#like danny phantom plz
millylotus · 2 years
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meowmeowmeowmeow4x · 3 months
Supersons +1 prompt answer
If you asked Danny, 12 year old half-ghost hero of Amity Park, how half-life was going, he'd tell you things were mixed.
On the one hand, he had just spent the last three or four months in family/scientist/'this house is a death trap waiting to happen' therapy with Jazz, and by some miracle, it worked. He wasn't sure if this was some kind of dream as his parents poured over years upon years of research, crossing out lines, rewriting equations, and reevaulating everything they thought they knew about ghosts.
Was the shudders family therapy worth not going over how they'd like to dissect him? he's still not sure. The horror.
Not to mention the attention. Danny was sure he was going to throw up if his parents drag him away for more bonding time, only for a ghost to attack and for him to run off to transform. What made it worse was when the Fentons came barrelling out, guns blazing, alternating between getting mad that he'd interrupted their family time, and asking him questions about "Your suspicious spook culture, if you even have one you dangerous delusional delinquent!"
At least they were trying, but Danny was very much comfortable not spilling the beans on the whole half-ghost situation, thank you very much.
And that's why, when Dad proposed to take him to Gotham to show off their latest invention, he jumped at the chance. The home city of the Batman, one of the greatest heroes known to man (except for Martian Manhunter and Superman of course) and Dad promised to take him to Gotham Observatory too. Not to mention how much he wanted to get away from Jazz's smug looks of superiority. Gotham here he comes!
Damian Wayne scowled as he scanned the crowed of scientists with more smarts than sense. Really, a flying toilet seat. For what deviant?
"Maybe they're for people who can fly." Kent piped up beside him. Father had let the two of them run off together, and his company was mildly more appealing than being alone with his thoughts.
"Why would Superman ever need to relieve himself mid-air. I do not believe you would appreciate your father's rear end being on display for all the world to see."
"True." Jon hummed. His voice lowered to a whisper. "You think indecent exposure is what your dad meant by "scoping out any potential future villains?"
Damian gave Jon a flat look. The sooner this convention ended, the better.
The crowded shifted, and the mass of visitors pushed toward a certain corner, where a man large enough to rival Superman's build stood upon a podium, with a boy their age off to the side.
"Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you the latest in FentonWorks' innovations, the Fenton Ghost Zone Radar, soon to revolutionise the study of ghosts!"
"I thought ghosts were a magic thing." Jon said. "You know, stuff Constantine and JLD deal with."
"They are."
"Mixing magic and science is like, like, oil and water. No way this guy's serious, is he?"
"His name is Jack Fenton. That's Daniel Fenton, his son." Damian pointed to the boy in question, looking like he'd seen this scene a hundred times before, but with that knowing glint that promised something deeper. "They're normally spotted alongside Jack's wife, Madeline. Widely regarded as quacks by the larger scientific community for chasing paper-thin theories about ghosts, they've nonetheless gained funding from the government. This is the first time they've left their base of operations in Amity Park for years."
"Woah, you know your stuff, Dami!"
Damian glared at the young Superboy in disguise. "I read the briefing files. Didn't you?"
Kent looked uncomfortable and looked away. "Uhh, maybe?"
"Well, if he's so crazy, then why'd your dad even let him in." Upon another scathing glare, Kent relented. "Oh right, the whole supervillain thing."
"Enough chatter. We'll zero in on the younger Fenton. I intend to squeeze him like a grape, and make Father proud."
"Dami maybe you should be a little nicer-" Only for Damian to march off without him.
Honestly, inane niceties were above someone of his status. Those things were Superboy's job, and if Daniel Fenton wouldn't crack, then Damian was itching to try a new torture technique.
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puppetmaster13u · 10 months
DP X DC X Subnautica
Where the Justice League (mostly focusing on the Superfam or Batfam or Flashfam) are large leviathan-esque creatures living on Planet 4546B. Maybe they can change forms due to Precursor experimentation, maybe not. Those with young hang out around the shallows more than the others, what with most of them being large super or specialized predators.
Enter Danny Fenton, interning on the Aurora when the ship is shot down by the Quarantine Enforcement Platform. Oh sure he probably would have tried to stop the destruction and help, but his ghost powers are a bit on the fritz and a well-meaning worker pushes him into one of the last life pods seeing as he's a child.
