#like i cannot live at home waiting to Make It as a writer or whatever. i’d literally rather die
mossflower · 10 months
literally i love writing so much <3
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chantsdemarins · 4 months
The Breath of the Æsir 🏰 (Loki x Reader) Chapter 2: The Stranger
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Okay friends, I re-wrote Chapter 2. I was not happy with it after a friend pointed out to me that it needed work. Making me remember I really need a beta reader! *Any takers?
I hope those who might have read the first one will give this version a try!! As always reblogging and comments are the most amazing experience for me as a writer in this community. Thank you for reading and waiting. I am trying to get on a schedule I can stick to!
Summary: This is Loki's side of the story so far, as the world he finds himself in stirs into turmoil. What will the nature of your relationship be under these circumstances?
Smut Meter: Calm wildfire status
Word Count: 3,141 (give or take)
Loki was hiding among the Æsir. His true origin was not of theirs. Fárbauti, a frost giant, had been responsible for pulling him out of the tight silence and into form, so he could live among the Gods. A thin agreement had occurred between Odín and the Jötunn. This agreement was unknown to Loki. Odín would raise him. All his life, stirring in his veins was the blood of another people, another realm. The ornate mirrors in Asgard reflected back to him the image of a handsome spell caster with Æsir features. There was only ever the slightest feeling, that perhaps, his near-constant discontent, was related to the architecture of a family lie.
He knew where there was limitation, there was often equal illumination. Therefore, this conflict gave Loki insight into many aspects of the universe, some of which he would never have known had he not been born for deceit. This dual vision of light and dark created a natural and gradual buildup of powers, which he had no reason not to abuse. Where he lacked morals, he was tempered by circumstance back into some code of character that appeased both his father and whatever party he had offended by his lack of grace and concern. However, from time to time, something would cause him to change, more permanently, more absolutely. These events were so profound when they happened that the Skalds, both in Asgard and Midgard, told of them. Sometimes humans would be caught in the lava of the Gods' path. You were one of those humans. The day Loki lay close to one of his possible deaths, you had found him.
He was banished because he had seen enough. His contrary disposition had rejected the Northman’s insistence on placing his royal family at the heart of their bloody conquest. Thor, Freyja, Frigg—and Odín—had been brought deep into the conflict moving across the belly of Midgard. They used incantations and sacrifices to move the will of the Gods in their favor. Loki disliked this immensely. He did not like to be appeased with tokens. The ground of Asgard was saturated with the blood of Midgard. This disturbed him so much and ate at his being until he could stand it no longer. He cursed Thor, cursed Odín for the part they played in encouraging such worship.
In the throes of his discontent, Loki quickly discovered a God cannot have everything. For example, he could not have his opinion and his magic. Odín told him to go see for himself. Go see why the humans needed the Gods. See their fragility and need for guidance. He would be begging him to return to Asgard. “Go experience their ignorance with only a sword to protect you from it,” Odín had said to him.
When Loki decided to take a great risk, a great calamitous excitement would concurrently erupt. His enduring life and the lives of the Gods needn’t be so pristine and eternal. He longed for the shorter life of the Midgardians. He wanted to feel what life would be like if you only had a few years before you became permanent food for the beetles and worms. He needed to feel time slipping away from his grasp. So, without any seiðr, he nakedly stepped through the Bifrost and fell to Earth, fell to the home of the Midgard serpent, one of his many children, of which he was not the only father.
When he opened his eyes and began to walk across the hillside, so indulgently green it hurt. He took a moment and said a prayer to the elemental spirits that spun such colors into life on Midgard. They were independent of any God's influence, even ones with their full powers. The elementals were bonded to Midgard herself as servants. Loki could only admire their spinning of forms; he still had incredible vision even without any magic. He could see into their structural design and could listen to the hum of their cellular respiration. Loki was not the God of such things as fertility, but he felt himself in a keen understanding of it. He truly saw his station in the nine realms as a God responsible for making life, more than the ending of it. Not that any of the Gods would ever understand this about him. Creators often end up destroying their most precious creations just because they can. Loki had come to Midgard to change this.
He walked with careful trepidation; he was mortal now, and even though his heart soared with the thrill of his new lot, he did not want his tenure on Earth to be over so quickly. So, he cautiously guarded his path over the verdant hillside in the quiet of the afternoon. Things were seemingly calm, still, which actually began to worry Loki. Silence could mean only two things: peace or death. As he continued walking to gain a better view, he encountered a sight he was not prepared to see just yet. The ruins of a village burned in a heavy cascade of smoke. He quickly remembered he had no power to change the circumstances before him. He thought of Thor—would he truly celebrate this use of his name? He wished they would have the courage to do as he did, to come and see the work of the humans. Loki would have to be the eyes of the gods this time. Just as his contemplation ended, he felt the ground beneath him bend in a rhythmic flutter—horses. It was the same in any realm; the beasts were among the most powerful of all creations. Some could even fly, but not these. These heavy beasts carried their masters, who likely spotted him from their outposts.
They saw a stranger overlooking their burned village and identified him as one of the raiders, one of the pillagers, not as the God who made such acts possible. He looked up just in time to see a sword brandished by one of the riders. With a quick and skillful blow, he was impaled in his stomach. It had only been a few hours since his arrival, and already he was vanquished by the Norns. He fell, consumed by defeat and physical pain, his armor pierced. They spoke in their language, seemingly arguing whether they should take him captive. Perhaps they would have if they had not just suffered such a great loss. They left him to die and rode away without looking back.
The Encounter
Loki was consumed with a pain he had never felt before; it was completely debilitating. No sooner had he arrived on Midgard as a human he was swept away into the saga of their fragility. He couldn’t believe he was once so interested to experience this, to feel his life expiring and his pulse weaken. His heart was slowing, and every breath felt like he was uncertain if yet another would follow. He now worried that if he were to die on Midgard like this, his death would remain unknown, and his family would not find him before the vultures tore the newly minted mortal flesh from his bones. He fell into a fever quickly and began to dream of the frozen landscapes of his true birth home, of Jötunheim. His Asgardian façade was fading with every labored breath.
It was just his luck that as he could take no further steps, he reached the courtyard lined with thorny gorse, which pierced the white of his skin as he fell through the yellow flowers, leaving droplets of blood forming from yet another location other than his stomach. He called out something from a tongue he knew from Midgard, although he knew not where and when it was from. He saw you in the doorway before he closed his eyes; he wasn’t sure if he would open them again. He hoped that if he did, you would be there beside him. It was the tiniest of wishes; he was sure you were a Valkyrie. Not having enough blood in his veins to remember there were no Valkyries on Earth, his eyes shut, and the world of Midgard faded from his senses.
He had felt the jostling of stitches, the pulling of thread against his taut skin. He saw you, Valkyrie, with golden threads weaving his wound closed. He swore he heard you tell him his body was a tapestry, one you could embroider. He laughed at the thought of being sewn together by a fierce battle goddess of the nine realms. He worried about his weakness. He did not like the vulnerability that consumed him as he fought to return to the living. Part of him remembered the icy cold feeling of space he once felt as he let go of Thor and drifted off into the void, only to be intercepted by a race of beings so deadly and diabolical, he knew he wouldn’t be able to die enough times to satisfy their lust for power and domination. Part of him rested in the knowledge that you would make him whole again. The Norns had led him to a warrior who was also a weaver, a tailor.
He Lives, for Now
"Gef þú seiðr þinn mér," Loki mumbled once he was finally able to awaken. Sweat covered his face. A chill coursed through him. You had saved him just as he had predicted. He was still alive, but he was not yet well at all. "What is seiðr?" you immediately asked. You did not have what this man was asking for, and you would not be robbed of what you did have. Leaping to your feet, you grabbed the knife you had uncovered from his person while the man slept. Loki found himself once again at the receiving end of iron—only this time, it was his own.
"How quickly I forgot this is how people communicate, regardless of their station," Loki mused, clutching his stomach, fingers running along your needlework which now adorned him. "Communicate? Sir, you are in my home. I saved your life, and now you ask me for something else. What else could you want, unless you are the thief and murderer my servants say you are? Are they right? Have you come to kill us?" Your voice was a barely audible trill, but every vowel entered his ear as if it were a drum beating away shadows inside of him. You looked so shaky and unsure Loki was immediately disoriented.
As a Valkyrie, you would be more skillful, potentially than him. Why were you not wielding your own blade? Loki’s mind puzzled in a million different directions. In the chosen tongue, he rattled off an inquiry about where he was, now remembering he was on Earth as he came to. He needed you to confirm it. You told him the name of this small village, and Loki more solidly realized you were actually a human woman, seemingly. He found his voice hidden beneath the swell of feelings rising in his chest. "Do you know how to use that knife, woman? Don't wield something you aren't prepared to use, and why would you undo your handiwork?" Loki pointed to the careful stitches across his body. "You know me not, sir," you retorted. "I have unraveled nearly all the needlework I started. I have thrashed threads from one tapestry to another; I have no finished embroidery to show for it, so sir, flicking the threads that hold your guts in would be no long consideration."
The words that flew out of your mouth betrayed all your education and training. Never in your life had you spoken to a man like this, not to your father and surely never to your husband, but this man seemed to be able to feel and hear anything you might say. You didn’t know why you knew that, but you did. Perhaps it was the sewing him up that gave you such a perspective. The candlelight study of his stomach. You thought of the fine line that jutted across his abdomen where you had let your fingers trace in a kind of stoic appreciation for a moment while applying your stitches to his wound. You suspected your husband’s stomach did not have muscular curvature. The stranger was the first man you’d ever seen naked. You let yourself consider that for the briefest of moments before you returned to your senses and your defense of your home. By no means had you an understanding of just who this man was and what he was capable of even in his weakened state.
Loki continued to consider your origins. You could not be a simple incarnation of a human. Perhaps you were actually Asgardian, another traveler like himself, grown discontent with the trappings of the ethereal realm and transplanted to Midgard. He had known others who had come; his idea of leaving had not been a unique one. The Norns might have given him some grace after all, by leading him to you. Yet if you were a fragile mortal with a much shorter life than his, you wore your timeline with such grace, that it completely startled him. You were closer to the end of your short life than the beginning, perhaps you knew this and were prepared to defend what little you had accumulated. Or maybe it was something else that inspired such bold words. "What do they call you?" you finally spoke again, daring to continue. "Loki." His name was a rune itself, a spell, the only magic he had left. He wondered if you would feel its power. "Loki," you repeated, his name flowed from your heart to your feet, causing your body to feel heavy. You landed on the velvet living room chair with a crash. Loki, who had been situated in the other chair, leaped up beyond the ability his body should have allowed. "Woman," he said, daring to near you. "Please wake." He had not expected you to faint.
