#like kiddo cannot catch a break
hydrachea · 7 months
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Thinking about how this confirmed Dan Heng and Blade put aside their many many many differences that one time so they could beat up a kid nearly to death. Guys...
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winterrrnight · 2 months
babe I just had the best idea for a rafe concept it pains me
Okay so imagine like reader is at work (somewhere idk where) and she just gets so overwhelmed but her and rafes relationship is still new so she doesn't call him because she doesn't wanna bother him....😭
I'm probably not the first person to think of this but it ON MY MINDDDD
literally dropped everything to write this!!!! this reader is way too me coded and I cannot :’) thank you so so much for the req vee 🥹💗 you asked for a concept… I wrote a fic…. :D I hope you like this vee <3
down for you
PAIRING: soft!rafe cameron x gn!reader
SUMMARY: rafe wants you to be able to rely on him for anything and everything.
WARNINGS: the reader is a preschool teacher and quite self dependent; lots of fluff; cute nicknames; lovesick rafe (my fav fr); minimal swearing
EDITH SPEAKS: this request speaks volumes to me 🥹 this is way too me coded, and I just had to write it, I hope you all like this! the ending is maybe a bit abrupt tho :( please like and reblog if you liked reading <3 feedback is always appreciated 🍹
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I should leave, I haven't yet, but when you smile, I just forget
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
You can swear this day can't get any worse. You’ve been on your feet basically the entire day, always rushing from your students here to there. You love the little kiddos with your entire heart, but today, for some reason, they are being an extra pain in the ass. They aren’t as cooperative as you’d prefer; you don’t know what’s gotten into them, they are like little energy packets constantly running around.
Due to some teacher duties you aren’t even able to sit down for your lunch break, taking away the only 15 minutes you have to yourself. And it just gets progressively worse when you finally leave the school to go back to your place and your car has a slashed tire, and today had to be the day when you don’t have a spare tire in your trunk.
It’s been over 6 hours since you left your house this morning, and it’s just Tuesday, but it’s feeling like the longest, most excruciating week ever. You’re now leaning against your car door, letting out a deep exhale as you lean your head back, feeling a headache creep into your brain and pulse harshly. You’re tired, hungry, absolutely exhausted… and all you want are the warm hugs of your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend.
Rafe is quite a new addition in your life, both of you being together for a mere month. He’s been so loving to you, always protective and just genuinely taking great care of you.
You pull out your phone and find his contact, but before you can dial him, your thumb hovers over his name in sudden realization – he’s always at work at this time.
You begin to contemplate your initial decision of asking him to come here to help you out, and then ultimately decide against it, realizing he’s probably very busy at work, and would only be heavily distracted if you call him.
So, just like how you always do it, you decide to take matters into your own hands.
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
It’s nearing 6 pm when you finally get to reach your place. You had to make calls to get yourself a mechanic to get your car fixed, who took his sweet sweet time to come to you. You’re now completely exhausted, wanting nothing more than just to plop on your bed and sleep till your heart desires. You can hear your stomach grumble since you never had the chance to eat the lunch you missed out on, but you make it a problem for later, deciding to just take a nap first.
As you drive into your driveway, you recognise Rafe’s black Range Rover already parked, with him standing next to it, leaning back against the hood of his car as he’s looking intently at his phone. As he catches the sound of your car driving, he instantly looks up, watching your car enter the driveway.
Before you can properly park and get out, Rafe rushes to you, opening the door for you.
“Oh my god where have you been?” He asks you, his voice laced with concern. “I tried calling you and texting you, you always come back home by late afternoon,”
You step out of the car and Rafe shuts the door, a hand quickly landing at the small of your back as you both walk to the porch of your house. He can see you’re really tired; droopy eyes, heavy steps, deep sighs; he knows something happened.
“Yeah my phone died,” you mutter as you unlock the main door of your house, both of you stepping inside. “I just… today was kind of a heavy day, nothing much honestly,” you shrug as you toss your keys in the dish and remove your coat and shoes.
“What happened?” Rafe asks, still really concerned for you as he watches you take off your cost and hang it on the coat rack. As you’re done, you face him with a small smile on your face.
“Nothing much, really,” you say softly, gently cupping his cheek with a hand and tenderly caressing his skin. “Don’t worry, yeah?” You mumble, taking your hand off his cheek as you make your way to the kitchen.
Rafe stays on your heels, following you and monitoring every single move of yours – your padding till the fridge, opening it, getting a bottle of water, unscrewing it and drinking from it.
“You look so exhausted, I can see it in your eyes,” he comments. “Your hair is all messy, your clothes are dirty; it’s clearly not nothing. Come on, tell me, what happened,”
His voice is stern, but not in an angry way; but in an apprehensive way. He moves his hand to your face, gently brushing your hair as he fixes some of the unruly strands.
As you finish drinking your water; drinking almost all of it in one go, you keep your bottle aside and let out a sigh, turning to look at him. “It was just one of those… heavy days, but it’s over now yeah? I’m now home,” you say softly.
“But just tell me what happened,” Rafe’s voice now drops to a whisper as he moves closer to you, continuing to weave his fingers through your hair.
You close your eyes for a moment, delving into the relaxing feeling of Rafe’s fingers softly combing through your hair, but also realizing he’s going to keep pressing for you to tell him what happened.
“The kids were a bit uncooperative today,” you say with a soft chuckle. “And then we have this event coming up at school, so I was busy for my entire lunch break preparing for it. And then my car had a flat tire and I didn’t have a spare so I had to get a mechanic, which took most of the time. But besides that, nothing much happened,” you say with a small shrug.
“Besides all that?” Rafe mutters incredulously. “That’s already a lot, baby, why didn’t you call me when you found out about your flat tire? I would’ve come; or sent someone to get you, we would’ve had lunch in my office, and I would have had someone take care of the tire and bring your car back too.” There’s a small frown on his face and he now holds your face in both his hands, gently skimming your cheeks with his thumbs.
You look up in his soft, baby blue eyes. “I did think of calling you but-”
“But I thought…” you take a deep breath, your eye contact with him faltering. “you’ll be busy, and I didn’t want to be a burden to you, really, I was able to get it all fixed just fine,”
You can hear Rafe tsk; his tongue clicking against his teeth as he softly shakes his head. “I’m never busy for you okay? My work does not ever get more importance than you, okay? It never does, and it never will, especially when you’re in trouble and need help,”
He gently grips your chin and tips your head back just a bit, making you look at him. His eyes are softened, the blue even more warmer than usual.
“I know you prefer to do things on your own,” he whispers, “but you have to realise that you really don’t need to do each thing on your own, especially now that I’m around. I won’t mind, really, and besides, I would love to show everyone off at work that I am the boyfriend of the most beautiful person on this damn planet yeah?”
You can’t help but chuckle softly at his words as you keep looking in his eyes.
“So, promise me, next time you need any sorts of help, want me to do something for you, or just want me to be there, you don’t think twice about calling me up okay?” He says softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
He can see the reluctancy in your eyes, but you eventually give in and nod.
“Okay, promise,” you murmur, smiling as you wrap your arms around his waist, hugging him tightly. He gladly hugs you back, snuggling his face in your neck as he gently rubs your back.
“So…” you speak up, and he hums back in response, both of you still hugging.
“I’ll take up on that offer right now. I’ll go and shower, and you make something for me to eat yeah?”
↶ೃ✧˚. ❃ ↷ ˊˎ-
TAGLIST: @runningfrom2am @saccharinesammie @maybankslover @totalswag @madelynie @chenslucy @ietss @elle-mp3 @viawritesstuff @wallsdreams @lunalitva @sadfury @shores-kayla @jamesbuckybarneswify @xxxlaura @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @callsignwidow @starkowswife @drewstarkeyswifehoe @jjchaer @f4ll-for-you @wearemadeofstardust0 @drewsmusee @rafegirly @addriaenne @leighbronk @rafesdrew @bejeweledreverie @raf3sgff @aerangi @drewstarkey1bae @moneymaybank @spideysimpossiblegirl @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment @rafesgiirl @theoraekenslover @fals3-g0d @personalfavsthatarerandom @b1mb0slvt
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witchofthesouls · 3 months
I just read your seeker bird kiddo (Jack) and Truck dad Optimus adventures and I beg for more content, I adore it all and the spOoky cryptic parts are 👌
Jack accidentally triggers mechs’ protective instincts because he makes baby bird noises to mimic the local corvids. It doesn't help that Jack parks himself at the entrance to the Ark and plays games with the more playful blackbirds. Dadimus is very much used to Jack’s imitations, the rest of the Autobots (and his counterpart) are most definitely not.
The chirping and screes are reminiscent of newsparks’ calls for attention and care, and it drives the resident Seekerkin up the wall because he is the only sparkling in the vicinity and Jack punches the Seekerkin-coding into activity after four million years of dormancy.
There have been a few jokes to take a recording of the sparkling’s noises and play it to the Decepticon Seekers after the Autobots had seen their own Seekerkin with the kid. TFP Optimus is immediately No. Stop. Control, Alt, and Delete that terrible plan. He will take Jack and run into the most remote environments he can find.
No one knows how Jack did it, but the blackbirds got into gambling, and everyone blames Smokescreen. 
He's partly to blame with the cards, but the dice is Bluestreak's fault.
Jack is a polite menace. The kid knows his manners, but that doesn't stop him from skipping up the walls, hanging on the ceiling, and popping into places that he shouldn't have access to. At all.
Mechs were confused why Dadimus pinged out so often but then realized that's the most reliable way to actually tag Jack as he's a slippery little thing. Sometimes the sparkling responds, but usually he doesn't.
Red Alert is on the verge of having an aneurysm since Jack can bypass all the security measures. Mechs have taken to looking up to see if Jack is trapezing on the panels or checking under the tables and desks because of near unfortunate incidents of almost shooting the kid or shock-related delays with time-sensitive chemical reactions that nearly turned the ship into a massive crater.
Dadimus was highly disappointed and upset by the last part as Jack knows better as he had done similar stunts when they were upon research vessels. Not only Jack had to apologize to Skyfire, Wheeljack, and Perceptor, but he wasn't allowed to stray from Dadimus' field for a month. ("Curiosity cannot override safety protocols.")
On one camera, Jack would be at a corner by the entrance with organic birds, and between blinks he would then disappear and reappear across the ship, talking excitedly to a random corner with a different group of birds.
(If anyone catches them at the right second, at the right angle, at the right frame... the raven/crow/jackdaw/jay will ripple. Feathers dripping and flowing like an inky waterfall and eyes splitting into multiple, countless pairs as Jack's shadow expands- And then, the watcher will blink because they have to, and the footage will reset. Devoid of Jack and blackbirds.)
There's talk about new cryptids going around. It's silly Halloween and superstitious nonsense… until it isn't.
Due to Smokescreen, Bluestreak, and the Aerialbots constantly monitoring the perimeter or setting traps that are becoming more elaborate each week, it's becoming a new running joke. It's the Autobot snipe-hunting. All because of Jack's devoted drawings of strange, contorted creatures.
They're adamant that something is outside.
(They’re right).
An eerie thing begins to appear at the nearby dunes by the Ark’s entrance. It’s vaguely canine and its size is constantly changing. They can smell a wildfire in the air and taste ash upon their tongues as it beckons them to follow with a heavy, burning gaze. 
Before anyone follows, a racket of shrieking blackbirds breaks them out of the trance. When the piercing noise fails, then a nasty peck to some skin or exposed protoform is enough to bring them back to their senses.
“It’s looking for something that can’t be regained,” Jack speaks with a keenness beyond his age and a lilting cadence. A flurry of pictures of the same dark canine by a campfire with multiple individuals and groups sitting by it. It remains unchanged, despite the others’ fashions and vehicles it managed to beckon to it. “Don’t be taken by its ancient sorrow. You won’t escape its grasp.”
Between the space of desert and forest, there’s an old barbwire fence and a seemingly endless dusty dirt road that has never been updated to proper asphalt, despite its existence for over a century and all the grumbles and complaints by humans and Cybertronians.
When it rains, a phantom of a massive stag appears. Dark and regal, it gently trods along the path, always towards the forest, never in the opposite direction. Perched upon its twisted antlers is an owl with multiple wings, spread out and spotted with many painted eyes, a feathered and watchful halo with a cry that echoes in everyone’s ears and audials. It leaves no tracks, just deep puddles with flickering shapes in its vast depths that immediately dry when people look away.
The mechs start to understand that the local humans’ grumblings and complaints are half-hearted, and when it starts to drizzle, everyone stays inside. 
“It’s older than all those that vaguely remember its beginnings,” Jack murmurs to a window full of drawings in the condensation, sleepy in the colder weather as he curls in a heated seat. “Dreaming and wandering, yet always returning to the place that crowned it King.”
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brumeraven · 2 months
🍂: Interview with a Boundless Candidate || dolls, boundless, creativity, transformations, saints, cute?, sorry to the confused
"Please state your name for the record."
"names are...well, they can't be self-assigned."
"Good catch. Sorry about the trick question, but you understand why we have to make you jump through all these hoops."
"it's fine."
"How long have you lived as a doll?"
"my whole life. or, well, maybe that's just how i've been treated."
"How you've been treated?"
"sorry, how this one has been treated."
"So the whole world treats you like a doll?"
"more or less, this one supposes."
"But how long has it been since you decided to just accept it? To stop fighting back and just give up your personhood?"
"it did not make the decision; this is...it's just the way it is. the way it's always been."
"Mm, fair. Dolls don't choose."
"dolls don't choose."
"And you believe that you'll be happier as a doll?"
"i...it has never really...understood the concept of happiness."
"You're unhappy being treated this way?"
"this one has never seen happiness as attainable."
"But you need this to feel comfortable?"
"no, not really."
"Then what exactly do you expect to get out of this?"
"congruence. alignment of expectations and reality."
"My point is, what do YOU want out of this? You, not the people around you."
"...this one does not want anything."
"Rather not say?"
"Well, let me take a stab at it. You just want to feel wanted. Want to be given worth, want to be a valued pet, a cherished possession, because you can't find any self-worth, so you need extrinsic reassurance your life has purpose and meaning."
"You're afraid of responsibility. Afraid of agency. Afraid of fucking up your own life any more than you already have. You'd rather a Witch, or even a human, fuck it up for you. At least it wouldn't be your fault, then; at least you could pretend you're worth shit."
"Well let me tell you something, kiddo; those are bad fucking reasons to throw away your humanity. Because, hate to break it to you, but you aren't worth shit just because someone likes you."
"it's not like that. not for this one."
"No? Then why don't you tell me what it is, hm?"
"it's just...well, efficient."
