game, the player isn’t really a part of the game and the characters aren’t actually talking to you.
But you also need to use a Doylist perspective to see that you are supposed to feel like all of this is true. The delivery of the game’s themes depends on it. You’re supposed to feel like you made them happy or you hurt them your first time playing, and if you can suspend your disbelief you can feel like that when you replay it too. Because the lesson Undertale tries to teach you is to think about your choices and the consequences that come from them, but it does this in a controlled environment where there aren’t actually any consequences—but there could’ve been.
So what about Frisk? I think it’s reductive to think that they’re only ever good or only ever bad, or that only one route or the other is what they “really” want. Remember that our choices are Frisk’s choices, and we’ve seen another character have this power before—Flowey. Frisk is going down the same route he did. Frisk’s journey spans all the routes of the game; when you kill Toriel and go back and change it, when you do a neutral route then a pacifist route then a no mercy route then a pacifist route again. Or when you do a no mercy route and a no mercy route again, or when you do all the possible neutral routes, or when you play pacifist over and over. Those are all things that someone who can manipulate time would do. That is what Flowey did. And we don’t have to analyze why they did that because we know our reasons for doing it.
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Kill La Hero: 07
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In the lottery of Quirk’s Michi got on really special and annoying one. A living, sarcastic ribbon named Ares, who puts her into superpowered revealing outfits. But this won't stop the girl from fulfilling her dream of being a hero! Just watch her!
(But not too closely please!)
Chapter 7: Deku will mean: You can do it!
Her prayers are answered since Izuku somehow managed to channel One For All in one finger and can throw so the ball to 705.3 meters!
A quiet yes comes from her lips, while Izuku tells Aizawa-Sensei cool how he was still standing.
Happily, Michi raised her arms, shouting: “Wuhu, you did it Izu-Chan! I’m proud of you!”
“Finally, a hero-like record!”, celebrated Uraraka.
“Ochaco-Chan you got infinity I think that’s more impressive.”, reminded Michi with a sweatdrop on her head.
The cute girl just laughed embarrassed.
Ups, she had forgotten.
“His finger's swollen!”, noted Iida. “There was the entrance exam, too. He has a strange Quirk...”
You have no idea…thought Michi.
“It's not very stylish.”, declared the blond boy with the navel laser in a French accent.
“No one asked you.”, deadpanned Michi at the French guy.
It seemed he wanted to say something but at this moment Bakugo ran up to Izuku, explosions coming from his hands, screaming: “Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!”
Oh no!
Michi ran after Bakugo to stop him from hurting Izuku, however, Aizawa-Sensei was faster and bonded the blonde angry guy in his clothes.
Surprised the girl stopped, listing how their teacher explained how his clothes were made out of carbon fibre woven together with metal wire made of a special alloy. 
Boarheaded like he was Bakugo tried to escape, but it didn’t work.
Aizawa-Sensei told him to stop it, making him use his Quirk over and over again.
He gets dry eye from this.
All students and one ribbon thought: It's such a waste since his Quirk is so amazing!
“We're wasting time.”, said Aizawa-Sensei and let go of Bakugo. “Whoever's next, get ready.”
Scared of Bakugo Izuku made a wide circle around him and met with Michi halfway.
Careful she took his poor hand with the broken fingers in her hands.
“How much does it hurt?”
“I can handle it, Michi-Kun, don’t worry.”
“Boy, you are getting tougher by the day.”, praised him Ares.
Izuku’s little giggle turned into a gasp and red cheeks, as Michi kissed his broken fingers.
“I’m not Recovery Girl, but I hope I can kiss it better.”, she gave him a beautiful smile.
The boy swerved he saw sparkles and roses around his crush.
He rattles like a teapot nonsense, which makes Ares laugh, while Michi just smiles brighter at him.
The two don’t note how their classmates look at them with knowing looks.
Gosh, these two are SO a couple…!
After they did the rest of the fitness tests it was time for the moment of true.
Michi held Izuku not broken hand, while he shaked from nerves.
His only good score was at the ball throw, in all the others he was just average.
“All will be good.”, whispered Michi in his ear. “I know it Izuku.”
He gave her a shaking smile and squeezed her hand.
If only he had confidence like Michi.
Since Aizawa-Sensei had no interest in explaining to them how the point system worked, he would show them the classification.
He pressed a button on his smartphone and the hologram appeared.
The classification was like this:
Michela Massaro 
Momo Yaoyorozu
Shoto Todoroki
Katsuki Bakugo
Tenya Ida
Fumikage Tokoyami
Mezo Shoji
Mashirao Ojiro
Eijiro Kirishima
Mina Ashido
Ochaco Uraraka
Koji Koda
Tsuyu Asui 
Yuga Aoyama
Hanta Sero
Denki Kaminari
Kyoka Jiro
Toru Hagakure
Minoru Mineta
Izuku Midoriya
In a way, it was a beautiful tragedy…Michi was again number one and Izuku was the last.
