#leave em be block em (doing so after this post) move on okay?
rainbowangel110 · 5 months
Putting this behind a read more for the SGB peeps
So there's this post here with tags saying that either we're purists or don't realize it, and that some of the cast has died + they're prepubescent teens what do you except??
I went to their blog hoping for an explanation and turns out they also said that they think the work "sexualization" is now a buzzword here and should be taken away....
*inhales* oh boy. If this is a response to people reacting to the fics out there about the kids well, buddy, congrats! That's the worst way anyone has put it!
They're all 14-15 as of right now, so they're not prepubescent my dude, and can drive (a bit), but even then, even then it's still weird to write a fic about what could potentially happen in a tango between minors. I personally have not come across anything but @girlscoutbrownies @b3achysurfur @planetarymesss @astronautica-ss @@itstivan have talked about how it's just not okay.
I am personally fine with sex in media but if it's between two minors I am out, that is not something that needs to be in there. Consenting adults are alright, certain themes of abuse can be added (if they are handled properly), and you can read/watch it all you want, I don't care. Just..... yeah no.
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unholywriter · 1 month
Stars | Jaime Reyes x Fem!Reader
Warning: Fluff.
Paring: Magic Reader x Symbiotic alien infused bug boy.
a/n: I know it’s definitely not the time of year for Christmas but enjoy. 💙🪲
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It was later, and your shift was ending. Working at a bar downtown in Palmera City, you never knew what kind of rambunctious shenanigans would unfold. But, for Christmas Eve, it was quiet. It was a godly slow day, not many stopped by aside the few occasional regulars wishing good holidays. Thankfully, it was coming to an end. Setting up the bar stools on the table, and making sure all was clean, capped and put away. You slid out the door, locking it behind you. Palmera was nippy, but it doesn’t get too terribly cold around this time of year.
Pulling up your scarf you walked looking at the text message from Jaime, your lover. A smile blanketed your face.
Jaime: Close went good?
You: Yes. Just stepping out now.
Jaime: Need a pick up? I’m near by.
You: What, a roof top a block over?
Jaime: Hey, rooftops are peaceful. 🥺
You: So is being wrapped up in my bfs arms but, sadly you like rooftops more. 😈
Jaime: You’re not going to let me live that down huh? Also, lamp post. 😂😭
As you read the last part you halted immediately. You were a few inches from running into it. You took a breath in and smiled looking up to the sky to see a silhouette of a particular blue looking suited boyfriend of yours. But you knew he was grinning ear to ear underneath that mask.
“tfihs em oot sih edis.” You whispered. Now it was your turn to grin ear to ear as you materialize right beside him. You swore a squeak left his mouth.
“Dios mío mi amor!” He hitched his breath, dramatically placing his hand on his chest. “You know you could have just let me come down and meet you right?”
“Maybe I like the rooftops too.” You smile, and move in closer to embrace him. He embraced you back, and just like he read your thoughts, and well. Khaji reading his; the suit’s mask dematerialized revealing his gorgeous face underneath. And damn those beautiful brown doe eyes of his.
“You were just teasing me about it.” He rolled his eyes, his grip gently squeezing you.
“I know.” You placed your lips against his tenderly, running your fingers though his hair as he kissed you back just as sweetly. “I’ve missed you JaiJai.”
“Sorry for being gone a week, I thought we caught wind on a lead for Ted.” He said grimly. His mood changing only made you soften your expression with more concern.
“How’s Jenny?” You pulled away slowly. You still didn’t leave his touch though. But you knew making sure he was okay and being his emotional support is more important than craving deep intimacy at the moment from him.
“She’s doing well for someone who found out her father is alive. Just not knowing where he is, you know. She’s worried.” He began to explain, his tone and pace nerve racked. You could only assume because, Ted, being his predecessor. A man he’s never met before. Definitely an unregulated, stressful situation. Not only that, Jenny and Jaime had some moments together. But, she stepped away knowing you two were more or so in love with each other without each other knowing. She was the one, (and Milagro) who gave you both a push ironically. Now it’s been a few months after Jaime had Khaji Da infused within him, Victoria Kord, and Jaime’s father almost dying. It’s been rough, but you’ve been there. As a best friend and his lover. He is thankful, and you know it. Just as much as you’ve been thankful for him all these years.
“I’m glad, but we’re here for her. She has you. And Milagro always makes it her business to make sure she and all of us are okay. So honestly, Jenny will be alright.” You smile, entangling your fingers within his. “You will be alright too, got that mi querido?”
“Loud and clear.” He smiled brightly, fighting back his tears. You reached up, rubbing your finger against his cheek.
“So, do you still want to visit the tree in town square?” You ask, making sure he’s up for it. Yes distractions are nice too get away from everything but you can’t always run away.
“Of course. But I actually had a better idea.” His grin pulled further, a bit of mischief being one of your favorite signature looks that spread across his face.
“What do you have in mind?” You grinned back, curious to what your boyfriend had in store.
“Just trust me?” He grabbed both your hands gently and started to walk backwards, leading you too the edge.
“Always.” You tittered softly, turning back into a soft smile. He then lifted you into his arms. His wings materialized and off you two went. The view was beautiful, of course you’re used to flying via magic yourself but being in his arms with the breeze hitting you even if it was chilly was very peaceful. Soon you could see Palmera City Square, the large Christmas tree erect in all its multicolored glory for season cheer.
“So pretty.” You spoke softly. “What now?”
You both now hovered a far distance from and over the tree. The crowd gathered below enjoying the festivity. “I thought we could have a once in a life time experience not many normal people can experience.”
“Oh?” You tucked some of his curled hair behind his ear still nice and snug in his arms. “So we’re not normal?”
Your tease made him laugh. “I have an alien symbiotic peice of technology infused into my back and connected to every cell in my human body and you? Well, you’ve never been normal mi tesoro.”
The tease back earned him a gentle smack to his shoulder. “Wow, if this is your way too whoo me tonight I might just have to up my game.”
“Hey! I meant you not being normal in the best way possible!” He cheesed. And you gave him a kiss on his cheek.
“I know my love. So what now?” You beamed happily. Patiently waiting for his goofy, lovable plan of his. Because well, both of you were sixty or so feet in the air and you were beginning to wonder if people looked up wondering what or who was hovering above them.
“Well.” He then begin to help you to where you were now dangling closely together. But your feet hung out, and gravity wasn’t to kind. “Uh.” He laughed nervously, his plan not working in his favor for the moment. “I was going to see if we could just, dance? But, I honestly didn’t think this part through.”
“It’s okay Jaime, that’s why having a girlfriend with magic comes in handy.” You giggled. Holding him close. Taking a breath in you closed your eyes and met his again. “Ekam eht ria a ecnad roolf, kaolc su nihtiw eht thgin.”
With ease your feet met an invisible flooring underneath the both of you. He looked down awe stuck with bewilderment but quickly smiled back. “What did…?”
“Now we can dance.” You took your arms wrapping them around his neck. He tenderly held you by your back. From below Christmas music rang, the smell of peppermint and pine filled both your senses. Laughter and happiness from people all over could be heard. It was truly magical.
“Okay, so bear with me mi amor. My two left feet might become a problem.” His cheeks turned a tint of pink, and soon an even more embarrassed expression crossed his face. “No Khaji!” He looked over his shoulder in a fit of sheepishness. Your smile pulled further.
“What did she say this time?”
“She said she could help me learn because she indulged herself to the internet the other night.” He rolled his eyes yet again.
“Oh no, that poor thing.” You gasped in actual horror. “I hope she didn’t delve too deep into the endless web of dark and treacherous Fortnite dances.”
“Do not give her any ideas.” He widened his eyes. You laughed again. Waiting patiently. “Besides, even if I trip over my feet as long as I’m dancing with you no matter how bad I am - that’s all that matters to me”.
You blushed softly. “Me too. Then lead the way Jai.”
Slowly, he began to lead. His steps a bashful disaster. But, he kept at it, soon both you moving in a circle of rhythm. “I think, I think we got!” He looked down and snapped back up with his playful, dramatic expression of giddiness. One of the many things that you fell in love with about him.
“We are!” You pressed your lips together tighter, and he then placed his forehead against yours.
“Feliz navidad mi estrella.” He said softly as the bells began to chime signifying midnight. “I love you so much y/n.”
“Feliz navidad Jaime. I love you so very much too amor de mi vida.” You softly spoke back. A gentle kiss was exchanged, and the both of you continued to dance above the city square. Locked deep in each other’s arms, but more importantly deep within each other’s hearts. And man, were the stars so pretty tonight as they watched the both of you fall in love deeply.
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deststranding · 1 year
Okay so this is inspired by @long-boy-in-the-soup‘s post but i went through sav’s two truths two lies to see whats poppin w/ em. Also feels like worth noting that im pretty sure sav made all of these pre season of the splicer? So i’m not sure how much context that could change.
The Pyramid blade is one key to defeating the witness - likely a lie (also the pyramid blade is specifically the enigma, she refers to the enigma as that in a few other memories) The witness seeks the final shape and the final shape is nothing - n/a The Last City is not the last city - truth The Witness will build its army on mars - No idea but could be true? Nothing to go against it and the sol divisive did recently try to take the spire
Truth/Lies Block 1 Summary: Might be usable information from sav, we’ll probably figure it out during lightfall.
Mercury, Io, and Titan are in savathuns care - could be a half truth? Savathuns involvement on Io during arrivals and Titan being a planet w/ her brood on it. Mercury could be bc she was disguised as osiris at that point? Not that osiris is incharge of mars but you get it. Also inline with some of her ‘truths’ abt being the one who brought mars back The Witness returned mars to your solar system - absolutely no idea. one of the statements that are directly countered by other memories. The power to move worlds will soon be yours - n/a The Taken King will rise again - eh? Weird take bc how subjective it is. Returned in the sense of the raid is here but thats noncanon (in a sense), oryx could feasibly get rez’d, iirc the current taken queen is xivu, and even if the witness took over it isnt a dude so neither of them can be the taken king. No idea when this message would be recorded but it couldve referred to Rhulk or maybe even Nokris? Or if it was later on it could be about The Lightblade? Since hes the last livingish (adopted) member of oryx’s lineage he could inherit it by default. Basically bc how broad this is itll likely end up being true but who knows Why
Truth/Lies Block 2 Summary: Savathun “vague called shot” Thewitchqueen back at it again. literally any of it could be true or false. If the witness pulls up tomorrow and just throws io at earth or something we’ll figure out whats up pretty quick
Osiris is dead - lie probably. This could’ve been recorded before sav’s plan fell apart so she assumed Osiris would be dead by the end of it. Also could turn out that he’s dead and just possessed by like nezerac or something who knows. Probably a lie though Savathun is dead - Truly no idea how to count this. The Savathun who recorded that message is dead. The Savathun currently alive is currently dead but can come back. She could have also made this before lost + assumed we would only hear all this if we killed her in a classic crota/oryx way The witness birthed the darkness - Probably a lie? But in a death of the author way since some of the promos have said the witness just wields the darkness In the end, your destiny lies beyond this system - n/a
Truth/Lies Block 3 Summary: entirely depends on when savathun recorded this. If it was before splicer who knows. If it was after splicer we know the first one is a lie
The Traveler will leave - this ones dumb. it went up then stopped. Could also be a called shot of her stealing the traveler plan working? The Traveler will fall - n/a-ish? Easily could happen The Traveler is not the only one of its kind - n/a The Hive are not the last to be chosen by the light - n/a
Truth/Lies Block 4 Summary: [sav voice] yeah uhhhh the traveler will do something or have something happen to it. probably. maybe not. this is my prediction
conclusion is we still know fuck all but might get to figure out a couple of em tomorrow
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izukult · 3 years
haikyuu boys and “icks”
oh you know i had to do it to em. i love these boys so much, but they’re on thin fucking ice. this is one of my favorite ones i’ve ever done.
characters: hinata, kageyama, oikawa, sugawara, yamaguchi, tsukishima, bokuto, akaashi, iwaizumi, matsukawa, hanamaki, kenma, kuroo, nishinoya, tanaka, asahi, atsumu, lev
hinata shoyo; emojis and names- “hi queen🥺👑” type of shit from this guy. it’s so disgusting. he absolutely has used 🤣 unironically- please buy him an old flip phone or something because he must be stopped. also has unironically said wifey before to his s/o- makes me physically sick.
kageyama tobio; running with a backpack on- the backpack is bumping up and down and it keeps hitting his back and he’s just hauling ass. sometimes, he’ll hold the straps and it just gets so much worse. he leans forward to counterbalance the weight of the backpack, and he trips a couple times because of it. meanwhile, his books and stuff just keep repeatedly hitting his tailbone.
oikawa toru; repeating a joke because no one laughed- this one makes me want to rip my hair out. he says it louder the second time, over emphasizing every other word and then he just looks at everyone in anticipation. gets overly cocky after the pity laughs.
sugawara koushi; crying listening to ed sheeran- he’s got his headphones in, volume all the way up, with really cheesy, radio popular ed sheeran songs blaring. he says that ‘the songs are really emotional’ and ‘his voice is moving’. once in public perfect came on and he teared up.
yamaguchi tadashi; baby talk- it’s not all the time but sometimes he’ll send “i’m sowwy 👉🥺👈” or anything with that emoji combo. it’s rare enough where you can just ignore it, but every time it happens it hits so hard that it kinda makes you consider ghosting him.
tskushima kei; begging for validation indirectly- he does something and then he’ll push up his glasses and be like “that was good, right?” in a cocky tone but won’t leave you alone until you answer. and there’s no winning either. if you compliment him, he gets over excited and if you put him down he gets angry and insecure and whiny (i.e. “what do you mean? of course i did that right, you’re just stupid).
bokuto kotaro; saying ‘this ones for you’ and then messing up- he just didn’t hit the ball as hard as he should’ve and the opposing team easily blocked it. he gets a little emo too and you have to COMFORT HIM about it. oh no💔
akaashi keiji; breathing with his mouth open- it’s only when he’s zoning out, really. he won’t be paying attention and the next thing he knows, he’s looking like a fish and he’s breathing aggressively loud. it’s that shallow huff kind of breathing, too.
iwaizumi hajime; waiting for the shower to heat up naked- IM SO SORRY BUT. awful. so embarrassing. just standing there,,,, reclining into himself,,,, awkwardly moving back and forth on his own two feet as he waits for the water to get hot. no one would actually see this one, but even just thinking about it makes me sick.
matsukawa issei; commenting ‘does she reply❤️😏” on celebrity or influencers posts- issei i’m begging someone to break your fucking phone. no, she doesn’t. no one cares, mattsun. please, i’m begging you delete social media.
hanamaki takahiro; typing ‘x’ after everything- “how are you xx?” so much worse now that youve said that, makki. he thinks it makes him charming and cute, but really he just sounds like a virgin 😞✋. overuses it when he likes someone, it’s really awful.
kenma kozume; going up the stairs on all fours- why was it necessary? are you laughing, kenma? was it more comfortable? we as people evolved for a reason. you have legs KENMA, please use them. he looks down the stairs after with a little sense of pride, makes it so much more nauseating.
kuroo tetsuro; sings the wrong lyrics too confidently- he’s off beat, he’s way too loud, and he doesn’t know the words at all. everything comes out a jumbled mess but it’s the only think you can hear. bonus: will look up lyrics and try to secretly read them so he can sing along. euthanize him.
nishinoya yu; dabs- the joke died so long ago (almost a decade ago) but that does not mean he will stop. he thinks it’s so funny and everytime he does it, your soul dies a little bit.
tanaka ryunosuke; purposefully trying to make you jealous- oh it’s so embarrassing and he’s so bad at it. comes off kinda creepy and a little douchey. you actually have to sit down with him and talk about this one because it needs to be stopped.
asahi azumane; crying on a rollercoaster- it’s about to start and he starts hitting the bar, and once the ride is already going he starts screaming about being let off. not only that, but he does it every time. why do you keep trying to ride them, asahi? just stay and watch everyone’s bags, jesus christ.
miya atsumu; asking ‘where’s my hug?’- says it way too loud, makes everyone uncomfortable. okay piss head, you would’ve gotten a hug either way but now you’ve kind of ruined it. has also probably told someone to ‘smile more’, resulted in him getting punched.
lev haiba; coming out of the fitting room to show his family his outfit- he’s surrounded by all those mirrors and he’s kind of hunched over. they make him do a little spin, and he’s stiff as a board. his mom still makes him show her even if he says the pants don’t fit.
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superhero--imagines · 3 years
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Check out my Haikyuu Zine here! | Fill out an interest form here!
* Characters: Sakusa Kiyoomi, Atsumu Miya, Kenma Kozume
* Post Time Skip and Gender Neutral reader
SAKUSA - Strangers to Lovers
The first time he see’s you is at midnight at the convenience store
Atsumu, Hinata, and Bokuto made spaghetti as an after dinner snack and dropped some on the carpet
If it stains they might as well kiss their deposit goodbye
Let alone the cringe of having to live with a stain on the floor
He’s hoping that the convenience store might have carpet dye, or at least some green tea because his head is killing him
And then he see’s someone basically blocking the whole cleaning aisle frantically searching for something
“Oh great, the perfect end to the perfect day” he grimaced behind his mask
But when you turn to meet his eyes, he feels like he might stutter
Oh, you’re cute
“Ah, sorry! I didn’t realize-“ you hastily move out of the way and Sakusa just nods.
Well there’s no carpet dye but there is a stain remover. It’s not the one he usually gets but it will have to do.
“U-um,” he turns to face you. “Sorry to disturb, but do you happen to know if that cleaner is any good? My roommates got a stain on the carpet and I’m scared for my deposit” you give a laugh and Sakusa feels like he’s been shot with Cupid’s arrow
Cute and considerate
“I don’t know, it’s my first time using it too” you visibly deflate, well what are you going to do now?
“I usually make my own, want me to text you the recipe?”
ATSUMU - Enemies to Lovers
It’s so overdone but that’s because it’s accurate
You’re someone that’s around him a lot, maybe a trainer, or a manager, maybe just someone he runs into everyday on his way to work
Well whatever you are to him, you can’t stand him
“Mornin’ Piss hair”
The feeling is mutual
“Bet yer breath smells bad from all the shit ya talk”
You’re not sure what it is, but something about him just rubs you wrong
He’s like a frat boy without a frat, all confident and happy-go-lucky
It doesn’t help that he’s like stupid hot
Every-time he smiles, or tells a bad joke, you feel your mouth curl into a grimace
It doesn’t help he likes pushing your buttons either
“Havin’ a bad hair day? It’s hard to tell considerin’ yer always havin’ a bad hair day”
And then he ruffles your hair earning a slap on the arm
“ Ow! Ya know yer never gonna get a man with that kinda temper.”
“Who says I want one anyway!”
It isn’t until a few guys are giving you a hard time that you see a kinder side to him
“Hey! You can’t pick on em’ like that!”
Wow, out of all the people, you wouldn’t think he would stand up for you-
“Only I can do that!”
… yeah that seems more in character
“Thanks Atsumu”
And when he meets your eyes he blushes
“ ‘s no problem. Text me anytime ya need help”
KENMA - Secret Billionaire
Okay so billionaire is kinda a stretch but he’s definitely got more money than you thought
Honestly you thought he was kinda broke
I mean, those sneakers are not the shoes of a wealthy man
You’re well into the relationship, it’s been a cozy few months with Kenma, when you find out
He’s streaming, when he calls out for you
“Hey, (Y/N),” you turn to him, and he looks away from his game to briefly meet your eyes
“Can you go pick up dinner for us?”
“Yeah of course, what are you in the mood for?”
He hums, tapping on his controller
“Maybe fried chicken, or burgers?”
“I’ll surprise you” you kiss his forehead before moving to leave, when he stops you
“Here take my card-“
“Ken you always pay-“
“No I insist” he pushes the credit card in your hand
“Just run it as credit”
You kiss him again before leaving the house, it’s only when you’re getting food, that you notice
“Is this a black card?”
Don’t you have to pay, like, $600 just to have this thing?!?
“KEN ARE YOU LIKE, RICH RICH?” You shout as soon as you enter his apartment
He sighs
“Sorry guys I have to go” he says before signing out of his stream
“I wouldn’t say I’m rich” he says, “I mean if I wanted to buy a house I wouldn’t have anything in my checking account anymore”
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ponderinqs · 3 years
Pushed Away || JJ Maybank
pairing: jj x reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of abuse, underage drinking, angst, gun usage, SLOW BURN!!!
word count: 3.3k
summary: you’re best friends with jj, but something happens one day, leaving you and the rest of the group confused and worried about him. what happened to him? did you do something to hurt him? or maybe, there’s something rather... emotional going on inside him. something he’s never felt for anyone before in his life.
a/n: here’s me apologizing for not posting this WAYYY sooner. listen,, i got huge writers block for a very long time, and i wasn’t feeling up to anything obx. but now that season 2 has come out, and the fact that i’m at the beach right now (approximately 2 hours away from where they film outer banks), i finally have some motivation to write. soooo yeahhhh. hope you enjoy LMFAOOO. also, read the other parts if u haven’t already!
unedited. please excuse any typos :)
comment if you want tagged !! :)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
It’s been about four days since your friends found out about your past. A week since you spoke to any of them.
When you came home that night after seeing Rafe, you and your mother got into a screaming fit over how she needs to stop trying to change you back to who you used to be.
“You don’t get to tell me who I am! I get to choose that!” You yelled, finger pointed at your mother.
“Excuse me?! I am your mother! I can do whatever I need to do to get you to stop turning into someone you’re not!” Now your mother was screaming at you, probably waking the neighbors.
“Life was better when dad was here! Now you’re just a pathetic excuse as a mother!!” You felt regretful for the words that left your mouth, but in the heat of the moment, it felt like the right thing to do.
You felt a hand come across your cheek. “You don’t get to talk to me like that, young lady!”
She left the house shortly after you two fought. Your mother has been gone for a few days, which left you holed up in your room, alone, letting the nasty thoughts fog your brain.
You groaned as you got out of your bed, trudging to the bathroom to see how awful you looked. Your hair was disheveled and you looked like absolute shit. “God…” You whispered, letting your fingers graze your cheek. You winced as you felt a slight sting from the movement. It was still sore, and even if there wasn’t much of a mark anymore, you could still see a slight red tint to it.
You finally decided it was time to leave the house. The sun was beginning to set, but you didn’t want to be holed up in your house for another day. After cleaning up and looking somewhat normal, you walked downstairs and went to open the door, but someone was at the door, just about to knock. It was Pope, looking frantic and scared.
“Y/N! Hi!” He pulled you into a quick hug. “You gotta come quick, there’s something wrong with JJ.” He looked at you, scanning your face for any response, when he saw the slightly reddened cheek mark.
“Who did that?” He spoke softly, his finger touching the mark lightly. “My mother.” You sighed. You didn’t feel like worrying everyone, but it was already happening.
“We can talk about this later, okay? But c'mon, we gotta go.” He nudged his head to his car as the both of you made your way over to the car.