"i can't stand it. this one cannot stand it. it wastes so much time worrying about what to do, what not to do, prioritizing and tracking and deciding."
"You're looking for...what exactly?"
"this one has value; it is certain of it. it is capable of great things and has several useful skills. time management is not one of them. it's greatest fear is that it will waste its entire existence shaving yaks."
"it simply wishes to be able to work without the cruft of life getting in the way. without wasting its time worrying about what it should be doing at any given time."
"...So you want a manager, not a master."
"this one wants a scrum master."
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sillygoofyqueer · 1 month
The Untamed review: episode two!!
Yes, Wei Wuxian, Little Apple IS a picky eater, because he deserves only the best and KNOWS IT
Bro's complaining about a donkey to a donkey, what a guy
"You're like MY master"
"Yo, there's a well!" Wei Wuxian immediately moves out of the way, what a gentleman
Wei Wuxian helplessly listening to them argue over his inventions is so funny to me
The way that Wei Wuxian just gives up and peaces out
Fighting with a donkey now
Take the fucking apple, you dumbass
How old is this woman? She looks about twenty five
Push her off, it'd be so funny and no one would know
Yo, what is Yan doing?? She's busting some moves
Does he just flick any random person?
Ohhhh, I see
Got killed by the mist, that's an embarrassing way to go
Bro is dead, goddamn. Poor lass has no soul
This woman has been through so much, she doesn't deserve it
Someone's catching humans, cannibals in every universe
JIN LING!!! <3
Laughing at the richness of people
"Naur, stay up there. See you later xoxo"
How is this woman here????
It's fine, he's wearing a mask that covers his eyes
"It's you?" Aw shit, the guy who was a baby when you were around is onto you
Joking, he knows Mo Xuanyu
Mock him and see how it ends up
Stop trying to get up, jesusss
Nice throw
He looks so done with people's shit
Oh, hey Jiang Cheng, you're baby girling quite hard today
No need to crush it
"break his legs? No, feed him to your dog, kiddo"
His boyfriend has come to rescue him
"I'm so unlucky today", on the contrary, I think you're very lucky, these characters are key to the plot and you didn't even have to go looking for them!!
I like the music that plays when the Lan Clan is around
Lan Jingyi stepping up for his father- teacher
Lan Sizhui, how do you know so much
He says it like a slur hahahaha
Lan Wangji is too busy mewing, don't break his streak!!
"If you don't get that spirit, don't come back to me!!" Jin Ling was never seen again 😔
He's like a grumpy toddler, I love him so
"Don't worry, we'll pay for the nets we broke!" "Nuh uh!!" Lan Sizhui, you're an angel, don't listen to him
Nice voice though
"I thought I saw my boyfriend 😔"
There are spirits in the lake, I wouldn't suggest drinking from it
Jiang Yanli 😭😭😭
Stop smiling, you're hallucinating
Slander my boy and sees what happens
Slap yourself, go on, like the books
Don't put the blame all on him!!!
Nice, like the books
Feel the shame
That cannot be comfortable, those are literal rocks
He's like they're little leader
That's a fast old man
Lan Jingyi's first instinct is to point a sword at an old man, lmaaoooo
"anything strange here?" "Duh"
Leaving him alone while he's trying to give important plot information, rude
Glowing grass, what the fuck
I think you should eat some
He just wants to clean, leave him alone
WEN QING!!!!!!
Flashbacks lmao
Where'd the old man go
No way is that naturally formed
Lan Jingyi, you're surprisingly knowledgeable..I didn't know you could read
Jin Ling and his group of people
"what's up baby girls"
Ugh, it's been moving for a while now
Maybe you should, I don't know, LISTEN TO THE GUY WHO KNOWS WHAT HE'S DOING??
Also, y'all ditched him, minus points
"We're out" "fuck, y'all are gonna soooo be punished"
The look he gave, as if this isn't like, a sixteen seventeen year old. No, wait, he's probably eighteen...how old was he before Wei Wuxian's death? ANYWAY
Criticising the Lan education system while you're at it
"wait, you can't be crazy, because that makes sense!!" Lan Jingyi my beloved
Shit, my cover as a crazy person has been blown
Are they having a mewing contest or what?
Well done, Lan Jingyi
I swear it wasn't that big before
Y'all are doing a shit job at running from something this slow
Nice attack, it's still stone though
Dude, listen to Lan Sizhui
"Hey, my sword 🥺😔"
Considering this flute playing is supposed to be shit, it's not too bad
"ugh, you're playing the flute this bad? You must be crazy" Lan Jingyi, make up your mind
Nice kick, it's still stone though
WEN NING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They both look mildly terrified
Dude killed it so easy, well done. Naur, it's just an illusion.
"y'all, no need to be scared, the Yiling Patriarch ain't here" he's standing over there, wearing a mask
Luring him over with shitty flute playing
His robes are even blowing, just for you
Me leading my next snack away from the bag
Walk faster, goddamn
"hey bbg, it's been a while"
Listen guys, I know you're in love but there's a corpse there
He flew away, like Jesus
So...how is everyone surprised when they do turn out to be gay???
Uhh uh oh. Mom and dad are fighting again
Lan Wangji already looks so bored
The fucking GLARE I CAN'T
"Take off the mask!!!" "Nuh uh, I'm too handsome"
Lan Jingyi needs to stop being smart, it's scaring me
Stoooop, he didn't kill his brother
Okay, so he did, but he didn't want to!!!
He passed out, okay man
Answer the stupid call
They're so happy 😔
Give him what he wants, it's SYMBOLISM
Lecturing him better than Lan Qiren
You lost him already, not very good at this, ey?
Of course he will, it's Wei Wuxian
They're so happy :(
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hopefuloverfury · 6 months
maybe a weird ask, but what do you think the bachelors/ettes superpowers would be?
Imagining the marriage candidates with some kind of ability was both super fun and also a pain in the ass. I didn’t want to go the obvious route with anyone, and I also didn’t want to make any of them into an actual superhero, so, under the assumption that they exist in a world where everyone is super-powered in some way or another, I came up with these. I also made sure that they all had some kind of drawback or a “catch” of some kind, so they wouldn’t be completely broken powers.
I don't think there are any necessary warnings this time. Enjoy!
Everyone’s favorite golden retriever boy gets Instrument Manipulation. It’s the kind of power that does exactly what it says on the tin. Sam can manipulate instruments, but unlike Musical Mastery, for example, Sam is only able to use this ability to play on instruments he’s already familiar with. We know he can play the guitar and the drums, but he wouldn’t be able to use this ability to play the violin, or something. He could probably use it to bash someone up the head with one, though.
Before anyone gets excited—we’ve only got room for one sorcerer in Pelican Town, and that’s Rasmodius. With that in mind, Sebastian’s superpower is Cyber Presence. The ability to exist within cyberspace, and effectively exist everywhere, all at once—as long as there’s some level of technology in that area. Whether it be a global computer network, radar or security systems, or even satellites, Sebastian would be given the freedom to enter and exist in the cyber world at his own will. However, if any of the devices have a virus of some kind, it will affect his physical form and could potentially harm or otherwise “alter” him.
You’d think he’d get something like super strength or super speed, but I think Alex would get the most use out of Enhanced Stamina. He’d be able to practice gridball for hours to days without tiring, and he’d have no issues with helping around the farm for as long as he needed to. If you chose to have children in the future, I imagine he could keep up with the kiddos without breaking a sweat either. This wouldn’t be an absolute thing—he would get tired eventually, but he’d last a while. A few days of uninterrupted activity, at most, but he'd never go that long. Granny Evelyn still worries, you know!
Literary Travel allows the user to effectively “dimension hop” between different works of fiction. Elliott can act as himself in these fictional worlds, but cannot affect the plotline or the outcome of whatever story is being told. He would also only be able to hop into these fictional works while touching the physical medium(books, movie CDs, etc.). Elliott would use this ability in a myriad of ways, but as a man who’s constantly wrapped up in the dramatics and whimsy of life, I think he’d use it most often as a form of escapism. He’d have a limit for how much time he could spend in alternate realities, and his escapades would always be dreamlike. It would allow him the freedom to explore those places, but it wouldn’t deteriorate his perception of his reality, which I think is important.
I want him to be able to speak to his chickens, so Shane gets Zoolingualism. He wouldn’t be able to speak the language of an animal that’s gone extinct, but he can speak to every other animal with ease as long as meets a member of that species once. Unlike Marnie, who can perfectly replicate and mimic animal sounds and literally speak their language, Shane communicates in a more intangible way. Rather, he speaks to the animal, and the intentions, emotions, and thoughts are injected into the animal’s brain. The opposite is also true for him. He comes off as a bit anti-social to the people who meet him, mostly because he spends all of his time in the barn communicating with the animals instead of the humans outside. Chickens are safer.
I thought about giving him Flight because I’m an asshole, but eventually I decided against it. Instead, Dial allows Harvey to speed up or slow down an individual’s healing by manipulating a patient’s cells. Harvey can accelerate the healing process by quite a fair margin, and after so many years of mastery, he’s completely abandoned stitches because he can seal any wound closed on his own. Further, if he were setting someone’s fractured limb, their time with a cast would be severely shortened by using his ability. However, he can not immediately cure any or all ailments, and using his ability for long periods of time will give him body aches. He may go too far or push himself a little too hard, and his body has shown the effects of that in recent years. He’s not able to bounce back as quickly as he used to.
You may have thought that I’d go with something obvious like Absolute Intelligence or whatever, but we all know intelligence isn’t Maru’s lack, so let’s ignore her brains for a moment and shift gears. Interstellar Projection would fit her best. Being able to project herself through the infinite cosmos and visit the trillions of solar systems she’s only ever been able to see fuzzy glimpses of through her telescope would be a dream come true for her. However, because she is a human and could not survive in the vacuum of space without substantial protection, she would only be able to project her consciousness into space—not her physical form.
Telekinesis is Penny’s superpower. I think due to her responsibilities and her personal interests, being able to interact with objects without ever laying a finger on them would make a ton of things easier for her. Washing dishes, cleaning her home, cleaning up the library table after teaching the children, and reading would all be far simpler for her. Her emotions would affect it, however, so if she and Pam ever got into a heated argument in the trailer, their belongings might start levitating. She can manipulate inanimate objects, but cannot manipulate living things. She couldn’t make Vincent float, for example.
I considered Invulnerability and Weapons Mastery for Abigail, but I think both of those would kill her enjoyment of swordsmanship and adventuring. So instead, I think she would get the most use out of Tactical Analysis. With the ability to see the perfect course of action when going head to head with a floor full of powerful monsters, I imagine she’d be one hell of an adventurer, but she’d still have to train her ass off to succeed with the kinds of plans her brain comes up with.
Charisma isn’t something Haley struggles with, but I think it’s an ability that fits her best. Being wealthy, popular, and having an ability to charm people would have contributed heavily to her developing a conceited and selfish personality, but after she expands her worldview and loses her superficial tendencies, I think she’d use her ability for good. If you’ve seen her heart event after getting married, you know exactly what I’m talking about. However, this ability’s effectiveness wears off the better you know her, and doesn’t have any effect on people she’s related to by blood, so it doesn’t work on Emily, and it stopped working on Alex a long time ago.
Leah’s ability is Foresight. Being a mix of Wisdom, Future Vision, Fate Sight, and Analytical Precognition, Leah has the ability to see a short distance into the future. Her ability takes the form of visions, lasting anywhere from a few seconds to a minute long. They are usually random, but if she focuses on herself very carefully, she can induce a vision. The ones that she doesn’t call forward are far more pressing and require more of her attention. Namely, a few visions in the months leading up to the end of her abusive relationship with Kel(y’all know how I feel about them), and even some regarding the Farmer’s appearance in the valley. She always has a pretty nasty migraine after a vision though, and needs to hold warm or cold compresses against her eyes to soothe the aching.
Emily was a toss up between a few powers, but eventually I settled on Omnilingualism. This ability allows the individual to speak all human languages fluently. Emily has a few cutscenes and lines in-game that make it clear that she isn’t lacking in the supernatural department, but her most notable characteristic is her immense kindness and empathy. Her desire to help others is admirable, and so I gave her this ability in the hopes that it would make it easier for her to offer aid to a plethora of different people. However, she’d only be able to speak a language after formally meeting a person who spoke it, so she couldn’t learn any dead languages.
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duckymcdoorknob · 8 months
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𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓮𝓽𝓸𝓫𝓮𝓻 𝓭𝓪𝔂 5: 𝓘’𝓶 𝓝𝓸𝓽 𝓣𝓲𝓬𝓴𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓱
anyways- holy fuck this is 4 days late. I’m gonna try to keep pumping em out.
This one is pure comfort for lil bby bc sometimes I just get a think and cannot veer off course of that think.
Pushing my found family headcanon on y’all once again. Yawn.
—CW: There are not much tickles under the cut ngl, established Leopika, Angst :(—
Tags: @giggly-squiggily @chrimsss
At the end of the day, Killua knew that he was loved by Leorio the same as Gon was. But sometimes… No- that’s stupid, he’s not- He’s not jealous or anything.
…Is he?
No, that’s silly. He’s never been one to care about affection, given his background and all.
And yet… why did he feel so pouty after seeing the two interacts?
Of course, he never let it show. He wouldn’t anyone to catch on or anyth-
“You alright, kiddo?” Kurapika inquired, squatting down to the younger’s level.
“I- what?” The boy blinked. “O-oh, yeah. I’m fine.”
The blonde grinned patiently. “Killua…”
“I said I’m good!” Killua crossed his arms with a slight pout, turning away from his friend.
Kurapika sighed as he stood upright once again. “Alright, don’t tell me then. If you need me, you know where I’ll be.”
The white-haired boy slowly turned back around toward the older male. “W-Wait.”
A smile crept into Kurapika’s features. “Hmm?”
“Promise you won’t… you know, tell?”
“I promise I won’t… you know, tell.”
And so the young boy began to spill his woes and worries with great hesitation, fearing that Kurapika would spill the beans to Leorio.
The Kurta would’ve been lying if he said he wasn’t worried. It took all of his power to not reach out and squeeze the boy in the tightest hug he’s ever given. The blonde listened to every word with great focus, heart breaking at every line. Had he really felt so neglected by Leorio?
When Killua had finished pouring his heart out, his face flushed as he looked away. A squeak left him as Kurapika gently pulled him into a hug.
“Would it be okay if I spoke with Leorio?” The Kurta whispered in inquiry.
“N-No it’s not important…”
“Killua, please. Just let me-“
“I said no!” The white-haired boy roared as he turn and ran to his room, slamming his door shut. Kurapika closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
Two hands gently graced the blonde’s shoulders, thumbs rubbing gently. The chain user sighed.
