#leave your drama cave and make a friend’
look I get that neil probably wrote hob gadling to give dream one human person he could maybe have a normal, platonic drink with once in a while as a foil to his hundreds of world-ending, hell-condemning, passion-of-a-thousand suns romances but like … respectfully sir those two are in love
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txt-trash · 6 months
feelings for you | choi soobin
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summary: after catching his roommate and his girlfriend making out, Choi Soobin’s life has been in an awkward standstill where he can’t decide if he should still be upset or move on. never one for confrontation, he still works with his ex girlfriend whose suddenly interested in him again all because he’s shown interest in another girl—his new roommate.
➣genre/au: roommate!soobin x roommate!y/n [she/her. female anatomy]
➣19.3k words
warnings: smut. kinda fluff. soobin is a barista. college grads. oc is soobin’s new roommate. one instant of fake dating. soobin is a whiny drunk. soobin’s cheating ex tries to get him back. soobin and oc friends. cute soobin but he’s a switch. dom soobin in the bedroom. soobin doesn’t like confrontation until the end. oral sèx [f receiving, in the kitchen 🤭] protected sèx. missionary. riding. soobin is subby post-sex. he has an unexplored boob kink. big soobin. jealous soobin but only slightly
When it comes to drama, you want no part of it. You keep your circle small and try not to involve yourself with things that don’t concern you but it’s been hard now that you’ve moved in with your new roommate. Originally, you thought it would be less drama to have a guy you didn’t know as a roommate, aside from the obvious worries Soobin had seemed perfect.
He was quiet and a bit shy but he seemed to have good intentions. You’ve heard him through the thin walls and he laughs when he watches something funny or talks on the phone but he’s not obnoxiously loud. He cleans up after himself and gives you your space so this first week has been good.
You’ve recently started rooming together when you answered his ad in search of a roommate and you’re starting to understand why he was looking for one in the first place.
“So she just dumped you?” You asked, unable to help yourself from being nosy. This is the first time since your first meeting that you’re sharing a conversation with him and it’s about his past relationship—evidently to thank for giving you a room for cheap.
“Basically,” Soobin said with a shrug as he stared at the television where his Nintendo Switch was connected. He was currently playing some Jujutsu Kaisen game that managed to grab your attention when you had come out of your cave for a bowl of cereal.
“That’s crazy,” you mumbled to yourself, turning away from him to wash your dishes in the sink.
Apparently, his last roommate moved out very suddenly considering he slept with Soobin’s girlfriend and things just didn’t work out.
“It’s whatever,” Soobin said, so hyper focused on his game, and saying whatever was on his mind with no attention at all, “Just sucks because I still have to work with her.”
“Wait!” You dropped what you were doing, rushing over to where he was and standing in front of the tv, “So you’re saying you still have to see your cheating ex girlfriend who slept with your roommate at work?”
“Yeah,” Soobin said, making you shake your head in disbelief. Still thinking about his sheer bad luck, you finally left him to his game and retreated to your bedroom to wallow in self pity like usual.
It was all too much to talk about for Soobin. His relationship only lasted about six months but he still can’t believe she slept with his roommate. He thought they all had become good friends but to find out she’s secretly going to his roommate’s bedroom while he’s at work. She would come over and stay while he would leave to work and while he thought she was waiting for him to get home, she’s letting his roommate stick it to her! The audacity, honestly, to do that in his home is ridiculous but thankfully his name was the one on the lease and he got to kick the guy out.
At first it was strange to have a girl move in with him considering he’s only ever roomed with guys and he was supposed to be in his ‘I Hate Woman’ era but you’ve turned out to be better than he expected. Of course it’s only been a few days but you both seem to be hyper aware of the fact that this is something new for the both of you. At least he won’t have to worry about you sleeping with his next girlfriend… or does he?
For another hour or so, Soobin played his game, completely engrossed that not even the pounding on the door for two solid minutes broke him from his trance. It wasn’t until you stormed out of your bedroom once again and headed right to the front door did he realize the person at the door was here for him.
You looked at the guy in front of you, a bit stunned to speak at how attractive he was and for a moment the two of you just stood there looking stupefied. The guy took a step back into the hallway and read the number on the wall which was sure enough his best friend’s apartment.
“What are you doing here?” Soobin asked, suddenly appearing behind you with a hand on the door above your head. Once you acknowledged that this stranger was here for your roommate you quietly made your leave, unaware of the new pair of eyes trailing after you.
“There you go, I didn’t know you had it in you to bounce back so fast,” Yeonjun said, looking to your closed door, “And with a baddie at that!”
“What are you talking about? She’s my new roommate,” Soobin said letting his best friend follow him to his bedroom so the two of them wouldn’t be in the living room and possibly make you uncomfortable. “And what are you doing here?”
“I came to cheer you up, I know its been a rough two weeks and I didn’t want you to think I left you at your lowest,” Yeonjun said, flopping himself down on the beanbag in the corner of Soobin’s room. He reached into his backpack and pulled out a couple bottles of Soju. Soobin released a sigh as he checked the time and read how late it was, “First of all it’s a weekday, second I’m not at my lowest.”
“Right… that’s the Denial stage of grief, don’t worry friend, you don’t have to lie to me, I know you,” Yeonjun said as he got up once again and went to the door, “Remember when you lost Odi? You cried for three weeks straight—“
“That is different! Odi was the real love of my life so don’t compare this to the heartbreak I felt for my beloved child!” Soobin yelled but Yeonjun just brushed him off to leave the kitchen and find glasses—and also hopefully run into you again.
Once he was back in the room, Soobin was sniffing Odi’s old blanket for comfort.
“So are you saying your roommate is up for grabs because she really is hot,” Yeonjun asked, beginning to pour two shot glasses with peach flavored Soju. Soobin shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know and considering what happened with my last roommate, I’m not really into inner circle mixing with my friends and roommate.”
“Fair enough.”
Fresh out of school, you’ve been lucky enough to find a small job at the lowest ranking possible while still being in the world of fashion. There certainly are better things you could be doing besides running errands for your boss but as a new college grad with no experience, its not like you could expect more in the fashion world. It honestly wasn’t too bad and your boss wasn’t one of those horrendous bosses that paged their employee at all hours of the day and the pay was good enough to keep a roof over your head so there wasn’t much to complain about.
You surprisingly do have quite a bit of freedom and don’t always feel tied to your work so you’re thankful that you have time to visit your friends. Now that none of you are in school its become harder to fit time to see each other in your schedules but today you got lucky to finish a shoot early and you were able to get off sooner than usual.
Seeing Soobin’s friend the other night worked as a reminder to tell you you’re not a loser and actually have friends to visit too and that’s how you found yourself sitting next to your friend while he played Overwatch at a public game room.
Your computer screen had gone back to sleep mode after you got tired of making random SIMs characters and resorted to spinning in the rolling chair next to him. It was alright for a while but when it had been almost a full hour of this, you couldn’t take it anymore, “When you asked to hang out, I thought we would actually be doing something fun.”
“This is fun, what are you talking about?” Beomgyu asked, eyes locked on the screen making you roll your eyes. You’ve been friends since your freshman year of college so his need to pay more attention to his games than you isn’t a surprise but it is annoying—even though your roommate was kind of the same.
When you didn’t say anything, Beomgyu tried harder, “So hows the new living situation?”
“It’s alright, he seems cool and it’s cheap,” You told him, still spinning absentmindedly.
Beomgyu nodded, “Is he a weirdo? Like do I have to worry about you popping up on a missing persons ad?”
“I hope not, but let me share my location with you just in case,” you joked making him chuckle, “But honestly, he seems like a good guy. It was kind of weird at first since it all seemed rushed so i was obviously worried but he explained why and its all good now”
“Spill the tea, why was he in a hurry to find a roommate?” Beomgyu asked, visibly more interested in your story than before, but still gaming.
“His girlfriend slept with his roommate when he was at work,” You said making Beomgyu gasp dramatically.
“Whoa, what a bitch,” he said, “I would’ve fought my roommate.”
“And you would’ve lost too,” you said to him making him kick your chair causing it to roll back a bit. Your laughter began to slowly die down when you felt the vibrations of your ringing cellphone. You checked the caller, surprised to see the man in question’s name on your screen.
“Have I ever told you you’re the best roommate I’ve ever had?” Immediately you were taken back by the brightness in his voice. He was obviously being dramatic and you could practically hear the favor he’s going to ask.
“Well it’s not like I have a lot of competition, right?” You asked, hearing the line go silent for a moment making you wonder if you shouldn’t have said that.
Soobin rolled his eyes but wasn’t mad, “Right… So can you do me a favor? I have to meet up with some friends right after work but my phone is about to die and I don’t have a charger. Is there any way you can bring one to my work?”
You thought about it for a moment, “Nobody has one you can borrow?”
“Yes, but there’s no way I’m asking her for it,” he said with an annoyed sigh. He’s already asked everyone and they’ve all pointed him to his ex girlfriend, “Please?”
You looked back at Beomgyu who started playing his game again, forgetting you were even beside him and with a shrug Soobin couldn’t see, you said, “I guess, I’ll be there in a bit.”
Soobin’s attempt to thank you was cut short when you hung up abruptly but he was too relieved to care and tucked his phone back into his pocket.
“Want me to ask Jia if you could borrow it?” His coworker asked when Soobin got back to the counter. He shook his head, “I’ve got someone bringing one.”
He couldn’t believe he forgot his charger and didn’t realize it until he was halfway through his shift with only 15% battery. When he went to the break room in search of his charger, he nearly lost his shit when he couldn’t find it.
At first he hoped his work bestie, Taehyun, would have one but he didn’t and the only other person to ask was his ex. Obviously he wasn’t going to ask her and although he could try and run home after his shift, unless he were to find an outlet at the place he was going with his friends, his phone would be dead anyway.
Soobin’s last resort was to see if there was any way you could just bring it to him. He left it on the entrance table and must have forgot it when he was putting his shoes on and ran out. He was pleasantly surprised that you said yes and it was such a huge relief that he wouldn’t have to ask Jia.
When you walked into the coffee shop you were immediately surrounded by warmth and the smell of espresso beans. It was the first time you ever stepped foot into this cafè but it was calm and aesthetically pleasing, somewhere you can talk with friends or do some work. You followed the scent to the front register where a girl with blonde highlights stood with a polite smile on her face.
With wandering eyes toward the menu above her head, you asked, “Is Soobin here?”
You didn’t notice how that smile fell as she looked at you a little closer and before she could even respond, your roommate came out from behind some door holding a bag of hot to-go cups.
Once Soobin saw you, his heart unintentionally leapt in relief and he quickly set the bag down to go to you. A shy smile spread across his lips, very happy you actually came, “You brought it?”
“Yes,” you said, moving to the side of the counter and closer to where he was, beginning to look through your bag for it. Soobin had his hands on the counter waiting patiently as you two stood a few feet away from where his ex was. “But it wasn’t by the door, you left it on the bed.”
You felt a little awkward to go to his room but he left the door open and you could see it on the bed. Now, you could’ve easily just leant him yours so you wouldn’t invade his privacy but you weren’t going to risk him forgetting it.
“I did?” Soobin asked with a somewhat cute tilt of his head, “Oops, I swear I left it by the door, thanks though.”
When you handed it to him, your hands accidentally touched but neither one of you thought much about it, unaware of the people behind the counter watching the interaction.
“Do you want a drink?” Soobin asked, the least he could do is give you a free drink in thanks plus when he came out he saw you eyeing the menu.
“Sure,” you looked at the menu once again before just saying, “Surprise me.”
Soobin nodded with a smile as he got to making it while you looked down at the pastries in the dessert case.
By the time he was done and gave you the drink, you were ready to leave but before you could, he said, “I won’t be home till late.”
He just meant to give you a heads up that way you knew you had the apartment to yourself and didn’t think about how it would sound to the others.
You left with a goodbye and thanks for the drink and he was left behind to deal with his ex for another three hours.
“So who was that?” Taehyun asked, suddenly popping up beside him, catching him off guard and making him scream. Soobin clutched his chest in an attempt to calm his racing heart as he looked at his friend with a dumb expression, “Who?”
Taehyun couldn’t even pretend to be amused and asked again, “The person who you were talking to like ten seconds ago.”
“Oh! That’s Y/n, she’s my new roommate,” Soobin said casually with a shrug of his shoulders.
“That’s it? I thought you had moved on already, I was impressed,” Taehyun said with a chuckle as Soobin rinsed out the froth pitcher, “I think Jia got a little worried there for a second.”
Soobin stopped as he tried to process what his friend was saying, “What do you mean?”
“I’m not gonna lie it kind of looked like the two of you had something going on at first and Jia asked me if I knew her,” Taehyun told him confidently. Jia left on her break without telling either one of them but now they’re comfortably talking without her around.
“It shouldn’t matter to her anyway,” Soobin muttered under his breath as he moved past Taehyun to help the customer in line. Why does it matter to Jia who he talks to and why does she feel the need to ask Taehyun what he knows? She cheated on him. She betrayed his trust so heavily that he doubts she ever truly cared about him so why is she acting interested or concerned?
Does it bother her to see him talking to someone despite everything she’s done?
It was a couple days later when he realized your short visit to his work which should have been in the past, wasn’t.
Like the other night, he was stuck working with Jia and he had been counting every minute that passed until the end of his shift since it started. For hours they worked and talked around each other but never intercepted even when he could feel her eyes on him.
When they closed the cafè and Soobin was ready to run home and escape her presence, she decided to speak up, “Soobin?”
For a second he debated ignoring her so he could walk straight to the bus stop and not worry about seeing her for the rest of the night. It was hard to always act unaffected as if she didn’t completely disintegrate his entire confidence and practically shove new insecurities, he never wanted to show, down his throat.
Taking a deep breath, he turned to her wordlessly, waiting to see what she had to say.
“I…” she bit her lip trying to figure out how to word her thoughts, “I… um, I just wanted to know how you were doing.”
He resisted the urge to scoff as he answered questioning, “I’m good?”
For the past few weeks he’s worked hard to act like he didn't catch Jia and his roommate kissing on his couch so why was she wanting to know now of all times?
As much as he wanted to go home, part of him wanted to see what was up. Jia met his eyes, still taken back to see his harsh gaze which was a huge contrast than the gentle stare she had grown used to in the last six months.
“That’s good,” Jia cleared her throat awkwardly, “Are you, b-by chance seeing anyone?”
The obvious look of disbelief on Soobin’s face had her rushing to explain, “I mean… the person who came to visit you the other night. Is she, yknow, are you seeing her?”
“You mean Y/n?” Soobin asked with a tilt of his head. Why was she asking about you?
Jia stood there silently trying to figure out what to say next. What was her point? What was she trying to find out by asking him that? Had she expected him to still be mourning their relationship? Does she have a right to feel worried that he’s moved on so quickly after what she did?
Before she could even try to word a shitty excuse for why she asked in the first place, Soobin had already stopped paying attention to her when he got a text.
you: ordered too much pizza
you: I’ll die if I eat more
you: pls take some
For some reason your sequence of texts brought a slight smile on his face. He put a thumbs up on the message and looked at Jia, “Night.”
He left her standing there alone as he ran home to his roommate who was slowly beginning to like more and more. He doesn’t even mean it romantically because clearly now’s not the best time for him but he likes you as a roommate and possible friend? You’ve slowly begun to help each other out and you don’t completely avoid shared spaces so you’ve been interacting a little more. He wouldn’t call you a friend just yet but you’re an easy person to live with and he doesn’t have that many people around him so it’s nice talking to you either way.
The two of you text here and there but never about anything important, usually you ask how to fix the hot water and he sends you anime reels he thinks you might enjoy. If he’s up for it, he’ll ask if you want any pastries he’s supposed to throw out.
It’s a very simple arrangement and he much preferred being with you than suffering another second with Jia where he risked asking her every question he had on why he wasn’t good enough.
It’s a very simple arrangement and he much preferred being with you than suffering another second with Jia where he risked asking her every question he had on why he wasn’t good enough.
By the time Soobin got home, you had moved from the dining room to the couch where you engrossed yourself into some animated movie laying on your side. You barely raised your head to acknowledge him but he smiled anyway as he headed to the kitchen, “Thanks for sharing.”
“No problem, I overestimated how much I could eat in one setting,” You mumbled in a tired, raspy tone, “How was work?”
Soobin didn’t bother heating up his slice, or even get a plate, and he took a big bite out of the cold pizza, walked out the kitchen to talk, “It was alright, kinda slow aside from some teens who wouldn’t stop giggling at me.”
“Question, was that girl from the other night your ex or someone else?” You asked sitting up a bit when you noticed he was trying to sit down.
“Yeah that’s her, Jin, she also asked about you tonight,” Soobin said seeing it as a joke, “Taehyun said she seemed jealous when I was talking to you.”
Your brows furrowed with confusion, “Did you tell her I was your roommate?”
He shook his head, taking a moment to chew before saying, “No, I didn’t see why it mattered.”
“True, that’s so weird,” You released a sigh, resting your elbow on the arm rest and leaning your head on your hand, “Wow, no offense but your ex girlfriend is a bitch.”
He couldn’t hide the look of surprise on his face as you said that but he couldn’t disagree—he just would’ve used kinder words. It was kind of funny though and for some reason hearing you say that made him feel better. His other friends who know about it don’t really ask and they don’t explicitly tell him to his face how they felt about his former girlfriend. It just feels nice to have someone listen and be on his side, it made him want to open up more.
“Sorry, I really don’t want to seem mean, I just think its kind of bullshit for her to act jealous because you’re talking to someone. Like, why does she care who I am or how you know me when she cheated on you,” You said, unable to help yourself from speaking your mind, “Even if I was someone you’re talking to, why is she concerned about it? Did she expect you to just always be hung on her despite what she did?”
Soobin had to think about that for a second. That’s the same thing he had originally thought too but he tried to ignore it because it seemed wrong. He thought that maybe he was reading into it too much and Jia wasn’t actually jealous but now that you’re saying it too, he can’t help but wonder. She also talked to him tonight and even at work when they didn’t speak, she was looking at him constantly. She even tried helping him once but he just blew her off to do it on his own. It’s like tonight she was trying to remind him she was still around and that confused him.
“Do you think that’s true though?” He asked. You shrugged trying not to seem too invested but it was too late. Soobin is a good guy and now that you’ve met the girl, you just can’t wrap your mind around what she did. Cheating is already a huge betrayal but to do it with someone Soobin knew and lived with? To do it in the apartment, Soobin paid for? That’s the lowest of the low.
“I honestly do.”
What you said stayed on his mind for days. It didn’t help that Jia was trying to talk to him at work and last night she looked at his instagram story despite the fact they unfollowed each other. He just doesn’t get it. What did she want with him now?
When he came into work today, there was his favorite drink in his locker that he knew was from Jia because Taehyun had told her. Thankfully he wasn’t working with her now but Taehyun had filled him in. Apparently, she came in with drinks and he saw her putting it in Soobin’s locker.
“I don’t get her,” Soobin said with a huff of frustration, “Why does she keep doing these things?”
“Honestly, she probably regrets fucking up and wants to get on your good side again,” Taehyun said as he made a hot matcha latte for a customer that Soobin was ringing up.
“But why?”
“What if she wants to get you back?” Taehyun asked as he finished the drink and handed it to the customer. He turned back to Soobin, realization hitting him like a truck and he gasped, “Oh my god. She probably thinks you’ve moved on already and wants to get you back! That’s really bold of her to think you’d fall for it, right?”
“Right. You don’t think she is though, right? Why would she cheat on me just to try and get back with me?” Soobin asked and his voice was laced with confusion.
“Because she probably thinks it’s going to work and you’ll fall for it. God I knew based off her MBTI that she was going to try something, I could see the determination in her eyes when she saw Y/n.”
Soobin couldn’t help but scoff with a laugh. Why were you the reason Jia suddenly wanted to notice him again? You and Soobin were nothing but roommates, the only time you ever talk is during your daily debriefings when you’re getting midnight snacks. You don’t text and you don’t do anything together so it’s comical that you apparently worried his ex girlfriend enough based off one interaction to try and get him back—he wouldn’t do it, he should add.
“Wait! You know what you should do?” Taehyun dropped a itcher into the sink haphazardly as the idea came to mind, “Imagine if you started dating Y/n and made it known to Jia that you’ve moved on. She’s only putting in effort again because she probably thinks she can get you back. You gotta make her think you’re over her.”
“First of all, I am over her and second, Y/n and I don’t like each other like that,” Soobin said, making Taehyun roll his eyes.
“I don’t mean like actually date, I mean… make Jia think you are that way she can back off and won’t think she has a chance,” Taehyun said.
Soobin froze, looking at his friend in disbelief. Taehyun said it so casually like what he said wasn’t a big deal at all and Soobin just couldn’t believe it. He was completely lost by the whole and after an awkward silence between the two he just shook his head feeling a blush rise in his cheeks as he said, “That is a really bad idea.”
It was an awful idea and too much work. Soobin didn’t need to prove anything to anyone and why would he make Jia believe he was over her when he knew he was? She could try and talk to him all she wants but it won’t make a difference to him, honestly. It is kind of annoying that neither Taehyun or Yeonjun believed he was over Jia and now it seems like Jia doesn’t think so too? Why else would she be making this much effort to talk to him again?
Taehyun’s words were stuck in his head now and it made no sense. Why would he drag you into his problems and why would you want to do it? You probably have things going on in your own life that there's no reason to bother you with his. Sure, you’ve been fun to talk to since you’re not his usual circle of friends but that’s it. You don’t know each other well enough to do that.
“Hey,” when he got home that night, he could tell by the tone of your voice that something was off. You were in the kitchen washing some dishes when he walked in.
“Hey,” Soobin greeted as he began taking his shoes off at the door, “How was your day?”
“It was alright. I almost cried in the bathroom because my boss yelled at me for getting her the wrong milk in her coffee,” you said with a shrug, “And yours?”
“Oh,” Soobin said, blinking slowly trying to figure out if he should ask if you were okay or just say his part. “Um, it was nice, I worked with my friend but he said the craziest thing I had ever heard and it threw me off.”
You dried your hands off with the towel and walked past him, heading to your room but still holding conversation, “What’d he say?”
“He said that I should pretend to date you,” the words completely slipped from his and the second they were said, he felt his body tense up and his face go blank. You stopped at your door, turning to look at his confused state when he suddenly rushed to say, “I mean… She’s been trying to talk lately and I don’t know what she’s doing but it’s like she thinks we can get back together.”
He bit his lip and he just couldn’t stop talking, “So, Taehyun said I needed to make her think I was over her and that I should get your help but I thought it was an awful idea. Like, I don’t need to prove anything to her if anyone else and there’s no way you would ever do something lik—I would never ask you too and I know I should stop talking about it but you asked and for some reason I always just tell you what’s going and I can’t stop, oh my god.”
He covered his face with his hands, unable to see the way a smile played on your lips at his rambling. With a deep sigh you opened your bedroom door, “Goodnight.”
He waved goodbye, still refusing to look at you and stormed to his room in embarrassment. You got in yours and laid in bed where you got on your phone and immediately told your friends.
you: I think my roommate is weird
beomgyu: why
you: idk, just strange
kai: aww, ur twinning w/him (♡ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
you: … ( •᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ )
beomgyu: (⸝⸝⸝◉⸝ 。 ⸝◉⸝⸝⸝)
you: anyway, he was talking about fake dating like this is a wattpad story
kai: do it, his ex is a bitch
Lately, it’s been getting hard for Soobin to look forward to the café. It’s such a huge contrast to the work he does at his internship that going to the cafe sometimes feels relaxing and not like work at all but these past few weeks have been dreadful. It’s very hard to ignore someone who hurt you when you have to work with her. It’s a constant reminder and everyone seems to always point it out. Taehyung was right, she was trying to do something with him again and it’s becoming even more noticeable everytime he goes to work.
“Are you going to Yuna’s party this weekend?” Jia asked him. The shop had been slow so he busied himself with closing duties, hoping he could get done sooner and meet his friend.
“Probably,” Soobin answered absently.
“Oh, maybe I’ll see you there,” Jia said with a nervous laugh, “I gotta be honest, Soobin it’s strange being so distant.”
Soobin scoffed, looking at her in disbelief. What was wrong with her and why did she act like there isn’t a cause for this distance.
Just as he was debating telling her how he felt, the bell above the door chimed and they both got ready to greet them with a customer service smile. His soon turned into a real smile despite his confusion at the surprise, “What are you doing here?”
“I want coffee?” Your tone was questioning but light as you got to the counter, trying not to look at the girl again.
It’s been a bit awkward since Soobin made that weird comment the other night but you’re tired of acting bothered by it. It was harmless and your friends thought it was funny [ and a good idea? ] but you just thought it was bizarre. You think it’s strange and although you wanted to avoid Soobin it’s very hard when you get to know him. He’s kind of cute actually—not looks wise but personality wise.
“Nice,” Soobin said with a nod of his head although he made no move to ring you up or make you a drink. You looked from him down to the register, “Can I order yet?”
“Oh, yes,” he cleared his throat awkwardly and waited for you to say something. Once he rang up your drink, he gave a discount and left to make it while you paid.
Honestly, he thought you were mad at him for what he said. He still has no idea why he brought up what Taehyun said but the way you ignored him let him know it was a mistake at the time. He’s been worried for days that he crossed the line but now you’re here talking to him like everything is normal. It makes him feel better.
You could feel Jia’s eyes on you and this time around it bothered you. Why was she glaring at you like you were the problem? You don’t even know her and it’s very obvious there’s nothing between you and Soobin. Why would it matter to her if there was or wasn’t?
“Are you off already?” Soobin asked handing you your drink over the counter.
You nodded, “Kind of? I still have some stuff to finish up but the WiFi at home is lagging.”
“Just work here then,” Soobin said motioning toward the tables, “Connect to the internet and keep me company.”
“How? You’re working,” you pointed out.
“Nobody’s here,” Soobin said, completely dismissing Jia, “Please?”
Now that he knows you’re not bothered by him it’s been like a confidence boost to try and befriend you again. He just needed the assurance that you weren’t going to ditch him and move out so for you to come and talk to him felt good. He was worried he scared you off.
With a dramatic sigh, you pretended to give in, “Oh, I guess I could do that. I’ll just stay a bit.”
“Or you could stay till I’m off and we can go home together,” Soobin said but the sound of the espresso machine grumbling stole your attention instead. Jia was cleaning it already and had no problem cutting your conversation short with the loudness of it.
She was clearly annoyed with you being here and you just couldn’t understand it. Why was she so mad when she’s the one who ruined her relationship with Soobin? Soobin deserved so much better and it annoys you that she’s the one upset now.
“Maybe, who knows if I want to wait that long,” you said playfully, watching him leave the counter to talk to you. You were the only one in the shop and he didn’t care either way, you’re his saving grace from spending this last hour with Jia trying to talk to him.
“Please? I’ll buy you food on the way,” he said, feeling your eyes on him.
He wore a cream colored crew neck and light washed baggy jeans, a brown apron tied at his waist and even his glasses tonight. You don’t see him in his glasses often so it was a nice surprise, “Alright, you got me. I’ll stay.”
What really made you decide on staying wasn’t his begging or his offer to buy you food but it was actually knowing he probably wanted to avoid any more alone time with his ex. You already pitied the guy’s circumstances and you couldn’t just leave him to suffer while he begged for your help.
So you stayed, you had to remind Soobin every now and then to get back to work when he would lose track of time telling you whatever was on his mind and forget a customer was around. Jia did not acknowledge you at all, not until the very end when she came up to you and with a snarky tone said, “Heads up, we close in ten minutes.”
“Okay,” you flashed her a polite but strained smile, “I’m just waiting for Soobin.”
“I know, but you’ll have to leave when we’re closing,” she said bluntly.
“Really? Thanks for the heads up,” you put your headphones back on and turned your attention to your laptop, making it known you weren’t going to talk to her anymore and with a slight roll of her eyes, she left.
After a minute or so, you closed your laptop and put your things away. You got up from the table as Soobin was coming out with things he was planning on restocking and when he saw you get up, he practically dropped it all to go to you, “What are you doing?”
“I’m just going to wait outside,” you said with a shrug, slinging your backpack over your shoulders.
“Soobin, can you start cleaning out the espresso machines?” Jia asked with an annoyed tone and with a huff in irritation, he watched you make your leave till he was alone once again.
He didn’t bother talking to her as he finished up his chores and the cafè was filled with an uncomfortable silence the remainder of the time. He’s been cleaning all evening but Jia wants to remind him about the espresso machines just because she sees him talking to you. It’s crazy and Soobin doesn’t know how to speak up.
He has so much he wants to say but then he gets worried he’s being rude or overthinking things that he ends up just staying silent anyway. That’s probably why his relationship with Jia was so rocky from the beginning—and also why he didn't argue when he caught her. He just doesn’t want to be in uncomfortable situations.
You had honestly debated just going home despite Soobin wanting you to stay. It was freezing cold out and you only had a thin sweater that did nothing to keep you warm. You had every right to just go home but he asked you so nicely and Jia was kind of rude when she tried kicking you out and it makes your pettiness want to show through.
When Soobin and Jia finally finished closing, she waited around while she locked the door looking like she had something to say but he wouldn’t even turn to look at her. Instead, he looked around for you, worried you had left already but he found you sitting on the curb, surprising him in the process. Jia didn’t seem to see you there either and it was hard for her to hide the look of displeasure when you got up.
“So what are you feeding me?” You asked, hugging your arms around yourself to fight off the cold wind from the winter air. Soobin didn’t hesitate to take off his jacket, leaving him only in a crewneck and pulling it around you.
“Something warm?” He asked, looking at the tip of your nose which was a deep shade of red. The two of you left without so much as a goodbye and when you were out of earshot he added, “Also, thanks for waiting. I thought you would’ve left and now I feel bad that you had to wait outside. I would’ve said something but you were already leaving and I assumed you got mad and went home.”
“I was going to,” you said honestly as he held the door open to some Korean hotpot tent restaurant, “But I decided against it. Also, I’ve got something to say.”
“Oh yeah?” He asked, sitting down at a table across from you.
“I can tell you struggle a little bit speaking your mind and she talks to you like she still has a say over what you do,” you said to him, “And she was kind of rude? Like, she didn’t say anything mean to me but it’s obvious she doesn’t like me for talking to you and I don’t think that’s fair. So, is there any way we can make her know you don’t want her without you having to tell her harshly?”
It took him a moment to process everything you had said in such a short time and he wondered if you had said anything at all. Maybe he imagined you saying that because it’s been in his mind lately and he couldn’t see what you would gain anything from it so why would you help him?
He should just tell you it’s not something you have to do. If you were to go along with a charade just so that it looks like he’s moved on from his ex. He knows he has, he just can’t be mean. All he can do is ignore her but that doesn’t seem to be stopping Jia from approaching him. No, it still doesn’t mean he has to drag you into something useless.
“Well, there’s a party this weekend that I know she’ll be at.”
Pulling it off was harder than you had originally thought and there’s very specific reasons for this.
One, appearing as anything aside from friends or roommates was hard considering you were still at an awkward stage of friendship. You knew Soobin and how he looked in the mornings but you’ve no clue what his favorite movie is or favorite color or even his zodiac sign. You knew his ex girlfriend was a cheating bitch but you don’t know what his internship is or what his major was in college so when someone at the party asked you things about Soobin… you had no idea what to say.
Two, you’re not sure if the chemistry is there. So far, you don’t think you’re pulling it off. Sure, Soobin has remained at your side since the two of you got here but you think you both look stiff and nervous. Even when someone expects him to introduce you, it feels weird and you’re not sure how close you’re supposed to seem.
“You two suck,” Taehyun said [the first time he had ever spoken to you too], “Put some flavor into this. Hold hands, act cute, give me emotion because I can tell you right now, Jia won’t think she’s got competition.
Soobin rolled his eyes, “Shh, this is harder than we thought it would be— a-nd it’s not about competition.”
“Really? Because Yuna asked me who you brought because Jia was asking her, something about you not wanting to talk to her?” Taehyun said with a chuckle, “It’s like she’s completely forgotten what happened.”
You hadn’t spoken up once this entire time but Soobin was beginning to look visibly uncomfortable talking about his ex in a crowded place. Usually he’s open when you’re at home and you’re the only one listening to him but right now he keeps glancing around anxiously.
“Should we get a drink?” You asked him suddenly, watching him nod his head eagerly in an attempt to leave his friend who said too many things he didn’t want to hear right now.
“Sorry for him, he just says things sometimes and—“
“It’s alright,” you laughed softly, making your way to the kitchen where the countertop was filled with various bottles. Soobin was right behind you, not wanting to lose you in the crowd.
He doesn’t understand you. You’re so nice to him and he doesn’t know what to make of it. You don’t question him or make him talk when he doesn’t want to. You seem to have some understanding of what he wants and he doesn’t even have to tell you anything.
He knows you’re just helping him out so he doesn’t look like a sore loser at a party he knows his ex-girlfriend is at but for the moment, he wants to forget Jia is here. Can he just have one night where his past relationship isn’t brought up by Taehyun or Yeonjun or anybody else? Can he just pretend like the two of you are here as friends just hanging out and not because you somewhat pitied his circumstances?
“You look pretty tonight,” the words slipped before he could stop himself and he immediately turned red in embarrassment, “I mean… yknow…”
“Thanks,” you said casually as you filled a cup of whatever interested you, “I actually put in effort, just for you.”
You didn’t think much about what you said even though you could see the blush in his cheeks. It was a bit surprising actually. At first, you thought Soobin was just some distant gamer you shared an apartment with but little by little you’ve gotten to know him more. He’s still shy like you first assumed but he’s also kind of cute, as a friend you mean. It would be weird to think of him as anything but that considering what he’s gone through lately.
He couldn’t help but smile, trying to hide it by biting his lower lip but his dimple still showed through and for a second he just stood there looking at you. You handed him a drink and as he opened his mouth to say something else, a familiar feminine voice came from behind him.
“Soobin? Is this where you’ve been hiding all night?” Yuna asked as she entered the kitchen with a smile, “I kept hearing everyone say you were here but I couldn’t find you. Hey buddy.”
“Hey Yuna,” Soobin said with a smile. Yuna was one of the few other baristas from work and someone he did enjoy working with. She was bubbly and nice so they got along easily but she’s more friends with Jia than him. He still can’t tell if she knew Jia cheated on him or not and he hasn’t bothered saying anything. She knew something happened to make them break up but neither have gone into it for different reasons. He didn’t want to tell the whole world he was cheated on and Jia didn’t want to seem like the lying cheater she was.
“This is Y/n,” Soobin said suddenly, grabbing your hand and pulling you toward his side, “She’s my uh, um…”
“Friend,” you said, emphasizing on the word that it sounded like it had a double meaning and he couldn’t tell if you did it on purpose. Did you mean friend, like how he’s friends with Yeonjun and Taehyun? Or did you mean, friend, like something more?
While he tried to decipher it, Yuna seemed to pick up on the tone much faster than he did and her smile strained slightly. “Really? That’s, uh, that’s great. Have you seen Jia yet?”
“Who?” You asked Soobin, looking cutely confused, feigning innocence as you touched his arm.
“The girl from work,” Soobin said despite you already knowing. The room began to feel hot as Yuna stared at you and Soobin couldn’t take the heat. He didn’t like the way it seemed like she was trying to pick you apart with her eyes—probably seeing if there was anything she should tell Jiw and he couldn’t take it. It had him taking big sips of his drink to satiate his dry mouth, completely ignoring the heavy taste of alcohol.
“Binnie,” your use of a nickname nearly sent him in a spiral, it was the first time you’ve ever called him as such and there was a possibility it was all for show.