“Is he okay? What’s wrong with him?” You spoke after a few minutes of pure silence while Pope drove. “I really don’t know. He went back home last night and something must’ve happened there. You’re like the only one that can get him to calm down.” He smiled at you as he pulled into the Chateau.
You both got out and walked towards the front, where JJ was seen pacing back and forth, Kiara and John B just watching him. They both saw you and stared, not saying a word.
JJ turned around and saw you, the two of you making eye contact. He stopped pacing, and you saw the sun shine through his beautiful hair, but you also noticed more cuts and bruises scattered around his pretty face.
You approached him with caution, looking into his ocean blue eyes the entire time. The two of you didn’t speak any words, but somehow you still calmed JJ down. You grabbed both of his arms as you looked at his face, examining each and every cut and bruise.
Instead of speaking, you hugged him. You wrapped your arms around his torso tightly, resting your head on his chest. He was hesitant at first, but he also wrapped his arms around your waist, burying his head in your neck.
You felt wetness on your skin, making you hug him even tighter. JJ let out a choked sob, still holding onto you as if you were the only thing keeping him from completely losing it. You stroked his back, your eyes watering as you listened to him cry into you.
“I can’t do it.” He mumbled into your neck in between sobs. Your heart broke for what felt like the hundredth time this week. And again, you couldn’t do anything to help him, which made you feel helpless. All you could do was stand here and hug your best friend, hoping something would make everything stop hurting.
JJ went limp in your arms as the two of you fell to the ground, JJ covering his face with his hands and he continued to cry. “JJ..” You whispered softly, grabbing him and holding him to your chest. You ran your hand through his hair a few times, trying to get him to calm down.
You looked around at the other Pogue members, signaling that they need to give you two a minute. They understood and nodded, walking into the Chateau and closing the door behind them.
After they were gone, you moved JJ away from you as you pulled his hands away from his face. Your foreheads rested against each other’s, the two of you not daring to break eye contact.
His eyes were red and puffy, tears still streaming down his face. He looked at you with his sad eyes as you felt raindrops beginning to fall on the top of your head.
Soon it was beginning to rain even harder, but the two of you just sat outside, staring at each other and not speaking a word. “I can’t deal with him anymore..” JJ’s voice cracked at the end, letting out another choked sob.
You cupped his face with your hands, kissing his forehead lightly. As you pulled his face away, he noticed the faint cheek mark on your face. “Who.. who did that?” He said quietly, his hand coming up to touch it.
Shivers went down your spine as you felt his touch, along with a slight sting. “Shit.” You hissed, looking down at the ground.
“It was your mother, wasn’t it?” He moved his dripping wet hair out of his face, looking into your eyes.
You nodded slowly right as a bolt of lightning cracked in the air. Thunder boomed through the atmosphere within seconds, and the two of you shared the same look. “Let’s go inside, okay?” You grabbed his hand and helped him stand as the two of you went inside.
The three friends looked up at the sound of the door closing, seeing the both of you drenched with your hands still intertwined.
You squeezed his hand, leading him to the extra bedroom. You watched the fragile boy lie down on the bed, turning his back to you.
You turned around and went back out to the rest of your friends. “Um, we’re gonna stay here tonight.” You shuffled your feet.
“Everyone is staying here. The hurricane is coming through right now.” John B sat on one of the couches, finally looking up at you.
You nodded. “He’s gonna be okay, Y/N. Just give him time.” Kiara looked up at you, giving you a slight smile.
You sighed and made your way to the bathroom and grabbed a few towels before you returned to the extra room, seeing JJ in the same position that he was in when you left him.
“Hey, I got some towels so we can dry off.” You got onto the bed and set the towels in front of you. JJ turned around and sat up, grabbing a towel and drying off his hair.
“Do you have extra clothes here?” You asked, and JJ just simply nodded, pointing to the worn down dresser across from the bed. You stood up and walked over, opening it and finding some random clothes for you and JJ.
You tossed JJ a random marina shirt, and a pair of shorts. You found a blue shirt and some sweats, and put them onto the bed. “Well, close your eyes.” You grinned at him, and JJ smirked before covering his eyes with his hand.
You stripped from your wet shirt and tossed it to the corner of the room, making a note to wash it tomorrow. When you looked at JJ, he was peeking out of his hand. “Maybank!!” You giggled as you hurriedly put the shirt on.
“Well, I like the view.” He commented, making the heat rise up to your cheeks. You shook your head and pulled off the drenched pants you had on, rushing to put on the sweatpants.
“Keep em off.” He smirked, his hands now completely away from his eyes. “Oh, shut up.” You finished changing and got into bed, JJ now getting up and changing. “Do I need to close my eyes?” You spoke as if you were a little child.
“That’s up to you.” He smirked again. You decided not to as you watched him slowly peel his wet shirt off of his body.
Without realizing it, you were biting your lip and staring at his defined torso. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” JJ laughed, pulling the dry shirt onto him and then taking off his drenched shorts.
Seeing JJ in his boxers was something you never thought you would witness, but I guess it had to happen sometime, right? He slid on his shorts and got back into bed.
Rain pattered against the window, along with the occasional lightning strikes and thunder. The two of you sat in the darkness for what felt like hours.
“Why did your mother slap you?” JJ spoke, the air thick with something you couldn’t quite explain.
“I called her a pathetic excuse for a mother. So she slapped me. Then she left.” You turned to face JJ, your faces inches away from each other.
“Why didn’t you come to see us? You were gone for a long time, or at least a long to the three of us. We were all scared and confused.” JJ’s hand moved to rest on your cheek, staring at you. Even in total darkness, he could make out your features.
“I didn’t want to. I thought you guys hated me.” You relaxed into his touch, sighing.
“We don’t hate you, Y/N. We are all just a little disappointed that you never told us.” He moved a piece of your hair out of your face, tucking it behind your ear.
The tension was thick, and it scared you. You’ve never been this vulnerable to each other. JJ never let his guard down, and neither did you. The time you shared outside was something that has never happened before.
“Do you feel better?” You spoke softly, wondering if that was the right thing to say. You didn’t know if you were overstepping any boundaries the two of you had. A lightning bolt lit up the sky, followed by a large boom of thunder as JJ began to talk.
“Yeah.. I’m fine. Don’t worry about me.” He shrugged it off and pulled the thin blanket up to his chest. You gave him a confused look. “JJ, I will always worry about you. That’s what friends do. We always look after each other and make sure the other one is okay.” You scooted yourself closer to him. You felt him shiver as your arm grazed his.
“Just don’t bother worrying about me, okay? I’ll survive.” His finger reached up to his face to touch the multiple cuts and bruises on his face. You heard him wince as the wind picked up outside.
Rain began rapidly pattering against the window, wind shaking the trees and scraping up against the side of the shack.
“JJ look.. I’m sorry for going full ghost on you guys for that long. I should’ve let you all know that I was okay.” You whispered, your hand resting on his shoulder as you laid your side to look at him.
“Nah I get it. I do it too.” JJ shrugged. You stared into his blue eyes, trying to figure out what was going on inside of that beautiful brain of his. He was too focused on the storm outside to realize that you were staring at him. When he finally made eye contact with you, your heart seemed to have skipped a beat.
“What?” He asked, his voice soft and caring. “Nothing.” You mumbled and laid down, getting comfortable with your pillow and the blanket you were currently sharing with JJ.
“Goodnight, Y/N.” JJ said before he turned on his side and tried to fall asleep. You were facing his back, your eyes glued to him. Slowly but surely your eyes closed and you both fell asleep to the sound of the wind and rain outside.
When you opened your eyes the next morning, you felt a heavy weight on your chest. Looking down, you saw JJ sleeping on you, his hand draped across your stomach with soft snores emitting from his mouth. You smiled and brushed some hair out of his face. You inspected his small cuts and bruises on his face, your index finger grazing each and every one of them.
Soon JJ’s eyes peeled open and he looked up at you. “What are you doing?” He mumbled, his eyes darting to your lips and then back up to your eyes.
“Oh, nothing. Good morning.” You replied, moving your finger away from his face. JJ rolled himself off of you and got out of bed, mumbling a ‘good morning’ before he exited the room and went to find the others. You followed him shortly after, finding no one in the living room.
“Uh.. guys?” JJ questioned, walking around the small boat house as he tried to find his friends. You then spotted John B outside, along with Kiara and Pope. “JJ, they’re outside.” You spoke before walking outside.
You looked around at the damage the hurricane had caused. Branches and twigs were scattered around the yard, along with a lot of random debris covering most of the grass. “Holy shit. She really did a number.” JJ admitted, walking around the yard, stepping on some twigs and picking random stuff up.
“Yeah, no kidding.” John B replied, his hands on his hips as he looked around at all the damage.
Surprisingly, the Chateau didn’t take much damage. You had noticed a bucket sitting on the floor earlier, so there must be a leak. Other than that, there wasn’t much else that needed repairing.
Suddenly, your phone in your pocket started to ring. Grabbing it, you saw the caller ID and it showed that it was your mom. “You have to be kidding me.” You muttered under your breath.
Catching your friends’ attention, they all turned to look at you. “Your mom?” Pope asked, wincing to himself once you nodded.
You answered the call and put your phone up to your ear. “Y/F/N Y/L/N, what in the hell do you think you’re doing?!” She screamed through the phone.
“What do you mean?” You kept your voice calm and controlled, because you knew if you raised your voice this phone call would be a lot worse than it already is.
“Leaving the house when I’m not there?! Doing god knows what with those low life’s?!” Your mom responded through the phone, her voice getting increasingly louder by the second.
“First of all, you left me!! What the hell was I supposed to do holed up in that house?! And I have told you this time and time again, they are not low lifes!” You retaliated back, making sure that your mom knew that she was in the wrong.
“That’s what you think.” She responded flatly. You just scoffed. “You make me sick, mom. You really do.” You responded, beginning to walk around in circles.
“You need to come back home. I mean it.” Your mom responded sternly. She could do anything, but nothing would tear you away from your real family.
“No. I am not coming back home for a while.” You shook your head, making eye contact with Kie.
“Excuse me? Yes you are. I will send the cops after you if I have to.” She responded, now raising her voice yet again.
“I cannot believe how disrespectful you are right now, mom. No, I am not coming home. You have given me so many reasons to not come home. I am going to stay here where I am more loved. Fuck off.” You yelled and ended the call, not caring about what she had to respond with.
“God, Y/N, I am so sorry you have to deal with her. That’s horrible.” Kiara walked up to you and gave you a hug. You hugged her back, resting your head on her shoulder.
The rest of the Pogues soon surrounded you and hugged you. You smiled as everyone hugged you.
About 30 minutes later, everyone was standing around a large fire that had started to burn all the twigs and branches scattered across the yard, when a Range Rover pulled up next to John B’s van.
You were not surprised when you saw Rafe get out of the car. “Oh hell no..” John B scoffed, walking over to Rafe.
“John B.. John B. Relax. I’m just here for Y/N.” Rafe smirked as he looked over at you, holding his hand out to stop John B.
“Rafe. Get out of here.” You told him, staying near JJ just in case he tries to do something.
“I got you, I got you.” JJ whispered in your ear, placing his hands on your hips as he held you close.
“It was your mom again.” Rafe’s voice got louder as he started to walk closer to you.
“I don’t care about her. Now leave.” Your heartbeat began to rise as he got closer and closer.
“Nah, I don’t think I will do that.” Rafe was now four feet in front of you.
“Hey, buddy, back it up!!” JJ yelled, staring at Rafe to make sure he doesn’t make any sudden movements.
“Aw look, you have a bodyguard. How adorable. You know, Y/N, me and you had history. I used to be your bodyguard. Isn’t that right?” Rafe smirked at you.
Before anyone could react, Rafe grabbed you by the arm and pulled you towards him. He held you close to his back, his arm locked across your chest.
“You dickhead!” JJ screamed and ran over to grab you.
Suddenly, Rafe pulled out a gun, causing everyone to stop in their tracks.
He clocked the gun at you, the barrel sitting right on your head. You gasped, tears trickling down your face.
“Tell them, Y/N. Tell them what we were.” Rafe said, smirking as he looked around at the group.
“Put down the gun and I will!!” You yelled, only causing Rafe to push the gun onto your head more. You let out a yell.
“Oh, I don’t know about that. I think you just better tell them now.” Rafe looked down at you, smirking.
“Me and Rafe,” you sniffled, looking down at the ground. “we had.. history. More than what I have told you. We… we dated.” You let out a choked sob.
Rafe slowly moved the gun away from your head. “See? Wasn’t so hard, was it?” He grinned, stilling holding you close to his body.
All of the Pogues looked at you in disbelief. You couldn’t even find it in you to look at JJ.
“Cmon, Y/N. Let’s go.” Rafe gave your friends a little wave before he walked over to his car with you and shoved you into the passenger seat.
You were unable to fight him. You gave up, just staring at the floor of the car.
As Rafe started the car up, your friends started to run after you. Rafe quickly backed up out of his spot and peeled away. The last thing you saw out of the passenger side window was JJ, looking scared and very upset.
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keigelsss · 3 years
A Super Sweet Secret - Gojo Satoru
Merry late Christmas ya filthy animals ;)
Mega thirst moment based on this post and I think it just fits this fucker so well. I wrote part of this at 3am and I hate it so much ... fellow Gojo fuckers come get ya food.
Warnings: 18+, my shitty writing, language, mentions of alcohol, Gojo using infinity (had to do it on em), smut, DIRTY TALK, fingering, oral *fem receiving, overstim, squirting, uh… the pet names are super self-indulgent too oops, literally every grammatical error you can think of (please let me know if I missed any warnings I don’t wanna upset anyone or make anyone uncomfy. That being said minors pls DNI!! I don't feel like blocking anyone today)
Word count: 2.25k (i do be getting carried away)
How do you go about explaining your current situation to the higher-ups if you get caught with him? Do you tell them that, instead of getting pointers on how to guide students down the right path, you’ve been indulging in some very explicit acts with the man who is supposed to show you the ropes? No. That’s not right either but in all honesty, it would have been a lost cause from the get-go. Gojo Satoru is the least traditional in his teaching methods and is without a doubt a troublemaker but his antics are a part of what makes him so charming. It’s that same charm that finally made you cave and accept a coffee date with him on the next day you both had off. 
You don’t know exactly when it happened but little by little those morning coffee dates turned into mid-day snack runs, then dinner and overindulging in desserts at the other’s house. Everything took an unexpected turn when you went a bit overboard on the sake one night. The next morning you woke up naked on your couch, the sun in your face, a pounding headache and a large man clinging to your body like a koala. As much as you wanted to maintain a professional relationship between the two of you, it was so hard to not crave another taste of him. He couldn’t resist you either, one bite and he kept coming back for more. 
You two are definitely going to get into some serious trouble for this.
After stressful days of exorcising curses Gojo likes to unwind with a sweet treat from his local bakery and you by his side. He’ll find it ridiculously adorable if you have a bigger sweet tooth than he does. On the walk back to his house, you both snag a pastry from the bag of goodies and laugh at the other for not being able to wait until you reached your destination. The two of you arrive shortly after but Gojo decided he wasn’t entirely satisfied...
“Hey, sugar?” he asked while removing his sunglasses, his eyes entirely focused on your movements. You started to place what was left of the little cakes in a dish that was used specifically for the sweet treats of the day, he quickly recalled how you made fun of him for the fancy crystal platter but he admitted to being a bit extra like that. “What’s up trouble?” He let out a soft chuckle and got closer, wrapping his arms around your shoulders leaning down to rest his chin on top of your head. “Trouble? That couldn’t be me.” you placed the cover back on the platter and put your hands on his arms settling back into him slightly. “You only call me ‘sugar’ when you want something from me, so what is it?” 
Now that was true, he had a list of pet names for you that he liked to pull out for certain occasions and you caught onto that quickly. It’s really not fair at all how he can make innocent words sound so damn sinful when he wanted to tease you. You turned to face him now, his hands resting on either side of you. He leans down and places a feather-soft kiss on your lips, so soft it’s almost like he’s not making full contact with you.
“I thought we didn't do those things when it was just us together like this?” Your eyes fluttered open and he came back in for a real kiss, his hot tongue lingering lazily on your bottom lip but not enough to excite you. He does that on purpose. “I know but it’s just the thought of it, I can tell you're thinking about it too.” He reached for the dessert dish and picked up a small cream filled pastry, he took a bite and offered you the other half. You knew it wasn’t an accident when he got the filling on your lip and chin. He used his thumb to clean up the mess he made then licked it clean, he is actually evil but even if you do hate him sometimes you can’t find it in you to resist him. 
“C’mon Y/n, don't you think it would be interesting to try while I go down on you? Just a little bit?” You bit your lip at the thought and he was already excited for your answer. He was right, the idea of him between your legs, devouring you but not quite. Being able to feel everything between the two of you but not making an actual connection. it ignited a small fire within you. 
“We can try it once but I can’t promise that I'll like it.” 
Truthfully that was all he needed to hear before he began to strip you of your clothes, leaving you completely naked. His large hands began exploring your body, grabbing onto any dip and curve he can find while placing sloppy kisses on your neck. He used both hands to get a firm grip of your ass, lifting you onto the cold marble countertop, you let a small moan escape you at the feeling and he placed a wet kiss on your lips. Tugging on the fabric of his long sleeve you brought it up and off revealing his defined upper body, you could drool if you didn't have some self control. “Satoru not too much okay? It’ll drive me crazy when all I want is to feel you.” The whimper that fell from your pretty mouth was almost enough to make Gojo cum in his pants, you swore you saw hearts glowing in his bright blue eyes. “Don't worry princess only a little bit. Besides you know my sweet girl always gets what she wants.” 
If there was anything that came close to what you picture heaven was like, it would definitely be the equivalent to Gojo’s strong, slender fingers expertly rubbing your folds. He always found every sweet spot and applied the perfect amount of pressure without you having to say a word. 
“Baby, did I make you this wet?” He used his thumb to spread your slick around, creating a delightful rhythm on your clit. Hips trembling when he grazed that one spot that practically had you gushing for him.
“Yes! It was yo- oh fuck that feels so good!” you leaned forward, resting your head on his chest, admiring the way his fingers looked so mesmerizing covered in the pretty shine of your juices. “You know you're the sweetest thing ever right? So damn delicious. I can spend hours between these sexy thighs of yours.” His breath is hot on the tip of your ear and that smooth voice sends shockwaves throughout your entire body. His free hand wrapped around your thigh and gripped below your knee, shifting the angle at which his fingers were exploring your overly sensitive hole. 
“Are you gonna let me make you cum with my mouth? Let me taste how sweet you are?” his lips started to trail the sides of your neck down to your chest. He left a series of kisses on each breast, sucking lightly on your stiff and sensitive nipples. “Ah Satoru please! I want- Ooh want your tongue.”  He licked a stripe across your tummy then placed a soft kiss on your belly button, he moved your thighs once more and found a position comfortable for the two of you. Your legs resting nicely on his shoulders while he rubbed circles on your hips and waist. “Look at this gorgeous pussy,” a soft kiss on your inner thigh. “So pretty.” another kiss on your swollen clit, you couldn't help but arch your back off the counter, grabbing a handful of his soft hair. He nibbled on your thigh and a sharp whine fell from you. “Remember to behave sweetheart, I'm supposed to be going easy on you.” His chuckle vibrated against your hot mound and you let out a sigh, releasing some tension from your hands on his head, allowing him to do what he wanted with your body. 
Gojo’s tongue seemed to have a mind of its own, curling and sucking at the special spot that only he knew about with perfect accuracy. The buzzing sensation that you normally felt when he's down there was reduced to an incomplete static, like your nerves weren’t fully receiving the information of his movements. Now that? That was different. It really was infinity… a barrier he controlled entirely, the rolling of his tongue feeling more like a whisper of pleasure that was everything and nothing at the same time. You were right to think it would drive you crazy but in the most euphoric way possible. “Oh my god it feels s-so good! P-please don’t stop baby I’m so fucking close.” 
The large kitchen was filled with desperate sounds of pleasure and the soft squelching of Gojo’s fingers inside your quivering cunt. This feeling was new but you were instantly hooked. It didn't take long for you to fall over that glorious edge with a broken moan of his name and a string of curses, making little to no sense at all. A deep groan erupts from his chest as he takes in every drop of your release in satisfaction. His gaze found your blissed out expression and he decided to ease up on that invisible veil between you, fingers slipping from your tight whole. You clenched around nothing and the loss of his fingers filling you was enough to nearly make you cry. 
“That‘s my favorite flavor right there sweetheart.” he spent some time admiring the way you looked coming down from your high. The rise and fall of your breasts with every breath paired alongside the slight shaking in your limbs from how intense the orgasm was. You're a work of art to him, truly, especially like this. Opening your eyes you find his stupid gorgeous face resting on your thigh, licking his lips simply enjoying your taste. You ran your fingers through his hair one more time before softly squishing his face with your legs, letting out a breathless giggle while regaining some grasp on reality. “I w-want more, but let me feel all of you for fucks sake!” 
He instantly obliged, diving right back in, using only his tongue, setting a languid pace. His animalistic groans against your over sensitive pussy were a telling sign that he was enjoying himself, probably ridiculously hard in the confines of his jeans. The thought of his cock deep inside of you was enough to get you shamelessly turned on all over again. If it weren't for his hands on your hips, rubbing easing circles into your soft skin, you would be a convulsing mess on the hard marble beneath you. A dull ache was beginning to form in your lower back, but you could care less. Gojo's tongue was working wonders on that delectable bundle of nerves of yours. His hands started trailing upwards and fondling your breasts, your spine arching under his touch as he pinched your nipples. You both made eye contact and he could tell that you were close to another release, your entire body was starting to shake. “Ye-yeah baby I’m gonna f-fucking cum.” his tongue never relenting on you. You were on the verge of screaming, your thighs were probably strangling him at this point.
“Mhm my little honeypot. Are you gonna make a mess?” he growled delicately against you.
That was also new but holy shit it had your brain short circuiting. Honeypot?! Damn you really could make a mess and that was exactly what you did. His relentless attack on your clit was blinding but so fucking delicious you didn't want it to end. You squirted all over his face, covering his neck and chest with a stream of your juices. The added stimulation of his abilities, and the shock of this new pet name clearly having an impact on your intense orgasm. it could possibly be the best you've experienced. He was aware of that fact as well. “I love when you do that.” honestly you did too. The aftershock of it all had you both mesmerized, your body just a quaking mess, panting and moaning. You struggled a bit to get air back into your lungs but Gojo's hands squeezed on your waist reassuringly. Your hips were beginning to relax and he once again found a place to momentarily rest his head on your thighs. 
He huffed a small howl of amusement. You could instantly tell what he was so giddy about. “So? Honeypot?” you questioned him, not in a judging manner but out of curiosity and excitement. “It kind of just came out of me in the moment.” You couldn't help but laugh at his answer, a fitting response. You took a second to relish in the sight of your cum and his sweat tracing his brow. It will forever remain a mystery on how you managed to get so addicted to the world’s biggest pain in the ass, but here you were. 
