#like I got up and out of bed and went and got my iPad lol
spittyfishy · 2 months
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You know besties sometimes I do wish I had an explanation
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onboardsorasora · 5 months
I was re reading that Drabble of Maxiel’s Baby and I don’t about you but I think Noah should have a sibiling hahaha
Oh Bestie you just know the words to derail my brain don't you?? Of course I couldn't just....not think about it lol I banged this one out, I have not reread it so I hope its ok lmao
This is set in the universe of this birthday party and this drabble
Daniel had giggled when he pressed ‘post’ on the photoset, the picture of him napping front and centre. He hadn’t been joking when he said Vegas was exhausting– the completely odd hours, the long wait during free practices. It had been a lot of events crammed into a very short space of time. 
Daniel had just thought he was being old and cranky with how tired he was. He’d declined every invite to go party, kissed Max’s pouting lips and sagged with relief in their hotel suite. It wasn’t until he saw the videos of Lewis and Fernando having a blast that he thought maybe he shouldn’t have been as tired as he was. 
It didn’t too matter– he’d been delirious that one Friday and when Pyry had suggested power naps to combat the exhaustion, Daniel had happily closed his eyes and slipped his head on Blake’s unwilling shoulder.
Now as the fireworks went off in Abu Dhabi to usher in the end of the season, Daniel idly knew Max was on his way from one media pen to another– doing double duty as race winner and champ. Daniel would wait for him in their room. Once he finished his commitments here at the track, he’d collect Noah from Geri (no doubt his presence was already triggering the ole ‘we should have another’ conversation between the Horners). And then they would go to take a nap in the big bed while they waited for Papa.
Or that would be the plan, if he could ever stop puking his intestines up.
He’d been in there for just under fifteen minutes already. Because that's about as long as the fireworks show in AD normally lasts. Blake was outside the door, he’d knocked a few times and Daniel had answered with groans. He knew if he didn’t answer with human words soon, Blake was going to call Max. 
When he felt vaguely human again– this took give or take another ten minutes– Daniel flushed the toilet and rinsed his mouth out in the sink. He felt rung out, even more dehydrated than at the end of the race. His face was pale and splotchy, yeah he looked sick as fuck. There would be no hiding it. 
With a shaking hand, he unlocked the door. Blake stood by, along with Pyry and Franz. The three of them looked alarmed at his pallor. There was a flurry of movement and before Daniel knew it, he was in his driver’s room and a nurse was taking his blood pressure. 
“Guys, I’m fine. Probably like just a bit dehydrated or something.” Daniel mumbled, they were being complete mother hens and they needed to quit before someone got the dumb idea of pulling Max from his media commitments.
“Nah mate, this is more than just dehydration.” Blake mumbled, he looked as worried as when Daniel had broken his hand. Of course, this wasn’t anything like that.
“You’ve been really tired lately–” Pyry started.
“Yeah– Vegas was shit. Everyone was tired.” Daniel cut in.
“But you were like….way more tired.” Blake mumbled, Daniel rolled his eyes. “Danny, you were napping everywhere. Like literally everyone has pictures of you sleeping. It's like ‘where's lando’ all over again.” Blake threw his arms up in exasperation.
“I’m fine.” Daniel insisted. “Maybe my iron’s low or something.”
They all bickered (much to Franz’s amusement) and pretty much ignored the nurse as she jotted down his vitals and then started scrolling through an ipad.
“Daniel, you gave your updated blood sample this weekend, correct?” The nurse asked and Daniel nodded, eyes wide from being cut off from whatever childish retort he was going to give Blake. He had stopped by the medical bay Thursday morning like they had asked. He’d given a new sample in Austin, when they cleared him to race. But in Vegas, Blake had received an email asking for a new sample. They didn’t think anything of it, this happened all the time. 
The nurse scrolled on her ipad again and bit her lip, before looking at all the people in the room staring back at her. 
“Was there something wrong with that sample too?” Daniel asked, trying to lead her into telling them what she found. Her reaction wasn’t good. It wasn't bad but it wasn't good either.
“Uhm, maybe some privacy?” She asked, her voice tight.
“No it's fine” he sighed, they’d all hear about it– whatever it is. Blake was his manager, Pyry was his interim trainer. Franz was his boss, well ex boss. All people who needed to know details about his health and wellbeing.
“Well, um.” She bit her lip and seemed very uncomfortable. Daniel sighed, preparing for the worst. “Congratulations? You're pregnant.” the nurse winced awkwardly. Daniel’s eyes widened comically. Blake’s mouth dropped open.
“Oh shit!”
All eyes turned to the door to see Max’s surprised form with his arm up poised to knock on the door. His wide blue eyes found Daniel’s and the largest grin cracked open his face. Franz clapped Max on the shoulder and ushered the poor nurse out of the room. Pyry shuffled Blake out and closed the door behind them.
“Noah’s gonna be a big brother?” Max whispered and Daniel smiled wetly. Max sat on the couch beside him and collected Daniel into his arms. 
“I’m pregnant?” Daniel whispered in awe as bits and pieces of the last few weeks started to make sense. “I guess I should lay off the red bulls for now, huh?”
“Yeah. We, of course, don’t want the baby coming out with fucking wings as advertised.” Max giggled and Daniel snorted into his shoulder. Daniel clung to him a bit longer before easing back and staring into wet blue eyes.
“You’re gonna be a Papa again.”
Max surged forward and kissed him. He was so happy.
Of course, this changed a lot of things. There were many contracts that now needed to be broken, many clauses rewritten. A new baby changed so many things. But that was for the future; the Max and Daniel of tomorrow. 
For now, they were going to bask in the knowledge that they were expecting. Then they would go into the garage where, no doubt, all of Alpha Tauri already know– because Franz was a huge gossip queen. And then after accepting all of their congratulations, they would go to the Red Bull garage where, of course, Helmut has already told Christian and all the guys there because Hemult was nothing if not Franz’s partner in crime.
Tonight they will enjoy it. They will take their son home and cuddle him in bed. Tomorrow they can start the planning. 
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
BatFam Incorrect Quotes!
Y/N : *talking about Jason ’s funeral* You do know we’re burying a great person today!
Dick , shocked: Did someone else die?
Jason : We need to distract these guys.
Damian : Leave it to me.
Damian : Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss.
Y/N & Tim: *immediately begin arguing*
Jason : Which way did Bruce go?
Y/N : Well, based on the direction of the wind, the broken sticks in the corner, and the slight disturbance in the dirt, I'd guess they went left.
Jason : You could really figure it out from that?
Y/N : No, you idiot, Bruce sent me a text. See?
*young y/n and young Bruce at the manor*
Bruce : Can we go out to get icecream?
Y/N : Did you ask Alfred?
Bruce : They said no.
Y/N : Then why did you ask me?
Bruce : They're not the boss of you.
Y/N , internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Y/N : Well, has Bruce been wrong before?
Alfred: How wide are we willing to open this up?
An: I swear I didn’t manipulate this one at all 😂
Y/N : What is everyone for Halloween?
Jon : I’m superman.
Damian: A clown.
Y/N : So I’m guessing we don’t need to get you a costume then?
Damian to Jon : Me? I'm the bee knees, but, you? You're just...
Y/N : Cockroach ankles!
Damian: Ye- uh, what?
Roy : Jason-
Jason: *sighs* Y/N used to call me Jason...
Roy : ...Because it's your fucking name.
Roy : *cooking*
Jason: *kicks down door*
Jason: *grabs knife from Roy 's hand*
Roy :
Roy : What.
Y/N : They're trying to tell you they want to cook.
An: I actually did this lol and won that trope iPads
Dick : Y/N likes to win. When they were 8, a little Club Scout friend of theirs bragged they could sell the most cookies.
Dick : Damned if Y/N didn't walk the neighborhood till they got blisters on their feet, and won by 10 boxes.
Dick : Best part is, Y/N wasn't even a Club Scout.
Damian: We should normalize not loving family members.
Y/N: You can just say: “I hate my dumb fuck father” or whatever. Talk like a normal person!
Y/N: Ah shit, I forgot.
Alfred : Forgot what?
Y/N: How do you expect me to answer that?
Selena : We’ve been conducting an ongoing study to see what Y/N will and will not eat.
Bruce : Grass? Yes!
Selena : Moss? Yes!!
Bruce : Leaves? Ohh, yes!
Selena : Shoelaces? Strange but true!
Bruce : Worms? Sometimes!
Selena : Rocks? Usually nah.
Bruce : Twigs? Usually!
Selena : Alfred 's cooking? Inconclusive!
Harley: How did you… test this?
Selena : You just hand them stuff and say ‘eat this’ and if they eat it, they eat it.
Harley: ... I don’t know how to feel about this.
*The gang's thoughts on stabbing*
Y/N: Would never stab anyone.
Selena : Would stab someone in retaliation.
Alfred : Yells "I won't hesitate, bitch!" first.
Harley: Would stab without warning.
Bruce : Would stab as a warning.
Y/N: Poison is a magic transmutation potion that turns people into corpses.