“Yeah?” He cleared his throat awkwardly, ignoring Yuna to turn to you.
“Don’t drink so fast, okay?” Concern was evident in your tone but you didn’t seem displeased. You just worried about having to haul a 6-foot-something drunk man back to your apartment when he wasn’t your boyfriend.
He looked down at his empty cup, realizing he really did chug back the full drink quickly and the thought alone made him dizzy. He’s usually good at knowing his limit but he’s been nervous all night. When you first got here he got a drink that emptied out right after he saw Taehyun for the first time. It was before Taehyun had even approached you two because he was in the middle of some game but it made Soobin nervous. He had to tell his friend ahead of time that he was bringing you but then the thought of Taehyun saying something he should had him anxious and he chugged his drink then too.
Now, Yuna’s here bringing up Jia once again and on top of that you’ve called him a friend but your tone sounded different than usual and you held his arm and called him Binnie—and it all just became too much.
What was wrong with him?
“Soobin?” You said his name a little while after the kitchen encounter and you sounded so distant despite standing right next to him. Just by looking at him, you could tell he was at least tipsy.
His cheeks were flushed, his eyes a bit lazy and he just seemed less stiff than earlier. He’s also leaning into you a bit, no longer caring who saw or what people thought of it but more so for a sense of comfort as his vision blurred with the alcohol in his system. “Hm?”
“You okay?” You asked as he blinked slowly, “You don’t seem as nervous anymore.”
“Oh! Um,” he looked down at you and how close the two of you had grown, making him grin, “I’m fine, I’m with you.”
“Okay… but let me know when you’re ready to call it a night,” you said with a small yawn and he couldn’t help but look to your lips, blinking away the thought as you pressed your lips closed and looked off in the distance.
He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts a bit but right now everything seemed fuzzy. The night had been fine at first. He hadn’t been nervous at all and was actually a bit excited to get a chance to hang out with you [aside from the night you stopped to get food] and he had been thinking on how it would go all day.
When the two of you got to the party he had met up with Taehyun and he had a good time with him too so the only time he ever felt uncomfortable was when he was reminded of the situation. Talking about Jia didn’t bother him as much as the reminder that everyone knew about it did. On top of that, anytime someone looked at you or asked who you were, he would get nervous. He doesn’t know what’s going on with him.
Just as you were going to ask him one more time if he was okay, you felt a sudden weight pressed against your shoulder as Soobin leaned into your side. He felt heavy against your arm and his head dipped low enough that his face was pressing into yours, “I think I’m ready.”
“Ready?” You ask, feeling your heart race as the warmth of his breath fanned your neck and his hand brushed against yours like he was debating reaching for yours. When you looked at him, it was finally noticeable that whatever he drank tonight had taken effect and he was finally drunk. He’s more quiet than you expected. His cheeks are red with a blush and his lips a bit pouty making him look a little cute.
He nodded his head aggressively, “Let’s go home.”
You didn’t question his decision and took his hand in yours when he swayed in his step and looked around for his friend so they could at least say their goodbyes. Every now and then you would look back to see how he was hanging but he seemed perfectly content having a blank mind and being dragged behind you.
“Soob? You good there, buddy?” Taehyun asked once he saw his friend’s state of drunkenness and placed a soothing hand on his tall friend’s back.
“Yesh,” Soobin said, leaning into your back, “Going home.”
Taehyun looked over at you with concerned eyes, “Are you alright? Sorry, I think he had too much to drink.”
“I’m good, the last bus will pass soon so we’ll just get home that way,” You told him, scanning the people around at the party, eyes catching on the one person you didn’t care to see.
Jia didn’t shy back from your short eye contact and she looked far from happy at the way Soobin was clinging to you—something he never did with her. To be fair, Jia was usually the one out at parties and getting wasted so she didn’t give him many chances to be the drunk one with no worries.
It bothered her to see how comfortable Soobin had gotten with another girl after their break up.
“Alright, i’ll give you my number and just let me know if you two get home safe,” Taehyun said before leaning closer into you, “Also, Soobin really likes being around you. Be safe.”
His friend left after that and for a moment you thought about what he just said, wondering how he meant it and if you were too hard into it.
“Y/n,” Soobin whined against you, “Home, please.”
“Oh my god, okay, let's go,” You said with a small laugh as he followed after you as got to the door.
Soobin was tired, he always got sleepy when he drank too much and when the two of you got on the empty bus, he couldn’t help but rest his head against the window. You didn’t pay much attention to him on the ride home but every now and then he could feel your eyes on him probably wondering how he was holding up. Going up to your apartment was another challenge trying to drag Soobin up the stairs without stumbling up the steps.
“Thanks,” Soobin yawned cutely as he rubbed his tired eyes, waving you goodnight.
You went to your room silently, flashing him a smile as you left and once your door was shut, you immediately began to undress. It had been a long night and all you wanted was to crawl in bed, scroll in your phone and go to sleep. You didn’t drink as much as Soobin did so the alcohol didn’t have the same effect on you but you were still tired. It was nice getting to hang out with him for a while despite the reason or who was around. At some points you were able to forget who was there but when you would catch sight of Jia and think back to Soobin, you just couldn’t understand why she would ever do that to someone.
Now changed into your pajamas, too tired to do anything more, you were halfway crawling on your bed when there was a soft thud on your door and a small whine of your name, “Y/n.”
“Yes, Soobin?” You asked with a sigh and a smile as you heard your roommate on the other side of the door, “I thought you were going to bed.”
“I’m not tired, can I come in?” He asked and you could practically see the pout on his lips. It was about midnight so you should just turn him away but you could hear the shuffling on the other side of the door and before you knew it, you were unlocking your bedroom door and letting him in.
“What’s wrong?” You asked as he hesitated to sit on the edge of your bed.
“Nothing,” he answered honestly, “I just… I wanted to see what you were up to, were you going to bed?”
“I was probably just going to be on my phone a bit,” you laid down on your usual spot reaching for the remote to your television, “What should I watch?”
You didn’t outwardly tell him to lay down next to you but the way you moved your things to your side, it was easy to assume you didn’t mind. Soobin was still hesitant to lay down with his back against your headboard but once you made no sign to kick him out, he let himself relax as you scrolled through Netflix.
“Something scary,” Soobin said, barely paying attention as he looked around your bedroom. This was the first time he had stepped into it since you moved in and it looks completely different than what it did before. He couldn’t explain into words but it looked like a room you would have. It was like an insight to who you are from the pictures on your walls to the clothes by your closet. It was cozy and your bed was so soft he found himself yawning.
“You surprised me tonight,” You told him as you finally settled on a movie about a haunted house, “First because you were surprisingly popul—“
“Why’s that a surprise?” Soobin asked, slightly more alert as he looked at you, “I’m a catch.”
“You are,” you said casually, “I just meant… a lot of people like you.”
He couldn’t help but bite his lips at your words. He didn’t mean to seem overly confident or anything but he knew he was somewhat likable. He tried being nice and friendly to everyone and clearly sometimes that didn’t work in his favor when it came to relationships but he’s always had people around him. Not everyone he would consider a real friend but the ones he have right now or the real deal.
Taehyun and him got along from the moment they met at work. Soobin’s the one who trained Taehyun when he first started and they just got super close from there.
Yeonjun has been his best friend for as long as he can remember and they even fight like an old bickering couple too.
Sometimes they don’t understand him—like when they thought he was still upset over Jia, and he needs a break from them but that’s where you came along. You’re one of his friends now too so does that mean you also like him?
As a friend?
As more?
No, not as more. He was getting ahead of himself.
“Don’t say those things to me, Y/n,” Soobin whined, hiding behind a pillow.
“Why?” You asked with a small laugh as he curled himself up on your bed, looking every bit out of place in your Sanrio bed sheets and his tall frame.
“Because, they’ll get to my head,” he confessed, sitting up a little to regain himself, “So what’s the other reason you were surprised by me?”
You hummed in thought, “You’re surprisingly cute when you’re drunk, and really clingy.”
It was clear that throughout the time it took to get home, Soobin had sobered up enough to have clearer thoughts and you just wanted to be honest. It’s what you believed and you hoped he wouldn’t take it the wrong way and think you were hitting on him. Sure, Soobin is attractive for many reasons and you enjoy hanging out with him but just think about the circumstances. He’s your roommate and he just got out of a relationship with someone who cheated on him.
“I mean,” you cleared your throat awkwardly, acting like you were watching the movie, “I bet you really sold it to Jia that you were seeing someone. There’s no way she’ll try and get you to go out with her again now.”
At the reminder, Soobin seemed to sigh, “Yeah.”
For a second he had thought you were going to say something else. He doesn’t know what he’s feeling at the moment and it worries him but at the same time it’s exciting and he wished he didn’t react this way to you and so soon.
“Do you work tomorrow?” You asked him, letting out a small yawn as you made yourself more comfortable indeed the covers.
“Only in the afternoon,” Soobin said, looking over at you hopefully, “Why? Do you want to do something?”
“I have to work, if I get off early I might stop by,” You said, looking back at him too. You could see the small dimple in his cheek become more prominent as he resisted the urge to smile, nodding his head.
With a small sigh, Soobin checked the time and sat up, “Okay, I’ll let you sleep.”
For some reason he wanted to do or say more but he’s not sure what he would’ve been able to say in the first place. You got up after him so you could close the door on his way out but at the door, you both stopped to look at each other.
“I did have fun tonight,” you told him truthfully.
Soobin stood at the door looking down at you with his lip pulled between his teeth. It was becoming more obvious that he liked being around you. He thought you were pretty and fun to be with and you have yet to make him feel poorly. He’s very aware of the fact that he’s only been single for a little over a month but he can’t deny the sudden race in his heart when you’re around.
It scares him to think he might be feeling something toward you at such an awkward time.
Things slowly began to change between you two and neither one of you knew what to do about that sort of thing. On one hand, Soobin wanted to see if you would like to spend more time together but he also wasn’t sure if he was ready. It has nothing to do with how he felt toward his ex girlfriend and more with how he felt at possibly seeing someone again.
Jia was a major push to his confidence and definitely raised his insecurities and trust issues so he thought he would stay single for a while. Plus, you were his roommate which could pose an entirely different problem and yet none of that has helped him stop thinking about you. It’s been days from the party and he knows hes been slightly more in your bubble than before but its only because he doesn’t know how to read you.
How is he supposed to know how you might feel about him and how should he feel about it?
“You’re overthinking it,” Yeonjun said as he sat across from Soobin and Yeonjun who were in their matching brown aprons as part of the cafe’s unofficial uniform. The cafe was empty aside from a couple college students grossly immersed in their studies to care that the only two workers were currently siting at a table with a friend. Every now and then the three would feel the eyes of some high school girl gawking at them through the shop windows but none dared to enter making the cafe slow with traffic.
“If you like her, why can’t you at least try?” Yeonjun asked him like it was the most obvious thing in the world.
“Because she’s my roommate and what if that just messes things up completely?” Soobin asked.
“I mean, Y/n seemed pretty into you at the party,” Taehyun said with a shrug of his shoulders.
Soobin shook his head, “No, she was just being nice. I was drunk and probably embarrassed myself so there’s no way she liked it—well, okay she said it was cute, but do you think she meant it?”
Yeonjun reached across the small table and pinched Soobin’s cheek hard, pouting his lips in a kiss as he gushed over his friend, “Of course she meant it, just look at you. Who can resist this bunny face?”
Just as Soobin was ready to fight Yeonjun off, the familiar bell above the door rang and a loud burst of energy came through the door.
“Kai, I swear to god, if you don’t stop I’m going to bite you,” a guy said as he smacked another guy off and the two cafe workers couldn’t help but snap into attention and get behind the counter.
“Y/n,” Kai said with a forced whiny voice, “Save me.”
“Don’t touch me,” you pushed him off as you looked around the cafè for Soobin.
Just a couple feet away from you, he stood there with his lips parted in surprise before letting his eyes drift off to the two guys behind you. A smile spread across his lips as he left Taehyun and Yeonjun to go to you, “Hi, what are you doing here?”
“We were just at the arcade across the street so I figured why not stop for a drink?” You said with a gentle smile that had him practically giggling.
“Oh, so you didn’t come just to see me?” Soobin teased, a flirty undertone in his voice. He couldn’t help but glance back to the guys, curious who they were.
Since you moved in, you haven’t brought anyone home and he assumed you were single since you offered to go with him to a party—and let him on your bed, but now he’s not sure. What if everything you were doing really was as a friend and he’s just overthinking it all?
“Sadly no, I really need coffee,” you joked as he went to the counter to get you a drink. Taehyun was helping the two guys while you talked to Soobin and he couldn’t wait to be done so he can ask who they were.
“O-oh,” he cleared his throat awkwardly as he began to make it, ringing you up and trying to apply some sort of discount so you wouldn’t have to pay full price. Before he could tell you your total,one of the guys who was with you gave him cash to pay.
Beomgyu placed his hand on your shoulder as he leaned down to whisper, “Is this him?”
You just nodded your head ignoring his growing smile as he thanked Soobin for his change back and ruffled your hair, “Hurry up, I need real food.”
“Are you gonna be home later?” Soobin asked as the guys left through the door, waiting outside but looking in and it was clear they were talking about you. He wanted to say he was just curious for no reason but part of him wanted to know if you would be out with them.
“Probably, not till late though, I think we’re probably gonna go have a drink or two,” you said with a shrug and this was the perfect time for Soobin to ask who they were. Were they just friends? Was one of them something more? Have you been in any relationship?
“Let me know if you want me to pick you up,” Soobin said, “I-I mean, yknow, repay the favor from the other night that I embarrassed myself.”
“You didn’t,” you rolled your eyes looking around. Your friends were waiting and you had your drink so you should’ve left by now but instead you’re looking at his two friends. Taehyun had gone with Yeonjun again and it’s the first time in a while you saw Yeonjun. When you first met him he had gone over to the apartment and you had thought he was attractive. You still do but not in the same context anymore. Taehyun waved at you enthusiastically which you did back and looked back at Soobin, “It was cute, but should I call you tonight then? Or will you be asleep.”
“I’ll hear you come home either way, so come say hi even if it’s late,” Soobin said, making you nod your head.
“Okay, well I have to go before they come and drag me out,” you told him as you pointed to your two friends who were getting annoyed waiting out there.
“Y/n,” he called for you but when you looked back at him, he couldn’t bring himself to ask, “Nevermind, be safe.”
Soobin waved you goodbye and watched you leave with the guy from earlier wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
“God, Bin, you can’t even hide it,” Yeonjun said with a chuckle as Soobin joined them again, “You looked jealous.”
“What?” Soobin looked at him with big doe eyes, looking every bit clueless as he felt, “No, I just—I don’t, um, Y/n’s… did I?”
They both nodded their heads and Taehyun said, “Yes but not too much. We noticed because we’re your best friends but I’m sure none of them could tell. You were all smiley and blush which is major cringecore with Y/n but any time you looked at those guys, you’d glare.”
“I don’t glare,” Soobin muttered under his breath as he stared at the window, “Besides, I don’t know if one of them is dating Y/n so there’s no point in doing anything now.”
“You didn’t bother to ask!?” Yeonjun and Taehyun asked at the same time that it caused Soobin to jump, feeling startled.
“I’m sorry but if I was into someone and I was in their bed and then I see them talking to someone, you better believe I’m going to ask who!” Yeonjun added, making Soobin groan in frustration that he couldn’t just man up and ask.
It’s clear there’s no point in pretending he isn’t catching feelings for you and he has to figure out how to tell you. The only problem is if you reject him, he won’t be sure how to live with you anymore—especially if you were to date someone.
He should’ve just acted curious and asked who they were.
“You guys are so annoying,” you said with a groan as you followed after your two best friends who were fighting down the street.
“Soobin and Y/n, kissing in a tree! K-I-S-S—ow, ow, ow!” Kai cried out as you pulled his ear.
“This is why I don’t tell you guys anything,” you said when they laughed. Kai was doing that creepy evil loud laugh he always does and Beomgyu is just instigating it.
“First of all, you tell us everything,” Beomgyu pointed out, “And what’s the problem? Pretty sure he likes you too.”
“Oh my god, I don’t like Soo—I mean, he’s my roommate, it would be weird,” you said, “Plus, he just got out of a relationship.”
“Yeah like two months ago or something, and she cheated on him,” Kai said before clutching his chest, “You could heal his heart.”
“Corny,” Beomgyu yelled and the two laughed again.
“Whatever, let’s just go eat.”
It took a lot of convincing from his friends for him to actually agree to just go for it. He had been debating it for a while now and each day that passed where he gets to see you first thing in the morning or last thing at night just reminds him he wants to keep seeing you. He’s not sure how much more he could go just acting like a friend.
He likes everything about you and he’s not good at hiding it. Usually, it takes him a while to fall for someone.
When he met Jia its because they were partners in chemistry one semester and she helped him get the job at the cafe so he could make more money aside from his internship. Truth be told, Jia kind of scared him at first because she never hid her interest from him. She was aggressive with it and he didn’t know how to react so he never made a move on her.
She’s the one who had to ask him and even then, he didn’t say yes right away because he hadn’t been sure if it was something he wanted to do. Over time he obviously grew feelings for her but the relationship never felt as easy as his friendship with you did.
So really, the realization of how differently and strongly he felt for you in such a short time was an indicator that he clearly had strong feelings for you.
When he got home after the cafe, he had a strong sense of confidence that was going to be his push to just go for it. He had been talking himself up all day and had decided the worst thing that could happen is you say no. He could live with that… maybe.
“Y/n?” Soobin called out to you as he dropped his things at the door, “You home?”
You were in your room reading some poetry book with music playing quietly and he knocked on your open door. You looked up at him, sliding your headphones down to your neck, “Hey.”
You sat up a little, motioning for him to come inside and he looked around nervously, “Are you busy?”
“No?” You smiled as you looked down at your book, “What’s up?”
Soobin bit his lip in thought as he tried to figure out how to word it before saying, “Do you want to… I don’t know, get food? Maybe go for a walk later?”
“Um, sure?” You said with a racing heart, “What time?”
“Um, an hour? Forty five minutes?” Soobin asked, more eager now knowing you’ll hang out with him, “Thirty?”
“In thirty minutes?” You asked, “Okay.”
“Okay, I’m just gonna change and probably, uh,” Soobin blinked nervously, “Get ready.”
“Okay,” you laughed softly as he nearly stumbled out the door. Once your door was shut, you jumped out of bed and straight to your vanity where you hoped to make yourself look a little better.
This wasn’t a date.
Soobin didn’t ask you out, he just asked you to get food.
How would you feel if he were to ask you on a date? Would he ever do that or does he only see you as a friend? For all you know, he’s sworn off dating completely.
When you left with Soobin at your side, things were normal. You talked about normal things, laughed about normal things and for a while you were able to forget your worries. You were just spending time with someone you enjoy spending time with without thinking every little thing over nonstop.
“So what’s your type?” Soobin asked so suddenly that you nearly choked on your water. Usually he’s not so forward with his questions so it caught you off guard. The two of you were at a small restaurant and it felt oddly like a date when he asked you things like this.
With an awkward clear of your throat, you said, “Um, I’m not sure if I have a type. The people I’ve been with in the past have all been a little different, I think.”
“What about looks?” Soobin asked, fidgeting with the hem of his sweater. He knows he’s an attractive guy but what if he still wasn’t your type?
You laughed softly, “I don’t know, Binnie, I like who I like.”
Soobin couldn’t help but blush, as he finally decided to ask, “What about me?”
You looked at him curiously, trying to decipher what he meant and when he couldn’t meet your gaze, you said, “You?”
“Am I your type?” He asked quietly. The server brought your meals which worked as a distraction to give you time to calm your beating heart and you took a deep breath.
It was hard to say because as of now… yes. You’ve always thought Soobin was attractive and kind and you’ve never actually dated someone like him so to say he’s your type is weird when you’re not sure if you even have one. You like Soobin, you know you do but what would it mean if you answer this question and what does he expect you to say?
“I think so,” you said shyly, looking down at your plate to avoid his gaze. Soobin resisted the urge to smile and ask you more about how you might feel for him.
He tried not to bring so much up while you had your late dinner and when the bill came, it became another topic of discussion.
“Soobin, you paid last time,” you said remembering the time you went to get hotpot last time, “Either I can pay or we can split the bill.”
“I asked you to come out with me,” Soobin said, getting his wallet out, “So I’m going to pay.”
“Binnie,” you said to him, watching him set money for the bill and a little extra for a tip before standing up, ready to leave. The server took the money and bid you both a goodnight.
“Y/n,” he used the same whiny voice you had, “Next time I’ll let you pay, I promise.”
Part of him wanted to reach for your hand as you left the restaurant but instead, he said, “I don’t want to go home yet.”
You have to admit, Soobin is really making your heart flutter in a very confusing way. You thought about taking his hand in yours and leading him toward the park across the street but you decided against it, unsure if it was something he wanted.
The night of the party when you held his hand, he made sure to not let it go even when you were on the bus but maybe it was just because he was drunk and not feeling good?
“So let’s go on a walk then,” you said, taking the reign to hold his hand, trying not to think about it.
Soobin smiled widely as he happily held yours, swinging them a little, “Y/n, I just want to say, you’re one of my best friends.”
He’s not sure he’s ever been able to call someone he’s dating his best friend. His past girlfriends never really cared to get to know him or have the same interests which wasn’t necessarily a problem but you’ve become his friend first and he thinks that’s what helped him develop feelings for you. You liked the same things, you enjoyed each other’s company and you never made him feel weird no matter what he did. He was being honest when he called you his best friend, it’s just that he wanted you to be more too.
“Who’s my competition?” You asked, waiting for him to say Taehyun or Yeonjun but he just shook his head, fixing your hands so your fingers were intertwined.
“You don’t have any,” Soobin shrugged, staring ahead at the path of street lamps, feeling a slight chill in the night air.
After a while the two of you decided to take a seat on a bench nearby, just under a streetlamp that casted down on it like a scene from a movie. You couldn’t help but shiver under the cold yet neither one of you brought up possibly going home—as if that would end the chances of spending time together.
Soobin felt you shivering beside him and without wasting too much time pondering, he scooted closer to you until his side was pressed to yours and provide you with much needed warmth. You looked at him with a teasing a smile, “So what you’re saying is, I’m actually your only best friend. I’m not sure if Taehyung or Yeonjuun would like that.”
He smiled cheekily, “I’m sure they wouldn’t mind, I don’t really keep it a secret that you’re my new favorite person.”
“Oh wow, what an honor. What did I do to deserve that?” You asked with a playful tone, trying to hide the way your face began to heat up.
“I don’t know,” he shrugged, looking over at you with soft, moonlit eyes, “I’m still trying to figure that out too.”
You didn’t say anything for a moment, unsure what to even say and you just looked into each other’s eyes, wondering if you were thinking the same. You were so close now and it was getting very hard to ignore when you couldn’t look away from him. Soobin was hesitant for a long while, debating if he should just go for it.
There were a millón things running through your mind, some about kissing him, or not kissing. Wondering if you should cross the line or give him space. You turned to face him, lips parting, “I—“
It happened rather quickly, the brush of his lips against yours, and you hadn’t fully thought it through when you kissed him back. There was a sudden sense of bliss that caused him to relax into the short kiss, melting into you when your lips moved against his.
His fingers lingered on your thigh, itching to deepen the kiss with a hand in your hair. Just as he was going to reach out, you pulled away abruptly, nearly leaving him to follow and his eyes snapped awake, unaware when he closed them.
“I don’t know if this is a good idea,” You whispered so quietly he could barely hear you. It didn’t stop his heart from dropping with clarity, “Oh”
You were rejecting him, even if you kissed him too.
“Binnie, I just—I like you but,” You bit your lip nervously, ‘I don’t know if this is a good idea.”
“Oh,” he slumped back, giving you more space, “Why? Because we live together?”
“Yeah,” you sounded regretful, “And you haven’t been single for long and I just don’t want to be a, um…”
“You think it’ll be like a rebound?” Soobin asked with a small scoff, “Y/n, I… I wouldn’t do that to you, I want to try with you.”
“But, I don’t know, I just don’t want this to become a real thing, and it ends badly and we can’t talk anymore,” you confessed, “I’m sorry.”
“No, it’s okay,” Soobin said, “I get it.”
He doesn’t.
Silence filled the space between you and neither one of you knew what to do about it. The awkwardness was already beginning to settle and he didn’t want that at all. A sorry smile spread across his lips, “You’re still my favorite person.”
A laugh left your lips, an ounce of worry disappearing but you still felt awful. You liked Soobin, and you were always such a sure person but when it comes to relationships you can be doubtful. You never know their full intentions and although Soobin is a really good guy but you haven’t known each other long and he was just in a relationship not that long ago.
After a while he asked if you should head home and the walk back was a bit quieter.
Honestly, you really did like Soobin. You never thought of him as anything more than a friend but not because you wanted to friendzone him but because you I never thought he saw you as anything but. Maybe you thought you would be the one rejected that you never thought about him romantically. He was attractive and you always knew so but you just seemed different at the time.
You were friendly, you talked nicely to each other and to only been a while since you started hanging around him. You assumed you were the only one feeling this way and its strange to learn that’s not true.
How would you have guessed he had feelings for you? Sure, he was nice from the getgo but it had always been casual. The only time e acted differently was when he was drunk and even then you assumed it was because he was too drunk to remember. Sheen he crawled into your bed after, it are your heart race but nothing happened between you two and it was never mentioned again. You grew to like him but you had no idea he would start liking you too.
It was a flaw in your character design, you think. You have no problem making decisions and being more confident and in control with it came to other things but for some reason when it comes to yourself, you’re doubtful. It’s easy for you to catch on to feelings when it comes to others but yourself.
That’s not to say you’ve never been in a relationship with someone but you’ve always just struggled reading how someone feels about you. Now you feel awful thinking you read Soobin’s intentions wrong but you couldn’t help it. You know what it feels like to be a rebound and its not a feeling you want to go through again.
The other person didn’t make you feel as good as your time with Soobin does and that’s what worried you. You’re also not in a spot to put your living situation at risk again. You had gotten so lucky to find him and f it goes bad between you, where would you go? You’re not as strong as Soobin. He could keep working with Jia and seeing her in public after what she did to him and be fine, but would you be able to live with him after? If he hurt you, or if you hurt him… could you handle it?
Lately, its not that you’ve been purposely avoiding him but ever since the kiss, your paths have barely passed. It seems like you both made an effort to interact at least once before and now that you’re not, its been boring.
When Soobin gets to the cafe, he couldn’t even think about having to work with Jia. She wasn’t in his mind anymore because all he could think about is you. You didn’t fully reject him and that’s what drives him insane.
“Hey Soob,” Taehyung said as he watched his friend walked past him with a somber expression, completely ignoring him.
You like him. You said you liked him, right? So why can’t you just give him a chance?
His mind felt a million miles away as he slipped up on his apron, tying it over his baggy shirt and sweats. Soobin was unaware of the stares his coworkers sent him as he found his job for the day and busied himself with it.
“You’re quieter than usual,” Jia pointed out toward the end of their shift, “Did something happen?”
Her voice was laced with feigned concern and that only bother him more. Why does she bother pretending like she cares about him?
“Nothing that you have to worry about,” Soobin mumbled more to himself than her but she heard him anyway. He wouldn’t tell her about you and how you somewhat rejected him, instead he looked at the time wishing Taehyun could’ve just stayed till close with him and Jia.
“Soobin,” Jia’s voice was soft, coming over to where he was wiping down tables and chairs, “I know you and I aren’t as close as we used to be but… I really do care about you.”
A small scoff left his lips that he wasn’t able to hide as much as before and he turned away, ready to leave her behind so he could be alone.
“Does it have anything to do with that girl?” She asked closer to close when there wasn’t a single customer in sight and the sign had already been flipped.
Soobin couldn’t help but release a sigh in frustration as he looked at her, “Jia, why are you doing this?”
“Doing what?” She asked with furrowed brows.
“Why are you acting like you all of a sudden care? Can’t we just work without talking and then go home?” Soobin asked, clearly annoyed and not in the mood for her.
He’s kept his mouth shut ever since they broke up and he’s never asked her to explain anything or to apologize so why doesn’t she just let it go. He’s been biting his tongue because he didn’t want to seem bitter that she cheated on him but at this point he doesn’t care. He has other things to worry about then listening to his ex girlfriend try and act like everything is okay between them.
“Soobin, I’m sorry,” Jia confessed watching as he walked past her to the front door already holding the key to lock the shop for the night, “I know I probably hurt you and what I did was unforgivable but can you please just give me one more chance. I—I don’t like thinking you hate me.”
“Jia, I don’t hate you,” Soobin told her honestly as they stood outside and he can see the way she got hope in her eyes, making him keep explaining, “And I can work with you because I have to but I’m not going to forgive you.”
It felt strange being so honest after acting unaffected for a while but it was the truth and he needed to get it out, “You cheated on me, don’t you get that?”
“I know bu—“
“No, you clearly don’t know because since you saw me and Y/n get closer all you’ve wanted to do is talk to me. It’s not because you still want me but because you know you fucked up and don’t want me to move on with anyone else,” Soobin said harshly, “Do you realize how frustrating it is to want to be with someone and everyone thinks you’re not over your cheating ex girlfriend?”
Jia looked like she wanted to say something but the words were caught in her throat, so Soobin continued, “You slept with someone I lived with behind my back and in my own home and you think apologizing and asking for one more chance is going to work?”
She was frozen, unsure what to say or if she should say anything at all. Of course he’s right and she was only wishing that things could change but she knows that she fucked up. Being with Soobin had been great, he was sweet and caring and she wanted more so she looked for more in a guy who doesn’t mean a thing to either one of them.
It had always felt like Soobin didn’t love her, like he only dealt with her because they were dating and even then it felt like she pushed him to it. He never got upset with her, even when he caught her cheating, he was just quiet and listened to her apologies over and over again. All he did was ask them both to leave and that was it. When he still went to work at the cafe she hoped it was a sign that he would forgive her if he could still stand being around her but then you came along and she could see the way Soobin’s face began to light up.
From the get-go, she feels like you were able to draw more out from him than she ever was and that really did annoy her. She’s not putting the blame on him for her cheating but why couldn’t he show more with her as he had with you and why is it too late now?
“I’m sorry,” she said quietly, close to tears but it was obvious Soobin didn’t care anymore.
“Have a good night, Jia,” he sighed, leaving her behind as he went to the bus stop.
He likes you, you’re all he’s been able to think about and he can’t stand knowing you doubt his intentions. Soobin has never been the type to use someone for his own gain and even that night of the party he forgot you went with him so he wouldn’t be alone knowing Jia was there. Once he had you with him, he didn’t care who was around. All he cared about was you and he needs you to know that.
When he got home, he was surprised to see you coming out of your bedroom right as he walked through the front door. You looked over at him, nervous and unsure what to say or if you should say anything at all. You weren’t sure if he was still upset with you or if he was ever really upset by what you said.
“Hey,” you said shyly, walking toward the kitchen where you were returning a bowl.
“Hey,” Soobin set his things, debating if he should go to his room or just try with you one more time.
Now that he’s told Jia how he feels about her still trying with him, he feels more confident to tell you exactly what it is he wants with you. He doesn’t want a rebound, he doesn’t care about his last relationship, he cares about getting to know you and kissing you more.
“Were you just at work?” You asked, trying to make some conversation, see if you could read how he might feel with you.
“Yeah,” Soobin joined you in the kitchen, “I had to close with Jia.”
You turned away from the counter, jumping slightly at how close he was behind you suddenly, “And how was that?”
“Well she apologized and asked for a second chance,” Soobin said, looking down at you, so close that his front nearly brushed against yours. You raised a brow in surprise that Jia had the nerve to ask for another chance but you wondered if Soobin was bringing this up because he planned on giving it to her.
“Oh?” You said, unsure what he was planning on saying next.
Soobin bit his lip, not shying away from your stare like he normally would, “So I told her that it was never going to happen because I’ve moved on and I like you and I don’t want you to think I’m using you or still not over my ex because I’m so over her, you don’t understand. The night of the party was one of the first nights I realized how much I like you and it’s taken me a while to admit it because I wanted to be sure.”
You blinked in surprise as he moved even closer, “And I know you kind of rejected me the other night but I also know you like me too so if you just give me one chance, I swear I’ll be the best boy you’ve ever been with and I have no intentions of just being with you as some rebound. You mean so much more to me and I should’ve told you that the other night but Y/n, I really want to be with you and no one else.”
With a small sigh, you leaned onto the counter behind you and nodded, “I want to be with you too, Binnie, but…”
He couldn’t hold back the smile on his face as he reached forward, cupping your face in his hands, “Y/n, just give me a chance.”
“I—okay,” you laughed softly and with that, he was leaning down, pressing his lips to yours gently.
Your eyes fell shut, reaching out to touch him when he moved closer, pushing you against the counter with no room to go anywhere. A small gasp left your lips in surprise and it gave him a chance to deepen the kiss with his tongue.
“Soobin,” you laughed in shock as he pulled back in an attempt to catch his breath, “That was unexpected, different from the last kiss.”
His hands were resting on the counter, trapping you between them, he was leaning downuntil he could leave tender kisses along your neck, “I’m sorry, I… it was sudden and last time you wanted to stop.”
He was panting softly, eyes squeezed shut as he tried to take a deep breath, “Do you want to stop again?”
You looked into his eyes, “Not really.”
That was all he needed to hear before leaning back down for a kiss, this time sliding his hands down to your waist, grounding himself to the reality of this all. Your hands went to his soft black hair, brushed it out of his face and kissed him feverishly.
Soobin’s lips parted against yours, a sigh of relief escaped as he tilted his head to the side. You were a bit surprised by his forwardness once again that when his tongue trailed along your lower lip as if asking for permission, all you could was grant it. Your tongues met smoothly, circling around each other, before pulling back to his lips on your bottom one. Was he such a good kisser last time?
The more he seemed to lean forward and close the nonexistent gap between you, the more you leaned back with need, never once pulling your mouth away from his. With an annoyed huff at your attempt to lean back, he found himself tightening his grip on your waist before pulling you onto the counter making you gasp, “Bi—“
The near call of his nickname made him groan into your mouth, he kissed you with frenzy, like soon you would change your mind and everything would stop.
A small laugh escaped your lips at his eagerness, not shying away from wrapping your legs around his waist as he sat you down on the peninsula countertop. You brought a hand down to the cold marble, trying to steady yourself when he kissed along your jaw, then your neck leaving small red marks where he nipped at.
“Y/n,” Soobin’s voice caught you by surprise, his usual tone was deeper and hoarse with need as he pulled away from kissing you. His hands remained on your waist, his thumbs underneath the thin fabric of your shirt, inching it up just slightly, “One chance.”
“That’s all it’s gonna take,” he mumbled with swollen lips as he looked down at your lap, the material of your leggings not threatening and you could feel his hands slide down till they were at the hem of your leggings.
His gaze was darkened and you were admittedly incredibly turned on by this new side of him. It’s not like you expected him to suddenly take the lead so heavily but you can’t say you hated it. It’s different that what you’re used to from him and it makes you think back to the night of your first kiss. Should you have said yes all along? Would you have ever gotten to see this side of him where he felt the need to express just how much he wants to be with you?
Your eyes locked with his as he slowly began to pull down the material of your pants, lifting your hips slightly as he let them slide down. It’s like he was still waiting for you to tell him stop but with the parting of your legs and the way you guided him down to his knees, it was clear to him you wanted this just as bad.
Soobin started with gentle kisses along your thighs, neither you caring that you were doing this in your kitchen, it only seemed to fuel the heat in his stomach that you were alone. You licked your lips with anticipation, eyes dropping with need at the way he pulled your legs over his shoulders swiftly, looking down at your covered heat with a cute sort of curiosity.