“I’ll talk to him,” Leorio’s voice whispered, giving a small squeeze. He was met by his lover’s head falling backwards into his chest.
The blonde sighed once again, muttering. “Just be kind to him… it took a miracle to get him to open up.”
“Alright. Go check on Gon; I’ll take care of this.”
The two carefully stepped through the dark hallway , eventually turning in separate directions at the split. Leorio gently tapped on Killua’s door, a muffled “go away” came in response.
“Killua…” the brunette rested his forehead against the wooden door. “I just want to talk with you.”
“Don’t you want to talk to your f-favorite son, G-Gon?”
The medic’s heart broke in two, breath hitching. “Kil-“
A choked gasp left the boy. “I TOLD YOU ALREADY TO NOT CALL ME THAT!”
“God- right, right. I’m sorry. I just-“ Leorio’s mouth stuttered in movement, failing to find the right words. “I w-want to f-fix this. Please, let me in.”
After a good amount of silent seconds, the door opened very slightly to reveal a puffy-eyed Killua with his chest heaving. Leorio dropped to his knees and instantly pulled the boy into his embrace.
Kicking the door shut with his heel, Leorio cradled the little guy’s head against his shoulder, shushing the boy’s blossoming hysterics.
“I’m so sorry that I made you feel this way… I never wanted you to feel anything else but fully loved. When Kurapika and I took you two in, we didn’t-“ a hitch of the older male’s breath indicated a valiant effort to fight tears himself. “I didn’t- I still don’t- I don’t have all of the answers, and I want more than anything to have them.”
He was met with silent, albeit the sound of the ex- assassin’s heaving sobs.
“You know I love you so much, Killua. Taking you in was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made, and I stand by that statement. I’m so sorry that I made you feel neglected… or-or feel like I don’t like you enough, or that I don’t love you anymore.“
“BUT YOU DID! You d-did! And y-you know how l-l-long it took me t-to trust everyone. I-I wasn’t loved by m-my family a-as a kid, Leorio. Do y-you know how it f-feels to think I lost the o-only person who really loves you?”
“I don’t, I really don’t kiddo. I can’t tell you I relate, or that I understand, because I don’t. But I’m here in this moment, and you are my family now. And I will love you until my dying breath…” the older man wiped his eyes, “Even if you do waste all of the soap in the bathroom.”
The white-haired boy let out a watery chuckle. “You don’t understand the art of potion making.”
Leorio smiled widely, “There’s my happy guy.”
“Happy is a stretch… you got one smile outta me.”
“Oh yeah?” The medic pulled Killua out of the hug and held him by his shoulders, “You want me to get more smiles outta ya’?”
“You could try, not much you can do.” He grinned.
One hand moved from Killua’s shoulder and wiggled its fingers in front of the boy. His eyes widened. “I’m not ticklish.”
“I beg to differ.” The brunette teased.
With a battle cry, Leorio pulled Killua into his lap and attacked his tummy and sides, prodding and squeezing at the boy’s torso.
Killua squeezed his eyes shut to keep his giggles at bay.
“Ohhh, now none of that! If there’s anything we do in this house, it’s laugh!”
A quick pinch to the rib led the boy to yelp and break out into laughter. The medic smiled evilly at him.
“Ohhhh! I thought someone wasn’t ticklish!”
“Ihihihim nahahahat! Thihihihis ihihihis juhuhust- hyeahahaha!”
Leorio looked at Killua with fondness, continuing to help the little guy get his giggles out. From now on, he should tickle the boys every day, he thinks. After all…
Killua is his son now, and he’s never letting go.
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writelary · 1 year
Precipice [Fragment]
Precipice [Fragment] Guild Wars 2 Characters: Pixie, Magdalene The final moments of Zhaitan, Pixie's mind is taken by the last letter they got from Magdalene Strange. Fragmentary writing exercise to practice writing Guild Wars 2.
               They stand on the precipice of The End.
               Dull sepia colours rot the landscape in some laughable moment of out of time, out of place—pulled and dredged from the bottom, rot of the ocean to float like some long forgotten children’s toy found at the bottom of the pond. The edges of everything are frayed, caked with the splendor of the depths. Oil slick purples and greens pool in the cracks and crags of the landscape.
               They stand on the precipice of The End.
               Tattered wings cannot full blot out the sun, but the noxious condensation playing at being clouds attempts to do so, and what little light goes through is a sickening green. Mouths upon mouths scream and writhe against the fight above.
               They fight below. Blotting blood spilled coats the ground beside them, old rancid stuff filled to the brim in bodies that should not rise again but rise—rise—rise. They come back with teeth and nails, pushing, and screaming for the victory of the beast above.
               “My dear,
               Full glad am I to hear that you are well despite the state of—well, everything. Orr sounds fascinating, I am quite certain; however, it sounds a mixture of moist and rather unpleasant things. Still, I do hope you will send me more letters, or return before your next one is to arrive. That is certainly the hope given what you say is to transpire with the Pact’s intentions.
               While neither of you wishes to join arms with one of the darling Orders, I am happy to hear you have been able to avail yourself of characters besides Ronald’s delightful personality.
               Pomona sends her regards as well, and she is over my shoulder telling me to write that, as well as: hi. Ah, my apologies—hi with an exclamation mark. I believe she is rather lonely since Billy went off on her adventure with that Kiddo friend of hers. I will defer to your expertise that Kiddo oversleeping in their dream was not a slight against Billy, but still—poor Billy was quite hurt waiting for them all that time.
               Pixie, please keep in mind I am not a believer in some delight of martyrs. People are better off alive and flourishing. Do not throw yourself at something you will not walk away from. Promise me that much, my sweet thing. Pomona has many new tasks for both you and Ronald once you return to Divinity’s Reach.
               Give Ronald my regards.
Sap stains their features, sticky heavy stuff in their eyes as they brace for the waves and corpses. One eye closed, Pixie breathes in. Hand readies their rapier, bouncing it before their voice breaks the scene. “Hold on.”
        Arm up—the moment lasts a second, the moment lasts an hour. Light distorts around them, a shield thrown up that holds, catches and splashes with the incoming deluge. In the dazzling shifting of colours—they can barely see the skies above and the great dragon faltering, its wings falling askew.
        The moment falters, and the pressure and gravity of it descends, pulling their feet from under them. All that is left is blackness and the song that rings in their ears as their breath is pushed out of them.
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kerra-and-company · 1 year
OC Music prompt! All 6 for your newest kiddo (unless you've already done one for them in which case all 6 for Brook!) (@uselessidiotsquad)
Hmm. What if Both? :3 (And thus this post became Long asl;dkjfasdf) But thanks a bunch for the ask! Ever and Brook songs be upon ye!
1. backstory
The Newly Awakened (from the official LWS2 soundtrack)
This song isn't used in entirely its original context since Ever's not a Secondborn by a long shot--they awaken during LWS3--but the vibes of this track are very much early!Ever regardless, so they get this one.
2. personality
I'm just young enough to still believe, still believe But young enough not to know what to believe in Young enough not to know what to believe
If I can live through this If I can live through this If I can live through this I can do anything
(Champion by Fall Out Boy)
Ever is not that old but also not that young. It gets Fall Out Boy, which is appropriate because of both the lyrics and the vibes of this song--and, on a more personal level, it's close to the same (mental, at least, I was older than 6 lol) age I was when I found that group, so...yeah. There you go!
3. angst
I seem fine But I can't take the highs and the lows All I am is a weapon I shoot 'em down 'til I end up alone
I always say I hate the way you look at me now And I swear, I didn't mean to be a let down What I broke can't be fixed with all my sorry excuses, no
(weapon by Against The Current)
...presented without comment.
4. comfort
We are friends for life Hold that deep inside Let this be a drive To survive
And just stand, high and tall Make sure you give your all And if you ever fall Know that I'm right here
We'll always be together, don't you worry I'll always be by your side, don't you worry
(Always Be Together by Little Mix)
Ever desperately wants to believe this.
5. love life
Not applicable (yet!! that'll likely change :3)
6. fight scene
Countdown's on you best get moving I'm about to change the game Go ahead, try to outrun me It's all the same Ready or not
(Ready or Not by WAR*HALL)
Aaaand bonus Brook songs under the cut! :D
1. backstory
If you let me I could I'd show you how to build your fences Set restrictions, separate from the world The constant battle that you hate to fight Just blame the limelight Don't look up, just let them think There's no place else you'd rather be
(Fences by Paramore)
Growing up in the Ash fahrar with magic that even you don't understand is a Time, to say the least.
2. personality
So tired from the miles I'm traveling Getting lost somewhere that I haven't been When all the bad shit starts happening I ain't never throwing that towel in
There's a lion in the wardrobe And a wolf out the door I might never get to heaven But I've been there before
(Lion by Hearts & Colors)
I mentioned this on another post at some point, but Brook is very resilient in the specific kinda sense of "you cannot kill me in a way that matters". They will build some semblance of a life back from ashes and will slowly work towards being at least vaguely happy again, even if they can't ever fully get there.
3. angst
Nowhere to run Nowhere to hide You left me spinning around in my mind I got no signal You never replied And I can't get no sleep
I keep telling my, telling myself your ghost story You got me lying awake in my bed, you still haunt me And I can't break free
(Ghost Story by Cheat Codes and All Time Low)
This song isn't meant to be about exactly what I envision it to be about in Brook's case, but it's funny how a song about ghosting someone can also sound a little bit like a song about someone you think is dead. This is one I could dissect in depth for them, weirdly enough aklsjdf
4. comfort
You've seen some trouble Some dark and stormy nights Dry your eyes my son, you're not alone I know the brave, hard You carry your little light up the path in every way you go
Paint the skies Chase the highs Draw the colors of the night Follow the rhythm of your hungry heart Feel the sun catch the vibe for a limited time Be the hunger in your hungry heart Our hungry hearts
(Hungry Hearts by River)
A little bit of Brook's worship of Kormir coming in here, but also them finding a home with the Olmakhan for the years they're there.
5. love life
Nobody gets me like you do I'm not the same, not after you So many things that we've been through I'm not the same, not after All that's been said and done I don't even feel like I'm back at one Nobody gets me like you do I'm not the same, not after you
(After You by Gryffin)
For Brook and Casca - truly a combination of the lyrics, the music, and the vibes of the music video.
Bonus one:
And nothing left unspoken When you whisper, I heard you say
Go on then, love And show me your heart 'Cause you are enough As you are and I'm awestruck So go on then, love
(Go on Then, Love by Said The Sky)
6. fight scene
The Call (the League of Legends one)
Almost more for the vibes than the lyrics (so listen to it if you want a more accurate impression), but the lyrics don't not fit, either!
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justmeinatree · 2 months
whump that leans into the torture can be really good if it's written well and you're in the headspace to handle it lol. i occasionally venture into reading those types of stories for certain fandoms because it definitely can be fun to see characters, especially ones that are always seen as strong in canon, get completely broken down. and then them being comforted by their loved one after it's all over 🥺 now i'm just making myself want to write some brutal whump just so i can write cute, fluffy, comfort scenes 😂
i had to take a break from writing for tonight because i'm having a little bit of writer's block. the beginning and the end of the chapter came to me no problem...but i cannot write a middle section to connect them for the life of me 😂 i think this is my sign to go do some actual work and not sit here writing a fic all night
i do some crafting type things in my free time and stopping constantly to set up and record shots sounds awful 😬 but it's worth it because social media marketing definitely is the way to go lol. hopefully you catch up on work soon!! but i also selfishly hope you get some more writing done because i want more to read 😂
i love a good comfort fic !! might message you for a few recs, you’ve honestly really piqued my interest 😅 i wanna read some good ones out of pure curiosity ! and who knows, i may stumble upon a new fav 🤷‍♀️
definitely take a break ! i find when i force myself to write it never turns out the way i want and i end up deleting the whole thing 😅 so much better to write what you already know you want and wait it out until the next burst of inspiration ! sometimes i write whole fics by just writing random paragraphs in different chapters until the whole thing starts making sense 😂 hopefully your school work went well and you didn’t have writers block for that !
ahahaha well as long as kiddo is healthy enough for daycare tomorrow, i will definitely be holing myself up in my garage, working like crazy to catch up 😬 but i have been writing so so much, more things are coming soooooonn 🫶
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taxideermy · 2 years
Galvanize (Buster’s Verse)
When I was Knee High to a Fuckin’ Brassed-Junkie My Literacy Teacher Voiced Some Concerns he had about Me He Said “Sure, the little tike’s smart, but from what I can See- Give ‘em about Ten years; They’ll be burnt-out, running naked through the Trees Hands in the air Screaming their fool-head-off all like ‘MATH HOMEWORK BEEECH!’”
Mooning about Sixteen Cops, Outrunin’ their Souped-Up Chargers Flashing a bunch of the Elderly as I cut across their Back-Yards I Get tackled and I shriek and I slip the Cuffs And then I get a fistful of Five-Oh in Fisticuffs Take that Tumblr; How’s that for Female-Presenting Nipples? And Take that Shit Mr. D- this Knuckle Sandwich and All them Fucked Up Participles!
Every day I look at myself in the mirror and I slam my Fist into It Every time I get into the shower I call myself a God-damned Exorcist “Dad, dad, please- Can’t you just chill, You Bastard Narcissist? Father, Pops, Daddy- Please why should I have to beg you to Cease and Desist? Can’t you just live your own fucking life instead of hijacking my Desiccated Corpse Too? You Deranged Ventriloquist; ya ain’t even Dead Yet so You need to Fucking Shoo!”
I’m losing my mind trying to outrun what I am if I can I guess I am what I am and what I am is my Old Man
I haven’t even seen him in years so I sit on the shitter and I make it a whole Bit “You absolute meth-addled drunkard pile of shit I shouldn’t have ever had to claw you out of my skin You shouldn’t have ever made me one of your sins Yet every day that part of you grows back twice as Thick Choking me out with Glass and Hash and making me the Lunatic Because of You My Whole Life’s Folie-A-Deux As in Boo-Fuckin’-Hoo, Goddamn, Deja-Vu That Bastard’s Fucking Voodoo!”