As he drew closer to you, he wasn't sure if you had fainted or passed to some other realm. You looked so peaceful. He held your head and for a moment dared to place a strand of your hair behind your ear. Your eyes struggled to open. "Loki," you murmured, not having heard the name before, but its composition—the four sounds—collided, perhaps stealing your breath. His concern for you was evident on his face, but it quickly faded, replaced by something akin to fear. Loki was startled by how swiftly Midgard's emotions were becoming his own. He had known so little of fear and now he was becoming proficient in all its shades and hues.
Suddenly a deep knock on the door and frantic voices could be heard from outside in the courtyard. A group of tenants had gathered, yelling and frantic. Perhaps the worst of your fears had materialized. Not only were you harboring a man, but now the townsfolk knew and had come to confront you about it in your husband’s absence. You did not want to open the door. You glanced at Loki, who had stepped further back into the darkness of the living room while you found your footing. "Lady, you should answer them," Loki's voice was a mere shadow, yet you trusted it to your surprise. Elinor was also nowhere to be found, and you were once again left to make decisions by yourself. This introduction with the stranger would have to further wait. With all your strength, you walked across the room and unlocked the large, heavy door. Before you could open it fully, the crowd of tenants crashed into your home and fell against you. There were strict conditions under which the manor lords ruled, and such an intrusion was likely less a group coming to judge your guest but one of desperation you immediately recognized.
You gasped for air and tried to calm them, beseeching one of the tenants to explain what had happened. "They are here, the slaughter wolves," Æthaldan, the young blacksmith, finally spoke wildly. The rest of their voices were a blur, a scattered cacophony you couldn't decipher. The "slaughter wolves," who sought to take the land you managed, had been kept at bay by bribe or sword wielded in temporary acts to push them back, to change their minds about the worth of the land. Words had been spoken by the manor lords about the rocky soil being no better than the soils of where they came. Their crops would not find purchase here either. You knew this to be true in your heart since your land had been barren, and that barrenness had crept into all places of your marriage, including your womb. Nothing but the yellow gorse you had planted around the periphery had grown.
Suddenly from behind the crowd, you heard the sound of your closest companion, "What are we to do?" Elinor had been able to come back to the manor from where she had been in the village; she was now frantic as well as she pushed Æthaldan and the others out of her way to get to you. You surveyed the tenants, as you embraced your friend; none had weapons worthy of the name. One held a reaping iron, another something procured from the hearth, likely nothing in comparison to the weapons of the intruders. You needed time to think, but there was none. You looked down at the weapon you had lifted from the stranger while he slept. You had nearly forgotten you were holding it, clasped tightly in your hand. You tried to hide it in your skirt pockets, but it was clear no one had noticed what you were holding in their panic, not even Elinor.
"Please keep them safe until I return!" you finally shouted at your friend, knowing the best she could do was bolt the door once everyone was inside. Your instructions were curt, "Call to the others, have them come to the house," your voice trailed off as you ran through the corridor of the manor, looking for the stranger. You wondered where he had gone; he was still injured but not knowing his nature of intent you imagined all possible things as you searched for him in the curtained darkness of your halls. Your thoughts ceased when you came upon his nearly collapsed form; he was barely able to stand. Without thinking further, you handed him back his knife, taking his hand and placing it to it, folding his fingers around the hilt. "Help us now, I saved you, now you save us," you demanded. "This is your weapon, use it,” you reiterated when you noticed he was not stirred to action. His blue eyes were crestfallen, “Lady, I cannot,” were his words before he handed the blade back to you.
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firsttimewriter92 · 2 years
Everything Black Part 1.
This is a Post Azkaban Sirius Black x fem! reader (Muggle) fic I came up with. This is the first time I´m writing something like this and posting it, so let me know if you have any suggestions as to how I can improve my writing. I am not a native speaker so please keep that in mind :) Please, please don´t copy my work. If you want to repost, please do. I would love it if you tagged me, though :)
Warnings: canon typical violance, No smut or angst so far (will eventually happen) This is a slow burn, folks. Maybe because I am obsessed with details.
Word count: 1.800
Summary: One strange night, a man known as Albus Dumbledore decides that it was you, who was the perfect fit to make a certain someones life more comfortable. Your own life nothing but a grey veil, you decide to humor the wizard and let youself be introduced to a world so far away from yours.
Shoulders hunched and hands in your pockets, you ran across the cobbled street and up the antient stairs to a higher level street. There, in the safety of an overlooking roof you stopped to catch your breath. The ice cold wind was going right through you and you tried to keep your toes warm by lightly jumping up and down. As you pulled your hat lower over your freezing ears you could see other people hurrying left and right to get home as quickly as possible. You imagined their lives for a second. Were they going home to their families? Would they enter a warm, welcoming flat or house with people waiting for them; smiles on their faces? Or do they hurry back to a cold, fairly furnished flat with florescent lighting and a leaking water tab? Because that´s where you were headed.
With a sigh and your forehead in wrinkles you hunched your shoulders again to brace yourself for the cold and darted off again. Only three more turns and you would wind up in the dingey little alley where a small flight of steps would take you down to your lovely home. You scoffed at the thought. Being alone for most of your life, well we do not count the 16 years you spent with your emotionally absent father, you just did not know why a home should be any less than four walls to return to just to sleep. That is why you spent all day either working or wandering about the city. It was quite nice in spring and summer. And given, even the low hanging fog on a quiet autumn day gave this antient town a form of mystery that many a writer has already been intrigued by. But in winter, the harsh, cold winds and the rain that could not decide if it wanted to be snow or not, was nothing short of unpleasant.
You rounded the last corner to your flat when you saw something so unnormal, your feet rooted themselves to the ground. There, in your alley, adorned with rubbish cans and an ever present smell of anything old, stood tree people, two facing the other one. All three had one arm extended and were pointing…chopsticks at each other. Nonsense, you scolded yourself. Those cannot be chopsticks. Why would tree grown people point chopsticks at each other? Rather menacingly in fact. How absurd. The wind was howling stronger now and before you could ask those tree figures what in the devils name they were up to, you heard a loud crack. The very second you heard it, something green shot out the tip of whatever it was one of them was holding. Maybe fireworks? Those were your last thoughts before there, in your little alley all hell broke loose.
Suddenly you found yourself in a state of panic. You ducked behind a rubbish can as more and more cracks and loud bangs filled the air. Wherever these lights would crash into, something was destroyed. Some of them even ricochet off the walls causing debris to fall onto the street. You couldn´t think. The heat of the lights that crashed close to your hiding spot lead you to duck even deeper into the shadows and rubble. Now you even heard someone scream something. Almost like an order but you couldn´t make it out. And as suddenly as the lights appeared, destroying walls and trash cans, there was silence. No more lights. Smoke and dust clung to the air as you let down your arms that you had wrapped over your head for protection. As if that would have helped any, you thought. Knowing only one thing, stay where you are, your breathing was hard and you could feel your throat burn from not being able to make a sound. Or so you thought.
You heard steps coming closer. Oh that´s just grand. The other guy probably dead and now, it´s my turn. Why has no one sent for the police yet? Someone must have heard the ruckus. True, it was already late at night but still!
You crouched in your spot, waiting for something to happen. Your heart pounding in your ears, waiting. You could feel a presence right next to you. Staring ahead with wide eyes you did not want to look up at the person who was probably about to end your life.
„Excuse me, Miss. Would you happen to have a Mint?“
Your head snapped up when you heard the question. Your eyes were met by piercing blues behind halfmoon spectacles and a kind smile. Before you stood an old man with a long white beard and hair. He was tall, wearing the strangest clothes you had ever seen. A long dark maroon robe clung to his shoulders and you could make out the trousers of a needle stripe suit. Dumbfounded, you blinked up at the man who was kindly smiling at you.
„What? “, you asked, still staring. „I was wondering if you have a mint on you. You see, problem solving tends to give me a bad taste in my mouth. “The man smiled and put both hands on your upper arms to help you stand up. Patting the dust from your legs you eyed him from the side. „Sorry. I´m afraid I cannot help you with that" you said in a bit of a wiry tone. The man just smiled. „Ah, a shame. Well, at least the problem got solved “. You looked around. The three people that just a minute ago were trying to end each other were gone. You looked the alley up and down but there was no sign of them. Thank the heavens but it also made you incredibly uneasy. What did that old man do? They quite literally vanished.
Said man was currently watching your every move. Already an idea brewing in his mind. He knew he had only two options with you. One of them solely possible because he was, who he was.
„What did you do to them? And what where they doing with those…sticks anyway? They nearly blasted my head off! “You turned to the man and with every word your voice got a little higher. „Yes, well. It seems these tree gentlemen had a disagreement and- “„Yea, no shit“, you scoffed. The older man's eyes twinkled at that. „And were dueling to see who would win the argument“, he said as if giving this explanation was his daily business. You raised your eyebrows. „Dueling? Like they did 100 years ago? Only with, I don´t know…laser shooting sticks? What in all the gods' names is going on here?“, you asked exasperatedly. The man chuckled. He knew now which option he would take. „I can assure you it has nothing to do with lasers. Although that would be an easy answer for you, no, that was not it. These men where dueling with…wands.“ He waited a little to end his sentence for dramatic effect. You looked at him incredulously. „Wands?“ you repeated in a low voice. Before he could answer you started grinning. This soon ended in you almost doubling over holding your stomach. Surely this was a joke, or the shock finally caught up to you.
The older man lightly laughed along with you. „Miss, I am delighted to see that you find this information only half as shocking as I expected you to, but I am afraid we need to relocate sooner rather than later“ he chuckled. „W-what do you m-mean?“ you asked still gasping for air and wiping your eyes. „You are absolutely bonkers. I am not going anywhere with you. I am going home! Wands…next thing you are going to tell me is that they were wizards“. Still wheezing a bit, you turned around and walked off towards your flat. „Maybe you should start believing in the unbelievable a little bit more, Miss. I am guessing working in a Bar and walking around the city can become kind of dull.“ You stopped in your tracks and slowly turned around. The feeling of having to prove yourself yet again made its painful way up your throat. „Sir, let me make one thing clear“, you sneered, taking a couple steps towards him. „I do not know how you know this about me nor do I particularly care. But I did not leave my old life behind for another old man to tell me how to live it! You want me to believe that magic is real? That I just witnessed it! Fine, fine. Prove it to me then!“ Why did you sound so desperate at the end? This was an utter joke.