He could see through the thin fabric how turned on you had gotten from the kiss. He can make out the shape of your slit and there was a slight dampness where your entrance would be and it made him feel so much bitter about the growing bulge in his jeans. With eager fingers, he pulled the fabric down, unable to help himself from teasing your heat with his nose tip, “Y/n.”
Your name fell from his lips so prettily that you nearly missed the urgency in it until you were looking at him, looking down at your cunt until finally, he leaned in. A sigh in content escaped you as he placed a soft kiss along your folds, teasing you by avoiding your hardened clit. His hands which held your legs apart were so far up your thighs you could feel the shadow of them against your core and it felt good to be grabbed by him. You never noticed just how big his hands were, or how good he could possibly be with his mouth.
After the light teasing he did with your folds, he licked softly against your clit before pulling it into his mouth, sucking gently making you moan for the first time. Soobin’s eyes immediately went to your face as he swirled his tongue around your clit, lathering it in his drool as he watched your face contort in pleasure making him throb in his jeans uncomfortably.
With one hand on the counter for support, your other hand went to his hair, pulling him closer between your legs and you could feel one of his hands unravel from your thigh and come up to your cunt. You could feel the tip of his middle finger dip into your folds, collecting whatever slick your pussy let out when he sucked on your clit and ever so gently, he pushed a finger in.
“You’re so pretty,” he sighed, attempting to catch his breath as he let his finger do some of the work. He rested his cheek against the softness of your thigh while beginning to thrust his middle finger into your wet pussy, “So fucking pretty, Y/n.”
With a deep groan, he went back to your clit, letting his middle finger hook into your g-spot while he mouthed at your clit, costing it in spit while fucking you with his finger. Your hand in his hair never let up, you used it for support, unable to keep your moans down, “Binnie.”
He felt the way you fluttered around him and it only made him put in more effort to bring you to your edge—and not just on the counter. He was nearly on his knees and his legs were beginning to cramp, his cock was getting heavy in its confinement but he didn’t let up. Instead, he let his mouth glide over your wet cunt leaving open mouth kisses in its wake.
“Oh god,” you whined softly as you felt a second finger push into your heat and a few seconds of this had your thighs threatening to shut, feeling the familiar knot in the pit of your stomach, “Your mouth feels so good.”
“Cum for me then, baby,” the words slipped from his lips without thought but for some reason those were the exact words you needed to hear. He felt your release on his tongue a short moment after he spoke and your folds throbbed with please around him.
“That’s it,” he groaned, watching your juice drop around his fingers, gently pulling them away and letting you relax post orgasm.
You looked at him with a new sense of attraction, why was he so confident in bed? Soobin’s cheeks flushed red as he looked down at the mess you made on the counter but his dick loved the sight of your release dripping down on the counter. It was an easy clean up and it was hot, so fucking hot.
Without much thought put into it, Soobin raised his soaked fingers to his lips, humming softly at the taste of your essence. A bunny-like grin spread across his face as he couldn’t help but laugh, “You know we’re not done, right?”
Despite the last couple moments where he’s initiated intimacy, he didn’t wait for permission. He was letting you know he wasn’t done with you yet and that made it all the better when he pulled you into his arms, not caring that you were half naked and taking you toward his bedroom.
He set you down on his bed gently, looking down at you as he yanked off his shirt exposing a lean body of muscle you hadn’t expected.
Soobin isn’t the type to show off his body, he liked more loose fitting clothes and whenever he’s complimented on his physique he always gets shy. Whenever he leaves his room or he knows you’re home he makes sure to be fully dressed and he’s kept himself a secret from you out of nervousness that you might get uncomfortable. Now that your eyes are on his toned stomach, all he could think about is how he wished you’d seen him sooner—if he knew you would look at him like this.
Seeing him undress before you, taking his jeans off next followed by his briefs left you with your lip pulled between your teeth. You now knew why he looked so sweaty early in the mornings, he went to the gym at dawn while you slept in.
You sat up and pulled your shirt off, careful to undo your bra as you felt the bed dip down with his weight and he crawled toward you, helping you throw your things down before pushing you to lay down.
“Condom?” You ask, making him look at you with a sense of curiosity. He knew what you were asking and he of course would oblige but as he looked down at your naked bodies and the way his hard cock pressed against your head, he couldn’t help but let his mind go astray. He just couldn’t believe this was actually happening.
You let Soobin get up as he leaned over his nightstand, praying to the universe that he had a condom somewhere about. It’s obvious he hasn’t had sex in a good long while but he’s just hoping the universe is on his side and he can find one.
After a moment of searching, his heart raced, moved back between your legs and kissed you hungrily. You took the condom from his hands, ripped the wrapper off and searched down his toned abdomen till you found his stiff member. Although you haven’t gotten a good look at it, it had a weight to it and good girth that you couldn’t help but write with need.
Soobin didn’t hesitate to himself up with your entrance when you got the condom on and as gentler as ever, he pushed in. A low growl left his lips as your walls hugged him tightly and he couldn’t help but let his strength falter, nearly crushing you with his weight at the pleasure.
"Mmm," he groans into your neck, his body pressed against yours as he pulled out slowly, taking a moan to let you feel his big mushroom tip against your ring of nerves. Once he needed more, he pushed back in with a bit more force.
“Soobin,” you moaned, letting your head fall back into to the pillows as his hips began a steady pace of thrusting into you, "Oh… fuck."
He brushed his lips against yours, fucking you with his big cock, basking in the feel of your pussy around him, “So wet, bub.”
His voice had softened even if his thrusts grew rougher, “You feel so good around me.”
Soobin couldn’t help but be close and he was awfully pathetic for it. In his defense, he had just made out with a girl he was crushing on for the past hour. Add on how he ate your pussy in the kitchen [of all places] he felt it was only human of him to be so close to cumming despite barely fucking you.
With a deep grunt, he snuck his hand under your arched back pulling you off the bed and a quiet squeal left your lips. You moved your legs to hug his waist and cling to him when he sat you down on his thighs, cock still deep in your pussy. Soobin’s hands founded their way to the softness of your ass, pinching softly at the way you basically cock warmed him and it took him a moment to raise you up, and pull you back to take him all.
“Please Y/n,” he groaned, grinding your pussy on his dick, “Just say you want to be with me already, fuck. I just want to hear you say it.”
Pure bliss was evident on his face and your usual cute Soobin was replaced by a feral, dark and lustful Soobin you weren’t used to. His hair was sweaty and voice so deep that you couldn’t help but succumb to his advances.
He hugged your body to his and you began to bounce on his lap, kissing his neck and letting your hands trace down his chest feeling his nipples harden, “I want to be with you, Binnie.”
“Fuck,” he groaned, “I’m gonna cum.”
His eyes squeezed shut urging every muscle in his body to hold back from cumming first but he couldn’t. A shiver ran down his body as he felt the knot in his stomach come undone, his cock shooting thick spurts of cum into the condom, trembling underneath you.
“Fuck,” his voice was dry, urging you to keep riding his cock, “Keep going.”
“Bin—“ you moaned, hearing the desperation in his voice and did as you were told. It didn’t take long for you to let go, cumming in his arms as he whispered how good you felt around him.
As gentle as ever, he set you back on the bed, collapsing on top of you in a sweaty mess that had you groaning.
“Sticky,” you mumbled, “I feel sticky.”
Soobin looked down at you and the mess the two of you made of each other, blinking with confusion on how things had escalated so quickly. Did he do that?
“Sorry,” he pouted, “Do you want to get cleaned up?”
“I think so,” you giggled softly as he reluctantly let you sit up, “How about I meet you back here in a minute?”
Soobin couldn’t think of anything to say and with a silent nod, he let you gather your things and leave.
You weren’t trying to ditch him but you needed to freshen up at least a little bit.
He thought about waiting for you in his bed after he cleaned up after himself but after a while he began to overthink it. Would you actually come back? He understands you’re just a wall away but the distance seemed so far now that he couldn’t help but get up and dressed, following you out his bedroom.
In the process of heading to your room, he stopped in the kitchen to clean up the mess as best as he could for the moment. A soft hum left his lips as he did so and when his eyes landed on a thin piece of lace fabric, he blinked curiously.
With a someone innocent look in his eyes, Soobin picked up your underwear, biting down on his bottom lip to stop a mischievous smile from growing before he shoved them in the pocket of his sweats, unsure what he would do with them later on. A giddy smile plastered his face, dimples on display as he walked toward your room, hearing the water run and he laid in your bed.
“Now, I thought I said I would be back in a minute,” you laughed softly when you came out your bathroom and Soobin just cutely snuggled himself deeper between your sheets and pillows.
“It was too long,” Soobin said as he lifted your bed covers, “Come lay down.”
“I gotta clean out th—“
“I already did,” Soobin whined when you tried walking past him on the bed and with a gentle pull on your wrist, he was leading you onto the bed.
“Did you?” You asked, letting him pull you down until you were laying down next to him, feeling him snuggle into you with his face against your breasts.
“Mhm,” he hummed, his interest caught on the softness of your chest—a place he had neglected when he knew damn well he shouldn’t have.
“Binnie,” you warned when you felt nuzzle into your breasts, squirming against your side, “It’s late already.”
“I know, but your bed… it’s so soft,” he clearly didn’t mean the bed and he thought he was just being a sly bunny, “And you said you would be with me now. Don’t kick me out.”
You could already feel his print press against your thigh, a clear sign that he was getting turned on all over and it was obvious he skipped over wearing anything under his sweats.
A gasp left his lips when he felt your hand palm his erection lightly and unexpectedly, saying to him, “Well, I guess my bed hasn’t been broke into yet.”
Soobin’s hand clutched yours tightly, following you so close that he almost stepped on the back of your shoes everytime you walked. The bar was packed with people and it made his anxiety spike up a bit and feeling your hand in his made him feel slightly better.
“Now don’t get too drunk tonight,” Taehyun said with a laugh as he trailed after you two. Soobin just glared at him, letting you take the lead to order the drinks, eyeing the bartender who was a little too nice to you.
“I don’t plan on drinking too much if he’s the bartender all night,” Soobin mumbled under his breath, hearing the way the bartender talked to you compared to the others. You didn’t pay him any mind but Soobin was watching him too closely that it made Taehyun laugh.
“Relax buddy, you already got Y/n and I don’t think she’s going anywhere,” Taehyun said looking around the bar, waving down Yeonjun who had been search for them all night. Even if your attention was on the bartender, you still held Soobin’s hand, beating him to it when he offered to pay.
“You paid the last two times we went out,” you told him, handing everyone their drink but Soobin was whining.
“But I like paying for you, Taehyun and Yeonjun have their own money,” Soobin said, turning to his friends with a scowl, “Don’t spoil them, only me if you do things like this.”
You laughed, feeling his arm circle around your waist, “It’s okay, come on, my friends are around here somewhere.”
“Hurry up before I puke,” Yeonjun groaned, reminding Soobin that he wasn’t alone with you at home and it made him shy, hiding behind you as you lead the way.
“Wow, Y/n, I didn’t know you were so rizz!” A loud voice yelled out from your side before you were being pummeled back a few steps with large arms around you, jumping excitedly.
“Whoa, rizz!” Beomgyu shouted equally as annoying, making you groan. Soobin smiled nervously as he looked back to his friends who looked just as confused as him. He felt awkward seeing you being hugged by two guys but he tried to ignore it knowing they were just your friends.
“Binnie this is Kai and that’s Beomgyu,” you told him before looking at your friends, “Guys this is Soobin, my boyfriend.”
His dimples showed through and he couldn’t help but smile widely as you addressed him. When you joined his side against he was quick to reach for you, more happy now that you’ve called him that.
“Hello,” Beomgyu stood straight and brought a hand to his forehead as if in salute, “This is our first formal meeting.”
Kai nodded as he took your drink in his own hands, “Yeah, we would have said hi to you when we went to the cafe but Y/n wouldn’t let us because she didn’t want you to know she had a big fat mega obtuse crush on you.”
“Oh my god,” you rolled your eyes at him, “It wasn’t like I was obsessed. I was just, yknow, curious.”
Taehyun put a hand on Soobin’s shoulder, “You see? Y/n liked you then too.”
You spent the night either sitting on Soobin’s lap or dancing with him when he asked you to, and when you went home, he jumped in your bed like he’s been doing since the first night.
… THE END, okay I’m out of text boxes but basically sorry it took my so long to finally drop a Soobin fic but hopefully the length of this makes up for it 😭after drafting a story, hating it, drafting a new story, hating it and repeating the cycle for months, I finally got one finish. please interact and lmk what you thinks… it’s kinda a mess but I tried 🤒
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upsidedownmvnson · 1 year
dungeons and douchebags | eddie munson
where eddie munson kills your dnd character out of spite & you end up in the hospital in the same day. eddie, of course, blames only himself.
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full fic of this blurb :)
AN: i named the third guy keith bc he needed a name, and if his role was pre-established im SORRY but hes a mage. a lot of the dnd stuff im sure is wrong and doesnt work but let me live
also i love this so u should to
also also I KNOW ITS A SHITTY THING FOR A DM TO DO - thats the point
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Eddie’s annoyed with you when you’re not on time for Hellfire.
You know he’s sensitive about starting on time, but still you were running late again, even though this time you promised it would be different, and you would even be early.
And Eddie had foolishly believed you again. It hurt especially, because even though you were just friends, Eddie was so painfully in love with you. All day every day, he was pining, yearning, longing. You were on his mind all the time, and you... you couldn't even bother to be on time for Hellfire.
When he begged you to be on time earlier in the day, he had made sure to mention that it would mean a lot to him if you were on time. And he thinks that if you love him back, you'll definitely care when he communicates something like that.
He knows he shouldn't let himself feel like this, but every Friday he's reminded that he's not special to you. He's not the one person you're always on time for. Eddie thinks, somehow, that if you're on time for Hellfire, well then maybe you like him too. It's silly, but it's what he does. It gets more painful as time goes on and you're still not there.
The mood slowly shifts to something tense as time ticks on. You’re always a couple minutes late but nearly an hour? Eddie is painfully frustrated, and his feelings are hurt. Eddie has overthught himself to a dramatic conclusion that you've decided you're above Hellfire.
While the party chats on totally unaware, barely even recognizing that they still haven't started, Eddie thinks you've looked in the mirror and recognized that you're better than them. That you can, and should, have everything and everyone you want. He thinks you'll want to be with a jock. Or maybe a cheerleader. He thinks you've decided not to love him.
In a fit of self pity and rage, he decides to leave your character behind, so the party left you alone, sleeping in a cave.
"Attention," Eddie says, "the sun is rising. It's time to pack your bags and move on."
Dustin looks confused, "where's y/n?"
"Who knows?" Eddie tries to look unamused to hide his pain, but it slips, and ends up just looking angry.
Eddie rolls a perception check for you to see if you wake up. He rolls an 18. And with your build you would've noticed the group leaving without you. Eddie is still think about you in the arms of a jock. "She fails." Eddie looks at the group with an evil grin. "You leave the camp unnoticed."
As the game goes on, Eddie feels crappy. He's never cheated like that before. Like, sure, he's changed a roll or two to make the plot better, or to not totally kill one of his players because some random NPC got a nat 20. That was his right as DM. But... leaving you like that was less than cool.
But even worse, when they return to the cave later, you're stuck in a bandit situation. Eddie really, truly, genuinely expected the party to save you. Except, one thing led to another, and you were stabbed through stomach, making you bleed out. Normally, this is where you'd roll your life saving throws.
It wasn't really supposed to play out like that. But he didn't expect the party to roll such terrible throws, all of them accidently leaving you defenseless. Eddie kinda feels bad, but you hurt him first.
What he doesn't expect is Steve Harrington bursting into the drama room, looking frenzied, just a few moments later. The party halts. The last thing happening in the game was the party finishing off the last bandit, and running to your aid. But now, they were all just staring at Steve. Eddie approached his friend, worried about the look in Steve’s eyes.
Steve stood up straight, and cleared his throat. Weakly he says, “something terrible happened.”
And then Steve tells them all about your car accident, and Eddie feels sick. His knees buckle, and Steve has to hold him up. He’s totally disoriented by this news. He feels his heartbeat pounding behind his eyes, and his ears ring loudly, barely registering the panicked talking going on around him
“They're alive,” Steve was shouting, but because people weren’t letting him talk, he had to keep shouting it over the hundred questions. They wouldn't be able to handle it. Not again. Not when Max still hasn't woken up. “Eddie? Can you hear me buddy?”
But Eddie was in shock. He was blaming himself. He killed you.
“Can you walk? I'll drive you,” Steve says, as Gareth searches Eddie's pockets for the keys to the van. “Dustin, get over here, help me get Eddie to the car.” Eddie overhears Jeff tell everyone to meet at the van.
As soon as they get moving, the adrenaline starts pumping through Eddie’s body. He was suddenly able to break free of his friends' aid and pick up his pace, and the three of them ran through the school and into the parking lot. The dim light Steve parked by was flickering, putting a weak spotlight on Eddie as he tugged the door handle on the passenger seat
“Let me unlock it,” Steve snapped, fumbling the keys in his hand. He dropped them, the pressure of Eddie’s stare was kinda terrifying. He got the door open and unlocked the others.
When they were in the car, Eddie was finally alert, if anything overaware.
“What the fuck is going on?” he snapped.
No one said anything. There was nothing they could say that would make Eddie feel better, or calm down. Steve sped out of the parking lot, blowing the stop sign. He really shouldn't have, given the whole reason you were in the hospital.
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut. This wasn't happening. He was wrong. He was being petty and he was hurt because he thought you were being a dick but you were - he was gunna throw up - you were somewhere bleeding. While he was busy killing you, you were actually laying on the asphalt after a violent car crash. And he was thinking you're an asshole
“Their character died,” Eddie said, “I've killed them.”
“It's not gunna happen,” Steve said, gripping the steering wheel. It was a statement he couldn't back up.
At the hospital, Eddie barely waited for the car to stop before he was running inside, tripping over his own feet as he rushed to get to you. dustin was hot on his trail and steve was parking the car.
Eddie saw Nancy with Jonathan over by the nurse's station, and when Nancy saw him, she came hustling over, putting her hands on Eddie's arms. Dustin spoke quietly with Jonathan in the background.
“Relax,” she said, “please breath. They’re okay right now, they’re in surgery, and it's going really well, okay?”
“Wheeler?” Eddie asked, eyes filling with tears he had no control over.
“It has to be fine,” Nancy said, “sit with me.” Nancy Wheeler was not going to lose another friend today. Not again.
And with no other options he listened, following Nancy to an uncomfortable plastic chair that squeaked when he sat. Nancy held his hand over the stiff arm rests, but he didn't find any comfort. He didn't think he would until he was with you again.
Jonathan sat beside Nancy, giving her a sad smile and handing her a bitter coffee. He sat quietly, letting Nancy give Eddie her attention. Dustin sat on the other side of Eddie, also opting to stay quiet. What was anyone supposed to say?
Honestly, the only thing Eddie wanted to hear was your voice.
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Nothing changed for the first two days. But on the third day, the only change was in Eddie. He went from sitting quietly by your side to scribbling stuff in a notebook like a crazy person. He would also dip out to go use a library computer, or "check on some things," as he explained to Nancy.
Her and Steve were mutually concerned about Eddie's state. He was constantly babbling about saving you, and how he's figured it out they just have to succeed.
Everyone else got a chance to be worried when they got a call Tuesday saying there was a mandatory Hellfire meeting and anyone not in attendance would be left behind, and unwelcome for the rest of the campaign. He couldn't risk a single missing member. Not with the stakes...
Tuesday evening, Gareth, Jeff, and Keith are the first to arrive. They are curious as to what the hell their bandmate had cooked up, but they were more worried than excited. Eddie hadn't exactly been himself the last couple of days.
They don't expect a set up even more elaborate than usual. The lights are red and blue, making the room feel eerie, and small.
"Welcome to Hell," Eddie said, grinning and holding his arms open wide.
Gareth and Jeff exchanged a look, but were too nervous to speak. Eddie didn't want to explain the objective twice, so he waited for the rest of the party to arrive before he said anything, but the look in his eye feels sinister. His friends suddenly realized how truly fucked Eddie would be if anything happened to you.... like... for keeps.
When the rest of the party is there, they look to Eddie expectantly, but he just continues to smile like a maniac and tells everyone to take their seats. Dustin is confused to see Steve Harrington sneak into the room and lean against the wall.
"I cheated," he says when he has the attention of the flock, "y/n didn't fail the perception check, and therefore their death wasn't fair. However, death is death. So we're going to have to bring them back."
Dustin notices that Steve Harrington's presence is not explained.
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Nancy sits at your bedside like she has for the better part of the last four days. She holds a book in one hand, and the other rests casually beside you, near your hand. She looks at you, and then her hand. She gets a supernatural chill.
She puts her book down, and speaks your name quietly, looking for any sign of life from you. One more day of your glass features and she was going to crumble. Nancy shakes the bizarre feeling from her head, and pats your hand.
She shocked when you're ice cold to the touch. She recoils, pulling away fast. But after the initial shock fades, she touches you again. There was no way that was right, right? You were freezing. What the hell was that about? Nancy starts a search for a blanket to warm you up.
A mage freezes your body. The party scavenges for anything that can help and then leave the cave, your frozen body in tow. Another player can't make life saving throws for you, so they were thinking outside the box. They would take you deep, deep into an ancient necromancer's lair, and steal the resurrection stone from around his neck.
Nancy returns with a simply grey blanket, and a very friendly nurse. They had gotten to talking, and Nancy has simply explained how cold you had been, having not thought too much of it. The nurse, Sophie, had decided to come check it out too.
"Oh my gosh," Sophie says, feeling the ice cold skin. "Oh my gosh, she's like ice!"
And leaves Nancy feeling a little worried as she scurries out of the room. It was like she'd never seen anything like it. Nancy feels uneasy, and makes a quick phone call from your bedside phone. Jonathan picks up, and as soon as he hears the concern in her voice, he's on the way.
Nancy hangs up, picks the phone back up, and calls Steve. He picks up on the first ring.
"Something is like... actually happening over here," she whispers, shocked to even be saying it.
"No shot," he says, nearly laughing at the idea. He whispers the next part so the group doesn't hear anything, "I thought we agreed Eddie was just crazy, and this whole 'saving her character will save her' was just to show him that he didn't cause all this."
"I know we did," she said, "but y/n is cold as ice."
Eddie's voice booms as he narrates the perilous journey. After trap rooms, fighting devil dogs, two gargoyles, and a Molydeus that nearly killed Mike. They had made it into the inner sanctum, but had all failed to roll perception upon entering, and set off a fire trap. One that melted the spell on you, leaving you warm enough to die. "Hurry!" Dustin shouted, "engage the necromancer! Hit 'em with everything we got."
Nancy is already back into her book, Jonathan sitting on the floor beside her, leaning his head against the armrest, while she dangles a dainty arm over his shoulder, letting it lay relaxed on his chest. A single beep draws her attention. She notices something different, but she can't say what. Your cheeks are rosy.
Nancy brings her hand off of Jonathan, drawing his attention too. She puts a cool hand against your forehead, and is again shocked by how you feel. You're burning up. You're fucking hot. Like boiling. Nancy runs to find Sophie again.
The turn is Keith's, his mage more powerful than the others, but instead turns his attention to your character. "I cast flesh to stone on y/n!" the mage shouts. "She'll die if she stays like this." "Roll for it!" "18!" "Pass!" Your body is frozen again, this time encased in stone. Another stall, and Eddie knows the party is running out of time.
"You have to feel her head," Nancy says, speed walking with the bubbly nurse hot on her trail. Sophie complies, and gasps.
"It's not possible," she says quietly, "I'm getting the doctor. There's something strange about your friend."
Nancy looks down at you, and jumps out of her skin when the machines start beeping wildly. All of them making different noises, all of them loud. Sophie rushes back in, with more staff behind her. Nancy and Jonathan are ushered out of the room by a woman who explains that you're in a code blue, which means they have to resuscitate you.
Nancy looks around the white hallway. She's overwhelmed and underpaid.
"Stay here," she tells her boyfriend. "This is crazy!"
But she runs off before she explains anything else. She's after a phone, which she finds with no trouble. She fishes a quarter out of her pocket, and uses it to call Steve again. He picks up as fast as last time, desperate for something other than watching dnd.
"Whatever they're doing, tell them to hurry up!" she's shouting, drawing the attention of patients and staff around her. "Something's happening! She's not breathing!"
The necromancer stands injured. The party cornering him, making him cower. He trembles, and begs for his life. He explains that the party came to his home, killed his people, and now wish to rip off the very thing that keeps him alive. "I stab him through the heart, and I take the necklace." Dustin says. As he looks at Steve, he thinks he understands what's going on. "Roll." "For what?" "Dexterity." Dustin rolls his die. The table is silent. The little D20 lands. the group erupts when they see the Nat 20 he rolled, effectively grabbing the necklace and throwing it around your neck from a metre away like horseshoe. As it lands on you, the ground shifts under the party's feet. Everyone stares in silence, both in the campaign and real life. Your character opens her eyes, coughs, and rises.
The party roars to life at the table, cheering at a job well done and slamming hands on the table in excitement. But the cheers are short lived, silence coats the room but this one is different. It's serious, eery. They can see that Steve looks worried, and he's trying to get Nancy to answer him, but he's getting nothing. looking at Steve expectantly. Apparently, everyone had figured out what the plan was. They all knew they were trying to wake you up. Steve says nothing. Just hangs up the phone, looking up with a disappointed frown.
"The line went dead."
Steve is once again driving Eddie to the hospital. And he's a nervous wreck. You're like schrodinger's cat. Eddie doesn't know if you're alive or not. He chews on the side of his thumb during the entire ride. The rest of the club was waiting patiently in the drama room. Eddie and Steve promised to call as soon as they knew anything.
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Eddie can't fucking breath as he sprints down the hospital hallways, ignoring every sign and person telling him not to. He doesn't care. He has to get to you.
Wheeler is outside your room talking to a doctor, but with her back to him he couldn't see the bright, beautiful smile on her face talking excitedly about your miraculous recovery. Eddie runs right passed her to your room, and uses the doorframe to propel himself in, scaring both you and Jonathan who had been sitting quietly.
You look pale, and there are bags under your eyes. But you're sporting a weak smile, shaky hands holding a cup of lime jello. Eddie can't help but smile. You're awake, sitting up, and smiling at him. He has to laugh at the like, ten empty jello packages. Jonathan slips out the door without a word, and Eddie takes his seat by your bed.
"I was so fuckin' scared," Eddie says, tears falling from his eyes before he could even process it. He hadn't realized.
You hold your hand out for him and whisper, "Eddie," and he looks up, puppy dog eyes glossy with lingering tears, and heartbreaking to see. He takes your hand. "You didn't do this."
And he cries harder, leaning down and holding your hand to his forehead and begging your forgiveness anyway. "I did," he cries, "out of spite and jealousy, I tried to hurt you, and I did. I let them leave you alone. I made them and I cheated-"
"-and you should've seen the party-"
"-Eddie, seriously-"
"-leaving because you totally passed the, ow, hey!"
You had flicked him on the nose, his babbling giving you no other choice, but as usual he was being dramatic, you hadn't actually hurt him at all.
"Eddie, stop, and listen to me," you say, "you didn't do this. You're not actually all powerful, you know that, right?"
"But nothing," you say, smiling. "But Nancy told me that you saved me so no hard feelings."
Eddie smiles back at you, letting you wipe the tears leftover on his flushed cheeks. He leans into your touch and your heart swells. In your mind, you beg him to kiss you. You beg and plead and hope that this will be the time he makes a move.
He knows this is his chance, he leans closer to you, slowly, gauging your reaction. "Is this okay?" he whispers, when he's just an inch from your lips. You feel his breath as he speaks and you can't resist, pushing yourself forward to close the gap. And he kisses you like he's kissed you a hundred times before. Like he already knows everything you will like, even before you do. His lips are so fucking soft against yours, all plush and warm and taking over your senses.
"Well, I guess I can tell the others that you're fine," Steve says, and Eddie pulls away from you. His sudden absence is cold.
"I saved her," Eddie says, grinning. "Nancy said so."
the hair on the back of will's neck having a disco party during this entire fic
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kpthoughts · 10 months
<Sam’s little sister>
-Colby Brock-
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Before dating:
Sam hated the idea of his best friend dating his little sister
That’s why Colby held his feelings off for so long because he didn’t want to make Sam uncomfortable
But soon the feelings were too strong to ignore
You got closer very easily might I add
Everyone had a hunch you liked each other, the mainly knew he liked you.
Especially fans
He seemed very protective of you in videos, more than everyone else
In haunted videos he would always check up on you, make sure you’re not going in first or in any danger
You like the thrill though and he knows this but he can’t help himself
Fans picked up on all this and started to ship you
As much as you denied it you both knew it was true
You always seemed to gravitate towards each other even when you’re in a big group/crowd
For example you would sit beside each other, walk side by side, talk to each other more, find ways to be alone
This is what led you to dating
When at a party you both hid away in the bedroom
One conversation led to a deep conversation and he kissed you
You were shocked but didn’t fight it
Sam finding out:
You both hid this from your friends to avoid drama between everyone
They soon picked up on it though
Sam being the first to ask Colby about it.
He asked if anything was going on between you and Colby and because Colby didn’t want to lie anymore he admitted you were dating for the past month
Sam was rightfully upset
Not because you were dating but because you hid it from him
He came around though and was your biggest shipper
Dating Colby would include:
He always has his hands on you in some way
Not sexually though
He would hold your hand, your thigh, have his arm around your waist etc
Filming together
Sam teased you two SO MUCH
He’ll come in while you’re in his apartment or room and just tell something stupid before leaving
Colby finds it funnier than you do
“It’s a little funny!”
“No I hate him!”
He’s very protective of you and will constantly make sure you’re ok and safe
Especially in videos when you’re exploring or ghost hunting
You’re usually the little spoon but if he’s had a bad day it switches
His fans love you and are also protective of you when it comes to haters
He loves seeing you in his clothes
Hoodies, t-shirts, rings whatever
You steal his rings a lot
He knows you do and gave up asking you if it was you who took them because he already knows
Adventures when you want to get out somewhere
You’ll just drive until you find somewhere interesting to look around like a forest, cave or abandoned building
Checks up on you daily and knows when something is wrong
He’s not overly jealous but can get a little annoyed when a guy shows you a lot of attention
You don’t give the attention back though
Instead you go to Colby and kiss him in front of the guy
He loves it when you do this
When you kiss he always has his hands on your waist or back
He knows what spots to put his hands every time
During makeouts he’ll put you on his lap and hold your hips down
He’ll leave hickeys in less obvious spots because of videos and you two not wanting to share that part of your life
Your friends always see them though and you don’t hear the end of it
Forehead kisses all the time
When cuddling he loves to play with your hair and loves it when you play with his
He tried to braid your hair once but it didn’t end well
You paint his nails a lot and he loves it
When you’re bored you’ll draw on his arms or colour in his tattoos with felt tips
He just lets you do it while he scrolls through his phone
Stargazing is something you love to do as you know so much about Stars
He sits there and listens to you talk about it and he loves it
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ludicdoll · 22 days
farleigh start ☆
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pairing: farleigh start x fem!reader
contents: american reader, smoking, soft farleigh, very slight angst, fluff
synopsis: you and farleigh smoke under the sunset, reminiscing on your exciting summer.
a/n: go listen to weak for your love by thee sacred souls nowww
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you sigh against the warm breeze, staring up into the golden sky. your summer was coming to an end, which means you would have to leave saltburn, which means you would have to go back home to america. you thought you wouldn’t care when summer ended, in fact you were excited to go back home—but now everything’s changed. your summer started out with felix inviting you after the graduation party. he said “everyone will miss you if you leave so early.” he was definitely just trying to make you feel better, but you caved in on his offer anyway. on the first day you arrived at the estate, elspeth almost immediately claimed you as one of her own children.
she was a very sincere woman, her blonde hair was always pinned up to frame her classic face, and her clothes always reflected her wealth. you were so intimidated by the catton’s at first, but as you got to know them better, you realized they’re quite normal. sure—the family heirloom art pieces on the walls and their 200 acres of land weren’t normal, but on the surface of their personalities, they were just average people who happened to be blessed with money. during your stay at the mansion, you found yourself talking to farleigh more often. at oxford you and farleigh never talked much, only sharing occasional glances from across lecture halls. you shared the same friend group with him due to felix and got along surprisingly well.
you both had witty personalities, a stubborn flare, and incredible fashion tastes. you recall your first real conversation with farleigh. it was on your first night at saltburn during dinner. you were seated next to him and gossiped the whole time about annabel and felix’s situationship. you laughed and smiled at his words and he seemed to be feeling just as amused as you were. now and then you would have your petty, harmless arguments, but nothing too extreme. in the midst of all of the catton’s chaos, you and farleigh found peace in each other. slowly, he even opened up a little to you. he talked about his mom, claiming that he was scared that if he left england, he would never get an ounce of money again. you pitied him truthfully. however, he was also incredibly smart, he just never bothered to show it.
farleigh also loved literature, he would roll his eyes at you whenever you’d call him a nerd but he enjoyed classics, drama, mysteries, romance, almost everything and anything. you would think that him living a chaotic, party filled lifestyle meant that he never had any time to pick up on any other hobbies or interests, but he did. he learned french and was surprisingly good at it, he didn’t speak it fluently—but he knew enough to hold up a conversation with someone random.
you sit in your window nook, closing your book and placing down on the cushion, staring out of the cracked window as you ash your cigarette out of the open panes. it’s mid september, the weather was slightly cool, but the humidity from the light rain earlier had made it slightly warmer. you raise your fingers to you mouth, dragging out the smoke from your cigarette. you lean your head back against the wall, closing your eyes as you breathe in the air around you. suddenly, you’re awoken by a knock on your door. “come in!” you call out as a head of curls poke through the door. farleigh smiles before closing the door behind him and walking over to you. he’s wearing a dark navy ralph lauren cable knit sweater (very fitting for him) and black trousers. he looked like he just got back home from something. “having your main character moment, i see?” he teases as he sits down across from you in the nook. you roll your eyes, softly shaking your head with a laugh. he grins, looking down at the book in your lap.
farleigh reaches over, grabbing it before reading the title outloud. “one hundred years of solitude,” he repeats. “how are you just now reading this?” you snatch the book out of his hand before placing it back down next to you. “oh, i’m sorry i’m not a nerd like you.” you reply mockingly. farleigh gives you a deadpan expression before cocking his head to the side, staring at you with low eyes. he readjusts himself in the cushion, scooting closer to the where his legs were touching yours. “venetia won’t be able to shut up when you leave.” he mutters. you turn, smiling weakly. you’ll miss her too, you’ll miss everyone when you’re gone. the two of you sit in silence for a minute, soaking in the beautiful shift in colors within the sky. you pull a cigarette out of its box next to you, offering it to him. he stares at you, almost like he was hesitating to take it or not. of course, he couldn’t decline so he swiftly took it out of your fingers.
you grab your lighter and ignite the flame by his lips. he immediately groans quietly, a wave of relief glowing across his face. “where were you all day?” you ask. “you just disappeared during brunch.” farleigh blows a thin line of smoke out of his mouth, shrugging. “the pub.” he looks over your empty room, biting down on his bottom lip. you used to have so many posters and polaroids littered across your walls, but you had already packed all of your stuff—leaving the room blank. “god, it’s so boring in here now.” he says. his breath suddenly hitches when he sees your suitcase in the corner of the room, packed and ready for your leave. you notice this and reach over to touch his shoulder.
in an attempt to lighten the mood, you rub at his arm. “aw, you gonna miss me, far?” you ask with an exaggerated sad face. farleigh scoffs, chuckling softly at your expression. “mmm, don’t get ahead of yourself.” you giggle, turning your head to look at the sky above you. you had made so many memories here, so many friends you wouldn’t be able to replace back in the states. a part of you wished you could stay in england, but another part of you missed your home. “do you remember the first time we met?” farleigh breaks the silence suddenly. you glance over at him, raising a brow. “it was at felix’s acceptance party. you showed up wearing a bold silver sequin skirt, very bold.” you cringe as you recall your odd fashion choices in your first year at oxford.