Jason: This knife is actually a magic wand.
Damian : Meet me in the Denny’s parking lot for a wizard duel.
Dick: *cocks gun* Magic missile.
Tim: What the fuck is wrong with you people.
Dick: You know what I learned from my friendship with Jason?
Tim: There’s no such thing as too mean?
Y/N: Never let your friends know for sure if you like them?
Damian : Always hold a grudge?
Y/N: Seriously, Jason, how many people would you have killed if we’d asked you to?
Jason: That’s not important
Tim: Don’t you have any dignity, Y/N?
Y/N: Uh, no.
Dick: Don't break someone's heart, they only have one.
Y/N: Break one of their bones instead, they have 206 of them.
Harley: Y/N, you do remember when we agreed we were better off as friends, right?
Y/N, naked in Harley's bed: No, I absolutely do not.
Harley, already taking off their clothes: Fuck... Me neither.
Selena : *in a jail cell* What about my Miranda rights!? You’re supposed to say I have ‘the right to remain silent’”! NOBODY SAID I HAD THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT!
Y/N: *in the cell next to them* You have the right to remain silent, what you lack is the capacity.
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spurgie-cousin · 4 months
The few times I’ve overheard them when my husband answers the door is “are you Brother (last name)” and my husband says “no they’re not here at the moment” and then some excuse of “I’m actually just going up to bed/it’s not a good time etc”. He wants nothing to do with religion as a whole so he doesn’t want to talk to them to begin with but they’ll just stand at the door for 10 minutes straight to make damn sure that nobody is home before they leave, so it’s faster to just open the door and send them on their way
One time I was upstairs watching out the window and there was a third person in their car with a computer or an ipad or something in their lap with the brightness all the way up. Once my husband got them to leave, I went around and made sure every door and window on the first floor was shut and locked. Like you show up where I am, after dark, AND I’m not expecting you? I’ve seen too many episodes of Criminal Minds for that, thanks.
Apparently they show up just to talk to my ILs, idk if it’s for actual church goodwill reasons, like how the church that I grew up in used to do home ministry for people that couldn’t physically make it to the building, OR because my ILs don’t go to any mormon church out here and the overarching church wants to keep tabs on them, like you said. I lean toward the second one but I’ve never been at their house when they’re home and the mormons show up (nor do I want to be, I don’t need them knowing who I am to stalk me like that)
Omg the mormons I was trying to ghost did the same thing, it was always young men in their mission outfits and they would stand outside for FOREVER, like 15 or 20 minutes after knocking. And listen, if I'm not expecting someone and they don't look like the mail person or police or someone official, I usually don't answer (the only people who'd do that around here are trying to sell you something). If there's no answer, most people leave in like 30 seconds so it legitimately did freak me out when I'd walk by the a window 10 mins later and catch these guys out of the corner of my eye (and hide lol).
I totally agree, in your ILs case I'm definitely leaning toward the second explanation too. It sounds like the same kind of behavior bc in my case, they were trying to get me to come back after the recruitment thing, and in their case maybe it's the same protocol for mormons who the church knows are in a certain area with a church but not attending.
I don't blame you for not wanting to engage. Don't get me wrong they're usually perfectly friendly, but they have a very vacuum salesman approach once you start a conversation. You have to really be firm and say no so many times, esp if it's not a first time thing and you're involved with the LDS somehow.
Thank you for sharing! That is genuinely so interesting, I wonder what their deal is...
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tobyfoxfacts · 5 months
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Toby wrote in last month’s Undertale/Deltarune newsletter, that he had ONE beer and got piss drunk. We’re talking like, noticeably sloshed.
During his drunken episode, Toby began gushing over how much he adored Touhou Project. Zun (who was sipping on his 6th beer of the night politely smiled and nodded the whole time.) on a scale of 1 to “Oh shiiiiit I forgor how to write my signature” I’ll let you take a guess…
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Second image is Toby's messed up signature.
Lucky for him, his art always looks like a drunk person made it….
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I had a theory that Toby was sensitive to alcohol. He’s a little fella, who probably gets silly off of grape juice.
I stumbled across a picture of Toby sitting with some buddies drinking beer. Being the curious fella I am, I went into research mode and reverse searched the image. I feel super silly now, because it was a mainstream brand of beer, but I had JUST turned 21 and knew nothing about beer. Regardless, I researched the alcohol percentage as well. THEN I realized Toby’s can looked different from the others. HIS was non-alcoholic.
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I posted a cute fact about Toby being a nonalcoholic king on Reddit SIX MONTHS before this article happened.
When my theory was confirmed as factual, I was… Verryyy happy. For a visual; I jumped out of bed, made a gremlin pose, and pointed at my tablet and screamed “HAH! HAHAHAH I KNEW IT. I KNEW IT BEFORE THEY DID!!” I did a little jig before shamefully lying back down in the oddest position known to man like the silly little iPad kid I am.
He wanted to fit in like a big boy and have beer with the homies. I decided that because Toby is very small, he’s probably SUUUPER sensitive to alcohol. (Because same lol) (this is literally the least professional newsletter ever.) That was my theory.
Extra fun fact. Neurodivergent people are more sensitive to alcohol. Especially if they take ADHD medication... so it may have hit him HARD.
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Side note. While on a mission to screenshot my post on Reddit, I opened the Reddit app that’s been collecting dust, and was greeted by this message. NO idea what did, but fuck it, we ball. I also posted on Tumblr.
Extra side note. Sorry for abandoning you guys again and depriving you of tobert foxington facts
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genericpuff · 1 year
always wanted to make one of those 'day in the life' posts so here u go!
TW/CW: Tattoo needles, mild blood/mentioning of blood
ima be honest with you, sometimes those 'day in the life' reels on tiktok n junk annoy the piss out of me because they seem so disingenuous, but that's honest to god probably just my executive dysfunction being salty because there's no way in HELL i'm gonna be on some 'grind' where i'm getting up at 6 am to make smoothies and do a workout before i have to go to actual work, i can't with that and i struggle to fathom anyone else doing that consistently LMAO (but i know there are and y'all are a different breed, i wouldn't be able to do it LOL)
like i literally get up anywhere between 30-10 minutes before i gotta catch the bus to go to work-
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(understand that i can only get away with doing this because the bus stop is LITERALLY RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET FROM MY HOUSE LMAOOO i could also just as easily walk , work is about 15-20 minutes away, but like... i don't wanna when i could just sleep in for another 15-20 minutes LOL)
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most of my mornings consist of battling with myself to get out of bed until the last possible minute and then hoping the bus isn't early so i don't miss it on account of my own executive dysfunction, paired with timmy's because i'm a canadian hoser, buds.
i'm actually pretty hyped though for that apartment move at the start of april because as soon as we've moved, we'll be even CLOSER to my work to the point i won't even have to catch the bus anymore, you can literally see the new place out my work window. watch me find ways to still be late for work LMAO
anyways. i got off kinda easy today because NORMALLY i have to get up earlier as most of the time my appointments start at 1 PM, but I only had one appointment today and we had booked it for 3 so I got to sleep in a bit longer <3 This was the design I had made up for them (a sternum piece):
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but then it turned out i had completely neglected the one change they wanted, which was to make the middle flower a lotus flower. thank god for my ipad, having the ability to change up designs on the go was half the reason I bought it ~
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easy fix uwu
as for the setup, my tattoo setup is pretty simple, the machine isn't actually ready to go yet but i usually set that up after the stencil is applied to give the stencil time to sit and dry (and i don't like having nothing to do while i wait):
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(the actual machine once it's wrapped):
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it was a full kitchen in the shop today meaning me, my boss, and my two other coworkers who work in the open area were all working and having a good time. one of my other coworkers wasn't in today but they work in a separate private room so the main area itself was full. sometimes i'll come in and i can tell who was in first based on what's playing on the TV. if it's documentaries or reruns of old comedy shows (like the Office) I know it's my boss, if it's reality TV then I know it's L, and if it's music from Spotify then it's usually my other coworker S.
It was S today :' )
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here's the actual stencil on the skin! my client is an old pal who i've tattooed a couple times and was thankfully okay with me taking pics and posting these ~ (haha, no female presenting nipples here, tumblr!)