The old man reached into his long robes and produced yet another wand. You looked at it skeptically. Without a word the old man flung the wand though the air. Your eyes widened when from the tip, silvery smoke erupted. First it was without shape, and it still could have been some sort of trick. But then in front of you, in the air made of silvery smoke, hovered a large bird flapping its wings slowly. It had very long tailfeathers. Slowly it rose above your heads and started to fly around you, gathering speed. You twisted and turned as to not lose sight of it. It was gorgeous. The next moment it was slowing down and disappearing into thin air. Your heart pounded, but not out of fear as it did a few minutes ago, but because of sheer excitement and childish joy. „Was that...? I only ever saw drawings. It´s a mythical creature!“ you whisper-yelled looking at the man. His eyes were fixed on you the whole time. „Mythical for you. Yes, that was a phoenix,“ he said calmly. „Believe me when I tell you, you were in grave danger when you entered this alley. And I cannot say if there are others about. So, I would like to see you save. And I cannot see you save here.“ He gestured to the rubble on the ground and the blast holes in the walls. You looked around as well. Was this your life? Did you want this to be everything there is? The answer was clear to you. The opportunity was standing right in front of you. So, you looked at the man with a stern expression, nodded your head once and took the last few steps until you were right in front of him. He smiled a brilliant smile and moved to stay beside you. „I am very relieved you see reason, Miss. Now, please hold onto my arm and close your eyes. The first time can be quite uncomfortable.“ You looked up to him with raised eyebrows and with a last, what in the gods' names am I doing here, you grabbed his arm. „I am _____ by the way“, you said quietly before closing your eyes. „It is my utmost pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss ____. “That was all you could hear before your stomach turned.
Let me know if you liked it so far :) Should I post the second chapter? Many more beloved characters will be introduced in this one.
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macfrog · 5 months
firstly you are so talented it makes me want to gag and die and climb a mountain 🫶💘 second i’m about to start posting my first fic ever and i was wondering if you had any suggestions for more logistical stuff to make the thing better to read? like formatting/time to post/adding pictures etc etc. sending besos y abrazos💓💓
hey dude! waaah thank you for this you're far, far too kind 🩵
how exciting!! i just checked out the little preview you posted and what a beautiful little droplet of writing!!! i cannot wait to read the rest. please please please tag me when you post it; jackson joel is my favorite joel and i am soooo intrigued to read and devour 🍓
formatting-wise, i pretty much just laid things out how i thought they looked best. you always want your warnings to be visible just in case there's anything that might require a heads up for some readers, also helps to include a summary of the fic somewhere, and i always pop a word count on there, too...but whatever works for you! i guess just consider what info you look for before reading a fic and piece it together that way.
i took inspo from many other writers on here with the whole three-photo header thing. i just pick three images that either capture the vibe of the fic or literally just pieces of the plot lol and put them up top. i try my best to be as inclusive as possible so where i can help it: i try not to use specific skintones or hair colors, body types etc. this isn't always perfect, though, and it's something i always want to be improving on. (straying from specific bodies in your mbs does mean that you can get a little more creative with em and use fun art over real-life images, which a lot of wonderful writers do!)
as for posting: i have posted at all times of day before...in all honesty, i'm not sure when is best as a. there are so many readers on here from all over the world who will eat up your work at any time, and b. i typically hit post and then toss my phone for a few hours - but i guess the later in the day, the better for exposure and engagement? as people will be home from work and school etc., and have the time to check it out.
try not to get hung up on this part, tho! i live by the mantra that the people the fic is for, will come across it one way or another - and not all fics are instant hitters. that's ok! sometimes it takes time for something to gain eyes on it. post for yourself. have fun with it. numbers mean nothing 🤍
if there's anything else you wanna ask or chat about, feel free to dm me anytime! can't wait to read when you post the rest! sending love right back to ya 🫂🩷
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rayasland · 2 months
I'm sorry but your post about Aging Up characters delegitimises hundreds upon thousands of fanfictions across all fandoms and is a ridiculous ask. You're basically asking all fans to only write about the adult characters in NSFW situations - even if the teen character is now an adult in the fic??? So we can't explore how the teen now struggles with life as an adult, including new adventures or settings, because its somehow problematic??? I can assure you authors aren't picturing kids when writing Aged Up fics, the point and the intent is to explore how they'd function in different/challenging situations, not if their homework needs to be in on time. I understand your intent- you're coming at this topic from a place of worry- but bullying fanfic writers is just going to silence all forms of fandom. We're cannibalising each other enough as it is, and your words are doing more harm than good
uve completely got it all wrong. ur saying u understand but ur sending this long ass paragraph and that says otherwise. im actually getting pissed.
how is bringing attention to smth thats been happening for a while now gonna be labelled as “bullying..?” a bit confusing. im not forcing no one to stop writing abt minors, if u wanna live ur life writing about kids despite knowing its pedophilic, do as u wish. like i said im 1. bringing to light how wrong it is 2. seeing how many ppl will agree. im not bullying anyone either so idk wtf ur on abt. all i can say abt that is that u must be real fucking sensitive if u think that was bullying bro. cannot wait to see how u react to real life bullying!
i cant even lie how u gon write a paragraph of pure yap😭😭
its okay to write kid characters experiencing real life things that could happen to literally anyone(non-sexual), i never said u couldnt. whats not okay and what i completely disagree on is blatantly writing porn about them. "i understand your intent!" mm sure, and i understand what you’re saying is that its okay to write them having sex?? bc it's something that they can "explore as an adult"? you’re okay with a child experiencing that? regardless of whether they're real or not??? honestly you’re js trying to justify ur weird ass behaviour and its as clear as day. also… tbh, why r u acting as if sexual activities are the only ways a minor aged up as an adult can explore or wtf that means??? pretty sure theres a million other ways so maybe get ur mind out of the gutter.
tf was the point of that message? that why you asked anonymously? bc YOU YOURSELF know posting that is pedophilic behavior disguised behind ur so called moral ambiguity by bringing in other shit that only justifies writing porn about A CHILD??
u wanna be dramatic about "bullying fanfic writers," "cannibalizing each other," and my words doing more harm than good? how about you get a fucking life you self righteous pedophile. like okay, sure fine we'll let it slide. and then we should let real-person fictional literature porn about a child slide. and then we should let porn videos and drawings of little kids slide. and then we should normalize minor + adult relationships so that everyone can have a chance regardless of their age because experiencing something is better because it makes both parties understand!
in all forms!! incest, pedophilic, power imbalances, rape from randoms on the street, in our schools, in the transports, out in public, in private, in our homes, when we're young! when we're old! when we don't know what's between anyone else's legs! they a boy? they a girl? they both? they none? even better! honestly if ur reading that kinda shit and r actually getting off to it, please seek help. and if u STILL after reading all this have no idea why its not okay, use google or read the comments and reblogs on the actual post and go talk nonsense at them bc im not going to be responding to whatever bs u have to say in response.
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ramoth13 · 2 years
Top Ten Standalone Films
(I've done these as individuals on here already and thought I might put them all together)
1. Master and Commander
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This is it. The best one. Historically, thematically, emotionally... this movie tells a story about a captain, a doctor, and the crew of a ship very far from home. Adventure and glory, sorrow and heartache, the beautiful scenery is perfectly juxtaposed with the intensity of naval warfare happening on the other side of the world. The characters are compelling and the drama feels real. I have not found a better film to watch yet. This movie has more than one Surprise waiting for you.
2. In Bruges
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The funniest, saddest, most relatable and unrelatable movie I have ever seen. Excellent movie dialogue that will have you quoting it for months, gorgeous views, sex, guns, and rock & roll. This movie delves into depression without leaving us too heavy and asks if we are worth redemption. I don't know the answer, but I love the way this movie asks that question.
3. The Rum Diary
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This recommendation seems a bit in bad taste considering the recent circumstances (the very high profile, publicly volatile divorce of the two movie leads), but don't let that detract from the ambiance, camaraderie, and humor this film produces. Based on the Book by Hunter S. Thompson, this movie is funny, intriguing, and more than a little revealing. No matter what paradise you live in, there's always a dark side, and sometimes the good guys just don't win. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy the memories of friends, lovers, and the good times.
4. Cast Away
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Never in my life have I felt loss like I did the first time I watched this movie. But neither have I ever felt such hope. The ups, the downs, everything in between. This movie made me believe in myself and in humanity. I can't say much more than this, if you haven't seen it, I cannot recommend it enough. Though, much like Brad Pitt (in a different movie), I can't stop asking myself "What's in the box?"
5. Wake of the Red Witch
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Sailing, thieving, sunken ships, love stories, and giant squids. I love this movie. An old John Wayne film that isn't a western or a war film, this movie stands outside of most at the time. The story is old (and sometimes suffers from antiquated prejudices and morals), but this movie speaks of loves lost and new and the things we do for the memories we carry.
6. Midnight in Paris
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A film by Woody Allen, this film is magical and timeless. I think as a writer it's very easy to mythologize prior authors as being greats. Most writers I know do have an appreciation for old things. Yet, while this movie does glorify the past, it makes certain to recognize that there is no real golden age. I love the story, the acting, and the vibes this movie gives off, but more than anything else, I love the message. People before you will always be better at whatever it is you are doing, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't do it anyway. Who knows? Maybe you'll be the next Neil Gaiman or Stephen King.
7. Darjeeling Limited
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Having two brothers, this Wes Anderson film was me. It hit every aspect of being a brother and having brothers that feels important. It also is just a fun story. Religion, truth, soul searching, and the complexities of being a family, this film highlights the fact that being a family isn't always easy and that just because you love someone does not mean that you like them. I cannot tell you how much this movie affected me and how much watching it improved my relationships. It sounds corny, but for me at least, its true. Family is tough, but sometimes its easy too.
8. 1408
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1408 is not new. It isn't ultra scary or particularly novel (haunted place that traps you inside). Yet, what makes this film so great to me is that it does 3 unique things. First, it speaks to me as the skeptic. I don't believe in the boogeyman or ghosts or spirits, but this movie acknowledges my skepticism and yet doesn't try to convince me otherwise. It places you inside of the least scary place I can think of, a heavily populated building in the middle of New York city. It doesn't ask whether you believe because it just doesn't care. Second, it tells a real story. Not like a story that actually happened, but a story with a real person at the heart of it. Real emotions, and consequences. Third, it haunts me. I saw this movie when it first came out and I still think about it. I don't believe in ghosts and while this movie did not make me believe otherwise, it did something far more meaningful. It made me- even if only for a moment, doubt.
9. The Princess Bride
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What to say about this film? It needs no introduction. Adventure, comedy, romance, swordfighting, and shrieking eels, this movie has it all. This film has had me laughing, crying, and quoting lines from its impeccable dialogue since I was a child. The writing, acting, and swordplay makes this film iconic in nearly every way. There are very few movies that I could watch a hundred times and still be willing to watch again, but if someone asked me to watch it right here and now? It is inconceivable that I'd reply with anything other than "as you wish"
10. The Man in the Hat
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This movie was the most relaxing, endearing, and beautiful takes on grief and our relationship with it that I have ever seen. Ciaran Hinds is always a wonderful actor, but this has to be my favorite of his (Persuasion is a close second). The soundtrack was charming and makes this traveling adventure something unforgettable. The lack of dialogue makes the film more (not less) approachable and the delightful way in which grief is neither praised nor vilified allows the story to gently pull us along without fuss. Whether the french countryside or the human capacity to explore our inner emotions, The Man in the Hat ensures a journey that you'll remember.