Now the leviathans may not know what a ship is exactly, but they can definitely understand that in most cases things technology = precursors. As far as they understand, a metal deathtrap not unlike the old labs or caches fell alongside several metallic eggs, with the emerging hatchlings misshapen and not living long.
But then there's the egg that landed in the shallows, which at first they thought was empty. But a hatchling- much smaller than the previous ones- emerges, a day later than the rest, but they're alive even if their swimming is all wobbly! It's so tiny, and obviously hatched too early with the strange split tail and how it keeps swimming to the surface for air, and they have to protect it! Now if only the little hatchling would answer their calls and not dart into hiding spots whenever they approach...
Honestly this is up to the writer lol, but I like to think that Danny's ghost form, when he finally manages to achieve it again, goes a little naga-esque. Almost like a sea snake instead of just a whispy ghost tail, which while better for swimming doesn't help his freak out over most ghost powers still not working.
Danny is just trying to survive man, maybe find other survivors, turn off this big alien gun, stop creating frost crystals when he sneezes, the usual. He doesn't need giant humanoid-esque leviathan-sized sea creatures poking around!
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redrobin-detective · 5 months
Which Danny Phantom episode had the Coolest idea but the Worst execution
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anjanahalo · 10 months
Wayne Vs Fenton 3
start of the madness
pls note I'm putting these numbers in as "what I have written." They're not gonna necessarily be in order. I hope to make a full fic to put on AO3. In the interim, here's stuff I wrote in general as it strikes me in the moment. This bit is from Tim's perspective after Damian and Danny Are Friends become a known quantity in the Wayne household. ~*~
Damian making friends didn’t make sense. Everyone else felt complacent in simply accepting it. Tim wasn’t. Considering his upbringing, autonomous socializing wasn’t part of Damian’s personality. Nor was how calm and patient the former assassin child became with all of his siblings, Tim included. Damian himself insisted he and this “Danny” were friends. Hell, Damian even called the kid by a nickname. Not his last name, not “Daniel.” His actual, preferred nickname. Tim was suspicious and instantly began investigating. Daniel “Danny” Fenton, age 15, moved to Gotham two months ago from Amity Park, Illinois with his godfather and temporary guardian, Vlad Masters, former mayor of Amity Park, head of Vladco Industries, and heir to Wisconsin’s Self Proclaimed Dairy King’s fortune. Child of Jack and Madeline Fenton, doctors of something called ectobiology, former college classmates of Vlad Masters, and founders of FentonWorks, a cottage research facility that developed antighost (Ghosts? Really?) weaponry and equipment. Brother of Jasmine Fenton, currently a student of Yale in their psychology undergraduate program, and already a shoe-in for the Dean’s list. Honestly, of all the people related to him, Danny ended up being the least interesting. Middling grades that dropped in high school along with attendance. That was probably what led to his coming to Gotham. A set of brilliant - if evidentially weird - parents and a rich and involved godfather doing what they could to help their faltering son to succeed by sending him to one of the top schools on the east coast. There was evidence that Amity Park itself had some apparently minor meta vigilante protecting it, but searches for “Phantom” turned up nothing in the Justice League’s database, suggesting whomever this was might be an actual ghost like Deadman and, thus, restricted to access by those with JLD clearance. Tim put aside that issue for later. He could just ask B for privileges later. Besides, the only information he found on this vigilante was on a few amateur fansites and local papers. No major news sites or government listings. It couldn’t be anything major. His focus remained on Daniel Fenton. Except, even when looking into the kid’s socials, there wasn’t anything interesting. He had a couple friends back in Amity, the most interesting of the two was Samantha Mason of the Mason family, though Tim already knew of her from various socialite dinners she looked ready to burn to the ground, pink and lacey dress or not. Her social media was full of activism, conservation movements, and calls for both veganism and something called ultra recycle vegetarianism. Tucker came from an average family of upper middle class parents, nothing odd there, though his social media showed his love of technology and ancient Egypt. Nothing strange there. Danny’s social media, besides his friends, included links to Nasa, occasional rambles about high school life, and, for some reason, a dog photoshopped to look green. From the replies of his few followers, it was an inside joke since they all cooed over the dog and didn’t comment on the green. Again, nothing strange. Even the one time he managed to hack into Damian’s phone to see his messages yielded nothing. He and Danny would meet for what Danny called “playdates.” For some reason, Damian played along with a name Tim knew he’d scoff as childish and beneath him. Even that would be innocuous. One or the other would suggest meeting at various parks, arcades, even the observatory, negotiating dates and times, and that was it.