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as you can probably see I had to take a marker to the tail and redraw it so it would go around the belly button, originally the stencil went right thru it and wouldn't have looked good
but guess what? didn't matter anyways because the fucking stencil wouLDN'T FUCKING STICK. like, as soon as I started working on it, I realized it was gonna be one of those stencils, the kind that wipe away INSTANTLY. I think it was a combination of just the placement (backs and sternums don't tend to hold as well) as well as her skin type (not all skin types hold onto stencils and ink equally) and the fact that it was hotter in the shop than it usually is which amounted to a bit of sweat (esp in the belly area where things tend to be a lot warmer) which resulted in the stencil not holding in the slightest. y'all it was STRESSFUL and even after I tried to re-apply the stencil again as best as I could (with the tattoo already in progress and the old stencil pretty much gone) it STILL wouldn't hold, so I essentially had to bloodline the whole thing (i.e. line it in so lightly and quickly just to get SOMETHING visible in there after the stencil disappeared. half the lines weren't even genuine lines, just the tiniest faintest impressions that mostly consisted of blood, but still better than nothing).
eventually my coworkers had all clocked out for the day so i was the last one standing, meaning I got control over the Spotify >:D
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(and played pretty much the exact same music my coworker would have because we have the exact same tastes in music lmao)
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so this is where i had to re-stencil because the original stencil i had put on was wiping away like crazy, but then the second stencil ended up being just as shitty. like you can see where i had to put the lines in 'good enough' near the top because even the shoddy stencil redo was GONE as i was working on it, and it created this sort of cyclical problem where i couldn't just not wipe while i worked because that would result in there being ink anywhere so i couldn't see what i was doing... but then i would wipe to clean it up and poof stencil gone. it was a nightmare and stressed me out but big thanks to my client for understanding and trusting the process <3
because even tattoos are allowed to have an ugly stage before they look good ~
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all in all i'm pretty happy with how it came out in the end, the process definitely didn't go as smoothly as i had initially hoped and i would have liked to spend more time on the actual lining process in the beginning, but i had to rush that shit. thankfully as soon as that foundation was laid, it gave me time to just go in and tighten up those lines, a lot of this ended up being freehand compared to what i had planned on doing :' )
(the best part is this client has two lil' dermals just an inch or so above the tattoo that the snake's face and tongue line up perfectly with, it's adorable haha)
either way, that was my day at the shop, i was the last one there so it was on me to settle the debit/credit machine, set the alarms and have everything ready for another day tomorrow!
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very appropriate music for the last track of the day lmao and our shop pet, Smaug, poked his head out to say hello!
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for the most part, a good day! aside from that stupid stencil giving me a hard time, it was still pretty chill, came out to be a 3 hour day, I showed up around 2:30, my appointment started at 3 and we were all done by 5:30, left just in time to go pick up some sushi takeout and catch the next bus home <3
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(have I ever shown my face on my Tumblr before??? if not, here's me!)
My job's pretty cool. Still have to deal with a lot of "typical bullshit" esp when it comes to communicating with clients and setting up appointments as well as tattoo-unique bullshit like dealing with squirmers or crappy stencils or not being able to have a social life without people pestering me for free work, but it's the best job I could ever ask for especially in this particular location. The husband and wife duo who run the place are super sweet but have their shit together well, they run a tight ship and it means I don't have anything to worry about besides setting up my appointments and tattooing. It took a lot of fighting over the course of years to finally end up in a comfortable place, and many times I almost gave up, but it was worth it because now I'm in a great place that pays well and I get to do what I love.
But I'm still pretty eager to get home most days lol So I grabbed my sushi, caught the bus, and made it home.
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It was about 6:25 when I landed and because of Daylight Savings, it's still very light out. It does so much for my mental health to leave work and have it still be sunny, the ✨ seasonal depression ✨ is gone and all I have to worry about now is ✨ regular depression ✨ And it's gonna be even better once we move to the new place because it's on a ground floor and has windows aplenty, loads of natural light (compared to the gross basement we live in rn).
But until then, this is what I come home to (~ ̄▽ ̄)~
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I will now spend the next 6-8 hours playing FF XIV, watching my shows, and working on Rekindled and Time Gate, pretty much all at the same time or at least jumping between. Usually I'll have something playing on rerun on the TV in the background (so something I don't have to pay attention to, like reruns of the Office or Bob's Burgers or w/e I'm feeling that day) and then I'll be listening to music in my headphones or - if I want to engage with something that isn't a rerun - I'll put on a Youtube video that's easy to listen to and absorb without having to look directly at. Sometimes it's speedrun documentaries, sometimes it's GameGrumps compilations, just depends on what I'm feeling and what shows up in my recommended that day LOL Yes , it might seem 'pointless' to have a show playing in the background while also listening to music, but it's sorta just there as a presence and idk, it brings my ADHD brain comfort lol
If you don't believe me that this is the level of multitasking that I'm at, the other day I made a call to Nintendo Support to help my husband get back into his account and I did it while running dungeons in FF XIV, yaaaaay ADHD! My brain needs constant stimulation to function! ╰(‵□′)╯
(and yes, I'm usually joined by Psuwis - it's Maliseet for 'cat' - who's very needy for my attention as soon as I get home lol)
This is how I spend most of my evenings, and even entire days if I'm not in the shop (and my schedule's pretty flexible, sometimes I'm at the shop 5 days a week, other times I might only work 2 or 3 days, it just depends on how busy my bookings are). My husband is actually probably just getting off work rn so he'll likely be home by the time I'm wrapping up this post lmao
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I actually worked on Rekindled pretty much all day yesterday, so now the episode's almost done already, it's coming along nicely! I'm hoping to have it done tonight or tomorrow so that I can have it ready for Saturday when I'm away on my trip (and maybe get a headstart on Ep 12 so that we can have a new episode next weekend as well during my apartment move!)
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Anyone in my follows play FF XIV? Currently working on my Astrologian, it's pretty fun! You can find me (Pym Thras'rala) in Hyperion if you ever wanna party up sometime!
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That's pretty much it! Not really anything super crazy or exciting to show, my life's pretty routine and that's how I like it. A lot of my social life is online nowadays but I do make time to go out and hang out with IRL pals as well. If this were done on a Friday most of what I'd be doing is hanging out down at the bar with pals LMAO
So yeah! hope you enjoyed this lil' self-indulgent "talk about myself for 20 minutes" post ( ̄︶ ̄)↗ If anything I hope it offers some kind of solidarity to the other pals out there who need 27390572309 forms of stimulation to get through the day LMAO
(also not recommending anyone live the way i do, my back hurts, my sleep schedule is fucked and my brain is fried(*゜ー゜*)let's all hold each other accountable and remember to check our postures, stand up and stretch every hour, and stay hydrated <3 ).
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piscesbxnny · 3 months
the void must know of the cutest weekend i just had:
- we met up at the mall to get cool/funny socks. i got cute ones with mushrooms on them.
- a woman stopped me to tell me i am really pretty and that she loves my hair. the guy i am with has references it all weekend lol
- i got us adventure time themed bracelets to go with our main event plan. i wore the bmo one because i liked the stars on it and he wore the finn and jake ones
- we got lunch at a seafood restaurant we had never been to before and it was really good. we both got shrimp 🦐
- i go back to my apartment to change into my all black outfit
- we meet back at his house where we make each other cute candi bracelets. he teaches me the hand thingy for when people want to give you some.
-our bracelets are cute and we head out.
- he took me to my first rave 🤭 it was an Adventure Time rave. we wore our bracelets and danced for literally hours and hours. we laughed and heard great music.
- a woman gave me a heart jewel sticker and put it on my face.
- another woman told me she loved my outfit which made me excited because i had been worried all week i wouldn’t have anything cool to wear.
- we got back to his place and knowing i love bagels, he made me a fire one. we ate like ipad kids in front of the tv with our post-rave bagels.
- we went to bed and fell asleep cuddled up.
this is literally just saturday and not even all the tea ☕️ anyways, good night.
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roseprincessarts · 7 months
Update regarding my recovery
Hey y'all
Just a brief update since after I got my wisdom teeth removed. It's been going well than I expected, and not even in pain or being nauseous (until this morning), which is a good thing, along with trying to take my meds. I was expecting to be groggy during the days, but in awe, I wasn't, which was a good thing!
So I have been doing well, the surgery went well, the IV anesthesia sedation isn't so bad (I must've been in dreamland lol), in pain the first day that I cried that I couldn't eat when I'm numb and taking my medications, until yesterday and today whenever the pain isn't there and was doing fine, and worrying about dry sockets. Then I was taking a rest, napping, sleeping, entertaining myself from boredom, watching TV, playing video games, drawing on my iPad, not much appetite, but had oatmeal, yogurt, pudding, mashed potatoes, eggs, ice cream, etc., and so it goes. And I was feeling pretty nauseous after the medications on an empty stomach to the point where I had to eat something and quench my thirst to keep me from throwing up. And been in bed 24/7 lol, and my face had been swollen until it's going down a little ^^;
It might even take 2 weeks to fully recover and 8 weeks to get back to eating pizza and all that. I was wondering if I could go back to eating normal after those days or a week. And also wondering to go back to coffees and sodas after 2 weeks or so, that part I don't know. Unless if it's fine or not, milk is my new coffee xD (it's a stupid joke lol).
Looks like I'll be out of school until Thursday by what my dentist says. So hopefully I'll go back by then. Hopefully I can continue working on my artworks (traditionally), working on my computer (haven't for days since surgery) and plan on my upcoming FFVII fanfic ^^
Hope y'all are well and thanks for the best support ❤️ I'll get back to displaying by Friday ^^
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webslingingslasher · 7 months
I feel like crying right now 🫠. I had a rlly bad week and it involved me having a mental breakdown and having to pretend like I wasn't crying when my parents came in my room. Not trying to trauma dump but I was js stressed over school assignments bc I usually never have trouble doing it and my room was very dirty and I had laundry to do and I'm sick and my parents think somethings going on with me because I was late to school three days in a row??? My dad literally said "What's going on with you lately?" While he was dropping me off and I started tearing up so I js got out of the car before I started bawling. My very best friend is ignoring me for some reason??? It usually only lasts like a few hours but this has been going on since Thursday and we still have not said a word to each other.