~ ~ ~ ~
Stewart Z (AKA Ramoth13)'s Recommendations
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scc fans: being cool having fun being dedicated sending fanart
yhk fans: tired dumpster rats writing ten page essays on yhk and how it works and WORDS
anyways more propaganda:
1. Reader/Protagonist/Writer dynamic, you literally cannot get more cosmic than that. they could not exist without each other. they need each other.
2. the dedication, devotion, gratitude, affection and love they show to each other. the acts of love they express. the fact that each and every action we keep talking about is CANON.
3. the many different flavours of their dynamics and how natural it is. they are cringefail losers, they look at each other and decide that they are forever stuck together. they are all so annoyed with each other, they all cannot leave each other. HSY IS THE BREADWINNER !!! YJH IS THE HOUSEHOLD HUSBAND !!!! KDJ IS JUST THERE AND THE OTHER TWO ARE JUST REALLY FUCKING HAPPY HES THERE !!!! THEY WOULD PROBABLY LET KDJ DO WHATEVER AS LONG AS HE WAS THERE AND NOT OFF DOING SOME BS SELF SACRIFICIAL PLAN !!!
4. the fact each of them have been so intrinsically affected by each other. none of them would have survived without the other two. all of them have been changed by each other.
5. they WANT each other. if one of them went off without any notice by god the other two will do everything they can to make sure that idiot comes home. it’s esp prevalent with the other two abt kdj. they WANT kdj. they want him safe and happy and WITH THEM. they see kdj trying to hide his flaws and trauma and they go “no. we’ve already seen all of it. we want everything. we want every part of you here and happy.”
6. the amount of trust they have with each other. the trust you would need to let someone go, to trust that they’ll come back and come back with the other idiot. the trust you’d have to have to be able to leave everything to the other, to trust that they are doing everything they can on their end. the trust they have that the others can handle themselves. how can you trust someone so much like this? how can you trust that they will follow through? how can you trust so much that you will wait however long it takes? how can someone even take that?
7. they are precious to each other. yjh needs the other two alive because they defy his expectations in ways he never realized could happen. hsy holds every memory she has of yjh and esp kdj close to her heart. kdj sincerely wishes for the happiness of yjh and hsy, he cares more abt their happiness than his own. (what he doesn’t realize is that their happy end involves his happiness too.) they mean so much to each other
8. they chose each other over the world. over themselves. they would hand over anything and everything to each other if needed.
9. “I realized something just then. I managed to get this far because these two lived on their own terms - respected my decisions in their own ways.
I began thinking; with these two around, maybe not all hope was lost, after all.”
10. they are capable of hitting each other on the head when they are reaching concerning levels of stupid. hsy literally crashes a yjh vs kdj fight just to make sure they wouldn’t actually kill each other. kdj breaks yjh out of his uncaring attitude. yjh and hsy would probably beat up kdj every time he went “hey i’m back” if they weren’t also mildly emotionally every time it’s happened.
11. what if my love language was sacrifice
12. kdj’s inner dialogue repeatedly describing yjh and hsy as attractive?? (some of his inner dialogue is peak pining like bro what are you doing 🤨???)
13. wasn’t there an arc where kdj intended to give hsy a love letter for a scenerio but yjh went “this is so bad” and also didn’t they in the same arc have this short scene where they talk abt novels and hsy wanting to write a novel later and discussing genres and then kdj FOR SOME REASON brings up romance?? and then they try to change the subject to jhw and lhs, like. y’all aren’t slick.
14. the book is literally about love and stories and loving stories and human connections and relationships and how stories facilitate connections. like. knowing that and knowing who yjh, hsy and kdj are. they are literally the pillars of the novel. they are so incredibly important to the story not only as individuals but also as a trio.
vote yhk i beg -Toon
im so sorry ur friend betrayed u 😔 all is fair in love war....
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acourtofwhatthefuck · 2 years
I loved every living, breathing, heart wrenching, anger filled, happily ever after moment of Coming Home. Your characters come alive on the screen in a way that not many writers can accomplish, and you do it so flawlessly. I don’t care if Az exists already, he should belong to you (to us, can we share). You seem to grasp him in a way his “creator” doesn’t seem too. He’s elegant and terrifying and scared and charming. He’s imperfect perfection. And YN. Even if I fill that name with my own, I couldn’t ever imagine being someone with a story as terrible and beautiful and worthy of being written as hers. She’s every inch of what Azriel would been in a mate. She’s that imperfect perfection too.
I can’t wait for whatever you write next. And please-PLEASE tag me in everything you write. 🙌🏼🙌🏼
Oh my goodness this message 🥹thank you so, so, so much. I cannot tell you what it means to me to read this and to have heard your thoughts! It makes me feel so damn good that people enjoy my writing, and I’m so happy that people think I did such a brilliant character like Azriel justice ❤️
I will absolutely tag you in everything! Thank you love 💕
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chibi-tsukiko · 1 year
Emmy boo!
I finally read the prologue. I waited for a good time to read it and boy I'm glad I did! Now I'm going to go make myself a cup of tea because it's the only thing that can fix my heart right now.
I wrote a lil bit of a live blog (or whatever this is). My apologies for the rant!
To me, the objective of a prologue is never only to set the scene, but rather to intrigue the readers and make them curious. About the characters. About the world we’re going to take them into. Prologues, sometimes, are chilling. I love a good chilling prologue and you did a fantastic fucking job! 
I know you’ve shared about Hein and his experience and story as an Essence. But to read it from the narrator’s pov is something else. My took me somewhere else (as if it often does) because the way in the mothers protected their (Essence) children and the things they did to protect their children reminded me of how in some communities mothers do similar things (even the same and even to the extent to infanticide) to protect girl children because they face a familiar fate. It reminds me of how fiction and reality are often very much interconnected and the cruelty we read about in fiction is often not fiction at all. Not everyone can write about pain and misery in a real way. You can. It's a skill and a curse. I hope you use it for good. Because the way you write pain is so beautiful.
I was also wondering if you ever wrote a story about an Essence child who was ‘chosen’. It would be such an interesting story to write from a child’s pov. Would they be scared? Would they confused? Would they excited to be chosen among all the other children? It’s a beautiful - and a difficult - piece to write! 
All the laws about the Essence are trash (but quite real) and I cannot wait for Mr. Takashi Han to say ‘fuck the law’ like another amazing boi we love - and for him to protect not just Hein but all people like him! 
The description of the island was so haunting. What a graphic visual! 
I love all the names of these characters. It makes me constantly wonder about their meanings. Just such magical sounds! 
Actual footage of me reading that interaction between Shohei and Hein. 
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I already said it in the comments, but this is the most beautiful prologue I’ve read in a long time. It not only makes me want to read more but also completely changed the way I looked at Hein - and his relationship with Takashi, and the Han family. 
That last scene…poetry and pain. That’s it. 
When Shohei watched the seagull disappear into the sun, I just knew what was coming next. It was incredibly heartbreaking, but also beautiful. Because, Shohei did fly. He did get ‘to be free’ on his own terms, even if it’s not what I wanted for him. 
(I say this - but I am also in denial and can’t wait for Hein and Shohei to meet again lol)
I cannot wait to read about Hein and what he remembers and recalls about Shohei and his childhood. 
You are a marvelous writer. Thank you for writing and sharing this story with us. Thank you for building this beautiful, tragic, and big world full of people we can’t help but love and want to protect.
Lots and lots of lots of love to you (and to Shohei) 🤍
Dani x 
Dragon babe!! 💚💚💚
This was the best way to start my day. I'm so emotional after reading this, thank goodness I'm working from home haha.
When I originally wrote this moment, it was just a side story. Part of Hein's past that I wanted to explore, but the more I thought about it, the more I felt like it made the perfect prologue. Especially, since Hein's POV is the one we get most often in the story, I liked how the prologue is told more from Shohei's. It gives a different light. I'm glad you feel the same.
I love the idea of exploring the story told from a child who has been chosen. I imagine there are parts of the world where the children know the horrors of being an Essence, but I feel like there would be others that dress it up like it's an honor. The different emotions would be painfully beautiful.
Painting the picture for readers is something I have always loved to do, I want to visually capture as much of the story as possible, so when I hear that I have it makes me so giddy.
Shohei did get to fly and in many ways his "end" is actually a beginning for him. It's a moment he got to choose something for himself. There's a moment in the story, between Takashi and Hein where Hein speaks of Shohei for the first time since what happens in the prologue. It's a bittersweet moment, but I think you would enjoy it. I think you'd especially like what Takashi does in response to learning about Shohei. He is the best boi. 🥰
I can't put into words how it feels whenever you say that you like my writing that you think I write well. It means so much. Thank you for taking the time to read it and share your thoughts with me and of course for always supporting me.
I love you! I hope the tea helped! 🙈
Oh! Also, you mentioned the names...I like to play with meanings and there is a bit of irony in what I chose for the children on the island.
Yang - light, sun
Ryuby (Ruby) - deep precious stone
Edytha - Prosperous in War
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llycaons · 1 year
more on see you yesterday
Wei Ying 21:16
we should give it a name
The Anomaly
no wait
Loop Fast, Die Young
Loopsy Daisy
Lan Wangji decides not to dignify those with a response.
oh russian doll wwx you are so funny even in the depths of your misery and despair
He has none of the symbols they adopt, like the Yiling sect crest which has became popular online. He doesn’t have ‘Wei Wuxian’ tattooed on his neck, or illegal talismans on the backs of his pale, narrow hands. There’s no reason disciples would trouble him.
two things I really like about this fic
while we know who wwx is, and who he is to lwj, it's not a conclusion that's easily to come to for him. there are a ton of DCs, and wwx is believed to be dead. lwj only has a bare few details about the person he forgot, and there's no way he could realistically make those connections between that person and wwx because he has nothing to go on. we don't have to scream at the computer because the characters are complete idiots (I love trrty but wwx is better at making wild connections than that!). we just have to wait in tension and anticipation as they get closer and wonder how the big reveal will go
this lwj really is taking a while to warm up to wwx. during his first appearance I was a little shocked by how cold he was, but of course they're as good as strangers to each other now. I read postcanon and stuff where they're already friends a lot so I skip over the part where they get close, but it's nice to see it for once because it builds up the relationship organically. in canon it took months and years for them to get close, and even longer for lwj to start breaking rules. but it's a lot of work for fic writers to put in and I usually find it repetitive so I don't read it a ton. it's different in AUs, which I'm learning to appreciate. lwj is still thoughtful and considerate, just not especially much of a caretaker since he doesn't yet know how much wwx deflects help and how much he's struggling without wanting to bother anyone
“It is impossible.” He does not know how to explain it to Wei Ying, who is so free and so alone. Lan Wangji loves his brother and his uncle. He loves his sect, his home. You cannot love something only when it serves you, when it is sweet and easy. You also love it when it is difficult, when it demands, when it is overbearing and severe and unfair. Lan Wangji is not alone, and so he is not free to do as he pleases.