I’m drowning in your Mason Jars and Mountain-Dew Smoke Boats Passing Electricity Through my DNA and Molecularly Bonding our Sown Oats I can feel you Galvanize the frayed edges of the last of my Nerves Taking me to Ride the Lightning In your Lap until it Transfers Electricity running through me and re-wiring my Reserves Turning my brain straight into Burnt-Maple Raspberry Preserves
Whatever part of me that ever did Burn Clean You smoked off the top of a Spoon by the time I was a Teen I have to say; There’s no one out there quite like You, Dad Except the Me that you dressed in your own Plaid, Dad You can’t even Stand to look at me, huh, Dad You Fucking Has-Been Knockoff of Breaking Bad
You pat my Head with your Calloused Hands and then Dig into my Brain You Gave me Plain Bammage, Damn Deranged-Rammage and then You Flushed me down the Drain Goddamnit Told me shit like “You’re so smart kiddo, life will be so easy for you” And then turned around in the same breath and Unscrew a Couple more Screws Like Goddamn dad I know you’ve Lost your whole Sack of Marbles too But there’s only so much one kid can Fucking Do What was I supposed to do, Dad, except Become You? Looked straight up to You, More than I could ever Get Into That’s right, Now I am You; The Least you Can Do Is Fucking Look at me when I Talk To You!
I’m just fucking like him, you know, my Dear Old Dad I’m sure you’re all so tired of hearing about why I’m Stark Raving Mad I cannot even say Two Words without slipping in his Fucking Puke Can’t Stumble Without looking over my shoulder and catching sight of his Spook I knew I’d never amount to anything and I think he meant for that Switcheroo We’re both Cursed to bite off a lot more than either of us could ever hope to Chew He sold both of our souls to snatch the Devil’s Stash and we’re both Way Overdue
I won’t presume to Misconstrue the worst part of the Shitshow-
He was ‘smart’ too, you know? Before he Fried his Omelet like the Your Brain on Drugs Cameo What even is ‘smart’ though? With so many Disadvantaged Youth like the Ballad of Buster’s Spawn-Van Gogh How can we even pretend to quantify the intellectual capacity of any kid sitting on the Trap-House spin-dry Between two half-cracked out passers-by getting sky-high and practically forcing the kid to pull a Shanghai?
…You know, I think I just ran out of my Give-A-Fuck Budget I’m sick of how Society refuses to Discuss It Then they wonder why I just throw my pen down and say Fuck It. Dear Dad; I’ve got a few words for ya so before you take a Hit Load a piece of this in your Crack-Pipe and Suck It.
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pinknatural · 3 years
The Emma resurrection at 8 years old is truly consuming my brain you opened a new can of worms and dumped them into my head I cannot stop thinking about it.
Like does she remember purgatory? Does she appear half-feral eyes flashing and a growl in her throat ready to lash out? Does Jack hurtle over in the unsteady sprint of toddlers and throw himself at her and call her sister and she’s so shocked that it isn’t an attack that she doesn’t react.
Does Dean’s breath catch as he recognizes her, from her eyes or her brand or her scared expression. Does he whisper her name. Does Sam flee the room partly to not scare her but mostly out of overwhelming guilt?
How do they talk her down do they have to put food down and move away while she eats it distrustfully and Jack just babbles away about Dean’s cooking and his favorite foods and how he wants to show her his room
Does she try to stay awake for days bc she doesn’t trust them and then pass out from exhaustion and wake up with her face washed in a soft bed and realize maybe it’s okay
Does Cas reach out to her because he has the least history and an understanding of being not a human and of forgiveness
Jack was angry, is the thing. Angry in the way little kids are angry, but he has powers and it's never a good idea to set him off. And what is the solution? He's upset that he doesn't have a playmate his age, upset that he can't tell the kids at daycare about who he is, can't show them his powers. When reminded about Claire, he stomped his foot and screamed, lightbulbs shattering, and oh, Dean remembered when Sammy would get like this, when the only person who could calm him down was Dean himself, eight years old and Sam's favorite person.
Dean and Cas exchange helpless glances, and Jack's not an only child but with the age gap between him and Claire he basically is, and Dean aches, suddenly. Maybe he and Cas need to have a talk about another kid.
"I'll just MAKE a sibling!" Jack cries, and Dean glances at Cas worriedly before he reaches for Jack.
"Come on, kiddo," he says, because you can't just make a sibling, he doesn't think, but Jack stomps his foot again and gold light bursts out from the kid and Dean has to cover his eyes.
When he can open them again, there's a girl in the room. She has blonde hair and round green eyes, dressed in an oversized jacket and bright pink shirt, jeans that are falling down her legs. Her clothes are covered in blood and dirt and her hair is tangled with leaves and mud and who knows what else, and she looks around with wide eyes, mouth slightly open in shock.
"Oops," Jack says, staring at her.
"Jack," Cas says, sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Did you kidnap a child?"
But the thing is that...well....Dean recognizes the white jacket and the bright pink shirt, dark stain of blood right in the middle of her chest, if the shirt actually fit her. Dean recognizes the curve of her face and the twist of her eyebrows, and the shade of her eyes, which are rapidly welling up with tears.
She's staring right at Dean and sobbing, heart-wrenching noises pulled from the deepest parts of her, and Dean holds out his hands, showing that they're empty.
"I won't hurt you," he says. "None of us will hurt you."
Jack creeps across the room and clings to Cas' leg, looks up at Dean with wide eyes.
"I didn't mean to," he says. "It was an accident."
"It's okay, buddy," Dean says. He steps closer to the girl, who takes a stumbling step back, nearly tripping on her pants.
"Dean," Cas says. "Do you know her?"
She's choking on her sobs, not looking away from Dean, and his heart twists as he backs up, reaches a hand for Cas. Cas takes it, squeezes.
"Emma?" Dean whispers. Cas's breath catches. "Are you...Emma?"
She nods, wipes snot away with her oversized, dirty sleeve.
"Okay, sweetheart," Dean says, exhaling shakily. "This is Cas, okay? And Jack. We aren't gonna hurt you. Can Cas touch you?"
She shakes her head rapidly.
"He can heal you," Dean cajoles, and she shakes her head again. Her sobs have slowed, but tears are still streaming down her face. "Okay. Do you want to follow me or Cas to the bathroom, get you cleaned up? We won't hurt you." He hopes if he repeats it enough, she'll believe it. She looks at him, then at Cas, then at Jack. Jack lets go of Cas and walks toward her. Emma stares but lets him approach. He holds out a little hand and touches her cheek. Gold light glows, and she doesn't break eye contact as he heals her.
"It's okay," Jack says. She nods and starts crying again.
"Daddy," she whispers, and Dean runs to her side, drops to his knees, wants to touch her but doesn't. "I don't wanna be in the monster forest anymore."
"You aren't," Dean says. "You're safe, here, with us. Cas is my husband and Jack is my son--your brother--and you can have the guest room, and you'll never have to see another monster again."
Emma pushes back the sleeve on her wrist, but the brand isn't there anymore. Jack must've healed it.
"What about..." Emma whispers. She swallows. "What about your brother?"
Cas walks up behind Dean, puts a hand on his shoulder. Dean's gonna have to call Eileen, ask her to bring some clothes for a kid. It's not like Emma can go to a store--not yet, anyway. She already looks overwhelmed, and there's only three people here.
"You don't have to see him," Cas says. "Not until you're ready." Dean swallows, looks at his daughter. She's covered with the blood of Purgatory. She must be eight, he thinks. Too young for what she’s seen.
"He won't hurt you again," Dean promises. "And you can see him when you're ready. I'll keep you safe. I couldn't do it the first time, but I swear, Emma, not a day has gone by that I haven't thought of you, that I haven't wished I could do it over."
Emma fiddles with her necklace. Dean remembers seeing Lydia put it on her from across the parking lot as he staked out the house. Dean strips off his flannel, and hands it to her. She wipes her face off with it, and then looks at him.
"Okay," she says. "You can touch me."
Dean wraps his arms around her, scoops her up, holds her close, and promises he's never letting her go again.
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tiny-sonic-kinnie · 2 years
Sonic Agere HC!
Sonic regressed to a toddler most of the time, usually around 3 or 4 but he'll occasionally regress to a baby
He's a very energetic toddler, constantly running around and playing. His favorite game is tag mostly because he never loses, but it's a win win situation cause it's a good way to tire him out.
He's not exactly a brat but he will use up every ounce of your patience before you can get him down for a nap. "It's bedtime, kiddo." "You gotta catch me first!"
He likes to be carried around but if he's excited to go somewhere and you're not walking fast enough he'll whine to be let down and drag you to your destination. "c'monnnn you're so slowwww!" "Oh nooo, would you look at that my legs broken, I'm gonna have to go even slower" "no it's notttt come onnnn"
He needs spill proof sippy cups or his juice will get everywhere. He's very clumsy and careless, he'll get too excited telling you about his latest adventure and not over his sippy while swinging his arms around.
"hold dis peas!" *Places stuffie in lap before running off to play* "Mine!" *Snatches stuffie 2 seconds later and runs off again*
He follows all his rules and on the rare occasion he breaks one he comes clean immediately and apologizes and explains why he did it.
He's not shy around new people at all, he'll hide behind you at first but as soon as someone asks his name he excitedly tells the person his name and talks their ears off.
His favorite paci is plain blue paci that has his name on it that his caregiver made him
He needs constant attention, not because he wants it but because he'll end up hurting himself if he's not being watched.
Knuckles is a very shy regressor and usually regressed really small, around 1 or 2, maybe even younger on occasion.
He likes to be carried and held. He'll crawl into his caregivers lap and snuggle his face into their neck and fall asleep while they cradle him.
He's usually nonverbal but can say small things like baba, paci, his cgs name or a shortened version of it or their title
He has a stuffie that he carries around 24/7 and will sob and scream if he loses it even if it's for a few seconds.
He prefers to cuddle and play with small baby toys, such as rattles, or blocks, than play tag or other big kid games.
He's very shy about his regression and rarely regressed in front of people aside from tails, sonic and his caregiver. If he's regressed and introduced to a new person he'll hide behind his cg or hold onto them and hide his face if he's being held.
He prefers bottles over sippys and loves being bottle fed.
He's very easy to manage and care for but he's very needy and needs constant attention.
He likes to sit in the floor on a blanket and play or watch TV while his cg has to do smth that they can't do while holding him. (Altho he would rather be held while his cg cooks so he can sneak a few snacks)
He likes to watch sonic run around sometimes but he doesn't like how loud he can get, but sonic always lowers his voice when he notices he's too loud. They're wholesome 🥺
Tails is the same age range around Sonic, usually sticking around 4 years old.
He's very creative and loves arts and crafts but he's very messy and can't be trusted with glitter.
He likes to do chores and help out as much as he can but he also enjoys playing with Sonic.
He loves playing hide and seek with his friends and always ends up winning.
"watch dis! *Does his cute tail floating thing* "isn't that so cool!"
He loves to tell random fun facts to everyone. It'll be naptime and he'll wander up to his cg and pull their shirt and say "did you know that.."
He's very big on rules and does his best to follow them.
If him and sonic are playing tag then be ready with band aids because these two cannot play that game successfully without ending up with a few cuts and bruises. Sonic will run around and hit something or trip and tails will try to catch up to him while flying and hit something and fall or see sonic fall and panic and get hurt as well.
He's always asking why, he's very curious and loves to learn. He likes to sit with Knuckles and do activity sheets while Knuckles plays and while Sonic shows him how fast he is at literally anything.
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I'll probably do more tomorrow, feel free to request characters! I hope you enjoy and I'll also probably do some Sonic caregiver headcanons as well and some agere fics as well! Also if you want to add any on to these feel free to repost and add some! My sonic headcanons are so self indulgent oops!
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mae-gi-writes · 3 years
Once Again (PT.4) | Iwaizumi Hajime (Haikyu!)
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Iwaizumi’s broken marriage results in his five-year-old son trying to match him up with his primary school teacher, whom he thinks will make a wonderful replacement for a mother.
Genre: fluff, angst, f! Reader x dad! Iwaizumi
"Miss Y/N, is daddy okay?" Hoisuke peers up at you from the backseat as you pull up to your apartment unit. You glance at him through the rearview mirror and smile, "don't worry, he's fine. He's just going to be slightly late."
Iwaizumi had called you earlier that day, sounding breathless and stressed out as he iterated how slow traffic was moving. On impulse, you'd proposed to bring Hoisuke over to your house to make things more comfortable and after a slight bout of hesitation, he'd agreed to pick his son up in the comfort of your home.
"This is the first time I come to your place, miss Y/N," Hoisuke's eyes are darting back and forth across the tiny kitchenette to your right to the small tv screen plugged to the wall on the left. Granted, your flat is merely anything special and far from ready for unexpected guests. But the sharp curiosity gleaming in your student's eyes holds no judgement and for that you apprrciate him all the more.
"You hungry?" You ask while settling him down at your tiny dinner table compact enough to fit snuggly up to your kitchen counter.
Hoisuke purses his lips in thought and you swear he's learnt this facial expression from observing his father, "hm yeah. A little bit," before throwing you a sheepish grin.
So you whip up something simple; omelette rice with your special Korean chilli sauce as a sudden downpour splatters through the cityscape, the rain dancing to its own rhythm as it splatters over your windowpane. The TV plays in the background, a random cartoon that gets interrupted with Hoisuke's giggles and that ignites an affectionate smile on your lips as you chide himto eat. And you're not really sure why your chest feels tight and filled to the brim with comfort, but you realise you don't actually mind having the small human around that much.
Teachers aren't supposed to have favourites. But you admit to yourself that teachers are only human. And if you are to choose, Hoisuke would be one of yours.
"Miss Y/N, do you have a boyfriend?" Hoisuke's voice pierces through your thoughts and as you blink down at him, you shake your head, "no, I'm single as a pringle."
"You are not married then."
"No I'm not."
"Great!" Hoisuke jumps up on his seat, eyes twinkling with mischief, "then do you want to marry daddy?"
"What?" You laugh out, "it doesn't work that way Hoisuke."
"But I like you miss Y/N," he replies with the seriousness of a child wanting his way, "You'd be a great mum. Can you be my mum?"
"Oh gosh kiddo," your hand reachea out to ruffle his hair, heart twisting at how easily he leans into your touch, "I'd love to be your mum, but--"
"Then marry my dad," Hoisuke's mumble is muffled against your side. He unconsciously snuggles up to you and you caress the top of his head down to his nape, "daddy likes you too. He really likes you. You make him happy. He laughs a lot when you're around, and he doesn't get sad like he usually does when Mama is here."
"But that would be unfair to your mum wouldn't it?" You say softly, "you can't have two mums. She'll be upset."
There's a slight pause where you can see the cogs turning in his brain, "yeah," he says eventually, "but I don't really like going to Mama's anyway--"
The sound of your doorbell jolts you both to attention. You give Hoisuke's head one more ruffle before getting up to unlock the door.
Only to come face to face with none other than Hoisuke's mother.
You blink. Once. Twice. Unconsciously taking a step back.
She's pretty. Prettier up close, with those feline cat eyes and that full mouth that renders any man crazy. Standing a few inches higher than you, there is no doubt as to why Iwaizumi had fallen for her charms in the first place. She looks like the kind of woman that would still be elegant even dressed in a mechanician's uniform.