That evil little smirk made another appearance on his face while he brought himself up to  kiss you, the taste of yourself was very much present on his tongue and soft lips, you screeched in excitement. He swiftly lifted you off the counter and began his trek towards his bedroom. 
“Are you maybe just a bit more curious on what else I can do to that pretty body of yours?”
yeah this is trash uh if you read this sorry for the lack of seasoning in your food
tags: @bobabybo @ibukiirisha
835 notes · View notes
alloftheimaginess · 3 years
Tumblr media
Requested on wattpad
Warnings: mentions of cancer, death and shitty writing
Also excuse the sad imagines I’ll be posting. They are helping me with my grieving process
"Mommy I need you to record me" Phoebe says as soon as I walk off set.
"What's happening?" I ask going over to her and she smiles at my costume.
“I like your costume” she says and I smile at her.
"But I want you to record me doing something" she says and I nod pulling my phone out.
"Okay I'm recording. What are you going to do?" I ask recording her as we move to outside where the filming isn’t taking place.
"Tom taught me how to cartwheel and it was super cool because he was in his Spider-Man costume" she says grinning at the camera.
"Show me, I want to see it" I say and she nods and she runs back a little and she does it halfway and I cheer.
"That was amazing bee" I say cheering her on and she bows.
"Thank you, thank you" she says blowing kisses and she runs up to the camera smiling a big toothless smile and she makes a face before covering the camera.
"We got you something bee" I say and she looks up from her homework.
"What is it?" She asks.
"A gift" I say and Chris hands her the box.
"What is this?" She asks shaking it.
"It's a surprise for you" he says.
"But it's not my birthday, that was last month and Christmas isn't for another month" she says.
"We know but we wanted to surprise you" I say and she nods.
"Okay" she says unwrapping it and she takes the top off and she starts screaming as she climbs on her knees in the seat to get a better look inside the box and she pulls out the ultrasound.
"You have a baby?" She asks.
"Yeah we do" I say and she jumps up and down with excitement on her knees as she pulls the other stuff out the box.
"It's so tiny and cute" she says cuddling the onesie.
"Do you know what it is?" She asks.
"Not yet, we are going to figure that out soon. Uncle Scott and auntie Sn are throwing a reveal party" I say and she holds the ultrasound up squealing.
"I can't wait to give this baby all my love" she says.
"What about us?" Chris asks and she looks up from looking closely at the ultrasound.
"I don't have enough to love all three of you so I'll love you both until the baby gets here. It's not that hard to understand daddy" she says with a duh tone and he laughs.
"I guess it's the only logical thing to do, foolish me" he says and I laugh as she kisses the ultrasound.
"Last session" I say and she grins at my phone as I record her.
"I'm going to beat cancers booty" she says and I laugh.
"Yes you are, you're my little superhero" I say.
"I want to be the Hulk" she says.
"The Hulk?" I ask and she grins even wider nodding.
"Yes. He doesn't have to wear clothes and no one complains when he doesn't, nothing scares him and he can't die. Also uncle Mark is cute" she says giggling and I laugh.
"Totally agree with you there" I say.
"Plus who wouldn't want to be green?" She asks.
"I wouldn't want to be green" I say.
"Yeah because you're boring" she says and I gasp holding my chest.
"You wound me" I say.
"I'm just kidding mommy you're not boring. You just don't understand the Hulk" she says laughing and Chris walks in looking down at his phone.
"Daddy!" She yells and he jumps causing her to laugh even harder.
"What's up bug?" He asks turning to face her as he puts his phone away.
"If you had to be any other superhero that's not Captain America who would you be?" She asks.
"Ooh maybe Iron man" he says and she nods.
"Who did mommy pick?" He asks.
"She didn't. I did though" she says.
"You'd be the Hulk because he doesn't have to wear clothes, huh?" He asks and I laugh shaking my head.
"That was her exact answer" I say and he laughs unpacking her lunch.
"Let me in or else I'll beat down your door, then two strangers who had been two silhouettes on the shade said to my shock you're on the wrong block" she sings.
"Silhouette" I sing.
"Silhouette" she sings super high and she instantly starts cracking up.
"Silhouette" I sing and she doubles over from laughter.
"Silhouette" she sings through her giggles, gasping for air and I start laughing with her.
"I appreciate your dedication to this performance" I say and she leans on me trying to calm down.
"The show must go on" she says in giggles and I smile at her and she leans on my arm trying to completely calm down.
"Merry Christmas, merry Christmas, merry Christmas" she sings over and over as she dances through the house and she drops a gift in my lap and I look up and she drops one on Chris.
"What's this?" He asks.
"A gift for you" she says.
"Uncle Scotty helped me get them so open them" she says and I rip the paper off and it's a jewelry box and I open it and it's a heart necklace.
"It has all of our initials including the baby’s. Right there" she says and I smile at it.
"It's beautiful" I say and I hug her and she hugs me back kissing my head.
"I love it" I say.
"Okay it's my turn" Chris says and she pulls away from me and he opens his and it's a watch.
"It's us" she says tapping the watch.
"I'm going to wear this everywhere" he says.
"Good. Never take it off" she says.
"Never" he says and they pinkie promise.
"What is it? What is it?" She asks and I laugh as Chris and I stand beside her and he starts to hand her the string.
"As soon as you pull this string we'll fi-" she snatches the string from him and pulls it before he can finish telling her and everyone's laughs turn to cheers as pink confetti and powder falls over us and she starts squealing as she jumps around.
"It's a girl!" She screams running around us and he kisses me and I kiss him back.
"We're having another girl, you're officially outnumbered" I say and he laughs as Phoebe continues to scream.
"I think we both are" he says kissing me again and Phoebe jumps and he picks her up and she wraps her arms around my head pulling me close.
"I'm so excited" she says out of breath and I laugh.
"I couldn't tell" I say and she leans her cheek on Chris’ cheek.
"I'm getting a baby sister. I can't wait to meet her" she says trying to catch her breath.
"Hey bee how about we go get some of the powder on auntie Cobie and uncle Taran" I say and she quickly nods and Chris sets her down and she bends down picking some up off the ground and she runs off over to where they are standing.
"I wanna be where the people are. I wanna see, wanna see em dancing" Phoebe sings laid back as she's cuddled up with Chris and the baby as we watch the little mermaid after coming home from bringing the baby home from the hospital.
"Walking around on those what do you call 'em? Oh, feet" she sings.
"Flipping your fins you don't get too far, legs are required for jumping, dancing, strolling along down a- what's that word again?" Chris sings.
"Street" Phoebe sings loudly and I smile at them.
"Up where they walk, up where they run up where they stay all day in the sun, wondering free. Wish I could be part of that world" she sings quietly grabbing the baby's hand.
"What would I give if I could live out of these waters? What would I pay to spend a day warm on the sand?" She sings laying her cheek against Chris' as she watches the movie with tears in her eyes.
"You can try. Oh but I-I love you means you're never ever ever getting rid of me" she sings dancing in place.
"Ready for your check?" I ask.
"Not quite. Pie for everybody. I grew up an only child in the suburb of the city. I spent my days alone, my only friend was a stray kit-"
"Are we going to sing show tunes all day or are we going to get dressed so we can leave?" Chris asks cutting her off and she turns around.
"Daddy you're ruining the video so if you aren't going to sing get out the way" she says trying to push him out the shot and he plants his feet and she starts groaning.
"But I love you means you're never ever ever getting rid of me" he says and she starts giggling.
"Daddy stoppp" she says using her back to add pressure to his leg to move him and she starts to slip and he catches her by her arms and she laughs.
"Okay, I'll move. I wanted to see your mom anyway" he says walking over and kissing me.
"Where's my kiss?" She asks.
"You didn’t want one. All you wanted was for me to get out the way and leave you alone" he says.
"You don't have to leave" she says and he picks her up and she kisses him.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Bee, happy birthday to you” everyone sings as Chris walks the cake into the living room where everyone is and she holds Ainsley at the table.
“Come on chunky monkey we have to make a wish and blow out the candles” she says keeping Ainsley from touching the flames as she quickly makes a wish and blows out the candles.
“What did you wish for?” I ask and she looks up at me.
“A million more birthdays like this” she says smiling and I rub her cheek with my thumb and her smile grows.
“Can I cut the cake?” She asks.
“Yeah, the first piece. Daddy will help” I say.
“Yay” she says and I grab Ainsley.
“Bye chunky monkey, I’ll cut you a slice first” she says rubbing her hands together excitedly causing everyone to laugh.
“Chunky monkey can’t have cake yet” Chris says.
“But daddy today is chunky monkeys sixth month birthday and my seventh birthday so she should be able to have cake” she says pulling on her best puppy dog eyes.
“She got you there. Try to say no to that little face” I say and he groans.
“Fine, a little piece” he says.
“Do you hear that chunky monkey, daddy is going to let us eat all the cake” she says playing with leg and he helps her cut the first slice.
Yn and Chris Evan share videos of their seven year old just days after she passes away from cancer letting everyone know that Phoebe’s or Bee’s (as everyone in her life called her) spirit will live on forever.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
house plants
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in which bucky has a green thumb and you don’t, but god do you love plants.
a/n: hi guys 0.0 sorry for like dying on y’all, college was ROUGH but I’m on break now !! so I’ll try to be more active hehe i hope you guys enjoy! I’m getting they some requests and I’ll post them later i just rlly wanted to get dis one out there hehe also this was way longer than i expected it to be uhm
you smiled at the small succulent in the passenger seat, “okay, i may have gotten you on a whim, but i will not let you die on me, you will be my new daughter” you nodded your head confidently as you grabbed the other groceries, balancing a small succulent in one hand.
“Buck? I’m home!” You stated, hurrying to set everything down and softly plancing the plant on the counter. You smiled brightly at it before turning on your heel to find Bucky.
“I’ll help in a bit i just need to find something” he spoke, you headed toward the room, finding him looking around helplessly, “what are you looking for?” You questioned, sitting on the bed and laughing as he tore apart the room.
“i remembered i had this t shirt i really liked and now i can’t find it anywhere, i looked through all my cabinets and it’s nowhere in sight” he huffed and you smiled.
“did you check my closet?” you quipped and he furrowed his brows, mumbling as he looked through your shirts before pulling out a black long sleeve, he smiled as he held it close to his chest.
“how did you even get this? You didn’t go through my drawers did you?” he worried, something flashing in his eyes, but it was gone before you could notice. He quickly grabbed it and put it on, kissing you on the cheek as he walked out the door, “no i didn’t and plus you barely used it so i stole it” you shrugged.
“okay now that you have your shirt, you are legally not allowed to be mad at me” you began, running infront of him and blocking the plant from his view.
“y/n, doll please tell me you didn’t get a cat” he sighed and you shook your head, “no, however i was thinking about it” you mentioned, a smile on your face as he rolled his eyes at you.
“i present to you, our new child!” you cheered, presenting the succulent and shoving it into his face. Bucky furrowed his brows and processed the information, the small green plant staring him right in the face. “It was on sale at the grocery store and i thought why not give house plants another shot! It’s not like we’re out doing much nowadays” you smiled, patting the plant gently before setting it down once again and going to fix the other groceries.
“y/n last time you gave house plants a shot you killed all six of them” he sighed and you threw a roll of paper towels at him, of course he caught it and threw it back, effectively hitting you on the back of the head.
“things are different now, maybe i have a green thumb this year” you smiled, happily putting everything away and setting the plant by the window.
Bucky saw the joy in your eyes as you watched the small plant grow, you even texted the whole team about the new member of the barnes and y/l/l household. You had spent hours at a time researching the best ways to grow and care for succulents and yet, one week later bucky noticed the small plant (which you had dubbed ‘Brenda’) had began to wilt.
He stared at brenda, debatin on letting her just die and prove a point that gardening was not your strong suit, but then he thought about how crushed you would be, coming home and finding the dead succulent. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed, watering the plant and going out the buy some things to help it get more nutrients.
Within days Brenda was healthier than ever, growing rapidly and a beautiful dark green color. You quickly noticed and teased Bucky for not believing in you.
“I told you! she is so beautiful look at her! they grow up so fast don’t they” you wiped a fake tear and Bucky laughed rolling his eyes and focusing back on the show the two of you were watching. “I think it’s time for the next step” you smiled, his eyes widened as you finished your sentence, “another plant!”
So weeks passed and within a couple months you had all kinds of house plants, every windowsill covered with green and even some hanging from the ceiling, vines wrapping around lamps and even flowers in the patio, you even got bold and bought an orchid (which was doing amazing you may add).
While you watered them regularly, Bucky had to go above and beyond to care for the absurd amount of plants you now had. He would water them individually (by now he knew how much water each plant needed and what days to water them) and even added fertilizer to their soil, buying all kinds of things to keep them healthy and to stop them from wilting. Your most recent purchase, olive the orchid, had been the toughest to care for yet. Bucky had to watch tons of videos on orchid care to stop it from dying within the fire few days.
It took him a while to go through his routine while you were at work, you never caught wind of his meddling and you continued to believe that you had the greenest thumb in the world, Bucky happily going along with it, he couldn’t bare to see your soul crushed if you realized they would’ve died had they been in your care.
You and Bucky were laying in bed watching a movie when he got a phone call from Sam, telling him they had a mission, Bucky was both suprised and nervous considering there had been almost nothing going on lately and he would have the leave all the plants alone with you.
“I can always tell Sam i can’t go you know that doll” Bucky protested as the night progressed, you sighed and curled more into his side, pulling the blanket into you more, “I’ll be fine James, and plus i have all of our plants to keep me company” you smiled brightly and he felt his heart swell.
He wanted nothing more then to tell Sam to shove it so he can stay home and care for all your plants to keep that adorable smile on your face, but of course he couldn’t.
“I’m gonna be gone two weeks are you sure you can handle it?” Bucky asked once again, one foot out the door before turning around again, “yes bucky i know where everything for the plants is, plus I’ve kept them looking good for this long, two weeks is nothing” you smirked, punching his shoulder as he smiled at you.
He chuckled softly and nodded his head, kissing your forehead and saying goodbye, he also said goodbye to all the plants, knowing they would be gone by the time he came back. He did however have a shred of hope that they would be able to hold on just until he got back, to nurse them back to health.
You closed the door and sighed, the house feeling empty without Bucky, but then you looked to your right and saw Brenda, you smiled and put on your favorite show, cuddling up on the couch and sighing. You could keep your plants alive for two weeks, you had done it for months on your own.
Sam put the quinjet in autopilot after setting the route and sat across from Bucky. “So why didn’t you wanna come, getting used to the domestic life?” He joked and Bucky rolled his eyes. “Cmon I’m joking losen up” he laughed, throwing a peanut at him and Bucky broke into a smile as he caught it in his mouth.
“y/n and i got a bunch of plants right” he began and Sam nodded, “yeah i know she sends up pictures like all the time,” Bucky laughed and continued, “but she sucks at keeping them alive, so I’ve been taking care of them when she isn’t home and keeping them alive” Bucky spoke, a smile on his face as he realized how ridiculous this was.
“she doesn’t know you’ve been taking care of them does she” Sam questioned and Bucky shook his head, he bit his lip to stop his smile as Sam broke into a fit of laughter. “Oh my god they’re all gonna die on her like last year aren’t they” he spoke between laughs and Bucky nodded, his heart hurting as he thought of your face when the plants began to wilt and you couldn’t stop them.
“i just feel bad because he cares about them so much, but she just is actually incapable of caring for them, i mean she killed a cactus! even after doing everything she was supposed to!” Bucky laughed, wanting nothing more than to go home and hold you, and kiss you on the cheek.
“I can’t believe she can do basically everything but care for plants” Sam spoke and Bucky sighed, closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep.
As time passed your plants began to wilt, first was the orchid, a petal had fallen and it was now slumped over. Then was the ones hanging from the ceiling, the leaves all drooping and and even starting to dry up after the first week.
And then your succulents, you had been watering them way too much and essentially drowned them, and you accidentally killed your cacti by not em giving them enough water.
Of course with each plant death on your end, Bucky received the news through your daily calls. He felt so bad for you, comforting you every night and wishing he could kiss you and make you feel better. “Don’t worry doll I’ll be there in a couple days” he would say and you nodded, “maybe they just miss you” you giggled and he smiled, “maybe.”
By the time bucky got home, all the plants were basically dead, and you had thrown out half them before Bucky could even say goodbye.
“Sweets? I’m home!” Bucky smiled, setting everything down and closing the door, turning around to see you throwing out yet another plant before your face lit up and you jumped on him.
“i missed you so much james” you laughed as he picked you up, holding you tightly as he nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck.
“i missed you so much more doll” he whispered a smile on his face as you placed a kiss ontop of his head. He set you down gently on the couch and you immediately pulled him down with you, cuddling into his side and closing your eyes as you listened to his heartbeat.
“okay doll, please don’t get mad at me but i can’t hide this any longer” he spoke suddenly, getting up from the couch and moving infront of you. Your heart dropped and you felt dizzy, “what?” Your mind was racing, thinking of what the hell he could be hiding from you.
“okay it started off because i didn’t want to hurt you okay, i didn’t want to crush your spirit because you looked so happy and god i didn’t want to take that away from you, but then you went and got more and i couldn’t tell you then because i was in too deep and-“ you cut him off before he could continue.
“Barnes just spit it out!” You groaned, brows furrowed and a scowl on your face as he rambled.
“I took care of the plants!” He rushed out, letting out a sigh and putting his head in your lap. “I took care of Brenda when she started to wilt because i saw how happy you were taking care of her” he mumbled, looking up to see your confused expression.
“but my other plants i took care of those” you shook your head, and he scrunched his face up. “I took care of those too, i kept them all alive and cared for them so that you could think you were doing it, i wanted you to be happy as a plant mom, i knew how bad you felt last year” he spoke, looking up at you and searching you face for your reaction.
“that why they all died after you left, because you kept them alive” you whispered, finally putting the pieces together. Everything made so much more sense now, from you catching him moving the plants around and him buying fertilizer, you realized now it’s because while you were gone, he was taking care of the plants.
“You didn’t even tell me after i bought like 10 more” you smiled and he let out a breath after he realized you weren’t upset. “I just wanted to see you happy” he giggled and your heart fluttered, you ran your fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes.
“so you aren’t mad?” you laughed at the question, confusing him, and suddenly he was terrified because if you were mad at him he doesn’t know how he would make it up to you.
“how could i be mad at you baby, you spent hours on end taking care of plants that you didn’t care about just so i could be happy thinking i had a green thumb” you smiled, kissing his forehead and letting out a sigh, “if anything i should propose to you for caring for me that much.” Bucky smiled at you and gave you a quick kiss on the lips.
“i would marry you in a heartbeat doll face” he whispered, sitting back down next to you on the couch, “even if that meant taking care of an absurd amount of plants for me?” You teased and he rolled his eyes.
“as long as they aren’t orchids, that one was a pain in the ass” he laughed and you slapped his chest lightly, “i loved olive!” you argued and he shoved you softly, “you didn’t have to watch hours of videos to keep olive alive!” He shot back and you huffed, accepting defeat and setting your head on his chest as the tv played in the background.
After a couple moments of silence you smiled, realizing the trouble he must’ve gone through just so you could be happy over some plants. “I wasn’t joke when i said i would marry you y’know” you whispered, and Bucky blushed, kissing the top of your head.
“I know doll, and neither was i” he smiled as he saw your face flush, and suddenly all he could think of was the small velvet box he had hidden away in his t shirt drawer.
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thelastdrop · 3 years
Festival 2: Explanation
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TWICE Momo & TWICE Nayeon x Male Reader
3877 words
Categories: smut, threesome, oral
Read on AFF
You couldn’t get into the hotel room fast enough. Before you and Momo can scan the card to enter the room she’s already wrapped her arms around your neck pulling you in for a kiss. Once again taking charge she pushes her tongue into your mouth
Fumbling your way through the dark room, clothes are flying everywhere landing near each other on the floor as you take a seat on the edge of the bed. Momo makes quick work of your pants tossing them to the side and begins stroking your hardening cock in her hand.
Momo moves her lips up and down the side of your shaft before taking it into her warm mouth. Slowly and steadily taking you all the way down to the base, causing you to throw your head back onto the bed letting out a low moan.
When Momo had asked you if you’d like to go back to her room or your’s, you weren’t sure how to respond.
“Aren’t you sharing a room?” you asked curiously. She’d come here with all her friends so wouldn’t she be saving money by having her own place to stay?
“Our company is handling all our travel expenses, so each of us have our own room,” she cutely replies, swinging her shoulders.
“Oh well let’s just go to whoever's closer then.”
“Ooooooh eager to get me alone again, aren’t you?” Momo teases nudging you.
“How could I not be? I’ve wanted to see you begging for more since I laid eyes on you.”
“Begging for more huh?” a voice echoes from behind the both of you.
You turn to see Nayeon trailing close, almost too close, behind you two.
“So Momo you sure he’s the one you want to have with us while we’re here?” Nayeon continues, “I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to find someone to replace him now, you still have time.”
“Oh there’s no way I’m switching. Like I said before I know how to pick ‘em” she replies back, sending a wink in your direction.
“Well if you're so sure, you wouldn’t mind me tagging along would you? I mean our hotel is two blocks away so it must be the closer of the two rooms. And you’re going to need my help if you're going to make it to your room without them noticing.”
Without them noticing? What the hell did Nayeon mean by that? She must be talking about the rest of the girls, right? You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at Momo then at Nayeon. Both seemed to be waiting on your approval of the whole situation.
“Well if it’s okay with Momo it’s okay with me.” Momo happily nods her head. She must really want to show you off to Nayeon the way she’s acting. “But I do have one rule, Momo gets fucked first we have… a previous arrangement.”
“That’s fine with me” Nayeon says, walking closer to you and placing her mouth close to your ear. “There are plenty of other ways you can take care of me while you fuck her,” Nayeon whispers, gently blowing on your ear.
Shivers run up your spine as she takes a step back and works out a plan with Momo. They both began talking in Korean, which you were only able to pick up on because your company deals heavily with importing and exporting goods to and from South Korea.
You still had no real grasp on the language, but could tell when someone else was speaking it.
Momo informs you of the plan. You’ll need to wait with her for about 5 minutes to let Nayeon have a head start, then you both can make your way to the hotel. Once Nayeon walks away Momo asks if you have any clothes in the backpack you’ve been carrying around all day. She scrounges around inside of it for a couple seconds and pulls out your favorite hoodie.
“Perfect! I was starting to get a little cold.”
A little cold? To you it felt super nice after how hot it can get in the middle of festival crowds being in the open air felt nice. And you could have sworn you saw Momo sweating while you were dancing together during Post Malhone’s set.
Nevertheless you and Momo made your way to her hotel. After a couple minutes of walking you notice Momo pull the hood up far enough to hide her face. Was she embarrassed to be seen walking with you? Once you got close and saw how much more extravagant it was compared to your own, which caused even more questions to start buzzing through your head.
As the elevator’s doors closed Momo quickly took off the hoodie and placed it back into your backpack. While still behind you she slyly snakes her hands around your waist she cups your dick in her hands.