Danny was a normal kid. Damian was a born and bred assassin. Why in the actual fuck were these two friends? Nothing made sense. Everyone else was happy to ignore it because of the peace the irrationality before them instilled. Tim wouldn’t become complacent. Whatever Danny was hiding, he’d find it.
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phoenixcatch7 · 1 year
*Slams fic down on your desk like an interrogator does a newspaper*
Absolutely phenomenal dp x dc fic. Awesome concept brilliant plot incredible execution. Pretty much The Single best supporting/mc oc I have ever encountered, such good characterisation, super interactions and relationships, we are healing and growing in this house tonight lads!!!!
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methoughtsphantom · 5 months
i am now just realizing that even my favorite animated movie saga protagonist po meets the criteria to be a favorite of mine.
having died and came back
i mean danny fenton. jason todd. peter parker.
…it’s a fucking pattern.
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draco-kasai · 1 year
A DPxDC prompt I Guess?
So, like, I'm half asleep and I have work in 40 minutes but like what if Ra's were to FINALLY die and Batsy and his family were there by coincidence to watch as Phantom took his soul. Maybe they were kidnapped or they were investigating if Ra's truly came back. Again.
Like, newly crowned King Phantom was going over all the paperwork Pariah Dark didn't bother doing. And while doing it he finds a list of people who escaped death though a Lazarus Pit and on top of that list is Ra's. So Danny looks into who Ra's is and what the fuck a Lazuras Pit is. He isn't happy with the info he finds. Claimed the pits, formed an assasination cult following yada yada.
Pits are pools of waters that had become contaminated with ectoplasm when a natural portal accsedently opened inside. Turns out that this random dude just so happened to find it and found it could heal so he claimed it for himself. Due to the greed and amount of death that was submerged into the waters it had become contaminated causing horrible side effects.
So Danny decides it was finally time to collect the dude's soul and destroy these pits and he's not escaping death this time and Pariah Dark should of done his damn job. After all, everyone who has used the Pit has a ghost core that is unable to develop properly because of the contamination of the Pits corrupted ectoplasm and that falls under his jurisdiction.
He even decides on hunting down everyone who used the pit, so Danny being himself looks into everyone who's used the pit and goddamn there's so many people, and many of them have used it more than once. So to spare himself a headache, he decides to just get everyone who's used it more than twice and fuck, it's still a long list but it'll have to do.
So now Danny is left cleaning up all the shit Pariah Dark didn't do, starting with destroying the pits and oh look, half his targets, including Ra's is nearby, might as well get em too while he's at it.
So now Danny is just floating around the league base collecting souls like fucking pokemon cards.
Batfam is baffled and disturbed by the trail of dead bodies. Those who are alive are terrified, curled into a ball, begging for forgiveness and thanking Death for sparing them.
The group decides to continue with caution. As they near the Pit they hear people talking, well, more like arguing really. They lean against the walls of the cave and listen in.
Ra's is arguing with Danny, trying to strike up a deal with him so he can continue to live. He's obviously desperate but the Ghost King won't budge and it's making him angrier.
Meanwhile Danny is just over it already, the dude can't offer him anything he'd actually want anyway, but is humering him cause he's pretty bored. He thought this would be more interesting considering they are all assassins.
Eventually Ra's gets fed up and tries attacking Danny but his attacks just go through him nd Danny just rolls his eyes.
"Listen dude, you've escaped death for way too long and I'm just doin my job taking your souls." He just swoops in, taking the soul, the body falling over like a puppet with it's strings cut.
That's when the Batfam decide to make themselves known, cause this unknown has just killed Ra's and apparently killed everyone else they saw too.
Danny is surprised to see Batman and his group here. He's doing his best to control the fanboying, but he doesn't really succeed as he's floating around them with a huge grin complementing them with how cool they are.
This is when the group takes in the unknowns appearance. White hair that flowed as if it were under water and sparked off at the ends like fire. Brilliant green eyes. A black and white hazmat suit. Pointed ears and teeth. He looked young, maybe 17 or 18. Pale, sickly pale skin.
Batman cuts in on the boys speaking, asking why he killed all those people and who he was. Danny sobers up and floats a few inches away, back straight.