"H-Hello," your eyes dart from hers to a blank spot on the wall opposite, "can I help?"
"Where's Hoisuke?" Her voice is smooth, yet hard enough to make you wince.
"I--" your mind races. Isn't Iwaizumi supposed to pick him up? And how the hell does she know where you live?
She seems to read your face as she says, "I saw you with my son leaving the school. You're his...teacher, aren't you? I was waiting to pick him up."
"I thought Iwaizumi-san--"
"I don't need a reason to see my son," she arches her brows at you in a way that makes you want to crawl under a carpet and hide.
"Mama?" Hoisuke's voice floats from behind you, a tentative waver of nervousness as you hear him pad up to the door.
"Does Iwaizumi-san know you're picking him up?" You hope your tone is diplomatic, but the way her body tenses proves you otherwise, "You can tell him Hoisuke's with his mother," she nods at her child, "now come on Hoisuke. Let's go home."
Maybe feeling the tension in the air, Hoisuke merely shrinks back, "but it's Daddy that picks me up."
"Yes well, Daddy's not here now is he?" She gestures aggressively towards him, "now come on."
"Maybe we should wait until Iwaizumi-san gets here," you try to smooth things over, "he's on his way--"
"Don't tell me what to do with my child," Mizune snaps and without warning, grabbing hold of Hoisuke's arm before pulling him out of the flat. He resists.
"Mama no, let's wait for Daddy--"
"Daddy isn't coming. Now stop being so difficult," she doesn't relent against the way her son twists and kicks at the ground while you stand there, mind blind with panic because you've never actually had to deal with such a situation before.
"Mama please!" Hoisuke cries out with a sob.
You want to move. You urge yourself to. But your feet won't budge. It's like you're rooted in place.
Hoisuke has started crying at this point and in an attempt to smoothen things out, you try again by saying, "I'm sure we can all calm down and talk this out. As a teacher, I cannot--"
"That's right," Mizune's feline pupils narrow down on you, making you flinch at the rage simmering through those dark orbs, "you're his teacher. And as a teacher, you should know how to keep your boundaries. You're not his mother and you never will be. So fucking stay out of my family's life."
The words burn as they etch themselves into memory and you can only watch, hand clutched to the door as Mizune drags her crying son away. His cries are loud enough that they bounce throughout the corridor and keeps resonating even when he's long gone, as you try to comb through the last fifteen minutes where everything has turned upside down.
Fucking stay out of my family's life.
Your brain reels. Your heart feels heavy. You don't know what to do, what to say.
And Mizune's words are as sharp as a knife.
Don't tell me what to do with my child.
A sob slowly catches the back of your throat, eyes slowly brimming with an onset of tears.
You're not his mother.
The truth hurts. You know that Hoisuke is not your child, know that all this time it's merely Iwaizumi and his son, and then you watching on the sidelines. But hearing the cold rejection thrust in your face hurts more than you'll admit.
You aren't quite sure how long you stand there gazing into the empty corridor as if if you will it hard enough, Hoisuke will come running back to you. It is only when a familiar alto reaches your ears that you snap back to attention:
Jerking at the sound and looking up to see none other than Iwaizumi, drenched and breathless, standing a few feet away from you, your breath hitches in warning.
He closes the distance between you, frowning upon noticing the tears at the corner or your eyes, "what's wrong? Where is Hoisuke--"
"I'm..." your eyes drop to the ground, "I'm sorry," your whimper is barely above a whisper and you feel him move closee, his hand gently grasping your arm.
"Y/N?" His voice is gentle, though ragged and breathy, "what happened?"
It's probably the gentlest he's ever been with you. Turning away to cup your mouth with your hand, your teeth clamp down onto your lower lip in hopes of keeping the emotion from spilling over.
"Mizune came," you murmur out, "she took Hoisuke home."
There's a sharp intake of breath on his part. A pause, "how did--"
"She followed us."
Iwaizumi lets out a sigh as he moves towards you and you stagger back to hide your tears, but it proves useless when his hand grasps your arm to pull your hand away.
Deep brown mocha meet yours. Your throat tightens.
"Sorry," you breathe out a forced chuckle but it's clear from Iwaizumi's face that he's spotted your tears, and that he just knows that there is something bothering you.
But he doesn't ask. Doesn't question your intent or your feelings.
Instead, he pulls you close, close enough you're stumbling into him, before his hand wounds around the back of your head and presses you against his shoulder.
It shocks you, the sudden intimacy of his touch. His citrus smell once again invades your space and you can't find it in yourself to keep on holding on before you break down.
Maybe it's because you had felt-- at this point in time -- that you were someone significant in Hoisuke and Iwaizumi's life that you're not crying into Iwaizumi's shoulder as if everything is going downhill in your life. But you're comforted by the casual way he holds you with his head turned away so that you can bury yourself in the crook of his collarbone.
"Sorry," you manage to mumble out after you've managed to calm down. He's moved you back into your flat and has sat you down onto your kitchen chair, having rummaged through your utensils to bring you a cup of water that you sip on gratefully, if only to act as a distraction from the way he's gazing at you.
Iwaizumi shakes his head silently, looks away and clears his throat, "I'm gonna call her. You good?"
You nod and after searching your face for a few more seconds, he slides out of his seat and walks away with the device already presses to his ear. Bowing your head and gulping down the rest of the water, you manage to block out his angry alto resonating through the compact space as you focus on regaining control of yourself. You rarely fall to pieces like that, rarely give in to the downward pull of your emotions because the nature of your job obliges you to.
You jump involuntarily and look up to see the said man sporting a frown, "is Hoisuke okay?" You ask.
"He's fine," a sigh escapes his lips as he slides back into the chair as if there's a weight pressing down onto his shoulders, "I'll pick him up tomorrow after school."
You nod. Good, the last thing you need is for Hoisuke to be disrupted by problems that don't concern him.
When he speaks next though, his alto is hoarse and thick, "I'm sorry Y/N. You don't deserve to get in the middle of all this."
"It's okay."
His eyes pierce yours with burning hot intensity, causing your gaze to drop to your fists laying across the table, knuckles so tight they're turning white.
A bout of silence ensues, lest for the pounding in your heart while your thoughts take on a tumultous turn for the worse. What if Mizune is angry? What if she stops Hoisuke from coming to school altogether? What if she makes her child move just for the sake of keeping him away from his teacher who can't seem to keep her nose out of anyone's business? What if--
Warmth floods your hands so suddenly that it interrupts your train of thought. Head jerking up in surprise to see Iwaizumi's hands clasp yours, your blood suddenly pulses through your limbs upon feeling his thumb gently stroke over your knuckles.
Iwaizumi is not a man of words. That much you know, but this evening has been full of surprises for you both. So you force yourself to relax, almost enjoying the gentlest of his touches fluttering across your skin.
"How," your words are choked, "how angry is she?"
"That doesn't matter."
"But what if--"
"None of this is your fault, Y/N," he replies firmly, followed by a gentle squeeze, "whatever you have cooking in that head of yours, stop."
Nodding and sighing in defeat, you lapse into a more comfortable silence as the time dwindles on. It's different to have someone else occupying your flat, considering that you've gotten so used to living along after your horrible breakup. A good kind of different.
When you bid him goodbye that evening -- granted you shall wake up with dark circles and puffy eyes the next day -- he suprises you with another casual, one-armed hug which signifies so much more for the usually reserved man, Hoisuke's bag hanging loosely from the other. He holds you close, his grip strong and secure and making you wish you can melt in a puddle of warmth at his feet, while his cheek pillows atop your temple against the side of your head. You lean in, cozy and warm, while his heart beats underneath your ear like a gentle drum easing you of today's worries and you wish you have the willpower to keep yourself away, in vain.
He pulls away slightly, mutters a soft "night" before a ghost of a kiss imprints itself on your temple.
Your breath hitches but the moment is gone all too son. He's already swivelling around and making his way down the corridor, leaving you to stare after him with a wild, raging heart.
You know, without a doubt, that you're already a little too skin-deep.
Iwaizumi is furious. Filled to the brim with a rage that's threatening to bubble over his insides.
He'd gone round to fetch Hoisuke in the morning as promised, just managing to keep himself from knocking his ex-wife's double mahogany doors down only to be greeted by that stupid bastard who'd stolen his wife away.
Todoka had always roamed within the same circle of friends as Iwaizumi and Mixune, having met under the same dormitory roof and sharing common sports interests. So imagine how big of a slap it was to hear that he'd been the one stealing kisses and sharing soft subtle touches with his wife behind his back.
"I could've driven him if only you'd let me," Mizune had told him as they waited for Hoisuke to finish brushing his teeth. is ex-wife's familiar soprano made him tense. Her face was a cold mask of indifference that covered up her silent anger. She'd folded her arms, chin jutted out and lips pursed, "he's my son too, you know."
"Was he still your son when you went and fucked Todoka?"
She'd sighed. As if dealing with the tantrum of a child, "Why are you bringing this up again?"
"Because you never put him first. Not when he threw his tantrums, not when he cried for you. Not even when he was sick," Iwaizumi spat out, the words tasting bitter upon his tongue.
"I had issues Hajime, you know that--"
"Like what? Like we weren't good enough for you? Like I wasn't pulling myself apart while you were out for nights on end?" Iwaizumi would've continued with an onslaught of pent-up statements if his son hadn't spoken out:
"Hey bud," Iwaizumi's anger had deflated like a hot air balloon, "you ready to go?"
And so he packed his son up in the car, his ex-wife watching his every move, and just after he'd closed his vehicle door did Mizune mention something about you.
"Do you like her?"
He'd bristled, "none of your business."
"Hoisuke is my son," Mizune's eyes had hardened into steel, "I don't need anyone else filling up his head with stupid ideas, nor do I want him to get hurt--"
"Like you did?" The words were fire burning upon his tongue. His shoulders were squared as he faced her fully, "stop beating around the bush, Mizune. We both know you hate the fact that Hoisuke loves spending time with Y/N."
"That's not it, I--"
"Y/N has spent more time with Hoisuke in a week than you did in a month. She's wiped his tears more timesthat you've seen him cry," he swivels towards his car then, "are we done?"
"You're acting like a child."
"I'm not the one picking a fight because of some petty jealousy," Iwaizumi had snapped.
"I'm not jealous!" Mizune burst out, her patience finally wearing thin, "I'm trying to look out for him, for you! She's not right for you--"
"Don't. Talk about her like that,” Anger had flared at how dismissively she spoke of you, visible as his knuckles tightened and a vein throbbed in his forehead, "and if you know what's good for you, you'll stay the fuck out of my life."
He'd driven off without looking back, knowing full well he'd shocked her into silence and if he were to be honest with himself, that outburst had eased some of the knots in his stomach. Dealing with Hoisuke's anxiety after witnessing yet another argument though, that was something else.
"Daddy, I don't understand why you and Mama fight so much," Hoisuke finally finds his voice when they stop inside the school gtounds. His small chubby hand, fitting into Iwaizumi's large one, cling to him with more force than necessary as they make their way to his respective class.
"Your mama and I...have different opinions on things," Iwaizumi tries to explain, suddenly guilty that his son has to pick up all the broken pieces. Impulsively, he ruffles Hoisuke's locks, "don't worry."
And that's when his son stops in mid-walk, looks him dead in the eye, and tells him, "Mama doesn't like miss Y/N, does she?"
It's a different kind of slap, but he shouldn't have understimated the little five year old. Children know much more than they let on snd here's the proof of it.
Iwaizumi allows both his hands to clasp Hoisuke's shoulders and bends down until they are face to face, "hey," dark mocha meets lighter caramel tinged with a fear of a child desperate for a family that all his friends can take for granted, "that doesn't matter. Do you like miss Y/N?"
Hoisuke nods, eyes wet.
Iwaizumi's heart swells and he swears he doesn't ever want to see that expression on his son's face, not if he can help it.
"Then it doesn’t matter what your Mom tells you," he squeezes the child's shoulder for good measure, "no one can boss you around and tell you that you're not allowed to like who you like," he brushes a few hairs off Hoisuke's forehead, "not me, not even your mom. Got that?"
“Will we be able to invite miss Y/N again?” Hoisuke asks with a trembling bottom lip. 
“If you want to.” 
“Do you want to, daddy?” 
That question takes him by surprise, the familiar guilt lurching through his stomach as he tries to comb through an excuse to hide his growing feelings. 
Except, why does he have to hide in the first place? 
It takes a moment, before Iwaizumi nods, “yeah,” he murmurs gently with the softest of smiles, “I want to.” 
Hoisuke nods once more, which is shortly followed by lurching into Iwaizumi's arms as a sob echoes from his throat. His father holds him close, glad that the earlier tension from Hoisuke's has dissipated into relief for now.
What he doesn’t know though, is that you stand just a few feet away, body tucked into the corner of the wall and holding up your racing heart against your chest. 
The more you spend more time with the Iwaizumis, the more your heart gets invested in the coaxing warmth that makes up their family. You try to dismiss what you've overheard back in the school corridor but it's an itch you can't quite erase now that you've been exposed to Iwaizumi's feelings, which does nothing to stop the way your heart skips a beat whenever his gaze lingers upon yours for too long.
And you've taken notice. Or you think you do. Of how he sounds more gentle whenever he talks to you, how whenever you play hands they drift towards each other for a few extra seconds that causes your skin to tingle with warmth. How it is so goddamn easy to fall into this familiar routine of playing families with Hoisuke around like a human sunshine.
But there's still one thing nagging you. Which is why you corner him once you have tucked Hoisuke into bed on Saturday night, seeking him out on the small terrace tucked beside his kitchen that overlooks the glowing city lights.
"Can I ask you something?"
His gaze flits to yours. He nods.
Swallowing back the sudden knot of anxiety in your throat, your question comes out more like a soft proposition rather than a demand fot answers.
"I know it's none of my business, but-- I overheard you and Hoisuke a few days ago in the school corridor," your words are rushed and quick as you fold your arms over your chest, "did you and Mizune have a fight...about me?"
Iwaizumi shifts in your peripheral to face you, but your eyes adamantly find purchase onto the cement ledge splattered with dirt. For a split second, you wonder whether it wouldn't have been better to keep your mouth shut.
"What did you hear?" He asks quietly.
With a slow breath, you tell him what you've heard, underlining that this whole encounter was an accident.
"And from the way she acted when she saw me...well, it's not hard to put two and two together," you finish off in a mumble, then quickly adding, "look I--I don't want to come in-between you and your family. I just don't want Hoisuke to get hurt."
Surprise flits through his features. He regards you for a long moment, long enough that you feel like squirming underneath his gaze.