I love this section. they get him
I had a theory that mxy painted his array on lwj's roof, but that's impossible since lwj is living in this insanely swanky apartment complex and mxy and wwx were clearly just on a regular ol roof. I do think mxy might be in this loop with them, but lwj's involvement but be due to whatever seal caused him and wwx to forget each other and for wwx and the sects to be unable to see each other
I also love that this fic recognizes wwx as a genius, not just for DC, but for knowing and referencing poetry and literature and academic research as well
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Lowly Desire
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Spin off.
(I am having writer's block. I do not know how to start the second chapter. But, there is a scene I want to write as part of the series.)
He was the Hades to your Persephone.
The monster chose the outfit and makeup for tonight's event. He was campaigning for a leadership role in the magical world he introduced.
It was a little confusing since you never thought magic existed. But, after a long time of being kidnapped, you didn't care about politics.
The reflection in the mirror was the look of a corpse. Old and sad. Old and broken spirited. Old and tired. Old. Old. Old.
How could a man who has grey hair turn an eighteen year old age just within months after stealing her from her home?
Torture. Rape. Degradation. Threats. Mocking. Haunting. Name Calling.
You fought against him when you woke up in his estate. He forced himself on you. Then he beat you. Starved you. Verbally abused you by making sick jokes which seemed funny to him.
You thought he was going to kill you after he had fun with you. The monster said the same thing.
But, he didn't kill you. Sadly.
He kept you alive.
He would rape you in the morning to wake you. Go away doing who knows what. Come home. Rape you again. Then sleep.
You grew bored of your routine. Apparently, he did not.
Deciding that waiting was worse than death. You tried to take your life.
His servant saw you and she stopped you then snitched.
The monster was furious but he didn't hit you. He looked rather sad and guilty.
Doesn't matter. You didn't want to live. Damaged beyond repair.
He stopped touching you for some days. Then, he couldn't keep away and would touch you but gentle. You let him. You tried to stare at the ceiling. But, he gripped your face and ordered you to look into his silver and hazel eye.
Ugly eyes he has. A scar too. Ugly old man.
Your thoughts interrupted when a young man with long raven locks cleared his throat.
You turned around and he gestured you to follow him. "Master Grindelwald will meet you at the party."
You didn't say anything. Whatever.
As you sat in the car. The young man began to drive. You looked out the window with your blank eyes.
You saw a poster of that ugly old man
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How you wished someone turned him in. But, he has a magic wand and other unearthly advantages. A "Muggle" like you cannot escape.
He really was tough and mean at you when you first met him after being kidnapped. He would call you that and say racist stuff. Why would he sleep with you if you were that bad? He must have bad taste then.
Gellert Grindelwald stooped so low to be with a human with no magic.
How pathetic. You bitterly thought. He was blaming you for lusting you. As if it was your fault. You never said two words to him before waking up. What is his problem?
The door was held open and you followed the young man to through the crowd of people. The henchmen and servants of Grindelwald all seemed like bad people. You didn't bother to remember their names.
The raven haired boy didn't look bad. But, you were to scared to trust anyone. Gulping, you avoided the yells of people trying to get into the party.
You heard offensive names and cat calls.
You knew that voice. You wanted to ignore. But, he would punish you. You didn't care. But, the monster said he will publicly degrade you with oral sex if you act up.
You turned to see the ugly old man's hair askew and neck tie ruined. His jacket was wrinkled. He seemed to have let himself be touched by the crowd
He sure loves touching people you thought.
Gellert walked up the stairs towards you and smiled at you for the first time. He held out his hand and you took it immediately. Better to obey quick and get it over with.
Pleased by your actions. He made you stand close to him. The crowd cheered.
You two looked like an ideal couple.
To make things worse. He kissed your temple. You saw cameras around you taking pictures.
As you were busy the young man with raven locks was watching you with sad eyes. You must have felt lonely being away from family and forced to accept a life you wish to escape. Like him. How he missed his father and uncle. He pitied you. He wanted to help. But, Grindelwald was too powerful. He didn't care of his life. But for his father and uncle. What to do?
Grindelwald on the other hand, grinned and waved before leading you inside the building. You kept a stoic expression.
Grindelwald felt guilt and sadness. You used to have life and spirit. Now, you are a walking corpse and an empty shell.
He regretted treating you the way he did. He thought if he satisfied his carnal desires, he would be rid of you.
Now, he wants you to stay.
The said man greeted politicians and his opponents. He made you sit down at a table as he walked up the podium.
"Thank you all for coming. I know eyes are on me because I brought a lovely young lady with me. Allow me to introduce her." The crowd looked at you. " May I introduce, Name. My future wife."
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essencering · 2 years
↳ summary: even if you should leave, and your being in this world eventually feels like a dream for those you've grown close to malleus will forever cherish each moment he's had the joy of spending with you.
↳ Tags: Gender Neutral Reader, Malleus Draconia (Twisted Wonderland), SFW.
writer's blurp: malleus is just a little powerful guy, who also has to go `ah the new student has NO idea of who i am` and then he gets a nickname and we befriend him. i honestly can't wait to see more little moments with malleus.
✧┈┈ chance encounter┈┈✧
a chance encounter with someone who doesn't know who he is. malleus figured at that moment he would have a bit of fun, and instead of telling you who he is that you could call him whatever you want.
the cute little title of your head, how your eyes shut and you thought with such a funny little scrunch of your face before opening your eyes and saying 'tsunotaro!!'
how brave. you're so naive, you have no idea of who he is, no sense of danger from his presence, but to call him such without any fear-- malleus finds that he cannot help, but admire you.
a chance encounter that rewarded malleus with something that when he met you he couldn't find the right word for, nor in the weeks and months following his chance encounter with you that night until he mentions it to lilia where he receives an unexpected response.
"maybe you consider them a friend," lilia replies before he continues the task he was focused on before malleus's gave voice to his thoughts.
the word felt right.
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✧┈┈ texting┈┈✧
"good morning tsunotaro!" "a picture of today's lunch + a bonus pic of grim, ace, and deuce's! just ignore the fight happening in the picture grim snatched a tart." "look at him!!! a new ribbon a new grim! doesn't he look so adorable!?"
the occasional buzzing of his phone is something that malleus finds to be a new pleasant addition to his day.
so when you send him pictures of the gargoyle's around the school (tacking on questions every so often), the scenery around the ramshackle dorm, or invite him to look at the night sky with you.
malleus enjoys seeing how you spend your day and he's happy that you think of him, and invite him to spend a quiet moment together. even if malleus finds himself unable to find an apt response to anything outside of good mornings and nights, or about what you might be eating today-- you don't seem to mind.
"thank you. child of man." is all malleus can say before he returns back to his dorm once he's made sure that you safely have both of your feet on the ground once more and back inside your dorm.
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✧┈┈ birthday's┈┈✧
"one of your precious lives will end if your birthday arrives. but a human still feels really happy when celebrating their birthday... It's hard for me to understand." malleus words carry a weight that had settled on his heart without knowing.
"i've never thought about that before." is your whispered reply, mayhaps you whispered it out of kindness, or you really had never thought of it-- how one birthday might just be your last.
today is a happy day. you accepted an invitation to his birthday party, sharing a peaceful moment between the two of you, stopping him from covering the place in thorns (which he thought would make you happy), showing interest in wanting to see his rose garden, and chatting with him.
malleus wonders if the weight that's settled on his heart is the knowledge of just how many birthdays you'll be able to spend with him and just how many of yours he has with you before you return home or cease to exist.
"malleus," your tone lacks the cheer it did before, but your smile still remains just as brilliant, holding out your hand before you continue to speak, "happy birthday tsunotaro thank you for inviting me now-- how about we go and eat some of that whole cake together with everyone."
all malleus can do is laugh, to so boldly call him by his name, then by the nickname you had given him from your first meeting so many months ago and ask him to eat cake not only with just you but with everyone who is present.
putting his fear for the future aside, for just a moment malleus takes your hand and allows for himself to be pulled in by the ebb and flow that's wholly you.
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whatdamiwatched · 2 years
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Are we…a…family?
Sharpwin finally had the kind of confrontation that they’ve been needing to have since they got into a quick ass relationship, jumped over all the regular steps and moved to a whole new country together. Even though they had been whatever they were for three years, their personal relationship lived within the walls of the hospital. They didn’t have dinner some nights or hang out in each other’s houses, she didn’t babysit Luna from time to time- it was a work husband/wife dynamic that stayed at work. Understandably, moving from that very contained relationship into an extremely serious romantic relationship had to explode sooner or later- the show went for later - because timing isn’t their forte, but it was nonetheless satisfying.
I have never seen a character more loved and exalted as Max Goodwin. For some reason, the fandom is quick to see everything from his point of view and remind themselves that HE’S A GOOD MAN! It doesn’t help that his character is written to be the saintiest of saints- like even Jesus cannot compete- and every character that’s next to him has to be a little bit worse. An example is the entire hospital staff pretending that Helen leaving was a completely normal and inconsequential thing even though she had worked with these people for years, was best friends with some of them and had been a big part of Max’s transformation of New Amsterdam. A lot of that is a failing on the part of the writers, but also a part of this flattening of any character around Max to let his sainthood shine brighter.
When Helen brought up the subject of Max’s parents, he explained it away in two sentences and put a pin 📌 in the conversation. Helen respected that and didn’t push it. In that same conversation, Max then broaches the subject of where he wants her relationship with Luna to go.
Against the two things I have highlighted, we come to the basis of their first fight. After Helen explodes at her mother, and Max shows up ONE hour late, she leaves the restaurant angrily. Max stays. So much happened after that this point was very much overlooked, but ONE hour late to meet the woman you’re calling your mother in law is unacceptable. I also think if he could already not make the effort to be on time to something Helen expressed was already a fraught encounter, he should have followed her for that reason. She should have been in that moment, his priority and he should have been more conscious of the fact that he was walking into a thorny situation to start with.
Now, before I continue, let me address the people that would try to remind me that he moved country- boo-fucking-hoo. He made a choice that adults across the world make every day and he’s making it for someone that has LITERALLY saved his life MULTIPLE times. I don’t even want to debate what the weight of his sacrifice is because I’m not convinced it even compared to the 3 seasons of sacrifice from her beforehand and she didn’t ask it of him.
So Helen is back home, wearing one of Max’s shirts for comfort, drinking wine and trying to recover from maybe one of the biggest blow outs she’s ever had with her mum. Max comes home and he doesn’t ask questions- doesn’t say “omg that seemed really hard, what happened?” Or “how are you feeling now?” Or “do you want to talk?” Or “I’m sorry I was late”- you know what Max does instead?