"They have used the pits for too long, so I'm collecting what's not meant to be alive." He pretends to not notice as the family crowds slightly closer to Jason. He knows who he is. He did his research on everyone who was dunked into the pit, plus he can feel the Ecto contamination on him and his corrupted, unfinished sickly core.
Batman is mad, saying stuff like "you have no right to kill all those people, who made you the judge? They should be put through the justice system where they will receive their punishment fairly" Or something like that.
Danny gets upset cause Batman is basically walking all over the laws of his people by basically telling him 'your laws are stupid, do it like this' which is the equivalent of 'Gotham doesn't need Batman, we have cops' so he bares his teeth and lets out a small growl in warning.
"You have no right to meddle in business that doesn't pertain to you."
"You are killing people, how does that not pertain to me?"
"These people were already half dead to begin with. They had no right to escape death nor to use these pits that belong to my people, of which they have contaminated with their greed. I have simply come to gather them back up and bring them back to where they belong."
"Your people?"
"The pits are contaminated?"
"Your pits?"
"Where do they belong?"
"Who even are you?"
Danny allows for the invisibility on his accessories to fall. The crown of fire is the first to appear, the green flames form the shape of the crown, sparks flying about in a calm rhythm. His white cape, clasped around his neck by a button in the shape of an hourglass, flowed down his back. The inside was a pitch black that held slowly moveing stars and galaxies. The ring on his left hand flowed a brilliant green.
"I am the king of the Ghost Zone, or as you may know it, the infinite realms. I am known as Phantom. Those who have fallen into these corrupted pits have corrupted,sickly cores of which make them part ghost, of which are my people. I am simply taking them back to where they belong and getting rid of these pits. Something my predecessor should have done. This has nothing to do with the living. Now if you'll excuse me"
Danny holds up a cupped hand. The waters of the pit begin to splash and whirl before the ectoplasm seperates itself and comes flying up into his hand, condensing and shapeing into a sphere. He creates his own ecto ball in his free hand, the color a softer green than that of the toxic green of the pits.
Slowly he mixes the two together causing the toxic green to slowly turn the same color and murge with his ecto ball before eating it. did he have to eat it? No, absolutely not, but he just wanted to freak out the bats more, and the look of horror that fell upon most of their faces was totally worth it. Even Batman's lips parted slightly in shock.
With that, Phantom bids them a ferwell and disappears before their eyes. He can't wait to tell Sam and Tucker that he met and scared the Batman.
Meanwhile the bat family is freaking out because, "What the absolute fuck just happened?!"
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I’ve seen Danny interacting with Batman/Bat-fam and some Danny interacting with young justice but y’all are SLEEPING on Danny and Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes) interacting because guys they have the same weird experiences in the most specific way possible. And yes I will be breaking this down (below) because if I am cursed with realizations so will you.
For argument’s sake here, I’ll be using Young Justice version of origin story for Jaime and all the stuff, because it works.
The reason, again via Young Justice canon only, Jaime Reyes becomes Blue Beetle is because of a freak accident in Kord labs. There’s an explosion, which means the scarab is free to pick the nearest guy to bond to, and quickly chooses Jaime.
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And for Danny, it’s turning on the ghost portal, and having his molecules get all rearranged from the portal turning on with him inside. Already, both of them have been suddenly and forcibly changed physically by a sudden lab accident. Danny? Ghost boy. Jaime? Murderous Armor buddy. And for both, reversing is canonically possible, but very painful.
I could ramble about both their time travel style intervention for hours but for the sake of clarity I’ll dumb it down to this:
In one timeline Danny cheats on a test, which causes his entire family to die (batshit insane I know but stay with me here), which means he lives with his fellow half-ghost rich uncle, and then decides he doesn’t want to be half ghost anymore and lets the uncle rip out his ghost half. Said ghost half rips out the uncle’s ghost half, fuses, and causes terror, mayhem and destruction. A literal ghost god of time itself intervenes, to stop this from happening.
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For Jaime, it’s having a sentient murderous piece of armor that will not be quiet about how much easier it is to blow up a building then work as a team, and then aliens called the Reach come and stay on Earth, said aliens recognize the armor Jaime has it actually the Reaches’, activate the armor so Jaime isn’t in control of his own body, helps the Reach brainwash the planet and cause terror, mayhem and destruction. And human enslavement, that too. A time traveller from said horrible future comes back to stop this from happening.