Then, taking you by surprise, he chuckles softly and shifts his elbows onto the edge of the terrace, "No wonder he likes you."
You blink at him. It suddenly feels a little too warm.
"None of this is your fault, Y/N," you wonder since when have the formalities dropped from Miss Y/N to just Y/N and decide that you like the way your name rolls off his tongue, "Mizune gets jealous over stupid shit and if she can't see someone else making her son happy then that's not our problem."
Your teeth unconsciously find purchase onto your lower lip, which he notices. That doesn't stop him from reaching over to press his thumb against your lower lip, "don't."
You freeze at the touch. His thumb is warm against your mouth, calloused and sending a series of tingles down your spine.
He must realize the intimacy of his touch, for he drops his hand away and mutters, "he's...livelier. when you're around. Happier, even. I've never seen him like that with his Mama."
"What about you?"
You feel like slapping yourself. The audacity coming out of your mouth surprises you and you swear your cheeks burst into flames.
Iwaizumi looks at you almost at the same time your pupils focus on his, causing your breath to hitch.
Why the hell can't you just keep your mouth shut?
Iwaizumi's voice is merely a murmur when he speaks next, deep and laced with a roughness.
"What about me?"
Your brain seems to turn to mush, "do you like having me around?" You hope you don't sound too pathetic.
Your heart almost stops at his next set of words.
"I do."
And there's that smile, barely there but enough that your own lips stretch to mirror his action. Until you realize you are smiling at him like a fool and quickly look away like you've just been burnt.
Something shifts in the air between you, spurred on by the way your eyes keep searching each other's with a growing tension that makes your skin rattle. Iwaizumi's frown is present, yet not unpleasant and you're not quite sure who moves, just that he's suddenly a little closer. Close enough you get a whiff of the citrus smell you've come to recognize as his own.
"Miss Y/N?"
Hoisuke's voice suddenly snaps you out of your daze. Quickly whipping around to see the said boy rubbing his eyes, a hand unconscioudly scratching his tummy, your entire countenance softens as he blinks up at you sleepily.
"I can't sleep," he mumbles out with sleep still in his eyes, "can you come back to bed with me?"
"Yeah sure," you're already on your way over to him, scooping the child up in your arms. He takes this chance to bury his face into the crook of your neck, sighing contently.
You turn back to his father, a dark silhouette against the bright landscape, "I'll be right back."
But Hoisuke surprises you by saying, "you too, Daddy."
Iwaizumi stills, "what?"
"Come to bed too, Daddy."
For one single moment, it's like time stops. You can't see Iwaizumi's face but a moment later he straightens and walks over, nodding at you when he's close enough. You don't realize your heart is besting like a hummingbird until you hear it throbbing through your chest as you try squeezing into Hoisuke's bed, you in the corner and his father barely hanging onto the edge, Hoisuke squished in-between.
It's like an instinct for the boy to latch onto your shirt. He turns to burrow himself into the curve you've made with your body, facing Iwaizumi who is half-sitting, half-lying down in an angle that surely isn't comfortable.
So you decide to point it out to him, patting the bed for good measure in hopes that he doesn't notice the warm flush of your neck.
"It's okay," your whisper tickles Hoisuke's hair, "it's only until he falls asleep."
He hesitates, before you see his head nod and he slides his body a little closer, chest curving into Hoisuke's back and close enough for you to get bathed in his warmth.
He smells good. He looks good. God. Why does he look so damn good?
Stop! You squeeze your eyes shut aa if that might help your racing thoughts, and you are so caught up in your own head that you almost miss the gentle brush of Iwaizumi's fingers against your shoulder.
You tense up right before realizing that his action is intentional. Your shoulders slowly relax, a shaky exhale escaping your lips as he takes the chance to linger over your arm a little longer, before falling away onto the mattress.
You fall asleep that night listening to not just Hoisuke's, but Iwaizumi's heartbeat. 
Taglist: @multi-fandom-fanfic, @168-cm-png, @bakugouswh0r3, @yatoatyourservice, @ayocee, @marvel-ing-at-it-all, @astrolcve, @lilith412426, @elianetsantana, @schleepyflocci, @oohlalie , @kaashikoi , @tendo-sxtori , @iwaroses , @its-the-aerieljeane , @lalalemon101 , @lanaxians-2 , @dora-the-grownup , @sharin-gone , @nekomavsnohebi , @crayonwriting , @imafan , @random-fandom-girl-24 , @bucinhajime , @izumikunmy , @iwaoioioi​ , @evesmores​ , @meri-soni-meri-tamanna​ , @paintedstarres​ , @okadaxo , @michaki , @archiepudding​ , @ysatrap​ , @cringe-freak​ , @thatprettybunny​ 
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untaemedqueen · 3 years
Third Wheeling
CEO!Yoongi x Reader
Genre: Strangers to Lovers!AU, Angst, Fluff, Smut
Chapter 21.
Warnings (Updating Still): Smut, Cheating, Unexpected Pregnancy, Unfaithful, Emotional Damage, Love
Warnings For This Chapter: Yoongi and Sera heart to heart?, Lots Of Money Thrown Around, A Surprise Guest, Suggestive Content, Crying Yoongi, Fluff
A/N: Always the biggest thanks to my babes @ladyartemesia, @xjoonchildx, @ppersonna
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There is nothing Yoongi hates more than public spectacles. He really detests it.
He hates how fake people are at these events. Especially when they're looking for something to get out of them.
People use these specially coordinated events to prove how much money they have and to show how much better they are then the others attending. It's all smoke and mirrors.
But this event today is different. It's practically painful for him. For him to have to go with the leech and not you… it hurts his entire being.
You didn't speak much at breakfast. You didn't speak at lunch. He could see you practically vibrating with nervousness and it breaks his heart.
He knows you well enough now to know that yesterday won't mean a goddamn thing when you get into the thick of it. When you see the sea of rich stupid fucks -- you'll forget everything. And he can't bear to see your face when it happens.
"I love you," he tells you for the umpteenth time as he fixes his skinny black tie.
The gown that covers your body is simply breathtaking. You're breathtaking.
"I love you too, Yoongi." you whisper, turning to him.
He can hear the nervousness in your voice and it renders him almost incapable of looking at you.
"Y/N." he breathes out.
You smile at him then and he scoffs.
"Don't… Don't do that. Don't do that fake shit with me." he practically begs.
You snort gently, wrapping your arms around him. "I'm sorry. I'm trying to be positive. But it's hard."
He nods, running his hands over your belly. "I know you are, little dove. Listen, it's only one night and when it's all over I'm going to come into bed and lay with you and only you. I'm going to sleep beside my woman and my child. Alright?"
"YOONGI, LET'S GO!" Sera screams and his eyes flutter shut.
"In a few months, we won't have to be apart. Alright? We can go to these ridiculously tedious events together." he mumbles, tilting your chin up to look at him.
You hum in agreement, nodding to him. He kisses your lips passionately and it grounds you even for a moment. He loves you and you love him. That's what will get you through this evening.
"Just a few hours." you speak aloud, more for yourself than for your boyfriend.
"That's right, gorgeous. Just a few simple hours." he replies, kissing you once more.
His teeth grit as he pulls away from you and he shakes his head slowly.
"You'll be having much more fun than me I'm sure. I have to chaperone a kid all night long." he jeers and finally you smile properly.
"Ready Freddy?" Jin asks peeking into your closet.
You hum to him, watching Yoongi fix his suit jacket.
"Just remember how much I love you, hmm?" he quips, bending down to your belly.
"I love you, kiddo. I'll see you in a few hours. Don't miss daddy too much okay, I'll be around." he tells your son, kissing at your clothed stomach.
He scoffs loudly when he hears Sera scream once more. "Stupid fucking bitch," he whispers, kissing your forehead.
"Love you!" you call to him as he leaves.
"And I love you, little dove. So much so it hurts me."
"HELLO?!" Sera screams.
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Not even the biggest limo would give Yoongi enough space from his wife.
He can barely stand to look at her. But she takes up such a large chunk of his peripheral vision and her constant huffing and puffing is irritating.
When she huffs again, he just about loses all of his sanity. "What?! Why are you stealing so much oxygen?! Jesus Christ!"
Sera turns to him, scowling at his calm demeanor. "I hate you!" she seethes.
"Same. So stop huffing and puffing like the big bad wolf." he retorts, crossing his legs.
God, he misses you.
Sera watches him pull out his wallet and she can hardly contain her scoff.
His thumb drifts over the sonogram picture and he sighs loudly, leaning back into the leather seat. He misses his son.
"Why did you take my money away?" Sera barks out.
Her grating voice makes him cringe and he feels offended to have to look away from his son's photo to have to look at her. "Because you make enough money on your own and it's time you stop leeching."
The car is riddled with tension and the driver puts up the soundproof glass between them and him. Yoongi finds it fair, he wouldn't want to listen to Sera either.
"That's my money too." Sera bickers.
Yoongi pulls out a cigar, lowering his window. You're not around and he can finally smoke just one again which will probably help with his anxiousness and anger.
"It was your money. Now it is not." he replies simply, lighting the Cuban cigar.
"You were always fine with our arrangement! I don't know what's changed!" his wife scoffs.
The CEO's eyes flutter shut. Fine? He hasn't been fine since their wedding day.
"Excuse me?" he growls, turning to look at her.
"You always seemed like you were perfectly content with us being the way we were. Now everything has changed." she says flippantly, looking down at her nails.
"I fell in love. Of course I wouldn't be happy with you beating me over the head for money and using me for status. After the night before our wedding, I've been stuck with you. You think I wanted to be in a loveless marriage?!" he chastises.
She blushes furiously, pulling her shawl tighter over her shoulders.
For fucks sake, he cannot get through this night without you. He doesn't know why he pretended he could. You're the only thing tethering him to the fucked up planet and now without you he's going to just fly away.
"Well, you never got rid of me." the actress caterwauls, folding her arms.
Yoongi begins to laugh, ashing his cigar out the window. It's a humorless, cold laugh but a laugh nonetheless.
"I couldn't get rid of you. Because you threaten people and use them for your liking so you can get what you want! You're honestly the most disgraceful, undignified thing I've ever met in my life. You're an actual fucking bloodsucker. You always bitch and complain about Y/N and how she's a 'gold digger' but my woman doesn't even want my fucking money. It's you, who always has. And that's probably the reason why Jin doesn't even fucking want you."
That's gonna sting.
"EXCUSE ME?!" she screeches at the top of her lungs.
It feels good for Yoongi to get all of this off his chest. It feels like the biggest relief in ages. He's always held it in so he wouldn't have to hear her incessant screams but at the end of tonight he'll get to cuddle up in bed with his woman and his growing baby and he couldn't really care any longer.
"Jin. He said you have no relationship to my grandmother because he hates the person you are, Sera. I should tell him about what you did to me the night before our wedding. That'd really make him run for the hills." Yoongi fumes.
Sera is fast, especially in the way she jumps across the whole long limo to sit beside her estranged husband.
"P-Please. Don't tell him." she stutters.
Your boyfriend snorts loudly, clamping the cigar between his teeth and looking down at the sonogram picture once more.
He rolls his eyes gently, this isn't his fight. He couldn't give a care in the world for what Sera wants. He hates her… But if she can get out of his hair…
"Maybe." he replies, shrugging his shoulders.
"Yoongi." Sera whines, grabbing for his wallet.
He takes a sharp breath through his teeth, widening his eyes at her. "Never touch my wallet. Never touch my son's pictures." he seethes, pushing himself across to the opposite seat.
Sera swallows thickly, watching his anger expand ten fold. He really loves his baby… As any father should.
"Please don't tell Jin!" she whines, gripping her clutch to her breasts.
He can sense her fear, he can practically see her shiver and it humors him.
"Why not? He already knows you're a bitch." he jeers, lowering the window.
She's an incessant whiner. Apparently when it comes to Seokjin.
"But, I don't want him to look down on me for it."
"And why not? Everyone that knows you already does?" Yoongi jeers.
What's with her being so nervous? Does Seokjin actually mean something to her?
"I want him to… see me differently." she replies, turning her nose up to her husband.
"Then change how you behave. Men don't want a fucking brat every day of their lives. All the men you liked, all the men you've had under your skirt… They didn't really like you. They just wanted your attention for a little while. You have to change yourself. That's what would make a man want you." Yoongi murmurs, throwing his cigar out the window.
"You liked me!" his wife accuses.
"That's before I knew who you actually are. You'll never get a real man if you continue on this way. You'd better make sure Seokjin knows how much you want to be with him or like him for that matter… he will leave the mansion if you don't."
Sera opens her mouth to retort but she can think of nothing. Because Yoongi is right. She's always been this way.
"We're here, Sir Min." Sera's driver announces and he hums in agreement.
"I don't know what the fuck happened to you when you were a kid Kim Sera. But be a better person." the CEO announces, gripping onto the door handle.
The constant bulbs of flashing light remind him of where he is and he groans long and low, shoving the door open.
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You really don't want to do this. You struggled against Seokjin the whole way he dragged you to his car.
"If you look upset when you get there, the camera will catch it. What will you do if your son looks back at these pictures from tonight? He's going to see how sad you were, Princess." Jin chastises, pulling up to the large museum.
You're more than grateful for the black tinted windows that shroud you from the flashing lights that seem to assault from all angles.
"God, I hate pictures." you breathe out.
"Just smile and wave, you're an upcoming artist. Think of it that way. Instead of worrying about Yoongi and Sera. Okay?" your best friend asks.
That's a good idea.
"Sesame, we're going to see daddy in a few minutes. Okay?" you whisper, putting your hand to your stomach.
Jin chuckles gently, smoothing his hair down in the rear view mirror. "Good. I like that, just keep thinking about the baby above all." your best friend says finitely, opening his door.
You watch him round the car, smiling and waving handsomely to the many cameras that capture his every move. You take note of this. You can remember a time when you ran away from cameras with Leena around… Maybe you should embrace them this time.
"Okay, let's go bid on some overpriced garbage, Sesame's mom." Seokjin jeers, opening your door.
Planting your foot outside of the car, you accept your best friend's hand to help you climb out. The flashes from the cameras are positively blinding.
"Jesus," you whisper.
"Just smile and wave. Like you own the universe," Jin whispers through clenched teeth as he waves.
You take his advice, smiling and waving to the multitude of people that call for different angles of you.
You turn quickly to the scream, a genuine smile plastering to your face. "Leena Beena!" you whine happily.
She practically throws herself out of the Bugatti she arrived in. You were so nervous about tonight that you didn't even ask who would be here, but now that both of your best friends from childhood are here you can maybe relax. Just a little bit.
"Look at you!" Leena cheers, pulling you into a tight hug.
Her hands falter to your belly and you roll your eyes at her excitement.