We're a trio w another girl but the other girl (let's call her v) has other friends and her main friends were a year older but they graduated so now we're a trio. I kind of didn't like her bc I let her rant to me when we were becoming friends but then she got too used to it and I became her therapist which I would be fine with bc I love her but she would never listen to me when I was talking and then when asked she would js giggle and say it's bc of her 'adhd' but then she would say she didn't have adhd too?? Like girl make up ur mind. But then I wouldn't let myself be walked over so I confronted her and she said ok I'll try to be better. Lately she has gotten a lot better and she's becoming a very important person in my life but it's usually always been me and my bsf right? Sorry to go off topic I forget what I'm talking ab and I js keep talking 😭 but uhhh anyways I told v aby bsf ignoring me and she basically told me that I should ignore her back bc she always does it to me and I'm always the one apologizing even tho I don't know what I did wrong most of the time. I send her a long paragraph and she js responds w lol and we move on.
So v told me that I don't deserve that, so I should wait for her to talk to me, and after a while, I was like, "Yk what? Youre right" and she told me "ik this sounds cringy but I'm so proud of you" I was alr kind of crying before that bc I always care more ab ppl then they do ab me and bc of the shitty week I had been having so when I read that I immediately started crying and I was muffling the sounds in my spiderman plushie (I'm so cool ik😎) and I was like that for ab an hour and I haven't talked to my bsf since. We had school the next day, and she ignored me, so I went to my other friends bc I have more of them in my classes than she does, and I had a pretty good day apart from her.
Anyways I forgot what my point was again 😭, but oh yeah today I woke up early to go see the eclipse w my cousins and when I came home I went to get starbucks w my dad and then showered (I had not showered in a while, stinky ik 😪((tbh I think it was the dirty room and clothes that was depressing me)) ) and then I cleaned my room and moved things around. (It was a deep clean day) and I went to go do laundry at my aunties. (I had to put two loads in bc I had a lot of clothes 😭) anyways it is currently 8:30 pm where I am and I js got home bc I had to walk home w my bin.
I come home to my little ipad kid cousins in my room on my bed (I didn't have bedsheets on bc I washed them) they had dirty bare feet and they were jumping on my bed and I had left a drawing on my bed and they crumpled it all up. My aunt js leaves them to do whatever they want bc the older one has autism so that's an excuse apparently??? (Don't come at me she's not a very good mom in that department)((wow that sounded judgy)) also I can't tell them to go away or not jump on my bed because then my parents are gonna make it seem like I'm being dramatic in front of my whole family (my aunts and uncles are here) also I'm Mexican btw so it's a very big deal. Also if I tell my aunt she's gonna be rlly sorry and make me feel guilty ab it and in the end they're gonna end up on my bed either way. Also ik my cousin is also having a bad week so ik small things will provoke him. So yeah 😁 I also have a class tmr at 6:30 pm for two hours and it affects me a lot bc then I feel out of it when I have to come home and get ready for school on Monday.
Anyways sorry for dumping all of this on you and if you made it to the end congrats and thank you 🫶🏽 also feel free to ignore this I js needed to tell someone🧍🏽‍♀️
- 🎧
seems like v is a good friend. and it sounds like you need a good friend right now.
i hope these next few weeks get better, i'm sending a big fat virtual hug your way!
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vbug · 9 months
life update + where i've been and demotivation
august 11 2023
11:11 pm
i've been pretty quietly recently across all social media and i'm sure no one has particularly asked where veronica went on here lol (i speak to myself most of the time). however this isn't saddening to me, almost no one has noticed because i still interact the same amount, i believe, with my closer mutuals and my family. i didn't take a break purposely in order to find a meaningful answer to life or to combat depression, i just felt demotivated to write or go out, ive just sat here most of summer rotting in my bed and sleeping through the day. perhaps i had a bit of a depressive episode but im back now and i think that's what matters most.
i reached 4 months with my boyfriend august 9. we went through a lot last month but we made it out really well and i think we will have a better month going forward. we almost broke up and then the day we worked things out i had dinner with his family for the first time (this had been planned months in advance please don't think it was a rash decision). things went really well that night. his sister is so cute and fiery and is a ball of fun, his mom is beautiful and mature and the epitome of womanhood/adulthood. i appreciate their family dynamic. it all just makes sense. the next day i went back over and we all watched star v the forces of evil and then me and my boyfriend drove around a bit and fucked in the movie theater parking lot and then we went and watched insidious (which i considered horrendous plot wise but the gore aspect was pretty well done). i love my boyfriend and i'm excited for our future.
tonight i just feel so much joy and happiness and i feel like things have gotten so much better and im doing so much for myself by myself and with help from so many amazing people. housing, transportation, advice... so many people supplying me with great tools for a smooth transition into adulthood. im blessed and will continue to be.
i start school august 21, so i stocked up on school supplies today. i was finally able to purchase my big girl laptop!!! it comes in tomorrow and im practically jumping with pleasure. i got all these accessories i wanted as well, which is great, and i plan on giving my ipad to my cousin once i get some money to buy a new case and screen protector for it.
as for school supplies i think i will make a list on what i bought specifically in case anyone is interested, so i'll leave that haul for later. what i got, what i major in and what i think some essentials are. keep in mind this is my first year so i'm not very well versed in college life.
with all this said i couldn't be more excited for the future. i go on another family trip in september and then a birthday trip a weekend after. still deciding on what gift to give her. and i pray i will be able to set up my teas exam soon so i can take it in order to apply for the lpn program in january. i'll be studying for it as well. has to be before september 30th! thank you all and GOOD NIGHTTTT!!!
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sunnyxnala · 2 years
Saturday, 10/15/22
8am - I woke up, did some work on my laptop, and fell back asleep
12pm - I woke up for realsies because I had a dentist appointment at 1pm. I ate a bowl of dry fruity pebbles
1pm - I had my dentist appointment and my teeth are PRISTINE 🦷💪
3pm - my mom and I went to the block to return jeans she bought, dropped some boots off at my aunt’s house bc she ordered them for my bday but didn’t ask me what shoe size I am and got me a size 7 (I’m 5.5), ate pho and it was so good I’ve been craving pho for the longest time sobs I wish there was more Viet food around ucla, and then headed back to ucla!
6pm - I arrived at ucla, dropped off my stuff that I brought from home, and got ready to meet some friends for dinner :)
7pm - had dinner at epicuria! Bc I was still full from pho I only ate fruit. It was super nice chatting and getting to know new people and friends :)
9pm - went to the study lounge with friends to study! I also showed them a magic card trick and they were impressed B) they also did figure it out after like 3 times of me doing it LOL BUT for the time being the magic was real
11pm - Jonathan and I were the last ppl in the study lounge, and I got to know him better! He’s such a nice guy and has pretty good music taste. His taste is kinda basic though ngl but still good LOL but anywyas I headed back to my dorm and spent some time talking to my boyfriend as he was queuing for valorant (sweaty gamer behavior) and then I am now off to bed!
i would rate today a 9/10, +9 for productivity, good company, and that i got to go home and spend time with my mom; -1 point bc my mom misplaced my ipad without telling me until she drove all the way home and my assignments were on there, so now i have to redo them on paper </3
xoxo nala
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gojous-exbabymama · 3 years
That’s My Baby Daddy~
pretty much Gojou being a menace and you having to deal with his annoying ass😭
warning// language, +18, mdni, mention of smut, mention of daddy kink, breeding kink, kinda toxic!gojou, gojou saturo x fem!reader, got inspired by @hanji-is-life talking about this man i couldn’t help myself lol
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🧿 a sneak link turned baby daddy
🧿 honestly, this is what happens when mix a daddy kink with a breeding kink
🧿 you weren’t even going to tell him because he pops up every two-three months
🧿 whenever he feels like it😒
🧿 but when you do tell him, he becomes even more cocky?¿
🧿 and if you were on the pill and still got knocked up
🧿 his god-complex would fly through the roof omg:
🧿 “im just that strong, baby”
🧿 will say you were trying to trap him but it’s clearly the other way around
🧿 literally wanted to wife you up but you said no because he was still a fuckboy and you didn’t have time to deal with his shit 24/7
🧿 the fact that you didn’t really need him around actually makes him want you even more
🧿 makes up for missing appointments or classes with lavish gifts and anything your cravings desire
🧿 you hate him because he shows up when your hormones are going crazy and all you want to do fuck
🧿 here his ass comes, all too happy to help take care of that
🧿 tried to convince you to move in with him but you shut that down quickly
🧿 so he just buys you a house that’s less than 5 minutes from his☺️
🧿 will show up late for the baby’s birth and annoy the whole staff like:
🧿 “no sir you cannot order room service during delivery” “pls stop touching the buttons on the bed sir!”