Both Michi and Izuku had tears in their eyes and looked at each other.
This was it?
They would be separate, just as they had become classmates.
It was unfair!
“By the way, I was lying about the expulsion.”, told them Aizawa-Sensei dry.
All the teenagers just stared in disbelief at him.
What the hell?!
Why did he trick them?!
“It was a rational deception to draw out the upper limits of your Quirks.”
“WHAT?!”, shouted Izuku, Uraraka and Iida together, while Michi growled: “What a stupid way! We all feared for our future!”
“Of course, that was a lie.”, agreed Momo with their teacher. “It should have been obvious if you just thought it through.”
Besides Momo no one had thought it.
They all had feared for their future like Michi had said.
Aizawa-Sensei declared the hour for over. 
He advised them to go to their classroom to pick up handouts with the curriculum.
Then he handed Izuku a note, so he could visit Recory Girl to get healed.
Michi promised him she would get his curriculum and then pick him up by the nurse's office.
With this class 1A left the sports field.
“You look like the walking death.”, told Ares amused to Izuku.
He was back as a ribbon in Michi's hair, while his host held Izuku by his arm, so the boy wouldn’t smack on the ground.
“Ares, shut up.”, hissed Michi, holding poor Izuku tighter by the arm. 
The school day was over and they were walking home.
Suddenly Iida called for them.
They stopped curious.
“Is your finger healed?”, asked the taller boy.
“Yeah, thanks to Recovery Girl.”, answered Izuku.
The three started walking together.
“I was really taken in by Mr. Aizawa. I even thought, "This is the best of the best" and such.”, told them Iida. “I didn't think a teacher would encourage us with a lie.”
“You and me both.”, agreed Michi, as Izuku thought how nice Iida was not scary just serious.
Again they heard someone calling for them.
This time it was Uraraka.
“Hey! Guys! Going to the station? Wait for me!”
So they stopped.
Smiling Uraraka came to stop before them.
“You're the infinity girl.”, said Tenya.
“I'm Uraraka Ochako. Um, you're Iida Tenya, she is Massaro “Michi” Michela  with her ribbon Ares and you're Midoriya Deku, right?”
Surprised Izuku and Michi shouted Deku? How did she think it was his name?
Her explanation was how Bakugo had called him Deku.
“Bakugo the asshole uses Deku as a mocking nickname. His real name is Izuku.”, explained Michi with crossed arms.
“An insult?”, repeated Iida, while Izuku and Michi nodded.
“Oh, is that right? Sorry!  But "Deku" sounds like the Japanese word for "You can do it!" so I kinda like it.”, told them Uraraka.
Izuku just frowns. He doesn’t feel this way.
“Mmh, you know what…”, mussed Michi, putting a finger on her lips and looking thoughtfully up at the sky. “I kinda like this new definition you gave the name, Ochaco-Chan. It will surely piss off Bakugo if we turn it into something positive.”
Hearing this from Michi Izuku didn’t waste time and shouted red as a tomato: “I'm Deku!”
Surprised Michi looked at him, while Ares whispered a whipped.
Iida also was confused.
Wasn’t Deku an insult?!
Why the sudden change?!
Whatever, in the end, the four teens and a ribbon walked together to the tram and learned about each other.
Michi had a feeling she and Izuku just found some new friends.
Their second school day started for our young heroes like in any other normal Japanese high school.
With normal subjects like English.
Then delicious lunch prepared by the Pro-Hero Lunch Rush.
And then finally in the afternoon…Hero Basic Training!
“I am...coming through the door like a normal person.”, shouted All Might in greeting as he entered the classroom.
Everybody got excited seeing the number one hero.
Michi discreetly waved at All Might.
In the ten months, she helped him prepare Izuku for his Quirk, All Might had become to her like an uncle.
“I teach Hero Basic Training.”, explained the Number One Pro Hero turned teacher. “It is a subject where you train in different ways to learn the basics of being a hero. You'll take most units of this subject! Let's get right into it! This is what we'll do today— Combat training!”
Excited Michi looked up at Ares and he seemed to smile down on her.
Oh yeah, this was their turf!
They would get so many points!
The girl only listened half as All Might talked about the hero customs since she had her always with her.
But she followed after the other girls to the locker room to transform, while they got changed.
Then they made their way over to Ground Beta, where All Might waited for them.
The boys joined them. 