"My nephew is getting so big!" she coos, pulling you towards the entrance.
"Yu Leena," Taehyung calls her, getting out of the Bugatti.
"Look at her belly!" Leena calls back, stamping her feet on the ground.
You give Taehyung a small wave and he does the same, flashing a large smile.
"Come on!" your best friend cheers, pulling you into the museum.
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The loud classical music that sweeps through the entire hall makes you feel as if you're at home. You know Yoongi really cherishes classical music, it was a way for him to keep calm after interacting with his parents when he was younger.
"You just stick with me the whole night!" Leena announces, hooking her arm underneath yours.
There's so many faces and so many different colors that you could practically have an overload on your senses. If Leena wasn't practically joined at your hip, you'd want to run away almost immediately.
Your eyes linger on all of the pieces on sale for auction, they're all lined up on carts with white fabric draped over them for secrecy.
"How much of my money are you going to spend?" you hear Taehyung jeer.
Your best friend clicks her teeth, grabbing a champagne glass off a tray as a waiter whizzes by.
"As much as I'd like to, Kim Taehyung." she replies, flashing him a brilliant smile.
"As you wish, my lady." he replies sweetly, winking at you for extra effect.
You find yourself giggling at their silly interactions before your eyes reach your boyfriend. Your stomach rolls at the sight of him hooking his arm around Sera's waist. He doesn't seem to be paying attention to her though, he's having a heated conversation with Jeongguk. Your heart aches at the sight, especially when Sera's hand, adorning her large engagement ring, slides over his shoulder.
To comfort yourself your hand slides below your stomach but it doesn't stop your anxiousness.
It's hard to rip your gaze away. But you only do so when someone calls your name.
"Y/N? Is that correct?"
You feel pitiful when Yoongi doesn't notice you. Like he's in his own world and he couldn't care less about anything around him.
"This is her!" Leena exclaims, turning you towards the voice.
"Y/N, this is So Kyulsoo. He's a very famous art distributor who works with upcoming artists." Taehyung notifies you.
You bow your head to him, trying to find something to smile about. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. So."
"It's me who has the honor! I saw your paintings at Luck Art Studio and I was floored at how simply gorgeous they are." Kyulsoo gushes.
The compliment makes the tips of your ears burn. It's so rare to hear compliments and want to accept them. But the man that stands before you is chic and unyielding.
"Thank you so much, that's so sweet to hear. I'm so glad you liked them." you whisper, clutching onto Leena harder.
"I'd give you my business card but that would be rude at an event like this. I'll call Myeyoung on Monday to talk about buying some of your art!" Kyulsoo says happily, grabbing an hors d'oeuvre off a waiters plate.
"That'd be wonderful. She's also creating the art for the new Gangnam Mall and Hotel." Taehyung announces.
You are so not great at business talk but you're grateful for the hotel CEO at this moment.
You watch as Kyulsoo's eyes widen at the news. "Well! I'll have to buy as much art as I can! I think we have a new famous artist coming up in our midst!" he cheers and you smile gratefully.
"There's a piece up for auction tonight," Jin adds, rubbing your upper back.
"Well my wife will have to deal with losing a couple thousand, won't she?" Kyulsoo jeers, winking at you.
Your giggle makes the others around you brighten up and you're incredibly grateful for your friends.
You give the art distributor a wave goodbye before turning back to the large crowd who continues to chat loudly.
When you spot Yoongi's grandmother, you bow your head to her and you don't miss the coy smirk she gives back. She's on the arm of an older man that you deem to be your boyfriend's grandfather. He looks incredibly serious and dominating.
"Please don't come over here," you whisper under your breath.
Turning back to the CEO, you watch as he laughs with Jimin. His arm is still nestled around Sera and his fingers are splayed out as if he's comfortable.
"Why don't we go mingle? Hmm?" Leena asks, noticing how wrought you become on her arm.
You scoff gently turning away from the sight before you.
"He doesn't even notice that I'm here." you accuse, grabbing a sparkling water.
"I'm sure he does, he's just playing a part, princess." Jin assures you, pulling both of his best friends away from the sight.
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"Can you let me go?" Yoongi seethes through his teeth, trying to wriggle his arm out from beneath Sera's.
"No." she says simply.
He scoffs loudly, looking away from Jimin to search for you. You're nowhere to be seen and it fills him with dread.
It's been maybe twenty minutes since the start of the night and he feels so empty.
"I should introduce Anna to Y/N before we leave." Jimin calls the father of your child.
"If you can fucking find her, I've been looking for her for forever." Yoongi whines softly, turning to his friend.
"She was watching you but I don't think she liked what she saw." Anna announces.
Yoongi's heart plummets at her words. Jimin shushes her gently, placing his hand on her large stomach.
"Anna." he chides softly, pushing some of her hair behind her ear.
"I'm just saying. Why spend your time with a peasant when a queen is in your midst." Anna calls loudly, kissing Yoongi on the cheek goodbye.
Sera looks over with wide eyes, sneering at Jimin's pregnant wife.
"It's… It's the pregnancy hormones." he bleats, widening his eyes to his friend as an apology.
Your boyfriend chuckles, gripping onto his estranged wife's side and pulling his arm away from her.
"Min Yoongi." she seethes through her teeth, turning away from the group of girls that have flocked around her.
"I need more liquor to be in your presence." he replies with equal grit.
He fixes his suit jacket, looking over the crowd. Shaking his head, he sighs. You must be upset… And his heart breaks at the thought.
When he approaches the bar, he's grateful for the small freedom he's gotten.
Hearing Sera talk so incessantly is like having a mosquito constantly flying by your ear that you swat at it but it doesn't ever go away.
"Whisky on the rocks." he tells the bartender, turning towards the large crowd.
He's said hello to most of the people that litter the floor but not all of them and he dreads knowing he'll have to.
The sound sends chills through his body.
"Mother." he addresses, grabbing his glass of whisky.
He can feel his whole internal system shutting down. No one puts fear in him like his parents. It's just a conditioned response to fear them at this point.
"I hear you're ruining our family." she announces.
His tongue licks at his lips nervously and he doesn't know if he has the strength to look at the woman who watched him get beat without a second thought.
Sometimes he can't remember what she looks like and it's the most comforting feeling in the world.
"Oh?" he asks, keeping his back to her.
"Will you continue to cower in front of me? People might think you hate me." she scoffs.
His shaking hand clutches the whisky glass tighter and he downs the burning alcohol in two large gulps.
"One more, please." he practically begs the bartender.
"What do you want?" he inquires, turning to look at the crowd.
He can see her out of the corner of his eyes and he can feel his stomach become queasy.
"An explanation." she says simply.
"I'm doing what's best for me and what's best for my family." he insists, pushing off of the bar.
"Well. Looks like you've grown into a man with my help." his mother says, folding her arms.
He lets out a loud laugh. "You mean Maya's help. Stay away from the mother of my child, Mother. She isn't one for you to think so lowly of." he threatens, walking away.
"Are you threatening me, son?" she calls to him, pulling his arm to look at her.
He's taller than her by all accounts and so it's easy to look past her and keep his eyes trained there. He couldn't stomach looking at her.
"I'm not threatening you, Mother. We all live our own lives. You live with your four young boyfriends and your decisions and I live with my decisions. I hope you have a safe flight back to France."
He bows his head to her and the scoff she emits makes him want to whimper.
"Well… I guess I'll send you a wedding present when the time comes." she says, fixing her shawl.
"Please. Don't bother." he seethes through his teeth, catching sight of you.
He sighs with great relief, heading off towards you.
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"I have so many new pieces of furniture you must see!" Go Artemis gushes.
You've become fond of this woman in such a short time. She went to school with all of you and you never noticed how absolutely quirky she is.
"I'd love to see them." you reply earnestly, sitting down on the marble bench.
Your ankles were really starting to fucking hurt.
"I'll send you a catalog!" Artemis cheers, pulling her phone out of her handbag.
"Okay, Art. Take a breath. This isn't the last time you'll be seeing Y/N." Yoona says with a laugh.
Artemis nods happily, clutching onto her handbag tighter. She seems to be vibrating on a frequency you've never seen before.
"Alright, cousin, why don't we get you a glass of champagne." Namjoon says, pulling her away with a smile.
"Bye, Y/N! See you later!" Joon's cousin exclaims.
"Bye Art!" you reply with a giggle, waving her off.
"She's fun," you tell your best friend who leans against the marble column.
"You should see her at family dinners. I learn every single material a piece of furniture can be made from." Yoona jeers, nudging Leena.
"Little dove."
The voice makes you want to weep. You stand up quickly, meeting eyes with your boyfriend. He looks flustered and completely incapable of standing on his own.
"Are you alright?" you whisper, widening your eyes at the CEO.
He looks around quickly, making sure no one notices him before he's pulling you away from everyone.
"Yoongi!" you hiss, looking back at the crowd.
You notice his grandmother narrowing her eyes at the both of you and you swallow thickly at how much in trouble you could get in.
You let yourself be pulled by him throughout many hallways until he reaches a blocked off room. He shoves the door open, pulling you in with him.
There are old Greek and Italian marble statues that sit artistically dotted around the large room.
When he closes the door without a sound, he turns to you. His eyes are soft and his expression looks so terrified, you don't know what to do.
"Baby," he whimpers and you open your arms immediately.
He accepts the invitation, wrapping himself in your embrace.
"I saw her. I was so scared." he gasps, burying his face in your neck.
Your eyes flutter shut at how his body wracks within your grasp. "Who?"
"My mother." he breathes out and you sigh gently.
You hug him tightly, running your fingers through his hair.
When he feels your fingertips against his scalp, he thinks he might be able to breathe again.
"I c-couldn't… I had to… I needed you." he whines, running his hands over your back.
The simple terror in his voice makes you want to cry. He's so fragile.
"I'm right here." you whisper, kissing his cheek.
He nods softly, running his hands from your back to your belly. He scoffs gently, kissing the soft skin of your neck.
"You must be so mad at me." he murmurs, pulling away to look at you.
You were annoyed, you were hurt but now when he's in your arms like this… it isn't possible to be upset with him.
"Not anymore," you reply honestly.
He hums gently, cupping your face with both of his hands.
"I love you." he breathes out, leaning in to kiss you.
"I love you, too." you reply.
His lips are gentle and soft against yours, you could feel all of his emotions so far from this night passing to you and you accept them willingly.
Then from his soft touch, it becomes needy. It becomes sharp and demanding.
"Little dove," he gasps, shoving you back against the closest wall.
His forehead presses to yours and his hands are absolutely quick with lustful intentions as he balls up the skirt of your gown in his hands.
"God. I've been so fucking lonely all night." Yoongi groans, running his fingers over your soft inner thighs.
"Yoongi, we shouldn't, someone could catch us!" you whisper fiercely.
Your head lolls back when he cups your pussy.
"I don't care. I feel like I've been away from you for years." he seethes, kissing down your neck.
You whimper gently, your back arching off of the wall at his touch.
"I'm so upset that you were mad at me, I'm so sorry, little dove." he groans, running his hands over your bump.
You gasp gently, eyes fluttering shut at how sensual his hands are on your skin.
"HI MRS. MIN, I'M LOOKING FOR YOUR GRANDSON!" you hear Jimin scream.
Yoongi takes a sharp breath between his teeth, backing away from you in an instant. He fixes your dress, eyes on your face as he cringes.
"As am I Park. Have you seen him?" Seyoung asks through the door.
Yoongi holds his breath, pulling you behind a large statue. You cup your hands over your mouth, looking up at your boyfriend with wide eyes.
"No, I haven't but if I do see them, I will let you know!" Jimin calls to her.
You can hear her muffled hum through the door and the distant sound of heels clacking on the floor.
"You're safe, you perverts." Jimin whispers fiercely through the door.
You smack Yoongi's chest a multitude of times before looking back into his eyes. There's silence for a second before both of you burst forth with a case of the giggles.
"Oh my God," he chuckles, pulling you towards the door. "Come on, gorgeous."
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It's gotten a little easier to be alone with your friends without Yoongi.
It's just the simple fact of knowing that you had a secret rendezvous not long ago that keeps you going. You notice that he's also made an effort to look at you from time to time, even secretly.
"Hey guys." you hear from behind you and your whole party turns to look at him.
"Hey Yoongles," Yoona cheers, setting her glass of champagne down.
"A lot of people have been coming up to me about the artwork for the mall." he quips.
And everyone realizes this is all a ploy to be able to talk to you.
"God, it's like we don't even exist." Leena teases, pulling her boyfriend's arm around her waist tighter.
"Looks like you're already more famous than we thought." the CEO quips, sipping his whisky.
"Oh yeah! Speaking of famous. Kim Bongjoo came by the office yesterday and was very interested in my latest painting." Namjoon announces, raising his glass of brandy.
"THE Kim Bongjoo?!" Taehyung gapes.
The lawyer nods, nudging you with a smile.
"Kim Bongjoo is so famous, even his kids that are in kindergarten are held to a higher esteem than the President!" Leena gushes, leaning into the group.
"Guess my woman will make more money than me, hmm?" your boyfriend whispers conspiratorially to the others.
You roll your eyes with a snort, elbowing him.
"Why are you over here anyway?" Taehyung quips to the father of your child.
"Because I'm all by myself with the leech, all of my friends have left me." he whines.
"That's because we'd rather spend time with the baby. No one wants to hear your… whatever she is, bitch and whine all goddamn night." Leena retorts, earnings nods from everyone in your group.
Yoongi sighs loudly. "Fine. But you guys fucking suck."
But then finally, as if the Lord was tired of keeping up the charade, you all finally hear the words that will get you out of here quicker.
"Everyone, the auction is about to begin! Please have a seat!"
Somehow, in some way, Yoongi sat down right beside you. It's comforting to feel his knee pressing into yours even if it's just the slightest touch.
The only annoying thing is that Sera is sitting beside him.
"Whatever you want, little dove, just bid on it and I'll transfer the money over to your account." Yoongi whispers softly.
His wife scoffs loudly, folding her arms. "I fucking hate the both of you." she seethes through her teeth.
"Fucking relax, mouse. Don't start a scene where there shouldn't be." Seokjin seethes from behind you all.
She huffs out softly, rolling her eyes.
You lay your head on Leena's shoulder, watching as the first item up for auction is revealed.
"This first item for auction comes from Go Artemis. It's from her latest collection of furniture from 2021. This piece of furniture is a black and grey chaise lounge with pure diamond and cerulean beryl studs that compliment whatever room you would choose to place it. We'll start the bidding at fifty thousand dollars."
The price practically makes you choke on your own spit but you try to hide your surprise. Yoongi chuckles beside you, tilting his head in your direction slightly.