🧿 spoils the baby like crazy
🧿 you scold him whenever he comes back with a new pair of shoes because:
🧿 “gojou, he’s just going to grow out of them in like, a month”
🧿 “yeah but look at how cute they are!”
🧿 can’t get rid of him, you went to your moms place and he’s just sitting at the table, eating a slice of pie with that smirk
🧿 sorry to say sis but your days of dating are over
🧿 you’ve made it clear numerous of times that yes, you two have a baby together but that does not mean you two are together as a couple
🧿 and does he listen?
🧿 no! he doesn’t!
🧿 if he catch wind of your fine ass out on date with some weak dude
🧿 he’s going to blow up your phone
🧿 and if you block him for the night, he will show up and ruin the date
🧿 he’s made it very clear that your his stop playing with him
🧿 you say you’re done with him sis but why is he in your kitchen the next morning in your robe drinking your coffee, eating all the baby’s cereal??
🧿 you cursing him out and yelling at him every other day
🧿 and him just being like: “mmhm..mhm..yeah no I’m not paying attention, you’re too sexy when your mad🥴😜”
🧿 fights always turn into hate fucking he’s just too pretty and too smooth with it, you can’t stay mad at him for too long:
🧿 “I hate you, Gojou. I hate you, I hate you, I hate you”
🧿 “f-fuck gojou iloveyou,iloveyou,iloveyou!!” you chant as he fucks you into the mattress
🧿 “yeah ya’ do sweetheart so much you’re gonna let daddy fuck another baby in you, right mamas?”
🧿 he was serious too
🧿 congrats sis, he got you again😔🤟🏾
🧿 you being pissed but he’s just like:
🧿 “you begged me put another one in you babe, so I did what’s the problem?”
🧿 i mean, you technically did say that but it was more so for dirty talk!
🧿 and this motherfucka took it serious
🧿 he knew what he was doing though smh
🧿 slides his way into living with you and the kids
🧿 family vacations are a thing
🧿 he will take y’all all over the world if you asked
🧿 his family gets the best of the best with everything it’s really hard for him to say no to his kids
🧿 he’s gone a lot throughout the year and misses a few of their after school things
🧿 but somehow you’re the mean parent for telling your kids ‘no’ to eating candy before bed?¿?
🧿 “no, our son doesn’t need another iPad.”
🧿 “no, our daughter does not need a puppy she barely kept her six goldfish alive..”
🧿 “gojou, the baby is literally 3 months old, you’re not signing them up for horse riding lessons!!”
🧿 watch him or else he’ll turn your kids into silver tooth terrors!
🧿 by baby number 4 he just stops asking you to marry him because he definitely knows you’re not going anywhere
🧿 you’re stuck with him for life so might as well just stay with his ass because he’s not going anywhere either
🧿good luck😭🧿
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Ocean Eyes - Part 16
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A/N- Another update so quickly?? WTF?! lol
Warnings: There's some talk of miscarriage in this chapter so you've been warned.
Words: Approx 2000
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Scott's POV
As soon as i saw that headline i rushed out of the guest room in search for Y/N, hopefully id be able to speak to that idiot brother of mine before she saw this.
I rushed down the hall to Chris' bedroom and swore when i found it empty, i stopped at Mason's room and found that empty too and suddenly dread ran through me. My cell started to ring and i looked to see Chris calling me.
"What the fuck did you do?!!" I whisper yelled at him not knowing where Y/N was.... If she was even still here! The house was unusually quiet.
"Jesus Scott its not what it looks like! where's Y/N? I've tried calling her but she isn't answering"
"Honestly? I have no clue. I've just woken up to see all this myself, she's not in your room and Mason's bed is empty too"
"Ah fuck..... Scott please tell me she hasn't left?"
"I don't know, can't blame her if she did" i said as i made my way downstairs looking for Y/N and Mason.
"I really don't need your shit right now...."
"How the hell did this happen Chris?? i thought you were happy with Y/N??"
"I am! Im so fucking happy! I promise its not what it looks like.... I just need to talk to her to explain".
When i walked into the living room i sighed in relief when i saw Mason sitting on the sofa watching something on the iPad with his headphones on.
"Oh thank god" i mumbled.
"They're still here, Mace is on the sofa watching something on the iPad which is why its so damn quiet in here"
"Where's Y/N?"
"I don't..... oh god" i spotted her sitting out in the backyard clearly crying wrapped in a blanket "i'll call you back"
"Did you find her?"
"Yeah she's in the back yard crying! I need to go...."
"Scott please tell her its not what it looks like! If she will just call me then i can explain!"
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I heard the door slide open and quickly wiped the tears from my eyes before turning around expecting to see Mason but instead Scott stood there.
"Oh honey come here" he said pulling me into his arms and holding me tight "i got worried that you and Mason had left"
"Im still deciding on what to do...."
"Well before you decide please talk to him, he said he's tried calling you and you didn't answer"
"You spoke to him?"
"I did, mainly to yell at him..... but he said its not what it looks like and he needs to explain"
"And do you believe him?"
"Yeah, i do. I know he's my brother and maybe I'm a little biased but he loves you and Mason so much. He wouldn't go to London and be caught with someone, risk loosing you both after he just got you back".
As if on cue Scott's cell started ringing and he held it up showing me it was Chris.
"What? Can't you give us a few minutes?....." he said full of attitude towards his brother "thats not up to me. Y/N, Chris would like to talk to you"
I took a deep breath and nodded, i needed to get this out of the way.
"Okay she'll talk to you. Im gonna go check on Mason, give you two some privacy".
"Thanks Scotty" i gave him a tight lipped smile and took his phone.
"Hey" i said quietly letting Chris know i was there.
"Oh my god sweetheart, thank you so much for letting me explain. I promise you its nothing like whats being said!"
"So what is it?"
"Right! Right okay, well she was auditioning for the same project i was there for. They took us all out for dinner and drinks after and then we shared a taxi back to the hotel. Thats all! Seemed silly getting separate taxi's to the same place. But i never touched her! She didn't come to my room, we went our separate ways when we got to the hotel i promise!"
I sat silently taking in what he was saying, i mean he could be telling the truth there were no photo's of them in any compromising positions. All the photo's showed were them leaving the same taxi and Chris at the main entrance while she was at a different entrance......
"Baby you still there?"
"Please baby, you have to believe me Im telling you the truth. You really think id risk loosing you and Mason again?"
"Its just hard Chris, its always going to be like this isn't it? I thought it was bad when we were together last time but now?"
"But we can get through it. I'd never do anything to loose what we have, not again. I've learnt from my mistakes i swear to you"
"Okay?.... Okay you're not gonna leave me?"
"I told you we'd be here when you got back didn't i?" I replied still having some doubts but they were more to do with my insecurities. I knew i wasnt anything special and Chris could do so much better than me.....
Chris sighed in relief and i swear he sounded a little tearful.
"Thank you for trusting me Y/N, I love you so much"
"I love you too"
"Hey listen I'm pretty much done here so I'm gonna try my hardest to get on an earlier flight home. I don't wanna be away from you any longer than i have to. I need to be home with you and Mason"
"And Dodger, don't forget him"
"Of course" he chuckled "I'm gonna go see about getting this flight. I'll call you when i know when it is"
"Okay, sounds good"
"Dahlin' you sure you're okay?" He suddenly asked, he must be tired i thought to myself hearing that Boston twang to him calling me darling.
"Yeah I'm fine just tired i guess"
"Yeah me too, i don't sleep very well without you now, i've gotten used to waking up with you".
"Well you'll be home soon enough. Chris i gotta go Mason is calling for me...." I lied just needing to end this call so i could try and get my head around everything!
"Okay baby, well i'll see you real soon"
"Tell Mason i miss him and love him. I love you too dahlin' so much"
"Love you too. Bye Chris" i ended the call once he said goodbye.
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After ending the call with Chris i headed inside to make some tea. While i waited for the kettle to boil i took the time to send messages to my mum and Hannah who had been trying to call all morning, telling them i was fine and would call later. Honestly if i spoke to either right now id fall apart.
"Hey, you doing okay?" Scott asked from behind me, i nodded without turning to face him.
"I'm okay"
"You know you don't have to put on a brave face with me right?"
"Yeah i know....." i sniffled still feeling the effects of the hours i spent crying this morning.
"So are you and Chris okay? You sort everything out?"
"Yeah i think so" i turned to go get the milk from the fridge and felt my head spin, dizziness hitting me from out of nowhere "ah shit...." I gasped grabbing on to the counter while i tried to steady myself.
"Woah! Y/N are you okay?" Scott rushed over.
"Yeah i just got real dizzy there for a second, its probably where i've got myself worked up all morning... maybe i just need to eat something"
"Come and sit down, let me get you something to eat...."
"I can do it Scotty I'm fine" i said as he led me over to one of the dining room chairs and made me sit down.