Max says he’s solved the issue by setting up a standing weekly invitation for them to bond.
Put yourself in Helen’s shoes? WTF?
When she rightly says she didn’t ask him to solve it…and wait let’s circle back. As a couple, it’s really okay and ideal to deal with things together, but that was far from what he was doing- he was making a unilateral decision about something that was separate from their relationship. So when she’s saying “don’t solve this”, it’s not a “I don’t love you, stay out”- it’s a “this is still a space you’re not part of yet.” Max responds by bringing up moving. Now it’s not that fact that he said moving (actually it is a little bit) but it’s also the language he used. “When I moved across the world for you, your problems became our problems”- on first glance, it might seem almost romantic, on second glance, Helen was completely right. Even though he made the physical move with her, he had a different set of emotional touch points with the move. His emotional thing was - “I love this woman, I want her in my life, I want to be with her and that’s what matters now.” For Helen, it’s “I’ve run away from dealing with my family issues and I’m trying to discover who I was to find out how I am”. Those are difficult issues already without carrying the burden of the fact that your brand new boyfriend has moved his life to be with you.
So while she’s home with her wine trying to decompress from a big part of her move blowing up, Max comes home and triggers the other button- “I get to interfere because I moved here”. Boom.
By now, he’s frustrated that she’s not talking to him about the deeper background issues and being left with her mum and so where he should have pulled back, he pushes at it, leading to their back and forth which ends in him asking - “are we a family?”
What an unfair question. What a load to add on top of an already heavy day.
In a way, that’s Max. Max that wanted to be all of the above even when he was married- Max that pushed Helen to admit her feelings and then acted like the conversation never happened- Max that had a relationship he didn’t share, but questioned why she didn’t share hers- Now, Max that’s using her relationship with her mother to act as a shortcut to expressing his moving uncertainty.
I am happy the fight happened though and can’t wait to see where it leads them to next.
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a year in the life | rockstar! s.s.
pairing: rockstar!sebastian stan x writer!reader
main work: i wanna know what love is
season: autumn 🍁
a/n: in celebration of 4 major works of mine turning one this year (my babies, cannot believe it’s been a year) and based on the reboot of gilmore girls, i will be revisiting my works per season. we are starting with autumn and rockstar!seb. hope you enjoy xx
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Y/N laid on the big chez lounge couch in the middle of her living room, surrounded by her children’s toys, with a large bowl of Doritos on her lap as the Real Housewives played on the background. For the very first time since forever, she was alone at home; Jess and Marion were at their respective schools while Sebastian was busy in the studio, doing some rearrangements to a new album. She loved the three of them more than anything but she knew that she would’ve never had the chance to eat Doritos without Sebastian complaining it was unhealthy for her or her children trying to take a bite. Lately, all she wants is to lay low, bask in her leave from work and watch some trashy TV. 
As her eyes were getting heavier and heavier with sleep when the front door opened, sending her back into alert mood. Luckily, it wasn’t no one trying to break in but her husband who still couldn’t open doors without making a big ruckus about it. 
     - I’m sorry, bunny. -  he stepped back as he recognised his wife’s sleepy face. - I thought you’d be in the bedroom. 
     - Can’t move. - she pointed at her bulging bump covered by one of his old jumpers which seemed to be the only thing that fully covered her at this particular stage. Sebastian chuckled, walking over to her to quickly kiss her, hand caressing her bump through the jumper. - Didn’t expect you to be home so early.
      - I can see. - he pointed at the bowl of Doritos on her lap. - You’re supposed to be the prudent one. 
    - I’m carrying your offspring. It makes me make bad decisions. - she teased, cuddling against him as he sat by her side, worn out slightly loose black leather jacket still on. - How are the boys?
    - Fighting about who gets to be godfather this time.
    - Did you tell them my brother is gonna be the godfather?
    - Now, where would the fun be in that, bunny? - he smirked, with that boyish like looks he still managed to remain after all these years. 
    - Stop it. - she leaned towards him to kiss him. 
    - How are you feeling today? - his hand mindlessly rubbed her bump, feeling the little moves of the baby whenever the baby moved. - Little one is a bit feisty today.
    - It’s been like this all of last night. I think I might be closer to labour than we think.
    - Why didn’t you tell me? I would’ve driven the kids to school, honey love. 
    - You needed to sleep. - she groaned as she stretched her legs. - Besides, Marion is staying with your mum today so I wanted to spend some time with her before she went. 
    - No kids tonight? - he leaned over to kiss her collarbone. - How long has it been?
    - As long as I’ve been pregnant. - she pushed him away playfully. - Jess is not going. 
    - Why not? Jess loves my mum. Is he sick? Urgh, is the flu going around his class again? We need to put him into a better school, those kids at his school are always s...
    - Seb, stop. - she rolled her eyes, smiling at the same time at how he’d gone from let it be to constant rambling about his children’s wellbeing. - He just wants to be home tonight and he’s been a little sad lately. 
    - You’re sure he’s not sick? Because there’s this private school which tests kids for all those flu things.
    - He’s not sick. He’s just got ... a bit of a lovebug. He got like this when I was last pregnant with Marion. 
    - Well, at least he hasn’t decided that the baby is just not coming. - Sebastian referred to Marion. Their daughter had just decided there was no baby coming around, even after being offered her own bedroom with her own bathroom, just for herself. - I’ll go pick him up, make it a whole thing. Maybe even pass by Al’s ... get you that pasta you really like. 
    - You’re just trying to make me forget that you’re the reason we’re moving houses. 
   - Y/N, this house has always been too small.
   - That’s because you need a whole room for your guitars alone. 
She’d spend the best part of her initial married years trying to convince Sebastian to either get a storage unit to put all his guitars in or to just merge it with his office yet, he’d always come back with an excuse. “Honey love, they need to be displayed”, “Bunny I would just get distracted if they were in my office” he would tell her with his rockstar like charm which she thought was strong enough to resist, yet how can she say no when he immediately shifts from boyish smile to having her pressed against the wall of that very same room, pounding into her as if he was an up and coming rockstar and her his favourite groupie. With the need for that bedroom, their once spacious apartment they bought when she was pregnant with Jess was becoming too small. Normally Y/N would be okay with it but being 8 months pregnant during the fall where it constantly rains in New York, moving seemed like the last thing she’d like to do and just thinking about it made her tired already. After all, she could barely walk to the kitchen without feeling tired or taking a short break in the middle of the path. She thought that after two pregnancies, the third one would be a walk in the park. Turns out it’s more like a run in the park, except the park is on fire and she’s barefoot. 
   - Honey love, asking me to get rid of my guitars is like asking you to get rid of your five copies of Emma.
   - They’re in different languages. - she argued back.
   - They’re different models, besides, we can finally have a guest bedroom. You always wanted a guest bedroom.
   - Sure then maybe my grandfather will come visit more often. How about that? - Sebastian chuckled at her answer. - I’m not joking. You get me pregnant, you get to be annoyed by my grandfather. 
   - You’re acting like this is my fault when you were the one who wore fishnets with a leather skirt. I’m only human. 
   - Fine, 10% my fault, 90% you fault. That’s my final offer.
   - You sure? 
   - Yes. You see, you are a sex maniac who cannot be controlled. 
   - That’s not what you wrote about me. - he smirked. - You said I had more soul than just a sex pot. 
   - Do not quote my own words at me.
   -  You bought my old guitar.
   - Urgh ... - she rolled her eyes. Sebastian grinned, happy he’d won the debate. - Just go make the other mums jealous please.
   - Look at you, using me for my sex appeal only.
   - No. I just really enjoy being the powerful mum. 
   - Yeah? What’s that like?
   - Constant questions about if we do weird sex blood rituals. Then mysterious answers, so they all fear you and don’t force you to attend PTA meetings on date nights. 
   - I gotta say, bunny ... we got this parenting thing covered. 
   - We do.
   - When I come back, you better not have a bowl of Doritos on your belly.
   - I’ll do whatever I want.
   - Sure, bunny, if you walk to the kitchen by yourself ...
   - Low move, Stan. Low.
   - You love me. - he chuckled, grabbing his keys from the trinket dish by the entry door. - See you soon, bunny.
   - Love you. - she scrunched her face in a little smile which he couldn’t help but smile back.
Sebastian liked to pick up Marion and Jess from school. His schedule normally meant Y/N, who had a more 9-5 job, was the one who’d do the drop offs and collections so he’d always meet them at home but whenever he could pick them up, he’d be the first one there. He just loved to see his two babies come out of school in their little uniforms which he incredibly hated when they first enrolled but now couldn’t help but find incredibly adorable. He also loved to see how both his children came out of school. Marion would be the one who’d take the longest, surrounded by all her friends and probably nursing a scrape or two on her knee as if kindergarten 2-3 year old was a big fighting ground while Jess would come out as quickly as he could. 
He parked slightly in front of his son’s school, coming out of the car and leaning against it. The parents’ eyes were immediately on him, maybe it was due to the star power or, most likely, it was because he was wearing a leather jacket, dark shades and his neck tattoo could be seen peaking out the collar of his jacket. His shoes crinkled the fallen leaves on the floor, avoiding those looks as he waited for his son. He knew who he was and he was not going to change it because he became a father, he is a good father, he knows that. The bell rang and a swarm of children came rushing out of the school, and they say birth rates are low. He took his sunglasses off, trying to pin point his son in the middle of all different aged children. 
   -  DAD! - he turned his head to the memorable voice, crutching down as he son rushed to him. Jess wrapped his arms around his father, little childish giggles as Sebastian pulled him off the floor.
   - Hey, buddy. How was school?
   - We did hand turkeys.
   - Hand turkeys? No way, that’s so cool. - he opened up the car’s passenger’s seat, sticking around to check if he fastened his seatbelt correctly before taking the driver’s seat. - It’s just gonna be us three today, bud. You, me and mummy. We getting Al’s and some ice cream. 
   - Why didn’t mummy come?
   - Mummy is very tired, buddy. The baby is kicking a lot, won’t let the baby sleep.
   - Oh ...  - Sebastian saw his son’s face grow sadder.
   - What do you want from Al’s, bud? You can get whatever you want.
   - Really?
   - Yeah.
The little restaurant had soon become a staple in their family life. Sebastian had. discovered by accident after accidentally burning dinner for Y/N’s. He wasn’t already too popular with Y/N’s family so he knew he had to fix it and there it was, the small little restaurant filled with delicious food. Now, it was just a Friday night tradition yet today was special, almost nostalgic to when Y/N, Sebastian and Jess had their first home. Back when Y/N and him were new parents and would trip on every toy in the apartment. God, those were the days. 
  - Dad? - Jess pulled at his sleeve while the two were waiting in the queue. 
  - Yeah, bud? - Sebastian picked him up, already understanding the signs of whenever he wanted to be held. 