“God I can’t wait to feel this stretch my tight cunt to its limits”
As you picked your head back up off of the bed to take a look at Momo giving you another mind blowing blow job, there was a knock on the door. Momo releases your dick from her mouth with a little pop.
“Don’t move.”
You give her a slight nod and watch her raise up walk toward the door. Watching Momo’s naked ass sway side to side as she strode toward the door, kept your dick firmly against your stomach as you waited for her return. You couldn’t wait to grab and squeeze it like there’s no tomorrow as you pound her into the mattress.
Momo moved onto tiptoes and peered through the eye hole of her door. Lowering herself down quickly, you watched her butt and thighs jiggle as she stepped to the side opening the door allowing the knocker to enter.
“Not even waiting for me before you st-” Nayeon’s words were cut off as she entered the room and saw you laying on the bed. “Holy shit Momo you really did pick a good one.”
“Oh trust me I know” Momo says cockily as she returns to her previous position.
Momo, not wanting to waste anytime, quickly takes you to the back of her throat. Swallowing around your head just like she had done several hours before. Working into a steady pace moving up and down your shaft, while her hands follow her lips twisting in a corkscrew motion is enough force yet another low moan out of your throat.
“I see you’ve started using some of my techniques now,” Nayeon says as she begins walking into the room making her way behind Momo.
“Oh my what’s this,” Nayeon coos as she kneels behind Momo. “Baby peach is soaked just from sucking on that big, thick cock?”
Nayeon reaches down and quickly shoves two fingers into Momo, causing her to hum around your dick sending vibrations throughout your body. Nayeon begins to furiously pump her fingers in and out of Momo’s cunt making an even bigger mess on the floor below her.
Momo’s lustful gaze is aimed directly at you while she continues to lather your dick in her spit and saliva, gagging every now and then as she takes you into her throat. Nayeon removes her fingers and brings them to her mouth. Momo lets out a whimper not wanting Nayeon to stop. Nayeon gives her a sharp slap on her ass, causing the girl to let out a muffled yelp, and locks eyes with you.
You are completely fixated on the stunning Korean girl standing in front of you. Nayeon begins strip teasing you as Momo continues working your cock and balls. Slowly crossing her arms and grabbing the hem of her top, she works it up her body revealing a delicious midriff, not quite as defined as Momo’s but still just as delectable.
She continues to pull it against her body, making you notice her nipples poking through the thin fabric of her top, signaling to you she must not be wearing a bra underneath. After a couple of quick jiggles she pulls it up far enough to free her tits with a bounce. While not nearly as big as Momo’s, the air of confidence that Nayeon has around her really accentuates her features. Biting her bottom lip she pulls it over her head and tosses it on the floor next to Momo.
With a slight spin she turns her back to you and grabs the waistline of her pants. Bending down, making sure to keep her pants tight on her ass, she slowly moved them down her legs freeing her delicious ass and thighs from the tight confines they were being held in. Almost instantly you notice that she was also going commando, giving you an excellent view or her already wet pussy.
Momo sensing you haven’t been paying attention to her takes you deep into her throat, forcing you to instinctively buck your hips up off the bed.
“Now Momo there’s no need to get jealous, you’re still going to get the first crack at Y/N,” Nayeon jests.
After several long seconds of being trapped in Momo’s throat she slowly rises up and releases you with a pop. Momo stands up chest heaving up and down, wordlessly her wonton body lets you know exactly what she wants. You reach for her arm and pull her onto the bed. You shifted into place over Momo and guided your cock toward her pussy. With a steady motion, you sank into her pushing all the way down. Feeling her tight walls stretch around you was almost enough to make you pass out after the intense blow job you had just received.
“Oh my God” you shuddered, hips bucking once at the feeling of Momo’s tight, wet heat. You needed to stay still though, feeling overwhelmed at how good it felt.
Nayeon came up behind you and pressed her bare chest onto your back. Feeling her soft tits roam up and down your back as her hands roamed your chest and abs just added to the sensations you were already feeling.
“Take it slow to start out” Nayeon whispered as she nibbled on your ear.
You gave a slight nod, pulling your hips back till your head is almost out, then sinking back in again. Momo’s tight walls continue their grip around you making each motion that much more difficult. Momo mashed her lips together at just how deep you were hitting inside her.
“F-Fuck your so big,” Momo moaned as you bottomed out inside of her.
Those words were all the encouragement you needed and caused a switch to flip inside you. Your hips took off, increasing in speed and strength filling the room with loud clapping sounds and your hips met Momo’s.
“Fuck!” She yelled as she grasped at your arms.
Nayeon sauntered her way up onto the bed leaving you without the warm sensation on your back you had become accustomed to. She straddled Momo's head, placing her pussy within licking distance of Momo’s mouth.
“We can’t have you making so much noise Momo, now can we?” She said as she lowered herself down onto Momo.
Momo began to hungrily lap at the folds before her now. Switching between long, slow licks and quick, focused ones around Nayeon’s clit.
“Shit Momo you always eat me out so well,” Nayeon moaned.
Feeling emboldened, you reached forward and grabbed the back of Nayeon’s neck and pulled her in for a lust-filled kiss. Keeping your hand firmly on Momo’s creamy thigh in an attempt to keep the pace that you were going, you pushed your tongue into Nayeon’s mouth fighting for dominance. Nayeon moaned into the kiss, throwing both her arms around your neck.
You then moved your hand downward till you found her nipple and captured it between your thumb and forefinger. You gave it a little tug which elicited another hum from Nayeon letting you know it was something she enjoyed. Opening your hand you palmed her tit and began to knead it.
Breaking the kiss you and Nayeon stared into each other’s eyes before you leaned back and grabbed Momo’s waist, lifting her up while increasing your pace once more. A long muffled moan escaped the lips of Momo as she continued to eat out Nayeon. She then moved her attention and latched onto Nayeon’s clit sucking it harshly. Nayeon let out a whine, moving both her hands to Momo’s swinging tits for stability.
As Momo gave one long lick along Nayeon’s folds, Nayeon started to buck her hips across the long, slick surface.
“Shit Momo I’m almost there.” Nayeon hissed out. Only lasting a couple of thrusts Nayeon’s eyes rolled back as she began to quiver on top of Momo. Covering her face with her warm honey. After about a minute had passed Nayeon leaned toward you, threw her arms around your neck again and gave you a deep, long kiss. This one felt... different though there was no battle for control, no sloppy use of tongues, just a deep, long kiss you hadn’t experienced in a very long time.
She broke your kiss and lifted herself off of Momo, freeing her. Momo’s mouth and chin was now soaked with Nayeon’s juices. You quickly leaned down and captured her lips so you could taste the mixture of both her and Nayeon.
“Goddamnit, your cock is so fucking good.” She moaned as clung onto your biceps and wrapped her legs around you.
You swallowed and moved lower to wrap her lips around a nipple, sucking lightly. Nayeon’s hand moved down along Momo’s body and began rubbing her clit. Momo became a mess at this point moaning both your and Nayeon’s name, so Nayeon pressed their lips together to silence her.
“Shit... I’m gonna cum soon.” You husk out.
“M-Me too. Oh fu-.” Her words were cut off as she began shuddering below you, coating your cock in her juices. Her walls tighten around your dick, making you grunt as you continue to thrust through it. Abs on fire you showed no relent as you continued your assault on Momo.
“Outside. Today isn’t safe for her.” Nayeon relayed as her friend continued to tremble beneath you.
You quickly pulled out and began to jack off. You only lasted a few more strokes before unloading all over Momo’s body. Some landing on her stomach, some landing on her tits. As your orgasm stopped Nayeon moved and began to lick all of your hot cum up off of Momo’s body.
Once she gathered it all up, she looked at you with lustful eyes and swallowed. Smiling, she looked down to see your cock, still hard and standing proud.
Your gaze was focused on Momo’s body, watching her chest chest heavy up and down as she was still coming down from the state of ecstasy you placed her into.
A tug on your arm causing you to flip on your back laying down next to Momo snapped you out of the trance-like state you were in.
“Just relax baby, I’ll take it from here.” Nayeon said as she began to straddle you.
As you looked upon the gorgeous Korean woman above you and the stunning Japanese woman to your side, you began to wonder if all your luck had been used up tonight. Had all of the good karma you’d been saving been blown in a one-night stand? Would you ever reach a more perfect place than the one you found yourself in now, with two of the most sexy women you had ever met vying to be with you.
Nayeon slowly lowering herself onto you brought you back into the present moment. Placing her hands on his abs as she took her time to savour the stretch that your cock provided.
"Fuck, that's big," she whined, hands tightening against you as she grit her teeth and tried to steady herself.
She then began to rock her hips back and forth making your cock hit every nook and cranny of her tight cunt. Nayeon wanted to get the full experience that this dick could provide her, trying to satisfy needs that looked like they hadn’t been in a long time.
Wanting more, Nayeon began to ride you hard and feverishly, moaning in ecstasy as she started up and down your big dick, a gasping mess greedily pursuing all the sensations she could muster. She was chasing something shameless, bouncing quickly and roughly on her new found toy.
You were happy to let her keep going at this pace, especially as her ample tits began to bounce and heave before your hungry and delighted eyes. Your hands moved up Nayeon’s soft, creamy thighs before they settled on her hips allowing you to lay back and enjoy the show that she was putting on for you.
“Fuck Nayeon you feel so good around my dick.”
"Mm, and I have to thank Momo for helping me get some dick this nice," Nayeon whined, biting down firmly on her lip as she continued to heave atop him proudly.
Being able to let a bombshell like Nayeon have complete control over you was something you gladly accepted, letting the waves of ecstasy roll over the both of you. Watching your dick appear and disappear while getting coated in a mixture of both Nayeon and Momo’s juices dragged you deeper into an amazing state of bliss.
Nayeon trembled, body inching closer and closer toward the excited rush of pleasure she craved. She knew her orgasm was drawing closer, able to feel herself aching and shivering with the hot, throbbing want and Nayeon didn't want it to stop. Not for anything.
“Y/N!” Nayeon yelled as she came, howling your name as she bucked and shivered.
Hearing other moans coming from beside you, you turn to find Momo playing with her pussy. Unable to hold back as she watched Nayeon work herself into a state of complete bliss. Watching her friend become lost in the hot, lustful desire that you had put her into was too much for her to just watch idly.
Planting your feet firmly on the bed you began thrusting upwards into Nayeon chasing after your own orgasm. The quick change of pace sent Nayeon into another orgasm, shuddering and digging her nails into you abs as you pounded into her.
“Oh fuck! Come inside me I need to feel your hot cum deep in my pussy.”
Losing yourself for the second time tonight, you roughly thrust upward grunting and groaning as you loosed a massive flood of cum deep into her pussy. You pulled Nayeon down for a sloppy kiss as she was lost in her own orgasmic state.
“Momo… you... REALLY... found a good here” she gasped as she laid her head on your chest.
“I’m glad you finally see that I do know what I’m doing when it’s MY turn.”
“Well I’m going to get cleaned up first. Unless someone would like to join me for another round?” Nayeon smirks looking at you.
“No way Nayeon you need to get back to your room, you don’t know when someone will be coming around to check up on us.”
“Fine, fine I’ll go alone,” Nayeon coincided, “but I can’t wait to brag to the others about the stallion Momo picked out.”
After Nayeon finished cleaning up you and Momo moved into the shower together. Other than groping Momo’s breasts as you applied soap to them or her fondling your empty balls doing the same, there were no advances made. Once out and drying off you finally had to figure out what was going on with this group of girls.
“Okay Momo you really need to start explaining. First, you and friends all pick out someone whenever you go somewhere, and make him your sex toy? Then you say your company is paying for you to stay in a super nice hotel like this one and everyone has their own rooms? And you guys had to, what, sneak me in here?” you asked tying a towel around your waist, “I know, I know it’s a lot of questions, but I can’t help but wonder what the fuck I got myself into.”
Momo lets out a sigh as she finishes putting her robe on and takes a seat on the bed. She pats the spot next her and looks at you. You oblige her request and take a seat next to her.
“Okay, so how do I go about this… Kinda, yes, yes.”
“... Kinda, yes, yes?”
“To your questions! Yes our company put us up in this hotel. Yes we had to sneak you in here. And to say we just pick someone out and make them our sex toy while we’re where we happen to be isn’t entirely true,” Momo responds. “With most places we go, we each take turns picking someone out to spend time with us while we are staying in that city. As soon as the majority of the group vetoes the choice though we move onto the next person’s turn. We’ve never all fully accepted someone that we’ve picked out. There’s always someone who doesn’t like the guy for various reasons, but with you…” she pauses for a brief moment and looks you in the eyes, “you’ll definitely be sticking around.” A warm smile creeps across Momo’s face as she delivers that last line to you.
Your heart skips a beat as she stares into your eyes. You feel your face getting hotter and turn to face the ground. Once you calm down, you turn to face Momo again.
“But what’s with all the secrecy? When we were almost to the hotel you hid your face while you were walking next to me.”
“That’s the other big thing we hide to start out, but I know that you wouldn’t let anyone know about what I’m about to tell you right?”
Thoughts start dashing through your head. Are these girls in some kind of Asian mafia, are they secret agents, powerful business women who would be ruined if they got caught cheating on their spouses? You take a deep breath and calm your thoughts. I mean honestly what’s the worst thing she could possibly say? She’s a part of some internationally popular girl group that has adoring and sometimes crazy fans?
“Yeah, sure whatever you tell me now I’ll never repeat to anyone else.”
Momo’s smile becomes even bigger. She leans in and gives you a deep, affectionate kiss.
“Okay so take your time to process what I’m about to say and let me know what you think.”
You give her a slight nod.
“So me and the eight other girls you met today are part of an internationally popular kpop girl group that has adoring and sometimes crazy fans.”
A/N Welp there it is. You’ve somehow gotten into some kind of relationship with TWICE. I hope you guys like where the story is going, and the plot doesn’t seem too boring. It took me a lot longer than I’d thought to get through this chapter, but I am really proud of how it turned out. Like always feel free to leave comments with your feedback or suggestions. Thanks for reading! 
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astralaffairs · 4 years
put a ring on it 04 | philip hamilton
title: put a ring on it
pairing: philip hamilton x reader
words: 9k flat
warnings: jealousy, copious amounts of relatives, like half of the family r little shits, a lil bit of angst — forgive me for this being unedited! i’ll come back to edit in a bit, but i promised the post, so here it is :)
desc: You’ve never liked Philip Hamilton, and have always assumed the feeling has been mutual. But when you’re roped into pretending to be his girlfriend for a family reunion, you feel all your truths beginning to melt away, and find them instead taking form in his smile.
tags: @stargazelaurens @ivory-haired-queens @exoticxchicken8 @assbuttstyles777 @superbarriobrothers @tf2germanvillain @ela-ena @abundant-stars @heytheredee-lilah @katierpblogg @thisshitfucks @celyndavies @quixoticallydelusional @sothisishappiness @ems-alexandra @yxseminx @sadhwstudent @aiifandomsunite @loonaynay @valleryhyde @lxncelot @marvelouslyemily @checkurwindow @katierpblogg @alievans007 @nyxie75 @ii-moonlight-ii @sothisishappiness @ems-alexandra @elegantbutedgy  - lmk if you want to be added; sorry if i missed anyone!!
"You almost ready?"
You glanced up to meet Philip's eyes in his bathroom mirror as you struggled to clasp your necklace. He wore a small smile, fiddling with the sleeves of his button-down.
"Yeah, yeah, just gimme another minute." Your lips were pursed when you broke his gaze, leaning in toward your reflection as you twisted the necklace around your neck to get a better look at the ring on one of its ends, but to little avail. Your hands were shaking; the tension in your jaw was steadily increasing. Your mind had been elsewhere all morning.
You let out a grunt of frustration when you just missed the hook — it was too small for you to see it between your fingers. Though your focus was elsewhere, Philip raised his eyebrows when he saw you glaring down at the delicate chain.
"Let me." Your skin jumped when his fingers grazed the back of your neck, and when you met his amused gaze, your eyes were wide.
You let your hands fall away as he covered them with his own, taking ahold of the back of your necklace and brushing your hair over out of his way. "... Thanks."
"No problem, princess." You let out a quiet huff, rolling your eyes at his words, and his soft expression split into a grin. "Seriously? You're still resisting that?"
"Whatever," you mumbled, and though your eyes had drifted to the counter before you, you could still feel his hands go still against your skin. When he caught your eye, he creased his brow.
"You okay?" Your eyebrows shot up; you'd mistaken the tenativity in his expression for skepticism, but his soft tone told you that it was entirely born of concern. "You've been caught up in your head ever since we got out of bed."
You didn't let your surprise at how suddenly perceptive he'd become break your stride for more than a moment; you hoped it wasn't obvious that your gaze had gone soft. "I'm fine, Philip. Just tired," you said.
"Hey, no you're not." He didn't move from where he stood. You could feel his breath against the back of your neck. He still hadn't finished clasping your necklace, but his calloused fingertips rested against your shoulders, atop the straps of your sundress; you could feel the warmth of his body just inches behind you, could smell his faint cologne. You swallowed. "What's on your mind?"
Glancing back at him gave you pause, but when he pressed his lips together, expression inquisitive, you gave him a small smile. "Nothing, really. I'm okay." The silence that stretched on only made you feel more on edge, and you raised your eyebrows, adding, "Now, are you helping me with my necklace or not? C'mon."
"Talk to me first."
"This is blackmail!"
"It's a necklace, Y/N," he said, giving you a pointed look, and you scoffed, turning back toward the mirror. "But seriously, what's got you all stressed?"
A beat passed. "You're really gonna press the point?"
"Come on," he pouted, and you had to purse your lips to keep your smile from widening with amusement. "If it's super personal, I'll let it go, but I'm just concerned about you. What's wrong with that?"
"You don't need to worry," you assured him, but he looked less than convinced. "Really. It's silly."
His scowl was far from genuine as he finally finished putting your necklace on, and you shivered at the feeling of his hands in your hair when he pulled a few pieces of it out from under the thin chain. "If it doesn't matter, why are you being so evasive?"
"You're so nosy!" His hands still rested on your skin when you looked back up at his reflection, and despite your indignation, some part of you couldn't help but savor how much he genuinely seemed to care. You huffed when he gave an uncompromising shrug, still staring back at you expectantly. "God. Alright, fine. I'm... kinda nervous to meet your family."
His surprise was obvious; his eyebrows shot up, and for just a moment, he didn't speak. "Wait, seriously?" However, as you could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks, you didn't waste much time before busying yourself in packing back up your makeup bag. He was quick to take your lack of a response as the clear affirmation it was. "That's adorable."
"I don't wanna hear it," you said, but as his hands fell from your shoulders, they landed on either side of you on the bathroom counter. Though you tried to sidestep his grip, it was your resistance that made him stop you where you stood, effectively caging you in. You turned to him, ready to shove him away by the chest, but your breath caught when his hands met your waist.
"But princess, that's so sweet." He wore a mocking pout, and you rolled your eyes, turning your head away from him. You folded your arms in front of you despite (or because of) the immediate proximity to him in which you found yourself. "Why are you worried? What, do you think they're going to disapprove of our relationship?" he teased.
"I just really like your family so far, alright?" you murmured, determined to ignore your burning skin — whether it was burning due to your embarrassment or the fact that you were but a thin scrap of fabric away from being pulled flush against his chest, you weren't sure. In all honesty, it was probably somewhere between the two. "I don't want them to turn on me because you have some bitter aunt who doesn't vibe with me."
He laughed, and you could feel the sound against your body. "That won't happen. They'll think you're great, okay? Relax."
You scoffed when he reached up to brush a piece of hair from your forehead, smoothing it back until his hand turned back down to softly meet the side of your jaw. "Let's just go," you said, and though your voice was sullen, you'd have had a difficult time hiding your smile from him in the tight proximity.
"Alright," he agreed, and you ignored the laugh laced into his voice, seemingly entertained at how timid you were acting — after all, that was a part of you that was all but entirely novel to him. He took a small step back, arms falling back to his sides, but you didn't yet move away.
"Alright," you finally echoed, voice breathy as you stepped out beside him to leave the bathroom, and he followed closely behind. "What time is everyone getting here?"
"Around noon." You couldn't see it when his lips quirked, his mind not having budged an inch from the conversation you'd just had. "It is kind of precious that you care so much about whether my family likes you, though."
"Shut up, Philip."
Your early afternoon was a flurry of names and introductions. Everyone was beyond enthusiastic to meet you — an enthusiasm you returned without farce or falsehoods, what with how sweet they all were, but you couldn't help your lingering guilt as you struggled to keep track of all their names and families, your map of who went with who quickly tangling.
The Hamiltons' backyard was likely as large as the entire block that housed your apartment building back in the city, and not without its utility. Philip's family members covered just about every square foot, from toddlers pulling at one another's hair to their aging grandparents, lounging in the sun and commenting on how they grow up so fast.
It was hectic, but you weren't complaining — not when the crowd meant that twenty-some aunts, uncles, and cousins all seemed to have brought individual cornucopias of their best bakery.
You were hardly in one place for long enough to hold a conversation — it was always only a matter of time until another pseudo-mob of relatives pulled you in a different direction to interrogate you for what must've been the ninetieth time that day. Your cheeks were growing sore from how many middle-aged aunts had squeezed them at one point or another, and your legs were sporadically incapacitated from Philip's little cousins hanging off of them.
Collateral damage aside, the family reunion was far from being the painful ordeal you'd expected. Philip's near-innumerable relatives were certainly keeping you on your toes and a smile on your face. A few hours in, you'd all but forgotten why you resisted coming in the first place.
"Y/N, come here!" Your eyebrows shot up. It was Georges's younger sister Marie who was tugging you toward her by your wrist, pulling you away from where you stood with Philip's arm wrapped around your waist. You were only about three years her senior, but she had such bubbly energy that you couldn't help but think of her as being younger than she was.
"Hey, hang on," Philip protested, and you wore an amused smile when you glanced back at him. "Are you all just going to keep dragging her around? I brought her here; when do I get to spend any time with her?"
"Oh, you get her all the time. Don't be greedy," Marie shot back, and though he rolled his eyes, Philip's grip on your waist loosened.
"Don't keep her too long. She's been questioned enough for one day." Though she managed to pull you out of Philip's grasp, he caught your hand just before she could get you out of his reach. You could hear Marie scoff, but Philip raised a dubious eyebrow at you, and your smile softened when you saw the concern etched into his furrowed brow.
"I'll be fine, Pip." You squeezed his hand reassuringly, and though it was reluctant, he released you with a sigh. "See you in a bit?"
"You'd better."
He hardly saw you grin at the playful wink he sent you before you were yanked away, your head snapping back around in a panic to follow where Marie was pulling you. Though you didn't see it, he chuckled lightly when he took another sip of his drink.
"So, where to?" you asked Marie breathlessly just as you were dragged out of Philip's earshot.
"Just over here..." She trailed off, clearly scanning the area for something, and when you saw her gaze lock on a gaggle of women in one corner of the yard, her eyes lit up. "Ah!"