For Danny, clown named Freakshow uses him to commit crimes! He almost causes on of his friends to die. For Jaime, again, Reach using his body. Again, he could have killed his friends!
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familial hanahaki w/ Danny trying to hide it until... well...
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emotigonecreative · 2 years
Decided to try my hand at writing for the Danny Phantom minibang 2022! Thank you to my wonderful artists TurbonicFlaws and Redead-red /ZombieRed for bringing this fic to life! Please check out their other work, I couldn't have asked for better partners <3 And thank you to the mods for organizing this event! It got me writing seriously for the first time in years and it's been an exciting challenge. :3
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hungrymentor · 2 years
Please for the love of God don't comment on how different the lighting is in the two pics, i will cry. Anyways, have some 6am doodles when I should Really Be Sleeping but my Body is a Capital B BITCH that decided drawing was obviously the thing that needed to be done and poorly at that
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monkey-minded · 2 years
Dpx DC prompt ? Ficlit? Idono
Phantom has a very odd relationship with batman and seems to have a hyperfixation on a few things
Wally (flash) noticed how phantom when ever he got heated he would look at his reflection and seem almost melancholy or worried
Hal had found Danny (always Danny his name is nothing else) washing his hair his eyes so focused on his hair that he didn't even see hal in the League bathroom and when hal calls his name he jumps as his hair turned to flame for a split second
The way Danny holds himself always confused captain marvel he was easily seven foot tall and buffer then superman himself yet he always made himself look smaller he made his skin more human(less bule less like ...) His voice hier pitched like a teens he felt like the opposite of billy
apparently batman also noticed these oddities and pulls him aside and then at the next meeting phantom is more relaxed he gives flower to batman and then a odd Lazarus green rock then schematics echtime with a thankful smile on his fanged bule skinned flaming haired on his face
And then tower of babel happened
And Danny doesn't survive or at least half of him doesn't
Foot note:
This is an au ware Danny looks like Dan after growing up joins the JLA and finds comfort in batman knowing how to deal with him Incase he ever became like Dan and then it blows up in his face cuz fenton luck be like that and is targeted like the rest of the teem by ra's al ghul but with batman having all this info on Danny phantom and it falling in to ra's al ghul's hands he has everything needed to stop Danny and Danny is ether dead half dead or presumed dead by the justice league I prefer it to be ambiguous
I like the idea that danny got souped by ra's al ghul
and like batman eventually finds it BUT it has been shut so hard that bats can't open the pickle jar that Danny is in and eventually has to seek out wonder woman or superman to open the soup prison but he did not tell them Danny is in there so they say no because they are rightfully mad at him and now and as batman dose he just doesn't properly communicate and once he finally gets someone to un pickle Danny infront of the League it's just
Batman: I said it was important
And then Danny is just there either not knowing what happened or having heard all of this and being disappointed by the JLA's communication skills or lake there of
Plz I need others to add to this idea it free real estate do what ever you want to it but plz do something
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infinitetrashbag · 3 months
Help me find a fic plz
Okay I’m going insane. This is a batfamily fic and the premise is that the manor is too big for Alfred to take care of it all by himself. The reality is that he has ghosts from the history of the manor that help him take care of it but no one has noticed (including Alfred). But then someone comes to the manor that can see ghosts and everyone gets to learn about them and what their lives were like. I think this is a Danny Phantom cross over but it could be just DC because there are plenty of characters that would be able to see ghosts (duke and John Constantine for example)
I’m pretty sure I read it on ao3 but if I didn’t it was here on tumblr. Please help me find it if you can I’ve been thinking of it and searching for it for literal hours.
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rainybyday · 2 years
My mind wanted to make snip it about the family before heroes au kind of thing so I’ll just let my mind ramble this and let you all have this I guess. not that good at writing so don’t expect much plz
In most writing, people would call this ‘holding the weight of the world’.
Unfortunately, that would have been far lighter for Danny.
He feels the weight of expectations, gazes, and fear from those that passed. He feels the weight of the crown, the sealed, and the one who is the nightmare of his dreams, a person he fears to be. He feels the weight of his parent's words, the laughter in school halls, and the lives in his hands.
Perhaps having the weight of one world would have been better than the weight of millions because of his title. 
But that is not how it works, that was never how his half-dead life was supposed to work.
On a night like this one, he would have been Phantom. Off he would go, battling those that seek to disturb the peace of Amity before he goes to sleep with his battered and tried body only to wake a few hours later for school. He would then face the halls of students that never leave him alone, feel the disappointment of others when he sees his failed grade, and go back home to his parents rambling over how they would then tear into Phantom.