  - I ... The baby’s not coming for a while, right? 
  - Why, Jessie? What did Marion say?
  - She didn’t say anything ... uhm, it’s gonna be three of us now. 
  - Yeah. We’re gonna get a new big place, we can even get a dog or a cat. You always wanted a cat, didn’t you? 
  - But, now I’m third.
  - What do you mean? - Sebastian furrowed his brows at the comment.
  - Well, when Marion was a baby you and mummy were always with her but she’s still a baby and now there’s a new baby, so I’m gonna be third. - Sebastian’s heart broke at that comment. Now it made sense. - And ... you’re not home a lot and mummy is gonna be busy with the baby.
  - Hey, you’re not third. - he rubbed his son’s back, kissing the side of his head, soothing him to the best of his ability. - You want me to be home more?
  - No, daddy ... you like doing music. 
  - Hm ... how about you come to the studio with me when you don’t have school?
  - Really? But you said I’m too little. 
  - Well, you’re gonna be a big brother again, I think it’s time.
  - Really?
  - Yeah. - he smiled him, his smile reflecting back at him. 
  - Faye. 
  - What?
  - We should name the baby Faye. 
  - Faye? You want your baby sister to be named Faye?
  - Yes.
  - Well ... Faye it is.
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anonil88 · 3 years
Malcolm and Marie live blog
I don't usually do liveblogs for movies but yea.
Spoilers ahead!!
I love that its modern timed but very 70s stylized.
A tune indeed.
When you are high and drunk on success and
How the white critic reacts is why I feel like gatekeeping my scripts. At the same time some things I do make are about race or involve.
Marie sitting on the patio smoking is a mood whenever men are talking.
So he's pretentious and unaware.
Whoever chose the music for this, I feel like we would be Spotify mutuals.
Can this nigga stop pacing.
Also can he stop talking;
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Marie is so tired and unimpressed.
Also little booties matter and are to be bitten.
Oooo the tension and the jazz.
Title Card over mac and cheese.
Shitty boxes mac and cheese but still mac and cheese.
Tbh i always wonder if spouses/significant others get upset when their spouses don't acknowledge them during speeches.
John sounds so much like his dad but I really hope his acting style differs from his dad a lot.
Guilty confession?
He did not profit off of his partners backstory and then not even acknowledge her.....I.....
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If that ever happened to me catch me cussing my partner out during the beginning credits, the end credits, in the car, and at home.
The way I'm excited for Zendaya to give me some, oooo can she work with Regina King. Please on my knees I pray.
Um no that's not your job to coddle your lead.
He's a dick and the type of dick who makes himself look like a good person around other people.
If Sam Levinson is trying to make his viewers more of misandrist, it's working.
I feel like Marie has her flaws probably a lot of them and we will surely see as this continues, but Malcolm needs to learn how to apologize sincerely.
70s vibes! 70s vibes!
Them kissing and talking about criticism and dreams makes me miss a partner. A partner that I've had and haven't had.
Women really are behind every great man.
Yea sir you fucked a happy moment.
Oh visual allegories for looking in from the outside and cat and mouse chasing and looking from the outside in.
She's saying she doesn't feel noticed by you.
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Gas lighter :0 he called her an emotional support dog, bruh.
I would LOVE to co-write or take a writing class held by Sam Levinson. The fights i write are very much in this same realm of reflection and anger and monologue.
Sam.....sam.....are all the sides inside of you doing okay sir?
The ugly side of dating and being in a relationship with someone who struggles with their own demons.
Honestly I could close my eyes and listen to this script being read without seeing these characters visually. Just close my eyes and get a sense of these characters like it was a radio story.
Oh. Oh this is a new wheelhouse of Zendaya acting; a different voice is like breaking through here and her expressions aren't the same we are used to. You can literally hear another character in there....hmm.
Mans is outside really fighting with his invisible demons lmfao.
Selfish ass, how after everything she said you came out of it thinking about your own craft and self instead of how you hurt her.
So she's conditional.
Me: did sam (a white man) say nigga this many times in his script or are the actors adding their own inflections. Not just the lingo used but the topic of race and directing etc. being written by a white writer about black characters is always gonna be a critique when you're writer is a white person.
Alexa play Broken Girls by Saba
He is so hurtful.
A clown nigga a clown look in the fucking mirror you bozo head ass looking like you need some Mehron clown white and a size 16 in clown shoes.
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John is doing a really swell performance and reading of these lines.
He is reading her for her insecurities by bringing up his experiences with other women and that.....is yikes.
Arguments can get messy like this in real life but it takes a lot of maturity and control to either not let it get to this point or have a healthy conversation afterwards.
This film is really shot on some very crisp lenses.
They sitting there like 🚬🧍‍♀️🧍‍♂️.
Leftover Mac and Cheese and unfinished cigarettes.
The nyt etc. pay walls are so annoying, but there is a work around look at the articles on incognito or add a period at the end of the url.
He sounds like his daddy so much here, weird, this is the only part I'm eh on the dialogue it feels real but a bit out of pace in how they are bouncing off one another.
Nail scissors? So the end is not the only part he based off of Marie. 🙄
ITS A GOOD REVIEW YOU DINGUS but also its a full review they are going to critique things. She isn't wrong though he did profit off of a woman's story that was not his own to profit from.
Yes Malcolm because unfortunately all marginalized people look through a lens of life that is inherently political because of the world they live in.
He is so mad and upset and had a lot on his chest. But I think he Malcolm and Sam are talking about something thats an issue and a non issue. Being critiqued for you art is hard but also Malcolm is not super self aware. He's like a stand in figure of for example rich depop sellers who wanna be oppressed so badly they yell at others instead of examining their own personal behaviors and ethics.
Oh Marie, when you know the spark is gone and you pick fights because.
He ain't even ask her to read?
One critic I have for most of hollywood actors is they learn their cry and that is it. A change from this is Margot Robbie, I adore her fluctuations of crying being similar but the crying is carried differently for each character. If I had to say any actor that does a cry scene amazing its this woman right here (Amy Adams)
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You stole her story from her and gave it away, she has a right to be upset and angry and a rubber band ball of emotions.
Citizen Kane, not the cinematography, but the story is it even that good? (Unpopular opinion but meh, maybe in my rewatch it will be better.)
But that is what people want authenticity and whatever authenticity means to them. What is real for one is false for another.
To be honest look at the criticism of Euphoria, well earned, but a lot of people were like this isn't real even though he literally wrote about his own life. People said it was inauthentic like....wtf.
Ahh the smoking is just a habit, he quit and she didn't.
CAST ZENDAYA IN A HORROR MOVIE PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF EVERYTHING. Get Lupita and Zendaya and some more black actors preferably less known ones in a horror movie. One with a interesting script and story, directed by Regina King. Please and thankyou.
I love Marie yep that was amazing.
Behind every great man is a greater woman, one that deserves her credit for how she has stood behind. I wonder the stories of those women, what they have sacrificed or not sacrificed. Their thoughts and feelings when the world is surrounding their partner and views them as a plus one. (I'd write a short script about this but I think do I have the time, can I, or am I equipped ?)
He is a shitty person for bringing up his exes, like she even said I don't wanna know any of that.
Imagine being on anti depressents and rarely having a sex drive and then when you do your partner starts talking about their exes and tearing you apart for all your faults.
I love when you see peaks of Zendaya's cadence in roles.
Tension, what if's and he didn't even bring her up in his speech.
Marie to herself and the audience:
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He is not afraid that he will loose her but as my character says in my unreleased story, "i can't wait til you give me a fucking reason to leave your ass." Malcolm expects everything in order for not even doing the bare minimum and she is only asking him for something as simple as consideration. She just wants him to be considerate. He wants to get married and considers their relationship like rolling down a hill at full speed and he cannot apologize, he cannot be considerate, and he cannot admit his wrongs. He can only offer her I love yous that he probably does mean but he does not back up outside of what he's done for her in the past. The past which was more of her experience than his and he sees his part in it as a burden. He doesn't use his own vantage point of the past to further his career he uses her. He does all of these things without a real apology or thankyou because he is not afraid to loose her.
The restrictions of quarantine and the panorama have made Sam's writing very no frills. I wonder how other films from other directors and writers that are filmed in small contained crews like this will be structured. But this was a very good movie gonna add to my letter box 3.3-3.5
Oh shit this is my song,
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Ratings/overall thoughts:
Script is like a C+, B- : I could go into my heavier big brain thoughts on the script but I don't feel like it. You catch hints of it above it centers conversation on race and privilege, mainly the writers and questions i have that won't be answered but Sam did make me grow disdain for Malcolm over a short time. Which is sometimes hard to do because im one sympathetic person but the sympathy i have for Malcolm is at 0. Maybe a 2 at some scenes but then it quickly goes back to 0. Some parts of the dialogue miss the mark or hit the are off balanced. While some of it like Malcolm's bathroom speech albeit mean is really strong or their conversation when he comes back from peeing really shines for me.
Performances: B+ to A- because they carried the script further than it could of gone with less talented actors. The monologues do well to showcase their current skill levels which are already high af and leave room for anticipation in where these actors go next.
Zendaya holding a knife: A+ with a gold star. That switch on and off and on is delectable.
John being a shitty boyfriend but following Marie like a lost puppy: B+ with a good job written at the bottom of the paper, Malcolm being nervous a frantic dialed up with more realistic nervousness would have sold me completely on Malcolm's anxious waiting.
Cinematography: A and a participation award.
The mac and cheese: A+ for the easy mac. Wish it was like Annie's or Velveeta.
Cigarettes: Participation award and their picture hung up for student of the month. Why the grill lighter? Everytime Malcolm opened up his mouth Marie was like sparks fly.
The music: A++ with a prize. Whoever picked the music probably makes good Spotify playlists.
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ordinaryschmuck · 3 years
What I Thought About "Hunting Palismans" From The Owl House
Salutations, random people on the internet who certainly won’t read this! I am an Ordinary Schmuck. I write stories and reviews and draw comics and cartoons.
Today, I present to you reason #4,693 for why The Owl House is the best thing at the moment: It's the perfect balance of serialized storytelling with an episodic format. The story always moves forward with an exact order for how episodes should be watched, but each episode still functions as its own standalone tale. Having prior knowledge of what happened before adds more to the experience, but you can still watch whatever you want and still have an enjoyable time. Take "Hunting Palismans," for example. It adds so much more to the overarching narrative while slightly continuing other threads. But it's still something you can watch as is without remembering the past or wondering about the future.
However, to properly explain how requires spoilers. I wasn't kidding when I say that this episode adds so much, so you're going to want to be wary of that when you continue reading.
With that said, let's review, shall we?