At that point, you were more than happy just to let whatever happened happen — this pseudo-family was beyond chaotic, and there was really no point in resisting. You didn't question it as she pulled you alongside her to the others, and she flashed you a small smile. "So, have you met everyone yet?"
"Not quite yet, but close to it," you said. "But remembering everyone's name might just be another story."
Her easy laugh made your smile broaden; you'd been surprised, at first, by how warm all the people you'd met had been, but a family like this was certainly something you could get used to.
"I don't blame you; there are definitely a lot of us," she replied, "but that's unimportant. We want to hear about you!"
"You want to hear about me?" you repeated as you reached the group, not bothering to mask the disbelief in your voice. "There's not a whole lot to tell, really."
"We want to hear about you and Philip." It was the woman you recognized as Frances who piped up, drawing your attention into the larger circle of ladies around you, watching you with an enthusiasm that had you more than taken aback. "He's kept you from us for so long that we still know virtually nothing about you!"
"Oh! Um..." You gave a weak, anxious laugh, gaze traveling across the group, the eager faces staring back at you. "Alright, I... What d'you want to know?"
"Is this all weird for you?" Your eyebrows shot up at Frances's question, hoping there was more to the question (or really, that she wasn't just onto you). "I don't mean this weekend, of course. But is it weird to be dating a coworker?"
You had to stop yourself from letting out a dramatic sigh of relief. If we're talking weird, you thought, you don't know the half of it. However, you only replied with, "I mean, not really. We have basically the same job, so there's no icky power dynamic there or anything."
"But how do you keep from getting into petty little fights? My husband and I can hardly work together to plan a day trip, let alone collaborate for a career." Her animated huff made you smile, and she shook her head in mock exasperation. "I guess that's a testament to how strong your relationship is, huh?"
You swallowed your laugh, struggling to force a straight face as you tried to respond. "I don't know about that. We argue plenty."
"Seems like you haven't let it come between you, though." The woman who spoke then was one of Philip's cousins by birth, Kitty, and you shrugged. Though you knew you had to maintain your composure, you couldn't help your amusement at the line of conversation.
"I guess we've made it this far, right?"
"It's pretty impressive, honestly," Marie interjected. "No one else has managed to keep him tied down for more than a couple months. He really seems to like you."
"How long have you been together?" Frances added, and your eyes widened a fraction of an inch. You'd been over this with him, right?
"Oh, about... two years, now?" You were praying you'd gotten the number right, but no one seemed to question it further.
"Oh my God, really? When's your anniversary?" Marie's sister Anastasie asked, her eyes alight and voice excited. Had you not been so worried about figuring out what date to tell them, how thrilled they seemed about your relationship would've been wildly endearing — it was obvious how much they all cared for Philip. "Have you two celebrated yet?"
"Yeah, we went out for it a week or two ago," you responded vaguely, fiddling with the strap of your dress. You were glad no one could feel how much your palms were sweating. "It was, ah..."
Thankfully, you didn't get a chance to finish your hasty explanation, as Marie proceeded to ask, "Really? Where did you go?"
"Oh, just to dinner downtown. He—"
"Did he sweep you off your feet?" You struggled to remember the name of Philip's younger cousin who'd just cut you off.
"I mean, it was definitely—"
"He picked up the check, right?"
"We, um... ended up splitting it. It wasn't—"
"Have you thought at all about taking the next step? He doesn't have to be the one to propose, you know."
"Not really, but maybe at some point—"
"Oh, that'd be so sweet! You'd be a part of the family!"
"I don't know yet whether—"
"We don't mean to rush you into anything, though. It's your prerogative."
"No, of course—"
"Can we hear the story of how you got together?"
"How long were you working together before he finally asked you out?"
The questions were coming at you by then much faster than you could field them. Your eyes were wide; you'd taken multiple unwitting steps back. It had taken you until then to quite understand what Philip meant by how overwhelming his family could be.
"Hey, Y/N!" You stopped trying to answer the last inquiry when a voice came from behind you, instead glancing back over your shoulder to see who else had decided to barrage you with questions. To your relief, it was Angelica, Philip's younger sister, who was walking toward you, and you offered her a small smile. "Can I borrow you for a second?"
Your eyebrows shot up as you looked back to the group before you. "Oh! I, uh..." You trailed off as Angelica finally reached you.
"Don't worry; I won't keep you long," she promised, and you glanced to her hesitantly. "...But if you'd rather stay and chat and come find me in a little while, that's fine too," she added, and you sighed, taking a step back from the circle of women around you.
"No, it's okay," you reassured her, embracing without reluctance your opportunity to escape the hot seat, before turning back to the group to add, "It's been great talking to you all, though. I'll catch up with you a bit later?"
Your words were met with a chorus of goodbyes, some more disappointed than others, but you couldn't pretend not to be eager to go. You turned away alongside Angelica, asking, "So what'd you need me for?"
She opened her mouth to speak, but paused, pulling further away from the group before she responded in a low voice, "Honestly, nothing. You just looked like you needed an excuse to get out of there."
Her words elicited a surprised laugh from you. "I knew there was a reason I liked you."
"Hey, there you are." Your eyebrows shot up; you turned your head in the direction of the voice, only to see Philip walking toward you with an easy smile. "What are you doing over here all alone?"
You took a sip of your lemonade as you shrugged, if only to hide your small smile (particularly because you were struggling to grasp why his showing up left you unable to suppress it). "Avoiding you, mostly."
Philip let out a soft huff of laughter as he took a seat on the folding chair beside you, rolling his eyes. "Whatever. As though you aren't happy to see me." You quirked a skeptical brow at his (perhaps overly) confident grin. "But seriously, I haven't seen you in a bit. Has my family been putting you through the wringer?"
"Something like that," you snorted. "Your cousins are incessant. It doesn't help that I don't have answers to all their questions about how we fell in love, or when we're finally planning to tie the knot." Your voice was mocking throughout the latter sentence, but Philip didn't seem to be put off by it.
"Well, why don't you just tell them the truth?"
Your eyebrows shot up. "Why, exactly, would you want me to do that?"
"Well, it'd be a lot easier to give them the real story." He shrugged, and his matter-of-fact tone had you wary of his next words. "Y'know, how you've been head-over-heels for me since the moment we met, how you spent so many years in denial of how hard you were falling for me."
"Oh my god, shut up, Philip," you groaned, kicking the side of his knee lightly with the leg you had crossed over your other. He was failing entirely to hide how entertained he was. "Keep this up, and they'll be getting the real story about how you manipulated me into coming here."
"I didn't manipulate you. You chose to be here. Take some ownership, princess." He gave you a pointed look, and you scowled in response. "Anyway, let's not pretend you don't like my family too much to let them down like that."
"Hey, it's not my fault they're so likable!" you said. "They've been treating me like family since the moment they met me. It's so sweet; don't come at me."
"That's kind of adorable." Though you glared at him, there was no heat in it. He continued, "I'm glad you like them, but that definitely doesn't explain why you're hiding a corner."
"I'm just tired, alright?" you said defensively. "We've been here a few hours, now. I needed a break."
"Relax, princess. I'm not here to judge," he reassured you, and despite the skepticism etched in your raised eyebrow, his smile was warm. "But if you really need a breather, I can go for now and catch up with you in a bit."
How considerate the offer was struck you, and he was almost ready to take your surprised silence as having accepted it, before you spoke. "No, no, that's okay. I've probably pulled away from everyone for a little too long for it to be socially acceptable."
"Don't bother to worry about what's 'socially acceptable' here," he said, gaze amused as he glanced back to the party all through his backyard. "My family may be a little exhausting, but that also means they're too caught up in their own gossip to realize when someone's missing."
You let out a surprised laugh, and the sound elicited a self-satisfied grin from him. "You're really just gonna call them all inconsiderate like that?"
He scoffed, gesturing to you with the hand that still held his drink. "Hey, hang on. I did not call them inconsiderate. That was all you."
"I didn't say that they were! I think they're sweet!"
"They are sweet! They just have tunnel vision for whoever's in front of them," he argued, and you eyed him dubiously as you took another sip of your lemonade.
"That’s still mean." You shrugged, and though he rolled his eyes, amusement danced in them.
"What do you know? You haven't even met all of them yet."
"And whose fault is that?" you said, raising your eyebrows expectantly, but he just chuckled.
"Alright, I'll admit defeat on this one. You win," he conceded, but the sarcasm woven into his voice left you skeptical. "Wanna come meet the rest of them now, then? I mean, since you've been so rudely lying low all afternoon."
Despite how teasing his tone was, you let out a bitter scoff. "Don't gimme that! I've met at least thirty people in the past three hours. I earned a break."
"And I didn't mean anything by it!" He held his hands up in defense, but he still looked annoyingly contented.
"I'm sure you didn't," you replied, tone laden with sarcasm. "But... I dunno if I'm up to meeting too many more people just yet." You bit your lip as you paused, hesitant to voice the words sitting on your tongue. He raised an eyebrow. "Any chance you'd be alright with just... hanging here with me for a while? As much as I appreciate the vodka lemonade, it doesn't make for great company."
Your voice was light with your last sentence, but Philip was left surprised by the vulnerability in your gaze. "I'd love to, princess."
The kind smile he offered you left unexplainable heat rising in your cheeks, and though you couldn't see it, having turned away to hide your face, affection was heavy in his gaze as he watched you. "Why are you so insistent on calling me that?" you mumbled, and your words made him laugh.
"What, don't you like it?" The mock pout he plastered on made you scoff, despite how the corners of your lips twitched up.
"We've long since covered this; let's not pretend." You gave him a pointed look, but he shrugged, undeterred.
"I dunno; I don't see the problem." He took a sip of his drink. "We've been together for two years, and you're still not comfortable with a little affection? Maybe you just don't love me as much as I thought you did."
"Oh, shut up," you huffed, and your weak glare made him laugh. "Have I mentioned recently what a pain in the ass you are?"
"That's not much of a pet name, Y/N. I'm gonna need you to step it up," he sighed, and your amusement was obvious though you rolled your eyes. "Do we really have to rehash this conversation?"
Mischief danced in his stare when it met yours, and your eyes were wide. You had a feeling he recalled as vividly as you did how this line of discussion ended when you first started driving up to his parents' house. Your stomach turned, seemingly beyond your control. "Don't you go there again," you said, but your voice was breathless.
"Aw, what's wrong, princess? Were all my suggestions really not good enough?" His grin broadened when he saw you swallow hard. "I really thought there was at least one winner in there."
"Philip," you warned, tone hard, and he laughed.
"Relax. I won't push it," he promised, "I can keep an environment family-friendly."
He sent you a wink, and you scowled at the satisfaction written deep in his smile. By then, the heat rising in your cheeks was growing to a fire. You were struggling to meet his eyes. It'd hardly been 48 hours since he and you began the drive north, and you did not like how much those 48 hours changed the way his words were affecting you, even just recalling the conversation leaving you much more flustered than it had any business leaving you.
"Whatever," you mumbled into your plastic cup before draining what was left of your drink. You didn't realize until you glanced back at him that he was still watching you. You were too stunned in that moment to say anything more, but by some wild stroke of luck, you were saved by the bell.
"Uncle Philip!" Or, really, saved by the six-year-old nephew, but the difference may as well have been semantic.
Philip's heavy stare turned light the moment he heard the voice, and you followed his gaze to its origin. Running toward you were two kids, the girl just slightly taller than the boy, and they looked equally elated to see Philip seated there beside you.
"Woah, hey there," he laughed, eyebrows shooting up as they both immediately started clinging to his legs, trying to push themselves up onto his lap. "This is a pretty warm 'welcome home.'"
"You're back!" the boy exclaimed, as though it was a revelation of its own.
"I know, pretty weird, huh?" Philip replied, and his grin was broader than you'd ever seen it, "Guess I can't stay away from you two for too long."
"We missed you." When she spoke, the girl's voice was much quieter, and she wore a tiny smile.
"Well, I missed you more," Philip said matter-of-factly. The little boy creased his brow.
"Hey, we missed you more more," he argued, and Philip let out a dramatic sigh.
"I guess you win this round." The boy wore a proud smile as he tugged absentmindedly on Philip's pant leg. "Alright, now c'mere, both of you. Don't I get hugs?"
They squealed when he picked each of them up, pulling them into his lap, and though they squirmed in his hands, they both wrapped their arms around his neck only moments later, pulling him into a hug.
"You're too tall for this," the girl protested, finally sitting back onto his leg with a pout. Philip shrugged.
"Maybe you're just too short."
"Hey! I'm growing!" She folded her arms, and as Philip chuckled, it seemed the boy had moved on.
"Are you Y/N?" You were surprised when he turned to you with bright eyes, bouncing on Philip's leg.
"Oh! Uh, yeah. That's me," you said, surprised demeanor easing into entertainment. "And what's your name?"
"I'm Richard, and I'm six, and Uncle Philip's my uncle," he explained, glancing back at Philip with a smile before grinning at you. "I knew it was you 'cause Uncle Philip told us how pretty you are."
Your eyebrows shot up; your smile was wide with amusement. "Oh, really, Uncle Philip?"
"Hey, you've hardly been around for three minutes, and you're already ratting me out?" He looked down at Richard with mock indignance, and though he giggled, he put on a small pout.
"You're lucky I can't stay mad at you." He yelped when Philip ruffled his hair, frowning as he swatted his hands away and tried to fix it. As he sat back down, folding his arms in his discontent, Philip glanced back down at the girl on his other leg, squeezing her side lightly. "Hey, do you wanna introduce yourself?"
She shook her head furiously, and he chuckled. "Alright. That's okay. Can I introduce you?"
She eyed you timidly for a moment, and when you offered her a small smile, she nodded hesitantly. "Okay. Thank you. Y/N, this is Elizabeth." He finally looked back up at you, and you weren't fully aware of how soft your gaze was, watching him with his niece and nephew. "She's seven, and she's the smartest girl in the family." He nudged her playfully, and though she hid her face in his button-down, she giggled.
"Hey, what about me?" Richard protested, and Philip huffed.
"Well, obviously, that makes you the smartest boy in the family," he said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world, and Richard beamed up at him.
"Even smarter than you?"
Philip laughed. "Oh, yeah. For sure."
The words made you smile. "It's nice to meet both of you. Your uncle tells me all about you."
Richard's eyes lit up at your words. "Really? What's he say?"
"Good things only. I’ve heard a lot about both your soccer games and your skills in Mario Kart," you told both kids matter-of-factly, “but mostly, I can’t get him to stop going on about how much he loves you both.” The slightest bit of pride swelled in your chest when it earned a tiny smile from Elizabeth.
“Aw, so you do listen when I talk?” Philip plastered on a pout as he glanced back up to you, and you couldn’t even force a scowl.
“Hey, of course, I do!” you said defensively. “Mostly ‘cause I can’t get you to stop talking. I’ve found that actually listening to it staves off the intense boredom of just hearing you drone on and on.”
He rolled his eyes, and your smile was wide. “Oh, real nice, princess.”
“I always am.” You shrugged innocently, and he chuckled, shaking his head. A beat passed; his stare was soft as it held yours.
"He also told us about you," Elizabeth said quietly, and though a certain fraction of your attention was still on the fact that she'd finally decided to talk to you, the rest of it was taken aback.
"Did he, now?" You sounded as though you'd been winded, and your gaze once again met Philip's. His stare faltered; his expression was several steps past timid. "And when was this?"
"Just a couple weeks ago," Richard said eagerly, not seeming to have noticed the shift in either of your demeanors. "He told us that you're pretty, and he likes you so, so much. Technically he was telling Dad. But still."
"Aw, isn't that sweet?" Your smile had begun to turn teasing, and Philip let out a soft huff. Richard seemed prepared to continue full speed ahead, though.
"Mmhmm. And he also said—"
"Okay, that's about enough of that," Philip cut him off, giving him a stern look, and Richard frowned. "Listen, I have a really important mission for you two."
When he lowered his voice, both kids were watching him with wide eyes, giving him their full attention. "So, Y/N and I haven't been able to go hang out with Uncle Georges all day, but we don't want him getting lonely. I need you two to go and keep him company, okay? I would go, but he'd much rather spend time with you rascals." He winked at them, the words conspiratory, and they both nodded decisively. "I'm counting on you; don't let me down."
He set them both back onto the ground, lowering them off of his lap. "Okay, Uncle Philip! It's nice meeting you, Y/N!"
They'd both taken off before you could respond, and you laughed lightly.
"You're so good with them." When you turned to him with a wide smile, Philip only shrugged.
"They're sweet kids. They make it pretty easy on me."
"Yeah, they seem to be," you said, and you couldn't gauge the source of the hesitance in his eyes as you searched his expression. "But still. I can tell how much they like you. Take a little credit, Philip."
Your expectant stare made him chuckle, despite how subdued his entire demeanor seemed. "Thanks, Y/N."
"It's just the truth." You pursed your lips as you watched him. You were hesitant to continue, but you did anyway, not bothering to hide your growing smile. "It's especially impressive how quickly you managed to distract them from telling me how much you absolutely adore me."
Although his unease was obvious in the way he fiddled with the rolled sleeve of his shirt, in the shade of red that you could just barely see creeping into his complexion, he sent you a wink. "Hey, there's a reason I didn't tell my family I was dating Theo or Susan."
To his relief, you laughed. "Good choice.” You paused a moment before you continued, pressing your lips together as you considered whether it was a good idea to go on. “So you think I’m pretty, huh?”
The sound that escaped him was somewhere between a laugh and a snort. “Oh, shut up. You already know you're attractive.”
“Mmh, so are you, but that doesn’t mean I go around telling people about it all the time,” you countered, and he cocked an eyebrow.
“So you think I’m pretty?”
“That’s your only takeaway from that?” You scoffed. “God, you have such selective hearing.”
He shrugged. “Say what you want, but I think the important part of that sentence was that you’re attracted to me, princess.”
“No, hang on,” you corrected him, and despite your combative tone, his conceited smile was deep-set. “I think you’re attractive, but that does not mean I’m attracted to you.”
He grinned. “I just wanted to hear you say again that you think I’m attractive.”
Blood was rushing to your cheeks under his cocky stare, and you pulled together a scowl in an effort to hide how flustered he had you. “Yeah; you’re also insufferable.”
“It’s part of my charm.” When he winked, your scowl deepened.
You couldn’t tear your focus from how your heart pounded a tattoo against your ribcage.
                                          "You finally ready to meet a couple more people?"
You groaned lightly as Philip wrapped an arm around your waist, offering you a playful grin. It'd been about an hour since his niece and nephew split, having come back to find the both of you sporadically as the afternoon went on. You stood right outside the house's back door, having just gone in to recycle your cup, and Philip was admittedly surprised when you didn't immediately swat his hand away after he squeezed your side teasingly.
"I've already met so many," you whined, but he just laughed.
"Hey, I've let you hide out for more than an hour, now. You owe me, princess."
"I don't owe you shit," you grumbled, and when he raised a skeptical eyebrow, you sighed. "But fine, let's go,"
"I appreciate the enthusiasm," he said dryly.
You'd assumed by then you'd already met the rest of Georges's family, having been introduced to seven more of them throughout the course of the day, but when Philip lead you across the yard, only for him to ultimately embrace who you were fairly sure was just a taller, wrinkled iteration of Georges, you were proved wrong. Georges's parents were seemingly who he and his sister Anastasie had been carbon copied from. They both embraced you enthusiastically, and by then, you supposed you shouldn't have been surprised by it any longer. No one at his family reunion seemed to have adopted any concept of personal space.
"Philip must know by now 'ow lucky 'e has struck it, non?" Georges's father Gilbert (who, like his wife, insisted on your using his first name) raised an eyebrow, looking to your faux beau with an impish smile.
"Really. You know, you could do better zan 'im, mon chou," his wife Adrienne added, holding you by the forearms and giving you a serious look. You laughed.
"Oh, believe me; I'm well aware," you assured them, and Philip let out a soft gasp, mocking offense. When you looked to him with an eyebrow raised, he plastered on a pout.
"You're so mean to me."
"I'm just kidding, babe." You lightly checked your hips against his, and though he rolled his eyes, he was smiling.
"Alright, whatever," he conceded with a huff. "That's just about enough of you two, though. We're gonna go find Henriette."
"Oh, you should! Ze two of you 'ave not been together in so long," Adrienne lamented as she released your arms, returning to her husband with a soft smile. "I miss seeing you with 'er."
"Who's Henriette?" you asked Philip, a curious eyebrow raised.
"Their oldest daughter. She's about our age."
"And she and Philip used to be awfully close," Adrienne added in a singsong voice, but you were struggling to gauge why she was looking at him so expectantly. He sighed.
"Can we please not do this the weekend I finally bring my girlfriend home?"
Adrienne shrugged, and you weren't sure you liked the smile pulling at the corner of her mouth. "I am only saying, now zat you are both here..."
When she trailed off, Gilbert gave her a warning look. "Please, amour. Philip is 'appy. Be supportive."
"I am always supportive of Philip, no matter what choices 'e makes." How pointed the words were had you on edge, despite her easy smile.
"Alright. We'll see you two at dinner, okay?"
"Of course. I look forward to talking more with you, Y/N. We are truly glad zat Philip 'as you." Gilbert gave you a warm smile, but Philip didn't seem able to drag you out of there quickly enough for his liking.
"It was nice meeting both of you!" you called back to them with a smile, giving a short wave as Philip ushered you away. Once you were out of earshot, you glanced back up and saw how tense he looked, his jaw tight, you raised an eyebrow. "So, what was all that about?"
He sighed. "Don't worry about Adrienne. It's nothing."
"It's clearly something."
"Nothing important." When he met your skeptical gaze, he added, "Henriette and I dated for a while back in high school, and her mom hasn't been able to let it go since. She's fixated on us having actual family relations."
"Oh," was all you said, eyebrows pushing toward your hairline, and he gave you a concerned glance. Though you fixed on a smile, it was uneasy. "So is that why I'm really here, then? To make her jealous enough to take you back?"
Your words were meant to be teasing, and he took them as such, but you were both simply pretending not to hear the rigidity of your voice. He chuckled. "Whatever, princess."
You were not fond of the sinking feeling in your stomach when he didn't contradict you. Another moment passed as he scanned the yard for her, but you couldn't hear the silence over the roar of your spiraling thoughts.
You had no reason to care even if he was using you to make her jealous, right? It didn't matter. In three days, you'd both be back in your office, and everything would go back to normal. You'd be completely ignorant of Philip's dating life; he'd be ignorant of yours (despite it being nonexistent — but that was by choice, of course). He'd go back to pissing you off when he didn't get his share of a project done on time, and you'd go back to chewing him out for it biweekly.
"Hey, Henriette!" His calling across the yard snapped you out of your haze. He raised a hand in greeting, and when you followed his gaze, the unexplainable lump sitting in the back of your throat seemed to grow.
"Philip!" She rushed over with equal enthusiasm, and he released your waist when she pulled him into a hug. "Hey, it's been forever! What sort of trouble have you been getting yourself up to in the big city?"