"I know you can but it'd make me feel better if you let me do it for you"
"Fine if you wanna run around after me be my guest" i chuckled "but i want my tea" i stood up to go finish making my tea and felt a harsh cramping in my side.
"Im okay stop worrying....."
"Y/N you're bleeding".
Scott stood in front of me looking like he was about to cry as i looked down to see blood spreading on the crouch of my grey sweats i was currently wearing. It was too much blood to be my period plus i wasn't due yet. When the realisation of what was happening hit me i felt my legs give way, luckily Scott was close enough to grab me and he lowered us both to the kitchen floor as i broke down.
"Sshhh its okay, i got you" he said quietly as he rocked me gently as i cried.
"Mace can't see me like this...." I started to panic but Scott assured me he was still occupied with the iPad before helping to get me to the bathroom where he left me to clean up.
I took a shower letting the water wash away the tears and blood, i just wanted to go to bed and forget today had happened. It had been a shit show from the second i opened my eyes and i was done with it.
I found myself pulling on Chris' sweatshirt that was left on the chair and sitting on the edge of the bed staring into space.
"Hey" Scott said after knocking on the door letting me know he was there.
"Hi, is Mason okay down there?"
"Yeah he's fine, i gave him some lunch and now his napping with Dodger"
"Thank you for that"
"Of course" he said as he walked over to sit beside me, his arm wrapping around me and pulling me in for a hug.
"Did you know you were pregnant?"
"Not a clue" i sniffed "god Scotty i feel so stupid being this upset about loosing something i didn't even know i had...."
"Its not stupid at all, its a normal reaction sweetheart".
We sat in silence for what felt like hours but was probably only a few minutes.
"I feel exhausted" i mumbled against Scott's chest.
"Lay down and get some sleep, i'll take care of Mason and Dodger don't you worry"
"You're sure?"
I nodded, too tired to argue about it. Scott fused as he helped me get settled and tucked me in.
"Call me if you need anything"
"I will. Thank you Scotty, i love you"
"I love you too, now get some rest".
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Scott's POV
After leaving Y/N and checking on Mason i found myself sitting in the dining room dialling Chris' number.
"Hey Scott" he answered after a few rings.
"Hey" i replied trying to keep the emotions out of my voice "just wondering if you managed to get an earlier flight?"
"Yeah, I'm just boarding now actually. I tried to call Y/N but there was no answer"
"Thank god" i muttered to myself but obviously louder than i thought.
"Why? whats wrong?.... She hasn't left has she?" I heard the panic in my brothers voice.
"No! No shes still here"
"So whats wrong? Scott where's Y/N? Let me talk to her"
"Shes sleeping right now..."
"Sleeping? isn't it like 3pm there right now?"
"Yeah, she uh.... Chris she had a miscarriage" i felt the tears finally roll down my face as i broke the news to my brother.
"She didn't even know she was pregnant.... I think she's in shock right now. But she needs you thats why i was asking if you'd be back any earlier...."
"I'll be home as soon as i can.....shit!"
"Im sorry Chris.... And I'm sorry i had to tell you like this".
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Everything taglist: @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @hiddelstannerbarnes @bellamy-barnes @buchanansebba @rosalynshields @turtoix @dottirose @livstilinski
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @denisemarieangelina @mery-be @marvelfansworld @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave @jakiki94 @torntaltos @my-dearest-agent @ms-betsy-fangirl @thummbelina @kalopsia-flaneur @ilovetheeagles
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Today was a dayyyy. I had a lot of stupid yearly training (money laundering, insider trading, blah blah blah) to do so I powered through the majority of it this morning while I sipped on my coffee. Cole was off work today so he was able to take Knox to daycare so that was really helpful. The rest of the day was super busy with work so it went by fast. Cole left for the farm so I had to do daycare pick up, meaning I had to log off early-ish. Then we had a a birthday party all the way on the other side of town. It was supposed to start at 5:30 and no one even showed up until close to 5:45 so I was pretty annoyed. It was at an indoor play place with bounce houses and stuff so it turned out fine. Knox had a blast and played so hard. He is getting really brave with climbing, etc. and when he does something new he exclaims "I did it!" And it makes my Mama heart swell. 🥰 The party was over at 7 so we rushed home (30 min drive) to get bath time done and now we are just chillin for a few minutes before we start bed time. I'm solo parenting til Sunday and I'm already exhausted lol. I do get a break on Saturday though. My SIL is taking Knox because my bestie will be in town so I'm excited for that. Just have to make it through tomorrow first which is daycare drop off, full day of work, daycare pick up, dinner, clean up dinner, bath, bed, all by myself. Husband is so lucky to have me to hold down the fort while he hunts his little heart out 🤪
Oh last cute thing. I told Knox while I was giving him a bath that we needed to trim his finger and toe nails. Then by the time I got him dressed and downstairs and the dog fed I already forgot I said that so he had his iPad and I sat down to breathe for 3 seconds and he looks over at me and is just staring and I'm like ?? And then he points to his nails lol. And he sat so nicely while I trimmed them all up. He's the best boy.
We are off to bed now. Night, pals!
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"....So I Married A Monster" *Part 9*
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Chapter 8
Chapter 10
[I imagine this is him being a 'dad', lol]
Sorry this took so long ya'll. I love you.
I did my best!
Tag List
“Ma’am, you really need to calm down--” A nurse pulled you back into the bed while you continued to scream and cry.
“No, I need to know where they’re taking that man!” You screamed as you wriggled from her grasp.
“Most likely to surgery, ma’am,” The doctor explained. “He did just get a GSW to the chest--”
“Oh God,” You wanted to vomit. “But the-- the man who just left, he--” You suddenly had an epiphany of where Billy was headed.
“You have to get officers to 5237 Lakeview Shore Drive,” You said in a panicked voice. “He’s going to grab my children,”
“Aren’t they his children as well, ma’am?” The nurse gave you a look.
“He has NO right to them!” You gave her an exasperated look. “And seriously? You think a man who just murdered two--” No, you couldn’t think that way. Rafael was still alive, he had to be.
“Shot, two men,” You corrected yourself. “Deserves children?!”
“No, ma’am,” She shook her head. “Sorry, ma’am. He was just so kind and charming the last time he was--”
“Jesus Christ, are you really that starved for affection that a psychopath flirting with you is the highlight of your career, idiot?” You sneered at the girl who couldn’t have been more than 19. Just a candy striper-- of course Billy would go for her.
“Alright, Addie-- out,” The doctor pointed towards the door. “Make yourself useful and call 911,”
“But there’s already--”
“OUT,” The doctor barked once more. Addie rolled her eyes and stomped out of the room.
“I’m sorry ma’am,” He apologized, patting your shoulder. “You need to stay calm, we’ve stopped your bleeding and stitched you up, but if you become hysterical you could rip them out,”
“I just watched my ex-husband shoot the love of my life and then storm out of here to go kidnap my children, and you expect me not to get hysterical?”
“At least try, ma’am--” He pleaded with you.
“If you call me ma’am one more time I swear to God--” You growled.
“I’m sorry, Miss Y/N,” He corrected himself.
“Doctor you’ve just sewn up my literal anus, I think we’re on a first name basis,” You rolled your eyes.
“Right,” He chuckled nervously. “Listen if you promise to at least attempt to stay calm, I will go check on your boyfriend, alright?”
“Fine,” You sighed.
“Alright then,” The doctor gestured to two male nurses. sending them to find out information on Rafael.
Rafael was indeed being rushed into an operating room, his chest bleeding profusely. It had missed his aorta, but just barely. One wrong movement by a scalpel and he’d die right on that table.
“...He’s lost a lot of blood already, doctor,” One nurse warned.
“Put him on bypass, I need more time to cauterize this wound!” The doctor barked as he sweat through his surgical scrubs.
“Yes sir,” The nurse nodded to someone who brought forward a machine and began hooking it up to Rafael.
“Alright people, we don���t have a lot of time,” He looked around the room.
"Pray for a miracle,"
At Your House
Lewis rushed into your house, trying to think of what to do. He’d need to get the girls and run-- it wouldn’t be easy. He’d need a good excuse. God, what would be a good excuse?
Lewis first went to Maggie’s room, gently waking her up.
“Mags? Maggie, wake up baby,” He cooed.
“What’s wrong dad?” Maggie asked while still half asleep.
“We-- we need to go,” He told her.
“Right now?” She turned her head to the side like a confused puppy.
“Yes, right now baby,” He began to grab her things and shoving them into her backpack. “Mommy’s in trouble,”
“In trouble?!” Maggie suddenly shot straight up in her bed.
“It’s fine, I’m sure she’ll be fine,” Lewis tried to keep her calm. “I just don’t want that bad man to get ahold of you and Kylie,”
“He has her?!” Maggie suddenly had panic in her voice.
“Maggie calm down, okay sweetie?” Lewis put his hands on her face. “We can’t let Kylie know, okay? So we’re going to tell her…”
“We’re going to the beach!” Maggie suddenly finished his thought. She was a great liar, quick on her feet. Just a chip off the ol’ Lewis block.