“oh god, don’t remind me.” you cry out as you pinch your nose bridge with a defeated sigh. farleigh laughs, exhaling the smoke out of the window. “truly … it was definitely the talk of the night.” he adds on to make you wince further. you raise a hand, waving it in front of him, hoping he’d stop talking. “but—i liked your outfit that night. i thought that you had to be interesting if you were wearing that.”
“really?” you ask. he nods, a smirk dancing on his lips. you sit up, leaning closer to him. you stare up at farleigh through your lashes, cocking your head to the side. “and was i interesting?”
farleigh seems to get a rise out of this sudden confidence from you. he leans down closer as well, just inches away from your face. “mhm,” he hums as he raises his cigarette back up to his mouth. you can’t help but stare at his pink lips as he takes a long drag. the two of you exchange quiet glances, a thick tension rising in the air. “whatever shall i do without you?” he teases as he leans back on his palm. “well, i’m not leaving until tomorrow morning.” you glance over at the grand clock in the corner of the room before turning back to meet farleigh’s gaze. “—we still have a couple more hours together.”
“yea? it’s not enough.” he muttered the last part quietly, but loud enough for you to dicipher. farleigh looked so soft under the sunset, the rays of pink light illuminating his face perfectly. your stomach suddenly flips, a wave of heat spreading to your face. he looked almost angelic in a way. you never thought about your right dynamic with farleigh. others around you would often say you and farleigh were close, maybe a little too close. you liked sitting in his lap and he liked holding you, not like it was im a sexual manner, you just genuinely enjoyed his touch. it was purely platonic to you from the start. but as you spent more time with him, you realized his demeanor would get you a nervous mess at times.
you thought you didn’t like farleigh, but the fuzzy feeling that would overtake you would make you squirm under his stare. it made you feel like you were twelve again with your first crush. “maybe we could just spend the next few hours talking.” farleigh says. you blink, examining in his soft features. the longer you stared, the more you’d notice certain aspects of him face you never acknowledged before—like how he had very faint fading freckles in the summer, or that one curl that would fall on his forehead perfectly. you nod in response to his suggestion before leaning back to your original position. for the next two hours, you and farleigh just sit there, rambling on about everything you could think of. your conversation ranged from shit talking to philosophy, then to the planets orbiting around us. you talked so long to the point where the sun started to set, slowly dipping below the horizon with a burst of pinks and oranges. you grab at his arm, gasping quietly as you gaze up at the sky. “look!” you point out. he raises a brow, glancing back and forth between you and the sunset. “what?”
“the sky!” you say in an obvious tone. “happens everyday, nothing new.” he says nonchalantly as he releases himself from your grip, resting his head against the window. you groan, smacking his arm with the back of your hand. “okay, well it’s my last sunset in england.” you turn your body fully so it’s facing the window, legs crossed underneath you as you put out your cigarette. you feel the cushions slowly sink when farleigh scoots closer. he places his head on your shoulder, sighing quietly. “m’gonna miss you.” his voice is low, rough but smooth at the same time. you tilt your head to look at him, giggling at his sudden honesty. “i’m serious,” farleigh picks his head back up from your shoulder, tracing his thumb along your jaw.
his eyes flicker back and forth from your eyes to your lips, his face show a look of contemplation. for a moment, you wish he would come back to america with you. the thought of him living with you didn’t bother you. in fact, it sounded perfect. he was a genuine person—and yes, he was a bitch but he was truthful and sweet when he wanted to be. “i wish i could stay longer.” you whisper. farleigh trails his thumb up to your bottom lip, tilting closer to you. “you could,” he says. you laugh awkwardly, “i’m sure the catton’s are sick of me though.”
“i’m not.”
you stare up at him, his dark eyes boring into yours. he looks so vulnerable right now, so calm and content. it was a rare occurrence if you saw farleigh not gushing out insults left and right. his voice made you shiver, goosebumps lining your skin with each syllable that left his pretty mouth. “i—i don’t want you to go.” farleigh stutters out with a soft sigh in a way that sounded like it was ashamed of admitting it. before you could respond, his lips crash onto yours. his pace is frantic at first then it softens, kisses delicate and slow. farleigh’s hand on your jaw trails around to the back of your head to deepen the kiss. you wrap your arms around his neck instinctively, pulling him close to your body. you could feel his warmth radiating off of yours, it was so sudden. you never expected to be making out with the farleigh start. there’s so many things running through your mind, but they all vanish into clouds as you melt against his soft lips. your stomach flutters rapidly, a slight buzz rising to your head. he grins into the kiss, a shitfaced grin at that. farleigh slips his tongue in your mouth, the subtle taste of liquor on him.
“far—” you whimper through labored breathing. he slows, pulling away from the kiss as he rests his forehead against yours. his hand falters from the back of your head to your neck. “fuck, you don’t understand what you do to me.” you crane up, looking at him with doe eyes. “please stay. just for a little while.” he begs, brows furrowed with worry as he laces his fingers into yours. you swallow, glancing over at the packed suitcase on the floor. you peer back up at farleigh, a small smile tugging on your lips. “please.” he repeats.
“okay,” you breathe out, “i’ll stay for a little longer.”
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starsandhughes · 9 months
Didn't Know What Love Was— Quinn Hughes
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summary: you were somewhat of a cynic when it came to love. you didn't believe in it, and if it was real, you didn't want it. that is, until your best friend sets you up with a certain hockey player named quinn.
warnings: swearing, fade to black smut (like extremely fade to black), fluff
word count: 3.9k+
this is inspired by the song 'didn't know what love was' by kane brown!
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You weren’t expecting to feel this way. 
You didn’t think this feeling was real. 
You’ve said it, you’ve been told it, but all of those instances weren’t real to you. You get to a certain point in a relationship and someone says it first and you think, yeah, I guess that’s what this is. It was nothing like how it was portrayed in the movies, because they were just movies. Movies are fake, so you thought love was, too. It always ended. It always included drama. And then you’d find someone new.
You’ve never been more wrong. 
February 20, 2021
“Mack, have you ever thought of the fact that I’m just not meant for a relationship? It’s all bullshit anyways,” you grumbled. You were laying on your back horizontally on bed with your feet hanging off the edge, settled on the floor. Your best friend, Mackenzie, was once again setting you up on a date. “You’re single now! Find yourself a date!” 
Mackenzie rolled her eyes and sat next to you, “I’m not ready to get back out there! It’s only been two weeks since Jason and I broke up and we dated for seven months. You, however, have been single for almost a year!” 
“You’re only proving my point, Mack!” you said, sitting up. “Relationships end. They’re messy and leave us heartbroken. And maybe the magic blinds you for a while and you get married, but I’ve met more people with divorced parents than married ones. And I’ve seen so many loveless marriages that the couple only sticks together because they wouldn’t know what else to do. I’ve seen couples break up in restaurants. I’ve seen couples fight and scream at a public park.  Love isn’t real. And if it is, I can live without it.” 
Mackenzie looked at you with the most pity filled expression you’ve ever seen. She believes in love. She believes in the shitty romance novels and shitty movies. But you’ve picked up her pieces too many times to even contemplate believing in it. 
“Love is real!” she exclaimed. “How else could people have written sonnets and movies and books and songs about it?”
“People write stuff about monsters, too, but you don’t see any people bursting into flames in the sunlight,” you said. 
“In Twilight they sparkled!”
“I don’t give a shit what they did, they’re still made up,” you laughed. “It’s called fiction for a reason.” 
“You can’t make up a feeling. You can’t make up being so enamored by someone that you miss them so bad it hurts when they’re not with you!” 
“You’re just repeating things you’ve heard in movies about love!” you argued. “You haven’t even been in love. Not truly. You told me so when you broke up with Jason.” 
“So go on this date, and if it all works out, you can tell me what love is. They even call oxytocin the love chemical! You believe in science! And I believe that this guy is the perfect match for you,” your best friend continued to beg. “Think of it as a science experiment.” 
You ended up caving, more so to get Mackenzie to stop begging. It’s not like you were against dating, you’ve had plenty of relationships, but after so many failed ones you stop seeing the point. You could get your needs met without being tied down and risking becoming attached. That’s all that “love” really was. Attachment. Sure, it’s nice to have one person that’s somewhat of a best friend to spend your life with. But adding all of that “girlfriend and boyfriend” stuff to it is destined for failure. And you were done with it. 
When you found him at the restaurant, you were taken back. You’d seen pictures of him so that you’d know who to look for, but he looked so much better in person. His hair looked unbelievably soft, and he somehow made the locks seemingly out of place look perfect. His soft eyes were to die for, and the sleeves of his black shirt rolled up made the veins in his arm visible. All you wanted to do was trace them. 
“Y/N?” the boy asked when he noticed you staring. He stood up to greet you, helping you slip off your jacket to hang on the back of the chair as he pulled it out for you. He waited for you to sit down before taking a seat himself. “I’m Quinn.”
“So I’ve heard,” you chuckled. “I’ve been told that you’re the sweetest guy Mackenzie knows and are bound to change my mind about my stance on relationships.”
“I’ve heard you don’t believe in love,” Quinn countered. 
Your eyes widened, and if you were taking a drink, you would’ve choked on it.
“Wow,” you said amused. “Mack jumped to the nitty gritty then? I take it this means that you do believe in love?”
“I do,” Quinn confirmed. 
“Have you ever been in love?”
“Not yet. But I’ve seen it. My parents have the purest love I’ve ever seen. They spread it to everyone they know and everyone my brothers and I know. They make it hard to not believe in it.”
You couldn’t help but feel soft at his statement. You’ve never heard anyone tell you that they believe in love because of their parents. Hell, you haven’t really had a guy firmly tell you that he believes in love. It was always your girl friends swearing up and down that “the one” is out there. 
“Are you going to teach me how to love, Quinn Hughes?” you said flirtily, placing your hand under your chin.
Quinn reached across the table and grabbed your other hand, “I’m going to show you what a romantic date is supposed to be like. And if you like it, I’ll take you on another. And another. And if we get there, I’ll show you how a real man acts as a boyfriend. And hopefully, along the way, we’ll fall in love. And I won’t say it until I know it’s there.”
“How will you know it’s love?” you asked. He already had you melting at his advances. 
“I’ll know when it’s a feeling I’ve never felt before. I’ll know when it’s a feeling that can’t be described as anything but love. Are you in?”
You bit the inside of your cheek. Quinn was serious. He didn’t want a fling. He wasn’t here to get sex at the end of the night. He was here to see if he can find the real thing with you. He was here for a challenge. 
“I’m in.”
Over dinner you two did the usual small chat about yourselves, but that quickly developed into telling full out stories. It wasn’t awkward with him like it had been on some other first dates. You were strangely very comfortable with him. 
He told you about his summer at his lake house with his family and friends, you told him about your trip to London with your cousins. He told you about how he first met Mack when she was drunk off her ass at a party back when she was still dating Brock, the only ex she ended on good terms with and is still friends with, and you told him about how she was not her drunkest at that party, and that one time you two snuck out of a party to have a lightsaber fight but didn’t have lightsabers so you used traffic cones. 
“You did not!” Quinn laughed. 
“We did!” you shouted over your laughs. You were definitely getting stares, but you didn’t care. “I beat her ass, too.”
“Oh yeah?” he asked, quirking his eyebrow. 
“Oh yeah. I totally had the high ground.” 
Quinn walked you to your car at the end of the night. You two shut down the restaurant, neither one of you desired to leave. You boldly grabbed his hand as you started walking and were relieved when he looped your fingers together in response. 
“Did you have a good time?” Quinn asked you when you arrived at your car. 
“I really did. I’m not sure I want it to end,” you admitted. 
You wanted so badly to ask him to come over. But he told you that he wanted to give you a romantic date, not a pre-sex affair. He’s looking for something real. Something that isn’t just sex. 
“Me either,” he smiled. 
As you two looked at each other, your eyes started flickering from his to his lips. He noticed, but you knew that he was doing the same. 
Your hunger ended when Quinn finally leaned in. His hands slid down your waist and settled on your hips, pulling you closer to him. Yours went up and around his neck, happily content feeling the ends of his hair.
Quinn kissed you in a way that you’ve never been kissed before. It was soft. Sensual. It had you aching for more. The feeling that people describe as “sparks flying?” You were pretty sure this was it. 
The kiss wasn’t rough; it wasn’t filled with primal need. 
It left you breathless. Lightheaded. Warm. 
It was the type of kiss that told you there was more to him. And all you wanted to do was learn. 
“That was—“
“Don’t describe it,” Quinn cut you off in a whisper. He reached his hand out to cup your face, “Just feel it.” 
All you could do was nod your head. You felt your entire body quivering at his touch. 
Quinn smiled and opened up your car door for you, “Tell me when you get home?”
“Y-yeah. I will,” you stammered. You couldn’t stop looking at him. 
“Goodnight, Y/N. Drive safe!”
“Goodnight, Quinn,” you smiled. 
You watched him walk away in your rear view mirror, smiling madly. Quinn left you feeling like a giddy little girl. It was something that no one else has ever done. 
March 16, 2021
You were going on your fifth date with Quinn tonight, and Mack was swearing up and down that Quinn was going to make things official. 
“Y/N/N, trust me!” she said while dramatically shaking you by the shoulders. 
“I want to!” you laughed, shoving her off of you. “I just don’t want to get any hopes up. We’re going out to have a good time and that’s it!” 
“Hopes up you say?” Mack asked as she wiggled her eyebrows. “Does that mean you want Quinn to ask you? Do you, Y/N Y/L/N, WANT a boyfriend just mere weeks after saying you were done with dating forever?”
“I didn’t say forever!” 
“Alright!” she surrendered. “I’m keeping my mouth shut because I don’t want to jinx anything, but just know that I am a very happy girl right now!”
You shook your head at your best friend’s nonsense. Okay, maybe you were hoping what she was saying will turn out to be true tonight, and maybe you were liking the goodnight calls and good morning texts and mid day updates. And maybe you relish in the smile Quinn gives you when you stand at the glass during warm ups at his games while you wear his jersey. And maybe you’ve never felt like this before, and it was making you the happiest you’ve ever been. But you weren’t sure if it was love. Love was still a weary and scary concept for you at this point. But maybe… maybe this is pre-love? Maybe this is the build up. Maybe this is the jump before the fall. 
You weren’t scared of jumping.
Whatever it is, you’re pretty positive it’s too early for love. You’re just now open to the idea of love because of Quinn, so you certainly were skeptical at the notion of “love at first sight.” Although, it’s been a little too long to count as “first sight.” Love at fifth date? Love at hundredth facetime? Call it what you want, but it still felt way too soon. 
You were still doing your makeup when there was a knock at the door, signaling that Quinn was here. 
“Mack, could you—“
“I’m already on it!” she cut you off, rushing down the stairs to open the door. 
You tried to finish up your mascara really quickly, but that only resulted in your dropping it and smearing some across your cheek. 
“Shit?” you heard Quinn ask. You gasped in surprise, and he just laughed as he approached you. He placed his hands on your cheeks and kissed the top of your head before taking a look at you, “Ahh. I see the source of the shit.”
“It’ll wipe off, it’s fine,” you shrugged. “I’ll just need five more minutes?” 
Quinn smiled, “Take all the time you need to feel happy.” 
If you were alone and that was a text, you’d probably be kicking your feet at Quinn’s comment. He didn’t say anything teasing that you take forever, he didn’t use the cliché “you look pretty without makeup” or whatever, he said that he wants you to feel happy with your appearance. You didn’t know why that felt more romantic than a compliment; it just did. He was focusing on your emotions and confidence. He was validating you. Validation and understanding feels a lot more intimate than a compliment about your appearance. 
“I’m ready!” you sing-songed as you climbed down the stairs. 
Quinn was standing at the bottom of the stairs with his hands behind his back and a soft smile on his face. 
You jumped from the fourth step down to the second step. You reached out gently to tilt Quinn’s face towards yours and leaned down to crash your lips against his. You stepped down to the final step to become level with when he deepened the kiss. He released one of his hands to place it at the small of your back in order to draw you in, but the other remained. 
“Whatcha hidin’, handsome?” you asked cheekily. 
Quinn’s other hand quickly whipped around in front of his center and revealed a bouquet of daisies and lavender. You gasped and kissed him quick, taking the bouquet from him and inhaling its sweet scent with a smile after your lips parted.
“They’re beautiful,” you told him. 
“They’re not the only thing,” he whispered. 
“You flirt,” you blushed. 
You both bid your goodbyes to Mackenzie and walked out the door. Quinn rushed slightly ahead of you to open up the passenger door for you before making his way to the driver's seat. It was a quick drive to the mini golf place, and it was filled with you two goofily singing along to the radio. 
When you got there, you were surprised at how many people and families there were. It was a Saturday night, but still. You didn’t know this many people went mini golfing at any given moment. 
You picked out a pink club, and Quinn grabbed a green one. He held out his hand for you to take, and for once, you didn’t feel weird holding somebody’s hand in public. It was a small act, but it was still a big deal for you. You used to do it with previous boyfriends, but that was because you felt like you had to in order to try and feel like you were in a normal relationship. You want to hold Quinn’s hand. You love the way your hand fits in his and how warm his hands are. You love how rough they feel compared to your soft ones. Just this simple action made you feel safe and less overwhelmed by the amount of people. It made you feel like it was just you and him. 
“Ready to lose, Y/L/N?” Quinn taunted you.
“Don’t be so cocky,” you teased back. “I’m a pro at this.”
“You said you haven’t been mini golfing in years!” he pointed out with a laugh. 
“I’m trying to speak me winning into the universe, Quintin!” 
Needless to say, you were terrible, but Quinn gave you two extra puts each round to try and get you more points. It didn’t make much of a difference for how badly he was beating you, but it made you feel good.
“What ever happened to letting the girl win?” you groaned. “Some gentleman you are.”
Quinn softly smiled and walked over to you. Placing his hands on the small of your back, he kissed you gently, “I’m sorry, baby. I just can’t fake sucking.”
You dramatically threw your head back, groaned, then gave him a pout when you looked back at him. Quinn laughed and kissed you again, effectively wiping the pout off your face.
This was also something big for you– kissing in public. PDA. You’ve never done that. You always pulled away or forced the kiss to be a quick peck instead. You were worried about people staring and judging. But not with Quinn. You didn’t care who was around, you wanted them to know that you were happy. 
Unsurprisingly, Quinn won. He cheered with his club in both hands being held above his head, sending you into a fit of giggles. 
“Stop parading around like you just won the Stanley Cup!” you shouted. 
Quinn whipped his head towards you in mock offense. He walked towards you and kissed you again, much more firmly this time, “I’m sorry you sucked.”
“It’s okay,” you chuckled. 
“I do believe me winning deserves a prize!”
“Oh yeah? And what did you have in mind?” you smirked. 
You were expecting his answer to be something along the lines of another kiss or going out for ice cream, but what he said proved your best friend to be correct.
“Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked you softly. He was confident in his question. He had the biggest smile on his face that was filled with so much hope and admiration. 
“I’d love to,” you answered. 
Now Quinn really looked like he won the Stanley Cup. His eyes lit up brighter than you’ve ever seen them, and his smile looked like it hurt. You should know, because your smile was so big that it did hurt. Quinn hugged you so tightly that your feet kicked off the ground and he spun you in a circle. When he put you back down, he kissed you passionately. It was different than every other kiss you two have shared, given that is a small number since this was only your fifth date. This one meant more. This one said more. 
When he walked you to your door and kissed you goodbye, you reached out and grabbed his arm to stop him. He turned around slowly, and you knew that the look in your eyes said all that you wanted to say.
“Are you sure?” he whispered.
Mackenzie was already in her room for the night, much to your relief. You and Quinn kissed all the way up the stairs and into your bedroom. The second your bedroom door closed; clothes began to be thrown off. He threw you on your back onto your bed like it was nothing, then he climbed on top of you and began to pepper kissed up your stomach, through your neck, across your jaw, until he finally reached your lips again. 
“Just tell me if you want me to stop,” he said low.
“Don’t stop,” you panted. “Please don’t stop.”
April 14, 2021
You were pretty sure you were feeling it. No, you knew you were feeling it. 
You were feeling just like the movies and love songs and poems said– you were enamored by Quinn. You missed him so bad that it hurt when you weren’t with him, especially when he was on roadies during the season (you were selfishly glad that it’s over for the time being). You felt like the best version of yourself when he was around. But you were also learning that your definition of love was so much more than that.
“OH MY GOD! I KNEW IT WOULD HAPPEN! I KNEW IT!” Mackenzie screamed when you told her. 
“Alright!” you giggled. “You knew it, you did it, congratulations! Now how do I tell him? Do I wait for him to tell me? What if it goes away and I don’t–”
“Are you sure it’s love?” she cut you off.
“I am. It’s new, and it’s freeing, and it’s–agh! It’s perfect. It has to be,” you said, covering your hands over your face so that she couldn’t see how wildly you were blushing and grinning. 
Mack grabbed your wrists and yanked your hands off your face, “I don’t think that’s going away, babe! Now tell me! The deal was that you’d tell me what love is! Spill it! And don’t quote the movies!”
“I think love is different for everybody. I’m feeling the stuff that they say in the movies and the sonnets and the songs, but it’s so much more than that. Love is… wild. Love is like a never-ending joy ride with the windows down and your favorite songs blaring on the stereo. Love is like that feeling you get in your body when you hear a new song, and it absolutely consumes you to where you heat up and feel like you're vibrating. Love is feeling like you could do the impossible as long as your person is right there beside you. Love can feel like you’re flying.
“But love can also make you feel safe. Love is feeling at home with your person, no matter where you are. You could be in the backseat of a car, but if you were with your person? That could be home for the time being. Love is like that feeling of pride and relief when you deep clean your house for the first time in forever. Love is like sitting by the ocean and watching the waves crash against the sand, and none of the sand ends up in your shoes. 
“Loving Quinn feels like a breath of fresh air. Loving Quinn makes me feel like I finally know who I am and who I could be. Loving Quinn makes me feel alive for the very first time. It’s everything.”
Mack looked like she could burst into tears then and there. You were about to hug her when an all too familiar voice ceased your movements.
“Did you mean that?” 
You turned around so quickly that your head spun. There, standing at the edge of your living room, was Quinn.
“Yeah,” you whispered with a nod. “Every word.”
Quinn rushed towards you and cupped your face, slamming his lips onto yours. You heard Mack clap with glee, but you didn’t care. She was slipping away, and only you and Quinn existed in the world at this very moment.
“I love you,” you breathed when you two had to come up for air.
“I love you,” Quinn echoed. “You described it perfectly. I felt every word. I am helplessly, irrevocably, completely, and utterly in love with you. I’ll never stop saying it. Not now that I know what it means.”
“I didn’t believe in love before you. I didn’t know what love was. It’s you, Quinn. My love is yours, and only yours.”
The smile on Quinn’s face was contagious, but your face was already painted with one. You didn’t expect to fall in love, and you certainly didn’t expect to say it first. Maybe it was fate, maybe it was a god, maybe it was the stars aligning. You didn’t know why, but you did know that you were made to love Quinn Hughes alongside all of the other things you were made for. 
Love was real. And you can’t live without it. And you’re so glad that you learned that. 
reblogs appreciated! it helps spread the fic <3
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fanficimagery · 10 months
The Lost Girl
You just wanted to travel and forget all about the drama you left behind. You didn't expect to fall in with four boys who would become another family. Maybe more.
[Part Two of Three]
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Author’s Note:  This is... terrible. As with everything I've written before, I lost interest in this idea. But since I posted part one, I NEEDED to post a part two. Unfortunately, this then turned into three parts, so I need to start writing that now. Joy -_- Words: 7.6K
In the privacy of the cave that was once a popular resort, you pace around the space as you poke at the burning wound on your shoulder. You can already see the venom from the bite poisoning the flesh around the wound and you grimace. "Fuck."
"What can we do?" Dwayne asks.
Paul and Marko quickly ignite the barrels around the cave as David and Dwayne keep watch over you, and you pull your phone out from your back pocket, sighing with relief when you see you still have two bars of reception. Without meeting anyone's gaze, you find Klaus' contact and call him. The first call goes to voicemail, as does the second, third, and fourth.
"Answer the phone, Niklaus Mikaelson!" You hiss into a voicemail. Then finding Elijah's contact, you call him and sag with relief when you hear him pick up. "Where's your idiot brother?"
"Well hello to you too, Miss Gilbert."
"Elijah, I love you, but now is not the time. I'm on a time limit here. Where. Is. Your. Brother?"
The phone line goes quiet and then, "What happened?"
"A couple of werewolves decided to make camp in territory that doesn't belong to them." There was no beating around the bush. Not if you wanted the cure as soon as possible.
"We're on our way."
"Please hurry."
"Are you in a safe place? Does anyone know what you are?"
"Yeah. My new friends are vampires, but they're different. They're forced to sleep from sunup to sundown."
"Put them on."
"You're on speaker," you say as you press the speaker option.
"To whomever is listening, you need to prepare. YN's health will deteriorate very quickly, and she will hallucinate. She won't know who you are. Do you have a place away from innocent civilians?"
"Yes," David answers. "We're pretty well removed from the humans. At the bottom of Hudson's Bluff, there's an entrance into our home."
"Good. Niklaus and I will get there as quickly as we can. You might want to have chains on hand because YN will either try to harm herself or you. And YN? I know you hate it, but if they sleep while the sun is up, you need to give up your daylight ring so you can't leave."
"Figures." You sigh.
"We'll be there soon."
Elijah hangs up and you place your phone aside on an upturned crate. Pacing once more, you nervously fidget with your daylight ring that Elijah mentioned. You've never felt comfortable parting with it, but you know things are about to get crazy and you can't risk leaving the cave while the boys are sleeping.
"I haven't taken my ring off since it was given to me," you say. Hesitantly, you slip it off and glance at Dwayne. "If you lose it, I will murder you."
Dwayne doesn't even crack a smile, but he does accept the ring when you hold it out for him. He stares at it and then slips it onto his pinky. "You'll get this back as soon as you're cured."
"I know." You smile sadly at him and then meet the concerned gazes of Paul and Marko.
"Do we really need to chain you up?" Paul asks.
"It would be best."
"We're not chaining you up," Dwayne says. "What's the next option?"
"Nothing. If you leave me free, you need to barricade wherever it is you guys' sleep. I don't want to risk flipping my shit and thinking you're all threats when you can't defend yourself."
Marko nods. "We can do that. Anything else?"
"Yeah. Go out and feed. If shit hits the fan when you guys wake up, you're gonna want your full strength."
"We're not leaving you," Dwayne says.
At that, you smile softly. "I'll be fine right now. I'll clean off that mattress over there," you say while pointing to the mattress in question, "and try to get some sleep. It'll start off like a fast-acting flu before the craziness sets in."
Dwayne opens his mouth to retort, but David pulls rank. "She's right. Let's go."
Instead of arguing, Dwayne says, "Fine, but don't mess with that mattress and blanket. We can still access some of the rooms in this place, so we'll find you a better mattress."
As the four boys take their leave, you lay on the sofa and attempt to remain calm. You already know how this is going to go thanks to Rose and Damon being bit by a werewolf before, and you're dreading it.
. .
. .
The boys return hours later- Paul and Marko riding the high of a fuck and feed whereas David and Dwayne have yet to forget what's waiting for them in the cave. They immediately recognize something is off when Paul and Marko go quiet, and then hear Marko hesitantly calling out your name.
David and Dwayne rush into the main room to see you sitting on the couch, hunched over your knees with your hands clasped around your ears. But the moment Marko touches your uninjured shoulder, you snap. You hiss and grab Marko by the throat, moving so fast and pinning him to the couch you were just sitting on.
"Where's my brother?! Who are- what did you do with him?!"
"YN? YN it's me Marko. I don't-"
"Stop lying!"
"Grab her," David says.
Dwayne doesn't waste a second, flying over to you and wrapping his arms around you from behind. You buck and hiss in his hold, and he's surprised by the strength you possess even while injured. "She's burning up," he tells them.
"Holy shit. Have the hallucinations started already?" Paul asks, helping his stunned brother up.
Marko huffs. "Uh, yeah! Do you think any of us have ever met her brother?"
You continue to scream and thrash, and it isn't until David walks in front of you and grasps your face between his hands do you calm down. "YN. You're in Santa Carla, not Mystic Falls. None of us know who your brother is."
He can see when your mind clears, the glaze in your eyes dimming just a little.
"There you are." The blonde smirks as he releases your face. "I think you gave Marko a bit of a scare."
Your gaze darts to Marko who grins at you and then glance down at the arms banded around you. "What did I do?" You ask.
"Nothing much, girlie," Marko assures you. "I was just surprised by your strength."
"You surprised him by pinning him to the couch. You didn't hurt him."
The moment you sag in Dwayne's hold, David instructs Marko and Paul to get your temporary room ready. Dwayne sets you on your feet, but he doesn't let you go. Instead, he sits on the couch and drags you down until you're sitting sideways on his lap.
"Everything hurts," you whine as you settle, resting your head on Dwayne's shoulder. "I just want it to stop."
"What can we do?"
"Nothing. Only the cure will stop it."
"What is the cure?" David asks. "You never said."
You hesitate to answer, but figure they're going to find out soon anyway. "It's Klaus' blood. It's why ninety-nine percent of infected vampires die. They either don't know there's a cure or Klaus refuses to give up his blood."
"So, he has the ability to infect and save a vampire with his bite and blood?"
Shivering, you nod.
"Did he ever bite you?" Dwayne asks. "When you were enemies?"
"No, but he did bite my friend Caroline. And then he saved her because he's in love with her."
Neither say anything and the only noise is that from Paul and Marko who are setting up your space. You continue to shake and whimper in Dwayne's hold, waiting until you can lay down. And then when it's all done, Dwayne stands and carries you over to the mattress.
"Sun's almost up. Do you need anything?"
"No." You curl up, dragging a sheet over yourself. "Just go and barricade yourselves in. If I somehow find you and you manage to wake up, snap my neck. I'll wake up eventually."
"Dibs on snapping-"
"We're not snapping her neck," Dwayne snarls at Paul. "Shut up."
Paul's eyes widen as Marko snickers at his misfortune. You manage a weak smile before letting your eyes drift close, and then the space darkens when the sheets around you are settled in place.
"You think she'll still be alive when we wake up?" Marko asks.
Dwayne stalks off and the boys watch him go. Only when he's out of earshot does David say, "For all of our sakes, those friends of hers better get here soon. I have a feeling Dwayne will brood for a long while if something happens to YN."
"Are mates real?" Paul suddenly wonders. "Because as far as I know, Dwayne and YN haven't even kissed, and our boy is protective and possessive."
David chuckles. "Who knows. Now come on. Sun's here."
As soon as the words leave David's mouth, shafts of sunlight start filtering in, and the boys make a beeline for the tunnel that leads to their own sleeping quarters.
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The moment the sun dips below the horizon and the Lost Boys' eyes snap open, none of them waste another second hanging upside down. They fly down and rush towards the main room but hesitate by the opening of the tunnel to listen for anything out of the ordinary. Nothing seems amiss, so they head on out.
One by one, the vampires spread out with Dwayne heading towards YN's sleeping space. He pulls back the sheets and what he finds has the breath stilling in his lungs. YN lays there, paler than ever with sweat slicked skin. There are dark circles beneath her eyes, and it appears as if she's barely breathing.
"Find her phone. Call her friends. Now!" David barks.
Paul and Marko immediately go on the hunt and Dwayne steps onto the mattress, lowering himself down next to her. "..YN?"
With your peaceful slumber interrupted, your eyes flutter open, but readily fall back shut, and you whine as you register the pain your body is in. "Noooo."
"You gotta get up, sweetheart."
"S'too late. You should go. Don't need to see this." You weakly push at the hand smoothing hair from your forehead. "Go."
Tears gather behind your eyelids, and you manage to open them to get one last look. You sigh at seeing Dwayne's anguished features and then turn your head, only to find David and the others standing where your sheets once hung. "Thank you. For taking me in," you mumble. "I forgot what it felt like to have people treat me with decency."
"You're talking like you're dyin', girlie," Paul muses. "You ain't goin' nowhere. Not if we have any say so in the matter."
You manage a weak smile before you let your eyes fall shut. "If only.."
"Hey. Hey, no. Open your eyes." Dwayne lifts your upper body, moving behind you to cradle you between his thighs and against his chest. "Open your eyes, YN."
"Stop, Dwayne. Please." Being jostled makes you whimper even more. "It hurts too much."
"Your friends will be here soon."
"Will they?" Your head falls back until it's resting on Dwayne's shoulder, and you open your eyes to see him. You weakly reach up, fingers caressing his jaw as you attempt to smile. "We would have annoyed the others so much."
"We still can."
"Maybe in our next life."
"Well, that's a bit dramatic." The boys all hiss at the accented voice and you choke on a sob. "And here I thought your sister Elena was the best actress in the Gilbert family."
"Hello, love. You look unwell."
You frown. "I feel like shit."
"Language, Miss Gilbert."
Your gaze slides to Klaus' left and you smile. "Hello, Elijah."
Elijah smiles at you and then turns his attention to his brother. "Please heal Miss Gilbert so that we may convene elsewhere. No offense to your living situation," he then says while nodding at David.
You snort and then groan, and Klaus finally takes pity on you. He pulls something out of his pocket and then tosses it at Dwayne. "Help her drink that."
Dwayne catches a vial in hand, notices the thick red liquid inside, and quickly uncorks it. He holds the vial to your lips, and you readily drink Klaus' blood. You take a moment to catch your breath afterward, groaning as you push yourself to sit up. "Sooo, that was fun. Let's not do it again." Paul and Marko laugh, and then you twist your upper body a little to look at Dwayne. "Aren't you glad I didn't die?"
"I knew you wouldn't."
"Yeah, yeah. Now help me up. I feel gross and need to go back to my hotel to shower." Dwayne hurriedly climbs to his feet, offering you a hand up. You groan some more, stretching and grimacing now that you're no longer horizontal.
"So, like are you healed now?" Paul asks.
"Pretty much. I just need a good shower, a bite to eat, and to listen to my gut instinct and not follow David into the woods to hunt a goddamn werewolf."
Paul and Marko snicker as Elijah and Klaus turn towards the blonde in question. He lazily smirks, uncaring that the most feared vampire and hybrid are staring him down. "You might have followed me into the woods, but you tackled that wolf off of Dwayne when it had him pinned."
Klaus groans and Elijah shakes his head. "We should have known."
"Oh whatever." You avoid everyone's stare except for Dwayne's. "Thanks for tucking me and not leaving when I said so." You wink at him. "I'll meet you on the boardwalk in half an hour."
. .
. .
It doesn't take you long whatsoever to shower, change, and guzzle down a couple blood bags that Elijah had taken the liberty to retrieve for you.
"Well, you look awfully dressed up for this deranged little town," Klaus says.
You smirk and give a little twirl, the skirt of your dress flaring out just above your knees. "Well, I gotta make up for how I looked just an hour ago."
"You really like this vampire, don't you?" Elijah wonders.
You shrug, suddenly bashful as you hunt down your cropped leather jacket. "I mean, he's nice."