How they would kill him.
Life was so much easier when he was alive, but he knows what it means to mess with time. 
Thankfully today was peaceful and quiet. It has been for a while since he gained the future crown. Not many ghosts would come to mess with Amity anymore, and the few that do, don’t cause as much damage anymore. Even now, the only ghost out tonight was Cujo.
So it ended like this, with him throwing a ball under a tree for Cujo to go play fetch with over and over as he let himself rest for today.
If he is honest with himself, it was more like waiting for the inevitable rather than resting. His mind still felt cloudy, his eyes heavy, and his body sagging with exhaustion. He knows what will happen after this bubble of peace was gone. More ghosts would come to try and claim the crown from him, either for their desires or for the fear of what he would do with such power. He would interact with his parents as Phantom, getting hurt over and over or he would be Danny and he would be ignored again. He would feel the need to blend in with everyone else only to end up as the laughing stock at school once more. 
Once he was confident, powerful, courageous, and brave. He would have stood up for himself, he would have tricked his parents, and he would have gone fist at the ready with a smile of anticipation. 
Now though, he feels the need that he wants to rest. 
(To rest and sleep.)
(Or that perhaps, he can have someone by his side.)
But Jazz was gone, off to pursue her dream. Sam was off with her parents somewhere now and Tucker was at a camp of sorts. They all support him and love him and they told him to call them if something happened to Amity when they were gone. 
Nothing major happened in Amity yet, so he didn’t bother. He didn’t want to disturb them even when a phone call or a simple line of text don’t pick him up as it use to now. 
He wants them here, he wants them there with him. 
He never felt so alone. 
And yet, could anyone understand what it means to feel the such weight upon themselves?
He doesn’t, and he might never know. 
When can this cycle end?
[extra details I didn’t bother so I'm jumping a bit]
His scoop of the night leads him to something.
Or, in honesty, to someone. 
Batman watched the being that took a form of a dog running after a ball. A ghost is what his research had led him to label the being, he won’t confirm that it is a ghost until either Constantine or Zatanna had double-checked for him. As of now, the being finally managed to bite down on the ball and was doubling back with his reward. It wasn’t long before the being met its destination before plopping the ball down and giving a bark. 
It took a couple of seconds before a hand from the shadows of the tree reached out and grabbed the ball before throwing it again. 
The being shot for the toy but Batman didn’t bother to try and follow it. His attention was on the hand, or rather, the boy that the hand was attached to. 
He is young but he wasn’t a child, a teenager. A bed head of black hair paired with dark blue eyes that clearly lacked any sleep. His skin was too pale and his body was way too skinny. But he was well dressed and active enough to play with the being, or, as active as he can be.
Batman saw a boy playing with the being that was a part of his investigation. 
But Bruce Wayne saw a child that needs saving. 
A child that seemed to be drowning in sorrow and sadness.
A child that has seen dead and horrors.
A child that seems to hold the weight of lives upon his shoulders.
A child that clearly was far more tired than he lets on.
A child that is missing the support to heal.
A child that is rejected by all the rest.
Batman was here for a mission.
But right now, Bruce Wayne won. 
So he waited, waited another moment before he was sure of himself before he walked out into the shadows and into the line of sight of the boy. 
Perhaps, the mission can wait a bit more.
Not when there is another mission right in front of him.
(Not when there is another child that he can save from themselves.)
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rhyme-is-sublime · 2 years
Okay. So- I've been reading a lot of Batman X Danny Phantom stuff on this site lately, and I came across a short post that included Batman finding Phantom's grave(it was a corpse au) and mentally comparing Danny to Ace. A girl who wanted to be a child yet who was too powerful and ended up dying with our resident Batdad sitting next to her up until her last moments in a fake world she made for herself in a bid for happiness. (I might be wrong about Ace's personality or motivations cuz I only rly remember Ace because of how she died, so plz bear with me if I'm wrong)
Now, a thing about Ace is that when she died, she was wearing a black/white leotard with a single clover suit on one side. And I've discovered that the Ace of Spades can depressingly enough be represented as death and bad luck.