“Great idea baby!” He nodded while she pulled a jacket over her pj’s.
“And-- And we can go to the beach house, the one we used to go to?” She made that adorable little puppy dog face he couldn’t resist. He didn’t exactly “own” that beach house, but whatever his baby wanted, she got.
“Yes, yes of course Mags. Whatever you want sweetie,” He kissed the top of her head before they went into Kylie’s room.
“Kylie, wake up,” Maggie shook her awake while Billy began packing her a bag.
“Where are we going?” Kylie asked sleepily.
“We’re going to the beach baby,” Billy told her as he finished with her suitcase.
“In the middle of the night?” Kylie rubbed her eyes while Maggie helped her put some clothes on.
“Well, we want to be there as fast as we can!” Maggie continued to spin her web of lies, just like her daddy.
“Where’s mommy?” Kylie rubbed her eyes while Billy slipped her shoes on and they headed to the car.
“She’s uh…” He looked at Maggie.
“She’s still a little sick, so she’s going to meet us there later,” Maggie told her while giving her dad a thumbs up. He could cry in pride right now if he wasn’t worried about the cops finding them before he could escape.
“Okay,” Kylie just went along with the story, no questions asked.
Billy went to your key ring and grabbed your keys to your SUV, shooing the girls out into the car. He did a quick look around to make sure he had everything. Well, he had everything that mattered. His girls.
He glared around the room for a moment, pissed off that you had taken away your chances at happiness in this place. It would have been a great life; just him, you and the girls. No cops, no dumbass ADA, just you and him.
Well, soon enough it would be. He was sure Barba was dying right now, if not already dead. Then once he was out of the picture, you’d have no choice but to come back to him. He had the girls. He had your car. He had your happiness.
And soon, he would have you.
At The Hospital
The nurses had been forced to knock you out with some morphine when you began to get hysterical over not knowing what was going on with Rafael and your girls. So here you were, waking up groggy and disoriented in a regular hospital room. Soon enough you were alert and back on the anxiety train. You pushed on the CALL NURSE button rapidly until an older woman in green scrubs came rushing in.
“Y’Know that button is for actual emergencies,” She crossed her arms once she noticed you were fine.
“This IS an emergency,” You crossed your arms right back at her. “I asked to hear about my family, and all you people did was knock me out. That has to break some sort of law,”
“Really and what law would that be?” She raised an eyebrow.
“I...don’t know, but I’m sure my boyfriend could find one,” You huffed.
“Highly unlikely ma’am,” She shook her head.
“Why?” Your eyes went wide. “Why wouldn’t he? Is it because he’s dead? Brain dead? Paralyzed and unable to speak?!”
“No honey,” She rolled her eyes at your dramatics. “It’s just an insane notion,”
“...Whatever,” You muttered while she checked your IV’s and stats. “So are you going to tell me how he is? Or are you just here to shoot me up with more morphine?”
“Well, that depends,” She said while inputting your information in her iPad. “Can you keep calm, make sure you don’t rupture any of your stitches?”
“....Not with that tone I can’t,” You didn’t like it one bit. “But I think I deserve to know what’s being done about my children at the very least,”
“Well…” The nurse looked at the door nervously. “See, sweetie here’s the thing--” She walked over and made sure the door was fully closed.
“Oh God,” Your voice trembled.
“It seems your ex-husband has...taken them” She grimaced.
“Oh god,” You repeated. “Oh GOD,” You were going to be sick.
The heart monitor and machines began to beep as your blood pressure skyrocketed, bells and whistles went off as you started to have a panic attack. The nurse instantly started turning all of them off, not wanting to alert anyone of what she had done by telling you.
“Okay okay but LOOK, honey--” She grabbed you by your shoulders, forcing you to take a breath and look at her.
“....If I bring you someone, will you promise to calm down?” She asked.
You weren’t entirely sure you could make that promise, but if it was Rafael she was going to bring you, you’d say anything she wanted to hear.
“Yes,” You nodded vigorously. The nurse nodded back and walked to the side of your bed that had a curtain separating you and another patient. When she pulled it back, you saw Rafael laying in a hospital bed hooked up to wires and tubes, a breathing apparatus on his face. She pushed the bed over so that it was touching yours, almost like it was one big king bed for the two of you.
“Oh my god…” You whispered, barely able to hold it together. “Can I--?”
“Be gentle,” She warned you. You nodded softly before very cautiously stroking the side of his face, whispering to him.
“Baby, I’m here…” You pressed a kiss to his forehead. “I’m here and I’m okay, so you have to be okay, okay?”
“How bad is it?” You looked up to the nurse.
“Well he made it through surgery,” She gestured to his still living body. “That’s always a good sign,”
“Give it to me straight...Marla,” You read her name tag.
“It was touch and go for a while, I won’t lie to you,” She sighed. “But...he’s been stable long enough I convinced them to let me bring him here to you,”
“....Thank you,” You gave her a small smile.
“If it were my Jonas in that bed, I’d never want him out of my sight either,” She smiled at you.
“Nurse Nightingale,” A doctor popped his head in. “Your husband is on line 1,”
“Speak of the devil,” She chuckled, heading towards the door. “I’ll be back to check on you later, I’ll-- see what I can find out about your children,”
“God…” You shook your head and muttered under your breath again.
“I’m sure they’re fine honey. They’re with their daddy at least, right?”
“True,” You nodded with another small relieved smile. If there was one thing you could bet money on, it was that Billy would take care of the girls. He was using them as collateral for sure, but he wouldn’t hurt them.
Would he?
Hours and hours had passed. Billy had made it to the Hamptons with the girls. Luckily for him the people he was ‘borrowing’ the house from still hadn’t made an appearance. Given that it was the beginning of fall and the season was over, he was pretty sure he wouldn’t have to kill anyone to keep them staying there a secret.
The girls were in the living room watching Moana while Billy scrolled through his phone at the latest news blurbs and trending things on Twitter. Obviously “William Lewis” was out in the open again-- shit. People would be looking for him now. But nobody knew where they were-- they’d never find them. Right? He couldn’t go back to prison, not after the hell he went through to get out. He would never go back again, no matter what. Nothing was going to stand in his way, or slow him down. He intently watched Maggie and Kylie-- they were laughing and eating cereal. Maggie could hold her own for sure, but Kylie was just a tot. Could she handle being shuffled around the state? The country?
He seriously began to ponder if the girls were slowing him down.
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hoodharlow · 3 years
The Rat
EL Novio Quarantine Edition: Part 2
AN: Here's Part 2. It was suuposed to be posted yesterday but I spent the whole day out running errands, and I got home late. Hope you enjoy
Warnings: Mentions of dog bites, blood, waiting room scene, some sex jokes, baby talk and baby fever (idk if it’s baby fever but yeah lol)
Word Count: 2.2k 
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"Your mans fans can't be this oblivious." Medelyn told Claudia, sliding her phone to read yet another tweet about Calum and Claudia's friendship. 
At the start of quarantine, fans were surprised to see that Calum was in Torrey Pines and not at his house in Los Angeles. They weren't surprised to see him at the Santos' home. They all gathered that he has become a friend of the family. Some of their fans joked that he was using Claudia to get to Diego so he can then get to Guy Fieri since he obsessively watched Guy's Grocery Games. Some fans didn't think much of it, they were just happy to get Calum content whenever Claudia would record him trying her baking goods for TikTok. 
The one thing that they never guessed is that they were dating. The few fans that listened to Claudia's podcast knew that her boyfriend was staying with her and her family. They just didn't know her boyfriend is Calum. 
"They are." Claudia said, taking a large gulp of her licuado. "They're still trying to figure out if the girl from Taylor's party and Benito's album release are the same person. They're struggling because my hair was straight in New York and curly in Miami."
"Stop," Medelyn laughed. "Speaking of your mans, where is he?"
"He took Duke and Panchito out on a walk. My dad doesn't need him at the restaurant until later." 
"I still can't believe Diego is making him make deliveries." 
"He's gotta pull his weight." Claudia joked.
Medelyn went to check on her sleeping newborn in the living room where he slept on a bassinet. She came back a few minutes later to keep talking to Claudia. It was still a surprise to anyone that knew them back in high school to see them get along. A few weeks ago they talked about it in Claudia's podcast and dissected why they didn't like each other in high school. It had mostly to do with the internalized misogyny and how because they were both latina, they both couldn't be at the top. One of them had to fail while the other was successful. Listeners compared it to how Naomi Campbell and Tyra Banks were pitted against each other. But unlike the supermodels, Claudia and Medelyn were able to put their differences aside and eventually became friends. 
The barking of multiple dogs was heard out in the front yard. Claudia got up from where she was sitting and went to see what was going on. The front door opened and closed as she tied her shoes. 
"That fucking rat has it out for Duke and Panchito and it's owner has it out on me." Calum cursed, unclipping Duke and Panchito's leashes. 
Claudia scoffed and watched him take off his shoes. "You're being dramatic. Mrs. Garner and her dog are literally so nice." 
"The rat nearly attacked Panchito. If it weren't for Duke, we'd be on our way to the animal hospital."