Cool as cucumbers they left the tunnel, while All Might said: “They say the clothes make the man, young men and ladies. Be fully aware...From now on…you are heroes!”
All young heroes-to-be posed before their teacher.
“That's great, everyone. You all look cool! Now, shall we begin, you zygotes?”
All shouted a yes.
That’s when Izuku turned up and…why did he look like a bunny?
Uraraka said to him he looked really down to earth, in contrast to her who got a skintight suit.
The little pervert, Mineta was his name if Michi remembers correctly just gave a thumbs up and said how the hero course was the best.
Discret Michi kicked the perv away to stand with Uraraka and Izuku.
“Why do you look like a bunny?”, asked Michi amused.
This made Uraraka giggle.
They couldn’t see it but Izuku blushed.
“Erm, I’m not a bunny…mom made this for me…you know…”
“Izu-Chan don’t worry you are a cute bunny!”, reassured Michi with a thumbs up. “All you guys are better off than me who practically fights in lingerie.”
“Hey!”, shouted Ares offend. “You know I have to keep skin open or you will die.”
“Whatever you pervert!”
Before they could fight All Might called for attention.
He explained to them how they would do a little heroes vs. villains battle simulation indoor since most villainous activities are done indoors.
It was cute that All Might needed to read it from some cards.
This showed how this was his first time being a teacher.
Their training situation was constructed like this. The two villains have hidden a nuclear weapon somewhere in their hideout. The two heroes are trying to dispose of that. The heroes need to catch the villains or get the nuclear weapon back in the allotted time. The villains need to protect the nuclear weapon for the whole time or catch the heroes.
The teams would be chosen by drawing lots, since in real life heroes often had to work with other heroes they didn’t know well enough.
After anyone drew, the teams were clear.
Michi was happy for Izuku that he got Uraraka.
She felt sorry for poor Iida who was with Bakugo in a team.
Her teammate was the tall shy boy Koda Koji.
Mmh, she didn’t know what Quirk he had, she hadn’t paid attention yesterday, so she asked him what he could do.
Silent and shyly, oh he was adorable, he explained his Quirk. Its name was Anivoice which allows the user to communicate with and command animals through speech.
“Okay, my Quirk is Entity, which is this perverte supersuit named Ares. He gives me inhuman strength, stamina and agility. Also, he is practical undestroyable, strange but true. We shall see if we will be heroes or villains and then come up with a strategy to use our Quirks together.”
The big shy boy nodded.
Okay, Michi had the urge to cuddle him.
He reminds her of Izuku and her little cousin Matteo.
Matteo was five years old and sweet as sugar.
She missed the little raschel.
After all teams found each other All Might draw the first teams who would fight each other.
Team A, Uraraka and Izuku will be the heroes, and Team D Bakugo and Iida will be the villains.
Damn, Izuku had rotten luck!
Before she followed the other to the monitor room, she quickly kissed Izuku on the cheek.
“For Luck!”, she told him. “Show Bakugo what’s in you!”
“Y-Yes Michi-Kun.”
Patting his shoulder she ran then after the other students.
She knew Izuku could take Bakugo, but she was still worried.
Bakugo was angry at Izuku.
And an angry Bakugo was not to be taken lightly.
In the monitor room, Michi stood beside All Might as he proclaimed the battle to begin.
They could look at what was happening but not hear.
Izuku and Uraraka could enter the building without problems, however, they didn’t know how Bakugo was waiting for them.
Bakugo jumped them from a corner, lucky for them, Izuku could bring himself and Uraraka in safety.
“A surprise attack from the start?”, said Momo.
“Bakugou, that's cheating!”, shouted Kirishima. “A surprise attack isn't manly at all!”
“That’s Bakugo for you!”, grumbled Michi with crossed arms.
She should be there with Izuku and kick Bakugo's ass.
Not that she didn’t trust Uraraka, but against the blond they needed a fighter.
Also, she had the most experience in kicking Bakugo's ass.
“A surprise attack is a strategy, too.”, corrected them All Might. “They're in the middle of a real battle right now.”
“Midoriya avoided it!”, praised Mina.
“There goes Bakugo!”, warned Denki, like Izuku and Uraraka could hear him.
Bakugo wants to hit Izuku with his right fist, however, Izuku does a perfect Judo-Throw and Bakugo is on the floor.
“Yes!”, shouted Michi and jumped up and down. “Just like I showed you!”
Izuku says something to the ground laying Bakugo, he seems to shout and declare something.
Then Bakugo gets up again.
He activated his Quirk and shouted at Izuku back.
“This confrontation will make or break the boy.”, told Ares Michi seriously.
She can only nod.
You can do it Izuku! 
You will be the next number-one hero, I know it!
So…give your all!
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