And so(here's where the DP comes in), I'm introducing a ghost called:
Spade ♤
For her appearance I'm thinking white porcelain like skin for how delicate she felt in her final moments. Maybe inked details all across her like tattoos or like how fancy playing cards have to show how who she WAS wasn't entirely up to her to decide. Her white bobcut hair looks like it was shattered/cut off a larger part and is able to cut those who aren't careful enough, and that there's a crack across the top of her head to showcase as a deathmark that she died from a fatal migraine(maybe?). (The crack doubles as her hairline-) Her eyes being the same rings of yellow and orange(or maybe whatever their inverse counterparts are...) that appeared when she used her powers, but with her black pinprick eyes at the centers. Her actual FACE I'm thinking her eye lashes, lips and eyebrows look painted on in black ink. Cuz, come on. If Danny can hav black eyebrows as Phantom, so can Spade-
Outfit wise, I kinda want to put her in a reverse colored leotard and call it a day, but I ALSO wanna add onto that. Because the thing about her last moments is that Batsy carried her body out of the park where she was staying in her fantasy land in a princess carry, so I'm imagining her in a fancy dress/leotard amalgamation cuz that princess carry might've the last comfort she might've received before her body got buried(or smth along those lines). If this post gets popular, I want art of that leotard/dress amalgamation with playing cards detailing cuz while I draw, I already know I'd butcher the idea 😅
DP plot could just be Danny transversing the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms for one reason or another and coming across this mad hatter, Alice in Wonderland type lair/area(think the world Ace made Gotham into) where after stumbling through everything in it, he just meets this black and white ghost girl sitting on a isolated swing set. There's only two seats on it, and she's just swinging back and forth on one of them. Danny must figure she's waiting on company and maybe just watches for a while. She'd look just like a statue if not for the fact that she just keeps swinging, and swinging, and swinging, and Danny's getting the idea that this is just another lonely ghost in the zone. Peaceful, and wants to be left alone, but maybe could use a friend. So, Danny sits next to her on the other swing.
Tdlr; Spade and Danny become friends after he stumbles across her lair and started showing her other parts of the zone.
Spade's closest friends are Princess Dora, Youngblood, Klempter, Danielle, and other ghosts among her mental age. But of course, she considers her best friend to be the black and white Phantom who got her out of her lair and living a better afterlife. She wants to pay him back, and sees how badly his afterlife has been treating him (wait- he's not entirely dead?) Scratch that, she wants her friend to live the rest of his half-life as happily as possible. She, personally, is happier in death than in her life, but she doesn't want his remaining life to suck, and who better to introduce him to than the man who made her last moments bearable? Or... should she say the Bat who made it bearable >:3c
Dadadada~! We've arrived at the DC plot!
So, Spade being a frickin overpowered ghost(cuz if she wasn't overpowered enough as a human, you can BET that she's OP as hell after getting ghostly) cows all Danny's usual rogues gallery into leaving his haunt alone until she can get done introducing him to someone who was her father-figure for all of however long he sat with her before she unalived. Danny as Phantom is going along with it cuz why not, free vacation! Sam & Tucker were skeptical, but they can't fault Spade for wanting to introduce her new friend to her old life(?).
The DC timeline is messy, and I only know about Ace because of Justice League Unlimited. The show which has NONE of Batman's sidekicks in it cuz Nightwing was getting enough screen time in Teen Titans. And idk how long Spade spent along in Time Is Weird Here, Infinite Realms, but I rly want her to meet the Batfam and hav this rly heartwarming reunion after Oracle tells Batsy about a disturbance near this one swing-set where reality's getting kinda weird and he just KNOWS-
He knows he's gotten a second chance, and if that means getting blindsided by the fact he and the batfam are highly likely to become an Infinite Realms ghost cuz of the highentened levels of ectoplasm from his new/old child's visits, then so be it. The fact that Phantom's still living under his ghost hunter parents roof actually makes it easier to file for custody if it comes down to it...
(Idk Ace's character & DC's plot enough to flesh out an obsession for Spade that fits with all the other nonsense I've just spat out. If someone wants to try and puzzle smth out, I'll be grateful for the opportunity to read it. This has heavy ship potential, but I'm no writer so I've just put Spade and Danny as friends. But if there's gonna be a name, I wanna try for Mad Ghost, Ghost Hatter, Phantom Card or smth along those lines. For my first dp x dc prompt I've ever written, I'm just hoping Ace as a character gets a little more love as a dead DC character, cuz that shiz made me cry when I first watched it ages ago- XD)
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