"Ah ha okay."
"Claudia, I'm being serious." Calum got up and put away the leashes in the coat closet. "If you get bitten by that rat then don't come crying that you need a ride to the hospital."
"How the fuck did we end up watching three kids and a baby?" Claudia asked Calum as she slipped on some leggings. "They're not even ours."
"Because you wouldn't let me battle your brother in rock paper scissors. You're so predictable when you play." He said. 
Calum leaned back on her bed and watched her get changed for their hike. It wasn't really a hike, they're just going to walk on the dirt trail behind the neighborhood with her niece and nephews while Danny and Medelyn spend some time together. 
He gently smacked Claudia's ass a few times, watching it bounce against the fabric of her leggings. "I fucking love your ass."
"And I love yours. Jesse is a miracle worker." She said repeating his actions. 
Calum rolled his eyes and followed Claudia out of her room to the living room. Guito, Paloma and Damian sat on the couch watching Duck Tales as they passed a giant bowl of popcorn. The three kids looked nothing alike, but it was obvious they were Junior and Marlene's kids. They all had distinct features from their parents. After spending time with them, it always left Calum wondering about how his kids with Claudia would look like. 
Of course they haven't talked about having kids anytime soon. Claudia was about to graduate and attend grad school at UCLA. Calum knew better than to get in the way of her academic future. For now he just kept the thought of kids to himself. He also knew that Diego would murder him if he uttered baby making and Claudia in the same sentence.
Claudia emerged from the kitchen with a lunch bag and waters. She squatted down in front of the stroller and put in the things in the bottom basket along with the diaper bag Medelyn packed for them. She turned back and caught Calum's eyes permanently glued on her ass. 
"I'm gonna ask Danny for a rematch." he said, pushing himself up from the couch. 
"No you're not." Medelyn said, stopping him. "We need this. We stopped having sex the minute I couldn't see my feet. And add the forty days I couldn't do anything. We need this."
"Cal, don't worry. We'll be back in a blink. Danny is gonna need at most five minutes." Claudia said. She wrapped her arms around him, and pushed back his growing curls. She kissed his cheek and whispered. "When we get back I'll suck your dick."
"Let's get this show on the road." Calum told the kids. "When we get back, Danny and Medelyn can take all of you to Coldstone."
"Can we get Ice Cream cake?" Paloma quietly asked him. 
The three kids cheered. One by one, they went to the front door and put on their shoes. Calum carried the stroller down the steps and helped Claudia put Sebastian in the stroller. After spending a good five minutes on the importance of 'Slip-Slop-Slap' and sunscreen, the party of six plus Duke and Panchito were on their way. The kids walked just a few feet ahead of Claudia while she pushed the stroller. Calum stayed back with Duke and Panchito. He didn't mind, the trail was slightly slanted and it gave him a spectacular view of Claudia's ass. 
About halfway around the trial they all stopped at a bench under a tree. The kids sat down and ate some Gansitos. Claudia set down two bowls of water for Duke and Panchito to drink. 
"You think they're done?" Calum asked Claudia when sat on the ground. 
“Honestly, the last thing on my mind is how long my brother takes o fuck his girlfriend.” She said reaching over for her water.
He took off his windbreaker, leaving him shirtless. He stretched and flexed his muscles. 
"You're so rude." Claudia said before taking a large gulp from her pink Hydro Flask. 
They stayed in the shades area for another half an hour and then turned back home. Claudia and Calum fell into step while the kids raced each other distances determined by what they saw on the ground. They made a quick pit stop at the kids' house because Damian had too much water. He couldn't hold it until they got back to Claudia's house, who lived four houses up the same street. 
When they got to the house, they found Danny and Medelyn passed out on the couch while 'Sortilegio' played in the background. Claudia placed Sebastian on his bassinet and unclipped Duke and Panchito's leashes. Damian and Guito stayed outside wanting to play some soccer with Calum. So Claudia and Paloma migrated to the kitchen to make some brownies. 
 Paloma left to play on her iPad the second Claudia placed the baking dish on the oven, leaving her to do all the cleaning. 
A loud growl followed by a scream came from outside where Calum and the boys were. The front door slammed open with Calum carrying Damian with Guito following him. 
"The rat bit him." Calum told Claudia when he sat Damian on the counter. 
"Let me see." Medelyn said motioning Calum to step aside. She snapped her fingers at them. "Someone get me a first aid. Hopefully he doesn't need stitches."
Calum went to the pantry and grabbed the box hanging on the wall. Medelyn took it and got to work on Damian's arm.
After five minutes of tending the bite, Medelyn wrapped up his arm in a gauze and motioned Calum, Claudia and Danny. 
"He needs stitches. The cut is pretty deep and he may need a shot, too." She said. 
"Fuck." Danny cursed. 
"I'll take him." Calum volunteered. 
"I'll go with you." Claudia said. 
After lots of convincing and crying, Damian, Claudia and Calum were on their way to a community clinic. Claudia's knee bounced while they waited for Damian's name to be called. He had fallen asleep on Calum's arms. 
She texted Junior and Marlene updates. They were waiting outside in the parking lot for them. Ten more minutes pass until they call for Damian. Claudia stayed back while Calum went with him since he was there when the bite happened. Half an hour later they came out. 
"So?" Claudia asked anxiously. 
"The nurse gave Tío Cal her number, but he said no thank you." Damian said sticking a Spider-Man sticker on his shirt. 
"Oh?" Claudia quirked an eyebrow at him. 
"I still got it." Calum smirked. 
"You say that as if you're fifty and not twenty-four." She snorted. 
They made their way to the parking lot. Damian let go of Claudia's hand and went to hug his mom. He proudly told Junior and Marlene that the stitches and the shot didn't hurt. Calum briefly told them what happened and how the someone from the Humane Society was going to over in a few days to put the dog on house arrest. 
Damian rode with his parents on the way back to Claudia's. The car ride was quiet. Calum and Claudia didn't even bother to put on music or a podcast.
"You okay?" she asked him when they got to her house. "Regret not taking the nurse's number?"
"Funny," He said. He took off his cap and scratched his head. "Just thinking about Damian and everything. I don't know, I just feel like this is my fault. Obviously it's not, I wasn't the one who bit him nor that was my dog. But I just can't help thinking that if we played in the backyard like we always do, he wouldn't have gotten bitten."
"I have no idea how to respond because I don't wanna dismiss what you're feeling, ya know. But I just wanna say that I'm very impressed at how responsive and on top of it you were. Like when we have kids, I'm not gonna worry because I know you'll be at my side ready." She said. 
"When?" Calum asked. 
Claudia's eyes widened, realizing what she said. 
"Shit. I didn't mean it like that. Like today when we babysat. You knew what to do and stuff…"
"Miss Santos do you wanna have my children?" He teased her. Noting how uncomfortable she got, he stopped laughing. He cleared his throat and silently counted to five. "Would you ever want kids?" With me? He added in his head.
Claudia stopped playing with the elastic on her facemask and turned on her side and faced him. Calum mirrored her actions and shyly smiled at her. 
"I didn't think we'd have this talk so soon." She giggled. 
"Better sooner than later." he shrugged. "I'd want some or at least one."
"Preferably with you of course. But if Katy Perry drops Orlando Bloom, then we go our separate ways."
"That's fine, I'll just hit him up." She giggled. "Jokes aside, I do want kids. Just not right now. I mean we're in a pandemic for fucks sake. I also feel like it's too soon. Like my parents and brothers had their kids pretty young. I don't want to be responsible for someone when I'm barely learning to take care of me, you know? Like once we're more settled down and whatnot we can talk about starting a family. But for now I don't wanna share you with anyone."
"I agree with you 100%." Calum said, pulling her to kiss her. He pulled away. "We probably shouldn't kiss after coming from a clinic."
"You're right." Claudia laughed, pulling away from him. She pointed behind her. "Plus my dad's watching us."
Claudia and Calum took out their grocery bags from Calum's car when someone cleared their throat behind them. It was Mrs. Garner, the owner of the dog that bit Damian. A few days ago the Humane Society came by and put her poodle mix on house arrest for two weeks.
"Hi, Mrs. Garner." Claudia greeted, pulling up her mask to cover her nose and mouth. 
"You're going to regret the day you crossed me and reported my baby, mark my words. You don't know who you're messing with." 
With that Mrs. Garner turned on her heel and went back to her house. 
"What the fuck?" Claudia said, trying not to laugh. 
"C'mon, your ice cream and dino nuggets are going to melt." Calum motioned her. 
Claudia turned back to Mrs. Garner's house and then back to Calum. "Has she always had cameras in front of her house?"
Taglist: @f-mu​ @another-lonely-heart​​ @sunshinebabycal-deactivated2021​   @calumscalm​​ @karajaynetoday​​ @cherryxwildflower​​ @myloverboyash​​  @idontneedanyone​​ @findingliam-o​​ @5-secondsofcolor​​ @spicycal​​ @sexgodashton​​ @fckingpernico​​ @2fangirl4u​​ @calpops​
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