"'The big city'," he repeated with a short laugh. "As though you don't literally live two blocks outside of downtown."
"And yet you still manage to never come visit me." Her gaze was accusatory as she released him from her embrace, pulling back. Oh, god. Of course, she was gorgeous.
He grinned. "I'll start visiting you when you start visiting me, alright?"
"I might just have to take you up on that, Hamilton." His smile broadened at her wink, and your stomach seemed to have been tying itself into a square knot.
"And who's this?" She raised her eyebrows as she turned to you, none of the brightness draining from her expression.
You forced a smile. "I'm his girlfriend, Y/N."
Her eyes widened. "Wait, you're Y/N?"
"You've heard of me?"
"We all have," she assured you, "but someone failed to mention to me how pretty you are."
The pointed look she gave Philip was playful, and despite how sweet she was, you were still on edge. "You think you're surprised? No one told me when I agreed to come to the family reunion that I'd be meeting the hot ex."
"Oh, you think I'm hot?" The laugh she elicited from you when she wiggled her eyebrows suggestively was genuine.
"Come on; we both know you are," you said, looking at her expectantly. She grinned.
"Well, I'm flattered, Y/N. If Philip doesn't treat you right, you're welcome to give me a call." When Henriette sent you a wink, you couldn't help but feel guilty about your knee-jerk reaction to resent her — especially considering that you couldn't locate the reaction's origin.
"Hey, play your cards right, and maybe I'll be the one visiting you back in the city," you shot back playfully. She squeezed your arm as she laughed.
"Oh my god, of course, you're funny too." The words were almost akin to a scoff, and if not for her next words, you may have taken offense. "I get now why Philip didn't bring you home for so long. I know that if I were dating you, I'd be every bit as worried about my family all fighting for you."
You let out a soft 'aw.' "You're sweet. It's great to meet you, Henriette."
"You too." She started to take a step toward you, but she froze, wearing a hesitant smile. "Can I hug you? Do you do hugs?"
Your smile was apprehensive. "Yeah, bring it in."
She squealed lightly at your words, pulling you into a bone-crushing embrace, which you returned with as much strength as you could find in your body as it was being squashed. Jesus; you were fairly certain you were developing a crush on this girl, and you'd known her for all of four minutes. You could only begin to imagine what Philip thought of her after having known her for his entire life, let alone after dating her.
When she finally let you go, her words were addressed to both of you, but you couldn't help but feel as though she was really talking to Philip. "So, tell me everything. It's been forever; I wanna know hear all about your new friends, all about work, the times you've done something stupid that landed you in the hospital, the times you've been arrested — all of it."
He chuckled, and you let out an internal sigh of relief when his arm found its way back around your waist. "It's been pretty mundane, actually. Nothing like the trouble we used to make for everyone."
She snorted. "Really. We were both a headache and a half. I still haven't stopped hearing about the time we... 'borrowed' Uncle Hercules's motorcycle, and it's been almost ten years."
"To be fair, we were almost charged with destruction of property."
"What's the story there?" you interjected with a brow raised, and Philip just shrugged.
"Small-time motorcycle crash. Not as dramatic as it sounds."
"That's not what you were saying when you spent the next three nights in the hospital being scanned for brain damage," Henriette said matter-of-factly, and Philip laughed.
"It was scarier in the moment," he defended, and you shifted uncomfortably on your feet. As much as Philip's family had made his place feel like home for the weekend, just then, you felt like quite the outsider. "But none of that matters anymore. I learned my lesson. What exciting things have happened to you since I last saw you?"
"Oh, not much, really. Practicing law is still nothing like How to Get Away With Murder, for better or for worse. I still have my two dogs." She shrugged, and you decided you'd imagined it when something hopeful flashed in her gaze. "Still chronically single. Same old, same old."
That made your throat twist. That wasn't something you just casually mentioned to an ex; the words were obviously pointed, and you felt vindicated in your intuition not to trust her. But then again, why should you care? That was none of your business. Henriette was a catch; you were happy for Philip (or, you should've been).
So where was the heavy, sinking feeling in your chest coming from? This wasn't something you were used to, wasn't something you'd felt since... oh, god. You hadn't felt like this since John. But why now? Did that mean that you—?
"C'mon, you know you're only single because you're married to your work," Philip reasoned, breaking into your train of thought at an extremely opportune moment. "You wouldn't have any trouble finding someone."
She shrugged. "Yeah, maybe. I am downsizing on my hours, so I guess we'll have to see where that takes me, huh?"
There was no way she really believed the question in her sly smile, her raised brow, was going over your head, and you were taken aback by her audacity. However, Philip seemed unaffected, either not noticing or not caring about the tone she'd adopted.
"Yeah, I'm sure it'll turn out great," he said brightly. "There's no shortage of eligible bachelors or bachelorettes in NYC."
"No, there really isn't." Her low voice was making you increasingly uneasy. Maybe you were just reading into things. Even if you weren't, you had no right to care. This wasn't your place.
"If you'd like, I could totally set you up with some of my friends," you offered, and her eyebrows shot up. She seemed to have forgotten herself, plastering back on her wildly enthusiastic personality as she remembered you were there. "They're all great people, and there are a couple I'm sure you'd hit it off with."
"Maybe at some point," she said noncommittally, wearing a wide smile. "Right now, I'm just trying to see where life takes me. Build a little more time into my schedule for my personal life."
"Oh, yeah, your dad was telling us you were thinking of getting a cat?" Philip said, raising an inquiring eyebrow, and she nodded eagerly.
"Yeah, I want to adopt."
"Y'know, I have a friend who works at a shelter in the Bronx. It's a super great place," he suggested. "If you want, I can give you the info, and you can go check it out sometime."
"Oh, really? That'd be great," Henriette said. "We should go down there together. So you can give me your contact at the shelter and another opinion on what type of cat I should get."
"That sounds fun." At his words, your shifting uncomfortably in his embrace seemed to be what reminded him that you were there. He raised an eyebrow at you, nudging you with his shoulder. "You in, princess? I'm sure the extra input couldn't hurt."
"No, no, that's alright." You waved off the offer with a strained smile. "You two should catch up. I wouldn't want to intrude."
To his credit, Philip had apparently sensed that something was off with you. "You sure?"
"Yeah, absolutely," you said, giving Henriette the warmest smile you could muster. "It's great that you two are reuniting. I'm sure you don't need me there."
"If you insist," Henriette said with a shrug and a smile, and Philip could feel you tense in his grasp.
"Of course," you said, taking a deep breath as you glanced from her to Philip. "Well, as long as you two have so much to recap over the past couple years, I hope you won't mind me running inside for a moment. I saw Eliza putting out crab cakes a little while ago, and I've gotta get to them before they're gone."
Henriette accepted your playful tone easily, letting out a light laugh, but Philip was hesitant. "Oh, yeah? Want me to come with you?"
"No need. Don't worry about it." You could only hope your smile came off as reassuring as you ghosted your hand up his arm to rest on his shoulder, gently pushing it off of your waist. "I can handle myself."
"I know you can," he said with a smile, reaching up to take your hand in his, and though his expression was relaxed, his gaze was searching. You hoped the rigidity of your smile wasn't too obvious. "Come find me again in a bit, though, okay?"
"Sure, Philip." Your features softened when you saw the worry clouding his stare.
"Okay. I'll miss you, princess." Your eyes were wide when his other hand met your waist, pulling you into him, and you could feel your cheeks flare as he dipped down, lightly kissed the crown of your head. You were stunned at the sudden action, and the skin of your cheek burned when his nose brushed across it. He whispered to you, "Can we talk tonight? You've got me kinda worried."
You nodded, offering him a soft smile when you pulled away. "I'll see you later."
You didn't see his pensive gaze follow you as you made your way across the yard, back toward the house, but Henriette certainly did.
You, however, were otherwise occupied. You didn't like the lump sitting heavy in the back of your throat; you didn't like the sinking feeling in your chest; you did not like how unsettled your stomach was. You'd been enamored with Philip's family since just about the moment you began to meet all of them — surely, they were why it was suddenly becoming so comfortable to be around him, the atmosphere always light, always playful. He was just easier to tolerate when other people you liked were around.
Or, at least, that'd been what you were firmly convinced of when you'd woken up that morning. Even more than you didn't like how you were reacting to his interaction with Henriette, you despised how shaken the entire day had left you feeling. And it was hardly 5 PM.
"Oh, hey, Y/N." It was one of Philip's younger siblings who you almost ran right into after breaching the sliding glass door of their house — you were too scattered to remember his name. "Where are you headed?"
You also weren't particularly fond of having to pull back up your easygoing facade every time you interacted with someone, but you did it nonetheless. "Hey. I'm actually just headed in to use the bathroom. Can you tell me which way it is?"
"Yeah, I gotcha. It's down the hall to the left, and it'll be the last door on your right." He pointed in the direction you were headed, and you thanked him quickly, hurrying past with a light smile. By the time you reached the bathroom, your head was pounding. You locked the door behind you, and you slumped against the sink.
You could see your own distress reflected plainly in the mirror before you; you struggled not to return to your analysis as to why, exactly, you were feeling how you were, but ultimately, you failed. Maybe you'd just been anxious, overwhelmed from meeting a small army of a family all in one afternoon. Or were you just tired? Really, the workweek you'd had before was exhausting, and you never had a chance to catch up on your sleep.
However, neither of your desperate searches for a way out of this adequately explained how crestfallen your — or, really, Philip's — interaction with Henriette had made you, and you were left with the explanation you dreaded even considering. You didn't want to label how you were feeling; you wanted it to just go away, but until it did, you were left with a serious dilemma.
You'd only left work to go to Philip's parents' place two days prior, but over those two days, something had changed, a full movement of tectonic plates that you could not put your finger on. You weren't sure whether it was simply the kindness his family had shown you, but the light in which you viewed Philip was shifting. What you may before have found obnoxious now left you with a reluctant laugh, unable to resent his frequent jabs at you. You couldn't explain it, but there you were.
Philip’s casual affection had somehow become something you didn’t even think twice about, instead savoring the warmth it left in your chest. It’d taken you a while to realize that the two variables were related.
Until just minutes before then, you’d been feeling inexplicably light, carefree, and your weekend had even begun to feel like a genuine vacation. But now, you found yourself alone, locked in the first floor bathroom doing everything in your power not to tear your hair out, coming to uneasy terms with the fact that the feeling that was gnawing at your stomach, curdling your blood, was none other than jealousy.
What was happening to you?
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uwuwriting · 4 years
Tsukishima and Ushijima  falling for their childhood friend.
Request: Hi I saw that your requests are open so I dropped by. Um for Haikyuu boys Tsukki and Ushifalling in love with their childhood best friend?? Thank you and YAY you’re growinggg!!!!- anonymous. 
You have chosen the best trope ever anon!! Way to go!! I love this scenario and wish it would happen to me like legit. Small sidetrack, if anyone is willing to hear me rant about the last of us part 2 plz don’t hesitate to message me, no one understands my suffering. Love yaa. 💖💖💖
warnings: fluff and maybe some angst
Tsukishima Kei
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-You moved next to the Tsukishimas when you were 6. 
-You weren’t the most social bean at that age so your mom had t give you a slight push to make friends.
-That’s why she would always invite people over with kids around your age so you could play. 
-Once you moved things didn’t really change. 
-She invited the Tsukishimas over and you got to know their kids. 
-Akiteru was intimidating to you.
-He was so open and talkative it made you anxious. 
-Kei on the other hand was more calm, always giving you enough space so you could approach him when YOU wanted and he would invite you over to play with his dinosaurs in silence. 
-Like complete silence. 
-His mother always wondered if you two were alive. 
-You were inseparable though. 
-It was the first time in you whole life that you clicked with someone so easily and could actually interact.
-Kei, being the salty bitch that he is, pushed you out of your comfort zone once you began school. 
-He would help you in class with refusing to ask a question for you or he would make you order your own lunch in the school’s cafeteria. 
-You still had trouble talking to other kids though and Tsukki didn’t mind. 
-He was okay with having you stick around and may have been slightly terrified at the idea of losing the only friend he had. 
-He would never admit that though.
-The first time you talked on your own accord to some of your classmates was when you saw three boys mocking another one who was laying on the ground. 
-He was trying to grab his backpack from the taller boy. 
-You looked at Kei and he just continued walking sparring only a glance at the commotion. 
-You couldn’t just let them pick on the boy though. 
-You used to be picked on and Kei would always scare them off and so you puffed out your chest and marched over to the boys.
- “Hey! Leave him alone!!” 
-You were surprised at your own voice but kept your ground as the three boys glared at you.
- “Isn’t that the girl that doesn’t talk?”
- “Yeah I heard she’s mute!!!”
-All of them snickered and pushed the other boy to the ground again. 
-He was looking at you with wide eyes as the bullies made their way to you.  
- “What do you want mute?”
-Your knees started to feel weak as your fear set in and the words you wanted to say caught in your throat. 
-Your mind was screaming at you to call for Tsukki but you couldn’t turn your head around. 
-Every single part of your body was frozen. 
-The bullies kept laughing and making fun of you as you backed away when you back hit something warm but steady.
-Looking up you were met by none other than Kei himself. 
-He told them off with his snarky comments and helped you calm down.
-Then grabbing your hand he started walking not glancing at the other boy. 
-Years passed and now all of you are friends. 
-A dynamic trio.
-Everything was going great.
 -You were all into volleyball, practicing together both in school and out. 
-Kei would no longer take you to his room and play with dinos. 
-You two would go on for hours on end playing volleyball in his back yard, until his brother got home and he would be infatuated by his brother’s practice stories. 
-He really looked up to him. 
-Then the fateful game happened. 
-Kei’s image of his brother was shattered. 
-And so was the boy you met all those years ago. 
-He didn’t particularly push you away he was just more distant. 
-He had raised so many walls to protect himself he had become cold. 
-But you didn’t leave and neither did Yamaguchi. 
-You remained friends all the way to high school. 
-Being part of the volleyball club was a must for the two and you told them that you were there to support them.
-When Kiyoko came to you and Yachi for the manager positions you immediately accepted, excited to spend more time with you boys. 
-During the practice camp in Tokyo, you overheard his argument with Yamaguchi and were disappointed in him. 
-How could he be so cold towards his best friend when all he was trying to do was help? 
-You went to talk to him too but ended up fighting and it was pretty bad. 
-He was angry you would see that more angry than you expected but you thought that it would be different if you talked to him. 
-You had been there for everything after all. 
- “Kei you can trust me, I’ve bee by your side since forever. I know YOU.”
- “You don’t know shit Y/N so why don’t you go back with the others? Aren’t you a manager or something? Do your damn job and leave me alone!”
-You were stunned at that, not believing what had come out of his mouth.
-You obliged though and without another word you left. 
-You two weren’t on speaking terms for weeks. 
-It had gotten to the point that you wouldn’t hang out with the two boys during lunch.
-As time passed you would greet each other but nothing else. 
-That is until the match with Ushijima happened. 
-You were up in the stands with Yachi when Tsukki tried to block the ball.
-He doubled in on himself,clutching his hand and you had never ran faster in your life.
-He was taken out of the court when you reached him and coach Ukai gave you the okay to take him to the back to patch up. 
-You sat in silence in front of him as you wrapped his fingers with the gauze. 
-His head was hanging low and you could see his shoulders tremble as he breathed. 
-When you were done, you placed your palms on each cheek and lifted his head. 
- “You’re going to go out there and you’re going to show him what you are made of. You will show him what Tsukishima Kei is capable off. Okay?”
-He looked at you with wide eyes before nodding and placing his own hand over yours. 
-With a shy smile you went to get up but he pulled you into him, crashing his lips with yours. 
-The kiss was too short for your liking as you were being rushed due to the game but he put all his feeling into it and you reciprocated with as much passion as him. 
- “I missed you, let’s not fight again.” 
- “I’ll consider it after the match, no go kick some ass.” 
-Tsukki’s blocks were three times more accurate than before and then it happened. 
-He blocked Ushijima’s spike successfully.
-The scream he let out shook you to the core and when his eyes scanned the stands, landing on you, you knew how happy he was. 
-Post victory celebrations have never been sweeter. 
Ushijima Wakatoshi
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-He met you because of Tendou. 
-Um you were a Tendou yourself after all. 
-When he met Satori he didn’t believe him when he said that he had a twin. 
-He assumed that it was just some of Sato’s weird shit. 
-Satori would go on and on about his twin telling him how cool and smart she was and how he couldn’t wait for her to come and join them in Shiritorizawa. 
-Again Ushiwake didn’t really believe him. 
-That is until one day, a month after school started, he met her. 
-He and Satori were jogging when they heard a high pitched squeal followed by a SATORIIIIIII. 
-Next thing he knew Satori was no longer next to him but laying face first on the ground with another person on top of him. 
- “Y/N- chaaaan you’re suffocating me!!!!!”
-The girl got off him and pulled him to his feet only to crush him in a hug. 
-Ushijima never thought he would meet anyone more hyper than Satori. 
-Well he was wrong. 
-Satori’s sister was a replica of him. 
-Almost the same red hair only hers had some H/C highlights in them while they had different colored eyes, while Sato’s were red Y/N’s were E/C. 
- “Hi, I’m Tendou Y/N! You must be Ushijima, Satori has told me so much about you.”
-After that the three of you became a package. 
-Someone was looking for Tendou? 
-Look for Ushijima he’s with him. 
-Looking for Y/N? 
-Follow the loud noises, it’s probably her brother and she’s with him.
-Trying to find Ushijima? 
-Just track down Y/N he’s with her. 
-Even teachers would follow that strategy. 
-Ushijima was the first who caught feelings even though he didn’t know he caught em.
-It was your last year of middle school and you were sad. 
- “But aren’t you sad that we’re saying goodbye to middle school Ushi-kun????”
- “You can see the middle school building from the high school dorms, Y/N.....”
- “Yeah but still it’s saaaaaad!!!!!”
-You had been whining since you left school grounds for the last volleyball match of the year. 
-Both the male and the female teams were to compete in the same gymnasium so you decided to walk with you boys rather than your team. 
-You were the team’s libero mainly due to your energy and the fact that you were the smallest person in the team. 
- “I know Y/N-chan i’m gonna miss it tooo!!!”
-Ushijima couldn’t always understand what you two were going on about. 
-He guessed it was a twins thing. 
-Weird twin communication or something. 
-But as much as he wanted to make himself shut your whines out, he couldn’t.
-Lifting his hand he placed it on your head and ruffled your hair. 
- “Just imagine the high school dorms. I think the female dorms our closer to ours now.” 
-After the mini heart attack from his previous action, a smile started to form on your face.
-So big and bright that you could compete with Hinata for the title of sunshine. 
-Tendou started laughing and you thought he was laughing at your smile. 
-But no.
-satori was laughing at Ushijima’s blush that grew darker as you giggled at your brother’s antics.
-High school was a blast. 
-You and Satori would always drag Ushijima into your shenanigans and he would always let you. 
-The man is weak for your puppy dog eyes.
-It was now your last year in Shiritorizawa and you were sad again. 
-So sad that you weren’t focused enough during practice. 
-You were called to practice your receives and you were in position.
-You looked so in the moment so ready. 
-But you were far from that. 
-Your mind was again on him.
-You knew that the one thing you would miss most from your school was your best friend. 
-You didn’t really care about your brother because well he was your brother but Ushijima....he was a painful subject. 
-Head in the clouds you didn’t receive the ball correctly and because of the force of the spike you lost your balance spraining your ankle in the process. 
-The coach rushed to you, calling out to the rest of the team to get an ice pack and a bottle of water. 
-She tried to pull you to your feet but your ankle prevented you. 
- “It doesn’t look broken but its a nasty sprain. We need to get you to the nurse’s office.”
-Ushijima and Tendou were making their way to their own gym for practice when they saw the girls running around in a semi panicked state. 
-One of them spotted the two boys and called out to the, telling them what happened *mainly because Tendou was your brother and they felt like he needed to know*.
-Instead of Tendou, Ushijima was the one who reached the gym first and was met with you on the floor a pained expression on your face. 
-Your coach motioned him over and your face lit up for a split second. 
- “Could you take her to the nurse? None of the girls can carry her and she can’t really walk.”
-Without uttering a word he knelt down and picked you up bride style and just left the gym. 
-He told Tendou to wait for him in the gym and that he would be right back. 
-Tendou being cupid himself who had seen one too many romance films, let his best friend take his crush to the nurse thanking the universe for making you so dumb. 
- “I’m sorry for this Ushi-kun I wasn’t paying attention.”
- “I’ve seen that during school hours as well. What’s wrong?”
-You hesitated at that. 
-Should you tell him?
-Should you tell him that you are afraid of missing him?
-That you are afraid of losing him?
-Ushijima’s own thoughts were running wild mainly due to the fact of your close proximity and how he could just dip his head and kiss you.
- “High school is over and and ...”
-Tears ran down your cheeks taking Ushijima by surprise. 
-He didn’t expect you to be this sad about it and before he knew it he was whipping  away your tears.
-He looked at you waiting for the rest of the sentence. 
-Mustering all of your courage you went for it. 
- “I don’t want to lose you...”
- “You’re not going to lose me we will keep in touch, you mean to much to me after all. I can’t just forget you.”
-He smiled at you as more tears  ran down your cheeks and you wrapped your arms around his neck. 
-He tightened his grip around you and buried his face in your hair. 
-There was one thing in both of your brains. 
- “I want to be more than friends.”
-You sealed that with a kiss. 
@iwaqchan​ @the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @axerrri​ @reinyrei​
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Level Up, Chapter Eleven (Branjie) - Holtzmanns
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“I don’t think I could come up with anything negative about you.”
Brooke’s eyes are sincere as she says it, and Vanessa’s heart starts to beat just a little bit faster. Vanessa’s a person who’s always on the go, not one to slow down if she doesn’t have to but Brooke has the ability to make her world pause for just a second. Brooke changes Vanessa’s focus from what’s in front of her to solely her, and Vanessa almost wishes she could keep it there forever.
It’s never that hard for Vanessa to come up with words to reply with, especially not towards Brooke, but her brain feels like it has shuddered to a stop, pressing on the brakes because the small smile on Brooke’s face is more important to focus on. She could say something stupid, something funny, maybe return the sentiment but she doesn’t get a chance to decide on what to do before Yvie lets out a scoff.
“Except for your dislike of Chicken Little. That’s a negative if I’ve ever seen one.”
AN: Hi, I'm still alive, I promise. Popping back into this lovely fic nearly eight months later (a new job, a new apartment, a new city, and a new cat later too) and I love it just as much as I did in January. Eight months is good for plot to marinate and develop and I'm excited to get back to writing this fic again. If you're still around for this journey, thank you and know I'm so grateful for it. Please do tell me your thoughts if you read! Thank you writ for betaing ily <3
“So you have that interview with Glamour, I’ll set it up for some time this week, and Teen Vogue wants to do something on their Youtube channel. Who knew that was a thing? I’m working on Adidas’ rep to finagle a sponsorship outta them, and Under Armour on the backburner just in case-”
Vanessa bursts through the doors of the gym while Detox continues talking in her ear, not at all apologetic about the way that she has to interrupt her as she ambles towards Brooke’s office. “Just reached the gym. We’ll have to continue this later, ‘cause training waits for no one, right?”