Coven Heads Meeting: We already saw these fellow schmucks in the trailer, but that doesn't take away how cool they are! It's not explicitly stated which head belongs to which coven, but you can already tell who goes where just from their designs alone. And I love that. I love that just by showing us some excellent character designs, anybody with half a brain can already figure out the particular type of magic each Coven Head specializes in. It's a perfect example of the show-don't-tell level of storytelling that is always at its best through animation, and I'm all for it because of it.
What the Day of Unity is: Several fans, myself included, have already speculated that the Day of Unity was that Emperor Belos planned to combine the human world with the Boiling Isles and rule it all with an iron fist. That being said, figuring it out is one thing, but being told that it's true is a whole different level pants-s**ting horror that I AM NOT READY FOR! Even when it's going to happen, I can assure you that I will not be prepared to witness it ...and I am scared of when it does.
Belos Body Horror: ...Disney, I was already scared s**tless of this guy. I DO NOT NEED THIS!
That being said, seeing Belos do...whatever the f**k that was, helps explain further why he needs the magic in palismans. I always assumed because it's like fuel for a car, giving him the power he needs. Now, even though the answer is more apparent, there are still some questions to be had. Is he cursed, and the magic keeps it at bay like Eda's potions? Or did he experiment with the wrong type of magic, and the palismans keep him stable? Only the future can say for sure...and I'm also not prepared for the answers from that either.
But, yeah, the most powerful witch on the Isles is apparently Golden Boy's Grunkle Belos. That very knowledge is incredibly interesting to discuss while presenting possibilities for future narratives. I don't know about you, but I see the Golden Guard going down the path of Zuko, learning that the magic of friendship is worth much more than whatever power he gains from being Belos' nephew. And possibly earning his uncle's love seeing how he's the only family he has. It's a situation that's vastly different from Amity's because even when she defies her parents, she'll still have Edric and Emira at the end of the day. For Golden Guard, knowing that he lost a great family to wild magic, the inclination to go against Belos is a lot weaker due to him being all he has left.
Oh, and also, Belos' family getting wiped out because of wild magic. Yeah, not only does that give the best type of motivation for Belos' distaste for it, but it also explains the Golden Guard's hesitance to use it. He's inclined to so he can save his uncle, sure. It's only the fact that he knows what happens with wild magic that causes some resistance...Also, we're less than a minute in, and I'm already getting all of this from one discussion between two characters.
Intro Changes: It's about time too. It seems weird that the crew waited to change Eda and King's designs in the intro this late in the game, but it also tells me that Amity dying her hair lavender is the last huge change this season will present. Otherwise, why change the intro at all if you were going to alter Luz, Willow, and Gus' designs anyway? It just doesn't make sense to me.
Luz Keeping the Echo Mouse as a Pet: The fact that she keeps the most important creature in the world to her as a pet...it's...it's adorable, alright? And as we established several times, I cannot hate adorable things.
Don't judge me!
Amity Staying Home: There are two plausible ways why Amity didn't go to school that day. Either she's getting punished for dying her hair or because she's trying to avoid Luz so they won't talk about the you-know-what. Either could work and seem understandable to Luz, thus explaining why she admits how "that makes sense." Although, there is something to discuss in how Luz is curious as to where Amity is. Judging from the tone of her voice, it's pretty clear that she wants to talk about the little peck on the cheek and maybe get some confirmation as to what it means. Because there is no going back from that. You can explain away saying or doing something stupid, but you cannot un-kiss a cheek. That is a point of no return, and if Amity really is avoiding Luz because of it, that means it's up to our favorite weirdo to make the first move. As for what that may entail...we'll just have to wait and see.
Frewin: We get two bits of information here for the price of one reveal here. Knowing that Frewin is a palisman is shocking enough, but the knowledge that Bump is partially blind and needs Frewin to see? That is an intriguing piece of intel that I would have never expected to get revealed. This is reason #5,279 for what makes The Owl House so good. Even when the show presents information you wouldn't guess, it's all so interesting anyways that you can't help but go along with it.
Adopting Palismans: First of all, love the fact that the Bat Queen makes a return to provide a solution to the palisman trees being rare and solving her own problem regarding the discarded palismans. It's a situation where everyone wins in a way that is so clever that I can't help but admire it.
Second, the idea of students choosing to adopt palismans instead is cute. I'd say it gives further insight into who these characters are in how they say what they want to be, but there's nothing really new added that fans couldn't figure out from the get go. But I will say that it's pretty cool to know that these characters have official staffs now. Speaking of which, if you're upset that their palismans don't match up with your headcanons...grow up.
This was a cute and smartly written scene that should not be bogged down by whiney fans who can't accept a series doing something different from what they expect.
Little Rascal: I’d take a bullet for this bird. That is all.
Luz Being Uncertain of her Future: A lot of fans offer several ideas of what the future could look like for Luz. Will she stay in the Boiling Isles? In Connecticut? Or will she go back and forth? We don't know, but one question we rarely brought up is what does Luz want? More specifically, what does she want to do? After everything Luz went through, the adventures she's gone on, and the lessons learned, what is something that Luz wants her future to be? That's an answer she doesn't really figure out, and I'm genuinely ok with that being a question that's tabled for another day. Most kids who ask that question themselves aren't always going to find an answer after a short amount of time and sometimes even need to spend their lives trying to figure it out. So having it be something Luz has to consider and probably find out in a future episode is the smarter option, as it allows time for it to simmer in her own mind and provides more insight into her character. As stated several times in this episode, she doesn't think things through, so it's nice that the writers finally allowed her some time to wonder what's next when the adventure is over.
Luz Having to Improvise Without Paper Glyphs: You want to know what my favorite Spider-Man moments are (this is relevant. Trust me). My favorite moments are when Spidey's web-shooters run out of fluid, and he's forced to improvise with that big brain of his to find a solution. That's sort of what happens with Luz in "Hunting Palismans." She didn't bring her glyphs with her (why would she), so she's forced to use the environment around her to make new ones. Plus, Luz also flexes her knowledge of the Boiling Isles by mixing her glyphs with a magical plant (which Willow certainly told her about) so that she and the Golden Guard could knock out Kikimora's dragon. It's yet another showcase of her intelligence that a lot of fans are too keen to overlook. Unfortunate to see, too, because looking at how well Luz can craft the perfect solutions by fighting smarter, not harder, is a fantastic add-on to her personality. I love characters who win through their wits rather than their raw powers, and I once again hope more people will catch onto that aspect of her too.
Golden Guard Whistling the Theme: Look, I love it when a show acknowledges its own theme song, ok? Leave me alone.
Luz and the Golden Guard: This is one of those dynamics you didn't know you wanted until you have it. And now that I have it, I DEMAND MORE!
Seriously, seeing these two interact off of each other was a ton of fun to watch. When Luz and GG are initially at each other's throats, their threats and mockery towards one another aren't out of spiteful anger between two mortal enemies. It's more like...two siblings who get on each other's nerves yet are supposed to deal with one another. It's equally adorable and hilarious, and yes, I absolutely loved that they're forced to work together in this episode because of it.
Although, while the entertainment value is fantastic, it also adds more proof of why Luz is the best character in the series. She spends one night with this guy, and that's more than what she needed to make a difference with him. I wouldn't go so far as to say that they're buddies now, but Luz definitely sowed the seeds into his redemption. He's far from willing to join her side, but he still does something he rarely does with anyone else: He told her that his name is Hunter. And this is what Luz does. Through nearly every person she meets on the Boiling Isles, she always manages to change them for the better. It'll be a while before Hunter deflects from Belos, but if Amity proves anything, Luz has a way of sneaking into people's hearts. They just need to spend more time with one another, and I can't wait to see what happens next because of it.
Kikimora Wanting to Kill Hunter: This shows a lot about who Kikimora is, but it potentially proves just how dysfunctional the Emperor's Coven can be. If Kiki proves anything, the coven must be filled with people willing to backstab and cheat their way to get on Emperor Belos' good side. Just look at Lilith. She literally cursed her own sister just to get in and received all the rewards because of it. The Emperor's Coven may be the best choice for witches to do magic, but if you're surrounded by people you can't trust, then is it really worth it?
The Guards Not Knowing Who Hunter is: This helps add to how much of a big deal it is for Hunter to reveal his name to Luz. If people can't even recognize his face, there's a chance it means that he keeps his true identity a secret except for those in his inner circle.
And the coven guards brushing off his brand is more than believable to me. They may be aware that Belos' right hand is young, but teens will be teens. Anybody with enough artistic talent can fake a brand. So it isn't too far off for those two to think Hunter was just a kid pulling a prank.
Hunter is Powerless Without his Staff: Not much to say here. It's just some more neat insight into Hunter's character that makes me wonder if even Belos' magic is real magic.
But I will say this: The fact that Hunter comes from a lineage of powerless witches, well, who's to say that isn't because of a...certain ancestor?
(*Cough* Hunter is related to Philip *Cough*)
Hunter vs Kiki: A pretty well-animated fight scene that adds potential drama to the story for the future. Now that Kikimora knows that Hunter helped Luz escape with the palismans (albeit unwillingly), she may or may not hold that over his head when the time comes. Or, at the very least, decides to keep a closer eye on him whenever he makes a slip-up.
Eda and King Getting Luz her own Palisman Wood: These last two weeks have been severely lacking in the Eda and King department, but scenes like this more than make up for it. Those two have formed such a bond with Luz to the point where they would do the impossible if it meant she would feel better. It proves just how much of a family they all are and the lengths they would go for each other. After all, weirdos have to stick together.
Little Rascal going to Hunter: Hunter is right. That was surprising.
Given how much Little Rascal stuck by Luz, I was more than positive that she would be the one he chose. So seeing Little Rascal pick Hunter instead is a much nicer twist. There could be multiple reasons why, and I'm just going to leave that to the analyzers in this fandom to decide. Especially since the answer isn't really all that important.
So, instead, I'm going to go ahead and sit in the corner as I wOrRy AbOuT tHe DaY tHaT bElOs FiNdS lItTlE rAsCal!
First, there's...um...
Well, there was this...
Ok, as much as I liked--No, that turned out well anyways...
...I've got nothing.
I, honest to goodness, have no complaints about "Hunting Palismans" Not even the tiniest of nitpicks I would usually ignore due to how well-executed everything else was.
It's all written fantastically to the point where it's...perfect.
"Hunting Palismans" is an easy A+. It introduces even more plot threads, gives insight into characters, and despite being essential to the story, it still manages to be a fun episode all on its own. And, I'd go so far as to say that it's one of the best, if not the best, episodes in the series. There's nothing bad about it, and that surprises me. I rarely find nothing bad to say about any story, even the ones I enjoy greatly. I'm sure there are some flaws that others would be more than happy to point out, but why bother hunting for the imperfections when I could accept that, for once, an episode is simply perfect.
(And that’s six hits in a row...THAT STINKER IS GOING TO HAPPEN! It hasn’t happened yet, BUT IT’S GOING TO HAPPEN! I CAN FEEL IT!)
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