Klaus snorts. "Nice doesn't catch your attention, sweetheart. Try again."
Slipping into your jacket, you quietly groan. "He's.. protective. And mine. And if anyone hurts him or his brothers, I will hurt them back."
When you meet the brothers' stare, you find them both smiling at you.
"It's about time you found someone," Elijah says. "Niklaus and I were starting to worry."
"Of course, you were." Your eyes roll, but you're still smiling fondly. "Now can we go? I also want human food now."
You, Elijah, and Klaus run to the boardwalk, blending in with the nightlife so no one sees you appear from between one blink and the next. The boardwalk brings a smile to your face, especially when the Mikaelson's look so out of place.
It isn't hard to find the Lost Boys since you know their usual hangouts and make a beeline for them leaning against the railing near their motorbikes. There are a few girls hanging around them, Paul and Marko eating the attention up and stringing along the poor girls with eyes for them. David and Dwayne, however, seem wholly uninterested in the two girls vying for their attention and you smile mischievously.
You saunter in Dwayne's direction, making sure to catch his gaze as you only have eyes for him. His eyes seem to pass over you before quickly flickering back and the moment his lips curve into a smile, you laugh. The girl who'd been standing too close in order to speak with him looks in your direction, frowning, but you completely ignore her. You walk right up to Dwayne, hands sliding around his bare waist under his jacket as you lean up on the tips of your toes to capture his lips in a kiss. He smiles against your mouth, immediately kissing you back as his own arms wrap around your waist to pull you against him.
The wolf-whistles and jeers from his brothers do nothing to deter you, nor does Elijah and Klaus' presence.
"Uh, excuse me?" The feminine voice interrupting you makes you mentally snarl.
You pull back and glance at the female for a second. "You're excused."
"We were talking."
"No, you were talking, and he was waiting for me. Now run along, little girl. Your presence isn't needed."
"Y'ow! That was cold, girlie." Paul calls out.
You wink at Paul and then look back at Dwayne. Lifting your left hand, you wiggle your empty ring finger. "I believe you have something of mine."
Dwayne smirks as he pulls your daylight ring off his pinky, sensually sliding your ring back into its rightful place. When it's settled on your finger, you chuckle before chastely kissing him again.
The girl who'd been vying for David's attention is apparently the smartest of the bunch and she readily rounds up her girls to walk off. Paul and Marko mockingly wave at them as they scoff at you still in Dwayne's arms, and you press a kiss to his bare chest before stepping aside and tucking yourself under his arm.
"Well, you're feeling better," David drawls.
"Mhm. Nothing like a little blood to perk one right back up."
The Lost Boys all chuckle but leave it to a Mikaelson to bring your mood back down.
"Well since you're in good spirits," Elijah says and your smile drops.
"Elijah, no."
"Your family is growing impatient with your prolonged absence."
You groan. "Have they gotten Bonnie to track me?"
"Yes, but fortunately I thought about that in advance and have had you under a cloaking spell for quite some time now," Klaus says with a smirk. "They're not very happy with me at the moment."
"They never are," you muse. After a moment, you sigh a little as you lean more into Dwayne. "I'm gonna have to visit, aren't I? Just to shut them up."
"When do we leave?"
"As soon as our witch gets your new friends their daylight jewelry."
Klaus and Elijah smirk as it takes a moment for their words to sink in. And when they do, you jerk out of Dwayne's hold. "Wait, what?! You're getting them-"
Klaus shrugs as if it's no big deal. "It's more for me than it is for you. No one other than Elijah and I know your new friends are a different breed of vampires. It'll be a nice surprise when Damon steps out of line."
You huff a laugh and then face the boys. "Would you guys even be interested in leaving Santa Carla for a bit if the jewelry works?"
"Uh, hell yes," Paul blurts.
Marko eagerly nods, Dwayne shrugs, and David frowns.
"We can't leave Santa Carla unprotected. If we do, other vampires are likely to move in."
"Fear not, I'll have some associates stay behind to make sure that doesn't happen," Klaus says. "And they'll even hunt down the wolf who bit YN, and any others trespassing since I'm assuming you boys run the entire city."
David doesn't seem too impressed, but with Paul and Marko overly eager, you can see that he doesn't want to squash their fun. "Are you sure these daylight rings will work for us?" He asks, looking at Elijah and Klaus.
"Yes. Though we figured rings wouldn't fit your aesthetic, so we have leather bracelets being fitted with the spelled stone. They should be ready in a day or two since the witch has to tweak the spell a bit."
"Well okay then."
"Yes!" You beam. Quickly grabbing hold of Dwayne's hand, you start tugging him away from the group. "So, while you all come up with a plan for our departure, Dwayne and I are going to go for a walk. Near death experience and all that, so I'm feeling a little bit foolish."
Elijah and Klaus immediately scowl, and you wink. "Love you, boys. Don't murder my friends."
Dwayne laughs as you hurriedly tug him away then, disappearing into the crowd of locals and tourists. You drag him past all the rides and booths, heading for a small, darkened pier. You lead him towards the very end, turning your back on the ocean and facing Dwayne as you lean against the railing. "Hi," you muse.
"Hi." He steps closer, caging you against the railing as he leans his head down to press a kiss to your forehead. "Glad to see you're not on death's door anymore."
"Feels good not to be on death's door anymore." You laugh, wrapping your arms around his waist so you're hugging him. "So, are you ready to get out of Santa Carla for a few days?"
"Depends. Do you think these bracelets will work?"
"Yes. The witches aren't dumb enough to double cross the Mikaelson's."
"Mhm. And what should we expect in Mystic Falls? What should I expect in Mystic Falls?"
You slowly grin. "Is this your way of asking if I left anyone behind, Dwayne?"
"God, I love that you're so blunt." You quickly lean up to peck his lips. "And no. I didn't leave anyone behind. I'm older than my sister's friend group, so I didn't go there with any of the boys. I almost had a fling with Damon, but I refused to play into his games when I realized he was doing anything to rile up my sister and his brother. And then there's that whole thing that happened with Caroline, and I've never forgiven him for it. I don't know how my sister managed to look past it."
"What thing?"
"Damon lured Caroline to bed, using her to feed and fuck. Sometimes, he'd show her what he was and practically brutalize her before compelling her to forget and then do it all over again the next night. He pretty much raped her and now my sister believes he's the love of her life."
Dwayne scowls. "She the girl that turned the same night as you?"
"Yep. She knocked him on his ass when all her memories returned, but she was just expected to fall in line and treat him as a friend when all was said and done."
"That's messed up."
"Yeah." You heave a sigh, shrugging. "Their whole friend group is toxic as hell which was the main motivator for me getting the hell out of there. And now I gotta return so they know I'm alive and well, so they can stop blaming Elijah and Klaus for anything."
"If this Damon guy so much as looks at you wrong..."
"Then I give full permission to snap his neck or rough him up some. Just don't kill him because then I'll never hear the end of it."
"No promises."
You laugh and kiss him once more. "Fair enough. Now let's go do some gross couple-y shit and piss off a few humans before we're stuck with your brothers and my family for a week."
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It took nearly two days for Klaus' witch to pull through, delivering the bracelets to your hotel suite that the Mikaelson's had been staying in with you. The three of you then left for the cave where Klaus urged you to wake your friends before the sun set so they could try their bracelets. They'd been none too happy to be woken, but all too eager to try the bracelets once you told them they were done.
Paul, being the guinea pig, put his bracelet on and cautiously held his hand in a ray of sunlight. When his hand didn't smoke or burst into flames, he stepped fully into the light and held his breath before letting out a whoop of delight.
Another perk that came with the bracelet was that once the bracelets had been secured around their wrists, they all noticed that they weren't fatigued by the sun anymore. The lost boys took great pleasure in leaving the cave and standing atop Hudson's Bluff in broad daylight, and then Klaus urged everyone to hurry because Santa Carla was very much beneath him.
While Klaus called some contacts to be stationed around the little town, while also giving them the task of hunting down any werewolf in Santa Carla, you let your hotel know that you'd be gone for a week. Elijah assured the boys they'd have everything once they reached Mystic Falls, and then it wasn't long until everyone was loaded up onto a private jet.
. .
. .
There's a large SUV waiting at the airport just outside of Mystic Falls and you all pile in with Elijah getting behind the wheel. And instead of driving straight to their home, Elijah drives through the town so the boys can see just exactly where it is you came from.
"Everything's so.. clean," Marko muses as he stares out a window.
"I can't believe you grew up here," Paul then adds. "These people aren't gonna chase us out of town with pitchforks and torches, are they?"
You laugh. "Not the humans, but my family and friends will most definitely try."
Klaus points out the Mystic Grill and that it'll be where everyone will make their grand entrance after the boys don appropriate attire. And then it's off to their precious mansion and you take great joy in the boys' impressed expressions upon seeing it for the first time.
"Max's beach house has nothing on this house," Paul says in awe.
"You know where your room is, Miss Gilbert," Elijah says as you enter the foyer of the mansion. And with a lingering stare and then a sigh, he adds, "And if your beau wants to stay with you, that's fine with us." You meet Dwayne's stare and wiggle your eyebrows, earning a smile and nod in return. "As for the rest of you, please follow me so we can get you situated."
"Shower and change," Klaus calls out on his way towards his studio. "The fun begins in one hour."
Dwayne follows you to your room as Elijah shows everyone else to theirs. He walks in behind you, taking in the extravagant room and lavish decor. Dwayne's eyebrow arches. "You grew up like this?"
You chuckle as you open a closet to choose an outfit for yourself. "No. The Mikaelson's are filthy rich compared to everyone in this town. I lived in a much smaller, less fancy house."
"Yet you're completely at home here."
"When you meet my sister and her friends later, you'll understand why I've spent so much time here." You pull out an outfit and turn towards Dwayne. "Now go shower while I get Elijah to deliver whatever clothes he has for you. I'll shower in Rebekah's room."
"Or we can shower together."
"Absolutely not!" You hear Klaus' shout all the way from downstairs.
Laughing, you nudge Dwayne towards the shower and then go in search of Elijah. You ask for Dwayne's clothing to be delivered to your room while you use Rebekah's shower. You hurriedly shower and change, and when you exit you find Rebekah waiting on her bed.
"So who's the riff raff?" She asks.
"Hello to you too, Bex," you muse. At her expectant expression, you say, "They're my new friends."
"Sex friends?" She wiggles her eyebrows.
"Ew. No." You pause a beat and then, "Well.."
"I knew it. Which one is it?"
"Dwayne. He's showering in my room so I don't think you've seen him. And unfortunately, there's been no sex. Not yet at least."
She grins. "Where did you meet them?"
"Santa Carla. It's where I've been staying and plan to stay now," you admit. "They, uh, they're vampires. Not our kind, but the kind that look truly monstrous when their faces change. And they can fly."
"Well, that's interesting."
"Not as interesting as the fact that we're not telling anyone what they are unless they have to intervene in some drama."
Rebekah's eyes light up and you laugh at her sudden interest. "So what's the plan?"
"We're all going to the Grill just so everyone can see that I'm alive and well, and that your brother isn't keeping me in a dungeon somewhere. We'll probably be here for a week before we go back to California."
"Excellent. We're having a party."
"Can it be one of those fancy parties?" You startle at the voice, turning to see Paul and Marko standing in the doorway. "We really want to see YN in a poofy dress."
"Absolutely not."
"Ohhhh. A ball!"
You sigh, knowing it's a losing battle. You glare at your friends, but then take a moment to take in what you're actually seeing. Without the dirty jeans, mesh shirts, and tattered jackets, the boys actually look pretty decent. Marko kept his hair the same, but you were surprised to see Paul's hair in a messy bun. Both wore stylish ripped skinny jeans, band tees, and Doc Martens. "You boys clean up well."
Marko smirks. "You should see David."
When your brain reboots, you hurriedly step into your own shoes before rushing down the stairs with the laughing boys behind you. You find Elijah and David in the kitchen, most likely drinking blood from a mug since Elijah made it clear there was no killing within the town limits, and gape. David stands there in a burgundy dress shirt with the top two buttons left open, a black winter peacoat with its collar popped, fitted jeans, and brown boots.
"Keep staring like that and Dwayne will get jealous."
Your jaw clicks shut and then you can't help but laugh. "Enjoying the fresh clothes?"
"It's better than using the clothes of our victims."
You catch sight of Rebekah's nose wrinkling and you laugh. "Yeah. Definitely better than stealing from the dead."
You properly introduce Rebekah to David, Paul, and Marko, and let them chat as she asks to see their vampire face. Paul happily obliges and even the blonde Original is impressed with the difference between your breed of vampires. Klaus soon joins the group, and you're all enjoying warmed up blood from the fridge when you see Dwayne enter from the corner of your eye.
Turning to face him, your gaze sweeps along him from head to toe. He's in a white dress shirt that's been left unbuttoned to the middle of his chest, sleeves rolled up to his elbows, snug faded jeans resting on his hips, and black boots adoring his feet. His hair has been pulled into a ponytail, only on the last loop through he didn't pull his hair all the way through and left the strands trapped so it's all hanging above his neck still.
And holy hell does he look good.
"Maybe telling you boys to shower was a mistake." Rebekah snorts at your ogling and you snap out of it before making your way to Dwayne. "Hi." You kiss his cheek. "You look nice."
"Right back at 'ya."
"As bloody adorable as you two are," Rebekah says, "can we go? It's been a while since I've annoyed your friends."
"Yeah, yeah. Let's go."
Rebekah isn't too keen on squishing herself between two strangers, so she takes her own vehicle. And not wanting her to drive alone, you grab Dwayne's hand and lead him along until you're pushing him towards the backseat of her car while climbing into the passenger seat yourself. He's quiet on the drive, but listens as Rebekah asks you about your travels.
When Rebekah finally parks at Mystic Grill, you get out and immediately wrap your hand around Dwayne's. You're giddy as you get closer to the front entrance, ignoring Rebekah's teasing. Then upon entering the establishment, you scan the place for Elijah or Klaus or the other boys. And a moment later, Paul's eager waving from the back catches your attention.
Rebekah saunters her way through Mystic Grill while you and Dwayne follow. They've pushed three tables together with Elijah and Klaus sitting on either end. Paul and Marko are sitting across from each other, closest to Klaus, and David is sitting near Elijah. Rebekah chooses the seat across from David, closest to Elijah, which forces you and Dwayne to sit across from one another instead of side by side.
Elijah tells the table to order whatever they want, and there's a mad scramble for the menus when a handful are dropped off.
You glance up and over your shoulder, and smile politely at the blonde haired, blue eyed ex-boyfriend of your sister. "Hey, Matty. Long time no see."
He smiles, but then that smile falters when he notices the company you're keeping. "Are you, uh, are you good?"
"Never been better," you muse. "And you?"
"It's Mystic Falls." He shrugs. "You know how it is."
"Yeah. I do."
A beat passes and then Matt clears his throat. "So what can I get everyone to drink?"
Elijah, Klaus, and David all get bourbon, Rebekah and Dwayne get sweet tea, Marko gets lemonade, and you and Paul order Coke.
As Matt takes his leave, Rebekah starts to chuckle. "Well if your sister didn't know you were in town, she will now."
"I know," you groan. "I know we're here to ruffle some feathers, but I was hoping we would be able to eat in peace."
"Are they really that bad?" Marko asks.
You shrug. "If Damon wasn't involved, it would be tense but a decent time. But since Damon will be involved, he'll do his best to antagonize one or all of the Mikaelson's. Maybe even you guys since you're new and friends of mine."
"Well we do love some good verbal spars." Paul wiggles his eyebrows and you playfully roll your eyes.
Matt soon returns with the drinks and then takes everyone's order. Elijah and Klaus don't want any food, but all the lost boys order cheeseburgers and fries whereas you and Rebekah opt for chicken wraps and a basket of cheese fries each.
You barely have a moment to relax before your name's being called again and you mentally groan. Turning in your seat, you plaster on a friendly smile. "Hey, sis."
Elena stands there, happy yet anxious as she takes in those you're sitting with. "When did you get in?"
As she takes a step closer, you stand and awkwardly hug her. "Earlier today," you say. "Made some friends and what not, and thought I'd show them where I grew up."
"So you picked up some stragglers and thought it was a good idea to show them where you live?"
Your gaze slides to the right and you sigh. "Lived. Past tense. And hello to you too, Damon."
Damon smirks, blue eyes sparkling with a little malice as Elena stammers. "L-Lived? What are you talking about?"
You shrug. "Mystic Falls isn't that great of a fit for me anymore, so I found a place that was."
"So where do you live now?"
"Out of state."
"YN." Elena frowns. "I don't really think-"
"Drop it, Elena." You shake your head at her. "I'm the older sister here. If I wanna settle elsewhere, I will."
Elena frowns, but wisely shuts her mouth, and Damon gestures to the side with his head. "As adorable as this squabble is, maybe we should take this outside. Family business and all."
"Funny. Last I checked, you are a Salvatore and these two lovely ladies are Gilberts," Elijah drawls.
Damon's smirk falls. "Stay out of it, Mikaelson."
Paul and Marko snicker as David and Klaus grin, but Dwayne is watching the conversation rather closely.
You roll your eyes with a sigh and stand up. "Whatever. I'm not going outside though. I'm starving and Matt will be back with our food any minute now."
You walk towards the hallway where the bathrooms are, leaning against the wall. Elena and Damon are on your heels, and they don't waste a second laying into you.
"What the hell, YN? You disappear for a year and then come back, only to let me know you're not even living here anymore?" Elena says.
"We're not children anymore. I don't have to run my relocation past you."
She gapes. "Well, no, but-"
"But nothing."
"Knock off the attitude," Damon says through gritted teeth. "We get that you think you're important because the Mikaelson's are manipulating you, but enough is enough. It's time to stop playing nice with the enemy and come home to your family like a good little girl."
You hiss in Damon's direction, taking a step towards him. "Last I checked, you're not family. Shut up and wait outside like the good little lap dog you are."
Before you can blink, a hand is around your throat and you're being shoved back into the wall. "Careful, YN. I might not be able to make your life difficult with the Mikaelson's, but you brought four brand new, very fragile guys into the mix."
"Damon, stop."
"I'll have no problem picking them off one by one until you behave."
Instead of rising to the bait, you slowly smirk at him. "I'd like to see you try."
"Am I interrupting?"
You, Elena, and Damon turn towards the open end of the hallway, and you smile at the sight of Dwayne. A very tense Dwayne. "Hi, baby," you coo. "And no, you're not. Is our food at the table?"
"I'll be right there." Dwayne glares at Damon before giving you a nod, and then he turns to walk away. As soon as he's out of sight, you reach up and grab onto Damon's wrist, yanking his hand from your neck and snapping his wrist. He hisses in pain and Elena gasps. "Touch me again and it'll be your neck I snap next," you snarl.
He sneers right back at you. "You have a weakness. Good to know."
"You go after him and I will fucking kill you," you suddenly seethe, fangs elongating in your sudden spike of anger. Then looking at your sister, you say, "If any of my friends are hurt by the hands of your little boy toy, we are done. For good. And given what we are, dear sister, that's a long time to have no contact with your only sister."
Elena sadly shakes her head. "You've changed."
"You're damn right I have. You and your enemies made me into the person I am today. I am done being talked down to and being walked all over. You have a problem, fix it yourself. Stop playing the woe is me card and deal with your life as it is. You wanted to lay with vampires? Well congratulations, Elena, you're laying with vampires and dealing with all the issues that come with the life you chose."
"I didn't want this!"
"Of course you did," you drawl. "Otherwise you would have turned the other way when Stefan let the vampire secret out of the bag. Now if you'll excuse me, I got a meal to eat and friends to show around."
You slam your shoulder into Damon on your way out of the hall, shaking your head in amusement when you catch sight of every Mikaelson and lost boy already staring at you. Paul has moved next to Marko, leaving the spot next to Dwayne empty for you.
"You good?" Dwayne asks as soon as you sit down.
"Peachy." Under the table, Dwayne pulls your chair closer to his and lays a hand rather possessively atop your thigh. You grin. "Now can we eat? I'm starving."
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The first night back in Mystic Falls is fairly quiet. Your only run-ins were with Damon and Elena, but you did get text messages from Jeremy, Caroline, and Bonnie. Your brother and friends seem excited to know you're back in town, but explain their surprise with your sudden move. Jeremy tries to not so discreetly discover where you're now living, but you don't give up the location. You just tell them all that you're happy and you rather not say where you're living because Damon will do anything and everything to drag you back to Mystic Falls the moment something displeases Elena.
And the fact that none of them argue your point lets you know that they completely understand.
You and Rebekah then got to show the boys Mystic Falls at night, letting them see just how drastically different your hometown is compared to Santa Carla.
The boys, thankfully, don't cause any issues and your first night is easy.
Your second day in Mystic Falls, however, is proving to be testing your patience.
"I. Do. Not. Want. A. Birthday. Party."
"Too bad." Rebekah smirks. "We're throwing you one."
"You're my least favorite Mikaelson." Turning around, you sigh and pout. "Elijah, tell your sister no party."
"Sorry, Miss Gilbert. No can do."
"You're no fun. Klaus?"
Klaus merely smirks, attention never wavering from the canvas he's been painting his next masterpiece on.
"So, is this going to be a party party? Or a fancy party? I was digging those poofy dresses I saw in YN's phone," Paul muses.
Rebekah gasps as she perks up, and you groan. You'd hope they'd forgotten about that.
"No ball!" You snap. "I can deal with pretty dresses and suits, but nothing too fancy."
Rebekah immediately pouts, but she gives in fairly easily. "Fine. Then I'm inviting anyone and everyone."
"And your boys have to wear suits."
"Duh. If I'm dressing up, so are they."
"And cutting their hair."
"Absolutely not."
"Yes." Rebekah scowls. "Mullets are gross."
You shrug. "I don't disagree, but Marko and David somehow manage to pull it off."
"They need to go."
"Nope. Paul and Dwayne can do with a trim, but you're not touching the mullets."
"They're gross."
"It's their style."
Both you and Rebekah, who'd managed to end up toe to toe in your back and forth, turn to look at her brothers. But instead of just finding the two of them, you find the lost boys watching along with amusement dancing in their eyes.
You and Rebekah both roll your eyes then, huffing simultaneously, which earns laughter in return.
"So, are we talking a live band or a DJ?" She then asks, ignoring all the men in the room.
"DJ, definitely."
"Anything small that can be eaten by hand."
As you and Rebekah walk off to plan, Elijah stares at the boys and stands. "Well since we're throwing a party, we must be fitted for new suits. Let's go, boys."
Paul whoops, but his delight only lasts as long as it takes for Klaus to remind him that he has to get his hair trimmed.
. .
. .
After spending the day planning a party with Rebekah and brainstorming what kind of dress you're looking for, you can finally call it a night after Klaus tells you not to wait up. Both he and Elijah have kept the boys out and about, none of them complaining because they're still awed about being able to be walking around in the sunlight annoying people that Klaus doesn't care for.
After showering and slipping into a tank top and pajama shorts, you lay in bed while scrolling through social media. You hear when all the men/boys return and can't help but smile when you hear Elijah's exasperation with his brother over telling a rather bawdy joke to your friends.
Then it isn't long until Dwayne enters your room and you put your phone down as he takes a clothing bag to hang in the closet. "Have fun?" You muse.
He gives you a deadpan look over his shoulder and you laugh. Dwayne then toes off his boots, sliding into the bed next to you with a quiet groan. "You know, I always wondered what it'd be like to have money." He drapes his arm over your stomach, dragging you closer to him so his nose is pressed to your temple as he breathes you in.
"It's insane. Klaus was compelling everyone to get what he wanted, but Elijah was just dropping bills left and right without a care in the world."
You turn your head and kiss the underside of his jaw. "No drama?"
"We ran into that Damon guy and his own brother. They kept dropping not so subtle hints that Elijah and Klaus were dangerous individuals, and he wouldn't be surprised if our bodies were found in the woods sooner rather than later."
You snort with laughter. "And what did you guys say in return?"
His lips twitch. "Klaus pretended to compel us all, fed off Paul, and told them to mind their business. I thought that Stefan guy was about to blow a vein when Damon gritted his teeth and mentioned that we were important to you."
"Please tell me Klaus' bite didn't poison Paul," you grumble.
"Nah. That was the only upside of the night. We found that a werewolf's bite doesn't affect us like it did you. Elijah's impressed and is going to look into our breed of vampire."
"Well that's good, I guess. Did everyone get fitted?"
"Yeah, we're all good."
"Good." You scoot up and kiss square on the lips. "Now go shower and change into something more comfortable than jeans. I'm in the mood for some cuddles."
Dwayne grins and kisses you again, lingering a little longer and leaving you breathless after scraping his fangs along your bottom lip. "Just cuddles?"
"Hmm? No," you answer in a bit of a daze. "Definitely not. Now hurry up."
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retrosabers · 5 months
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eddie munson x fem!reader
summary: sometimes you and eddie’s banter can take a bit of a turn
warnings: allusions to smut, swearing
word count: 1.3k
a/n: this is a very small little something to ease myself back into writing. let me know if you would be interested in a second part! :)
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“cut the shit munson.” you spit from your place at the other end of the drama room. “you don’t intimidate me.”
eddie laughs, a cynical sound that rumbles from deep within his chest. the boy smirks, and you have to fight the urge to jump across the table and smack him.
“oh really?” he leans back in his throne, spreading his legs wide. “then why are you standing all the way over there?”
you roll your eyes, poking your tongue into your cheek. his arrogance was unyielding, and it seemed especially true when he was in his element like this. eddie was always one for theatrics, even more so after a session of his beloved dungeons and dragons.
it was so irritating.
eddie cocks his head to the side, eyeing you in a condescending way. with a narrowing gaze, you slowly saunter over to his seat, eyes never leaving his. the smirk on his face intensifies. like he had you right where he wanted.
there’s always been a cat and mouse game between you and eddie. a competition to see who could push each other’s buttons the most. your friends nagged you both about the tension that so obviously lingered in the air, but you could never tell if it was from a growing dislike, or just the opposite.
whether eddie was a thorn in your side or the apple of your eye, you would never give him the satisfaction of letting him win. ever. especially in this moment.
the boy props his foot against the edge of the table, and pushes it back. the squeaking sound startles your ears, and eddie can’t help but be amused at the way you flinch. you gracefully slip past him and lean against the table’s edge. you’re situated right between his legs with a sharpness in your eyes that makes his head spin.
“i don’t have all night eddie.” you say with a bit more venom than intended. it was a long and stressful day, and you had been running around campus like a maniac looking for your chemistry notes only to find out the biggest pain in your ass had stolen them after first period.
“relax princess,” he reassures with mock concern. the pet name sets your skin ablaze and he takes note of the way your fists curl around the table’s edge when he says it. “got it right here.”
he reaches behind him for the worn out red notebook.
you scoff. “funny how you would steal my notes for the one class you and i both know you’re not gonna pass.”
he dramatically places his hands over his heart, your notebook pressed against the logo of his hellfire shirt.
“ouch. you’re killing me over here.”
“a girl can dream,” you quip back, lunging to grab your notes so you can just go home. of course, he’s quicker than you, and tosses the journal back onto the table right as you swing foward.
you lose your balance and quickly brace yourself on the arms of the throne. you glance up and find the darkest of chocolate brown eyes boring into yours. your breath hitches in your throat involuntarily, causing eddie to break out a shit eating grin.
“so you do dream about me.” he replies with a cockiness that’s surprising even for him. you’re close enough that you can smell the faint aroma of tobacco on his breath and you can really see the length of his lashes. god, why was eddie munson so pretty? the realization makes your stomach flutter, churning with a feeling that’s never been associated with him before.
but then you remember that it’s eddie, and eddie’s only trying to see you cave before he does. you’re the only person he can rile up like nobody’s business and the feeling is more than mutual. you’ve got each other in equally vulnerable positions; it’s just a matter of who’s facade is going to crack first.
“you’re right.” you admit, your voice far more sheepish than he’s ever heard. it’s bordering submissive, something eddie’s not sure anyone has ever seen from you before. the notion goes straight to his crotch.
the corner of his mouth twitches. it eggs you on.
“i dream about you a lot.” your voice is barely above a whisper as you lean in even closer, palms planted firmly on either side of eddie. a cage of sorts that he’s seemingly fine with being trapped in.
you notice the way he’s fully leaning back now, removing his arms from beside yours to tuck them behind his head. it gives you a peak of some of his other tattoos, and a new angle of his biceps that will likely be the subject of your thoughts for the rest of the day.
“oh yeah?” he asks, voice an octave lower than before. “tell me about it.”
you tug your bottom lip between your teeth and eddie has to fight the urge to close the gap. your lips are nearly touching, hot breath fanning over each other’s cheeks as you feign innocence.
“we’re always in bed.” you continue, eyes flicking over eddie’s form. you can see the way he’s breathing a little faster, and you can definitely see the tent forming in his jeans. you look back up at his eyes and his pupils are nearly black.
you boldly dance your fingers up his torso. “sometimes you’re on top, sometimes i am.”
eddie prays you miss the way his cock twitches at the thought. he doesn’t want to imagine the ridicule he would face if your friends found out. it’s exactly what you’re aiming for.
in an effort to get his mojo back, he gently cups your jaw, tracing the outline of your cupid’s bow with his thumb. he moves it down to pull back your bottom lip, watching with intent eyes as the plush flesh snaps back into place.
heat pools between your legs, threatening to put a crack in your plan that’s very clearly working. but god, there’s such a satisfaction at watching eddie be wrapped around your finger, so entranced by whatever your next move is. you’ve gotta keep the upper hand.
“the best part though” you tease with a wicked grin, ghosting your lips over his.
eddie hums. he raises his brows defiantly, like he’s daring you to confess that you’ve been thinking about him the way he thinks about you. he doesn’t care if this is some stupid fucking back and forth. he wants to hear you say it.
when your hand trails back down and brushes over his crotch, he nearly loses it. you lean in beside his ear, offering a low sultry whisper. the boy’s eyes flutter shut, preparing for whatever’s coming next.
“is when i get to stick a pillow over your face.”
his eyes shoot back open in an instant.
you look like the cat who caught the canary. a devious, cheshire-like smile on your face as you slowly back away from him with your notebook in hand.
“smooth,” he deadpans, folding his arms over his chest in an attempt to distract from the now very obvious boner he has.
“sorry, sweetheart,” you mock him, returning to your original place at the other end of the room. “i’ve gotta fly.”
in a bold move, he asks, “does this mean i should swipe your stuff more often?”
your bravado falters for a moment at his question. then, it returns tenfold.
“you’re gonna have to find out.”
you saunter out of the drama room with a teasing salute, picking up your bag from it’s place by the door. eddie, flustered yet scorned, laughs out into the empty room. the sound reverberates off the walls and the empty soda cans still scattered on the table.
two can play at this game. you may have won this round, but there was plenty more coming .
he was so going to get you back.
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thanks for reading! <3
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flowersandbigteeth · 1 year
Claimed by your bear mate
General Plot: Your dad is having some money trouble and your best friend is there for you.
Word count: 4K
Bear (Hugo) x female reader
W: angst and drama with a happy ending, nsfw werebear smut, vaginal and oral sex, some violence and attempted kidnapping, soft yandere vibe
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“I’ve told you a million times you need to get this replaced or the roof is going to cave in,” your best friend Hugo grumbled as he smacked the post that held the roof of your back patio up. 
Rotten wood rained down on the two of you and he raised his eyebrows and cocked his head. 
“Well of course it is, if you keep smacking it,” you growled, chasing him away from the post. This was very hard to accomplish as he was an nine foot tall werebear who weighed probably just under a ton.
His pretty russet fur sparkled in the afternoon sunlight and his light brown eyes bore down on you, while his muzzle wrinkled.
“Ugh, you’re so stubborn,” he growled, “you have a hard head, you know that?” 
“Hugo, I hear what you’re saying, but I can’t afford to replace the thing. I’ll just have to leave it as long as it will hold up. So stop banging on it!” you argued back. 
“You’ve never listened to a thing I’ve ever told you!” he snapped. 
You’d known Hugo since you were kids. He’d lived next door to you. He’d been a teenager when you were a little kid. He was the first person other than an adult you’d met when your family moved in and you got attached immediatly.
You’d never seen a werebear before and were convinced at 8 that he was your personal giant teddy bear put on Earth exclusively for you to cuddle. From that summer on you followed him around like a puppy to his annoyance, but he still bought you ice creams and made his friends put out their cigarettes around you. 
“I am listening! I told you I can’t afford it. You aren’t listening to me!” you snarled back. 
There was a whine and a crack and just as he predicted the roof caved in. Hugo had just enough time to grab you and pull you to safety before the whole thing collapsed. 
“See? I told you this would happen,” he said, still holding you against his furry chest, “what if I hadn’t been here?” 
“Hugo,” you scoffed, “you knocked it down with those massive hands of yours!” 
“Of course I did!” he said, “now I can rebuild it.” 
“I keep trying to tell you I can’t afford that right now!” you sighed in exasperation. 
“Then don’t pay me,” he grumbled, “before you start with me there’s no point in arguing, I’m going to come do it anyway and since when do you have money problems?” 
“It’s not really that bad,” you said, “they just reduced my hours at the factory so I don’t have extra for stuff like this.” 
“You should have told me, I could spot you for a while.” 
“Hugo, you’re my friend, I’m not going to ask you for money, that’s ludicrous!” you said. 
“See? Hard headed. Stubborn. You’re like a little ox!” he huffed. 
You suddenly realized he was still holding you and blushed reflexively. He was warm, his fur was soft, and he usually smelled like cedar wood and pine from his work as a carpenter. 
“Come on inside, there’s nothing we can do right now. Let me make you a sandwich,” you grumbled back, pulling away from him. 
He followed you in and a few minutes later you passed him four peanut butter and honey sandwiches cut into triangles. Hugo was a big grump but he loved honey and if you wanted to put him in a good mood it was the best cure. 
Peacefully munching on his sandwiches he explained to you what kind of roof he was going to put on your new patio and you smiled at how much you liked having him around.
“(Y/N)?! You home?!” 
Your dad’s voice echoed through your house and Hugo winced. 
“In the kitchen!” you called and he appeared a moment later, glaring when his eyes focused on Hugo. 
“You’re still hanging around with this animal?” he snarled. 
“Dad,” you groaned, “can we please not do this, this time? Hugo is a person just like you and me, just like all of the other Fairyfolk in the world.” 
“They don’t belong here!” 
“Stop it! Not in my house! Why are you here, dad?” you snapped. 
He schooled his features and you knew the ask was coming. You hardly saw your father unless he needed money. 
“I’m not doing so good sweetie,” he said, “got in a little trouble playing cards.”
You rubbed your eyes. 
“How much do you need this time?” you asked blandly. 
“Not much…just to get me by until this thing I got going pans out…5…6 thousand at most.” 
Your mouth dropped. 
“6 thousand dollars?!” you gasped, “dad, I don’t have money like that!”
“You’ve got good credit, you bought this house. Can’t you take out a personal loan?” 
“Dad, I bought this house with money grandma left me.” 
You were hardly surprised your grandmother didn’t tell him about the inheritance that was skipping a generation and going directly to you. 
“Then you owe me! I can’t believe that old bat gave you this whole house and didn’t leave me a thing! I swear, she always did hate me!” 
Feeling a little guilty that your grandmother had made it no secret what she thought of her drinking, gambling son, you walked across the kitchen to where you kept some cash for emergencies.
You fished the roll of wrinkled twenties you’d saved in a jar until it added up to a small chunk you kept in the house in case the grid went down or something insane like that happened and you had to deal in cash. It was a silly thing to be paranoid about, but you still had it. 