"Money is nothing here, little dove." he whispers.
You stare at the chaise lounge and your boyfriend speaks your thoughts for you.
"Baby boy's room." he whispers and you hum in agreement. It does go with the aesthetic.
But you can't bring yourself to raise your hand, the thought of spending that much money makes you feel sick.
"Leena, do the honors." Yoongi whispers to your best friend.
"No! Wa-" you gasp as she raises your hand high up in the air.
"One hundred thousand. Going once… Going twice-"
You cringe in anticipation, elbowing Leena when you hear her giggle.
"Sold to paddle 73!"
You sigh loudly, pulling your arm away from hers. "Are you crazy?" you hiss, folding your arms.
"Naturally," she jeers, raising her champagne glass to you.
The constant ebb and flow of money being released in the room is a complete contrast to how you've lived your life. You've spent your life saving money and these people spend it on fancy dog collars and one day trips to vineyards in California like it's nothing.
Yoongi has even purchased some items that you don't deem necessary like the finest cigars and a trip to a secluded spa and hotel in Japan. When you shook your head gently at the price he'd just repeat the same thing.
"It's for charity."
While you can try to understand, it's pretty much going over your head.
"The next piece we have is from Kim Sera."
Sera's eyes widen and she sneers at Yoongi when he snorts into his whisky glass.
"What have you done?" she growls softly.
Her estranged husband shrugs and you sigh gently at their childish tit for tat.
"Having fun," he quips, leaning back in his chair.
"This is a one of a kind Alexander Shin piece made of pure diamonds. It was her first wedding present from her husband Min Yoongi. It was given to her two days before their wedding and it's said that Alexander found it so beautiful he almost couldn't sell Yoongi the necklace. We'll start the bidding at three million."
"My prized necklace?!" she hisses, shock written all over her face.
When paddles go up immediately, you cringe. Yoongi is being a brat.
"Yoongi." you mumble embarrassed and he shrugs in reply.
"I have four million. Going once. Going twice-"
"Six million." Seokjin announces from behind you and you turn around to him with weary eyes.
You can see Anna and Jimin chuckling amongst themselves and you hold back the great sigh that threatens to tear forth from your body.
How absolutely petty of your boyfriend.
"Sold to paddle 81!"
Jin looks over at you, sticking out his tongue with a wrinkled nose.
He too couldn't give a fuck about money.
"Finally the last piece of the evening belongs to an upcoming artist."
Your head whips around and you try everything you can to make yourself smaller. This feels like you're being called out in class to answer a question, you know nothing about.
"This art piece entitled Glass House," your cheeks heat up and you feel quite faint in this very second. There are a multitude of eyes on you from strangers that you don't yet feel comfortable with, "was created by Y/N. She is creating the art for the Gangnam Mall coming into creation soon. And she also has gorgeous pieces at the Luck Art Studio. Many say she's on the list to become one of the greatest expressive and artistic minds of this generation."
This man cannot be serious. How could he say such high praise about you when he doesn't even know you?!
"Oh jeez," you murmur, cupping your stomach.
"We'll start the bidding at two million."
Oh, that price.
You're going to faint. You're about to pass out.
Holy shit.
"I have two million. Anyone for two and a half?"
Your breathing slows down and the voices in the room seem to echo in your ears. This is an out of body experience like you've never had before.
You paint for fun and now one of your pieces is going for millions!? It's absolutely insane!
"Five million. Do I hear five and a half?"
When you met Yoongi… you certainly didn't think this was going to happen! You didn't know anything would transpire and now look at you. Pregnant, cowering in a comfy armchair while people bid on a picture of a glass dome filled with roses. It's completely ridiculous!
"Jimin, buy me the painting!" you hear Anna whine.
Turning to her, you shake your head. "I can just make you one!" you whisper fiercely.
She giggles in turn, pointing to the painting on stage. "I want that one." she says with the flourish of her hand.
"I have nine million. Do I hear nine and a half?"
Sera scoffs and for once you agree. This is completely absurd. When Yoongi raises his paddle with a humorous expression, you elbow him without a care for others.
"It's for charity." he murmurs, chuckling above the lip of his glass.
"I hate you," you mumble, looking around at all the raised paddles.
"I have thirteen million. Do I hear fourteen?"
"Just put me out of my misery." you gasp, rubbing your stomach as your son kicks inside of you.
"Twenty million!" Anna calls loudly, shoving Jimin's hand high up in the air.
You groan long and low, putting your shaking hand to your forehead. She cannot be serious.
"Sold to paddle 95."
You give a small smile as people clap demurely turning their heads to look at you. When you meet eyes with Min Seyoung, she sends you a small wink.
"Good girl," she mouths, turning back around.
You want to run and hide quite soon after that but the amount of people that come up to you and congratulate you are too many. After the wild display of money, people make you out to be the next Van Gogh or something.
"Anna!" you gasp, bowing your head to all the people surrounding you when she grabs your arm and tugs you away from everyone.
"If you want her art, you can find it at Luck Art Studios!" she calls to them.
"I can't believe you just spent so much money on one painting. I could just make you one!" you gawk as she pulls you towards the entrance.
"I wanted it for the nursery. Besides, you make money when people flaunt theirs. This was my last hoorah before I give birth next week!" she giggles, waving over Jin.
He rushes over, shaking both hands happily at you. "You did it Princess! You're famous!"
Slapping him with your clutch, you narrow your eyes at him. "Shut up! You're embarrassing!" you bark out, looking around with shy eyes.
"Come on, let's get you home. I'm sure today was just a whirlwind for you."
Anna waves at you, accepting her fur shawl from her doting husband.
The night chill is welcome as you wait on the steps for Seokjin's car to arrive from the valet.
A whirlwind is right but maybe you could equate more to whiplash than anything. You can understand just how this was supposed to set you up for success when the time comes for Yoongi to leave Sera but you didn't think it would be this explosive.
"Well, looks like you're coming up in the world."
The voice is not one you've heard before and you turn to it without a second thought.
The woman is simply gorgeous with a younger man clasped to her arm. Her dark blue gown with sapphire accessories stand out to you and she looks like the epitome of money.
"I'm sorry I-"
"Yes, of course. You don't know me, but I know you." she says, stepping down the marble stairs.
When she gets closer, her facial features resemble Yoongi's almost perfectly. Your blood runs cold at the sight of her.
This is Yoongi's mother.
Oh no.
"It's nice to meet you Mrs. Min." you say softly.
Her eyes light up and she points her clutch bag at you with a wide smile. "So you are a smart little bird."
You'd hate for Yoongi to see her talking to you. You know how much he despises her.
"Well, I guess I'll welcome you into the family. It's not like I have much of a choice, what with my grandchild in your belly and your legs being spread for my son." she muses, accepting a long cigarette from the boy toy on her arm.
Jin goes stiff by your side, eyes widening at the pavement at her truly free mouth.
"What's the gender?" she inquires, pulling from the cigarette.
"A boy." you reply as kindly as you can.
"Good. Then you won't have to try again. Lord knows I was over the moon when Yoongi came out of my twat and I was finally free."
You shiver at how completely crude she is. No wonder Yoongi hates her. You hum gently, giving her a pleasant smile.
"Cars here." Seokjin says quickly, putting his hand to your back.
"It was nice to meet you, Mrs. Min," you say, bowing to her.
"Yes. And you… small bird." she mumbles amused, turning to her boytoy and patting his suit jacket.
You can't get to the car fast enough and when you climb in, you can feel your body shuddering with weeping intentions. Your hands shake as you put on your seatbelt.
"Jesus Christ! What the fuck is her problem?! Holy shit!" Seokjin breathes, putting on his seatbelt and backing up as quickly as he possibly can.
You open your mouth to reply but nothing comes out. You're truly stunned in silence.
"No wonder Yoongi grew up the way he did! His mother is the fucking devil!" Jin gawks, driving towards home.
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You were first to get home and it was such a relief to take off the heavy gown.
Now laying in your comfortable bed, you can't hold on to a thought long enough before you're on to the next.
The night feels like such a blur. You were introduced to so many new people, you mingled with some of the richest people in society. Your boyfriend spent more money than you would know what to do with. You met his absolutely despicable mother. You were mad at him for some reason or another in the beginning… It's all just so fleeting.
But the one thing that's probably stuck the most with you is how high of a pricing one of your paintings went for. It wasn't the most perfect painting, it wasn't your greatest piece, but it still went for twenty million dollars. All of the emotions from that moment still resonate deep within you.
You find yourself thinking that maybe you can do this. Maybe you can be worthy of Yoongi and his lifestyle. Maybe this fate is pure and as grand as you'd like to think.
"Where's my babies?"
The sound of his deep voice makes you smile and when he steps into your bedroom, all of your worries just melt away.
His body is highlighted by the great moon that hangs high in the sky.
His gummy smile breaks your heart to bits as he pulls his tie off with a quickness.
He strips down to his briefs in what seems like seconds and you can see the utter joy and excitement he feels to lay in bed with you.
"Look at the greatest expressive and artistic mind laying in our bed." he quips, pulling back the covers.
You giggle gently, giving him a second to get comfortable before laying on his side. He sighs gratefully, putting his chilly hand on your warm belly.
"God, this is amazing. To come home and lay in bed with you like this beats everything in the world." he breathes out, kissing the top of your head.
You hug him tightly, laying your head on his shoulder.
"My little dove."
His voice is filled with warmth and love. And now you know that no matter how things start to shape and form, the end of the road always ends with your boyfriend.
"Missed me, kiddo? Daddy missed you and mommy a lot." Yoongi mumbles sleepily, burying his face in your hair.
The comfortable smirk that sets onto your lips is welcome and you're thinking of your family as you drift off to sleep.
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Next Chapter ------>
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Third Wheeling Taglist -  @wickizer, @imluckybitches, @slothykreuger, @claireelise19, @ggukkieland, @rspbrryy, @iv-bts, @bambuzlee, @chanelbts, @mxxngxdss, @bluewhale52, @milesjeon11, @diamonddia-mond, @vinylphwoar, @xnxy97, @hubbytaehyung, @140503at-dawn, @bts-7beauts, @jadeblackwoll, @sunshiine-hobii, @creatorspalace, @eclectically-esoteric, @nikkiordonez12, @kaitswrld, @skamlover200, @sevgilove98, @kooeuphoria, @jikooksgirl19, @hobbledehoy26, @singular-itae, @dchimminie, @lowlifeoeuvre, @sugaslittlekookies, @bloopbloopb, @pjmcth, @softysuho, @codeinbelle, @jaiuneamesolitaiire, @betysotelo18, @jeonmisha, @iwanttohitmyself, @ayyyocee, @neverthefirstchoice, @itsbangtanoclock, @little7bitchh, @veryuniquenamegoeshere, @deathkat657, @firstlovesuga-93, @namjoonia, @paperpurple, @muzikabijou, @liebeoppa, @veronawrites, @kleff03, @ruinsofangels, @brightwingr5, @leekanchol, @rkivemagic, @ithinkileftmycoatoutside, @melaninkpops, @y00ngisbabygirl, @ungodlyjoon, @prochnost513, @dunixxd, @athenakyle, @igotnotype, @chxmachxps, @tinymintyoongi, @vangameren-blog, @alpaca1612, @ohcarolinamin, @thegreatestsushi, @eltrain80, @btsmylife21, @deeepvibes, @httpminyg, @deliciouslydisturbed365, @rkchmestizangmaldita, @jimin-chu, @pimpnameyannie​, @preciouschimine​, @daughterofthequeen, @monetsberet​, @vanillamyg, @aamxxrii​, @kooafraid​, @ladykadyrova​, @singjisu​, @yazanii​, @moonlitmyg​, @justzeera​, @absolutefantrash​, @whocaresarchives​, @loosewindmill, @vantesfx​, @bt21chim​, @flowerboyhobi​, @kozuume-kenma, @taepiper​
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yvetteheiser · 2 years
Yvette Heiser -Think before you upload your kids photograph on social media
Numerous parents post stories, photographs, and videotapes of their kiddos on social media because they are proud of their families and they want to stay connected with cousins and musketeers. Social media is also useful for getting advice and feeling lower alone, as parenthood can be grueling! As parents ourselves, Yvette Heiser says, we understand the desire to partake in what we witness in raising a child. Also Check, The joy of capturing sweet moments on film with Yvette Heiser.
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But how important sharing is too important and can participation on social media put children in peril? This composition breaks down the five, not- so-egregious ways participating information about your child on social media may potentially harm your child, as well as questions you should ask yourself before hitting "publish."
Advertisement on Social Media Can Foray Your Child's Sequestration
While youthful children might not give any study to what their parents partake about them on social media that may not stay true as they grow aged. According to Common Sense Media, at around 5 times old children start to develop a sense of themselves as individuals and how the rest of the world perceives them. Their sequestration becomes further of a concern. They may start to feel embarrassed about the content their parents post about them on social media, especially when it comes to early nonage stories, funny prints, and updates on experimental and behavioral challenges. Also Read, Why Yvette Heiser Photography Finds Immense Popularity
Participating in the wrong type of content on social media can also make children feel like they do not have power over their bodies or own values. Children do not have to differ from their parents posting bath-time and other sensitive prints on social media. They also have no say-so in whatever political or social dispatches their parents press on them. For illustration, how will some children feel about the 2016 presidential election signs they are carrying or watchword t-shirts they are wearing when they look back on those prints as grown-ups? How will they feel about being used as political statements on their parents 'Facebook runners?
Your Social Media Posts Might Be Habituated for Bullying
You should also be concerned about how others may reply to the stuff you partake about your child on social media. Whether your child cares about old prints and stories about them on social media, others may be suitable to use that information to make fun of, personality, and indeed bully your child as he or she grows aged. What's to stop a peer from participating in a print that your child finds disturbing with his or her networks? What if that share catches on? It does not take important for a print to go from an inside family joke to gossip fodder for an entire high academy.
The eventuality of bullying does not stop with the people you know. To get a sense of the ruthless personalities of anonymous people on the Internet, just take a peep at the comment feeds of sprat's videos on YouTube. What will your child suppose and feel if they see your social media follower ship does not reply well to your update?
Social Media Messaging Could Impact Your Child's Unborn
It's delicate, if not insolvable, to control information once it's posted online. You cannot help anyone from taking a screenshot of your post and propagating it beyond your reach. Your deleted posts, while supposedly gone from your social media profile, may still live on in Internet library websites and on the social media waiters themselves. With that in mind, you should consider how your prints and stories may impact your child when he's much aged, indeed a grown-up.
Parents need to suppose about how implicit employers may reply to chancing certain sensitive nonage moments on social media. They should also wonder how their posts may impact their child if he or she ever decides to run for public office or live a further public life.
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