“I see exactly what you’re doing, but I’m not mad at it. Go work on building those boxing skills that’ll keep lining your pockets for years. Toodles!”
Vanessa lets out a snort when Detox hangs up the phone. “Toodles? Who the hell says that?”
“Detox?” Brooke looks up from her book, an amused smile on her face. “I know that trick.”
“What trick?” Vanessa squints her eyes as she sits down, trying to read the cover of Brooke’s paperback. “Are you reading Chicken Soup for the Soul? ”
Brooke waves a hand. “Doesn’t matter. And the trick of dipping out of Detox’s phone calls. Why else would you get to the gym so early?”
“Oh, come on. I’m early sometimes. Occasionally,” Vanessa grins, and Brooke doesn’t buy it in the least from the way she raises an eyebrow. “Okay, maybe not. I like Detox, I really do, don’t get me wrong. She’s hysterical and good at her job, real good at it, but damn.”
“Detox works hard,” Brooke nods, understanding in her eyes. “It’s a lot to handle sometimes.”
“She cranks up the exposure by a million and targets it in specific places and it works, ‘cause I have a lot of followers and deals now but…”
“But what?”
Brooke leans forward, pushing her book to the side as she looks earnestly at Vanessa. It’s striking, sometimes, how Brooke gives her full attention. How much she cares sometimes.
It’s nice.
“It feels real wild, y’know? Like all I did was become a meme, and now my face is going to be in a Spotify commercial. How does that jump happen?” Vanessa shifts in her chair, letting out a sigh. “It’s only been a few weeks.”
It’s as if Vanessa is riding in a car that’s only getting faster and faster, not quite in control of the steering wheel or knowing when she’s going to be able to stop. Sure, the ride is fun, but it also feels like she’s driving without a license, as if she’s skipped the learner’s permit stage and hit the highway instead.
“She wants to capitalize on it as much as possible. Keep you in the spotlight even after the next big meme rolls around,” Brooke shrugs, before pausing for a second, a look of concern in her eyes. “It’s not too much, is it? I can always talk to Detox with you if you feel like it’s overwhelming-”
“Nah, I’ll survive,” Vanessa shrugs, giving her best reassuring smile to Brooke. “Lush sent me some free shit the other day. I like goodie bags.”
Brooke snorts. “Fair enough. Bath bombs are a reason to keep going.”
“Want some? I got enough for a month's worth of spa days.” Vanessa makes a mental note to bring some of the freebies for Brooke on their next practice. She’s earned half of everything, at least.
“You have any of the sakura ones?” Brooke is tentative with her question, and Vanessa nods enthusiastically.
“You’re getting all of ‘em.”
“Now, hold on a second-”
“It’s six. Don’t we have practice to start?” Vanessa’s up and out of the office before Brooke can protest any further. “I’m gonna go change.”
Practice is nice. Practice feels familiar amongst all the new chaos in Vanessa’s life. It lets her turn her brain off and get away from the people that recognize her out in public, the way her Instagram is now solely for sponsored posts. The way she feels like a caricature of herself, almost, because others have an opinion of who she is based on a ten second video clip.
But practice isn’t like that. In the gym, Brooke is the same as ever, pushing and pushing her until sweat is drenching her back and her mind is spinning and she feels more alive than she ever has. When Brooke throws moves at Vanessa that she has to work in overdrive to block and counter with some of her own, it’s familiar. Even though she’s tired and gasping for breath, it’s what she knows how to do, and in an environment that isn’t unsettling or foreign.
The best part about it? Vanessa can still feel herself learning. Growing. Stepping up to the challenges that Brooke throws at her. Sure, she’s not aching to get back into the competition ring anytime soon, but the approving smiles from Brooke when she gets in a good hit or when she avoids a shot that would previously knock her on the ground gives her a thrill every time.
The end of practice leaves Vanessa with a new sense of longing that’s only been present the last few weeks, since this whole meme mess has started. Leaving the gym is hard, because it means Vanessa has to go outside again, pull her hat down when passerby on the sidewalk give her a second look. She has to unlock her phone and pretend to be busy, but then she’s faced with comments pouring in on every social media account that she opens. She can text one of her friends but it’s hard to continue a conversation, really, after it starts with a rousing Miss Vanjie, no matter how much in jest.
Being outside the gym means that she’s reminded of her new loss of normalcy.
She takes her time switching back into her sweats after she showers, dragging her feet as she leaves the change room with her gym bag slung over her shoulder. When she squints her eyes she can see Brooke at the far end of the gym, teetering on a stool as she repositions one of the crooked banners. Brooke turns around almost as if she can tell Vanessa is there, a good natured smile and an easy wave following immediately.
“See you tomorrow.”
“Need any help?” Vanessa’s stalling a bit by asking, but maybe Brooke really could use a hand with the banners, or at least an extra set of eyes to make sure that they’re nice and straight.
She’s just helpful, that’s all.
Brooke, to her credit, doesn’t call Vanessa out for it as she squints, admiring her handiwork. “I think they’re as aligned as they’re ever going to be. I’m going to get ready to leave for the night, too.”
“Oh,” Vanessa doesn’t mean to sound a little disappointed as Brooke jumps off the stool, fiddling with the jacket that’s slung across her arm. “Already?”
“It’s almost eight thirty,” Brooke points out, padding past Vanessa towards her office door and grabbing her coat off of the hook. “You’re not tired and ready to go home yet?”
“I just…”
Vanessa trails off, looking down at the ground. She’s not sure what to say, really. All that’s waiting for her is her apartment, but she can’t mindlessly scroll Twitter or Instagram before bed without seeing her face again. She needs to reply to her friends’ texts, but the notifications are piling up on top of one another like a mountain that she’s not really sure how she’s going to climb.
Vanessa just wants to avoid it all.
Brooke pauses, and each second that passes makes Vanessa’s heart constrict because maybe she should just try to explain, but she doesn’t know how to and it feels like too much-
“C’mon. My roommate and I are having a late dinner and rewatching Chicken Little. Are you in for a nacho night?”
Brooke’s looking at her expectantly and Vanessa wants to say yes, but what pops out of her mouth is what’s pressing on her even more. “Did you say rewatching Chicken Little?”
“It’s a good movie!” Brooke’s defensiveness makes Vanessa crack a smile despite how restless she feels, how much she’s fidgeting while standing in place. “Come over and you’ll see.”
“Y’know, we haven’t talked about movies before, but this recommendation is making me question what your taste is like,” Vanessa lets out a giggle, when Brooke’s mock offense takes over her face as she puts a hand to her heart.
“The disrespect. You’re not getting nachos with those kinds of statements,” Brooke grabs Vanessa’s gym bag, slinging it over her shoulder as she holds the door open. “Now c’mon.”
Brooke’s apartment is not what Vanessa expects - there are colours and tapestries lining the walls and even one on the ceiling, and she’s pretty sure she sees a bong on top of the refrigerator. It’s pretty, though, with the art splashed across every free surface and the shelves filled with books upon books, piles of even more on the actual floor. Vanessa has to resist the urge to go and sit down on the wicker chair in front of the television that’s suspended from the ceiling.
“Yvie’s the one behind the decor.” Brooke has a knowing smile on her face and Vanessa can feel her cheeks heat up, from how easily Brooke can read her mind. “Moved in a few years ago after she broke up with a long term partner. Never really got around to adding things of my own to the walls.”
Vanessa snickers before she can even get her joke out properly. “What would you add? A Chicken Little poster?”
Brooke, for her part, doesn’t miss a beat. “Nah. A poster of your meme.”
“I know we were thinking nachos, but picture this. Chicken nuggets while we watch Chicken Little.” A girl with bright green hair pops her head out from behind a door, waving at the two of them.
Vanessa waves back, her eyebrows lifting higher and higher on her forehead when she realizes how tall the girl is as she walks closer. Even Brooke has to look up at her which is a strange sight on its own, considering how much Brooke towers over Vanessa.
Then again, Vanessa’s used to being the short one.
“Vanessa here is doubting the movie’s genius,” Brooke raises an eyebrow, and the girl lets out a fake gasp.
“Um, not a movie. Chicken Little is a film. An artistic masterpiece.”
“Are you two the presidents of the Chicken Little fan club?” Vanessa asks, as Brooke sticks her tongue out at her.
“Yes. And no, you can’t join.”
It’s interesting how Brooke’s work demeanor has dropped now that she’s in her own apartment, her normally squared shoulders a little more relaxed. It reminds Vanessa of when they went roller skating, seeing how much fun Brooke had while pulling her around the rink.
Vanessa wants to see more of it.
Brooke points at her roommate as the girl sticks out a hand. “Ness, this is Yvie. Yvie, Vanessa. I’m coaching her.”
“You’re introducing her as if I haven’t heard you talk about her every single day for the last however many months,” Yvie drawls and Brooke’s sputter is immediate, making Vanessa’s breath hitch a little in her throat.
Brooke talks about her?
Yvie pats Brooke on the back as if she’s choking on her water rather than on some words, sticking her other hand out for Vanessa to shake. “You’re Brooke’s favourite student. Also her only student, technically, but still a favourite nonetheless.”
Brooke’s cheeks are bright pink and Vanessa can’t deny that the sight is adorable, seeing her flustered for once. Still. Brooke probably recaps their training sessions and nothing more.
“As long as it’s mostly positive,” Vanessa shrugs, and the way Brooke emphatically nods makes her feel better than she wants to admit.
“I don’t think I could come up with anything negative about you.”
Brooke’s eyes are sincere as she says it, and Vanessa’s heart starts to beat just a little bit faster. Vanessa’s a person who’s always on the go, not one to slow down if she doesn’t have to but Brooke has the ability to make her world pause for just a second. Brooke changes Vanessa’s focus from what’s in front of her to solely her, and Vanessa almost wishes she could keep it there forever.
It’s never that hard for Vanessa to come up with words to reply with, especially not towards Brooke, but her brain feels like it has shuddered to a stop, pressing on the brakes because the small smile on Brooke’s face is more important to focus on. She could say something stupid, something funny, maybe return the sentiment but she doesn’t get a chance to decide on what to do before Yvie lets out a scoff.
“Except for your dislike of Chicken Little. That’s a negative if I’ve ever seen one.”
The platter of chicken nuggets that Yvie places on the coffee table with a flourish is impressive, to say the least. There’s a little bowl of ketchup on the side, along with sweet and sour sauce and something that looks to be...ranch?
Whatever it is, Vanessa’s nose wrinkles at the sight. “Which one of you eats ranch with chicken nuggets? Is that legal?”
Yvie’s cackle and Brooke’s flushed cheeks tell Vanessa all she needs to know as she plops down beside Brooke on the couch, nudging her side. “Really?”
“The flavour combination is great!” Brooke mutters, grabbing a chicken nugget and dipping it in the ranch for posterity, holding it up close to Vanessa’s face. “Try it.”
Vanessa scooches herself towards the edge of the couch, away from the chicken nugget and the ranch that’s slowly dripping down like a melting ice cream. “Absolutely not.”
“It’s delicious-”
“It’s cursed-”
“More for me, then,” Brooke tosses the chicken nugget into her mouth, and Vanessa’s not sure, really, how she’s handling the flavours together without puking. “You’re missing out.”
“Very happy to miss out on that, thank you very much. I’ll take the ketchup.”
It turns out that Chicken Little isn’t so bad with Yvie and Brooke peppering in commentary as they watch, and Vanessa finds herself getting swept into the plot, as ridiculous as it is. The glass of cider that Yvie’s brought for each of them is making Vanessa feel a little more relaxed, her shoulders not as stiff anymore as she leans against the back of the couch. It’s fun to watch Brooke’s face, really, and the way she lights up while quoting the movie as it plays.
Vanessa makes a mental note to invite Brooke over to watch more movies. Better movies. Expand her palate. Chicken Little cannot be at the top of Brooke’s movie pyramid, not when there are better choices available, like Pretty Woman. Sure, Vanessa’s not exactly a film connoisseur herself, but still. Anything beats Chicken Little, right?
Maybe it’s just the cider settling in, maybe it’s the full stomach of chicken nuggets, but...it’s nice. Comfortable. Vanessa pulls her feet up behind her on the couch before grabbing a throw pillow to hug on her lap, and really, she could fall asleep right where she’s sitting, even to the dulcet tones of the main chicken character screaming about an alien invasion. Brooke looks over as Vanessa settles herself more into the couch, her expression unreadable but then she reaches over the back of the couch, grabbing the throw blanket behind them.
“Wanna share? It’s kinda cold.”
It’s not cold and Vanessa knows it, she knows that Brooke does too, but Brooke’s face is soft and tentative and adorable and sharing a blanket with her would make the couch situation even more cozy.
Plus, she can cuddle with Brooke, because Brooke is tall and thus is a tall, comfortable cushion to lean against.
Brooke throws the blanket across both of them and Vanessa scoots closer to her so that their laps are covered, the fabric fuzzy and warm. The side of Vanessa’s upper thigh leans against Brooke’s and she’s not sure why she’s so hyper aware of the fact, or why Brooke’s arm across the back of the couch makes her want to snuggle in even closer.
It’s just Brooke, after all. Brooke, who’s seen her when she’s all sweaty and about to collapse on the gym floor. Brooke, who had been there at her worst after the last tournament and still wants to coach her and spend time with her. Brooke, whose secret love for Twilight will never fail to make Vanessa laugh.
If it’s just Brooke, then why is Vanessa’s heart taking flight in her chest when Brooke starts to absentmindedly trace patterns on her palm? She doesn’t know why Brooke’s touch is lighting up a pattern of sparks on her skin either, or why Brooke’s side is so comfortable to lean against. Why Vanessa almost wishes that the movie could go on forever, so that she can stay warm and safe under Brooke’s arm that’s now draped across her shoulders.
Maybe Vanessa doesn’t need answers for all of those questions, not yet, not if finding out the answers would mean disrupting the delicate balance that hangs in the air between them. Brooke shuffles a little bit and when Vanessa’s head ends up against her chest, she can feel the way Brooke’s heart is beating, surely faster than any heart should. It’s a contrast from how seemingly relaxed the rest of Brooke’s body is, how her arms around Vanessa aren’t tense, restricting, but rather grounding, pulling her down.
Leaning back against Brooke is warm, familiar. It’s a feeling of home in a situation so novel, so different from how they usually are, like pulling on a sweater that Vanessa’s not sure how she’s ever lived without. Maybe, just maybe, Vanessa doesn’t ever have to take it off.
Vanessa doesn’t realize that the credits start rolling on the screen until Yvie rolls off of the lilac armchair, reaching for the remote on the coffee table. She lets out a yawn, stretching her arms up high before shutting off the TV. “I, for one, am exhausted. And as fun as this was, it’s my bedtime.”
Brooke snickers, and Vanessa can feel the way her chest reverberates underneath her. “You and I both know you’re about to go Facetime Scarlet.”
“That’s what bedtime means,” Yvie wiggles her eyebrows, and Brooke’s noise of disgust is immediate.
“Horrifying. You two better keep it down this time. My ears still haven’t recovered from overhearing you both last week,” Brooke shudders as Yvie cackles, shutting the door to her bedroom with a click.
Vanessa turns in Brooke’s grip, shooting a questioning look. Surely Yvie can’t be louder than the average person on Facetime. “Overhearing what?”
Brooke makes a face, the haunted look in her eyes almost comedic from the way that she sighs. “Let me put it this way. Yvie and her girlfriend are in a long distance relationship, which is hard on them for a multitude of reasons. One of them being their libidos.”
“Their libidos…” Vanessa trails off, her face falling when she realizes what Brooke means. “Oh no. Not that. Tell me not that.”
“Exactly that. They’re quieter over Facetime than they are when Scarlet visits, at least. That’s a blessing.”
Vanessa shudders. Sure, she’s not exactly quiet in bed either, but the thought of people on the other side of the wall being able to hear everything is horrifying, especially because of the fact that she lives with Alexis. Her sister does not need to know details about her sex life, that’s for sure.
Still, Vanessa wonders how loud Yvie must be. “How do they even make so much noise with phone sex, anyway? Yodel?”
“Mating calls that would fit in perfectly in a National Geographic documentary,” Brooke lets out a snicker, her hand clapping over her mouth when Yvie lets out an ‘I heard that!’ from behind her bedroom door. “Still, glad I’m not about to suffer through overhearing it alone. You’ve saved my evening.”
Vanessa snorts, pulling back from Brooke’s embrace to face her, leaning against the back of the couch. “Glad to be of service.”
Brooke is softness and kindness and contentment all at once, and the easy smile on her face is one that Vanessa feels so lucky to see the longer and longer that she knows her. It’s moments like these that Vanessa wants to hold on to forever - when Brooke’s guard is down, when her posture is relaxed and she’s looking over with eyes that Vanessa could drown in. She wants to package up this version of Brooke that isn’t tethered by reminders of her past, or with upholding a legacy that defines her whether she likes it or not. At times like this, Brooke isn’t a boxer with her father’s last name, or Vanessa’s coach responsible for facilitating her success. She’s just Brooke, a girl whose gaze is so mesmerizing that makes Vanessa’s breathing hitch in her throat without even realizing it.
Brooke holds out a hand and it’s almost second nature for Vanessa to link her fingers with hers, their hands fitting together in a way that doesn’t make sense, not when Vanessa’s hands are so much smaller. But Brooke’s grip is an anchor that keeps her from floating away, one that centers her and lets her focus on the upward curve of Brooke’s lips, the softness of her eyes when she smiles.
Except then Brooke’s brow is furrowing, a hint of concern in her eyes that Vanessa wants to brush away for her. “You okay? You’re quieter than usual.”
Vanessa can feel her face heating up as she stutters, pulling her eyes away from Brooke’s face to focus on the stitching along the couch cushions. “I’m fine. I...nothing.”
She can’t exactly go out and tell Brooke, someone who’s a coach and also a friend for that matter, that she’s just a little bit mesmerized by her face. Not something that’s likely to go over well.
Vanessa’s past relationships have been nothing short of peacocking, making herself known to those she’s had an interest in because they’d inevitably chase her right back. She knows her worth, knows how to go after what she wants, but…
What does she even want, now?
She doesn’t want Brooke, she can’t, not when Brooke is her coach and someone who’s becoming more and more important towards every aspect of her life, someone who she texts when she wakes up in the morning and who she’s messaging as she’s falling asleep.
Brooke’s not the type of person that Vanessa can parade around and go on a few dates with while drinking the cheapest wine on the menu for shits and giggles. She’s not someone that Vanessa can let go of easily, the way she’s had to with previous relationships that didn’t work out. Brooke is different from them.
She’s not disposable, not someone that Vanessa wants to let go of from her life. She isn’t someone that Vanessa can let go of at this point, because the thought of not seeing her amused expressions in the gym or the pride on her face while they’re training is too much to deal with. Vanessa’s only beginning to read through Brooke’s pages to learn more about her, and finding out little details that make her want to melt and pull Brooke just a little closer to her heart.
Brooke is too important.
Sure, Vanessa’s breath hitches in her chest whenever Brooke pulls her closer, and maybe Brooke’s smile is enough to drown out any background noise buzzing around them, but Vanessa also knows that she falls hard. And fast. She’s impulsive, following what her heart tells her to do and most of the time, she can deal with the consequences because she knows she’ll be able to get back up again.
But if this is a miscalculation? If saying something means that they’ll end up in pieces that neither of them will be able to put back together?
It’s too big of a risk. At least, for now.
Vanessa can’t be the one to take the jump off the cliff, not yet.
So she smiles, puts on the most reassuring expression that she can, hoping that it’s enough to soothe the concern that splays itself across Brooke’s features. “Really, I am. Just thinking about all the press shenanigans that Detox has lined up for me tomorrow.”
It’s enough for Brooke’s features to relax just a little bit, the smile on her face almost nostalgic. “I’m glad it’s you now, and not me, on Detox’s receiving end. She’s ruthless in the best way.”
“That’s one way to put it.”
There’s a sinking feeling in Vanessa’s chest by going for the cop out, but...she has no other choice. It’s not the way she normally handles situations like this, a fact made clear by how much she has to push down the butterflies in her stomach, and hide them behind a door so that they don’t escape and ruin stakes that feel too high, too much of a risk.
Still, Vanessa’s a bit of a sucker for punishment, and so when Brooke pulls her closer into a hug, it’s as easy as breathing to snuggle into her and rest her head against her chest, because Brooke’s arms are warm and safe and manage to slow her thinking down just a bit.
Part of Vanessa feels like she can handle it and hold herself back from doing anything stupid, if only to not mess everything up. She can be this close to Brooke and not have her chest split in two and maybe it’s a blessing, and something that she has to hold on to. Except that by leaning against Brooke, she can feel how fast Brooke’s heart is beating, threatening to escape from her chest before she can possibly stop it. It’s a contrast from the gentle way that Brooke’s fingers run through her hair, betraying the calmness on the outside that she’s trying so hard to convey.
Maybe Vanessa’s not the only one holding back. Maybe Brooke also feels it, maybe she’s also teetering on the bridge that Vanessa’s trying her best not to lose her footing on, and the thought gives Vanessa pause for a second, because maybe the risk is one they can manage, something they can work with...
No. No.
They can’t.
Not if it would lead to everything falling to pieces around them, not if it would mean no more training and no more Brooke in general. Because that’s how relationships always seem to end, don’t they?
As much as Vanessa has always wanted the romantic movie ending and a kiss in the rain, it hasn’t happened to her yet, much to her teenage self’s disappointment. There’s too much on the line to see if Brooke will be the one to veer her onto a different path and change the outcome.
So, Vanessa has to be happy with what she’s getting now, this friendship with Brooke and the coaching and accept it for all that it’s worth. Because Brooke’s important, maybe the most important person in Vanessa’s life and she has to take what she gets.
She’s lucky enough to have it in the first place, after all.
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feminaexlux · 3 years
All That Matters  (Pt 2: They’re Multiplyin’ and I’m Losing Control)
Part 2 of All That Matters. Part 1 here
Find this on AO3 here!
Ladybug convinced a newly transformed Dragon Noir to use Water form and launch himself into the sky. He'd be able to get a look at what was happening from a bird's eye view and find Queen Wasp and the other Miraculous holders. Dragon Noir was hovering above Paris in a large water bubble at the peak of his arc when he contacted her. "Hey 'Bug, she's at the Trocadero, and… you're right," Dragon Noir sighed. "She's got the other heroes all brainwashed and suited up. Except Ka--uh, the fencer girl is just… standing there."
"Is she okay? M-Master Fu isn't with them, is he?" Ladybug asked nervously.
"I think she's fine, just… non-responsive. I don't see him. Am I supposed to see him?" Dragon Noir asked, concerned.
"No! No." Ladybug breathed out a sigh of relief. "Just… just that Queen Wasp doesn't have access to all of the Miraculous then," Ladybug said. Okay. Master Fu was still safe, to a degree. Even though he wasn't really the Guardian anymore.