“Look, I can give you 5 or 6 hundred, but that’s all the emergency savings I’ve got.” 
Hugo growled. 
“Put that back,” he ordered, “you’re not giving him a dime.” 
Your mouth dropped open looking at him. Hugo had never liked your parents, but he’d never interjected directly. 
“This is a family matter,” your dad hissed, “get the fuck out.” 
“I’m not in your house,” Hugo said and took another bite of his sandwich, licking honey off of his fingers, “and it’s disgraceful that you’re here begging for money from your daughter for gambling debt! You should be a-fucking-shamed.” 
Deep down your father probably was ashamed, which is why he lashed out. 
“(Y/N) as your father I am telling you to get this animal out of here! He’s nothing but a flea bitten piece of shit no one wants!” 
Hugo stood up and looked down at the human man that barely came up to the top of his chest. 
“You gonna throw me out, human?” he asked, picking him up by the back of his neck and carrying him effortlessly like a naughty puppy out your front door, before locking it and returning. 
You leaned against the wall, pushing out a heavy breath. 
“God, I hate when he does that,” you groaned, “I want to help him, but it never ends!”
Hugo leaned against the same wall and looked down at you. 
“You were going to give him $600? How much money have you already given him?” he demanded. 
You looked to the side a little ashamed, tears pricking your eyes. 
“Oh I don’t know,” you said, trying to minimize it, “just a few hundred dollars here and there.” 
“(Y/N), I’ve known you long enough to know when you are lying, how much?” he asked again. 
You looked up at him and a tear slipped past your cheek. 
“Over the past year? Maybe ten thousand…but not all at once…it just added up,” you muttered. 
Hugo drew in an annoyed hiss. 
“You can’t even keep your house up! You can’t afford to do this…so what? He can just throw it all away while everything you’ve worked for falls apart?” 
Tears tumbled down your cheeks and you hid your face in your hand. 
“I know! I know!” you sniffled, “it’s just he’s my dad…how do I say no when he says he’s going to be out on the street? He has my mom calling me begging, talking about how there’s nothing in the fridge!” 
You let out a loud sob and Hugo felt horrible that he’d gone too far in his lecturing. He never wanted to make you cry. 
“Come here. I can’t stand it when you cry,” he said, pulling you into his big warm arms and holding your head to his chest with his massive hand. 
He just rocked you in his arms for a while, letting you breathe in his woody scent. When your sobs had slowed he wiped your cheeks with the thick pads of his hands. 
“I know you love him honey cake, but you can’t keep doing this,” he said, “people who care about you don’t drain you dry.” 
You nodded conceding his point, though you weren’t sure you could hold yourself to that. Your dad had his ways of bullying you. Usually he’d have your mom call you later and tell you a sob story about how she needed something or another…a car repair or something you couldn’t say no to. 
Hugo scooped you up like nothing and carried you to your living room, laying you down on the couch. 
“You take a nap, I’m going to go over to the lumber yard and pick up some stuff for your patio,” he said. 
You opened your mouth, but he held up his hand. 
“Pointless,” he said, “this is happening. Go to sleep.” 
He brushed the fuzzy knuckles of his clawed hands over your eyes so gently, pushing them shut. You sank back into the couch knowing it would be fruitless to argue. Hugo almost always got his way. 
You woke in the middle of the night. You were only aware it was night because it was dark when your front door was kicked in. 
Startled, you hopped up to see two large dark figures bending down to shove their huge forms through the opening. 
In the dim light spilling in from your kitchen you saw they were orcs! They were a clean looking pair, wearing expensive tactical gear with neat haircuts. 
“Well this is convenient, the scrap is right here,” one of them chuckled, smacking the other in the chest and pointing at you. 
You screamed and hopped over the couch, bolting for the backdoor but when you got there it was stuck. The damn debris from the rotten porch was blocking it. Panicked, you scrambled around your kitchen for a weapon, grabbing a knife. 
“There’s no use fighting, scrap,” one of them called to you as they stomped slowly through the house, not at all in a hurry, “your daddy already made the sale. There’s nowhere to run. You belong to the boss.” 
You couldn’t process his words, trying to figure out if you could fit out of the window over your sink. Your body was hanging halfway out of it when they dragged you back in by the ankles. 
You screamed in pure terror as the orc easily knocked the knife from your hand and wrapped his thick hand around your neck. A moment later there was a rumbling that sounded like a freight train and your entire kitchen wall caved in. Your eyes were like saucers, trying to peer through the dust at the enormous figure panting in the settling debris. 
“Hugo?” you wheezed as the familiar form of the bear slowly materialized. 
He didn’t wait to lose his advantage, though, and with surprising speed attacked the orc holding you. The orcs were big, but he was ferocious and he cared quite a bit more about you than they did. Faced with an almost ton bear bearing his teeth and claws, the orc dropped you immediately to defend himself. The other orc tried to help his friend and they all went down in a pile of green elbows and fur. 
You couldn’t stop screaming, terrified of what would happen if they overpowered Hugo. That didn’t seem to be as concerning as you thought when he grabbed one of them by the ankles and threw him into the other one. You heard bones crack as the two of them flew through the drywall that separated your kitchen from your living room, breaking all the furniture in their way to splinters. 
Feral and bloody, Hugo held out his hand to you. 
“Come with me,” he snapped.
You didn’t hesitate, practically climbing him to get to his shoulders and wrapped your arms around his wide neck. He dashed back out of your house through the hole in the wall, bouncing you in his arms, and jumped in the driver’s side of his truck.You were too panicked to wonder why his truck was oddly parked just out of view of your front window, not in your driveway as it would have been if he were visiting. 
He pulled out onto the street and you panted into his chest, trying to slow your racing heart. 
“Wh-what…what was that? They said something about my dad and a sale, Hugo what did they mean by that? What’s going on? Who were those people?” 
You were panicking, speaking rapidly and hyperventilating. 
“Shhh, shhh,” he said, petting your head with one hand with the other on the wheel, “I have a hunch, but first we need to go to my father and deal with this.” 
You had no idea what he meant by that, but just went limp in his arms, exhausted and running out of adrenaline. He roused you in front of his family’s house. Not the small one he and his parents had lived in next to your childhood home, but the big one his dad bought later that supported the bear pack.
Bears weren’t natively a pack species, but prejudices between humans and fairyfolk drove most were-people into odd miss matched packs for safety and community. Hugo’s dad, Riker, was the alpha and he would take over someday when his dad retired if he passed the largely ceremonial vote. They were far more egalitarian than, for example, a wolf pack, but just as loyal.
He’d always been nice to you when you’d met him, but you didn't see him very often, probably since you were a teenager. He didn’t bother banging on the door when he entered, his father had already heard him coming and was standing in the front room turning on the light when Hugo carried you in. 
“What’s going on, son?” he asked, squinting his eyes as they adjusted to the light. 
He looked just like his son with russet fur, on the more reddish side and light brown eyes, but he had streaks of silver and white running through it. 
“Her father fucking sold her,” he snarled, cradling you to his chest like you were a rescued puppy.  
Riker frowned and blinked at you, trying to remember who you were.
“(Y/N)?” he asked, “goddess, you were just a little thing the last time I saw you. You’ve grown so much. No wonder Hugo is always going on about you…” 
He shook his head and waved you all into the living room. As his dad handed you all small glasses of scotch to calm you down, Hugo explained how he saw the situation. Your dad had come looking for money earlier in the day, saying he had gambling debt. The same night, orcs break into your house implying he sold you. It was all pretty cut and dry when he spelled it out like that. 
“Wait…what were you doing outside my house?” you asked as it suddenly occurred to you that he had appeared just in time. 
“I’m always at you- I- I mean-I was…I-I left a…tool on your porch and I was just coming by to pick it up,” he said quickly. 
There was a long silence as Riker’s eyebrows went up and he took a long sip of his drink. 
“At 3am?” you asked. 
Hugo shrugged. 
“It was expensive, I didn’t want it to get stolen in your neighborhood…the crime has been pretty bad…” he rambled on.
“Okay,” his dad cut in to save his son, “that’s not really important right now. What is important is what we can do to protect (Y/N).” 
“I think the best thing you can do, Hugo, is mate her,” he said, as if that were the obvious answer, “with your bite on her neck it’ll be clear she’s under the pack’s protection and any Fairyfolk won’t want her.” 
“Woah,” you said, holding up your hands and stiffening in Hugo’s lap, “mate me? Bite me? What are you talking about?” 
Riker gave you a sort of sympathetic look and glanced at his son. 
“Bears bite their mates to mark them with a scar,” he said, “to any Fairyfolk it would be impossible to sell you. Any potential buyer would know right away you weren’t a maiden and your entire pack was going to chase them to the ends of this realm and the next to get you back. It’s not at all worth the trouble and a human…well they wouldn’t have any hope of keeping you.”
Riker’s pack had police officers, construction workers, ex-marines, fighting trainers, an entire biker gang…just a completely random selection of bears who all happened to be ten feet tall, doing the sorts of jobs bears did. They were not the sort of bunch you wanted chasing after you for anything if you valued your life. 
“Oh,” you said, “but isn’t that kind of important?” 
You looked at Hugo. 
“I don’t want you to waste your bite on me,” you said. 
He looked at you with the most sincere face he’d ever made. 
“It would not at all be a waste,” he said. 
Your cheeks flooded with color. 
“I’m going to give you two a minute to talk this over,” Riker said, hopping up and making himself scarce. 
You shook your head and your flush away. 
“You’re doing too much for me, Hugo,” you said, trying to hop out of his lap, “I can’t let you ruin your future like this.” 
He wrinkled his nose in pure frustration. 
“You are the most infuriatingly stubborn little ox I have ever known!” he snapped, “will you please just let me protect you without fighting me, once?” 
You crossed your arms.
“What do you mean for once? I listen to you all the time! You are the bossiest, grumpiest bear in the whole world!” you snapped back, “I’m trying to save you from a life of misery with someone you don’t love!” 
“I do love you, you idiot! I’m in love with you!” he snarled, “I’ve loved you since you were a little girl getting ice cream all in my fur! Do you think I would follow your bullheaded, ornery ass around every day trying to keep you out of trouble if I wasn’t head over heels for you?!” 
You drew in an incensed breath and hissed the next words out all in one angry breath. 
“Well, I'm in love with you, too, you surly asshole! I think it's pretty obvious I always have been. So…so…” 
You blinked at him, your mouth falling open, kind of losing where you were going with that as you processed what you'd both admitted.
“What?” you both asked at once. 
You both looked at each other and then years of pent up tension burst like a dam breaking. 
Hugo threw you against the couch and his massive body pinned you to the cushions as his tongue found yours. You clutched his furry cheeks in your hands, pulling him deeper into your mouth. You wanted all however many hundred pounds of him there were all over you. 
His tongue danced with yours, as his claws started stripping clothes off of you in shreds. 
“I’m going to mark you and mate you and make you mine,” he growled into your ear as he nipped at the skin with his sharp teeth. You heard the fabric of your shirt tear as he jerked it with them, leaving your breasts bare in the cool room. Your nipples pebbled and you arched your back into him. 
“Please…I need you,” you gasped, burying your fingers in his fur. You tried to grind your hips into the thick thigh pressed between them. 
“Goddess, I've waited so long to taste you,” he murmured, his tongue making its way in wet laps down your neck and over your stiff nipples. Taking your entire breast in his big mouth he practically drooled on you laving his tongue over one. Your fingertips jerked his fur until it stung, but your tiny hands were hardly even noticeable as he was solely focused on devouring your body. 
He’d waited a lifetime for this and he was laser focused on completing the task. The events of the rest of the night were lost on the two of you as he parted your folds with his fat fingers and started lapping at your pussy. 
“Ahhhh! Yes!” you screamed, tightening your thighs around his head. 
His fur felt so luxurious and soft, rubbing against the tender flesh. You stretched one hand behind your head to give yourself leverage as you ground your cunt into his muzzle.
He hummed and grunted, sounding just like a bear enjoying a comb of honey as he ate you. Pleasure built in your core until it came exploding through your body in a bright wave. If Hugo had been human you would have probably popped the bones in his neck with how hard you squeezed his head between your thighs. 
You tried pushing his head away, but he shoved your legs open, lapping up the juices that flooded your channel with long messy licks. 
“Ah! Ah! Ah!” you cried as his tongue brushed your oversensitive clit every so often until he’d gotten his fill and you’d been thrust into a second lingering orgasm. 
His eyes flicked up to you with nothing but predator in them and he tore open his pants without bothering to think what he was going to wear when he was done with you. The massive cock bobbing in front of him frightened you at first and you tried to scramble back on the couch only to be pinned in place by his big hand. 
“You can take it honey cake,” he cooed, as he eagerly lined it up with your wet channel and inched his massive phallus inside. 
He stretched you slowly, letting you get used to him as he watched your face to make sure he wasn’t hurting you. You were so much smaller, with tiny little hips compared to his large ones. Every so often he glanced down at his cock splitting your little body and groaned with satisfaction.   
“Minnnne,” he growled, unable to stop himself from thrusting it in the rest of the way. 
You gasped so full, your abdomen distended from how big he was inside you. He tried his best to start slowly, pushing himself in and out of you with firm, hard thrusts, but soon his muzzle and fingers were buried in your hair and he was pounding into you, drawing the breath from your lungs. You could only desperately cling to his fur as he took you, listening to him muttering your name and how fucking perfect you were in your ear. 
Eventually his words just devolved into growls and grunts, pushing your eyes back in your head and making your skin tingle. His thick cock stretched you beyond anything you’d felt before and the angle he rammed into you battered your G-spot pushing you relentlessly towards your end. You screamed into his ear without meaning to when you came and he would have been happy if it were the last sound he ever heard. 
As it rang, he stiffened, your pussy clamping down around him, milking his cock. He wished he could hold on longer, he wanted to stay buried inside of you for the rest of his life if possible, but your scent surrounding him, blending with his and your tight channel massaging his cock with your slick passage threw him over the edge. 
He emptied his hot cum into you, sinking his teeth into your neck. The bite hurt, but not like a violent pain. It was more like an intense pressure that pushed you into another, unexpected orgasm, your pussy spasming wildly and your body trembling. You gasped as pleasure and warmth enveloped you and finally went limp. 
You saw your blood staining his large teeth as he pulled away and you stiffened just slightly. 
“It’s okay, honey cake,” he purred, pulling your bruised body into his arms as he eased himself out of you gently. 
“So am I your mate now?” you asked softly, “forever?” 
He nuzzled your nose with his muzzle and hummed at you, licking the wound on your neck.  
You giggled, as it tickled slightly, and brushed his cheek. 
“Okay,” you said. 
“Oh. I thought you were trying to put me off,” a strange deep voice grumbled from the doorway. 
“I told you, she’s mated,” Riker told the orc standing there. He was wearing a designer suit and had long olive hair in a ponytail. 
“Ugh,” he spat, “fucking bears. Well, if she can’t pay the debt, the old man is going to have to do it himself.” 
“Who the fuck are you?” Hugo spat, pulling you to his chest to hide your body behind his huge arms. 
The orc grinned. 
“My name is not important,” he said, “what is important is the debt the little ladies’ father owes me that he now cannot repay.” 
“What are you going to do to him?” you gasped. 
“Don’t worry darling,” he smirked, “I’m not going to kill him if that’s what you think. Though I think you should know your father sold you to avoid a year of working for me to pay off his debt. I was never going to harm him unless he didn’t comply. It wasn't even that much money. You’re worth a lot more than $3,000. He really doesn’t deserve your concern.” 
You drew your brow.
“He told me it was $6,000!” you hissed. 
The disappointed orc just tipped his head at the two of you and made his exit. Riker glanced between the two of you and looked amused. 
“Why don’t you take (Y/N) up to one of the guest rooms and I’ll find you two some clothes in the morning,” he offered and with a huge blush on your cheeks you let Hugo carry you up the stairs. 
“Hugo…I’ve known you long enough to know when you’re lying, but…you don’t have to tell me the truth. Whatever the real reason was…I’m glad you were at my house tonight,” you whispered into his chest, “I love you.” 
“I love you, (Y/N),” he said, smiling wanly to himself as he kissed your head.
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vax-merstappen · 5 months
F1 boys as reputation songs
bc rep is my favorite era 🖤
Lando Norris
So It Goes:
Lando is absolutely the kind of guy who can “make everyone disappear” and mesmerize someone. He also screams “I’m not a bad girl but I do bad things with you” energy. He absolutely could make me cave and do literally anything and maybe that says more about me than him but 🤷. Also I think he is definitely a bit rough when it comes to love and “scratches down your back” would really fit with him.
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Oscar Piastri
New Year’s Day:
He is so soft and sweet and the type that would definitely feel sentimental towards his girlfriend. He is absolutely the type of guy who would want to spend time with someone even if it was just cleaning up a party after new year’s. One of the sweetest guys on the grid absolutely fits the sweetest song on reputation. I adore imagining soft moments with Oscar and this song just fits that so well.
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Max Verstappen
End Game:
Max gives big end game energy. He currently has the biggest reputation on the grid to uphold and a lot of haters, which resonates a lot with this song. I feel like people are also always trying to make drama about Max, which fits the line “I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me.” I think he is just such a first-string, A-team driver on the grid that end game just has to go to him, at least as of right now.
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Charles Leclerc
Like look at this man. He is stunning. Also “ocean blue eyes, lookin in mine.” He also screams boyfriend I can’t have energy and I think that he just fits this song so perfectly. Can absolutely imagine staring at this man and longing for this pretty boy. He is gorgeous and I question anyone who says otherwise.
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Carlos Sainz
Don’t Blame Me:
He would be such a passionate lover that would inspire lyrics like “I get so high every time you’re loving me.” He is the diver that I can see driving someone crazy with love. I also believe he would fall from grace just for his lover. He would be fully committed to a partner and would stay with them for “the rest of my life.” Maybe it’s the ferrari red that makes me think of him as such a deep and passionate lover, but I really think he fits this song so well.
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Lewis Hamilton
Call It What You Want:
Absolutely think this song belongs to Lewis. I feel like any girlfriend of his would be a priority in his life and he would make her feel so special, à la “loves me like I’m brand new.” I also feel like he absolutely is a chill guy who is “high above the whole scene.” Lewis is the type of guy who wouldn’t want to strictly define his relationships and would want to simply focus on making his partner happy. Also me personally I think he has “starry eyes.”
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Daniel Ricciardo
He gives off major best friend who you’ve been pining for energy. I can imagine him looking at you in a brand new dress and noticing how he really feels for you for the first time. Also his positive energy really fits the lyric “even in my worst times, you could see the best in me.” The golden tattoo line fits with his tattoos as well and I can imagine getting matching tattoos with Daniel. He would be willing to take off your pretty dress you bought.
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Yuki Tsunoda
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Yuki seems like the most devoted boyfriend who would do everything he could to prevent the world from splitting you up like the line “you said there was nothing in the world that could stop it.” Yuki would also be the type of guy who would tune the world out for his girlfriend, like “can we dance through an avalanche.” If you wanted to keep dancing through an avalanche, Yuki would be right there with you. He would never want to leave your side.
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Alex Albon
He is totally the kind of sweet guy who would not care about his girl’s reputation and would love her for herself. I can picture making a late night confession to him and him just pulling you close and letting you know that everything will be okay. I could also completely imagine looking into his eyes to “pretend you’re mine all the damn time.” Just the sweetest guy who would hear you out if you needed him to listen.
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Logan Sargeant
King of My Heart:
Ok so this one might be a bit of stretch to some, but to me it just seems right. Logan is absolutely the driver I can imagine “drinking beer out of plastic cups” on a roof with. I also think the American Queen line fits perfectly because Logan is such an American king on the grid. With the “never took me quite where you do” line, Logan definitely is the guy to know a spot and take his girl there and make the place their own special meeting place.
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Updated Upcoming Fanfics
Hello, my lovely simps~✨ I’m just going ahead and listing off the upcoming one-shots and head-canons that will be coming out within the next couple of days to feed y’all’s and mine Miguel O’ Hara addiction.
Until I get through a good chuck of these: Request will be closed until further notice.
If you wanna check out what I already written and catch up on my current series then feel free to check out my Masterlist~✨
The Adventures of Miggy and Sunny Series (Miguel O’ Hara x Sunshine! SpiderWoman! Reader
Requested: How did Miggy and Sunny meet? ((I plan to make this one a two parter🤭))
Requested: Jealous Miguel ((This idea was so good you guys requested it twice🥰))
Requested: Miggy walks in on Sunny singing and dancing✅
Requested: Sunny, Miles, and Gwen go on an adventure and Miguel didn’t know about it. ((We love angry protective men in this household 🤤))
Requested: The Spidey gang notices that Miguel likes to leave hickeys all over Sunny, and they rip on Miggy about it.✅
Requested: How Miguel if Sunny died…((🫢 We love drama in this house))
Requested: Miggy and Sunny having their own love bug on the way. ((Requested by the same person who asked about Sunny’s death and I’m gonna make its own post 😭)) ✅
Requested: Sunny’s reaction to what Miguel does to Miles. ((I still haven’t seen the movie so I’m gonna have to put a pin in yours, but I will do it.))
Requested: Miguel’s reaction when Sunny is injured
Requested: Miggy shushing at everyone because Sunny fell asleep at his desk. ((😭🥹))
Requested: Sunny standing her ground protecting her friend and Miguel is proud of her. ((My love for being praised is being fed with this one🤭🤭))
Requested: Sunny’s sick day. ((Maybe a bowl of that sexy Papi will cure her? Just kidding…unless))
Requested: A view into the domestic life of Miguel and his love. ((🥰))
Requested: Tio Miguel and Tia Sunny babysit Mayday for the day, even if Miggy didn’t want to. ((Anything with Mayday is accepted here😭🥰🥹))
Requested: Miguel trying to get the attention of his Sunhine, but she keeps getting distracted. ((This one.🥵 is gonna be a little spicy. Not too much because Miguel is already bringing a lot 😏))
Requested: Miggy and Sunny have a shopping day and Miguel isn’t afraid of letting his sol get whatever she wants. ((Sugar daddy moment for spider Papi 🥹🥰))
Requested: Sunny is trying to recover from an injury in Miguel’s apartment and a villain decides to break in. ((👁️👄👁️ <<his face lol))
Requested: A new spider ambushes our favorite couple because she needs help getting back home. Miggy and Sunny soon find out that this spider is actually their child from a different dimension. ((This one right here is prime for some fluff, angst, and maybe Miggy changing his mind about having some babies 👀👀))✅
Requested: On her low days, Sunny just needs a moment of silence even as the world is caving in. ((😭😭))
Sunny lore posts ((because why not?))
General Miguel O’ Hara x Reader
Requested: Miguel with an s/o who gets flustered easily. ((This mf is gonna ruin you all🤭😭🥵))
Requested: Miguel with a Black Cat! S/O oneshot. ((I think I know who the anon is who requested this and I promise bestie I will deliver!!))✅
Requested: Miguel and Reader in a Friends w/ Benefits relationship. ((I’m kinda nervous about this because this will be my first smutty post👉🏻👈🏻))
Surprise post! ((This is a special fanfic I’m writing so y’all get ready.))
Requested: Spiderperson! Reader has to perform a canon event that involves them kissing someone in the iconic spiderman kiss, but they are in a relationship with Miguel ((The drama! 😫 and another Jealous Miguel fanfic?😫🤭))✅
Miguel in a complicated relationship with a Cat Burglar/Black Cat Variant! Reader.
Requested: Headcanon for Miguel with a human reader.✅
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neonghostlights · 1 year
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Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Actress!Reader (best friends to lovers-slow burn)
★ A/N: Short little chapter. I'm so excited to knock this tour out of the way because this tour will act as a catalyst to some big drama between the two of them and really kick off their story.
★ Series Summary: It’s the ‘90s in LA and you and your best friend Eddie have both made it big. The following is a series of Interviews, News Reports and One Shots showing you and Eddie’s story throughout the years.
★ Chapter Summary: You tell Eddie goodbye before he leaves for tour. You’re reminded of the day you and Eddie left Hawkins for LA. Gareth reminds you what Eddie and the rest of the band will be doing on tour. And a phone call.
★ Warnings: Cussing, Mention of Groupies, Reader is followed by paparazzi, Little bit of angst, Death of a grandparent/parental figure, Eddie refers to reader as Sweetheart, 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI
★ Word count: 2.9k
Series Masterlist
Chapter Two: See You Later
August 1990
The past month had been a whirlwind. 
Your movie was released in July. You didn’t like looking at reviews and what critics had to say because, well, they were usually very critical. 
Margie, though, had no problem shoving them in your face. 
“This says your performance was magnificent!” She exclaimed, forcing  the paper at you as you tried your best to drink your morning coffee the same day the reviews started rolling in. 
You didn’t know if managers were usually as hands on as Margie, but whatever she did behind the scenes worked apparently. 
The rise to even more fame came with more eyes on you. You had been popular with your last role and had gained quite the fan base. But this one seemed to propel you even more into the public eye. 
You finally had to cave in and hire a personal assistant named Miles. He was nice and all. But not being able to get your own groceries really busted your spirit sometimes. 
A week or so after this most recent  movie was released, you slipped on your usual disguise of sneakers, a hoodie, and sunglasses to run to your local supermarket. The outfit was fail proof and you had never been recognized before. Each time you did this, you felt like a super spy on a secret mission. 
The vultures must have been looking for you. Or maybe the stars were aligned weird that day.  Or maybe you forgot to tip someone and it threw off your karma. Either way, they found you. 
You had just put a bag of apples into your cart, and were headed to pick up the last item on your list when you felt the air shift. Goosebumps broke out on the back of your neck. 
You didn’t realize, at first, what that feeling meant. Brushing it off, you finished your shopping and strolled back home without a second thought. 
They had followed you throughout the store, snapping pictures without you even realizing it. They even got some interesting shots of sniffing some body wash and inspecting a package of strawberries to make sure they weren’t mushy at the bottom. 
You had felt so violated when you saw the photos posted in a gossip magazine that labeled you as someone that was ‘picky’ based off of your shopping habits. How the hell was making sure what you paid for was what you wanted considered picky? It was the first harsh thing you had really seen about yourself in a magazine and you had the sneaking suspicion that it was just the beginning. 
You tried to remind yourself that maybe things would go back to semi normal once the hype around the movie died down some. When you mentioned that to Margie she just scoffed at you and asked, “Why the hell would you want that?” 
You really hadn’t meant to get famous. Unlike Eddie, who had wanted this for as long as he could remember. 
You just wanted to pay the bills. 
Speaking of Eddie, he was leaving for his six long month tour today. 
And you were headed to go see him before he left. 
There used to be a time when you and Eddie were never separated. It was to the point that when he got his penthouse, he tried to get you to move in with him. He even had a room set up for you. You hadn’t realized he intended for you to live with him until he started to ask you about paint colors for your room. 
That was when he had just started to get into the rockstar lifestyle. And you didn’t want to be around when he brought girls home. So, after months of couch surfing together and sleeping in the back of the van, you went your separate ways. 
Even though you lived apart, you and Eddie still at least spoke almost every day. You knew he would do his best to call you when he was on tour but you were also realistic about it. He would get busy. You would get busy. Life would happen. 
The last tour he did was only three months long. They weren’t as popular then so it wasn’t so hard to keep in touch. 
Now Corroded Coffin and Eddie Munson were household names. 
Take that Hawkins, Indiana and anyone else who ever doubted him. 
You remember the day four years ago that Eddie asked you to leave with him to come to LA. He had been blabbering about leaving for months, especially after what had happened to him at prom. But you never thought he was serious. 
You had been working at the local gas station then for under minimum wage, trying to keep up with the bills for the trailer. You didn’t feel right about leaving your grandma so you didn’t go to college like you had originally planned. 
She ended up dying a month after you left Hawkins. It still felt like it was your fault even though everyone told you repeatedly that it wasn’t.
Eddie had stopped by the gas station and asked you to come over to the trailer that night after you got off work. You argued with him originally, since your feet hurt and you wanted to shower. But he was persistent. You noticed that gleam in his eye that usually meant he was concocting something in his head so it made you curious and kind of scared. 
When you opened his trailer door, without knocking of course, you were greeted by Eddie standing in the living room with both hands behind his back. 
“What are you doing?” You asked, suspicious that this was a prank of his. The way he was standing made you wonder if he was holding some type of feral animal behind him that he was going to try to talk you into co-parenting. 
“I have a very serious question to ask you, sweetheart,” he said in an even tone. 
If it was some sort of animal then he would have already shoved it in your face by now. 
“Yes?” You asked breathlessly, taking a step towards him. You didn’t know why but your heart had started to flutter and it was harder to breathe. Working on your feet all day must have really worn you out.  
“I know you’re probably going to think this is crazy. You probably think I’m crazy,” he rambled, running a hand through his hair. 
You nodded, urging him to continue. 
“But will you please come to LA with me while I try to get famous?” He blurted out. 
“What?” You asked, taken aback by his question. 
“I really don’t want to be alone and I think Corroded Coffin really has a chance. We just need to put ourselves out there. And I need you to keep me in line. If I go out there on my own then I know I’ll mess this up somehow. Plus, I’ll be so lonely and I’ll just want to come home if you stay in this shit-” 
“Eddie, stop. I can’t go out there with you. And you won't be lonely if the whole band is going with you,” you tried to reason with him. 
“Fine. Desperate times call for desperate measures,” he said coolly before he dropped on his knees in front of you and wrapped both his arms around your legs, anchoring you in place. 
“You want me to beg? Because I’ll beg,” he yelled while you tried to fight him off. 
“Eddie, stop! You’re acting like a child,” you scolded through clenched teeth while you tried to kick him. You couldn’t move your legs enough though to get a good hit. He was holding on too tight. 
“Stop kicking me and just listen!” He screamed. His long arms caging your legs in even tighter. 
“I’m not listening because it’s dumb. You want me to quit my job and drive across the country with you? What about my grandma?” You asked through gritted teeth. 
Eddie sighed and stood up off the ground. He grabbed both of your hands, looking into your eyes. Anyone else would think that this is the look of a lover, but no, it’s just the way Eddie looks at you. Nothing more. 
“Wayne can check on your grandma. You act like she’s sick or something. That woman moves around better than I do. Last week she chased the neighbor's kid around the park with a broom for throwing rocks. Give it a year. If I don’t make it big in a year then I promise I will bring you back to Hawkins. I can’t do this without you.”
He always knew just what to say to you. What he said about your grandma was true. She wasn’t in poor health but how were you supposed to just leave the woman who had taken care of you since you were little? She was the only parent you ever had. 
“I see those wheels turning in your head,” Eddie commented with a smirk. 
“Just a year?” You asked with a raised brow. 
Eddie took the question as a yes. His cheers could probably be heard all across the trailer park. He jumped up and down so hard that the floor shook. The breath wooshed out of your lungs as he grabbed you and hugged you tightly. 
“This is going to be so much fucking fun!” 
The car pulling into the meeting spot drew your attention away from your memories. Those times felt like a completely different life. Back when you and Eddie were just two trailer park kids with nothing but big dreams ahead of them. 
The big sleek tour bus loomed over you as you climbed out the backseat. You paused to let the paid driver know that you’ll be back in just a bit. 
All of the guys were standing outside the bus, bags by their feet as they goofed off with each other, looking really excited. 
Eddie grinned and ran towards you with open arms when he saw you. 
“We’re going on tour, baby!!” He yelled. 
You laughed as he nearly knocked you off your feet when he plowed into you. 
“This isn’t your first tour, Eddie,” you reminded him. 
“I know but it’s the biggest. I mean look at this bus. We definitely didn’t have this last time.”
“Lots of room for activities,”  Gareth said as he approached, giving you a quick hug. 
You rolled your eyes at him. 
“I don’t want to hear about your activities,” you said as you slapped his arm. 
Jeff and Grant made their way over too, both giving you hugs.
“I’m going to be so bored without all of you here,” you complained to Jeff. 
“Yeah, right. You’re a big star now too. You’ll have plenty to do around here,” Jeff teased as he nudged your shoulder.
“It’s not the same though. I-”
“Come with me,” Eddie blurted out, cutting you off mid sentence. 
“What?” You asked, looking around the group confused on who he was talking to. 
“Come with us on tour,” he explained. “It’ll be fun. Like when we drove out to California and we both had to sleep in the back of the van. But bigger.”
You thought about saying yes. You didn’t have any roles lined up right now. Your agents and Margie had been keeping their eyes out for some good fits but who knew what that would happen. Show business could be funny sometimes. You were sure there would be a phone for you to access while on the road. And if something came up, you could always fly back to LA to audition or do whatever Margie needed you to do. 
It would be hard but it would be worth it. 
You had the image in your head, you and Eddie on the road again. Bickering and goofing off the way only you two could. You could watch him play live and do the thing he loved to do. You wouldn’t just have to see your best friend’s face in magazines or on those celebrity gossip shows. 
The word ‘yes’ was on the tip of your tongue, ready to be released into the world. 
“Do you really want a chick on the bus when we bring back groupies, man?” Gareth asked. 
Your heart shattered. You think if you looked you could see the pieces of it on the parking lot pavement; scattered around your feet. 
Eddie looked at Gareth like he was going to kill him. There was an awkward pause where no one said anything. Like Gareth had just released some big secret you weren’t aware of. 
“I can’t anyways. Margie would kill me if I’m not available for an interview or audition,” you offered, hoping to cool off some of the white hot tension radiating from Eddie. 
Jeff and Grant shared a look before Jeff gave you a pitying look and a tight smile. You wanted to ask him what that look was for. You were fine. Everything was fine. 
Eddie was going to argue. You knew he would. 
“Let’s go, guys!” Corroded Coffin’s manager, Don, yelled from the foot of the tour bus. He waved his arms drastically to try to get them moving. 
“Have fun. Be careful” You gave them all a smile before you started to back away. 
Gareth looked a little guilty, or maybe scared of what Eddie was going to say to him once they were in a confined space together. They all walked away, climbing into the bus. Except for Eddie who still stood in front of you. 
You waited for him to deny what Gareth had said about the groupies and ask you to come with him again. Maybe he would get down on his knees and beg again like he did five years ago. All he had to do was say all those kind words to you and you would be putty in his hands. 
But he didn’t. He simply pulled you in for a one armed hug. 
“Bye, Eds. I’ll see you later.”
“Bye, Sweetheart.”
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October 1990
“Hey! It’s Eddie,” his voice came loudly through the phone. 
It has been two months since you last spoke to Eddie. He hadn’t called you at all like he promised except for once. And that call ended three seconds after he said hello. He didn’t try to call back after that. 
“Hey,” you said, leaning against your living room wall. 
“I’m sorry I haven’t been in touch. Things have just been really busy here. I got you some souvenirs though,” Eddie said. You could hear it in the background, the sound of loud voices and shuffling. They were getting ready to party. 
Eddie’s voice held that rasp that seemed to happen after he had just played a show. You wanted to reach through the phone and grab him. It had been so isolating here on your own. You barely left your place unless it was for work and the only people you spoke to on a daily basis were Margie and Miles. They weren’t your friends though, it was only business. 
“It’s okay. I’ve been busy too.” Not a lie. You had two interviews and an audition since Eddie had been gone. Still, it would have been nice to hear something from him. Even a voicemail would be nice. 
“I bet,” He cleared his throat. “Listen, I’ve been thinking…a lot. I know right now over the phone isn’t  the best but if I let myself think about it I’ll go crazy. When I get back do you wanna-” 
“Who are you talking to, Eddie? Thought you didn’t have anyone waiting for you at home,” You heard a woman's voice purr on the other end. 
“I don’t,” he replied to them. You pressed the phone harder to your ear to eavesdrop on their conversation. “Just talking to a friend.” 