"Master Fu" was, in fact, not even a real person anymore.
There had been one too many close calls with Master Fu being nearly discovered by Mayura and Hawkmoth, and with Marinette being as hyper-competent as she was, Fu made the decision to retire earlier in the late summer. After all, the Order had been restored and he was no longer the last of his kind. Marinette had proven herself worthy of Guardianship time and time again. He was just too old, too weak, too slow to react and adapt.
Fu had handed over the Miracle Box to Ladybug at the end of summer. His penultimate act as Guardian was to tell her who King Monkey was after handing out the Monkey Miraculous to Kim. Ladybug became the new Guardian of the Miraculous in secret, and the person that was "Master Fu, Guardian of the Miraculous" was no more after he lost all of his memories.
There was one final "gift" that Master Fu had left Ladybug before his memories were erased. Fu had given her his blessing to use him as a decoy. Better to have Hawkmoth track down and find a dead end in a broken old man than wreak more havoc with more Miraculous under his command.
The knowledge of whoever Chat Noir was underneath the mask got lost along with Fu's memories. But that was fine to Ladybug. Chat Noir was simply her partner, and that was enough.
Though losing Master Fu as her mentor and confidante had been such a huge blow to Marinette. She had spent a week crying in secret until Luka had surprised her one day, visiting her in her room. "Thought I'd join you here if that's alright," Luka had said, and Marinette let him stay with her. He'd just smiled and held out his hands to her. He hadn't even asked what was wrong. He was just present, letting her cry in his arms until she couldn't anymore. "If there's anything I can do to help, let me know."
It had been a good long time until she was able to speak again. "You're already helping me," Marinette had said quietly, pressing herself into the hug. "This is all that I need."
Ladybug shook her head to get back to the present. She stuck her head out of the water and took a quick scan of her surroundings, making sure she wasn't spotted by anything. She got out of the river, drying out the Lucky Charm scarf as best she could. "Tikki, Mullo, Unify!" This was another Big Secret Marinette kept to herself: that she'd been keeping Mullo's Miraculous on her. It had changed a bit recently, now representing itself as a necklace with a pendant shaped like a guitar pick that she hid under her shirt. Marinette was paranoid enough that she couldn't let anyone see her wear the necklace. Multimouse had detransformed in front of Chat Noir, after all.
Sometimes she transformed into Multimouse without any akumas to deal with - breaking her own rule of not using the Miraculous for personal reasons - to be as small as she felt sometimes and hide away from the world. She and Tikki had a lot of heart to heart conversations tucked into a hatbox in one corner of her room.
This time, she was using it to just be stealthy. She used Multitude to split into several smaller versions of herself, fanning across a large area and running down different streets and alleyways toward the Trocadero.
"She's calling herself Miracle Queen," Dragon Noir mused. "The… the others are surrounding her to defend her. I'd say we're in quite a pickle, my Lady."
Multibug didn't stop running. "How do you feel about trying to draw the honor guard away?" one of her asked.
Dragon Noir snorted. "On it. Easy as pie." Over the comms Ladybug heard her partner shout "Hey there demons, it's me, ya boi Chat Noir! I'm standing right here. You brain-dead zombies want my miraculous? Come and get it!"
One of the Multibugs pulled out her yoyo and took a look at the screen. Dragon Noir's spot on her map kept jumping around, pulling the group of the other heroes away as they all chased after him. Pegasus was using Voyage to keep trying to intercept but Dragon Noir bounced off in a different direction as fast as lightning. She had to give props to Chat, he sure knew how to play that cat-and-mouse game well.
But Dragon Noir wouldn't be able to keep this up forever if Viperion was working against them. She needed to take down Viperion and this Miracle Queen, and she needed to do that as soon as possible. She kept moving forward, scurrying across as fast as she could to get to cover or hide behind or underneath things, trying to close in and surround Miracle Queen from as many angles as she could get at the Trocadero.
One of her got close, so close. Miracle Queen was standing in front of a line of golden statues, and a Multibug was hiding behind one of the statue plinths when she got grabbed from behind. "Aahhh!" she squeaked out loud.
"Not ssso fassst, little moussse," Viperion said as he turned her toward his face, stressing his s's in what was probably a mockery of Sass. "You'll never get the drop on me, can't you see?" He turned toward Miracle Queen and bowed to her with Multibug firm in his grip. "I've found a pest, My Queen."
Multibug held back another squeak. "Lu--Viperion! Viperion, don't do this, don't listen to her! Don't let her control you!" She had been so sure that Dragon Noir had led them all away, how did Viperion surprise her?! She realized he must have used Second Chance and timed it so he knew just when to turn back and stop her. The other heroes must have coordinated to trick Dragon Noir!
Miracle Queen turned her head lazily, examining her nails with a sour look after giving a quick glance at Viperion presenting her the Multibug in his left hand. "Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. A rat? That's the best you could do, Ladybug?" Miracle Queen leaned in and looked closer at Multibug. "Hmm. Although you do have your Miraculous, but they're so tiny. I don't know how much more useless you could possibly be, but…" A wasp manifested above the Queen's hand, hovering and ready to strike.
There was a lightning fast zzzip and a yoyo snatched up the wasp from right in front of Miracle Queen before she realized what happened. Miracle Queen cried out, looking up only to have a pair of Multibugs drop down from above and wrap the scarf tight around her face, blocking her vision entirely. "What the-- Aaaah!" Miracle Queen screamed as she stumbled backward.
Viperion started reaching for his bracelet but the Multibug in his hand reached out as fast as she could and held back the serpent's head to prevent the reset. The two Multibugs that dropped merged together, and another larger Multibug emerged from the shadows. The 2 larger Multibugs lassoed Viperion's left and right wrists with their jump ropes and pulled away from each other, forcing Viperion's arms apart. They coordinated and pulled their ropes backward, unbalancing Viperion and dragging him off his feet to slam his back up against a statue plinth, knocking the breath out of him. This allowed the Multibug in his hand to wriggle free and pull off his bracelet as he struggled against his bindings.
Miracle Queen pulled off the scarf and threw it on the ground just as a detransformed Luka fell to his knees, the jump ropes untying smoothly from his wrists as the Multibugs pulled away and sprinted off in different directions. "DISGUSTING! Ugh!" She stomped toward Luka and grabbed the collar of his shirt and forced him to look up at her. "You're so useless!"
"Hey! Leave him alone!"
Miracle Queen looked to her side, where a fully sized Multibug was glaring at her. "What, this piece of trash?" Miracle Queen mocked, picking a struggling Luka up by the throat until he was hanging a few inches off the ground. "He belongs with the rest of the filthy garbage!" She threw him at Multibug.
"Luka! No!" Multibug rushed in to catch him and they collided, sending them both tumbling to the ground. She sat up with Luka cradled in her arms, he was still dazed from the impact and mind control but it seemed like he was slowly recovering. Her face was set in rage when she looked up at Miracle Queen. "How could you?!"
Instead of responding Miracle Queen summoned a new swarm of wasps. Miracle Queen commanded her wasps to "Get her!" just as Multibug's earrings beeped, starting the countdown to her powers running out.
Multibug growled, trying to decide between letting Luka down to deal with the threat or getting them both out of there as fast as possible. She made her decision, throwing out her yoyo and hooking it onto a railing, pulling her and Luka away from the Trocadero as fast as she could manage trying to outpace the wasps. But even after a few swings the wasps were still pursuing and inching in closer, much too close for comfort. Multibug wasn't sure where she could go that would be safe so she gritted her teeth and dove both her and Luka into the Seine.
Luka's head was swimming in black and white static. It felt like he was floating in a sea of quicksand, getting swallowed up and drowning in grainy noise. He couldn't have any thoughts of his own last longer than a second, they'd all been drowned out by this stupid buzzing. He must have gone crazy.
"--bzzzkrrzzzzkstshshhbzzzshzzzLuka!bzzzsrrkzstzz--" Wait, that was… that sounded like-- "--rrrbkzzzzshshkstbzzzssskchssshbrLuka!rssshkzzzbzkrrrrbzzz--" Marinette! For one split second he saw her. She'd been panicked, looking up at him with worry. He hated that he made her feel this way.
He felt his legs being forced to move. Something was tugging at his hand, something warm, something small, but the sensation of it kept slipping away unless he fought hard to concentrate on it. Then it let go, letting him fully sink back into the static. He could sense that he'd been walking for some time, and then he stopped. There was this… grating noise on top of the static that must have been someone's voice tell him something… something about… the Miraculous?
Hissing sounds started overlying the buzzing in the background. He felt something tightly coil at his wrist, and when he could stop and focus against the pressure wave of sound that pressed into him from all sides, he noticed that a lot of that hissing came from… that coil? It was shapeless, the definition of its boundaries lost in the black and white grainy spots that covered his vision.
He felt that thing that was hissing bite into his wrist, and man, ouch, what the heck was that-- He started seeing distinct outlines and colors, forms and shapes, could hear silence beyond the buzzing… He could faintly see Sass? That little guy was sinking his fangs into Luka's wrist… He almost got back in control of his senses with the pain from Sass' bite when it felt like his head got yanked back by an invisible hand and it slammed his head forward into the static, sending him back into confusion.
Wait, could he… he couldn't tell if he was breathing, but he could still feel his heartbeat. He needed to focus on that, maybe try to feel the pattern, feel the pulse, meditate on that constant rhythm like a metronome. Could he break free from the static with that?
Sass bit him again. Luka was hoping it was the kwami trying to help more than hurt Luka. He trusted Sass, didn't he? Yeah. Yeah, why did he question that? There was a blinding flash that forced Luka to blink and he forgot about both his meditation and Sass trying to get his attention. What might have been an eternity or a few seconds later, there was another flash, but Luka tried to keep his eyes open. He could swear he saw Sass more clearly in that flash, but what did that mean?
There was another flash. Followed by two more. He'd grabbed something in his left hand. Mouse, he suddenly thought. "--zzzzzzbzzzzhssssssssshshshchtchssszzzzViperion!brrsssszzzzzrrzzz--" Viperion? Was that who he was? Were the blinding flashes his use of Second Chance? Wait… who was calling him? He had the faintest impression of red, or pink maybe, or blue-- Marinette's eyes were staring back up in fear, in pleading -- why couldn't he help her? He wanted to make her happy but he'd just been so--
"You're so useless!"
Yeah. He knew that.
The static noise abruptly stopped and he was looking up at yellow and black, the masked face of Miracle Queen. Her magenta eyes were narrowed and mocking and full of derision. She lifted him by the throat and he was struggling against her, but then he got flung aside. Marinette's voice cut through the lingering thick fog in his mind. "Luka! No!" He landed on something softer than the concrete ground. "How could you?!" Marinette yelled at Miracle Queen, sounding the most angry he'd ever heard her.
Wait, this wasn't Marinette… was it? Luka had tried to get a better look at the girl who was holding him up but then she sent them both soaring through the sky, pulled along by her… magic yoyo. Ladybug? She didn't look like Ladybug… or no he saw some red and black along with the pink and gray of the rest of her suit.
His face was right next to hers. He heard the beeping of her earrings get faster. He also heard Chat Noir's voice coming through Ladybug(?)'s earrings. "Sorry 'Bug, I'm out -- I gotta recharge!"
"Me too!" Ladybug replied, yelling over the wind. "Sorry Luka, we're going in," she said more quietly, pulling him in closer and cradling his head against her chest. Then they both plunged into the Seine.
To be continued...
Oh boy what a pickle >_>
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dyketectivecomics · 3 years
I started typing this out last night & work was slow today, so here's some backstory/building blocks for the Batcavers AU (long post is Long so under a cut it goes!):
Bruce's adventures in solo spelunking & cave cartography started about when he's 15/16 & goes back down the well on a whim. Martha gets worried when he starts spending too much time alone down there tho & makes Bruce promise to never go without a friend
his usual go-tos are Harvey & Tommy, but a couple times when Zatanna was in town, she joined him. we love childhood friendssss
(now insert some benign reasons for idk other heroes/rogues to join him somehow fdjksla idk man. these are early years stuff)
i know i said it earlier, but all the rooms/Major formations follow a shakespeare theme. all of bruce's friends call him a Nerd for it fjdakls;
Bruce becomes a professional spelunker & speleologist and develops out the cave for the public to enjoy & continually explores and maps out the system. he's a big advocate for Bats too
and that's how the Media dubs him..... "The Bat Man" fkjdsalf; ROLL CREDITS
So the Tour Guide Kids:
So Dick & Babs were some of the first kids hired who have stayed the longest, obvsly. (dick's nickname is still robin bc circus origin is the same lmao. Babs gets the 'Batgirl' nickname for a few years when she gets chased by a couple of them lmao)
Dick fell in love with the cave when Haly’s visited gotham and his parents took him on one of the tours. When Dick starts college in Gotham, he works at the cave part-time mostly in the ‘off’ season (but a little over one summer too when he doesn’t tour with halys bc of some summer courses he’s signed up for).
Babs has been working at the cave for a few years ahead of him. At this point in time, Dicks been promoted to a supervisor/senior guide position & Babs works mostly in admin and overseeing communication (& eventually earns the New nickname of 'Oracle' bc somehow she's always able to predict exactly what ppl are radio-ing her about lmao)
They’re constantly flirting and it’s an open secret that they’ve dated off and on at this point. Y’all this kinda shit happened SO much at my cave, the drama was RIDIC Aksjaksj
Tim and Steph start around the same time & stick around a little longer than most guides. Tim makes a niche for himself working retail and eventually moves over to the main ticket sales/admin office. He and babs absolutely Crush things when they're working overlapping days. Steph's somehow wormed her way to being under Dicks wing rn being trained as another Head Guide.
tim's nickname is 'red robin' is bc he suggested they all have dinner together after work & they somehow had the Worst Dining Experience Ever™. Steph gets her 'Spoiler' nickname bc she constantly brings up new TV show episodes and just launches right into her Thoughts™ without asking and well fjdk Spoils Things
Harper and Duke start around the same time too, they're both newer to the whole operation & are still learning the Ropes. (yall got some of my initial thoughts on duke, so i'll just touch that Harper gets the Bluebird nickname bc Dick or Steph gives it to her lmao)
You're probably wondering 'wait, where's the Other Kids?' well BUCKLE UP BUCKO, bc its SELF-INDULGENCE TIME
Damian is the easiest to explain, in this the al Ghuls run another rival company, Bruce and Talia met in college and have an off/on relationship (divorced once MAYHAPS 👀) either way, Damian’s the result of that, Talia and Bruce share custody.
Okay, realistically, Everyone’s backstories can stay p much the same or be finagled to work out realistically enough to skirt by. Cass’ backstory needs to be straight up thrown in the garbage in this bc the League doesn’t exist akjsk SO here’s what I’m proposing instead:
We’re gonna shoe-horn the Jason & Cass twin theory and also have Bruce adopt them both bc REASONS. (Those reasons are, they were trying to steal Bruce’s tires and they were doing a REALLY good job of it w/ Cass distracting ppl and Jason doing his nascar tryout lmao, but Bruce caught on bc This Is Gotham and was basically like ‘you little shits (laughing the entire time)’ and the rest is History
ANYWAYS all of that to say that all three of them grow up basically having the run of the the cave and doin what they want aksj, Damian’s a little young yet in this to be giving tours/working, but all 3 have varying levels of interest in the cave
Jason loves being a guide, but is a little abrasive when ppl ask REALLY dumb questions. He WILL sass them if it’s something just objectively dumb. (Someone asked me when we moved closer to the highway. Like SIR) Cass likes giving the off-trail tours more than doing the big guided groups & likes helping with training new guides, so she’s more hands-on in those situations. Damian rlly rlly wants to help map out areas with smaller openings to see if he can find More Cave but it gives Bruce a heart attack having him down there and disregarding all safety precautions so he’s constantly being benched from that
Oh ye, so for nicknames, Jay gets Red Hood bc he’s always wearing a red beanie even when it’s the middle of summer. Cass gets the Batgirl one passed down to her bc she’s a pro at catching stray bats/somehow corralling ‘em to leave the main rooms. Dami is the baby bat/robin bc he’s always following either Bruce or Dick around when he’s on the property.
Let the Not-So-Shitty Summer Job AU begin hahaha
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fullbusterfantasmic · 4 years
Playing House 🏠
Short stories
Pairing: Gray x You
Rating: T
Warnings: Implied sexual content
I don't have to open my eyes to know I'm back in my own bed at home.
Last night when I stepped off the train a wave of relief swept through my exhausted haze. I’d only been gone for a week to help Lyon with that emergency mission in the mountains but it felt like a month. My limbs felt like led as I began the trek back to my apartment. I caught sight of the large clock in the center of magnolia station it read 2:30 a.m, I sigh in disappointment.
There's no way she'd be waiting up for me, she'd undoubtedly given up hours ago. I may be exhausted, but I could easily stay awake when the alternative was reuniting with her. Tomorrow; I’ll see her smile, hear her laugh, hold her in my arms, but I don’t want to wait until tomorrow I want to see her now. My footsteps are the only sound echoing through the sleeping cities streets.
As I turn onto my street I take my eyes off the cobblestones to glance up at my apartment in the distance, the light in my bedroom is on. My pace speeds up as my pulse increases, someone is sitting out on the steps of the building. They must have seen me approaching because they get to their feet. I knew it was her before her arms wound around me, before the taste of her lips graces my tongue.
“I missed you, im so glad you’re safe”
Clumsily I open the door, drop my bag on the floor, and I’m all too eager to keep her in my arms as I head towards the bedroom.
“I’m sure you’re exhausted, let’s go to bed…that can wait until tomorrow”
Laying her down I shake my head as I then cage her in beneath me, “Don’t want to wait till tomorrow”. She sighs blissfully as I kiss my way down her body.
“Neither did I”
Intent on pulling her close to me I reach out to find her side of the bed empty, my eyes open immediately. The bedroom door is open and I hear movement in the kitchen. That’s right it’s Sunday; Every Sunday she makes dinner for us and it’s always delicious. However; Whenever I’ve been gone for any length of time it always becomes much more elaborate.
Sure enough, I find her in the kitchen flitting back and forth. I silently admire her stirring, then seasoning, in nothing but one of my T-shirts. It’s only when she bends over to place one of the dishes in the oven that I let myself mutter appreciatively at the view of her backside. She lightly startles at this. Closing the oven door, she straightens back up and gives me a sultry grin over her shoulder.
She moves to set a timer that was sitting on the kitchen countertop. When she turns back around, I’m right behind her. Seizing the opportunity; I push her against the cabinets before crashing my lips down onto her's. Her hands slide up my chest and come to rest on my shoulders, as she lets out a contented “Hmmm” when I nip at her bottom lip before we part.
“Good morning Beautiful”
She raises an eyebrow, giving me a smirk before saying; “More like Good Evening sleepy head, it’s five minutes till five pm”.
She laughs at my undoubtedly shocked expression, but it turns into a gasp as I press my post sleep hard on (Because “Morning wood” just doesn’t apply in the evening right? Jesus XD) against her before hoisting her onto the countertop.
“Gray No!” she snaps, preventing my hands from spreading her legs apart and pushing me backwards.
“The timer says one hour, that’s plenty of time” I practically whine as she hops off the counter and begins to leave the kitchen. “I know” she replies as I begin to follow after her; Only to be stopped by the shirt she'd been wearing hitting me in the face.
“I just cleaned the kitchen though…So I thought, just maybe…you’d like to join me in the shower?”.
The implication of her question leaves no room for dispute and I eagerly follow after her. She’s sitting on the bathroom counter when I enter, beckoning me forward with a finger. I can’t help the huge smile that crosses my face as the door clicks shut behind me.
The sun had set some time before we emerge from the bathroom, leaving us to navigate toward the bedroom in pitch black darkness. No sooner had I switched on the bedroom light does a shrill ring sound from the kitchen.
“Dinners ready!”
“Okay Honey I’ll be right there!”
I move over to my dresser and as I’m opening the top drawer I remember; “Shit! I needed to do laundry before I left, I don’t have any clean-“ I pause. Looking down into the drawer, I see my boxers and gym shorts all clean and folded neatly. “That woman” I began to chuckle as I shake my head. I exit the room after pulling on a pair of gym shorts, and the doorbell rings. All movement within the kitchen ceases; To avoid the undoubtedly relentless teasing, we have yet to formally announce our relationship. Well that and the fact we both are the type that prefer to keep personal matters PERSONAL.
I don’t catch sight of her as I move to open the front door, I assume she just ducked down in the kitchen. I open the door; “Erza! Hey…what’s up?” I ask not bothering to hide my surprise. Titana surveys me with mild interest before responding. “Im glad to see you returned safely and in one piece, how did it go?” the red head’s eye is drawn over my shoulder as she cranes her neck in attempts to get a better view. I unconsciously shift my body sideways to block her line of sight from inside as I begin to give the requip mage a brief run down of what transpired during the job I’d assisted Lyon with.
Once my explanation has concluded, Erza gives a nod of understanding. I silently sigh in relief as I see her begin turning to leave, only to stop mid step and turn back towards me. “I almost forgot the main reason I came over here! The TWO of you need to meet the team and myself at the train station no later than 8:30 tomorrow morning, we'll be-“, I interrupt the requip mage “Huh? What do you mean the TWO of us?!”.
The scarlet haired woman clicks her tounge in annoyance before continuing; “Gone for at least three if not four days, but pack lightly we'll be doing a good amount of hiking, and make sure you have a tent for you two to sleep in as it may rain while we’re out there”. I regard her silently with a dumbfounded expression, she rolls her eyes, “Gray, I know ______ is in there with you, cut the crap”. My mouth falls open as I try to stammer out that she’s wrong, but I only succeed in making her laugh before flooring me with her next statement. “Everyone knows the two of you like to play “House” on Sundays”. She turns to leave for real this time, calling out “Bye ________, see you guys in the morning!” over her shoulder as she heads down the street.
Ten minutes later and I’m still standing dumbfounded in the doorway.
“Babe? Come inside, the food will end up cold”
The familiar voice brings me out of my confused contemplation. I head back inside and take a seat at the table, immediately a plate is set infront of me. Once she joins me I start eating, only pausing to compliment her “Its delicious as always, thank you babe”. A blush colors her cheeks as she flashes a dazzling smile at me before taking a bite herself. Dinner is finished in a comfortable silence as I attempt to build up some much needed courage.
It’s when she sets a bowl of my favorite Mint Chip Ice cream in front of me that I ask; “Isn’t your lease up next week?”. She looks at me curiously, “Yes, why do you ask?”. I take a deep breath before reaching out to clasp her hands within my own.
“Because I’m tired of playing house, I’m ready for us to really make this place a home”.
A/N: So there you have it the very first story to be posted here! I decided to start things off with some adorable, light hearted, fluff because I didn’t want to kick things off with the “HARD STUFF” and run the risk of scaring people off 😅😣 I have plenty of stories penned so I will slowly start rolling them out, but I still want those REQUESTS people so send em in! 💖
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