Your stomach twisted and you didn’t know why. It wasn’t news that you and Eddie were just friends. You had never wanted to be anything more. So why did hearing him say this hurt so bad?
It’s not like Gareth hadn’t let you know exactly what Eddie would be up to during his time away. 
You didn’t blame him for it. He was young and on top of the world. He should enjoy the freedom. 
You could enjoy your freedom too. Live like the rest of the celebrities live. It wasn’t like there weren’t men interested in you. They just never lived up to the high standard in your head. 
Maybe it was time to lower that standard a bit and just have fun. 
You didn’t wait to hear what else the stranger had to say to him now that she knew you were no one important to him. In your head you imagined she was beautiful. The perfect woman for Eddie to spend time with. Unlike you, who was wearing an old Hawkins High t-shirt and sweatpants. 
Margie had repeatedly told you how wanted you were, how desired. She said the only thing holding you back now was your self consciousness. You wondered if you let that go and fully leaned into the celebrity lifestyle that you  had been trying to avoid, would life be more fun? Would you feel better when you let it all go? 
You hung the phone up, not waiting to say goodbye. You expected Eddie to call back and apologize for the interruption. But time ticked on and before you knew it an hour had gone by, and the phone never rang again. 
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gabessquishytum · 3 months
I loved the Sea witch!Dream/Merman!Hob prompt and I wanted to play around with Dream's and possessiveness.
I’m coming at this sideways, but stay with me.
When Cori left his village he knew he'd be back one day. There was something, someone, there that belonged to him.
Cori had watched Hob grow from a wiggling bundle of seaweed to an alluring, young mer, wild and free. As the orphans of their village they had gravitated together due to their shared circumstances, but soon grew to be the best of friends. No one else could understand them better than the other. No one else cared enough. No one else bothered to try. They were each others, in a way no one else could touch. And if anyone dared to try Cori would make sure they weren't alive to feel the next tide.
As Cori neared adulthood he knew he’d need to leave. He needed secure work to provide for Hob and their future family. He also needed a way to secure Hob's undying, romantic affections. He knew Hob loved him, but he didn't love Cori the same way Cori loved him. He couldn't have that. No one else was allowed to have Hob. Hob belonged to him and he knew just the being that could grant his desire.
Hob was exploring a ravine on the edge of Dream's territory when he a body slammed into him, spinning him around, leaving him dazed and pinned against the ravine wall. He could feel hands patting along his body and he struggled to lift his own, to push them away.
“Hob! Hob. You're alive.”
Words washed over him and were swept away, as if they were caught in a current.
“I knew it! They lied to me. You would never leave me that like.”
Wait. He knew that voice. It was loved and dearly missed. It was family and comfort and affection.
“What happened, Hob? You didn't wait for me.” There was hurt there, under sharp worry.
“Cori. Missed you.” Hob blinked, slow, fought to bring the world into focus, to place his hands on Cori's chest. It felt like fighting against the weight of the deep ocean, but he managed it. Cori looked fiercer than when he left, broader in shoulder. There where ornaments braided into his hair and something dark and reflective over his eyes.
“I’m here now. Nothing will ever separate us again.” There were hands on his face, cradling him. Cori was growing closer. “I'll take care of everything.”
Lips touched his. No. That was wrong. A tongue invaded his mouth. No. Only Dream was allowed to do that. Something poured down his throat, sulphurous and bitter. No!
Grey, soft and distorting, stole the world away and Hob knew no more.
Dream feels it when the tether tying Hob to him snaps. The sharp, sweet taste of Desire’s magic sliding along his palate and, fainter, the reverberating, whispers of Despair. How dare they! Hob is his, in magic and oath and body.
Dream threw himself from his cave, gathering shadows as he went. The seas would run red with blood until Hob was once more in his arms.
And then I ran out of steam. I didn't know if I wanted Hob to be pregnant already or not. I suppose it depends on if you want to lean more into horror, like Cori forcing a miscarriage, or drama, with Dream storming the castle underprepared, but in the nick of time.
I also thought it'd be great for Dream to head immediately to Desire and Despair, thinking they were deliberately trying to provoke him, only to learn he wasn't a factor at all. The were fulfilling the wish of a obsessive and possessive merman, but they would be willing to give him the name in exchange for a small favor.
They last thing I have is a scene of Hob and Dream home once again. Hob wrapped up in Dream's tentacles, barely able to move while Dream croons mine and love and never again against Hob's skin. Hob responds with his own refrain: yours and always and forever entangled.
— 🏵
This is sooooo!!! Good!!!! I love the drama of it all!!!!!!
I'm imagining Hob being locked away in the cave where Cori takes him. He tried to fight against the magic and swim away, but Cori caught him and locked him away in a cage made from the remnants of a shipwreck. No matter how much Hob begs, Cori just hushes him and tell him to calm down - he's been brainwashed by that terrible sea witch Dream, but soon he'll remember that he really belongs to Cori. He always has and always will, and however long it takes, Cori will help him see that.
Hob only stops fighting and begging when he realises that he's carrying Dream’s clutch of eggs. Fortunately the pregnancy isn't very obvious from the outside, but Hob is terrified that Cori will crush the eggs if he finds out. Hob becomes compliant, but whenever Cori goes to sleep, Hob works on tools to try and pry open the cage.
Meanwhile Dream is trying not to throttle his siblings as they refuse to take responsibility for their actions. They claim that they just gave Cori the ability to reclaim his chosen mate, nothing more. Dream growls and thrashes against the water, nearly causing a tsunami, but he grits his teeth and agrees to give up some of his territory to the twins - IF they will reveal Hob’s location.
Once he knows where to find Cori, Dream grows so large in size he can simply reach out with a tentacle across leagues and leagues of the ocean and grab the merman who has stolen Hob away. Hob can only hear Cori's screams and shrieks of pain as the scales are stripped from his body, his eyes are removed, and he's finally slammed repeatedly against the seafloor. It's horrible. But Hob breathes a sigh of relief. His eggs will be safe, now.
And soon Dream is there with him. Prying open the cage and plucking Hob out of the cave entirely, he squeezes Hob against his body tight. He only lets up a bit when Hob yelps and tells him to be careful with the eggs! Eggs!!!
Dream practically ties Hob up in his own tentacles to keep him safe on the way home, which is surprisingly pleasant. Hob feels safe in the comfortable restraints. He nuzzles against Dream and clings on tight, knowing for sure that Dream will never let him out of his sight again - Hob is very much okay with that. He'll be a piece of treasure in Dream’s deep-sea hoarde. Particularly if their precious clutch of eggs get to grow and live safely.
All Dream has to say to that is yes. mine.
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soothinglee · 5 months
even if my heart stops beating⏤✰
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seungmin x reader | 1.6k✔︎
my notes⎯ hello everyone ! I know it's been a while since I've actually wrote something ! I actually got hit by a bus! yeah I had to sue this company called "writers block" and I finally got a settlement! (also happy new year!) I recently (like a week ago) got into Kpop, specifically Stray Kids ! I've read some fan fictions (shameless) about some of my favorites and got inspo to write one! thank you @soobnny . also I haven't wrote anything in a while so i'm a little rusty, i'll be as good as new soon!
warning⎯ mentions of vomit (used as word vomit) and crying.
genre⎯ angst to comfort.✔︎
songs⎯ six feet under; billie eilish | pretty boy; the neighborhood
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the old rusted clock that came with the condo you and seungmin bought sits perched on the top of the fridge. Its old, wooden frame slowly caves in on itself as time goes on.
not even an hour or two ago you had happily entered your home to start cooking dinner, not even worrying about showering first because you were so excited to have dinner with your boyfriend.
even going out of your way to spend a hundred dollars over the amount you usually spend to give seungmin the greatest 'welcome home' feast. he and the rest of stray kids had been on tour for the last couple months, traveling all over the world to perform at concerts and do collaborations with other idols to promote their new albums.
sure, it had been lonely, being by yourself all of the time, the only glimpse of your boyfriend you could get is when he could facetime you for 2 minutes or when he responded back to a text 4 hours later. but you understood, you knew what you were getting yourself into even when you started becoming friends with him.
if anything, you were strong, understanding, and flexible to when he couldn't make it to something like a movie night or date when his plane arrives later or practice runs over.
the only thing now, is that he had promised you that he could make it on time to dinner. sending countless 'I swear ill be there' texts and swift calls ensuring his presences at the dinner table during his dance rehearsals.
but now you were sitting at the table alone. a cold jajangmyeon sits in the platter in front of you, a similar on across the table from you. looking up at that old clock the hour turns to 10 and he's officially 2 hours late. it wasn't unknown for him to run a little over his time but this was unbelievable. you curse yourself for being naive and truly thinking he would keep to his word.
as you get up and clean the meal that you created you feel a little piece inside of you break, watching your hard work spill into the leftover containers like your tears. this was embarrassing, waiting around like a puppy in hopes your owner comes home. you were loyal and hopeful to a fault but wasting time and money like this was just unacceptable.
by the time seungmin walked through the front door it was half pass midnight and you had situated yourself infront of the t.v watching a new drama a colleague from work recommended.
"(name)." he calls out, you hear his shoes hit the wall as he takes them off, and then theres a shuffle as he organizes them on the shoe rack. you hear him leave his keys in the bowl on the desk that was by the front door, his footsteps growing louder as he nears the living room.
"(name)." he calls out again, seeing you lay in a cocoon of blankets in the dark, he think maybe you're sleeping so he quietly discards his winter coat on the back of the couch. he flicks on the lamp on the other side of the couch to bring in some light. though when he comes around to sit down he finds your eyes wide open, "why didn't you answer me when I called?"
"why didn't you come on time like you promised?" you quipped back quietly, suddenly too exhausted to have any conversation with him. you try and sink further into the thick blanket as you watch the Netflix symbol load and the next episodes intro plays.
you can't see his face but when he sighs and shifts in his spot you can hear the hesitance, "you already know why, practice ran late, like always."
"'whatever?' what's going on with you?"
"nothing." your tone is snipped but honestly you couldn't care less. somewhere in your soul you feel as though this might be a little extreme of an reaction but there is only so much patience you can give one person. you constantly make time for him and this relationship, so why couldn't he move things around and do the same for you? your eyes remain on the television.
seungmins eyes dart quickly to the t.v and then back to you, noticing that your full attention isn't on him, so he leans over you and goes to grab the remote from your hands. at the sudden loss of contact you make a move to try and get the remote back from him but he effectively powers down the t.v and discards in on the coffee table.
"I'll only repeat myself so many times, what's going on?"
it was like a newfound energy fizzled at your toes and pushed itself up and towards your head, your body springs up from its sideways position and you angle yourself to face seungmin.
though the light was somewhat dim due to only the lamp being on, he could see the red-rim of your eyes and the dried streaks of tears sticking to your cheeks. obviously, it had been evident that you had been crying.
seungmins eyes soften for a moment, he reaches out to try and smooth out the puffiness of your cheeks but as soon as you see his hand coming you push it away, "you were crying?" it comes out more of a statement than a concerned question, but the worry was still evident in his tone.
"duh," you start, suddenly feeling uncomfortable in the tense space, you find comfort in the carpet on the ground. you were feeling...nervous. you didn't want to cause anymore problems but things won't get solved unless they are discussed, which in all honesty, the thought of confrontation in the first place is feared.
you need to get it out, you can't stop living like this. deep down you know he cares but you have to stop going off of assumptions. either he's going to show up or not, it was clear already that you showed up no matter how busy you were.
"do you even still love me?"
the question tumbles from your lips before you could even process what you were saying. maybe it wasn't what you wanted to convey exactly but it was definitely a start.
"what?" his airy voice sounds dumbfounded which makes sense. the intense look you're giving him plus the profound, out-of-the-blue question throws him off guard.
of course he loves you, why would you ever think anything different? "where is this coming from?"
"well it's just that every time we have something planned your work gets in the way. I spend hours and hours getting ready, trying to look my best, just to waste the day sitting on the couch waiting for you to come home. sometimes I'm waiting so long I fall asleep! I put so much effort into being a good girlfriend! hell, I even spent over 100 dollars on dinner tonight because I knew you had a hectic day, it took me two hours to make it just for it to go cold and put into a container,"
your voice chokes up, full of exhaustion and disappointment. you feel the tears pooling in your eyes but have no energy to stop them. you really want to quit the word vomit but there's no point, theres more to be said.
"I try so hard to not get disheartened but it gets so hard when you don't even try. sometimes I feel like you don't even care about this relationship anymore, like you don't care about m-"
just as you were about to finish your words were muffled by hands on your face, and lips on yours. seungmin had kissed you to stop your rambling. you couldn't help but to feel relieved and somewhat offended.
"stop." he whispers as he takes a breath, his hands still on your face, foreheads connecting, "please stop." his voice crack under pressure, its subtle but at the lack of distance between you two you can hear it so well. your eyes are closed, trying to get your own tears at bay but hearing how emotional he's becoming breaks you. a sob teeters at your bottom lip but you force it still.
"don't you ever think that I don't care. I always have." he pauses and wipes the stray tears on your face with his thumbs, "I'm so sorry I've made you feel like this. god I'm such a bad boyfriend, this is my fault."
you try to move away to comfort him but he holds you in place gently, you sniffle and reach up to brush the bangs from his face.
"I promise you I'll be more attentive, ill take you out everyday, spend as much time with you, cook for you, miss practices all the time just to make sure you know I care about you."
"you promised earlier but you didn't come!" you cry, recounting how long you waited.
"I know!" his voice quivers as his hands tremble, lightly shaking your head, "I know...and i'll never forgive myself. you don't know how much you've shaped me into the person I am now and I- I have no clue what I would do without you. I just have a poor way of showing it."
you grip on his wrists, mimicking him with your eyes squeezed shut, you stopped trying to keep the tears in awhile ago, letting them fall freely into your covered lap. "how do I know I can trust you? I'm so sick of feeling like this."
"I promise you I will prioritize you more than anything, Idol life, dancing, singing- whatever, does not come before you. I won't leave you hanging like this anymore, i'm sorry I didn't pay more close attention to your feelings," his bottom lips shakes as he takes another deep breath, he opens his eyes and you can see pass the tears and sorrow a new found determination.
"even if my heart stops beating, you're the only one I need."
past your wary judgement...you believe him...
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The Kindling from a Kiss
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Summary: An annual overnight camping trip and a game of 'truth or dare' ignites something new in these best friends Harry and YN. Well, at least for one of them. Will it create a hot new relationship, or will it cause their friendship to go up in smoke?
A/N: I have wanted to write this for such a long time, and after cuddling under a blanket a few days back, I decided that now is the right time. I'm so ready for Fall weather.
Ps. You can picture Harry however you want, there's no specific 'Harry era' for this, I just like how this photo fit the vibe.
>> Warnings: 18+ ONLY: explicit language, alcohol consumption, and the tiniest suggestion of sexual activities
"You have to come. We do this every year."
"Exactly. I'll catch the next one." Harry chuckles, his eyes fixated on the page in front of him as he lays sprawled across his sofa, his long legs hanging over the armrest.
"Don't be a party pooper, H. You're coming. You'll have a good time! I promise!"
"Nah." He smirks, gaze not moving from the words displayed on the book in his hands.
You make your way to the front of the sofa, kneeling down next to him and bringing your clasped hands up to your face, pushing your lips out into a pout.
"Please?" You whine. "You wouldn't ditch your best friend, would you?"
His enchanting green eyes finally shift, resting momentarily on the pout of your lips, before quickly shifting up to meet your pleading gaze.
He chuckles as he sees the desperation in your eyes.
"Alright." He sighs, closing the book and pulling his legs around to sit up. "I'll go."
"Thank you." You jump up, grabbing his face in your hands and planting a quick kiss on his forehead. "I was worried I'd have to do some serious begging."
He bites his lower lip as he sits up straighter, throwing his arms behind his head as he leans back on the sofa.
"Damn, I caved too easily. I could've got, like, something really good outta this!"
Your jaw drops and you bring your palm up to swat his arm.
"Go pack a bag, you little shit. I wanna leave in twenty."
With your arms crossed in front of your chest, you stare at the ground and let out a frustrated growl.
"I can't believe my tent has a huge hole in it!"
"That's too bad, love." Harry replies, settling the last stake of his own into the ground and stepping back to view his handy work. "Guess you're sleeping outside."
"You're joking, right?" You reply, pressing your hands onto your hips. "You're not gonna offer to let me stay in yours?"
"What if I'm tryna get lucky tonight?" He smirks, wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.
"That's not fair, you didn't even want to come!" You pout. "I persuaded you."
"That's true… you're very persuasive." He brought an index finger and thumb up to his bottom lip, as if to contemplate the choices he has. "Alright, we can share. But be warned, it's a small tent, and I like to cuddle."
"Yeah. Unfortunately I'm well aware of that."
"Julie, there's like twenty extra people here!" You look around at the nearby campsites and take in the amount of people who have joined your trip this year.
It started out, a few years ago, with your group of six- Julie, Flynn and his brother Justin, Avery, you, and Harry. You've all been friends since the beginning of high school, and during the summer after your Junior year, you all decided to go camp at the lake for a weekend.
Since then, now a few years into college, you've always made sure to attend this annual trip, but the size of the group seems to grow each time. A few others come back again, but your group of six has always stayed the foundation.
"Getting bored of us?" You chuckle, bumping her side with your elbow.
"Definitely." She smirks. "You're all so vanilla, and I need a little drama."
You roll your eyes. "Well… fingers crossed for you I guess…?"
"Thanks, doll." She laughs. "And my fingers are crossed for you!"
"For what?"
"That you get a bit of something too…" She winks, nudging you back before walking over to say hi to a few new people whom you haven't met.
You turn around to see some familiar faces, when you're met with the most familiar one of them all, popping out beside you.
"Shit!" You yelp, clutching your chest as your adrenaline has peaked.
Harry lets out a huge laugh. "A bit jumpy?"
"I just didn't know who it was." You swat his arm.
"Hmm. Yeah, lots of newcomers." He replies, scanning the faces of the nearby clusters of people. "Don't think I know most of 'em."
"See? That's why I begged you to come."
"So you like me 'round for ya?"
"You're alright." You stick your tongue out between your teeth as you reach up and grab his beanie, placing it on your own head as you nonchalantly walk away.
"Excuse me!" He exclaims, catching up to you and wrapping his strong, tattooed arms around shoulders, creating a hold so that you are unable to lift them. "Who do you think you are?"
He spins you around with a sarcastic smile on his face. You spread the cheesiest smile across yours and bat your lashes. "I'm your best friend, and my head is cold…"
"Aww, look how cute you look… how could I say no?" He smirks. "Oh, like this. No!"
You let out a huge laugh as he swipes his hand over the top of your head, grabbing the beanie back and securing it on top of the curly brown mop on top of his head.
"Damn you."
"Thief." He smirks again, showcasing those canyon-like dimples that everyone seems to fall in love with. "I'll get you one for Christmas or something, geez."
"Did it look decent though?"
"It actually did look good on ya." He chuckles. "But no one gets to wear this beauty. It's mine."
As you sit on a bench around a campfire with your friends, with the warmth of the fire comforting you, you feel the pressure of a finger stroke down your cheek.
"What the hell did you just put on my face?" You scold, turning to the right of you to see Harry's mischievous grin.
"I wouldn't do something like that." He chuckles. "On an unrelated note, you have Nutella on your cheek."
You run your index over the smudge, bringing it to your lips and slowly sucking the contents off of your finger.
"Bloody hell, YNN. How do you not have a boyfriend?" He laughs. "Because that looked… delicious, and I don't mean the Nutella."
"Wasted skills." You shake your head.
"It really is." You reply, scooping out some chocolate sauce from the jar onto your own index finger. You bring it up just enough to hover in front of your lips before shooting your hand over and wiping it all the way down his face.
"I hate you." He chuckles.
"Bullshit." You laugh, grabbing a graham cracker and bursting into a laugh as you use it to scrape the chocolate off of him.
"Yeah. I hate you."
"Really? Who watches 'The Notebook' with you? Who comes over on a Saturday morning and makes the best blueberry pancakes you've ever had? Who is cleaning the chocolate off your face with a graham cracker right now?"
"Who put the chocolate there in the first place?" He glares, letting a subtle smirk shine through.
"Hmm. Good point. Can't believe you haven't cut me out already." You reply, sticking your tongue out at him.
"Nah. I'll keep ya 'round. You seem to be useful." He grabs another graham cracker, scraping the rest of the Nutella off your own face, placing the marshmallow he was roasting on top, and taking a huge bite of his creation.
"Hmm… there's a new flavor to this one… it taste a lot like… sass." He winks.
You do the same with the graham cracker you have in your own hand. "And this one tastes like… idiot."
"Must taste delicious."
"Idiot. Yeah, it definitely tastes like idiot."
"But I'm your idiot!"
"I don't know if I wanna claim that." You giggle.
"Too bad. I know too much about you for you to let me go. You're stuck with me."
After s'mores are devoured, Flynn leaves the group to hang out with a few of the guys he invited, but the remaining five of you stick around to chat. You're still sitting on the bench with Harry, your legs crossed over his lap as you all talk about the college classes you like and the teachers you hate.
You look up when you hear some footsteps approaching, and see a vaguely familiar figure walking up to the bench across from you.
"Hi guys!" She exclaims, immediately darting her eyes over to the guy whose lap is stationary under your thighs.
"Hello, Sabrina." He replies, as everyone else gives her small, unacknowledged waves.
Oh yes, Sabrina. Not your favorite guest on this trip to be honest. If you think Harry is a flirt, this girl is at least double that. And she definitely isn't subtle about it. She joined the trip two years ago, by an invite from a friend of Flynn's, and she wasted no time throwing herself at Harry. He flirted back a little, like he does with everyone apparently, and she took that as a sign to ramp up her attempts to hook up with him. It was a bit irritating to say the least, and you cringed every time you watched it. The next year, which was last year, was no different. Her attempts were constant throughout the entire weekend, annoying as ever to yourself, but he didn't seem to mind. So it did puzzle you to why he has never seemed to fully act on her advances.
"What are you all up to?" She asks, eyes still focused on Harry.
"Just hanging out." Julie replies.
"Fun… I guess…" She shrugs, sitting on the bench she had walked up to.
"Do you have something better in mind?" Justin asks.
"How about a little game?"
"Okay, Sabrina, it's your turn. Truth or dare?"
"Dare." She smirks, quickly flickering her gaze to Harry yet again.
Julie faces Avery, and the two of them lean to each other and whisper, giggling as they seemingly make a plan. They look at Sabrina, then Harry. You figure as much, since she's been trying to grab his attention any chance she can get, and that eat that shit up.
You watch Avery cover her mouth as she whispers some more and you swear her gaze quickly shoots over to yours while she nods, before it snaps back to Sabrina.
"I dare you to kiss Harry, and then rate the kiss."
"Bloody hell, are we twelve?" Harry asks, rolling his eyes, but turning them to Sabrina and giving her a small, closed-lip smile.
"Just do it."
"I guess… rules are rules…" He shrugs, tapping your thighs for you to move them as Sabrina walks around the fire. He gives you a quick glance, his eyes wide, as he exhales heavily. When she arrives she grabs his face and puckers her lips as she leans down for the kiss. He holds her upper arms and stretches his head up to close the gap, placing his lips against hers.
She giggles against him, and you roll your eyes when you hear the popping sound of them releasing their kiss.
It was a small, quick kiss, but everyone whoops and hollers as she walks back around the fire and sits down, a huge grin on her face.
"So?" Harry asks
"I'd say a solid eight." She shrugs.
"What? An eight?" He frowns, crossing his arms around his chest.
"Well…" she smirks, biting her lip. "I didn't have much time to assess it."
"Oh my god." You mumble under your breath, and out of the corner of your eye you see Harry's eyes snap over to you, then swiftly returns back to hers.
"Fair enough." He chuckles.
"Okay." Avery claps her hands together once. "It's YN's turn."
You sigh, picking at your nails. You once again notice that Avery and Julie are whispering to each other, and your stomach starts to twist around. You usually aren't afraid of this game, you always pick 'dare' and rise to the occasion, but something about the way they've been whispering is making you nervous.
"Okay, YN." Avery states. "Truth or dare?"
"You know I'm gonna pick dare…"
"Oh I know." She smiles. "You… have to kiss Justin."
"Wow." You shake your head.
"Hold on!" She puts up her finger. "You have to kiss Justin… and then you have to kiss Harry, and then… rate them both."
"Oh, what the fuck!?" You exclaim. "Can you not think of any better dares than this? Seriously, how old are we?"
"Quit stalling, YN."
You growl, twisting on the bench to your left to see Justin's smile.
"Ready when you are."
You let out a laugh. "Okay then."
You lean closer and your palms grab his shoulders, feeling one of his hands lean against the bench as the other holds your back. Your mouth touches his, and you both begin to giggle, but try to keep your composure. He's been your friend for so long, of course this is comical. You pull away after a few more seconds, and pull your lips inward to stop from laughing.
One the other side of you, Harry's thigh grazes against yours as he adjusts his position, and you hear him clear his throat.
"Shit. If you hadn't been drinking beer…" Your mouth pulls across your face in an apologetic smile. "I'm sorry Justin. It was, like, a seven. It was surprisingly good. I just hate the beer you were drinking."
"Damn it!" He laughs. "That's fine. I can accept that. Although 'surprisingly good' is a little hurtful."
"I'm sorry, bud."
He gives you a small pout, but then a wink. "Maybe one day I'll earn a higher rating."
Harry's thigh grazes yours again, and you turn to your right to see his own smile.
"Let's get this over with, love." He chuckles.
"Yeah that's what a girl wants to hear before she gets kissed."
"Just do it already!" Julie shouts.
You turn to her and growl, then quickly turn back to Harry. As soon as your face is fully in front of him, his hands reach up to your cheeks and he pulls you closer. The sudden motion causes your palm to drop down and rest on his thigh, feeling a subtle smile form against your mouth. Your lips begin to part, your intention being to pull away and come up with some witty remark, but you feel the tip of his tongue push through ever so slightly, enough for you to notice, but not enough for everyone else to.
Your body ignites with a fiery sensation, as a fluttering appears in your stomach. Warmth covers you completely, and you start to feel your body melt. Without hesitation, your free hand reaches up and rests on the back of his neck as you unintentionally deepen the kiss.
It was quick, you think, but it felt like it lasted forever for you. He pulls away, keeping his face close to yours, and stares into your eyes.
"So?" He mumbles.
You stare back into his glistening green eyes, but remember where you are, why you just did that, and who is watching you, so you quickly pull back further, causing his hands to drop and you both to sit up straighter.
"It… it was… I hate this game..." You clear your throat. "I guess I'd rate it as a nine."
In your peripheral vision, Sabrina frowns, subtly crossing her arms around her waist.
"Hey! Harry was drinking beer too!" Justin exclaims, followed by another sarcastic pout.
"Yeah, but now he has gum in his mouth. It was… it was a minty fresh kiss." You shrug.
You hear Harry chuckle, but a blush suddenly rushes to your cheeks, and you refuse to look over to him.
"The magic of Trident, my friend." Harry replies, pulling a piece out of his pocket and reaching past your body to hand it to Justin.
"Two whole points, geez." Justin laughs, popping it into his mouth.
"Okay, okay, okay… It's your turn Justin." Sabrina grumbles.
Your lips purse as you exhale deeply, and your gaze drops to the ground.
"You alright there?" Harry utters, gently bumping his shoulder against yours.
"Mhmm." You nod. "That was just…"
"Amazing?" He chuckles quietly.
"I was gonna say weird." You reply.
"Okay, not weird. Different." You shrug, your gaze still fixated on the ground beneath your feet.
You've kissed a few times before. Twice when you were both wasted, both times were as a joke and completely platonic. And there was only one other time, when you two were squabbling, and he did it to shut you up. But it's never been like this. This one felt different, like you said. Really different. It felt like there was something else to it. At least, it did for you. The kiss with Justin definitely didn't feel like that, and it really has nothing to do with the beer or the gum. Why do you feel flustered? What made this kiss, this kiss with Harry, feel so different than any other time… or with anyone else?
"I'll take different, over weird, I s'pose." He finally replies, breaking up your sudden and confusing thoughts. "At least I scored higher than beer breath sugar lips over there."
He points past you and you turn to see Justin shove as many marshmallows as he can into his mouth. Seems like a tame dare, except that he despises them. You let out a huge laugh, bracing yourself on the bench with the palm of your hand. You instantly feel another wave of tingles course through your veins as the warmth of Harry's hand barely touches yours. You slowly turn back towards him.
He quickly senses your gaze, and looks over to you, pulling his lips inward as his eyes search your plain expression.
You flash him a small smile, and you see his shoulders relax. But you're not sure if his casual demeanor is comforting or worrisome to you. You're glad he doesn't feel awkward, but frustrated that you do, and that you can't figure out why.
"I'm gonna get a drink." You mutter. "Want one?"
"Yeah." He replies, looking back to you, and presenting a wide smirk that showcases that naughty, deep left dimple. "I've got some gum left, so I'm alright to have another beer."
You roll your eyes and swiftly turn around as you feel another rush of red ignite your cheeks. You try to shake it off and reach into the cooler.
Maybe you shouldn't drink anymore. You are reacting so oddly and you don't want that to show through any more than it probably already does.
You suddenly feel a warm presence behind you and turn around to come face to face with Harry.
"Shit!" You exclaim, letting out a breath as you try to calm the heart beats that shot up at the surprise. "Stop doing that!"
"Sorry." He chuckles, slowly grabbing one of the beers out of your hand. "M'just thirsty and you're dawdling." He adds, flickering his gaze down to your lips for a split second.
"Oops." You manage to quietly reply, gulping down the lump that has formed in your throat.
He lifts the beer to his lips, resting them on the opening of the bottle, and you detect a small smile before he takes his first sip.
"Thanks." He states, raising the beer to cheers with yours, turning around and walking back towards the bench that you both previously occupied.
He stops a few feet away from you, and spins around, a furrow in his brow as he takes another sip of his beer.
"Are you sure you're alright? Y'kinda acting weird." He pauses. "Or… different, I guess I should say."
"Yeah." You state, trying to add a little enthusiasm in your tone to convince him. "I'm good.
"If you feel sick or something, spew outside, far away from the tent, yeah?"
Your expression turns into a glare. "Keep talking shit and if I need to I'll do it right on your pillow."
"Wow. You're just such a good friend." He states, a semi-sarcastic tone with his words.
"I really am." You poke your tongue, but as he reciprocates with a wink, you feel a flutter in your stomach again.
You feel dumb. It's Harry. You shouldn't be getting flustered around Harry. He's your best friend. This is the type of thing that happens when you're around your crush. And Harry isn't your crush.
But maybe that kiss started a crush. And you feel like that's fine. He's attractive, and makes you laugh, and you love spending time with him. An innocent little crush is fine. That's all it is. A crush.
As the original six of you stand at the water's edge, bouncing around on your legs, you hear Justin grumble and you turn to him.
"Tell me again why we have to do this?" He asks, his arms wrapped around his body to keep from shivering.
"It's tradition!" States Avery, with a straightforward tone, as if she shouldn't even have to answer such a question.
"Can't our tradition be something… warmer?" He grumbles again.
"You can't change the tradition, mate. That's the point of a tradition." Harry chuckles, placing his hand on Justin's shoulder.
"Fine. Let's get it over with." He replies, jumping up and down in place as he prepares himself for what's about to happen.
"Okay. On the count of three." Julie proposes. "Ready?"
"No." You growl.
"Now who's being a party pooper?" Harry chuckles, bumping your shoulder, quickly glancing down at your swimsuit and licking his lips. "Admit it, you wanted to see me in my swim shorts."
You roll your eyes, but can't deny that his bare, toned and tattooed chest is a nice sight for your eyes to take in. You feel a shiver run down your spine, and feel like you could blame it on the temperature of the air, but you know that's not really what is to blame.
"This isn't a want, this is a requirement." You look over to the rest of the group. "Can we just get this done?"
"One… two… three!" Julie shouts, and you all sprint into the freezing cold water of the lake.
"Fucking hell!" Harry yelps.
"I hate tradition!" Justin adds.
"Don't be babies, unless you wanna just pay up now..." Avery states, holding her hand out as if she is waiting for something to be placed in it.
Standing chest deep in the water, you laugh as you see everybody's teeth begin to chatter. The rule is that the first person to get out has to shell out one hundred dollars to the last one to stay in. You basically set aside extra money each month just for this trip, and this occasion, but it's always a fun challenge and you are usually one of the last ones to crack.
Harry begins to wade his way over to you and your heart starts to flutter. His wet curly hair and his glistening eyes, under the light of the moon, just add to his beauty. Yes, your best friend is beautiful, that's undeniable, but it's never been something you really focused on. It's also never been something that caused an extreme blush to engulf your cheeks. Not until tonight.
"I'm determined to last longer than you this time." He proclaims, getting closer and closer with each word.
"We'll see about that." You challenge him.
You could definitely win tonight, considering you start to feel warmer inside the closer he gets.
"Are you ready to give up yet?" You laugh.
"What? No!"
"Because I feel fine. Warm, in fact. So this will be an easy win."
"We'll see about that, babe." He replies, a mischievous smirk suddenly appearing, causing your nerves to heighten. "I'll do what I have to."
He stops right in front of you, and you hear him let out a subtle, low chuckle. He reaches around your back, and you let out a gasp, feeling the rush of heat become overpowering in intensity.
But all of a sudden, he pulls his arm back, and you see the wide grin on his face as you feel your swim top begin to float around in front of you.
"Are you kidding me Harry? What the hell?" You yelp, grabbing the piece against your chest to keep yourself decent.
"I'm in it to win it, love! And I figure pestering ya is a good strategy." He shrugs.
"You asshole." You huff, still flustered from the smooth motion of his arm as he untied your top, and suddenly wondering what he would've done it fell off completely. Would he have gotten as flustered as he is making you right now?
"Here… turn around… I'll fix it." He offers.
You feel his fingers run down your shoulders, searching for the undone ties, and you shudder at the touch.
"Getting cold, huh?" He chuckles. "Maybe I shouldn't tie this back up."
His hands linger as he holds both strings, moving close enough that you can feel his breath on the back of your neck.
"I could win this, and maybe get a good view too…"
You hold back a whimper, and feel lucky that the water would hold you up if your knees suddenly went a little weak. You turn your head to the side, getting a glimpse of him out of the corner of your eye, unintentionally biting your lower lip.
"Tie it up, you twerp."
"Hey. Can't blame a guy for trying to see a nice pair of-"
"Tie it up, Harry!"
His fingers graze the skin of your back, and you exhale deeply as the heat inside begins to travel up to your heart, but also down between your thighs.
"There." He whispers.
"Thank you." You utter back, and turn around to see that beautiful face again.
"Anytime." He smiles, and your heart races. With your thoughts and sensations swirling inside, you start to find it difficult to catch your breath.
Your eyes travel down to his lips for a moment, and when they move back up to his gaze, a small furrow of his brow is accompanied by a smirk.
Embarrassment floods over you and you wish the lake would just wash you away at this exact moment. You need to pull yourself away from him before you do something stupid and pull yourself in towards him.
"I…" You stutter. "I lose."
"What?" His eyes go wide and his mouth falls slightly.
"I'm taking the loss. I gotta get out." You state, looking past him to the other four in your group. "I'm getting out guys."
All four heads simultaneously snap over to yours, with eyes wide open to match Harry's.
"You're joking!" Flynn exclaims.
"She breaks!" Julie shouts. "Finally!"
"I thought you said you were fine?" Harry questions, with an expression of sarcasm and concern. "What happened?"
"Nothing." You shrug. "I'm just too cold."
"Is it 'cause I untied your top?" He asks. "I'll let ya pull down my shorts to even it out…"
Your heartbeat races as you begin to envision that scene unfold in your mind.
"You're an idiot." You reply. "And you'd likely walk out of the water with them down."
"Well yeah…" He laughs. "Gotta try to make a good impression on someone."
The warmth disappears from your entire body and you feel the color drain from your face. Someone. Not you, someone else.
"Umm… well, you'll have to… initiate that on your own. Sorry." You quickly respond. "I'm gonna go."
"So you're not staying for the show then?" He smirks, and you momentarily get drawn back into his eyes, that smile, and those dimples.
You shut your eyes to focus yourself and clear your throat.
"I'm sure you'll have enough of a crowd, Styles, you don't need me there."
You begin to make your way back to the sand, as the group cheers in their victory, so you turn your head to them.
"No one has won yet…" You scoff, waving them off. You grab your towel, quickly wrapping it around you, and make your way back to the tent to change.
As you get inside and take a moment to yourself, you realize something that you hadn't before. Something that the kiss seems to have sparked for you. You have feelings for your best friend. Not just because of the kiss, but because he is your best friend. Because he knows you, he cares about you, he makes you feel comfortable, and happy. He even makes you feel… loved. Harry makes you feel loved. Yep. You don't just have a crush on Harry, you definitely have feelings for him. And it sucks.
"YN?" You hear outside the tent, from that unmistakable British accent.
"Are you decent?" He asks. "I need to change. Kind of freezing out here."
"Yeah. All clear. Come in."
He unzips the tent and pushes his way through. Catching a glimpse of how his shorts are tightly gripping his crotch, you quickly refocus your attention back onto brushing out your hair, and do your best not to stare.
You can't deny you haven't wondered about his anatomy down there, but now is not the time to dwell on that.
"That was fast." You state, keeping your eyes down as he looks for some dry clothes.
"Yeah, well either Flynn was tryna cop a feel or something was swimming 'round my legs." He chuckles.
"I feel like you've used that excuse before, H." You state.
"Hey! M'serious! There is something in that water." He scoffs. "Bloody hell, ya meanie, can I just change now?"
"Yeah, give me one second." You state, moving around to find your phone.
"I've changed in the same room as you before, YN, it's a big deal…"
"Yeah." You begin to blush, feeling that warm sensation building up between your thighs again. "But I wasn't on the same eye level as your dick."
"Shame." He giggles.
"What is wrong with you?" You sarcastically scold.
"What?" He innocently shrugs.
"Why are you such a flirt?" You ask. You normally don't care but it seems to be causing you problems tonight.
"It's fun." He shrugs. "And I know I can get away with it with you, since we're friends."
That sounds like confirmation that he doesn't feel what you feel from that kiss. That he hasn't changed the way that he feels about you.
"Right." You clear your throat, finally finding and grabbing your phone. "Well I'm not gonna stick around for this show either."
"You're not being very fun tonight." His brow furrows.
"Because I don't want to see your ass hanging out?"
"It's a good ass." He smirks. "But, no, you're just being really weird."
"I'm not being weird." You frown.
"You're right. What was it you said?" He frowns back, pulling a shirt over his head. "Different. Yeah? You're acting different."
"I don't know what to tell you, H. I'm fine." You state sternly, unzipping the tent before he removes anymore clothing and you become even more flustered.
"Whatever you say." He shakes his head. "I'll see ya out there."
"Yep." You reply, exiting the tent and letting out a strong breath, realizing your body had been so tense during that entire interaction.
You knew you had been a bit aloof. You're trying to stabilize yourself. You may have all these new feelings for him, but he doesn't for you, and you shouldn't be making it uncomfortable for the both of you. You turn around with the intention of going back in and apologizing, but hover your hand over the zipper when you hear Harry mumbling.
"This is too much."
Your heart sinks and you clench your jaw. So, not only have you made it uncomfortable, but you've now completely embarrassed yourself to the point of him finding you annoying.
You're really beginning to regret playing that stupid game, suggested by that stupid girl.
The night goes on into the late hours, as it usually does, and you feel a little more at ease with the strangers around you, even introducing yourself to a handful of them. The two shots of tequila you took are probably helping with that.
But you are avoiding Harry. You don't want to embarrass yourself or bother him anymore. Especially now since things really do feel weird. Not just different. Weird. You made it that way, and you don't want to be face to face with him right now. And it's probably for the best considering you're a bit tipsy now. You don't want to say or do anything stupid.
But, of course, your eyes catch Harry's and you see him standing with Sabrina. She is definitely not your favorite person here, but she's standing next to him.
You roll your eyes as you turn away, heading towards the campfire, and mentally kicking yourself for not remembering to pack a hoodie.
"I was worried you'd forget a sweater again." You hear, making you turn to your side to see Harry standing over you.
"Yeah, well, typical me, right?" You reply, managing a small smile to try and hide any awkwardness.
"I wasn't tryna put ya down. Here, take mine." He replies, shrugging his down off of his broad shoulders. You unintentionally flicker your eyes down to the collar of his shirt, which is showing off the top of the sparrow tattooes as it pulls down slightly with the sweater.
"I'm fine, Harry."
"YN, come on, stop being so stubborn." He demands, handing it to you without giving you the option to reject it.
"Fine." You reply, grabbing it from him and instantly feeling the warmth from his body encasing you as you put it on. "Thank you."
"You're welcome, ya grump." He chuckles.
You drop your head down and begin to fiddle with the cuffs of the sweater.
"Yeah, well, I'll let you get back to Sabrina. She's probably a lot more fun than I am."
"That's not true." He proclaims with the most stern tone you've ever heard come out of his mouth. "But what's up with ya tonight?"
"Nothing. I'll just catch up with you later, okay?" You stand up and walk off, hearing him growl as you move further away.
You try to slyly turn back and see him down a shot of his own before heading back over to talk to a small group of people, including the one girl who may want Harry almost as much as you do. The one he probably wants too.
You reach a nearby tree and lean against it, closing your eyes and trying to breathe through the tightness in your chest.
"What are you doing, YNN?" You hear, opening your eyes and finding Flynn standing next to you.
"Both times Sabrina has come to this thing, and thrown herself at Harry, you've been there to intervene."
"Well, like, come to his rescue." He responds.
"I have?" You smack your hand against your forehead. "Shit."
"Wait, that wasn't intentional?" He mutters. "I thought you were just trying to be a good friend."
"A good friend? A good friend doesn't cockblock someone…" You wince. "No wonder he hasn't hooked up with her."
"What? No." He shakes his head. "I'm pretty sure he doesn't like her."
"Really?" You ask, hoping that the feeling of excitement and relief hasn't pushed through. "I just figured he did, since I saw them talking over the-"
As you point over to the spot you last saw them, your eyes don't land on them talking, but your heart lands in the pit of your stomach.
They are still there, but definitely not talking. Sabrina is on her tiptoes, wearing Harry's beanie, with his face squished between her palms and her lips smashed against his. His hands are on her shoulders and he pulls away, whispering something in her ear before she nods and drops her hands down.
"Oh." Flynn states. "I, uh, guess I was wrong."
"Umm… yeah, looks like you were…" You fumble out, dropping your head down and trying to hold back any sign of your disappointment. "Guess… he doesn't need to be rescued anymore."
Your breathing becomes rapid, and there's a tightness in your chest. You were right, he doesn't feel the same for you. And of course the weekend that you finally discover your feelings for Harry is the weekend he's going to hook up with Sabrina. You feel like such an idiot.
You turn around, trying to find a place that will hide and comfort you in any sort of way. Your gaze lands on the multitude of alcohol spread out on some tables, and you instantly make your way over.
You pour another shot for yourself and pound it as soon as the liquid reaches the top of the glass.
"Was that a 'this night is shitty' shot or a 'this night is fucking awesome' shot?" Someone chuckles behind you.
You place the glass down and swivel around, facing a guy who you introduced yourself to earlier. His name was something like… Brendan? Or maybe Brandon?
"I'm Devin..."
You were close enough.
"We met earlier." He states, giving you a little grin.
"Yep. I remember." You smile back, pouring another two shots, and handing one over to him.
"So, what type of shots are these… shitty night or awesome night?"
Your eyes flicker past Devin for just a moment, and land on the intense stare of Harry, his arms crossed over his body as Justin and some new guy talk beside him.
"How about 'fuck this whole trip, I wish I never came here' shots?" You reply, feeling the alcohol begin to take over a bit and suddenly not giving a shit about it.
"Wow. Alright. Let's do this then." He shoots back the tequila with you, both wincing at the burn it causes sliding down your throat.
"So, it's really that bad huh?" He asks.
You just shrug, not even knowing what you could possibly say to this stranger that could explain it all, and also not make him bolt in the other direction after hearing how pitiful you sound.
"Will another shot help?" He chuckles, reaching for the bottle that's sitting on the table.
Your eyes glance back over to Harry, and see Sabrina squeezing her way between him and Justin, placing her hand on his shoulder. His eyes stay fixed on you, but yours glance over to her. She's still wearing his beanie.
"Might as well try."
After some time goes by, chatting with Devin, you start to feel the alcohol wear off and reach back to the bottle for another round.
Before your hand grips it, you feel his hand on your forearm and your eyes shoot up to meet his.
"Is your night getting any better?" He asks timidly. "Not just from the tequila."
You give him a smile and let out a giggle, fueled by the shots but also by how shy he now looks while talking to you.
"Yeah. It is."
He suddenly gets closer, giving your arm a gentle squeeze as he leans forward and places a kiss on your lips.
You gently push him back and scrunch your face when you see his embarrassed expression.
"Oh shit. I'm sorry." He exclaims, a bright red blush forming on his cheeks. "I read this all wrong didn't I? Shit. I'm so sorry."
"It's okay, Devin. Can we just keep hanging out, casually?" You respond. The effects of the alcohol apparently click back in or something because you start to wobble backwards a tiny bit, causing him to reach out and throw his arm around your back to secure you.
"Hey mate!" You hear being yelled, instantly registering who those words were coming from. "I think you need to walk away."
Harry shows up right next to you and helps you steady yourself. His arm wraps around your waist right as Devin pulls his away.
"Harry, what the fuck?" You ask, looking apologetically towards Devin.
"He was trying to take advantage of you!" Harry shouts.
"No. What? Shit. No, I was just-"
"Leaving. You were just leaving. Yeah?"
Devin's eyes dart between you and Harry, and your head shoots a glare at the man beside you.
"YN, I'm sorry." He states, with an apprehensive tone to his voice. He places one hand on his chest, with a nervous look on his face.
"No. Devin. I'm sorry… about this..." You mumble, unsure if he could hear you due to the sudden shaking feeling in your chest.
"Fucking leave." Harry growls, causing Devin to simply nod and walk away.
You immediately push Harry off of you and hit his chest with your fists.
"What is wrong with you?" You yell. "For fucks sake, Harry! You're such an asshole!"
"What the hell did I do wrong? I was trying to help you."
Your jaw starts to clench, as hurt and anger start to consume you.
"Help me?… right, okay… except you… damn it, I hate this whole fucking weekend!"
"Yeah that's been apparent." He snarks.
"Fuck you." You scoff. "It's all your fault anyway."
His eyes widen at your statement and a deep frown forms right between his brows.
"What the fuck, YN? How? What the fuck did I do wrong?" He asks again.
Someone catches your eye behind him, slowly walking up to the two of you. The first thing you notice is the familiar beanie, as you then realize that it still sits on top of Sabrina's head.
"Of course… I can't fucking do this with you right now." You reply between gritted teeth. He turns his gaze over his shoulder to see her moving her way towards him, then turns his head back to you. You give him a glare and turn around to quickly make your way to the tent.
"Hey, umm, I'll catch up with you later." You can hear Harry state, soon hearing his footsteps getting closer to you.
"Go away Harry."
"YN, for fucks sake, will you just stop and talk to me?"
"There's nothing to talk about Harry." You growl. "But… let me know if you want some privacy in the tent tonight. I'll just see if Julie has some room for me in hers."
"What? No. You can sleep in the tent…" He finally catches up to you and grabs your arm, spinning you around to face him. He steps as close as he can, holding both your arms as he catches his breath.
You're caught off guard for a moment when you're met with a sweet natural scent diffusing out from him, and you suddenly cannot remember if it's always been like that, or if you're only just now more aware of it.
"What the fuck is going on with you tonight?" He breathes out, his glossy, but concerned emerald eyes burning a hole into yours.
"I… I don't…" Despite everything boiling inside, your body has lost the ability to move, and apparently your brain has lost the ability to form sentences. "I don't know."
He steps closer, which you didn't think was even possible, and his eyes dart all over your face, clearly looking for a clue as to what you're thinking.
"C'mon, YN, we're best friends! I know you. Something's up." His eyebrows quickly pinch together again as he holds his stare. "But I feel like I'm going crazy! Are you just making out with random guys now? Like, what the fuck is that about? Are you that drunk?"
"Don't be dramatic, it was a quick kiss. And why do you care? It's really none of your business." You glare at him, pushing against his chest so you can give yourself some distance. "You shouldn't have butted in, and you definitely shouldn't have yelled at him!"
"He was getting grabby! I saw you pushing him away. What the fuck was I s'posed to do?" His voice is raised, and way more intense than you've ever heard it. Even during your little spats, his tone has always been controlled.
"Could've minded your own damn business. I can handle myself." You snap back, the words falling out of your mouth before you can catch them.
"Minded my-... are you serious? It's absolutely my business if some guy is making you uncomfortable. I don't give a fuck who it is. You're my best friend, YN! I… I care about you more than anyone else here!"
The term 'best friend' has never made you feel any sort of pain, until now. You are best friends, and you have been best friends basically since you met. But now one kiss, one dared kiss, has you feeling so different than you have before. It has you feeling so much more for him, feeling so jealous, and feeling so desperate for him to just kiss you again at this very moment. It even, you think, has you feeling love. But he doesn't feel any of that.
"Really? Is that why your lips were locked with Sabrina's? Because you care about me?" You growl through gritted teeth.
You drop your gaze to the ground and take a deep breath. As you look back up into his beautiful stare, your heart drops again for a split second. He kissed Sabrina, and just called you his best friend. Now you really know where you stand with him, and it's too much to handle.
"Just…" Your jaw clenches, as you start to protect your heart, while feeling it begin to break. "Don't worry about me."
"That's stupid. M'gonna worr-"
"Just don't, Harry!" You exclaim, hearing him quietly gasp at the words that just came out and the tone that accompanied them.
You pull in your lips as you feel a tightness build in your chest and tears beginning to form.
"Just please, Harry… please leave me alone."
His arms drop to his sides and his mouth drops open.
"YN, m'sorry-"
"Please." You utter, wrapping your arms around yourself to keep from completely falling apart.
You look up through your lashes and see him nod, moving backwards with the smallest steps as he runs a hand through his hair.
"M'sorry." He whispers, barely enough for you to hear him, shoving his hands in his pockets and turning around to walk away.
You turn and take those last few steps to the tent, fumbling with the zipper and desperate to get inside.
After you finally make your way in, and zip it back up, you immediately fall down onto your sleeping bag. You don't bother changing, and curl up in Harry's sweater.
With his scent still lingering on it, filling the tent, the tears begin to fall.
You hate that the kiss changed everything for you. You hate that it happened in the first place. You hate all you want is for him to march into the tent, wrap you up in his arms, tell you that he wants you too, and kiss you again with as much passion as you felt the first time. You hate that the kiss changed nothing for Harry, and most of all, you are starting to hate that you actually love him.
You wake up in the morning, alone in your tent, to the sound of muffled chatter in the distance. Still in your clothes from the night before, you do your best to fix your hair, shuffling out and over to the open area where everyone is eating breakfast. Almost everyone.
You grab some coffee, not really feeling like you can stomach much more than that, and sit at one of the nearby picnic tables.
You take a sip but shoot straight up again when you see Devin grabbing a plate of food.
With your coffee in hand, you make your way over to him.
"Hey. Devin. Can we talk?"
He looks at your surroundings before looking back over to you.
"Are you sure you wanna do that?" He asks, surprising you as the question is followed by a chuckle.
"I'm so sorry." You reply, placing your face in your palm, feeling the possibility of tears arriving at any moment.
"Let's go sit." He suggests, motioning to the picnic bench you had just been occupying.
You take a seat across from him, your coffee sitting between your hands and your elbows on the table.
"I'm so sorry about last night." You repeat, dropping your gaze to your mug.
"Don't be. I just read things wrong and… didn't know you had a boyfriend…"
Your head immediately snaps up to his. "No, no, no. Harry isn't my boyfriend. We're just friends, like, best friends. That's all."
"Well…" He pauses to take a small bite of his food. "That was quite an odd reaction then."
"What do you mean?"
"YN, that was an extremely 'boyfriend' type of reaction he had when seeing me kiss you." He looks at you bashfully as he reminds you of what he did.
"He just… thought you… were making some unwelcome advances."
"I guess." He shrugs. "But the way he looked at you, and at me, and the way he held you so close… I don't know… it just seemed like there was something more going on there."
"There's not. Trust me, there's not." You sigh. "Definitely not for him anyway."
Your hand immediately covers your mouth and you hear him giggle.
"Oh okay." He grins. "So that was the reason for those 'fuck this whole trip' shots."
"I'm so sorry. I hope you don't think I was just trying to, like, lead you on or anything…"
"No. You were fine. I was having fun, I just misread the situation." He shrugs.
"Just so you know, I was having fun too." You smile, taking another sip of your coffee.
"And… I mean, I could be misreading this too… but it does seem like there's something more going on between you guys, for him too."
You place your mug down and shake your bed. "Doubtful, considering his empty, untouched sleeping bag."
"Well…" He takes his last bite of food and begins to stand up from his seat. "If you need someone to hang out with or want to take some more 'drink your pain away' shots, maybe away from certain tall, angry British men… come find me."
"Oh god." You let out a huge laugh. "I might take you up on that."
He gives you a quick wink and walks off, but his place at the picnic table is quickly taken up by Julie.
"So?" She asks, eyes wide with anticipation.
"Did you and Devin hook up last night?"
"No! Why would you even think that?"
"Well, I heard that something happened last night involving the two of you. I thought it might've been something juicy." She furrows her brow. "You could've waited for me, to play out some drama!"
You roll your eyes at her as she giggles.
"Yeah, well, it wasn't the fun kind of drama, if that's even a thing."
"So, wait, does Harry not know you and Devin didn't hook up?" Her sudden, random question takes you by surprise and your posture becomes rigid.
"I don't know. Probably too busy hooking up with Sabrina to even give it a second thought."
Just the sound of her name now triggers a knot in your stomach.
"He didn't hook up with her." Julie states.
"He didn't?"
"No, he slept in Justin's tent." She replies. "That's the other reason I thought you and Devin had done the deed. I thought he was giving you two space for some alone time."
"Why didn't he sleep with her?" You blurt out, mentally slapping yourself as soon as you hear the question leave your lips.
"That's a super weird thing to ask…" She raises a brow in curiosity. "I don't know. I mean, why didn't you sleep with Devin?"
Your gaze suddenly drops again, and you feel a very inconvenient and unwanted blush appear. It's unfortunate that you've been friends for so long, because you know she can instantly read your reaction.
"Oh shit. I knew it. Avery and I were just messing around with that dare..." Julie whispers. "But after the kiss, I knew something happened. I knew something was up with you."
"I don't know what you're talking about."
"Like hell you don't!" She raises her voice, causing an immediate shush to come out of your mouth. "Oh my god…"
"Is that why you didn't stick around during the water challenge? I saw how close he was to you, and you looked nervous. Plus, you never leave first."
"I was cold…"
"I know Harry's your best friend, so he knows you the best, but I've known you just as long, YNN. And that's a bunch of bullshit."
"What does it even matter, Julie?" You close your eyes, feeling your heart squeeze just as tight. "Our kiss didn't change anything for him. Instead, he went off and kissed Sabrina."
Her hands lift up and hold her cheeks. "Were you even here last night? Seems like you don't know anything that happened."
"What do you mean?" You instinctually lean towards her.
"YN… she kissed him…" She replies, looking around to confirm that no one else is listening in. "I mean, we all know how she flirts with him. Disgusting, by the way. But I guess this time she grabbed his beanie and wore it to get him to talk to her, and when he walked up to get it, she made her move and kissed him."
"Justin told me that Harry was not having it and politely whispered to her to back off." She shakes her head. "Then Justin said he later walked up to everyone and he seemed super pissed for some reason. She tried to talk to him again, like, one last attempt to get what she wanted I guess. Again, disgusting. But apparently he told her to 'keep the fucking beanie' and leave him alone."
"Yeah. She left early this morning." She chuckles. "Why was he so pissed, YN? What the hell happened with you two?"
You wince at the memories of last night and let out a huge, shaky sigh.
"We had a huge fight."
"For what?"
"I, uh, I just got so flustered after the kiss. Clearly you saw that. And realized… that I wanna be more than friends." You clear your throat. "But he doesn't. And when I saw him kissing Sabrina… or I guess her kissing him… I got jealous."
"When I was hanging out with Devin later, he tried to kiss me. It was an innocent misunderstanding, but Harry walked up and was super rude to Devin-"
"He was jealous." Julie nods. "Go on."
"He wasn't-... anyway, I got pissed and walked away. He followed me and we had a huge fight. Julie, we've never had a fight like that. I told him to leave me alone and… so he did."
"Oh boy." She pinches the bridge of her nose. "That's… wow… that's intense. Yeah, seems like that kiss changed things for the both of you."
"Seems like you got the drama you wanted."
"I tend to get what I want." She giggles, then immediately reaches across the table and grabs your hands. "But I didn't want that for you. And now I just want you to get whatever it is that you do want."
You sit up straighter. You don't know what you want now. But that's a lie, because you know exactly what you want. You just can't have it, because you want Harry.
You spend the next hour sitting near the edge of the lake, knees pulled up to your chest, arms wrapped around, and chin resting on them.
You keep replaying yesterday over and over in your head. And you can't seem to get the last few of Julie's comments out of your head. She's right, that kiss did change things. Maybe everything. Maybe now you've pushed him away.
You nuzzle your head behind your knees and begin to let the tears fall. Your heart drops at the thought that maybe the two of you won't even be able to be friends anymore.
There's a shift in the sand next to you, and you look over to see Devin matching your position.
"Oh shit." He states as you wipe your cheeks dry. "Do you want me to leave?"
"No." You sniffle. "You're fine. I could use the company."
"Have you talked to that Harry guy yet?"
You can only manage to shake your head.
"I… I saw him talking to Justin…" He looks over to meet your gaze. "He looks sad."
"I think I fucked it all up." You finally speak.
"Well… I'm here if you wanna have a new friend." He chuckles, causing you to look back over to him and give him a smile.
"I do need someone to take shots with." You smirk.
"Sold." He chuckles again. "And for what it's worth… I mean, take it with a grain of salt, considering I have misread things before…"
He bumps your shoulder and you shake your head as you giggle.
"But I don't think you've fucked it all up." He adds. "Just leave the 'fucking things up' to me."
You let out a little laugh, but are interrupted by the shuffling of feet and a familiar presence behind you.
Devin looks over and his face drops. You follow his gaze to see Harry standing there with his hands in his pockets, eyes fixed on you.
"Look, man, I'm just talking to her." Devin explains, standing and throwing up his hands to display his innocence.
"S'alright." Harry replies, still looking down to you, but you turn your gaze back to the water. "M'just wanting to talk to her too."
"Yeah, I'll, uh, head back." Devin nods, stepping forward to catch your eyes. "Come find me if you need me."
"Thank you, Devin. Really, thank you." You nod quietly, shooting a quick smile before he waves and walks away.
You feel another shift in the sand as Harry takes a seat on the other side of where Devin had been sitting.
"Are you friends with him now?" He asks, with a level tone to his voice.
"I guess." You shrug. "He didn't do anything wrong, Harry. You misunderstood the entire thing."
"I know. Julie told me." He admits, his gaze joining yours as he turns to the water too.
"What else did she tell you?"
Out of the corner of your eye, you see him now drop his gaze to his feet.
"Just that I was an idiot."
"Yeah well…"
There's a silence for a moment between the two of you, and your breathing and thudding heartbeats are all you can hear.
"I wasn't kissing Sabrina, YN. You kind of misunderstood that one."
"Yeah." You let out a strong exhale. "Julie told me."
"I don't even like Sabrina." He states furrowing his brow as he looks over to you. "Can't stand her, actually."
Your breath hitches at his admission, but know that doesn't mean he feels anything for you.
"M'sorry, YN. Really sorry." He turns his body to yours and puts one hand on your knee. "Can we please just go back to being ourselves? To having fun together? To being best friends again?"
"I don't think we can just be friends anymore, Harry." You blurt out, a little faster and louder than you intended.
"What?" He replies with a strained voice. "Look I know I was an asshole, but… you… you really just don't want to be friends anymore?"
You quickly stand up with your body now in fight or flight mode, knowing that it definitely wants to pick the flight option, but Harry immediately pops up too and stands directly in front of you.
"It's not that-"
"Then what the fuck is it? Because I would never just throw away our friendship for something like this. You're my best friend. I don't wanna lose that. I can't lose that!"
Tears immediately start pouring out. You don't want to lose that either, but you're lying to yourself if you think you'd be fine just staying friends. It will rip your heart apart.
"But I don't think I can do that. Not just that anyway. Not anymore."
"What does that even mean? What was so bad that it's made you not want to be my friend anymore?"
"The kiss!" You shout, your head swirling with all of the racing thoughts and emotions. "That kiss yesterday. It… it just…"
He steps closer, causing your breath to hitch when you meet his intense, and concentrated gaze.
"It just… what?" He asks in a low, hushed voice which makes your knees weak.
"It just… it changed how I feel about you. It… made me want to, umm, to be more than friends. I want to be with you, actually be with you." Your gaze drops straight to the ground and your chest tightens with your confession. "But I feel like a complete idiot, like I'm ruining our friendship, because the kiss didn't change anything for you."
He takes another step towards you, and one hand wiping away your tears as the other settles under your chin to meet his gorgeous green eyes.
"No, you're right, it didn't change anything for me." He clears his throat, still fixated on you. The knot in your stomach twists tighter and you want nothing more than to bolt. "Because I already felt that way."
"What?" You take a half step back, shocked by the words he just uttered, a little unsure if you even heard him correctly.
"YN, I love being your best friend. Really. And I'll take what I can get. But, I've wanted to be more than friends with you for a long time."
You feel your chest rise and fall at a much faster pace, and your heart begins to race.
"But... why didn't you say anything?"
"Well, 'cause I'm an idiot." He chuckles, moving his hand and running two fingers up and down your arm. "And I didn't want to push anything on you. Or push you away."
You begin to feel butterflies over just the mere understanding of his consideration. You lift your palms up and gently cup his cheeks, your eyes scanning every inch of his face to memorize the moment.
"I… I was worried I was the one pushing you away." You wince. "I can't believe you just stuck around, willing to just stay friends."
"Apparently I like to torture myself, I guess." He clicks his tongue. "But I felt like it was worth it. And now I'm glad I did."
"I'm glad you did too. And actually now kind of glad we played 'truth or dare' too." You bite your lower lip, feeling his breath on your nose and he lets out an exhale and licks his lips.
The hand that was grazing your arm slowly moves down to your waist, and his other moves to the back of your neck. Instantly, your hands grab his flannel shirt as you bring him in even closer to you.
He stares into your eyes, then down to your lips, with a smirk forming on his face. His head moves closer and your heart beats even faster as you feel a rush flow through your body.
Then your lips meet, and it's as if your entire body is finally awakened from a sleep you didn't know it was in.
Your mouths move together, sighing against each other as you grab tighter to his shirt. His tongue, once again, attempts to part its way into your mouth, and this time you fully let him. He pulls you in to deepen this kiss and you melt right into his arms. The heat inside you erupts and you begin to feel it in every part of your body.
He finally pulls away to catch a breath, resting his forehead against yours.
"Better than last night?" He asks, keeping his eyes closed as he smiles. "Higher than a nine?"
"Definitely a ten. And you didn't even have gum this time!" You joke.
His eyes open and meets you with the most tender gaze as he moves his lips back to yours.
"Woo hoo!"
His mouth stops before it touches yours, and both of your heads snap towards that noise, seeing your group of friends clapping and cheering as they watch the two of you.
"Bloody hell, fucking creeps!" Harry shouts, as you hide your face in his chest.
"Oh shut up!" Avery shouts back.
"Yeah!" Julie adds. "We're just happy for you!"
He looks over to you, then your lips, letting out a low and deep exhale.
"Would you, umm, wanna go back to the tent? Just for some privacy?"
You instantly bite your lower lip and nod, grabbing his hand as he leads you away.
He quickly unzips it and trips as he makes his way in, causing you to fall right on top of him on his sleeping bag and burst out into a fit of giggles.
"Well that worked out in my favor." He smirks, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Yeah, smooth move." You roll your eyes.
He reaches out and holds the back of your head, pulling you down and pressing his lips passionately against yours. He doesn't hesitate to slip his tongue inside, and you let out a breathy moan. He begins to press his hips up into yours, causing you to let out yet another breathy moan.
"You're okay with this, yeah?"
"Mhmm." You hum back, moving your lips across his jaw and down his neck.
"F-fuck, babe." He whispers, grabbing your hips and bucking up into you again.
Your run your hand down his chest, sliding over the bulge pushing against his pants.
He throws his head back, eyes closed, and displays the widest smile you've seen from him.
"I've imagined this moment so much." He moans. "Feels… so… much better than I thought."
"I, uh, I definitely want to do so much more with you… just not here, on the hard ground, with our creepy friends nearby. But… I do want to show off my Nutella skills right now…" You see his eyes shoot open and his head snap down to meet yours, causing you to bite hard on your lower lip.
"Should…" He chuckles. "Should I go get a jar of it then?"
"No. I don't want you to leave." You lick your lips. "I think I can find something else to taste…"
You lay nuzzled in Harry's arms, your head on his chest as you feel it rise and fall.
"Harry?" You whisper.
"Yeah babe?" He whispers back.
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth or dare?"
"Truth…" He replies hesitantly.
"What was the moment you realized you liked me?" You ask, tracing his sparrow tattoos with your finger.
"Remember that trip here, when you came to my tent to spend the night, because you had invited your cousin
and found her throwing up all over the floor of yours?"
You can't speak for a moment, taken back by how quickly he responded to the question.
"Ew. Yes." You cringe at the memory.
"And you had on that blue fucking bikini."
"That's how you knew you liked me? Because I was looked good in a swim-"
"Lemme finish. Geez." He chuckles, softly running his fingers up and down your shoulder. "No. You had to borrow my shirt and boxers to sleep in. I liked it. That's what you looked good in."
He grabs your body and brings you in closer to him, kissing your forehead before resting his cheek on it.
"You had to share my sleeping bag with me, and we talked for a while, and when you fell asleep you ended up cuddling into me." He clears his throat. "You smiled when I wrapped my arms around you, and it felt so natural, so good… I realized I wanted to do that with you every day."
You slightly tilt your head to place gentle kisses on his chest.
"Man, these camping trips are magic or something." You giggle.
"Okay, YN, truth or dare?"
"Do…" He inhales his breath, so you places more kisses on his chest. "Do you think… fuck, do you think it's too crazy that… that I love you?"
Your heart beats faster than it ever has before, and you unintentionally let out a whimper as you feel his breathing increase in its pace.
"No." You utter. "Because I love you too."
His breath hitches and he reaches under to chin to being your eyes to his gorgeous greens.
"Thanks for persuading me to come this year."
He places a gentle kiss on your lips and then rests his cheek on the top of your head.
"Well, I did promise that you'd have a good time."
If you'd like to send extra support, I love coffee 💗Bee xx
Main Masterlist
Overall Taglist: @watermelonsugacry @tw1nflamebruis3 @slut4lilyrose @pinktakeaway @hopefulwastelandcreation @tenaciousperfectionunknown @his-only-angel-1989 @queenmadi2 @runway-to-my-aid @theekyliepage @be-yourss @harryistheonlyoneforme @b-reads-things @behindmygreyeyes @michellekstyles @a-strange-familiar @yousunshineyoutempter @buckybarnessimpp @spicyscorpsag @msolbesg @sleutherclaw @katiebaxterrrrrr @percysaidnever @thatbitch2828 @mrspeacem1nusone @thurhomish @sushiabby @woanderry @harrystylesrecs @robotrry @vickiii17 @itsbebeyyy @divalovesyou
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theamityelf · 3 months
In your Makoto Kamukura au does Makoto ever interact with his class again? I see them all being worried and when someone (most likely Kirigiri) finds him Izuru is pissed.
Yes!! It gets so messy.
The way I'm imagining it right now, Makoto has to leave the supply room for some reason, when Izuru and Nagito aren't there (and maybe this scenario is facilitated by the fact that Kamukoma is happening on the side, so Izuru has truly gotten distracted by Nagito and just assumed that Iteration 2 would always stay in the room).
He leaves the room, and he runs into someone from his class. I'm thinking Hina, because I need the person to be highly passionate and genuine. She sees him and gasps. "Makoto?! It's you! It's really you! But, where have you been?! Everyone was so worried about you! We were so worried!"
He sees that she's upset, even though the name "Makoto" is entirely new to him, and he says, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you."
And Hina notices that he's talking strangely, but she's too caught up in the fact that he's here to really deal with that, so she just goes, "Come on; the others have to see you!" and drags him to class.
They're all astonished and excited, in their own ways, to see their missing friend back (but with way longer hair, red eyes, and looking– as Leon put it –like he'd been living in a cave). Makoto stands there and just kind of takes it all in, and Kyoko is the most aware that something is seriously, fundamentally off about him. In fact, she interrupts the merriment to ask:
"Do you recognize us?"
The others are (with very few exceptions) not there yet, and they do all the "What are you talking about? It's Makoto. Of course he recognizes us," that is to be expected.
Makoto doesn't answer, because there's a lot going on and he's more focused on learning from it. He hasn't had to say pretty much anything this whole time, because everyone else was talking over each other.
"Makoto?" Kyoko says. "Do you recognize us?"
Makoto looks at her and gathers that, while she won't like the truth, it is also all she'll accept. He softens the blow by saying, "I know that you're Kyoko Kirigiri, Ultimate Detective and daughter of Headmaster Kirigiri."
"Yes, Hina and Hifumi both said my name, Hiro mentioned my ultimate talent, and my connection to the headmaster can be gleaned in any number of ways. I asked if you recognize me."
"I'm sorry, but I don't have any memory of being the person you knew."
The others have their shocked and dismayed reactions, and Kyoko does take a second to feel the revelation, but then she just grimly nods and says, "Is that at all related to the scar on your forehead?" (A straight scar, seemingly dealt by a blade held by a steady hand. A surgical scar.)
Makoto knows that it will cause problems if he shares any more information. "There isn't much that I can explain. I'm sorry that I don't know how to be who you want me to be. I can try to learn. But for now, it wouldn't be safe if I stayed here much longer. I have to go back to...my room."
"You mean your dorm room?" Chihiro asks nervously.
Makoto makes blank eye contact and says nothing.
"You can't go!" Taka protests. "You'll miss class! You've already been absent for-"
"My friend doesn't want me around other people, and the Steering Committee doesn't want the general public to know about me. I would be putting you in danger if I stayed." He leaves.
But he'll be back.
He's learned this body's name: Makoto Naegi. The Ultimate...Lucky Student? Like Nagito?
He's learned a lot today.
(Eventually, the class finds out that Nagito knew where Makoto was. Eventually, Izuru finds out that his Iteration 2 has been talking to people who knew him before he was himself. Drama ensues.)
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